#less tired werewolves
Miscellaneous Tweaks
Okay, I've had a bunch of random tweaks I've wanted to release for a long time, but I'd feel weird making separate posts for such tiny tweaks, so (download link below):
2xLenientWolfpackValues: Reduces by 2x how often your Werewolf Sim needs to do the things listed under 'Pack Values' if the Sim is in a werewolf pack.
4xLenientWolfpackValues: Reduces by 4x how often your Werewolf Sim needs to do the things listed under 'Pack Values' if the Sim is in a werewolf pack.
HungrierWerewolves: Makes Werewolves' Hunger need decrease a bit faster, and makes them need to eat a bit more to replenish it. REQUIRES XML INJECTOR!
LessTiredWerewolves: Makes Werewolves' Energy need decrease at half speed, but increase slightly slower. REQUIRES XML INJECTOR!
NoTenseWerewolfProximityBuffOnPets: Pets won't get tense from being near transformed (but not rampaging) Werewolves. (Yes, this is a re-release. I've deleted its original post.)
SlowerVampireTurning: Doubles the time it takes for Vampires to turn.
SlowerWerewolfTurning: Doubles the time it takes for Werewolves to turn, and makes Werebies last twice as long.
SadVampireGuiltyDrinkerBuff: Makes the buff Vampires with the Guilty Drinker weakness get from drinking from Sims Sad instead of Tense.
Download them here!(MediaFire, separate packages)
(Overridden XMLs under the cut. Also this is hopefully common sense, but 2xLenientWolfpackValues and 4xLenientWolfpackValues conflict, because they override the same thing.)
no overrides
no overrides
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theminecraftbee · 1 month
The moon has fully set over the horizon. The howling over the server has stopped. Four Hermits sit in a circle, staring just slightly away from each other, as to not be caught staring. Joe is miserably trying to wring mud out of his puppet. Stress isn't bothering about the mud at all but is despairing at how shredded her jumper is. Somehow, Zedaph has only lost a shoe, which is more concerning than any of the prior people. Xisuma is deliberately not checking himself. The damning lack of helmet on his head, though, means he can't avoid feeling how he underwent the same terrible transformation as everyone else.
"So," he says, finally.
"I could use pants," Joe says, finally giving up on washing out his puppet, and, ah. Yes. Those are pretty well destroyed, aren't they? Xisuma looks away politely, feeling his face heat up. It heats up more when he realizes everyone can see it, gosh, he's–he's not so sure how he feels about that–
"I think we all need pants. Look at us," Stress says, and if Xisuma can be looking away any harder, he sure is now. Wait, she said 'all', does that include... Oh, oh dear.
"Well I don't know about you, but I still have perfectly serviceable pants," Zedaph says imperiously.
"You know, if anything, that's weirder, given the way we were all giant wolves traipsing around in the night just now. Which is strange itself! However, wolves don't normally wear pants, so really, the fact the only article of clothing you've lost is your shoes is less miraculous and more actively impossible!" Joe responds.
"Well you're actively impossible," mutters Zedaph.
"My god, it was real," Xisuma says.
"Well, I mean, I sort of figured it had to be, what with the four of us being all covered in mud and tired and your helmet being gone and all that," Stress says.
"It was real," Xisuma says.
The four of them sit in silence a little longer. The sun continues its steady march upwards into the sky. It's April; the day is longer than the night, by now, so they aren't wasting but so much time compared to the time the moon was up. The time the moon was up feels a bit more like a dream than anything else, too; distantly, Xisuma wonders if this is what spiders feel like when they become angry during the night, or what drives the undead from the ground. It's a disquieting thought, and he'd literally lived in a skeleton!
"So," Joe says. "So. Which one of us is going to yell at Zedaph for biting us?"
"Rude!" Zedaph says. "Very rude, I'm not the one that bit you! You bit me! Xisuma bit me, actually, you all saw him!"
"What? No, I didn't!" Xisuma says. "Gosh, if I were a werewolf, don't you think you'd know by now?"
"Hm. Suspicious," Zedaph says.
"No?" Xisuma says.
"I mean, I'd try to claim it was my fault, what with being a monster and all, but I'm actually a different sort of beastie normally," Stress says. "Being all doggy is new for me. I should show Iskall. Hey, do you think I should bite Iskall?"
"Yes," Zedaph says.
"No," Xisuma says.
"I'll split the difference and say maybe," Joe says. "Also, since we're arguing about it anyway, I'll say that I think I'd remember if I bit someone, although maybe I wouldn't. It's been a weird night. Maybe I should just go ahead and get everyone apology gifts instead?"
"Please don't," Zedaph says.
"Aww, but I like his gifts," Stress says.
"Honestly, yeah, I was–no, Zedaph is right, it'd be too distracting," Xisuma says, thinking of many of the, er, gifts he's gotten from Joe in the past. "Besides, it's not your fault. But if none of us bit anyone, then why on earth are we all werewolves no–oh no."
"That was ominous?" Joe says.
"Oh. Ohhhhhh," Zedaph says. "Whoops."
"It was supposed to be a joke about investment bankers," Xisuma says.
"Wait, what, do you really think the silly name turned us into werewolves?" Stress says.
"I had other season plans, Xisuma!" Joe says.
"Hey, does that make me a sheep in wolf's clothing that's also a wolf that turns into a sheep that turns into a wolf? If so, neat," Zedaph says.
"Do you know how annoying it will be to get a werewolf puppet?" Joe says.
"Gosh, I absolutely have to bite Iskall now," Stress says.
Xisuma, for a moment, considers putting a stop to it. If it really is the silly name, the collective, the hats and the howls–if it really is the collective weight of story bearing down on all of them–then really, it's still so early that it would be very easy to stop.
Xisuma considers the competition the rest of the shopping district poses, and how easy it will be to move as a collective when they're also a pack.
Also, he hasn't actually been a wolf before. That's one mob he hasn't done!
"You should bite Iskall. I want to know what it does," Xisuma says, deciding that he's quite bored with being responsible and that if someone wants to stop it, it will have to be not him. "But, er, first, in the meantime, do you think he or Doc is better to ask for a helmet that'll grow to fit my muzzle instead of nearly trapping my skull?"
"Hm," Stress says. "Well, Iskall is pretty good at head electronics."
"Yeah, but Doc is a better choice for abominations against nature!" Joe says.
"What about me? I like abominations," Zedaph says.
"It's okay, Zedaph, it's just you don't make many helmets, is all," Xisuma says. "We'll run around being abominations of nature, gosh, most full moons together. Is that good enough?"
"Fine," Zedaph says. "I'm bringing the snacks. I have sheep, and I've always wanted to try cannibalism."
"I guess werewolves wouldn't have to worry about prions," Joe says, nodding.
"Well, if you're going to get Doc, I'm going to go bite Iskall. I know I don't got fangs right now but it'll be very funny either way," Stress says.
"Have fun!" Xisuma says, and even though he's still red, and no one has pants but Zedaph, and he feels vaguely sick without his helmet, he also feels something close to pure delight. Gosh. Werewolves, huh? What a concept, having a little pack. He'll have to make the most of it; they've already seen his face anyway, and not one of them have commented or looked him in the eyes. Clearly, it won't matter so much if Doc takes a while with the helmet.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [GLASS TIES] ❞
request by lovely anon who loves isaac and pain. pairing: isaac lahey x reader. summary: isaac and you share the perfect summer fling. those ties don't last when summer ends. content warnings: mentions of sex and death. there's like a huge teen wolf spoiler but i mean the show is over for years now. word count: 1,4k+
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working during summer wasn't your ideal way to enjoy the warm days and freedom from school work, unfortunately the city library needed help and you needed all the extra crap possible to make your resume look nice, full and interesting for colleges, so you'd spend three afternoons a week helping nerdy teens and old ladies find the books they wanted, register it as they borrowed it and more recently, read to a group of children once a week.
it wasn't the worst job, it could be quite fun... but it was mostly just silence, quietness and a bit of boredom, you enjoyed having access to that many books, but even you got tired of reading after a while, so when the most beautiful guy you've ever seen waited for you to notice him, you were busy laughing at your phone like an idiot.
and he could've faked a cough or anything of the sort to call you out, but instead he decided to simply lean down and insert his head in between your face and your phone, looking directly at you as he did so and making you screech from the scare. "oh my god, what're you doing?"
"getting your lazy ass back to work, apparently." he's nonchalant, his smirk makes him annoyingly handsome, and you'd remember those eyes and those curls anywhere.
isaac lahey, a year older than you, blue eyes, golden curly locks, greek god possibly. you blinked quickly and shook your head, so nervous you couldn't even think of a comeback to his sneaky comment. "so-sorry, do you need help?"
"need a book."
"good, we have some of those here, yes." you found your breach to tease him and you took it without even thinking, trying not to panic as the words left your mouth. isaac enjoyed it though, laughing and nodding along.
"sure, yeah, sorry. werewolves, uh, the less... fictional the better." you're about the laugh it off, yeah right. but he was completely serious, if only a bit concerned about having to ask for those.
you nodded and thought for a minute, putting up key words on the system to see if you could find anything. "we have some really old ones in our more special section, but they can't leave the building. also i wouldn't call them non fictional... i mean, werewolves right?" you shrug, chuckling lightly and he's oh, extremely amused, genuine laughing and you're not sure why. "but uh... they're quite old and kinda damaged, so we don't really know what the purpose of it was."
you take him to the back of the library and shows him the two books you mentioned, they are big, old and dusty and isaac has the time of his laughing laughing at how much you were sneezing back there. "glad you're having fun, but lower your voice, funny boy." you whisper shaking your head disapprovingly, but your smile was too difficult to hide.
you go back to the reception after telling him the library rules again, thinking that would probably be it; but it wasn't.
he took the books to where you were working, taking the closest table to you. he would spend minutes on end just reading, looking beautifully focused, but then he would glance at you and catch you staring at him, isaac would then smile, tell you to go back to work as you told him to keep his voice down.
it was the most fun you had since the summer started.
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isaac went back to the library every day after that, shamelessly leaving if you weren't working until he memorized the days you would be there. he truly wasn't much of a library guy, but he enjoyed spending time with you there. it was quiet, much quieter than his mind and his life, but still, it wasn't boring, at least not for him.
after the first week the books didn't matter, not giving him much more information for what he was going through, making you blush though, that mattered a lot and he noticed he was quite good at it.
he was getting used to having girls looking at him more, but something in you stood out. he figured out soon it was simply the fact you've been secretly glancing at him even before he changed. turned.
you would make comments as he walked you home after your shift ended, and he knew you didn't even notice how endearing it was or how much of a tell it was, so not a bike guy anymore? or you gained some weight, right? like, not in a bad way, not that gaining weight is bad, you're just... stronger now.
isaac felt connected to you somehow because of that, you had no idea of what he was, or how bad his life was before, but still, you liked him even then, even when he was broken and you didn't even know him. knowing someone paid some attention to him back then gives him conflicted feelings, but most of them are good. warm. tender.
you make him feel soft. and normal. and wanted. and he knows he could've made his move on you much sooner, but oh, he enjoyed the pining, the blushing, the way you bit your lower lip and tucked your hair behind your ear whenever he complimented you. he enjoyed the teasing too much.
after he kissed your lips for the first time though, he figured out what he enjoyed more than the teasing.
being a werewolf in a freak city meant he didn't always have the amount of time he wished he had to spend with you. but that summer, all the time he had at his dispose was spent with you. calling you, texting you, working with you.
he would take you to late night movies, bowling and ice cream, so terribly charming even when he awkwardly ended up meeting your mom after sneaking in and cuddling with you all night, she adored him. gave him a pass to sleep over as long as he didn't sneak in and the door to your room was always open.
you both followed the rules strictly, but your mom wasn't a light sleeper, so what started with you guiding his hand down your pants ended up with him taking your virginity. slowly, quietly, tenderly. he locked eyes with you and didn't glance away for one second that night. told you words that were probably too soon to be said.
the three words left your lips like a secret, matching his.
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things changed when summer ended, school coming at you in full speed.
and maybe it was your fault, with all ap classes, extracurricular, volunteer works you put yourself through, or maybe it was the naivety of not asking what you two were, of not labeling what you both shared before the outside world came into play.
or maybe it was isaac's fault, and the way his outspoken personality sometimes served as a shield to his secretive actions. whatever it really was, you would barely see each other at school, each with your own little friend group, different classes, you were lucky to catch him in the hallways, where he would smile at you and touch your hand lightly as if you two were a secret.
were you? not exactly, but isaac wanted to keep you away from the mess, away from the killing, the blood, the fear. he didn't want to taint what you both had, so the more you didn't have time, the more he got away from you, slipped from your fingers.
and before you could even fight it, try anything to keep him, there was allison.
laughing with him, touching his arms, knowing things about him you would never dream about, you could see it, even from afar, the eyes of two people who connected.
it broke you. but you couldn't do anything about it, you felt like it was your fault, as if your oh so busy academic life pushed him away. you let him go, no more texts, no more looking for a glance and a soft touch pass the hallways.
for weeks it was almost like it never happened, like your life was ever the same, like it didn't change past summer. of course you would go through the texts you shared from time to time, shed a few tears and pretend to get over it. and it worked.
until he was at your door sobbing. bloody. completely lost.
allison was dead. and nothing would ever be the same again.
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awyeahitssam · 3 months
My Writing Masterlist
Since I post on here far more consistently then on ao3 for reasons, I figured I would compile a list of my writing for those who don't like sifting through fandoms they could care less about to get to the good stuff. 
Separated by fandom, and somewhat by trope. 
