#less population diversity leads to less diverse results
molabuddy · 1 year
i'm having Thoughts so. collection of headcanons about the different home planets in pikmin:
Hocotate - Everybody's favourite :] a small planet that's hot and arid all around, and a little bit boring in the flora and fauna department. Notable for brutal summers and so-so winters, an environment really only suited to growing its famous and unfathomably delicious vegetables.
Vegetable cultivation and shipping is its main industry, but it's also a notable manufactuer of sub-par, barely up to code BUT dirt cheap spacegear :]
(extra hc: while pikpik carrots (as well as hocotate onions, garlic and other veggies) can be cultivated on other planets, no matter how closely those other planets can simulate a hocotate climate, the resulting carrots are noticably different and less tasty. Botanists can't figure out why!)
Koppai - kind of an outsider planet in terms of its culture as well as its literal distance from its neighbours. On the outside, it looks very advanced, with sprawling modern cities, but as we know Koppai has been struggling with a food shortage for a while :(
Notable for leading advancements in space technology, as well as inventing the kopad - a model of tablet which quickly became the base for space travel squad tablets built and used all across the galaxy.
(under the cut = some pikmin 4 planets - minor spoilers abound?)
Giya - Home Planet of Shepherd, Russ and Colin, as well as the Rescue Corps HQ. a Big planet, definitely in terms of population and industry, possibly even in terms of literal size.
Its a major hub of space travel facilities and technology, as well as a big hub for planetary immigration! Lots of people from other planets move there, so its got a very diverse population. It also has a large variety of climates as well as flora and fauna (Giya is generally a very "earth-like" planet I think)
Ohri - Home Planet of Dingo and Yonny (though both probably live on Giya most of the time.) A planet famous for its extreme climates both hot and cold, and the abundent and occasionally deadly wildlife in every nook of the planet barring the most developed cities
Ohrians(?) are very passionate about the natural habitats on the planet, and many places have remained protected and undisturbed, but it means that off-planet tourists and Ohri locals alike are just one wrong turn away from danger.
(extra hc: the reigon Yonny grew up in is notable for its poisonous creatures. he discovered his love of medicine while being taught how to make remedies and antidotes by his mother)
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ceilidhtransing · 5 months
The Cass Review: Cis-Supremacy in the UK's Approach to Healthcare for Trans Children
is a brilliant academic article by Dr Cal Horton, the full body of which can be found here.
For non-UK folk wondering what on earth is going on, the Cass Review is a recently released report about healthcare for trans and gender-questioning kids written entirely by cis people, the recommendations of which are being used right now to justify further restrictions on trans healthcare, including “pausing” all new prescriptions for puberty blockers in the youth gender services.
This article breaks down very thoroughly the biggest ways in which this review is dogshit and has transphobic bias baked in at the most basic level. The results section is a long (but worthwhile) read, but if you have less time, the much shorter discussion and conclusion sections summarise the results.
It's a great resource if you've vaguely heard about “this thing called the Cass Review” and want to know what its issues are but don't want to wade through hundreds of pages of transphobic dogwhistling. It's particularly useful to cite or quote if you're contacting your political representatives and want to back up your claims.* Horton is very good at stating perfectly unambiguously the massive problems with this review in ways that support trans lives and don't try to “both-sides” the issue.
*And I strongly encourage you to do so if you're in the UK; the website WriteToThem makes it very easy. This website contains useful information and a template email that is Scotland-specific, but obviously you can adapt it to fit the particular situations of the other UK nations.
Choice quotes include (highlights mine):
“Within the Cass Review anti-trans prejudice is not acknowledged as a problem or a threat to trans children. Across several reports the Cass Review centres the concerns of non-affirmative professionals, including those who do not believe in the existence of trans children. The existence of anti-trans prejudice amongst healthcare professionals is well-documented in existing literature and Cass Review reports indeed provide clear indication of professional ignorance or prejudice. However, across Cass Review reports, there is no instance where professional views on trans children are identified as ill-informed or prejudiced or are rejected from inclusion in the review. Instead, the views of ignorant or pathologising professionals seeking support for non-affirming practice with trans children are presented with sympathy. There is no parallel consideration of the rights or welfare of trans children, nor discussion of an NHS duty of care to protect trans children from being harmed by professionals who reject the validity or existence of trans lives. The Cass approach welcomes all views, including those grounded in ignorance, pathologisation or denial of the existence of trans children.”
“Pathologisation of gender diversity can be seen across Cass Review outputs. Entrenched cisnormativity and problematisation of transness leads to the Cass Review prioritising the research questions about transness that trouble cis people. The Cass Review does not centre trans community research priorities such as enhancing depathologised access to safe and effective healthcare for trans children. This leads the Cass Review into research priorities that are more philosophical than medical, questions on epidemiology of transness, aetiology or identity persistence. The Cass Review is able to step beyond (and deprioritise) the domains of effective trans healthcare for trans children, by the Review’s failure to recognise trans children as a core stakeholder group, enabling the very existence of trans children to be a valid topic of cis curiosity. Whilst the Cass Review decentres and delegitimises its core target population (trans children), their health and welfare needs are secondary to curiosity on how children came to identify as trans and whether or when they will stop.”
“The NICE evidence reviews chaired by Dr Cass both utilised an approach where only evidence like randomised controlled trials are considered high quality evidence. In a field where RCTs are recognised as infeasible and unethical, in a field where “high quality evidence” does not and may never exist, we may be left to wonder, has this evidence review really served to enlighten and inform decision making in trans healthcare? Those interested in maximising trans children’s well-being would look at all available sources of evidence, and use the best quality existing evidence to inform decision making. Instead, the absence of a type of “high quality” evidence is used by the Cass Review to conclude that “evidence on the appropriate management of children and young people with gender incongruence and dysphoria is inconclusive.” Such statements have legitimised the closure of current trans children’s healthcare services for England and Wales, with no services currently operational. [Since the publication of this article, this is also now true for Scotland.] The Cass approach places so much emphasis on uncertainties, unknowns, areas without consensus and the absence of “high quality evidence” that it can be read as an argument against affirmative healthcare for trans children. A cisnormative double standard can also be seen, where evidence-based affirmative approaches are dismissed with calls for RCT standard evidence, whilst non-affirmative theories and policies are introduced and endorsed with no or limited evidence.”
