#kizuna x reader
frickingnerd · 4 months
kizuna realizing her feelings for you
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pairing: kizuna chieda x gn!reader
a/n: i was already a big kizuna fan, but i've been getting more interested in her VA lately, so i just had to post something for her :)
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kizuna had been in love with you for quite a while, before it really became obvious to herself
she'd always pay extra attention to you, always smiled more when you were around and she just loved talking to you
and yet, she didn't quite realize just how much she liked you, until tonight
iris and amame had mentioned those types of dreams before where you start to see a person differently for a day or two after you wake up from it
but only now did kizuna really understand what they meant by that
in her dream, she was resting her head on your lap as you softly sung to her, while playing with her hair
she felt so comfortable with you, only to then wake up and realize it had all just been a dream
and when she saw you later that day, you started to look different to her
like there was suddenly this glow around you, like the sunlight just kept shining onto your face
but the day afterwards, it was still there. and even two or three days afterwards, that glow didn't disappear
and neither did the memories of that dream kizuna had
it was only then that she realized that that glow would never disappear again, that she'd always see you differently from now on
but she didn't mind that at all…
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randoimago · 1 year
greetings! may i request kizuna chieda, iris sagan, moma kumakura and kuruto ryuki with a s/o that gets arrested for a crime they didn't commit?
S/O Being Arrested for a Crime They Didn't Commit
Fandom: Ai: The Somnium Files
Character(s): Kizuna Chieda, Iris Sagan, Moma Kumakura, Kuruto Ryuki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I just imagine all of them calling Date like, "What the hell?"
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Kizuna is immediately calling Date and asking for his help. She would love to go to the crime scene to look for herself, but knows she can't interfere in police business, even if it's for the sake of her S/O.
If she's allowed to visit you then she makes sure to always have a smile on her face in hopes it cheers you up. You will be fine, S/O. She promises that you will be okay.
While she gives you smiles, she has to go and see Iris because of feeling so hopeless and upset because she can't do anything to help you. Iris helps calm Kizuna down (and makes some calls to Date herself).
Absolutely going to crash the crime scene. She won't do anything to ruin it, but she's going to the scene to do her own investigating. Will blackmail Date over something if he tries to get her to leave.
Seriously, she's not going to stand by while her S/O is in jail for some bullshit crime that they didn't commit! She'll gladly hand out autographs and do her signature poses as a way to bribe the cops to let her stay.
That said, she does trust Date to find the truth out with the whole sync thing, but she still wants to see if she can help find stuff out without resorting to that.
"What the fuck, Date?" Would be what he says when he calls the idiot. Date is his link to the police and he just learned that you were arrested for something that Moma knows you didn't commit.
Will see if he can find some shady cops to bribe to get you out of jail faster (which also makes you seem a bit more guilty even if it wasn't your doing). Moma also questions his men, telling them to figure out who is using his S/O as a damn scapegoat.
God he wants to visit you at the jail so badly, but he doesn't trust the damn cops so hopefully he can call you at least. He's sure Date could pull a few strings so he can talk to you. Moma is quick to tell you that he loves you and will get you out of this.
Oh this is an interesting one. With Ryuki's sense of justice, finding out that you got arrested for a crime has him feeling a mix of things. First off, you're his S/O so he wants to believe you didn't do it. But a small part of his brain wonders if you did. If you've been tricking him this whole time.
Might be a bit distant from you, not even visiting you when you're in interrogation. He's going to search for the truth on his own and doesn't want to risk talking to you and learning that maybe… maybe you did do it.
He's lucky he has Date and Tama to keep his head on straight. It'd probably take convincing from them to go and see you because you need him right now. There's no way you did the crime and you need Ryuki to comfort you. So Ryuki goes and apologizes profusely, swearing he'll prove your innocence.
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danganronpafan777 · 3 months
for the Carrie Ask how will Utsuro,Kizuna,Mitch,Nikei,Emma and Hajime react to blood prank on there Girlfriend by the bullies and witness her getting attack by her own mother
Carrie Ask part 3! Or 4, I honestly can’t remember-
I might not be able to post for a week or two, because I’m going on a class trip for a week, and gotta pack. Hope you guys understand, and enjoy!
Hajime Makunouchi:
He cheered the loudest by far when you won the title on Prom Queen. He was just so proud of you!!
He definitely wanted to pick you up and spin you around, but at the same time he was worried he might ruin your moment. In his eyes, you were practically glowing! (The one time he doesn't wear his sunglasses-)
Hajime recalls the first time he had won a boxing match, and how everyone had clapped for him. After being abandoned and left for dead, that kind of attention was eye opening, and he couldn't be happier that you were getting your own moment to shine.
When you're lighting up the room in one moment and become drenched in blood the next, he remains still in shock. He's frozen for a few seconds, but is immediately brought out of his trance as you let out so much as a sniffle.
Hajime isn't one to get violent, but he still yells at the bullies for what they did, before picking you up and storming out of the school. He assures you that even with the blood, you still look beautiful, and if there was anything you wanted to do to make up for what happened, he'd be happy to do it.
His face dropped when you asked him to drop you off at your mother's. She disliked him, but still treated you way worse. Giving you control of the music, Hajime takes the slowest route to your house, comforting you and trying to make your night somewhat better on the way.
Like a gentleman, he walks you to the door, but something in his gut tells him to stay with you. He didn't question it, knowing your mother probably wouldn't take well the fact that you were covered in blood. The feeling of impending doom remained even as you were in a completely different room. Hajime decided to trust his gut, trying to start a conversation with your mother to stay longer, but the knife is already in her hands.
Without thinking, he gets in front of you, and the knife slashes across his arm. Lifting his other hand, he knocks the knife out of her arm and it's over as fast as it began. He didn't mean to knock her out, but as a boxer, his strength surpassed that of your entire bloodline combined.
He still holds her down, and tells you to head back to his car and call the police. Hajime brushes off any attempt you have to treat him, mostly because he's still shaken up, and also because the pig's blood was still on you and he didn't want his wound to get infected from it.
The second your mother is placed in the police car out of your sight, and his wound is disinfected, Hajime doesn't hesitate to run over and hold you. He's still in a state of shock, unable to believe everything that happened tonight so suddenly... but you were okay. That was enough for him.
"It's okay, Y/n... I've got you...Everything's going to be okay. You're safe..."
You were shaking, but he whispered words of comfort. He doesn't want to leave your side, and if he wasn't sure enough already, he was now: Just as you had promised him, he would never abandon you.
Emma Magorobi:
She purposefully dressed down, as she wanted the night to be about you. She had to apply a bit of makeup to not be recognized, but still kept her contacts and hair for the security it gave her.
Instead, Emma insisted on giving you her most glamorous jewelry, and would help you pick out a dress if you asked. During the dance, she was approached by a few people who claimed she looked familiar, but being an actress, she could easily talk her way out of it. 
As the Prom Queen crown was placed on your head, she happily clapped and smiled, but her eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy for you. Emma wanted nothing more than to walk up the stage and kiss you right there.
So you can imagine her fury as a group of bullies dumped a bucket of blood on you, turning the highlight of your night into a joke and laughing as you cried. She delivers a heavy slap to the leader of the bullies, before turning her attention to you. 
Even her puns couldn't make you laugh. She called for her limo to pick the two of you up, and made a silent show of revealing her true identity as a crowd appeared in awe. She didn't care. These people intentionally hurt you. 
