#li mingyuan
theyilinglaozus · 2 years
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As Ninth Princess of Xi State, I married into the Li Empire. I did it for the continued peace of Xi State and the Li Empire. Today, if you must still cross swords on the battleground, then I have failed in my duty to my Father. I’ve failed Consort Mingyuan. I have also failed the Grand Empress Dowager. But most importantly, I have failed tens of thousands of people of the Xi State. If today you really must start this battle, regardless of which side I stand with, it is betrayal. There, if my life can wake Elder Brother and Crown Prince to the truth, can bring back true peace and happiness to Xi State, then I will not have any more regrets. Gu Xiaowu. You once promised to do three things for me. Do you still remember? You still owe me two things. I want you to definitely do them. The first thing is that for the rest of your life, the armoured cavalry of the Central Plains will never enter Xi State again, not even half a step! The last thing! Promise me that you will live well.
Peng Xiao Ran as Xiao Feng → Goodbye, My Princess, Episode 55.
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bookofjin · 2 years
Account of the Braided Bandits, Part 2 (SS095)
The war between Wei and Song continues. Wei's armies captures Jinyong (a fortress situated at the northern corner of old Luoyang) relatively easy, but Mao Dezu holds out at Hulao (the "Tiger's Pen"). Further east Wei forces also put Dongyang City under siege.
Si is Tuoba Si, Emperor Mingyuan of Wei.
"Zheng Troops" is short for the General of Zheng Troops, Daxi Jin, who leads the Wei siege of Hulao.
The Young Emperor's 1st Year of Jingping, 1st Month [28 January – 25 February 423], the Zheng Troops divided off an army go towards Luo, and attack Xiaolei. The defence commander of the small ramparts, Dou Huang, resisted in battle, he lost and fell. The Grand Warden of Henan, Wang Juanzhi, abandoned Jinyong and set out and ran. From the bandits divided off an army towards Luo, Dezu always fought and every time routed them.
Si, himself leading a great multitude, arrived at Ye. When Zheng Troops had overcome Jinyong, he then turned back to Hulao. Dezu inside the city made tunnels in the walls, going in seven zhang in two paths, and set out outside the city, again divided along six paths, and set out for the rear of the bandits' columns. He recruited 400 dare-to-die soldiers, with Army Adviser Fan Daoji leading 200 as the vanguard, and Army Advisers Guo Wangfu and Liu Gui, and others with 200 as the rear connection, to set out outside the thieves' encirclement, and ambush and assail their rear. The bandits' columns were thrown into confusion. They cut off several hundred heads, and burnt up the assault implements. The bandits, though they retreated and scattered, subsequently then once more joined together.
The bandits also dispatched the General of Chu Troops and Inspector of Xu province, the Duke of Anping, Shegui Fannengjian, the General of Yue Troops and Inspector of Qing province, the Marquis of Linzi, Xue Daoqian, and the General of Chen Troops and Inspector of Huai province, the Count of Shouzhang, Zhang Mo, to go east and strike Qing province. The cities and towns in that direction all ran and fled. The General of the Best of the Army and Inspector of Qing province, Zhu Kui garrisoned Dongyang City. When he heard the bandits had arrived, he collected the multitudes and strengthened the defences. The Dragon-Prancing General and Grand Warden of Ji'nan, Yuan Miao, led the civil and military officials of his two offices and commandery to run and go to Kui.
Kui pledged an oath with his generals and soldiers. Those resident people who had not entered the city were made to move and go to the mountain impasses, and they burnt the grain fields, to make it so that when the bandits arrived there would be nothing to supply them. The bandit multitude that went toward Qing province, from front to rear between the Ji and the He was altogether 60 000 cavalry.
3rd Month [28 March – 25 April], 30 000 cavalry went forward to pursue and threaten. Within the city were 1 500 civil and military people, but half of that were a mix of Qiang and Man vagabonds and sundry. People felt terrified and afraid. Zhu Kui at night dispatched Marshal Che Zong to lead 500 people to set out from the city in a surprise strike, the bandits' multitudes split apart and withdrew.
In the span of two days, the bandits' infantry and cavalry fully arrived. They encircled the city four times, their ranks and columns [stretched] for more than 10 li. Reaching the afternoon, they withdrew and turned back to continuous encampments on the An River, 20 li distant from the city. They greatly put in order attack implements, and day after day divided off infantry and cavalry to regularly come and pressure the city.
