#let’s get this porty started
beetheweezarddd · 1 month
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mothonmeth · 10 months
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 9 months
Lmk ss edits + headcanons, Part 5 (Porty MK, Artist MK, Delivery MK)
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson either Wildfire or Firecracker
- Whenever something goes wrong he says "called it." (He did not, in fact, call it)
- Calls everyone "Dude"
- Once took Redson out to the Anti-gravity Arcade and got mad when he passed out after almost 32 hours of non-stop dancing and playing arcade games
- Tells MK that he has no fashion sense but will wear the most atrocious combination of colours and patterns himself
- Has multiple ear piercings as well as a bellybutton and tongue piercing
-  Once threw a party that got busted by the police and dispelled himself to avoid getting caught
- Has so much energy, if he's not at a party he's constantly walking around the apartment, if his legs start hurting he'll sit down for like 8 seconds before getting up and walking around again because he still has so much energy left
- Makes the dirtiest jokes known to man kind
- Makes the others do karaoke night with him. every. week.
- Will sometimes put on lipstick and kiss all over Redsons face and neck to make og MK jealous (trust me guys, please🙏)
- Absolutely HATES dark chocolate, it's too bitter for him
- Despises the claw machine games at the arcade, if he gets something and then it falls out of the claw he'll literally break the glass and just take it
- Lives on energy drinks
- Will refuse to drink any soft drinks when they run out of bubbles
- Loves those cringey alpha wolf memes
- Laughs at those firemen saving people in reverse videos and always sends them to Redson, who also laughs at them (yes it does concern MK and the others)
- Smells like sweat and cotton candy (its from flavoured vape smoke)
- Love language is Quality time (and by quality time I mean partying)
- Has a whole box of glowsticks
- "Hey, hey, hey guys, watch this!!" *fails at trick*
- Loves candy, especially hard candies
- Scams kids out of their tickets at the arcade
- Paints his nails a different colour every week, and almost always uses glow in the dark nail polish
- Tried to make his own firework show once and set three houses on fire
- Would rearrange someone's whole room just to mess with them
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to take prizes from the claw machines without having to actually play them
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson his Muse
- Would probably collect bones. It freaks the fuck out of MK and the other clones
- Will destroy any and every art piece if it doesn't turn out exactly how he envisioned it in his head
- Writes fanfiction
- Constantly covered in paint splatters, charcoal, glue, etc
- Hates baths, lives off dry shampoo
- He acts like a cat whenever he gets wet
- Takes great care of all his art supplies and will flip out if something is out of place
- Agreed to help Sandy paint his boat again the second time he was summoned but only if Sandy stopped changing what colour he wanted it to be after every new coat of paint (Sandy learnt his lesson the first time art MK was summoned)
- His advice is always "just kill them"
- Bites ankles
- Was almost arrested for vandalism (he ran away from the cops)
- Once painted a picture of Redson, who only said "this is pretty good" (it was in fact a genuine compliment, he loved it), and Artist almost killed him
- Analyzes his dreams as if he's the prophet predicting the end of the world
- Won't let anyone use his art supplies
- Growls at people
- Perfectionist
- Smells like paint fumes
- Love language is gift giving and words of affirmation
- If he's focusing on something really hard and something startles him, he'll jump in the air like a cat
- Was drawing at a park once and a bunch of kids were being annoying so he tripped one when it ran past him
- Collects concept art books from literally anything, movies, video games, TV shows, it doesn't even matter if he's played/watched them he just likes looking at the concept art
- Insomniac who 'cures' it with an unholy amount of caffeine
- Has drank paint water before, will do it again
- Extremely passive agressive
- MK yelled at him once for getting paint all over his bed
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to reach higher places when painting on walls and shit
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(Had to use og MK has a base ref because the show did delivery MK dirty)
- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson Paprika
- Loves straws, will only ever drink something if he uses a straw (I did this as a kid)
- Is constantly listening to music while doing deliveries and has absolutely passed his destination on multiple occasions
- Surprisingly witty
- Is the only MK who knows how to cook and genuinely loves it
- Has a little bit more chub than og MK does (duplicatnation did him dirty and I will never forgive them for his design)
- Has gotten into physical fights with rude customers before and would do it again
- Absolutely HATES eating fish
-His shoe laces are never tied, the amount of orders he's ruined because he tripped on his stupid laces is insane
- If he gets bored he'll just lay on the floor and do nothing
- Has accidentally eaten dog food before
- After a long day of delivering he'll pass out for hours at a time then wake up again at like 2am
- "Not to be rude, but.." proceeds to say the most disrespectful shit you've ever heard
- Either cannot keep a secret for the life of him, or will immediately forget the secret 5 mins after being told what it is, no in-between
- Him and the other clones accidently broke into a strangers house once, and he felt really bad so he cleaned the dishes before leaving (it was on the news)
- Will @ a specific person in a group chat instead of just dming them
- Sometimes eats out of the noodles he's delivering, no one has found out yet
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is Acts of service
- If he gets into a fight with someone he is fully willing and ready to resort to biting
- Saw Monkey King eat his own hair once and almost threw up
- Sometimes if a customer is being rude while ordering over the phone he'll purposely drive slow or take a longer route so their noodles are cold when they get them (og MK has told him to stop multiple times because he's scared of Pigsy thinking he's the reason they get any bad reviews)
- Has a Spotify Playlist for every possible occasion
- Gives out really good hugs and will hug people for really long periods
- Cries when he sees sad animal videos
- Can't whistle to save his life
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to hold more orders to get work done faster
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cherllyio · 3 months
Hey Lego Monkie Kid Fandom Artists!
I got an idea you can use (Since i already got a lot on my plate, so i might as well share it for others too use!)
Monkie crew walking up to MK saying like: "You good MK/son/bud?"
MK: Oh yea! Everything is fINe, why you asking?
(Meanwhile MK's clones in the background)
Porty Mk: Lets get this... pOrTy... (just starts crying) STarTed ;-;
Obese MK: Comfort eating while just crying straight up waterfalls
( And just generally all MK's clones, showing how MK's mental health is doing)
If anyone wanna draw this idea, just do it! And please tag me so i can reblog it and fangirl exitely over it :D
I dont care how many years of experince you have of drawing, i will cherise it either way!
(if this idea goes well, i will probaly start sharing more of my unused ideas for you to use!)
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darnell-la · 4 months
Unexpected - Rafe Cameron
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pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!reader
summary: being kidnapped by Signh’s men wasn’t planned for y/n, and seeing Rafe Cameron in Mr. Singh’s home was definitely not planned. Y/n had thought everything unexpected had already happened, but she was wrong.
note: please comment or message us on what part two should be about! please help us soon so we can post! we plan to have JJ part of part two. Maybe some three- Oh! Can’t spoil it!
3rd person pov
“Just leave him!” Kie said as y/n had half of Portis’s unconscious body out of the plane. “No!” Y/n shouted back. She couldn’t leave someone to die like this or ever. Yes, he was going to give them up, but he Doesn’t deserve to drown.
Y/n finally dragged Portis out and same to the shoreline. Everyone that saw the plane, came forward to help.
“What happened?” People kept asking, noticing that y/n and the man were American and not from here. Y/n went to answer until she looked past the crowd and saw people in vests coming over this way.
“Ah, shit,” y/n quickly got up and pushed passed the crowd before Singh’s people get her. “Shit, they’re after her,” Kie said behind the bridge with the rest of the crew. “We have to go get her,” JJ said, about to swim towards y/n, but John B pulled him back.
