#fairytailwzard writes
fairy-writes · 2 years
Okay sending in another since I thought it might be easier in two messages
Could I also request Be My Forever with Uta for the event? I hope you've been doing well, and congrats again! 😊
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Gender Neutral!Human!Reader
Song: Be My Forever by Christina Perri
Notes: Hey! It’s been a hot minute since I saw you on my dash! I hope you’re doing well!
This is also pre-Kaneki, so pre-Tokyo Ghoul.
Your relationship was a disaster waiting to happen. 
Uta should have known. A human and a ghoul could never have a safe or stable relationship. 
But neither of you cared. 
We're on top of the world.
We're on top of the world now, darling, so don't let go
Can I call you mine
So can I call you mine now, darling
For a whole lot of time
My heart finally trust my mind
And I know somehow it's right
He met you when he first opened up his mask shop. He had been in his early twenties at that point, just starting out. The business had, of course, been slow at first. No one knew about the little shop in the fourth ward that sold masks to humans and ghouls alike. 
But once the word got out, ghouls started trickling in for masks to hide their faces from Doves. Occasionally, humans would come by for one reason or another. 
And one of those humans was you. 
And oh, we got time, yeah.
So darling, just say you'll stay.
Right by my side
And oh, we got love, yeah.
So darling, just swear you'll stand right by my side.
He looked up from the coffee he was drinking in the back room as the bell above the front door jingled. Setting the drink down, he meandered his way into the main room, where you were looking at all the masks. You crouched down to look at one on one of the lower shelves, tracing a finger down the design of the leather.
“Welcome.” He said simply, and you jumped to your feet, whirling with wide eyes to stare at him. However, once you realized it was only him, you relaxed. You didn’t seem to mind nor care about his appearance. A fact he found the most intriguing. Usually, people would recoil at his looks, thinking he was a ghoul. And he was, but no one else had to know that. So he hid his kakugan under the guise of it being tattoos like everything else on his body.
“You are the mask maker, yes?” You asked him curiously, getting closer than most people did unless they had to. Again, you seemed at ease with him. Yet another thing that was intriguing about you. 
“Call me Uta.” He said, and you brightened,
“Alright, Uta. Can you make me a mask?” He liked how his name sounded coming from you. So he found himself readily agreeing. 
We're on top of the world.
We're on top of the world now, darling, so don't let go
Hmm, I've got something to say
You're perfect in every way. I'm gonna shout it out
I'm wanna tell you now
'Cause I know somehow it's right
He took your measurements, asked you a couple of questions about what you wanted, and found himself genuinely enjoying your company. So much so he was almost sad that you left. The two of you exchanged numbers strictly so he could message you when your mask was done. 
It was strictly business. 
At least, that’s what he told himself. 
And oh, we got time, yeah.
So darling, just say you'll stay right by my side
And oh, we got love, yeah
Darling, just swear you'll stand right by my side
Even after your mask was finished and you paid for it, you still messaged him from time to time. It began business-like enough. Questions on how to care for the mask or requests for minor repairs as it wore over time. 
Then it evolved when he was drunk on blood wine and messaged you asking you to coffee. It was innocent enough, right? It was just coffee. 
Just coffee.
Be my forever
Be my forever
Be my forever
But one coffee outing turned into two. That turned into four. Soon Uta didn’t call them outings. He called them dates. Was this a date? He hadn’t done that before. He had been too busy as the leader of the fourth ward in his earlier years, and he hadn't bothered once he had opened his mask shop. 
Be my forever
Be my forever
Be my forever
“You’re a ghoul, right?” You asked him one day when he was walking you home. He had taken to doing that when he discovered you lived in the eleventh ward. That was where Aogiri resided and was nearly inhabitable for humans. But you told him the rent was cheap and the apartments were nice enough, so that’s where you would stay until something better came up.
Part of him wondered if you’d move to the fourth ward with him. But he was too scared to ask. 
“I am. Does that bother you?” He replied, and you shrugged, hand brushing his as you keep your eyes forward. His heart stutters at the feeling.
“Well, are you planning on eating me?” At this, he shakes his head,
“Of course not.” You glance at him and grin, your hand reaching forward and entwining fingers with his. 
“Then no, it doesn’t.” 
You're my bright blue sky.
You're the sun in my eyes.
Oh, baby, you're my life.
You're the reason why
It doesn’t take long for things to change between you after that. 
Uta holds your hand whenever he walks you home. He touches your shoulder when you practice making masks because you tell him you want to learn how. He has a special coffee cup explicitly reserved for him in your apartment, and you have your cup in his. 
We're on top of the world.
We're on top of the world now, darling, so don't let go
(1, 2, 3, 4)
He kisses you under the moonlight precisely a year after you first met. 
You taste like sugar and coffee, and your arms play with the hair at the back of his neck as you lean in close. His hands fit snuggly at your waist, and he doesn’t let go until he has to come up for air. You lean your forehead against him, brushing noses with him as you grin that brilliant smile reserved just for him. 
“I love you.” He says, and you lean in to peck his lips again.
“I love you too.”
And oh, we got time
Yeah, we got love
So, darling, just swear you'll stay right by my side
Oh, and we got love, yeah
So, darling, just swear you'll stand right by my side.
The bell jingles above his shop, and he turns from his worktable. Uta finds a small smile playing on his lips when he realizes it’s you. You wander over and lean your weight on his back, pressing a kiss to his temple as you peek at the current mask design he’s working on. 
“What do you think?” He asks, more out of wanting to hear your voice than anything. He knew it would look good. He hadn’t worked this hard to hone his skills for nothing. 
“I love it. It’s not my mask, but I love it nonetheless.” You tease, running a hand through his hair and gently working the elastic from it so it falls down his shoulders. 
“I’m glad you like it.” He leans his head against your shoulder and presses his nose to the underside of your jaw. 
You smell like coffee and sugar, and the particular smell that was unique to you alone. 
It was his favorite. 
Be my forever
Be my forever
Be my forever
He should have known things would go wrong, especially when you didn’t show up or contact him for three days. 
Uta unlocks your door with his key and opens it. 
And immediately smells blood and the stench of a ghoul. 
He drops the sunflowers he had purchased in an attempt to appease any anger you might have held toward him because that was the only thing that made sense. You had to be mad at him. That was it, right?
Be my forever
Be my forever
Be my forever
You are in the kitchen. 
What’s left of you anyway. 
Your eyes are glassy and dead. Blood spatters up the cabinets, and viscera is strewn all over the floor. The window is open in the other room. That must’ve been how the ghoul got in. 
Was this a hit from Aogiri tree? 
He didn’t care. He couldn't even find it in him to cry as shock rooted him to the ground. 
Will you love me forever?
I'll love you forever.
Be my forever
He had known all along, somewhere deep in his heart.
He shouldn’t have gotten attached. 
Your relationship was a disaster waiting to happen. 
But that didn’t change the fact that he wanted you by his side forever. 
He wanted you to be his forever. 
Be my forever
Be my forever
Be my forever
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slapphapp1 · 3 years
Shō Kusakabe and His Freaking Weird Ability That Makes No Sense
Short disclaimer: this post is LONG, and I mean a bit longer than Gojo and Chuuya (like 700 words longer than Chuuya and that post is also quite long). But that’s only because there’s a lot to say about this topic and I keep getting distracted and adding more things. And while writing this we went over our thermodynamics unit in my physics class, so that kept on adding more ideas.
When I started Fire Force, I thought it was just interesting. I thought the concept was fun, but the fanservice definitely brought it down on my list of favorite animes. But then Sho (a.k.a. “Moonboots” via @fairytailwzard) got introduced. At first, I was like, “awwww, he’s cute.” but then I saw his power. And unlike both Chuuya and Gojo, I had zero idea what they were talking about when they described it. And the thing about things I don’t understand is, I always want to understand them. So this bugged me in general. But then, they started trying to relate the “expansion of the universe” to his speed, and described him being able to “stop time” and that makes it so much more complicated.
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To quote directly from season 1 episode 22, “I can steal the heat of expansion and stop time.”
This whole thing—Shō’s ability I mean—makes absolutely no sense to me. I’ve tried rewatching it and reading a few other blogs or Reddit posts online to try and get it to make sense in my mind, but it just refuses to.
They talk about him stealing the heat of the universe, which stops time for everyone except for Shō… but if we even contemplated doing this—for whatever reason—he’d end up probably lowering the temperature of the world to 0 Kelvin.
Short science lesson here: 0 Kelvin, aka “Absolute Zero” is SUPER cold. For my American readers, it’s -459.67°F. And for everyone else, it’s -273.15°C. Now, this temperature is so cold that it means that the molecules that are always constantly moving, stop. All kinetic energy that was previously in the molecule is absent. Absolute Zero is not something we’ve achieved yet though. We’ve gotten super close, but we’ve never actually reached it. The closest we’ve gotten is 1.0 × 10−10 K or about -273.114°C. So like SUPER close, but not quite there yet (and at this point, we reach something called the “Bose-Einstein Condensate” but we’re not going to get into that because it’s even more complicated). Another thing that supports this theory is the fact that when Shō uses his ability too much, his body begins to freeze (kinda like when Todoroki uses his ice too much without using his fire).
Another thing; if we’re going by the laws of thermodynamics, Shō is probably breaking at least one of them.
The first law is the law of conservation of energy: energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed. And it’s saying that while Shō is “stealing the heat of expansion”, so energy isn’t technically being destroyed, it’s really being transformed into speed (possibly?) and energy in a form that Shō can use. But what happens after he expels the heat? I’m assuming it just kind of disperses back into the surroundings. I mean, considering it’s an endothermic process, going by the ice that forms after he uses his ability for a while. I’m guessing after he’s expelled all he can, the energy goes back to expanding the universe, but I dunno, so I’m just assuming that this one is safe.