She offers for you to spend the night at her mansion, she'd run you a rose petal bath to clean up, and the two of you could have a candlelit dinner. If you didn't like that, she'd be happy with snuggling up to you with some popcorn watching some of her films!
Emma felt a sense of dread when you requested to go back to your mother's. That woman just... reminded her so much of her biological father. She might not be using you as an ashtray, but she wasn't treating you like a person either. 
But with what you just went through, she couldn't leave you alone, especially when, in her eyes, she did nothing to stop this from happening. 
Emma tried to get along with your mother, she really did, but by god that woman was insufferable. She has tried acting out more personas than she could count. It didn't matter how polite she was, that woman still claimed that you both were influenced by the devil for liking other girls.
The second your mother touches the knife, her mind already goes to the worst. It was that same feeling whenever her father would take a final puff of a cigarette. Her nails are digging into her arms, and she's trying to hold herself together, but the moment your mother runs at you, she can't stop screaming. 
Filled with a rush of fear and adrenaline, she shoves your mother away from you, and ends up knocking her out cold. The rest of the night is a blur, and the ghostly sensation of her flesh burning haunts her. 
She's apologizing to her father, crying and begging him to give her more time, before you're able to wake her up. You held Emma close, the two of you were still at the police station, unable to go to Emma's place thanks to the paparazzi and press desperate to know the night's events. But that was okay. You had each other. And until the police would rip you apart to get your witness statements, that was exactly where you'd stay.
"Y/n... I love you so much dear..."
Mitch Higa:
He's so proud of you, and it's impossible for him not to smile at how happy you look. As much as he loved attention and the satisfaction of rejecting your bullies' requests for autographs, he was happy to see you have your own moment to shine. God knew you deserved it.
He thought to himself that he'd destroy anyone who gave you hell on your special night, but he didn't think it would actually happen. One moment you're the star of the dance, and the next, you're covered in blood and everyone is laughing. 
Mitch doesn't waste a second, delivering a sucker punch to the bullies’ leader, and kicking the punch bowl to rain over the girl bullies' expensive dresses. People were recording and he was probably going to go viral over this, but fuck it. 
It takes a lot to pull him away from the fight, and his pride doesn't allow him to admit defeat. The only way you talk him out of sending the kids to the hospital is by telling him that he could be arrested, which wouldn't look good for his record and hopes of being a professional soccer player.
It takes a while to convince him to drop you back off with your mother, as he won't stop telling you that she would only make your night worse. Mitch offers to take you out to dinner somewhere, but you point out the two of you were covered in blood.
Even when he's at your mom's place, he is still silently fuming at the events from the night, trying to discreetly hide that fact from you. When your own mother pulls a knife on you, the rage only grows, and he yells for you to run. 
There's so many thoughts running through his head that he's not thinking clearly. Mitch watches you get away and almost gets stabbed himself, but being an athlete meant he was able to disarm her rather fast. 
He locks her in a room in the house, only letting go of the door when the police arrive. After that, he doesn't let go of you. He doesn't have any more anger and annoyed comments to make. He was just so scared and exhausted. 
Mitch would beg you to spend the night at his place. He just needed to see you, and wouldn't let you out of his sight. He withdrew himself from the public eye for a bit, which turned some heads, especially after the video of the prank and aftermath went viral, but he didn't care. 
The two of you needed time to recover, and he'd do everything he could to make a better night for you.
Nikei Yomiuri:
When you won Prom Queen, he was smiling so wide that his mouth hurt-
Nikei was already brainstorming an article to brag about how amazing you were to spite your bullies, but when he turned to smirk at them, he realized they were smiling almost as wide as he was
He tries to brush it off, but he already knew that something's wrong.
For the first few moments, Nikei was in complete shock. He didn't say anything, he didn't think, he didn't even breathe.
But then he did again, and every breath he took was used to scream obscenities at everyone and everything except for you. You'll have to forcefully drag him out of the school's gynasium, and pry him off whoever planned this prank. Nikei's not very strong, but he still gets some hits in before you pull him away.
Even when the two of you are miles away from the school, he's still muttering about shoving their dogshit faces into a blender. 
(In reality, he'll pull an all nighter to write articles to ruin their reputations, claiming,
 "It's not slander or defamation if it's right!")
Nikei does NOT want to see your mother, who was obsessive even for him. However, he couldn't just leave you after what you experienced, and he feels a bit bad for not trying to cheer you up. He was still pissed, but he knew that didn't give him an excuse to ignore you.
His attempts to converse with your mother just make everything more awkward. Of course, when your mother pulls a knife on you, everything goes haywire. Nikei insists that the high pitched girly screaming was from you,
He grabs you a runs, knocking over a candle while trying to pull out his phone. He tells you to keep running as the house is set ablaze, and he frantically calls the police. 
Nikei... doesn't know where to go from there. The two of you cling to each other for dear life, and he's never been more glad to get pig blood smeared all over his suit. It's disgusting, but a reminder that you're safe.
He ultimately decides to take you to Emma's and call the rest of Void, who would protect you like the family you now were. No matter what happens, the woman who called herself your mother would never see you again.
Kizuna Tomori:
Of course you'd be crowned queen, you were her girlfriend after all and you were gorgeous!
She was a bit jealous, but seeing you light up and nearly cry tears of joy made her evening better. She wasn't usually kind to her competition, but she loved you, and seeing you happy made her feel better in ways she couldn't explain. 
Together, you two would rule this dance and wow the crowd! She thought to herself, imagining the two of you dancing together with your bullies dumbfounded. Kizuna grinned and wanted to see the look on those bastards faces.
...But why were they grinning, too?
By the time she saw the bucket, it was already too late. You're crying, and she's cursing them all out. One of the teachers has to forcefully pull her off of the head bully, her nails digging into his skin. She's still seething with rage, flipping them all off as she puts her other hand on your shoulder and leads you out. 
Kizuna wants to comfort you, but she doesn't really know how. She's still angrily muttering to herself in the car, and wants to take you anywhere except your house. She offers for you to spend the night at her place, knowing her mother probably wouldn't mind, but you refuse, telling her that you just wanted to go home in a tone that made her heart ache.
Still slightly shaking, but not nearly as much as you, she hesitantly agrees to take you home.
Your mother hated Kizuna with a passion, and didn't even allow her to enter your house. She was disgusted by your girlfriend’s revealing clothing, and even when you assured her that she was past her man-manipulating behavior, she still forbid you from dating her. 
Now, with Kizuna in a dress more revealing then ever, bringing your blood covered self into the house, your mother was about to attack her, thinking of her as the devil. Before she could lay a hand on your girlfriend, you stood up for her, claiming that none of it was her fault. 
Your mother thought the devil was taking over you, and your girlfriend was nothing but a succubus servant. Kizuna knew your mother was delusional, and refrained from saying it to your face, but when your own mother pulled a knife on you, she screamed bloody murder. 
You take a few slashes for her, and Kizuna grabs your arm and runs away with you for the second time that night. The two of you make it to her car, and she's shaking too much to start it. She can't believe what you much be feeling right now, and she's never been this scared...
She gives you her phone and yells for you to call the police as she drives away, but you're crying too much to do anything. She feels so frustrated... so mad about the way this night turned out.
