#like a “yikes! this u?’’ moment
deathon1leg · 2 years
do you ever get the feeling the writers are trying to prove a point by making m*leven as incompatible and unhealthy as possible ? like they’re trying to demonstrate something about media literacy across audiences or smth? because somehow the majority of the GA thinks they should/will be endgame despite the show making their issues progressively more obvious throughout
like part of me is expecting some sort of “gotcha!” moment around s5 that explicitly provokes people to question why they thought anything about m*leven’s relationship was okay in the first place
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maingh0st · 2 months
@belabellissima's tags on this post deserve a post of their own, i—
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6idus · 2 years
that awkward moment when
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thedeadthree · 1 year
lila thoughts under the read more <3 🥀✨🌹🎸
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lila getting with griffin / g reign and having their little thing in “secret” not only bc it’s what her parents did to each other to get back at the other for slights and arguments but also bc she wanted to not only get back at seven but also to be like “oo look at me i can pull griffin freaking reign i won teehee.” and then the clown catches real feelings for griffin and calls jazz near in tears bc she’s just like her mom 🥀✨🎸🤡 and using someone she loves to get back at someone who she loved may or may not have even loved (i think she did but loved more the idea ? it’s complicated!) but loved the IDEA of seven loving her? dear you know it everyone knows it you want to be loved so bad!!!!!! the sooner you admit that lila the sooner you’ll be much happier my love! so excited to see where things go for her ! and things for her and her beloved g!!!!!
(x) for the divider <3
#oc: lilia laurent#long tags bc lila brainrot I APOLOGIZE 🥀✨😭 (i need to rb that ask game i need to yell about these dears🌹❣️!!!)#baby girl you literally wrote to live and die in la / aka gibson girl by ethel bc you wanted griffin to HEAR IT and pique his interest like#AND YOU DIDNT THINK YOU WOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM???? and it’s the song you auditioned with too?#and jazz was likely like UHH I SAW THIS COMING ! she’s literally lilas voice of reason soizjxxh#caroline catch lila calling halle too at like 3 am sosjjzhx in the bathroom of griffins trailer akzjjzjx she’s a hot mess !!!!!! truly!#she has a panic moment because she’s just like her mother and now has to face to consequences of her actions! yikes!#i think she owns up to it you know? god i want to write a fic of that so bad too AHH#i am still going to be gaming HARD for vic and her to be friends at the end of it all u know?#and some more lore that’s a tad unrelated but maybe has some insight into why she does what she does to cope with things?#her parents spent more time socializing with their friends and playing mind games traveling and the etc then being parents to her?#so she spent a lot of time in beautiful homes alone throwing parties as they did because she was bored and that’s what they did too?#for someone who didn’t want to be her aristocratic messy parents she’s scared she’s turned into them 🥀✨😖#she’s like a nepo baby u wouldn’t think was a nepo baby bc her parents almost never are seen with her outside of a fashion campaign or too#or a tabloid RUMORING they had a daughter (those hurt her more than she admits) it bites to have famous supermodels for parents 🥀😵‍💫#she wants friends and parental figures more badly than she cares to admit (she won’t akzjzjjz but! she does! really bad!)#this baby girl can fit SO many parental issues 🥀✨😌#(also aj she might yank griffin along to visit Flor and her grandma bc of that 🥀✨😖)#leg.txt#your not as much of a manipulative snake as you think you are lila ! you want to be loved !!!!! really bad!#ofc this all could change as the story develops and her arc unfolds but oh my god i love lila so much thats my hot mess express!#jazz being like ‘you aren’t going to like this you’ll block me for a months for this but u need to hear this.. ur a mess my dear’ SHES RIGH#(me hoping this isn’t too ooc GAHH 🥀✨😭)
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http-byler · 1 year
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NORMAL ABT THIS!!! (I’m lying)
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bidokja · 1 year
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only six paragraphs in to chapter ONE (three paragraphs if you discount one-liners) and we are already going strong with the misogyny. idk if im strong enough to read through this again OTL
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blazevillains · 2 years
capcom Really did all this weird transphobic gender shit as if every single one of those ace attorneys arent trans
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lieximhuman · 4 months
Uhm. I took pain relief medication and a few hours later I am still in pain 😐 escuse u???
(Also I may have read the thing after i took it and yikes idk if I can even take that uhm 😦😦😦 hopefully won’t die but uhm)
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bahrtofane · 3 months
promises under the stars
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It's strange. When kisses under stairwells and behind his parents house turns to no more than passing gazes. To hatred. But this is the life you live, the life you have chosen. So you live. You will live.
Jude x fem!reader
Word count - 6.3K+ (yikes !!)
Watch it - angst with minimal fluff. enjoy ?
p.s. - i took a few creative liberties with the time lines an what not so plz take it with a grain of salt and dont think too deeply about it thank u
you can read Judes pov here !
“Jude, “ you sigh. He doesn't look at you, he's afraid of what he’ll see and you know it.
It's a warm summer night, and you sit side by side on the bleachers of his training field. You waited for hours for him to be done, all for just a few moments together. In full honesty, you're not even supposed to be here, you've been threatened from both sides. And even family overseas have joined in. it's a mess. You think you told them you were off to the library, something like that. 
You pulled so many strings just to be let inside to watch training, likewise for Jude. But you're here, he's here. That's all that matters.
Only the lights on the field illuminate you, but you have memorized his face to need no light to see him. Your fingers grab into the seat under you, knuckles turning white. You're afraid. Oh so afraid. 
“Please,” you try again, soft and steady, patient. 
He finds the courage to face you, ripping himself from the doubt that surrounds him. 
You are what plants him to reality, keeps him steady. Your smile is enough to calm any worry, wave away any woe. He hates what he has to do. 
“You know this is the last time I’ll see you,” he mumbles. He can't keep risking things the way they are. There's so many eyes on you as it is. He won't put you into harm's way, even if it means parting ways to do so. He wrings his hands together. Breathe, he tries to remind himself. Breathe. 
You nod, swift and curt, “I know.” oh how you know. You've been dreading this day to come for a while now. And now that it's here, what can you do? 
He picks at the cuffs of his training jacket,“I told them I would marry you, but my agent said it would be unwise.”
“You would marry me?” you whisper, eyes wide. 
“A thousand times over. “ he finds your hand, gently lacing it together.
“I wish things were different.” a knot in your throat forms, and tears well in your eyes.
He presses a kiss to your forehead, gently bringing you snug against him as you sob. You will never understand why your families are so adamantly against you two all of the sudden. Your whole childhood was filled with teasing and jokes of marrying one another, giggles when you would be forced to stand in pictures, but now that it was to be true suddenly the jokes faded and anger took its place. 
He is good for you as you are good for him. Jude is a man like no other, patient, caring, kind, soft and easy to you yet firm to all else. He holds each door open, never forgets flowers, even when he's away. Surprises you with your favorite sweets, never misses a good night or good morning text. Buys you things you mentioned casually in a fleeting conversation, all because it comes from your lips. If you were to wish for the world he would buy it all, tied neatly and delivered to your window sill. 
He takes each burden off your mind with a smile, carries your things, sends a ride to any place you wish to be. (he's working on the actual license).
You fully expected your families to be static, jumping for joy and diving straight to wedding planning. Instead you were met with a brisk, “no.”
No? No to the man who has overtaken your heart and mind? No to the man who wishes to see your flourish and bloom in every regard, every aspect, every part of life? It's cruel in a way. You once used to grimace at the idea when you were younger, fake gagging and instead choosing to wrestle with him in the grass. And now you beg to be allowed to see him. 
To ban your union is one thing, but to see him at all brings too much weight on your heart. 
You fought every step of the way, every step until now. It gets to be too much at a certain point, when you have to watch your very move in fear of being caught, of being seen with him. When eyes wash over you with lips upturned in sneers and whispers soon following. 
The delicate facade you've built is beginning to crack at the seams. Soon there will be nothing left to keep you together. You fear going mad. 
So you choose to let him go.
Your phone buzzes, prying the two of you apart. Your heart leaps to your throat. Have you been found out ?
It's just a twitter notification. 
You sigh, rubbing your eyes. He rubs gentle circles on your knee. His hands are warm. Just like you remember, just like you dream of. In the gentle quiet of your room you close your eyes and wish for him. 
“We can't see each other but I want to keep in touch. I'll wait for you. If you'll wait for me.” he whispers.
You see the tears begin to roll down his cheeks. Ever thoughtful Jude, waiting for you to finish crying to allow himself to do so. 