“The Cass Review overall can be considered an example of cis-ignorance, a concept recognised in trans healthcare, where “ignorance is not simply an absence of knowledge, but an epistemic practice in its own right” (Mikulak, p. 827). Mikulak recognises that “practices of ignorance are often entangled with practices of exclusion and oppression”. Cis-ignorance can be seen in the Cass Review’s decision to exclude trans expertise, in the choice to appoint leadership without experience or knowledge, and in the valuing of insights from healthcare professionals who do not even believe in the existence of trans children. Cis-ignorance is apparent in the cisnormative framing of research questions, where research on the meaning of identity or the epidemiology of transness are perceived as important research priorities, and in the erasure of trans children from the Review’s stated target group, leaving trans children’s existence a topic of debate. Cis-ignorance can be seen in the citation of discredited research, forcing affirmative researchers to continually re-dispute the same literature that has been critiqued so many times, including in peer reviewed literature, preventing the field from moving forwards. Cis-ignorance can be seen in a futile search for consensus in a polarised field, setting out (with time, resources, and establishment credentials) to reach an objective of building consensus that is doomed from the start. Cis-ignorance can be seen in the dismissal of existing knowledge, framing the whole of trans healthcare as “inconclusive,” “unknown” or risky, and in calls for infeasible and unethical RCT or blinded control studies. Observers may wonder whether cis-ignorance is intentional and abusive, or careless and ill-informed. Regardless of intent, it manifests as an exertion of cis power over trans communities, in a National Health Service that continues to fail to uphold trans people’s rights to equality in healthcare.”
Anyway, I encourage you to go read Horton's article if you have the time and inclination; it's an excellent elucidation of the major issues in a dangerous review that has the potential to make healthcare for trans people in the UK even worse than it already is.
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mariacallous · 16 days
How will AI be used in health care settings?
Artificial intelligence (AI) shows tremendous promise for applications in health care. Tools such as machine learning algorithms, artificial neural networks, and generative AI (e.g., Large Language Models) have the potential to aid with tasks such as diagnosis, treatment planning, and resource management. Advocates have suggested that these tools could benefit large numbers of people by increasing access to health care services (especially for populations that are currently underserved), reducing costs, and improving quality of care.
This enthusiasm has driven the burgeoning development and trial application of AI in health care by some of the largest players in the tech industry. To give just two examples, Google Research has been rapidly testing and improving upon its “Med-PaLM” tool, and NVIDIA recently announced a partnership with Hippocratic AI that aims to deploy virtual health care assistants for a variety of tasks to address a current shortfall in the supply in the workforce.
What are some challenges or potential negative consequences to using AI in health care?
Technology adoption can happen rapidly, exponentially going from prototypes used by a small number of researchers to products affecting the lives of millions or even billions of people. Given the significant impact health care system changes could have on Americans’ health as well as on the U.S. economy, it is essential to preemptively identify potential pitfalls before scaleup takes place and carefully consider policy actions that can address them.
One area of concern arises from the recognition that the ultimate impact of AI on health outcomes will be shaped not only by the sophistication of the technological tools themselves but also by external “human factors.” Broadly speaking, human factors could blunt the positive impacts of AI tools in health care—or even introduce unintended, negative consequences—in two ways:
If developers train AI tools with data that don’t sufficiently mirror diversity in the populations in which they will be deployed. Even tools that are effective in the aggregate could create disparate outcomes. For example, if the datasets used to train AI have gaps, they can cause AI to provide responses that are lower quality for some users and situations. This might lead to the tool systematically providing less accurate recommendations for some groups of users or experiencing “catastrophic failures” more frequently for some groups, such as failure to identify symptoms in time for effective treatment or even recommending courses of treatment that could result in harm.  
If patterns of AI use systematically differ across groups. There may be an initial skepticism among many potential users to trust AI for consequential decisions that affect their health. Attitudes may differ within the population based on attributes such as age and familiarity with technology, which could affect who uses AI tools, understands and interprets the AI’s output, and adheres to treatment recommendations. Further, people’s impressions of AI health care tools will be shaped over time based on their own experiences and what they learn from others.
In recent research, we used simulation modeling to study a large range of different of hypothetical populations of users and AI health care tool specifications. We found that social conditions such as initial attitudes toward AI tools within a population and how people change their attitudes over time can potentially:
Lead to a modestly accurate AI tool having a negative impact on population health. This can occur because people’s experiences with an AI tool may be filtered through their expectations and then shared with others. For example, if an AI tool’s capabilities are objectively positive—in expectation, the AI won’t give recommendations that are harmful or completely ineffective—but sufficiently lower than expectations, users who are disappointed will lose trust in the tool. This could make them less likely to seek future treatment or adhere to recommendations if they do and lead them to pass along negative perceptions of the tool to friends, family, and others with whom they interact.
Create health disparities even after the introduction of a high-performing and unbiased AI tool (i.e., that performs equally well for all users). Specifically, when there are initial differences between groups within the population in their trust of AI-based health care—for example because of one group’s systematically negative previous experiences with health care or due to the AI tool being poorly communicated to one group—differential use patterns alone can translate into meaningful differences in health patterns across groups. These use patterns can also exacerbate differential effects on health across groups when AI training deficiencies cause a tool to provide better quality recommendations for some users than others.
Barriers to positive health impacts associated with systematic and shifting use patterns are largely beyond individual developers’ direct control but can be overcome with strategically designed policies and practices.
What could a regulatory framework for AI in health care look like?
Disregarding how human factors intersect with AI-powered health care tools can create outcomes that are costly in terms of life, health, and resources. There is also the potential that without careful oversight and forethought, AI tools can maintain or exacerbate existing health disparities or even introduce new ones. Guarding against negative consequences will require specific policies and ongoing, coordinated action that goes beyond the usual scope of individual product development. Based on our research, we suggest that any regulatory framework for AI in health care should accomplish three aims:
Ensure that AI tools are rigorously tested before they are made fully available to the public and are subject to regular scrutiny afterward. Those developing AI tools for use in health care should carefully consider whether the training data are matched to the tasks that the tools will perform and representative of the full population of eventual users. Characteristics of users to consider include (but are certainly not limited to) age, gender, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, and language fluency. Policies should encourage and support developers in investing time and resources into pre- and post-launch assessments, including:
pilot tests to assess performance across a wide variety of groups that might experience disparate impact before large-scale application
monitoring whether and to what extent disparate use patterns and outcomes are observed after release
identifying appropriate corrective action if issues are found.
Require that users be clearly informed about what tools can do and what they cannot. Neither health care workers nor patients are likely to have extensive training or sophisticated understanding of the technical underpinnings of AI tools. It will be essential that plain-language use instructions, cautionary warnings, or other features designed to inform appropriate application boundaries are built into tools. Without these features, users’ expectations of AI capabilities might be inaccurate, with negative effects on health outcomes. For example, a recent report outlines how overreliance on AI tools by inexperienced mushroom foragers has led to cases of poisoning; it is easy to imagine how this might be a harbinger of patients misdiagnosing themselves with health care tools that are made publicly available and missing critical treatment or advocating for treatment that is contraindicated. Similarly, tools used by health care professionals should be supported by rigorous use protocols. Although advanced tools will likely provide accurate guidance an overwhelming majority of the time, they can also experience catastrophic failures (such as those referred to as “hallucinations” in the AI field), so it is critical for trained human users to be in the loop when making key decisions.
Proactively protect against medical misinformation. False or misleading claims about health and health care—whether the result of ignorance or malicious intent—have proliferated in digital spaces and become harder for the average person to distinguish from reliable information. This type of misinformation about health care AI tools presents a serious threat, potentially leading to mistrust or misapplication of these tools. To discourage misinformation, guardrails should be put in place to ensure consistent transparency about what data are used and how that continuous verification of training data accuracy takes place.