Kui at night sent the General Within the Halls, Zhu Zongzhi, Army Adviser Jia Yuanlong, and others to lead 100 people, and prepare an ambush at the two banks at the mouth of the Yang River. The bandit general Afujin led 300 people to cross the river at daybreak. The ambushers issued out from the two banks, and the bandit cavalry ran off in four directions. They killed and wounded several tens of people, and put on display Afujin's head. The bandits again advanced to encamp south of the river, at a distance 4 li north-west of the city.
Si from Ye dispatched troops to add to [those at] Hulao, to intensify the siege and press the attack. Zheng Troops led 3000 infantry and cavalry from Hulao to attack the Grand Warden of Yingchuan, Li Yuande, at Xuchang. The Army Advisor of Chariots and Cavalry, Wang Xuanmo, led 1 000 men to help Yuande defend. He and Yuande together were scattered and defeated. The bandits promptly employed a native of Yingchuan, Yu Long, as Grand Warden of Yingchuan, to lead 500 cavalry, and also issue out the able-bodied among the people so as to defend the city.
Dezu set out with the army to strike Gongsun Biao, there was a great battle from morning to evening, and he killed several hundred of the bandits. It happened that Zheng Troops' army returned from Xuchang, and joined with the siege. Dezu was greatly defeated. He lost more than 1 000 armoured soldiers, and withdrew back to strengthen the city. Si again dispatched more than 10 000 people from Ye, to pass by the He from Baishakou [“White Sand Mouth”], and build a rampart at Hanquan to the south of Puyang City.
A court debate considered that:
The distance between Xiang City and the bandits is not far, not a shelter for a light army, make Liu Cui summon Gao Daojin back to Shouyang. If Shen Shuli already has advanced, he likewise ought be followed up on as well.
Cui considered that the bandits were attacking Hulao and had not yet turned southward, but if he right then gathered in the army residing at Xiang City, then the various commanderies west of the Huai would have nobody to rely and depend on. Shen Shuli had already stopped at the mouth of the Fei and also ought not right then withdraw. At the time Li Yuande, leading 200 scattered troops, arrived at Xiang. Liu Cui made him help Gao Daojin defend and guard, and requested that he be pardoned for his crime of fleeing in defeat. A court debate allowed it in both cases.
Tan Daojin arrived at Pengcheng. He considered that Qing and Si provinces were both in a critical state, however his command was not many and insufficient to proceed separately. [Since] the road to Qing province was nearby and Zhu Kui's troops were weak, he would first save Qing province.
Zhu Kui dispatched people to set out from the city and build moats to the east, west, and south. The bandits north of the city for more than 300 bu dug out a long encirclement. The bandits went down from their horses and advanced on foot. The troops with short arms connected, on top the city walls the bows and crossbows issued forth, and the bandits therefore split and scattered.
The bandits thereupon filled in the outer moats, pulled in four tall buildings and twenty “toad wagons”, setting them up inside the long encirclement. Kui had previously dug out north of the city to make three tunnels. He made them pass through the outer moats and then dug out inside the moats. Within, two zhang from the walls, he made a small moated. He dispatched more than 300 people to set out through the tunnels, intending to burn the bandits' attack implements. At the time a whirlwind shifted the flames, and the fire did not ignite. The bandit troops' arrows came down across, and many of the soldiers were wounded. He gathered the multitude and turned back inside.
The bandits filled in the three moats until they were fully level, However they left behind the small moat, due which the toad chariots could not catch up. The bandits used pillars [?] to attack the city. Kui recruited strong men to tie together great rocks and grindstones upon the city walls, and heap them upon them. He again set out to within the small moat, made use of large hemp-ropes stretched across the structure [?] and attacked the wagons near the city. From inside the tunnels, many strong people pull and made them snap. The bandits then dug out a long encirclement to the south of the city, and advanced the attack even more pressingly.
