#leopoldina of brazil
archduchessofnowhere · 10 months
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Marie Louise’s sister Leopoldine kept her fully supplied with news of her nephew, whom she described as “life incarnate.” The little Prince [Napoleon II] seems to have been very fond of the future Empress of Brazil. She found this “very flattering” and could have “played with him for hours on end.” “Yesterday I had a delightful experience,” she wrote on July 31, “for he called me and I had to go and join him in the garden, where he told me a story of which I did not understand a word, as he had a big croissant in his mouth”.
(...) The delightful and little-known Leopoldine, the future Empress of Brazil, had also promised her sister to watch over “Franz,” whom she considered “too sweet for words,” and to protect him “against the spiteful remarks which are already being made about him.” Certain members of the Court chose in fact to regard him simply as “the Ogre’s son.” “I am always afraid,” wrote Marie Louise, “that people will forget that it is not his fault that he has such a father. . . .” “I am entirely of your opinion,” replied Leopoldine, “and it makes me choke with anger to hear certain self-important people being as spiteful as they can about him to dear Papa [Emperor Franz I]. Neipperg will be able to give you the details, because I have discussed the subject at length with him; as for myself, one of these days I shall certainly place the child officially under my protection.” She was especially critical of the methods employed by Dietrichstein [Napoleon II's tutor], whom she called “the abominable Count Moritz.” She would have liked to see much more of her “adorable” nephew— “Papa’s darling and mine too”— but unfortunately “there are people who will not always allow it, and whose eyes I should like to scratch out.” When the boy, for some reason or other, was prevented from going to play in his little garden, Rainer [Archduke of Austria], faithful to his promise, intervened; and the following month— May, 1816— Leopoldine could tell her sister that Francis was “blooming like a rose” and “taking the air a great deal, in accordance with Uncle Rainer’s prescriptions.”
Castelot, André (1960). King of Rome: a biography of Napoleon's tragic son (translation by Robert Baldick)
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sintoniasincera · 1 month
Aventuras nas estradas - Adventures on the roads
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Mas é exatamente quando a gente está cansado, o coração distrai e então a sorte vem! Faz assim, te dou meu telefone, você me diz seu nome e então a gente se vê!...
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tiny-librarian · 2 years
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Portraits of the four daughters of Pedro I and Maria Leopoldina of Austria, done in 1830 by Simplício Rodrigues de Sá. 
First is 11 year old Maria II of Portugal, and next to her is 8 year old Princess Januaria. On the bottom row are 7 year old Paula in white, followed by 6 year old Francisca in blue.
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Imperatriz Maria Leopoldina do Brasil
Ela não era feia e gorda. Se vivia acima do peso, era devido as sucessivas gravidezes. Coisa mais que normal em sua época.
Infelizmente, em vez de culparem o mau caratismo e falta de respeito de Pedro I, sempre culpam a princesa/esposa apaixonada que amava o Brasil.
She wasn't ugly and fat. If she lived overweight, it was due to successive pregnancies. Something more than normal in its time.
Unfortunately, instead of blaming Pedro I's bad character and lack of respect, they always blame a princess/wife in love who loved Brazil
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gastronominho · 1 year
A nova "Brut Beer" da Brewine Leopoldina
Marca pertencente ao Grupo Famiglia Valduga e que tem como premissa a união dos mundos da cerveja e do vinho, lança a Italian Grape Ale Pinot Noir.
Marca pertencente ao Grupo Famiglia Valduga e que tem como premissa a união dos mundos da cerveja e do vinho, lança a Italian Grape Ale Pinot Noir. O novo rótulo rosé foi elaborado durante o período da vindima no Vale dos Vinhedos (RS) – Safra 2022 – e traz em sua composição a utilização de leveduras e do mosto da uva Pinot Noir da reconhecida vinícola Casa Valduga. Esta cerveja especial foi…
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anerdquemoraaolado · 1 year
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Princess Leopoldina of Austria studies from a personal project. I´m doing this animatic series of one of my original stories with historical figures, I just loved how she turned out here.
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best-habsburg-monarch · 10 months
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Maria Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil, reigned from 1822-1826
This Barbie made Brazil independent
Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt
Died young but loved in this bracket
Please go read @archduchessofnowhere's post about their relationship here. It is very sweet.
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Franz Xaver Winterhalter (German, 1805-1873) Princess Francisca of Brazil, 1844 Palace of Versailles Dona Francisca (2 August 1824 – 27 March 1898) was a princess of the Empire of Brazil (as daughter of Emperor Dom Pedro I, who also reigned as King Dom Pedro IV of Portugal, and his first wife Maria Leopoldina of Habsburg), who became Princess of Joinville upon marrying François d’Orléans, son of the French king Louis Philippe I.
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Compañeros, hermanos, amigos escuchen y regocíjense.
