#li yingying
pinejay · 2 months
china women's team is proof that having 2 tall strong OH's is still worth it, no matter that opposite has become everyone's new favorite offensive specialist position
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pteropods · 2 years
i say I like svsss but I legitimately do not know who anyone besides like. the six characters illusteated in book 1 are
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madeintrinafchelp · 1 year
❁ click on each tag to find the faceclaims resources ❁
❁ A-B | C-D | E-F-G | H-I | J | K | K-L | L
M-N | N-O-P | Q-R-S | T-U-V | W-X | Y | Z
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
I fully imagine that whenever Binghe has a minor disagreement with Shen Qingqiu he just goes and finds the nearest puddle and just lies in it to cry pathetically
At least Ning YingYing says hi as she steps over him as he lays there wallowing just outside the bamboo house
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corduroyserpent · 5 days
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Chapter 26: a different kind of loss
Relationships: Zhuzhi-lang & Tianlang-jun, Shen Qingqiu/Luo Binghe, Tianlang-jun/Su Xiyan, Luo Binghe & Zhuzhi-lang, Background Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua, Minor Liu Mingyan/Ning Yingying/Sha Hualing
Rating: T
Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Post-Canon, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Tianlang-jun Has Chronic Pain, Dreamscapes, Memories, Trans Male Character, Agender Su Xiyan, Eventual Happy Ending
Current Word Count: 80.1k
Awareness of the passage of time is new for Tianlang-jun.  Or. That’s not quite right. True, deep, understanding of his place within the passage of time is new.  Such matters do not typically affect those who are essentially immortal. He has dabbled in experiencing what it’s like to live on borrowed time, both in regards to himself and others; the urgent sense of running out of the precious commodity that he had not even realized was precious, or something that could be lost, until it had nearly slipped through rotting fingers. And when he was trapped beneath Mount Bailu, he lived through a period of stillness. Of time moving despite his inability to move with it.  But the prolonged sensation of years flipping by like the pages of a well-loved play—the odd ache of missing the story even as he’s deeply entrenched in it, desiring nothing more than to finish so that he may read it again, wanting it to never end but knowing that all things must… It’s a lot. He’s unused to it.  “So, Xiyan. Hopefully you can forgive my rambling.” Tianlang-jun lies down next to the midnight-black soil that will soon release his beloved. “I wish to tell you everything.”
Read the rest here!!
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cursed-angelic-art · 8 months
Do you think Liu Mingyan ever lies awake at night catastrophizing over how and when she's going to explain the weird porn to her future wife like "do I wait til after the wedding so she's locked in? Do I bring it up on the first date?" Or does she just think that she, the nuns, and tlj are representative of lesbians everywhere. Maybe they are actually and she just has the super unfortunate luck of trying to go after Ning Yingying, who wholeheartedly respects the unfortunate subjects of Mingyan's books, and/or Sha Hualing, who I think would lose her shit over human porn in general.
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tcfactory · 7 months
Small WIP sneak peak from my so far unnamed "there are people who mourn for Shen Jiu actually" fic:
"Ming Fan, do you know anything about this?"
Once upon a time those words would have been a sign of impending punishment, but now they are said with a tone of genuine confusion. Ming Fan sets down the financial report he’s writing for his Shizun (Ming Fan had to learn really quickly how to do the peak’s paperwork after Shen Qingqiu changed. The man who never let him do much more than grind ink had drastically changed his approach after his loss of memory. Now Ming Fan much prefers when his Shizun delegates all of his work to him, because at least that way it gets done correctly.) and walks over to the other desk to take a look at the bit of correspondence spread out on the table.
Ah. His parents are demanding to know why Shen Qingiu stopped sending reports on the progress of Ming Fan’s sister. A sister who’s not a cultivator and as such was never actually enrolled in Cang Qiong Sect.
Ming Fan glances at his Shizun. He really should remind the man of the truth, that they cooked this scheme up together to get her out of a marriage to a rich, but violent man that likely would have killed her. That his sister is fine down in the city, working as the cook’s apprentice in the brothel - far below her station as a nobleman’s firstborn daughter, but the happiest she has ever been. That she’s being courted by the very nice and very boring man who owns the noodle stall. That they’ve been ferreting away the substantial sum of money Ming Fan’s father is paying for her education at Qing Jing and when her apprenticeship is over they are going to get married and open a restaurant together.
But Shen Qingqiu has lost a lot with his memories, among them the ability to convincingly lie to noblemen. If Ming Fan tells him the truth, his sister will be in trouble.
“Answering Shizun, this one’s jiejie has eloped with one of the Bai Zhan disciples. It happened when Shizun was recovering from his sudden fever, so this disciple didn’t want to bother him with things of low importance.”
Several expressions flicker rapidly over his Shizun’s face, his eyes shifting briefly to the right (a new tick, one Ming Fan can’t interpret well yet), but after a moment he schools his face. “I see. I will let Liu-shidi handle the fallout, then.”
Ming Fan exhales a breath of relief, makes his excuses and returns to his report. Liu-shishu will neither confirm nor deny that anything of the sort happened on his peak and then tell the Ming family to go to hell for good measure. Not unlike how Shizun would have done once upon a time, Ming Fan thinks bitterly as he picks up his brush and directs his attention back to the paperwork.
He forgets all about this until years later, when he finds himself standing in front of the bamboo house, holding a letter penned with his jiejie’s best calligraphy. It’s an invitation to her wedding, addressed to ‘her prickly but kindhearted benefactor’.
He should go in and give it to his Shizun, but this Shizun is not the person who lied so convincingly to the Ming patriarch that he broke off a potentially lucrative arranged marriage there and then. Not the one who stole her away from the jaws of danger and called in a personal favor to get her a job somewhere he was certain she would be safe.
Ming Fan clutches the letter so hard that the envelope crumples. He should hand it over, but he doesn’t want to.
Ning Yingying finds him there, paralyzed from indecision and it takes just a glance at the letter for her to understand what’s going on. “Is that the invitation for Qingqiu-shushu?”
Ming Fan nods and makes an attempt at smoothing out the envelope, but he has gripped it too tight and it remains sad and crumpled.
Yingying takes him by the hand and drags him off to… somewhere in the bamboo forest. He always let Yingying fetch their Shizun when he withdrew into the forest to paint because she knew the hidden paths the best. He still recognizes the ginkgo tree from the few occasions they went together.
There’s a haphazard pile of rocks at the root of the tree and next to it a bowl for incense sticks (there are many burned down and one currently burning, the smoke curling lazily like the tail of a happy cat) and a plate for offerings piled with folded paper birds. It makes him raise an eyebrow at his shimei.
“Shushu never liked wasting food, so I figured I’d give him something else he might enjoy,” she explains, rooting around in her qiankun sleeve until she pulls out a fire talisman. “I don’t know how this works, but you need to burn paper money to give it to the dead, so I figured it could work with other paper things too.” She directs a meaningful glance at the letter still held in his hand.
Ming Fan opens his mouth. He wants to tell her that it’s silly, that Shizun is alive and well, but he remembers something Mu-shishu once said and the words get stuck in his throat.
