#let me sing you the song of my people (star wars fans): SCREAMS
thearoaceplantmom · 1 year
Get to know you uncomfortably well Asks
(Asking a lot because there is like a 100 to choose from)
4, 5, 13, 23, 37, 45, 51, 60, 77, 98
4: zodiac sign: capricorn
5: favourite color: probably silver, black, dark blue, dark red or dark purple
13: talents you have: none really, I'm good at memorising weird stuff quickly (I memorized the international alphabet when I was eight. the first 30 or so digits of pi when I was twelve (still know around 25). the aurebesh alphabet from star wars when I was thirteen. morse code when I was fourteen.) and I can adapt to new situations quickly.
23: met any celebrities: not really.
37: favourite swear word: I swear very rarely. if you meet me in real life, I literally do not swear at all. I even skip swear words in songs. but I like the swear word "bloody" (mostly used by Scots) because it sounds like you just murdered someone (I'm very into crime novels and the like).
45: favourite accent: new zealand. I live in Europe but my parents and have been to New Zealand multiple times and somehow my dad fell in love with a local radio station, so we listen to it. a lot. I literally listened to that every day even before I could speak english. and I think the people who speak during the ads have such nice and calming accents.
51: are you scared of spiders: let's just say I'm not the biggest fan of them. when I was eight or nine there was a giant spider (including legs about the size of a palm) above my bed. I screamed until my mom bravely got rid of it. when my best friend went on a student exchange to australia for five months this year, she used to send me pictures of spiders she saw all the time. I screamed every single time. she found it hilarious.
60: do you talk to yourself: absolutely. I do that all the time. mostly in english (not my first language). and I sing (mostly musicals and taylor swift songs) to myself.
77: ever drank underage: not really? last year I took like one sip and it wasn't that much alcohol in it, so I wasn't drunk at all, it was at a friend's birthday party (it was a sleepover and we were three people in total).
98: any scars (trigger warning: mentionof self-harm): this is very personal but anyway. yes, I do have scars. one on my right knee because I fell when I was 11. several on my left hip bone because I used to dig my fingernails into my skin until it (almost) bled. I'm trying to stop doing that though. and I have scars on the backs of my legs and the front of my arms because I scratch there (involuntarily) because I have some weird skin issue that causes me to scratch there when it's too warm or I was in the sun too much (anything more than an hour or so).
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
Luke and Leia?
two problems: one, I think when they made the ST the writers and directors swayed closer to Mark Hamill’s and Carrie Fisher’s personalities rather than what Luke and Leia would have been like thirty years on -- for me, this is more noticeable with Leia/Carrie than Luke/Mark, and there’s some knock-on of this in the books/comics.  (This is probably true for Han and Harrison Force, too? But I feel like they were closer together originally, and then having Alden!Han balanced some of it.)  Which is not to say that there shouldn’t have been any Carrie in Leia, obviously, but for me there’s a big disconnect between EU Leia and current canon Leia, bigger than just different writers and different canons should account for.
two...these are somewhat messy feelings, and they are very, uh, I have a feeling. not that these other thing isn’t, obvs, but this is also very I Have A Bias And It’s Called Rebels.  I really am resentful of the fact that Rebels decided to sideline its main Jedi characters for whatever reason -- yeah, there’s the oft-cited “you’re the last one!” or whatever the actual line is from the OT, but that’s something that’s easy to handwave away in the ancillaries.  Even Yoda’s cameos in Rebels show him as kind of waving off Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka (god, I really hate Henry Gilroy’s take that Yoda controlled everything in the Jedi temple in Shroud of Darkness, he might be the writer but I disagree); I’ve always gotten the vibe that Yoda in this era was completely focused on the Skywalker twins as the solution to the Sith problem, and everything else was essentially extraneous.  Which, tbh, works for Yoda, because Yoda.  Obi-Wan in Twin Suns...honestly, doesn’t feel right for Obi-Wan?  And Obi-Wan comes out and goes “this is not your story!” wow, way to make the subtext text, Dave.  (He and Gilroy wrote the ep, which I just realized when I went to check the writer, and wow, that explains a lot about my problems with it.)
I think there was a chance to do something really interesting with Rebels by presenting an actual rival to Luke as ~savior of the Jedi, or ~future of the Jedi, or however you want to frame that.  And honestly, S1 seemed to be going there.  And then Rebels started leaning away from it -- slowly at first, and then faster and faster, until we get to the “we’re making the subtext text” part in Twin Suns and then straight-up killing off Kanan and flinging Ezra into space in S4, along with whatever the hell they’re doing with Ahsoka.  And I don’t necessarily mean “rival to Luke” in terms of “Ezra and Luke have to fight” (though I do genuinely believe that Ezra’s and Luke’s approaches to Jediness and how to be a Jedi are so different as to be essentially incompatible), but in terms of “is this actually Luke’s Destiny?”  Is the role that Luke played in restoring the Jedi to the galaxy (ST and whatever went down prior to that aside) actually something that only he could have done, or was he the only option?  Rather than actually deal with that question, SW went the (in my opinion) lazy route and went with “he had to do it because he was the only option.”  (And honestly, not dealing with whatever the hell Ahsoka was doing between Malachor and the Rebels epilogue and/or Mando, which is still at minimum a good ten years, actually makes this worse.)  If your means of dealing with a character’s role in a story arc is to get rid of all the rivals before they can actually be rivals (and again, I mean, like, thematically, not literally), then to me that says that role is not something that they could have been able to accomplish otherwise.  For me it really weakens Luke as a character, and that’s to the detriment of both Luke and honestly the entire saga story arc.
okay actually there’s a third thing about Luke and Leia -- I said this on Twitter before the Mando finale aired and because it was many moons ago I now can’t find it, but honestly?  Star Wars is weakening its main story line by no loner telling big name stories about the OT trio.  These are supposed to be big name famous characters who have all accomplished extraordinary things, and yet as far as Mando is concerned, they might as well not exist.  Up to the finale there was not a single piece of evidence that Luke or Leia actually existed, and even the Luke cameo...they can CGI Mark Hamill for that because it’s not going to have lasting consequences.  If it was going to have lasting consequences, they would have recast.  (I mean, if he’s got a recurring role next season we can revisit this in 2022, but until then.)  These are saga characters!  These are people who have RESHAPED THE GALAXY.  They should have an impact in Star Wars’ big name ongoing projects in one form or another!
The impression I get right now from the current slate of upcoming projects is that Star Wars is gambling that their viewership is, by and large, more interested in the greater Star Wars universe than it is in established Star Wars characters.  They may be right; Mando is certainly very successful.  The upcoming character spin-offs -- Ahsoka (yikes), Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Lando project -- those are all main characters but they’re not the main characters.  And honestly, we’ll see how this goes.  It may go well.  It may go poorly.  It may be all over the map.  (this is the most likely option.)  I did love Solo, but as far as Lucasfilm’s concerned, and a lot of the mainstream audience, it was a flop.  The post-RotJ EU and the post-RotJ new canon have varied in that the new canon has, with a few exceptions (which are not ~mainstream, with the exception of Battlefront II), mostly shied away from telling stories revolving around the OT trio.  The longer they go without doing that, without showing the impact that these people have on the galaxy, that they have right now -- the more they’re weakening the impact that Luke and Leia ought to have.  Yeah, I came in from the EU, I do think that Luke and Leia should be, to some extent, living myths.  The problem is that Lucasfilm wants to do live action TV and frankly, I think they’re wary about recasting Luke and Leia after Solo.  (Even though Alden is a great Han, imho.)  This is honestly the perfect time to do a post-RotJ animated series -- use Mark Hamill’s VA skills! he’s not going to live forever! that gets around the Carrie Fisher problem! the weird Force shit works REALLY well in animation in a way that it does not in live action, and come on, don’t Luke and Leia deserve to deal with the weird Force shit too? WOULD YOU NOT ACTUALLY LIKE TO SET UP FOR THE SEQUEL TRILOGY sorry it’s star wars dumb question
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Songbird Shenanigans // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: The reader will routinely sneak away from her band/hotel to continue her tour shenanigans in parking garages. A way for the young star to return to the stupid years where the concert venue was a car and the mic was the steering wheel. As each city comes and goes with the tour, one thing never changes, driving to parking garages to scream songs at the top of your lungs.
Warnings: Swearing, Mamma Mia songs (oops), and fluff
Words: 4.0k (with lyrics included)
A/N: There’s something endearing about Charlie randomly going a stranger in a duet and dance without a care. This was loosely inspired by the chaotic live they did when Jeremy and Charlie stayed at Owen’s place. I loved Charlie’s tropical shirt giving Animal Crossing vibes.
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A moment you had desired for a while finally came around in Oklahoma City during the free day between the two concerts. The pure quiet away from the interviews, photoshoots and demanding life of a musician. Yet despite wanting this time, you definitely felt bored, which only meant one thing.
A new video for your followers as you had done since the beginning of your successful career. Back before, you had the prominent following you had; now you would travel singing in your car, and then one video got viral. That elevated your following until you had signed a record deal with your brand new agent.
A series was then born of driving at night to the parking lots and garages in the city you temporarily visited. You'd park and sing any suggested songs from a previous video for an hour to see if a fan could find you. It was a fun game you had developed.
Y/N Y/L/N: Another installment of Songbird Shenanigans. From 9pm to 10:30pm, I'll be somewhere in Oklahoma City. Come find me for the prize!
Your agent both hated and loved the series as it brought attention to your career and songs but also was a hazard during the tour. The risk of losing your voice made your agent nervous, but the positives outweigh the negatives.
"What song are you doing?" Maddie asked from her chair in your hotel suite with a ratty book in her hand. Her rich dark hair pulled up in a high bun with a few pieces of bangs pulled down to hang free.
You didn't know if you could do what you do if you didn't have Maddie by your side as your singing partner and chief stylist. Maddie also always knew without looking on social media when you had a new installment coming.
"My most requested video is Train Wreck by-"
"James Arthur." Maddie snickered with her grey eyes pinned to the page she was reading faithfully. The book had seen better days, but it was her absolute favourite one by far and one of the only physical books she had.
"Somehow forgot you had it on repeat for a week straight." You snorted, shoving a hat on your head for warmth. A plain black coat pulled over your arms that matched the warm boots you had chosen, "I'll send you my location."
Maddie waved on hand in response, having known the routine since you first started this fun series. It allowed you a bit of your old life when the concerts you performed was solely in your car with the steering wheel as the microphone.
Judy, your agent, was sitting in the lobby with her binder surrounding her when she looked with a sigh. Without a word, she tossed the keys to the rented car she knew you'd need, so in each city, she rented one. A smile of gratitude shared before you were out the door with your hood up.
"Be careful!" Judy exclaimed just as the sliding doors closed behind you, sending you out in the cold night.
Almost instantly, your cheeks turned a light pink in the cold winter air, even if the walk to the war was short. As requested, the car was a newer model but one that would blend in with other city cars. It made finding you harder, but the windows couldn't be tinted.
"Here's to hoping I get a place with good acoustics." You muttered, starting the hatchback vehicle. Despite the cold winter weather, the road conditions were surprisingly okay, but then again, you were from a small town. Roads were shit in general.
You didn't bother playing music as you used the drive to find a parking garage and warm up your throat. Your vocal coach would have your head if you didn't warm-up, and then Judy would kill you even more.
You lucked out in a parking garage to a building that seemed to be a renovated warehouse with insanely cool windows. The metal was a dark shamrock green with a multitude of small rectangular glass between the metal. The panes swung open upwards in a fascinating design.
"Perfect." You muttered, signalling to turn into the parking garage that was easily accessed and without any trespassing signs. It was desolate, with cars parked here and there in the stalls.
A bright orange Subaru definitely took the cake as the most 'flashy' vehicle among the more nondescript ones. Not that it caught your attention when you lowered your windows marginally while simultaneously clipping the phone onto the dash. Immediately you double-checked for any apparent signs to your location before declaring it safe; with a tap of your finger, your Instagram live began.
"Welcome to another part of our Songbird Shenanigans. This time I'm in Oklahoma City for a two-day concert. The most requested song is Train Wreck by James Arthur."
Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? should I pray
A natural instinct of closing your eyes as you got more into the music occurred. Your voice belted into the garage beautifully. Tons of comments appeared in the insta live chat of both supportive and haters.
username3: I suggested this song!!!
username88: Your voice goes perfectly with the song.
The song came to an end quicker than you would have liked since it was definitely one of your favourites to sing.
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
No action was helped back from taking a swig of water from the reusable bottle you had brought along. Your eyes scoured the comments for more suggestions or things that stuck out.
"Why don't you include hints in the Songbirds?” You read out from the comment section with a smile barely held back, "Why would I? You all know that my windows are often down, and even the most unoriginal locations have tells. There's been a few people that have found me."
Username13: I think I know where you are (insert heart emoji)
          ↳Username63: username13 where?! How do you know?
          ↳Username13: jatp is streaming all day and the guys are in a car. Same background
Your eyes read the short but interesting conversation between the two different accounts on something called jatp? Whatever that was.
"Any other requests?" You asked, scrolling through the suggestions, "Sing something from jatp? I'm sorry, guys, but I have no clue what that is? Is it a movie? OH! It's a show. My bad."
The comment section was flooded, "Okay! Let me look up the lyrics and the melody!"
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Three males: a blonde and two brunettes, walked between the rows of both occupied and unoccupied parking spots. The blonde wearing a black t-shirt with BEANS written across the chest and the brunette with short slicked-back hair crowded the middle guy. All three pairs of eyes watched the iPhone stream the television series.
"I call shotgun!" Owen spoke as the car in question came into view, "We gotta Livestream in the car again!"
"Your neighbour sucks, man." Charlie groaned, nudging Jeremy to unlock the car when the older man hesitated.
"If we're going live in the car, we should cover your license plate," Jeremy suggested to a resounding agreement. 
Charlie drove an obscenely vibrant coloured car that could be picked out quickly, so he didn't need any help in broadcasting his location. Owen grabbed the book from the passenger seat to angle it to lean against the plate.
"Done!" Owen called, racing back to climb into the car with his friends. The blonde-haired man bounced in his seat as the owner of the vehicle set up the screen.
In seconds, the streaming went from the app on the phone to the car's built-in screen to the boys' delight. In a moment of what some may call brilliance and others stupidity Owen went live on Instagram with Charlie joining him swiftly.
"Do you rem-"
Username76: Songbird chose a shitty location.
           ↳Username 39: Or we just got a Hail Mary hint
"Who is Songbird?" Charlie questioned, leaning closer to his friends in the front, catching a few comments.
The comments were mixed among other unrelated ones, but all had Songbird, Shenanigans or both words. The mystery was so intriguing the boys turned down the show to scour the comments for tidbits.
"Wait? Do you hear that?" Jeremy questioned, scanning the parking garage with his blue, green eyes. Soon his head was sticking out the window, "Someone is singing here."
Jeremy's hand turned the key of the car, "Is that-"
"Oh, no." Owen groaned, seeing that specific light appear in Charlie's eyes just as it did each time one of the songs came on. His pink beanie slid around his long blonde locks.
The two guys watched as the second oldest in their group did some kind of shimmy after pushing his phone to Jeremy. Jeremy's hand scrambled to get a grip on the phone as Charlie delved into his love for these songs. Sharing a look, Jeremy and Owen followed the Canadian to a car with a girl singing in the open hatchback car.
(Italics is you! Italics and bold is Charlie and you! Just bold is Charlie!)
When you were lonely, you needed a man.
Someone to lean on, well I understand
It's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Your eyes remained shut as you neared the middle of the first verse. You completely stopped when a voice joined. Your e/c eyes met the twinkling brown of a handsome guy with the best voice you'd heard in a long time.
Nights can be empty, and nights can be cold
So you were looking for someone to hold
That's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Your lips parted in a grin as you grabbed the hand being offered to be pulled out of the car; on your way, your hand nudged your phone. Your phone was in a mount attached to the roof of the hatch. When you followed the stranger, the phone turned in perfect view. Your free hand turned to hover over your forehead, legs bending to feign a swoon.
I was so lonesome, I was blue
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
Always thought you knew the reason why
Charlie beamed playing being shot by the arrow you pretended to shoot with a grin planted on your own lips. Charlie's hand flirted with your hip as you sashayed around his body from his left to his right. Hand grabbing a first full of his white with light teal with light pink design to tug him chest to chest.
I only wanted a little love affair
Now I can see you are beginning to care
But baby, believe me
It's better to forget me
In turn, Charlie grabbed your wrist to twirl you into his arms straight into an impressive dip with the toe of your shoe pointed to the far wall. Your fingers just barely caressing the rough paved lot.
"I'm Charlie," Charlie murmured during the instrumental between the chorus and the second verse. Your eyes scanned his features with an expression you would later be glad was hidden from the lighting in the garage.
"Y/N." You breathed, clutching his shoulders still low in the dip, hoping subconsciously that your breath was still fresh.
"Wanna finish this?" Charlie spoke, searching your eyes with his own; up close, you could see his eyes were a mixture of colours. You only nodded before he continued singing to the music.
Men are the toys in the game that you play
When you get tired, you throw them away
That's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
"Are you seeing this?" Jeremy whispered to Owen as they watched Charlie literally sweep a stranger off her feet. Owen could only nod as Charlie went into the next verse, still dancing as if he was in Mamma Mia 2.
Falling in love with a woman like you
Happens so quickly, there's nothing to do
It's only natural
But why did it have to be me?
Charlie spun you back away from his body in a graceful twirl your choreographer would be incredibly proud of. The moves you made somehow made sense, with the movements matching the spontaneous duet-er.
I was so lonesome, I was blue
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
Always thought you knew the reason why
Once more in his arms dancing, he dipped you once more as you finished the end of the last chorus breathing heavily. The two strangers staring intensely into each other's eyes with an intense look that had tensions in the parking garage.
I only wanted a little love affair
Now I can see you are beginning to care
But baby, believe me
It's better to forget me
"Intense." Owen chuckled as Charlie raised you back onto your feet with a matching grin to yours, "Oh! Look at the comments!"
Username24: Holy shit! They ooze chemistry!!
           ↳Username9: lol, okay Alex. 
"You aren't a viewer, are you?" You breathlessly laughed, taking a step away from Charlie as the music faded away.
The equally breathless spontaneous performing partner laughed as well, "I heard the song and hoped for the best."
"Are you Songbird?" Came a voice from a few feet away. Behind the once upon a time stranger stood two males approaching slowly.
"Oh!" You gasped, turning on your heel to see where your phone was pointing, "Well, that's convenient! One moment."
Jeremy and Owen flanked Charlie as you repositioned the phone at the moment with practised precision. You kept the three people out of the shot for privacy reasons.
"There is about ten minutes away from the end of this installment being over. For the first time since we started this series, I had a duet." You playfully laughed, looking over at the trio, "It's completely up to my sudden partner, but would you like to meet your audience?"
Charlie simply shrugged, "Sure. They've seen you be serenaded by a stranger."
A short laugh came from the three individuals around Charlie as he moved into the camera frame with a large smile. As soon as he was in sight, the comment section went nuts, furthering when Owen and Jeremy came into view.
           ↳Username4: omg jatp in Songbird Shenanigans?? Life accomplished.
You couldn't hold back the snort at the comments you could read quickly as they disappeared after new ones. The three guys couldn't help but chuckle as well.
"I've never seen these guys before. If you could introduce yourselves." You asked the three guests, to which each sent a reassuring smile to your hesitance.
"I'm Charlie Gillespie, and these are my friends Owen Joyner and Jeremy Shada." Charlie took the liberty of introducing both his friends and himself. His heart fluttered at the adorable smile that had appeared on your pretty face.
"I'm afraid this concludes this edition of Songbird." You apologized to the camera as the time passed the allotted hour and a half. The comments turned sad before most of them started sending questions, "I'll let you know when I do another edition! Bye for now!"
Your finger clicked the end button firstly before clicking the save button for when you would upload it to your account later.
"Thank you for doing that. I'm Y/N." You chuckled, shaking hands with Jeremy and Owen, who each grinned back, "So what brought you guys to the parking garage with three phones and a live-action Animal Crossing shirt?"
Amusement was found on all four young adults in the parking garage, pinning a gaze at the material. You had to admit you kinda adored the shirt, or maybe the person wearing it was the reason.
"We're trying to get Julie and the Phantoms to number one again." Owen offered as he displayed the live still going on his phone. 
"That's a tv series. That was the second song I did on the live before Charlie joined the little concert." You told the boys all the while aware that thousands of people watched from the phone still streaming.
"The phone's about to die." Owen piped up, catching the single decimal number broadcasting the percentage. Without any prompting, he ended the live to save it solely for the little performance Charlie did.
"Did you save it?" Jeremy asked, lifting on his tiptoes to check the phone Owen had commanded for the last half hour. Like Owen, Jeremy wanted to save it solely for the stellar performance.
"So, how'd this series start?" Charlie questioned, pushing his hands into his pockets, ignoring the subtle glances of his best friend.
"I needed an escape from touring so many cities. It's reminiscent of the days before I was discovered. When my audience was the dials in my car and my family." You half-smiled, recalling all the times you had simply driven around to sing.
"You're a musician?"
"I am. I'm currently on tour for my second album. Every second or third city I'm performing in, I take the rented car to parking lots or garages to sing. I always have a prize for the fans that find me."
"Could I get your number?" Charlie hesitantly questioned. His features twisting with the manipulation of nerves.
His palms had gone clammy enough to inconspicuously wipe them on his legs; this version of Charlie was unfamiliar. Owen and Jeremy had only ever seen him as this bundle of joy and energy, not to say he didn't have his low days, instead of nervous. Owen slipped his fingers behind his back to cross them. He hoped his Canadian friend would get it.
"You don't leak mine, and I won't leak yours." Your e/c eyes twinkled with the brush of Charlie's warm fingers on your own. The new contact waiting for his information, "Maybe we can meet up with each other?"
"I'd love that."
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Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, Unspecified Date
The sounds of screams and heavy instruments blocked by the unique in-ears explicitly made for your ears alone. You'd heaved, catching a breath after such an energetic song you'd just performed for the sold-out venue. You just jogged to the side for a chug of water as your band switched instruments.
"Are you having fun tonight!" You asked the crowd who had fought tooth and nail for tickets. The crowd screamed back louder than before.
Selling out MSG for completely insane even after touring the country with your band three times. It was still a little jarring, going from a nobody with untapped potential to selling out concerts and very successful albums, in all honesty.
"That's what I like to hear!" You beamed, pushing a strand of your unruly hair away from your face. Your eyes momentarily cast to the side stage with the equipment hiding the crew, "I have a surprise for you. A couple years ago, I had a spontaneous duet partner during one of Songbird Shenanigans. I'd like to invite my fiance Charlie out here."
The crowd went nuts as Charlie wandered towards you from the side of the stage away from Owen, Jeremy and Madison. Charlie's hazel eyes scoured the oceans of your e/c eyes he got to wake up to each morning. Mostly when Julie and the Phantoms had been offered to open for you; to be frank, it was more of an unspoken co-headlining.
"Can we tell?" You asked, keeping the mic covered and away from your body. Your body bounced, waiting for the smile from him.
Charlie nodded, accepting the guitar from one of the crew members. It was a song you had written a few months back. Charlie had memorized the entire piece with the deep adoration he felt for it.
The couple perched on the bar stools brought to the middle of the stage with a secret smile. One that only they and their immediate family understood.
Three months ago, you had sat Charlie down in your home to play him a little song that changed everything.
Charlie placed the last bag of groceries on the counter when he felt arms wrap around his midsection. He immediately knew that it was you welcoming him home from a very short trip to the store. In a swift move, he had manoeuvred you to sit on the counter while he scooched himself between your legs.
"Hi." Charlie breathed, rising to press a kiss against the smooth skin of your cheek, leaving heat in its wake.
"I want your opinion on a song." You burst out, unable to refrain from showing him a song you had been secretly working on. The French Canadian was beyond intrigued by the sudden announcement from his fiance.
"Come." You coaxed the man from the kitchen to the designated music room filled with instruments of all kinds—even a recent addition of a recording booth in the corner with high-end equipment.
You bypassed everything for the grand piano you didn't play as often as you wished to be able to. Your fingers brushed the ivory keys for a mere second before you began playing the melody.
I, I have known love before
I thought it would no more
Take on a new direction
Still, strange as it seems to be
It's truly new to me
That affection
The smile that grew across Charlie's expressive face was uncapturable from the best of the best; he adored your voice. He had a personal ringtone you had explicitly done for him a few months into the relationship.
I, I don't know what you do
You make me think that you
Will change my life forever
I, I'll always want you near
Give up on you, my dear
I will never
You thrill me, you delight me
You please me, you excite me
You're all that
I've been yearning for
I love you, I adore you
I lay my life before you
I only want you more and more
And finally it seems
My lonely days are through
I've been waiting for you
Charlie's frown, however, faltered as your face ever so slightly paled with trepidation coating your pretty irises. Your voice even quivered with nerves he'd never heard before, but it made sense from the third verse started.