When the two of you arrive at her house, she pounds on the door in tears, and Kizuna's mother can only look at the two of you in confusion. You were covered in blood, shaking and crying, while Kizuna, still holding onto you, collapses into her mother's arms sobbing for the first time in years.
Even after your mother is arrested, and your clothes have been changed, neither of you can stop crying, still clinging to each other for dear life and praying the other will never let go.
When you were crowned queen of the dance, he felt more emotions than he had felt in a while...
Why? His luck probably played some part of it, as his luck always made dates with you better, but.... Something about the smile on your face and your genuine excitement made butterflies appear in his stomach 
....Was he smiling too?
For a few moments, it felt like it was just the two of you there, and this world that had only ever used him for his luck seemed just a bit brighter. Utsuro hated parties, crowds, loud music, and attention, but tonight was the happiest he ever saw you, and one of the times he felt... fulfilled.
He didn't expect the prank in the slightest, as his luck should've at least made the bucket completely miss you. He steps back a bit in shock, his first thought being that he hoped you didn't think he willed this to happen.
As your classmates started mocking you, his shock turned to a feeling he could only describe as anger. It was odd.... He didn't usually feel like this towards people, but you and Akane were the only people he had in his life that loved him
He wills for every person who bullied you to get what they deserve. Whether it was getting them expelled from school or getting hit in the head with the bucket they used. 
He flinched when you put your hand on his shoulder, quietly asking if the two of you could leave. Utsuro looked back at the bullies, who were still laughing and high-fiving over ruining your night 
He's never had to take matters into his own hands before, but maybe tonight wouldn't be a bad time to start. He tells you to wait outside before grabbing the glass punch bowl and smashing it over the lead bully's head
His divine luck finally started to take effect when the bully tripped while chasing him, his body tripping his other friends and leading them to fall onto tables and decor. Watching the whole spectacle, Utsuro joined you outside and softly held your hand. 
You leaned on him, putting your head on his shoulder. He was quiet when you cried a bit, and obliged when you asked him to bring you home. He was too occupied with the sudden and strange absence of his divine luck to even remember your terrible mother.
Utsuro didn't want to leave you, as you were one of the best things to happen to him. But your mother? The way she worshipped him triggered some bad memories, but when he went to leave, a gust of wind slammed the door shut, and a terrible storm occurred outside. 
So not only did his divine luck refuse to save his S/o from a cruel prank, it also trapped him inside with his S/o's mother as you went to wash the blood off. 
He leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, zoning out and just wanting the two of you to leave this night behind you. He didn't know how long he was like that, just wanting to ignore your mother, and somehow use his luck to make tonight better (Cause he had no idea how to do it himself)
Then he heard the screaming. 
It was one of the first times Utsuro felt his heart drop. He started to run up the stairs, but he didn't need to, as you fell down them right in front of him, blood pouring from your back.
He put his hand over the wound, looking up to see your mother smiling, bloody knife in hand. Why was this happening? Why did he feel... so scared? 
He hadn't felt this way since he realized the truth behind his own parents... and for this to happen to you tonight of all times. 
You began to crawl, telling him to run. He could only look back down at you, your wound already beginning to heal, and shake his head. Utsuro pulls you up, his shoulder supporting your weight,  pulling you out of the house as your mother tripped down the stairs. 
The entire building was set aflame the moment the two of you stepped out, curtesy of both Utsuro's luck and the dozens of candles littering the house. 
He pulled your sobbing form to himself, still in a form of shock from the whole ordeal.
The two of you sat in front of the wreckage of your former home for a while. What started as one of the best nights either of you had ended in total chaos, Utsuro feeling more in a single night then he felt in years. He held you close.
Neither of you had anywhere to go. He wouldn't usually worry about shelter, but with his luck running haywire, he didn't know what to think. Akane was the only person he could think of for help. 
"Utsuro...I'm so sorry..."
"....Don't be."
"Everything...the dance, my mom..."
He shook his head, "...I'm still here."
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teruyakisser · 1 month
Hey hey hey! welcome to my blog! You are free to call me Sylvie if you want or nothing at all!💚
This blog is only dra and sdra2, I kinda saw the lack of posts based on it so I wanted to write my own!💚💚
request rules are below the cut.
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First things first, I can write for both games. DRA and SDRA2! I can write for all of the characters (Teruya my favorite to write lol), so don't hesitate to request any one! But if it's about Teruya, you need to specify which one you're talking about or I'll just randomly pick either of them to write.
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What I am eligible to write:
ᰔᩚ Fluff
ᰔᩚ Angst
ᰔᩚ Yandere (Extreme detailed gore too!)
ᰔᩚ Mental disorders/disabilities
ᰔᩚ All genders, but the reader will remain gender neutral unless specified.
ᰔᩚ Headcanons (I'll be writing in bullet points anyways)
ᰔᩚ Romantic/Platonic
ᰔᩚ Child reader/sibling requests will always be platonic★
ᰔᩚ Incorrect quotes
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What I am ineligible and will not write:
✘ P€d0ph!le
✘ Character x character
✘ !n€est
✘ ®Ap€
✘ Monocrow
✘ Matchups (I don't know how to do those stuff)
✘ N$FW (I don't know how to write that nor I am comfortable with it. The closest I can do is french kissing and that is it)
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Oh! by the way, I can only do up to 5 characters maximum!
Please respect my boundaries and follow my rules when submitting your request in my inbox. And I hope you enjoy my writings💚🩵🩵
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comfortabletogether · 1 month
Omg that ask with the timid but muscular S/O was so cute. Would it be possible for you to do the same thing but with Setsuka, Emma, Kanade, and Kizuna?
hello!! Thank you for sending in a request, I appreciate it a lot!! And apologizes if it’s taking a while to write requests, I’m sick atm!!
I’m kinda always sick but that’s irrelevant!!
I enjoyed writing this so much, I love Kizuna so much y’all don’t even know. I know in my fanfics I portray her as being so shitty but she’s my shitty girlfriend 🤩🤩
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Kizuna Tomori
⭐️ Kizuna definitely outshines you in social status. You’re really shy and sweet and she’s outgoing and sassy. It was a strange combination for anyone but the two of you had been dating prior to the killing game so many didn’t question it.
⭐️ She is very protective over you, seeing as you were the only thing there that Kizuna had not lost. She could afford to loose you, not after you were the first one who she’s never felt a real romantic connection with. And you seemed just so… weak while she is a cheerleader, she’s made of muscle.
⭐️ Kizuna found out after the second trial when everyone was drawing secrets from Monokuma’s hat. She had drawn yours and it read: ‘S/O lifts weights six days a week.’
⭐️ She is kinda mad about it all, like how dare you not tell her? It was probably just a lie after all. But Kizuna did go to ask you about it just in case. She was shocked when it was revealed to be true.
⭐️ Kizuna will suggest that you become a base for her cheerleading team when you all get out of here but for now whenever she doesn’t feel like walking she will ask you for a piggy back ride or to carry her bridal style because she deserves princess treatment.
Kanade Otonokoji
🎵 You always wore modest clothes around Kanade and everyone. She’d never seen you in a bathing suit but she had just assumed that it was out of insecurity. 
🎵 But she was also glad that from the outside you seemed kind of weak, she was too. You were timid and she was shy and small. The two of you just made perfect sense, didn’t it?