Kui was able to grasp what was important, while Yuan Miao had a capacity for audacity. For that reason they were able to firmly defend through changing seasons. However, they were attacked daily for a long time, and the city was gradually ruined and destroyed. Many of the fighting soldiers were dead or wounded, and the remaining multitudes were hard-pressed and exhausted. From dawn to dusk they were on the verge of capture while Tan Daoji and Wang Zhongde through forced marches hurried to them.
Liu Cui dispatched Li Yuande to assail Xuchang. Yu Long ran away. General Song Huang followed in pursuit, and cut of Long's head. Yuande following that halted to soothe and console, and also sent up taxes and provisions.
The bandits' Yuebo Dafei led more than 3 000 cavalry, and routed five counties that belonged to Gaoping commandery: Gaoping, Fangyu, Rencheng, Jinxiang, and Kangfu. They killed or carried off more than 2 000 families. They killed their boys and drove away into captivity their young women. The Inspector of Yan province, Zheng Shunzhi, guarded Hulu, and though he had troops, he did not dare set out. The General of the Best of the Army, Shen Xuan, defended Pengcheng, which was more than 200 li distant from Gaoping. He feared the bandits would arrive, and moved the people living outside the outer walls, and also the various encampment offices, to fully enter the Lesser City.
Si again dispatched the Inspector of Bing province, Yilou Ba to help Zheng Troops attack Hulao, and fill up the pair of moats at the frontier. Dezu along the way had just so resisted and held them off, and to some extent killed the bandits, but his generals and soldiers were bit by bit crumbling away.
4th Month, renshen [1 May], the bandits heard that Daoji was about to arrive. They burnt their instruments and implements, abandoned Qing province, and fled.
Zhu Kui sent up words that Dongyang City had been destroyed and ruined by the attacks, and was impossible to defend. He moved to garrison Changguang's Buqi City. Kui, due to his merit in firmly defending, advanced in title to General of the Van, and was ennobled Baron of Jianling county with a revenue estate of 400 households. Kui, courtesy name Zuji, was a native of Dongguan. In office he reached Gold and Purple Brilliantly Blessed Grandee.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
【Full Version】 Mr. Fragrance | | Du Yuchen, Li Mingyuan | Fresh Drama
Cdrama: Mr. Fragrance (2021)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V1T_js_RRI
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govindhtech · 4 months
Nexa AI proposes Octopus V4-3B graph of language model
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Octopus V4 Release
Google cloud is happy to inform you Octopus v4 is currently accessible! The master node of Nexa AI’s proposed language model graph is Octopus-V4-3B, a powerful open-source language model with three billion parameters. This model, which is specifically designed for the MMLU benchmark subjects, effectively converts user queries into formats that can be processed by other models.
It is excellent at matching these queries with the right specialized model, guaranteeing accurate and efficient query processing.
The Octopus V4 Quantized
Google cloud have prepared quantized models in guff format for you to run the model on-device.
The master node of Nexa AI’s proposed language model graph is Octopus-V4-3B, a powerful open-source language model with three billion parameters. This model, which is specifically designed for the MMLU benchmark subjects, effectively converts user queries into formats that can be processed by other models. It is excellent at matching these queries with the right specialized model, guaranteeing accurate and efficient query processing.
Octopus v4: A graph language model
Chen Wei and Li Zhiyuan
Although language models have proven useful in many different contexts, the most advanced models are frequently proprietary.
For instance, Anthropic’s different models and OpenAI’s GPT-4 are costly and energy-intensive.
On the other hand, Llama3 and other rival models have been created by the open-source community.
Additionally, smaller language models that are dedicated to a given sector, such those for financial, medical, or legal duties, have done better than their proprietary counterparts.
This study presents a novel method for integrating \textbf{multiple open-source models}, each optimized for certain tasks, using \textit{functional tokens}.
Using \textit{functional tokens}, Their recently created Octopus v4 model can intelligently route user requests to the most suitable vertical model and reformat the query to optimize performance.
As an advancement over the Octopus v1, v2, and v3 models, Octopus v4 is particularly good at selection, interpreting parameters, and reformatting data.
Additionally, by utilizing the features of the Octopus model and \textit{functional tokens}, Google cloud investigate the use of graph as a flexible data structure that efficiently coordinates multiple open-source models.
Try the Octopus v4 models (\url{this https URL}) on publicly available GitHub (\url{this https URL}), and apologies to a broader language model graph.