“Dude, what are you doing!? That’s y/n out there! Bro, let me go! Let me go-“ John B covered JJ’s mouth after a guard looked in their direction and almost caught them.
“Look, if we get caught, we can’t save y/n. We need to wait it out,” John B said as he let JJ go with a push. “Wait it out? They could kill her! What if that was Sarah!?” JJ yelled in John B’s face before shaking his head in disbelief.
“Oh, because it’s not your girl, you don’t care,” JJ nodded then repeatedly punched the water in anger. “I do care! Look, I do care, okay? That’s why I’m telling you to wait. Just wait, and we’ll follow them,” John B said before everyone went quiet.
“Let me go!” Y/n repeatedly yelled at the guards as they dragged her up the stairs. “Get ready. Mr. Singh will be waiting for you in 30 minutes,” a guard said before shutting the door in y/n’s face.
Y/n yelled a few more times as she kicked the room door before eventually giving up. Napping her in front of everyone in the army Mr. Singh has, shows he has a lot of power.
Y/n slowly looked around the room, taking in the aesthetic before seeing a silk dress on the bed along with some heels that were surpassingly her size. He was expecting her.
Y/n should sighed before going into the bathroom to take a shower. Since she’s getting out of here in no time soon, she might as well, right?
After the shower, y/n got out and slipped the nice expensive silky dress on along with the shoes. She looked in the mirror seeing how well it hugged her curves. She’s not used to dresses like these. She’s a Pogue.
Y/n jumped at the sound of the room door locking. “He’s ready,” the guard said as he stood to the side, waiting for y/n to walk out and go see his boos.
Y/n rolled her eyes before walking out of the room and making her way downstairs slowly, still skeptical about this situation.
“To your right, in that room. He’ll be here soon,” the guard said before walking away. “Whatever,” Y/n said before making her way into the empty room full of art.
Y/n stood around, taking a look at every art piece in the room, a bit fascinated. “What are you doing here?” A familiar voice said, making y/n jump. “What the hell are you doing here?” Y/n asked, seeing Rafe in a suit.
“I’m here for my meeting. Aren’t you supposed to be like, gone?” He asked, checking y/n out. She’s never been an expensive person, but all of a sudden, she’s wearing a dress that’s her whole bank account.
“Yeah, because of you and your psychopath family,” y/n said, already feeling her blood boil. “Well maybe if you guys just stand down-“ Rafe tried to start. “Stand down!?” Y/n shouted at him.
“That Cross belongs to Pope and his heritage, and you know it! That’s his family legacy, but your greedy ass can’t stand to see Pogues win. You have money, Rafe! We don’t. We have nothing, yet you want more and you’re sure in the hell aren’t thinking about giving some to the cut,” y/n went off.
“You’re a Rich and greedy brick!” Y/n is now in front of Rafe and in his face. Rafe wanted to talk back as always, but for some reason, he couldn’t. Everything you said is true.
“We stayed on an island for days because no one cared to look for us. If you went missing in the bathroom for too long, everyone would worry. But you don’t understand that. At least Sarah can,” y/n said before pushing Rafe out of the way.
Y/n started turning the corner to go back to her room before a voice spoke. “Leaving so soon?” Mr. Singh spoke from the other side of the room as he walked through a door.
“Come on. Let’s speak,” he said before sitting down at the table in the room. Y/n took a look at Rafe before sitting down. “Let’s get this meeting started,” Rafe said in his cocky voice.
“Rafe, I don’t have the fucking book, okay!? And even if I did, I’d never give it up,” y/n said as she flopped down on the bed. “If you give it to him, we go home. You wanna go home, right?” Rafe asked, but y/n was done talking to him. She’s talked to him enough.
“Oh, now the silent treatment? Great, just fucking great,” Rafe said as he huffed and placed his face in his hands. “Y/n, we gotta get out of here. Like seriously,” he said, but she continued to ignore him.
Y/n got off the bed and made her way into the bathroom to change. When she was done, she came back out and lay in the bed.
“Y/n, are you seriously- Y/n, are you seriously going to sleep!? What the fuck!” JJ grew angry, but y/n didn’t care. She’s had a rough day, and she’ll deal with it tomorrow.
The next morning, y/n woke up early which isn’t normal. She wiped her eyes before getting off the bed to check where Rafe was but ended up finding him in front of the bed with a pillow.
Y/n stared at him for a bit before going into the bathroom to wash her face and get ready for the day.
Y/n took half an hour before she came out of the bathroom to Rafe changing his shirt. “Ew,” Y/n said with an eye roll before sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing away from Rafe.
“So we’re talking now?” Rafe asked, making y/n sigh. He’s always saying something backhanded. “Hey, it’s the next morning. You had your little beauty sleep, but now we need to plan,” Rafe said.
“Y/n, please talk to me,” Rafe angrily said, making Y/n turn towards him. “Do I have to remind you of the things you’ve done, Rafe? You killed Peterkin, you terrorize me and my friends every day,” Y/n said with a look that he didn’t want to see right now.
“Look, I liked Peterkin. I just- I was protecting my dad,” Rafe said making y/n scoff. “I was! I- My dad could have gone down, so I stood up. I did what I was supposed to do,” Rafe said as his face turned light red.
“But with Sarah? Yeah, I-I know that was good, and I know it! I-I know it now,” Rafe said as tears built in his eyes as looked looked out the window in the room. “But I’m just much as a victim as Peterkin and don’t give me that fucking look when I say I’m a victim. I am!” Rafe pointed at y/n, trying to keep himself together as tears ran down his cheek.
“B-But I know I was wrong, so you don’t have to keep reminding me,” Rafe aggressively grabbed his head, even slapping it a little to get his thoughts back in the right place.
Y/n shook her head, finally seeing how Rafe really was. Sarah has explained to her that he’d have the episodes because he’s ill.
“When you see Sarah…” Rafe said as he walked in front of y/n and got on his knees to be about the same height as her. “Please tell her I’m sorry. I-I really am,” Rafe said. The boy reached out to touch Y/n’s legs to show he was calm, but she flinched, making him pull back.
“I’m so sorry,” Rafe scrunched his fingers before burring his face in his hands. The cries he’s letting out seem hard to let out. It’s like he’s trying to force them back in, but he can’t. He can’t let someone see him like this. Especially y/n.
Rafe went to get up to go to the bathroom, but y/n pulled Rafe’s face into her stomach for him to cry. She never thought in a million years that she’d feel sad for Rafe, but we’ve always known Rafe. We know he has something wrong with him, and he deals with them with cocaine instead of actual prescription medicine.
“I’m sorry,” Rafe cried in y/n stomach, feeling all the hurt he’s done to people, rush to his mind. He’s always known he’s been a dick, but actually settling down and thinking about what he’s done, is something he can’t handle.
Y/n pulled Rafe back and onto the bed, for him to lay down and comfortably cry on y/n stomach as she laid down as well.
“It’s okay, just do better from now on. It’s not too late to change,” Y/n said as she rubbed Rafe’s head, trying her best to comfort him as he let everything he’s hidden for years come out.
“Mr. Singh will be out today. The house is open for you both. If you try to escape, he will have a talk with you when he comes back later tonight,” one of the guards said, waking Rafe up from his sleep, but not Y/n.
“Whatever, get out of here,” Rafe waved the guard off with squinted eyes from the bright sun. They both had slept from the last morning to the next morning. How is that possible Rafe asked himself, but it doesn’t matter. He needed that sleep.