🎵 Kanade found out while she was watching you from your window. She felt as if you had been hiding something from her and she was desperate to figure it out and she was right. You had been hiding your ripped physique.
🎵 She’s more pissed off with herself than she is with you. The two of you have been dating for a while? What else didn’t she know about you? Gosh, Kanade was a terrible girlfriend, huh?
🎵 This revelation would probably lead to more stalking and possessive and aggressive behavior from Kanade. She’ll also prepare eleven pages of questions to ask you on your date to the pool.
Emma Magorobi
🎬 Emma loves your shy nature, she’s find it even more endearing if you didn’t like the attention of cameras on you. She is such a sucker for opposites attract, even if it’s something small like these differences
🎬 Emma would often try and use her more confident attitude to fluster you. Typically making innocent flirty jokes in public to try and get a reaction out of you. She just loves to see you flustered.
 🎬 Emma found out through Hajime. As it turned out Hajime went to the same gym that you did to work out. And he had texted her asking if he could be work out buddies with her S/O.
🎬 She was kinda shocked, she didn’t exactly expect this from you. But later that day she ended walking in on you getting changed, and was very pleasantly surprised with how toned you were. Like a Greek Goddess.
🎬 She loves that you are jacked even more than expected, because she is pretty lanky when it comes down to it. And she’s a sucker for opposites attracting.
Setsuka Chiebukuro
🎱 Setsuka loves to tease and fluster you. And your shy nature just makes it so much better for her. It will always get a laugh out of her, no matter what.
🎱 Setsuka after working a long day as a private investigator would frequently take you out to bars, especially ones that had billards table so that you and her could laugh while people get mad at her ‘utter talent.’
🎱 She would find out through your shared apartment. Setsuka doesn’t like to knock on your door. Because it’s her house too and it’s unlocked so why should she knock??
🎱 To be honest, Setsuka isn’t extremely surprised at you being extremely buff. Don’t get it twisted, she still finds it extremely attractive but she had been the gym bills you have to pay per month.
🎱 Nonetheless she enjoys your strength and she’ll tease you because you are just like the superheroes she read as a little kid.
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Mitch:y/n, have you noticed that kizuna cheers kinda different when you're playing
Y/n:What do you mean?
Y/n:eh, I don't see a difference
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hatonwriting · 7 months
My late entry for #JouWeekend2023! @joukidoweek
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webraciszekbastion · 9 months
Requests Opens !
One Shot - Cup of Tea 🍵
Headcanons - Cup of Coffee ☕
My thoughts on games or characters - Bubble Tea 🧋(NO request)
Fluff - Chocolate Cookie 🍪| Hurt/Comfort - Dark Chocolate 🍫| Angst - Sour Lemon Cupcake 🧁| Suggestive - Angel Food Cake 🍰| Platonic - Piece of Pie 🥧
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Kurumi Wendy:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yakou Furio:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
👻 Yakou Furio x Reader who is a Horror Fanatic 💀☕🍪
Vivia Twilight:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
📖 Vivia Twilght x Baker!Reader 🥐☕🍪
📖 Vivia Twilight x Artist!Male!Reader 🎨☕🍪
Halara Nightmare:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Fubuki Clockford:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Desuhiko Thunderbolt:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zilch Alexander:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Pucci Lavmin:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Aphex Logan:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Melamie Goldmine:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zange Eraser:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yomie Hellsmile:
Martina Electro:
Seth Burroughs:
Guillaume Hall:
Makoto Kagutsuchi:
All Master Detectives:
All Peacekeepers:
All Characters:
Project Eden's Garden
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Damon Maitsu:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Cassidy Amber:
Desmond Hall:
Diana Venicia:
Eloise Taulner:
Eva Tsunaka:
Grace Madison:
Ingrid Grimwall:
Jean DeLamer:
Jett Dawson:
Kai Monteago:
Mark "Mayhem" Berskii:
Toshiko Kayura(Only Platonic):
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Wolfgang Akire:
All Characters:
Danganronpa Despair Time
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Teruko Tawaki:
Xander Matthews:
Charles Cuevas:
Ace Markey:
Arei Nageishi:
Rose Lacroix:
Hu Jing:
Eden Tobisa:
Levi Fontana:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Arturo Giles:
Min Jeung:
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
J Rosales:
Whit Young:
Nico Hakobyan:
All Characters:
Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
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📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
All Characters:
My suggestions for the real names of the characters 🧋
Super Danganronpa Another
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Yuki Maeda/Utsuro:
Akane Taira:
Ayame Hatano:
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
Kanata Inori:
Kinji Uehara:
Kiyoka Maki:
Kizuna Tomori:
Mikako Kurokawa:
Mitsuhiro Higa:
Rei Mekaru:
Satsuki Iranami:
Teruya Otori:
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Yamato Kisaragi:
All Characters:
Super Danganronpa Another 2
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Emma Magorobi:
Hajime Makunouchi:
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Iroha Nijiue:
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kokoro Mitsube:
Mikado Sannoji:
Nikei Yomiuri:
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Shinji Kasai:
Shobai Hashimoto:
Teruya Otori V2:
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yuki Maeda:
Yuri Kagarin:
All Characters:
Danganronpa (He)Artless Deceit
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Akira Hayasaka:
Chiemi Hattori:
Chou Yoshida:
Hideyoshi Kurosawa:
Itsumi "Bani" Yoko:
Izanami Hoshimiya:
Katsuhiko Minamoto:
Kiyoshi Fujioka:
Kyouran Murashita:
Otome Hanayama:
Rei Fukuno:
Satoru Tachibana:
Shion Morita:
Takeshi Yamamoto:
Tomoya Morita:
Yumeo Arakawa:
Denshi Shigenobu:
All Characters:
Your Turn to Die
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Sara Chidouin:
Joe Tazuna:
Keiji Shinogi:
Kanna Kizuchi(Only Platonic):
Q-taro Burgerberg:
Sou Hiyori:
Reko Yabusame:
Nao Egokoro:
Kai Satou:
Gin Ibushi(Only Platonic):
Kazumi Mishima:
Alice Yabusame:
Ranmaru Kageyama:
Hinako Mishuku(Only Platonic):
Naomichi Kurumada:
Mai Tsurugi:
Anzu Kinashi:
Shunsuke Hayasaka:
Sue Miley:
Tia Safalin:
Rio Ranger:
All Characters:
All Floor Masters:
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britishanon · 2 years
Wassup! Names Teruya or BritishAnon nice to meetcha! This is an sfw blog! And a x reader! And uh all the important stuff are here since i dunno much tumblr works lol i use she|her pronouns and im a minor updates will be slow since school has been a trouble for me!
• pls make your request very detailed so i can understand and make your request
•Pls dont say anything like "Sorry for wasting your time" or "feel free to ignore" it kinda triggers and pressures me
•If you ever think i steal ideas pls dont think that cause i take inspiration
•This is funny if u think im really Teruya i aint actually, but u can call me that-
•Fem s/o
•Male s/o (ill try!)
•Character x reader! (3 character limit!)
•Sibling reader!
•Yoruko x Male s/o ( she is a lesbian :))
•Danganronpa 1-3 (dont know much lol)
•Mik*do S*nn*ji (irl|Ai)
•Nsfw!(im a minor)
•Kanade Otonokoji ( she makes me uncomfortable ☹️)
•Character x Character
Teruya otori<333
Iroha nijue<333
Hibiki Otonokoji!
