#like I literally had to learn how to pack a wound y'all
the-writing-mobster · 5 months
Hey guys! This is gonna be a tough post but I just need somewhere to vent a bit, I've been through the ringer this past week. This is kind of a personal post too? So by all means scroll by if you don't want to read stuff about medical emergencies...
Kay. So... I had to take my mother to the ER due to complications with a recent surgery. Scary. Emotional. Exhausting.
Recovery for her will be a long and very difficult journey. Painful. She's doing better now and she gets stronger everyday but it's still a deep concern for me. I know the first week after she's released from the hospital will be extremely tough for everyone, especially her.
Personally, I've been really emotional. Crying on and off. Trying my best to be strong for her. So tired. So tired.
We were hit with a bombshell that she could have cancer, but the very next day were relieved to hear pathology reports showed the mass that'd been removed last week was benign, so that's def one less thing to worry about and a huge weight lifted off our shoulders....
All that being said — Honestly?
I could really use some kind words. Encouragement to help me get back into the right mindset to continue with art and writing. That's my safe space, you know?
Anyway, thank you all, and thank you to my wonderful mutuals who have been listening to me vent these past couple of days.
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the friends we made along the way [1]
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“A renowned adventurer, a wounded knight, her protégé, a fiery healer, an exasperated mage, an infamous thief, a squirrel whisperer, a double agent, a mysterious witch, a soft-spoken artist, and a perfectionist chef all go on an adventure to save the princess.
“It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but no, rats are invading, the kingdom is in distress, and if this group of misfits don’t save the princess from the rat king, Grengresh, before he drains her magic and uses it against them… then they’re all pretty screwed.”
Y'all ever wake up and just write something completely unprompted that is 100% self-indulgent and that literally no one asked for?
Well, I do and here's the first part.
Read on AO3
[i] a dark and stormy night a rat scurried across the floor
The parchment remained bare, with only the exception of a wet ink dribble slowly spreading along the lower-left corner. 
Even with all the magic flowing in her veins, ready to ignite with a mere flick of her wrist, Violet still couldn’t make words pen themselves to the page. Somehow, writing a letter had become the hardest thing she’d done all day. 
First, she thought perhaps it was too stuffy within the bedroom, so she opened a window. The warm night air carried the scent of early spring-- blooming lilacs and cold soil from the gardens swirling with the early indications of rain, something lovely enough to clear her head, she thought. 
When that hadn’t worked, Violet paced about the room. With arms stretched high above her head, she then bent down to touch her toes. When that did nothing, she even spun around with as much grace as a land-stranded fish would. She thought if she could get the tension out of her shoulders, her focus would center. Then, she could write this letter. 
But, spinning around with nothing-- rather, no one to hold onto only reminded her of those long-gone days of dreaded dance lessons. 
Violet’s mouth twisted at the thought. The king thought it best she learn, as it’s something most princesses in other kingdoms excel at. 
Ben quickly realized Violet did better in other physical activities, such as archery, rather than dance. Then, once her magic grew stronger, there was absolutely no more time for dancing. At least, not that kind of dancing. 
Violet stilled, gaze stuck on the floor absently. 
Did Brody think about those days, as well? The days where after hours of archery practice, Brody took her sore hands in hers and spun them around as they laughed and embraced? Or was she too preoccupied with secret treasures hidden within abandoned caverns, with fighting off dangerous, mythical beings with the most renowned hunters? 
“You could come with me.”
A long, miserable sigh escaped as Violet plopped back down in her chair, knees brought to her chest for her chin to rest up as she stared out at the night sky, or rather, the disconsolate clouds that night sky hid behind. Judging by the dark color and the faintest rumbles of thunder, Violet predicted rain would fall over the lands of Erisonia quickly, within the hour. 
At least Ben would be pleased, Violet thought. King Ben had a thing about the rain. He saw it as a gift for their crops and gardens. While that may ring true for him, for Violet it brought bittersweet memories of that night two years ago-- the night Brody asked her to leave with her. 
Violet twirled her pen between her fingers, hesitating to dip back into the dark ink. More thunder grumbled in the distance as faint rain began to fall. Even so, Violet didn’t move to close the window. She welcomed the rain tonight. 
“You could come with me. With your magic and my grand sense of direction, we could travel the world together-- see everythin’ it’s got to offer.”
A bird with striking blue feathers fluttered in gracefully, perching itself on the window sill. It didn’t shy away when Violet reached out, instead drawn to her. The bird kept its balance on her fingers as she admired it. 
Two years, she thought. Two years since Brody left Erisonia in search of excitement, adventure, and treasure. Brody left everything and everyone behind--including Violet. Her leaving was premeditated, of course. Brody always knew she would become an adventurer one day, having let Violet know years in advance that one day she’d walk out of this kingdom in search of something greater. 
What had been a shock was that Brody wanted Violet at her side. 
At first, Violet thought it to be a joke, that surely Brody knew she could abandon Ben, the kingdom, and her other companions. 
“Why not? It’s not like we’ll never come back, and if King Ben needs ya, which knowin’ him, he will... then he’ll call.” 
Violet wanted to agree. As they stood close together, seeking shelter from the rain under the garden’s gazebo, Violet wanted to look Brody in the eye and agree. 
She wanted to go back to the castle that night and pack all her essential belonging, inform Ben that she would be leaving with Brody and that nothing would stop her, say her goodbyes to Clementine, Louis, and the other knights and companions she’s grown to love over her years, then get on Brody’s horse and ride out of the kingdom just as the sun began to rise. 
That’s not what happened, though. 
Violet made it clear that she couldn’t go-- her brother needed her by his side to run this kingdom, and the most selfish parts of her hoped that would be enough to keep Brody there with her.
But, her love’s mind was already made long before they had ever met. 
Brody, while hurt and anxious at their impending departure, didn’t push further. Instead, she took Violet’s hand in hers and pressed a long, delicate kiss against the inside of her wrist. A silent promise, they both knew. 
A promise that Brody would return for her.
She left that very next morning. 
They exchanged letters, but as time went on, Brody wrote less and less. Sometimes, Violet’s letters would be brought back as Brody wasn’t anywhere in the area she addressed anymore, and she’d have to wait weeks for her to write with apologies and a new contact address. 
Many rumors and stories began to surface about the girl, stories of the things she’s conquered. If they’re all to be believed, then there isn’t a doubt in Violet’s mind that Brody’s time was hardly wasted on letters to her. 
