#let's visit grandma and watch her eat
hunnieknight · 1 year
AU Sketch Ideas II
Series I, Series III Series IV
Sfw, gn!reader, mention of Crepus's death
Court (Ragbros + Jean)
The reader Kaeya's and Diluc's youngest sibling, Jean wants to propose but the reader misunderstands thinking Jean likes Diluc
Jean is a traditional woman, she believes she has to meet your guardians who else if not your brothers.
She asked for your brothers for a blessing, which caught them both off-guard. Of course, they give blessing.
The reader stays with Diluc in the Dawn Winery before and after Crepus's death. So Jean obviously often visits Dawn Winery just to see you.
But you are so oblivious you thought with Jean often dining with you and Diluc and sometimes Kaeya, she has a crush on your big brother.
Whenever she visits, you often hide away in your room or walk around the Dawn Winery, thinking you help her get close to your brother. On the other hand, Jean always slumped whenever you left.
It does infuriate the three of them, but who can be mad? Diluc is so protective he often shielded you from all this stuff. Kaeya always jabs Diluc for this. Jean always sees this naive side of you as a cute quirk.
It doesn't help that Kaeya often teasingly calls Jean "sister-in-law" in front of you. Diluc also called Jean that during dinner, when you are also at the table. It should be obvious but boy it makes you more sure she has a thing for your brothers.
Every time Jean greets you or gives you gift, you often passed it to your brothers, whilst Kaeya just smiling in defeat and Diluc just looking at you funny.
Barbara just prays to Venti Barbatos that her sister will have a smooth process in making you her spouse.
Also, Barbara will be the godmother for you both's future kids.
Well, it might take years for that to be a reality.
Until it happens, your brothers and this knight will keep trying to make you realize how bad Jean wants you to take her surname.
Adelinde can't wait to be a "grandma"
Little Dragon (Zhongli + Xiao)
There was a request i got before about Dad!Zhongli, i might do that in the future
Dad Zhongli and Big Bro Xiao!
oohhhhh every kid in the daycare somehow has a puppy crush on you.
Especially a certain ginger- It seems like Zhongli does not like you getting close to him.
Zhongli wants you to learn about his culture, so he often teaches you how to eat with chopsticks and with a chopstick helper. Obviously, you hate it, you just want to use your hand and eat your food. It doesn't help that Xiao really wants you to learn how to use chopsticks too.
Xiao adores you dearly and Zhongli loves you so much.
Despite spoiling you quite a lot, they also let you learn something by yourself but also watch closely for your safety. Like climbing stairs, peeling oranges, putting on socks, etc.
Dragon!Zhongli and Bird Xiao plushies!
Your outfit will consist of brown/yellow or earthy colours. Sometimes also purple and white so you and Xiao can have matching outfit.
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freckles-things · 2 years
Out of Time // Part 3
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Summary: “The Revelation” is followed by a ton of apologies, reassurances, and grovelling. But is that enough for you to decide to stay at the BAU? Or will you leave after all? 
Pairing: BAU!Team x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: feeling left out, feeling unneeded, being excluded, self worth issues
Part 1 / Part 2
After the revelation the previous evening you hadn’t done anything but driven home and gone to sleep. You hadn’t been in the frame of mind to deal with it. And frankly, you just didn’t want to. Hotch had promised to hold the position on the team for you. And after everything that had happened, they could damn well wait a few days longer, you decided as you stayed wrapped up in your bedsheets the next morning. Still not feeling ready to deal with the situation. You logically knew that sooner or later you had to. But right now, later looked like the more promising option. So, you stayed at home the entire day, fixing yourself several cups of your favourite drink, watching random TV-Shows, and pointedly not thinking about the entire mess.
You had fully intended to spend the next day in a similar fashion, but you were ever so rudely interrupted by a doorbell ringing. Disgruntled you wrapped yourself out of your blankets and wandered over to the door. You weren’t expecting anyone. Slowly opening the door, you were surprised to see Rossi standing in front of you. He was holding a casserole and gifted you with a small smile.
“Bellissima, it is good to see you. I tried to call to see if you were up for a visitor, but you didn't pick up. So, I thought I’d just come by and see. I also brought lunch, it is my Nona’s famous family recipe for lasagna alla Rossi. If you’re not up to seeing anyone I’ll just leave you the lunch and be on my way”, he shifted a little, unsure if he was welcome or not.
The lasagna smelled delicious and out of all the people that could have dropped by you were glad that it was Rossi. Your heart warmed a little at the thought that he had made food for you especially, and despite all still left you with an opening to decline his visit. You took a few steps back to let him in and lead him towards the little kitchen area in your apartment. You were slightly embarrassed at the state it was in since you had only stacked your dishes on top of each other for the last few days. Neither of you spoke while Rossi busied himself warming up the food, except for his little comment that it would be a crime to warm it up in the microwave, and you tidied up the kitchen area and the blankets in your living room. You set two places at your small dining table and waited for Rossi to finish with the food. It turned out that he also had brought a delicious looking garlic bread to go with it. You decided to pour both of you a glass of red wine, the last bottle you had left.
You had expected the silence between you to be awkward and loaded with things waiting to be said. Surprisingly it wasn’t. It was a comfortable silence that was broken once Rossi brought out two plates with Lasagna and garlic bread. It seemed that you both had silently agreed to talk about the serious topic once lunch had been eaten. And so, both of you tucked in.
“This is by far the best Lasagna I’ve ever eaten, Rossi. I’ll never be able to eat the premade ones ever again” you complimented once you had tasted it. You had barely refrained from embarrassing yourself with a moan at the first taste. It truly was one of the most delicious dishes you’d ever eaten.
“Nona will be glad to hear that”, Rossi chuckled slightly. “She absolutely detests premade pasta dishes.” You couldn’t help but smile at that.
“Your grandma is still alive?”
“Oh yes. Fierce little puffetta, that one. She barely reaches my shoulder, and she can’t walk very well anymore, but I’ve never seen men more afraid that when faced with her wrath.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the childhood stories with his grandma that he told you. Your favourite one was when she’d chased him through the entire town to drag him back home by his ear to apologise to the poor girl he had insulted by accident.
“Well, I know who taught you your manners then”, you winked at him, which made him chuckle.
“Si, Bella. And I can assure you that I still feel like a little boy every time I see her. The last time she admonished me about my shoes. Said that I had all that money and still didn’t know how to shine my shoes properly.”
He told you some more about his Italian family while you both finished your food, and you cleaned the dishes. You insisted since he’d already premade and warmed up the food. You were also very gratified to see his surprised face when you asked him if he wanted an espresso or some other drink with coffee while motioning to your high-end portafilter coffee machine, which you had bought with your very first BAU paycheck. You were a bit of a coffee addict. A few minutes and one espresso and one latte later, the two of you were back in your living room again.
“When you came over yesterday and you complimented the house, I realised that, in all your time on the team, you hadn’t been there before. And while I was preparing the food and wondered why that was the case, I realised that I had never actually invited you. Dolcezza, I am so sorry. I have no excuse, at least no good one, and I am sorry that I have caused you pain.” His face and his voice were solemn but genuine, and you were surprised that he had started your conversation like that. You shrugged slightly, not quite sure how to react to his words.
“It’s fine, I know that none of you wanted to hurt me”, you awkwardly muttered, which caused Rossi to lean forward and encase your hands in his. His calloused fingers gently rubbed warm circles into the back of your hands.
“You’re not fine, cara mia. You didn’t know that you were excluded by accident. But even so, it should never have happened at all. We all should have noticed, and we did in some way, but never questioned it. If only one of us had deigned to ask you why you weren’t with us after one of those team outings, all this wouldn’t have happened. But none of us did and the fault lies with us. We’re the best profilers of the country and yet we didn’t even notice we were hurting one of our own.”
“I didn’t want you to notice. I didn’t want anyone to feel bad about it.”
At that Rossi chuckled sadly, scooting a little closer and releasing your hands in order to cup your face.
“But it wasn’t your job to protect us from our own stupid and careless mistakes, Gioia. You had, and still have, every right to feel hurt. The fact that no one of us intended to hurt you doesn’t matter. We did, and you have dealt with it all on your own for a long time. The fact that you didn’t want anyone to know that we had hurt you, so we didn’t feel bad about it, says a lot about your character. As does the fact that we never noticed about ours.” His thumb gently brushed away a tear you hadn’t noticed shedding and his soft eyes never left yours.
“You have helped all of us so much and made a lot of things easier for us with all the little things you did. Sei un raggio di sole, Y/N. But even a ray of sunshine needs to be nourished. We clearly haven’t. And I can understand if you need and want to search for another place where you can find that nourishment, because you deserve it. I would truly miss you terribly, but I want you to fly, passerotta.”
By now tears were streaming down your face, which still was carefully held between his warm hands. You felt pathetic, but you hadn’t noticed how badly you needed to hear someone acknowledge that they made a mistake. Yes, Hotch had said that as well, but it hadn’t really registered then. Deep down you still had felt that it had been your own mistake. That you should have said something or that there was something wrong with you, that you were just unlikable like that.
But Rossi never said anything he didn’t mean. That was his one rule, for which you had always appreciated him. Yes, sometimes that meant hearing the harsh truth in uncomfortable situations. But it also meant that you never had to worry about some hidden meaning or little white lies. And it was the reason that you started to feel like maybe there was a way to work past all this.
Your heart ached at the truth and compassion in his voice and the earnest and determined gaze with which he still gazed at you. Gentle fingers softly caressing your cheek and tucking single strands of hair behind your ear. God, you really didn’t want to lose Rossi in your life. You’d never before had a person of such pure comfort in your life. Even in the past year Rossi had always been the one who had offered you a gentle hug and an open ear if things at work had gotten bad. The pain in your chest grew at the image of a life without him and his steady support and comfort. Just thinking about it had you squeezing your eyes closed and swallowing hard.
“Cara mia…”, you heard his soft voice again and couldn’t help yourself. You blindly threw yourself in his arms, which instantly wrapped around you in a secure hold.
“I don’t want to leave the team”, you muttered between sobs. “I don’t want to lose you.” You buried your face against his neck, hands gripping onto the fabric of his suit. His arms tightened around you and one of his hands came up to cradle your head protectively against his neck, the other one tracing small circles against your waist.
“Oh Y/N…”, he said softly, voice full of emotions. “I don’t want to lose you either, Dolcezza.” Your body trembled in his arms, and he gently swayed the two of you, humming a gentle tune under his breath and softly resting his head atop yours. It was only some time later that you bashfully moved back to your own chair again.
“I think I ruined your suit”, you muttered, feeling bad about the expensive Italian garment. But Rossi just chuckled in response.
“It’s just fabric. You’re more important.” You couldn’t help the small smile appearing on your face at his words. Being vulnerable had never been your strong suit and you felt a little awkward sitting opposite him after your emotional outburst. Rossi however was always one to help in such situations and grinned at you:
“I think after this we both deserve some dessert to make us feel better.”
“You brought dessert?”
“Might have hidden it in your fridge”, he winked and moved to get it and to give you a moment to sort out your face, before coming back with two portions of Tiramisu.
“Also your grandmas’ receipt?”, you asked before trying the first bite, which was absolutely the best bite of Tiramisu you’d ever had.
“No, this one is actually my father’s receipt. He would burn down the kitchen trying to make the lasagna, but when it comes to backing and desserts no one can beat him.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that and continued to enjoy your dessert.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening on your couch, talking and enjoying the rest of the wine you had opened for lunch. Only once it had gotten dark outside did Rossi say his goodbyes and made his way home. You helped him to collect his now clean casseroles as well as his jacket and followed him towards the door. Before he could go though, you felt the need to tell him something.
“Rossi?”, you called after him once he had passed the threshold. He turned around, looking questioningly at you.
“I forgive you”, you said softly, feeling a bit ridiculous to say it. Feeling like the words were too big, because it hadn't been all that bad. But once you saw his shoulders relax and the tension leave his body with an unconscious breath of relief, you knew you’d done the right thing. A gentle smile took over his features.
“Thank you, Gioia.” He pressed a soft kiss against your forehead before moving towards his car. You just nodded and smiled, waving after the retreating vehicle.
After your talk with Rossi you had felt better, but you had also realized that you needed to talk with the other team members if you wanted to make a decision. And so you agreed, when two days later Derek texted you and asked if he could come by for lunch. This time your flat was appropriately tidied up and you were freshly showered and felt a lot more prepared to deal with everything.
You still felt nervous and a little apprehensive though. You weren’t sure what to expect, but you resolved to just let the conversation happen and to see where it went. You had just finished setting two places at your dining table, a little déjà vu to Rossi’s visit two days prior, when your doorbell rang. Taking a deep breath you moved towards the door to open it. In front of you stood Derek in casual ware and two huge bags of food in hand.
“Hey Derek! Have you invited anyone else or are you planning on feeding us into a food coma?”, you grinned at him. For a split second he appeared to be surprised by your usual casual greeting, before he grinned back at you and waggled his eyebrows:
“Just you wait until you’ve tried Mama Jones cooking. You’ll complain that I haven’t brought enough.”
You laughed and stepped aside to let him in, relieving him of one of the bags as he walked past you. He toed of his shoes and followed you to your little dining area, where you were already unpacking some of the food, which appeared to be different kinds of barbeque and really did look mouth-watering.
“It does smell really good”, you conceded. “We’ll see if it can keep up with Rossi’s lasagna.”
Derek started unpacking the remaining food from his bag, chuckling at the comment.
“Aha, I’m not the only one that came bearing food. I see how it is.”
“At least you came with a warning and thus have the luxury of a clean flat and a representable me. But I see that Rossi hasn’t sacred you away with exaggerated tales of our meeting”, you jokingly said.
“Nope. Rossi didn’t tell us anything, just that he went to see you. Actually, he might have told Hotch something, but nothing to the rest of the team.” Derek was smiling, but you heard the underlying sense of seriousness that conveyed that they were taking the whole situation to heart. And you felt undoubtedly relieved that Rossi hadn’t said anything. Not that you had really expected him to, but it was good to know either way. You smiled back and went to get some drinks for the two of you, asking Derek what he'd like.
A few minutes later the two of you were eating and thoroughly enjoying the food.
“You weren’t kidding about the food. You need to tell me where I can get this, I don’t think I can live without it in my life anymore.”
“I’d never joke about Mama Jones food, Darlin”, he drawled in an overexaggerated accent which made you laugh.
He told you a bit about his newest project, a lovely old house a short distance from the city, which he was currently deconstructing to turn it into a gem. He was planning on upcycling a lot of the old details and structures but there still was a lot of work left. In exchange you told Derek about your upstairs rooms which you had remodelled on your own. Your bedroom had been done for some time. There was one huge room though, which was the reason a lot of people didn’t want to have the small house since they thought the layout was whacky, which you were currently transforming into your very own library. You were pretty excited about it, since your own In-house library was one of your childhood dreams. You talked about which woods you were going to choose and how to best use the available space. Derek had a few ideas which you happily took into consideration as well as his offer of help once you had decided on your final plan, which you gladly accepted. You were far from helpless and were pretty sure that you could do it on your own, but it would definitely be faster with help, and you were sure that Derek had a few tricks you could learn from.
Afterwards you stacked the dishes in the kitchen and offered Derek some dessert and another drink. You settled on the couch with some self-baked cookies and two coffees just a few minutes later.
“So, onto the heavy conversation then?”, you teased lightly. Scratching his neck awkwardly Derek nodded before sighing quietly.
“I was surprised that you even want to see us if I’m being honest. I had expected this lunch to go a very different way.”
“Yeah, I noticed you were slightly surprised when I didn’t yell at you after opening the door”, you muttered, slight smile still on your lips.
“I was definitely prepared for that. If our roles were reserved, I probably would have.” Derek shifted a little so his body was turned more towards you, leaning forward slightly to be able to look into your eyes more easily.
“I logically know that neither of you intended to hurt me. It doesn’t change that it hurts and that the past year has been less than stellar, but I know that you didn’t do it out of malice”, you softly admitted, shifting your gaze to a point behind Derek.
“That’s the thing though, isn’t it? We might not have intended to hurt you, but we did. Maybe Hotch and Rossi have a little more leeway since they have their offices and don’t always see all that’s going on in the bullpen, but you sat right in the middle of the group and we all didn’t see how we were hurting you. I still can’t believe we never asked you why you weren’t at one of the outings. God, you must have hated us.”
“Not really. I just thought that you all might not like me or maybe did like me but only as a colleague and not as a friend. And you would have had every right to feel like that after all. How could I hate you for that?” Any you meant it, too. Even if the entire situation had not turned out to be some kind of misunderstanding, you could never have hated the team. Yes, the experience would have been miserable and you would have been disappointed, but you don’t think you would have had it in you to actually hate anyone.
Derek’s eyebrows did a complicated thing before settling in a frown.
“You’re way too good for us, Y/N. We’ve all made a mistake, several mistakes. I don’t have any excuse, not that an excuse would make the situation any better, but I am truly sorry. I’ve never meant to hurt you, but I did continuously. I want you to know that you’re a great asset to the team, not just as a colleague but as the person that you are and as a friend and a member of our little family. And I want you to know that you are likeable. You’re the person always brightening things up for us and I don’t think we have appreciated that enough.”
Derek’s voice was soft but you could see in his eyes the pain of the knowledge that he had hurt you. You could also see the affection and earnestness. And wasn’t this just proof of his stupidly big heart? You let his words sink in for a few moments, feeling how your shoulders relaxes and tension left your body. After Rossi’s visit it still was a relieve to hear Derek say something similar. But Derek continued before you could answer.
“I know that this might be a bit much, but you know that Spencer is like a little brother to me. The same goes for you, just as a sister of course. Even though I have enough of them already. Even if you decide that this team isn’t for you anymore that will not change. Do you think you can forgive me?”
A smile slowly spread over your face before you moved to hug Derek, a gesture he gladly returned.
“Apology accepted”, you murmured against his chest, which made him hug you even tighter.
“If anyone ever treats you that way again, even if it’s one of us, call me to hit them over the head.” You had a feeling that he was only half joking but couldn’t help the giggle escaping your lips.
“Sure thing, Big Bro”, you teased lightly. Derek’s hugs were comfortable. Warm and secure and because of his size you felt like you basically disappeared within his arms. You moved back to look at his face.
“Thank you, Derek. I really appreciate it”, you smiled and settled besides him again, a bit closer this time.
“I don’t think I want to leave the team. But I’m not sure yet. I think I just need to talk to everyone before I make the final decision.” Derek wrapped one arm around your shoulder, which prompted you to lean against his strong form.
“I’m not gonna lie and say that I’m not glad to hear that. What would you like to do if you decided against staying, though?” He didn’t sound accusatory or disappointed but curious about your thoughts. You remembered your talk about career prospects after you had first told him that you were leaving and out of all members of the team, Derek had been the one with the best advice. Simply because he really cared about your future.
“There’s a free position at the Counterintelligence Division for the Counterespionage Section that I think might be really interesting as well as a position at the Organized Crime Section. I don’t think I’d want to go back to deal with criminals though if I decided to leave.”
“I can understand that. As interesting as the BAU is, it’s a lot to deal with sometimes. The CE Section would be something else entirely which might be a great challenge for you. I heard that the teams are rather young as well, which might be great to work with.”
You talked about your job prospects outside of the team for a while, bouncing ideas and opinions back and forth. If you were honest to yourself though, it made you feel like leaving the team even less.
At some point you offered to watch a film and relax a little together, Derek had used up his free day to see you after all. He agreed grinned when you told him that he could decide on the film. You went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks and drinks and to give Derek some time to decide. Once you had positioned popcorn, chips, and beer on the table you settled back on the sofa to see which film he chose, which made you laugh hysterically.
“The Emperor’s New Groove? Seriously Derek?”
“What? It’s a great film!”, he defended but there was a huge smile on his face. You couldn’t very well argue with the reasoning. It was a great film after all. Just not what you had expected him to choose. Still giggling you grabbed one of the blankets and settled against his side, spreading the fabric over the two of you. He grabbed the bowl of snacks and the drinks and positioned them safely on your labs before settling down and wrapping an arm around you. Both of you laughed and commented on the film, munching on the snacks. After the first film followed the second, and you felt yourself grow tired. Snuggling more comfortably into Derek’s side and with his big hand caressing your hair, you felt your eyes slowly close and drifted off into sleep.
The next morning you woke up on your couch, blanket securely wrapped around you and the table cleared off. Instead of the snack bowl and the empty beer bottles there was a plate with a breakfast beagle and a small bowl of fruit as well as a small note in Derek’s handwriting.
“Y/N, I had to leave for work – new case, you know how it is. Can’t let the bossman wait too long and I didn’t want to wake you since you were sleeping so peacefully. Enjoy breakfast, the coffee machine is ready to go as well. Hope to see you soon, Derek x.”