The second law of thermodynamics is about entropy. And entropy, put simply, is nature’s tendency to create chaos out of order (you see this in ice melting, campfires, something dissolving in water, living things dying, etc.). It’s also the fact that heat will never flow from cold to hot (by itself. It’d only be able to do this when you do work on the system, like with a heat pump or refrigerator), only hot to cold. Now, I can’t really tell if Shō is breaking this law. If he is stealing the energy like he says he is, then his body would end up being SUPER hot, I mean like evaporating your insides kind of hot. But since he’s not dying let’s just ignore that. After he “steals” the energy and becomes super hot (not like that) his body would begin to try to reach thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. After his body’s temperature returned to normal, however, apparently it still keeps dispelling energy, going back to him using his ability too much. But that shouldn’t happen in this case, because a body can’t do that. Anyway, long story short, I’m pretty sure he’s breaking that law.
The third and last law (there’s actually a zeroth law, but that doesn’t really apply here. It’s basically the transitive property in math, just applied to temperature. If A is in thermal equilibrium—is the same temperature—with B, and B is in thermal equilibrium with C, then A is in thermal equilibrium with C. As you can see, it doesn’t really have much to do with what I’m talking about.) is basically the fact that a system can approach absolute zero, it will never actually reach it. This is due to the fact that if something were to actually reach absolute zero, then its entropy would do the same, and that wouldn’t work. And if we’re going by my theory that Shō has to get to absolute zero to use his ability, then this just doesn’t make any sense at all.
So all in all, when using his ability, Shō is breaking some very fundamental laws of physics and engineering.
I know *most* anime and anime characters break the laws of physics, or just disregard them completely, but it just bugs me. (There was this one character in a manhwa I read a while back who had the ability attribute of “physics” and I was just super confused, like what does that even mean??)
Going back to the stopping time thing. It says he’s able to cuz he steals the heat of expansion from the universe. But when I think about it, and I mean REALLY think, it still doesn’t make any sense. I mean, why would slowing how fast the universe expands slow time in general? The universe is constantly expanding, and the rate that it’s doing so is speeding up, but time isn’t speeding up for us? So why would slowing it down do anything? The creators are trying to connect two dots that are on completely different planes.
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Also Shinra?? Going back in time?? So he can catch Shō?? Like… what???
I know there’s that one part of one of the Superman shows or movies or something that shows Superman going fast enough to spin the Earth backwards and make time reverse, but that doesn’t work either, so I honestly have no idea what the frick happens with this whole thing.
I rewatched the episode after learning about stuff in my physics class, and in the episode, Licht is trying to figure out how Shinra disappeared from Shō’s “frozen world” and the way they explained it was Shinra goes so fast that his body can’t handle it, so it breaks down “into the invisible particle level and self-destructs.” Licht then tries to reason how the heck his body is coming back together and figures that both Shinra and Shō are able to do what they do because of the Evangelist. And yes, I guess that’s a loophole because the Evangelist can make anything happen, but still, that doesn’t explain how any of this works. She’s taking the body that Shinra has destroyed and putting it back together. It’s like expecting the wind to blow in your messy room and clean everything up. This basically means the Evangelist is capable of not only disrupting, but reversing entropy.
Something that she should definitely not be able to do.
Other Theories:
I guess maybe it’s kinda like Karim Flam? Who uses the energy from fire to make music, which makes ice? (What I’m guessing his ability is, is he takes the energy from his surroundings and fire which freezes the water molecules in the air. And he ends up using the energy from all of that to make music? IDK) But his ability doesn’t make sense either. I might make a whole other post about him.
Maybe it’s like time dilation, but the opposite? Time dilation means that the faster you move, the “longer” time takes to pass. There’s a story about an astronaut that has a twin brother. And while the astronaut was in space, he aged slower than his brother that was on earth. Fun fact: clocks on GPS satellites are set to move a bit faster than clocks on earth to account for this.
I feel like his ability would make a lot more sense if he just like… stole people’s energy and used it as his own or something. That would explain how he seems so much faster then them, he’s literally stealing the energy they need to move. And if they have no energy, and they don’t move, and he’s using it, he’s going to be faster right? I think that would make a lot more sense than “stopping time because he stops the expansion of the universe.”
Also, if you have any comments or theories about this, please share! I’d love to hear all of your opinions! But beware: I have only watched the Fire Force anime, so please don’t spoil manga things if you can help it.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!
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Extra Notes:
If you’re still reading this: Yay! You made it through this whole post! Now for some “fun stuff”.
First things first: I have no idea what my upload schedule is going to be from now on. I have college and I work when I don’t have school and I’m not doing homework (plus I beta read for @fairytailwzard), so I rarely have free time. Quite a few of these posts take a ton of time due to all the research I have to do to complete them. So, for now, maybe plan on a post every month-and-a-half to 2 months until I’m at least done with this semester. (So at most 3 posts until April/May).
Also, my ask box is open! So if you have any science-related (or any other) questions about any animes (or mangas/manhwas) feel free to ask! I’ll also do normal TV shows, movies, and books if you want. (There are some limits: I won’t do R-rated things/the equivalent in TV shows, or if it’s too long—stuff like One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball anything, Game of Thrones, etc.) And I will do my best to answer your questions! I’ll make a list and post all the things I’d be willing to write for.
Fair warning: if you ask me a question about something I haven’t seen, I will try to watch/read the thing before answering so it may take more time.
Completely off-topic, but it’s February 15th! So happy birthday Kim Dokja!! And happy late valentines day for all you people who actually have friends and significant others!
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so-mordor-itis · 3 years
Thank you @fairytailwzard for the tag! I appreciate it ;_;
The blogs I recommend are: @inaflashimagine , @universal-imagines , @hold-your-applause , @j0succ , @abbacchiosbelt , @quirkfics , @quixothots , @halcyon-writings , @houseisekai , @vennilavee , @zhonglis-empty-wallet , @phen0l , @mengdus , @officallytheduchess , @bakugou-jpg , @ddarker-dreams , @finalfantasyxivwritings , @goddamnitdazai , @revasserium , @sierrascribbles , @dulcesiabits , @wangshengs , @loguetowns , @luvleekaotix-imagines , @the-canary , @amatxs , @aminiatureworld , @fe-fictions , @willowser , @windblooms , @thegirlwiththebambooblade , @3rdgymbros , @crytalstellar , @dango-milk , @tartagliaxx , @dreamingofaria , @tartaglla ,
There's a lot more I probably won't get everyone!
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If it's not to much trouble could I request again? If so may I please get a matchup for Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke, and Attack on Titan? (Will I need to resend in my info?) And I want to thank you for your fantastic matchups, they are so fun to read along with everything else on this blog!
Awhee, thanks for enjoying our matchups and everything else!! \(^_^)/ We used your info from last time, so hopefully that’s okay. Thanks for being patient and I hope you’ll like your matches!
Your matches are…:
Haikyuu!! - Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is like you - quiet and reserved. He isn’t one to initiate any conversation, but he does approach you to hand you the glasses you lost earlier. He barely gives you a short nod before heading off again. Every time after that, whenever you lose them, he’s the one who finds them again. He warns you every time not to lose them, but it’s something you can’t control. He eventually notices a pattern and intervenes with it quickly, effectively preventing you from losing your glasses any longer. Akaashi rarely goes up to you after that.
When he sees you walking your dogs one afternoon, he comes up to you to pet them, admitting he has a soft spot for animals. The other guys on his team all have pets but he was never allowed any in his home. You invite him along to finish the walk and you end up at the dog park to throw Frisbees and balls and have fun. Akaashi’s enthusiasm with your dogs allow you to open up to him, inviting him for future walks and outings, which he accepts gratefully. From then on, he approaches you more often, the topics shared between the two of you broadening to more than just dogs. You learn more about him and his volleyball team and he learns about your mastery with the cello. He’s a sucker for food and good music and you jump to the chance to show off your skills whenever possible.
Majority of the time, Akaashi is over at your place, either eating your home cooking or helping you with homework. You sometimes watch him play volleyball during official matches, but your attention always turn to Bokuto than Akaashi. Whenever you two have a conversation on one of your more beloved topics, you tend to confuse him with your tendency to switch between languages. He does his best to trip you up as well and the two of you eventually learn as many languages as you possibly can. He’s also no stranger to affection and close contact but he rarely initiates it since he respects your boundaries.
Both of you are quite reserved at the beginning, but as time goes on, you find yourself opening up a bit more to Akaashi. He also does the same - he realizes it’s better to have someone else on your side to solve a problem. Romance is one of his weaknesses, so it takes him a long time to realize his feelings for you. When he confesses, he promises to do whatever it takes to make you happy and comfortable, while doing everything that both of you love.
KasamatsuYukio (Kuroko no Basuke): An inability to converse easily withfemales makes Kasamatsu’ life harder than it needs to be and that’s noexception when it comes to you. He recognizes you from being in the same classas you and never has conversed with you since it wasn’t necessary. That changeswhen he happens to find your glasses on your desk after school one day and you’reno where in sight. Waiting in the room for a few minutes in case you come backproves fruitless and he quickly goes to try to find you. He’s never seen youwithout your glasses before so Kasamatsu assumes you need these. Can you evensee without them? Luckily for him (or you?), he manages to catch a glimpse ofyou walking out the gate and quickly calls your name but not withoutstuttering. It’s clear his sudden outburst catches you off-guard by thesurprised expression on your face though his blushing face makes Kasamatsu lookless intimidating than he might’ve seemed. He hurriedly explains how he sawyour glasses on your desk returns them to you. All he expects from you is a nodof confirmation since Kasamatsu never heard you talk much in class and assumesyou’re a quiet person, but hearing a ‘thank you’ surprises him, and he’s momentarilystunned. Your voice sounds really cute and that makes him blush harder,stammering a ‘you’re welcome’ before excusing himself to basketball practice.Of course, he’d still be a blushing mess when he gets to the gym and will getquestioned by his teammates until he yells at them to begin practicing.