Europa está en caos, el imperio español se está derrumbando, Portugal continúa perdiendo influencia y Francia pelea en demasiados frentes, es hora de unir nuestras fuerzas, nuestros pueblos pelearán por la libertad, por la justicia ¡Por América!
No sólo derrotaremos a los gachupines, portugueses y franceses en el campo de batalla ¡También nos veremos mejor que ellos mientras lo hacemos!
Esta encuesta determinará quién de todas estas sensuales personas latinoamericanas será la que opacará más a los europeos, a la que más gente le encantaría tener en su cama por una noche ¡El mas grande ejemplo de exquisitez latinoamericana!
¿Quieres nominar a alguien para tan aclamado premio? Puedes hacerlo aquí
1. Puedes nominar a todas las personas que quieras, el formulario no tiene un límite
2. Animamos a que manden propaganda (en inglés o español o portugués)
3. Sexy man/hombre sexy es un término sin género, todos, todas y todes son bienvenidos.
4. Serán juzgados en base de las edades que tenían durante las guerras por la independencia y los admins se esforzarán para encontrar los retratos apropiados.
Comrades, brothers, friends listen and rejoice.
Europe is in chaos, the Spanish empire is collapsing, Portugal continues to lose influence, and France is fighting on too many fronts. It is time to join forces, our people fight for liberty and for justice. For America!
We will not only defeat the gachupines, the Portuguese and the French on the battlefield. We will also do it while looking better than them!
This contest will determine who among these sexy Latin Americans outshines the Europeans the most, who most people would invite to their bed for a night. The best example of the exquisiteness of Latin America!
Do you want to nominate someone for such an honor? Nominate them here.
You can nominate as many people as you want. The form does not have a limit.
Propaganda is encouraged (in English or Spanish or Portuguese)
Sexyman is a gender neutral term.
They will be judged based on the age they were during the wars for independence and the admins will try their best to find appropriate portraits.
La lista hasta ahora/The existing list is here:
Virreinato de Nueva España
1. Agustin de Iturbide
2. Leona Vicario
3. Juan Aldama
4. José Maria Morelos y Pavón x3
5. Vicente Guerrero x2
6. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada:
7. Antonio Nariño x3
8. Antonio Morales Galavís
9. Policarpa Salavarrieta x2
10. Francisco de Paula Santander x 2
13. Simón Bolívar x2
14. José Antonio Paez
Virreinato del Perú:
11. Manuela Sáenz de Vergara y Aizpuru
12. Micaela Bastidas
15. Manuela a.k.a Manuelita Saenz x4
16. Antonio José de Sucre x 2
17. María Ana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Zurbano
21. Manuel Javier Rodríguez y Erdoíza
22. José Miguel Carrera Verdugo
Virreinato del Río de la Plata:
18. Manuel Belgrano
19. José de San Martín x 3
20. Martín Miguel de Güemes
23. Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
24. Juan Antonio Lavalleja
25. José Fructuoso Rivera y Toscan
26. Toussaint L’Ouverture
Brasil/The Empire of Brazil:
27. Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque
28. Maria Quitéria de Jesus x2
29. Joaquim Gonçalves Ledo
30. Maria Leopoldina
31. Pedro I
32. Hipólito José da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça
33. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
34.Francisco Gomes da Silva
35. Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, Marquesa de Santos
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round Four: Berthasaura vs Caihong
Berthasaura leopoldinae
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Bertha and Leopoldina’s reptile (in honour of naturalist and women’s rights activist Bertha Maria Júlia Lutz, and first Empress of Brazil and advocate for Brazilian independence Maria Leopoldina)
Time: Uncertain, likely ~121 to 75 million years ago (Aptian to Albian stages of the Early Creataceous) but may be younger
Location: Goio-Erê Formation, Brazil
Theropods are famously carnivorous dinosaurs, but many, many groups of theropods have decided “actually but what if I didn’t” and gone vegetarian, and yet it’s still wild when another one of those pops up every now and then. Even among them though, Berthasaura is special for being the only theropod that seems to have tried to just straight up turn itself into an ornithopod. The long spindly legs, the teeny little arms, and a big head with a toothless beak all come together to create an utterly bizarre little theropod that honestly nobody could have predicted.
Berthasaura is a noasaur, and those of you familiar will at this moment be saying “oh of course it’s a noasaur” because those guys were small ceratosaurs that were basically Theropod Wacky Experimental Phase 1.0. Within this group you’ve got wild sticky-outy teeth, a single weight-bearing toe on each foot in our fellow competitor Vespersaurus, and now multiple instances of beaks evolving independently. Theropods just love to evolve a beak, what can I say? Whatever the hell Berthasaura had going on, it must have been successful because as the basalmost noasaurid currently known its direct lineage has been surviving since at least the Late Jurassic!