Stepping into the kitchen you couldn’t help but smile. He’d obviously spent some time washing the dishes from yesterday and had selected your most ridiculous mug to position under the coffee machine. You started it and with a filled mug in hand moved back to the couch, enjoying your breakfast and sending a message of thanks to Derek.
Your first meet up with Spencer after that fateful dinner was actually instigated by you. No matter what had happened or however complicated the situation was, you missed Spencer. And you were fairly sure that out of all your teammates, he was the one who would take the situation the hardest. After all, he had experienced similar situations all his life. So it was you who texted Spencer and asked if he was up for a coffee at your favourite café. It took him a while to respond and you weren’t sure if it was because the team had a new case or because he was anxious. He did respond with an affirmation though, which was really all that mattered to you right now.
So, after a much-needed day without one of your teammates coming by to apologize, which you had still used to do some serious thinking, you made your way to the café with a renewed sense of purpose. That went out of the window however when you saw Spencer standing in front of the café, looking like he hadn’t slept in days. He had dark circles under his eyes and his face was gaunt, his hair a mess and you were pretty sure that he was even skinnier than before – even though that was hardly possible. You rushed over to him, gently gripping his shoulders.
“Spence! Are you alright? You look ill. Goodness, you should have told me if you weren’t feeling well, we could have rescheduled!” Spencer however was just staring at you, blinking rapidly. You frowned and gently cupped his face.
“Spence?”, you asked again. His eyes focused on your face and his own expression morphed into a confused frown.
“You’re concerned about me? Why?”, his voice was soft as always, but raspy as if he hadn’t spoken in days.
“What do you mean, Spencer? Of course I’m worried about you if you don’t feel well.” Now you were the one being confused. What was going on here?
“But I hurt you.” Everything fell into place the moment he said the words. Spencer was feeling guilty. And, as well known, Spencer wasn’t the best at dealing with feelings and emotions. You studied his face and his form again, noting all the little giveaways of tiredness and exhaustion. You sighed softly and gently cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
“Yes, you all did. But You’re my friend Spencer, a very good friend at that and as a friend I do love you. And that love doesn’t just go away because you made a mistake or hurt me in any way. I don’t want to see you ill or not feeling your best in any way.” It took some moments for Spencer to absorb your words, but you absolutely knew when he did because tears threatened to spill. You pulled him into a strong hug, burying your own face against his shoulder.
“I’m glad to see you, Spence. I missed you and your statistics”, you muttered quietly but knew he had heard you when he squeezed you once.
“I missed you, too” he whispered against your neck. Staying like that for some time, you both were smiling once you moved away from each other.
“Coffee?”, you grinned at him.
“Definitely!”, he smiled back and held open the door for you to pass through. You walked to the small table you always took when it was empty. It was a bit more secluded than the rest of them but had a perfect view on the people passing outside. People watching was something both you and Spencer enjoyed, and a little distraction surely wouldn’t go amiss during the following conversation. In the meantime, Spencer went to order your drinks.
Once Spencer had brought over your drinks and was sitting opposite you, you noticed how he started to fidget with the spoon, obviously being anxious about the oncoming conversation.
“So, let’s get over with the bad side of the conversation so we can talk about nicer things”, you wink at him, giving him the opportunity to start. It was obvious that he had thought about everything, and by the looks of it, had forgone sleep in the process.
“I was surprised you reached out after everything”, he stated quietly.
“I thought about the situation for a long time. And I never thought any of you excluded me with malicious intent, to begin with. When Hotch offered to hold the position and after Rossi came over to talk to me, I found that I needed to talk to each of you before making my final decision. Rossi came by without announcing his visit and Derek also didn’t leave me much chance, even though he at least let me know in advance. After a day without anyone of the team I reached out to you because I miss our conversations. And because I want to clear up the situation between us. Because even if I were to decide to leave the team, I don’t want to lose the friendship that we have.” You smiled at him, trying to reassure him that the conversation wouldn’t end in a bad way. Spencer swallowed hard and fidgeted with his spoon for another few moments before taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders.
“I want to apologize. I know that we have been kind of excluding you and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I don’t have any excuse. I know I haven’t been including you in conversations or inviting you to hang out with us. I know you’re probably feeling left out and like you don’t belong with the team, but I want you to know that’s not how we feel about you at all. You’re a vital part of this team… and our friend group.” You nodded along to his words.
“I think I know that now. Over the last year there were instances when I thought you all hadn’t invited me on purpose. That hurt. And I needed some time to come to terms with the fact that this all was just a big unfortunate misunderstanding which made me feel like a failure and like I wasn’t good enough for almost a year. But I understand that no one of you had any ill intentions. It doesn’t make the past year any better, but I do think we all can work through this if I stay on the team.” Spencer listened intently and slowly nodded carefully.
“I know it hasn’t been easy for you, being left out like that. But I want you to know that I value your contributions as a colleague and I appreciate everything you do as a friend. You did a lot for us. Not just for cases but in the office as well. All the times you brought coffee or breakfast for the team or the one time you made sure each of us had a little something for Valentine's Day last year. I’ll do better, I promise.”
You reached over the table to grasp Spencer’s hand, which had finally stopped playing with the spoon, and squeezed it gently.
“Thank you, Spencer. That means a lot.”
“I just wish that I had noticed earlier.”
“Well, me as well”, you chuckled, throwing him an exaggerated wink which made him smile.
“I felt really guilty when we found out. Still do, to be honest. As I said, I don’t want to excuse my actions or anyone’s really. I just thought you might be a very private person, closed off, just like I was in the beginning. I didn’t want to pressure you into doing something you really didn’t want to do. I feel a bit stupid just having assumed that.”
“It’s alright, Spencer. Well, maybe not alright. But I’m glad that we found out that it was all an unfortunate misunderstanding before the transfer went through. I really do love this team and I would hate to give it up.”
Both of you sipped on your drink for a few minutes, letting everything that had been said sink in properly. Even though you believed what you’d said, that no one of your fellow team members had any ill intentions, it still felt good to hear the apology. You still didn’t want Spencer to run himself in the ground though. So, you grabbed his hand again.
“I do accept your apology, Spencer. And I’m glad that we talked about it. I don’t want you to feel guilty anymore though, alright? Well, maybe a little. But promise me to not lose any sleep over it anymore.” Spencer smiled at you, shrugging a little.
“I’ll try.”
“Well, that’s good enough for now”, you grinned back at him.
“Did you know that prior social neuroscience studies have shown that similar areas in the brain are activated when we experience physical and social pain?”
You arched a playful eyebrow at Spencer’s little fact as if to say “oh, I hadn’t noticed” and couldn’t help but laugh at Spencer’s bashful expression when he noticed what he’d said.
“Well, do you also have a fun fact about Red Velvet Cake, because I’m going to bully you into buying me a slice and another coffee.”
“Of course I do. The recipe was known to the public for revenge. When it first originated, a Lady ate the cake in a restaurant and liked it quite a lot. She asked the restaurant for the recipe but they charged her $100 for it. She became so enraged that she widely spread the recipe as a form of revenge.”
You couldn’t help your laughter as he went to buy you the cake and another drink without even arguing. Of course Spencer would know random facts about cake. And of course Spencer would feel guilty. He was a brilliant man, even though you were sure that even brilliant was an understatement sometimes, and he was the one person on the team that always paid attention to everyone and everything. You were pretty sure that he had beaten himself up over not noticing those past few days. You just hoped that your words had helped a little. Just as his words had soothed an ache inside your heart.
Both of you spent the rest of the afternoon watching the people passing outside the café and trying to make up stories about them. Spencer sent you into hysterics with an elaborate story about an elderly lady dressed in fur, who in his opinion was a foreign spy from western Europe trying to steal the secret cat food recipe so her 37 cats back home would finally be content and not wake her up at 4am anymore.
Feeling more content than you had in the last few days, except maybe for right after you’d eaten Rossi’s Lasagna, you made your way home. Feeling like staying on the team might actually be the right thing to do. You hadn’t lied to Spencer when you’d told him that you felt that you all could work through the issue at hand.
In the following two days you met up with both Emily and JJ. Emily had been quite frank as always. She’d asked you why you’d never said anything at all but backtracked pretty fast when she noticed how the question might sound to you.
“I just- I can’t believe the entire team was that stupid. We’re all profilers, the best of the best at that. We should have noticed. We all know the ‘no profiling each other’ rule doesn’t work either way because we subconsciously do so anyways”, she’d explained awkwardly before apologising for the situation at hand.
You were content with that, however. Everyone knew that Emily was a private person, guarding her life and her emotions very well. Often times it was only Hotch who could see though her, but then again Hotch could see through almost everyone.
To say that you had been surprised when Emily suddenly hugged you would be an understatement. Returning the hug, she’d quietly apologized and promise to pay more attention. Only after you had accepted the apology, she’d dragged you to go out and get drinks.
The meeting with JJ had been pretty similar. She’d straight up apologized and promised to do better. She knew the impact feeling unworthy could have first hand, she’d explained hinting at her sister. You both had talked through the situation while Will supplied both of you with non-alcoholic drinks on a semi-regular basis.
You had also briefly talked about what you would do if you were to decide not to stay on the team. JJ had been supportive and offered to introduce you to some of the people working in the other teams if you decided to leave. Due to her time as media liaison, she knew quite a lot people outside the BAU Team.
The meeting had then shifted into a catch up on different topics and you had been supplied several pictures of Henry, who was at a birthday party at the moment. He seemed to be a sweet child if all the pictures were anything to go by. JJ promised to introduce you in the near future. You also found that Will had quite a wicked sense of humour and was great to talk to. Once the serious discussion had been over, he had joined the two of you. You hadn’t really interacted with him before and were happy to find out that he was a great guy. Not that you’d doubted that before.
Garcia was the one person you had dreaded a little. Not because you didn’t want to talk to her or didn’t like her. But because this talk was bound to be the most emotional out of all of them. You decided to stop by her apartment on your way back from another outing, thinking maybe a surprise visit might make things easier. Boy had you been wrong. Waiting for Garcia to open the door after ringing the doorbell, she froze the moment she’d opened the door and realized who was standing in front of her. You were sure she’d tried her best to keep her emotions in check, but she failed miserably.
“Oh God, Y/N?”, she’d greeted you, staring at you like she’d never seen you before. You had smiled at her a little awkwardly and uttered a joking “surprise!”, before she reacted, asking you if she could hug you which you gladly granted. You hadn’t quite expected her to start crying at that. Even though in retrospect you should have. No sooner had some of her tears spilled over did she start to apologise. You let her get everything out before gently asking her to slow down a little.
“God, I’m so sorry. I promised myself not to cry, I don’t want to guilt trip you or anything. Really! I’m just so glad to see you.” You did reassure her that it was alright before both of you settled down to talk about the misunderstandings and everything that had happened.
“I know we were all pretty blind and everything. But I promise that we did want to have you there. I even photoshopped you into some of the pictures we took because it felt like they were missing something without you. The team isn’t really the team without you, Y/N.” And damn, as ridiculous as it sounded, your heart felt warmed at her words. The fact that there were photoshopped pictures of those outings having you in them made it very clear that you had been wanted there. Garcia even showed you a few. And while it hurt a little to see the pictures of your team grinning at the camera without you having been there with them, you were quite impressed by Garcia’s photoshop skills. Not surprised though.
After the talk with Garcia you did feel ready to make your final decision. You were pretty sure already but decided to sleep on it another night. Once you had decided you texted Garcia to ask if the team was on a case and were relived to hear that they actually had two off days lined up. Now that you had made up your mind you wanted to inform Hotch as soon as possible.
Hotch had been very sweet those past days, for lack of better words. He had stayed in contact with you, checking up on you and how you were feeling regularly. You’d always informed him if you met up with any member of the team, feeling like he should know that it was part of your decision process. He had been supportive of that, letting you know off days or when the team was on a case so you could plan the meetings as well as possible.
It felt weird to stand in front of his door now, though. You hadn’t been here before and doubted your decision a little. Maybe you should have waited and planned on going to the office to tell him. Now that you were already here though, you felt stupid to just leave again. You could hear a child laughing through the open window, presumably Jack, whom you hadn’t met yet either, as well as Hotch’s deep voice. Taking a deep breath you rang the doorbell, expecting your boss to open the door. In front of you stood a young boy, however. You smiled at him.
“Are you Miss Y/N?”, he asked curiously.
“I am!”, you smiled at him. “I guess you have to be Jack then? How did you know it was me?”
Jack nodded vigorously, leaning closer to you as if to tell you a secret.
“I saw you standing outside and asked Daddy who you were”, he told you very seriously which made you laugh.
“Won’t you let our guest in, buddy?”, you heard Hotch’s voice coming closer. Jack grinned and moved back to let you step in before closing the door.
“Hi Hotch”, you smiled at the man moving towards the two of you. He was wearing casual clothes again which made absolute sense, but you were so used to seeing him wearing suits that you were still taken aback a little. If anyone had asked you three weeks ago if Hotch even owned Jeans, you would have laughed and answered with a very definite no.
“It’s good to see you, Y/N. Do come in. We were just making Breakfast in case you haven’t eaten yet.”
“I haven’t”, you acknowledged and followed him into an open living room.
“Make yourself comfortable. Pancakes are done in a few minutes.” Jack climbed up on the couch to sit beside you once you had settles.
“Daddy makes the best pancakes!”, he informed you happily.
“I see, I am in good hands then!” Jack nodded in agreement before moving on the book sat beside him, which he had apparently discarded to open the door. It was about snakes.
“Did you know that Snakes smell with their tongues?”, Jack asked you suddenly. You nodded in agreement.
“Mhm. Did you know that some Snakes can sense heat which is how they know where their prey is located?” Jack stared at you wide-eyed and shook his head. You gently took the book from him, searching for a side which had a big enough picture of a Pit Viper.
“You see the two small holes in its face? They’re called pits and the snake can use those to sense heat. It’s how they know where to attack in the dark. They can also hear vibrations in their jaw bones. They can’t hear the way we do. They use a bone attached to their jaw called a quadrate to sense vibrations, which is also how they can locate anything that moves.”
Hotch chose that moment to come back with a huge stack of pancakes that he placed on the dinner table which was already set for three people. Seems like you might have stood outside far longer that you thought you had.
“You know a lot about snakes”, he stated while moving around to get some orange juice. Domestic Life definitely suited him.
“I do. I used to have snakes for most my life. They’re pretty cool.”
“Do you still have one?”, Jack asked excitedly which made you laugh.
“I do. I have a small Rosy Boa called Daisy. She’s quite a docile girl. Maybe I can introduce you one day.”
You looked up to find Hotch quietly laughing, raising an eyebrow in question.
“You called your snake Daisy?”
“Sure. I’ve always named my snakes after flowers. Not gonna change that tradition until I run out of names.”
Having won Jack over by simply liking snakes, Breakfast was a lively affair. You knew that Hotch was a good dad, you’d never doubted it. It showed in the way he always made sure to call his son while on cases and the fact that he often felt like he didn’t do enough. It was a little weird to witness the domestic scenes, still. It was a harsh contrast to the person Hotch was at the office. You weren’t about to complain though. It was a refreshing change, and you were glad that Hotch felt comfortable sharing that side of him with you.
It was after Breakfast that Jessica swung by to pick Jack up for a play date with another friend, which later turned out to be Henry. You were pretty sure that it was a spontaneous meet up which Hotch had organised after seeing you standing in front of his door. Before leaving jack came over to give you a hug and say goodbye, but not before telling you that he hoped that you stayed on his dad’s team because you made it better. When you just stared at him confused, he grinned at you.
“Don’t worry, Miss Y/N, Daddy didn’t tell me to say that to you. I just listen when Daddy talks about work and you sound like you made the team a better place. He still has the mug you gave him for his birthday last year (which had a corny joke about grumpy pants on it) and he often said that you brought the team breakfast.”
“Thank you, Jack”, you answered, still stunned. You hadn’t expected a child to be so insightful. Then again it was Hotch’s child, maybe you should have expected it. You settled back on the couch while Hotch saw his son off, taking note of the memorabilia in the room as well as the array of toys and children books.
“So, I take it that you’ve made a final decision?”, Hotch asked as he was moving back towards you, holding two cups of coffee in his hands.
You just nodded and gratefully took the offered mug, turning slightly more towards Hotch who was studying you closely.
“I know that I already said it at Rossi’s, but I’d like to apologize again. We were blind when we absolutely shouldn’t have been. In our job we see how people hurt each other every day, we look for any sings, clues or behaviours that validate our thesis. We should have noticed them in one of our own sooner, even though there shouldn’t have been any reason for you to feel the way you felt, at all. I’m sure that each member of the team has already said it, but there really is no excuse for how we acted.” Hotch’s voice, while barely ever aggressive when not talking to an unsub or a suspect, was positively gentle and soft. No sign of the usually stern edge to his voice, no glare, no frown. By now you were pretty sure that the Hotch at work was just a persona he put on to shield the team from any possible harm.
“I do accept your apology, Hotch. What you said at Rossi’s about me feeling the way I felt about the situation has really helped me deal with the whole process. I felt a little ridiculous at first, but I now can accept that it was a misunderstanding. You’re also right. We all should have noticed sooner and communicated with each other better”, Hotch nodded along, his head tilted in question though, which made you smile. “I say we, because I am aware that I could have said something sooner. Communication is a two-way street after all.” At that Hotch was about to interrupt you, but you gently shushed him by grabbing his hand.
“I know that no one of you had any ill intend. And I am pretty sure that we can all work through the situation at hand. That doesn’t mean I don’t expect a fancy coffee as a welcome when I come back to work next week.” It took him a few moments to process what you had said, but once he did a delighted smile appeared on his face, one which you’d never seen before. You did like it though. Hotch was your Boss, but you would acknowledge that he was indeed attractive any day. The smile made him seem years younger and he was positively glowing, looking more than handsome. You grinned back at him. His hand, that you were still holding, gently squeezed yours and he leaned closer towards you.
“I am really glad to hear that, Y/N. I will personally make sure that any coffee wishes will be fulfilled. It’s the least we can do. The bullpen really hasn’t been the same without you.”
“What do you mean?” You were pretty sure that your impact at work had been minimal at best. After all, the bullpen was loud, noisy and chaotic and you usually didn’t participate in any of the shenanigans.
“Let’s see… Derek has noticed that the spoiled food from the common use kitchen area didn’t magically disappear anymore. He even questioned the cleaning lady about it and asked if that was part of her usual tasks. Which, of course, it wasn’t. Several team members have also found that their favourite coffee creamers aren’t actually part of the company’s provided products. Rossi has found that he doesn’t receive assorted files of interesting crime reports and difficult crossword puzzles anymore and Derek has found that all his mugs don’t just clean themselves. Garcia was very bereft when she found out that no one of the other girls had given her clippings showing the most colourful clothes of the season and the amount of times Emily had a breakdown over her printer not working over the last two weeks is simply astounding. JJ no longer has pre-sorted files on her desk and Reid doesn’t receive random book recommendations or interesting news articles on some obscure scientific subject anymore. And my own piles of cases have mysteriously grown without the workload changing and are no longer sorted. Just as I have found out that I apparently didn’t just forget that I had hung up Jack’s drawings in my office almost all the time when I noticed that I don’t even have the little magnets used for the board. And the only constant that has changed over the past few weeks is you not being in the office, Y/N. So you see, you made quite an impact without anyone, including yourself, noticing. You made the place feel friendlier and just so much warmer, that we all felt quite bereft. Not just because things were suddenly different, but because we saw how much you did for us and how little we gave you in return.”
You couldn’t help but stare at Hotch while he was stating all that in his usual matter of fact kind of way. You were feeling so many emotions at once that it was difficult to grasp one to concentrate on. Your mouth was opening and closing, oddly reminiscent to the situation at Rossi’s dinner. But this time you didn’t feel absolute dread curse through your body, of that you were sure at least. You felt warm and fuzzy and a sense of disbelieve that finally someone had noticed all the small things you did. You had never been the best with showing that you cared, always trying to show it through small acts of service that would make someone else’s day a little brighter or a task a little less daunting.
“I’ve made you cry again”, Hotch muttered softly, pulling you closer towards him. Only then did you notice that you were indeed crying. Twice in a row. In front of your Boss. You couldn’t help yourself though, and moved even closer, wrapping your arms around his waist, and squeezing him.
“Thank you”, you said quietly through your tears.
“Are you thanking me for making you cry?” An incredulous laugh escaped his lips at the situation, and you couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips.
“I’m thanking you because no one really noticed those things before. Even though the situation might not be ideal, you did notice. It’s always been my way of showing that I care but it usually gets overlocked in everyday life.” You felt how Hotch’s arms pulled you closer towards him before he settled against the back of the couch, one hand running through your hair and the other one rubbing soothing circles on your arm.