While Kasamatsu has always noticed you in his class,after that experience, he finds himself glancing towards you more often.Sometimes he even ends up staring at you without knowing it and needless tosay, he ends up blushing as a result. You’re definitely cute, he won’t denythat. If you catch him staring at you, he’d quickly glance away and becomeextremely flustered, stopping himself from looking in your direction anyfurther until a few weeks have passed. As challenging as it feels for him tostart a conversation with you, he is still tempted to do so. An opportunitypresents itself to him when once again, he finds your glasses left on your deskafter school with you nowhere to be seen. Like before, he goes to find you,calling out your name with a stutter when he spots you and returns your glassesto you. Also like last time, you thank him and he can feel himself blushing.Instead of hurrying off to basketball practice though, he tells you rathersternly to not leave your glasses lying about, especially since it seems likeyou need them. Such words might make him appear unfriendly since you two aren’tclose and he’s scolding you, but since you don’t judge people from firstappearance, you try taking his advice in stride. You already happen to loseyour glasses often as it is anyway, so it’s not like he’s saying anythingwrong.
Kasamatsu is thinking that encounter could’ve gone a lotsmoother and ends up thinking about ways he can approach you without it beingawkward. His teammates surely take notice of this and offer him advice, whichis not helpful in the slightest. Kise somehow manages to get you to show up attheir basketball practice one day though (how he managed that, he refuses totell Kasamatsu) and when it ends, Kasamatsu finds himself awkwardly standingbefore you, trying to make conversation. He first apologizes to you if Kise wasbothering you and thanks you for coming to watch their practice. He really isn’t good with females but he wants to speak more with you and thatserves as his motivation to do so. Asking you about how classes are for youseems like a good start but they don’t provide much conversation material andit quickly turns awkward. He tries asking about your hobbies since you don’tseem that interested in basketball, and at hearing you like playing the celloprompts him to divulge that he plays the guitar in his spare time. Maybe oneday the two of you can play a song together… It’s also pretty cool that likeenjoy singing occasionally too and Kasamatsu already thinks you’ll sound greatwith your cute voice.
The more conversations Kasamatsu starts with you andtakes part in, the more he finds out about you and that only seems to furtherhis want to keep talking with you. It’s rather surprising that you own fivedogs but hearing about how much you love them is really heartwarming and seeinghow your eyes seem to sparkle when you talk about your dogs makes it that muchmore fun for Kasamatsu to listen to. He wouldn’t mind meeting them sometime either,if you’re okay with that. Mathematics is Kasamatsu’ best subject so languagesaren’t something he excels in and is impressed at the fact that you’re fluentin three. It does catch him off-guard when you switch between languages and hewill definitely be confused, which might serve as something you’d be amused by.Kasamatsu will have no qualms with taking part in your hobbies with you, sincethat gives him a chance to see a different side of you. He might not be thebest when it comes to cooking and baking and might hesitate a bit when doingso, but he’ll still gladly offer to help you out. Working together with you ismore fun than watching you do it alone, but even that can be a lovely sight attimes.
Your increase in friendliness and liveliness is quite acontrast to your shy self that after Kasamatsu and you got close, it surprisedhim, but in a good way. It makes it easier to converse with you since there isa lower level of fear of scaring you off or turning the atmosphere awkward.Depending on what you like to do when you become hyper, Kasamatsu might have ahard time keeping up with you. He tends to worry a bit about you too,especially with how you don’t like to share your problems with others. It’sfine to try to work through your problems by yourself, and Kasamatsu won’tintervene with that, but when it appears that you’re becoming stressed andoverwhelmed, he’ll sit you down for a talk and let you know that it’s fine toshare your problems with him, and that you should, so that he can help you workthrough them. He doesn’t like seeing you becoming this stressed, and with youranxiety, he really wants to be able to share your troubles. Your insomnia isalso something that Kasamatsu will worry about, since to him, a good night’ssleep is something that is essential. Your insomnia isn’t something he can curethough, and at most, he’ll try to keep you company when he can at night and letyou use him as a pillow if you want. He definitely won’t hesitate to soothe youor ask you about your nightmares if you’re willing to disclose them to him.
Kasamatsu isn’t the best when it comes to physicalaffection, so you’ll have to the one to initiate any physical acts. He wouldn’tmind your hugs at all, though at first he’ll become stiff as a board at thesudden act but will happily though albeit awkwardly return your hug. He wouldn’trandomly approach you with a hug though, so there’s no fear of him scaring youlike that out of nowhere. It’s only with your permission that Kasamatsu willshow you acts of physical affection. He wouldn’t hesitate to surprise you withsmall trinkets as gifts though, and maybe even write a song just for you~
Attack on Titan - Armin Arlert
When he needs someone to help him articulate his thoughts on paper, Armin asks you every time due to your superior ability. He’s only good with words and capable of drawing simple floor plans, but when he needs something a bit more complex, he’ll need a helper - you, in other words. Armin is mostly business, the occasional personal question slipping out here or there. He’s slightly awkward and you find it difficult to interact with him because of this, but he comes around often, giving you plenty of opportunities to learn more about him.
Armin is also a dog lover, although he gets overwhelmed when there’s more than two. He admires your ability to care for five and notes especially how well they’ve been trained. With a shared love for dogs and the arts, you begin to find more topics to talk to him about. While he shares his insecurities with you often, you’re reluctant to disclose any issues plaguing you, even at his insistence. Everyone knows Armin is akin to a counselor of some sort despite his shortcomings. He doesn’t force you to tell you anything you’re uncomfortable with, but he reminds you constantly that he’s willing to lend you an ear any time.
In your downtime, you’re often unwinding with Armin by sharing your cooking with him, teaching him how to bake, or simply sharing books. He’s always blown away by a hidden talent you reveal whenever appropriate and he’s secretly jealous at everything you can do. The only area he can trip you up in is with his book smarts, but even then, you trump him with your fluency in multiple languages. You’re his inspiration for him to study more, he likes to say.
The business-like atmosphere shifts into an affectionate one without either of you noticing. He leans in closer over time, hugs you more often than before, and is able to guess what you want to say or suggest to do just by reading your body language. He also gradually becomes an expert in leading you to confessing any problems you that might be plaguing you, but you’re still obstinate in this area. Romance is the last thing that comes to his mind so when he finally realizes everything you two have been engaging in has a romantic connotation to it. it takes him a long time to work up the courage to confess his feelings. When he finally gets around to doing it though, it’s a sweet and beautiful confession, one that everyone else strives to have.
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straykidsnerd255 · 5 years
Tagged by: @fairytailwzard
Nickname: White Rabbit
Height: 5′4″
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: A picture of Ikki from saint seiya for a request
Song stuck in  my head: Rebel Love song by Black Veil Brides
Following: I want to say somewhere around 142 I think?
Followers: 67
Amount of sleep: around 7 or 9 hours
Lucky Number: 25
Dream Job: Becoming an Author
Wearing: jean pants and a t-shirt that says Fairy Tail with Natsu and Happy on it
Favorite song: Right here by Ashes Remain 
Instrument: Violin or Piano
Random Fact: I apparently enjoy crying because I am currently watching soldiers coming home as I write this and am bawling my eyes out
Aesthetic: Note books, pencils, books, and CD cases
Tagging: @bloggoneandybiersack
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fairy-writes · 2 years
im so sorry i forgot to pick a character for the bsd request omg. maybe fukuzawa? 👀
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Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Fukuzawa Yukichi x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Solider by James TW
Tag(s): Implied abuse (not by Fukuzawa), 
I basically listened to this on repeat to get ideas, and this is what I’m rolling with.
Yukichi first met you when he was sent to kill your father. 
This was before the two of you got together, of course, and before he had formed the Armed Detective Agency. It was before he had gotten on the correct path and was still murdering for others.
It had been dark, well past midnight, when he opened the balcony door as silent as a fox. Inside, the room is dark and quiet. He unsheaths his sword, the whisper of steel on wood being the only sound other than near-nonexistent breathing. 
His target was close.
Just as Yukichi raised his sword to bring it down, there was a voice.
“Are you here to kill my father?” It came from the bed. From the very person he was trying to kill. Yukichi didn’t know why, but he nodded, lowering his sword as you sat up and swung your legs over the bed. 
You watch him the time, but not with fear. Was that… curiosity?
“Why are you trying to kill him? Surely it’s not out of the goodness of your heart.” You ask, and he adjusts his grip on his katana. 
“Someone is paying me to take his life.” He replies simply. You study him a moment before nodding once,
“Good. He deserves it.” You said, and he raised an eyebrow. You notice and turn your head. He sees a bruise covering your left cheek in the moonlight. 
A rage fills his stomach, and he tightens his grip on his sword. He leaves you without another word and doesn’t return until the man is dead. 
“Thank you.” You whisper just before he jumps off of the balcony. 
He doesn’t see you again until a few weeks later; even then, it’s by accident. You are with who he presumes is your mother. She’s holding your arm in a death grip when you stop him on the street. 
Yukichi notices that while her face is stained in tears, yours is dry. Your bruise is practically gone too. 
“This is the man who helped me.” You say to your mother, and he notices you purposely omit how he helped you. 
