#liams bday month
My experience reading william's so far
I'm at chapter 12 btw. Also, if you didn't read liam and harrison pls don't read this. Also, this may be an unpopular opinion about kate
yall, seriously. wiliam's route is sth else hahaha
So far, his MC to me is so so. I was not expecting her to fall in love so easily, which frustrated me. I thought it was going to be a slow burn like liam's but apparently that was not the case ('I'm reading chapter 12).
idk if kate is always like that in other routes (I'll definitely try to read all of the boys cuz they are all so batshit crazy and I love that) but she is way more gullible than I expected. Girl, you just don't trust a bunch of villains like that. They are not ordinary guys. Wake up!
I know it's not as if we could control who we'll love, but she deadass fell in love with harrison and william so fast imo. Particularly, I didn't like that.
In harrison's, I think she fell in love because he is so nice and polite. He seems the most normal guy of all of the boys. Just like lots of you mentioned when they released the EN server.
And in william's, it looks like that good girl falling in love with the bad guy, that one your parents always tell you to never get close to. Also, she could have fell in love with william because he was the one who taught her how to express herself and show her true colors.
It gives me the impression that kate sees william's as some sort of savior or deity. No matter what he does, she will trust and follow him. Not a fan of that tbh. And I'm saying that as a william lover.
But, at the same time, I like the fact she is not trying to erase her personality like other MCs in otome/josei just to please others. I'm pretty sure she will do something crazy in the next chapters, so I'm looking forward to it.
Also, I loved that in chapter 11 or 12, she realized she wanted william to kill avatus (is that his name? ahaha). Thank god a MC that is not that prude girl who accidentally is caught up in the middle of a bloodbath and tries to convince the suitor not to kill someone because killing is bad.
And william is so vicious. And that's exactly what I love him lol I highly recommend you read his route if you want to know who he really is. Just playing the events is not enough.
I noticed playing the events and his bday story that he loves freedom. But it never occurred to me that that was not only because he valued free will, but because it is some sort of kink of his.
While reading his route I have this impression that he is also being selfish doing that. And he is aware of that. After all, he is a villain. So, in the end, he also gains from their freedom.
And he not only applauds people when they do what they want but he is also considering letting people use him as they please in this process.
How many other women did he have sex with just to please them? And that reminds me of liam's route. Because liam and willliam to me look the same when it comes to that. I remember when liam implied he fucked a woman just because she wanted to.
I was shocked they had sex so soon on his route ahahha. I liked that kate was honest saying she wanted to have sex with him. I wonder if it's canon she is a virgin. She doesn't seem to be experienced at all.
But, at the same time, I have this bittersweet feeling that she is going too fast to experience everything she didn't try before without thinking about the consequences. I know in the end she will get what she wants, as she is the MC, but this could have ended up on a REALLY bad note for her because william is not in love with her. And if they say later on that he was in love with her since the beginning, I don't know if I'll buy that tbh. Let's see if I'll change my mind.
Did you imagine if the bad end was william rejecting her after fucking kate over and over again for 1 month? This girl would be devastated.
That being said, I love william to death. He is exactly the bad guy I was looking for - manipulative, strong-willed, seductive, has good manners and he is not ashamed of living his best life.
But I can't self-insert in his route. Kate sometimes seems too emotionally dependent on william for my taste. Luckily, in william's events, I think she has a more pleasant personality and is more independent.
I also love the plot so far. Seeing William exterminating butterfly is so fucking entertaining. He has the most wicked ideas of how to order someone to die.
And the revelation he killed his dad was also shocking to me. As I saw in liam and harrison's route that liam's dad was alive and harrison loved his father, and roger's seems to have a nice or normal relationship with his father, I thought we would get the chance to meet william's dad too. But yeah, that is not gonna happen lmao. And I'm glad william killed his father. That guy was hideous.
I wonder if other people in william's family have that curse as well.
Oh, and harrison was so accurate in describing william here. William is not only cruel when he kills people, but when he flirts with them too, even if it's unintentional.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 52: Epilogue ✍️📲
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: mentions of death (as a memory), nightmares, pregnancy innacuracy probably, soft fluff, Liam's bday party AND ASH'S SECREEEEEEET
A/N: THIS IS A WRAP! Oh my gosh, I still can't believe that this began less than a month ago and it's been a hell of a ride. I've laughed and cried with this fic, I've met beautiful people and I discovered a lot of me while writing it. This isn't the end! I will definitely come to them in the future, Jake and Red have a very special place in my heart and it's time to let them go for a while and focus on the new pair... Rooster and Ash! I hope that some of you stay around for Tasting the Ashes. There's gonna be some mystery and also... well, you'll see. It's gonna be funny and crazy and I love it already.
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It’s been months since that dreadful night, but it feels like yesterday. 
When you walked out of the house, dozens of police officers walked in, guns in hand, ready to get the two men who had kidnapped your kid. Nobody seemed to know yet that you and Gibbs had ended the job. 
Maverick and Rooster were there, playing with Liam, who had woken up at last. Paramedics checked on him, and even though he was fine, they wanted to take him to the hospital to run some tests. Just to make sure that he was completely okay. 
Maverick hugged you two tight, tears running down his face because his kids were okay. Yeah, Mav started to call you Red Mitchell that day. When you asked him what they were doing there, he simply said, “I couldn’t stay behind and do nothing. I came to help.”
It was like getting back the father you had lost so many years ago
Rooster had been taking care of Liam since he woke up and somehow managed to convince him that it had all been a nightmare. Both boys were playing with Liam’s Mater toy that Bradley had brought all the way with him. You almost cried when you heard Liam’s giggles. 
He was okay. Jake was okay. You were okay. 
And so was baby Seresin. She was perfectly fine and healthy. Yes, Jake was right. It was a baby girl, Jake’s little princess. Little Maeve had her father wrapped around her little finger before she was even born. He cried when you told him the name you wanted for her. 
Maeve was his mother’s name. You wanted to remember her in some way because, while she didn't always make the best decisions to protect her son, you could understand her desperation and how she believed that harming her child was the only way to spare him a life of suffering like hers. You had only been in Gregory’s presence for less than an hour, but it was enough to make you consider all the possible options and scenarios. A part of you could understand how scared Maeve must have been. 
While Liam was okay, and you were absolutely glad about it, Jake and you had to face another reality: the aftermath. You couldn’t sleep for weeks without waking up with fast breathing and sweat soaking up your clothes, running to Liam’s room, and checking that he was still there. Jake had it worse; he had to hold Liam’s lifeless body between his arms while your bloody one lay in front of him. He lost it all in his nightmares, just to wake up and realize that his family was there, that Liam was asleep in his room, that you were alive, and your baby bump was growing bigger each week. 
You eventually moved out of the house, filled with so many bad memories that neither of you was able to sleep without nightmares coming to haunt you at least once a week. 
Now both of you live in a beautiful house you bought outside the base with the money Jake inherited. Oh, yeah. A lawyer came to the base a month after the kidnapping, looking for Jake. He had inherited the company, the mansion, and a lot of money, most of it dirty. He didn’t know what to do with it. He asked for advice, but you didn’t think it was your place to say what he should do or not with that money. 
Jake eventually sold the mansion, donated half the money his father had owned in his life to different organizations that helped victims of terrorism or war, orphans, victims of domestic violence, etc. He wanted to give the money to people who really needed it. But he didn’t give it all, because, as much as he wanted to destroy the whole company and dance over its ashes, there were thousands of families that depended on it. Men and women who worked on making those weapons and whose money put food on the table. 
Jake Seresin was the owner of that company, but he didn’t run it. He left that burden to other people. It was better that way. 
He was a Lieutenant Commander now; he didn’t have time to run a company, be a father and the leader of the Dagger Squad. 
It turns out that Jake Seresin had been given a recommendation to get a promotion after the uranium mission, but Cyclone kept it hidden because he didn’t want Jake to become more insufferable than he already was. Or that’s what the ex-vice admiral stated in his court-martial. Jake had received several recommendations over those three years. The first was Maverick's, and that was the one that Cyclone first ignored. The second was by Captain Kerner, after the Dagger Squad worked on a mission under his command. Cyclone also hid that one. The third one was from you; a month after you came to base, watching the spectacular leadership skills he had, you thought that he deserved to be a rank higher than he was.
With all the things that happened, you completely forgot about the recommendation. But when Iceman started investigating Cyclone’s hidden agenda, he found out everything. Jake got promoted the day before Cyclone’s court-martial, so when you two walked in there the next day, Jake had his new shiny badges on, and Cyclone’s face was worth every waiting second. He didn’t actually do anything wrong, just hid information, was an asshole, and tried to get a good aviator kicked out just because he was jealous of him. 
He was dishonorably discharged, and you don’t have to care about him anymore. 
Dagger Squad is now led by two Seresins, even though one of them is gone due to maternity leave. 
“Sweets, are you okay?” 
Jake’s words pull you out of your daydream. “Oh yeah, I was just remembering everything.” 
He sits next to you on the sofa, his hand instantly moving to your belly. He finds it extremely fascinating how there’s a tiny little human inside you, growing every day. “It’s all in the past now, love. Now we have to think about the present.” 
