#letting thomas be happy? WIG.
gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
Miraculous Ladybug season 5 (in 10 words or less)
I will be rating the Episodes -10 to 10 (Negative numbers refer to Ironic enjoyment, and high negative numbers are more positive then low positive numbers)
I will be reviewing each episode in 10 words or Less
Also the ratings go 5 being decent, 10 being objectively perfect.
I will be making a separate post about the top 3 best and Worst of the season.
Without further ado let’s go
Evolution: 8/10
Time travel shenanigans in which Hilarity ensues
Multiplication: 6/10
Gabriel turns his son into an NFT
Destruction: 7/10
Monarch shows once again why he keeps losing
Jubilation: 8.5/10
Doppelgängers and Cabbage patch kids
Illusion: 6/10
Nino creates a gang to harass old people
Determination: 8/10
The lovesquare reversal we’ve been waiting for
Passion: 10/10
The Kwami swap verses Laura Croft
Reunion: 6/10
Oh look the kwamitoga is useful
Elation: 10/10
(Marichat Victory screech) Well, I didn’t expect that.
Transmission: 4/10
Justice for Nino!
Deflagration: 5/10
Plagg is the true MVP
Perfection: 6/10
Kagami deserves more hugs
Migration: 3/10
Consequences? What are those?
Derision: 5/10
We get it Thomas, you want us to hate Chloé.
Intuition: 7/10
Monarch suffering is always good television
Protection: 9/10
The Adrinette is top tier and Kagami deserves happiness
Adoration: 5/10
Oh neat, Zoe is a lesbian
Emotion: 9.5/10
Felix really slays as a villain
Pretension: 7/10
Feligami was unexpected, but I’m curious
Revelation: 5/10
Oh look Lila will be the next villain
Confrontation: 7/10
Lila gets exposed, wig snatched
Collusion: 3/10
And they really let Chloe become mayor
Revolution: 5/10
20 minutes of filler before the Adrinette kiss
Representation: 7/10
Feligami being theater kids, Adrien working through Daddy issues
Conformation: 6/10
They really leaving Adrien out of this?
Re-creation: 1/10
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khazadspoon · 10 months
Hi!! I saw your post about prompts and if you're inspired, I'd die for a fic (or your headcanons) about how Thomas had to court a young James McGraw who is all insecure because of the class difference etc. But of course Thomas loves him and doesn't care, and insists on being called Thomas, and it's just so confusing to James at the beginning, and... ahhhh, them falling in love is so beautiful in my head, so gentle and tender and fragile, but at the same time so powerful! And... I don't know... I'm just always craving for more content about the two of them being young and happy and in love (and unfortunately it didn't last, but of course I choose to ignore that part when I am in my precanon era feelings XD). Please and thank you!!
Of course Thomas doesn’t get the class difference thing. He doesn’t understand that James is from a whole different world - he has been in the Navy since a young age, grew up with strict rules and roles and regulations. He doesn’t step out of line unless it is Absolutely Necessary. James McGraw is a man who loves and hates himself and can’t function without the certainty of socially acceptable rules to follow.
And Thomas? He comes in and changed all of that. He and Miranda both do, but for James it is Thomas who unravels everything and lays bare the ridiculous nature of civilisation. And it’s by accident.
As soon as they meet Thomas insists on familiarity. Dinner is a casual affair. Talking in his study is done in shirt sleeves instead of full regalia and powdered wigs. In larger crowds there is decorum to consider but with the two of them? There are no rules or boundaries. Thomas is as much James’ liaison as he is Thomas’. James has to force himself to unlearn, albeit temporarily, the norms he has ingrained into himself by the world. He learns to let his sarcasm and dry wit out, to poke and prod at Thomas in a way he never would with his naval peers. Thomas is…….. he is the exception to every rule James has.
And then there’s the kids. And the relationship.
Thomas buys him books, gifts him things from the Hamilton’s private collection, let’s him keep trinkets he can’t quite keep his eyes from. Thomas courts him with trips to gardens and theatres and houses and walks in the not-so-rough parts of London. He all but sweeps James off his feet with gestures and words. He writes James letters and poetry, puts notes in the books he gives James, and all of it is so overwhelming that James almost does bolt like a pheasant flushed out on a hunt. But with a calming word from Miranda (to both of them, she knows first hand how excitable her husband is around things or people he loves) things settle.
James falls in love slower than Thomas does. Thomas falls in love days after they first meet. James doesn’t realise he can even love a man for a long time - then he starts to understand, is terrified of it, but learns that actually it isn’t a bad thing. The shame lingers, we know this, but it gets smaller with each slow and sleepy smile he sees in the morning, each gentle kiss, each hoarse cry and sweat soaked night. James unlearns the codes he has written into himself and replaces them with the articles and psalms Thomas reveals to him.
They get such a short time together before it all falls apart and burns but it is such a glorious time. Full of laughter and gifts and love. There is so much to be thankful for even if James is left half dead when the end comes.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Gotta be larger than life
Written for the Year of the OTP challenge prompt: fairy tale
Pairing: Reggie/Carrie
On AO3!
Definitely stretching the prompt fill on this one, but I got the idea and it wouldn't let go. I am just so fascinated by Carrie Wilson, and this just came to me as a interesting character study with some Sweet Tarts slipped in. Hope you enjoy!
All her life, all Carrie Wilson wanted to be was a princess. Every Halloween or chance to dress up, she demanded a poofy pink dress and a crown from her father who always agreed. Called her princess as a term of endearment and ruffled her honey blonde hair when he did.
Thankfully no one questions little girls about why they wanted to be a princess.
It wasn’t the power, no. Even if Carrie got a strange delight in people listening to her, a nice little feeling when she got her own way. But she didn’t need a crown for that.
It wasn’t the riches either. Her dad was a millionaire musician with his face on his very own helicopter. Carrie was dripping in designer fashion and jewels after every gift giving holiday. She literally wanted for nothing.
It wasn’t even because she longed for some handsome prince, even if she did want to be saved occasionally. Swooning over the pictures in her books over the hero pressing tender kisses to the princess’ hand.
But none of those were the real reason Carrie longed to be a princess.
Princesses didn’t have mothers who left you on a doorstep at three days old with a note not to bother to find them. And no amount of wasted birthday wishes or pleas to Santa was bringing Paige Shepard back.
Princesses had fathers who were busy ruling kingdoms but were still there. Not off touring the country or off on some meditation retreat, leaving her to be raised by nannies and maids. Living off tofu and kale in a tasteless, sugarless existence because her father got hung up on eating healthy as a teen.
Princesses didn’t grow up lonely, unloved, and feeling like they were never enough. So Carrie dreamed of a life where she was royalty, pushed down all those bad feelings, and kept her head up high, wearing her imaginary crown to keep going.
Because maybe she didn’t live in a fairy tale, but Carrie was still gonna damn well try for that happy ending.
As she grew, Carrie still wanted to be a princess. Only a pop princess who ruled the stage with her killer lyrics and well choreographed dance moves. Poofy dresses got traded in for hot pink sparkly jackets and a matching wig replaced her tiara.
Now when people called her princess, it wasn’t said lovingly with a gentle smile and a pat to the head (her dad was the only one allowed to touch her hair like that to this day, anyone else who even tried got cut down by her killer glare). Now it was said with derision, like she was some prissy stuck up brat, who thought herself better than anyone.
Well she was, but she never tried to act like it… well not that much.
But at night, when she stripped off the Pink Candi costume, hung up her wig, and snuggled under her covers-Carrie sometimes cried, because words hurt, and she hated that they twisted her dream into something ugly, something to be mocked. Her security became a wound more than armour.
That was, until she met Reggie Peters.
Reggie was a year above her, but after Thomas Jefferson High burned down, their students got shoved into Los Feliz, and so Reggie had to finish out his senior year at a new school. She ran into him on the first day, wandering the halls, looking confused and alone, and completely out of place in his ripped jeans and leather jacket.
“Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me?” he asked as Carrie’s eyes met his. They were a light green, making Carrie think of a springtime meadow.
“I can try,” she said. Normally she wouldn’t be one to help anyone-had to look out for number one after all. But he had this sad, lost puppy quality to him, so Carrie offered up her services. She had always had a thing for pathetic animals, even if she hid how often she volunteered at the animal shelter because it didn’t fit the persona she wanted to give off. Those who had been abandoned had to stick together though, right? Plus at the shelter she could be-and was-loved with no reservations or pretense, something that Carrie desperately needed after long days pretending to be above it all.
Anyways, there was still a lost puppy looking at her, so Carrie shook herself from her melancholy thoughts and faced him, prepared to help one more soul who needed her.
It didn’t hurt that up close she could see the tiny golden freckles that bridged across his face, or the slightly crooked grin that burst forth when she agreed. “Thanks so much,” he said, showing her his schedule. “I’m supposed to report to Mr. Johnson for homeroom, and then someone is supposed to show me around, but I have no clue where his room is.”
“I have Johnson too, so you can just follow me,” Carrie replied. Reggie grinned once more and she tried to ignore how much she liked his smile, the way he ran his fingers through his dark hair with effortless ease, the way he almost bounced as he walked.
They made small talk on the way to class, and Carrie found out that Reggie was a musician, his three best friends and band mates had been transferred here too, but Alex was dating a student here, so they were probably in some broom closet of another, Luke probably skipped, and Bobby was home sick after catching a cold at his lifeguarding job. Thus him being alone today, but he blushed when he glanced at her and admitted he didn’t mind so much right now.
Carrie treasured that blush, the petal soft pink that mimicked the colour of every beloved childhood gown that lived on in her heart. She smiled back, a rare genuine one, pulling on a strand of hair to hide her own matching blush, but from the twinkle in Reggie’s eyes and the small bump to her shoulder, she doubted she succeeded.
“Get a new peon princess?” Kyle Baxter sneered as she passed, and Carrie stiffened, but didn’t even deign to look his way in response.
“Hey dude, lay off, she’s being nice enough to help the new kid out!,” Reggie shot back and then steered them further up the hall. His hand was warm and large at the small of her back, and Carrie felt herself blush even further, but the reasons were muddled. “Ugh, I hate jerks like that.”
“Me too, but I’m used to it by now,” Carrie replied.
“You shouldn’t have to be,” Reggie replied. “You let me know if he tries it again, I have a mean left hook.”
“I don’t think that’s how you want to start out your time here,” Carrie cautioned. “Getting into stupid fights to defend my honour. I can take care of myself, you know.”
“Of that I have no doubt,” Reggie replied, winking at her. “But what kind of knight would I be if I didn’t stand up for my princess?”
Carrie’s heart fluttered at that, at the sincerity in his voice, the way he said princess like it was a title given with honour instead of derision. From him, it sounded sweet, like honey on her tongue while Kyle and everyone else had inspired a bitter taste that had almost ruined the word for her. Yet she couldn’t let Reggie know that, instead keeping her shields up, just in case.
“You’re a knight now?” Carrie asked with an eye roll.
“Technically I’m a half elf paladin,” Reggie amended with a shrug. “Sorry, I like D&D. Kind of a code to stick up for the nobility. Lawful good and all.”
“And I’m a princess?” Carrie asked, a small blossom of hope trying to bloom inside of her.
“Yeah, you’ve got that regal quality about you,” Reggie replied. “Plus I bet you would rock a tiara.”
“Sadly none of them seem to fit anymore,” Carrie said. At Reggie’s questioning glance, she shook her head and waved at the door before them. “Here we are. Home room.”
“Well Your Highness, thank you for escorting this humble knight to the start of his quest,” Reggie said with a deep bow, pressing a tiny feather light kiss to her knuckles that made Carrie blush right to the roots of her hair. “Lemme know if you wanna play D&D sometime, I think you’d like it. You could wear the tiara there.”
“Could my character be a real princess?” Carrie asked, the words slipping out, almost tumbling off her tongue. But she didn’t take them back, just looked at Reggie expectantly.
“I’d expect nothing less,’ Reggie said before entering the room to talk to the teacher.
Carrie wasn’t sure if she walked or floated to her desk, but she definitely knew she spent half of the period staring at Reggie across the room and not being one scrap of attention to anything said. For one moment, she had felt like a princess, and she wasn’t giving that feeling up for anyone, not even if others jeered when they addressed her.
And if she ended up getting a new tiara just so she could play Princess Alaria, her druid princess along with Sir Elton of Suffolk, well, no one could say she wasn’t dressed appropriately. Reggie told her that Luke brought a honest to goodness lute one session, so she’d fit right in.
Sure, Carrie knew she would never be a real princess. Maybe not even a pop one, even if Dirty Candi was in talks with an up and coming manager after their last performance.
But come Homecoming, with Reggie on her arm? She felt like a queen, tiara and all, and he promised that from here on out, their fairy tale would be one beautiful story, with a guaranteed happy ending.
And somehow? Carrie believed him. Fairy tales might not be real, but the prince of a man on her arm who treated her like royalty certainly was, and that was good enough for her.
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loisfreakinglane · 1 year
Every month of 2022
Rules: Post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year. (i def went with most popular posts lol not most favorite at all)
February: happy femslash february!!!!!!!!! LIV AND STELLA COLE FROM DOLLFACE. i’m not super happy with this gifset bc my source material was so....... bleh. but they were so cute
March: an iconic moment of our gay times, jude and zero’s big kiss in front of eeeeeveryone
April: ah, 365 days 2...... what a franchise of diminishing returns. this movie did have some great scenes in it (unlike......... 3..........) but tbh thank god this wig didn’t last the whole movie
May: SEXY SEXY BLOODY VAMPIRE DICHEN LACHMAN. one of the most important gifsets i have ever made in my life
June: luther and sloane’s meetcute in umbrella academy s3!!!!!! I LOVE THEM
July: happy birthday month to ME, I looooooooved my fake boyfriend so much, and this ship was so soooooooo cute
August: awwwwww we are lady parts. I love these two characters and their relationship. what a gracious thing to do tbh to see how miserable she was and RELEASE her lmao
September: HEYYYYYYYYY THE INVITATION! oh this movie. i could have used like 75% more romance and sex before the blood and gore began, but hey. what can ya do. these two have so much chem
October: AND YET MORE OF THE INVITATION i respect this
November: mr malcolms list!!!!!!! honestly this gifset lived in my drafts for MOOOOONTHS bc i’m unhappy with it, but i’m glad i finally just posted it. this was such a fun ship. and such a great movie. MORE OF THIS TYPE OF MOVIE, PLEASE. 
December: the newsreader!!!!!!! this show was such a nice surprise. i’m so hype for s2. i ship dale like........ so equally with tim and helen. both dynamics give me so so much. 
WELP 2023 goal is to make EVEN MORE content, LETS SEE HOW FAR I GET
and now I will tag: @mermaidsirennikita @tchallaas @bluetiefling @saint-cecilias @thraxusboorman @katesharmasheart or if you wanna do this meme tag me in it!
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faeoftheferns · 3 months
While in a state of deep melancholia even the furnace sounds like it’s wailing. It’s crying. I wish I knew what it was saying because maybe I could help. 
Are the hallucinations beginning?
How long can someone deny their dreams before they come at the edges of their waking vision? 
He spent time with Rain yesterday. That’s her name, Rain, like the weather. But you’d never know, she’s the colour yellow that would’ve saved Van Gogh. She wears bells in her hair and laughs with her nose scrunched up. She’ll tell him what the planets are doing and hold his cock in her ringed fingers. Not rainy at all.
My book about non-monogamy tells me it’s normal to feel insecure, even jealous, at times. But they never covered our unique situation. This doesn’t come with an instruction manual, just blame and confusion. Brian was apprehensive, of course, especially with how close I am with the others. Dasha and I have known each other the longest, and she’s got more of a sexual appetite than I do. She almost got into a bar fight last weekend, I have the bruises to mark the incident. 
There are ghosts in the furnace.
I wish I could be like either of them. Nurturing and sunny like Rain, or sultry and protective like Dasha. But I just keep things together for us all. My therapist asks about them a lot, and sometimes I bring them in on my sessions. They’ll even chat with Dr. Thomas on their own. 
We’re very close. 
My body still feels Brian's hands on its skin. Him and Dasha must’ve gotten together this morning. She likes it rough. Good for her. 
Standing in the bathroom, her black wig a sleeping beast on the granite counter. False lashes caterpillars on the mirror. She’s created a goth jungle amongst my antiques. Evidence of Rain written in smudged incense ash. 
I’ll brush my teeth and remind myself I'm still here. Even though things have been harder than usual. Mom died. I can’t sleep. Brian tries, but I'm always gone. So Rain and Dasha come around. He sees others float in and out of our tomb, he doesn’t know them, strangers in our two-bedroom flat. 
He worries. 
I think he misses me. I miss him. 
Staring at my sunken eyes and faded green hair I feel like the swamp monster I read about as a kid. Hiding in the closet. The safest place in the house. I met Dasha soon after that. 
This green algae hag with a toothbrush in its mouth, toothpaste at the corners of chapped lips. He can’t see this, I have to get it together. Instead, I cry. 
With the toothbrush still in my mouth, drooling blood and minty foam. The pink shag rug is a soft mitt that catches my body. Heaving sobs and inhaling the scent of lavender and mildew. 
It’s coming too fast.
Too loud. 
I can’t stop it. 
The furnace is still haunted, still moaning.
My elbows begin bruising on the tile, pressing the floor away to find safety. Standing isn’t an option. I’m going to empty myself out, can that happen? Can your ribs just open like jaws and dump your entrails right out? I’ll wrap my hands around my middle and try to keep it all in. Praying it works. 
“Amy?” Brian is on the other side of the door. I try to stop the tears, I need to wipe them away but my face stays wet. 
“I’m okay” I struggle out. My head begins to swim. Pressure builds inside my skull like a gentle squeeze of my brain. Never painful. 
“Can I come in?” he’s pleading. He wants to be there for me, so badly. I wish I could let him. Panic is still rising as my bathroom gets blurry. Dashas wig and eyelashes are more menacing than ever. 
Pressure building. 
Door opens. 
And I let go. 
“Amy, honey, please. What can I do?” He crouches next to us and puts a reassuring timid hand on our head.
But sunshine has filled the bathroom and I've started fading. 
“Does Amy have any hair dye? I think I'm going to refresh the hair. That would make her happy. And I'm going to have a warm bath. Clearly you and Dasha got up to some fun this morning” she laughs. 
Brian smiles, with sadness behind his eyes instead of on his cheeks. Maybe he’s the haunted furnace. If he was Van Gogh she could fix him.  
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lousolversons · 5 years
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“I feel I’ve finally found a friend.” “Is that what you found, Mr. Barrow? A friend?”
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clearlymiraculous · 3 years
what the heck was wishmaker (swears ahead)
Ok so I've been hit with the double whammy of the two hilarious trainwrecks that were Crocoduel and Wishmaker... as the more ridiculous of the two, lets talk about Wishmaker. please keep in mind that I literally just watched the episode and I have nothing clever to say this is really just a rant
Firstly... the knowledge that these kids will graduate and move onto lycee? in MY Miraculous Ladybug? (it's more likely than you think). But the sudden "hey, you guys are now mid-teens, time to make choices that will affect the rest of your life" honestly hit different. Suddenly it felt like a real school, with real students that had different goals. If only they, you know, showed us this crap.
Take Marinette, for example. Because, you know, she's the main character. I love how that she's such a feminist icon, that she's gotta choose between her love of fashion, Adrien, her love of design, Adrien, her dual role of Ladybug and the Guardian, and... I guess her love for Adrien? I mean, those are the main things that give her life joy and meaning and will help her choose a career.
I hope you understand that I am so fucking angry that they had to bring Adrien into this, because if anyone in that writers room actually cared about being a good influence on young girls, ADRIEN WOULD NOT BE A PART OF THIS CONVERSATION. Yes, love and being loved is important to individual happiness. We as social creatures thrive on love. But to reduce Marinette, who is supposed to be so capable and able to handle herself, to a girl with a crush, is so demeaning!!! Her value is suddenly being determined over whether or not her love is returned by a boy! What lesson is she supposed to be learning here?!?!
Adrien, by comparison, has a much more poignant conversation with Plagg over what he wants to do in life - he's always modelled, but he's now self aware enough to realise that there are other options and that he doesn't know where to go. As a cusp gen Y/Z (1995), I have never related more to a feeling like that in my life. With the rise of social media came an influx of jobs that didn't even exist when I graduated high school. Influencers did not exist, YouTubers were just beginning to flourish. I still have no clue of the specific path I want to walk down, just a few half baked ideas. Not once do we need to think about who he's in love with. Ladybug factors into the conversation, yes, but it's over his use as a hero. His unrequited love doesn't come up. What's with the double standards here?!?!
Now to the hilarity of the episode - Alec Cataldi. Until now he's just been the host of every show in Paris that isn't the news. Sure, he'd give a friendly roast every now and then, but this time around he's woken up and chosen violence... by telling people at the job fair that their jobs are pointless? The weird thing is that the selection of jobs you actually see seem to be more based on niche art and crafting. These are jobs based on the specific love of the craft that can be successful - homemade ice cream, hand crafted instruments, and wig making all have potential for financial success. Anyway it's the wig making that sets Alec off.. because apparently as a child people made fun of him for having like a disproportionately large afro?
Let's skip the majority of the fight. It's the best part of the episode, because the childhood dreams are hilarious. The best one by far is the guy who wants to be a cucumber, ESPECIALLY because it turns out to be Banana Man (still waiting for his akumatisation), and the way that Ladybug's Lucky Charm is for some random guy that just wants to be a toy dinosaur to hug people is amazing, it's so out of left field and I loved it.
HOWEVER... we also have a question that we've been wanting answered the whole episode: what does Adrien want to do? He can't think of what his childhood dream was, it was a mystery. So of course he gets hit, or he lets himself get hit, who even cares because Chat's competency has been going down faster than Thomas Astruc's ego has been rising... and suddenly I am wishing I never asked because apparently all Adrien ever wanted to do was whatever his parents wanted him to do? Fuck off.
