#life of a messed up sleep scheduled girlie <3
saetoru · 11 months
writing this toji fic at 6 am and my mom is literally getting ready for work and telling my dad “i bet ur daughter is awake. i just feel it”
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Vector being your best friend <3!
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I think he'd be a really annoying friend, in an endearing way. He'd talk your head off about his interests...
But, he'd want to know, and understand yours, as well. He'd be the type to talk your head off, but when its your turn, he'd actively engage.
Ask questions, kick his feet back and forth like a little preschooler at a table.
At the end of the day, he's a very lonely guy. He wants to make friends, so you deciding to be his, (and not freezing his head when he tried too be yours,) would mean the world to him.
I feel like he'd worry his dad paid you to hang out with him at first...
What are some things I think he'd do with you?
Well, I think he'd be all for sleepovers, though he himself is not a fan of staying up late.
I think he has a pretty strict sleep schedule he follows... But that doesn't stop YOU from staying up!
Of course, that would definitely keep him up, even if he didn't want to be. He'd try to sleep, though...
I think he'd like doing 'girly' things at a sleepover, like having you mess with his hair, or he mess with yours.
Or, painting your nails orange so you're fitting the brand. Even his besties must be his brand. 💪 The grind never stops.
or gaming sessions. He'd invite you over to play the Wii with him,
or if you had another console at home, he'd either use one he has in storage,
or buy the same console, or attempt cross-play with you.
He'd be the type of guy to be really competitive, though.
He'd call you on his flip-phone, which I think he prefers the flip-phone just because he's used to using this style of phone -
Also he would really like flipping it shut when he wants to hang up on someone, or flipping it open. It makes him feel really cool.
While he's gaming with you, if you're not hanging out at his fortress. And he'd absolutely wallop you at, like... Skullgirls or something.
I think he'd like to do just the same with you as he would a romantic partner, and take you to places he enjoys, like the beach or an aquarium. Though, the vibe would be incredibly different, obviously. It's platonic.
He'd insist you stand infront of a manta ray, while he takes a photo of you with it,
and he'd buy you both drinks, and food, and little collectable merchandise,
and he'd begggg you to go to specific areas so he can pet certain critters...
I think he'd want to go shopping with you, and shopping sprees - or at the beach or a hotel pool he'd try to out-dive you.
I think he's the type of guy to want to play mermaids in the pool, actually...
But, he'd describe his merman 10x more OP than yours. And, he'd try to one up you with it.
"My merman is super fast and has a orange and white tail, that has spikes- and he can communicate with every fish in the ocean, and- and I have an army of fish that do my bidding and fight my battles so you really don't wanna mess with me. And- and also, my merman can survive several attacks and - and I can defeat your merman/mermaid in one go- because of my super cool merman powers and my ability to talk to big scary defenses and-"
He'd look sopping wet with his wet bowlcut covering half of his big old nose. Also, he definitely wears a goggle and snorkels in the pool/ocean. And also flippers. He looks embarrassingly dorky.
He'd try to convince you to wear it, too. He'd say it is better for mermaid-game if you have flippers on, because then you can pretend its apart of your tail and swim like a mermaid, which he would proceed to try to show off to you by swimming like one and looking idiotic.
I feel like he'd info-dump trending topics, but only marine or sciencey ones. He'd come to you one morning just to spend 2 whole hours talking about the titanic or the ocean-gate vessel. He's the type to complain about that "buoyancy" thing in the titanic movie.
He'd want to binge watch marine-series with you, like documentaries on certain sea-life, or convince you to buy and play feed and grow fish.
He'd also beeeggg you to go to super-silly funland with him, or VILLAIN-CON. Heavy on villain-con, I think he'd be OBSESSED with it, and beg to go every year with everyone he can. His partner, his friend... Anyone he knows. He'd wanna take everyone.
If you were a villain, too, he'd want your autograph, even if you see him, like. Every-day.
He'd also wanna know your deal. Everything about your job, your motives, who you work for, who works for you, etc.
I think you'd be a good reviewer for his inventions. If you're his friend, anyways, he would trust your judgement on it.
He'd come up to you, and asks you to 'review' his Jelly-Fish Cannon.
Or any of his machines for that matter...
He'd probably also vent to you, a lot. About how much he's mad at Gru, for freezing his head.
He didn't do anything wrong! Well, at first - anyway. He just wanted to be his friend... He just wanted a friend.
You'll be his friend, though. It makes it better.
Or he'd vent to you about how scary it was, on the moon. How much he was afraid he wouldn't get back. The fear settling in that he could die up there.
Thankfully, that's all over now. And you two can have so much fun together.
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mindofharry · 4 years
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y/n and harry were content with the amount of kids they had. of course both in love with the idea of having kids, they had a big enough family. big meaning they had 6 kids. and neither of them regretted it. they had their first kid at 20, which was ideal. harry was still in the band and y/n was just going into her third year at college. it was hard at first, they had to get used to new schedules and y/n had a really time being by herself. but they got the hang of it. and then baby number 2 and three came three years later. they we both very much prepared as they had actually planned this baby out, what surprised them was they had twins. and it was hard, y/n alone again. but somehow they made it work.
jack, their oldest was 12 and the twins alex and poppy were 9 when baby number 4 came. harry and y/n were very happy when baby number 4 came, max, was just what the family needed. and this time, y/n was so lonely. they were all really, really happy. when you say you’re 32 and have 4 kids people usually seem to jump to the conclusion that you have no life or they were all mistakes. y/n and harry couldn’t be more opposite. they travelled with and without the kids, they were able to take them to concerts, they were really well mannered kids. which they most definitely got from their parents.
baby number 5 was not at all planned or expected. y/n and harry had a little weekend away in hawaii, for harry’s 35th birthday, and let’s just say they still got it.
jordan was born 3 years after max and they couldn’t be more closer. they were all quite close. they all had this bond that everyone would notice and comment on, and it was really nice to have kids that were just so protecitive and just so kind to each other. obviously poppy being the odd one out, she sometimes felt left out with certain things, she wasn’t a girly girl per say, but she did really enjoy and girly day with her mum or even her dad if he was free. her brothers are very over protective — even too over protective. once at school a boy had written poppy a “love letter” and let’s just say poppy did not get anymore of those.
the last baby came a year after jordan was born. and he was also not planned. but harry and y/n were happy. they were in a really good place with their relationship and the kids. although they were pretty tired. xander was born and let’s just say he was not as good as the others. he was loud and messy. and he did not like any of his siblings. harry and y/n were tired. so tired. but they pushed through, and thanked god he wasn’t as bad and didn’t get the “terrible two’s”
now, both at the age of 40, their oldest now 20 and youngest 1, y/n was sure her and her body were done. she was happy and had completely no regrets, she had a big family, a great job and a really loving (and sexy) husband. she was really happy and another kid just didn’t feel right. and she was sure harry was on the same page.
until now.
“baby, we’re in a good place! and i’m sure you’ll end writing new music soon enough. and we need to focus on the child going to college ok!” y/n said pressing a kiss to harry’s cheek. she really did think they were on the same page about having kids.
“yes, i understand that, but we’re in a good place why not just try? see what happens” harry asked watching y/n as she placed her book on the bedside table. she sighed taking her glasses off.
