#Liam x Charlotte
callsigndragon · 1 year
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Seeing Red | Ch. 9: Missing firsts📲 ✍️
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x ex-wife!Reader (Call sign: Red Queen)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: a new meaning of the 'there was one bed' trope, mentions of death, abandon, sad feelings, Jake guilty era continues... and Beau Cyclone Simpson.
Masterlist on pinned
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There’s a tingling feeling in your heart when you read the words ‘our son’. You shouldn’t feel like that; you know it. But Liam is happy because he gets to see his dad at last—that’s something you can’t ignore. 
If he’s happy, you’re happy. 
Your mom has been asleep for at least one hour, extremely tired after all the driving she has done today. You tiptoe to Liam’s room, which is actually your room because you didn’t expect your mom and baby to appear out of the blue. They were supposed to be here tomorrow. And Charlotte had clear instructions: never bring Liam to Top Gun. 
But Jake has always been in Charlotte’s heart. She thinks that Jake had a good reason for getting a divorce. Maybe your mom thought that bringing Liam to Top Gun would make Jake regret every single second he had been away from you and ask for forgiveness. You don't know why she is still trusting him. You also assumed that he had a reason for leaving your life and that once the problem that had caused him to leave was resolved, he would return, explain everything, and you would be happy ever after with the son who was growing inside you. 
He never came back. And by the looks of it, he’s not going to give you an explanation, either. It’s okay. You don’t need to know. You honestly don’t want to know. Knowing the reason might ease the relationship between you two, and you can’t allow yourself to fall for this guy again. 
Again? As if you had ever stopped feeling something for him. 
And if those feelings had faded away during the last two years, seeing him lying down in bed with Liam sound asleep over him, his face hidden in the crook of his dad’s neck, doesn’t help a lot. 
That’s the image of a loving father. 
“I can’t move,” he whispers, kissing Liam’s head. “Not that I want to.” 
You smile a bit, walking closer to the bed, and lie down next to him. “It’s funny because I never thought this would be your reaction after meeting Liam.” 
“You thought I’d leave?” 
“Honestly?” He nods. “Yeah, I thought you’d leave again. But your dad instincts took control over your body.” 
Jake sighs, hugging Liam closer. “You know I’ve always wanted to have a family.” 
“That’s why I named him Liam.” 
“Thank you for that.” 
There’s a silence after his words. It’s not awkward. Silences have never been awkward with him. 
“You told him who I was.” 
“Every kid deserves a dad, Jake.” You grab Liam’s hand, his tiny fingers closing around yours. “And you’ve always been a good man to me.” 
“Until I wasn’t.”
“You’re never gonna tell me why you left me, right?” 
“I can’t, Red. I literally can’t. Just… Just know that if I had a choice in the matter, I would have stayed with you. Always.” 
You shake your head. “Let’s not talk about that.” 
“Tell me about Liam. What does he like?"  
“Well, he likes planes,” you chuckle. 
“Guess that’s in his blood.” 
“Yeah… He likes cars. But not cars in the sense of automobiles. The movie Cars.” 
“Tell me his favorite character isn’t Mater.” 
“Okay, I won’t tell you that.” 
He groans. “That’s Rooster's favorite character.” 
You bit your lip. “Why do you know that?” 
“We watch a lot of movies with Payback’s kids.” He confesses, grabbing the blanket and covering Liam’s body. You help him, making sure that Liam’s arms stay under the blanket, but he moves them again, one grabbing Jake’s hair, the other searching your hand. “Sweet baby.”
“Yes, he is. He also likes chocolate. Bluey. Dogs, of course. And his grandma.” 
“I also love his grandma.” 
“I swear, if she was younger, you would have married her.” You joke, trying your best not to laugh. 
“I don’t know. Your father would have come from death and killed me.” 
“Oh, yeah. They loved each other so much.” 
“Are you… seeing someone? Because explaining why the father has suddenly appeared will be interesting." 
“No… It’s kinda hard to date when you're a single mom. I don’t even have time to read a book; how am I supposed to date?” 
“It’s bad that a part of me is glad that you’re single?” 
“It is. Are you single?” You close your eyes and mentally facepalm yourself for asking that question. Why do you care? 
“It’s kinda hard to find someone to date when you had the perfect woman in front of you and had to let her go.” 
A tear slides down your face. Fucking idiot, why does he say things like that? “I’ll sleep on the sofa.” 
“No, no, please. I’ll shut up, okay? Stay here.” 
Something tells you to leave. That you should go and sleep on the sofa, creating the distance you need right now. 
You are proud of yourself for being a very strong woman. Always doing the right thing, following the rules, thinking before acting. 
But if the world ended in this exact same moment, this bed is where you'd like to be. 
"Was it Valentine's?" He asks, somehow closer to you, his breath tickling your skin.
"When we made him."
"Oh. Yeah, it was on Valentine's." 
"So his birthday is in November?" 
"Nine months exactly?" 
"A perfectionist" 
"Just like his mama." You both say it at the same time, and Jake's laugh makes Liam stir in his sleep. 
"Mama?" He raises his arms, looking for you. 
"Shhhh, baby. Mama's here. Wanna sleep with Mama?" Liam nods, and Jake moves him, so he is now lying down in between the two of you, his face pressed against your chest. He falls asleep in seconds. 
"You should get some sleep." Jake says, looking at the time on his phone. "I'll leave early in the morning." 
"Stay and have breakfast with him. Told him that you make the best pancakes." You close your eyes, slipping into Morpheus' arms. 
It's weird, because you could swear the last thing you remember is someone's lips pressing against your forehead. 
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"Can you explain to me why I am in a toy store at 9 AM?" Payback groans, sipping from his coffee. 
"Cause you're the only friend with kids I know and I need advice." Jake reminds him, comparing the two Mater toys in his hands. 
"Another Mater boy?" The taller man laughs, and now it's Jake's turn to groan. 
"Mater, Mater… He's not that cool. Doc Hudson. That's a good character!" 
"You always go after the fatherly figures, Jake. Doc, Mufasa, Tony Stark... Do you, perhaps, have daddy issues?" 
"I love and respect you, but I'm not going to stop myself from throwing this toy at your head." Jake warns, raising the toy. 
"I bet you wouldn't throw that if it was Tony Stark." 
"I hate you." Jake looks at the toy; it doesn't seem to have small pieces that could break. "Okay, this one's good." He leaves the toy in the cart and keeps walking down the Cars section. 
"Did you really not know she was pregnant?" 
Jake had been waiting for that question since he parked in front of his house one hour ago. The other daggers would also ask him along the day, is something inevitable. 
"No, she was like… almost three months pregnant, and all her symptoms showed up when I left. I can assure you there wasn't a baby bump or anything the last time I saw her." 
"Man, that sucks. I don't know how I would feel being in your place." 
"Wanna know how it feels?" Jake turns around, holding his gaze. Reuben would never admit it, but Jake looks like he's about to cry. "I'll never know how it felt the first time he kicked his mom's belly. I'll never know what it feels like to run to the store at 3 AM because the baby is craving strawberries. I never went to childbirth classes. I didn't read a book about how to raise a kid. I wasn't there when she went through labor. I missed his first laugh, his first steps, and his first words. How the fuck did I end up hurting a son I didn't know I had?" 
"I don't think you hurt him, Jake" 
"Can you be sure that Liam didn't cry, not even once, asking for his dad?" 
Payback knows how improbable that scenario is. Kids cry, asking for their parents. Of course, Liam had cried asking for his dad. 
"Jake, you didn’t know. You're not the one to blame, and neither is Red. She did what she had to do." 
"I'll never blame her. She tried to contact me,butd she couldn't because I blocked her. Dammit, I'm such a dickhead." 
Payback chuckles. "Stop it. What's done is done. Just try to be part of that kid's life for the next 16 years." 
"Only 16?" Jake frowns. He wants to be in Liam's life as long as he breathes. 
"You never know what your son might do when he turns 18." 
"18? His 3rd birthday is in six months, and I'm already panicking." 
"Oh, first-time fathers are so cute." 
"Stop joking and help me find more toys, please." 
"Okay, what else does he like?" 
"A boy with taste." Payback concedes, walking with his friend to look for more toys. 
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"Where's Liam?" Mickey whines when you enter the briefing room. 
"Well, hello to you too, Garcia." You laugh. "And Liam is at daycare. My mom was so tired that I left her home to rest. Poor woman spent all day driving yesterday." 
"But he's coming, right?" Bob pouts. How can a man so tall pout like a baby?
"You all want to meet him?" 
Mickey, Bob, Nat, and Rooster nod at the same time, smiling like idiots. 
"You can come over this weekend and have dinner with me and Liam." 
"I'm gonna meet my nephew." Rooster fist bumps, and you're about to chuckle when you notice that Payback, Jake, and Javy are missing. 
"Where are these three? Mickey, where's Payback?" 
You take a deep breath. Second day being the team leader and people are already arriving late. 
Your phone pings, and you look at it. It's Jake. 
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Just when Jake sends you the last message, your phone turns off, completely out of battery. Amazing. The beginning of a great day. 
Almost an hour later, Jake, Javy, and Payback are still missing. You’re supposed to prepare for a special class that Dagger Squad needs to teach to the new Top Gun students. But without three pilots here, it is hard to move on. 
The door opens, and you’re sure that Jake’s stupid smile will be at the other side, but what you see is Liam running inside the briefing room, looking for his mama. Cyclone appears behind him.
“OH MY GOD IS HIM.” Mickey screams in joy, scaring poor Liam, who starts to cry. 
“Mickey, why do you have to be so loud?” Bob smacks him. 
“Hispanic people are loud, I thought you knew by now.” 
“It's okay, baby. What are you doing here?” You whisper to the baby, calming him down. 
“He started crying and calling for his mom. They couldn’t reach you, so they contacted me.” Cyclone explains, playing with Liam’s hands. “And we played for a while with some planes until he calmed down, right buddy?” 
“Planes are cool.” Liam agrees, nodding. 
“Oh, god. My phone turned off an hour ago, and Jake was supposed to bring me a charger. I’m sorry, baby, Mama’s phone didn’t work.” You say while kissing his head. 
“It’s otay. Boo is cool.” 
“Who’s Boo?” 
“I think that’s me. Cyclone was a hard word for this little guy, and Beau turned into Boo.” 
“Thank you so much, Cyclone. I’ll make sure to keep my phone charged from now on.” 
He waves it off, smiling. “Don’t worry. And please call me Beau.” 
“Well, thank you again, Beau. But now I’m in a bit of trouble. What am I supposed to do with you little trouble maker?” You tickle him, the sound of Liam’s giggles making everyone in the room smile. 
“You’re still planning tomorrow's class, right?” 
“Yeah, we’re missing a few pilots. They’re bringing me some reports I needed.” 
“And you sent…” he turns around, looking at the people in the seats, counting which are the missing pilots. “Three men for such a simple mission?” 
“Seresin is involved. You need one to stop him from creating chaos and another one to actually do what they’re supposed to.” You are trying your hardest to cover for him, because he really had to go buy toys on a job day. 
“You could have just sent Payback.” 
“And have to see Hangman’s face all morning? No, thank you. Now that he knows who Liam is, I won’t stop seeing him for the next 16 years.” 
Cyclone laughs. “Yeah, it’s true. You told me before.” 
“She told him before?” Nat whispers to Rooster. 
“I saw them talking in front of his office this morning.” 
“It’s Cyclone trying to make a move on Red?” Bob mutters, and all of them look at the Vice Admiral with loathing in their eyes. 
Jake may be a dick, but there’s no denying that he loves Red and that he would do anything for that kid. 
Cyclone is now public enemy #1. 
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentwayne17 @shanimallina87 @khaylin27 @fudosl @rhirhikingston @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @ducks118 @teacupsandtopgun @impossiblebaglecowboyfreak @marissat1998 @blairfox04 @phoenix1388
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday. Run by @femmehysteria
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count.