“I still can't believe Liam is turning three today.” You chuckle when Jake presses his lips against your bump. “You love her more than me.” 
“Honey, you are my wife, and I’ll love you till the end of my days. But these kids are the love of my life.” 
You feel tears coming to your eyes at his answer. “You love them more than me?” 
Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing, he knows that this reaction is due to the hormones. This second semester is making you cry a lot. You have been crying at the most random things: you cried when you ran out of peanut butter, when Ava started pre-k, when you and Jake went to the store to buy some new clothes for Liam and the t-shirt you wanted wasn’t in Liam’s size… 
He knows he shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hilarious. “Of course not, Mama Seresin, I love you more.”
“But a parent should love his kids more than anything.” You retort, hot, wet tears running down your face.
“I love your pregnancy hormones.” Jake giggles, kissing your pouty lips and cleaning your face. “We need to go, they’re all waiting at the Hard Deck.” 
Jake goes to get your shoes and helps you wear them. “Penny is so wonderful for closing the Hard Deck to celebrate Liam’s birthday party.” 
“Yeah, she’s the best memaw ever.” 
Charlotte walks in with Liam in his arms. “Someone said party?” 
"Look at her, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jake says, hugging Charlotte, who had been staying a few days with you. 
“I’m not beautiful anymore? Is it because I’m fat? It’s your fault there’s a baby inside me.” You say, crying again. 
Jake doubles in laughter. He loves your pregnancy hormones. 
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“Why would Ash call Rooster instead of me?” You ask Jake, reading the conversation over and over again. 
“I don’t know, love. Perhaps she realized she was in love with him." 
“Nah, Ash doesn’t fall in love that easily.” You explain, watching Javy and Nat walk towards you. “You two are so cute together.” 
“Please, don’t cry again.” Nat begs, caressing your baby bump. “Maeve you need to get out of there soon enough or your mama will fill a pool with her tears.” 
“She needs to stay there for another four months, thank you so much.” 
Rooster walks into the bar, gift in hand, his mustache days are over, and he's rocking a short boxed beard. “I made it! I’m not late! You can’t yell at me.”
“I mean, I could.” Mav says, smacking Rooster’s head. “Why are you late to Liam’s birthday party?” 
“You didn’t read the chat?” 
“No, I was playing with the birthday boy.” Mav looks at his phone and groans. “Son, maybe you should forget about her.” 
“Wait, what? Now that she's looking for me?" Rooster shakes his head. “No chance in hell.”
All of you sigh at the same time, knowing that he’s completely in love with the mysterious girl she has seen a few times. He doesn’t even know how she is in reality, but he’s in love with this idea of her he has. 
“Okay so… now that we’re all here, and before we call the kids inside to start Liam’s party. Penny, my dear, can you come here?” Mav asks, looking around while searching for his wife.
Penny, and Ames too, go to stand next to Mav with a white envelope in her hands. You smile, knowing the secrets that the envelope hides inside. 
“I got a present for you, Jake.” Penny hands the envelope to Jake, and smiles, eyes glistening. “Open it, sweetheart.” 
“It’s not my birthday.” Jake chuckles, opening the white paper envelope and grabbing the folded papers that are inside. He unfolds it and has to sit down when he reads the big black letters at the top of the page. “Adoption papers?” 
“Your life has been an absolute disaster, Jake, and you deserve better than that. You deserve a loving family and doting parents that care for you, celebrate your victories, and are always ready to offer a helping hand in case of need.” Penny explains, hugging Mav’s arm. “And we want to be those parents.” 
“You want to adopt me?” Jake manages to say, nose red, and tears welling up in his eyes. 
“It was my idea, actually.” Ames stands in front of Jake, with a pen in her hand. “You’re my brother, and I want everyone to know that. Want to join the Mitchells?” 
“What happened with Benjamin-Mitchell?” He asks, grabbing Amelia’s pen. 
“It was a mouthful. Now sing those papers, you dingus.” Ames is on the verge of sobbing. 
Jake signs the papers and looks at you. “You knew about this?” 
“Of course I knew. It was a secret.” You kiss his cheek. “Guess we’re the Mitchells now.” 
“A big and loud family.” Penny says, hugging you and Jake, Ames, and Mav joining her too. “Charlotte, can I ask your daughter to call me mom?” 
Charlotte laughs and nods. “She’s gonna need you once I go back home.” 
“She has a boyfriend now. She's gonna leave me and run away with him.” You wink at your mom, and she laughs. You’re happy that she has found another person who loves her as much as your dad did. She deserves it. 
“You have to call me dad now.” Mav says, wiping the tears from his face. 
“Can I call you dad too?” 
You look around, trying to find the owner of the voice. Who said that? You see Ash standing behind Mav. At first, you don’t understand what she’s doing here. 
Then you realize that she just asked Mav if she could call him dad. 
And after that, you see the big baby bump she has. 
“Ash, you're pregnant?” You question, looking at her. “Wait, you want to call Mav da- Oh.” 
“I think I’m lost here.” Penny says, looking at Mav. “You know her?” 
“I-I don’t think so.” Mav glances at Ash, tilting his head. “Do I know you?”
“You remember Barbara?” Ash says, ignoring Rooster, who has moved to stand next to her. He’s going to pass out in a moment. 
“Babs? Your mom is Babs?” Mav looks at Ice, who has been sitting in the back with Mickey and Payback. “Ice, you knew about this?” 
“How was I supposed to know?” He groans, looking at him. 
“Babs was your friend!” 
“That doesn’t mean that she told me every secret she had. And she certainly didn’t tell me about you having a daughter.” Ice places a hand on Ash’s shoulder. “Sweetie, you want to sit down?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay. Twins make the belly look bigger.” 
You get up from your stool, walking over to her with a finger raised. “Excuse me, young lady. You come here on the day of my son’s birthday, and not only have you finally found the man you were looking for all these months, but you also happen to be pregnant with twins, and you didn’t tell me?”
“You would have told Rooster!” 
“And what does Rooster have to do with this?” 
“He’s the father!” 
“He’s what!?” You say, looking at Rooster. “You said you used protection!” 
You point at Ash’s belly. “YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?” 
Rooster looks between you and Ash, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. “This can’t be fucking happening.” 
Jake pats Rooster in the back. “Congrats, man. You’re finally having that baby you wanted.” 
Rooster's face goes blank before he passes out, Jake and Javy catching him before he falls to the floor. 
“Disasters follow this family wherever we go.” You say, sitting down next to Nat, watching as the guys move Rooster to one of the chairs. 
“Well, at least this is a happy disaster.” She says, before raising her beer. “Congratulations, Dada Bradshaw.” 
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dyouknowwhatimean · 5 days
if they've been talking for months then what's crazier that liam didn't say happy bday to noel this year or that he did back when they weren't talking
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onthewaytosomewhere · 6 months
drabble, drabble, drabble
alright so the last couple days I did the drabble-y thing with 2 pairings I've not done as primary parings before using the brownstone servers word of the week - average - so i may as well share them i guess lol
first a bit of slightly smuty-ish Junora (cuz if i'm gonna dive in it might as well be smut)
“Oh fuck,” June moans, her breath is coming in pants, still fluttering around Nora’s fingers. Coming down from what may be her most earth-shattering orgasm. June looks over at Nora’s smile and knows it’s going to her head that she had June screaming down the walls, glad they chose a hotel where no one would know them. “See, I told you it’s better with someone who knows their way and doesn’t struggle to find your clit.” June pulls her into a kiss, tasting herself on Nora’s tongue as she pushes into her mouth. “Well, it was probably average,” she laughs.
and then a bit of liam/pez
Liam understands average well. He’s been average his whole life and felt it, especially in the early years he spent by the side of Alex Claremont-Diaz. So now, when Pez has been wining and dining him for almost 3 months of fancy dinners and parties and quiet nights wrapped up in each other, he doesn’t quite know how to handle it. He's never known such focus and devotion to his desires. He’s completely blown away the first time Percy takes him to bed, making love to him so slowly and entirely that he is a boneless lump when they’re done.
and then a smutty lil bit of liam/pez for @kiwiana-writes for their bday (since i'm gonna 4eva blame ya for my descent into southern philanthropy)
Liam is panting, breaths coming fast, orgasm approaching, Pez over him, hand wrapped around his cock. Mouth nipping at his neck, working the spot where the previous mark he had left faded. His orgasm approaches, and before he can warn Pez, he’s coming hot over his hand, splattering their stomachs with come. “You are so lucky I took my clothes off already, or you’d be in so much trouble for ruining them.” Liam’s brain is only barely functioning, so the next words that leave his mouth should not be a surprise, “Me being in trouble is what got us here.”
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djtommotomlinson · 2 years
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fromherlips · 7 years
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track nineteen: hopeless
“Why didn’t you watch Liam’s performance?” her mum asked.
Jane’s filter had dissipated, her inhibitions lost completely while the explanation slipped carelessly from her lips. “Liam and I aren’t speaking at the moment.”
“Don’t do this,” Sutton mumbled, leaning towards her sister. Jane shook her head, leaning back in her chair while a devious smirk took over her face.
“Why not?” their mum asked, head tilted to the side in confusion.