Who in their right mind would even write that? I'm not kidding, he literally says "When I was a kid, I always wanted to be what my parents wanted me to be!" Now, if we'd had further context, like his parents talking about how they wanted him to be kind to others and to be happy with his choices, it would be fine. But all we have is Gabriel's weird emotional abuse and desire for his son to be perfect, attractive, and good at All The Things, as long as he remains the Agreste Cash Cow. WHAT? I'M SORRY, WHAT?!!?! Adrien, honey, you need a therapist, because no, you're not perfect, you're a people pleasing anxious wreck.
Anyway apparently all along Alec just wanted to be the next RuPaul, because that's how we end the episode - Luka now joining the Cursed Knowledge Club, and our titular characters deciding to remain stagnant because like that's how you write a good tv series, you know?
I'm not kidding about RuPaul. Any Drag Race fan will recognise the butchered end quote. Can I get an amen?
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donablue · 3 years
this particular store is usually deserted around this time of day, so anto is always a little thrown on the rare occasion when he finds someone else there when he walks in. but this time it's a familiar face that wheels around to face him, surprise taking over it before he's greeted with a loud, "anto!"
"what's the story, champ?" he makes his way over to posy and bumps his arm into her shoulder. she bumps him back and anto stifles a small laugh at how it's less of a bump and more her bouncing ineffectively off his arm.
"wig shopping! i am not liking this one anymore," posy explains, absently gesturing at the pink wig currently on her head while she turns back to the mannequin heads displaying the range of wigs. she shoots him a glance out of the corner of her eyes. "what is being your story?"
he could say anything. and yet he opts for the truth. "last storm knocked one of my earrings loose, so i'm in the market for a new pair."
judging from the quirk of posy's eyebrows, she hadn't been expecting him to actually explain himself. he hadn't expected it either, really, but there's always been something about posy that settles him enough to offer up bits of honesty that he wouldn't afford anyone else.
when she doesn't reply, anto moves away to browse the lines of jewelry along the nearest wall. he's about halfway through the first display before posy speaks up.
"can i be choosing them for you?"
she's no longer looking at the wigs and is instead staring at him, looking borderline excited already.
"well, shit," he mutters to himself under his breath. anto knows he's going to give in but he gives himself the illusion of thinking it over for a beat before his shoulders sag and he lets out a sigh. "yeah, alright. nothing pink, though, alright?"
brilliant smile fixed on her face, posy hums her acknowledgment and runs to his side. her focus turns intense as she mulls over the displays in front of them, considering every piece carefully before she moves onto the next, and anto has to fight back the fond twist of his lips.
waiting patiently next to posy, his gaze flicks back and forth between her expression of concentration to the jewelry cases until she says, apropos of nothing, "i have never been thanking you."
"what–?" anto balks. "the fuck do you have to be thanking me for?"
"for not cheating at the duel. or, i guess, not totally cheating at the duel."
thinking about the duel still leaves a sour taste in anto's mouth. it makes his temple ache with the phantom pain of a bullet ripping past, just barely avoiding killing him outright.
"it was nice of you to be giving him a chance to fire back," posy continues, not having stopped to look up at him.
"he shot me in the face, posy," he grumbles, not caring how petulant it comes out.
"i said it was nice, not smart," she clarifies, and anto is torn between laughing hysterically and snarling.
he settles for bristling, shoulders hunching as he huffs out a harsh breath. "should've killed the bastard when i had the chance."
"grognak would never have forgiven you," posy states matter-of-factly, "and troy is being my best friend, so i'm happy you didn't."
nostrils flaring as he mentally flinches away from thinking about what grognak would have done if he'd actually killed troy, anto grunts and deflects, "yeah, well. i've done worse before. wouldn't have been the first time, or the last. all part of the job description, posy."
silences settles over them for a minute, and anto is pretty certain that posy's eyes don't move from the same set of earrings the entire time. that is, until she turns to meet his eyes and surprises him again.
"i killed someone too."
eyeing the woman skeptically, anto leans his hip against a display case and crosses his arms. "you? you, posy, have killed someone?"
"i have!" her stare is defiant and anto is reminded once again of why he's fond of her.
"just the one?"
"as far as i am knowing, yes," posy replies.
the cryptic answer makes him narrow his eyes at her until posy admits, "i suffered the blunt force traumas from having my face beaten in with a flashlight, so i don't remember. but thomas says it was to protect peoples! captain planet was stabbing people on the pier! i don't know why he died, i was only hitting him once with my flashlight!"
the distress on her face is too much for him. placing a hand on posy's shoulder, anto gives her a small shake and ducks down to look her in the eye.
"no offence, posy, but accidentally killing someone isn't the same. what do you know about being a gangster?"
"oh!" somehow, that seems to distract her from the turn the conversation had taken. she turns on her heel and darts towards the back, presumably into one of the changing rooms, leaving him to stand alone in the middle of the store without a response.
he can hear her rustling around so he goes back to browsing the shelves. watches, earrings, glasses, bracelets, necklaces, all easy enough to pluck from their stands and stuff into a pocket when he finds something he likes or deems good enough to sell off. a glimmer catches his eye and he turns to inspect it. there's a pair of earrings that look like they might be real amethysts, judging from the locked case enclosing them. with a glance over his shoulder, anto sets to picking the lock, smirking to himself when it pops open and he can snake a hand in to snatch the earrings. the case is closed again and the jewelry is safely in anto's hand when the sound of a curtain being drawn back reaches him, and he smoothly tucks them away into his jacket pocket, moving to greet posy when she comes out.
whatever he'd been expecting, he's not prepared for the sight of posy striding over to square up to him in her new outfit. it's not plain, but strangely muted compared to the other clothes anto has seen her in. her hands settle on her hips and she straightens up to her full height, puffing her chest out proudly.
"i am a solo dolo but i have respect all over the 'hood!" she declares, and anto's eyebrows shoot up his forehead.
"that right?"
he has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling, but his disbelief must come across loud and clear in his tone because the next thing he knows, posy is flashing him a grin and has her gun trained just to the left of him. "what is up, motherfucker?" she chirps.
his resolve cracks and laughter startles out of him.
it's not often that something reduces him to tears of laughter, but he doubles over and laughs until he can manage to straighten up, breathless and sporting blurry vision. "jesus– fair play, then. who taught you that one?"
"the ballas gave me gangster lessons," posy elaborates, grinning widely as he allows himself another few chuckles. "we've been killing, slicing, and gangbanging."
that sets him off again.
"they let me paint maxwell purple! steven thought i joined the gang, but i am thinking they are being liking me. like abdul with the vagos!" she explains further, watching him as he leans back against a display case to catch his breath.
"explains the purple wig." he jerks his chin in the general direction of her head, hand coming up to clutch at his ribs where he feel a faint ache. his eyes drift down to where her gun has come to rest against her side and he arches an eyebrow after a beat. "that a diamondback? what do you need that kind of firepower for, eh?"
posy spares the weapon a glance before she tucks it back into her jacket. "troy gave it to me. or pillbot. they both gave me one, it is being for protections. one of them got stolen though."
sobering slightly, anto nods, recalling the abridged version of events she's told him before. he tucks the first question that comes to mind, and the accompanying prickle of curiosity to know where troy would have gotten a diamondback from, away. "you let me know if you need something else, got it? don't want you walking around without a strap."
there's a long pause that nearly makes anto fidget with how intently posy stares at him. the moment abruptly ends and she rewards him with a sunny smile. "okay! peace, pimp!"
she's already made her way back into a dressing room by the time his stunned silence gives way to another bout of raucous laughter.
they don't spend long in the store after that, with posy quickly settling on a new blue wig and moving onto insisting he get a matching pair of stud earrings for himself. despite himself, anto caves. he buys them.
he's securing the backing of the second earring into place as they step back outside. when his hands fall back down to his sides, posy looks him over and gives him an approving nod. he returns the favour, making a show of inspecting the look of her new wig before nodding gravely. "right deadly," he announces.
"right deadly," posy returns with another nod.
his chest warms and, for a second, he allows his face soften.
posy moves towards her car, a little thing that he's seen a few times which, sure enough, has been painted puple.
"it was nice to be seeing you without... um. yeah!" she calls out once she's seated behind the wheel.
the corner of his mouth twitches up into a half smile as he fills in the blanks himself. "sure, look, we'll link up later, yeah? i've some stuff to sell."
he's about to turn away and head back to the shit car he'd stolen to get here, but he stops to consider briefly before jogging over to the driver's side of posy's car right as the engine comes to life. crouching down and rifling through his pockets, anto finds what he's looking for right as posy rolls the window down with a curious expression. reaching into the car and tugging one of posy's hands towards him, he deposits his favourite set of brass knuckles into her open palm and folds her fingers over it.
"easier to hide than a gun," he says by way of explanation and leaves it at that before he dashes away.
her excited "oh!" is easily heard and anto allows himself a pleased grin as he slides into his stolen car and promptly throws it into reverse, honking twice before he speeds away.
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Promising Young Woman (2021)
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*contains spoilers*
Revenge is a dish best served stone-cold sober…
Delightful and dimpled British star Carey Mulligan has had a successful career to date, playing alongside leading men such as Leonardo DiCaprio (‘The Great Gatsby’), Ryan Gosling (‘Drive’) and Michael Fassbender (‘Shame’). Despite not always being centre stage, many of Mulligan’s film choices have been eclectic in terms of genre, and it seems this winning combination of offbeat and orthodox have all led to her explosive lead role in the indie assault on the senses that is ‘Promising Young Woman’.
Carey is Cassandra Thomas, a 30-year-old whose promising career as a doctor went into a tailspin when she dropped out of medical school following the rape of her best friend Nina Fisher at the rough hands of their classmates. It’s implied that Nina – overwhelmed by what happened to her and the lack of support or investigative interference – committed suicide, and in the years since, Cassie has dedicated her life to avenging her friend’s death. Rather than continuing to try to take the claims up with police, Cassie turns unconventional vigilante and offers herself up as hot-mess boy bait, spending her nights fake falling-down drunk in bars and clubs to see and document how many men attempt to take advantage of her. Going so far – arguably stupidly so – as to let them take her home, Cassie abruptly reveals her sobriety to shock them into acknowledging and lamenting their predatory behaviour.
These scenes in particular are deliciously satisfying – that moment the self-proclaimed “nice guy” realises his unwilling date is more than aware of her surroundings and is going to confront him about them. The genius of these moments is in the power of Mulligan’s swift and drastic transformations. She doesn’t need to threaten or produce a weapon to take control, her stark sobriety is enough.
Making her feature filmmaking debut, director Emerald Fennell has had her fair share of femme fatale experience as head writer on Season 2 of TV’s addictive ‘Killing Eve’. Her love of strong, clever but chaotic women are all bundled into one with the creation of Cassie. She’s a Villanelle-esque sexy sociopath with a skewed moral compass, complimented by a noughties heavy soundtrack featuring a screechy orchestral remix of Britney Spears’ ‘Toxic’, a rom-com inspired routine to Paris Hilton’s ‘Stars Are Blind’, and DeathbyRomy’s cover of the Weather Girls’ ‘It’s Raining Men’.
‘Promising Young Woman’ could just as easily be called Privileged Young Men. With a narrative that draws on #MeToo, toxic masculinity and on campus rape culture and rituals, this is a film that is unapologetic about its subject matter and in your face about its opinions on it. There are not-so-subtle traces of trends that are played out in real life today, like dismissing women’s allegations to protect men’s reputations. Whilst Nina’s life was destroyed and her credibility doubted, male peers like perpetrator Al Monroe (Chris Lowell) and his sleazy friend Joe (Max Greenfield) were given glowing references, advanced to the top of their fields and became popular pillars of their communities, industries and social circles.
Although predictable for me, the eventual reveal of the one good man from Cassie’s past being complicit in Nina’s rape (her happy-to-take-it-slow boyfriend Ryan played by a charmingly goofy Bo Burnham), is a gasp out loud moment. Her world is once again shattered beyond repair when she realises the relationship that has made her happy for the first time in a long time was built on a lie (or to give him the benefit of the doubt, a very bad mistake). He is the first man she felt she could trust, be herself around, and fall in love with, but she discovers that underneath he was at worst, another one of the guys, and at best, an indefensible bystander.
You’d be forgiven for thinking ‘Promising Young Woman’ is all anti-men. Everything about it - on the surface and in the trailer - screams angry, bra burning feminist. However, it’s more nuanced than that and takes more of an anti-bad men, anti-bad women and anti-bad behaviour stance, as many of the movie’s female characters also have to confront the fact that their refusal or disinterest to speak up and call out abuse has enabled criminal conduct to set in, rot and spread. Cassie - an anti-hero herself - holds a grubby mirror up to the faces of the women from her college days with varying degrees of cunning and callousness, from feigning the abduction and pimping out of the University Dean Elizabeth Walker’s daughter, to tricking an inebriated former classmate (Alison Brie) into thinking she was unfaithful, or worse, sexually assaulted, in a hotel room.
Cassie’s methods are extreme and quite frankly mad, but her motives are steeped in an obsessive desire to do right by her friend and seek justice whatever the cost (the latter playing out in tragic but successful fashion in the finale). She is an intentionally entangled fly, luring spiders of all shapes and sizes to the centre of the web, daring them to do their worst. Most times she is well prepared, and even when it seems like she’s bitten off more than she can chew, another dose of vigorous vengeance is plunged in (even if it has to be done posthumously!)
Physically too, she’s a calculating chameleon. From pigtails, flowery blouses and flats for a girl-next-door look, to blow-job blotted lips, tight dresses and skyscraper stilettos to give off a late-night pick-up vibe, every element of her outfit is deliberate and devious. Dressed up in a wig the colour of a Rainbow Paddle Pop and sexy stripper nurse outfit in the film’s final act, Cassie is the literal sexual objectification of the promising young medical practitioner she could have been. Instead, she’s a practitioner of pain, turning Monroe’s bachelor party into her plastered patients.
Handcuffing Al to the bed upstairs, it looks like she’s reeled in her biggest fish to date. “It's every man's worst nightmare, getting accused of something like that,” Al cries, to which a deadpan Cassie replies “can guess what every woman's worst nightmare is?” But soon the tables turn when he breaks free, overpowers her and smothers her to death with a pillow. It’s a brutal and distressingly drawn-out scene, and it takes a while before it hits you that she really is dead and this is where her sad story ends. Joe and Al burn her body. It’s all over. Or so you think.
We cut to Al’s wedding, and as Juice Newton’s ‘Angel of the Morning’ plays, Ryan begins to receive scheduled texts from Cassie, taunting him from beyond the grave with a juicy contingency plan. Using Al’s ex-attorney Jordan Green (Alfred Molina) and his regret and grief over representing the wrong party to her advantage, Cassie had sent him incriminating evidence about Nina’s assault and her own demise in advance. “You didn't think this was the end, did you? It is now” the first texts read, as police sirens wail and officers emerge from the woods to arrest Al for murder. “Enjoy the wedding! Love, Cassie & Nina” the final messages say, followed by a perfectly placed winky face emoticon as Fletcher’s ‘Last Laugh’ cues the end credits. It’s a gratifying water cooler moment, bona fide badass yet bittersweet, but you’re still left wondering if it was all worth it.
‘Promising Young Woman’ could be cut from the same tortured heroine cloth as ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’, ‘Kill Bill’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, with Nina and Cassie’s friendship rivalling ‘Thelma & Louise’. It covers a lot of taboo territories and topics, from slut shaming to consent and coercion, and evokes the harrowing Margaret Atwood quote “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them”.
‘Promising Young Woman’ is not for the faint hearted, and anyone who fears the film may be triggering should stay well clear. It’s not always easy viewing and it’s not always fair, however it’s more than just a pitch-black comedy or clear-cut tale of rape-revenge. It’s a brave, bold and original satire with bite and brains.
4/5 stars.
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Tales of the Bulbury Valentine
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x female reader
Genre: romance / fantasy / time-travel au
Warnings: mentioning of spirits / a sex scene but no details / the concept is a little like Narnia for the time-travelling, I guess?
Word count: 7270
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! This story was entirely impromptu. I had a dream yesterday with Jinyoung and it was so intense that I spent all day writing it out. I hope you all enjoy it.
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Chuckling softly when you looked up at the place your feet had carried you to, you walked up the short set of stairs to the front door and went inside.
You hadn’t meant to come here, of all places, but it wouldn’t be your first time studying within these walls. Still, you had a lot to do, and there was no time to head off elsewhere.
You had to admit, you felt at home here.
“Well, hello again!” the clerk behind the counter exclaimed happily, and you beamed a smile at her.
“You look fetching, as always, Polly.”
Glancing down at her flapper-styled dress, Polly then shrugged. “I’ve worn better and worse here. Are you coming to the party later?”
“Party?” you echoed, glancing up at the board of events behind her. You laughed and shook your head. “Oh, I don’t have a need to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
“You don’t have to have a need, Y/N. But I see your bag is full. The study halls on campus too crowded today?”
“I guess now I know what all the noise was about,” you admitted sheepishly, and pointed to the closest hallway of the manor house. “Is the library free from the party?”
“What soiree would we hold in there?” she teased, and you rolled your eyes, thinking of countless wonderful opportunities that could be hosted within there.
The library was your favourite place within the estate house, after all.
“I’ll see you later, Polly. The Medieval era awaits me.”
“Not within this place, it wasn’t built until the fifteenth century!”
You laughed as you waved the woman off, greeting a few of the other paid actors as you walked down the familiar hallway to the room at the far left. You could hear all the fuss happening in the grand salon as you passed on by, a pink balloon escaping the room in the process.
You giggled. “When were balloons created?”
“The first attempt was in eighteen twenty-four, so they’re rightfully placed today,” a voice answered, and you turned, grinning at the woman in a lavish bell-shaped dress that seemed to take up more than half the walking space in this corridor.
“You know everything, Marguerite.”
“Not everything. But I do seem to know an awful lot,” she confessed, giggling with you as you both entered the library.
Glancing at your casual attire, she frowned. “You’re not dressed up.”
“I’m not a paid actor here at the estate,” you responded with a small smirk, propping your book bag next to the desk. You placed your hands upon the dark wooden desktop and sighed happily. “I came here for this desk, not for any party.”
“You and this desk,” she griped, shaking her head so much that the ornate wig she had chosen to wear almost toppled off the pins she had used to secure it. Holding her hair, she then smiled at you. “We welcome you every time.”
“I’m grateful, truly.”
“What are we studying today? The French Revolution?”
“Medieval Crusaders,” you corrected, and she scrunched up her nose. “Hey! History comes in many forms, Marguerite.”
“Perhaps you can be a mastermind behind a medieval love story for a play held in the theatre room later this year.”
You laughed and shook your head. “I’m a trained historian, not a writer.”
“Then you can co-direct with your facts and I with my interest in scriptwriting.”
“Perhaps, I could.”
“We’re expecting a lot of visitors today. I put an advert in the paper,” she mentioned as you sat down at the desk and pulled out your belongings. You smiled up at the owner of the estate and nodded as she continued to talk to you about the vast Valentine’s Day plans.
You supposed a place like this needed to get in on all the holidays to bring in patrons outside of the usual curious folk.
It was because of Halloween two years prior that you had stepped into the Bulbury Estate, to begin with. It wasn’t like all museums. Sure, each room was dedicated to some era of history, ranging from the fifteenth century to the nineteen-fifties. However, it was a living environment, and hardly a single mannequin was used. Instead, Marguerite had a small team of historical actors who helped her bring the past to life every day here during the tours.
You found the library on that first night here, the party being held in the grand salon nearby. You had gotten over the noise and opted for someplace quiet. The library door had opened right when you went to enter, and you had shrieked, especially when the man before you looked as if he came from the past himself.
Blinking out of your fond memories of the place, you looked up at Marguerite curiously. “Do mind the spirits for me in here as best as you can.”
“Oh, but of course. They are welcome to stay and keep me company as long as they’re quiet.”
Marguerite was naturally quirky. However, her biggest obsession, aside from wearing the most flamboyant of vintage outfits, was the spirits. You hadn’t actually met one yet, but you humoured the woman every time. She was invested in these spirits to the point she talked of them on a first-name basis quite often. They had guided her to buy the run-down estate ten years ago, so she said, and with a stroke of luck, she struck gold – literally – in the backyard and was able to pay for the repairs to be done quite quickly. Since then, she was adamant they ruled the house, and she merely managed it on their behalf.
“I worry about Thomas and Bertha causing trouble today. It is their favourite holiday of the year.”
“Then I hope they can enjoy some quiet time in here with me,” you offered with a grin, gesturing to the vintage armchairs in the room.
“I shall tell them so,” Marguerite announced with a clap of her hands and then a gasp left her. “Oh, dear! I left Joseph unattended in the salon. Who knows what that child has done to the decorations already!”
You didn’t know if Joseph was a spirit or living person, but you ushered the suddenly frazzled woman off and then sat down at the desk. Pulling out a thick textbook about the crusades, you picked up your pen and began to scribble down notes as you read. Aside from the murmur of noise that reached the library from the festivities of the day, you were alone for some time.
Until the door suddenly opened.
Glancing up immediately, you couldn’t control the smile that formed on your lips.
Nor could Jinyoung. “You know, we really need to stop meeting in this room.”
“Granted, it’s the one you’ll most likely find me in every time. But I happen to agree.”
Closing the door behind him, Jinyoung came to your side and peered over your shoulder at your studies. He placed a hand upon the table to balance himself, and you began to inspect the muscles in his exposed forearm until he cleared his throat.
“Your essay topic sounds interesting.”
“I’m enjoying it.”
