#levi ackermann fic
levispersonalslave · 23 days
Could you write Chubby!Levi Ackerman x Fem!reader ? I mean imagine him with curves like his face is filled out , his cheeks are chubbier , his waist is getting plumped without forgetting his cute rounded tummy (fluff)
That's so cute anon!! Here it is, it's a little short and rushed but I hope you enjoy ♡
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Lying between the cool sheets of your shared bed, the dim lamp casting shadows that seemed to ripple and sway with each movement, the only sound that could be heard within the room was the occasional flip of a page. The atmosphere was serene, perfect for you to settle down and relax after a long day. You quietly read one of your preferred books, allowing yourself to unwind and idle away the evening.
You heard the bedroom door creak open, her gaze lifting from the passage you were reading to the man you called your husband. Your lips curled upwards into a gentle smile, silently inviting him over to join you. He wearily shuffled towards you and climbed onto the bed, nuzzling his face into your chest with a soft groan. You snaked your arm around his tubby torso, lightly squeezing the flesh just to tease him. Those hard muscles long gone, now replaced with a softer and chubbier build. You had certainly been feeding him well, and neither of you minded the new weight. He simply didn't care, whilst you found it adorable. He looked so cute when he was all stout and full.
You gazed at him fondly, “Tired, darling?”
He only groaned in response, wrapping his arms around your waist. He was such a sweetheart nowadays.
You understood what he wanted. He just wished to remain within your embrace for a while, that's all. Who were you to forbid him of that right? You snapped your book shut and set it on the nightstand, turning in his arms to face him. You brought your hands up to his rounded cheeks, squishing them gently with a giggle. You enjoyed touching and squeezing them whilst he grumbled at you to cut it out.
He uttered a light whine in protest, burying his face into your chest to escape your obsessive fingers. You smiled pleasantly and wrapped your arms around him, one hand tangled in his hair and the other tracing shapes upon his back. You cooed softly, “I love you.”
A muffled murmur followed, “I love you, too...”
349 words, 1930 characters
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Kat's Fic Recs :]
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All Too Familiar (angst that broke me) - @jayteacups Dandelions - @chaotic-on-main Game, Set, and Ouch (jealous!Levi) - @attackonleviheichou Tell Me I've Been Lied To (angst that broke me) - @damn-stark You'll Be Okay - @chaotic-on-main
Multi-Chapter Fics
Lover - @svftackerman
content: roommates au, mutual pining, friends to lovers Tumblr | AO3
Make Believe - @sixpennydame
content: actor!au, mutual pining, nsfw Tumblr | AO3
No Funny Business - @wellitcouldbeworse
content: manager!levi, mutual pining, so much smut, some angst AO3
Sick at the Heart - @ichigo-dream
content: stepbrother!levi, possessive!levi, modern!au cw: dubcon Tumblr | AO3
The Feeling's Mutual - @wellitcouldbeworse
content: college!au, slowburn, enemies to lovers, prepare to scream from cuteness AO3
Unspoken Words - @chaotic-on-main
content: mute!reader, modern!au, slowburn Tumblr | AO3
We're All Alone, Ride It - @alleviate-ao3
content: modern!au, manager!levi x employee!reader, n.sfw, this smut broke me, dkfdksf AO3
Wild Card - @wellitcouldbeworse
content: hunger games!au, strangers to lovers, prepare to experience feels whether u like it or not AO3
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a young man's dream - @sakurashell
enemies with benefits - @levisjinchuriki
don't leave - @chosos-mascara
levi catching you as a spy - @nkogneatho
snot-nosed brat / levi ripping your tights - @danchou-danchou
used to be my girl - @pennylanewrites
parachute - @homo-homini-lupus-est-1701
anything that @leviismybby posts because if I link all of them, this post will be stupidly long :')
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Please let me know if these fics are yours and you would like them taken off! :] This is not comprehensive, just the ones that came to the top of my head or those that I have saved/bookmarked to read again :'D
Last updated: September 27, 2023
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romantichomicide95 · 1 year
hi i don't know if you are getting request but was going to make a writing request from you. 👉👈
Levi is a valuable person to Y/n, since he saved Y/n in the past, Y/n is very attached to him (and in love) and he never wants to leave his side all his life.
One day Levi asks her what am I to you and asks why you are so attached to him.
I'll leave the Yn's answer to you.
I wonder if you can write such a fic, you can make changes in the article as you like
Levi x fem!Reader
summary: Levi confronts reader on her devotion to him. Warnings : None just fluff
I’m sorry I suck at endings and also wrote this super quick!
"Hey Y/N can I talk to you in my office after training?" Levi asks you as you're headed to training with Hange and the rest of your squad.
"Sure Captain Levi sir. I will be there right after." you say before running off to catch up with Hange.
What did he want to see you for? You wonder. You didn't think you were in trouble, you hadn’t don’t anything wrong.
You were part of his squad, although it took you awhile to get there. You had wished for it for so long, with ever fiber of you're being. But his squad was handpicked, only the best of the best…Don't get me wrong you were a good soldier, in your own right, but you certainly were not the best. The road to becoming someone he wanted around him wasn't easy, and it took him saving your life to get there.
You could remember it like it was yesterday, that fateful expedition. You were new at the time, a late join to the scouts. Much older than the rest of the cadets; you'd been an MP but you wanted in on the action, you wanted in on giving humanity a chance. You looked up to the Scouts, every last one of them. They gave their lives for you and everyone else in Paradis. Being one of them was a dream.
So here you were, the first time outside the walls, frozen in fear at the sight of this monster. It was so tall, so big and so...ugly. It looked almost human, which somehow scared you even more. Something that looked so human being so evil, being so devoid of any human characteristics. Driven by it’s desire to kill. It was terrifying.
You could remember how tight your chest got when it held you in its hand, the feel of its saliva dripping down on you like sticky wet rain. Being almost crushed in its palm, thinking this was jt, you were about to die. Than you heard it cry out, a sound so deafening and so loud. You still heard that sound in your nightmares. Than all of a sudden you were on the ground, and you could feel the grass underneath your hands. The smell of dirt and blood and sweat filling your nostrils, than a hand was reaching out to you, you heard “Get up" from a voice that now you found so calming and so warm. You looked him in his eyes, his face covered in blood, yet somehow he looked as handsome as ever. It was Captain Levi and those were the first words he ever spoke to you. You knew of him and his reputation, hell everyone did. You also knew how good looking he was since you'd seen him around; to be honest you always harbored a crush from afar. Now here he was, having just sliced the Titan that had held you in its grasp moments ago.Captain Levi saved you.
Ever since that day you felt like you owed him your life. You started trying to get to know him better, which as Hange would later tell you was hard for anyone. He was closed off, rude, and sarcastic. But that didn't stop you. You insisted, you insisted on helping him with his paperwork. You insisted on helping him clean whenever he needed. You insisted on doing whatever he needed, whenever he needed no questions asked until finally he put you on his squad, out of mere convenience. Because you were loyal, and you worked hard to be a stronger soldier. And that work paid off, you were stronger and you were determined.
Spending all that time around him made it so you felt like you knew him. Really knew him. You knew his devotion to humanity, his will to keep fighting despite the loss he suffered, the tragedy of his childhood and how it shaped him into caring so much about others. You saw the person he was under his rough exterior, and you fell in love with him for it.
Training had dragged on. You were so anxious for whatever Levi wanted to talk to you about. It could be something as simple as you're dusting of the bookshelves this morning was subpar. But that didn't do much to shelve the feeling in your gut. So now here you were in front of his office door. You gulp, as the pit starts to burrow in your stomach, your hands are sweaty and shaking and you feel like the whole world can hear the thunder of your heart beating in your chest.
You knock, three times, like you always did to let him know it was you. "Come in." You walk in to see him sitting at his desk, he was dressed more casual than usual with just a grey shirt and dark pants. His hair was more messy than usual. But he looked good, he always did.
"Sit." he says motioning to the chair opposite his own across from his desk. You cautiously sit down, he seemed more serious than usual, if that was possible. He ran his fingers through his hair almost nervously, which was odd for him but it explained the state of it.
"So you wanted to talk to me Captain?" your voice almost sounds shaky. You hated how much of a mess you became around him.
"Yes. You've been a pretty loyal soldier Y/N, specifically to me. It's been a few months you've been on my squad, but even before that..." he clears his throat and shifts in his seat, "you uhh, you've always been loyal. Can I ask you why that is?"
What did he mean why? Wasn't it obvious?
"You saved my life sir. I-I feel like I owe you my life."
"You don't owe me anything..." he lets out a deep breathe. "It seems more than that though, your close with Hange yet you don't seem to have the same devotion."
What exactly was he asking? Did he know, did he know how head over heels in love with him you were? Surely he didn't. Levi didn't seem the type to think about these things. He was purely focused on saving the world. Surely he didn't know. If you told him now, what would that accomplish.
"I guess I'm not sure what you're asking sir. I-I Idk how to answer that. Are you asking why I help you out so much? I mean, shit Captain. Excuse my language...sorry I-I just don't know what you are asking me." Damnit. You hated how flustered he could make you. The pit in your stomach was growing and growing. What if he did know? What if he was trying to dig for the answer because he wanted to throw you off his squad? What if your obsession, your devotion, your love for him was a hindrance and he hated it.
"You seem completely devoted to me and me alone Y/N, I guess I just want to understand." He was looking at you directly. You wanted to shift your eyes from his gaze, but the way those perfect grey-blue eyes were sparkling your way, it was hard to look away. “Why do you care so much and why do you always want to spend your time with me?”
"I-Idk Captain." You pause. At this point you just wanted to blurt it out. I fucking love you Levi you dumb idiot. What was the harm, he was fishing it out of you and there wasn't anything else you could do. "Fuck it. I like you. More than that actually, I love you Captain Levi. I know it's stupid, I know I shouldn't have feelings for my superior. I know I am so dumb. But I do, and it's not because you saved me. Although I do owe you my life, it's because you're you and idk I can't help it and I know I am rambling at this point but..."
