#let your ocs draw themselves meme
sildhra · 1 year
Let your OCs draw themselves meme! The first row was done about a year ago and I did the second row today at 3 am. I had to include my newer OCs into this!
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tavernbrawls · 6 months
50 Fun things to do with OCs and/or characters you love!
Making a cohesive list so I don't forget, and so that others can use the same resource. Enjoy :)!
Make them a Pinterest board
Make Picrews of them
Answer OC templates and questionnaires
Paste and/or draw them over memes
Draw the squad
Create an Amazon/Etsy wishlist for them of things they'd like
Make a list of video games/shows they'd like
Crossover with other OCs/universes
Modern AU
Swap AU
Masc/femify them
Create them in character creations in video games
Pick out funny clothing for them
Make them a Spotify playlist
Create a fake text conversation between them and another OC
Make their zodiac sun, moon, and rising or chart their natal chart
Turn your OCs into animals
Save TikTok/Instagram/Youtube audios that reflect them
Depict their reactions to looking at themselves in the mirror
Fantasy AU
Spiderverse AU
Draw them in cosplay
Classpect them
Make them a phone/desktop background and/or theme
Create a kinlist for your OC
Draw them interacting with you or your friends
Act them out
Cosplay them
Fuse them with another OC
List out what traits them and others have in common
Make random quotes from them
Pick out Pokemon they'd like
Turn them into a magical girl
Create a tierlist based on what they like/dislike
Have your OCs play truth or dare together
Have your OCs play Dungeons and Dragons together
Have your OCs spin the bottle
Create or look through Halloween costumes for your OCs
Design what your OC would wear throughout the decades
Age your OC through a timeline
Height chart
Put your OCs in a grocery store
Let others draw them in Whiteboard Fox (when you google it you'll see a list of servers below! Just click one! (and remember to ss your progress in case someone clears the board!))
Create sprites of your OCs
Objection.lol case them
If they have a comic or animation, create blooper takes
Avatar: The Last Airbender AU
Describe their reactions to smoking and/or drinking for the first time
Expose their internet search history
Draw them into taken photos with IRL you
If you have any more suggestions add them into the comments or reblogs below, and I'll make another 50+!
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
☕ Wholesome OC Ask Meme 🍂
Wrap up your OC in a blanket burrito and let’s answer some questions!
What is their go-to comfort food?
Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
What is the song you most associate to them?
What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would really enjoy?
What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
What is their favorite thing in the world?
What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why?
Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
Now you give them some life advice.
What was the happiest moment of their life?
What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life?
What is their favourite hobby? Would they share it with someone they love?
What is something they excel at?
What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Which new skills they would really like to learn? 
If they had to pick up an instrument, what would they choose? 
Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
If they had to prepare a conference, what would be the topic of discussion?
What would be their ideal romance? Did they find a perfect match already, is it still a work in progress, or have they experienced something out of their expectations?
What is their romance’s theme song?
What would they do if their favourite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be?
What is their love language?
What would make them blush?
Draw or describe the silliest outfit you can think of. They now have it inside their wardrobe, but it’s a secret between you and them... unless someone finds out.
What is their favourite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
Do they have any guilty pleasures? How guilty do they feel about it?
What is something they’re ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
Find one quote from a book, a song, or a piece of media that would make them feel at peace.
If they could go back in time, how would they reassure their child-self about the future?
What is their celebrity crush? How would they react if noticed by said crush?
If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
And what would you say to comfort them?
Have fun and feel free to add more questions if you like 💛
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wolfertinger · 3 months
I'm half tempted to just be anon but, I wanted to give my two cents on everything that's happening and say that your posts helped me come to an understanding how I feel.
I am a very real account and not a faceless mask for haters to doubt. I have done my research on all of the old pup stuff and current Salem stuff.
I desperately want to believe Salem can change and heal and be better, but their apology made no real attempt to divide themselves from what happened. The apology felt more-so like "I do not condone what happened, but like a different person enough to warent no hate, but not different to act differently or let go of ocs." It irks me. I looked up to Salem a lot as the face of transmascs and was thrilled he had transfem characters. But now, knowing that this is the person with the puppychan "alter," someone who has lied and lied and *LIED* about everything before. How can I believe him now? Pup has fetishized transbians and transwomen before, which leaves a very sour taste in my mouth with transmascs that don't present masc at all. I ate that up when I thought it was just a small little bunny boy online but now I just... Feel so betrayed. All of it feels disengious and like another lie. I struggled for hours debating on trans ethics on identity and if someone who was transfem can be transmasc and it feels so gray to me. It's confusing. Who ever reads this, please don't Harass Salem. I desperately want Salem to be better and hope He will be. I'm begging that we never get another reason to not trust Salem.
i agree with what you say completely. puppy had a very long history of lying especially if it would garner him sympathy or pity. the most glaring examples i can think of is when he lied about being "deathly allergic to blueberries" just to suicide bait like this.
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puppy also randomly claimed to be both psychotic and schizophrenic when they got called out for using a meme using the term "schizo meltdown". neither illness has never been mentioned before or since. this is why i have so much skepticism about his claim of dissociative identities especially as we find salem and puppy act, talk and draw identically.
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i also think puppy/salem was never transfem. this was a common misconception because of the sheer amount of transfem fetishization he was constantly putting out over years. which is really saying something.
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these tweets are from years ago and yet read exactly like the posts salem is putting out now. its honestly fucking weird how everyone is just fine with this.
also agree with salem supposedly "reclaiming" ocs from puppy. he makes such a big deal about being a different person from puppy then goes "this is *my* old oc" ??? are you puppy or not?
thank you again for your bravery and speaking out. i appreciate your two sense on it.
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detectivehole · 3 months
hey man the anti-AI stuff you reblog is rly. Reactionary idk how else to put it. It’s a mixed bag. AI has been used in art for a LONG time, it’s not as new as ppl think it is. It’s used a lot in animation especially. Obviously there is a difference between AI as a tool and AI as a replacement for artists/writers, but nearly every single instance of them attempting this has been catastrophically bad. (Doesnt stop the dumbass studios like Disney and Pixar to keep trying it tho, bc they value short term profit over any actual value) For AI being used in a professional setting, it’s imperative the distinction be made between tool or replacement. Machines, despite how efficient they have become, are managed by humans. Letting them run without a person actually operating it that knows what they’re trying to do is always a bad idea.
However, using AI generated pics for like. Personal use? Let’s say you aren’t a good artist, or as many have pointed out, can’t be an artist due to disability (none of that inspiration porn abt painting w your mouth some ppl can’t do that either.) and you’d like a picture of your Tabletop game character or OC or something, and you do not have the money to spare for a commission from the artist you like. Doesn’t mean you can’t pay for one later on, as a human will take the finer details you want and bring them to life, but if you’re looking for like. A placeholder? And you aren’t planning on selling it or some shit, then ppl shouldnt get on your case. Except every anti-AI bro now hears “AI” and flies into a frothing rage, saying it’s “never ok”. Nobody should care of somebody made a meme using AI or tried to make something just for themselves or friends. It becomes an issue when it’s being marketed as a “replacement” for artists.
Tldr: AI is a useful tool, the tech bros that got a hold of ot do not represent the entire scope of it. If it is used as a tool or personal use, it’s not an issue. It only becomes one when it is used as an explicit replacement for writers/artists.
i agree with the first paragraph, though im a little insulted you'd assume my knowledge and opinions on AI image generation were so shallow and uninformed as to have to explain it to me- but you lost me after that
first off, i wanna make it clear that basically no one thinks you're some sort of amoral monster for having used or even enjoyed what AI image generation and art can give you. most people genuinely don't understand the intricacies of its ethics and effects, and while ignorance like that is annoying, it's something most people who do get it understand and forgive with a sorta... exasperation. most of the time. now, maybe you're not coming from a place of good faith, i can't say, but i choose to think you are
i don't have the chops, time, or particular desire to explain what exactly is wrong with AI art generation (there's a lot in way too many directions), so i'll just give you a link to get you started (it's not a long read, just some basic critiques to jump from) and some admittedly harsh sounding (but well meant) advice that pertains to your particular use of AI:
you dont always get what you want. you're not entitled, for any reason, to the fruits of stolen (and popular AI datasets have been proven to unequivocally be stolen) artistic labor, especially if that theft is impacting the livelihoods of independent artists. (and don't give me "what about other generic media piracy" because that's its own can of worms and you know it. i won't hear it). it's not the end of the world that you have, but it's just not ethical to generate that art knowing it's based off stolen work- if it was all consensually given data it'd be different- and sometimes behaving ethically means you dont get what you want. tough shit. plenty of people can't or won't draw for all sorts of reasons, and none of those reasons suddenly make it ok for them to take other people's art
to be clear, if all the datasets used to train AI were ethically sourced- bought, donated, or taken from free use material- this wouldn't be an issue. i mean there would still totally be issues with casual generative AI, but this particular issue would be moot. the issue with AI art isn't the AI, it's what the AI's being fed. every time you engage with it gets smarter, and better, and more efficient at chewing up its stolen foods and spitting out a knockoff. the issue is what it's being fed and you are putting tokens in the little treat machine at its petting zoo enclosure
you want a placeholder? you got picrew. doll dress up games. hell, pester your friends for doodles. save up. or even just learn to handle not getting it at all- just pick something else
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vellichorom · 25 days
You absolutely don't deserve it with the mischaracterization. :(
All the ocs you make are so wonderful and full of personality. I'm so sorry they get reduced down to single traits or made fun of.