“That’s nice, dear. We have things to be doing.” Your mother snaps, and her grip tightens. You wince, and Yukichi feels that rage bubbling in his belly again. 
He doesn’t know why. 
He doesn’t know you past a face. He doesn’t even know your name. 
But he still wants to protect you. 
Before he knows what he is doing, Yukichi grabs your arm—gentler than your mother—and steers you away from the woman. She shrieks and caterwauls but, oddly enough, doesn’t chase after you. He asks you why, and your face sours,
“She doesn’t care about me. Neither of my parents did.” You say, and he feels his heart crack. 
The two of you stop by the river. You sit on a bench while Yukichi stands beside you. You look up at him.
“You can sit by me, you know. I don’t bite.” You say, and he hesitates,
“I don’t want to intrude on your personal space.” He replies, and you roll your eyes, 
“Just sit down, Mister No Name.” 
He sits down.
“... My name is Fukuzawa Yukichi.” He eventually says into the awkward silence, and you nod. 
“Nice to meet you, Fukuzawa.” You say and tell him your own name. He repeats it back and delights in the way you smile. 
Things are history after that. 
Just as he meets you by accident, his confession of his feelings is also an accident. Of course, it’s Ranpo’s fault, but as usual, he doesn’t take the blame. 
It’s all because he wanted you to meet the other important person in his life.
“You’re the person he loves, right?” Is the first thing out of Ranpo’s mouth, and Yukichi nearly has a heart attack. He feels his face flush pink and immediately shoves his palm over the teenager’s mouth. 
He refuses to look at you.
“Not to my knowledge.” You say easily, but he can hear in your voice that you are storing this information away for later. Ranpo bats Yukichi’s hand away.
“It’s so obvious! He doesn’t shut up about you either!” He cries, and now Yukichi uses both hands to almost smother the teen’s mouth. He glances to the side and sees you covering your mouth, hiding a laugh that has his heart soaring. 
You aren’t actively rejecting him. That was a good sign.
He managed to wrangle Ranpo into his bedroom and shut the door. Then he returned to the front door where you were still waiting. You offered him a smile that had his stomach doing flips. 
He truly grew to love you over time. 
From meeting for tea, to teaching you how to defend yourself so you were never hurt again, to simple walks by the river. Yukichi loved your wit and quirks. 
“Was what he said true?” You ask quietly over a cup of tea. Ranpo is distracted by sweets in his bedroom and wouldn’t be a bother at the moment. Yukichi doesn’t say anything. 
Because he doesn’t know what to say. How could he say anything that would adequately capture his feelings?
So all he does is put his hand over yours and smile. You beam in return and lean over to press a kiss to his cheek and whisper,
“I love you too, you know.”
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Please could I request song 18 for Kyojuro Rengoku for your event as it looks so fun 💙💙💙
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Fandom(s): Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing(s): Rengoku Kyojuro x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Love Story by Taylor Swift
Notes: This song is so freaking long, so this isn’t necessarily a song-fic, and instead is more of a regular one-shot BASED on the song.
There is a minor reference to the one-shot I wrote titled “Meet Me By The Cherry Tree”
I use the term Y/N three times in this fic (even though I personally dislike it)
It was safe to say that your father disliked Kyojuro. 
Perhaps dislike was too simple of a word. 
He hated Kyojuro.
The number of times that he had forbidden you from seeing the Flame Hashira, but you simply hadn’t listened was more than the fingers and toes that Kyojuro had on his body. 
All the time, Kyojuro had no idea why. 
But that never stopped you. You still snuck out, still visited Kyojuro at the Rengoku estate, still went on dates with your lover. You still did everything a couple would. And Kyojuro loved you for it. He loved you dearly. 
Which is why it hurts so much to see you cast out by your own family. 
“You can come back when you’ve come to your senses.” Your father snarled as he shoved you off the engawa and into Kyojuro’s arms. You whipped around with fire on your tongue and the fury of lions in your eyes,
“Piss off!” You snapped back, and your father retorted by slamming the sliding door shut. 
You didn’t speak until you were back in the comfort of the Rengoku estate and knelt at the kotatsu table with Senjuro and Kyojuro. 
“I’m sorry he reacted like that,” Senjuro said, and you shrugged, using your chopsticks to push a piece of cooked sweet potato past your lips and into your mouth. 
“He can bugger off for all I care.” You said, and Kyojuro frowned. He didn’t want you to say that. He knew you had a good relationship with your father until he came into the picture. Then it had soured like curdled milk, and neither of you knew why. But Kyojuro knew what it was like to have no parents. And he didn’t want you to suffer like that. 
But you had refused to see reason. It was a stubborn streak that you had inherited from your father.
“I love you, Kyojuro. That’s what matters now.” You had told him when he tried to talk to you about it. 
“But you are going to regret not having him in your life later on. I regret the same thing. You only have one father, my love.” He tried one last time, and this time, it looked like you were actually considering what he was saying. But that didn’t stop your initial comeback.
“Your father is an alcoholic. Mine just doesn’t like you for whatever reason.” You say, and he admits you have a point. 
“I just… I don’t want to lose you, Kyo.” You mumble later on, looking down where you were fiddling with your fingers. He offers a reassuring smile, placing his hand over yours, and you look up at him.
“And you won’t. I’m just saying you might regret not talking to him later. At least think about it, alright?” He says, and you nod. He leans over and kisses you on the cheek, delighting in the way you smile.
Kyojuro finds out why your father hates him so much a year later when he decides to ask you to marry him. 
Your family estate is as beautiful as ever, and he spies the cherry tree under which the two of you met. He knocks on the door and stands back, waiting for someone to open it. 
Your mother opens the door, realizes who is on her doorstep, and tries to close it immediately. It only stops when Kyojuro wedges his hand between the door and the doorframe. 
“Please hear me out.” He says quickly. He knows his time is limited. He only has so much time before any of your family refuses to talk to him. 
“Why should I?” Your mother snapped. She looked tired, and he could see the world weighing on her shoulders. 
“It’s about your child.” He says. He knew it wouldn’t be that hard for her to know who he was talking about. There was only one of her children who associated with him. 
“I don’t have children who associate with you.” 
“It’s about Y/N.” He said bluntly and didn’t miss how she stiffened. 
Kyojuro heard your father call your mother’s name; a moment later, he was at his wife’s side. His smile turned to a scowl as soon as he saw the Flame Hashira. 
“What do you want.” 
It isn’t a question. 
It’s a statement. 
Kyojuro’s time is running out. 
“I came to ask for Y/N’s hand in marriage.” He said, and your father actually laughed.
“Go ask them then. I have no business with them anymore.” He snapped and went to shut the door. But, again, Kyojuro wedges his hand between the sliding door and the doorframe. 
“Why do you hate us so much? Have they disappointed you that much by associating with me?” He asks, genuinely curious. He wants—no, he has to know. 
Your father pinches the bridge of his nose and looks like he might slam the door despite Kyojuro’s hand being in the way. 
“It’s because of you.” He eventually says, and your mother places a hand on his arm. 
“Darling, you don’t have—”
“I want to.” He says sternly and looks up at Kyojuro. 
“It’s because you are a Hashira. So you’re bound to die and leave my child alone. You may be happy now, but you are going to die on a mission. I just know it. I don’t want that kind of sorrow for my Y/N. I don’t want them to marry you only to be alone.” He explains, sounding uncomfortable and oh so sad. Kyojuro’s heart clenches, and he holds his hands in fists. 
“I love them.” He begins, trying to choose his words carefully. He needs your father to see how much he loves you. 
“I love them with all my heart. I won’t leave them alone, I swear it! I promise to come home to them after every mission. I write them letters when I’m away. I have my fellow Demon Slayers to keep them company.” He tries to push all his emotions into his words. His heart is bursting at the seams with his affection for you.
Your father looks like he’s considering the simple words and glances at your mother. She nods. He turns back to look at Kyojuro and holds out a hand.
“Promise me you’ll take care of them.” He says, and Kyojuro grins, clasping the outstretched hand in both of his and bowing, pressing his forehead to the fingers. 
“I promise!”
Kyojuro leaves the estate feeling as if he could defeat a thousand demons. 
He gets to marry you.
He just needs to defeat the Mugen Train demon, and then he can come home and marry you.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hi! first of all sorry if there are any mistakes, I am not fluent in English so I am using translator. I've read some one-shots you've done and loved them, so when I saw the event I got excited and wanted to ask if it would be possible to request a one-shot, (or a review, whatever makes you more comfortable), of Roland Fortis (vnc) with the song N°29 (Can't Take My Eyes Off You). It's also my first time requesting, so I'm very sorry if I did something wrong! and Congrats on 800 followers!!
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Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas
Pairing(s): Roland Fortis x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli
Notes: Based on the song, not a song fic because it’s a bit longer, and I don’t want to inundate people with mediocre writing, lol
Roland was watching you. 
You could feel it.
Feel his green eyes watching your every move. 
You were currently engrossed in a book, the train you were on rocking gently beneath you. Your lover sat beside you, his book open, but he obviously wasn’t reading. He hadn’t turned a single page in precisely thirty minutes. Not that you were keeping track.
You turned to him abruptly, but his gaze was suddenly on his book. 
So that was his game, hm?
The two of you played cat and mouse with you trying to catch his eye, with him stubbornly refusing to meet it every time. But he wasn’t angry. You would’ve been able to tell if he was. 
It was almost playful. 
You weren’t exactly frustrated, per se, but you wanted to know what he wanted. He only stared at you like this when he wanted something. Time and time again, whether it was a hug or kiss, or something else, he watched you more often than he didn’t. 