The bird chirped at her, fluffing up its feathers in a huff before taking flight. It moves about the room in a panic before soaring out the window. Something heavy takes hold of her gut, squeezing as she watched the bird disappear in the distance. A bright flash momentarily blinds her, and only seconds later, a deafening clap of thunder growls. The rain had gone from light to a downpour, so Violet finally closed the window to prevent her parchment from getting soaked. 
“Be safe,” she murmurs, thinking of the little blue bird who paid her a visit, then once more of Brody. 
Her empty letter mocks her, so she starts with something simple-- Brody’s name. 
Easy enough, but if only the rest of her words flowed so nicely. 
Sure, she could describe the mundane weather the past few weeks brought them, or update her on how much her archery had improved, or even detail the story of Ben accidentally firing off all the fireworks gifted to him from the kingdom of Richmond during his birthday celebration, setting the food court aflame and angering chef Omar, who then proceeded to chase Erisonia’s king around the yard with a ladle.
Violet grew tired of paint-by-number letters, but every time she sat in her chair ready to pen her feelings, it’s as if she forgot the entire language altogether. And as Violet sat there, watching rain droplets trickle down her window and listening to the angry thunder, it occurred to her that if the feelings for Brody hadn’t run so deep-- if Violet didn’t still love Brody as much as she did even after all this time-- then she could find the words, could write an easy letter inquiring of Brody’s adventures the way old friends did. 
It was that thought that terrified her.
Violet crossed Brody’s name out, then crumpled the paper. 
An erratic banging startled her, forcing a curse to pass her lips as she jerked her leg right into the hardwood of the desk.
“Violet! Vi, get up!” a familiar, muffled voice calls from the other side. Violet, that sunken feeling returning to her gut, hurried from the desk to across the bedroom and unlocked all three locks. Before she could even pull the handle, Louis forced himself in, knocking into her. 
Luckily, she was able to catch herself. Before she could open her mouth to chastise him for bothering her so late, Louis slammed the door shut, relocking it. He panted heavily, unable to catch his breath as he wheezed out her name. 
“Vi, thank God, you’re okay!” Louis wheezed out, turning to press his back against the door. “We gotta go! Grab your bow, pack up- gotta get to the tunnels!”
“What?” Violet interrupted. “No, what’s going on? What-” 
She noticed the blood caked along his forehead. The gash wasn’t too deep from what she could tell, still oozing fresh blood. Upon further inspection of his overall appearance, Louis was a mess. Blood smeared across his armor and stained the sword at his hip, his face somehow both flushed and pale all at once, and his dark eyes wide with a million thoughts. 
“Louis, what the hell happened to you?”
Louis ignored her question and checked the door once more. After a moment, he moved in closer to rest his hands on her shoulders, and that regretful look in his eye uneased her.
“Vi, Grengresh is here- there have to be about thirty rats, I-” Louis took another deep breath as tension overtook Violet’s form. “King Ben sent me and Clem to get you but- but we got jumped and she stayed behind with the others to make sure they don’t get here- They’re back for you and we- we need to go! Get you somewhere safe!”
The blood ran cold within her, but the magic flared. With teeth sunk deep into her lip, Violet searched for any indication on Louis’ features that this wasn’t real. At another clap of thunder, he flinched and peered behind his shoulder with a fearful grunt. That was more than enough for Violet. 
Grengresh-- or rather, King Grengresh, as the rats knew him-- was back for her. After his last unsuccessful attempt to steal her away in the dead of night many years ago, he came back with reinforcements. There had been word that more and more rats were showing up in the mountains, that Grengresh was forming an army, but--
Memories of that night come flooding back, paralyzing her where she stood. 
Claws digging into her thin arms, the hot, rotting breath along her neck that woke her, lips curling over fangs, and those horrifying yellow eyes staring delightfully down at her-- Grengresh’s tail whipping around to knock her down as she cried for help--
“Vi, hey,” Louis spoke, lightly shaking her shoulders. “I know. I know, but we need to move. The rats know where we are but he’s not going to get you again, we just need to- we need to get through the underground tunnels. C’mon.”
He let go of her, moving over to the closet where she kept her bow and quiver with specially handcrafted arrows. 
“Ben-” Violet choked out. “What about Ben?”
“With Clementine,” Louis answered, and his voice trembled with obvious unease. “They’re buying us time, but there’s only so much--”
“We can’t just leave them,” Violet took the bow and quiver of arrows from him, gripping them tightly. Small sparks left her fingertips, running along the bow. “We- we should help. This isn’t like last time. I’m not a kid anymore and with my magic--”
“I know, trust me, I tried to stay behind. I said the same thing but we can’t let him get ahold of you, Vi. Clem made that perfectly clear,” Louis told her. “Look, I don’t doubt you, but you know what’ll happen and I- I can’t-” he wiped at the blood dribbling down his brow, unfocused, “-they’re strong. With Clementine leading them, the rats have no chance, but we will have no chance if they take you away.” 
Something deep swelled inside of her, some sort of toxic concoction of fear, rage, and bravery that fueled the magic to spark in her palms, illuminating up her arms as she secured the quiver on her back. This caught Louis’ attention. 
“Violet, please, we have to move. Open the passageway and we can-”
The hardwood floors beneath them rumbled as an explosion vibrated through the castle. Violet’s breath caught in her throat, unable to move at the sound of crumbling walls and faint cries. 
“Oh no,” Louis panicked, unsheathed his sword, and rushed back to the door. “No, no, no, Clem-”
He froze only when the voice that haunted Violet’s nightmares drawled close from behind the door. 
“Oh, sweet princess~” Grengresh chuckles in a scratchy, singsong voice. “I can smell you hiding in there.”
The sparks grew brighter, vibrating with her accelerated and angry pulse as Violet glared at the door. 
“Even now your sweat carries your fear, sweet princess… and the boy, your protector, he cannot hide the terror and anguish. How is your heart, boy?” 
Louis gripped the handle of his sword tight, dark eyes wide. 
“How is your heart? Heavy, no doubt!” Grengresh sneers. “To leave a lover to her doom with not even a kiss goodbye- Oh, how is your heart, boy?”
The other rats joined in, laughing as they continued to claw the door. 
From beside her, Louis cursed weakly, head hung low as tears threatened to spill over. With no time to crumble under the rat king’s cruel mockery, he grabbed Violet’s free hand and winced as her magic burned him. He tried desperately to pull her back towards the wall where the secret passage was to open through her magic. 
But Violet couldn’t think of such things-- all thoughts of escape were long gone. Now, all Violet could think of was getting her hands around Grengresh’s thick, furry throat. 
“You could make this so easy for us,” Grengresh continued. 
