#like do the other voyager crew members even learn that they were dating???
tea-earl-grey · 10 months
listen Chakotay/Seven is bad for many reasons but it really doesn't bother me as much as it should because it's so poorly written that it just ends up feeling like both Chakotay and Seven were in love with Janeway and realized it would never work out so they just shrugged and starting dating each other. (i'm not even that much of a shipper either but like. the subtext is there for both JC and J7.) you cannot convince me that they didn't mutually break up before they even landed on Earth and then they never talked about it again.
and to add to the comedy, both Janeway and Seven know that if Voyager didn't get home then Seven and Chakotay would have gotten married and both died, etc etc while Chakotay, if i recall, just Never Learns This. Chakotay goes about the rest of his life thinking "oh yeah i went on a few dates with Seven but it never went anywhere" and then Seven and Janeway are just haunted by this alternate timeline. peak comedy tbh.
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the-badger-mole · 4 years
“You scared?” 
Zuko’s mouth pulled down slightly at the corners, but after years of practicing diplomacy and his uncle’s lessons on holding his temper, that was the only show of Zuko’s displeasure. 
“I have no reason to be afraid,” he said. He quirked his brow at Katara and met her gaze pointedly. “According to you.” Katara shrugged, though it was difficult to tell under her heavy, fur lined parka. 
“Well, Dad and Sokka already like you,” she reminded him.”It’s just everyone else you have to convince.” 
Zuko rolled his eyes, wishing that the Southern Water Tribe was like...well any place else in the world. Having the Chief and his heir on his side would have been enough in literally any other country in the world. But this wasn’t anywhere in the world. This was the Southern Water Tribe. Their numbers were still small after all this time, and they were fiercely loyal to each other. Families were intimately involved in each others’ lives. Beside him, Katara nudged him gently. He felt the comforting pressure of it through his own thick parka. 
“You’re going to be fine,” she promised, flashing him a reassuring smile.
 Her eyes were full of trust and confidence, and it bolstered Zuko’s own. But only just slightly. After all, he was about to ask her entire extended family for their blessing to marry her. It was...daunting. 
“What if...what if they don’t like this?” Zuko asked. Katara shrugged with a bravado that Zuko knew she didn’t feel. 
“I already said yes,” she said. “I’m old enough to make my own choices. Dad, Sokka and Gran Gran will understand. If anyone else has a problem with it...well, we just won’t invite them to the wedding.” 
“I don’t want to cause problems with you and your family,” Zuko lowered his voice, as if anyone could hear him. He and Katara had climbed to the ship’s crows nest, both for the privacy and to catch the first glimpse of Katara’s home. Katara sighed and rested her head against Zuko’s shoulder.  “You’re my family,” Katara said firmly. “I love you, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Besides, we’ve been dating for two years. There were only two ways for this to end.” 
Zuko sighed and pressed his forehead against  Katara’s hair. She was right, of course. As Fire Lord, openly courting a woman meant that she was being seriously considered as his wife. He and Katara had spoken at length about the expectations before they decided to start dating. Then they spent another eternity talking with Iroh, Hakoda and Sokka about the expectations before going public with their relationship. If anyone was taken by surprise by their engagement at this point, then it was really out of Katara and Zuko’s hands. They had followed protocol more strictly than any Fire Lord and potential Fire Lady had in at least the last two centuries.Still...
“Why won’t you tell me what’s going to happen here?” Zuko asked. Katara sat up and shrugged. 
“I’ve told you what I could,” she said. “You have to speak to my father, Gran Gran and Sokka about your intention. Then you present me with your gifts, and then my closest male relatives take you hunting.” 
That was the part that gave Zuko pause. He knew better than to think Hakoda or Sokka would harm him (permanently), but Katara said that Bato and Pakku would likely be there as well. Zuko had interacted with both men a handful of times since the end of the war, and they had been courteous, if a bit cold. They grew even more frigid after he started dating Katara. He wasn’t sure how either of them would treat him out on the tundra. Away from Katara. Away from witnesses in general. It would be all too easy to arrange an accident...
“Would you stop worrying?” Katara reached up and poked Zuko where his brow furrowed over his nose. “It’ll be fine. You’ve been hunting before.” 
“Not on ice,” Zuko grumbled. “And never while trying to impress my fiancee’s family.” 
“Don’t worry, they already like you!” 