You were both Chasseurs, you could take care of yourselves, but you even felt his gaze on you when you fought vampires or other enemies. And it put him in danger. Scolding him had done nothing. He had only said he wanted to make sure you were okay. 
Eventually, you gave up trying to argue with him. 
After a while of this game, you reached your limit. 
“Why are you staring, Roland?” You asked, keeping your eyes on your book. Then, you felt his gaze on you again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, love.” He chirped, and now you turned to glare at him. But your frustration doesn’t stop your heart from racing at his pet name. He knew you got flustered and used it to distract you. 
Just like now. 
“I can feel you watching me. Surely I’m not that interesting.” You reply, and he grins,
“I think you are one of the most interesting people in the world.” He says sweetly, and you feel your ears burn. 
You never do figure out why he stares at you. Not until he tells you on one peaceful night when the moon is high, and you’re both nursing injuries from your latest mission. 
You’re in the middle of wrapping the injuries on his back and around his torso when he speaks. 
“Want to know why I stare at you?” He asks suddenly, and you pause momentarily before resuming. 
“I always want to know. But I accept the fact that I will never know.” You reply. 
Rolan shifts to turn and look at you, taking your hands in his and looking you in the eye. 
“It’s because I love you. It’s because I want to cement your features in my memory if something happens and I can’t ever see you again. I want—”
“Roland, Roland! You’re making it sound like I’m about to die!” You hurriedly cut him off, panic coloring your tone, and he smiles sadly. 
“We live a dangerous life, my love.” He says softly, and you reach forward to cup his cheeks, leaning in to press a kiss to his nose. 
“I promise not to die. I’ll always come home to you. Alright? I swear it. I’ll always come back alive.” You whisper, and his smile brightens before he kisses you.
He only wishes you had kept your promise. 
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Congratulation! I would like to make an request for your event!
Song 27 "Take on the World - You and me at 6" with BSD Dazai 💙
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Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Dazai Osamu x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Take on the World by You Me at Six
Notes: I’m taking some liberties with Dazai’s backstory because I genuinely cannot remember if they talked about a lot of it
Tags: Dazai-typical mentions of suicide,
Just say the word, we'll take on the world
Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst
It was always you and Osamu against the world. Even after all these years, it felt as if the world was against you, and it was only you two protecting each other.  
I can see, see the pain in your eyes
Oh, believe, believe me, and I have tried
No, I won't; I won't pretend to know what you've been through
You should know, I wish it was me, not you
You had met as children, you had been six, and Osamu was seven. You both lived at an orphanage, his parents having died in an accident a year prior and yours having been teenage parents who couldn’t handle a child at their age. 
He had been a loner, even as a child. 
He always sat in the corner under a tree whenever you played outside until, one day, you approached him. You slung your bug net over your shoulder and stood defiantly before him. He looked up from his small chapter book and scowled, 
“What do you want? You’re blocking my light.” He said, and you stubbornly huffed, 
“Come play with me!” You had said, and he shook his head,
“Go away.” He replied, and you tightened your grip on your bug net. 
“Nope! Sensei said I should play with you. So I’m gonna whether you like it or not.” 
You and Osamu ran away from the orphanage when you were twelve, and he was thirteen. Six years of fighting bullies when he wouldn’t because he just didn’t care about his well-being. But he fought them off for you if you were injured. He said it was because he didn’t like fighting, but you knew it was because he considered you a friend. 
The rest was history.
And just say the word, we'll take on the world
Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst
Nobody knows you the way that I know you
Look in my eyes. I will never desert you.
And just say the word, we'll take on the world.
He tried to commit suicide for the first time when he was fourteen. And you blamed yourself. You should have seen the signs. You should have stopped him. 
A doctor named Mori Ogai had saved his life. And you had thanked him. 
In hindsight, you should have killed him when you had the chance. 
And it's the fight and the fight of our lives
You and I—we were made to thrive
And I am your future. I am your past
Never forget we were built to last
Step out of the shadows and into my life
Silence the voices that haunt you inside
You had joined Osamu in the Port Mafia because, of course, you did. It was always you and Osamu against the world. You and Osamu against the Mafia. But soon, that turned into you, Osamu, and Oda. 
At first, you were jealous, was Osamu replacing you? Was he getting rid of you? When you had brought this up to him, he had laughed, ruffled your hair, and pecked your forehead. 
“Of course not!” He had said, but you still saw that sad look in his eyes. The one that said he was alone and abandoned. The one that had been there—despite your best attempts—ever since his parents died.
And just say the word, we'll take on the world
Just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst
Nobody knows you the way that I know you
Look in my eyes; I will never desert you.
And just say the word, we'll take on the world, we'll take on the world.
As you got older, you followed Osamu out of the Port Mafia. After Oda died, he wasn’t the same. Instead, he put on a show, a facade that even you couldn’t crack. 
You joined the Armed Detective Agency, though you were a secretary rather than a person assigned missions. Osamu had teased you, but you knew he was happy you were out of danger. He always hated it when you went on Mafia missions without him, but he was always paired with Nakahara Chuuya. 
You thought you knew him. But as always, he kept secrets. He kept secrets of what he had done and seen in the Mafia. You knew Mori had done things to him, had changed him for the worst. 
But he was always gentle with you.
And nobody knows you the way that I know you
And nobody knows you the way that I know you
We'll fight, we'll crawl into the night
Our world. We'll go with you by my side
The calm, the storm, we'll face it all
It was always you and Osamu against the world. 
You protected him to the best of your ability. 
And he protected you in return. 
And just say the word, we'll take on the world
And nobody knows you the way that I know you
Look in my eyes. I will never desert you.
And just say the word, we'll take on the world, we'll take on the world.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Congratulations on 800 followers!!! I logged back in just in time 😂 Could I request If You Love Her with Kunikida for the event?
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Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Kunikida Doppo x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: If You Love Her by Forest Blakk
Notes: I am so sorry this is extremely short, but I have no idea how to make it longer. I also have no idea what I’m doing, and this feels a bit like a manual rather than a letter, but I’ve had the idea stuck in my head forever.
One use of Y/N, even though it’s not my favorite thing. I just can’t find a way around it.
Dear Dazai,
Part of me will never forgive you for taking Y/N from me. But I know it’s for the best. You can give them the life I never could. They did always say I was married to my work. 
But I just wanted to let you know some things about them. 
They like sleeping with the window open and only will sleep on the right side of the shared futon. Falling asleep is something they struggle with, and cuddling is the best way to remedy that.
Make sure they take their medication. They won’t want to. They say it tastes terrible, but they know they need it. They may also forget. So be sure to remind them.
Kiss them. They love affection, but especially kisses. I don’t care if you get embarrassed as I did. But it makes them feel happy. They said it makes them feel wanted. It makes them feel whole. 
Don’t break their heart. They may not be my partner anymore, but I still care for them. And I will personally kill you if you do.
Kunikida Doppo
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fairy-writes · 2 years
For the 700 followers event, Maybe Albert James Moriarty with Somebody to You
Btw, could it be male! reader but gn will do too
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Requester: kuzumochi-kun
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot/Yuukoku no Moriarty
Pairing(s): Albert James Moriarty x Gender Neutral!Medic!Reader
Song: Somebody To You by The Vamps
Notes: Trigger warning for violence, mentions of “do not resuscitate orders”
I don’t write for male readers, so this is gender neutral
This is based on the song but not necessarily a song-fic. Sorry if this isn’t what you wanted!
Warning for definitely getting some things wrong about the military. I’m only really familiar with the American military, not the British. 
When you had run away from home, it wasn’t the first time. But it was the first time you hadn’t come back home. It was the first time you left forever. 
But when your parents sent a letter demanding you come back home, you had written back and told them you were joining the military. You had ripped up any letters after that. But you had never expected it to lead to this.
In hindsight, you should have expected it. Even as a medic, there were still risks to being deployed into an active battlefield. But you never imagined you’d end up blown up when trying to save a comrade in arms life. Blown up on the roadside as you were applying a tourniquet to give him enough time for other soldiers to get him to safety. 
You lay with your hand outstretched and reaching, crawling through the bloody, ashy snow with rapidly draining strength. You gasped and coughed and choked as you looked toward the horizon, the ground, anything but the bleeding expanse behind you. 
You crawled, dragging one arm in front of the other, one foot in front of the other. Towards what, you didn’t know, maybe salvation? You fumbled for the dog tags around your neck as if to check if they were still there and coughed hoarsely, choking on smoke, blood, and bile.
As you closed your eyes, you vaguely heard the sound of footsteps and shouting before a rough hand grabbed your shoulder and hauled you onto something, but you were out cold before anything else could be registered.
You woke up nearly a week later with the information that you were being relieved of duty and honorably discharged for risking your life for another in the line of fire.
Part of you was relieved, but part of you was disappointed. 
Everything you had worked for over the last ten years since you joined the military to get away from your parents was over. It made you upset, angry, sad, all of the above. But above all, you were mad.
Apparently, so were others.
Albert James Moriarty, an old battle buddy of yours and a friend from basic training, heard of your condition and came to visit as soon as he could. 
But he wasn’t happy.
You had been resting, carefully propped up by a pile of pillows, and flipping through a book on medical procedures when he arrived.
He, of course, arrived like he always did, silently. He looked positively enraged, and if you were anyone else, you’d be terrified. But you weren’t everyone else. You had seen this man at his lowest when his unit was killed, and he was the only one to survive, and you helped him through his darkest of times. You’d also seen him at his highest, when he passed as first in his company in basic training and when he accepted the promotion to General.
But now, now he was just angry. His ears burning red, and his mouth set in a grim line. You could tell in the set of his shoulders and the tenseness of his neck. He was fuming, and you had a good idea as to why.
