sc0rfanos · 1 year
I saw this post and wanted to help get the information out there about someone who has allegedly abused an animal.
some background on junglekawa, they were an ex of glip's and remained friends. after the bigfluff logs came out they began blocking anyone calling glip out. when approached about it they responded with this.
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the other person she mentions in the tweet being marl, glip's ex husband. she was also accused of possibly hiding glip and their family at their home after they had moved which was..kind of funny tbh. the response.
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basically confirming marl tried to get her to do things with dogs "in secret". obviously anyone would be disgusted by this and back off! she even went into detail with someone in DMs.
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ok knowing all this i want to point out these images from the post i linked earlier.
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junglekawa allegedly (according to glip) sent assumedly sexual photos of herself with her dog to (im assuming) marl and then later claimed these photos were 'staged'. worth noting that glip also didnt call her out on this either which is another example of them protecting abusers in some way. also, they seem angrier at the fact that junglekawa lied at their expense and not as angry at the fact that she abused a dog.
since all of this junglekawa had deleted twitter and tumblr and remade under a new name.
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in case there needs to be proof of this, here is the original account they remade after deleting junglekawa that links to this current one.
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and to further proof this is her, a few years back she made a gofundme for surgery for her shiba inu, ponyo.
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and here is ponyo mentioned on @_faefox_
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so after seeing that post i wanted to bring this all out bc junglekawa at one point owned 2 dogs. 2 shiba inus. 1 male and 1 female.
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and at least currently owns the male
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and if what glip said is true then the fact that they own any animals at all is really fucking vile. again i say all of this is alleged and there's no way to know if she currently is abusing these animals. i just want the information out there. if i missed anything or got anything wrong hmu ill correct it. im tired of animal abusers getting away with it.
junglekawa's current carrd
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hexamineangel · 3 months
"the queerest place on the net!" where even the "trans positive" blogs like @auramgold will nazijacket TMA latine transfems if they dare to say something wrong about the "right" transfems (read: white ones)
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Floraverse + Glitchedpuppet's Abusive History Masterlist
General Good Sources:
The House That Monsters Built
7 Part documentary series on Glitchedpuppet, PMD-E, and Floraverse's troubled history of child exploitation, animal exploitation, and abuse.
An overview of on Glitchedpuppet, PMD-E, and Floraverse's troubled history of child exploitation, animal exploitation, and abuse but in a website format. Includes sources to back up every claim made, examples of how Scenes are a toxic practice, and an explanation on Floraverse's cult tendencies.
A Timeline of Events
A general time line of Glip's informed complicity in Marl's sex crimes against animals and children. If you don't want to spend a lot of time reading about this, then this post is the one to click on.
Names / Pronouns
Glitchedpuppet / Glip / Papayakitty / Ash - They/Them
Eevee / LexyEevee / Veekun / Squishfox - She/Her
Pengosolvent / Pengo - He/Her
Opa / opaopa13 / Tem - He/They
Iz / Woz / W0z / TanukiBathhouse - They/Them
Samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe - She/They
Marl Sexually Abused Minors & Animals
[cw: Beastiality, Pedophilia]
➳ Lain's Story
➳ Rootie's Story
➳ Chat logs between Marl and Big Fluff
Glip was Aware that Marl was Sexually Abusing Animals
[cw: Beastiality]
➳ Marl convinced Glip to be filmed engaging in beastiality.
➳ Marl convinced Glip to engage in beastiality a second time.
➳ Exty had informed Glip that Marl showed them pornography of their pet dog Apollo in 2013 after Marl cheated on Glip with Exty.
➳ Eevee was likely aware that Marl was sexually abusing the family dog Apollo and children in her IRC too and choose to protect him.
➳ Apollo was walking around their home with mittens on his front paws, a common practice to prevent a dog from scratching someone when mounting.
Weird Zoophilic / Pedophilic / Sex Pest interest Glip + Eevee has shown
➳ Glip has a grooming fetish for showing children pornographic content by an "experienced person" and "innocence being broken".
