#like bestie PICK A FIGHT
papirouge · 11 months
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"Deuteronomy has God commanding his people to raid cities and take women aNd wE aLl kNoW wHat MeaNs" NO YOU DON'T, you idiot.
Israelites were forbidden to have sex outside of marriage AND marry foreign/non Israelite women, so that excludes the possibility for them to rape the women they spared during war.
I swear you guys have your fricking brain rotten by your paranoid agenda that you automatically assume that a man taking charge of women means he's going to rape or abuse her. Totally deranged.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 isn't about rape but (consensual) sex outside marriage. Again, this person is literally making shit up assuming that bc a man lies with a woman = rape. There's actually a whole another passage in Deuteronomy tackling the punishment of rape (death). I already covered this common lie here.
"tHe mIsoGynY iN tHe bIbLe iSnt sUbtLe"
Ah yes, sooo no subtle you have to make shit up (rape) to make your point.
If the Bible was misogynistic, women would be the only one to have specific obligations. You constantly focusing on women not being to have authority over men shows how MALE CENTRIC you are. You refuse to acknowledge CHRISTIAN WOMEN don't have to abide under any male authority because *ding ding* Christian women existence doesn't revolve around marriage or church assembly/teaching (the place where they can't teach men). But you are soooo obsessed with men that for you, not being able to "dominate" them in one aspect is an offense. If the Bible was forcing women to be under male authority, it wouldn't be the only religion to elevate CELIBACY over marriage.
The only white lies I see are people like you omitting all the other obligations & punishment abiding to men (sometimes, because of women's action) to act like the Bible was focusing on women alone.
Oh and one last thing: Eve having to bear the consequence of her sin isn't misogyny. She messed up and she got punished for that. So did almost all the biblical characters. Accountability isn't "misogyny". also why are you constantly leaving out how Adam TOO got punished and had his own curse (having to work HARD for survival)
Interestingly enough "tHe bIblE is MisogYnIst" squad NEVER brings up why the sin that Eve instigated is called ADAM'S curse....not Eve's curse...🤔 " If the Bible hates women sooooo much, then why does that curse took Adam's name who had to equally share the responsibility (when he sinned only because Eve told him to) ? "Adam didn't get deceived" is factually true. Cope. Women can do mistakes, IDK why you have such a hard time to downplay Eve's
....something-something..... Ah YES : reciprocity of gender roles. You seethe about women having no authority over men? just wait until you learn that men will share guilt for sins or actions perpetuated by WOMEN🙃 Samson anyone? Yael/Barak??...oh sorry, if you actually READ the Bible you'd know what I'm talking about.
And let's not forget how Lot got actually RAPED by his 2 daughters who went away scot free.... Funny how these anti Bible wack feminists have nothing to say about that 🤡 There are occurrence of women (sexually or emotionally) abusing men in the Bible and men aren't screeching about it as much as you do. Men in the Bible had to deal with much more injustice and struggle than biblical women but you won't shut up about how evil the Bible is bc you are a bunch of conceited self centered minsinformed ignorant ungrateful harpies.
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stevebabey · 7 months
personally love the interaction in the start of s4 where steve goes “ugh, you know i don’t do double vhs.” when robin suggests doctor zhivago. like ugh robin!!!! we’ve talked about this before!!! steve has a limited attention span and if robin puts on something too long, he will start shooting her with rubber bands
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tatos-stick-pile · 4 months
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Hehe fight scenes
Some older doobles and some newer ones ;]
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scionshtola · 5 months
currently cori has the emperors new fists for their mnk weapon bc the whole idea behind mnk cori is estinien was like “you need to learn to throw hands in case you can’t use magic or your gun.” but i’m kind of enamored by the idea of them engineering themself a pair of gloves or aetherically charged brass knuckles or something after enw
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franeridan · 5 months
this might just be an unpopular opinion in the jjk fandom but i love how little seriously things happen for the most part since the culling game started, like i miss being seriously emotionally invested in it a little bit ngl but i love the way the newer characters will just open their mouths and say things so much, they were all forced in this game against their will and the only ones that survived long enough to make it in the cast are the unhinged ones that makes so much sense to me. maybe I liked the plot until the shibuya incident a little more but tbh some of my favourite characters in the whole manga have been introduced or have been made relevant during the culling game, some of these guys are just pure gold on legs
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deus-ex-mona · 5 days
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i’m gonna be s o o o o annoying about chuucon come 12 june
#im begging for there to be an online bonus for this bc aauauuauauauauauauauauauaaaaa#the month delay has been b r u t a l i need my high quality yunaisms asap aaaaa#and now. time to think about whether to tl or not to tl it… ahhhh…#on one hand. it has y u n a . i think everyone needs to meet and love yuna. most normal aizo stan ever (lies)#come to think of it why are aizo stans all so aggressive lol there was that one who picked a fight with kobayashi#there was kanami who ‘accidentally’ bumped into aizo during his downtime#and there’s whatever’s going on with chizuutan and yuna lol#aizo stans be normal challenge!!!!!!!#hm. maybe i should just throw some out of context yuna panel tls instead to make everyone (including myself) miserable#bc there’s no wayyyayayayaayayayyyyy im gonna do this alone esp if do i get [insert job im not qualified for]#i dont think hospital workers will have enough time to tl more than one project at a time lol. um.#anyways i’ll try to get this other lxl magazine tl done this weekend and finally!!!!! return to idol sengen after that!!!!!!!!#i wanna barrel through vols 4-5 as fast as i possibly can for ✨asuna-chan✨#hmammamsmmamsmamamma i think asuna and yuna should be mutuals on priv#pov ur online besties with a girl who also cancels her gf on priv just like you do with ur own gf#flashtag womens wrongs flashtag this too is yuri#idk sorry im too tired to be coherent rn thinking is for the w e a k#chizuutan chizpost#…for a chizuutan post this was remarkably not about her huh…#lord i forgot to turn of rbs a g a i n what if i crode
