#lewis baker
shortgremlinman · 8 months
Help she can't swim is so cool. You listen to it for the first time and yr like. Woahggg cool scream-y indie rock band and you listen more and yr like. Woahhh gay undertones.
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styx-the-stick · 1 month
enjoy tonight's cast of mischief movie night dancing to hot to go by chappell roan :]
(filmed with @chaoticstrangerkit who is the person jon is aggressively staring at as they did the dance with him)
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g-xix · 1 year
Pub golf Forfeit // ArthurTV
🙏 xLoving mr ATV eternally 🙏 Content: kinda fluffy ig, extra-long 5k+ wordcount CWs: Alcohol
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‼️READ THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PUB GOLF IS‼️ (if you do, skip this bold writing and move onto the main story)
Pub golf is a game where you visit a set amount of pubs and get different drinks at each one- and you need to try and finish these drinks without having to lower it, as many times as possible. 
TheBurntChip has used this concept with Harry W2S, ReevHD, Theo Baker, ArthurTV, ChrisMD, George Clarkey, and more- and that is what this oneshot is based around.
KEY TERMS: "Hole" -> the name of the pub. e.g. Hole 3 is the third pub that's been visited "Par" -> Number of sips/gulps it took to finish the drink Forfeit -> self explanatory but whenever the rules are breached/smth bad happens, a forfeit card is pulled and needs to be done. 
Reminder to always drink responsibly as per usual, only drink when you're legally allowed to do so and stay safe when going drinking.
"ArthurTV and Maddie!"
I turned to look across the line, my eyes meeting Arthur's.
It was my first time doing a pub golf on the TheBurntChip channel and I was somewhat terrified. Sure, I'd known all the other boys ranging from years to just a few months- but I'd grown just as close with George Clarkey, who I had only met a few months ago, to Harry, who I'd known for years, having first met him when big brother Chris and Harry filmed their football videos together.
But one thing that all of the boys knew for certain, was that I had developed a little online crush on ArthurTV. Of all of Chris' friends, I'd never had the pleasure of meeting Mr TV in real life until that moment, when Harry had let it slip to Freezy who'd let it slip to Chip that I liked Arthur... thus Chip DMed an invite to for a pub golf video alongside Harry, Reev, Chris, George Clarkey, Theo Baker, and of course, Arthur.
Oh and as if it wasn't bad enough, Chris, my very own half-brother, knew I had a crush on Arthur.
"That's quite a interesting pairing isn't it, Maddie?" Chris snickered from the side with a grin I knew meant that he was going to have the time of his life teasing me for the next few hours. 
"Bit of a coincidence if you ask me, Chrissy." Harry sneered from besides Chris, making my insides churn.
I wasn't so much a YouTuber as the rest of the boys- I was originally Chris's one and only member of the camera crew and production. In that small bedroom in Jersey, Chris and I would sit together on a desk and make lists of ideas for football challenges, ways to execute them, different shots to make the video dramatic... Then, we would hit the pitches and try to film without the older boys telling us to bugger off so they could play on the pitches.
Then, people started noticing the voice behind the camera, leading to me making a BROTHER VS SISTER  video for the channel, which was only the start of coming in front of the camera more. As Chris hired professional camera men and got set production budgets from serious producers, I was pushed more in front of the camera, making videos with Harry and Chris before lurching into the British YouTube scene, initially gravitating towards the e-boys content, before relocating moreso to reaction content with George Clarkey and Cam Kirkham. 
And we don't talk about that Stephen Tries sketch I attempted.
The fans were pleased with my occasional cameos in videos on the British YouTube channels, always finding new ship names for whoever I collaborated with, or new clips to edit, or rumours to spread... but overall, I couldn't be happier with where I've ended up. 
Well, not where I'd ended up whilst filmed pub golf- right in the middle of Chris and Harry's teasing. 
"How's it a coincidence?" Arthur asked, wide brown eyes swivelling between Harry, Chris and I like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh, just because I said I uhm..." I started. Shit, quickly Maddie, think of something quickly... My thoughts began racing. Of course Chris would begin hinting towards the fact I had a crush on Arthur not even five minutes into the recording."Chris pointed out on the way here that us two were the only ones that have never collaborated together before... Like, you know... on a video..."
Yes he knows you meant on a video, genius. Great, you sound as thick as a brick now. 
"Oh yeah, that is true actually," Arthur realised, his face lighting up as the thought seemed to land in his head. He was so expressive with his voice- like an animated Pixar character, seemingly straight out of the movie. His voice was so calm, and slightly husky, and somehow matched his face perfectly. "You should come onto the channel if you like watching those 90 day fiancée type of programmes-"
"Arthur's playing the 9 minute fiancée game right now, by the looks of it-" George giggled, nudging me from behind which only made my cheeks burn red, Arthur simply laughing it off before responding.
"Is it working though, Maddie?" Arthur flashed a grin with a quick wink, myself pretending to fall into George's arms and fan myself with my hands, jokefully pretending I was falling for it. 
The real joke was that I wasn't just pretending to fall for it.
Arthur's biggest asset were those fucking eyes. They had me melting with how wide and doe-like they were- his eyes seeming to light up whenever he started a topic that interested him. 
"You're not chatting her up are you, Arthur?" Reev raised his brow and crossed his arms to ask. Out of all of the boys, Reev was the most like a brother in the fact he was so protective- always trying to make sure I was safe. The others were more like brothers in the fact they'd just tease me and get under my skin at every opportunity. 
I watched as Arthur's eyes widened, as he assumed Reev was trying to intimidate him.
"Give him a break, Reev, he's just having a laugh," I defended Arthur, not letting him respond to the allegation in fear that Arthur would shake his head or say that he really wasn't interested in me. That could wait until a few more holes, when I was too peppered to care.
"Well, listen to this you two, for your couples outfit, you two will be going as... The prisoner and the policeman...! or woman!" Chip exclaimed, throwing the outfits to us. 
I looked a the policewoman outfit he had handed to me- the costume coming with a short skirt, unscrupulous tie and lopsided police hat.
This was gonna be a long video...
"Hole one, the rule on his hole is that you must drink it with your left hand!"
Hole one was easy. Arthur sent his pint down in one and after Harry and Reev, it was my turn to have my pint of lager. 
"You want me to hold your hair back?" He offered. I searched for a band on my wrist and almost facepalmed as I realised I hadn't thought to bring one.
"Yes please, I completely forgot to get a hairband... Just come up behind me and grab my hair, while I do it" I said, scrunching my face up with realisation of what I'd said only once it had come out of my mouth.
"What was that?" Harry asked, bursting into laughter.
"Get in, Mr TV-"
"Please, not at that at the drinking table-"
"Not on the Chippo YouTube channel, you won't, but I can think of another site where you could-"
"Shut up I didn't mean it like that..." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Look, I'm just going to send off the pint-"
Arthur's hand wrapped around my hair, the other one on my shoulder, rubbing it and giving soft words of encouragement. I let the drink tip down my throat easily as I felt the face heat up, his words landing hot on the back of my neck and making me want to shiver, despite the fact I was holding the drink. I could feel my face burning when I dropped the glass back down, grinning with the fact I had done it in one...
"That was really good- I didn't think you could finish it in two." Harry commented, nodding his head in surprise.
"I did it in one though?"
"Counted as two points though- you drank it with your right hand." Chip explained with a devious grin. 
Of course I had been stupid enough as to forget the rule- too fixated on gorgeous bloody Arthur instead of what I was actually meant to be doing. Drinking.
"That one's Arthur's fault- Maddie was too distracted by waiting for you to come up behind her-"
"SHUT UP, GEORGE!" Arthur's face went into his hands this time, both of us clearly a blushing mess from all the comments the boys were making. 
"What does your forfeit card say?" Arthur asked as we travelled to the next hole, not downcast despite my mess-ups, as we were still in joint second. 
"Sing a song with your partner at one of the holes." I read it off. "Sorry for getting you roped into it..."
"No, no, that's actually one of the only one's I'd happily be roped into," Arthur shook his head. "I suppose we just need to think of a song to sing... You a fan of Harry Potter?"
"Am I?!" I repeated enthusiastically. "You have no idea how much I used to love those books, movies... Even the Cursed Child I went and saw."
"Seriously? I just get called a nerd whenever I say I like Harry Potter," Arthur gawked. "Do you have a wand?"
"Yep, Ginny's wand- black and fourteen inches." I proudly nodded. "You could see those fourteen inches later ya know..."
"Only if you're trying to see a rather bendy, sixteen inch one with waterproofing." Arthur retaliated with confidence. 
"You got Hagrid's wand?"
"Duh, it came with an umbrella."
"Of course that's why you'd get it."
"This is hole two to the left, here!" Chip bellowed from behind. I lagged behind slightly to walk with Chris and Harry- catch up with them for a moment.
"You and Arthur getting cozy, eh?" Chris wiggled his brows, looking forwards to Arthur who was petting a dog with Reev- the both of them looking completely out of place, dressed in a bright orange prisoner jumpsuit and Reev as ketchup bottle (with a hat for a lid)- though the dog seemed pleased nonetheless. 
"Just don't let me catch you two snogging after a few more drinks." Harry put bluntly, making my eyes go wide.
"Just because you guys know I like him doesn't mean he likes me back, unfortunately." I reminded them, though I could feel my heart melting as Arthur scratched the back of the dog's ear and tickled his chin, the dog happily wagging his tail with his tongue lolling out as Arthur pet him. 
"Seems to like you enough." Harry shrugged. "Like you enough to come up behind you and-"
"Seriously shut up... Did I sound that stupid when I said that?"
Chris and Harry responded simultaneously.
"Okay you sounded a little flustered when you said it, but then Arthur was blushing and looked shy as well- and everyone knows he's a bit awkward around women he likes," Harry pat my back comfortingly. "If anything he looked like more of a tit than you."
"Great, thanks Harry." I responded, somewhat flatly and yet somewhat happily. 
"Maddie, your team's getting another forfeit because Arthur scared the dog away." Chip addressed me as we neared the bar.
"Like hell he did, that dog loved him!" I exclaimed, head swivelling to find Arthur guiltily wavering his eye contact.
"Theo tried to take the dog away from me by offering it something so I tried to bash him with his wheelchair but the dog got scared and ran off." Arthur explained, kicking at a pebble on the ground. 
"Did you hit Theo?"
"Well then... At least you hit him."
"What the fuck, Maddie." Theo deadpanned. 
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"Don't try steal Arthur's bitches I guess." I shrugged, watching as Arthur withdrew a forfeit card, his face dropping as he read it. 
"What does it say?" I asked, leaning over to try and read it. He smacked it against his chest before shoving it into a pocket, eyes wide as they met my own.
"Uhh- nothing." Arthur spluttered. "We can sort it out when we get to hole five when forfeits are actually activated... What did you say the rule for this hole was, Chip?"
"Drink with your partner holding the glass." Chip responded. 
I looked at Arthur.
"You're quite a bit taller- you're gonna have to crouch down for me to hold it." I realised, picking up the bloody mary and wrinkling my nose. "They really couldn't have picked a worse drink."
"They're foul aren't they." Arthur gave a dirty look to the glass. 
Each pair began seeing their drinks off, using a variety of methods to check whether it was too much or they needed a break.
"Do we need to do the hand-squeeze method to indicate whether it's too much?" Arthur asked, looking distastefully as Reev squeezed Harry's hand, signalling for Harry to tilt more. 
"I'm thinking we just raw-dog it." I shrugged, looking up for Arthur's reaction. He nodded in tasteful agreement.
"That's how I usually do it, anyways."
He picked one glass up. "You first," He stated instead of asking. "And open wide."
Reev gave him a neck-slap and a "Watch it, Arthur..." before I opened my mouth and tilted my head back, finishing it in one. 
"Alright, sit down so you're lower down, Arthur." I spoke through a shudder, the bitterness of the bloody mary giving me a whole-body shiver. 
Picking up a glass, I stood to the side of Arthur and held it up to his face, leaning over slightly due to the awkward angle I stood at. 
"Just come 'ere-" He reached out, steadfastly placing his hands on my hips and manspreading- pulling me between his legs so that I was closer and presumably so that he had a better angle to drink from. I felt my body react to his touch, cheeks warming and knees feeling a bit wobbly as he held his hands there for a moment longer, his grip firm but not forceful. I tried to maintain composure and stop myself from running my hands through his fluffy hair and kissing him right then and there.
"You watch your bloody hands, Arthur." Chris warned, causing Arthur to hold them up by his head as if pleading innocence. As he finally released his hold, I couldn't help but notice how the closeness between us left a lingering sensation, like an electric current still pulsating through my skin. His presence was intoxicating, and I struggled to steadily hold the glass for Arthur to down. I turned to death-glare Chris as I placed the glass back onto the table once Arthur had finished it. 
"Why would anyone voluntarily order that, that's awful... I feel like I've lost my soul after drinking that..." Arthur shivered at the bitterness. "Who knew dementors could be put in drinks..."