I personally love checking in with your blog seeing your ocs.
They may not be my absolutely favorite ocs of all time. But I can still tell the thought you put into them!!
Keep drawing them if they make you happy!
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huuu hweeb..... thank youou........ that genuinely means a lot to hear,
i feel very bashful referring to thierry AS an OC ( although let's face it, he's Pretty Much my OC by this point or very easily could be ) but GOD. it's like...
as i began to rise in popularity, i noticed a very Significant escalation in my narrator being used as the butt of numerous jokes; painted as this slobbish pig, horrible person nobody can stand to be around be it for attitude or " smell " & just get treated TERRIBLY. numerous asks getting sent to me asking if he bathes or describing him as someone who doesn't, numerous other jokes painting him as this homely bum or incompetent-
fucking sad-ist themselves referring to thierry as homeless-lookinh at least twice to my face,
getting kicked around by people & characters in roleplay alike & just! so disrespected & reduced to jokes, mischaracterized to hell & back & having this be assumed as his canon. it's genuinely upsetting.
& it's like, yeah- this is the fandom that sees the narrator as ONLY a twink sexyman, i GUESS anything else that breaches the norm wouldn't be nearly as respected, but my god !!!!!! i seriously wonder if some people think i created thierry's design as a joke, to LOOK homely or unrespectable, to BE the punching bag for everyone else.
when in reality, i'm just sharing my perspective, made with love & dedication, with other people & it's getting shit on for reasons i'm not even sure about, & it makes ME feel terrible as a creator & feel bad about my interpretation. THANKFULLY, this isn't everyone & this perspective IS very well loved & i do appreciate that from everyone who's ever made that known - INCLUDING YOU ANON, it means SO much more than i can say & especially in these harder periods.
but it seems like now thierry's gotten this reputation AS a joke, AS lesser than the character he's supposed to be, so stuck to him as a character that it's hard for ME, the creator, to chase? even if it's been awhile since anyone's directly made a " huehue stinky " joke at me.
& it sounds so STUPID being mad about that when i type this out, but the reality is that people are taking unfunny stupid jokes & using that to characterize MY character rendition & impression of him & to see that is EXTREMELY DISCOURAGING.
this isn't even the first i've had to address the disrespect i face, this is just the first i've made it public on tumblr. i've had to say how much i hate this treatment at LEAST 3 times in private discord servers & continue to scream over people when they insist upon it otherwise. it's REALLY made me unhappy to be apart of this fandom in the latter half of my being here,
but. i'm not going to let that get me down forever, i know i won't.
just, you know? if there's anything to take from this? be nice about people's characters & make your jokes ( if so the creator allows ) but don't act like that's all the character is reduced to, & listen when a creator tells you stuff about them & don't reduce them down to whatever trait you think is funniest for the meme ???? just be respectful ?????
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hello fellow humans! With Spooky month in full effect, I have a certain plot on my mind that I was hoping to do! Sorry if this is a bit long! First, a little bit about me so you know who you'd be roleplaying with:
First off, I'm a 20-year-old gal (she/they), living on the East Coast. I have college and work, so I can't reply 24/7. With that being said, I still can at least reply once a day to the RP. And If I have to hold for a few days, I'll let you know! As for my writing style, I prefer 3rd person, but can be persuaded to do 1st. I am semi lit - advanced lit, as I can give 2-6 paragraphs on average, But it really depends on what is going on in the rp and what it calls for as well as how much I get from you! And while I love romance and I'm okay with Smut, please don't make it the main part of the rp. And what do I want out of my partner?
- Be 18+, I am not comfortable with minors. This is NOT negotiable. - be able to write at least 2 paragraphs. I don't need entire books, but I need something to work with. -Be alright with OOC chat. It just makes things so much easier when you're friends with your partners! I just love to send memes, or songs that remind me of scenes or our characters and I might draw our oc's from time to time! -DO NOT GHOST. Please, if there's something wrong, tell me. Nothing is worse than getting a plot and characters all set up and then it just goes cold. -Lastly, use Discord! I only rp on Discord. The servers make everything SO much easier and organized. Now! for the Rp! I was thinking something along the lines of a Monster x Monster Hunter! Muse A is a monster (with a human form/disguise) living in a small town. They never really wanted to be a monster, but there wasn't much they could do about it. So, they live a simplistic life in town, just trying to blend in to not attract attention to themselves. However, one day, Muse B, a respected Monster hunter came in on rumors that there was a monster in town. So, they go to check it out. While A tries to lay low, B notices them and for some reason, grows fond of A. B could start to fall for B, unknowing of what they are. But after a little while, B catches A (not as a human/without a disguise).
For this, pairings could be MxF, FxF, or MxM. Thank you all for reading! Like this and I'll get back to you!
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worldbuildguild · 2 years
Syllabus: Feature Creep ( and how to avoid it )
Let me introduce you to a term from software- and -game development: Feature Creep
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Feature creep is the excessive ongoing expansion or addition of new features in a product,[1] especially in computer software, video games and consumer and business electronics. These extra features go beyond the basic function of the product and can result in software bloat and over-complication, rather than simple design.
( Feature Creep: Wikipedia )
To sum it up in the context of worldbuilding and design: Feature Creep is what happens when a designer overloads their project with ideas, which ultimately ends up making the final design confusing. You'll often find that your design also loses its ability to communicate your ideas properly, as it drowns itself in its excess of inspirations and references. But what does this look like in, say: character design?
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This is Luso from Final Fantasy Tactics A2. On the surface, the character is competently illustrated. Everything is very nicely rendered with a good sense of structure and a high amount of detail ( if you're into that ). The proportions are fine, the style is very clear. It is a nice drawing. But upon further inspection, we start to notice just how many features the design actually has: Armour pieces, complex patterns, numerous dominating shapes and so. many. props. The palette, while not immediately clashing is also incredibly confused, spanning from just about any primary colour in the colour wheel, all contrasting one another, making it hard for your eye to find a place to rest when looking over the design. If you were to take a look at the design and tell me what it was supposed to invoke thematically, what would you tell me? - Well it's a mage ( mage book ) that is also a knight ( sword ) but mostly its a warrior with some kind of special proficiency in keyblades(??), but also there are some touches of nature and luck ( clover, ladybug on the belt, green, patterned cloth ). You'd have a really hard time convincing me that the design is invocative of any one of its ideas. (If you were part of the art community back in the 2000s to 2010s you'll also definitely remember all the memes about the angel-wolf-demon-goddess-mermaid-dragon OCs and all the derivatives of that particular line of design. Some faultily called these the markers of a Mary Sue character. Though I'd argue that Feature Creep can show up in any well written character regardless. Even those who are made by professionals, who are well aware of what they're doing: like Luso, for an example ) Feature Creep is, however, a typical marker of a developing designer or young artist who want to explore multiple ideas at the same time. Morally, there's nothing wrong with that. You can make as many hybrid creatures as you want. It is all in good fun. But if you want to sell people on a design or a story, you're going to need to edit them down a bit.
Economy in ideas
Animated features and shows are probably among the mediums that approach their designs with the most limited amount of ideas. That doesn't mean their designs are boring though, oftentimes they're actually incredibly effective since the limited amount of ideas allowed in a design means that designers can pour much more care into integrating the ideas into the final design.
