#licht klein fluff
randonauticrap · 8 months
Warm with Me (Licht Klein x Reader)
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Happy Gift Witch Day, @nightghoul381 ! I hope you enjoy some darling pre-relationship Licht fluff! <3
Prompt: Cold hands
Suitor: Licht Klein
Warnings: None! Just some soft Licht butterflies-in-your-tummy fluff
“Do you think this is enough hay, Licht?” you called from behind a hay bail you were carrying into the barn for Licht’s horse, Marron, to munch on. It was a crisp, late October day, and you rushed to get inside the barn and escape the biting wind that ripped across the landscape, tossing colorful leaves through the air in torrents and keeping your hair permanently in your eyes. 
“Yeah, that’ll be fine.” you heard Licht’s monotone reply directly in front of you and felt the bail of hay being lifted from your grasp. He carried it over to Marron’s stall and plopped it down in front of the door, then got to work pulling it apart and putting it in Marron’s feeder. 
“Want some help?” you asked, not waiting for an answer, and instead plodding over to him and beginning to work beside him. 
“Thanks.” he murmured, not looking at you as he continued to work with the hay. Once you both had filled Marron’s feeding tray and made sure he was satisfied, you headed out of the barn and back towards the kitchen, where you knew Yves would be finishing up the pastries for your tea time. You enjoyed spending time with Licht like this. It was days like these when you felt the closest to him, even though there was often very little chat. Working alongside him, you got to see him let his guard down a little and relax into whatever task you were doing. It’s when he gave you those beautiful gentle smiles that set your heart racing every time, and when he looked at you with tenderness rather than apathy. To anyone else, it probably seemed like the same old Licht, but you knew better. You had always paid closer attention to Licht than perhaps you should have, observing how his expressions shifted, no matter how minute; you knew how he liked his tea, what desserts were his favorite and least favorite, and you could tell when he was happy, or irreparably sad. 
Tasks like training or taking care of Marron always had him settling into a place of calm, where he didn’t seem to think about anything, and you always thought he looked freer then, less restrained, less tortured. “Hey,” His level tone reached your ears like a fog light in the haze of your thoughts and you turned to him, your eyes still catching up with your mind to focus on him. His eyes were on your hands and you looked down to see what had him so interested. The tips of your fingers were a deepening shade of red, indicative of the chill that had taken hold of them. You wriggled them, trying to work the icy stiffness from them, but before much feeling had returned, a pair of larger, much warmer hands covered your own. 
You nearly gasped in surprise before peeking up at Licht, who had begun to gently massage the pads of your fingers. “Your hands are too cold. You’re gonna lose blood flow.” He explained briefly, not meeting your gaze. You were almost thankful he didn’t, because then he would certainly have been able to see how flushed your face was, and not from the cold. You were praying he couldn’t feel how hard your heart was beating through the pulsepoint on your wrist as the rough pads of his fingers grazed over your soft, sensitive skin. He took his time with each finger, rolling it between his and pressing on it in every direction until he seemed satisfied with it. You had never had him touch you like this before; when he did touch you it was a gloved hand on your arm or your back, gently guiding you or halting you in your tracks. But you could get used to the feeling of his skin against yours, you thought as you stared at his hands at work. 
‘I wonder what his touch would feel like elsewhere.’ The thought crossed your mind before you could stop it and there went your heart again, racing like a horse across an open field. And you tried to suppress it after that, you really did, but with each stroke of his dutiful thumb across your shivering palms, you wondered what it would feel like if he touched your cheek like that, or your lips, or your neck, or-
At long last, he dropped your hands and started putting his gloves back on, and you turned away before you dared to let your heart know about the blush you were certain you had seen on his cheeks.
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @veervers @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @xbalayage @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
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maries-gallery · 10 months
Tbh I really just want some snuggles lol not feeling the greatest so can Licht or Nokto take care of me till my head stops hurting? (Or both I will never say no to both)
(feel free to ignore but I saw your post and thought why not lol)
Ghoul! I'm so sorry to hear your head hurts like this :( I hope it gets better soon! I'd be so happy if this can bring you even the tiniest of comfort <3 Don't forget to get lots of sleep if you can! Sending you lots of love and all my best wishes!
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genre: comfort, fluff
characters: Nokto and Licht Klein
warnings: none
moon banner by the lovely @/saradika
For more content like this, check the masterlist
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"Is your head any better?' Nokto's voice rings in your ears and echoes in your head, way too loud for comfort. 
You close your eyes, fingers pressing down in circular motions on your temples to try and soothe the radiating pain that spreads to the back of your neck and tickles at your simmering nausea. 
You miss the concern that flashes through Nokto’s crimson gaze, his heart squeezing in his chest as you bury yourself deeper into your pillows. Guilt claws at the pit of his stomach. 
“You asked her the same question five minutes ago, I don’t think things have gotten any better since then.” Licht’s words sound distorted through the pain, far away yet too close at the same time. 
You can’t hold back an amused chuckle at Licht’s words, it’s true, Nokto had been asking you the same question with each visit. 
“It’s okay, Nokto. It still hurts but the pain is much better now.” You flash him a comforting smile. The last thing you want is for him to feel bad about your current state. 
As soon as they heard you had collapsed in the library from a thunderous headache, the both of them had come running to your bedroom, reaching your door at the same time and you like to imagine the surprise written on their features when they caught sight of one another. 
A smile had touched your lips as they both crossed your door, touched by their apparent worry and the silver platter filled with sweets and medication held in Licht’s hands and the books and games held in Nokto’s. 
“Take this, it’ll help.” Licht said, his neutral features betraying a vivid concern as he held out some round pills and a glass of water for you to take. You gladly took them, popping the medication in your mouth and gulping it down. 
Your eyes traveled to the array of sweets he had brought, all resting on a pretty porcelain plate hand painted with intertwined roses and leaves and all mouth watering. A fraisier bright with fresh strawberries, a religieuse rich with chocolate icing and a dollop of cream, and a millefeuille generous in its crème pâtissière filled layers. 
“Thank you” You whispered, “I really appreciate it.” A faint smile touched his lips, and your heart softened at the sight. The smile’s from Licht were rare, but all blinding in their earnestness and honesty. 
Your eyes turned to Nokto, who had been silent until now, a grin etched on his features, one that didn’t serve to mask the gentle care in his eyes. “And what are those?” 
“Those, little fox, are books. You’ve probably read them a hundred times already but can’t blame a guy for trying to cheer up a pretty girl.” He gave you a playful wink, and your insides fluttered at his affectionate nickname. Even with his flirty tendencies, Nokto’s love always shone through his actions. 
“Oh?” You perked up, eyes scanning the leather bound tomes in his arms with professional scrutiny. You remembered seeing these in Chevalier’s library once, rare books from overseas and one of your favourites. 
“We’ve got Midnight Cinderella, I think you called it? The Tale of the Rose knight and The Little Mermaid.” Nokto spread out the novels on your bed covers, revealing golden titles all familiar. 
Your fingers traced upon the letters, warmth spreading in your chest as you pictured Nokto sneaking up in Chevalier’s private library to find books to your taste. 
“Have you read any of these?” You asked him, eyes meeting crimson ones. 
He shrugged his shoulders, “Nope. But I figured it might be time to discover them with you.” 
“He wants to impress you.” Licht’s flat tone reached your ears, smooth and soft as a paved stone. A chuckle spilled from your lips at his words. 
“I think your ‘little fox’ might enjoy some silence.” The older brother continued, throwing his sibling a warning glance. And you wanted to laugh,but it hurt too much, so you just observed them with eyes filled with mirth and the sparkles of amusement. 
After this the two of them had left your room, only to pop by at the same time thirty minutes later to ask about how you were. And the last two hours had been filled with these punctual visits, Licht here to make sure you take your meds correctly and eat the sweets, Nokto here to pop a joke and brighten your day with more and more books or games to pass the time. 
And whilst your head still hurts, the pain has grown softer over the last hours, better with each visit the brothers paid to your chamber. 
“Thank you for being here.” Your words are soft as they leave your lips, quiet and like a caress to their worried hearts. Your smile all they need to offer you one of their own. 
“Well, shall we read now?” 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @xbalayage @ikemen-writer @scorchieart @ikesimp100
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omkookie · 2 years
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•⟨WARNING⟩• 15+ Angst, F!MC Blood, Assassination attempts, All that. Not proofread 🌚⟨Headcanon⟩
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Everything happened so fast. one moment, you're standing next to him on the balcony during a ball hosted to celebrate your engagement to him, and the other there's blood everywhere.
Jin's heart pounds heavily. he can feel his hands trembling as he looks down to check where you're wounded. While he applies pressure to your biggest wound, Jin feels more panicked as your blood covers his hands.
In the end, all that he can do is leave you in the hands of the palace physicians
As the first prince of Rhodolite, Jin was known to be very easy-going and relaxed, but now that someone has messed with you they're going to see a whole new side of him.
Gone is the ever so calm and relaxed first prince, instead, he's been replaced by a bloodthirsty monster brutal enough to send shivers down the culprit who hurt you's spine with a single glare. No amount of begging nor pleading is about to save the man from what Jin is about to do to him, Not even Sariel dares to question.
After he's finished with the man, Jin will be right by your side, taking out his anger had helped him temporarily, but now he feels both numbness and despair over you. What was he supposed to do while your complexion got paler and paler as the hours slowly passed? Now that he's been left all alone to hold your limp hand, tonight's events haunt him.
Jin is too anxious to leave you for even a moment. he's afraid that tonight you may take your last breath and he will lose you...
Leon should have known better than to bring you to the battlefield. Honestly... what was he thinking?
Leon sees an enemy soldier creep behind you while you're helping bandage one of Rhodolite's soldiers from the corner of his eye. He feels like his heart stops beating. Licht reacted fast since he was the closest to you and cut the man down before he hurried to your aid... already too late to save you.
Leon feels cold. Nothing but you matters right now, He cuts down anyone in his way, resembling Chevalier, "The brutal beast" more than himself. But Leon doesn't care. He can't risk losing you... While he knows he cannot abandon his troops, he desperately needs to check if you will be alright.
Leon knows he must remain here- on the battlefield no matter what, so as much as it pains him to not be there for you when you need him most, he will remain here. In the end, Rhodolite successfully deals with Obsidian's act of aggression, and Leon hurries to see you.
Your face looks pale, your body is lying limply, and the only sign of you being alive is the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. Leon feels crushed, and the physician informs him that your time is limited and that whether you live or die now depends on fate and fate alone.
if only he hadn't agreed to your insistence to come here, then you would have been fine. You would have smiled at him right now. you would have hugged him. As you lay there, Leon's mind is all over the place as his guilt eats him up, the only thing he begs and wishes for right now is that you live. please don't leave him.