“I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. “ you nod, leaning on his shoulder. 
And you do just that. 
Youre forced apart when a teammate tells him to get going. 
He scowls, “hold on.”
The teammate, whose name alludes you, shrugs and jogs back inside.
You stand, watching him shake the tension out of his shoulders. 
“This is it then,” you mumble, lip quivering. 
“Yeah,” he takes your hands in his, “guess so.”
You bit your lip to stop any more cries. He unlatches a hand from yours, brining it to cup your face gently, wiping the streaks of dried treats left on your cheeks. 
“I love you,” he leans down, pressing a single kiss to your lips.
“I love you,” you nod, chasing his lips. He gives them to you. Soft and easy. You screw your eyes shut. Oh you're crying again. 
You part when you can no longer breathe, foreheads pressed together while your chests heave.
“My angel,” he sobs.
“Ill find a way back,” you kiss his cheek.
He nods, here,” shaking his training jacket off and putting it on you. 
Someone yells his name and he sighs. One last kiss to your forehead. 
You watch him sprint down the stands, giving you one last smile before disappearing in the tunnel. 
Dortmund is kind to him, you watch as you flourish on the field, never missing a game. You know it's too much to go in person so you stay tucked into bed, laptop out and always always waiting for his name to be announced. Giddy as he looks at the camera. Some days you even convince yourself he's looking right at you.
He calls when he can, facetime you when he's at the facilities. Obnoxiously flexing to the camera while you laugh. You treasure these moments. The few minutes a day when the time difference allows for an overlap. Just enough to get you through to the next day. He always blows a kiss to the camera, and you alway catch it. No matter how cheesy. 
“I stubbed my toe.” he whines on the other end.
You laugh, “and whose fault is that.”
“Yours.” he decides. 
“Uh huh.” you shake your head fondly, raising a brow at your phone that sits on a window sill. Today you're at a cafe getting some work done. And he just finished dinner. 
“Think you'll be able to come to a game soon?” he asks, voice barely a whisper. 
You stop typing, frowning, “Jude…”
He shakes his head, “I'm sorry. I know. We can't.”
“Maybe in a year or so? Things should be cooled down by then.”
“Sure,” he shrugs, “they still giving you a hard time?”
You blow air through your nose, “hard time is an understatement, they've practically banned sports.” making light of the outrages situation helps you feel better some days. Jude joining in helps. He always helps. 
“So dramatic.” he tuts. 
You nod, “so dramatic.”
The year comes and goes. The texts slow down till they are few and far inbetween. You can't blame him. You watch him dominate the field in each appearance, breaking records and showing the world what you've always known, showing just how special he is.
His following count skyrockets and he gets a blue check. You feel special to be one of the few he follows. No matter how silly. Even when he doesn't reply to you and posts on his story you try not to take it too hard (you let it get to your head on bad days.)
You wait for each reply patiently like a lifeline nonetheless, connecting the two of you together. You drop everything the moment his name flashes on the screen. You try to ease the butterflies that float and twist in your stomach, the jitters that make it hard to type out responses right. But you can't help it. 
He wins the German cup. And you get a call late into the night, bleary as you reach for your phone, groaning while you put it to your ear. Skipping over his face that illuminates the screen, smiling. Cheeks flush and eyes blown wide. 
He giggles, “hi.” 
“Hi,” you mumble back. 
He giggles again, “m in your ear.”
You squint, bringing the phone in front of you and getting your first good look of him of the night. 
“Hey Jude.”
“Hey love.” he sighs dreamily. 
You come to your senses soon enough, scooting to sit upright, pushing your pillows around getting comfortable. 
“Are you drunk?” You laugh. 
“Shhh…” he puts a finger to his lips, “secret.”
You raise a brow, “you’re not doing a very good job at keeping it that way.”
Bursts of laughter bubble from his lips. Swaying side to side while. He blinks, hard, mouth open while he stares.
“ ‘M fine.” He nods. Proud of himself. 
You frown, “Are you going to be okay? Are you alone?”
“Erlings with me. My best roommate.”
“Okay good. Be safe.” 
“You’re so pretty.” Is what he manages to get out. 
“Thank you. You should go to bed.” You smile. He’s sweet, no matter how drunk. 
“But I missed you.” He pouts, bottom lip quivering and for a second you think he’s about to cry. Instead he blows a kiss to you. Of course you catch it. 
“I missed you too. But it’s late, for both of us.” You lean against your pillow, blinking against the dark of your room. 
He hums, tapping his finger against his chin. “I won the cup.” He blurts. 
“I know love. I watched.”
His eyes go wide, “you watched me.”
You nod, “the whole game.”
He scrunches his nose, “wow.”
“You did amazing.”
“Wow.” He repeats.
You yawn, squinting against the time in the little corner of your phone. 
“Head to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
He sighs, shoulders sagging, “fine.”
“I love you. “
He perks right back up. “I love you. You. You.”
You give him a little kiss to the screen and he manages to fall back on his bed sighing happily. You hear erling come in and decide to hang up. You hope he manages to get out of his kit for the night. 
Things start to calm down on your end. It's almost like everyone's choosing to forget about the hell they've put you through. But you don't make a fuss, you are happy to have peace of mind, no matter how fleeting it may seem. It's just one step closer to being able to have him. Fully and wholly. 
He calls you early into the morning. He's sitting in his house, shirt off, smiling. 
“Uh oh. What's this about? “ 
He only smiles wider, bringing an ipad out of nowhere and showing it to you. 
You squint, “jude i can't see that. “
He huffs, “here,” picking up his phone and flipping the camera to where his ipad now sits on his lap. 
On the screen reads flight information, for about 2 weeks out, destination is to you. Your eyes go wide and you hear him chuckle on the other end. 
“No way. No way oh my god.” you all but squeal.
He flips the camera back around, “Can't wait to see you again,” he beams. 
“I missed you so much.” 
“Me too.” he mumbles, lips curling in a smile. 
You greet him at the airport, flowers in hand. No you don’t care how cheesy it is. Even if you have to wait in the most obscure place, car parked and nerves rising. Playing with every button and switch on your dashboard, picking at every spec of dust you can reach. You got it detailed yesterday and you’re already nitpicking. 
You check and recheck your phone, picking at the petals of the flowers that rest in your passenger, until his contact illuminates your screen. 
You frantically answer, “hey.”
“TSA was being a bitch.” He groans. 
You chuckle, “that bad.”
“The worst. Where you at?”
You look around for signs, “arrivals, right next to the luggage cart return thing. It says door D5. “
“D5. Okay okay I’m coming.”
You hum, hanging up and drumming your hands on the wheel. 
He calls you again, “okay I’m walking out the door. Can you help me with the luggage?”
“Yeah-“ you unbuckle your seatbelt, putting your hazards on and stepping out of the car. You see him walk out the door and you almost drop your phone while rushing up to him. 
He lets go of his carry on, opening his arms and you slip right into them. 
“Hey,” he hums into your hair.
You laugh,“hey.” 
You unlatch far too soon for your liking out the sounds and rush of the airport pushes you to get him in your car and outta here. 
You grab his things, one carry on and one checked bag, clicking your keys and opening your trunk. He doesn’t let you do much else, lifting the suitcase and sliding it inside. Your little 4 door sedan manages to fit the checked bag in your truck. With not enough room for the carry in, it slides into your back seat. 
You close the door, patting the top of your car affectionately, “there. All good to go?”
He nods, opening the door to your passenger and gasping, “flowers?” Eyes going wide, eyebrows shooting in and looking at you. Lips parted. 
Oh yes. You forgot about those. “Haha. Yeah. Flowers.”
He picks them up gingerly, setting them into his lap as he gets into the seat. “Are these for me?”
You hop to the driver's side, buckling your seatbelt, “duh.” 
He giggles,”they’re sweet.”
“Smell them.” 
He does, putting his face in the petals, “woah.”
“Best flowers in town.” 
“Smells like. Fresh laundry.” He nods. 
“Laundry. You called my flowers laundry.” You sigh. 
He swats your arm, “it’s a compliment jeez. Just landed and you’re giving me a hard time.”
“Yeah yeah buckle up.” You flick his arm. 
The ride home is one filled with animated stories to catch up the time between you two. Completely oblivious to anything else as you drive with one hand, and the other plays with his fingers. 
You get to your little apartment, parking and getting his things out. Sliding your key card over the sensor and you guide him to the lobby. 
You roll over to the elevator and hit the button. Sniffling while it heads up. 
“Are you sick?” He narrows his eyes at you. 