“Y/n,” Rafe shook Y/n until she woke up. “What, what!?” Y/n panicked for a second before she saw it was just Rafe. The girl sighed in relief, about to lay her head back down before she shot her head all the way up.
“Oh my god,” y/n said in shock. “Oh my god,” Y/n repeated before pushing Rafe off of her and getting up from the bed. “Oh my god, no! No, no, no, no,” y/n began to panic. She slept with Rafe! Well, not sexual but she slept with Rafe!
“What’s wrong with you?” Rafe asked, still on the bed. “I slept with you. Oh my god, I slept with you. I slept with Rafe Cameron,” y/n began to freak out as Rafe grew a smile on his face.
“Yeah, you did,” he said, teasing her for a bit as she grabbed her hair. “What if people find out? What if- What if the crew hates me now? Or what if- Oh my god, no!” Y/n freaked out more, knowing this meant she felt and still somewhere deep down feels sympathy for Rafe Cameron.
“Aw, are they gonna kick you out of the cut? Make you live with the Kooks? That much be rough,” Rafe pouted in a none cocky way. He laughed after his sentence, knowing y/n was just an innocent and sweet girl who cared for everyone’s feelings.
“Look, it’s not your fault, okay? No one needs to know about this, I mean, I definitely don’t want anyone knowing shit about this,” Rafe said as he got up. “Oh, okay. Okay, I-I guess that’s fine,” y/n said, feeling a certain way about his tone.
“Wait, not like — Y/n, you helped me a lot last night. That cry and sleep was needed. I don’t regret it at all, I just don’t want people to know the truth about me. What would people think knowing I have these pussy episodes, you know?” Rafe tried explaining himself.
“No, now, it’s fine, like, yeah we don’t want people knowing you cried in my stomach and fell asleep and I like, you know, made you comfortable,” y/n’s heart began to beat fast as she sat down on the edge of the bed, facing away from Rafe again.
“No, no, I’m not like, embarrassed you help me,” Rafe said as he walked over to y/n and took in front of her. “I’m just saying, if people know I cry like this, they won’t ever take me seriously,” Rafe said.
“But that’s what we’re trying to get rid of, Rafe. You can’t say you’re sorry, but still want people to be scared of you,” y/n said. “But if they’re not then-“ Rafe went to lecture her but stopped himself, hearing how he sounds.
“I see what you mean,” Rafe looked down at y/n with a look he’d never given before as y/n’s eyes were on the ground. “Look,” Rafe said as she slowly lifted y/n’s head up by her chin.
“Thank you for last night. I mean it, and I know it’s hard to believe, but crying like that on you. In a Pogue shows how dickish I am. I terrorized you, yet you let me cry on you. I’m thankful for that,” Rafe said, meaning every word.
“It’s nothing,” y/n gave Rafe a slight smile. “It’s everything,” Rafe said, now looking into y/n's eyes as she looked back into his. Rafe has never said out loud or even spoken to himself about liking y/n, but he knows he treats her differently than her whole friend group. Even his own sister.
Rafe followed his feelings at the moment and leaned into a kiss. Y/n didn’t leave, but she stayed still, letting his lips touch her.
She looked at him as his eyes closed, not knowing what to do, but soon began kissing him back. Rafe was relieved. The boy slowly placed her down on the bed with his lips still connected to her.
Through the make-out, y/n had times she was going to pull back, but she couldn’t bring herself to. He kissed so well, and she kissed too well for him to pull back as well.
As the kiss went on, Rafe slowly touched in y/n’s body, trying to keep himself from moving too far, but his jumping actions weren’t helping him at all.
His pathetic groans slipped from his mouth as his hard cock rubbed on y/n’s thigh. Y/n grew wet and tried her best to keep her legs closed, but her body reacted differently.
No matter how much Rafe wanted to speak and get the instant feeling to confess any and everything to her, he kept his mouth in hers as he tugged on her nightgown shorts.
At first, y/n tried keeping them on, but he insisted and she eventually let him. The neediness slightly turns y/n on. One day he hates her, and the next, he wants to have sex with her.
Rafe finally got y/n’s shorts off. He was surprised. She wasn’t wearing any panties. Her panties got soaked when she got here, as well as her bra, but her bra. She dried her bra and continued to wear it because that was more important than panties.
“Fuck,” Rafe moaned in between their kiss as his fingers slid up and down y/n’s lips. Part of Rafe wanted to take his time while the other half wanted to get it all in her.
He decided to go with his second thoughts and get everything in her as soon as possible. Rafe pulled his sweats off before taking his cock out of his boxers.
Y/n’s heart began to beat a bit fast, but she wasn’t going to tell him to stop. She can’t. They’ve gotten so far, and she’s too wet.
“Once I do this, I can’t hate you anymore,” Rafe slightly groaned in y/n’s ear. Before she could speak and say anything, Rafe pushed into her tight cunt. He was slow but still a little rough.
“Rafe!” Y/n moaned as she threw her head back in pleasure. “F-Fuck, you’re- Oh my god,” y/n couldn’t speak as his cock slid in and out of her cunt so smoothly. He was stretching her every second, yet she gripped him so tight.
“You’ve always wanted me, huh?” Rafe asked, making y/n quickly share her head. She doesn’t even know. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t, but right now, she definitely wants him.
“Oh, is that so? Then tell me why your pussy's so wet? And don’t say it’s my cock. It was like this before I touched you,” Rafe said. “I bet you were like this before I even paid a single finger on you. Before I kissed you,” Rafe spoke into her ear as he rolled his hips just right.
Rafe is a fucker. He fucks anything that walks, but he’s not a sex man. He never had passionate sex or cared about the girls he’s fucking, but today, his hip-rolling says otherwise with y/n.
“You feel so fucking amazing. I-I don’t even know I’m turned on because of how wet this cunt is, or you. Just you,” Rafe said before he licked along y/n’s neck. He tried keeping back from marking her. That’s his number one rule, to never leave a trace, but he had to.
Rafe broke his rule and began sucking all over y/n’s neck until he visibly saw the love bites he gave. “You. Are. Mine,” Rafe fucked into y/n with rough thrusts as she gushed all over his cock.
“Mhm, yeah! Just like that, princess. All for me. All for — Fuck — All for me,” Rafe tried keeping his voice and thrusts steady but he couldn’t and crashed out. Rafe moaned uncontrollably as he plunged into y/n’s wet cunt.
“Fuuuck,” Rafe orgasm made him shake as he filled y/n’s cunt up fuller than he’s done condoms. He wasn’t even thinking about condoms. At this point, Rafe couldn’t care less about condoms. He’s hers.
part two!
part three?
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itsalice3940 · 13 days
I'd like to introduce you all...
to my LMKSONA!!!
"Hey never fear for Alice/Allisson/Liana is here! So let's get this porty started!!!"
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((Special thanks for @keykittygirl ,@lmkobsessedmoth ,@camhues ,and others for giving their opinions about the pose!^^))
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nilolol30 · 9 months
Mei x reader
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"Finally! Todays date day is gonna be the best one yet!" Mei shouts as she parked her motorbike it took your soul to catch up with your body with how much she was speeding "If we don't get arrested..." Mei only giggled as she deactivated both of your helmets and you both hop off the bike.
"Wouldn't be the first time buut anyway let's commence our first arcade date!" Mei pulled you close to take multiple selfies then you both walk Infront of the arcade sign and take a picture Mei posting it on her socials then you both start to actually walk inside "So what games do you wanna play?" She asked shoving her phone back in her pocket.