“harry. we’re 40. we had just had a child not even a year ago. and jack is going to college! now is not a good time!” y/n said turning over to face him. he did not look happy. harry thought she’d be up for one last time. obviously not.
“baby, that’s the thing. we’re 40! this might be the last time!” harry said sitting up “this will be the last time. i promise” he said leaning over to her. y/n sighed placing her glasses on the bedside table.
“i said no harry” y/n said before she turned off the light.
harry muttered to himself before grabbing his pillow and he walked over to the basket where they kept their blankets.
“what are you doing?” y/n asked putting the lamp back on squinting at the brightness. “i’m sleeping in the spare room” harry said crossing his arms over his chest. y/n shook her head rolling her eyes at him.
“you’re a child” y/n said turing off the lamp once again before getting comfy again.
the next morning came, it was saturday, and y/n thanked the lord because she couldn’t handle waking up early after last night. she really wasn’t expecting all of that. of course it must hurt not having anymore children, telling your partner that you’re happy with the kids you have. but she thought harry would understand. it is, in the end her body. and y/n was finally happy with her looks after having xander. she wanted to keep it that way.
when she walked into the kitchen, she prepared a sorry speech, she wasn’t too sure why she was apologising, but she didn’t want to fight with harry. they needed to communicate. so if she had to apologise to get them to talk, she would.
but harry had other ideas.
how dare she not do this. how dare she think that just because they were 40 they couldn’t have any kids. they were fine with the last two, max and xander. one more wouldn’t hurt, right? so he planned to ignore her for a bit, of course he’ll start talking to her eventually, but he’ll ignore her for a bit. of course it was childish, but harry was hurt and honestly really disappointed.
y/n walked into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone, she was too busy to think about herself at the moment. the boys and poppy came down when they could smell the pancakes. poppy kissed her mom on the cheek and patted xander head, his head was placed on y/n’s shoulder as he was resting on her hip as she (tried) to cook. max was already at the table to some colouring. while the rest were either talking with each other or on their phones. “my loves, phones away!” y/n said as she placed xander in his high chair. they all helped bring over the breakfast and began eating while y/n made her way up to the spare room with some food and orange juice. she took a deep breath in before opening the door with a big smile.
“hey, love! brought you breakfast in bed” y/n smiled placing the food and drink on the bedside table.
harry barley looked her way.
“i uh...wanted to apologise for last night. we should’ve talked about things, properly. i’m sorry” y/n said messing with her fingers.
harry felt really bad, y/n looked like she was about to be scolded by her mum. but he didn’t back down.
“yeah, well you should be” harry muttered sipping for his juice. y/n felt her eyes water, and her hands began to feel sweaty.
“y-yeah i know. i’m sorry that i’m not giving you what you want. but it’s my body. so ultimately i get to choose. and if you’re not happy with that, i’m really sorry. i just can’t have another kid harry” she said wiping underneath her eyes.
“what’s so hard about it huh? we’ve raised perfectly kind and healthy kids!” harry yelled making y/n jump. she nodded agreeing with the last part.
“my body can’t go through that again” she said finally looking harry in the eyes “i’m in a really good place with myself harry! i finally look at myself and feel sexy. it feels so good to be me, and i don’t want to ruin that but having another child. i’m too tired. my body is too tired!” y/n yelled finding her voice.
“i’m not going to give you another child. i am 40 years old. i don’t want another kid. i am happy. so fucking happy. and i’m afraid another kid might ruin that”
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whoviancumberbunny · 4 years
Mutant & Proud: AU Cherik/X-Men Fan Fic - Chapter One
Tag: @whatcouldgowrong-ohthat​
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Opening scene 8 Year old Twins, Lucy and Klaus Xavier are in their father's office "Klaus i don't get why you asked me to be lookout Dad is still sick and he hurt his leg last week when he fell down the steps"
"Shut Up Lu.  Uncle Erik shows up at random intervals to see if Dad is still alive." it was still unclear if they were aware that that Charles, their father was always hung over he had had been drinking for a little over a year and their had left around 10 months ago.   It had been few months since anyone had delivered food to the house so Klaus was trying to open the safe "Got it." as they stood up
"Children. Don't tell me your father scared off the staff now too."
"Uncle Erik!" Lucy ran and hugged him  Erik Lensherr was their godfather. "Where is your father?"  
"He's sleeping on the couch in the study." Lucy said
"Wait here after i speak with him. i will take you to get something to eat."
In the study a few minutes later, Erik was trying to control his anger because he wasn't sure if the twins knew about mutants yet.   "Your Wife left ten months ago you drunk jackass."   he still wondered why that woman had left two children alone in the house  with a Self pitying &Self destructive alcoholic. "There is still no telling if they will have mutant powers when they are older. but it obvious that Lucero is an empath, and all your putting into the air is negative energy!" he wanted to punch his best friend,  things had gotten worse since the last time he was here.   "I have spoken to My lawyer and document you had me sign when you made me their god-father says if i judge them as being in danger of any kind.  I can become their legal guardian."
"They're my kids Erik!"
"You are not acting like a father. When i got here i found Klaus Opening your safe so they could get money to get food!"  the ceiling fan started to shake "I should leave before something regrettable happens."
Two Months later at his house in Bavaria "Lucy, Where is your brother?"
"Lurking somewhere.   if we weren’t eight years old. I would assume it is teen angst."   she finished eating lunch "Are we taking the tour of the fairy tale castle today. You promised we would after Klaus and I settled in."
Erik sighed "Everyone  experiences angst, Lucy. Go change out of your pajamas and I will check the schedule for the tours."  while he was looking up the schedules her emailed Hank, to thank him again for watching over Charles.  "The next tour is at 2pm. The only way to get there on time is take to take a helicopter."
"I am afraid of heights."  she said
Suddenly a small pebble bounces off of Erik's "Nicklaus, I am not leaving you here alone last time i did that i had to replace the glass in my bookshelves."
"But touring Castles is so girly."
Erik "Well grin and bear it i am not leaving you alone in the house. Lucy didn't complain when we went to weaponry exhibit. that you wanted to see."
"that doesn’t count she took the tour of the garden outside the historical society while i was looking at the cool stuff."
"NIcklaus just put your jacket i am not leaving you alone in the house again." he was trying to  not yell. But Sometimes the way Klaus acted reminded him of Charles. The last time he gotten into a debate with Charles before Charles started drinking  he had looked
Charles "I...don't like you, Erik."
"That Just means you realize i have a point."
He was shaken out of his thoughts "Sorry i was thinking."
"Your face went blank." you almost missed the turn to get to the castle." Lucy said, whishpers to him "It would make him more annoying if you mentioned that you think he's like our father."
He glanced at he as he paused to make the turn, was it possible that the first signs of her X-Gene were appearing. it would be intriguing if she had some form of telepathy like Charles. Only time would tell.
later inside the palace "Wow! It is so big. In the books the dimensions make it hard for me to imagine the actual size of the room. I wish we could sit on the thrown."
"Cool they have an armery,  It doesn’t say if it part of the tour."
a fortnight night later..... Charles barges into the house because Erik's assistant forgot the lock the dooor before he left "Where are my children?"
"at School. Because i don't force them into situations where people don;t talk to them because they are your children.  You promised when they were born you would never treat them the way your father treated you. Klaus is convinced everyone likes Lucy more than him." he looked at him "You are still not 100 Percent sober who brought you here."
