#let's not forget he's always been our strongest soldier
apricior · 10 months
okay but do we know how will campos is doing. has he said anything
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odinsblog · 7 months
Arnold Schwarzenegger, MAR 17, 2022
Full transcript below the cut
Hello everybody, and thank you for sharing your time with me. I'm sending this message through various different channels to reach my dear Russian friends, and the Russian soldiers serving in Ukraine.
I'm speaking to you today because there are things that are going on in the world that are being kept from you—terrible things that you should know about. But before I talk about the harsh realities, let me just talk about the Russian who became my hero.
In 1961 when I was 14 years-old, a very good friend of mine invited me to come to Vienna to watch the World Weightlifting Championship. I was in the audience when Yuri Petrovich Vlasov won the World Championship title, becoming the first human being to lift 200 kilograms over his head. And somehow a friend of mine got me backstage.
All of a sudden, there I was, a 14-year-old boy standing in front of the strongest man in the world. I couldn't believe it. He reached out to shake my hand—I mean, I still had a boy's hand. He had this powerful man's hand that swallowed mine, but he was kind, and he smiled at me. I will never forget that day. Never.
I went home and I put his photo above my bed to inspire me when I started lifting weights. My father told me to take down that picture and to find a German or an Austrian hero. He got really angry, and we argued back and forth.
He didn't like Russians, because of his experience in the second World War. You see, he was injured at Leningrad, where the Nazi army that he was part of did vicious harm to the great city and to its brave people. But I did not take the photograph down, no. Because it didn't matter to me what flag Yuri Vlasov carried.
My connections to Russia didn't stop there, by the way. Oh, it actually deepened when I traveled there, with bodybuilding and for my movies and met all my Russian fans.
And then one of those trips I remember I met Yuri Vlasov once again. It was in Moscow during the filming of Red Heat, which was the first American movie allowed to film in Red Square. Now, he and I spent the day together. He was so thoughtful, so kind, and so smart. And, of course, very giving. He gave me this beautiful, blue coffee cup. And ever since then I've been drinking my coffee out of it every morning.
Now, the reason why I'm telling you all of those things is that ever since I was 14 years old, I've had nothing but affections and respect for the people of Russia. The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me.
And that is why I hope that you will let me tell you the truth about the war in the Ukraine and what is happening there.
No one likes to hear something critical of their government. I understand that. But, as a longtime friend of the Russian people, I hope that you will hear what I have to say. And may I remind you that I speak with the same heartfelt concern as I spoke to the American people when there was an attempted insurrection on January sixth last year, when a wild crowd was storming the U.S. Capital, trying to overthrow our government.
You see, there are moments like this that are so wrong, and then we have to speak up. This is exactly the same with your government. I know that your government has told you that this is a war to denazify Ukraine. Denazify Ukraine? This is not true! Ukraine is a country with a Jewish president. A Jewish president, I might add, whose father's three brothers were all murdered by the Nazis.
You see, Ukraine did not start this war. Neither did nationalists or Nazis. Those in power in the Kremlin started this war. This is not the Russian people's war. No. As a matter of fact, let me tell you, what you should know is that 141 nations at the U.N. voted that Russia was the aggressor. They called for it to remove its troops immediately.
Only four countries in the entire world voted with Russia. That is a fact. See, the world has turned against Russia because of its actions in the Ukraine. Whole city blocks have been flattened by Russian artillery and bombs, including a children's hospital and a maternity ward. Three million Ukrainian refugees—mainly women, children, and the elderly—fled their country, and many more are trying to seek to get out.
It is a humanitarian crisis. Because of its brutality, Russia is now isolated from the society of nations.
You're also not being told the truth about the consequences of this war on Russia itself. I regret to tell you that thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed. They have been caught between the Ukrainians fighting for their homeland and the Russian leadership fighting for conquest.
Massive amounts of Russian equipment have been destroyed or abandoned. The destruction that Russian bombs are raining down upon innocent civilians has so outraged the world that the strongest global economic sanctions ever taken have been imposed on your country. Those who don't deserve it on both sides of the war will suffer.
The Russian government has lied, not only to the citizens, but to its soldiers. Some of the soldiers were told they were going to fight Nazis. Some were told that the Ukrainian people would greet them like heroes. And some were told that they were simply going on exercises—they didn't even know that they were going into war. And some were told that they were there to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine. None of this is true.
The fact is that Russian soldiers have faced fierce resistance from the Ukrainians who want to protect their families and their country. When I see babies being pulled out of ruins, I think that I am watching a documentary about the horrors of the Second World War, not the the news of today.
Now let me tell you, when my father arrived in Leningrad, he was all pumped up on the lies of his government. And when he left Leningrad, he was broken, physically and mentally. He lived the rest of his life in pain. Pain from a broken back, pain from the shrapnel that always reminded him of those terrible years. And pain from the guilt that he felt.
To the Russian soldiers listening to this broadcast, you already know much of the truth that I've been speaking. You have seen it with your own eyes. I don't want you to be broken like my father. This is not the war to defend Russia that your grandfathers or your great-grandfathers fought. This is an illegal war.
Your lives, your limbs, your futures, are being sacrificed for a senseless war condemned by the entire world.
Now, to those in power in the Kremlin, let me just ask you: Why would you sacrifice those young men for your own ambitions?
To the soldiers who are listening to this, remember that 11 million Russians have family connections to Ukraine. So every bullet you shoot, you shoot a brother or a sister. Every bomb or every shell that falls, is falling not on an enemy but on a school, or a hospital, or a home. I know that the Russian people are not aware that such things are happening.
So I urge the Russian people and the Russian soldiers in Ukraine to understand the propaganda and the disinformation that you are being told. I ask you to help me spread the truth. Let your fellow Russians know the human catastrophe that is happening in Ukraine.
And to President Putin, I say: You started this war. You are leading this war. You can stop this war.
Now let me close with a message to all of the Russians who have been protesting in the streets against the invasion of Ukraine: The world has seen your bravery. We know that you have suffered the consequences of your courage. You have been arrested. You have been jailed. And you have been beaten. You are my new heroes.
You have the strength of Yuri Petrovich Vlasov. You have the true heart of Russia. My dear Russian friends, may God bless you all.
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kahlanmars · 10 months
Fist of all, THANKS!! And this part contains SMUT. Please, if you are minor don't read. It starts with *ear* and it ends with *love* in bold.
This chapter is just a cuddle from me to me. And you, if you ship Daymitch.
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this is the gif just because Woody looks hot here.
8. Drew a map on my bedroom ceiling
It’s not a surprise when he starts kissing you with heat and he pushes you onto the mattress, and your body is craving for his touch. It’s like he burns you with his hands when he touches your skin, and there is no better feeling in the whole world. Well, maybe there is a better feeling, but you don’t want to be crude.
«Hay, before we start…» You try to say, which is hard if he wants you. And he definitely wants you. You are proud of the way he looks at you, and you are up to whatever he wants to do to show you he missed you and he is sorry, but you are also determined to clear the situation before.
«Didn’t we start already? I missed you. I was miserable without you. When I thought I lost you…» He is attacking your neck and he is so talented with those kisses, he knows every spot to make you ache with desire, that you almost give up. But no, you are the strongest soldier.
«The thing you said about the house, did you mean it? That it’s just your house and not mine?» You have to know it. You moved into his house without really meaning to, you were in a coma and then you needed him twenty four seven, but now you don’t have to. You could find a small house in the village or take one of the empty houses in the victor’s village, even if you are technically not a victor. There is no need for you to stay in a home you can’t call yours.
He wouldn’t be completely wrong either. Who is crazy enough to move together after six months of a relationship? Courtship in Twelve is much longer.
«It was just me not being able to live with someone else. I’ve been completely alone for twenty four years, Sweetheart, I took all the decisions by myself. I want to stay with you.» He takes your hand and kisses your palm. «And what is yours is mine, don’t doubt it. Sometimes I just slip into old habits.»
«So I don’t have to move out.» You want to be sure. His eyes darken in worry.
«Don’t even think of it. I want you by my side. Always.» He even kisses you on the cheek and you melt completely. «Why? Do you want to go? I understand I'm not the easiest roommate. And it's been rushed… I rushed it. If you want-»
«No!» You reassure him. You always forget it’s mutual, in your mind he is very sure of how you feel about him but in reality he isn’t much. «I want to stay. I like our life. I like waking up with you and dinner with you, I like our routine… I want to live like this forever.» You blurt it out. You are not one for great words. I mean you are, you always say to your friends and to him that you love them, but he does not, and in your everyday life you express your affection in other ways. 
«Same for me, Sweetheart. I asked you to marry me for this very reason.»
«And just for the records, you don’t think I’m a gold digger.» You bite your upper lip. You are aware you give off this vibe. You stay with an older man, a good looking and wonderful older man but still, you like money, and you are kinda spoiled. But you are not with Haymitch for his status. You are with him because you love him. 
«I’m not exactly a catch. You stayed with me in a hole under the ground with no guarantee of a life after that, you put up with my shit too many times. No, I don’t think you are a gold digger.»
This time it’s you who attacks him with kisses. «I didn’t put up with anything, and you are a catch. You are smart, and funny, and handsome and so good in bed I think I’m addicted to you…»
«I would hope so.» He strokes your cheek. «I’ll never let you go again. Doctor Payne says-»
«Who’s Doctor Payne?» You interrupt him.
«I… I went to therapy. I figured out something was wrong and now I don’t think Thirteen is spying on us so much anymore, so I called Dr. Aurelius and she called Dr. Payne.»
You pepper his face with kisses and giggles. «I’m so happy for you!»
Going to a therapist it’s a big thing for someone as paranoid as Haymitch. And he wasn’t wrong, there were spies everywhere before the revolution and sometimes you are still afraid of it too. 
«Me too, but now please… I can’t stay over a bed and not have a bite of my lady…»
«Bite me then.» You climb into his lap and whisper in his ear. «Kiss me, taste me. I think it’s time for you to fuck me properly, my love.»
«I didn’t give proper attention to this body lately, right Sweetheart? I neglected this poor stunning body of yours.» 
He approaches you like a hunter, tossing you on the mattress like a ragdoll, and you feel like a prey, you feel his eyes on your body like he wants to eat you out in a whole bite. 
You missed it so much, he has this magical power to make you feel like you are the most beautiful woman on earth.
«I feel very neglected.» You pout. It shouldn’t be true, but living in two different cities has been so difficult for this aspect. When you are at home, you two make love at least once a day. It’s not planned, but he brushes his hand against yours, or he reads to you with that deep voice that tickles your belly, and you aren’t without fault, you wear skimpy pyjamas and you giggle in a flirty way like you didn’t conquer him yet. You are the epitome of a coquette girl, when it comes to him.  
«I should always cherish you… your legs, your lips, your neck…» 
He is over you and he starts going south, until he reaches your tights. He smirks, he likes to undress you like he is unwrapping a present. He is careful not to break the tights and he tosses them away when your legs are free.
«So beautiful, Gorgeous.» He starts peppering kisses along your ankle, up and up on the leg until he meets your thighs. He avoids your panties to place wet kisses on your belly and he smirks against your skin when the bra is on the way. You are a painting mess, because while he is busy doing this you are shivering from his mouth and wondering hands.
«Let me taste you, my love.» You ask and you suddenly realise he is completely dressed, while you are in your panties and bra. Unfair, unfair! You want to see your man in all his glory. You love his body, he is firm and muscular in a manly way, he is so virile and strong. You almost sigh at the thoughts. 
«No protests from me.»
You quickly remove his shirt and start to trace a line with kisses along his taurine neck, his chest, his black boxers you bought him when you found out he was sleeping naked and you two were on a sex strike.
«I’m so happy you are mine, Haymitch, all mine.» 
«All yours.» He closes his eyes and you have to admit that this is one of your favourite feelings in the world, Haymitch completely broke, in your power, a shivering man who begs for more and more of you. «Babe, you are a view. Stunning.»
You blush, and doubt you are a view with your lips wrapped on his cock, but you love how powerful that makes you feel, and Haymitch is so handsome you almost whine in anticipation for what he will do to you.
«If you keep doing this I won't be able to resist for long.» He warns you, but he is guiding you with his hands on your scalp - and it’s hot, you don’t know why but it’s so hot when he does this - and you take the opportunity to look at him in a seductive smirk.
«And what’s the problem with that, darling?» You purr. 
«I want you to… to enjoy… Daisy, please.»
«Shh, just let me do this.» You suggest.
He gives up his protests almost immediately when you start to bob your head and you enjoy his moans very much, he cries in please and he claims your name on his lip like he is praying to a personal goddess.
You are his personal goddess, right now. 
When you finish you are satisfied and he looks so lost he is almost cute, his face open in a dumb smile.
«Shit, Sweetheart.» He pants, and his hands go to massage your neck. He loves your neck, you know that, he always bites it or kisses or, well, he does like to choke sometimes. Just as much as you like his wide hands wrapped around your skin. And you are not that innocent either, you clearly remember bites that needed medical attention after. 
«I think what you mean is “Yes, I’m going to marry the right woman”.» You climb into his lap again and you hide in the crook of his neck.
«Damn right.» He whispers, still a bit puzzled, «Give me a minute and then-»
«I didn’t do it to have anything in return. I did it because I like it. I quite like you.»
«Sweetheart, if I’m not in you in ten minutes I’m going to die from abstinence. Again.»
You laugh, and you violently blush because he is very blunt when he wants to. «So you are addicted to me now?»
He takes your lips in a fiery kiss. «Good thing you are with me.»
«Always, my love.»
Haymitch Abernathy does not disappoint, and you end up seeing little stars on the ceiling. It takes almost five minutes for you to remember how to talk again. You honestly regret him being your first time, because you have no idea if it’s normal or if he is particularly good at what he does. Is it normal to forget what your name is, is it normal to just want to whisper his when you are ecstatic?
«Did you see the article?» You ask, giving his shoulder a sleepy sloppy kiss. You don’t have the stamina to do something else and he is completely broke, but… his body is there and what are you supposed to do, not enjoying what is yours?
«Yeah. Didn’t believe it.» He reassures you. Then he begins to stroke your raven hair with his callous, big hands and you close your eyes feeling in paradise.
Yes, this is paradise. A post sex cuddle with the most handsome man in the entire galaxy.
«Good. I was just crying, he was consoling me.» You justify yourself. You don’t need to, he is the one who kissed someone else, not you. And yet.
«I’m sorry you cried, and I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.» He strokes his hand on your cheek. You see regret in his eyes.
«Don’t worry. You are here now.»  You let out a content sigh, but then you remember something. «Haymitch, where is your kitten?»
Stew is too little to be alone for more than three hours, let alone a day. But it’s Haymitch you are talking about. The guy who made a fence so strong that wolves couldn’t pass through it to get a geese. The guy who never once thought a cat could survive in the wild and was willing to take him in. The guy that, when you laughed he got the kitty a cat’s bed, replied “Where do you think it could sleep, on the floor?” in an annoyed adorable voice.
«With Peeta. And, babe… our kitten.» Peeta makes sense. Katniss wouldn’t, she is not a big fan of animals, but Peeta has always been tender and kind. 
«She hates me, for now it’s your kitten.» You smile. You’ll win the kitty over, but you can understand she is totally in love with your almost husband. 
«She doesn’t hate you. She is jealous, possessive and spoiled. I see a resemblance.»
You pretend to gasp. You are not possessive… not really. You just like to joke, and when you play jealous you get kisses and reassurances. And he is not either, but he is insecure. Of his age, of his status, scared that somehow someday you will leave him.
«I’m prettier.» You smirk, your nails digging on his neck. «And my claws are sharper.»
«Let me see your claws, pretty kitten.» He laughs and you pull him in a kiss. 
«Try to kiss another woman and you’ll see them.» You warn him. You didn’t forget it just because you love him and you want to be with him. He dismissed your concerns and that was the result.
«She kissed me.» He reminds you, guilty flashing on his face.
«You let her.»
«Hey, never again. I promise you. Plus, I think Finnick will want my head.»
«So you are not just a bit jealous of the magnificent Finnick Odair? With his shining blonde hair and his charming smile and his chiselled abs and a pretty fine a- ehi, come here!» He tries to get out of the bed, but you put him down with a long kiss and you start peppering other pecks on his chest.
«You wanted Finnick so bad, I was going to get him for you.» He jokes. «I know I don’t have… chiselled abs or a charming smile. But I intend to make you happy.» And you believe him and his strangled voice.
«I don’t want Finnick. I never wanted him. I want you. And you don’t believe me, but you are a good looking, attractive man and I’m lucky to be your lady.»    
He can’t answer that, but his eyes are now a little flashy and watering and his lips are on yours.
«Don’t you have to go make dinner for Effie?» He asks because this is the routine. You do that even on the weekends when he is in her house. Effie has been magnificent and patient with you, and even after her delusion and your blackmailing little problem, she is worried about you. She is worried if you sleep enough, and she checks if you are in bed at a reasonable hour, and she controls if you eat enough. This is huge, Effie Trinket, who grew up in a strict house when it comes to food. She confessed to you her mother used to be severe, she went to model school when she was just a teenager because of her mom, and the situation was pretty abusive.
«She forced me to rest on bed.» You confess. 
«Great idea…» His hands go on your breasts and you giggle when he squeezes them. Sometimes he is not forty one, sometimes he is thirteen. And you love the childish side of his nature.