You're his woman... His lover, so what point would there be to a life without you?
Assassination attempts were nothing new, but getting this close to murdering Yves was. and you took the blow for him... Yves blames himself for everything, for you being deadly injured, himself for not seeing that he'd walked right into a trap and led you straight into it with him.
Tears begin to fill Yves` eyes as he cradles your weakening body
All he can do now as your life slowly fades away is pray you make it back into Rhodolite.
Yves feels an overtaking sense of fear when he realizes just how pale your face has become. Would the physician have an antidote for the poison?, was it even a poison native to Rhodolite? or was it a poison native to Obsidian? What if it was already too late for an antidote?... what will happen to you? Yves overthinks every worst-case scenario that comes to mind.
It's when the two of you arrive at the palace and Nokto greets him that Yves learns just how much of a mess he's become.
The feeling of dread he had this whole time becomes unbearable when he is told that the poison cannot be identified by the physician. Everything is too much, and Yves finally breaks down from the stress.
All that Nokto can do as he's trying to hold his brother together brother right now is call for Clavis and hope that he would be able to help save both you and his brother. If you don't make it alive then Yves probably wouldn't either.
Licht feels terrible. He swore an oath to himself to protect what matters to him most, and yet... he failed to protect you, and you are the most important person to him.
 Licht feels scared as he holds you and he sees the blood seep from underneath his hand. 
 He can feel himself trembling as you look up at him, Licht tries to soothe you while you wait for the physician to arrive, but, in reality, he's trying to comfort himself. 
 Minutes feel like hours and he can feel the tears running down his cheek as his vision blurs. 
 How could this happen? Licht feels angrier and angrier with himself for not defending you on time... 
 terror slowly overtakes him as you take in a sharp breath and close your eyes, telling him not to worry and trying to comfort him at a time like this. 
 How could you worry about him while you're in so much pain...?
 His heart beats heavily as he roughly wipes his tears away with his arm. 
 When the physician finally does arrive Licht does not want to leave your side, even as his twin tries to convince him to. It would be better if Licht wasn't there and nervously pacing.
 In the end, Nokto comes up with a brilliant idea on how to get Licht to leave you in the hands of the palace physician, Revenge.
 an idea oh-so appealing for the 6th prince.
Licht's crimson eyes glimmer dangerously as vengeance clouds his mind. his body moves on its own and before he knows it, he's left you alone and tracking down your assaulters, Licht's cruelty has no match when he finds them, and when he returns the palace's maids are all shaken up by the sight of the 6th prince covered in blood, blood still drips from Licht's sword when he comes into your room to check on you.
His bloodied hand holds your own as he presses a kiss to your knuckles and looks at your peaceful sleeping face.
⟨♡⟩⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆E n d⋆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⟨♡⟩
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Aqua! I have missed sliding into your inbox 💙💙💙Can I request Licht and warming hands for the fall Fluff event? Baby boy needs some love, and his cute little gestures are fatal for my heart. Sending you all the hugs and fall vibes 🎃
Hello dear Chaya...it's been too long since I've written Licht. Hope you enjoy your sweet boy.
A Sweet Treat - Licht Klein x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the Fall Fluff/Autumn Angst ccc hosted by myself and @violettduchess
Pairing: Licht Klein x Reader
Prompt: warming hands
Tags: fluff
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“Someone’s spoiling Licht today,” Yves commented upon seeing the tray of darioles you had just pulled from the oven. 
Unmolding the pastries, you carefully placed them on a platter, sifting powdered sugar on top. “Not spoiling. He’s had a long day training and deserves a sweet treat.”
Yves smiled approvingly, unable to argue with you. If anyone deserved a sweet treat, it was his little brother Licht. 
“Who deserves a sweet treat?” a familiar deep voice asked. You shrieked as a pair of arms circled your waist, cold hands resting on your stomach.
“Licht!” you yelled. “Your hands are freezing!”
He quickly removed his hands from you. “Sorry,” he said with a small smile. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Not so fast.” Grabbing his hands, you pulled him close to you. “Let’s warm you up,” you whispered, rubbing his hands between yours, the heat from your hands soaking into his.
He sighed as your thumbs massaged his calloused palms, his skin warming in your soft hands. “That feels good.”
Yves cleared his throat loudly; Licht might be his favorite brother, but some things were better left private.
“Hi, Yves.” Licht awkwardly greeted his older brother while stepping away from you. “Did you make these?” he asked, quickly changing the subject while pointing towards the tray of darioles.
Yves politely shook his head, smiling instead towards you before quietly leaving the room. Licht’s gaze caught yours, a pleased smile gracing his lips. 
“Did you make that for me?”
“Yes.” You lifted a sugar dusted dariole to his lips; tempted to tease him, you almost pulled it away when he leaned in for a bite. He closed his eyes as he savored the treat; sweeter because it was made by your hands.
"Did you add cinnamon?" 
"Yes, I thought it would go well with this." You handed him a mug of piping hot apple cider you had brewed while baking. "Should help warm those cold hands of yours, too."
"Thanks." He took the mug from your hands; his finger, still cold, grazed yours. You both enjoyed the drink in silence, the fragrant aroma of apples and cinnamon filling the air.
Mugs drained, empty on the table, Licht wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. "Are my hands still cold?" he whispered in your arm.
Your body stiffened against his, your fingers searched for his; lacing yours in his, you found his touch was now warm. Sighing, your body melted against his, his heat radiating through your body. 
He kissed your neck while waiting for your answer, his lips soft and firm on your exposed skin, leaving your body trembling against his. He squeezed your hands as he nibbled on your delicate skin, sure to leave you love bruised.
Twisting in his arms, you turned to face him. "Your hands are warm…" Placing your hands on his chest, you gazed into his crimson eyes. "But I should make sure the rest of you is warm." 
Taking your hint, Licht took your hand in his, and led you to his bedroom where you spent the remainder of the day warming each other.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @devildomwritersposts @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @scorchieart @crypticbibliophile
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scorchieart · 2 years
Chevalier, Leon, Licht & Luke Meeting Their Newborn Niece/Nephew
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Couldn't get my mind off these goofs. Part 1 with the odd-balls here. I so wanted to post this sooner, but Leon gave me the most trouble this time around, wouldn't you believe it?
Chevalier Michel
Chevalier downs his fifth cup of black tea and dips his withering feather quill in the ink bottle with more force than he intended. Though there is no one in the room to hear, he silently curses as he mops the ink splatters from his jittery hand and desk, before rubbing his eyes and returning to the stack of papers neatly balanced at his side.
It is just after three in the morning when the office door creaks open. Chevalier automatically drops the quill and latches onto his sword from under the desk.
"Relax, it's only us," his brother says, readjusting his hold on the tiny wrapped bundle in his arms. He gingerly pushes through the door and shuts it with his shoulder. "You missed the party."
"Whether we meet one hour or one day after birth makes little difference at this stage," Chevalier huffs, relaxing his hold on the sword. He retrieves the quill and hangs his head over the documents again.
"It most certainly makes a difference!" his brother retorts, struggling to keep his volume low. "Blink once and he's walking. Blink twice and he's riding a horse. Blink three times and he's at your doorstep commanding a battalion ready to overthrow you!"
Chevalier ignores his brother's ramblings and keeps his gaze on reviewing the increased guard proposal he drafted earlier in the evening. But the effects of caffeine seem to be waning as the words dance around the paper like irksome little flies. He lifts the teapot at the corner of his desk and sighs when a measly lukewarm puddle trickles into his cup.
"...And to reject a direct invitation from a prince! I can think of nothing more insulting on the eve of a royal birth," his brother continues.
"This wouldn't be the first time I've ignored one of your pestering requests," Chevalier says, tilting his head back to collect every last drop on his tongue.
"I wasn't talking about me."
Chevalier straightens his back and finally focuses on the snoozing boy nestled in his brother's arms, a golden envelope clutched tightly between his tiny fingers. He carefully extracts the envelope, opens it, and, finding the letters seemingly settled on the page, begins to read:
To my Unkie Chevie, I do hope you can pull your attention away from your loving wife desk long enough to come by and meet me this fine evening. It would make me and my mommy and my daddy smile so wide. I promise I won't cry when I see your scrunchy face, but only if you promise to smile, too. Deal? Love, your new nephew. (P.S. Daddy hasn't thought of a name yet when he wrote this for me)
Chevalier snorts, a smirk forming on his lips. "The proper grammar is 'smile so widely'."
"You're seriously policing an infant? Must you flaunt your genius to everyone?"
"If I don't start early, I'll blink and he'll end up a stuttering fool like his father."
Leon Dompteur
"What's all this?"
Leon pops his head up from putting the final touches on the walnut crib in time to greet his bemused brother standing at the door.
"Tossing in my lot for favorite uncle! What do you think?" Leon says with an award-winning grin.
His brother enters slowly and scans the room corner to corner. From the delicate mobiles hanging from the ceiling to the stuffed animals flooding out of chests and drawers to the fully stocked baby-changing station before finally landing on Leon leaning triumphantly against the handmade crib by the windows.
"A nursery?" he finally manages, and Leon nods enthusiastically.
"Bingo! I'll accept my winnings in extra cuddles and extended playtimes, please!"
His brother coughs out a short laugh and hugs his sleeping daughter closer. "There was no contest."
"Obviously. After seeing this, I doubt the others could manage to even hold a candle to my philanthropy," Leon says.
"Fine, you win. You can change her diapers for your prize."
Leon deflates, the wrench he held dropping to the floor with a loud thump! The baby stirs in her father's arms and lets out a soft wail before full-blown crying.
"Ack! Sorry sorry!" Leon rushes over as his brother softly pats his daughter's back, but stops a couple of paces before reaching them. "Really, I didn't mean it."
"I know you didn't," his brother says, calmer than expected. He walks to the crib and gently lowers her onto the mattress. "This was all very thoughtful of you."
Leon catches a glance of his reflection in the mirror above the dresser and sees he's blushing. "Nothing's too much when it comes to family."
"Then would it be too much to ask if Uncle could help put her to sleep?"
Leon quietly approaches the crib and hears his niece's cries start to calm as her father draws light circles on her cheek. Leon leans forward to reciprocate on the other cheek until her whimpers die down completely and her breathing levels.
"You didn't need to go all out," his brother whispers. "This is more than enough."
Leon runs his finger delicately through the thin fringe of her hair and smiles. "Enough for you, maybe. But I'm determined to be the best uncle to her I can be."
Licht Klein
The field of baby bluebells whistle like windchimes as an early spring breeze ruffles through their patch. Licht lies among the lot inhaling their wispy aroma and sings and soft tune in time with the botanic beat.
