#lester's possum park
disneyphile · 26 days
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Who's your favorite possum?
A Goofy Movie (1995)
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kmixon · 1 month
Overwork for Wish
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Awwww.... stealing form a song you, cover up😠😠😠you are a Star!!!
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kegisaroused · 8 months
Ayda Aguefort junior year spoilers without context
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harmoniegoof-blog · 1 month
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3 years have passed since the events of Goof troop. During the movie, Harmonie is at home. She won't go with Goofy and Max so she can let her boys tighter their family ties.
She will be seen only at the beginning of the movie, dancing the mambo with Goofy, helping him to charge the car with the boxes, and at the end, watching Goofy and Max at the TV with Powerline. 
-> In the lester possum park, we can see a kid with a book "A raccoon's family" so it means her dream of being a famous child book illustrator with her own serie became true.
-> Harmonie is the one who helped Max making his Powerline outfit. She knew about Roxane way before Goofy did since Max asked her advices to impress his crush.
(The 2 edited screenshots were made by Lehicolmillos on IG)
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crowlixcx · 27 days
there are people on this earth that have not seen a goofy movie. haven't experienced the cinematographic masterpiece of I 2 I. aren't familiar with the opossum-themed roadside attraction of lester's possum park. don't shed a tear at the mere mention of alphabet soup. there are people on this earth that have not lived
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what’s your comfort film?
That's a tough choice.
My go-to movie for a Feel Good sort of thing is undoubtedly "A Goofy Movie", which has been a favorite of mine as far back as I can remember, to the point that I'm pretty sure I caused my old tape to deteriorate from overuse. I have a "Lester's Possum Park" shirt, even.
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Another one I like to run as a comfort film is "The Secret of NIMH", which was a constant choice to run when I was a kid and despite having the tape, I also would catch the airings on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater whenever possible. I think my Mom was probably concerned about how enthralled I was with this movie as a kid because of how generally dark the atmosphere is, but gosh, it's such a fantastic visual treat. Fun Fact: Every time I start a new Pokémon journey, the first Rattata I capture is always named "Brisby" in reference to this movie.
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As well as "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron", which is just a beautiful film in every aspect. I want to chew a hole through the doorframe every single time I think about how great the story, music and animation of this film is. I also had this on tape growing up.
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And of course "Howl's Moving Castle" needs a mention. This was one I had on DVD as teen, and absolutely yes, it's easily my favorite Ghibli film and a go-to recommendation for an animated feature when someone asks. The atmosphere, the whimsical touch, the looming narrative of a war going on in the background, fairytale-esque curses, true love, enchantment, character development that happens in a logical and satisfying way, re-watch bonuses, and just a wonderful selection of morals peppered in that are great lessons to take away from. Everyone here my age and younger have probably seen it plenty of times, it's a classic, I don't even have to sell the reason why I adore it so much. 😊
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I quite enjoy animated films the most, but I do have some favorites that aren't animated, by the way, he he he
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wetbloodworm · 8 months
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i have no fucking clue how to draw furries but i did my best. i tried so hard and i had fun. anyway here are the fursonas for the somaverse kids per this post here. ayda's is the design i'm the shakiest on because she'd be the most serious about her design and idk how to design furries. when getting ayda to design their possum fursona seven specified that they were looking for a lester's possum park kinda vibe. asim's used to be bigger but ayda kept drawing him smaller and smaller. achlys was SO EXCITED coming up with their design with the furry council because that's them! that's kinda them! :)
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bridoesotherjunk · 10 months
my mom - "Oh that reminds me of the thing from the Goofy Movie"
me - "Lester's possum park?"
-- why do i remember this shit, but can't remember ACTUAL important shit
i hate my brain
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
When Frankie Found Ambrose
A/N: Little backstory on how Frankie got to Ambrose.
Warnings: Bo being a dick? Knives, a gun (all duhs but still)
OC Page
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“Ah come on, been working for a good 11 years! Now you wanna wear out?”
A tall blond man crosses his arms looking down at his Ford. The car could start, the car could go straight back and straight forward, but it couldn’t turn.
Damn tie rod must’ve gone bad and honestly the man had ignored it until now. He really shouldn’t have cause now he’s in the middle of nowhere and with no cell service.
He sighs and shoves his hands in his pockets. He looks left, then right, then heads in the direction where he came from to try and find civilization of some sort.
It takes about 20 minutes before an old truck can be heard, then seen, making its way towards the blond. He’s quick to flag the truck down and it grumbles to a stop. The creaking of the drivers side window is heard and a hand comes out gesturing the man to come over.
“Hey, you know any mechanics near by? My car broke down about a mile down the road.”
The smell of the truck was rancid but he tried not to react out of politeness. Too risky being an asshole.
Another man puts his arm on the open window and smiles. It’s a dorky smile, but also charming. He can’t help but smile back at him.