The elevator dings and you find your way to your little home, unlocking the door and motioning him inside. 
“Ta da!”
He snorts, “I’m excited.”
“You should be. Best house this side of the equator.”
He rolls his things inside, shaking his head, “so there’s better on the other side?”
You shrug, “there might be.”
He collapses on your couch the moment he sees it. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply. 
“Shoes off at the door Jude.” You slide yours off and set them next to your shoe rack. 
He groans, kicking them off and trudging back to set them next to yours. 
By the time you put his things in your room, he's out like a light, snoring softly. 
You let him sleep, by the time he comes back to it it's dinner time. Groggy and cranky he pads over to your dining table, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes but reaching for you.
He finds you eventually, plating the last bit of food while he wraps his arms around you, leaning into your back. You stifle a laugh  while he mumbles something about you being mean. You only roll your eyes, unlatching his grip.
“Time to eat baby.”
He only purses his lips, leaning against yours. You give him what he wants. Pressing a gentle kiss and guiding him to his seat. A sleep Jude is a clingy one you've learned. 
He eats all you make, complimenting and praising you after every bite. 
“You're so good at this.” he sighs, taking a sip of his water. 
“Anything for my favorite boy.”
He preens at this, smiling wide.
He's only here for the next three days but you'll take anything you can get. 
Jude worries for you. 
Even in the gentle lull of your ac that fans his face while you're fast asleep against him.
He wonders who much longer he can keep doing this. Holding onto hope that down the line he will still have you.
His time is running out with you. It feels just like the day you parted at the stadium. Crying. He noticed you kept the jacket, neatly tucked in your closet.
It makes him frown. Making you waste your youth waiting for him. 
Part of him wants to keep you for him and only him. Keep waiting and hoping things will work out. Another part of him, much less excited, wishes for you to look him in the eye and tell him you don't love him anymore.
One of you has to do it, he thinks. 
Even if you move in with him and you get married. Is it worth the fall out? His mother hates you. His father cant stand hearing your name at the dinner table on the few days they eat together.
He knows the sentiment is shared on your end.
But he loves you. Oh how he loves you. 
After he leaves you don't hear from him for months on end your worry rises, and when the replies also shorten, your fear takes a hold of you. Sensibility out the window and in comes every insecure thought. 
He's found a hot shot model to be with hasn't he. Or better yet a female player. Reporter perhaps? You're not dumb or blind, you know you're not the only one who sees how handsome he is. He's growing into his features beautifully. But does he see you?
Is he leaving you behind now, as his life and career continue to accelerate at speeds you can barely keep up with, is he no longer waiting for you ?
Jude finds his routine once again. Training playing, training playing. It's a little dull, he thinks.
Much better if you would be here. 
But he can't have that. 
He stops himself from talking to you. It feels wrong. He can't shake off the feeling that he's only doing you wrong by making you keep up with him. So he slowly distances himself. 
He cant stay away. Not even if he tries. 
He surprises you near your birthday. Completely unannounced while you're in the middle of cleaning. 
You open the door to a jittery Jude who grabs you close, pressing his lips firm to yours.
“Hello to you too,” you giggle in between kisses. 
Peck! “You're so-” peck!, “beautiful.”
You shoo him away, getting his things inside as he takes his shoes off at the door. 
“I missed you so much, “ he mumbles against the crook of your neck.
“Me too,” you sigh, clutching into his hands like a lifeline. 
“I got you tickets?”
You look up at him, “okay. Ill go.”
He attacks you with a hundred more kisses, bursts of laughter spilling from the both of you. You dont think youve ever been happier. 
You do go. Sitting in the fancy VIP section while watching him warm up. You almost forgot he’s at Madrid now. Big leagues huh. 
He sends small waves your way in between exercises. And you only watch fondly.
When it's time for the actual match, you can't believe you get to watch him score. And he points right to you. 
You love him. Oh how you love him.
He finds you after it's all set and done. Kissing you silly while he ignores the hundreds of notifications that make his phone buzz and sputter on the table.
You frown, “who is that.”
He chews his lip, “prolly just the guys,” leaning back into your lips.
You're forced to part ways when the calls flood in, promising to see you soon when he takes care of things.
He doesn't come back to see you, instead leaving you to head back to your hotel alone. You try not to think too deeply into it. But you fear you are already starting to lose him. After everything really has passed and fizzled out to nothing but memories. You fear it's all too late. 
You see him only once more during your stay in madrid. When youre all packed and leaving. He presses kisses to your skin whispering promises. And you believe him.
When you land back home you go back to your routine of watching him from afar. And again the replies shorten. So much so you only get the odd text every few weeks. Until it turns to months. And you're back to radio silence. 
It's almost a self pity party, trying to keep up with him. Even now that you can go see him, he can come see you, does he even want that anymore?
You crave to talk to him, to know him, to go back to the closeness you once shared. You know that's no longer your place in his life. You were someone he once treasured. Now you're another unanswered dm that lays in his inbox. 
Does it hurt you as much as it does him? You don't think so. Not when pictures of him on vacation with his “friends” surface. Who even are these people? You don't recognize a single face. It fills you with rage.
Almost like he's trying to erase his past life with this new squeaky clean image of the perfect player with the perfect life. Friends and all. 
Is he ashamed of you?
You fight the urge to call his mom and stir up trouble from the past. So instead you hunker down in your room and try to keep yourself busy and mind off of Jude. This turns out to be much easier said than done. 
Jude finds himself in another after party, wearing clothes much too expensive to be getting champagne sprayed all over them. But what else can he do?
He crafted this image delicately. Can't turn back now. 
There's a woman who keeps whispering into his ear. She's not you. No matter how much his teammates howl and egg him on. He can't bring himself to do so much as face her.
He's not interested, gently moving her aside while he nurses his drink. 
She scoffs, calling him a slew of names. He frowns, excusing himself and making a beeline for the bathrooms. Locking himself inside a stall and leaning on its walls. 
He calls you. Of course he does. And you pick up.
“Hey Jude.” he can hear the smile in your voice.
“Hey love.”
“What's up?” 
He sighs, long and drawn out, “I just miss you.”
You snort, “really because it seems like you've been having a blast on beaches with people i've never heard of.”
“It's not like that-”
“Jude. don't lie to me. If you've found someone else, tell me now.”
“I havent I swear. They really are just friends.”
“Why didn't you tell me you were going?” you whisper.
There's a beat of silence. And Jude can't find the answer. Looking at the ceiling of the club like it will magically come to life and give him just the right combination of words to make both of you happy. 
You sigh, “if we are going to make anything work I can't be out of the loop this much Jude. I can't know things after paparazzi do okay?”
“Okay,” he replies, meek. 
“Where even are you?” 
He licks his lips, “this after party thing.”
“Its in a club isn't it.”
He doesn't answer but it's confirmation nonetheless.
“Dont be stupid and start calling me more.”
He opens his mouth to answer, but you've already hung up. He rubs his eyes and head out the stall. Washing his hands and splashing some water on his face.
When he gets back out there, he decides to call it a night. Ignoring the groans and frowns he gets.
When he's back in bed. He's looking at flights to see you again. 
Jude gets a call a few weeks later. 
It's right after he gets back from training. Hasn't even changed yet. 
The number is unknown and he ignores it the first time. Setting his phone on the dinning table and kicking his shoes off. 
When it calls back two more times he picks up. 
“Hello?” he scratches the back of his head. 
“You know why im calling.” its your father. 
Jude scrambles to take a seat, chewing his lips. What does he mean know why. He hasn't talked to you in a few days. 
“Um, I really don't know-” he gets cut off.
“This will be my last warning to you. You are not going to ruin my daughter's life i dont give a damn how old you are, how old she is. None of this player nonsense. She has a proper education. You aren't going to ruin that for her, do you understand?”
“I swear if I hear you coming around her or talking to her I will sue you and your whole family.”
The line goes dead and Jude sighs. Great. Just great. 
He calls his lawyer, seeing if it would be legal to sue. 
His lawyer hums, “well they can come at you from any angle really. Emotional distress possible defamation. Id lay low for now.”
So he does just that. Yet again going silent on you.
He hears wind that people have put two and two together. Your instagram has been flooded with requests. You've always had it private but you've been forced to change your user name and picture.
You don't know how but pictures from when you saw him in Madrid have resurfaced. 
And have gone more than just viral. It's all people are talking about. 
Your work life has gone from just pleasantries and work only talk to people crowding around you begging to know more. You've had people show up to your workplace for god's sake. Begging to be let in so they can see you. 