“Where do I start,” Jane hummed, using the tip of her finger to tap on her chin.
read on tumblr here | story page
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starryevermore · 3 years
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Congratulations and so happy for your sleepover!
🌙 - prompt is l3. “can i go where you go? can we always be this close?”
I’m sure you guessed it but for Ari & Sweetpea of Let’s Ride.
Only if the prompt/pairing works for you! No pressure!! 😊
matching mugs
let’s ride ✧ a biker!ari levinson series | ao3
pairing: biker!ari levinson x single mom!reader
word count: 645
warnings: pet name (sweetpea, baby)
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Date nights with Ari were, perhaps, your favorite nights. It wasn’t often that the two of you could go on a date, just the two of you. Both of you were busy with your jobs, you had Liam…By the time you finally had a chance to relax, you didn’t want to go anywhere. But, once a month, you and Ari would carve out a chunk out of your Saturdays to spend together. Liam would go over to Sarah and Bucky’s or to Jefferson’s or to another friend’s home, and you and Ari would have a whole evening to yourselves.
Date night wasn’t extravagant. It usually wasn’t. Neither you nor Ari were the type of people to go out to an expensive restaurant or spend an egregious amount of money on a date. That was the way you preferred it. You didn’t need grand gestures to know that Ari loved you. All you needed, all you wanted, was him.
Most date nights, the two of you would go to Redwing or browse the aisles of Target or go out for ice cream. But today was different. One of those pottery shops with the pre-made pieces that you could paint had opened up, and you’d been itching to go in and paint some things.
You had chosen a dish that was shaped like a flower, thinking that it would be a good place for you to throw your keys in when you first walk into your home. Ari picked out a pair of mugs, but refused to tell you his plan for it. Said he wanted it to be a surprise, that he was sure you would love it but he wanted to wait to show you the finished product. And, well, who were you to protest when he looked at you with his pretty blue eyes?
Ari sat across from you, the paintbrush looking small in his large hands. His tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth as he painted, completely focused on his craft. Every so often, you would look up, and wonder what it was that he was making. The question ate at you. You so desperately wanted to ask, but you knew he would only tell you you had to wait. So, you held your tongue on the matter, instead chatting about things that have been going on at each other's work, little things that have made your day, and the like.
Eventually, he finished, a proud smile on his face as he looked at his creations. He waited until you finished, showing him your dish. "That's so pretty, sweetpea," he said. "Almost as pretty as you."
Heat rose to your face. It was almost embarrassing how easily he had an effect on you, even after all these months. "Thank you, baby. What did you make?"
Ari spun the mugs around, and your hand flew up to cover your mouth. The first mug had a painting of a sweetpea flower, and the second had a painting of the logo for Falcon's Flock. "His and her mugs," he explained. "Wanted to do something a little more personal, though."
You squinted, realizing that there were words below the pictures. "What does it say?"
"They're lyrics to that song you always sing. 'Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?'...It's a Taylor Swift song, I think," he said.
"Oh, Ari, that's so sweet," you gushed, feeling tears well up in your eyes. "Now I wish I made something for you."
"You already have, sweetpea. You've made me the happiest man in the world."
"Most people say that after they get married."
"Don't worry, we'll do that soon. For now, matching mugs. Later, we'll get matching rings."
"I love you so much."
"And I love you too. Now let's go pay for these then go get lunch, yeah?"
come celebrate my bday with me!
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sincerelyella · 3 years
Fragments - happy birthday Anitah!
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: past Liam x MC (Charlotte Brooks)
Song inspiration: If The World Was Ending by JP Sax & Julie Michaels
All characters belong to Pixelberry except for Charlotte Brooks and Sonia who belong to @ao719​.
Summary: Anitah did a one shot called Walked Through Hell where we follow Liam for a year after he and Charlotte say goodbye. I thought I’d write one that follows Charlotte.
-> this is part of the Full Disclosure series. There are some excerpts that are meant as flashbacks and dreams from @ao719​‘s mini series FD: The Beginning that will be italicized and indented. I did not write these excerpts.
A/N: Anitah. You live in the future and I am sleepy so I’m posting your bday fic right now because I couldn’t waaaaaait. I don’t want to write a huge blubbery mess of a paragraph about how I love you lot and I appreciate your friendship. That kind of paragraph would be embarrassing for me LOL just kidding, but I do love and appreciate you. The highlight of my day is getting a TikTok video from you or a picture with something hilarious on it or something that I will probably swoon over. Venting with you about ER nurses making me cringe with the shit they do LOL Sending songs back and forth and lyrics about certain stories of yours that I am obsessed with - it’s just the best. Thank you for being you and I hope you have a great day and many more years to come!
A/N2: Also, yes, I wrote Charlotte and I apologize in advance since it’s not even close to as great as how you write her LOL
It took a village because I am a hot ass mess. @dcbbw​ @burnsoslow​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @cocomaxley​ thank you for always being in my corner and helping an annoying me with this fic. Love you!
Warnings: angst; the weird things Charlotte Brooks tends to say, do, or attempt; adult language; vulgar and or sexual insinuations
Words: 4789 -> well it’s safe to say I got carried away 😫
I know, you know, we know, You weren't down for forever 
And it's fine
I know, you know, we know, We weren't meant for each other 
And it's fine
1 month
Charlotte Brooks was a damn mess. She felt as if her life had fallen apart and the fragments were floating around her, just out of her reach. She chose to stay in New York after saying goodbye to Liam. It was the hardest thing she had ever had to do, and every day she wondered if she made the right decision. Charlotte was heartbroken, but not in the way she had been after the coronation ball. With the King Father refusing to come forward to clear her name, coupled with being unable to find Tariq, Charlotte felt as if she had no choice but to leave Cordonia. Watching Liam marry Madeleine was out of the question and she refused to do it, no matter how much she loved him.
“But I think it’s clear now that you were only mine to love … never mine to keep. And as much as it’s going to break me … I have to walk away … I have to let you go, Liam …”
Her words haunted her on repeat the first couple of weeks. Her freezer was stuffed to the brim with Chunky Monkey ice cream and her kitchen was full of cookies, brownies, and cake. She missed him. Her heart ached every single day, and everything about New York reminded her of him. Charlotte would see him whenever she would walk around her neighborhood to clear her head. When she went back to the bar she used to work at to get her job back, she saw Liam, Drake, Max, and Tariq in the booth, laughing and joking with each other. It was like a flashback that Charlotte had no control over. When she enrolled for the last few credits needed at Fordham for her journalism degree, she thought she saw Liam outside the registrar’s office, hands in his pockets, grinning proudly at her.
This is fucking crazy. I’m going crazy. Charlotte rubbed her hand over her eyes and the image of Liam disappeared. She let out a breath and fought the urge she had every day for the last 30 days to call him. After getting a quick lunch, she found herself walking, and only tripping twice without falling, but to where she had no idea.
Moments later, her eyes widened as she realized where her legs and brain took her. It was the pier overlooking the Hudson, where she waited with Liam all that time ago for a ferry to the Statue of Liberty. Charlotte walked toward the railing and gripped it with both hands, her knuckles turning white. The haze from the cloudy day in New York sat grimly over the water as she watched the waves hit the pier over and over.
Liam finally looked down at Charlotte with a grateful smile. “Thank you, Charlotte. I can’t tell you how much it means that you would go out of your way to make this a reality for me.”
Charlotte gasped and blinked rapidly as the flashback hit her. She remembered how she wanted to kiss him that night so she stepped back and almost fell over, like a clumsy idiot. But that kiss though … When he kissed her, everything felt so right.
Stop. She chastised herself for thinking about kissing Liam Rys. Why did she even come to see Lady Liberty anyway? Charlotte realized that she had tears running down her cheeks and she swiped them away with a growl.
2 months
This is a new low, Charlotte thought to herself as she sat on her couch in her living room, surrounded by all kinds of chocolates, sweets, and candies. In her lap, she had a large container of Chunky Monkey, on the TV, If Only played on Netflix, and in her depressed state all she did was cry.
I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. I loved you since I met you, but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead, making decisions soaked with fear ... Today, because of you ... what I learned from you; every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed ... and I've learned that if you do that, then you're living your life fully ... it doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha if not for today, if not for you I would never have known love at all ... So thank you for being the person who taught me to love ... and to be loved.
“He loves you, Samantha,” she wailed as she shoved more ice cream in her mouth. “He has loved you since he met you.”
Charlotte’s eyes fluttered shut and a still shot of Liam smiling down at her, his hand outstretched to show her the garden maze flashed through her brain. She dropped her spoon on the floor, causing her to jump. Her eyes flew open. “Oh fudgesicle, that was a waste.”
3 months
Charlotte kept busy with school and work and didn’t dare go to Liberty Island nor the pier on the Hudson again; it hurt too much. She was still getting flashbacks though, and the last one was of Liam teaching her to ice skate in Lythikos -- sort of -- she still fell on her face. Charlotte remembered Liam’s laugh and it made her giggle and cry at the same time just thinking about it.
She had begun to intern at the Herald and was hoping to use that experience to apply for the New York Times. Charlotte had met someone that already worked there named Sonia while getting her morning latte at Coffee Brew House. Sonia bought her another cup of coffee because Charlotte had gotten her heel stuck in one of the cracks on the tile floor and spilled hers in her hair.
