#let me rage in peace
imsiriuslyreading · 10 months
hiya... mind if i have a little complain?
OKAY i put my silly little face on my silly little tiktok and talk about these incredible fics i get to read and honestly i feel SO LUCKY to be here but when i tell you NOTHING GRINDS MY GEARS MORE than when people come into my comments to talk shit about a fic or a writer
like ??? are you quite well? bro, do you KNOW HOW LUCKY WE ARE, some of the fics I've read have c h a n g e d my life, genuinely. whether that be by a sentence in the story or the people I've met through them, world altering. all of it.
so the fact some people think they can dance their merry little jig into my space and talk the maddest shit about the work someone has done for free, when that writer has not only put so much of themselves into a story, but also been incredibly vulnerable by posting it online? i- you got the wrong one
i think when it comes to plot points or interesting dynamics, there can be really fulfilling conversations to be had and observations to be made. but shitting all over someones writing because its not how you'd write it?
(dis)respectfully, go and take your face for a shit
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thegreatgremlingang · 11 days
*Rage post may delete later*
just went and saw a meta about Jiang Cheng being underappreciated for getting Wei Wuxian out of the Xuanwu cave and stuff and I was scrolling through the comments being like "awwwww" "yeah that's right" 'damn straight" "yeeeheeahhhh" and then I just saw this FUCKING COMMENT being like "eeerrrmmmm that still doesn't excuse what he did to wwx he's such a nasty ass human being omg" and idk why but it just flipped some sort of mental rage switch in me and HRRRRRNGH like the little smile was WIPED OFF MY FACE and my intestines crackled from the sudden rise in blood pressure and like jc antis can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE chill and leave us the fuck alone
I don't want to die young from health complications
my entire dash was full of jc metas and ofc discourse and this fucking comment just pushed me over the edge
jc antis PLEASE PLEASE leave the stans ALONE and go drink some orange juice or something please do something productive you've got better things to do that shitting on jc and the people that choose to like him
even if he's straight up evil (he isn't) that's not your fucking problem isn't it people can stan literal villains in other fandoms and nobody cares so why do you guys have to be such control freaks
I don't see the xue yang antis and Jin Guanyao antis behave in this rabid ass sort of way just CALM DOWN and stop trying to make us argue with you on whether Jiang Cheng beats Jin Ling on a daily basis or if he puts emo teenagers in wood chippers or something
what even is the purpose of all the shit you get up to? Is it going to make Jiang Cheng hear you through the fourth wall? Is he going to drop to his knees and apologize to Wei Wuxian? NO! Is it going to make us stans see the "errors of our ways" and go hate on Jiang Cheng with you? NO! Is it going to summon Wei Wuxian so he can host a fan meetup and give you a hug and his autograph and his eternal friendship? NO!!! Is it going to drive Wei Wuxian to put Jiang Cheng in a wood chipper? NO!!! Is it going to make Jiang Cheng become real so y'all can put him in a wood chipper? N O !!!!!!!!!!!
Listen. Just like how we can never convince you to stan Jiang Cheng, you can never convince us to do whatever is your endgame. So I suggest you go to your own little corner of the fandom, stop bothering us, let us be "delulu" in peace, and get a fucking life.
Now I feel much better! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk and don't forget to tune in next time! bye bye!
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babygirlblogger · 22 days
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rhodesmusic · 11 months
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jesus christ impaled on a wednesday i hate hate HATE it when christianity is brought into mathematics. people pushing their agenda by saying shit like "this beautiful mathematical thing proves the existence of GOD" or "GOD made math and we're just discovering it". that is SO fucking rancid for so many reasons and half the time the people that say those kinds of things hold math in a purely qualitative sence in their mind, thinking that because they got a mandelbrot zoom in their reccomended they eat breathe and shit math out their asshole on the spiritual level
no matter how hard our education systems bastardize the subject, compressing their concepts into a pristine meaninglessness to cull the young person's imagination across the land, nor how well their nouns verbs and adjectives describe what we see in the universe, mathematics at it's heart is a form of SELF EXPRESSION. nothing, NOTHING I SAY in this world we live in would be as FUCKING PSYCHOTIC as to suggest us to dwell over how a bunch of IMAGINARY IDEAS relate to one another along patterns and symmetries, other than OURSELVES. we started doing math because it offers a kind of fulfillment unlike any other artform. the difference between mathematics and other arts is that our culture doesn't see it as one.
mathematics is not about facts, or even worse, about "rules", but rather about the IDEAS that went into drawing such conclusions. similarly, the only thing more beautiful than math's polyhedra, infinitely intricate fractal shapes, and other pictures such as the ones abraham and jacob here put in their thumbnails, are the MADE UP IDEAS that constitute them, ideas that we have thought up for no good reason other than we find doing so lovely. wonderful. fulfilling and completing.
if some BRICK LICKER named EZEKIEL went out to an art fair and proclaimed with their righteous ass vocal cords, "all these paintings, all these works of art, all of these were drawn by GOD and HERE'S WHY", they'd rightfully be told to go off and HUFF DICK, but when it's mathematics it passes with nodding heads because our culture doesn't see math as any kind of self-expression, instead as a bunch of statements and sedentary pictures to worship, bend over, and take cock for to achieve some higher level of virtuosity.