Jude calls you, worried. “I'm so sorry I don't know how pics were even taken. I'm so sorry im so sorry.”
“I don't know what to do Jude i've never dealt with this kinda stuff.” you mumble.
“Hey, hey its okay. Ill get you in contact with a security company dont worry leave it to me.”
“For now. I dont think ill be able to see you anytime soon.”
“Thats okay.”
“Be safe yeah?”
Your family is in a complete uproar. They blame Jude. of course they do. Your father talks about suing him but you turn it down. 
“He didnt mean for this to happen.”
Your mother shakes her head, “this is why we told you to stay away from him.”
You dont regret any moments with him. 
It takes a while. A grueling few months for your life to finally go back to normal. But Jude rarely comes back like before.
You watch the months turn to years flashing by. Facetimes become a luxury of your past self. Calls are reserved for special occasions like an aged wine. Only brought out sparelily. You get one on your birthday but it feels forced. Heavy and filled with all too much silence. 
You've tried calling, texting. Rarely receiving the time of day. Who is Jude to you anymore? 
“Hey, “ he smiles. A picture perfect rehearsed one. You almost forgot what he sounded like when speaking to you. How long has it been now?
“Hi.” You mumble. 
“Happy birthday. Sorry I couldn’t be there.” 
You shrug, “it’s okay.”
Silence while you pick your nails. 
“Any plans?”
“I don’t know, maybe dinner with friends.”
“Oh Emily?”
You want to roll your eyes. You haven’t spoken to Emily in years.
“No Jude. We’re not in touch anymore. New friends I’ve met”
He mouths a silent “oh”. 
He wants to tell you why he's been gone for so long. But unfortunately he's caught up in a legal battle. Your father actually went ahead with it. And he's stuck trying to make sense of it.
The maniac got good lawyers. And he's using every last bit of the law to win it. Using the leaked pictures that caused you so much trouble as his main leverage. 
He's been advised not to talk to you. But it's your birthday. And now seeing you moved on, new friends, new life. It feels like it's time to let go. 
For your sake. He's only brought problems into your life. And you live a life now without him. He just hopes you're happy. 
You see him once, passing by through the city center. You want to run after him, grab his shoulders and shake him awake, scream and yell, beg for him to remember your promise. But you do none of that. The second your gaze meets his, your heart leaps to your throat, you blink and he's gone.
You get a text from him a few days later, first since your birthday. 
Was nice seeing you.
You want to cry. What did he see? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It wasn't nice. Not at all. It was awful. It ripped any piece of sense out of you and made you sick. 
You dont reply. 
You wish you had. He gets called to the national team, and suddenly your family begins to boast of your connection to him. And that's just it. Your connection. Not theirs. Yours. You know him, you love him. Or you knew him. 
After so many years of cursing his name now they all but sing it. 
The local community is hosting watch parties, you refuse to go. 
You know the gossip around you as is. You don't need it said to your face. These people are unforgiving on their best days, cruel on their worst. More so the older generation who seems to hold not an ounce of basic human decency. 
And somehow you find yourself in a room painted in blue and white, you look away at the stares you get when you walk in. You're regretting coming at all.  You're wearing a blank jersey you've had for a while, slumped in the corner of the room, watching. Waiting for the comments to pour in sooner or later. 
But they don't, not for now. Instead, the room erupts with cheers and applause as Jude scores a goal, you smile. Not bad for a midfielder huh. The air is electric with excitement, but you feel detached, as if you're watching the scene unfold from a distance, picking at the plate of sweets that rests on your knee. 
As the game progresses, you can't help but steal glances at Jude on the screen. He looks different now, more confident, more assured. He's cut his hair, clean and precise. And yet, there's a sadness in his eyes that mirrors your own.
You wonder if he thinks of you, if he remembers the promise he made all those years ago. Has it really been years? But the thought is fleeting, lost amidst the chaos of the crowd and the weight of your own heartache. And soon I have a headache. 
When the final whistle blows and England emerges victorious, the room erupts into celebration once again. But you slip out quietly, unnoticed, lost in your own thoughts.
Outside, the night air is cool against your skin as you make your way home. You're not waiting on anyone, and it's a short walk away. The streets are quiet, the sounds of celebration fading into the distance.
You pause for a moment, taking in the stillness of the night. And in that moment, you make a decision.
You may not have chased after him when you had the chance, but you refuse to let this be the end of your story. You refuse to let fear and doubt hold you back any longer. There is no use to let yourself be defined by what ifs. 
With a determined step, you pull out your phone and type out a message to Jude.
Watched you play tonight. I'm proud of you.
It's a small gesture, but it's a start. And as you hit send, you feel a glimmer of hope stir within you.
Maybe, just maybe, this isn't goodbye after all. Maybe there's still a chance for the two of you to find your way back to each other, to rewrite the ending of your story.
But for now, all you can do is wait. Wait for his reply, wait for the future to unfold, and wait for the day when you can finally be together again, without fear or hesitation. In a way he'll always be your Jude. 
News reaches you in the form of an instagram post on a summer day.  Not family, not friends, not him. It’s your explore page that plasters it on your screen, in the middle of your morning routine you see him all tidied up in a suit, facing away from the camera, the side of his face illuminated by soft light. Next to his side is a woman in white, you only see a peek of her face but you call tell shes smiling. 
“Just married.”
Married. Just. Married. 
You don't register it at first, the words looking more like a foreign language than any coherent sentence. So you finish brushing your teeth and your hair. Moisturizing your face, slipping back into bed and rereading it over and over and over again till it finally does click for you.
He gave up on waiting.
You keep going back to the picture. He's grown into a proper man now. His features are full and bright. He's gotten a different haircut. Leaving behind the one of his youth. You read through the comments of teammates and old friends congratulating him. 
You realize the tie he's wearing is the one his dad got him when he first left for dortmund. You think you're gonna be sick. 
No one bothers to ask why you've been crying all day. It's safe to assume everyone knows by now, hell the whole population probably does. 
What changed his mind? What made it that he couldn't even bother to let you know beforehand?
And yet there's a stupid prick of hope that can't seem to go away. You're still waiting for him aren't you. 
As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, the reality of his marriage settles heavily on your shoulders. You can't help but wonder if he thinks of you, if he remembers the promises made under the stars, if he regrets the choice he made. But you push those thoughts aside, burying them deep within you, because what good would they do?
A sick twisted idea of wrecking his home blooms in your mind, but you know you can't. You just can't. Not to him. You can't take away something like this from him. 
Life goes on, as it always does, but the ache in your chest remains, a constant reminder of what could have been. You try to distract yourself with work, with friends, with anything that will keep your mind from wandering back to him. Yet, he's always there, lingering in the back of your thoughts like stardust. 
You hear snippets of his life through mutual acquaintances, through social media posts, through the grapevine of gossip that always seems to find its way to you. He's thriving, it seems, his career reaching new heights, his personal life seemingly content. Apparently he has a kid on the way, would you look at that. And you can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. To top it all off you still have no clue on who this woman is. Not who she is, what she does, where she's from. Absolutely nothing, it drives you mad to say the least. 
He hasn't spoken to you. Not since that day in the city center. 
Maybe if you would have known all that was to come you would've gone after him. Chasing him endlessly through cobblestone stress and crowded walkways. Would he have even stopped? Given you a moment of his day?
The same man who spent his days off in your apartment kissing your worries away and promising you a tomorrow you still cling to. 
You're a foolish foolish woman. And for some reason, you don't hate him. You don't think you ever could. Even after everything, every single year that's passed. A part of you will always love him. 
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libbyfandom · 6 months
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(((This one got kind of, I don't know how to describe it other than I made my own heart sink. Yikes.)))
Possible Triggers: To cover it, there's one explicit sentence about SA. And Mizu has a breakdown.
“My son told me he spotted that Onryō that was seen outside the village.” You hear an older man’s voice a couple tables away as he sits down.
A second one answers, “The guards said he had a woman with him.”
The first man speaks quieter, in a hardened voice. “Truly?”
“Yes. The poor thing was following so close to it. Do your u think she’s controlled by it?”
You take a sip of your tea slowly, staring out the window as the last of the sun’s rays pull away from the street outside.
“But Onryō don’t enslave people, only torment or kill them, don’t they?”
“Maybe this one desired the girl for worse things.”
There’s an eerie lull in the two men’s conversation, imagining the horror of a demon growing in strength and lust for evil.
Your eyebrows furrow, and you stop the condescending sigh that’s rising in your chest.
“How would it even do that?”