Logan "Sorry Magneto. he jumped out of the car before i completely came to stop."
"It is okay, just call me Erik."  he easily dodges Charles as the still unsteady man attempts to punch him in the face. "You are pathetic Human being. You weren’t paying attention to them until after i took them out of hte negative energy you were creating."  he forces him to suit down "I stopped to visit Mora McTaggert  after i  picked them up. You have thirteen year old son who think you abandoned him and favors them over him if i hadn’t left hte same day he probably would have kidnapped Lucy because he was lurking in the forest near Moira's house." he sighed "she helps all those mutants i can see a sadness in her eyes because she can’t help her own son."
"You are lying!"
"Call Moira.  Gottverdammt, if you don't believe me charles." hands him letter Moira asked him to give to charles "Leave and don’t return until you are more steady on your feet you sad excuse for human. there are times when i respect but at present i canlt stand looking at you. you are creating the mess you're drowning in and you don't even notice."
"Come on Chuck. Lenscherr has a point though. You need to clean up your life before you can even thing of turning the mansion into a school." as logan took charles back to the car. neither one of them noticed the smirk on Erik's face he knew if he tricked Charles into thinking The Xavier Academy for The gifted was his Idea that it would give him something to focus on. Then they could do something about their dream of helping Mutants maybe by the time school existed they would know if Lucy and Klaus were mutants too.
at the end of the school term there was talent showcase and Lucy had given Erik a ticket and not told him why. When the Music from Dance of the Swans Began.  it Soon because Clear, Lucy had managed to get the role of Odette in the Dance of the Swans From Swan Lake. She somehow the most graceful  one there and when everyone was taking their bows one of the other dancers lost her balance Lucy grabbed her before she could fall off the stage. Elisabeta "Danke, Lucy." "You are welcome Ellie."
A little While later at Erik's House "Here you Go Lucy. Bacon and Scrambled eggs. You must have worked really hard for lead role in the performance."
"Danke, and yes i did. they said no one has ever learned the routine as fast as i did."
"You two have a birthday comings up what would you like as birthday present."
"Archery Set!"
"No i donlt trust you with arrows i will get you an archery set when you are older."
"I want to take gymnastics but i am afraid i will get teased for it because the class is mostly girls."
"Klaus, there are four boys in the ballet Class. that is proof that you should at least try gymnastics." Lucy said "Klaus wants an Easel and paints he's just afraid to admit he likes art too."
To Be Continued... ‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎3, ‎2021 1:50:29 AM
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summerbreezeyy · 4 years
Love, Huh? - Chapter 6
Finally today arrived. The day you were meeting Yixing. After the dinner with the Oh’s, you texted him you were free the next day, but he had to be in China for a family wedding for a week. You met Yixing back when your ex was finding businesses to invest in, and his club was one of them. You didn’t instantly become friends with him, other than the fact that your ex was super jealous, Yixing was kinda scary at first. He had this intimidating aura, even your ex agreed. But you got closer. In secret though.
For the past week, the boys have barely left you alone. They would try to arrange their schedule so at least one of them would be home. You know they have many friends, especially Chanyeol. Even Kyungsoo has his routine hangouts with his group. And Sehun who likes to drink outside. But lately they’ve just been at home a lot. You overheard Chanyeol couple days ago talking to his friend, “Sorry babe, a bit busy tonight, the comeback is near. But I’ll see you next week at the show okay?” or when you unintentionally and accidentally saw a text message on Kyungsoo’s phone from ‘Kwangsoo-hyung’ that read “We miss you Soo-ya. Hope you can come next time!” when both of them (plus the youngest) were schedule-less and spent the whole night at home drinking with Sehun’s newly bought whiskey.
When all of them had to leave altogether one day, they called and texted you (or facetime at the clingy maknae’s case) all day. You wanted to tell them that you were okay, and to be alone for a couple of hours is totally manageable. But you didn’t, knowing that they still felt guilty (when they shouldn’t have) they couldn’t be there when you needed them. So you let them, do things that would ease their minds.
You told them about your plan today, since they had to finish everything up for their next week’s comeback. Like expected, when you were getting ready to meet Yixing, you checked your phone to find a lot of texts already came in the group chat, the one they already had before they added you in.
Yeollie [10:16] :
Hey @you awake yet?
Se [11:03] :
Sleepyhead wake up
You [12:24] :
Sorry just checked my phone. Been awake since 10 you ass @Se
Almost ready to head out tho, leaving in about 15 minutes. So excitedd!
When are you guys coming home tonight? I was thinking of Ramyeon night?
Kyungsoo [12:26] :
We should be home at around 8 or 9 I think. Don’t wait for us to have dinner. Chanyeol would pick a movie for tonight, but if you’re tired you can go to sleep early. Have fun with your friend and be careful.
Yeollie [12:26] :
At 8!
Oh Soo answered that already lol :p
Have fun we miss youuu!
Wait I thought you were meeting him at 1?
Se [12:27] :
My ass is great, you just jealous
You [12:27] :
@Yeollie always the sweetest! I miss you guys too! And this morning when Xing told me the address, turned out the café is just a couple blocks away, so I’m walking there!
@Kyungsoo yes sir!
Se [12:27] :
Hmm.. Kinky
You [12:27] :
Shut up, you’re the only kinky ass in this gc fool, my eyes are still suffering from what I saw
Se [12:28] :
Okay I’m shutting up
Yeollie [12:29] :
Ohh! Tell me! I wanna know!
You [12:29] :
If Sehun continued being a brat I would happily tell you :)
Kyungsoo [12:29] :
Back to actually important thing, you’re gonna walk there? Can’t he pick you up or just take a cab instead. It’s safer.
You [12:30] :
I think I could walk just fine, Soo. No need to be paranoid. I’m not dying or anything. Gonna keep annoying your asses for a long time so count on it!
Se [12:31] :
You’ve been saying ‘ass’ waaay too many times today. Didn’t know you’re an ass-kinda girl
You [12:31] :
Sehun, I’m thiiis close to type in what I saw 3 christmas ago in your room when both your hyungs were visiting their parents
By the way, aren’t you guys supposed to be working now?
Get off of your phones! If they fired you and you’re jobless who’s gonna feed me :(
Yeollie [12:32] :
I’m lunching and Soo’s at makeup and Sehun is messing around like usual, we’ll keep our job just fine and you’re gonna be eating good food for the rest of our life!
Oh and by the way, we’re watching Captain America tonight ! But like Soo said, if you’re tired you could just go to sleep!
And please Sehun, keep being annoying. I can’t wait for when she’s fed up with you and finally tell us your kinks.
Se [12:32] :
Yes mommy
@Yeollie interested much ???
You [12:32] :
Ooh, I see, another kink. I’ll keep that in mind, baby ;)
By the way @Yeollie I still find it weird you’re Team Cap but ordered Iron Man costume instead. And don’t worry. I can sense it’s close to when I finally do :)
But not complaining about the movie tho, I got to stare at Chris Evans’ face (and abs and arms) for 2 hours, I don’t even think I’m gonna be sleepy.
Se [12:33] :
Why are you only mean to me :(
He’s weird that’s why! Everyone who’s Team Cap is weird!
You [12:33] :
Faulty logic. You’re Team Iron Man but still the weirdest out of all of us
Yeollie [12:33]:
*online high-five*
And Team Cap rocks!