Enthusiastic scratching tore at the door, loud and frantic. They would be through soon, and the irrational, furious side of Violet longed for Grengrash to appear for when she got her hands on him-- 
“Come with me and no more of your people have to die tonight. Not that you have many left… your poor, poor brother is going to have such a mess to clean up, and so many new knights to hire… well, assuming he’s not already dead, of course.”
Violet rushed the door, but Louis’ arms wrapped around her, jerking her back towards the other side of the room despite the sparks of magic shocking him. 
“No,” he begged in her ear. “Violet, please, we have to-”
“It’s not all bad though,” Grengresh continued, a heavy bang-- possibly from the full force of another rat’s weight-- punctuating his words. “My fellow rats have many limbs to snack upon for the ride home now!”
The other rats cackled with delight, and Violet saw nothing but white. 
The door flew off the hooks, bouncing off the bed and into the wall with a deafening sound. 
The rats were quick, but Violet was quicker, drawing her bow and charging an arrow. It flew and hit the first rat inside, now on the floor jerking about with the arrow sticking from its neck and blood staining its brown fur. 
"Vi, go! I'll-"
More rats of various colors and sizes-- five, perhaps-- all with bared teeth and nasty grins, swarmed them. Louis leaped ahead, his sword piercing a speckled rat with a broken fang who cried out and attempted to lash at him. Violet shot her charged arrows swifter than ever before-- if Brody could see her now-- and she managed to take down two more before a smaller white one tackled her to the ground. 
Drool spattered over her face at the rat nipped at the air inches from her face, only being restrained by her arm against its neck and legs kicking into its belly. Violet focused the liquid hot magic into her palm, shoving her fingers into the rat’s blood-red eyes, sending pulse after pulse into the rat’s brain. It cried out in agony before the skull shattered, and the rat fell limp over her. 
Louis’ sword got stuck in the belly of a rat that pinned him against the wall. Its tail whipped around, cracking against the cement walls. Louis pushed, shoving the rat away. However, the rat gripped the sword, and with its final bits of strength, thrust its claws into his shoulder, piercing the armor. 
Louis staggered back and pushed the rat off him. The body fell, the sword sticking up for Louis to grab, but Grengresh himself got there first. The rat king’s pointed nails threatened to break the skin as he wrapped a hand around Louis’ throat, forcing him back against the wall. Another rat leaped forward and pinned the rest of his body down.
His gagging caught Violet’s attention, and in seconds she was back on her feet and lunging at Grengresh with fiery white magic swirling around her.
“Violet, no-!” Louis choked out. 
Violet was so close, but the other reminding rat intercepted, tacking her to the ground. Though she shocked him, the magic frying its insides, she couldn’t get away fast enough. Grengresh’s tail cracked along the back of her head, and Violet’s vision went in and out of the darkness. 
Grengresh smirked down at her, his yellow eyes wide and merry as he sunk his teeth deep into Louis’ shoulder, getting a tight grip before ripping away, breaking away a chunk of armor and flesh.  
Grengresh dropped him to the ground and whipped his hard tail across the back of his head. 
Louis laid there, unmoving.
“Louis! Fuck, shit- Louis!”
More rats surrounded Violet, clutched onto each of her limbs, and held her down as she struggled. Her magic, though weaker, still managed to hurt them until Grengresh’s tail slapped down on her stomach, knocking all the breath from her lungs. 
Something cold and heavy locked around her wrists, and within moments, the magic sparks fizzled out. What felt like lead weighed down her bones-- the cuffs, Violet realized much too late. They're enchanted!
“Get off!” she demanded. “Get the fuck off me!” 
“Now, now,” Grengresh cooed, amused. “That is not the language used by a princess.” 
Violet spat at him, her spit landing on the dark fur of his chest. 
“Unladylike,” Grengresh shook his head, sending his tail down against her stomach once more. “That won’t do.”
Violet coughed, hacked up what tasted like blood. Grengresh’s nose twitched high in the air. He hummed, eyeing the door.
“Help comes for you, sweet princess. Too bad they’re too late for you and the poor boy,” Grengresh said. “Don’t worry, you won’t be killed. You’re far too valuable for that.” 
Grengresh moved down on all fours now, creeping closer to her. Despite herself, Violet felt as though she were a child again, and the monster beneath her bed had come to take her away. But this time… this time Violet knew the guards wouldn’t make it in time, and Louis--
She glanced at his body, still unmoving. Blood pooled around him.
Even if her head were clear, she couldn’t describe aloud the pain she felt both within her, and along her skin. The metal cuffs soaked up all the magic she had, and with the bodies of the rats holding her down, everything burned. 
“Shredard,” Grengresh addressed the rat on Violet’s left, with dark eyes and pure black fur. “Give that concoction of yours a whirl.”
“Yes, sir,” Shredard said. 
Only a moment later, a cold cloth was placed over Violet’s nose and mouth.
No matter how hard she struggled, darkness took her. 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sashea and the time Sasha jumped out of her comfort zone: The Sashea vacation series 1/?: Mock-Star.
A series of fics based off Mocks time as an amusement park employee.
For 6 weeks this summer, I was employed at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio, and since CP is closed for the season, I figured it would be ok to start to publish some fics based of my time there. Not all of these fics will be totally related, but if I can connect it, I'm probably going to write it! Apparently I didn't learn my lesson with the last series I tried to write, but I don't care! And since the stories aren't necessarily connected or time sensitive, I can make sure you are getting the best I can give you! This first story isn't something that I experienced, but I figured I needed to tell the story of how they traveled. And plus it's smutty, so yay! Love y'all!
(For those concerned about my safety, I am no longer employed there, I will not share my exact job title, and V said it would be ok if I wanted to use the name!)
Ps: Happy Thanksgiving/ colonization day to all Americans who celebrate! Stay safe if you have homophobic families!
"Hey, can you come to the bathroom nearest our terminal? I don't feel super well."
Sasha frowned at the text from Shea. The last thing they needed was for one of them to get sick just as they were leaving to go on vacation. Shea would be absolutely miserable if they had to cancel any of their plans because she was sick. Shea had taken her stuff with her, so Sasha grabbed her bag and went off to the bathroom
"Babe?" She called out, her voice echoing in the otherwise empty bathroom.
"Here." Shea groaned, waving at her from underneath the stall door. Sasha sprinted over to the door and slipped inside as soon as Shea unlocked it. She locked the door back and turned to face Shea, and was surprised when Shea kissed her, pressing her up against the stall door.
"You aren't sick, you liar!" She teased, but it was hard to think while she could feel Shea getting hard, her growing erection pressing up against her leg.
"I had to get you in here somehow. What do you think about trying to join the mile high club?" Her voice was dripping with desire, more sultry than usual.
