#les carlson
onenakedfarmer · 11 months
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VIDEODROME David Cronenberg Canada, 1983
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danbenzvi · 11 months
Our Feature Presentation: "Videodrome"
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Starring James Woods, Deborah Harry, Sonja Smits, Peter Dvorsky, Les Carlson, Jack Creley, Lynne Gorman, Julie Khaner, Reiner Schwarz, David Bolt and Lally Cadeau.
[Had to do at least one movie for spooky season. I went physical with this one and watched the new 4K remaster from the Criterion Collection. It's also available in HD via The Criterion Channel (along with the full extras package from the physical release) until at least the end of November 2023 or you can stream the film in HD on its own on Peacock.]
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Videodrome (1983)
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No piece of art - whether it be a book, film, or dance number - could drive a person to commit violent acts unless they were already pre-dispositioned to do so. But what if that wasn’t the case? What if there was a television program so disturbing it could change the way you think? What if this made it so fascinating you couldn't look away? This is the idea David Cronenberg explores in Videodrome. Its fantastical scenario will cover your skin in goosebumps even before the body horror sets in.
President of CIVIC-TV Max Rent (James Woods) stumbles upon 'Videodrome', a television show which depicts the torture and murder of nameless victims. There’s no plot. The production costs must be minimal (though the product is surprisingly convincing). It’s vulgar, distasteful and fascinating. Believing it’s exactly the kind of program his audience will eat up, Max begins searching for the origin of 'Videodrome'.
As you can probably guess, 'Videodrome' is a sinister program and Max's pursuit only leads to bad things. The kind of horror our protagonist is stepping into is what you won’t be able to predict. Often, the film is just plain weird. As its protagonist gets increasingly consumed by 'Videodrome', he (and you) lose track of whether what he sees is true, or a hallucination. The further in we get, the more “reality” seems fake. There’s just no explaining what happens unless the grotesque visions are genuine and if that’s the case, we’ve just opened up a new kind of horror you’ve never seen before (except perhaps in other Cronenberg films).
The program is disturbing, the effect they have on Max’s psyche is too but most frightening of all is how other people react to 'Videodrome'. Nicki Brand (Debbie Harry) has an extreme reaction but you get the feeling Max’s initial hunch that audiences would gobble up the wanton display of violence is spot-on. That’s a scary thought in itself and when combined with the madness it seems to unleash, it’s not necessarily that you'll need to keep a light on when going to bed, but you will toss and turn mentally wondering “what if?”
This is an extremely stylish film. There’s no way you can forget (or un-see?) it. The special effects by Rick Baker are impressive for the <$6 million budget. Even if you can tell it’s latex and puppetry, the concepts will have you curling up in a ball and checking yourself for unwanted mutations. It’s perverted and gory - a nightmare made flesh. While watching, you’ll have no idea where it’s headed. The film is made in a way that it could end at any point and would leave you with chills.
Writer/director David Cronenberg entices the audience with all of these ideas about what the media means to those who watch it, how television (or any screen) distorts reality, what reality is and more. They make you want to watch Videodrome again so you can further analyze it. Wait. Isn’t that what Max was doing? Isn’t this what got him into this mess in the first place? Good thing Videodrome is all makeup and actors. Good thing it's not real. (On Blu-ray, July 3, 2020)
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taintedarabesque · 21 days
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looking like them would be a dream
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lemondeabicyclette · 7 months
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En français, sioux plaît 👇
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maeo-png · 1 year
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To earn the love of a god is as dangerous as earning their wrath.
“Litany in which things are crossed out” by Richard Siken // Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Episode 2 “Simon Petrikov” // Nathanial Orion G.K // “Take Me To Church” by Hozier // Episode 8 “Jerry” // Episode 2 “Simon Petrikov” // jorge luis borges // “Hell and You” by Amigo The Devil // “Finale” from Les Misérables // Episode 2 "Simon Petrikov" // "Naomi" by Ethan Carlson // Episode 3 "Cake The Cat" // "Follow You" by Bring Me the Horizon
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falcemartello · 8 months
Cioè mi state dicendo che l’intervista di Tucker Carlson a Putin ha fatto più wiews in 10 ore che le vendite di tutti i giornali italiani messi insieme in un anno?
Dovete impazzire senza nemmeno capire il perché.
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mumblingsage · 1 month
I think I've recommended it in passing a few times, but writers seeking more craft books: I would run, not walk, in the direction of Matthew Salesses's Craft in the Real World. It's one of the most exciting books on writing that I've read in years (up there with Ron Carlson Writes a Story, Samuel Delaney's The Jewel-Hinged Jaw, Kim Addonizio's The Poet's Companion and June Casagrande's It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences). I think it might be most helpful if you've already read some other books on craft--it's a sort of 201-level response to 101-level advice, and if you aren't familiar with the 101 advice you might miss some of the significance. But parts like the revision exercises definitely stand on their own.