Zuko recalled the last time he had interacted with Katara’s step-grandfather and waterbending master. He had given the Water Tribe elder a deep, respectful bow-something unheard of for a Fire Lord to do. He rose to find Pakku eyeing him critically and prepared with a comment on how sloppy the bow was, and how in the Northern Tribe, young men were taught to show their elders the utmost respect. 
“We’ll be there soon,” Zuko said, casting his narrowed gaze over the horizon. “Are you ready?” Katara leaned up and pressed a kiss to Zuko’s cheek.
“I’ve been ready for this for two years.” 
Per the Southern Water Tribe’s custom, Katara disembarked the ship first, on a dinghy, so she could greet Zuko with her family. As the chief’s daughter,  all of the Southern Tribe was considered family, and so had the right to be there when Zuko came to ask for a blessing on his and Katara’s upcoming marriage.
 For two days Zuko was left on his ship while the village prepared for his official arrival. Any representatives from the surrounding villages who wanted to be present would arrive during this time, and the family members who would be joining the hunt would make sure that their supplies were ready. Ordinarily, the suitor would have his own preparations to make, but Zuko had done everything he was supposed to before he left Caldera. All he could do for two days was drive himself, his uncle and his crew insane with last minute worries. 
“What if she doesn’t like what I got her?” Zuko asked his uncle.
“I’m sure she’ll love your gifts,” Iroh assured him. 
“Has the guest room been prepared in case her grandmother wants to come back with us?” Zuko asked the ship’s captain. It was a possibility that Katara had prepared him for. Usually, the mother of the intended went with her daughter to her future home to help get her set up and meet her future in-laws. Kanna might not feel up to the cross ocean trek, but she might decide to go after all. Zuko wanted to make sure the voyage was as comfortable as possible.
Then Zuko had inventory taken on all the supplies he had brought for Katara’s village. In the eight years since the end of the war, the Southern Water Tribe had slowly, but surely begun to come into their own power. Still, Katara assured him that the extra fabric, metal, and spices would be welcomed. When he was done with all of that, there was nothing left for him to do but wait. 
Finally, at around noon on the second day, it was finally time for the Fire Lord to arrive in the village. Stepping off of the boat felt eerily similar to the first time he had first set foot onto the icy land eight years earlier. Things had certainly changed. He was no longer a desperate 16 year-old boy on an impossible mission. He wore practical wool and furs instead of slightly too large battle armor. The piers had been rebuilt in the intervening time, and Zuko had seen them himself several times before without the odd knot in his stomach. But like that first time, he was met with rows of solemn faces staring at him, uncertainly. He was once again an unwelcome foreigner come to disturb their peace.
There were some friendly faces in the crowd, Zuko had to remind himself. There a few Tribesmen and women he had gotten the chance to know over the past few years of peace. Some he had begun nascent friendships with before he had even allowed himself to hope Katara liked him the way he liked her. Nukilik, the village armsmith flashed him a grin and what Zuko could only assume were two thumbs up. It was hard to tell through the thick mittens, but it made more sense than the man balling his hands into fists. 
Hakoda and Sokka were there, too. Zuko noticed with relief that neither of them seemed upset to see him. Hakoda smiled the placid, slightly tired smile Zuko had learned to recognize over the years. Sokka’s grin was slightly more disturbing- more of a baring of teeth than a smile, paired with a mischievous gleam.
“Welcome, Fire Lord Zuko,” Hakoda greeted him formally, but warmly grasping his forearm in the traditional Water Tribe greeting. “I heard your trip was smooth. I hope it was also pleasant.”
“It was,” Zuko said loud enough for the bystanders to hear.”We made better time than I’d hoped.”
“Of course you did,” Sokka declared, grabbing his friend’s arm the way Hakoda had. Then he pulled Zuko into a one armed hug, slapping the young Fire Lord hard on the back. “You had a master waterbender with you.”
“We should get going,” Hakoda said. “There are others who are anxious to see you’ve made it here safe.” Zuko blushed a deep red as a wave of laughter passed through the crowd. They knew exactly what Hakoda meant. And just like that, Zuko was accepted by them. The awkward suitor of a daughter of their tribe.
The crowd fell in line behind Zuko’s small entourage. He walked at the head with Hakoda and Sokka in an informal procession through the town. The buildings were nowhere near as ornate as those he had seen in the Northern Water Tribe, but Zuko recognized a bustling, prosperous town. The houses and shops were like the people of the Southern Tribe- practical, sturdy and possessing a unique grace all their own. In the middle of the village stood a long low hall that served as Hakoda’s seat of power, the village community center, and for today, a banquet hall. 
