#like I said it’s an issue of many fans to assume and think that f1 is a meritocracy
charles-leclerizz · 3 months
Hello hello.
Tuning in for a "not-so-normal" post. because it's deeply necessary.
F1 has never beeen inclusive for women- and it's disgraceful.
For female fans- it's always assumed that we're in it for the hot men and not the machinery or talent. let me say this, it's okay if you're here from dts, for the hot drivers or something that isn't "legacy" it's okay, because exposure is exposure, and you're a real fan. And half the time, drivers aren't seen, only their eyes and their helmet's are, so that point is null and void because women who watch the races, aren't there for the covered up racers, theyr'e there to watch a sport that brings them joy, just like anyone else.
And it isn't harming anyone is it? watch the race, watch the thirst traps, watch the media posts. it's okay, calm down. just like insane male fan-boys, girls are allowed in this space.
Fans have always, and will always make up this industry, and trying to remove more than 40% of fans that are women. Is really just shooting yourself in the foot, isn't it? stay respectful, and you're welcome here. [stay respectful being a main point, if you're being a creep and being hateful, i don't think you should be here.]
For female workers in the entire F1 industry- The whole christian horner incident is despicable, it is one of the worst handled breaches of rights that i have ever seen. And i've been in a k-pop fandom. Trust that i know. The transparency is spotty, it's breeding chaos, its creating an unnsafe environment for all women. Chr*stian H*rnshit needs to fucking sit down, cause everytime he denies something, there is 500 tonnes of evidence against him. That isn't behaviour of a innocent man. That's behaviour of a mysoginist who's created a horrible environment.
The whole ssituation has blown up, for no reason, and now, the poor victim [it still hasn't been officially confirmed yet. but i believe he's guilty] has been cut off from her job. A real woman, with a real livelihood and a real life to support, has been blacked out and excluded from a main pillar in her life. it's not funny. it's damaging.
And mind you, if this was a man, in the paddock, a mechanic. hell just a male there wouldv'e been riots. pitchforks, fire, flare guns, strikes. Lord knows.
And finally, the drivers-
I am worried. I am scared.
It is worrying, frankly, how many drivers abstain from commenting, when they have some of the biggest platforms here and when they do, it's called "distracting"? That all they want to do, "is drive"?
I'm sorry, you don't just drive you are influential, you are role models, you are internet sensations and personalities.
Don't insulult the 38% of women in the workforce of your fucking job, and that statistic is just of management in the official formula one sector, totalled, it's more than half. So for men like, daniel ricciardo and valterri bottas to say such dismissive and hurtful things, it's really showing that we're going one step forward and 3 steps back.
And now- because of the blatant disregard, "blame game" playing and ignorance, that has occured. Every.single.woman who has been and will be involed with this sport is cautious, petrified and on gaurd for her livelihood; her job.
And if any man, or any person has any issue with what i have said. Please. you're invited to calmly state your reasons [which i might not answer or delete if they are stupid] and we can finally, fucking finally, have a singular, opoen conversation which has one goal in mind. The support and protection of women in formula one.
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tugadork · 1 year
Discussing Hans' Hypothetical Return in Frozen 3
So... been a long while since I've made a post on here. For the few Frozen peeps who follow me, my Fractured fan-fic is currently on an indefinite hiatus (I still very much plan to continue writing it and seeing it through to the end and actually post it at some point, but writer's block continues to pester me and I still need much more storybeats to properly flesh out before I get any serious work done; by now I've only written like half the prologue section).
With that out of the way, and with Frozen 3 being officially greenlit, the question still wonders in the air whether or not everyone's favorite dastardly prince has the opportunity to make a comeback after being left out of Frozen 2 (though, at least we know via that one Santino Fontana's old interview that Hans was intended to be a part of the second movie very early on during development, or at least, the idea itself was discussed).
As of right now, and realistically speaking, I don't think it's very likely for a few reasons: Jen Lee clearly has changed her mind between Frozens 1 and 2 in regards to Hans' character so I don't believe she would begin to consider revisiting his character; him literally being called an unreedemable monster by Elsa in F2 is not a good indication for any chances of a redemption arc with him should he return; in that one group interview with Santino, Josh Gad and the Lopez a few years back, Hans was brought up and Gad even supported the idea of him coming back for a Frozen 3, but Santino seemed very hesitant to the idea so, if he doesn't want to do it assuming they want Hans back, then I don't think he would do it (unless maybe they give the character some depth or give him an overall importance to the plot. I don't know, something that could convince him to come back to the role.)