So many visitors started staying at the palace in the weeks leading up to the royal birth that the place morphed into a maelstrom of nonstop manic energy and excitement. And now that the baby's finally arrived, Licht could barely breathe in between all the parties and celebrations, so he'd taken to frequenting this field more often. Sure, he didn't get a chance to meet the newborn yet with all the hubbub, but he didn't mind it too much. His brother was happy, and these outings were a good excuse to calm his heart down.
At least it would have been had his heart not picked up speed when he heard the thundering pitter-patter of hoofbeats approaching him. He jolts up from his flower bed in time to see his brother, the supposed proud new father, dismounting his horse and running frantically toward him.
"Licht, we have an emergency!" he cries, grabbing Licht arms and pulling him to the horse. It was only when they arrived back at the palace after a blazing sprint that Licht realizes his brother is still wearing his night robe and his hair wildly stood up on end.
"What happened? Is it the baby? Did you tell Sariel?" Licht asks, panic bubbling in his chest.
"Sariel can't do squat with this! Only you can help!" his brother yells, grabbing Licht's wrist and dragging him through the halls. Licht barely has a chance to cover his eyes with his free hand by the time his brother flings his bedroom door open.
"Enough of that!" His brother rips Licht's hand-shield away and directs him to the bed where his weary wife and their screaming child lay. Licht recoils at the sight at first, then turns to his brother angrily.
"Your emergency was that your baby was keeping you up?" he seethes.
"Cut us some slack, we haven't slept since he popped out! You could stand to help us out instead of running away to that forest every day," his brother retorts.
"Last I checked, I wasn't the one who birthed this child," Licht says, then immediately regrets it when he remembers the mother is two feet from him. He looks at her apologetically, but she only smiles tiredly.
"Please, Prince Licht? You're the only one we could think of. Your voice, it's so soothing and beautiful," she pleads.
Licht shifts his eyes between the two parents then rests them on his wailing nephew. His face is so red and covered in tears and snot, Licht imagines he must have been crying for hours. He sighs and sits on the bed, his brother following him so that Licht is sandwiched in the middle.
Closing his eyes, Licht begins the lyrics to the song his mother sang to him as a child. He could barely register the audience on either side of him as he poured his heart into the melody, feeling instead the warmth of Spring seeping through the walls and enveloping his core as the song teetered out.
When at last he opens his eyes, he is met with three bodies snoozing peacefully around him in the darkness. Now he has to rack his brains to figure out how to untangle himself without waking the lot.
Luke Randolph
Luke buries his head in his knees and tucks his arms underneath his legs, trying to make himself as small as possible. It's hot and smelly and full of flies underneath the stables, but at least the only sounds he can hear are from the horses.
Sunlight couldn't quite reach his little cubby hole and he didn't keep track of the time when he started hiding, but he knows he's been gone long enough that he can no longer register the stench of dung and that his legs developed the most numbing pins and needles. His stomach started grumbling at some point and several times during the day he heard people calling his name, but he maintained his position and didn't budge.
At least until the overwhelming smell of honey wafts through his nostrils. He involuntarily jerks his head at the scent, cursing under his breath when it thumps a wooden post. He tries to wriggle one his arms from under him to rub at the bruise, but quickly freezes when a familiar pair of shoes stops in front of the tiny entrance he crawled through.
"I know you're there, Luke," his brother calls. "Don't make me come down there and pull you out."
Luke considers his options. Could his brother really fit and reach him? It seems unlikely, but then again it could just be his delirious mind taking over at this point. Luke relents and wriggles himself out, squinting in surprise when the sunlight hits his eyes.
"How long was I gone?" he asks sheepishly.
"Long enough to miss lunch," his brother replies, holding out a plate of cheese-and-honey sandwiches. Luke stands up too quickly for his sore muscles to follow and collapses instantly. Laughing, his brother sits beside him and passes the plate.
"What's wrong?"
"S'nothin'," Luke shrugs, sitting up and wolfing down two sandwiches at once.
The horses whinny nearby and Luke tosses a few of the bread crusts into their pens. His brother lets him eat in silence for a few minutes before speaking up again. "You know she's not your sister."
"Obviously!" Luke says, fixing him a hard stare. "Did you think I was too stupid to figure that out on my own?"
"Says the guy sleeping under the stables folded up like a ball."
Luke averts his eyes and continues to chew, wishing one of the horses would come by and sneeze on him or something so he could have an excuse to leave. But his brother rests his hand on his head, rooting him in place.
"But you're my brother, so it's very important to me that you both get along," he says. "None of us have any experience raising girls, so we'll be counting on you to fill in the gaps for us." Using his hand, he swivels Luke's head toward the stable entrance where his wife stands holding a bundle in her arms.
Luke's body tenses up again, missing the feeling of the hand on his head when his brother gets up and crosses to them. Stretching his limbs, Luke stands as well and brushes the stray crumbs off his jacket, but stays in place until his brother returns with his daughter.
"It's not the most ideal meeting, but maybe you two will bond over riding horses someday," he says, passing the baby to Luke. Luke steps back at first, but eventually accepts the bundle and looks at her. She's not at all like how he remembered his sister, with wide eyes like her father and soft hair like her mother, but deep in his gut, nestled somewhere between the mountain of chewed-up sandwiches, he could feel a spark of kinship with her and smiles.
Leaving it up to you lovely readers to fill in the father blanks again~ (even though you can totally tell my biases this time around ^^;)
Tagging: @atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess
(Check out my Ikemen Prince Writing Master list here! And if you want to send me a request or be added to my tag list, please check the details here!)
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ikehoe · 2 years
Whole [Ikemen Prince][Licht x Reader]
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[Licht Klein x Reader] [Ikemen Prince][Fluff]
Characters ↬ Licht Klein x Fem! Reader
Rating ↬ T [Fluff]     
Tags ↬ Fluffy goodness 
Warning ↬ Slight mention of depression, slight mention of Licht’s past
Description ↬ You’ve been in love with the sixth Prince of Rhodolite, Licht, for a couple months now. The handsome but sullen Prince never fails to make you feel adored, despite all the inner challenges he goes through daily. With each day that goes by where he’s graced by your presence, he feels whole. That’s how you two end up here, in one of his favourite places in the world, where he’s ready to bear his heart to you. 
Tag List ↬ @and-then-she-died-tm @kpop-and-otome @curious-skybunny @lordsister @aquagirl1978 @kleeps @ikesimp100 @chaosangel767 @rhodolitesroseforclavis @themysticalbeing @violettduchess @atelieredux @randonauticrap
Please fill out this form if you'd like to be included on my tag list. 
Disclaimer ↬ I do not own the rights to Ikemen Prince or any of the Ikemen series games. 
Wordcount ↬ 1.1k
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The gentle spring breeze caressed your face, carrying with it the softly sweet floral scent of the season’s first blooms. Your lover continued pulling you deeper into the forest with his large hand grasped gently but firmly around your own. If it had been anyone other than him, you would find this situation odd – alarming, even. But you knew in the depths of your heart that Licht, being the gentle and loving soul he is, would never do anything to hurt you. That didn’t stop you from questioning him about where he was taking you.
“Licht, where are we going? It feels like we’ve been walking for hours,” you asked, your sweet voice giving your silver-haired lover reason to pause. He turned towards you, crimson eyes flashing with a rare mischievous glint, and gods, if his smirk wasn’t enough to turn your legs to pure jelly. He wasn’t one for expressing himself often, so this rare show of emotion was enough to kickstart your racing heart. 
“We’re almost there. Just trust me,” he responded simply, giving your hand a quick squeeze before pulling you through the thickets of the bushes. What lay before the two of you was truly a sight to be seen. The cascading mountains cast stunning reflections against the gently rippling water. The pink, orange, and yellow hues from the sun setting caused everything it touched to bask in a warmth that you could never even imagine experiencing. Not only that, there were swans, actual swans, floating majestically on the water. How your lover had even found this place was a mystery, but all of that soreness and effort you put into keeping up with him suddenly melted away with the glory of this hidden gem.
“Do you like it?” His deep voice, usually so quiet, rang clear as day. The bashful hesitance in his beautiful eyes was more than endearing to you, and you enveloped your lover in a tight hug. 
“I love it. I more than love it. Licht, I’m absolutely speechless. How did you even find a place like this?” 
 In the few months you’d been with Licht, he had shared more than a handful of his secrets with you. The fact that he adored your darioles, how he would chastise the other royals whenever they would say biting things about his beloved brother Yves, how he would secretly keep an eye out for you every moment of the day, how he’d ride off on his horse to distant, untouched places whenever he needed a moment alone. But he didn’t need a moment alone anymore. Now that he had you, he would never spend another moment with his own crippling loneliness ever again. You, with your radiance that nearly blinded him when you two first met, he now found that he couldn’t live without it.
“I actually found it a long time ago. When Nokto and I were still little, we played hide-and-seek, and sometimes I’d take the hiding part a little too far… This was one of the places I found, and I ended up coming back here time and time again as I got older….” He paused briefly and then took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to reveal the thing he had hidden for so long. “Actually, the first time I found this place, I vowed to myself that I would bring my future wife here… and then everything happened with my mom, and I thought that would never happen to a sinner like me... but then I found you, and I knew that if I didn’t take you here at least once I would regret it for the rest of my life.” 
You couldn’t help the small gasp that left your lips at the sincerity of his words. You two hadn’t talked about it yet, but with how strong your feelings were and how much attachment you felt towards the Prince, you were hoping that discussions of your future were on the horizon. “Licht, does this mea--, what are you saying right now?” You stammered out. You looked up at your lover’s bashful but loving gaze, and a smile began forming on your face before you could even realize it. 
His hand reached out, carefully caressing the soft skin of your face with his rough, calloused fingers. “I mean, I’m not proposing to you yet. You deserve a man who’s whole, happy, and able to give you everything you deserve without ever making you go through any pain because of him… The way things are now, I don’t know if I can promise that to you just yet,” a silence hung between the two of you, and then your lover continued. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not trying my hardest. I guess what I’m asking for is selfish, I know that, but please wait just a little longer for me because I promise to become everything you deserve.” 
You opened your mouth, ready to emphatically agree and promise your lover whatever he was asking for when he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Oh, and I have this for you.” He reached into his trousers pocket and grabbed a small velvet red box. Then, in one quick motion, he opened the latch on the box, revealing the most stunning bracelet you’d ever laid your eyes on. In the centre of the bracelet was a beautiful, glistening ruby gem, the same colour as Licht’s eyes – a simple but timeless piece of jewelry that perfectly represented the characteristics of your lover. 
Your eyes began glistening with unshed tears as you gingerly picked up the bracelet and allowed him to clasp it around your wrist. “Licht, I’m so in love with you, and I don’t want you to think that you need to change yourself or be better just for me. I think you’re perfect just the way you are, but I’ll be as patient as you need.” 