Yoruko! <333
Mitsuhiro higa
Kanade Otonokoji
M*kado S*nnoji
Utsuro (dont know much ☹️)
ANONS! (Cult)
•Leafy Anon
•Green Anon 😎🟢
•Frog anon
Second masterlist!
Requests:4/7 closed!
Teruya,Tsurugi And Yoruko with s/o confessing ending up staring them
Teruya with a little sister who easily crys alot
Yoruko and Setsuka with a SHSL demon s/o
Now now, u can start requesting! Stay safe eat and drink well! See ya Rainbows!
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Promo pls? Ty! ❤️🎉🌈
@shuichiswritingcorner @danganronpa-cafe @@the-platonic-charms @writer-komaru @hi-i-write-for-stuff @silladelareina
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tvy0m1 · 1 year
I saw you do SDRA2 x Reader. Does this apply to SDRA2 x OC or just reader before I send anything.
AND!! Do you have a tier list for preferred characters from the game or anything to point me towards your preferences?
I can do sdra2 x oc!! Yes, and I don't have a tier im fine with any character!! Though I tend to write, Mikako, Rei, Kizuna, Nikei, Mikado, Teruya more!!
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portorfeitansimp · 1 year
Haruhiko Kobashikawa x Reader with Divine Luck
We've been in this killing game for ten days and we haven't found anything, neither did one of us die, fortunately. But I could feel that a death was near. Maybe tomorrow, or in two days, I don't know, but someone's definitely gonna die. And I'm scared. I keep calling myself an idiot, 'cause I didn't told anyone yet that I can end this before it even starts. I'm afraid they wouldn't believe me. Yes, I'm (Your first name) (Your last name), the ultimate (Your ultimate talent), I'm in possession of Divine Luck, and yet I'm a coward.
But at least, I'm not bored. How I see the others ?
Maki Kiyoka is kind and optimistic, she's the one who told me I shouldn't take myself down.
Higa Mitsuhiro is... a big pervert. Seriously, okay, he's nice and kind of good at conforting people, but he's litteraly one of the most pervert in our group ! No wonder why he's still single !
Tomori Kizuna is a litteral bitch. That's all I can say about her.
Hatano Ayame is a sweet girl, she's nice and all, and it's actually nice to exercise with her.
Yamaguchi Kakeru... Well, he's not as creepy as I first thought, but I must admit that sometimes, he scares the shit out of me.
Inori Kanata is one of the most adorable girl in the group ! She's so sweet and kind, and tiny too, she looks like a little plushie !
Uehara Kinji is an interesting guy. Not so talkative, but not so lone wolf either. And he's actually nice to hang out with, especially for me who likes calm athmosphere.
Kobashikawa Haruhiko is... How do I say this ? Well... He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He is so fucking hot ! And he's nice too and funny, even though he's a pervert. I must admit, I spent most of my time with him.
Iranami Satsuki is kind of childish, but she's nice and adorable. And actually, she kind of cheered me up when I was down at the very beggining of the killing game. I could never trade her friendship for something else.
Kurokawa Mikako is really nice, though she doesn't talk that much. She's not able to say much when she does, and I know why. I just wish I could help her...
Maeda Yuki... I know who he really is, and I hate him with all my heart. I wish he was dead.
Taira Akane, the other bitch of the group. I have nothing to say about except that I wish she was dead.
Kinjo Tsurugi is... interesting. Really. I'd like to learn more about him.
Mekaru Rei is a rude girl with a superiority complex. Like, seriously, why does she care about competence so much ?
Otori Teruya, a sweet and fragile little guy who is also kind of childish. He is kind of a pervert too, but at least he's nice and kind of helpful.
Normally, there's also the ultimate inventor, Yamato Kisaragi. But I think Taira and U|$u®0 locked him somewhere. Problem : I don't know where they locked him. I searched everywhere, but nothing.
Now, I'm in my room. I sigh, looking at the papier I have in front of me. Of course, drawing a map of our current localisation isn't helping me.
Knock knock
Who is it ?
I didn't need him to talk more to recognize his voice.
Come in.
The door opens slowly and Haruhiko walks in.
What are you doing ?
Investigating in any way possible. You wanted something ?
... Why did you draw a map of this floor ?
'Cause there's none in the handbook, duh.
A-Ah... Y-Yeah, you're not wrong...
Is something wrong ? Your acting kind of weird.
Well ?
He sigh before sitting on my bed.
Can I ask you something ?
... I hate to say this but... You've been acting really weird since the beggining, it's almost like you're hiding something... Are you the mastermind ?
Wh-What ?! Wh-Why would you think that ?! O-Of course I'm not the mastermind !
Ok, ok, calm down, I didn't mean to offense you, I was just asking.
I sigh.
But... You gotta admit that's weird.
What ?
The fact that there's still no death. It's been ten days ! We didn't even got a motive yet ! Does the mastermind really want this killing game ?
I keep my mouth shut, not knowing what to say. Haruhiko looks at me before standing up, sighing.
Ah, sorry. I'm just bothering you with my stupid questions...
He walks towards the door.
I have the feeling that the beggining is near...
Huh ?
Surprised by my answer, he turns around to look at me.
Pretty soon... They're probably gonna give us a motive pretty soon... Or even tomorrow...
... How do you know ?
It's just a feeling, not a fact. But you're right, it's been already ten days, we've accomodated enough to this place now, there's no need to wait more. Right ?
... I mean... You're not wrong but... Why would they wait for us to accomodate to the place ? It's only retarding the beggining !
Let's say you're planning a murder and you need weapons, do you really think you'd be able to find them without looking suspicious if you're not accomodated to your surroundings ?
Err... I-I don't think so... I-I mean... I-I'm not smart enough to guess anything, so...
You see my point, now ?
Yeah... Sorry for saying dumb shit...
Don't be sorry. Mistakes are what makes us learn.
I smile at him. He returns the smile before waving good bye then he leaves. Directly after that, the nighttime announcment goes off, so I go to bed and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep.
The next morning, I wake up at the sound of someone knocking on my door.
W-Who's that...?
(Your first name) ? It's Haru' ! You're late, what are you doing ?
Wha- ?! How the hell are you still sleeping ?! It's been half an hour since the morning annoucement came off ! Wake up !
Coming, coming... Please stop shouting...
I open my eyes slowly, still sleepy. Then, I wake up and walk towards the door before opening it. The little pilot is standing there in his usual outfit, his beautiful eyes looking at me.
Finally ! Geez, did you sleep last night ? You seem really tired...
I'm fine... Don't worry 'bout me...
He sighs.
Okay... Let's go to the dining room, now, the others are waiting...
I nod slowly before following him to the dining room. When I step inside the room, everyone looks at me.
You're late.
Kinjo, I already told her, you know. You don't have to remind her.
What was she doin' ?
Er... She overslept.
... You should sleep at night, you know.
What do you think I do at night ? A party ?
An amused smile appears on Haruhiko's face while Satsuki's embarrassed.
S-Sorry, I-I didn't mean to offense you, n-no need to be rude...
... I'm not being rude. My name's not Mekaru, you know.
Hey !
Teruya and Satsuki hold back laughter while Haruhiko ends up laughing. Even Tsurugi and Kinji, who are usually serious, have an amused smile.