Katara sat at a table on a raised platform with her Gran Gran and Master Pakku. She wore a parka lined with pristine white and grey fur. Her hair had been done in elaborate looping braids that had been fastened with bead and ivory combs.On her forehead had been painted a dark crescent moon. The mark of the brave she earned years earlier, she had once explained to Zuko. She was all Water Tribe today. To Zuko, she had never seemed more regal and queenly- not even in her Ambassador’s robes- and he wanted to stop and thank everyone present for giving rise to the most compassionate, strong, intelligent and beautiful Fire Lady the world would ever know. But he restrained himself. He hadn’t officially declared his intentions yet. 
Hakoda and Sokka clapped Zuko on the back almost hard enough to knock him to his knees, but Zuko managed to stay standing. Then they left him at the foot of what he now recognized as a dias, and took their seats. Hakoda at the center with his children on either side of him. 
“Fire Lord Zuko,” Hakoda addressed him in a somber tone. “Why have you come?” It wasn’t exactly a friendly start to this conversation, but Katara had told Zuko to expect this.He glanced up at Katara and found her watching him. She gave him a small, supportive smile and nodded slightly. Spirits, she was gorgeous. Zuko tried to swallow and unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth and say the words Katara had told him to say. 
“Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe,”he managed to say clearly.”Honored elders,” he bowed to Kanna and Pakku, “beloved family,” he turned to acknowledge the people gathered in the hall. “I have come to make it known that I intend to marry your daughter, Master Katara, and I humbly ask your blessings.”  The room fell uncomfortably silent. After a moment, he risked a glance up. Hakoda was watching him with a stoney eyed stare.  It wasn’t quite angry, but it wasn’t exactly encouraging, either. 
“Here in the Southern Water Tribe a marriage is not to be entered into lightly,” he began after a long pause. “When a couple decides to join their lives together, they agree to protect each other. Each has their own duty to the home and family they will build together, and neither is more or less important. Can you promise to help her build a safe and sturdy home together?”
Safe and sturdy were so subjective. He could provide Katara a palace with loyal and well trained guards. Even with the Fire Nation’s funds diminished with the costs of rebuilding infrastructure, providing for the financially devastated poor and making reparations to the nations damaged by his family’s war, Zuko’s wife and children would want for nothing substantial. Still he knew that as beloved as Master Katara, the Water Tribe Ambassador had become, there would always be people opposed to a foreign Fire Lady, just as there would always be opposed to the Fire Lord who ended the war that made whole generations of Fire Nobility wealthy. But Katara had acknowledged those obstacles, and she had still chosen him- him!- in spite of the risks. Zuko wasn’t afraid for her or himself or their children. They had faced down worse odds together. Zuko met Katara’s eye once more, taking courage from the way they seemed to gleam in the lantern light. 
“I promise,” Zuko swore. He knew what was coming next. He was neither surprised nor dismayed when Hakoda spoke again. 
“Words are not enough. Words alone are empty and can be spent lightly.” Hakoda’s stone-faced expression broke slightly, and Zuko thought he saw the beginning of a smile. “You will have a chance to prove your ability to provide. Tomorrow you will join me and my son, Sokka on a hunt. If your kill is acceptable to my daughter, it will serve as your betrothal feast.” 
 With that, Hakoda stood and left the assembly with Sokka and Katara following behind him. Kanna and Pakku feel in behind them, followed by the village elders. Finally, Zuko and his entourage were guided to where they would stay for the duration of the trip. Iroh, who had been uncharacteristically silent for the ceremony, nudged his nephew in the ribs. He grinned up at Zuko excitedly. 
“You did so well, Fire Lord Zuko!” he stage whispered. “I’m very proud of you. And so, may I add, was Master Katara.” Zuko didn’t feel that he had done much at all. He’d barely spoken- had barely had the chance to speak- and he would have to trek the icy tundra the next day and hope he didn’t embarrass himself too badly in front of his future in-laws. But then he remembered how Katara’s proud look when he’d caught her eye, and Zuko knew he’d go anywhere and accomplish any task if it meant he got to be with her for the rest of his life. 
“I know Dad has to look strong and dignified in front of everyone,” Katara said.  “But he could have at least cracked a smile up there.” 
There hadn’t been an official banquet that evening. Hakoda had predicted that his guests would be tired after their journey, so Zuko’s crew had gone to dinner at the inn where they would be staying for this trip, and Zuko and Iroh, along with a couple of guards, were staying with Hakoda and his family. After dinner, everyone adjourned to their rooms for the evening, leaving Zuko and Katara the common room. They were curled up together on a pile of cushions and rugs in front of the fire, discussing the day, just like they had done almost every night for the past two years. 