Laughing, I sat down besides him and leaned my head against his shoulder as if it were second nature. It felt so natural and cosy against the crook of his neck, and I felt warmed even more as he put his arm around my shoulders, watching in a comfortable silence as Chip choked on his drink from across the table. 
"You're so cute..." I murmured, and only once the words had been said did I regret them slightly. I facepalmed internally as Arthur struggled to reply for a moment, myself wondering why I had to be such a lightweight; only 2 drinks down and already I was making careless comments.
"Am I really cute?" Arthur asked after a moment, and I pulled away from his shoulder to dopily smile at him. 
"Of course you are, you have a cute little smile." I grinned, causing his lips to stretch out into a smile as he laughed slightly, eyes curving into happy little crescents as he did. "See? Cutest smile I've even seen." I giggled, and Arthur looked down with such domestic happiness in his glowing chocolate eyes I felt as though my heart were melting, simply so infatuated with him.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything here-" Harry planted himself between Arthur and I on the bench, forcing Arthur's arm away and my head from his neck. Arthur cleared his throat and looked at the ground whilst Harry looked between Arthur and I. "What, something wrong?" Harry responded to my blank face, before grinning and giving a wink which Arthur couldn't see. 
"Prick," I hissed as I passed Harry on the walk to the third hole, causing Harry to burst into laughs and start explaining to Chris what he's done- only making Chris laugh alongside him. 
Hole three was easy- just a glass of wine and pub quiz Arthur and I managed to lose a point at for winning the quiz. 
As the smallest person there, I was also the least able to handle large amounts of alcoholic units- and it had begun showing, from the moment I went to stand up and almost fell back down. 
Arthur had to walk with his arm around me to the next pub, though I wasn't complaining- instead holding his hand and making him skip with me to hole four. 
"Long Island iced teas on this one," Chip explained. "And the rule here is that one member of the team must drink it blindfolded."
"I think I'm more sober than you at the minute," Arthur stated the obvious, as if I hadn't just made him skip to this hole. "I'll wear the blindfold for this one."
"You sure? I'm not completely gone right now, just a bit...Well..." It was a pointless proposition from myself. Arthur just shook his head, handing me the blindfold.
I slipped the material over his eyes, placing the drink on a separate table to that the boys wouldn't dump ice into his drink (which had just happened to Theo's drink), and directing him to the glass- though Chip had better ideas. 
"Maddie, could you please regulated the hand-" Arthur spoke waveringly, and I noticed that Chip had a hand on Arthur's arse.
"Oi, chip-" I reached over for the space hopper which was besides the bag, whacking Chip with it before being hit in the face with it myself.
"Fuck!" We both exclaimed. Arthur had found his glass and drank it in one towards the side, meanwhile Chip found Theo's wheelchair and he began fighting against me and my space hopper. "Chip, I don't think you're gonna win this one," I huffed as the space hopper bounced off of his side, making him stumble slightly. 
"Like shit won't I win- I've been going gym you know-" I cut off his rambles by throwing the hopper at him, causing him to stumble back and trip slightly over the curb so that he was sat on the pavement- allowing me to put my arm around his neck, squeezing only slightly.
"Tap out already, Chip..." I groaned whilst Chip shook his head whilst struggling.
"Chip isn't used to tapping out, he usually passes out before he gets the chance." Theo sneered from the side. That seemed to be enough to make Chip tap out. 
We finished our drinks after that before agreeing on a short grace period, where we sat around and chattered for a few minutes.
"The blindfold makes you feel like, ten times more drunk than you actually are." George said, the other who had worn the blindfold agreeing. 
"You should try it, Maddie- you're by far the most off your head right now- it'll be funny to see how you react to it."
That's how I ended up on the pavement, blindfold on and hands outstretched as Arthur directed me, his fingers occasionally brushing against mine as he'd insisted on walking beside me to make sure I didn't get a concussion from falling over anything.
"Watch the curb here, it's quite difficult navigating- WHOA" As soon as Arthur had said that, I stumbled, almost falling but Arthur held me up from behind whilst the others laughed from the table at my stagger. "You sure you wanna continue? I don't think it's safe, Maddie..."
"It'll be okay, I'm just gonna get back to the table and pull it off..."
I took a few more staggered steps, Arthur holding my hand to guide me whilst I was blinded, his hand warm and reassuring, and I felt confident with Arthur's unwavering presence by my side. His touch sent a gentle electrical ripples down my spine, igniting a spark that brought butterflies to life in my stomach as I focussed less on walking and more on Arthur.
But then I felt a blow to my head- not painful- but extremely forceful.
Some voices screamed "CHIP!" whilst another shouted "Maddie!" as I staggered, waiting to fall- before feeling hands on my back and the crook of my knees, gravity seeming to turn upside down for a moment, before the blindfold was ripped off. 
Arthur's face was above my own, looking forwards as he walked- his two strong arms holding me flush to his body as he carried me in what I assumed was bridal style- having prevented my fall. He looked gorgeous from this angle- his chiselled features accentuated by the soft glow of the sunshine through the dull English clouds- and his eyes, like pools of warm honey, never not making me melt.
"You okay, Maddie?" He looked down and questioned, eyes full of concern and yet also alighting sparks within me as they met my own.
"What? Of course I am... What even happened?" I asked in confusion as I looked back and saw the boys with open mouths looking between myself and Chip, who had a look of upmost guilt on his face. Arthur sat down on one of the seats surrounding the table and lowering me onto that same seat before replying. Nevermind- I was actually sat on his lap, and was NOT going to complain about it.
Chris was going to instead.
"She can sit on her own seat, Arthur-"
"She's almost been bloody ran over, she's sticking with me for now." Arthur huffed resolutely, wrapping his arms around my waist as he spoke to make his point. I felt my head go fuzzy from the touch, leaning back into his touch and resting my head onto his shoulder where it felt like it belonged... Before pulling it back off quickly as I digested his words again.
"Hang on, almost ran over? What the Hell just happened?"
"Chip thought it'd be a good idea to whack you with the space hopper whilst you were blindfolded and he knocked you off balance- you would've fallen into the road if Arthur hadn't got you." Harry explained, a small smile playing on his face. 
"Good man, Arthur." Reev nodded his head approvingly before turning to Chip. "And you, you're no better at handling your drink than her- what if she had gotten run over?"
"Good riddance, in that case." Chip sipped his water calmly, making me throw an ice cube at him.
In the end, Chip made a formal apology (which was of course easily accepted), and drew another forfeit card, having to take 3 shots to make up for almost brutally murdering me- which I thought was very fair. 
Hole five happened so quickly I didn't even register it- though that may have been also due to the knock to the head Chip had delivered. 
However on the walk between hole five to hole six, the alcohol began taking its effect on more people. 
Namely, Chris and Chip.
Chip had found the space hopper once more and began hammering Chris with it whilst Chris balled up onto the ground. "YOU STUPID BOY-" Chip was yelling between blows, Harry and Reev slapping each other between laughs. 
Then, Harry set off on his bike to the next hole as Chip let Chris get up- before we all slung our arms over each other and began the journey to hole 6, singing Backstreet Boys all the way there. 
Arthur lagged behind slightly, and though I was busy singing with Chris and Chip, I did notice they were having quite a hushed conversation, and looking our way every so often.
"Hole six- forfeits are now activated!"
"Can I know your forfeit yet?" I whispered to Arthur, and he simply shook his head with a small smile. 
"I know what it is, Maddie," Reev giggled to the side, rubbing his hands together with a look of glee on his face. 
"Is that what you two were talking about whilst we walked here?" I gasped at the realisation, looking between the two as they shrugged with all-knowing smiles on their faces. 
Hole six was easy- sambuca shots with no hands. I managed mine, though I almost choked it and chipped it when it clattered onto the table- whereas Arthur was found out for trying to dilute his drink, and was made to do two shots instead. 
Still, he didn't seem to be off his head at all.
"Arthurrr," I sang I skipped up to him, on the journey to hole seven.
"Madelyn." He nodded cordially, saying my full name before smirking as he saw my face wrinkle in disgust. "Not a fan of your full name?"
"Not when it's bloody Madelyn, I'm not," I responded, shuddering at the thought.
"Maddie sounds like you're mad," Arthur pondered. "You should just go with... Lyn."
"...Lyn." I repeated, trying to hold a laugh.
"Yeah, it's cute- just like you." Arthur grinned down, making me turn away so he wouldn't see the stupid blush that began spreading across my cheeks.
"Suddenly I quite like that name." I smiled bashfully back, and Arthur just laughed, sliding an arm around me casually and allowing me to rest my head against his shoulder as we walked in a comfortable silence.
"You're so fine, Arthur." I said after a while. "You know I like you?"
"I like you too, Lyn." He patted my head and pulled his arm away, instead slipping his hand into mine as we walked. I didn't feel satisfied with his reaction. Did he not realise I meant that I liked him romantically?
"No, I meant that like- I really like-"
Trust Chip to ruin a romantic moment. 
just an fyi im swapping the order of the holes- everything that happened in the vid at hole 8 is now assumed to have happened at hole 7, and vice versa
"Lyn I don't think I an do another pint," Arthur put down two drinks onto the table before sitting on my lap instead of the bench, allowing me to plop my policeman hat onto his head and hug him from behind, shaking my head.
"I've been finished since hole three, Arthur- I don't care what happens now, you can just sip the whole thing and I'll be fine with that." I groaned. "I'm definitely doing this in at least three different pars..."
I did exactly that. Arthur managed his in five, alongside my words of encouragement which made Chip awhhh.
"I love how everyone hates each other and is beating each other with the space hopper between holes whilst Arthur and Maddie are too busy holding hands and being wholesome with each other, walking alone to each hole." Chip said with a disoriented smile at one of the cameras, louder than he thought he was being as both myself and Arthur watched him say it to the camera.
"Bit early to be holding hands isn't it?" Chris asked, dopily swinging his head back to Arthur and I, only just registering Arthur was also sat on my lap. "Naughty, don't be sitting on each others laps like I have no idea what's going in where when someone sits on someone's lap-"
"That's enough from you, Chris." I shushed my brother, pressing a hand to his mouth which weakly attempted to paw away from his mouth.
"On to hole eight, final hole?" Chip proposed and everyone nodded in agreement- all too ready to get this over and done with.
"I don't think I've ever been this drunk before." I admitted to Arthur as we exited the pub, hands clasped together and swinging joyfully back and forth as we walked, as though we were kids. "I feel like I'm not even walking."
"And now you really aren't even walking," Arthur said as he placed his arms on my legs and back, scooping me back into his arms, carrying me as though I were nothing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared up at his face I'd grown so fond of over these past few hours. 
"What song d'you wanna sing for my forfeit at the next hole?" I questioned, myself also wondering what we could sing. 
"Oh it'll come to us when we get there..." Arthur spoke lazily, jumping me up to readjust my grip causing me to let out a squeak before relaxing against his body. Did he have abs under that shirt? It felt like it. He is so fine. 
My thoughts died out as I realised this was the final hole and after this it would be all over. Thank God. 
We all clinked our jaeger bombs together, the lightweight drink easily going down in one for everyone before Chip reminded Arthur and I that we still had forfeits we had to complete.
"What is your forfeit Arthur?" Harry asked inquisitively- somehow looking as though he hadn't had a single drink, although he had in fact had the most, having ordered an extra pint for good measure.
"That's what I'm asking- he still hasn't told me, either!" I exclaimed, looking for Arthur to give his game up and show the card. "C'mon, surely you can reveal it now that it's the last hole-"
"Not before you do your forfeit-song to the bar- look- they have a karaoke machine nobody's using there, go use it before someone else takes it!" Arthur rushed, pointing at the TV screen connected to a microphone and speakers. The other boys began clamouring their agreement before pushing me up to the stage, a bundle of nerves as I stumbled up the stairs, slotting a coin into the machine and waiting for the next song to come on. 
"ArthurTV this is a GROUP FORFEIT- GET UP ONTO THE STAGE!" I shouted and held a hand out to Arthur, causing him to take my hand and get onto the stage with the help of the boys, as they cheered upon hearing the first few chords of the infamous song we were only singing a few hours ago.
I Want it That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. Of course. 
I held the mic out for Arthur to hold with me as we sang the first line.
You are... My fi-ire, the one... desi-ire
I opened my eyes and faced Arthur, the look of joy melted into his caramel eyes and making me feel soft and gentle hearted as we went to sing the next line.
Believe... When I say... THAT I WANT IT THAT WAY
I looked out to the crowd and saw that some tables had turned to face us, singing alongside the tune- and all the other boys had huddled together, arms around each other and swaying back and forth as they joined us for the chorus. 
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Arthur closed his eyes as he virtually shouted the lyrics into the microphone, getting so into the song I had to pause to laugh before continuing
Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say
Arthur and I leaned it to sing the final bit of the song, heartily enjoying as the rest of the bar joined us to finish it.
I want it that way
I looked at Arthur, his own eyes meeting me own- full of a tender sort of love I had only ever seen in the movies...
Cause I want it that way...