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinks oh so hard abt the spiraling upwards clan founders, especially the birchclan founders. Silly lil kitties who's pasts are drenched in blood with the primary regret of not drawing it sooner
#rat rambles#oc posting#warriors posting#spiraling upwards#long story short they had a shitty awful terrible leader who sucked absolutely ass and they tore him to shreds#I mean that literally they pinned him onto the mountain side and slashed and mauled the shit out of him so hard that his lives evaporated#and several of the cats involved in that scene are sill alive and major parts of the story and I love them#oh also the cat that pinned him through a stab through the throat was his own daughter btw everyone hated his ass so much#and for good reason get his ass#alas in the main story I dont rly get to go too deep into how he harmed everyone involved mostly just three main ones#aka bristlestar because shes murtlepaw's ghost mom dawncrackle because hes also haunting murtle and gullspot because shes bristle's kit#so basically all the flashbacks we get involve those three in some form or another#honeystar was also there and involved but Im not currently planning on having her rly talk abt that#most of her more modern angst is the fact that she was forced into leadership against her will#and shes been alive long enough that shes been leading birchclan far longer than she ever lived in her old clan#but she did go through a lot of shit before birchclan was founded and it definitely shaped her a lot#she used to be a very determined and high spirited lil kitty cat who tried to be optimistic#but her family began to slowly be picked off one by one by both the old leader and the one whod later get evicerated#some of the older cats around her hoped it make her back down from her revelutionary ideas but she noticed that and it backfired on them#instead of being worn down to submission she became absolutely Furious and began to lash out more and become more demanding#it got to the point that she really only had two friends in the entire clan and one of them was her aunt whod later also die after coming#out abt having witnessed the leader killing his own kits#that was the final fucking straw for her and she was fully on board when bristle and dawn started looking for cats to join their rebellion#she did get rly frustrated with them as they waited patiently for the right moment but her remaining bestie kept her from going apeshit#so once the big fight finally broke out she was more than eager to join the hoard of cats chasing the bastard upwards#now unlike some of the other cats involved this legitimately actually made her feel a lot better for a while#for the first time in ages she finally felt like she could be optimistic abt smth again and was excited abt the idea of leaving this place#she had lost so much in this damn place since she was an apprentice and just wanted to finally be able to rest easy#but once they got to their new territory and set up camp things went south real fast as a flood fucked everything up#and after losing the only cat she had left in her life and losing her tail and being made deputy on top of that she deteriorated quickly
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didsomeonesayventus · 7 months
find myself thinking about the emblem paralogues and like. really cute throwbacks to iconic chapters of FE history and all but when in the narrative are these supposed to happen and also like. man these are meant to be bond deepening faux skirmishes but if you're playing with permadeath on. woof if someone dies. and some of these are a bitch of a fight too I am looking at you Leif.
personally I think post chapter 20 pre chapter 21 is a good spot to like. narratively chunk them all in. something something alear wants to prove themselves something something pilgrimage spent further establishing and deepening divine right or whatever
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musashi · 2 years
I need a counter like it has been 0 days since someone in the mvk tag picked a fight with me
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bluejaybytes · 3 months
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I'm not going to post the art I'm making for my OCs TH bios, because they're intentionally pretty same-y and low effort since I need to make a lot of them and they just need to get the gist across, but this one's cute so it gets to be posted. Everyone say hi to Tess
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spicyicymeloncat · 11 months
Bit of an opinionated rant but:
Idk why everyone is so upset over the Zelda timeline and the Zelda continuity or whatever. I like the huge spaghetti mess that is Zelda lore. I like that the developers don’t give a fuck about consistency. I’m glad it gives them the freedom to make whatever the fuck in their games.
Is it perfect? No. Could it be better? Of course!
But isn’t half the fun of being a Zelda theorist, playing with the puzzle pieces yourself? For me personally, it doesn’t matter if Nintendo never had this grand master plan of the Zelda lore. It means everyone can come to their own conclusions on the origin of the heroes or the magic or the different groups of people. And that’s kinda by design.
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genlossneeg · 1 year
Thinking about gl!sneeg violence (i think he should commit more)
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I say I can handle change and then my friend tells me she wants to try a new restaurant instead of going to my favorite restaurant like we planned and I have the sudden urge to kill
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sleepychaika · 2 years
HEY. as a matter of fact. why are we all sleeping on vrisjohn!! johnvris!! as <> to be specific!! they're straight up excellent!!!
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
no joke this is exactly what I look like when I discover new information about medieval Ireland
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gregoftom · 1 year
me seeing that roman will have final choice in whether he’s team shiv or team ken and that makes sense for so many reasons and by talos can he get a break in that respect
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