Most souls pass into the cycle of reincarnation long before a funeral can be arranged, he said, draping another blanket over Yingying and Shen Qingqiu, who have fallen asleep clinging to each other. It was the day of her mother’s funeral and the only time Ming Fan has ever seen Shizun fall asleep in company, just as drained by the loss as his niece. Funerals and mourning rites are not for the benefit of those who have passed, but for those who have stayed behind. It’s through ritual and remembrance that we grow to accept that someone who once filled a part of our life is no longer there. 
Sometimes it feels like nobody else is missing the way Shizun was before, but Ming Fan does. He misses the man, sharp and thin-faced and often unpleasant, who nonetheless chose mean, mediocre Ming Fan as his head disciple. As a future hallmaster; a future peer.
Mourning is for the benefit of those who remain.
Ming Fan holds out the envelope and watches as the corner catches fire along with the paper birds.
“Shizun. My sister is getting married next month.” His voice cracks. “She wanted to have you as a guest of honor. We would have loved to have you there.”
The flames consume the envelope. His hands shake.
People whisper about the empty seat at the wedding, but it matters little. That Shen Qingqiu is gone and there’s nobody worthy of filling his spot.
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masiethewriter · 2 months
Honored Eternal Path of Demise CH. 9 - Breaking Pattern
It doesn't really make sense that he finds himself here once again. He still prefers the spiritbox-less routes he has gone through so far. Which means there is no reason to waste time meeting with Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe. Really, nothing has actually changed since last session. He needs to find another step to some of the puzzles or a way to get the Killer to unlock the waiting room door again, any kind of progression really. His time can be spent much better than repeating the same script over and over again. But it's just... He can't help but... It's not that important, he could instead... Okay, Shen Qingqiu is man enough to admit to himself he wants to check up on Ning Yingying and see if she is okay.
First Chapter ~~ Previous Chapter
Like many times before, Shen Qingqiu opens his eyes, the same bedroom walls as always surrounding him. He finds that he doesn't particularly want to move. So he doesn't. He lies in the bed, noting the feeling of the soft sheet beneath him. The ceiling above is made of dark wood, the boards visible in a way that has not been common for him to see in other rooms. Thick carpets and dark red wallpaper tend to cover most surfaces.
The room is completely quiet. If he wasn’t able to hear himself breathing, he would think he was still deaf.
Last session was... intense. After what he has gone through, he didn't think that he could be affected like that. One would think that nothing is more intense than getting killed in multiple macabre ways.
But seeing Ning Yingying…
Shen Qingqiu can already not stomach the thought. He wants to shake his head, push himself up and get going. Leave everything that happened behind in this room.
He doesn't. Not yet. His mind hasn't quite understood that his body is no longer poisoned. He has only just begun to move his fingers back and forth on the bedding, slowly regaining motion. Like when shaking off a particular heavy case of sleep paralysis.
This allows him time to think. Think of what he achieved last session. Think of where he failed. Think of the mysteries that have arisen.
Who left the trap with the switched out parchment? Who was watching him? Who stayed with him as he died? 
Were they the same person?
The thing about the trap is that it is always meant for the Killer. The person who did it likely didn't know what would happen when failing the laboratory puzzle, so their aim was not to kill. Rather it must have meant to create confusion and hide their tracks. So they could continue unhindered with the Killer none the wiser.
Shen Qingqiu also fell for the same trap when he played the game in his first life. What he learned back then was the importance of timing. The parchment in the room would not be switched out every time. In actuality, more often than not it wasn't. On occasion, depending on if you were playing as Ning Yingying or if you had switched to Liu Mingyan by that point, you could even make the trap yourself. That usually tended to work better than when non-player characters did it.
The trick was simple. Check the material of the note and you would know if it was real or fake.
Knowing this doesn’t do much when acting hysterically, Shen Qingqiu has found out. Between seeing Ning Yingying in such a state and the paranoia of being watched, he made such a noob mistake it is honestly embarrassing. The only positive in this situation is that no one will remember but him.
Shen Qingqius brain has caught up enough that he can wiggle his toes and he has been able to lay his arms on his stomach. He dares to push himself up and while it still feels weird to have feeling in his body again, he doesn't fall back down.
His knees are weak as he leaves his room, but he is able to slowly stumble forward.
So! He knows he was acting like an idiot last session! It happens! What matters is that he learns from it!
He thought that after his experiences that nothing could shock him anymore. But clearly he is still not immune to the horror of this world. The lesson from this is to not let it affect him this much. This is Groundhog Day the Death Game and he can’t let the premise itself cause him to make such stupid mistakes. Seeing dead people should be the norm by now.
He has also been too focused on his own explorations and progressions. Forgetting to take into account him and Ning Yingying are only two people in a larger cast. Here the lesson is to consider the other characters more and how their actions can affect his own playthroughs.
He is not only thinking of the note switching here.
At this point of the game, the available characters are very limited. Shen Qingqiu himself should not even count, as he is much more active than the original goods were.  Ning Yingying is the opposite. She is such an active character in the beginning a new player would assume her to be the main character. But that also means she is never the one behind character-made traps and tricks. It wouldn't exactly be easy for her to do anything behind the players back while they play as her. 
Then there is Luo Binghe...
Thinking about it for a second, Shen Qingqiu reaches the conclusion that Luo Binghe can’t possibly be the mystery person. Not that he isn't smart or cunning enough to do the note switch, but simply because he would not be inside the mansion at that point in time.
The thing is, from a game design perspective, Luo Binghe creates something of a challenge. He is essentially a narrative nightmare. He is smart, kind, devious, innocent, flirty, a planner and an improviser, everything to a perfect degree. Every time he is on screen he will solve every puzzle, find all the secrets, evade the monsters, protect the female characters, forgive some, act revenge on others ( *cough* Shen Qingqiu *cough* ) and most important of all: 
He will never die.
The guy isn’t indestructible, but what do you do with a character who you can't kill and who has no weaknesses what-so-ever? 
You hide him behind the scene of course!
Now, Luo Binghe is not like Shen QIngqiu, only appearing for a minute only to disappear for hours at a time. Luo Binghe appears consistently throughout the game, providing guidance and calm when it is needed. It is not that he or the player character is ever safe, but essentially he functions like an extra life. Always able to provide the player with a way to get away if caught by the Killer. He is an active participant in the story of the game, but one actually used with some thought behind it.
Say, in the beginning, when the player is first introduced to the game mechanics: He makes the player feel protected while they learn the controls of the game. Then when the true horror begins, he is snatched away, making the vulnerability, terror and loneliness the player feels extra potent. And like this, he will be hidden away, not appearing until the player needs him the most. A bait and switch that will be used and abused throughout the entirety of the game.
The current narrative excuse being that he is too busy exploring the outside of the mansion, unable to come inside to meet up with Ning Yingying. 
That is why he could not be the character switching the notes or the one watching from the shadows. Because he has no reason to be inside the mansion yet. He likely won't even step onto the second floor before most of the items for the secret room puzzle have been found.
Also, there is another, just as logical reason for why it couldn’t possibly be Luo Binghe. Namely that he would never voluntarily let Shen Qingqiu rest in his lap. 