«That’s not resting.» You point out. Not that you mind, really. But he is forty two, how can he be so eager already? You don’t dare to ask if it’s normal but maybe you could drop the topic with Perla when she feels better.
«That’s relaxing.» He deadpans, and he starts to put little seductive kisses on your neck. «I missed you… your scent, babe, there is nothing like it.»
You blush, because you can’t help moaning a little. It’s like electricity. «I love you.»
«What about you two girls have a nice dinner together and I cook for you? You are both exhausted.» 
You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation of protection he always gives you when you are near to him. His cooking is something you love about him. You don’t mind the cooking part of your maid job, it’s better than scrubbing the floor or cleaning the clothes, but he loves it. He really enjoys it.
«That sounds like a wonderful idea. And then you eat with us?» 
«Nope. I eat here with peace and quiet.»
He needs his space. You are aware, he told you, and yet you feel like it’s wrong, as if you were doing a bad thing to him. For you it would be terrible not to be included, for him it’s the opposite.
«I don’t want you to tire yourself without a reward…»
You thought he was going to ask something sexy, but he surprises you. «Then give me a reward, cutie. Afterwards we can watch a movie or read a book together.»
You laugh and kiss him again. «A reward for a nice dinner. How domestic.»
«I’m going to spend all my life with you, Sweetheart. We will have plenty of domestic moments.»
This sounds so good you might cry. He doesn’t understand it, but it’s so good to be around him. You feel cuddled and protected and sure, he is your little piece of peace in this world. Your home.
«I can’t wait.» Your kiss is lingering on his lips. «We will be old together.»
«Impossible. I’m already old.» 
You burst into another laugh, and then you flirt, because he is your man and what’s more fun than flirting with your man? Nothing. You let a finger slide through his chest. «So you will be this sexy forever? I have to keep up.»
«Something tells me it won’t be that hard for you.» 
His hands are already on your butt but then you remember you have to eat with Effie, and you laugh against his lips. «Later. We have all night.»
«We have all our life, Sweetheart.»
The next morning, regenerated from your night with Haymitch - who wants to talk to Finnick - and relieved about Effie, you are ready to talk to Lora.
You are hosted just like me. Your whole world is collapsing and you don’t even help me for me! You are doing it to distract yourself!
You have to admit you didn’t like her words. She was cruel two nights ago, at the party. She aimed to hurt and she succeeded. You could have expected it from Perla or maybe Effie, because you bicker with the Four girl all the time and you know Effie’s comments are sharp, even if they are not directed to you. Lora has always been sweet, though. The kind girl from district Eleven you learned to know better. She thinks you have been helping her to distract yourself. She still thinks that. She didn’t call and you didn’t see her when you went to Perla, so she must still be mad.
This time you don’t bring pastries, because the comment stings. 
It’s Cinna who opens the door, again. You forget he has his office at home, partly because it’s cheaper to pay one place instead of two, partly because he wants to keep an eye on Perla. 
You are a little shocked by Perla, and you feel stupid you didn’t catch the signals before. And you feel powerless, impotent. What can you do for her? How can you say it without being disrespectful? Perla is always so eager to make everybody think she is the strong one, she would be offended.
«Daisy! Come, come. Do you want a coffee? Tea?»
Cinna is in a good mood today, and that makes you feel a little better towards Perla. He loves her so much that he is miserable when she is not okay.
«No thanks.»
You follow him to his office, and you are stunned. Portia’s office is linear and everything is in its place, but Cinna’s office is an explosion of colours. He has sketches up on the wall and on the desk, crayons and pencils and watercolours. It’s so pretty, like a studio for a child. This is how you want to have an office.
«Sorry about the mess, you know it. You missed Perla, she is better today so she decided to go to work. Silly decision if you want my opinion. Oh, you are here, you can take these to Portia… these are the drawings for District One.»
You always forget Cinna comes from District One and not from the Capitol. He was one of the few that climbed from a district to the Capitol thanks to his skills. It was almost impossible, but he is a legend, very good in what he does, and he played his game when he decided to offer himself for district Twelve, the only district that needed a stylist so badly because no one wanted to be associated.
Meanwhile, when no one knew it, he was a part of the revolution. And he met Perla through Finnick.
«I was actually looking for Lora.» You confess. «But these are beautiful. Mine are not… are not like that.» You are a little scared now. You were proud Portia decided to include you, but you are not her or Cinna.
«I would hope so, you are Daisy and I can’t wait for a Daisy original.» He tries to reassure you. «Lora? She doesn’t live here anymore.»
That shocks you. In two days?! Or she didn’t tell you? You try to relive the last conversations with her. You were aware she was guilty about living with them, but she doesn’t have a job.
«Excuse me, she what?» 
«She moved out last night, she said she was moving in with her model friend.»
Oh no. And… she moved in a night? That doesn’t make sense. Then again, she doesn’t have that much, she could probably just fill a suitcase, and if you know her better she also always kept everything in the suitcase just in case. 
«Lavinia?» You easily guess. Lavinia Crane is the only friend Lora has apart from you. But, for what you know, Lavinia is also a wealthy model from Capitol and that doesn’t add up. How is Lora paying? Chaff is not that rich. 
«Yeah. Perla was not happy about it, she doesn’t trust her.» Perla is right. Perla is right most of the time, you shouldn’t have questioned it.
«I can understand why. Do you have an address?»
«On the fridge.»
Maybe it’s just a stupid doubt, but you want to check. You don’t trust the blonde Capitol girl and you don’t want to abandon your friend again, so you guess you are going house-hunting this morning.
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monnn · 2 years
>Winter Petal✧⁠*
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Pairing: non-idol!Wonwoo x gn!reader
Genre: angst, angst and more angst,  one-sided love, reader is LOVESICK for Wonu!! >o<”
Warnings: it’s just gonna hurt a lot and doesn't end happily, so read at your own risk(I'm sorry)
WC: 1000+
A/N: hi everyone, i'm so sorry for the late update! CARATLAND had me occupied tbh ^_^' ANYGAYS,, here's the part-2 of this fic and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! have a great day, lovies! ♡
Part-1 is here if you haven't read it!
Let’s just say, that might’ve been nothing but a kiss to Wonwoo. You were freaking out, actively avoiding him whenever you were around the campus. Jihoon had been of help, knowing that Wonwoo had actually kissed you during the game. He freaked out with you for a bit, before letting his rational self take over. The best way to forget whatever happened was to not see wonu.
Out of sight, out of mind. Or you thought.
Though you were avoiding Wonu in all ways possible, he waited outside your building after class and you had no way to escape that. Wonwoo knew why you were like this with him. At least on a surface level. He thinks you’ve messed up his relationship and it’s over between the both of you. Where infact, he told his girlfriend about it and she shrugged it off saying you both were drunk and she knows that out of everyone, the two of you are the most rational people she’s known. Wonu honestly was a bit taken a back, but he apologized and let go of it.
If only it were that easy for you, there’d be no thought of Wonu residing in your mind.
You get out of your class to catch Wonu, tapping his phone restlessly and looking around. You can’t escape him now that you’re eyes met his. Relief washes over his face and he smiles softly at the sight of you.
He missed you, so much.
You walk up to him, deciding that you can’t ignore him forever.
“Hey Wonu. What’s up?” you ask and the next minute, he’s crushing you in one of his tightest hugs.
Right when you feel like you’re gonna break down confessing your love to him, he lets go of you.
“Hi, sorry for that. I’ve missed you so much. Can we hang out today, please?” he says, looking at you with those puppy eyes you can’t resist. Wonwoo sees you contemplating, and he tries.
He really knows how to get his way with you.
“Please Y/N? Pretty please? Food’s on me, I’ll even get your favourite strawberry cheesecake ice cream from our usual place. Please?” he begs. You chuckle at him, nodding in agreement as the both of you start walking to get food.
Realization dawns on you, making you wanna crumble in a corner.
You’ve missed Wonwoo. Missed hanging out with your best friend. Even though you hadn’t avoided him much, you felt empty without him by your side.
The both of you were back at the dorms, Saiki-K running in the background while devouring the boiling hot soup with rice. Wonwoo looks at you in his peripheral vision, happy to see you eat and grateful to have found a best friend like you. His vision had turned into adorable gazing without his knowledge, when you called out for him. Snapping back, Wonu finds a grain of rice by your mouth and wipes it off without any warning.
Oh your poor, wrenching heart.  
You flinch at his touch, but slowly turn into a shade of red soon. Yet it’s so comfortable, being with him. Words aren't needed for the both of you to communicate when together. There’s a silent agreement from both parties that talking isn't a necessity always. Words can be spent when needed, like right now. The air’s getting a bit stuffy for you and like you're an open book for Wonu to read, he speaks up.  
“How have you been Y/N? I haven't seen you in a few days and you haven't even bothered to look at my messages, have you?” he questions.  
You truly are not God’s strongest soldier. 
“Sorry Wonu. I've been a bit all over the place. Not me, I mean- my mind. It's been quite the week, ya’ know?” you answer, sheepishly.  
“I understand, Petal. I just feel so empty without you by my side, ya’ know?” he pauses, while you try to grasp what just came out of his mouth.  
He felt the same way as you did.  
What the actual fuck?  
You groan, internally of course.  
“Sorry if I sound selfish and greedy Y/N for wanting you around me all the time. What I'm getting at is, let's talk about what happened at the party. I want to, I'm sorry if you don’t wanna deal with it but we’ll eventually have to talk about it.” he says, a sigh escaping his lips.  
The same lips which were on yours, the other night.  
You give him a small nod, agreeing and silently asking him to initiate the conversation. 
“I told Jiyeon about us kissing at the party.” he says, nonchalantly.  
You feel air being punched out of your lungs. It's like you've been struck by lightning, thinking how this stupid mistake might’ve broken their relationship and how Jiyeon hates you now because- 
“She wasn't bothered. She said we’re both rational enough to know that was a mistake and nothing else.” 
So, it was a mistake.  
You hear a shatter and you’re pretty sure, that’s your heart.  
“Oh.” you say, trying to process whatever’s happening at the moment, while Wonu gazes back at you, looking for a more sensible response.  
“I guess that settles it down. I still wanna talk to her about this, would that be fine?” you ask, gazing back at him. Wonu nods, going back to his food. There's a weird moment of comfortable silence, before he speaks again.  
“You know, we’re actually not done speaking. I mean, we just spoke about the consequences. But I wanna apologise” he pauses.   
“I'm sorry that I kissed you, Petal. I know I should've stopped when you said no, but God, you just looked so pretty.” he stops to take a breath while you turn into a flustered mess.  
“I don't get why you aren't seeing anyone” 
Because I'm in love with you, stupid.  
“You're so charming without even trying, I look quite dumb whenever I'm next to you. But you're my everything, so I guess you can't escape me anytime soon at the least.” he says, smiling like a child at you.  
If only Wonu knew, how this shared bond with him was everything to you too, but that being anything than the friendship he thinks of.  
Oh, if he only knew.  
A/N: The last and final part is here !!! hope you have a kind day loves! ♡
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blackjackkent · 8 months
(Jarringly, if you go straight to a long rest from Gortash, the game forgets about all the Karlach drama and she's all like "HEY! ^_^" when you go to chat with her, but then the next morning she has an exclamation mark over her head and is plot-appropriately sad again. As I mentioned in that drabble earlier, I'm just leaning into this and deciding that Karlach basically didn't come back to camp all night, wandering around the city and finding someone private to cry/process/scream at the sky. Hector, meanwhile, lies alone in their tent and has an incredibly unsettling interaction with the Emperor and his own meltdown.
So we will say this is the next morning, with a slight tweak to Karlach's opening line to reflect this.)
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"Hey, Soldier. I'm back..."
The sun has barely crested the horizon when Karlach comes wandering back into camp. Hector is the only one awake, having given up on trying to get any rest an hour or so earlier; he's sitting next to the campfire with a mug of tea and staring into the flames; the raw emotion of the night before has faded and he's conscious only of a sort of empty hollow feeling in his chest.
But empty as he feels, the warmth that floods him at hearing her voice is unchanged. He looks up with an involuntary slight smile, meeting her gaze in the morning half-light, though his eyes still hold something of the haunted look that he's had for the last two days.
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"I've been worried about you," he says, and his voice is ragged but steady. "Are you all right?"
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She smiles slightly and walks over to sit down next to him, putting a hand gently on his knee. "Yeah," she answers. "Despite my best efforts." She manages a soft laugh; it's shaky but sends light through him anyway. "I kept trying to flop over and give up, but Karlach just wouldn't let me."
He feels a little tug of a smile at his lips in response. She really is the strongest person he's ever known by far - even when everything feels so terribly dark, even when she is so beaten down that it seems impossible to rise, she is still always looking for something to smile about, something to hope for. Even when the world hasn't deserved her good opinion of it.
He puts his hand over hers, and she shifts to interlace their fingers together; he feels the familiar steady pulse of heat through her palm and it soothes him a little in spite of all the things it implies. "Did I miss anything important?" she asks softly.
He shrugs. He wants to tell her about the Absolute's scream in his brain, about the Emperor's taunting in the Astral Plane... but what good would it do? It changes nothing and would just make her feel worse. "Not really..." he says quietly. "But I missed you." He lifts her hand and presses his lips against her knuckles.
"I missed you too." A long pause. She looks at their interlaced hands against his mouth, and her throat convulses around a sharp swallow. "You know, I wouldn't have bothered falling in love with you... if I'd known saying goodbye would be so hard." She tries to laugh but it doesn't quite come out.
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He looks back into the fire, lets out a heavy breath. He knows the right thing to do would be to joke back, to show her that he is being strong, that he is ready to play this the way she wants to, no matter the cost. But he doesn't quite have the strength in him just now. "I know what you mean," he says softly. The tears are gone; he won't break, he won't cry. But the words are as empty as he feels. "I'm scared of you leaving me behind..."
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She gives a sharp shake of her head, and her grip on his hand tightens abruptly. "I don't want to leave you behind," she whispers. "Not ever." A long pause. Her eyes close, squeezing out reality for a moment. "If I had my choice, we'd do it all together. Life - a long life. And then we'd slip away one night... side by side... wrinkled and grey, warm in our bed..."
The ache that rises in his chest at this mental image is almost more than he can take. He tries to take a deep breath and feels it catch in his throat. Gods... I would do anything... anything to wake up next to you for the rest of my life...
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"But that's not in the stars for us, my love..." She leans sideways against him, rolls her head so her face is pressed into his neck. "Ours is a short story with a few good twists... and a banger of an ending..."
He wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulls her fiercely against his side. "Karlach..." He hesitates. He knows the answer already, before he even asks it... but he can't help himself, one last try... "Would you ever consider going back to Avernus? Just for a while, just to buy yourself more time?"
He knows why she won't say yes. He knows, even, why it's right that she not say yes. But he has to ask... just one more time...
"No," she says at once, muffled into his neck. "I can't. I'd rather die here in Faerun -- my home -- than live in service to a devil."
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He nods slowly, his cheek rubbing against the top of her head. "I understand," he mutters. And he does. He wishes he didn't; he wishes he were a more selfish man, who could demand she think about him and not herself. "I just... wish there was another way..."
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"So do I," she mutters. "I've done the calculus a hundred times. There's no permutation I can find that doesn't end in me dead, or wishing for death..." Her arm slips around his waist, her fingertips dusting over his hip, his arm, his upper thigh. "This is it. This is all we have. Each other, and all the moments we have left..."
He says nothing, but turns his head to press a gentle kiss into her hair. For a long few moments they sit in silence, while the sun slowly rises over the camp.
After a while, Karlach stirs and speaks again. "Speaking of which... there's something I wanted to ask you..."
He grunts softly, questioningly.
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"Will you stay with me? When it's time. For me to go..." Her voice is suddenly thick, hoarse with emotion. "I think I can do anything if you're there. Even die..."
His heart twists in his chest with the stab of grief that goes through him, somehow fresher than it has ever been. He squeezes his eyes shut and his arm tightens around her, crushing her into his side.
He wants to run, to run far away from all of this, from everything she is making him feel. It's not admirable, it's in fact horribly unfair. But nothing in his life has ever prepared him for what she is asking him for now...
Gods, what if I am not strong enough?
But what can he say, other than yes? How can he be anywhere but at her side, right to the very end?
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"Of course, my love..." he whispers. "Of course..."
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She draws an unsteady breath, lets it out heavily. He can feel some of the tension go out of her as she sags into his side. "Thank you..." she says softly.
A long pause that seems to hang heavy with all the feelings they have no words for.
When she finally speaks again, her tone is lighter, though he can hear the effort behind it. "Now. Enough tragedy. I'm not gone yet. And our schedule is packed with important heroics, isn't it?" She laughs shakily. "Plus, if I cry any more, I'm going to run out of tears and start leaking motor oil."
She sits up, not pulling from his embrace but turning in it a little so that she can cup her palm against his cheek and kiss him-- soft, slow, lingering. "Thanks for everything, darling," she mumurs, and rests her forehead against his. "I love you. A lot."
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jurousei · 2 years
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@aiktrne // chiper
“Oh boy, it's you that I lie with // As the atom bomb locks in // Oh boy, it's you I watch TV with // As the world, as the world caves in.”