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Let's take a look at one of the animation industry's latest greats: How to Train Your Dragon. When Dreamworks artists sat down to design the dragons for HTTYD, they decided to go against the current trends. The western hemisphere has long been plagued by samey designs, as the likes of Drogon ( Game of Thrones ) Draco (Dragonheart), Saphira (Eragon) and Smaug (The Hobbit), who has solidified the European take on the mythological creature into the cultural conscious. The designs in themselves are not bad at all, but when HTTYD suddenly took flight with its completely reworked ideas for what a dragon could look like - it was a breath of fresh air. For toothless the designers seemed to have applied nothing more than two main ideas to their design. A black dragon with anatomical cues from an axolotl but the mannerisms and certain facial features of a black cat. This design invoked a sense of familiarity. It was simple, iconic, slightly strange to those who hadn't been familiarized with the axolotl yet, and clearly communicated a sense of pet-like behaviour through its feline gestures.
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Staying in the vein of feline creatures; Pokemon is perhaps even more restrictive in their idea economy ( at least for the most part ). Many of the first generation pokemons were 'merely' combinations of animals mixed with either elemental concepts, such as the many evolutions of Eevee ( Flameon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, etc ), or Pikachu, a Rabbit that bears electric symbols incorporated into its design.
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For something slightly more complex we can look to Blizzard's Overwatch game. Where a number of desigsn are inspired by combining real life stereotypes of certain cultural-historical peoples or occupations ( cowboys, ninjas, DJs/musicians, arctic explorers ). One example of such is the centaur-hero Orisa. Which combines the anatomical features of a quadroped creature with a human half on top. But with an added idea of incorporating patterns and assets that have been debated to be of Baluba origins. A tribe originating from Central Africa.
As you can see, designers usually stick to around 2-3 main ideas and then pepper in little extra details that are at least adjacent to their main ideas. It keeps the reading of the character consistent, and you're not at risk of overloading your designs with needless elements. If you're looking to make a character that is actively trying to look confusing, of course you can throw as many ideas in there as possible, but for when you need your design to convey a cohesive read to your audience ( which is supposedly most of the time ) you will do well in picking only a few ideas and incorporating as thoroughly into your design as possible.
How to chose your ideas
There aren't any hard and fast rules as to why you should pick some ideas over the other. It mostly comes down to your preference as a designer and storyteller. I personally prefer following these three milestones, as they ensure that your ideas are relevant to your design and provide the potential for visually interesting designs. Pick those ideas that can provide the most thematic relevance The most obvious choice is that which relates to your design's main idea. An example for props: You need to make the prop looks modern to your audience. Therefore you chose ideas that incorporate smooth, sleek shapes into the prop's design ( reflecting the modern design trends of today ). Maybe you'll combine the soft, rippling shapes of waves on the sea with the shape of a chair or couch, to eliminate the need for edges that could make your seat seem "clunky" and 'out of style anno 2022'. Example for characters: Your character likes fish, therefore you incorporate a number of blue-ish greenish colours into the pallette. Maybe you even add a few 'fin-like' shapes to the silhouette or outfit. Pick the most interesting ideas Perhaps you're picking between two aquatic ideas. Let's say: Ships and Seamonsters. Which one do you feel provides the most potential for fascinating solutions to your design? If you're making a sailor-character, perhaps the Ships are more interesting to you. If you're making a mermaid, looking to seamonsters might be a pretty cool idea.
Pick those who contrast the most Humans -love- contrast! it brings interest nearly by default in anything from character design, to environmental concept art, storywriting and art styles. It makes us curious as to how things work and why they are the way they are. Which is ample ground for you to do some interesting worldbuilding or character writing. If you are to design a submarine, you could just make a submarine. But what if it was in the shape of a seagull? A bird that only enters the water for fish once in a while. Hell, what if your main character; a young scholar who is very much not comfortable being underwater, had slight bird-like features to really emphasize how out of their element they are. These are just three parameters which I use to sort my ideas. Sometimes I also do stuff for the hell of it, but for the most part I like to put a lot of thought into how my ideas contribute to the design. For the most part, I'll try to connect my ideas to the world and the story as much as possible to make the whole experience seem more cohesive. What you value in your ideas is up to you, perhaps your art style demands that you use certain ideas to stay consistent. Maybe you prefer designing with certain palettes or shapes. That's fine. No artist picks and chooses their ideas for the exact same reasons. Everyone has biases. But it is important that you are aware of your choices. Moreso important that you are aware that you don't squash too many ideas into a design. Remember, every idea is a good one, maybe it's just not always relevant in the context you got it in. So save the unused ideas in a note somewhere - it might become useful later!
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bellmo15-blog · 1 month
Naga Mikaela's Trade Offer
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And here we have some more old art from ol Ammer done for me. This time the very first sketch drawing from him. And just like how the Fully Detailed pic of that month was of my sona, this one was of another one of my main OC's, Mikaela (Naga AU version!) Insert you George Lucas meme about poetry here. I mean it's still technically May 4th somewhere in the world so it'd fit.
Do you remember that trade offer meme from a few years ago? You know, the meme of that guy in the fancy business suit making a trade offer which lead to a bunch of memes and edits online? I do. I thought it could be fun to get a pic of a hypnotic serpent doing that. And honestly I could end this description right here if I wanted to because just me saying that under this pic speaks for itself! Naga Mikaela doing the trade offer meme. Sadly for like I bet a majority of you people reading this it's an exclusive trade offer and one I doubt Naga Mikaela would make to most of you.
Naga Mikaela: I don't know, with the way some people are actually thirsty for both me and my human counterpart despite the fact that you've gone out of your way to let them know her and I are canonically lesbians they would probaply be wanting me to make this offer to them anyway. And then kiss them lovingly on the cheeks. Because of course they would.
Hey it could be worse. At least they aren't forcing themselves onto you like some clingy stalker who can't take the hint your not interested in them.
NM: .........
... Some clingy stalker who can't take the hint your not interested in them has tried forcing themselves onto you back in your own universe, haven't they?
NM: Yep. Thankfully, one of the many benifits of having hypnosis is that it's an easy solution to any problem. Speaking off *eyes start glowing a hypnotic colour* Aren't you in the middle of binge watching Invincible right now? Why not go continue that ssshow your clearly enjoying?
... @.@ Yes mistress......
NM: Now that he's gone, yeah looking back this is a pretty amusing pic. And I must say, I love how I was drawn in this one. Little wonder Bellmo is supporting this guy on Ko-Fi. Say, do you think Ameer would notice if I took over this account and asked him to draw nothing but me while pretending I'm Bellmo? After all, he did such a good job on this pic, why stop at him drawing me only once, heh heh heh. Say, how would you all like to make a trade offer right now? I receive: a watcher to admire the stuff I get of myself... And maybe some other characters two. You receive: More commissioned drawings requested by me! NOT BellmoTheGreat, ME! Oh if only I could hypnotise you all though text.
NM: Artist is AmmerAshourDraws.
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linklethehistorian · 1 year
You know, being around Tumblr for like…5 years now, I’ve seen a lot of silly, goofy posts from fandom peeps making jokes and memes about themselves having to pretend to be ‘normal’ about a certain topic or thing they’re passionate about when around their friends, or wishing that someone else cared about their fics or OCs or whatever-else-have-you as much as they do themselves, so that they’d have a reason to share their trivia and go all out on the subject without being labeled as ‘cringe’, and like…yeah, they’re kinda funny, and don’t get me wrong, they’re definitely relatable to an extent, but…most of all, I just find them sad.
I know there are a lot of people — especially when making posts aimed towards fic writers — that’ll be like, “just do it for yourself!”, or “write/draw/create like no one’s watching!”, and that is genuinely good advice; I’m glad that it’s out there, because it is a very important step in being able to enjoy your hobby and/or your passion.
…But at the same time, something I never hear being said that I think really should is: while yeah, you should be able to create for yourself like no one is watching — in the sense that you should try to tune out the naysayers and just do what you love above all else — you should also allow yourself to be free enough to create like everyone is watching, in a good way.
Yes, realistically speaking, most people in the world right now probably don’t care that much about that super niche fic you wrote, or that OC you made, or whatever else it is you created or saw that you’re so excited about, but…so what? Who cares if not that many people have noticed it and given it the attention it deserves in your eyes? Why are you letting that stop you?