It is a surprise to no one knowledgeable of the original novel that the game does its utmost to make the two of them instant enemies. Luo Binghe may not immediately recognize Shen Qingqiu every time the game resets, but in later levels once he remembers... In later levels Shen Qingqiu will have to tread more carefully...
So no matter how kind and a good person Binghe is, his very coding should make him want to stay as far away from Shen Qingqiu as possible. He might seem charming enough every time they have met so far, but Shen Qingqiu can only imagine the distaste he must really be feeling every time they are in the same room. 
Honestly, the idea that Luo Binghe would not only randomly find himself inside the mansion, but would also allow a filthy villain like Shen Qingqiu pollute his perfect image is simply laughable! Ha!
Though, in Luo Binghes defense, Shen Qingqiu can only imagine one character who could possibly be willing to stay with him like that. But that character isn't even introduced until the next level. So, of the cast currently available, no one makes sense. But the one that makes the least no sense at giving him comfort, that would be-
Shen Qingqiu stops as he realizes he has reached the main entrance. He was so deep in thought, that he didn't even consider that he was going this way.
It doesn't really make sense that he finds himself here once again. He still prefers the spiritbox-less routes he has gone through so far. Which means there is no reason to waste time meeting with Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe. Really, nothing has actually changed since last session. He needs to find another step to some of the puzzles or a way to get the Killer to unlock the waiting room door again, any kind of progression really. His time can be spent much better than repeating the same script over and over again.
But it's just... He can't help but... It's not that important, he could instead...
Okay, Shen Qingqiu is man enough to admit to himself he wants to check up on Ning Yingying and see if she is okay.
He knows she is! She is a character, so everything has reset for her. She will not remember anything from the last session. None of the horror or pain or- anything! It will be like it never happened and she will be back to her lovable self. 
Still. Shen Qingqiu can't help but want to see it for himself.
It's fine! He can waste some time for this one session. He will see Ning Yingying act like usual, get to tan in the sun that is Luo Binghes for a minute and then return upstairs. He doesn't even need to bother with the spiritbox for this!
With his goal set, he enters the main entrance. 
Immediately his eyes seek out where he knows Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying will be standing. Seeing the both of them, especially Ning Yingying, looking fine and unhurt, unfurls the last of the twisted knots in his chest. As she looks up at him with the same look of surprise followed by relief as every time before, he has to use a sleeve to hide his growing smile.
"Senior! You are here too?"
"Ning Yingying, you know who this is?"
"Of course! That is Shen Qingqiu. One of the seniors that helped us when we first started. Don't you remember A-Luo?"
Shen Qingqiu can't help the ease he feels as everything is back to normal. There is comfort in the expected, knowing there is no danger for him or the others in this second. Everyone is acting as they should. 
Now, as his worries have found rest, he just needs to let the two of them go. Then he can go back to his own adventure. This time he even lets himself enjoy the repeated conversation. It has been a while since he last had it.
Turning his mind off and just enjoying the sounds of their voices, he follows the script to perfection.
"Senior Shen, it is so good to see you! Do you have any idea where we are? A-Luo and I woke up with no memory of how we got here. I am so lucky we found each other, I have no idea what I would do if I was all alone by myself-"
"I just got here after waking up myself. I don't know anything either."
"Does Senior Shen have any idea of why we are here?" 
"Clearly someone brought us here, though for what reason we can only guess. Nevertheless we should focus on finding a way away from here."
"Senior Shen is right! If we can just get away from here, surely everything will be fine!"
"We just checked and the doors aren't locked. We were just about to go out."
"Hmm, okay. You go do that. I will look for a phone we can use to call for help."
"Senior Shen is not coming with us?"
"Of course not. We have no idea where this is. What will you do when you find the way out? Keep going in the rain hoping to randomly find someone who will help? And what if we're in the middle of nowhere, not a soul to be found? It's better to seek out multiple solutions than rely on one uncertain one. I prefer to stay here and not get my uniform unnecessarily ruined."
" Senior Shen is right. "
Shen Qingqius thoughts come to a screeching halt. Glaring error messages appear in his mind as both he and Ning Yingying look at Luo Binghe with confusion. Luo Binghe looks back at the both of them with a thoughtful expression. 
"With the weather like this, it could be dangerous to go out. We might get caught in a storm or get sick from the rain. It is quite risky. Senior is also right that we can't rely on only one plan. Having someone stay here in case something happens would be for the best." 
These words make no sense. Shen Qingqiu does not compute. What is this? What is going on? Why is Luo Binghe suddenly going off-script like this? Shen Qingqiu acted perfectly when he entered, he said the exact same lines as every time before, so why-?
Luo Binghe turns on the most charming smile Shen Qingqiu has ever seen on another man. A chill runs down his spine as it is directed towards him.
"Senior Shen, you should come with me."
" What?! " both he and Ning Yingying exclaims.
"That would be for the best. We look for a way out while Ning Yingying stays back. If we can't find any way out or something goes wrong, then at least one of us can go back and ask for help." Suddenly Luo Binghe turns toward Ning Yingying. "Yingying, you will wait for us here, right? Maybe you can find some supplies we could use. That would be a great help!"
Okay, whatever is happening, Shen Qingqiu needs to get this conversation back on track. Luo Binghe has decided to revolt against the most basic structure of the game and Shen Qingqiu is not a fan. While he chatters at Ning Yingying, Shen Qingqiu gathers his full reserve of bitchiness, sourced straight from where the original goods himself. 
Back straight and eyes cold, he makes his displeasure of this whole idea very clear. Not as tall as Luo Binghe, he instead spiritually looks down at him. Slowly he and Ning Yingying grow quiet, both of their attention back on Shen Qingqiu.
"Are you deaf?” He asks. Each word turns into a needle, all meant to prick at Luo Binghe’s skin. “Why would I go out and risk myself in these conditions?"
Despite his tone, Luo Binghe doesn't back up that easily. His expression stays diplomatic and calm, like they are having a friendly discussion and he just needs to persuade him with a few more words.
"What else should we do? We wait for the storm to be over? When none of us know how we got here, where we are, why we are here in the first place? the longer we stay the more dangerous it could be," he tries to argue.
"I'm not suicidal. You can go out and throw your life away if you want. So far there has been no one else but us. Looking for something sensible like a phone would be a much smarter way to spend our time" Shen Qingqiu counters
Luo Binghes gracious mood darkens. Yet, the smile hasn't quite slipped off his face. 
"Yingying and I have already looked around and found nothing. Also do we really need to be all three people looking around one area? Wouldn't we cover more ground if we split up and checked more places"
"Sure, we would," Shen Qingqiu politely agreed. "I'm not stopping you. I have yet to see a reason why I should be involved in your plan, though." The extra pressure of distaste he puts into his words is fully scum villain. There is no doubt that he has no intention of agreeing with Luo Binghe. 
"Would you rather Yingying go out with me instead?" Luo Binghe instead asks, voice of pure innocence.
Air punches out of his chest. Shen Qingqiu has to will himself not to react. He does not even dare to look over at Ning Yingying, keeping his eyes locked with Luo Binghes. 
Luo Binghe can't have known the effect his words would have, but the moment he says them, only one image flashes in front of Shen Qingqius eyes.