Among models of the same level, Google were able to obtain a SOTA MMLU score of 74.8 by turning on models with fewer than 10B parameters.
Google cloud would like to express their gratitude to Mingyuan and Zoey, outstanding contributions to this quantization project.
Benchmark and Dataset
Used MMLU questions to assess the performances.
Assessed using the Ollama llm-benchmark technique.
Important Octopus v4 Features:
Small Size: Because Octopus-V4-3B is small, it can function quickly and effectively on smart devices. Accuracy: Precision is increased by Octopus-V4-3B’s accurate mapping of user queries to the specialized model through the use of a functional token design. Reformat inquiry: Octopus-V4-3B aids in the transformation of informal human language into a more formal structure, enhancing the description of the inquiry and producing answers that are more accurate.
Octopus V4 attributes and capabilities
Although Octopus V4 is a sophisticated system, the following is a summary of its main attributes and capabilities:
Octopus V4: What is it?
It’s a sophisticated language model that is open-source and created by Nexa AI.
In a network of other open-source AI models, it serves as a “master node”.
Although Octopus V4 doesn’t produce text or code directly, it is essential in guiding user inquiries to the network’s most appropriate AI model.
How does the Octopus V4 operate?
Query Classification: Octopus V4 evaluates your query to identify the most suitable worker node (specialized AI model) to handle it.
Reformatting Query: Octopus V4 can restructure your natural language query into a format that is easier for the worker model to comprehend and more formal. This guarantees that the worker model gets the data it requires to provide precise outcomes.
Effective Communication: It makes it easier for you and the worker model to communicate with each other, which guarantees a seamless interaction and retrieval of the needed data.
The advantages of Octopus V4
Increased Accuracy: It helps you obtain more relevant and accurate results by matching your query to the best AI model.
Enhanced Efficiency: The AI interface is more efficient overall and saves time thanks to the query reformatting tool.
Greater Variety of Uses: It’s utilization of several AI models makes a greater number of jobs and functionality possible.
Applications for Octopus V4
Information Retrieval: Envision posing a challenging query regarding a field of science. A specialized AI model built on scientific data may be referred to by Octopus V4 in response to your query, yielding a more accurate result than a general-purpose language model.
Data analysis: Octopus V4 can direct your query to an AI model trained on data analysis jobs if you have a huge dataset and need insights. This model will provide insightful results.
Code Generation: It has the capability to link programmers with AI models that are experts in code generation, providing support for particular programming tasks.
Present Situation:
Although Octopus V4 is still under development, it has the potential to completely change how humans communicate with AI models in the future.
Read more on govindgtech.com
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craftercat · 5 months
What marital alliances were initiated by the early three Northern Wei emperors?
There were a few. Emperor Daowu's wife Empress Murong and Emperor Taiwu's wife Empress Helian were created after their states fell, so they don't really count. But there was a Later Qin alliance and Emperor Taiwu married his sisters to other rulers.
Emperor Daowu had wanted to marry a daughter, Princess Xiping, of the Later Qin emperor Yao Xing. Yao Xing refused because Emperor Daowu had already created Empress Murong. He was defeated by Emperor Daowu in a campaign, but Daowu would have to retreat when the Rouran invaded.
When Daowu's successor Mingyuan inherited, he knew that he had powerful rivals in the south, north and east, and therefore made an alliance westwards. Yao Xing basically had to accept as well, as he knew that Northern Wei was stronger than him. Yao Xing then sent Princess Xiping (I think it's the same princess) to marry him.
Mingyuan welcomed Princess Xiping with the ceremonies of the empress, indicating he was planning to create her one. However, she failed to create a golden statue, and Northern Wei customs therefore dictated she could not be made empress. He made her a concubine and favoured her greatly, ordering that she be treated as empress.
When Liu Yu invaded Later Qin, Mingyuan wanted to help his brother-in-law Yao Xing. Cui Hao disagreed, stating that he was leaving the country behind for a woman. He made a compromise and stationed troops at the border, but the end result was a disaster and the loss of Huatai, and he regretted not listening to Cui Hao.