“Yeah I know a mechanic! His name’s Bo. I can give you a ride there if you’d like?”
The blond’s face lights up more. “Thank you so much man! My names Frankie.” He holds out his hand and the other man takes it.
“Lester. Oh! Lemme get the door fer ya.”
Lester hops out of the truck, he’s much smaller than Frankie. His clothes are grimy but Frankie ignores it and gets in. Lester shuts the door and gets back in starting up the truck once more.
“It’ll be about 10 minutes. So what brings you out here?” Lester asks looking Frankie up and down. Frankie relaxes, hand on the windowsill of the car, he shrugs.
“Dunno. Just got bored and decided to take some backroads today.” Frankie answers, he looks at the small decorations in the car and smiles. “Shit’s cool.” Frankie takes a finger and wraps it around the rabbits foot before letting it go. It swings forward and back.
“Thanks. Make ‘em myself.” Lester says proudly, his demeanor glows and Frankie can’t help but smile and chuckle at how adorable he is. Like a possum. “Made this myself too.” The smaller man pulls out a knife and shows it off.
“You’re a crafty guy. I like it. Ain’t seen many people who like doing shit like this around me.” Frankie admits. “Never tried doing anything like this myself. On the road too much.”
“Whatchu on the road fer?”
The truck jumps and rumbles as it hits rocks and a gravely but dirt-filled path. Lester is quick to put the knife away safely.
“Ah, just traveling. Sometimes I play music for places. Sometimes I go and gamble a bit. Bet I’d win a lot more if I had a rabbits foot.” Frankie references the animal feet hanging on the rear view. Lester let’s out a snort.
“That’s cool. Never been travelin’. What typa music you play?”
“Anything the bar I’m at likes. You know how some of them are like more rock or country or sometimes I even get poppy places.” Frankie head tilts back and forth.
“‘sume you play guitar?” Lester’s brow raises.
“Sure as hell. Okay some other instruments too but people always like the guitar.”
The truck comes to a stop and Frankie holds his hands out as the momentum shoves him into the dashboard.
“Sheeeet… road’s washed up. You mind helpin’ me gotta fix the truck so we can get it over” Lester explains.
Frankie and Lester get out. Fresh air hits Frankie’s nose and he realizes how much he missed it.
“Okay, now I’m gonna move the truck into four wheel and you’re gonna push while I press the gas got it?”
“Got it.”
It takes a few minutes but the truck makes it over the small creek and Lester let’s Frankie back in. The town comes into view seconds later. The streets are empty, no people only a few cars parked on the sides of the road. Lester pulls into the gas station and the two get out.
“Bo?” Lester shouts. “Bo we got someone er’, needs their car fixed!”
Frankie sits and leans against a pole, watching as Lester goes into the building then disappears completely. He sighs and swivels his head around to get another look at the town.
Still empty. No kids playing in the street, no old people gossiping on their porches. Where the hell was everyone?
Eventually Lester comes back out with another man Frankie assumes to be Bo. So he stands and holds out his hand. “Hi, I’m Frankie, was just looking to see if you got inner and outer tie rods for my car. M12 I’m pretty sure.”
“I’m Bo. I’d be happy to help, just need to look for some but I’m sure I got them.” Bo firmly takes Frankie’s hand and shakes it.
“Perfect. Uh you don’t by any chance got a restroom in there do ya?”
“It’s out of order. Got one back at the house. M’sure Lester’ll take you up there. He’s got a spare key. I’ll go ahead and look for those tie rods.” A fake, tight lipped smile spreads across Bo’s face and Frankie senses it immediately but follows with a smirk.
Frankie watches as Lester nervously gets in the drivers side and he follows getting in the passenger’s side, the truck starts and they make their way up to the house. “The hell is up with him?”
“Oh- uh.. well he just has a hard time with strangers is all.” Lester’s hand taps nervously in the steering wheel and Frankie squints his eyes, the truck comes to a halt though before the blond can think of anything to say.
They get out and make it up to the front door. Lester fumbles with the keys before shoving them into the hole and opening the door. “Just down the hall there. I’ll wait fer ya on the couch.”
The house is dimly lit, all that lights the hall are two sconces. Frankie slowly makes his way up the steps and to the bathroom.
The house is shaped oddly. Frankie had been to many different types of houses, condos, and apartments and he hadn’t once seen a house like this. The hall is dark but Frankie finds the bathroom and quickly uses it. His eyes squint in confusion as he hears floorboards creak. He turns off the faucet and dries his hands, afterwards opening the door quickly.
A man is on the other side. He’s only a couple of inches smaller than Frankie and hair sits way past his shoulder’s but something about his face is frightening what’s even more frightening is the two knives he holds. Frankie lets out a loud scream as the man lunges for him and he shoves him out of the way, running down the stairs and towards the front door.
