#like bro what is your definition of spicy bc we don’t have the same definition
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
First off, I apologize that’s it’s been minute since I said a simple, how are you? Since all I’ve been doing is word spouting stuff about atx for the last hundred asks. So with that being said, Is your day going good? Hopefully someone not touching the sky with their age tries for you hand, it’s exhausting having only boomers hit on you right?
When I was working my last job, some of them found it quite delightful 😒😒 I was the youngest there and I will never not be traumatized about this one time this couple who worked we me both tried to go behind each others back trying to hit on me. I was so shook when I found out they were together 😭😭😭😭😭 I was like… nah fam I’m good.
Back on the atx note (sorry) but do the boys (those that don’t have a specific diet like jjongie) have any favorite meals, beverages, animals to snack on? And do some of them feed off of magical energy or emotions? (Ex: could woo potential feed off of cosmic or chaotic energy lingering in the air).
Its exhausting because im in a medical type job for these instances, you're expected to just smile and nod along and while i definitely do not do that shit, theres a limit to how rude i can be to defend myself. Which is ass bc i very much would like to tell them to go fuck themselves lmao. Yall cant even take care of yourselves and you got the unmedicated gall to hit on me??? Like ive had more sexual harassment in this place by mfs who are like. My grandma's age and that makes me wanna literally swallow a brick.
As far as how im doing aside form that...eh? Kind of stressing because ive been in a creative mood and i haven’t been able to get the shit i want done as fast as i want it done. Not to mention I've gotten back into drawing (Yeolanni's birthday is the same day as Yeosang’s and next week im going to be streaming with Penny and i want to have my avatars finished by time its stream time and im not satisfied with what i have so far). Im also kind of stressed because im cracking my ass to save for my car especially because i got this unfavorable time limit to get it and i feel like im getting nowhere.
That is,,,wild bro what the fuck?? This isnt rizz this is harizzment
Woo eats any and everything but he also a world eater. Piss him off? Chomp. Your planet is gone. Looking for something spicy? Swallow a star. Apparently it goes down like pop rocks.
Yunho eats souls but also people....mostly souls though.
Mingi goes hunting with San (the rare times the kitty comes out of the den without a fight), but he needs to eat bigger animals/monsters to even remotely get full. A party of dumbass human adventurers who think they can slay him to get his treasure works well too. They dont even get to see the twinkle of his treasure.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa eat your average seafood-based diet. With the occasional human thrown in the mix. Depends if we're in a silly goofy lil mood.
Yeosang is primarily one that feeds off of the energy of his forest. Thats why he can instantly tell when its disrupted. He also feeds off of fear (and joy but yknow)
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leejungchans · 3 years
— reunited.
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🆕 ask juliet anything!! | juliet’s masterlist
word count: 1.3k
warning(s): none!!
note: words in bold are spoken in english!!
set in early 2017
summary: in which juliet bumps into someone very, very familiar and dear to her heart.
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Juliet nods her head along to the music playing from her earphones as she peruses the snack aisle in the supermarket. Her classes ended a bit earlier today, giving her more time before she has to be at the company for training. What better way to spend that time than getting snacks to share with the others during their breaks?
Definitely chocolate, she thinks as she grabs a bar from one of the shelves, pausing for a few seconds before grabbing two more. Who am I kidding? We’ll inhale it within thirty seconds if I get just one. What if I also got chips? Or is that too much if we’re going to get tteokbokki after training?
Sighing, Juliet looks wistfully at the assortment of snacks before lowering her head and speed-walking through the aisle. If I can’t see it, I won’t be tempted.
Stopping by the dairy section, she reaches for a bottle of banana milk after much deliberation between it and the strawberry milk. This specific brand of flavoured milk was the first thing she had after landing in South Korea, and since then she’d always try to have either before practice or evaluations as a good luck charm whenever possible.
Juliet is about to head to the cashier when she spies a boy around her age standing only a few feet away from her looking at the selection of bottled tea. Her heart skips a beat when she catches the side profile of the boy. It can’t be him... can it? But he looks so awfully similar to...
Before she can be sure, the boy makes his choice and disappears behind the aisle she was just in. Juliet finds herself following after him. She wanted—no, needed—to confirm she hadn’t been seeing things, that he is indeed who she thinks he is. It’s been so long since she’s seen him, she can’t just leave without being sure.
Doing her best to act natural, she walks back to the snack aisle and grabs a bag of spicy chips, pretending to read the label when she’s really trying to get a better look at the boy out of the corner of her eye. Unfortunately, the boy isn’t near enough for her to be sure, and before Juliet can inch closer to him, he leaves the aisle.
Damn it, I knew I should’ve put on my glasses.
Hastily shoving the bag of chips back into its original place, Juliet hurries to catch up with him, carefully peeking behind the shelves to see which section he went into.
Wait... do I look suspicious right now? What if someone’s watching me through the CCTV and thinks I’m trying to steal something? The thought causes her to shudder, hoping she’ll get her answer as quickly as possible so she won’t have to act like this anymore.
Passing through the aisles, Juliet finally finds the boy looking at the instant ramen before casually slipping in and grabbing a random one from the shelf, once again watching him using her peripheral vision. Is this weird? This is so weird. Man, if he’s not who I think he is, I would’ve done all this for nothing... Fuck! He’s looking this way! Don’t look at him, don’t look at him, don’t look at him... 1790mg of Sodium... interesting... what riveting information...
So deep in thought, Juliet doesn’t realises that he’s approaching her until she feels him trying to squeeze past her in the narrow corridor in an effort to leave. Jumping in surprise from the sudden contact, the bowl of ramen slips from Juliet’s hold and falls to the ground with a clatter.
“Sorry!” they both squeak in unison, the boy crouching down to pick up the ramen before she can do so herself. When he looks up to hand it back to her, they freeze upon getting a good look at the other’s face, eyes widening with realisation.
Huge smiles slowly spread across their faces after getting over the initial shock before they pull each other in a hug.
“It’s so good to see you!” Juliet squeals. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here now!” Felix explains once they separate, laughing when her eyes widen comically at his revelation.
“Shut the front door. Really?”
“Yeah! I auditioned for JYP a while ago and got accepted, and they told me to move here immediately. I wanted to contact you, but I think you changed your phone number...”
“Oh, I did,” Juliet says sheepishly. “But I’m glad we ran into each other here! Well, not really ran into... I was kinda following you around the store like a creep because I was trying to make sure if you were really... you.”
Felix giggles. “Were you? I didn’t notice. I just thought you were another student trying to buy snacks after school.”
“I mean... that part’s true,” Juliet says with a grin as they walk back to the cashier to pay. “But anyways, it’s so great that you’re with JYP now! Are you doing okay with settling in and stuff?”
He nods slowly. “I think so, I’m still adjusting to the culture shock and practising my Korean, but the boys there are helping me a lot! One of them is also from Sydney, can you believe it?”
“You’ll have to introduce us sometime then,” she says as she hands the cashier some money while he scans her items. “Plus, you found me now! So if you need anything or just someone to talk to, you can reach me! You have a Korean number now, right?”
He nods again, rummaging for his wallet and phone in his bag before handing the latter to Juliet so she can enter her number in while he pays. The two leave the supermarket with a quick “thank you!” to the cashier as she returns his phone.
“‘Aussie sister’?” Felix laughs, reading the contact name she saved for herself.
“Yeah! You can change it if you want, or if you already met another Aussie sister at JYP,” she pouts. “In that case, I can be ‘Aussie sister #2’ or ‘Julie’ or whatever.”
“Nah, I don’t know any other Aussies here other than you and the boy I mentioned earlier. His name’s Chan, by the way! Where are you going now? To SM?”
Juliet smiles melancholically. “I’m not with SM anymore, Lix,” she says softly, watching his eyebrows crease with worry. “I’m with another company now called KQ. It’s much smaller compared to SM, but I’m happy there and they treat me well, so don’t worry.”
“Well, if you’re happy, then it’s all that matters!” Felix says brightly. “I have to go back to JYP too, but we’ll meet up more now that I’m here, right?” he adds the last part hopefully.
“Definitely! When we have time, I’ll take you to all my favourite food places in this area,” Juliet promises.
Felix beams. “I can’t wait! Take care, okay? And good luck with training.”
“You too. Again, it’s really, really nice seeing you again.”
“Likewise... so, this is goodbye?” he asks when they come to a intersection, being able to tell that Juliet has to go the other route from the direction her feet are pointing at.
“Yeah... but only for now! Remember to text me later so I’ll have your number!”
Felix nods. “I will. I’ll see you around?”
“You bet. I still have so much to tell you,” Juliet tells him before they hesitantly go their separate ways, knowing they both have to be at their companies soon but still wanting to catch up more.
It doesn’t take long for her to turn around to watch Felix’s retreating figure, though she immediately bursts into laughter when he does the same, and the two friends give each other one last exaggerated wave before disappearing into the crowds of people.
Despite the freezing temperature, Juliet feels warm and fuzzy on the inside, overjoyed from seeing her childhood friend for the first time in years while also knowing that there will be more to come now that Felix also lives in Seoul.
Things really are starting to look up.
She walks into KQ’s building with a spring in her step, arms clutching her banana milk and chocolate securely when her phone chimes from a notification. Clumsily fumbling with her uniform skirt’s pocket, Juliet fishes out her phone, instantly grinning at the message that pops up on the lockscreen.
[Unknown Number] [16:03] your aussie bro right here!!! 🐨 fighting today!!!!!!
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— bonus!!
juliet following felix around the supermarket trying not to look sus like:
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a/n: i can’t believe it took me this long to write a scenario with felix but here it is 🥺🥺 bc they were both in a hurry, they didn’t exactly have time for an emotional reunion but rest assured they were very, very happy to see each other :3 especially for juliet, she was still adjusting to everything and everyone at kq, so when felix came into her life again it made her so happy 🥺💕
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actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
out of context of course, what do you take me for? a sane person?
"they made lightning mcqueen hot"
"inch resting"
"Nix: Cars (2006) several people are typing..."
"im evaporating"
"enjoy precipitation"
"tow mater is more attractive than lightning mcqueen/hj"
"lightning mcqueen looks like he would call me a slur"
"why did I come back to a discussion regarding the attractiveness of vehicles"
"lark is the braincell of shiftblr tbh"
"you all need some grass in your life"
"me over here simping for block men and now literal cars"
"didn't nick wilde commit fraud canonically"
"i have no strong opinions on whether or not nick wilde is attractive"
"I am bisexual and I. Am not into Nick Wilde based on a simple fact he looks like he will drink all my pepsi and call me names"
"What is shiftbkr but not a bunch of simps"
"cries in Bianca Monroe"
"listen i have a folder called gayass
it is mostly pictures of kyoka jiro and virgil sanders"
"Nick Wilde x Reader where he steals your car 📷 carjacker to lovers AU 📷"
"he says "mama i like to step on keyboard""
"crab walks away"
""Y/N..." Nick whispered into your ear. "Your car...is a Honda Civic, right?" You looked up at Nick with a baffled expression. "Nick, my beloved? Whatever are you talking about?" "Just asking..." He said as he let you out of his embrace. "Hey, wanna see a magic trick, babe?" Your eyes sparkled. "Really, Nick? Of course!" Nick smiled. "Ok, close your eyes!" You giggled and closed your eyes, waiting for Nick to tell you to open up. Instead, you heard the loud rumble of a car starting up, and you open your eyes. Nick has stolen your car, and he has driven off into the sunset..."