"You love me?" he cuts you off, one eyebrow raised. He looks bewildered is the only way you could describe his facial expression. Like he's just heard the most outrageous thing. You gulp, why did you blurt it out like that. Why did have to be so stupid.
"Uhmm, yes." you say sheepishly, looking down at the ground.
"Fuck." he says. And there is a long pause. A long moment of silence, and all you can hear is your beating heart. "I-I love you to."
Did you hear that right? Did he just say he loved you to? Surely you are imagining things.
"Wait, what?"
"I said I love you too idiot." You look up, he's standing now. Above you, one hand on each arm of your chair. Your heart beats even faster than before. You think it might fall out at any moment, just a bloody mess on the floor. You look up at him, his face looks almost softer? Less stoic, less angry.
"You love me?"
"Yes. That's what I said."
"Okay, but...Wait. Is this why you asked me? Why I was so loyal to you, because you knew how I felt?" it had to be, you thought. This had to be the reason why. He loved you back, for some reason you certainly couldn't explain. Captain Levi loved you to. You could feel the rush of heat come to your cheeks. The pit in your stomach turned to butterflies fluttering, and your sweaty palms dissipated. He loved you too.
"I suspected. It wasn't that hard to guess." he chuckles. A rare chuckle you've probably only heard once.
"Hmm. Okay, so what do we do now Captain?"
"You can just call me Levi for one."
"Okay...Levi. That sounds funny." you giggle "What do we do now?"
Suddenly he pulls you up from your chair until your standing face to face with him. So close you can feel the warmth of his breathe and see the little lines around his eyes. Than he kisses you, pulling you in closer, putting one hand on the small of your back. Levi kisses you, and you don't want it to end. Ever. You want to stay in this moment forever. This perfect moment, this perfect kiss. But than it's over, its ended. Too quickly. Before it even had a chance to begin.
He straightens his posture. Still looking at you with those beautiful eyes. "Wow." you exclaim "That was...wow."
"Yeah." he takes a step back, clearing his throat. “Do you wanna eat dinner in here with me?"
"Yeah of course I do. Do you want me to come back at dinner time or something?”
"No." he says, stepping closer to you again. "I'd rather you stay here and do more of this until than." he says, pulling you closer in to kiss you again. This time more passionate, more intense.
This time it doesn't end as quickly. This time his hands are on your waist, holding you close to him. Your hands laced in his hair. The only thought you could muster in your head was I could really get used to this.
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zekejaegerchoked · 7 months
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levmada · 2 years
at last, i have the time to send you multiple of these because i cream whenever i read something you write. anyway…
could i ask for levi… college au and call from this list? but levi is the one in distress? it’s usually common that the reader is crying, but it would be nice to see levi getting comforted too :’)
(from more hurt/comfort, if the link doesn’t work :s)
ik i just posted a long oneshot yesterday but my drafts are clogged. i fucking love comforting levi so this is the first of ur requests i worked on suki :3 i hope u like it
content/warnings: Kenny is actually not that bad?, negative self-talk, HURT/COMFORT SO MUCH COMFORT, death of a parent, taking care of Levi, college au, specific descriptions/themes of severe depression
wc: 2.5k
One muse calls sender late at night in tears and the other comes over to comfort them. 
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Levi knows, in a vague, peripheral way, that he is being shitty to you with no intention to. Not a day ever goes by where you two don’t talk, but he hasn't responded to Erwin or Hange’s texts, either. Emails from professors, too. Even Mikasa has been blowing up his phone since she heard from her mom what happened, but.
He has spent the better part of the past two days in bed since leaving class early on Thursday.
That’s fucking unheard of for him, especially answering his uncle of all people, but five silent, missed calls later Levi picked up, and down the line, Kenny’s voice was urgent.
Kenny. Urgent.
It’s the weekend, Levi rationalized to himself on Friday. Grades would be okay. His social life would suffer, but he would text you Saturday morning after he got his mental shit together.
The worst part is he fucking knew he was in denial—again, in the vague, peripheral way.
Now, with Sunday night’s moon glaring in through his bedroom window, he realizes he doesn’t give a shit about any of it.
A mishmash of tasks, far removed from any coherent list, bothers him from time to time—most often after he blinks from his perpetual frozen stupor to his phone ringing; besides Mikasa, you’ve called the most.
He needs to...
He realizes he’s been stroking his oily hair without realizing, all in the dark for however long, and stops. It felt soothing.
A shower. Dishes. He hasn't eaten much lately, but all the same. Homework... unless he emails his professors for extensions.
He has no doubt in his mind that he would get them, but just typing the words makes his train of thought derail into hell. Despite how vague he could be—“I need to attend a funeral.”; “There has been a death in my family.”; “I am experiencing a loss.”—heavy nausea twists his stomach in knots just to put the words together in his head.
He hasn’t changed out of your woolen sweater since Friday, the one with the panda bear. It’s also soothing.
But changing clothes is also on that list.
And he needs to call you, at the very least so you don’t lose your mind, or jump to the worst conclusions…
He’s being shitty to you by ignoring you, but the idea of reaching for his phone where it sits charging on the bedside table, the idea of rolling over, the idea of rubbing his eyes… It all feels as possible as flipping over gravity.
Laying in dead darkness isn’t going to make him feel any better, he knows. The quiet is piercing. The way he lays curled up under blankets isn’t unlike a corpse, either, but this deep in the hole, he’s struggling to get himself out.
He is not... in a good... place.
Bright white light washes over the ceiling as another call from you—that's your picture flashing, a candid photo he took of you almost tumbling out of your kayak from last summer—lights up his phone.
Move, he commands himself. It’s a foot away. Quit being pathetic and just. MOVE!
“Shit,” he croaks.
You’re worrying the shit out of them, you asshole!
After whipping the loose sleeve across his eyes, he lurches up and snatches his phone.
He forgot. The charging cable is yanked from the outlet and clatters on hardwood.
Shit. That couldn’t make the top fifteen on his list of priorities right now.
He tugs the cord from his phone and actually sets it on the floor at least. With his back killing him (from how long he has rotted in this fucking bed), he flops back and sluggishly rolls onto his side.
But as soon as he goes to press the green call button, it rings its last.
For a few unbelieving moments, he stares at his dark screen, not processing. The wider darkness turns blurry.
“Okay,” he whispers at last, and clears his voice of its rough edges in preparation.
It’s just like you to be up this late on a Sunday night; catching up on homework, probably. But he’s worrying himself sick over taking up the rest of your night. He doesn’t plan to go to class tomorrow.
He taps your contact through his stinging eyes, brimming with unshed tears.
And he’s worried about what he’ll say. He has practiced, wracked his mind for the right words, but he just can’t.
But it’s better you hear from him first. Eventually, you would find out anyway—Mikasa will tell Eren who will tell you in class tomorrow, he bets—and he can’t think of anyone else to talk to. No one that wouldn’t drain the life out of him, and-or make him feel somehow worse, and-or someone he can talk to when he’s like this.
The call rings once—no, less than once.
“Levi?” your breathy voice, full of exasperation hits his ear. His throat instantly lurches. “Are... Are you there? Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you since Friday. I thought maybe your phone broke, but—”
But you haven’t seen him in that class you have together, and no one else has heard from him either, he knows, but he lets you speak. He needs time to collect himself. And he can bathe in the sound of your voice for the first time in two hellish days.
"Levi? Baby?"
“I’m.” He cringes at the crack in his voice that already threatens to shatter. “I’m here.”
Your tone shifts into absolute concern. “There you are. I missed you.”
It shows how well you know him, you not asking what’s wrong directly.
His adam’s apple hiccups as he swallows, but the knot in his throat won’t give, and so a soft sob escapes instead.
“Shh...” He can practically see the surprise on your face. “Lev’ I’m here, I’m here...”
Eyes shut tight, he shoves his fist in his mouth in order to stop. The last thing he should be crying about is hearing your voice, you comforting him without even asking for an explanation.
“I’m here, sweetie.”
“…You’re n-not here,” he grinds out. He doesn’t know where this sudden flux of anger is coming from. “S-Something,” he gasps, crying, “Something happened.”
Your voice leaves. Quiet feels endless, until, “Okay, I’m coming over. And don’t you dare say no, if you were going to.” He hears a laptop slamming shut and the creak of your mattress when he strains his ears. “I’m on my way right now, so it’ll just be a few minutes, okay?”
It takes ten to get from your dorm to his apartment. “Don’t fucking speed,” he whispers.
“I won’t,” you tell him gently. He’s glad you don’t take that as a joke right now. “Promise.”
He shudders a tearful breath and smears his sleeve down his cheeks, which are wet.
The conversation is nearing its end: he hears the thump of a car door closing.
No part of him would have had the energy to turn you down. In fact, spending another ten minutes the same way he has spent the entire weekend looms over him now, encompassing.
“Could you...” Now he’s not only whimpering pathetically, but congested. “…Not hang up?”
“I was just about to say that,” you say. Your engine hums to life. “I can tell you about my weekend while we wait?”
He won’t have to talk, and not about himself. “Yeah,” he rasps. “Sure.”
The rest of the world fades out as you search for topics to ramble about, from your misadventures grocery-shopping on Saturday, to how shrimp-flavored Ramen is actually sinfully underrated, the flood in the laundry room...
He’s much calmer by the time your engine shuts off, but that only makes room for the numbness.
“I’m here,” you say down the other line. “Can I let myself in?”
Instead of getting ready, he forgot to move from his current spot—cuddled up to a fat pillow on his side with your voice set on top—since you got on the road.
“Yeah.” His absent voice is something between a grunt and a whisper. “But it’s… messy.”
Just as your keychain jingles down the other line, his front door down the hallway, in front of the living room, clicks open.
“Are you in bed?” you ask. He can hear you both ways.
Answering that question makes him feel like shit for some reason. “Sorry about the mess,”he murmurs, feeling shittier still, and hangs up.