➳ Glip's cat Twigs would try to essentially perform oral sex on them and this happened enough times that Marl became jealous of the cat. During PMD-E, there was a marriage arc & Porn between Glips self insert character and a Persian named after Twigs.
➳ Eevee avoids labeling her fetish game as a fetish game and advertises it to the Floraverse server full of minors.
➳ Glip has drawn feral porn and references photos of animal genitalia for their porn art.
➳ Eevee's weird ass decade long tendency of "accidentally" defending child porn, incest, and zoophilia.
➳ Glip believes that people can "let themselves be raped" and is sympathetic to the rapists in these situations. Glip described a character who was bound and gagged without consent, who states outright 'This is not what I came here for' as an example of a character who "let themselves be raped."
Other examples / stories of people being abused or berated by Glip or their inner circle
➳ Opa - at the time 37, convinced a 19 year old Jolly to move across state lines to live with with him. He exposed his genitalia to Jolly within a week of them moving in. Opa ended up evicting Jolly leading to Jolly attempting suicide twice.
➳ Rina's zine on how they where abused by the Floraverse community. Talks about how Iz/W0z ("The Predator") groomed her and created a visual novel depicting her COCSA story and her being raped by a doll.
➳ Pengo, Phoebe, and Japhet berated bring-out-the-dead over the span of several days, almost causing Boo to attempt suicide.
➳ Glips tendency to depict cruel caricatures of people in their webcomic.
➳ Pengo and Glip ganging up on and harassing someone in the server over sharing a personal poem.
➳ Kasran berates Bex for recognizing they where being abused and leaving the community & Glips caricatures of Bex that where put into Floraverse.
➳ Pengo harassed someone and initiated a server dogpile - bullying them for making a joke about banana juice.
➳ Roleplaying a court-hearing to humiliate and ban Nichole.
➳ Pengo and Glip ganging up on and harassing someone for not roleplaying properly in the community.
➳ Eevee refers to 2 of the children Marl sexually abused (Lain and Big Fluff) as just 'kiwifarmers'.
➳ Glip and Pengo berated someone for being uncomfortable that someone who doxed them was allowed in the Floraverse community.
➳ Floraverse admin samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe / Creator of So Sorry in Undertale is complicit in the sexual abuse of children and minors - and so is a lot of the fatfur community, frankly. They collectively run goth_gator off twitter using right-wing and transphobic arguments, while sending him gore, for speaking out against the sexual abuse of children.
Glip is extremely cruel to victims of abuse when the abuser is someone they like
➳ Glip & Eevee slandered Lain over the span of years and called them a "fucking parasite" because the 13 year old spoke out about Marl sending her photos of dog genitalia - while knowing Marl was a zoo. [cw: Beastiality, Pedophilia]
➳ Glip thinks Opa shouldn't have called 911 because Jolly, the "deadly parasite" attempted suicide and "who cares if the deadly parasite dies". [cw: Suicide]
➳ Glip happily hosts the visual novel Iz made of Rina's COCSA that depicts them as a doll and gets raped on their porn site. They also lie about this visual novel being about Rina's COCSA story and being about Rina despite Iz admitting to both being true. [cw: Rape]
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fox-flux · 1 year
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after many bumps in the road there is at long last a
fox flux DELUXE free demo
which has been described as "longer than i expected" and "how the fuck do i get that heart??" and "am i supposed to be able to do this"
this is my little puzzle-platformer about turning into things and collecting candy. i've been working on it for a long time and it's still not done but i hope you enjoy what there is so far! especially because one day it will be done and it would be cool if you bought it
until then you can get intermittent builds and early screenshots and stuff via patreon. if you're especially daring you can get in my dev discord and see me complain about how pixel rounding breaks pushing things in some cases or whatever! exciting
— eevee (@lexyeevee)
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
it kinda really sucks seeing Foone platform Lexyeevee and discount all of the allegations against her as transphobic lies when a tma Latina transfem publicly accused eevee of grooming her as a kid https:// twitter. com/cordy_fox/status/1239090371935649792 like just say you only believe your (white) transfem friends and go
It's maddening that literally anyone is willing to platform Eevee at all. We're talking about a person who said child porn (the real kind) should be legal.