"did y'all know his name used to be canonically Montgomery--he changed it to lightning mcqueen to get rid of his past"
"That is my exit number"
"cars trauma arc"
"wait do y'all know about car jesus" "as if jesus wasn't a ford focus in the bible"
"oh yall do not want to know about the trauma in my cars dr lmao"
"Dewit tau style babey make Lightning McQueen outlive everyone and stalk their reincarnations"
"Do they baptize other cars in like gasoline then"
"there is a pope car in the cars universe which means car jesus died for cars sins"
"-lays facedown on the floor while caramelldansen plays-"
"like im serious how many of you guys endorse me falling face down on my floor" (NOT THE SAME PERSON AS PREVIOUS QUOTE)
"I will be Tall and no one can stop me"
"is a soft floor?"
"stop I thought faceplant meant like a succulent in the shape of a face instead of falling onto your noggin for a solid 10 seconds"
"Touch some grass??? What about eating grass"
"what if for every employee of the month i just printed out really horrible boomer memes"
"what ab smoking grass /j"
"Can the grassdirt smoothie be a special in the cafe"
"you have to get good dirt from like the middle of a pennsylvanian forest for it to taste good though"
"I ate a four leaf clover as a kid cause i thought it would make me lucky"
"guys how do i see the mee6 leaderboard"
"I used to think i was half dragon and I ate plants out of sidewalk cracks"
"i think i punched someone"
"my parents told me to stop doing that so I looked at them and ate a flower"
"I ate grass when I was 9 bc I read warrior cats and thought I was a medicine cat ....................."
"bees are just spicy flies"
"I had a mental breakdown when I was three cause I didn’t know how to turn off a phone"
"My mom drank a bee once"
"when I was a baby I kinned ink sans."
"bro who here find the yellow hat man from curious george fine as heck 📷📷📷"
"no one topping Him"
"I like em big"
"I think Moto Moto has no game like move over hunky boy I could beat you 1v1 Roblox Arsenal 📷📷📷"
"If you didnt have a crush on springtrap, jeff the killer, or Underfell/Gaster/Error sans don't talk to me /j"
"Guys please help I found my old fnaf fanart from when I was 8 I'm in literal tears"
"The worst attraction ive ever had has to be Sombra Overwatch"
"My family is like "save all ur art so I can sell it when you're famous" I literally could not sell this if I tried"
"screaming puppet"
"I just remembered Ive drawn overwatch/hamilton crossover fanart"
"my hermit crabs ate each other again"
"we're cannibals ????"
"having me here is a curse you have inflicted on yourselves and I for one am glad for it <3" "scitters around like a crab in anticipation"
"hey y'all ill be right back i have to throw away a crab carcass"
"if I watch cars I'm going to start laughing in the middle of it nonstop just because the word cars is funny and also cars are funny like how do you move silly little metal box with rubber circles"
"Lark asleep post catboy pitbul"
"Mwista Wowldwide! Nya!" "hermit crab 2: electric boogaloo"
"Is that why your name is chaos"
"manifest the crab power!!"
"cool dex fact: i can't read 📷"
"sighs adds to worship these entities list"
"with a knife <3"
"yeah and if he betrays me I could probably throw him across the atlantic ocean"
"give me his eyes"
"my good citizen i am a- wait no im nonbinary nvm"
"it worked on a fish idk what to tell you"
"what is gender??? Is that a board game?? If so can I be apples to apples that one's my favorite"
"anyways actually my gender is Candyland"
"Oh god romes the destroyer of friendships/j"
"i am a simple gay i see math i run in the opposite direction survival instincts 101"
"math my beloathed"
"algebra makes me want to rip open a bag of swedish fish and swallow them whole"
"cackles in they're au characters and this will be very fun"
"pog !!!! me too ksajgks one of my drs is a sanders sides au"
"Is that bipper"
"tumblr sexyman"
"Good because he’ll fuck u up if u hurt a child"
"I want a wing-suit"
"looks like a bean would poison someone"
"my hermit crabs are cannibals what can i say"
"sonic the hedgehog kinnie"
"get yourself a man who is capable of the most ungodly actions but won't do them because of their morality owo"
"tell him he can steal my wallet"
"idk about y'all but I need blueberry sweet tea to live"
"y'know the red souls from soul eater i really want to eat those"
"but like only respectable crimes like stealing from elon musk"
"You can go cultbashing with he!"
"He acts like a flamboyant gay man, but if a flamboyant gay man was straight."
"Simp Satan 📷"
"definitely arson"
"They look like they enjoy lemon squares and other lemon desserts"
"Satan is all-powerful but he spends most of his time building honeymoon locations because he is convinced that the protag loves him"
"bc shes the reincarnation of his dead wife or something i guess"
annd here's a quote from our very own dream (@shiftingwastaken) that sums this post up:
"shiftblr but context makes it worse"
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samsflannel · 3 years
survey results are in!
sorry, this is gonna be a long post. yesterday i posted a survey with a list of polls regarding Supernatural, and it was SO much fun. I got over 300 responses, which was A LOT to sort through for the short responses, but I’ve gathered all the “data” and here it is! My responses to each poll will be under the screenshots (they are in groups of 2). I’m going to include the short answer responses in another post. ENJOY!
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1. Starting off strong.
2. Pleased with this one as well.
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3. Yep, I expected this response from most of us.
4. Sami, I made the wincest and destiel response just for you. YW.
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5. CMON YOU GUYS......live a little!!! samjack sexy
6. I’m not really surprised that Playthings got the bulk of votes here, but I think my vote would have been 8x23.
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7.  :)
8. i’m disappointed that more people didn’t choose the yellow one tbh
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9. it is sexy. it is. wake up.
10. i love Dean, but he’s definitely an asshole. and that’s what makes him a great character!
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11. hehe.....i understand why not a lot of people picked noncon bait....u r valid its ok im gross.
12. WHO THE FUCK PICKED NO......have you ever consumed media
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13. WBK.
14. damn, Dean kinda got the short end here! a lot of samgirls took this survey
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15. i get why you wouldn’t like Bugs bc it does have harmful stereotypes about native ppl but the rest of it is peak season 1 wdymmm
16. almost 50/50 here! old vs new fans we love to see it. I am definitely wincest old guard.
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17. YEP. Eric Kripke needs shock therapy for that one
18. The fact that some people admitted to being dry.....tragic. I think Eileen is a great character but they are NOT endgame.
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20. ugh. yeah. same.
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21. who tf picked blue. cmon. red meat incest agenda.
22. SAM MOMMY MILKERS!!!!! hucow sam <3
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23. Mixed on this one! My response is obviously yellow :)
24. I do think Bobby favored Dean somewhat.
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25. Johnzazel agenda so true
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27. someone requested a combination of blue and yellow and you’re so right i apologize.
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28. mixed on this one for top vs bottom fans! almost a 50/50 split
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30. I can’t believe this one is almost 50/50. Ruby girlboss you guys are haters
31. again. admitting you’re dry. THEY FUCKED
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32. yeah :(
33. Q-anon level conspiracy theory.
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34. I actually fall into the blue. I do believe Cas was in love with Dean, but not the other way around. I think Cas loving Dean makes wincest so much more spicy
35. I love sam so much
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36. those of you who answered yes........join my movement.
37. c’mon. even if you don’t ship wincest you need to admit this one.
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38. sorry this one was self-indulgent.
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40. idk, i personally think Cassie deffo pegged Dean. She has top energy.
41. So all the people who answered no have definitely not read the fic (were too young to remember it) or are squicked by underage which is ok! its one of those fics i read back in 2010 so i have fond memories of it
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42. hahahah you guys were mean on this one
43. it’s canon bro sorry
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44. thank god this one was majority yellow
45. i give wincestiel a valid pass! dean has multiple holes
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46. Jack is hole <3
47. I actually think both are great (and ppl were mad I didn’t have that option srry) but deanpussy is incredible and underrated.
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48. SEXY>>>>>>
49. thank you for enabling me.
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50. can you guess the redacted part? it was: insert various objects into himself :))))
51. ok heres the big question! i’m not surprised ilysmmbb won, but i personally vote for “yeah, there he is” !! i think its underrated and such a tender moment.
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52. i’m in the blue. i like cas.
53. i actually am in the yellow on this one. i think its more realistic, although blue is hot forsure
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54. top 3 cas moment right there.
55. objectively yes on this one. thank god for COVID- *gets shot at*
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56. sorry this was shady i’m not really like this usually haha. i think death is my fave besides Rowena
57. obviously i’m in the red. i’m shocked that so many people said Yes.......
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58. Clearly.
59. I enjoyed fan fiction! i love campy episodes as you all know (like Dog Dean afternoon and such) so i loved fan fiction. it was a nice nod to someone like me who has been watching for a long time.
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60. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO ANDY IS. i wish he would have been in the show longer........
61. uh....yeah.
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62. Yeah c’mon. Dean would and you know it.
63. Thank god you guys didn’t fuck this up. I would agree, but Corbett is a close second for me.
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65. we love a man bleeding out. we do.
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66. i actually think misha is chill with J2 but.....you can’t deny J3 have more chemistry.
67. I uh......don’t think Dean would be a great father. is this me projecting my own issues with my father onto Dean? maybe,,,,
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68. i’m surprised this was so negative! I think i would be interested
69. thanks for reading my shitty poetry!! i also had s4 dean in mind when writing this
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70. CMON.....ITS KINDA SEXY CMON.......that spice of battered wife syndrome.......violent man in the house.......sam beaten down....im barking
71. haha yessss go yellow.
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72. go yellow again.
73. I think I would actually vote yellow on this one. what a sweet and beautiful thing to say to someone, and its so very DEAN.
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74. mhm. i think so. 
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76. no idea why people answered yes to this one. that punch was fucked up. was it sexy? thats another story,,
77. WOKE. 
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78. I do. I love pilot Dean.
79. Dean is a carfucker. any side of the fandom can recognize that
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80. thank you GREEN!!!!!!