But I also like to consider what-ifs, and one of those what-ifs is with what to do with Hans' character should he be revisited, because there are quite a few storytelling routes they could go with him, which I will discuss below and you guys can tell me your thoughts if you're particularly interested. These are just basic ideas that came to my head:
1 - Hans is hellbent on revenge against the Arendelle sisters, is the main villain of Frozen 3 and somehow manipulates his family (who is 100% innocent and comprised of good people) into starting a war with Arendelle because of Elsa's unlimited power; still being portrayed as he was during the fireplace scene in F1. [a very generic and boring option for me; many people take issue with how almost unnatural his shift to mustache-twirling villain was, so fleshing his character out a little, villainous or not, I think would help in the long run. Plus, him being the sole main villain would get stale imo]
2 - Like F2 and Frozen Fever, Hans does return somewhat but is made into nothing but a punchline throughout the whole movie, aka the General Hux effect while one or some of his family members play the main villain(s) and ridicule him. [the least interesting and most cringeworthy route to take, and the joke would get old real fast. Not to mention, canonically speaking, Hans' family life hasn't been... great, so I feel like portraying an abusive family relationship like this, even if Hans isn't a good person, would be very uncomfortable and send the wrong message]
3 - Hans' abhorrent actions and consequences, as well as his backstory bit by bit, are fully explored, and he's disowned and exiled by his family following a trial that takes place shortly after his arrival home. Stewing with anger and resentment as he wanders alone, he is eventually approached by the actual main villain (another elemental user would be cool and long overdue for these movies in my eyes) and is ironically manipulated into taking vengeance against those he feels wronged him (Anna and Elsa included) when said villain promises him the rule of the Southern Isles and the happiness he so desires. The villain only intends to use him for their own agenda and someone to take the fall for their actions, choosing to stay in the shadows until the right moment to strike. Hans goes along with the plan, and at first he's thrilled and vindicated, but one tragic moment shatters his concept of morality (this could be any number of things as long as it results in him having a serious wake-up call) and makes him realize how catastrophically wrong his actions are and not being able to cope with it. In the end though, and through moments of actual self-reflection, he helps Frohana to take down the main villain. If he dies, then Anna realizes that people aren't black-and-white like in the storybooks she read as a kid, and decides to forgive him despite what he's done, while Elsa does not. If he survives, either Anna still forgives him or none of the sisters forgive him, but they recognize the change in his character. Hans ultimately gets to make a life for himself, one where he's not shackled by the past. Also, he gets to interact with Olaf in this (seriously guys, immediate comedic potential here, this is literally one of the reasons why I want them to bring Hans back) and Kristoff which he never got to do in the first one. [this, to me, would be much more interesting. Hans' actions would not be taken lightly and the story would later punish him, but through that experience owning up to his mistakes and starting to atone; maybe meeting a few commoners during his exile which he eventually grows to care for or something would gradually kickstart his change. I really love this concept and will probably make a separate post on this that's much more elaborate and better detailed if anyone's interested. It would have to be a different beast than Fractured though, and less of a handful to write for 😅]
4 - Hans is brought back and is still portrayed as a villain, but is given the proper time for his character to be explored and given depth. He also gets an actual villain song. He plots to take vengeance on those who wronged him, but instead of being portrayed as the cunning snake he was in F1, it's more a drive out of desperation and anger. He ends up doing things he would not normally do, horrible things that do weigh on his mind but he pushes on because he sees no other way to claim his happiness; that since barely anyone cared for him when he was younger, that he learned to only care for himself. He's given moments to stop what he's doing and not escalate things further, and despite pausing, he still chooses the worst option. In the end he becomes his own worst enemy, and accidentally dies by his own hand. His defeat is not something that brings either Elsa or Anna joy despite how much he's wronged them and how justified they'd be feel some relief, his family is affected by it, and so the ending of the movie is bittersweet. [let me start off by saying that there is no way in hell Disney would have the cajones to do something this depressing, but man I would kind of love it if they did. One thing I do love about the idea of bringing Hans back and keeping him a villain is turning him into a Shakesperean tragedy, and his quest to claim his happiness by any means unnecessary would be so compelling to watch imo. Sort of similar to Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 in that regard. You could still have another villain in this, either one with powers - seriously, introduce another elemental user in Frozen 3, Disney, pretty pls - or one/some of his family members that are up to their own nefarious plots]
And that's it! Let me know which plot idea sounds good to you or if a combination of certain elements from all these would be more preferable in your opinion for his hypothetical return. 👍
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mountinez · 1 year
Lmao anon out here spitting shit like they keep tabs on each and every member of leclerc's fandom for it to be made up of 'mostly girls'
Guys do weird shit all the time for their sports idol or any person of interest in general and that's called being a 'devoted fan' or 'guys being guys' and all kinds of how guys can't express happiness freely without being judged for it etc gets roped into that narrative. But GOD FORBID women dare utter the NAME of the person they are a fan of and instantly it's all about 'oh you like them because theyre pretty or hot', 'you know nothing about the [insert topic of interest, here f1] you only watch it for eye candy]', 'name every single world champion up until now like you're seb because I bet you can't do that', 'youre unworthy of watching the sport and you can't have any opinions on that'. What's worse is that there's are guys who have no knowledge about said topic of interest, but it's fine (and it actually is fine, because new fans etc) But oh no you're a woman who has just started to watch the sport or you've watched it for 20 years but you've only had that level of commitment because the drivers are HOT. Misogyny at its finest
you are right and you should say it, anon! that's what bothers me the most in that anon statement. i guess men are so used to seeing women as objects that they project and think women do the same. - well assuming that the anon is a man, or not just some hater trying to upset me - glad to know that they think charles is so pretty tho, haha.
on a serious note, how many times we saw boys sending death threats, and commenting racist shit under athletes' insta posts? the dudes who are involved in gambling usually do the most disgusting shit on earth when their bet doesn't win. so how is it worse what girls do? even if they do... because you know, charles' fanbase is not only made up of girls. i have a dear friend (love you louie, if you reading this <3) that is a boy who loves charles dearly and finds him hot too... i really don't see the issue here.
my problem is thinking that people like charles only because of this. it's simply not true! and ofc, using it to attack girls and spread their misogyny is what is more concerning.