I'll carry you all the way
And you will choose the day
When you're prepared to greet me
I'll be a good mum, I swear
You'll see how much I care
When you meet me
You finished the song with the last note drawn out ever so softly, freezing as the room went quiet once more. This song was definitely vulnerable and personal; you felt naked under Charlie's silent stare.
"You're really?" Charlie breathlessly chuckled, his wide eyes screaming disbelief.
After a few years together with an engagement ring on both of your fingers after you had both proposed to each other, with the relationship very serious, you two had decided to stop contraceptives and let everyone happen if it was too happen.
"Yeah." You laughed as he swept you off the bench into his arms, "We have little Birdie to prepare for."
"I love you so damn much." Charlie choked out, spinning the two of you around in his arms. The smile never fading as he drank in the special moment of learning you had created a life together.
"With the impending arrival of our child, I will be taking a break to prepare. Even though I wouldn't be performing, I will still do Songbird Shenanigans. I'll just have to up my game on staying as hidden as possible." You informed the audience as the song came to an end. 
Next thing you knew, you couldn't discern between the crowd and your friends now on stage screaming. You were able to feel Charlie's hand on your barely-there baby bump and his lips pressed against your temple.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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emilyblame · 4 years
so i was thinking: album openers. what a great thing. every album has one. some of them go unnoticed. but some of them are like a bucket of cold water to your face (in a good way). so here’s my 10 favorite album openers in no particular order (i mean, i think technically they’re in alphabetical order by band because i need things to be somewhat orginized but--)
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omg the y o u t h ! but also why does Jared look exactly the same? this song is honestly one of my favorite things in the whole world because of the way it makes me feel when i listen to it. and i’m not sure i can quite put it into words but-- i guess it makes me feel... powerful? idk if that’s it. but it’s like, the anthem of reinventing yourself. also, this whole album feels like a sci-fi movie and i fucking love it.
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bitch, the drums. b i i i i i i i i t c h. so, maybe Matt Helders III is one of my favorite drummers of all time. and i may also perhaps have a weakness for young Alex Turner because he didn’t give two fucks about being a little shit. ugh. i love Arctic Monkeys.
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this song just sounds epic as fuck. which is the perfect start to an epic as fuck album. also, this being their comback album and this song’s first line being ‘you are brick tied to me that’s dragging me down’ is just one giant middle finger up in the air, fuck you haters and all. i know the first like is technically ‘put on your war paint’ but bear with me here.
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i already talked extensively about what this song means to me. it’s just perfect. it’s the perfect album opener. and i miss Chester :(
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i mean... do i even have to explain myself here?
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talk about starting off with a bang. this is actually not only an amazing album opener in my opinion, but it’s also my favorite song from Brand New Eyes. it’s so strong and angry. like-- same.
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aaaaand speaking of songs being epic as fuck. the theatricality of this band. please. go listen to Set It Off. you won’t regret it. i promise.
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what i love about this song as an opener is that it sets the mood for the whole album. it’s loud and angry and doesn’t give a fuck. if you’re not singing and dancing by the end of this song, are you even listening to Simple Plan?
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if i’m being really honest with you, i think all of The Used’s opening songs to all their albums are fucking brilliant, but this one is my favorite. mostly because of Jepha BEST BASSIST EVER Howard. that little riff at the end of every chorus... *chef kiss*. yas boi.
CHERRY RED - WATERPARKS / FANDOM (i still hate this album title)
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last but not least. listen. i’m not a huge fan of either “Hawaii” or “11:11” (actually, i usually skip “11:11”), but “Cherry Red” is one of the best album openers out there. it feels like the very beginning of a movie. it hypes you up right off bat. it is so fucking good. it has every emotion this album has throughout collapsed into 1:25 minutes. it is... ~perfection~.
since Conventional Weapons is not really an album i couldn’t include “Boy Division” by My Chemical Romance. but if it were... uuuhhh boi. best album opener ever.
“Jumpsuit” by twenty øne piløts from their album Trench. what i like about this song is that it’s the heaviest on the album. it’s a scream to your face only to get your attention. then the rest of the album gently guides you through Tyler’s mind.
“Arms Unfolding”, dodie. now, listen here, i know Human is technically an EP, but we can look past that for a minute. this song barely has any instruments. it’s mostly vocalizations and i just think it’s fucking brilliant god i love dodie so fucking much what a taleeent! please stop sleeping on dodie (if you are-- if you’re not, here’s a star for you: 🌟).
now, let’s pretend for a second that “!!!!” + “Bad Guy” are one song. goddamnit Billie and Phineas are ridiculously good songwriters. i used to be one of those “wHaT’S tHe HyPE arOUnD BilLiE EiLisH?!” people, but then i listened to when we all fall asleep where do we go? and realized i was just clowning my way through life. the use of sounds that one wouldn’t normally put in a song-- now, i’m not saying they invented it, i’m just saying they do a really good job at it.
and, finally, since we’re pretending that intros and first songs are one thing, let’s not forget about “Thoughts That Breathe” + “Nightmare”. an absolute epic beginning to the most epic Set It Off album: Cinematics. psst! kids, go listen to Set It Off!
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hi, could you do a draco x muggleborn reader headcanon where he falls in love with her throughout the years in hogwarts and she slowly introduces him into muggle things like tv shows and phones and basically her and hermionie always make fun of him and ron for not understanding !! i love your work btw
oh my God this idea is ADORABLE!
Draco was snooty. God that boy had something to say about everyone. But you saw past that and he became this really sweet guy. You two became these best friends and Draco actually began to hang out with the trio. Course his father was not exactly a big fan of him spending part of the summer at the Weasleys but Narcissa said "Lucius, he's making friends. Be nice." So Lucius sucked it up.
Draco absolutely adored you though and constantly talked about you. He was kind of sad that you never spent the summers in the Wizarding world. You always spent it in the muggle world with Hermione. This year though you spent part of it with the Weasleys before heading back to Hogwarts for your third year. When you walked in Draco was so FUCKING EXCITED. You brought a lot of weird things for Arthur to look at. "what's this?" Arthur asked, holding up a discman and making Harry snort. "It's a cd player." You answered. "... What's a cd?" Ron asked. "....Uhm.... Well crap." You muttered. You showed them what it was and they were mesmerized, along with Draco. You spent most of your time there showing the group different muggle devices. You had a blast, you and Draco spending a ton a time together.
However with the time you two spent together the more in love you two were. The last night you were there you sat outside on the back steps with Draco. "This was the best summer." You chuckled. Draco smiled. "Hey can I ask you something?" He asked. "What's up?" You asked. "...Do you feel like something has changed between us?" He asked. "Oh so you noticed it too! I've been thinking this was just a me thing. If I didn't know any better I'd even say that I--" you stopped yourself and cleared your throat. "what were you saying?"he asked. "N-nothing!" You lied. Draco got closer to your face and you leaned back, quickly turning red. "What were you saying?" He asked, a small smirk coming onto his lips. He knew damn well what was going on. "Drac-Draco I..." You saw that smug look and you squinted. This little shit knew you liked him. So you decided to play around too. You pulled him forward and kissed his nose, now wiping the smug look off of his face and making him blush. But two could play at this game. He kissed your cheek, making you grumble. This fucker was not winning. You gripped his shirt, yanking him forward and kissed him. To be honest, you shocked yourself. He pulled away. "I am so sorry I just got aggravated and--" he kissed you. He actually kissed you.
Well that led to you two dating. He was so happy around you, always smiling with his arm around you. School finally was back so he was seeing you every day. "I don't get it. Why not use a fucking pencil?" You asked. "I don't get that either." Hermione agreed. "It does make math WAY harder." Harry admitted. "What... What's uhm.." Ron struggled to ask. "Yeah, me and Ron are lost, what's a pencil?" Draco asked. "....Baby... Please tell me you're joking. Like PLEASE tell me you jackasses know what a pencil is?" You asked. "No?" Draco admitted. You sighed and got up. "I'm about show you." You said before disappearing. You came back with an unopened pack of pencils. "So this is like a pen. But you can erase your mistakes." You said. "....So it's a pen." Ron said. "No." You said. "So... It's not made for writing?" Draco asked. "no it is!" Hermione corrected. "So.... It's... it's a pen!" Ron said. "NO."
That argument went on for way too long. But you started showing them more. Draco loved seeing you draw though. Sitting under a tree by a lake in his arms as you sketched out a landscape. He finally got the idea of a pencil after watching you btw. But the one thing both boys took interest in was the sports. "Wait so you guys don't even keep up with muggle sports?" Hermione asked. "No. I mean, most wizards keep to careers in the wizarding world." Draco said. "Okay okay. Next summer we're teaching you baseball." You said. "Base... Base what?" Ron asked. "Baseball! Or what about rugby?" Hermione suggested. "We're not trying to break our necks." Harry said. "True. Well there's also hockey." You shrugged. Then a lightbulb practically popped over you. "We can do that this winter!" Hermione said.
And so you did, asking your parents to lend you some skates for the group along with hockey equipment. "Alright. Hockey is like football." You said. "...American or--" "English." Hermione said. "Okay. So why are we on ice?" Ron asked. "Added challenge." You said skating. Draco had never skated before and you chuckled. "you expect us to actually move on this?" He asked. "Darling, people do this all the time!" You said. He slid forward and nearly fell but you grasped his arm.
After teaching them how to skate though you taught them how to play. And oh boy you all got really into it. You stood by as a ref, watching them play nearly dying of laughter as Ron completely failed to understand how to be a goalie. As time passed you started teaching them more and more. "Dad is hellbent on knowing what the purpose of a rubber duck is." Ron said. "...I think that's just to make bathing fun." You shrugged. "But why? It's bathing." Draco asked. "Muggles are particularly boring and find enjoyment in yellow plastic ducks." Hermione answered. "That and star wars." You laughed. "...Star... What?" Ron asked. ".....We have failed as their friends." Harry said. "But they're not even that good--" you and Harry have Hermione horrified looks. "....Okay we'll show them!" She said. So that summer Draco managed to convinced his parents to let him stay with you with Ron, Harry and Hermione. You opened the door and Draco rose a brow. "....What in the world?" He asked looking at the tv in the livingroom. "this is a tv. A blessing to humanity." You said. "Amen to that." Harry nodded. You all watched the star wars movies. "DARTH IS WHAT!?" Draco gaped. "HOW-- WHAT!?" "OH MY GOD HE'S ANAKIN!?" Ron gaped. You were honestly just watching the boys' reaction. Your parents were just looking at them like "Have they never... Seen this before?"
When the movie ended Draco's mouth was open and Ron swallowed. "That was--" "Wicked." Ron said making you laugh. "So... they don't have television in the wizarding world?" Your dad asked. "No sir." Harry said. "So... how do you pass the time?" Your mom asked. "Quidditch." All of you said in unison. You did show them baseball, Draco being REALLY good at it actually. "Babe, you run!" You said. "What--" "DRACO. RUN. OVER HERE." Hermione said. He sprinted to first and you snorted. They were absolutely baffled by a gameboy. "What the hell is a Pikachu?" Ron asked. "Think thunderbird but cuter." You said showing him the Pokemon. But by far their favorite thing... Was doctor who. ThEY ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS SHOW. "THIS IS THE PEAK OF TV CHANGE MY MIND." Draco said after watching an episode. K9 was literally his favorite character. Ron just loved the Doctor as a whole. Your boyfriend... Christ he became such a fucking nerd.
But he was also very interested in cameras. You showed him some cameras like the polaroid and he loved taking pictures. Specifically of you. You loved it when he discovered more music for the discman. He was a really big fan of the Beatles actually. Harry listened to AC/DC After Sirius was like "kid you haven't lived till you heard back in black okay?" You loved to just sit in your room and read in draco's arms. There was a surprising lack of musical instruments in the wizarding world so when you admitted that you could play guitar that kind of blew their minds. See, the thing was is that they assumed that the instruments had to be enchanted in order to make music. Not that you had to be trained to play music. You played a couple of songs and Draco fell even harder for you. He loved listening to your voice, whether it was singing or talking he just loved listening to you. You actually taught Draco how to play and discovered he had a nice voice (Yes that is a subtle nod to Tom Felton who can actually sing.) Sometimes when you all would sleep in the living room Draco would sing you to sleep as you laid on his chest. Of course in the process you would lull everybody else to sleep. You spent years showing these too adorable goofballs muggle devices.
Later when you were seventeen came the ultimate Muggle lesson though. Cars. You decided to teach these two jackasses how to drive. You had gotten your license and decided to teach Draco how to drive. "So you're going to release your foot off the break--" "Oh God we're moving." Draco whined. "....Like not even one mile per hour. Now accelerate. Remember the gas?" You asked. "Yes.... Darling do we need to go faster than this!?" He asked. ".... Hermione can outwalk the car. Yes. Now accelerate!" You said. He tapped the gas and screamed when he moved making you snort. "Do you remember where the break is?" You asked. "I NEED A BREAK." he whined making you laugh. "Draco you're doing fine. Move forward." You said. "WE HAVE TO DO MORE!?" He asked.
Ron actually wasn't that bad. He wasn't as panicked driving the car and understood the process compared to Draco who ended up hyperventilating into a paper bag. "Babe... It wasn't even that bad." You said. "THEN YOU DRIVE BECAUSE THAT THING IS A DEATH TRAP!" he said. ".....Guys, wanna go to the mall!?" You asked with a slightly deranged look. So you drove and when you went past five miles Draco was flipping out. "WAHT THE FACK!?" Draco screamed. Everyone was dying of laughter after you all got out. "THIS IS MADDENING! WHY!? WHY DRIVE!? WHAT DO YOU GAIN!?" Draco asked. "if he's being this dramatic over a car wait till he finds out about a soft pretzel from the food court." Hermione said to you. The concept of a soft pretzel was hysterical to watch the two wizards try to grasp. "Yes, but pretzels aren't supposed to be soft." Ron said. "would you just eat the damn thing?" Hermione said. It was their favorite snack. "How dare they deprive us of this?" Draco asked. "fascist bastards." Ron muttered.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Sunset Swerve - Part 3
Pairing: Luke x OC
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: none(?)
A/N: Me publishing back to back updates? More likely than you think. We’re finally through with episode 2! As always, let me know what you think and send me a message or ask if you want to be tagged in future chapters! Also, thank you to all who have left kind messages on the last few parts, I really appreciate it! Now back to your (ir)regularly scheduled fanfic. 
Part 2  Masterlist
“Let’s go, Moss,” Luke yelled and Jordan groaned, “Rise and shine.”
For what felt like the last few hours, Jordan had been curled up on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. They were all pretty certain that ghosts couldn’t sleep but Jordan felt exhausted from the day and she didn’t feel like exploring all night with the guys so she did her best to emulate the experience. At some point, she had reached a dream-like stupor, which she assumed was as close as she’d get to real sleep.
“Where exactly are we going?” She asked, rolling over to face the inside of the room and slowly opening her eyes.
She was met with the three boys much too close to comfort and staring at her. She screamed on instinct, sitting up quickly and pulling the blanket with her, holding it tightly to her chest. The guys started screaming too, the four ghosts momentarily thrown into chaos.
“You can’t do that to a girl!” Jordan admonished, standing up to slap each of their shoulders. “Give a girl some privacy!”
“You were sleeping on the couch,” Reggie pointed out and Jordan scowled.
“And you guys could’ve stood a respectful distance away!”
Reggie nodded, stepping back and raising his hands in surrender.
“C’mon, we don’t have time to keep arguing,” Luke complained, “We’re gonna be late!”
“Late for what?” Jordan asked, still having no clue what was going on.
“Julie’s gonna play for her teacher to get back into her music program!”
The guys had filled her in on the drama of Julie’s life the night before but she’d hadn’t heard anything about her playing today.
“That’s new,” she remarked and Luke grinned.
“It was my idea,” he seemed so proud of himself. “I convinced her last night.”
“So she’s going to ambush her music teacher?” Jordan asked, remembering Luke’s solution to everything when they were alive.
“The Sunset Curve way.” He grinned proudly and Jordan rolled her eyes.
“Teachers usually aren’t big fans of Ambush Mode,” she sighed but started to get ready anyway, gathering up a new outfit from the bag of her clothes she had found and making her way to the bathroom.
It was nothing too special, she was mostly just happy to be out of the clothes she had died in. The pair of high waisted mom jeans paired with her worn Rolling Stones t-shirt and her Doc Martens were much more comfortable. She kept the simple black choker she’d been wearing the day before and cuffed her jeans, deciding at the last minute to tie her hair back in a half up-do with a scrunchie. She was in and out of the bathroom in less than five minutes, though when she opened the door Luke looked like he had been about ready to start yelling for her to hurry up.
“So are we going to support Julie or what?” She asked, pulling her bag across her body while the guys just stood in place.
“Right, yeah, okay,” Alex said softly while Luke rolled his eyes, probably thinking up some snide comment about how she had been the one they were waiting on.
Surprisingly, he kept whatever he was thinking to himself as the four of them converged, all poofing out of the garage together.
Jordan didn’t know what she expected to see when she arrived at Julie’s high school but a collection of girls in brightly colored wigs and matching outfits singing and dancing in the gym was not it.
“Man, I miss high school,” she heard Reggie sigh and rolled her eyes. Boys.
Jordan turned to Alex, hoping the boy would have a similar reaction as her but as she looked to the blond she found him mimicking the choreography.
“Oh my gosh, yes Alex!” She cheered him on and he grinned before Luke elbowed him, shaking his hand in front of his neck to say ‘cut it out.’
They turned to see Julie, looking clearly disheartened and Jordan gave her an apologetic look.
“Julie!” She gasped excitedly, finally getting a good look at the girl. “That jumpsuit is so fly!”
She knew from their introduction yesterday that the young Latina had a great sense of style and the camo jumpsuit she was wearing today only served to further prove that.
Julie gave her a confused smile, like she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not, and Jordan furrowed her brows trying to figure out why her compliment hadn’t been properly received.
“People don’t say ‘fly’ in 2020, do they?” She asked dejectedly and Julie shook her head.
“Okay well then that jumpsuit is so cool,” she modified and Julie smiled graciously.
Their attentions were drawn back to the gym floor as the girl group finished their performance.
“Thank you, thank you,” Jordan mocked the leader’s overly preppy voice and attitude and Julie laughed.
“What’re you waiting for?” Reggie asked after Julie’s friend had walked away and two women who Jordan assumed to be the principal and music teacher began speaking to the crowd. “This is your time!”
“Yeah. I mean, you look really nervous,” Alex observed concernedly, “Like yak-in-a-bowl nervous.”
“I just don’t think I had enough time to work on the song.” Julie addressed Luke.
“I wouldn’t have given you the song if I didn’t think you were gonna rock it!” Luke reassured her enthusiastically. “Now, there’s a piano on that stage with your name on it.”
The four watched as Julie nodded before running out of the gym to get to the stage door.
“You gave her one of your songs?” Jordan asked the guitarist curiously.
“Yeah, we never got a chance to record it but it’s perfect for her voice.”
“Which song?” Jordan asked. She may have hated the band but there was no denying that their music was good and she had heard plenty of it over the years.
“Oh, I love that one,” Jordan gushed before she realized what she was saying and who she was talking too. “I mean, it’s not as good as any of Apollo 81’s stuff but,” she tried to brush it off though she knew she had failed.
Thankfully, the boys decided to let it go as Julie had just stepped up to the piano.
“You got this!” Luke called out and Julie smiled, taking a breath to steel her nerves before starting the song.
“Damn, you should’ve added a piano part to this years ago,” Jordan noted quietly as they listened to Julie play. Luke nodded, watching the girl with awe.
“We should play with her,” he said turning to look excitedly at the other boys before raising a brow at Jordan, silently inviting her to join them.
“I don’t know the song.”
“Please, a talented musician like you can figure it out.” He spoke like he was teasing her however his eyes held a sincerity that had her chest swelling with pride.
She rolled her eyes but nodded, the four of them exchanging grins before poofing to the stage just in time for the chorus.
“And rise through the night, you and I. we will fight to shine together, bright forever,” A surprised grin took over Julie’s face as they materialized with their instruments, Jordan deciding on filing the rhythm guitar part. Julie jumped up from the piano, immediately taking center stage. For someone who, as far as Jordan knew, had never been in a band, the girl sure knew how to rock a stage. She had a major stage presence. “And rise, through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together, bright forever.”
It felt so good to be back on a stage performing that it took them all a minute to realize that Julie’s classmates could see them. They all shared looks of shock, Luke instructing them to ‘just go with it’ as he jumped in for the second verse.
“In times that I doubted myself, I felt like I needed some help. Stuck in my head, with nothing left.” Luke turned to look at Jordan, gesturing the girl over to his mic with a head nod and Jordan grinned. Her voice joined his vocals as Julie continued to rock out with Reggie and Alex. “I feel something around me now. So unclear, lifting me out. I found the ground, I’m marching on.”
Jordan stepped back in time for Reggie to take over for the pre-chorus, grinning as she watched the two boys perform together for the first time in twenty-five years. It felt like magic to be up on that stage with them, her own styles mixing with that of Sunset Curve and Julie. Luke wasn’t kidding when he said she was a powerhouse. The two had immediate chemistry as well, Julie walking him to center stage as he started the bridge, the two rocking out together before the rest of them joined in for the chorus once more. Jordan had never been happier to sing backup, the girl’s vocals were killer.
The song was over much too soon for Jordan’s tastes. She was still buzzing with adrenaline as she slung her guitar to the side, taking a bow with the group. However, before they could finish soaking up the applause they vanished, reappearing at the side of the stage.
“Oh god, how is she gonna explain that?” Jordan groaned, looking anxiously between the three guys who looked about as clueless as she did.
“Wait, were those holograms?” A girl called out from the crowd and Julie let out the breath she was holding, quickly affirming the girl’s suspicions.
“Holograms? Like in Star Wars?” Reggie questioned, eyes wide, “Those are real now?”
“Apparently,” Luke answered, seemingly also in disbelief. “That’s wild, that they could see us when we were playing but not when the music stopped.”
“Ooh, we should double-check!” Reggie said, climbing up the stairs before wiggling his butt in front of the unfazed crowd. “Yeah, I don’t think they can see us.”
“I wish I couldn’t see you.” Alex deadpanned and Jordan snorted.
The guys were swept away with the crowd of students as they were dismissed from the gym, Reggie eagerly attempting to get one of the multi-colored girl’s number. Jordan stuck back as Julie spoke to her teacher, wanting to know if the girl got back into her program. However, she too was sidetracked as a small boy walked off the stage with a string bass, dragging it carelessly down the stairs.
“Oh, hell no.” She gasped, aggressively lecturing the boy as she followed him out of the gym despite knowing he couldn’t hear her. “That is no way to treat such a gorgeous instrument!”
She only stopped her passionate rant when she hit the hallway and noticed the guys there staring at her like she was crazy.
“You know he can’t hear you, right?” Luke asked slowly, like if he spoke too aggressively she would become more unhinged.
“You should’ve seen him drag that bass down the stairs! It was criminal,” she explained, before shouting down the hall at the boy, “Criminal!”
“O-kay,” Luke said, dramatically looking away from her and making circles with his finger near his head to signal her craziness to the guys.
“You’re a real comedian, Patterson,” she responded dryly and Luke laughed.
“Anyway, let’s go find Julie and talk about what just happened!”
They wandered around the school trying to locate their living friend. It felt weird to be back in a high school, especially one that had been so different from her own. Unlike the guys, none of Apollo 81 had dropped out of school for the band. This meant that they’d had to continuously bust their asses to get gigs and stay on top of their schoolwork; they didn’t have all afternoon to practice like Sunset Curve but Jordan always felt like they were better for it. Still, high school seemed to have changed considerably in the twenty-five years since her death. For starters, they definitely didn’t have a music program like Julie’s, sure there was band class but Jordan learned most of her musical skills outside of the school building.
“There weren’t this many people dressed like animals when we were in high school, right?” Jordan asked after accidentally walking through one of said students.
“Definitely not.” Alex answered, looking just as confused as she felt.
She knew they were dressed up like the school’s mascot, a blue bobcat, but she just couldn’t figure out why.
“Julie!” She called out once they finally located the girl, “What’s with all girls dressed like bobcats?”
Luke elbowed her in the side, stepping in front of her.
“Who cares!” He exclaimed, as if the words were bursting out of him uncontrolled, “Are we not gonna talk about what happened?!”
“Yeah, the whole school saw you. It’s kinda freaking me out,” Julie said, sounding like she still hadn’t quite come to terms with it.