Harry Potter:
Harry eats a God. 
Harry just can't seem to stay dead. TW: Suicide, character death, frequent character death, torture, murder, disjointed snippets, discontinued + Harry dissociates. Connected, same warnings may apply. 
First Encounters: Time loop, Voldemort-as-Quirrell visits the Dursleys and is less than pleased. 
First Encounters: The first time Harry meets Voldemort, the man he's been trained to kill all his life, he's nineteen, and Voldemort recognizes him. 
Prisoner Harry tells Voldemort about the Dursleys like it's a bedtime story. 
Except for the incident, Harry really doesn't tend to talk a lot when he has a concussion. Stream of thought narrative, character injury.
Literally just Empath!Harry spoilers. Harry, at his trial, allowing himself be petty to an extent. 
Harry gets drunk, pulled into Voldemort's mind, and decides he wants to share his good mood.
Tea shop AU.  + more  Tea Shop (weather) AU. + something actually Tea-based under the cut
Four of a Kind AU: Learning to kiss split-scene. Harry/Harry, referenced Harry/Horcrux + They meet. They kiss. What if. Voldemort/Harry + In the aftermath Voldemort/Harry
Kid Fic: Harry ‘dies’ as a child. Mentor!Voldemort, absolutely not a pairing ficlet. 
Kid Fic: Harry and Voldemort’s kid lands in the past during a duel at the Ministry. Pre-Harrymort, Micah, not quite the kiss you'd expect.
Female Harry, world-jumping, rationally angry. Tom/Harry intended, if Harry will chill out on the murder. 
Harry likes to feel pretty. Horcrux/Harry, Harry wears makeup, etc. 
Tom and Harry jump through time to each other. Tomarry, growing up, fluff, brief kissing, Harry’s older
Dragon AU, I have a lot more of this one written, I should dump that some day. Harry/Horcruxes
Harry/Tom: pillow forts, soft angst, unresolved, broken promises
Harry's really fucking sick and tired of being told what the fuck to do. 
Tom-after-Voldemort is the first person Harry has ever spoken to. Isolation, lighthearted, odd, old and forgotten. 
Harry never imagines the effect getting a boyfriend would have on Riddle. Jealous Tom. 
Harry messes with Diary!Tom
Harry and Voldemort have to complete a task based on the colour of the others' robes, for some reason?
Harry is kidnapped and wakes up in an incredibly comfortable bed. Voldemorts knows Harry is his horcrux.
Harry ruthlessly defends Hogwarts against encroaching Death Eaters. Sixth Year.
It's one paragraph guys.
Prompt-based: Tom possesses Harry when he's afraid. Hermione POV.
Prompt-based: Santa forgot about Harry, again.
Prompt-based: Tom watches Harry draw dirty, dirty things at church.
Teen Wolf, all at least peripherally intended as Stiles/Peter
Kid Fic + Genderbend + Time Travel: Stiles is in the past and nobody is raising Malia, so she sure as shit will.
Stiles has known about werewolves since he was nine, and now that he's off the college it seems his dad has gottten involved. No Hale Fire, Protective Stiles
The first thing Kate does when she comes back to Beacon Hills is kidnap Peter. Human!Alpha Stiles, eventual Steter, pre-slash
Stiles has the curse of obedience. Stiles/Peter
Flower shop AU! Ft. Petty Peter and insulting bouquets.
Peter says he hates Stiles. Stiles begs to differ. 
Werewolf Stiles wakes up in the middle of Beacon Hills woods naked, and tries to keep it low key from there. Bakery AU, kinda. Peter/Stiles
First Encounters: The Hale pack summons Stiles to the past. 
First Encounters: The first time Stiles meets Peter he is drunk. Stiles is a rude, very straight-forward drunk who steps all over issues like dead family and psychosis. It’s like he had a minefield map and is intentionally stepping on every trigger. 
Stiles meets Peter in the hospital.
Stiles pulls back because he doesn't want Peter to mess up his dress shirt, not because he doesn't want the bite. 
Stiles crochets magic shit. Fluff. 
Negotiations go well. 
Peter being the literal worst, holy hell, this hurts to read. Have some angst. Past-Stiles/Peter
Okay, my bad for that last one. Have some comfort. Crying, comfort, Stiles & Peter
Dragon Stiles is constantly underestimated. 
Stiles beats Peter, sore loser extraordinaire. 
Me acting like Stiles has shame for some reason.
Female Stiles gets forcibly genderbent and is not putting up with anybody's shit. Body dysmorphia, shitty friends, anger issues, sexism. Peter/Stiles
Female Stiles and Peter. Shower, soft.
Stiles writes smutty fanfic, as he should. 
Stiles being a bad influence on his little self, ft Knowing Himself Too Fucking Well. Time travel AU, torture
Peter walks away. 
Peter/Stiles, marking, one of the sexiest things I've ever written imo 
Peter is dumb, stupid, silly villain. 
Peter’s timing is about as good as Stiles’ filter. Dumb, stupid villain antics. 
Stiles threatens Peter, /lh
Stiles is justifiably sad after a movie. 
Tony Stark-centric:
Gen: Tony takes after Maria. Few people recognize a predator wrapped up in such Tony packaging. 
Gen: Tony bantering with, and teasing, Peter. 
Tony Stark uses the infinity stones. 
Tony survives the stones. 
Tony proposes. In public. In a way that undeniably affirms his feelings. Loki/Tony
Loki meets Morgan for the first time. Loki/Tony, kid fic
Hair Kink—I mean braiding! Aha, ha, ha… Loki/Tony
Female Toni doesn't take well to her children being threatened. 
Soulmates? Tony/Loki
Rhodey gives Loki the shovel talk ft. Parks & Rec
Tony saves the day…?
Bleach / Time travel: Ichigo isn't supposed to be here. 
The 100: Cage Wallace stages a coup before the forty-eight arrive. (Or: Dante Wallace dies before his time.) This changes everything.
Tagged: 10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Shorts
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p0rkbun · 10 months
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⤿summary: News had been going around about vandalism of multiple properties and attacks in new york because of a vicious unknown animal, leaving a question in your mind along with paranoia whenever you walk home back to your apartment. As you walk back home, you suspect there was something else in your apartment.
⤿pairing: Werewolf! Samantha Carpenter x Reader
⤿warning(s): mentions of vandalism, blood, injury, gore possibly, cringe writing, my knowledge of werewolves is purely taken from teen wolf and folklore wiki, not proof read, gif is not mine.
⤿a/n: if you know which song the title is referenced, ily. This was a sorta horror/gore writing test?
⤿word count: 1.5k
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You gather your belongings as the clock passes eight-thirty. Every Saturday, you take an extra class with your professor along with some other students at your college campus. Usually, class was dimissed at eight twenty, but your professor thought it would be sweet for the class to listen to his ten-minute advice on the lesson, much to everyone's demise.
Everyone was tired, either hungry, eager to go home, or both. For you, you were exhausted. Sometimes you wonder why you chose to have extra class; maybe it was your high-achieving mind, though you were already sick studying your ass off during the day. You guess it was less tiring in the evening; that would be ironic to say aloud.
For the last few weeks, news has been going around about multiple vandalisms of properties by an unknown animal. Considering New York, it wouldn't be surprising, but it's been getting concerning lately. Multiple people were also attacked and injured, you didn't heard much else besides that.
You have to admit, your eyes always traveled to the dark corners of every street you pass whenever you walk back home. Your heart races whenever the slightest noise is heard in the dark streets. Luckily, you got a safeguard to protect yourself with pepper spray, and a taser Sam gifted you.
Speaking of your girlfriend, she had been unusually distant recently, but you assume it was just her working two jobs and having therapy at the end of the day. You would understand if she's tired too, but she's also been acting anxious, brushing off whenever you'd invite her to your apartment or avoiding your gaze and presence whenever you two were near.
Of course, you didn't question it. She's tired, probably just worried about the news, and you try to comfort her, but again, she brushes it off. You sigh at the thought, standing up from your seat to exit the class before you hear your professor call out, reminding you what could go wrong.
"You kids be careful and walk back home safely!"
─────────── ☆ ───────────
You reach for your apartment keys, unlocking your door and stepping inside, noticing how it was cold inside. You didn't forget to turn off the AC, you remember it clearly, so why was it so cold inside?
Cautiously, you closed the door gently behind you, not wanting to alert any possible intruders. Slowly you stepped in taking a peek around the corner, the living room coming into view. The AC wasn't on but rather the window was, which would explain the cold air.
You step silently into the living room, place your bag on the couch, and strode over to close the window. You pause and take a look at the night and flashing cars in the streets outside before closing the window.
The lights were still off so you turned them back on, the kitchen and hallway were lit. You frowned when you turned them on, the kitchen was trashed. You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you start to suspect for the worse. Biting your bottom lip nervously as your eyes scan the messy kitchen.
All of the cabinets were opened, some of the cabinet doors were scratched, and the marks were ginormous claws that made you feel anxious and confused. The floor was littered with broken plates and utensils, but something that made you feel the most uneasy was the smudges of blood.
You gulped as you felt your body go stiff, you see the smudges of blood trail towards the hallway to your bedroom. Anxiously, you grab a butcher knife that was dropped on the ground and with caution, you walk towards your bedroom which had its door wide open. The more steps you took, the sound of heaving breathing got louder but it didn't belong to you. Someone was breathing heavily in the room, you peek through the door to see a shadowy figure crouched beside your window, the moonlight reflecting against the figure, whimpering in pain.
You hesitantly marched closer and instantly recognized who the intruder was. It was Sam.
With a small gasp, you put the weapon down dropping your guard to crouch next to the brunette. "Sam! You--what happened?" you asked frantically as you touched her shoulder, she doesn't seem to respond but you turn to look at her face and see blood. Apparent blood smudges on her mouth and neck, and her eyes, those beautiful eyes that were formerly dark brown were now piercing maroon red.
She faced you, finally looking up as she stared through your soul making you sweat. With this sight, anybody else would scream or run away in fear but you didn't because it was Sam, someone you care for and loved even in whatever state she was in.
You contemplated on what to do, Sam snaps out of her trance and groans in pain clutching her stomach. Your eyes linger and see a gash on her abdomen, immediately you grab her up gently and dragged her to the kitchen. "C'mon hun" you mutter quietly.
She follows you behind or rather lets you lead her. You sat her down on the floor against the counter before you search the cabinet for a medkit. You crouch down to her level, pulling her ripped shirt to fully see her wound, see the bloody gash on her abdomen, and pressed a cloth on it. She lets out a small grunt with furrowed brows as she breathes heavily whilst staring at you as you try to care for her injury.
"Sam, tell me why the hell are you hurt? Why didn't you go to the hospital? Most of all, why did you not call me?!" you throw a variety of questions at her worryingly while aiding her.
She stayed silent and that made you look up at her, your eyes meeting hers again, but they weren't red anymore. She looked disheveled with her appearance, her shirt was ripped and almost torn off, her hair was a bit messy and her dark brown eyes pierced through your eyes.
"I...I got attacked...." she replied hesitantly, you got even more worried.
"By what?" you asked, you had already bandaged her wound to stop the bleeding temporarily but she still needed professional help "You know what, that doesn't matter right now, you need to go to the hospital I'll--" As you were about to get up, Sam's hand snatched your wrist tightly, you looked at her surprised as saw that her pupils were a sharp shape.
"No." She said firmly, her tone sounding grim, her hand squeezing your wrist tight that you thought it was gonna leave a bruise.
You were about to argue but Sam lets go of your wrist when she yelled painfully as she gripped her own arms as if something was gonna rip inside of her, her body tremble while she let out pained cries, you swore her body was growing bigger.
Your body froze, and you lean back as you watch her body grew, the sound of her skin ripping while her cries of pain started to sound more animalistic. "Please...don't come near me....." she lets out between her pained noises, you start to crawl back slowly but you collided against the wall.
You only watched in fear, feeling too scared to move while you watch how dark fur appeared on her, her ears became sharper until they matched the same as a wolf, and her teeth became sharper and canine-like as her body grew along with tearing the rest of her clothing completely. Your breathing became ragged as your eyes widen, your Sam, turned into this beast. It looked much like a wolf, with black fur, sharp teeth that could rip you to shreds, and those red eyes.
Your body trembled and you managed to let out a word "Sam.." you whisper in a meek tone. Her head snapped up at your voice, her canine teeth gritted against each other, and she growled loudly at you which increases your fear more.
She leaped closer, her giant claws gripping the walls at the side of your head while she lets out a roar at you, you clenched your eyes shut and turn your head while tears began to form. Her face was close to yours, she growled lowly but eventually pull back, her hostile demeanor disappeared and she only gazed at you.
Out of reflex, you swung the taser you were holding anxiously the whole time since she started to transform, at her chest making her let out an aggravated yell, she retreated quickly, whimpering in pain, and fleed by jumping through the window breaking the glass, along with pieces of the walls due to her large figure.
The taser dropped to your side, and your breathing became more controlled as you tried to calm down. Hurriedly, you walk to the broken window to see through, thinking if Sam was there. Your eyes lingered outside not seeing her at all, you cursed under your breath and retreated back to grab your phone from your pocket to dial Tara.
You paced back and forward, biting your nail nervously waiting for Tara to pick up. When she did, you wasted no time.
"Tara, something happened with your sister."