Caihong juji
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Rainbow with big crest
Time: 161 million years old (Oxfordian stage of the Late Jurassic)
Location: Tiaojishan Formation, China
It’s always a special treat to hear the announcement of a dinosaur with known colours, because it gives the most direct impression of how truly stunning these animals would have been to witness in real life. And Caihong might just be the most spectacular of them all so far, described in 2018 from an immaculate full-body fossil that preserves detailed feathers! Caihong’s feathers are longer than some other floofy dinosaurs, and would have had the appearance of a luxurious mane along its neck. Not only that, the fossil preserves feather microstructures that in life would have made this dinosaur gloriously iridescent!
Now iridescent dinosaurs aren’t new, Microraptor has been decked out in fabulous starling-esque plumage for a while now, but Caihong absolutely takes it to the next level. Its whole body was covered in iridescent black, including the enormous tail, but the real star of the show are the platelet-like melanosomes found on the head, neck, and the base of the tail. Different from the usual iridescent melanosomes, the structure of these tiny organelles reflects brilliantly iridescent colours, like those on the heads of hummingbirds and particularly the bright purple feathers on the necks of the trumpeter family. Caihong would have put on an absolutely dazzling jewel-toned display in the treetops or on the forest floor of prehistoric China!
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archduchessofnowhere · 5 months
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In the spring of 1817 Leopoldine left Schönbrunn to become Empress of Brazil. "Nothing remains for me to do," she wrote to Marie Louise on April 4, "except weep with you and curse the word politics for causing me so much suffering. Prince Metternich is accompanying me as far as Leghorn as my official escort; you can imagine how delighted I am!?... We unfortunate princesses are like dice whose… happiness or unhappiness depends on the throw." Before taking the road to Leghorn, Leopoldine went and gave her beloved, curly-headed nephew a farewell kiss. She would often speak of her "treasure" in the letters - the unhappy letters of an exile - which she was to write from Brazil.
Castelot, André (1960). King of Rome: a biography of Napoleon's tragic son (translation by Robert Baldick)
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sintoniasincera · 3 months
Apresentando-me, postagem fixa - Introducing Me, fixed Post - BR /USA
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Olá, meu nome é Welington Carvalho. Sou mineiro, da cidade de Leopoldina, interior de Minas Gerais no Brasil. Apesar de ter nascido no Brasil, tenho gostos americanos, traços de vidas passadas. Gosto de cozinhar, gosto de assistir séries aos montes com filmes e fazer loucuras como nos filmes, gosto de ler muitos livros, gosto de me entregar profundamente de paixão nas pessoas, "namorando" o melhor lado delas! No meu site, que é minha empresa, você pode conferir toda minha trajetória, carreira, prêmios, fotos, histórias, entretenimento quente nerd e muito mais, visite:
Hello, my name is Welington Carvalho. I'm from Minas Gerais, from the city of Leopoldina, in the interior of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Despite being born in Brazil, I have American tastes, traces of past lives. I like cooking, I like watching lots of series with movies and doing crazy things like in the movies, I like reading a lot of books, I like giving myself a deep passion for people, "dating" the best side of them! On my website, which is my company, you can check out my entire trajectory, career, awards, photos, stories, hot nerdy entertainment and much more, visit:
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Um breve resumo sobre minha pessoa (A brief summary about me):
Geralmente, deixo meu cabelo longo ou curto, para fazer meus cosplays. Eu gosto muito de fazer cosplay de série, filme ou jogo! Sou busólogo, apaixonado por ônibus, SIM, chassi, design, modelos, meus favoritos são da CAIO INDUSCAR! Vou me apresentar melhor: Welington Carvalho, mineiro, um pouco louco da cabeça, viajante, mochileiro, empresário, espírita, gamer, leitor, fofo e doce, com uma pitada de safadeza oculta (todo mundo tem um pouco, não?). Gosto de ficar na minha, viajo em meu mundo, um mundo onde cabe aquele que saiba ser cativante, sincero, fiel, com um toque de fofura e safadeza. Gosto muito de um café, aquelas tardes melancólicas na cama tipo cena de filme. Viajo no mundo Otaku, mas apaixonado por um terror / horror americano, principalmente uma obra inspirada em fatos reais, NOSSA, AMO! Não sou uma pessoa difícil de lidar, só que gosto das coisas politicamente corretas, gosto de mergulhar de cabeça mesmo. Então, se você é uma ou um desses, vem comigo! Vou publicar aqui no meu Tumblr: música, imagens aleatórias, textos, muita música, muita dica de filme e série e livro, coleções de coisas raras que quero para minha nova casa, como xícaras antigas e lindas, porcelana, chique e fotos nuas (uh, se o tumblr deixar pelo menos de cueca rsrsrs) Quem sabe encontrar alguém legal por aqui para somar, namorar! Algo casual é bom, dois experimentam os 2, se gostar faz mais com tesão, se não, acaba e cada um pro seu lado sem ferir ou magoar! Bom, não preciso me descrever muito aqui, vou convidar a você acessar no meu site, um pequeno blog dentro dele com histórias desde criança e adolescente, acho que irá amar e irá me conhecer melhor, clique abaixo e viaje comigo (de 1.987 a 2021):
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Meus aniversários todos são NERD! Os 3 últimos foram do Super Mário Bros, Umbrella Corporation do jogo Resident Evil e o outro do Stranger Things, aquela série que todos amam pela temática e viagem! Esse abaixo é do Super Mário:
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Assista abaixo meu aniversário Super Mário:
Esse abaixo é da Umbrella Corporation, do jogo Resident Evil:
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Assista abaixo meu aniversário Umbrella Corporation:
E esse por último abaixo, é da série Stranger Things, série monstro com muita coisa bacana e enredo sensacional:
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Assista abaixo meu aniversário Stranger Things:
Este sou eu de Luigi, o Mário Verde, é meu cosplay favorito! It's me Mário Verde, Luigieee! Mamma Mia!!