“Okay good, cause it’s kinda freaking me out too,” Alex started, talking and moving with a manic energy. “Y’know, you could see us, and now people can see us whenever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason I’m still getting a wedgie.”
Luke patted the blond on the back sympathetically while Jordan leaned passed the boy to stare at Alex concernedly.
“Dude, are you okay?”  
“Nah,” Alex said airily, but waved off her concern.
“The important thing is that we rocked that place!” Luke interjected, rerouting the conversation. “They loved you!”
“Are you kidding?” Julie said excitedly, “They loved us!”
The group all shared proud smiles.
“That was a great song, Luke. Thanks,” Julie said sincerely and Luke grinned, blushing slightly.
“Did you see the cheerleaders looking at me? I think they were looking at me!” Reggie added excitedly and Luke grinned, matching his energy as the dark haired boy grabbed his face. “Please tell me they were looking at me.”
“Bro, they were looking at you!”
“Oh, I knew it!”
“I’m so- I’m so confused, y’know?” Alex spoke, taking the conversation back to his anxieties. “The afterlife should come with instructions, or a quick-start quite or something.”
“Seriously man, are you good?” Jordan asked again and Alex shrugged.
“Well, the good news is everyone thought you were holograms and I got back into the program.”
Julie’s announcement was met with a chorus of congratulations but the girl didn’t look very excited herself.
“Why do you look so bummed?” Reggie asked.
“Yeah, dude, you’re making this face,” Luke proceeded to do a poor reenactment of Julie’s expression.
“That is not my face,” Julie said pointedly and Jordan nodded in agreement while the guys all made noises of dissent, “And things just got weird between me and Flynn. She asked about you guys and I couldn’t say.”
“Sweet, girls are already talking about us,” Reggie said lowly and Luke high fived him.
“Stop it assholes,” Jordan sighed, smacking them both on the chest from her position between them. “This is serious!’
“Thanks Jordan,” Julie smiled sadly, “I can’t tell her about you guys for the same reason I can’t tell my dad; she’ll think I’ve gone off the deep end!”
“Well this dude definitely thinks you’ve gone off the deep-end,” Reggie said, pointing to the janitor who had just walked through Jordan. She shivered, still not used to the feeling of being made of air.
“I need to get to class,” Julie finally spoke once the disgruntled janitor had walked away.
“Later Julie,” Reggie called. “Ooh, and tell those cheerleaders I’m single!”
“Oh, and that he’s dead.” Alex quipped, earning a high five from Jordan.
“Nonono, leave that part out!” Reggie panicked. “Leave that- she’s gone.”
The rest of the group merely shook their heads at the boy’s antics before they all poofed home to the garage.
Part 4
Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23
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I haven’t had chemistry since like 2008, and I’m also an idiot who likes to make my friends upset, so I rated the periodic table in order to tilt my friends:
Hydrogen - this is like your childhood friend who has always been with you more or less and always will be down to get a drink and chill even tho you haven’t spoken in years. Solid bro imo 7.5/10
Helium - always down for a good time, even if probably created Alvin and the Chipmunks which in some places is considered a war crime. 4/10
Lithium - Gives me bitchy vibes and is flammable as fuck if I remember. Skinny bitch with an attitude 3/10
Beryllium - idk this sounds like a sailor moon villain lol for that it can have a 6/10
Boron - more like BORONG amirite ha ha wait no seriously I have no idea lol 5/10 clean neutral rating
Carbon - *screaming* 2/10 I will not be taking questions
Nitrogen - cool cool cool tight tight tight 9/10 Nitrogen just is the cool hot chick you wish you were
Oxygen - kid who takes up all the glory for the group project even tho you did all the work, 4/10 for natural charisma
Fluorine - lol what are you knockoff chlorine lmfao bitch 3/10 reminds me of the dentist
Neon - I can vibe with this boy for his contributions to signs which cause my eyes to scream 8/10 modernized Art Deco thanks you
Sodium - 10/10 this is me and I won’t be taking questions next element
Magnesium - magnesium is a close relative of magnificent and therefore I think the case is closed folks 9/10
Aluminum - 10/10 for providing a home to my Diet Coke addiction I’d be dead without you
Silicon - 6.9/10 :smirk:
Phosphorous - This has a very soundly name and it’s welcome to do that but idk, not a fan, seems like he’d be smelly, 2/10
Sulfur - 1/10 pretty sure that dog farts are purely comprised of this and as such if I was leaving negative ratings I would
Chlorine - 7.8/10 for being in pools so we could swim without brain eating amoeba in the south you a champ
Argon - he seems like a nerd jk this guy has a good color 9/10 for just being himself
Potassium - I hate bananas and this word gives me the physical sensation of biting into one but only by thinking of abstract letters and making them into something which we can nutrientise from bananas and to me that shit is bananas, b a n a n a s — 3/10 for making me sing hollaback girl thru adhd word association
Calcium - hm my brain went to mega milk so you get a 2/10 today bud I don’t make the rules
Scandium - pretty sure this is fake lol what’s next faxdium, e-Mailite and copinium? 5/10
Titanium - this song’s a banger and also is the only thing that lets me wear earrings 10/10
Vanadium - if your erection lasts for longer than like idk it’s supposed to then don’t take vanadium wait what do you mean it’s not an ED treatment 4/10
Chromium - decent bloke shame the browser eats all your memory 5/10
Manganese - if a weeb tries to tell me how to pronounce mayonnaise one more time... 1/10
Iron - excellent tool against the fey, in your blood, what a bro, 10/10 this bitch slaps
Cobalt - has a powerful energy; I respect him. 8/10
Nickel - if I had a nickel for every time someone made this joke lol 5/10 he’s doing his best
Copper - taste bad 3/10
Zinc - isn’t that the dude in the green tunic and white tights who saves premcess Lelda or something lol 7/10 those games are good
Gallium - seems like a prick 4/10
Germanium - sounds like a child pronouncing geraniums which are superior 3/10
Arsenic - bad vibes coach 1/10
Selenium - isn’t this just sailor moon lol 10/10 love this bitch
Bromine - farmine wherever you aremine - 9/10 I love a good bro
Krypton - he’s okay I guess 5/10
Rubidium - yet another Steven universe villain who will be redeemed I imagine 4/10 seems a bit dull
Strontium - I feel nothing when I see this lad’s name and that seems like a shame 1/10 I don’t like it
Yttrium - this is an atrium in Yharnam, or something 8/10 would love to sit in one and make contact with higher beings
Zirconium - oh wait THIS is the sailor moon villain from the dead moon circus! 9/10 I enjoyed that arc
Niobium - seems sassy, I like that in an element 7/10
Molybdenum - I hate this one, rancid. 1/10 for making me have flashbacks to difficult Ancient Greek vocabulary there is no fucking way that sound combination is anything but Beta and Delta borking and then Latin being like oh imma steal that
Technetium - 6/10 decent name but seems a bit forced
Ruthenium - 5/10 kindly old lady element I guess lol
Rhodium - 10/10 this ain’t my first rhodium babee this lad has good vibes what a name what a king
Palladium - 10/10 for making me think of paladins
Silver - 12/10 I’m breaking the rules for this silver is the best it is so cool and also it is the other best tool for dealing with supernatural creatures when iron has failed you highly suggest Even if I am extremely allergic to it going into my ears...wait hold on
Cadmium - 2/10 sounds like a total douche
Indium - 8/10, i just think it’s independent and neat
Tin - 10/10 good ear sounds when involving rain and roof shapes and automatically reminds me of Nora Jones’s come away with me album which is also 10/10
Antimony - 7/10 decent protagonist good name all around seems rad
Tellurium - tell ur mom what? That’s so early 2010s league of legends humor bro 2.5/10
Iodine - strikes fear in my soul from having it poured on my wounds but this is why I have more pain tolerance than god 5.3/10
Xenon - I think this is a declension of Xena warrior princess which is a win in my eyes, 8/10
Caesium - kind of has a cunty Latin name, 4.5/10
Barium - yeah boss, bury’im! 7.5/10 I love a good mobster gag
Lanthanum - A bit pretentious on the Tolkien spectrum sorry bud 3/10 sounds like you’d be the dickwad elf everyone hates
Cerium - 6.5/10 I like this one, gives me a clean vibe
Praseodymium - the fuck who sneezed all their alphabet soup onto the paperwork and called it an element Christ we can’t keep doing this 1.5/10
Neodymium - oh my god what did I just say 1/10
Promethium - thank Christ we’re back to greek 9/10 Prometheus was a Chad I could get behind
Samarium - 5/10 gives me boring wizard vibes
Europium - 4.5/10 don’t rename opium chrissake can’t take these nerds anywhere
Gadolinium - 5/10 it’s a starship knockoff but it’s trying to be bold with the G sound
Terbium - 2/10 I don’t vibe with this one
Dysprosium - sounds like an antidepressant that has a lot of shitty side effects 3/10
Holmium - sounds like someone anxious asking their beloved to hold them 8/10 I like hurt/comfort fics
Erbium - you can’t just describe something as herby you daft bastard 2/10
Thulium - sounds like a spell I like it 8.5/10
Ytterbium - macguffin in a shite sci-fi show that gets highly overrated because BBC produced it and superwholock stans emerge and go utterly feral 1/10
Lutetium - bards are an element I agree 10/10
Hafnium - sounds like a river (my dog) sound and has a cute vibe, I’d offer it head pats 7/10
Tantalum - noooo you can’t be sad yuor so sexe haha 6.9/10 tantalizing
Tungsten - 10/10 this is a lad with history
Rhenium - 5.5/10 it’s ok
Osmium - 4/10 I wasn’t a big wizard of oz fan
Iridium - 9/10 sounds like iridescent and that’s in my top 10 favorite words and concepts
Platinum - 10/10 best Pokémon game
Gold - 7.9/10 all that glitters and all but it’s still pretty on some people, silver is better tho
Mercury - yikes 8/10 so it doesn’t kill me
Thallium - sounds like the brother character in a ps4 exclusive western rpg that oddly falls under the radar in terms of reviews and gets shafted at awards for no reason 7/10 I’ll support you tho
Lead - 2/10 that’s gonna be a no from me dawg pretty sure I still have lead in my hands from stabbing myself with my mechanical pencils
Bismuth - 6/10 sounds good in mouth and reminds me of biscuits for some reason, I’ll take it
Polonium - to thine own self be true so stop trying to act like the arts don’t influence science jk pretty sure this is named for Poland but hey that’s where we get the Witcher so you get a pass 6/10
Astatine - 1/10 I don’t even know what you are
Radon - 7/10 this motherfucker knows his shit and how to party, rad is right
Francium - I bring you francium...and I bring you myrdurdium... 7/10 for a good vine
Radium - killed the video star probably 9/10 I can get behind her
Actinium - as opposed to passtinium I prefer actinium in the voice of writing 8/10
Thorium - overrated Norse god 5/10 because lightning is still cool
Protactinum - sounds like some pretentious condom brand 4/10 wouldn’t do it with a dude who bought these
Uranium - I always thought she was a hot sailor scout 10/10
Neptunium - same for her I knew they weren’t cousins you couldn’t lie to me 4kids 10/10
Plutonium - sounds like a macguffin unfortunately 5/10
Americium - I read this with a pivotal letter missing and nearly died, 7/10 for the laugh
Curium - 10/10 gives me Curie vibes and also reminds me of curiosity which reminds me of—[old yellered before the association could set in]
Berkelium - what I shout when I want Burke (fam dog) to slaughter innocents and raze territories 2/10 world was not meant to know his commands
Californium - 1/10 California is cool with geography but probs could stand to chill with the ego sorry to my friends in Cali
Einsteinium - 6/10 it’s alright but we’re really running out of ideas huh
Fermium - 3/10 this one is porny
Mendelevium - 1/10 my brain didn’t like parsing this and I stand by my earlier statement of running out of good names
Nobelium - 0/10 you didn’t name any noble gases this cowards this gas can’t be a noble oh wait it’s NOBEL I take it back 5/10 seems an alright chap
Lawrencium - fear the old blood my sorry dead hunter’s ass I’ll never get back my life from the hours I spent trying to beat this lava shitting bastard 2/10 for being a boss who eats Taco Bell specifically before being challenged to have fresh lava shit with which to punish you for having the audacity to exist in his space
Rutherfordium - my god what a snob 4.2/10 I respect him a little but only because he sounds like a right lad
Dubnium - DROP THE BASS 10/10
Seoborgium - not sure about this one but it can have a 7/10
Bohrium - as an American English speaker this sound combination makes my pathetic throat become a black hole as I try to properly create the sound of it 10/10 I love when my body becomes a massive void in the universe
Hassium - lazy 2/10
Elements 109-118 can go fuck themselves I hate them all, collective 6.66/10 for their general demonic vibe
35 notes · View notes
gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Who Can Say if I've Been Changed For the Better?: Ferdibert Does Wicked
This concept has been a bit in building. It started from a much-loved cover by Hubert and Ferdinand’s VAs inspired by their support line and the broad observation that these two are a musicals couple who absolutely would sing their feelings in all manner of theatrical AUs. It continued through my later observation that there’s ample material to carry that idea even further, albeit with a shift outside of Crimson Flower for a better tonal match. Still, I’m not quite sure what to call this project; it’s not really a headcanon nor is it fanfic by any means. I’ve written a handful of longform character/narrative explorations before, although when it comes to FE I’ve previously been inspired to do so only for Jugdral characters. That setting is somehow both underdeveloped and deceptively dense - and I suppose in a way you could say the same of Three Houses as well, insofar as it’s been incredibly popular for fan content of all sorts.
Regardless of what this post is in terms of my fandom output, the following isn’t exactly a Wicked AU as such. Rather, it’s how I would envision a hypothetical blend of the non-CF routes of FE16 centering around the Eagles trio and set to the structure and songs of the musical as organically as possible. There are no 1:1 analogues with characters and plotlines from Wicked, because few if any would exist without a lot of tweaking; to use the VA cover example, Ferdinand might be a decent proxy for G(a)linda, but the mere presence of Edelgard substantially complicates Hubert’s claim to the Elphaba role. The similarities only unravel further from there, but I did my best.
Writing this out gave me the opportunity to play around with Edelgard’s character as a way of addressing what I and many others in my circle have long considered to be some of the major problems with her canon presentation. For Ferdibert meanwhile I got to make use of my headcanons for how their relationship would develop outside of their support line, in a way that mostly preserves Hubert’s delightful evil wickedness. Add some ruminations on how one would splice together the non-CF routes in a dramatically satisfying fashion, some snark directed at the non-character of Byleth, and a bit of background Dimidue/Lions OT5 for spice and that just about sums it up. Enjoy this…whatever this is.
Act I
“No One Mourns the Wicked”
The show opens on the citizens of Adrestia celebrating the death of their emperor and the end of her bloody war. Ferdinand rides in, resplendent on his steed, and is hailed as the new Duke Aegir as he relates to the crowd the news of Edelgard’s death at the hands of the combined army of liberators. The “Are people born wicked?” flashback sequence is replaced with a summary mostly in pantomime of Edelgard’s backstory: the Insurrection, her being taken to Faerghus and then returning, and then being experimented on by the Agarthans before agreeing to work with them. Notably Hubert is not named or referenced anywhere in this song, appearing only as a boy at Edelgard’s side at appropriate times during the flashback.
“Dear Old Shiz”
Someone in the crowd finally brings up Hubert, the emperor’s vile and murderous minister, and accuses Ferdinand of having been his friend. With Ferdinand even more flustered than Glinda since his “It depends on what you mean by friend” definitely carries sexual undertones, so begins the flashback to Part 1. There’s an equivalent intro of Garreg Mach, so one may feel free to insert any headcanons for school songs here. The following dialogue scene establishes the student body in general and the dynamic of the Eagles trio in particular: Ferdinand pompous and eager to one-up Edelgard at any opportunity, and Edelgard and Hubert cold and dismissive toward his antics and just about everyone else for that matter. Edelgard is instantly enamored of the quiet new professor, of course. Because the room assignment conflict doesn’t make a lot of sense with the monastery’s setup, instead Ferdinand is incensed that Edelgard is chosen as the Eagles’ house leader over him even though it’s been ages since a Hresvelg has attended. Neither Nessarose nor Morrible has an exact equivalent (although Seteth can act in Morrible’s role as the academy’s main authority figure), so the segue into the next song ends there.
“The Wizard and I”
Now alone together, Edelgard and Hubert have a brief dialogue outlining their villainous plans for the school year. This establishes Hubert’s hypercompetency but also how detached and professional Edelgard is around him. Then comes the song, now “My Lady and I,” which serves as Hubert’s character introduction. In tones more sinister than Elphaba ever reaches - you know he’d have fun with “When people see me they will scream” - he outlines his history with his lady, that he delights in serving her because she validates his work ethic and gives him an outlet for his ruthlessness and cruelty. Where Elphaba fantasizes about the Wizard removing her green skin, Hubert instead goes full Nice Guy, believing that once he’s given Edelgard her continental empire and crushed all her enemies she’ll be so grateful that of course she’ll put out for him.
“What Is This Feeling?”
You could rip the tone of this one directly from the Ferdibert C support and change nothing - homoerotic subtext included. I like the thought of Hubert replacing Elphaba’s deadpan one-word summation of Galinda with a mocking imitation of Ferdinand's most memetic line: "He is Ferdinand von Aegir!". The chorus can be made up of any number of other students excluding Edelgard, who’d happily agree that Hubert is ugly, creepy, and downright unpleasant.
“Something Bad”
The content of this song and surrounding scenes would have to be completely altered, but they work as a necessary reminder that the plot of Part 1 is still going on in the background of all the school drama. Seteth runs through the major events up to Chapter 9 of the game, including the bandit threat, Flayn’s kidnapping, and the experiments on the Remire villagers. The audience/accompaniment for this exposition dump ought to be Dimitri and Claude with Byleth as a silent observer (more on them later), with Edelgard brushing off the news and eventually being the one to shut down the song as Morrible does. There could be some small side character moments in here as well particularly involving the Lions and Deer since they get so little focus in this story.
“Dancing Through Life”
Speaking of which, this was an awkward sequence to place. It matches up chronologically with the ball in Chapter 9 and the main part, Fiyero’s, is a dead ringer for Sylvain and his flirty, hedonistic nihilism (“Nothing matters / but knowing nothing matters!”), but it’s hard to tie into what’s going on with the Eagles trio particularly with the Ferdibert timeframe preserved, i.e. unlike Elphaba and Galinda they don’t become closer until after the timeskip.
As such I see this song as an opportunity for little vignettes with the other students: Dimitri angry over how Dedue’s talked about and hoping they can share a dance (fitting contrast with the coldness of Edelbert), Felix prickly between Dimitri’s recent outbursts and Sylvain’s showboating, Claude hinting toward the bigger picture with Hilda flitting between her excitement over the dance and knowing more than she's letting on, Dorothea casually taking note of Edelgard’s fascination with Byleth (see just below), Bernadetta as a wallflower who doesn’t want to be disturbed (a setup for Act II), etc. Thanks to one of the Forging Bonds events in Heroes I had the thought that the "You/we deserve each other" through line that later gets attached to Nessarose can become one for Dimitri's relationships, with Felix initially throwing it out at him and Dedue and the two of them then turning "We deserve each other" into a romantic line...and then an ironic one and finally a triumphant one come Act II, by that point with Felix et al included as well.
I’m not sure that the following scene of Galinda and Elphaba bonding on the dance floor really needs an equivalent, although it could be altered to something Edeleth-related. In any case Ferdinand ought to get a dance scene of some nature, so he can try to show up Edelgard as he brags about in canon.
It would be a travesty to have a musical starring FE16’s cast and not give Dorothea and/or Manuela a solo. This song works quite well for the former, and it doesn’t intrude on the Ferdibert development with the aforementioned timeframe and how the lightly sapphic vibe doesn’t translate well to two guys. Dorothea has taken note of her good friend Edie’s crush on their mysteriously wooden professor, and she senses the opportunity for a makeover. Not as exaggerated as Dorothea trying to make over Hubert, naturally, but I still think this works out well. Also, Galinda’s observation on leaders, “Did they have brains or knowledge? / Don’t make me laugh! They were popular!”, is darkly comedic when said to Edelgard.
“I’m Not That Girl”
This song comes with preceding dialogue scenes for setup, so those first. Edelgard emerges fresh from her makeover (given her general hot for teacher fixation, I’m thinking she’d lean pretty hard on the naughty schoolgirl look) to Byleth silently grieving Jeralt’s death - bad timing there. She’s as callous about it as she is in canon, only now with more clumsy flirting, and while it’s impossible as always to tell if Byleth notices or cares Hubert most certainly does. The scene segues into the Eagles trio together, with Edelgard alluding to the upcoming events in the Sealed Forest and indicating that Hubert should meet up with her later for some more villainous scheming after he’s ditched Ferdinand. Ferdinand, indignant about being left out of the loop as he is in canon, grumpily points out that he was a much more splendid dancer at the ball than Edelgard, makeover or not. To his utter surprise, Hubert acknowledges that this is true before leaving. This leads into the actual song, altered from homoerotic via triangulation of desire to an outright sexual awakening for Ferdinand. He realizes that part of his jealousy toward Edelgard is that he wishes Hubert were devoted to him instead, and tells himself not to get his hopes up because he’s, well, not that girl or even a girl. We shall of course leave aside how anyone could be attracted to someone as repulsive as Hubert; that’s part of the inherent comedy of this pairing.
“One Short Day”
This was the hardest song to place in this whole project. The touristy trip to the Emerald City just doesn’t have an analogue in the story of Three Houses, especially not late in Part 1 when tension is mounting toward the upcoming reveal and war. It took me a while to realize that it works wonderfully as an Edeleth piece: Edelgard invites Byleth to Enbarr for her coronation, but that scene is left offscreen in favor of a light romp through the city that further highlights Edelgard’s crush as well as her emotional immaturity in spite of everything she’s about to do. She just wants to have a fun day out and take in the sights and eat sweets with her beloved teacher, and it’s all very “Edge of Dawn”-esque where Edelgard knows she’s about to do terrible things that will change everything forever and hopes to prolong the time until she has to take that step. Adjustments to the lyrics could even work in reference to that song to make the similarities more apparent. An awkward/funny issue here is that I envision Byleth to be totally silent throughout this musical with no sung or spoken parts, which would naturally make them having a duet impossible and make Edelgard’s fascination with them even weirder. Even their gender should be left ambiguous throughout, somehow never confirmed if it’s m!Byleth or f!Byleth. It would take a lot of reworking, but I can see the value in it.
“A Sentimental Man”
The core of the Wizard’s character is not all that different from Rhea’s. Both were thrust unexpectedly into positions of authority that required them to enact a large-scale deception to maintain their power/safety, and both are driven somewhat by parental feelings. The tone of the Wizard’s songs doesn’t align well with Rhea, but once you cut out the vaudeville and do some rewording I could see this one working as Rhea addressing her child (among other things) Byleth at the Holy Tomb just before the Flame Emperor reveal. Of course the dramatic irony hits differently; Rhea knows who and what Byleth is whereas the Wizard doesn’t learn about Elphaba until the end of the show. Nonetheless this would still establish Rhea’s character and motivations as well as set the stage for the impending betrayal.
“Defying Gravity”
Said betrayal being Byleth’s, who decides to stand by Rhea and condemn Edelgard as the Flame Emperor when she arrives with her army. This is another song in parts that would need to be broken up. Edelgard gets the bulk of it, but the middle sections between Elphaba and Glinda could work as a kind of separated duet with Edelgard and Hubert attempting to convince Byleth and Ferdinand respectively to join them. Because of Byleth’s silence only Ferdinand can reply in song; only he and Edelgard add the “my friend” bit to the end of this segment, to illustrate the unevenness of Edeleth and Ferdibert at this point in the story. Then things turn to full bombast, albeit darker than in Wicked proper. Edelgard does the belting, Hubert’s sinister laughter reverberates below her (would it be too tasteless for him to be leering up her skirt the whole time?), Ferdinand has Glinda’s mournful “I hope you’re happy!” toward Hubert, and through this and the reprise of “No One Mourns the Wicked” the major events of the timeskip are enacted in pantomime or silhouette. Byleth tumbles off a cliff, Rhea is taken captive as is Dimitri but Dedue rushes after him, and Claude makes a tactical retreat. Side note: “And if I’m flying solo, / at least I’m flying free” is classic Edelgard fixating on Byleth and forgetting that Hubert exists.