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jedivszombie · 3 years
Unpopular opinion. Theres only 1 pay driver on the grid and i think its disgusting that lance and nicky always get roped into that discussion when they had a similar way into f1 than max and lando. Max jumped f2 the year after he lost a championship to lance, lando as the vize champion with money got into the team that posed as his academy team just like nicky did a year later. Everyone needs funds for some drivers it's their family, nepotism (sainz, verstappen, and sorry but even schumacher), for some it's their countries, some get backing from a team (russell wouldnt have made it into f1 without mercedes backing either, hed have to end his career in 2014 before he won the McLaren motorsport award and got mercedes backing after). We live in 2021 stop putting latifi and stroll in the same boat as mazepin because they're not. Also funny how this pay driver debate seems to only focus on the Jewish and part Iranian drivers of the grid. Landos dad is one of the richest guys in the UK and signed a sponsorship deal with McLaren when they took Lando as a junior promising him an f1 seat which he got the year after. Same as Latifi. Theres three differences between them: lando is small and cute, got put in a midfield team while the 2019 (when latifi started out as a Williams reserve and sim driver) Williams was the worst car and let's be honest only got another season because they're a tradition team. Oh yeah and hes white. Lmao stop making this paydriver debate about latifi and stroll only when lando only had the luck to be in the better car. (Sorry this is v long I just get easily annoyed for people saying pay driver and meaning lance and latifi because they're misinformed and ignore all the white boys who did the same aka max and lando)
Whoa Anonymoose. Disclaimer: I sincerely love Nicky and want him to do well and I have done since his rookie season.
I agree which is why in my own post about it I said ‘technically’ there were three pay drivers, I personally only consider Mazepin a pay driver, and explained the path to F1 is paved by paying your way there to some extent whether it’s through sponsorship, team partnership or a shit load of your parents cash/reputation within motorsports.
It’s a problem with the way the sport runs and the model the feeder series uses and it’s a problem with the mindset of the sport itself - F1 as an elite sport for the elites, only a few spaces there because it’s the best of the best but only if you can afford to throw money at it.
I personally rate Latifi and I think if he had a different teammate then we would be able to see how well he is doing - since he keeps falling foul of terrible strategies to back George up. I think Lance was too young when he joined F1 but in his time here he has really improved and is doing so much better.
As I said in my post and in my opinion everybody pays their way to F1 because that’s the only way you can do it. Some do it in cash and sponsoring teams/buying teams (which Haas aside is never a bad thing because you’re helping secure people’s jobs and livelihood). Some do it with reputations of their parents. Some do it with backing from academies and existing teams.
It’s just that there is a perceived ‘right’ way to get into F1 and for some Lance and Nicky fall into the ‘wrong’ way to get into F1. At the end of the day the thing EVERYONE involved here is frustrated at are the conditions created by the sport to get in. Some ignore it for their faves; some find it frustrating but recognise that it’s how the world is built; some just straight up don’t understand.
Finally, a lot of people are under the wrong impression that F1 is a meritocracy and that makes it easy for them to point out people like Nicky since they feel like he’s holding up a seat for someone better/taking chances away from younger talents. F1 is not and has never been a meritocracy and the sooner people realise that the happier they will be.
send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree
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meaningofmotorsport · 3 years
Bahrain Grand Prix Review
What a way to start the season! The first race of the year, has given us so many reasons to be excited about 2021, and reminded us of why we love F1, even if the FIA continue to be inconsistent in the policing of the rules!
Let’s get straight to the big talking point, which seems to have angered a lot of fans, the Turn 4 track limits situation. Firstly, I want to make it clear, that there is no reason to lay any blame on Mercedes. After talking to other teams and drivers, it appears that down the paddock, different teams interpreted what the FIA was saying in different ways, so it wasn’t Mercedes intentionally cheating! The problem is, that the FIA do not seem to have a hard and fast rule on track limits, it is fluid, and even when they do set out a plan, they don’t always stick to it.
From what I heard, track limits were not mentioned in the drivers briefing for the race, so some teams assumed the rules from qualifying carried over and some did not. Then during the race, it looks from the outside, that the FIA only started looking at Turn 4, after Red Bull told Max to start using it, because they realised Mercedes were. This kind of lack of awareness and communication, makes it look as though they are favouring teams when they are not. Just to clarify, I agree with the decision to tell Max to let Lewis through, as he went off track to help complete the manoeuvre, even if he was already ahead as he went out of bounds. The one that I question, is that Hamilton apparently went off track there 30 times, with only a warning, was this because he did not gain an advantage for most of them, or the FIA took too long to pick up on it? I hope it is the former, as this will not affect the racing, but if it is the latter, the FIA really need to get their act together, before we get a more farcical situation.
As I said, it is likely that Turn 4 did not determine the outcome of the race, and even if it did, Red Bull cannot claim they had a faultless race on their part. This is because, Mercedes showed today why they are champions, as they used aggressive strategy to put Red Bull under pressure, despite not having their car pace. This left Verstappen with a lot of work to do, and meant he had to do risky moves, like the one we saw, which cost him the race win. Admittedly I can’t see too much that Horner and the team could have done, apart from maybe saving the mediums for the end of the race, and pitting Max earlier for the last stop, as an almost 9 second gap to close up, is a lot to do, when you also have to pass the car.