“What. The. Hell.” He snarled, and you raised an eyebrow,
“Ooooh, we’re cursing now. You must be really pissed about something.” You said, not taking your eyes off the book in front of you. He grimaced and snatched the book from your hands, ignoring your protests and closing the thing.
“Hey! I was reading that!” You snapped back, but he took a seat at your side, tossing the book on your bedside table. 
Normally he was so calm and collected. It was odd to see him so angry. But you were used to seeing anger, with drill sergeants screaming in your face during basic. 
“Do you have any idea what almost happened?” He demanded, and you shrugged,
“Not a clue.” You replied, and he tossed a file onto your lap. You ignored the brief flash of pain as you picked it up. 
It was your file. Your picture was stamped with “honorably discharged” across it, and medical records underneath your military history. 
“Okay? It’s my file. What about it?” You ask, confused and more than a little frustrated. You wanted to focus on healing and reading your book. Not playing mental chess with the man you were currently engaged to. 
Albert pointed to a part in the medical records with a stiff finger. 
“DO NOT RESUSCITATE” was emblazoned in bold black letters, and you finally understood why he was so upset. 
You had almost died. 
“I’m fine, Albert. Really I am. I survived the accident and am on the road to healing.” You said and reached over to place a hand on his. He turned his hand over and gripped yours tightly. 
“Don’t do that to me again. You hear? That’s an order.” He whispered and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. 
“I just want to be somebody to you.” You reply quietly and he looks on the verge of tears. 
“You’re everything to me.”
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fairy-writes · 2 years
I’m sorry if it’s only one request per person but could I please request again for your event :) the song When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars for Tengen Uzui 💙💙
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Fandom(s): Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing(s): Uzui Tengen x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars
Notes: This song does use she/her pronouns, but this is a gender-neutral one-shot. 
It’s a bit short, but I hope you guys like it nonetheless :)
Tengen had made a mistake. 
A huge mistake. 
The biggest mistake of his life. 
And that was losing you.
Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
You were both seventeen when he kissed you for the first time. Eighteen when he proposed marriage. And nineteen when you left him. You hadn’t even been married yet.
It had been his fault, really. His fault that you decided to leave. He had been ‘married to his work’ in your words. But what you didn’t know was that he was trying to make the world better for you. Trying his best to kill the demons plaguing your home. 
But you didn’t know that. 
Because he didn’t tell you. 
It all just sounds like, oooooh…
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should've bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should've gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
He saw you again when he was twenty-three. Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru were his wives at that point. Not that they replaced you. They never could. But he still did love them. 
At least, that’s what he told himself. 
And he did, in a way. But he could never love them the way he had loved you. 
You were his first love, his first kiss, his first everything. And there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t regret letting you leave. 
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life
Now I'll never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh…
And it haunts me every time I close my eyes.
You had been on the arm of a young man about your age, and he looked nice enough. He had said something to make you laugh, a sound that made Tengen’s heart clench. He missed you. 
Suma tugged on his arm, excited to show him something in the market they were in. You were just across the way, looking at some jewelry with the unknown man. 
That was when he saw the ring on your finger and the gold band on the man’s own finger. 
You were married. 
That fact hurt more than it should have.
It all just sounds like, oooooh…
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should've bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should've gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
It wasn’t until everyone was in bed that he was able to really think about it. You had moved on without him. And the more he thought about it, he realized he was okay with that. 
He had a family of his own. 
He had three beautiful wives and a found family in the Hashira of the Demon Slayer corps. 
Although it hurts
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
Tengen regretted letting you leave. 
But he could only hope that you were happy. 
I hope he buys you flowers.
I hope he holds your hand.
Give you all his hours.
When he has the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
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fairy-writes · 2 years
a second option for the event? 👀 never gonna let you down for yuliy (do i write this correctly...) from sirius the jaeger? been a while since i last saw that fandom on my dash!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: thewaterlily
Fandom(s): Sirius the Jaeger
Pairing(s): Yuliy Jirov x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Never Gonna Let You Down by Colbie Caillat
Genre: Fluff with some hints of angst
Notes: PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH YULIY, pre-Sirius the Jaeger plotline.
This is based on the song, but not a song fic because it was already getting sooo long, and I was slowly wasting away. 
A pounding on your door in the middle of the night woke you with a startle. You instinctively wrapped your hand around the pistol under your pillow. It was a habit after being a Jaeger for so long. You silently crept toward the stairs of your home. 
The pounding continued as you descended the stairs, hand clutching your gun as you tried to peek out the window and into the rain streaking down in a torrent that flooded the street. Finally, however, once you saw just who was pounding at your door, you flung it open in haste.
It was Willard. Cold, wet, shivering and holding something covered in blankets. He said your name quietly, and you hurriedly ushered him inside. 
“What sort of time do you call this?! I thought you were still in Russia looking for—” Willard shushed you, and before you could retaliate, he uncovered the lump of whatever he was holding, draping the soaking-wet blankets over the back of the couch.
It was a boy, no older than seven or eight years old. Dressed in clothes you didn’t recognize, the boy had black hair with a shock of white plastered to his forehead. His eyes were screwed shut, and his cheeks were flushed a bright red, chest heaving as he battled whatever ailment he had. 
He was sick. That much was obvious. 
“Willard, what—”
“His name is Yuliy. I found him abandoned in Russia. Vampires destroyed his entire village.” Willard said, and your brows furrowed, taking in the boy’s sick appearance once more. Then, you spun on your heel, tucking your gun in the waistband of the pajama pants. 
“Wait—where are you going?” He asked as you left his side. You looked over your shoulder,
“To get something to help him feel better. That’s why you brought him here, right?” This effectively shut the professor up, and he set Yuliy down on the recliner in the corner of your living room, putting a new blanket over him as you rummaged through your home for things that could help.
Eventually, you came back with a set of pajamas tucked under your arm, a tray of three steaming mugs, and a towel. Willard had brought the sopping wet blankets to your laundry room and was currently talking in quiet tones to Yuliy, who still refused to open his eyes. Finally, you uncovered Yuliy and picked him up gently. He was painfully light for his age. 
He curled into your chest, one cold arm wrapping around your neck and the other clutching his wet clothes to his body in an attempt to preserve any sort of warmth.
“I’m going to help him get changed. You wait here.” You explained to Willard, who nodded. Once inside the guest bedroom, you set Yuliy down on the bed and got on your knees, so you were at eye level with him. 
“Yuliy? I need to get these clothes off of you. They’re helping keep you sick. Can you help me?” You spoke in quiet tones, and Yuliy slowly opened his eyes. You couldn’t contain your gasp. They were the most brilliant blue color, though they were hazy with exhaustion and a hint of deep, deep sadness. But nonetheless, he nodded, and you quickly got him changed, turning your back when he stripped himself of his underwear and put the new on. The pajamas were painfully oversized on him, the shirt hanging down to his thighs and the trousers having to be cinched as tight as they would go and rolled up at the bottom. 
Now dressed in dry clothes and wrapped in a blanket, he sat with his mug of hot cocoa as you dried his hair. He had his small hands wrapped tightly around the mug as Willard nursed his cup of tea. 
“What happens now, Willard?” You asked, and he frowned as he set the cup down on the coffee table. 
“I’m going to kill vampires,” Yuliy said, uttering the first words you had heard him speak. He spoke with such conviction that you actually believed he could do it. 
The first time you saw Yuliy cry was almost precisely one year after he came to live with you. Perhaps living with you wasn’t the correct phrase. He accompanied Willard on missions more often than he didn’t, but you still kept the spare bedroom made up for him for when he would come around. 
Now was one of those times. Willard was asleep on the couch, and Yuliy was upstairs in the guest bedroom. You had got up to get a glass of water when you heard his quiet cries. Your heart shattered when you heard how he tried to stifle them. Then, opening his door as silently as you could, you saw him hunched in the corner, fist to his lips as he tried to keep quiet. 
All he needed to do was look at you before you were gathering him in your lap on the bed and rocking him back and forth. He clung to your clothes, nose buried in the crook of your neck. You rubbed his back and rocked slowly, saying soft words of encouragement as he calmed down. 
“They died last week… My family. It’s the one-year anniversary.” He finally whispered, and your heart broke even more. He was trying so hard to be strong, but he was just a boy. 
“I’m supposed to be strong! I shouldn’t be crying! I should—”
“Let yourself be a child, Yuliy.” You cut him off gently and leaned your head on his. His grip tightened, and he dissolved into tears again. 
The first time you saw him kill a vampire was when he was sixteen—nine years of raising the young Sirius to the best of your abilities with Willard at your side. 
You were there through his heartaches, tears, injuries, everything. You were there when Phillip, Dorothea, and Fallon joined the little group. You had become something of a parent to all of them. They often joked that they were a family and that you and Willard were the parents.
You were hidden in wait for their mission to conclude so you could treat their injuries. You didn’t participate in fighting anymore, not after your last mission had your entire team killed years ago. But that didn’t mean you had to miss out on all the fun. 
So you waited. 
Yuliy was beautiful to watch as he fought. He twisted through the air and used his three-sectioned staff (that you had gotten for him) with such grace and practice it was mesmerizing. 
A knock on your door distracted you from your book, and you looked out the window to your left. 
It was Yuliy. 
He had been gone on a mission for weeks that he wouldn’t tell you about. He didn’t have his case with his staff which was odd. He was staring down where he was fiddling with his fingers. What was strange was his white streak of hair had gotten more prominent, and his right eye was clamped shut. 
With a frown, you opened the door,
“Yuliy? You know you don’t have to knock, right?” He shrunk in on himself, and your frown grew.
“What’s wrong?”