The song ended with whistles and claps from the rest of the bar, before I dropped the microphone to the ground, wheeling around to face Arthur with a squeal and outstretched arms, as my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms found my waist, pulling me right off of the floor as he hugged me, spinning me around once before I pulled my head off of his chest and looked up at his glowing face.
My eyes only flickered down to his lips for a milisecond before I felt his on top of my own, a billion tiny fireflies lighting up and racing around my stomach as I closed my eyes, relaxing into his hands which were positioned lazily around my waist, holding me lovingly as his lips caressed my own, tuning out the world around us as I focussed on just him and I- together - his lips perfectly top of mine.
"What was your forfeit in the end, Arthur?" I asked, eyebrows scrunched as I sat on his lap at the table- arms around his neck and my police hat and tie around Arthur's neck. 
Theo was close to nodding off whilst Chip besides him already had. Chris had taken to the stage, wowing the bar with his drunk dancing and (not) killer vocals. Harry, George and Reev still seemed alright however, and were sat making warm conversation around the table, laughing and joking like there was nothing wrong. And truly- there was nothing wrong.
Arthur smiled slightly at my question before tugging at his pocket and pulling out the card, sharpie pen scrawled across it saying:
Give a kiss to the fittest person in the group xoxo (Doesn't have to be on the lips, Chip- we know you will anyways, but everyone else- just know you don't need to go that deep)
I laughed at the bracketed side-note before looking up to Arthur who smiled goofily down at me, looking so pleased- as though he wouldn't rather have anyone else in his arms.
My hand found the side of his face, thumb tracing his jawline and running up his cheeks before padding at his lips. Closing my eyes, I leaned it, finding his lips as we kissed once more, still with the afterglow of embers burning in my heart as I realised I couldn't be happier in anyone else's arms. 
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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w2soneshots · 1 month
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I love this pic!💘 (also I may or may not have a Wroetoshaw eras toor fic in the works, per a request😌)
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blakelysco-pilot · 4 months
The Way I Am
Beat Me, Daddy, Eight To The Bar: Part Three
Everett Blakely x Valencia DiRosano (OC)
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The realities of war begin to dig their way under the skin of the men and women at Thorpe Abbotts, leaving some with more on their shoulders than they'd care to carry. New and existing friendships help to brighten a dark day, while Val and Everett admit truth's they can only say to each other. Featuring @winniemaywebber's Olive Lewis from the Honeysuckle Rose series.
Part Two Follow along with the Eight To The Bar Playlist
Non-mision days were, naturally, a favorite of those who lived on Thorpe Abbotts airbase. A lot of the boys would still go up for practice missions, but it would leave a lot less what-if’s and nerves on the ground because the Luftwaffe was nowhere to be found, and the only thing they needed to worry about was taking off and landing safely. Those days, the Red Cross girls would still set up the Clubmobile for the boys, greeting them with coffee and donuts and a friendly smile as they trekked out to the hardstand. Today, almost all of the boys were going up on a practice run. They had already seen Brady and the  M’lle Zig Zig crew, Bucky and the crew of Mugwump, followed directly by Buck Cleven and Our Baby. Benny DeMarco had lingered at the truck, the pilot infatuated with the newest Red Cross girl, Olive. Olive had seemingly come out of nowhere, according to Tattie, but the girls had wasted no time at all in taking her in, despite her accent and dry British humor, she fit in like a missing puzzle piece amongst them. 
When Benny had asked if the girls would be willing to keep an eye on Meatball while they went up for practice, Olive was first out of the truck to greet the husky. Val suspected it was so that he didn’t actually go inside of the truck and make a mess of things like he somehow tended to do. When he got restless, Olive had offered to take him for a walk, and since it had been quiet, Val had ushered Helen off as well to keep Olive company. Tattie had taken the jeep to go pick up supplies for the truck on the other side of the base, which left Val alone. 
“You running the show alone today?”
Val looked up from where she was reading her copy of Screen Romances to find Ev and Douglass standing in front of the Clubmobile. Dougie’s hands on his hips, a wide smile stretching across his mouth. 
“Is my favorite Flyboy and his bombardier bringing up the rear today?” She smiled upon seeing them, her gaze immediately finding Everett’s from behind his aviators. 
“Just coffee if you can spare it, Val.” Douglass requested, politely declining the donut she had pointed to. 
“Oh, it’s okay for me to make you coffee again? I don’t need to go find Olive for you? She teased, already moving to pour him coffee from the carafe. Benny DeMarco wasn’t the only one who had taken a shine to Olive. 
“I saw her on my way over,” He shook his head, but the smile remained. “She was with Helen and Meatball.”
“DeMarco asked us to keep an eye on him while you boys went up today, so the two of them took him for a walk.”
Val reached through the hatch with his coffee, the handoff seamless as he accepted the coffee, the cup immediately coming up to his lips. 
“You’ve got the magic touch, Val.” He hummed, eyes closed in satisfaction. 
“I won't tell Olive you said that.” She rolled her eyes with a shake of her head as he gave her a half hearted salute and cheeky smile, before turning and heading towards the hardstands.  
Everett remained by the truck, flight gear and sheepskin jacket making him look every bit the pilot that she knew him to be. He was squinting up at her in the early morning sun, sunglasses now hanging from the pocket of his jacket. Even with his crush cap on, the sun was in his eyes. He looked like a little boy when he did that, and Val couldn’t help but find him utterly adorable. 
“Coffee for the road, handsome?” She grinned, holding a cup up, nodding her head towards the back of the truck where the doors were open. 
He smiled and moved around, meeting her at the back and stepping up on the first step, as she came to stand in front of him. 
“Hmm did you make it the way I like it?” 
“You mean, did I leave it black? Yes, Everett, I did.” 
“Someone woke up on the sassy side of the bed this morning.” He watched as she pulled her hand back, holding the coffee away from him. 
“This is going to cost you, Captain.”  She grinned. 
“Oh yeah? How much then, Miss Val?”
“Hmmm I’m thinking it’s at least worth a good morning kiss.” 
“Well, what kind of man would I be if I refused payment?” 
Stepping up one more step, he came as close as he could so she wouldn’t have to lean down, and gently, carefully, dropped a hand to her waist to steady her before planting his lips on hers. The kiss was quick, but not without feeling. The pair were very much aware that they were on working hours when he was flying and she was at the truck, so they tried not to get too carried away. But, still, he hated to go up if only for practice, without giving her a proper goodbye. 
“Payment accepted.” Val grinned as they parted, her hand falling to rest over his that remained on her waist, the other handing over his coffee before she spilled it. 
“Thank you,” His smile was wide as he took the cup from her hand, taking a sip and sighing as the liquid warmed him. “Perfect.”
“I don’t see how, there’s nothing in it!” She eyed his coffee skeptically. 
“I wasn’t talking about the coffee, sweetheart.”
“Oh, well, in that case I’m inclined to agree with you.”
He was about to reply when Douglass appeared around the back of the truck, head sticking out from behind where the doors were open, just over Everett’s shoulder. 
“Not that I’m not enjoying getting to drink my coffee but, we can’t get moving without the pilot, pal.”
“Dougie, you have the worst timing.” Ev sighed, shaking his head as Val laughed at the pair. Sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder if they were the couple and she was just third wheeling. 
“Go on,” She urged him, stepping down from the truck to guide him towards where he needed to be. “You have to fly and I need to clean up here.”
“I’ll see you later, yea?” He dropped a quick kiss to her cheek just to see her smile again.
“Yes, either after you get back or at the club later with the girls. Now, be safe up there, okay?”
“You have my word.” He nodded. 
“You have mine, too!” Douglass joined in.
“Christ sake,” She shook her head. “Both of you get a move on, I don’t want to hear Harding bellowing about how I held you up.” 
At that, both boys turned, coffee in hand, and made their way to the hardstand to prep for their practice mission. 
Climbing back into the Clubmobile, she began to clean up what she could; covering the donuts with a towel, and wiping down the counter so that it was free of any spilled milk or sugar. Once she was satisfied, and knew Tattie would be too, she promptly parked herself back in front of her magazine to pick up where she left off. 
“Jeez, Val, don’t look so busy!”
Looking up she found Jack Kidd and Chick Harding, the taller of the men giving her his signature sarcastic scowl, which she was always happy to return. Ever since Bucky had been demoted from Air Exec, Jack seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face with most of the men. He had tried, once, to use it on her when he caught her and Ev saying goodbye at the truck, but Val had turned and given it back as good as she got. Jack had very quickly learned that while Tattie was in charge of the Red Cross girls, Val was the muscle, and if she was mad at you, heaven help the poor soul. Helen was starting to think Val and Jack just made faces at each other to see who could look meaner at this point, because it never lasted long before one of them broke and cracked a real smile.
“Wake up with a bug up your ass again, Jack?” She smirked, closing the magazine and leaning on her elbows out the hatch. 
“I’m here and not home so, yea.”
“Aww, well, loosen up and I’m sure you’ll feel better.”
Harding stood, amused, watching the two seemingly square off, before Val broke first, offering a genuine smile that Jack returned. At that, Chick stepped up to the hatch to get her attention. 
“Jesus,” he huffed around his cigar, smoke billowing around him at her use of his unauthorized nickname. “Don’t call me that.”
“Okay, whatever you say, Chicky.”
Behind him, Kidd snickered, but quickly covered it with a cough. 
“Valencia…” Harding warned. 
“Fine…” It was long and drawn out. “You boys want coffee? I’ve got a few donuts left too.”
“Please,” Harding spoke, the words muffled around his cigar. “Why are you out here by yourself?”
“Helen and Olive took Meatball for a walk, and Tattie should be back any minute now. She took the jeep for supplies.”
“That damn dog get near the donuts again?” Harding tried to lift the towel she had placed over them, eyeing up the treats. 
“No, he did not get near them.”
“Good, I’ll take one then.”
Shaking her head, she handed him his coffee and donut before she turned her attention to Jack. Before she could ask him what he wanted the sound of Tattie on the jeep filled the air. 
“You two playing nice?” Tattie looked between Jack and Val. 
“Yes, Tattie, don’t worry,” Kidd chuckled. “I know when I’m beat.”
Grinning, the brunette stepped off the jeep, the back loaded with supplies for the Clubmobile. 
“Give me a second Tat and I’ll come help ya!” Val called out to her. 
Nodding, Tattie grabbed the small box that had been resting on the front seat next to her and made her way into the Clubmobile, while Val finished up with the boys. 
“Jack? Coffee?”
“Sure, Val, thanks.”
“Remind me again…”
“Just black.”
Nodding with a smile, Val poured him a cup, leaving it black. Plucking a donut from the tray, she handed him both, waving him off when he tried to protest at the donut. 
“Go on, I can’t let them go to waste.”
“Appreciate it,” Kidd nodded. “You taking the rest out to the ground crew?”
“That’s the plan.” 
“Good, those boys are working hard.”
With that, Chick and Jack gave her a wave before walking off back towards the control tower, where she had assumed Red was waiting for them. Watching them go, she quickly exited the truck and made her way to the jeep to help Tattie unload the boxes she had picked up. Helen and Olive should have been back, but knowing they had Meatball, it might have been a small blessing that they could unload the jeep without the husky getting under their feet for a bit. 
“Red Cross sent more rations. Coffee and fixings to make more donuts for us,” Tattie groaned, lifting a box and walking it to the truck. “Looks like we’ve got enough sugar to get us through the next month or two at least.”
“That’ll keep the fellas happy.” She agreed. 
“Nicked a few sweets for us girls, too.” Tattie winked as she stopped by the truck. 
“Your last name does have its advantages.” Val laughed, giving the scarf tied around her head a quick fix. 
“Mhmm, and you wouldn’t have been able to sweet talk the supply officer into a few Hershey bars?”
Before Val could reply, the sound of an engine far too close to where it should have been sounded above them, followed by a crash. The sound of the Land Girls screaming, and flames igniting in the trees out by the perimeter of the base caught their attention immediately, their faces turning to panic. 
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” 
“Did you see what tail number it was?”
“No, I can’t see anything except smoke.”
“Get in the Jeep, come on.”
Tattie wasted no time jumping back behind the wheel, Val practically throwing herself into the seat beside her as they sped off to the hardstand. The fear was rising deep within her chest the closer they got, and she had to will herself to believe that Everett and his crew were not the ones ignited in flames somewhere in the trees. As if someone had their hand around her throat with no intention of letting up, she drew in ragged and uneven breaths. 
“Val… deep breath doll, come on…” Tattie’s voice sounded far away, like she was underwater and couldn’t break through the surface. 
“You girls shouldn’t be out here!” Ken Lemmons yelled as soon as Tattie parked the jeep by the Ground Crew. 
“Kenny…” Val turned to him with wide eyes, and the nineteen year old had never seen someone he considered a spitfire, look so terrified. 
“It’s Baynard and his crew.” He sighed, knowing her question before she had even asked it. 
“Jesus…” The relief she felt melded with the sadness that slammed into her as she remembered handing Baynard and his Navigator their coffee that morning. He was one of the newer kids- anyone younger than her was a kid in her eyes- and hadn’t even flown a first mission yet. 
“Took a turn too early and went into a dive, couldn’t pull himself out of it.”