"Eh why not walk around the place and stop by at whatever we feel like playing? Honestly you and Mk come here more than I have" Mei insisted on paying for both yours and hers passes since shes been a loyal member she gets pretty good discounts.
"True I was gonna bring you with me and him last time but I thought he'd feel bad for third wheeling but thank goodness I didn't since it was a clone and turned all party crazy" Mei shutters thinking back to 'Porty mk.'
You both started wondering the arcade ducking into some games that interested you both there was a motorcycle racing game that Mei immediately dragged you down begging you to race her unfortunately she is well versed in gaming and riding so of course she won but it was still fun then you both jumped into a photo booth taking two photo sessions so you both can keep the photo strips.
"Ooh! A claw machine! Did I tell you I am amazing at claw machines~" Mei strolled over to the machine giving a playful wink "Really? Thought you always tell everyone they're scam" laughing you lean over her shoulder to peak at what kind of prizes are inside it a green bunny caught your eye Mei noticing smirks pulling out some tokens.
"Well I'm infact a champ at scamming scams~ and I'm totally getting you a fluffy friend!" Mei immediately went into ultra claw machine focus mode trying her best to get the right angle obviously doing her best to get the green bunny.
"And just like that ah boom~" with her eyes closed she pushed the button smiling expecting to hear the automated congratulations but unfortunately the claw didn't hold onto the bunny and dropped it causing a game over Mei getting over her shock laughed a bit "Ha obviously just a fluke give me a sec-" and so the cycle of Mei shoving tokens into the machine and her slowly growing annoyance began "You know Mei you don't have to win we can just get a prize from the-" "Never! I'm totally getting you that damn rabbit if it's the last thing I do!" It's almost like you can see a green fire radiating from her.
Finally when it looks like the claw is holding onto the bunny you both watch as it slowly takes it to the flap "I swear if it doesn't get in I'll punch this thing" Mei mumbled her face pressed against the glass "Yeah let's not set off alarms" then the claw let go and the bunny fell through the slot Mei rushed to pull it out and yelled out in victory.
"Yes! I did it! I'm the best girlfriend everrr!!" She held out the stuffed toy to you smiling "Here you go~" it's almost like she didn't want to murder the creator of those machines second ago you take the bunny and kissed her on the cheek.
"Of course you're the best girlfriend the best girlfriend in the world" you can hear Mei let out a small internal squeal pulling you into a hug "okay let's continue this date let playy...Oh oh that game!" You two go off to play nearly all the games the arcade has to offer the both of you agreed to keep away from any more claw machines for a bit.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
MK loves to dance, and is good at it to boot. His younger siblings love dancing with him because he swings them around like they're on a roller coaster.
MK def loves dancing, theres a reason why a huge facet of his personality is dedicated to "Porty"ing. Canon or Au, this boy be dancing. He dont care if he's good or not, he vibin'
In the TMKATI Au he def gained a lot of love from watching Macaque and the other theatre workers practicing their choreography. Wukong def has a video recording of baby MK sneaking onto stage mid-show so he can dance with his Bama. Imagine the tiniest little guy running up to a line of dancers, putting his all into the moves despite being so small and clumsy.
The parents def encourage it. MK thinks sports are boring, and its an easy way to get in some exercise. Plus Shadowpeach and Freenoodles only have themselves to blame; both couples are the type to slow dance when a sappy song comes on the radio.
Pigsy also def let MK and Mei get into his old rock albums when they were toddlers, only to return to see them headbanging, jumping on the beds, and playing air-guitars to the heavy beats. He started that fire for sure.
And you know how little kids love being swung and tossed around? MK (au and canon) 100% clears an area so him and his little siblings can go hogwild with some music blasting from the tv. (Me and my siblings did this all the time with a Gloria Estafan vhs) Be careful walking into the room at these times, or you might get a giggling baby monkey to the face.
Red is offerred to dance for the first time, expecting an awkward slow high-school-like waltz, only for MK to pull them into a firey jazz swing. Red is left breathless, on fire, and a little more in love.
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mavratt · 11 months
(all of these are for my design of MK, which will be at the bottom, though many of them also apply to not just my design)
- Uses He/They pronouns
- Transmasc
- ADHD/Autism (both)
- Goes non-verbal occasionally, mostly after long work days or tedious tasks that require lots of focus 
- Favorite stim is repeating words/phrases that they find funny
- They sleeps on their back in human form but when in monkey form he sleeps either on his stomach or on his side due to his tails getting uncomfortable after a while
- Keeps all of his limited edition/collectable figures in the boxes
- One time he dropped one of their collectable Monkey King figures and dented the box, he then cried about it on the phone with Red Son for an hour, who was not amused
- Stays up way to late drawing/painting
- Staying up that late doesn’t help with their already poor work effort
- Likes to show off their drawing/paintings to his friends, Mei will occasionally commission them for art for her streams and will gawk about it to her fans
- Mei’s fans are where most of his commissions come from
- Dabbled in other art mediums like clay and lino but made such a mess that Pigsy banned him from these mediums (”How did you even get lino scraps in the noodles!?”)
- Got bullied in school but Mei would always be there to punch any of them if she saw it
- This got them both in trouble lots at school
- One time Mei punched one of MK’s bullies so hard it knocked them out, the school called Pigsy and his response was “Served them right, shouldn’t mess with my son. Or his crazy dragon friend.” He then promptly hung up before they could say anything else
- Their vitiligo is caused by stress
- Started developing their vitiligo around the age of 15 due to the bullying and failing a couple of classes at school
- After getting out of school their vitiligo practically stopped expanding but started up again after he gained Monkey Kings staff
- The vitiligo used to just be around the corners of their eyes but after gaining his monkey form it suddenly expanded into a monkey mask looking splotch
- He doesn’t like his vitiligo very much and tries his best to cover most of it with clothing but both Mei and Red Son absolutely adore it so his jacket often comes off when it’s just them alone
- Loves spicy foods (Thank you to PittedPeaches’s fic “From Three Thirty to Four” (On Ao3) for this one)
- Has a fear of mayors because of LBD’s disciple
- Has sensitive hearing and loves wearing headphones, which eventually leads them to ask Macaque how he deals with it, Macaque just shrugged and said “I suffer, I guess.” and MK immediately took him to buy some good headphones. Macaque will deny using them but he definitely does and is very grateful to MK for buying them for him
- Will clean anyone's house but his own, Macaque, Sandy and Wukong have all come home to find it spotless because MK was procrastinating something
- Will sometimes let Porty MK out to run around because people really liked his skill after S1 Ep 2 and have made him a kind of “extreme party night” location
- Red Son has come across Porty out in the wild and was extremely confused but never brought it up to MK (Red thinks it might be some sort of secret identity and doesn’t want to pry)
- Doodles Red Son whenever they are at a movie night/hangout, it’s practically a stim by now
Designs (old MK, new Monkey MK):
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Porty time bois! Bring in Porty mk!
*At the reception*
Porty MK: Yeah! Let’s get this porty started!
Red Son: You allowed that?
MK: Relax he’s having fun.
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beetheweezarddd · 30 days
On a more serious note, I genuinely wanted to say.. it's okay to miss Flying Bark. Flying Bark brought us something truly special that I don't think could ever be replicated to a T, and that is okay. LEGO Monkie Kid was one of those shows that caught my attention the moment I saw it; the visuals, the voice acting, the story, the music, ALL of it sparked something in me. It brought forth a newfound passion for animation that I had never felt before. to the point where I created a Lego character as a muse for animation projects l'd make for my Personal Exploration class.