Before you knew it, Yuliy had wrapped his arms tightly around your middle, head in the crook of your neck like he used to when he was small. 
“He’s dead.” He whispered,
“Mikhail. My older brother. He got killed in a fight over the Arc.” Yuliy sounded close to tears, so you wrapped your around his shoulders and pulled him even closer. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” You whispered and felt hot tears soak into your skin as Yuliy began to cry. 
The two of you stood like that for a while, you rocking Yuliy back and forth much like you had when you had found him crying for the first time. His cries were quiet like always, but he never wavered and never let go. 
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fairy-writes · 2 years
for the event, inumaki toge (jujutsu kaisen) and you say by Lauren Daigle? (the urge to choose nanami or gojo was big, but let's give inumaki some love, lmao)
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: thewaterlily
Fandom(s): Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing(s): Inumaki Toge x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: You Say by Lauren Daigle
Genre: Fluff? I think?
I got the idea from an Ozpin Oneshot I found on A03 by epicmoonintensifies. I do not own this idea. However, I used my own floriography books and some websites to create the bouquets and flowers mentioned in this story. 
Also, warning for descriptions of an anxiety attack.
Entering Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College had been a mistake. You hated fighting. You weren’t even a good fighter in the first place. But you had killed a cursed spirit (really on accident) and were seen by a man with white hair and dark sunglasses. You received a letter from the school a week later, and within the next three days, you had said goodbye to your family and left home for the first time. 
Meeting the other second-year students had been nerve-wracking. You were already behind in what you had to know, so you expected everyone to be unwelcoming. Especially Zen’in Maki. However, Panda had been welcoming, but Inumaki Toge was silent. Did he not like you?
It turns out he simply couldn’t speak without fear of cursing someone with his cursed technique. 
I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough
Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up
Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?
Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know
Gojo paired you with Inumaki for a mission. It was simple, clear out a minor infestation. Plus, Gojo had said it was “bonding time with your fellow students” with a cheeky wink. 
Why Inumaki would even consider ‘bonding’ with you was beyond you.
It was dark, with a slight breeze blowing as you and Inumaki searched the abandoned elementary school. Apparently, students had been going missing, and it was up to you to clear out the cursed spirits. It had been easy. Both of you completed the job without too much difficulty and, thankfully, no injuries. 
“Um… Inumaki?” Your quiet voice broke the almost companionable silence between the two of you. He stopped from where he was walking slightly ahead and looked at you, an eyebrow raised. He didn’t say anything. You fiddled with your fingers. “Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it, and I couldn’t have done it on my own.” You said before hurrying ahead and toward the car designated to take you back to your dorms. 
He probably didn’t want your thanks anyway.
Ooh oh
You received the flowers two days later. They were outside your dorm, and you had frowned. Who had gifted you flowers? Surely not Gojo. He didn’t seem like the type to do that. And surely none of the other students would have the desire even to get to know you. 
You were a nobody—someone who had no talent.
The yellow roses, zinnias, and pansies were tied with a teal chiffon ribbon and arranged neatly in a lovely bouquet. You pressed your nose into the petals and inhaled deeply. They smelled beautiful.
It wasn’t until you purchased a book on flowers that day that you actually realized what they mean. 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And You say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe, (I) oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Your first anxiety attack at school hits you like a truck. You can’t breathe, can’t see anything but the spinning around you. The light hurts, sound hurts. Your heart is thrumming out of control, and your lungs constrict so much it hurts to inhale, much less exhale. Hot and sticky tears stream down your cheeks and the back of your throat, making you gasp for air as you try and work through the panic. 
You are sat outside your dorm room. It’s locked. It’s what set off your anxiety attack in the first place. Someone sits beside you, a hand is placed on your head, and you flinch, looking to the side with swollen eyes. 
It’s Inumaki, eyes filled with concern as he takes in your disheveled appearance. 
“Mustard leaf?” He asks, and you shake your head. 
“I’m okay.” Your voice cracks. You finally have what he means when he says certain things. But he shakes his head,
“Fish flakes.” He says, and your lips tremble as his hand starts to smooth over your head, ruffling the tresses in an attempt at comfort. 
The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me
In You, I find my worth. In You, I find my identity.
You receive another bouquet of flowers the next day. They’re tied together with a black velvet ribbon. 
Chrysanthemum. Condolences. 
Marigold. Strength. 
Lily of the valley. Better days are ahead.
Mint. Consolation.
You press your face into the flowers again and wonder if this mysterious gift giver knows how much you need the message. 
Ooh oh
You get hurt training six months later. It’s your turn to train with Inumaki, and you find that you’ve actually gotten better. You can hold your own against Panda (for the most part), and while Maki still scared you, you find yourself enjoying your time sparring against her. 
Which is why it surprises you so much to get hurt. 
Pain lances through you, and you drop to your knees. Immediately, Inumaki drops his fighting stance and is at your side, taking a look at your arm, which is already swelling up. “It’s probably broken,” you must as the trio takes you to see Ieiri Shoko.
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, oh, You say I am Yours
And I believe, (I) oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
Oh, I believe
The third bouquet of flowers appears outside your dorm’s doormat later that day when your arm is in a sling and covered in a towel-wrapped bag of ice. There’s a knock at your door, and when you open it, there it is. You bring the flowers inside and go to flip open your book. 
Hyacinths. Asking for forgiveness. 
Bluebells. Humility.
Olive branches. Asking for peace. 
“Is it him?” You wonder as you hang the bouquet upside down in your window with the other two. 
Taking all I have, and now I'm laying it at Your feet
You'll have every failure, God. 
You'll have every victory.
Ooh oh
You start hanging out with Inumaki more after your little accident. You go on walks, and he takes you out to cafés. Finally, he gets the courage to hold your hand one night while walking you back to your dorms.
Two days later, another bouquet. 
Blush roses. Blossoming romance. 
Yellow tulips. Hopeless love. 
Honeysuckle. Devoted affection.
Sweet Williams. Gallantry.
It has to be him.
Please be him.
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, oh, You say I am Yours
And I believe, (I) oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Ten years later, ten years after promising yourself to Inumaki, you get a final bouquet. 
Red roses. True love.
Ivy. Fidelity.
Myrtle. Hope and love in marriage.
Dahlia. Commitment and eternal love. 
All tied together with a white lace bow and a ring in the center. 
Oh, I believe, oh
Yes, I believe, oh
What You say of me
Oh I believe
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fairy-writes · 2 years
OMG Thank you for allowing us to do two! I greatly appreciate it. I couldn't help but want to ask for Ghost by Justin Bieber for Kyojuro Rengoku. Thank you again!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: trfanglophile
Fandom(s): Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing(s): Rengoku Kyojuro x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Ghost by Justin Beiber
Genre: ANST
This was inspired by a scene from Death Parade. Like the dialogue, later on, is pretty close, so you know it’s gonna be sad lmao.
Rengoku Kyojuro woke up to the sound of chirping birds and sunlight streaming into his face. 
Where was he? The last thing he remembered was fighting upper moon three. What was his name again? Akaza?
Looking around, he realized he was home. 
Your home. 
Where he would go every night after defeating demons and fall asleep wrapped in your embrace. Where you would bandage his wounds and kiss him whenever he tried to act tough. Because, of course, he would; he needed to protect you.
He got up from where he was lying on the ground. Why was he on the floor? He brushed off his haori and headed through your garden—carefully stepping over your cultivated plants by walking on the stone—and towards the engawa.
However, he stopped when he reached the open door. Something good was wafting out from the kitchen. Something delicious. Was that sweet potatoes he smelled? His belly started rumbling, and he realized he hadn’t eaten since he first got on the train. There was a pep in his step as he entered your home. Sweet potatoes and getting to see you? Had he died and gone to heaven?
You were bustling about in the kitchen as he entered. Your kimono sleeves were rolled up to your elbows as you scrubbed and washed the sweet potatoes before baking them. He grinned. Oh, how he loved you and your cooking.
But something felt off. 
Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow.
I miss your touch on nights when I'm hollow
I know you crossed a bridge that I can't follow
Why hadn’t you noticed him yet? You always saw him the moment he stepped in the door. You always turned around with that brilliant smile on your lips and welcoming words on your tongue. You always wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
So why hadn’t you?
Kyojuro called your name softly, hesitantly, as he waited for you to turn around.
You did. And his heart dropped. 
Since the love that you left is all that I get
I want you to know that if I can't be close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life (More than life)
Your eyes were red-rimmed, and you looked like you were holding back tears as you took a batch of sweet potatoes and started prepping the rest of dinner. Kyojuro called your name again. This time he was worried. You still gave no indication that you had heard him.
What was going on? Were you mad at him? The silent treatment wasn’t something you usually did when you were upset. Typically you left for a while before coming back and talking it out.
Abruptly, you turned, a plate of steaming sweet potatoes in your hands as you headed towards him.
And walked straight through him.
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
Kyojuro felt cold. Had he died? Really, truly died?
But he couldn’t have! 
He promised you that he would make it home safely. That he would run back home to you.
He couldn’t have died… Could he?
There was a pain in his chest as he followed you out of the kitchen and towards the living area where the kotatsu table was kept.
What were you doing?
Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow (Woo)
I need more time, but time can't be borrowed
I leave it all behind if I could follow
The ground dropped out from under his feet, and his stomach twisted as he saw what you were doing.
A small shrine. 
With his picture on it. 
You knelt on the pillow before the altar and set the bowl down.
“Here… It was your favorite, right?” Your voice cracked as you adjusted how the bowl sat on the little shelf, “You know… I just can’t shake the habit of making so much. You know?”
Kyojuro watched silently as you pressed your hands together and closed your eyes, praying to whoever was listening.