Round 206: Elle
Round 207: Clark
Round 208: Lara
Round 209: Silas
Round 210: Tatiana
Round 211: Marvin
Round 212: Maya
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, Robin, Nancy, Penny, Erica, Theresa, George, Felix, Charlotte, Diana, Zoe, Connor, Daisy, Andy, Alma, Nora, Juno, Otto, Donald, Angel, Judy, Jo, Hazel, Miranda, Lila, Duncan, Dexter, Meredith, Pearl, Malcolm, Napolean, Joan, Nico, Jamie, Kiera, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Laila, Zack, Imogen, Felicity, Cindy, Alicia, April, Delilah, Jodie, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Milo, Celia, Katya, Atticus, Ian, Cynthia, Boo, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Zia, Rudy, Quentin, Miriam, Roxy, Percy, Bianca, Shirley, Beatrice, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Amaya, Ryan, Mabel, May, August, Manny, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Josh, Jared, Sabrina, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Misty, Talia, Orion, Roy, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Artemis, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Reggie, Felicia, Joe, Monty, Quinn, Skye, Walter, Christine, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Alana, Jasper, Fergus, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Mason, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Miguel, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Tobias, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Wendel, Dora, Mort, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Mara, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Remy, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Zeke, Richter, Skylar, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Cosmo, Ruth, Selina, Harley, Blue, Warren, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Declan, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Hugh, Esther, Cole, Carl, Kieran, Melody, Travis, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Hans, Ralph, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Agatha, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Ford, Red, Stuart, Camille, Bruce, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Lois, Viola, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Aisha, Lex, Ike, Wolf, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Iggy, Amber, Akira, Irma, Sloane, Cameron, Marlene, Trixie, Jed, Rita, Dylan, Harriet, Owen, Letitia, Mick, Hugo, Koichi, Gaius, Tim, Caroline, Katrina, Echo, Annette
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Chad, Moe, Guy, Yasmin, Woody, Alina, Freya, Adora, Noah, Taylor, Dawn, Chase, Hunter, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melanie, Melissa, Melinda, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Callie, Ginger, Terry, Bellamy, Jacob, Jackson, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candy, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Wendy, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Elena, Cheryl, Lance, Shane, Rod, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Caeser, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Puck, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Zain, Keith, Ron, Olaf, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Clive, Sabine, Roman, Carina, Kalina, Mindy, Wade, Julia, Edith, Monet, Marina, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Sasha, Glen, Dinah, Farah, Norman, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Orla, Oswald, Linus, Nina, Clem, Flora, Jace, Alucard, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Craig, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Dale, Jolene, Donatello, Yuki, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Poppy, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Randall, Rosemary, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
outtakes: the dynamics [fast times and fast nights]
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the princess and the prince -> camellia ayudisha x charles leclerc
the seeker and the unreached -> sonnet pham x mick schumacher
the hated and the endeared -> jupiter nightshade x oscar piastri
the wicked witch and charming prince -> kelly piquet x max verstappen
the bassist and the drummer -> alexis mun x atticus singh
the gifted and the burnt -> aella gutierrez x logan sargeant
the hardworker and the privileged -> natalia bunbury x carlos sainz
the shadow and the silhouette -> venus nightshade x arthur leclerc
the queen and the king -> roxxane castle x fernando alonso
the honey badger and the honey -> daniel ricciardo x heidi berger
the driver and the golfer -> lily muni he x alex albon
the chef and the feaster -> yuki tsunoda x pierre gasly
the definite and the maybe -> charlotte miller x liam lawson
the known and the unknown -> marta garcia x selene liu
the homie hopper and the best friend -> joanna matthews x frederik vesti
the demure and the spirited -> carmen mundt x george russell
the racer and the model -> lance stroll x sara pagliaroli
the hopeful and the accomplished -> shaina villegas and lewis hamilton
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hazz-a-bear · 17 days
T H E S I X — all our good years are left behind.
meet one direction.
masterlist. wattpad.
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Born on the 24th of December, 1991, LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON is the oldest child of Johannah Deakin. Being the oldest son in a family of seven, Louis is a brother to six siblings - Charlotte, Felicite, Daisy, Phoebe, Ernest and Doris, by name. As a little kid, Louis grew up in the city of Doncaster, Yorkshire.
At the age of 18 going 19, Louis decided to try out for the seventh season of X-Factor after a small game of truth or dare between a couple of friends.
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+ In the current day, Louis is in his 30s. Louis is a father to an adorable seven-year-old, Freddie. Louis is a world-renowned solo artist with more than millions of fans. Although quite underrated for some's liking, Louis is admired worldwide for his amazing vocal skills and his genuine love towards his fans. Selling out arena after arena around the world, Louis has brought rock music to the surface with his own unique ingredient to it. He is known for his amazing connection with his fans, or Louies, in general. Louis and Louies are like petals to a flower, honey to a bee and a heart to a man. They share their love through middle fingers, pride flags and ripping Louis' shirts on tour.
Although the people he gave his heart to and his happiest years are left behind, he still manages to put a sunshine smile on his face and put his best out there for his fans, for his family, for his only love.
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Born on the 12th of January, 1993, ZAYN JAVAAD MALIK was the third child of Trisha Malik. Being the only son of the family, Zayn is a brother to three sisters - Saafa, Doniya and Walihya, by name.  As a tiny kid, Zayn grew up with his family on the west side of Yorkshire, Bradford to be precise.
On a sunny morning in June 2010, 17-year-old Zayn was dragged out of bed by his beloved mother so he won't be late for his X-Factor auditions.
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+ As of 2023, Zayn lies lowkey. He is a man who has found himself after society stripped him of his mental health, talent and confidence. He is a great father for his day one, Khai Malik. He is a quiet artist to his fans. Zquad, or his solo fandom, still roots for him any way they are able to, caring for him, defending him and loving him unconditionally. Although the chances of Zayn appearing in public is rare, his fans are true to him. And Zayn never takes their love for granted as he knows how hurtful it is to do so. Zayn and Zquad are tied together by a red string of love, trust and understanding.
Now at the beginning of his 30s, he's come a long way and he still has a long way to go, but Zayn Malik puts self-care first and everything else second. He can't afford to get hurt for a second time in this cruel industry and his fans are well aware and are willing to give their lives if it means he is happy.
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Born on the 29th of August, 1993, LIAM JAMES PAYNE was the youngest child of Karen Payne and Geoff Payne. Being the only son in a family of three, Liam is a younger brother to Ruth and Nicola. Little Liam's hometown was supposedly Wolverhampton in the west midlands of England.
In 2008, Liam auditioned on X-Factor, season six, as a fearless and confident kid. Having been shut down by Simon Cowell, he returned to fulfil his wishes of participating again in the seventh season in 2010.
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+ Liam is a 30-year-old man who has had his ups and downs as of 2023. Often recognized to be mistreated by certain people, management and authorities, Liam has quite a conflicting reputation. Nevertheless, he is an artist who is equally surrounded by millions of loving fans who always look out for him and put their whole trust in him. He is admired globally for his amazing connection with his fans. Always putting them first, Liam is quick to check up on his fans at any time of the day. His fans are always by his side, basking in the love he gives them and vice versa.
Liam Payne still needs to work on putting himself first, but he is admired by millions of people as he has gone through a lot more than what a teenager should go through. Regardless of the misjudgement, he's facing in media, Liam still tries to be there for everyone, he and his angel smile.
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Born on the 13th of September, 1993, NIALL JAMES HORAN was the second child of Maura Horan and Bobby Horan. Being the youngest son of the Horan family, Niall is a brother to Greg Horan. As a cheery kid from Ireland, Niall grew up in the beautiful meadows of the Irish Republic town, Mullingar.
In 2010, X-Factor first brought its' auditions to Dublin, Ireland. 17-year-old Niall was more than determined to sacrifice everything and take advantage of this opportunity to try out his shot with X-Factor ( and maybe Katy Perry as well? )
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+ By 2023, Niall has considered himself to be a professional golfer, a cardigan collector and a skincare influencer rather than a singer. The almost 30-year-old is thriving on social media platforms with his finger guns, cocktails and Lewis Capaldi. And might I say his fans, Lovers ( Or Horn Dogs, your pick ) are just as happy with his approaches and entertaining content. But truly, Niall is renowned for his amazing music as well as his voice. The industry sees him as a genuine and laidback artist who puts his family and fans before everything and goes to an extreme extent to put a smile on their faces.
Niall Horan is one of the members of One Direction who has really healed and found himself after all the bricks thrown at him. Although he had been treated wrongly by the world, he has put those thoughts aside and still treats everyone with love and utter kindness.
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Born on the 1st of February, 1994, HARRY EDWARD STYLES is the second child of Anne Twist.  Being the youngest son of the family, Harry is the younger brother to Gemma Styles. As a kid, Harry grew up with his mother and sister in the small village of Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, England.
16-year-old Harry only signed up for X-Factor in 2010 to get some honest feedback and reviews about his voice and perhaps, just because a friend was trying it out as well.
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+ By 2023, Harry is one of the members who has reached his peak of success. Being on the edge of his 20s, Harry has an army of fans behind him with pride flags in their hands, boas around their neck and heart-shaped sunglasses over their eyes. Harry is the epitome of fashion and music of the present time, he is the talk of the town, and his music is at the top of the Billboard charts, his fans, Harries, are an uncontrollable fandom. But yet, Harry doesn't seem as close with his dear fans. Harries doesn't mind though, not at all, it makes sense as the media directed at him isn't the kindest. His unconditional love and support and ass-shaking music are enough to be called fanservice and keep them going. All his fans ever want is for him to be comfortable, open and proud of himself.
On the outside, Harry is a man all about love and kindness. His motto in life is to be himself and show his true self to others. But yet, maybe there is more to the story. As much as successful as he is career-wise, he might just need to look back on a quite unsuccessful job at loving and not hurting the people who have been with him since the beginning.
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Born on the 28th of November, 1994, RUHI AVIANA RAE was the second child of Soniya Fernando and Jonathon Rae.  Being the only daughter of the family, Aviana is a sister to Alden Rae. From age one to eleven, Aviana grew up with her family in the bustling south asian city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Then, the Rae family migrated back to England before taking residency in Hampstead Heath, Greater London.
In 2010, then 15-year-old Aviana went out of her way to join the  X-Factor auditions without her parents' initial knowledge as she was only presented with the chance to audition by her school as a prize for her performance.
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+ As of 2023, 28-year-old Aviana ( now, Fernsby ) is considered to be the biggest pop star in the world. With an out-of-the-world discography, a couple hundred music awards and a core fan base just as strong as her, the name Aviana is laced on the tongue of every single person around the world. With her melancholic, psychological and music you can relate on a level that's kind of concerning, Aviana is considered the IT girl of the 21st century. Despite being a very in-demand and famous artist, Aviana still makes time to connect with her fans, as much as she can even if it's sharing a small video of her trying to make breakfast for herself. Although Aviana's music is scattered from pop rock to bedroom indie to melancholic ballads, her fans are right behind her, supporting her in her every move with their feathery angel wings, halos and sparkling wands in hand.
Despite being on top of the Billboard charts almost all year, Aviana still has a long way to when it comes to self-discovery and correction. She still needs time to figure out who she really is after being tossed aside by one too many people on multiple occasions. And there's no doubt that her fans will be by her side through every step of that.
──── thank you.
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nicohischierz · 2 years
paddock pranks ~ marcus armstrong
pairing: marcus armstrong x leclerc reader
summary: you were notorious for the pranks you played around the paddock and now you found yourself a getaway car in the shape of your boyfriend
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you giggled as you ran through the paddock. marcus was having a slightly heated discussion with his engineer when he saw you running in.
he excused himself from the discussion as he opened his arms for you to run into. he lifted you up and kissed your cheek.
“what have you done sweetheart?” he asked, nuzzling his face in your neck. you shook your head “if i tell you, it’ll ruin the surprise.” you teased.
marcus was about to say something when they heard a scream followed by an echo of laughter. you hid behind marcus holding him in front of you as liam ran into the garage his blonde hair now a bright shade of pink.
the rest of the grid followed the commotion as they spotted you hiding behind marcus a small smirk on your face. “mate, you’ve got a little something in your hair,” marcus commented.
liam gave his friend a sarcastic smile as he saw you from behind marcus trying to escape. “y/n/n, i swear if you touch my hair again i promise to retaliate stronger!” liam yelled as he was dragged back to his garage. 
“well that was fun and all, but i promised i’d watch this race with my brothers,” you told marcus before giving him a kiss. your twin, arthur, rolled his eyes at you when he saw you and marcus. 
arthur also knew you pranked liam and had a prank fro charles planned for the next race. “y/n, you better come now or i’ll send charles to get you!” he called from outside the garage. 
you gave marcus one last kiss before skipping towards your brother. 
at the next race, everyone in the paddock was surprised at the absence of one of your famous pranks. it made everyone worried, so much so that toto came over to you to ask if you were alright. 
his question was answered by the sound of your brother cursing in french. you looked over your shoulder quickly and saw charles stomping over to you. his hair green and his hands blue. 
you made a dash towards the parking lot where your boyfriend was waiting for you in his car. “go. go, go!” you ordered slamming the door next to you. out of the corner of your eye you saw charles running towards you with charlotte next to him. 
charlotte gave you a thumbs up before attending to her boyfriend. the others around the paddock gave out a sigh of relief knowing that something wasn’t wrong with you. 
“come on marcus. let’s see where this car can take us,” you mumbled intertwining your hand with is free one. 
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lorirwritesfanfic · 6 months
The Fairytale Ball
Book: The Royal Heir Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Jade) Characters: Liam Rys, MC (Jade), royal heir (Elise), Maxwell Beaumont, Hana Lee Rating: T Word count: 3415 Reading time: ~13min Summary: The Queen's Ball is the event of the year for the young generations. But Princess Elise isn't as happy everyone hoped she would be on her debut. Based on the prompt: @choicesnovchallenge: National Princess Day
Author’s notes:
Jade Bourbon-Rys, Elise Bourbon-Rys, Charlotte Amaranth, Zain and Gael Maldonado are creations of this author. The other characters belong to Pixelberry Studios;
This oneshot is part of Liam and Jade's universe, but I'm sure you'll have no problem reading it if you never read anything from my TRR series.
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"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three," Hana counted as she passed by, watching every young couple dancing in the ballroom. 
"Relax your shoulders, Toshio." Maxwell instructed, gently tapping a young boy's shoulder.
"That's beautiful, Marnie!" Hana praised another girl.
In the corner of the ballroom, Elise counted the steps as she tried to follow her partner's steps. Her mother and godmother always said Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard. She just had to let her partner lead. Unfortunately, the dance partner Queen Mother Regina chose for her wasn't as good advertised. At least, not in her opinion.
"Ow!" The boy complained, wincing in pain.
"Sorry, Zain..." She said with a weak and apologetic smile.
"Is everything okay?" Hana asked, placing a hand on Elise's shoulder.
Elise grimaced. She knew her godmother wouldn't scold her as her grandmother probably would. But she still didn't wish to disappoint.
"It's alright, ma'am," Zain forced a smile as he continued to dance. 
How could he go on, given how hard she stepped on his foot? It was a mystery to her. 
The Queen's Ball was an annual ball/cotillion hosted by Queen Jade of Cordonia during Elise’s month of birthday to raise funds for the orphanages and community centers of the kingdom. It was a tradition in which all noble women she knew were involved and her mother was adamant about the princess joining the young couples dance this year. However, she couldn't say she was as excited to join as she hoped to be.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two—"
"OW!" Zain whined. 