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andmaybegayer · 11 months
Bringing myself up to speed on Cohost since I mentioned them earlier but primarily interact with like five people who use it through RSS.
I said Cohost looks in a bad place financially, that's mostly in reference to their financial statements as of 4 months ago:
At this point they were losing a little over $40k a month, and taking on a lot of debt to keep functioning.
Their latest financial report seems to have them balancing out their very imbalanced finances, which I think is a combination of new choasters realising they should pay for this and Bluesky absorbing more normie users looking for non-twitter destinations.
I like Cohost's design and flexibility (see @lexyeevee's CSS crimes) but I don't love that they're still very much a walled garden. It's a very accessible walled garden, I'm subscribed to RSS feeds from friends through it which is something Bluesky and Twitter don't do, but it is no fediverse. I know I say that from Tumblr. Glass house, stones, etc. We have RSS here too you know!
if people keep paying for cohost at this rate it'll probably be fine. Bluesky taking the bulk of the heat off of them might let them escape the five point palm exploding heart situation they walked into when they opened free registration during the Twitter exodus. Handling a small subset of weirdos is sustainable in a way that mass social media isn't, ask SomethingAwful.
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kawaoneechan · 8 months
Not me watching potential beef unfold between @lexyeevee and @foone, no sirree that's not what I got this popcorm for 🍿
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crtter · 1 year
hey just letting you know that lexyeevee used to be purplekecleon, someone notorious for being super gross and who's frequently tried to rebrand (and always fails) over the years!!
Oh ugh!!! I had no idea that was them! Thank you so much for letting me know, I’m gonna delete that post and block them.
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girlgamesnetwork · 1 year
Girl Games Network #2 (31/5/23)
Welcome back to the Girl Games Network Newsletter, a weekly roundup of games industry news and releases aiming to highlight the female and non-binary people working in games.
Summer Games Done Quick Returns!
From the 28th May to 4th June, 2023 the annual speedrunning fundraiser Summer Games Done Quick is back on Twitch raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Many of the runs are taking place at the Hilton Minneapolis, Minnesota for in-person attendees and VOD recordings of the runs can be found on GDQ's YouTube page afterwards.
Some runs and runners of note this time include :
31/5 Shadow the Hedgehog - Gamecube by MetalMedB (Glitchless Bidwar)
1/6 Golf It! - PC by Nichole Goodnight & Bathinjan (Classic First 5 Maps 100% Race)
1/6 Give Me Toilet Paper! - Switch by Asuka424 (Hand%)
2/6 VVVVV - PC by Metroid Crime (Any% Glitchless)
2/6 Pokémon Colosseum - Gamecube by Swiftalu and Sparkle (Any% Race)
3/6 Fire Emblem Engage - Switch by Claris (Any%)
4/6 Super Mario Maker 2 - Switch by TheRileyC, Aurateur, PangaeaPanga, TanukiDan, Shoujo, Caspur189, LilKirbs and Thabeast721 (Relay Race)
In addition to SGDQ, GDQ hosts charity speedruns throughout the year and gives a spotlight to female and non-binary runners in their Frame Fatale events. On-site and remote volunteer registration for the next FF event  "Flame Fatales'' will be open from the 9th-17th of June if this week's show inspires viewers to contribute.
As with every GDQ event for the last six years, programmer and artist lexyeevee (Fox Flux Deluxe) is hosting a game jam concurrently on itch.io, this time called "Games Made QVIICK??? HD REMIX", which will be running until the 5th of June.