You [12:33] :
Se [12:34] :
@Kyungsoo hyuuung help me they’re bullying me :(
Kyungsoo [12:34] :
Oh I didn’t tell you? I’m also Team Cap.
Se [12:34] :
You [12:34] :
Should we change this gc name to ‘Cap’s bitches’?
[12:35] Yeollie changed group name to “Cap’s Bitches”
Se [12:35] :
Kyungsoo [12:35] :
At this point you were laughing close to tears. You continued eating your lunch, a text came in, from Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Hey you had lunch yet?
You [12:37] :
Eating rn!
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Good. Don’t forget your meds too
You [12:37] :
Yes daddy
Kyungsoo almost choked on his drink, that his makeup noona looked at him weird.
“Funny pic,” he half-assedly explained.
You [12:37] :
Wait that came out weird
Sorry lol
Kyungsoo [12:38] :
You should thank God this is not the gc
You [12:38] :
Sehun won’t let it go I know :)
Hell I think Chanyeol would also tease me about it
By the way I’m gonna head out shortly
Have a fun day at work! See you tonight! xx
Kyungsoo [12:39] :
See you, and be safe.
Leaving Kyungsoo and the group chat (that was just filled with Sehun’s whining at this point) on read, you finished your dishes and went back to your room to grab your bag. Picking up the phone you left on the counter, you saw the last messages on the group chat.
Se [12:44] :
I hate everyone
[12:45] Se changed group name to “im leaving the band”
A laugh came out from you. Finally things were starting to be normal again. Except of course the constant nagging and worries from them. But you found yourself liking it, that they care about you. And of course, it did feel nice to bicker with Sehun after so long.
“I miss your bratty ass,” you smiled mumbling to no one.
When you were checking out the chat, someone rang the doorbell. Weird, no one was supposed to come over.
You [12:45] :
Hey anyone expecting someone today?
I thought the cleaner was supposed to come tomorrow?
After the quick texts, they didn’t answer and the bell rung again. So you took a look at the peephole, and found the person you didn’t expect standing in front of the door.
“BAEKHYUN!” you exclaimed.
“GIRLIE I MISSED YOU!” he then proceeded to hug you.
“What are you doing here?!”
Baekhyun let you go before answering, “Your boyfriends told me you needed company today!”
Ah, of course. The boys.
“They told me to come last week too, but I was busy so I couldn’t. I was so sad I couldn’t see you earlier. It’s been sooooo long!!” he explained.
You hugged once again, indeed, missing him. Before the shitshow happened, he was one of your closest friends other than the EXO, the boys’ band. You then told him you were meeting Yixing and he was more than happy to come with you.
So you walked with him to Yixing’s café. He started to talk about the things you missed out about him, like how he became the million seller with his last album, the first Korean solo artist to do so in 19 years (yes go off king), and some of the guys he dated. He also mentioned his plan to collab with Kyungsoo again and how he had high hopes about it, since the first made him got a best friend in the latter and also in you and the two others.
It took him about 10 minutes before asking, “So what happened?”
“Bad relationship, and like usual, they were there to pick up my pieces,” you answered with a sincere smile.
Baekhyun didn’t pry. And that was really what he really need to know. That you were okay.
15 minutes of walking and you finally arrived. And you didn’t even have to enter the café to find Yixing, he was standing on the entrance looking down to his watch and phone. He only looked over when you called his name, and you launched into each other’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he held you.
“Again, not your fault, and never will be.” You stepped back from him and introduced him to the other person. “This is Baekhyun, and this is Yixing,” you said to both and Yixing offered his hand. Baekhyun zoned out for a minute before shaking the other’s hand.
“Come in! And choose your favorite treat please!” the tallest welcomed you in.
After choosing the mouthwatering red velvet cake and rose tea for yourself, all three of you were seated in one of the tables.
“So I never knew you had a café,” you said to Yixing.
“You know I’m a sweet tooth. Once I’ve saved enough, this happened,” he gestured the café. “Have you been okay?”
“Yes, how ‘bout you?”
“Me? I’m okay. Well not really. I’m drowning in debts cause I made a leap of faith when this lot became available couple of months ago, so,” he laughed.
You laughed with him too, “Your parents are rich, Xing. You need to worry about nothing.”
“Exactly why I’m not depressed about the debts,” he paused to take a sip of his drink. “Is this one of the guys you live with?” he asked pointing at the guy sitting next to you, currently head deep in his strawberry watermelon cake.
You chuckled seeing Baekhyun’s excitement eating the treat. “No. He’s their friend though. Mine too.”
Realizing he was being talked about, he looked sheepishly to the both of you. “Sorry, this is really good,” he talked with his mouth full.
“By the way, where do you live? You said it’s not far?” Yixing asked you. When you told him the name of the building, his eyes widen. “No way.”
“I live there too!”
“No way.”
“Do you live there too?” Yixing asked Baekhyun this time.
“Sadly, no.”
All of you ended up talking about music, with Baekhyun giving songs recommendation for Yixing to play in his café, most of them are his songs though. Not that anyone complained, his songs are bombs. Baekhyun also asked about business things, turned out he was thinking about opening up a clothes store for his brand.
“Sorry I have to take this,” Baekhyun said when his phone rang, and he walked out of the café.
“Does he know?” Yixing asked once Baekhyun left.
“A little bit.”
“The other guys?”
“They know.”
“Good. You need the support.” He paused again. “I’m really sorry though. I didn’t know it was that bad.”
“Like I’ve said over and over again, it is not your fault.”
“His mom called a couple days ago.”
Your breath hitched. “Why?”
“He’s been spiraling out of control.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “But why would she call you and not his friends?” They were friends yes, Yixing and your ex. But not that close.
“She asked my number around, knowing I know you, to ask me to tell you. She’s his mom but still a woman. She couldn’t ask you for this.”
“For what?”
“A call. To him.”
And this time you were sure you weren’t breathing. “What happened to him?” you asked him with your head hung low.
Yixing took your hand in his, “Drugs.”
Your head snapped up. “What?”
He took a deep breath before continuing to explain, “He did drug business behind my back at the club, another reason I closed it down other than the fact that all the investors left after what happened. And the police knew. That’s why they tried to push you into suing him, cause they don’t have enough proof to put him behind bars. He never used them before. But his mom told me he’s been doing it. And she begged me to let you know, to ask you to call him. Just once, to tell him to stop.”
Your head fell again, you were holding back tears. You were afraid, of him. You were afraid of what he did to you and also about what would happen to him.
“You don’t have to do it, not after what he did to you.”
“I… I’ll think about it,” you replied weakly.
“Don’t think too hard. I don’t agree with this too. I only told you because his mom literally begged me on her knees to let you know. But you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”
You just nodded. When Baekhyun came back, you tried to fake a smile and masked your feelings. After about another hour, with promises of visiting in the future, you left. As both of you walked out of the café, you turned to your side to the guy who spent the last hour staring at your friend, “You know, he’s gay, he’s single, definitely ready to mingle, and I also noticed his interest in you” you watched his eyes twinkled, “Go get that dick,” you lightly smacked his bottom as he blushed and walked in once again to face the guy behind the cashier. You saw them pulling out their phones, clearly exchanging numbers. “Happy?” you asked as Baekhyun came out smiling wide.