Ning Yingying. Spread out on the ground. Laying in a puddle of her own blood. Empty eyes. Forever caught in an expression of terror. 
One session ago these words would not have affected him, but this time...
He does not want Ning Yingying to be afraid. He does not want her to get hurt. He does not want her to be caught by the Killer and horribly murdered. In the world he currently finds himself in, he knows suffering can not be avoided. But he can perhaps try to lessen it…
He knows it isn’t logical, that if none of this breach of script were happening, she would be going out with Luo Binghe either way. But there is a difference between her going because it is part of the game narrative or her going because of a decision Shen Qingqiu made…
He did promise her that he would be nicer this time around.
"Fine," Shen Qingqiu spits out. As he finally gives in, Luo Binghes sun of a smile returns. This time Shen Qingqiu is too annoyed to enjoy the beauty of it. 
"Are... Are you both sure...?" Ning Yingying hesitantly ads, having followed the entire discussion with large eyes, not brave enough to join the argumentation before now. At her question, Luo Binghe turns a kind gaze towards her, patting her head.
"Senior Shen and I are both robust and healthy, so we can weather the rain better. You weren't doing well earlier, so it would be good for you to get some rest. Just wait until we get back, okay?"
Ning Yingying silently nods as she looks up at Luo Binghe with awe. Then she turns her sight on Shen Qingqiu before suddenly taking hold of his sleeve.
"Please be careful Senior Shen! If anything dangerous happens, just come straight back. We will find another way."
The determination in her eyes is touching, so he also rewards her with a pat on her head.
"We will be fine," he reassures her.
Ning Yingying lets him go and for the first time ever, she stays behind as Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu turn towards the door. With a heavy push, Luo Binghe opens the door. The outside is dark, only lit up by a few lamp posts lining the road. The fall of the rain is heavy, the wind welcoming them with a howl. 
Preparing himself, he steps out. Luo Binghe follows right after. He hears Ning Yingying call out to them one last time before the doors fall shut with a loud bang.
"Don’t do anything dangerous! and remember to take care of each other!"
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spriteofmushrooms · 10 months
Please nominate characters for the incredibly stupid event I want to run, The Annual & Eternal Allcheng Completionist Run Any% Event. Here's the random roll 2d10 table so far:
01 Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
02 Olaf (Frozen)
03 Heathcliff and/or Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights)
04 Six Balls (SVSSS)
05 Wang Lingjiao
06 Bowser (Mario)
07 Ganon and/or Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
08 Xenomorph (Alien) and/or any Predator (Predator)
09 GLADoS (Portal)
10 Shrek (Shrek)
11 You (you) and/or Your "Y/N" Name (reader)
12 Xie Lian and/or Hua Cheng (TGCF)
13 One Direction
14 Kairi, Riku, and/or Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
16 Song Lan and/or Xiao Xingchen
17 Gongyi Xiao and/or Zhuzhi-lang (SVSSS)
20 Luo Qingyang
23 Loki (any)
24 Xie'er (Word of Honor)
27 Shigure Shoma (Fruits Basket)
29 Ming Fan and/or Ning Yingying (SVSSS)
30 Jiao Liqiao (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
34 Alucard (Castlevania)
35 Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
36 Sha Hualing and/or Liu Mingyan (SVSSS)
37 Ouyang Zizhen and/or Su Minshan
38 Qi Rong (TGCF)
40 Wei Changze and/or Cangse Sanren
41 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
42 PIDW Luo Binghe and/or SVSSS Luo Binghe (SVSSS)
43 Claude von Riegan (Fire Emblem)
44 Anne Elliot and/or Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)
45 Haruhi, Kyoya, and/or Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)
46 Feng Xin and/or Mu Qing (TGCF)
47 Magnai (Final Fantasy)
48 Qui-Gon Jinn and/or Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
49 Yennefer, Jaskier, and/or Geralt (The Witcher)
50 Danyin, Dongfang Xunfeng, Jieli, and/or Shangque (Love Between Fairy and Devil)
51 Venom (Marvel)
52 Mobei-jun and/or Shang Qinghua (SVSSS)
53 Tadashi (Big Hero Six)
54 Tadashi (Sk8)
57 Jinzhu/Yinzhu/Jiang Cheng
61 Ling Wen, Pei Ming, and/or Shi Wudu (TGCF)
62 Wen Kexing (Tian Ya Ke/Word of Honor)
65 Elizabeth Bennet and/or Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
66 Yue Qingyuan (SVSSS)
67 Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
69 Tianlang-jun (SVSSS)
70 Toji Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
73 Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
77 Shen Qingqiu: Shen Jiu and/or Shen Yuan (SVSSS)
80 Qin Su/Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng
86 Sidon (Legend of Zelda)
88 Mo Ran and/or Chu Wanning (Erha)
91 Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng
96 Di Feisheng, Fang Duobing, and/or Li Lianhua (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
99 Wang Yue (The Journey of Chongzi)
100 Pike Dexter (Big Eden)
Only 47 options to go! Ideally, your ship should have no fanworks on ao3, but having up to 10-25 is alright.
Please include a number to assign on the table since I know very few of these characters. You don't have to stick with bad = low.
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greenflamedwriter · 9 months
Killing Stalking AU:
Okay when I read Killing/stalking I was a bit disapointed. Too much killing not enough stalking -_-
And so Imagine Luo Binghe who is a serial killer instead of wives it's girlfriends and instead of marrying them he kills them. And Shen Yuan, who bought the apartment just to observe such a thing ends up obsessed he calls the victims 'wives' till death do they part, and he has an obsession with the seriel killer.
Like bordering on gay but he's still in denial.
Already he has a list of all the names of the girls, Ning Yingying was the first and now he's up to Qui Haitang, already he counted that Luo BInghe was accumilating an anti-harem.
Shen Yuans room is FULL of photos, clothes, even HAIR of Binghe as well as Luo Binghe in a apron, bloody and cleaning up his mess.
Shen Yuan loved him. Quircks and all.
But he wasn't stupid, not only was the evidence of Binghe's crimes in this room, footage and videos of girls going into Luo Binghes house then NEVER returning, wanted posters and last places they were timed perfectly. A little plushie doll of Luo Binghe as well in a corner. But he also hid evidence around the city, places with his name on it, most were holding his anime stuff but after the first five lockers the rest were filled with nothing but Binghe's crimes. He never went back to the old ones, to obvious instead he would pay for a new locker and fill that one up.
NSFW undercut
And Sy whose still in the closet probably thought it was normal to react, esp seeing the stallion having sex with the women in his bedroom, with his camera Shen Yuan could see everything.
At one point it even felt like Luo Binghe looked up and locked eyes with him, it made Shen Yuans breath hitch. It wasn't possible, it was dark, lights out, and Shen Yuan shivered palming himself, so hard it was the point of pain.
And this was when he decided to get closer.
Shen Yuan wears a disguise, Luo Binghe didn't like men, only women. So Shen Yuan wears a wig, with a hat and glasses and actually nice clothes. He dresses nicer as a women than he would as himself, in just sweats and loose jumpers.