Out of the corner of your eye you see the second man lean closer to his companion. “Maybe he ate her heart.”
Your fingers tighten on your cup, your mouth forming a thin line from how your body is slowly tensing up in anger.
“Think about it,” he continued, painting the scene. “The heart chakra is the center of compassion, empathy, forgiveness. An Onryō?” He chuckles darkly, shaking his head. “It’d tear it right from her chest and swallow it into his empty stomach. Instantly she’s tied to it forever, forced to follow the monster that has her heart and suffer it’s desires.”
You take a shaky breath through your nose, setting your cup down. Your stomach is tensing from the urge to find the nearest teapot and just upend the burning liquid over their heads with a impassive face as they scream and burn.
You’re about to stand up when a hand, slender but rough, wraps around your shoulder. A kasa blocks your side view of the men. A familiar pair of lips find their way to the spot behind your ear. “I’m done. Let’s get back to the room,” they murmur.
You try to tilt your head around her large hat to set your hardened eyes on the men again. You estimate if you could successfully make it over there before she grabs you.
You turn and look into blue eyes hidden by orange lenses.
“I’ve heard worse,” she utters plainly, glancing outside to see a passing guard. Her hand goes to the hilt of her sword.
The ends of her fingers trail down from your shoulder to press over your heart, feeling it beat under her touch.
A murmur. “Let’s go. Now.”
She guides you with a hand on the small of your back through the tables. You turn and stare with barely contained disgust at the men as you pass by, and it infuriates you when they don’t even notice.
Only a handful of steps away from them the first one blows out a deep breath. A low laugh. “Maybe if we follow the screams of a woman being savagely raped by a monster in the night we can kill it.”
Mizu’s steps slow to a stop.
Your lungs forget how to breathe.
Her hand wraps around your waist with the lightest touch.
The tearoom is so quiet. Your head slowly turns and see that the men are the last ones in there.
“Go back to the room,” her voice is so calm you feel an icy flush dart from your ears, down your neck and rapidly crawl over your spine. It’s that instinctual alarm when a dangerous being is near.
And now, after you felt your own moment of quivering anger, you’re forced to remember what true rage matured by decades of time looks like.
Her grip tightens to a painful point, and you wince. “Now.”
Her thumb flicks the first several inches of her sword out of the sheath, the metal reflecting the red glow of candlelight.
Her eyes are staring straight ahead, but you know where her attention is now.
When you hesitate too long, she shoves you toward the door. You stumble, your head turning back to glance at the oblivious men. So unaware.
When you stare back at Mizu, her face is impassive. The candlelight in the tea house lights up the orange of her lenses, obscuring your ability to see her eyes anymore.
It’s just flames.
You’ve been pacing your room since you got back. The sky outside has lost the last traces of light.
The last time Mizu’s face was that eerily blank was months ago out in the woods. Ringo was off gathering herbs for dinner when Mizu sat beside you in front of the fire. She hadn’t said a word to either of you for hours.
Her hand had gone to your knee. “You asked me about my mother once,” she had started.
You hesitated, catching on to the weight of this impending conversation. “Yes.”
And then it all came out. She didn’t look at you once, staring into the fire the entire time. You don’t recall her even blinking as she laid everything out bare for you. Her hand clenched tighter and tighter on your knee as she spoke, her arm quivering.
There was only a few seconds between when she finished and Ringo appearing in the tree line again, shouting happily about what he found. You didn’t get a chance to say anything, her hand leaving your knee cold as she quickly retreated to the other side of camp without a word.
Your eyebrows furrow as you silently chew at your nail, your other arm wrapped around your middle.
‘Maybe I should go find Ringo.’
The two of you should go back and look for Mizu. It’s been too long.
You take several hurried steps toward the door when you hear the window slide open behind you, and the chill of the wind rushes in.
You turn, watching Mizu’s blood soaked body climb through the small window. Her sheath makes a muffled thump as she throws it into the room so she can heave herself in.
The blood soaked sheath leaves a short streak of red along the floor from where it slid to a stop.
Mizu’s feet settle on the ground, and she leans back against the open window with a neutral expression. It’s not like the one before, this one is her natural resting expression that isn’t devoid of life. A relief.
Her indifferent expression is normal. The blood soaking into her clothes is normal. The blood splattered across her face is normal.
Her red rimmed eyes are not normal.
She tilts her chin up at you and quirks an eyebrow as your gaze meets.
As if to say, ‘What?’
You silently walk closer, and you see how she leans back against the window as you do. Her bloodied hands clench around the windowsill.
Her eyes harden as you get closer, her jaw clenching. Warning.
But your eyes remain soft, open, unguarded. You reach out and cup the sides of her torso. Unafraid.
Your hands slowly smooth down her sides to her waist and back up. Back down. Again and again. Around her back where you’ve memorized each scar.
She silently, desperately tries to grasp for the last of her stoicism. But her grinding teeth begin to chatter, chest hitching with broken breathes. Her knuckles turn white with how hard she’s gripping the windowsill behind her.
You pry one hand off the window, and it takes several pulls on her wrist before she lets go.
Without breaking eye contact, you stare into her eyes as your hand guides hers to press against your heart. You fold your arms over hers, hugging her arm to your chest as your hand presses down on hers until she feels your heartbeat under her palm.
Constant and unwavering.
A singular, strangled sob tears from her tight throat and she’s crumpling. Tears burn down her cheeks as her form doubles over with the force of her soul finally finding the weak point to break the dam.
It’s you, it’s you, it’s always you and your love for her isn’t it?
Your hand still holds hers tight to your heart as you follow her shaking frame sinking to the floor.
Blood is soaking into your clothes at every point she touches you.
Her head is hanging down between her shoulders, heaving in air more and more and more until she unclenches her jaw and release an ear splitting scream so loud your own teeth clamp shut.
All you can do is hold her until the screaming stops.
When her muscles finally unclench, and her breathing is only a little ragged, you guide her down to lay on her back with her head on your lap.
She blinks up at you, exhaustion lining her wet face. It’s quiet again, so now you’re able to hear how your breathing is in sync.
Her hand, now cracking with dried blood, reaches up and curls around your wrist. Staring intently into your eyes, she guides it under her haori to her own heartbeat.
Blinking away your own tears, you lean over and press your lips to hers.
She closes her eyes as the weight of your hand settles there, and stays.
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lanadelnegan · 10 months
Ooh girl! Loving your work! I had an idea of a smutty fic with JDM himself. Maybe something with him being scared of showing his jealous side because the reader is his younger girlfriend but can’t help it when a man flirts with her
THANK U THANK U. A jealous JDM? I can do that hehe.
Jealousy, Jealousy
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, NSFW, semi-public sex, car sex (riding), a jealous, possessive jdm, age-gap relationship
A/n: I didn’t even mean for this to turn into such daddy-kink, but it did towards the end. So I hope you’re into that. 🥵
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"Can I buy you a drink?" A younger, blonde man smirks next to me.
"Oh, no. I'm good. Thanks though."
"Come on. I insist." Before I can reject him, he plants himself in the stool next to me before motioning to the bartender.
"Um, I -"
"Excuse me, you mind grabbing this pretty lady here another.. On me." He asks the bartender before smiling at me again.
"Names Drew." He tilts his head back swallowing his drink.
"Drew, I'm.. here with someone."
"Nice to meet you, here with someone." He says jokingly as if that's my name but I ignore his lame attempt.
"Look baby, if you are here with someone, where is he?" His head tilts to the side at me and I raise my eyebrows, clearing my throat as I look past him at the much taller man standing behind him.
The bartender places the drink in front of me as soon as Drew turns and notices Jeffrey standing behind him.
"Wow, thanks for the drink man." Jeffrey's large hand grabs Drew's shoulder roughly and I watch his fingers squeeze until the veins on his hands become even more visible.
Drew visibly cringes in pain at the touch and watches Jeffrey finish the drink he ordered me in two gulps.
"I'm more of a whiskey guy, though." Jeffrey smiles at him arrogantly, wiping the corner of his mouth before slamming the glass down on the bar. Drew tries his best to put on the tough guy act but I can see the fear behind his eyes.
"Sorry man, she didn't say she was here with her dad." He glares at Jeffrey.
I make a "yikes" face, showing my teeth and shaking my head. Poor Drew, this isn't gonna end well for him.
Jeffrey chuckles in his face, keeping eye contact with him, and my legs clench a little watching his "Negan" side come out.