Jinyoung laughed. “I think you’re the only person I’ve ever met to say they enjoy their essays.”
“Then why study in the first place if you don’t enjoy it?” you wondered and Jinyoung pointed at you.
“You’re not like the rest.”
“I don’t intend to be.”
Sharing another smile, you then turned your focus back to the books jarringly. “I suppose I better…”
“Yes, and if Marguerite finds me not in the Victorian kitchen talking to guests in ten minutes, I guess she’ll fire me.”
“Your Aunt isn’t that cruel,” you told him, and Jinyoung shrugged playfully.
“Maybe if I play hooky with you, her favourite visitor, she won’t mind.”
“I’m hardly her favourite. I’m certain that’s Bertha and Thomas.”
Jinyoung shook his head. “Not you too. The spirits aren’t real. She uses that as a tactic to look kooky to her patrons. It keeps people coming back for more of her stories.”
“You and I both know they’re real,” you countered, gesturing to the portrait of the married couple on the walls. “You’re insulting them by dismissing their existence.”
Jinyoung walked back to your side and leaned down towards you. “Have you seen one of them yet?”
“No, but-”
“Have you experienced anything spooky here at the estate?”
“The door suddenly flying open on the first night I was here.”
Jinyoung stood back up and folded his arms over his chest. “You opened it, stop denying it.”
“I did not! You did!”
“We can argue about this all day but--”
The static sound of the walkie-talkie device in Jinyoung’s pocket interrupted the heated debate and he groaned, pulling it out and spoke into it. “Yeah, I’m on my way.”
“Duty calls. Who are you playing today?”
“Henry, the servant boy who wants to learn how to cook,” he announced, flicking his suspenders lightly over the linen shirt under it. “And a servant I shall be since Emma is playing Lady Crocrombe. See you around, Y/N.”
You were slightly disappointed to see the back of Jinyoung. From the first night on Halloween until now, he was part of the reason you liked coming here. It was unintentional that you arrived on the estate’s doorstep this morning, but you couldn’t deny your hope once you walked through the front doors that Jinyoung would also be working today.
Your feelings for him made you feel warm and giddy.
However, he didn’t get far. Yanking on the door handle several times, he glanced back at you hopelessly. Getting up, you approached him and the stuck door. “It can’t be locked, can it?”
“Nonsense, who would lock a door here?”
“Move aside, let me.”
“Not to sound egotistical, but if I can’t open it, how will you?” he grunted, and you shoved him aside then, placing your hands on the handle and gave it a firm yank.
It didn’t budge.
“We’re locked in. Call for assistance,” you instructed logically, and Jinyoung nodded, fishing out his walkie-talkie. It didn’t seem to connect to anything, the static sounding different this time. You reached into your pocket for your phone, but suddenly there was no signal.
You both stared at one another, perplexed.
Then the phone began to ring. Not the one in your hand, but the old vintage one sat upon the desk. You slowly turned your head to look at it and followed Jinyoung’s cautious steps across the room to it. “I thought that was a prop.”
“It is. What would it be connected to?” Jinyoung murmured, staring at the phone handle before he inhaled a deep breath and answered it. “Hello?”
You couldn’t hear who was on the receiving end. However, Jinyoung visibly relaxed and started to explain what was going on. After a moment, you realised it was Marguerite talking to him, and cast your eyes across the room whilst you waited for the instruction of what to do next.
You had visited this room more than fifty times, and whilst you were certain you couldn’t remember every book title on the bookshelves that lined the walls, you had looked at them often enough to be familiar with the shapes and colours in the very least. One seemed to stand out to you all of a sudden, and you walked over to the black spine, tilting your head to the side to read the gilded title along it.
You heard Jinyoung hang up the phone, and blindly gestured for him to join you. “Have you seen this book here before?”
“Book?” he repeated, coming over. “Which book?”
“This black one. Tales of The Bulbury Valentine.”
“Never heard of it,” he said, peering over your shoulder again. You were surprised by how close he was to you, and your heart fluttering felt nice. You were slightly dejected when he shifted to your side. “Marguerite mentioned she’s tied up with an influx of visitors so she’ll let us out when she can.”
“Right. Well, that sounds fair.”
“I didn’t know that phone worked. Bizarre, don’t you think?” he continued, and you nodded, your fingers reaching to touch the spine of the book.
“You’re not fully aware of what I’m saying, are you, Y/N? Just pull the book out if it’s got your attention.”
“I’m not one for Valentine’s Day stories, Jinyoung.”
“Why? Hasn’t Cupid ever shot an arrow your way?” he teased, and you groaned loudly, letting go of the book.
“I’m sure he’s shot many at you. Or at all the women around you.”
“Why do you say that?” he questioned, wriggling his eyebrows and smirking when you didn’t answer right away. He stepped in closer again, and you were certain he knew that he made your heart play up whenever he was near you. “Maybe he should have shot you then too.”
“Don’t be daft. Cupid is a folklore at the best of things.”
“Says the historian. Surely, you should know something about Valentine’s Day.”
“What?” Jinyoung asked, blinking frequently.
“They say it was the Lupercalia ritual in Roman times that started the ancient version of Valentine’s Day.”
“Lupercalia was a fertility pagan festival to bring in the start of spring and growth. Saint Valentine has been written in the bible and has several ancient merits as well.” Looking at Jinyoung’s bemused expression, you sighed. “So, I know a little about the tradition. It comes with studying mythology in my first year.”
“So, what happens?”
“What do you mean?”
Jinyoung folded his arms across his chest again. “To Valentine’s Day. When did it become a gimmick?”
“I wouldn’t call it a gimmick, Jinyoung.”
“You just said you don’t do Valentine’s Day stories. Do you still believe in the romance of it all?”
“I don’t know what I believe in, but I do know that the history of it becoming what it has is pretty interesting.”
“So pull out the book. You like history, shouldn’t we learn more together?”
“I’m supposed to be working on my essay,” you mentioned, looking over at your discarded study and then back at the book. You grinned at Jinyoung. “I suppose a short look won’t hurt us.”
Reaching again for the spine of the book, you pulled it out from the shelf and opened the cover.
There was only one thing inside. “A key?”
“It’s not a book?” Jinyoung questioned, lording over you to stare at the puzzle before you. Sharing a look, Jinyoung then reached for the key and pulled it out from the book. “Where do you go?”
Looking at the gap in the shelf, you noticed you could see light shining through. “There! The lock is in the bookshelf.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Jinyoung breathed, sharing another glance with you before slipping in the key. You heard the lock click and a section of the bookcase swung into a secret room.
You both peered inside, trying to decipher if it was safe to step in. “Does Marguerite know of this secret room?”
“Probably. Maybe not. My Aunt is hard to keep up with.”
“We shouldn’t go inside it then.”
“Logically, no. But aren’t you curious, even just a little?” Jinyoung asked, and you nodded swiftly, taking his hand that he held out to you without any further thought.
You were surprised by how warm he was.
“Let’s leave the door open so we can come back, okay?” you suggested, following Jinyoung into the dusty room.
“Or this could be a horror film in the making, and it creakily shuts behind us,” he mentioned, and you squealed when as soon as you were both inside, it did just that.
Gripping onto Jinyoung tightly, you then thumped him with your spare hand. “Now, what do we do?!”
“You begin to fall together,” a hushed little voice mentioned in the dark, and before you could shriek at the statement, you began to descend at a fast pace through, well, you couldn’t really tell.
Was it time? Realms? You weren’t able to decipher anything apart from it felt as if your falling was endless and Jinyoung’s hand was growing harder to grip onto.
You could barely see him now, but the way he tried to grapple onto your hand made you realise he didn’t want to lose you either.
Eventually, you did, and as soon as you could no longer see him, you fell with a thud onto something soft.
Opening your eyes, you then blinked several times. It was day time again, and you thanked the light for greeting your eyes as they strained to take in your surroundings. You were certain this was still the manor house, but not of the present time. Sitting up in the bed, you realised you were up in a bedroom in the west wing.
“It still looks the same,” you breathed, noticing how well Marguerite had done with restoring it. It was as if she had been to the past herself and knew exactly where to place each bit of furniture.
“That makes zero sense,” you chided yourself, though after blinking some more, nor did the notion in your head about this being the past.
“Marguerite!” you called out, and jumped when the door opened, Jinyoung’s aunt dashing into the room.
“Yes, My Lady?”
“Lady—what do you mean?” you asked her and took in her outfit. It was the plainest thing you’d ever seen her wear before. You started to laugh. “You, a servant?!”
“Did you fall ill overnight? Shall I fetch a doctor?! Oh, the Mistress won’t be happy to hear of this at all! I was told to check for any and all chills before your wedding day, and I was certain I caught them all!”
“Mistress? Wedding day? Marguerite, you are talking nonsense. And you look entirely plain.”
You stopped for a moment, frowning at how your accent and word choice sounded different. Older, in fact.
You really needed to stop reading so many regency au stories.
“This is always how I look, My Lady.”
“No, you wear the most flamboyant of outfits. Lace upon textured fabrics and lush petticoats!”
Marguerite started to bounce on the spot, growing increasingly frazzled. “Oh my! You have caught a chill!”
And before you could answer, she dashed out the door and shut it behind her.
“What on earth just happened?” you asked yourself, pulling back the blankets and walking barefoot across the wooden floors to the mirror by the wall.
As you caught glimpse of yourself, you were relieved to find your appearance was still the same. You weren’t anyone else and wondered if you had fallen in the secret room and hit your head and were now concussed.
Pinching yourself, you whined when it hurt to do so.
“I’m not dreaming.”
Pacing across the floor in your nightgown, you raised a hand to your mouth in thought. “Marguerite is acting weird and called me by a lady of status. But she’s the one who owns this place, so why is she dressed as a lady’s maid?”
“Where is Jinyoung?” you asked next, and jumped when the door opened.
You were met with familiar eyes that rounded upon seeing you and then diverted to the walls at the somewhat sheerness of your clothing.
“My Lady, you shouldn’t be out of bed if the chill has caught you! Doctor Park, please forgive her lack of modesty.”
“Uh, er, right,” Jinyoung managed, peeking another look in your direction. You gave him a pointed look back, and his eyes went straight to the ceiling again.
“I’m perfectly fine, Marguerite. It is you who is acting peculiar.”
“Back to bed, My Lady, so the physician can check if your health is quite alright. Your marriage to Lord Maynes is this afternoon, and we must ensure we are sending him a healthy daughter of the manor.”
“I suppose my sister Caroline could step in if I’m not able to,” you offered and then frowned at the name.
Who was Caroline?
“I’ll check Miss Y/N over now if you don’t mind,” Jinyoung gruffly stated as soon as you were back under the blankets. Staring at you momentarily, Jinyoung smiled weakly before directing his next instructions to Marguerite. “I’ll need some water.”
“Of course,” she said, going over to the basin in your bedroom.
“Not that water!” he cried, and Marguerite’s hands shook with surprise. “I uh, will need it fresh from the well.”
“Is that truly necessary?”
“Yes. If a wedding is to go ahead, then it must be at its freshest.”
Marguerite nodded resolutely and dashed out of the room, leaving you both alone. You stared at Jinyoung, hoping he had some answers. He merely shrugged. “When I woke up, I was in a small house, and Polly called me her brother.”
“Polly’s here too? Do you think this is all staged then?”
Jinyoung stared at you. “I said, I woke up in a small house. Not here.”
“So you saw the outside world. Is it modern or-”
“Are you really asking me when we look like this, and you’re dressed in something my great grandmother would wear?”
“It’s rather comfy,” you admitted, and Jinyoung couldn’t contain his chuckle.
“I wasn’t quite expecting to see you in so little just yet.”
“Yet?” you echoed, but he gave you no answer, fishing in his leather bag and looking at all the instruments he pulled out. You shook your head. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“I know that, but given how strange you normally are, and no doubt how you acted upon seeing my Aunt, they’re all convinced you’ve caught something terrible, and the wedding won’t go ahead. From what I’ve gathered, you’re to marry some Lord who will help with the prosperity of the village.”
“Thomas?” you offered and then shook your head. “No Thomas was a…”
“A what, Y/N?” Jinyoung prompted when you trailed off.
Paled, you didn’t blink as you stared at Jinyoung. “A doctor.”
“Bertha was the second eldest daughter of this house. Caroline was barely fifteen when her sister was meant to be married off,” Jinyoung added on, and you stared at him with interest. He coughed awkwardly. “So maybe I’ve been around when my Aunt talks her nonsense a few times.”
“I’m Bertha, and you’re Thomas?”
“And this is a nightmare. What do we do to escape it?”
“Well, what did they do?” you enquired, finding no answer immediately.
Jinyoung got up and went to the window. “Marguerite is finally at the well now.”
“Can’t you say I’m terribly ill?”
“That would ruin the family.”
“Bertha did that by leaving Lord Maynes for Thomas, no doubt,” you airily offered, and Jinyoung spun around, nodding as he returned to your side.
“She married Thomas.”
“Yes, I know of that,” you snapped, the light bulb that had gone off in Jinyoung’s head finally lighting up in yours. “She didn’t marry today.”
“Nor will you. Get dressed now!”
With some effort, you managed to get into a simple empire styled dress, donning a light coat Jinyoung found for you in the wardrobe before taking his hand. Hastily putting on shoes without anything under them, you allowed Jinyoung to take your hand again.
He began to pull you towards the door he came through, but you stopped, looking at the panel in the wall of your room. “This way.”
“There’s no other exit.”
“I’m Bertha right now. This is my room, and I trust my instinct,” you announced, tugging him over to the panel and pushing on it. A tiny corridor appeared, and Jinyoung gave you little time to admire it, shoving you inside and shutting the panel behind him.
You let out a triumphant giggle on being right.
It was arduous in places to navigate, but the secret hallway led to a set of stairs that wound around the house until you spotted a trapdoor. Unlatching it, you then crawled outside, brushing the dirt off your skirt as you waited for Jinyoung to climb out.
He grinned at you. “We’re so looking for this when we’re back.”
“For now, we need to get away so let’s worry about trapdoors and hidden staircases when we’re not escaping, shall we?”
“You’re sassier than I expected.”
You looked at the man who reached for your hand effortlessly and started to run with him across the back of the garden towards the woods. “You hardly know me.”
“That’s not true. I know some about you.”
“That I am history mad and would rather come to your Aunt’s manor museum than spend time in modern places? That’s probably all.”
“You have the most interesting colour of eye too,” he confessed, and you stared at his side profile then, watching his ears turn pink from the admission.
“I’m not sure what made me swoon more then. The fact that you noticed something about me or the way you worded it.”
Jinyoung recovered, thanks to your sentence, and grinned at you. “The fact you swooned is enough for me.”
“Alright, Doctor, it’s on you now. Where did Thomas take Bertha?”
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Staring at the small cabin deep in the woods, you were stunned. Jinyoung, equally amazed by the discovery, let out a small whoop of excitement. “It actually is here!”
“You saw it in your head?”
“Vaguely. He directed us here.” Jinyoung opened the door and let you inside. You sat down with a whine, looking down at your ankles that had been rubbed raw from your travels without any socks on.
Jinyoung cleared his throat as he crouched down in front of you, removing one of your shoes before looking up at you. “Do you reckon they were the ones who guided us to this strange world?”
“Maybe they were annoyed with you for not believing they exist.”
“You pointed out that I knew they did.”
“But as spirits,” you corrected, and Jinyoung sighed. You hissed when he pulled off your other shoe, your heel worse on this side.
“It’s a good thing I’m a doctor.”
Unable to hide your amusement, you laughed gently until Jinyoung began to treat the wounds. He did an excellent job with the tools he had, and you wondered if he was just that capable or if Thomas had guided him with this as well.
Jinyoung grinned up at you once he was done. “Better?”
“Much. Thank you.”
There was comfortable silence as you both took in the cabin. There were the basic amenities. A cooking area was nestled next to the open fireplace, and there were two armchairs, one that you were seated upon, facing it.
A small dining table with two chairs and a modest bed filled the rest of the space.
It would do.
However, you would need to work hard for it too.
“There’s little food stored here,” you mentioned once back on your feet and exploring the place.
Jinyoung had just come back inside. “There’s an outside toilet, though it’s not great. But what’s worse is there’s no real firewood. It bet it gets cold around here, so we better gather some wood.”
“How do we go about getting food?” you wondered, and Jinyoung gave you a grim look. You nodded. “Well, I guess we have a lot of adjusting to do.”
By nightfall, you were both exhausted. You had helped drag bits of a fallen tree from the forest surrounding you for Jinyoung to chop up and stacked it inside and by the wall of the cabin for subsequent days.
By luck, you found a chicken coop out back and even better was Jinyoung’s cooking skills as he boiled the bird over the fireplace for dinner. You had managed to uproot some vegetables from a tiny garden and dinner was enough to fill your stomachs.
After some time spent quietly around the fireplace, one too many yawns had sent you both over to the bed.
Jinyoung shook his head. “We’re doing this out of necessity.”
“Neither of us will get any sleep on an armchair.”
“Absolutely not.”
“And we’re adults. Sharing a bed will be fine.”
“It’s a small bed, but we’ll make do,” Jinyoung concluded nervously, and you nodded equally as awkward, before both climbing under the blankets and laying beside one another.
You were stiff for several minutes, staring up at the ceiling. Chancing a glance at Jinyoung, you were surprised to find him watching you. It didn’t make you flinch, rather you smiled. “Do you think Thomas and Bertha loved each other before today?”
“No,” Jinyoung stated, rolling onto his side, so he was fully facing you. You mirrored his actions and propped your head up with your elbow. “I think he was just a friend.”
“Maybe they liked each other a little. I mean, he risked a lot by taking her away from the house on her wedding day.”
“She wanted to escape, what should he have done? Told her no? Left her to an ill-fated match? I can understand why he helped her escape. No one should marry another without love involved.”
You smiled lazily. “You’re quite the romantic, Doctor Park.”
“Please, just call me Jinyoung, My Lady.”
You giggled. “I’m hardly a lady of status.”
“I don’t know, you suit the role,” he said, and you watched him for a moment more.
“Maybe that’s why I come to the manor.”
“Because you’re Bertha in the present day?”
“Do you have a PhD in anything?” you asked tauntingly, and Jinyoung laughed, shaking his head. “We’re just two normal people, really. So were they.”
“Who fell in love,” Jinyoung breathed out, staring at you intensely.
With the humour now gone, you felt your breathing change, growing restricted with all the flutters in your chest. Jinyoung seemed to wrestle with a similar reaction and then cleared his throat loudly, swapping to laying on his back again.
The moment now lost, you awkwardly wished each other a good night’s rest and eventually drifted off to sleep.
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You had hoped when you woke up that it would be in the library of the manor where you had last been. However, finding yourself nestled into Jinyoung’s warm side wasn’t all that bad. If you had to be stuck in the 1800s, you couldn’t hope for a better person to be with.
Jinyoung stirred awake shortly after you, and after marvelling his bed hair and him pointing out your own, you both got to work.
Day in and out was much the same. You cultivated what you had, you cleaned and collected wood together, and you even got used to fending off the earth for food to cook each night. He would improve your home little by little, and you became skilled in sewing new coverings or mending clothes along the way.
It brought you both closer to one another, and for a while there, you almost forgot the tally of days Jinyoung had been counting of your stay. It felt comfortable being with him each day and night.
However, when Jinyoung pulled you over to where he had been marking down your stay, you gasped. “It’s been a hundred days already?!”
“Do you think Bertha and Thomas trapped us in this world so they can live as us in the present?” Jinyoung mentioned bitterly, and you shrugged, slumping down into an armchair in shock. He approached you soon after and crouched at your side. “Not to say I’m not enjoying your company. I am. I do. But I kind of would like to go home. I’ll praise my microwave and ready-to-eat foods so much once I’m back.”
“And a flushing toilet,” you offered with a laugh. “Oh, and a shower. Gosh, I miss a good shower.”
“Is the lake nearby not doing it for you, huh?” he asked mischievously, and you pushed his arm off the side of the chair playfully.
“It’s sufficient.”
“You don’t take your undergarments off.”
“I’m washing them too as I wash myself,” you objected, your cheeks flushing with the thought of how easily Jinyoung took his shirt and pants off whenever you went to the lake. You didn’t watch him do it, of course, but you had seen his shoulders and chest, and that was enough to fulfil any desires you had for the man until the next lake visit.
Jinyoung chuckled. “You’re thinking sinfully right now.”
“You are too.”
He shrugged. “You don’t give me much to think like that over.”
“A lady shouldn’t bare herself unless it’s to her husband in these parts,” you stated dramatically, and Jinyoung didn’t laugh as you expected him to. Losing yourself in his gaze as he had already done with you, you instinctively moistened your lips.
You both had been dancing around the unspoken feelings for one another for quite some time now. Naturally, the more you bonded, the more you fell for Jinyoung. He was playful yet incredibly capable. He was there to help you when it was too much and had shouldered your tears whenever you had fits for home.
Even without this experience, you had crushed over him, but now it was beyond a crush.
You had fallen in love with him.
“Was this how it happened for them too?” Jinyoung whispered, and you knew what he meant right away.
“Perhaps,” you said back, your hand reaching out to hold his.
It had been your favourite thing to do all this time. No matter the time of day or night, reaching out to hold his hand made you feel connected, grounded even. Right now though, his touch held a charge that had built to a point that started to buzz throughout you.
It was then that Jinyoung captured your lips in his. The buzz turned into a rush, and you pulled him up to you from the ground, your lips not parting as he, in turn, tugged you from the chair. Now standing, your arms moved to stabilise your balance by hooking together around his neck, your body flush with his.
This kiss was yours alone.