Charlotte changed her phone number but still kept Max, Drake, and Olivia’s contact information; she didn’t have the heart to delete them. When she wasn’t studying or working, Charlotte watched If Only and wept, sometimes throwing things at her TV or both.
Her phone rang on the couch cushion next to her and she saw Daniel’s face on the screen. “Talk to me.”
“Hey, are you sitting there watching that dumb movie again?”
“You betcha,” she sniffled and shoved a chocolate chip cookie in her mouth.
“I’m coming over.”
“No, I’m-” Charlotte heard the line go dead and rolled her eyes.
About 15 minutes later, Charlotte heard a key rattle around in the lock and the door flew open. “Your best friend is here!” Daniel walked inside, arms in the air, wearing an orange velour tracksuit.
“You are not my-” Charlotte began to snort. “Oh my God, what the fuck is that?”
“Laugh it up,” Daniel motioned for more. “I did this to cheer you up. You’ve been a hot mess since-”
“Don’t!” Charlotte shook her head vehemently. “We no longer speak of that.”
“Fine.” Daniel shook his head, knowing Charlotte would want to talk about it later on after several more spoonfuls of ice cream. He slumped onto the couch next to his friend and picked up the remote control off the couch cushion. He looked over when he heard more snorting. “What now?”
Charlotte couldn’t contain her giggles. “You look … like a … homeless pencil!” She threw her head back in loud laughter.
4 months
Charlotte was angry. It was one of the steps of grief, right? Depression came first, now it’s anger. Okay, but to be fair, she’s either sad, angry, or laughing like a lunatic. She was at her computer, typing away, alternately eating her ice cream and looking over what she had written.
A nobility social season refers to the traditional annual period when it is customary for members of a social elite society to hold balls, dinner parties, and charity events. The social season has always played a role in the political life of the countries that host such events. But the season also provides an opportunity for once of age women to be formally introduced and presented before the men of nobility. Take, as an example, the small country of Cordonia that lies in the Mediterranean.
I was fortunate enough to be asked to travel to Cordonia to compete for a Prince’s hand during his social season.
Or so I thought …
The cursor blinked at her, waiting for her to put in the next paragraph or so. No. Charlotte moved to delete the whole thing entirely. Her finger froze over the delete button and she stared at her words with narrowed eyes, then she shrugged and continued to type. This will never see the light of day anyway.
5 months
Daniel, Charlotte, and Sonia were sitting in a booth at the small hole-in-the-wall bar that the two used to work at months earlier.
“So,” Sonia took a sip of her drink. “You met him here.”
Charlotte nodded and took a large gulp of her wine.
“She lost our bet and met four hot guys,” Daniel scowled as he tipped his head back and finished his beer.
“They were hot,” Charlotte smirked and thought back to how she ran into Liam and fell mere seconds after meeting him.
“What’s he like?” Sonia studied her friend’s face, wondering if she should have asked that.
The first time Liam brought her to the hedge maze on Charlotte’s first night in Cordonia flashed through her mind.
He’s got really big hands. You know what they say about guys with big hands …
Charlotte took another sip of wine. “His hands were so big and warm,” she said dreamily. “I wanted to fall asleep in them like Thumbelina.” Daniel and Sonia threw their heads back in laughter as Charlotte’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
“Big hands means big … feet,” Daniel snorted as his laughter got louder.
“And socks,” Sonia added through another bout of giggles. “Also penises.”
Charlotte’s hands were over her face in embarrassment. “I got drunk that first night … when I … said goodbye.”
“Don’t blame you, babe,” Sonia gave her a small smile.
“I wrote out these texts to him all night but thank God I had enough sense to not send them,” she dug out her phone from her purse and handed it to Daniel.
“You?” Daniel’s brow arched. “Enough sense? Doesn’t sound like Charlotte Brooks.”
She flipped him off.
Daniel scrolled through Charlotte’s texts, Sonia looking over his shoulder. “You wrote to Liam and said, ‘I miss the way your hand smells?’”
Sonia snorted.
“Did you just write a whole Jewel song here?” Daniel’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Oh!” Sonia exclaimed. “Is it You Were Meant For Me?”
Charlotte was starting to think this was a mistake.
Daniel’s brows furrowed. “You wanna buy a goat with him?”
Charlotte snatched her phone away from him in a huff and deposited it back in her purse. “Some friends you guys are,” she mumbled.
6 months
Sonia and Charlotte walked down the sidewalk to meet Daniel for a drink.
“Look!” Charlotte pointed down an alleyway where two bums seemed to be fighting over a bag of food.
“Let’s go, Char!” Sonia pulled her friend’s hand quickly past the tussle. “We don’t want them thinking we have food or money for them.”
Charlotte had stopped walking and her eyes rolled back and before shutting.
Charlotte yelped as they slammed into the dresser before hitting the wall. She watched as Drake shoved Tariq away from him and his fist came across his jaw, knocking him to the ground once again. “I believe she told you to leave!” Drake barked. 
“Look, this is clearly just a misunderstanding on your part, Drake,” Tariq said, rising to his feet as he rubbed his jaw.
“There’s nothing about me telling you to leave and using the word no that you should misunderstand, you fucking creep!”
She opened her eyes with a gasp, her hand on her chest as she heaved for air, her eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t even thought about the reason she and Liam didn’t end up engaged after all this time; Charlotte purposely pushed the memory down so that she would forget. If Drake didn’t come to my rescue, her breath hitched. She kind of missed talking to Drake, their banter, their back and forth shit-talking, their friendship was one of a kind. He was like her annoying big brother that protected her even when Liam wasn’t around, even though she always ended up physically hurting him one way or another. She supposed that was friendship, right?
“Charlotte! Are you having a stroke?”
“Oh,” she blinked and Sonia’s concerned face came into focus. “I’m just … a crazy person. I’m fine,” Charlotte smiled. “Let’s go before Daniel throws a fit we’re late.”
7 months
Standing in a line at a coffee shop, waiting to put in her order, Charlotte was pulled into a conversation by the man behind her. He was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes; she didn’t even reach his shoulders with heels. Charlotte’s mind flashed and she saw Liam for a moment, then shook her head slightly.
“I’m Carson, and you are?” His hand went out towards her.
She accepted the handshake but found herself disappointed. He doesn’t have an accent. Charlotte made brief small talk until it was her turn to order. She quickly paid and then speed-walked -- don’t fall, don’t trip, don’t embarrass yourself -- over to Sonia at the other side of the counter. The owner of the shop removed all the rugs from the floors and had a sign up that read ‘Number of days fall free for CB’. It was Sonia’s idea. Charlotte glared up at the sign. That bitch had to put my business out there. Her record was three days.
“Hey,” Sonia nudged Charlotte with her elbow. “I thought you were hitting it off with that guy.”
Charlotte gave her a look. “Why would you think that?”
“He was giving you googly eyes!”
“No, he wasn’t, and … he’s not my type,” Charlotte looked around and hoped he didn't stand next to her to wait for his order.
“Not your type?” Sonia arched her brow. “Blonde hair, blue eyes, really tall … he checks the boxes, Char.”
He’s not Liam. That's a big box to check. “I, um … hedidnthaveanaccent.”
Sonia leaned closer, pretty sure she just heard what she heard. “I’m sorry, what?”
Charlotte let out a breath then whispered, “He didn’t have an accent.”
Sonia threw her head back in laughter.
“Will. You. Shut. Up.” Charlotte hissed and pinched her friend’s arm.
“I’m sorry, but he does have an accent.”
Charlotte gave her side-eye.
“It’s just a New York accent,” she smirked. “Nobody here is going to sound like Liam.”
Charlotte sighed. “I don’t expect everyone here to sound like Liam.”
“Sounds like you do.”
“Well, I don’t.”
8 months
Daniel wouldn’t take her “sorry excuses” and set her up with some guy from his gym. Since when did Dan go to the gym? She thought as she narrowed her eyes at the hotdog cart she was instructed to stand next to. The fire from the grill on it reminded her about the time she set the hot tub on fire in Lythikos. Her cheeks reddened at the memory, because moments before, Liam’s hand was … never mind. Charlotte shook her head to try to erase the thoughts. With a huff, she fixed a bored expression on her face and waited … and waited. After ten minutes, Charlotte looked at her watch and sighed. I am going to squeeze Daniel’s trachea.
A blonde man jogged over and right up to Charlotte. Her neck tilted to the side at him and she couldn’t stop her bewildered expression. He wore basketball shorts that were … very short and a black mesh gym tank top and smiled brightly. “Hi! Are you Charlotte? I’m Brock!” Of all the douchebag names …
“Yes, I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you,” she plastered a fake smile and took note that this guy was a good three inches shorter than her, and she had flats on. What the damn hell happens when I wear heels? I am going to be the Jolly Green Giant, she scowled as Brock continued to talk about himself. Jolly Green Giant … giant … Liam. Her eyes widened at her thoughts. She blinked once and tried to push thoughts of Liam out of her mind. Charlotte focused on this shorty in front of her, talking on and on about his investment in a small gym down the street. “He’s like, stopped blinking. He’s just got this crazy energy. Is that normal? Is this what people on drugs look like?”