“He was just a kid…” Val shook her head, trying to understand just how the world could be so cruel. 
Tattie’s hand came to rest on her shoulder, and when Val turned to look at her friend, she noticed that she looked just as upset as she felt. The boys liked to joke that the girls could be the last pretty face they ever saw, and the reality of it seemed to hit the pair on them with the force of a thousand B-17’s. 
“Tattie, let’s uh, let’s get back to the truck and let the boys uhm…”
“Yea, yea alright.” She put the jeep back into gear, and the two women sped off back towards the Clubmobile. 
When they returned, the boxes they hadn’t finished unloading remained on the grass, Helen and Olive standing amongst them with Meatball eagerly sniffing at them. 
“What the hell happened out there!” Olive yelled over the engine of the jeep. 
“Baynard, he uh… him and his crew they…”
“Fuck sake! That was them?”
“Yea, it was them.” Val stepped out of the jeep with a sigh, immediately letting it support her body weight. 
“We just saw them this morning…” Helen sighed, body slumped back against the Clubmobile. 
Val could only nod, the fear that had her in a chokehold slowly beginning to subside. To think it could have been Everett, or Curt, had made her blood run cold. The idea of losing either of them was a reality she prayed to god she never had to face. 
“Val? You alright?” Helen was suddenly in front of her, Val’s hand in her own, the woman trying to meet her eyes. 
“Yea… just, scared shitless if I’m being honest.”
“Oh honey, I know…”
“Could have been either of them, Helen. And I’m not keen on being alone.”
“Oh chicken, you’ll never be alone. You’ve got us.” Olive joined them, taking Val’s other hand in her own, a soft smile on her face. 
“I need to get used to being called chicken as a term of endearment.” Val laughed, dropping her head to Olive’s shoulder. 
“There we go,” Olive grinned. “Feeling better?”
Nodding, Val pushed off from the jeep, moving to help with the rest of the boxes so that they could close up the truck and head off to the mess for lunch. 
“Meatball! No!!” 
The three girls looked over to where Tattie was standing, hands on her hips, as Meatball ripped into one of the boxes with his teeth. 
“I’m going to kill DeMarco…” she sighed. 
Exiting the Red Cross hut, Val and Olive were surprised to see Curt waiting outside for them. The pilot was dressed sharp, grinning from ear to ear as the girls spotted him. 
“Can I walk ya to the club, Val?”
“You can; I’m hard pressed to ask what you want, Curt.”
“Honest to God, just wanna walk ya.”
“Helen told me you were a bit rattled after today, and I just wanted to make sure you’re alright…”
Val stopped walking, turning to face Curt with a soft smile. 
“Olive, I’ll catch up.”
“Okay,” She nodded. “I’ll save your seat.”
“Thanks.” Val turned to her friend, watching as she walked across to the club, immediately intercepted by Benny who had been waiting outside with Meatball. 
Turning back to Curt, she saw him fidgeting with his sleeves before finding her gaze again. 
“Curt, I’m alright. Honest…”
“Nah, I know you’re alright but, I wanted to just, double check, ya know?”
“Curt, are you alright?” His fidgeting was so unlike him that it had her worried. 
“Oh sure, yea I’m just fine.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I gotta be alright for my crew, ya know? And for you and my Ma back home.  But, sometimes, it all just feels… well, I feel it.”
“Well, it’s okay to feel it. You can admit that to me, Curt. I wouldn’t think anything less of you.”
“You’d better not, you’re my best friend.”
“Curt…” She sighed. This was usually when she’d begin to get exasperated with him. As usual.
“B’Sides… if anything happens-“
“If anything happens, you gotta write to my Ma, alright?”
“Curt, how can you ask me to do that?” She whispered. 
“No one knows me better than you, Val. It’s gotta be you, alright?”
“How can you put that on me, huh?”
“Just promise, would ya, ya stubborn woman!” He threw his hands up at her. “I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon, for fuck sake.”
“Fine! I promise, okay?” 
“Thank you,” He grinned, but she could tell it didn’t reach his eyes. “Now come on, I think we both need a drink.”
“After what you just asked me, I need more than one.” She groaned, allowing him to toss his arm over her shoulder and guide them both to the club. 
“Well I’m only buying ya one,” He looked up with a smirk. “You got Blakely now, he can buy you the second one.”
“You’re unbelievable.” 
“Nah, I’m very believable.” 
Pulling the door open, he walked Val to the table where the girls were already sitting, promising to be back with her drink. It left her shaking her head as she sat, baffled still at the conversation they’d had outside, and how he had turned on a dime from sarcastic Curt, to a scared boy right in front of her.
Turning to the girls, she noticed that Olive wasn’t with them, and knowing Benny had caught her on her way in, she wondered if him and Douglass were already vying for her attention. 
“Where’s Olive? With Benny or Dougie?”
“Ladies room.”
“Okay so which one is probably waiting outside the door for her?” Val chuckled, trying to bring herself back. 
“Dougie.” They replied in unison, laughing at the image of him hanging out outside the ladies bathroom. 
Helen gestured behind her, and before she could ask her what she was looking at, the one voice she had been yearning to hear all day since that crash, had finally eased the anxiety gnawing at her from the inside out. 
“I was starting to wonder where you were.” 
“Ev…” His name came on a breath, and she turned in her seat to see him standing behind her, dapper as ever. 
“I didn’t see you come in with the girls,” He rounded the table and perched himself against the arm of the chair next to her, casually bringing his drink to his lips. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, everything’s fine. Curt caught me as I was leaving the hut with Olive and wanted to talk.”
He nodded, slipping into the seat next to her with ease, his arm coming to rest around the back of her chair. His fingers gently moved over her shoulder, causing her to shiver and slide just a bit closer to him. 
“You okay sweetheart?” 
Shaking her head as if he had to ask why she had moved closer, she was about to give him the what for, when the other man in her life suddenly reappeared. 
“Course she’s okay! She’s got a drink now!”
He carefully slid a martini glass in front of her, and she couldn’t help but notice it was missing some off the top. 
“Thank you, Curt. And would you look at that, he taste tested it for me too.”
“What a guy, I know I am!” Curt beamed, not even caring that she had caught him. 
“You didn’t bring one for the rest of us, Biddick?” Tattie baited him, knowing it would get a rise out of the pilot and take the heat off Val. 
“My mistake, Tattie. What are you and Helen drinking this evening?”
“Rum and cola,” She replied, bringing a cigarette to her lips. “And they’re not to be taste tested.”
“Well then, I’ll be back with those.”
“Curt, why don’t you join us when you come back, yea?” Val looked over at him, and then at Ev, who nodded over at his fellow pilot in agreement. 
“Yea, Biddick, you can’t leave me outnumbered here…” Ev offered, the two men sharing a silent conversation. 
“Well, alright then. I'll be right back.”
Once Curt had reached the bar, Val pressed a chaste kiss to Ev’s cheek. 
“Thank you.”
“What for?”
“You know what for.” She grinned. 
“Well, in that case, you’re welcome.”
“You two just going to gaze into each other's eyes all night, or are one of you going to go and save poor Olive, who’s been cornered at the bar.” Helen gestured to where Olive was now at the bar, Douglass, Benny and Curt, all trying to buy her a drink. 
“Jesus Christ almighty, Everett, you need to keep him on a leash.” Val sighed, pushing her chair back, standing to go rescue her friend. 
“Maybe we can ask Benny if he’ll lend us Meatball’s.” He called after her as she went, the two girls at the table with him laughing. 
“Okay boys, that’s enough,” Val pushed through them, just enough to get to Olive’s side. “Curt, I have two very thirsty friends waiting on you at the table.”
“I was just-“
“Helen and Tattie are waiting.” She fixed him with a look, and he quickly turned back to the bar to order two drinks for the girls and a whiskey for himself. 
“You two,” She turned on Douglass and DeMarco. “If you’d like to talk to Olive, come and sit with us.”
“Oh uh…”
“The table, Dougie,” Val grinned, a saccharine sweet smile stretching across her lips. “Benny, you and Meatball are welcome to join us.”
With that, she linked arms with Olive and marched her back towards the table that Everett and the girls were still occupying. 
“You could rule the world, Valencia DiRosano.” Olive shook her head with a laugh. 
“No, but I could certainly whip these fellas into shape.”
Neither girl had to turn around to know that all three boys were following dutifully behind them, looking more like lost puppy’s than the actual dog that was part of their little hodgepodge group. 
Four Red Cross gals, three pilots, a bombardier and a husky all crowded around a table as the band played on around them. Val had slid into Everett’s lap at one point, and Meatball had dutifully taken up her empty seat for himself, paws on the table like the good boy he was, simply enjoying the people around him. If she had to admit it, he was the best behaved fella at the table. Curt was currently telling a -very animated- story from back home that included Val, and a blonde that hadn’t gotten the hint that he was uninterested. 
“I ain’t never seen anything like it,” His arms flailed wildly around him, almost knocking the glass from Benny’s hand. “One minute she’s across the room, and the next, she’s got this girl by the elbow, hauling her out like-“
“Like trash, Curt. Because she was trash.” Val sniggered, pointing across the table at him while Everett held her in his lap. 
“So we know who to call when we need a quick exit then, is that it?” Benny chuckled. 
“Call Tattie, she’s just as good as I am.”
“Oh please! You’re the muscle, you managed to tame Kidd of that god awful scowl he’s been wearing for weeks.”
“That’s Egan’s fault,” Helen groaned. “Went and got himself demoted.”
“How exactly do you get demoted from Air Exec?” Dougie pondered, lighting himself a cigarette before it was quickly proffered by Olive, who plucked it from his fingers with a grin. “Hey!”
When she handed it back to him after taking the first inhale, no one at the table missed the slightly put out look on Benny’s face. Thankfully, they were saved by the Hundredths regimental photographer coming over to their table, camera in hand.
“You lot up for a group shot?”
“Absolutely!” Tattie grinned, maneuvering everyone so that they were all crowded together, Meatball front and center, tongue wagging in delight at all the attention. Val remained perched in Ev’s lap, her right arm wound around his neck, the left holding his that was firmly on her waist. Across from her, Dougie had pulled Olive into his lap, the blue eyed man looking rather pleased with himself. Curt had squeezed himself between Helen and Tattie, sitting on their laps, as Benny squeezed in between Val and Tattie, with Meatball. 
“Alright you guys,” Joe, the photographer hollered over the band. “On three…”
He counted off, and the flash captured the moment perfectly. He took a second, just to be sure, before the group untangled themselves. 
“How about you two,” He turned to Val and Everett. “Captain Blakely? Miss Val?”
“Oh! Thank you Joe!” She beamed, standing from Everett’s lap so that they could take a proper photo.
Adjusting his jacket, Everett wrapped both arms around her, holding her close as she rested one hand on his back, the other against his chest. They barely registered their friends watching, or that Joe had snapped the first photo of them simply looking at each other. When he had them turn to smile, Val felt as though she might burst; wrapped up in Everett’s arms, everything felt as it should. Her friends, the man she adored, the music around them and even Meatball. It didn’t escape her that this was the first photo they’d taken together, and she’d cherish it for the rest of her days.  
“I’ll get those to you all soon as I can.” Joe had bid them farewell after taking a few more of their group. Curt was especially excited to send the picture of him and Val home to his Ma. Proof they were both alright, he had said. Val suspected he just wanted to prove she hadn’t strangled him. Yet. 
“Thanks Joe!”
As he made his way to the next table, Curt stood from his spot at the table, holding his hand out to Helen, cheeky smile on his face. 
“Humor a poor sap with a dance?”
“Well; you’ve been surprisingly well behaved tonight, Curt, so why not.”
She allowed him to take her hand and guide her from her chair to the dance floor, where they began to sway to the tune of the band. 
Val and Tattie watched as both Dougie and Benny seemed to have the same idea, and sensing that DeMarco had sat and watched Olive with Douglass, Tattie stood from her seat, and tugged Dougie with her towards the dance floor. 
“Come on, you. Let’s stretch our legs, hmm?”
“Sure, Tattie…” Dougie followed her towards the center, eyes just barely catching Benny leading Olive to the dance floor as well. 
“May I?” Everett held his hand out for Val, who accepted without hesitation. Joining their friends on the dance floor, the band kept the tunes slow and romantic for a bit longer than normal. Val didn’t miss Dougie and Benny swap partners after the second song finished, the two of them remaining well behaved, lest ruin the mood of the evening for everyone. 
“The pair of them are lovesick.” Everett shook his head, watching as Olive joined Dougie, and Tattie moved into Benny’s hold. 
“Olive is definitely overwhelmed by it all,” Val looked up at him. “But between you and me, I think it’s Dougie who’s stolen her heart.”
“You think so?”
“She looks at him a certain way that she doesn’t when Benny comes around. I think she loves Benny but she may be falling in love with Doug.”
“Love, huh? That’s a big admission.” 
“Well, when you know, you know.” Val shrugged, tucking herself back against his chest. 
“Ain’t that the fuckin truth…” Ev whispered to himself, glancing down at the woman in his arms. 