Sasha could feel her heart pound. Airplane sex was not one of her fantasies or a bucket list item, but she had to admit the conditions were near perfect. It was a late night flight when people would be sleeping, and they had two reclining first class seats right next to each other. If they got caught, they could get arrested. Oh, the media would have a field day, Sashea arrested for indecent exposure on an airplane. The idea was terrifying. But also kinda exciting. She could see how much the idea turned Shea on though, her eyes were bright, and she was slightly grinding up against her in hopes of turning her on too.
"We could get caught."
"That's the fun part."
"It's not going to be easy or comfortable."
"No one said it was."
"I'm not exactly quiet in bed."
"I have a ball gag in my carry on if we need it."
"I didn't prepare, it could get very messy."
"Not necessarily."
Sasha could feel herself getting turned on at Shea's presence and constant attention on that area, and when she closed her eyes she imagined watching the sun through the plane window as Shea gently rocked back and forth inside of her. It was enough to make her head spin, and she rested her head against the stall door. It was unrealistic, but that picture was enough to drown out some of her fears.
"If I get uncomfortable.."
"It stops. Just say the word."
"If we get arrested it's your fault." Sasha teased, and Shea smiled brightly.
"Is that a yes?!"
"Yes, I'll join the mile high club with you. You impatient bitch." She teased, and Shea kissed her nose, which made Sasha blush.
' Really? I don't blush when she fondles me in public but I blush when she kisses me. Why?'
"Turn around baby. Stomach against the door."
She ordered gently, and Sasha obeyed. She felt her pants being pulled down enough to reveal her ass, and she heard a bottle of lube being opened before a hand grabbed one of her cheeks and a finger gently massaged her entrance, going quicker than usual, but slow enough to not hurt her. Sasha wondered how she had come to this, being fingered in a public bathroom in preparation for airplane sex. This was one of the crazier things she had done, Shea seemed to bring out her wilder side. This was literally insane.
"Ok baby, I'm going to need you to take deep breaths and relax, ok?" Shea asked, and Sasha nodded. She could feel something hard and pointy being pressed against her, and reasoned it was some kind of butt plug.
"Are you ready?" Shea whispered, and Sasha shook her head quickly. She sensed Shea's hand falling back to her side and her free hand moved to her neck, rubbing it.
"Let me sit down on it."
"Ok baby." Shea whispered, kissing her neck softly. She turned around and watched Shea sit down on the toilet, resting the plug on her leg. As Sasha stepped the rest of the way out of her pants, she felt grateful that the stalls here offered more privacy than a regular stall so no one could see them. She straddled Shea's leg, and Shea grabbed her hips to give her more support as she slowly lowered herself down onto the toy. It was a good size, not the biggest she had ever taken, but big enough that her eyes watered when she reached the base. Shea smiled at her before standing her up, pressing her back against the wall so she could check for fit and add more lube.
"Does that feel ok baby? You're not in any pain or discomfort or anything?"
"No, it feels good. Just need to adjust to it."
"Ok baby, we should be boarding soon, and then we'll be on our way!!"
"And I can't wait." She turned around and kissed Shea, heart pounding in anticipation. "Now move, since you've dragged me in here, I'm going to try and go." She teased, pushing Shea out of the way. Shea bowed grandly and went out the door to wash her hands, leaving Sasha to lock the door behind her.
When they were both ready, they went back out and did some last minute work things until the call to board went out, and they got on the plane. When they got settled, Shea kissed Sasha's cheek before diving into one of her magazines, leaving Sasha to look out the window and wonder what she was planning.
The first hour or so was uneventful, they were offered snacks and drinks, and then the flight attendants turned out the lights, and the people around them reclined their seats and started falling asleep. Sasha had a book and a book light, but she was too wound up, wondering what Shea would do. She started playing a mindless game on her phone that didn't require wifi, trying to distract herself, but it wasn't working. Physically, she was comfortable, she was wrapped in a soft blanket and dressed in light clothes. Any other time, she would be out like a light, but she couldn't fully relax, not with Shea's plans a mystery to her and a big plug inside her that she still wasn't fully adjusted to. She could forget about it provided she was completely still, but if she even moved a hair, it reminded her it was there. She could have sworn she was throbbing around it, it was so maddening. No, it was throbbing, no, wait, it was...vibrating?
She gasped as she focused and realized that, yup, Shea had put a remote control vibrating butt plug inside of her, and that she probably bought it for this exact purpose. Shea turned towards her and smirked, teasingly holding up the remote control.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to notice." She whispered, making a show of turning the setting up, intensifying the vibrations ever so slightly, but much more noticeable. "It took you less time than I though. Only about 2 minutes." Sasha had to bite the inside of her cheek as Shea turned the vibrations up high suddenly, only to lower it back down the next moment. She could feel herself sweating, and she would probably be gross after this. Shea leaned in and kissed her teasingly, turning the vibrations up half a notch. Her hand reached out and caressed her head, holding it still so she could kiss her forehead. Shea held that pose for a few moments, presumably feeling the vibrations that were now running through Sasha's entire body. She moved her hand from Sasha's head, and she let it travel down to Sasha's pants so she could touch her over them. Her fingers teased the undeniable erection, and Sasha could hear a chuckle of triumph. Shea obviously wanted to take her sweet time and tease her. And Sasha normally loved being teased like this, especially in a sleepy way while lying in bed together. But this was not their bed, this was a airplane with a hundred other people after she had been on edge for hours. She needed more, and she needed it now. Fuck the consequences.
Cupping her hand over her mouth, she pushed Shea's hand away and winked at her, then darted up and power walked to the bathroom while hunched over, one of the flight attendants nodding apologetically at her. She got in and got on the floor in front of the toilet, and sure enough, Shea was close behind her and closed and locked the door, kneeling down beside her.
"Are you ok love? Was that a bad idea?" She whispered, and it took everything not to grab her by the collar and shake her. Instead Sasha leaned in and hissed at her.
"Fuck me right now. This is your fault, and you're going to fix it."
Shea's eyes lit up, she loved it on the rare occasion when Sasha was a bossy brat in bed, obliging her eagerly. Sasha would always apologize over and over again for her attitude after she had come back down to earth, and Shea would always coo about how hot she thought bossy Sasha was.
Shea had on a small fanny pack for her phone and other personal items, and she took it off and pulled out two condoms from a inner pocket. She slipped behind Sasha and tugged her pants down slightly and rolled one onto her, and Sasha could hear Shea putting one on herself. The familiar sound of a cap opening rang out, and Sasha felt the plug being slowly pulled out of her and fingers add more lube inside her.