Although you knew you were being guided by the past lovers, this moment was spurred on by your own feelings that had grown. You could taste the hunger, the passion upon his lips and feel it upon your skin as his hands took purchase of your hips, moving downward until he reached your thighs. Hoisting you up, you curled around Jinyoung, pulling back for another breath only to crash down upon his hot mouth once more, kissing him eagerly as he carried you both over to the bed.
Laying you down, he placed a knee between your legs and finally pulled back, his dark gaze washing over you lustfully. “What are we doing?”
“You know exactly what we’re doing, Jinyoung. Something long overdue between us.”
He groaned before leaning down to capture your mouth against his again, hands exploring, trying to undo one another’s clothing. It was easy enough to get his shirt and suspenders off, but your dress slowed Jinyoung down, and he grew impatient with it being in the way.
Sitting up and pushing him back, so you were now resting upon his thigh, you reached for the ties of your dress and loosened them off. Holding up your arms, Jinyoung swore under his breath, his palms pushing the fabric up and over your head.
Just your undergarments remained.
“A lady shouldn’t bare herself,” he reminded of your statement previously, and you smiled, still holding your arms above your head for him to take it off. “Not unless it’s to her husband.”
“Will you marry me then just to take it off?” you asked, and Jinyoung cursed once more at your direct approach. “I’m certain Bertha and Thomas weren’t married whilst they lived in these woods.”
“Are we playing them still right now?” Jinyoung asked, and you shook your head.
“In our lifetime, being intimate can happen regardless of being married or not.”
“In our lifetime, we also have protection,” he pointed out, the flames within his eyes dampening with the further logic he placed over the situation.
You didn’t want this to end here. You only wanted one thing, and that was to feel the culmination of your feelings for him, emotionally and physically. Kissing him with demand, Jinyoung’s resolve broke, his hands taking to the bottom of the fabric and only pulled away to get it over your head. Taking off his pants, he stopped and stared at you.
You finally were as bare as he was.
“I’m in love with you,” he confessed, and you nodded, resting your forehead against yours.
“I know. I am with you too.”
“I know,” he replied with a shared smile, capturing your lips and heart once more.
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Two years or so had gone by since you found yourself in this strange world. You had stopped counting how long exactly it had been in this little oasis you shared with Jinyoung. You enjoyed the simple life at his side and the ecstasy that came with loving him during the nights. Somehow, you hadn’t fallen pregnant yet, and even though you had both taken vows last summer in a tiny church in another village, your marital life was childless.
You had to admit you were starting to feel as if your womb would forever remain barren.
Finding your menstrual cycle had arrived like clockwork once again disappointed you, and you wondered why.
“Perhaps it’s the environment,” Jinyoung mentioned, and you shook your head.
“I’m not going back to the township. Out here we can be whoever we want to be.”
“We can be that there as well. We’re married now. They can’t break what we vowed under the eyes of God apart.”
You remained against the idea until one morning someone from your household finally travelled this far into the woods to find you. Marguerite was relieved to see you alive and well, begging for you to return to the house. “They will forgive you of your betrayal, My Lady.”
“What of Caroline?”
Marguerite sighed. “She married the Lord in your stead. She’s rather happy now. She is with child again already.”
You swallowed difficultly, nodding once. “Again. Her second?”
“Third. She bore twins for the Lord.”
Jinyoung reached for your shoulders and gave them a squeeze. “And of Y/N’s parents?”
“They have entrusted the estate to you.”
“Not Caroline? Nor Abigail?”
Marguerite smiled. “It’s time to come home. Your father has fallen ill, and he wishes to see you before he leaves this earth.”
Leaving the cabin was painful. Your lives had been set up there, and yet, you were curious to see the manor again. As Marguerite had assured, your family welcomed you home with open arms, grateful to see you alive and well. Jinyoung was accepted as your husband and took over some of the affairs when your father in this world passed away. Your mother soon too joined him, and it was now your estate with Jinyoung.
But it didn’t quite feel like home.
“My Lady?”
Opening your eyes, you smiled weakly at Marguerite’s appearance. “I’m tired today.”
“You’ve rested enough now, don’t you think?”
“No, I feel I need more sleep.”
“Jinyoung is already on his way back.”
“Back where?” you asked groggily, and when you received no answer, you sat up immediately, noticing the room was now empty.
Getting out of bed, you found the floor beneath you gave way, and the same falling feeling you had experienced four years ago started again.
When you woke up this time, you were nestled in the library next to Jinyoung, your head upon his shoulder.
“Quite the adventure you two took today, huh?” a voice mentioned, picking up the book you held loosely and looked it over.
Blearily looking around yourself, you sat up, staring at Jinyoung when he reached out for your hand. Helping you to your feet, he then let you go. “I suppose Emma needs me in the kitchen.”
Once hastily excused, you stared at his Aunt for some time. Her expression felt knowing about the journey you just took. “It’s the same day?”
“What year did you think of it to be?”
“I just… that dream felt longer than a day. More like years.”
“I’m sure it was,” she answered with a smile, the glint in her eyes confirming your suspicions. “Thank you for looking after the spirits today. They always seem to be on the lookout to play matchmaker. It would have been a disaster if I let them loose on just anyone.”
You didn’t know what to say back, a small smile gracing your lips before you pointed to your things. “I uh, I better clean up.”
“Will you stay for the party, Y/N?”
“I’m rather tired,” you excused, and Marguerite laughed, nodding along.
“Yes, I suppose it was a long journey back too.”
She left you then, and you stared up at the portrait of the couple in the room, wondering just how long they had been watching over you.
And Jinyoung for that matter.
Not really knowing how to comprehend all that had happened, you gathered your books and belongings back into your bag and shouldered it.
It felt odd to be doing tasks you hadn’t done for four years.
Or a day. You couldn’t quite understand time right now.
Still, you took your time, going into the bathroom and rejoiced over hot water when you washed your hands, and then headed to the exit.
Instead of leaving, you turned for the grand staircase, taking yourself up to the bedroom in the west wing.
You marvelled at how identical it was. “Marguerite has been there more than once, I’m sure of it.”
“I think so,” Jinyoung announced, and you spun around, staring at the distance between you both. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I don’t know what’s acceptable or not in this realm.”
“I guess we have to get adjusted to modern times again.”
“In this year we weren’t married,” he mentioned, stepping closer to you. “Not even dating.”
“No, we were almost strangers. A pair who fought over a door opening between them two years ago,” you announced with a grin, and Jinyoung chuckled.
“What if we both agree that Bertha and Thomas opened that door between us?”
“Then I think we’d have to agree that they also took us someplace today,” you answered, taking a step towards Jinyoung. He reached out for your waist, and you almost hummed with happiness.
It felt just as natural as it had before.
“And in that world, we fell in love.”
“Will we in this world?” you wondered as Jinyoung tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“It is Valentine’s Day still. Should I take you on our first date?”
“Was our first date back then when we chopped wood together?”
Jinyoung laughed and leaned down to brush his lips over yours. “I promise I have no need to chop wood in this lifetime.”
“You were awfully good at it, though.”
“So you did watch me.”
“Intently,” you divulged, slipping your hands up over his chest and resting them on his shoulders. “I’d like that date.”
“I’d like it too.”
“And then what happens after it?” you asked, chewing your lip with anticipation.
“Well, it’s our turn to tell the story. Thomas and Bertha have their world, but this is ours. Whatever happens next, we’ll have to write it down in our own book.”
“The Tale of Love: Then and Now,” you named it, and Jinyoung laughed, hugging you warmly.
“Whatever it’s called, so long as you remain close to my heart, I know I’ll live happily ever after.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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deathordemise · 3 years
Platonic Relationships MCYT Playlist
Ayeee what’s popping??? Back at it again with the intense daydreaming:)
I’ll try not to have any repeats from the Specific DreamSMP playlist.!!! Not the DSMP-verse!!
The Idots
My !! Favs!! I hope there’s much more content of them together in the near future. I think it’s just the sheer size of the group, but they remind me of The Lunch Club. I really like their intense high energy.
Don’t Let’s Start - They Might Be Giants
Come Along - Cosmo Shelldrake
Really Cool Wig - Lemon Demon
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Riot - Hollywood Undead
Roaring 20’s - Panic! At The Disco
Technoblade And Skeppy
This duo is so underrated. I really like their friendship. I feel like it’s Unstoppable Force (Skeppys desire for mischief and to Cause Problems On Purpose) and Immovable Object (Technoblade in general, but especially the immunity of Skeppys,,,skeppyness) but funny dynamics aside, I feel like they bounce off each other really well. I especially really like when Skeppy says something that catches Technoblade completely off guard and he laughs harder than I’ve ever heard him. I see it when he’s with Tommy as well but Skeppy brings out Technos desire to Cause Problems On Purpose. I’ve been rambling too much but I just really wish they were a more popular duo.
The Stand- Mother Mother
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
Misanthropic Drunken Loner - Days’n’Daze
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Three-Thrity - AJR
Cigarette Ahegao - Penelope Scott
(Okay,I feel like I need to elaborate on this cause you’re probably thinking “hey um, Eden? What the fuck?” Okay so; When I hear this song I hear Technoblade being cynical and Skeppy chiming in with the “uwu, uh huh, yeah” and “hey incels,just have sex” , especially that last one because the image in my head is Skeppy resting his chin on Technos shoulder and then techno nods and says “duh”. Plus the video game pew pew that make up the background beat gives me their vibes)
Tubbo And Tommy
Their dynamic is so fun !! I hate when people write Tubbo as a sidekick. I also feel uncomfy when people write Tommy unnecessarily mean. He is snarky irl but tubbo does not hesitate to push back when needed. They’re a duo!! Partners in crime!!
Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
Na Na Na - MCR (them in a car together blasting this would be pretty pog)
Back In School - Mother Mother
Angel Eyes And Basketball - Foot Ox
Sleepy Bois Inc
Words cannot describe how much I love this group. The biggest found family feels.
Come Hang Out - AJR
Wolf - First Aid Kit
Gotta Get Up - Harry Nilsson (idek I just get philza energy from it.)
I’m gonna be (500 miles) - The Proclaimers (the idea of them yelling “DADA DA DA “ back and forth makes me happy )
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
The Dream Team
All squads have different kinds of chaos and the best way I can describe them is Homie Hurricane. I’m actually genuinely really thankful for their content.
Beachboys - McCaffetery
Banks - Lincoln
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller (very manhunt vibes)
Kiss With A Fist- Florence + The Machine
The Bidding - Tally Hall
It’s Alright- Mother Mother
Dream And Technoblade
Two nerds who everyone portrays as scary,cold and godly but in reality are lovable dorks that play a block game real good go brrr. Not that I don’t enjoy their intense moments.
Take A Slice - Glass Animals
How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
Disco! In The Panic Room - Bug Hunter
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
Bad and Skeppy
In case you haven’t seen it, these songs are from the my DSMP playlist because honestly,,, their dynamic is still the same but I added a few new songs because there my faves
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Work Song- Hozier
Twin Size Mattress- The Front Bottoms
Problems - Mother Mother
One Gold Star- Dodie
The Things We Used To Share - Thomas Sanders (y’know how they always get divorced every other stream)
Lemon Eyes - Meg Myers (ofc minusing the whole yandere aspect of it lol. Before I watched the music video, I thought it was a protective person reassuring someone)
Just The Two Of Us - Grover Washington
She Talks Too Much - Elohim (it's not a playlist without a dose of angst )
As always, I’m a slut for feedback! Let me know what you think, or if there are any friendships you would like a song recommendation for. Infact , recommend some songs if you wanna !
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
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To keep it short. All wishes are under the cut. 
You have a wish? Read here how to get it added.
Thank you for doing this! I would love to see solar glass - the glass roofs from basegame, modded to act like the solar roof tiles from Eco Lifestyle.
I would love to see a mesh edit of the fireplace from EL, with the weird rocks replaced by the wood from the SE fireplaces! Bonus points if there's also a version without the weird box and shelf (so just the main fireplace body and chimney).
Hi there! First off, I love your blog and I think the Super Secret Simblr Wishlist is a really sweet idea! I’ve got a build mode submission for the wishlist that I’ve been looking for for a long time; I’d really love a wig stand with some hairstyles that can go on top if possible. I’ve seen it done by alpha creators but the only MM one I found, the download link no longer works and it broke my heart
Fantastic idea. Let's give it a shot! I would love to see if a creator could and would be able to create a maxis-match classic Ballet Workout Set. Including two simple Tutu's one classic short the other one long. A classic leotard, wrap top, wrap skirt, ankle leg warmers as well as a pair of thigh high ones. All in classic ballet colors black, white and pink. ;) Nothing fancy! If the creator wants some examples what I mean I could provide pics. But that would be so dope! ❤️
#SSSWish I'm half Filipino, but I hardly see any Filipino content in the Sims Community. I would love to own a Maxis Match Barong or Maria Clara dress for formal events in the game. I think it would be a great way to add more representation in the game, especially when I know there are a handful of PilAms and Pinoy players. Thanks for hearing me out, and thanks for all the work you do to make this games playable. I really enjoy all your hard work!
i love this idea! i’ve been wishing for a long, straight hair for male sims - like a conversion of CfHair LongStraight. thanks for reading n__n
#SSSWishlist hello! I would love if cc creators can consider making more patterns for Kimono/Yukata (traditional Japanese clothing). I find the in-game versions kinda bland, and there are not many floral Kimonos even though its commonly seen in Japanese festivals. Would appreciate if there's Japanese hairstyle cc with big flowerly accessory to pair with the Kimono too! Same for the male Yukatas, just not floral print maybe. If it's not too much, children's version is also appreciated!
#SSSWishlist Thank you so much for doing this! I've a small request for a mod that allows every destination (specifically the newer lots like Onsens and/or Rental lots) to be an option for dating location under "Ask XX on a Date"
For the SSS Wishlist, I would Love to see a set of three to four hairstyles, all with the same texture. Something like long hair down, a ponytail, and an updo, all with the same wavy or curly or straight texture, all with the same bangs or whatever. Just something that could be used to look like my sims change hairstyle now and them.
I would love to see some moth cc? Like wings and antennae? any colors are fine but I just think it'd be really cool!
#SSSWish: deco fidget toys like cubes and tangles (at4s has a great fidget spinner but there are so many more types out there)
Sorry I wasn’t to sure where to put the hashtag #SSSWish or where to submit the wish.
My wish is to have more swatches for the snowboard and skis. If there could be more LED designs, interesting designs and the swatches for kids for T-E boards. It would be great.
The other wish would be to have more Kimono designs in Maxis Match and/or recolors with more patterns. There are so many patterns that I have seen while looking at real life kimonos and there are so many patterns, styles and colors that are missing in the game.
#SSSWish Hi! And thank you for this great and sweet idea! I wish for a special piece of CC: a long wavy ginger hair based on LoL's Miss Fortune character. I have a pic to send to show exactly what i wish for... It's my dream hair for my sims! Thank you again for this idea. That's super kind ^^
This seems like a fun idea! What I have been wanting for ages (like since TS2 era ages) is a hair style that completely covers one eye, like Violet at the start of The Incredibles. Most of the peekaboo bangs hairs I've seen are a little *too* stylish and I mostly just want one where someone is clearly trying to cover up half their face with it.
That sound like a great idea! It’d be great if someone was interested in a more fantasy/medieval recolor of joliebean’s after dark top. I really like it by most of the colors are very bright. #SSSWish
Hi! I never send asks so I hope this is the right way to do #SSSwishlist . I would be over the moon if someone could create the Zimmermann 'Carnaby Embroidered Bird Dress' in black. I've had my eye on it for such a long time but I'm too poor to commission it lol. Hope this is ok! :)
Hello, not sure if I'm sending this the proper way, but I have a request for the SSSWish? So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
I would love to see snowy escape kotatsu recolors ! #SSSWish
I love this wishlist idea! I'd like to see the Miles Edgeworth suit by Lunar Eclipse on MTS for Sims 2 converted for Sims 4 very much.
I would love to see more horse poses with tack. Severinka’s horses are beautiful but it drives me crazy, posing sims on horseback with the illusion of tack (bridles, saddles, etc) I would love to see some Severinka shaped tack be made. Poses would be a bonus!
SSSWishlist: cc hair inspired by marlo thomas' iconic hair from the 1966-71 tv show That Girl. or really any cc of her wardrobe on that show
 #SSSWish I would love the more door from GF without the windows and maybe in a few more neutral swatches.
The Simblr Wishlist is such a sweet idea, thank you for this! I would love to see a cc hair based on Osamu Dazai’s from Bungou Stray Dogs! It’s such a pretty hair and I think it would translate perfectly into The Sims ♡
#SSSWish This is an amazing idea! I'd love to see some powerpuff cc, like HIM's dress or Mojo's hat. There are lots of dresses and hairs for the girls (and the rowdyruffs) but I can't find anything that really fits with the other characters. Thank you!!
For the wishlist, any sort of Sailor Scouts themed stuff! Not like stuff from the show but stuff that a fan would have!
#SSSWish - I would love to see a someone put together clothing that accurately reflects the Starfleet uniforms seen on the television shows, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (collar version), "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (colored shoulders) or the later movie uniforms (grey shoulders w/ colored undershirt). I've seen people asking for these uniforms for quite some time now, and I think, if done well, they could be a popular download. A separate chest combadge accessory would be nice too.
#ssswish this is such an amazing and fun idea! I’d love to see some cut pixie hair cuts (especially with an undercut)!
Hey there, that #SSSWish thing is a super cool idea! I do have a wish too - I would love to see the EL utility jumpsuit converted for male framed sims. It can be unlocked by creating an override and unchecking the frame restrictions in S4S, but then the body changes to a female frame. So if anybody out there could do that properly, I'd be extremely grateful :3
#SSSWish i've been looking all over for a version of a torc to use in my historical plays-- it's an old celtic type of necklace, made of iron, sort of twisted into a collar around the neck... i've seen sims 3 versions of one floating around, so if someone would even be so kind as to convert one of those to the sims 4 i would be so happy!!!
#SSSWish I would love to see any kind of MM D&D adventurer type clothing. Literally anything like top, pants, accessories, shoes. There is so much of it in alpha but so rare in MM. <3
#SSSWish Thank you for this awesome idea that brings the community closer during these not so good times :) I wish someone could separate the skirt from the Snowy Escape school uniform and make it stand-alone !
#SSSWish id love to see some tanline cc?
Hello im a jennifer lopez fan, and i was wondering if someone could make cc clothes (like a dress, two piece suit or whatever) with her iconic jungle print pattern?? Like in green swatch and red swatch and maybe plain black / white?? Hope it's not too much to ask! #SSSwish
Hi, for the SSSWishList I would love it if someone were to either convert or create a more dainty engagement ring type ring for the masculine frame, kind of like the rings glitterberrysims has made for feminine frames, like her pearl antique ring for example. I’ve always wanted more pretty and delicate rings for my male sims but i can never find any that truly work with the masculine frame without most of the ring being absorbed by their fingers lol
Super secret simblr wish! This is such a cool idea. I've been looking for Some haircuts with a mix of curly/wavy- epically mid-length ones. Also A decades challenge- appropriate camera. It feels a bit weird to have my sims whip out there cells to take a picture- I mean I did all this work to make you look like your in the 1910s and now THIS? Sorry for my rant lol. Thank you if anyone actually does any of these!
requesting some recolors of the toddler sp clothing! specifically that butterfly top hehe
I love the idea of the SSSWishlist! I can never find a counter/island set that matches the wood tones of ATS4's Irish Pub bar, I'd be so happy to have some.
I'd love to see more high-waisted, 1950's style clothes like circle skirts for SSSWish!
I hope someone can make a small mod that allows sims to browse for baby names on the computer. And maybe they could gain moodlets from it, like "I love these names" or "All these are terrible names for a baby"? #SSSwishlist
I’d really like to see some more MM earrings that feature multiple earrings. Maybe with some mix and match or something, I only know some basic like ringlets that have several so I’d really like some different kinds.
#ssswish I would love to see Fire Emblem: Three Houses inspired CC, primarily hairstyles! There are some really unique looks in that game and it would be great to have something a little different to give our Sims.
Hi! I'd love to add to the #SSSWish for any cc creator to maybe make a few more frames for our ingame photos, maybe some frames where we can put more than one photo like the Moschino frame, I love having a wall full of photos of my household but there aren't many options. Thanks for having this adorable idea!
For the #SSSWish I'd love to see some eyebrow piercings that look like small naturally growing horns/spikes, kind of like the spikes the Zygerrians in Star Wars have but over the eyebrow rather than on the chin/forehead. Been looking for CC like that and just haven't been able to find any yet, so would be really thankful if anyone could make it.
#SSSWish I'd love to see anything women's wrestling related. Hairs, poses, attires, a small wrestling lot or merchandise. It'd be fun to see what people come up with.
SSSWish - I would love to see some feminine cc made for the masculine frame! For example skirts, dresses, blouses and make up:)
HI! I'd love to see a heterochromia skin detail/tattoo of WildlyMiniatureSandwich's little sad eyes! They're my favorite! I'd do it myself but it comes out a mess. I'd prefer it in the acne skin detail or dimple skin detail if possible!
1. A new Maxis Match sofa or sectional set with a high backrest that people could actually lean on huhu. (or at least a recolor of RAVASHEEN’s Sofa, So Good Sectional.) 2. A Maxis Match version of Wondymoon’s Titanium tall wardrobe with mirrors attached to it. This is my dream wardrobe.
#SSSWish I really would like some more basic clothes for toddlers
#SSSWish I'd like more modest wedding dresses where the arms are covered.
I’m not sure that I have done this right and I hope I have. If not, I am very sorry. First off, I love this blog and thank you for doing this. I would really like it if someone did a MM hair for Lisbeth Salander (the style from the Rooney Mara version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). I think that it would be a super cool piece of CC! Thank you so much again for doing this! Happy holidays!
I am always looking for more kids/toddler CC. and would love if there was something similar to the 7785 pattern by simplicity! This pattern is from the 1970’s.