This time, however, it got a few other couple’s attention. The music stopped.
"Crap... I'm so sorry, Zain..."
"It's okay, Your Highness. I'm fine," the boy murmured.
"Watch out for Princess Klutzy, Zain!" A female voice in the middle of the room mocked. A voice Elise was unfortunately quite familiar with.
Suppressed giggles echoed in the ballroom.
Elise glared at Lady Charlotte, who replied with a smirk.
"That's enough." Maxwell called out, a rare scowl adorning her godfather's face. "Back to your places, everyone!" 
"Pay close attention to your partner, ladies. And don't forget your posture," Hana said, roughly straightening Charlotte's head.
Elise pressed her lips together to hide a smile when Zain winced again. 
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah... I'm kinda beat from football practice."
The princess frowned watching the boy kept dancing, trying to disguise he was limping slightly. 
"It's okay if you admit I hurt your foot. We can take a break."
"I'm fine, Your Highness."
"You don't have to play nice with me. And you don't have to call me Your Highness all the time. I don’t call Lord Zain of Bellmere."
"All right... If you let me lead, we'll do a lot better, you know," Zain suggested.
Elise smiled shyly. "Okay..."
Maybe she was overthinking again and just needed to chill. She had tons of dance classes over the years. Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard after all.
For the next couple of minutes, things went smoothly between them. The princess even started to enjoy the dance and the company of the young Earl of Bellmere.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. Excellent! Now spin!" Hana instructed.
"Ready?" Zain asked.
"Yeah," Elise nodded.
But as Zain lifted her arm for the princess to spin, a couple bumped into them, pushing them both on the floor. 
Laughter rose in the ballroom as Hana and Maxwell rushed to help Elise and Zain.
"Damnit!" Zain complained, massaging his left foot.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Are you two alright?" Hana asked in worry.
"My foot hurts..." Zain winced.
Elise frowned.
"I told you Princess two left feet would hurt you." Charlotte snickered.
Something snapped on Elise as she heard Charlotte's voice again. Standing up, the princess stomped her way to the other girl and jumped over her. 
"Elise, no!" Maxwell yelled and darted to the princess, followed by the royal guards.
"You stuck-up bitch!" The princess bellowed as she mounted on the girl, grabbing her hair with both hands. 
Before Elise could do any real damage, four guards split the girls while the others sent everybody out. 
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A few hours later
Steps and murmurs reverberated through the walls as Elise sobbed in her room. The Royal guard may be discreet, but the servants loved to gossip. By the time she locked herself in her room, the entire kingdom already knew she got into another fight with Charlotte Amaranth again. But having her name on the tabloids and strangers judging her was nothing compared to Queen Jade’s reaction. And the princess certainly didn’t want to face her mother now.
Just then, a gentle knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.
“Go away!” She whined.
Much to her disappointment, the door opened. 
“Hey, you can’t tell the King to go away.”
Elise sat up as she recognized the voice. The moment her father sat on the bed, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dad!” She croaked.
“It’s okay, my Lil Bunny…” Liam murmured.
“Is it though?”
“I just talked to Lord Zain and his parents. He had already injured his toe during football practice. He just didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t want to be cut out of the team before Junior League started.”
Elise pulled away from the embrace. “But I stepped on his foot over three times!”
“Zain mentioned it, but he still doesn’t blame you. His doctor also said that landing on his feet when he fell most likely was the real cause of the injury.”
“Fine. Now what?"
“As we speak Maxwell and Hana are searching for a new dance partner for you. So now we have another matter to talk about..."
“Ugh…” The princess laid down again, pressing her face on a pillow. 
“What happened during the rehearsal?”
“You know exactly what happened," she grumbled.
"I do. But I still want to hear your version of the incident."
Her father had a point. As always. 
She then sat up again and began to speak. "I hate Charlotte!"
"Hate is one very strong word."
"It's how I feel about her!"
"Very well. Does it justify you mounting on top of Lady Charlotte to pull her hair and beat her up?" Liam arched an eyebrow.
"She said what happened to Zain was my fault!"
"Elise, you've had spats with her before, but it never came to physical fight. What happened this afternoon that made you cross that line?"
The princess looked down at her hands.
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"She is a bully, dad."
"I see..." Liam said, not surprised to hear that Madeleine's only child took after her mother.
"I don't care when she says something about me..." Elise fiddled with the hem of her sweater. 
"Did she say anything about something else?" 
"Charlotte said Aunt Hana needs to grow a backbone. She put a melted candy bar on Sophie's seat to make it look like crap and mocked her in front of the entire school."
Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "That's why Sophie was upset today."
"The only reason I didn't beat that girl up at school was because Ava and Louis stopped me so I wouldn't get suspended."
"I assume what happened this afternoon was the last straw."
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. I don't approve of what you did. This is absolutely not how we raised you and your siblings, but I understand your reasons."
"How bad is the press talking about it?"
"They're loving it. The rivalry between you two is being strongly associated with the one your mother had with Madeleine during my social season and engagements."
"Do they think Charlotte and I dislike each other because of a guy?!" Elise made a face. "Tabloids are so stupid."
Liam chuckled. "They usually are. Little did they know only Jade was fighting about a guy."
"That's a story for later."
"Okay... What do we do now?"
"You go back to being my sweet daughter and future heir of the throne while your mother and I talk to the Royal Communications department to handle the press."
"But Charlotte's mom is the head of Royal Communications! Lady Madeleine will make it worse!"
"How so?"
"She doesn't like me."
"Madeleine doesn't like anyone in our family except Regina and Leo. But she's still loyal to the Crown."
"Whoa..." Elise mumbled in astonishment. "Okay. If you say so..."
"You still have to apologize to her."
"I'm not asking you to be friends with Lady Charlotte. Just be polite."
"But she—"
"Do it for Regina's sake. Your mother and I will be present to ensure you'll keep it civil."
Elise folded her arms. "How do you know Charlotte won't be the one to start a fight?"
"I was watching the rehearsal from the security cameras when the fight started. She can't win a fight against Sophie's turtle Pabblo."
Father and daughter exchanged looks and chuckled. 
“I don’t wanna dance anymore.”
"I'm not going to dance."
"Sweetheart, you've been talking about partaking in the Young Couples Dance for years," Liam tried to reason.
"I lost my dance partner, I'm the talk of the kingdom today... Maybe it's for the best." She gave her shoulders. 
"You know your mother won't like this, don't you?"
"Can you talk to her?"
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
"I can try..."
"Thanks," Elise murmured, resting her head on her father's shoulder.
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About an hour later
"She's not quitting!"
"My love..."
"She's not quitting, Liam!" Jade demanded, glaring at her husband from her vanity dresser mirror. "Our daughter is not a quitter!" 
"Elise doesn't want to cause a commotion with the press and the guests being in the same room as Charlotte."
"That's it?! Fine! I'll cut mini Madeleine out of the dance." Jade put down her face cream on the nightstand with full force. "There! Problem solved."
"Jade..." Liam called, staring deadpan at his wife.
"What? No one is gonna miss her anyway."
Liam suppressed a chuckle as he sat on the opposite side of the bed. "Regina won't be happy with this..."
"I don't care!"
"Don't you?"
The couple exchanged knowing looks.
Jade rolled her eyes. "Why do you always have to be reasonable?" 
"Somebody has to be. Plus, I know you don't want to have animosity with Regina."
"I created this ball for Elise! I'll be damned if I allow Madeleine's daughter or anyone to get in my daughter's way of having her dance!" Jade fumed.
"Did you truly create this ball for her or for yourself?" 
"You know precisely why this ball exists." Jade scowled.
Liam looked back at his wife and arched an eyebrow.
"Sure... Maybe I've been daydreaming about Elise's first dance with her high school crush for years. But I created the ball because she wanted to dress and dance like a princess."
"Jade, she is a princess. It's her birthright."
"This is not about monarchy and titles, Liam. Do you remember when we attended Calenvia's Baile de Debutantes? And the Queen's Debutants Ball in the UK? How mesmerized she was by cousin Manuela dancing with her girlfriend?"
"Well, that's the only thing she hasn't experienced yet!"
"A fairytale moment."
"She was a five year old fascinated by fairytales. And I doubt her fairytale moment would come given how she barely seemed comfortable around Rashad's son."
"You don't get it, do you?" The queen pursed her lips in annoyance. "She has a Pinterest board with inspirations since she was seven. She booked herself an appointment with Galia Lahav to get an exclusive design for her gown. She may not have a crush on Zain, but they looked good together. We all saw the day she explicitly told Zain what type of flowers he should get for her corsage and his lapel!" Jade then stood up and sat next to her husband. "I'm telling you: Elise wants this. She cannot let go of her childhood dream just because that little project of Regina George pissed off my daughters."
"Hmm..." Liam pondered for a moment. "Fair point. But I guess we both know there's only one person who can convince her to attend," he said, giving his wife a knowing look.
"What if she thinks I'm forcing her to do it?" 
"You're fully capable of persuading anyone, my love," he said, kissing the back of her hand.
"Okay..." She heaved a sigh, resting her head on his shoulder.
Liam smiled as he once again realized how much his daughter took after his wife.
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The next day
As the young princess finished her homework, Elise left the library and walked down the hallway, looking out the window. The Queen's
Ball night was near, so the servants began decorating the gardens, adding snowflake-shaped string lights on the walls and on the maze. The Winter Wonderland theme was her idea and she was completely sure it'd look amazing. Too bad it felt like a dream she would have to postpone for a while.
The princess stopped in her tracks as she heard her mother's voice. They haven't talked since her mother left the palace to take Zain to the hospital. The queen looked furious then. Was she still mad at her?
The princess turned around to look at her. "Yes, ma'am."
"I heard you have a free schedule now. Follow me to the entertainment room."
"The entertainment room?"
"You'll understand why soon."
Oh, man... Was she going to use one of those educational videos just like the ones her parents showed Louis about STIs? Educational videos were part of her father's style of educating. Her mother's approach was a bit more straightforward.
Once they stepped into the room, Elise took a seat in one of the chairs on the back and Jade followed. On the cinema screen, small clips of Elise as a toddler dancing in the ballroom with the queen, watching her parents dance then joining them, clapping as she watched the first young couples and her dance lessons while growing up. 
As her eyes welled up, Jade changed seats to be closer to her daughter. "I know why you don't want to join the Young Couples Dance after what happened yesterday. Facing the press after a scandal isn't easy. But I want you to know why I created and have been hosting The Queen's Ball all these years."
"What?" Tears streamed down Elise's face. "But you always said it's an event to celebrate Grandma Eleanor and Grandma Elaine and help kids in need."
"I know. I'll keep mentioning them and their charity work they did because The Royal Communications said it'd be a good excuse to turn a ball into a charity event and attract more donations. But its first name was Fairytale Ball." 
"Fairytale ball?"
"Yes." Jade reached for her daughter's hand. "All I wanted was to give you a fairytale moment."
"Mom..." Elise threw her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her tightly. "Aren't you mad?"
"I should be." Jade replied, stroking Elise's hair. "I should scold you and ground you for weeks. But honestly? I wish I had slapped some people's faces during your father's social season and engagement to Madeleine."
"People?" Elise pulled away and stared wide-eyed at her mother. "Who?"
"Literally everyone in this palace except Hana and Max."
"Even uncle Drake?"
"Oh, sweetie... Drake was the worst sometimes..."
"We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know what you want to do."
"I want the fairytale."
"But I don't have a dance partner!"
"Actually, Maxwell found three candidates for you. Next?
"Mom, there's the press…"
"Your father and I can handle them. What else?"
"I don't want to be anywhere near Charlotte."
"I can throw her in the dungeon." 
"We don't have a dungeon..."
"Well, not in this palace... But my guards can certainly escort Charlotte to Valtoria lower ground floor..." Jade commented with a sly grin.
"I'm joking."
"You're so not!"
"You say it as if anyone is going to miss her..." 
Mom and daughter shared a glance and laughed.
"I want to dance. But I don't want to harm anyone in the process."
"I know..." Jade smiled, glad to realize how much her daughter had in common with her husband. "We'll figure it out. Now, onto more important things." Jade fished her phone out of her pocket and showed it to Elise. "These are your possible dance partners."
"A girl?!"
"And this lovely gender-fluid person who just won a scholarship at The Royal Dance Academy."
"What? We're keeping our options open just in case."
Elise looked at each picture, and though one person caught her eye, she prompted. "Mom, I don't know... Is there a way I can talk to them?"
The queen smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."
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A few days later
Purple, blue and white lights tinted the Royal Palace walls as the guests arrived for the Queen's Ball, one of the most opulent events of Cornodia's social calendar. Among the many attractions of the night, young members of nobility and wealthy families across the world traveled to the Cordonian capitol to partake in the Young Couples Dance. Their hopes were to be introduced to the crème de la crème of world society, sharing their accomplishments and plans for the future. 
This year, however, the press was far more interested in news about the Royal Heir, Princess Elise Bourbon-Rys. After the incident between the future queen and Lady Madeleine's daughter, rumors about more spats, feuds between the princess's friends and her rival's at school and possible absence of both of them from the ball spread fast. Yet no one from the palace confirmed nor denied any information. Would the princess miss her own mother's ball? Or was it Lady Charlotte who took the fall?
"Your Majesties! A word, please!" A reporter chanted.
The king and queen smiled to the press, signaling for them to step closer.
"Good evening, everyone!" Liam replied.
"We hope you're enjoying the ball," Jade continued.