I would constantly look back at the amazing shots and scenes, and supported every single animator. Of course, like a lot of people, I was one of the people who came for the animation, but ultimately stayed for the story. But, I understand that the impact FlyingBark had was HUGE on many people who watched it. But, my only wish is that this loss doesn't become resentment. I want LEGO Monkie Kid to thrive with Wild Brain now working on it more than anything, and I think, as a community, we should give them all the support they can get!
Wild Brain could give us a new experience unlike any other, and I want us all to be there for the ride, and show our love to everyone on the team. We gotta understand that while the visuals will be different, Wild Brain is doing everything they can to give us an experience we will never forget, and will enjoy just the same, to keep this show we love alive and stronger.
I think we should look back on one of the very first quotes of the show, in the pilot:
"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There maybe no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey."
While specific, this quote has been given a new meaning to me; While Flying Bark may no longer be working on the show, they are not gone. The impact that FlyingBark has had on all of us, on the show, is and will always be felt. FlyingBark introduced us to something special; LEGO Monkie Kid would probably not be as popular as it is now, if it weren't for the soul it was given with a type of animation many have not seen for a long time, and that will never die. The writers, the VAs, the music production, and the new team Wild Brain, is here to continue and give life to a new adventure; a new era of LEGO Monkie Kid, and I want all of us to support them so we can watch this show succeed.
With that, I have but one thing to say to Wild Brain:
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Welcome aboard, buds. 💛
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moonsplit · 1 year
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↠ do you ever get a little bit tired of life? ↞
* pairing ↠ minor Redson x MK * ao3 link *
“Where could he be?” “I don't know Tang, I didn't hear him leave.” “I didn't either!” ----- MK was missing, no one could find him despite their efforts- not even Monkey King. But his clones definitely weren't.
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chapter 1 - Porty Makes an.. Unexpected Entrance
* characters ↠ Porty MK, Tang, Pigsy, MK * word count ↠ 1,400  * tags ↠ MK needs a hug, fluff, parent Pigsy and Tang, MK Clones
* notes ↠ Guys we're only at chapter one of this fic and I'm already having a lot of fun with it-
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"Where could he be?!"
"I don't know Tang, I didn't hear him leave."
"I didn't either!"
Pigsy and Tang had been looking for MK all day, at first Pigsy thought he was slacking off and sleeping in- but when neither Pigsy nor Tang could find him for hours on end, tensions ran high.
“Maybe he’s with Mei?” Tang suggested not for the first time.
“We already called her, you know that!”
“Maybe Monkey King, then?”
“He would have told us, we would have at least seen him!”
It was officially the hour Pigsy’s was closed for “maintenance” (read: Tang was gonna go berserk if Pigsy didn't let himself take a break from cooking), so when they heard the door chime open- it had to be one of only a few people.
“Heeeello everybody!”
Well, it was at least MK’s voice, but-
Tang peaked around the corner and to the door, eyes scanning over him.
He had to give it to the clone, he managed to look decently like MK- his hair still neatly tucked behind his bandana, only the one bit flopping out, and his added accessories nowhere to be seen, but the cheetah-print jacket in place of his usual Monkey King one gave him away.
“Porty? Where’s MK?”
Pigsy groaned, mumbling. “Of all clones-”
“I can't tell ya old man, was hopin' you’d mistake me for him.” He gave finger guns to Tang, fangs showing through his smile. “Since you know, though-” he whipped out his sunglasses and headphones, sunglasses going over his eyes and headphones on his ears. Tang sighed.
“Why can't you tell us?” Pigsy cut in, walking to the main room.
“Orders from OG, pops.” He made a clicking sound with his mouth, switching the headphones on and slipping one of them off an ear.
“Is he safe, at least?”
“‘Course, if he was hurt I’d be too.”
Tang nodded. “So why are you here?”
“To porty!” he stuck his tongue out at the two with a grin, before promptly rushing to the office that was rarely used.
Tang and Pigsy glanced at each other before rushing after him. There were small speakers around the restaurant, playing bland music for guests, but-
Tang flinched when disorganized music far too loud for the tiny speakers started playing.
“Haha!” Porty, er- Xingyu? If Tang recalled the name MK had given him correctly- laughed, rushing out. “I need people!”
“No!” Pigsy stomped over to the office, Xingyu putting himself between the pig and the door.
“Look pops, this is my porty and I do what I want-”
“This isn't a party, kid!”
“ Porty ,” he corrected, grinning as if he had won anything.
“You’re banned from music forever,” Pigsy groaned.
“What did you just say?”
“Pigsy maybe don’t threaten him-”
“Just a suggestion!” Tang laughed. “Lead him away from the door,” he whispered, covering an ear with one hand. How did Xingyu even manage to get the music that loud?
Pigsy gave him a look, trying to leap around the clone and get to the office. Xingyu followed after him, blocking his path with a grin as Tang took any chance he could to get to the door.
“Oh come on!” he practically cried out as Tang went inside, giving a small laugh.
The music was turned down, but to Tang’s credit he kept it playing the clone’s party music. Not like they had any customers to complain-
“Hey Pigsy, I’m pooped from that- mind making us some noodles for lunch?” Tang gave a smile.
“You’re insufferable.”
“You love me.”
Pigsy made his way to the kitchen, Tang and Porty watching before Tang turned to the clone. “Besides partying, what do you like to do?”
“What does OG like to do?”
Tang was confused for a few moments before the word clone rang in his head. It was easy to forget the clones were meant to be copies of MK, some had just- grown their own personalities too.
“Stay at the counter,” Tang gave a half-hearted attempt to keep Xingyu in place before rushing up the stairs into his and Pigsy’s apartment.
There were two apartments above Pigsy’s restaurant, MK’s was a story higher than the one Tang and Pigsy occupied- something that had been in debate for a while. The two wanted their son to have the quickest escape route from fires and such, but also if he was closer to the shop then he was also closer to any mishaps involving it. They didn’t want him dealing with robbers-
Hah. While Tang still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of MK dealing with criminals, with everything he had done and everything he was learning, he was sure the kid could handle himself now.
He dug around his and Pigsy’s room, pulling out an old DS he hadn't touched in a while and checking the game was still in it.
He hopped down the stairs, handing it to Xingyu. “Here, it has an old Monkey King game on it.”
“Thanks old man,” the clone gave a grin.
“I’m no-” Tang cut himself off. “I’m younger than Pigsy!”.
Xingyu laughed, head throwing back with it.
Pigsy, despite grumbling about “freeloaders” and “I outta put you to work, ‘Porty’”, did actually make the three their own bowls of noodles. He even went as far as to specify them to each of their preferences-
“So, you’re sure you can’t tell us where Xiaotian is?”
Xingyu gulped down a portion of his noodles, his appetite wasn’t Delivery levels but hey, he was a growing man-
Well, he was a man-
“Nope! You’ll never get it outta me either!” He stuck his tongue out.
“You don’t seem to like being around us-”
Porty blinked slowly, squinting at Tang and his off-handed comment. “Ayo pops, has the old man always been that dumb orrr?”
Pigsy laughed, Tang smacking his arm as he swallowed a few noodles.
“Yes, he has.”
“One of you explain or I’ll personally make sure you end up in Diyu.”