Here is a link to the pattern i have in mind!
I wish for a lightning scar for my sim, like lightning hit on his neck and left a Lichtenberg figure
#SSSWish Hi! Something I would really like in my game is little mannequins with unfinished/already finished clothes on it (kind of like if your sim was working on making clothes for themselves and wanted to put it around their workshop)
#SSSWish I would love to see super glamorous toddler/child cc. Kind of like if they were a part of a super rich and famous family and had to go to a gala or something.
#SSSWish -- I would absolutely die for some D&D build/buy items. For example: dice clutter, DM screens, maybe even a map? I'm not sure how intensive that kind of thing would be. TIA!!
I would really like some more island living inspired cc! Or poses with two women, a toddler, and a baby (newborn, older, whatevs). Either or is absolutely okay!
#SSSWishlist i know i already saw some people here ask for more yukata/kimono swatches here and i would like the say i really do think we need them (not just for the adults but the younger ages too, id like for the toddlers kimono not to have the hifu? vest as well but that sounds more complicated). 
BUT for my wish i would like to see some proper tabi socks in the game, for all ages + genders, and also for the geta sandals to be made available for children and toddlers. Im not sure how difficult that would be for the tabi + geta but i think they would be a good to have since the kids always get left behind.
AF to CF Conversion
Hello. Wishing for a conversion of this dress…
…from AF to CF. Here is the link to the original. There is already a Toddler version, too!
Thank you!
1950s Style Hair(s) For Men
Wishing for some 1950s style hair for male sims, not as exaggerated as typical sims style. I’ve included four examples. What you choose to make (if anything) is creator’s choice. Thank you!
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I was wondering if anybody could make a structured corset top that has a v shaped lower torso, kinda like the ones you would see on tiktok? and if possible, maybe a tonya harding inspired ponytail with the puffy bangs? thank you!!!
I saw a request for feminine cc for masculine frames so I'm going to ask the opposite, so uhh feminine frame suits. I do not like seeing the crunchy chest from the base game suits. 😂
I would love anything dark academia for the chillier months- maybe a turtleneck sweater with a pinafore or plaid dress on top, or a blazer/sweater combo, etc. Obviously these are just ideas, but I think it would be so nice to see more of this kind of thing in custom content!
Thanks for reading (’:
I’d like someone to make a few generic maxis match tattoos, any styles but that looks more comicish than the ones I see around, that even claim to be MM. EA gave us very few choices and they don’t exactly go together (like using the ones from IL with BG ones just don’t quite work). Thanks in advance if someone picks out. ♥
Hello there! this idea is amazing, thank you :3 my request for the #SSSWish would be some cute cat and/or mouse ears for human sims that are not on a hairband or part of a hair. I’m thinking a hat or an earring accessory thing that goes on top of the sim’s head anime catgirl style :D I hope it’s not too much to ask :)
Hey there! Could somebody make some more long male hairstyles, like 80s rocker type ones? One of my favorite sims is supposed to be like an 80s rocker dude, and I have a really hard time finding hair for him. Long mullets would be welcome, and long rocker hair would be welcome too. Thanks!
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#SSSWish A dress similar to this would be so beautiful and versatile :)  I also think it would go really well with the new snowy escape aesthetic. If its possible I think it would look best with the same back, but a plain/simple front instead of the collar and detail shown on the front in the image. Merry Christmas!!!
So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
Hi SSSWishlist! Burberry CC! Skirts, scarves anything! For adults or kids or even pets, just all things Burberry!
Maxis Match Sweater Vest Acc/Top Inspired by House of Sunny's Suburban Knit
or anything kind of close/inspired by House of Sunny (maybe the Hockney dress/landscape knit?) bc I cannot afford it on my own, so putting it on my sims would be a sense of wish fulfilment. However, just in general, a maxis match accessory sweater vest
Hello :) I hope a CC creator can make it happen. I would love to see some maxis match eyelashes that are laptop friendly. I know pikypikachu already has created it but the final product it's not my cup of tea. I just want more designs if possible.
Hi! Thanks for hosting the SSSWishlist! My wish is a little vague, but I'd really like to see some feminine clothing tailored specifically to the male frame. I know there aren't hard limits on what sims can wear most of the time, but I just wanna see some catering to gnc/trans sims! 🧡
 I'd love to see more decorative kawaii plushies to put around my sim's room! The only ones I can ever find are for toddlers so I'd love to see some non-function ones that just look cute!
My wish would be for a recolor of https://www.patreon.com/posts/marcia-by-40546842 this hair in a peachy pink color for my sim self! Thanks so much!
More dance mods that aren't just poses. :D
I’d really like some ballet outfits for children through ya. A leotard with a simple wrap chiffon skirt in various colorways would be amazing!
I’d really really love a set of witcher school medallions - the versions from the games, not the series.
US-Style Military Uniforms
HI. Hoping for the US military dress uniforms incl. hats, maybe based around the StrangerVille dress uniforms. Since it’s MM anyway, I’m not looking for anything elaborate or “patriotic” just something to evoke the Navy and Marines, esp., primarily for storytelling purposes. If anyone has concerns this would not be used to depict or celebrate war nor as a political statement, etc.
My Super Secret Wish is a mod, or even a tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from shying away from hugs they ask for during the “Check Toddler” interaction. It is *so* irritating to see a toddler respond to a❓with a ❤️ and open arms then step back, often with a 💔, and push the adult away. I’ve tried to stop it with MCCC but no luck.
One of my favorite parts of the game is creating a restaurant or a vet clinic, but the employees are impossible to keep satisfied and they all eventually quit. It would be nice if there was a way to keep them permanently satisfied, or at least make it easier. There is a mod for this but it is extremely outdated and doesn't work anymore. If anyone could update it or make a new one that would be great! 😁
I would LOVE for someone to edit the Get Famous button down female 3 quarter sleeve shirt with headphones around the neck and remove the headphones and ID badge. I don’t make CC so maybe this is too big an ask?
Edits of the eco lifestyle windows without those chunks of metal. i know it’s been done, but the version that i’ve saw online has a weird shadow. :(
Hey, it's about the #SSSWishlist , i don't know if it's possible but a mod that makes cats and dogs stop meowing and barking would be nice beceause i like using the kalino animals for exemple but the barking and meowing ruin the immersion. Thank you in advance if someone is doing it ^^
Hello, thanks you for this good idea.
I would like a mod that allows to rent a house instead of buying it.
It will be great if is not just for vacation or students in University.
#SSS Wish: I don't think I've seen much hanfu sims4 cc so it would be cool if someone can make some! ziseviolet is a tumblr with a lot of hanfu designs and could serve as a great resource.
Hi there! Thanks for doing this, it’s a wonderful idea!! I was hoping someone could create an edit of the Snowy Escape female shirt with the turtle neck underneath and open/unbuttoned shirt, here is a link. If they could make it so that the turtle neck and shirt can be different colours, like having the turtle neck have an option under accessories to change colours that overrides the original turtleneck’s colour would be amazing! Maybe they could throw in more colours and designs, like 90’s or plaid, that would be perfect
Thank you so much!
I would love to see more CAS stuff with simlish logos/writing! T-shirts (especially with the moschino tee mesh), sweaters, sweatpants, accessories… anything you’d like as long as you keep it simlish. Maybe even make more Harnocks stuff with the Henry Puffer logos that MLys released?
For the SSWishlist, could I request some more clean and chic looking booths? I absolutely adore putting in booths as many places as possible in my builds, but I don't come across much CC using it. Some bench like booths for lil cafes would be ideal <3
#SSSWish I know it's very specific for a wish, but I hope someone can manage to create a long silk nightgown or wrap dress, with an orange stylized koi fish pattern on a light green background. I can't find the tile (at storytiles) I've seen it on, but it was just so gorgeous.. I wish I had one irl.
#SSSWish I hope I'm not the only one, but I wish for some more clothes for my elder sims, cozy-looking grandma & grandpa clothes.
#SSSWish it's such a good idea, thank you! I really wish for a high waisted A-line skirt, with only une button placed on the side, with denim and coloured w polka dots swatches <3
#SSSWishlist I would love Padme's lake dress from Episode II of Star Wars, it's so flowy and beautiful and it would be so pretty to see in game!
how about more enby clothing, hairstyles??? we lacking
Dear #SSSWishlist, I think we need more hairstyles for alternative boys, specially more dyed short hairs, or at least masculine dyed hairstyles. I think our eboys, soft boys, scene boys and all the rest are lacking soooooo much... :(
#SSSWish- Rings that work for guys that also aren't super bulky. Most I'm finding are huge or don't work on guys at all/well. Thank you❤
modthesims.inforecolors for plasticbox's functional tea pot
hi! I love this little tea pot, but I’d love to have it in a variety of more vibrant recolors, including pink, aqua and yellow <3 thank you!
#SSSWishlist I like to give my aliens sims that space suit (that came with gtw?) in all their outfits but I would like more variation. I haven't found any recolours or different style space suits that match the in game ones so I would really like if someone made some. Thank you!
#SSSWish Recolors of CrypticSim's Maddy Palette eyeshadow!
#SSSW: So you know how some creators of CC hairs include an accessory with multiple swatches to better match the outfits you put your Sims in? I'd love to have an overlay like that for EA hair accessories too. No particular hairs in mind, I'd be happy with anything that comes up. If any creator decides to do this-- thank you so much!!
#SSSWish i would love a version of the snowy escape masc frame snowboarders sweater (the first swatch is red white and black with some text on it) that works for femme frames - i am dying to put my femme frame sims in it but the distortion around the neck ruins it for me T.T thank youu!!
#SSSWish - My wish is for any kind of run-down, beat-up, grungy, punky, build/buy items. Wallpapers/floors, items, anything! Everything I find is alpha, and having it in MM would be *chef's kiss*. Thank you in advance, so so so so much!
Hi ! There is quite a few things I’d like, but I narrowed it down to three “small” things:
- An accessory top with a high neckline and no sleeves - just to hide cleavage - maybe with some lace at the edge ? and several grey and pastel colors please.
- Some accessory prints for shirts, like those tukete has, maybe some aimed at kids and toddlers too ?
- Makeup for kids. Some people let their kids wear makeup in real life, but adult cc makeup don’t look right on kids, so if anyone is interested in trying… I’d like eye-shadow and lipstick, with some discreet options (but you can go all out too of course).
There you go, thanks everyone and happy holidays !!! 😊💕
#SSSWish (I think this is where I request things??) A high waisted conversion of those base game rose jeans. They’re super pretty, but I never use them bc of how low riding they are 😭
I would be eternally grateful if a posemaker could make a CAS pose very similar to Shai Hulud’s ‘Profound Hatred of Man’ artwork (image link below), only with the hands further apart on the chest. I’ve had an edit in mind for ages but haven’t found a pose that looks even remotely similar to that. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to grant this wish! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61HuYY-zJBL._SX342_QL70_ML2_.jpg
Hello! I found your blog a while ago and fell head over heels in love with it, so let me say thank you for all this wonderful hard work you do! For my wish I would love anything maxis match Attack on Titan but if I could only have one thing it would be a maxis match version of Levi Ackerman's hair since we have nothing like that in game. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
I would love some recolours of the Nifty Knitting knittable Cable Knit Rug. It’s one of my favourites but the colour swatches in-game are limited. Thanks a whole bunch.
I really want a pair of a-bit-over-the-ankle boots that are slightly open around the leg with a relatively thick, medium length heel. Much like the ones Korean female idols wear during their performances. I have searched everywhere but haven't found a pair that look right. Glittery ones would be perfect but I can easily recolor them myself. Thank you! 😊
My #SSSWish would be a wedding veil that is not in the hat accessory section! I’d love to be able to have my sims wear eg a flower crown and a veil at the same time; but with the beocreations veils (which are the best ones I’ve found) you can’t do that because they are part of the same category. Thank you!
Now that Snowy Escape is out, I'd love to see some Japanese street fashion, hair styles, and accessories! There is a fair amount of stuff out there, but it's almost all alpha, unfortunately #SSSWish
Thanks for doing this, I really hope for more Lolita styles clothes / clockpunk oufits that are maxis matches and even more male fantasy outfits!
Love this blog and this idea! I'd like to submit a request for a set of cool-neutral eyeshadows, opaque, matte, covering the top lid. I wear this daily IRL and haven't quite found a dupe :)
#SSSWishlist - Oh hello! I hope I'm doing this right!! I would just be tickled pink if someone was able to make a MM picture of the Stanley Cup. I have a hard time finding any hockey CC and I would just be over the moon if someone was able to do this. Thank you! Best wishes! Happy holidays! <3
Hello! i’m not sure if its just my game bugging but the male child tiny living hair is broken and i don’t know where to start on fixing it. i tried to find a fix online but found nothing. in my game the hairline for that hair is so bad and its unfortunate cause it used to be my fav child hair. if someone that mods or makes cc could fix it or make a default replacement, i would forever be grateful.
This is such a nice idea, thanks for thinking of it! I really love the toddler bed that came with Eco Living and would love it if it were made into a single bed for children, preferably separated. Thank you!
Well then, may i bring in a #SSSWish of a very odd hairstyle... A high, side ponytail, with messy bangs if possible? Just one of those weird things i can do in real life, but seems near impossible ingame! Thanks to anyone who even considers making it, because i feel it's kind of an absurd idea in the first place.
I would love to see some creative and cool alien CC, specially genetics CC. <3 Thanks for doing this.
Hey!!! I have a #SSSWISH!!!! so is it possible for anyone to make more floor futons for sleeping? especially for toddlers? they really should have come with snowy escape!
#SSSWish I love to take family photos of my sims to put up around the house but I hate that I have to add a random sim to my household to take the picture. My wish is for a mod that allows you to select a sim that's in a pose and make them take a picture without having to come out of their pose and go to the camera. I would be forever grateful for whoever manages to pull this off!
#SSSWish thank you for doing this! I'd love to see some recolours of the tiny living rug, w different patterns too
#SSSWish I really need some simmer make this true: "Feminine" clothes for males. Dresses, skirts, make ups... I dont really care. I just dont want to skip the "masculine" label in the CAS to put them some cool clothes that doesnt fit good enough. Also, the clothes that are done for women, to do swatches for all genders. That would be amazing, thanks for this.
#SSSWish. First of all, thanks for all you work, this idea is brilliant. Second thing, I've been searching for Suits inspired in Harry Styles x Gucci like fancies with flower and all, and most important, FOR WOMEN. I will be really pleased if this idea comes to reality. Thanks!
Hello, I'm from Spain and I think we have a super rich culture so, maybe a Spanish simmer (or worlwide) would be please to do some Flamenca dresses, os something related tu Andalusian Aesthetic. Thank u! I love ur content #SSSWish.
Hi, first of all I love this idea and your blog! 💕 my request is an override for one (or more) of the super ugly City Living blouses - I haven’t seen one and they’re just the worst haha.
Could someone make a mod that gives all base game and DLC showers the option to chose "sing in the shower" like the City Living shower has already? Thanks so much!! #SSSWish
i do the wishlist thing here, right? i guess the thing i'd want the most in the game is ferrets, but that's probably very unlikely haha. the next thing would probably be more trait slots. there are mods that let you add traits in-game, but i'd like to just have that option in CAS, yknow? anyway, cheers, have a good one #SSSWish
Hi!! this is a long shot but i was hoping someone could make the bb missed opportunity #39? It’s a little stuffed puppy with a sweater and I’m distraught it wasn’t included in nifty knitting. Thank you!! <3
I have a wish which is very specific, but I’d be so happy to see it done. I would really love to see Ransom’s coat with a scarf from Knives Out recreated in sims (it’s this one, I’m not sure on how to add the picture here: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/76350156171255013/). I really hope someone will like this idea. And thanks for creating such an amazing event!!!
#SSSWish I'd love to have pandasamacc's rocking horse retextured (and recolored if possible) so they'd look more maxis match!
#SSSWish I's like to see a wall art that is just a handle bar on an angle so you could out it in stairway walls. Metal colors, black and white and light, medium and dark woods.
What I would really like is just something cute for boys! Toddler or child is fine, but little boys get so little love in the community – it can be a hairstyle, an outfit, some bedding recolors with trucks and animals and such, even just a set of a few ‘boys getting into trouble’ poses. The sky is the limit!
Hello! This #SSSWish is such a fun idea~ Personally, I'd love if someone updated the Plantsims mods that have broken over the numerous updates. Like, G1G2's Revamped Plantsims, Triplis' Plantsim Interactions, and Simonch8's No Cooldown & Trait mods. I've always loved Plantsims since Sims 2 & 3 days, but my knowledge of modding (and especially updating mods) is near nonexistent, so I can't do this myself. It would be awesome if someone could do it so the community could enjoy Plantsims again~!
#ssswish i use both alpha and maxis match but im lacking on maxis match clothes that are really my style, is it possible for anyone to make like some really trendy tik tok clothes????
#SSSWish I'd love to see a subtle body blush in the skin details section that also tints lips slightly! 🥰 I feel like body blushes really makes the sims look more alive but they're so difficult to find in maxis match!
#SSSWish My wish is deco objects, anything from paintings to plushies, of Kirby the Nintendo character. I’m trying to make a Sim home for me and my sisters, one of whom adores Kirby, but I can find almost nothing Kirby-related. Other characters from the franchise such as Waddle Dee would be great too.
Anything The Outer Worlds related would be cool! The characters outfits, hair, traits, furniture, really just anything lol
I wish for weerbesu to add an option to UI Cheats mod to right click on a collection in the collectables tab to complete it. #SSSWish
#ssswish more like victorian cc for the decades challenge for categories that are neglected like kid, toddlers, swimwear, cold weather, etc.
#ssswish i would really love if someone could convert the snowy escape kids outfit with the blouse and pants to adult.
I would serious love if someone could make a flipped version of the Luxury Party Rectangles Bracelet for the right wrist! (It's the one that looks like staggered bars wrapped around the wrist and reminds me of a gauntlet.) #SSSWish.
#ssswish  i have 2 wishes if that is ok. first, i was hoping someone could make some nature prints like the framed botanical prints from cottage garden stuff, but with butterflies? or fruit/veg, birds, other bugs, anything really. my second wish is for someone to make a windsor style rocking chair out of the cats and dogs bench, if that is possible. i know that brazenlotus made an armchair from the bench if that helps?
I’d like to se a no-jealousy lot trait. A no-jealousy club perk would be nice too.
i’d love to see some demonia trinity’s or thigh high chunky platforms! 
How about an Elvis pompadour style or similar male hair that are short on top but longer in the back (not slickback long like Get Famous, just not tapered or shaved)?? :)
Hello! Thanks for this beautiful and sweet initiative! I have 2 requests: 1- Shop/selling/store cc that is a real maxis match. I’d like store furniture, packaging and proper showcases for selling goods, or clothes, or food that really match maxis content (think about a herbalist store, tech store or a country fashion store)
2- Start thinking about translate mods: I am an italian simmer and i really love how maxis turned the game in my language…it’s sooo funny!! they did such a great work and I really would like to see some awesome mods in other languages. I offer my help with italian translation to everyone!!
#SSSWish I will love a messy up bun without bangs ! ❤️ and a full body kawaii tattoos in colors, balck and with too 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks!! Hope someone will be interested!!
#SSSWish I am a major occult fan and would absolutely die for new functional cc wands for my RoM Witches! I have heard they are hard to make but I figured I would see if anyone was willing to try.
I would love some cc for Journey to Batuu. I know most people hate the pack, but I'm a Star Wars fan so I love it. I would love some recolours of the clothes or some new Star Wars themed clothes that could be worn in Batuu. Thank you :)
Hello! It would be amazing if someone can update GrayCurse's Sims RANDOM TRAIT & ASPIRATION MOD or make something similar. #SSSWish
Hi! This is probably not a small ask, but can someone please update teanmoon's Darker Loading Screen Mod V2 wich includes darker launcher, loading screen and world selection screen. #SSSWish
#SSSWish Hello! I would really love it if a talented someone was able to make a Twilight werewolf shoulder tattoo ^^ Thank you!
I really love the new kotatsu table, and while not surprised, I was disappointed to find out that toddlers couldn't use it. It got me thinking, what if someone could make a floor cushion that functioned as a high chair? #SSSWish
Matching unisex high school sports (jersey/shorts) uniforms for teens. Can maybe use red & white spa day shirt as base for shirt?
#ssswish This is such a lovely idea! There are so many fun wishes! What I’d like to have (and I think would also be useful for other Simmers) is a wedding themed recolor of the “large pile of presents.” I usually put one of those piles in my wedding venue so that the bride and groom can “open presents” together. But the colors that are on the original are not what you usually see on presents at weddings. (I usually opt for the one that is mostly purple, since purple and lavender are my favorite colors.) What I’d like to have are recolors in white, white/gold, and white/silver. Maybe some white/pastels (especially lavender, pink and blue. The white/pastel recolors would also be nice for having a party that you call a “baby shower” especially if yellow and light green were also available. That kind of party isn’t in the game, but it should be!)
#SSSWish... Floor tiles that match the sidewalks!
#ssswish I love this idea and I appreciate you coordinating it! I would like to submit a wish please. I would like to ask if someone can convert the geta sandals from Snowy Escape to toddler and children please. Thank you to those who attempt it!
i LOVE THE IDEA OF A HOLIDAYS THEMED WISHLIST. I think it be nice to have a kids/nursery cc pack, with a toddler bed wivh look like a crib.
I would ❤️ love ❤️ a messy bun/pony tail with roots/compatible with a roots accessory; I’m obsessed with grown out hair 🙈
#SSSWish Hi! this is a great idea and i'd love to make a wish - i've been looking for a preset of full lips for male sims, specifically for Black male sims, that dont have that little bow in the middle of the top lip, if that makes sense! i've seen many of that sort for women, or for more 'white' looking sims, but never quite for black men! thank you and happy holidays!