“I know you feel that way, but you deserve better than me… you deserve someone good enough for you, so thank you for being patient with me. I love you more than you could ever imagine,” he whispered, angling your chin with his thumb and forefinger before pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. 
“Let’s enjoy the rest of our time here. I asked Yves to make all your favourite desserts and picked up some fruits from your favourite stall in town.” And yet again, for the third time that day, Licht managed to surprise you by pulling out a sack of delicious treats that he’d somehow been hiding from you this entire time. For someone who was self-proclaimed as not good enough for you, he sure knew how to treat you better than anyone you’d ever met. 
“You’re amazing, Licht,” you muttered under your breath, settling down beside him on the plush grass. Your gaze looked towards the shimmering water, captivated by the twinkles glistening back at you from the surface. Yet, while you were enraptured by the sight before you, your lover was captivated by the sight of you. 
It was indescribable. Something even more than happiness. Pure contentment and satisfaction were the only things that filled his mind when you were with him, and it was enough for him knowing you reciprocated even the tiniest bit of his feelings. In the purest and rarest form of love, he felt whole, more than he’d ever felt before. And as the sun gradually set, the darkness providing a comfortable blanket over the two of you, emphasizing the radiance of the stars, you two continued basking in each other’s light.  
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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featuring works written after July 1st, 2021. You can find my old (misc) masterlist here. Browse my Ikepri fics by tag here: 👑 #ikemen-prince
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••• ━━━━━Chevalier Michel
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 😏- Use a corny pick-up line on them 😏- Use a corny pick-up line on them (2) 📜- Recite a love poem to them 💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss
A Special Reading Session [smut] Tags: Vaginal Fingering; Love Bites; Marking; Kissing; Doggy Style; Vaginal Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Post-sex cuddles; Aftercare
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots [fluff] Tags: Birthday; Letters
Is this what you wanted? [smut] Tags: Shameless Smut; Vaginal Sex; Rough Sex; Resolved Sexual Tension; Dirty Talk; Slight degradation; Dominance; Creampie; Female Ejaculation
Bearing the consequences [smut] Tags:  Rough Sex; Vaginal Sex; Slight footplay; Dirty Talk; Dominance; Degradation; Verbal Humiliation; Masochism; Spanking; Overstimulation; Crying; Come Swallowing; Slight Exhibitionism
Seduction [smut] Tags:    Nipple Play; Nipple Licking; Fondling; Size Difference; slight size kink; Slight primal kink; Teasing; Dirty Talk; Lingerie
Asking for it [smut] Tags: Established Relationship; Not Wearing Underwear; Spanking; Crying; Overstimulation;  (light) Verbal Humiliation; Vaginal Sex; Prone Bone; Rough Sex; Dirty Talk; Creampie; Ear licking; Possessive Sex
Naughty surprises [smut] Tags: Smut; Vaginal Sex; Rough Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Nipple Play; Soft Chev at the end
••• ━━━━━Leon Dompteur
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 📜- Recite a love poem to them
Love like fireworks before my eyes [smut] Tags:  Festivals, Established Relationship, Public Sex, Roof Sex, Cock Warming
Just another book reading date [smut] Tags: Somnophilia; Consensual Somnophilia; Cock Warming; Semi-Public Sex; Library Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie
Santa, honey [smut] Tags:  Quickies; Dirty Talk; lots of dirty talk; Riding; Size Kink; Creampie; Come Eating
••• ━━━━━Yves Kloss
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🫂- A warm hug
Headcanons for Arthur and Yves comforting a Reader who is insecure about her body [headcanons] Tags: Fluff; Comfort; Insecurity; Body Image; Food 
In Apple Blossom Time [fluff] Tags: Fluff; Dates; Gardens; Tea Parties: Reading; Birds; Tea snacks; Afternoon Naps; Some humor Make me reach the star(s) [fluff] Tags: Tall!MC (Belle); Height Differences; Fluff; Christmas Decorations; Humor; Humor and Fluff
A cat in heat [smut] Tags: Hand Jobs; Facials; Come Eating; Sexual Humor; Doggy Style; Vaginal Sex; Teasing; Premature Ejaculation
••• ━━━━━Nokto Klein
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 🟫 - Kabedon them against the nearest wall
Dirty promises [smut] Tags: Strip Tease; Face-Sitting; Cunnilingus; Come Eating; Dirty Talk
••• ━━━━━Licht Klein
Lessening the barriers [smut] Tags: Outdoor Sex; Semi-Public Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Cock Warming
Tantalizing Teatime [smut] Tags: Slight size kink; Size Difference; Vaginal Fingering; Semi-Public Sex; Squirting; Female Ejaculation; Wet Dream; Blushing
••• ━━━━━Jin Grandet
Revenge Comes Big Breasted [smut] Tags: Breast Play; Suspenders; Rough Body Play; Muscles; Body Worship (Boob Woship); Groping; Nipple Licking; Nipple Play; Biting; Kissing; Pet Names; Established Relationship; Massage; Massage Oil; Overstimulation; Coming Untouched
Personal rules are made to be broken too [smut] Tags: Accidental Stimulation; Sex on Furniture; Size Difference; Making Out; Vaginal sex; Creampie
Scold Me More [smut] Tags: Degradation kink; Humiliation; Verbal Humiliation; Face Slapping; Slapping; Groping; Semi-Public Sex; Cunnilingus; Masturbation; light foot play; Dom/sub Undertones; Femdom; Light Masochism
Special Treatment [smut] Tags: Birthday Sex; Morning Sex; Blow Jobs; Breast Fucking; Dirty Talk; Facials
Mine For A Christmas Night [fluff & angst] Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship; Christmas Party; Reader is not Belle; Drama Yours For New Year's Morning [fluff] Tags: continuation of Mine For A Christmas Night; Implied sexual content; Drama & Romance; plot for a multichapter fic told in just two parts; possible spoilers for jin’s route; Getting Together; First Kiss; Sharing a Bed; Some Humor; Pillow Fights; Fake/Pretend Relationship; Alcohol; Implied Sexual Content; Morning After
••• ━━━━━Luke Randolph
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🧸 - An animal plushie that reminds you of them
You offered solace, I found love [smut] Tags:  Crushes; Friends to Lovers; Love Confessions; Cuddling & Snuggling; Spooning; Dreams and Nightmares; Comfort ; Masturbation; First Time; Loss of Virginity; Size Kink; Size Difference; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Cunnilingus; Oral Sex; Creampie Milk and Honey [smut] Tags:  OC; Quickies; Semi-Public Sex; Outdoor Sex; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Lap Sex; Making Out; Honey; Some Humor; Size Difference; Size Kink; Creampie Birthday For Two [fluff] Tags: Surprise Birthday Party, Birthday cakes, fluff, humor, featuring also Leon, Yves, Jin as well as the other princes!
••• ━━━━━Clavis Lelouch
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🫂- A warm hug 🧵- A hand-made craft 🧵- A hand-made craft (2) 🟫 - Kabedon them against the nearest wall 🥺 - Ask them how much they love you 💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss
The Scent of Temptation [smut] Tags: Sex Pollen; Aphrodisiacs; Flowers; Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; thigh kink; Vaginal Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie
Disaster Zone [fluff] Tags: Very slightly suggestive!; Baking; Humor; Fluff and Humor; Teasing; Blushing; Clavis’s cake monster
Arousing the rabble-rouser [smut] Tags:  Pet Names; Teasing; Begging; Cunnilingus; Oral Sex; Come Eating; Biting; Marking; Hair-pulling; Leg fetish; Thigh kissing; Thigh hickeys
••• ━━━━━Rio Ortiz
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss
Let me be your good boy! [smut] Tags:  Master/Pet; Master/Servant; Maid outfits; Maid Fetish; Maid!Rio; Femdom; Dom!Emma; Dom/Sub; Dominance; Masochism;  Verbal Humiliation; Reverse 69; Blow Jobs; Cunnilingus; Come Eating; Mirror Sex; Edgeplay; Spanking; Orgasm Denial; Light footplay; Dirty Talk
NOT what you do under a mistletoe [smut] Tags:  Kissing & Making out; Cunnilingus
Perfect For Me [smut] Tag: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence - Rio becomes Emma’s boyfriend and co-worker in the store (they’re either yet to get involved with the princes, or, simply won’t - take it as you like!); Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Smut; Fluff; Comfort; Thigh Fucking; Vaginal Sex; Lingerie; Creampie; Post sex cuddles; Food
••• ━━━━━Sariel Noir
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss 
Sealing a contract with the devil [smut] Tags:Secret Relationship; Master/Pet; Sadism; Masochism; Dom/sub; Sensation Play; Sensory Deprivation; Blindfolds; Rope Bondage; Bondage; Shibari; Orgasm Delay/Denial; Masturbation; Mirrors; Hair-pulling; Punishment; Mentions of spanking; Mentions of ice cube play; Mentions of whipping; Temperature Play; Wax Play; Vaginal Sex; Possessive Behavior
••• ━━━━━Gilbert von Obsidian
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🌹 - A single red rose 😘- A kiss on the cheek 😘- A kiss on the cheek (2) 🫂- A warm hug 🟫 - Kabedon them against the nearest wall  💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss 
Petrichor Clinging to Your Skin [smut] Tags: Sex in the Rain; Rough Sex; Outdoor Sex; Vaginal Penetration; Vaginal Fingering; Creampie; Biting; Messy Sex; Dirty talk; Verbal Humiliation (mild); Aftercare 
Half Your Love And Half Of Mine [fluff] Tags: Gender Neutral Reader; fluff; holding hands; dates; Valentine’s Day
Felicitations for the Obsidianite King [smut] Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Secret Relationship; Porn With Plot; Mutual Pining; Slight Hate Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie Beware the Thorns [angst-y] Tags: gender neutral reader; minor blood and injury; minor choking (in a non-sexual way); gaslighting; denial of feelings
••• ━━━━━Keith Howell
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 😘- A kiss on the cheek 
The Winds May Change [fluff] Tags: Gender neutral reader; Dark!/Alter Keith interfering from the shadows (off-screen); Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting; Amnesia; Love Letters; Secret Admirer; Love Confessions; Feelings Realization
••• ━━━━━Sivio Ricci
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 💌- A love letter 
If You Lie Down With Dogs, You'll Get Fleas [smut] Tags: Gender neutral reader; Silvio tops; Casual sex; Swearing; Name-calling; Silvio insults the reader some but so do they; Teasing; Biting; Crying; Light masochism; Silvio has a sensitive neck; Cumming inside; Reader plays with Silvio’s feelings but he deserves it for being an ass; Come marking; Making a mess; Mild blood; Violence
••• ━━━━━Emma(MC)
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🌹 - A single red rose 🟫 - Kabedon them against the nearest wall  💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around  🤲- Do the classic “Can you hold something for me” - giving them your hand
••• ━━━━━Others/All characters
Luka Clemence, The Third Prince [crack, crossover] Tags: characters that appear: Luka Clemence (ikerev), all the rhodolitian princes + Sariel, mentions of Comte de Saint Germain and Leonardo Da Vinci (ikevamp); crackfic; crossover; they talk about boobs and legs at some point
161 notes · View notes
nightghoul381 · 11 months
Translation Masterlist
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Category key: Fluff- ☁ Angst- 💔 Spice- 🌶 Smut-🔞
Ikemen Prince
3rd Anniversary Event~ A Beasts Dream:
Licht Klein:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁ 💔| Epilogue 🔞
Nokto Klein:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁ 💔| Epilogue 🔞
Silvio Ricci:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue 🔞
Clavis Lelouch:
Part 1 ☁ 🌶 | Part 2 ☁ 🌶 | Premium End ☁ 🌶 | Epilogue🔞
Keith Howell:
Jin Grandet:
Melted by Aphrodisiac on this Night ~Fallen, Disheveled, Loved
Keith Howell:
Part 1 ☁ 🌶| Part 2 ☁ | Sweet End 🔞 | Premium End ☁ 🌶| Epilogue🔞
Ikemen Villains
Main Route Translation
Ellis Twilight-Masterlist
Black Wedding Event
William Rex:
Black Wedding Event Epilogue 🔞
Luxury Liner Event
William Rex:
p1 ☁ | p2 ☁ 🌶 | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue 🔞
Jude Jazza:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁|Premium End ☁ | Epilogue ☁ 🌶
I Want to Know Every Inch of You
Ellis Twilight 🔞
No Room to Breathe
Ellis Twilight:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁🔞| Epilogue 🔞
Harrison Gray:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue 🔞
Mirror Mirror, Who Will Fall into a Lewd Dream
Jude Jazza 🔞 William Rex 🔞 Ellis Twilight
Dead or Love
Ellis Twilight:
Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ | Bitter End ☁ | Premium End ☁ | Epilogue ☁
Elbert Greetia:
Dark If
Jude Jazza:
Prologue ☁ | Part 1 ☁ | Part 2 ☁ 💔 | Bitter End ☁ 💔| Premium End ☁ 💔 | Epilogue ☁
Ikemen Vampire
Doting Christmas:
Theodorus Van Gogh Isaac Newton
Erotic Dreams:
Theodorus Van Gogh
95 notes · View notes
Can i request a licht x fem reader smut with lots of fluff please?