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Deixo meu cabelo grande e curto para os cosplays, atualmente Junho 2024 estou assim abaixo:
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Gosto muito de parar para tomar um cafezinho em um local próprio ou lanchonete e livraria com café, na cidade grande, amo!
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O sorriso é tímido, mas quando me solto, viajo em muitos assuntos!
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Costumo viajar em uma galáxia distante e profunda, como as nebulosas de emissão!
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Dizem que me pareço com o EDDIE REDMAYNE quando estou de cabelo curto:
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Me sinto bem com muitas roupas sociais, mas me sinto melhor ainda com minhas roupas de séries e livros e filmes, acompanhado com minha bolsa moderna de formato Joystick:
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Gosto muito também, minha ostentação é IOGURTE, Leite em Pó Ninho com chocolate, biscoitos, mas uma refeição balanceada. Gosto muito do leite fermentado litrão, bom demais!
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Uso roupas de forma original e autêntica, de camisa de série, minha boina e muito mais!
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Eu com os ônibus, apaixonado, busologia é cultura. Abaixo, assista ao vídeo de como foi essa EXPÔ BUS, irá gostar muito:
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I'ts me American Boy! Minha bandeira direto de Monroe - Michigan - Estados Unidos - United States of América!
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Meu vídeo de minha primeira versão de GET READY FOR CBS (My video, my version of GET READY FOR CBS):
Meu vídeo de minha segunda versão de GET READY FOR CBS (My video, my version 2 of GET READY FOR CBS):
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Ouçam e delirem-se comigo com PATIENCE AND PRUDENCE:
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royal-confessions · 10 months
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“Empress Maria Leopoldina of Brazil was one of the most exceptional women in brazilian history.” - Submitted by cenacevedo15
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As an update, when we have thrown off the domineering Habsburgs of Castille, the Braganza Tournament will begin. (Which is to say, we begin on January first, or when the @best-habsburg-monarch tournament ends.) In the next few days, rules and outlines will be posted. From João IV of Portugal to Pedro II of Brazil and both Maria I and the II of Portugal we will show the splendor of our serene house. (We will also include illustrious figures such as Maria Ana of Austria and, of course, Maria Leopoldina, and Carlota Joaquina)
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alicentsultana · 4 months
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"This is the burden of being an Empress, reign for all."
Maria Leopoldina, Empress of Brazil
Portrayed in "Novo Mundo" by Letícia Colin
Drawing of a Brinco de Princesa (Hybrid fuchsia) done by Maria Leopoldina
Decorated fan owned by Maria Leopoldina
Signed paper with oath done by Maria Leopoldina swearing to serve Brazil, obey the laws and her husband, Pedro I. March 25th, 1824
Portrait: Maria Leopoldina, Joseph Kreutzinger, 1815
Portrait: Arquiduquesa Maria Leopoldina, Friedrich Johann Gottlieb Lieder, 1815
Painting: Sessão do Conselho de Estado, Georgina de Albuquerque, 1922
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
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Royal Tiaras Highlights: The Braganza Tiara
The tiara was a wedding gift from Emperor Pedro I of Brazil to his second-wife, Amélie in 1829. The piece was made using diamonds initially given to Pedro’s children by Maria Leopoldina, their mother and Pedro’s first-wife. Pedro bought the diamonds from his children and used them on the tiara, which is said to weigh between 1 and 3 kg and is notoriously uncomfortable to wear. When Empress Amélie of Brazil died, she left her tiaras to her sister Queen Josephine of Sweden, and it remains in the possession of the Swedish Royal Family since.
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