Act II
“Thank Goodness”
A surprisingly tough one here. The core of the song, pivoting around the double meaning of “I couldn’t be happier,” suits early Part 2 Ferdinand perfectly, second-guessing his choice and, outside of CF, melancholy about fighting his homeland. In terms of plot it’s an easy translation too, with the crowd announcing the terrible things the Empire has been doing to win its war - persecuting believers, abducting civilians and turning them into Demonic beasts, consorting with inhuman shadowy figures who can disguise themselves as ordinary people - and the assembly working as a way to bring together the leads of the three routes: Byleth, Dimitri (who had Dedue always at his side and thus never had a full psychotic break), Claude, and Seteth, with Ferdinand representing the Adrestian resistance. It’s only the wedding announcement that’s hard to pin down, and I toyed with a number of ideas including Dimidue making yet another public declaration of devotion to one another or Ferdinand planning to follow through with his arranged marriage to Bernadetta they have in their supports (which makes more sense in light of the following sequence). In the end though I don’t think the marriage element is strictly necessary, leaving the song as a means of catching up with the cast five years later and seeing them united against Edelgard - with Ferdinand’s private regrets the only sour note.
“Wicked Witch of the East”
More a dialogue than a song, but still important. Bernadetta is arguably the Eagle other than Hubert most comfortable supporting Edelgard, because all Edelgard has to do is put Count Varley under house arrest for Bernadetta to sing the emperor’s praises. I can also see her as the same sort of self-centered, negligent ruler that Nessarose becomes in Wicked, not because of an unrequited attraction but because of her reclusive desire to be left alone. I see this scene playing out as Hubert surprising Bernadetta at her estate, angry about rumors that she may be helping the rebels and/or engaged to Ferdinand if going with that plot point after Edelgard has done her the favor of locking up her father. He’s fully prepared to, ahem, “persuade” Bernadetta, but before he can break out the torture implements Ferdinand arrives asking for her to support the rebels’ cause.
Farcical, sure, but it gets the two of them together again after five years and underscores how strong their UST has become in their time apart, with Hubert too flabbergasted to attack a known enemy and Ferdinand expressing how happy he is to see Hubert again despite everything. Each learns that the other isn’t as happy about his chosen path as he’d hoped, in Hubert’s case because his lady has grown ever more distant from him as the war has dragged on. Bernadetta cuts through the tension by bringing things back to the song (sort of) and blurting out that she knows both sides are marshalling their forces near Gronder Field. Ferdinand is too caught up in the fraught romance angle to do more than leave with this new information, but Hubert recovers enough to condemn Bernadetta for her flagrant misrule (venting by inference his frustrations toward Edelgard in the process) and resolve to set her on fire for her treachery.
“I’m Not That Girl (Reprise)”
The Gronder rematch happened offscreen - and Bernadetta was indeed set on fire - and on the Imperial side Edelgard is left increasingly frustrated over her losses and hurt that Byleth still refuses to listen to her and continues to fight her regime. You may notice that I’ve shuffled around the middle of Act II, necessary at this point in order to better line up with FE16’s story and Hubert and Edelgard’s separate narrative climaxes while also ensuring that those climaxes don’t overlap too much. This song is only a brief reprise, but it’s a significant one; Hubert finally realizes that Edelgard will never love him. It’s also kept gender-neutral, because Byleth.
“As Long as You’re Mine”
That segues naturally into this moment. Ferdinand sneaks into Enbarr using his unexpected stealth powers (I usually talk about Dedue having them, but Ferdinand shows he’s no slouch in his Mercedes supports) and encounters Hubert. Their UST boils over in a furor of awkward, impassioned sex and also this song. I like the idea of rewording some of Fiyero's lines to incorporate Hubert's acidic snark: “Maybe you’re brainless, / maybe you’re wise.” It’s all very desperate and sensual, ending with Ferdinand taking Elphaba’s line about feeling wicked for the first time - which will have a dark reverberation two songs from now.
Again, axe the vaudeville and it’s a solid Rhea song. There’s just the small problem of Rhea being captured at this point in the plot; I thought about moving this number toward the very end at first before reconsidering. While Hubert and Ferdinand are rolling in the sheets, a distraught Edelgard confronts Rhea in prison. Rhea responds to Edelgard’s frustrations with Byleth with her backstory in song, much more somber than the Wizard but, like him, still willing to rehabilitate her estranged listener. The bits of this song about the nature of history are especially relevant to what Edelgard falsely believes about the church and what she views as her own legacy, so I could see this as an interesting character study on what Edelgard actually wanted with her war apart from dragon genocide. There’s a lot that could be done here in the dialogue surrounding those revelations.
“No Good Deed”
However the interrogation of Rhea turns out, Edelgard takes a leaf out of SS Dimitri’s book and visits Byleth alone at the monastery, only to be as harshly rebuffed as is possible to be without the rebuffer speaking. Then comes this song, which was incidentally the one where I realized that Edelgard would need a major role in FE16-does-Wicked even with the Ferdibert focus. Hubert fully embraced his evil wickedness long ago and wouldn’t think twice about being wicked or being perceived as such, but Edelgard is a different matter. Here she breaks down, admitting that her good intentions were largely selfish and that she regrets that her war has cost her any relationship she could have had with Byleth (continuing the joke at his expense, Hubert goes unmentioned when Edelgard names the people she’s lost/failed). It ends with a foreshadowing of her Hegemon form, the sign that she’s abandoned all pretense of goodness and become truly wicked.
“March of the Witch Hunters”
Another ensemble/vignette piece, checking in with the various members of Byleth’s army as they prepare to storm Enbarr. Dimitri hopes for the chance to forgive his stepsister, Claude has big plans for the continent and wants to remove the threat Edelgard poses, Seteth is desperate to find Rhea, and Byleth…is there. As in many of the songs, the self-righteousness of the crowd here rings more sincere and less hypocritical than in Wicked given Three Houses has actual villains, but it still works.
“For Good”
The song that inspired this whole thing, now with many paragraphs of context to set it up instead of only some fluff based on the Ferdibert A+ support. Ferdinand sneaks into Enbarr (again) ahead of the battle, and their second love ballad is more somber as they resign themselves to their fates. As in the VA cover, Hubert refuses to ask forgiveness for anything and Ferdinand is fine with that.
Wicked reduces the final battle from The Wizard of Oz to silhouettes backed by sections of “No One Mourns the Wicked,” and that’s what comes here: Ferdinand and Hubert facing each other in battle, Edelgard becoming the Hegemon before being defeated and then dying as in AM’s final cutscene, and Dimitri taking the throne with Dedue at his side and proclaiming his intention to do all he can to restore both the Kingdom and Duscur - and that his first act as king is to announce that he and Dedue have decided to open their marriage up. This is met with much manly cheering and stripping and someone (Ashe?) saying incredulously that he didn’t even know they were married. End silhouettes.
The final scene with the Wizard and Morrible becomes Claude, Seteth, and Byleth rescuing Rhea. Rhea names Byleth her successor as leader of the church and says that she will go into quiet seclusion and do what she can to correct her mistakes. This all suits Claude just fine, who tells everyone that he’s off to take care of some other business and that Byleth will make a great archbishop - and also they can have the Alliance, no big deal. As with the King of Faerghus’s gay orgies, the King of Almyra’s grand ambitions are too large for this story to do more than allude to.
Next, Ferdibert does a version of the Elphaba/Fiyero scene, with Ferdinand revealing that he had Hubert spared on the condition that he help root out any remaining Agarthans and that he remain under house arrest at the Aegir estate. Ferdinand was also required to assume governance of the Empire, because Dimitri wasn’t getting that dumped on him as well. They can be together, but the general population can’t know that Hubert survived lest Ferdinand’s reputation and basic ethics be compromised…which in a darkly funny hypocritical twist then segues to Ferdinand pontificating before the crowd at the beginning of the show, reprising “For Good” with Hubert until they’re drowned out by “No One Mourns the Wicked.” Thus the story concludes on one of my favorite things about Ferdibert: perhaps even in this non-CF continuity Ferdinand wasn’t changed for the better by falling in love with the Most Wicked Man in Fódlan, but they’ve both been changed….
13 notes · View notes
nicknellie · 4 years
I hope that this didn’t take too much time to do so that you were able to get your schoolwork!! This is definitely after the fact but I wish you the best of luck with your work.
(Accidentally forgot to answer about Reggie having a box similar to Rose’s so I’m going to do that briefly)
1. Unlike Rose’s box which was going to be used by someone else Reggie’s was just going to be used by himself also probably only looked at by the rest of Sunset Curve so he probably didn’t think/care about what it was going to look like.
2. The fact that Reggie would go to Luke’s parents and ask for baby pictures is perfection. Also the fact that he just casually stole a box of baby photos and or has pictures of a random baby (if it’s not Bobby) is hilarious and I was laughing so hard at that.
3. Yes, and that would explain that why Reggie didn’t recognize the box at first just because it was a mindless one he made, maybe not even one of his boxes that he put thought into it (what photos/items should I use ect) but just random stuff
Now onto this post (just starting at 2 so the numbers line up)
2. Yes, maybe the guys don’t even get a chance to ask him what’s wrong but Reggie randomly blurts this out and then about five minutes later they’re all crying. Bobby forces all of them to talk, even Alex.
3. Yes that’s exactly what I mean! Just because although he does have his moments of indecisiveness he’s mostly not really an indecisive person so once he believes in some thing he stands with it 100%. For sure, if someone (usually Alex) points out why/how he was wrong Luke will admit that he was wrong (depending on the reasoning it’s mostly begrudgingly)
4. You took the words right out of my mouth and I also love the fact that you said that it’s usually when he’s writing and not in general, because I feel like outside of writing Luke tries to be as conscious as he can about his bandmates well-being and stuff. (‘Luke, once again you are not a solo artist if that was the case then Reggie would already have a country album out and me and Bobby would make our own little band of ourselves just to spite you’ Alex at some point)
5. Alex definitely has quick wit, however a lot of time he just doesn’t say it (unless it’s the boys)
6. Oh, that’s just hurtful thinking about that. After they passed Bobby was never the same, especially since everything that he loved and did had so many memories of the boys that for the longest time he couldn’t do some of them without thinking of them. Also when he went to the garage he was so overwhelmed with memories and the fact that they would never be anymore Sunset Curve memories.
8. Yes, I love that so much. Also I think part of the reason why the police alerted Emily and Mitch was because Luke was supposed to be a missing person so once Bobby confirmed that the body was Luke’s that’s when they were reached out too (long shot but just thinking)
The Rubik’s cube aw, maybe that’s the one thing that Bobby took just to remember them (a drawing of Reggie’s and a small jigsaw of Alex’s)
10. The theme park idea is genius, and I love the detail of Reggie feeling like a proud parent although the boys would gladly go onto a ride that Reggie is comfortable with (for some reason he loves roller coasters as long as they up closer to the ground, with being afraid of heights definitely not not something that goes up high). However Reggie doesn’t want to be a problem and has no issue watching them for a ride or two, hence the feeling of being like a parent.
Yes, and although Alex can tell that it’s a lie, Reggie gets rather emotional about it. (Reggie might have been the one who gave him the drink with the 6 shots of toffee nut and burst out into tears upon realizing)
11. That’s exactly what they are like, I feel like people may be able to tell that Reggie is lying however that’s a normal thing that he does so he easily could not be. (He is)
Luke “where is your kitchen by the way?” Patterson is the great thing I’ve seen. (yes Bobby is so causal to a point that it’s very obvious that it’s not causal hence for it being easy to tell that he’s lying)
13. Phew, wasn’t sure if I would be able to get the link to work or not so I’m glad that it was! (They are so talented, and that is such a great drawing of Reggie in my opinion)
Line dancing, yes also they random break out into square dancing. (Also the boys in cowboy hats and cowboy boots, all the fashion, is an image that I never thought I would need in my life)
14. I’m glad that you liked it! Also yess, also I just want to see one of the boys kind of make fun of Caleb with the devil point of view (bonus points if ‘nick’ is there and has to see everything)
Also I completely forgot to comment this last time, but Reggie is a huge Johnny Cash fan and those three songs are his favorite from the artist. (They are the most played songs and whenever the other boys hear them they are so done but eventually start singing along)
15. Also just randomly has Star Wars characters in the drawing, for the longest time a small Han-solo is what he used instead of a signature.
16. Wait yes I love that. I wasn’t thinking along those lines but that’s exact what happens. Reggie would also be the one who always tried to eat the batter (as does Luke and technically they are both banned from the kitchen)
17. Oh my goodness young Alex. I completely agree with what you said, also picturing a baby Alex with frosting all over his face from baking gone wrong
19. Yes, also Reggie randomly has the boys join him for dancing in the rain (thought of that due to the fact that you said rain is relaxing so Reggie would just always want to be out in the rain but not when it’s storming)
20. This is literally it’s the mindset of anyone who meets Alex
Tumblr media
Even Willie gets on board, especially when he fell off his board (worst line I’ve ever said but Willie would be the pun making type of person)
Also if it was for anyone else then Emily and Mitch wouldn’t let them however since it’s Alex exactly as you said ‘boys let’s get in the car’
21. Yes, Alex always randomly shows up. Even has his own key for whenever he needs to stay there but no one is around, honestly Mitch doesn’t have a lot of characteristics (I mean the song is mostly focused on Luke’s mom and stuff) so him being a supportive father figure is everything
23. Agreed, I want all of this. Honestly anything and everything Rose is needed
24. I just want more performances from both actors because they are fantastic. Also the fact that Flying Solo didn’t have Flynn singing at all was a lost opportunity to be honest. Not sure if you’ve seen lemonade mouth however with Flynn as their rapper they would be that band
Willie and Alex singing together is everything I need, just a duet needs to be in season 2. Also we were robbed of them dancing and I blame Caleb, so them dancing is also needed in season two.
Exactly, Flynn is so loyal and we need more of her (also her and Carrie moments)
25. I agree I think it took him sometime to go to therapy. (Possibly when he had Carrie just because he didn’t want to fail as a father and thought it would help him stress less about being a father, also raising a kid with no support from his friends that would’ve definitely helped out)
26. Wait yes, I want to see all of this as well. Especially him explaining his actions and apologizing, and that idea of him being their manger is brilliant. Going on with that, just like with Sunset Curve he books the gigs and stuff and Flynn is their social media manger (just because she can not be apart of the band somehow)
27. I didn’t think about that fully but yes, the fact that Julie is getting older and he’s not would definitely hurt him
28. I love those songs titles, we also have ‘if you wake me up at 4AM again it will not be nice’ ‘Bobby I don’t care how much I love your pieces if you keep leaving your yarn in random places I will scream’
30. Yes, yes, that is precisely what happens and the only way Ray should find out that the boys are ghosts. Tia Victoria does react that and her and Alex bonding is everything (also her and Willie bonding because)
31. There are so many ruined photos and Reggie being so upset about it which is exactly what causes Bobby to master the skill.
32. Alex always has about five stickers, some that are for Reggie and a handful that fans also give to Alex because they can. Legitimately Sunset curves fan base is so supportive and one of the best boy band fan base ever. Luke was once given a portrait of the bandmembers as animals and it is probably framed somewhere, also Bobby has one that someone painted of the band. Honestly the reason why Alex was probably given a jigsaw is because Reggie randomly said that he liked them to a fan and they just had to give one to Alex.
34. Yes, Luke also got stuck in a fridge once much to everyone’s confusion. Him randomly being in a suit of armour is the greatest thing I have ever heard
35. Willie is extremely photogenic, yes. Legitimately Reggie has so many pictures of Willie and Alex and Willie being photogenic has just cause Reggie to take even more. And once this discovery is made, on the photography account there’s a lot more photos of someone skateboarding (also just in general photos of Willie). Just photo shoots with Reggie, like everyone has had one at some point (even Carlos)
37. Alex just gives Julie a massive hug, all of the time and especially when she is sad. Also she definitely takes that hoodie, all of them take his hoodies. Legitimately by this point it’s not just Alex‘s clothes it is the bands (also Flynn has a hoodie) (Willie has takes hoodies)
39. Wait yes, (possibly could’ve been Trevor who gave Carrie that idea for costumes because he remembers when Sunset Curve did). All of those colours fit so well, also I can kind of see Bobby is yellow. They definitely have matching onesies, like two or three pairs to be honest.
Best photo ever, that is exactly what they look like
40. Alex teaching Willie how to dance is adorable and I’m just thinking about how cute that would be. Due to seeing Willie dance during ‘the other side of Hollywood’ Alex thinks that he would be able to waltz pretty well (at least be a better beginner than the rest of the band who can’t dance) and then is mistaken very quickly
This is just me saying the boys about 100 times because I can’t say three names together apparently 😂😂
You know the drill, under the keep reading 😂
I did manage to do my school work thankfully! We won’t mention the fact that I handed in every single piece late, but I don’t really think that’s my fault, it’s theirs for not explaining how all this was going to work. Anyway! Not the point! I keep getting so excited to respond to these lmao let’s gooo!
1. Yeah exactly, he was probably more concerned with just finding something to hold all his random bits and pieces. Or I just thought right now it could be like not just a “normal box” but maybe like an old case for his bass? Like he got a nice newer one and needed something to do with the older one, and it had locks so that was handy, so he just uses it for that. Or another type of less boring box maybe idk
2. Lmao yeah I laughed so hard when I came up with it and I like I totally think he would! Like if he couldn’t find real Bobby photos (I reckon there weren’t many anyway) then he just got those and Bobby was like “Reggie that baby looks nothing like me” and Reggie just shrugs like “close enough”
3. Yeah exactly! As if he’s only just starting to make the box and is putting whatever in it, not just the things that mean something
Ok now non-box-related stuff lol
2. Yesss omg I love that. They’re just in the middle of playing through a song and Alex notices that Reggie is slowly dropping out and turning distant and he stops drumming (which makes the other two stop playing as well) but before any of them can ask Reggie what’s up he just kind of explodes. Tears all round, mostly Luke because he’s so guiltily relieved it’s not just him feeling like this
3. Totally! Alex points out all the logical stuff and Luke is just frowning the whole time like a furious puppy, and when Alex is finished he just says “right Luke?” and Luke just keeps scowling but nods at him. Doesn’t work if Reggie or Bobby try it, it does work when Julie does it, and surprisingly also works when Willie does it (because Willie is really good at reading people, as seen with Alex, so he knows how to approach any situation like that)
4. Yes exactly Luke is so caring (like in ep 7 when Alex is practically attacking his drums and he just gives a quick “hey Alex you alright?”) it’s just sometimes he lets his passion get in the way, that’s usually where music comes in! And omg that’s so perfect lmaooo I live for Alex kindly telling Luke off to get him back on track I love it
5. Yeah he knows the boys won’t take him seriously but he’s more careful around other people - the first time he says something sarcastic to Julie that he meant as a joke he worries for like a split second but then she immediately comes back with something terrible (because we all know Julie is terrible at comebacks and does not have Alex’s quick wit) and from then on they have this friendly-mean banter going back and forth between them
6. Yes exactlyyy 🥺😭 I feel like he went back to the garage once and then either he couldn’t make himself go back there ever again OR he couldn’t make himself leave for a long time and stayed there alone for days on end - either way he suffered a lot, being alone with his thoughts and his guilt. He started trying to talk to the boys - like Julie talking to her mum when she runs out of the Orpheum in ep 9. “I don’t know if you can hear me guys, but I am so sorry. I’m sorry I let you down, that I wasn’t there, that I can’t make this right. I miss you so much and... I don’t know what I’m ever going to do without you.”
8. Ohhh yes that makes way more sense actually, I like that a lot! They probably just passed Bobby as he was leaving the morgue and they were coming in to see Luke and that hurts to think about actually oh god. And yesss he so took the Rubik’s Cube and for a long time he would fiddle with it when nervous; he never managed to solve it though, not even once
10. Yes definitely!! He loves rides like the Spinning Teacups (or whatever variation they have at the theme park of that ride) and it’s Luke who will sit out on that one because the spinning makes him feel ill. He’s less happy to sit out than Reggie is because he worries he’ll miss out on the fun, but he’d rather not vomit everywhere. Now it looks like I’m going off on a theme park tangent so I’m just gonna let it happen - Alex adores rides, there’s nothing he won’t go on. Like he’s unafraid even though people would expect them to hate it but he knows they’ve been tested and they’re safe so he’s more than happy to spend all day on the biggest rides. Bobby likes water-based rides and logflumes and stuff like that - they always make sure they go on those at the end of the day because they have to do it for Bobby but they don’t want to walk around soaking wet all day. Reggie likes getting/taking photos with all the dressed up mascots wandering around, Luke is thrilled by any interactive rides (except ghost trains because we’ve already established he hates horror movies and he thinks it’s like being in a horror movie), Alex also really enjoys just wandering around the big park and seeing people have a good time, and Bobby actually likes co-ordinating their day and making sure everyone gets to do what they want to
Yes I can totally see that! Like Reggie somehow didn’t know what one of his best friends was allergic to and felt so guilty afterwards. It’s a sore spot, they can’t bring it up or he’ll just start crying and hugging Alex for hours on end. Reggie will say “I’m so sorry Alex I could have killed you that day!” and Alex just goes “dude we all died anyway”
11. With Reggie it always turns into a game of “is he lying or is this actually some totally messed up thing he really did?” The most difficult time anyone’s ever had to figure it out was when he said he’d met Queen Elizabeth - like yeah it’s unlikely but it’s definitely the sort of thing Reggie would somehow accidentally do so??? (It was a lie, but not on purpose - he thought he had met her but it was just some random old lady at a store)
13. Omg yes!!! I feel like they just get bored during the day and Luke would just go “hey Reggie, come and Dosey Doe with me” and it would turn into all four of them dancing around the studio. And yes I think out of all the unlikely things I want in season 2 full cowboy outfits is very high up on my list
14. Ahskfldo YES Nick witnessing the entire thing!! Assuming lifers still can’t see the boys next season it’ll be so funny if Nick can see them because obviously he’s actually Caleb so he has to mentally restrain himself from reacting at all to them mocking him because he can’t reveal himself. So it’s just Nick shaking with anger and Julie saying “Nick? You okay?” and how biting back something mean about the boys and growling “fine” instead. And yes 100% Reggie plays those songs on repeat and the guys pretend to hate them but they can’t deny good music when they hear it so they do join in
15. THAT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER OMG THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT! A tiny Han Solo in the corner of every piece, no matter if it’s Star Wars or not omg I love it I will never get over this
16. Yes lmao both of them are trying to sneak around Alex and duck under his arms to get at the batter and he’s just like “GUYS I am literally using an electric whisk, are you trying to get your fingers chopped off? Don’t even answer that, you’re banished from the kitchen, goodbye. Go annoy Bobby instead”
17. That is so cute omfg and like all over his clothes and in his hair. He just looks an utter mess but he’s smiling so wide and is the cutest baby ever (he was easily the cutest baby out of Sunset Curve, Reggie as a close second)
19. Wait yes I love that! Reggie’s just like “y’know it’s a lovely day outside d’you want to go dance with me” and Alex just goes “Reg it’s tipping it down. Of course” and it takes a while but Luke and Bobby eventually join them. Lots of splashing in puddles because the four of them are literal children and think it’s funny
20. That is the greatest thing ever andkdllf and I love how that was literally my reaction after episode 1 of the show too like wow Alex really is just that lovable. That pun as well I literally laughed out loud - I’ve reblogged/added to a post a while ago where I said Reggie and Willie communicate with each other only in ghost puns so I wholeheartedly support that. And exactly! If Luke suggested throwing eggs at anyone else’s house he would be sent to his room but he mentions it’s the Mercers’ and Emily just goes “I think we’re out of eggs, I’ll need to go shopping first, come on”
21. Yes omg idk why but the image of Alex having his own key is the sweetest thing ever - maybe because it symbolises him finally having a place to call home?? And yes I totally agree, Mitch doesn’t have a lot of characteristics (I wrote a massive list before where I made a load of headcanons about him because he didn’t have enough screen time lol) and he would develop so much if he took Alex under his wing
24. Omg yes you read my mind! She so should have had a verse in Flying Solo! Like thinking about it it’s totally plausible that Julie read her the poem before and Flynn, being Flynn, wanted to add her own verse about how much she loves Julie and how she’ll always be there for her! Or she could have at least like added harmonies or something?? Idk it’s just that Flynn is in the music program too and frankly I’d like to see her do a little more music. And I haven’t seen Lemonade Mouth but I did see a commentary video about it on YouTube (I think it was I’M LEMONADE MOUTH by Danny Gonzalez if you’re interested (but that might not be the title idk)) and if I’m remembering it right then YES absolutely! And yes exactly Willie would have danced with him if Caleb hadn’t made him leave! I’m still really angry about that because just think about how much fun they would have had together!!!!