And his place isn’t the only mess. His hair is a greasy nest of some kind, he can feel his eyes are swollen, and he got snot all over your fucking sweater.
Suddenly, he would rather rot away under these blankets the rest of the night than have you be subjected to him like this.
His bedroom isn’t your first stop. Maybe it’s because he didn’t answer your obvious question, so you’re giving him time to collect himself before he comes out.
Then in the kitchen, the sink starts running. Something clatters.
Are you doing his dishes?
His brow knits. He ghosted you all weekend, and now on a Sunday night he has you doing his dishes. Guilt like a fucking tsunami drags him under.
Yet, it’s still impossible to stand.
His eyes sting, pricked by fresh, unshed tears.
Compared to his usual habits, he has slept ages this weekend. He feels himself drift and doze to the tune of the dishes making small racket, even through the faint whistle of the kettle. It feels unimportant, like background noise.
He stirs though, as the mattress sags by his head. His phone makes a soft thunk as it’s placed back on the nightstand. Something clicks back into the wall.
Those tears from before make their appearance, so he turns his head so his face is in the pillow. His first breath has him struggling; he cried so much he can’t physically breathe through his nose.
Your warm voice chimes through the darkness. “I made some tea. Can I turn on the light so you can drink it?”
His nails dig into his palm. “The,” a breath through his mouth, “lamp.”
Beyond the pillow’s gentle realms, he hears a click before a faint glow invades the dark. A hand floats down to his shoulder, and rubs, but he doesn’t make himself move.
You must have at least some idea of the kind of state he’s in now, yet you still haven't asked the obvious.
You knew Mom’s health was getting worse, unexplainable symptoms for an unknown illness, but not... Not what happened on Friday. Not that he didn’t even get a chance to hear her voice one last time. Not Kenny’s call.
“I’m right here,” you tell him. “Everything’s gonna be alright, sweetie.”
Are you an angel? Your hand cards his wet bangs off his face, and he cringes. He knows the grease doesn’t matter to you, but it does to him.
“I didn't ask you to do all that,” he protests weakly, unmoving. By the shift in the mattress, he can tell you’re reaching for tissues.
They’re precariously balanced on top of the pillow. “Do you want a change of clothes?”
He shudders a sigh without really meaning to, he’s so mentally exhausted. Clearly he won’t be getting anywhere in terms of complaining, so he does the bare minimum of pushing himself up on one arm. Without looking at you, he takes a tissue.
Your free hand is right there, though. He reaches, and shyly takes that, too. When you squeeze, he squeezes back a little too quickly.
A fresh cup of steaming tea waits on the nightstand for him.
“Thanks,” he mutters, head still downturned.
“Always.” You pet his hair down. “I’ll start the shower.”
“Okay.” His voice breaks. “Thanks.”
Properly sat up, he finishes the incredible cup of tea you brewed before you even get back. For one thing, he can’t remember the last time he had anything to drink, and he’s been losing a lot of water. Plus, you’re the only one who knows how he likes it, and… it comforts him in a way little else can.
Once he’s done washing up under the hot water, having stood there long enough for his hands to prune, he changes into the navy pullover, briefs, and sweatpants you brought for him.
Now he idles in the doorway, still not quite believing you’re not an angel. Another steaming cup waits on his nightstand, and you’ve been cleaning up more. His made bed has clean sheets, and the rest of his dirty laundry is gone. You even re-organized his desk.
You look up from your seat at the foot of the bed as the bathroom door peeks open.
Usually, you get onto him for his cleaning habits. Then again, he never, ever cries in front of you.
“Hi.” You smile faintly. “It’s okay. You don't have to talk about it.”
He looks down and away.
“But… can I stay the night?”
But he won’t be going to class tomorrow, and he can’t say that a shower and some tea will be enough to shake him out of this. It won’t be. He doesn’t want support like this while you don’t even know why—to him it feels unfair.
You scoot back on the bed, the springs whining under your weight, and untuck the sheets. For how impossible everything felt earlier, nothing could have stopped him from climbing into bed and crawling into your arms.
You both settle down. The blankets are pulled up to his shoulders, which you wrap your arms around.
“I like that shampoo.” You kiss the top of his head.
He blinks mildly. Mostly, he just listens to your heart. “Thank you.”
In the mirror, it looked like he had applied red eyeshadow, the bags under his eyes dark beyond belief. The swelling is a little better after a hot shower.
“I don’t wanna keep you in the dark,” he explains. Those must be the most words he's spoken all weekend.
You wait while carding your fingers through his damp hair.
“It’s Mom.”
“Oh.” The word leaves you like a punch. Your soothing hand stutters, but doesn’t stop. “Is she getting worse…?”
He hesitates. He doesn’t know how to say it. “No. Not anymore.”
“Oh, Levi.” You take him further into your warm caress until he’s all but curled up on top of you. Your hand strokes his back up and down.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” you whisper, a touch heavy. “I’m so sorry.”
He squeezes you tight, trying to burrow into your arms, and shuts his eyes even tighter. The feeling that sits in his chest, begging him to cry even more, returns at full-force.
He doesn’t know what to say to that, because it will never be okay.
You offer to email his professors, maybe tell them in person, so he can have some much-needed time to grieve. Even his homework you say you can do, but he turns you down on that one. It’s enough that you just...
“…stay. Here.”
“You have me,” you reassure into his hair. “I got you.”
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Enter the event here!
taglist: @ackermandick | @midtwenties-angst | @sckerman | @halloweenmedic | @katty | @jayteacups | @notgoodforlife | @peace-for-levi | @chaotic-nick | @b-o-n-e-daddy | @levisbrat25 | + link to sign up
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poisonpeche · 2 years
i would just like to say alla, you have me in an absolute CHOKEHOLD w scare!actor levi i really can't. your latest update on your fic is just UGH. imma read it in its entirety sometime tmrw but i skimmed through it and the dialogue you write for levi in it is so hot i might pass out T.T
Scare Actor Levi has become my conduit for all of my perverse hornee spooky thots. He has quite a mouth on him. 🥲
Just let this man have nothing but fun and mischief in another universe, I beg.
I hope you got the chance to finish it because, listen, the thought of him making you fuck his chainsaw like a sybian in a haunted house…
Someone take my keyboard away from me goodbye 💀
Thank you so much for reading & loving my fic! This made my damn day & I adore you 🥹
* * *
Read Paranormal Activity | Levi Ackerman x You Here: Part I | Part II
Summary: Your Scare Actor boyfriend Levi has a taste for the macabre that competes with every aspect of you, his pretty girl.
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Might be a temporary thing but I have NAWT been able to imagine Levi with a woman like shjgkskflfshhd only asexual/ aromantic or with a man ((Erwin))
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midnightraine131 · 7 months
Love Letters from the Skies to the West Coast - Chapter 4 / 15
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Pairing: Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart Minor: Levi Ackermann/ Hange Zoe, Historia Reiss / Ymir Tags: Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Teenage Love, Awkward First Times, Slow Burn, POV Armin Arlert, Bottom Armin Arlert, Wet Dreams Warning: R18 contains sensitive topics If you are easily triggered by religions, specifically Christianity and Catholicism, I don't think this fic is for you. I have nothing against these religions and this fic is anything but serious. Summary: They say the most judgmental people are those who attend church on Sundays. Despite growing up in a Christian household, Armin Arlert felt overburdened by the pile of ministry activities assigned to him. So he made a pact with himself to never follow in his father's footsteps and become a pastor. With the goal of saving enough money to persuade his parents to let him move to another state after high school, he started accepting paid essay projects in school in secret. Everything in Armin's busy life seemed manageable until he met Annie Leonhart, a Californian girl whose parents had moved her against her will to Vermont. Upon discovering Armin's secret business, Annie approached him with a unique request- to write love letters for a long-distance lover. To craft the perfect love letters, she would help Armin embark on a journey of firsts— his first kiss, first hug, first date, and first everything in a relationship.thing in a relationship.
Awkward silence.
That’s the best word Armin could describe their current situation. Annie sat on the bench beside him, her arms crossed over her chest. Her right leg rested atop the other, gently swinging her foot up and down. He couldn't discern if she expected him to say something foolish again or if he should awkwardly excuse himself, blurting out, "Hi, Doc Hange! I just remembered I have some errands to run. Send the bills to my address! Gotta go!" Then, making a dash for the door as if his life depended on it.
But, no, that scenario was wishful thinking. His grandfather was picking him up from this clinic; he needed a ride home.
Armin closed his eyes in resignation. If there were an award for making a situation awkward, he'd surely earn a noble prize.
He shifted his gaze toward the counter, squinting to catch their reflection in its glass finish. Annie appeared disinterested, likely gazing out of the window. He followed her line of sight and spotted her watching tangerine-colored leaves dancing in the wind. One leaf glided and swirled mid-air before disappearing from view. Armin rarely appreciated such things, but as he turned back to Annie, seeing her face light up, he found tranquility in that moment.
Annie's countenance was a fortress for her emotions; she guarded them skillfully, hiding something fragile. In a split second, she smiled. As Armin blinked, her usual stoic expression returned. He made a mental note that the next time he caught her smile, he wouldn't blink so she couldn't shield herself. She’s indeed a very pretty girl, he mused.
Clearing her throat, Annie broke the silence. "That's quite awkward, isn't it? If you have nothing more to say, I'll return to my work."
Armin blinked, looking away and feeling his face heat up. He shifted his seat as far as possible. "I said what I meant."
"Do you really mean it?"
He nodded.
Of course, he did. They might not have been the usual words one would say, but it was Armin. He'd bluntly speak his mind without much thought. Before he could answer, the door burst open.
Hange, sliding a pen back into her white-coated pocket, reviewed a report on her clipboard. "As I suspected, your girl is extremely malnourished. She was just a week old and required extensive care for a few days before she could eat independently. Also, her wounds are infected, not too severe, but I need to prescribe some antibiotics." Scribbling down prescriptions, she then noticed the two awkward teenagers on the bench. "Oh, do you two know each other?" she inquired.