81. Sam is bi wtf! Sera Gamble erasure
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82. Padackles commune <33333 they all fuck and they don’t know whose kid is whose!!!! (not really but this is sexy)
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
dancing bachata with him
pairing(s): iwaizumi x reader, nishinoya x reader, bokuto x reader, yamaguchi x reader, tendou x reader, oikawa x reader (all separate)
requested: no; just self-indulgent writing and i wanted a reason to listen to bachata
word count: 2.6k+ words
warnings: slight manga spoiler (timeskip)!! wrote this as gn as i could, but thought of a f!reader when i wrote it, sorry if i offend anyone. dancing gets steamy and suggestive. mentions and implications of sex, not proofread at all
a/n: i added some songs that i felt vibed with the character so feel free to listen to them if you want. gets repetitive at one point. this is also my second time trying to post this so uhhhhh apologies 
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the birthday boy!!
so this man, i just know he knows how to dance bachata
i mean he went to uni in california, there’s a ton of hispanics and latinos there bro
i know for a fact he befriended one of them and by default, he was dragged to a party at one point
which is exactly where you are right now
you and iwa were invited to a mutual friend’s little sisters quince
so, you’re both sitting at a table as the music is roaring through the sound system
the moment iwa hears romeo santo’s voice begin to ring through the room, he’s instantly standing up, stretching his hand to you
propuesta indecente or odio vibe mega hard with this man
“let’s go”
“go where?” you asked, not really expecting iwaizumi to be into dancing
“dance, of course. unless you don’t want to?” a nervous expression was on his face now.
“you know how to dance to this type of music?”
“of course i do, i’m what you call cultured”
so you take his hand and walk onto the dance floor with him
you kinda know the basics of the dance style so you’re not too nervous when you get into your own space of the dance floor 
he put his hands in front of his body, a hint for you take them as he slowly began to lead you in the dance
you both kept your distance at first and you couldn’t help but admire the sensual way his body was moving 
you both moved in accordance to the songs beat before he pulled a quick on you
he intertwined your fingers on one hand and allowed his other hand to travel down your waist
feeling extra confident in himself, he pulled you into his body and slotted one of his thighs between your own
not stopping your movements whatsoever
“wasn’t that awfully smooth of you, mr. iwaizumi?”
“you already know it. gotta keep you on your toes, no?” 
to which you laugh at bc being with him is already a treat in itself 
definitely has you wrap both your arms around his neck so you can be closer
he has one arm hanging lowly your waist while the other sneakily settles onto your upper thigh
very smooth and touchy man
iwa makes sure to hold you so incredibly close while smoothly maneuvers you both across your little spot on the floor
he definitely spins you when he finds it necessary
would for sure end up kissing you during a song
maybe a cheesy ass dip at the end, even if doesn’t seem to fit the song
all in all, 1000000/10 dance partner
would let him maneuver me any way he wants 
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this is gonna be so self-indulgent so apologizes beforehand
so, in my head, noya travels the world a lot
and he’s a latin/hispanic king in the eyes of many so yes he’s visited various of these countries. you go along with him too ofc
and yes, he can dance bachata and various other dance styles 
unlike iwa, he’s a lot intimate about this bc he’s the ultimate simp
he’d do anything to have your body pressed tightly against his own
especially if you’re wearing something irresistible 
also unlike iwa, he vibes best with prince royce bc in my head they’re both like more upbeat and wholesome? idk if that makes sense but it does in my head
def incondicional or darte un beso vibes
BUT if he’s feeling frisky that night, definitely see te robaré
mans would not ask you if you want to dance
he’d DRAG you out to dance
strong believer that it’d be a good first for your relationship bucket list
“yuu, where are we going?”
“to dance, duh.”
“you didn’t even ask me though…”
“don’t have to! i know you’ll love it.”
“love what?”
“this.” he instantly pulls you into his body, wide smirk on his face 
there’s virtually no space between you two
can’t even slip a piece of paper between you two
your breath hitches at the close proximity, you can feel his breath against the shell of your ear
who knew noya could be this smooth?
your mind is definitely thinking of other activities but you come back to earth when he begins to dance to the beat
one, two, three, (four)
one, two, three, (four)
he makes sure to keep you in beat
while also making sure he can feel every ridge of your body on his own
your arms are wrapped loosely around his neck
has his around your waist
he likes sneaking playful gropes in your ass or even waist if he wants to be more innocent 
mans is touchy touchy, that’s the way to describe him easily
LOVES to spin you and also loves to be spun 
your full body is in motion with this man and you’re not going in just one direction, you’re moving every which way (very organized tho)
sneaks in kisses between spins
also an amazing partner and bc i am an extra simp for this libero i rate him a 10000000/10
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also an honorary member of the hispanic/latino community
very very cultured man
he plays pro volleyball so he’s bound to travel to other countries
honestly, he’s never practiced bachata with a partner 
he has seen people do it though so he has a very general idea of how to dance it
bokuto is currently on an away game on a different country and he flew you out 
simp, you know?
you guys went to a club, destress a little and just let loose 
definitely vibes with monchy & alexandria bc the vibes are immaculate, especially on hoje en blanco and dos locos
anything that’s fast-paced and all-around energetic is perfect for mr. bokuto
also does not ask you to dance
but instead of just dragging you, he pleads for you with his eyes
puppy dogs before glancing between you and the pile of bodies dancing
you HAVE to take the hint or else he’ll be really bummed out
bokuto: 🥺👀🥺
you: ???
bokuto, in bold: 🥺👀🥺
you sigh at this, “kou, would you like to go dance?”
”i thought you’d never ask, babe! c’mon let’s go!” he’s literally beaming
you’re dragged away right after that
similarly to noya, he loves having your body pressed to his
but bc he’s not as experienced, he keeps you at a safe distance so he doesn’t accidentally step on you or something
that changes once he gets more confident
or when he sees a couple do something he wants to try with you
also loves to spin you
loves pressing your back to his chest and dancing like that for a bit before spinning you back around so he can see your pretty face
holding onto your hips and helping guide them just the way he likes
loves pressing his thigh between your own, might make you come closer so he can feel you better
also likes groping you, with consent ofc
sometimes he gets too distracted with the way you’re moving that he loses count of the beat and ends up messing up
part of the distraction would come from him smooching you anytime he please which makes you guys stumble a few times 
that’s okay though
he makes up for his mistakes in energy and enthusiasm 
how would i rank this man? hmm
1000/10 very fun to be around so he’s a very fun dance partner 
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hate to say it but mans does not know how to dance bachata
sorry yamaguchi stans, just had to to say 
man works in electronics!!!
hardly goes out as it is
but you eventually get him to leave the house every once in a while
one of those times being rn, at a co-worker’s party 
you honestly can’t remember what it’s for but there’s loud music playing 
also gives me prince royce vibes but like,,, early prince royce, ya dig?
i’m talking corazón sin cara and even soy el mismo bc bro y’all are soft
you’d have to take the lead with him for the first few minutes of the song 
maybe seconds bc he’s a quick learner, especially if he’s observing 
this man is the only one who’d actually ask you to dance before even trying to drag you out of your seat
he looks at you with these cute eyes bc man is love in with you
“do you wanna go dance? this song looks like fun.”
“ashi, do you know how to dance this type of song?”
“well, no, but i want to try with you. do you want to?”
who are you to say no?
so unlike the other three, he’s a lot sweeter and maybe even shy while you’re dancing
idk if y’all know but he’s basically a little kid trying to dance with you
you guys keep like an arms distance and probably do not get much closer 
you guys do move your arms around and bring them a tad bit closer to spice things up
but otherwise, you guys won’t get too close, especially bc this is his first time dancing bro bachata
lots of soft gazes
he looks at you like you’re the only person in the world and that shit’s cute
loves complimenting you as you’re both dancing
all in all it’s just a pure moment, nothing too spicy for the first time around or second for that matter
10/10 dance partner, learns quickly but still not too confident in himself 
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cheeky mf would be so good at this
does he know how to dance it?
but he’s the fastest learner and also very very sensual with these sort of thing so he’s amazing
idk what he does as a profession but he’s still the same person from high school, just a tad more professional in the workplace
gives me the fattest aventura vibes (if you haven’t realized i don’t know much about bachata, murder me)
obsesión and el malo vibe or maybe even los infieles
very similar to iwaizumi and his way of dancing bachata 
but less smooth and more cheeky
very very cheeky
“baby, let’s go dance”
“yeah, give me a min-“
you do not get a minute, his big hand is already instantly wrapping around your arm to pull you up
“tori, do you even know how to dance to this?”
he laughs, “no, i’m smooth but not that smooth.”
you’re left a little confused but the moment he pulls you in tightly, your worries disappear
“just follow my lead,” he whispers in a seductive voice
he places on hand on your waist and the other holding yours just at your waist level
he instantly slots his thigh between your own and leads you guys through your spot on the floor
loves when you pop your hip to the beat
as every moment passes, he pulls you closer and closer
to the point where all you can breathe is his cologne and the alcohol in his breath
might lean down to press a few teasing kisses to your neck
mans might even grind his crotch down on your thigh
he wants to leave you as flustered as possible 
was this a plan for him to take you back home so he could ravage your body? maybe, but he won’t admit, that’s the fun in it
also loves to spin you but he does it outward so he can catch a full look of how you’re dressed
bites his lip when he sees you enjoying himself
ceo of dirty compliments in your ear as you’re both dancing
LOVES LOVES LOVES seeing your flustered face as you guys are so so so close
he’d for sure try and start a makeout session in the middle of the song
something about the passionate atmosphere between all the couples, really gets him going
also sneaks in gropes along with the grinding
once he realizes how much he loves dancing to this music, he wants to go out and do it more 
rate for this man? 
100000000000/10 broke the scale plenty of times 
i want to be his dance partner, please 😔😔
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anyway, he takes you guys to a bar as well
you’re visiting him so he has to show you the best parts of the country and this is the end of your day
the spanish music blaring through the speakers gets him in such a great mood bc he wants to have his own little spanish opera moment with you
also gives me aventura vibes but the lighter more romantic music of it
very playful with it
def un beso and dile al amor or even ella y yo if he wants to get spicy with it (even if it’s like a mix of reggaetón and bachata, maybe pop, idk i’m whitewashed 😔)
“my love, do you want to go and dance with me? i love this song.”
“since when do you dance, tooru?” you tease him
“i’ve been a cultured man since i’ve landed in this beautiful country”
“really now?”