Porty laughed. “I’d like to see you try!”
Tang gave an exasperated sigh and gestured to Pigsy. “Pigsy please- ”
“We’re clones of OG, we’re all gonna see you two as our dads whether you like it or not-”
It sunk in for a few moments, Xingyu growing nervous as his confidence waned.
Tang was the first to speak up. “So we have five sons?”
“More if you count the clones who aren’t as distinct as us four-” he gave a hesitant smile. This was fine, the two knew OG saw them as his dads, Sure Xingyu had never mentioned it, but hey-
Tang gave a smile. “Makes sense.”
“Xingyu,” he corrected with a smile. “Not that I care, but you sound like you’re gonna scold me and set a bunch of stuffy rules, so might as well use my name.”
Pigsy blinked, of course MK would choose that name for him.
“Xingyu. Don’t mess with the sound system again.”
“Tang, can you go with him on deliveries? I don’t want to deal with losing him to some party.”
Tang snickered. “What makes you think I won’t just party with him?”
“You hate loud sounds.”
Well damn, pops had him there- Porty snickered.
The whole day! The entire day, Tang and Pigsy kept him from diverging- and not for Xingyu’s lack of trying mind you! 
At every derailing, distraction, loud music, arcade, park, anything fun! There was Tang, keeping him “on task” and “you’re even worse about this than MK” and "You can't drag me into it this time" and “you can have your own party when we get home and the restaurant is closed.”
Absolute bogus!
Well, okay the last one sounded nice-
But that wasn’t the point! 
He stormed into the dim cabin, looking around for the original.
“OG! You owe me a huge porty for that- they practically kept me on a leash!”
MK looked to him with a tired smile and a yawn. “Thank you though, Porty, I just kinda-”
“I’m you too, OG,” he flicked him in the forehead. “I know what you’re thinkin' n’ shit.
“Sorry, yeah- you’re right.”
Xingyu hit him on the back of his head (affectionately, he thinks), before poofing and leaving MK once again alone with his thoughts, a dangerous thing for sure.
“Maybe I can get Delivery for tomorrow? If Xingyu had such a rough time..”
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[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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puffinshufflin · 2 years
MK X READER (idk what to title yet lol)/Porty MK x reader.
(A/N): Okay so I hope this doesn’t suck but it probably does. I’m not sure where I’m gonna go with this story or if I’ll even write more, it just depends tbh. But I had this idea while bored at work and couldn’t not write it down. Pls forgive any spelling errors I’m kinda dumb!!! ⚠️There is definitely some suggestive content in here but nothing graphic atm, but I’ll give warning if things progress in later chapters. Also I don’t care how much of a jerk he is, all MK’s, clone or not, ask for consent!!!⚠️ This is an MK x reader fic that starts out with Porty MK x reader, not even sure if Porty MK will make a comeback for a while. Set just after season 1! TW- Alcohol and some light cursing. Ok I think that is everything! Pls let me know what you think!!!
Blaring base made ripples in the drink you clutched. What little was left before you threw your head back and downed the rest of it at least. Despite this being your…5th? Yeah 5th sounds right. Despite this being your 5th drink of the night, the heat of the bitter liquid still made you cringe like you swallowed a lit match. But it went smoothly and your head felt light as you rejoined the dance floor. Your friends had all parted ways, posting up at different areas of the club with different groups, leaving you to figure yourself out in the middle. Now, this wasn’t usually your scene, much more of a stay inside kinda person, but you started a new job that upcoming Monday, some little restaurant and the stress was mounting. After spending time and money in college working for a practically useless degree and claiming your independence early on by moving out as soon as you had the chance, you would take any job you could get to keep your lights on and water running. And it seemed like Pigsy’s Noodles would be that job for the time being until you could move on to a steady career. So a little liquid courage makes total sense.
The push and pull of the crowd had managed to get you closer to the front and the base somehow managed to ingrain the beat into your skull, you could feel the pulse from behind your eyelids as they fluttered groggily. It took a few seconds before you realized that you were making eye contact with someone. Said someone being the DJ as his shutter shades dropped from his eyes and rested on the bridge of his nose. He gave you, and this is not an exaggeration, the douchiest smile you’ve ever seen and you felt yourself smiling back almost immediately. He looked like a stereotype of a rave boy had gained consciousness, your eyes didn’t know what to look at first; the comically large teal headphones, the aforementioned fuchsia shutter shades or the literal leopard fur coat that was slung over his shoulders like a cape. He clearly thought your prolonged staring meant he should pose for you to check him out, so he did. A variety of hand signs were thrown your way, gang signs maybe..you weren’t sure, then he leaned forward and rested his chin in his hands, squishing his cheeks out, then he went as far as to turn himself around to send a smoldering look over his shoulder all while showing off his ass and damn…this dude has clearly never missed a leg day. You laughed outright at that one and his grin widened before he reached for the mic. “Alright porty people, make some noiseee”, his obnoxious frat boy sounding voice had an immediate effect on the crowd, you included, as you all cheered wildly. “That’s what I like to hear! Now I’m gonna take a quick break to rehydrate, but this dance floor better still be bumping when I come back..or else”. Oh dear lord he had fangs. Why did you find that hot? Where you really that drunk? When he glanced back to you and jerked his chin in the direction of the bar, you decided that yes you were that drunk and you followed.
Pushing past a crowd was difficult when sober so it was nearly impossible now, but you managed. The DJ was already seated and had an empty barstool waiting, a drink somehow already in his hand. You could see the people around him excitedly nudging each other and getting photos of him but he didn’t seem to pay attention as you approached. You didn’t sit, just in case your little dance floor interaction had been a side affect of the booze and you were about to make a fool out of yourself. But then he gestured to the chair then you you and you got the message. “Hey”, was all he said and got a closer look at those fangs. “Hey yourself”, you had at least attempted to be flirty and casual, but his little chuckle said he could see right through you. “What can I get you”, he raised a hand and immediately the bar staff was pushing over themselves to get to you both. A young, giggly woman approached and quickly got your preferred order down as well as the DJ’s second before scurrying off again. “So what brought you here…”, he lingered a bit so you could fill in your name. “(Y/N)”, you gave it. (Y/N)! My first guess”, he snapped his fingers and you rolled your eyes at the obvious lie. “Amazing”, you said flatly, matching his smirk. “So (Y/N), you porty much”? Porty? Wow this guy was committed to his persona. “Honestly no, it been a while. But with the way my life is going to could see it being a more frequent occurrence”. Wow, not three sentences in and you were already over sharing, nice one (Y/N). He didn’t seem to mind, just chuckling, “I wouldn’t mind you becoming a regular sight”. You flushed, blaming it on the alcohol, “Wow! You are very forward Mr. DJ”. “MK”. You hummed. “My name is MK”, he elaborated. “My second guess after Mr. DJ”, you snapped back. Your drinks had arrived as MK laughed and the conversation continued at the same pace. It was like talking with him was a competition, both of you trying to one up each other with sly remarks and shameless flirting. Well maybe you felt a little shame but you swallowed it with your drinks. MK eventually and to leave to get back to work, but you caught his eye numerous times while swaying along with the crowd and you met back up on his next break. And the next one.