How can regulation of AI in health care keep pace with rapidly changing conditions?
In addition to developers of tools themselves, there are important opportunities for unaffiliated researchers to study the impact of AI health care tools as they are introduced and recommend adjustments to any regulatory framework. Two examples of what this work might contribute are:
Social scientists can learn more about how people think about and engage with AI tools, as well as how perceptions and behaviors change over time. Rigorous data collection and qualitative and quantitative analyses can shed light on these questions, improving understanding of how individuals, communities, and society adapt to shifts in the health care landscape.
Systems scientists can consider the co-evolution of AI tools and human behavior over time. Building on or tangential to recent research, systems science can be used to explore the complex interactions that determine how multiple health care AI tools deployed across diverse settings might affect long-term health trends. Using longitudinal data collected as AI tools come into widespread use, prospective simulation models can provide timely guidance on how policies might need to be course corrected.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 2 years
When a radical feminist (or anyone, actually) points out that males are, on average, stronger than females, everyone gets up in arms. “You’re saying women are weak! You’re saying that women are biologically inferior! You think women are feminine little dolls who need to be protected by big strong men! Why do you hate women?!”
But, their bizarre leap from “less muscular” to “weak and feminine” aside, raw strength is not the only metric of physical capability. For example:
Women are much better at ultra-endurance sports, owing to:
Muscle composition—females have muscle fatigue and more slow twitch muscle fibers, resulting in better oxygen delivery [x]
Better ability to pace themselves and think ahead [x]
More body fat, allowing female bodies to oxidize more fat than carbohydrates, which is more effective and sustainable long-term [x]
The science of female endurance leads us to the next point: women are more likely to survive extreme situations like natural disasters, famine, and disease.
Estrogen increases immune reactivity, meaning women are more capable of fighting infections [x]
Women are more likely to survive serious physical trauma, also due to estrogen [x]
XX chromosomes provide genetic diversity and provide a “backup” allele in case of a deleterious mutation on one X chromosome, making females less susceptible to genetic disease [x]
Female infants are hardier than male infants due to the above, even in populations where sex preference for male children is high [x]
Increased body fat makes women less likely to starve or freeze [x]
Want to bring a little more neuroendocrinology into this? Women are more likely to remain cool under pressure, from direct threats to physical safety to emotional stress.
Cortisol affects the brain differently in females and males, causing males to take emotionally-driven risks while women evaluate threats more logically [x]
In fight-or-flight scenarios, testosterone increases the likelihood of violent or extreme reactions in males, while females release oxytocin instead—women are not as inclined to make extreme, snap decisions when faced with a threat [x]
tl;dr get a man if you need a hyperemotional brute to kick down a door. If your physical task needs durability and logic, a woman will be much more helpful.
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futurebird · 9 months
Trump is an adept politician with an innate sense of what will sell. A sense is finely tuned to a portion of the population many of us have not much in-common with-- so it's easy to miss how he is appealing.
I just listened to a rambling word salad from him on abortion. And yet on closer inspection I could see that he managed to give an answer that would be acceptable to both the radical pro-life, to the people who don't care about abortion and to people who think it should be legal "in some cases" (while still being morally uncomfortable with the topic.)
Trump's "base" isn't a monolith, that they seem to exist politically as a monolith is precisely the result of his skill in speaking to their feelings in a relatable and reasonable way ... despite the diversity of opinions in that group.
Trump fans don't have as much in common with each other as we sometimes think. The only real uniting theme is anti-intellectualism.
They were called "Know Nothings" because of the secrecy, but that name's other implications are not an accident.
"anti-intellectual" isn't just a fancy way of saying stupid. Intellectualism can be elitist, corrosive. Productive critique is possible. Such a critique could lead to a more authentic, inclusive (effective) practice in the sciences.
Of course, this isn't what Trump offers. Not an empowering "you can know! You CAN understand the world." but rather "the people who said you didn't know aren't worth respecting (even if they are right, heck BECAUSE they are right)" It's all emotional.
More importantly his answer on abortion, rather than outline policy expressed the way republicans *feel* about abortion. He expressed religious righteousness, but also ambivalence "some women don't know they are pregnant at 5 weeks." He reaffirmed that "we are the good people" by pivoting to how Democrats are evil "HRC wants to rip the baby right out!"
This helps his audience regain a sense of moral clarity on an issue that can be morally difficult for them.
People will know and love people who have had abortions-- people will have had abortions *themselves* and still be anti-choice. They know this isn't a simple issue. The stories about women nearly dying, the little girls forced to have their rapists babies disturb pro-lifers as much as anyone. But if they can imagine that the issue is less complex: if it's about "ripping the baby out at 8 months" the distress caused by the complexity of the issue is gone. It feels good to "know" you are right.
Gotta be exhausting how Democrats keep making it complicated again.
Factually he said nothing. (Worse, he contradicted himself.) Emotionally? Ah! There he said much. He recognized the chaotic spectrum of feelings but then refocused those feelings as narrow white light, a laser-focused pure beam of righteous anger and of disgust. 5 weeks? 7 weeks? Heartbeats? Exceptions? Who knows. (who cares?) What really matters is: the other side is WRONG. We are the good people who know what is right.
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didanawisgi · 1 month
"Anyone familiar with biology will recognize that biological systems and phenomena are often very complex. The more one studies biology in detail, the more one becomes aware of its intrinsic complexity. Molecular biologists will certainly agree with this. The level of sophistication increases even more as biological systems become more vulnerable, especially when interactions with other biological systems create dynamics that are vital for their maintenance. This is why the level of biological complexity within entire ecosystems culminates at a point that is difficult for humans to fully comprehend.
But what is the biological significance of this complexity? The complexity of biological phenomena often resembles a real spiderweb, where, much like a busy traffic intersection, many paths cross and change direction. By alternating steps in one direction with steps in another, often even opposite direction, it becomes possible to continuously adjust, modulate, and refine biological processes and reactions. This not only leads to a high degree of sophistication, and therefore vulnerability, in vital biological phenomena but also to a high degree of versatility and diversity. It is precisely this variation that is crucial for ensuring that complex, and hence more fragile, biological systems can thrive, even in the face of environmental threats. This is especially true when these threats come from biological agents that have evolved to sustain themselves with a much lower degree of biological complexity and vulnerability. It is precisely the spectrum of variations generated by the complexity of biological processes themselves and the myriads of mutual interactions with other systems that creates a wide range of possibilities for these vulnerable systems to adapt purposefully to threatening environmental factors. This adaptation occurs through the natural selection of the random’ variant(s)’ whose phenotypic complexity confers a competitive fitness advantage in hostile circumstances.