The only town close enough to the abandoned mines where the last of the Radianite lay hidden, unbeknownst to the average person, there sat a dingy motel with a flickering vacancy sign. A lampost flickered nearby as it lured insects, and the streets came alive with a passing car once in a while.
Moonlight streamed through the dirty blinds of the crappy motel room, illuminating a pair of bodies laying on their backs and staring at the ceiling. Outside, the nightly group of smokers convened; the smell of cigarettes and the sound of laughter floated into the room. The television’s volume was set to low, playing a show that they watched half-heartedly.
“Tomorrow is our last mission,” Sabine murmured. Somehow, her voice still felt too loud, as if the smokers would overhear and fall silent.
“Indeed… What happens tomorrow may very well dictate the fate of our world.” Vincent turned to meet Sabine’s gaze. “A very difficult thing to forget.”
Vincent laid to the right of her, hazel eyes bright under the moonlight and golden markings glowing; he was still dressed to the nines, his navy blue vest wrinkled and white button-up blood stained. Even in the shittiest of circumstances, the man seemed radiant for being as much human as Sabine. And as much as she had her share of traumatic experiences, Vincent had been a soldier — to him, this was another battle in the battlefield he called his life, and to Sabine, he was the only solace left in the world.
“Not a reminder but a confirmation,” she clarified, not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things. Not when she was nothing but a pawn in the end, staring death in the face soon enough.
“I see.” Vincent clasped her hand, offering a watery smile. The attempt at sincerity tugged at the last vestiges of Sabine’s emotions. “No matter what happens, we will have each other. We will go together, hand-in-hand.”
Sabine nodded as she clutched onto Vincent, tucking her face into the crook of his neck, and her hand squeezed Vincent’s own. In the most dire of moments, when the world was caving in, the strongest-willed human could shatter from the fractures of their heart and mind until nothing remained; a truth that she saw in the dying of Brimstone’s, the gasp of Sage’s candle, and now in her soon-to-be sacrifice.
Just for a moment, Sabine thought, let me be selfish.
“It’s you, mon amour. The one I will face the end of my life and the world with,” Vincent whispered in the spaces between their lips, his eyes full of a devotion that twisted Sabine’s gut. “Extinction may happen, but it does not diminish all the love I hold for you. I will say goodnight to you tonight, and I will die happy tomorrow.”
“You will not die tomorrow!” Sabine slapped his chest, her exclamation guttural and pained. Outside, laughter faded away. “You will not die tomorrow,” she repeated with a grimace, desperation seeping into the lines of her face.
A calloused thumb sweeped over her cheek. “No matter what happens, I will always be by your side.”
Sabine’s words are choked. “I will always be by your side as well.”
She shut her eyes; she was never a woman of faith, but tonight she uttered her first prayer. To whatever deity would accept a woman’s last words, to whoever would be the most merciful and kind, to any last resort — let them be happy, let the world remain safe even as it caves in on them.
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verxsyon · 3 years
·:*¨༺ ❝ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐗 ❞
@bluexiao​ “thank you.”/ “for what?” / “for being there for me when no one else has.”
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. arataki itto + gorou + yoimiya x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. headcanon (written) ; 0.7k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. immortal au ; hurt/comfort, fluff
✧ 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚. kinda hate the title because i got nothing better to put lol, but it’s a reference to the voicelines when you ascend characters to phase six, or in other words, from level 80 to 90. they’re part of the dialogue, which will be italicized. the tag system is still screwed up due to tumblr and ios guidelines, so as always, please reblog! special thanks to @bluexiao for hosting the collab.
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with your kin swept away by the cataclysm, you have no one to rely on other than your wits. the curse of being immortal has you start fresh in the modern world as a citizen of inazuma, living alongside humans and yokai.
throughout your residency in the nation, you’ve encountered many pleasant people and not so pleasant people. out of all of them, there is one who becomes your rock when everyone else before them has passed. when the city is getting ready to sleep, they’re there beside you when you can't, letting your head rest on your shoulder. out of the blue, out of sincerity, you say whatever is in your heart. they’ll reach out for your hand to let you know they're listening.
“thank you.”
“for what?”
“for being there for me when no one else has.”
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𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨. 
immortal x half-immortal
once an oni, always an oni. that’s a farewell from the villagers when they drove him out of his home for an incident he wasn’t involved in, just because of his half-immortal heritage. the streets ridiculed him; he spent so long fending off for himself until he met granny oni. you remind him of his younger self, even the strongest people need support the most.
“this is the cliff that me and the boys go to sing our hearts out to, you know, loosen up,” he says. “if you want, make sure you’re loud and clear so the ocean can hear you. i gotta warn you though, my voice is so amazing that it’ll blow you away.”
“but in all seriousness…” he helps you up on your feet, and you’re able to see the beauty of the world down below — the ocean that is waiting to hear you sing and the unknown ahead. “just because i made it to the top doesn't mean i’m gonna forget all the things you've done for me, okay? i’ve still got your back, anytime, anywhere.”
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immortal x immortal
top dog. the ever-victorious pointy-eared general. those nicknames are what he believed he didn’t deserve. an immortal like yourself, he has lived through and fought in countless wars for centuries to be acquainted with loneliness. most of his best soldiers are gone. that kid teppei, one of his brightest, is gone. he’s never been so afraid.
“out of all the wars i fought in, this war against the shogun scared me the most,” he confesses, squeezing your hand tightly. “i wasn’t ready to face any more casualties after teppei. i wasn’t ready to lose both kazuha and the traveler after almost getting executed by her judgment. and when i thought all hope was lost…”
“… you were there beside me to assure me that it’s not. i should be the one thanking you. to return the favor, i’m always here to listen if you need me.” his face lights up and his tail starts to wag. “with momentum on our side and close camaraderie, we are unstoppable. thank you for your guidance. this is a victory that belongs to the both of us.”
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immortal x mortal
despite being a mortal, she understands the perspective of an immortal through fireworks. mortal lives are fleeting, she had said to the traveler. once launched into the sky, they disappear. whereas for immortal lives, they can keep watching them disappear forever and ever. she knows that she’ll be gone while you continue to live on, but it doesn’t explain her rather cheerful demeanor.
“oh, why am i happy?” she tilts her head to the side. “well, it’s not because i’m about to leave eventually. it’s because you’re here with me. i’m glad to be able to spend this moment with you. whenever i look at my creations, i don’t think of them being a representation of every mortal living here.”
“i think about the enjoyment i had watching them with my pops, my friends, and my special someone. even when i’m gone, you still believe i’m here.” she stands firm and proud, flashing a peace at you. “never fear, yoimiya is here! evil begone! justice prevails! think this is a good way to introduce the powers you've taught me to the children? isn’t it cool? hehe! hey, tell me if anyone picks on you, too. i’ll stick up for you!”
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✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬. if your url is in bold, it means i can’t tag you!
@aibiito​ ; @aqualesha​​ ; @blissmal​​ ; @bokutosworld​​ ; @dreamiehrs​​ ; @fadedjae​​ ; @help-wtf-am-i-even-doing​​ ; @lilikags​​ ; @philosopher-of-fandoms​​ ; @shxnosuke​​ ; @sleepyyangyang​​ ; @sucrosia​​ ; @sunfloweritea​​ ; @xriin ; @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst​​
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Stuck on You (Levi x Childhood Friend! Reader) Part 2
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A/N: Hey guys! It’s been kinda a while but here is part 2~ I have this habit of writing and rewriting my pieces since I’m never fully satisfied by them, but overdoing that is just as bad so I’m going to leave this as is ajflkajada  The amount of love my first part recieved was so genuinely heart warming and I cannot express my gratitude enough. I’m nervous to post this because of it, to be honest, because I hope it lives up to the expectations. Thank you to everyone who has shown me support, it means so much! If you guys want a part three, or maybe just a short epilogue, I will consider it so let me know! Also if you would like to be tagged in my future works, comment below or send me a message <3 I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, Season 1 and No Regrets ova spoilers
Word Count: 4k
If you haven’t already, read part one here
As a former member of the Scouts yourself, you knew the ins and outs of the military’s regulations. Because of this, you also knew your request was a strange one, seeing as soldiers weren’t typically allowed visitors, but you hoped your letter appealed to the more personal side of Commander Erwin. Apparently it somehow moved the man, seeing as you had been brought by carriage to the legion's base the following night.  
The clopping of horse hooves eventually stopped, and you were currently being escorted into the building by another familiar face, her hand already outstretched to help you out of the vehicle as soon as the door swung open.  
“I understand your reservations about this, but you’re brave for coming here. I think he’ll be relieved to see you, (Y/N),” Hange spoke, her fingers hovering over the small of your back as she guided you down one of the many hallways, lantern swinging in her free hand. “I think he could benefit from seeing a familiar face.”
Your eyes were downcast, staring at the floor as rooms upon rooms passed by along your path. You couldn’t speak if you tried, words seemingly stuck in your throat and unable to keep up with your racing thoughts.
Deep breaths, (Y/N).
For better or for worse, there was no need to reply, as Hange came to a halt not a second later. She squeezed your shoulder gently before bringing her knuckles to the wooden door, knocking once, twice.
Your hands were clammy, heart thundering in your ears as you tried to steady your breathing.
“Levi, someone is here to see you,” Hange’s voice rang out firmly.
There was a distinct sound of a chair being pushed back, and footsteps growing nearer. Time slowed down, and you began to second guess every decision up to now. Would Levi even want you to be here? Will he be angry? You felt like bolting away and forgetting about the whole idea, suddenly afraid of his reaction. Afraid that your presence would only make everything worse.
Your eyes were widening as you realized the possibility of leaving was too late to explore, Levi already turning the handle from the other side. So instead, you swallowed your pride, stood up straighter, and pushed away the growing sensation of nausea in your gut.
“Who could possibly be important enough to interrupt my--”

The second his eyes met yours, Levi halted in all movements. Your gaze was fixed on him as well, every bit of longing settling back in your bones the second it did.
He looked nearly the same as the last time you saw him, clean and kempt as ever, hair styled the way it always was-- the same way he’d keep it when he used to chastise you for running your fingers through it.
And those stoic, gray irises that drew you in your were fierce, yet somehow emptier. At the sight of you, his flooding emotions became too much to properly register, unlocking every moment you’d ever spent with him as they replayed all at once.
“(Y/N)?” He couldn’t hide his disbelief, eyes widening ever so slightly. 

“Hello, Levi.” 

Never did Levi think he would grow to care for another group of people the same way he had for you, Farlan, and Isabel. But sitting around Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oruo, he found their excited chatter over the dinner table endearing more than anything. The ever stoic look on his face didn’t change, and he would never openly admit it, but it felt reminiscent to be surrounded by trusted company like this. All of Squad Levi had full faith in one another; it was necessary for the battle field. This created an unspoken bond between all of them that the unreachable Ackerman did not picture building with others again.
Fate worked in funny ways, he supposed.
Sounds of clinking silverware and chatter filled the mess hall, sun setting outside of its many windows and painting the expanse in an orange light. The males eyes drifted towards the entrance of the room expectantly, where a clock rested above the doorway. He took a sip of his tea whilst squinting at it, attempting to get a better read before feeling a slight jab in his side.
“Looking for someone, sir?” Petra inquired, with a hint of deeper emotion in her tone that went right over the male’s head.
He glared at her in annoyance, having almost spilled his drink as the thought of you returned to the forefront of his mind.
It was strange, seeing how capable you had become after spending those months by yourself in the Underground. They made you a bit more calloused than when Levi last saw you, carrying over to your skills as a Scout. You never used to be skilled at riding ODM gear, not even when Levi tried to teach you in your youth. Seeing you slash Titans without blinking an eye was like watching someone completely different.
But you had to learn, since you had no one to protect you.
Your open displays affection had grown fewer and farther between as your time in the Survey Corps dragged on. At first, Levi thought nothing of it. Truthfully, the Captain had hardly noticed, with how busy the both of you were. He wrote it off as stress, or the workload catching up to you. Or, maybe, it was that nagging thought in the back of his conscience he dared not dwell on: he had turned you into this, after being away for so long and then failing to protect your friends.
But as your words replayed in his mind like a broken record, too late he realized this wasn’t the case.
“I see the way you look at her. I see it because you used to look at me that way.”
“Captain?” Petra repeated, leaning forward to study his distant countenance and successfully pulling the man out of his thoughts. “She’s probably just training.”
He rested his hand on top of her head, turning it away from him and sighing.
“Eat, Petra. I don’t need you to be whining about hunger during our patrol tomorrow morning,” he chastised, forcing his eyes away from the doorway.
After that talk, Levi had watched you go, telling himself that you’d return soon enough. Yet could not shake the feeling in his gut that there was something amiss. He pushed away the pit in his stomach. You were safe, you were healthy, and that was all that mattered. Humanity’s Strongest had other things to focus on, after all, and tuned back into his comrades’ conversation. The man blended back in easily, occasionally offering a few of his own comments as the meal dragged on.
Every so often his thoughts would shift back to your conversation earlier that day, and he realized that you were wrong. As close to Petra as he had gotten, there was a stark difference between you and her:
No matter how strong you’d get, and no matter what you thought of him, Levi would always shield you from as much of this world as he could.
But it was better this way. Better if you moved on from him and easier to do if you thought it was because he wanted Petra.
If only he knew your last words to him “I’ll be back for dinner,” had been a lie.
It had been strange for him when you didn’t return. Levi tried not to think about how Kenny had done the same, instead grasping for a reason. For once, he could not read your thought process. The male had no idea why you’d voluntarily leave, after everything. He knew better than to hold onto certainty, but you’d thrown him for a loop. You were always the one to communicate, the problem solver, the one who understood him without much direction. Didn’t you know that you were irreplaceable? He should have come clean: told you that he didn’t see Petra that way, and just didn’t have the heart to admit he didn’t feel good enough for you anymore.
Did he ever even get the chance to say “I love you?”
His regret multiplied tenfold as he began to understand that maybe if he had, you would’ve stayed.
A strange sense of comfort washed over the man as you smiled softly, small hands clasped together in front of you. He blinked, wondering if you were simply a mirage caused by his sleep deprivation. But you remained where you were, after all this time, standing at his door. For once in the man’s life, his mind was drawing a blank.
“I’ll leave you guys to it, then,” Hange stated, excusing herself and soon disappearing out of sight. 

Her statement pulled the both of you back into the present, and you were suddenly self conscious of Levi’s stare. You tucked your hair behind your ears and gestured towards his office, unable to gage his reaction to your presence.
“Would it be alright if I came in?” you asked shyly, astonished he hadn’t slammed the door in your face the second Hange left. 

To your shock, Levi simply nodded, stepping aside to let you through. Your movements were unsure and hesitant, stark in comparison to his: calm and collected as ever.
Just like any space Levi occupied, the area was clean and tidy, a lantern sitting upon his desk the only source of light against the cloudy night sky. It smelled like tea leaves, sandalwood, and disinfectant, a signature scent that made you fill with nostalgia. As the click of the door echoed behind you, the reality of your situation set in, and you turned around to face the man you were here to see.
His gaze had never left you.
“You’re hurt,” was the first thing that left your mouth, concern evident as you studied the bandaging that peaked above his knee length shoes. 

“Long story,” Levi offered curtly, eyeing you up and down from a few feet away. “One I don’t particularly care to tell you.” 

“Of course, that’s fine,” you agreed softly, a weak smile pulling at your lips.
You did your best to mask the hurt, knowing you deserved to feel it. It hurt to be here, the fear that Levi hated you previously keeping you away. Now that you were facing the music, that fear seemed more realistic than ever. Your brain wracked to change the topic before your mind could continue overthinking; desiring instead to cut the unbearable, building tension that never used to exist between you two.
“How are you, Levi?” it was a stupid question, but you no longer knew how to talk to him.

The way he said your name was sharp and challenging. You quickly cleared your throat and looked away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. Of course you’re--”

“--Why did you leave?” Levi effectively cut you off, orbs narrowing as you dared to come closer.
The question caught you off guard. You thought you’d made it obvious with your last conversation with him those years ago. Surely, he had some idea, although his pained expression said otherwise. His fingers twitched at his sides, a movement you didn’t miss as your eyes flickered back to his in surprise. He had been so composed just a moment ago, that the sudden shift gave you whiplash.
Now his fists were clenching, as he waited in the painful silence, knuckles turning white.
“Why did you leave?” The phrase echoed tauntingly in your ears, over and over again.  
You don’t know what came over you. All you knew was that you needed to rid him of the rare, defeated look etched into his countenance. To purge him of this feeling you caused. Whether reaching out would help or hurt, you didn’t know.
But you needed to be near him.  
Levi’s eyelids screwed shut as you brushed your thumb across his cheek. The action was so simple, so delicate, so unsure and so familiar all at once, and at the feeling, the Captain’s composure finally came undone.

He reached up and gripped your wrist, as if you’d fade away if he let go. In previous years, it was always you who craved skinship, yet it seemed as if a weight had been lifted off Levi’s shoulders to have you this close. Your touch still felt like the comforting warmth of a campfire; the type that would make anyone want to stay forever.
“I’m sorry. I thought you’d be better off without me,” you whispered. “I didn’t want to cause you any pain.”
He let out a breath.
“Then why are you here now?” his question was more defeated than hostile, which you hadn’t expected.