We've only been dating for a couple months now, and while I'm sure our age-gap is strange to other people, Jeffrey and I couldn't be happier. I've always dated men my age, but men in their young 20's don't know how to treat a woman. Jeffrey is so good to me.. in every way imaginable.
I've never seen this protective, jealous side of him.. but I think I like it.
"Daddy.." I interrupt. "why won't this weirdo leave us alone?" I talk in a baby voice to Jeffrey, mocking Drew for calling him my dad.
"Wait.. I.. I know you. You play that asshole in the walking dead... Can't fucking stand him." Drew huffs at him.
"Y/n, baby, go wait for me in the car." Jeffrey demands.
Before I go to leave, I stand on my tippy toes and kiss Jeffrey's cheek slowly, glancing at Drew who looks like smoke could come out of his ears any second. Freak.
"That's fucking gross, you know that right?" Drew calls after me as I walk away. "He could be your grandpa! Bet he can't even get it up."
Before I can open the door to leave, I hear a loud bang from behind me. I turn to see Jeffrey's hand bring Drew's blonde head up from the bar top he just slammed it against. "Dude you just broke my fucking nose! Drew wipes the blood from his face.
"Babe, stop!" I call out.
Jeffrey glances at me, still firmly gripping the back of Drew's hair.
"You're lucky my girls watching, or I'd break more than that." He grits out next to his ear.
I've never seen him make that face.. and it does something to me. He looks so hot and.. unhinged.
"Car. NOW." Jeffrey says in my direction as he tosses the blonde man on the ground. He grabs his leather jacket and follows me to the car. We both get in, staying silent for a moment as I try to register what happened.
He sighs, dropping his head and gripping his knuckles around the steering wheel. "Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have act-"
Before he can finish, I'm climbing on top of him like a dog in heat, slamming my lips against his while lifting my black dress until it's bunched around my waist., revealing my red thong. The seat is pushed far enough back to allow me room to comfortably sit in his lip. His mouth parts open and my tongue swipes across his. Fuck, his mouth tastes so good.
I bite his bottom lip when I pull away, letting my fingers tangle through his salt and pepper hair. His hands firmly grab my ass as I grind myself desperately against him. I'm so wet I'm pretty sure he'll have a spot on his jeans. I take his semi-hard cock out of his black jeans and stroke it twice before he's solid in my hand.
The best thing about being with an older man? The size of his cock and the way he knows how to use it. It's big enough to where the tip reaches just above his belly button as it stands against him and my mouth waters at the sight. I lift myself up, wasting no time due to my throbbing pussy needing him so badly, and gently slide down his length. His head drops back slightly as he watches me through lust-filled eyes.
"Fuck, baby. That's it." He talks me through it as I struggle to sit completely with him in me.
I bounce on him while he guides me up and down, squeezing my ass. He looks up at me as I start to slow down, grinding against his cock repeatedly as it hits the right spot.
“You look so fucking good riding me, baby.”
His window is cracked open a few inches and we’re parked right outside the front of the bar. The thought of getting caught makes me hotter as I moan and bite at his ear.
Just as I’m about to come, I hear the bells of the bar doors ring and look to the side, seeing Drew walk out. His nose is bandaged, so someone must have helped him out.
“We’ve got company, doll. You wanna tell him who you belong to?” Jeffrey slams me down onto his cock so hard that my vision clouds and I feel my orgasm rush through me. My mouth falls open just as I look to the side and see Drew walking past the car.
“Daddyyy!” I moan loudly, getting Drew’s attention. He looks at me disgustedly and shakes his head. I watch him angrily get in his car and drive away and smile to myself.
“Fuck. Daddy.. I’m gonna cum.” I cry out.
“Soak my fucking cock baby. Give it to me.”
I cry out louder as my walls contract around him. He kisses me hard and looks into my eyes.
“Fuck, doll. I love you.”
I stare at him wide eyed and can’t believe he just said it. I’ve known I love him since the first week we met, but I wanted him to say it first.
“I love you too, Jeffrey... I.. I want you to cum in me.” I kiss him lips softly this time and I slowly slide myself up and down on him.
He smiles up at me. “Yea? You want daddy’s cum in you, baby?”
I nod and bounce on him faster.
“Cum in my pussy, daddy. Please!”
“Baby, fuck. Fuck. Ahhh.” He moans and his dick pulses, shooting strings of hot cum deep inside me.
I stay on top of him, kissing him as he comes down from his high. His seed leaks out while his cock is still in me and I feel it run down my legs.
“I need strange men to hit on me more often.” I breathe heavily, teasing him.
“Funny, doll.” A loud smack lands on my ass. “I promise they won’t fuck like you like daddy does.”
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cloudcountry · 6 months
Hey Кролик!!!! I saw you changed your bio, so I think I can still request? Maybe? Idk, tell me if I can't.
I read and reread the rules, so here is what I thought of: absolutely obliterating 707 with snowballs, the poor unsuspecting fool gets hit with way too many snowballs (that's what he gets for being mean to me >:] ) and falls to the ground getting buried for his sins >:))))
Then, he gets a little kiss as an apology because he's my little pookie bear <3
(Make sure to take your time! And eat and drink! I love you! Muah ❤️)
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SUMMARY: you take saeyoung completely off guard with a snowball to the back of the head!
WARNINGS: spoilers for seven's route, contemplation of death. ITS FLUFF I PROMISE.
COMMENTS: ignore the fact that i picked the most summer cg ever for him ok HE LOOKED HAPPY. the seven kissers hiveminded you guys are so weird /aff (also abel!!! i love you too!!!!! RAHHHH)
TAGLIST: @haruhar-u since this was also your request <3
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It almost seems like the rolling of the snowball in your hands is an absentminded movement, but it's very much intentional. Your eyes are training on the back of your boyfriend’s head—his bright red hair is a beacon in the bright white world around you. It’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop (or, alternatively, Saeyoung’s giggles as he sculpts the little snow Elizabeth the Third next to the snow-you and snow-him.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed at how quickly he whipped up snowpeople of everyone. Impressed, but not surprised. You think you even see Vanderwood a little ways back, isolated from everyone else, and you feel a stab of pity for the poor guy.
Working with Saeyoung can’t be easy, but he’s always been nice to you. Even up until the two of you ran away, you know deep down Vanderwood cared for Seven.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting to get too caught up in the nitty-gritty of the situation when Saeyoung had it handled. You trusted him to protect the two of you, You know he can. You’re incredibly lucky for each and every day you get to spend at his side, even though you’re nearly always aware that each day could be your last.
But you chose this life when you chose him, and you would have it no other way.
And so, you show your love by winding up and throwing your perfectly crafted snowball as hard as you can at Saeyoung.
It hits him square in the back of the head, wetting his vibrant hair and sliding down until it hits the inside of his hood.
“Yikes!” he yelps, flailing his arms around his back as he springs away from snow-Elizabeth, “Enemy attack! God Seven is down!”
You laugh, already scooping up more snow and pelting him with your (much more sloppy) snowballs. Saeyoung makes a big show of gasping for air and pleading for mercy, occasionally playing dead and waiting for you to come over and poke him before smacking you with snow as well.
It doesn’t take long till the two of you are out of breath, your fingers ice cold but intertwined through your gloves.
“Want to head inside?” you murmur, kissing his snowflake-sprinkled brow, “We can have some of your very special hot chocolate.”
Saeyoung’s eyes light up and he gives you that big goofy grin you fell in love with.
“One thing first.” he whispers, the quiet of his voice exaggerated and theatrical.
And for a moment, you expect a snowball to the face, but he kisses you instead. It’s soft and sweet and tastes like an unholy combination of energy drink powder (which...now that you think about it, likely explains how quickly he crafted everyone out of snow.)
“Now we can go inside.” he laughs softly against your lips, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you inside, where you can be warm and comfortable with the one person you love most.