If the responsiveness of autonomously living biological organisms consisted only of a simple black-and-white reaction, then the confrontation with an unfavorable environmental factor would either result in a large-scale extinction of the species or in its widespread survival, ultimately leading to other factors that could also threaten the species' survival (e.g., depletion of food resources or other detrimental consequences of overpopulation). However, when the adaptability of an entire ecosystem—such as an animal population interacting with a pathogenic germ—is undermined by an unnatural, ill-adapted large-scale intervention, the population's capacity to effectively control the pathogen is at risk of gradually declining. It is not difficult to understand that this is particularly true when the 'hostile' environmental threat comes from a viable biological agent that, due to its primitive reproduction strategy, is much less vulnerable because it only needs to survive and reproduce within the safe environment of a host cell, such as a virus. In this way, the roles are reversed, and the more evolved and vulnerable organism gradually loses its ability to adapt, giving the more primitive adversary a strategic advantage.
For those who have followed my insights and predictions regarding the endpoint of the ongoing immune escape pandemic, this precisely explains how mass vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic has actually benefited the virus's adaptation, rather than that of the Covid 19 (C19)-vaccinated population. The systematic breakthrough infections in C19-vaccinated individuals have led to a collective reduction in the immune system’s adaptability (i.e., adaptive immunity) of highly C-19 vaccinated populations, thereby improving the survival chances of the less vulnerable virus. The adaptive capacity of highly C-19 vaccinated populations has eventually been limited to protection against virulence through polyreactive non-neutralizing antibodies (PNNAbs), a protection that we know does not evolve further and cannot prevent the virus from spreading (and thus adapting). Because the evolutionary dynamics of the virus, fueled by nonpharmaceutical infection-prevention measures and mass vaccination, have caused the antigenic stimulus that maintained the concentration of these antibodies to disappear, it seems more than plausible that this human-induced viral dynamics will ultimately pull the emergency brake to prevent the extinction of highly C-19 vaccinated populations. Indeed, if the collective immunological adaptability is restricted to the extent that it prevents the development of herd immunity, then only a higher degree of adaptability of the virus can offer a solution. The evidence of the virus's increasing adaptability has become clearly visible for quite some time, especially since the emergence of Omicron. At the current stage of this immune escape pandemic, the virus's adaptability is only further stimulated by the increasingly reduced capacity of highly C-19 vaccinated populations to control viral spread and replication.
There is no doubt that under the significant but 'misplaced' immune pressure exerted by highly C-19 vaccinated populations, the virus’s unchecked adaptability can only escalate. This escalation could ultimately give the unvaccinated part of these populations the opportunity to establish herd immunity through epigenetic reprogramming (‘adaptation’) of their innate immune cells, thereby breaking the cycle of ongoing immune escape by the virus.
It is also logical that when the robust adaptability of vulnerable biological entities is disrupted, it may take some time before their stability is collectively undermined and the system collapses under hostile pressure. Nevertheless, it’s clear that when small cracks in a dam’s wall begin to expand into larger fissures, the system’s stability deteriorates very rapidly, and thus the metastable system can suddenly collapse, much like a thunderbolt striking out of a clear sky. Such entities will therefore likely be caught off guard…
Together with those who criticize the timeline I predicted for the termination of the C-19 immune escape pandemic, I am amazed by the remarkable resilience of the complex biological system involved. This can only mean that the ability of our mammalian immune system to collectively adapt to far less biologically complex pathogens is truly spectacular and shows a resilience of unprecedented magnitude. Such remarkable resilience can only be destroyed by large-scale, unnatural and thoughtless immune interventions, but not in a way that nature has not provided a contingency plan to ensure the survival of our species..."
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Xian is one of the Nine Kingdoms of faeries. Located on the eastern continent, above a portion of the Wall that borders no less than six human nations. It's vastness leads to a great array of diversity among the population.
The faeries of Xian are currently ruled by a figure known as the Pearl Emperor (successor of the Golden Emperor, whose reign lasted for nearly three thousand years.) They have an intense, complex bureaucracy and competition to gain the emperor's favor is fierce. The Emperor may produce offspring but there is no guarantee that one child may become sovereign upon the Emperor's passing. As a result, sages and seers are employed to scour the country and divine the future Emperor's identity. Unfortunately, this process can take time.
After successfully navigating Xian through the War and subsequent construction of the Wall, the Golden Emperor passed peacefully in their sleep. Unfortunately, various rivals took advantage of the search for the Pearl Emperor to attack the Golden Emperor's kin and their other allies. A brief but bloody Civil War ensued before the Pearl Emperor could take the throne and re establish order - by then, hundreds of families had fled to the remaining Eight Kingdoms.
Thesan, the current High Lord of Dawn, is the descendant of one of those exiled families. In that way, the Golden Emperor's line still lives.
Overall, Xian is an incredibly diverse and prosperous kingdom. Noted for its gorgeous scenery, including floating mountains and lakes of silver, it is also supposedly the home of the fruit of immortality, which the ancient gods planted in a grove of peaches. It is said to have libraries which rival the splendor of Day, and palaces so tall they touch the stars. Some say that dragons still swim beneath the rivers, but these reports have never been proven.
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coochiequeens · 14 days
The first part of the article implies that there is a backlash against people calling themselves nonbinary yet they admit that more students are identifying has trans.
The national backlash against trans and nonbinary young people may have led fewer nonbinary students to disclose their gender identity in their applications to college for this fall.
That is according to my analysis of how students who applied to college through the Common App identified their gender. The Common App is a good barometer because more than 1 million students use it annually to apply to more than 1,000 U.S. schools.
For the most recent admissions cycle, 1.88% of students, or 23,620 individuals, chose a nonbinary gender term to describe themselves, down from 2.2%, or 25,959 individuals, in the last cycle.
That may not seem like a large drop, but it is a huge change from the past few years, when the number of students indicating that they were nonbinary had skyrocketed. For example, on one of the largest surveys of college students, the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment, the percent of students identifying as nonbinary more than doubled from 2020 to 2022, going from 2.5% to 5.1%. Then, in spring 2023, the rate of increase slowed significantly to 5.5%, and there was no increase in the percent of nonbinary students in spring 2024.
Different data, same trend
The much lower percentage of nonbinary students on the Common App than the National College Health Assessment may seem noteworthy in itself, but this is because of differences in how the data is collected.
The Common App shows a much smaller nonbinary population because its users are typically 17- and 18-year-olds. At this age, students may not yet recognize or understand their gender identity. They also may be filling out the form with family members to whom they are not out so would not feel that they could disclose. And even if they are out to their families, applicants may hold back out of concern that indicating their gender identity could result in discrimination and harm their prospects of admission.
In contrast, the National College Health Assessment is filled out online voluntarily by college students at all class levels. Because the participants are older and the survey is anonymous, the percentage of students willing to indicate that they are nonbinary is much higher.
Still, the trend is the same. Students seem less willing to identify as nonbinary on forms and surveys today.
Facing public hostility
The lack of growth in nonbinary students disclosing could be a one-year aberration. After all, the percent of students who identified as trans women and men on both the Common App and the National College Health Assessment rose this past year.
But unlike most trans female and male students, nonbinary students are typically not changing their bodies through hormones and surgeries. Thus, they are often not readily seen by others as part of the trans community and have a choice about whether to disclose their gender identity. It seems that a growing number are choosing not to be out due to the anti-trans environment in many parts of society.