“yeah, would you like a demonstration, y/n/n?”
especially not when he’s looking down at you with this smug grin on his face
does things to you, ngl 
he pulls you up and instantly wraps an arm around your waist as he leads you towards the dance floor
he knows how to dance so he instantly rests his hand on your lower back 
takes the lead without telling you, you have to have faith him and his skills
sways you both PERFECTLY in beat
his other hand is at his side but he is not stuff at all
his body is loose with it, just the way it should be
asks you to wrap your arms around his neck maybe even asks you to hold onto his cheek and give him a smooch
has you giggling the entire time bc he’s such a dork but he’s your dork
he sings the lyrics to you in such a quiet voice just for you two to hear
he has an accent when he’s singing bc it’s like his third language but it’s still the cutest thing ever 
also loves praising you in spanish or even giving you spanish nicknames
“te miras tan hermosa, bailando conmigo así, mi amor.” 
you either know what it means or you don’t 
if you do, you’ll blush and come up with an equally cute spanish compliment
“gracias, mi rey. te vas tan chulo debajo de esta luz.” (thank you, my king. you look so good/cool underneath this lighting)
or you don’t have a clue what he said but he said in such a low tone that you assume he said something nice
“i said that you look so gorgeous, dancing with me like this, my love.” he laughs at the lost expression on your face
his laugh is contagious so you end up laughing as well before leaning in to connect your lips, as the song begins to dwindle down 
also enjoys twirling you about when it’s appropriate, adds in to the giggly fun part of him as a dance partner
now, i’m not a simp for oikawa but i would simp for him over him if he offered to be my dance partner 
i rate him a 100000/10 for a dance partner
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flamediel · 3 years
1. who do u think uses the most petnames
Erick, he has a silly sense of humor so I think he comes up with crazy and silly nicknames that catch on with the rest.
2. What pet names do you think they each like to call you ~romantically~
Richard- shorty/shawty or baby girl. He has a height complex (short with a big attitude) so he is def gonna use petnames that accentuate that he is bigger than you. Though, I also think he would be the one to call you like the most grand stuff to hype you up like "my diosa" or something like that.
Chris- Cutesy version of your name. In terms of like terms of endearment I think he constantly changes them up, like for a month he calls you sweetie, then two weeks he can't stop calling you whatever cute wording the used in their new single (like honeyboo for example) and so on. He has a fun personality and needs to keep it fun and light in the relationship too.
Zabdiel- He will absolutely call you Mi amor when he is annoyed/frustrated, almost all boricuas do that. Prob just goes with mami , bebe (or the less common variant beba) and if you have a middle name he would 100 call you that. With Zabdiel, I feel petnames is all about intimacy so when he uses each petname kind of becomes code words for his moods or his feelings or just some secret joke between you two.
Joel - the one that goes absolutely into the ridiculously sweet petnames. He will call you honey, sweeatheart, mi cielo, mi reina, mi vida and prob refers to you when talking to other people as "the love of my life". This boy is a hopeless romantic and the way he uses petnames reflect that.
Erick- creatively made up petname...maybe based on something that reminds him of you or maybe some silly but adorable version of your name. Whatever it is, Erick came up with it just for you and it will 100% make you feel special. He just seems to be the type that can find humor in everything and will turn that silly humor into fun petnames.
3. What petnames do they like to be called ~romantically~
Richard: I feel that though he doesn't really care much, he would kind of love it if you called him by his middle name. And well, the classic Papi I guess?
Chris: He would be so upset if you called him by his full first name, he automatically thinks he did something wrong when you do that. I think he would be fine with anything as long as you say it in the write tone, like if you say a sweet name but your tone isn't sweet he'd put a pouty face until you use the right tone...what you are actually using as a petname he doesnt care much.
Zabdiel: I think he prob likes to hear you say his name just like that. But he prob expect a similar version of what he calls you depending the situation so nicknames like Papi and bebé/bebo are prob tossed around the most.
Joel: anything is fair game except his name, he will call you like at least 3 petnames when talking to you and he expects the same treatment. Mi amor, mi rey, mi corazón, ect are some examples.
Erick: Prob the classic baby? Idk tbh 🙈 Maybe he is into animal petnames? Yeah, I can see that like you calling him by whatever animal the first plushie he gave you.
4. What petnames do they call you but ~spicy~
Ok, Im gonna try it differently now, Imma say a couple of petnames and who I think would say them when getting spicy:
-Daddy's girl/ Good Girl - Richard, Chris, Zabdiel (when he is feeling in the mood to tease)
-Mami- Erick & Zabdiel
-My (insert degrading term here) -Richard and Chris
-Mia/Mine - Zabdiel, Joel and Richard (yeah they give the vibes to whisper possessively when going down on you)
Nena- Zabdiel & Erick (prob as a warning when being teased)
-Baby- Joel, maybe Richard (though Baby Girl is more his style)
-My pet -I think this might slip out of Joel's mouth in the right context.
Kitten/ Gatita :Richard, Chris and Erick
Belleza: Chris, Zabdiel & Erick
Mi diosa: Richard
Princesa: Richard, Chris & Joel
5. What petnames do they like to be called but ~spicy~
Daddy: Obviously Richard, Chris and Zabdiel (but I think Zabdiel specifically might prefer the spanish alternative Papi)
Baby: Zabdiel and Erick (Joel would be both turned on and offended by being called baby)
Calling them by their own names: All of them, have you seen the egos of those boys? Yeah
Calling them by their middle name: Richard and Chris
Dirty/ Naughty boy: Chris, Zabdiel, Erick & Joel
My pet: Zabdiel
Guapo: Richard & Joel
DAMN ok iara lets go!
1. who do u think uses the most petnames?
erick. i agree he’s so silly he’s always using casual nicknames it’s the cutest
2. What pet names do you think they each like to call you ~romantically~
richard: can’t lie if that man started calling me shawty i would call him that right back he’s barely a few inches taller and he comes in w that energy? but tbh i just feel like i would v much enjoy pissing richard off alkjdlshs. baby girl or anything romantic or extra like that tho? bro I’d be so RED and he knows
chris: i agree i don’t see him sticking to one name for too long he’s always changing it up. esp when he’s joking around he’ll sing those parts to you and just watch you blush and roll your eyes at him for it. 
zab: i love the idea of nicknames varying by mood. and it just turns into a thing where you can kind of figure out where he’s at mentally based on what he says. mi amor when he’s annoyed or frustrated, but then bebe when he’s tired and just needs a hug. mami when he’s all needy, just TONS OF NICKNAMES. i can see him using a middle name esp if you don’t love it to make it all cutesy, or your last name.
Joel: yep.. that fucking tracks dskjjdhjkshk man loves love and he is sickly sweet w his pet names. it’s honestly cute how constant it is and esp since it’s all genuine it makes you SOFT man
erick: look i see erick pulling a christopher w those song themes pet names like my boo and shit but he’s super jokey with it, he also uses like those ridiculously over the top ones but always w some humor behind them. and name ones, 100%, he’s really cutesy and jokey with it. 
3. What petnames do they like to be called ~romantically~
Richard: def papi, but i also do think he cares like. richard gives me lowkey romantic vibes like once he’s in w someone he’s IN yk? and I feel like he’d enjoy being called my love or amor or something like that bc he does have a soft spot and we gotta talk about it more dammit
Chris: you’re right christopher is so formal? and even chris i feel like he wouldn’t love. he deserves affection ok he wants to be called love and baby and like even papi casually and just w a ton of love in your voice and if you sound off he’s gonna be so confused about it. 
Zabdiel: ok but zabdiel as a name seems so intimate for some reason? idk why but it really does. i would call him baby 100% like idc if he’s twice my side and could physically split me in half he’s baby and if he’s MY baby then he will definitely be made aware of this lmao. 
Joel: joel needs love and affection and uou know what that’s valid. baby? sweetheart? amor? angel? he’s melting
Erick: not animal nicknames 😭i can see it tbh but he looks like my cousin so i can’t even imagine him like that lmao
4. What petnames do they call you but ~spicy~
Daddy's girl/ Good Girl - this is such a richard and chris phrase, zab when he’s teasing or feeling dommy but chris ESP like if you’re giving him head? “you’re being such a good girl for me, just like that baby”
Mami- Erick & Zabdiel, sure, but also chris. tho in a more casual way. he would DEF say it in bed too. 
My (insert degrading term here) -Richard and Chris. yes, tho rich uses more degrading terms i feel like. 
Mia/Mine - Zabdiel, Joel and Richard. yes but ESP ZABDIEL like? when he’s just, slightly jealous or put off. if you’re teasing him by talking to other guys or not giving him attention for example? he’s pinning you to the bed, kissing down your chest and just whispering it to you, reminding you who exactly can turn you into this mess.
Nena- Zabdiel & Erick definitely. zab in that quiet voice when you’re trying to tease him in public especially “later, nena”
Baby- Joel ESPECIALLY yes, and in that whiney babyyyyy when he wants attention
My pet ok yes i agree this is def only joel and only in specific scenarios
Kitten/Gatita: Richard, Chris and Erick. i can see this esp w richard in that teasing, degrading tone when he has you tied up and on your knees, stroking your face and wiping the running mascara off of your cheek once he’s finished fucking your mouth
Belleza: Chris, Zabdiel & Erick. erick for sure. big erick vibes w this one, whispered undfer his breath as he watches you undress. 
Mi diosa: Richard yes he’s such a ficking simp like? we need to talk about that more
Princesa: Richard, Chris & Joel. again w richard the band’s simp and then chris and joel for sure, both sexually and not. 
5. What petnames do they like to be called but ~spicy~
Daddy: I agree with this being a richard thing, but i think chris is definitely more into papi and zab would only really be ok with papi. I don’t see him liking daddy at all tbh, but papi? for sure. 
Baby: Zabdiel better like being called baby bc i will call him baby all the time he has such baby energy. I actually see erick being more offended by it as the baby of the group, and joel being surprised at first but leaning into it. 
Calling them by their own names: omg yes in bed? esp zabdiel he will MAKE you say his name in bed when he’s feeling possessive, asking you who this pussy belongs to. richard def prefers daddy in bed and might take his name as being bratty but in foreplay or less intense scenes he’s super into it. 
Calling them by their middle name: Richard and Chris. tbh idk about this one like? maybe? i really don’t know.
Dirty/Naughty boy: Chris, Zabdiel, Erick & Joel. ok i’m gonna have to say this one goes to joel i think he feels good about breaking rules and this is definitely one of those things that reminds him he’s being nasty lol. 