Mingyuan had wanted to make Princess Xiping empress even though she hadn't made a golden statue, however she had refused. He probably also hoped that she could give him an heir, as he only made Tuoba Tao crown prince after her death. On the other hand, Xianbeis seemed to have designated crown princes later than ethnic Han, as Daowu had only planned to make him crown prince at 17, and Yuwen Tai only made Yuwen Jue his heir at 14.
Princess Xiping died in 420, and Mingyuan regretted never being able to make her empress in her lifetime and posthumously honoured her as one. This is one of the few wholesome emperor-consort stories of the era, especially in Northern Wei, where she was one of few consorts who died of natural causes.
Emperor Taiwu married his sister Princess Wuwei to the ruler of Northern Liang, Juqu Mujian. This story is considerably less wholesome than the last one. Juqu Mujian did not love Princess Wuwei, and had an affair with his brother's wife Lady Li (not the same person as his first wife Li Jingshou).
Lady Li and Juqu Mujian's sisters tried to poison Princess Wuwei, but Emperor Taiwu was able to save her and was not impressed. He and Juqu Mujian had a falling out over this and Taiwu launched an invasion of Northern Liang, which succeeded, and Taiwu thus unified the north.
At first Emperor Taiwu treated Juqu Mujian well, but he later forced Juqu Mujian to commit suicide as he was suspicious of him. Princess Wuwei outlived her husband.
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zhouszishu · 4 years
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lovely us 如此可爱的我们: episode 02
tan song & chengzi: *are annoying*
chen zui & jinxiao: *completely unfazed* 
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veeeehan · 4 years
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Lovely Us \ The most beautiful adjective in the world is 「Lovely」
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pangzi · 4 years
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I would like to end my work days with a hug from wang yizhou as well
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noramoya · 4 years
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SIBLINS : Chen Ai-mi, Chen Liang-hui, Chen Yi-cheng, Chen Ai-yun.
“Chen made his first major appearance in the movie ‘Kung Fu Dunk’, but became better known with his role as Dylan in Taiwanese drama, ’Fated to Love You’. He also appeared in two of Jay Chou's music videos for the songs "Blue and White Porcelain" from the album On the Run and "Ocean of Flowers" from Capricorn. He later gained more fame through his roles in the television series’My Daughter and The Magic Blade’, which won him Most Popular Actor at the LeTV Awards.”
• 2006: “New Stars In The Night”, as Ou Mingfei . • 2008: “Fated To Love You”, as Dylan/Daí Jianren . • 2010: “Because of You”, as Sun Fan; “Metheor, Butterfly, Sword”, as Meng Xinghun; “My Daughter”, as Zhong Haotian . • 2011 : “Qian Duo Duo Marry Diary”, as Xu Fei . • 2012: “Battle of the Beauty”, as Su Mingyuan ; “The Magic Blade”, as Ye Kai ; “Starring Actor”, as Jin Jiuling . • 2013: “I Want To Become A Stewardness”, as Zhang Shaotan ; “Bad Romantic”, as Tang Yifan . • 2015 : “Extremely Urgent”, as He Cai; “Bromance”, as Du Zifeng . • 2018 : “Battle Through The Heavens”, as Yao Chen ; • 2020: “Eternal Love of Dream”, as Zhe Yan ; and “Reunion: The Sound of The Providence”,as Hei Xiasi.
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mejomonster · 4 years
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Ep 8 still: Chengyin’s face IS my favorite whenever he reacts to Xiaofeng like this, the side eyeeeee
Also it’s adorable he gets all happy and proud immediately again when she finishes in a compliment.
I low key feel bad for Gu Jian getting constantly painfully third wheeled but he Literally did this to himself, he’s an adult making this choice, and honestly Xiaofengs response to his choice is rational and healthy - letting go of him because he said he didn’t like her that way, after she’s given it a decent go by proposing a couple times and confessing. It’s only rational she does what’s good for herself and tries to move on. And Gu Jian knows he’s not good for her anyway so like? Maybe he should try to do the healthy thing and move on too - it’s not like Wveryone in his life isn’t telling him to do Just That. Including Xiaofeng sort of.
Sorta real messed up how everyone on the Li Dynasty side of this scene is at least half lying, likely to go to war with these very Danshi soldiers they just saved, and while I honestly BELIEVE General Pei wants his mission to be keeping the peace and helping people including Danshi people like Heshi... I do not think he’s going to be allowed to soon enough. I think General Pei would have liked Mingyuan...