#SSSWish I would really like it if someone could convert the floor-length dressing gown from Vintage Glamour for masculine frames!
Hi, hope I’m doing this right! I was hoping for something Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps themed, something to get over how the games completely broke my heart. Maybe some plushies of some of the game’s characters I can put into rooms? I’d be fine with whatever, this is just a really cool thing you’re doing! <3
could someone make a short wall height version of the curtains from cats and dogs please?
I'd love to see anything based on Native American culture(s). Representation would be nice 💖 Thank you!
For the #SSSWishlist, I really just want to see someone recreate Geordi La Forge’s VISOR from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think it’d look great and we can never have enough futuristic (and nerdy) cc!
I don’t see the #SSSwish I submitted on your public list (I forgot to use the hashtag before) so I’m submitting it again. I would love to see a mod, or tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from pulling away from a hug after they asked for one in response to a Check Toddler. The toddler will hold up its arms with a ❤️ in the speech bubble then step back and refuse the hug, and the relationship takes a hit. I tried MCCC’s tuner to stop it but it didn’t work.
i would love some…chinese cc haha! With snowy escape there’s more build items that can be used, I’ve noticed there tends to be a lot of Japanese inspired cc even before that pack, but not a lot of things from other parts of Asia, especially ancient cultures or cultural items like instruments (decor), clothing, furniture (lohan beds), etc. I’ve gone looking but most of what I’ve found is locked behind chinese-only forums and is usually alpha…I just think it would be cool to see some mm stuff from other places esp as fandoms get more globalized
#SSSWish oh, please, i really want to see the "EA-faces replacement" that random townies get.. i'm from the sims 2 community and it's very strange to me that you put up with THESE faces.. ;; i want them (faces) to be more.."beautiful"?.. so yeah, it's my wish. i hope it's ok?
hi! #SSSWISH for a Carmen Sandiego (the 2019 netflix version) triangle choker? would love to see it in form!
#SSSWish I would love a down hairstyle using the same textures as either the rainbow ponytail from Get Famous or the rainbow top knot from Snowy Escape.
I just want a maxis match ragnarok loki’s hair
Just the Snowy escape bangs as accessories.
For #SSSwishlist, I would love to see someone recreating the Ikea’s Odger Chair in Maxis Match style, as it is one of my favorite chairs and it’s a shame that it’s not available in virtual form yet!
#SSSWish 🤗Thank you for implementing this idea, I'd been hoping that someone would do something like this for a long time. I wonder, would anyone like to try their hand at making a maxis match feather boa or a fur wrap around? They would be perfect for classy elderly (or sims in general).
I would love to see a conversion of the "Rustic stool" from Jungle Adventure from arm chair to dining chair.
I have a historical save, where I would love to use this.
#SSSwish I don't know if you're still taking these, but I really want a neck tattoo of feathery wings wrapping around the neck like a choker. That sounds specific but any style is really okay. Neck tattoos are so difficult to make!
Hi all i have in my sims4 wish list it more traditions for holidays! specially if they’re could be some snowy escape holiday traditions like visit a shrine or go skiing or something. really any new gameplay mods i love thank you all for your beautiful hard work #SSSWish
#SSSWishlist it would be really awesome to see a creator make a maxis match version of Urban Outfitters’ Joaquin sofa and armchair set, I think those look fantastic and will make a great addition to the game
#SSSWish: CC inspired in violet evergarden (anime) like Violet Evergarden or Luculia Marlborough hairstyles or even some of the clothes used on the anime. Merry Christmas!
#SSSWish I’d love to see a TS4 conversion of an old fave or two from TS2 – the tennis dress that came with the Apartment Life EP and the women’s nerdy cute sweater vest over untucked blouse from FreeTime (just the top preferred over the full outfit with the skirt) are the things I’ve been missing most, but anyone who wants to convert clothes from either of those two EPs or H&M stuff will make me super excited, they all had a lot of nice things.
This is an absolutely fantastic idea! I haven't been able to look around lately but I noticed that most rings/hand accessories aren't compatible with SkinDetail eyelashes. My wish is exactly hand accessories, specifically wedding rings, which don't conflict with SkinDetail eyelashes. It may be helpful to know that plumbobteasociety managed it in their RRS pack. Lastly, you guys rock!
#SSSWish If anyone is also interested, maxis match recolors of the folowing would be awesome!: Peace Maker's rockers with canvas seating like the Bamba rocker and Ddaeng Sims' Contemporary Pergola
For the SSSW, as a disabled simmer, I would like to see either a trait if possible or even just some CAS or Build/Buy items that are for disabled sims so I can that aspect into my save.
#SSSWish: I think it would be amazing if someone converted some of the YA-elder clothes from the sims 3 store ragtime in the big easy set (especially the vieux carre and big band swing dresses). Thanks :)
#SSSWish I'd like to see a deco pair of crutches that lean against the wall, if someone wants to make them :)
#SSSWish, Hello thank you for doing this! I would love to see more school uniforms. Particularly K-drama style uniform tops that have variations, such as blazers and the types of ties ( e.g. ribbons, bows, regular ties, loose ties, no ties etc. ), cardigans, vests, half-zips, blouses, button downs and crewnecks ( just some examples ) for sims that like to show off their own style at school, despite the uniform.
#SSSWish I'd love to see some riding pants ( jodhpurs ) and competition blazers for my equestrian sims.
#SSSWish: hey ho! my wish isn't all too specific but it would be awesome to see more maxis match historic or traditional clothing from all over the world (although preferably asia - varrying from everywhere) as well as build objects. please, remember, asia does not only consist of the east. thank you for your time!
Hiii thank you for doing this! Here are my two wishes:
1) This curly Rey hair from the lovely Shellanin on Twitter 
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2) A maxismatch bow necklace where it’s like a choker with a big bow at the back of the neck….Think Marie’s bow from Aristocats, but for humans!
#SSSWish a lip overlay or face overlay with specular mapping?
I would love to see a lobster claws accessory for hands made from Larry the lobster mascot from the Discover University Pack. Similar to HIM from the Powerpuff Girls.#SSSWish
Hi, I know this may be a super longshot because the venn diagram for the average simmer and this particular thing is probably two circles, but… it would be kind of neat for someone to make some MMA-styled gloves, for example here:
and here
#SSSWish I'd really like a hair based on Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy ❤️
#SSSWish i would love to see the tray from tiny living separated :) also i just want to say thank you for coming up with this secret santa!
#SSSWish, I would like more Star Wars cc, especially if it’s for Padme, Anakin, or Obi-Wan!!
Hello! Thank you for doing this! Something I am wishing for this year is a mm edit of a hair with a different colored underlayer (kinda like simpliciaty-cc's salem hair). I would love to have something like that in the game! #SSSWish
#SSSWish: Deco books with Simlish covers. Please and thank you if someone fulfills this. ^_^
I have another #SSSWish (if you don't mind). I don't know if it already exists but a mod which adds more family relationship options to CAS or the Sim menu. Like grandparents, cousins, step- and half-siblings, step-parents, etc. It would be easier instead of having to create additional Sims just to create diverse relationships.
#SSSWish Hi this is such an amazing idea! I would love a skintone set in s4simomo's V2 hair palette.
I would love to see some more truly alien clothing options for the aliens, the males especially. I sometimes like to dress mine up in complete different outfits for their alien and disguise forms. When I want to give there alien form a totally authentic feel, but a different outfit in every category, I have so much trouble dressing up the males. So some new alien options would be wonderful.
#SSSWish Ballerina outfits/clothes. SOOOOOO many ballerina poses but I can't find a lot of black swan type ballerina dresses (tutu dresses or skirts).
#SSSWish - Pet based holiday traditions would be wonderful! 'Take dog for walk', 'Adopt a pet', 'Brush your pet' for something like a 'national dog/cat day' :0c
I would love to have the "Easy Machine from Fred's PC Hut" computer from TS3 for Sims 4.
#SSSWish - hello! i would like to wish for a mod/fuctional lot trait which makes live in restaurants possible without the need of an additional lot. just everything packed into a single lot like littlemssam's live in business mod. that would be absolutely fantastic. best regards!
I wish for a formal dresses that looks good on plus size sims.
dear #ssswish i'm hoping for a family inspired poses. Maybe something like two parents, 1 or 2 children and a toddler. i'm unable to post links sadly, but if you look up @moonlitmjn on pinterest they've got a board called 'pose inspiration' that has a lot of inspiration for poses. happy holidays!
#SSSWish It would be amazing to see either teen/university age clutter items: open book stacks, piles of highlighters, simlish monster drinks, boxes of cheese-its that fell over cause you fell asleep at your desk…
Hello, I’ve found so many talented builders in this community (sadly not including myself) and I’m really wishing for a 30x20 lot to go on the island in Windenburg that’s sorta a tiny house cottage (?)… one to two bedrooms would be awesome, I’m personally okay with both cc usage and cc free builds. Thank u so very much in advance (:
#SSSWish i would love to see the little toy that’s on the eco lifestyle toddler beds as a stand-alone item :~) thank you for making this opportunity possible btw! happy holidays !!
Hi! Could someone please make more long messy male hairstyles, preferably curly or wavy? Think rocker/grunge styles. Its for my favorite sim and I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance and I can’t wait to see what you come up with
Can somebody make some maxis match dreads for male sims? I see a lot of shaved sides for men or female dreads with clips and baby hairs, but I would love for some regular full head male dreads not too short and not to long!! #SSSWish
Ok so I hope this is the right place to ask my request on the wishlist? I read all the instructions and here but I couldn't find anything specific... I'm sorry if I'm too dumb... so what I want is a conversion of this from TS2 to TS4 modthesims. info/ download. php?t=324116 it is a window... thank you!
147 notes · View notes
elysiashelby · 3 years
In Another World - T.Shelby Imagine Ch. 18
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 8,466
WARNINGS: ANGST?, Vivid Murder Scenes, Cursing, “Fluff”
Summary: It’s been three months since Aliena was hired by Cassie’s father, Dom to be an assassin. Now she has to juggle her side job, a social life, and her main job. How will take take a toll?
A/N: So, if you’ve haven’t realized by now. Things are starting to get “bloodier”/ more violent. SEASON 2 STARTS NEXT CHAPTER!! I think I started this story this June or July, so this story isn’t even a year old yet. It sure feels like it! Well, Happy Holidays everyone and let’s hope 2021 is a better year.
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The smell, oh, the smell was pungunt. 
The scent of overwhelming iron surrounded me.
My hands were covered in it. The mixture of fresh red and dried reddish-brown made the color of my skin unrecognizable.  
With wobbly legs, I made my way into the barren street. There was this continuous burn from overexertion in my thighs. The night breeze blew my hair around me and into my view.
With confident strides, I made my way to the kitchen counter. The air was humid from the oven and I was attempting to reach my destination in a timely manner, so that I can wash away this stickiness for my hands.
Then a loud whiz...passed by my ear/breezed passed me.
I sighed deeply before pivoting toward the direction of the bullet. 
I exclaimed in surprise as John's children ran around the kitchen, passing me by with enough speed that caused me to be concerned.
I bent down, reached for my gun, and fired at the person.
I shouted at them, “Guys, get out of the kitchen and play in the living room! I don’t want youse gettin’ hurt.”
With my grip firmly around the collar of the unknown man, I drew back my fist and punched him over and over again. Daylight blinded me, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was making sure this man didn’t get back up.
With the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and kneaded the dough over and over again. Then, Ada came in, scolded me for doing more work than necessary, and passed me the rolling pin.
A new day and I was staring out a window, the man had an arm wrapped around my throat. Even though I was in a chokehold— I wasn’t worried. The wind that rattled the leaves of the tree outside was visually pleasing. I extended my arm and then drove my elbow into his ribs. He loosened his hold around my neck, I gripped his arm, and threw him to the ground. Without hesitation, I grasped my gun from my thigh holster and fired. 
I carefully placed the rolled out dough on the platter and started smoothing it out with my fingers. 
Killing is more work than I thought, but I didn't mind it. I held it in par with making this cherry pie. 
I dusted my hands off before wiping them on my apron for good measure. 
I wiped the blood on my hands on the guy's own face. Not like he could care. Stabbing someone without stopping would take feelings like discomfort away.
I bent down and shoved it in the oven. 
I bent down as I dodged a right hook. I sprang back up and returned the favor. I grabbed the stunned man, quickly elbowed him in the face, and flipped him on his back. While still having a grip on his arm, I snapped it, dropped it as he screamed in pain, and then put a bullet between his eyes. 
I watched as the life drained from his eyes. 
I watched as the pie, slowly, began to brown.
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Another day, another “mission.” I can’t tell you how many people I’ve killed since I’ve began in May. Three months have past, and I have to admit— it felt like I was completing a job every other day. I know I’m exhausted, but this thrill—! It was like a drug and I’m an addict. 
The burning in my lungs hardly bothered me anymore as I was chasing down my latest target. He sniffed me out. Paranoid, he was, just like it said on the profile. He was just quicker than me. Noticed when I was pulling out my gun. The squirrely bastard!
I need to get this done quickly ‘cause I have to make another pie for Ada. She wanted one for her family ‘n said mine tasted too good to get one bought. I sympathized with her given her situation, and caved. Freddie was getting worse, no sign of getter any better. Despite that, he was still up and about. 
I stopped running, stilled my body, steadied my gun, and fired. He crouched, flailing his hands in the air while crying out in fear. I groaned in frustration, my cheeks puffing out. The chase resumed. 
It didn’t take long ‘til we were running across the hills. I noticed that his pace slowed and I decided to slow down with him. He was still running while I was speed walking. More like marching because of the steepness. I fired again and he fell to the ground.
Not a millisecond later, he was wailing loudly. Meaning, he was still alive. I rolled my eyes and marched right up to him. He was cradling his leg, blood seeping through his hands. 
“God, you fucking bastard. Why’d you have to run?” I moaned. I let out a loud exhale, as I tipped my head back, and shook my arms. 
He stuttered. “Please! Please don’t kill me!” 
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I felt disgusted by his actions. I mean what kind of person do you have to be to get a mark on you, and then snivel like a little baby. It’s not just him. There’s been like six other guys who've had the same reaction. Oh, and two women.
Women targets don’t happen often. I’ve only received four orders to take out a woman. So far…
“You see. I might have had some mercy if you hadn’t fucking ran!” I said mockingly. 
“Oh, god! Someone! Someone help me!” 
I widened my eyes and began shaking my head. I took a deep breath and picked up my head. “Help! Somebody help him!” I shouted. I looked back at him and shook my head. “Nobody is out here, William.” 
“Please.” He stuttered again. “I have children.”
I pursed my lips and shook my head. “And…”
“I-! I have to look after them.” He cried out.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Why should I care?”
He shook his head. “No! No!” He held up his blood soaked hands, covering his face while scurrying back.
I just watched him with a blank stare. 
Then, he stilled and said. “Wait, wait! I have money!” He swallowed harshly. “I can give you money. I have… a lot of money.”
I prodded my cheek with my tongue before I asked. “How much?” I raised my eyebrow while lowering my gun.
He stammered for words. “200 pounds. No! 400!” 
I dramatically blinked and waivered the aim of my gun. I was getting 23,500 for this guy! ‘I’ma fuck with him.’ I thought.
I smiled and said. “Alright, let’s go get it.” 
I saw his face contort in relief. “Really?” He shouted.
I nodded, still smiling.
He struggled to get to his feet, and once he did— he glanced down at my gun.
I let out a little “oh” and pretended to tuck in the back of my pants. “You first.” I motioned him with my free hand, and watched as he hobbled past me.
I let him walk a few more steps until I felt like it was time to stop playing. I raised  my gun again and pulled the trigger. My head cocked slightly to the side as I watched his body fall to the ground. 
I sighed audibly and walked over to the body. I kicked him to face upwards and crouched down. I stared at his figure. A bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. Eyes open. He was kind of handsome. 
“What a waste.” I muttered to myself. I rose back up and tucked my gun in the back of my pants. I took the guy’s coat off and laid him on top of it then used it to pull his body back to the car. It wasn’t my car. It was his. Dude thought that he was getting lucky tonight.
I posed as an upper class citizen at some horse meeting event. I wore a blonde wig and some equestrian clothing. I acted posh and nobody noticed a thing. This man liked his women on the bossy side and that’s what I gave him.
Anyway, I had to get to the nearest payphone to tell Dom that the job was done. He would send someone to get rid of the body along with my payment. Then, I would get a ride back home.
And that’s exactly what happened.
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I was stitching up a jacket of Finn’s while watching my pie bake. I can’t express how tired I am. I keep sticking myself with the needle, but… I needed to fix this up. Finn only has so many suit jackets and most of them were hand-me-downs.
My sleeping schedule was thoroughly fucked. The adrenaline from this morning's events was wearing off and that meant exhaustion was going to take over soon. 
 I covered my mouth as I yawned before I finally finished up the last stitch. I threw both the needle and the jacket on the table, and then rubbed my eyes violently. I rested my elbows on my knees as the palms of my hands were digging into my eyes. I wasn't causing myself any pain, but I was aware of the pressure it brought. 
I sniffed loudly before rising to my feet quickly, making the chair screech. I turned off the oven and then walked away. I read somewhere that if you leave your pie in the oven to cool down for around five minutes, then it does something to it. To this day, I don't know what it does. All that matters is that it lowers the risk of me getting burnt, and I have a few extra minutes to finish or start my next task. 
I walked back to the couch where I continued to fold clothes. I would have to deliver the boys' laundries to their respective homes. Tommy moved out as did Arthur. The family had enough money for it. The only people left in the main house were Polly, Finn, and myself. 
I didn't have time to adjust to the change. I'm just so tired by the time I walk into my room. The feeling of security Tommy brought with my knowledge he was just in the room over, was gone. My insomnia and paranoia would have acted up, but like I said- once I step into my bedroom, I practically black out. 
I moaned while dropping my arms and my head while closing my eyes, a shirt still in hand. I craved sleep so badly. I huffed as I quickly folded up the shirt and threw it into a pile.
The Shelby’s had no idea, to the best of my knowledge, that I was taking long breaks for well, my “missions.” I took every opportunity to do work outside of the shop, and even lied to them. Told them that I had a date or two. Sometimes they were even successful, and so far I’ve had two imaginary beaus. We always broke up, though. One was because the dude was boring, and the other because he said my heart wasn’t in.
The only reason I was allowed these “dates” is thanks to Polly. Tommy argued against letting me have them, but they had a private talk ‘n well… You know who won.
I marched over to the oven, put on my mitts, and pulled it out. I carefully removed it from the mold and onto a plate. Then, I covered it up with some napkins. Ada would pick it up when she dropped by, or Polly would use it as an excuse to go and see her. 
Speaking of Polly, I have to run and tell her that the bloody thing is done! I jogged into the shop and shuffled quickly over to Polly.
“Pol, Ada’s pie is done. I’ve left it on the counter.”
“All right, I’ll be taking it over to her flat when work is done.”
I nodded. “Well, I’m gonna get back to the laundry.”
She nodded. “Okay, love.”
I nodded one last time before marching back into the living room and began finishing up folding. I let my wander aimlessly as I did so. 
I recalled my latest kills and daydreamed about my stories. Some of them involved Tommy. He was always the anti-hero or the straight up villain. 
Also, since I have less time to myself— I’m not drawing, painting, or writing all that much. So, all of these plotlines are just in my head. They get so scrambled ‘n loud ‘cause I don’t have music to really express them. 
I heaved a sigh as I threw the last pair of pants onto a pile. I sorted the piles into their respective baskets, threw on a coat, and then began my journey. John’s house was first. I didn’t do his laundry all the time. However, this was one of the rare times that Esme wanted me to work for the family again. 
It would irritate me so much that she was practically working at the betting shop full time with John and would leave the kids running around at all hours, but now— I had my hands full. It would seem Katie is back to being a mum to her younger siblings. 
When Katie opened the door for me, I was bombarded in kisses and hugs. It really did make my heart swell. I stayed for a chat ‘n then left. I still had to deliver Arthur and Tommy’s laundry. And cook dinner as well! For both Tom and the main house! 
You’d think with how exhausted I am that I would just make the scran and scurry off to my room, but my body wouldn’t let me. I’d rather eat and it tastes like nothing than go to bed with an aching, empty stomach. 
John lived in the opposite direction of his brothers which made the walk longer and my annoyance grow with each step. I tried taking calming breaths, but— that almost never works. 
I knew he wouldn’t be home, but I knocked out of courtesy ‘n waited outside for like ten seconds. I put the basket down, scrambled to get the key to his flat, unlocked the door, and slid his basket in. I locked back up, picked up Tommy’s basket, and then went on my way.
I let out a big yawn as I walked. I covered it with my hand as best as I could. Didn’t want to be seen as improper! Believe me, I wish I wasn’t self-conscious about when I yawn, but there’s trauma behind it. 
Teachers should really mind their language when correcting a child that isn’t theirs. God, it infuriates me even now the way I was treated. They had no right doing what they did. Saying what they did!
I rolled my eyes and felt my annoyance rise along with the presence of a headache. I grumbled under my breath.
‘Idiot, now you’ve gone and given yourself a headache!’ I thought as I began to quicken my pace. 
I knocked at Tommy’s door, again out of courtesy. I knew he wasn’t home. I grabbed his key, unlocked the door, and walked right in. I ran up the stairs and into his room where I set his basket down on the bedroom bench. I dusted my hands and hurried down the stairs. My breasts bounced as I did so. 
Look, I was just painfully aware that they did so as I made my way down, okay?
I walked right to the kitchen and checked his refrigerator. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that he had eaten the dinner I had prepared for him the night before. 
It meant that I didn’t have to throw out good food. 