If someone asked a few hours ago, your answer would have been much clearer. But now, the logic that brought you here seemed overshadowed by doubt. After all this time, and after everything that had happened between you and Levi, any semblance of a relationship with him seemed unsalvageable. You told yourself this mantra over and over until it stuck. So why were you here?
Levi must’ve thought it audacious, for you to run away like a coward and still think you were relevant to him.
“I owe you so much. Whether I ended up being wrong or right, I’ve always acted with your best interest,” you sighed, thumb brushing over Levi’s dark circles. “Truthfully, I don’t know if I’m any use to you now. I might be the last person you want to seek comfort from, but on the off chance that I still matter to you, I’ll always come back,” you whispered earnestly.
Levi’s grip on your wrist tightened imperceptibly, and you longed to bury your face in the crook of his neck; to feel him wrap his arms around you in his embrace once more. It seemed as if Levi was staring into your soul, his shallow breaths mingling with yours at this close proximity as he opened his eyes to fully drink you in.
“I’m here to tell you that if you need me, I’ll stay.”

He looked to the side as if brushing aside your touch, hand falling away from the raven-haired man’s face as he did so. It felt like rejection, as if he was brushing all of you away with a simple turn of his head.
“You’re a real idiot, (Y/N),” he spoke finally, voice nearly out of place against the stillness.
Moonlight suddenly peaked through the window, showering you in a bath of silver light. Levi recognized this look. You were wearing your heart on your sleeve, offering everything you had to give; eyes wide and honest, shining with a vulnerability that even after a lifetime of knowing you, he had never seen before. The man felt conflicted at the sight, annoyance prickling under his skin as you somehow managed to hold him together and tear him apart all at once with your presence.
Losing his squad twist that knife in his heart, convincing him that he was cursed to be left by everyone and his superhuman talents only doomed him to live a life alone.
But now, here you were, standing within arms length: despite the pain you caused, still the only person he had left. Only you could draw this much emotion out of the typically monotonous man. He couldn’t tell if you were a blessing or a curse, but in the moment, all he knew was that he didn’t want you to leave again. He needed you to stay here, with him, the way it should be. Because you were family.
And true to your word, you did.
“You should really get some sleep, you know,” you stated after a while, closing the door with your foot as you entered with two fresh cups of tea. 

You watched Levi fill out paperwork on the other side of the desk, bringing the cup to his lips in the strange fashion you always teased him for. His gaze flickered up boredly.
“You know I don’t sleep. You go on ahead, though. The bed’s behind that door,” he paused, gesturing somewhere behind him. “I hardly ever use it.”  
You shook your head, reaching forward and plucking Levi’s pen from his hand.  

“What you’re drinking is caffeine free. I switched it, so you have no excuse now.” You ignored the indignant scowl growing on the Captain’s face, urging him to listen. “Please, you really should rest. You know you need to.”
It took an entire hour of imploring and convincing for the man to finally give in, him grumbling as you helped take off the boot on his injured foot and ushered him onto the bed. You knew you were the last person with any right to tell the short Captain what to do, but knowing Levi, he was running on an hour or two of sleep while his body was begging for rest. And yes, you were very much hypocritical, draped across the couch in Levi’s office, staring at the ceiling. But none of that mattered to you, as long as he was okay.
You had been lost in introspection, being a room away from your childhood best friend and first love after so long a surreal experience. It felt strange to be back here, but you were too tired to dwell on how strangely out of place you seemed in a place you once called home.
The weight of your abundant emotions from the day finally crashed down, fatigue settling in. You rubbed your eyes, and snuggled closer to the cushions, letting the darkness claim you.
And in the other room, as Levi slipped out of his uniform, shaking his head in exasperation. His last thoughts while he inspected the door as if he could see you through it, was that of course only (Y/N) (L/N) could be more stubborn than he was.
As he slipped under the covers per your command, the ghost of a smile spread across his lips at the thought.
Perhaps it was the constant danger of where you grew up, and the need to always stay on your toes, but for as long as you could remember, you’d been a light sleeper. If someone so much as stared at you for too long, your body would jolt awake, ready to take action within a moment’s notice. There had been many instances where this came in handy in your past; even after years of seldom disruption in your now boring life within the walls, this was a trait you never seemed to grow out of. So it wasn’t hard to notice the heavy breathing and panicked movement from behind Levi’s closed door.
Just like for you, some things never changed-- when it came to old habits, you knew the man like the back of your hand. The reason he rarely ever slept was one you were quite familiar with. One both of you struggled with, and probably always would. Nightmares never seem to stop. You’d gotten through so many of your own rough nights with your friends by your side.
Levi, however, always refused to admit how they affected him. Insisted on going through it by himself.  
The subconscious urge to look after one other was most likely one you'd never grow out of, even if Levi had. You didn’t think twice before making your way across the office, swinging your legs across the sofa, awake within seconds. Without missing a beat, you stood up and made your way to Levi’s personal sleeping quarters, knuckles rapping against the frame twice. Levi’s shallow gasps quieted, and when you realized he didn’t plan on opening the door, you steeled your nerves to do it yourself. This was what you were here for, wasn’t it? To offer some comfort?
He did want me to stay.
“Levi?” You called into the darkness gently, feet padding foreword as your eyes adjusted to the lack of light.
His silhouette was upright in the bed, no doubt staring at you menacingly.
“I'm fine, (Y/N). Go back to sleep,” he snapped.
That didn't deter you, for he would never openly admit vulnerability. This was by no means new behavior. Besides, the strong emotion behind the Captain’s voice was an easy tell that betrayed his words. You pressed on, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
“Do you remember the time we were teenageers and you got sick, but couldn’t afford medicine so I took that sketchy job you specifically told me not to?” Your back was to him, yet you could feel Levi peering at you.
“Obviously,” he humoured you with a reply, knowing you weren’t going to leave. “You came home half alive and I felt like the most useless piece of shit in the world.”
You chuckled, fingers fiddling with the white sheets beneath them.
“Yes, which was unfair to yourself but also something I did not realize since you called me pretty much every name in the book,” you smiled, the memory oddly fond despite its events. “You were so angry, but I was also scared out of my mind... which was more important than your anger, I suppose. So you let me lay next to you that night. That was all it took to make me feel safe again.”
There was a long pause, you trying to get your words together in a way that could allow Levi to understand how you felt right now.
“I know what you’re thinking; what you’ve been thinking your whole life. You haven’t failed anyone and that stupid idea should be the furthest thing on your mind. Take it from someone who knows, alright? So many lives have had meaning because of y--”
His hand closed around your wrist, the grip much like it was the day you left him.
This time, he would not let go.
“--Stop, (Y/N). Don’t.”
You hadn’t realized there were tears falling down your cheeks until Levi turned your face to look at him. Trying to look away in your embarrassment, you laughed bitterly. His grip did not budge as he examined you sternly.  
“Just be quiet and go to sleep, alright?”
You wiped at your face, determination etched into every fibre of your being.
“Mark my words, Levi, I will make you believe me.”
Levi rolled his eyes but tugged at you once more, opening the duvet in an invitation. When he sensed your uncertainty he simply nodded, arms winding around your waist as you finally crawled in beside him. Both of you knew that there was so much that still needed to be said; so many buried feelings and pain that would only take time to unravel. It felt like a miracle to find yourselves in this situation, pushing aside the thousands of emotions and questions and misunderstandings the two of you had, if only to stay together in this moment.
You didn’t need Levi to know that you still loved him; not while he was coping with another loss. It would be selfish to spring that on, and that was not what you were here for. But you had to tell him:
“I missed you.”
Levi hummed, nose brushing against yours in the close proximity.  
“You better not be gone when I wake up,” he chided in response, orbs fluttering shut.
Your fingers threaded through his onyx black locks, brushing through the knots soothingly. Knowing you’d help this man heal no matter how long it took, you took comfort in the realization that he’d finally let you do just that.  
“I’ll be right here. You’re not alone, Levi. I promise you never will be.”
He pulled you closer, thankful that there was at least one source of warmth left in his life that he could hold onto-- especially after coming to terms with and almost having been certain he’d never experience this feeling of contentment, again. But here you were to prove him wrong, a living slice of home in his arms.
It may have been wishful thinking, but you could have sworn you felt Levi’s breath fan across your hairline, a soft voice whispering “Thank you, (Y/N).” before you felt yourself slip away into slumber once more.
taglist: @asterroidd @chucky-26o1 @silversxble @belovedwindermere @christina-mj-stan @leviackerrman @cravrat @thekohakuriver1 @batakprincess @sunisenpai
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ackermanslov4r · 3 years
request :Hi! Since you asked for requests...! (let me say that I love your writings - especially your dialogue shorts always make me giggle! Thank you for all your work <3 ) Would like to request a scenario for Levi x reader, where reader is no scout but working as a researcher and medic with (bestie) Hange in the titan research/medical compartment of the Headquarters. Whilst the Vets basically ship them hard, Levi and Reader both are kind of incapable of making a real move (awkward Levi is kind of canon, no? And poor researcher S/O probably thinking that someone like Levi wouldn't want to date someone not in the military or whatever - who wouldn't be insecure confessing to Levi, damn), even though their feelings are quite obvious to all the observers. So e.g. requesting a story about Vets teasing them or Hange/.. takes matters into her own hand to "help" them :P Sorry, I just can't get enough of Scout Wingman stories, I hope the request isn't too basic :) Have a great day! 
thank you for your request! i hope you will like it and that it’s what you asked ! this is quite long and i fucked up a bit the ending but anyway
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The love the two of you had for each other was obvious to everyone ,except you,the two concerned person. It was crazy,almost funny, to see how none of you was able to guess the other feeling when it was this visible . You,Hange assistant,a shy and insecure person,and Levi Ackerman, humanity’s strongest soldier,an awkward man who had no romantic experience.
The other scouts had this tendency of teasing the two of you,whistling when they saw you talking,taking beat on who will make the first move. But,even after all these years of crushing on each other, nothing seemed to change between you,and everyone started to be desperate of ever seeing you together.
So,one day,after another lost chance of making a move , Hange Zoe ,your shared friend with Levi,decided to take things in their hand. Since none of you was able to confess your love and change things,it will be their job to bring you together.
“This is a crazy idea Hange.”
Erwin looked over his paperwork ,one of his brows raised. In front of him, the crazy scientist looked excited ,as if they just discovered the secret of the universe. Every time Hange happened to look like this,something bad quickly followed.
“Oh c’mon Erwin ! They’ve been turning around each other for YEARS now,if we don’t help them ,nothing will ever change!”
“And what if they don’t want change ? Have you thought about that ?”
Hange scratched the back of their head,no,apparently,they didn’t thought about it.
“I think they want it actually. Or at least y/n does. And if the first step of my plan work ,we’ll know if Levi share this feeling too.”
The blond haired man sighed ,but a smile was visible on his face . Just as Hange ,he wanted to see his friends together,because they both deserved it after everything they’ve been through . When Hange saw Erwin’s expression,they made a little jump and ran to the door.
“I know you’ll be willing to help! I’ll tell you when to ..do what we talked about .”
And with a wink,they left the room .
A few hours later,Erwin was standing awkwardly outside ,next to Hange. He suddenly regretted agreeing to help them, and he will have left them alone if the thought of Levi and y/n finally together wasn’t there to support him.
“Hey y/n ! Come here !” yelled Hange,while doing big moves with their hands.
You suddenly stopped,and turned to face the scientist with surprise. Beside you,Levi sighed ,an annoyed expression on the face . Why was Hange calling you ? Didn’t they saw that the two of you were talking ? And why were they with Erwin ?
While he was asking himself these questions,you quickly went to meet them,bowing to Erwin.
“Hey ! What’s going on Hange ? Do you need help with the titans ?”
“No ,no they’re completely fine ! Actually...” for a few seconds,they seemed lost in their thoughts ,forgetting what they intended to say in the first place. But,with a little shake of the head,they finished “...Erwin wanted to ask you something,uh,Erwin ?”
Erwin nodded,trying his best to keep a neutral expression while Levi joined the circle the four of you were now forming. He pushed the arm that Hange was trying to put around his shoulders and gave a suspicious look to Erwin.
“I was wondering if you could help me with my ...paperwork tonight . I’ve been pretty busy recently,and since you always help Levi with his work,I thought you may accept to do the same with me.”
Surprise wasn’t a word big enough to describe how you felt at this instant . Your brows went up your forehead ,and you wondered why he was asking you that ,since the two of you weren’t really close.
“Of course ,yeah ,I’d uh... If Hange doesn’t need me ,yes of course.”
“Well...” Hange took a thoughtful face,and stayed like that for a few seconds.”I just need you this afternoon ,I had a new idea for our research on the titans. But it won’t take us this long,so you’ll be free tonight.”
Erwin smiled and muttered a “great”. Beside you,Levi was looking at him,his jaw clenched. He knew Erwin for so long that,he didn’t believe a word of what he just said . He was a pretty organized man,and he never,never needed anyone help. He didn’t know what he was trying to do,but knowing that you’ll be spending the night together was enough to get him angry.
As you followed Hange into the research headquarters,waving at the men ,Levi felt a sudden ache in his heart. He always thought that,even if none of you had confessed,you wouldn’t see anyone else. And even if Erwin had just asked you to help him,he couldn’t help but feel scared of losing you.
“Ah ,I hope you’re not jealous Levi ? I should’ve asked you before ” asked Erwin,a fake guilty expression on the face .
“Why the hell would I be jealous ?” he said ,in a ton that showed how jealous he actually was .
Erwin retained a giggle,and Levi went back inside ,pushing some cadets at the same time. Behind him,Hange showed their thumb up. The first step of the plan was accomplished,and the result was exactly what they had excepted.
“Saints y/n,i am SO sorry"
Blood dropping from your hand,you looked at Hange. You didn't know how exactly it happened ,but during your experiment,Hange managed to cut your hand : not something terrible,but your hand was still bleeding.
"You really don't look sorry"
Indeed,a great smile was visible on their face. They tried to cover it with their hand,but you could still see the happiness in their eyes. It was a really strange way to act,especially after hurting one of your friend.
"Ah,it's terrible that i don't have anything to heal this. I think we need to go to the infirmary"
And,without letting you say a word,they grabbed your arm and dragged you to the medical center. You really didn't need to go there,your wound had already stopped bleeding,but Hange didn't seems to hear you. Their smile growing,they opened the white door,pushed you in the room,and slammed it before locking you inside. You stood there,blinking,trying to proceed what the hell had just happened,when you heard someone call your name behind you.
"Y/n ? What are you doing here ? And..Is that blood on your hand?"
Now standing next to you,Levi looked as surprised as you. Hange had asked him to go to the infirmary ,pretending to have forgotten some important papers there,and he was looking for it when you entered.
"Uh yeah yeah ...Hange accidently cut my hand while working"you said,even if you started to believe that maybe,it wasn't an accident at all.
"We need to clean it before it gets infected.Sit on one of the bed."
Still a bit confused ,you obeyed . A few seconds later,Levi joined you on the bed,keeping a distance between you,and grabbed your hand before starting to heal it. You held your breath,the contact of his fingers sending shivers through your body. In front of you,Levi's ears turned red,he wasn't used to being this close,this intimate with you.
"I just have to do this and ..."he said,putting a bandage around your hand. "Done. "
Levi kept your hand in his for a few seconds,and then dropped it while you muttered a "thanks". You were both avoiding each others eyes now,the cheeks red, an uncomfortable silent floating in the room.
"So uh ...I guess we're...locked here."
"Yeah.I don't know why hange did that"
You nodded,even if you started to understand everything. And,with his embarrassed expression,Levi seemed to understand too.
"You're going to be late for your...To go see Erwin if they keep us here."
You turned to the clock,and with surprise,realized that,indeed,it was almost the time for you to help Erwin. You stood up,and tried to open the door without success.
"Do you want to see him that much?"
"Uh ? What do you mean ?"
Levi's jaw was clenched,and his fingers were twitching on his leg. You tilted your head ,thinking that he looked a bit annoyed,or even jealous.
"I don't know...You just seem so pressed to open that door. You know,you can tell me if you don't like staying with me"
Another "Uh" dropped of your mouth,and you looked at him. He looked like a child right now,an insecure and scared child. It was strange to see him like that,and to hear him say such things.
"Actually...I'd rather stay here with you than go help Erwin."
Levi's head rose with surprise and you slammed your hand on your mouth,regretting what you had said.
"I mean...Like...You know..." you were stuttering,your face slowly turning red in front of Levi's piercing gaze. "I like...staying...with you"
The last words came out of your mouth in a murmur,your voice so low that ,if the room hadn't been this quiet,Levi wouldn't have heard you. Your eyes fixed on the floor,you saw him stand up,coming to you. He passed his hand in his hair,and took a deep breath.
"I like...staying with you too.I like your company...I like...you"
You lifted your head,suddenly realizing how close you were.Your noses were almost touching,and you could clearly see every details of his face,his eyelashes,the colour of his eyes,everything. Levi seemed to realize it too,and you just stood there,admiring each other for what felt like hours.
And then,at the same time,the two of you moved and your lips met.Levi's lips were soft agaisn't yours,and this contact brought butterflies in your stomach. The kiss,at first shy,became more passionate as you placed your hand on Levi's hair. You've waited so long for that moment,and you didn't want it to end soon. And,as Levi cuped your cheek with his hands,deeping the kiss even more,you knew that he felt the same way.