He sits at a cafe and watches a girl on Luo Binghes arm Wife #32 Shen Yuan couldn't believe he was sitting right next to them.
And each time he would get closer, changing his looks, and disguise, practically listening in. Listen to the lies Luo Binghe would say, his favourite colour? Song? Movie?
Shen Yuan saw into his house, he knew what Luo Binghes interests were better than these wives.
He got too close once, when a wife dropped her wallet, he picked it up.
"Excuse me?"
She turned with a sneer on her face, that was usually how people reacted to Shen Yuan, like he was gross. He knew he would look alright with decent clothes hair cut, but he had that attention before, he didn't want it again.
But seeing it was just a small girl with a face mask pacing her her wallet with kind eyes, the sneer fell away into surprise.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you!"
"It's no problem, I understand the stress of losing your credit cards and having to cancel them and start over- I'm overally clumsy like that aha."
Luo Binghe was staring at him, and Shen Yuan couldn't help but shiver at the attention.
At that moment thats when Shen Yuan realised something, back in the comfort of his home. He may actually like Luo Binghe...
well...it's just Luo Binghe, right? maybe he's just bi and only likes him?
Either way, he kept skirting around him, until the wife inevitably died and he sat at the cafe, waiting for Binghe with his next fiance-
"Hello, miss. I thought I'd find you here."
Shen Yuan held back a flinch as he glanced up, "Ah hello there, I kinda recognise you," Shen Yuan leaned closer as Luo Binghe sat down before him but internally he was freaking out.
Was he wearing the same disguises over and over!?
Did Luo Binghe figure him out!?!?!?
"My names Luo Binghe, and you are?"
"Um," Quick think of a name! "Xiao Gongzhu."
"Little palace mistress? Hmm suits you."
Like hell it does! But that was the only thing he could think off!
"I was just wondering," Luo Binghe looked bashful, and it broke Shen Yuan out of his thoughts, he looked so boyish it was cute.
"Could we trade numbers?"
What? He killed Wife #32 already? wait- was Luo Binghe seriously seeing Shen Yuan as a potential wife!?
This was bad- it was going to mess up Luo Binghes streak! He was the protagonist, he couldn't mess up because he was accidently tricked by a man!
Also the not-dying thing would be great and if Shen Yuan didn't go back to his apartment and pay rent then the landlord will come in and SEE all of his evidence, Binghe would go to jail!
"Uh yeah sure- I mean yes!" Shen Yuan spoke then grimaced at how flustered he was, even so he still couldn't believe it- Binghe's number!
Luo Binghe hummed "Hmm I'll put you as Princess, if thats okay I like giving pretty girls like you pet names. You can think of a name for me too."
"Hmm, I like Bingpup, you're like a cute puppy who deserves head pats!" Shen Yuan spoke and saw Luo Binghe's smile stiffened.
Shen Yuan immedietly preened aha thats right! Luo Binghe hates being called dog or mutt! He found out that Luo Binghe had an awful teacher who would call him that in school! He found that out by waiting for Binghe to take wife #16 on a date and bugged his house!
When they were getting intimate after their pillow talk Luo Binghe admitted such a sad thing.
Because wife#16 called him a good puppy during foreplay, and when she said she'd never do it again he agreed and said she won't then straggled her. Shen Yuan listened to that footage over and over again.
When Luo Binghe stood up, Shen Yuan giggled "Oh and one more thing." He stood up too, flipping his hair over his shoulder.
"If you think you can take me as the next wife, you can forget it."
Luo Binghe paused looking confused, "I'm sorry?"
"I know your type, playboy. You have a fiance wine and dine, but after the first night your the type to believe in death do us part." Shen Yuan emphansised the smile on Luo Binghe's face faded. "This is amazing, the Luo Binghe! I'm such a huge fan," Shen Yuan kept his voice low, so the other patrons at the cafe wouldn't here. "I actually liked Liu Mingyan, such a good girl she knew martial arts as well. Pity, but I don't plan to be accumulated into your 'harem' I don't like to share. No, I prefer to watch."
Luo Binghe eyes narrowed, "Do you think it's a good idea to be telling me this?" Shen Yuan looked at him with pity, "I can't help it, your so cute and I didn't want to lie to that face when I turned you down. it's not any of Binghe's fault, I just genuinly like to watch, if we cross that step I'm afraid I'll have to die of shame." Before he left he also glanced back, "Oh, and I'm a collector by the way, I have evidence all around Shang hai completely hidden unless I mysteriously disapear, someone is bound to find everything. See you around, Husband."
Shen Yuan flaunced away, knowing he was being followed, thank GOD for public bathrooms, he walked in, immedielty removing his wig, hoodie and skirt and pulling on his baggy and drabby clothes, and oiled up his hair to look more greasy and gross espeically from wearing a wig, he dumped the back in the bin and walked out, slouching and on his phone, he walked past Luo Binghe who stayed leaning against pillar waiting for the 'women' to leave the bathroom.
Shen Yuan still didn't trust it, hailing a taxi and purposfully going the awkward way to get to his apartment. Even then he decided to back track and couch surf on his friends sofa instead, just to be safe.
Even so, when he recieved a text from Binghe, vaguely threating him, promising he'll find him and kill him, Shen Yuan shivered feeling his breathing hasten.
"You can try, Husband."
So long story short, Liu Qingge is the policemen interogating his sisters mysterious death, finds Shen Yuan and believe him to be a victim of domestic abuse, and yeah both Luo Binghe AND Shen Yuan are playing cat and mouse the power imbalances keep changing, and at one point, Shen Yuan finds himself actually going on dates with Luo Binghe, even helping him take down a wife with his 'husband' it's such a rush. And for a moment even Luo Binghe felt affection for Shen Yuan and didn't care that it was revealed he was a guy, even started having some fucked up moments of his own, comparing Shen Yuan to his mother. Shen Yuan: Hello police? Theres a man with a milf kink send him to jail!
Even so theres honeymoon moments, SY actually spends a night in Binghes house but thats where it all goes wrong, SY is now a wife, he just doesn't die straight away, forced to being trapped in the kitchen dressed as a women and still playing their cat and mouse game as Luo Binghe is trying to force him to reveal his evidence, he claims he'll stay with Shen Yuan properlly if he does. And then SY at one point escapes the house, finds Liu Qingge and confesses everything and even gives him the keys to his apartment and the locations of the lockers with the evidence.
Luo Binghe finds him, says he saw SY with another man, had he grown bored with him?
Pretty much ends the same way as Killing Stalking both die in the end, Luo Binghe dying alone, and SY still thinking he's alive and is frazzled ends up going into on-going traffic.
-I think with the story it was supposed to end tragically, because neither were good people, but I just hated how the character in KS was reduced to an innocent uwu who was sexualised but didn't have a braincell- I would've preffered if there was some intellectual schemes, like KIRA VS L both smart people trying to one up the other and maybe just a hint of romance, delusion on both sides, Binghe finally seeing SY as his partner in literal crime but then because of jealousy ends up trying to kill SY after he's another Wife isn't he?