"Are you ready?" Shea whispered. Sasha whipped around and hissed again, frustration reaching the boiling point.
"Yes. Now." She ordered, grunting when Shea slipped inside of her, thrusting shallowly.
"Not so bossy now, eh my love?" Shea teased, turning Sasha back around and positioning her hips better, she placed Sasha's hands on the toilet seat, and Sasha realized she was trying to make them look as though they weren't fucking, hiding most of their bare skin under Sasha's big shirt and stroking her upwards under her shirt.  
"Easy, love. You're tense and we're crammed in here. I'll make it up to you though. Promise. Please try to relax a little more, I don't want to hurt you."
Shea couldn't see it, but Sasha rolled her eyes. She gripped the toilet seat harder and arched into Shea involuntarily, leaning forward onto the toilet. She was already frustratingly close, which was probably for the best considering their time constraints. She pretended to cough and gag, which she confirmed for Shea with a thumbs up. Shea massaged her upper arm with her free hand soothingly, easing into a steady pace.
Sasha knew it was coming, but her orgasm still threw her off. It was relatively shallow, but it still left her clutching at the toilet seat and gritting her teeth. Shea kept going for a minute or 2 before she started twitching, and Sasha heard a low groan as she stopped thrusting. Shea turned Sasha's face towards her to kiss her before pulling out and cleaning both of them up, hiding the condoms in a piece of toilet paper and throwing them in the trashcan. She stood up and stepped aside to let Sasha get up, and she went to the sink to wash her hands while Shea double checked that there was no other evidence. She dried her hands as Shea washed her hands, and Shea suggested they use hand sanitizer as well. Sasha went to open the door, but Shea stopped her, whispering.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. I'm sorry for being a brat."
"Eh, I deserved it. I can't believe you actually pulled us in here though! Believe it or not, I was just going to give you a hand job!"
"With a vibrating plug in me? Yeah right. "
"I'm serious!"
"You may not have meant to, but you wanted to turn me on."  
"Ok, that's true. Let's get back to our seats. Pretend like you're still nauseated. "
They walked back to their seats, Sasha holding her hand to her mouth with Shea leading her. Shea helped her back in her seat and sat down next to her. It hadn't been too long since they went in, and it appeared like no one was the wiser. The exhalation left her quickly, and Sasha fell asleep with Shea stroking her face, with the knowledge that when she woke up, she would be on vacation with her love.
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
take my love and run
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Lauren's POV
First show done. Our FIRST official show from our OWN tour is done.
" Thank you so much San Francisco! " I screamed and waved to the fans as I awaited for the girls to say goodbye. I signed a few more autographs and took a few more selfies while I waited.
" You rock San Francisco! " Normani added, jumping up and down, joining me with the whole autographs and selfie session.
" We love you San Francisco! " Camila shouted while picking up the things on stage that the fans have thrown.
" Goodnight San Francisco! " Dinah said blowing kisses at the fans making them cheer louder.
" Thank y'all so much for coming to our first show! Y'all been great! We love you! " Ally finished and the show was over. We ran off stage trying to quickly remove our ear pieces while carefully placing our mics . After placing our mics we immediately ran to our dressing rooms while giving high fives to those that cheered saying good job on the way. The idea of performing is always so exciting, it's just such an adrenaline rush. It's like I'm in the concert with them not performing but actually enjoying the music and the people.
" --Jam session. " I heard Camila say taking me out of my head.
" I feel so blessed doing this with you guys. " Ally cooed trying to remove her costume, well struggling to remove her costume.
" Aw. Ally. " we all irrupted and looked at her  
" Alright girls great job! Congrats on the first show usually we'd go out or something but sadly not tonight seeing that we have to be at our next venue before 7 to get everything set up. So we need to able to leave here by 1 am. Is that possible? I promise you we will celebrate tomorrow night. " Janelle our manager asks popping into our dressing room. We gave her a simple yes tried to get everything done and be on the bus by 1 . I know it doesn't seem like we don't need that much time, but along with getting ourselves situated, we also had to clean our dressing room, the crew had to pack everything up.
" Lo! " Camila says catching my attention which was weird so I had one of those; ' who me? ' moments.
" Yes? " I turn around, finally answering her. She revealed a smile before saying;
" You're phone, " she shook my phone in the air indicating she had found it.
" Can you throw it, " I simply asked getting ready to catch the phone.
" No!- I'll just hand it to you, " she scolds holding the phone close to her
" Alright, " I turned back around to what I was doing, and decided that I'll grab it before I leave.
I was much calmer now, and the idea of Camila knowing no longer weighted on my shoulder. Mani was right if I don't act suspicious nothing will happen. I mean this is probably just a stupid crush that won't take much to get over, they do say time heals all wounds.
" Here you go, " Camila comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist trying to place my phone in the bag. Which made me uncomfortable, but I had to remember to act normal, but none of what she's doing is normal. Acting as if she can just pick up where she left off. But instead of moving away I placed my cheek with hers awkwardly. " Thanks. " i faked a smile. Mani looked at us for a moment and gave me a sympathetic smile with a hint of ' I told you so '.
" Here we go, you're back " she moves from behind me to next to me
I'm back really? Wow! Fuck I didn't even know I left. I immediately tried to shake off the rude remark and get back to replying.
" I told you, I was just nervous, " I smile through my teeth trying to hold the hurt in my eyes,
" Alright girls, you ready? " Janelle popped in again
Normani and I said yes while the rest said no. So we decided to head to the bus first.
" Do you feel better? " Mani ask while we put our stuff in our bunks
" Yes actually, " I sigh in relief
" Good, " she stops putting her things in her bunk and hugs me
" Okay. " I answer
" Ah, alright here's the thing, " I stop and look at her
" What? " she sighs and grabs my hand and we walk to the back room
" You need to talk her. " I stood there not knowing if I heard that right or I'm about to go crazy. She can't be serious about this, I'm literally going out of my mind about how to keep this between me and her.
" Mani we already talked about this, I can't and you know that. I literally just got over that fact that she iced me out for a year just so she can have a relationship with Austin or whatever she'd like to say. "
" Laur you're never gonna shake this off, an- "
" It's just a cru-"
"Stop lying to yourself! " she huffed shocking herself, she knew it wasn't like her to raise her voice at anybody like this.
