#let alone editing
acourtofladydeath · 5 months
WIP Wednesday: Welcome to the Family
Well hello all, I'm back with a WIP Wednesday. A not-so-little tasty morsel to tide you and @secret-third-thing over until her birthday.
If I wasn't already going to hell (which I will be), this fic would seal the deal. It's at the very least sending me a few rings deeper.
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"Welcome to the Family" features Elucien, Berlain, Erlain, etc., etc.... If you can name a Vanserra male, Elain Archeron is doing them in this fic. But why? Find out in the slightly abridged, albeit still lengthy, snippet below....
Lucien groaned, turning his face into Elain’s hair as she teased him. “Settle down love, you know we can’t.” 
Elain moved her head to pout up at him with big doe eyes. “Not even a little?” She licked her lips, leaving an enticing wet strip across her plump bottom lip. “Not even just a taste?” Her fingers traced a line from where they’d been resting on Lucien’s arm down the firm planes of his chest and abdomen. “Not even if I beg?” 
Resisting the urge to give into the very tempting little minx practically crawling up his side, Lucien bit down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood. “You know we have to wait.” Hoping to distract his needy mate, Lucien began the slow stroking of his fingers against Elain’s arm once again. “The mating ceremony has to happen first. It’s important.”
Letting out a soft, defeated sigh Elain sunk comfortably once again back into Lucien’s touch and the skillful lines he painted across her skin. “I didn’t realize your family was so strict on no sex before the mating ceremony,” she said, frustrated but content to wait if it meant that much to Lucien. 
His fingers stilled on her arm, chest tensing under her cheek. “Lucien?” Elain asked, looking up at him with questioning concern. “What’s wrong?”
Lucien held his breath for a long moment before letting out a long controlled sigh. “It’s family tradition.” ... “There’s a ritual,” he started slowly, meeting the fierce, cutting Archeron gaze Elain pinned him with that was shared by all three sisters. 
“What kind of ritual,” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she sat back on her heels, nightgown draped across her knees. 
Averting his eyes, Lucien ran a nervous hand through his hair, “one where Beron and my brothers have to fuck you before I can?” Lucien phrased it as a question, though it was in fact a harsh truth of being a Vanserra. He looked up under guilty lids to meet Elain’s gaze. 
Though her arms were still crossed in stern confrontation, her jaw had dropped, leaving her mouth wide and eyes even wider at his confession. When Elain hadn’t moved from that position in several long moments, Lucien continued speaking. 
“It’s a rite of passage for us. The parent of the individual to be mated and any elder siblings get first dibs… there’s a whole age order thing.”  ...
Elain threw her arms out to the side in outrage. “Oh, nothing serious then! Nothing that will affect me in the least!”
How will Elain handle the predicament she's found herself in? Coming soon to an AO3 near you... 😈
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egg-oo · 1 year
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crowley mentions ducks a lot
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cregnstark · 14 days
hiiii so this is a little tidbit from a much larger cregan stark fic i’ve been slaving away at. not sure where exactly this scene will ultimately end up in the finished piece but i just wanted to share since i’ve been promising my writing and thus far neglecting you all. lmk what you think! ‹𝟹 ― cregnstark
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“Is this what has become of our great house? Whoring our women out to flea-ridden dogs in The North?” Aemond’s intrusion came with no knock or announcement, simply pushing his way through the grand oak door, letting it slam against the wall before a guard rushed to close it behind the prince.
The queen and her lord father, The Hand, jumped at the sudden bang upon the prince’s entrance into the otherwise peaceful and empty room.
“Aemond. We were just fashioning to summon you.” Alicent stood quickly to greet her son, reaching forth to him as his mother, as she had dozens of times throughout their shared life together.
He did not reciprocate the gesture.
“For naught. The whole of the keep is bustling with the thrilling news,” He locked eyes with his grandsire, Otto Hightower, but only for a moment before moving past his mother towards the balcony at the window. “Why has this been allowed? Why has she who was promised to me being sanctioned to wed the Lord Stark?”
“It was not of our control, Aemond,” Otto answered for the queen, looking to quell his grandson’s anger before it turned violent, as it was likely to since claiming Vhagar some years prior. “The King has dwelled upon the histories and legacies for many a year. There has been no Targaryen and Stark marriage in recorded time. Viserys was more than delighted to bless this match; the first of its kind.”
Otto Hightower looking to be the optimist amongst them. Otto Hightower looking to take control of the situation.