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
WN Women Tourney - Images & Propaganda
[Last Updated: June 6th, 2024]
The submissions post has been updated with all the current propaganda/submissions. I'll try and add propaganda to some of the characters, but here's a list of the current characters without any propaganda whatsoever:
No Propaganda List
Lang Qiao from Mo Du / Silent Reading 
Lee Sookyung from ORV
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
If you'd like to submit propaganda (for characters without propaganda or characters with), feel free to send an ask at any point during the tournament. The following are characters that I couldn't find an image of but will be represented with an image of the cover of their novel unless someone sends in an image:
No Image of Character / Image of Novel
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade (Eliminated)
Li Yanru from JWQS (Eliminated)
Manman from Itinerant Doctor* (Eliminated)
Mansha from FGEP
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS (Eliminated)
Qiyan Nomin from JWQS (Eliminated)
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife (Eliminated)
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek* (Eliminated)
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh (Eliminated)
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui* (Eliminated)
Youqin from FGEP
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui* (Eliminated)
*Suspected to have no canon image
Full Character List
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A-Qing from MDZS
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
*Carynne Heier from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
Christelle de Sarnez from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Chu Yue from QQGK
Consort Jing from Langya Bang / Langya List / Nirvana in Fire
Feng Xiaoshu/Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
Frédérique Riester from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade
Grand Princess Liyang from Nirvana in Fire
Gu Xiang from TYK
Hannah from LCF/TCF
Han Sooyoung from ORV
Hua Xiangyi from QJJ
*Isella Evans from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
*Iseol Yu from Return of the Blossoming Blade (Dealer’s Choice)
*Jang Hayoung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Jiang Yanli from MDZS
Jian Lan from TGCF
*Jung Heewon from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
*Kim Seyun from My School Life Pretending to be a Worthless Person (Dealer’s Choice)
Lang Qiao from Mo Du 
Lee Jihye from ORV
*Lee Sookyung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Ling Wen from TGCF
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Lin Wanyue from FGEP
Liu Mingyan from SVSSS
Liu Qianqiao from TYK
Li Xian from FGEP
Li Yanru from JWQS 
Luo Qingyang / Mianmian from MDZS
Manman from Itinerant Doctor
Mansha from FGEP
Mary from LCF/TCF
Mu Nihuang from Nirvana in Fire
Murong Mengze from Yuwu
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Ning Yingying from SVSSS
*Olivia Lanze from DPA (Dealer’s Choice)
Qiu Congxue from DVAWTK
Qiyan Agula from JWQS
Qiyan Nomin/A-Die from JWQS
Qi Zhuyin from QJJ
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek
Sha Hualing from SVSSS
Shu Yanyan from DVAWTK
Song Qiutong from 2ha
Son Moa from I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
*Uriel from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui
Wen Qing from MDZS
Ye Wangxi from 2ha
Yoo Sangah from ORV
Youqin from FGEP
Yushi Huang from TGCF
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui
Zhou Fei from Bandits/Legend of Fei 
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zero-heather · 2 years
things between mxtx characters i think just fit well but it gets progressively worse
shen qingqiu & nie huaisang & shi qingxuan: fans fans fans fans
shen qingqiu & wei wuxian & xie lian: protagonists with harems
quan yizhen & luo binghe: "SHIZUN!!!" / "SHIXIONG!!!!!" yin yu & shen qingqiu: emotionally constipated about these two
lan wangji & hua cheng: "anything for wei ying / gege" jiang wanyin & mu qing & feng xin: "get a fucking room"
mu qing & feng xin: strained friendship jiang wanyin & nie huaisang: also strained friendship
nie mingjue & liu qingge & lang qianqiu: obvious strong sense of justice but they all have their personal problems clouding judgement sometimes
lan xichen & yue qingyuan & shi qingxuan: good people with good hearts surrounded by questionable friends
lan jingyi: "HI!!!!" ning yingying: "HI!!!!"
jin ling & ming fan: good people and friends with each other both saddled with bad ideals that can be fixed but will be hard to correct because of their love for their jiujiu/shizun respectively Also them ming fan: "i still like shijie!!" lying right out of his ass jin ling: "no you dont!!!" can see through his lies
pei ming: "i do sleep with many women, but i also like pampering them after" jin guangyao: "HUH"
wei wuxian: "how long do you think i can blow my flute for until a-cheng comes and snaps it in half with zidian" shang qinghua: "one shichen" sha hualing: "half a shichen" pei ming: "quarter shichen"
nie huaisang: "wanna read my collection of wangxian porn" liu mingyan: ".....yes."
lan wangji: "mn." mobei-jun: "mn."
hua cheng: "do you know what the other two are saying" luo binghe: "they lost me at 'mn'"
nie huaisang & he xuan: expert planners that'll do anything to exact their revenge, but stop short of killing someone else close to them. the only difference is whether or not the revenge was for or because of an important character
nie mingjue: "yeah huaisang ruined the cultivational world for me" shi wudu: "he xuan threw the elemental master circle in disarray because of me"
pei xiu: "is your ancestor a slut too" jin guangyao: "yeah"
liu qingge & jiang wanyin & qi rong: single dads basically
pei ming: "get the fuck away from me" jin guangshan: ???
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pinejay · 26 days
wow china's u17 team looks just like their olympic team. superstar p1 OH #10 like li yingying, second OH #4 is also a strong hitter and solid blocker like zhu ting, clutch OPP who's strong but also good at tools and can serve receive like gong xiangyu, fantastic middles who are excellent blockers, solid libero, pretty solid setter. just addictive to watch
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lansplaining · 2 years
(found this in my drafts and I’m not sure if I’ll keep going with it or not, but I liked this opening, so here is the beginning of a silly women’s soccer wangxian AU) 
There is simply no question about it, in the end. Lan Zhan gets a masters, partly because her uncle thinks she should and partly because it buys her another two years of playing time. Maybe if she had a realistic shot at the national team, the conversation would be different, but competition for keepers is brutal, and the current starters are still young. Lan Zhan will be the skip generation: too old, by the time the current set retire, not to be overlooked for the promising up-and-comers a cohort below her. 
“This new league…” says Lan Huan gently, but Lan Zhan shakes her head and rolls her eyes and says in her uncle’s voice, “Even the top salaries for players who aren’t on the national team aren’t enough to live off of. And it will just fold like the last league.” 
Neither of them point out that generations of players have made do while working other jobs. But they are Lans. Lans do not make ends meet: Lans succeed. Lans are not struggling semi-professional athletes, they are sensible, elegant things that pay well and do not raise eyebrows at parties. It is at 22 that Lan Zhan realizes sometimes, generations of success are upheld by quitting before you can fail. 
“You can still play recreationally,” says Lan Huan, who plays the flute in a community group and is the best player by an embarrassing distance, with a sad smile. 
So Lan Zhan turns to the thing she always liked second-best (besides music; as Lan Huan has demonstrated, that does not count) and becomes a statistician. 
Wei Ying’s problem has always been that she doesn’t ask enough questions. She just does things. Waiting for explanations is boring, and they rarely succeed in changing her mind anyway. Does she know what Uncle Jiang and Aunt Yu would say about her entering the college draft for a brand-new, likely-to-fold-like-the-last-one professional women’s soccer league instead of focusing on her studies? Well, she can guess. So why listen to it out loud when she could already hear it in her head? She just has to see what will happen. 