I studied the ingredients in his fridge, that I jam packed, and settled on fish and chips. I took out the ready-made fish cuts, grabbed a bowl, filled it with hot water, and then set the cuts in there to defrost. I left the hot water running. I grabbed a couple of potatoes, washed them, and then began peeling. 
It would take me quite a while to get this done. And, I was expected to make dinner at the other house too!
God, I want to go to sleep! 
A whine slipped out as I stomped my foot. 
What we do for things we want to do, eh?
By the time I was done cooking, the sun was down ‘n my stomach was attacking itself. I sighed heavily as I used the tongs to place the chips on his plate. I twirled around to place the pan back on the stove, wiped my hands on a napkin, and then grabbed the salt shaker. I turned back and sprinkled some more salt on the chips. Then I stood there. I stood there and looked at the meal I made for a man who might not even eat it. 
I bit my lip and started wringing my hands tightly. After a grueling, ‘should I, should I not,’ I sat down in front of the meal abruptly and dug in. I don’t know why, but the meal tasted so much more flavorful than usual. I haven’t had fish and chips in ages, but it wasn’t that. Maybe it was the exhaustion or the fact that I made this meal in mind of another person, but the flavors just popped. 
I’m just glad that my serving sizes reflected my mother’s. Which basically meant that I cooked enough food for, at most, another two servings. When I finished eating, I washed it all down with a cup of water then I had to plate again, and wash the plate I ate from. 
When it was all said ‘n done, I made a beeline for the couch and flopped down on it. I grunted from the impact and groaned even louder. Everything ached!
I flipped ‘round, kicked off my heels, and let my hair down. I carelessly threw the pins on the little table next to me, and brought my knees to my chest. I tucked a couch pillow between my head and arm, the hand of this arm would be tucked under the pillow as my arm would rest on top of that one. Basically, the fetal sleeping position with a hand tucked under the pillow. 
This was usually the only way I could go to sleep.
I let my eyes flutter shut and made a promise. ‘Just for a few minutes.’
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I sat up with a sharp gasp. My heart was poundin’ out of my chest. It felt like a panic attack. I looked up at Tommy, who was standing over me. 
“Have a nice nap, Ali?”
I just focused on getting my heart rate down.
While rolling a ciggie across his bottom lip, he asked. “There a reason why you’d be so tired? Who was it that you’re dating now? Brian? Henry? No, James! That’s his name.” His tone sounded so sarcastic that I found it to be cruel. 
It felt like he was judging me.
I scoffed as I rubbed my eyes. “His name was Joseph and we broke up like a week ago.” I watched him sit down, his elbows resting on his knees. “You know what, why do you even care?” 
I couldn’t even get my point across as he interrupted me with a sharp scoff. He took a short drag before saying, “If it affects your ability to do your job, then yes, Aliena. I care.”
I averted my eyes and replied through a semi-hidden pout. “But it hasn’t affected my job.”
“What else do you call this nap?”
My head snapped toward him and I threw him a look of pure confusion. “I was tired, Tom! Why else does one take a fucking nap?”
“Why would you be tired?”
I raised an eyebrow as I scoffed. “I had-! I didn’t sleep last night, okay! I-I’m…” I groaned as I threw myself back against the couch ‘n threw an arm over my eyes. 
It was a big lie. I was asleep for like three hours! I had to get everything ready and exercise in preparation for today’s target. Time passed quickly and before you know it I had to make breakfast ‘n then work in the shop for a little.
I knew I won this little squabble when I heard a sigh. I barely managed to register it by the way, but I heard it, nonetheless. 
“Right, well. Today it’s your insomnia, but tomorrow it can be because of something else.”
I squinted my eyes as I tried to decipher what the fuck he just said to me.
“Perhaps, it would be best if you put off dating for a while. Seems like you’re having bad luck as it is. Focus more on your job.” He heaved as he rose to his feet and began walking to the kitchen.
It was like his words finally registered as I rushed to my feet and shouted after him. “Hey, what’s up with you?”
“Nothing is up with me, Aliena.” He replied as he was pulling out his chair and sat down.
I noticed that he hadn’t poured himself anything to drink. I groaned loudly raising my arms as I did so, and marched back into the living room. “Yes, there is!” I shouted. “You’ve got a cob on ‘n you’re taking it out on me.” I poured him some whiskey and walked back to the kitchen. “You know what, you’ve been cross abar me goin’ on dates from the beginning! Why? You and the rest of the family were beggin’ me to find a fella ‘n now— what? You’ve had a change of heart.” 
I slammed the whiskey down in front of him. I placed my hands on my hips and asked teasingly, a smile on my face as well. “Do you not like the idea of losing me, Tommy? Is that it? Afraid I’m going to be whisked away by some fella? Or! Do you want me to be more independent? Thinkin’ more modernly, lately, or what?”
Tommy had raised the glass to his lips, but set it back down by the time I was done talking. He gave me this deadpan stare that did not help my giggling. 
We continued to stare at each other. While he was donning an emotionless expression, my dumb-arse was flinching up a storm. Whether it was twitches from my head or my hands. Plus the incessant laughing and ever changing facial expressions. Eventually, when my face and stomach began to hurt— I nipped my bottom lip harshly and took a deep breath.
It was then that I noticed that his jaw was clenched. I couldn’t figure out why for the life of me. I averted my eyes and took a seat. My eyes kept drifting back to Tom as I waited for him to say something, but he just kept his stoic expression for a while more. Tommy sniffed and cleared his throat as he removed the napkin covering his food, and took his utensils into his hands. 
I wanted to scoff, but something was telling me that he didn’t say anything for a reason. 
‘Maybe he refrained from humiliating me?’ I thought, trying to rationalize his behavior.
I took a deep breath before saying, “Well, fine, Tom. You win. I’ll lay off the scene for a while.” I crossed my legs and pulled my dress down. I leaned forward and rested my head in my hand. 
Tommy took a swig of whiskey before he said. “Polly rang and said that you didn’t have to worry about making dinner. Said that you looked pale when you came back from your break this evening, and that she had a suspicion you would doze off at one of our flats.” 
I chuckled as I drummed my fingers on the table. “Am I that predictable?”
Tommy looked me in the eyes and said. “Yes, you are.” 
I sat up straight, my smile falling from my face. 
Silence enveloped us, and I felt the urge to run and cry in more room grow by the second. I cleared my throat and rose to my feet. “Well, I better be heading back. Good night, Tommy.” I turned around and began making my way to the entrance.
However, I didn’t get ten steps in before Tommy called after me. “Wait!” His chair scraped along the tile loudly behind me.
I stopped where I stood and slowly faced him. His head was hanging and he was holding himself up by his arms. 
Tommy looked up at me and tsked. “Stay. … For a little while more.” 
I scrunched my eyebrows. “Did you need something, Tommy?”
He breathily replied. “No. Just. Want you to stay a little while more.” He hung his head again by the end of his words.
I gave him a small smile. “Okay, then. I’ll stay.” I walked back over to the chair and sat back down. As did he. 
I figured he wouldn’t like me just watching him as he ate, so I resorted to talking to him about my days. Just like old times.
I guess I managed to loosen him up a bit because he brazenly began to ask me about my romances. I, of course, told him the exact same things I’ve told Polly. To the T. I couldn’t afford to add on since they probably talk about this with each other, as they did with everything else.  
I managed to make him laugh twice. And, of course, it was at my expense. Bastard.
I noticed that Tom was done eating, so I rose to my feet while reaching for his empty plate. “All done, Tom?” I asked as I walked around the table and to the sink.
He let out a quick, “Yeah.” 
So, I cleaned the dish. There was a short comfortable silence before Tommy stood beside me ‘n cleared his throat. I wiped the plate dry while glancing at him through my peripherals.
Tommy took an audible breath before asking, “How is Freddie?”
I averted my eyes at the question. I sniffed. “He’s… He’s not getting better, Tom.”
Tom took the plate from my hands, which made me stare up at him. Emotionless, he was. “Tom…”
He cut me off, asking, “Has Ada told you anything? Or have you heard about his condition from the doctor?” 
I swallowed as I watched him put away the plate in the cupboard. “They, uh…” God, I was awful at this. And because I was talking so much, my fatigue was up again. “The doctor said that Freddie has a more severe case of the disease, and that he has anywhere from six months to a few years. Can’t tell, he said.” I crossed my arms and hugged myself. I muttered. “Said you can never know with tuberculosis.”
Slowly, Tommy leaned on the sink. His eyes were wide, his jaw slack. He looked vulnerable and… heartbroken. It broke my heart to see him like this.
Before I could even utter a word of my sympathies, I was being pulled into his arms. His breath was tickling my neck, so I had to bite my tongue harshly to prevent myself from giggling. 
The last time he was like this, he found out that Grace had been the traitor. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting Tom to be so affected by Freddie’s illness. The two had just been so cross with each other that the fact they used to be best friends completely went over my head. They were childhood friends, at that. Maybe if I’d seen the relationship they had, I’d be more sympathetic, but… I can’t say Freddie’s illness bothered me to this extent. He was simply sick...and dying. 
Freddie only lasted a season, so there wasn’t much time to get his character development ‘n such. Even if he had, I’d doubt that I’d grow an attachment to ‘em. Freddie was borderline abusive, in my opinion. He reminded me of my sister’s ex-boyfriend, the one who touched me. I’m not saying Freddie is capable of molestation, but from what I remember about the day Polly went to see him at his mother’s grave— everything he did after that didn’t sit right with me. Plus, the time where he took his anger out on Ada while she was pregnant. 
Nobody is a saint, but those actions spoke volumes to me ‘n I grew wary around him. I’m not saying that he deserves to die. He doesn’t. But, nor do I care much about his ailment either.
I ran a hand through his hair, bringing him closer to me, and he did the same to me. I can’t deny that I shivered from the action, his cold hand running through my hair. We were hugging so tightly that I could hardly breathe. 
“Tommy!” I gasped out. I waited for a response, but he gave me nothing. I called his name out again and again and again. 
“Please.” His lips smacked. “Just-! Just a little while longer.”
I hummed and rubbed his back. 
Tommy let out a sigh before saying, “Nobody came back the same. Nobody. Freddie… Freddie took a bullet for me ‘n what have I done, eh? What have I done with that chance he gave me?”
Though, I wanted to respond. Though, I wanted to comfort him and silence the noise in his head. I knew better than to interrupt someone in a rant.
“We-We used to be so close, you know. He was my best mate, but I made a promise to meself that I’d change. I’d change this family for the better. I’d protect it better. Freddie! Freddie wanted to change the world, still. Still wanted revolution. But a war like that takes time and- and connections and money.” He scoffed. “It’s not happening in this lifetime, that’s for sure. Status, money, and violence is what makes the world go round. Not justice and pretty words.” He laughed, dryly. 
He couldn’t see with my face hidden in his neck, but my face contorted harshly. I felt like crying from his words. His tone was so strained and full of pain.
“But, it seems that there was still some part of me that hoped that he could do it. That he and Ada could change the world. And now, now… I’m losing him to the same fucking disease.”
Greta, he was talking about Greta.
My mouth moved before I could stop it. “Greta, right?” His hold on me loosened, and funnily enough— the separation allowed for some fresh air to squeeze in.
He hummed in confirmation. “Who blabbered to you about her, eh?”
“It was Freddie, actually.” He held me tight again. When he didn’t say anything else, I took it as my turn to speak. “You know, Tom, you’re right in acknowledging that you all came back different. You focused on the small, your family while Freddie focused on the big, the government. Nobody-!” I sighed while averting my eyes. “I don’t blame you for that. I’m sure you both actually held the same dream.”
“What dream would that be?” He whispered.
While I didn’t break the hug, I shifted us around so that I could cradle his face. “To protect your family.” His eyebrows furrowed and his lip quivered before he left out a snicker. “What!” I exclaimed. “Okay, maybe not just your family, but you know what I mean! Families all over.” He was still snickering as he bent down and hid his face in my neck. “Oh, do one. You know what I meant, Thomas Shelby.”
Once his snickering was under control, I added. “You know, it’s not too late to make amends. He’s still running around London, preaching of his revolution. Plus, there’s always the chance-!”
“No, no there’s not, Ailena.” His head shot up and his hands held my face. My hands, on reflex, went to remove his grip, but I took a deep breath and rested my hands on his. “He’s not miraculously gonna get better. You said it yourself. The doctor said his condition is severe.”
I hummed and muttered “is right”. There was a silence that dropped between us again. But this one was different. His eyes kept glancing up and down, but at what? ‘Was there something on my face?’ I wondered as I was admiring his eyes. I could never get tired of looking at his baby blues.
But then reality interrupted as he cleared his throat and dropped his hands from my face. We both took a step back, and I shyly hung my head. Then, I started rocking on my heels till I made finger guns as I walked into the living room. 
Tommy said. “Thanks for…” 
 I cut him off. “You don’t have to thank me, honestly.”
“Well, then. At least let me take you back to the ‘ouse.” 
I chuckled loudly. “Fine then! But I’m warning ya now, I’m super tired, right now. That means I’ma talk your ear off!” I grabbed my coat off the hanger as he opened the door for us.
Tommy scoffed while holding the door open, his head tipping back and a grin on his face. “Like I’m not used to it.”
“Ha!” I shouted while twirling around to face him as he was locking the door. “Az if! It’s been a while since you’ve had to deal with me at night.”
“Sure, but doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten the experience. That sort of damage lasts a lifetime.” 
I gasped and smacked his arm.
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I was thinking about Tommy’s smiling face as I traced the rim of my martini. 
I didn’t focus on the lavish scene around me. I was wearing a black wig that had the cut of a bob in a red dress. I was standing at the bar of this hotel. People were seated in tables behind me, their conversations were loud over the soft music playing. There were a few people and couples standing at the bar with me, but they were far away from me.
Ever since Grace, he’s been more serious. Keeps more things bottled up. I mean I don’t blame him. Probably feels that he needs to be more guarded since it was so easy for Grace to infiltrate, you know? Maybe I hurt him too. 
I laughed to myself, a hand hovering over my mouth. I took a couple of stumbling steps, making sure it looked like I was having a hard time standing up straight. While I was playing the part of a drunken damsel, nothing could break the concentration I had on my black clutch.
Tonight’s target was a poor excuse of a human being who liked to take advantage of women. Rough sex, rape, the whole fucking sha-bang! He’s been known to take a drunk woman up to his room and have his way with her. Practically gloated about it.
“Hello, pretty lady. All alone tonight, are you?”
I let out a soft, “Ha!” I took a swig of my drunk before facing him. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” My words were purposefully slurred.
“I would very much.”
God, he was so not my type. I was gonna have to put my mouth on his. He has a mustache too! Well, if Tommy looked like Cillian did in Free Fire— I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
I scoffed before giving him a sultry smile. “Well, I am. Alone.”
“Ah!” He drawled out while closing the distance between us.
He smelled rancid. I bit my tongue to stop my face from contorting in disgust.
“How about I buy another round for us, huh?”
I kept my smile as I replied. “That would be great!”
I had to entertain this guy for a while till he suggested that we should do somewhere more private. That meant going up to his hotel room. I accepted and “drunkenly” walked with him to the elevator.
I did nothing as he slammed my limp body against the wall of the elevator as basically inhaled my mouth. I let him grope my body and my only solace was knowing we would be in his room any second and the grip I had on my clutch. 
The elevator finally stopped and he took a step back from me. I panted for breath as I covered my mouth. He looked down at me as if he’d won something. As if he was saying, “There’s more where that came from.”
He yanked the gate of the elevator back and tugged me forward. I said nothing and followed him. I clinged to his arm as he led us to his room. Once he opened the door, he was on me again. 
I could feel him bend down and his hand tapped my thigh. I jumped on his command and wrapped myself around him, clutch still in-hand. He walked us into the room, slamming the door shut using his foot. Then, he walked us over to the bed and threw me on it. 
I groaned on impact and I let my clutch fall to the ground. He climbed over me, pressed his mouth on mine, and started to hike up my dress. My hands clawed at his. I desperately tried preventing him from hiking up my dress. 
‘I am still in control.’ I thought.
I did a quick maneuver, so that I was on top of him.
“What the fuck!”
“Please.” I said. “Let me take care of everything.”
In an instant, the look of anger vanished from his face into a shit-eating grin.
“You want me this badly, huh? Well, go on. Get to it.” 
I kissed him a couple of more times before I began to unbutton his shirt. I left a trail of kisses behind. Then, swung my leg off of him. I rose to my feet. I pretended to take off my heels, but I was really picking up my clutch. 
I could hear his exciting panting which told me he was focusing on the pleasure and not on me. I quickly opened my clutch and took out the syringe. I let my clutch fall to the floor twice to mimic the sound of shoes falling to the ground.
I walked to the end of the bed, keeping the syringe hidden by holding it vertical in my palm against my arm. I placed it carefully by his feet and then began taking off his shoes. 
When his feet were bare, he finally spoke. 
“Hurry up, will you? For fuck’s sake.”
I uncapped the syringe, stuck it between his big toe and the second, and then emptied its contents. I watched as horror contorted his face. His eyes went wide as his jaw slacked. 
I cleared my throat as I wiped my mouth. I walked over to where I left my clutch, picked it up, and laid it on the bed. I could hear him let out pathetic little gasps. I leaned over his face, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. 
“Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon. In a few minutes, actually.” I looked at him and felt nothing. With my finger, I stroked his cheek. “I’ve been ordered to make your death look natural. I don’t know why nor do I care to know. However-!” I gripped his chin and made him look at me. “I know you were a very bad man who did very bad things, especially to women.” I smiled and while pursing my lips I said. “See this as your karma.” I chuckled while letting go of my grip on his chin. 
The same time I rose to my feet, I could hear the laughter of men.
‘What the fuck? What were they planning a gangbang?’
I reached down and slid out the knife I hid in my heel. I quickly turned around and slit his throat. He instantly started gurgling. Two men entered the room, not altered. They came in while talking to one another. I held out an arm to steady my aim and then threw my knife at one of them. 
The man fell to the ground while barely clutching his chest. 
I made work of the armchair between me and the man still standing. While he had taken out his gun, it wouldn’t help as I launched myself from the chair, my knee hitting his chest, and knocking him down. 
I took the gun from his grasp, turned ‘round to the man who was holding my knife, and fired two shots. One to the heart and one to the chest. 
I looked down at the man with my heel on his throat. “Are there more coming?”
“Fuck you.”
I pressed down harder. “Are there more coming?” I shouted.
I shot him in the head, hurried over to the door, and then crouched down. I could hear men approaching. They were talking loudly, probably exchanging orders. I waited until one came into my view. 
There were two of them. I grabbed the one closest to me and his gun went off. He turned to me to which I did not waste the opportunity to shoot him twice in the chest. The other guy used that time I was focused on his partner to grab my wrist and move my gun away from his head. With a grip still on my wrists, I grunted out in pain as he began to deliver blows to my side.
I whipped my head forward and then back. He cried out loudly. I fought to free myself from his grip. I managed to twist myself around in his arms and send a blow to his inner thigh that had him buckling. I gained some control just in time to shoot the man who was walking in, but his grip on me was still strong. He rose to his feet, threw my arms on top of the armchair, and disarmed me. 
I quickly elbowed him in the face and his head flew back. I composed myself and readied myself for his next attack. He tried punching me, but I blocked it. He attempted it again, but I grabbed his wrist in time to notice the figure creeping up in my vision.
I made the decision to flip up onto the ground, effectively avoiding machine gun fire. I kept my grip on his arm tight to the point where he was moaning in pain. I guided us up and used him as my shield. My focus was completely on the man holding the machine gun. 
The man I was holding was begging his comrade not to shoot, but I was more concerned by how close he was getting. I walked us forward, threw him to his friend, and quickly sent the man who was holding the machine gun— a punch to his face. I quickly latched onto the machine gun.
The man I threw, sprung back up and before he could attack, I sent him flew back with a kick to the chest. I elbowed the man holding the machine gun again which made him hold onto the trigger. I aimed to gun at the other man, killing him. I couldn’t help but smile as he was sent back with his hands flailing in the air.
The man who was attached to the gun got a grip on my hair. I grunted in pain as he twirled us around to a different airchair in the room. I got a better grip on the gun and drove it into his chest. He let out sharp yelp. I hit him with the gun again, this time in the face.
Though I felt an arm wrapped around my neck, I kept my cool and drove my elbow into his torso. He groaned. I gripped the arm that was wrapped around my neck and then used my other hand to get a grip on the back of his neck. I flipped him off me and onto the armchair. Which he fell off of. 
I didn’t waste anytime retrieving my knife back, kicking the body off of my blade with a disgusted cry. Once I slid back in my knife, I hurried over to the body, scooped up some of his blood, and smeared it on my face and chest. I, also, grabbed a gun and finished off the other two I had knocked out.
I walked into the hallway and when the voices of men were near my proximity— I began crying out for help. 
One of them held me in his arms. I tried my hardest to appear distraught and pleaded with them to help the man I had killed. The man holding me led me to the elevator and promised to get me to safety. 
As we were on the elevator, my hands skimmed over his second gun in his waist holster. 
‘That’ll come in handy.’
When the elevator ride was over, he sat me down and ordered me not to move. As he turned away, I took the liberty of relieving him of his gun. I was on my feet not a heartbeat later. I blended in with the stampede of people who were rushing to get out of the hotel. 
When I separated from the herd, I reached down, tore a piece of my dress and hopefully, wiped away the blood on my face. I ran down two streets to nick a car.
It would be an understatement to say that I’m angry.  
I yanked off the wig I was wearing as I was driving, pins ‘n all. I ruffled my hair out while huffing. My eyes drifted to the middle of the car, looking for a clock. I groaned when I remembered what time period I was living in. 
With one hand threaded in my hair and the other on the wheel, I just focused on getting to the mansion as fast as I could. 