“I don’t really think we deserve you, but I’m glad you decided to stay on the team.” His voice was quiet, but he had rested his cheek against your hair, so you could hear him perfectly fine.
”Me as well”, you responded just a quietly. And you really were. You couldn’t wait to start over with everyone and to move on from this whole mess. You felt your body relaxing against Hotch’s warmth, enjoying the feeling of safety and being cared for. It wasn’t exactly what you had expected from Hotch when all of this started, but maybe you shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, he was the one always making little jokes to see other’s smile or offered encouragement and help if anyone on the team needed it – no questions asked. One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, carefully turning your face to look at him.
“I promise that things will change once you’re back. Well do our best to make up for our mistakes and to make sure you’ll always feel like a wanted and needed, valuable member of our team. I promise, I’ll do better.” The last part of the sentence stuck with you. Of course he would feel responsible for the entire situation.
“I know you will, Hotch. I trust you.”
You could feel how his own body relaxed at your words and felt content with the knowledge that you had eased his mind a little. You snuggled back against his side, closing your eyes and taking the feeling of contentment in. His arms wrapped tighter around you and his chin came back to rest on top of your head. Had anyone told you four weeks ago that you would end up on Hotch’s couch and snuggled into his side, you would have laughed at them. Now though, you would hardly trade that place for anything.
On your first day back at the BAU everyone was shocked to see you. You had made Hotch promise not to tell them anything. Still, you found a steaming cup your favourite coffee as well as a bagel from your favourite bakery on you desk. Looking up, you smiled at Hotch who had remembered the little demand you had made in jest the other day. What really made your heart melt though was a colourful self-made welcome back card from Jack, which you found once you opened one of your drawers.
The team welcomed you back with open arms and hugs, and maybe a few tears on Garcia’s part. You were surprised that you seamlessly fit into the dynamics after everything that had happened. The first few weeks you were cautious, expecting to find out that there were meet ups you hadn’t been invited to or to see random new photos of the group with everyone except for you. It didn’t happen though. Instead you found yourself sitting in-between your colleagues and friends at team dinners in Rossi’s living room or garden every month, as well as some of the weirdest Bars and Clubs you’d ever seen on a semi-regular basis. Every other week you and Rossi met up for private dinners, mostly consisting of his Nonna’s receipts – some of which he’d even taught you. Those nights were a safe-heaven for you, having found a father-like figure in your friend. When there was enough time or pent up frustrations, you found yourself at one of Derek’s construction sides to help him out and learning loads of new things from him. Both of you had constructed the perfect library in your little home in no time, a room Spencer was frequently found in now. Somehow, you weren’t quite sure how it had happened, you found yourself a part of Derek’s and Garcia’s pre-established movie nights as well, finding out that Derek didn’t just like Disney films but was a sucker for Rom-Coms. Emily, JJ and Garcia had also roped you into joining their shopping and spa days. While you could get behind the spa part, shopping really wasn’t something you considered fun. The girls made it bearable though and the promise of after-shopping-drinks kept you joining most of the time. The number of conventions you had visited with Spencer was way too high, but you didn’t really care. Derek was suffering under it, since you also had joined his and Spencer’s film nights. With you in the picture and mostly on Spencer’s side when it came to film choices, his try to teach Spencer pop culture was for naught. Emily, who secretly was a foodie, had introduced you to a ton of new restaurants and dishes as well as renowned night clubs you’d never set a foot in otherwise and jazz bars you adored. You also spent a lot of time with Hotch and Jack, introducing them to Daisy and joining them on day trips to the zoo or the aquarium as well as joining his weekend soccer matches with the rest of the team. Every now and then while on a case, you found yourself enjoying a glass of scotch with Hotch in privacy, talking about Jack or any other subject that came to your minds.
For one miserable year you had felt like you were on a never-ending treasure hunt, searching for a place to call your home. Searching for a place to feel safe and to feel warm. It had been draining to pretend that you belonged within the team, to pretend to like and understand what they were saying. You had asked yourself where you belonged every day. And you finally had found a solid answer.
“When you get to a place where you understand that love and belonging, your worthiness, is a birthright and not something you have to earn, anything is possible.” Brene Brown
Sei un raggio di sole  – You are a ray of sunshine
Puffetta - Smurfette
Gioia  – joy
passerotto/a – “sparrow”, usually exclusive to girls
Dolcezza - sweetness
caro mio/cara – My Dear
Bellissimo/a - gorgeous
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! I have to admit that you might have made me cry a little with all your kind words and appreciation. Thank you for waiting so patiently for part 3, I know that it took me ages to write… Life just really got in the way of things. I had to shorten it a little and cut the lengthier parts about the meetings with Emily, JJ and Garcia. I might post them as an excerpt one of these days. I really like the parts dealing with Rossi, Derek and Hotch. With the rest I’m a bit unsure, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting. Part 4 is going to be the alternative ending in which the reader leaves the team.
I hope you enjoyed part 3!
Taglist (I hope I got everyone that asked to be tagged. If not, please let me know):
@measure-in-pain @yourfavoritefangirl @dollylolitasworld @abbeyskeff @stupidassgryffindor @lovurryy @mojo366 @fruittiest-of-loops @softieekayy @fandomalert31
@the-person-in-the-circle @no-soy-fer @theodorereaken @beeblisss @wishfulwithwine @champagneneen @strangunddurm @crocodilefeet2707 @elleclairez @ilovewomeen
@snakequeen13 @lolilkkk @kuntxrgraudunkelbunt @daddy-jareau @unlikelyfurywolf @adhdannieedison @thelittlecatalex @mess-is-my-aesthetic @superskittles @sj22071s
@elleisalwayssleepy @noisy-head @marauderssimpcuzwhytfnot @shesoperfectt @feltonswifesworld87 @kakashis-formal-simp @yourfavunsub @lokigirlszendaya @sophiaj650 @venomsvl
@himboelover @multi-fandom-imagines @kingjuli3n @maybeblakeley @sayukoi @gojutsu @my-beel @users09 @buckysmainhxe @fandom-has-taken-me-hostage
@heyhowareyaxd @lokisnumber1whore @lightjoh @sebastiansstanswhore @stcrrjoon @shamelessfangirl-3
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poppy-metal · 2 months
mer!art would be so so so pretty. nearly irredescent scales, blue and shimmery. little webbed hands and pointy teeth. wide eyed and curious. doesn't hate humans like most of his kind does :((( doesn't want to eat them. steals trinkets from them he finds on the beach - though he's way too timid to ever reveal himself to a human.
thinking he falls in love with you one summer - you're new and you're visiting your grandma's beach house. she has the most beautiful crystal blue cove behind her house. you love to trail down to the beach and dip your toes into the sparkling water and just let yourself soak in your surroundings. you come at night, because you like the peace of the night and how the moonlight looks on the waters surface.
art is fascinated by you. peeks just his eyes above the waterline to watch you. he could watch you sit and do nothing for hours. the scaled tips of his ears that look more animalike than human, flicking back and forth in contentment. when you leave he always swims quick to where you where and sees if you dropped anything that he can hoard. sometimes you leave stuff like hairties, and ribbons, all of which he snatches eagerly.
he wants to communicate with you so bad. he wants to feel your human skin and your legs especially. rub the individual toes that have no webbing between them. feel the split between your legs that make them two separate limbs and not one tail, like him. you don't look wet and shiny like he does, and he wonders what you feel like. his friend, patrick, had once told him human women were as soft as butter. plush and downy. of course, he'd been talking in reference to tearing them apart with his teeth and eating them - still, art thought about that softness and how much he wanted to feel it.
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star-suh · 1 year
🎃 Red Riding Hood 🎃
mark lee x male reader
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cw: top mark, implied cruising, breeding, reader's first time, reader is dom-ish sometimes, some voyeurism, rimjob, blowjob.
an: this one is not so halloween-ish and i just took the general idea of the tale, thanks to @blehhhidk for the idea of this and other two fics 🥹🫶
y/n a pretty boy who always wears a red cap was getting ready to visit his grandma, who was sick. "listen y/n your grandma is sick, so go the pharmacy and buy her some medicaments" says y/n's mom "and go straight to your grandma's house don't you stay out there doing nonsense" she slapped his head carefully. "ok mom" he just rolled his eyes and went to the pharmacy. in his way towards there he make eye contact with one of those 'bad boys' wearing dark clothes and smoking in the corner of a house "goodbye pretty boy" says the strange boy and y/n blushed "goodbye sexy boy" replied y/n without thinking, he felt embarrassed and walked faster meanwhile mark just laughed and decided to walk behind the cute guy. "where you going?" asked mark. "i'm going to my grandma's house. she is sick and need medicaments" replied y/n. "hmm i see… can i go with you? and make you company" asked mark to which y/n responds "sure".
between talk and talk mark discovers that y/n is a virgin and that he wanted to lose his virginity so he downloaded an app for that but it didn't work for him. "i can do you the favor. you only have to ask for it" smirked the guy while grabbing his big bulge, y/n just blushed "shut up i must get to my grandmother's quickly" he says. "where does she lives?" asked mark, "she lives in *******" replied the boy. "i know a shortcut, through the forest" commented mark, "you mean that forest? as in the forest that is near lord seonghwa's castle… that alleged vampire?" he whispered that last part while watching to all directions "yeah let's go" mark grabbed y/n by the hand and they run towards the forest.
they were walking until suddenly they hear moans and grunts, carefully they walked to see what was happening and there we are, two people fucking, one has pink hair and the other brown hair, in the forest, in plain sight. "fuck that's hot" says mark while a tent is forming on his pants and the same happening in y/n's. "i might accept your offer" says y/n to mark who looked at him surprised "let's go" it's the only thing mark said taking y/n with him.
now, in mark's house, more exactly his bed, was he eating y/n out, his tongue exploring y/n's insides while saliva was surrounding y/n's virginal entrance "so fucking good" moaned mark while y/n was biting the sheets holding back his moans. minutes later y/n's hole was already dilated to receive mark's thick piece of meat, but first y/n wanted to suck it and have it in his mouth. "suck it like it's a lollipop" mark says slapping his cock in y/n's mouth. the bottom obeyed and gave his everything to make mark feel good "yes just like that" whispered mark emitting a quiet moan. y/n was loving the burning feeling of mark stretching his virginal ass "i want more of this" begged y/n, "don't worry you would have this and more from now on" grunted mark while leaving his cock without moving it so that y/n would get used to the feeling.
minutes passed and y/n wanted more sex with mark, he's like a insatiable whore now, his cock bouncing while riding mark's "yes yes i love this" said the greedy bottom fucking himself hard on mark's rod "hold on, go… easy. y-you are being such a slut" growled the man feeling so satisfied by y/n's tight hole. now mark grabbed y/n's legs and pushed them back towards his torso and started to thrust hard "i'm gonna pump you full of my kids. until it's slipping down your hole for how full you are. you hear me?" mark asked and y/n just nodded "yes yes fuck me. fill me up" begged the little slut. y/n's was now riding mark with his back facing mark, he started to move his ass gently ass if he was massaging mark's cock "i'm gonna milk you dry markie" smirked the bottom "this cum is all for me" he moves front and back eager to get mark's seed inside him. hours have passed now, mark was impressed by how mich stamina y/n has and how slutty he turned out to be, the bed was wet for all the sweat and the windows were foggy, it looked like a sauna. "i'm gonna cum~" growled the top, he stilled his throbbing cock inside y/n's ass emptying all his balls while y/n did the same spilling his seed on mark's sheets both feel exhausted and they were gonna sleep together until a thought crossed y/n's mind "GRANDMAA!!!" he yelled and went quickly to get dressed and go to his grandma's house, "wait" screamed mark but it was too late y/n was already out of his house….
y/n was scolded by his mom and he promised he would never take another path to go to his grandma's house, but that's a lie... he would always take the forest shortcut to meet with mark and fuck there, returning to his home full of mark's milk that is like an everyday meal for him. "hey! red cap boy wanna ride" asked an smiling mark who was leaning on a tree and y/n just licked his lips "yeah"...
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Doughnut Queen ~ *Ruggie Bucchi*
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Summary: You’re visiting Ruggie’s hometown on holiday. You’re excited to meet his grandmother and the people he grew up with. Somehow, you get roped into making doughnut for everyone?
Pairing: Ruggie Bucchi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1641
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face, even though Ruggie couldn’t stop snickering at you. It wasn’t everyday that your boyfriend took you back to his hometown. Any chance you could go to the Sunset Savanna, you jumped on the opportunity.
“Are you going to stare with your mouth open like a carp the whole time?” He giggled.
“I can’t help it! The Savanna is so beautiful! I wish I could stay here forever.” You heaved a lovesick sigh.
He shook his head, his fingers brushing yours. “You’re so silly. It’s not like you’re never going to see this place again. Besides, you’re visiting for the whole summer and the break just started! We’ve got time to enjoy everything the Savanna has to offer.”
Your smile grew impossibly wide. “You’re right! And you get to show me everything, and I mean everything!”
Ruggie laughed. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right. I’ll be a better tour guide than Leona.”
“Sounds good.” You pecked his cheek. “But first, you promised I’d get to meet you grandma. I want to meet her first.”
He seemed to pause for only a millisecond. “Ah, yeah, you’re right. We’ll go there first.”
With your ever present bright smile, you tugged your boyfriend along as you made your way into his home village. It was small, but charming. It also gave you a pang of homesickness, but you didn’t dwell on those thoughts. You were more concerned about meeting your boyfriend’s grandmother for the first time. Whenever you managed to get him to talk about her, he spoke fondly of how she took care of him and all the other children in the village. You were determined to meet the wonderful woman who shaped the amazing guy you were absolutely in love with.
When you reached his house, he stopped you. Scratching the back of his head, he took the chance to explain, “Hey, just so you know, my grandmother, she can be a bit much sometimes. So if she’s a bit demanding or rude, that’s just who she is. She’s old-school, you know? So just, be prepared.”
You squeezed his hand, ignoring his blush for the sake of his pride. “Ruggie, I’m sure she’s just fine.”
Before he could protest, you knocked on the door. When the door opened to reveal his grandmother, she lit up. Pulling your both into a hug, she squeezed you tight.
“Ruggie! You’re here! And you brought your girlfriend! Oh, and she’s absolutely lovely! I can see why you fell in love with her.”
While you laughed, he groaned in annoyance. “Grandma, please-”
“Oh, hush!” Pulling you closer, she gave you a once over. “Let me get a good look at you. Yes, yes, you’re perfect for my Ruggie. Now come in! Come in! Tell me all about school and how you two started dating.”
“Grandma!” Ruggie barked out, his cheeks a deep shade of red. You still continued to laugh. At least you got her seal of approval. You could breathe a little easier now.
The three of you talked for hours over watery tea and biscuits. You had to admit, his grandmother was a phenomenal baker. When you mentioned this to her, she thanked you and told you she would give you the recipe so you could make them yourself. Of course this led to a discussion all about baking. And since Ruggie knew more about eating pastries than making them, he kept quiet and watched with both relief and joy to see his two favorite people getting along so well.
As he was about to make some more tea, there was a knock at the door. Upon answering it, he saw a couple of the neighborhood kids. He smiled, crouching down so he was eye level with them.
“Hey guys. How can I help you today?”
The boldest of the three took a step forward. “We saw there was an outsider in town. We’re here to check it out.”
Ruggie laughed as you walked up behind him. “Looks like the whole town knows you’re here. Y/n, meet Ayden, Isaac, and Yesenia.”
You nodded and held out your hand. “Nice to meet you three. Thank you for stopping by. I promise I’m not here to cause any trouble.”
Ayden crossed his arms over his chest. “See that you don’t. We’ve got enough problems here already.”
Yesenia tugged on his sleeve, a small pout on her lips. “Ayden, hush. Mama said not to talk about stuff like that.”
You winced a little. “Ah, well, is there anything I can do to prove I’m here as a friend?”
“Can you cook?” Isaac asked.
“Of course I can! What would you like me to make?”
The three children glanced at each other before coming to a consensus.
You laughed, ruffling Ruggie’s hair. “I see where you get it from.”
Swatting your hand away, he whined. “Oh c’mon!”
Shaking your head, you slipped back into the kitchen. “Grandma Bucchi, do you mind if I make doughnuts for some of the kids in town?”
She grinned. “Why, of course! Help yourself! I can even go get more ingredients if you need it. I will tell you, these kids have bottomless stomachs, just like Ruggie. One won’t be enough to satisfy them.”
You nodded. “Of course. I’ll do the best I can.”
After that, you got to work. It’s been a while since you last baked. But the process was just like riding a bicycle. It didn’t take too long for you to get back into the swing of things. Before too long, you had made a few dozen doughnuts for the kids to try.
With the goodies on a tray, you went back into the living room, where Ruggie and the kids were roughhousing. Smiling, you set the tray down on the coffee table. All four of them scrambled over, practically drooling. 
“Alright. Tell me how I did.”
All it took was one bite and they were in love. The doughnuts were gone in no time and they were begging for more. You simply patted them on the head and promised you would do your best.
As you started to head back to the kitchen, Yeseniya tugged at your shirt.
“You should go to the community center. They have a bigger kitchen and more supplies so you can make even more doughnuts!”
Almost choking on nothing, you blinked owlishly at her. You didn’t think your doughnuts were that good! But her pleading eyes were making you melt. Besides, you were making these kids’ day by making them doughnuts. Who were you to deny them?
“Oh, I don’t know. We’ll have to see if it’s okay-”
“It’ll be more than okay.” Ruggie’s grandmother interjected. “We have people who come in to cook for those who can’t afford it all the time. Besides, the center is always open and fully stocked for whoever needs to use it. Money is hard to come by in these parts, so we’re always lending a helping hand to those who need it.”
A pang of empathy hit your heart as you thought about what she had to say. Well, if it was for a good cause, you had to do it now! So with a smile, you nodded.
“I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” The kids started tugging at you, dragging you to the community center. Ruggie just laughed and followed along.
Before too long you were cooking up a storm in the community center. Ruggie was acting as your faithful assistant, plating the warm doughnuts and setting them out for people to take. The three kids had raced around the town, telling people that there were free doughnuts at the community center. Ruggie’s grandmother was helping you keep up with all the hungry people. You had it all down to a system, making sure everyone got more than they needed.
While this wasn’t what you had in mind when you came to the Sunset Savana for holiday break with Ruggie, you were happy with how it turned out. It makes you feel good to help others and put a smile on people’s faces. You were swapping stories of home with Ruggie’s grandmother, and learning all of his embarrassing stories from when he was a little kid. It felt like you really had joined the Bucchi family and become a part of his home.
Little did you know that Ruggie was so happy he brought you home. Seeing you get along with his grandmother and his hometown made him swell with pride and love. He didn’t believe it was possible to fall in love with you more than he already was. Yet here he was, falling in love with you all over again. You were absolutely perfect, not just for him, but for his family as well. It was then that he made a vow to himself that he would never let you.
By the time the last plate of doughnuts were taken, the sun was setting on the horizon. You and his grandmother were out of breath, practically collapsed on kitchen chairs. He smiled tenderly at the sweet scene before him.
“Don’t worry about dinner tonight. I’ll take care of it. It’s the least I could do for all your hard work today.” He said.
You smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you Ruggie, that would be wonderful.”
“Think you can help your old granny home?” His grandmother asked with a breathy chuckle. “These old bones ain’t what they used to be.”
He chuckled. “Of course. Then you can tell me what you want to eat tonight.”
“Not doughnuts, that’s for sure.” She muttered as Ruggie helped her onto his back.
As the three of you walked back to his grandmother’s house, he smiled while listening to his grandmother go on and on about what she wanted to eat, your hand in his.
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mazeofyeni · 19 days
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「 keiko's masterlist 𖹭 」
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↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ | INTRO. some cute wonko moments because they've been on one lately 🫠 ... LETS GO !