What happens is, she’s picked near the end of the first round. First-round draft pick Wei Ying. It’s a phrase the Jiangs’ friends can understand, and so they give their grudging blessing, not that Wei Ying needs it, since Aunt Yu assures her they’ll be providing no financial assistance anyway, so what exactly did she stand to lose if she defied them? Contact with A-Cheng and A-Li, maybe. Best not to risk it, since she doesn’t have to. 
What happens is, she probably should have cut ties with the Jiangs back when it would have been easy, since it happens anyway, and is messy and hard until she makes it easy by asking to be traded to a new team and getting a new phone. And then she tears her ACL on said team’s shitty turf pitch and then the team folds at the end of that season and blah blah rehab, blah blah medical debt. It’s supposed to be impossible to lose track of people in the modern world, but it turns out it’s pretty easy. 
She ends up on a new team eventually and her sisters track her down, and after A-Li gets married she ends up in the same city and Wei Ying lives in her big sister’s spare bedroom to save money on rent and it’s all pretty great. And then she gets traded, because that’s what happens when you don’t have a national team contract to give you a bit of leverage, and she gets ready to do it all again: new apartment, new friends, new part-time job. 
“Are you sure it’s worth it, Yingying?” A-Li asks worriedly as Wei Ying shoves her stuff haphazardly into her backpack, because they’re running late and she just found a whole drawer she forgot to pack and A-Li offered to mail it but honestly it’s mostly underwear and she’s gonna need that. “Zixuan could help you find a job here.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Wei Ying says, shoving a thong into the side pocket of her backpack alongside some spare shin guards and deciding to just hope it doesn’t fall out in public. “I love this.” 
Lan Zhan has been living in her big sister’s spare bedroom for two weeks while Lan Huan spends a few months helping establish a new branch of her company in Ireland when she is forced to break their pattern of weekly video calls. 
“There is someone coming,” Lan Zhan says. 
“I… see?” Lan Huan says uncertainly. 
“A soccer player. They said you signed up to host a player for the season and she is on her way.” 
Lan Huan’s eyes go wide. She searches through her emails and finds it, shares her screen so Lan Zhan can see: the email a week ago asking if she’s still interested in hosting a player, the affirmative reply she sent in what she now recognizes was a jetlagged daze at 2:15 AM GMT. 
“I’m so, so, sorry,” says Lan Huan. “If you can give me until Monday, I can call them and figure something out.”
“She is arriving today,” Lan Zhan says. “You do not mind if I give her your room?”
“No, of course not,” says Lan Huan. “She’ll be exhausted, she can’t just sleep on the couch. You can put up with it for a weekend, can’t you?”
“Of course,” says Lan Zhan, trying not to sigh. It isn’t-- well, it is Lan Huan’s fault, but-- not in a way where Lan Zhan can really blame her. “You didn’t mention you had signed up for this program.”
“Oh, yes.” Lan Huan looks sheepish. “I have season tickets, actually. And then Mingjue told me they were looking for host families and I thought it sounded fun… that was before you moved back to town, of course, and then the season started and they hadn’t reached out, so I forgot about it. We can go to a game, once I’m back, if you’d like…?” 
It all makes sense, now. Lan Zhan cut soccer firmly and completely out of her life once she stopped playing. It makes sense Lan Huan took that to mean it was a topic she should not mention. Lan Zhan sometimes forgets how fragile her older sister thinks she is. 
“Mn,” says Lan Zhan. “I will check in on Monday. I should make sure I have things prepared for the weekend.”
“I’m really sorry,” Lan Huan says again. “Try to be nice. It’s just for a weekend.” 
“Her name is uhhhhh…” The nice blonde-haired lady who picked Wei Ying up from the airport flicks through her phone once they’re stopped at a red light. “Anne! Anne Lan. Ha, it rhymes.” 
Wei Ying suspects that in fact it doesn’t, but she doesn’t say so. Instead she says, “Awesome. I’m looking forward to meeting her.” 
“Season ticket holder-- oh wow, since the team started, eight years, that’s nice-- non-smoker, no pets--”
“Oh, good,” Wei Ying says. She doesn’t mind cats, but a blanket ‘no pets’ seems simpler. 
“Really good location. You could probably walk to the stadium if you wanted. Or bike, but the coaches’ll probably try to talk you out of that, kind of dangerous…”
Wei Ying is incapable of not holding up her end of the conversation, even though she’s exhausted from the flight and absolutely starving. She almost convinces herself she’s struck up enough of a rapport to ask the lady-- Tessa-- to take them to a drive-through, but then they pull off of the freeway into a residential area, and Tessa says they’re almost there. Wei Ying flips down the mirror on the sun screen to see if there’s anything she can do about, like, her face, and then decides it’s a lost cause and flips it back up again. 
“Oooookay,” says Tessa as they pull in front of a lovely little powder-blue house on a lovely little residential street. The houses are all Victorians of varying sizes: this one is tiny, a cute little dollhouse of a place with a postage-stamp yard and a flowering dogwood tree. “You want me to come in with you, or…?”
“Nah, nah, I got it,” says Wei Ying, hoisting her backpack onto her shoulder as she opens the door. “My flight was already late, it’s almost dinnertime! Just pop the trunk for me and I’ll get my bag. I’ll see you at the match tomorrow?” 
“Yep!” says Tessa brightly. “Everyone’s really looking forward to meeting you. Don’t hesitate to call me if there’s anything you need.” 
Tessa pulls away and Wei Ying drags her stuff up the steps and onto the little porch. She thinks maybe the clunk-clunk-clunk of her wheelie suitcase on the perfect little steps will draw attention, but the door’s still shut when she reaches it, so she rings the bell. The curtains are drawn across the front window, but the lights seem to be out. Hm. 
“Forgive me,” comes a low voice from behind her. “I was delayed at the store.”
Wei Ying turns, smile ready. “Anne? Hi! I-- woah. No.” She stops. “Shit. I know you.” 
Lan-- Lan-- Lan. 
“Lan Zhan!” She breaks into a brilliant smile. “Do you remember me?!” 
Lan Zhan tightens her hands around the handles of her grocery bags. “Wei Ying.” 
So, back up. 
Lan Zhan plays for Stanford, Wei Ying for USC. Wei Ying is the bane of Lan Zhan’s life. Wei Ying breaks Lan Zhan’s first streak of clean sheets, and Lan Zhan never forgives her. She doesn’t know if Wei Ying ever thinks about her, but she thinks about Wei Ying, how she can make sure this preening, recklessly fouling, defense-neglecting midfielder can never score on her again.
Lots of people probably think about Wei Ying that way, Lan Zhan assumes. She’s a talent, someone whose name comes up, someone who is considered a future national team prospect, a future Olympian, a future star. 
Then she saves a penalty from Wei Ying, and she can at least rest confident that Wei Ying is occasionally thinking about her, too. 
Obviously Lan Zhan can’t have known that Wei Ying was talking shit to Jiang Cheng just that morning about how she’s never missed a penalty, about how it’s all about confidence, about how she has an unbeatable technique. 