The drive by Lewis was also incredible, holding off Verstappen for so long, making him use up tyres, until he was unable to pass him anymore. Best of all, it has set us up for a hopefully season long battle between those two teams, which could go right down to the wire. Their teammates may not be too far off either, as Bottas did not have a terrible race in terms of pace, he was just screwed by the long pitstop, without that he would have been within 10 seconds of the win, which whilst not being where he needs to be, is an improvement on before. Perez made up for a tough Saturday, with an inspired drive from the pitlane to P5, this shows that his race pace is up there with the leaders, so once he can get on top of the one lap pace, he could be able to help his teammate more often.
As expected, McLaren were there when it mattered, Lando started well, got past Leclerc and Gasly, and was off into the distance, grabbing a useful haul of points in P4. Daniel did not have his teammates pace, with tyre wear holding him back from pushing more, nevertheless, P7 is not bad for his first race with the team, I am sure he will only improve from there.
2020 was dismal for the Scuderia, their worst since 1980, and whilst they are not back where they need to be, 2021 has started off much stronger. The car seems to be better in all areas, and they could actually be the biggest threat to McLaren if they keep progressing like this. Leclerc got all he could from the car, as Sainz admitted he took it easy today, to make sure he finished and learnt from it. As they head home to Imola, can they keep this up?
If Alpha Tauri are disappointed with just 2 points, they should take it as a compliment, Gasly was where he needed to be for the race, however he made the smallest mistake, clipped Ricciardo and broke his front wing. Who knows what race pace he had, although I expect maybe not as good as McLaren’s? Tsunoda should come away from this weekend proud of his work, he got into Q2 yesterday, and fought back from a tough lap 1, overtaking many cars in the chaotic midfield, to score some points. The future looks very bright for him, if he can keep building from this.
Aston Martin may have been hurt the most with the regulation change, as Mercedes have the might to reclaim a lot of their lost performance. The car, which was third fastest last year, may now only be sixth or even seventh in the pecking order. Stroll was able to grab the last point today, but that was only as result of Alonso’s brake issues, and Ocon’s crash with Vettel, which pretty much summed up the 4 time champions weekend, as he careered into the back of the Frenchman. It could be a tough road ahead for them, until 2022 comes into view.
Alfa Romeo may not have any points to their name yet, however with their pace, and where they finished overall, it might as well feel like it. They have jumped clear of Williams and Haas, and should be in with a chance of a good haul of points this year. Alpine have had a rough start to their time in F1, the car has pace at least, with Alonso reaching the top 10, and staying there until his brake issue. I don’t think they will be as strong as they were last year, although with Alonso anything is possible.
Williams never really featured in the race, apart from the odd battle with cars exiting the pits, their pace looked on the whole better, as Russell was not far off the midfield pack. I wonder if they now need to focus fully on next year, to try and boost up the field. Haas’ race was tougher than even we had expected, Mazepin once again this weekend lost the car and crashed, with Mick also spinning early on, before settling into a rhythm. Hopefully he has learnt a lot from today, doing a full race, and can be nearer the pack in the future, although it is unlikely.
Compared to the usual procession in Melbourne, this was a much more enjoyable way to start the campaign. When you look back at 2020, it was an incredible season, with many great races, and story lines, all it missed was a title fight at the front. Now, with everyone’s cards laid on the table, we might get just that, on top of action throughout the field. Is it too late to cancel the 2022 regulations?
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itszephoria · 4 years
Saw this pop up and your followers ask you which ones they’re interested in. But people don’t really ask much when I post or they don’t ask the ones that might make you feel uncomfortable. And well, honestly I’m so bored that I’ve decided to break all the damn rules and just answer all the questions because I can. *shock horror*
So information dump on the ‘Be nosy’ that popped up in my feed today. If you’re interested.
Be nosy
1. What’s your sexual orientation? 
Straight. But maybe for the right woman I could sway but wouldn’t go so far as to call myself bi or bi-curious though.
2. What are you obsessed with right now? 
Obsessively obsessing about my health and how to get well and failing it all. Oh and anime movies on Netflix.
3. Ever done any drugs?
I do drugs everyday. But I assume this is referring to illegal. No and was strictly no up until recently. I now take marijuana oil on a regular basis for pain management. Also being stoned/high is not pleasant and I don’t understand why people would enjoy that as a leisurely pastime.
4. What piercings do you want?
I want to get my ears pierced again. Holes have closed up, but currently due to my health that’s not possible. I can’t even enjoy clipons :(
5. How many people have you kissed?
The massive number of 5.
6. Describe your dream home.
It’s tiny in the sense it has all the space I need. A cosy tiny-like home. But not one on wheels, fixed to the ground. And it would be made of all natural materials, stone and wood. It would be unique and resemble something out of a fairy tale. It would sit a beautiful clearing with only nature to view in the distance and all the animals and wildlife would stay well away because I’m pretty much terrified of all it, 
7. Who are you jealous of?
Healthy, painfree people. I am jealous of past me who didn’t realise how lucky she was and miss her.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
I don’t binge any show on repeat. I’d rather look for a new show to watch or enjoy, there are so many. The last shows I binged in two days was Queen’s Gambit and Emily in Paris.
9. Do you watch porn?
Yep. But struggle with it because it’s overdramatic, unrealistic and would kill or someone to make porn with a decent storyline with people that can act. 
I prefer to read it if I’m honest or maybe just write it for myself.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Sort of? More like my other one I used I was known for all my slash writings in F1. But now I just hang out here.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
No where. The world is riddled with co-vid and well, I’m probably in one of the safest countries and I’m at risk of death should I catch it. So I’ll stay here in my safe bubble.