────To be continued────
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a/n: pt 2? Possible series? I always had werewolf sam in mind and this was inspired by @lilac-fangirl 's werewolf sam drabble, and also by teen wolf i've been rewatching. I apologize again if there's any spelling errors or mistakes, english isn't my native language 😕. Hope you enjoyed atleast :) i can't promise if i'm actually gonna make a pt 2 or series, i'm busy lol but we'll see 🤭 goodnight ♡
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(sam running away and possibly hiding somewhere waiting for r)^
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cupcakemolotov · 6 months
Ex's and Oh's
I have finally finished a thing, but honestly, with the 2023 has shaped up, this is a triumph! Happy Holidays, all.
Summary: Caroline's return to New Orleans is a little less triumphant than she'd like. There is a dead body in her trunk and a magical artifact in her passenger seat, and no matter how much she'd like too, the chances of avoiding her ex-husband are astronomically small. What, with the mate bond and all, but a girl's gotta hope.
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Minor Character Death; Magical Realism; We Make War Not Love; Post-Divorce; These Two Fools in Love; Klaus and Caroline Being Territorial; for each other; tyler is dead; kind of; Canon-Typical Violence; Violence; Murder
“You aren’t supposed to be here.”
“I know.”
Bonnie rubbed a hand down her face after she handed Caroline a cup of coffee, her expression exasperated. “Do you?”
Caroline bit down on a tired smile. “Bonnie.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” she huffed, her eyes narrowing. “Enzo and I won’t be able to hide this. You know he has my place watched. He knows we talk. He knows I used to visit you, on occasion. He let it slide, because to do anything else would just piss you off more.” She sat and sighed. “This he will not let slide.”
Caroline shrugged, reaching carefully for the cream. Her ribs tugged uncomfortably at the motion, and she was careful to hide it. She needed caffeine too badly to let her friend be distracted. It’d just been her and multiple five hour energies over the past twenty hours, and there were things that needed to be said. “He’ll get over it.”
A choked noise escaped from her oldest friend, her expression pinched. It was still early in New Orleans, dawn not having quite creeped over the edge of the horizon. Her walk from her parked car had been quiet, the city slow and sleepy in the early morning hours, only the most adventurous of tourists staggering home. Bonnie had clearly rolled out of bed when Caroline had woken her, her clothing rumbled and mismatched. She’d have felt bad about just showing up after so long, if the circumstances hadn’t been an emergency.
“Caroline, Klaus does not ‘get over things,’ particularly when they involve you.”
“It's been just over ten years since the divorce, Bon.” Three years, fifty-one days since she had last talked to him. Since she had been in the same state as him. If she thought about it too long, her chest would start to ache with the weight of it. She had just never been able to decide if it was grief or rage that she carried like a cloak.
“Oh, I’m aware,” she said flatly. “The entire bayou is aware, Caroline.”
A pause, as Caroline scrunched her nose. “I didn’t think the divorce would still be hot gossip. A decade is more than long enough for people to stop wagging their tongues.”
Bonnie let out a groan. “If you think the kind of gossip your divorce from Klaus Mikaelson inspired is going to die down this century, you’ve forgotten how insular this place can be.”
“Kol lives here.” Caroline shrugged, winced. “He has a new antic every week. They can’t be bored of things to talk about.”
A peculiar look crossed Bonnie’s face. “Would you like to know what the last bit of nonsense Kol got into?” She didn’t wait for a reply. “He threw a block party.”
Caroline blinked. “That’s… not unusual for Kol. I can think of at least three block parties he threw in the last year that I lived here.”
Bonnie made a noise. “I don’t think you're really appreciating the scale of this party. It spilled across six streets. He brought in margarita trucks. Two live bands. Cops were called, SWAT intervened after the second fireball, dozens of wolves ended up in jail overnight, and it took a week for Elijah to untangle the legal shenanigans.” She arched her brow. “A week. Even the post-Esther shindig didn’t explode through the city quite that way.”
And neither of them had mentioned a word of this to her. She wondered if Enzo had a video. “Where was Klaus?”
“Business trip.” Bonnie said succinctly. “He showed up an hour after the SWAT team had been brought in to deal with the drunk witches. Do you know what Kol was celebrating?”
Caroline shook her head.
“Your divorce.”
The noise that caught in Caroline’s throat was strangled, torn somewhere between a laugh and a shriek. Bonnie’s expression darkened into that of a martyr before a judge.
“There was a banner, Caroline. Kol hung it across the front of the mansion, right above the entrance, and he had someone set up two spotlights to make sure it was visible. I have no idea who made the banner, but it had to be someone out of state, because supposedly no one died. Would you like to guess what it said?”
Caroline opened and closed her mouth, but couldn’t quite find the words. What exactly would Kol have put up to celebrate her divorce?
“No?” Bonnie crossed her arms. “Too bad. It read, “Congratulations to Caroline Forbes, Ten Years and Counting.”
It was a physical strain, not to laugh at Bonnie’s unimpressed look. Her ex-husband had enough pride to keep the Titanic afloat, having their disaster of a marriage waved in his face had to have made him apocalyptic with anger.
Bonnie nodded at her expression. “Elijah had to smuggle Kol to Eastern Europe. He’s still there.”
Struggling with her composure, when she finally spoke, Caroline managed to mostly sound normal. “Kol can occasionally be likable, can’t he?”
“You would find it hilarious.” Bonnie made a face. “Enzo certainly did. But it’s made my life unnecessarily complicated. Rebekah is refusing to talk to Klaus until he brings Kol back, and Klaus threw her last messenger through the front doors. Werewolves can apparently bounce. “
Caroline looked everywhere but Bonnie’s face. She would not appreciate the laughter Caroline was struggling to hide.
“The pack has started referring to the party as The Event, and every time someone is dumb enough to mention it in Klaus’ hearing, he gets that particular look on his face.” Bonnie waved her hand. “You know the look: he’s clearly weighing just how useful you are and if dead would be the better state of your existence.”
Caroline cleared her throat, trying to look contrite. It was difficult, when all she wanted to do was lean forward and ask for more details. Ask just how much Klaus was suffering, if the wound of her leaving matched the one he’d left in her. “That sounds terrible.”
AO3: Link Here
Please remember that my A03 account is unfortunately locked due to AI scrapping. You will need to be logged into an account to see all of my stories.
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boyswillbedogz · 24 days
finally got around to drawing a realistic ish thing of my wolf form since werewolves are versatile in form
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too lazy to color it but i got a good photo for coat color- not solid black so much as a mottled gray
around the size of a small wolfdog i guess? its hard to pinpoint. gangly n long limbed like a human (though better suited for quadrupedal movement, i can stand) but otherwise mostly wolfish in function and appearance. ears are actually less fluffy and need to be tweaked but im tired.
as usual find more of my art at @puppunkz
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little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
Moonlight - part 1
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werewolf!Steve x vampire!Eddie
There are werewolves in Hawkins. Yeah right, and there are monsters under the bed. That's Eddie's reasoning. Vampires don't exist, neither do werewolves or monsters or the boogeyman or mermaids or any similar creature. The howling at full moon nights are probably some weirdo trying to scare kids - hell, he'd do it too - and the reason Dustin Henderson keeps buying an insane amount of raw meat on those nights is because...the Hendersons like beef? Look, Eddie doesn't know, he just knows he's not falling for some myth.
"Well, if you're so brave go stay the night in the woods tomorrow night during the full moon." Gareth tells him with arms crossed in front of him and poking Eddie pretty damn hard in the arm. "I just might." Eddie retorts, though he knows he'll probably book it out of there the second he hears a twig snap, but there are people around. He can't act like a scared little kid. So that's why he's lugging a tent and a bag of snacks into the woods because he's not gonna let his stomach rumbling give away where he is to any crazy murderers hiding in the woods or werewolves - not like they exist or anything.
He had to get Wayne to teach him how to set up a tent at least 5 times before he even stepped near the woods. His flashlight sweeps the ground, the fresh batteries making it brighter than ever. Is he paranoid? Pfft, no, he's just not dumb, he's seen horror movies. It's quiet for a few hours, and Eddie totally doesn't almost squeal like a scared middle schooler who hasnt hit puberty yet when he sees a silhouette stumbling next to his tent. He can hear their heavy breathing, they must've ran here. They say a choked sounding string of curse words and - wait, Harrington? That's clearly his voice, what is he doing here? And why is he running? Is he running from something!?
Eddie peeks his head just a little bit out of the tent to see Steve there, keeled over and breathing like he'd just run a marathon. He looks like he's in pain as he falls to his knees, digging his nails - no, claws into the ground. He didn't have claws yesterday, what the actual hell!?
So, Eddie does what Eddie does best, he runs. He runs and runs and runs until he falls over because even though he's good at running away from things he hasn't gotten proper exercise in at least a couple years. Luckily there's no beast chasing him, only a howling far in the woods. He sounds like he's in pain, and part of Eddie wants to go back - but the sensible part of him is telling him to keep running. How deep was he in the woods? He's pretty sure he wasn't even that far yet they seem never ending. He's starting to panic, he feels like he's in a horror movie with the thuds and snarls behind him and never ending forest. He knows you're not supposed to look back but he does and... he isn't getting chased? Harrington, now fully transformed, has just slowly walked away and curled up. Whimpering.
It's so surprising Eddie slows to a jog, Steve reminding him less of a ferocious beast and more of a big dog that's all bark and no bite. The sensible part of him is screaming for him to keep running, but he's tired of running, his ribs hurt, and he wants to pet the big scary wolf. So he goes to pet the big scary wolf, almost immediately regretting when Steve snarls at him, opening one eye that's surprisingly the same honey brown.
But even more surprisingly, Steve stops snarling, nudging his head under Eddie's hand and closing his eyes once more like a dog. He's calm, just lying there. "Uh...good boy?" Eddie says, not sure if he should call Steve that in case he's still kind of human. He's never going to let Steve live this down. Steve "Good Boy" Harrington.
Okay maybe he shouldn't use that one in front of his friends. Bad idea. Very bad. Yup. Icky. He leans his back against the tree, Steve's head on his lap. It's kind of nice, Eddie struggling to stay awake as he literally cuddles a big ferocious beast. He's pretty sure Steve falls asleep at some point too, so he doesn't mind leaning back against the tree trunk and closing his eyes.
He knows he has Steve to protect him if anything happens. And he does, even if a bunny gets too close to Eddie as he sleeps Steve will snarl until it runs away, making sure not to wake the sleeping beauty he's laying his head on.
This won't go anywhere, Steve will make sure of it, but it's nice. And it'll be nice until morning comes, until Steve has to run away to find that little log he stuffed his bag of clothes in because he doesn't want to explain how his clothes ripped when he transformed. So, Eddie wakes up to nothing except a weird looking bug on his hand and a memory of soft fur that he really hopes was a weird ass dream.
Let me know if you want a part 2 and if so if you want to be tagged as well!! Also cut me some slack, this is my first serious fic ._. (little picture up top by me, pictures taken from pinterest)
PART 2!!! :D
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sterekbros · 6 months
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mates and mistletoe (1215 words) by Winchesterek Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin Additional Tags: Blind Date, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mistletoe, Christmas Party, Presents, First Meetings, First Kiss, Getting Together, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Holidays, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Stiles Stilinski is a Nice Thing, Derek Hale is Good at Feelings, Confident Derek Hale, POV Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
For @sterekfests 'merry Christmas', @sterekweekly present, @sterekbingo square 'hot chocolate', and @seasonaldelightsbingo winter wonderland square 'mistletoe'
Summary: There were muffled sounds on the other side of the door and then it was opening, revealing the hottest guy that Stiles had ever seen. “Uh, hi,” Stiles stuttered, really trying not to fall all over himself. “Hi,” the man said, grinning. “Sorry, I’m Derek. I’m sure you’re someone’s plus one?”
Stiles pulled down the visor and looked at himself in the mirror. He’d been stressed out all day. Mostly because he was going on a blind date, much less at a Christmas party. He was supposed to meet the guy there and had a very vague idea of what he looked like. Lydia had told him that Derek was traditionally handsome and had beautiful green eyes. That was all he had to go on, so he hoped the night wouldn't be a bust. Lydia would be there, but he knew that she’d leave him with his date as soon as she could so he could get some. Stiles definitely wouldn't turn it down, but it wasn't his plan, either.
He sighed and pushed the visor up again, then stretched his neck, running his hand over the back of it. He just really needed this to be a good night. Stiles was tired and needed a break, just for one night. Work was fine, even though it was stressful and his dating life was nonexistent. He wasn't exactly upset about that, but sometimes he did miss having someone next to him in bed.
Stiles sat there for a few more moments, letting his head rest on the headrest, and then forced himself to get out of the Jeep and go into the building. He faintly wondered how many floors it had as he pushed the button to call the elevator and then slid the door open when it arrived. It was nice, to see an older elevator still in operation. It wasn't quite what he’d expected as he slid the door closed and punched the number for the floor Lydia had given him.
It felt like forever for the elevator to reach the right floor, but when it did he could already hear people talking and holiday music playing. So there were a lot of people. Great. Stiles slid the elevator gate open and then stepped out. He checked his phone and shoved it into his pocket, then reached up to knock on the door.
There were muffled sounds on the other side of the door and then it was opening, revealing the hottest guy that Stiles had ever seen.
“Uh, hi,” Stiles stuttered, really trying not to fall all over himself.
“Hi,” the man said, grinning. “Sorry, I’m Derek. I’m sure you’re someone’s plus one?”
Derek stepped back as he pulled the door open and Stiles stood there staring.
Derek? This was Derek? That was impossible. There had to be someone else here named Derek. Because if this was Derek then he was more than traditionally handsome.
“Well, I’m Stiles.” He stepped forward and through the threshold, his eyes never leaving Derek’s. “I’m actually supposed to be meeting a Derek here for a blind date. So maybe I’m your plus one?”