It's not funny, incompetent !
Yes it is~
Yeah, she definitely has a good point here~
The professor growls loudly, rolling her eyes. I giggle a bit before taking a seat. But before one of us could speak, that ugly bear appears on the table and tells us he prepared a motive for us. Yuki goes to see what it is, while Haruhiko's looking at me, and I can guess he's thinking that I was hella right yesterday. I smirk. Then, we hear a scream. It was Yuki. Without even thinking, we all rush to join Yuki. Tsurugi manage to make him snap out of his trance and Yuki tells us to watch the DVDs.
Okay ?
Well, no one even think and take their DVDs before going to a computer. Of course, like a little sheep, I do the same, knowing that's just gonna be something predictable.
After watching it, I remain stoic.
Wow, THAT'S his motive ? That's pathetic.
I look at the others. Everyone is panicking. Even Yuki and Akane.
I remain silent, not even joining their conversation. I don't need to. Without a world, I go out quietly before going back to my room.
If someone kills because of this pathetic motive, I swear I confess my feelings to Haru' !
I sigh one more time and lie down on my bed. Then, I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Ding Dong Bing Bong
A body has been discovered ! After a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin !
I open my eyes.
What... was that ?
I get out of my bed, rubbing my eyes.
Did I hear it correctly ? It really was... a body discovery announcment ?
I slightly blush realizing I'll have to confess my feelings to Haru' because of what I told myself yesterday. But before anything, I have to go investigate.
After a long time of investigation, the trial begins. We go back and forth for at least thirty minutes, before finally concluding that Mitsuhiro is the killer. So, we vote for him, and after some explanations, he gets pulled to his execution. I remain silent once more.
... I should have taken this seriously... Okay, that's enough, I won't allow anymore murders ! I'll end this !
Hey guys, can we gather in the dining room ?
..................... No.................... We should.................. go to bed...
Yeah, we're all tired...
... You'll have plenty of time once you'll be out of here.
Suddenly interested, everyone looks at me, waiting for me to speak. I sigh.
The masterminds are Akane Taira and Utsuro, two ultimate despair.
With those words, Akane starts to scream before finally revealing herself.
How the fuck did you not have your memory erased ?!
Come on, can't you guess ? It's the same thing that's gonna bring your dear "Master Utsuro" back.
Yuki's eyes are wild opened, sign that Utsuro is back.
How...? I didn't even notice...
I know how to hide myself better than you do, asshole. Now, first of all, tell me where is Yamato Kisaragi. Ah and don't even think of lying or not answering, 'cause I know some torture methods.
Both of the traitors stay silent for a while before the redhead asshole starts speaking.
Behind a shelf in the warehouse, there's a hole... Kisaragi's downstairs...
Great. Know, the exit.
... Fourth floor, in the empty room of the ballroom... It's your only issue...
How do we-
An helicopter's waiting for you at the exit...
... Splendid ! Now, before we go...
I blush violently while approaching Haruhiko. The pilot looks at me with an questioning look.
Er... I-I don't really know how to say this but... I-I... I-I love you, Haru'.
Haruhiko stays silent for a while, his face all red, while I see Teruya and Satsuki with a wild smile. Then, finally, he speaks.
I-I love you too, (Your first name).
And, without even letting me say another word, he kisses me gently, putting his hands on my hips. I kiss him back, putting my hands on his shoulders while Teruya, Satsuki and Kanata screams :
Then, Haru' pulls back and smile. I return the smile before looking at the others.
Well, looks like everyone's having their happy end. Now, Kinjo, Yamaguchi, go get Kisaragi ! Tomori, Hatano, Inori, Uehara, Haru', Iranami, Kurokawa, Mekaru and Otori, you follow me to the exit !
Okay !
And, on these words, everyone starts moving, leaving Akane and Utsuro behind us.
I'm (Your first name) (Your last name), the ultime (Your ultimate talent), I'm a coward and I'm madly in love with Haruhiko. But, most importantly, I am now happy to be alive with almost all my classmates.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
loving nostalgia | iris & kizuna
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pairing: iris sagan x gn!reader x kizuna chieda
summary: one day you'd look back on this very moment, feeling nostalgic when you think about those two...
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"how much time do we have left?"
that was always a question, lingering in the back of your head. you didn't dare to say it out loud, but your relationship with iris and kizuna felt like it had a time limit. like one day people would find out about the three of you and lemniscate would make iris end the relationship before anything got public. 
iris playfully pinched your cheek to get your attention, causing you to snap out of your depressing thoughts. 
"how much time do we have left, y/n?"
when you looked to the side, you found your two girlfriends staring at you, eagerly awaiting your answer. you needed a moment to think, before it slowly started to sink in. 
"oh, the podcast! let me think... if we take the car, then we'll have almost a full hour left before we need to go. if we take the train it's maybe 30 minutes..."
you had almost forgotten about it, but iris had a podcast to record at lemniscate today. she had managed to land kizuna a spot there as well, making it a project the two girls were very excited about, since they were allowed to spend time together and get paid for it! 
"another hour then..."
kizuna mumbled quietly, shifting slightly in her chair and starring out of the window of iris' bedroom. 
"an hour should be enough time! how about the three of us go and grab a bite before that? if we do it close to the studio, then it shouldn't be a problem"
"oh, food sounds like a great idea! it's on me today! but we'll have to go get soba~"
iris chirped in and quickly jumped up from her bed excited, before grabbing both of your hands and pulling you up with her. 
"come on, no time to waste~ you'll get the car and i'll get kizzy!"
you nodded quietly, heading towards the door, but stopping in the frame, turning around and looking back at your two girlfriends. 
there they were; iris helping kizuna into her wheelchair as the two girls talked and smiled together. you could look at those two forever and never get enough of the view... 
"what's wrong..?"
kizuna had caught you starring at the two, making iris stop in her tracks and look up at you for a moment instead. 
"i just thought about how much i love the two of you... that's all"
your time with those two might be limited, but you were happy for now. if things could just stay like they were for a little longer, then you'd be content…
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randoimago · 7 months
Hi! №4 soft gestures - "you're staring!" "i like seeing you happy, love." with Lien and Kizuna from AI: The Somnium Files! Thx!
"you're staring!" "i like seeing you happy, love."
Fandom: AI: The Somnium Files
Character(s): Kizuna Chieda, Lien Twining
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I wrote as S/O saying the second part to Kizuna and then Lien saying it to S/O
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She can't help a bit of a giggle as she's attempting to read a new fairy tale she picked up at the library when she feels your eyes on her. You get a pointed look from her and an amused smile. "You're staring," she states.
"I like seeing you happy, love." That causes another giggle to leave her, one that's more shy but she's very happy to hear those words come from your lips. She knows that there are days that are harder for her, but she always tries to have a smile for you even when you tell her it's okay.
"I'm always happy by your side," she replies softly, her eyes filled with adoration as she stares back at you. "Come here and read with me." You don't hesitate as you walk over and read the book with your princess.
You should be used to it. The feeling of Lien's eyes following you throughtout the day, hearing his lovestruck sigh, maybe some happy humming. You should be used to all of that. As much as you love the guy, sometimes it can feel like a bit much.
"You're staring!" You pipe up finally and hear some combination of surprised noises that doesn't quite make actual words come out of his mouth. You look over and see that he looks a bit embarrassed, before giving you a bright smile at the eye contact.