Super Free Games Faces Gender Discrimination Lawsuit
Former Super Free Games (Word Collect) employee Haley Bowman (Sonos) filed a lawsuit in the San Francisco Superior Court on the 11th of May, 2023 against the company for gender discrimination, unequal pay and being terminated while pregnant.
Super Free Games, formerly known as Super Lucky Games is a word and trivia game developer owned by the Stillfront Group and based in California with global remote employees, mostly across America. Although their careers page boasts a "flat management model" and insists on valuing a work-life balance, Bowman's case alleges "cronyistic" hiring practices, backed up by an anonymous former employee's review on Glassdoor.
In 2022, a Marketing Department Reduction in Force Committee was established at SFG and asked Bowman to leave her managerial marketing position for a position with a 20-26% pay cut in production on the grounds that she "had poor communication issues and created a level of mistrust with UA [the User Acquisition Team]". In her case, Bowman has said that there were no issues between her and UA. When she refused to take the cut and role change, she was terminated two months into a pregnancy she alleges SFG knew about and that her firing was falsely presented as a workforce reduction externally.
In addition to this, the lawsuit alleges an "unmistakable bias" against women, who make up less than a third of SFG, often being excluded from important meetings and social opportunities. Bowman also was not consulted on the marketing decisions that were key to her role in the Marketing division. SFG have not made any statements regarding the case as of two weeks after the filing.
News of Note :
Excellent fan-art of a new Zelda NPC https://www.tumblr.com/koyoriin/718151838948573184/so-she-might-not-be-a-major-character-but-violynne
Bandcamp United formed after a 31-7 vote by eligible Epic Games-owned Bandcamp employees https://linktr.ee/bandcampunited & https://blog.bandcamp.com/2023/05/19/bandcamp-and-bandcamp-united-release-joint-statement-on-union-vote/  
Layoffs at Brace Yourself Games (Crypt of the NecroDancer) https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/report-brace-yourself-games-lays-off-half-its-staff and Deck Nine Games (Life is Strange : True Colours) https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/life-is-strange-dev-deck-nine-games-hit-with-staff-layoffs
Gizmodo interviewed Patricia Summersett, Zelda's English Voice Actor https://gizmodo.com/zelda-tears-of-kingdom-patricia-summersett-interview-1850440189
A reminder of how easily companies can scrub out the name of some of their biggest contributors https://twitter.com/WeAreJoel/status/1661172665980276737
Playstation enters a partnership with the Women's National Basketball Association https://sonyinteractive.com/en/press-releases/2023/playstation-and-wnba-announce-multi-year-partnership/
COO of board game publisher Alderac makes sexist comments after designer Elizabeth Hargrave pointed out the gender disparity of the industry https://kotaku.com/board-game-sexism-women-designers-representation-1850472739
"Get in the Car, Loser!" lead developer Christine Love is getting back into streaming https://www.twitch.tv/christine_love
Guild Esports and Sky UK (TV broadcaster) launch their No Room For Abuse campaign to prevent women being harassed when playing online https://www.gamesindustry.biz/guild-and-sky-uk-launches-no-room-for-abuse-campaign
Marvelous Showcase announces two new Story of Seasons and Rune Factory game in development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMa-Aj3yF4g
Actor Grace Van Dien joins esports group FaZe Clan https://twitter.com/FaZeClan/status/1661809830221283347
Coming attractions :
Summer Games Fest returns online and in-person at the YouTube Theater, Los Angeles 8/6 https://www.summergamefest.com/
15/6 deadline to apply to the Canada Media Fund for up to $450,000 CAD for VR and AR projects https://cmf-fmc.ca/news/canada-and-france-launch-new-joint-incentive-for-virtual-and-augmented-reality-projects/
GDC Showcase 27-29/6 (book tickets before June to save $40) https://gdconf.com/
Thanks for reading this week's instalment and thank you for your patience - I'm not entirely settled on publishing these on Sundays yet as I find my feet with this. Also I'd initially wanted to write about the internal controversy that's come up from Grace Van Dien joining FaZe Clan, so I'd delayed this a little to try to do it justice, but the story's still developing, so look forward to a report on it next time!