"Lady Charlotte just arrived with her family. Does it mean Princess Elise is still grounded?"
"Elise wasn't grounded. Queen Jade and I believe that encouraging our children to do volunteer work is a much more effective way to teach them about compassion and non-aggressive methods to deal with their feelings." 
"Can we expect the Princess to attend the ball then?" A paparazzi asked.
"Yes. Elise is preparing herself to join the festivities, just like all the other teenagers partaking in the Young Couples Dance," the queen affirmed.
"Aren't you concerned about another disagreement between the young ladies, sir?"
"There's no reason for concern. They've made amends that same day and they've been working together at the senior's shelter."
"Are they friends now?"
"What about the situation with Lord Zain?"
The reporters continued to ask more questions when the Queen's assistant approached her and whispered something in her ear.
"We would be glad to talk to you some more, but the first attraction is about to start. Please join us in the celebration of this magical evening honoring the children of our country," the queen stated before walking away with the king.
After outstanding performances of Cordonian Royal Ballet academy and a play presented by Queen Eleanor's children home, it was time for the Young Couples Dance. All couples were introduced by the herald and as soon as they took their places in the ballroom, musicians played a traditional Cordonian Waltz. The crowd eagerly waited for any kind of mishap or incident. Contrary to all expectations, the young couples gracefully danced to the song, making it another successful performance. 
"Maxwell and Hana did an excellent job with the kids this year," Liam commented.
"I know. Aren't they lovely?" Jade beamed as the couples spinned in perfect synchrony.
"They are. But there's one couple stealing all the attention though." The king nodded towards Princess Elise, who was all smiles to her dance partner. "Who is he?"
"Gael Maldonado, heir to the Ducado de Rivas."
"A Calenvian lord."
"Maxwell was betting on Amalas's child, but I saw how our Lil Bunny was like when she facetimed Gael."
"I see... Did Drake run a background check on him?" Liam asked, scrutinizing the boy.
"What would he—" the Queen then arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you jealous, Your Majesty?" Jade teased.
"It's just a precaution."
"You don't say..." she grinned.
"Our children won't have a social season. We need to find out more about their possible..." Liam made a face as the boy whispered something in Elise's ear, making her giggle. "...suitors."
Jade chuckled, hugging the king's arm. "Honey, they just met. Let them enjoy the night with no pressure."
"Are you really not worried?"
"Why would I be? Look at them!"
Elise beamed as Gael spun her around and held her with back pressed against his chest.
The king then gave his wife a knowing look. "You already did a background check on him, didn’t you?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jade reached for her champagne flute to avoid his gaze.
“Uh huh…” 
The king and queen smiled proudly, watching their eldest daughter dance.
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f0point5 · 1 month
it has to do with the girl herself, luisa was liked bc she was nice and bubble, magui is knows for being a serial cheater, believe it or not but charlotte was quite liked as well and alex whole "I'm a private person but you will see me everywhere" piss people off, isa was LOVED but rebecca escorts rumors ruined her chances, so it has to do with the girl herself I doubt if kelly was the same age as max, without a kid from another f1 driver she would get the same hate, lily 1 is a athlete herself, lily 2 is basically oscar's hs sweetheart etc if logan was dating some trumpie I can't imagine how horrible they would treat that girl and logan isn't even that well liked
Well, Luisa was trolled by a lot of people for her looks, I know that. Sure Magui is more hated, she has more of a public profile, as does Lando now. I don’t believe it that Charlotte was quite liked, all I ever saw was people trashing her for being friends with Charles’s ex, for using him to build her platform, etc.. Liam Lawson’s gf gets hate for like…whatever political nonsense, Heidi gets hate for…not being successful enough? Meanwhile Lily and Estelle are getting doxxed because there’s not info about them so people just have to find something or make shit up.
It has nothing to do with who the girls are and everything to do with who they’re dating.
These women will get hate whatever they do, whoever they are. Sure maybe in some universe where they’re not human and have literally never done a single questionable thing in their whole lives people would find less to complain about but why the fuck are people saying anything in the first place?
No matter how many “legitimate” reasons people have to dislike these women, being upset that someone you don’t know is dating someone else you don’t know because you think that person is a “bad” person is freak behaviour. Why do you care? The driver clearly doesn’t. And if they don’t care, and you do because you’re such a stand up person, shouldn’t you dislike that driver as well? It’s all soooo creepy and parasocial, no matter how you try to dress it up that it’s okay because the wag does x,y,z. No one is asking you to date her.
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alj4890 · 1 year
Love Drabble
(Liam x Riley) along with their daughters from this drabble
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A/N Yes, I couldn't stay away from this story. I thought it would be a good time to return to this to show how Liam and Riley are doing along with Charlotte and Hope. Romance is in the air for not just our main couple, but for their daughters too 🥰 On a side note, I started this before Valentine's Day, then writer's block struck in the middle, LOL! Hopefully I can finish up this two to three part miniseries soon.
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @tessa-liam @thesvnsins @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations
Rating: G for major Fluff ☺️
Song inspiration:
L-O-V-E (part 1)
"Purple is Hope's favorite color." Charlotte explained. "So I think we should change some of these landscape paintings to highlight the new bedspread and chaise lounge."
Liam watched with a smile upon his face as the servants eagerly began to do as the princess suggested.
He wrapped his arm around his daughter and squeezed her in a side hug.
"Hope's going to love all the ways you are trying to make her first visit here special."
Charlotte bit down on her bottom lip. "I hope she does. I want her to feel at home here."
"So do I." He led her out of the bedroom towards their informal den. "How are the ball preparations coming along?"
"Everything is set." Charlotte scrolled through her tablet for her to-do list. "I went with a red theme since it is so close to Valentine's Day"
"Perfect." He replied. "That should put everyone in a more romantic mood."
Charlotte nearly tripped over that observation.
"Dearest?" He stopped her. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing's truly wrong." She sighed. "I've been so focused on discovering I have a sister that I forgot about choosing a suitor."
"You know I'm not going to pressure you into naming someone." Liam pointed out.
"I know." She slipped her hand in his to gently squeeze. "But the public is anxious for me to do so." Her nose crinkled. "As are some of our nobles."
"I see." He could very well remember all the pressures of that nature. "Perhaps this ball will be the one to eliminate that worry."
Charlotte began to smile. No one could be more optimistic about her uncertain future than her father.
"You come from a long line of Rhys who have found their significant other at a ball." He wrapped his arm around her as they continued down the hallway. "I have no doubt you'll continue that tradition."
"I'm so nervous." Hope quickly buckled her seatbelt. "I don't know if I'm ready to meet a whole country."
Riley laughed as she buckled her own. "You're not having to meet everyone in Cordonia. Just most of them."
"Not helping, Mom." Hope grumbled.
"Do we have to stay by your side while you greet everyone or can we go on to the palace?" Her best friend, Sean, teased.
"Don't make me regret forcing you to come." Hope playfully pushed him. "If you do, I won't introduce you to my sister."
"Just as I thought." He settled back in the plush leather seat of the private plane. "Already acting like a spoiled princess."
He clucked his tongue in disapproval.
"Ms. Brooks, what are we going to do with Hope?"
Riley studied her daughter for a moment. "Only one thing to do, Sean."
Hope's eyes widened. "No! Please! Not that! Anything but--"
They both began to belt out Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Hope covered her ears to the song she'd always despised.
"Alright!" She yelled out when they got to the chorus. "I'll introduce you to Charlotte!"
"Thank you." Sean's unrepentant grin appeared on his face. "I can't believe I missed all the excitement of a king and princess appearing on your doorstep."
"It was crazy there for a while." Hope motioned towards her mom. "She was speechless for a good ten minutes."
"In my defense," Riley softly smiled over the memory of seeing Liam again, "I'd had a very hard day and was not suspecting to see any former flames of mine."
"Former flames?" Hope chuckled. "I don't think my father really fits in that category anymore."
"Hope." Riley shook her head.
"He calls you, my love." Hope reminded her. "I think he is still in love with you."
Riley tried to dismiss that.
"He did fly all the way to New York for you." Sean added.
"He came to see the child he'd unknowingly fathered." Riley reminded them.
"He came for you first though." Hope argued. "You were the one he went to first to explain everything."
"It doesn't matter." Riley ended the conversation. "He's a king and I'm still that same girl I was twenty years ago who was nowhere near a part of his world."
She closed her eyes and tried to stop her own butterflies in her stomach from fluttering too much. Too much time had gone by for her to begin to hope for another chance with Liam.
He and Charlotte remained in New York over the holidays. For nearly two weeks, she'd had daily contact with the man she'd thought she had gotten over. Seeing him be so open and happy over finding out he now had two daughters made her want to melt.
Deep down, he was still that shy prince who only wished for a family of his own.
Why was he the one man she could fall in love with each time she saw him?
"I have to hurry!" Charlotte held up two dresses. "I don't want their plane to land and not be there to greet them."
Lord Bartie Beaumont sat on the edge of her bed, head tilted in thought over her choice of clothing.
"Maybe you shouldn't go with a dress. How about something a bit more casual?"
She dropped the dresses on her floor and rushed back into her closet.
"I can't wait to meet your sister." Bartie said a bit louder so she could hear him. "After all that Uncle Max told me about Riley, I bet Hope will be just as much fun as her mom."
"She is!" Charlotte responded excitedly. "You're going to love her!"
His dimple grin appeared when she came back out to talk about her sister, forgetting the need for the perfect outfit.
"Lottie?" He interrupted her descriptions of Hope. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
He motioned toward the pile of clothes she'd yet to choose from.
He laughed when she squealed and ran back into her closet to find just the right outfit.
"They're here!" Charlotte nearly bounced in excitement. "Hurry, Father!"
Liam chuckled as he followed his daughter out to the tarmac. He couldn't help but feel excited himself. He'd been just as anxious in welcoming Hope to Cordonia. He was also just as nervous to welcome Riley back.
The time he spent with her in New York was perfect. He loved every moment being with the ladies who held special places in his heart. Seeing his two daughters grow close and his former love embrace Charlotte as a member of her family made him, for the first time in his life, wish he didn't have to return to Cordonia.
He'd wanted to remain in Riley's small apartment forever.
He couldn't stop his imagination from thinking that this is how it would have been. The two of them watching their children enjoy the holidays together, sharing a bond he knew so well. That bond had been what had made his marriage to Madeleine more easy to endure.
Yet, he felt so much more for Riley than his late wife. He always had.
Liam wondered if this could be his chance at the love he'd lost twenty years ago.
"Hope!" Charlotte hurried over and hugged her sister the moment she stepped off the plane.
Hope hugged her just as tight.
The two began to talk over the other, laughing and answering each other's questions.
Liam looked up at Riley standing on the next to the last step of the plane. Her delighted smile over the girls' greeting made his own appear.
He edged his way around them to offer his hand to her.
Riley's fingers fluttered in his hand at the contact.
"How was your flight?" He asked.
"Perfect." She responded. "You didn't have to send a private plane for us."
"Nonsense." He glanced up at the young man who followed after her.
"Oh!" Hope exclaimed. "Sorry. This is my best friend, Sean Yeoh." She waved towards Liam. "That's my dad and this," she kept her arm around Charlotte, "is my sister."
Sean chuckled as he held his hand out towards Liam to shake. "Hope hasn't stopped talking about either of you. I feel like I know you already."
Liam shook his hand with a welcoming smile. "She did the same with you while we were in New York."
Sean turned towards Charlotte to shake her hand and stilled for two heartbeats.
A slight blush covered her cheeks from the way he stared at her as she held her hand out.
"Welcome to Cordonia." She managed to get out.
"Tha--thanks." He stuttered.
Hope only smiled over the way they were reacting to one another.
She'd planned for just this reaction to the two finally meeting.
"This is my room?"
Hope's jaw dropped over the immense size of her bedroom and bathroom. The closet alone was bigger than her bedroom back home in New York.
"And this is your sitting room."
Charlotte opened a hidden door to reveal a room filled with plush furniture, a large flat screen, and a wall covered with bookcases.
"Holy crap!" Hope exclaimed.
Riley snorted in amusement.
"If you want to change anything," Charlotte said quickly, "please let me know and I will have it done at once."
"Change anything?" Hope's eyes widened. "I wouldn't change a thing! These rooms are gorgeous!"
Charlotte visibly relaxed in hearing her sister gush about how much she loved it.
"Charlotte's been working ever since we returned to make sure you felt at home here." Liam gently placed his arm around Hope's shoulders. "We both want you to feel like you belong here."
Hope hugged him before pulling Charlotte into the hug.
"Thank you." Tears of joy sparkled in her eyes. "Both of you."
"We'll let you get settled." Liam pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Once you've recovered from the flight, I would like to introduce you to Regina and a few other close friends." His smile was warm. "I managed to keep the other nobles away until the ball, to give you time to adjust."
"Right." Hope paled some. "I'm still not sure how to act as a princess."
"Just be yourself." Charlotte told her.
Liam nodded. "I only want everyone to meet my daughter. Nothing else is expected of you."
Hope tried to smile at that.
"We'll be right by your side the whole time." Charlotte promised.
"And you've got us in your corner too." Sean reminded her.
Riley slipped her hand in her daughter's. "You'll do great."
They all filed out, leaving the new princess alone with her thoughts.
"Charlotte, would you mind showing Sean his room?" Liam asked. "I need to have a word with Riley."
"Of course." She smiled at them both before leading Sean away.
"What's wrong?" Riley asked once they were alone in the hallway.
"Nothing at all." He opened the door to her room, following her inside.
She paused at the sight of the room she'd been given her first visit to Cordonia.