Despite Hange being among the brightest individuals Armin knows in town, she occasionally displays a certain naiveté, often unintentionally. She's been married for over two years to Levi Ackerman, a pet groomer, possibly her first boyfriend post-university. Rumours has it they've chosen not to have children, instead opting to be devoted "fur parents." Their love for their fur babies evolved into a business—a small clinic offering pet grooming services.
Armin rose and approached the counter, where Hange was jotting down notes. Somehow, he felt relieved to escape an awkward conversation with Annie. "Well, um, yeah, we know each other. So, what will the bill be?" he inquired.
Hange clicked her tongue and sighed. "I won't charge you for the consultation, but for her medications, milk, and vaccines. It might be a bit costly. Also, my clinic is currently filled with animals carrying diseases. I can't risk a small kitten falling ill, so she needs a home."
Armin sensed Annie standing behind him, listening. He glanced at her before returning his focus to the doctor. While he could persuade his parents to adopt the kitten, he didn't want to engage in discussions about shouldering the expenses with them.
"As much as I'd like to take her, my dad will probably kick me out before I bring the kitten home," Annie deadpanned.
"Hmm." Hange leaned on her table, chin resting on her palm. "I can see in Armin's eyes that he wants the cat too. How about co-parenting for the cat? Armin provides a home while Annie supports her needs in exchange for visiting rights. You're a full-time staff member at my clinic, so you are eligible for a staff rate, it won't hurt much."
Not a bad idea, but...
"Uh, that's fine with me. I'm not sure about Annie," Armin replied, looking down at the white-tiled floor.
"I have no issue with that," Annie said, crossing her arms.
"It's settled then!" Hange clapped her hands in delight. "I'll prepare her things so you can head home. I have a small cage here for you. I'll be right back." She continued to chatter as she vanished into one of the rooms, leaving the two blondes alone.
Armin smiled awkwardly at Annie.
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deathskid · 2 years
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welcome to my very first kinktober! i’m super excited to participate this year and post every piece of filth that has been plaguing my mind for the past few months. below the cut is the schedule/masterlist which is still subject to change, but i plan to stick to this and will try my best.
i will post drabbles tuesday-sunday & every monday i will post a full length fic. the days that are bolded are the days that there will be a full fic posted! all works are written for f!reader and will more than likely use she/her pronouns and female genitalia.
fandoms included: aot & jjk.
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OCT. 1 — somnophilia + choso kamo
OCT. 2 — sex toys + reiner braun
power play + manipulation | jean kierstein
OCT. 4 — brat taming + levi ackermann
OCT. 5 — overstimulation + choso kamo
OCT. 6 — mutual masturbation + gojo satoru
OCT. 7 — cock worship + getou suguru
OCT. 8 — daddy kink + toji fushiguro
OCT. 9 — edging + shoko ieri
double penetration + stalking | zeke & eren yeager
OCT. 11 — mirror sex + nanami kento
OCT. 12 — bondage + reiner braun
OCT. 13 — thigh riding + levi ackermann
OCT. 14 — exhibitionism + toji fushiguro
OCT. 15 — hate fucking + eren yeager
OCT. 16 — anal + sukuna
cuckolding | nanami kento + gojo satoru
OCT. 18 — dumbification + getou suguru
OCT. 19 — boot riding + zeke yeager
OCT. 20 — voyuerism + eren yeager & armin arlet
OCT. 21 — size difference + reiner braun
OCT. 22 — public sex + jean kiersten
OCT. 23 — breeding + zeke yeager
kidnapping + gunplay | serial killer!toji fushiguro
OCT. 25 — spanking + shoko ieri
OCT. 26 — cockwarming + nanami kento
OCT. 27 — lactation + gojo satoru
OCT. 28 — orgasm control + gojo satoru
OCT. 29 — dacryphilia + toji fushiguro
OCT. 30 — facefucking + choso kamo
free use + gangbang | toji, gojo, getou, sukuna
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glamsmine · 6 months
The Final Ackermann
(Yes that is the fic name and that was the best i could do but it will all make sense PROMISE)
It was unspoken, as was everything else between the two, but this- THIS was something the both needed to confirm. How to go about it? Neither knew. They were so used to questioning each other on topics and arguing, but talking things out? Leaving everything in the open? That simply wasn’t how Kenny operated in any way, shape, or form. Uri was more adept in that area, but Kenny being the other part that had to contribute to the possible conversation made it more difficult for him to find a way to even bring it up. Uri wasn’t one to keep his thoughts to himself, and part of him has doubts that this may just all be in his head and that Kenny just acts as he pleases with whoever. He had no idea of knowing whether he was wrong or not. Kenny was stubborn and to the point, so he’d have mentioned at least once what it was they were to each other wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t, in fact, because this is about the only type of thing he has no experience in. The past month felt off, awkward, not in any instance like a regular evening they had or casual banter they exchanged like before. All because of the way the two gazed at each other sitting in front of the island’s shore one afternoon.
It felt instantaneous, feverish, a bit shy. Something so foreign to the two that they realized that in that moment, they could never look at each other the same way afterwards. So in the moment that they both had that disappointing realization that there might be more to this “partnership” that they developed under the intention of keeping a royal and loyal connection, they held their eyes for as long as they could; in fear that they would never have a moment exactly like this one ever again. The sea air felt soft and smelt of jasmine rather than the nasty smell Kenny first described it as. The light coming from the sun above seemed to graze Kenny’s face and capture it in a warm glow with an expression Uri could only think of as surprised. Truly a sight to see, Kenny never softened his face or let the furrow in his brows rest.
The light breeze picked at Uri’s hair, a picture wouldn’t do him justice. The technology on the island is too behind to allow for the invention of a camera, but Kenny was grateful he was able to capture this moment in his mind where he hardly had any real memories that made him comfortable or happy.
It was just like that how their prolonged silence led to hushed nights hiding from palace guards and days where Kenny would stare up at the sky with nothing else but that white coconut head he had engrained into his eyelids. If only he wasn’t such a cowardly ass that didn’t give a damn of what others thought, maybe he’d be able to peck Uri without a single thought. Perhaps he might’ve even been able to keep that little Levi in his sights, properly raise him and prepare him for the world that he will let him see in the future. The underground was no place to live. He’d like to think that he’d have everything he ever wanted then. His family and love(maybe even more if he got the chance), but the dreams of an Ackermann can never come to fruition. He wanted to blame their heritage, maybe it was a curse because no Ackermann in existence has ever lived the life they’ve wanted, but he knew. This was just how the Ackermanns managed to survive this far, and he hoped that that wouldn’t reach Levi’s way of living. Yet he knew. This was just how things are, and how they always will be.
WOOOPWOOOPWOPPP. So this has been siting in my drafts for like, forever and I decided to finish it off just now. (I hate writing fr, why can’t I just write my stuff all at once so I don’t have to constantly revisit my drabbles when I finally have a transition point or more to add on.) anyways.
This is very much KenUri if you haven’t already noticed💀 I don’t wanna ruin the actual plot point that comes after this bc it would be a big spoiler for my fic, even though i have yet to write the whole thing🗿 but this will be an Armin-centric fic (ik. SURPRISING. Given that this is some real KenUri) but it will make sense when i actually write it🧍🏽‍♀️there’s a good foreshadow/ reference in here so maybe that is a tip-off. Anyways. This exists now…….
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 1: June I
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{{ Chapter 2: July I }} Chapter Directory
I'm so excited to finally publish this jdkflsjd. I'll get this chapter up on AO3 later this weekend or on Monday since my parents are in town, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be on! If you're interested in getting tagged for updates, fill out this new form here: x :3
EDIT: this is now up on AO3 as well!
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackermann x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, enemies to lovers (sorta), strangers to lovers, fem!reader, eventual smut, ex was originally porco but i accidentally made him too much of a dick so i replaced his name with zack, no it is not a reference to zeke i'd rather puke, only adding tags/content warnings that are applicable to each chapter so people can skip around if need be!, will continue to add as more stuff comes up ✧ word count ➼ ~3.9k
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College was difficult enough without having to worry about money, housing, and relationship issues. Unfortunately, you were not one of the few lucky students that could just get through those four years in isolation. In addition to worrying about school, you also had to deal with a last minute housing change after some recent bullshit regarding your now ex-boyfriend. Your dynamic had gotten to the point that you couldn’t afford to wait for another two months as leases began expiring and apartments would open up for prospective renters again. You’d rather live on the streets when compared to having to live with him for another day. 
Given the fact that it was June and your only remaining family was out of the country, you were left with no choice but to desperately try to find a sublease that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. That, plus the fact that you didn’t have a car and would be forced to live near campus, meant that you were ready to rip your hair out by the time that you finally found a sublease.
You knew it was due to nothing other than pure luck when you found an apartment complex that was a ten-minute walk to campus, close to a bus stop, relatively cheap, and had a tenant that moved out the week prior.
Unfortunately, your luck ran out when you found that you'd have to take a 2-hour bus ride from your ex-boyfriend's house to your new apartment. It wasn't that far from the two destinations, but the bus routes looped around the town multiple times, making your commute much longer than if you had gone by car.
As a result, you found yourself leaning your head back against the glass window at the rear end of the bus.
This really is Zack's last "fuck you" to me, isn't it?
You anxiously tapped your foot against the floor as you pulled out your phone for the millionth time. The previous tenant that set up the sublease had given you the contact information for your new roommate to set up the exchange of keys along with getting everything set up regarding who's paying for what utilities and how rent would be split. You already knew this was going to be a pain in the ass to handle. What you weren't prepared for was the lack of a hasty response when you sent a text to the number that Miche had given you.
> [you (12:35pm)]: hey, miche said you'd be free this afternoon so i can get your keys? does 3:00 work
You had sent that text message to your mysterious roommate roughly an hour ago when you had boarded your first bus back towards campus. You were now about half-way through your trip and had boarded your third bus, which was finally your last one before getting dropped off roughly a block away from your new apartment. 