My pet: Zabdiel. i see that highkey. also likes callling you mami in the same vein esp when you’re taking the lead
Guapo: Richard & Joel. i very firmly believe if you call richard anything but daddy in bed he’s mad BUT i can see this in teasing or foreplay w him for sure. joel is def into it he needs an ego boost. 
come talk about petnames
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sortavibing · 3 years
hiii (◕ᴗ◕✿) can i request for a match-up for the haikyuu boys? i'm a 4"10 girl with wavy black-brown hair that reaches my waist! my eyes are black brown too, & my skin tone ranges from tan to fair! i am also asian! 。◕‿◕。 i am quite thicc (yes thicc) but i am toned! i'm an enfp but despite my extraversion, i can be quite shy around new people and i can be a bit distant, too! i have a sharp sense of wit & humor, i can be talkative but i'm not boisterous i guess (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ i do have a talent for reading people & the situation tho! when i do feel comfortable, that's when i can get talkative! i can snap back sarcastically if the situation calls for it or if i feel like it but other times, i'm pretty chill. i do not have a concrete aesthetic (◕દ◕) i'm fine with sporty, athletic aesthetics & street fashion, i'm cool with cottagecore & looking dainty, sometimes i dress in a 90s style, whatever goes according to my mood! i'm not very athletic bc i never took up sports although i've been told to do so before. i've been told i'm very smart & talented, gifted even, but ig i'm burnt out HAHAHA point is, i'm not a very bookish person but i'm definitely not dumb either 😌 my hobbies include watching anime, listening to music, playing games, and napping! in a relationship, i can get confident but tbh i am screaming internally HAHHA usually, in my relationships, i'm the louder one! i am very tolerant and am usually the one to adjust to my S/O! i am very sensitive but i usually won't say anything to my S/O if they did something wrong. i'm a huge sucker for soft, pure relationships but also SPICY ones (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) if it helps, my type of guy is usually the strong silent one, the socially selective one, or the really cocky, sarcastic one! i'm also lowkey a sucker for height differences teehee
(ps i kin oikawa! yes we both have issues about inferiority & superiority & we can become narcissistic to hide our insecurities,, bonus: i'm a burnt out A+ student)
 pt.2 of request: hii (◕ᴗ◕✿) same girl here! the 4"10 asian enfp! i'd like to add i have strong facial features too! i have long eyelashes but they're not noticeable so i look like i don't have them ಠ︵ಠ i have thick eyebrows, thick lips, & deep set hazel eyes! i wear glasses! when i wear them, i look very scholarly & soft but i've been told that without them, i look kinda bitchy & intimidating HAHAHA
hello! thank you for requesting! please the gifted kid burnout is real for me😐ahaha i should be studying for a social studies test and writing a la essay but whatever i’d rather do this. anyways, here’s your matchup!
i match you up with atsumu!
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this man is the cocky sarcastic person you are looking for :) he will never give up an opportunity to make a shady comment that is really obviously shady, and he KNOWS he’s really good at volleyball, and he will not hesitate to offhandedly mention it in a conversation. just the vibes atsumu gives off radiate that “i know i’m better than you” energy, but it doesn’t mean he’s disrespectful or anything, he just knows he’s hot shit and he isn’t afraid to say it.
he loves to show you off to his friends, because he wants the whole world to know that he was able to get such a beautiful girlfriend, and he also wants osamu to never forget that he got a s/o before him. atsumu will always compliment you whenever you guys are out in public, because he just wants you to know how amazing you are.
atsumu is really clingy, and he is a big fan of pda, so if you are comfortable, he will always be around you, with his arm wrapped around you shoulder, waist, or holding your hand, because he loves being around you, and if he’s able to do it whenever he wants, that’s an added plus. he will always ask before he does anything more touchy, like kissing, because we stan a man who asks for consent😌
every couple of weeks you guys binge an anime together, and the entire time atsumu will make comments about what he would’ve done, or how much he hates a character. you guys have gotten into many playful arguments over anime plots and fight scenes, and they almost always end in you hitting him with a pillow, and then atsumu playfully tackling you until you have to surrender.
you guys also really like to play video games with each other, and atsumu’s favorite game to play with is super smash bros, because you guys get really competitive, and sometimes even bet things on who you guys think will win. atsumu may or may not lose on purpose just to see you smile when you beat him :)
when you and atsumu nap together, atsumu likes to be the big spoon, and he always likes to play soft music while you guys just talk about whatever until you guys fall asleep. atsumu also likes when he is laying on his back, and you lay on your stomach on top of him, and he runs his fingers through your hair while humming along to the music.
he will make dirty jokes in public to see how you will react, and if you do react, he will keep on doing it until you get mad at him. if you fire back with a dirty joke, he will just stop midsentence in surprise, and then quickly rethink his life and stop talking. for the rest of the convo, he will be in a slight state of shock, because he thought he was the dirtier of you guys, but then you proved him wrong.
before he met you, atsumu had bad music taste- like he only listened to trap remixes and the wii menu theme, but once you introduced him to your favorite songs, he quickly became hooked and started sharing the same taste as you. he still likes the wii music though, so if you guys are listening to his playlist, it will randomly pop up, and he will quckly skip it, and pretend that he doesn’t like the song. (ok but it’s a bop tho🤠)
he really likes when you come to his volleyball games, so for a few days leading up to a game, he will offhandedly mention it, until you offer to come, and then he’ll pretend that it was your idea, while poorly masking his excitement. once he sees you at the game, he will immediately point you out to his teammates, and whenever he performs a good serve or set, he will look at you and wink.
overall, you guys are a couple that can really act like themselves around each other, and you guys aren’t afraid of what the other will think of them. people envy you guys for your chaotic energy and care for each other, and atsumu thinks you are so pretty and smart, so he is sure to remind you about this every chance he gets.
i hope you enjoyed!
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viranlly · 4 years
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Viranlly hosts Thanksgiving Dinner.
in partnership with Wines of British Columbia.
I don’t even where time went but here we are now, just over a week before Thanksgiving. The aroma of PSL is in the crisp fall air, the days are getting shorter, and the meals we preppin’ are getting cozier each day. The holidays are upon us and so is the (grape) harvest month.
To celebrate both festivities, I’ve teamed up with the Wines of British Columbia to come up with some fun thanksgiving recipes and of course delicious BC wine pairings to go with them. I’m skipping the turkey, because let’s be honest, I don’t trust myself with a bird that size, nor that I have the space and capacity both physically and mentally to handle a turkey. I want to make sure that this holiday cooking will be as stress-free and as boozy as possible, because we all deserve that kind of holidays.
Please note that these recipes serve 4-6 people.
First thing first, it’s not a dinner party at Viranlly’s without a damn-well-put-together CHARCUTERIE AND CHEESE BOARD. Here’s the fun part about this board: there’s no recipe. The trick is you want to make sure you have a balance in flavours, textures and colours (because ya know.. aesthetic). 
THE MEAT : variety of cured meats with different flavour profiles - hot genoa salami, prosciutto, iberico ham, chorizo, and capicollo are always a great start.
THE CHEESE : make sure you have at least hard and soft cheese, everything in between never hurts either - jammy brie or camembert is a crowd pleaser, manchego is delicious, especially when you can find the truffle-y ones. Can never go wrong with parmigianio-reggiano, or a nutty pecorino. Aged cheddar and smoked gouda if you want a little funk. The possibility is honestly, endless.
THE FRUITS AND VEGGIES : grapes and olives (olives are veggies, right? I prefer unpitted Castelvetrano) are staple on my board. Seasonal fruits and veggies always add amazing flavours to the board : pears and figs in the fall, peaches and berries in the summer.
THE EVERYTHING ELSE: honey, hummus, nuts, preserves, bread, crackers, pate, and everything your heart and stomach desire.
I always love to start the night off with a bottle or two of bubbly, something really crisp, citrusy and refreshing. The Howling Bluff Faux Paw has a ton of berry notes with a just a zest of spice, perfect to be enjoyed with everything on this board. Another great bubbly is the Haywire Pink Bub, which, we consumed throughout the summer. 
The next two dishes are heavily inspired by my friends’ thanksgiving last year, with a view adjustments to meet what I have readily in my, and most kitchens.
This RADICCHIO AND SQUASH SALAD is my definition of the perfect autumn salad: rich and nutty, a hint of bitterness and lots of crunch.
1 medium-sized delicata squash, sliced up to half-an-inch-thick half moons (wow that’s wordy). Toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper before hitting the 450F preheated oven for 25-35 mins, or until  fork tender. Occasionally turn your sheet tray to make sure they’re cooked evenly, and flip the squash over halfway. 
Tear up and cut one head of radicchio into quarter, soak them in ice bath for a couple minutes before assembly. 
Thinly slice one medium-sized asian pear, toss in the juice of half a lemon and season with salt and pepper. 
Toss half a cup (minus a handful for later) of pecan, or walnut, or hazelnuts (really, any nuts you have around -- 2 tablespoon peanut butter work too), 1 small shallot, juice of half an orange and one lemon, 1 tablespoon dijon mustard, a splash of red wine vinegar and 2 tablespoon maple syrup (or honey) into a blender. Blend together and gradually add in a 1/4 cup of olive oil until a silky consistency is achieved. Season with salt and pepper.
Spread leftover nuts in a small sheet tray, drizzle with olive oil, salt and one tbsp maple syrup.Put them in the still-hot oven just enough to get them slightly toasty. I tend to forget about them and burn the nuts to the ground, so leave this step until the last 5-10 mins before assembly. 
Combine squash, radicchio in a big bowl, coat with dressing. Transfer to serving plate. 
Sprinkle the toasted nuts, and the asian pear allover squash and radicchio.
Shave some parmesan or piave.
Drizzle with some more olive oil and lemon juice, and crack some more black pepper.
I thought this salad can use the brightness and the blossoming freshness of the Orofino orange wine: stunning colour, burst of tropical fruits and elegant floral notes. My mouth is watering as typed this.  
This SAUSAGE AND CORNBREAD STUFFING changed the stuffing game forever. Honestly, you’d never want to eat another crusty, white bread stuffing for any holidays ever again. It’s so very indulgent, buttery, and loaded with aromatics. Crispy up top, soft and moist -- yes, moist inside.
I am obsessed with the cornbread from Boulevard Kitchen and Oyster Bar. And since this recipe relies quite heavily on the cornbread, trust me, you’d want to use the best cornbread you can find. In this case, I’ve found the winner. Cut up 1 1/2 lb cornbread to 3/4″ pieces and leave them in a 350F oven for 40 mins or so until they’re dry. Don’t worry we’ll the moisture back later. Transfer cornbread to a big mixing bowl.
Cook and a lb or so of breakfast sausage in a skillet. Break them apart with a wooden spoon and let brown about 8 minutes. Transfer sausages to a plate.
In the same skillet, leaving the sausage brown bits, add 1/4 cup of butter and cook one diced onion and two stalks of cubed up celery until softened. Add three cloves of chopped garlic and one sliced japaleno, cook for another minute or so. Add 1/2 cup of dry white wine and another 1/4 cup of butter and let the liquid evaporate. Add thyme and chopped sage.
Combine cornbread and stuffing in the mixing bowl, add 2 eggs and 1 1/2 cups of chicken stock. Stir them occasionally until cornbread absorbs most of the liquid.
Lightly butter a cast iron pan, or baking dish and transfer mixture in.
Put the pan in the 350F oven for 40-ish minutes then turn up the heat to 425F for 15-20 mins until the outside is crisp and golden brown.
The VinAmité Chanson d’Amour is quite a delightful pairing for this dish. The chardonnay in the blend gives that soft minerality while keeping the palate fresh and peachy. Another great option is  the Unsworth Pinot Noir: plum-y, dark cherry, a swift hint of earthy herbs - brings out the thyme aroma in the dish.