"I like seeing you happy, love," Lien replies easily, as easily as he breathes. Because it's so true. He is unbelievably in love and nothing makes him happier than seeing you happy. Whatever annoyance or frustration with his constant staring you felt, it's gone by how sweet he is.
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danganronpafan777 · 4 months
Dra Girls dating a S/O who just like Gonta including his big appearance and goal of becoming a gentleman
Kanata Inori:
She thought you were adorable!!
Kanata didn't mind if you spoke a bit strange, since she's been told that she talks a bit too formally herself
You admire her wish to help people as much as she admires your wish to be a gentleman
You start to pick up her habit of speaking formally, making her blush a bit, and even think of you during work
It didn't annoy her if your intelligence was a bit below average, and she was more than happy to explain things to you
The height difference between the two of you is HUGE, and you sometimes get weird looks during dates, but neither of you really mind
There's nothing that makes her happier than coming home from a long shift to find you setting up a candlelit dinner just for her
Kizuna Tomori:
Wow... you were just so easy to manipulate
And to top it all off, your family was wealthy! She saw you as an absolute goldmine, and thought your goal of being a gentleman was just so naive
Your kindhearted personality made you one of her favorite boyfriends, but... you never showed interest in her body or her friends
Your loyalty was commendable... enough to make her feel a bit bad that she wasn't reciprocating
Kizuna saw men as her servants, and you played the part better than most
You were basically her bodyguard, and you unknowingly scared away many who hated her ways, as well as some of her other servants 
Compared to you, everyone treated her as some kind of prize, but you prized her as a person. It was a feeling she never knew she was missing.
And Kizuna began to crave it.
It was a slow transition, but with help from you and her classmates, Kizuna Tomori began to change her ways.
It started as less men being around her and her asking you about your day. She felt hesitant at first, but your sweet smile as you told her how much you appreciated her made it all worth it
Rei Mekaru:
She could figure out everything about you from one look, and came up with one word to describe you: Incompetent
You were one of the biggest imbeciles she's ever met, lacking basic understanding in the easiest of subjects
Rei also was disgusted by bugs, straining your relationship with her
As she connects with her class, she comes to learn more about you, and how, in a way, you were abandoned by your parents too
The only difference was that you were taken in, and even if it was a pack of wolves who adopted you, you never had to pick yourself off the streets
Where Rei studied to exhaustion to escape, you simply adapted and made friends
She didn't understand your logic behind being a gentleman, but over time she tries to 
It's just difficult for her to ignore logic and reason in favor of childish hopes, but you understand
The two of you are the definition of "opposites attract" with you trying to apologize every time she insults someone
She reads up on insects to make you happy, and tries to teach you school subjects, which never works, but she refuses to fail as an educator
You and Rei become the royalty of every school dance
Mikako Kurokawa:
As classmates, Mikako got along with you well! 
She didn't mind explaining things to you, and if you still didn't get it, she'd just go with whatever assumptions you had about the subject
She assures you that you're not scary looking, and will hold your hand as much as she can
Yamato tries to pull a "Break my sister's heart and I'll break you" 
...Only for you to sweetly smile and say you'll never hurt her, and he's in tears by the time you're done explaining how much she means to you
(If this was before the class got to know you, Kanata, Kakeru, and Tsurugi would've been on standby, thinking Yamato was about to get his ass whooped) 
She's definitely scared of bugs, but Mikako will gladly listen to you ramble about them
In the killing game, you never hesitate to pick her up or get her an icepack for her headaches. She appreciates it, but it makes her miss your relationship even more 
Kiyoka Maki:
She was a bit worried when she saw your large appearance, but immediately relaxed when you happily greeted her
"Hello! Huh, you're really nice! Guess I was worried about nothing!"
Yeah, she sometimes speaks without thinking, leading her to accidentally admit you're scary looking, but she rushes to comfort you. She'll never call you stupid, but might assume that you don't know things.
She's terrified of spiders, but thinks other insects are cool, especially moths and butterflies
Her and her brother used to capture fireflies as kids, so holding and looking at them with you always brings her a sense of nostalgia
She always appreciates a gentleman, and tries to reciprocate some of the gestures, like holding the door for you when entering class
Kiyoka definitely ends up making it a competition between the two of you, and tries her best to assure you that it's all in good fun (But will let you be the bigger gentleman to make you feel better)
Akane Taira:
She thought you were absolutely adorable, not to mention a huge sweetheart
The two of you grew close as you always helped her clean, offering to do her chores for her. You didn't always do it right, but your innocence and declaration of being a gentleman had her crushing after a few weeks
She drops a few subtle hints, but you are completely oblivious, which Akane finds even more cute
She felt safe with you. She just wanted to hold you and never let go!
Even if you weren't the brightest, she'll take your hand and break down whatever you're confused about
Akane knows you'll never leave her, and when the two of you finally get together, you're inseparable 
Ayame Hatano:
She wasn't really intimidated by your appearance, and was actually really impressed! She asked you what kind of workouts you did, only to be confused when you had no idea what she was talking about
Ayame knew that she talked and rambled a lot, but you always listened to her, and never hesitated to assure her that you liked hearing her talk
The two of you work out together, and she's flattered when you bring her some water, and regularly ask if she's doing alright
It didn't take too long for her to develop feelings, and even though you talked strange, she could usually make out what you were trying to say. 
She'll try to explain things to you, but might stammer and mess up, awkwardly trying to correct herself, just to mess up again. Ayame rambled enough as is, but could barely think straight when with you! 
That's why she really treasures the time the two of you just train, or go on runs. Sneaking glances at you as you both take a lap around the school, you being one of the only people to keep up with her, and stopping each time you want to point out a bug to her
Bugs don't bother her, and she's happy to listen to you ramble about them, just as much as you love to listen to her
Satsuki Iranami:
She definitely thought you were big and scary at first, but still decided to talk to you anyway. 
"Kyahaha! Y/n is just a big softie!"
"Y/n gentleman, actually."
She makes fun of your stupidity sometimes, despite not being very bright herself, and you usually are none the wiser
She's definitely tried to climb onto your shoulders by herself, refusing when you offer to just pick her up
Satsuki doesn't usually understand whatever you don't understand, but on the few times she can explain it to you, she sometimes just comes up with the most bizarre explanations she can think of, giggling to herself the rest of the day.