Brock had stopped talking.
Charlotte’s hand clamped over her mouth. “Oh! Oh noooo, I uh … any chance you didn’t hear that?”
“Everyone always asks if I’m on drugs!” Brock yelled as he threw his hands up in the air and walked away.
“Sorry!” She called out after him. When he kept on walking, she shrugged and got in line for a hotdog.
9 months
Charlotte needed a breather. She walked up to her apartment from the cab and sighed at her feet aching in her heels. She knew Sonia and Daniel meant well, but the guys they were trying to introduce her to every time they were out were not the business. One wore a patch over his eye because he loved pirates, another had a change-maker attached to his belt and was showing it off to everyone in the bar, another man looked like the actor Armie Hammer and Charlotte thought she was going to faint. When she found out it wasn't Armie, she lost interest, then proceeded to trip and landed face-first into his crotch.
Charlotte knew that a sane person would move on, would try to start dating as a normal woman would, but she didn’t want to move on. She didn’t want to start dating. She wanted Liam and she wondered if he thought about her sometimes. She was so lost in her thoughts as she walked into her place that she didn’t realize the shower was running in her bathroom. Charlotte kicked off her heels, padded into her bedroom, and narrowed her eyes.
“What the actual fuck?” Her eyes widened. “Oh my God, someone is here to rape me!” She quickly snatched her lamp off the bedside table and unplugged it, holding it up like a weapon. The door to the bathroom opened, the steam blinding her for a moment and she screeched, “Die!”
“Ahh!” Daniel screamed, naked as a blue jay. “Charlotte!! I told you I was going to shower here!”
She dropped the lamp onto the floor and quickly covered her eyes like the sight of him blinded her. “Where are your clothes, Dan?! What kind of person waltzes out of someone else’s bathroom naked?!” Charlotte stormed out of her room, or tried to, and ran right into a bedroom wall. “Ow.”
“Are you-” Daniel was at her side immediately.
“No!” Charlotte waved her arms in the air like she was going to karate chop her friend. “No touchie while nakie!” Daniel stifled a laugh as she stood carefully, eyes still shut tightly, and felt her way out of the room. “Fucking get a towel!”
Sonia walked into the apartment. “What’s with all the yelling?”
Charlotte flung her arm out towards her bedroom. “Daniel decided to shower and then walk out into the room naked! I saw his peepee and bubbles!”
“Are you five years old? Who says ‘peepee’ and ‘bubbles?’” Sonia demanded. 
“I had a date to get ready for and they shut off my water,” Dan strolled into the living room with his jeans pulled on but not buttoned, his shirt dangling from his shoulder as he dried off his hair.
“That’s my towel,” Charlotte whined. “Seriously?”
Sonia shook her head and turned to shut and deadbolt the door. “Something is wrong with both of you.”
Charlotte sat on the couch, Sonia sitting next to her as they talked about Dan’s planned date and Charlotte’s lack of interest in dates. “I told you guys, I don’t want to see anyone right now, I just want to work.”
“You don’t want to see anyone because all you see is Liam,” Sonia pointed out. “I’m trying to help you see other people.”
“She compares every guy to Liam,” Daniel stated. “You overthink way too much, Char, if you were a man you’d have a very hard time getting an erection.”
Sonia wrinkled her nose. “Wait, you have a theory about that?”
10 months
“But I also know the weight of the crown. It’s heavy … and I don’t want to place that burden on you if you’re not ready … or if you don’t want it.”
Liam felt Charlotte’s hand on his cheek, and he glanced back up just as she leaned in, pressing her lips to his. They parted a moment later and she smiled at him. “It wouldn’t matter what world we were in … or what job you had … I want to be with you, Liam. No matter what.”
Charlotte gasped and sat straight up in bed. Her hair was in every which way, she had dried drool on the side of her mouth, and her chest heaved for air. She still saw images of Liam in the city, but now she was having dreams of their time together during the social season and the engagement tour.
She climbed out of bed and padded to the bathroom. “I’m a fucking crazy ass,” she mumbled to herself. “I thought I was off before but now it’s confirmed.”
The morning shower made her feel a little better but still sleepy and she walked out into the living room, Daniel and Sonia sitting on her couch. Charlotte screamed. “What the fuck!”
“Hi, Sleepyhead,” Sonia said in a singsong voice. “It’s eleven in the morning, we thought you died.”
“Eleven in the-” Charlotte looked at the clock on the wall with widened eyes. She never slept in late.
“So here we are, to save the day,” Daniel stood from the couch, put his hands on Charlotte’s shoulders, and shook gently. “You okay?”
“Well, now that people have broken into my apartment and scared the crap out of me, I’m great.” She moved away from them into the kitchen, where a cup of coffee was waiting for her. Charlotte smiled and grabbed it, her first sip clearing the fog in her brain. “Thanks for the coffee,” she shot a knowing look to Sonia and sat next to her.
“I wanted to tell you something,” Sonia smiled as Charlotte nodded. “You got the job at the Times.”
“What?!” Charlotte squealed, almost spilling coffee on herself. “Really? Why didn’t your boss call?”
“Andrew did call, but someone was getting their beauty sleep,” Sonia’s brow was arched. “I covered for you and said you were probably at the Herald working with some no-named reporter and missed his call.”
Charlotte let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you, I’m going to call him back!” She set her coffee down onto the table, jumped up off of the couch, and jogged to her bedroom. Sonia and Daniel almost immediately heard a loud thump.
“I’m okay!”
11 months
They parted a few moments later, both breathless, and Liam took her left hand in his. Charlotte saw him smile as his thumb and forefinger played with her bare ring finger.
“Why are you smiling like that?” she chuckled.
Liam’s smile grew into a full-blown grin as he let out a laugh that sounded almost like disbelief. “Because in about 20 minutes, you’re going to be my fiancée.”
Charlotte lay in bed from a deep sleep, tears streaking down her cheeks. It had been 11 months since she last saw or spoke to Liam or anyone in Cordonia. It was something she had been adamant about because opening up that box would probably have killed her emotionally. She knew she would love Liam for as long as she was breathing, but love isn’t a feeling. Love is what you do despite what you feel. Love is fighting for the good of someone else, even if you never see the value or the sacrifice you made for them. Liam Rys would never be hers to keep and she stood by that. Charlotte worried she made the wrong decision in the beginning, letting go of the love of her life. But now, she knew she did the right thing. She wanted him to be happy, and she hoped he was.
Like she did every morning, she wiped her tears away, slid out of bed, and sleepily walked to the bathroom. Her friends were trying to set her up on blind dates even after she said she didn’t want to. Charlotte thought about her last conversation with Sonia the night before.
“What happened to the guy at the bar?”
Charlotte arched her brow at her friend. “What do you mean?”
“You both were chatting it up and then I saw his face when you walked away. What did you say to him, Charlotte?”
“I said have a good night!” She snapped.
Sonia stared at her.
“He didn’t smell … right,” Charlotte chewed on the inside of her cheek as she looked at anything but her friend.
Sonia’s expression turned confused. “Did he smell like a ball sack?”
“Not … exactly,” Charlotte pursed her lips. “Also, what would a ball sack smell like?”
Sonia gave her a stern look. “Don’t change the subject,” she pointed a finger at her accusingly. “He didn’t smell like Liam, did he?”
Charlotte sighed. “No, he didn’t.”
“Come on, just some diddles, you haven’t been diddled in almost a year, Char!” Sonia’s eyes were wide. “You’re heartbroken, not dead!”
“I’m just … not into it,” she sniffled and ignored the sting in her eyes. “All these guys remind me that they’re not Liam,” she whispered. Charlotte gulped her wine and grimaced as she swallowed. “I’ll be okay … hopefully sooner rather than later.”
12 months
I thought I said no to blind dates, why am I here? Charlotte thought to herself as she gripped her clutch in her hand. She wore heels this time, to ensure whoever was showing up was taller than her. A blonde-haired man sauntered up to her; he was dressed in a white polo shirt, dark blue dress pants, and loafers. Charlotte’s eyes traveled up his body and took in his blue eyes. Don’t think about Liam, don’t think about Liam.
“Hi,” he gave her a soft smile and held out his hand. “My name is Asher. Charlotte, I presume?”
“Yes,” she reached out to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“I must say, you have a nice neck,” his smile grew wider as he stared at the hollow of her throat.
Her brows furrowed. “I’m sorry?”
“Your neck,” he bit his bottom lip as he continued to stare. “It’s nice.”
Charlotte narrowed her eyes at him. “Aw really? Not my knuckles or the skin behind my ear?”
Asher’s eyes flew up to meet hers. “Well, I’m sure those are very attractive areas as well.” She felt his eyes rove over her and she felt like she had bugs crawling on her body as she watched him. Then, to her horror, he reached down to adjust himself.
Her patience snapped. “Oh my God, are you having a Groundhog Day situation going on?”
Before he could answer, Charlotte heard her phone chime in her clutch and her eyes widened with an idea. “Excuse me, I need to take this.”