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
I wake up tomorrow and I’m not me. I wake up and I can take a deep breath without gasping for air, I wake up in no pain, I wake up and my body isn’t terribly scared, I wake up and can have a ‘normal’ life.
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nope and no desire too. Won’t that just hurt?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I’d by that dream house I described, set everything up to be self sufficient. Pay and travel to try every cure available for my diseases. And then bank the rest and live off interest. Or maybe donate it. I don’t want money and I don’t really want a lot of things.
15. Are you in a relationship?
Yep and it’s a struggle and am constantly fighting to prove it’s worth continuing. Oh and that’s a relationship with myself.
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
No, I suppose it’s more disappointed and let down by people more than angry. I’m working everyday on letting it go but it’s not easy.
18. What tattoos do you want?
I have always wanted one, but have never found something that I really loved and haven’t been imaginative enough to create something unique. The older I get though, I’m not sure I want one. I did for the longest time though think about getting a Ferrari tattooed on my inner wrist, but pleased I never did that. I don’t love the sport or Ferrari enough anymore to want a permanent reminder of that.
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I am changing name actually. Hoping to action that in the next two weeks. I would have done it earlier but they closed the borders. I have a dutch sir name that has two words. It confuses every one, systems don’t get it, it has caused issues with plane tickets. And well I’ve decided no more and am dumping a portion of it.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
This is a duplicate. Skipping.
21. Describe your best friend.
When you meet her for the first time she can be a little crazy and wild, and she kind of scared at me first because she’s so unlike me. But as you got to know her, the *real* her she doesn’t let people see, you realise how kind and soft she is, and she’s the most empathic person I have known. She gives so much of herself to everyone, thinks so little of herself and her needs because she’s one of the most selfless people I know. I love her more than most of my family and would do anything for her.
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Is this followers? Uh most I don’t know what they look like? I assume they’re all hot!
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Don’t have any really. My music is varied and is based on my mood and really changes around. And with most bands, I generally lean towards one or two songs. This is one of those questions I really struggle with whenever I see it. Will say however, have been enjoying The Beatles recently and a bit of old school stuff.
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Japan. Norway. Canada.
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Generally hanging out with people I like. Enjoying a good wine, some cheese, either playing some board game or dungeons and dragons, or watching a really good movie. Good company makes any night a good night.
26. What’s your favorite season?
Autumn. One because I think it’s neglected as a choice and every season should be loved, and two because I love the colours of autumn and the colours associated with autumn. 
27. What’s your pet peeve?
I’m sure I have a heap of them, but currently it’s people that have an issue with you and instead of being an adult and talking to you about them choose to silence and blank you. I’m so tired of it, I’ve quit being peacemaker in those situations, those people are no longer worthy in my book.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Uh... I don’t think anyone I know is super funny. Friends and family all have a good sense of humor. But out of my circle of life people I’m always told I’m the funny one, which I find the biggest joke ever. 
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Can not think of anything off the top of my head. I will say if I think a movie is getting too much hype I refuse to watch it, whether all the reviews are raving or not. It’s why I didn’t watch Harry Potter for like ten years or any of the new Star Wars movies. I just refuse to be apart of all the hype and jump on bandwagons.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
I’d love to talk to everyone. I’m shy to start any conversations to be honest and I think all the people I talk to regularly were the first to message me, and I love them for it.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
100% love an old fashioned paper book. The texture of the paper. The smell of a book. That being said, I don’t think I’ve picked up a proper book to read in years. I live in fan fiction more than anything or am busy writing myself.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
Any of the disney worlds, anything from the past, or verging on fantasy like. I want a simpler time not full of technology which I grow to hate more each day. The older I get the more I’m pretty sure I’ve been born in the wrong decade.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
I’d build the perfect wardrobe capsule. Everything would be of high quality, not necessarily brand name and all the clothes would be sourced from ethical businesses or be handmade.
I like classic pieces, love the fashion of the 50′s and 60s and while stylish it would be comfortable to wear and everything could be worn in public (sorry comfy tracky pants).
34. What’s your coffee order?
There ain’t no coffee order. I don’t drink it. Sorry @leoni-speedyf1 I know how addicted you are to it, happy to buy you anything you like though :P
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
In real life? No one.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Not romantic. I have feelings in that I hope they’re doing well, achieving what they want and they’re all happy. I didn’t have any ‘bad’ breakups and all my relationships ended very amicably.
37. Have any tattoos?
No. See above for more on this.
38. Do you drink?
Rarely. Can’t with medication and condition. But on occasion I do enjoy a good glass of red. Pinot Noir is my preference. 
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
Not in a romantic way? The ones I talk to regularly I love immensely though.
41. How many followers do you have?
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Uh all the men I know I am not attracted to. Probably a good thing as they’re either family or partnered with a friend or family member.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Can’t think of anything. I try not to feel guilt for anything I enjoy to be honest, whether it’s food or an activity. Life is too short for that.
44. Do you read erotica?
Yep. Even write it.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
It was a few years back. I met this guy online and we went to the city and spent most of that time just strolling next to the river for our first meet up. Why was it the worst date ever? Well it wasn’t the location that’s for sure.