Pairing: Licht Klein x Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature (+18)
Word count: 3,415 words
Warning/s: Fluff and Smut, biting, oral sex (female receiving), a bit of soft femdom if you squint, creampie.
Notes: This took me literally months to write. Now I’m heading to sleep. Thanks to Nat, my dearest friend for the ideas and for giving me her opinions on this! I love you very much 
The candle seemed to glow brighter now that your hands were linked together, but maybe it was your imagination or the growing darkness.
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It had been a rainy night.
You tossed and turned, restless in bed; wishing your lover was beside you to at least have some comfort or a way to occupy yourself with other things.
Licht, sweet as he was, would probably be playing with your hair, sensing your discomfort and restlessness at the thunder and heavy rain outside and he would start singing a sweet melody for your ears only in hopes it would soothe you enough to sleep. 
Yet you could only stare at the window, covered by heavy velvet curtains, hoping the storm would end as morning rose.
But nothing would happen if you were to only stay in bed and lament the absence of your sweetheart instead of doing something to fix it. 
Determined, you reached for your night robe, tying it at the waist to prevent the cold of the night from sneaking into your body. And then, you reached for the matches, using one to light up the lonely candle you used to read late at night before sleeping. 
The soft warm light was weak in comparison to the darkness, yet it was a welcome beacon once you walked out into the hallway. 
Outside of the room was truly cold, and you clung to the chandelier, protecting the weak flame with your hand cupped close to it, preventing the cold air from blowing it off.
You walked with hurried, silent steps through the halls, determined to reach Licht's room in record time. You needed to just see him and stay with him until morning won you over.
Turning around a corner, you bumped into someone, being too focused on protecting the flame and still being careful enough to not trip with your own feet by how fast you were walking. 
No one was supposed to be up at this hour, yet you found yourself trapped in someone’s arms, catching you before you fell and burned yourself with the hot wax that spilled. 
“What are you doing outside this late at night?” You were being questioned, snapped out of your thoughts as you lifted your gaze to stare into a pair of lovely red eyes. 
“I could ask the same.” You smiled, watching his gaze soften, even in the darkness.
His grip loosened, taking your hand in his and grabbing the chandelier in your hand to lead the way back to his room. 
The candle seemed to glow brighter now that your hands were linked together, but maybe it was your imagination or the growing darkness.
“I thought you might have trouble sleeping.” He said, in time as he squeezed your hand. 
A soft smile curved your lips, seeing the hint of the same peaceful expression on his face, only slightly illuminated by the light as he guided you through the hall leading up to his room.
As he opened the door, he let you in first, closing the door behind him once the two of you were inside, placing the chandelier by his desk, while you opened the curtains to let in some of the moonlight to illuminate the room. 
You watched the raindrops glide down the glass, casting a beautiful glint in the reflection of the moonlight. 
Just as you were about to press the palm of your hand against the cold window, Licht called you. “Come to bed?” 
Sure, the exhaustion you had felt while laying down in your bed was not present anymore, yet the cold made you want to seek shelter in the warm and fuzzy blankets of his bed and his body-heat against yours---his heat against—
You shook the intrusive thought out of your head, not wanting to think that right now as it was late into the night and your lessons the next day would not be forgiving, so you had to settle for snuggling with your lover.
So, after taking off your slippers and your night robe you crawled into bed with Licht, who was already waiting for you with open arms. Wrapping them around your form as you lay against his body.
His warmth immediately did wonders for you, but the sleep you yearned for didn’t come, so you kept your gaze focused on the candle's dancing flame.
Just as your eyelids grew heavier with each blink, sleep was cast away once more when Licht’s arms around your middle tightened, pressing you closer to his body. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, turning your body to face him directly. 
Instead of answering, Licht took advantage of the new position to bury his face against the crook of your neck, inhaling in your soft scent, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. 
Sleep wasn’t an option now. Maybe he had planned it all along. 
And you had the answer once you felt his lips graze your soft, sensitive skin, making you whimper at the sensation. 
“Can we…”, he paused, leaving another kiss right on your pulse and making your heart jump inside your chest. “…please?” 
His tiny, not-so-shy please was oh so sweet in your ears, that you didn’t know how in heaven would you be able to resist your lover’s attempt to have you this late at night. 
It was then that you finally cupped his face in your hands as he pulled away from your neck. Licht licked his lips like a hungry wolf who was about to feast upon his prey, holding your gaze with his bright, red eyes. 
You let him lean in, claiming your lips like the greatest prize, the kisses soft and passionate with hints of the burning passion that would be consuming you later.
Parting your lips slightly you let your tongues dance, letting yourself get lost in the feel of him so close to you, once you spread your legs to fit his body between them to get a small taste of how intimate it was to feel him so close. 
When he pulled away to bury his face on your neck to litter your skin with kisses and love bites, you moaned out his name to the cold of the night.
“Say it again…” He muttered against your skin, licking a long stripe from the base of your neck to your jaw. “I like it when you say my name.”
You shuddered, feeling the contrast between his tongue's coldness and his breath's warmth against your skin. 
“…Licht, oh! ---That tickles!”
He chuckled, deep and low, leaning down to kiss you, a chaste peck on your lips so different from the previous one, or the way he touched his way down your body until he reached the hem of your nightgown, lifting it so he could have more access to your legs. 
And, of course, you couldn’t just stay put with what was burning deep inside you, tangling your hands in his hair, pulling softly on his silver locks, hands snaking down to unbutton his shirt in painfully slow motions as his lips and those kisses that left you breathless kept your head up in the clouds of pleasure.
Like a hungry wolf, he could barely resist himself, seeing your naked legs just taunting him, your skin so soft calling him to leave love bites and kisses, and right between your thighs that bewitched him to become a hungry beast.
Between his legs, it was starting to ache and throb with need, just by the memory of previous times when your warmth had encompassed him, a maddening sensation that made his head spin just at the remembrance of it.
Your messy kisses were accompanied by desperate hands trying to fiddle with your clothes without breaking contact until you grew desperate. 
Licht was not helpful, squirming and moving away to try to kiss down your neck while he bared you from your nightgown, bunching it up around your waist, and lowering the top until your breasts were exposed to the cold air and vulnerable to his mouth. 
You arched your back, moaning in delight at the feel of his warm mouth, giving up any resistance, if there were any. You wanted to surrender every little resistance, every little thing that could stand in the way of you and Licht. 
Licht was eager, loving, yet desperate; rough calloused hands taking handfuls of your soft flesh, squeezing, fondling. His lips left wet kisses, and on occasion, suckling hard on the peaks of your chest until you sang your pleasure out, his free hand toying with your unattended breast. 
Moving his mouth, he decided to lay kisses between them, kissing a path down your sternum and toward your belly. 
You squirmed, moving your hands to cup his face when he reached between your thighs to toy with your underwear, the tip of his rough fingers caressing where you yearned for him the most. 
“N-No…” You whined as he kissed below your navel, clearly wanting to taste you with his mouth until your legs were quivering, a favorite activity of his whenever you were intimate. 
And despite how much you loved it whenever he’d use his mouth on you, you wanted to feel him deep inside, and noticing how hard he was, enabled the primal desire in your brain of becoming one with him with little to no distance between your bodies.
Your protest fell on deaf ears. Licht continued his way down, pressing his wet mouth to your heat, blowing hot puffs of air against your cunt, making you shiver and whine. Your underwear soon was gone, offering no resistance so you could surrender your body to him. 
Licht took his sweet time, kissing and biting the inner parts of your thighs, noticing your desperation clear in your face and the way you reached to tug at his silver hair. 
He couldn’t help but smile a little, so proud of himself before he buried his face in your pussy, running his tongue along your slit and gently kissing your clit afterward. The way you moaned only fuelled his desire even further, wanting to tease you more and more just to hear you and taste more of you.
Meanwhile, you could be embarrassed by the way your body reached for his silver locks to tug at them to bring him closer to your core, legs lifting over his shoulders and trapping him between your thighs. 
At this, Licht moaned against your heat, enjoying being trapped by your plush thighs to prevent him from focusing on anything else but the taste of you in his mouth as he continued to suckle and lick like a starved man. 
Carelessly, you threw your head back against the soft pillows, feeling his tongue prodding at your hole before licking a long stripe back to your clit. The feeling of his mouth and hands clinging to your thighs drove you mad.