The last recipe is a simple, choose-your-own-adventure kind of recipe to replace the boring old sweet potato casserole. It’s a BYOB: Build Your Own Baked sweet potato bar!
Cut 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes into half and coat them in olive oil, salt and pepper. Put them cut side down on a sheet tray and into a 425F oven for 30 minutes or until they’re fork tender.
The toppings, again, can honestly be anything you’re in the mood for buuut these are my three favourites:
Spicy chorizo cooked in vermouth and butter. It’s as simple as it sounds. In a skillet, heat a tablespoon or so olive oil and bloom chili flakes in it. Slice two links of spanish chorizo and toss into the chili oil. Add vermouth and butter and cook until sauce thickens. 
Spicy soy garlic tempeh. Dice one slab of tempeh (I used tempea) into 1/2 cm cubes and season with salt and pepper. In a skillet, add one table spoon of oil and add 2 cloves of chopped garlic. Toss the tempe in, and add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, and 1 tablespoon of kecap manis. If you like the heat, add 1-2 sliced up birdseye chili. Serve with cilantro and green onion.
Lobster salad. Cut 2 lobster claws into chunks, add the juice of half a lemon and season with salt and pepper. Add 2 tablespoon of kewpie mayo, one teaspoon of honey, and mix together. Add 2 stalks of thinly sliced celery and top it off with dill. Season with salt and pepper as needed.
As simple as sour cream (or plain greek yoghurt), lemon juice, olive oil, grated garlic cloves, seasoned with salt and pepper.
The salad dressing leftover works well too!
Go wild ;)
The wines for this particular dish can be as playful as you want them to be buuuut I decided to go with something a bit more crisp, fruity and floral like the Tantalus Vineyard Riesling especially if you go on the lobster route. Another great option is the Bartier Bros Merlot, which, is a slightly nutty, savoury with a touch more of cherry and dark fruits. 
Hosting a holiday dinner is a pretty big job and I admit, it can get really stressful but I hope these easy-ish recipes and the wine (I know the wines work) will help you guys through. A MASSIVE thank you to the team at Legends Haul for making my grocery shopping for this dinner SO. MUCH. EASIER. 
And just another PSA that the holiday is the PERFECT time to support you local wineries and enjoy the delicious wines BC has to offer. And BC has A LOT to offer. So, explore, sip and savour your way throughout this Harvest month. Find more information about BC Harvest Month here.
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jaspvid for the s o u l
michael: oak aye
Jasper: *first day working at the camp 😳😳* *vIbES near the entrance lmao*
Jasper: Totally!! Is the camp still the same as when we were younger?
David: yup! Obviously different kids, they can get crazy so be prepared!
Jasper: Oh jeez, okay.
The b u s: *i am alive*
David: ah! They're here, oh you're gonna love them Jas!
Max: *walks off the bus* who the hell is that?!
Nerris: yeah I've never seen him before! Hello sir I dont know!
David: well kids, this is your new counselor, Jasper!
Jasper: Hi kids-! I hope I can make your summer great!!
Neil: *😒😒*
Harrison: Oh cool! A new person to show my magic to!
Space kid: howdy do Jasper!
Max: okay just another person to make fun of!
-all the kids are in the mess haul now-
David: I told you to be prepared! Dont let max get to you, hes always like that
Jasper: he’s just a little, uh, insulting. kinda rude, I can handle it though! Don’t worry about it
David: alrighty!
-time skip bc I'm lazy-
David: *getting ready for sleep time* do do dooooo
Jasper: ughhh, I do not understand how you deal with those kids all day *😔*
David: I've gotten used to them, maxes words hurt sometimes but I'm fine with it. And you dont have to work here ya know, if it isnt fun for you
Jasper: I wanna work here because I miss being with you all the time, homeslice- I’ll get used to it eventually
David: awe that's sweet, but you can always tell me if you want to leave because this place can stress you out! Now you, should get some sleep mister
Jasper: *😳😳😳* ah yeah, you too homie *bed time bro*
David: goodnighttttt!
Jasper: goodnight-
Time: smellbert day time
The camp: i am going to burn down
-after they fix the camp bc I'm lazy and tired-
David: *collapses against a tree* now that, that was a workout
Jasper: *collapses nexts to mr tree* is that how it’s like everyday?
Neil: *a p p r o a c h e s*
David: yeah basically *jumps up* hello Neil!
Neil: Hey can I show you something I’ve been working on? *is neil*
David: ah yes of course! *grabs Jaspers hand and walks over*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Neil: Okay, so, this is my science stuff, and this right here is a calculator
David: very...interesting! Right Jasper!
Jasper: I like the uh, bottles?
Neil: The test tubes?
David: *tries not to laugh*
Jasper: I mean- I guess? I don’t know, I never did science
Neil: Literally everyone knows what a test tube is-!
David: oh come on Neil cut him some slack, hes not all about science
Neil: david, literally everyone knows what a test tube is!
David: well Jasper isnt everyone! Keep up the good work! *walks back to the cabin*
Jasper: *taps david’s shoulder 😗✌️* hey hey hey, quick question
David: hm? *turns around* yeah Jasper?
Jasper: Can I talk to you alone for a hot sec
David: yeah of course! What's up buddy pal
Jasper: uh, so, since I was a kid i thought you were super cool-?
David: wow really?! Youre really.. what's the word you use..radical!
Jasper: Wow thanks! Anyway, I was thinking and like- I like you??
David: well duh, we're best friends!
Jasper: yeah, but, like-like you homie
David: *very red* oh gosh- i- um-
Jasper: *😳😳😳* uh- yeah-
David: a-are you sure? Out of a-all people?
Jasper: *nodnodnodnod*
David: well uh- lucky for you- *kisses his cheek😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳* oh dang-
David: *smiles at him*
Gwen: well that was lovely
Jasper: Wow gwen okay
David: oh h-hi Gwen..*v red*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Gwen: I saw the whole thing, it was WAY better than trash tv
David: well is this good for your trash tv? *kisses Jasperteehee*
Jasper: *is a red*
Gwen: *:0* Oh damn!!
David: oh wait I actually did that-
Jasper: jesus- *lmao covers his face or some shit*
Gwen: 👏👏👏
David: okay uh toodaloo! Bye! *runs to the cabin*
Jasper: uh, i’m gonna go too-! *fOLLOW*
Max: they're so gonna makeout
David: *in the bathroom* WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME
Jasper: *kNocKs oN tHe dOoR* uhh, davey are you okay?
David: AH! oh Jasper, hello! Uh yes I am completely fine why would something be wrong what
Jasper: you ran away really fast, are you sure you’re okay-?
David: yes of course! *comes pit of the bathroom and is like face to face w/ jasper bc he was standing right outside of the door??*
Jasper: *😳👉👈* *s smooch*
David: *😳😳😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: i’m uh, sorry *😔👉👈*
David: nononono it's okay! *hug*
Jasper: *hug 😔👉👈*
David: hey, you okay? *ruffles his hair and laughs*
Jasper: *:) 👉👈* of course!
David: that's great! *smiles at him*
Jasper: we should uh, leave and see what the kiddos are up to *walks out backwards???*
David: okay! *kicks the door open* owie
Jasper: oh dang are you okay-
Nikki: What SPICY DRAMA happened??!
David: nikki what do you mean??
Nikki: Max said you were gonna make out!
David: nothing happened! *😳*
Jasper: *holds onto david’s arm or smth lmao oop*
Nikki: hmmmm
David: nikki nothing- uh- nothing happened!
Max: Likely story DAVID!
David: fine, what do you think happened?
Max: you two made out or some gross shit and then you came out like nothing happened!
David: well you are incorrect!
Jasper: very incorrect!
Nikki: Oh damn it!
David: well anyways, since it's getting to sunset now, its campfire time! *skips over to the benches*
Jasper: come on children!! *follow*
Children: kk *follow*
Max: jasper I seriously dont understand how youre in love with HIM
David: *making a fire*
Jasper: I mean, he’s really nice, Max- I’m sure you’ll feel the same way about someone eventually
Max: pft- yeah, no
David: *stands up* okay and we are ready for action!
Jasper: oh come ON max, stop being so heartless *walks over to the f i r e*
David: *sits down on a log and puts on his sweatshirt* (I LOVE DAVID WEARING A SWEATSHIRT)
Jasper: *sits next to d a v i d* oh dang, are you cold?
David: eh, it's just summer night air
Jasper: yeah but i wanted an excuse to do this *puts his arm around david 😳*
David: *goes wide eyed 😳😳*
Jasper: *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *hides in his sweatshirt😳* Jasper not in front of the campers!-
Jasper: Oh dang i’m so sorry *n not*
David: *rests his head on his shoulder* hmph
Jasper: oh no, am i in trouble now? *hug teehee*
David: *shakes his head no*
Jasper: cool cool cool *😘😘😘*
Gwen: *👀👀👀*
David: *sleep*
Gwen: I think you need to go tuck your boy in
Jasper: Righto, Gwen make sure nothing burns down *picks up mr tree mans and cArRiEs hIm To tHe CabIn wOwIe*
David: huh..oh hi jasperrrr
Jasper: hola *drops mr tree mans onto his bed lmao rekt* you fell asleep
David: oh sorry *laughs tiredly?? Is that a thing??*
Jasper: go to sleep, you sound tired *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *pulls him down to....hug him duh*
Jasper: oh dang- *hug hug hug*
David: what? I love youuuuu (he ain't gonna remember this-)
Jasper: *😳😳😳* shoot- i love you too homie *s sits on the bed or smth*
David: *sits up and hugs him* thank you for working here, now I get to see your adorable face everyday
Jasper: jeez- calm down- *😳😳😳*
David: I'm just saying! *smiles at him*
Jasper: *😌😌* okay go to sleep now- it’s late, homeslice
David: okay *kisses him* goodnight *:)*
Jasper: goodnight weirdo *escape*
David: *wakes up and sits up* best sleep I've ever had
Jasper: *uhh already out watching el children*
David: *gets dressed and walks outside* GOOOOOD MORNING JASPER
Jasper: hello hello, how did you sleep?
David: very good actually! I just dont remember anything from the camp fire
Jasper: oh great, you were hella tired last night man
Nikki: *f fire*
Jasper: *ahaha just vibes honestly lmao* righto children, who wants to go do something cool
Max: what do you consider cool
Jasper: dunno, what do YOU consider cool?
Max: I dont know that's why I'm asking you!
Space kid: how are babies made
Jasper: okay, we’re not going over that today- what if we uh, go to spooky island and find cool stuff
Nerris: david said we arent allowed over there!
David: I heard my name! Wassup
Jasper: we’re going to spooky island because i almost died there so we are allowed
David: *:0* ooooo adventures okay! Boat time! *walks to the boats*
Jasper: alrighty everyone get in groups of threes to go in the bOaTs and then don’t get lost
David: *gets in the boat in front of thy jasper* is Gwen coming?