Go out there and make that ‘official blog’ dedicated to that creation you love, build that music playlist of perfect vibes for your OC or your favorite character, create hundreds of drawings and drabbles and fics and edits and posts and whatever else that you so want to do, talk like the whole world is listening with bated breath for your next statement about an update or interesting tidbit about that thing you made!
What is anyone going to do about it? Call you cringe? Send you hateful messages or make nasty comments? Delete them. Block them. Cut them off. They’re just a bunch of losers who have never learned a better way of coping with their own personal misery and unhappiness besides trying to drain the joy out of other people’s lives. And if you’re afraid your friends would do that to you — guess what? They’re not really your friends. There is a time and place for everything, sure, and there are going to be some people who enjoy doing different things with you more than others, but if you genuinely can’t just be yourself and have fun around the people you love without fear of being judged over something fictional or otherwise harmless, then you’re not in a very healthy situation.
And I’ll tell you something else, too.
When I started writing my most beloved fic of all, I had no idea that it would ever possibly get more than maybe one reader at best — if that — because of how extremely specific and niche the plot and the main pairing (and even the secondary pairing) was. I thought that it would at best sit on AO3 in silence forever and at worst receive massive backlash from a certain part of its primary fandom.
And I’m not gonna lie; it has received a few nasty comments over the years — but you know what it has mostly received? Love. Love, and appreciation, and support, and all of the things that in the beginning I never would’ve thought was possible.
I made an official blog for my fic, and it actually has a few dedicated followers that aren’t all just my close friends. I have playlists for it, I’ve made art, animatics, development notes on each chapter, I celebrate milestones with actual polls and events! I talk like people are listening, even when I’m not always really sure that they are, just for the fun of it, and you know…I’m happy.
And personally, I think that kind of obvious love and joy and dedication for what you do sells itself more than any type of attempt to appeal to the so-called ‘critics’ ever could.
Do what you love like others already love it just as much as you, and the rest will eventually fall into place.
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incrediblysalt · 10 months
Hello :•) I see you reblogged my oc meme so
1, 7, 13, 17, 18, 27 any oc?
Yes I did lol!!! I mostly wanted to save it for future story pondering but I will always talk rant about my ocs, they are always on my mind lol
I also only answered for one oc per question, just to keep it simple and not have information overload lol. Let’s get started!!
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1. (Ashkii) “Ask yourself this: would you think highly of yourself if you lost everything from being executed and being forced to hide with a new identity while running away from your past? No? Well, neither would I.” Ashkii never was the same after her execution and the following revival to join the Starfinders, changed both physically and mentally. She’s lost her wings, her family, her fiancée, her job, and her life… but hey, a life of adventure and getting shot at is just sooooo worth it, right?
7. Are they an optimist, pessimist, or a realist? Why? (Ivory) “I’m not here to reassure everyone that everything will work out, I’m here to keep everyone practical. Yes, sometimes that means dashing some hopes and dreams. But let’s be realistic, we do need to plan for if things go wrong.” Ivory can act a bit more optimistic or pessimistic depending on who she’s talking to, but at her core she’s a realist. She’s there to ground the situation and realistically plan ahead.
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13. (Roshan) “Oh, probably my mask. I, uh, made it myself when I was young. I didn’t mean for it to be scary, or anything, but I’ve heard it freaks some people out. Heh, whoops?” Roshan’s mask certainly paints her as a stoic, intimidating figure, but she’s a sweetheart underneath it. She refuses to remove the mask though, scared to reveal what lies behind it…
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17 and 18. (Placidus) “Well, I did lose the lower half of my left arm in a… petrification incident. Ivory still feels terrible about taking off my arm, but she also saved me from being petrified for all eternity. I do tease her about it, sometimes. And while I use a wooden prosthetic to wield my shield in combat, I do tend to cover my arm with my cloak otherwise. I’m not ashamed of it, I just get less questions if I do so.” Since his arm has been gone for a while now, Placidus views this injury as more of an interesting story. He’s gotten used to his prosthetic while in battle, and feels no shame or embarrassment over it. He does get embarrassed when people draw attention to it or fawn over it, however.
27. Are they good of taking care of themselves? (Ivory) “Uh yeah, I can totally take care of myself! What, when was the last time I slept? Hmm, maybe a day or two ago? My last meal? Umm, definitely within the last few hours! I think.” Ivory tends to get… fixated on fixing things or solving problems. She will certainly go hours if not days without properly eating or sleeping to just focus on the task at hand. Not very healthy, but she gets stuff done!
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humblemediagenius · 7 months
It's au guys ask time >:) one 📻 for that song meme, and skin, break and future for the not-so-nice oc meme >:3
Song: mememe by 100 Gecs
I know I already sent you a different 100 gecs song that was on their playlist but I’m sending you another one because I am insane. Besides the fact that this is absolutely the type of music Luna listens to, I just think the lyrics fit these two PERFECTLY. Like, I interpreted the song to be about a breakup from a unattentive / uncaring partner and I don’t think that applies to Zeke and Luna’s relationship, but rather applies to their relationship with their ex-boss and with their hosts. It’s a big plot point that the two of them figure out who they both really are, and the traits that make them who they are as their own individuals is blatantly looked over by their ex-boss (and the canon counterparts to their hosts, to an extent). So it feels like the type of message they’d want to be heard, that they feel like their experiences aren’t important…….. ough. I even did a drawing to this song, I think it fits them that well. also yeah just 100 gecs is au guys core music IDK what else to say on that
ok now for the other ask game:
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them -a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
WELL. The AU guys take that one phrase “the human skin is hard to live in” to the next level because they are literally living inside human bodies but aren’t human themselves. Over time I think both of them have kind of accepted their fate, but they don’t exactly like it overall. Luna has somewhat grown to appreciate their host and appearance, but Zeke has actually gotten less comfortable with it. He hates the color red because of that jacket he had to wear for so long. They don’t HATE the skin they’re in but they don’t LOVE it either. But then again, it’s all they’ve ever known, so even if they DID get freed from their hosts they probably would base their appearances on their hosts (especially after they start dressing and acting like themselves).
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
God, this is hard to think about because the AU guys are generally lighthearted and not getting into situations like this. I know for sure Zeke could (and honestly probably will at some point) reach his own breaking point because he’s repressed everything he hates about being in a host and acting like someone else. He’s jealous of Luna and how they’re so confident about everything they do, and he is so SICK of that jacket. So after months, maybe even over a year of holding it all in he finally snaps and breaks down. Zeke is typically very monotone, calm, collected— so you may or may not be surprised to hear that he is an emotional WRECK. I mean, ugly sobbing, shaking, barely able to coherently speak. He holds a lot in, not just his thoughts but emotions in general. Luna is obviously the only person to see him like this, and also the only one to help him get in a better place.
Luna, on the other hand, I don’t feel would realistically get to their lowest. They’re very flexible. I think the only thing that’d ever cause them to feel that way if Zeke, like, died or something (and vice versa for Zeke as well), but that obviously isn’t happening.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Well the worst possible future that could have happened to them would have been if a certain ex-boss of theirs continued to mind control them and not let them break away; if it weren’t for them, they probably would have taken over Rackethill by now. In the story they’ve basically already avoided this fate, but they’re very much aware that 1) it very much could have happened, 2) it ALMOST really did happen and 3) they are never ever going back there again. I feel like Zeke especially panics about the fact it almost happened because for many months before Luna got their host, he was being mind controlled and he did not like it at all.
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cfrog · 9 months
OC-tober Day 4: Redesign
[full prompt list]
A continuation of yesterday's, let's talk about the Sages' many redesigns! But first: some redraws :3c
[2018 -> 2023]
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Full ramble under the cut. Read more at your own risk, it is long.
The Sages got their most recent redesigns in 2021. My main focus was making the Sages more unique in their looks, so it's not entirely just recolors of Sage. This is also when I made them all non-human. Lets go down the line.
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[same picture as yesterday, i only have the one]
Again, theyre supposed to all be vaguely matchy. They all have bangs on the same side, they've all got some extra color at the ends of their hair, and they all have details under their eyes (freckles for Red, eyebags for Grey, scars for Yellow, blush for Blue). Aside from that, I kinda went wild with these versions.