The public discourse today around gender diversity is often harsh. Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, for instance, was ridiculed by right-wing activists on social media for telling an audience what her pronouns are. Leading up to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, middle-distance runner Nikki Hiltz, who identifies as trans and nonbinary, was criticized on social media for competing in the women’s 1500 meters even though they had the right to do so because they were assigned female at birth and were not on testosterone.
And in June 2023, billionaire Elon Musk, owner of X, formerly Twitter, said the social media platform would regard the words “cisgender” and “cis” as slurs, even though these are the terms commonly used to refer to non-trans people.
In addition, there has been a huge spike since 2023 in bills introduced and passed by state legislatures that target trans and nonbinary youth. These bills seek to ban minors from receiving gender-affirming health care, keep trans women from participating on women’s school sports teams, stop trans and nonbinary people from using school bathrooms consistent with their gender identity and prevent the teaching of material about LGBTQ+ people. This huge increase in anti-trans bills and laws corresponds to when students seemingly became less willing to indicate on the Common App that they are nonbinary.
Rise in anti-trans bills proposed by state lawmakers
Legislation targeting trans people often focuses on education and health care. The chart shows legislation introduced by state lawmakers each year. Not all of those bills actually pass. In 2024, as of early September, 45 of 652 proposed bills had passed.
A bar chart shows a large increase in the number of bills proposed in the past two years, about four times more than the previous years. The charts shows legislation introduced - a small percentage of that legislation actually passes.
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The effect of state policy
One possible indication that nonbinary young people are reacting to the political climate by not disclosing their gender identity comes from my analysis of Common App data. I found that 32.7% of students who marked themselves as nonbinary lived in one of the 24 states with bans on gender-affirming care for young people, whereas 51.3% lived in one of the 16 states that protect access to this care. In contrast, cis female and male students were more likely to be from a state with one of these anti-trans laws and less likely to be from a trans-supportive state.
If a growing number of nonbinary students are indeed choosing not to be out publicly, or at least not to indicate their gender identity on the Common App and surveys such as the National College Health Assessment, it suggests that they feel they have to be closeted in some contexts. But I believe that in deciding not to disclose, they are showing their agency and resilience in the face of oppression and possible discrimination.
Whether nonbinary young people are out, they are not going away and will continue to make up a sizable percentage of trans college students.
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youthculture2b · 11 months
The problem with filter bubbles
Marina Ramos
Discussions and conflicts between different opinions are increasingly present in our everyday lives. It is not rare to find, in your own family, two relatives with extremely different opinions, where you can’t even bring politics into the conversation without it becoming a hot discussion. And why is this way more common than twenty years ago? One of the main reasons is that people are so much “closed” to different opinions on the internet, since people only interact with similar folks online.
The main reason that diverse groups of people are in less contact is that social media molds our feed based on what we like, save and share. Each time a person interacts with a certain type of post, the same content will appear more on this person's feed, where the person tends to be stuck in a bubble where only the familiar content will appear. All this familiar content is whether something the person agrees on, likes, and thinks is important. This phenomenon is called “filter bubbles” and is one of the most common and effective tools that social media use to keep people addicted.
Young people are the ones who are most exposed to the dangers of those “filter bubbles” since they are the generation who have the biggest screen time. Almost 80% of all Brazilian teenagers use the internet at least once a day, a study by CGI said. This indicates that not only do teenagers have more contact with the filters of the internet, but they also have more specific and addictive filters, suggesting the content that you will almost certainly like. The result of this vicious cycle of consumption is the exclusive interaction between people with the same interests and way of thinking, whether this interaction is by comments, with the person who recorded the video, or with a friend who sent it to you. The problem with this outcome is that the person stuck in the filter bubble will have the false impression that everybody agrees with them, making it hard to interact with someone who thinks differently since their first impression will be that the person is an outcast.
Another effect of the filter bubbles is the polarization of people’s opinions. Since people only interact with the same content, every other slightly different posts and opinions are taken as completely different and antagonistic to their own thoughts. This aggravates the already existent problem of the filter bubbles, the hostile reaction will be more aggressive and displeased, creating people with little to no patience to discuss and respect with opposite opinions. What this tool, made with the only purpose of making people addicted to the internet, creates is an environment with no respect for diverse groups, leading to catastrophic polarizations of the population. A clear example of this is the increase of differences between younger and older generations’ opinions. Since both of the generations have completely different historical and cultural backgrounds, the content suggested on each generation feed is almost opposite most of the time and with the filter bubbles, both of the generations grow the idea that the other one is the outcast with extreme thoughts. The result couldn’t be more predictable: each time we have less respectful conversations between different generations, causing an increase in the already existent generation gap.
We can conclude that the reason that people are less open to different groups and opinions is the continuous misunderstanding of what the internet represents. The filter bubbles exist, and the acknowledgment of their existence makes you realize that what you see on the internet is not an accurate representation of the world’s opinions and thoughts. A person with a different opinion of yours is not an outcast that should be taken as a threat to your worldview, but a valid opinion that should be listened to with respect. The difference in the population is one of the main drivers for a future with greater knowledge, and killing it would be also the killer of our culture and improvement.
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changeatthepenglide · 2 years
Do gaming communities create toxic cultures?
Gaming has become a traditional form of entertainment, no longer being looked at as something so different or external to “regular” cultural norms such as sports and music communities. As per Clement (2022), the number of gamers worldwide currently stands at 3.03 billion people, up from 2.39 billion just five years ago. With this expedited growth, the gaming industry will grow to US$321bn by 2026 (PWC, 2021). As gaming finds itself in the global entertainment and media segment, a US$2.5tn industry, it is bound to continue to grow in its reach, connecting more individuals of different races and cultures. This ultimately can be seen from the outside as being a positive force however has also seen some detrimental effects on the populous, mostly youth, that play these games.
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Often, people focus on the amount of time spent gaming as opposed to the gaming communities themselves in terms of mental and physical health. The competitive nature of gaming tends to lead to hostile or abusive language. As per Fu, this negativity generally becomes apparent during the game stages that indicate a potential winner, with the winning team experiencing little to no toxicity and the losing team or individual experiencing shame due to being blamed for a loss.
Fu says this internal conflict is a result of the free nature of games. Games played online pair strangers together. These strangers are often of different races, cultures, and ages, while sometimes dealing with language barriers. This takes people who, at times have lived extremely conservative lives and to a degree, have them interact with those they may have preconceived prejudices to. It is an unprecedented time in history. As an Arab person interacting with a European to such a degree would be so different in my parent’s generation and the generation of nearly 2.5 billion gamers worldwide. The previous generation saw a small number of people who were open-minded and keen on learning and acceptance, traveling to foreign states in pursuit of gaining an experience to remember. However, less people did this, sometimes due to a lack of interest, fear, or bigotry. The latter’s children have been thrust into this online gaming world and its communities with the mindset instilled in them by their parents.
This generational divide in tandem with this culture shock presented by the diversity of gaming communities, has created a toxic environment where by anonymity and geographical separation from one another has allowed people to speak based on emotion devoid of any restrictions that would be enacted in a face to face or physically public forum, this is what creates a toxic environment online.  