And,with the screams of joy that your friends were shooting behind the door,you kept kissing,drowning in each other presence.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hi! your writing is so amazing and I always come back to the Geto x reader works you did. I’d love to request a strong female reader whos a warrior that catches Geto’s eye. I know this is vague but I hope it can give you some ideas. Again thank you for your amazing writing its so entertaining 💗💗
The Commander: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: NSFW
Suguru knew what might happen if he began allowing females into the King's Guard.
He knew what circumstances he would be putting his men - and himself - in if he did this.
But his troops were so few... and the King himself even had the grand idea that it would be best if they had women in the Gaurd to boost morale in his regime.
He caved the day Satoru - with his glassy blue eyes and somber expression - told him that he had to fix public opinion in his favor - or else. Suguru knew this threat was hollow, but the fact that Satoru - his best friend since childhood - thought it was time, well... that was enough to persuade him.
As announcements went out around the country, Suguru didn't really expect anyone to show up for training. Training as a King's Guard was brutal, and the regiment would include fasting, staying awake for three nights in a row, and building rapport with the others in order to complete the final task - a trek up the highest peak in the middle of winter.
And at first, no one did. Suguru smirked to himself every day that passed, bringing forth no new women into the fold. Perhaps things could be kept as they were. Things could remain as they always had been, and no one would get hurt.
But on the third day of recruitment, you came swaggering in through the gates of the training grounds, pack loaded up on your back and eyes determined.
Everyone held their breath - that's something that Suguru remembered quite well - until you stated your name loudly for all to hear, and dumped your pack onto the ground with a thud.
"I'm y/n from the Whispering Hills," you stated, hands resting on your hips. "And I've come to join the King's Guard."
Everyone knows better than to laugh at a child of the Whispering Hills. The people from that area of the country are famed for their ruthlessness, unwavering loyalty, and quick tempers. They also believe in the Old Gods, which were banned from being worshipped long ago by the king before Satoru's father.
But no one seems to care that you wake up at the crack of dawn, walk out into the field with your nightclothes still on, and kneel in the direction of the hills with your eyes closed and hands folded in prayer.
No one says a word when you stay behind to eat and the others go off to pay tribute to the New Gods with offerings of wheat, grains, and fruits.
No one, not even Suguru, bothers you when you slay an animal and burn it on a makeshift altar (animal sacrifices are also forbidden) because they know you will cut them to pieces without even blinking an eye. And you'd be fully justified in doing so.
Suguru watches you do all of this, his eyes assessing you carefully as you train with the other men without missing a beat, without being injured or tapping out.
And for some reason, the deepest fear he had begins to blossom in his chest like an unbidden guest taking residence in his space. He's watched you for a few weeks now, just being yourself - but has never spoken to you one-on-one. Why hasn't he just--
The voice belongs to you, and you stand above him, looking just as you did on the first day you arrived. Suguru's eyes dilate and he swallows hard past the lump in his throat.
"Yes, y/n?"
"I must request a short leave of absence to meet with my people at the foot of the hills. It is festival season."
"I cannot permit you to leave training for your festivals," Suguru looks back down at his papers, shrugging. "You made a commitment to remain here with us during your training. You must keep that promise or be kicked out of this year's recruits."
Suguru doesn't see the shift in your stance, but he can feel the air around him shift from respectful to hostile. When he looks up at your expression, though, you look perfectly fine.
But things were not fine.
"Sir! She's refusing to do anything, and we can't complete the trek up the mountain without her in our group."
Suguru's had enough of your non-compliance. Ever since he said "no" to you going back to your hometown, you'd been unmoved from your station in your tent. Festival season was long over, but you'd remained in your tent, alone, and unwilling to reemerge.
The flaps on the tent swing open as Suguru storms in, his hair and eyes wild with disdain.
"Get up," he mutters, and you rise from your bed, looking over at him with bleary eyes. "You made a commitment."
"You do not honor my gods," you begin, wiping your eyes. "I will not come out until the moon has completed its course."
"I said, get up." Against his better judgment, Suguru pulls you up out of your bed by your arm and drags you to your feet. You sneer at him and bark the command to let you go, but Suguru ignores you - again, a poor move on his part. Because then, without speaking, you launch into an attack.
Suguru's been studying you carefully, and he knows your go-to moves, dodging them with ease and skill. You can hardly catch him off guard as your fight spills out into the open, calling the attention of all of the guards-in-training around you.
Suguru's long hair flies in the wind as he ducks, avoids, swiftly blocks, all while you're on the offensive, face turning a deep shade of red as you try to land a single blow on his body. If you could just get him once... then you'd have a personal achievement and a justified temper.
"Your temper is unyielding," Suguru pants, face splitting into a wild grin. "But your body cannot last as long as mine."
"We'll see about that," you reply, hands and fists flying with precision. After a few more moments of this back-and-forth, Geto stops you with two well-timed punches; one to the stomach, and one to the chest. You stumble back to catch your breath, vision blurring, but his hands grip yours behind your back, twisting them painfully.
"I will not yield," you grit out, pain shooting up your arms.
"Yield and I will spare you the punishment that follows."
"I will not yield!" you scream, bucking against the brute strength of the man.
"Your pride will cost you, then."
Your pride cost you more than just discomfort.
As you lay at the foot of Suguru's bed, your mouth whispers silent curses upon the Commander.
"Hush," Suguru gripes from his perch at his desk. "Your cursing is much too loud for my ears. I must focus."
"I hope you're never able to focus again," you snap, hands tied behind you.
"Such a sweet thing to say to your commander, soldier."
"I hope you choke on it." Suguru looks up from his book, but not at you, contemplating taming that snarky mouth of yours. But he decides against it, returning to his scribing.
Why are his hands shaking so bad, though? Had it really been so long since he felt challenged in a fight? And not only challenged but terribly aroused?
Suguru tries to fight these feelings day in and day out, looking at you with some terrible form of lust in his mind circling around him and making him go insane.
What could he do?
What should he do?
When he sees you laying on the floor with a death glare, he wants to break out into laughter and tell you to lighten up, but he knows if he does, he'll be ruined as a commander in your eyes. He must be stern, tough, unyielding, unshaken. All the things he's always been.
"You take yourself too seriously," you whisper, and Suguru looks over at you again, his brow raised.
"And you don't?"
"This isn't about me," you mutter, looking over your shoulder at your tied hands. "This is about your appearance." She's not wrong. "You want to seem strong. I've been eyeing you, Commander. I know how you work."
"Then you know I'm not going to let you get away with anything because you're a woman."
"But you do have a soft spot for me." Suguru rolls his eyes, despite you being absolutely right. "That's why I thought you'd let me go home for a few days. I see the way you look at me. Have you seen the way I look at you?"
"Don't," Suguru bites out, trying his best to avoid looking you in the eye. "Don't do that."
"Have you thought about me in your bed, Commander?" Suguru's breath hitches and he wonders if you'd snuck into his mind at some point, watching him watching you. "Or should I call you Suguru?"
The alarm bells in his mind are ringing, but something in Suguru lurches anyway, wanting you to say his name like that again.
"Y/n, this is neither the time, nor the place, nor the man you want to test you womanly wiles on."
"Oh?" You produce both of your hands, now untied, for him to see. "Or is it the perfect time, the perfect place, and the perfect man who has me all alone in his tent for the evening?" Suguru stiffens as you walk around to where he's seated, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "You going to show me who the strongest is, Commander? Or are you going to sit there and let yourself be taken by a woman, again?"
The answer is clear by the third hour of the morning.
Your hips smack backward, and Suguru hisses, hand coming down on your asscheek again.
"Tell me who the strongest is," Suguru huffs above you, one hand holding both of your wrists on the bed.
"You are," you breathe, looking over your shoulder at his pleased expression, dark eyes drinking in your features with the lust you'd preyed on earlier. "You're the strongest."
"That's right," Suguru exhales, leaning over your back and whispering in your ear. "I'll always be the strongest between the two of us. Don't forget that, y/n."
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arminarlertsslut · 3 years
die for humanity
levi ackerman x fem!reader
warnings: deaths, & lots of crying
a/n: no spoilers in this, so dw! this is also not associated with the aot plot
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Blades are dull. 
No gas. 
“Is this the end?” You ask, staring down at the ground. 
“Yes,” Levi says.
You gulp. The pit in your stomach is heavy and every breath you take is hard to exhale. You look at Levi and he’s leaning back on the chair, staring up. You drop your head and you stare at the dirt, trying to avoid reality. 
Is this really happening? 
Are you about to die?
Did you live?
You were gliding past the buildings, Hange next to you and Mobilt. In front, leading the squad is Levi. Captain Levi, strongest soldier ever.The air felt so good, but the smell of the air was terrible. It reeked of blood and death. Tears slipped going by all those dead citizens.
I guess, I didn’t really live.
“Don’t be sad,” Levi says.
What? How could I not be sad? I’m about to die. I’m about to die before I could even live.
You look up at him and he’s looking at you, but he seems distracted. You clench your jaw and you hold back tears.
“It was an honor to fight alongside you, Y/n,” Levi softly says.
You lose it.
“Shut up. We’re about to die, are you okay with that? Why aren’t you thinking of a way to prevent it? What is wrong with you, Levi?” You scream. Levi’s eyes are wide.
There’s his girl. His precious doll. Levi has always been captured by you. He’s only admitted it to one person and that’s Hange. He fell in love with you, when you killed your first titan. The way you swirled, looked and passionately killed that titan was something he’s never seen before.
Levi snaps out of his daydream. You’re standing before him. He looks at your angered expression. And his hands move down to your shaking hand.
“We can't avoid death. If it's now, then it's now, Y/n. We joined the corps knowing we’d die. Don’t forget that. It’s a death wish,” Levi responds.
“I know we can't cheat death but we CAN find a way to get out of this,” You respond.
“How?” Levi asks.
You don’t know. Mainly, because there isn’t a way out. You both are destined to die.
You both are destined to die, together.
“So, we’re dying together,” you say. “And you’re okay with that?”
Levi looks at you. He doesn’t want you to die, not in the slightest. But neither of you can avoid it. It’s time, no help is coming, nothing. This is it.
“As long as you’re by my side, I’m okay,” he answers.
“Then, tomorrow, we kill those titans. And we die,” you say.
Levi nods, slowly.
Die for humanity.
You sit back on the chair, in front of Levi. His head hangs low and he’s leaning forward, with his elbows on his knees.
“I didn’t think this was going to happen, at least to us,” Levi admits. “I thought we’d make it out of this alive. Did you know I dreamed of us getting married? It was so nerve racking, in the dream I was so nervous. I even got to see you in a wedding dress, you looked so beautiful. I also thought about how our kids would look,” Levi says. He laughs. You bite your trembling lip.
“Did you want to get married?” You ask.
“I do,” he lets out.
You sniffle.
You figured that Levi loves you but you didn’t know, he loves you this much. I love you, Levi,” you say, leaning forward to him.
“I love you too.”
The trees whistle, and thunder can be heard from miles away. The both of you look at the night sky.
“Let’s get married,” Levi suggests. Your eyes widened at his words. You look at him and his eyes are glossy. You nod.
Levi gets down on his knee, and he takes your left hand. He kisses it, and holds it tightly.
“Y/n, please take me as your husband. I know I’m not the best but I will do my best to protect you and provide for you. I love you, I love you, I love you, please, you make me whole,” Levi cries. Tears spill down your face and you drop to your knees with him. You hold him as he sobs on your shoulder. Your hand caresses his hair, and you kiss his temple.
“Yes, yes, Levi. Of course, you’re everything to me. Even after death, I’ll still love you,” you cry.
Levi pulls away. His eyes are red and so is his nose, he wipes his cheeks. He smiles. He caresses my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.
Fireworks went off in your body, your heart exploded and you went deeper into him. The kiss is sloppy and wet, you’re both amateurs at this.
Rain starts pouring, you smile and you pull away.
“I’m sorry we have to end like this, Y/n,” Levi says.
“It’s okay, we devoted our hearts. We did our duty, Levi,” you assure him.
We died for humanity.
❗️moved blog to @openforjean ! All my writing will go there, please follow if you want to see more❗️
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Till I Met You Part 3
Read Part 1 and 2 Here
Pairings: Levi x fem! reader
Summary: You were the one who took care of Eren, Armin and Mikasa after they lost their parents. You're a doctor and you've been assigned to be the Scout's doctor after their encounter with the female Titan. You already expected to see your children, which is Eren, Armin and Mikasa but you met the Captain because he's injured what would happen next?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1000+
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You are happily buying foods for the kids in 104th, Sasha had requested for more potatoes so you looked for a stall where potatoes are in good state and affordable. You found a stall nearby selling the goods that you needed, you inspected the fruits and vegetables to see if they're fresh enough to last for a whole week as a supply.
“I'll buy 5 kilograms for each of these.” you smiled at the vendor and pointed the goods you'd love to buy, not forgetting Sasha's favorite, potatoes.
But as you saw the vendor pack the goods you've come to realized that carrying these heavy bags of fruits and potatoes will be a hardship, considering the fact that you also need to buy chamomile tea for Levi. That man is insomniac and as a soldier who fights Titan all the time, Levi should have all the sleep that he needs so he could be healthy and strong enough, you know that he wouldn't be called as humanity's strongest soldier if he isn't one but you also know that the humanity's strongest soldier is a human himself who needs to take care of his health.
You sighed, knowing that Levi is quite hard headed, he's always working his ass off and you're worried for him.
“Are you sure you can carry all of these? It's pretty heavy.”
“Oh yeah, it's fine someone would pick me up anyway.” you smiled, Erwin told you that he'll be sending someone to pick you up and help you but maybe the scouts assigned for it became late for some reason.
The male vendor smiled at you in a weird manner as he look around, “If you'd like I can help you with all of these, it's inappropriate for a good looking lady like you to carry heavy things." You are actually offended of his tone, is he saying that you're weak? He should know that the little girl you once trained are now a member of survey corps, before you could even turn down the man's offer, you felt strong arms wrapped around your shoulders.
“Can I have everything that my wife bought? We have to go home, our kids are waiting.”
Your eyes widened when you met Levi's gaze, you almost pushed him away but you've realized that he did that to scare the creepy man, so you just played along and gave him a small smile.
The man was terrified of Levi's intense glare, he can feel his knees weakened. He immediately hand over the goods you bought and Levi carried it effortlessly.
“Let's go.” he whispered at you, his free hand still on your shoulder. When the two of you are far enough from that stall, Levi removed his arms off you and glanced at you. “You should've told me that you'll went here, bunch of pervert pigs are roaming around here tch.” you pouted and looked away, “I can protect myself you know, I taught Mikasa everything she knew in martial arts.” you bragged and Levi looked away to hide his smirk.
He knew that you are more than capable of protecting yourself, he's not underestimating you, he's genuinely worried for you.
“Captain, you can just wait for me here since I still need to buy some things, I want to buy a book for Armin, I already bought gifts for the other kids, his books are the last on my list. You should stay here you're carrying too heavy—”
“Now, who's underestimating who? I'll go with you, these aren't heavy.”
You have no other options but to let him go with you, you proceeded to buy the book that Armin wants and your last task is to buy the tea for you and Levi. The chamomile tea that you truly love will be brought to you by a fellow doctor, he's the one getting the supplies for you and the two of you have decided to meet up in front of the bookshop where you've bought Armin's book.
“Why did we stop here?” Levi asked, noticing the way you look around you, as if searching for someone.
“Ah, a friend of mine will be here soon and we'll be picking up—”
You looked at your right and saw Steve, a fellow doctor whom you've known since you were just a student. “Hey, ahm Steve this is Captain Levi and Captain Levi this is Steve, my friend, he's also a doctor, a classmate of mine too.” Steven held his hand out for a handshake but Levi just looked at it. “Nice to meet you, sorry I can't shake your hands, I've got to hold these.” the Captain narrowed his eyes at the taller male, there's no way that he wouldn't notice the way the man's ears had turned red as you smiled at him tch.
As the man named Steve handed you a small package, Levi had wondered what was it but he didn't say anything. “Thanks for bringing me these personally.” you smiled sweetly and Steve rubbed the back of his neck to hide his embarrassment.
“You're always welcome, anyway do you have a free time this week? I would love to invite you to a dinner if you'd let me.”
“Sorry but I'm busy, the kids needed me at the headquarters. I can't leave them.”
Levi celebrated silently, he had to look down to hide his smirk, is he being mean? He doesn't give a damn anyways, the thought of you agreeing to have dinner with other man pisses him off especially now that it is painfully obvious that the Steve guy likes you.
“Oh is that so? Next time then? You can also bring the kids if they'd like to.”
“I'll tell them, bye Steve, thank you so much.”
When you arrived with Levi the kids are all genuinely shocked, they saw their Captain talking to you calmly as you two arrived and they couldn't believe their own eyes.
“Eren, keep your voice down for goodness sake. Armin you're hugging me too tight.” you pat Armin's head and let him pull away from you. Mikasa headed towards you and took some of the things you've bought from your hands. “These are heavy, you should've asked me to come with you, Mom.” you giggled and slightly pinch Mikasa's cheeks.
“Look at you three being clingy, I didn't tell you guys because I'm not planning on staying long at the inner walls besides Captain Levi came to help me.”