Trapped between your legs, he decided to gently press his hand against your thigh, spreading your legs open to give him more space, hand joining his mouth.
He rubbed his fingers against the slick of your folds, coating them before sliding one inside your welcoming entrance.
A mewl left your lips, arching your back and grinding your pussy against his mouth to pursue the mind-blowing pleasure that was building deep inside you. You felt like you couldn’t resist more. 
Your toes curled and your eyes fluttered closed, chest heaving rapidly when he inserted a second finger, giving you a delicious stretch. You eagerly welcomed him, crying out when he focused on the spot he knew would have you crying out his name helplessly. 
“Licht--!”, you mewled, tugging at his hair, thighs trembling and tensing at the imminent orgasm about to send you down into a spiral of pleasure. 
Licht curled his fingers inside you, enjoying having more of your sweet essence oozing out as you came, velvety walls fluttering around his digits. He couldn’t help but moan against your sensitive core at the taste of you. 
As you came down your high, he pulled away, leaving a trail of kisses on the inner face of your thighs, moving upward toward your belly and then your chest to finally hover over you, a lithe frame covering yours. 
You saw him enjoying himself through half-lidded eyes as he licked his fingers clean, lips glistening with a mix of your essence and his saliva. 
If you had a little shame at that moment you could have hidden your face, not believing the sight in front of you, but this was far from a new occurrence, as Licht often liked to indulge himself between your legs. 
Yet, you were yearning for more, and surely he too was, his cock impossibly hard in the confines of his briefs. You reached toward him, hands hurrying to unbutton the rest of his shirt that you couldn’t manage to reach before, his own hands joining you to help you.
You wrapped your still trembling legs around his hips, finding strength within you to pull him close to you, earning a gasp of surprise from him. 
“Please…” You begged, trying to sit up to wrap your arms around his neck, only managing to move enough to steal a pleading kiss from his lips. Licht was kind, too kind, wrapping his strong arms around you, setting his hands on the curve of your hips, and allowing you to settle your legs at his sides.
Despite the heavy look of desire, Licht smiled at you, his eyes glinting with both the candlelight and moonlight combined. “I love you.” 
He said that every time, and every time it made your heart skip a beat, not tired of hearing him saying that with such sweetness in his eyes and voice, knowing he meant it. 
You couldn’t help the smile forming on your lips, pulling him down for another heated kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist to press your wet, awaiting heat against his hard cock. 
He was not as clumsy as he was the first time, but the darkness didn’t help a bit, with only the candlelight to guide the touches you gave each other. 
Yet, you took the opportunity to take him in your hand, lining him up to your entrance, leaking tip prodding against your throbbing hole. He thrust, slowly spreading you to the width of his cock, a helpless groan leaving his mouth at the feel of being encompassed by your walls. 
He let his head fall against you, face buried against the crook of your neck in such a vulnerable position as he weakened and surrendered to the pleasure and warmth you provided him. 
“Tell me what you want.”, you commanded, whispering in his ear while not allowing him to push himself inside yet by moving your hand and pressing your palm against his abdomen. “I want to give it to you…”
Licht continued to pepper kissing along the sensitive skin of your neck and clavicles, groaning when your walls contracted around him, and unable to form a proper sentence to reply to you but the weak moan of your name. 
“Tell me…I can’t give it to you if you don’t tell me.” You insisted, rubbing gentle circles on his shoulder blade and making him shudder.
Licht had to fight the hungry wolf inside him, not wanting to take you like a beast, despite you showed no resistance before, your mere touches made him weak to your will and command. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t like how you took control. 
He kissed up your neck to finally reach your lips, once more and not wanting to part. “I want you. Please, I want you.” 
You giggled, hearing the desperation in his voice, feeling it even in his hungry kisses. “Then go on, Licht, take me.” 
With no hesitation and nothing else stopping him, he thrust inside, making you gasp in pleasure at how he buried himself to the hilt, spreading you nicely around his cock, until there was no room between your bodies. 
You clung to his shoulders, the tips of your fingers burying in his rough, scarred skin as he picked a slow pace with deep thrusts, him focusing on your reactions to know what you wanted the most. 
The loud squelch between your bodies was obscene, getting louder and louder the faster he moved, not caring if your love was heard outside the room. You didn’t care any bit. 
There was nothing more in your minds than the brain-melting pleasure of your bodies fitting together perfectly, of the pace and the feel of him filling you to the brim, of your bodies embracing each other. 
Your fingernails raked down his back as you clung to him for dear life, leaving faint red marks on his already marred skin, grinding your body against his to match his pace and send you spiraling into the ecstasy you so much desired. 
Your mewls, growing louder and louder, your hands clinging to him, and your legs tightening around his waist felt like a reward for him, having learned that this was nothing but the best feeling in the world that you both could share. 
Looking into your half-lidded eyes, he focused solely on you, on how your walls contracted, squeezing him and then letting him go, over and over, and Licht had to summon all of his willpower to not spent himself right then and there, not when you were at the peak of pleasure. 
Another kiss brought his attention back to you, open-mouthed kisses were shared, wet with thin ribbons of saliva connecting your lips for seconds and hot puffs of air against each other’s faces as the two sang in mutual pleasure. 
“You make me feel so good~” you purred, reassuring him that everything he was doing felt like heaven to you, “Make me cum, please…”
His pants and soft growls vibrated against your lips as your eyes rolled back. The stretch burned in all the right ways as your walls clung onto his member, thick and hard. Soft thighs locked around his solid torso starting to tremble as your orgasm approached when his frame pinned yours down. 
Continuing to drag your fingers down his back, clawing at him like you were slipping from sanity. His hair tickled your face as he dove down to kiss your neck, leaving an occasional bite in his wake. 
The wet slap of skin embarrassing to even hear, if you had cared at the moment, yet you couldn’t stop as he pulled himself out of you, leaving but the tip inside, just to slap every last inch back into you. Sending you over the edge before you even realized what was happening. 
You writhed and shook under him, robbed of any coherent thought. It made you feel like the feeling of cloud nine was never-ending. 
Toes curled as you drew him down closer to you, your pussy fluttering around him as he refused to let up on the pace he had set. Fucking you right through what could only feel like one of the hardest orgasms you’d had. 
With his name on your lips, you shook and trembled as he didn’t let go of you, fucking you through your orgasm until he reached his own.
His hips stilled, teeth digging into the soft flesh of your neck to stifle the helpless moan that escaped his lips, burying his length inside you as his thick seed spilled.
Still feeling the aftershocks of your high, you and Licht panted, limbs weak and barely able to hold on for much longer. 
Licht sighed, trying to calm his erratic breath, too tired to think of anything else but to hold you with your skin against and the promise of sleep until late morning if possible. 
Watching your chest rise and fall, teary, tired eyes looking at him; he smiled in return, bending down to steal a last kiss for the night, admiring the glint of sweat on your skin. 
And despite he wanted to admire you, and how your bodies looked together, you could barely keep your eyes open anymore, exhaustion finally dragging you to the sweet slumber you wanted from the start. 
Licht could be content with admiring you in the morning, he told himself as he ran the tip of his finger down the soft skin of your cheek, still smiling at how full his heart was with you. 
The flame of the candle flicked, catching the attention of both of you; he turned his head, blowing it off for the night and going back to the darkness, yet, this time he had you in his arms. Not needing a flame or light to keep each other warm as you finally lay next to each other. 
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randonauticrap · 9 months
Autumn Baking
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Pairing ~ Yves Kloss x Reader
Word Count ~ 667
Author's Note ~ Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's Autumn fluff time!! And I'm starting with Yves! No warnings, all fluffy sweet goodness, plus a teeny tiny Licht feature!
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"Wait, you’ve added too much milk!” Yves shrieked from beside you and you slammed the bowl down on the counter in defeat.
“This is the fourth time I’ve messed it up, I’ll never get it right, Yves.” you sighed, sinking into a nearby chair. The palace kitchen was a wreck, with flour and eggshells scattered haphazardly all over the countertops from your many failed attempts at baking a cake. You reached around to untie the apron Yves had gifted you, but delicate fingers wrapped around your wrist, halting your movements. 
“Wait.” Yves pleaded, and something in his voice gave you pause. You turned and your eyes locked with his bright blue ones that were laced with an underlying desperation. “H-Here,” he stuttered, leading you back to the counter before placing the mixing bowl back into your hands. Then gently - as though he was afraid to spook you - he gingerly settled his manicured hands over your own. You dared not gasp aloud at the spark of electricity that tingled up your arm when skin met skin, because despite his tender motions, it would be he who would more likely get startled than you. 
He guided you to add more flour to the runny mixture, then more vanilla extract before leading the whisk in your hand around the bowl with dexterous skill. His breath tickled your neck as he looked over your shoulder at what he was doing. It smelled vaguely of mind and of the honey tea he had shared with you earlier. You smiled as you felt your cheeks flush, and you couldn’t help but let your mind drift to the fact that Yves had agreed to help you make your favorite autumn dessert - caramel cake - despite the fact that it was his own least favorite; he always claimed that it was far too rich to have much of a flavor profile outside of caramel. But here he was, not only being patient with your repeated failures, but teaching you the feeling of expert baking through touch; touch, that had admittedly turned your face quite hot. 
“D-Does that feel okay?” Yves’s timid voice directly in your ear pulled you from your thoughts in a flash and, without thinking, you turned your head in the direction of the sound and bumped noses with the stunning prince. This gasp could not be contained and drew through your lips with surprise at just how close his face was to yours. He gave a similar reaction and you both froze as your eyes sought refuge in his, and his in yours. You nearly sighed in admiration at just how beautifully the blue of his irises complimented the jewels in his earrings, but held back for his sake. His gaze broke from yours to travel down your face, halting ever so slightly longer at your slightly parted lips before traversing their way back up. 
‘Is he going to kiss me?’ As soon as the thought intruded upon your mind, there was a loud knock at the kitchen door. The two of you broke away with an alarmed flinch and stepped away from each other before the door even opened. Your heart hammered in your chest and you nearly feared it would escape as you placed a steadying hand on your chest while Licht walked in. 
“L-Licht! What are you doing here?!” Yves squealed, at an even higher pitch than normal. You glanced his way to find his cheeks a deep shade of beet red to match the tips of his ears, and you turned away from the pair to hide your smile. ‘He felt it too.’
“I just came to make sure the kitchen hadn’t exploded.” Licht deadpanned and you stifled a giggle. 
“Yves made sure I didn’t do that.” you responded shyly and threw another look Yves’s way. 
He had turned his face away so that neither you nor Licht could see it, but you heard the twinkle of joy in his voice when he mumbled quietly, “Yeah… she’s a natural.”