“I just got myself a sugar daddy, of course I’m happy!”
“Oh don’t even try. He’s my sugar daddy.”
“Honey, you already have 3, you don’t need more.”
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nubnubblr · 4 years
If You Do. 27 Detoxing Doobin
         "It's so early," I whined.
"No one said you had to come in this early," Charlie frowned at me as we got in her car.
"The profile photos will be better if you haven't been in class sweating," I mumbled resting my head on the window.
I regularly took photos for 1Millions website and advertising, I had been asked to come and take some new profile photos for each of the choreographers because they had a new one being brought on or something, and they wanted some updated class photos. It had been probably 3 months since I last did it, I guess it was good that they keep everything so updated.
"Why are you even complaining? You get up this early for school,"
"Yeah but I don't have to go to school today,"
"You can get out of the car of you l9ke and go back to bed,"
"No, I'm already awake,"
"Well then stop complaining,"
"Argh, you're so grumpy in the morning," I huffed.
"I have to go and deal with Doobin while trying to not have sex with him,"
"Why don't you just have sex with him?"
"Because he is Shawn's brother and he is 19,"
"He is over the legal age of consent," I shrugged.
"Well of not sleeping with him didn't work, why don't you just sleep with him a lot until you get bored?"
"That won't work,"
"Why not? That's what you do when you crave something, you have an excessive amount of it and then you get tired of it and don't want it anymore,"
"That... actually makes sense," she frowned.
"Except I can't just go sleeping with Doobin while Shawn is there and we can be caught at any moment,"
"Doesn't that kind of make it so much better though, the thought that you could be caught any second?"
"That's beside the point,"
"Oh relax, I'll keep Shawn distracted while you bone his brother," I shrugged her off.
"I'm not going to bone Doobin while Shawn is in the same building,"
"Yes, you are," I rolled my eyes.
"What would you know?" she huffed.
"Can we stop for coffee?" I changed the subject.
"Only if you shut up about Doobin,"
"What even is a Doobin?" I shrugged.
She just shook her head at me.
         She wasn't wrong, I mean I wasn't' sure how I was going to get Doobin out of my system with Shawn and basically everyone else there. Not that I wanted to be caught at all but I especially didn't want Shawn to find out about it. I've tried to just avoid him but apparently, all that does is make me want to sleep with him more like he's some kind of forbidden fruit.
We got to the dance studio after we stopped so Thea could have her morning coffee. Most of the choreographers were in the staff room, of course, Doobin was also there. I reframed from groaning out loud. I had done a pretty good job at ignoring him the past few days, which as just resulted in me having to use every ounce of self restrain that I have to not just jump him in the middle of my class.
Yesterday he had the nerve to wear a sleeveless shirt and take all of the classes I was teaching that day. at one point he had even taken his shirt off and I had ended class early because I was worried that if I stayed in the room too long with a shirtless Doobin I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself.
"Hey girlies," Austin greeted.
"Girlies?" Thea frowned at him.
"Homies?" he tried again.
"Much better," she nodded.
"You're weird," he laughed at her.
"And you're first," she smiled lifting her camera bag into the air.
"Why me?" he huffed.
"Because you're my favourite," she shrugged.
"You're the only one who looks awake enough to have their photos done,"
"I can go first," Junsun offered, he probably just wanted to get them out of the way.
"No, you're last,"
"Because you're my least favourite," she smiled sweetly.
"Where do you want me?" Austin interjected.
"Nowhere I should have you," Thea winked.
"BM is already mad at you, can he really get any madder?"Austin laughed and got up from the couch.
"You wouldn't think so but knowing him, probably," she shrugged like it was nothing but her face flashed something different.
The fact that BM wasn't talking to her and had been so cruel to her was killing her. She hadn't really been the same the past few weeks. Not that BM seemed to care. I don't really know why he's so mad, I mean I kind of get it but really I don't know why he's surprised, we were all a little surprised that they hadn't slept together. Knowing they had actually made more sense.
They had spent an entire summer together and we were all pretty sure that Drew had liked her even before she lost all the weight.
"Come on, we'll go to the terrace, the natural light with be better," Thea shrugged leading the way.
"She's not going to be able to focus on her job," Junsun smirked.
"What do you mean?" I frowned.
"Austin isn't wearing a shirt under that denim jacket, he plans to unbutton it," Jinwoo stated.
"You realise she sees you all shirtless all the time, right?" I raised an eyebrow.
"She also has no self-control," Junsun pointed out.
"She photographs shirtless guys as a majority of her photography work, she isn't going to be thrown off just because Austin decided to show off some abs," I rolled my eyes.
         I'd been counting the money carefully the past few weeks, just to figure out whether someone was stealing or just wasn't doing their job properly. After the first week, there was a substantial amount missing so I was pretty sure it wasn't just a mess up on someone's part. So, at the beginning of the week, called to organise someone to install CCTV so that I could catch whoever it is stealing from the bar. They finally installed it yesterday, so now that I actually had a days worth of footage I could look over it and figure out.
So far I had probably skimmed through about half the day and nothing weird or suspicious. Honestly, I wasn't really sure what I was even looking for, I trusted my staff, if I didn't I wouldn't have hired them in the first place, and I'm here most of the day so If someone was actually stealing from me then I clearly wasn't focusing enough on my surroundings. Maybe someone wasn't charging customers properly? It's a substantial amount to be undercharging.
I sighed getting frustrated with the lack of clarity I was getting on the issue. I almost turned the recording off to give myself a break just as I saw what I have been looking for. I'm not sure who I was madder at, myself for not noticing it sooner, or hiring them in the first place. Or at them for stealing from me.
         "What took you so long? Did you get distracted?" Junsun asked.
"By what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Austins abs,"
"I've seen better," I shrugged.
"Ouch," Austin pouted.
"I told you, photographing half-naked dudes is most of her job," Charlie stated.
"Yeah, have you seen Yuri?" Jacob nodded smirking.
"Yeah," Charlie and I nodded
"Unfortunately," Doobin mumbled.
"Jealous?" Koosung smirked.
"Of that playboy? No," Doobin rolled his eyes leaving the room.
"You're breaking that kids heart," Jinwoo shook his head.
"He's fine," Jacob, Charlie and Shawn stated. I had to try and cover my laugh with a cough, Charlie frowned at me.
"Who's next?" I changed the subject.
         I was trying to remember who I was teaching a class with this morning, the schedule had been all over the place lately and honestly I'd been busy worry about other things than focusing on which choreography I was supposed to be teaching. It didn't help that Doobin was in every one of my classes, I wasn't even exaggerating. He was like some super attractive, dangerously addictive, stalker student. I couldn't seem to get away from him and it was getting to the point that I wasn't sure that having a class full of students was going to be enough to stop me from jumping him anymore.
I was on my way to check the schedule when I was pulled into one of the dance rooms. Seconds later my back was against the wall and Doobin's mouth was on mine, his hands on my hips pushing himself onto me. He pulled away without warning and my body et out an objective moan without my permission. He smirked at me knowing he was winning.
"See you in class," he winked walking out of the room. I stood there staring at my reflection in the mirror walls across the room trying to catch my breath.
"There you are," Thea poked her head in the door, the sudden noise caused me to jump.
"Did I just scare you? Are you okay?" she frowned at me, I wasn't normally startled by anything.