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whyse7vn · 7 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
hobi: don’t want to know don’t care shut up
jin: what now
jimin: sighs
tae: AWOMAN 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
yooongi: …
jk: #newbeginings 🙏🏼
namjoon: ??
jk: i’m moving out guys 😆
like living on my own
i am
no joke
real life
living with y/n era OVER
hobi: attention seeker
jin: idk if you can even survive on ur own
y/n: he’s being stupid
ignore him pls
jk: house warming party soon guys!!!!
everyone invited unless ur name starts with a j
yoongi: your name starts with a j
jk: everyone invited unless ur surname starts with a j
yoongi: are you stupid
jin: is this about y/ns new bf lmao
y/n: i brought jaehyun over ONCE and now kooks spiralling
jk: idk who is jaehyun sorry idk who that is or what ur talking about sorry idk a thing
namjoon: sighs
yoongi: lowkey valid
y/n: ????????
yoongi: i mean if we were living together and you brought a rat back home i would loose my mind a bit
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: yoongi
yoongi: just saying
jimin: LMAOOO
y/n: not funny
jimin: just a little bit
tae: i heard jaehyun a world famous cheater
y/n: guys
hobi: look you made her upset
jk: y/ns upset?
jin: yikes
jimin: it’s not even my fault
yoongi just makes me giggle some times
yoongi: 🫰🏼
tae: i’ll hold you bbg sshhh don’t cry
namjoon: ew
y/n: i really really like him ok
so if you all could actually maybe just give him a chance and not be assholes for once i would really appreciate it
hobi: ofc pretty <3
jimin: ok but do you love him
namjoon: jimin
jimin: WHAT sorry i really need to know
jin: woah
jk: i mean you don’t have to answer that haha
i’m still moving out btw
tae: i think you should give up i don’t think she’s gonna tell you to stay
omg like a dog
i wish someone would tell me to stay
“stay 😡”
ok bae i’ll stay
am i ur good boy?
tell me i am
look at me
i stayed here
waiting for you
tell me i’m your good boy tell me please
hobi: bro
tae: sorry got lost in the source
namjoon: you mean the sauce?
tae: yesss mayo!!
@y/n tell me to say
y/n: absolutely not
i can tell you to kys tho
tae: Keep Yourself here and Stay
a win for kim taehyung
y/n: kill yourself
tae: no
i’m a bad boy tonight
what you gonna do about it 😝
jimin: oh my god stop talking
tae: she wants me
y/n: she has a boyfriend
tae: never even seen that man in the same room as you
u sure you not making this relationship up
y/n: do i need to send you a fucking sex tape to prove it
tae: i mean…..
if you want lol
y/n: ur gross
tae: you’ve kissed me
y/n: top ten worst moments of my life
namjoon: enough
both of you
y/n: taes a shit kisser
tae: NO I AM NOT
namjoon: wydm tell her?
ur acting like i’ve kissed you to know
tae: i’ll kiss you
namjoon: i’m going to block you
jimin: tae can’t kiss tae can’t kiss
hobi: that’s really sad actually
jk: can someone do me a favour
yoongi: no
namjoon: what’s the favour?
yoongi: it’s gonna be something stupid
jk: joon can you buy me a house??
yoongi: shocker!!
tae: guys i’m a great kisser ask all the girls i’ve kissed
jimin: girls?
the only other girl you’ve kissed is jennie
hobi: she didn’t let you kiss her even tho you flew all the way to paris for her??
that’s crazy
jin: maybe she was waiting for marriage
y/n: maybe she was waiting for the police
namjoon: i am not buying you a house are you out of ur mind??
jk: but how i’m i supposed to move out?
namjoon: buy ur own house?
tae: why would she be waiting for the police??????
jin: being seen with you is a crime in itself
don’t even get me started of being seen publicly HOLDING HANDS with you
hobi: right yikes
jimin: what’s the french police number?
y/n: fuck knows
jin: baguette snail croisant
jimin: those are not numbers
hobi: isn’t that racist?
jin: to who?
hobi: the french??
jin: you can be racist to the french???????
hobi: i think idk???
jin: shit you better lock me up then
been oui oui baguette eiffel tower bonejawing my whole life
y/n: bonejaw??????????
tae: jin ur like a mega racist…
hobi: do you like trump be honest
jin: tf is trump
jk: namjoon pls oh pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺
yoongi: can you guys not have 2 conversations at once thanks
tae: just say you can’t keep up
yoongi: just kill yourself
tae: WOAH
namjoon get him!!!!
namjoon: am i a dog??
why do i have to always get someone
i think you guys need to learn how to fight ur own battles
tae: dog
w-what’s happening to me 😰😭
🧍🏻‍♂️… 🧎🏻‍♂️…. 🐕
arf? 🥺
*head tilt*
jimin: this is why women avoid you
tae: take a leaf out of my book bro
jimin: would genuinely rather die
hobi: /gen /srs
yoongi: /kys
jin: wait so jungkooks moving out but doesn’t have a home to move into
jk: i can always move in with yoongi
yoongi: LOL
jk: or jimin
jimin: wow the weather is great today guys 😆
jk: hobi will have me
hobi: no!
jk: jin joon??
namjoon: give up
jin: are you silly
tae: i could
jk: no thank you ❤️
tae: wtf
y/n: LMAO
tae: what’s wrong with living with me???
jk: u scare me a lot i’m sorry
tae: fucking bitch
jimin: what if y/n moved in with jaehyun then you have the house to urself?
jimin: woah ok don’t shoot me in the head tf??
thought you wanted this independent life
y/n: i mean i can if that’s what u really want kook
my knees just gave out >.<
jin: u make me wanna throw up
jk: i love living with you!!! i’m sorry i’m not gonna move out so please don’t move out either living with you has been and IS the best thing that’s ever happened to me please don’t go
hobi: that’s a shinee song
jimin: didn’t she fuck a shinee member LMAO 💀
namjoon: jimin
jimin: sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
tae: so you can fight her battles for her but fighting mine is an issue????
ok sexism IS real females were onto something with this one
y/n: females??
yoongi: they way you dig urself deeper and deeper into unlikeability is truly insane
tae: my fault feminist yoongi here to get my ass 💀💀💀💀
hobi: tell me tell me tttttell me
yoongi: i’m gonna shoot him
namjoon: understandable
hobi: it’s the love shot
jk: i’m not moving out guys
jin: no shit
y/n: hobi answer my ft >_<
hobi: give me one sec my love!!!!!!!!!!
jimin: woah???
jin: uhhhhhhhh
tae: group ft ❤️!!
y/n: kys!!
tae: why do girls not fuck with the nice guys anymore
hobi blew up a school once
hobi: ??
tae: get off the phone so my gf can call ME
yoongi: i beg you to shut the fuck up
tae: beggar
jimin: that coming from you is actually insane tae!
tae: what
namjoon: so whose hosting games night this week
yoongi: not me
jin: i did it last time
jimin: my place is real messy
hobi: don’t wanna :/
tae: i refuse in protest of tae respect and love in this gc
y/n: me and jk can
since he’s not moving out and all
jk: 😁!!
namjoon: cool
everyone ok with that?
jin: yup
jimin: ok
yoongi: yes
tae: whatever lol
hobi: y/n why don’t you invite jaehyun??
so we can all properly meet him
you’ve met his members right??
he should meet yours no?
yoongi: ?????
jin: ur so wrong for that
y/n: ahhhh idk
i mean i have met his members
and i really do want you guys to properly meet him as well…
jimin: somethings going on
jk: haha yeah lol i mean i’ve met him already
he was my friend lol haha not that it matters but that’s ok
did i say was ?? i meant is lol sorry i wouldn’t stop being his friend just cuz he’s dating you that would be silly
but yeah but if you want him to come that’s cool
but he really really really doesn’t need to haha
namjoon: y/n bring your boyfriend
y/n: are you sure???
tae: NO??£:£:££:
jin: yes!!! #drama
jimin: ofc
yoongi: whatever
jk: hahah lol hahah
y/n: ok
hobi: great ☺️!!!
cant wait
jimin: i bet
hobi: ??
jimin: nothing
hobi: y/n answer :p
y/n: okokokokokokokokok
jimin: i’m gonna do some deep diving i’ll talk to you all later
(and by force not cuz i like you)
(the talking to you later part not the diving part)
jk: woah didn’t know jimin was a diver
yoongi: ur stupid
@y/n reply to my message
jin: wow guys i’m really exited for games night
gotta stock up on the alcohol
so i guess i’m going too
bye 👋🏻
tae: good i’m going as well
i’ve got to go and punch a wall
jungkook come over
this is srs business
jk: okay ^_^
getting in my car
speak to you all later 💓
hobi: y/n told me to tell you all bye
so bye from her and bye from me
namjoon: woah
did we
did we just end a conversation normally….
oh my god
guys wow omg
this is the first time this has happened
i’m in shock
this is such a big step for us
i’m so proud
what do i even say rn
yoongi: how about goodbye
blowing up my phone for no reason
namjoon: no ur right i’m sorry
goodbye guys
have a good day???
um wow
yeah have a good day guys i mean it
i honestly and truly mean it
yeah and
yoongi removed namjoon from “BFFS 😁💜”
hobi sus
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie
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featherandferns · 1 year
ik this isn’t a prompt but i’m in love with the idea of jj calling the reader mama like maybe in bed or just being affectionate. they don’t have kids but it’s just a name he’s given her
"mama's mad" is still one of the best quotes of the show, so i've got u here. hope this is okay! idk why a lot of my stuff is set at breakfast time in the chateau. maybe i'm craving bacon (my poor vegetarian ass is suffering)...