Salesses re-evaluates and explores a lot of common writing ""rules"" with the understanding of how culturally contingent they are, and how this is a disservice to writers and readers from backgrounds and cultures outside the presumed "norm." At the same time, he offers modifications of the tools and new techniques/new ways of thinking of old techniques. I'm in the middle of his re-definitions of terms. For instance, Salesses recommends looking at Characterization as "What makes one character different from everyone else." Character + Story Arcs are "What changes or fails to change." Craft itself is "a set of expectations."
Lightbulb moments everywhere.
(While I'm sending out book advice: for less 'exciting' but super solid grounding in techniques designed for nonfiction but applicable broadly, try anything by Roy Peter Clark. Ursula K. Le Guin's Steering the Craft is short but rich; it's one of my first recommendations to writers just getting started on reading craft advice. In the Palm of Your Hand is another poetry workbook that has advice on vocabulary, detail, and narrative that applies well to fiction too. For anyone looking into self-publishing, it's out of print and parts are dated but if you can secure a used copy through your library or secondhand sales, Catherine Ryan Howard's Self-Printed: The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing is hugely informative and amusingly written.)
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ekman · 8 months
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Environ 18 heures après la diffusion de l’interview de Vladimir Poutine par Tucker Carlson, Twitter annonçait autour de 125 millions de vues. Je ne sais pas si ce missile-là est supersonique, ou s’il s’est déguisé en torpille au plasma, mais autant vous dire que c’est un brin la panique dans l’Occident collectif – pour ne pas dire “collecteur”. On m’a montré les réactions sur LCI (ou était-ce BFM ?) de chroniqueurs confus, d’experts délirants et de traine-sabres hystériques n’hésitant pas à se noyer dans leur logique de loser intégral : Poutine ment, alors mentons plus que lui encore. Fascinant ! Plus loin, c’est le chargé de communication du “National Security Council” des États-Unis, l’amiral John Kirby, qui ne parvient pas à dissimuler son agacement et son désarroi face au tsunami d’audience réalisé par cette longue séquence. “Les Américains savent qui est Poutine et ce qu’il a fait.” Oui, bien sûr John. Ils savent aussi que quelques heures plus tôt, Joe “Alzy” Biden affirmait que tout allait bien dedans sa boule d’escalier – deux jours après s’être entretenu avec Mitterrand. Les États-Unis fabriquent des mensonges comme ils impriment des dollars. C’est à dire sans vouloir comprendre qu’ils sont dans une fuite en avant qui un jour va cesser, Brics obligent. L’empire de la freedomerie s’écroule à son tour, emporté par cette méchante fièvre apparue un soir de novembre 1989. La liberté tue l’espérance et seuls ceux qui doivent lutter pour elle ont l’énergie pour se tenir debout. Je sais, c’est un poil sisyphien, mais c’est ce que j’ai observé tout au long des cinquante dernières années. Les combattants marxistes d’hier sont devenus des entrepreneurs libéraux et les porteurs de sacs de riz face caméra sont devenus des porteurs de parts anonymes. Mozambique et Amazon réunis dans la même équation fatale. Vladimir sourit. Il s’amuse à dérouler sa démonstration sans appel. Il aime bien Carlson, ça se voit, même s’il le rattache fatalement à cette nation de clowns psychopathes que sont devenus les États-Unis. Enfin “Unis”... pour quelques temps encore.
J.-M. M.
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odinsblog · 1 year
This is the homophobic racist CNN had hosting their Donald Trump “Town Hall”
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When I said before that I would not be giving CNN any views, I meant that. CNN is hiring white supremacists and calling them journalists.
I understand that the saying, “we are living in perilous times” might seem overused, but goddamnit, we have a racist, traitorous, former occupant of the White House—LOL, I’ll never call him president—who stacked the Supreme Court with Federalist Society nut jobs, and fomented an insurrection, and very likely sold or freely gave national secrets to Vladimir Putin, and all Chris Licht & CNN sees are dollar signs, just like Les Moonves did.
Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians find hate and cruelty toward marginalized groups amusing.
For those who don’t know, the Daily Caller is a white nationalist-lite publication, founded by Tucker Carlson, that right wingers love to read. Apparently that was Kaitlan’s only previous “job” experience before CNN hired her.
