#les reed
cuddlebreak · 8 days
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Sanremo Song Festival 1965
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filosofablogger · 10 months
♫ It's Not Unusual ♫ (Redux)
Tonight I was in the kitchen cutting up a watermelon and whistling … “Jeremiah was a bullfrog … was a good friend of mine … I never {cough, cough} understood a single word he said, but I {cough, cough, cough} helped him drink his wine.”  And so I knew I had my song for tonight.  Until … I found that I had played it recently, so there went that idea out the window at 3:00 a.m.!  So, instead of…
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dlartistanon · 2 months
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Reedwillow scratches my itch for Drama and trauma coupled with the unhinged flowery romanticism coming straight out of a Bronte novel
Also I love the idea that Reed unintentionally(?) expresses herself in a way that feels right at-home with Saileach’s favorite kind of romantic schlock thanks Heidi
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16ruedelaverrerie · 11 months
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Dispatches from Les Mignardises: ✨the kitchen pass is for lovers✨
Anyway my only real complaint with The Bear is that I wish I were somehow working in that writers' room instead of having a completely unrelated day job. THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY AS A CONCEPT CONTINUES TO BE MY TRUE HOME FANDOM
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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Christian Goussale's cover for the French Fantastic Four album "S.O.S Atlantis" (Les 4 Fantastiques N°34, 1984).
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guessimdumb · 1 year
Nico, Lou Reed and John Cale - Femme Fatale (1972)
Recorded at Le Bataclan in 1972 when Lou Reed, Nico and John Cale joined the stage together.
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manderley · 10 months
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Wild Reeds (1994)
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Les Roseaux sauvages (1994) // dir. André Téchiné
Presque rien (2000) // dir. Sébastien Lifshitz
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lpsp0pular · 2 years
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Baby Populars
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beachy-writer · 2 years
||The Mighty Ducks|| Charlie Conway X Reader||What Charlie’s like as a boyfriend||
Requested by: No one :)
He is so sweet
He always takes you to go roller blading for dates in the summers and skating in the winters
He loves to study with you at the diner his mom works at
He loves to cuddle
Like he won’t let you get out of bed in the mornings
You play for the ducks and when Charlie quit the team because of Orion you were right there next to him
He was so thankful that you stayed by him
You love to do his hair
You always go out to show his mom the master piece that you’ve created
She always love them
Charlie and the boys of the team have sleepovers at Adams house and he NEVER stops talking about you
It gets to the point where they start hitting him with pillows😂
You, Connie and Julie have sleepovers too at your house
They always want to hear about you and Charlie
But you’re more interested to see what’s happening in Julies love life
They both dismiss it and say you should call the boys so you can talk to Charlie
“Oooo~ Y/nnnn let’s call Charlieeee” Connie always says in a joking tone
“Why don’t you call Guy?~” you retort
In the mornings the team meet up and have breakfast together at the diner
Charlie always sweeps you away from the group and you two end up walking in the park or by the river
The way Charlie asked you out was before the junior Goodwill finals
“Hey Y/n can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Yeah sure what’s up?”
“So um…I know I’m not playing today but if we win…will you uh…go on a date with me?”
“We’ll see;)”
Obviously you were gonna say yes either way
He got kinda confused so he asked Julie what you meant
“Of course she likes you🙄”
He did that little fist pump thing that he did in the third movie
He took you out for ice cream
He loves to listen to music with you in his room
His love languages are definitely physical touch and quality time
You two met when you were one of the added players from Team USA
“She’s not bad…” Charlie said to Connie.
“Um hey, Y/n right?” He came up to you after the practice.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I’m Charlie Conway, the captain” he introduced.
“Nice to meet you captain Conway”
He just smiled as Y/n walked away and joined Connie and Julie.
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lifeinpoetry · 1 year
holding out their arms closing their arms fall into the wide-open sex of the still-thirsty autumn to the rumblings of thunder in tears
— Alice Paalen Rahon, from "[Dans les hauts roseaux / In the tall reeds]," Shapeshifter, tr. Mary Ann Caws
tendant les bras fermant les bras tombent au sexe écarquillé de l’automne inassouvi aux roulements d’un tonnerre en larmes
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mstrickster · 8 months
What kind of holiday traditions do each of the ducks have?
