#lien twining x reader
frickingnerd · 10 months
wiping the tears from your eyes
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pairing: lien twining x gn!reader
tags: hurt/comfort, reader crying
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"p-please, don't cry…"
lien had wrapped you up in a blanket, holding you close to him as you weeped softly. he had been holding you like this for the last couple minutes, his heart bleeding as he watched you cry. he felt so helpless, unable to say anything to comfort you. 
all he could do was hold you close, gently rubbing your back and pressing kisses onto your forehead. he wasn't as good with words as he liked to be, but lien hoped that holding you in his arms was enough to help you just a little. maybe knowing he was there for you could give you a little bit of comfort…
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randoimago · 7 months
Hi! №4 soft gestures - "you're staring!" "i like seeing you happy, love." with Lien and Kizuna from AI: The Somnium Files! Thx!
"you're staring!" "i like seeing you happy, love."
Fandom: AI: The Somnium Files
Character(s): Kizuna Chieda, Lien Twining
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I wrote as S/O saying the second part to Kizuna and then Lien saying it to S/O
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She can't help a bit of a giggle as she's attempting to read a new fairy tale she picked up at the library when she feels your eyes on her. You get a pointed look from her and an amused smile. "You're staring," she states.
"I like seeing you happy, love." That causes another giggle to leave her, one that's more shy but she's very happy to hear those words come from your lips. She knows that there are days that are harder for her, but she always tries to have a smile for you even when you tell her it's okay.
"I'm always happy by your side," she replies softly, her eyes filled with adoration as she stares back at you. "Come here and read with me." You don't hesitate as you walk over and read the book with your princess.
You should be used to it. The feeling of Lien's eyes following you throughtout the day, hearing his lovestruck sigh, maybe some happy humming. You should be used to all of that. As much as you love the guy, sometimes it can feel like a bit much.
"You're staring!" You pipe up finally and hear some combination of surprised noises that doesn't quite make actual words come out of his mouth. You look over and see that he looks a bit embarrassed, before giving you a bright smile at the eye contact.
"I like seeing you happy, love," Lien replies easily, as easily as he breathes. Because it's so true. He is unbelievably in love and nothing makes him happier than seeing you happy. Whatever annoyance or frustration with his constant staring you felt, it's gone by how sweet he is.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Word: Enigmatic
Color: Bubblegum
Requester: NightBlight from A03
Fandom: RWBY
Pairing: Roman Torchwick x Female!Reader
Your semblance in this is called Angel Eyes. If you make eye contact and activate your aura when you do so, you can later paralyze and control someone’s body. (It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but shandbksla whatever I like the idea)
The soothing sounds of soft horns, piano, bass, and strings created the smooth music that killed everyone into a relaxed haze. You leaned back in your leather seat, crossing one leg over the other as you inhaled the scent of expensive perfume, liquor, and cigar smoke.
You were dressed to the nines, clothes in a black dress that hugged all the right places and a pair heels that boosted you an extra inch in height. A string of pearls decorated your throat with another at your wrist. Your hair was carefully styled and makeup carefully applied with bold red lipstick adding the little splash of color you desired. You were dressed to kill and you knew it.
A flute of bubblegum pink liquid; something alcoholic and fruity, swirled in your careful grip as you waited for your guest to arrive. You recognized him as soon as he and his goons walked through the doors despite never seeing him before.
Red-lined white suit, dark slacks and shoes, small gray scarf and a bowler hat covering blazing orange hair to top it all off. His eyes were dark green and piercing, flitting about the room before landing on you. The lips holding the cigar in his mouth curved into a smile and he swung his cane in a circle once before making his way over.
“Miss Angel Eyes I presume?” His voice was as smooth as the rest of him, it sent a tingle down your spine at the nickname you had earned for yourself. You dipped your head.
“And you are Roman Torchwick.” It wasn’t a question, you knew very well who he was.
“Bold of you to assume I’m not a henchman of Torchwick.” He hummed as he took a seat in the booth seat directly across from you. You glanced at his men quickly before looking back to Roman.
“I do my research on all my clients. I’m offended you wouldn’t know this already.” You mused, leaning your chin delicately on one hand and taking a sip from your drink. He dipped his head with an charismatic smile,
“No offense meant madam, just curious is all.” He quipped and you found yourself smiling a little wider.
The current song ended and a slower song began, you set your drink down and twined your fingers together,
“Now Mr. Torchwick, I assume you have what I want?” You batted your eyelashes and he smirked, taking a silver case from one of his masked henchman.
He set it on the table and fingered the clasps,
“Before I show you, I assume you kept your end of the deal?” You rolled your eyes,
“Of course I do. What do you take me for, a cheapskate?” At this, you pulled a little pouch from the purse at your side, opening the little drawstring, you pulled out several shards of dust. Not just any dust, but a manufactured experimental type that combined two different types of dust into a new element.
The dust was iridescent in the low lighting, glimmering a pearly sheen as you turned it over with satin gloved fingers.
“Hybrid dust, straight from Schnee Dust Company laboratories.” You said, setting it down gently and keeping it near you in case he tried to bolt with your money and dust. He simpered and flicked the clasps open,
“And here’s your payment.”
Your eyes glittered at the sight of rows and rows of lien. The pearl bracelet around your wrist shifted as you carefully inspected the money, making sure it was real. Satisfied, you clicked the clasps shut and did the dust over to Roman and his henchmen who promptly inspected it for fraud or forgery.
“Satisfied?” You hummed and he stood, you standing as well.
“Of course, business was a pleasure Angel Eyes.” He cooed and your small smile widened.
“Pleasure was all mine Torchwick.” You purred, fingers coming up to dance fleetingly across his chest before carrying the case as you turned to leave.
However, you paused and removed one of your gloves,
“But on second thought, I think I’ll be taking my dust and the money.” You said and turned to face the red headed man. His face twisted into confusion as you snapped your fingers before he could do anything else.
The effect was instantaneous, everyone in the club froze and straightened up, dropping whatever they were doing, including his goons. Bubblegum pink aura crackled around your fingers and made your eyes glow as one of his men held him in place and the other marched over, his movements jerky and robot-like. He handed over the velvet pouch of dust as Roman struggled.
You set your prizes down and made your way over to the criminal in front of you. He had a glare twisting his features and you tutted,
“Why the long face? You should’ve known the risk of meeting with me, especially given my semblance. Miss Angel Eyes doesn’t give something this expensive away so easily.” You hummed, dancing your fingers across his chest as you adjusted his coat and scarf.
As you turned away, scooping up your possessions, you turned back and leaned in, planting a kiss on the corner of Roman’s mouth. Pulling away, you were pleased with the red lipstick mark left there.
“I look forward to doing business with you again Roman Torchwick.” You purred and left him with an enigmatic smile.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Ai: The Somnium Files Masterlist
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Kaname Date
found family - oneshot, feat mizuki
nobody believes date got a girlfriend - oneshot
no more pretending - oneshot
Kuruto Ryuki
Moma Kumakura
falling into cupid's trap - oneshot
kuruto ryuki crushing on you - headcanons
in love with a criminal - drabble
Lien Twining
wiping the tears from your eyes - drabble
Gen Ishiyagane
how things used to be - drabble
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Mizuki Date
all the plans that went wrong - oneshot
Iris Sagan
iris with a s/o who adores her voice
loving nostalgia - oneshot, feat kizuna
Kizuna Chieda
kizuna realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
loving nostalgia - oneshot, feat iris
Amame Doi
“it'll all be okay” - drabble
boss crushing on a colleague - headcanons
confessing to aiba - headcanons
confessing to tama - drabble
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