The guy had two kids, and I’m a firm believer all parents have favourites, though I have yet to meet a parent that will voice that aloud. This guy, had no qualms with telling me about this favourite kid, and that wouldn’t be a problem if didn’t spend just as much putting down his younger son. It kind of left me reeling and wondering how his son felt if his dad didn’t hide just how much he didn’t like him as a person. The kid was four and the reason his dad didn’t like him was because he didn’t like bikes.
And so the guy was a bmx rider so he spent the rest of the time on our walk just pointing out all the tricks he could do. He didn’t ask about me, only talked about himself. It was also lunch time and assumed we would get something to eat together, but nope, no food was offered. And when I suggested to get something to drink because it was so hot and we’d been out in the sun for like an hour, he just took me to a subway and told me to get a drink and waved me to the line. No offer to join me, no offer to pay (which doesn’t bother me btw, but this was capping off a terrible day), no offer to get food.
I was so happy to get out of there. Didn’t speak to him again once I had left.
46. How many people do you follow?
I currently follow 59 people. I don’t follow anyone that creates drama, and try and follow only people that post about F1 as that’s all I use tumblr for now.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Either Sebastian Vettel or Ryan Reynolds. Both are married though, so I don’t think that’s going to turn into a reality anytime soon.
48. Describe your ideal partner.
I want someone that shares the same core values as me. Doesn’t want kids, isn’t super religious (grew up in a cult like religion so I avoid it now), is on the minimalist side and isn’t someone that needs new things things all the time or is desperate to replace something the moment they deem it out of date. Someone that doesn’t live their life on social media. Someone that prefers simple things, someone who is kind and giving, and someone that truly loves me - and it’s the last part that I struggle with finding more than anything with all the guys I have dated. 
I am currently not looking for a partner, I am not in a place for a relationship and am fully focused on myself. And I am very content with that decision.
49. Who do you text the most?
Currently my bestie.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Clear blue skies and a warm day to enjoy the sun. But there are times when I simply love the rain, hearing it on the room, watching it fall endlessly and knowing that everything will be green from it.
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astrojmonaf1 · 5 years
This isn't the F1 we love
History in the making, Unfair Rulings, and Big Disappointments
Formula One is a sport that many define as the closest thing to riding a rocket into outer space because of the downforce generated inside the 800 kg car which is more than the weight of the vehicle itself.
Every time the drivers get behind the wheel, they defy gravity which is very much compared to being inside a Space Shuttle and a modern F1 car can pull more G’s than a Space Shuttle launch. Think about that one for a minute.
This week, Falcon Heavy carried an extraordinary payload, a rocket full of satellites and between them a Solar Sail is known as LightSail 2 the size of a loaf of bread which is the second spacecraft of it's kind with nothing, not one engine but the energy of photons to propel it in orbit and promote space exploration.
Then, NASA on June 27th announced that we are going back to Saturn’s biggest Moon, Titan, to send a helicopter drone named “Dragonfly,” to uncover the fundamental blocks that gave way life to our planet.
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That race is no easy feat.
The last time NASA accomplished this was during the Cassini-Huygens Mission, and until this day it remains the farthest aircraft to ever land in the outer Solar System.
Just like Cassini and Huygens, Formula One has a lot of things in common.
A lot of preparation and teams of two, but sometimes not both make it till the end.
This week we saw the youngest podium ever to win in Formula One history at the Austrian Grand Prix.
Amidst back grid positions, penalties for impending drivers and a theatrical ending, and why yes— even a fake document from a pesky fan, because you have to have it all in Formula One, FIA could not taken long to call on their investigation for this year’s winner.
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Max Verstappen wheeled banged himself into Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc on lap 69 which cost the Monégasque his first win.
The Dutchman had earlier overtaken on Bottas from Mercedes right after saying his hybrid engine was losing power and as if a miracle, recovered.
The Finnish and teammate to Lewis Hamilton for Mercedes was having overheating issues, but kept the pace with the 21-year-old, said “made the most out of it. It was a bit more difficult than we expected, especially with the overheating of the engine, so couldn’t race properly – had to manage all.”
The FIA Regulations clearly state:
Article 27.4. : "At no time may a car be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically, or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to another driver or any other person.”
It almost seems as if they were quick enough to deliver a penalty against Sebastian Vettel who had nowhere to go when Lewis Hamilton kicked him out of track in Canada, and it showed.
“I had nowhere to go,” Vettel said, to Lewis Hamilton when he was broadcasted through by Sky Sports after the race was over, “Seriously, I had nowhere to go.”
Sebastian Vettel, superpositioned the FINISH order of the signs once he caught up to the two drivers, Leclerc, and Hamilton in Canada.
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Yes, stewards, you can fool yourselves but not a man behind the wheel!
The rules stand clear on this one.
And although this year's rules were changed to allow overtaking to increase by 50%, that oversight by the judges caused Vettel the race by 5 seconds which subsequently handed Hamilton first place.
That same discrepancy and too much power in the stewards allowed the Monégasque to lose the track not because he could not win it but because of incompetence from the governing body.
A dramatic end indeed which translates it to another week in Formula One, even if Verstappen was able to break the 1-2 Mercedes partnership, FIA, you had one job, just one, and you messed it up.
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What does that mean for the greatest single seat racing sport in the world? The biggest stage in racing that is? It means that even if Honda Racing waited nearly 13 years, for their big break by Verstappen, and Congratulations— for it must feel excellent that you got something handed to you unfairly well, the real winners here are the Fédération.
It means there is a big problem going on with Formula One.
Their penalty process or lack thereof has become a substantiated mess.