With a nod from Asher, she stepped away, put her phone on silent, and pretended to make a phone call. “Sonia? What’s wrong? … An emergency?! Oh my God, what happened?! … Okay, I’ll be right there!” With a smirk, she put her phone away and walked back toward the creep. “I am so sorry, but my friend Sonia called me with an emergency and I gotta go, bye!”
Not waiting for an answer, Charlotte speed walked away from a sputtering Asher, praying that she didn’t face plant as she made her exit. I am going to kill Daniel.
She slowed her speed and later found herself at the same pier overlooking the Hudson. There stood the majestic Statue of Liberty, and she smiled. It had been a year, a whole year without Liam, but she could safely say that the sight of Lady Liberty didn’t rip her heart out like it first did. Maybe … just maybe … she was going to be okay. “I miss you, Liam,” she whispered out into the wind and it carried her words towards Lady Liberty. “I hope you’re doing okay.”
It's been a year now, I think I've figured out how
How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out
I know, you know, we know, You weren't down for forever 
And it's fine
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acrosstobear · 3 years
every month of 2021!
post your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year. (it’s okay to skip months!) i was tagged by the lovely Shona @formulaoneisajoke like ages ago, and i wasn’t gonna do this but it ended up being really nice to look back on my year and see how far i’ve come so thank you for tagging me babes ❤️
i’m pretty sure the whole world of F1blr has been tagged in this but i’ll use the opportunity to highlight some of my favourite creators of 2021, i strongly encourage you follow and support them!! @oscar-piastri @brawn-gp @juncosracing @yukitsunoda @lewishamlton @callumilott @liam-lawson
January: not too many original posts this month; my most popular post was my Merc!George edit (second ever fancam 😊) but i think my favourite post was Callum edit to Streets cause lord, man’s still a snack
February: most popular post was my Valentine’s Day Schulott edit which im still really happy with, though i have to say that my Mick Ocean Eyes edit is a fun one, i’m pleased with how i timed the clips/lyrics etc.
March: by far the most popular was Mick’s 22nd bday edit, which i made at 3 AM the night before lol, but there’s absolutely nothing that i’m more proud of than my first ever Schulott fic Foundations
April: once again we’ve got two Mick edits that were most popular -- my Mick thirst edit and the insane Canceled edit, but my personal fave was my Lewis Fashion King edit cause i just adore the man
May: eeek this month i got all sappy and made an edit about how much Schulott obviously love each other, but i’m also a big fan of these Mick gifs from his Sky Sports featurette
June: featuring my first F1 post to hit 1k notes (cheer up Mick!! watching germany lose at footie), but it was also a very creative month, since it’s when Lauren @formulaur and i published and wrote most of Collegiate Affairs
July: another 1k+ notes post with an emotional Mick x Michael x doggos edit, while most of my other bigger posts were motorcycle Mick pics, but i wanna highlight my moon sun and stars -- Callum being a smiley babe on stream
August: biggest F1 post ever with my gifs of Mick & Seb post race in Hungary, but sparing a shoutout to my unhinged text post about Mick after the summer break that got over 700 notes 😂
September: my two most popular posts saw me get involved in the gremlin ship that is Nortrell (they are fond on each :sigh:) and Mick’s acting career for Sky Sports (it’s a good thing he’s pretty)
October: my compilation of Mick and his serial killer tendencies was my most popular post but i’m particularly pleased with this gifset of Lando being an attention goblin
November: ahhhhh yes the infamous Lando 22 bday edit!!!! i worked on this for 2 weeks straight and i’m beyond proud of how it turned out (and also overwhelmed with how well it was received 🥺). gonna throw in Callum’s bday edit as a bonus cause he’s Just Some Guy, but he’s my Just Some Guy
December: somehow the biggest month?? i have to highlight the 12 Days of Mickmas, cause it pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, but my biggest post by far was a pic of Mick & some birbs 😂 also still aggressively heartbroken and letting it take over in my Amanda Gorman x abu dhabi injustice edit and the Nortrell breakup edit 😭
it’s a mixed bag of fics and videos and gifs but i had a truly wonderful year in 2021 making all kinds of fun stuff and i can’t wait to do it all over again in 2022 ❤️ thank you all for the love!!!!
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meyhew · 4 years
liam kicking off 1d’s bday month with a fake lirry facetime is so cruel and on brand... .. watch me think it’s a manip even when they post smth legit 
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
But I want to know your theory. :(
ok ok i guess i’ll spill…i was kinda hesitant to share just cause i’m still not all that solid in my belief in it myself but basically it seems like maybe ziam has made it a tradition to have some kind of couples trip most years (if not every year) in february ever since 2014…
(btw for future reference this ask is a continuation of this ask re ziam both being publicly in vegas earlier this year)
ugh sorry guys! hit enter by accident and posted this wayyyy before i was anywhere near finished lol…this will be updated within the hour (if it doesn’t take me too long to get my thoughts out)
narrator: she did not finish it within the hour.
ok so part of the reason i’ve been hesitant to share this is because a good portion of it is VERY speculative and just based on a lot of guesswork and assumptions, but also there’s the fact that it feels like this is something major that more people in the fandom (or at least someone, other than little ass me lol) would have noticed before now and it kind of freaks me out that maybe no one else has?? (unless ofc i just haven’t happened to see any other posts there are about it idk)… 
also fyi a lot of what i propose throughout this is heavily based on info from this post just to make sure i remember to site my sources before we get into it lol
alright now onto the actual theory…
SO. all this started with me scrolling through old posts from late 2013/early 2014 and being reminded of the fuckery that was zayn’s bday that year (with the douche canoe crew and everyone pretending like liam was barely there as seemingly some sort of weird over-the-top cover-up)…the same party that seemed kinda like liam’s possible “introduction” to the malik family as more than just zayn’s friend/as his possible significant other. which was also only a month after that suspicious engagement-looking ring first showed up on zayn’s ring finger in december 2013 from bts midnight memories mv footage (and which stayed around as a necklace throughout january 2014 and early febuary 2014 right before the first appearance/debut of the mandala tat in mid feb). 
bts midnight memories mv with the ring in view - dec 2013:
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(suspicious?) malik family outing/celebration with the ring in view - dec (or possibly late nov?) 2013:
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[putting the rest under the cut cause as per usual with me this got insanely long]
liam and aunt zileh at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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liam and one of the little cousins at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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then sometime in between late jan and early feb 2014 liam went on a trip to barbados with his whole family (and supposedly also sophia lol more on that later*) while zayn was SUPPOSEDLY still home and steadily “posting” pics of himself at home with various members of his family (with the ring on a necklace clearly visible in the pics lol), anddd as some have also pointed out his hair was suspiciously unchanged in these pics despite his claim of getting a haircut BEFORE most of the pics were posted lol
zayn in family pics with the ring on a necklace - late jan/early feb 2014 (sorry i’m not the one who cropped his fam out lol):
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but yet we’re supposed to believe zayn - who had just gotten awarded the asian ambassadorship for the VERY FIRST time - mysteriously (and willingly) MISSED the ceremony on feb. 5th with absolutely no explanation. which…we all know how big a deal that was to him from the way he talked about it and how honored he was when he went in 2015…which begs the question if he was really just home not doing much of anything at the time in 2014 why in the world would he just pass/bail on that HUGE HONOR with no explanation??? mayhaps because he was actually already an ocean away with liam and fam in barbados celebrating his engagement (and getting his own “introduction” to the payne family) and literally COULD NOT ATTEND?
anyway so then, we have him getting the mandala tat around feb 18th 2014 - or at least this is the day he debuted it on his old ig, so the date may be a few days off from when he actually got it - but this still would’ve been shortly after they got back from the barbados trip when he debuted this particular tat (aka another solidification of the engagement??) 
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THEN we get the very first ig ziam likes from the famous and beloved aunt zileh (!!!) in this same month (still feb for reference, but she continues steadily and heavily liking stuff all the way through april when she seems to cool down again). fast forward to the 2014 brits at the end of february where we have the infamous moment with 1) ziam giddy as fucking ever, 2) zayn whispering into and practically mawling liam’s neck in public, 3) liam talking about how it was great to “fill each other in” on what they were up to during their break while zayn’s just steady standing there smiling like a loon and then 4) liam still later being like ‘you don’t wanna know’ when asked what he got up to (and zayn still grinning like a fool)
ziam being gross at brits 2014:
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so to sum up so far: 1) one of them possibly proposed around nov/dec 2013 (or that’s my best guess anyway based on the evidence lol), 2) then zayn shows up with a suspiciously-engagement-looking ring in dec 2013, 3) then all the weirdness with liam’s attendance at zayn’s bday party a month later (possibly also liam’s formal intro to the malik family), 4) then liam takes his barbados trip with his fam (and supposedly sophia lol*) just a couple weeks later while “zayn” stays home and posts family pics (but is very likely secretly on the trip with liam lol which is also possibly zayn’s formal intro the payne family and a belated celebration of their engagement), 5) and then we get the beginning of aunt zileh’s likes, 6) the debut of zayn’s mandala tat, 7) and the 2014 brits wildness…all in the space of like 3 months. and most of it happening in FEBRUARY. what a wild fucking journey right?