Even worse, Wei Ying can just tell from the way she’s seen Lan Zhan play and the things people say about her that if she had known, she would have tried even harder to save it. And God, fine, it was an amazing save-- she guessed right and fucking leapt, full-stretch, and palmed it down to the ground then crumpled herself on top of it in that keeper defensive posture that honestly Wei Ying finds so cute even when it’s depriving her of the chance to at least score on the fucking rebound and preserve some of her dignity. 
So yeah, after that, she’s out for revenge.
“This is insane,” says Wei Ying once she’s settled on the couch. “You go by Anne now?”
“My sister’s English name,” says Lan Zhan. “This is her house. She signed up for the program. I only moved here a month ago.”
“That’s perfect!” Wei Ying cries. “We can explore the city together. I actually almost came up here for college, but my family wanted a bigger name for my degree. And USC was awesome, to be fair. Or, wait, did you grow up here?”
“No,” says Lan Zhan. “Seattle.” 
“West Coast lifer! I’ve been in Orlando ‘til now. I know,” she adds, though Lan Zhan is almost certain she did not make any particular reaction. “But my sister was living there, so that was nice. I mean, if I got married to someone and then they made me move to Florida, like, that would be a deal-breaker. I’m so excited to have seasons again.” She spreads her hands and beams. “Your turn. Where have you been since Stanford?”
“I-- remained at Stanford for my master’s. I then took a job in Silicon Valley. I now have a new job here, with the city.” 
“Shit,” says Wei Ying. “So you’re like… rich, hot, and successful. Good to know.” 
“You are a professional athlete,” Lan Zhan cannot help but point out. “You are also successful.” And hot, she does not say. 
“This is so great,” Wei Ying says, ignoring this entirely. “I love people, but I was getting a little freaked out at the idea of living with just some complete stranger, as a favor, you know? But this is amazing!”
“You should shower, and put away your things,” Lan Zhan says, completely overwhelmed by the idea that Wei Ying does not consider her a stranger. What constitutes a stranger if not a woman you played against a handful of times nearly ten years ago? “You must be tired. I will start dinner.”
When Wei Ying has disappeared into Lan Huan’s room, Lan Zhan types a very quick text: Do not worry about contacting the team. I do not wish to inconvenience them or the player. I do not mind if she stays. 
She sends it before she can change her mind. 
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qserasera · 1 year
My dream svsss live action (cont)
Part 2
part 1 for my headcanon live action cast here
the last post didn’t have enough room to include all the characters, so here’s the rest of ‘who would i cast in a liveaction svsss drama’ thoughts and why
Shen Yuan - ?? or Bai Jingting
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pic from my drama list here. i don’t have the Strongest opinion on the actor for shen yuan because he would only be in like. a few scenes at the beginning. i think bai jingting could do a reasonably good job, since he knows how to. hmm how to describe it...do comedic face journeys in a way that still feels true to a historical period drama?? like he knows how to be funny without coming off as too modern.  he’s also doing an Excellent job as a main role in Chang Feng Du, for anyone who’s asking. otherwise some other actor from a youth drama/college setting drama could probably be a nice candidate, if they know how to switch from serious/air of slightly disdainful cynicism to Peak Comedy and obliviousness at the drop of a hat (which i wouldn’t know bc i don’t watch a ton of modern cdramas ; w ; )
Yue Qingyuan - Tony Leung
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no thoughts, head empty, who else can exude guilt and yearning like a sexy, sexy cologne??? for yqy it would be Nice to have an actor who can pull off the competent smiling look with an air of hidden melancholy and. like. yep.
Ning Yingying - Amy Sun
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she did a good job in the eternal love series (totally different drama from the one about the peach blossoms and 3 lives). i honestly had mixed feelings about the show, but i did watch at least two season of it so. who knows. she was very good as jing xin with the scenes she was given, even tho i bounced off the actual heroine’s personality type completely
Liu Mingyan - Kira Shi
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not much commentary here!! this was just on general looks and acting feel probably. haven’t seen her specifically in any fight-heavy/wuxia shows (but i did watch weaving a tale of love and story of minglan) so. i think for looks, she does contrast pretty distinctly from the above ning yingying casting, idk idk
Liu Qingge - Li Hongyi
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if you need someone to play like. a seemingly more pretty but delicate look warrior while also being dangerous, he can do that! his acting skills would pretty much be up to task, etc etc
Sha Hualing - Tang Wei
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confession time is that i haven’t actually. watched lust, caution which she starred in (which i heard was very good and also got her blocked out of a lot of other acting projects afterwards), but i do think her overall face profile has the right vibe
(Guest Role) Su Xiyan - Dilraba Dilmurat
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i just liked how she played her main role in the long ballad, and dilraba also knows how to give off that no-nonsense competent aura as a heroine while also being emotive for romantic-type storylines and passionate feelings
(Guest Role) Tianlang-jun - Wallace Huo
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you need an emperor-type actor with capriciousness, humor, danger and vulnerability??? it’s him.....he would be so so so good, i know this in my heart!!! (for a sample of his acting, there is a clip from the ruyi drama here u could check out)
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musispoed · 1 year
2023 FIVB Kadınlar Voleybol Milletler Ligi Şampiyonu Türkiye!
*College Park Center, Arlington, Birleşik Devletler. *Çin 1 - 3 Türkiye (22-25/25-22/19-25/16-25)
Türkiye *2018'de başlatılan organizasyonda ilk şampiyonluğu. *Uluslararası seviyede elde ettiği ilk büyük başarı. *Bu zaferle voleybol ülkeler sıralamasında zirveye yerleşti. *Lig etabında 9 galibiyet - 3 mağlubiyet sonunda 3. sırayı almıştı. *2018'de gümüş ve 2021'de bronz madalya elde etmişti. Milletler Ligi'ndeki koleksiyon tamamlandı. Çin *Milletler Ligi'ndeki ilk finalinde gümüş madalyayla yetindi. *Lig etabını 8 galibiyet - 4 yenilgi ile 5. sırada tamamlamıştı. *2018 ve 2019 olmak üzere iki bronz madalyası da mevcut.
Üçüncülük Maçı Polonya 3 - 2 Birleşik Devletler (25-15/16-25/25-19/18-25/17-15)
Polonya *Milletler Ligi'ndeki ilk madalya sevincini yaşadı. *Lig etabını 10 galibiyet - 2 mağlubiyet ile lider tamamlamıştı. Birleşik Devletler *Finaller'e ev sahipliği yaptığı sezonu madalyasız tamamladı. *Lig etabında 10 galibiyet - 2 yenilgi ile ikinci sırayı almıştı. *2018, 2019 ve 2021 olmak üzere sahip olduğu 3 şampiyonlukla en başarılı takım konumunda. -Ödüller- En değerli oyuncu: Melissa Vargas - Türkiye En iyi pasör: Diao Linyu - Çin En iyi smaçörler: Li Yingying - Çin / Martyna Lukasik - Polonya En iyi orta oyuncular: Zehra Güneş - Türkiye / Yuan Xinyue - Çin En iyi pasör çaprazı: Melissa Vargas - Türkiye En iyi libero: Gizem Örge - Türkiye
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