Jasper: I don’t think so-
Space Kid: *is on their bOaT now because he asked how babies were made*
David: *starts paddling the boat* weeeeeeee
Jasper: *lmao also pAdDlInG*
Space Kid: David how are babies made?
David: uh well- *😳*
Space Kid: because neil told me that-
Jasper: okay okay okay let’s not talk about this today
Space kid: do you and jasper make babies?
David: NO *😳😳😳*
Jasper: *w heeze*
Space Kid: hmmmm, well do you want to make babies?
Jasper: *literally sobbing* this is COMEDY
Jasper: It’s so funny-!
David: uh-uh! Its embarrassing!
Space kid: you guys have definitely made babies
Jasper: *FIDNKSNSKSK* OH MY GOD *teeheehaw*
David: OKAY WOW LOOK WE'RE HERE *gets off the canoe*
Jasper: *escaped canoe* kk kids stay in your groups and find something cool
David: I guess space kid went with harrison and his group, so that's leave us alone *😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* *👀👀* *smooch 😳*
David: *😳😳😳* *kiss:)*
Jasper: *:)))*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* Woah Davey chillax
Nikki: Everyone wanted to know!
David: well I think it's pretttttttty obvious that I am deeply in love with Jasper!
Jasper: 😳😳😳
Nikki: WOAHH!! Like my mom and Carl!!
Neil: nikki pleeeeeease dont bring that up
David: oh god-
Nikki: Why not! That was true love Neil!
Jasper: what even- who?
Neil: that was sex! Theres a difference Nikki!
David: their parents hooked up on parents day-
Jasper: *elbow nudge ;))* *LMAO WHEEZE JK JKING*
Nikki: There is no difference!
Neil: they only did it for pleasure!!
Jasper: I was joking homie!
Nikki: oh REALLY? how would you know!!
Neil: beacuseeeeee that's why people do it nikki!
David: okay....homeskillet!
Nikki: have YOU ever done it!!!
Jasper: oh jesus- we should stop that before something bad happens
Neil: NIKKI I AM 11
David: yeah-
Jasper: *picks up nikki or some poopoo* Nikki, just listen to Neil on this one
David: *giggles*
Nikki: this isn’t over NEIL
Jasper: okie dokie kids- Nikki you’re coming back with me because I don’t trust you with neil
Jasper: alrighty everyone we’re going back- david go back with neil
Nikki: *g rowels*
-when they get back-
David: *flops on to his bed* well that was a experience
Jasper: *s sits on david’s bed* oh god it sure was
David: *sits up and leans against the pillows* I haven't been that stressed in awhile-
Jasper: *😳😳👀* *smooch*
David: *smooch😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳smooch*
David: *hug* hiiiii
Jasper: *hug 😳😳😳* hello hello
Dsvid: not to be that weird person but you are way better at kissing then I thought you would be- *giggles*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
David: okay soryyyyyyyyyyy
Jasper: you’re so dorky
Space Kid: *knocks on the councelor cabins door*
David: ugh can we ever be alone! *opens the door* oh space kid! Why are you up?
space kid: i had a nightmare that space wasn’t real can i stay with you :(
Jasper: ughhhhhh
David: yes of course! *picks up him* where do you wanna sleep?
Space kid: uhhh in space
David: let me rephrase it, where do you want to sleep in the cabin?
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franeridart · 7 years
hey fran, i really love you & your art!! i fell in love w your bokuroteru tattoo au after reading it through, and then i found your bakushimas and i love them so much! you're actually the reason i found the motivation to start bnha lol and i'm really glad i did, so thx!
Thank you!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!! For liking my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* and you’re most welcome, I’m super happy you’re liking it!!!!!
Anon said:I love dragons and I love kiri and I love your art so that post is like all three of my favourite things rolled into one, B L E S S.
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:your traditional sketches are so cool!!! i feel like it kinda adds like depth to it or something but like those are so neat what if you lined some
Thanks!! And I’ve actually thought about that, but I’m not much a fan of going back on stuff I already posted... it’s more probably I’ll just go back to the concept and draw more instead of lining those haha
Anon said:voltron third season is cOMING SOON AS IN TWO DAYS AAAAAA ARE U EXCITED?
Anon... my pal... my dear friend... I don’t know how to break this to you but... I haven’t even properly watched s2 yet...
Anon said:i started reading bnha bc i wanted to understand your art better, and I gotta say it's a really great series. thanks for inspiring me to read it. finished the manga today and my favs are definitely kirishima, tamaki, toshinori and fatgum. actually I knew kiri would be my fave anyway bc 75% of why i got interested in your bnha drawings was bc of him...he's just?? so good?? that aside your art is incredible and your characterizations of the bakusquad are perfect. you're super cool, keep doing you!
I’m!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much oh my god ;A; I’m happy you decided to try it, I’m super happy you ended up liking it, and I’m indecently happy you actually do like Kirishima!!!!! BOI!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs all the love he can get, the pure son ;A;
Anon said:your art is so good wth!! everytime i get the notif that you posted i get so excited!!
Anon said:The fuck is shitty ab these traditional art pics. They're good, everything u do is good, don't play blind u perfect shit
Tough love! Sometimes this comes around my inbox too haha it’s fine anon, the reason why I rarely draw traditionally is that I never feel like I’m done with a drawing when I do, feel incomplete for however much details I put in because tbh there’s always more I can do on them, so with shitty I mostly meant “incomplete” lol going okay this is finished is something I don’t know how to do with traditional doodles hah
Anon said:yo what happened to your hand bro?
Therapy with my dermatologist that ends up giving me blisters on one of my fingers! It’s nothing serious, but makes arting sorta hard haha
Anon said:You should draw more kiribaku kids it had me really interested and brought out my happy
Should I 👀👀👀 an ugly word, let’s try with could next time shall we - that said, seems like yall really did like something that for me was a one time thing! I might get back on them in the near future, just because that post seems to have blown up way more than I had anticipated haha
Anon said:ahhhhhhh i absolutely love your art. i've been feeling very irritated lately and your kiribaku / kiribakushima art really helps calm me down.
This makes me super happy to know!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!! I hope life has stopped getting on your nerves in the couple days it took me to answer, anon!!!
Anon said:Headcanon: kirishima plays dream daddy
To be honest I don’t know anything about that game aside from “it’s a dating sim” and “it’s gay”, but either way to me it sounds more like something Kaminari would play hahaha
Anon said:Hey Fran! I recently caught up with the BNHA anime thanks to you (still have to get around to the manga) and I loveeee itt so much (pretty much adopted like 20 kids😂) have a lil question tho, in your AU/bnha comic thingy are Bakugo and Midoriya finally like... "okay" friends? Or is Bakugo still acting like he hates the poor boy? Thanks in advance and also absolutely love your art~😍
WEEEEHHHHYYYYYY I’m glad you decided to check it out, anon!!!!! But, I’m sorry I’m gonna need you to be more specific here since I don’t have any “ongoing” AU for that fandom atm - exactly which comic are you referring to?
Anon said:I've been restraining myself from going on Tumblr to once a month max for like a year or so now because it was exams and then I had a new year (MY LAST YEAR) of high school to worry about, and I know me. When I go on Tumblr, I stay on Tumblr for literally an entire day. Or more. And then I accidentally stumbled upon your stuff today and wasted (thoroughly enjoyed) a day of scrolling through your art and asks. I never knew I shipped bakushima so hard until today. Thank you for your beautiful art.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m so happy you decided to use your one day for my blog omfg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for this ask, it made me really super happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you know the song that is playing when endeavor is fight the winged nomu? ive tried looking for it but I can't seem to find it. thanks if you know it. its fine if you don't. btw you're amazing
Eeep sorry anon this ask is so old omfg I hope you found your answer somewhere else - also because I’m actually the worst person in the world to ask about soundtracks orz so, like, double sorry o
Anon said:A cute kirikamibaku thought to hopefully help cheer you as you wait for your hand to heal again: the three of them going out to a restaurant and Denki trying to subtly convince the other two to order something he wants to try when he can't decide what he wants to eat. Whenever he succeeds, he ends up eating just as much off their plates as his own.
This has actually been cheering me up for days now so thank you !!!!!!! Also because I’ve been thinking about Bakugou giving in but making it super spicy out of spite and honestly that’s the funniest thing hahahaha
Anon said:MATSUHANA🌸🌸🌸🌸
Anon said:I can't stop thinking abt that one anon that sent you "Batsuki Katsuki" and I'm losing my fuckin mind over it oh my god but anyway hello I love ur art I hope you have a good day ( ˘ ³˘)♥
THANK YOU!!!! I hope you’ll have a great month, anon!!!! *O* and also tbh same I randomly remember it and laugh by myself thank you anon for that gem I’m never getting over it haha
Anon said:I live for your bakukirikami art. I never had an ot3 until these boys, and they're just so so good. Do you think any of them ever gets insecure/jealous about the other two's bond in the relationship? I feel like if anyone would it might be Denki? But I dunno, because the way you portray them I like to think that they all actually just love watching each other be cute and bond and stuff.
Yeah that’s how I see them!  You know how, like... when you’re friends with two people and they’re friends with each other and you look at them being silly together and you’re like boy I’m so glad I have both of you in my life and that I can have you both at the same time and that you can be silly and adorable and happy together too - that’s exactly how I portray the bkk, only it’s romantic instead of platonic haha
Anon said:Your art has inspired me to write some BakuKiri / KiriBaku bless!!!! I'm also writing KiriBakuKami as well, thank you so much for the gorgeous art!
Anon said:Hello! It's the anon that asked about posting your art online for the first time. Thank you so much for answering my questions! That means a lot to me. I'll definitely take your advice. You made me feel a lot better about posting my stuff online. I'm gonna go ahead and draw the things that make me happy and,, hopefully I'll find people that like it like me!
AAAAHHHHHH I’m happy I could help!!! And I’m sure you will, anon!!!!! I hope you’ll be able to have a great time in whatever community you decide to be part of *O*
Anon said:I was feeling slightly uck but then I was like "you know what would make you feel better" and I just started scrolling through your blog and HONESTLY you are a blessing I feel a lot better and lighter and looking at your blog is literal self care for me now I love you and I hope you have a fantastic day
Sob thank you so much for this ask ;A; aaahhhhhhhh!!!! I’m so happy I can help you like that and this made me feel great back when I first read it (and also now that I’m rereading it, honestly!!!) so thank you for making my days better too, anon!!!!
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themeltedheadaches · 7 years
Autumn: What’s your favorite thing about Autumn?
the brisk turn in the air, crunchy leaves, drinking warm drinks, cuddling, the fashion!!!!, i can’t pick!!