" Lauren, you and I both know you are in love with her. No matter how many times she breaks you, you still get up and fight for her and the only way to get over this is to tell her or do something other than watching from a distance slowly dying. " she interrupts
" So what? I can be heartbroken again. So I can learn from putting myself out there, or so she can ice me out again. Maybe she'll do it for 2 years if I'm lucky. Yea, no thanks I'm good" I sarcastically answer
" No, so you can stop suffering, it's killing you, "
" I will never win. Whether I talk her or not I am still going to get hurt. " I explain to her
" Lauren you can't live a life of fear, " Mani continued
" Mani, I can't. And it's not even about fear anymore it's more about me protecting myself. " I started to cry again
" I'm sorry honey c'mere" she gave me another hug
" I know you mean well but I can't do much. "
" Are we? " I questioned trying to hold the melody of sobs ready to come out,
" Of course, you guys are like friendship goals. You guys are practically dati- " before she could finish my sobs abruptly interrupted her
" No?! We're not! Last time I checked when you date someone you don't shut them out. You don't ignore them. You don't Mani you just don't! Especially over a fucking guy! Who doesn't even deserve her! " I huffed getting out of her hold, and began pacing the room balling my fist slowly.
" Woah. I thought you liked Austin? " she wondered, making me laugh in disgust.
" Ha! Your funny Mani. There are a billion nerves in my body and every single one of them cannot stand him. He doesn't deserved her! She could have somebody so much better than him! " I groaned walking to her bed and fell faced down onto a pillow, letting our a rather frustrated scream.
" Okay if he doesn't deserve her then who does? " I look up from screaming and saw her smirk.
" I-i don't know, it doesn't matter. He just doesn't deserve he alright. " I answered looking her as seriously as possible
" I still don't understand why you don't just ask her what's happening? " Normani shrugged
" Don't you think I've tried? Mani? But she shuts me out, acts like I'm crazy. " I sobbed again,
" Well- " she began
" What Mani? What did I do to her? I want to fix it. " I cried
" It's alright, let's get you fixed up before questions are asked. "
" Mani? Laur? " Ally says catching our attention
" Shit well we don't have much time but stay in here while I distract them, maybe I can put them to sleep or something. With one of those pressure point thingys. " Mani says
" Mani we are not spies, " I chuckled at her crazy idea.
" But we could be though, " she smiles sheepishly and left.
I closed and locked the door so I could fix myself up, while fixing my mascara I over hear their conversation. Most of them I couldn't make up, but I heard them all ask where I was. And I heard Mani's funny yet convincing excuse
* She's talking to her mom, *
* Oh I want to say hi, * Camila says clapping her hand
* You can't! * Mani yells and I couldn't help but chuckle.
* Why not? *
* She said it was pretty personal, *
* Shoot how personal could it be? * Dinah laughs
* It's kind of family matter, * Mani continued
* Is she alright? * Ally questioned letting out a little laugh at the end.
* Yea. Why don't we play never have I ever or something, * she says getting them all walk in front of her
I no longer heard them in the bunks, I unlocked the door and walked out to where they were. On the right side of the living area sat Camila, Ally and Dinah, while Mani sat on the left.
" There she is, " Mani says grabbing me and pulling me to her side, using me as some sort of shield. I guess the questions got a little too intense for her.
" So whats going on? " I sang trying to act as casual as I possibly could.
" Mani wanted to play a game, " Dinah said looking up from her phone and pointing at Mani, she added a quick pause before continuing her sentence.
" Girl it's not like we just performed a 3 hour set, or have been up since 6am " Dinah sarcastically counter, laying her head on Ally's shoulder.
" Alright I'm in, " I shrugged, slowly nibbling on my lower lip.
" Sorry guys, I'm really tired. Night." Camila sighed, grabbing her phone and waited to see if anybody else would go to bed.
" Yea ya'll crazy. Later. " Dinah nods in agreement and off they went.
There was an awkward silence for a good 5 minutes before we started a game. Most of the questions were common and nothing unusual " have you ever been drunk, or are you still a virgin things " between those lines.
" Mani girl this isn't really fun, " Ally said putting her hands back down to her lap
" Alright what do you guys wanna do then? " Mani ask crossing her arms
" Let's talk secrets, " Ally says making Mani and I exchange looks. Secrets was something rare between us girls but I think we can make an exception for this one.
" And by the looks of it, you guys have some juice, " she laughs
" Truth or dare, instead? " I practically jumped, hoping it could stop the shorter woman from squeezing the information out of us.
" Alright, but one way or another I'll get y'all to spill. " Ally smiles sheepishly
" Right, " Mani laughs, nervously playing with her sweaty hands
The truth or dare wasn't interesting at all. I mean I thought it was funny when Mani told Ally to put toothpaste on her lips for the rest of the game. I didn't see the significance, until a minute later Ally started fanning her lips saying its stings. And of course we couldn't have been mature about it, so Ally dared Mani to do the same thing only with horse radish. I knew if I kept playing it safe I would be call a pussy and Lauren Michelle Jauregui is no such thing.
" Well Lauren? " Ally says
" Dare. " I smirk
" Go up to the bus driver, and ask him to borrow his radio and say * everyone Lauren Michelle Jauregui needs to take a shit.* " she says gaining a high five from Normani
I glared at them both, but I knew it had to happen and it's not like it's the worst I've done. I walked up to the bus driver and turn back to the girls. But I only earned a gesture of "go-on".
" Listen man, I'm about to do something and I will not be proud to do said action. So I ask you to not judge me. " he gave me an odd look but then focused back on the road.
I picked up his radio and got myself ready. Not only will the people on his radio hear it but so will the bus. I sigh and took a big breath and said
" Lauren Michelle Jauregui needs to take a shit. " I say onto the radio making half of the staff run to the front and look at me
" Lauren." they all said at once while the girls laugh
" It was a dare calm down. " I put the radio back and patted the bus drivers shoulder
" Thanks, " I whispered and sat back down on the couch
" Happy? " I ask
About 2 hours into the drive our energy has died down. We only asked each other questions now.
" Truth, " I answer yawning
" Uhm okay how's it going with Luis? " Ally asked making me choke. Sure after the tour we got back together but before I left for this one we broke up again.
The only one that knows about his and I's break up is Normani. And no it wasn't because I liked Camila we both had mutual feelings about the break up this time. He said that he can't be waiting for me forever and I agreed, I don't think it would have been fair to just keep him waiting. Or to expect that he would still be waiting for me, not with all the touring I've been doing for 2 years straight. We agreed to be friends and frankly nothing has changed. I mean we've had quite the relationship since my career but we're okay now.
" Oh he's great you know college and stuff. " I lie
" That's good, I envy you guys getting through all this stuff. Long distance A plus girlfriend. " Ally added and I nod
" You've got Troy, " Mani laughed
" I'm getting really tired, I think I'm gonna go to sleep. " I stood up and gave them each goodnight's before disappearing into my bunk.