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myhuman · 1 year
TGE LEXYEEVEE PERSON YOU RBED is like a notorious zoopedoincestphile you can look up glitchedpuppet (her partner) accusations for more info
OH M GOD??? thanks for telling me had no idea (edit: deleted the rb + blocked em)
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The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
This is a post about Glitchedpuppet / PurpleKecleon / PapayaKitty, Eevee / LexyEevee / Veekun and Marl / Penny. Glitchedpuppet is the creator of a webcomic known as Floraverse. They are married to Marl, and are in a poly relationship with Eevee. Both Marl and Eevee are active in the Floraverse community and work on the webcomic. Do not contact these three. Do not harass them. Block them, and spread this. Our only goal here is to prevent any more victims through knowledge. Stay away from them and the content they create.
There have always been red flags with these three. Glip has admitted to their legacy being 13 year olds reading their porn comic. Eevee once argued that child porn should be legal on twitter. (She did take this back, after being called out on this. Take this as you will- but I am personally in the opinion that you cannot “take back” an argument for child porn being legal)
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When asked about their opinion on loli and shota, Glip said the following
“I really really like the idea of kids just on the cusp of sexual whatever learning about it before they’re “supposed” to
especially if it’s a lady who’s older with a younger boy, that’s really appealing”
And then, there is Marl. This not the first victim who has come forward about their sexual behavior towards them as a minor.
There are other red flags, but this post isn’t about the other red flags. Or anything else Glip and their partners have done. I only share these red flags so you know that this is not the first time this has happened.
This post is about the second victim that has just come forward about Marl, the logs that this victim has shared, and the fact Marl admitted to these logs being true through a moderator on the Floraverse Discord server.
[From this point down on the post there is a tw for pedophilia and bestiality]
Here is an imgur album of the talk between Marl, and a 15 year old in 2012. The chat took place in gmail chat, and the format does match up for how gmail looked at the time.
Here are some highlights:
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These logs are pretty fucked up, to say the least. They also leave no room for doubt that Marl is both a pedophile and into beastiality. So not only do they abuse children, but animals too.
Enter: Gapow / fss_subsistence.
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Gapow is a moderator in the Floraverse discord server. They are friends with Glitchedpuppet and Eevee, and trusted enough to run their discord server. So, needless to say, they have no motivation to falsely incriminate Marl.
A user got in touch with Gapow about the above logs, and Gapow got in touch with Marl and sent out the following message.
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This confirms the following.
Despite the second victim's name not being released, Marl is familiar enough with these logs to recognize them.
They are sorry for what harm they have caused to this person.
The person and Gapow continued talking. The user wanted a screenshot of Marl saying this, but Gapow and Marl soon realized this was because Marl just confirmed the screenshots are real. Gapow started to claim that the “dates don’t add up” so that the logs, that Marl just said they are sorry for -  are not real. This was after Marl asked if the person “wanted anything” from Marl.
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Eventually, the leaker of this conversation got blocked because Gapow realized they were leaking it. Everything that got leaked with Gapow is here.
Because, you know. For the Floraverse admin community, leaking the fact a member of the community is a pedophile is much more heinous than being a pedophile.
To conclude, this is not the first, second, or even third time this group has raised pedophile flags. This is not the first victim to come forward, but this is the first victim that the group has (albeit accidentally) been confirmed. Do not participate in Floraverse, do not spread their content, and do not give them your money.
This groups main base of operations is on their own site, and twitter. Here is a tweet thread detailing what is in this post. If you can, please spread this there.
Btw? Shortly after this tweet thread was posted, Gapow deleted their twitter. 
And if you’re curious about other nasty things Glip has done, here’s a masterlist of links and archives. 
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generaldelphox · 6 years
Joel plays a Floraverse game, but in a short amount of time, he drops it due to the chat telling him the creators of the game were pedophiles.