You shot a frown towards your phone. Your roommate had still not answered. Frustrated, you began typing again, in case the urgency in your first text was missed.
> [you (1:45pm)]: im on the bus ride over. i don't have a car, so would we be able to handle this so i'm not stranded outside?
By the time you arrived, your roommate had still not answered. You had spent the entire two-hour ride anxiously bouncing your leg up and down, checking your phone every 5-10 minutes to see if you would ever get an answer. 
You didn't.
When the bus driver finally announced your stop, you found yourself more anxious than you were relieved at finishing your annoyingly long bus ride. You stepped off the bus in a dejected manner, with your right hand holding onto your phone and your left hand holding onto your backpack strap that was a bit too tight on your shoulders. Your back ached from lugging it around all day. It was packed with the basic necessities that you would need to survive the week, with your ex-boyfriend, Zack, promising to drop off the rest of your stuff next week—although you knew that translated to "shit he didn't want". That's just how your dynamic was. 
You unlocked your phone and typed in the address for your new apartment complex again, navigating your way through the fairly empty streets. It was a residential area and given the fact that it was near a college campus—and therefore primarily made up of university students—and it was in the middle of June, most of the tenants had gone home for the summer.
The new apartment complex wasn't bad. It certainly couldn't compare to a house, but it had an indoor lobby with mailboxes on one side and a recreation room on the other with some vending machines, and even a small kitchenette. 
No wonder the rent was so expensive.
You stepped inside, a relieved exhale escaping your lips as you felt the cool air from the air conditioning unit wash over you. Although you were definitely still irritated, seeing the lobby and escaping the heat brought up your mood slightly.
Your resolve renewed, you began to climb up the stairs, trying to figure out the best way to greet your new roommate without being overly frustrated. 
Maybe their phone was off. Maybe they took a nap and couldn't see the texts. Maybe you got the wrong number from Miche. 
You thought of all the reasons as to why they wouldn't respond. You shook your head, knowing that you should just brush it under the rug. As long as your roommate was home to let you in and give you your keys, there shouldn't be any more issues—for now. 
"Unit 217," you mumbled to yourself as you walked down the hallway, looking up at the door numbers.
Once you appeared in front of Unit 217, you frowned, noticing that the lights inside were off. That wasn't good news.
Maybe there's enough lighting from the windows that they don't need lights.
You gently knocked on the door.
There wasn't a sound—no movement, no noise, no talking, nothing.
You knocked again a bit harder. 
You knocked again.
They're not home. Of course they're not home. What a wonderful start to this already shitty situation.
You rested your forehead against the door, tempted to smash your head against it out of frustration. Your eyes finally shot open when you heard a door open. You glanced over to the side and saw a tall blonde man with a beard and glasses walk out.
"Locked out?" he asked as you made eye contact.
"You could say that," you mumbled with a frown. "You wouldn't happen to know of anywhere within walking distance that has wi-fi?"
If you couldn't get ahold of your roommate, you might as well get some writing done until you can return later in the evening when your roommate has to be home. 
"There's a café roughly a block down, if you were wanting to hang out there, although I'm not sure when Ackermann will be home. His schedule's been all over the place recently."
"Hmm," you muttered, indicating the lack of interest in learning about your roommate's backstory, although you now at least had a name.
Ackermann, huh? What a pretentious sounding last name.
These damn undergrads...
Levi Ackermann currently stood behind the doorway that led from the breakroom and into the main seating area of the small, local café that he currently held a part-time position as a barista at. 
He wasn't supposed to be here. He had purposefully given himself the week off so he could catch up on some lab work, yet he still found himself here. One of the new hires—a sophomore named Marlo—called out roughly 20 minutes ago when Levi was headed home from his immunology lab after spending the entire morning chatting with his mentor about whether he'd be able to graduate with his PhD on time.
To make things worse, since he was new, Marlo's shift meant that Levi was stuck working at the registers to take orders, which he easily considered the worst part of the job. If his shift just consisted of making the specialty brews that came his way, he'd be significantly less grumpy. That way, he could just tuck away in his corner and do the one aspect of the job that he enjoyed—making tea—instead of having to deal with the irritation that came with dealing with the undergrads that frequently visited.
"For fuck's sake," he whispered underneath his breath as he shut the door to his locker, ignoring his phone that kept on lighting up. He had it on silent for everyone except for the two people that mattered in his life—Farlan and Isabel—and they wouldn't contact him unless it was an emergency. 
The fact that coming into this shift was one of the smaller annoyances in Levi's life simply poured more salt onto his wound. He wasn't even supposed to be working this much since it took away from his school time to do his research, but the graduate program's financial aid office fucked up his stipend and he was left to fend for himself. It was only for this month, so it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but then his housing situation got all fucked up.
He had been living with Miche for roughly a year and they had a decent partnership as roommates, until Miche left to live closer to the city after freshly finishing a Master's program. Miche had moved out about two weeks ago, telling him that his new roommate would be reaching out soon. Levi's stipend situation couldn't come at a worse time, as Miche moving out meant he had to cover this month's rent on his own unless his new roommate magically showed up within the next day and was willing to cover rent when they hadn't even really started living there yet. 
After shooting a death glare at the front register for a few more minutes, he finally decided to step up to the counter, hoping that it was at least a slow day so he could get home and pretend the grievances in his life weren't as bothersome for a few hours.
His shift had just started, so he was more than a little annoyed when he already heard the door open. The semester had just ended, which roughly translated to all the undergrads leaving for summer break. Other than the few stragglers and the unfortunate PhD students that were forced to work through the summer, everyone should have gone home. He glanced up as he saw someone walk inside. 
An immediate frown appeared on his face. He could immediately tell that they were an undergraduate student, and likely an oblivious one at that.
Levi watched as you stumbled in through the door, dragging in a backpack that was slightly too large and overpacked. You looked like you had been running around with no sense of direction or purpose. You were all disheveled, as shown by how chaotic your hair looked and through how much you struggled stepping away from the door frame and towards the coffee bar.
He felt his eyes begin to roll before seeing you approach him.
Taking over Marlo's shift means I'm working the registers and have to talk with the undergrads. What a pain in the ass.
He stared at you with a neutral expression on his face as you plopped down at the coffee bar in front of him.
"Can I get you something?" he finally said, in a tone that indicated that customer service was not one of his skills in this profession.
You looked past him at the menu that was hung up behind him. Although you had passed this café a bunch whenever you found the time to travel off-campus and explore the town that surrounded the outskirts of Paradis University, this was the first time you actually found yourself in Chosahei Café. You squinted at the menu, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion at some of the options.
"Why are the specialty coffee drinks unavailable?"
"Ah?" mumbled Levi before turning around to glance at where you were looking. "The barista that specializes in those stepped out. I can get you one of the standard ones or I can get you one of the specialty teas."
You blinked at him for a few seconds as if you were struggling to process what he was saying.
"You're a barista and you can't make coffee?"
"Tch," he muttered, already beyond irritated as he frowned at you. He knew that he was likely biased against your presence and simply lumped you in with the rest of the undergrads that constantly drove him up the wall with their obsession with cheap iced lattes that he couldn't be bothered to care about making. "Did you not hear what I just said? I can get you a standard one or—if you were really wanting one of the house specialty drinks—one of the teas."
"You must get top remarks for your customer service skills," you said with a monotonous tone.
Levi placed his hands on the counter, leaning against it as he stared at you.
"This isn't some retail café like Starbucks—which is down the street, by the way," he said, pointing towards the door as a gesture to indicate that you could leave if you weren't satisfied. "The house drinks were all created by the employees and the barista that made the specialty coffees stepped out. Now are you going to order or not? I have other customers to attend to."
His eyes raised off of you and towards the back of the café, where a line of about 3-4 people gathered as they impatiently waited for you to order.
"Hmph," you said, letting out an irritated exhale. "Get me a matcha."
Levi raised an eyebrow at you.
"Out of all the specialty ones here, you go with something as basic as that?"
You were beyond confused over why this random barista in a small, local café was giving you this much grief.
"Oh what the hell? Just get me the damned matcha, you asshole," you snapped at him as you tossed your card towards him.
He quickly grabbed your card and put in the order with an unamused look on his face.
You kept your gaze on him as he begrudgingly prepared your drink. After about a minute, you glanced towards the door that opened as a tall gentleman that also wore the barista apron stepped inside. He was average height, but seemed much taller, likely due to the fact that the barista in front of you that decided to chastise you for ordering a matcha barely rose above you in terms of height—and you were not a tall person.
The new barista went behind the counter and started taking the other customers that had gathered behind you, removing the "unavailable" sign that covered up the specialty coffees. You frowned as he smoothly chatted with the customers, with your expression quickly turning into a scowl as you saw him remove the sign.
"I'm guessing he's the barista that actually knows how to make coffee?" you said, shooting another unamused look towards Levi as he walked back with your cup of matcha. 
You heard a quiet grunt from the grumpy barista you had the misfortune of being served by and you sighed as you picked up the cup and took a sip of the matcha that he reluctantly made you.
You paused, a little taken aback by the taste.
It was pretty damn good—much better than any you've ever gotten at Starbucks, anyhow. 
"Onyankopon brought over some specialty recipes that he apparently grew up making over at Marley," Levi grumbled to you. "That is why I couldn't make the specialty coffees."
After he said that, he subtly scowled at himself. Why he was even explaining himself to you was beyond him. You were just some random undergrad that stopped by and said annoying undergrad things. He had literally no reason to explain himself or justify his actions.
"So what brought you in? You're undergrad, right?" Levi asked, prompting you to look up at him. "Didn't classes just end? Most of you are back at your parents by now."
You sighed and pursed your lips, with a dark look entering your eyes. Levi was able to tell that you were biting your tongue on some information that was relevant, but that you didn't feel like divulging.