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @veervers @nightghoul381
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maries-gallery · 10 months
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wc: 1,7k
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Licht had always hated his name. 
Licht, meaning Light. 
A pretty ironic name for someone whose existence is laced with sin and bathes in blood. For someone who has committed the irreparable at such a young age.
Indeed, Licht has nothing luminous nor bright. Nothing but his name, that hangs over his head like a dark halo, dripping blood in the back of his mind so he never forgets his sins. His name, an omen heavier than any crown. Heavier than any throne. 
A reminder that inside of him, darkness brews. Nesting and rotting, waiting for him to open the Pandora box. Its putrid flowers blooming in the deepest parts of him, visceral and rooted in flesh. 
People thought twins to be a bad omen. They all thought one of them was destined to be good and bring prosperity. The other meant to bring sorrow and chaos in a kingdom full of hope. 
The evil one, the cursed twin. The bad one. 
That’s what his brother and himself had been taught too, as children. That one of them would be the downfall of Rhodolite if it ever came down to one of them bearing the crown. 
So people prayed, held their breath. For any other prince to take the crown. Maybe that’s why Yves cared about Licht so much. He understood what it felt like being shunned by your people. 
To Licht it had always been evident that if one of them had to be cursed it was him. For it could never be his brother, right? Nokto whose hands had known blood well after his own. Nokto whom is  so confident and outspoken. Nokto whose name means Night but who has always shone brighter than the stars and the moon. And whose wings had always spread over Licht’s head to give him shelter from his own thoughts. 
Indeed, if there had to be a monster in their story, Licht would take on this role. Hands already slick with too much blood, mind crowded with too many brooding clouds. 
Licht would never forget the fear and the hate in their eyes. The very people he was meant to protect. The very eyes of his mother, too. 
His own mother he had loved with all his heart. 
His own mother he had-
Licht. The cursed twin. 
For so long he had kept everyone at arm’s length, even sweet Yves who had tried everything to get him to open up, to get him to smile like he once did. But Licht could never find it in himself. The taste of happiness and joy foreign to him. Emotions blended in a colourless sea of sadness and self hatred. Years of isolation had made him colourblind. 
And he had tried to keep you at arm’s length too. You were too bright, eyes too pure and your smile too kind. Your voice, like Heaven singing in his ears, heart in his chest clamouring at every word falling from your lips like a prayer. 
An angel fallen from grace. 
You were too good for him. Yet, a part of him found itself constantly drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. Like a man lost at sea to the comfort of a lighthouse. 
Nothing good can ever come from this. 
She’ll get hurt. She’ll get hurt. She’ll get hurt. 
I’ll hurt her. 
She’ll be miserable. She’ll be miserable. She’ll be miserable. 
I’ll bring that upon her. 
He desperately tried to keep you from the dark corners of his mind. Aching for you to hold him and find him into the dark, yet crying out and cowering back in fear every time you took a step his way. 
He wouldn’t pardon himself if he were to taint you, light incarnate. Scared the beast inside of him would burst from within and snuff out the light in your eyes, claw at your heart and rip it to pieces. 
I can’t make her happy. I can’t let her love me. I can’t love her but I cannot not love her. 
I cannot be indifferent anymore. 
Let me follow. Please let me follow you into the light. Bring me back. 
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. But hurting is the price I pay for my sins. The price I pay in blood and in-
Yet, when he looks into your eyes and meets his own reflection there, he sees nothing of the monster he claims to be. Nothing but a man. A man whose pain has turned into a lone wolf. A man with a beating heart, a man who loves, and a man who craves for nothing else but tender affection. 
Who craves to be seen and found. To be touched and brought back from the land of desolation he’s built around himself. 
And every time, you take his hand, and lead him out of the dark forest of his mind. Every time, you bring him back to the light. Bathe his scars in love and soothe his aching heart with warmth. 
For the first time, he wants to believe. He wants to believe monsters like him deserve redemption in the presence of an angel. He wants to believe that maybe he can be worthy of your love, of his name. That maybe, some of the light can be for him too. 
Licht had always hated his name. But when it falls from your lips nothing sounds purer, sweeter, holier. 
So now, as the two of you lie down in his bed, moonlight showering your entangled forms in divine glow, his crimson eyes seek yours, gentle fingers caressing your cheek ever so gently. Afraid to break you. 
Pure love flows through his veins as you gaze back at him. Your skin like silk against his own, and his heart catches fire. 
Your fingers comb back a strand of white hair from his forehead, and he is putty in your hands. 
“I love you, Licht.” 
There it is, the words that make his heart swell in his chest, the words that make his lungs ache for air. His thumb draws circles on your soft skin, crimson eyes burning with a mix of unshed tears and raw desire as he hangs over you. Lips hungrily nipping at the skin of your nape. 
“Say it again.” He whispers against your skin, “Please, say my name, again.” Despair laces his tone as his hand guides your legs around his hips, fingers digging in the butter of your thighs. 
A moan falls past your lips as he grinds his hardened bulge against your core. Fire waking up inside of you and licking at your inhibitions. You want more. You danced too close to the Sun and now you want to taste its flames. 
“Kiss me first.” You ask and he complies. Your legs tighten their hold on him to bring you closer and closer still. Until no space is left between the two of you and your lips are so close you can taste his breath on your tongue. “Licht.” 
Air catches in his lungs, his skin burns, and every fibre of his being aches for you. For all of you. For a taste of Heaven. 
“Again.” He repeats, length prodding between your slick folds. And he loves the gasp that falls from your lips as he pushes in, the way your eyes flutter close as he stretches your walls and comes to sit inside of you. 
“Uungh-! Licht!” You cry out, nails digging in the skin of his back as he grinds his hips against yours, teasing at your sweetest spot. “Please-Please, more!” 
Of course he listens, sliding in and out of you in slow and languid thrusts, bringing you closer to the edge with every roll of his hips. Your vision blurs as your core melts in a puddle of need and desire. 
Licht’s brows knit together as your walls clamp down around his length, sucking him in. And he wishes he could stay inside of you all day, warm and snug in your heat. 
“You’re so warm-” He sheathes himself in your walls to the hilt, so deep you taste him in the back of your throat. But you don’t care, not when it feels so good. Not when you’re on the edge of breaking. “So-So good-” 
He leans down, lips caressing the shell of your ear, hot breath fanning over your heated skin but doing nothing to extinguish the fire inside of you. 
“Say my name, again.” 
“Ah-! Licht! Licht!” Your eyes flutter close, the tight coil inside of you lashing out flames as your release washes over you in tides. Powerful and merciless, thighs quivering around him under the weight of pleasure. 
His name you sing over and over again like a prayer to the gods above, until your throat hurts from overexertion and your moans become nothing but murmurs for him only to hear. 
And he bathes in it, head tilting back as his hips earn a mind of their own, letting his sins be washed away by your light. Bathed in the cries of an angel. 
A sound between  grunt and a moan escapes him, warmth flooding his veins as he sheathes himself inside of you and gives you the fruits of his own release. Panting above you as exhaustion crashes over the both of you. 
He leans down, burying his head in the crook of your neck, reluctant to pull out from your warmth just yet. And he wants this moment to last forever. The two of you united as one, your arms around him and his head busy with thoughts of you. 
He enjoys the idea of his seed remaining inside of you. The idea of filling you with his love, like you do him on the daily with your mere presence. 
A tired smile graces your lips as you look up at him, “Licht…”
His name rolls off your tongue and it tastes like honey. And in that moment he finally feels whole, blessed  by the Gods.
Is it a sin to adore you? To want to be near you, to feel you, to touch you? 
Maybe. But for all it’s worth, Licht does not care. If Hell was another one of your angelic kisses then he’d be a sinner.
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @ikesimp100 @ikemen-writer @chaosangel767 @nightghoul381 @o0aj0o @kisuxmalfoy @elleplaysotome @lichtluv
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omkookie · 11 months
He wants to tell you // FWB.
⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ None. just light Angst turned into fluff. 15+ and F!Reader.
The suitor is not specified...🩷..And the fic is set in more modern times I suppose.
Personally, I'd pick one of the following for this fic: Leviathan, Cater, Victor, Trey, Belphegor... Licht or Nokto, Liam..Maybe even Clavis... Vlad
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The city is dark, cold and empty with just a few street lights on the side of the road shining down the streets. He checks his phone to make sure that he hasn’t missed a call or message from you, and feels a sense of disappointment when he sees that you haven’t texted him or called him.
How long has it been since the two of you last met up?
It must have been weeks… Or even a month.
Now, he came to your city just to see you. His arrival was somewhat late after using the bus In the evening, But, he arrived. Usually, you’d stay awake until this hour after taking naps during the day, So he thinks that his late and unexpected visit won’t be too much of an issue. After coming here, He hopes that when he gets to your house and sends you a text you’ll come out to see him.
He misses you greatly.
Sighing, he tucks his phone back into his pocket, and fixes his jacket.
It was cold, Really cold. Mornings here were freezing, and he could see his own breath turning into condensation when he breathed out.
‘But it would all be worth it soon’ He thought to himself as he made his way down the street, towards your address.
He passed by closed shops and empty streets, lost in thought about what he would say to you. He wanted to mend your relationship, See you like he used to, and spend time with you again. After your last argument, you no longer saw each other and things changed for the worse. You ignored him, and he was far too prideful to contact you first, but after you stubbornly continued not talking to him and distanced yourself, he realized that he couldn’t keep this up.
It was sad… childish even. Why didn’t he try to fix things sooner? If he set his own stubbornness and pride aside, he could have talked with you and prevented you from going off and dating whatever piece of eye candy you found. None of the men you dated now were good, or even worth a minute of your time. Really, what were you thinking? He heard all about you going to bars to find dates and whatnot from his friends, and it was unnerving.
He was jealous.
He didn’t want anyone but him to touch you.
Little drops of rain started to fall down, and soon they turned into a downpour.
As he passes through the dimly lit street, he finally sees your house on the right, the small flower garden still in front of it remaining well maintained. When he arrives, He takes the metal key out of his pocket and uses it to unlock the door of your fence. Soon shutting your fence’s door closed behind him, and tucking the key back into his pocket as he picks his phone up to text you.
He messages you a vague ‘I’m here. Open the door.’ and watches as the lights in your house abruptly turn on.
He waits for you on your front porch, tapping his foot against the floor in nervousness as he thinks about what your reaction could be. Would you be mad? Somewhat irked? Or happy? He didn’t know what to expect.
You opened the front door, revealing yourself and making his breath hitch in his throat as he finally got to see you after so long. You look at him with somewhat of a frown, your face more confused than annoyed by his sudden appearance at your house.