Alright let's do this. I have been taking notes and I think I have everything worked out.
So, I want to start with Charlie!
We know from D1 that Charlie and his mom go to see the Ice sculptures every year. I did some research and this apparently is supposed to represent the St. Paul Winter Carnival. So, I think that is the Conway's tradition. Every year they go to the carnival. Maybe after a few years, the other Ducks join them.
Maybe Charlie takes Adam there one Christmas and they share a kiss too
Anyway! Moving on!
Every year Connie drags the boys to the Holiday Bazaar. She loves to see all the homemade gifts and try all the seasonal foods and candy. Jesse and Guy join her every year. However, all the boys on the team have joined her. Julie and Tammy love going with her too.
Russ had never had snow during the holidays until he went to Eden Hall. So, to celebrate he organized a huge snowball fight. They actually get a lot of the school involved and Russ even brings a large dispenser of hot chocolate for afterwards.
For Fulton, he loves to go and see them light the big Christmas tree on West 50th Street. He started going when he was really little and it continued until he was older. There's something magical about it for him.
Now I firmly believe that despite his hard outside exterior, Dean is a big old softie. So, I think his holiday tradition is collecting gifts for the disenfranchised kids of his area. He did it in Minnesota, too. His mom started it when he was little and he kept it going.
Adam's holiday tradition is a big dinner party. It's more of a family thing, but he still has to attend. He did manage to convince his mom to let his friends come when he was a senior in high school. He had convinced her they had matured(they had not)
Jesse like Dean is a softie on the inside. Therefore his tradition is working at a soup kitchen with his dad and Terry on Christmas Eve. He does it every year cause it makes him feel like he's doing something valuable for his community.
Averman is a simple man with simple pleasures. So, his holiday tradition is simple. He watches Christmas Vacation with his dad. His dad showed him the movie when he was five and he loves it.
I firmly believe Guy is the cookie baker. So every year he bakes a huge batch of Christmas cookies. They give them out to friends and charities around them. His favorite is gingerbread and it is a family recipe.
Julie has always thrown a Christmas Eve party with her family. In Maine, they would go to a cabin. However, she also threw one in Minnesota the weekend before winter break. They used Bombay's cabin and Adam said it was so much more fun than his parent's party.
Goldberg spent the first year in Minnesota reminding everyone that there were more holidays than Christmas in December. It actually made a big impact on his friends and they all stopped at his house during the 8 days of Hannukah to give him a gift. It became a tradition from then. They would meet up before his family did the candle lighting. He would tell everyone the story of Hannukah and they would exchange gifts.
Kenny is stoked to go ice skating on a real pond the first holiday he is in Minnesota. He loves it so much that he does it every year. He didn't tell the others at first. However, Luis asked where he was going one day and he invited him along.
Luis' tradition is all about food. Every year when he was in Miami his family would make tamales. When he was in Minnesota his mama would save a few to make with him when he came home for the holidays. However, it wasn't the same for Luis, so the Ducks got involved. Guy invited him to his house while his dad was making cookies and Kenny had called Luis' mom to get a list of the ingredients needed for Tamales. Luis was so touched he cried and it became a tradition from there.
Dwayne is the one who decorates the whole dorm building. He loves the holidays and they would always decorate his family ranch. So, it was just natural for him to decorate the place. It's rather cozy.
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filosofablogger · 1 year
♫ Delilah ♫ (Redux)
I love me some Tom Jones, and so when Carolyn suggested this one last night, it stuck in my head and … well, here we are!  I’ve only played it once before, back in 2019, so you can’t claim to be bored or burnt out on it, right?  And who doesn’t love Tom Jones???  And (hint, hint) you might prepare yourself for the other one she suggested by Barry Manilow! Tom Jones released this song in December…
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seemerepeatme · 1 year
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Duran Duran with Lou Reed.
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euphoricdenbro · 2 years
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The Mighty Ducks + Tumblr Text Posts
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duranduratulsa · 2 months
Duran Duran - Femme Fatale (Official Music Video)
Duran Duran album of the day: Duran Duran (The Wedding Album) (1993) featuring Femme Fatale #duranduran #theweddingalbum #femmefatale #loureed #simonlebon #nickrhodes #johntaylor #warrencuccurullo #90s
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