The primary Sage's (Red Yellow and Blue) are all supposed to look very similar to Sage. Grey is the black sheep of the group, that should be clear on first glance. Red, though, is supposed to look the Most like Sage, because they have the most in common. The two are from similar time periods and, with the addition of Red being a werewolf, similar situations of hiding themselves. Being a werewolf also draws more attention to Red's anger issues, her original defining trait. It's really easy to tell when she's angry. Because she turns into a big dog. Older Red design had a red scarf across her midsection like a belt, because that's where her killing wound was. When I moved her wound to her heart (because its more poetic <3), the scarf came with! Technically, that dangling section is supposed to always cover her left side. I don't do that tho. ALSO as you may have noticed: Red used to be continually covered in blood. Her new design is less murderous, so that got removed, but I kept a subtle reference to it in her hair. Like really subtle. Here's a close up.
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[red's blood-patterned hair, usually covered up by shading]
Anne (Grey's past life) was only given a design in 2019, for the Labyrinth OCT, based off of Grey's old design. Then when I redesigned Grey, I actually based her more off of Anne. Real telephone game going on. Stuff like the wrist/ankle scars just came from Anne's design. For this version of her, I flattened out her hair near the top to better resemble Sage and the others' hairstyles. It also looks pretty :3 Her full lore about what she is is.... so complicated. It's not important. She's a special type of ghost that makes her grayscale ok. I only made her skin pale instead of pure grey because it helps her stand out from Anne. Anne for reference:
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[part of Anne's transition to Grey involved cutting off those dress sleeves]
Yellow got the most emo hairstyle of them all, which I think is funny, because she's also the oldest and most well-adjusted. This is when I moved her eye injury to her right side, so I can cover it up and not draw it. I generally just had a lot of problems with Yellow's eyes. I hated drawing glasses realistically, it was the main thing that kept me from drawing Yellow more on previous designs, so I decided to go full cartoon this time. And man I love it. Yellow is an elf btw, specifically from a modern fantasy 1960s-ish. Her main design inspo has always been "librarian" and I love to lean into it, BUT. This design was where I started letting her be a badass too. Hence the mysterious scars. Plus her conspiratorial streak and her wedding ring? God I made her so cool. Best redesign of the set.
And finally, a robot!! Originally, Blue was my excuse for memes and references. They were a gamer. They were a 4th wall breaker. I changed that last one for this design, meta powers revoked. But I let them keep the gamer references by making them from the future. Blue used to be just Some Teen Ghost, which was boring and realistic. I wanted them to have a full job and backstory. So I made them a fnaf reference. To emphasize the roboticness, I started drawing their hair goofy and blocky. I also switched their method of death from hanging to gunshot, to match all the others. Plus, I don't think hanging a robot would work. This moved their wound to their head, but again, hey I don't wanna draw a fucked up eye wound all the time. Solution: robot-based memory problems! Blue already had a thing for ignoring negative emotions, so it only makes sense they'd block out their own death. Their eye's still not entirely functional, though.
Hey, they weren't in yesterday's post, but let's talk about Violet too! Violet has always been a thing with the Sages, and funny enough, their name was always Violet. What exactly they are, though, has changed so many times. With this redesign, I offically made them Blue's "alter ego" (it fit with the fnaf references). Think of it as Blue but with all of those nasty memories. That means you get to see the eye wound on this one! They're also missing their ear on that side. And a solid chunk of their head.
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[this Violet is from a meme redraw but I cut out the context]
These are my oldest ocs and I care about them so much. I put so much thought into these. I'm happy I finally get to type this all out. Here's a direct comparison of their hair and skin colors, look at the detail i put into this.
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Blue's is technically just desaturated cause that's what mixing blue with orange does.
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makerscockandballs · 1 year
For the oc questionnaire thing, I'd like to know #1, #3 (preferably physical traits), #31 and #43 for all of your guys if you have the time!
oooh this is gonna be a long one :D (related to this ask meme)
1: What is their go-to comfort food?
Maison Surana: Orlesian chocolate truffles. Tried them once at a banquet he was performing at and got obsessed. You could bribe him with them.
Orev Hawke: Hearty, heavy Fereldan stew like they used to make in Lothering. It’s just potato and turnip and whatever veggies are in season, doesn’t even taste like much but keeps you warm and fed.
Thelrael Lavellan: Sweets of any kind, but most of all a certain Dalish dessert made primarily from wild honey & roasted fruit.
Magnolia Trevelyan: Tomato soup but with tons of hot pepper powder – a classic she’s used to from the Circle, but the spice is her own twist to make it more interesting. Overall, she loves spicy & heavily seasoned cooking, the more the better even if it makes her eyes water. If habanero potato chips were a thing in Thedas she’d eat three bags a day.
3: What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them? (Physical Traits)
Maison: He doesn’t care too much about his appearance aside from looking neat and presentable but takes some joy in his teeth being pointier than normal. Part of it is just how they always looked, part of it is Warden Weirdness. I love his facial scars, both the characterization aspect (refuses to cover them up yet hates seeing them in the mirror) and from a “looks badass” aspect.
Orev: He really likes his hair and tries out all kinds of styles with it once he has the time and money. And honestly I agree, it’s also my favourite thing about him to draw :D
Thelrael: He really, really likes his legs, all his outfits are built around making his legs stand out (haha get it. stand out). I really like his profile, it’s overall flat and a bit round — a bit of a babyface that absolutely works for him and makes him look mischievous.
Magnolia: She really likes her overall build, especially her muscular arms. Worked lots and carried around lots of things when she was tranquil which sucked, but at least now it helps her defend herself. Josephine’s obvious glances are a big plus too. I really like her eyes, they’re big and a very dark deep brown.
31: What would make them blush?
Maison: Compliments and reassuring words about him as a person. He holds himself to impossibly high standards and is never satisfied, but hearing that others think positively about him means so much.
Orev: Coming from the right person, almost everything. Friend telling him they care about him or thanking him? Red. Anders kissing him or even just giving him the smallest compliment? Bright fucking red. Meanwhile anyone outside his close social circle could blatantly and passionately flirt with him and get nothing more than a friendly smile or some playful flirting back. All or nothing babe
Thelrael: It takes *a lot* to get this bastard flustered. A lot. He also has no sense of shame. Whoever tries to make him blush ends up being the actually flustered one within minutes. Nobody has figured out a way to do it yet, but Dorian is certainly trying.
Magnolia: Getting nice personal gifts, especially accessories and flowers. Makes her feel special and courted like a princess. She’s not used to having such nice things and wears them with pride. Getting compliments about how that new hairpin or earring fits her is the cherry on top.
43: And what would you say to comfort them?
Maison: You cannot save everyone, but what matters is that you tried. You helped more people by trying and sometimes failing than you would have through inaction. Let yourself off the hook.
Orev: It’s not your fault. Kirkwall was a sinking ship, and one man alone cannot plug all its leaks no matter how hard he tries. Drowning along with it would not have helped anyone.
Thelrael: It’s okay to be angry. But it is still real, even if the gods were not gods at all, it all still mattered. Every celebration, every story, every ritual still brought your people together.
Magnolia: You’re safe now, and not alone anymore. Nothing can force you back into tranquility or hiding. It’s okay to finally let your guard down and breathe.
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milfmorrowind · 2 years
Hiiii :3 Ask Meme Time hehe: From your TES ask meme! For all of your OCs: 7 from general info, and 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 . For Sirnja, Lyswen, and Marza (if applicable to her, idk how much u have any her): 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15. For Erstin, Sirnja, and Sille 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, and 12. And for Mailie and Ardalie 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 15, and 18. Sorry for so many questions i just love learning abt people's OCs :')
hi hi hi this is going to be very long
Fighter, specifically an arena fighter. She wear medium/heavy armor and uses a mix of axes and swords. She dabbles in alchemy and restoration magic, mostly for practical reasons. After traveling to Cyrodiil, she developed some stealth skills.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it?
She is! I wouldn't say Sirnja feels particularly connected Hammerfell or her specific home. She just sort of goes wherever.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings?
Sirnja was raised in a large, multigenerational family. Her parents died when she was very young, and many of her family members treated her like a burden. She was close with a couple of her aunts, but none of her uncles. She left home at 16 to fight in the arenas, and hasn't seen any of her family since.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general?