The three looked at their captain and politely bow. “Thank you, Captain.” Levi just nodded and looked at you with a small smile, “I'll bring these inside. You four should head inside two it's getting colder here outside.” you smiled at him and thanked him once more before he headed inside.
Levi couldn't sleep on that night again, it feels weird because every damn time that he'll close his eyes all he could see is your face.
He could see images of you, the look you have on your face whenever you talk to the brats in 104th and the way you smile reassuringly to your patients when they're too nervous about their injuries. The sound of your giggles kept on playing on his head too and he couldn't even feel sleepy no matter what he do.
He's not dumb not to know what he feels, even though this is his first time to be like this because of a woman, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand what he feels. He wanted to deny it, he wanted to tell himself that this is nothing but he knew better than that.
He knows that he was jealous when he saw other men approaching you, and he also knew why he finds everything in you endearing, he's in love as stranger as it sounds, Levi knows he's in love.
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chaoticforever · 4 years
Playboy Having Fun Part 2 | Yandere Dean Winchester x Playboy! Reader x Yandere Sam Winchester
A/N: Part 1 right here!
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Was one emotion that you never felt. 
How could you feel fear? You were someone who smelled fear from a mile away, not someone who has it. It also has to do with how you were trained to be. You were trained to be a soldier, a warrior, a fighter who can take anyone out and can break someone with their own words. 
Just how you were made to be. Eons ago. 
You, along with Castiel were one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, and one of the most powerful Angels in the Garrison. 
The two of you always fought side by side, protecting each other and taking care of any demons, or other creatures who would get in your way. You both led armies at one point and did a hella good job at it, too.
You loved being an Angel of the Lord. Well, that was until he came along. 
Another angel that was created by your father to assist you on missions when Castiel had missions he needed to go on alone. 
You and Caleb had spent many decades with one another. Fighting and smiting various beings, and even going to earth sometimes when you both had nothing to do, but sit at the park and watch over your father's creations. 
He even kissed you at one point which was weird at the time and made you feel something that you weren't supposed to feel.  
Unlike Castiel, you actually understood human behavior and emotions, having spent a lot of time watching over them. 
And when Caleb saved you from a demon attack, you felt that emotion again and knew what that emotion was. 
You were in love with Caleb and this was a huge problem because you were not supposed to feel human emotions, but you were somehow able to. 
You'd hope Michael wouldn't find out.
He was the Viceroy of Heaven since father was absent. He could either lock you up, or banish you from Heaven. 
So, you decided to ignore these feelings. 
They would surely go away soon and everything would be okay again. That was what you thought at first before one day, Caleb confessed that he somehow developed feelings for you. 
Michael found out and flipped out. He liked Caleb, but couldn't have him in Heaven anymore, so he banished him to earth and erased his memory. He was reborn and would live a human life. 
You were so pissed at Michael and wanted to hurt him for that, but knew that you wouldn't win that fight. You may be a powerful angel, but Michael was an Archangel, making him way more powerful than you. 
Feeling hurt and confused, you called on your father and begged for him to send you to earth and be reborn as well, but with your memories kept. 
You wanted to be with Caleb again and didn't even care about being an angel anymore. Father had abandoned all of you, so he could at least grant you this one wish from wherever he was. 
And that he did. 
You were reborn again and still had the memories of your former life along with a vessel that was yours forever. 
As you grew up, you met Caleb again in college, of course he didn't remember who you were, but you were at least hoping he'd remember his former life. 
Since he didn't remember you, you took the liberty of being his best friend instead. You'd rather keep him as your best friend since he couldn't remember and became a playboy to hide the feelings that would remain unrequited. 
In all of that has happened, you never felt fear. Not the fear of losing Caleb, or the fear of not returning back to Heaven, so what was Castiel on about that? 
That was a good question. 
"...What?" You asked, setting your drink down on the table, "What did you say?" 
"It's Sam and Dean," Castiel said once again, "They have grown an obsession towards you and also put up angel sigils that stops me from entering the bunker. It's best if you stayed away from them." 
You blinked at the angel and massaged your temples, letting out a sigh of frustration. Now, this was starting to get out of hand. None of the people you slept with ever acted this way. Were you really that hot? You knew the answer to that, but you were not going to fear these little humans. 
"Castiel," You sighed, "I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine. Their obsession with me will go away eventually once they realize I'm not into them." 
Castiel shook his head, "Don't be so sure of that, Y/N. Don't ever underestimate the Winchesters. They are dangerous and my grace is running low, so I might not be able to protect you if they come after you." 
"And you shouldn't underestimate me either," You retaliated, "Don't forget that I was one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, you as well." You reminded him. 
"But I still have my powers. You don't." He pointed out. 
"That's true, but I still have my skills   and intellect from my life as an angel. That didn't go away, not to mention that I can still see your true form if I want too." 
Castiel sighed, it was so hard to reason with you. You were too stubborn to see that something is clearly wrong with them. 
You were his oldest friend and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you. 
"Just please make sure that you carry your knife around all the time cause humanity is causing me to weaken." 
"Jeez Castiel! I'll make sure to carry my knife around. Damn, why did those writers have to make you, a strong angel so weak throughout the seasons." 
"Nothing, man! Now, go wherever you go, or you can sleep in the guest room."
Castiel went to the guest room that he would sometimes stay in when he came to visit you. He mostly stayed there when he would lie to the Winchesters and tell them that he had Heaven business to attend to, or when he didn't feeling like being bothered by them. 
You drank the rest of your glass before walking into your room and crawling into bed, putting your phone on the charger. 
You put the covers over your body and closed your eyes, feeling yourself about to drift off to sleep. As you began drifting off, everything that Cas told you came rushing back to you in an instant. 
Their obsession would go away, right?
Multicolored lights flashed on the dance floor, as dancing sweaty bodies pressed up against each other. Music blared throughout the club as you danced to some of the songs with a bunch of people's eyes on you. Apparently, you were the main focus tonight, but you loved it. You've always loved attention, and the spotlight. 
Castiel had insisted for you not to go back to the bar you met the Winchesters at, even though you told him that it's been a week and nothing has happened to you, he was still cautious about it, so you ended up going to this bisexual club that has recently opened. 
Alex ditched you when he got here, seeing a hot girl somewhere, and Caleb works the night shifts, unfortunately. So, you decided to dance by yourself with the exception of people looking at you. 
A pair of large arms wrapped around you, taking a huge sniff of you, "Damn, you look so sexy out here. You're definitely teasing almost everyone in here with the way you were dancing." 
You turned your head slightly to see a dark skinned man with brown eyes and curly hair. This man was absolutely handsome. 
"Elliot!" Someone shouted through the loud music and you saw a woman with brown hair and hazel eyes along with glasses walking up to you, "I thought we were going back to your place to have some fun," She whined and turned to stare at you when Elliot didn't respond, "Well, that's not far, Elliot! This guy is freakin' hot!" She exclaimed, and you felt heat crawl up to your face. 
"I'm sorry Candance, but this guy is too hot to pass up." He responded, not letting go of you at all as she rolled her eyes. 
Though, she couldn't blame Elliot. 
You were freakin' hot. Like supermodel hot and she would love to have one night with you herself. 
"Or," You suddenly spoke up, and Candace turned to face you while Elliot lifted his head up from your neck to look at you, "How about we turn this into a threesome instead?" 
"I'm down for that," Elliot said without a second thought and turned to face Candace, "Are you down for that?" 
She pondered at that thought. To have a chance with these two muscular men. There was no way she could pass up this opportunity. 
She nodded, "Sounds like a good idea." 
Elliot unwrapped himself from around you and took a hold of your right hand, leading you out of the club as Candance took a hold of your left, going with you guys. 
Some bodies pressed up against you when you were leaving, but you didn't mind despite feeling their eyes on you. 
Introductions of names were made as all three of you exited the club along with Elliot and Candance glaring at some people who tried to take you. 
Exiting the club, the cool breeze hit your face and you loved the way it felt since you were in that club with a bunch of sweaty bodies. 
"I think you both should be warned," Elliot spoke, which caused you and Candance to look at him, "Most people call me The Punisher when were in bed together." 
"Punisher? And why do people call you that?" You asked and Candance nodded. 
"That I would have to show you." 
"Are you a bad boy?" You teased. 
Elliot smirked, "Something like that." Oh, you wanted to know why he's called the punisher. 
"Get away from Y/N, and we won't hurt any of you." A gruff voice insisted and to the right of you, there they were. 
The Winchesters. 
You huffed, "Why are you guys here?" 
"We came to bring you home." Sam said, taking a step forward as you backed up behind Elliot and Candance who stood in front of you protectively. 
"And I told you both already that what we had was a one night stand, that's all."
"It was more than a one night stand," Dean argued, clearly stuck in his own delusion, "That night showed us how much you love us, and how much we love you. You're coming home with us and you're going to love us." 
"You guys are freakin' sick!" 
"Were sick?" Sam scoffed, "Us loving you with both our hearts means that were sick? I think you're the sick one and your ours, okay? We love you and you're coming with us." 
Elliot pushed Dean and Sam back a few feet with one hand, and they stumbled back slightly in this alley, "He's not going with you guys. You heard the man, he doesn't want anything to do with you both, so it's time for you to bounce." 
The brothers shared a brief look with each other before pulling out 2 guns, aiming it at Elliot and Candance as Candance screamed. 
Your fight or flight instincts kicked in, and you kicked the gun out of Dean's hand and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell down, clutching his groin. 
You went to kick the gun out of Sam's hand, but he was quicker. He moved the gun out of your reach and hit the gun over your head, knocking you out. 
When you awoke after some time, you saw that you were chained to a bed and was in a room that you didn't recognize. 
The room wasn't big, but wasn't small either. Pictures covered the creamy colored walls, and you saw a map of the town you resided in. Red dots were covering certain locations and you realized that those were the places you had been. 
Seems as if The Winchesters has been watching you long before you had that one night stand with them. 
The door opened and Dean walked in, seeing that you were awake. 
"You're finally awake, my little prince." He walked over to your side, grabbing the back of your head and tried to kiss you on the lips, but you moved your head to the side and got your cheek instead. He looked disappointed, "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I'm sorry that Sam hit you over the head, but you had it coming." 
"Dean, please just let me go," You pleaded. You never pleaded for anything in with the exception of your father, but you were willing to plead if it meant that you could leave, "I don't belong here." 
"Actually, you do belong here," Sam entered the room and kissed you on the forehead, "And the reason for that is because we need to protect you. We both have watched you from afar for a long time and infatuation turned into an obsession once we saw how many people are attracted to you. We can't let you leave. We lost so many people in our lives and we can't lose you, too." 
"Too many people," Dean chimed in, "And we refuse to lose you too, so we decided to lock you up here for our eyes only. We love you, Y/N. We want you as ours and to never share you with anyone else." Dean kissed you, on the lips this time, "Do you love us, too?" 
"I. Hate. You. Both. So. Much." 
Boy, was that the wrong thing to say. 
Their eyes widened in anger, and Sam grabbed your chin roughly, making you face him as you tried your best to make sure that you didn't look scared. 
Sam grinned at you, "We are going to have so much fun breaking you down. And you're not going to have a choice, but to love us." Sam walked out of the room and now it was Dean's turn to grab your chin roughly. 
You will break for us, sweetheart. And you'll love us the way we love you. Your playboy days are over. We promise to cherish you and love you for as long as well all shall live, and your going anywhere, my little prince. Ours forever."
Dean left the room and you stared at the wall ahead with a complete blank stare.  
You let out a sigh. How did this happen? How did you go from a playboy just having fun to getting kidnapped by two crazy obsessed hunters? 
You tried calling out to Cas, but there was no answer. 
An unpleasant feeling made you feel like you weren't getting out of this situation. 
But you did have an upper hand against them because there was a little flaw in their plan to break you down until you break completely. You couldn't be broken. 
After all, how can someone with no soul be broken?
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Of ginger and cranberries
It was a cold Sunday morning of early winter. You were walking through the market stalls looking for the most important ingredient for your ginger cookies: ginger. The town's main square was crowded, the bustling sound was getting louder and the smell coming from the different food stalls engulfed the place. People were gathering supplies for the upcoming new year celebration that would take place within a week.
After stopping by several stalls without success, you found an empty bench and took a seat. Walking around with a heavy jute bag on the shoulder was exhausting, and you deserved a rest. You placed your cane next to your leg where you could feel it and put the groceries bag on you lap just to make sure ginger was the only ingredient missing.
As soon as you opened it, a smell of cloves and cinnamon greeted your nose making you smiled. That's how winter is supposed to smell. Putting your hand in the bag, you hissed. The only thing you hated about winter was wearing mittens. Hands were the eyes for people like you, and having them covered make you double blinded. You took one of the mittens off and proceeded to check the content.
Flour. Checked.
Sugar. Checked.
Eggs. Checked.
Butter. Checked.
Cinnamon and cloves. Double checked.
You put the mitten on again before your hand froze and rolled your neck to stretch, placed the bag strap on your left shoulder and took the cane to continue your quest. Ginger was not slipping away from you; but the smell of freshly-baked cranberry pie filled the air forcing you to take a little detour. Your pace fastened following the source of the sweet, luring scent; however, someone blocked your way and in matter of seconds your bottoms hit the cobblestone ground. You whined, and your hand patted your surroundings looking for your guide.
"Tsk. Are you blind? Watch your step, brat" You heard and turned the head towards the voice's source. The man you had bumped into turned around and facepalmed inwardly.
"Sorry, but you're right, as you can see I am blind" You chuckled and waved a hand in front of your face. Levi sighed extending a hand and 'tched'' at himself when he realized his idiocy, you could not see his gesture.
"Give me your hand" He ordered.
You raised your hand in front of you, waited for him to take it and stood up with his aid. "Thanks" You smiled at him, or so you thought.
"I'm right here" The man lifted a brow crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh" You turned towards the voice and thanked again.
Fortunately, all the ingredients were safe and sound in the bag, even the eggs. Nonetheless, your cane was still missing.
"Do you know where my cane is? I couldn’t find it" He looked around and found the stick broken in two. "I don't think it'll take you anywhere" he replied.
"Holy Walls!" You scratched your head and sighed. "Hey, stranger, are you free until noon?"
"I have no intention of becoming your guide" He harshly responded.
"But... would you let this poor, blind girl wander around on her own?" You sniffled with your bottom lip jutting out.
"Alright" He rolled the eyes. "What's our next stop?" You celebrated your little victory by throwing your arms in the air. Levi, indeed, was free until dinner time. Hange and the others had kicked him out of the headquarters and told him not to be back before seven bells. That's why he decided to go to the market and try his luck finding rare herbs and special blends.
"Wait, I'm not supposed to leave with strangers" You said adjusting your woolen cap. "I'm (name)"
"Pretty name" you noted. "Well Levi, I'm on a special mission to find ginger; but first, we must make a strategic stop at the cranberry pies stall" He took your hand and placed it right above his elbow. "Thanks" You muttered and gently squeezed his arm, feeling the muscle beneath his coat.
"Sorry about that" You lowered your head in embarrassment, your cheeks getting warm. "but, you feel good" You mumbled. Levi snorted and shook his head, the corner of his lips lifted. "You're not bad looking yourself"
You lifted your head batting your lashes in a flirtatious manner and leaned closer to him. "You think so? Well, you're good looking too" You laughed. "No, but seriously, your voice is really attractive and I like the smell of fresh lavender of your hair"
Your words made him blush slightly.
As you walked, Levi studied you and found odd that your coat, cap, mittens, scarf and boots were all the same blue color. "Who picks up your clothes? An eight-year-old?"
"A ten-year-old actually. But my winter clothing is all blue because it's my favorite color, and I don't have to waste time matching each piece"
"So, you know about colors" His curiosity sparked.
"Yeah, I wasn't born blind. I lost my eyesight due to an infection when I was a child" you explained. "At first, I felt insecure and vulnerable, but as I grew up I started to accept my reality and learnt to adapt. Besides, I've been blessed with the people I've come across, they're always willing to help." you smiled.
You reached the pastry sale and bought two pies to go. You wanted to surprise your older brother, and if you were lucky enough, he would forget about your broken cane;  the other one was all for you.
"Aw, you two make a good couple" The old lady commented while packing the sweet treats, making you blush hard. Luckily, you couldn't see the red shade creeping across your companion's face.
"We're not dating" You stated in unison. Levi shoved his hands in his pockets and his eyes darted around while you toyed with a lock of hair.
"I thought someone had finally stolen Captain Levi's heart" The elder woman winked and handed the bags to the ravenette. "Have a good day!"
When you were on your way to get the spice for your recipe, you were first to break the silence. "Captain Levi from the Survey Corps? Humanity's Strongest Soldier?"
"Are you a fangirl?" He lifted a brow looking at you.
"Nope, not me. My nephew is the fanboy" A chuckled scape your lips. "He wants to join the Scouting Legion when he grows older. My brother is not so happy, though." You shrugged.
Once you found the final ingredient, Levi offered to take you home. You didn’t live far from the main square and, even though you insisted you knew the way by heart, he didn't feel like taking any risk. In truth, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with you. In such brief time, he had fallen into your spell. It might have been your looks, or your charismatic, cheerful personality; or perhaps the combination of both. He wasn't sure about his feelings, but he wanted to learn more about you.