"What? yeah, I'm fine," I tried to force myself back into reality.
"Did you just jump Doobin?"
"Did I jump him?" I frowned.
"I'll take that as a yes," she smirked.
"I have class," I rolled my eyes.
"Do you though?"
"I have students to teach, yes,"
"That makes more sense, you're far from classy," she teased.
"Shut up and go take your photos," I sighed.
"I was actually coming to take photos of your collab class with Shawn, but it seems like you were a little too busy coming with his brother,"
"Wait. My collab class is with Shawn?" I felt like my stomach relocated to my throat.
"Clearly you're so busy coming with his brother that you don't even know you're own schedule. This is going to be fun," she smirked.
"Not funny dude," I sighed.
"Maybe not for you," she mumbled leaving the room.
         I had never seen Charlie so awkward in my life, she couldn't concentrate on the dance steps and forgot the choreography a few time. I didn't really blame her with the way Doobin kept looking at her, I could barely concentrate on taking photos because I was a too focused on the suspense of the two possibly getting caught out or the conversation the Doobin and Jacob were having about Charlie, of course, they didn't use her name so the other girls in the classroom were getting frustrated with hearing a story about Doobin with a girl but not knowing who it was.
"Why don't we take a break?" Shawn suggested giving Charlie a concerned look.
"Yes, let's do that," Charlie agreed, leaving the room. I followed her out, it's not like I was going to get any good shots of students not doing anything.
"You okay?" I asked when I caught up with her, only because she had collapsed into the couch in the staff room.
"No, I want to jump him and the face he keeps making at me is draining all of my willpower," she sighed.
"It's not like you had a whole lot of that, to begin with," I mumbled.
"Not helping,"
"My offer to distract Shawn still stands, it's probably better if you get Doobin out of your system," I commented.
"Don't say his name," she frowned at me.
"What if someone walks in and you're just throwing his name around? Then everyone would know," she rambled.
"Everyone would know what?" Koosung asked walking through the door.
"Nothing," Charlie gave me look to prove her point.
"You really need to get laid," I shook my head.
"I'm not busy," Koosung smirked.
"Your penis is tainted," Charlie retorted.
"The penis and the taint are two different things," Koosung shot back.
"You're all useless," Charlie shook her head getting up from the couch and leaving the room.
"What's up with her today?" Koosung asked.
"No idea," I shrugged putting my camera on the coffee table.
"Oh, can I look?"
"No, don't touch it, I just need to pee," I glared.
"Lame," he huffed.
I just rolled my eyes leaving the room. As I walked past the men's bathroom a hand came out from the door and pulled me inside. A squeak was all I managed to get out, my back was against the wall, the hands that were on my hips were gone almost as quickly as they were there and I was now looking up at a very mortified looking Doobin.
"Oh my god," he shuttered, his face contorted and he made an action that I thought was him dry heaving.
"What the hell?" I frowned.
"I thought you were Charlie," he defended and seemed to dry heave again. I would be offended if I didn't want to do the same thing.
"I'm obviously not Charlie,"
"I can see that, what are you doing here?"
"I was going to the bathroom, you're the one who abducted me," I retorted.
"Because I thought you were Charlie, she just went in there,"
"What are you doing stalking her to the bathroom you creeper? Also, who wants to be made out within a men's bathroom? That's gross," I frowned, retreating out of there and into the women's bathroom where Charlie was washing her hands.
"What's with your face?" she raised an eyebrow.
"You're illegal just tried to make out with me because he thought I was you," my whole body shuddered.
"He's legal," she retorted.
"That doesn't make a difference,"
"Doesn't it? Hmm, a little different when you're on the other side huh?"
"No, it's not actually. I don't want to jump his barely legal penis,"
"Wait, where did he try and make out with you?" she asked.
"In the men's bathroom,"
"Ew," she frowned.
"That's what I said," I nodded.
         The bar was supposed to open in 20 minutes, and no surprise, Austin wasn't here. He was supposed to be here 0 minutes ago to get the kitchen ready, but like usual the kitchen hands were getting everything ready for him. He had been on thin ice for a while now and I had already spoken to him about it.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. Car trouble," he stated casually as he strolled through the front doors.
"Can I talk to you for a minute," it didn't sound like a question and I hadn't intended it to.
"Sure, let me just put my bag down," he nodded.
"Bring it with you,"
"Why?" He questioned.
"Because someone has been stealing, I wouldn't trust your belongings unattended," I watched his reaction but he didn't even bat an eyelid.
I lead him through to my office, I gestured for him to take a seat, he dropped his bag next to the chair he dropped himself into.
"Okay, before you say anything I know you've already talked to me about my behaviour and being late, but I am trying to be better and I do really need this job," he stated.
"Why do you need this job?"
"Honestly, for the money,"
"The $10, 000 that you've stolen wasn't enough?" I asked casually.
"I've noticed that money has been going missing or not adding up. So I went back through the books and since we've opened $10, 000 has disappeared,"
"And you think I did it?" His tone had gotten defensive.
"I know you did it,"
"You have no proof,"
"I do actually, I had CCTV installed," I nodded.
"It's illegal to install CCTV and not have some sort of signage informing people they're being recorded,"
"It's also illegal to steal, but you're right and that would be why there is a sign on the front door and behind the bar," I nodded.
"There is not, I would have noticed them,"
"You have had verbal warnings, about your behaviour and lack of interest in showing up on time. You were already on thin ice, so just in case it wasn't clear, you are fired and I will be reporting this to the police,"
I was taking photos of Shawn and Austin's collab class. There was a lot of collab classes today, I think that's half the reason they asked me to come out today. I wasn't sure how the class had managed to learn any of the choreography with the way these two mess around.
"Are you sure you don't want to jump in and learn a few steps?" Shawn asked.
"I'm okay behind the camera, besides I can't really dance," I shook my head.
"Yes you can, you do burlesque which is basically the same thing," Austin stated.
"It is not the same thing, my burlesque routines don't really have any dance structure, I just have to be flirty and sexy. It doesn't require any technique, just a shimmy here and there,"
"Don't downplay your ability, I've seen you perform,"
"So has everyone," I retorted.
"Dude," he frowned at me.
"Now you sound like BM," Shawn also frowned.
"Of relax, it's a joke," I rolled my eyes.
"Just learn a few steps, you do have your one free class voucher thing that we got you for your birthday," Austin encouraged.
I was going to tell them to stop asking because it wasn't going to happen when I noticed Doobin and Charlie out the door sneaking into an empty room. I was assuming Charlie was following my advice so instead, I let out a sigh, turned my camera off and said;
"Fine, but I'm warning you, I can't dance,"
The taught me a few steps with the other students, some of the girls who were clearly only taking the class because of the way Shawn and Austin look bickered to one another while giving me unhappy stares. I had to admit I was doing pretty well, until they wanted us to put all the steps together, rather quickly. Honestly, I probably would have been fine if it was something slower rather than a hip hop class. some parts were manageable but some of them were too fast for me to remember the steps and keep pace.
"Oh honey," Austin laughed.
"I told you," I huffed.
"Charlie has to see this," Shawn stated, heading for the door as Austin tried to teach me the steps to the beat.
I panicked, I knew that Charlie and Doobin were still in that room and if Shawn went looking for Charlie, then he was probably going to find his brother in her and that's not something anyone needs. I couldn't think of anything to say to keep Shawn in the room so instead, I faked a fall, except the fake fall felt like it did some real damage.