Derek’s smile didn't falter as he glanced over Stiles and closed the door behind him. “Looks like,” he replied and offered his hand to Stiles. Stiles reached out and shook it, almost melting into Derek’s touch. Because damn.
“Welcome to my loft,” Derek added, shaking Stiles’ hand and holding on a little longer than someone should with a brief handshake. “I’ll have to thank Lydia for setting us up.”
That made Stiles blush, which wasn't a pretty thing because his skin became splotchy red. “Is that a compliment?” Stiles asked as he released Derek’s hand. Derek motioned with his head into the people-filled space, and Stiles followed him.
“It is,” Derek replied, his chin tucked down against his chest as he looked into the drink in his other hand like he was shy when he had no reason to be.
Oh. Well. It was good that Derek found him attractive because that made Stiles more confident in replying with, “I think you’re attractive too. So I’ll have to thank Lydia and buy her something nice.”
They both laughed. Stiles walked with Derek as Derek showed him around the loft, which wasn't many rooms, but it was still a nice space. Derek told him that he was always the one to host parties at his place as his pack’s Alpha and that revelation only made Derek hotter.
Stiles didn't drink alcohol so he sipped his cinnamon hot chocolate, his eyes focused on Derek. He couldn't stare anywhere else and he was sure it was the same for Derek even though Derek managed not to stare at him. Because that might be a little awkward.
They stopped near a wall lined with built-in bookcases filled with books to the brim and Derek pulled one out. “I know this might be a little forward, but I’d like to offer you this as a gift.”
He handed it to Stiles and Stiles looked the book over, smoothing his hand over the worn cover. It was titled Werewolf Mates and Pack Dynamics.
Stiles frowned and opened the book, flipping through the pages. “What’s—”
“I noticed the second you walked through the door. Your scent…” Derek cleared his voice, like he was trying to say something difficult. “You’re my mate, Stiles. I know it’s a lot—”
Mate. Stiles looked down at the book in his hands, letting that thought settle in his mind. Mate. Stiles was Derek’s mate?
It made sense in a weird way that Stiles couldn't explain, but he knew that he was drawn to Derek the second he saw him, and it was more than just Derek being hot.
A smug voice broke through Stiles’ thoughts. “I see you two have hit it off,” Lydia said with a grin as she sipped her wine. “And mistletoe…Derek…” Lydia smirked and walked away with a knowing smile.
Stiles followed Lydia’s gaze and sure enough, there was mistletoe above them. “Isn't mistletoe toxic to werewolves?”
Derek laughed. “Only if ingested and my sister insisted on putting it around the loft.”
“Sister?” Stiles’ interest was piqued. He needed to know more about Derek, his family, and his pack. He needed to know everything. Especially since they were mates.
“Laura,” Derek supplied with a nod. “I’ll introduce you two later if you’d like.” Derek shifted from foot to foot, then set his empty glass on the shelf. “So, since it’s tradition…” He nodded toward the mistletoe.
Stiles didn't have to be asked twice as he set his drink next to Derek’s on the shelf. Derek leaned in then, his hand cupping the back of Stiles’ neck as Stiles stepped in close until their bodies were touching.
When their lips met it was like fire coursing through Stiles’ veins and he moaned into it, pressing against Derek as their lips begged for purchase and their tongues tangled together.
Stiles was panting when they finally broke, pressing his forehead against Derek’s. “Wow,” he managed to get out. “That was—”
“Cosmic,” Derek offered, just as breathless.
“Something like that,” Stiles replied with a chuckle and then brushed his nose against Derek’s.
He grinned and kissed him again, letting himself get lost in the feeling of Derek. And if it was always going to be like this, Stiles knew his life would be filled with a love that consumed him, filled with passion and adventure.
A life that would be filled with Derek, pack, and home.
And Stiles knew that he’d never feel lonely again.
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gisellelx · 6 months
Twilight Advent Calendar, Day 10
Dec. 10 - Pick one of the witnesses in Breaking Dawn. What was it like for them to stay at the Cullens' home for those two weeks? Who did they spend time with?
(~1300 words)
There was no question about it.
Carlisle’s family was weird.
He’d met them before, but in passing. Now, surrounded, Garrett understood that the meetings had been in the woods, on street corners, at night, not because that was normal for Carlisle’s coven, but for his benefit. He had heard Carlisle say the words “home” and call the rangy redhead his son, but it just hadn’t registered. He thought it was just language, that his old friend was making himself feel better about the state of affairs he lived in. But it wasn’t.
They had a goddamn Christmas tree. When it had been suggested that he go to the Cullen home, Garrett had assumed he’d find a coven playacting. Staying out of the way of the Volturi. Hiding from humankind. And surely, surely there couldn’t be seven of them as perfect in their records as Carlisle.
But, no, here they were. Half a dozen bedrooms, closets with clothes that weren’t purloined from victims. Carlisle, nerd that he was, had a whole fucking library on the second floor, with books he’d been toting for two centuries. Five bathrooms—for what? And a kitchen. Well, that was, oddly, going to use.
Garrett could hear her, humming to herself as she buzzed around, again making some sort of something for the werewolves who were sleeping on the doorstep, and realized he recognized the tune. Penny Lane.
Yep, he needed air.
There was a figure already on the porch when he exited, and even if the scent hadn’t registered before his eyes did, he’d have recognized the silhouette anywhere. The shoulders were slumped in a way that reminded Garrett of two hundred twenty years ago. The body of a man trying to convince himself he was happy, when he wasn’t.
“This is some endeavor, English,” he said, and the head whipped around. Garrett laughed. “Did I startle you?” Absurd.
A long sigh. “Oh, perhaps I was somewhat aware.” The face broke into a tired smile. “I’m just out here cogitating.”
Garrett cocked his head. “You do you know you sound like the most horrible snob when you use words like that.”
This, thankfully, elicited a smile. “Noted. What brings you outdoors?”
“Your woman was singing the Beatles; I had to escape.”
A questioning frown.
“I didn’t care for the first British invasion. I like the second even less.”
His friend’s bark of a laugh was familiar. Garrett grinned in return, and then joined Carlisle at his side, leaning against the thick railing.
“I will say, however, that her taste in music aside, Esme is quite the—”
“—lovely woman is what I was going to say,” he finished sweetly, flashing Carlisle a wide smile. His friend shook his head, rolling his eyes, but then they met gazes and Carlisle smirked. Both of them began laughing.
“I am a lucky man; I won’t deny it.”
“Hell yes you are, you bastard.” He punched Carlisle in the shoulder, and Carlisle looked down shyly, a wry smile playing on his face. “And here I thought you were going to go all eternity without ever doing the deed.”
Another laugh. “Truthfully? So did I.”
The moonlight glinted off Carlisle’s hair as they both fell into companionable silence again. They looked enough alike to pass as brothers; it had been something Garrett had liked all those centuries ago. Even though Carlisle was his elder by a century and then some, he had always struck Garrett as naïve. His hope, his steadfast confidence that if he just did things his way, it would all turn out right and well. It was as admirable as it was ridiculous.
And yet it was working.
Garrett didn’t have to work hard to make out the individual conversations going on in the expansive living room as he and Carlisle stared together out into the forest. The sisters—also gorgeous, talking with the Spanish woman. Her mate, locked in a quiet talk with Carlisle’s son. The weird kid, with her even weirder name, reading to her mother while Carlisle’s blonde daughter interjected every now and again. The lawn behind the house twinkled in color from the tree and the lights that went up the banister in the big room; the shadows cast by the roaring fire danced playfully across the porch.
“You succeeded,” he said finally.
He gestured widely at the house behind them. “You succeeded. At this. I thought you were bereft of your senses, with that diet and the doctor thing and everything but…you did it.” He turned, leaning against the rail. “Family life suits you. I don’t know why I am surprised.”
Carlisle made a noise somewhere between a snort and a laugh. “It’s not easy. At times, I envy your freedom.” He turned back to Garrett. “I wasn’t out here merely cogi—thinking. I was worrying, while Edward isn’t paying attention. I’m worried about Alice and Jasper, and I’m worried about Renesmee, and I’m worried what that will do to Bella, and what any of this will do to Edward. And then all of you…”
Garrett clapped a hand on Carlisle’s shoulder. “We chose to come. You can’t take that on.”
The brow furrowed again. “I feel responsible.”
“That’s your problem, not anyone else’s. No one is going to hold you responsible for”—he gestured widely in the direction of the field where the clairvoyant had indicated they would need to be—“whatever goes on out there. You’re responsible for this. This gathering. These friends. This…family. This is what you worry about. This is what you can control.”
They both glanced back in the doors. Someone had turned on Christmas music. The Spanish woman was slow dancing with her mate. One of the sisters—the prettier one—had accepted the offer of a a Santa hat. Muffled laughter. The sound of crackling, and the earthen scent of a fresh log beginning to burn.
“And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit,” Carlisle muttered.
This elicited another chuckle. “The twelfth chapter of Luke, you heathen.” He grinned. “But it’s a welcome reminder. Thank you.”
The Bible. Of course. That hadn’t changed, either. Garrett stared. Carlisle’s expression seemed to have softened; the strange, amber eyes glowed differently. The two of them stared out into the blackness of the night, the moon glinting off the river so close to the house. They listened to this; the way the water pounded against what must have been much larger rocks further north, where the elevation was even higher, before coming whooshing through the woods behind the stately home.
It was a long while before Garrett got the eerie feeling of being watched. He turned back toward the hulking French doors. Esme standing there, her head cocked, her arms crossed over her chest.
“There’s a beautiful woman looking for you, English,” Garrett said, nudging Carlisle in the ribs.
Carlisle turned. “So there is.” He beckoned, and the door opened a crack as Esme leaned out.
“Your granddaughter wants to say goodnight,” she called. “They’re going back over to the cottage in a few minutes.”
Your granddaughter, Garrett mouthed. The words still felt strange on his lips.
Carlisle didn’t miss this. “It is amazing, isn’t it?”
Garrett stared back at the door. “Like I said. It suits you.” He nodded in the direction of Carlisle’s wife. “Go. Stop worrying. At least for the night.”
In the same instant that Carlisle nodded, he was at his wife’s side. He put his arm around her waist, and she tipped her chin up so that their lips met. It looked…familiar. Garrett watched the way their gazes followed each other’s, the way a hand around the waist slipped slowly over hips to become a hand in another hand. The way she smiled up at him. The blur of knee-high blue that was the little girl streaking across the living room for his knees. The way he lifted her into the air and how she giggled and squeaked as he tossed her before settling her, one-armed, onto his hip. That even amidst the worry, his face lit up as he pressed his nose to hers and she put her palm to his cheek.
He had thought Carlisle boring. Naïve. Even deluded. I envy your freedom, he heard his friend’s voice echo in his head.
But as he listened to the laughter on the other side of the door, and watched the way the colored lights played off the planes of his friend’s face, Garrett wondered if freedom was really all Carlisle imagined it was cracked up to be.
Note: A more modern translation of Luke 12:25 reads “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” (NRSV). But I feel confident that if Carlisle is going to quote the Bible, it’s the 1611 KJV that he has in mind.
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sterekchub · 5 months
Hi! College Professor anon here with yet another silly idea: Werewolves are known College AU where Stiles is a Biology student focusing on Lycanthropy and Derek is a jock on a Football scholarship. Stiles decides to write his MA thesis on two subjects 1. How much can a werewolf possibly eat and 2. Is it truly impossible for werewolves to gain weight to obesity. Derek is a reluctant test subject that goes from annoyed to definitely horny and slob. Cue lots of overfeeding and gassy moment lmao
LOVE it. Derek is bribed into it by "sex and free food" which.... is hard to turn down when you're a freshman year jock. And maybe because he's a little too confident that as a werewolf? He can't gain weight. He's never seen a chubby werewolf, never mind an obese one. At first he complains about all the shakes Stiles has him drinking to "Supplement his diet"....but it isn't long before Stiles finds the right strains of wolfsbane to increase Derek's appetite and slow his metabolism. Starts getting Derek to associate being "stuffed beyond belief" by showing him gainer porn...or promising to jerk him off if he just finishes this one last burger. Derek is easily manipulated by flattery and Stiles willingness to do anything he asks...if it involves food. (Which comes in handy by their senior year when Derek gets too fat to reach under his sweaty folds to get himself off, and Stiles has him chugging gallons of wolfsbane infused shakes before he'll finally let Derek come) It takes a little bit of persuasion, but after enough nights of "forget practice, it's endless wing nights!" or "You worked so hard at the gym last week...take this week off" - Derek eventually puts on enough weight and gets out of shape enough that even with the werewolf strength - he's a little winded and tired after practice. He quits the team to "focus on schoolwork" after his first semester of 2nd year and moves in with Stiles...which cements his descent into obesity. Stiles does his homework for him. Derek barely leaves the dorm, spends most of his time jerking off, sleeping, fucking, and eating (and Stiles has him on a very aggressive overfed schedule). The dorm becomes a total pigsty (Stiles takes copious amounts of pictures for his study. Derek gets lazier -and pushed by Stiles not to burn any calories - so he barely waddles down the floor to the showers. Never does laundry and wears the same pair of university sweats until holes start to appear and seams start to rip...and then Stiles gets him a new pair. His constant high fat diet almost guarantees, werewolf or not - Derek's got some gassy side effects. "Is this UAAARrrrp supposed to Bllbbbffffrt happen?" "You ate enough Chinese takeout to open a buffet, yeah, you're gonna be gassy, Derek." ***
Derek does still go to the University football games. Mostly so Stiles can watch him try and squeeze into his old football uniform to "support the team" and so he can feed Derek an endless supply of nachos and pretzels with a bucket of cheese and a 12 pack of beer. (listening to Derek's teammates shock at his size is just a happy coincidence) "Dude, what the fuck happened?" "Helping braaaaap Stiles with a paper or pffpfFRTpblt project or some- burp- thing." "Are you sure this is for research? You're getting kinda big, man....." Derek shrugs, as oblivious to Stiles' thesis as he is to the huge cheese stain on his shirt. *** Stiles' final thesis is waddling Derek in front of the advisors for a demonstration. On a poster he has the chart of Derek's weight and calorie intake by each month , which shows at first a slowly increasing line for it starts shooting straight up. Derek is completely unaware - or could care less- about the board of professors sitting in front of him and instead sits at a table on the side that's almost overflowing with takeout and starts eating. Stiles starts walking around him - grabbing handfuls of his belly or arm fat or double chin to point things out. "His healing factor takes over quickly - you can see stretchmarks will start to appear and then rapidly heal." Derek merely stops to rub his belly for a few seconds, wipe his mouth on the back of his hand, then goes back to eating." "As you can see, the lycan's healing ability means they can virtually eat continuously, as long as their appetite is properly stimulated.......this meal alone is over 20,000 calories. Want more, Derek?" "Yes *nglp* Stiles. FprrpffrRrbtlbllltTT" "of course, since his body is constantly processing such a fatty, high-calorie diet, there are some...gaseous side effects." Derek remains unbothered, football jersey fitting like a sports bra and shorts completely hidden by his lovehandles and belly.