25. Omg yes! I love that, I agree that it was because of Carrie being born that made him finally go. He wanted to be strong for her now that he finally had a second (third I guess?) chance at getting family life right and he knew he wasn’t in the right state of mind for it. And omg that mental image 🥺 if the boys had lived they would have been Uncle Luke, Uncle Alex, and Uncle Reggie to Carrie (and possibly even to Julie if they stayed friends with Rose too) and they would have raised her and maybe she would have grown up to be a little nicer and she and Julie and Flynn would have all stayed friends 🥺😭
26. Yes yes yes!! He gets back into his role of managing the band and even though the boys haven’t totally forgiven him he still finds himself able to write good music again and make jewellery again and he steps foot in the garage for the first time in decades because he has his band back and he feels so much happier and freer and he’s just ecstatic to have another chance!
28. Lmfao yes those are perfect! “Bobby I don’t care how much I love your pieces if you keep leaving your yarn in random places I will scream” was written after Reggie tripped over a bit of yarn that was somehow stretched all the way across the garage like a trap and when he fell he somehow managed to get totally tangled up in in
30. Omg yeah I can totally see her and Willie bonding!! I feel like Willie is kind of like an old soul and can just get along with everyone but he takes a special liking to Victoria for whatever reason and loves finding ways to talk to her
32. Yes! Sunset Curve just have the nicest, friendliest fan base and everyone is kind and respectful and all they want to do is give them stickers and fanart! Luke absolutely adores that portrait omg so Reggie and Luke would be puppies, I feel like Bobby could be a cat, and Alex would be something like an owl or something idk but they just are all captured as whatever the perfect animal for them and it’s adorable. Yeah you’re right I think Reggie just likes talking to fans and casually mentions it one day and the fans show up to the next gig with a 1000-piece puzzle for Alex
34. In a fridge omg I love it that’s brilliant. The boys laughed at him for a solid hour before helping him get out
35. Yes to all of that I love it!!! I also thought about Ray helping out - like he can’t see Reggie, but he goes along to all these photoshoots (and mostly can’t see who they’re taking pictures of either) and helps with angles and lighting and says well done to Reggie whenever he does a good job - Ray can’t see but Reggie smiles so wide at that
37. Ahsklfskdlfl yeah Alex has no hoodies left because they’ve all gone to a different band member or Flynn or Willie
39. YES OH MY GOD. When Carrie was just starting Dirty Candi she was saying about how she needed something to make them stand out and Trevor just immediately said “matching outfits, colour co-ordinated” without even thinking about it
40. Oh absolutely - but at some point Alex has to wonder if Willie is tripping so often because he can’t dance or so that Alex is forced to catch him. Willie is very eager to learn how to do lifts and stuff like that (even though it’s been years since even Alex did them) and he thinks it’ll be romantic. It is, but not because the lift is like this perfect moment, because it’s them messing up and being silly and just enjoying each other’s company 🥺
Not gonna lie this whole post might be my favourite we’ve made so far 😂
13 notes · View notes
1. what’s your full name? 
2. when’s your birthday? 
November 26
3. what does your URL mean? 
I like psychology and I like thinking about crushes
4. who’s your celebrity crush? T
om Hiddleston
5. are you single or taken? 
6. rant. let it all out babe. 
Fuck jobs fuck capitalism 
7. are you named after anyone? 
My grandmother
8. do you have or want children? if so, how many? 
Possibly, if so then 2
9. do you relate to any fictional characters? 
Yeah, several. The ones that come to mind are Gatsby and Queen Regina
10. do you have any plants? 
11. what are you currently wearing? 
A jumper
12. describe your aesthetic in emojis. 
I’m on my laptop lol, not gonna try to do a survey on my phone
13. do you have any bad habits? 
Oh yes. Procrasting, instant gratification, being late, eating like crap, obsessing over stuff
14. what’s your sexuality? 
Mostly straight
15. what’s the last song you sang? 
Currently singing The Rose Song from HSMTMTS
16. what are your favorite colors? 
Pink, green, blue
17. are you and introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? 
18. describe your current mood in emojis. 
Again, laptop
19. is there anyone you’d do anything for? 
Probably not anything
20. what fascinates you? 
Random stuff, currently chemistry, music, crafts, and space
21. favorite artists? 
Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo
22. what outfit makes you feel confident? 
Fancy dresses
23. favorite flower? 
24. favorite season? 
25. favorite tv show/movie? 
TV show: Friends. Movie: Back to the Future
26. what do you like in a person?
Sense of humor, easy to talk to, common interests, attractive
27. least favorite color?
Idk maybe like muddy yellow
28. first crush?
Aidan in kindergarten
29. how long do you usually sleep?
When I don’t set an alarm, till like 1pm
30. what celebrity do people say you look like?
None really. I think I look like Lea Michele but I’m probably not that pretty
31. favorite scent?
32. do you have/want any pets? if so, how many?
I don’t have any currently, I have had 4 cats and I want to get another cat
33. what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color, what would it be?
Brown, I want to try a red ombre
34. do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Pretty good
35. do you take a yearly vacation?
36. what is your biggest fear?
37. what do you wear to bed?
PJs or a nightgown
38. best memory?
39. best feeling you’ve ever experienced?
Probably when everyone liked my video or jokes, or when a crush likes me back
40. best gift you’ve ever received?
Half of the cost of my car
41. what’s your skincare routine?
Wash it once a day, rinse face twice a day, moisturize 
42. favorite book?
Harry Potter
43. favorite song?
All Too Well by Taylor Swift
44. favorite album?
It changes a lot, currently Sour by Olivia Rodrigo
45. share your playlist or a playlist you love!
46. dream destination?
I’d like to visit Ireland
47. best subject? favorite subject, least favorite?
Best was probably math, favorites were science and arts, least favorite was english
48. do you prefer baggy, loose, or tight clothes?
Semi-loose but with some form
49. punk or pastel?
50. search your name + core on pinterest & make a moodboard!
51. if you could travel back to any time period, what would it be & why?
Medieval because i think it’s cool
52. do you have any piercings?
Just my ears
53. do you have any tattoos?
54. do you have any siblings?
55. are your parents together or divorced?
56. do you have any stepparents or step-siblings?
57. are your parents strict?
My mom was kinda
58. do you have a set bedtime?
No lol
59. what state do you live in?
60. what are your sun, moon, & rising signs?
Idk, I just know I’m a sagittarius
61. do you share any traits with your signs?
Idk, they’re pretty generic so that everyone feels like it describes them
62. what’s a song that gets you going?
Depends on my mood
63. sweet or sour?
64. soft or hard tacos?
Idk, I don’t eat tacos too much
65. what color are your bedroom walls?
Pink and green
66. the color/design of your bedsheets?
67. favorite thing to drink out of?
A glass
68. socks or bare feet around the house?
Bare feet
69. favorite board game?
Lately Dead of Winter
70. favorite video games?
Among Us, Detroit Become Human
71. do you sleep with the fan on or off?
72. do you sing in the shower?
73. favorite song to belt at the top of your lungs when alone?
Satisfied from Hamilton
74. last thing you cried to?
Being stressed over job hunting
75. have you tried any alcoholic beverage before?
76. gum or breath mints?
77. favorite pair of shoes you own?
The pink wedges
78. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Way too many, probably like 30 at least
79. what is the natural state of your hair?
A little wavy
80. have you had braces? if yes, how long?
Yes, for 4 years
81. makeup or natural?
82. are you a competitive person?
I can be 
83. favorite pasta dish?
Pasta with cheese
84. favorite kind of chips?
Ruffles cheddar and sour cream
85. talk about something your passionate about!
Idk if I’m passionate abot anything
86. what are some of your hobbies?
Crafts, DnD, shopping
87. do you drink coffee? if so, how do you like it?
88. favorite kind of pizza?
White pizza with pineapple
89. favorite & least favorite labels that have been put on you?
Idk what labels have been put on me
90. are you religious?
91. were you raise religious?
Not really
92. what shoe size do you wear?
93. heroes or villains?
Depends on the character
94. favorite vegetable?
95. least favorite vegetable?
Broccoli probably
96. favorite dessert?
97. do you play any sports?
98. can you swim? if so, when did you learn how to?
Yes, when I was little
99. tell a funny story!
100. what job would you be terrible at?
Doctor or politician
101. what’s your favorite compliment to give?
Compliment their clothing or accessories
102. has your opinion changed on something recently?
I’m evaluating my opinion on how cautious I need to be for covid
103. favorite physical feature about yourself?
Maybe eyes
104. what’s your favorite physical feature about someone else?
I look most at faces
105. what’s something you would rate 10/10?
106. heels or flats?
107. what’s something you had more knowledge about?
Does this mean wish you had? If so then chemistry
108. would you want to be famous?
I’d want to maybe be known by name but not by face
109. what’s something you would get arrested for?
Pirating TV shows
110. are you a planner or spontaneous person?
A mix
111. what do you hope never changes?
Being friends with my best friends
112. what are your pronouns?
113. are you a feminist?
For the most part
114. what’s your hogwarts house?
115. myers briggs personality type?
Idk, it changes every time
116. who’s your favorite superhero?
Idk maybe Thor
117. favorite villain?
118. marvel or dc?
119. what’s an assumption everyone makes about you that’s not 100% true?
In school people thought I was bookish and didn’t care about parties or boys or that kind of stuff, and now that I’m out of school people think I’m ditzy and probably not that smart
120. favorite bands?
Taylor Swift
121. if you could meet one celebrity, who & why?
Taylor Swift because I like her music and I think we would get along
122. have you watched porn before?
A little
123. favorite disney movie?
Hercules, Aladdin, or Tangled
124. favorite disney princess?
125. favorite disney prince?
Hercules or Aladdin
126. favorite disney couple?
Rapunzel and Eugene
127. star wars or star trek?
Star Wars
128. top five movies?
Back to the Future, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Timer, The Imitation Game, Tangled
129. top five songs?
All Too Well, In a Crowd of Thousands, Traitor, Me and the Sky, Satisfied
130. top five ships?
Idk. Currently I’m enjoying Gina and EJ from HSMTMTS
131. how gay are you?
Just a little bit, I have occasional crushes on girls but I don’t think I’d want to date a girl
132. scream. just let it out.
133. do you have a best friend?
134. call or text?
135. what’s a song that’s been stuck in your head recently?
A lot of Olivia Rodrigo songs
136. is there a song stuck in your head right now?
Just the songs I’m listening to
137. what song(s) will you always love?
A lot of Taylor Swift and showtunes
138. what song is your current mood?
Idk, I just feel like singing
139. recommend an artist!
The girl who plays Ashlyn from HSMTMTS
140. favorite meme song?
They’re Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
141. a song you hate that everyone loves?
I Like It by Cardi B
142. an artist you refuse to listen to?
Most rappers
143. what’s you “big gay mood” song?
Idk, I Kissed a Girl?
144. favorite lyrics?
“You call me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest” from All Too Well
145. what lyrics would you get tattooed on any part of your body?
I wouldn’t
146. shuffle your music & share the result!
Knowing Me, Knowing You by Abba
147. what’s your favorite love song?
In a Crowd of Thousands
148. ultimate song to clean to?
Through the Fire and the Flames by Dragonforce
149. if you could collaborate with one musician, who & why?
Taylor Swift because she gets me
150. what song makes you cry?
Soon You’ll Get Better by Taylor Swift
151. what would be your theme song?
Blank Space
152. what’s a strange phobia you have?
Spiders aren’t that strange, so fear of having accidentally shoplifted
153. did you have an emo phase?
154. did you have a greek mythology phase?
Just a little
155. roman or greek mythology?
156. who’s your godly parent & which god/goddess are you?
157. how do you handle your anger?
Yell, slam things
158. most attractive singer of the opposite gender?
Ramin Karimloo
159. most attractive singer of the same gender?
Hayden Panettiere
160. what time is it?
161. do you have any nicknames?
162. what’s a song that always makes you happy whenever you hear it?
In a Crowd of Thousands
163. which swear word do you use the most!
164. five ways to win your heart?
Sense of humor, sing duets, do creative stuff, tease me, pay attention to me
165. five pet peeves?
Mouth sounds, people who think strong female characters can’t have love interests, people giving me unsolicited advice, people wearing their mask under their nose, ghosting
166. do you have trust issues?
167. what do you pray about?
I don’t
168. most traumatic experience?
Probably braces
169. what is your dream job?
170. if you were to be in a musical, which musical, character, & other cast members would you have?
I would love to play Angelica in Hamilton
171. who would play you in a movie about your life?
Lea Michele
172. what’s your favorite thing about your significant other?
Sense of humor
173. favorite fictional character?
Kelsier from Mistborn
174. post a picture of yourself!
175. what’s your favorite pet name?
I don’t really like generic pet names that much
176. what makes you feel like a horrible person?
Not caring enough about people
177. when did you realize your sexuality?
It was always kind of assumed, but started thinking I might be a little bi a couple years ago
178. when was your first kiss?
When I was 18
179. expose your parents. that’s right. expose them. they deserve it.
My mom is overly cautious and doesn’t know how to pick her battles, my dad is a bit annoying 
180. a phrase that breaks your heart?
Depends on the context
181. when did you come out?
I didn’t
182. how did you come out?
I didn’t
183. who knows you’re out?
I’m straight
184. what’s your lucky number?
185. how tall are you?
186. favorite word?
187. are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed
188. do you have an accent?
189. first word that comes to mind when you hear ‘heart’?
190. what’s something you’re proud of?
I made a funny meme in the work group chat the other day
191. do you like where you live?
I like the area, but I don’t like living at my dad’s house
192. when you’re older, do you want to move to a different place?
193. do you play any instruments?
194. how long is your hair?
To my boobs
195. what’s the meaning of your name?
196. give an unpopular opinion & let your followers attack you or be salty.
People shouldn’t be cancelled for one shitty opinion, and consuming their work doesn’t mean you support all their beliefs or even like them as a person
197. do you support the lgbtq+ community?
198. who were you supporting for the 2020 election?
199. opinion on abortion?
200. opinion on the death penalty?
Against it
201. opinion on reverse racism?
It’s not the same
202. post your screen time for this week.
Like all damn week lol
203. have you ever talked to a celebrity?
Yes, I met Channing Tatum and got a picture with him
204. what was your first concert?
Demi Lovato
205. how long do you keep your bra on?
All day
206. what’s your bra size?
36D last time I got one
207. give a tour of your room (video).
208. how many photos are in your camera roll?
209. what is the most recent movie/show you downloaded on disney+?
Phil of the Future
210. do you like documentaries?
Occasionally if it’s an interesting subject, but it’s not my favorite genre
211. what’s your favorite musical?
212. who’s your favorite non-broadway actor/ actress?
Benjamin Bonenfant
213. who’s your favorite broadway actor/actress?
Ramin Karimloo
214. what’s the song you’re currently listening to?
A Dancer’s Heart
215. drop your most recent picture!
216. do you have a record player?
217. how many records do you have?
218. show your records!
None to show
219. do you plan on going to college? if so, where?
I went to my state school
220. talk about someone without telling who.
They used to wear light up sneakers
221. talk about something you hate.
I hate tomatoes and everything made out of them
222. have you been to therapy?
223. what color are your eyes?
224. what color are your parents’ eyes?
Hazel for my mom, Hazel-green for my dad
225. what color are you significant other’s eyes?
226. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
227. do you have a favorite parent?
No, they are good in different ways
228. are your grandparents still alive?
Just my maternal grandma
229. drop 10 songs & let your followers tell you if you have taste or not.
That’s too much work
230. how many followers do you have on twitter & instagram?
Like 3 probably lol
231. are you the eldest, middle, or youngest sibling?
Only child
232. do you have a specific daytime routine?
233. how often do you go to the doctor’s?
When I need to
234. have you had any surgeries?
Yes, for my canine and wisdom teeth, and to get part of my thyroid removed
235. do you wear glasses?
236. do you prefer unsweetened iced tea or sweetened iced tea?
237. do you have a “type”?
Yes lol. I like a lot of types but my “type” that I fall for a lot is light skin, dark hair, blue eyes, "golden boy”/big personality
238. what’s your significant other’s astrology sign?
I think Sagittarius
239. drop 5 blogs you love.
240. do you think you’re like any celebrity (personality wise)?
Maybe Taylor Swift in some ways
241. are you a “popular kid”?
242. what are your school’s colors?
Black and gold
243. what’s your school’s mascot?
244. how many irl friends do you have?
245. who was your least favorite teacher?
My camera workshop instructor
246. favorite teacher?
My 7th grade math teacher, my freshman year words and music professor, and my junior year film professor
247. drop a picture of your closet.
248. how many awards do you have?
Idk, a handful
249. what’s one award you’re proud of?
The dean’s list
250. do you take naps?
I try not to
251. what’s something people always ask you when you first meet?
What’s your name?
252. favorite fast food restaurant?
McDonalds or Wendy’s
253. favorite place to dine in?
254. mexican or chinese food?
255. chinese or japanese food?
256. mexican or japanese food?
257. olive garden’s breadsticks or texas roadhouse’s yeast rolls?
258. garlic bread or breadsticks?
Garlic bread
259. plain garlic bread or cheesy garlic bread?
Depends on my mood
260. chicken or steak?
261. favorite meal?
262. drop a recipe!
I don’t really cook
263. how do you like your steak cooked?
I don’t
264. what would your last meal be?
265. are you allergic to anything?
Beeswax I think
266. cats or dogs?
Cats but I like both
267. favorite genre of music?
268. favorite fan fic trope?
Fake dating probably or needing each other for survival
269. favorite tv show genre?
Sci-fi or sitcom
270. what’s your favorite cover/cover a band or artist has or should do?
Disturbed cover of The Sound of Silence
271. how often do you write songs?
I haven’t since I was a kid
272. how many finished songs do you have?
Idk like 5
273. do you write your songs in your notes or in a journal?
I just came up with them
274. how long have you been writing?
I don’t really write
275. how long have you had your account?
Since like 2013 or 14
276. what was your first URL?
277. if you could change your name, what would it be?
278. what would you like to name your children?
Shane or Eric for a boy, Phoenix for a girl
279. what are your parents’ & sibling’s names?
I don’t have siblings, I don’t feel like sharing my parents names
280. are your parents democratic or republican?
281. do you have more in common with your mom or dad?
Both in different ways
282. are you & your siblings close?
I don’t have any
283. how close are you and your siblings in age?
I don’t have any
284. are any of your siblings married?
I dont have any
285. do you have any nieces or nephews?
286. do your parents have any siblings?
My mom has a sister and my dad has a brother
287. do you have any cousins?
288. do you look more like your mom or dad?
289. how old were you when you started your period?
13 I think
290. have you lost your virginity?
291. who took your concert virginity?
My what? 
292. who took your musical virginity?
My what?
293. scream again. everyone needs to.
294. do you have any collections?
Kinda, lately I’ve been collecting dice
295. what’s on your nightstand?
Water, lotion, advil, phones, chapstick, purell
296. how do you usually style your hair?
Down or ponytail
297. do you play games on your phone?
298. are you hydrated?
299. have you breathed enough today?
I assume so since I am still conscious
300. are you thankful for anything?
I know I have a lot of privilege
4 notes · View notes
headoverhiddles · 5 years
Hey There, Demons - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You, drummer for the Spooky Kids, aka the Dumbass Idiots, decide with the band to go ghost hunting in LA one night after a show. Bad idea for the most part, good idea for the sole reason of finally putting you and Manson together in a dark room. Feelings? What are those? 
Notes: Spooky Kids era! I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzfeed Unsolved, so here you go. Also features a bit of Twiggy x Pogo for good measure. 
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"I don't believe in ghosts."
You toss a napkin at Brian. "Poser." You're all sitting in an airport, waiting for your flight from Jacksonville to Los Angeles for a show tonight.
He grins. "Nah. I'm just bullshitting, of course I do. I mean, I've never seen one, other than that whole Necronomicon thing when I was a kid, but half of me thinks that was from drinking bong water.” 
“Yeah. Well. Imagination is a beautiful thing." 
He licks his lips. "Especially when I'm jacking off."
"Gross," you mutter.
"That's not what you said last night."
"You wish," you huff.
"Cool it you two, we all know you're banging," Pogo calls out, and starts making high pitched moaning noises. You (and everyone else in the band) looks at the keyboardist, wondering if it'd attract even more attention to tape his mouth shut. "Ah! Ah! Ah!”
Jeordie joins in. “Oh, god! Oh, Brian! Yes! What a big dick you have!"
"All the better to fuck you with," Brian plays along. Jeordie climbs into Brian’s lap.
"Stop it, big boy, you're turning me on!"
"I don't sound like that," you mutter.
"Ohhh yeeeeah," Jeordie groans out a climax, and Daisy scoffs, slipping on his sunglasses to avoid the odd stares you're getting.
"I'll have what he's having."
"Unless... Brian is the one taking it," Pogo muses, "That's possible." He drops his voice. "Mmmm. Bette, make me your bitch!"
"Yeah, I just love it when (y/n) gets the strap on out and destroys my ass," Brian grumbles. You blush a little, but hide it under a laugh.
"Again. You wish."
“Am I the only one who finds it very hard to believe (y/n) would put out for Bri?” Jeordie asks. It’s Brian’s turn to toss something at his best friend.
“We all know if she had good taste in men, she’d be fucking me already.”
You hold up three fingers. “Read between the lines.”
You and Brian had been skirting around one another since you had joined the band. You had known Jeordie since working at a crappy part time job at a used record shop with him, and had met the others when Brian had moved to Florida from Ohio, which was a few years ago. They had gotten this band together with another drummer who called himself Sarah Lee Lucas.
Recently, Sarah had left the band to pursue something else, and since banging on things with sticks isn't too hard in your books, you convinced the Spooky Kids to hand you the drumsticks as the newly christened member, Bette Davis x Jeffery Dahmer: Bette Dahmer. It hadn't been easy to convince them to let a girl in, since they’re all a bunch of juvenile assholes, but with Jeordie backing you, eventually they caved.
"Back to the matter at hand," Brian says.
"Hand job," Jeordie giggles, picking a scab off. He pouts as it bleeds.
"Later," Brian quips, standing on a chair. You tug him down before a security guard can do it, and he falls on his ass. "Ow, fuck you."
"That's what anal feels like," you say.
"You would know Bets, you probably take it up the ass from fifty guys at a time, ya fuckin whore," Pogo laughs.
"Stephen, Jesus," Daisy chuckles a little. Pogo has zero filter, and sometimes it's refreshing, sometimes it's annoying. You take your wad of gum out, balling it up, and use your hair elastic to slingshot it right in his face. The guy just picks it up and pops it in his mouth.
"You're fucking disgusting, man."
"Eat shit and die." Pogo gives you all the finger, and Jeordie speaks up, laying his head in your lap and stretching out over the airport seats.
"Someone said something about ghosts. I like ghosts. Space ghosts."
"Yes!" Brian brings it back. "Thank you Jeordie, back on track. We are all going ghost hunting tonight, after the show."
"Who died and made you god?" Pogo asks.
"God did," Brian snapped. "And when I'm god everyone dies."
"That's profound, poetry-man," you smirk, crossing your arms, "Got any more emo shit to say before Scott gives every reason why we shouldn't break into some haunted building tonight with video cameras?"
"Who has a video camera?" Jeordie asks, wide eyed, "I wanna see how big my dick looks on screen."
"It looks just like your namesake," Brian says. "Twiggy." Jeordie looks crestfallen.
"It's not that small," you assure him, "It's average, but not small."
"Yeah. I'd let you have a go, if you weren’t..." You smirk, alluding to the crush Jeordie had on another band member. He goes red.
"If Brian wasn't already balls deep in that," Pogo chides.
"I bet your dick looks like a pickle," you shoot back, sticking your tongue out.
"Wanna check?"
"Okay," Daisy blushes, standing up, "Just cause we're a band, doesn't mean we need to have an orgy."
"What was the point, then?" you joke.
"Anyway. Like Bette said, I really don't think we should be doing this tonight. If we get arrested for trespassing, what'll that do to the band?"
Brian crosses his arms. "Well I'm the leader, and I say it'd give us a cool reputation!”
"Right. Members of the Marilyn Manson family get arrested for... what, looking for ghosts? What a hardcore group of people.”
"We can tell the press we killed someone. Besides, this is the type of shit we’re supposed to do as a metal band. We gotta do dumb, risky things that make us look like bonified Satanists. Otherwise we’re just posers like the rest of ‘em.”
“No, we just have to go on a couple benders in hotel rooms with some blow and a couple tatted up prostitutes, and we’ll fit in.”
“Look, we can do cocaine off girls’ tits and go ghost hunting and still be rock stars, so shut the fuck up Berkowitz, we're doing it," Brian says. Daisy puts his hands up, unwilling to argue with him any more than he already has. So, it’s settled.
You bump your foot against Brian's, and he gives a lopsided smile, brushing the long black hair out of his face and bumping your foot back. Momentarily, his attention is diverted.
"Will someone go get Jeordie? He's pissing in the water fountain."
You look out at the crowd. This is a bigger audience than usual here in LA.