"Yes," you finally said. "I had some shit come up and had to move last minute, so I'm stuck on campus for now."
You took another sip of your matcha as a frown grew on your face.
"But at this point, I'm pretty sure it was a fucking mistake."
"Oh?" Levi asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
"I had to take a two-hour bus ride here since my asshole of an ex just happened to be busy on the day I need his car, but as luck would have it, my roommate also happens to be out, so I can't even get my damn keys from them, hence why I'm here getting chastised by you because I ordered a damned matcha instead of being in my new apartment and getting settled in."
You looked up at Levi upon hearing his silence.
"How unfortunate," he finally responded in an uninterested tone.
You rolled your eyes at his response.
"God, talking to you is a pain in the ass," you spat before quickly finishing the rest of the matcha and throwing a spare dollar onto the counter as a tip before getting up.
You paused before walking away, turning slightly towards the grumpy barista.
"You should probably consider the fact that people don't order your teas because they don't want to order from you."
"Ah?" Levi muttered as he took the dollar off the counter.
"People generally don't like interacting with someone that acts like a dick right off the bat."
Levi frowned to himself as he kicked off his shoes upon walking in the front door, placing them neatly upside down on the shoe rack next to the door. He sighed as he flipped on the light switch to his empty apartment. He didn't particularly mind living on his own, but Miche was a good roommate and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little on edge over who his new roommate was going to be.
He walked over to his bedroom, pushing the door open as he lifted his barista apron over his head to put away for the night. Seeing the apron reminded him of the café, and in particular, the conversation he had with a certain undergraduate student that he was forced to serve and insulted him right before they left.
Tch, he thought as he recalled the comment you made.
I'm not a dick. What the fuck.
He shut his closet after he put the apron away, his mood soured by the recollection of your conversation, although he wasn't in a great mood to begin with in the first place. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw that he had a few hours before he was supposed to "go to bed". Being a notorious insomniac, "going to bed" basically meant laying down and staring at the ceiling for a few hours. He rarely ever got to actually sleep, but the few minutes he can occasionally catch were enough to keep him going.
He walked over to his desk, turning the switch on his small desk lamp and pulling out a folder from his backpack that was hung up against the side of his desk. He pulled out a stack of paper and neatly placed them at the center of his desk. He took a seat in his chair and flipped through the packets, frowning at the sheer number he had yet to go through. His original plan for the day was to get home and read through some of these papers that Erwin had assigned him to read before he went back to lab on Monday—it was currently a Friday. He knew Erwin had high expectations for him. Erwin would even occasionally say that Levi was the best student he's ever had, which made Levi immediately want to shrivel up in discomfort.
He glanced up from the papers in his hand. His room was "empty". Miche had commonly made fun of him and said that Levi always made his space look like no one actually lived there. The top of his desk was always empty, his bed was always made, and not a single article of clothing was in plain sight. Levi Ackermann was just that type of person. It heavily contributed to why he was so on edge over who his new roommate would be and if they would even be compatible in terms of living style.
He turned on his phone to check the time, having ignored it for the entire latter half of the day.
7:30pm. That meant he had time to get at least a few papers reviewed. 
He frowned as he looked through his notifications and saw an unknown number appear. The texts were from this afternoon, so he knew it was long past an appropriate time to respond.
> [unknown number (12:35pm)]: hey, miche said you'd be free this afternoon so i can get your keys? does 3:00 work > [unknown number (1:45pm)]: im on the bus ride over. i don't have a car, so would we be able to handle this so i'm not stranded outside?
He sighed as he locked his phone and placed it onto his desk. It was just his luck that he went into a last-minute shift right as his new roommate contacted him. He knew that this new roommate was going to be irate with him since it's been around 6 hours since they sent that text. This just added more things onto Levi's plate that he really didn't need right now.
Before he could move to pick up his phone to shoot a reply at this unknown number, he heard not-so-gentle knocking on the door. Knowing that this was likely his new roommate that he had unintentionally ignored all day, he internally groaned to himself before forcing himself out of his chair.
He heard another knock as he made his way from his bedroom to the front door, bracing himself as he unlocked the door and pulled it open.
A frown appeared on his face as he looked at the person in front of him in confusion. 
"What the hell?" he muttered as he saw an equally confused expression appear on your face. 
That annoying undergrad from this afternoon?
"Did you follow me home?" 
You raised an eyebrow at him. The last person you had expected to be greeted with was the grumpy barista that you had the misfortune of interacting with earlier in the day.
"Did you?" you retorted.
Levi scoffed.
"How the hell would I have followed you home if I was here first?"
He cursed to himself as he recalled the monologue you gave him earlier on in the day.
You had said that you had to suffer on a bus ride and couldn't get in contact with your new roommate to get keys to the unit. Now that you were standing in front of the door to his apartment, his frown only grew.
Your eyes widened as you finally put together the pieces.
"Wait," you asked, shaking your head slightly. "Are you-?"
"I guess so," Levi responded with an unamused sigh.
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17
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astraeusasta · 5 months
☾⋆⁺₊✧ Masterlist
This is my masterlist for all of my oneshots, both future planned and currently standing. Both on my ao3 page and on my tumblr. I won't write often but when I do I try to at least make it over 1k words so that there's a decent amount to read. So without further ado, here is my masterlist.
My request are open. Read below for what you can and cannot request. Requests will be anonymous. The list below are, at the moment, the only things I will write for.
I will write - Fluff, Angst, One Shots, Hurt/Comfort, Sensitive Topics (such as addiction.), Descriptive Violence, Established Relationships, AU, Canon Universe, Female or Gn Reader, Headcanons I will not write - Smut, Male Reader (I can't write as a man, I swear I'm terrible.), Racist characters, Homophobic characters, Pregnancy, Controversial Topics.
This is a 17+ blog for the reasons of in most of my fics I discuss and portray blood or extreme violence. Not to mention mental health discussion and other triggering or sensitive topics. That should also serve as a warning that if you are sensitive to; Descriptive violence, blood, delusion, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks or anything along those lines. Read at your own risk.
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Attack On Titan
We Are One Of The Same - Eren Jaeger x TitanShifter!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Kindest Winter - Annie Leonhardt x Fem!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
Never Meant To Be - Reiner Braun x Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Horse and The Ocean - Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Loveless Soldier - Levi Ackermann x Dying!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
What You Meant To Him (Part One) - Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader (One shot)
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
Demon Slayer
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
Genshin Impact
For His Birthday - Wanderer x Fem!Reader (One shot)
Honkai Starrail
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
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levmada · 2 years
i absolutely forgot to mention congratulations on 1k!!! you deserve them and more, gee :)
okay, everything i’m saying is always gonna be with levi 😅 how about "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, but I have to stitch up that wound." and canon? maybe where they get left behind during an expedition and levi has some aid saved up somehow?
content/warnings: search&rescue, descriptions of blood+gore+injuries, Levi pining HARD, some hurt/comfort, Scout!Reader
wc: ~2.8k
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Levi knows an expedition is going to shit when not only the flanking squads get wiped out, but the injured wagons, too.
Or at least this one.
He rises up from a crouch, coughing into his elbow. Human rot has a tendency to stick to nostrils, but especially the hard iron stench of blood, and this scene is gory.
He deduced what happened quickly. It wasn't enough that the wagon flipped when it was chased through a forest like this—the path unkempt, and cramped with trees packed in like sardines—the Titans had to have a field day with the medics in white, and those who were already close to death.
He hopes it was quick.
The ashy black plume of smoke from his flare swims in the sky. It’s nauseating, but he needs to stay longer to scavenge; additional supplies will be these Scouts’ last contribution to humanity.
It’s dirty work bordering on disrespectful, looting bodies, but the rest of the formation will need all the help it can get in order to make it back home in relatively one piece.
Levi kneels in front of the crevice beneath the wagon. The way it crashed, it leans haphazardly on heavy, exposed roots littered all throughout this area. A fat cat could comfortably lay underneath.
Then he sees a cape shrouded in the darkness. Another body.
His eyes widen. Is that you?
He pauses with his hand braced on the splintered wood, faced with a choice.
If it is you, then, it’ll show in the missing reports when he rejoins the formation. Part of him, a part that he can’t face head-on out here, doesn’t want to figure it out for himself.
At any rate, he needs the supplies. And in case it is you, he can at least take the wings on your jacket for your family back home. For your family.
He sighs softly through his nose.
Levi takes a look at the wagon itself. Without taking the horses into account, these things aren’t too heavy for him to lift, and thanks to its near-sideways landing, it’s even less.
He spreads his knees to brace himself, takes a breath to brace his mind, and then hikes the wagon’s end up on both arms with a heavy grunt. With it above his head, he inches underneath, closer, until—
It is you. Sprawled on your side like a limp doll, featureless. Blood spots your face, and dyes your cape.
A harsh, strained breath leaves through his grit teeth. He doesn't want to do this, but he doesn't have the luxury of choice—or the opportunity to mourn, for that matter.
A light ache begins to sneak down his arms. With his planted his feet beneath himself in a tight crouch, he frees one in order to catch your waist and put you into a better position to drag you out. Your… corpse, isn’t pinned down anywhere.
Where is palm lands is warm and slathered in blood. This turns into the least of his problems when, like flipping a switch, your head snaps back with a soft wail.
He yanks his bloody hand away with a gasp.
“Hey!” His one arm is cursing at him while he rocks your quivering shoulder. “If you can, you need to crawl out. I can't hold this forever.”
You don't seem to register who he is, just the command, which has your arms reaching, then tearing into the loose tarp.
You cry out from so little progress, your hand snapping down to your side.
Dread feathers his stomach. You may be dead anyway.
“Now!” Levi shouts.
Grass rips. He can’t see the expression you’re making when you whimper, “Captain. Help.”
He’s quicker using both his hands. Near the edge of sunlight, he snags your arm, and pulls.
Your jaw grates, and you cough out another cry.
It doesn’t seem you’re about to nod out on him at least, and good. That means you’re not in shock, or it passed before he got here, considering how long it’s been since the wagon crashed.