“And what happens when his offspring attempt to lay claim to our birthright? We just allow wolves to become dragonlords, hm?” Prince Aemond turned on his heel, taking large strides toward his mother and grandfather where they stood at the small council’s table.
His shouldered were squared and his firsts curled in on themselves at his side, knuckles almost white. He looked ever the force of fury as he often was these days. Alicent’s babe, her boy ― now a man grown, with his own achievements and attitude; driven by a powerful energy she did not always understand.
“The King has led no indication that any children they have would be given dragon eggs to cradle. Nor is there a reason to believe they would hatch either.” She attempted to soothe her son’s concerns, unsuccessfully.
“She was promised to me, mother. It is the principle.” Aemond sneered, almost hissing like the dragon his blood made him to be. This was more than just anger at a Targaryen women marrying outside their own house, as was very uncommon to begin with; no, this was a personal matter. Aemond One-Eye had been personally slighted. What was once promised his to stake claim to was now that of another man’s.
“We will make a good match for you, my love. Forge a strong alliance for our house and the realm.”
“Our children would have been the true Targaryens, like Aegon and Helaena’s. Purest blood of the dragon. Now that of Old Valyria is to be gifted to a Northman under silver cloche. Viserys has long been weak against the wishes of his daughters and it is repugnant that he not only granted her this wish but is celebrating it.”
In that, Alicent could not disagree.
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
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Love, Dhes
It's unfair how time with you feels so short. How the last 10 years have felt like no time at all. I like to think there are other versions of us out there, somewhere. Maybe in another timeline, another universe. I like to think we find each other no matter where we are or what we're doing. That we're together and happy and I get to love you in a dozen different lifetimes. That's what I hope, anyway. And I hope when this lifetime ends, we get to start over and do it all again. Because once just isn't enough. Not for me. Not with you.
I hope the next 10 years pass slower.
Love, Dhes
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To the person who held up the Palestine flag on the float during the Macy's parade and full-ass made the news broadcast cut away. Know that you are a hero and there is nothing but respect for the absolute balls it took to do that on live TV.
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seance · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE ❧ i bet on losing dogs.
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mockingjaysongbird · 1 year
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[Do you have any memories that stand out? Just the first thing that comes to mind.]
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kandicon · 4 months
Toy Soldier vs Drumbot Brian contrasts save me <33
Smth smth, the inanimate being choosing to carve and force a piece of life inside itself. The human who was forced to become an object, a robot, with no choice in the matter. The usage of it/its to dehumanize oneself as a means of reclaiming an identity vs the usage of he/him as a means of reclaiming the human identity taken. One who's angel voice pierces through instruments and other singers like when it sings vs the one who rarely sings unless the entire crew sings, so that his voice may be drowned out among it all. The Toy Soldier who completely halts the pacing of another mechanism's song (gptvtmk) to do a heart wrenching solo that temporarily takes the spotlight while refusing to have an independent backstory song vs Drumbot Brian who does have a backstory song, but refuses to sing it unless alongside his other mechanisms and has someone who wasn't a part of the crew at the time be the main singer. Hell, just the difference in focus on title between their songs "The Toy Soldier's Song" which puts all the focus on the Toy Soldier vs "Lost in the Cosmos" which focuses squarely on the situation. The way neither of them have complete control of their actions, not when a sharp order or the flip of a switch may change them in an instant.
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
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Buddie Countdown to Season 7:
17 days.
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genericpuff · 1 year
In which Persephone is told she can't game the system- (TEXT EDIT)
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no art was edited here, just text to make this more realistic to how this scene WOULD have gone if it was an actual courtroom with real rules LOL I find it a little weird that Rachel wrote a courtroom drama arc like this and then twisted it this much to benefit Persephone because like... clearly she was inspired by courtroom drama shows, and I can't help but wonder if she got all of her basic courtroom knowledge from like, Spongebob or some shit LOL
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sanvees · 2 months
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The door was open.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 10 months
make sure to show this to a middle aged man you love to give him an aneurysm
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forcebookish · 1 year
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My School President out of context
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sorrowingsoldier · 16 days
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It's happenin' again How did it end? I can't pretend like I understand How did it end?
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leopardmuffinxo · 11 months
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Humble too? Imagine that.
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hischiersjohnston · 1 year
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GQ | Taylor Zakhar Perez & Nicholas Galitzine Take a Friendship Quiz
aka the intro that took four tries before they finally get it right
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