#let's take a quiz
104-days-of-gifs · 1 year
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 38
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Let's Take a Quiz vs. Knot My Problem
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ferbracket · 1 year
Doofenshmirtz Bracket Incorporated
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Rogue Trillionaire Inventor Extreme Fighting Champion from the Future. ''You know, in the future we won't sit and read newspapers in the morning. Instead, giant robots will control us in human death matches.''
Freakishly Shrunken. ''Hey, you missed my hand! Oh, now not only am I shrunken, but I'm freakishly shrunken!''
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 3 months
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morgana: alright gang! we might be a tad bit lost, but that doesn’t mean we should give up hope!! as long as we stick together and stay strong, we’ll survive ! :3
morgana: hey ryuji why are you coming towards me with that knife
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babychosen · 3 months
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quiz time!! ty to @unknownteapot for paving the way for these silly little quizzes
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theygender · 21 days
I'm in an information systems class rn and we're starting out with Excel which I'm already really good at and use in my job daily and tbh it's so frustrating. I'm successfully completing the tasks my assignments want me to do but then I get marked wrong and when I go to check how the system wanted me to do it I'm like "Why would I do it that way?? That's so much less efficient"
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crystal-mouse · 9 months
love reading responses to my meme quiz <3
if any quiz takers are out there reading this thank u for ur little notes and trivia i have a document w all of them on my laptop
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miku-meeku · 4 months
It’s depressing knowing your an femcel but that’s every dol creator
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i would like you to know that i had a mental breakdown when i took the quiz in the middle of class during college hours with my sibling next to me as i slowly descend to insanity as i progress with each questions of the quiz, wanting to know if im a femcel or not only to end up with said result of yes i am a femcel, i hope you are happy
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
constantly torn between:
a) wanting steve harrington to rail me
b) wanting to rail steve harrington
c) wanting to watch eddie munson rail steve harrington
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vodid · 1 year
i remember in 6th grade, my middle school had us go on a field trip where we pretend lived as adults with jobs and car insurance in a little town to teach us more about the adult world and i was so unhappy with the job they assigned to me that i went on to never get a fucking job how cool is that
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crossdressingdeath · 3 days
If people could stop making massive, largely baseless assumptions about DAV based on a playtest build that only contains six hours of the game and that we haven't even seen all of that'd be great.
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He's a Bully vs. Let's Take a Quiz
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ferbracket · 1 year
Doofenshmirtz Bracket Incorporated
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Shrunken. ''All right, put up your dukes! Wait—Wait—what are you doing?!''
Freakishly Shrunken. ''Hey, you missed my hand! Oh, now not only am I shrunken, but I'm freakishly shrunken!''
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handmade--ghost · 11 months
as promised here is a quick quiz i made about which terrible no good type of uquiz you are. enjoy
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gemkun · 5 months
what flavor is your soul ?
      ⸻       vanilla
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  oh   heart   of   ice   and   mind   of   gold   ,   what   am   I   to   do   with   you   ?   you   are   only   good   in   small   amounts   ,   bittersweet   fledgling   ,   you   are   hard   for   most   to   swallow.   your   spirit   is   strong   ,   your   wit   is   potent   ,   your   biting   essence   drives   even   the   most   daring   away.   but   why   are   you   hiding   your   sweetness   ?   I   know   within   you   ,   you   are   soft   ,   but   humanity   has   made   you   bitter.   you   mask   your   pain   and   sorrow   with   spite   and   sensibility.   you   say   you   do   not   care   about   trivial   things   ,   but   don't   you   ?   sweetheart   relax.   you   can   let   down   your   drawbridge   ,   the   waters   are   not   poisoned.   I   know   you   have   looked   monsters   in   between   the   eyes   and   scoffed   at   them   ,   but   please   ,   relax.   you   think   your   armor   protects   you   but   it   is   smothering   you   slowly.   little   owlet   ,   when   will   you   learn   ,   words   can   only   get   you   so   far   ?   feelings   are   what   makes   this   world   pulse.   do   not   suppress   your   feelings.   your   heart   can   still   thaw   my   dear.   trust.
      ⸻       rosemary
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  ah   ,   the   old   soul   ,   nice   to   meet   again.   the   time   of   ages   is   etched   into   your   bones   ,   you   see   clearly.   you've   watched   the   heartache   in   this   realm   and   sworn   to   solve   it.   but   kindness   without   limits   is   self   destruction.   oh   little   leaf   ,   strong   and   wise   ,   you   seek   to   bring   peace   with   your   presence.   I'd   be   wrong   to   say   you   fail   at   this   effort   ,   but   you   mustn't   set   yourself   on   fire   to   keep   others   warm.   you   wish   to   please   everyone   ,   to   protect   them   all.   but   if   you   shield   the   saplings   from   the   sunlight   they   will   never   grow   ,   and   you   one   day   will   wither.   protect   yourself   too.   you   know   there   are   no   happy   heroes   ,   so   don't   be   one.   be   a   friend.   your   loved   ones   will   not   forsake   you   for   not   being   perseus   slaying   all   their   demons.   you   have   your   own   monsters   ,   why   not   meet   them   first   before �� you   conquer   anyone   else's   nightmares.   oh   true   —   hearted   paladin   you   are   brave   ,   and   you   are   good   enough.   you   know   that   right   ?   be   true   to   yourself   ,   one   cannot   do   anything   saintly   if   they   did   not   tend   to   their   own   wounds   first.
tagged by : @luckquartzed & @finalism ( pleading face ) tagging : @duelmarks , @oneireth ( caelus ) , @tavustlik , @basbousah , @kushtibokt , @defiedlife , @fortifice , @protcg , @kafkaisms , @wingspiked , @eldkitch , @apocryphis , @destisea & go ahead and steal it especially if the tagging system fails smh
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