"but how can the Mandelbrot set have infinite complexity as you zoom into it, that has to be god right there!!!" perhaps if you ever pondered the distinguishing complex numbers, how recursive processes ballet with its algebraic structure, the geometry unfolding into chaos along an infinitesimal boundary, all things that DON'T ACTUALLY FUCKING EXIST IN OUR WORLD BUT WILL STILL BE THOUGHT OF FOR OUR SAKES, LEST WE LET THE IDEA GO COLD AS WE SHIVER IN THE ABSENCE OF THE WARMTH OF ITS SIMPLE CHARM, then you wouldn't resort to implementing an omnipotent figure in order to fulfill your inclination to have the wonder be explained by anything besides the creativity of humans.
oh, but questioning the words of the bible? now that's sacrilege.
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yk if i didn't grow up in a constant state of emotional repression, id probably be a disaster right now
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geo-bby · 7 months
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How we feeling Beatles people?
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pastelpousay · 2 months
hades is a vile and disgusting in character (disney & mythology) and you’re no better than a proshipper for selfshipping with him </3 sorry not sorry but dont try to lump urself with us normal people when you ship yourself with a problematic character!
Nigga ur literally using anon you have no right to have an opinion 💗
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
you know ive never had robin s support a spotpass character. maybe i’ll marry gangrel
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since you folks seem to have lost your sense of fecking whimsy, have a folklore rant from the mouth (or hands, rather) of a disabled Irish woman who grew up hearing the history along with the tales and had changling stories in my own family. and no, my post will NOT be riddled with source links because my source is the oral history from the people who told the stories
for heaven's sake the changling myth is not ablist or anti-autism it was mostly about fricking crib death
and most irish people are/were cool with the fae. if you're desperate to bring autism in the mix, mostly you'll get "aye, they got a wee bit o' fae blood in them. just work around their quirks, and you'll get along swell". but mostly the changling myth was either a) crib death - "the Fae Folk trusted you with their child's last moments, and yours isn't dead, it's running around happy as can be with the faeries", which helped mothers with ptsd and depression after the sudden and inexplicable passing of their child because they didn't have the medical technology to know what crib death was and most old irish mothers blamed themselves (I used to know what crib death was caused by, but I forgot - I'm pretty sure it was an inevitable genetic thing)
or b) chronic illness (such as connective tissue disorders, g.i. disorders, and yes neurodivergence) that would be hard to recognize in a baby - "the Fair Folk trusted you with this fragile, sickly child and in return for your loving care will provide your own child with wonders none of us humans can imagine".
most families with changling children loved and treated the "faerie" like their own blood (which they were, but still), and we're a very hospitality-driven culture. you treat everyone like your own family, it's a close-knit community - even more so back then. were there people who tried to "return" the faerie child, leaving a baby alone in the woods? yeah, a few, but not the majority. and pregnancy has been known to do some pretty nasty things to some minds, this would be more a mental health problem of the mother than an ablist "that's not my kid" thing. also ablists do exist in every culture, there is that point as well.
my main point is - legends draw from life, and life is full of biases. are goblins/gnomes (forgot which one) anti-jew? maybe. are changling children ablist? only sometimes, and those are the outliers (my own mother was considered a changling by her grandparents - that didn't make them love her any less). are vikings depicted as wearing helmets with horns because of Irish people? yes because THEY WERE INVADING AND R*PING AND PILLAGING OUR TINY LITTLE ISLAND WITH NO PROVOCATION. what better way to get children and unknowing adults to run and hide and save themselves than creating a monster instead of Some Guy?
if you try to make a story with zero biases that won't offend anybody, it will be as bland and beige as your fricking houses. if something in your life is scary or bothersome or different than you, that will translate into your oral narrative. that's just how oral histories work. also, any blatant or malicious biases in the original story/cryptid will have trickled down through a millennia-old game of telephone and would be practically unrecognizable unless you were looking for it. stop looking for things that are "problematic" or "anti-___" and you'll realise that people need whimsy in their life
and finally - you don't have to believe in everything, but don't mess with it just in case.
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zeezeebum · 6 months
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If you dance, I'll dance
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And if you don't, I'll dance anyway
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alicentsultana · 6 months
People complaining about us choosing sides, teams, characters and whatnot.
Some fandoms are like this, and like what are they are so mad about? Block exists and tag blockers also exists, let us be haters first and feminist second, this is just a story, we don't go around slapping people in real life just because they don't agree with us, this is our five seconds of saying bs let us live in peace.
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cookietracker · 5 months
Being good at first person shooters is the worst cause now my friends want me to play them nonstop but since they’re straight men they think they’re too good for cozy games I’m truly cursed
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boy-rott · 1 month
the soft humming of the fan, the hands rubbing on clothes, closing a lid, foil crumpling, chewing, swallowing, licking lips, moving about, sniffling, rubbing nose, every sound right now it driving me mad. i'm so done. i did nothing today either. i have to wash my sheets, fold my laundry, do my schoolwork. just let me rest, please.
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spockbisexual · 2 years
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1x01 in throes of increasing wonder… interview with the vampire || 5x04 birthmarks house, md
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fieryyyqueer · 8 months
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neon-junkie · 8 months
you being called a goth dommy mommy constantly teetering you over the edge is the same energy as that scene in elf where Peter Dinklage is like “call me elf ONE more time”
omg i completely missed this ask, but YES. i really hate how being a goth woman is just a fetish now. i cant dress how i normally do without having a stranger in my dm's calling me their 'goth mommy.' like FUCK OFF. i was a goth well before it became 'fashionable.' i am more than just some kink
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