You didn't want to say goodbye either. The little time you had spent with him had sparked your curiosity. You had heard the rumors about Captain Levi, but you knew there was more behind his unfriendly personality and sarcastic remarks. There was more behind that hard shell and you were willing to crack it.
"Here" he handed you the two bags of pies and only released his grip when he made sure you had them secured in each hand.
"This one is for you" you kept one of your arms extended in front of you for him to grabbed the bag. "Happy Birthday Captain Levi"
Levi was taken aback and shyly took the craft paper bag from your hand. "Thanks, but..."
"I told you my nephew is a fanboy, and that lady said cranberry pies are one of your favorites"
You remained silent for a while; you opened your mouth then closed it again, as you regretted what you were about to say. Your heart was beating fast, and the warm feeling invaded your cheeks again. You removed your mittens off and put them in your pockets. With your bare hands you took your necklace off and walked closer to him, patting his coat until you found a pocket and put the piece of jewelry inside.
"What are you doing?" He asked squinting his eyes.
"I'm making sure we'll meet again. You already know where I live, all you have to do is to knock on my door"
"Clever brat" He admitted.
"And, I'm giving myself an excuse to touch you" You winked.
Levi leaned closer and whispered to your ear. "You better have freshly baked cookies for the day I come back"
"Count on it" you grinned.
After that day, you woke up every morning to make a batch of your best recipe of ginger cookies, yearning for his return.
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thetaleoflevi · 3 years
Role Reversal
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Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Content Type: SFW, Angst, Fluff
Content Warnings: Mentions of death, emotional breakdown, explicit language
Description: Levi and Reader’s roles are reversed. Reader is the Captain and humanity’s strongest soldier with the apathetic attitude, and Levi is the ordinary (not so ordinary) soldier with a less cynical view on life.
Word Count: 5.8k+
It was another late night of you sitting in your dimly lit office, filling out countless reports of the bodies that weren’t recovered after the last expedition. A sigh of sorrow escaped your lips, followed by you rubbing the bridge of your nose. So many good people were gone in the blink of an eye and you had to be the one to fill out the pages that informed their loved ones that the Scout Regiment was unable to bring them back home. Death was a subject that haunted your dreams ever since you joined the Scouts. It’s much worse now that you’ve been given the trust and responsibility that comes with the title of ‘Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.’
You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a voice coming from your bedroom. “Come to bed, Captain Y/N. You work too hard.” Through the open door, you can see Levi sitting on your bed, head against the headboard and legs crossed. He was smirking, knowing you hated being addressed by your title when it was just you and him.
You let it slide, knowing that if it weren’t for him you’d be a fully developed insomniac. He’s very persistent when it comes to taking care of you. “Come lay with me.” He called once again. “I can’t, Levi. I have to finish this up or else i’ll have to do it tomorrow. We have that meeting with Erwin and all the officers tomorrow, so this would only take up more of my time.” You picked up your pen again and began writing the name of another deceased soldier. “I miss you.” You can hear the longing in his voice. “I know.” You mumbled, not looking up. Your brows furrowed as you wrote ‘Deceased’, under the soldier’s name.
“Then if you’re not coming to me, i’m coming to you.” You hear the rustling of Levi throwing your blanket off of his lap. His footsteps are quiet, but with your dog-like hearing you’re able to know where he is. In a few seconds he’s standing behind you, his chin taking its place on your head.
“Whatcha workin’ on?” He questioned, feeling happier now that he’s next to you. “Missing body reports.” That was all you could say about it—all you wanted to say about it. “Almost my entire squad was demolished.” You whispered to yourself as you moved on to the third deceased member of your squad. It was a young girl. She hadn’t been a Scout for more than two years, yet she came to know and love everyone as if they were the family she was born into. She had just turned seventeen, making her the second youngest member to have been on your squad.
“I’m sorry, love. I know I can’t make this hurt you’re feeling go away.” He stood up straight and tucked strands of hair that fell in your face behind your ear. “Do you want to sit on my lap while you work?” He knew exactly what to do to make you feel better, and you never declined his offer. “Yes, please.” You pushed back and rose from the wooden chair. You moved a little to your right to allow him to sit down.
With the way you were so compliant when it came to him, no one who hadn’t met you before would guess that you were the Captain and humanity’s strongest soldier. You looked like a teddy bear sitting on his lap, meanwhile his features are fierce and he was able to shut people up without intending to. In reality, he’s very approachable and kind.
His chest was to your back, his arms around your torso, his chin on your shoulder. He gave you the strength to continue writing with less of a shake in your hand. “I want you to sleep tonight, Y/N. Not on the couch, not in here—but next to me on your bed.” You could feel the vibrations of his voice on your shoulder. You finished writing the sentence you had started and responded to his request. “I’m not gonna promise you that. You’re welcome to sleep on the bed if you want, though.”
Your heart dropped when you heard him sigh quietly. It felt like he was disappointed in you, when really he just wanted to hold you close for a few hours. It helped him forget the monstrous reality you both lived in.
You felt him adjust for the last time on your shoulder, tilting his head to the side. You didn’t pay attention to him as he did so, focusing on the last deceased member of your squad. The youngest, at the young age of fifteen, was gone. How cruel does the world have to be to end the life of someone who was born into mayhem? Who never saw or experienced peace?
You didn’t notice Levi had fallen asleep until you felt soft breathing on your neck. Wisps of hair had fallen messily on his face and his arms loosened around your torso. It was a beautiful, calming sight. He looked so innocent and at ease. You reached down to where his hands rested on your stomach and squeezed his palm softly. For the duration of the time you spent working, your hand ghosted around his. He stirred awake every once in a while which resulted in you whispering for him to go back to sleep. Each time he would re-tighten his arms around you, nudging you like a puppy until he was comfortable again.
It was three in the morning when you finally got through the pile of work. It wouldn’t have taken so long if you had saved the reminiscing for later when you felt the guilt begin to eat you alive.
As you tapped the stack of papers against the desk to get them together neatly, you felt the urge to apologize to Levi for putting him down earlier. He didn’t have to stay with you. He has his own room to sleep in, yet he decided to grace you with his company.
You realized you have a few hours left until you have to get ready for the day. Why not try to sleep?
Levi was sleeping soundly, soft snores coming from him. You smiled a little at the form of his pouty lips. “Levi, baby.” You whispered, reaching your left hand to push his bangs away from his eyes. His eyes fluttered open, silver-turned-blue irises glowing in the orange light of the candle. He gave you the softest smile you had ever seen and kissed your shoulder before straightening his posture.
“Let’s go to the room.” You murmured to him. “Are you done?” He asked in a raspy sleep-filled voice. “Yes. Let’s go to sleep.” You stood up from his lap. He groaned as he moved his legs, trying to get rid of the numbness. You extended your hand to him and helped him stand.
He held onto your hand as you crossed the doorway between your office and bedroom. You split ways as he went to one side of the bed and you other. While he laid down instantly, you sat with your head against the headboard and one knee up.
“That’s not how you’re supposed to sleep.” He mumbled with his eyes closed. “How would you know? You can’t even see me.” You raised an eyebrow. “I can’t feel you close enough to me, plus…” He patted around until he felt your leg bent at the knee. “…your leg shouldn’t be bent like this.” He grabbed your shin and slowly unbent your leg to match the other one.
“Take my form as an example of how you should be laying.” He opened his eyes, waiting for you to recline. You slowly lowered yourself, propping yourself on your elbows as your back neared the mattress. Levi brought your arm down so that you were flat against the bed, head meeting a pillow. You turned to Levi who was now closer. “I can’t promise you that i’ll be sleeping, but i’ll lay here with you.”
He rubbed his thumb slowly against your cheek. “That’s enough for me, beautiful. I’m just happy you’re here with me.” He slugged closer to you, his face nuzzling into your chest.
It was incredible how this man was able to make you feel things that no one else could. His heart slowed as he drifted to sleep, but yours was pounding. You hoped the sound or the feeling wouldn’t bother him. It was his fault, yet you felt guilty.
The bags under his eyes were visible in the light that peered through your windows. You brushed them as gently as possible, as if you could magically get rid of them. It’s been a rough life. Sleep is a luxury that you don’t think you deserve. If you could give your unused hours of sleep to him, you would.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, running your fingers through his locks of hair. You skimmed the short hairs of his undercut with your knuckles, you could tell he recently cut his hair. He always looked so handsome, sometimes you wondered if you were pretty enough for him. Insecurity was something that often creeped its way into your brain, but you aren’t the type to fish for compliments or make your lack of confidence obvious. If you were to be that way, you wouldn’t make it as a Captain. Having Levi reminds you of how fortunate you are to be alive. He is, and will always be enough for you.
Those hours you had went by too quickly. In what felt like a few minutes, it was six in the morning and the sun was beginning to rise. You had to start getting ready for the meeting that started at seven thirty. Your eyes felt heavy, which wasn’t a foreign feeling, but apart from that you felt alright. You slowly released yourself from Levi’s hold so that you could get your clothes for after your shower.
“Come back.” Levi whined, extending his arms in your direction. “We have to get ready for our meeting. I’m gonna shower, i’ll be out soon.” He pouted defeatedly and got out of bed.
You relaxed as the lukewarm water washed down your body. Was it the time to have your mental breakdown? Sadly, no. Not while Levi was outside.
You heard the door open and heard Levi say something indistinctly. “What was that?” You asked. “I said sorry for barging in. I need to fix my hair.” He repeated. You hummed in response. Levi, who was usually a great conversation starter, was dead silent. He was contemplating whether or not he should ask you if you’re okay.
“Hey, Y/N?” He rummaged through your drawers in search of a comb. “Hmm?” “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” You lathered your body with soap and replied with another hum. “Right?” He prompted. “Yes, I do.” You answered. “Do you want to talk about anything?”
The water cascaded down your body, bringing soapy water to the floor. “Not anything in particular.” He frowned, knowing that if you didn’t talk to him when he was around, you’d eventually be left to fight your inner demons alone.
His hair was done but he kept messing it up and combing it again just so that he could keep talking to you. “Please promise me that if you’re ever not okay, we’ll talk about it.” Your face went neutral, unable to pinpoint what made him talk this way suddenly. “I’m not gonna fall apart on you, Levi. Who am I to do so?” You rubbed a few bubbles of soap off of your collarbone under the stream then reached for the shampoo bottle. “You’re my everything. I need to know what’s going on inside that brain of yours.”
You distributed the runny substance to your scalp and mane of hair. The scalp massage you gave yourself was very much needed given the constant weight you felt on you shoulders. A minute later, the foamy texture was rinsed out and you turned the water off. You peeped your head out of the shower, hand reaching for the towel hanging on the steel bar. Levi looked at you from the corner of his eye, enticed by the sight of you being drenched. You got a hold of your towel and shut the shower curtains, missing the light blush that appeared on his face.
You wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out of the shower, not looking in Levi’s direction as you separated your jacket from the dirty clothes. “Do you want me to get out?” The rosy tint was there again. “No, it’s alright. I’ll change in the room.” You took your clothes and shut the door behind you. You dressed into another white button-up and tucked it into your white trousers.
A knock came from the bathroom door. “Can I come in? It’s hot in here.” Levi asked, voice muffled. You internally laughed evilly. “Yeah, I’m done.” The door clicked open and he instantly searched the room for you. You were putting your belt on. “I’m ready to go. Do you need help with your straps?” Please say yes. Please say yes. “Yes, please and thank you. I need to do my hair.” You went to the bathroom and grabbed your hairbrush before returning to your bed.
Levi was waiting on your bed with the leather bands that went around your chest and limbs. “Let’s start with your thighs.” He picked up the brown material. You sat on the bed, lifting a leg to allow him to slip the bands under. He wrapped the pieces of leather around your thighs gently, tightening them the appropriate amount needed and buckling them. This procedure was followed by a kiss applied to each area that was strapped, and a look up at you afterwards. You give him a small smile while you continue to brush your hair.
He finished with the straps that went on your legs, waiting for you to finish brushing your hair to do the ones for your arms and chest.
You put your hair into a ponytail and he immediately began slipping your arms through the leather loops. He buckled the strap that went slightly above your chest, intense eye contact from him while doing so. “What?” You asked curiously. “Oh, nothing.” He placed the awaited kiss and moved down to your abdomen to attach the last two straps to your belt. He placed the last kisses on your stomach, straightening from his slightly hunched position after.
“Thank you, Levi.” If you were more like him, you would make it more clear that you loved him. You would say that you loved him more often. They were his three favorite words coming from you because he knew that you found difficulty saying them, yet you managed to get them out for him. You’ve only said it to him three times before, the rest of the time you show him.
“It’s no bother at all. I wanted to give you some extra love as well because…I know something is off. I’m not gonna push you about it, but please talk to me about it when you can.” You nodded as you put your camel colored jacket on. “Are you ready to go?” You asked, mediocrely fixing your bed. You were going to come back to wash your entire set anyway. “Yeah, let’s go.”
It was seven twenty-five when you both got to the meeting room. Familiar faces surrounded you. You sat next to Erwin who sat at the head of the table. You’re his right hand woman, and he trusts you with his life to say the least. Levi sat to your left as your right hand man. He acted as your emotional support, mostly to keep you calm and collected when you thought something wasn’t right and were being misunderstood when you voiced your concerns.
Once the clock struck seven thirty, Erwin began the meeting. “Good morning, everyone. We’re gathered here to brainstorm a plan for our next expedition outside of the walls. Today we’ll be discussing squad reformations and routes that can help lower the amount of casualties and injuries in our battalion. Our next meeting will consist of looking over what we come up with today and confirming the actions we will be taking.” Your hands immediately clenched into fists when your heard ‘next expedition.’ We just went through with one two days ago. The number of casualties and injured soldiers is too high to go outside the walls again so soon.
Levi’s hand found your forearm and squeezed gently. With the amount of times your concerns have been shot down, you were just about done trying to object anything your Commander said in regards to exiting the walls. He was so strong headed and able to defend his methods that you often gave up trying to convince him that there were flaws in his thought processes. You relaxed your hands and sat through the rest of the meeting with your usual stoic expression. Your surface did not reflect the way you felt inside at all.
“Captain Y/N, what do you think of the plan we’ve arranged so far?” The blonde haired man asked, facing you. Should I go for it? Should I tell him what I think just to get shut down again? “It’s a good plan, I just have one concern.” He folded his hands and nodded in an understanding manner. Levi turned to pay attention to the conversation between you and Erwin. The officers were discussing ideas amongst themselves.
“I think it’s too soon to go outside the walls again. I was filling out the reports for the soldiers that died during the last expedition, and we lost a grand number of soldiers.” “Yes, you’re right about that. Our next expedition won’t be for a while though. I noticed the amount of soldiers that came back injured is just as large as those that died, so i’m giving them time to recuperate. The squad reformations we’ve made are just incase our wounded soldiers are not capable of joining us in our next expedition. If they aren’t physically well by the time our next expedition takes place, the squad reformations will be confirmed.”
He agrees? He agrees. “Oh, alright. Then we’re off to a great start with this plan.” He nodded and smiled with satisfaction.
The meeting ended in a little over an hour. Erwin dismissed everyone and made sure to praise you for your input before exiting the room to continue brainstorming alone.
“I’m proud of you, Captain!” Levi beamed a smile and pulled you into an embrace that you refused to reciprocate. The public display of affection had heat creeping to your cheeks even if there was no one in the room but you two. People were walking past the door constantly, and the thought of being seen like this was embarrassing to an extent. “Thank you, Levi. Let’s get out of here.”
Lunchtime finally arrived and usually you sat with Hange, Levi, and Erwin, but Hange and Erwin were both busy with their own things so it was just you and Levi. You weren’t hungry, the thought of your fallen comrades slowly beginning to bombard your thoughts again. It brought an unsettling feeling to your stomach.
“You should eat something.” Levi said, taking a sip of his tea. “I’m not hungry. I think i’m gonna go to my office to finish some more work.” “Okay, i’ll go with you.” He said feeling overjoyed to spend more time alone with you. “You don’t have to. I’m just gonna be filling out more papers.” You rubbed the back of your neck. Levi’s clinginess was another reason you loved him. You like the idea of him wanting to be around you all the time, but it���s not a problem if he spends a day without you as well. You withstand the time apart better than he does.
“I want to, though. I like spending time with you even if i’m just watching you do work.” You looked at his teacup that was still three fourths of the way full. “At least finish your tea. You can meet me in my office once you’re done.” You rose from the bench looking at him as he set the porcelain cup down. “Fine, i’ll see you in a bit, Captain.” He stood up and gave you one of his perfect salutes. You nodded and left the table.
Throughout your years as a Scout, you’ve seen death left and right. You made it your mission to remain as closed off to others as you could to protect yourself from anymore heartache, but Levi managed to break into your heart by force. He just wouldn’t leave you alone, so you let your guard down for him, seeing the way he cared for you like you were his favorite person in the world. He dealt with your mood swings, he stayed after you pushed him away, and he understood your significance to the Scout Regiment and all the weight you bear solely. He understood that you being deemed humanity’s strongest soldier isn’t just a fancy title, it’s a heavy anchor that weighs on your shoulders.
You opened the door to your office, shutting it behind you before you went further into the room.