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𓈃⠀⠀🎞️ ๋ ㅤCLIP ONE⠀⠀峠
"today i did my own hair and makeup today for the stage today" *:⁠-]* *a wild wonbin appears* "it looks like you did it." *confused keiko 🫤* "are you insulting me right now" *scared wonbin* "wait no that came out wrong." *not trying to die 😭* "then say it right quickly." "it looks cute , you look pretty." *smiley keiko🤭* "thank you." "why are you so scary." *so focused on her face* "yah why are you looking at me , am i that pretty?" *flirty bin activated* "yeah what about it?" *shocked ko* "y-yah" *his laugh knowing he got her flustered* "cute" *😭😭😭😭*
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𓈃⠀⠀🎞️ ๋ ㅤCLIP TWO⠀⠀峠
*warning this one is a little 🔥* *wonbin and his wandering eye 👀* *behind the scenes of memories* "i have to jump into the lake, i have a bathing suit on under here , when it's time , i'll take this off , not right now." *time for the scene* *she only takes her top off* "ready?" *thumbs up* "let's go!" *while waiting for the go* *wonbin on the other side* *we see you wonbin you're not slick 🤭* *taro see's it to* *slaps the boy😭* "what are you look at?" *wonbin smirking, he knows what he was looking at 😭🤭* "nothing." *liar but okay 👍🏻*
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𓈃⠀⠀🎞️ ๋ ㅤCLIP THREE⠀⠀峠
*wonbin trying to be mysterious* "binnie-ah!" *ignoring her , still trying to be mysterious* *confused keiko cause did she suddenly stop speaking korean* "binnie-ah!" *wonbin trying not to smile* "yah!" *slaps his back😭* "why are you ignoring me" *look at the way he's smiling* "i didn't hear you." *slaps his back again😭* "how dare you lie to me!" "ow , stop it" *full on play fighting in the middle of the dance practice room , like half the room isn't watching them 😟😭* "okay , okay stop it please" *wrapping his arms around her* *look how cute they are , we get it wonko🙄 /j* "what did you want?" *resting his chin on her shoulder* *he wanna be mysterious until she comes around* "i just wanted to call you" *bites her cheek😭* "ouch , do you want to die!?" *rip wonbin*
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𓈃⠀⠀🎞️ ๋ ㅤCLIP FOUR⠀⠀峠
*behind the scenes of love 119* "i have to fake cry on camera" *she says with the evilest smile known to man kind😟* "why are you smiling?" *anton is afraid* "wonbinnie-hyung." *anton doesn't know who to call in these situations* *and he appears* "they need you for your scene" *cries like she supposed to , the scene that broke briize twt even though it's fake* "why does it look so real?" *wonbin is stressed* "it's not real" *taro confused as hell right now 😭* *after her scene* *wonbin in action* "why did you cry so much?" *wiping her tears 😭💔* "im not really sad don't worry" "you did well , but don't ever cry like that again" *why are they so cute in public like this 🫠🥹*
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𓈃⠀⠀🎞️ ๋ ㅤCLIP FIVE⠀⠀峠
*wonko and there domestic dorm life 🫶🏻* *keikos nightly routine* "im eating ramen" *it's 1 in the morning* "it's quiet because everyone is sleep , i just got in from visiting japan , i went to see my grandma" *hears a noise* "who is it?" *look at that smile i'm sick😭* "binnie-ah!" "you're back?" *his sleepy voice 🫠* "say hi" *his messy bed hair🥲* "did you have fun in japan?" "i bought you a gift" *his smile , he is NOT mysterious ✋🏻❌* "it's a necklace it's in the suitcase , i'll give it to you in the morning." "thank you keikooo" *infamous wonko hug* "i missed you." *this is so 🥺*
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OUTRO. wonko shippers have so much material to go off of , but i think another ship has them beat 🤫 , tune back in soon to find out who ....
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 month
3.154 Didn't see it coming
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Mama gives us quick hugs when we arrive, then rushes upstairs to get back on grandma duty. Alessia has never been sensitive, so I'm not surprised she isn't trying to help Mama during her time of need. I hope, at some point, she'll start considering others' feelings and needs before her own. I know better than anyone how important fitness is, but I haven't done my morning yoga in weeks, and I go for a jog when I can. She's not a child anymore. She can't stay in the pool all day while Mama takes care of everything. What will she do when Mama's gone? Instead of dumping the responsibility on her, she needs to learn how to do motherhood and get those trade secrets from an OG while she can.
Since Desiree hadn't met her cousins yet, and the point of this visit is to spend time with Mama, I take her upstairs to get acquainted. She doesn't know who they are or what she's doing in this house, but she seems to enjoy the coos and babbles from the other babies. Breanna is chilling on the play mat, so I set Desi in the empty crib, and for once she doesn't fight or cry. She actually smiles. Is she communicating with her cousins? Perhaps this is the beginning of a beautiful alliance. Mama asks me to watch them for a few moments while she tends the garden, so of course I agree. There's an odd calm in the room. I don't think I've ever been around when all three triplets were satisfied. Grandmas are so magical, I tell ya. I take a moment and gaze at them. Just like Des, they are getting too big too fast. Bre and Arvin might look like their no-good daddy, but they sure are beautiful. Lex is Alessia's mini me. Did she name him that because it sounds like her name?
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We didn't eat breakfast because I wanted to get to the house as soon as possible, so I go downstairs to put something on the grill. I don't know why, but I've been really into the grill lately. Maybe that whole man and fire thing has some truth in it. Mama had changed her clothes and hadn't made it to the garden yet, so we walk downstairs together. Well, I go down first and she follows, rather; she's a lot slower these days. As I head out the door, I tell her I'm going to put something on the grill. "Okay. I love you," she says. There's something a little extra warm and fuzzy in that one. Even though she says it all the time, it seems kind of odd for her to throw that in there, so I turn around to say it back. I expect to see her shining face, instead, I see the life oozing out of her.
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I stand there for a moment, shocked by my mother's lifeless body on the floor. I did not see that one coming. Like, at all. I'm not ready! Why did it have to happen so soon?! I mean, I know "soon" is a construct of my own mind, and it's just her time, but still! Seeing that hurt. It really really hurts.
The grim reaper shows up, looking like we interrupted his beach vacation or something, and I beg him to give her more time because she has four young grandchildren, and she is a full-time caretaker of three of them. My sister needs her. I plead. I implore. I grovel. When I'm out of reasons for him to revive her, he pulls out his tablet and scrolls through the names, taps on her profile when he sees it, and reads the details of her life. It must be an interesting read because he lets out a "hmmm" now and then, giving me hope he finds something that will convince him not to take her away.
"She's had quite a life," he said, making me even more hopeful. "But my hands are tied. She has no unfinished business. It's her time to go, dude."
Less finally comes in from outside as he tells me this, looking every bit as shocked as me. Sophia starts bawling immediately.
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"Sorry for your loss, folks," the reaper says. "Now, if you would excuse me."
He gently side steps us, inching towards Mama's body, and a panic runs through me. I can't watch this. I can't watch him take away my mom's soul, so I rush to the living room to let him destroy what's left of our family.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 9 months
a little bit of sugar [s.h]
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Steve Harrington ✘ f!Reader
⇾ w.c. 1.8k words ⇾ warning(s). f!reader, oral (f!receiving), fingering, teasing, semi public sex ⇾ a/n. Day Two of HoHoHoe Week. Prompt - Holiday Baking. Read part one here!
Things get steamy in the kitchen while decorating cookies, but Steve craves something even sweeter.
[ masterlist ]
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“Where’re you guys going?” you asked, noticing your parents getting bundled up as you searched through your mom’s recipe box for your grandma’s butter frosting recipe.
“To the mall for a little last minute holiday shopping,” your mom answered, slinging her purse over her shoulder.  “What are you two up to?” she countered, lifting an eyebrow at you and Steve.  
You couldn’t shake the feeling she knew your boyfriend had gone to visit your room the night before.
“We’re gunna decorate some cookies,” Steve answered, slipping one of your mom’s frilly aprons around his neck, earning an amused grin from you.
“Oh, fun!” your mom chirped, before reminding you where all the sprinkles were, even though their kitchen setup hadn’t changed since you’d lived there.
“See you in a bit,” your dad said, waving as he pulled the door shut behind him.
“Alone again at last,” Steve chuckled, winking at you, and you grinned, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Focus, Steve,” you warned lightly.  “We need to get these cookies frosted if we wanna eat any,” you insisted, smacking his hands away playfully when he tried to pull you closer.  “Steve!” you laughed, trying to be stern and failing.
“Alright fineee,” Steve sighed, propping his hands on his hips like he usually did when he was being sassy.  “What do we need for the frosting?” he asked, looking over your shoulder at the recipe card.
“Powdered sugar, milk, butter, and vanilla extract,” you read off and Steve went to gather the ingredients.  “Next cupboard over,” you prompted as he pulled open the wrong one, stretching to search for the powdered sugar and you couldn’t help but admire him from the back, biting your lip as your thoughts returned to the events of the night before.
Catching you staring, Steve cleared his throat as he pulled the canister of sugar down, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Focus, remember?” he taunted, cocking an eyebrow at you, and you stuck your tongue out in return.
“Oh, I’m focused alright,” you assured him, putting the room temperature butter into the mixing bowl and measuring the vanilla extract.  “You just look really good in that apron,” you teased.
“I’m starting to question your taste a little, hun,” Steve chuckled, measuring the powdered sugar to run through the sifter.  
“Well, I am undeniably attracted to you, so what does that say?” you said with a shrug, watching the smile on his face out of the corner of your eye.
The Christmas music your parents had left on in the other room drifted to the kitchen as you worked, adding the milk slowly while Steve sifted the sugar.  Once he was finished shaking the last bit into the bowl, you turned on the mixer, letting out a gasp as powdered sugar flew everywhere, dusting you and the counter, while a white cloud hung in the air, drifting lazily downward like the snow outside.
Too stunned for a moment, all you could do was blink while your mouth hung open.  Steve’s laughter washed over you and you turned to gape at him, grabbing a handful of sugar to toss at him in retaliation.
“What was that for?” he spluttered, his turn to gape at you and your turn to laugh.
“That was for laughing at me!” you exclaimed, still giggling at the fine white powder  that coated his face and hair.
Scrunching his nose up, Steve dipped his fingers into the wet frosting at the bottom of the mixing bowl to smear across your nose, earning an incredulous gasp.
“Steve Harrington!” you cried, giving him a taste of his own medicine, or trying to–your boyfriend catching your wrist before you could reach his face, his lips wrapping around your finger, sucking it clean, leaving you flush faced and gaping for a different reason.
Pulling your finger from his mouth with a soft pop, he arched an eyebrow at you, a smug grin tugging at his lips and before you realized what you were doing, your mouth was on his, kissing him hotly as you backed him against the counter.
“Thought we had to finish this first,” Steve teased, grinning against your lips, though his grasp on your waist said he wasn’t letting you go.
“We can finish that after,” you breathed, the heated ache between your legs now too intense to ignore.
Steve chuckled, swapping places with you and lifting you easily to the counter before stepping between your legs.
“You taste so sweet,” he mused, his hands slipping under the hem of your skirt and up your thighs, his palms warm against your skin.
“That’s probably the sugar,” you giggled, helping him work your panties down, watching as he tucked them into his back pocket.
“Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, his brown eyes flicking up to yours as he licked his lips.  “Bet there’s something else that tastes even sweeter,” he drawled, a playful smirk tugging at his lips that sent a shiver through you.
Without waiting, he pulled your hips right to the edge of the counter before parting your thighs and kneeling, holding your gaze until he dove under your skirt.
“Steve!” you yelped with a laugh, pulling your skirt up so you could see him.
“Yes?” he asked expectantly, pausing to kiss your inner thigh, his eyes once more flicking up to yours.
“You may continue,” you chuckled fondly, running your fingers through his thick hair.  “I just wanted something to hold onto,” you purred, giving his roots a gentle tug.
“That’s what it’s there for,” Steve teased, bobbing his eyebrows at you before eagerly kissing his way higher, til his breath ghosted over your aching sex. When his tongue delved between your folds, his nose nudging your clit, you didn’t bother to stifle the moan that spilled forth and your head fell back against the cupboard behind you with a soft ‘thunk’.
“Shit, you okay?” Steve asked, pausing to check on you and you nodded hastily.
“I’m fine, please don’t stop!”
Steve chuckled, obeying with a soft groan as he spread your folds to lap a broad stroke all the way up to your sensitive bud, circling it deftly with his tongue as he urged you to hook your knees over his shoulders, pulling you closer.
“Oh fuck, Steve,” you whined, rocking against his mouth as much as you could while held in his grasp, desperate for more.
He moaned into your cunt, his eyelashes fluttering against his flushed cheeks as he focused on your pleasure, his fingers digging into your hips where he held you, seeming to enjoy it almost as much as you were.
Knowing your parents could return at any moment to find you like this, squirming under your boyfriend’s tongue atop their countertop only made the whole thing even hotter.
Steve’s lips wrapped around the hood of your clit to gently suck, his tongue unrelenting against your bundle of nerves and you clenched around nothing, wishing he’d fill you with his fingers at least.  
“F-fuck, oh please!” you managed to whimper, barely conscious of the mess you were making, your juices mixing with Steve’s saliva, rolling down your folds and dampening the back of your skirt.  He hummed in response, but didn’t slow and you knew you were getting close, your release hovering just out of reach.
“M’close,” you gasped, your fingers tightening in Steve’s hair, nails biting into his scalp as you held him against your cunt, desperate to cum against his tongue.
“Please, Steve–” you begged, your head once more falling back and he granted your wish, his tongue lashing against you as he slid two fingers into you, curling to stroke that spot inside that made you see stars, and you fell apart with a desperate cry, your body going rigid as your mind went blank.
Steve lifted his face, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as you came down from your high.
“I was right, much sweeter,” Steve teased, a wide grin tugging at his lips as he peered at you from under his tousled mane of hair.
Unable to keep your own smile hidden, you brushed his hair from his forehead and leaned in to steal a kiss, moaning softly at the taste of you on his lips and tongue.
“And I think they should change the definition of ‘best boyfriend in the world’ to ‘Steve Harrington’,” you mused, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
Glancing down, even beneath the apron covering him, his arousal was quite noticeable, and your grin deepened coyly.
“Eating me out made you this hard?” you asked, slipping your hand down the front of his jeans, feeling him through the thick denim and Steve’s breath hitched, his hips giving an involuntary jerk.
“What can I say?  Seeing how good I make you feel does that to me,” he chuckled.
“You’re so good to me,” you sighed, wondering if you’d have enough time to help Steve get off before your parents got home.  “Would you like some help?” you asked, biting your lip as you continued to caress him and Steve was about to open his mouth to gladly accept when the garage door motor kicked on and your heart leapt into your throat.
“Shit, they’re back!” you hissed, slipping off the counter.  “We need to clean this up,” you exclaimed, springing into action to wet a washcloth and grab some dry towels, tossing one to Steve.
By the time your parents walked into the kitchen, laden with shopping bags, you were just cleaning up the last of the sugar, Steve standing on the other side of the island so no one would notice the bulge in his jeans.
“What happened in here?” your mom gasped, setting her shopping bags down to survey what was left of the damage.
“When we turned on the mixer, the sugar flew everywhere,” you explained with a laugh.
“I see that,” your dad mused, noticing the white powder in your hair and on your cheeks.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” your mom asked, nearly rounding the island to join you.
“Nope!  We’ve got it!” you exclaimed quickly, noticing the flash of panic in Steve’s eyes.
“Alright,” your mom relented, holding her hands up in surrender.  “We’re gunna go wrap the rest of these presents then, if you need us,” she said, grabbing the bags and heading for the stairs.  “But no peeking!” she warned.
“Don’t worry, we won’t,” you assured her, waiting for them to disappear upstairs before letting out a heavy sigh.  “That was close.”
“Tell me about it,” Steve groaned, throwing you a flat look.
Flashing him an apologetic grin, you ambled toward him, draping your arms over his shoulders.
“It was your idea in the first place, remember?” you cooed, arching a wry brow at him, earning you that unamused head tilt while his hands planted on his hips.
“Yeah well, I, for one, would like some help now,” he said pointedly and you couldn’t help but laugh, teasingly feeling him up again, earning you a breathless moan.
“I think I could do that,” you purred, taking his hand to lead him to the downstairs bathroom.  “But you’ll have to be quiet.”
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⇾ taglist. @hohohoeweek2023 @b1tchy3lf @heartbreak-sandwich @afestivelegend @hawkinsglasscloset @sugarcookiesteve @birminghamshelbyboys
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Over your head (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Prequel Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: knock knock! who's there? matra. matra who? you're under arrest, anything you say will be held against you. what.
Warnings: Vulgarities, getting arrested, doctors, boat travel
Word count:<2.6k words
Inspired by:-
Author's note: i hope this is ok! i was also able to visit my grandma the day after i posted the last part :)
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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If you had a Mora for every time a random dude cried himself to sleep on your couch, you'd have one Mora. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange that it happened once.
Oh, but if you had a Mora for every time the Matra arrested you for kidnapping, you'd have another Mora. Two Mora isn't a lot, but it could help you get a new bottle of Harra spice. Archon knows that prices have gone up recently.
"Secure the house," a man wearing the Matra's iconic teal and bronze uniform barks as three of his colleagues surround you. "And call a doctor!"
It happens so fast. Chains are fastened around your hands, and you feel a hand push against your back, forcing you forward.
All around, your neighbours peek out of their houses, watching as the three Matras lead you out of the village. You can hear them gossiping amongst themselves, casting curious glances as you pass them.
"Kidnapping? Her? Who would have thought…"
"She has always been so kind…I can't believe it."
Where to? You don't know. If you were courageous enough, you would've protested- ask what is happening. But words fail you. Your tongue feels like a brick, refusing to let you plead your case.
You've been told stories about the Matra. Village elders would spook kids with tales of the 'all-knowing, scary, and will eat you if you misbehave!' Matra. You've never thought of them as scary before, though. But now, you're beginning to think that the village elders weren't exaggerating.
Their presence alone was enough to render the bustling village silent on this beautiful, sunny afternoon. You've never heard the village go this quiet, not even during the dead of night. The only sound you hear now is the pounding of your heart, together with the remaining Matra stomping into your home, throwing things around in their search for evidence.
But evidence for what? Kidnapping? Who did you even kidnap?! The Green dude? You were only helping him, for archon's sake!
"The nerve! Kidnapping the Acting Grand Sage!" a neighbour rages to another. "Sumeru is relying on him to lead us out of this mess, and she dares to harm him! Oh, may Lesser Lord Kusanali punish her!"
Wait. Hold on.
Acting. Grand. Sage?
Mr Green man is the Acting Grand Sage?!
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Kaveh is going to kill Al Haitham.
It's one thing to take his keys and only let him in after 5.05 pm.
It's a whole other thing to take his keys and not come home. Leaving him outside. In the rain. For the entire night. And it's the peak monsoon season in Sumeru, so he can't even dry his drawings that had been drenched the night before.
"Seriously! He's gone from bad to worse," Kaveh laments to the shorter man. "He didn't even tell me he wasn't coming home!"
"Well, have you seen him since yesterday?" the shorter man asks, taking a seat in his office and letting out a tired sigh as he sinks into his chair. He had just come back from tracking a scholar in the desert. He really doesn't want to listen to his friend's rant right now, but he doesn't have the heart to drive him away.
"No! He left that morning at 8:55, as usual. I tried to get him to drink a cup of coffee, but he ignored me! That arrogant fungus! I swear, I'm going to-"
There's a hasty pound on the door, interrupting Kaveh's rant. But before Cyno could invite them in, the door burst open, revealing a frantic Panah.
"General Mahamatra, Mr Kaveh," he greets, panting as he leans over, hands on his knees. He must have run from the Grand Sage's office. "Have you seen Acting Grand Sage Al Haitham?"
Well, that makes two people who have asked about his whereabouts today. Usually, this wouldn't be strange. As the scribe, Al Haitham had the habit of never being where you expected him to be. Even Cyno wouldn't be able to locate him if he seriously didn't want to be found.
But he's the Acting Grand Sage now. And for the last couple of months, he has always been findable- in his office or somewhere speaking to personnel. Cyno stiffens in his seat. Something doesn't feel right.
"No, we haven't seen him," Kaveh answers. But then he frowns. "Wait- what do you mean, 'Have you seen Al Haitham'? Did he not report for work today?"
Now, that's a concerning thought.
"Yes," Panah takes another deep breath, composing himself. "He hasn't come into his office yet. I know it's only ten minutes past 9, but-"
"Al Haitham isn't one for tardiness," Cyno interrupts, standing up. "Kaveh, are you certain he isn't home?"
"Well, yes," Kaveh replies, furrowed brows giving away his concern about his roommate. "He has this annoying habit of using the shower at full blast in the morning. It's unbelievably loud. I would have heard that if he were home since the front door is close to the bathroom."
"Panah, would you happen to know Al Haitham's last know location?"
"He was heading to Port Osmos. He was going to speak with someone in the Wikala Funduq."
Damn, Cyno curses. Port Osmos is at least a good three hours away by boat. Grabbing a loose sheet of paper from his desk, Cyno scribbles a note before sealing it and passing it to Panah.
"Pass this along to the dusk bird handlers. Tell them to send it to the Matra stationed in Port Osmos as soon as possible."
"On it!" Panah grabs the note, dashing out of the office.
"As for me, I'll be heading to Port Ormos now," Cyno states, grabbing his polearm. "Don't worry. I'll bring him back."