FIA forwent their own rulebook when it comes to the violations but happily look away when it pleases their judges.
No wonder why fans have taken it upon themselves into forging fake documents.
They no longer have the ability to trust the governing body, there is no credibility left in the sport after they have blatantly showed to favor certain teams, especially after changing the rulebook to appease them.
Whatever credibility the fans used to have in this organization there is none left, and can you blame them?
The whole system is wrong. Do they know how it works? It is their system after all, but it is broken, and it needs a complete overhaul.
Two hundred and three thousand attendees turned up today in Spielberg, Austria, to celebrate the legend, Niki Lauda, where they saw a Turn named after him. Were he still with us today would he be proud?
This is a massive sport, with millions of fans visiting the circuits and audiences tuning in tandem online and through cable TV, cheering for their favorite teams, from Ferrari to McLaren, Red Bull, and Mercedes to name a few of the top favorites.
There are currently 20 male drivers in the series.
It isn't an easy feat to get licensed for Formula One; many think that the name helps, that it may be a ticket to get into Ferrari Driver Academy, but that is not true. You have to have talent.
And this year's alumni prove it; it isn't like any other group of drivers in the history of the Federation.
Without a shadow of a doubt, they are the youngest group Formula One has ever put behind the wheel and inside a helmet.
We saw Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen, and Lando Norris set some impressive records in Austria this week.
The young British driver from McLaren was poking fun early about keeping the Aussie on check from DRS.
It was a beautiful thing when he was radio’d. ”Like, Forever?” he replied to his team.
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Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc, 21, winning pole position for the Austrian Grand Prix on Saturday, while Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton 5 time World Champion, was given a three-place grid penalty which forced start him in the fifth position on the grid for impending Alfa Romeo's Kimi Raikkonen.
He went as far as saying “We’ve been chipping away at it, but right from the get-go we noticed a bit of a deficit to the Ferraris,” Hamilton said.
“We definitely underestimated how fast they would be, I would say, and I think ultimately on the straights.”
“They really kill us on the straights.” because the Monégasque was leaving him in the dust by a margin.
Raikkonen gave a middle finger at the five-time world champion as Lewis overtook him. About the incident he said, "He blocked me, simple as that," Raikkonen said.
It is known that Hamilton can get tricky on those laps and get off the hook with penalties, FIA notwithstanding has looked the other way and handed them to other drivers like Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari's teammate to Charles Leclerc, who after the Canadian Grand Prix was given a five-second penalty, which ultimately cost him the race to Lewis Hamilton.
During the Austrian Grand Prix, his luck had not changed.
The air pressure line to the engine was acting up, and the mechanics had to shield his car from view while Leclerc had to leave him behind to go on the circuit. Vettel had to stay on the vehicle for as long as he could.
“The car was obviously broken so we couldn’t fire it up and go,” he said.
“We fairly quickly made the decision to change, but it’s not so easy to take the bodywork off.”
“We done everything we could be we couldn't get it done in time." he continued.
“There's nothing you can do inside the car. It's nobodies fault, but we need to understand what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again.”
“At that time it's nobodies fault, I knew most likely that if we fixed it, there would be one run, so I tried to focus solely on that.”
“As much of a pain it is, it's good to see that the other car came through and got pole.”
“I'm happy for the team, obviously not happy for my side. We'll have a good day and a good race tomorrow.”
Following Vettel’s comments Mattia Binotto, Ferrari F1 team boss said "It is an engine problem, "We had miscombustion on one cylinder, but it's yet to be understood.” which indicates they will be taking Vettel’s engine back to Maranello, Italy ahead of the Chinese Grand Prix.
This is Charles Leclerc's second career pole position after qualifying in Bahrain Grand Prix back in March, but missed out due to a cylinder malfunction where he allowed Mercedes AMG F1 Team took a 1-2 victory, Hamilton-Bottas from the overtook him in his last ten laps.
The Monégasque, who was repeatedly proving his driving credentials with speed, in Spielberg, started his driving career, karting at a very young age.
This time, however, was a different story, qualifying to leave the Mercedes in the dust by a margin, with Max Verstappen from Red Bull right behind him following his karting days from 2012.
This time seems as if “Chal Lelerc,“ as he joked on Twitter earlier in the day to the @F1 page when they @ mentioned him “Lelerc“ on a Tweet, was testing a rocket, because he broke the circuits record by 1.03.003 mins in which he evidently pushed himself to the limit, broken the year prior by Alfa Romeo's Kimi Räikkönnen by 1:06.957 mins.
“The car felt amazing actually,” said Leclerc during the FIA conference. “In FP1 I struggled a little bit, but then we did some changes, and from FP2 it was quite good and a big pleasure to drive this car on the limit. It just felt great, and I'm very happy to bring the pole position back home - but tomorrow we need to finish the job.”
Not in vain, he calls this his favorite circuit since in 2017 he won his first cup while he raced for Prema Racing in F2. It's safe to assume that after this loss and the stewards unfairly ruling he will continue to push to get that #1 Championship Title he deserves.
No offense to the winner, Max Verstappen but that ruling was uncalled and the stewards got it wrong.
FIA did give an opening for Ferrari to appeal but Mattia Binotto, Ferrari's Team Boss rejected it “to support the sport.”
“What's Ferrari's opinion and position - we still believe this is a wrong decision, that's our own opinion, we believe that Charles left the entire space, he had no fault, a collision has happened, and he has been pushed and forced off the track,” Binotto continued
“We believe these are clear rules, which we may appreciate or not, and these are exactly the same rules which have been applied in past races.”