Just the thought of Luis made me want to talk to him again. Last time I saw him was when we had coffee before I left for LA. That was also the same day we agreed to break up but we still went out as friends.
I decided to pick up my phone and text him.
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I laid in my bunk pondering things in my head until he responded.
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I was starting to regret texting him, not only did he sound like Normani but now my eyes are so weary and tired I would fall asleep soon enough.
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But before I could answer my eyelids were too heavy and I fell asleep.
-- February 28, 2015
Next Morning..
" Lauren? " someone whispered next to me, I groan in response
" No Mani, "
" Lauren, " the voice continued
" Shut up Mani and let me sleep, "
" Lo, " I haven't heard that voice waking me up in a long time
" No, "
" Lauren, " Camilla opened my curtain and began shaking me
" Later, " I pulled my curtain closed
" Lauren we have an interview in 2 hours c'mon. " she opens my curtain once more and I groan
" Fine. " next thing I knew she was laying next to me placing her head on my neck
" Yea well I'm up. " I turn around and pushed her onto the floor
" Ow Lauren, aren't you going to help me up? " she complained and stayed on the floor.
" Sorry Camila we've got an interview remember, " I playfully smirked and walked to the bathroom
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Supernatural: Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven (15x08)
I'm screaming.
Buckleming episodes usually piss me off, but this one was actually really great. It was still plagued with the same pacing problems I always see in their episodes, though. A lot of great stuff happened here, but it didn't necessarily have a ton of room to breathe. Some of it did - the Cas and Dean stuff, the Michael and Adam stuff. And maybe that's the most important. But it might have been nice to have a longer beat with Rowena, or a bit more buildup with Eileen and the case. For an episode written by these two chuckle-fucks, though, I'm honestly really, really impressed.
Donatello is an okay-ish character, but his presence here felt mostly unnecessary. Didn't we have enough to juggle, without introducing him into the mix? Eileen, Cas, Rowena, Chuck, Michael, Adam... there's a lot going on here. It probably could have been done without him.
I really don't know where to start, so let's start with Eileen. Just the fact that she's in this episode warms me from head to toe. She's... actually in the show. She's here, in the mid-season finale, where important Plot Stuff is happening. She's a real player in events, and after she came back from the dead, she stuck around in the bunker. Like she's... really in the show, you guys. Three episodes in a row!
On a more specific note, I love that Sam followed her and Eileen called him out on it... this could have been really creepy but I think they played it right. Eileen died and came back to life, and Sam is just starting to develop this relationship with her. It makes sense that he might be a little overbearing. And Eileen's reaction was pitch-perfect. She's a little annoyed, a little amused, but also maybe a little touched? And Sam takes the criticism to heart, realizing that he's probably overstepped. Later, when Eileen has a case that she needs to go on, to help an old friend, she goes to Sam and tells him, and he tags along. This seems like a good arrangement - Eileen isn't being stupid and running off by herself for no reason, but Sam is also respecting her boundaries and letting her approach him if and when she wants help with something.
We've also got Dean giving his seal of approval to the relationship, telling Sam that if he wants to do the family and relationship thing, Eileen is probably a good way of going about that. She's a hunter, she gets the life. And, as Dean says... Sam could do a lot worse. And Eileen could do so, so much better. I honestly think this little conversation was important to include. It's not like Sam needs Dean's blessing to start a relationship with Eileen, but... let's be honest, guys. Yes he does. Not literally, but can you really imagine either of the Winchester brothers being able to foster a healthy and lasting relationship with someone who didn't meet the other brother's approval? The codependency issues here are clear, and not to be discounted.
So then let's move on to Rowena. I loved her return here. It was totally unexpected, and totally brilliant. As I mentioned above, I really could have used more of her. The brief moment where Sam wants to hash out their last moments, and Rowena brushes him off, could have felt weightier. But the fact that we even got to see her again was such a gift. And what a natural end for her character! Queen of Hell. It fits, especially since I think we've pretty much confirmed that we won't be seeing Crowley again before the end. She got to show up looking like a boss-ass bitch, save Sam, Dean, and Castiel from getting their asses handed to them, shout orders, try to help them find Michael, assert her dominance and her happiness in her new role, and even try to kick Dean and Cas into gear, as she notices that they're clearly in some sort of "tiff." As brief as her return was, it certainly packed a punch, and I loved it so very much.
Cas and Dean's strained relationship right now is giving me life. This is the most Destiel-adjacent content we've gotten since Season Eight, and with the two of them returning to Purgatory, we're bound to get a lot of material in the new year, as well. The thing that I like so much about their story arc this season is that... there is a story arc. Dean has been cruel and dismissive of Cas in the past, and Cas has made mistakes, and circumstances have conspired to keep Castiel out of episodes as he goes off on his own quests... none of this is strictly new. But what is new is the narrative weight being placed on it. This is a slow-burn conflict that's going to have to have meaty screen-time to resolve. They had a serious fight, and it's actually affecting both of them in their actions.
Both Jensen and Misha are pulling out all the stops in giving this conflict the weight it deserves. There are so many delicious moments. They make their plans and discuss their options, but they can't even meet each other's eyes. There's the moment after Cas forces Michael to confront the truth, and Dean comes in and says "maybe you went too far." It's a gentle remonstrance, and he's clearly trying not to ruffle Cas' feathers. I loved the way Jensen played that, like he needed to talk to Cas about what went down, but he wanted to be careful not to antagonize him. When Rowena confronts them, they both do the typical thing of pretending everything's fine, still refusing to look at each other.
But the moment where my heart just squeezed in my chest was obviously when Dean cut his hand in order to do the spell to get to Hell, and Cas healed him, his hand hovering over Dean's fist without touching. Dean's hand unfurls and for a moment their fingers are centimeters apart, but they never touch. Many a meta has been written about the intimate way that Cas has always healed Dean, and how that juxtaposes to the way he heals other people. And in this moment, they don't touch, and it speaks volumes. I seriously have to ask the question - why was this moment in the episode? Sam could have been the one to cut his hand, or Dean could have, but then could have wrapped it up and moved on. It's not like we haven't seen Sam and Dean brush off wounds like this and ignore them before. This was a weighty, intentional moment. We lingered on it. I am alive, y'all.
Now let's turn to Adam/Michael. This is so amazing, and not at all what I think anyone was expecting when we found out Jake Abel was returning. Sure, Adam is a little pissed off at his brothers for leaving him in the cage, and sure Michael is still going on and on about being God's favorite, but even as so much has stagnated for these two characters, we've also learned what they've been up to in the cage for the past decade. They've made an arrangement. Only one body, but two brains... so they agree to share, more or less peacefully. Sam and Dean were shocked when Michael let Adam come to the forefront to say hi to his brothers. But the two of them seem to be... buddies. Adam is able to speak freely to Michael, to express his opinion that the Winchesters might have a point. Even though Michael can't quite listen to him in this instance, it's clear that he gives real consideration to Adam's opinions.