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lexyeevee · 7 years
Response to stopscammingartists and bestofglitchedpuppet
🚨🚨🚨  Read the actual response, on Google Docs (CW: everything) ��🚨🚨
I apologize for the preposterous length of this document.  Which is linked above, if that weren’t obvious.  This post isn’t the response; it’s a shorter cover letter for the response.  Yes, I know, “shorter”.  There was a lot to respond to.
I’ve done this once before, to respond to the original callout from Pengo.  I foolishly assumed that filling in all the gaps in his logs would put the entire matter to bed, but I was wrong.  I’m still not sure if responding to him accomplished much at all, so it’s been hard to muster up the will to respond to subsequent callouts.
I’m sure I haven’t even scratched the surface here, but there’s only so much I can slog through.  Writing this has been emotionally and physically exhausting.  We don’t keep up with this stuff because it’s so draining to pore over through pages and pages of people talking about how awful they think you are.
I’ll respond to follow-up questions as I can (though probably on a side blog so I don’t flood everyone’s dashes), but I doubt I’ll produce something of this magnitude again anytime soon.  I happened to start writing this just before my computer died, so I had little else to do for a few days ­— but now I have some serious catching up to do on work I’d intended to finish before the end of month.
There’s a lot in the document, and I understand that most people won’t want to read it all.  So I’d like to talk about the accusation that I was responsible for the worst event of my life: the death of my young cat, Styx.
Styx died of FIP — a mutation of a very common and mostly harmless cat virus.  FIP is hard to test for, has no known cure or even treatment, and kills virtually every cat within a few weeks of the first symptoms.  Cats with weaker immune systems are more susceptible, so it’s more likely to hit very young cats.  It’s a cruel, cruel disease.
Unfortunately, the only way to prevent FIP is to prevent the cat from ever catching the original harmless virus, which is very difficult in high-population places like catteries.  Styx came from a cattery, and since all our cats are indoor cats, that’s almost certainly where he caught it.
One of the people behind these callout blogs suggests that Styx’s death is my fault.  The reasoning, as I understand it, is that Styx died of an illness that’s spread mostly through feces, and they have a photo showing that Pearl had had an accident on our cat tree.
But this gets the details wrong.  It’s the original, harmless virus that spreads through feces — and it does so because cats share litterboxes.  Even if Styx hadn’t almost certainly brought it home with him in the first place, even if we’d known about it, even if our house were pristine at all times, preventing it from spreading would’ve been very difficult.  And Pearl, who has accidents because she has IBS, wasn’t even born yet when Styx died.
My best guess is that someone read a paragraph on Wikipedia, saw a photo that had some stray cat poop in it, and concluded that Styx’s death was my fault.  Both of the source facts are even true, so the story looks "proven", even though 90% of it is either speculation or a misunderstanding of the details.  Look how much shorter and punchier the false story is than the real one, too.  That’s how this stuff spreads so easily.
Most of what I’ve read on these blogs is of similar quality.
They accuse glip of trying to lure children into seeing porn, because glip’s separate SFW and NSFW comic sites are, somehow, not separate enough.  Meanwhile, their own blogs and posts — some about glip’s porn and serious sexual topics — appear prominently in SFW Tumblr searches for the SFW "floraverse" tag.
They accuse glip of scamming Kickstarter backers, but they don’t even get the right Kickstarter.  They don’t bother to contact the people they’re using as evidence — people who are, in fact, quite happy with their backer rewards.
They call us out for being mean to people online, and cite snarky remarks from years ago that we’ve long since apologized for.  Again, they don’t bother to ask the other people who were involved.
They accuse glip of inciting harassment by posting someone’s tweets with only the handle hidden, not the avatar.  Later in the same post, they include completely uncensored tweets about trans representation from a trans woman they disagree with — neglecting to identify her as trans, but emphasizing that the person she was talking to is genderfluid.  They then publish a couple anonymous asks gossipping about that trans woman.