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When Stiles decided he was going to marry Lydia Martin, that’s exactly what it was: a decision. What he interpreted as destiny, was mostly just stubbornness. He’d declared, to Scott and to his Dad and to himself, that he was going to marry Lydia Martin, and to go back on that declaration was to admit defeat. And don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t all cool calculations and stubbornness, he did actually love Lydia. The pining and plotting was actually based on genuine feelings, it’s just that… they maybe weren’t as long-term as he’d initially thought. The more they both grew up, grew closer, became friends… well, the less naturally the ten year plan seemed to be at the forefront of his mind. Sometimes he… forgot… to have a crush on her. But, he was busy, alright? His life turned into werewolves and monsters and fear, he could be forgiven for putting his pining on the backburner occasionally.  
The point was… Stiles didn’t really know any different when it came to having feelings for someone. Lydia was his first crush. The way he handled it was all he really knew about such matters.  
Which was probably why he didn’t recognize what was really going on when it came to Derek. Or at least, that’s his excuse and he’s sticking with it. 
So… there may have been signs. But not major, flashing, neon ones, OK?  
Having a dream solely about Derek’s forearms? Dreams are always weird, they don’t mean anything. He once had one about a dancing frog made of toothpaste. Dreams don’t count for anything. 
Derek being the first person he called at the first sign of trouble? That was just practical! Derek had a car, werewolf powers, he actually answered his phone… of course he made sense as the first contact when something supernatural was out to get him. Or when he needed a ride somewhere important. Or when he saw a funny shirt that read “trust me, I’m not a werewolf”. Or when he was hungry. Or tired... Or bored... Whatever.  
Wearing Derek’s clothes? It’s not Stiles’ fault he was always caught off guard out in the woods without enough layers! He gets cold easily! And werewolves run hot! Derek lending him his jackets was not a big deal. It didn’t mean anything other than Derek being considerate of Stiles’ delicate human body being exposed to the elements. So what if Stiles rarely actually returned the jackets and jumpers and shirts and, on one occasion, pajamas (they’re so cozy and comfy omg) and continually wore them to the point of Scott complaining he stunk like Derek all the time? It’s just clothes, stop being ridiculous. 
“What about the bedsharing?” the voice in his head, that sounded a lot like Scott, asked. 
Well that was just sensible. You’re taking that out of context. There was only one bed in the loft and it was late and I didn’t really have anywhere else to go and Derek was insistent that I get some sleep and take his bed and there was no way I was going to make him sleep on the floor like an actual dog when his bed was plenty big enough to share! Come on, we’re two mature people, sharing a bed out of convenience didn’t mean anything! 
“The cuddling probably did.” 
I can’t help what my body does during the night while I’m asleep! 
“Uh huh. What about the fact that this has happened 5 more times since?” 
Shut-up brain-Scott.  
Hindsight is a funny thing. Because it’s not until this very moment, lying in Derek’s bed, with Derek’s arm pulling him flush against him, their legs tangled together and lips gliding together for the first time, that Stiles can see how they got here.  
The pack meeting wrapped up, Scott and Isaac went to work, Erica and Boyd went to see a movie, Lydia and Jackson went to the mall and Stiles stayed back to hang with Derek. They had a healthy debate about the possible existence of mer-people while Derek cooked them steaks and Stiles made a salad. They watched 2 episodes of Supernatural on Stiles’ laptop while laying on Derek’s bed, then got into another debate about whether beheading would really be the only way to kill a vampire. When Stiles had reached over Derek to snatch his phone off the nightstand in order to consult Peter on the matter and settle the debate once and for all, Derek had stopped him by pinning his arm above his head and something in the air just… shifted. Stiles had stared into Derek’s eyes and Derek had just… looked back. And then they were kissing. And Stiles’ hands were in Derek’s hair and Derek’s arms were pulling Stiles closer and… nothing was weird about any of it.  
Stiles had the thought that it wasn’t supposed to feel this normal, that he probably should have been having a slight existential crisis right now, but it just felt… right. Like this was obvious, like they were always going to end up here. 
“Well duh.” 
Shut up Scott-brain! 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 10 months
Hold on, anon. Someone will get you a explanation (maybe future me) but for now have mine of random ones because I am tired, so sorry if I miss anything/if these aren’t the best explanations
Teddy!verse: Jason’s a single dad after someone close to him dies, leaving behind her son, Teddy. Jason takes in Teddy who’s a fan of Reader. The boy very much chose his mother. Reader is a voice actress who runs her own podcast company. Her ex is a jerk, that used to work with Reader. Jay and Reader end up together and expand the family. She’s very much a mama bear.
rabies!verse: Werewolf Reader, who helps Bruce, triggers something in Jason and he just suddenly gets “baby rabies”
Thirst Trap Thursdays: Ari just write thirst on Thursday sometimes.
BFF!reader: Bruce’s BFF gets pregnant and the dad isn’t really the best so Bruce steps up. Little Dick is also here. Said BFF eventually gives birth to a little baby girl named Emma.
hotmess!Jason: This verse is dead, so don’t request anything from it. Jason and Roy are stupid and upset Reader. That’s all you need to know honestly.
apprentice!reader: Reader is John Constantine’s daughter and he’s forced to take her in and he trains her. She shows up in place of him one day for some magic issue Bruce is having and Jason’s also there and ends up falling in love with her.
Internet friend!reader: Tim and Reader are online friends and are a popular duo honestly. They fall in love at some point and start dating. Don’t remember if that was before or after they met up irl. I think before?
softdom!Diana: What it says on the tin.
sugarbaby!Jason: Jason is Reader’s sugarbaby. He’s a pianist, she has a thing for artists. He gets nice things and so does she, they’re both less lonely, it’s good for both of them.
cowboy!Jason: Reader runs a farm after her dad passed and looks after her three younger sisters. Jason’s supposed to just be laying low after some trouble with Black Mask and passing through. After Reader gets a lift from him and lets him stay in the barn she ends up capturing his heart and vice versa though which makes things so much harder.
AI!reader: Reader dies and Tim tries to recreate her as an AI to cope because he’s Tim. But the AI and Reader are different in some many ways and he’s not very happy about that either.
teacher!Jason: Reader is a single mother and a college student, Jason’s her professor. Sometimes she brings her daughter, Lena to class. Jason doesn’t mind and she’s thankful for that. Jason’s also kind of into Reader.
werewolf!Jason: Reader and Jason both get taken and experimented on. Both of them get turned into werewolves. Reader used to be a kindergarten teacher in Chicago. Also both of them are now connected to each other for werewolf instinct reasons and keeping each other company during capture.
handyman!Jason: Jason leaves behind Gotham and the vigilante lifestyle. Instead fixing up random things in a specific area, including Reader’s Aunt Maggie. Maggie’s tries to set them up and succeeds quickly honestly.
circus!Reader: Dick’s childhood friend that comes to visit occasionally. They grew up in different circuses. They’re currently on a road trip together.
-signed, that one person who’s read most of Ari’s verses completely and occasionally re-reads some
Blessings on your house.
I hope you find the perfect pair of jeans in your exact size. On clearance.
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writerpetals · 1 year
cookie crumbs | ❤️
; optional male lead fluff |  ☁️
w ; werewolf!au
Nights without him in bed next to you are often enough that you should be used to the sounds of doors and cabinets slamming in the mornings to wake you, but it still manages to jolt you from your slumber once you know he’s arrived home. You have only been dating him for a little more than half a year, and have known about his true self he keeps hidden away from the rest of the world for less time than that, as well as his monthly runs with his pack because that’s the kind of thing werewolves like him do on a full moon, so maybe you’re still not fully adjusted to the idea of him coming home worked up with either an abundance of sexual frustration or an empty, growling stomach.
This morning, it’s a growling stomach. You realize as much as you slip on your fuzzy flippers and drag your feet to the kitchen, watching him for an entire minute as he rummages through the pantry and cabinets, pulling out boxes of snacks and taking bites of cookies between chugging a full gallon of milk.
“Oh, you’re home already?” you ask, a sleepy grin growing on your lips as his body jerks to face you, his brow creased and crumbs surrounding his lips. “I didn’t even hear you come in.”
He knows you’re teasing him, but he pays it no mind. Not when he’s in a rage of pure hunger and feels like he will die any second if he doesn’t shove five cookies into his mouth at once. His body glistens with sweat beneath the warm glow of an old kitchen light, spotting a few streaks of dirt you know are going to leave a mess in your bathtub. His hair is wild and pointing every which way, and you think there might be a dried up leaf stuck between a few strands, but you’re just not sure. You’re too tired to investigate, or deal with him in his fit of hunger.
“Did I wake you?” He blinks, then takes another chug of his milk, drinking for at least five seconds straight and you want to warn him to slow down in case he chokes, but you know he won’t listen. He’s a stubborn, hungry werewolf, and even though he’s making a mess with crumbs, drops of milk, and dirt falling from his half-naked body, you decide to deal with it because you love him.
“I wasn’t sleeping too well, anyway,” you tell him, stepping closer until you’re leaning against the counter.
“Did you miss me?” He grins as if he’s the cockiest thing on earth, and you don’t feed into his ego by telling him he would be correct in that assumption. “Hey… is that my sweater?”
You glance down at the faded, itchy sweater covering your body. The one he was wearing the first time the two of you met at the beginning of the year, the one he’s spilled too much food on and snagged on a couple of nails to leave some holes, and the one you always grab when he’s out on his monthly runs to fall asleep in, finding comfort when you’re without him.
“Yes,” you admit, lowering your voice as he steps toward you, allowing you to reach out and brush away the few crumbs on his cheeks with a giggle. “It smells like you, I tell you this every time. I think you just like to hear me say it.”
A wide grin crosses his lips as he nods. “I do.” With that, you shake your head and smack your lips, hating that he is so cocky and you always end up giving him a bigger head than he deserves.
“Now it smells like you.” He inhales a deep breath, and you know he’s getting a hint of your scent, as he likes to inform you. You aren’t sure what it means exactly, especially when he tells you he’s not talking about the shampoo or soap you use, and he isn’t too fond of lotions or perfumes on you. His head dives right for your neck as he inhales again, causing you to giggle the moment you feel his soft, yet hot lips on your skin. He certainly has a way of warming you up, but you guess that’s something else you don’t quite understand just yet, remembering all the times he’s warned you that his body temperature is higher than most. “You smell good.”
You exhale his name, hoping his appetite hasn’t turned for something more than food. You’re much too sleepy and he’s much too dirty, already deciding you’ll be sending him straight for the shower before anything else.
“What?” he groans into your neck, and soon you feel his hands lingering at the hem of the sweater, fingers brushing over your skin to send a shiver through your body. “You expect me not to get excited after a run when I come home to find you in my clothes smelling so amazing?”
You giggle while saying his name once again, pushing him away to leave him frowning, brow furrowed and lips pouting. He is always a bit more needy after a run, and becomes a bigger baby when he doesn’t get his way. That was something you were quick to catch on to, and even if it’s tempting to give in to him, you have to stand your ground once in a while. “You expect me to get excited when you’re dirty, and have cookie crumbs on your face, and you smell like you have been rolling around in mud?”
“I was rolling around in mud…”
“Ugh!” With that, you push him away, pointing toward the bathroom just down the hall behind him. “Go shower!”
“But… I’m...”
“Now!” You cross your arms as if that’s that, leaving his jaw hanging wide and even a few puppy whines filling in his chest. “If you’re a good boy and clean up—” You reach to pat his head, watching dirt fall from the strands. “—I’ll show you what’s underneath the sweater when you’re done.”
He perks up at the news, agreeing without hesitation, and if he had a tail in the moment, you’re positive it would be wagging. He disappears into the hall to start his shower, while you make your way to the bedroom to curl up between the sheets once again.
Of course, you will no doubt be asleep by the time he’s done with his shower, and even for a strong, powerful wolf, he knows not to wake you from your slumber or else he will suffer the consequences. His treat for being a good boy will just have to wait until you’ve had enough rest, but you certainly don’t mind snuggling up next to the warmth of his chest once he’s finally next to you in bed, dirt and crumb free, with his arms holding you close.