"Who says I'm worried? I just want to get into the house- hold on, I'm coming with you!"
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Al Haitham is going to kill Kaveh.
It's one thing to wake up to the sound of him hammering away on another one of his projects.
It's a whole other thing to wake up to him screeching about- "Oh archons, if he dies, what am I going to do?"
First off, he's not going to die. He's not ill. Just tired, you fickle fungus.
Second of all, where in Teyvat is he?
There's a faint rocking sensation, and he can hear the faint sound of water sloshing nearby.
A boat, Al Haitham figures. Why is he on a boat?
Opening his eyes, he is immediately greeted by the sight (and sound) of Kaveh panicking at a lady in a white gown. A doctor, Al Haitham realises.
"Sir, the Acting Grand Sage isn't going to pass on," the doctor sighs. "He's just exhausted. He must have fainted from exhaustion- please tell him that he must get sufficient rest to recover!"
Before Kaveh can respond, Al Haitham sits up, fighting the dizziness that came with it. Nope. He doesn't want to hear Kaveh's annoying, panicky voice. Not now, when he can feel a headache coming.
"Al Haitham!"
"Keep your voice down, you-"
"Are you alright?" Kaveh interrupts, concern lacing his tone. But he doesn't give him time to answer before he continues. "Honestly. To think that you'd be kidnapped! You, of all people! Who could even stand having you as a prisoner?"
But before he could ask Kaveh what he meant by 'kidnapped', the door to the room opens. Through the door, Al Haitham can see the deck of a ship. So he was right. He is on a boat.
"You're awake," Cyno says. "How do you feel?"
"I'm fine," Al Haitham groans, massaging his temple. "What's going on?"
So Cyno is here as well. Something big must have occurred.
Still a little groggy, Al Haitham rubs his eyes as he tries to recall what happened.
Ok, Al Haitham takes a breath. Let's think this through.
He was at Port Ormos around one in the afternoon to speak to the trade supervisors of Wikala Funduq. He wanted to talk to them about restoring the port for business- but the letters he sent there from the Akademiya were never answered. So, he had to make a trip down there himself, much to his annoyance.
That sounds about right. What happened next?
When he reached the port, he was greeted with silence. There was not a soul on the streets. The same could be said for the Wikala Funduq building, the place deserted and collecting dust, save for a lone cleaner working in a corner.
"Oh, you're looking for Mr Dilawar and Mrs Gauhar? They're not here. No one has been here for a while. There's no work here! Nothing to do!"
"Where can I find them?"
"Well...Mr Dilawar lives in Vimara village. I'm not too sure about Mrs Gauhar."
So that's how he ended up travelling to Vimara Village. He had to walk four hours to get to the village entrance since there weren't any boats that could take him there- the captain of the one that brought him to the port from Sumeru city had declined, saying that he had a personal vendetta against the village or something. Al Haitham didn't bother listening.
Yeah, he remembers that part. What happened then?
A soothing voice. A homemade meal. A gentle hand on his back. A comforting presence that made him feel so safe- something he hadn't felt in a very long time.
Oh, no.
Before Cyno could answer his question, Al Haitham had already figured out the answer.
"You didn't happen to arrest a villager for kidnapping me, did you?"
"Oh, so you do know what happened," Kaveh answers on Cyno's behalf. "Yeah-"
"That wasn't what happened," Al Haitham interrupts, stumbling off the uncomfortable bed. "Where is she?"
"Hold on, what do you mean-"
"I mean what I said," Al Haitham snaps back, heading towards the door. The headache is now hitting with full force, and he hides a wince. "Cyno. Where is she?"
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If you weren't in your current predicament, you'd probably be running around the deck, admiring the way the water below reflected the stars above. You've never been on a boat this big before- it wasn't as large as cargo vessels or cruise boats that carried rich Snezhnayans, but it's larger than anything you've ever boarded.
You also would have been really excited about going to Sumeru city- home of the rich, the smart and the accomplished. You've never travelled beyond Vimara village, apart from heading to Port Ormos every once in a while.
It's a quiet night. Apart from the occasional jingling of your chains secured to the railings on the deck, the two Matra who watch over you don't make a sound apart from occasional sighs. Curling yourself into a tiny ball, you hug your legs, burying your head on your knees. It's getting cold. Goosebumps have risen all over your limbs, and you try to rub your arms to get rid of them but to no avail.
The loud sound shocks you back into reality. Lifting your head, you see that the door to the boat's accommodation has been flung open, the light in the room spilling out onto the dark deck.
A tall figure exits the room- although your eyes have already adjusted to the dark, you can't really tell who it is, but the two Matra seem to know. They immediately stiffen in place, standing at attention as the silhouette approaches the group.
As the figure comes closer, you see a faint green glow on its shoulder.
It's him. The Acting Grand Sage. The green man- ok, you gotta stop calling him that.
The Acting Grand Sage stops just a step away from you. You raise your head to glance at him, and he meets your gaze with an emotion you can't quite name.
"Ok, hold on!" there's the sound of hasty footsteps. A man with a feather in his hair runs up to the Acting Grand Sage. "What do you mean, 'that wasn't what happened'?"
"I'll have to ask you the same," there's calmer voice, this one belonging to a shorter man. "We can't release her if you don't tell us what happened."
The Acting Grand Sage sighs, facing the two that have just joined him. There's a tension in the air.
"I wasn't kidnapped," he starts. "I spent the night at her house. That is all."
Woah, that sounds suspicious.
The man with the feather looks like he's about to have a stroke. His jaw has dropped. Meanwhile, the shorter man looks like he has been frozen in place, eyes nearly budging out of their sockets.
"You- huh?!" exclaimed the feathered man, head whipping in your direction, intense eyes burning into yours. "You, let HIM spend the night? HIM?"
You jolt back in surprise, not quite expecting to be talked to, hitting your head on the railing with a loud 'ping'. You grimace in pain, bound hands raising to massage the area, chains jingling as you moved.
"Get your head out of the gutter," The Acting Grand Sage snarls, standing between you and the feather man. "She cared for me when I passed out. I slept on the couch."
"Passed…out?" the feathered man frowned, voice now soft.
"Well, the doctor did say he was exhausted." the shorter man added.
"That's not the time for this," the Acting Grand Sage changes the topic. He faces the shorter man. "Will you release her?"
The shorter man ponders for a moment.
"I can remove her chains," he answers. "But she'll still have to come to the Akademiya to give a statement. A report still has to be submitted, so I'll need your statement as well, Al Haitham. I'll go to get the keys."
With that, the shorter man leaves. The feathered man looks shaken up but quickly follows after the other.
"Are…you alright?" the Acting Grand Sage asks once the two are out of earshot.
"I…I'm fine," your voice wobbles. You haven't spoken since the Matra arrested you because you were afraid that your words would have been used against you later on. Well, that and the fact that you were scared shitless. You feel pressure build behind your nose. "I'm just-"
Your sniffle cuts your sentence short. Your eyes begin to water.
Behind, you hear the two Matra shift uncomfortably. Gosh, are you really gonna cry in front of everyone? How embarrassing. You're even making the Matra feel awkward. You avoid his gaze, trying to blink away tears.
The Acting Grand Sage seems to have picked up on your discomfort as he waves the Matra away. He tried to be subtle about it, but you don't miss the considerate gesture, even with your tear-filled vision.
"There's goosebumps all over your arms," there's a faint rustling of fabric. "It's not surprising. The wind is picking up. It'll probably start raining soon."
He walks behind you, and you feel something drape over your head, blocking your sight.
It must be his cape. It's warm.
You hear him lean onto the railings, letting out a sigh. A silence fills the air between you two.
It's nice. Relaxing. Comforting.
No one will see if I cry now, right?
So, you do.
But you weren't crying out of fear. No, these are tears of relief.
And through it all- the sniffling, the sobbing, the snivelling, the man behind you never said a word. But he didn't need to.
His presence was enough. Enough for what? You don't know.
All you know is that everything is going to be alright.
You're safe here. With him.
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knifedancer · 10 months
Unsigned Gifts
Marinette has a secret admirer that keeps giving her really thoughtful gifts with no signature. But who is it?
The five times Marinette received unsigned gifts and the one time she guessed who all the gifts were from.
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It all started one day when Lila and her lackeys broke her favorite marking pens. Not that she had any proof, except for the cruel light in Lila’s eyes and the way certain classmates weren’t meeting her eye – and hiding their hands in their laps – as she discovered the mess near the back of the classroom. Marinette had returned to the classroom after lunch and found the set of marking pens that her grandmother given her snapped in half, their vibrant inks smeared into a grotesque brown all over her desk surface. Luckily it wasn’t the whole set, but her favorite colors were in her bookbag for work on a commission… The bluenette hid her glistening eyes, not allowing a single tear to escape, as she began to wipe what she could from the desk. Her only response a silent nod when Madam Bustier, whom assumed it was not caused by someone else, told her that she needed to stay after school to make sure it was properly clean.
Honestly, she was glad to be alone after the last bell rang. The room was empty and silent except for the ticking clock on the wall. It gave her some private moments to let out those tears that she kept hidden – she would never let anyone see her cry from their bullying attempts – while she mindlessly went through the movements of scrubbing the tabletop. The gentle rasping sounds of the cloth against a hard surface and the familiar circular motions, long ingrained from cleaning parts of the bakery, gave the pigtailed girl a sense of Zen. It was oddly calming for all the emotions she had bottled up inside her earlier; at least she would not be visited by an akuma today. When she was finally done, she gathered up the empty cleanser bottle, dirty rags, and mangled pens to dump in the garbage near the teacher’s desk. Marinette gave one last sorrowful look at the pens, recalling all of the designs she had illustrated with them and the joy she had felt receiving them from Grandma Gina… On the bright side, they had not found her precious sketchpad to ruin. The designer wiped her damp cheeks with her jacket sleeve before dropping the pens into the can with a sigh. She trudged out of the class and down the steps, completely missing a pair of calculating eyes that watched her from the shadows…
At the end of the next day, Marinette found a brand-new set of expensive Copic Marking Pens and five Bosco Wood pencils tucked into a simple pink ribbon bow on top in her locker, no note was attached. She looked around, feeling eyes watching her but not seeing anyone standing out in the crowd of random students gathering their things and chatting with friends. She reverently touched the beautiful clear case and hugged it to her chest, a small genuine smile gracing her features as she imagined all the stunning designs she would make, before tucking them safely into her bookbag. Perhaps one of her classmates felt bad for what happened and wanted to remain anonymous for fear of Lila? Whatever the case, these would be safer in her room.
A few days later, Marinette sat at one of the tables in the library during lunch, off in her own world with her headphones playing the latest Jagged Stone single just loud enough for her to block out any passing sounds but low enough not to disturb others. She found it easier to focus on her work not surrounded by her former friends and the kindly librarian allowed her to eat at the tables so long as she didn’t make a mess. Today the designer was working on a dress for Clara Nightingale’s next award show appearance. The overall look was done but the colors… She tapped the end of her new oak pencil against her lips as she contemplated. The margins on the page were filled with tiny smudges of carefully erased notes. She pulled out her phone, looking through various Pantone color chip options through Qwant. Unfortunately, like with all electronics, the inherent settings and hardware capabilities altered the tones just slightly – making the decision even harder.
“I wish I could afford those Pantone Color chips…it would make it so much easier to choose,” Marinette murmured to herself with a sigh. “Perhaps I can buy one with the money Maman’s family will send me for New Year but that’s still months away...”
The five-minute warning bell signifying the end of lunch rang, pulling her from her thoughts. The girl packed her sketchbook and headphones away before sweeping any remaining crumbs and rubber shavings into her empty lunch containers, then headed off to class without a second thought to the other students meandering through the book stacks or lining up to check out something last minute. Her mind was elsewhere, dreaming of which colors would combine best to fit Clara’s style and still wow people on the red carpet, when she knocked into something solid. Marinette’s elbow was caught in a firm grip before she fell backward, finding herself hauled up against a familiar grey vest.
“Hello Angel, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” came the smug voice of the other blond boy in her class. Just great. She righted herself with a scoff, rolling her eyes at his ridiculous pick-up line while brushing imaginary wrinkles from her blazer. She knew he was only doing it to get a rise out of her but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of losing her temper.
“Not as much as when they kicked you out of hell, Felix,” she replied sweetly as she pulled away.
“Are you saying I’m hot?” he asked with a predatory grin.
“You’re about as hot as a dumpster on fire and only half as pleasant!” Marinette sing-songed before quickly brushing by him and walked back towards class, missing the playful look on his face as he followed her at a respectable distance. She settled into her seat with a huff, zoning out while Madam Bustier droned on about the Revolution, the girl’s mind lost in the details for Clara’s dress once again.
The next gift unexpectedly appeared at lunch the next day. The librarian called her over and presented a small parcel wrapped in pink striped paper. “This is for you, dear.”
“What? Who…,” began the confused bluenette. She spied a small, unsigned tag with her name on it taped to the top. The tag itself was not handwritten, instead seemed to have been made on a typewriter. Who, besides her Grandpa Roland, even owned one of those anymore?
“Sorry but I don’t have any idea. It was left here with just your name printed on the card while I was busy with a phone call. Seems you have an admirer, dear!” chuckled the librarian as she patted the girl on the shoulder, then went back to sorting a stack of returns for reshelving.
Marinette settled the parcel on her usual table, carefully unwrapping to preserve the lovely paper for another of her crafting projects. She pulled off the lid of the plain white box and unfolded the tissue paper inside – her breath caught in her throat. Inside were four Pantone Color Guide fans for fashion and home design, each with 350 different swatches, in every shade of the rainbow. Her fingers trembled as she lifted one from the safety of its tissue bed, fanning it open with a look of awe. Who had done this? First the pens, now this… She was overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude, her face lighting up with palpable joy as her mind buzzed with questions and plans.
‘I need to take these home, immediately!’ she thought, returning the Pantone guide back to the same spot she had pulled it from. She closed the box and pressed it to her chest as she quickly departed from the library, barely preventing herself from bumping into a student that was about to depart through the doorway. She threw a quick “sorry!” over her shoulder as she ran, only catching a blur of gold hair in her periphery as she exited the school.
A couple weeks later, after the commission for Clara was done, Marinette found herself with some free time on the weekend. Time to find a nice spot to draw! She had planned to wander through the park near her house, but discovered Adrien was doing a photoshoot with Lila. She rolled her eyes and wrinkled her nose as if she smelled something rotten.  Not that she didn’t still enjoy watching Adrien’s photoshoots – on the contrary, it was fun to see the modeling process and clothes – but the motivation had changed. She had found her feelings for the model fading as time went on; eventually she accepted that it was a temporary obsession rather than love that she felt. Being around him wasn’t as awkward as she expected but she preferred to avoid being around Lila – which meant not hanging out with Adrien as much as he was constantly around her due to his father’s wishes.
She hummed softly and turned on her heel, deciding to seek out another spot that might inspire her. The pigtailed girl wandered along the Siene, giving a friendly wave to Andre the ice cream vendor as she passed and enjoying the light breeze against her cheeks. She decided her time would be best spent at the Luxembourg Gardens – it had been a while since she had visited. Marinette took a deep breath as she meandered along the sunlight paths, surrounded by trees and flowers, the calming effect of the garden and architecture washing over the secret bug-themed heroine with each step. She found a bench near one of the buildings that caught her eye, settling down with one of her drawing pencils and losing herself to the sketching of various designs that began to form in her head. A few gowns inspired by flowers and the stream nearby, jackets and hats noted with colors of the various leaves overhead, but what appeared the most on the pages were men’s three-piece suits with embroidered vests… Marinette paused, gazing at the newest vest she had drawn. Deep twilight blue, bordering on black; with barely imperceptible golden and green abstract detailing that was vaguely reminiscent of peacock feathers.
It reminded her of Felix for some reason – not just the vest itself but the stylization she had added. She glanced up to the building again, taking in the architecture with a discerning gaze. It and part of the surrounding garden was of English design, merging in with the French touches seamlessly. Adrien’s cousin was from London, perhaps that was why it reminded her so much of him… She dropped her gaze back down to the page, her eyes widening as she realized she was unconsciously doodling Felix’s face and shoulders into the vest she had created. It was rough but the sketch – hair, jawline, and the beginning curve of a grin – was distinctively him. Marinette’s cheeks pinked at the realization, hurriedly attempted to flip the page only to discover it was the last sheet. Her book would need to be replaced!
“Well,” she said as she closed and halfheartedly tucked the pad away, “looks like I’ll have to buy a new sketch pad with my allowance next Friday.” With one last look at the beautiful garden around her, she began her journey home through the afternoon crowds. Marinette failed to hear the soft plop behind her as her sketchpad fell from her bag until she was back in her room. She returned to search for it with no luck, lamenting the loss of her work but hopeful that her luck – Tikki’s really – might just bring it back to her. After all, this was why she always wrote her name and address on the inside cover. Someone must have found it and would turn it in!
At school the following Monday and Tuesday, she relegated herself to making little doodles on her notebook’s lined paper. Nothing too serious or professional – little flowers and birds that she remembered seeing at the Luxembourg Gardens, black cats chasing peacocks through a field of flowers, ladybugs on leaves cleaning their antennae or snoozing in a pollen covered pistil bed... She didn’t want to waste a great design on paper that was too thin to accept her bold pencil strokes, not to mention whatever was left would not withstand the colored marker ink without becoming an oversaturated, soggy mess. At one point Marinette caught Felix staring over her shoulder at her drawings during free period; she was so taken aback that she was at a loss for words as his green eyes met hers.
 He propped his elbow on the desk and casually rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his trademark smirk spreading across his face. “Like what you see, Princess? Take a picture, it will last longer.”
Marinette gasped at the audacity and turned away, “No, you simply reminded me of a ‘before’ picture I saw on the TV the other day.”
“Give me a chance and I’ll do more than make you gasp,” he replied close to her ear.
“I’d slap you, but I don’t want to accidentally make your face look any better,” she murmured sweetly, her eyes alight with playful mockery as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. A tingle went up her spine as his breath tickled her ear and they seemed frozen as their gazes met, the moment only being broken by the bell. Without turning her head any further, she heard him chuckle with mirth as he sat back in his seat.
By the end of class on Tuesday, she returned home to find a thick envelope tucked into the mail slot beside their apartment entry in the alleyway. She pulled it out and found yet another typed tag on the front addressed to her. Not wanting to wait a moment longer, she ripped it open right there on the doorstep. She cried with joy when she saw the contents! Inside was her lost sketchpad tied to a brand new one, its cover a pale pink and covered in plum blossoms and irises. Marinette looked up and down the alleyway, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person that had left the envelope, but no one was there. Did she really have an admirer? She blushed as her hand traced the pattern on the cover idly. Whomever they were, they didn’t waste time with cliché gestures of flowers and chocolates… Instead, they seemed very attentive to her likes and hobbies. Every gift was centered around her designing but still found a way to incorporate a personalized touch. She had never felt so special or seen before. A warmth blossomed in her chest at the thoughtfulness this mysterious figure had shown her; this feeling leaving her floating through the rest of the week as if on cloud nine.
On Thursday, Marinette sat at her table after lunch and felt something bump against her knee unexpectedly. She shifted and felt something small fall onto her knees. Trying not to look distracted in class, she brought it into her lap proper and held back a squeal as she caught a glimpse of pink striped paper. They must have stuck it to the underside of the table to avoid someone else finding it. The pigtailed girl slowly opened the wrapping, careful to keep it as silent as possible, to reveal a spool of delicate lace edging in a creamy white. She contemplated uses for it and decided she had plenty left over for a little display of appreciation…
Friday morning, she checked herself in the mirror one last time and received the nub’s up from Tikki. Marinette made her way to school and happily skipped up the steps, ignoring the looks she received – didn’t matter to her if they were in envy, anger, or judgement. Let them look! The designer had raised her hair into her Multimouse space buns but pinned small segments of lace around the base of each, giving her a Chun-Li look with her usual red ribbons trailing from each bun. She had paired the look with a red qipao top with a peplum hem, which flared slightly at her hips, over tailored black pants. She had also exchanged her usual pink purse with one covered in upcycled cream colored doilies.
Surprisingly she entered the class with a couple minutes to spare, nearly stumbling into the two blond cousins conversing at the front table. Adrien was the first to see her, his eyes slipping up to her hair as his smile turned warm and fond. “Hey Marinette! I love the new look; did you design it yourself?”
“Hey Adrien! Yeah, just haven’t had the chance to wear it before now. Felt like wearing something new today,” the designer smiled in return, giving him a little twirl. In the meantime, Felix had turned around and standing eerily silent as he stared at her. She could have sworn his ears had turned slightly pink when he finally glanced at her hair. “Cat got your tongue, Felix?” Marinette asked cheekily.