“Grab my arm and keep bracing your side,” he orders. His hand slides down along your forearm, and you mimic him.
Once your fingertips are digging in, he pulls, pulls, and pulls until your booted feet safely rest in the crevice when it drops back with a heavy thump.
His palm that never moved from the wood is bright red, screaming at him, but he barely feels it.
You end up on your back, panting so hard your hands bracing the wound on your side almost bounce
“I’m in the 8th Defense Squad,” you hiss out. “I was sent t-to check the injured, emergency flare.”
He already knows your place in the formation, not that he would admit to you that he scans the hunk of pages, the roster, for your name on every trip into Titan country. As if... that keeps you safer. Obviously it didn’t this time.
His lips part, but you’re still debriefing: “Everyone was dead, but Titans were nearby,” you cough, “T-Two hours ago? Broke my ODM—”
He can see that.
“Shut up for a second. Calm down.” He takes a hold of your shoulders to stop your wracking.
Tears glitter in your eyes. He doubts, this time, that they’re because of the pain.
“I don’t taste blood,” you go on. Meaning, the bleeding isn’t internal. “You’re pr-probably needed elsewhere. Leave me.”
Even though it’s probably the exact opposite of what you need in this moment, he scoffs scathingly, and takes one of your bloody hands. He plants your palm flat on his chest, where his heart beats underneath.
“If I leave you, you’re going to die anyway. You’re going copy my breaths and calm down. Can you feel my heartbeat?”
Your eyes shut again. “This is selfish. Others are at stake.”
“Answer me.”
You are always so selfless. A part of your character that Levi has learned to both admire, and loathe.
“Every life matters,” he tells you calmly. Your breathing stutters to copy his.
But some are more important than others, he wants to say.
“I’m making a choice,” he says instead. “Tell me what happened.”
You were forced to fight a group of three Abnormals on your own, that's what happened. The last one—something glowed in him knowing you managed to fell two—was smart enough to snag your wire. On the way down, something hard and blunt tore into your side. The only reason you lived was your hiding spot underneath the wagon.
The last part surprises him. Normally, Titans wouldn’t let a hiding spot stop them; you got lucky that this Abnormal was particularly stupid.
Before you can get off the forest floor (it’s not safe this low to the ground), your wound had to be cleaned and the blood controlled.
Upon tugging the blood rag that used to be your uniform shirt up and over your navel, his lips press in sympathy. The messy laceration cut deeply, but at least it’s small.
With a flask of water off his belt, Levi does the job quickly and methodically. Your hands joins his in pressing down with thick gauze, cool relief dripping into his stomach when no red finds its way to soak into bright white.
“Not bad,” he mutters.
You continue to press down while he works around the buckles of your broken ODM. The gear is worthless at this point.
He asks, “Can you stand?”
Now that most of the adrenaline has ebbed away, the empty space leaves room for the exhaustion to creep in… And the short-lived grief, the gratitude that he found you alive. He ignores those.
He can’t imagine how you must feel.
You brace your elbows behind your back without replying. It seems that even if you think you know the answer, you’re going to try.
You struggle. When bright blood seeps onto the gauze, and you whimper, he stops you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Forget it. Here.” He leans down. “W-Wrap your arms around me, I’ve got you.”
Then he adds, “That’s an order.”
Your eyes are wide, bringing out the brightest of their color in sunset like this, but you link your arms over his shoulders and do as he says.
Lifting you is effortless, but maneuvering high-up onto one of the thickest oaks is much more of a challenge. Somehow you manage.
As soon as you’re safe so the mess below looks like a fleeting bad dream, Levi leaves you briefly to tie up his horse.
He takes his time with the latter. He doesn’t want to know what you think of his actions so far, because if you were any other soldier, he would have rejoined the formation as soon as he had what the rest needed.
Taking action for the good of the whole was the hardest lesson Levi had to learn about being a Scout.
His leathers creak as he crouches back down beside you, the scuffed first-aid kid bumping his waist where it’s tied.
“How is it?” he asks, not looking you in the eye.
“Hurts, but thank you. For staying.”
Without replying, he takes a handkerchief from his jacket and wipes your hands of the blood slathering them. It looks like you dipped them in a can of paint.
“Seems unnecessary,” you murmur. Your eyes are only half-lidded.
“Stay awake. We’re leaving after nightfall, so if you can fall asleep on horseback, sleep then.”
Your eyes are closed the next time he looks, so he scoops up your chin and gives your cheek a light slap. That adrenaline is turning his blood into electricity all over again.
“Stay awake, I said!” Your eyes flutter. “Eyes on me. And keep them there. Yes or no.”
“Yes,” you manage. Your hand squeezes at his forearm.
“Good. I’m gonna take another look. Is it…” Admittedly, he is no medic. “Does it feel worse?”
You laugh under your breath, almost drunkenly. “Levi. The adrenaline has worn off.”
He tuts, then slowly peels the gauze back. As your breath jumps, your grip tightens.
This is what he was worried about. He meets your eyes, which are still on his. “This is gonna hurt like a bitch, but I have to stitch up that wound.”
“Okay,” you reply, all too quickly. “Give me something to bite on, sir.”
He wishes you would cut that shit out when no one’s listening to reprimand you.
Doesn’t matter. He settles at your side, unclipping the kit from the belt on his waist. “Does one of your belts work for you?”
He unbuckles the one across your chest so one half sags. The other is tucked between your teeth, and your jaw locks on it.
As he threads the needle, Levi is, as is becoming the trend today, much less put-together than his steady hands portray. He has stitched his own wounds before, a few for others, but he’s still no medic. And he will have to listen to you whimper and mewl in pain. Plus, there is always a chance, later, that you could get an infection; despite all this effort, you could still die and it will have been for nothing.
He can’t think about that.
You adjust the bit. “Relax. I trust you.”
That’s partly why he’s overthinking this so much.
“I am relaxed,” he says, lies. “Don’t focus on talking, focus on me.”
The first thread is always the worst, but it’s not like the rest is much better. It’s like comparing burning in hell to drowning in lava.
Your grip chokes his bicep with the first thread, a strained shout grating the leather.
“Keep it together,” he will sometimes say, and secretly, not just for your sake.
“Good job staying still. I’m almost halfway.”
“That’s it, eyes on me.”
“This is the last one,” he murmurs to the needle, and in response he feels your squeeze turn bruising for a heartbeat. His arm is tingling, but in truth you could crush it if that guaranteed your peace of mind; he’s not the one suffering the most, here.
Your neck rolls with a thinly-contained sob of agony as he pulls the stitches tight, and begins to tie.
The wretched sound twists something inside him that makes him want to do the same, but his hands never waver, simply because he can’t afford to let them.
However, once the thread is snipped free, it’s like breaking a damn.
His breath shakes as he leans back, and touches your flaming cheek gently. You whine.
“I’m done,” he tells you gently. His voice wavers slightly. “You don’t need this anymore.”
Grunting, you let the bit go, but then your dry lips tremble as they part. “Alcohol,” you rasp. “Need to clean it, Levi.”
He can’t help the face he makes this time and it must show, because you shake your head.
“I can—”
“It’s fine,” he replies, plucks the bottle from where it’s been staring at him this whole time, and inwardly curses himself for being so forgetful. He shouldn’t have given himself, especially you, false hope like that.
He can’t muster any emotion in his voice this time. “Bite down for me.”
You do, and hold his arm.
He hikes his knee up on your upper thigh before he does this, and braces your sternum. No matter anyone’s mental fortitude, your body is going to thrash away from this liquid torture by nature.
It’s quick, but it’s hell. He feels, through his leathers and undershirt, five nails dig into his arm. The severe bowing your spine does in efforts to get away is joined by the scream that rips through the bit.
Clear—Why does it have to be invisible?—alcohol seeps between every stitch before he plants it aside.
He doesn’t know what to do for you. Your chest is finally wracking with genuine sobs, and fuck, he knows how much it hurts, wishes he could take it away as easily as stopping your bleeding, but he…
“I know it hurts.” He breathes harshly through his nose, and cups your cheek, which is wet. “But that was the worst of it. I’m done,” he thumbs hot tears away, “I promise this time.”
You keen high in your throat, and squeeze. It isn’t a surprise that after you’re properly bandaged, and he’s tipped the rest of his water into your mouth, that you doze off.
For a few minutes, he can be busy: re-organizing the kit and discarding the waste, attaching the kit back to his belt, lowering the lantern, strapping your belt back across your chest…
Now, he scrubs his hands down his face with the feeling bouncing around inside him that he still has things to do, but without any idea what they are exactly.
The rest of the formation. Levi knows where camp will be tonight, and he can get the two of you there, but after putting you through this, it would be unfair not to give you at least a few minutes to recoup. You’re going to be in pain no matter what.
He silently asks no one why they don’t bring fucking painkillers out in the field. This shit would be so much easier on you.
His hands touch the handles of his blades indiscriminately. He’s restless; the night is too quiet aside from the chirp of crickets and the occasional bird.
Finally, he glances towards your soft features, now clean of grit, tears, and blood, and the urgent feeling grows.
He slides back on the branch until he’s cross-legged behind your head. With a tap to your cheek, you just barely rouse.
“Lean up for a second. Nothing’s wrong.”
You do, so he doesn’t have to awkwardly maneuver your head onto the cloak, his cloak, in his lap.
“Figured you could use a pillow,” he tells you, lies again. He, a nervous wreck, wants to be able to check up on you more easily. “Just don’t get comfortable. We leave in a few minutes.”
Maybe a half-hour.
You grunt in lieu of any coherent reply. The same part of him that cringed with you when he poured on the alcohol hopes you didn’t really comprehend anything he just said.
At least… He lets his eyes drift shut briefly to collect himself. At least he did this right, that by sheer chance he found you, and no one else. Levi almost sent Eld to do this job for him.
He’s sure they’re all freaking out looking for him, which is why he trusts Erwin to keep all the squads together.