Since the love that you left is all that I get
I want you to know that if I can't be close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life, yeah
“Kyojuro… I’m—I’m so—” You whispered but cut off as your voice cracked again. Slowly, ever so slowly, your shoulders began to shake. Tears welled up and flowed over and down your cheeks. Kyojuro couldn’t stop his own tears from welling up. He swallowed them down. He hated seeing you cry. It was his least favorite thing in the world.
And he could do nothing about it.
But he wouldn’t let his tears fall. Even in death, he had to be strong for you.
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
“I’m upset.” You said after gaining your voice back. Kyojuro looked up from where he was staring at his clenched fists. “I’m upset you weren’t able to keep your promise. That you would come back to me. I know you fought valiantly. I know you fought bravely. But—” You stopped again, swallowing thickly. 
“It’s okay.” He tried but couldn’t find the words to comfort you, even if you couldn’t hear him.
“But I failed you!” You exploded, and he had to clench his teeth to keep from crying.
Failed him? How could you have failed him?
Whoa, oh, oh-oh
More than life
“I failed because I didn’t stop you! I know countless people would have died, but it kills me not to have you around! I miss you, Kyojuro!” You sobbed, digging your fingers into the fabric of your kimono. Tears darkened the fabric, and his heart and soul splintered into pieces. 
“You didn’t fail me!” He cried, rushing forward only to pass right through you as he tried to pull you into his arms. 
So if I can't get close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life
There was a knock on the doorframe, and you whirled to see whoever was standing in the doorway. Kyojuro turned to see young Kamado Tanjiro. Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke stood behind him. Tanjiro had a look of sympathy on his face as he took in your crying appearance. He said your name softly, and you waved the boys inside.
“It’s nice to see you, boys. Please, come in. I just prepared dinner.” You said, wiping the tears away with your kimono sleeves.
Even Inosuke was subdued as the four of you ate your sweet potatoes. No one commented on the fact that it was the only thing you were eating. 
A warm feeling began in Kyojuro’s chest, and he dried his tears. 
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
As much as it killed Kyojuro to leave. 
To pass on.
He knew you would be taken care of. 
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fairy-writes · 2 years
HEY FAIRY!!! I’m so excited about your event!!! Could you write me a Roland Fortis one shot with the song This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory?? Please???
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: Anonymous
Fandom(s): The Case Study of Vanitas/Vanitas no Carte
Pairing(s): Roland Fortis x Gender Neutral!Vampire!Reader
Song: This Side Of Paradise by Coyote Theory
Genre: Fluff, mild angst at the end
HELLO AGAIN, SATURN LOVELY (or at least I hope it’s you, lmao, or else this is really embarrassing)
Meeting Roland Fortis for the first time was less than desirable—mostly because he was trying to kill you.
The young man in front of you was broad-shouldered and well-built, like ridiculously well-built. He was your age with curly blond hair and his eyes a vibrant green. He held a ridiculous-looking weapon, but despite the absurdity of it, you had seen what it had done to your comrades.
Perhaps comrade was too kind a word. But it didn’t matter. They were still dead.
“You are a magnificent fighter!” The man crowed as you dodged yet another attack by his whip-like spearheads. You had no weapons, only your fists, and feet to punch and kick with. Yet, even without a weapon, you were doing relatively well for yourself, landing a few hits on the man.
But that didn’t explain why your ears were burning, and your heart was racing. 
What was wrong with you?
You bumped into the young man again a few weeks later in town. Quite literally. He ran straight into you while you were looking at your grocery list. Your already purchased groceries went everywhere, apples and oranges rolling away as you looked up, ready to curse the poor soul who dared knock into you.
But your words died in your throat as soon as you saw those emerald green eyes again.
Was he here to finish the job? If so, why was he smiling a smile that made your stomach do jumping jacks, and your heart beat faster?
“It’s you again!” He exclaimed, and you swallowed nervously but didn’t say anything. His smile turned into a frown. He tilted his head. He looked like an adorable puppy. 
No! Don’t get sucked into those eyes! Don’t fall for that charm!
“Can you not speak?” He asked innocently, and you nodded,
“Of course, I can. I’m just trying to think of what to say that won’t get me killed.” Now he looked hurt.
“I’m not going to kill you!” He exclaimed. You started to panic. People were beginning to look. You had to get him to stop. You had to get him to shut up.
He was still talking,
“I met a vampire who was actually quite pleasant! He helped change my views on your kind and—”
“If I agree to talk to you, will you quiet down?” You cut him off. There was that brilliant smile again, that smile that made your heart race. 
Were you in love?
No! That couldn’t be! You couldn’t have a crush on a Chasseur!
“Of course!” He exclaimed and enthusiastically helped you up. He even helped gather what you could salvage of your fallen groceries. 
The café you both sat at was quiet and nearly empty—the perfect place to talk. The waitress had seated you both in a corner booth, and after ordering coffee for the both of you, the young man looked at you, hands cradling his head with that smile of his making your belly do flips. 
“My name is Roland Fortis! What’s yours?” He chirped happily. You answered much more quietly than him. 
The conversation went from there, Roland asking innocent enough questions while you answered and sipped your coffee.
It was… nice.
Ask me why my heart's inside my throat
I've never been in love. I've been alone
Feel like I've been living life asleep
Love so strong it makes me feel so weak
You kept running into Roland after that. He always seemed so excited to see you, that smile of his making your ears burn and your heart race. Then, finally, it appeared after a while that you could consider him a friend. 
One day, it all changed. 
“I have a question for you.” He tittered, and you looked up from the crêpe you were eating. It had powdered sugar and strawberries, and chocolate syrup. It was delicious. You hummed absentmindedly as he seemingly hesitated. Why worry about what he was going to say when you could enjoy your tasty food right here?
“Will you go on a date with me?” You inhaled a bite right then and there and began to choke. You coughed and hit your chest in an attempt to dislodge the piece. Roland slid over next to you, prepared to do anything if you began to go unconscious. Eventually, however, you managed to swallow your bite and save yourself from certain death.
“Pardon?” You asked hoarsely. Roland shrugged,
“Will you go on a date with me?” He asked again. You narrowed your eyes. Was he joking? He had to be. Why would he want to go on a date with someone like you?
However, you found yourself accepting.
(Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
The date itself was nothing special. Just a picnic that Roland had put together himself. Somehow he had discovered all your favorite foods and managed to cook them himself. He said he got help from a ‘friend’ named Olivier. Though from his description of the man, you figured Roland had dragged him into helping. 
The entire date was… nice. It was quite lovely actually. Roland made you laugh. He made you embarrassed. He made you… happy.
Which is why you didn’t object when he slowly held your gloved hand—it was cold out, snow was falling softly—then interlaced your fingers in his own gloved hand as he walked you home. He had insisted, claiming that he would protect you from any harm or danger.
You had to remind him that you were a vampire and could take care of yourself, thank you very much. He simply shrugged with that handsome smile of his.
Lonely (Are you lonely?)
Passion is crashing as we speak.
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely, Darling, you're glowing
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
Roland kissed you on your fourth date. 
He had taken you out to a nice restaurant and made you laugh again with a corny joke he had heard from his vampire friend Noé. Then, as he walked you home, he held your hand again, squeezing every once in a while as if reassuring himself that you were there. 
He stood on your doorstep, laughing at something you said when you looked down at your hands, a bashful smile on your face. You watched as he reached forward and cradled your hands in his, and looked up. He looked both nervous and serious at the same time, eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to find the words to express what he wanted to say.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, and your brain stalled before your ears started burning furiously. You didn’t say anything but found yourself nodding slowly. Your eyelashes fluttered as you closed your eyes and your lips parted slightly. 
It seemed like a lifetime before his lips met yours, and you gasped. He took it slow, never taking more than you gave him. He tasted like the wine you had both had at dinner and was as soft as moonlight.
Underneath the pale moonlight
Dreaming of a circus life
Carousels and Ferris heights
I'll be yours if you'll be mine
The first time you drank blood from Roland was when you were on the verge of death. A vampire with a corrupted name had attacked you, ripping a hole in your belly and drinking your blood until it had been killed by none other than Roland. He dropped his weapon—a makeshift sword made out of a lead pipe—and ran to your side, cradling your head in his lap.
He called your name, begging you to stay with him and to stay awake. You tried, but your eyelids were so heavy. It couldn’t hurt to take a nap, right? 
Right as you closed your eyes, you tasted something. It was delicious.
To a regular person, other humans don’t smell like much. Not unless they were wearing perfume or cologne. But to a dying vampire… The iron, salt, blood, and juice running through fat vessels and muscles were far more tempting than anything ever produced by humans. 
Roland smelled like sweat and tears, with a faint whiff of blood from the scratch on his cheek. Perhaps there was a hint of bitterness and the scent of his cologne that you had purchased for him.
Cause I'm lonely, I'm so lonely.
If you hold me, I'll be your only
(Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely
(Are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
Your eyes shot open. He had cut his wrist with a fallen shard of glass and was holding it up to your mouth, a pleading tone to his voice as he spoke.
“Drink. Heal. Please. I can’t lose you!” He begged, and your instincts took over. Your bloody hands clutched at his hand and wrist as you drank greedily from him. You drank and drank and drank until you felt your gruesome wounds start to stitch back together. Blood vessels and muscles knit back together bit by bit until you were whole again. 
Roland pulled you up and held you close, burying his nose in the junction between your neck and shoulder. 
“Don’t scare me like that again. I love you too much to lose you.” He said softly, and your heart shattered at the wavering tone in his voice. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close,
“I’m not going anywhere.” You promised. 
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak.
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling, you're glowing
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
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