“Lots of motherfuckers came out to see us,” Bri comes by to whisper at you, parting his hair and making sure his lipstick is nice and smeared. You nod, and toss him his big floppy top hat. He sticks it on his head as you’re introduced.
“All the way from the South Florida music scene, we’ve got Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids!”
Jeordie starts the first song, Negative Three, off with a bassline intro, and you start the band off with a four count on your drumsticks, then hit the drums as Brian begins to wail into the mic.
“Give me your blood, your teeth, your high school pictures...”
You watch him, not skipping a beat on your rhythm. Daisy headbangs as you launch into the chorus, and Twiggy fiddles with his bass guitar across the stage, dressed in one of his ragdoll dresses. Pogo is to the right of you, hammering away at his keys and jolting around. You always have a good time performing with the guys, but Brian’s got your attention tonight.
He keeps looking back at you, for some reason.
You almost don’t realize the change in song and the fact that you’d been playing it, and nearly jump when Brian screams into the mic: “I bring you!”
You look away from his shirtless figure, and focus on putting on a good show with them as the crowd moshes in front of you.
After the show, everyone stops back at the motel quickly, drying off and getting changed. You all reconvene after getting into more comfortable clothes, avoid the small group of fans waiting to follow you, and get ready to leave.
“You were great tonight,” Brian says.
“Really? I nearly missed the beginning of Lunchbox,” you huff.
“Nah, I didn’t notice it. If I had, I would’ve yelled at you til you cried.” He gives a shit eating grin.
The Viper Room. The five of you stare at it. The sun has long since set after the show, and you're in front of the LA nightclub with amateur ghost hunting equipment. (AKA, anything you could find at a five and dime store on the sunset strip this late at night).
"River Phoenix died here,” Jeordie mentions.
“And Johnny Depp owns the place," Daisy remarks.
"I know him," Brian says.
"River Phoenix?” Pogo asks, stroking his beard. “Yeah? You climb into his grave often?"
"Depp, I know Johnny Depp."
"If you know Johnny Depp, then Twiggy's Luke Skywalker," Pogo scoffs.
"Like my father before me," Twiggy mumbles. 
"No, I know him! I was an extra on his show, 21 Jump Street. He's cool, we're friends."
Even Jeordie snickers at that, after emerging from his Star Wars fantasy. "Fuck you guys," Brian mutters, "If Johnny was here right now--"
"Oh, you're on a first name basis, huh?"
"If Johnny was here right now, you fucking clown asshole, he'd say hi Brian, and tell you to go fuck yourself."
"He'd say ‘hi Brian’?" you tease, and he smiles.
"Yes, he would. He's nice."
“Would he like me?”
“Anyone would like you.”
"Does he think this place is haunted?"
"I don't know," the singer hums, "I never asked."
You pick the lock, all enter, and shut the door behind you. It's pitch black, and frankly a little nerve-wracking.
"We shouldn't be here," Daisy sing songs.
"One more word out of you and we're feeding you to the ghosts," Pogo says.
"The same could be said for you," you say to the keyboardist. He shoots a dirty look your way that you can't see through the dark. "I did some reading,” you admit, and everyone turns to you. “Apparently there’s a body buried downstairs, in the crawlspace.”
“Johnny’s a killer,” Jeordie whispers in awe.
“That’s fucking rad,” Brian mutters, “I have even more respect for the guy now.”
“It wasn’t Johnny, don’t say that shit out loud in Hollywood or you’ll get sued,” you say, rolling your eyes. “So aside from the bones, the ghostly activity is downstairs in the basement, the VIP room, and by the bar.”
"I know where I'll be," Jeordie smiles, and walks over to the bar. "Pour me a stiff one River, and don't spare the rum."
Pogo sighs. "C'mon, Daisy. The odd couple are going down to the basement."
"Uh, now I think I should be the one to stay at the bar." Daisy shakes his head. "If Jeordie does, we'll have smashed bottles and cop sirens."
"Fine," Jeordie complains, shoving his red and black dreads out of his face.  
“Whatever, dude. It’s just a bunch of bullshit anyway,” Pogo mutters, “It’s like Santa Clause, parents invent ghosts and all that shit to scare kids into behaving themselves, the ever present fascism of the oppressed American youth...” Jeordie follows the ranting keyboardist downstairs, shooting you a desperate look. You just smile, giving a little good luck wave.  
“That leaves you and me in the VIP room,” you say, turning to Brian.
“That it does,” he replies, licking his lip ring. “Just don’t try to hold my hand. That’s sick.”
“If you touch me, I’ll scream,” you retort, and walk ahead of him. He admires your ass with the flashlight, and you smile a little.
Downstairs in the basement, Pogo starts banging on the walls.
“Hello! My friends, my ghoulish friends! My... ghoulfriends, if you will. ANYONE WHO’S GOT THEIR BONES BURIED BACK HERE, MAKE A NOISE! Fart or something!” He swings his arms around.  
“Did Johnny Depp kill you?” Jeordie asks, eyes wide. He twitches at a car honk outside.
Pogo bounces up and down. “Come attack me, bones! Make me one of you! Come on, murder me and bury me, daddy! I’m into that kinky shit! I am here for the taking!”
“That sounds a little forceful,” Jeordie whispers.
“On my part, or their part?” Silence.
“Good point.”  
They keep walking around, and Jeordie trips on something. Pogo keeps banging and yelling obnoxiously. “GOBLINS, GHOULIES, FROM LAST HALLOWEEN! AWAKEN THE SPIRITS WITH YOUR TAMBOR—hey Jeordie, what the fuck are you doing on the ground?”
“I just like the taste of carpet,” Jeordie retorts, sarcasm apparently not evident enough for Pogo to catch it.  
“Jesus, what are you on? I want some.”  
“Help me up?”  
“Yeah, yeah,” the mad clown mutters, and leans down. Jeordie takes his arm, and the two look at each other for a few seconds, the flashlight beneath them illuminating the specks of dust floating through the inch or so between their faces. “Uh...” Pogo whispers, deep voice grumbling.
“Yeah,” Jeordie swallows, and the two stand again, looking away from one another.
Upstairs, you and Brian enter the VIP room.
“Hey there demons, it’s me. Marilyn Manson,” he says, “This is my concubine, Bette Dahmer. Scare us.”  
You glare at him. “Actually, scare me. You can just kill him.” The two of you look around with the flashlight a bit, inspecting the dark wallpaper and decor.
“This is kinda spooky,” Brian admits.
“It’s nice,” you say, stroking the dust off a lamp, “Very gothic. I can see why movie stars like this place.”
“Yeah.” Brian turns the flashlight on and off, finally setting it on a small table and letting the beam keep the room dimly lit. “Lots of old Hollywood glamour. You’d fit right in.”
“Yeah, you’d look pretty in an old Marilyn Monroe dress. Or at least one of Jeordie’s.”  
“What if Marilyn Monroe came here?” you giggle.
“Hey, Mar! Thanks for the name!” Brian calls, “If we get rich and famous, we’ll give you the royalties!” You lounge out on one of the couches, and he eyes you. “You could be sitting on a ghost right now,” he says, “You could have a ghost inside you.”
“You could be sitting right on his big ghost cock.”
“That’s hot.”
“You could have me inside you too, if you wanted.”
“Y’know, I think we’ve been on the road too long,” you laugh, “Pogo’s jokes are getting to you.”
“It’s not the jokes.”
“Yeah, well. If I’m starting to look hot to you, you must be delirious.”
“Nah... I really do think you’re hot, Bets.”
He sits next to you, and you look over at him. “Seriously?”
He ducks his head. “Yeah.”
“I... feel the same way. I mean, I was never ever gonna tell you, cause soon, with any luck, we’ll be big rock and roll stars, and you-- well, you know how it works. You’ll have a million groupies, you’ll be drowning in free pussy.”
“Fuck the groupies. I want your pussy.”
You laugh. “You say that now.”
“Yeah, I do. Til someone better comes along, which I doubt will happen.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. It was weird onstage—usually I can hide it, but tonight... I don’t know. You sitting there, in that top, with your eyes... you were just...” He looks down again, his old shyness coming back. You don’t know what to say. You can only stare at his lips.
Over at the bar, Daisy sits patiently, watching the glass he’s set on a napkin. “Hello, ghosts. It’s me, Scott. You can call me Daisy if you like. If you can hear me, move the cup.”
He stares at the cup. The cup does not move.
Downstairs, Pogo and Twiggy are awkwardly trying to continue their ghost hunt without talking about the moment they just had.
“So, uh, so ghoulies. Where ya from?” Pogo shouts. “Is SATAN in the room with us? We are BIG FANS, sir.” Jeordie starts giggling about something. “What is it?!”
“I just heard a bang above us.”
“That means the demons have come out to play, Jeordie-boy!” Pogo cackles, hopping up on a booth seat and drumming the ceiling.
“No. It means Bette and Manson are screwing around,” Twigs laughs. Then his face gets dead serious. “What if, uh...”
“What if what?” Pogo glances over suspiciously.
“What if... they weren’t the only ones?”
You gasp, standing up and staring at the shattered lamp that had just fallen off the table. “Oh my god. That wasn’t me.”
“Wasn’t me.”
“They’re totally gonna think we’re screwing around up here.”
“Maybe we are,” Brian gets up too, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Y-you wanna?” you back up. He nods, and falls on top of you on the other couch.
At the bar, Daisy sits, staring at the cup. He patters his fingers on his knees. “It’s okay, ghosts,” he says, smiling politely, “I can wait.”
He stares at it some more. The cup does not move.
In the room, you reach your hand up Brian’s back underneath his black t-shirt. “Fuck, I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“Shut up and take my pants off.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up. Take your own pants o... ohhh, god, yeah.” Brian reaches up to massage your breasts, and you throw your head back, undoing his fly.  “How long have you wanted to do this?”
“Since the day I walked into the dumb record shop and stole that David Bowie EP.”
“What the fuck?! I got fired for that!”
Downstairs, Pogo runs a hand over his smooth bald head. “I don’t know, man. This sounds very gay to me.”
“I mean,” Jeordie scuffs his shoe on the ground, “It doesn’t have to be. Or like, it could be. If you’re cool with that.”
“If I’m cool with being a homo?”
Pogo looks up at Jeordie, and sighs. “For you?” He glances around the dark, creepy basement, then back to the bassist. “I could be cool with that.”
Daisy changes tactics. “Here. Don’t like moving cups? That’s okay, neither do I sometimes. Let’s try this again.” He smiles. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, god... Brian!” you moan from the VIP room.
“Br... Brian!” Daisy says, excitedly, standing up. “You have the same name as my friend! Oh god... okay, um... how did you die, Brian?”
“Get inside me,” you groan, and Brian takes his boxers down, kissing you as he sinks into your tight heat. The two of you moan, base instincts taking over.
“In... inside you?!” Daisy repeats, eyes lighting up at the apparent paranormal activity he’s discovered. “Oh! You died from an overdose, just like River, didn’t you? You had too many narcotics inside you!”
Downstairs, Pogo steps forward, and swallows. Jeordie closes his eyes, and waits. Suddenly, a car screeches through a red light outside, and Jeordie practically jumps into Pogo’s arms, forcing the two together at the lips. Pogo’s eyes fly open, and Jeordie’s close again, enjoying the kiss. They break away, and stare at one another. Pogo swears, and goes in for another kiss.
“Harder,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around the singer’s neck. He pushes his hips in faster.
“You like it rough, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Bri, I like it rough, yeah...”
He reaches down, finding your sweet spot. You arch into him, scratching your nails up his slender back. He keeps pounding into you, and grunts into your neck.
“Baby, baby, baby...”
“Do you have a message for me, or for any members of our band?” Daisy asks, and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “You know... some insider’s industry tips?” He winks.
“Goood, you’re so fucking good!”
Daisy raises his eyebrows. “I... well thank you! Thank you very much, we really try to reach people with our music.”
“What the fuck are you blabbering about?” Pogo mutters on the stairs, wiping Twiggy’s lipstick off his chin. Daisy beckons them over.
“Shhh! Watch this. I’m sorry I ever doubted you guys... the spirits are so active in this place! Forget making records. We could be mediums!” Jeordie joined Pogo over by the bar as Daisy went on. “Okay—if you’re here with us now, give us a sign.”
There’s a loud bang, followed by a creak and a faint gasp. Jeordie and Pogo look at one another, actually a little bit freaked out by the response. Then comes the “communication.”
“I’m coming, oh-- I’m coming!”
“Where?!” Daisy cries, “Show yourself, come!” Pogo sighs, and Jeordie falls to the floor, laughing.
“I think they already did, pal.” The keyboardist raises his painted on eyebrows, and points to the VIP room. You stumble out, hair messed to hell, and Brian comes out behind you, buckling up his belt. Daisy stares at the two of you for the longest time, before getting up and walking toward the door.
The rest of you go to walk out, deeming the place a paranormal dud, when a gust of wind blows behind you. Brian’s about to turn around, accusing Jeordie of leaving a window open or something, but there’s nothing there. Then, everything happens at once. Daisy’s cup tips over the side of the counter and shatters. The door to the VIP room slams shut, and you all start to hear thumping footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement.  
You and Brian grab at each other, running out first while laughing. Pogo shoves Jeordie over and bolts out. A few seconds later, he runs back in, grabbing the bassist by the hand and dragging him out too. Daisy stays, getting out the video camera. Brian walks back in, guiding the guitarist out calmly, and closes the club’s front door with a click.
“Hey uh, Bri?” you say, taking his arm. He grunts, putting an arm around you. “Next time you see your friend Johnny Depp... maybe don’t mention that we fucked in his haunted club. Kay?”
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angelinwhy · 5 years
Description: Harry performs at Kacey Musgraves show, and Y/N goes to find him backstage after - only to realise that he’s dancing around as a Storm Trooper from Star Wars.
Warnings: none!
Rumour had got around that a very special someone was playing at Kacey Musgraves show in Nashville. That special someone being Harry Styles - it had all started when a picture of him supposedly backstage at the arena, was posted to Twitter. Fans grabbed a hold of it quickly and everything just escalated from there. Would he sing Lights Up? Was he even at the show? Was the picture fake and from ages ago? No one knew. And the rumours happened to be true. But no one knew that until Harry stepped out on stage, in a black suit, ready to sing Space Cowboy with Kacey.
Y/N, his best friend was sitting somewhere in the crowd. Surrounded by thousands of fan girls who had cheered wildly when Harry came on stage. She herself went mental, as she was unknown to this. She thought that she was just having a night out to see Kacey.
But, seeing Harry back on stage was something she had missed dearly, as it was his passion. Since Live On Tour, his voice and grown so much and he was able to hit different notes, and she knew that fans were going to be in for a shock when he next toured. His voice matched so beautifully with Kacey’s and even though he only performed one song with her, it was still amazing. Y/N had laughed at the fan girls around her, who went even more insane than she did. Not being able to speak, fumbling for their phones that they had put in their back pockets to savour the moments without it. Some cried, as they hadn’t seen Harry in a year. It was nice, seeing how his fans were still there for him. Y/N had missed it all, to be honest.
Now, the concert was over, and all of the audience had filtered out of the aren, and Y/N had gone to find Harry and Kacey.
“Have you got a pass, ma’am?” A security then asks her as she tried to access backstage.
Y/N nods, pulling the land yard from under her Treat People With Kindess hoodie, that Harry had gifted to her, and that she loved to wear. The security checks her pass, before nodding and letting her through the black curtains. The first thing she heard was loud music.
As her brows furrow, she walks down the hall and the blasting music gets louder with every step. She had no idea what was going on, and was confused as to why there was music. It dawned on her that clearly something was going on when she stopped near a black door, where the music was basically drowning out all of the other noise coming from backstage - people moving stuff like the stage setup. Hearing laughing, and having all of the other rooms and the hallway being quiet, she assumed that this is where everhone was. Y/N pushes the door open, and it was basically an adults disco. That’s what she gathered from her first look at the room before her. She laughs slightly as she steps in and closes the door after her.
There was, what looks to be a bouncy castle, a bunch of people dancing, and disco lights on the ceiling. Not the mention the loud music which people were singing along and dancing to.
Not being the most outgoing person, Y/N felt slightly out of place being in this ‘disco’.
“Y/N! You made it!” A female voice then yells.
She looks to the side and sees Kacey walking over to hear, phone in hand with a huge smile on her face. Once she had reached her, she gives Y/N a huge hug, and when she pulls away she rests one hand on her upper arm delicately. “How are you?” She asks.
“I’m great!” She smiles, still feeling slightly on edge in a room full of people who she didn’t know. Speaking of, she hadn’t spotted Harry yet, and she wondered if maybe he was looking for her so they could have a catch up. Then she looks back at Kacey and grins, “you absolutely killed it tonight! And then you brought Harry out?! I was so shocked, like my jaw dropped,” she giggles and Kacey laughs along with her. She shrugs her shoulders in a joking way.
Harry had introduced Y/N and Kacey to each other about a year back, and Y/N wasn’t going to lie, she was incredibly nervous the day she met Kacey. She didn’t really speak about it much, but she was one of Y/N’s favourite singers, so when she met her she was a little (more like insanely) star struck by Kacey. Her favourite song by Kacey was ‘Lonely Weekend’. She and Harry sing it together all the time, whether it be 1am and neither of them can sleep, or in the car when they’re driving round - they belted it out together, using random objects as their microphones. Harry’s goofy side always came out more when Y/N was around, and maybes that’s due to her being goofy also. Maybe it was something else, like his crush on her that he was too scared to open up about.
Kacey smiles. “Yeah, he completely killed it tonight. I’ve never heard one of my crowds scream like that before,” she laughs, still remembering how wild they all went when Harry stepped onto the stage.
“Speaking of the idiot - where is he?”
As she laughs, all Kacey had to do was turn around and point to the two Storm Troopers dancing around the large room.
Y/N scoffs. “Is one of them Harry?”
All Kacey had to do was laugh loudly, and Y/N had the answer she needed. She watches as the two Star Wars characters dance around all the people, and she had a hard time working out which one was Harry because they both had helmets on. “Come on over, he’s been doing this since we got back here.” A laughing Kacey tells Y/N, before grabbing her hand and leading her over the group of people that Harry - or the Storm Troopers as she still didn’t know which one was him - was dancing. She felt her chest tighten smignrkt at the thought of having to talk to people who she didn’t even know, but she knew that Kacey would end up starting the chat somehow.
She watches as the Storm Troopers dance, that was until one looks directly at her and points.
Harry. Y/N thinks to herself.
He makes his way over, and just before he’s directly in front of her, he takes off the helmet and smiles. “I dance good, don’t you think?” He asks Y/N and Kacey as he stops in front of them. Y/N rolls her eyes as she nods her head, and giggles.
“Better then how you dance when you’re drunk.”
“Hey,” he whines, stretching out the ‘y’ sound at the end. “I think that I dance brilliantly, even when I am half cut and can barely see straight,” he jokes, running a hand through his hair. Y/N just couldn’t help but stare at him when he did that. But, she is quickly distracted from staring at his stunning face, when he tries to put the helmet on her. She shoves him off lightly, and he laughs. “Come on, love. Don’t be such a downer. Come to the dark side and dance with me,” he humours yet again, holding out the helmet to Y/N, his eyes pratically begging for her to take it and put it on. Y/N just shakes her head at him.
“I don’t want to dance… especially not in a Storm Trooper helmet,” she refuses, and Harry raises a brow at her.
He pouts. “Please?”
“Come on Y/N!”
“Harry…” she warns.
She pratically couldn’t say no to him when he pouts again, sticking out his bottom lip, his arm still stretched out to her with the Storm Trooper helmet in it. “Fine, for fucks sake,” she mutters as she takes the helmet from his hands. Kacey laughs and claps as she takes Y/N’s bag so she can dance with Harry. He smiles, watching her put on the helmet. Once it was over her head, and although he couldn’t see, she was scowling at him under the mask, her arms crossed over her chest. “Can we go and dance now?” She asks, but Harry stops her, getting his phone out.
“Not before I do,” he pauses, and when a flash goes off, she realises that he’s taken a photo of her. “That. That’s a good one Y/NN, might have to post that to my private story, or better yet, post it for your birthday,” he muses, and Y/N rolls her eyes, giving him the middle finger as he grabs her other hand.
She was still feeling slightly nervous, like everyone in the room was judging her. After all, she was wearing a grey hoodie, jeans, Vans and a bloody Storm Trooper helmet. Y/N felt a fool. Though her and Harry were best friends, she definitely wasn’t as outgoing or as confident as he was, and felt as thought it held her back from having fun with him sometimes. “I just know that you’re scowling at me under that mask,” a very mischievous Harry then speaks, stopping Y/N’s thoughts in their tracks.
“Oh my god Harry, well done! You’re so smart.” She sarcastically tells him, giving his chest a pat.
He just laughs, grabbing her other hand and starting to dance with her. She definitely wasn’t feeling this. But, Harry being in the other half of the costume made her feel a little less self conscious, as her and Harry (apart from the other Storm Trooper who was dancing with a few other people) had missed the memo about this not being a fancy dress party. Then he spins Y/N around, making a small smile break on her face as she blushes. That was the only time she thanked the heavens that she had a helmet on, so Harry couldn’t see her blush like a year 4 girl whose hand accidentally brushed against her crushes hand. He continued to move them both, clearly putting in more of the effort as Y/N wasn’t enjoying it as much.
Suddenly, he’s got her in his arms, and he dips her like they do in those old fashioned movies. That’s when she felt a few more eyes on the two of them, and Kacey smiles at the two of them, thinking that they would make such a lovely couple.
Only if the two of them would just own up and admit their feelings.
“I fucking hate you right now Harry,” she mutters as she continues to dance with him.
He laughs. “Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, angry little Storm Trooper.”
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hi! 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 for Kageyama from the headcanons list?? If it's too many, just choose whichever interest you the most! Thank you! 💜
Hhhhh ty for requesting!!
I have so many ideas from Kageyama after seeing the latest few chapters all over my explore page on ig, this should be fun~
Btw just because I crave fluff and made up romantic scenarios I will be including you as a female s/o, I hope you’re fine w that bc I’m terrible at writing same sex fanfics and I feel like including you might be fun too, sorry if it’s not what you prefer, I’ll write up another one if you want!!
(You aren’t mentioned excessively though, so don’t worry!!)
Warnings: Mild manga spoilers that have to do with Kageyama’s backstory, nothing too major though, and angstangstangstangstangst-
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2. How are they like on social media?
- Kageyama’s probably one that doesn’t really have that much regarding social media.
- However he would probably have the most common ones.
- Instagram, snapchat, maybe twitter too.
- He also has tiktok now that you’ve basically forced him to download it.
- Definitely uses instagram the most out of everything he has.
- Username: milkboykags
- Followers: 992 (Since he’s pretty popular through playing volleyball.)
- Following: 745 (He tries to follow most of his followers back if they have mutual friends between them, even if it’s a fan.)
- Profile pic: Probably one of those grunge shaky pics of him with a few of the Karasuno team members and you with a dark background and stuff.
- Bio: If you don’t have milk, don’t bother looking for me. ~Me, 2k19 (He hasn’t updated his bio a year lol.)
- His instagram feed is actually pretty aesthetic.
- He has one volleyball post of the entire team at the beach playing beach volleyball while the sun sets.
- He’s way too proud of that post.
- Another one of his posts was taken when you two were on an arcade date (At that time he hadn’t confessed yet, but he asked you out just to do that) and he sneaked a photo of you trying to get a unicorn plush from one of those claw machines.
- That one he’s gonna be keeping in his feed forever.
- He has a collection of highlights.
- There’s one for volleyball practice shenanigans, one for those little dates he takes you on, another one for full on group hangouts, then one of camera wars with random people that try taking photos of him, most likely you or Hinata.
- His feed basically revolves around this filter recipe he made for instagram, which makes his photos look cooler toned and more faded.
(P.s dm me if you want the recipe bc i made it on vsco lmao no I’m not a vsco girl don’t worry.)
- He doesn’t really use snapchat and twitter.
- Only does streaks with you and the volleyball team.
- Tiktok though, is a whole other story.
- Username: givemethecows
- Followers: 1405 (People from both tiktok and instagram.)
- Following: 200
- Bio: I make videos and shit.
- Profile pic: Bass boosted you like jazz meme (Bass boosted but photo if you get me.)
- Kageyama has this whole lowkey eboy thing going on with his tiktok.
- Most the time his videos are just a way to show his weird sense of humour or his sense of style that screams casual eboy.
- Since you forced him to get tiktok, you also forced him to learn dances with you.
- He’s terrible at those.
- Like very bad.
- He managed to break a pair of Tsukishima’s glasses while doing the renegade at break.
- And almost twisted his hips trying to throw it back as a joke.
- Needless to say it’s both hilarious and embarrassing for Kageyama.