“Frankie? Frankie!”
Lester is quick to get up and follows Frankie out the door.
“There’s someone in the house!” Frankie points. “He- fuck!” Frankie puts his hands on his knees and breathes in heavy, he looks down them back up and sees him coming out of the house. “Lester. We gotta go.” Frankie grabs his hand and starts running down the hill and towards the gas station.
“Well, now hold on!”
“There isn’t a holding on Lester! I’m not trying to-“
Frankie sees Bo with a gun in his hands and stops as he aims it at him.
“Bo! BO! Don’t go fuckin’ lyin’ to me now!” Lester yells, Frankie looks down at Lester confused and watches as the small redneck marches over to Bo who looks like he’s sneering. Bo spits on the pavement. Frankie’s heart races. He looks behind him to see if the other man is following. A statue of a man with long black hair stands just feet from him, this time no knives are out.
The sun is setting and all Frankie can do is watch it as he hears bickering between two men.
“You promised you weren’t gonna fuckin’ kill ‘im. Said you’d tell Vincent too!” Lester shouts. The stiff, quiet one must’ve been Vincent.
“You sound like a damn child Lester! I ain’t doin’ shit just cause you make me promise. I’ll fuckin’ kill him right now I don’t care.” Bo growls.
“No you won’t. I ain’t lettin’ you!”
Lester’s voice sounds desperate. Frankie looks over at the two who are about 10 yards away.
“Yeah? And what we can just let him go? I just fix up his car and he can go? How do we know he won’t call the cops on us?” Bo puts his hands on his hips and Lester mimics. They look like children bickering on the playground.
“No, we keep ‘im. You’re the one bitchin’ about needin’ more help. There’s your help.” Lester points at Frankie and he can’t help but snort a bit. The situation is quite literally life or death but something about it just made Frankie want to burst into a laughing fit. He never had siblings himself. It felt refreshing seeing this, though they didn’t have to say it, they were obviously brothers.
“Yeah also another mouth to feed.” Bo argues back. Frankie is quick to butt in.
“I honestly don’t eat a lot. Can provide my own food for a few weeks. Also got some pretty great skills. Dunno what you need help with but I probably have done it before. What is that saying? Jack of all trades master of none.” Frankie shoves his hands in his jean pockets and walks towards the men shrugging. “I mean, you could also let me go. I really don’t have the time to be contacting the police about this situation.”
Bo huffs and crosses his arms. His tongue goes to his cheek as he thinks about what to do with the stranger. The town is silent again before Bo speaks,
“Your ass better be ready in the morning. Got some shit to fix in town.” Bo grumbles, he turns around and heads back into the gas station. Lester has a big grin on his face and looks at Frankie.
“Don’t mess this up for us okay?” Lester says. Frankie furrows his brows and nods.
“He ain’t stayin’ with me and Vince either! Better find somewhere over there ta stay!” Bo shouts and points at some of the houses. Lester gives a thumbs up.
“We’ll get your car towed here. So you can have your stuff. It’ll be awhile before Bo decides to fix the thing up though. He don’t trust easily.” Lester explains, Frankie follows behind and back to Lester’s truck.
“Sounds lovely…”
It’s dark, the street lamps light up the small town and Lester and Frankie sit in the middle of the street eating and talking.
“Thank you. It’s not an ideal situation to be in at all but I’m happy to be alive. Glad I met you to Les. You’re a pretty cool guy.”
“S’not a problem at’all Frankie. Not many people are as kind as you with me. Gotta keep your kind ‘round ya know.”
“Yeah, I get it. Too cool to be killed.” Frankie and Lester both let out a snort before silence falls between both of them.
The night goes quiet, only crickets are heard chirping now and Frankie sits and wonders how the rest of his life will eventually pan out.
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goofyrpmaniacs · 2 years
Is there anything you two have tried food wise on a date that just grosses you both out?
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Max: But to answer your question about gross foods, the food at Lester’s Possum Park made me throw up…🤢
Yakko: SOME of the stuff Wakko makes is pretty nasty. He needs some more lessons…
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disneyphile · 1 year
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Lester's Possum Park...
A Goofy Movie (1995)
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poll-o-sphere · 1 year
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benjiearcandy · 3 days
Kevin Quinn - Lester's Possum Park
Kevin Quinn - Lester's Possum Park https://ift.tt/xQEB6k1 Kevin Quinn via BenjaminReyna - recent tracks https://ift.tt/zBdFRat September 22, 2024 at 02:48AM
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romancepartner · 5 months
haunted by lester's possum park
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fatetainted · 5 months
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"maybe what we all need right now is a road trip to lester's possum park."
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jwldreamer · 1 year
Watch "A Goofy Movie but it's the REAL voice actors - Lester’s Possum Park" on YouTube
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