Adam was introduced on this show such a long time ago, and it would have felt disingenuous and annoying if we'd spent too long on the whole "you let me rot in hell" business. Of course that's something Adam would be thinking about, but it's not like Sam and Dean really knew him all that well. He doesn't seem to place much weight on his status as their brother, and I can't really blame him for that. He's had to forge his own path, and he's done so by becoming friends with the angel who is possessing him. I love that glow-up for Adam.
And Michael... he has to have his heart broken the same way Sam did when he found out that Chuck has been playing them all along. I loved the moment when Cas forcefully made him confront the truth, because of course it was too much, of course it was overwhelming, but ultimately it pushed him to understand that his loyalty to God is not worth the pain and suffering he's been through. And so, in much the way that Chuck knew how to cage Amara, Michael knows how to cage Chuck. He's willing to help by passing that information along. It's a spell, of course. And the most vital ingredient is something that can only be found in Purgatory. What with Sam and Eileen dealing with Chuck elsewhere, it's going to be up to Cas and Dean. They must return to the place where their epic romance really took off and began to slowly murder us all!
Chuck has Eileen and Sam right where he wants them, and even worse, Dean and Cas don't know. This is going to create great drama, as well as opportunities for our two couples (shut up and let me have this) to spend time together as we go in to the back half of the season. My heart is really starting to break, thinking about how little time we have left with this show!
I feel like this review could get out of hand very quickly. In many ways, this felt understated for a mid-season finale. Nobody died, the status quo didn't really shift all that much. But I actually liked it better for all that. Things are in motion. Character dynamics are being explored. This is a good season of Supernatural, y'all. Fingers crossed they can stick the landing!
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piccolina-mina · 7 years
I have some more questions, Teen Wolf…
Why did Scott and Stiles have limited interaction and no hug?
Why was the Stydia reunion also so muted?
When exactly did Mama Mccall heal from her near fatal gunshot wound? Is she supernatural too? Did she put honey on it along with the other key supernatural remedies and heal herself?
Why did Scott not have a SINGLE scene with his mother in the series finale? Their relationship was everything.
Why didn’t Stiles reunite with Sheriff Stilinski? Does he even know his son is back in town?
Why did Derek being wanted for mass murder in North Carolina still not make a lick of sense?
Why didn’t you show more of that manhunt?
How did Stiles talk himself into a sting with the FBI? It’s still absurd. How is he not being hunted for escaping with a fugitive?
Why did y'all make Lydia so happy to see Jackson that she literally squealed and jumped in his arms which is something she didn’t even do for her current boyfriend?
What was the point of where’s Jackson?“ Silly me, I thought he was going to play some pivotal role in all of this.
Why did you bring back Jackson at all when he didn’t actually serve a purpose? Was it just the gay thing and the love fest for Colton Hayes?
Why are y'all still trying to sell that y'all always planned on Jackson being gay by having Lydia make that comment? Don’t you realize it made the emotional abuse in their relationship even more problematic? Why couldn’t he just be bisexual then?
Why did Ethan come back if he didn’t even add anything to the fight and barely spoke to anyone else?
Where tf was Malia after she went rogue and caused Scott to get shot and her cousin to turn to stone? She literally disappeared until after the fight. Was that her who turned to stone? When did it happen? What was her fear?
Why didn’t the amplified fears make sense?
After everything that Derek has endured, and everything that he has been through, and everyone he has lost, why was JENNIFER tied into his greatest fear? What?
You mean to tell me Kate was out there living her life and doing her own thing and then randomly decided to come after Scott out of the blue?
If all it took was for the wolfsbane to be burned out then how is it considered a special one? Does that mean Kate can live to fight another day after killing Gerard?
Why was Parrish so grossly underused? His ass got trapped in Eichen House again, seriously?
How come Sheriff Stilinski wasn’t that big and bad throughout the entire series? I mean I loved it though, but y'all could have showed us some of that much sooner.
How the hell did Monroe get away? It didn’t make any sense and no way it should have happened.
What was the point of Peter being in the finale? He didn’t actually do much?
What’s the time frame that has folks zipping back and forth between random places in South America and Beacon Hills?
You mean to tell me all they had to do this entire time was throw mountain ash on the anuhooha?
Do I even need to comment on how bothersome it is that Theo couldn’t bring himself to care about lovable Mason but he could care enough to take the pain away from the dude who has been hunting folks down and putting folks down like a dog?
"Scott, look at me” who is responsible for that gem and why did no one in the writers room say “bish he blind?”
Why did they recycle a Stydia moment for Scalia?
How come we only saw a flash of Deacon?
In fact, how come no one thought to do a montage or name drop all the allies and people that have died for Beacon Hills along the way?
Since Kira, Braeden, Isaac, Cora and others couldn’t come back, why didn’t they just mention them? Or show them in a flashback montage?
Why couldn’t anyone acknowledge Boyd, Erica, and others who were pack adjacent and gave their young lives?
Why couldn’t Derek get the happy ending he was meant to have?
Quick question, how come Mason and Corey, but especially Mason wasn’t part of the last scene of the pack meeting to help a new recruit? If Liam is supposed to be the Scott Jr and Mason is supposed to be the Stiles Jr, shouldn’t Mason be considered part of the pack?
Why is the town just suddenly over and perfectly OK with werewolves? It’s not realistic.
Do Liam’s parents know he’s a werewolf? I mean they had to hear the rumors right?
So, like the only thing the anuhoohow can do is get people to look at it? Like, it was that easy to destroy this whole time?
How come we didn’t learn more about this organization of hunters all around the world? That would have been fun.
Why couldn’t anyone at least mention Danny? It’s just funny how so many people helped along the way and at the end people like Peter, Theo, and Jethan are giving all these props.
So did coach know about supernaturals this whole time?
Why didn’t y'all take advantage of your own inside jokes and finally show us Greenberg?
So did Scott just not go to school? Not Lydia? Did Stiles go back to the FBI?
Did Derek move back to Beacon Hills or does he live in South America with Cora and other distant family?
Wasn’t Scott going to be a veterinarian? Does he just track down stray supernaturals who need good homes now?
So none of the townsfolk got arrested for literally joining a militia and killing people? That’s fkd up.
Why was this such an anti-climatic sendoff? Did y'all just not have a plan?
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