He’d had a feeling when he first saw her in the club that night that something had been irking her, and when she had mentioned Curt wanting to talk, he thought it had been something he had done. The two of them were constantly arguing like siblings, the occasional real disagreement popping up, but they had seemed fine at the table, so maybe it really was nothing. 
“How did it go up there today?” She peeked up at him, and that’s when he saw it. The worry behind her eyes. 
“That’s what’s bothering you…”
“Nothing's bothering me.”
“Please, don’t lie to me…” 
“I don’t want to do this here,” Val eyed the room cautiously, before nodding towards the doors. “Take a walk with me?”
“Of course honey. Come on.”
He led her from the club, now outside in the dewy, English air. They walked hand in hand, silently, until they found a suitable place to talk without anyone hearing them. 
“It’s not like me to get scared but, today…”
“You heard about Baynard.” He guessed. 
“Tattie and I saw it happen.”
He hadn’t expected that she’d seen it. Hearing about these things was never easy, and the girls were all so friendly with the fellas that they began to grow attached to some of them. You remember how they take their coffee, or to ask about their sweetheart back home. Anything to bring a smile to their faces. 
“We were unloading the boxes into the truck, and the next thing we saw was the tail of a fort in the trees, black smoke and fire. Fire like I’ve never seen in my life.”
“I just thought…” She sucked in a deep breath, trying to focus on something, anything. Anything except for the way her chest was seizing up and her eyes were watering. “What if it had been you, or Curt. I just don’t know what I’d have done.”
“I’m so sorry that you spent all day worried.”
“Kenny told us it wasn’t you… it shouldn’t be that grief comes with relief, Ev.”
“I know,” He sighed, taking her hands in his. “I wasn’t even off the ground yet when it happened. Yet… yet I felt this odd sense of thank god. Thank god it wasn’t my crew, my friends…”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything honey.”
“Are you ever scared? Scared that you might go up one day and, and-“
“Every day,” He admitted. “Scared we’ll live the rest of our lives stuck in East Anglia, fighting this goddamn war. Scared I’ll go up and it’ll be the last time. Scared I’ll end up stuck in the Stalag while you’re here alone. Scared to break your heart most of all.”
“Everett, no…no don’t say that.”
“We could be scared together. No one else has to know.” 
“Yea…yea let’s do that,” She huffed out a laugh, wiping at her eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. It’s alright.”
“You weren’t supposed to see me cry.”
“No? But then I don’t get to do this.”
Carefully, he took her face in his hands, kissing away the tears that stained her cheeks. Slowly, carefully, his lips blazed a trail down her left cheek, stopping to place a kiss at the corner of her mouth before repeating the process on the right side. Once he had kissed her tears dry, and only then, did he allow his lips to find hers. Under the cover of night, he did his damndest to kiss away her fear and anything that scared her. He harbored enough fear for the two of them, and if he could ease hers just a bit, he’d do what he could. 
The sound of footsteps rounding the corner, crunching against the gravel pulled them apart. They found Dougie and Benny standing there, both wearing the disappointment on their faces with no attempt to hide it. 
“Ev,.” Doug sighed. “We gotta go. The light’s on.”
Part Four
A/N: Thanks for reading! This series will continue for Blakely & Val, so if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, reblog- whichever is your poison. Feedback is always welcome & my ask box is always open. If you want to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know! A big huge thank you to @hephaestn for the stunning new mood board.
Tag List: @rowdy-redhead @winniemaywebber @sagesolsticewrites @bobparkhurst @rosiesriveter @victoryrollsandredlips @bcolfanfic @major-mads @footprintsinthesxnd @roosevelt-stalin-cocacola @justheretoreadthxxs @claireelizabeth85 @hephaestn @ktredshoes @barrykeoghussy @peachessndreamss @hellfirequinnie @spinteresting @prettyinlimegreenboots @manonsmanicmind @precious-little-scoundrel
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virfujiwara · 2 months
bill baker and junior jackson // Matt Maltese - Everyone Adores You (at least I do)
And they were roommates....
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vees-wax · 23 days
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63 colours, 5,217 stitches and 50 hours of my life later …
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And the photo it was based off of
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my company series reread continues apace with sky coyote
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esqueletosgays · 6 months
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Director: Roy Ward Baker Cinematography: Norman Warwick
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mariocki · 5 months
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Cape Fear (1991)
"Let's get something straight here. I spent fourteen years in an eight by nine cell, surrounded by people who were less than human. My mission in that time was to become more than human. You see? Granddaddy used to handle snakes in church, Granny drank strychnine. I guess you could say I had a leg up, genetically speaking."
#cape fear#1991#american cinema#martin scorsese#wesley strick#john d. macdonald#robert de niro#nick nolte#jessica lange#juliette lewis#joe don baker#robert mitchum#gregory peck#martin balsam#illeana douglas#fred thompson#zully montero#james r. webb#elmer bernstein#freddie francis#Scorsese fully channelling de Palma for this queasy Southern gothic remake of a beloved bit of Americana kino. this was actually meant to#be a Spielberg project (yeesh can you imagine?) but Marty traded him Schindler's List which worked out better for everyone. initial#reaction to seeing Marty's right hand arm de Niro as the antagonist was‚ admittedly‚ to snigger but give the man his dues he fully embodies#this grotesque‚ repellent boogeyman. crucially tho he has the seed of a genuine grievance against Nolte's (also fairly unlikeable) lawyer#lead and i think that's what really propels this script. the film is stacked with great performances‚ with a young J Lewis really#standing out in a layered and thoughtful performance. the cameos by prev Cape Fear stars are perhaps a tiny bit gratuitous (and it's kind#of sad that Peck's final role was little more than a brief meta injoke) but i get why and it doesn't detract too much from the film‚#particularly once it lurches full throttle into a biblical tinged flood and fire apocalypse for the (very well executed) final act#ott stuff and boundary pushing not just in its freakier moments but in its commitment to underscoring tension with moments of near pure#comedy‚ but i had a great time with this. oh and what a score! i mean i think it's just a re arrangement of the og score but still it slaps
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personinthepalace · 2 months
Happy first show to Mischief Movie Night at The Other Palace!
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Henry Lewis: First Mischief Movie Night @theotherpalace done!! A sci-fi road trip movie about Suzy and Eileen’s journey to Moon College. I played a father who was always late because he over-showers and a sexually excitable notice board.
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winniemaywebber · 6 days
post war get togethers always include a game of "take a shot every time a fella mentions his wife" every man leaves there obliterated. bunch of wife guys I love em
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months
In 1911, the Doctor (Doctor 4) was forced to stop an alien who had been trapped since ancient Egypt or risked the alteration of Earth’s timeline and destruction of its people. ("Pyramids of Mars", Doctor Who, vlm 1, TV)
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g-xix · 1 month
Which Era of Taylor are these boys?
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(i hope i phrased the question at the top right xxx)
OR what specific taylor songs do they give
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w2soneshots · 6 months
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More photos I found while stalking people’s instas🤭🤍
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blakelysco-pilot · 3 months
As Long as You Follow
Beat Me, Daddy, Eight To The Bar: Part Five
Everett Blakely x Valencia DiRosano (OC)
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Relationships of any kind during wartime are sometimes more important than mission briefings or making sure there’s enough donuts for the boys. When misunderstandings put them to the test, the least likely of the bunch to keep a level head ends up being the one to see them all through. All it takes is a bit of time. And some good humor.
Part Four Follow along with the Eight To the Bar Playlist
What’s that expression? What goes up, must come down. That one, not always pertaining to tossing something up in the air and waiting for gravity to ultimately pull it back to its rightful place, but emotions too. Temperatures, and the trickiest of them all, feelings. Feelings seemed to be the biggest culprit, running both hot and cold, I love you no I hate you. And the crash? The crash always came after you felt like you were floating on cloud nine. And it always came out of nowhere. 
It had been the perfect ending to what Val would call her worst day in England so far. Her friends were all safe, Curt and his crew included, and if she had to give it a name she’d say she was well on her way to being in love with Everett Blakely. He had given her the smallest taste of how he felt for her in his actions alone that night. Showering her in affection, never once asking for anything in return for all he had given her as they hid from the world- and the air raid- in the mess kitchen. Reminding her that he would continue to be a safe haven for her so long as she’d allow him. When Olive burst through the doors of the Red Cross hut after Val had come back, crying and looking like she had just lost everything, well, it proved the old saying right no matter how bad Val wanted to ignore it. The only question was who had made her cry the way she was; Benny or Douglass. She didn’t need specifics, what she needed was to make sure her friend was alright. As Val and Helen set about helping Olive get ready for bed, one with a soft hand to take off her makeup and wipe her tears, the other with a kind ear and shoulder, they had found out that it was James Douglass. 
“Deep breath Chickie, and tell us what happened.” Val had wrapped Olive in a hug, the pair sitting on her bed as she waited for the sniffling to die down. Helen had joined them, taking up the empty spot on Olive’s other side. 
“When we were walking back,” She hiccupped, hands wiping at her eyes furiously. “Benny, he told me that he knew when to bow out. He saw how Dougie and I looked at each other.”
“So then why is Doug mad?” Helen’s eyebrow raised, and Val could tell that the other woman was slowly starting to see where this was heading. 
“He saw me hug Benny, it was all friendly! Benny even said he sees me as a sister! And Dougie, he…” The tears had started again, but both girls knew what she was trying to say. 
“Doug saw the two of you.” Helen finished for her. 
“He’s so…” Olive gestures with her hands, trying to pick the right word. “Angry.”
“Oh, honey,” Val sighs, stroking Olive’s hand. “Don’t let it worry you. He was probably just drunk and not thinking straight.” Olive nods, in unison with Helen, 
“He’ll be fine by the morning,” Helen replied with a sweet smile. “He’s going to see you in that truck and he’ll forget he was ever angry the second he sees your pretty smile, mkay?”
“Exactly, it’ll all be alright. You’ll see.” Val grinned, and began helping Olive get ready for bed. Armed with a jar of cold cream, she set about taking her friend’s makeup off while Helen unpinned her hair and tied it up in a scarf for her, so that she could sleep comfortably. 
It was not alright. 
Everett is first at the truck the next morning, eyes sparkling as he spots Val hurrying over towards him. She greets him with a chaste kiss, one that has John Egan rolling his eyes as he stops for his morning coffee at the window Tattie is occupying. 
“Morning ladies.” Ev turns to greet the rest of the Clubmobile once he’s satisfied that he’d given Val a proper hello. 
“Morning Blakely,” Olive greets, placing two cups down on the ledge in front of him. “One for you, and the other is for Dougie.” “I don’t think coffee is gonna make it up to him, Olive,” he says, the furrow in his brow eerily similar to the one that Val makes almost daily. “He’s really upset.” “I wish he’d just listen to me,” She urges, her head pounding due to lack of sleep and dehydration. “If you could get him to–” “I’m staying out of it,” Everett responds, taking the cup on the right. “It’s none of my business if he wants to forgive you or not.” “I didn’t do anything!” Val can tell that just the discussion of it is causing Olive to get hot under the collar. Her eyes are beginning to water, and she looks like she might burst into tears at any moment. 
“Honey,” Val coos, intervening before anything escalates further. “Olive really didn’t do anything. Her and Benny were only talking.”
“She’s your friend, Val. Of course you’re taking her side.” He sighs, and then turns from his girlfriend back to Olive. “You led my friend on and I’m not okay with that.”
“Ev!” Val half shouts, following him as he begins to depart. 
She catches up to him just outside the equipment hut, his hand on the handle of the door, he’s surprised when she pushes the door shut on him, stopping him from entering. 
“What the hell, Val!”
“First of all, you walked away without so much as a goodbye, Everett,” She starts, shoulder leaning against the door to stop him from going in, arms crossed over her chest. “Second, I don’t understand why you won’t even listen to Olive.”
“Honey, I really don’t want to fight,” He sighs, dropping his hand to her waist to try and coax her closer. “We had such a nice night, I don’t want to ruin the morning.’ 
“No one’s ruining anything.”
“I’m sorry I walked away without saying goodbye…”
“Go on…’
“Go on, what? I’m sorry for not saying goodbye.”
“You’re not sorry for almost making Olive cry?”
“Val, this is between her and Doug, and apparently still Benny.”
“Oh my god, you’re just as stubborn as your damn friend!”
“Don’t yell at me, I didn’t start this fight…” He stressed. 
“No, that one’s on James Douglass.” She practically  growled, pushing off the door and turning to head back to the truck.
“Now who’s not saying goodbye!” Everett called after her. 
Val turned on her heel, stopping just long enough to see the uncertain look on his face, and hating every second of it. But she’d defend Olive, because that’s what friends did. Everett was doing it for Dougie, but that didn’t mean she liked it. Still, the idea of sending him up to fly without a goodbye; not something she would do. 
“Fly safe, please.” She called out to him, her eyes softening just enough for him to see she genuinely meant it. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
She just caught his grin as he pulled the door to the equipment hut open, before she turned to join the girls back at the Clubmobile. 