I let out a shriek as pain shot through my foot, I was sure that I had heard something pop or snap. I let a few curse words slip out of my mouth while internally cursing myself for getting myself into this situation.
"Let me look," Austin knelt down.
"No, don't touch it," I snapped.
"I can't help you if I can't see it," He frowned at me.
"Austin I swear if you touch me I'll hit you," I warned, the pain was setting in properly and tears were beginning to form in my eyes.
I looked pleadingly at Shawn, I did not want to sit in the middle of a group of judgy girls and cry. I didn't like to cry in public as it was, I definitely didn't want to do it where was right now. Shawn seemed to forget what he was doing and came straight over to me.
"Put your arm around my neck," Shawn instructed sliding an arm under my knees and using the other to support my back.
I wanted to object, I wasn't an infant I didn't need to be picked up. But I was pretty sure that if they tried to help me walk out of here that I would just start crying. I sighed and put an arm around his neck, hiding my face in his chest as the tears started to fall.
"I'll just take her to the staff room and take a look," he told Austin.
"I've got this, just make sure our clumsy little friend is okay," Austin tried to joke.
"Asshole," I choked out.
"Come on you," Shawn started walking out of the room.
He walked me through the building into the staff room where he sat me on the couch. He knelt down in front of me and reached for my foot.
"No," I sobbed.
"Thea I have to look at it," he sighed.
"No, it hurts and if you take the shoe off it's just going to hurt more, what if taking off the show actually does damage?" I rambled.
"Thea, seriously?" he frowned at me.
"What? I don't know I'm in pain," I cried. The initial pain just kept intensifying.
"Fine, I'll go and get Charlie," he sighed.
"No," I stood up to stop him and instantly regretted.
"Why did you do that?" he frowned.
"I don't know," I sobbed.
"Are you going to let me look at it?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Fine," I sighed covering my eyes so that I couldn't see when he was doing it, I knew that if I saw him go to take my show off I would pull away and then he would go and find Charlie and probably find more than he thought he would and me hurting myself will have all been for nothing.
"How is she doing?" Austin came walking in.
"She's only just letting me look at it," Shawn stated.
I felt the pressure release as he pulled my shoe off my foot, there was a sharp pain and I squeaked out which I wasn't very proud of.
"This is so weird," Austin stated.
"What?" I panicked looking at my foot, which had instantly bruised.
"You acting like a girl," He said.
"Don't do that, I thought something was wrong with my foot," I threw a cushion at him.
"There she is," he smirked.
"There is something wrong with your foot," Shawn frowned at me at the same time.
"It looks bad," Austin agreed.
"I think it's broken, but we'll have to take you to the hospital to be sure," Shawn stood up looking around the room.
"I'm sure it's fine, if it's still bad in the morning then I'll go to the hospital," I tried to shrug it off.
"Thea, it's bruised, you're still crying so clearly you're in a lot of pain, and as we speak the swelling is increasing. Were going to the hospital now, not in the morning," Shawn went all parent on me.
"But I don't want to go to the hospital," I mumbled.
"Dude, just take your shirt off, she'll stop talking if she's surrounded by abs," Austin stated.
"You take your shirt off, I need to find a pressure bandage," Shawn frowned at him.
"My abs do nothing for her," he sighed.
"Can we just bandage my foot and take me home?" I asked.
"Sure but we're stopping at the hospital first," Shawn agreed sitting through cupboards.
"Why? It's probably just bruised and sprained. Maybe it's a pulled muscle but I think I fall over enough to know if it's broken or not," I really didn't like going to hospitals, especially not for myself.
"Thea, we're going to the hospital," Shawn stated ad my phone buzzed in my pocket.
"I really don't think it's necessary," I sighed checking my messages.
ChaCha: So, I'm going to Doobin's to test your theory. Keep Shawn distracted for me?
"Okay fine," 8 sighed again.
Thea: Not a problem.
"Let me just go tell Charlie," Shawn seemed released.
"I would rather you didn't,
"Let's just take her to the hospital before she changes her mind," Austin stated,
"I'll text Charlie," I nodded.
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lcmbskin · 5 years
so hi everybody !! i go by lenny, i’m 22 and my sleep schedule is an absolute mess so you’ll probably see me around at the most random times lmao  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   sorry .   anyways ,  lemme introduce y’all to my baby girl
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[ female, she/her ]. did pandora dawson just walk by? the 22 year old human nurse is known for their selflessness, optimism and foolhardy, gullible behavior. that explains why they resemble adelaide kane. doesn’t golden leafs floating on a pond, a pile of books nestled against a tree and a black spider climbing through an agape window at night remind you of them? — ( lenny, 22, gmt+3, she/her )
[ NAME ] pandora dawson
[ BIRTHDAY ]  september 6th
[ AGE ] 22
[ HEIGHT ] 5'2’’ .
[ WEIGHT ] 47kg .
[ ZODIAC SIGN ] virgo .
[ MARITAL STATUS ] single, clueless, and not ready to mingle.
[ OCCUPATION ] nurse.
[ GENDER IDENTITY ] female .
[ SPECIES ] human (hunter bloodline)
[ SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S) ] english, some latin.
[ SKILL(S) ] equestrianism, knitting, sewing, handcrafting, potions & elixirs.
pandora was born stillborn from a natural birth at a cottage, and it was her grandmother who brought her back - an “old soul”, she called her when the girl first breathed air into her lungs, “an old soul with a tortuous past” and as she blossomed. she inherited her mother’s sensibility and her father’s foolhardy nature.
raised in a somewhat strict household and home schooled, she was a very sheltered child allowed very little exposure to the outside world, and instead spent her time tending to animals and doing her chores.
her father used to be a hunter- belonging to long and vicious lineage of hunters, a title which he’d forsaken once meeting this a beautiful little white witch, whose magic both charmed and opened his eyes
her mother & grandmother come from a very ancient lineage of witches. primarily, the dawson witches were well known for meddling with necromancy and invocations/rituals.
they ran away together, her father became a preacher, her mother left behind everything she had to settle for a quiet life, and together they had a little girl. pandora was born human, 100% pale, small and human, with big doe eyes and rosy cheeks.
malevolent spirits would antagonize mother and her father, despite his best efforts could not prevent her from going mad. in her sickness, she became cold and abusive towards pandora and her husband. in her brief moments of sanity, she wished for death.
not soon after her departure, his health deteriorated. cancer, they said. but if you asked her, pandora would say he died of a broken heart.
leaving her behind to her grandmother’s care, pandora was plagued with sleep paralysis and sleep walking since - whatever it was that made her lay down and sleep peacefully once, was no more.
she’d help her grandmother run the shop since a very young age, and grew up channeling her tragedy into something good - she didn’t know how, but she knew she wanted to help people. 
she taught about the supernatural, about how to care how plants so they’d take care of her, the meaning of each one of them and what one could do with herbs and charms.
when her grandmother passed, pandora was in her second year of college - by then, becoming a nurse felt only natural. she had to pick a few odd jobs here and there, but eventually, she graduated with honors.
she’s somewhat reserved? not the way you’d expect, but she’s not likely to talk about herself if not inquired. she definitely has a bubbly side if you get to her to talk, and she’s a little more on the awkward side of things and will occasionally say morbid things without realizing (bc again she had like… minimum human or otherwise interaction until she was 15 help).
she’s fascinated by anything out of the ordinary, despite being somewhat of a scardy-cat due to her lack of experience in general, she’s curious and very tempted to do things out of foolish bravery.
she has a tarantula called margot who’s never in her cage
absolute loves horror movies - even if she’ll be scarred for life.
she’s literally always late to everything… she tries her hardest i swear, but the universe conspires to make her late.
her hair’s ridiculously long and if it’s not in a bun for work, it’s usually a mess
she likes to sculpt dolls as a hobbie so if you walk in and there’s a bunch of paint and hot glue and weird doll heads everywhere... she’s not a serial killer in the making, i promise.