A reminiscent smile graced her lips as she thought back. The flood of emotions swept over her. Excitement over being in a palace and being a suitor for a handsome prince. Delight in making new friends. Hopefulness in a future with the man she'd fallen in love with.
And then sadness when he chose another.
"Riley?" Liam cleared his throat. "There will be a ball while you are here."
"Yes, I heard about that." She turned towards him. "I hope Drake, Hana, and Maxwell will be there."
"They will be." He chuckled. "The moment I told them about Hope, they insisted I allow them to visit you both first."
"Good." She sat down and motioned for him to do the same. "I take it no one has objected to Hope once you received the paternity test results."
"You were right to make me go ahead and have that performed before I left New York." Liam sighed. "I suppose it was naive on my part to assume they would accept Hope without question like I did."
Riley felt her heart she had tried to protect from him grow softer with remembering how he didn't see a reason for a test. He'd accepted her explanation without a shadow of a doubt. After all these years, he still believed the best in her.
"Then again," she smiled at him, "perhaps that simply makes you a good man."
"I hope so." He dropped his gaze to his clasped hands. "I have a request."
"You do?"
He nodded. "Would, would you allow me to escort you to the ball?"
Liam's bashfulness flashed making Riley melt even more.
"I'd always wanted to escort you to one when you were last here."
He swallowed a touch nervously.
"Are you sure you can be seen with such a scandalous woman?" Riley halfheartedly teased.
"You aren't a scandalous woman." He argued.
"I am." She pushed out of the chair to stand at the window. "I was caught with another man and managed to have your child." She snorted. "If that isn't scandalous with a capital S then nothing is."
"Riley," he got to his feet, "I know you were innocent with Tariq." He rubbed the back of his neck when she remained silent. "And I am just as guilty for Hope's creation."
When Riley remained silent, he took another step towards her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and take her mind off the past. If he could only redirect her thoughts to the possibilities the future held for them.
Liam instead reached for her hand.
"I won't pressure you into allowing me to be your date for the evening." He lifted her hand to his lips. "But I do hope you allow me the pleasure of your company."
He bowed to her and left.
Riley softly groaned as she sank down onto her bed.
It might as well be twenty-one years ago. She was more than ready to be with Liam as much as he wanted her to.
"Thank you, Charlotte." Sean said. "Er, I mean, your highness." He flushed when she smiled at him. "Your majesty?"
"Just Charlotte." She insisted. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call the staff or myself."
She waved towards a phone on his nightstand.
He walked over to it, reading the various extensions to the kitchens, housekeeping, and stables.
"What's your number?" He asked.
Charlotte brushed past him to reach for the notepad and pen.
He stilled at her being so near.
She quickly wrote her number down.
"Here." She looked up at him with a shy smile. "Just in case."
"Just in case." He repeated with a grin, trying to summon his usual confidence around beautiful women.
"I'll see you soon, I hope." Charlotte said on her way out.
"I'll make sure of it." Sean promised.
The moment she shut his door, he collapsed face first on the bed.
"I'll make sure of it?" He groaned into the mattress. "Brain, you failed me again."
An hour later, Hope peeped outside her room. She'd been unable to get ahold of Charlotte. She knew her mom was probably napping. Sean most likely was too since he didn't respond to any of her texts.
Her curiosity over the palace had grown to the point where she didn't think she could wait any longer without doing a bit of exploring.
Once she saw that the coast was clear, she slipped her tennis shoes off and padded silently down the hallway.
Bartie Beaumont was walking past a connecting hallway and saw her creeping further away from where he was, holding her shoes. Grinning, he took his own shoes off and tiptoed quickly until he caught up with her.
Hope didn't notice him behind her as she paused before stepping out in the open area of the second floor. Glancing right and left, she softly huffed over not knowing which way she should go.
Bartie was about to whisper a suggestion when she suddenly threw one of her shoes in the air.
When it landed the toe pointed towards a little to the left. Swiping it back up, she dashed over toward that hallway.
The young lord covered his mouth. Tears of laughter filled his dark brown eyes as he realized she'd used her shoe as a substitute coin. Shaking his head in wonder, he followed her on to see what other mischief she'd get into.
Voices could be heard further down, causing Hope to freeze in uncertainty. She spun around and crashed into Bartie.
Her eyes widened as she looked up at his smiling face.
"Hide me!" She pleaded in a breathless whisper.
He quickly unlocked his bedroom door and shoved her through, closing her in there.
"There you are." His father, Bertrand, grumbled. "Your mother and I were wondering if--why the devil are you not wearing your shoes?!"
Bartie dropped the objects and did his best to appear innocent.
"Your uncle perfected that expression." Bertrand softly groaned. "I don't believe I have the stomach to hear what you've truly been up to."
Savannah laughed, looping her arm through her husband's. "Knowing Bartie, he's probably helping Princess Charlotte entertain her sister."
His dimpled smile appeared. Bartie could always count on his mother believing he was doing something worthwhile. Even if he occasionally, on a regular basis, got up to trouble with the crown princess.
Bertrand merely humphed in response. "Do try and keep the Beaumont name free of ridicule this time."
"Yes, father." Bartie promised.
Once the couple disappeared, he collapsed back against the door in relief.
Bartie tried to catch his balance when his door popped open. With arms flailing he crashed back into his room, landing on a soft, definitely feminine figure.
Hope's muffled cry of surprise turned to a painful laugh.
Bartie quickly rolled off. Worry clouded his features when she flopped her arms weakly over her face. Hope's entire body trembled violently.
"Where are you hurt?" He pleaded. "Did you break or--"
She lowered her arms to reveal how hard she was silently laughing. Unable to hold it in any longer, she released the biggest guffaw Bartie had ever heard.
He joined in, delighted to finally meet a lady able to truly ugly laugh without worry over how it appeared.
He got to his feet and offered his hands to help her stand.
She grasped them with one more giggle and allowed him to pull her upright.
She slid in her socks, crashing against his chest.
Bartie's arms instinctively wrapped around her to keep her standing.
"Thank you." She smiled up at him.
"My pleasure." He smiled back. "I'm Bartie, by the way."
"I'm Hope." She responded.
"I guessed as much." He chuckled. "My uncles were friends with your mom."
"They were?"
"Drake Walker and Maxwell Beaumont." He added. "Given how much they spoke of her, I believe we are destined to be friends too."
"My first friend in Cordonia." Hope said with a great deal of relief. "I can't tell you how grateful I am that you aren't pompous."
She realized she was still in his arms.
Breaking away with a blush, she held her hand out.
Bartie took it. Instead of shaking it like she intended, he swept an elegant bow before her and kissed her hand.
Her lips parted in a delighted surprise.
He winked at her. "Shall I escort you around the palace? Or would you rather continue to sneak about?"
Another giggle escaped her.
"Sneaking is more fun." She pointed out.
"I couldn't agree more."
Bartie kept her hand in his, and tiptoed the two of them further into the castle.
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I've seen you answer so many (blank) x Bella posts, that I now want a consolidated list.
So like, with no context or explanations necessary, can you make a list of which vampires (cullens, denali, volturi) could fall for Bella and which ones couldn't? I'm curious. :3c
And if this is too much for one ask, I understand.
Keep in mind some of these are "not canon but I can see it" and "not a good relationship but sex would be had because reasons".
And as you asked, no explanations.
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burningflamescurse · 9 months
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Pre—Accident!Stephen Strange x Fem! Surgeon!OFC, Grey’s anatomy Crossover.
A/N: First of all I have a lot of Original Characters that I am adding to this Series, Which I will Explain the roles right now before moving along into the actual writing part!
Chief of General Surgery: Doctor Jack Wilson
General Surgery Attending: Doctor Liam Jones
General Surgery Resident: Doctor Lucas Miller
Chief of Thoracic Surgery: Doctor Charlotte Garcia.
Thoracic Surgery Attending: Henry Davis
Thoracic Surgery Resident: Camila Taylor
OBGYN/Neonatal Surgeon: Emily Perez
Fetal Surgeon: Evelyn Lopez
Pediatrician: Asher Lewis.
Neurosurgery Resident: Noah Sanchez.
Orthopedic Surgeon: Aria Adams
Hand Surgeon: Layla Rivera
Spine Surgeon: Ethan Carter
Trauma Surgeon: Hazel Evans
Pediatric Surgeon: Aurora Baker
Interns: Amy Nelson, David Torres, James Scott, Shelby Edwards, Willow Brooks.
Chapter Two: Beginnings Of Tragic Incidents.
Chapter Summary: after Blake talked with Cristina about what’s been going on in Seattle with Meredith and Everyone else, her Interns do something unforgivable, something she can’t even Fathom forcing her to do something, maybe even tell her boyfriend.
CW//TW: Medial Terminology, Drama, Shouting, Surgery, Trauma, Cursing, Stephen getting mad at the interns, a Bunch of different OC’s, Blake and Christine are best friend, mentions of Derek shepherd’s Death, Trauma, Flashbacks, Cristina and Blake are like soulmates, injuries, mentions of Cutting an LVAD wire.
“So he totally is Like Meredith’s McDreamy, Huh?” Cristina said over the Phone call, Blake Hissed at her to shut up as she was in the Female Attendings Locker room, Pulling on her Dark Blue Scrubs. “Cristina!” She Whisper Shouted.
Cristina Snorted before ending the call, She Met Stephen Outside heading towards the Nurses Station to get and find there own Cases, like Any hospital Worked. “By the way where are your Stupid Interns?” He asked. Blake stopped, blinking her eyes noticing that none of her little Suck ups were around her, Malia Noticed the Doctor becoming Suspicious and Knew she had to tell on the Poor Interns.
"Doctor Shepherd, one of your Patients on the transplant list came back in after his heart was failing again despite the LVAD, They've been in his room for an hour now, I think his name was Daniel Cooper." Malia said, Blake had a bad feeling about all this, She nodded at Stephen and Malia to come with her. The Trio Scrambled to Cooper's Room, standing in shock when they saw what was happening. "What the hell.." Blake mumbled, her eyes widened in shock, seeing Amy Pumping his heart Manually as the LVAD Wire was cut with a Pair of Scissors next to it. "Amy, What the hell did you do?!" She Practically yelled, "and why are all you fools helping her?!"
Amy didn't respond continuing to Pump his heart, Blake looked at Stephen who shook his head, she nodded to Malia, "Malia take over Pumping his Heart, and Amy step away from the Patient." Malia Nodded and Tried to gently take the device away but Amy screamed no and said not to touch her, Blake Ignored Amy for now telling Malia to stay with her and to help Amy if she allowed her to, Blake turned to the three other Idiot doctors, "You three, In the hall. Now." She ordered.
Blake was angry, seething even. "What the hell were you three thinking, you could have killed that Patient." She said, Stephen was right next to her agreeing with her words, "Even worse, you could have endangered your careers and be sued for assaulting a Patient." Stephen added. David Tried to speak but Blake shushed him, "No, Not a word, you are not to speak, Not a single word, I don't wanna have to Testify against any of you fools." She said.
The Group was silent for a moment, “I assume you ran labs..” She said, Her eyes showing a Furious anger and Disappointment. They stayed Silent only fueling her Annoyance and anger, "Well?..." She demanded. James spoke, "you told us not to speak-"
"I know I did, Now did you run labs?!.." Blake said, tapping her foot impatiently, David Nodded, Blake sighed as she gave out orders, "Okay, Shelby Jack's been asking for you." She said giving her the order to go, before turning to the rest of the amazingly idiotic Interns, "David go get those labs and come right back, do not talk to anyone, go straight there and back."
Then She turned to James, "Now you, follow me and Stephen Right now."
A Few Hours later and both Blake and Stephen were making sure Mr. Cooper was okay, She listened to his heart with her Stethoscope sighing at how weak it sounded. "Why Amy... Why would you do this?.." She said, Continuing to to Listen to his heart while Stephen did a quick Neuro Exam to ensure he was okay in the head, no concussion or any Brain Bleed whatsoever. "Because he needs that heart and I love him.. I love him so damn Much Doctor Shepherd.." The Intern Whispered, Blake shook her head sighing In Disappointment.
"Oh for God's sake, you fell in love with a Patient.." Blake sighed, exasperated, Stephen was really trying to hold back all his anger at the Interns. "Well his Brain is Okay, No signs of anything wrong with his brain." Stephen Said. David Came in with the Labs, "Labs are back, His State is becoming worse." Blake sighed Knowing exactly what that Meant. Amy Spoke now, "He'll get the heart right, He's gonna get the heart? He has to. You'll Sign the papers that he'll be put at the top of the list-" She was quickly Interrupted by Blake's cold tone.
"Those are the Kind of things I would tell a doctor, and right now you are not a doctor, you are a Visitor." She said, her eyes showing how furious she actually was. "What?.." Amy asked in complete and utter disbelief. "You will no longer be a doctor in this Hospital until I say Otherwise. Now Step away from Mr. Cooper and let Malia Take over." She Ordered.
Malia came over slowly taking it away from Amy as Blake Glared at her slightly, making the rest of the Interns Shrink underneath her Gaze.
Blake told Stephen to carry on with the rest of his Surgeries while she went to talk to the Chief of the hospital about this certain Incident without exposing her Interns for doing this.
She asked the Chief about a Hypothetical Question with the exact same Situation, In which she explained that Mr. Cooper move to the top of the list and receive the heart Immediately but ordered that whoever did that was to be in her Office for Intense Consequences for endangering a Patients Life.
Blake nodded, "Of course, Ma'am."
Which ended with the Interns getting yelled at by the chief and forced to not even go near a Surgical case unless they fessed up on who did it and to share one single Patient to give her what she needed.