“Having said that, we respect fully the decision of the stewards, they are the judge and we need to recognize that, and more than that I think that as a Ferrari fan - and I'm an ultimate Ferrari fan - I think it's time for F1 to turn the page and to look ahead.”
“As we often said, we should leave the drivers free to battle, so we may not be happy of the decision, we are not supporting the decision, but somehow we understand the fact that we need to move forward, and overall I think that's good for the sport and good for F1.”
Binotto may be looking to move forward from this one, but the fans won’t and if by 2021, FIA has not devolved from how their rulebook has immiserated fans worldwide, then, RIP Formula One.
Verstappen won the Austrian Grand Prix by 2.724 seconds, leading Charles Leclerc in Second Place, and Valteri Bottas in Third.
Congratulations on your big win.
By: Jennyffer McCulley June 30th, 2019
📸 : Reuters / Getty / AFP
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mistressemmedi · 7 years
When the wraps came off Toro Rosso’s 2017 car, its looks and livery drew near universal praise. Sadly it then completed fewer laps than any rival in the first pre-season test. So are the new F1 regulations really a chance for the Italian team to jump clear of the midfield? And is the STR13 the car to make it happen? We spoke exclusively with team principal Franz Tost about this year’s changes, what they mean for those at the wheel, and for those watching on…                    
Q: Franz, is this a return to ‘the good old days’: roaring engines, massive tyres and superfast cars? And will fans appreciate it?
Franz Tost: I can imagine so, as the new cars look super cool - very aggressive with the wider tyres and the much bigger front and rear wings. And the higher speed in the corners... I think fans will love it. Now we have to see how the racing is going to be - how the overtaking will work with these kinds of cars. Fans want to see fights between the drivers - that’s why they are coming to the races and watch TV.
Q: The wider cars might be an issue at some tracks…
FT: Probably it will be even trickier in Monaco and Singapore - and qualifying will become even more important there. Fact is that the cars are much faster and that is good news. We are back on track to demonstrate again that we are the peak of motorsports. Q: And will 2017 be the start of a golden age for Toro Rosso? The opinion is that your car has what it takes to make a splash…
FT: Yes, we look super aggressive - partly also because our livery looks really sharp. When you look at the overall picture we should have all the ingredients to have a great season. I assume our car is competitive - with Renault we have a good engine; we have competitive drivers; and the team has had stability in recent years. But in the end nobody really knows their position in the pecking order at this very moment. Four days’ running are simply not enough to have a final judgement. Q: It’s now the third season in a row that you have raced with a different engine. How difficult is it for a smaller team to deal with such a situation?
FT: It is very difficult, as you are permanently confronted with new parameters. The advantage for this season was that we knew about the change early in 2016, so we could react in time and the level of grief was much lower than in the previous years, as we had to design a new car anyway. (Laughs)
Q: On the personnel side, we have seen significant changes at many other teams, but Red Bull Racing and Toro Rosso have remained constant. Is that a plus - and down to good management or watertight contracts?
FT: Both! (Laughs) Overall I would say that people like to work for Toro Rosso, as well as Red Bull Racing. But, of course, we also have contracts. Stability is one of the keys to being successful in the longer term. In Formula One, solutions are never black or white - there are many shades in between. So it is quite important that the engineers know each other well, so as to understand what shade of grey his colleague means. Q: On the engine side it’s Renault for Toro Rosso again. They also power their own team and Red Bull Racing. Whereabouts in the supply chain are you?
FT: I hope we are all equals. We should receive the same parts and the same software. I am sure Renault will be fair enough to provide us with the same material the two other teams are using. Q: You had suggested freezing the Mercedes engine. Do you fear that they will again be untouchable?
FT: Yes, it’s true that I have said that the power unit that is on top should be frozen - in this case it is Mercedes. With the current regulations the development is totally free, which means that the costs for the power units will increase, because what makes it so costly is research and development. Currently we pay a high percentage of our budget for the power unit - and I think this should change in the future. I can imagine that we could go the same route as we did with the V8.
But, of course, if there is a difference between the suppliers, those who are behind should be given the opportunity to close the gap. And if there is relative harmony, the whole development should be frozen. Right now we are on high level on the cost side and we should never forget that the cars and power units are just fabricated for a race on Sunday afternoon. So we should stay in reasonable limits on the cost side and work on the show, with sizzling fights among many different teams and great overtaking. In the long term it is not healthy if one team is so far ahead of the others.
Q: When Nico Rosberg called it quits your driver Carlos Sainz was among the names mentioned as a potential replacement. What were your thoughts on that?
FT: Ha, I was not worried because he has a Red Bull contract. Do I think he would be good enough to survive alongside Hamilton? Yes. Carlos is a very skilled driver who on a couple of occasions was faster than Max (Verstappen). Carlos has a very high natural speed. He will shine if we are able to give him the right car. Q: You are renowned for nurturing young driver talent. This year three drivers start their first full F1 season: Lance Stroll, Esteban Ocon and Stoffel Vandoorne. Who will be top among them?
FT: Vandoorne and Ocon are very highly skilled drivers. And Lance did a great job in Formula Three. I would say that all three deserve to be in F1. Q: How will your two drivers show this year?
FT: I want them to compete well. And it is up to us to make it happen because Carlos and Daniil (Kvyat) have huge potential.
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