As the night turned to morning, the club crowd began to filter out save for the die hard partyers. Portyers, you thought with a snicker. You had switched from alcohol to water as to not totally overdue it but you were still sloshed and MK was just as much if not more. He wasn’t up on stage anymore, but pre mixed tracks still blared through the significantly smaller mosh pit that you found yourself in the center of. Arms were around you from behind as MK lazily hummed and murmured along to the current song. Your head was thrown back onto his shoulder and you peered at him from behind the shutter shades that had somehow migrated onto your face. This wasn’t the first time you had gotten a little touchy-feely that night, you had both thrown that out the window within the first few hours of knowing each other. But as he turned you to face him, this was the first time you felt his hands travel to a more pg-13 area. Your ass, he was shamelessly pulling you closer by your ass. Not that you cared too much at the moment. You both clearly have something going on, even if it is just a drunken fling. So you got even and grabbed his ass right back and he had the nerve to groan lowly. His shades slipped down your nose as you made eye contact briefly. He looked as smug as ever but you could still see the question his his eyes. You nodded.
The walk back to your apartment took considerably longer as you drunkenly pawed at each other but you made it. At just the right time, cause as soon as the door was shut, your back was against it and those fangs were pulling your bottom lip to give him access. Not that you minded in the slightest. For such a pair of chatterboxes, there wasn’t too much talking after that, just a lot of huffing and panting as you blindly stumbled to your bedroom. He had you down on the mattress and you could swear his eyes were glowing. “Are you sober enough”, he looked serious for the first time that night. True you could feel the alcohol still in you but no more than you would after a few glasses of wine and you could very clearly understand and consent to what was about to happen. “Yes, I’m fine. Are you”, you asked him and his lazy smiled returned, “You know it baby”. With that out the way, he dove down into your awaiting arms. “Let’s gets this porty started”.
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italeean · 6 months
HELLOOO im happy to see you on my dash again!! I saw you hadnt been posting for a little while so I was wondering if you disappeared 
heres a reminder to hydrate and eat some food and take breaks to take care of yourself! i hope everythings going well!!
life for me is boring as usual eheh exceepppttt IM GOING TO START LEARNING THE BUSINESS OF VOICE ACTING MONDAY(hopefully)?? which is so weird to say- i never imagined myself doing anything with my life lmaoo
anyways MWAH i hope things are going great!! i feel so bad for not interacting with my moots more cause y'all are like?? actually so epic?? you seem so cool?? but idk how to interact with people or start converstations- im not a standoffish person i swear, im just afraid of people 😭😭
this was a very long ask all just to say: HI! CONGRATULATONS! I HOPE YOURE WELL <333
Hello my dear!!
Idk how long I've been keeping this ask in my inbox, along with a load of other ones, but med school has been really draining... beautiful and stimulating, but draining 😓 Let's say I involuntarily disappeared from here due to lack of free time
Thank you for all your kind words, remember to take care of yourself as well, and let me know how your voice acting adventure is going!! 💪💕
Spero che il 2024 ti porti tanta gioia, perché te la meriti 💚🤍❤️ (I hope 2024 brings you lots of joy, because you deserve it)
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
For Saving a Life(Pt.17)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2558
Warnings: kidnapped, odd friendship,
Last | Next
At the moment Callie was out in the water just looking out at the far view of nothing but water. Today marks being stranded on the island for a month. Back in the OBX the person she felt sorry for was her Aunt. She didn't want her to think she didn't care or love her anymore. She knew Tess was worried about her but her parents she didn't care about.
"What are you thinking about?" JJ comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist.
"My aunt and our last conversation. She's the only adult who has cared about me and I just disappear on her. Believe me, I love it here being with all of us, especially you. But… I wish I could apologize to her." Callie tears up.
"I know. We both kinda of disappeared on her. She cared about me too."
"I only want to go back to tell her that and take a shower." Callie makes JJ laugh.
"I do miss showers but I don't want to go back. This is my dream… minus a few things but the important part is here with me in my arms." Callie turns to face him.
"I should go help Sarah weave while you go with Kie to catch our dinner." Callie leans up to kiss him.
"I love you so much."
"I love you so much too." Callie kisses him again before they walk back. Sarah smiles at Callie as she next to her to work.
After some time with everyone hanging out playing truth or dare, "If you could do it all again… what would you do different?" Sarah asks John B.
"Uh, get the gold out before Ward did." JJ speaks up.
"Maybe hide the cross a little better." Pope looks over at JJ.
"Not yell murder at Ward, maybe." Kie adds.
"Not moved back." Callie jokes.
"Uh, steal a couple bottles of rum before we jumped off the boat." John B tells her.
"I would look both ways before crossing the street." Cleo adds making everyone laugh.
When it was Kie's turn she chooses truth so John B asks if she could go home right now would she so she said no.
"Callie truth or dare?" Kie tosses the hat to her.
"Tells us a secret only JJ knows and we don't." Kie smirks.
Callie only had two things to choose from; That she hooked up with Rafe or what Joey did to her. JJ looks at her knowing the same to options so mouths Rafe to her.
"Umm, before school started… One night, I hooked up with Rafe." Callie tells them.
"You slept with Rafe?!" Pope shouts.
"You had sex with my brother?!" Sarah yells, "That makes sense now…"
"Out of everyone on the island, you choose Rafe Cameron?!" Kiara does as well, "How could you?"
"Guys, we already talked this out and I was never mad at her." JJ tells them, "Now let's move on it's my turn. What's my dare, cupcake?" JJ smiles at Callie.
"Big jump."
"You got it." He takes off running so they all get up to watch him jump from the cliff. They all cheer as he does it and run into the water to him.
Once the game was over and everyone was just hanging out, Callie could tell there was slight tension from her dare earlier.
"What's wrong?" JJ asks as Callie leans back into his chest.
"They hate me now because of what I did."
"They don't hate you. And they shouldn't care because I don't care." He rubs her shoulders.
The next morning they see a plane and desperately try to get the pilot's attention to get rescued. They manage to flag the plane down. The pilot introduces himself as Jimmy Portis. He offers them a ride off the island. Sarah worries that this pilot might not be who he says he is. She thinks her father might have sent him. The group, however, agrees that he is their only chance of getting off the island so they just go along with what he says.
They get on the plane. JJ asks Jimmy why he was flying in this area and he tells them it's to fish for Wahoo. The group realizes Wahoo isn't in season and so he must be lying. They see a photo of the boat they used before in Jimmy's bag and this confirms their fears. They fight with Jimmy and the plane crashes into the water. John B, Sarah, JJ, Pope, and Cleo swim away.
"Callie…" Kie watches her swim towards Jimmy.
"I can't just let him drown." Callie struggles so Kiara goes to help and they swim the other way.
"Thank you." He tells the girls as they get to land.
"You lied to us. Who are you." Kie tells him.
"You two should get out of here." He tells them so they get up hand in hand running away but get caught anyways.
JJ was worried about the two but he knew they couldn't get caught as well so they leave.
The girls get taken to Vaux Hall and realize their kidnapper is someone else that's not Ward. "I do t think Ward knows this many people to work for him." Callie says as Kiara sees dresses that say pick your size.
"Your size." She passes Callie a dress.
The girls clean up putting on their dresses and lay around till the man was ready to see them. They walk into a room to see a guy with his back towards them so Kie speaks up making him turn around to show it was Rafe.
He turns around to face them and his eyes automatically go to Callie relieved she was okay and happy to see her again.
"I knew you and Ward were behind this shit." Kiara walks forward.
"What are you talking about? You trying to weasel in on my deal? Is that what's going on?" Rafe does the same.
"Would you both just shut up." Callie steps between them.