*side note/fun fact: liam and his fam were posting stuff regularly throughout the duration of the barbados vacay but there were literally zero pics of sophia posted from this trip until like dec 2014 or sometime around then when like ONE random pic suddenly surfaced/was posted and lots of ppl had already speculated that sophia was never there in the first place so once this one pic came up that idea got upgraded to people theorizing that they maybe had some of the fam go back a second time later in the year just to stage take photos to retroactively prove/authenticate the narrative that sophia was there lol
but anyway so back to the actual matter at hand - most of that shit happened in february right? specifically the barbados trip (aka the possible engagement celebration trip)…and when i was talking about all this to a friend we realized ZIAMI WAS ALSO IN FEBRUARY. AND SO WAS THIS YEAR’S VEGAS SHIT. AND THEN. AND THEN. My friend did some research and there was apparently this little known/barely talked about article (or at least barely talked about that i’m aware of) about liam taking a TRIP TO THE MALDIVES IN FEBRUARY 2016… which coincidentally (or not lol considering these shady ass hoes) is also around the same time he got his 4 tattoo (I believe this was the first article, or at least one of the first articles, that mentioned the tat’s debut) 
specifically on liam’s wrist in preparation for the 2016 brits (photo posted to his brits stylist’s ig on feb 23rd). and he didn’t take it off till like june.
so. quick timeline:
february 2016 - maldives trip and debut of liam’s 4 tattoo (around feb 21st); debut of cartier bracelet via liam (feb 23rd); (there was also that valentine’s day roses pic liam posted feb 14th of this year which was quite interesting considering he and c hadn’t even been officially announced as a “thing” yet…ofc we know it still got retroactively attributed to her anyway but whatever, we all know who it was really for lol 😏)
february 2017 - i don’t have anything on this year, partly cause i stopped paying as close attention due to heavy ramping up of stunts, although if anyone has more concrete info on this period that hints at anything please do hit me up and i will add it in, but anyway just based on a little light research there does appear to be a good period of inactivity from both of them during this time (as in both of them had quite a bit of time in february where they were pretty inactive on sm, not being papped, and essentially mia and would have potentially had time to go on a private trip) - UPDATE: HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BUT THIS IS THE YEAR LIAM SHOWED UP AT THE BRITS WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING 25 ON HIS JACKET AND FUCKED SIMON ALL THE WAY UP BY SWERVING ON HIS UGLY BITCH ASS SPEECH IN FRONT OF GOD AND ENTIRE WORLD (and i think also thanked zayn in his speech if i’m not mixing that up with another year??) - all on feb 23rd to be specific.
february 2018 - ZIAMI OBVIOUSLY (which specifically started feb 22nd, or at least that’s the day i’m counting it as ‘started’ cause it’s the day liam joined zayn in miami, can’t recall the exact day zayn arrived but pretty sure it was only a couple days before that)
february 2019 - zayn starts wearing this distinctive fishhook earring in all his ig pics, which on the surface seems like a pretty small thing, but quite possibly commemorates their famous august 2014 fishing trip (directly after which he also started wearing a fish hook pendant on a necklace back in 2014); this was also another period they were pretty quiet/mia as far as i can recall, although again if anybody has more concrete info from this time that could point to something please let me know, but anyway point being they again would have had a good chunk of time to possibly go on a private trip together
february 2020 - VEGAS BABY
ofc i’m sure you all will notice one year was left out - february 2015 they were on tour with no breaks coming anytime soon so they obviously weren’t able to go on a trip that year. BUT. february 14th 2015 (aka valentine’s day lol) is also the day liam was famously papped with some small shopping bags that looked suspiciously but precisely like the type that usually come from a jewelry store, and then later that same night they had a performance (for otra tour) where we have zayn pictured wearing a new gold bracelet (as in he hadn’t been seen wearing it ever before on tour or anywhere else) - btw the op of this linked post actually marks this day as the debut of the cartier bracelet but there’s a lot of counter speculation that it’s not and given that it doesn’t quite look like the cartier bracelet looked in later pics (it’s more round and more gold than the cartier bracelet which imo looks more angular and more kind of a two-tone/silvery-gold than this vday bracelet) i’m inclined to lean more towards it just being a regular but still very sweet vday-gifted bracelet. but anyway back to more important stuff. now considering this was literally just a little over a month before zayn left - and one of my theories for zayn leaving was that it was possible he felt it was the only way to save his relationship with liam…i mean if they were still giving each other vday presents they were clearly still VERY in love at this point. like that’s not the kind of thing you’d expect from a couple that was on the rocks and on the verge of breaking up and i know a lot of ppl (myself included for a brief minute) speculated that zayn leaving the band meant he maybe left liam too/or things weren’t working out b/t them or whatever, but given this context of the vday gifts just a few weeks before him leaving that doesn’t really line up…what does line up though is him being so in love and so sick of the bs that he might be driven to just be done with it all (as far as the stress of the band and mgmt bs is concerned at least). and ofc liam did say that zayn is the most emotionally impulsive/emotionally driven out of all them so when you think about it it really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise…
anyway, in conclusion: 
it appears quite possible ziam has made it a couples tradition (ever since that first honeymoonish vacay in 2014) to go on some sort of trip/getaway together around the end of every february (or at least do something special together/for each other when they can’t) and in further conclusion I AM NOT OKAY AND WILL NEVER BE OVER THIS REALIZATION OKAY THANKS BYE 😭😭😭😭😭🌈🌈🌈 
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Saw ur post about how thay can end this pr by saying that harry was just a bff who was supporting Olivia through this very difficult time. And it got me thinking that if they want they can very subtly connect it to Louis. Like how this isn't the first time H has show to be supportive here are some previous instances - mentions elounor 2015 breakup and if by God's miracle bg ends by that time, they can also show supportive bff H helping L during a tough time yet again... They can if they want but it can be just me running with my thoughts.
That could be a possibility, if they use bff Harry Styles to start linking LH in the press again. But I’m hesitant to say anything yet because Louis has been so MIA. We don’t know anything from his side.
However, if things start to move forward with bbg towards the end of this month that will be interesting.
We already got reports Louis flew to LA on Jan 3rd, and then that shady anon about how Louis will spend F’s birthday w/ him and post about it. That can be the start of the end.
However, I know a lot of people have a lot invested on banana’s trial and F’s bday ending everything by the end of the month. But I don’t think this will be the case. I think they’ll play this in a very controlled manner. So to me a more realistic timeline for the end would be mid to late 2021.
If L does post F on his 5th bday, that can be them laying down the narrative of Louis being back in F’s life, to then later have suspicions and request a pat test. Also note, that if this plays out in the press, they’d want a narrative that is reliable time-wise. And having everything explode and end in the span of a month or two is not realistic. They have to make it look like it took some time from him spending time w/ F, getting suspicious, requesting a pap test, finding out, getting lawyers involved, severing parental rights etc. All of that takes time. Can take years. So letting it play out for half a year is more realistic. Also, they’d have to first have the stunt played up in the press, so we see father Louis w/ his kid. Maybe that’s what they already have begun to subtly hint at w/ Liam’s comments. They need to make it look like Louis is involved in F’s life first, before they end it. (especially bc he hasn’t been seen w/ his kid for 3 years).
All of this is speculative, so don’t be too emotionally invested on timelines, especially since we don’t know anything about Louis.
However, I do believe that if they are ending it, they will play up the stunt before they do. So we will see it online, maybe tabloids, maybe a pap walk (although I’m more doubtful of that given F’s age). But maybe “private” pics of L and F spending time together will “leak” or something.
Also, I saw some people saying that Banana’s lawsuit will allow Louis to take custody of F. That is just plainly WRONG. It’s a small case in the lowest court that doesn’t even need a trial. It’s in small claims court. And she’s being sued for boobs. The rest of the stuff may have no bearing on this. Them bringing evidence of her being an irresponsible mother has no bearing on the evidence needed for a boob job lawsuit. All sugar daddy has to do is bring forth evidence that shows the money for her boobs was a loan, and she agreed to give it back, but then didn’t. Sure he can say she mismanages money, including child support money, but the issue of paternity or custody has no place in this case.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
"He hasn't spoken to them in years, acts like they don't exist to him --- he was recently on a walk with niall and he called liam months ago and wished him happy bday like a week ago. ig he keeps in contact w them now and then so they don't think he's cocky.”
We saw a blurry picture that fans said was Niall and Harry. And Liam tells his fans that Harry has suddenly remembered his phone number after not speaking to him for 3 years right when he has a single to promote and needs a lot of attention.
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kmomof4 · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 18 for the meta asks for writers? ❤️
Hey there, babe! Thanks for playing!!!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)- what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oh man, my current project is inspired by the Eddie Murphy film, Coming to America. The first one. The premise is cute and funny and I thought it’d make a good adaptation for CS. Murphy is a prince about to be trapped in an arranged marriage. He talks his father into allowing him to come to America to, his father believes, sow his royal oats before settling down. But he’s actually coming to look for his own bride. In my fic, Killian is the prince in the EF whose marriage is arranged by King Liam. Killian proposes allowing him to journey by portal to Storybrooke to find his own bride. In this fic, Emma was sent through the wardrobe like in the pilot, but when David woke from his coma briefly in Awake, 6x17, and Snowing saw 10yr old Emma through the True Love door, they went through the door to raise her themselves. They return to Storybrooke on Emma’s 28th bday and she breaks the curse, allowing travel between Storybrooke and the EF. Killian comes through several months later. I hope that all makes sense. 