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gennarostuff · 6 years
The Google of China: Baidu Business Model In A Nutshell
The Google of China: Baidu Business Model In A Nutshell
Baidu makes money primarily via online marketing services (advertising). In fact, in 2017 Baidu made about $11.24 in online marketing services and a remaining almost $1.8 billion through other sources. According to Statista, Baidu has an overall search market share of 73.8% of the Chinese market. Other sources of revenues comprise membership services of iQIYI (an innovative market-leading online…
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bookofjin · 3 years
The King of Qinghe, Shao (WS16)
[A very naughty boy]
August Emperor Daowu had ten sons. August Empress Xuanmu, Liu, gave birth to August Emperor Mingyuan. Lady He gave birth to the King of Qinghe, Shao. The Greater Lady Wang gave birth to the King of Yangping, Xi. Lady Wang gave birth to the King of Henan, Yao. For the mother of two kings, the King of Hejian, Xiu, and the King of Changle, Chu, the clan name is missing. Lady Duan gave birth to the King of Guangping, Lian, and the King of Jingzhao, Li. For august sons Hun and Cong their mothers' clan names are also missing. Both passed away young and had no descendants.
The King of Qinghe, Shao, was ennobled in the 6th Year of Tianxing [403 AD]. He was fiendish, disobedient, sinister, and contrary, and did not obey teachings and tutoring. He was fond of frivolously roaming the hamlets and alleys, forcibly stripping travelling people, and chopping and shooting dogs and pigs, he considered it an amusing delight.
Taizu once was angry with him, he hung him upside down inside a well until he was almost dead and then let him out. Taizong, due to his right principles and moral propriety, often criticized him, consequently there was no unison between them, and he constantly feared he would make a disaster. Then Shao's mother, the Lady Ms. He, was reprimanded, and Taizu secluded her in the palace, wanting to kill her. At the juncture of day and evening he had not yet decided. Ms. He secretly exhorted Shao, saying:
Maybe you could save me?
Shao therefore at night together with his close followers and eunuchs, several people, went past the palace to violate the forbidden quarters. Left and right the attendant servants shouted, saying:
Traitors are coming!
Taizu stood up in alarm, he sought his bow and blade but did not obtain them, and thereupon violently collapsed.
Next day, the palace gates by the middle of the day had not opened. Shao claimed a decree summoning the hundred companions to the Western Palace's main gate to face north and install [him]. Shao from between the gate doors spoke to the crowd of subjects, saying:
I have a father, and also have an older brother, who do you nobles and dignitaries wish to follow?
The Kings, Dukes, and below were all frightened and alarmed, and lost colour. Nobody had a reply. After quite a while, the Duke of Nanping, Zhangsun Song, said:
Follow the King.
The crowd of subjects therefore understood the palace chariot was reposing in the carriage, but did not examine the conditions of the climb to the far distant. Only the Duke of Yinping, Yuan Lie, wailed and wept, and then left.
Hence court and countryside were ghastly terrified, and people held close different aspirations. The Marquis of Feiru, He Hu, raised up a signal fire to the north of Anyang City, and for that reason the people of the Helan section all went and hurried to him. The remaining old sections likewise led their sons and younger brothers to assemble their clans' people, and went to gather with each other. Shao heard people's feelings were not calm, and therefore sent out cloth and silk to distribute to the Kings, Dukes, and below, to those of high rank several hundred bolts and those of low ten belts.
Before this, Taizong was outside. When he heard about the disaster, he then turned back, and hid among the mountains. He sent people at night to inform the Marquis of Beixin, An Tong, the multitudes all echoed in response. When Taizong arrived west of the city, the soldiers of the guard apprehended and sent of Shao. Hence he bestowed death on Shao, mother, and son, and he executed his close followers and eunuch officials, and those palace women who had responded to him inside, around ten people. Those who first had violated the Driving Carriage, the crowd of subjects at the capital thoroughfare to the south of the city cut and minced alive and ate them. Shao at the time was aged sixteen [sui]*.
Shao's mother was precisely August Empress Xianming's** younger sister, she was beautiful and gorgeous. Earlier, when Taizu went to the Helan section, he saw and was pleased with her. He reported to Empress Xianming, and requested to admit her. The Empress said:
Impossible, this excessive beauty will do no good. Moreover, she already has a husband.