Initially, no. Sirnja has no time for the divine. Later, she develops a devotion to the Night Mother, and a passing respect for Sithis. She does not care for men, even the non-physical, arguably genderless kind.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
Sirnja is... not great with people. Like at all. However, she finds a community at Thirsk, and comes to really like them.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one?
Like I said, she hasn't seen them in years. So again, not great.
Morrowind stuff
Why were they sent to Morrowind? Were they truly guilty?
Murder. She traveled to Cyrodiil in hopes of fighting in the capital A Arena, but got into a fight with someone and killed them. She is very, very guilty.
Do they align themselves with any great houses? If yes, why?
She joins House Redoran for the benefits, and because their whole vibe fits with her skill set. She doesn't really care about them, to be honest.
Do they believe their self to be Nerevar reincarnated? Do you?
She does not, but she feels that there's a piece of him in her, if that makes sense. I agree with her. I draw a distinction between having bits of Nerevar in you and fully being Him.
How do they feel about the Tribunal in general? Do they trust them?
She does not trust them a bit. She somehow likes them even less than she likes all the other gods.
Where do they go at the end of the game? Do they leave Tamriel?
Initially, she hangs out at Thirsk for a while as their new chief. She has a pretty good time, but she gets restless and decides to go back to Cyrodiil for a bit.
Oblivion Stuff
Why are they in prison at the start of the game? How long had they been there?
Same reason she got shipped to Morrowind: killed somebody. Only this time, the empire had no use for her, so they chucked her in prison. She'd been there for a couple years. To be honest, she fully expected to be let out the moment they needed another pawn.
What's their relationship with Martin? Are they coworkers, acquaintances, friends, partners?
Somewhere between acquaintances and friends. Sirnja is really bad at talking to people, but Martin is a sweetheart and managed to get some conversation out of her. He likes her.
Which daedric quests do they do? Which artifact do they give Martin?
All of them. I think she gave him Volendrung, because it was a) heavy and b) not useful to her.
How do they handle Martin's death? Who do they lean on for support, if anyone?
She just kind of... disappeared. Sirnja does not do emotional vulnerability.
Do they mantle Sheogorath? What exactly does that mean, in their case?
Kinda. I imagine Sheo as a force that grows inside of her over time, but once he gets strong enough, they separate.
Do they stay in the Shivering Isles? Is it by choice?
No. She actually kind of likes it there, but she gets bored eventually and leaves.
Lyswen's a thief. It's basically the only thing she's ever done in life. Having weapons that weren't stolen or looted off a dead body was a trip. While in Morrowind, she learns some mysticism.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it?
Lyswen grew up in Valenwood, and she misses it dearly. She feels very exposed when she's not surrounded by plant life.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings?
Lyswen was orphaned very young, and was taken in by a group of young thieves, all of whom were pretty much in the same boat. Think that one bit of Oliver Twist minus the wildly antisemitic caricature. She considers those people to be her family, and she has every right to, considering they raised her.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general?
She doesn't have a strong interest in the gods, but she isn't hostile to them like Sirnja. She just doesn't really care. She's never followed the Green Pact, it just wasn't practical to do so when they could barely feed themselves as it was.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
Lyswen's pretty shy, but once she opens up to people she becomes close to them pretty quickly. She makes a few friends in Morrowind, and eventually reconnects with her friends from back home. While she's still in Morrowind, Nibani Maesa becomes a sort of mother figure to her, and Lyswen visits a lot for her advice.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one?
Her actual family? Nonexistent. Her friend family? Pretty good. She misses them, a lot. They think she's dead. She should probably resent them more for not helping her, but what can you do.
Morrowind stuff
Why were they sent to Morrowind? Were they truly guilty?
Lyswen got implicated in a murder. She wasn't involved at all, just happened to be around when it happened. The guards knew her as a local scavenger and thief, and they grabbed her for the sake of appearances. Anyone who actually saw the even could tell you she had nothing to do with it, but the local government just wanted arrests. She somehow got given to the legion, and sent to Morrowind from there.
Do they align themselves with any great houses? If yes, why?
She joins House Hlaalu. She figures out that everyone is just manipulating her pretty early on, and decides that if she's going to be a pawn in this game, she might as well play. She turns out to be a pretty effective politician, with everything that entails, but she doesn't really enjoy it.
Do they believe their self to be Nerevar reincarnated? Do you?
She doesn't know how to feel. She doesn't FEEL like nerevar, but what would that feel like, anyway?
How do they feel about the Tribunal in general? Do they trust them?
She doesn't really trust them. She does, however, crush REAL HARD on Almalexia, so she blindly trusts her at first.
Where do they go at the end of the game? Do they leave Tamriel?
She sticks around Morrowind for a bit, then goes to Solstheim. After she gets her lycanthropy cured she goes back to Valenwood to find her friends. They're ecstatic to have her back. They're all bosmer too, so she doesn't have to worry about outliving them for a long time, unless someone gets stabbed or something. They continue to steal stuff and ambush bandits, but she's able to buy them a house that they use as a base, and work more as professionals than out of survival.
Marza doesn't have a lot goin on so I'm going to skip some stuff.
Class General warrior stuff, nothing super fancy. Spears and heavy armor, alchemy (I really like alchemy).
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it? Marza is an orc, and she grew up in Cyrodiil. I haven't really decided where.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings? Marza was raised by just her mother. She's got two younger sisters who she's very protective of. She stays in contact with all of them while she's in Morrowind.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general? Kinda? She's got a passing respect for Malacath but isn't super religious.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people? Mostly, she's close with her mother and sisters. She doesn't really trust most of the people she meets in Morrowind. She does become pretty close with Nibani Maesa though.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one? I basically already answered this!
Morrowind stuff
Do they align themselves with any great houses? If yes, why? No. She doesn't trust any of them a bit.
Do they believe their self to be Nerevar reincarnated? Do you? It's a hard thing to accept, but deep down, Marza knows she is. I'm currently playing with Marza and I have a mod called Past Life Regressions that gives you flashbacks to moments experienced by past failed incarnates, and also Nerevar himself. I'd say MArza is my only OC who is definitely, fully Nerevar reincarnated.
How do they feel about the Tribunal in general? Do they trust them? Shockingly, she doesn't trust them. A lot of Marza's story involves knowing she's being used, but feeling there isn't anything she can do about it. She doesn't like the Tribunal, but feels like she has to work with them.
Where do they go at the end of the game? Do they leave Tamriel? She goes home. Idk what really happens from there.
Class I think I played her as a thief, but truthfully Erstin's more of a woodsman type. She's a pretty good hunter, and she picks up lockpicking in Cyrodiil.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it? She is from Skyrim! She misses it a little, but there really isn't much left for her there anymore. She feels pretty at home in Bruma, though, and that's part of the reason she spends a lot of time at Cloud Ruler Temple.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings? Erstin's an only child. She was raised by two very sweet parents, including a father who taught her to hunt. He was injured very badly on a hunt, and all of Erstin's mother's skills in herbalism couldn't save him. He died after a several days of pain. Erstin's mother died in her sleep shortly after. Their neighbors all assumed she died of grief, but Erstin found traces of nightshade in the teacup by her bed. Erstin left home for Bruma after that.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general? Not anymore she doesn't. She lost what faith she had after her parents' deaths. Martin restored some of it in her, but, uh, that didn't last long.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people? She's pretty closed off when she first comes to Cyrodiil, and understandably so. She opens up to Martin and the blades, though. She's actually quite friendly, and very funny.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one? They're dead. So, that.
Oblivion Stuff
Why are they in prison at the start of the game? How long had they been there? She got caught stealing something. She was hungry, who can blame her. She was only supposed to be there for a couple of days, that's why she was in a cell that's supposed to be empty.
What's their relationship with Martin? Are they coworkers, acquaintances, friends, partners? They are partners, in every sense of the word. They actually get Jauffre to marry them right before the Battle for Bruma. (in my imagination Martin is much younger in this universe)
How do they handle Martin's death? Who do they lean on for support, if anyone? Not well. At all. She just completely retreats into herself. Baurus gets her back to Cloud Ruler so she can be looked after by the Blades. Since she's a Septim by marriage, they consider it their duty to serve her.