- There are also tiktoks of him doing insane volleyball tricks on camera like the demon quick, the synchronised attack, and his jump serve etc.
- Which have gained him quite the following on the platform.
- In conclusion, Kageyama is generally pretty good at social media, but sucks ass at dancing.
4. What is Kageyama’s preferred weather?
- Surprisingly, Kageyama doesn’t like sunny weather. At all.
- For him, it’s the absolute worst thing.
- He think that sunny weather is way too annoying and hot and stuffy and gross.
- Plus, going out for morning runs in sunny weather is like wearing 10 jackets in hell.
- Like you can put on an extra layer if you’re cold but you can’t just strip naked if you’re hot.
- Oh my god he hates it so much it pains him to even think about it.
- He likes rainy days.
- Definitely not his favourite though.
- Rainy days usually mean staying home for the entire day.
- He can just laze around in his house, do whatever he wants.
- The sound of rain against glass windows soothes him.
- The constant sounds of droplets hitting the windows give him a sense of tranquility and peace.
- He will quite literally, fall asleep to those sounds.
- However rainy days do have their drawbacks.
- One of them, is having to stay home.
- Kageyama likes going for runs just to take in some fresh air, but that won’t work when it’s raining cats and dogs now will it.
- Plus, it means everything he does is restricted in his house unless he can get to an indoor gym that’s open.
- Boring.
- So he prefers windy days, when the cold breeze grazes his skin and the sun hides behind the fluffy clouds.
- It’s those days where he doesn’t have to suffer the heat that the sun brings upon him, nor does he have to suffer the feeling of rainwater dripping from the tips of his hair.
- He can do whatever he wants and still feel at ease and comfortable.
- Quite literally everything he asks for in a day.
6. Favourite music?
- Let’s be real, Kageyama probably isn’t good at music.
- He can’t dance or sing to save his life.
- However, he does enjoy how listening to music calms his nerves and gives him a chance to relax, even if he’s in a situation where he should be focused on an assignment or a piece of class work.
- People would expect him to enjoy listening to EDM or alternative rock, but no.
- This boy likes to listen to lofi and love songs.
- This doesn’t mean that his playlist only consists of these two genres, but the majority of songs in his playlist are either chill lofi beats or songs that give you the feels.
- Some of his favourite artists are Jeremy Zucker, Blackbear, Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Lauv, Clairo, Wallows, Khalid, BENEE, Post Malone, Coldplay, Rex Orange County, Green Day, Shiloh Dynasty, Kina, love-sadKID, and the Arctic Monkeys.
- Has like 5 different playlists for different moods and events.
- One for moody times, one for study beats, one for when he wants throwbacks, one for firing him up before volleyball matches, and one for if he ever has to DJ in the front seat of someone’s car.
- Prefers to listen to music by himself.
- You’re an exception though.
- If he’s with you, you get one earbud, but he’ll be the one choosing the music still.
- You two have pretty contrasting tastes when it comes to music.
- He likes softer songs and lofi the most, whilst you prefer old rock and alternative rock. Oh and also a lot of throwback songs.
- I feel like Kageyama has definitely cried to a few songs when he was going through hard times.
- To him, listening to music is also a way of releasing all the inner conflict and frustrations.
- (Spoiler for backstory) When his grandfather died, he put Fix You on loop for at least 20 minutes.
- He was just numb, curled up into a ball on his bed, staring at the wall. He couldn’t feel anything. Nothing in his mind registered properly. All he could think of, was everything his grandfather had taught him, before he eventually passed away.
- Submerging himself into the melancholy song he was listening to, he didn’t even feel the tears that were now streaming down his face.
- The salty tears were now staining his pillow, creating little wet spots.
- He listened to every single lyric in the song, clutching his sheets harder every time the chorus came up.
- He punched his mattress repeatedly, still unable to accept the fact that someone he held so dear to his heart had just left like the wind.
- It wasn’t long until he was a sobbing mess, shaking and whimpering as he knelt on the bed.
- Silently sang to the lyrics, plopping back to his bed in defeat.
- His sister lingered in front of the door for five whole minutes, eventually leaving to let Kageyama sort out his feelings himself.
- You introduce a ton of new songs to him, since he doesn’t know that much about anything else other than lofi and sad songs.
- Just please no one let him listen to Nickleback. Please. He doesn’t need to know about it.
8. Movie that he would choose for a move nigh?
- The monthly Karasuno volleyball team movie night was finally here, and it was Kageyama’s turn to choose a movie this time, much to Tsukishima’s dismay.
- He’s put a lot of thought into this, not wanting to disappoint his teammates by choosing a shitty movie.
- He basically tried to figure out what everyone wanted to watch.
- However, everyone had very contrasting requests.
- Tsukishima wanted to watch Jurassic Park, Yamaguchi wanted a Disney movie, Hinata wanted something Marvel, Tanaka and Nishinoya wanted a horror movie, (Mainly so they could hit on you whilst you were still single) Sugawara wanted a romcom, Yachi wanted a comedy, and the others were fine with anything.
- He stressed himself out way too much trying to choose one movie.
- He finally got an idea after 3 entire days of thinking.
- And it wasn’t anything the team expected.
- Kageyama pulled up with Pulp Fiction.
- He’s seen that movie at least 5 times already.
- It was the perfect mix of comedy, gore, action, and philosophy.
- Plus, anything that starred Samuel L Jackson was worth a watch.
- Till this day, it remains one of his go to movies, alongside any MCU movie. (Captain America: The First Avenger is definitely his favourite though.)
12. Something small that they enjoy?
- One of the two small things Kageyama enjoys doing is baking cookies.
- Cookies in particular.
- I mean, there really is no detailed explanation.
- He’s pretty good at baking in general, even Tsukishima enjoys the cookies he bakes.
- Plus, he gets to dip the cookies in milk, what’s there not to enjoy?
- Another little thing he enjoys a lot is actually photography.
- Most the time, when he sees a pretty sky, or a city street at nighttime.
- He can’t help himself but snap a few photos here and there.
- Something about a well shot photo just hits different.
- Sometimes, he brings his camera out just to takes nice photos.
- Whenever you two are on dates, he’ll be able to capture candid or motion shots of when you’re just looking out the window of a bus mindlessly, or when you’re twirling around on the street playfully.
- Photos speak a thousand words, and honestly? He lives by that.
14. What is enough to bring him to tears?
- Support.
- Kageyama really needs support from someone he cares about.
- And no, not like support from his teammates.
- That’s different from hearing someone cheer from the stands.
- (Spoiler for backstory) Kageyama’s parents never gave much attention to him, since they were always busy with work. The only person that ever showed support for him was his grandfather, who passed away while he was still young.
- As if that wasn’t enough shit directed towards Kageyama, his teammates abandoned him during a match in junior high not long after the death of his grandfather.
- Which means that Kageyama now has lowkey abandonment issues.
- All through his volleyball journey he never got the support and reassurance he needed.
- He watched in envy as people from opposing teams, or even his own teammates, waved at their family members after they won or lost a match.
- All he could do was stare at the stands, hoping to catch just a glimpse of a family member.
- Nothing.
- Nobody realised how alone Kageyama felt during and after matches, until they watched him break down in tears after a particular match.
- It was the Spring Match against Seijoh, and Karasuno was playing like normal.
- Kageyama was insanely good as usual.
- What he didn’t notice then, was that you had dragged his sister Miwa to the match just so you both could cheer for him.
- In addition to that, you were also wearing his jersey.
- It wasn’t until the final point was scored, did he hear you and Miwa scream from the stands.
- Hearing the familiar voices, his head basically snapped in your direction, scanning the stadium for someone familiar, before landing his eyes on you and his older sister.
- His eyes widened for a hot second, his mind running in circles.
- Nobody has ever cheered for him.
- But here you two were, cheering for him from the stands.
- And you were wearing his jersey.
- A hand went up to cover his mouth, a huge grin spreading.
- One drop.
- Two drops.
- Then came the waterworks.
- The entire team was shocked.
- Like shookth.
- The two of you ran down to the arena, engulfing Kageyama in a huge hug.
- Best moment of his fucking life.
- From then on, the Karasuno team members made sure to notify you of any matches they had against other schools, hoping you and Miwa could go cheer.
- You two haven’t missed a single match since.
Whoooo three hours of work and going straight to Netflix at 2:30am, what a life.
I couldn’t resist I’m sorry casual or slight angst is my favourite genre of hc and fanfic-
I hope you liked this xx😗👉👈
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spc4eva · 4 years
Morning Wind: Hooked on a Feeling
Say hello to our awkward Jakonan bounty hunter! I really wanted to give insight into her brain and the fact that her 'reservation' and 'mysteriousness' is because she's lowkey panicking in silence beneath her mask. Ironically, people just assume she's stoic like Mando, when in truth she's a bundle of anxiety.
Also yes, Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede is now canon and she was totally singing it in her ship.
Just a few fun tidbits about her: Asa is a middle child, she's 30, and I imagined her faceclaim being Adeline Rudolph.
Word Count: 5,173
Rating: T (violence/cursing)
Crossposted on AO3 & Fanfic.net
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Docking on Nevarro was always a process. Not because there was a tower to report to or it was exceptionally difficult to find a spot on the 'tarmac', which consisted of a flat sandy dune, windswept and dotted with the sulfuric ash of the juxtaposed lava plains. Rather, mentally Asakaze found her lashes fluttering in irritation as she came back to this dry, arid, shitty planet. After a decade of making her rounds, she'd grown rather cynical and bored with her tactic for survival. Groaning, she rubbed her face in the cockpit, glowering through the tinted observation shield as she knew leaving her starship entitled getting in all of her armor and putting the kriffing mempo on. Had she not been wanted by the Empire for years, she might've taken it off, but there were still loyalists who would be able to pick her apart from other Jakonans.
Asakaze Shand was a traitor to the Empire, supplying them with bodies for years before renouncing her alliance and allegiance to the emperor. Originally, she had done it for her people, convinced that they could weather through the onslaught since the Empire was at war with the Rebel Alliance. Her anticipation was slapped right off her face and her entire clan was massacred, her escape nothing short of a miracle and only due to her abilities with her Chi. Despite the loss, House Shand was well known across the galaxy for less savory reasons and she took full advantage of their notorious reputation.
Exhaustion was the best way to explain how Asa felt, a deep bone weary existence that was the same day in and day out. Find the quarry, bring them in, get paid in credits, fuel up the ship, begin the rounds once again. What else was she to do? Even if the Empire was officially defeated, Asakaze was disgraced, no one was waiting for the Shand Shogun to return after she'd led their clan to ruin.
I was a girl. Why did they expect me to know what to do? I was barely 20.
Rattling around her, the Ryu had seen better days and without constant maintenance, routine checkups, and a mechanic's knowledgeable hand Asa was on a countdown from when the starship would kick the bucket. Pinching between her brows she didn't bother stifling her sigh as she slapped the radio on the dash, beginning her Nevarro routine. To the Guild, Ronin was an enigma beside the Mandalorian. Honestly, she didn't know how the fuck she'd managed that. Beneath her mempo, Asa was the epitome was anxiety and awkwardness. What others perceived as calm, poised reservation was actually Asa not having any idea what to say, quietly simmering behind her mask as she wanted to do nothing more than shrink into nothingness.
Voices chanting began to filter through the radio, repeating the word simultaneously before a voice broke through with a wry wistfulness. Asa rose from her seat, robes fluttering around her as she darted to the side, throwing her arms out in a futile attempt to pump herself up.
"I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me-"
Dropping from the cockpit, down to the hull of the ship, Asa belted the song, all but screaming it as she grabbed her armor and began forcing it on. Her eyes leered at the cryo chamber during the guitar rift, pointing toward the ceiling as the horns blared between the lyrics, almost as if she were conducting it herself. Spinning around to a nonexistent audience, Asa cocked a smile and winked - at the wall, but in her head it was a fan. In her dreamscape, Asa had been a performer and singer - reality wasn't quite as fun. Asa dressed whilst the song continued, the final lines corresponding with the mempo being set in place, her own mellow voice replaced with the oni-setting on her modulator, intentionally deep and scathing.
Frowning when the song actually ended, Asa's shoulders sagged in her kimono, and she grumbled to herself, trotting to the controls beside the dock of her ship. Despite the attempt to put a little pep in her step, this hellish repetition was all that was keeping her clinging to sanity as she spun around on a carousel that never ended, constantly having her leer out at the same faces, despite the years that had passed. Asa didn't even know when she would be ready to finally step off the carousel, but supposed her Chi would eventually guide her in the right direction, just as her father had claimed. Thus far, her Chi had done nothing but fail her. This resulted in a deep-seated cynicism in the woman. For all her abilities, they hadn't once saved her.
Asa had the worst fucking luck.
Currently, her life was testament to that - a Shogun turned bounty hunter who had to hide her face despite the fall of the Empire. Any solace she had was on the Ryu in the brief lulls between planets.
Opening the port, hands cocked on her hips, Asa let out a long sigh which did not properly register through the modulator on her mask. Although it filtered the atmosphere, she could feel the heat radiating off her skin beneath the loose kimono sleeves, the sulfur was infectious like a plague. Her entire ship reeked of it, the rotten egg stench permeating from all her attire, even the hilt of her katana. Yet another of the listless charms of Nevarro. Sauntering her way to the cantina, humming the song to herself, she untucked her arm from her kimono sleeve and levied it on the inside of the fold as she lazily trotted back into town.
Eyes traced her crimson form, wary and skittish. The irony. Beneath the folds of fabric was a lean woman, but a woman nonetheless. Her sandals gave her another few inches, giving her the appearance of being close to 5'10", a seemingly average height. In tandem with her armor hidden beneath her robes, she appeared much broader than she actually was. Sure, Asa had muscle and was a honed mercenary, but she wasn't thick or imposing. The walk was a big part of it and Asa moved with a lazy nonchalance. By this point, most people strayed clear of her path. Even when she'd first come to Nevarro, anyone who glimpsed her mempo was eager to flee before her. Originally, she'd found this amusing, but now she was growing rather sick of it. After years of it, watching people scatter like leaves in the wind was harrowing and lonely.
The cantina was a dusty hovel, filled to the brim with untrustworthy scum that Asa had come to consider acquaintances. Despite the fact they'd trade her in for a good sum of credits, they all had stories which she collected and transcribed to kanji. Poetry could be found in even the worst settings and as a Jakonan, songs and lore had never fled her heart. Her fingers itched to play her flute for an audience, but she didn't trust anyone enough to remove her mempo. Given that it had been a decade, Asa had resigned herself to accepting her fate alone. In hyperspace, only the stars listened to the song of the shakuhachi.
Grimacing beneath her mask, she noticed that Karga was exceptionally thrilled that afternoon. Usually, the only thing that made him excited was money and prospects that earned him better commission. His dark eyes brightened at the sight of her - or Ronin. Given the number of years they'd known one another, she'd established a baseline for quarries she would and wouldn't take. Imperial remnants were a no-go as were bounties that he'd doled to the Mandalorian. Given that she still owed Mando a debt, she was not keen on digging the hole further. Additionally, Asa had declined many high paying bounties when her Chi screamed in opposition. Karga poked at her, stating that 'Mando will take them' as if there was a deeper rivalry between them when there wasn't. Asa respected the Mandalorian and wanted nothing to do with him. Honestly, Mandalorians were bad news and she regretted owing a debt, but that was the way of the Bushido.
"Ronin!" Karga greeted animatedly, slapping the table that he habited since their original meeting. Asa wished it was raining now, she loved the petrichor and humidity in comparison to the heat that leeched all moisture from her, despite the folds of her kimono making an attempt to covet it. "How was your hunt?"
He didn't actually care as long as it was successful. "Ready for offload," she retorted, glancing around the sparsely populated common house. Honestly, this was one of the few rare times she'd noticed that it was this empty.
"Are you staying around for some sabacc?" Karga chatted idly, thumbing the breast pocket on his robes, eliciting her attention. Eyes tracing, she noticed the outline of a rectangle, perhaps metal, but she couldn't say.
"Depends. What do you have available?"
Her heart was humming with a caustic rhythm, searing with each thrum as she stood, unable to hear the meaningless words the Guild Master was gracing her with. Instead, the hairs on her arms raised and she drew a shuddering breath, an invisible force laying against her shoulder blades and chest, stealing the air from her chest and threatening to strangle her. Something was coming. Given the disconcerting method in which her Chi screamed, she was not willing to stick around to see what it was.
Karga had pushed a few fobs in front of him, mentioning something about the Guild lolling into an even pace and the pucks would only pace decently rather than the typical rate. Given how uncomfortable Asa was with her Chi smothering her, she swiped them up without listening to where she might have to go. "Deliver my credits to my ship. I'll wait for the offload," she instructed sternly, interrupting yet another of the man's infamous tangents as he brimmed with excitement.
"Happy hunting, Ronin!"
Now that was strange. Pausing halfway through the cantina, Asa craned her neck to glance back at the humming man. Karga had his moods, but very rarely had he ever been so earnest in his wish for 'happy hunting'. He was practical, not fanciful. Today must have been a spectacular day for him to be wishing her a successful hunt. Such chimerical encouragement was never needed for someone like Asa. She turned in her fobs within the allotted time frame and had never required 'luck' in order to do this. Given how foul her luck was, Asa was glad she was capable of acquiring her quarries. Most weren't talented in fighting and her upbringing had been in both academia and warfare. Jakon prized itself on being a civilization prepared for any challenge, be that battle in scholarly, artistic, or war pursuits.
Rather than thank him, Asa ducked her head and ignored him. Not because she was partial to being rude, but between the disquiet of her Chi and the oddity of Karga trying to imbibe luck in her favor, Asa was frowning beneath her mempo.
Usually, she might wait until the cryo slabs were unloaded, but the trembling cacophony of Chi propelled her legs out. No way in the galaxy she was sticking around while her body screeched in dismay. Rather, she carved the familiar path across Nevarro City, the only settlement on this awful planet, and her cursed prison stuck in a distorted ground hog's day rendition of hell, constantly on repeat. A headache seared in the back of her head, which she couldn't abate by touching her brow with the mempo on. Growling, her strides lengthened and she made haste back toward the Ryu.
"Ronin!" A vaguely familiar modulated voice entreated her, a rich baritone tainted by the metallic ring of the mechanics in his helmet. She had only heard it a few rare times and never in length, as the pair barely had reason to exchange conversation. Truthfully, Asa was somewhat terrified of the Mandalorian. He was a mountain of steel, only a few inches taller than her when she was in full regal, but he wasn't playing at what she had for nigh on a decade. He was the ruthless bounty hunter who'd take any quarry in, whereas she had restrictions. He was an absolute murder machine. And he was standing just a few paces behind her.
Thanking the God-beasts for her mempo, she swallowed hard and craned her neck to glance back at him, skin paling. The glare of the sunlight caught on his new armor, entirely of beskar, imbibing the unpainted silver steel with a bright reflective glow. Had her mempo not been translating the light through a filter, she might have been momentarily dazzled by the man, who was now a stunning suit of Mandalorian pride.
"Your debt."
Asa's heart skipped a beat as she gazed out from beneath the rim of her rice-hat. Even if she was disgraced, she still upheld the values of a samurai, just as her father had raised her to do. A life without any guidance was not a life at all, but simply an existence as a ghost. Despite the lucrative business that Asa now found herself in, she'd always followed her tenets. Repaying debts was one of those, recalling the snarling visage of the Wampa as it threatened to bear down on her with massive, clawed paws - to rip her limb from limb, crack her bones to drink the marrow, and feed on her flesh. Asa was about to commit seppuku to escape the pain of that demise when the Mandalorian's pulse rifle boomed so loud that she thought the entire cavern was going to collapse.
Asa had been about to die, but the only tell from that day was the ragged scar down her right armor where the Wampa's claws had snatched at her.
"I require payment."
Of all the fucking times.
Her Chi had relaxed, the eye of the storm giving her a momentary reprieve from the mystery that had upset her originally. The war drumming of her heart quieted and she stared toward the abysmal T visor of her counterpart. Two years had passed since she offered the life debt and now he was coming to collect. There was no way that Asa could refuse, even if that meant going against what her Chi was urging. A debt was a debt and could be collected when and wherever. Asa could not set the terms.
"Very well," she finally offered, her voice quiet, her vocoder transitioning her own mellow voice and making it grit like sand beneath a boot. "What do you require of me?"
"Assistance," he retorted curtly, but betrayed nothing farther. "You are not fond of the Empire?"
Not fond? The Empire that had taken her father, her people, and subsequently ravaged her home? "That's a good way to phrase it," she snorted, modulator crackling at the edges of her wry laugh, the shrugging of her shoulders more indicative of the chuckle than the noise.
"There are remnants here. They have something I want."
An arched brow was poised at no one, as her mask didn't move with the expressions her own haggard face made. Rather, she let the laziness slip into her posture as she leaned back and tapped her thumb on the pommel of her sword, tinkling the charms. "A debt may be paid in any way you see fit," she started, eyes raking over the line of the man's shoulders trying to glean more intention. "However, this seems to fall short of a life for a life." Alternatively, she would still owe him if it were as simple as killing a few Imperials. Hell, she would have done that for free.
"The Guild might have a few words with us after."
Ah. Well, now that made more sense. This mission, even for any of the other hunters who greatly disliked the Empire, would not stake their livelihood on helping Mando. Especially since many of them loathed him. Asa still had enough wits to be afraid of him and what he was capable of, but exhaled deeply enough that he caught her sigh this time. "A debt must be paid," she relinquished, wondering if her life would always chance chapter by chapter, decade by decade. Somehow, as she just passed 30, she had a feeling her body was going to begin rejecting change. Maybe it was time to get out of the bounty hunting business.
He nodded, swiftly spinning on his heel to do an about face, leaving for Asa to follow. Daylight still shining down on the city, locals milled about and stayed clear of the leery pair. A throng of distance was set between them, an invisible buffer of at least six feet maintained more by Asa than Mando. Cutting a corner into a narrow, shadowed alleyway, she was forced to close some of the space, half wondering if Mando was going to just kill her here and dump his last bit of competition out of Nevarro into one of the neighboring waste bins.
He could have done that on Hoth and he didn't, Asa reminded herself, grip still tight on her katana as she followed me into the belly of Nevarro City. With the sun dipping on the horizon, the light couldn't claw its way in between the tightly packed walls and doors. A cloak of shadows played between the walls, dancing mutely on the back of the Mandalorian's grey bucket. His cloak obscured the rest of his shiny retinue, dashed by the pulse rifle that was most certainly taller than her.
The Mandalorian was not a huge man, not in height. Being just a few paces behind him, Asa spent more time observing him than she had cared in the past, worried that he would notice her staring despite the anonymity of her mempo. He was seemingly average, his boots and helmet adding an additional inch or two, shoulders broadened by his armor just as her own made her look impressive. This was no illusion, as hers was, for the Mandalorian's armor accentuated his vitals and protected them, the beskar layers thin in comparison to hers. Despite the added padding, the Mandalorian was broad, lean as a whip, and didn't require another head of height to strike fear into any who glanced over at the impassive, nebulous T visor.
Coming to the end of the alley, Mando paused and glance both ways like a child about to cross a busy street. Warily, he continued after taking a right. Asa had never bothered coming into the city, not this deep, and she expected if her mempo wasn't filtering the air she would be able to smell the metallic reek around her. From parts to trash, inner Nevarro City was a rotting cesspool and they didn't pass so much as a soul on their secretive mission - which aside from killing Imps and acquiring something, she had no idea what it entailed.
He bent over a dumpster of scrap and Asa dared to move within a pace of him, glancing down to where his visor was set. Within was an eggshaped container, the white paint chipped and flaked, lid open. If she had to guess, she'd say it was a repulsor lift of a sort, but it was tiny and akin to a bassinet. A soft song played from the dumpster, eliciting enough of her attention that she bent down past him to touch it. Gloved fingers met durasteel and the music hitched, a gentle clarinet weeping in her ears. Chi. She knew it, as anyone with Chi had a song of their own. Otherwise, the only time she heard Chi in the form of music was during great strife or occasion, like the day that the Empire had attacked her people, the maddening roar of their death march vibrating in her brain.
"Come," Mando ordered, snapping away from the discarded pram and for a fleeting moment, she thought she noticed his shoulders sag as he released a belly deep sigh.
They scaled a building in the dull sunset light, the blue sky being chased by cotton candy pink and coral orange, turning the puffs of cloud into candy. Despite all that Nevarro lacked, there were redeeming moments - probably because she couldn't smell the sulfur, but the sky had always been a fixation amidst the obsidian and ozone.
Mando had his rifle propped against his shoulder, laying prone as she daydreamed and got away with it since he couldn't see the misty expression on her face. A solemn tap to the side of his helmet and he was listening to a conversation she couldn't hear, glaring down the infrared scope as Asa wondered what the cottony candy clouds tasted like. It had been absolutely forever since she'd had sweets like back on Jakon. She missed the red bean paste fillings and the true taste of green matcha instead of the cheap imitations she usually got her hands on.