He cleared his throat before he replied. “Can I take your picture so I can show Père Noël what I want for Christmas?”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “Don’t you know? Only good kids get presents, I’m afraid you won’t qualify.”
“Well, if I must be a Grinch, then I’d rather steal you instead,” Felix stated with a grin.
She leaned in close and dropped her voice low, her eyes taking on a dangerous glint. “I guess I should add ‘body bag’ on my list this year then, because it sounds like you’ll end up in one.” The boy seemed temporarily speechless, so she smirked with victory and headed back to her seat. Vaguely she could hear the imperceptible murmurings of the two blonds get cut off by the bell as she settled in.
Marinette felt – and ignored – Felix’s stare on the back of her head the rest of the day. If she had turned around for even a moment, she likely would have seen the rouged complexion that he was unable to tame in her presence.
A week later, after a long day dodging Lila’s machinations and having to stay late to handle Class Representative tasks, Marinette was relieved to find the locker room empty. She mentally ran through the list of books she would need to complete her homework and opened the lock, the door immediately falling open due to an unbalanced package within. Her heart leaped into her chest as she took in the memorable pink stripped paper. The bluenette sat on the bench and brought the package into her lap, noting that it felt soft under the crinkling exterior. Just as she did with the Pantone Guides, she carefully removed the paper. As the last of the tape was peeled and the boundary fell away to reveal the contents, Marinette audibly gasped. There in her lap lay the most beautiful silk she had ever seen, the same shade as the vest she had sketched at the gardens!
She blushed as she thought of the drawing and the image of Felix wearing it in her mind’s eye. She shook her head to free herself from such thoughts. Knowing him, he’d probably think her designs were not worthy enough to be worn. The designer brushed her hand over the material adoringly, unfolding the fabric slightly to gauge the length. There was enough to make a few vests or a skirt or a cocktail dress… Her fingers found a card hidden within the folds and pulled it free. Her cheeks flushed crimson as she read it. Printed in the same font as the others, it simply said:
The vest will only be half as beautiful as you.
~~~Plus One~~~
Marinette spent the next few days sewing the vest and adding the detailing. It now hung on her mannequin as pictured in her sketchpad but…it didn’t feel right. Incomplete. She trudged through school, distracted by the design and what it seemed to be missing. Even Tikki couldn’t calm her or help in any way. The girl wasn’t even sure why she was so focused on it! It wasn’t like she had a way to deliver it to her admirer… she had no way to tell if it would fit him either!
The girl was so unfocused all morning that, when it finally came to be lunch time, she tripped over something on the ground unexpectedly. She groaned from the floor as she brushed her knees off and sought out what item might have caused her fall. In the middle of the walkway was a nondescript black pencil case and – if the solidness she felt through the toe of her flat was any indication – it was full of writing utensils. Marinette grabbed it as she stood up, searching for a tag or name on it to figure out whom to return it to. Nothing was on the outside except for the zipper and a smudge of dirt in the shape of her shoe print. She unzipped it and peered inside, digging her fingers around to loosen the contents. She must have jostled something too hard because pens and pencils popped from the opening and spilled onto the floor.
“Damnit, Marinette…you’re such a klutz,” she muttered as she crouched back down to collect the items, hoping nothing was damaged. She knew how important good pens were. She smiled warmly as she looked at the case, remembering the pens and pencils she had received in her first gift from her admirer…
Just then a pencil caught her eye and she froze; it couldn’t be… As if afraid it was just one of Trixx’s mirages that would evaporate when touched, she reached out slowly and picked it up. There in her hand was a Bosco pencil, exact matches to the ones she had received. Looking around the semi-busy walkway, she quickly gathered up the rest and ran down an empty hall to the supply closet she sometimes used to transform during an akuma attack. The designer knew these came as a matching set of ten and had thought it was odd that she only received five…assuming whomever the giver was that they may have kept the others. She didn’t blame them; these were expensive pencils! She pulled her own pink case out and extracted one of the Bosco pencils to compare it against.
The serial numbers matched.
Marinette gasped and fell to her knees on the floor of the closet, staring at the zippered pouch in shock. “This is…this is my admirer’s case.” She sat dumbfounded for a moment before springing back into action to search for any name that might give away their identity. However, even after emptying it of all further contents, there wasn’t a single thing with initials or contact information. The girl groaned in frustration before carefully replacing the contents and cleaning the dirt from the outside. “I’ll bring it to the office, perhaps they will report it missing to Lost & Found. They brought me back my sketchpad, it’s only fair to find a way to bring this back to them too.”
The designer opened the door and stepped back out into the hall, keeping the case snuggly held against her stomach like a precious artifact, then made her way towards the front office. As she approached, she caught a familiar voice drifting from the open doorway and into the hall, a voice that no longer held the same haughty tone but one filled with anxiety and concern.
“It’s all black with a zipper down the side. Contains several wood drawing pencils and pens which mean a lot to me. Felix Fathom, 01-XX-XX-XXXX. Did you get that?” He paused and she could hear the dulcet voice of their receptionist responding the affirmative. “Thank you. You’ll call me if you find it?” She didn’t wait to hear the answer, instead she ducked into a bathroom nearby and stared at the case as if it had grown legs.
‘Felix is my admirer…he gave me the gifts…this is his case…’ Her mind whirled as it connected the dots. All the times he had shown interest in her drawings and hobbies without calling attention to himself, the times they had bumped into each other in the library or the hallway, the pick-up lines and terms of endearment taking on a whole new meaning as she blushed… He had been there on the cusp of her periphery and paid more attention to her interests than she ever thought he might. And he sounded so worried about losing this case, which contained the matching ones to her set. Then a knowing grin crossed her face – the note cards! She recalled Adrien once mentioning that Felix’s father used to type all of his movie scripts on a typewriter. ‘He did all this…for me?’ Her heart swelled with warmth.
With a flash of brilliance, Marinette suddenly knew just how to finish her design!
But first, she needed to drop the pen pouch off at the front office.
Marinette arrived early the next day and took her usual seat in the empty classroom, deciding to doodle as she waited for others to arrive. Well, one person in particular. Her nerves tingled with the impending confrontation. What if she was wrong? What if he did this as some sick joke? No. She and Tikki had talked through all those issues last night as she hand embroidered the lining with ladybugs flitting between Tudor Roses. It was folded and wrapped in her lap, covered by her jacket.
She heard the sound of his footfall in the hallway and held her breath, forcing her eyes to remain on the paper pad in front of her as she heard those footsteps falter at the doorway. Within a few moments, they restarted and walked up the aisle towards his desk before pausing next to hers. Marinette looked up and met his eyes, noticing he had already dropped his bookbag onto the ground next to his desk on the tier above hers. They were all alone, this was her chance!
“You’re here early, finally decided to be a good example, Miss Class Rep?” Damn him and that smirk!
“On the contrary, I had an important appointment to make this morning.” In one fluid movement she stood, unfolded the vest, and draped it around his shoulders like a cape before he could react.
His eyes widened as he looked down at the material swathed around his torso in awe, his eyes taking on a nervous shadow as they rose once again to her face, “You… How did…”
“You know what that’s made of don’t you?” Marinette’s voice took on a serious tone as if lecturing a student. Her fingers gently fiddled with an edge near his shoulder, pretending to assess the fabric before tucking it beneath his shirt collar. His eyes became searching, but he didn’t reply, his lips parted as if too stunned or unsure to answer.
The pigtailed girl leaned in close to his lips and whispered, “Boyfriend material.” Then closed the distance to seal it with a kiss.
~~~Author's Notes: Do I sound like I am an artist knowing these things? Because I'm not. I just research A LOT when I write. 😅
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bordysbae · 1 year
i am obsessed with the ethan x diabetes reader it’s so good! could you please write another?
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“you aren’t alone”
ethan edwards x f!reader
omfg i’m so sorry this has taken me so long to write my inbox is so full rn!!
you and ethan are currently visiting his family for part of winter break. his grandparents are going to be staying at his parents house, and so are the both of you. this is your first time meeting his grandparents and you know how close he is with his grandfather, so you’re quite nervous. you guys arrived in canada last night, and his grandparents are coming in less than an hour.
“babe i promise if my parents like you, they’ll like you too. you don’t need to impress anyone,” ethan reassures you as he comes up behind you in the mirror. you readjust your shirt for the fifth time now, sighing at how you can’t manage to get it to look good. “babe stop, we’re going to pick them up from the airport anyways so your shirt doesn’t matter. cmon let’s go downstairs,” he says as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
you and ethan are sat in the back of the car, with ethan’s dad driving. the airport is full of people rushing to find their rides, and people entering the airport as well. you guys see his grandparents standing with their suitcases and ethan’s dad pulls the car over in front of them. ethan gets out to help his grandpa, while his grandma slides in the backseat. “hi darling! you must be y/n! i’ve heard so much about you, you’re so gorgeous!” she smiles at you sweetly. your heart begins to race, and you put your largest and sweetest smile on your face.
“oh thank you mrs. edwards! it’s wonderful to meet you as well!” you beam. ethan then gets back in the car, and you all head back to the edwards household.
when you arrive at the house, ethan, his father, and his grandfather immediately go to watch the hockey game that’s on the tv while you go into the kitchen to catch up with the other women. eventually the boys all come into the kitchen and sit at the table with you guys, immediately causing a ruckus. when the boys join in on the conversation, it switches to laughter and loudness.
suddenly you start to feel dizzy and lightheaded, and ethan immediately notices.“babe, are you alright?” he asks in your ear. you lousily nod, not trying to draw the attention on you. you don’t want to seem like you’re begging for attention, especially in front of his parents and grandparents. you try your best to ignore the dizziness and the empty feeling in your head, but it eventually becomes to much and you grab ethan’s attention by tapping his shoulder.
“im going low e,” you whisper. he quickly gets up to grab you some juice and a snack, grabbing the attention of everyone at the table.
“honey are you alright? you basically jumped up from the table!” his mom chuckles, turning around in her seat to face her son.
“y/n is going low, do we have any juice?” he asks frantically. his mom immediately helps him navigate through the kitchen and a few moments later he returns with juice and candy for you. you awkwardly eat and drink, trying to ignore the lingering attention that’s on you.
“im sorry, i didn’t mean to cause a scene,” you speak up, very clearly embarrassed.
“oh darling, don’t apologize! ethan’s grandfather is actually a diabetic as well,” ethan’s grandma smiles, gesturing to her husband who’s sat across the table from her. you immediately look at him and he rolls up his sleeve to show you the glucose monitor on his arm, making you smile.
“oh wow, i had no idea!” you exclaim, instantly feeling a sense of relief. you turn to look at ethan who has an even bigger smile on his face, glad you’re feeling more comfortable around his family. “see babe, you aren’t alone!” ethan whisper-yells to you, before placing a soft kiss in your hair.
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silver-hwaberry · 10 months
SIXTEEN: baking and comfort
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Warnings: swearing, oral (f receiving), fingering, slightly rough sex, protected sex Word Count: 8.1k (taglist is now at the bottom) Summary: While the others are away visiting their families, Luna is feeling their absence deeply. Mingi is there to distract her from missing them, until she finally reunites with her parents and sisters. The reunion is a mixture of emotions, and when Luna comes home afterwards, there is a special surprise waiting for her.
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Mingi's voice echoes down the hallway, "What is that scent? It smells delicious!" I hear him say. I place the tray on the counter top and close the oven door as he walks into the kitchen.
"It's scones," I reply, taking off my oven mitt and placing it neatly beside me. "I've made them mostly for my sisters but I've made extra for here too in case any of you want one."
"You made cupcakes and an apple pie yesterday, plus a chicken dinner! This morning was pancakes at breakfast, and now you're making scones? You are making sure we are very well fed!" He grins at me.
The previous morning, I had been struck with a sudden burst of baking inspiration, so I made my way to the grocery store. There, I decided to make myself a roast chicken dinner, complete with a side of buttery mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables - the ultimate comfort meal that my mom would make for me whenever I was feeling down. Although I wasn't particularly low yesterday, I was missing Yunho, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Wooyoung and San; this gave me all the more reason to make this comforting meal.
The guys had all been in contest contact with me through texts. San would call me every night to tell me about his day, what he did with his family, things he did with his cat Byeol. They all also sent me lots of photos and messages throughout the day. Despite how nice it was still being able to talk with them, there's no denying that I missed their physical presence around me.
I felt a small pang of guilt for missing them when I was enjoying the company of Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho so much. We were all having a blast. Yesterday morning, Jongho tried to teach me how to break open an apple with just my hands. After using up an entire bag of apples, I finally managed to split off a tiny piece from the last apple and he cheered like I had accomplished something grand. Surprisingly, I did feel somewhat proud of myself. All of the apples used during the apple breaking process were not wasted at all as I made an apple pie with them!
In the afternoon, Mingi was working on a new song, letting me sit in his bedroom with him as he composed it. I simply watched him with a smile on my face until he asked me to sit on his lap and showed me how to put together a track.
Watching Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho eating the roast chicken dinner so enthusiastically and genuinely enjoying it brought so much joy to my heart and a bubble of excitement in my stomach too. Afterwards we had another movie night and it was nice having time with the 3 of them.
“I just like cooking for you all!” I laugh. “I can stop if you wish me to.”
“Hey! I am not complaining. I love your cooking, princess!” Mingi says, leaning down to kiss me. “I just need to add extra reps during my workouts now every time you cook for us as your portions are massive!” He laughs.
"My apologies, that's from my grandma! She believes in cooking huge portions of food, and it's something that I've inherited from her." I giggle, "You know my opinion regarding you all dieting and all that stuff but I can serve smaller portions if you'd like?"
“Don’t! Not for me anyway!” He kisses me again. “And yes, very aware of your opinions on diets given your long rant last night when Yeosang simply said steamed vegetables are healthier than roasted!” He laughs wickedly.
I cringe and groan as I remember it. Poor Yeosang made an innocent comment, and I launched into how roasted vegetables are tastier and, if cooked correctly (with less oil!) can be just as healthy as steamed. When I finally stopped, his eyes were wide, and he looked so stunned.
“I am so sorry for that! I have a tendency to get rather opinionated with food! Again, that’s my grandma’s influence!” I reply, covering my face as his body moves around to stand behind me.
“I like you aren’t afraid to say how you feel or what you think. It’s very refreshing when we are surrounded by people who tell us what they think we want to hear,” he says, wrapping his arms around me as I move the scones to the cooling rack. “So never ever apologise for it and keep being yourself too!” I feel his face bury into my neck.
I know my opinions can annoy people and the fact I am outspoken too can be off-putting to a lot of people but Mingis words make me feel warm inside.
We move into the lounge and settle down on the sofa, with Mingi cuddling in close to me. I can't help but smile as I realise how comfortable he is with being around me. It's something I never even expected from him when we first met. His tall stature and dark eyes were a bit intimidating on our first meeting.
“Did your family arrive safely last night?” he asks
“Yeah, they did." I answer
"How was their flight from London?"
"Long! My mom text when they arrived at their rental apartment. She said the twins were already asleep while my dad was snoring on the sofa.” I chuckle and place my arms over the top of his. “The girls messaged this morning telling me all about the view from their apartment.”
“Is their apartment far from here?” He asks
“It is actually just 2 blocks away! Soojin said they can see Han River from the lounge window, so I think their apartment faces the same direction ours does.” I smile. “I can’t wait to see them later on. They'll be so big from the last time I saw them 8 months ago!”
Mingi pulls me closer to his chest. "I am sure you are going to have so much fun with them. Maybe one day you and I should take them out. Show them the fun places in Seoul." he says
"I was planning to take them to Lotte World. We should take them there. If you don't mind crazy hyper twins that is!" I smile at him wanting to do something with them.
"I've lived with San and Wooyoung for years, even during trainee period, I am sure Soojin and Hyejin will be a breeze compared to them!" he laughs, his voice has a hint of excitement.
As we cuddle together on the couch, I can’t help but think of the others and how much I miss them. A dull ache hits my chest at how much, more than I had ever expected to. A pang of guilt then follows for thinking of them while still being in Mingi’s embrace.
“Are you alright?” He asks me, his lips resting on the crown of my head.
"I'm fine," I reply, nodding slightly.
"You seemed to zone out a bit there for a moment," he remarks softly. "You were pretty quiet last night after dinner too."
"We were watching a movie with Yeosang and Jongho; it wouldn't have made much sense to talk," I joke in response.
"I know that," he replies with a chuckle, "but something seemed to be bothering you—you went upstairs right after to play with your friends on Sans' computer and then I saw you asleep in his bed in the middle of the night." His tone softens.
He is correct. I ended up sleeping in Sans bed last night when our game was finished. As I had sat in the silence of Sans bedroom once I had turned off the PC, I began to miss him. I only intended to lie on his bed for a few minutes, to soak in his scent before I went back to my room but the comfort of his belongings surrounding me made me feel a bit more emotional.
In an attempt to hold back the tears that wanted to escape I closed my eyes as tight as I could and hugged his pillow. The next thing I knew my phone alarm was going off on Sans desk and it was the next morning. I didn't realise Mingi had seen me in there but it explains the blanket over me that hadn't been there before when I woke up this morning.
"I wasn't snooping, I just saw the light on while I was going to the toilet and went in to turn it off and saw you asleep." he swiftly clarifies.
"I am missing the others." I admit, there is no point in trying to hide it. Mingi can easily pick up on peoples emotions.
"I thought as much." he sighs softly. "Come here." He pulls me onto his lap; I lay my head into his chest and try to control the tears welling up in my eyes.
"Sorry." I whisper, shedding a few that manage to break free. "I shouldn't be missing them when I have this time with you, Yeosang and Jongho!"
"Don't be sorry." He whispers back, tightening his grip around me; it feels like he will never let me go. "It's perfectly normal to miss them." His thumb brushes away the tears from my cheeks. "I know they are missing you as well." This causes me to lift my head from his chest and look up at him, meeting his eye to see if he is being truthful with me.
"Really?" I ask, surprised
"Of course they are!" The way he looks at me, so sweetly makes my heart flutter and warmth spreads through my body as he brings his lips down on mine.
The kiss starts off softly, his lips moving against mine with tenderness as his hands caress my back. I can't help but melt into him as the kiss turns heated and we stay locked in it for what feels like an eternity. He eventually pulls away, leaving us both breathless.
"I'm glad you are here with me." I whispers against his lips before kissing him once more.
Mingi deepens the kiss, his hands sliding down to grip my waist. I sigh into his mouth, heat pooling low in my belly.
We break apart, breathless. Mingi's eyes have darkened with desire and I feel an answering ache between my legs.
"Yeosang just went downstairs to the gym and Jongho's with his family today," I say softly, my lips brush against his. "I have 2 hours before I need to leave and the apartment's empty. Should we continue this somewhere more private?"
Mingi's lips curve in a slow, sensual smile. "Private? If we have the entire apartment to ourselves why not do it right here?"
I joke, my voice light and teasing, "We could do that, but wouldn't it be more comfortable in my bed?" I flash a mischievous grin and slide my hand down his body, feeling the hardness of his arousal. "You can be as rough as you want with me in there too." I squeeze him through his shorts.
"You make a good argument," he replies with a groan, embracing me as he stands up. I giggle with excitement, looping my arms around his neck, my legs hooking around his waist. As soon as we get into my room, he slams the door shut behind us with his foot. "One day we are going to fuck on that sofa!" He laughs.
"100%!" I reply in agreement.
He lowers me onto the bed and joins me, pinning me underneath him with his body. We kiss passionately while I run my fingers through his hair, over his broad shoulders and down his back. Mingi sits back on his heels and strips off his shirt in one smooth motion, revealing the definition of his torso. I can't help but let out a soft moan at the sight of him, and I feel an overwhelming wave of desire consume me.
He looks at me with a smug smirk and asks, "Do you like what you see, princess?"
"Of course!" I laugh back.
He helps me out of my clothes and his own with eager and quick hands until we are both naked. Mingi lowers himself back down onto me, his lips travelling hungrily over my body. He kisses me passionately, his hands caressing every inch of my body until I am writhing beneath him. His mouth moves lower, kissing and gently sucking on my skin. His tongue pays particular attention to my nipples before moving lower still. I can feel his hot breath on my core, my legs shake in anticipation of his next move.
"Mingi..." I moan, my voice trembling as I look down at him.
"Does my princess want me to eat her out?" he says, his voice low and seductive as his eyes darken with desire. Unable to find words, I simply nod in response. He places one of his hands over my lower abdomen, gently pressing down to keep me still as his other hand cups my wetness. His lips move up my inner thighs, lightly brushing against them with every kiss until they finally reach my core. His fingers slip inside me as his tongue circles my clit, sending shock waves of pleasure through my body. His mouth moves with precision, alternating between teasing licks and hard sucks as the sensations threaten to overwhelm me. With a final gasp of pleasure, I collapse onto the mattress.