I was going over my conversation with Dom in my head before it happened.
Was I going to accuse him of not giving me all the Intel on purpose? Was I going to swallow my anger and just demand proper compensation for the additional kills? Would I even be  docked pay because the hit was ordered as a natural death, and it ultimately was very fucking messy?
I huffed and finally placed both of my hands on the wheel while increasing my pressure on the gas. 
I pulled up to the mansion with a screeching halt. I ignored the henchmen that came toward me and tried to prevent me from storming the place. I made a beeline to Dom's office and hurt anyone who got in my way. 
I pushed open the double doors so harshly, they slammed against the wall. 
"We need to talk." I demand. 
I could hear the beginnings of spluttering behind me. "S-Sir! We tried to stop her, but the orders and sh-she fought back."
Dom didn't turn around as he continued to gaze out the window. A glass in his dominant hand. With a flick of his wrist, he said. "Leave us."
His henchman attempted to plead so more, but Dom repeated himself— louder this time. 
With a clear voice, I said. “There were other men.” I let out a huff and sucked at my teeth for showing my emotions so blatantly. “He orchestrated nonconsensual orgies! I took out the ones that posed a threat.” I let my voice trail off as I began to rub my wrist incessantly.
“How many?” He asked.
I swallowed silently as I tried to recall. “Not including the target, seven extra kills.”
“Were you hurt?”
I furrowed my eyebrows at the questions. Of course, I had to fight for my life. Of course, I was hurt. “Uh, yes. I was dealt a few blows but I didn’t sustain any slashes or gunshot wounds.”
“No, Aliena. Were you hurt?”
There was an insinuation behind his words that I understood perfectly. “No.” I whispered. “No, I held my own.” 
Dom finally turned around and I could see the anger in his face. It was subtle.
I remember a time where I swore I could never read faces. But I don’t know ever since I woke up here, my body hasn’t been the same. Maybe it was this body, or perhaps it was all that time I spent with Tommy.
He slammed his glass down, which made me flinch, and then leaned against his desk. He let out a shuddering breath before he sniffed loudly, stood up straight, and pointed at me. “The target was an important one for which you would have been paid 25,500. However, now it will be 43,800. Now, leave. I’ll have Richard give you the payment tomorrow.”
I was stunned for a second before I bowed and left the house as fast as a cat running out of a rainstorm. It wasn’t until I was out on the road that I realized that I had bowed to him as if he were some fucking king!
‘Damn you and your kinks! You bloody better beaut!’ I thought. My actions spurred on my “tics” or fidgets, I call them. I was repeatedly flicking my nose, scrunching up my face, and smacking my hand over my mouth. They calmed down after a while. Exhaustion was eating me up as was pain in my side.
The fucker really got me there.
Usually, I would have ditched the car a few cities back and just run on back home, but I was so tired. I ditched the car down a hill where I knew there had been water at the end and marched back home with my wig in hand. 
When I was finally standing in front of the flat’s door, I groaned to myself. I slapped my cheeks repeatedly as I prepared myself to get back into stealth mode. I made sure to step on certain spots on the floor to decrease their squeaks, and open and close doors at a snail’s pace. The stairs were the hardest. Switching between taking one and two at a time. 
By the time I entered my room, I’d ripped my clothes off me and thrown them and my wig aside. I carelessly put on a night gown and settled myself into bed. Fortunately, soon after my head hit my pillow I was asleep.
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“Aliena, love! It’s time to get up!” Polly shouted as she pounded her fist against my door.
I shot up and realized I was awake now. My face contorted as I began to sob, my arms crossing over my eyes the same time as I threw myself back down on my bed.
I whimpered out. “I’m so tired!”
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diary-of-deadweight · 4 years
Despite it all
summary: Virgil admires the reader from afar until Roman decides to tease him in the form in which he is best at, singing.
There he was, sat upon the staircase hunched over his phone despite what Logan and Roman have told him on several occasions.
‘Hunched posture isn’t good posture’
He couldn’t give a damn if his life depended on it, he made it seem as if he was occupied with either music or tumblr with his hood up over his head which made for great coverage for his wandering eyes that deviated from the phonescreen to the ethereal being sat upon the brown plush couch talking to Patton who was waving his hands animatedly, spitting words like bullets as if he was going to forget the story if he didn’t tell anyone right away.
He couldn’t help but feel drawn to you the moment he laid eyes on you, cliche he knows, so he tried to hide his sudden infatuation by distancing himself and acting colder the before as to save himself from suspicion and disappointment and chose to admire you from afar and as they say ‘the heart grows fonder with distance’ which could not be more befitting for this moment; he hoped that one day you’d look his way in the same way he looked your way, with adoration and admiration.
No body had ever shown him such kindness as you did even after all he has done, how he had treated you in the past, how he acted towards all of you and still you had the balls to treat him like you treated Thomas, Logan, Roman and Patton. He didn’t deserve any of it but he knew you well enough to know that you were stubborn and would probably scold him for berating himself and comparing himself to others like he did no matter the occasion but he couldn’t help the itching sensation in the back of his head that told him that you’d find someone else to fawn over and forget him all together which only distanced him even more from telling you the truth and even if he did it was a well known fact he wasn’t the most confrontational nor the one to take initiative which meant he’d have to rely on someone else to step up for him due to his heightened anxiety. Which would probably look sloppy and pathetic to you.
He watched on as you laughed at Patton’s dad jokes, completely immersed with the story about how Remus manage to trick Roman into thinking a Royal was in danger, only for it to be Janus in a sunset yellow dress with a black snake in the middle and a piss yellow coloured mop like wig upon his head. Needless to say Roman was pissed and a fight broke out between the two before Logan, with the aid of a reluctant Janus, stepped in to break them apart.
Virgil couldn’t help but smirk at the memory of Romans’ face going from confident to disbelief and finally anger in a matter of seconds. What? It was his fault for getting so riled up so easily that he was the one everyone goes after on April 1st for a quick win. He attention was drawn back to you when you started telling the patently side about how you spent a entire day watching Haikyuu season 3 Karasuno High vs Shiratorizawa Academy in hopes of catching up to everyone before season 4 ended, that and the fact season 5 of my hero academia wasn’t coming out into next year which gave you more open opertunities to re-read the manga.
He could listen to your voice all day if he wanted, it was warm, inviting, angelic, soft and comforting all at once. Lost within his daydream he didn’t sense the princely side to pop up beside him and start singing, “there you see them, sitting there across the way, they’ve clearly got a lot to say, there is something about them.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Virgil hissed between his teeth, glaring at Roman who just ignored him and continued, “you don’t know why but you’re dying to try you wanna kiss them.” The anxious male glanced at you in hopes you heard any of that, sighing in relief when you haven’t even finished your story yet. ���Yeah you want them, look at them you know you do, it’s possible they want you too there is one way to ask them.”
“And by ask you mean to kiss (y/n) without concent, yeah no, you’re over your head princey and besides,” He trailed off, coffee brown eyes cast down to the floor, “ if there was a possibility that they do, which is small, why would they want me.” He truly didn’t believe he deserved you, you’re too good for him that he only fears that he’s only gonna let you down no matter what and he didn’t want that for you.
He cares so much about you that he’s willing to let you go knowing he was going to regret not having have asked for as long as he lived but if it were to make you happy, he’d do it in a heartbeat. Roman, by now, had stopped singing to hear Virgil pretty much spill his insecurities about perusing you and he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache for him as he reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder, feeling him tense up before relaxing once more when he saw that Roman wasn’t gonna tease him any further.
“Hey now, how would you know how they feel about you f you keep getting in your own way,” He began, tilting his head to the side in question, “ they might hold you in the highest of regards and you don’t know it because you’re too blinded by the ‘what ifs’ and not the ‘possiblies’ and ‘could be’” Virgil was about to retort but Roman wasn’t having any of it, “ah, ah,ah my anxious friend,” he sang, “ I know what you’re about to say, you were about to say ‘well how would you know that’ and the answer is simple, I not only embody Thomas’s creativity, hopes and dreams but also his romantic side and I see the way they look at you when you’re not looking, they look at you with adoration and admiration on par with your own and it’s driving me berserk at how naive you both are but that’s not the point I’m trying to make and the point is Virgil that despite it all, the good, the bad, you have each other and that by itself is magical.” Roman finishes, patting his friend on the shoulder before standing up, “just think about it, alright?” And before Virgil could open his mouth to respond, he was gone, left to mull over his options before coming to a conclusion with a new found confidence he didn’t knew he posed.
He was gonna do it, he was gonna do what he’s been meaning to for a long while.
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thedramaclubs · 3 years
It’s not about me
Summery: we’re at the pta meeting and things are about to go down
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When they’re singing
Remus, Janus, c!thomas-pink
Students and teachers-purple
(Once again I had to change the lyrics to fit the au)
The pta meeting has just started and Mrs Greene is not happy. “I’m sorry so what your saying is the states attorney is forcing us to have a prom?” “No the states attorney wants us to hold an inclusive prom yes, because that’s what they feels best reflects America’s values.” Said Virgil as he’s trying to help Patton. “Well this isn’t America, This is Indiana!!!” The parents and students all cheered and agree.
“Just to be clear, this is still America and everone gets to have their opinions” “MY SON WILL NOT BE FORCED TO GO TO A HOMOSEXUAL PROM!” Screamed a parent and the parents and students cheered again. “Again it’s not a homosexual prom. It’s and inclusive prom.” “WILL THEIR BE HOMOSEXUALS?!” screamed another parent “MAYBE” the parents and student argues and talked over each other “You don’t have to atten of you don’t want to.”
At this point Virgil was getting frustrated “Look I-I’m sorry your upset, but the organization of the prom is within the purview of the student council. Let’s hear what they have to say, Logan?” Logan stood up “Well we want prom to go on, obviously. It’s supposed to be a celabration of all students-”
Mrs Greene cane running down in front of the podium and got in front of Logan “Okay. No I’m sorry but this is not a student matter, this is about the government tearing our community apart! It’s about big government taking away our freedom of choice!” “OKAY, OKAY, this is not about government intervention. Patton what is this about?”
“I just want to go to prom like any other kid.”
“But you can’t. He can’t because apparently this school is homophobic!” The parents and teachers started to argue again
“And that’s why the courts are involved. Ask yourselves “What exactly it it you find so frightening about homosexuals?””
At that very moment, Remus, Janus, Joan and Thomas came bursting into the room with protest signs
“STOP,STOP, HOLD IT! What you are doing here is wrong!” Screamed Remus. Everyone In the room was confused yet terrified
“I’m sorry. Who are you?” Asked Mrs Greene
“Where’s our boy? Patton? PATTON?!”
Patton raised his hand “I’m Patton” the actors walked up to him “Patton’s my name is Remus, and I’m here to tell you that you are not alone okay? Me and my husband Janus are as gay as a bucket of wigs” Remus grabbed Janus and quickly kissed him and everyone in the gym was horrified “A BUCKET OF ‘EM! And we are her from New York and we are gonna save you. Tomorrow we will hold a rally and there’ll be banners and choreography!”
Everyone started fighting and it got louder and louder until Mrs Greene stopped it.
“EXCUSE ME! What is going on? Who the hell are you people?!” “We are liberal democratics from Broadway” Thomas said as he put his hands on his hips
“We are here to open your tiny little minds” Remus did and inappropriate move that made Mrs Greene back away and in Janus’s mind at the moment was thinking “that’s my husband and I love him so much right now”. “The five of us.....Where the hells Roman?”
Trumpets started playing and Roman then came bursting into the room looking fabulous and struck a pose next to the podium
“Oh my god! Your Roman Allen!” Said Virgil in shocked
“You bet your ass I am” “W-What are you doing hear?!” “I’m changing the world. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Roman then went to the center of the gym struck another pose and then their musical number they had planed started
🎶I want to tell the people of..........................................whatever this towns called. I know what’s going on here and frankly I’m appalled, I read three quarters of a news story and knew I had to come and unless I’m doing The Miracle Worker. IIIIIIIIIIII won’t play blind, deaf, and dumb🎶
🎶Listen you bigoted monsters just who do you think you are, your prejudice and your oppression won’t get ast this Broadway Star. Stealing the rights of a man who is an LGBQ-Teen, and if you can’t tell we’re all one of them if you can’t see🎶
🎶But it’s not about me it’s about poor..... (Patton!) Patton for can’t you see the raw deal he’s been dealt. So hear my plea or here’s your next dilemma, how do you silence a man who’s know for his belt. Sing it Eleanor! HIS BELLLLLLLLT!!!. But it’s not about me🎶
“Get them out of here now!”screamed Mrs Greene at Virgil
🎶Go on an threaten to riot it won’t phase me in the least. I understand furious townsfolk. I did Beauty and the Beast.🎶
🎶I’m no stranger to slander, So my dear your not alone. The Post said that I was to old to play Eva Perón. EVA PERÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓN🎶
🎶But it is not about me, it’s Patton’s story, damn it! Equality should be this country’s norm. No photography unless you instagram it use #Romantakeslocalyokelsbystorm. But it’s not about me🎶
🎶I didn’t come here to make a scene. But I know how Patton’s heart aches. And this is how actors intervene with fiery songs and dance breaks🎶
Roman, Remus, and Janus started to do a dance break and Thomas was on the bleachers hitting a cow bell. They nailed every move and now Roman is on a moving stair case
🎶But it’s not about me although I’m rich and famous. Publicity is not my final goal (call security)🎶
🎶You needn’t be some backwoods ignoramus. Join me and we’ll start fighting could I get softer lighting? Wait this is...NOOOOOOT (Not, not not) ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎶
🎶This is not about- 🎶
🎶What is happening? 🎶
🎶This is not about- 🎶
🎶What is happening? 🎶
🎶This is not about-🎶
🎶This is all about....Patton and not about MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!🎶
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off
Are you sure about that Roman? Next part is gonna be my favorite
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manet-boleyn · 3 years
The Spanish Princess Top 5 Characters
Back at these Top characters list again. This is my second, the first one I did was The Tudors. That had Top 10 characters, however since there is a smaller cast of characters since TSP is much more shorter, I will only be doing 5 characters. This show was actually enjoyable to me much more than The Tudors since it was shorter and I knew the cast of people much more thn idk... Gardner (I don’t really interested in Parr’s time as queen, planning to change that) and that musician boy from the first season. I will go on more of this in a different post how The Spanish Princess does better with characters than The Tudors in a different post. Anyway, these are my 5 favorite characters in TSP, let’s take a look. 
Mary “Rose” Tudor
Cardinal Wolsey
Charles Brandon
Bessie Blount (before TSP made her nasty since they realized she was too nice to go against Catherine)
Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham
5. Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales
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Before I even watched TSP, I was already interested in this portrayal of Arthur. A few months, in fact. I always commented on his silly hair how it made him “Willy Wonka”, but from all those jokes and comments, he definitely become very close to the start of this account by just making fun of the wig. So when I was watching The Spanish Princess episode 1, I absolutely fell in love with this dork. The actor is also cute and I feel like he is a good Arthur, Angus Imrie makes Arthur very timid and unsure of Catherine, which I mean I would too since Catherine is an awful character. But each time Arthur appeared on screen, I was so happy since his character was just amazing and he gives off so much bookworm vibes. I definitely relate with this character since I’m really awkward too. I love how he interacts with Margaret Pole’s children and with Margaret herself, it is like they have a little family. I love how he tries to be tough against his brother, but automatically failing since he is very shy while Henry is very full of himself. I hate to say it but the sex scene with Catherine also shown his character as well, a fucking sex scene.  Heck, ever scene he is in shows his character well. From the start you can tell he wouldn’t be that good of a king by just how awkward he is, while his brother is straight forward. You can say Arthur is an oddball and that makes me love him even more. This was one of the best acting in the show, props to Angus Imrie.
4. Lina de Cardonnes
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Obviously, most of Lina’s story is made up since the real Lina was a servant and not Catherine’s closest lady-in-waiting. However I am guessing Lina is supposed to replace Maria de Salinas, the real Katherine of Aragon’s closest best friend. However, I still love the character of Lina. She still supports Catherine throughout the show, however will tell her if the thing she is doing is wrong, say like lying about how Catherine bedded Arthur and other things. However, she will still help Catherine no matter what. This kind of disappointed me, that Lina is so kind to Catherine in some points even though Catherine is a huge dick to her sometimes. It was so great to see her finally leave England in the last episode, it’s like a big “F U to Catherine for me”. But not fully though, Lina still comforts Catherine the last few moments she has with her. I started to understand that was her character though. Rosa did really risky stuff (of that time period) that Lina told her not to do, and she had to suffer the consequences, Lina still decided to help her. Lina is the character that will comfort anyone who is need of it. that is what i like about her character, she is an extremely sweet character and I am so happy that she got out of England before it started to go down to shit. She had suffered to much and finally got her happiness by leaving with her family, and I am so glad she got a happy ending. Stephanie Levi-John played her very well. 
3. Margaret Tudor, Queen Regent of Scotland
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First of all, I want to make it clear that out of Henry VII’s four children, I know about Margaret the least. I knew she was married to the King James of Scots and had a son who would become the next King of Scotland and had a daughter named Margaret Douglas. So obviously, I really do not know who she is. However, the Spanish Princess made me really want to research about her. I have not done that yet, but I will since it made me feel interested in her. I thought she was going to be one of the most boring of the characters since I watched a review of The Spanish Princess Season 1 and it said she didn’t do much. Which is correct, she wasn’t present that much in the first Season. However, from all the characters that i wasn’t familiar with that much (Elizabeth of York, The King’s mother, etc.) she was quite, interesting, Then Season 2 happened. In Season 2 she becomes much more important to the story and her acting is so great. She looses a husband that she loves, whom at first she was scared to not even like. She looses her sons to her terrible husband and becomes somewhat mad that she has to stay with him. Before i watched the last two episodes of TSP, I saw a post on Tumblr where it stated she welcomed Anne Boleyn in full arms and watching TSP and how it portrays her struggle with trying to get an annulment, I can understand why she did it and I think Georgie Henley played her very good. She made Margaret very complex and at the end where she absolutely hates her brother and his wife, it makes so much sense. Plus, she loved Mary Tudor and said “ a girl is still a child and she is so beautiful” while Catherine was just like, “it’s a girl, ew”. She definitely is one of the really great characters in the show and I’m interested if they will show her character in Becoming Elizabeth. 
2. Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire
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First of all, I just like his character? I don’t know? I really liked it when he said that daughters was also a blessing just like a son? I think i just like him since i really do not like Thomas Boleyn portrayals. Many portayals make him look like a pimp that pimps out his daughters. Thomas also does this too somewhat, but I genually see that he loves his daughters, what many portrayals of Thomas Boleyn lack of. We don’t see him get angry at his daughters at all, when he tells Anne to get the king’s interest, I feel like it just isn’t forced. We don’t see Anne ever get angry at his father at all. You can say she has barely any character in this like other portrayals, but just seeing Thomas not be angry to his daughters just is different for me, I don’t know why. Plus, he is one of the people I’m very sure that is very stand offish of Margaret Beaufort after she literally orders a man to die even though the King is dead. he is in the background a lot but he makes his presence, I really hope he is in Becoming Elizabeth, this character needed more of a presence since he was an utter joy to watch. He’s also high on the list since I am a simp. I’m sorry. It’s just like Thomas More. 
1. Rosa de Vargas
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Yes, very unexpected, right? Rosa is so underrated and I wish more people talked about her. She was one of the main characters for Season 1 and shown up two times in Season 2. I used to be kind of annoyed with her. She takes a lot of risks by becoming Edward Stafford’s mistress and I somewhat agreed with Rosa that she was being dumb. But when you see her in Season 2, she is different. She is more mature and looks more mature and that is when I realized that she was only a teenager in Season 2. Or young adult, but she is still young still. Then everything made sense, of course she took those risks since when someone is a teenager, they take risks, not matter the cause. I started to like Rosa when she is pregnant , the utter worry she got made me really sympathize for her. She decides to keep the baby and I grew more and more in fear as she tries to get Stafford a home for her for the child and Stafford constantly ignores her. But then Rosa sadly has a miscarriage and she is destroyed by it. You can really feel how upset she is, she really wanted to have a life with her child. She is so compassionate and it is s shame that she is only a young adult having all of this horrible things happen to her. Yet, she still has the happy girl vibe, she cares for her friends and I was quite upset that she had to leave, I grew close to her character and I didn’t want more time of Catherine. But then we see her in Season 2. She’s older now, she has a family of three daughters. She went through so many hardships, she finally gets her happy ending. She also has a loving husband, you can tell how happy she is as a mother and wife while Catherine really isn’t. Rosa is the character that actually fully convinces Catherine that she could care for her daughter, even though she is not a boy that will become king. And Catherine takes that information. Rosa, the girl who lost her child when she was a teenager, teaches the one of the most bitter characters in the show to actually become a mother and love her daughter. In my opinion, Rosa has most impressive character arc of the show. We barely see her in Season 2, but she has changed so much, in a positive way too. She used to be so timid and sad, but now she if a confident mother that shines. She even accepts the apology form Stafford and the way she does it the watcher can see so much growth. And in the end, she helps Lina leave England to go to the Ottoman Empire. Rosa at the start got help from Lina, but now she is the one that helps. She finally sets Lina free from the painful state of England. To me, Lina is the one that got the true happy ending in The Spanish Princess. She went from an awful beginning into a character that i respect so much and I wish people see her growth. Rosa is a minor character, yes, but she is the one to make Catherine become a parent, she is the one to make Mary actually have a parent that cares for her well being, and she is the one that helps Lina escape. She is so beneficial to the plot and easily should be loved by the fan base just like Margaret, Mary “Rose” Tudor, and Anne Boleyn. I really hope Nadia Parkes has a successful career soon. 
Anyway, that’s my Top 5 characters in The Spanish Princess, what is yours?
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