He drew the rifle back, his thumb having been subconsciously tracing circles against the barrel as he listened on. A strange quirk that Asa noted; an odd little bit of comfort the man tried to instill in himself as they worked on recon.
With their feet back on the ashen soil of the street, they approached a dark teal door which was streaked with lines of grimy rust. The roads were never truly quiet, the din of the busier sectors a dull hum like a hive of busy worker bees who just weren't occupying this sector of the combs.
"Wait here," he directed, gesturing to the alley flanking the door.
Asa leaned against the wall, hearing the sharp rap of his fist plunking against the door, before a click and whizzing was accented by the crunch and crackle of frayed mechanical equipment. Stomping back in her direction, Mando tossed the droid's retinue on the ground and grabbed his weapon, tilting his helmet in an unimpressed manner at her candor. With the gust of an invisible wind, her muscles let out a wistful bellow and she stood up straight, reaching down toward her obi as the premonition of battle whispered delicately in her ears.
"Check the perimeter," icy fingers raked down her back like the claws of the Wampa, the poorly modulated voices of stormtroopers causing a seething rage that laid dormant for so long to come bubbling to the surface, chasing away the unpleasant chill with searing wrath. Asa did not wait for Mando to make the first move, her body moving on its own accord as the curve of her blade left the ornate sheathe.
Mando was more interested in placing a detonator than dealing with the pair of stormtroopers that had come out to scout the source of the original noise. Her approach was covered by the boom of the bomb, the browned armor of the Imps akin to weathered parchment as they turned tail and sprinted back into the building.
She was the wind through the mountains and trees, flowing as gently as a brook but could possess the ferocity of a raging river, and she was swift like flame, crackling down to embers until she was stoked with fuel. Now, she had plenty of fuel, sliding up behind the troopers who were distracted by the flashing lights, electricity guttering to just the dull winking of the emergency lighting, as many synapses and circuits had been fried in the explosion. None noticed the flap of a crimson kimono, nor the nonexistent click of her sandals as Amagumo arched, the bolts of lightning rippling gold in the flashes of sputtering light.
Katanas were made for slashing, not puncturing. Wielding one correctly took years of practice, being keenly aware of the perfect manner to arch the curve of the steel in order to achieve maximum rending capacity. Asa had always been more inclined toward the blade versus her siblings. Haku had preferred blasters. Kit with a sniper rifle. The ancient blade of their people was a symbol and tradition and rarely utilized in battle except for those who were blessed with strong Chi, like the Jedi. Otherwise, the piece of metal was useless unless utilized in close quarters.
The first figure slumped, plastoid parting like butter beneath a heated blade. Unlike a lightsaber, Tamahagane did not cauterize, and blood spurted in a macabre fountain as the neck and head slowly slid off as the body finally crumpled to its knees. Rounding on her, the second trooper raised his rifle in defense, gasping as Amagumo savagely bit into his blaster and severed it in half. With a crescent flourish, the tip of the curved blade slipped up and drove into the gorget of the trooper, Amagumo drinking its fill as the Imperial soldier gurgled and choked on his own blood, crimson basking the blade in a hellish curtain as it slowly dripped down toward the hilt.
Mando was in the hole that he had blasted, watching her fight as she withdrew her sword and wiped the blood of her enemies off on the bottom of her robes. Wearing red meant that her foes could not see the blood, be that her own or that of her enemies. By this point, Asa was so accustomed to the gore laden displays and paintings she created that the garnet pools that she stepped through had little effect on her.
A flanking door opened and Mando's helmet whipped, an arm snapping out with such precision and swiftness that Asa barely had the time to blink before the room grew hot with the light of his blaster and the trooper flopped to the floor in a plastic heap. Of course, she had known that the Mandalorian was good, but aside from their encounter on Hoth she had never seen him in action. Just the speed such a broad man moved in set her teeth on end, wondering if she would have been able to dodge or parry the hipfire had he rounded on her. Kriff, just thinking about it made her skin pallid and a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck.
Listing through the dull grey, medicinal halls of the building, Mando took the lead, as she was here as support and had no true idea what the 'thing' he wanted was. A haunting song played in her ears, which she tried to swat away like annoying gnats, but the clarinet's vibrato grew louder, but not in a good way. Instead, the melody quavered as if the musician was taking constant, trembling breaths with the inability to fill their diaphragm properly. Cool dissonant melodies, minor thirds and tritones, there was no musicality - just noise. Something was very wrong with the person who the song belonged to.
Mando knelt just on the other side of a doorway, lifting his vambrace, and shooting his whipcord launcher. Jetting out like a javelin, the forked tongue on the end hooked into the edge of a trooper's rear chestplate, the Mandalorian utilizing the leverage of his kneeling position to jerk the soldier down, retracting the grappling hook as the trooper slid back, disoriented and right into the vibro-blade waiting in the Mandalorian's other hand.
Without even glancing in her direction, Mando dropped the body and continued prowling forward. Asa paused just to glance down, grimacing at the precision of the kill. Despite being freaked out by it, she found herself highly impressed with how streamline the man's kills were. He didn't dally or take solace in what he did, rather he just pummeled through with honed experience.
She was a few paces behind him when he shot open a door, fire returned and actually finding purchase as his shoulder jerked back after his pauldron caught the brunt of the attack. While the trooper had been reacting in self-defense and in light of a Mandalorian being inside his station of duty, she knew Mando was pissed. He shot the soldier square in the chest before glaring at the spectacled doctor who tittered nervously in the corner.
If seeing a Mandalorian breaking into his lab wasn't intimidating enough, the hellish lowlight glare on her own mask made him even fainter, gripping the side of the gurney he flanked as she stared. What was this? She raked her eyes over the uniform the doctor was wearing, clearly of an Imperial officer, his hand flying out as Mando turned the barrel of his handgun toward him.
Asa couldn't hear the conversation between them, her head slowly turning as the clarinet's pitiful solo warbled in her ears. Her legs carried her on their own accord, hat tilting downward as she gazed at the source of the song. Not an adult, but a tiny green child that was unconscious and strapped into a whizzing medical machine. "Ā ko-" oh, child - she whispered, reaching to smooth over the fronds of fuzzy white hair on top of a wrinkled brow. Despite the youth, she knew that this being was much older than appearances betrayed.
"Don't touch it," Mando snapped at her, forcing her hand back as he pried the machine off the baby.
"It's a baby," Asa retorted defensively, whipping her mask up toward him to challenge the Mandalorian for the first time. "You do not know what it is."
"And you have a better idea?" he growled, leveling his blaster toward her abdomen, daring her to do any more than what had been agreed upon.
"Hai, I do, Mandalorian," Asa hissed back, but there was no time for them to argue, her Chi kicked her heart rate, plunging what had been a steady pace to a shockingly dormant state. Pupils blowing beneath her mempo she cocked her head. "We don't have time for this. More are coming."
Mando grunted his agreement and turned his blaster away from her.
"Protect the ko, I will take the lead," Asa knew that the only place they'd be able to go next was the space-port where their paths would diverge and they'd leave Nevarro for good. Still, when she glanced at the little bundle of canvas, she knew deep in her heart that she could not leave the baby with the Mandalorian in good conscious. Her father had once told her that her Chi would guide her and now she stood beside a child with such strong abilities that she'd heard his song from across the city.
Thumb tracing the ribbons on Amagumo, her free hand brushed her obi where a few other weapons were stashed. A metallic cylinder was inconspicuously tucked beside her shoto, a weapon that she'd not touched since she had acquired the title of Shogun. This was not the weapon of a samurai, but as her Chi bellowed in her chest, she knew it might be time to wield it finally. Amagumo had served her well, but her time as a samurai was coming to an end.
The child needed her.
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ao3bronte · 5 years
2 | 3 | 4
Warnings: Characters are aged up but still drinking underage (legal drinking age is 18 in France). Wild parties, hypnosis and NSFW themes will ensue.
"Any requests, Party Queen?"
The party throbs before her, a hundred and one voices singing and dancing together as one.
“I don’t want you to interrupt this amazing set on my behalf,” Marinette gushes, planting a kiss on the DJ's cheek, "Besides, you could play me any song you want and I would still love it."
Luka’s cousin ducks his head and blushes, his shaggy rainbow hair glowing as brightly as his smile, "But you're worth so much more than just a simple shout out! Give me a minute and I’ll find the perfect song for you!"
"You’re adorable, Nikko," Marinette's giggle lights up the faces of everyone around her, "You know, come to think of it, there is one song I’m really into right now."
Nikko's expression sharpens, "It's an older classic, isn't it?"
"How did you know?!" Marinette gently jostles him, "You know what, you Couffaines are just too good at this!"
"We all have our gifts," Nikko beams at the compliment,  briefly making eye contact with his boyfriend on the dancefloor, "I have this music telepathy, you know? But Luka's is the best though. He can literally see the song inside your soul!"
"Don't I know it," Marinette brushes a lock of hair behind her ear, grinning as the aforementioned future rock star crowd surfs across the deck,"So? Are you going to play my song?"
"I don't know what your song is yet!" Nikko laments, clutching his chest, "Oh! Hold on a second, I'm getting something. Powerful female?"
"Obviously," Marinette gestures to herself, "Keep going."
"Mmm…" Nikko trails off, "Nineties?"
"Recent remix."
"Oooohhh," he taps his chin with a sly wink, "There's only one song hitting the airwaves right now that screams Marinette, and I know exactly which one it is.”
Nikko brings the track up within seconds and Marinette bops him lightly on the nose, delighted, "You’re right!”
"I knew it," Nikko pumps his fist and immediately starts mixing the song, "You have such great taste in music, Marinette, it’s no wonder Luka speaks so highly of you. Whitney slaps!"
"And I'm all about bringing the love," Marinette begins to sway from side to side, heedless to the way the hem of her dress slowly sneaks up her thighs, “Bring me a higher love!”
The first verse begins to flood the dancefloor and the crowd of partygoers are immediately drawn to Marinette’s voice, watching with smitten eyes as she hops up on top of the DJ station before them. She’s always been too self conscious to let her voice be heard by others, but that was the old Marinette; the woman that hypnotizes them with the beat of the Kygo remix no longer worries about looking silly in front of others or being heard above the murmur of gossip. Drunk with the power she wields, Marinette raises her glass once more and prompts them all to do the same, “Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?!”
The crowd erupts and Marinette lets her hair swing freely, soaking in the energy of the music. She’s feeling the love all around her and it surges through her veins like a party drug, enraptured in that picture perfect sense of bliss she’s been waiting all her life to feel. The thud of the bassline is her heartbeat, the lyrics her raucous cry; she wants everyone to feel the love, to be lifted higher, to revel in this flawless sense of euphoria that she’s become engrossed with. She’s never felt more beautiful now that she’s transformed into the new, improved version of herself and her adoring fans worship her from below as she dances.
And so what if she flashes a little skin tonight? She smirks as she drops it low, her skirt riding up just high enough to flash a little pink and purple lace. The old Marinette would have died if she knew that someone other than Tikki had seen her in her panties, but the new Marinette gloats in the power it has over her people. Their eyes are glued to her thighs, her curves, her sparkling blue eyes that know exactly what she’s doing; she holds the cards in her hands now and her deck is stacked with a flush in every colour.
There would be no going back to the old Marinette after tonight.
There could be no going back to the old Marinette after tonight.
She’s never felt so empowered now that she’s being helped down off the DJ stand by Nikko’s boyfriend, a cute Brazilian boy with a smile as wide as the Seine itself. She thanks him and promises him a dance later if he shows Nikko just how great of a DJ he truly is and leaves him to figure out the details.
Everyone deserves to be loved tonight.
And speaking of which...
Marinette finds her next victim a moment later standing all by herself, her arms wrapped around her middle as she glances longingly into the crowd. Friendship has always been more important to her than the jealousy she used to harbour for the girl and she marches towards her in confident strides, heedless to the others who beg for her attention. Her friend is more important than the whims of strangers and she gasps at the swell of sensation welling at the base of her spine as she approaches, entranced by the way the multi-coloured strobe lights hit her face and hair. She recognises it for what it is now, a feeling so taboo she knows the old Marinette could never say it out loud until tonight. The white hot coil of desire wreaking havoc with her senses pools low in her abdomen, tingling between her thighs; it’s an addictive feeling and she wants more of it, all of it, an insatiable hunger she longs to fulfill.
“Well?” Marinette croons, approaching her from behind, “Enjoying yourself yet?”
Kagami spins around, her eyes wide, her cheeks flushed, “Marinette!”
“Hi Kagami,” Marinette gently tangles her friend’s fingers with her own and leads her towards the railings of the bow, “What do you think of the party so far?”
Kagami takes a ragged breath and Marinette can tell she’s nervous, “It’s...it’s good.”
“I’m glad you think so,” she replies, snatching a passerby’s bottle of Grey Goose right out of their hands, “Would you like to share a drink with me?”
Kagami’s eyes flit between hers and the bottle as Marinette pours a generous shot into her red solo cup, “S-sure.”
“Are you nervous?” Marinette reaches out, brushing Kagami’s dishevelled hair from her forehead. It’s unusual to see her so unkempt but, then again, Mesmer’s gift was all about exposing the real person hiding within, “What can I do to help you feel more comfortable?”
Marinette pours a shot into her own glass as Kagami seems to chew on her words, the rosy skin of her bare shoulders and décolletage shining beneath the fairy lights draping the ship’s masts, “Marinette…”
“Yes, Kagami?” Marinette asks, stepping closer. Wafts of cologne and star anise coil in the air around them, riding on the gentle breeze coming off the Seine. Marinette inhales deeply and can’t help but drink her in, intoxicated by the smell of Kagami’s perfume.
“I...Kagami trails off, her will to restrain herself clearly waging war against Mesmer’s hypnotic spell, “Is Ladybug going to come and save us soon?”
Marinette smiles warmly and cups her cheek in her palm, “We have nothing to fear, Kagami. Ladybug will come and free us all eventually.”
The fencer still looks nervous, her shoulders wrought with tension, “But what if she’s been affected by the akuma? What if she’s under her spell?”
“Ladybug is smarter than that,” Marinette replies, lightly caressing her skin with her thumb. The gentle motion seems to quell Kagami’s panic and Marinette revels in the way she seems to relax beneath her touch, “Even if she was hit, Ladybug would use it to her advantage. Mesmer didn’t take away our free will, she just made us act more like our true selves.”
“Right…” Kagami doesn’t sound entirely convinced, “But I’m still worried.”
“Worried?” Marinette inches a little closer, her eyes brimming with concern, “How come?”
“I feel strange,” she responds, turning a little into Marinette’s palm, “My mind wants to be free but...something’s holding me back.”
“Let me help,” Marinette hums, watching as Kagami slowly falls under her spell, “You’ve already snuck out of your house and joined Luka’s party tonight. You must be very brave.”
Kagami’s voice hitches, “You think so?”
“I know so,” Marinette brings her glass to her lips, “Take a shot with me, Kagami. Let’s be brave together.”
Never one to concede to a challenge, Kagami’s expression gleams, “On the count of three.”
Marinette smirks over the rim of her cup.
Kagami’s lips curl into a matching grin and Marinette knows she’s caught her, hook, line and sinker.
The two girls throw their drinks back and Kagami gasps at the burning sensation rushing down her throat, forcing her to keel over the railing to try and catch her breath. Eyes widening, Marinette wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and grabs Kagami around the waist, steadying her friend and keeping her from falling backwards or straight into the Seine.
Instead, Kagami tumbles right into her arms.
“Are you okay, Kagami?” Marinette asks, her lips a hair’s breadth from Kagami’s chin. The fencer is only a little taller and Marinette takes advantage of their height difference, glancing up at her through the forest of her lashes, “Was that too much for you?”
Kagami draws her lower lip between her teeth for one perfect moment, her eyes burning with a question that Marinette knows lies on the tip of her tongue, “No...it was...I could do another.”
“Are you sure?” Marinette shakes the bottle of Grey Goose at her side, the sound of the alcohol sloshing within the glass melding in with the music around them, “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Kagami nods, swallowing roughly. Reaching upwards, Marinette grazes the thumb of her free hand along the column of her neck as the fencer takes a harried breath, “I want another.”
Marinette tips her head to the side, “Are you sure?”
Kagami holds out her cup and without breaking eye contact, Marinette pours her another generous shot. Kagami brings it to her lips, her determined smile burning with an emotion Marinette can hardly wait to tease from her, and downs the vodka as fast as she can.
“Wow…” Marinette watches in awe as Kagami fight back against the firewater, her brown eyes watering from the blaze, “I never should have doubted you.”
Kagami quivers in her grasp at the praise.
“And now I’ll never doubt you again,” Marinette licks her lips, “You must be the bravest girl I know.”
“I am?”
“Definitely,” Marinette sets the bottle of vodka down on the bulkhead beside her and uses both hands to her advantage, drawing her arms around Kagami’s waist, “Has anyone ever told you that before?”
Warbling just a little, Kagami shakes her head, “No.”
“Really? You’re telling me that no one has ever told you that you’re the bravest girl they’ve ever met?”
“Not even Adrien?”
Kagami’s eyes widen at the mention of his name, “He’s...I’ve…”
Marinette tsks, her lips pulling into a disappointed frown, “He didn’t even tell you how courageous you were for rebelling against your Maman and sneaking out?”
“He…” Kagami shakes her head again, “He was too distracted.”
“By what?”
“By his own...courage, I guess. His father is…” Kagami sighs, “I usually don’t have this much trouble expressing myself.”
“It might be the alcohol,” Marinette plays with the hem of Kagami’s sleeve, “He’s controlling, just like your Maman.”
“He is. And he was so excited that he snuck out to go to the party that...he didn’t really hear what I was saying.”
“And what were you saying? You can tell me anything.”
Kagami smiles, pure and honest, “I told Maman I was feeling ill and I was going to try and meditate in my room. Then, when she barged into my room later, probably to yell at me because that’s what she does, I was already laying in bed pretending to sleep.”
Marinette leans closer, “Is that when you snuck out?”
“I waited a few minutes until I saw her bedroom light turn off from my window,” Kagami grins conspiratorially, “And then I slipped out of my balcony and rappelled down the side of my house to hide in the garden. From there it was easy! I just ran out through the back garden and met up with Adrien at le square Paul-Painlevé!”
“I’m so glad your plan worked out!” Marinette exclaims, basking in the look of elation on Kagami’s face as she finally gets to tell her side of the story, “Maybe this will mean we can hang out more together.”
“I would love that,” Kagami’s arms tighten around her waist, “I would really like to spend more time with you.”
“Me too,” Marinette says, “You’re so amazing!”
Kagami blushes profusely, unable to turn away from Marinette’s brazen stare, “I am?”
“You are, and I wish everyone knew the same Kagami that I know,” Marinette brushes her fingers through her friend’s hair, “Brave, strong, rebellious Kagami. Passionate Kagami. Jungle Juice lover Kagami.”
The fencer begins to giggle in earnest, “I don’t know about that!”
“Come on, it’s not that bad.”
“It’s terrible!”
“It’s an acquired taste,” Marinette finally acquiesces with a smirk, “You’ll start to like it more if you keep coming out to Juleka’s parties.”
“I’ll start coming only if you come with me,” Kagami says. “I like your company.”
“More than Adrien’s?”
Kagami immediately stiffens in her grasp, “I…that’s not what I meant.”
“Except he left you out here all by yourself,” Marinette breaks eye contact to peer around them, “When I found you, you were all alone.”
She swallows thickly, “I wish he hadn’t.”
“Did you tell him that?”
“I did.”
“And did he listen?”
She shakes her head, “He wanted me to socialize with the others.”
“But you don’t really know them very well, do you?”
“I’m glad I found you then,” Marinette says, feeling another surge of emotion pool in her gut. Her long stomped out feelings for Adrien aside, she feels nothing but a pure, protective instinct burn through her senses, “It wasn’t okay for him to leave you alone at a party with strangers.”
“I…” Kagami seems conflicted once again, “You’re…”
“Right? I know I am,” Marinette hugs her tighter, “You don’t deserve to be set aside.”
“Which is the problem,” Kagami shudders, the dam of her feelings finally breaking under Marinette’s gentle ministrations, “I always feel like I’m second best.”
“No,” Marinette inhales sharply, completely aghast, “You don’t think—”
“He’s not cheating on me,” Kagami assures her, although her expression grows more and more uncertain, “But he has to do all of these other things all the time and sometimes...sometimes it doesn’t feel like he’s making time for me.”
“I'm so sorry,” Marinette feels Kagami’s sadness as if it’s her own, “You don’t deserve that. You deserve to be loved and worshipped and cared for. You deserve someone who adores every part of your body and soul.”
The fencer begins to quiver inside her embrace and Marinette settles her palm at the nape of her neck, anchoring Kagami’s body against hers, “I know what it’s like to be taken advantage of and strung along. I know what it’s like to give all of your love and receive nothing in return.”
Kagami glances at her lips before making eye contact once again, “You do?”
“I do, and I never want to feel that way again,” Marinette bristles, her grip on Kagami’s neck tightening, “I never want anyone else to feel that way either.”
She closes her eyes and Marinette feels her finally surrender, “The other day, I asked him if he was ready to go to the next step with me.”
“And what did he say?”
“He said he wasn’t ready,” Kagami looks away, “Not with me anyway. I think he’s saving himself for someone else.”
Marinette bubbles with indignance and she forces Kagami to meet her stare once more, “You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“No buts,” Marinette’s nostrils flare, her lips parting with an irate intake of breath, “I’m done with people taking advantage of us.”
Kagami straightens her shoulders, “Me too.”
“Then let’s do something about it,” Marinette sees the same hunger reflected in Kagami’s eyes, her intentions duly mirrored, “Let’s get rid of that feeling, you and me together.”
Tangling her fingers in the baby hair at the nape of her neck, Marinette drags Kagami’s lips to her own and revels in the softness of her skin, smooth and delicate and aflame with desperation as Kagami gasps, deepening the kiss before Marinette can make heads or tails of it. Their fight for dominance is as intoxicating as the taste of vodka on Kagami’s tongue and Marinette relies purely on instinct, her lips parting so she can draw Kagami’s lower lip between her teeth. She nibbles ever so gently and Kagami’s knees nearly give out on her, her entire body writhing from the sensation alone.
“Marinette…” Kagami gasps her name and Marinette can’t help but grin against her lips, revelling in the new feelings burgeoning at the base of her spine. She surges forwards, unhindered by anything but the desire to show her friend what it means to be loved in a way she herself never would be, wistful and desirous all wrapped up in one brutal kiss. Marinette wants Kagami to taste the devotion on her tongue, the passion and yearning for affection on her lips, the sharpness of being second best with every playful nip. Kagami doesn’t deserve to be loved by anyone who doesn’t appreciate every facet of her and she expresses it the best way she can, claiming her in a blaze of desire that leaves them both burning with fervour.
Kagami kisses her back just as hard, matching every caress with one equally as passionate, feeding the blaze between them. She unleashes her feelings without hesitation and Marinette seethes at the thought that this is how Kagami truly feels, how she truly wants to kiss and be kissed. Marinette thrusts her tongue in her mouth and it's her first true kiss of her nationality's namesake, delving deeply into the desperate heat of her mouth with a hunger she can no longer contain. She wants to consume her, she wants to help her break loose from the tethers that hold her back from being ravaged the way she should every time she craves adoration.
"Have he ever kissed you like this?" Marinette asks between gasps, seizing Kagami's cheeks between her palms.
"Never," Kagami pants, her chest heaving as Marinette peppers kisses at the corners of her lips, her cheeks, her jaw. Marinette has always imagined being showered with affection like this, with every little peck on her skin a monument to her lover's adoration. She craves it, aches with it, and Marinette hopes that she conveys her cravings as she presses a string of slow, languid kisses across her jawline.
"Never hold back," Marinette tells her, trailing her mouth along Kagami's throat, "And if you feel like he's holding you back, tell him. Tell him all the things you want to do to him."
It pains her to say it, but Marinette has shoved away her feelings for Adrien long ago. Granted, she still admires him from afar and pines for his attention every so often, but superheroes couldn't get caught up in the affairs of the heart. She'd faced her reality as courageously as she could, especially after breaking it off with Luka; there would never be anyone out there for her she could trust with her secret, let alone her heart.
"Marinette…" Kagami whispers against the shell of her ear and Marinette moans at the sound of her name, her emotions overwhelming. She's poured so much of her soul into this kiss and as much as it hurts her to pull away, she knows she has to.
"Go find him," Marinette urges her, pressing one last kiss to her lips before stepping away, "Go show him what it means to be yours."
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