“It’s 3:00 AM.” You tell him, And he sheepishly scratches his neck as he grins like a fool at you. “I was hoping you’d still let me in. It started raining when I was coming.” He tells you, causing you to let out a sigh of frustration. You open the door wide for him, allowing him to come in, and he does. He enters your house, taking his shoes off at the entrance and putting them on the shoe rack on the left side of your door.
“Honestly, i don’t know why the fuck you would show up at this time. What if I was asleep and didn’t open the door?” You scold him, going off on an annoyed rant. “It’s literally autumn. Barely any of the hotels around here are working at 3 in the fucking morning.”
“Oh well… lucky for me, you opened the door.” He dismisses you, making you shoot a glare at him. “Why are you even here?” You asked, somewhat hostile toward him which was an obvious indicator that you were still salty.
“Well,” He started as he took his drenched jacket off, “I missed you. So, I came to both apologize and see you.” You roll your eyes, And his brows furrow in annoyance at you. “What are you rolling your eyes for? It’s the truth.” He steps before you and wraps his arms around you to hug you, laying his head atop your shoulder. “Just so you know, you can’t act all cute to butter me up so that I accept your apology and forgive you.” You remark, and he tightens his arms around you, “I’m sorry…” He apologizes.
It was the truth.
He really was sorry.
He did miss you… So why can’t he find the right words to tell you that? It’s like everything that he had to say got stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t speak.
“Oof… Okay.” You relent, finally hugging him back as if unable to remain mad at him.
“I don’t want us to ignore each other and not speak after an argument again.” He voices his true feelings, and you listen to what he has to say. “Also… I’m sorry for what I said that day. I should have known better and not given you shit about it.”
You rubbed his back comfortingly as you listened to him.
“I’m sorry too, I should have been nicer instead of coldly rejecting you the way I did.” You let him know, “Oh, No. It’s completely okay… I mean… that was our agreement from the start, So you didn’t really owe me an explanation or anything. I should have known better than to start pressuring you for things.”
He feels relieved as you finally have an honest conversation, both of you admitting your wrongs from the day where your argument happened.
You wanted to sleep with him, He wanted a relationship. He caught feelings, and he started getting possessive, and mad at you when you ignored his texts to see somebody else. He was the one who wanted nothing but sex from the beginning and proposed the idea, Yet, he was also the one who first broke your agreement to be nothing more than friends with benefits.
“Well, Now that we’ve sorted that out…” He looks lost in thought for a moment, seemingly trying to decide how to proceed with your relationship. “I don’t really know what to do.” He sighs, “I’m sorry.” He looks down in disappointment, feeling discontent with himself.
He still loves you.
He wants to tell you
“You can stay here, Don’t worry.” You tell him, not noticing how troubled he looked, or perhaps refusing to see it.
“You can sleep in my bed?” You suggested jokingly, surprising him.
“What?” He asks in disbelief
“Look, I know that we had a rough start, and that I didn’t want to have a relationship with you… But this last month I’ve been thinking about you.” You told him, making his jaw drop to the floor in surprise. “So, I’d like to give us a chance… If you’re okay with it.”
“Of course… I’d be happy to give us a chance.” He hugs you once more, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace as he buries his face into your shoulder while holding you tightly.
This time he was lucky… he finally got to have you.
"Do you want a kiss?..."
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voltage-vixen · 1 year
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
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aquagirl1978 · 8 months
Light - Licht Klein x Reader
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A/N: Happy Birthday, Licht!
Pairing: Licht Klein x Reader (Licht POV)
Prompt: 4th Birthday Card
Word Count: 418
Tags: pure, sweet fluff
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Light poured in through the windows, bright rays of sunshine that warmed my face, gently inviting me to wake up. I wasn’t the only one woken by the sun; when my eyelids fluttered open and I turned over on my side, I found you already awake, gazing lovingly at me.
“Good morning, Licht.” Your soft voice slurred with sleep as you spoke, your hand reaching out to find mine. Clasping our hands together, you squeezed my hand gently, a sweet reminder that you were here. That you were real. 
That this was real.
We smiled at one another; yours was soft and sweet, mine wistful. For I had to get ready for training my troops early that morning. 
“I have to be at training soon, but I should be done early in the afternoon. Meet up for lunch?”
Wriggling, you pushed your body up close against mine, your face tilting up towards mine, just waiting to be kissed. Cupping your cheeks in the palms of my hands, 
I let out a sad sigh as I threw the covers off my body; better to just get up and start the day and get it over with so I can come back and spend the rest of my day with you. Rolling out of bed, I began to get dressed and put on my pants. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I threw on my dress shirt and was about to start buttoning it.
“Let me help you.” Your voice called out to me, sweet like a bird’s song on an early morning. Your smile bright, you sat up in the bed and crawled over to me. 
“Hey!” You threw your arms around my neck, catching me off guard. I found myself laughing, enjoying your boundless energy, your body warm against my back as you placed a kiss on top of my head. Lifting my hand, my fingers curled around the  curve of your elbow. 
I found myself not wanting to leave the comforts of your embrace. There once was a time not all too long ago, where I threw myself into my training; I would go early and leave late, often not wanting to leave at all. Training served as a distraction from the noise of my thoughts. 
But the longer I spend time with you, the more you are replacing those old thoughts with new thoughts. Good thoughts. Happy thoughts. And I found myself, for the first time in forever, not wanting to go to training today.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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scorchieart · 2 years
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Change for the Better | AO3
Characters: Keith Howell, Yves Kloss, Licht Klein
Summary: A gentlemen's tea party with gentlemen's banter.
Word Count: 777 (we hit the jackpot with these 3!)
A/N: Part of @aquagirl1978 & @violettduchess's Fall Fluff Autumn Angst CCC. Thanks for setting this challenge up, you two! This one is going to fall under Fall Friendship Fluff.
Prompt: Changing seasons
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Life changes too fast. First you’re waking up on the wrong side of the bed, then you’re tripping over breakfast to catch a breadcrumb of lunch before rushing back to work, and next thing you know it’s 1-in-the-morning and you’re still on your first cup of tea. It’s almost as if the only constant in life is that nothing was constant. That was how things seemed to be shaping up for Keith, anyway.
Though as much as life tried to throw alterations into Keith’s path, he persisted along with his head held high and a hand over his heart. Such was expected of him as a prince, after all. And it wouldn’t do for a prince to complain when there were those who had far more legitimate reasons to be upset. Like the farmer whose bull had grown old over the summer and can no longer help him in the upcoming harvest. Or the widowed noblewoman whose only son married for love despite objections to the girl’s commoner background. Or the red-faced young prince before him, whose once magnificent 3-tiered buttercream cake now only sat on the garden table with 2 levels.
“I swear, one day that man will eat himself into a coma. Mark my words.”
Yves muttered under his breath as he carefully ran a knife over the top of the remaining layers, smoothing out lumps of uneven frosting and disturbed autumn-themed sugar decorations. Between the sighs of despair and the huffs of wrath, it was hard to believe Yves still had air in his lungs to pick at his brother.
“It is only a testament to your unparalleled skill that Prince Jin targets your desserts alone,” Keith offered, craning his neck from his seat on the settee to get Yves’s attention. The canopy of red and orange leaves surrounding them limited his view, but he could still make out the agitated veins protruding on the side of his face. “Please, you need not make such a fuss over it. I think the cake still looks remarkable.”
“It looked ten-times more remarkable before he got his grubby hands all over it! But not to worry, Prince Keith, I am nearly finished repairing the most egregious damages.”
Keith wanted to say more, but Yves was locked in that mode he once heard Nokto describe as Ultimate Baker Beast. Yves would still listen and respond to those around him, but all his thoughts and actions were 100% focused on his hands, and he won’t snap out of it until he’s completely satisfied with his work. It was a talent Keith admired every time he saw it put to use, if not feared.
Instead, he reached past Yves, careful not to interrupt the complicated culinary surgery, for the plate of mini sandwiches and nibbled on one quietly in between sips of white tea. He smiled at the light taste of spreadable cheese mixed with herbs atop the bed of freshly sliced squash and wondered how the farmer was faring back in Jade. Certainly a lot more would get done if Keith was there to help, but he tried not to linger on that thought for long.
“How is it?”
Licht inquisitively poked his head around Yves’s figure from the other end of the table, a half-eaten dariole in one hand.
“Very good. I heard you prepared these sandwiches, Prince Licht? Excellently done,” said Keith.
“I was just following Yves’s instructions. The first batch had too much cheese, but I thought they tasted alright.”
“We’re trying to highlight the flavors of the season so you can’t hide the vegetables no matter how much you dislike them. And stop hoarding the darioles!” Yves piped in. Licht shut his eyes and popped the rest of the dariole into his mouth, as though that constituted his response.
Keith let out a chuckle. “I think it’s wonderful that you keep each other in check in the kitchen. Why, when left to my own devices I—” he paused, cleared his throat, and looked at his lap. “Well, let’s just say I never hear the end of it from the cooks.”
Licht opened his eyes and Yves finally looked up from the cake, both resting quizzical looks on Keith. Keith cupped his giant hands around his tiny teacup, feeling utterly undersized under their gaze, and took a long sip.
When he lowered the cup from his mouth, he found the plate of darioles placed in front of him and Licht walking back to his seat. 
“Well, nobody is perfect,” Yves said, cutting a piece of still-spotty frosted cake with a smile. “But that doesn’t stop us from trying our best to change for the better.”
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Next I wanna do an autumn angst, but pretty cool that Keith got his route announced, amiright?
Tagging:@atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message
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Ikemen Masterlist
Unsure of how many of the games I'll write for, so I'm just labelling it broadly for now. Currently just for Ikepri though.
Angst: 🖤 | Crack: 🪅 | Dark Content: ⚠️ | Fluff: 💞 | Hurt/Comfort: ♡ | NSFW (18+): 🌶️ | Platonic: 🧡 | Romantic: 💌
Femme: 🌙 | Gender-neutral: ⭐ | Masc: ☀️
Ikemen Prince
₊˚⊹♡ Domestic Faction ₊˚⊹♡
Leon Dompteur
Nothing yet
Jin Grandet
Nothing yet
Yves Kloss
Nothing yet
Licht Klein
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Foreign Faction ₊˚⊹♡
Chevalier Michel
Nothing yet
Clavis Lelouch
Nothing yet
Nokto Klein
Nothing yet
Luke Randolph
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Palace Staff ₊˚⊹♡
Sariel Noir
Nothing yet
Rio Ortiz
Nothing yet
Cyran Rose
Nothing yet
₊˚⊹♡ Foreign Princes ₊˚⊹♡
Gilbert Von Obsidian
Nothing yet
Keith Howell
The Fire & The Selkie ⭐
Silvio Ricci
Nothing yet
You do not have permission to put my work into AI. If you are a minor, do not interact with NSFW works; you will be blocked.
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