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kuolemankukka · 11 months
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that clock from werewolves, now with less furries.
i really tried making this bgc. but despite my best efforts (+fucking around and finding out) nothing really went my way. at this point i'm tired of looking at it, just take it lol. but if you know more about making things bgc than a complete noob (aka me), let me know...
has six swatches.
download: simsfileshare / dropbox
(werewolves gp is needed)
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kai parker x bonnie bennett
summary: even though kai is away for good, something still nags at bonnie. he deserves more pain than what she gave him; he should get equal to what he made everyone else suffer. the witch shakes her head. desiccation is punishment enough for any vampire, hybrid, or heretic. she’s seen it plenty of times.
still. despite her revenge, she craves more.
tags: NONCON / dubcon elements, non-consensual touching, blood drinking, minor violence, degradation, hate sex, painful sex, edgeplay / edging, orgasm control, pain kink, hand-jobs, blow-jobs, cussing, biting, teasing, sounding, unsafe sex, begging, voyeurism, masturbation, thigh riding, dominance, forced submission (dom!bonnie x sub!kai)
word count: 8k
a/n: i watched a 2 min clip of 'what lola wants' and then spent the next twelve hours writing this😅
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Bonnie’s sick of being treated like crap. She’s tired of being used, manipulated, and abused by witches, werewolves, and vampires alike. She’s tired of friends and enemies demanding favors and then neglecting her when they’re done. She’s sick of all of it. 
But out of all the people at whom she’s the most angry, it’s Kai Parker. 
The man she was alone with for months, trapped in 1994. The man who left her there, and then raised hell in her hometown in her absence. The man that had no problems killing anyone to get what he wanted - even children.
It’s him who she hates most above every other person who’s wronged her. So when Bonnie finally got the upperhand, she was more than happy to put him in his place. Now, Kai is stuck in a new prison world; chained with the strongest metal she could find. He’s there all alone, his least favorite song on repeat, to face an eternity of misery until he slowly desiccates.
Bonnie can’t help but feel proud of herself. 
But even though Kai is away for good, something still nags at her. He deserves more pain than what she gave him; he should get equal to what he made everyone else suffer.  
The witch shakes her head. Desiccation is punishment enough for any vampire, hybrid, or heretic. She’s seen it plenty of times. 
Still. Despite her revenge, she craves more. 
It’s been a couple weeks since she locked him up and threw away the key. Bonnie had expected to forget about him by now. She could live her life without his torment, or the fear that he’d find and hurt her. She should be free from all the pain he caused. 
Yet… she can’t stop thinking about him.
If he’s still on her mind, she thinks, then he deserves more than what she gave. Tighter chains, louder music, less hope. Or perhaps… more pain. To give him hope, but then to take it away. To make him feel something, but then leave him with nothing. 
Bonnie’s skin prickles at this thought. Nerves carve a pit in her stomach as a new plan forms in her head. It’s risky, wicked, and downright sinful, but it makes the edges of her lips twitch with amusement. Kai hasn't gotten all that he deserves, but she’ll make sure he does by the time she’s through with him. 
The ascendant’s hidden in a locked box under her bed. She told Damon and Alaric that it was in a safe in the Salvatore mansion. Obviously, she lied. Bonnie wanted to keep it closeby for reasons just like this - in case she’d ever need to check up on the man. As if he were a Peanuts’ character trapped in a dangerous, little snow globe. 
In five minutes’ time, she sends herself to the new prison world and makes her way to the bar where she had chained him weeks ago. She can already hear the Spin Doctors’ worst hit song from outside, and can’t help but cringe at the thought of hearing it on repeat. 
Bonnie enters the bar as quietly as she can. The door creaks, though, as she shuts it, so when she approaches the center stage, a half-dessicated Kai is already staring at her.
His gaze is cold, but as soon as he recognizes his guest, a smile creeps on his face. 
“Bonnie Bennett. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
She scoffs at the irony. “My being here does not mean pleasure for you.” In a split second, she turns off the tv, relieving them both of the annoying music. 
“Oh, but it always is when you’re around,” he flirts, “and besides, that,” he gestures to the now blank screen, “is also a pleasure to have off.”
Bonnie rolls her eyes. “Actually, I’m here to give you more of what you deserve. Pain.”
“More punishment? Is that so?”
The woman joins him on the stage, but keeps a distance. “You won’t be joking around by the time I’m finished here. Might as well give up the act now.”
“What are you going to do? Hurt me? Hit me?”
“Oh, I’m going to do much worse than that.”
Kai can only follow half her movements with his eyes. When she circles around to his backside, he’s rendered incapable of defending himself. Bonnie smirks when he struggles against his chains. He’s afraid, she realizes. She has the ability to strike fear in him. 
Bonnie comes up close enough to press her body into his chair. She flicks open a switchblade and presses it to his neck. 
“How does this make you feel? I have all the power over you right now.”
Kai settles at the feeling of the blade on his neck. Struggling against the chains would only make him bleed and weaken him more. 
“Nothing to say? That’s a first.”
“Bonnie-” he manages.
“Ah, ah, ah, you lost your chance to talk,” she interrupts at once. “Now, you stay still. If you struggle against those again, you’ll surely regret it.”
Kai doesn’t answer, nor does he move. Satisfied with his obedience, Bonnie removes the knife from his neck and cuts her pointer finger, just enough for it to bleed. She switches the knife closed and tucks it into her jean pocket. Kai’s veins immediately show under his eyes. He’s starving, and she knows it. Bonnie grabs his neck, squeezes it, and pulls him back. Their eyes meet. 
“What,” he chokes out, “are you doing?”
“Be quiet.” Bonnie touches her bleeding finger to his lips. His veins darken even more at the small taste of her blood. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
At her vague consent, he darts out his tongue to lick his lips. The grayness of his slowly desiccating state fades away, and his eyes roll in pleasure. 
“I said,” her hand tightens on his neck, “be quiet.” She lets another drop fall to his lips, then nods for him to lick it up. After a few more, he seems to get a small fraction of his strength back. Kai starts to look more like he used to - annoyingly handsome. His boyish features return to their usual youthfulness, as does the green-ish tint in his eyes. She lets go of his neck and walks around to stand in front of him. 
“What are you doing?” He asks again, genuinely confused. 
The girl, several inches shorter, yet currently way overpowering him, crosses her arms. “Getting my revenge.”
Kai narrows his eyes. “Isn’t that why you chained me up?”
“If you think that’s all you deserve, you’re sorely mistaken.”
She stalks closer to him.
“Why did you give me your blood?” He asks, sweat beading at his forehead as he nervously anticipates her punishment. 
“So that you’d feel everything I’m about to do to you.” She gets even closer. Her knees graze against his. 
“Which is?”
“You ask too many questions, do you know that?”
“I’ve been told.”
“Yeah.” Suddenly, she hits her fist onto his chest. It isn’t hard enough for the chair to rock, but it catches him off guard. “It’s been nice not having to listen to you talk nonstop. The last few weeks have been so blissfully quiet.” She pushes him now, this time with both hands. 
Kai doesn’t speak. If he could, he’d grab her hands, but his chains don’t budge. 
“And I’ve tried to forget about your stupid face and move on with my life, but I can’t ignore the little voice in my head that tells me you haven’t suffered enough yet for what you put me through!”
“So that’s why I’m here! And you’re going to feel everything. That’s why I gave you my blood. So you’d remember how good it feels to be awake and alive again, just for me to take it away. I control you, Kai. You don’t have anything over me. You’re powerless. You’re nothing.” She spits the words out, cruelty in her voice, knowing just what to say to start up his rage. Though she’s right - there’s nothing he can do against her. 
Anger and fear shoot through his body. His blood runs cold. Kai jumps at his chains, veins darkening again, but it’s no use. He couldn’t get out when he was at full strength, and he certainly won’t get out now. Still, he tries, at least to loosen them. 
Bonnie, meanwhile, just watches him struggle. She has the nerve to smirk, angering him more. “You’re only hurting yourself,” she mutters. 
Kai doesn’t care. He continues to fight uselessly. 
After a minute, though, it suddenly seems she’s had enough watching him. She slaps both of her hands onto his legs, palms open, sending a stinging sensation up his spine. “Stop fighting. You look pathetic.”
“Bonnie,” he cries to her, though does stop moving.
“Shut up.”
“Bonnie, I’m sorry. Please let me go. Let me out. I’ll be good, I promise.”
“I already gave you that chance. You can’t be trusted. You can never be allowed out again.”
“No, I promise, it’ll be different this time! I’ll be different. I’ll-”
“I said, ‘shut up’!” She slaps his leg again. Her hand lands dangerously further up his thigh. He flinches from the unexpected pain. 
“Bon,” he tries again.
Astonished at his refusal to listen, she looks him dead in the eyes. “Have you ever listened to a word anyone’s told you? I tell you to be quiet and you just keep whining! It’s so fucking pathetic.”
His eyes widen. He’s never heard her cuss before. 
“Finally! Maybe you are capable of doing something right.”
“I can, I promise! Let me prove to you that I-”
“Awh, nope. Back to square one.”
“Wait! You tricked me!”
“I didn’t trick you! You tricked me! Over and over when you made promises to me and continuously broke them. You can’t do anything right. Can’t even shut up for one second.”
Kai bites his tongue when he wants to reply. At first he was amused by her bullying, but now it’s getting to his head. Bonnie can see it in his eyes. She’s weakened him enough that he won’t fight her back anymore. 
“Good. Now stay that way. You can only speak if I give you permission.”
Kai is confused, but doesn’t ask. His tongue bleeds from the pressure he puts on it. 
Bonnie’s hands run further up his legs. Her fingers curl in between the chains, feeling the heaviness of the metal. 
“Do these hurt?”
Kai nods.
She gives them a tug, then abandons them. Her hands move to his belt, toying with the buckle. 
“Bet that’s uncomfortable,” she chuckles. 
Kai expects her to examine more of his confined hell, maybe to confirm that his boots are tied too tightly, or that his shirt tag is itchy, but her focus has yet to leave his belt. He swallows, watching her fingers trace the buckle’s golden metal. 
“Pretty tight, too. Would suck to be bound in a chair with a belt that’s too tight. Imagine the stomach ache. Yikes.”
Before Kai can even consider a response in his head, Bonnie’s undoing the buckle. He blinks in surprise, wondering if he’s dreaming. The woman lets it fall to his sides when it loosens, then she traces a finger down the center of his jeans. His pants tighten by the second. His lips part in pleasure, but he doesn’t dare make a sound. 
She then pulls down the zipper and feels for his quickly hardening cock. When she gets a hold of it, she brings it through the hole. 
“Thank god you’re big, otherwise this wouldn’t even be worth it.”
The degrading praise makes him even harder. Kai clenches his fists and squeezes his eyes shut. The urge to say her name, taste it on his tongue while she holds his cock, is strong, but he fears the consequences if he speaks. 
Bonnie runs her fingers along his length. At first, she just admires the size. Her nails scratch slightly, but the pain feels good. As soon as pre-cum starts to dribble from the tip, she rubs her thumb in it. She smears it around his head, making it wet and sticky. Bonnie spits in her hand to wet the rest of his length. Then, with his cock squeezed in between two of her fingers, she starts to jerk him off. 
She starts slow, but picks up pace the harder he gets. Whenever her spit dries, she adds more, but it isn’t adequate lubrication. Neither care, though. Bonnie doesn’t care about his pleasure, and Kai’s too desperate. She watches him lean back into the chair, chest heaving as he fights the urge to moan. He’s sweating profusely. He looks so weak in her hands, with his pleasure depending on her choices. Bonnie spits on her other hand and mixes it with his remaining pre-cum. She jerks his length with her whole fist now, while the nails on her other hand dig into his sensitive head.
“You can speak,” she instructs. 
Kai lets out a deep sigh almost immediately. A shudder runs through his body, followed by a heavy moan. “Bon,” he pants, cut off by his own need to moan again. 
His sounds of contentment are some of the prettiest she’s ever heard, but she’d never admit it. Instead, she jerks him faster. She tightens her grip around his cock and pulls on it. Moans continue to tumble from his lips, one after another, while Bonnie doesn’t slow down for a second. 
That is… until he’s close. 
“Fuck,” Kai whines, “fuck, Bonnie. Don’t stop, I’m so close.” 
They lock eyes. She runs her tongue along her lower lip. A little tease.
“I’m so close, Bon, I’m gonna- oh, fuck-”
Any second now, he’s gonna explode. Bonnie drops his cock immediately and watches it hang in the air. It’s red from the friction, and probably sore from the dryness. 
“Why’d you stop?” Kai asks in between pants. “I’m- why- Bon-”
The woman straightens her back, smirking. “That’s enough for now, don’t you think?”
“No! Wait! Bonnie! Don’t leave, please! Don’t leave me like this.”
She laughs as his cock starts to soften. The lack of stimulation combines with the cool air in the room, leaving him edged. Kai is still pleading with her, but she tunes him out. Then, once he’s soft enough that he’ll need to work back up a sweat to come, she tucks him back in his pants and secures his belt. 
“Goodbye, Malachai.”
With that, she turns on her heels and returns back to her world. 
Bonnie washes her hands as soon as she gets back to her dorm, but she can’t shake the feeling of his heavy cock resting in them. She sighs to herself, conflicted with the thought, but decides not to linger on it. Instead, she thinks of Kai, and what he’s probably feeling at that very moment. Maybe he’s yelling - angry at her for visiting just to tease him. Maybe he’s crying - having been so close to finding relief, only to have it taken from him. Either way, she feels proud of herself. Kai can’t control her anymore, but she now has certain control over him, and she’s not going to stop until she’s satisfied. 