Apples: What’s your favorite type of apple?
granny smith for life bro but lately i’ve been having fiji apples for breakfast and that’s chill
Apple Cider: What’s your favorite seasonal drink?
HONESTLY i love drinking hot apple cider through a cinnamon stick, it’s a family tradition but it’s more for around christmas. for fall i love coffee bean and tea leaf’s pecan latte but there are no cbtls around campus :( so i’ll settle for the bistro’s cinn-full latte :)
Apple picking: if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?
rn, i’d really like to visit my brother in pittsburgh! i miss him :(
Big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
the cold holy fuck no contest at all
Bonfires: Do you prefer going out or staying in on a fall evening?
depends on the type of evening! if it’s a brisk kind of cold, i love to go out. but if it’s rainy and i’m sleepy and haven’t been having time to read much, i’m staying in, no question.
Boots: Favorite pair of shoes/boots you own?
i love my black booties! they’re lace-up with a really cool velcro buckle and spikes on the ankles, plus they’re wedges. they are My Party Shoes and YES i almost broke my neck in them last satruday and YES it took three people to get them off of me that night HOWEVER they are so worth it they’re adorable and i never used to wear them in high school??? why??? !!!!
Black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
honestly nothing lmao i can’t think of anything i want that badly…
Candles: What’s your favorite fall scent?
i love every fall scent tbh i’m such a sucker, but i LOVE the smell of campfires, and applecider, and that fake pumpkin-spicy smell, but my absolute favorite is the smell of cold rain on cement, how it’s kind of almost cinnamony at first and then it mellows out and smells so clean and cold and it makes your hands a little chilly and i just can’t stop smiling when i open my window and that smell drifts in!!! (and then my roommate yells at me lol)
Caramel Apples: Favorite Halloween candy?
uhhhh fucking kit kats (still salty about that one time @samfloras fuckin ATE ALL OF MY KIT KATS BUT W/E) or honestly peanutbutter m&ms!! OH SHIT NO fuckin crunch bars. yes. bless those things i only ever eat them around halloween.
Cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
probably my living room back home, i used to always curl up on the couch where there’s the most light with a book and a blanket and just exist knowing my family was somewhere close, and i could look out the window and see the world outside. by the time i left for college i slept out there more than i did in my own bed tbh. at college tho, i definitely feel happiest in the hall lounge (my hall is so codependent and cute i love us) b/c there’s always someone to talk to or cuddle with or just exist with, too. so it’s kind of the same deal as what i needed back home.
Chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
least favorite - humid heat
favorite type - brisk but with clear skies
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
i’m fucking bomb at balancing trays in the dining hall and also blocking out how the foot tastes???
Fairs: Have you ever been to a state fair? How was it?
i Have Not :(
Flannel: How many blankets do you sleep with in the fall/winter?
as many as possible! but usually three-ish (one sheet, one blanket, and a comforter)!
Falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
1) a hairbrush 
2) an umbrella 
3) jeans
Fuzzy Socks: How do you spend a night in in the fall?
quietly and with lots of tea and music and coziness, preferably
Halloween: Do you plan on going out for Halloween this year? And as what?
uhhh hell yeah my school has a pretty small party scene but apparently we go ham for halloween?? i have no idea yet, but probably a basic witch (aka dressing up witchy but also ~basic~ and carrying around starbucks??)
Haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
my biggest fear is spiders or anything crawling inside me tbh
Hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
Hot Chocolate: How do you make/order your hot chocolate?
honestly i love nestle’s hot chocolate mix even though it is Tasteless AF but hey 
Holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
i believe there are people in our lives that we are meant to meet for some reason, but i don’t believe there is only One Person Out There who’s the Only Person You Need, bc that’s kind of :////
Hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone (if you haven’t had your first kiss, who would you like that first someone to be?)
uhhhhhhh augustish i think???
Leaves: What’s your favorite color the leaves turn?
Mini pumpkins: How do you decorate for fall/Halloween?
as much as i can! i love cute candles and fake leaves and lights and spooky decorations 
Pumpkin: Do you carve a pumpkin for Halloween?
usually! my hall is gonna have a pumpkin-carving event bc of fucking course we are, probably someone’s gonna chop their hand of tho 
Pumpkin Spice: Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
absolutely not
Pumpkin Pie: What’s your favorite autumnal dessert?
pumpkin pie! 
Rain: How do you spend a rainy day in?
reading, listening to music, drinking a hot beverage and looking at the rain, splashing in puddles, cuddling up with a fantastic blanket, pointing at the windows and yelling “look at the rain” at whoever will pay attention to me
Sweaters: What’s your favorite sweater?
this one i just bought like last weekend!! it was a very hungover purchase tbh!! but it’s gray/white/maroon and it has a hood and it’s HUGE like 3 sizes too big and i wear it as a dress and it’s so cute and honestly it’s the softest thing ever on the inside 
Scarves: What’s your favorite album to listen to in the fall?
anything by the 1975, anything by wolf alice, anything by keaton henson, screentime by addie pray - i have The Chillest autumn playlist on spotify tbh
Scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
what i wore last saturday! the black booties i’m obsessed with + these high-waisted leggings from torrid that lace up the backs of the calves + this criss-crossy bralette + this sheer long-sleeved shimmery black shirt…… i looked fucking bomb thanks
Smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
lavender bc it has so many tender memories attached to it, my grandmother’s perfume (bluegrass), the lotion my step-dad rubs my mom’s hands with every night - i could never pick between those tbh
Thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
i’m so thankful for my family (which of course includes friends) bc they’re everything good in me and my inspiration
The color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
“somebody else” by the 1975, (for late cold tired nights) “email” by addie pray, (for studying in a coffeeshop), “10 am Gare du Nor” by keaton henson (for when it’s rainy and sad out and you’re feelin it), and “feel right” by esme patterson” (for brisk days and brisker walks)
Wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
the weather officially changing and seeing it on campus!! getting apple cider at the bistro!! family weekend!! going home for thanksgiving, letting everyone know how much they mean to me, finishing my damn scarf
Windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
WOLF ALICE i’m SO MAD they played in LA over the summer AND I MISSED IT and now they’re playing in hollywood AT THE AMEOBA!!! AND I’M GOING TO MISS IT AGAIN!! AAAAAAA it’s not like they’re lowkey one of my favorite bands that NEVER are in the united states ever lmao !!! :(((((((
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eriebittle · 7 years
thanks @epickegster /jacinta for tagging me!! (also here are her answers in case u haven’t already read them and wish to i d k)
1. Who are you named after?
i was named after my mother’s college roommate, carolyn (and, scary part, get this, my mother’s name is catherine and her roommate’s name was carolyn?? well my name is carolyn and my college roommate’s name is katherine so um,)
2. Last time you cried?
i almost/basically cried during my modern class on friday?? like i was just, frustrated during class because i wasn’t really feeling inspired and my movement just didn’t flow or make sense and everyone else was like “this class is really doing wonders for my creativity and movement quality!!” and i had just, had the sudden realization that i didn’t belong anywhere?? i’m a double major, involved in both psych/neuroscience and dance. so when i’m in my science classes, i feel too artsy to be taken seriously, but i never feel creative enough in my choreo/dance classes (like, i’m overanalyzing things too much or something idk). so all that hit me like a ton of bricks because i felt like i didn’t belong in either of my majors and that i might be stretching myself too thin and haha which one are you going to stick with after you graduate carolyn!!!! you have to pick!!! now!!! because otherwise fellow dancers will never accept you and neither will your fellow researchers hahahahaaaa!!!
TL;DR: sad double major almost cried during dance class, was asked if she was okay by multiple friends after class, vehemently denied any accusations of being sad
3. Do you like your handwriting?
it’s o k a y but nothing special?? sort of like a sad, print-cursive hybrid, but legible
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
deli meat chicken because, like, every day from age 6 to the day i graduated high school i ate 2 thin slices of deli meat chicken on whole grain bread (which i then flattened) for lunch every single day. no condiments or lettuce or anything- just me and a squished chicken sandwich
5. Do you have kids?
lol nah
6. Do you use sarcasm?
7. Do you still have your tonsils?
8. Would you bungee jump?
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
multi grain cheerios no milk
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
hell no i don’t have time for that
11. Do you think you’re strong?
i have danced ballet for ~16 years and i’ve been en pointe for nearly 9 of those years so maybe?? sort of physically strong??  but i have zero upper body strength. sad! (not mentally tough tho dude i cry whenever anyone confronts me about anything)
12. What is your favorite ice cream?
mint chocolate chip!!! (but the ice cream has to be like, bright ass green for maximum mint flavor)
13. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
umm?? i’m not sure, but probably eyes/facial expression??
14. Football or baseball?
dude no i love both, equally, so much,
15. Your favorite sorting metrics?
that is, a good question, but i’m afraid that’s all we have time for folks,
16. What color pants are you wearing?
blue nike shorts
17. Favorite smell?
bedsheets str8 out of the dryer!! everything is so fresh and so clean, clean
18. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my mother
19. Favorite sport to watch on tv?
football!! i love football. especially college football?? amazing. incredible. nebraska football, especially. even better. the best. 
(but live tho definitely baseball, it’s one of my favorite activities, driving out to kauffman stadium on a warm summer evening, hot dogs and peanuts and canned pepsi is all $1 each on certain nights and you just, sit and enjoy. you’re always with a few friends and family; the action on the field is just slow enough to enjoy while catching up but fast enough to really be invested in the sport itself. since baseball teams play over 100 games each season, losing one game typically doesn’t mean too much, so a loss from your favorite team isn’t too stressful; everyone’s having a good time, gracious in defeat but fuckin pumped after a win. on fridays after the game, there are always fireworks and just, the whole experience is gr8 from start to finish)  
20. Hair color?
light brown!! during the summer it gets some fun ~almost blonde~ highlights from the sun but generally light brown
21. Eye color?
22. Favorite food to eat?
kansas city barbecue!! especially pulled pork sandwiches with a lot of tangy and spicy sauces, my absolute favorite
23. Scary or funny movies?
funny, because, i don’t enjoy being scared, not into that,
24. Last movie you watched?
oooh last night i watched friends with benefits?? bc my roommates and i had just gotten home from a late night run to arby’s for jamocha shakes (and please, folks, if u do nothing else have this shake sometime in ur life thank u) and we turned on the tv and long after my roommates fell asleep i just, kept watching because of justin timberlake and it was an average movie
25. What color shirt are you wearing?
26. Favorite holiday?
i really like halloween; not all the scary parts, but the fun costumes!! and candy!! and socks. i have so many halloween socks. and i just like all the, fun, spooky things?? a good time
27. Wine or beer?
canadian ice wine ( @epickegster dude u had the same answer, and u get me, my dude, my homie, my bro)
but yeah ummm i don’t really have anyone to ~tag~ but if u wanna go for it then go for it!! i love getting to know people
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