Later on Blake was sitting at the Nurses Station, Checking on different Patient files and Images, as Stephen was Charting, "So, How bad was their Punishments?" Stephen asked with a Snide Smirk on his face. Blake sighed, Shaking her head. "The Chief said no more surgeries until they confess that Amy did it and they had to share one singular Patient." She snorted, Searching up another Patient file.
Malia was now delivering Labs due to Blake's Interns being Punished for their Stupid decisions, "Here you go Blake, Imaging is back for Ms. Collins." She said handing her the Tablet. Blake looked it over smiling to herself, "Oh.. I could use a little Great Neuro Case." She muttered. Stephen Looked up Suddenly Interested, Raising his eyebrow, "Oh no Mister, You have your own Solo Neuro Surgery in 30 Minutes, you need to get ready for that, I've got this one." She said, smirking to herself before teasing him. "Besides this woman has a nail in her head." She said, before rushing off.
Stephen Chuckled to himself, "Well Played, Doctor Shepherd."
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Dad's on the Edge: A Bad Romance One-Shot
Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Riley x Liam, Liam x Max, Riley x Max, Riley x Drake, Riley x Rashad
Paring this chapter: None, this all the guys dealing with the children.
Rating: R
Warnings for this chapter: Language
Word Count: 3,784
Disclaimer: It came to my attention, after I named these kids, that both Alexander and Charlotte are names used by @debramcg1106 for the children in her Driam pairing. (If you haven't read it, you should, because it's AMAZING!) I reached out to her and offered to change my kids names but she graciously declined my offer. As always, any similarities to other people's works are unintentional and coincidental. My DM's are always open if you see something that you feel I should be made aware of. Thank you.
A/N: This is my offering for @txemrn father's day fic idea! Can you imagine all the Bad Romance guys trying to wrangle kids that have BR Riley's DNA? 🤣 You don't have to imagine it....here it is, hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
A/N2: Habibti means sweetheart in Arabic
A/N3: Ellie (Eleanor) and Xander (Alexander) are Liam's. Jax (Jaxon) is Drake's, Jace (Jason) is Max's and Charli (Charlotte) paternity is unknown.
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Why am I here, again?” Rashad asked with a slight frown. When Liam had asked him to attend the public celebration of the queen mother’s years of service to Cordonia as she prepared for her retirement, he had assumed it was in his capacity as Riley’s lawyer or as a member of the Cordonian court and Liam’s inner circle. Not as a babysitter.
“Because Riley is quarantined with the flu, and we needed backup. You are their godfather.” Liam stated matter of factly.
“Yes.” Rashad responded carefully, “But I’m not the only one. Leo is too, and he has more experience with-”
“Not to put too fine a point on it, but Leo isn’t sleeping with my wife.”
“Touché.” Rashad held his hands up to indicate surrender, “But they have godmothers. What about Hana or Olivia?”
“Hana is also down with the flu.” Liam replied.
“And Olivia?”
Liam waved his hand dismissively in the general direction of where Oliva was seated, “Oh, feel free to tell Olivia she’s more suited for this because she’s a woman.”
Rashad’s eyes went wide as they flicked to Olivia and back, then he cleared his throat, “So, what do you need me to do, exactly?”
“You’re just going to help us corral the kids during the ceremony. Here they come now.”
Rashad watched apprehensively as Drake made his way over to them with a diaper bag slung over his shoulder, Jax and Jace in tow, both trying to wriggle free as he gripped a small hand in each of his own. Max followed carrying a squirming, two year old Charlotte. Xander and Ellie trailed behind, bringing up the rear.
“You’re going to be in charge of Charlotte.” Liam informed him.
“Me? Why me? I think I’d be better suited to watch over Ellie or Xander!” Rashad protested.
“Of course, you think that.” Drake smirked at him, “They’re the easy ones!”
At 12 and 9 Ellie and Xander had more maturity and more experience with these types of events and were, indeed, easier to contend with during one. Usually.
The younger boys, Jax 6, and Jace 4, were more rambunctious and much harder to convince to sit still for any length of time. Then there was Charlotte, who had whole heartedly embraced the entire tenor of the terrible twos. High spirited was the term Riley used for her.
“Not gonna lie, Charli scares me a little. One time I woke up and found her standing next to the bed just staring at me like she was in a trance.” Max shuddered.
Drake rolled his eyes, “You know she was sleepwalking, right Beaumont?”
Max ignored Drake and leaned closer to Rashad, “Did you know Riley originally wanted seven to nine children?”
Rashad blinked, “What?”
Max nodded somberly, “Charli is the reason she tied her tubes after five.”
Rashad’s eyes shot to the small child in Max’s arms, her angelic face arranged in the most brilliant innocent smile he’d ever seen. No, that wasn’t true. He’d seen that exact smile on Riley’s face. Innocent and brilliant was her most disingenuous and potentially dangerous smile. He swallowed, hard, his mouth suddenly dry.
“We can do this, guys!” Liam asserted, he ran an entire country for God’s sakes, how hard could it be to wrangle his own children for one event? “I mean Riley does it all the time, she handles all five of them by herself at these things and they behave perfectly.”
“Yeah.” Drake responded drily, “Because they know better than to cross their mother. But they know some of us are pushovers.” He looked right at Max when he said it.
“Hey! I am not a- “
Liam gave him a look, “You let them eat flaming hot Cheetos for breakfast last week.”
Drake asked, “Why do we have a water slide in our backyard at Valtoria?”
Even Rashad joined in, “I believe I was called in last month to coordinate appraisals of a fleet of BMWs after an art project gone awry….”
Max huffed, “Ok, you know what? I believe in letting children express themselves, ok? They need to know it’s ok to be themselves-“
“Sure, Max,” Drake interrupted as he put the diaper bag down, then turned to address his question to Liam, “How are we going to divide five kids between four adults?”
“That’s easy.” Liam replied, “Ellie and Xander go together because they’re the easiest.”
“I’ll take Jace.” Max volunteered.
“No!” Liam and Drake both shouted at the same time.
Max looked at them in confusion, “Why not?”
“Because you don’t reign in his worst impulses, you tend to encourage them.” Liam said. Drake nodded in agreement.
“Jace needs a firmer touch. Here.” He pulled Jace over to Drake, “Max, you take Jax. Ellie and Xander can come with me.”
Backpacks, water bottles, jackets, toys that they had been told to leave home but had been brought anyway and various electronic devices were shuffled around so the appropriate adult had possession of the items belonging to the children in their care.
“Ahem.” Rashad interrupted the activity, directing his question to Liam, he asked again, “Why do I have to take the little one?”
“Because” Liam stepped closer, leaning in so they wouldn’t be overheard, “She might be yours. Look at it as a bonding opportunity.”
“Mine?” He asked in astonishment, “No, I mean….”
“Look at her features, Rashad. Those eyes…”           
“Green, like her mother’s!”
“Hazel, there’s brown around her irises.”
“That might rule out Max, but not Drake, that’s still three potential-“
“She has Riley’s features, but our coloring, mine and yours. There’s brown in her eyes and black in her hair. Not to mention, Charli can be a very serious, calculating child. She’s extremely intelligent and studious, already at two. I love them both, but there’s no way she has Drake or Max’s DNA.”
Rashad and Liam both tilted their heads as they studied the curly headed quiet child in front of them.
She was the spitting image of Riley, but her hair had undeniably darkened as she had gotten older, trending now more toward the ebony hues of both Liam and Rashad than the russet brown of Max’s or the even lighter chestnut shade of Drake’s hair.  She had Riley’s curls and the auburn was in there, streaking the black with brilliant shades of red when the sunlight hit it just right. Her nose, her lips, her chin, all her mother’s.
The seriousness and intelligence might come from one of them, but her intensity and temper was all Riley. Which was why none of the other men wanted to deal with her during a long, boring proceeding. A bored Charlotte was a dangerous Charlotte. She was Riley, with a two year old temper and lack of impulse control.
“Here.” Max thrust Charlotte into Rashad’s arms before he could protest again.
Drake tossed him the diaper bag, “Good luck.”
“Ah…..” He looked wildly around at the other three men, but they had all turned their backs to him, dealing with their own charges.
“Ok.” Liam breathed out a sigh of relief, sure that they had this under control, “Xander, Ellie, come with me.”
Rashad’s head snapped up in panic, “Wait, you’re leaving?”
Liam shrugged, “Sorry but, you know, I’m the king and this is a state event. Responsibilities and all that. I have to go give a speech. Ellie, Xander, let’s go.”
“It’ll be fine,” Max assured him, “Liam gives a speech, Leo gives a speech, a bunch of other people give speeches, we all applaud and then there’s a parade or something.”
“That sounds horribly boring for young children.” Rashad responded doubtfully.
“Oh, it is.” Drake laughed at him, “Why do you think I said good luck?”
Max and Drake situated themselves between the boys, so there were two adults between them. Drake turned his attention to opening a pack of goldfish crackers for Jace as Max pulled out his cell phone and stared trading Pokémon with Jax. Rashad turned his head to peer into Charli’s eyes. She was adorable. He decided that it couldn’t be that bad. She was only two after all.
As he stared down into her bright, sparkling eyes, he felt a twist in his chest. What if she was his? The idea of this beautiful child being part him and part Riley wasn’t the worst feeling in the world. He’d never wanted fatherhood, and his lifestyle and work schedule wouldn’t permit it even if he had. But then, no one was asking to him to fill that role. Regardless of DNA, Charlotte had a father. She had three, actually.
It wasn’t surprising to him that Max was a good father, he had a nurturing side to him that Rashad assumed was critical for parenting, as well as having managed to maintain a playfulness that endeared him to children.
And Liam, of course Liam was a good father. His love for all five of the children was evident in all his interactions with them and in the unmistakable pride in his voice when he spoke about any of them.
Most surprising, to Rashad at least, was Drake. Rashad didn’t dislike him, precisely, they’d been friends since their teenage years, but that was more a function of them both being friends with Liam rather than any real connection between them. They were too different. It was more that Rashad had never understood what Riley saw in him. He understood why she was in love with Liam. Or maybe that was a function of conceit since he considered Liam and himself to be very similar in many ways. And while Max could be exuberant and irreverent at times, those things were also true of Riley, and he could also be respectful and decorous when the situation called for it.
But Drake was pure force of will, often getting his way through brute force and intimidation. He lacked subtlety and finesse. Which is why it was so surprising to Rashad that Drake was possibly the most competent of the three when it came to parenting. Though perhaps those qualities were precisely what made him good at parenting. Rashad considered that as he watched Charlotte’s face slowly collapse into a scowl. “Oh no…. what’s wrong, Charli?” He tried for a soothing tone.
Her face reddened and her brows drew together as she leveled the full force of her two year old fury at him, “Want Mommy!”
“Mommy’s home sick, Habibti, remember?” He patted her back and rocked her gently as he’d seen Riley do many times.
Her face got even darker, “Want. Mommy! Now!”
“Listen sweet baby girl, what if I get you a snack?” He said cajolingly as he dug through the diaper bag with his free hand.
“No snack!” She started to wail.
“Ooooh, look! How about some cheerios?” He offered.
“No snack!” She struck his hand, sending cereal pieces flying everywhere, “Want mommy!”
“Charli, please, we don’t scream in public-“
“M-m-mo-moooooooommmmmiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” Big, fat tears slipped down her face as the wailing increased in volume and pitch.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no!” He began to jiggle her faster, “Shhh-shhh-shhh, it’s ok, it’s ok.”
“NO!” She screamed as she pulled a chubby little hand back and smacked him in the face as she kicked him then went rigid in his arms and slid right through them onto the ground.
Rashad scooped the truculent toddler into his arms, kicking and wailing and hissed at the other two men, “Let’s trade!”
“With who?” Drake demanded.                        
“Both! I’ll take both the boys and the two of you can take Charlotte. That’s two adults to one child, this is a deal you should take.” Both boys were sitting quietly, Jace kicking his little legs out in front of him as he consumed his weight in goldfish crackers and gummy bears, Jax completely absorbed in a video game.
Max protested, “I don’t know…Liam said-“
Drake tried to explain, “They seem easy because we have them separated; I don’t think you appreciate-“
“No, I don’t think you appreciate how little I understand toddlers! Please!” Rashad shoved Charli into Drake’s arms and motioned for Jace to follow him.
Jace shot a questioning look at Drake, who was trying to soothe Charli. When Drake shrugged, Jace followed Rashad back to his seat asking, “Do you have any snacks? What about a juice box? Are you coming to the palace later? Daddy says they’ll have baklava at the party tonight and that we have to be good because this boring speech thing is for grandma and Ellie says I talk too much, but I don’t think I do. I talk the normal amount, Jax is the one that talks a lot. How long are you staying this time? We’re not in trouble again, are we? The thing with the cars wasn’t our fault, Xander said-“
Rashad gritted his teeth and tuned out the barrage of questions as he settled back into his seat and tried to focus his attention back on the speeches. Liam was at the podium. Ellie and Xander were standing on the stage behind him with Leo, some members of the royal council, Leo’s oldest son, a few visiting dignitaries and the queen mothers long time personal assistant standing behind him. Regina was in a private box looking out over the stadium where the event was being held.
As Liam shuffled the notecards, laughter rippled through the crowd. He looked up and out over the audience in confusion. The laughter got louder. His face paled. He whipped his head around to look behind him.
“Eleanor! What are you doing?” Then cursed himself because it was caught on mic.
She froze before responding with, “Uh…dabbing.” With a tone that clearly implied he was an idiot for not knowing that.
“Well, please stop.”
“Yeah, please stop.” Xander shoved her in the side.
There was some more laughter in the crowd and a few appalled gasps.
“Hey! You little shit!” Ellie elbowed him, hard.