[ BUILT ]   slender ,   thin ,   freckled skin (beauty marks) ,  narrow shoulders ,  small stature .  (  x  x  )
[ HAIR COLOR ] charcoal black .
[ EYE ] really big, around, dark brown eyes.
[ VOICE ] gentle ,   meek  &   low .  soft-spoken .
[ CLOTHING ]  flat shoes ,  frilly dresses, long cloaks , girly with a touch of mysticism .
find her PINTEREST  here.
[ FATHER ] edmund green (  deceased  ) .
[ MOTHER ] anna cecelia drawson (  deceased  )
[ GRANDMOTHER ] rhina dawson. (   deceased  )
[ THEME/CHARACTER SONG ] lucky - aurora
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I was tagged by @aconitum-napellus Thanks! Sorry for the delay....
**WARNING: I always write too much! Feel free to skip!**
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you would like to get to know better.
Name: Stephanie Wolfe Yeah, I know. You weren’t asking last name, but I like it enough that as a little girl I wondered how I could find a guy to marry that wasn’t related but had the same last one. I assumed you HAD to get rid of it when you married and I liked it too much to give up. I was so relieved to find out you don’t have to just cause you’re a girlie thing! Then I never got married anyway. LOL
Nicknames: Mom calls me “Flower”, it was “Little Flower” when I was growing up. Pop would call me, when I was upset or whatever, “Teffy Weffy” (usually accompanied by a pat on the shoulder, back or head) My family sometimes calls me “Steffy” 
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
Height: Good question! My driver’s license has always said 5′ 10″ BUT this has never seemed quite right. I expect thick soles on my shoes for that first license. I suspect 5′ 9″ or even close to 5′ 8″
Orientation: Ah, see I naturally rebel against labeling. I REALLY hate it! This especially the case for something where limited experience makes it hard to be certain about you reaction to all circumstances. So far it has always attraction to males, and males where I found the personality attractive. The personality informs my asthetic judgement, but I can’t be certain it is males because of anatomy  or “masculine” type personalities. My social circle has been small enough in my rural life I can’t say I’ve been “tested” enough to be proven 100%. 90% maybe? Ok, 80%. And while I am sure there catagories for what I feel, I honestly don’t care! LOL
Ethnicity: I’m an American. How about that? Good enough? I don’t really feel any allegiance, only historical interest, about my distant ancestory. I would check “white” on forms, because the relatives I know would call themselves such with ancestory mainly of the Scottish/English/French/Irish/etc. Still I KNOW I have a great great whatever grandfather that was Jewish (and the relatives that try to deny it, he has a star of David on his grave so shut up!) and a Cherokee great great whatever grandmother. But the truth is, who can tell what mix of genetics go into all of us? The human race isn’t made of pure breds but good ol’ mutts! 
Serious question though....how long does the USA have to exist before we get catagorized by that instead of where our ancestors came from 400 years ago? (No really, some of my non English ancestors got the land I live on in the 1600s) I love diversity in culture, traditions, race, etc.....I just don’t get using ancestral homelands as a main identifier. 
Favourite Fruit: All! LOL I gobble up blueberries and cherries like I can never stop. I love raspberries but they are too expensive to get often. This year I discovered a service berry tree in the woods, so I tried them for the first time. They were incredible and really did have hints of almond flavor like I read. At only five reachable non bird eaten berries I don’t think I can call it my favorite yet.....
Favourite Season: Autumn, though all of them are nice.
Favourite Book Series: I dunno! The fact is I’ve had far too little time to read for years now, so most the books are stand alone. Actually, even as a kid I’d usually not finish a series. (see my mini-me rage when I figured out what the Narnia books were REALLY about). For whatever reason, series where I’ve read every book are very few. I think I have a four book limit! (except Harry Potter since I had to read them aloud to my parents) I always end up ready to move on to something fresh, too busy or just disappointed around that point. I was loving the Thursday Next books, but then I got so busy that the last two ended in the “to read” pile.  
Favourite Flower: ooh, tough! I have had an obsession with poppies, but my utter inability to grow them has gotten to me. I adore so much about how dandelions make magical seed heads, grow absolutely anywhere, are completely edible....but they are just so darn yellow, unfortunately. Pretty much it’s whatever flower I’m looking at right now! LOL
Favourite Scent: These are so impossible!! Wisteria flowers in full bloom, the smell of crushed dog fennel, the spices I mix to bake cookies at Christmas, the smell of the wet ropes on our boat at the river, baking bread, (this is really specific) the way it smells on our mountain smells in autumn when it rains...you know I could go on! LOL
Favourite Colour: red, but particularly the rich dark shades like burgundy
Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: ALL! It depends on my mood, and if I can get Mom to not make endless pots of coffee. Decaf coffee, btw. I really have to be careful about caffeine. 
Average Sleep Hours: Not enough!! LOL I always had been an 8hr person, but the last few years have been a mess, 3 hrs one night, 7 the next. I guess 6 is the most common amount. 
Cat or Dog Person: BOTH! With six dogs and around a dozen cats I am sooo not picking favorites.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Geez, too many! I have different ones in every book, movie and other fandom, like if you asked favorite Doctor Who character I’d give you about a dozen! LOL Growing up Alice (in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass) and Pippi Longstocking were the two characters I most related to on a primal level, so let’s not turn this into an endless list and go with them. 
Dream Trip: An open ended round the world trip with no schedule so you can explore as long as you feel like wherever you go. And not just other countries but some deep sea travel and Antarctica too. A dream trip with offworld travel included might be too much I guess. But whatever, having to ever come back must merely be options and NOT required! LOL
Blog Created: May 2015 (While I was sick with the flu, and clearly too feverish for good judgement! LOL)
Number of Followers: 1,771 but a LOT of them aren’t real. About a dozen of you ever click on anything I post, so I kind of ignore the number.....
I’m supposed tag people. You DO NOT have to do this!!
@runningbarefootthroughtheforest @theramblingrogue @kimikokat @whitexblackrose @omegadalek @lzbarnabas @awesome-beatles-fan
You know what? I’m starting to feel an anxiety about tagging people. Like suppose I tag someone and they hate these things? You never can tell how people will feel. One Christmas I gave blank journals to all my family, carefuly selected to have covers to the taste of each and with a note saying they could tear out the pages and use them for their grocery list if they didn’t want to write/draw in them. So what happens? My irate cousin rants at me that she’s sixty years old, she never kept a diary and has no damned intention to start now. She held it against me!! 
Anyway, I’ll leave the ones I’ve listed (and may tag the same ones on this other game I’m answering) but you do NOT have to do either of these!! 
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