This is not new. Look at Elon Musk and Twitter. Every time some rich old white guy lies and says they want their outlet to have “more balanced viewpoints,” they almost always mean they want it to have more racists to have more freedom of hate speech. Now Chris Licht is running the same okie doke.
Trash ass media outlet.
👉🏿 https://dailycaller.com/2015/11/18/13-syrian-refugees-wed-take-immediately-photos/
👉🏿 https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/kaitlan-collins-joins-cnn-from-the-daily-caller/332413/
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lemondeabicyclette · 9 months
Tucker explique pourquoi et comment Julian Assange se trouve à Bellmarsh. Et Carlson a obtenu le scoop de l'année en se faisant accorder la seule entrevue d'Assange depuis 2010, l'année de tous ses dangers.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in response to France arresting Telegram messenger's CEO Pavel Durov, said that free speech rights in Europe are gone.
"We've lost Europe. Europe now does not have free speech," Kennedy said during a podcast interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson that aired on Monday.
Kennedy also pointed out that US billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has been made out to be seen as a "villain" after purchasing Twitter and making it a free speech platform. Musk would have been the hero of the old Democratic party in the United States, Kennedy added.
Earlier, Durov's detention in France was extended until Wednesday.
Durov was detained at the Paris Le Bourget airport on August 24. According to a statement from the Paris prosecutor's office, he is suspected of involvement in a number of offenses, including failure to provide the requested information to the authorities, and management of a messenger that is allegedly used to distribute child pornography and to trade drugs.
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arcobalengo · 1 year
"Ho provato a intervistare Vladimir Putin e il governo degli Stati Uniti mi ha fermato. Ora, riflettete per un minuto. A proposito, nessuno mi ha difeso. Non credo che ci sia stato qualcuno nei mezzi di informazione che abbia detto: “Aspetta un attimo. Può anche non piacermi quest’uomo, ma ha il diritto di intervistare chiunque voglia, e noi abbiamo il diritto di sentire cosa dice Putin”. Non ti è permesso ascoltare la voce di Putin. Perché perché? Non c'è stato alcun voto a riguardo. Nessuno me lo ha chiesto. Ho 54 anni. Ho pagato le tasse e ho rispettato la legge.
Sono un cittadino americano. Sono un americano molto più leale di, ad esempio, Joe Biden o Kamala Harris, che non sono nemmeno cresciuti in questo paese; lei è cresciuta in Canada. E vengono a spiegarmi che cosa significa essere un americano leale? Non mi interessa nemmeno, a questo punto. Non mi interessa nemmeno. Quando David Frum [uno scrittore dello staff della rivista The Atlantic] dal Canada mi dice che sono un americano sleale, deve essere una barzelletta. E non mi interessa più cosa pensano, in realtà. E non mi deve importare. Quindi non lo faccio". (Fonte: Weltwoche, settimanale svizzero)
🟥 Segui Giubbe Rosse
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La libertà di stampa esiste, ma funziona a senso unico ⛔
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abr · 1 year
Il concetto di "giustizia sociale" dietro cui si nasconde l'interventismo statalista, è profondamente ingiusto: esso determina ingiustizia - ad alcuni arbitrariamente prende, ad altri dà - partendo da UN FURTO.
Javier Milei a Tucker Carlson, nell'intervista con più visualizzazioni su Twitter DI TUTTI I TEMPI.
qui: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1702442099814342725
Javier Milei offre pillole di liberismo e di buon senso. Oltretutto il peggio non sta tanto nell'ingiustizia: sta nel fatto che NON FUNZIONA perché introduce monopoli e parassistismo, distorcendo le regole autoequilibranti del Mercato.
Mi par di vedere le bocche semiaperte in giro qui da noi, dopo quattro generazioni almeno di full immersion nei vari tipi di socialismo che ci siamo rifilati - notabilato di provincia, fascismo, socialdemocrazia: omioddìo ERESIA, ABOMINIO, INTERDETTO, FATELO TACERE.
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aurevoirmonty · 5 months
«La majorité doit être gardée sous contrôle»: Douguine explique en une minute pourquoi l’oligarchie gouverne contre les peuples
En Occident, «vous êtes obligés d’être "progressiste", de vous conformer à cet agenda», a expliqué le philosophe russe à Carlson.
Et Alexandre Douguine de retracer l’ADN et la perversion de la «pensée des Lumières», qui s’appuie historiquement bien plus sur le «despotisme éclairé» des «philosophes» et la «Terreur» de la Révolution française que sur la «démocratie».
Soit, en résumé: les puissants savent mieux que les masses ce qui est bon pour elles, lesquelles n’ont le droit d’avoir une opinion que si elles sont d’accord.
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