He finally stops and looks up at me, grinning, as I come hard against his mouth and fingers. He pulls away slowly, licking his lips before giving me a lingering kiss that leaves me breathless. I look into his eyes and see a satisfied look that only comes from knowing he pleased me to the fullest.
Mingi picks up a condom from my bedside table and slips it on, then moves over me with his forearms serving as support. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him towards me as he enters me. We both moan in pleasure at the feeling of being together. His forehead pressed firmly against mine.
"Ahh! You feel amazing!" he grunts out between breaths. "You're so perfect for me."
He moves in a steady rhythm, angle his hips to precisely target that secret spot inside me that he knows so well from our night together. Each thrust inside of me sparks a thrill up my spine, intensifying until I can hardly bear it. I cling onto his back, panting out his name as his thrusts become faster and more intense, his breathing heavy as he nears his climax. I can feel him trembling above me, the tension in his body building until it is almost unbearable. I wrap my arms around him, clinging onto him as we both soar towards our peaks. One of his hands moves to my hips, his fingers dig into me as he firmly holds my body down onto the mattress.
The heat within me suddenly breaking apart in a wave of blissful release as I cry out loudly, my nails digging into his skin. Riding the wave of my release, Mingi continues his brutal pace, growing frantic as he buries his face into the crook of my neck and cries out with a deep guttural rumble. The intensity of his orgasm causes him to shake violently.
We lie there, completely exhausted and still entwined together, saying nothing but communicating though our eye contact in the comfortable silence that envelops us. A satisfied smile crosses my face while I bask in the post-orgasmic joy and Mingi's presence, his hand softly caressing my cheek. Sweet kisses and smiles being exchanged as we come down from our highs.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I walk into the lounge from my bedroom and see Yeosang sitting on the sofa causing my heart to flutter. After Mingi and I had our fun earlier, we went for a shower. As I was getting ready to the lunch he left to go to gym. Yeosang must have came back earlier and is now playing a game on the ps5 but puts it on pause when he sees me come in. He places the controller on the coffee table as I walk over to him.
"You look beautiful!" he smiles at me as he stands up, his hand reaches out for mine and he laces our fingers together. He places a soft kiss against my lips and another on my forehead.
I chose to wear a knee length, beige dress for lunch with my family and threw on an oversized white cardigan as well. My hair is in loose curls and I have braided my long bangs, securing them with a clip against the side of my head so they are out of my face. To complete the look, I kept my makeup simple.
"Thank you." I say lowering my head as I can feel the blush flush over my cheeks.
His fingers tilt my chin up to look at him. "I love when you wear your glasses." I chose to forego my contact lenses and stick with my eye glasses. It isn't something I normally do when I go out. The only time I wear my glasses outside is when I go for my morning run or at the store. "I love the way your glasses look on you! They bring out your eyes and make you look even more beautiful." I feel myself blush even more. I'm not quite sure how to respond to it.
"Come here, angel." he pulls me into his arms. I instantly feel the warmth of his body and melt into him. “Mingi and I are going for a meal with Myeonjin then to see a movie so we won't be here when you get home."
"That sounds like fun!" I say, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I inhale his scent, he is fresh out the shower and smells like a mixture of coconuts and vanilla.
"Jongho should be home by 10pm. Do you think you will be okay here by yourself for a while?" His hands rubbing soft circles on my back
"Please, I lived alone in a tiny studio apartment for two years! A few hours by myself won't faze me!" I smile at his concern. He leans down, our lips meeting in a gentle sweet kiss. His lips are soft and warm, caressing mine with each movement. His hands cup my face as he deepens the kiss, exploring every corner of my mouth. I feel my body heat up with pleasure as his tongue slides against mine in a perfect dance that makes me forget what we were talking about.
When we finally break apart, I'm breathless and my heart is pounding in my chest. We stand there for a few moments, just looking into each other's eyes like nothing else matters in this world but us. "I better go now. My dad will send out a search party for me if I am even a second late! Be calling the army and demanding air support to find me." I finally say, chuckling lightly
"Is he overprotective?" he asks as he takes my hand and leads me to the door.
"Incredibly! I used to think my mom was unbearably protective of me but then my dad retired from active duty and moved to the training and admin side of the military, he became really overprotective. He was home a lot more, my mom was pregnant, having a hard time with it and then twins were born prematurely. He was protective over all 4 of us but more so me because I was becoming more independent." I say. Yeosang guides me to sit on the bench in the alcove at the door and helps me to put my shoes on, like he always does. "I started rebelling a bit around that age too, acting out."
"I can't imagine you being a rebellious teenager!" he chuckles "You look too innocent for that stuff!"
"Oh I was!" I laugh loudly "Don't underestimate my innocent face! Something happened at that age and I changed dramatically. I stayed out past my curfew, started hanging around with the wrong people, got into trouble, did things I shouldn't have been doing."
"Was it something bad?" he asks, looking into my eyes with concern
"At the time I thought it was, but after rebelling for a couple of months, I started to calm down and I realised it wasn't. It was a big thing but deep down, nothing really changed. However that is a story for another day." I smile lightly at him
"Your father loves you, and you are his first born daughter, it's only natural that he worries. I'll drive you to your parents apartment, make sure you get there safely." he offers
"It is only a 5 minute walk!" I say as he stands up holding out his hand for me to join him, his eyes looking into mine
"Then let me walk you there," he says softly, tenderly cupping my cheek. "I want to spend as much time with you before you have lunch with your family."
"Shouldn't you be accompanied by one of the managers?" I ask, scared about him getting into trouble because of me.
"I won't be gone long," he replies, grabbing a mask and hat from one of the cabinets beside the shoe rack. "Don't worry, angel."
He draws me into an embrace and kisses my forehead before his lips move slowly down to my cheek. He lingers there for a moment before they finally reach mine, holding onto my waist while we kiss. I'm entirely lost in this serene moment between us - all of life's woes seem so distant now.
Finally, he pulls away and gives me a twinkling smile. "Let's go," he murmurs, lightly brushing his lips against mine one last time before donning his mask and hat.
Yeosang and I step outside, the warm sun bathing our faces. He looks at me before taking my hand, and we stroll together down the sidewalk. It is a typical sunny August afternoon, not too hot, just a perfect temperature.
We walk in a happy silence as we cut through the park near our apartment. Suddenly, I tug him over to a plant and exclaim, "Look! A mugunghwa flower! Isn't it beautiful?"
"It is!" He nods with a muffled voice, veiled by his face covering. His eyes twinkle with joy and with his little eye creases I can see that he is smiling. He releases my hand to pluck one of the pink flowers from the branch. Then he carefully weaves its stem into my braid. "I'm sorry for taking a flower," he says, "but I thought it would look even more beautiful in your hair." His warm brown eyes glimmer in the sunlight. "Lets keep going before the search helicopter appears." he adds, I find myself laughing at his comment as he takes my hand again and we carry on walking.
We reach my parents apartment building I turn to face him. "I'll see you in the morning." he says his hands running up my arms
"Want me to make pancakes again? I'll put in an extra scoop of protein powder just for you." I smile
"I'd never turn down your amazing pancakes, even if they didn't have any protein powder in them!" he laughs. He pulls down his face mask enough to expose his lips before leaning in and kissing me tenderly.
"Yeo!!" I exclaim, "Someone could see us!"
"No one can see us from here." he smiles mischievously, replacing the mask over his mouth and nose.
"Still, that was a massive risk!" I say, "I don't want to get you into any trouble."
"You won't, so stop worrying about that!" We hear a car approach and stand back from one another. It was just as well we did as the car comes into view I see it is my uncles. Inside is my Aunt Soomin, Seojun and my other cousin Dongjae.
"That is my Uncle Jihoon." I say as he parks metres from us
"Oh." Yeosang says and I can see his eyes grow a bit wider as he looks over at the car and back at me. "I should go now that your family are here."
"Younhaaaa!" Seojun shouts jubilantly as he gets out of the car, his usual cheeky grin on his face.
"Jun, sshh!" I scold him as he reaches us
"Oh sorry, I didn't see you." he says to Yeosang who honestly looks like a deer caught in the headlights
"I was just making sure Luna got here safely." Yeosang replies, I can see how uneasy he is looking and I am fighting an internal battle not to reach out to him. Give him the reassurance he needs.
"That is very sweet of you." my Aunt Soomin smiles joining us
"Are you going to introduce us?" Jihoon asks me
"Sorry, this is Yeosang, Yeosang this is my Uncle Jihoon, Aunt Soomin, Seojun and Dongjae." I say quietly in case someone is nearby
"Wow, he's a lot shorter than I thought he'd be." Dongjae blurts out. "They look so tall on TV."
"Dongjae!" Soomin scolds, "I apologise for my youngest sons rudeness." she adds to Yeosang
"That boy doesn't have a filter!" Jihoon adds with a chuckle. "It is nice to meet you."
"That is ok. It was lovely to meet you all. I better go." He bows to them before quickly leaving and I watch as he disappears around the corner without a second glance and I feel bad for him being accosted by my family like this.
"He seems a lovely young man." Soomin comments as she hugs me "Are they all taking care of you?"
"They are." I nod
"Lets get upstairs before your dad sends out a search party for you." Jihoon laughs. Even he knows how my dad is and it makes me chuckle. He puts the code into the building entrance and holds the door open for us to enter.
When we reach the apartment door, I can already hear the twins inside making noise. My mom is trying to calm them down. I feel a burst of excitement at seeing them again, and especially my mom. Before we even knock on the door, it swings open and my mom throws her arms around me.
"Whoa Aunt Eunbi, how did you know we were here?" Seojun chuckles.
"I knew my baby was here." she says while squeezing me tight, "You've gotten taller!"
"Mom, I haven't grown in years!" I laugh.
"Maybe it's just that my big sister has gotten shorter since the last time she was here!" Jihoon jokes, tapping her head. "You do look like you have!"
"Oh stop it!" She lets go of me and embraces him. "Everyone looks short next to you!"
It's true: at 186cms, everyone else seems quite short - except for Seojun who is the same height, and Dongjae who is almost the same height with some more growing still to do.
"What's with this talk about short people?" my dad cheerfully inquires from behind us all. At 189cm, he's yet another tall person. Most people think that my father and Jihoon are brothers due to their respective heights - but it's really my mom who is related to him, being three years his senior. "Luna!" He adds as he enfolds me in a hug "I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too dad." I relax into his embrace.
After exchanging hugs with everyone, we move into the apartment and witness Soojin and Hyejin squabbling over an iPad on the floor.
"Girls, what have I told you about fighting like that over stuff when you each have one!" Mom lightly rebukes them.
"But mummy it's mine! Hyejin is trying to take it because her own is out of battery!" Soojin whines. Her British accent very prominent.
"Hyejin, this is your sister's device; if yours has run out of power then go charge it but don't take away your sister's without her permission," Dad steps in.
"You've always said to share though, Soojin isn't sharing!" she retorts, yanking it out of Soojin's hands. This causes Soojin to tug back at it and hit Hyejins hands to make her let go.
I stand by and laugh quietly at the scene unfolding before me. Hyejin starts screaming loudly at Soojin, even going so far as to grab at her long hair and pull on it. Quickly Dad snatches the iPad from their grasp.
"That's enough! Nobody gets the iPad now," he says firmly and they both groan in protest.
Dongjae quietly says in Korean, "Gosh, they're noisy!"
"You were the same when you were growing up with your brother!" Soomin chuckles to him
"Luna's here." my mom says
Instantly, their voices change from moaning to an excited shriek, as they finally notice me in the room and rush towards me. I kneel down to embrace them both as they throw themselves at me, toppling me onto my butt as I can only laugh and try to hold onto both of them. They have definitely gotten a lot bigger since I saw them last.
"Did you get my message this morning?" asks Soojin
"I did! And your photos too. They were really good!" I answer
"Who is ready for some food?" my dad asks cheerfully
"Me!" they both shout putting their hands up.
"I'm sure Luna is too!" Seojun says poking my stomach as I bat his hand away laughing. "Your sister is ALWAYS hungry!" he whispers dramatically to the twins
"Says the man who ordered 4 servings of pork belly at the karaoke a few weeks ago and ate it to himself!" I laugh. "Didn't even ask Dasom and I if we wanted any!"
"Oh what a gentleman I have raised!" Aunt Soomin says making us all laugh
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
When we arrive at the restaurant, we are taken to our reserved table. It doesn't take long before Soojin and Hyejin start bickering over who gets to sit beside me, so I suggest sitting in between them, which calms them down. Seconds after I sit down, my mom instructs the waitress that I have a serious seafood allergy, demanding that nothing on the table contain anything fish-based.
I almost say that it will be okay, as it was my decision to come here precisely because I knew it was safe. However I understand that my mother has always done this and will continue to do so regardless of what I say so I keep my mouth shut.
With each dish that arrives at the table, my mother repeats to the staff and it gets harder to stay quiet. I want to say something multiple times, but my father's understanding gaze kept me quiet. He knows how much I hate this but also knows, like we all do, that there is no point in trying to stop her.
"What are your plans for your trip?" Soomin inquires.
"We'll be here for two weeks before heading down to Jeju Island for a couple of days, then a week in Tokyo, and another week back here," Dad replies
"We will have a sleepover with Luna too!" Hyejin cheers
"I don't think so, honey," Mom says softly
"But we always have a sleepover when we visit!!" Soojin adds in disappointment, her eyes growing big
"'I'm sorry sweetie," I say sadly. Since I moved in with the other guys, it isn't feasible this time around. We'd usually wear our pyjamas and watch movies while eating snacks all night long. “I don’t live alone anymore.”
“But we will be quiet and behaviour ourselves.” Hyejin says on the other side of me. “We promise, don’t we Soojin? We won’t fight!” I see Soojin nod frantically
“Why don’t you have a sleepover at our apartment instead?” My dad suggests, “Mommy and I can have a night out and the three of you can do your little movie and snack night.”
“That’s not as fun!”Soojin pouts
"We will arrange something for a night just the 3 of us ok." I say putting an arm around her. Her little pout doesn't completely leave but it does seem to appease her a little.
The rest of the lunch goes by on a happier tone. Afterwards Jihoon, Soomin, Seojun and Dongjae go their separate ways while we go back to my parents apartment. My mom telling me she has some things for me. As we enter the apartment Soojin and Hyejin take me to their bedrooms to show me some of their toys. We spend the next 30 minutes playing and having fun until my mom comes in to get me. This causes both of them to whine before my mom says Hyejins iPad is charged. Instantly they both stop and run to get their respective devices.
"Dinner tomorrow night, what would Seonghwa like to eat?" she asks me as we go into the lounge. My dad is sitting on the sofa, his feet resting on the coffee table in front watching a football match on the TV. I notice there is a folded blanket underneath them, no doubt put there by mom so as not to scuff the table with his socks.
"Seonghwa will eat anything," I reply. "He's the least picky eater I've ever known. So whatever you feel like cooking will be fine."
"Do you think he'd be ok with a western meal? It's been so long since I attempted any Korean cuisine - I wouldn't want to do it now and end up messing it up! That would be mortifying!" She chuckles softly.
"I cook a lot of western style meals for the guys and they've never had any issues with them. Maybe make some ramen and rice as side dishes though. I have noticed they all, especially Seonghwa appreciate that!" I smile
"You cook for them?" My dad asks sounding surprised
"Well yeah." I shrug nonchalantly as I sit beside him. "They work long hours, can't really cook a proper meal by the time they get home. I am usually home hours before they are so it makes sense for me to do it. They never let me do the dishes though. Yunho and San usually tell me to go sit down."
I don't say a word that if I don't leave, Wooyoung will swoop in and carry me out of the kitchen. I secretly like when he does that, so I often stay put for that very purpose.
He beams widely, excitedly saying "I already like them! How is it going living with them?"
"I like it. It is nice being around people again and being able to look after people too."
"I am glad to hear that." he smiles. "I was a little worried at first when your mom told me you were living with them. I didn't like it."
"And Seonghwa?" I ask nervously
"Hmm, I wasn't too pleased about that at first!" he says lowering his eyebrows. I feel my stomach drop a little. "However, from what your mom said about him after she spoke to him that night and what I've seen in videos online, he does seem nice."
"He really is dad." I say smiling
"I'll still be giving him the dad experience but not the full one though." he laughs
"Just don't scare him away." I giggle "I really do like them... him!" Thankfully my mom comes back into the lounge with lots of bags and my dad doesn't pick up on my Freudian slip.
At the same time on the TV the opposite team has just scored a goal, much to his disappointment causing him to curse. My mom playfully rolls her eyes at him before coming over to us.
"I have your usual things from London - teabags, biscuits, your favourite chocolate bars!" she says excitedly.
"Ohhhh thank you mom" I say giving her a hug.
"And I got the guys some snacks too! I hope they'll enjoy them. I didn't know what they'd like so I got a bit of everything I could think of."
"She isn't even exaggerating! An entire suitcase purely for these snacks and your things! The excess fees at the airport was eye watering!" My dad chuckles at my mom's excitement before standing up and stretching. "I'll drive you home, it would take you 5 hours to get home with all these bags."
"You are probably right." I giggle. "Thanks dad!"
"I'll see you and Seonghwa tomorrow night." my mom smiles hugging me
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
When I get to the entrance, I put down my belongings and key in the code. The door chirps and I open it with my foot as I grab the bags again. After taking off my shoes and pushing them to the designated area, a wave of familiarity washes over me as I take in the familiar scent of the apartment. A small smile comes to my face as I start to feel like this is my home now too.
I walk into the hallway, my eyes immediately gaze upon a bag lying at the bottom of the stairs. I furrow my brow, trying to remember if it was there when I left for lunch with my family.
Suddenly, my gaze shifts as I see a movement out ofthe corner of my eye, and I catch sight of Yunho sitting on the sofa. My heart skips a beat as I rush over to him, my bags dropping onto the floor. The bags full of snacks and goodies forgotten about the second I lay eyes on him.
“Yunho!” I exclaim, practically leaping into his arms.
He rises from the seat, grinning broadly as he wraps me in a strong hug. His body radiates with heat as I cling to him tightly. He stands rock-steady despite my body slamming into his. He holds me securely as my arms wrap around his neck. Without hesitation I press my lips against his, unable to hold back. He kisses me back.
As he sets me down, I step back keeping a hold on his hands in mine as I take a good look at him. He’s wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, but to me, he looks like a vision. Too scared to blink in case he disappears and is not really here with me right now. I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, still in shock.
“I live here,” he chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
I playfully roll my eyes and laugh. “I know that. I thought you were coming home tomorrow!”
“I was always coming home today,” he replies. “I wanted to surprise you though, so I told you it was Thursday.”
A bubble of joy rises in me as I chuckle. “You definitely did a great job of surprising me.”
���I really, really missed you,” he says, his eyes softening.
“I missed you too,” I reply, my heart swelling with emotion. I lean in for another hug, burying my face in his chest. I can feel the tears of joy prickling at the corners of my eyes.
My tears flow freely as I try to stifle a weep, but he sees through my weak facade. “Hey, don’t cry,” he whispers gently. I can’t hide my emotions, and he knows it. With his arms tightly wrapped around my waist, he pulls me closer, sitting back on the sofa and I sit in his lap, feeling safe and secure.
“I’m sorry,” I manage to say through my sniffles. “I didn’t realise I would miss you this much.”
To my surprise, he admits, “Honestly, I felt the same way. I spent most of my time moping around the house. Even my mom noticed my sadness and asked if I was missing someone back home.” He smiles, “Don’t tell Hongjoong, but I told her about you.” He adds in a mischievous tone.
I pull away slightly to look at his face. “You did?” I ask in disbelief.
“Not everything about the others, but I told her that I have someone back home who makes me smile every day, makes me incredibly happy, looks after me, and cooks for me.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks with his hand gently. "And who I care for deeply."
Feeling nervous, I ask, “And what did she say?”
“She’s happy that I have someone, especially someone who takes care of me and makes sure I eat properly! I know we’re not supposed to tell anyone about our relationship with you, but my mom was pretty persistent!” He grins at me, his hands resting on my thighs. “She asked to see a photo of you, so I showed her. I hope that’s okay with you."
A wave of relief washes over me, and I laugh. “Of course, I don’t mind! As long as it was a good one!” 
“All the photos I have of you are good ones!” He chuckles and kisses my cheek. “It was from when we went out at 1 a.m. for snacks and ended up walking down to the river.”
As he takes out his phone and scrolls through it, I remember that night. We had so much fun, and he took a lot of pictures. When he shows me the photo, I can’t help but smile.