Do they mantle Sheogorath? What exactly does that mean, in their case? Okay buckle up because this is complicated lmao. So fun fact, Erstin was actually pregnant when Martin died. She didn't know at the time, and by the time she realized, she didn't think it was worth telling anyone. The Elder Council hadn't ever been told that she and Martin were married, since they were planning on having a more official wedding after he was crowned. Without proof of their marriage or the amulet of kings to prove that the baby was a septim, there was no way to prove she was telling the truth. She figured the council wouldn't believe the Blades if they backed her up, since they could easily have ulterior motives. By the time Erstin enters the Shivering Isles, she's about two months pregnant. Truthfully, she doesn't expect to make it out alive. She just needs to feel useful again. After finishing the questline and taking Sheo's throne, she basically throws a cosmic temper tantrum to get Akatosh to give her Martin's soul back (an idea I stole from someone who is no longer active :( ). She's visibly pregnant at this point, and Martin is immediately like. What the fuck is going on and where the fuck am I. I should be dead. After she has the baby, she notices that they're a little... weird. Like, "why do his eyes look like that" weird. As it turns out, the baby is the new Sheogorath. tl;dr, she's pregnant when sheo goes away, the baby is the new sheo.
Do they stay in the Shivering Isles? Is it by choice? Yes, and it's technically by choice, but also Martin can't leave. She remains duchess of dementia and Martin become duke of mania. yes this is cringe shut up.
Class If you were to ask her, she'd say she's a priestess (which she is). Skills wise, she's adjacent to a ranger.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it? Yes, but only sort of? Sille's mother is a nord and her father is a redguard. She grew up in Skyrim, and she's only been to Hammerfell once, when she was really little. She doesn't feel any strong connection to Hammerfell, besides the family she has there.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings? Sille has a younger sister, Signy. Growing up, Sille was always drawn to nature, while Signy felt a distinct discomfort when she felt too far away from town. They were close when they were little, but when they were ten and eight Signy got hurt while they were climbing trees because Sille wasn't watching her. It really caused a rift between them. Signy also resented Sille for leaving to become a priestess, and ended up leaving home herself to join the Legion.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general? Yes! Sille is a priestess of Kyne. I could write a whole post about what exactly that looks like, but I'll put some of the main bits here. Priestesses of Sille's "order" (not really the best term but I can't think of another one) emulate Kyne in different aspects of their lives. They are unmarried, typically, and at different stages of their lives they different figures of the maiden/matron/crone archetype: when they are younger they are Kyne prior to her marriage to Shor, once they are fully committed to their life as a priestess they are Shor's wife, and in their old age they are his widow. More significantly, they emulate The Hawk by practicing hunting as a form of devotion. They are expected to hunt regularly, partially for practical purposes, and partially as an act or worship. They also serve a practical purpose in the community, being skilled herbalists and healers. They learn ice and lightning magic, the powers of the tempest. Typically, they wear their hair long and unbound, unless practicality demands otherwise.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people? Back home, besides her family, the only people Sille regularly sees are other priestesses. She becomes pretty close with a few people in Cyrodiil, though, in particular Baurus and Martin.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one? She's still in contact with her parents, she doesn't live too far away and she tries to write them fairly often. She has no direct contact with Signy, who last she heard was stationed in Hammerfell. Signy writes to their parents every couple months, but never to Sille.
Oblivion Stuff
Why are they in prison at the start of the game? How long had they been there? Sille was sent to Bruma to meet with some priests at the Chapel of Talos. While she was there, someone told her about the Shrine of Kynareth, and she decided to go visit it, after getting permission to stay for a while. She had to go to the Imperial City first to get directions, though, because she didn't know where it was. She got into a drunken brawl with some random people in bar over a religious debate, and basically got thrown in the drunk tank. She was there for less than twelve hours.
What's their relationship with Martin? Are they coworkers, acquaintances, friends, partners? Definitely friends. She likes him a lot, and respects him as a priest and a leader. Frankly, she thinks being a priest of Akatosh sounds super boring, but she's not one to yuck anyone's yums.
How do they handle Martin's death? Who do they lean on for support, if anyone? I wouldn't say she handles it well, but it definitely could have gone worse. She basically throws herself into trying to heal and treat everyone hurt during the final battle. Signy ends up showing up with the Legion, and there's a whole awkward reunion. They make up a bit, though, and end up going back to Skyrim together for a while.
Sille doesn't go to the shivering isles, so I won't answer those questions.
Class Idk. One handed swords, light armor, stealth, archery, restoration magic, fire spells. Whatever you'd call that.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it? She is from High Rock, and she doesn't really care about it. She misses it being less cold, though. Also good wine.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings? Mailie's family is somewhere between high-ranking aristocrats and low-ranking nobles. They have a lot of money, but not a lot of land or political clout. For the last couple of generations, they've really been trying to improve their station, and Mailie's parents were borderline obsessed with her marrying well and moving them up in the world. Mailie had a younger brother, Pierre. He was about ten years younger than her, and was always a sickly child. For somewhat complicated thalmor-related reasons that will sound weirdly familiar to anyone who's read the Anastasia Romanov Royal Diaries book, the family doctor had to leave very suddenly, and Pierre died not long after of some disease. Mailie always blamed the thalmor for it. Instead of mourning their son in the way Mailie would have liked, her parents redoubled their efforts to shape Mailie into the perfect bride for any random nobleman willing to take a chance on their family. Mailie just couldn't deal with it anymore, and she ran away in the middle of the night.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general? It's sort of complicated. Mailie's parents practice religion for appearances, so she never felt any real connection to the gods. She respects and honors Nocturnal in her role as a Nightingale, but since Nocturnal doesn't ask for or want worship, Mailie isn't super dedicated to it or anything. She'll honor any deity who can get her what she needs, unless she just thinks they're evil. *cough* moldy balls *cough*
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people? She's more than a bit stuck up and self-important when she first goes to Skyrim, so she can be a bit abrasive at first. She's actually very sweet and funny though, so once she gets over herself she's very likeable.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one? She doesn't talk to her parents anymore. They definitely know at this point that she's alive and the Dragonborn, but she wants nothing to do with them right now.
Skyrim Stuff
Were they trying to cross the border? Why? Yes, She was just trying to get into Skyrim. She figured it was the last place her parents would look for her.
Do they pick a side in the Civil War? Absolutely not. She agrees with the Stormcloaks to the extent that she doesn't think the empire has any business controlling Skyrim, but she absolutely hates Ulfric. Like everything about him. He tries to get her to join the rebellion at some point, btu she flat out refuses him. She tells him that the Skyrim he envisions is not one she can reconcile herself with.
Do they kill Paarthurnax? Why? No. He's too important an ally for that.
What do they do at the war meeting? How does it go? Do they maintain neutrality? She maintains neutrality as much as she can. Despite her hatred for politics, she's actually pretty good at them. All that diplomacy training paid off. She doesn't let the empire get the Rift, though. She can't risk increased scrutiny on the Thieves' Guild.
How do they feel about their position as Dragonborn? Do they embrace the role? Does it terrify them? Do they take advantage of it? Mixed feelings. The responsibility is just too much sometimes, but she actually feels useful for the first time in her life.
Dawnguard or Volkihar Clan? If they choose the Volkihar, do they ever reverse their vampirism? Dawnguard. Being a werewolf is bad enough. The only reason she hasn't cured her lycanthropy is because she doesn't want Aela to be the only member of the Circle who carries it. She eventually helps find a new member who's willing to carry it though, and then cures herself.
How do they feel about Miraak? Is he a villain to them, or a tragic figure? She feels sorry for him. Being beholden to a daedric prince for thousands of years seems rough. She thanks her lucky stars that Nocturnal is relatively chill. She still doesn't like Miraak, though, and she's happy to kill him.
Class Conjuration and destruction mage, and budding necromancer.
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it? Ardalie grew up in Summerset, and she doesn't know how to feel about it. She liked her life there, but it was tainted with lies. She can't ever go back.
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings? She's an only child, was raised by pretty normal parents. Her father was a scholar and her mother was some kind of local politician. She was raised to join the Thalmor, it was just expected of her.
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general? She did worship the elven pantheon, but not anymore. She is thoroughly disillusioned with every aspect of Altmer life.
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people? She's close with Lucien (Flavius), Serana, and her friends from the Arcane university.
What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one? Nonexistent. She honestly hopes they think she's dead. It would be easier.