Taizu covertly ordered people to kill her husband, and then admitted her. She gave birth to Shao, and in the end caused the great confrontation to him.
[*Hence Shao was born in 394. Taizu was assassinated 6 November 409. Taizong was enthroned 10 November.]
[**Taizu's mother]
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
【Full Version】 The Magic Pen | Yang Fuyu, Li Mingyuan | Fresh Drama
Cdrama: Gong Zi Mo Shang Xiang (2023)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlMz2DBHWqo
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violetsystems · 3 years
BEIJING — As growing pressure from the U.S. pushes Beijing to build up its own technology, local systems are getting in the way.
Over the past forty years, experimentation with business-friendly policies in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen helped turn it into the equivalent of Silicon Valley with homegrown tech giants such as Tencent and Huawei. But so far, other cities have yet to repeat Shenzhen's success.
Meanwhile, national urgency for self-sufficiency in tech is central to a five-year development plan announced in March, with ambitious goals for research and development in seven "frontier" technologies such as semiconductors.
The central directive has local governments striving to do their part.
A 4.5-hour flight north from Shenzhen, the city of Xi'an has many of the right elements for tech innovation: research or manufacturing centers for semiconductors, aerospace and other high-tech industries; talent from local universities; and significant foreign investment. Both Samsung and U.S. chipmaker Micron have major operations in Xi'an, which was also the fastest growing major city in China last year.
Xi'an Mayor Li Mingyuan said in a statement last month to CNBC that tech innovation is at the top of his list for high quality development under Beijing's five-year plan. He said that by 2025, Xi'an aims to achieve output in advanced manufacturing of more than 1 trillion yuan ($153.85 billion) and support more than 10,000 high-tech businesses, for total GDP of more than 1.4 trillion yuan. That's about 40% growth from Xi'an's GDP in 2020.
But analysts say the state is stifling Xi'an's potential.
The biggest difference between Shenzhen and Xi'an is that businesses form the major part of Shenzhen, while Xi'an needs to reduce the role of the government, said Qu Jian, vice-director of the Shenzhen-based think tank China Development Institute.
While each city has to determine its own path, if Xi'an wants to follow that of Shenzhen, then the market needs to play a bigger role, Qu said. Innovation is also difficult for a country to complete on its own and is more efficient with international cooperation, he added.
A rough comparison of the two cities' companies listed on the mainland A share market reflects the disparity in state dominance. About a third of roughly 40 Xi'an-based stocks were privately run, versus about two-thirds for well over 300 Shenzhen-based ones, according to data from Wind Information.
When describing Xi'an's push for technological innovation, Mayor Li pointed to contributions from the city's non-state and foreign businesses. He noted how last year a local solar company named Longi Green Energy Technology became the largest publicly listed company in Western China, and claimed it is the world's largest manufacturer of monocrystalline silicon wafers.
Li added that Micron has invested a total $1 billion in its Xi'an facility, which accounts for 90% of the company's global production capacity. Micron did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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zhouszishu · 4 years
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lovely us 如此可爱的我们: episode 14
“You laughed so easily.”
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the-archlich · 7 years
Can Empress He and Guo (Mingyuan) be considered regents during a certain time? Or other woman in general
You could certainly say that Empress He and He Jin shared the regency for Liu Bian (brief though it was).
Dong Zhuo is usually considered a usurper rather than a regent, given the way he gained his power. Same with Li Jue. Cao Cao falls into a very grey area.
Dowager Guo, Cao Shuang, and Sima Yi can all be called regents. The same goes for Zhuge Ke, Sun Jun, and Sun Chen. Possibly Sun Luban as well, although her power was all unofficial, wielded through her loyalists.
Sima Shi and Sima Zhao are probably closer to the “usurper” side of the spectrum, although there is an argument in Sima Shi’s favor.
You might call Zhuge Liang one, as Liu Shan was 16 when he took the throne. But his age makes it kind of a grey area as well.
Generally speaking if the emperor was a child and his mother lived, she could potentially be considered a regent. It depends on how much she exercised her power, and how great her influence was.
Again, though, it’s an imprecise term in this case.
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