Two days after her secret visit to the prison world, Bonnie returns to it. Alaric and Damon had already made plans for the night, giving her enough time to edge Kai for another round before returning unsuspiciously to her room. She has it all planned out, and neither man should suspect a thing. 
She repeats the same steps as before, creeping into the bar, finding Kai waiting for her as soon as he heard the door. His face is mixed with emotions in her presence. Emotions he probably doesn’t even understand, but she can identify some: anger, relief, desperation. She bites back a smile at knowing she can pull those feelings out of him just by entering a room. 
“Hello, Kai.”
“Bonnie,” he greets, watching her carefully. 
“Miss me?” She teases, finally letting that smile free.
“Ha ha. Stop making jokes.”
“Okay. Guess I won’t try to lighten the mood.”
He glares at her. 
“Yeah, okay, guess not. Seems like what they say about blue balls is true… guys get so grumpy!”
“Can we just skip the awkward part and carry onto however you want to punish me next?”
“Alright, fine.” Bonnie stalks up to him and puts her heeled foot on his knee. “I haven’t really planned how I want to do that yet today. Any suggestions?”
Kai trails his eyes over her toned leg. “This works.”
“Ha ha,” she returns the same dry tone he used. “Never mind, I got it.” Bonnie takes her foot off him and immediately starts on his belt again. She’s leaning into him just a little bit to pull him through his jeans’ hole, when she feels something touch the back of her knee. Quickly, she whips around to see his fingers grazing her. Kai stills his hands at once, and when she looks back at him, he’s grinning. 
“Couldn’t help myself.”
“You do not touch me,” she shakes a finger at him.
“You’re touching me.”
“I’m punishing you for all the shit you put me through.”
“By touching me?”
“It’s a means to a very satisfying end, where I leave you very much unsatisfied.”
Kai purses his lips, obviously holding back a laugh. Probably a snide comment, too, but luckily he doesn’t say it. 
Bonnie glares at him, irritated once more by the man. Without much thinking, she slaps his soft cock, which she had just pulled from his jeans. Immediately, the man buckles - as much as he can in his chains. 
“I’m not here to make you feel good.”
His cock starts to grow anyway. There’s a red slap mark on it, but the sudden pain seemed to get him hard. Bonnie stares, incredulous. 
“You’re serious?”
“I can’t control it.”
“You’re pathetic.”
“Thanks for the reminder.”
For a moment, she’s quiet, as if thinking up a new punishment plan. Kai watches her face with curiosity. Incidentally, he gets harder thinking of how she might hurt him next. 
“Did you like it yesterday when I hit you? Did that turn you on, too?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one that had your hands on me.”
“Did you like it when I had my hands around your neck?”
“You could recreate it and we could find out.”
She scoffs, “good try.”
“Thought you wanted me hard so you could punish me more?”
“Well, it seems that job has already been done for me since we’ve been sitting here, talking about it.”
Kai looks down at himself. “Huh. Well, would you look at that?” He catches her eye again, a proud smirk on his face. 
Bonnie immediately slaps his cheek. “Fuck you for enjoying this.”
“Was that supposed to be part of the punishment? Because hearing you cuss at me also helped yesterday.”
The woman straightens her posture, seething in frustration. “You’re so irritating, I can’t deal with you!” She’s quick to leave the bar, giving Kai almost no time to call after her. The door slams behind her, and he’s left in complete silence. 
Five minutes later, Bonnie comes back in, still seemingly annoyed, but less angry-looking. 
“Don’t start. Don’t say a fucking word to me until I say you can.”
For some reason, Kai obeys. He squeezes his lips shut and watches as she kneels in between his legs. His cock has softened again since she left, but her touch brings him back in a matter of minutes. Her grip is strong as she takes him in her hand and jerks him back and forth. His body relaxes, then releases the pre-cum she needs to glide along him more smoothly. Though instead of using it as lube like he expected her to do again, her tongue makes contact with the tip of his cock. His head is enveloped in her warm mouth as she takes in his length. Kai moans, forgetting his instruction to be quiet. Bonnie slaps his thigh instantly, but it only makes him whimper. 
“Shut up,” she tells him. A strand of spit still connects her lip to his cock, though she had pulled off him to talk. 
She glares at him, but then goes back to her task. Bonnie traces the thick vein on the underside with her finger, then goes back over it with her tongue. Kai bites his own tongue, once again, to not make another sound. His body tenses as he struggles against his own desires. 
“You can speak but try not to sound so fucking needy,” she snaps. 
Kai nods. 
She puts her mouth on him again. Her lips stay on his head while her hand does all the work to get him off, but he’s not complaining. She maintains her tight hold, squeezing slightly, bringing a little pain. 
Kai starts to moan again. Soft ones, trying to sound less needy, as he was commanded. Though once he gets close, he starts to lose control. “Bon-”
Bonnie nips the skin on his head. He jumps in shock.
“Bonnie, ah-”
“Close?” She pants, separating her lips, but then blowing cool air where she had bitten.
“Yes. Please don’t-” She lets go. “-stop. Ah, no! Bonnie, no! Why? Please! Please just let me-”
The woman stands up. She waits for him to start going soft, then tucks him back in again. 
“See you later, Malachai. Maybe.”
“Bonnie, please! Don’t go, I-”
“Remember what I said earlier? Don’t try to be so fucking needy.”
Moments after Bonnie washes her hands and sits back on her bed, Damon pops in the room. 
“Hey.” He eyes her.
“Where have you been?”
“I came here, you weren’t here.”
“I was at the Grill.”
“Need something?”
“Nope. Just… checking on you.”
“I’m pretty good today. How was it with Ric?”
“Pretty good, too.”
“Yeah, um. Mind if I stay here just for a little? Stefan’s been angsty and I just…”
Bonnie smiles. They’ve grown quite close in the last year. “Sure.”
“Okay, cool.” He lies down in Elena’s bed. 
Bonnie continues to study while Damon chatters on about his night with Alaric. She listens the best she can. Though when he comments about her strayed attention, she’s quick to blame her homework, and not the vicious thoughts swarming her head about one Kai Parker, and what exactly she’ll do to him next.
The next time Bonnie can get away from the drama of Mystic Falls, she takes a short vacation to the prison world. Her excuse, this time, is needing some peace and quiet after dealing with heretic drama for the last four days. Although ironically, her escape would be found with another heretic. But Bonnie shakes this thought away as soon as it surfaces. Being with Kai is not an escape; it’s a continuation of his much deserved punishment. It’s her revenge on him for all his wrongdoings. She needs to deliver it as much as he needs to receive it. Besides, it’s addicting, every time she leaves him sore and begging for her to come back. It’s empowering. 
That’s why she keeps going back. 
This is the third time she’s visited him. Though instead of walking right up to him on the center stage, Bonnie disappears behind the bar. Kai had heard and seen her come in, but her change in routine has made him curious. 
“What are you doing, BonBon?” He asks, a slight tease in his tone.
Bold of him to tease her when he’s the one tied up. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She fires back. 
“You know what they say?” Kai clicks his tongue. “Third time’s the charm.”
“You wish.”
“Aw come on, Bonnie. Wouldn’t it be so fun if we could come together? I’m dying to know what your pretty little moans sound like. And you’ve heard mine, but I can be louder.”
“Do I have to remind you that this isn’t supposed to be fun?”
“But you have to admit, it kinda is.”
Bonnie looks at him, rolling her eyes. She’s about to go smack that stupid smirk off his face, but then she notices a metal glint on the shelf beside her. It takes her attention from him, and she chuckles. 
“What?” Kai asks.
Bonnie then disappears into the kitchen on a quest for something wet. Something in this bar that she could use in place of lube. She smiles when she finds it. 
Two minutes later, she’s standing in front of Kai with her newly found tools. He looks at them, then back at her. 
“Coconut oil?”
“And a bar spoon.”
“What are you gonna do with those?”
“Something dangerous.”
Kai shifts in his seat. She knows the debate he’s having in his head. She knows him now like she knows the back of her hand. 
“No objections?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really.”
Kai purses his lips, not giving her an answer. 
“You’ll be fine. Just don’t think about it yet. Because if you get hard, it’s gonna hurt.”
“Wait what?”
But she’s already busy with his buckle. She puts the spoon in between her teeth while pulling him out, then crouches down to prep him. Kai watches with a morbid curiosity, trying to guess her next move. Bonnie, meanwhile, lathers the end of the spoon in coconut oil. Then, she applies some to the tip of his soft cock. 
“Bon,” he can’t help the groan from the contact, “what are you doing?”
“Stay still. Tell me if you need more lube.”
“Okay.” Because what else is he gonna do about it?
Bonnie seems to enter a deep concentration as she lines the spoon up with the tip of his head. She keeps one hand on his cock to hold it in place and slowly inserts the spoon end into the urethral hole. 
“Oh god,” Kai mutters, quickly catching on, “Bon?”
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I’ve seen it in a video.”
He narrows his eyes. “What kind of-”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Okay. But hey, have you ever done this before, because- oh!” He’s cut off - thankfully - by a moan as she reaches his prostate. “Oh god,” he says again, this time out of pleasure. 
“Are you okay?” She asks. She doesn’t know why; it’s not like she cares.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” His voice is raspy as he answers. She tries to ignore the way it makes her feel. 
“Okay.” She twists the spoon. It’s coiled handle would be felt against his walls, but she could only wonder how it’d feel. Judging by the strained groan that leaves his lips, it’s intense. 
He says nothing. 
“I don’t know, I just-” She pulls it out a little, then pushes it back in. The motion effectively cuts off his speech again. 
“I like this,” she smirks, “it shuts you up.”
Kai looks down at her. “Who knew you could be such a sadist, Bonnie?”
“Who knew you could get turned on by a spoon in your dick?” She fires back.
He doesn’t have an answer. Whether he’s embarrassed or speechless, she’s not actually sure. 
Satisfied with her newfound ability to quiet him, Bonnie pulls it back again, until it’s almost out, and then slowly pushes more into his prostate. 
“You still fine?” She asks again, still, not sure why she cares. 
“Yeah. More of that,” he points to the floor.
“The that.”
“Lube stuff.”
“Oh.” She takes a scoop and applies it to his head, as well as what length of the handle isn’t buried inside him. The whole thing doesn’t fit, but she only needs it long enough to hit his prostate.
“Fuck,” he mutters, watching her twirl it. 
Bonnie puts some of the oil on her free hand, then starts to rub the outside of his length. She can feel the tool that’s inside, and finds herself having to bite her lip to not moan from the pleasure she’s giving him. 
“Oh my god,” Kai’s words snap her out of her own mind. 
“Don’t get hard,” she warns again, feeling it happen as she speaks.
“I’m trying not to. Hard when you’re touching me like that.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Bonnie continues to jerk him off per his request. She watches his face, which contorts between expressions of pain and pleasure, as he becomes erect. She’s stopped moving the spoon for now and instead lets it rest inside him. Kai chews on his bottom lip until it bleeds. 
For a second time, he doesn’t answer. Bonnie decides to chalk it up to that maybe he just likes to say her name when he’s being touched. The thought makes her proud. For fun, she pushes the spoon into his prostate just a little further. 
“Ah- fuck-” His body shivers, and she wonders if he’s close. 
“Update?” She asks, not wanting to directly ask if he’s okay again. 
She smirks, reading his face. “Close? But don’t want to tell me?”
“You have five seconds. See if you can come in five… four…” She begins to carefully pull the spoon out. 
“Wait, wait, wait! I’m close, don’t- just give me a little more time!”
“Two… one!” As soon as it’s out, she drops his cock. “Whoops! Out of time!”
“No, wait! Bonnie, please! I can’t do this anymore. I need,” he’s panting heavily, “need it. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Sorry, try again next time.”
“Are you okay? Need more lube? Just for, I don’t know, comfort?”
“I need to come, Bonnie. Please.”
“So is that a no?”
“Taking it as a no,” she mutters. “Okay… just because you look like you’re on the verge of passing out, and as much as I hate you, I’m not that mean, I’ll give you a little treat.” She retrieves the switchblade from her pocket, cuts her finger, and lets a couple drops of blood drip onto the spoon part of the bar tool. His veins appear quickly at the mere sight of her blood, and he finally shuts up about his desire to come. Bonnie is careful in letting him sip off the spoon, then refills it once and feeds him again. Then, as he’s preoccupied with the taste of blood, she tucks him back in his pants and redoes the buckle. 
“Bye.” She puts the spoon in the kitchen sink, along with the oil, and then waves goodbye to him as she leaves. 
That most recent visit stays in the forefront of both their minds. 
Bonnie wonders what got into her to even make her do it in the first place, while also being proud of herself for stimulating him in such a dominant way. Never would she expect that from herself, yet once she started, it was hard to stop. She found herself actually enjoying it - both the act and the intimacy of it, as well as his moans. She even had to stop herself from moaning in the middle of it as she listened to him.
As she thinks about it, though, she remembers what he had said when she first entered, “wouldn’t it be so fun if we could come together? I’m dying to know what your pretty little moans sound like. And you’ve heard mine, but I can be louder.” 
And he had gotten louder. If they weren’t the only people in the prison world, she would’ve worried about others overhearing him. 
Still… she wonders how exactly he’d react to her sounds. She bets there’s a way to edge him with her own voice; to pleasure him, maybe without even touching him. And then, of course, to take it away just the same. She smiles, liking the plan forming in her head. 