You went to your desk and sat down in the wooden chair. A sound came from underneath your boots, making you look down to inspect the area. You crouched down to pick up a paper that had fallen out of the stack of reports you had filled out. ‘Name:_____| Age: 15 yrs| Gender: Male…’ read the beginning of the description. The young boy, once so full of joy and life, was narrowed down to a sheet of paper with a pitiful explanation for why he will never be seen again. You sat on the floor underneath your desk reading the rest of the description. ‘Hair color: Black| Eye color: Hazel| Height: 5’6| Weight: 152 lbs…’
You felt the urge to cry, but tears wouldn’t form. The floor was not at all comfortable, but it brought comfort knowing that your lack of emotional stability wouldn’t be witnessed at first glance. You weren’t visible to anyone under your desk, so if you really wanted to break down, now would be your chance.
A knock came from the other side of your door. That was too quick, Levi. You didn’t answer, still deep in thought and overcome by treacherous feelings.
The door opened without your permission and you didn’t even care. “Y/N, are you in here?” Levi’s footsteps got further as he walked past your desk and into your bedroom. “Are you in here?” He opened the bathroom door, not seeing you in there. “Hmm.” He returned to the doorway between the two rooms. He noticed your boot as it leaned against the left leg of your chair. “There you are.” He traced your boot back to you.
“What are you doing down here? Are you okay?” He crouched down to meet with you at eye level. “Yeah, i’m fine. I just…forgot this…um…report.” You were visibly shaken and Levi wasn’t sure what the cause was. He took the paper from your loose grip and read the page quickly from top to bottom. “Talk.” He sat on the floor, something he wasn’t particularly fond of doing, but anything for you.
“I’m not doing this right now. There’s a time and a place for mourning the dead. Now is not that time, and this is definitely not the place.” You crawled out of the area and slowly got to your feet. Levi followed you as you strode to your bedroom. “When is it the time, then? Where is that place? I’ll take you there whenever.” His voice wasn’t as soft as it was when he first found you. You said you weren’t going to push it, Levi. You’re doing the exact opposite.”
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration filling him to the brim. “I just want you to talk to me! Confide in me! God, Y/N. It shouldn’t be this hard. I’m not just some stranger you’ve held close at night. I’m your lover.” You were on the brink of letting every emotion within you loose, bringing yourself back when you see how distressed Levi looks. You know it’s your fault he’s this way right now, but you made him a silent promise.
You sit down on the edge of your bed, holding your hands together tightly. “I’m not going to break in front of you.” You whispered. Levi kneeled down in front of you and held onto one of your shins. “I’m not leaving until you do.” His stormy gray eyes never left yours. “I don’t care if it takes hours. I’m not leaving until you spill your fucking heart out.”
Wherever you went, he just followed you. Working on paperwork? He watched you from the other side of your desk. How he didn’t get tired of watching you was beyond you. “I’m just trying to help.” You didn’t look up at him, continuing your writing. “I know you are.” You murmured. He reached for your vacant hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. “Then why aren’t you letting me?” Tears stung the inner corners of your eyes, threatening to break your facade. You blinked back the blurriness of your vision, prohibiting yourself from showing your true emotions.
“Maybe others can’t see through your stoic mask, but I’m close enough to notice the cracks in it.” And there it was…the first tear. You gripped your pen tighter, ink bleeding through the paper, but you continued writing messily. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips trembled, eyelashes being weighed down with teardrops. “I know it’s hard to bare yourself to me like this.” His eyes softened at the large tears that rolled down your cheeks, ending at your chin, before falling on the paper.
Your chest suddenly felt tight causing a hiccup to fall from your lips. You covered your eyes with both of your hands, tears still streaming underneath them. You felt humiliated at your show of weakness. “How are you gonna try to hide all those tears from me, sweetheart?” He pulled one of your hands down, revealing a closed eye, and a knitted eyebrow. You instantly crossed your arms on your desk and put your head down, tears pooling and leaving dark spots on your sleeves.
Levi hurried over to your side and kneeled beside you. “I know, baby. You need to get this out.” He rubbed your back slowly. The erratic shaking that started in your shoulders lured a sad reaction out of Levi. It was as if he felt every ounce of pain you were feeling. He wanted to cry with you, but stayed strong knowing there was no room for two meltdowns.
“He…was…fif…teen.” You spoke muffled with pauses between gasps. Levi kissed your shoulder. “I know. It’s awful. He was a pure soul and solid addition to the squad, but think about it, he’s not suffering in this disgusting world anymore and he’s no longer living in fear.” Your eyes felt even heavier now. You went silent as you tried to calm down. Your breathing was anything but steady.
When you managed to stabilize yourself, you took one last deep breath before picking your head up.
“Y-Yeah.” You cleared your throat and wiped at your puffy under eyes. “You’re right.” You said more steadily, finally able to face your inamorato.
He undid his ascot and gave it to you to dry your eyes with. “Thank you.” You said quietly, dabbing the cloth on your damp features. He nodded with a soft smile. “How do you feel?” His knuckles brushed your cheeks sweetly. The coldness of his skin felt nice in contrast to your warm, tear-stained face. “Fine.” It was the only word you thought could narrow down how you currently felt after your meltdown. You knew the storm was only passing temporarily, but you weren’t going to make a bigger spectacle than you already had.
“Come on, give me something more.” He turned his head and pointed to his cheek. “I feel better, love. Thank you.” You leaned in to kiss his cheek, not expecting Levi to straighten his head at the last second. Lips met lips pleasantly, heat taking it’s place on your cheeks again. On the inside, he was laughing like a child at his spontaneous act, knowing he managed to fluster you. On the outside, he was enjoying the contact you allowed him to have with you.
Every time he kisses, hugs, or even just brushes his hand against yours, it brings back memories of the first time you let him rock you to sleep like you were a child. He knew before he even formally met you that you never slept because you walked around with the darkest bags under your pretty eyes. When you picked Levi to be on your squad, he made it his own personal mission to get you the sleep you deserved.
You pulled away from him, blush continuing to make you look like you were the subordinate in the relationship. “I’m glad you feel better. I’ll always be here to console you, Y/N. I hope you know that. I’m sorry I had to force your feelings out of you this time.” He smoothly brought one of your hands to his lips and kissed the back. “It’s fine. You shouldn’t have to force me to talk about things. I’ll work on it.” He chuckled at the way you effortlessly made him happy. He was the only one to see your smile often, even if it was a small and short-lasting one.
“What do you want to do now? I’m pretty sure I recall you telling me that you finished all the work you had to do, earlier in the morning.” You stood up from the chair, pulling him up from his kneeled position as well. “Come on.” You took his hand and led him to your bedroom.
“Remember the first night we slept in the same bed? The first night you got me to sleep after you found out I hadn’t slept in a few days?” His eyes twinkled hoping you were thinking what he was thinking. “Mhm. What about it?” You let go of his hand and proceeded to your bed where you sat on the edge and took off your boots. “Can we do that again?” You threw your right boot in a corner next to the left boot.
He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest. This was his favorite thing to do with you, having decided it after only doing it once. It beat every single thing you two did together. He got to watch you close your eyes and get the rest you desperately needed, yet ran from. He got to hold you close and listen to the rhythm of your breathing, and he got to kiss you as much as he wanted.
“Of course, my love. Anything for you.” He went to the opposite side of the bed and took his boots off, tossing them across the room to where your boots were. He got closer to the center of the bed with his back against the headboard and got into a comfortable position before patting his lap for you to lay across. You crawled to where he was, laying your head just above the crease of his arm and the rest of your body lay across his lap. You felt safe and secure in his arms.
“Who knew the Captain was such a softie for an ordinary soldier like me?” Levi cooed, brushing a strand of hair away from your eyes with his free hand. “Shut up.” You mumbled with your eyes closed. He chuckled lowly, the vibrations already working on lulling you to sleep. “Are you sure you want to sleep right now? It’s three in the afternoon. You might not be able to sleep at night.” “Mhm.” You hummed. “I don’t sleep at night anyway.” You reassured. “Alright, my dear.” He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close, and began swaying your body slowly. You concentrated on the motion and your heart rate started slowing down.
There was an immense adoration gleaming in Levi’s eyes as he watched you slowly drift to sleep. He kissed your forehead and stopped swaying when he felt your body go limp, chest rising and falling with every breath that escaped your lips.
A few moments later, there was a sudden knock on your door. Levi’s eyes widened, hoping whoever was at the door would leave immediately. Another three knocks came from the other side when there was no response, causing you to stir at the sound. Levi looked down at you, eyes completely soft. He hoped you would stay asleep through the unwelcome raps. Then the doorknob turned.
“Captain Y/N, are you in-” “Shut the fuck up.” Levi muttered through gritted teeth. He was never this aggressive with his words, but when it came to you, he could surprise anybody—even Hange and Erwin.
Eren’s eyes were wide at the sight. ‘Captain Y/N likes affection?’ Was all he thought. “Sorry, Levi.” He whispered. “Can you make sure Captain Y/N sees this when she wakes up?” The boy rubbed his neck as he waited for Levi to look up again. “Just leave it on her office table. Don’t touch anything. No, never mind. Just leave it on her dresser over there.” Levi watched Eren like a hawk as he located your dresser and set the paper down. “I’m heading out. See you later, Levi.” The boy exited the room, unsure of whether he should keep this to himself or tell his group of friends.
“Who was that?” You asked, feigning grogginess a few seconds later. Your survival instincts had you awake by the first knock, but you wanted Levi to feel good about the way he was taking care of you. “It was Eren. Go back to sleep, love. Your schedule is clear for today. You can sleep for the rest of today if you want to.” You nodded and nudged yourself into his chest. “Only a little longer. Wake me up in ten minutes, please.” He stroked your cheek lightly. “Okay, dear.” His expression returned to the loving one he had prior to Eren’s interruption.
You returned to your dormant state rather quickly and Levi didn’t plan on waking you up any time soon.
As time went by, Levi found himself having to hold in his chuckles as he saw drool sliding down the corners of your mouth. He was quick to wipe it away with his thumb, knowing how you’d react if you woke up with drool on your face.
He realized before, but now it was emphasized that nothing could ever stop him from loving you. Not your past, not the present, not the future. Nothing. He knew from the moment you told him you loved him back that he would love and care for you endlessly.
I will hold you like this for as long as you want me to, and as many times as you need me to, my love.
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candycityy · 3 years
Hii, Candy! For the Drabble Challenge, 12 and 19 😊
(You can also read this on AO3!)
Newlywed bliss, Levi decides, is sort of like a bubble. Or a vacuum, pick your metaphor.
You get so caught up in the sheer wonder of the whole situation, of shared touches and delirious smiles and and waking up with the love of your life sprawled unglamourously beside you, open-mouthed and drooling and just thoroughly adorable, and your heart swells and you can't think and you forget that the world hasn't stopped spinning on its axis for you and you alone.
In other words, Levi pleads insanity.
So when Petra walks into the drawing room one day with a frozen look on her face, one that's equal parts terror and bewilderment and something else that he can't quite discern, he doesn't know what to think. And then she says it.
"Levi," she says, "I'm pregnant."
Just two words, and his world is upended. He think Petra says something after, but he doesn't hear her; blood roars in his ears, his breath is stuck in his throat, and for the first time in his life, he finds himself shocked into utter silence.
And he realises, that third emotion in her face that he hadn't recognised earlier: it's happiness. A wild, fierce joy, a bewildered and terrified joy, but a joy nonetheless.
His head spins, and he feels, incomprehensibly, the urge to lie down. "Pregnant," he echoes. His voice is hoarse, ragged. "Petra, that's..."
He trails off. He doesn't know what to say. Incredible? Ridiculous? Impossible? Petra seems to recognise the tumult in his thoughts, though, because her expression shifts into a kind of defensive stubborness. As if by instinct, her arms curl over her still-flat abdomen, protective.
"Look," she begins, "I know we hadn't planned on this so early, but if you're thinking of—"
"No," he says. His voice is harsh, decisive, and he takes a small step towards her. "I'm not. Petra, I'm sorry, I was just...surprised. I wouldn't...ask you to hurt it. I would never."
She swallows. Her gaze searching, tentative. "Then...you're okay? You're not mad? Or upset?"
"I don't know how I feel," he says honestly. "I don't know shit about being a parent. Maybe I'll screw it all up, I don't know that either. And I'll be real, this is fucking terrifying." Petra laughs. The sound is like broken glass.
"But," he takes a step towards her, "I know I'll try my damned hardest to protect it. Give it a good life. I mean..." His eyes never move away from her stomach. "It's our baby."
His voice cracks on the two words, and that's all she needs. She almost falls into him, sobbing and laughing all at the same time. "Levi, I'm so scared," she whispers. She sounds dreamy, incredulous; enchanted. "A baby. We made a baby."
Levi's never been sure of anything; his life has been a maze of choice, of possibilities, of maybes and what-ifs. But as he stares down at Petra, her arms still wrapped around her middle, he feels a surge of something fierce and unfamiliar in his chest, something almost painful in its acuteness, and he knows, without a doubt: he would die for this stirring of life that drifts, still blind to the world, in his wife's womb.
The first time he tells someone, it's entirely by accident.
They're all hanging out in the lounge, like most nights; they haven't told Erwin, and Petra reckons it's better to wait a little, just in case. Eld and Auruo are bickering away as usual, and somehow, the topic turns to one of their colleagues, who recently put in a request to switch to the Garrison after his wife became pregnant.
"I mean, I get why," Eld says, his lip curling, "I just don't get how. Sitting around on the walls, getting drunk and playing cards all day...I'll never understand."
"Your fiancée might like that, though, wouldn't she," Auruo taunts. The other man rolls his eyes.
"Aria knows I'll never leave the Survey Corps. I plan to live till the ripe old age of seventy and die in a blaze of glory as Supreme Commander, thank you very much."
"Supreme Commander isn't even a title, you ass," Gunther goes from across the room, looking up from his book. "But pregnancy...that's a whole lot of responsibility, isn't it? How do you just go off and risk your life every day, with a kid waiting at home for you?"
Levi's stomach churns suddenly, his dinner threatening to make a reappearance, and his face suddenly feels very hot. He fights to keep his expression carefully blank, but Petra's eyes catch his, narrowing with concern.
"And that's how you ruin a life. Congratulations," Auruo concludes wisely.
"Hey," Petra retorts sharply, "that's not true. Being a dad doesn't mean your life ends, you know. You can still be a soldier, and fight, and everything."
Auruo leers at her. "It's different for you, Pet. Mothers have options...but fathers, they gotta provide for their families, woman. Dying...leaving your wife and kid to fend for themselves...it's not done." Eld and Gunther nod agreement, and Petra makes a face, muttering something under her breath that sounds suspiciously like, 'sexist cows'.
Levi doesn't know what possesses him in that instant. His throat is dry, and he's so lightheaded he feels numb, almost disembodied. He stands up abruptly, and announces, "Petra and I are expecting."
The silence that follows is palpable, thick enough to choke on. He can feel Petra's eyes as Auruo begins to sputter apologies and retractions—"I only meant—but of course, you wouldn't die and leave your kid alone, captain! You're humanity's strongest, after all! You'd never..."
He's still stammering away when Levi turns on his heel without a word, and walks out of the room.
The candle in his room has melted into a stump of wax when Petra finds him, later that night.
"Hey," she says softly. She's changed into her nightgown, and her hair, still damp from the showers, tumbles into the hollow of her collarbone. In the dim light of the candle, she looks pale and fragile; hollowed cheekbones, shadowed eyes.
Something deep in his chest wrenches, and he opens his mouth, only to find that no words come out. But she seems to understand his expression; of course she does, she always does.
She walks over to the window, where he stands, staring out of the window, and wraps her arms around his back. They're so nearly the same height that it's a comfortable position for them, her face pressed into his shoulder, her hair brushing the curve of his cheek. They stay there for a few moments in a comfortable silence, just relishing in the wordless companionship.
Petra isn't a patient person by nature. But by now, she knows him; knows how the thoughts whirl insistently in his mind at the height of his emotion, unwilling to settle into the dust. So she waits, her warm breath reassuring on his neck, her heartbeat strong against his back.
He finally exhales. "Do you think they were right?" he asks. The words sound unnaturally loud in the silence of the night. When she doesn't reply immediately, he goes on, "I could...you know. I could join the Garrison, too, or the Military Police. Or leave the military. I could do other things. Erwin would understand, he'd help—"
"No." The word cuts through the room. Gently but firmly, Petra turns him around to face her. The moonlight casts her in silver, turning her into something luminous, ethereal—almost otherworldly.
"Levi, I love you more than anything in this stupid world." Her expression is fierce, intent. "And I won't let you do that. You belong here, in the Survey Corps. And I do, too."
"But just say—"
"I'm not fragile, Levi," she shoots back, her eyes burning with a familiar fire. "Sure, maybe I'm not strong the way you are, but I'm strong enough. I'm not saying I'd be okay if you died—of course I wouldn't—but I'd survive, and I'd keep our child alive, too. And I believe you'd do the same."
Something breaks in him, then, like the shattering of a glass, and he looks up. Petra is glaring at him with those burning eyes, and in that moment, she's so alive and beautiful, the love of his life, the mother of his unborn child. The realisation makes him stagger. He's never felt so complete; he's never had so much to lose.
Feeling as though the weight of the world sits on his shoulders, he nods.
Petra's answering smile is a promise, golden and honeyed and full of light. She draws him in tighter.
"Trust me," she whispers. Her presence is warm, solid, comforting. "Everything will be all right."
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