The remainder of the day had all of them in a funk. Olive was sad, Val was trying to stave off her anger and Helen and Tattie just wanted their friends to feel better. Just A Snappin had returned from its practice mission without a scratch, and Val had felt a surge of relief when Everett, accompanied by Croz, wandered up to the truck. Croz still looked a bit green around the gills, so when she tossed him a pack of gum from the open hatch, he eagerly accepted. Waving his thanks, he made his way to the equipment hut to drop off his gear, knowing that Ev needed a minute alone with Val after he had overheard the pilot and bombardier discussing their respective sweethearts that morning. 
“Hey…” Ev looked sheepishly up at Val, hazel eyes squinting in the late afternoon sun. 
“Hi…” Val dropped the rag she was using to wipe down the counter, dusting her hands off before jerking her head towards the back of the truck. When Ev nodded and moved to join her, she thought that maybe, this morning's event could be put behind them. 
She quickly descended the three steps, joining Ev on the grass, but not moving any further for fear he was still upset. 
“I’m sorry,” He spoke before she could get the words out. “I don’t want to argue with you, and I sure as hell don’t like it.”
“I don’t like it either,” Val sighed, taking his hands in hers. “I just… I know we both feel differently about this. But it’s also not our fight to be having.”
“Doug is real hurt.”
“So is Olive. Though to be fair, Dougie isn’t even giving her a chance to explain.”
“What’s to explain? He saw her with Benny.”
“You think he was able to tell what he really saw? It was dark and he had a few too many in him!” She could feel herself getting heated again, her eyes turning sharp, brow pinched. 
“He saw her with Benny! And Benny is just as bad,” Ev practically spat. “He knew Dougie had feelings for her and he cashed in on that stupid bike race.”
“I’m not doing this again!” Val pulled her hands back. 
“Doing what? Tell me Dougie is wrong?”
“Argue with you!” She turned, making her way back up the steps and into the Clubmobile, and Everett couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like she was speaking Italian under her breath. If she didn’t want him knowing what she was saying, it couldn’t have been good. 
Helen appeared in the window, a sad smile on her face directed at him, and he knew he wasn’t apologizing his way out of this one. 
“Give her some time to cool off, Ev.”
“Just, tell her I’m sorry. Again.”
“I will, don’t worry.” Helen nodded, watching as he walked off in the same direction Croz had gone earlier. 
Just as Helen was about to turn and check on Valencia, she heard Olive shouting for Dougie as he passed. All three women in the truck held their breath, Tattie watching from the back door while Val and Helen remained in the truck. 
“He looks like shit…” Tattie whispered back to them. 
“Like he hasn’t slept since this whole thing started.”
“Yea well, neither has she.” Val pointed out, Tattie and Helen nodding along in agreement just as they hear both Olive and Doug’s voices start to carry. 
“Dougie, can we please talk?” Val and Helen are now watching from the hatch windows, eyes wide in curiosity. “I have nothing to say to you. Save it for DeMarco.” Douglass’s words cut across to her, and the girls can all see Olive trying to maintain her composure, not wanting a repeat of this morning. “I'd like to exp–” She starts, but he cuts her off. “No need. I thought we were…” He sighs, a harsh breath pushing through his nostrils as he stops. “I don’t have time for this.” “Find time, James. Nothing is going on between Benny and I. We are just friends!” Olive stresses. “That’s not what it looked like last night,” He sighs, his shoulders dropping. The girls all see Olive’s eyes grow misty at his tone.
“If you’d just listen to me for one damn minute,” She urges, trying to hold back the tears. It makes her voice squeak, the effort of keeping it in causing her chest to tighten, her neck straining with it all, too. 
“No,” he says simply, and walks away. 
They’re all out of the truck like a shot as Olive returns. The tears are now freely flowing, and it takes every ounce of restraint on Val’s part not to go after Dougie for making her cry. Again.  
“Oh, darling, he’s not worth it,” Tattie is first at her side in consolation. Reaching into her pocket she pulls out her hip flask. With a quick glance to make sure Chick isn’t around to see, she hands it over to Olive. “Now drink, it’ll calm your nerves.”
Olive does as she’s told, wincing as the whiskey works its way down her throat. Tattie lights two cigarettes, passing one to her, hand falling to her back softly as she tries to sooth her. 
“Now,” She says, her eyes softening, though her words come out with the authority she’s known for. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”
Olive shakes her head with a deep sign, leaning against the truck and taking a deep drag of the cigarette. 
“No, I’m just going to clean up and go to bed. I don’t have it in me to socialize tonight.
“Well, you let us know. You know we’re gonna look after you.” Val is on her other side, her own cigarette between her fingers as she works to settle her own nerves. 
Olive gives a half hearted reply, stopping when she feels Meatball at her feet sniffing around. Benny is of course, right behind him with a kind smile, his preempted happiness at seeing his friend faltering as he takes in her appearance, and all of the girls around her. He’s worried, naturally, but they all reassure him that they’ve got it under control, and should they need him, they’ll give a holler. Val can tell that Benny is distraught over seeing Olive so sad, and she knows he feels partially responsible, so after he says his goodbye to Olive and the rest of them, Val beckons him over to the side, her voice low, though she knows that what she’s about to say no one passing by will understand anyway. 
“Benny, so che sei preoccupato, ma per favore non provare a parlare con Douglass.” Benny, I know you’re worried, but please don’t try and talk to Douglass.
“Lo so, non farà che peggiorare le cose, ma in parte è colpa mia.” I know, it will only make it worse, but this is partly my fault.
“Non è colpa tua. Douglass è testardo.” It is not your fault. Douglass is stubborn.
“Fatemi sapere se ha bisogno di qualcosa. Anche tu, se è per questo. Ho sentito te ed Everett stamattina.” Let me know if she needs anything. You too, for that matter. I heard you and Everett this morning. 
“Staremo bene, mi prenderò cura di lei.” We'll be fine, I'll take care of her. 
Val was acutely aware of three pairs of eyes on them as she spoke to Benny, but she knew that he would understand, and she didn’t want to keep beating a dead horse in front of Olive. The poor girl was worked up enough as it is, so to hear them continue to discuss the arguments being carried between them and the boys, would only upset her more. So, she kept it quiet in her own way, and would do what she could to protect her friend, and lift her spirits. 
That  night in the club it’s just Val, Helen and Tattie. It feels like they’re missing a big piece of the puzzle without Olive there with them, and it brings down the mood substantially. Not to mention that Douglass is sticking close to Hambone, and Ev, try as he might, wasn’t getting much out of Val. She had accepted the drink he had gotten her when they arrived at the club, and she had thanked him with a kiss to the cheek the same way she had that night a few weeks ago when he had spotted her giving Curt the what for. Before they had become officially Everett and Valencia and were still toeing the line between flirty friends and a couple. Val hated it. She missed sitting on his lap at their table, the smell of his aftershave as she pushed her nose against his neck as they danced, the feel of his hands on her waist as he twirled her around. Glancing over her shoulder, she spots him at the bar with Brady and Crank looking, for lack of a better word, less than invested in the discussion that the other two pilots were currently having. Sparring him another glance, green eyes focused but trying not to be obvious, she completely misses Curt taking the seat next to her. 
“Alright, what the hell did I miss? Where’s Olive?” He announces his arrival in a flurry of questions, as you do when your name is Curt Biddick. 
“Olive’s in bed.” Val turns to him in reply. 
“Is she sick?”
“Not sick, just,” Val takes a breath, wondering just how much Curt knows, and if Everett had divulged anything to him upon his arrival back at base. “Not feeling very social tonight.”
“Well, I know yous all missed me but, you can perk up now, ladies!” He joked, and Val knew he didn’t really know anything of what had gone on that day. 
“We did miss you, Curt, but it’s more than that.” 
“Well, how about ya give your old friend a dance and fill me in, hmm?” 
He was holding a hand out to her, and she knew that if she denied him, he’d be on her in a fury of more questions and worries. So, with a forced smile, she obliged Curt his dance and let him lead her out to the dance floor as the band slowed down a bit. 
Keeping his hands above the waist and in a respectable way, lest his mother come to England and give him a smack for anything more than that, he began to sway them gently, his eyes finding hers. 
“So, why are ya giving me a dance when Blakely is all alone at the bar looking like someone kicked his dog?”
“We’re not exactly seeing eye to eye right now.” She sighed. 
“What happened?”
“Well, long story short, you missed a spectacular bike race in the mess hall last night. Benny and Dougie had a bet. Winner walks Olive back to the hut.”
“DeMarco won, didn’t he,” It was not a question. “Is that why Doug is practically up Hambone’s rear end and Olive’s in bed?” 
“Benny won,” She confirmed. “So he walked her back, and according to Olive, he told her that he was bowing out. He sees her as a sister and wanted to be friends, but Dougie had a few in him and saw her hug him.”
“So now he’s all pissy, and lemme guess. Blakely’s on his side so now you and him are at odds.”
“You know, after the war, you could go into psychology.”
“Doctor Biddick at your service!”
“Gross, no. I take it back, it sounds yucky.” Val scrunched up her face, causing Curt to bark out a laugh. It drew the attention of Ev at the bar, and had she been dancing with anyone else, she’d be worried, simply because of the current argument at hand. 
“You want my opinion or nah?” Curt pulled her attention back to him just as the song began to wind down. 
“You’re going to give it to me anyway,:” She shook her head, letting him lead her to the bar for a drink. “So let’s hear it.”
He stopped walking just as they reached Everett, Curt giving her a gentle nudge in his direction. 
“Stop the fightin’ the both of yous,” He looked at Everett, then back to her. “And give your gal a dance, Blakely.” 
He left them at the bar without another word, wandering over to where the Major’s were congregated at the other end, Bucky and Gale pulling him into whatever conversation they were having. 
“He’s right…” Everett conceded, taking her hand and leading her away from the bar. 
“Don’t let him hear you say that.” She glanced up at him, eyes twinkling, letting him know that she was done being upset. 
“Let’s put this aside, even if it’s just for right now. Come dance with me?”
“Yea, okay,” He led her to the dance floor, finding an open space before pulling her close, her eyes fluttering closed in delight as he held her. “Missed you today.”
“Missed you more, honey.” His lips pressed against her temple, letting her know that he meant it. 
“Is it bad that I want to lock them both in a room until they sort it out?”
“We can’t do that,” Ev chuckled. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“To who?”
“Either of them.” He assured her. 
“And what about us?” She inquired, thumb stroking over his cheekbone. “Is it fair for us to argue too?”
“No, it’s not fair, but-”
“No buts,” She cut him off. “Just listen, please.”
“What she did was not okay, Val. Besides, isn’t Doug your friend too?”
She pulled away from him as if he had burned her, stepping back mid dance and putting enough distance between them that he wouldn’t be able to pull her back. 
“Of course he’s my friend!” She hissed, trying not to disturb the other couples on the dance floor. “But that doesn’t make him any less capable of making a mistake, Ev!”
“So you’re admitting he’s wrong but Olive wasn’t?”
“Gesù Cristo, come può un uomo essere così testardo!" Jesus Christ, how can one man be so stubborn!
“Val, don’t start yelling, not here!” He grabbed her arm, and the two of them left the dance floor in a flurry, trying not to draw any more attention to themselves. 
When they reached the bar, she pulled her arm from his grasp; it was just tight enough that she couldn’t slip away, but never painful, and fixed him with a look he had never seen before. 
“I’m leaving.”
“I’m. Leaving.” She ground out, smoothing her jacket before taking a deep breath. 
“Honey, please don’t leave.”
“Why not? All we’ve done all day is argue over Doug!”
At that, Douglass turned from where he was at the bar with Hambone, eyes wide in shock. He hadn’t been expecting Val to be as heated as she was, but again, he supposed he should have known better than to assume Olive’s best friend wouldn’t take some frustration out on him. 
“The hell did I do to you?” Dougie had regained his composure, turning to face Val in bewilderment. 
“You,” she seethed. “You hurt my friend.”
“What, she can dish it out but she can’t take it?” 
“Woah ayy enough you three!” Curt was between Val and Douglass before either of them saw it coming, and to Dougie’s dismay, Benny DeMarco was with him. 
“Of course you’re here.” Dougie rolled his eyes at Benny, causing Curt to put just enough force into his stance and push Douglass back. 
“You hearin me Doug? I said, that’s enough.”
Dougie nodded silently, watching as Curt turned back to Val who stood statue still, utter shock etched across her features. 
“Demarco, walk her back,” He nodded at the pilot kindly. “I’ll be right there and then we’re gonna talk, yea?”
Val hugged Curt tightly before departing, and she knew he could see the tears in her eyes. He knew it before she felt the first one fall, that she was utterly terrified of losing Everett and her friendship with Douglass. For all the days she was tough as nails and kept him in line, he knew that the girl he used to walk home from work at night, who’d clutch his arm a little too hard if someone catcalled her, or cried on his shoulder when her heart was broken, was still in there somewhere. 
As she turned to leave, she could see the broken look on Everett’s face. Someone else was walking her back. Someone who wouldn’t kiss her good night, or hold her until they absolutely had to part. It was someone else, not him, and if he could, she’s sure he’d give himself the beating that Curt surely wanted to bestow upon him. But she was safe with Benny, and she’d be safe with Curt. She just wished that she was safe with Everett instead. 