And he will get the two of you back—he intends to. If only he could promise that.
What could happen always sticks to his mind. As habit, he ignores it, just as easily as how he feels for you.
Stupid, he thinks bitterly. Wait until you’re back behind the Walls, at least.
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Enter the event here!
taglist: @ackermandick | @midtwenties-angst | @sckerman | @halloweenmedic | @katty | @jayteacups | @notgoodforlife | @peace-for-levii | @chaotic-nick | @b-o-n-e-daddy | @levisbrat25 | @oh-my-bakura-akefia | @happybird16 | + link to sign up
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poisonpeche · 2 years
Hi omg bc I read your paranormal activity fic and now I’m obsessed with soft dom scare actor levi and then I saw this on tiktok and i immediately applied it to my hc of him and reader like safe words and consent and roleplay scenes agreed to of course but now I can’t get it out of my head 😅🫠🫠🫠
Also nsfw sort of??? You don’t have to post this if you don’t want to okay ily bye (I hope the link works this is my first time sending a link thru tumblr)
Thank you for reading & being so sweet!!! Some lovely angel out there has a HC for MY fic??? 😵‍💫
Hold on this is a first, so let me SPRINT around my apartment right quick lkfasdjvearlkjgbd…
Hehe I’ll let you in on a little secret my darling, I already have a Part 2 for Paranormal Activity planned because fuck summer quite honestly!!
Soft Dom ScareActor!Levi somehow can’t shake the role playing and always seems to take his work home with him. Straight to you, his pretty muse.
Read “Paranormal Activity | Levi Ackerman x You” Here!
Summary: You visit Levi’s place of work for the first time & shit gets spooky & a lil’ slutty. 👻
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borathae · 2 years
I wonder if you ever found a threesome fic of Levi, Jungkook and oc 😶‍🌫️... That would be awesome 🥵🫦
- 🐝
Levi as in Levi Ackermann? Because I haven’t but omfg that would be indeed awesome 🥴 I have a story though where Yoongi dresses up as Levi to surprise her, maybe that’s something you'd like 🤪
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midnightraine131 · 7 months
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Pairing: Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart
Minor: Levi Ackermann/ Hange Zoe, Historia Reiss / Ymir
Tags: Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Teenage Love, Awkward First Times, Slow Burn, POV Armin Arlert, Bottom Armin Arlert, Wet Dreams
Warning: R18 contains sensitive topics
If you are easily triggered by religions, specifically Christianity and Catholicism, I don't think this fic is for you.
I have nothing against these religions and this fic is anything but serious.
Summary: They say the most judgmental people are those who attend church on Sundays.
Despite growing up in a Christian household, Armin Arlert felt overburdened by the pile of ministry activities assigned to him. So he made a pact with himself to never follow in his father's footsteps and become a pastor. With the goal of saving enough money to persuade his parents to let him move to another state after high school, he started accepting paid essay projects in school in secret.
Everything in Armin's busy life seemed manageable until he met Annie Leonhart, a Californian girl whose parents had moved her against her will to Vermont. Upon discovering Armin's secret business, Annie approached him with a unique request- to write love letters for a long-distance lover. To craft the perfect love letters, she would help Armin embark on a journey of firsts— his first kiss, first hug, first date, and first everything in a relationship.thing in a relationship.
Armin stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, which probably hadn't been dusted off since last year. He was quite certain that a spiderweb had recently formed in the corner just above his bed.
No, it wasn't just his imagination or a result of a lack of sleep. That was indeed a real spider web.
Sighing for the third time since he woke up, he decided to finally leave his bed and took the feather duster from one of the cabinets, stood on his bed, and dusted off the ceiling.
Armin hadn’t checked his phone to see the exact time yet, but it was still in the middle of the wee hours, about one or two hours before his father would knock on his door to ask him to join the early morning devotion. It was Sunday, which meant he would be busy later in the day, but his body refused to go back to sleep. He tried to keep himself busy by cleaning his room and organizing his books, from his school textbooks to books on How to strengthen your faith in God written by pastors his father had met at a church conference in New York.
Despite all his efforts to keep busy, he couldn’t get his mind off his previous conversation with Annie the night before.
“Who reads love letters nowadays? Does she think this is 1965 London?” He whispered in annoyance as he stacked his old notebooks inside one of the shoe boxes.
Rejecting her request was probably one of the toughest decisions he had made as a young adult. Guilt crawled back into his chest as he recalled the disappointed look in her eyes when she failed to get help from him. Armin wondered why she couldn’t write the letter herself; she could've expressed her feelings better.
It could be that she had already tried but couldn't come up with the words.
Armin closed the shoe box and slid it further beneath his bed.
He sighed.
Whatever the reason, Armin didn’t know. He had already given his answer, and that was that.
When Armin was sure that everything was in order in his room, he walked to his bedside table and pulled the charging cable from his phone. He scrolled through messages in his inbox and found a text from Marco from the night before.
Marco: Hey, man. Are you free for a call?
Das won’t be able to make it to church tomorrow.
He has some school projects due.
Can you substitute for drums tomorrow?
So sorry to bother you at this time.
Armin pursed his lips as he typed a response, but he left it unsent. There was no point in replying if he was going to say no. It had been a year since he last practiced drums. He didn’t know the song lineup for tomorrow, and even if he did, he needed some time to practice again, or he'd embarrass himself in front of the churchgoers. Plus, he didn't want to be on the same stage as Jean.
Armin turned his head, slightly tilted, and switched off his phone, shoving it under the pillow. He stood up and made his way to the bathroom. As soon as he opened the bathroom door, a faint smell of bright citrus greeted his nostrils. It must have been Annie’s perfume from the night before. He reached out to take the rubber band from the top of the tissue holder to tie up his hair, but something caught his attention.
He had a habit of folding the tip of the tissue paper into a triangle shape. Aside from it looking neat, it would be easier to pull it down the next time he needed to use it.
Armin grimaced at the thought of her faking an emergency. At the very least, she could have put on a more believable act — such a weird girl.
The boy spent the last hour arranging his toiletries, replacing doormats and restocking toilet paper. He lit a scented candle before he decided to get ready for the day. He picked out the best suit he had: a well-pressed white long-sleeve shirt and a navy-blue necktie that his mother had given him on his 15th birthday. He laid the garments on his bed along with matching trousers.
It must have been around a quarter to six when his dad knocked on his door to ask him to join the morning devotion. He obediently followed the old man and went on with his day, almost forgetting about Annie.
Once he and his family reached the church, his father went to one of the rooms to speak with some leaders. Armin immediately approached Marco as soon as he spotted him with the band. He apologized for not reading his text message earlier. The freckled boy shrugged his shoulders and assured Armin that there was nothing to worry about since Das had made it to the church on time.
Next, Armin attempted to approach Jean, since he was still a member of his group, but the taller boy didn't seem to be in the mood for conversation, so he was ignored. Later, Armin found out from Marco that Jean’s mother had discovered some erotic magazines under his bed and had informed the pastor. So, much to Jean’s dismay, he received an invitation from the pastor to attend a prayer meeting after the service.
It wasn't good news for Armin either; it meant he had to stay back with Jean for the prayer meeting since he belonged to his group. That was the downside of being a youth leader.
Glancing at the multimedia team, who were busy setting up cameras and lighting on the podium, Armin tried to spot any sign of his green-eyed best friend, but it seemed he hadn't yet arrived at the church, as usual. He found Zeke in the control room, placing large headphones over his ears as he conducted a sound-check.
Then he looked around and spotted his mother sitting in the front row, engaged in a conversation with Mrs. Jaeger. The walk down the aisle was not as easy as on ordinary days, but on Sundays, as the son of a pastor, people would swarm around Armin, asking him random questions such as, "How are you?" "We saw your family picture on Facebook — such an admirable, perfect family." "How's your youth group going?" "How's school?" "Oh, you look so much taller than the last time I saw you."
Interactions used to be fun when Armin was young, but nowadays, he's growing tired of faking smiles. Out of politeness, he acts the same way—faking, pretending, lying. Armin could tell he's been good at acting like the perfect son. But in the eyes of God, he's not, and he's tired of it.
He whirls around, flashing the same fake smile he has displayed on his face for the past twenty minutes. "Hi, Floch!"
The ginger-haired boy with a horrible bird's nest hairstyle nudged him on the shoulder as he walked alongside him. "Have you asked Ymir and Historia about the youth camp?"
Not this question again.
Armin inhaled deeply before responding to the question. "Not yet, but I don't think—"
"Deadline for registration is tomorrow. You can ask them to sign up then if they really can't make it — we'll just give their slots to other people. Registration is free unless they have already confirmed, so nothing to worry about," Floch suggests, shrugging his shoulders before he turns and disappears into the crowd.
Armin wasn't fond of Floch's idea. As far as he remembers, nothing had been mentioned about registration fees when the leaders briefed them about the camp. But maybe nothing would be lost if he could give it a shot when he drops by Ymir's house after school tomorrow. That's what he thought.
As soon as the boy settled himself next to his mother, he greeted them, acknowledging their presence. Mrs. Jaeger waved at him, smiling. He sat properly, like the model son he is, before his eyes wandered — glancing at the podium, at the crookedly mounted lapel, and at the people taking group photos in the corner of the room. He overheard his mother opening another topic to talk about with Mrs. Jaeger.
"Mr. Leonhart cannot make it today," his mother sighs. "I'll need to send him today's gospel." She picked up her phone from her bag and snapped a photo of the monitor on stage with some Bible verses written on it.
Mrs. Jaeger leaned closer to Mrs. Arlert's shoulder to barely whisper, a conversation Armin could clearly hear. "I heard he's having trouble with his daughter. You know, the one who just moved here from San Fran."
"Oh, really? I met the girl once; she seems nice. What about it?" Mrs. Arlert inquired while texting the person they were gossiping about. Multitasking clearly runs in the Arlert family. Armin rolled his eyes at the thought.
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