Because as much as she might be getting turned on by his voice, she’ll never let him know. At least this way, she can get some pleasure for herself without him getting any of the credit. 
As much as Bonnie thinks about that night, Kai thinks about it tenfold. After all, there’s nothing else for him to do. At first, he’s still coming off from the high of trying something new. He hadn’t come, but the experience was still very enjoyable. He even swears he can still feel the coils against his walls, turning and turning. Kai shifts; the memory of the sensation makes him hard. 
But as the feeling fades, and the taste of blood expires from his lips, he grows angry. Angry at the fact that she’s been edging him for over a week. Angry at the hunger gnawing at his stomach. Angry at the way she’s using him for sexual gratification - no matter how much she claims it’s punishment. Angry at himself for enjoying it every time and forgiving her each time she comes back. 
He’s pissed. His blood feels like acid, and he’s desperate for his own revenge.
As soon as her heels click on the bar floor, Kai’s looking for her. He has a nasty speech planned for her, and the moment she comes into view, he’ll spit it out until she feels guilty enough to let him come. Rage dances in his eyes and the words balance on his tongue. 
“How do you feel?” Bonnie’s voice hits his ears. She comes out of the shadows slowly, not only edging him in a sexual practice, but now also with the way she approaches. 
Kai seethes. But the moment he opens his mouth to shout at her, his jaw drops. There she is, fully emerged from the darkness, as sexy as he thought he could only ever picture. She wears a bustier top with black leather pants, plus her heeled boots. Her breasts are pushed up and neck is fully exposed. Kai’s eyes travel from her collarbone, to her breasts, and then down the rest of her body. His breath catches and pants tighten.
“I asked you a question,” the woman repeats. 
“I, uh-”
“Hm.” Bonnie grabs one of the bar chairs and swings it around to face him. She sits, straddling her legs apart, and leans back carelessly. There’s about ten feet between them. Ten feet of tense, sexually charged energy. 
Kai tries to form a word, or even possibly start the rant that he had planned, but his throat is dry. 
“You have nothing to say?” She challenges. 
She cocks her head at him. “No? Pathetic. Can’t even compliment how good this top looks on me.” Bonnie leans forward suddenly. Her breasts threaten to spill. “Tell me - why is it I have to do everything myself? I guess the saying is true… if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” She leans back again, studying him. Kai’s silent, now rather intimidated, as her eyes rake over his form. His eyes, dilated pupils bearing a pleading look. His lip, bloodied from being chewed between his teeth. His neck, skin flushed from edging without relief. His cock, hard in his jeans once again, desperate for touch. Bonnie smirks. “Well? Come over and have me your way, if that’s what you want.”
Kai struggles against his chains. 
“No? Don’t want to touch? Guess I do have to do it myself.”
He fights again, and this time, finds his voice. “No! Bon, I want- please-”
“Sorry, missed your window.”
Bonnie unbuttons her pants before slinking a hand into them. She finds her clit with ease and wastes no time rubbing little circles into the tissue. A soft moan escapes her lips. Her legs widen involuntarily. Kai can only watch the scene before him as his cock hardens uncomfortably. Bonnie can see the outline from where she’s sitting, but she only spares him a glance before rolling her eyes back in her head. 
“Bon,” Kai tries again. He can’t grab her attention, though. 
One of her arms snakes up to her hair and she digs into her own scalp. She breathes deeply at the pleasurable feeling, then lets her hand drop back to her shoulder. 
“Bonnie… I can make you feel good. Please. Let me out. I promise, I can do better.”
The woman pauses for a second. She chuckles. “Better? You really think so?”
“I know so. Just give me a chance. Please.”
“Never thought I’d see the day where Kai Parker is pleading.”
“Bonnie, I’m serious. I promise.”
“Okay then, come over here and do better. I dare you to try.”
Kai tries to get out of his chains again. “I can’t, you need to let me out.”
“Can’t? I thought you said you could?”
“No, not that. Bon- please!”
She shakes her head. “Boys and their egos… always thinking they can do it better.” Bonnie starts up again; Kai can see her hand moving in her pants. She puts pressure on her clit, dips her fingers into her core, then goes back to her clit when they’re slick. Her lips separate and quiet whines spill from them. Her free hand drops to her chest. She squeezes her tits from outside her top, before running her hand down the side of her body. 
Her body is beautiful, but Kai’s mouth is too dry to tell her. He’s angry that he’s not the one pleasuring her, and also that he can’t pleasure himself. There’s nothing he can do but watch as she draws herself closer to her own orgasm. 
A mere seconds later, with no warning to him except for the way her pace quickens, Bonnie comes. She grabs the back of the chair as her legs go weak, and several moans, much louder than her soft, little whines, sound like heaven to his ears.
Kai’s heart beats in his chest as she recovers, and he wonders he might’ve come without even being touched. He squeezes his legs together just in case. 
When Bonnie finally comes back to her senses, she looks up at him. “I do a pretty good job by myself, don’t ‘ya think?”
Kai knows better than to answer. Instead, he watches her pull her hand out from her pants, button them, and stand up. Her fingers are coated with her own wetness. He can see it on her hands reflecting from the neon light behind them. 
Bonnie then smiles and rounds his backside, just as she did on her first visit. Kai follows as much as he can, but loses sight of her quickly. Before he can ask what she’s doing, her fingers are up against his lips. The smell of her fills his nose. 
He does so immediately. Kai isn’t even tempted to feed, he’s so overwhelmed by her taste. Once her fingers are clean, she pulls them from his lips and stands in front of him. She looks him up and down, then leaves. This time, she doesn’t even say goodbye. 
The fifth time Bonnie visits, Kai’s hard the moment he hears her enter the building. When she reaches the stage and sees his tight jeans, she laughs. 
“Wow. You must be pretty uncomfortable.”
“Bonnie, please.”
“Begging has gotten you nowhere, yet you still continue to do it.”
“I need to come, please. It hurts.”
“I thought you liked the pain.”
“Not this kind of pain.” 
She stares down at him. “Hm. Maybe. If you stop begging me like a brat, maybe.”
“Okay. I’ll do whatever you want. I promise.”
She laughs. “Well there’s not much you can do. I mean, I’m not going to unchain you.”
He swallows hard. 
“But maybe I’ll let you come. If I’m feeling nice by the end of today’s punishment.”
Kai nods, but not too quickly, not to seem needy.
“So how do you want this to go?” Bonnie stalks around him, focused on the way he reacts to her presence. His body shakes with the need for relief. It’s almost like she’s Pavolved him to get hard the moment she walks through the bar door. The thought of having that effect on someone - on Kai Parker, nonetheless - makes her wet. 
“I don’t care, I just need something.”
“No begging, remember.”
He bites his tongue. “If I suggest something, you’ll just do the opposite.”
“What?” She fakes offense and puts a hand on her chest. “That would just be rude.”
“So is edging me for over a week.”
“Oh, you’re fine. Don’t be so dramatic. Besides,” she suddenly leans into his ear, “pretty sure you came last time without permission. So…”
“I didn’t. I promise. I thought I did too, but it was just pre. Trust me. If you let me come, you’ll see for yourself. I haven’t, but I really need to.”
“Begging again…”
“Bonnie, please.”
She sighs, giving up on that. She’d be lying anyway if she said she didn’t like to hear him so desperate. The whole ‘no begging’ thing was only to see if he could do it. Clearly, he can’t. 
“Okay.” She comes around to his side and traces a finger down his chest. “Let’s see if you’re telling the truth, then.” Bonnie expertly unbuckles his belt with one hand, though she doesn’t take him out quite yet. “Are you completely hard? Or do you still have a little bit to grow?”
She slaps his inner thigh. In a couple moments, the outline in his jeans thickens. 
“Good to know pain still does it for you. Was kind of afraid the sounding was too much.” She finally pulls out his cock and lets it bounce against his leg. “Was it too much?”
“No,” he answers immediately, “felt good.”
She smiles. “What an interesting little thing you are.”
“You started it,” he fires back. 
“Ah, ah, ah, don’t talk back to me.” Before he can apologize and beg again, she adds, “and don’t touch me.”
“Wait what?”
Bonnie straddles his leg without answering, then lowers herself onto him. Her core is separated by two pairs of denim, but Kai swears he can feel her warmth through the layers. She’s soaking wet, yet chastising him for being hard. His throat dries. 
“Bon- ah!” 
Without warning, she’s grabbed his cock and has begun to jerk him off yet again. Kai digs his fingernails into his jeans while fighting the urge to reach for her. His body reacts to her stimulation, producing pre-cum faster than it ever has before. Not even in the 1994 prison world had he ever edged himself as badly as Bonnie did this last week. And even worse, he’s had to completely rely on the woman for his pleasure. Kai lets out a choked moan as she spits on his cock to wet it. He misses the way her mouth felt that second night, but doesn’t dare mention it. 
Instead, “can the coconut oil make a return?”
“You were fine with the dryness the first night.”
Bonnie either pities him or actually understands. He doesn’t know, but she cuts him off. “One moment.”
Her hand leaves his cock entirely, then disappears under her own pants. Within seconds, it re-emerges, glistening with her own wetness, and settles back on his cock. Kai groans at the feeling. It’s wet and warm and coats him better than her saliva does. She jerks him faster once her hand starts to glide better. 
“Did my moans live up to your expectations of what they’d be?” She asks suddenly. 
Kai stutters out a ‘yes’ amidst the pleasure. 
“Would you like to hear them again?”
“Uh huh.”
“Do you wanna make me come? I promise I’ll let you come if you can get me there.”
“Yes. Bonnie, please.”
“Good. Beg for it.”
“Thought you said ‘no begging’?”
“Changed my mind. Not like you were following that rule anyway.”
He gives her an embarrassed smile, not meeting her eyes. The unexpected submissive behavior takes her off guard, but she’s not complaining. 
“Eyes on me, Malachai.”
His eyes snap up.
“Good.” With that, she starts to rock her hips on his leg. The friction between their jeans scratches her clit, but it doesn’t hurt. In fact, she likes it, and starts to rub harder. Her arm wraps around his shoulder for a better grip. “Good,” she repeats, “you’re doing well. Are you close?” She hadn’t slowed in her feat to get him off, not even during their brief conversation.
“Uh huh.”
“You promise I can come?”
“When I say so.”
“Okay,” he pauses, “are you close?”
“Not quite.” Bonnie’s never had much luck getting herself off on pillows and fabrics. She’s tried, but most often needs clitoral stimulation to come. Despite that, she does feel herself reaching the edge; that knot in the stomach that comes with a high. Maybe it’s the pressure on her clit from his jeans. Maybe it’s just Kai, and his body, and the way she’s always had a desire for him, even though she hates him in every other aspect. 
“I wish I could touch you,” he breaks the silence. Well, the pause between their conversation. The room has been filled with the sounds of rubbing denim, the slick sounds of his cock, and their heavy moans, since things started picking up. 
“You haven’t earned that right yet.”
“That implies I could.”
“Shut up and let me focus on this feeling so I can come.”
Kai shuts his mouth immediately. He, too, decides to concentrate on the sensations that surround him, drawing him closer and closer to orgasm. 
“Bonnie, are you close?” His voice is panicked. She can tell he won’t be able to hold off for much longer. 
“Shut up-” 
The woman leans forward, burying her nose in his shoulder, and a second later, biting the clothed skin there. Kai flinches for a moment, but then hears the moans tumbling from her lips and knows she’s reached her high. 
She nods into his body. “Go ahead and come, Kai.”
Finally, with permission, and after four days of being on edge, he’s allowed the pleasure of finishing. A moan from deep inside his throat spills out at the same time a thick load shoots from his tip. There’s more than Bonnie expected, but Kai doesn’t seem surprised. 
“Fuckkk.” His whole body shivers in pleasure. 
When Bonnie trusts her own two feet, she climbs off his lap. There’s a small wet spot on his jeans where she was sitting, and a darker one on her own. 
“You okay?” She asks, watching him recover.
Kai offers a lopsided smile. “Mhm.”
Bonnie takes one more look at him, then remembers why she’s here. Punishment. Revenge. Certainly not mutual masturbation. The woman straightens her back. “Good.” She turns to leave, unsure what else to say.
“Wait!” Kai abruptly yells. She stops in her tracks. “Now that you’ve let me come, does this mean you won’t be back?”
She turns back to face him, snorting in amusement. “What, you like this?”
“I like you,” he admits, hoping the truth doesn’t betray him. “I like you touching me, even if this is the first time you’ve let me finish.”
“Who knew Kai Parker would have an edging kink?”
“I don’t. I just like you, Bonnie.”
The woman stares at him. 
“Please,” he continues, “don’t leave me here. I know I don’t deserve it. I know I’m a horrible person. I know you hate me. But please… you can’t hate me that much if you’ve visited me five times just to edge me. So even if you keep doing that - taking your anger out on me or using me to get off, whatever - keep doing it. I don’t want to spend another block of my life in isolation, Bonnie, I can’t.”
He has a point. She wouldn’t have kept coming back if some part of her didn’t like him at least a little. And on another note, if she keeps abandoning him in prison worlds, he’s only going to get more and more ruthless, less and less moral. As much as she hates him, she can’t do that to him. She shouldn’t. Deep inside her mind, a voice reminds that she doesn’t want to, either. She takes a deep breath. 
“Next time I’m bored, maybe I’ll take pity on you and let you come again.”
Kai already knows she’s caved. She’ll be back. “Thank yo-”
“Don’t want to hear it.”
“If you can prove to be good, that could work in your favor.”
Kai nods quickly.
“Goodbye, Malachai.”
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