Progress is VERY slooooowwwwwwww... I made the doc sometime last fall and I’m about 7k words in and its not even half way done I don’t think. I really am trying to make some forward progress on it this month and hope to post it sometime in March.
What I love most about it is the opening scene that is straight from the episode, but Snowing goes through the door instead.
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing- in your current project, or a future project.
I am looking forward to finishing my current project so that I can move on to a WWII spy fic I want to write inspired by the ‘92 movie Shining Through with Michael Douglas and Melanie Griffith. 
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
#2 child took an interest in Stephen King last summer and my mind went, what if CS were Stu and Frannie from The Stand? So a doc was made and the fic was cast, but the book itself is sooooo huge and this fic would be soooooo huge, I seriously doubt I’ll actually write it. But never say never...
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plot lines you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
I can't think of any. Sorry.
Thanks, babe!!!
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kindofsharethat · 5 years
i love how he gives specific dates for when he’s seen liam and niall “a couple of days after his bday” “@ glastonbury” but keeps it vague as hell when it comes to his mortal enemy “a while, recently” like what does that even mean?? what is a while? three hours? 5 months? since beethoven released his first banger? and same with recently? last week? right before this interview happened? his usage of language is so goddamn clever. galaxy brain i swear
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sincerelyella · 3 years
First Time Love - happy birthday Deb!
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Drake x MC (Ava); Liam x OC (Ella)
Characters belong to Pixelberry; Ava Matheson belongs to @debramcg1106​​ and Ella is mine
Summary: Drake forgets Ava’s birthday and is in panic mode to do something super sweet for her.
A/N: It’s Deb’s birthday and my goodness she is one of the most caring people on tumblr. If I’m having a bad day, week, month, year (I mean, face it, aren’t we all?) she somehow just KNOWS and reaches out to me to make sure I didn’t die or something. Between her and Burnsy, I have fallen in love with Drake Walker … and I am a LIAM STAN. She already knows that her fics are like my crack, I love you so much Deb! I really really really hope you like this, and I’m sorry if it’s too crazy LOL
-> this is a repost from my other blog since I am updating my masterlist, Deb’s bday is not actually today. 
My soul sister and nekkid twinsie @burnsoslow​, thank you for prereading and editing and always talking me down from my emotional turmoil every time I want to post something. I love you a butt ton!
Warnings: just some adult language and some inappropriateness because, let’s face it, the TRR gang can get a little crazy.
Words: 1275
6 months ago
Drake and Ava both flop onto the bed after having sex.
“Oh my God,” Ava panted.
“Oh my God is right, and that’s how you have sex, America,” Drake smirked proudly.
“What’s happening here is kind of amazing.”
“Uh, yeah.”
The pair stared at the ceiling in stunned silence.
“Like, I wanna film it but I kinda don’t because that would be porn.”
Drake grimaced. “This body is not going on camera.”
“Yeah, mine either.”
“Okay, here’s the plan. I’m gonna go banana it. Then I’ll be ready for round 2.” Drake slowly sat up on the side of the bed.
“Define ‘banana it.’” Ava arched her brow.
“I’m gonna just … eat a banana.”
“Oh, thank God.”
Ava sat up and stood with Drake as the pair of them moved towards the bedroom door. Walking out into the hallway, they took notice of Liam, Maxwell and Leo watching them curiously from the living room.
“Uh, I’m going to show Drake something in the bathroom.”
“Yeah, it’s um … tiles.”
“It’s for sex!” Maxwell blurts out.
“Go! Just go make love in our communal shower!” Leo called out after them as they both ran towards the bathroom.
Present day
“Remember when you first brought Ava to the loft and you guys sounded like a couple of wild bears fighting over a salmon?”
Drake turned a dark shade of red while Ava smirked. “What’re you getting at, Rys?”
Leo shrugged. “I’m just saying … it was awkward.” He shuddered at the memory. “You walked into the kitchen in your fucking boxers, Walker, still half zonked out from all them orgasms.”
“Okay, you can stop talking anytime!” Drake hid his face behind both hands; Ava gave Leo a puzzled look.
“Where was I? When was that?”
“You were still passed out from all of your orgasms, my dear,” Leo patted her shoulder reassuringly. “But your boyfriend here –” he pointed in Drake’s direction “– was sporting morning wood and shish-kabobed poor Maxwell while he was getting his coffee.”
Drake sunk lower in his chair. “I told you, I won’t speak on that shit anymore, Rys!”
“Babe.” Ava covered her mouth to suppress a laugh. “You shish-kabobed your best friend?”
“He is not my best friend,” Drake said through gritted teeth.
“Who isn’t your best friend?” Max appeared in the kitchen and side hugged Ava. “Hey, cutie, what’re you guys doing for your birthday today?”
Drake’s eyes widened and quickly straightened his facial expression. He felt like his soul left his body and he was watching the whole interaction between Max and Ava in a daze. He didn’t even hear what Ava’s response was, but it still made him feel like a grade A asshole.
“Well, I’m sure Drake has something exciting planned.” Leo raised his voice an octave to get Drake’s attention. “Right, Walker?”
“Hmm?” He snapped his eyes over to Leo and realized what was said. “Uh, yeah, sure.”
“Aw, that’s really sweet.” Ava leaned in to kiss Drake’s cheek. “I’m going to take a shower.”
As soon as Ava flounced out of the room, Leo started to laugh. “You piece of shit, you had no idea it was her birthday today, did you?”
For the second time that morning, Drake turned beet red and groaned. “No, I totally forgot. You know I’m bad at romantic shit; why did you throw me under the bus?!”
“Because my goal in life is to make you miserable,” Leo laughed harder. “I thought you knew that.”
Before Drake could retort, Liam and Ella made their way into the kitchen.
“Morning, everyone.,” Ella began to make the coffee while Liam grabbed some eggs out of the fridge to make breakfast.
“Good morning,” Max sang as he hugged Ella and helped her grab some coffee filters.
“Yeah, morning,” Drake grumbled.
“Who pissed in your cheerios this morning, Walker?” Ella chuckled when Drake gave her a dirty look.
“Nothing, it’s just … Ava might be upset if-”
Leo cleared his throat. “Yes, what happened, Drake? Tell us why Ava would be mad at you? Did you pour maple syrup all over your body and ask if she was in the mood for a short stack?”
“What the-”
Max chimed in. “Did you think it would be funny to put on one of her panties and jump around? But it just ended up freaking her out?”
Liam looked up from cracking the eggs into a bowl. “Wait, what?”
“No, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Drake scowled as he glared at Leo, who was grinning from ear to ear.
Maxwell shrugged as he moved to sit in on one of the stools at the kitchen island. “Just asking, dude. It happens.”
The whole kitchen grew silent and turned to stare at Max.
“What happens, exactly?” Ella crossed her arms and cocked her head slightly. “You wear women’s underwear?”
“I don’t wanna know!” Drake roared. “Can someone please help me plan something for Ava?”
“If you want romance, you know where to go,” Leo smirked as he gestured towards his brother manning the stove.
“What should I do for Ava’s birthday?”
The gang collaborated all throughout breakfast, waited for Max and Ava to leave while he distracted her and took her shopping, and began to set their plan into motion.
“Are you sure about this? This seems kind of … corny.” Drake looked around at his bedroom that was twinkling in lights.
“It’s not corny,” Liam said, affronted. “It’s romantic and she’ll love it.”
Drake rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I’ve never done all this for a girl before … I’m not really sure if this is right or not.”
Ella jumped off of the bed after hanging the last of the pictures. “You’ve never loved a girl, Drake?”
“I just … it’s hard to explain.”
Liam and Ella shared a knowing look.
“It’s alright, my friend.” Liam patted Drake on the back. “You don’t have to tell us.” The couple walked out of the bedroom and shut the door behind them. Drake positioned himself behind the door and looked around to make sure everything was in place.
He vaguely heard the front door open and shut, and Maxwell’s voice carried through the loft. “No, I cannot watch Netflix with you, Ava! You need to go to Drake’s room and see what’s in there!”
Drake rolled his eyes. Maxwell was never subtle.
“Um, okay, thanks for today, Max.”
The bedroom door creaked open and Drake heard a soft gasp. “What is all this?”
String lights were hung on a wall with pictures of Drake, Ava and the gang throughout their relationship. Marquee light-up letters that spelled out “I Love You” donned the windowsill on the other side of the room, rose petals were strewn about, and a bouquet of roses stood next to the letters in a vase.
“Hey.” His voice cracked a bit and he cleared his throat. “I wanted to do something nice for you for your birthday.”
“Drake,” Ava’s eyes welled to the brim with tears. “This is beautiful.”
“You know I’m not all that great with fancy words.” He shook his head and looked down at his feet for a second and then back at Ava. “But I figured all this would say it better than I ever could.”
“You … love me?”
“That’s what the letters say,” he chuckled. “Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no damn reason.”
“And he says he isn’t great with fancy words,” Ava chuckled. “I love you too, Drake.”
“Happy birthday, Ava.”
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