Benny had walked her back, and it was the most uncomfortable silence that Val had felt in a long time. Meatball had dutifully followed his owner as he left, and trotted along happily between the two of them, stopping every so often to snuffle at the ground or bark. She wasn’t sure what to say, if she should say anything at all. She was grateful when Benny broke the silence by handing her a cigarette, the end already burning a soft orange ember. 
“Hey, you know none of this is anyone’s fault. It’s all just…”
“An alcohol fueled misunderstanding?” She turned to him, her eyebrow raised. 
“Yea, it really is,” He chuckled. “Doug was drunk last night. All he remembers is what he saw when he was drunk.”
“He made her cry twice, Ben…”
“I know. I’m mad at him for that too.”
“God, I left them in there with Curt,” She groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I left my boyfriend with Curt who, if looks could kill-“
“Woah, hey, come on now,” He drops a hand to her shoulder reassuringly as they come up to the Red Cross hut. “Curt wouldn’t hurt Ev or Doug.”
“Tell that to the last guy that made me cry.”
“The last guy had it coming, I’ll bet. But not Blakely or Doug.”
“Did I blow it with him completely? Maybe I am too much…” The words came out on a broken breath, and she felt herself about to crumble. 
“Absolutely not. You’re not too much.” Benny pulled her into a hug, knowing that she needed it, and wouldn’t be able to wait for Curt to show up. 
He traded places with the pilot as soon as he saw him approach, carefully shifting Val from his arms into Curt’s. Sharing a look, silently asking if he had needed to swing at anyone back in the club, Curt simply shook his head no, Benny breathing a sigh of relief. Offering him a wave, he called for Meatball who barely hesitated to follow him back towards the officers hut for their nightly routine. 
“Come on now,” Curt soothed, hand rubbing up and down her back gently. “No crying.”
“I ruined it.”
“What, your mascara? Yea gal, ya did.”
“Ohhh ya mean Blakely? Nah, not at all. He looks like someone kicked his dog but that fella’s still crazy for ya.”
“I yelled at him.” She lifted her head from his shoulder, swiping under her eyes furiously to get rid of the tears. 
“I know, I heard ya.”
“Called him stubborn.”
“Mhmm, well, we all get that way from time to time.”
“What if-“
“No. You stick to ya guns. But, ya gotta clear your head; you’re both hot under the collar and not thinkin straight.”
“You think so? What if it ends up like-“
“Blakely ain’t him, you hear me? Yous two will work it all out, otherwise all my hard work will be for nothin.”
“What hard work?” 
“Who do ya think slipped him your favorite drink, hm?”
“That was you!?” She shouted, eyes wide in disbelief. She had sworn it was one of the girls and they just weren’t budging. 
“Yea dollie, it was me.”
“Curt Biddick!”
“Wanna see my best gal happy, so stop with the tears and go get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the mornin.”
“Love you, even if you are a huge pain in my ass.” She grinned, pulling him close. 
“Yea yea, I know ya do,” He hugged her back tightly, reminding her that she wasn’t alone. “And I know I am.”
It took a full week. A full week of Val sticking close to the other girls, and Curt. A week of Olive slipping off to bed early and avoiding the Officers Club for fear of running into Dougie. A week of the three of them trying to get her out of the funk the argument had caused. Val barely saw Everett unless he was passing by the Clubmobile or in the Officers Club at night. They had scarce words for each other, but she always had his coffee ready in the morning, and he always had a cocktail waiting for her at night. They were allowing the other to cool down, and she wasn’t sure what Curt had told him, but she ventured a guess it was similar to what he had told her. Give it time. But still, there was just enough of a reminder there for the other to know they still cared. They were not throwing in the towel. 
The boys had gone up on a raid earlier that morning, and Val hadn’t hesitated to send Ev off with his coffee and a kiss. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, send him up with anything less than her affection for him. Please. She had begged, hands holding his for the first time since their dance turned into an argument at the club the week before. Come back to me, Ev. Had made him promise he would, that she’d see both feet on the ground. And he had kept that promise. She’d spent the entirety of the time waiting for him, with her Rosary in one pocket, and her own red braid tied around her wrist. It was Curt who strolled into Interrogation first, cheeky smile and arms wide open for her. He was quick to reassure her that Ev was alright, and would be along any second.
“You gonna talk to him?” Curt asked, holding her at arm's length. 
“Not here,” She shook her head. “Not the time or place.”
“Alright, that’s fair.” Curt was quickly shuffled into interrogation by Dickie, who offered her a one armed hug and a smile before continuing on. 
Turning back to where she was working on doling out coffee, she saw Ev and Douglass enter the hut, the former scanning the room for her with tired eyes. 
“All in one piece?” She questioned, holding out two coffee cups for them both. She still had a job to do. 
“Yes,” Ev smiled, taking the cup from her before giving her hand a squeeze. “Later?” 
“Come find me.” She nodded, quickly moving to the next set of boys who were coming into the hut. Douglass had left without so much as a thanks for the coffee, but she couldn’t let it eat at her, because Brady and Hambone were waiting with smiles,; albeit tired ones, as she handed off coffee and welcomed them back to base. 
“Hey Val…” Hambone’s stage whisper didn’t do him any good at hiding what he wanted to say, and she couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Yea, Hammy?”
“Douglass is a cranky sunuvabitch without Olive glued to his side.” He carried on, and Brady couldn’t help but shake his head as he pushed his bombardier along down the line. 
“I know, Hammy, I’m working on it. We all are.”
Val was cleaning up with Tattie, the two of them quickly packing away the leftover donuts, and moving it all to the Clubmobile. She had just stepped outside when Everett finally exited the interrogation room. He had been fully prepared to end the argument, but when Hambone had begun teasing Douglass about how Val also thinks he’s a cranky bastard, well, Everett couldn’t comprehend why his girlfriend would pour gasoline on an already blazing fire. His eyes scanned the room before he caught Tattie, the brunette giving him a stern look before gesturing outside with a nod of her head. Everett, taking the wordless cue as a sign to head outside, was stopped by Tattie as he approached the door, the same stern look on her face. 
“Patch this shit up, would ya? I’m tired of my friends crying.”  
“She’s been crying?” Ev looked at Tattie with wide, nervous eyes. His stomach dropping to his feet at the thought that he’d made Val cry. 
“She has,” Tattie nodded. “So please, let’s end this, yea?”
“I’ll talk to her.” He nodded, making a break for it before he got an even longer lecture from the General’s daughter. 
She was coming from the Clubmobile when he spotted her. Her red lips were stretched in a smile he hadn’t seen in days, and it almost pained him that he was about to ask if what Hambone had said was true. 
“Hi,” She breathed, taking his hands and pulling him off to the side of the hut. “Are you okay?”
“If you mean the mission, then yea, I’m okay.”
“What else would I be talking about?”
“I’m a bit baffled as to why you would tell Hambone that Dougie is a cranky bastard.”
“What?” She stepped back, looking at him to see if he was joking. “I didn’t say that to Hammy.”
“Then what did you say?”
“Oh my god,” She sighed. “Hambone told me that Dougie has been cranky without Olive, and I said I agreed and that we were trying to fix it.” 
“So he is cranky?”
“Well he hasn’t slept from the looks of it. I’d say that constitutes crankiness, Ev!”
“I thought we were getting to the end of this, but you’re still against Doug.”
“I’m not against Doug, I’m just not in agreement with the way he’s handling all of this.”
“Well, then I guess we’re not at the end of this are we?”
“It would appear not.” She groaned, turning around to head back to the Clubmobile. She could see Helen and Olive inside, and needed to be there instead of here. 
“Oh my god,” She turned on her heel, staring at him as he stood there. “What?”
When he didn’t reply, she turned back, letting out a frustrated growl as she stomped back to the Clubmobile. 
When she enters the Clubmobile, her face is the picture of anger, and Helen is the first to notice. “Not you too!” She protests, shaking her head in disbelief. “I thought things seemed better after today!” 
“What?” Val replies, an edge to her tone that she instantly regrets when Helen winces. “Ev is taking Dougie’s side, I'm taking Olive’s and we're talking in fucking circles.”
“I'm sorry, Val,” Olive whimpers from across the truck, and Val turns to see she’s clenching her fists at her sides, her face blotchy from her latest spill of emotions, and remnants of mascara smudged under her eyes. “I'm sorry you and Ev are fighting because of me.”
“We're not fighting because of you,”  She flips the page of the magazine that’s resting on the counter with such force, the counter rattles under the weight of her fist. “We're fighting because of Douglass.” 
“Val…” Olive begins to protest but she’s quick to cut her off. 
“Stop that, it is not your fault! You're allowed to be friends with Benny the same way I’m friends with Curt.” She snaps, flipping another page.
“Honey, take a breath…” Helen tries to get her to relax, but it’s no use. Her rage carries through the truck and out into the open air surrounding it. 
“Does that make sense to you?” She yells over her shoulder. The two girls nod, wide eyed at her tone, unsure if she’s addressing them or not. “Everett?” 
She shouts again, still not looking up from her magazine when Everett comes around the corner, absolutely flabbergasted at the point she had been trying to make for the last week. 
“It makes sense, Val.” He sighs, looking up at her with apologetic eyes, before he turns and heads towards the Officers hut, mulling over everything she had just indirectly shouted at him. At least this time she had yelled at him in English and he had been able to understand it. 
“Did he just…agree with you?” Helen looked at Val, eyes wide at how quickly she had put him in check. 
“Yes Helen, he did.” Val closed the magazine, folded her hands under her bust and turned to her friend’s with a smile. 
“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” She shuddered, a laugh punching through at the end as she saw Olive crack a small smile. 
“Now!” Val clapped her hands and turned to Olive. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”
“Yea,” Olive nodded, her smile returning. “Yea I am.” 
They take their time getting ready that night. Val happily sits Olive down so she can pin her hair for her, and apply her makeup. It had been a rough week for them both, Olive more than Val, and she wanted her friend to relax. Nothing to worry about while in their hut other than which shade of rouge they might wear or how she was going to style her hair. Their uniforms were pressed and hanging up, ready to be slipped into, pantyhose laid out on the bed along with clean lingerie and shined shoes waiting for a spin on the dance floor. 
Meatball had tried to follow them back to their hut after they closed up the Clubmobile for the night, but Benny had promptly dragged the husky back to his hut for a bath after a particularly muddy afternoon with Winks and Lemmon’s. So, the girls had turned on their staticky radio in the corner of their hut and enjoyed their early evening of primping and getting ready for a night at the club. The mood was light, and it felt like any other day; even Tattie seemed a bit brighter. Maybe they were getting to the end of this hellish week. Maybe Douglass would see reason, and Everett would be the one to walk her back and kiss her goodnight. Maybe the anger that had been swirling around base was finally dissipating. 
“I’m going for a smoke,” Val announced, shrugging on her jacket and heading for the door. “You two coming?”
“Almost done,” Olive replied, peeking over her shoulder as she dug through some jewelry. “Helen and I will catch you up, Chicken.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you at the club.” 
Helen waved her off absent mindedly as she applied her lip liner with laser focus, not bothering to glance up from the mirror. Pushing the door open, Val found Curt and Dickie also walking towards the club, the pair stopping to allow her a chance to catch up. Curt had his lighter out before she even reached him, the flame flickering in front of his face making him look ominous. 
“There’s the gal!” Curt bellowed as she approached. 
“Must you always yell?” She gave him a gentle shove before allowing him to light her cigarette. 
“You know he can’t help himself.” Dickie chimed in, tossing an arm over her shoulder and steering her towards the club. 
“You two behaving?” She looks between them, eyebrow raised in question. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Curt nudges her, pulling the cigarette from her for himself. “You’re out there screamin and startin fights.” 
“I think today might have been the last fight.”
When Curt looks over, he’s expecting sadness, no doubt, but is surprised to see that Val looks happier, and a bit lighter than she had been. 
“You two make up?” 
“We’re getting there. I think I finally got my point across.”
“What is the point,” Dickie asks. “if you don’t mind me asking.”
“That if I can be with Ev and still be best friends with Curt, Olive can be friends with Benny while still being with Douglass.”
“And Blakely knows this now?” The Co-Pilot inquires, looking at her curiously. 
“Like I said,” Val nods. “Got my point across.”
“That means she yelled.” Curt clarified. Stealing her cigarette back from him she shooed them both into the club. 
She hadn’t been waiting long when Olive and Helen strolled up, arms linked and smiling about something. This, Val thought, was how things should be. Her friends, happy. Her boyfriend, happy. Everyone safe. She stubs out her cigarette against the wall as she greets the pair, her voice carrying across the space between them. When she hears the door open behind her, she sees Olive pale immediately as she moves to stand behind Val, clutching her hand tightly.  It’s Dougie that’s exited the club, and he looks the worst of them all. 
“Douglass.” Val nods to him, watching him closely. 
“Valencia,” He replies, gesturing behind him as he speaks. “Ev's waiting for you inside.” 