It's a flip of the coin whether Satsuki is nonchalant or completely terrified around bugs. There's been times where she's picked up a spider in the classroom to scare Haru, but in your lab, she will scream and yell about "bugnados"
Keisuke was extremely wary of you at first, but warmed up quickly
Whenever both of you have nothing to do over the weekend, you and Satsuki watch Insect Rangers for hours
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ KIZUNA x + T H E . B E G I N N I N G + S T E V E {Jewish-American Chosen} x Koushiro {KouSteve} / {SteveKou} / {KouSteveKou}
Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi
{Do Not R E P O S T} {Do Not R E P R O D U C E My Edits + My Works Under Any Circumstances}
(Details of this A.U. under the 'read more'!) {Not too spoilery for "The Beginning", but some light references are made regarding the timeline!}
For Autism Awareness Month {April in U.S.+World} {Autistic!Koushiro Headcanon} + Jewish-American Heritage Month {May in U.S.}
-A.U. {Alternate Universe} where Koushiro and Steve have notably more {visible to "Viewer"/"Reader"}; One-on-one interaction between "Our War Game" (and most {eventual} International Chosen discovering "The Network" and Koushiro's involvements in helping + observing it + keep the Inter-national Chosen connected) and "The Beginning";
-In "The Beginning", as the U.S. Chosen are gathered, while it's not outright stated, it's not unreasonable to assume they were keeping an eye on Network updates made by Miyako earlier on to the Network, also often related via Koushiro, {+related by 02 Chosen}. (The pattern in my A.U.s overall likely goes, Koushiro -> Miyako + 02 Chosen {+Iori}; then, 02 Chosen -> back to Koushiro when involving 02 team's extended efforts, who actively helps analyze any info they send, then shares it + any theorizing to the Network)
-In this A.U., Steve, who as a Jew doesn't particularly 'enjoy' being kept in the 'dark' about Whats Happening to the Self when it's impacting Steve's {religious} (+daily) life, ends up reaching out to Koushiro earlier on to try and get to know the Chosen in Odaiba better, and also show solidarity with Koushiro's group's efforts. In the end, it's likely because of Koushiro's extended earlier efforts, as well as getting to know the U.S. Chosen better in Steve's own time, that Steve succeeds in remaining semi-active as a main member of the U . S. Chosen, and semi-active in acting as support that can easily be called upon, like most International Chosen.
-Koushiro and Steve in this A.U. share a friendship and communication style that TRANSCENDS what most may think of as "friendship" or "good" styles of ""communication"" - both know (Steve especially also knowing thanks to own culture) that no matter how far apart they are, they can always rely on each other to be there when needed (or wanted), even if it's difficult to "physically" meet up in off-line life.
-As stated in this scene, Steve wasn't necessarily first 'Chosen' in 1991, or at least not 'exactly' in the same timeframe as Michael. (I also headcanon Steve being some months older than Michael, who I consider to be around the same age/Japanese school year as Koushiro and Mimi, so Steve would possibly be on the older end of year, for the most part, if not born the same year/timeframe as Taichi, just Chosen a little later.)
#steve and frigimon#kousteve#stevekou#koustevekou#steve x koushiro#koushiro x steve#koushiroxsteve#stevexkoushiro#kizuna spoilers#the beginning spoiler#thebeginningspoiler#the beginning spoilers#thebeginningspoilers#(Speaking of Which)#(I was meaning to eventually Try This)#(I might take time later to adjust framing and add some effect)#(But I was so excited SEEING Frigimon in that shot I was like)#('fINALLY I CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A STEVEKOU THING')#(I am forced to use Kizuna Koushiro for ReasoningsTM bUT YEAH IF WE EVER GET ..... MORE..... T H I N G S LATER...)#({NEW PROFILE OR CONCEPT ART WOULD BE N I C E})#(In the past I mainly H.C.d Steve as keeping more up to date with what was going on with Advs Chosen in general as said here)#(BUT WHOA DID THIS H.C. KIND OF GET ME TOO SINCE I GREW OLDER----)#(OK Again I am ONLY sharing this single cap for now BECAUSE This Got SharedTM {THATS WHY NO RB})#(I was saving this genuinely for 'The Beginning' +M A Y release date but by this point im saying 'f*ck it' and posting it incomplete)#(I will likely fix it with H.Q. version later upon Then but For Now)#(I was really genuinely excited to try the framing and see how itd line up)#(but I want to try & zoom in on Koushiro bit more too I just want their hands to almost line up in 'almost touching' {across screens} style#childhood fav rare friendship dynamics that somehow spiralled into an unrequited love ship on steves part go figure me#(but I actually had Koushiro + Network involved headcanons literally ever since COFTFF days + of my 02 shrine)#(I had super wanted to expand upon them BACK THEN too and never got chance BECAUSE OF WEB PURGES)
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comfortabletogether · 2 months
2nd time again sorry but can write DRA another girls and then have a situation where there S/O keep accidentally hugging them when they go to be wake them up
if I’m being completely honest, I think I terribly misunderstood this prompt. I interpreted it as a S/O who randomly hugs the girls. So if it’s terribly wrong and you want it fixed feel free to dm me!!
I realize i did read this horribly wrong and I’m sos sorry, I will remake this eventually.
Warnings: Light spoilers
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Kizuna Tomori
⭐️ Kizuna is so touch starved, she doesn’t even know how to react when you first hug her. She just stands there and cries but when you ask she just says that she had something in her eye.
⭐️ Her relationship with you was the first time she had ever been able to open out and be vulnerable, she’ll probably try and shove you off the first few times you try and hug her. But she’ll start accepting them after a little while.
⭐️ Kizuna loves your hugs and after a little bit of time she’ll start to get pissy if you don’t hug her that day.
Kiyoka Maki
🏹 Oh my god! Physical touch is her love language as well! The first time you hug her, she will try and lift you up and spin you around, and spoiler alert! It doesn’t go very well.
🏹 But from this day forward the two of you have an unspoken competition to see who can hug each other the most. And she’s the Ultimate Sharp Shooter. So you are really in for a treat. She’ll commit a lot of sneak attacks
🏹 Kiyoka just loves hugs all around. Unlike Rei, she’ll do it in public without any hesitations. She has no shame when it comes to light PDA.
Akane Taira
🫧 Another touch starved girlie, she also cries when you first hug her because she has barely ever had gotten physically affection from her life as she grew up in an orphanage and then she served Utsuro, someone who wasn’t keen on anything.
🫧 Akane loves you so much and she’ll probably end up copying your mannerisms of constant physical affection. And despite this Akane will always blush a deep red when you hug her.
🫧 Although she loves you to no end, Akane would end up feeling slightly overwhelmed by the affection every so often. But she stilled loved to be my your side even when she feels overwhelmed.
Ayame Hatano
👟 Ayame gets so embarrassed and blush when you first hug her. Despite being hugged a ton platonically. She love you and Ayame just doesn’t know how to handle it.
👟 She had never been good with romance before and she wasn’t good at it starting then either. But Ayame loves when you surprise her with hugs especially on days she’s just feeling overall really down about everything.
👟 Ayame loves when you hug her after a race even after she has already told you not to over and over because she’s sweaty but always do so anyways because you love her and don’t care if she’s a little stinky.
Mikako Kurokawa
🔮 ANOTHER TOUCH STARVED GIRL. Please give Mikako all your love, she deserves it. She won’t cry when you first do it, as she’s become used to hugs thanks to Yamato.
🔮 Mikako will though cry when the two of you are alone in her room. The two do you sitting in comfortable silence and then you just hug her. It sparks a deeply rooted sense of love in her. And she truly just wanted to tell you how much she loves you in the moment.
🔮 But in public Mikako will gladly accept your hugs but will get embarrassed when one of the girls end up teasing her over it. 
Rei Mekaru
🥼 Rei Mekaru will shove you off of her in public the first time you try. And the second. And the third. She loves that you’re physically affectionate but she also says that she was a reputation to uphold and will not let you hug her in public.
🥼 Hug her all you any when it’s the two of you. She will gladly accept them and will very often roll her eye in the mist love struck way possible. But she’ll claim that she only tolerates your affections
🥼 Rei loves you and despite her denials her love for you is very clear. Even though she has an extremely cold exterior fronting.
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