Skyrim Stuff
Were they trying to cross the border? Why? No, she wasn't caught at the border at all. She was sent to the Thalmor embassy as her first real assignment. They gave her the bs "learn about the civil war" quest that the alternate start mod gives you because they wanted her out of her hair. It was basically some light hazing. She went to Helgen and saw Alduin attack, and that's how she got thrown into the main quest. Throughout her travels she witnesses firsthand how awful the Thalmor truly are, and realizes that she can't be associated with them. She burns her robes and vows to destroy them.
Do they pick a side in the Civil War? She joins the Stormcloaks just to stick it to the Thalmor. She can't wait to see the look on Elenwen's face when she no longer has power in Skyrim.
Do they kill Paarthurnax? Why? No, she doesn't really spend any time with Delphine than she has too, and is never asked to. She wouldn't have anyway. If she believes in second chances for herself, she has to believe in them for other people.
What do they do at the war meeting? How does it go? Do they maintain neutrality? There isn't a war meeting for her because the Stormcloaks have already taken Whiterun by the time they need to catch Odahviing.
How do they feel about their position as Dragonborn? Do they embrace the role? Does it terrify them? Do they take advantage of it? She doesn't like the attention, but she does like the added power. She doesn't like to think about the implications, and has no interest in being anyone's political puppet.
Dawnguard or Volkihar Clan? If they choose the Volkihar, do they ever reverse their vampirism? Volkihar Clan. She sees Serana's skill with necromancy and is immediately sold. She doesn't get cured.
How do they feel about Miraak? Is he a villain to them, or a tragic figure? I wouldn't say Ardalie views him as a villain, but she thinks killing him is necessary. She definitely feels a little bad for him though.
ahhhh thank you so much! I've had the busiest week so thank you for your patience!!!
Mega TES OC Ask Meme
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ashen-laguz · 30 days
OC ask meme for Yarilo and Ebony
sorry for lateness, work decided to get in the way
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
Likely they'd spend a lot of time on a walk - partially to people watch, as they like seeing what sorts might be around, who might be interesting, or staying on top of what's going on and what might be new in the area~
But if not walking around or causing mischief, Yarilo likes to draw as well. Admittedly this is a headcanon I've picked up from other people's astarion-romancing tavs lol. while Yarilo's always found it relaxing to just absentminded doodle, in BG3 specifically they really started to pick it up more and get more serious about it after meeting Astarion, as trying to draw him seemed like a handy way to let Astarion see how he looks in some form. In spiralverse, Yarilo's one close friend back in Darkmoor was a vampire as well, and I absolutely think they picked up the habit to help her similarly, and now it's become something of a hobby for Yarilo.
🧠 - What is their stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
Usually fight. Yarilo doesn't get stressed easily, but their emotional response to stress or anxiety tends to be anger so they will likely lash out and fight until whatever is causing the stress is taken down or yarilo is literally forced to disengage. Hitting very specific nerves about their upbringing too hard could lead them to flight instead, but it's def not the norm
💔 - Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves?
It depends on the situation - there's a degree of asshole-ness that Yarilo doesn't really see as 'bad enough to merit forgiveness' and thus would be quick to forgive because? I literally didn't care you did it? it was kinda based tbh. but if you think you fucked up then sure? i forgive you??? i guess???
Bur if you did actually upset them, then they will not forgive. They have been burned before and thus their trust is very easy to break and difficult to earn back.
as for themself.... they're not a very self-focused person? they don't really get happy or upset with themself about stuff in general, so. yeah they forgive themself easily cause they'll just brush that shit off before they even deeply think about it.
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
In BG3, their priority all game is literally just! Get this stupid worm out of my head! The game tries to bombard you often with "well do you wanna save everyone? do you wanna be evil?" and every time, without fail, for yarilo i'd pick the 'i wanna be free from the tadpole idc about the other shit' option. they just wanna feel like they fully have control over themself again. post-game, their priority is fully 'lets get astarion's vampirism cured!!!! wait someone said we should take responsibility over the vampire spawn we unleashed on the underdark? eh. nah. we're going on funney adventures looking for a cure :3"
in spiralverse, i think trying to solve the weird magic shit is honestly Yarilo's only real priority atm. They tried to escape Darkmoor for so long, and honestly, now that they've done so? they don't really know what they want after ravenwood. they're pretty aimless atm and are just jumping on this opportunity to not think about that.
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain?
There's not really any rain in the underdark on account of it being, well, underground. and with how Dead everything in darkmoor is, i don't imagine it gets a lot of rain to keep things more,,, alive lol. So regardless of the universe, I imagine it's very new to Yarilo, and thus they're just absolutely fascinated by it. First time they saw it on the surface/in ravenwood, they were TRYING to stay inside to draw but kept getting distracted looking out the window, and eventually just couldn't help but go around and just stand in the rain for way too long, just to see what it's like. (and inevitably catching a cold from doing so. this will not stop them from doing it again next time it rains.)
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
Nothing particularly weird, no. They've got pretty bad arachnophobia but that's not exactly irrational or weird :p
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
eh? they're an Ok hugger. not least huggable person, but they probably aint initiating it unless they're having a moment with a loved one.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
"I died that night and killed god in the morning Left without a warning or even informing the coroner I was a foreigner Never belonged in that place, played along in that place Till I had enough of the games"
~ Needed a Change of Pace, Jhariah
i don't tend to associate specific quotes with ocs tbch, so finding something look longer then it should lol
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
Most likely, she'd just go out dancing. Once she gets tired, then she's sticking her nose in a book about death magic (or necromancy magic in the BG3 world) or maybe just spending time with loved ones.
...or at least those WERE her plans. But she saw a cute animal on the way to do so and that's her plan for the day now. Ebony's a simple lady lol
🧠 - What is their stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
Depending on the severity of the stress and the situation, usually either flight or freeze. Often there's the part of her that doesn't wanna run because if she is stressed, there is a problem that caused the stress and she needs to deal with it. but lmao her brain is fully shut down now and she doesn't know how to respond so she literally cannot respond.
but if it's REALLY really bad, or if someone else is really stressed, then fuck that actually - she's gonna get herself and the other person tf out of the situation.
💔 - Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves?
Usually Ebony's quick to forgive others, yeah. She's no doormat so if it was something particularly bad she will be wary, but if someone seems genuinely remorseful then it's not fair to not give them a second chance. There's enough strife in the world, and if someone wants to admit they were wrong and fix their problems, then she's gonna give them the space to improve.
Exceptions will be made if someone seriously hurt a loved one tho. Sorry but if she knew how neglected Noire felt by Shadowheart for so much of act 2 in BG3, then Ebony would NOT be happy with Shadowheart! She's still pissed at Volo tbh. no comment bout mystra lol. If you hurt her family, her friends, loved ones, sorry but you did earn the ire of someone who is very difficult to earn the ire of.
She's much harsher on her own mistakes then anyone else's though, really bad at forgiving herself. She holds herself to such high standards that she thinks she really needs to hold herself accountable for even the smallest problems. ebony does not forgive herself
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
Honestly, throughout any adventure she gets stuck on, her priority is just Keep Everyone Safe. Whether that's keeping enough spell slots for heals in bg3, or buffing everyone so they can kill the enemies before the enemies hurt them in the spiral, or talking down conflicts before it gets out of control... She just wants everyone to be safe and happy. Thinking too much more in terms of that 'saving the world' stuff is gonna stress her tf out, and girl hasn't learned she can be a bit selfish so she's not rlly gonna be prioritizing her own desires while so much is on the line
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain?
She loves it!!! The second she realizes it's rainy, she's gonna put on some stompy rainboots and her cutest rainjacket so she can head outside, dance around in the rain! She loves the feeling of rain droplets hitting her and splashing in the puddles while she's moving around. And when she's done with that, nothing is cozier when you get dried off then curling up with a good book and a hot drink near the window and listening to the pitter patter of the rain outside.
She also tends to wind up giving herself a cold but it's worth <3
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
Ebony's got a lot of anxiety in general, especially in regards to failure or not measuring up. I dunno if she has any specific ones that are weird though? She's moreso just eternally nervous about everything
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
The most huggable. Please hug her. Or just wait for her to hug you first, because she will. The most physically affectionate girl you will meet.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
"But surely there’s a bud that struggles yet to bloom, it’s Bound together and barely breaking. Oh what a fool, a tragedy!"
~ Will Stetson's english cover of Kyu-kurarin
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