Val can feel Olive’s nerves radiating off of her, doing her best to keep her out of Douglass’s line of sight. They’re so close to being inside the club, so close to a night around their table with cocktails and laughter. She’s so focused on the next step, that she completely misses Tattie as she slides up next to them, cigarette burning in one hand, gaze focused on the group that had gathered. 
“Jeez, you look lousy, Ol,” Tattie says, unaware of Val trying to shield her. “Still not sleeping?” Val doesn’t hear her reply, but a quick glance behind her and she see’s Olive shaking her head silently in response. She’s chewing on her bottom lip, the lipstick that Val had applied for her now staining her teeth. 
“I'm sure Benny would give you some place to sleep,” Dougie spits. The words leaving his mouth so quickly, if Val hadn’t been paying attention she might have missed it. “If he hasn't already.” 
Dougie’s face falls the second the words leave his mouth,  instantly regret washing over his features as the weight of what he’s just said settles over them all like the fog that perpetually covers England. It’s thick and murky, and wading through it makes you unsure because you can’t see where you’re going, or what’s going to happen next. Olive’s face crumples, and try as she might to hide it, a sob breaks free from her throat and out into the night air. 
“Dougie! Jesus Christ!” Everett shouts. The door of the club swings shut behind him, and he’s shocked at what he heard leaving his friend's mouth. 
Timing was everything, it seemed. Val is on Dougie in a flash, arm pulled back and ready to swing. Something, she thinks, Curt should have done days ago. James Douglass deserved the sense beat into him as far as she was concerned, but Tattie is just as quick as she is and she’s pulling her back with all the force one would expect from General Spaatz’s daughter. 
“Val, no, no!” Tattie is dragging her away as she shouts, the sound becoming almost guttural as her throat gives out. 
“How dare you, James Douglass!” She roars. “Look at the fucking state of her!” 
Everyone silently turns to Olive who is wrapped up in Helen’s arms, her cries muffled as Helen holds her tightly, and does her best to soothe her through all the ruckus. .  
“Olive,” Dougie starts, his voice cracking as he takes a step closer to her.
It’s Helen who shouts, surprising everyone as she puts her hand in Dougie’s face, stopping him from getting even a step closer to the girl she’s tending to. 
“Not until everyone has calmed down,” She continues, speaking firmly, both Tattie and Val looking on in surprise as mild mannered, sweet, Helen is the one to put her foot down. “You especially, Douglass.” 
He nods quietly, hands behind his back as he watches Tattie lead Val into the club, the green eyed Italian practically snarling at him on the way past. She’s not paying attention to whether or not Everett is following behind, her focus entirely on Tattie’s grip on her arm, the noise of the club as she walks through the doors, and the smell of cigarette smoke as Tattie lights them each one. 
“I’m starting to wonder what would have happened if I had left the hut five minutes later.” Tattie exhaled, smoke swirling around her, making her look almost ethereal. 
“You’d be explaining to Harding why Doc Stover was sewing James Douglass back together like Raggedy Anne.”
“Jeez, he really put his foot in it didn’t he.” 
Val was about to reply when the door swung open, Helen and Everett entering together, both looking like they needed more than just a drink, but also like they had accomplished something. 
Helen motioned for Tattie to join her, the two linking arms and heading further into the club to secure a table and some drinks, while Val and Everett stood staring at each other in the doorway like two awkward teenagers. 
“Where’s Olive and Dougie?” She asked, back pressed against the wall, unmoving. 
“I did what you suggested last week,” Everett shrugged. “Locked them in a room to sort it out.”
“No,” He chuckled. “They’re in the mess hall, talking.”
“Are they okay unsupervised like that?”
“They’re fine. I think they’re both too tired to keep fighting.”
“And what about you? Are you too tired to keep fighting?”
“Sweetheart,” He took the three steps separating them, his hands taking hers and pulling her away from the wall and into his arms. “I’ve been exhausted since it started.”
“Me too.” 
His arms came around her, pulling her flush against his body. Holding each other in the quiet of the entryway, Val could feel all of her anger dissipate. She had been a pot of hot, boiling water, all week. Bubbling with anger and fear, and now, the steam was floating off the top of the pot and taking everything with it. 
“I should have listened to you.” Everett murmured, face nuzzled into her hair as he held her. 
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She whispered, pressing herself closer, her hands gripping fistfuls of his jacket. 
“You yelled at me in Italian,” He chuckled. “Curt said that means you’re really mad.”
“It sort of just happens.” She shrugged, pulling back so she could see his face. 
“He wouldn’t tell me what you said.”
“I called you stubborn.” She winced. 
“I deserve that. I was really stubborn.”
Everett’s hands slid around to cup the back of her neck, thumbs brushing the underside of her jaw as they stood there. The first fight, over. All that was left was to make up- truly make up. 
“I’m sorry,” Val sighed, feeling Everett’s lips brush over hers like a whisper. “I’m so sorry…”
“Shh, It’s okay, it’s over, sweetheart.”
“I thought I ruined it...”
“You didn’t ruin a damn thing,” He shook his head, leaning down to press his lips fully to hers. “Not a damn thing.” 
Val pulled him back down to her instantly, her lips molding to his, her hands gripping the lapels of his jacket to pull him closer. She wanted to be as close as she could  after not having him near all week, as close as was not considered indecent as they stood in the entrance to the Officers Club where anyone could happen upon them. When Everett pulled away for air, she chased him on a gasp, her breathing ragged, begging for him to come closer again. 
“I’m sorry, too.” He sucked in a breath, pressing his forehead to hers. 
“This was a miserable week,” She groaned. “I hated every second of it.”
“Can only imagine how Olive and Doug felt.” 
“Speaking of,” Val shook her head. “We should really check on them.”
Nodding, Everett reluctantly pulled away from her, taking her hand and leading her further into the club to seek out their friends. When they reached the table, they found Helen and Tattie with Benny, Curt and Dickie. Meatball was currently biting at Gale Cleven’s heels across the room. No Olive or Douglass to be found. 
“Look who it is!” Curt exclaimed, slamming his beer down and causing it to slosh all over his arm and the table.  
“Jesus Curt, you’re a mess.” Tattie shook her head. 
“Forget it,” Curt shook his arm out behind him, spraying beer all over the back of an unsuspecting Crank. “Yous two kiss and make up?”
“Yea,” Val grinned. “We did.”
“Finally!” Helen clapped her hands together in excitement. “Where’s Olive and Doug?”
“They’re not here?”
“They’re still talking?” Val’s eyes went wide, suddenly worried that Ev had sent them on their way, alone. 
“I guess? You think we should check on them?”
“For my own sanity, yes Helen, we should.” 
When the whole table stood to follow Val and Helen out of the club, neither could really say they blamed any one of them. Every one of them had been involved either directly, or indirectly, and wanted to see what would become of Olive and Douglass. So they headed back out into the night air, Val tugging Everett along with her while Helen and Tattie were right at her side. 
“God I hope they haven’t killed each other.” Tattie sighed just as they rounded the corner to the mess hall. The girls try to peer through the small windows in the door, but the lights are off in the mess hall and they can’t see anything in front of them. The boys, all hanging back, are watching to see what the girls might do next. 
“I can’t see a thing!” 
“It’s too dark!”
“Why don't yous three just go inside?” 
“Because, Curt,” Val turned and fixed him with a look. “We can’t go in there if they’re still in there.”
“Where else would they be?”
“I don’t know,” She sighed. “There’s dozens of places they could have run off to.” 
“Why don’t you look through the windows on the side?” Benny offered, gesturing around to the side of the building. Val’s eyes lit up as she pulled Helen and Tattie around the side with her, stopping short when she realizes that they can’t see in the windows. They’re all too short. 
“Everett!” She calls, her head coming around the corner to look for him. “I can’t see!”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Give me a boost?” She’s batting her lashes and looking at him like she’ll give him the whole world if he helps her. And he knows that even if she promised him nothing, he can never deny her anything. 
“Come on,” He quickly shrugs off his jacket, passing it over to Curt so he can join the girls. “Benny, Dickie, come give the other two a lift would ya?”
“What about me?” Curt groans, now holding all of the jackets. 
“I’m not lifting you up, Biddick.” Everett looks at him in mock disgust, hands gripping Val’s waist as he prepares to hoist her up onto his shoulder. 
“Okay honey, just like when I gave you a boost into the fort, yea?”
“Got it.” She nodded, waiting for him to count to three. She’s on his shoulders faster than she can blink. Leaning against the window, Val uses her hands to brace herself so she can see inside. Helen is next to her, one hand on Val’s shoulder for support while the other is pressed against the side of the building. 
“Oh my god!” Val exclaims, her excitement causing her to lose her balance and almost slip from Everett’s shoulder. 
“What! Someone tell me what’s goin on up there!” Curt hollers from the ground. 
“Benny, move a little closer…” Tattie is trying hard to see inside, her hands over her eyes like binoculars to block out the glare against the window. Below her, Benny lets out a swear in Italian that has Val cackling. “Wow!”
“He’s kissing the daylights out of her!” Helen calls down to the boys, a smile on her face. 
In her excitement, Val begins banging on the glass, Helen joining in with her as their laughter turns into uncontrollable giggles. 
“Well, they saw us…” Tattie grins, tapping Benny to set her down on the ground before she topples over. Val and Helen are close to falling, but Everett and Dickie have them both on the ground before they risk hurting themselves. 
“I don’t think they’re coming out,” Val is beaming as she throws her arms around Helen and Tattie, her happiness contagious. “Good for them.”
“Come on ladies,” Helen gestures towards the direction of the club. “Let’s leave them to it.”
As they turn to head back, Everett pulls Val under his arm, tucking her against his side as they walk. He’s smiling as he plucks the Lucky Strike from behind his ear and lights it, handing it off to her for the first pull. Her red nails glow as the ember reflects off them, her smile threatening to split her face in two as she hands it back to him. 
“Is all right in the world now, sweetheart?”
“For now…”
“Only for now?” He questions, stopping just outside the door to the club. 
“When this war is over, then my world will be right again.”
It was the kind of night that seemed to go on forever. No one wanted to go to bed when the club had emptied out, all of them high on adrenaline and making up for lost time they had walked from the club to the hardstands. Laughing and sharing cigarettes, the girls giggling a little extra as the alcohol pulsed through their veins, the boys all watching with smiles on their faces and glimmers in their eyes. They had argued over whose fort to hang out in front of; Ev and Douglass lobbying for Just - A - Snappin while Benny tried to steer them towards Our Baby. Curt and Dickie didn’t care whose fort they set up camp in front of, because according to Curt it was getting increasingly difficult to not polish off the bottle he had swiped from behind the bar upon exit. And so, they picked a spot in the grass between the two Flying Fortresses, Meatball stretched out next to Benny, and continued to just be together. A motley crew if Val had ever seen one, but they were her’s. They had stayed there until the sun began peeking over the horizon, when Thorpe Abbotts was bathed in the soft orange glow of morning. Only then did they leave. 
Helen was dozing on Dickie’s shoulder, his jacket tossed over her shoulders, and Tattie had gotten cozy between Benny and Meatball, the Husky laying over her legs for a little extra warmth. Olive was tucked under Dougie’s shoulder, and Val was laying with her head in Everett’s lap, his fingers combing through her curls as she relaxed for the first time in days. Curt had his head in her lap, awake but silent, and Val couldn't remember the last time her friend had been so calm. 
“Hey,” Olive mumbled sleepily, her foot nudging Val’s. “I know I said it a lot this week but, thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for?”
“For having my back,” She signed, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “For reminding me what it’s like to have true friends.”
“Olive, I will always have your back, you hear me?”
“Yea,” She signed contentedly, snuggling further into Dougie’s chest. “Yea I hear ya.”
Nothing else needed to be said between them, she realized. All it took was a simple thank you and a reminder that she wasn’t alone, for Val to realize that Olive had finally put it all behind her. Douglass had pulled her aside earlier when he and Olive finally returned to the club, and before anything was said between them, he had hugged her. His apologies were profuse, and Val had to stop him before he started rambling; he had smoked two cigarettes in the time it took her to get him to understand that he was forgiven, and that it would take something much bigger than that to ruin the friendship they were building. She was beginning to think of him as her second Curt- brash and a bit off the walls, but a good heart. All of them had good hearts. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out, and she counted herself lucky in being able to share in that. With a content smile, she snuggled deeper into Everett’s lap, holding on tight to the hand that wasn’t playing with her hair. 
“Hey, Doug,” Ev spoke lowly, not wanting to disturb the peace around them. “Should we get these girls back to the hut so they can sleep?”
“Nah,” Doug replied, smiling. “Might not get a chance at such a clear sunrise again for a while.”
“You’re right pal. Besides, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful before.” 
“I couldn’t agree more. It sure is beautiful.”
“Bellissima…” Val whispered in quiet agreement. 
Everything was Bellissima. 
Part Six
A/N: Thanks for reading! This series will continue for Blakely & Val, so if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, reblog- whichever is your poison. Feedback is always welcome & my ask box is always open. If you want to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know!
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