Clement, J. (2022, November 11). Number of video game users worldwide from 2017 to 2027. Retrieved from statista : https://www.statista.com/statistics/748044/number-video-gamers-world/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20number%20of,gamers%20in%20the%20previous%20year.
PWC. (2021). Perspectives from the Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2022–2026 . Retrieved from pwc: https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/industries/tmt/media/outlook/outlook-perspectives.html
Fu, D. (n.d.). A Look at Gaming Culture and Gaming Related Problems: From a Gamer’s Perspective . Center Staff Assistance.
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foodfactfitness · 2 days
Global Food Consumption-what the world is actually consuming!
Global food trends are undergoing significant changes influenced by health awareness, sustainability concerns , and cultural shifts. Still there is undeniable popularity of ‘Packaged Food’ , let’s dive deep and understand ‘what the world is actually consuming’.
In today’s fast-paced society, the food landscape is marked by the ‘dual popularity of Healthy and Packaged Food’ The growing awareness of health issues linked to diet, such as obesity and chronic diseases, is leading to an increase in healthy food consumption. However we cannot deny that processed foods still dominate global diets
Studies indicate that globally, around 30% to 40% of people are actively trying to consume healthier foods. This includes a focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.However these stats also indicate regional differences there is- higher percentage of people consuming healthy foods in developed countries compared to developing countries ,
Processed foods are becoming more common in developing countries, can you guess why?
Here is your answer: Changing Lifestyles, Urbanisation, Limited accessibility, because of these reasons there is increased consumption of sugary snacks and fast food in Developing nations.
The Dual Popularity of Healthy and Processed Foods in Today's World-
Reason behind this duality:
1) Health Consciousness- An increasing number of consumers are prioritising health, because they desire to stay healthy, combat diseases and improve overall well-being. As a result, there’s increase in the demand for fresh produce, Many people are turning to organic foods and supplements, eager to invest in their health. However, this consciousness often coexists with the convenience of processed foods.
2)Easy Accessibility-Processed food are easily accessible, plus they are easy to make and Pre-packaged meals, snacks, and instant options save time and effort in meal preparation. While these foods are often criticised for their nutritional value, many brands are responding to consumer demand by creating healthier versions.
3)Urbanisation and Lifestyle changes-In todays fact pacing society its kind of tough to keep up with traditional cooking, so processed food serves the purpose, Yet, many urban consumers are also seeking out healthier options .
4)Innovations in Food Technology- Advancements in food technology have made it possible to create processed foods that are both tasty and nutritious.
Innovations like - plant-based meats, cater to health-conscious consumers while providing the convenience they seek. This blending of health and processing meets diverse dietary needs.
Conclusion :
• The parallel popularity of Healthy and Processed food shows how with increasing health consciousness still there is huge and popular market for Packaged Food because of – Accessibility, Urbanisation and Cultural Fusion, people specially in ‘Developing countries’ are opting more of packaged food , while there is a huge market and popularity for healthy food in ‘Developed Countries’
However this does not mean that people in developing countries don’t consume healthy foods but percentage is less compared to developing nations.This evolution suggests a future where healthy and processed options can coexist harmoniously, meeting the diverse needs of a global population.
‘We can stay healthy and happy all we need is just balance’
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ci12 · 8 days
Understanding the Role of Global Tobacco Brands on Cigarette Price in Dubai
Global tobacco brands play a significant role in shaping the cigarette market in Dubai, influencing pricing trends, consumer preferences, and the overall landscape of tobacco consumption. Dubai, as an international hub with a diverse population, attracts a range of premium and mass-market cigarette brands from around the world. The presence of these global players creates a dynamic environment where cigarette prices are affected by factors such as brand positioning, market demand, and global economic shifts.
Impact of Brand Positioning on Prices
One of the key ways that global tobacco brands influence the cigarette price in Dubai is through their brand positioning. Premium brands like Marlboro, Dunhill, and Davidoff are positioned as high-end products, appealing to consumers willing to pay more for perceived quality, status, and experience. These brands often emphasize craftsmanship, flavor, and luxury, which allows them to charge a premium price. In contrast, more affordable brands cater to price-sensitive consumers, offering cigarettes at lower prices while maintaining sufficient quality to remain competitive in the market.
The pricing strategies of these brands reflect the diversity of Dubai's consumer base. Wealthy residents and tourists may prefer premium brands, while expatriate workers and locals looking for budget-friendly options might opt for lower-cost alternatives. This broad spectrum of demand creates a tiered pricing structure, driven largely by the strategies of global tobacco brands.
Marketing and Consumer Perception
Marketing and advertising play a crucial role in shaping how consumers perceive global tobacco brands, which in turn impacts pricing. Even in countries like the UAE, where strict regulations limit tobacco advertising, brand identity is often maintained through packaging, brand loyalty, and indirect marketing channels such as sponsorships in other countries.
When a global brand builds strong consumer loyalty, it gains the ability to command higher prices. Consumers associate these brands with quality and trust, making them willing to pay a premium. This brand-driven pricing effect is evident in the higher price points of internationally recognized cigarette brands compared to local or less-known alternatives. As a result, the cigarette price in Dubai reflects not only the cost of manufacturing and distribution but also the value of the brand in the eyes of consumers.
Global Economic and Trade Influences
The price of cigarettes in Dubai is also affected by broader economic conditions that impact global tobacco brands. Many of the largest tobacco companies source their products or raw materials from countries like the United States, Brazil, and China. Changes in trade agreements, currency fluctuations, and international tariffs can all influence the cost of importing cigarettes to Dubai.
For example, if a global tobacco company experiences increased production costs due to higher tariffs or raw material shortages, they may pass these costs on to consumers. Similarly, currency exchange rates between the UAE dirham and the currencies of tobacco-producing countries can affect the cost of imports. When the cost of importing cigarettes rises, consumers in Dubai may face price increases, even for well-established global brands.
Supply Chain and Distribution Networks
Global tobacco brands rely on sophisticated supply chains and distribution networks to ensure their products reach markets like Dubai efficiently. Any disruptions in these networks, whether due to political instability, natural disasters, or logistical issues, can have a ripple effect on the availability and pricing of cigarettes.
For instance, if a brand faces difficulties in sourcing tobacco or transporting its products to Dubai, the scarcity of the brand’s cigarettes could lead to a temporary price increase. On the other hand, when supply chains operate smoothly, brands can maintain consistent pricing, making their products more attractive to price-conscious consumers.
Regulatory Environment and Taxation
Dubai’s regulatory environment also plays a crucial role in determining cigarette prices, especially in relation to global tobacco brands. The UAE government has implemented excise taxes on tobacco products to curb smoking and generate public revenue. These taxes apply uniformly to all cigarette brands, but the impact on pricing can vary depending on the base cost of each brand.
Premium global brands, already positioned at a higher price point, may absorb these taxes more seamlessly, while cheaper brands may see more noticeable price hikes as they operate on tighter margins. As taxes increase, brands may choose to adjust their pricing strategies to remain competitive in a market where consumers are increasingly price-sensitive due to rising costs.