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The photo on his phone glimmered in the low light of the room, casting warm hues across our faces. I actually really love that photo of us so I am glad he showed his mom that one as he has many unflattering photos of me already in his camera roll! His smile is soft, but genuine as he places the side of his head against mine, both of us staring at the image on his screen. 
“She says you are absolutely beautiful!” he whispers, his lips tickling my ear. A warmth spreads across my cheeks, and I hide my face in the crook of his neck for a moment before looking up again.
“You can’t even see my face properly!” I giggle, my fingers playing with the back of his hair.
“I showed her some other photos too. She likes you though,” he says planting a kiss on my cheek “She says you have warm eyes, that you look kind and caring.” He pulls back to meet my gaze, worry sharpening it. “Please don’t tell Hongjoong though. He will be angry at me.”
“I won’t tell him,” I promise softly.
He stares into my eyes as his hand touches my cheek and moves down to my chin. He gently pulls my face closer to his and kisses me. I feel more tears begin to gather in my closed eyes. I pull my body closer to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder to hold onto him tighter. 
“It is all okay,” he whispers as we cling to each other, foreheads pressed together. “4 days apart was too many. I don’t want us apart for that length of time ever again.” His voice trembles with emotion, and I know he means it. We just hold one another, lost in the embrace of each other’s arms.
As much as I wish that we would never have to be apart, I knew that it was inevitable. We would have to be separated when they go home during their rare breaks from schedules, but I was grateful that we had moments like these to cherish. However, the thought of not seeing them anymore when it all ends was too much to bear, and tears threatened to spill over again.“Come to my bedroom, I have a present or two for you,” he whispers
“Yunho, you did not need to buy me anything!” I gasp, playfully hitting his shoulder
“I know but I wanted to!” he chuckles shifting my body with complete ease, hooking one arm under my knees and his other arm around my lower back and stands up. I can't help but giggle as he carries me down the hallway, up the stairs and into his bedroom.
On his bed, I notice a large and fluffy Kuromi plush. “I figured you'd love her, considering the sheer amount of Kuromi things you own!" He places my feet back onto the floor and supports me as I regain my balance.
“Is it that obvious?” I laugh as he hands it to me and I cuddle into her.
"Just a little bit." he chuckles
"I love her, thank you!" I exclaim with delight
“I also got you this.” he lifts a small purple velvet bag from his desk and passes it to me. I place the Kuromi plush his bed and open the pouch to find an amethyst crystal inside. I hold it up to look at it as it is beautifully radiating in the light streaming through Yunho’s window. “The lady in the shop told me this was the best crystal for stress and anxiety. I don’t know if you believe in the healing properties of crystals. You don’t need to keep it if you don’t believe in it; I won’t be upset.”
"Yunho, I absolutely love it!" I look up at him and embrace him tightly. "Yes, I'm a believer of crystals. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!"
“It seems like something's been weighing on you," He murmurs as he holds me. "If you ever need somebody to talk to or just to be there in silence, I'm here for you.”
“Thank you, Yunho,” I whisper, feeling the warmth of his breath on my neck.
He pulls away slightly and looks into my eyes. “I mean it,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity. “You don’t have to endure anything alone.”
It is one of the most difficult things I have had to do, conceal my bipolar disorder from him and everyone else. Despite the effort I put into covering up all the evidence, Yunho has still noticed my inner battles. The resentment in myself that comes with having to take my medication in secret and wear long-sleeved shirts or lots of bracelets at all times to hide the scars.
Asking Hongjoong to keep my secret from them, it weighed heavily on me, and every day was starting to become an endless battle against my anxiety. Scared one of them would find out and know I had lied but also scared to tell them as well.
All at once, the defences that I’ve set up around me start to shatter. Tears begin to well in my eyes as I gaze at him, exposed and defenceless.
“Yunho…” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. “I just don't know how to tell you...”
“Shh..” he interrupts me quietly. “You don't have to explain anything right now. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to hear you out.”
I nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. His lips capture mine once more and I feel myself begin to melt into him. His hands move around my back, pulling me close, as his other hand finds its way down my neckline tracing circles across my skin. I feel a familiar warmth radiating from his body, igniting all of my senses.
The kisses become more passionate, and our bodies begin to move together in sync, his hands explore further south toward my hips. The kiss intensifies as Yunho spins us around so that my back is against the wall and he is towering over me. He looks down at me with an intensity that I've never seen before; one that can only be described as pure longing and desire.
Yunho begins to move his lips down the side of my neck leaving tantalising trails everywhere he goes; finally finding their way to my collar bone where they pause for a moment before continuing their journey further south and making stops along the way while his large hands tenderly explore inside my cardigan.
His kisses stop at the neckline of my dress, he pulls his head back and stares down at me, chest heaving. His eyes dark with passion, but something is holding him back.
He speaks in a low, anxious tone. "Do you want to keep going? It's fine if you don't."
I look up at him, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yunho.." I speak his name softly. "I want this."
No more words are needed; we know what will happen next. Without waiting any longer, we jump into something completely new and unknown together.
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Taglist: @kiwibaekie @fudgeflyssworld @kodzukein @elk-1998 @khjcoo @pepperony-7 @ateez-babygirl @starillusion13 @stephy-nicole13 @truthbehindthereflection @livingdeadlisa @stayteezdreams @atinyapple1117
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Epel x Death Reader Pt. 1.5
Part 1 Here (Harveston event)
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While Epel's grandmother was explaining the rules to his friends, he was too busy having his mind blown. Knowing that his closest friend and schoolmate is also his town's founder. He sat on the side as he watched Y/n Death and the mayor have a friendly conversation. The mayor talking about Harveston's long and amazing history. Which Epel now knows that Y/n was there to witness.
"Anyway, long story short, we can't participate in the race this year," The Mayor sighed.
"WHAT IN TARNATION?!" Marja shouted, causing everyone to flinch.
"I know we're going to disappoint the townsfolk, and I'm very sorry about that," The mayor sighed.
"Well, there's nothing you can do about an injury. We'll do our best to place as high as we can," Epel spoke up.
"THAT AIN'T GONNA CUT IT! "As high as you can"?! Ah don't think so! It's first place or nothin', bub!" Marja shouted.
"Our goalpost has just shifted considerably," Jade commented.
"We can't just let a team full o' non-locals win! If the mayor can't do it, then it's up to you boys! No ifs, ands, or buts! Is that clear?!" She scolded.
"But you're being unreasonable, Grandma! I'm the only one on my team who's ever sledded before!" Epel tried to reason.
"QUIT SPLITTIN' HAIRS! Ya can't write off somethin' as impossible before ya even try! You'll never grow an apple tree or get any apples if'n ya don't sow the seeds!" Marja said.
"That's one scary granny," Grimm commented.
"Your animals are sittin' in the assembly hall, so go an' get 'em, toot sweet! Get a move on! You boys ain't got a minute to spare! You'll need all the practice you can get!" She ordered.
She started to train the boys to be #1 in the sled competition. Y/n watched silently as Marja instructed them. Y/n smiles as they remembered Marja as such a competitive little girl. And even after all these years, she did not lose that spark.
While the boys practiced, Y/n decided to walk about the town and visit the hollow grounds of the past. Y/n lightly walked on the snow as they passed many graves, slowly passing many generations. Till she got to the very first, where her friend lay, with the rest of the first children of Harveston.
"You did well all of you," Y/n smiled softly at the gravestones around them. "Oh and some students From RSA are also competing."
"What?!" The boys gasped.
"And from what I observed, they are pretty skilled. Make sure to bring your A-Game," Y/n smiles.
"HAAAH?! As if we'd lose to the likes of Royal Sword Academy! THE CHAMPIONS...ARE GONNA BE US!" Epel shouted.
"I cannot wait to see you emerge as champions," Y/n smiled.
Y/n smiles and happily listens to Epel as he showed them around the town. Showing off the apple lanterns and many other hand-crafted knick-knacks.
Till they finally returned to Epel's home, where Marja prepared a large barbeque feast for the boys and company. Y/n tried to politely turn down the meal. But the granny already set a plate for them. So Y/n had no choice but to sit down and partake in the food.
Sadly, if only they knew that Death was incapable of digesting food and does not eat. It was a rough couple of hours for Y/n as they sat as food... essentially just built up in the void of their body.
At Dawn, the race was in full swing, as the crowds watched and cheered from the stands. Y/n Death stood from on top of the spectator booth and simply wished everyone a safe return.
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melodyanqel · 10 days
𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐆𝐎 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 ── ✦ er. (prologue)
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after happily getting adopted into a family, ava grows a strong bond with her sister, nessa. during a visit to their hometown, an eerie yet suspenseful event happens.
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↬ pairing: edward "eddie" richtofen x fem!oc
↬ genre/tags: strangers to lovers, horror, survival, action, fluff, angst, zombie apocalypse, based on cod zombies, sunshine!oc, baker!oc, age gap (everyone is legal), protective!richtofen, time-traveling
↬ word count: 900+ words
↬ note: first time writing a prologue and i hope it'll help you beautiful readers to get a grasp of the story (>ᴗ•) also, if you know the song mentioned in this prologue you are the best hehe
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❪ 2005, Liberty Fall, West Virginia. ❫
“That cloud looks like a bunny.”
“I see a turtle on that cloud.”
Two little girls lie on the emerald grass in their yard, watching the cotton clouds forming shapes. They are sisters, but not blood-related. 
One of the girls was born in Europe and grew up in an orphanage with a mysterious background. She only knew about having a doctor of a mother and unfortunately, died from an unknown illness. After dealing with grief at a young age, the little girl found the light to happiness. She gets adopted by a generous Japanese-American family. They welcomed her into their lives with so much love and care. 
“Hey, look! That’s an autumn leaf!”
The youngest child points her tiny finger into the sky. It’s appropriate because the season is autumn and the landscape has drastically changed. The once vibrant green leaves are now colored into an orange-and-red gradient, and the heat has toned down. 
“Good eye!” The older is impressed by her observant baby sister. 
Shortly, they go back to being silent and listen to the sounds of nature. But then, the curious little one has a sudden thought. She moves her lips to speak, “Hey, Ava. What do you want to do when you grow up?” She questions. 
Ava, the adopted sister, replies to Nessa. “I don’t know. Maybe something with science.” She has been interested in learning physics since she first started middle school. 
“Nerd alert~” Nessa teases with a mischievous giggle. 
Ava rolled her eyes with a grin. “Well, how about you?” She asked Nessa. Without hesitation, her little sister responded. “A baker!” Nessa's chocolate brown eyes glimmer like the stars. Ava sits up perpendicularly. “Just like grandma?” The twelve-year-old inquiries the seven-year-old.
Nessa sits up and earnestly nods her head. “I want to build a bakery and make it the best in town!” She sounded so determined it made Ava laugh merrily. Well, she does want Nessa to have a bright future. The eldest gingerly pats the youngest’s head. “Let’s keep on dreaming, Ness.” Ava hopes their wishes will come true. She also hopes to follow in the footsteps of her deceased mother. She still thinks of her to this day. 
“Girls! It’s time to come in! Getting colder now!”
Their father, Victor, calls them from inside their house, which he is right. 
Ava and Nessa felt a sharp wind blowing their skin and shivered instantly. They both giggled at each other’s reaction and got off the grass. “Coming, papa!” The two held hands and dashed to the door that led to their kitchen and living room. It’s a small yet lovely home for a family of four. 
Suddenly, a delicious scent of souffle cheesecake fills the air. Nessa's sweet tooth kicks in. She let go of Ava’s hand to go to her mother in the kitchen. “Is that grandma’s souffle cheesecake?!” Nessa beams at the prettily baked desserts on the counter. She is tippy-toeing to have a better view. 
The mother and wife of the family, Lauren, sees her youngest child is excited to eat the cake. “Yes! All thanks to obaa-san, I know how to make them for us.” She informed her loved ones about knowing how to make their favorite dessert. Nessa happily claps for her mother and grabs a fork from the counter. She takes a piece and munches in delight, followed by her sister and father. They all were satisfied by Lauren's baking, and it runs in her side of the family.
Maybe that’s where Nessa found her passion. 
Afterward, the family decided to bring the snack to the living room where the fireplace is ignited and four cups of hot chocolate are on the coffee table. Not to mention, a yellow vintage radio. 
“Papa, did you buy this?” Ava points at the item. She and her sister looked at it with interest. 
Victor goes over to the table and holds the radio. “Why, yes, I did. I purchased it from an antique shop and am surprised it still works. I used to have one of these as a kid.” He explained and put it back on the table. 
Nessa notices it has a cassette player. She perks to go to their bookshelf, next to the television, full of board games, cassette tapes, and movies from VHS tapes and CDs. “Let’s play this song!” Nessa grabs a cassette tape off a shelf and returns to her sister and parents.
Ava gasps at the name of the labeled tape. “I love that song! It taught me some Japanese.” She remembers moving into the house and Emi played a song that touched her heart when unpacking her belongings in their shared bedroom. 
Lauren looks at her eldest child with raised eyebrows. “Did you?” She asked with a chuckle. Ava shifts her attention to her mother. “Yes! I’ll try to learn more.” Ava isn’t entirely sure if she’ll get into her family’s native language, but it might be crucial if she travels overseas. 
Victor ruffles her blonde head. “You don’t have to, sweetheart. We all know English for you.” He tells Ava. She shrugged her shoulders. “It would be cool to know other languages. But I’ll have to see on it.” Ava will hold that thought later on. 
Nessa then opens up the slot to put in the cassette tape. Once the music plays, a woman sings so majestically that it creates a warm and joyful atmosphere. 
Just as you always are
Our reflection in the display window
Stay with me
Knocking on midnight's door
Begging you not to go home 
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saejinniestar · 14 days
In the red Pt.1
Little red riding hood but different.
Wolf!Soobin x Bunny!Y/N.
Suggestive, fluff, 3rd pov, I'm still practicing 2nd.
A basket, a note and a map in hand. Her grandma was sick and she needed to take her something. She put on her shoes and her hood, a scarlet red hood to go along with her red dress. She said goodbye and went along the path to her grandma. On the way, she stopped to pick some flowers. Beautiful peonies and zinnias. Little did she know, right behind her was a big, tall wolf. She saw his shadow and turned around. She walked back against a tree, scared he might do something to her. He took one look at her features, a beautiful face, sensitive ears a nice, red dress that was shorter at the end, small body and cute, small tail. He took a sniff and breathed in her scent, a sugary sweet scent.
"Where are you going??" She looked at him calmly and told him her destination. "I'm going to my grandma's house." He nodded and then turned on his heels and left. Left to beat her to her grandma's. "What a strange wolf." She finished picking the flowers and went on her way. The wolf on the other hand was at her grandma's house and knocked. "Hello?" Said a wobbly voice. "Hello ma'am, I was wondering if you would like to take a visit to the park, it's nice around this time and you would meet some nice people." She smiled at the wolf and thanked him. She got ready and left for the park. All the wolf had to do was disguise himself and wait till the girl in the red dress and hood came. He heard footsteps and then smelled that sugary sweet scent. The girl knocked on the door then in her sweet voice asked if her grandma was there.
"Come in dear!" He said in a fake voice. She came in and put the basket on a table, hung up her hood and went to see her "grandma". She came into her grandma's room and gasped. "My grandma, what big hands you have." He replied with, "The better to hug you with." She then told him what big eyes he had. He responded that they were better to see her with. She walked closer to the bed, "My grandma, what big teeth you have." He sat up, grinning. "The better to eat you with!" She let out a yelp and he jumped out of the bed to chase her. She tripped and he used this to his advantage, pinning her to the ground. She was scared but to the wolf she looked amazing. Her cute face with fear written all over, her chest heaving and her dress ridden up her legs, her inner thighs peaking out. "Are you gonna eat me?"
He looked her up and down, he knew he couldn't eat her, she was much too precious to eat. "No, I'll take you home with me, keep you with me forever." He picked her up and carried her to the door. He put her hood on her and her shoes. He carried her all the way to his den. He then opened the door and took off her shoes and her hood, slamming the door in the process. He sat on his couch and positioned her in his lap. She looked at him observantly. "Soobin." He said as if reading her mind wondering who he was. He pressed her closer, hands around her small waist. To Soobin, she looked so pretty, a cute, delicate bunny just waiting to be eaten. She moved her hands to hold his face, feeling around his features and his hair.
"You're like a curious puppy, you know that?" She shook her head and grabbed one of her hands, intertwining it with his. Soobin looked at her then asked, "Have you ever had a kiss before, bunny?" She shook her head. He then pressed his lips against hers. She was entranced by his lips and hands all over her body. Soobin let go and watched her dazed features peer right back at him. He smiled, pressing his lips against hers again. This time, Soobin stuck his tongue out, licking her lip, causing her to gasp, allowing him to enter. All she could feel was his tongue mingling with hers, licking and sucking. He pressed more kisses down her cheek and to her neck. He stopped, hearing her pants, desperate for more of something she didn't have a clue could be this good. "Wanna be mine, bunny? Wanna give you lots of love, keep you with me forever." She nodded desperately, trying to get him to kiss her again. He laughed at her eagerness, giving her another kiss.
He knew that he could give her all the love she wanted, do everything for her. most of all, he already had is eyes on her from the moment they met. The small, pliant body she had was just as appealing as the submissive, obedient bunny personality that went with it. A strong, tall wolf with a small, obedient bunny. What could go wrong?
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
Nice ask! Do you have any frivolous lone star headcanons? (ie, something that doesn’t matter to the plot and maybe there’s no real evidence for but you believe it anyway)
Hello! Thank you for this very nice ass(k) 🍑
I do!!
Paul lived with Owen and TK for the first couple months when he moved down to Austin. That’s why he’s got such a close easy-going relationship with TK and why he’s not phased by any of Owen’s idiosyncrasies.
Paul is a diehard Michigan football fan. This is because his father went to University of Michigan, and would drive 3.5 hours from Chicago to Ann Arbor for every home game. When Paul was a kid, his dad would bring him to games sometimes. He has very fond memories of those long drives with his dad, listening to music and chatting. If they won his dad would stop at a roadside diner and get him a blackberry milkshake. (He would if they lost too, but then they’d also split a piece of pie). He and TK drove over to Houston on Monday to watch them win the National Championship. On the way home they stopped for pie and blackberry milkshakes, and Paul told TK stories about games his dad took him to.
TK loves spicy food. Carlos was teasing in that pho scene in S3. He grew up eating all kinds of international cuisines in NYC, he loves chicken feet with his dim sum, and habanero hot sauce on his tacos and jerk chicken and egusi with scotch bonnet.
Paul & Carlos have eaten at all the West African restaurants in Austin, and they are on first-name basis with all the staff at this point.
Paul has been trying to recreate/perfect his grandma’s goat curry for years, and Carlos is his most eager taste tester.
In episode 3, after the police station scene & Carlos’s chat with Michelle, he’s still hesitant to reach out to TK. But then they have that scene where the woman falls on the car. And TK is so sweet, talking to her and rubbing her arm. I always kinda headcanon that Carlos saw him being all sweet with her and he was like “damn, okay worth it to put myself on the line for another shot with him.”
TK learned to drive when he moved to Austin, and he’s a very good driver, but he doesn’t particularly enjoy it. He’d much rather catch a ride or even take public transportation or walk if it’s not too hot. Carlos, on the other hand, spent a lot of money on his car and he does like to drive. So he’s usually the driver. But! He knows TK’s a good driver, and absolutely lets him drive the Camaro.
TK & Marjan have a ritual where they meet for pie & coffee at a diner in East Austin whenever one of them has had a tough day and they need someone to talk to, or even just to sit and be sad with. They have an unspoken pact that, no matter what they’re doing, if one of them calls or texts with a pie emergency they drop everything and show up for pie.
TK is a music nerd. He grew up immersed in the NYC indie music scene, he’s seen LCD Soundsystem play like 20 times, Gwyn took him to see Prince when he was 12, he’s got an extensive vinyl collection and also a box of old band T-shirts in Owen’s garage. Also he could wire any speaker system.
Paul’s sister has visited several times since we first met her. The Catan crew has adopted her, she thinks TK and Carlos are really weird but she loves them. She’s obsessed with Marjan and Nancy.
Paul has an extensive record collection ranging from 70s afrobeats to disco to classic rock n roll.
Marjan’s father was diagnosed with a rare, treatable but incurable cancer a couple years ago. When she found out she was devastated, and TK insisted on flying to Miami with her and staying with her family for a while to help out. One night he tried to make Andea’s chili relleno, because it always make him feel better when he’s sad, but he destroyed Marjan’s mom’s kitchen. He called Carlos out of desperation, and Carlos laughed and told him to toss everything and then ordered them all his favorite comfort foods to be delivered to the house. Carlos and Marjan now regularly make “fold in the cheese” jokes when TK cooks. Which is often!
Sorry this was very long!
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