(content warning - mentions of sex)
“If you two could screw a little quieter next time, there’d be no complaints here,” Kiara says to JJ the moment he walks into the kitchen on Sunday morning.
JJ makes his way straight to the counter where some bacon has been served up. He gladly grabs at it.
“I’ll take it under advisement,” he replies, biting down into a piece of crispy strip.
John B is cooking eggs on the hob whilst Sarah leisurely slices lemons and oranges by his side, for infused water.
“Will you?” Kie asks.
“Probably not, nah,” JJ grins. She rolls her eyes.
“Where is your girl, anyway?” John B asks from the stove.
JJ opens the fridge and retrieves the carton of OJ, taking a swig.
“Napping. Didn’t get much sleep last night,” JJ can’t help but add with a slimy grin.
“You’re shameless, JJ,” Sarah sighs.
“You know it, princess,” he winks. He watches as Kiara starts mixing together ingredients in a bowl. “Whatcha making?”
“Oh, nice,” he hums. “Lemme see if mama wants any.”
By mama, he obviously means you. It’s a given that any ‘mama’ in JJ’s sentences refers to you; something the Pogues and yourself have casually come to accept. The moment you and JJ stopped beating around the bush and fessed up to your feelings like the semi-mature teenagers you are (it was practically a battle of who-dare-say-it-first), he had taken to calling you it. You weren’t exactly sure why. Had teased him about whether he had a mommy kink in private (which he neither confirmed nor denied). Mostly he did it to joke. It sounded nice in his northern accent, anyway. Drawled off the tongue smooth and sweet like honey. So, no complaints from any party, unless JJ got vulgar with it in front of the Pogues (which was fairly often, with it being JJ).
Heading down the hall, JJ pushes open the spare bedroom door and darts his head in. You’re still in bed, lounging on your back, hair a mess and neck covered in healing and forming love bites. JJ grins, proud like a kid winning a science fair contest.
“Yo, mamma bear? Pancakes or bacon?”
“Why do I have to pick between them?”
“Fair point. You want both then?”
“Mhm,” you sigh lazily, eyes shut. “Coffee too, if there is any.”
JJ cringes. “Think Pope made some.”
“Yikes. No, then.”
“You got it mama.”
With that, he wanders back into the kitchen and grabs a plate from the drying rack of the sink. It’s always piled high with pots like some rip-off modern art project. The leaning tower of pots and pans. He dumps some bacon on, holds out his plate for John B to serve up some eggs - straight from the pan - and makes Kie promise to save some pancakes. Then he’s back in the bedroom, two forks in hand, climbing back into bed to share the morning fry-up with you.
“This is the life,” you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder as you eat.
JJ smiles and nods. You’re right. You’re always right, to be honest - not that he’d ever confess it. Only one of you needs a big ego, and JJ likes to think he’s claimed that spot.
“Wanna fish later?”
“Mhm,” you nod. “Don’t mind really. As long as I’m with you.”
“Aw,” he grins, nudging you with his shoulder, making you laugh. He can see the flush to your features when he does. “You going soft on me, mama?”
“Only you,” you grin up at him.
JJ can’t take it when you look at him like that – like he hung the stars just so you can stand under them – so he grabs a strip of bacon and shoves it in your smiling mouth, making you laugh.
Yeah, this is the life.
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jaeyunluvbot · 22 hours
chapter fifteen. yikes
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౨ৎ The last thing you expected from today was to end up in an argument with Jake. You had felt pretty pleased with the way your friendship was progressing, if not a tinge bittersweet about how he most likely didn't reciprocate your romantic feelings.
When he first texted you asking for you to come to his soccer game, you'd been excited, but now you wish you'd just declined his invitation.
The game didn't go well, to say the least, knocking the HYBE U soccer team out of contention for the playoffs. It wasn't the fault of any specific player, the SM Tigers were just a really good team.
Once the game was over, you and Beomgyu looked at each other cringing at the devastating loss the team had just faced.
"Should we say something to them?" You ask hesitantly, not sure on how to approach the situation.
"I guess we should, they already know we're here, so it'd probably be worse not to say anything."
You nod and grab your stuff, following Beomgyu down to the field. You frown as you see the crestfallen looks on the team's faces, wanting nothing more than to make them feel better.
Beomgyu smiles awkwardly at Yeonjun and Kai, who seem to lighten up a bit at the presence of their friend.
"You guys played really well today, for what it's worth," You say, having found Jake standing off a bit away from the team.
he laughs sarcastically and shakes his head, "Not well enough, apparently." You frown at the self-deprecating tone of his voice.
"The tigers are just really good, there wasn't much you could've done, Jake."
You try to offer him some semblance of comfort, placing your hand on his shoulder and wincing when he shrugs it off.
"What, so we're just not good enough them?" He asks accusingly, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"Jake, that's not what I meant, I promise." You feel yourself growing frustrated at his attitude, despite knowing that he was just having a bad day.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter." He spits, anger clear in his tone.
"It's ok to feel upset at this, it's a big loss, it'd be weird if you weren't upset."
He scoffs at you, "Like you know anything about soccer anyways..."
You shrink back from him, feeling his distaste towards you in that moment. "Ok, I can tell you're not super happy right now, so I'm just gonna go. I hope you have a good night and text me whenever you're ready to talk."
You turn away from him, a burning-hot pit of negative emotions building slowly in your stomach. You make your way to Beomgyu who looks at you questioningly but you shake your head and begin to lead him out of the stadium.
"Yeah whatever, just run home with your little boyfriend." You freeze in your tracks as you hear Jake yelling behind you.
Beomgyu grabs your arm as you turn around, silently pleading with you not to say anything, but you ignore him, marching up to Jake.
"He's not my boyfriend, and just because you lost today, that doesn't mean you get to use me as a punching bag. I've been nothing but nice to you, so don't start yelling at me."
"Whatever Y/N just leave, you're making me feel worse and I can't deal with you right now."
His eyes still won't meet yours so you blink back tears and ball up your fists, nails cutting into your palms.
"I was just leaving anyways, don't text me, Jake." You turn away from him and Beomgyu rushes to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the stadium, ignoring the worried looks from the other members of the team.
"Real nice Jake, she was just trying to comfort you." Jungwon speaks seriously.
"Whatever, fuck this, I'm leaving." Jake heads to the locker room by himself, still seething.
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
You and Beomgyu begin the walk back to your apartment as you try to hold back tears, not wanting to cry at some simple words.
"Y/N, are you ok? That was kind of intense." Beomgyu stops walking, moving your hair from your face and examining your expression.
"I'm fine Beomgyu, I just- I just guess he's not the guy I thought he was." You say, stuttering as you hiccup and hold back the tears that are now even more threatening than before.
The rest of the walk back to your apartment is filled with an uneasy silence, and you immediately head into your room when you arrive, turning off your phone and locking the door.
You can hear Winter and Ningning interrogating Beomgyu, using hushed tones, clearly not wanting you to hear.
You cry silently as you lay in the dark, wondering how today went so wrong. 𝜗𝜚
𝜗𝜚 author's note - some angst today coz i love making myself upset. jake is kinda a dick but yeah.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @dreamiestay @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @lilifiedeans @dojaejunging @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @seunghancore @bluxjun @noobgod1269
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rinhaler · 6 months
i see u loved the camgirl au w uncle nanami and step daddy gojo. but i raise i you: that same au but with dilf neighbor toji also being one of your viewers, and you’re none the wiser. You always greet him in theh morning before going off to classes, completely unaware that he’s thinking about rearranging your guts at that very moment
He probably joins nanami and gojo in the little “confrontation” they got planned once you get home.
Im also thinking abt sukuna and geto also being in on this, like one of them as DBF and and the other as your other neighbor. Make it a real gangbang lol. getting quiet popular with the neighborhood dilfs
no I did love it very much though, such a hot concept. Can you imagine all of these big dilfy dudes coming over though the readers mam is gonna be like "satoru what is going on and why are you all going into our daughters room?" AHAHA
there's no WAY she won't find out 😭 someone is forwarding mama that link and she will be horrified that not only her husband and her brother are fucking her daughter, but the whole damn neighbourhood apparently?? YIKES
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