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valmarkint · 9 days
Waste Inspection Services in India: A Key to Sustainable Waste Management
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Waste management is one of the most pressing environmental issues in today's world. With growing populations and rapid industrialization, waste generation has increased exponentially. Proper waste management is crucial for minimizing environmental damage and ensuring the sustainability of our ecosystems. Among the various solutions, waste inspection services play a vital role in ensuring that waste is handled, processed, and disposed of in compliance with environmental laws and standards. In this blog, we will explore the importance of waste inspection services in India, along with a brief comparison of similar services in the USA and the UK.
What Are Waste Inspection Services?
Waste inspection services involve the systematic monitoring and assessment of waste handling and management processes. The goal of these services is to ensure that all types of waste, whether municipal, industrial, or hazardous, are disposed of safely and by environmental regulations. Waste inspectors examine the collection, segregation, recycling, and disposal processes to identify any violations, risks, or inefficiencies. These inspections help to maintain environmental safety, public health, and operational efficiency in waste management.
Importance of Waste Inspection Services in India
India generates a staggering 62 million tons of waste annually, of which only about 75-80% is collected, and less than 25% is processed or treated. The rest ends up in landfills or open spaces, creating serious environmental hazards. In this context, waste inspection services are crucial for ensuring that waste management practices adhere to proper standards.
Here are some key reasons why waste inspection services are essential in India:
 1. Compliance with Environmental Regulations
India has established various laws and regulations to manage waste, including the Solid Waste Management Rules (2016), Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules (2016), and the Plastic Waste Management Rules (2016). Waste inspection services help ensure that municipalities, industries, and private waste handlers comply with these regulations. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal actions, and environmental degradation.
 2. Prevention of Environmental Pollution
Improper waste disposal leads to water contamination, air pollution, and soil degradation. For instance, the unregulated disposal of hazardous chemicals into rivers can result in serious health issues for communities that rely on these water sources. Waste inspectors monitor the entire waste disposal chain to identify such violations and ensure corrective actions are taken.
 3. Promoting Efficient Recycling and Resource Recovery
Recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce the environmental impact of waste. However, the recycling rate in India remains low due to inefficient segregation practices and lack of proper systems. Waste inspection services help promote efficient recycling by ensuring that waste is properly segregated at the source and directing recyclable materials to appropriate facilities.
 4. Reduction of Landfill Overflows
India’s landfills are overflowing, and many have reached or exceeded their capacity. In cities like Delhi, landfills have become major contributors to air and water pollution. Waste inspection services help reduce the burden on landfills by encouraging waste diversion to recycling and composting facilities and by identifying alternative disposal methods for non-recyclable waste.
 5. Ensuring Public Health and Safety
Improper waste disposal and management are linked to various public health issues, including respiratory problems, vector-borne diseases, and infections caused by exposure to hazardous materials. Waste inspectors play a vital role in ensuring that waste is handled in a way that minimizes risks to public health.
 Challenges Facing Waste Inspection Services in India
Despite their importance, waste inspection services in India face several challenges. These include:
- Lack of Resources: Many municipalities lack the funding, equipment, and personnel necessary to carry out regular waste inspections.
- Inadequate Training: Waste management is a highly specialized field, and proper training is essential for inspectors to identify violations and enforce regulations effectively.
- Corruption and Non-compliance: In some cases, industries and waste handlers may evade inspections through bribery or other forms of corruption, leading to unchecked environmental harm.
- Public Awareness: Waste inspection services alone cannot solve the waste management crisis in India. Public awareness and cooperation are also critical for ensuring that waste is properly segregated and disposed of at the household and community levels.
 Comparison with Waste Inspection Services in the USA and the UK
Waste inspection services are not unique to India; similar practices are implemented worldwide, including in the USA and the UK. However, these countries have different approaches due to varying regulations, resources, and waste management systems.
 1. Waste Inspection Services in the USA
In the USA, waste inspection services are more standardized and often linked to stringent federal and state-level regulations, such as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Clean Water Act. Inspections in the USA focus heavily on hazardous waste management and compliance with stringent landfill operation standards. The country's advanced waste treatment and recycling infrastructure ensure that a significant portion of waste is recycled or repurposed.
 2. Waste Inspection Services in the UK
The UK follows a highly organized waste management system, with the Environment Agency overseeing waste inspections. The UK government also implements strict regulations around waste segregation, recycling, and disposal. Inspections in the UK are often conducted in coordination with private waste management companies and focus on minimizing landfill use while maximizing recycling efforts. The UK’s "zero waste" targets and circular economy initiatives have resulted in a more sustainable approach to waste management.
Waste inspection services play a critical role in sustainable waste management, particularly in a country like India, where waste generation is growing rapidly, and mismanagement poses significant environmental and public health risks. Ensuring compliance with regulations, reducing pollution, and promoting recycling are just a few of the benefits these services provide.
As waste inspection practices evolve, they are becoming more vital in shaping the future of waste management, both in India and globally. With advancements in technology, data-driven waste tracking systems, and increasing public awareness, the effectiveness of waste inspections will only improve over time.
For comprehensive waste inspection services that adhere to global standards and ensure compliance with regulations in India, USA, and UK, Valmark International is a trusted name in the field. Contact Valmark International today to learn more about their expert solutions for waste inspections and sustainable waste management practices across the globe.
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Top Outdoor Advertising Agency in Daporijo: JanusOOH Leading the Way
Daporijo, a serene town in Arunachal Pradesh, is rapidly evolving, with new businesses and brands emerging in its unique market. Outdoor advertising plays a pivotal role in connecting these local businesses with their target audiences. JanusOOH has positioned itself as the top outdoor advertising agency in Daporijo, offering innovative solutions that cater to the distinct needs of the region.
Why Outdoor Advertising is Crucial in Daporijo
Daporijo is known for its vibrant culture and natural beauty, but it also faces certain geographical and infrastructural challenges. The town’s location and spread make traditional advertising channels less effective. This is where outdoor advertising steps in. Billboards, hoardings, bus shelters, and banners become powerful tools to reach a broad audience, especially in areas where digital penetration is lower compared to urban hubs.
For brands in Daporijo, outdoor advertising ensures maximum visibility, reaching both residents and visitors alike. Whether promoting local businesses, government initiatives, or national brands, outdoor ads are hard to miss. With the town's primary means of commuting being on foot, bicycles, and motorcycles, well-placed outdoor advertisements have an incredible reach.
JanusOOH: Tailoring Strategies for Daporijo
JanusOOH understands the nuances of the local market. They’ve mastered the art of adapting their strategies to meet the distinct socio-cultural environment of Daporijo. By combining local expertise with global advertising trends, JanusOOH ensures impactful outdoor campaigns.
Localized Approach:One of the core strengths of JanusOOH is their deep understanding of the local audience. In Daporijo, outdoor advertisements must speak to the cultural context of the town’s diverse population. JanusOOH excels in crafting ad campaigns that resonate with the local community, from traditional motifs to relevant messaging in the native languages. This approach ensures that the advertisements aren’t just seen but felt and remembered.