This time the appalled gasps and the laughter were louder. Leo moved over to place himself between the two, effectively forcing a détente. Liam gave him a grateful smile before apologizing to the crowd and continuing with his speech.
In the crowd, Rashad whispered, “I thought they were the easy ones?”
Drake gave Rashad a conspiratorial smile as he tried to snuggle a wriggling, fussing, climbing on him like he was a jungle gym Charli, “Usually. Looks like Liam’s not getting off as easy as he thought he was. Ellie is a firecracker and Xander is just usually sneakier than the other two boys. When Jax and Jace get caught doing something they’re not supposed to be doing, Xander is almost guaranteed to be the one that put them up to it, he just retreats before suffering the consequences. But if anyone can bring out his inner demon, it’s Ellie.”
Rashad marveled at the way Drake carried on a conversation as if a rabid toddler weren’t using him as an obstacle course, while continuing to keep said toddler on his person despite her obvious attempts to be put down so she could run amuck. He was so busy being intrigued by it that he completely missed what was going on with the children he was supposed to be watching, as a quiet tussle over the video game started behind him.
Max snickered as he leaned toward Drake, “Remember the time she tricked him into cussing by insisting that a cat is called a putty tat, like tweety bird says?”
They had gone back and forth with the putty tat, pussy cat argument until Ellie had finally raised her voice and yelled, “Putty”, causing Xander to shout out, “Pussy!”
“Yeah.” Drake chuckled softly, “Poor kid. The look on Riley’s face when Regina heard that!”
Drake’s focus was on Charli who had placed a foot on his shoulder and attempted to launch herself into the row behind them when Rashad’s voice pulled his attention as he whisper screamed, “Jace! Jax! Get back here right now!”
It was too late, both boys were off and running down the aisle, Jace gleefully screeching with laughter as he ran away with his brother’s Nintendo Switch, Jax in hot pursuit, murder in his eyes.
“Fuck!” Drake swore, shoving Charlotte into Max’s arms. As he passed a distraught Rashad he muttered, “You’re fucking useless.”
The boys were running up the stadium steps as Drake raced after them. He caught up just as Jax tackled Jace to the ground. A scuffle ensured as they fought for possession of the Switch. Drake picked Jax up and lifted him easily with one arm while glancing down at Jace, holding his other hand out, “You ok, kiddo?”
Jace took Drake’s hand as he scrambled up, “Jax hit me!”
“Uh huh. And what have we said about taking other people’s stuff?”
Jace crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip. Drake sat Jax on the ground and knelt down in front of him, “I know he took your game, but you know that hitting is not ok, right? Remember your conflict resolution lessons?”
The lessons had been Liam’s idea, Drake had scoffed at it, but he couldn’t deny that it had helped. Too bad it hadn’t helped today specifically. Drake presided over the exchange of the game and apologies. As they headed back down the aisle, a woman smiled at him, “Good parenting skills.”
Jax looked up at her, eyes going directly to her very pregnant belly. “You’re pregnant!” He informed her.
“Yes.” She smiled at him as she lovingly cradled her bump.
“I know how that happens. The daddy puts his peanut in the mommy’s kerchina and then-“
The lady’s face went red as Drake’s hand clamped down over his son’s mouth. “Sorry.” He muttered as he ushed the boys back to their seats. He settled them back in their original seats as he told Rashad, “I told you they have to be kept separated at these things.”
“Tata, who’s that?” Jace’s voice was unnecessarily loud.
Drake’s head spun to look in the direction Jace was pointing, and staring, mouth opened at the jumbotron. Drake answered him, “Uh….that’s the pope. He couldn’t make it in person, so they are having him video call in to give his regards to grandma.”
“No. They guy behind him!”
Drake’s brow furrowed for a moment because there was no one behind him. Then understanding dawned on him as he noticed the huge crucifix with the image of Jesus with the crown of thorns hanging on it. “Oh. That’s Jesus.”
Unfortunately, there was a pause while the pope gathered his thoughts, so Jace’s voice carried clearly over the hushed crowd as he loudly exclaimed, in horror, “JESUS IS DEAD?!”
“Uh….Max?” Drake turned to Max in panic as Jace started to cry, loudly.
“On it!” Max traded seats with Drake, passing a squirming, whining Charli back to him in the process.
Max tried to soothe him, “Hey buddy. It’s ok, that’s not real, it’s a plastic statue.”
“So they can make Jesus look fake dead?”
“Yeah, yeah, exactly.” Max nodded, feeling pleased he’d explained it so well.
Jace’s face crumbled again, “Why would they do that?”
Drake’s attention was drawn away from Max and Jace as Charli slipped from his grasp and crawled under the seats. Drake had to get on his hands and knees to reach her. He reached under the seats then cussed softly through clenched teeth as he jerked his hand back when she bit into it, her teeth digging into the tender area between his thumb and index finger.
Drake crawled around on the ground trying to reach Charli as Max continued to try calm down a very distraught Jace. When he finally managed to pull her out, he handed her back to Rashad, “Your turn.���
Rashad looked up in surprise as Charli crashed down into his lap. “Oh..uh…hello again.”
She glared at him, “Want down!”
“How about a new toy?” He asked in desperation.
She stopped fighting and cocked her head curiously, “What toy?”
He dug around in his pockets and came up a keychain made from a heavy medallion. It was silver and green with a crescent moon and star on it. Rashad did not consider himself to be a religious man, but his grandmother had given it to him as a symbol of the faith she devoutly believed in, and he had kept it because it reminded him of her. He detached the medallion and held it out to Charli.
Her eyes widened in delight as he offered it to her, “Oooh, pretty!”
Rashad sighed in relief as she took it and settled into his lap, then anxiety surged through him again as she shoved it directly into her mouth. “No, no! You can’t swallow that, you’ll choke!”
Drake was about to offer Rashad some advice when Jax tapped him on the arm. He looked down and asked, “Yeah, buddy?”
“I have to pee.”
“Can it wait?”
“Mommy said you’re not supposed to say shit in front of us.”
“Oh, fuck me.” Drake mumbled.
“You’re not supposed to say fuck either.”
“Oh for the love of- You know what? Come on, all of you, it’s time for a break anyway.”
Drake stood and took Jax by the hand, Max followed behind him with Jace. “You coming?” He asked Rashad.
“No, I…I think I’m good.” Rashad replied.
Drake shrugged, “Suit yourself.”
“Grandma’s really old, isn’t she?” Jax asked as they stepped out into the aisle, “Is she going to die soon?”
Drake sighed as he guided him up the aisle, “We really need to have a talk about what is and isn’t an appropriate question.”
“He’s not wrong, Drake.”
“Really, Max?”
Rashad settled back into his seat after having shifted a little to let the others out, his arms tightening around Charli to keep from disturbing her. She had finally settled and was rubbing her eyes sleepily. She mumbled something as she rubbed her face against his chest. It sounded like shod. “What, habibti?” He asked.
She lifted her face and gazed up at him with heavy lids, her little hand coming up to pat his check softly, “You. ‘Shad.”
He jolted in surprise; she was trying to say his name. “Yes, I’m Rashad. And you’re Charli.”
She smiled at him sweetly, “Luf ou, ‘shad.” She mumbled before dropping her head back onto his shoulder and falling asleep.
He felt his heart melt into a molten puddle inside his chest as he gripped her closer. Her breathing became even and deep, her back rising and falling evenly under his hands. He kissed the top of her head, inhaling her sweet baby smell and whispered, “I love you too, habibti.”
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asksodabranch · 2 months
Greetings and Salutations!
Welcome to this new nightmare of a blog, based around the crackship Sodabranch (Bryce HFJONE x Branch Trolls), also featuring a vast array of other in-jokes and universes. You're in for a ride.
Here are the totally comprehensive (/j /lh) lore posts! (we'll add on more soon ^^)
X . X . X . X
No, we will not give any further explaination, yes we do add on new universes as we please
Asks are now open!
Here are the introductions from the individual mods:
"I'm too old for this,
h I'm mod 🇬🇧 .
I play, uhm, Bryce. Mephone4. and Charmy Bee
he/him Bryce
he/they/it for Charmy Bee
he/it for MePhone.
She/they/mew for Rio Morales (Miles Morales' mum)
kill me please.
Tumblr user @payjayy
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"Hi Vsauce, Rainer here."
hello everyone, i am 💻 mod and i play pen-ma, enot/inv, and subway seat. i go by he/hy/it and my main is @trans-ankle-biter so go there if you want petscop content.
pen-ma: any pronouns + neos
enot/inv: hy/it
subway seat: he/she"
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"“Bryce- its me, hfjone”
“Uh, gay sex is,,,my favorite hobby”
“Mansplain, manipulate, malewife!”
yo whats up, im sparkle on mod, or ✨🎇 mod, my main is @clwntwn
im liam & airy & live laugh lovey in this hell hole of a blog,
my pronoun page
liams pronouns: he/it/xe
airys pronouns: he/she/they
live laugh lovey: he/she"
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"Hey guys it's me branch from the hit movie series Trolls
Im ALSO Leafy bfdi!!!!! Hi!!!! So excited to meet new friends!!!
Wassup losers!! I'm Leafy or 🍃 mod, and my main is @saturnspeaks154 ! Nice to meet you all :D this is my first time modding for a group blog so I'm a little nervous but LOL!!!!!"
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""hfjone, say something!!"
hi ×3 I'm mod evil 🐀 or scenty!! My Main blog is @justsomebadartistguy I will be answering asks 4 scenty
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she/them/it for scenty and they/them 4 ooc :3"
"hey! i'm mod mousetrap, and i'll be answering asks for poppy and charlotte! she/they/ze ooc, she/it and she/they ic for poppy and charlotte respectively :thumbsup:"
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"better call salt!!"
helllooo there i'm 🤫🧏 mod aka sunny ,follow @fiftyshadesofredandteal for free stapoldy (i'm very new to group modding, this is my first time doing it)
he/they for cheesy (the inventor of grindr) and she/it ooc
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choicesfrog · 11 months
Hello! I decided to make a blog to follow my favorite Choices blogs and maybe participate in the fandom more. I'm more a fan of the older books, but some of the newer ones have been fun as well. I have a ton of MCs I plan on sharing here and posting a bit about. I'm really shy, but feel free to say hi!
Books, MCs & OCs, and LIs (This is a WIP)
Character Profiles
Perfect Match: Dez x Indigo (F!Hayden Dreamer), Milo x Everyone, and Carolina x Sloane
The Royal Romance: Elaine x Liam and Eloise x Hana
It Lives In the Woods: Valentine x Ava and Marella x Andy
It Lives Beneath: Cassie x Imogen
It Lives Within: Erica x Amalia
Bloodbound: Olive x Lily
Veil of Secrets: Lennox x Kate and Jade x Naomi
High School Story: Charlotte x Emma
Crimes of Passion: Theo x F!Trystan
Blades of Light and Shadow: Ruelle x Nia
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ao719 · 2 years
For @choicesfandomappreciation Artist’s Appreciation Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces of art I’ve received.
To anyone who creates art and blesses the fandom with it, thank you. You’re all absolute gems. I’m lucky if I can draw a decent stick figure, so I’m always blown away by the sheer talent of so many here. And there’s nothing quite like the serotonin boost you get when you receive a piece from something you created or see a scene you wrote brought to life. Again, you’re all GEMS 💕
Artwork by @pilitella (I had to zoom in on the one so I didn’t get in trouble and put in tumblr jail again💀):
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@pilitella You were the first artist I stumbled across when I joined the fandom and I have been in awe of your amazing art ever since! You are insanely talented and your work always blows me away. I’ll never forget the day you messaged me and I went feral and fangirled like crazy over you. Beyond your talent, however, now I’m lucky enough to call you a friend. I adore you so much and can’t thank you enough for these pieces you’ve done for me (and the one that’s not posted yet nskshsjshsjdjjs), but more importantly, thank you for just being you! 💕
Artwork by @/artbyainna:
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Ainna is on Instagram, but I couldn’t not post the pieces she’s done for me because just look at them 😍 She is fiercely talented and an absolute sweetheart!
Artwork by @autsdoodles:
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Thank you so much for these pieces @autsdoodles! You’re so sweet and such a pleasure to work with 💕
Other favorites of mine:
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My first ever art I received was Thomas Mendez (look at him blushing 🥹) by @keepcreative 💕
Liam x Reyna by @bayleedrawsx 💕
FA Tatum and Kennedy by @misadrawss 💕
Liam x Reyna by @/itsbadiart on insta 💕
Liam and Charlotte by @/sabrinazaneves on insta 💕
Thank you to all the artists for everything you give to this fandom. And thank you to those who continue to feed my commission addiction ❤️
•all of my commissions can be seen here•
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dispatch-onehfj · 8 months
forgor abt this lol !!! anyways quick intros
AIRY :: transfemme intersex , sapphic / lesbian , she/it/fae/they/xe
LIAM :: agender , sapphic / lesbian , it/he/she
CHARLOTTE (she gets her own arc , i craved more of her aftet the end) :: demigirl , aroace , they/she
BRYCE :: transfemme , bisexual , she/her
AMELIA :: cis woman , lesbian , she/they
these r just the main goobers, obviously the rest of the hfjone cast is here
SHIPS :: there will be some liam x bryce x amelia , however not as much
NEED TO KNOW :: airy got herself back to the woods it lived in, liam kinda lost his mind
TW :: gore/blood , self inflicted injury , suicidal ideation/thoughts , illness , more to be added
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brookediamonds · 1 year
With The Words from a Poet and a Voice from a Choir | Eddie Munson
Summary: Reader is in Vecna’s trance and Eddie has to remind her what she’s fighting for. -2k+ words
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader (reader is 18)
A/N: I am new to one shots/imagines, I usually write novels on Wattpad so this is my first time writing on Tumblr. Lmk what you think! If you like this check out my wattpad, @/district12girlonfire I have a Liam Dunbar book for the Teen Wolf lovers! Enjoy!
Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler 
Edge of Seventeen -Stevie Nicks
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I sighed throwing my bag to the floor of the football field and placing my headphones on that were attached to my cassette player. Looking around the empty green field, I nod to myself and fall down to the plush grass.
Pressing the play button on my walkman, 'Take My Breath Away' by Berlin blasted into my ears the scene where Tom and Charlotte admitting their love for one another in the new movie 'Top Gun' runs through my mind.
Ugh, Tom Cruise, so pretty. Closing my eyes, the corners of my lips turned up lightly as my new favorite film replays in my mind. The wind blew gently as the sun shone nicely down on me, I softly hum to the tune that I had been repeatedly playing the last few days picturing my own love life to the song.
Unfortunately, it was nonexistent. Suddenly a tall shadow came over the orange view under my eyelids making me squint one eye open only to see a tall long haired figure. Eddie Munson?
"You okay there, sweetheart?" I barely heard his question over my obnoxiously blaring music causing me to hit pause on my walkman.
Oh I'd love to hear that name fall from his lips again. Bringing my headphones down to hang on my neck, I sit up on my elbows, hanging my head back to look at the boy upside down. 
God, his hair, it's so beautiful, he's so beautiful. 
"Skipping gym, not in the mood to run a mile," I admit truthfully. 
Eddie gasps and plops himself next to me.
"Y/N L/N? The valedictorian, skipping class?" He gawks wrapping his arms around his crossed legs. 
"You know my name," I realized whispering my words. I didn't think he knew me, I wasn't popular and mostly kept to myself. We did share one class together, Mrs. O'Donnell. 
I sat in the front and he sat in the back, so we hardly spoke but all semester I prayed we'd get paired up for a project just once so I can know what he's really like.
I only knew what everyone had said, and I refused to believe the rumors that Eddie 'the freak' ran a demonic cult when really it was just an innocent club of Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of nerds. 
And maybe if we did get paired up for a project, we could talk and I could finally help him graduate. 
"Of course I know your name," he smiles flashing me his cute dimples. "Whatcha listening to?"
Slightly embarrassed, I pull the cassette cover out from my bag showing him my newest movie soundtrack.
"Oh no," he chuckles grabbing the tape from my hands. "I did not take you for a movie soundtrack lover!"
"It was a good movie!" I fought attempting to reach out for the tape. 
"This doesn't even feature Metallica or Rat," he points out scanning the back of the case.
"Well that's why I have these," I say pulling my bag close to me. I pull out my Metallica, Mötley Crüe, and AC/DC tapes laying them out in front of us. I watch as his mouth falls open slightly, his big brown orbs shinning at my collection.
"I have a whole shelf of these at my house," I admit proudly seeing him rummage through the very small fraction of my collection. 
My heart sped up at my next thoughts that entered my mind. Fuck it. "Y-You could come over sometime and we could..." I avoid his gaze trying to find the words. 
"We could..." he tilts his head attempting to make eye contact with me.
"I don't know, maybe listen to some tapes together," I say lowly fiddling with the wire attached to the headphones hanging on my neck. 
"I would love that," Eddie grins leaning towards me.
"Really?" I blush. 
"Yeah, someone's gotta save you from this," he jokes holding up the 'Top Gun' soundtrack. I roll my eyes stifling a laugh. It falls silent between us for a second, and I take that chance to glance down at his hands admiring his shiny metal rings that dressed his long fingers. 
"Which one's your favorite?"I snap out of my trance meeting his stare.
"Which one's your favorite?" He repeats holding up the cassette. "From the soundtrack."
"Oh," I blush once again my eyes flickering down to my walkman. 
"You're listening to it aren't you?" He grins. 
"N-No!" I defend myself. Yes. 
He quickly reaches over me and presses the play button causing the slow love song to blast through my headphones. He leans in closer pressing the side of his head against mine listening to the song. 
"You are a little romantic aren't ya?" He teases me. I turn to look at the man next to me, noticing the tiny freckles that littered across his nose and cheeks. 
"So what if I am?" I held my head up confidently. "I can't help that I'm a hopeless romantic."
"There's nothing wrong with that," he shrugs. "I bet you're a great girlfriend."
I snorted at his comment making him snap his head towards to me. 
"If only," I mumble laying back down on the grass to stare at the blue sky scattered with random clouds. 
"Wait," he pauses laying his legs out and leaning down on one elbow to be leveled with me. "Do you not have a boyfriend?"
I felt the blood rush to my face, a soft sigh fell from my lips. 
"You're kidding," Eddie scoffs moving closer to me.
"Not that hard to believe," I mumble looking down at my twiddling fingers. 
"Actually it is," He admits. My eyes snap up to his. He then raises his eyebrows, scoffing. "You really don't see it do you?"
I sat up on my left elbow to level with the boy next to me cocking an eyebrow. "What?"
"Y/N, you're fucking beautiful."
As we made our way into the trailer, I suddenly got a twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach. Shaking it off, I look forward attempting to pay attention to my boyfriend explain his plan to steal weapons.
Then I heard it. I heard him. The clock struck, chiming its indication it was my time. No, no, no. Turning around, the well lit trailer was suddenly darkened.
Don't show fear. He feeds off it. I feel my fist ball, my finger nails indenting crescent shapes into my the palm of my hands. Vecna came into my view, I could feel my blood run cold and my adrenaline start to spike.
"Y/N," the deep whirring voice sent a strong chill up my spine. "It's time for your suffering to end."
"Not a chance," I spoke shutting my eyes. I think back to a memory that was significant to me. Opening my eyes, I see I'm back at the school football field.
A picnic cloth lay above the grass, a stereo sat on the blanket playing Mötley Crüe's 'Don't Go Away Mad' slowly in the background.
This was Eddie's and I's first date.
Eddie's POV
"Y/N, what do you think?" I ask glancing up from the newspaper. She stood still, her eyes glazed over blue, blinking repeatedly.
"Shit!" I shouted shooting up from my spot. The eight of us frantically gathered around the frozen girl in front us, scared to be put in this position again.
"Where's her walkman?" Lucas asks panicked.
"She dropped it in the upside down," Robin responds.
"Where's your stereo or walkman?" I asked frantically, turning to the redhead.
"Here!" Max quickly grabs the box, shoving it into my hands.
"She doesn't listen to Kate Bush," I realize clicking the walkman open. "We have the same taste."
There's no time for me to run out of here and to my place, we risk someone seeing me too.
"This is all I have!" Max ushers bringing over her pile of cassettes. I begin to rummage through them, my hands shaking out of panic as I pick through the tapes.
"Trash, trash, trash," I mumble throwing each tape behind my shoulder.
"Hey!" The redhead exclaims catching the cassettes. This one!
"Oh not you too," I groan seeing another soundtrack I would never own but my girlfriend would because she's a sap. Frantically removing the tape from its case, I shove it in the walkman pressing start.
Dustin quickly places the headphones on the love of my life, I move to stand in front of her placing my hands on her shoulders.
"Come on sweetheart, if this doesn't wake you, I don't know what will," I say my eyes never leaving her flickering ones.
Just as Vecna hovered his long clawed hand over my face, the voice of Bonnie Tyler boomed throughout the sky.
An almost portal like opening appeared 50 feet away from me. Through the opening I see myself in Max's trailer levitated in the air with Eddie and everyone else screaming up at me.
My mind thinks back to a core memory of Eddie and I hanging out in his room with me between his legs picking at his guitar.
"I'm gonna be the next Joan Jett," I grinned strumming the chords to an okay melody.
"I love you," Eddie blurted out. Twisting my head around, I face my boyfriend who stared at me with large frightened eyes.
"You do?" I whisper my heart melting at this moment.
"Would I let you play her if I didn't?" He chuckled referring to his beloved item I held. I laughed gently placing the guitar back above us on the wall. I place my legs over Eddie's long ones, sliding my hands around his neck.
"I love you too," I respond wholeheartedly. "My pretty boy."
We lean in sealing our first 'I love you's' with an ardently kiss.
I can hear the voices of my friends and Eddie screaming out my name.
"Y/n, baby, please wake up!"
More memories flash through my mind, some of me and Robin, me and my mom, and of course, most of me and Eddie along with our friends.
Another memory of Eddie and I resurfaces.
We lay on the rooftop of his van embracing each other feeling fat and full from the meat lovers pizza we just devoured under the stars.
"I wish it could be like this all the time," I sighed picking at the fabric of Eddie's Iron Maiden t-shirt.
"Me too, sweetheart," the boy beneath me agrees. "Me and you, just us two, forever."
I looked up at him, placing my chin on his chest, my heart fluttering at his choice of words.
"I love that," I whispered reaching my hand out to caress his cheek. "Forever."
"Of course you do, my big sap," he teases grabbing ahold of the hand that's as touching his cheek only to peck the inside of my wrist.
"You love it," I smile gently scooting up to be closer to him if possible.
"You know I do," He agreed. "I love everything about you."
Eddie's POV
Caressing the side of Y/N's head, I search in her eyes for any sign of life waiting for her to snap back to reality.
Instead, I see her body begin to lift into the air my heart beginning to race, flashbacks of Chrissy running through my mind.
"Why is she floating? Why isn't the music working?" I yelled reaching out for anyone near me. Max stares up Y/N in disbelief, at loss for words.
"A-Are you sure she likes this song?" Max stutters her eyes never leaving my girlfriend's body.
"She loves this song, my ears have literally been bleeding from how much she's been rewinding it in my van this last month!" I stress running my hand through my messy curly main.
"I-I," Max is at a loss for words, no one finding a solution.
"Come on, Y/N, please come back to me," I say softly gently grasping my hand around her small ankle.
"That's it," the redhead spoke walking closer to me. "Talk to her."
"Talk to her?" I cock my head back.
I see Max glance behind her, her eyes meeting Lucas's briefly before looking back to me.
"When I was in Vecna's state, I not only heard the music, I heard Lucas and everyone around me through the portal," she explains. "If there's an opening to us right now, she's listening to all of us, especially you."
Twisting back to Y/N's body, I grab her other ankle looking up at her.
"Y/N, baby you need to listen to me, not just Bonnie Tyler," I begin. "You need to come back to us okay? I need you here, your mom needs you. Your friends need you."
I lick my lips letting all my thoughts spill through my mouth.
"I need you, okay? When this is over, and I graduate we're getting the hell out of this place you hear me?" I shout slightly shaking her.
"I promised to get you out of this town but in order to do that, I need you to fight this sweetheart."
I hold on to Eddie's words, choking for air as Vecna tightened his grip around my neck with his extra hands.
"Don't let him take what's yours, you're stronger than he is and he knows it that's why you're still here with me."
Flashbacks of me and Eddie play through my memory, our first kiss, sleepover, arguments over the radio.
"Come back to us baby, you have to come back so we can kill him together. We can't do this without you."
I see my mom and I sharing the last piece of strawberry cake on my birthday. I see me and Robin taking polaroids on Halloween when we were 12.
I see my group of friends that I've come to know and love standing around me as I'm getting the life sucked out of me mid air by an evil force.
"You need to fight!"
I feel a surge of force run through me, and when Vecna thinks he finally has me;
He doesn't.
I reach forward launching the pocket knife Eddie gifted me into Vecna's throat making him drop me from the hold he had.
Falling to the floor, I waste no time scrambling to my feet and sprinting into the circle of light opposite of me.
Hearing boulders begin to drop, I manage to outrun the bombs and make my way closer to the exit.
Eddie and my friends are still screaming up at me I can see the fear in my boyfriends eyes all the way from over here.
Just. A. Few. More. Steps. And-
Eddie's POV
Y/N gasps, suddenly being dropped from the air, I catch her as she falls not so gracefully into my arms. Wrapping her up in my arms, I hold her against my body letting her catch her breath.
"You're safe, you're here, you're alive," I think out loud. "I thought you were leaving me."
She lets out shaky uneven breaths, her grip tightening on my arms, she leans further into my chest clearly just as terrified as I was at what just happened.
"I'm here, I'm here," she murmurs. "I'm not leaving you."
I press a hard kiss to the back of Y/N's head, before nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck never wanting to let go again.
Once I've had a drink of water, talked through the plan accordingly and presently this time, we go through the chaotic adventure of stealing a van and speeding our way to the armor store.
I stay behind with Eddie, just the two of us alone in the van while the others go and buy weapons for tonight.
Luckily (and unfortunately) the van was a home therefore there was a walkman and headphones laying around for me, so Max could have her own. Just as the van door closes, I look over at my boyfriend who sat towards the front staring at the table in front of him.
Walking over to an unusual quiet Eddie, I gently place my hand on his shoulder before taking a seat on his lap.
"Hey pretty boy," I say lightly. Eddie shifts slightly, running a large hand over my thighs and the other snaking up my back.
"Hi," he whispers ever so quietly.
"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask reaching a hand out to push some of his curls behind his shoulder.
My boyfriend gives me knowing stare, before tearing his gaze away from me to look down at my lap.
"I can't lose you," he murmurs. I lift his chin with my pointer finger, making me look into his his big doe eyes.
"You're not going to," I reassure him. "Because of you, I never forget what I'm fighting for."
"You heard me?" He asked. I chuckle rubbing my thumb across his cheek.
"Every word," I confirm. Eddie grins leaning his face closer to mine, softly rubbing his nose against mine.
"I mean it though, once this is all over, I'm getting us out of here, okay?" He reminds me. Leaning  my forehead against his, I nod.
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