They accuse glip of poor asexual representation over a character who draws from glip’s own experience with asexuality.  They accuse glip of making a character too stereotypically autistic, but the character is based heavily on me.
They say repeatedly that glip’s work has poor trans representation, which is something we’d both definitely be interested in fixing.  But they never say what would improve the work, only that it’s "obviously" fetishy (and not why).  Our own trans friends, meanwhile, find their criticism downright offensive.
They’ve complained that I keep dismissing their accusations as mostly made up, even though the logs and screenshots are real.  But anyone who’s played Phoenix Wright for five minutes is familiar with the idea of a false story "proven" by legitimate evidence.
They do have one genuine new grievance, which is that we said some fucked-up things to an autistic person on our IRC some years ago.  It was embarrassing and inexcusable, and I apologize to that person.
And I’d certainly be interested in their criticism of representation, if I could make heads or tails of it — and if it acknowledged that some folks actively like the representation for the same reasons that they hate it. We can’t listen to everyone if different people have contradictory criticism.
But much of the rest is gossip, conjecture presented as fact, misunderstandings, and straight up just deciding that we’re lying because they like their first impression better.  Even when they’re unsure about something, instead of tracking down someone who was actually involved, they ask for other anonymous people to chime in.
We do our best, like everyone else.  Sometimes we screw up, and we try to fix it — and if you think we’ve personally wronged you, you can always contact us privately.  Sometimes we do or make things that different people get very different impressions of, but that’s the nature of having an audience beyond just the people we know personally.
It’s okay if some people don’t like us.  It’s okay if some people don’t like our work.  I don’t even mind if people call me out for things that are actually true.  I try, but I know I can’t ever please everyone.  But playing internet detective with people’s lives, spreading dozens of twisted stories without doing even the most basic verification, is simply vile.
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apocalypsegay · 6 years
The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
#csa #pedophilia #bestiality
“The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
This is a post about Glitchedpuppet / PurpleKecleon / PapayaKitty, Eevee / LexyEevee / Veekun and Marl / Penny. Glitchedpuppet is the creator of a webcomic known as Floraverse. They are married to Marl, and are in a poly relationship with Eevee. Both Marl and Eevee are active in the Floraverse community and work on the webcomic. Do not contact these three. Do not harass them. Block them, and spread this. Our only goal here is to prevent any more victims through knowledge. Stay away from them and the content they create.”
i’m Linking to the rest of the post here cuz the OP didn’t think to put most of a long-ass post w triggering content behind a read more
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feralphoenix · 7 years
on chara & frisk as rpg player & protagonist allegory
this is something that i talked about on twitter last week and think is worth writing about in a little more depth here, so:
last week toby made some tweets about moon: remix rpg adventure and ways that its concepts helped inspire undertale despite that he'd never played it himself. there's a lot that you could talk about/analyze about the comparisons between those games, which i'll leave to someone who is familiar with or has actually played moon (i have not). the tl;dr version as relevant to what i want to talk about is that moon is a game that's designed to make rpg players think about rpg mechanics and conventions in a different light, i.e. "actually this thing i thought was ubiquitous and had accepted as normal is kinda screwed up upon second examination".
there's a lot of ways in which undertale does this with rpg mechanics and conventions, obviously, but i want to talk about chara and frisk because.............. i always want to talk about chara and frisk.
the more i think about it, the more convinced i become that the game mechanics relationship between chara and frisk is supposed to be a metaphor for the relationship between a game player and a traditional "silent" protagonist (or a protagonist with choosable dialogue).
rpg protagonists, even silent ones, usually have some form of canon character settings and personality. but because of the game structure, you are able to make them act in ways that completely contradict that canon personality. when you do this, you as the player are overwriting their personality, either with your own or at your whims.