Kiara goes to say something about them hooking up but a man speaks up so they look over at him, "I wondered if your little reunion would cause sparks, you know."
"Who are you?" Rafe asks.
"Me? My name is Carlos Singh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. And Ms. Carrera, and Ms. Warner, I do apologize for the rough tactics in bringing you ladies here. But please, come. Sit down." The three listen to him sitting down.
"Why are we here?" Callie asks the man.
"Well, Ms. Warner, Ms. Carrera, Mr. Cameron, we share certain interests, you know. Objectives." Singh tells them.
"Is this not about the cross?" Rafe asks.
"It is. Tangentially, it is about the cross, but it's also about something much, much bigger than the cross. By orders of magnitude… the completion of a grand quest." Singh starts then tells them he is looking for the gold at El Dorado. He asks them to help him find it. That he needs Denmark Tanny's diary, something he believes is in possession by the Pogues.
The girls lie about not knowing anything about a diary but he didn't believe them. Rafe tries to leave but Singh doesn't let him leave so the three end up in the bedroom. They go towards the window to see Jimmy then Singh pulls out his gun behind him. The two were out of view but the sound of a gunshot makes all three flinch and Callie's hand accidentally grabs Rafe's.
"This diary. Hey, no bullshit. Don't bullshit me. Okay? Do you have it?" Rafe asks the girls.
They both look at him with a straight face and say no. Which was technically the truth because they didn't have it with them.
Rafe looks down at Callie's hand so she lets go of his hand walking away. "What are you looking at?" Rafe asks Kie.
"Trying to figure out why Callie slept with you." Kiara tells him making Callie roll her eyes.
"You make me swear not to tell a soul but you tell her?" Rafe turns to face Callie.
"Oh, we all know." Kie adds.
"I told JJ because I didn't want to keep secrets from him. Then the rest found out because of a stupid dare Kiara gave me." Callie finds night clothes then goes into the bathroom to change.
When she was done Kie passes her going into the bathroom. "I'm glad you're okay." Rafe speaks up so Callie nods her head getting a pillow and blanket for him to sleep with since she and Kie were sleeping on the bed.
"Thanks." He takes them from her.
"I didn't want to tell them about that night but the dare was to say a secret only JJ knew they didn't. It was you or what Joey did to me." Callie explains to him.
"I would have done the same then. I would have told them about that night then what he did to you." Rafe tells her making her tear up.
"They all hate me now. I can feel it." She quietly cries to him.
"JJ doesn't hate you. He loves you to death." Rafe reminds her so she wipes her tears away then plays with the necklace. "That's his right?"
"Yeah, it's kinda my wedding ring till we can get a real one." She tells him.
"You guys are married, not legal of course." He chuckles.
"Yeah, he asked me at the bonfire. The night before the whole cross thing went down." She explains to him.
"At least you're with someone who will never break your heart." Rafe sighs upset but happy she's happy.
Callie walks up to him pulling him into a hug making him smile as he hugs her back but they stop as Kie comes out of the bathroom. "My turn." Rafe goes into the bathroom.
"Cheating on your husband?" Kie asks.
"I get it you're mad I slept with Rafe after every he's done but JJ understood why it happened and didn't get upset with me. If he wasn't you shouldn't. Things were hard that night and Rafe was there." Callie explains to her.
"If you hurt JJ." Kie tells Callie.
"I understand he's a close friend, Kie but you seem to care about him a lot lately since we were on the island. I saw the little looks you gave him when he wasn't looking." Callie tells her and they don't speak for the rest of the night.
Callie was passed out in bed, Rafe was passed out on the floor and Kie was awake sitting on the bed debating on what to do. She gets up going to the window tapping on it saying she wanted to talk to Singh waking the other two up.
Callie watches her banging on everything while Rafe tried talking to her, "Look around Kie. Besides Callie, I'm the only friend you got." He tells her as the door opens and she leaves to talk to Singh.
"You think she likes JJ, huh? Sorry, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but you two were loud." Rafe sits next to Callie at the end of the bed.
"I don't think… I know. I know the look she gives him. The look Pope gave her. The look John B and Sarah give each other. The looks I give JJ and he gives me… the look you give me." Callie explains to him. "Same look she gave John B and Pope when she liked them for a bit."
"Has JJ ever given her the same look?" Rafe asks.
Callie thinks, "Probably before I moved back… I got the hint he liked her in the past. Who knows if he's given her the look when I wasn't around. I don't think he would."
"I don't he would either. Why risk losing you?" Rafe gives her a smile.
"Are you trying to butter me up?" Callie laughs at him.
"Not what I'm going for but is it working?" He asks with a sly grin.
Callie rolls her eyes looking away from him then back at him giggling, "Maybe… I like the haircut." Callie places her hand on the top of his head.
"Thank you." He looks up at her hand so she moves it and he gets up to look out the window.
"How's Ward?" Callie looks over at him.
Rafe was surprised she was even asking him that since he knew she hated him, "In bed still hasn't woken up but the doctor said he's doing better. So I've been taking care of business for him. Passports, bank accounts. Gold's in the vault and I'm trying to deal with the cross."
"I still hate you for the gold and cross." Callie reminds him.
"I know."
Kie comes back in and Rafe automatically asks what happened and by the look, it didn't go well. "You're gonna have to talk to me at some point. Okay?" Rafe tells her.
"Do I have to remind you of everything you've done? You killed Peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you've put Sarah through. I'm not like Callie who will forget that stuff." Kiara tells him.
"Callie reminds me about everything every time we talk to each other. She doesn't forget the shit I've done. So don't give her shit." Rafe walks towards Kie making her look at him.
"Peterkin, I was protecting my father. Okay? I did what I had to, so… don't." Rafe walks away going to take a seat. "I'm as much a victim as she is. No? Think about it. Okay? What did I get from shooting Peterkin, huh? Nothing, okay? I had nothing against her. I mean, I… I… I liked her. You think I wanted to make that choice, huh? What I did was a gift from me to my father for… for him, and I got screwed because of it, okay? So don't get that look when I say I'm the victim, all right? I am!"
"I will admit, though, what I… what I did to Sarah… what I tried to do, um…" Rafe stands up with his voice cracking, "what I tried to do to Sarah, o admit that was wrong." A tear falls down his cheek, "I know that. All right? So you don't have to remind me." Rafe sobs trying to keep it together starting to slap his head.
Callie gets off the bed walking over to move his hands down, "No manning up… Let it out, Rafe." Callie tells him calmly and Kiara watches him slightly relax at Callie's voice.
"She was family. I should've never touched her, you know? I should've never touched her, but, you know, I just lose control in moments like that, and I don't know what happened. I'm just trying… I'm trying to get better. Okay? It doesn't matter. All I'm saying is just that I'm not the bad guy you think I am, okay? But even if I was, even if I was just, like, bad Rafe Cameron or something… you got no choice. You may… you may not want to trust me, okay, but I'm your best bet other than Callie." Rafe walks in front of Kiara.
"Look. I got a boat that can get us off the island, okay? But first, we gotta get out of here, and it is better if we all work together."
They hear vehicles and see that they were leaving to go find the others but it was good for them to try to get away.
"Rafe, you're going to attack Kie and I'm going to try to help her. Kie, you'll lay in the tub I will scream for help. Rafe, you will hide then attack the guy then we make a run for it." Callie turns to face the two.
"That was a quick plan…" Kiara nods her head.
"It's a good plan. We'll give it a few minutes." Rafe agrees with the plan.
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auburnitzy · 2 years
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