Prime Locations for Maximum Exposure:JanusOOH prides itself on securing the most strategic advertising locations. In a place like Daporijo, where main roads, markets, and public gathering spots are limited, the choice of location is key to a successful campaign. Whether it’s a billboard placed at a bustling intersection or a banner near a popular market, JanusOOH ensures that brands are showcased in the most visible and high-traffic areas.
Creative Solutions with Modern Technology:Innovation drives JanusOOH’s outdoor advertising strategies. They use cutting-edge technology to create engaging and visually appealing ads that stand out. By incorporating interactive elements, high-quality visuals, and eye-catching designs, their outdoor ads command attention and leave a lasting impression. Even in a town as remote as Daporijo, JanusOOH brings a modern flair to traditional advertising.
A Trusted Partner for Growth
Businesses in Daporijo, whether local shops or larger enterprises, have come to rely on JanusOOH for their advertising needs. The agency’s commitment to delivering results, combined with their creativity and local expertise, makes them the top choice for outdoor advertising in the town.
In a region where word of mouth and visibility play critical roles, JanusOOH ensures that brands aren’t just heard but seen and recognized. For businesses looking to expand their reach in Daporijo, partnering with JanusOOH guarantees exposure and engagement with the right audience.
Whether you're a new business or an established name, JanusOOH’s tailored outdoor advertising solutions in Daporijo can help you grow and succeed in this unique market.
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sunalimerchant · 13 days
Why Selling Your Car Online in Dubai is Ideal for Expats
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For expats living in Dubai, owning a car is often a necessity. The city’s expansive road network and the need for convenient transport make having a car one of the most practical choices for daily commuting. However, when it comes time to leave Dubai or upgrade to a new vehicle, selling a car can seem like a daunting task, especially for expats who may not be familiar with the local market. Fortunately, the option to sell a car online in Dubai has become a seamless and effective solution, particularly for expats who seek convenience, transparency, and speed in the selling process.
In this article, we explore why selling your car online in Dubai is an ideal option for expats and how it simplifies the entire process.
Convenience and Time-Saving
For expats who lead busy lives or are preparing for a move, selling a car in person can be time-consuming and stressful. From placing ads to arranging viewings and negotiating with potential buyers, the traditional method of selling a car can take weeks or even months. This is where selling your car online comes in as a convenient alternative.
With the ability to sell a car online in Dubai, expats can handle the entire process from the comfort of their home or office. Online platforms designed for car sales in Dubai allow you to list your vehicle in just a few steps. All you need to do is upload photos, provide relevant details about the car, and set a price. Many of these platforms offer built-in tools to help you estimate the car's value, further simplifying the process. This not only saves time but also reduces the need for face-to-face interactions, especially when handling multiple buyers.
Access to a Large Pool of Buyers
One of the biggest advantages of choosing to sell a car online in Dubai is the access to a broad range of potential buyers. Dubai’s diverse population includes locals, expatriates, and tourists, all of whom may be in the market for a car. Selling online ensures that your vehicle listing reaches a wide audience across the city and even beyond.
Online platforms typically have thousands of daily users searching for cars, increasing the likelihood of a quick sale. For expats, this means less waiting and a higher chance of selling their car at a fair price. Traditional methods, such as posting ads in local newspapers or waiting for word-of-mouth referrals, cannot compete with the vast reach of online car marketplaces.
Transparent and Competitive Pricing
For expats who may not be well-versed in the intricacies of the local car market, determining the right selling price can be tricky. Overpricing your car can deter buyers, while underpricing it may result in financial loss. When you sell a car online in Dubai, many platforms provide tools that allow sellers to compare prices of similar cars on the market. This helps in setting a competitive and realistic price, ensuring that you attract serious buyers without undervaluing your vehicle.
Moreover, online car sales platforms often offer services like free car inspections and valuations, giving you a clear understanding of your car’s worth before listing it for sale. For expats who are not familiar with the local market or may not have the time to research, these features are incredibly helpful.
Simple Documentation and Hassle-Free Process
One of the common concerns expats face when selling a car in Dubai is dealing with the necessary paperwork. The process of transferring ownership, de-registering the vehicle, and ensuring all the legalities are in place can be confusing, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the procedures.
Selling a car online often simplifies this aspect as many platforms offer comprehensive assistance in handling the paperwork. Some websites even have partnerships with professional services that handle everything from inspection to ownership transfer on behalf of the seller, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience. This is particularly beneficial for expats who are busy or planning to leave the country and need a quick resolution.
Safe and Secure Transactions
Safety is a top concern when selling any valuable item, and cars are no exception. Meeting with strangers for test drives or negotiations can be risky. Selling your car online, however, minimizes this risk. Online platforms provide a controlled environment for both buyers and sellers, and some even offer secure payment options that ensure you receive your money before the car changes hands.
For expats who are unfamiliar with local customs and practices, selling through an established online platform adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that the transaction is conducted in a professional and transparent manner.
Selling a car can be a complicated and stressful process, especially for expats in Dubai who may not have a clear understanding of the local market. However, choosing to sell a car online in Dubai offers several advantages that make the process faster, safer, and more convenient. From gaining access to a large pool of buyers to receiving professional assistance with documentation, online car sales platforms streamline the experience and provide a hassle-free solution for expats looking to sell their vehicles.
By opting for an online car sale, expats can save time, ensure competitive pricing, and complete the transaction with confidence, all while enjoying the convenience of modern technology.
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menadigitalsr · 28 days
Reasons to Focus on Local SEO in Dubai for Remarkable Web Presence
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Local SEO is crucial for companies aiming to attract customers within the city. Dubai’s diverse and dynamic market requires businesses to target local customers effectively. With a population that is both transient and multicultural, having a strong local SEO strategy helps businesses stand out in a competitive landscape. Local SEO optimizes online presence to appear in search results when potential customers look for services or products in Dubai. By focusing on local keywords, creating Google My Business profiles, and acquiring local back-links, businesses can improve their visibility. This increased visibility ensures that when Dubai residents or visitors search for relevant services, your business is more likely to appear at the top of their search results.
Targeted Traffic and Higher Conversion Rates
Targeting local customers through SEO strategies means attracting people who are already in your area and likely to visit your business. This local focus leads to more qualified leads, as these individuals are searching specifically for services in Dubai. Consequently, this targeted traffic often results in higher conversion rates compared to a broader, less focused approach.
Competitive Advantage
Markets in Dubai are highly competitive, with numerous businesses vying for consumer attention. Implementing Local SEO Dubai will help differentiate your business from competitors. By appearing in local search results and maps, you can capture the attention of potential customers who might otherwise turn to a competitor. Effective local SEO not only enhances your online presence but also establishes credibility and trust within the local market.
Focusing on local SEO in Dubai is essential for improving visibility, attracting targeted traffic, and gaining a competitive edge. By tailoring your SEO strategies to the local market, your business can effectively connect with Dubai’s diverse consumer base.
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