wrt player-and-protagonist separation, @inverts once used link from the zelda series as an example, and he's a really good one so i'm going to borrow their comparison here. link has a canon identity and personality and he usually has a big world-saving goal. but whoever's holding the controller can ignore the fact that link is supposed to be a kind, brave young man with a strong sense of justice, and have him fritter away his time on minigames and attacking chickens instead of going to defeat ganondorf and save zelda. breath of the wild is a stellar example here because of its mind-boggling array of available distractions from the main quest. jokes about link faffing about still regularly cross my dashboard and twitter timeline. (case in point.)
many essayists have already pointed out that chara seems to operate like a typical rpg player or protagonist; i like to link to @gaytreasure's essay where they propose chara as morally gray/not good at empathy and misunderstanding the genre they're in, parsing monsters as the "good guys" they need to save, humans as the "bad guys" that must be destroyed, and themself as the main character who's supposed to fix everything a lot because it's good. to that i'd also like to add @lexyeevee‘s writeup here (cw for mention of pet death) where she points out that chara's behavior in returning to the surface while bodysharing with asriel, and specifically bringing their own corpse along, is very rpg player-ish: they are definitely out there to do some murders but they specifically wait for the enemy to attack first before they try to respond with lethal force.
if chara is an rpg player, then that makes frisk the character they're playing as. what happens to a silent main character when their player insists on playing them in a way that's completely out of character for them? the answer that undertale poses is grim: frisk fucks off in no mercy because this isn't something that they would do, because there's no room or leeway for them to exist in light of what you're having chara do with their body right now. chara's narration switches to first-person to reflect this, and flowey identifies that chara has "stolen" their body and soul.
on the other hand, the good ending for frisk is the one where the game acknowledges that they and chara are two separate people. the other characters learn their name, and they get to leave the underground in the land of happily ever after, where finished stories get to rest.
you, the player of undertale, the person sitting at the computer or console, are playing as chara, the protagonist of undertale. chara, meanwhile, is "playing as"/guiding frisk, the main character of undertale. frisk is chara's interface to the world of undertale, whereas chara is ours; frisk is just an npc to us.
this relationship is complicated by the fact that chara is a traditional rpg player/protagonist who has just been confronted with the total failure of Normal RPG Logic and is questioning everything they thought they knew, and is therefore following your instructions in hope that you'll give them answers. your play style therefore goes on to affect what chara learns from this experience and whether frisk is allowed to exist at all.
we don't get much input from frisk wrt their thoughts on this complex dynamic and their overall situation. we do get to hear a LOT from chara, though: on what they, as an rpg protagonist, think of us, their player (their "partner" whom they rely on and will listen to for the most part but will not hesitate to dunk on under very specific circumstances; they have a few more servile lines for dataminers that could be genuine or sarcastic).
we also know how they, as an rpg PLAYER, feel about their journey in either ultimate ending: in the no mercy speech they explain how you've taught them that their purpose is to gain power. in the oft-overlooked post-pacifist conversation with flowey, we learn from him that chara worries for and loves the game's cast (one of the first things flowey does is reassure us and chara that everyone is okay), and that chara progressed through the game wanting to keep the underground safe from flowey's control (which is a story objective that a lot of players forget about).
(flowey also brings up that chara's power is now the only thing that can endanger the happy ending, and because he too understands game player mentality, expresses that it wouldn't surprise him if we have already gotten the happy ending and true reset before. wanting to relive an emotional journey and see a happy ending over and over is pretty common rpg player behavior, too.)
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fooligandan · 6 years
The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
#csa  #pedophillia #bestiality
“The creative team behind Floraverse are confirmed Pedophiles who solicited to film minors having sex with dogs
This is a post about Glitchedpuppet / PurpleKecleon / PapayaKitty, Eevee / LexyEevee / Veekun and Marl / Penny. Glitchedpuppet is the creator of a webcomic known as Floraverse. They are married to Marl, and are in a poly relationship with Eevee. Both Marl and Eevee are active in the Floraverse community and work on the webcomic. Do not contact these three. Do not harass them. Block them, and spread this. Our only goal here is to prevent any more victims through knowledge. Stay away from them and the content they create.”
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