“I’m sure this isn’t easy on him,” Zuko pointed out in reply to Katara’s complaint. “You’re his only daughter, and you’re not only getting married, you’ll be moving across the world from him.” 
“I’ve been the Water Tribe Ambassador for three years!” Katara reminded him. “It’s not like my living situation is going to change. Well,” Katara looked up and winked at Zuko, “not much.” 
“It’s going to be  a bigger change than you think,” Zuko said thoughtfully. “The Ambassador thing was always going to be temporary. Eventually, you would have decided to move on to something else, or get married and start a family-” Zuko allowed a small smile to cross his face as he pulled Katara a bit closer. “He probably assumed you would be a little closer to home when that happened. He’s going to miss you.” 
“I’m going to miss him, too,” Katara admitted. “And Sokka and Gran Gran and Suki and Pakku. But I’ll visit as often as I can. Besides, it’s not like I’ve ever been Daddy’s Lil’ Princess.”
“Katara, your dad is the Chief of the entire Southern Water Tribe,” Zuko chuckled. “You’re everyone’s princess.”
“I told you, that’s not how it works down here,” Katara huffed. “I’m not-”
“Officially a princess,” Zuko completed, rolling his eyes. “I know, I know. But you are still really important here. Whether you want to admit it or not, you pretty much are a princess.”
“I am not!” Zuko noticed with no small amount of amusement that Katara was blushing. He grinned mischievously. 
“I think I should talk with your dad about getting you a crown,” he teased. Katara jabbed his ribs with her elbow. 
“Don’t you start giving people ideas,” she chided. “If dad gives me a crown, Sokka’s going to insist on having one, and his head is swollen enough without adding the weight.”
“You’re going  to have a crown soon anyway,” Zuko pointed out. “Maybe you should have one just to get used to it.” Katara hummed thoughtfully and nestled into Zuko’s side. 
“Do I have to wear a crown?” she asked. “What if I just got some really fancy beads?” 
Zuko reached up and brushed his fingers against Katara’s braids. The truth was he couldn’t care less about what she wore when she was Fire Lady. He’d made it clear to his advisors that she would be welcome to integrate elements of her own culture in their day to day life at the palace. Still..
“You should probably have one for formal occasions, at least,” he said thoughtfully. “But aside from that, you can do whatever you like with your hair. And your clothes.” Zuko’s fingers wandered away from her hair to the thick fur lining her hood. “I wouldn’t recommend fur, though.” 
“I don’t know,” Katara shrugged. “I think showing up to a council meeting in a full fur parka would be a serious power move.”
“Most of them are already afraid of you. But whatever you want, my love, is fine with me.” 
“Aw!” Katara twisted around and planted a kiss on the edge of Zuko’s jaw. “You’re so good to me.” Despite two years and many kisses, Katara still managed to make Zuko blush. 
“Ick!” The pair turned to find Sokka cringing in the doorway. “You two are so gross.”
“Oh, please!” Katara snorted. “You and Suki are just as bad.” At the mention of his wife, Sokka’s face crumpled miserably. 
“Suki!” he wailed. “Why’d you have to bring her up? I’d almost forgotten to miss her today.” 
“She’ll be home in two weeks.” Katara rolled her eyes, unsympathetically. Suki was back in Kyoshi to visit her aunt. It was the first time she’d been back since her and Sokka’s wedding almost a year earlier, and Sokka had been supportive of the trip, but he hadn’t counted on missing her so much. 
“It feels different being apart when you’re married,” Sokka lamented. “You’ll find out.” Then with a menacing smirk he added, “You know, assuming you come back from the hunting trip.” Katara felt Zuko tense up and she glared at her brother. 
“Stop teasing him,” she scolded. She brushed her fingers across Zuko’s cheek. “He’s going to be fine.” Zuko turned his head and kissed the palm of Katara’s hand. Sokka shuddered. 
‘Have you ever actually been hunting?” Sokka asked Zuko. “This is a pretty big deal. The entire village is invited to this party. It’s a bad look if you don’t bring enough food for everyone.” 
“Sokka!” Katara sat up and fixed her brother with a warning glare. Sokka threw his hands up in surrender. 
“Whatever,” he said. “But you really should go to bed soon. We’re leaving early tomorrow. Anyway, I’m turning in. Go back to being gross.” When he was gone, Zuko glanced down at Katara nervously. 
“I have hunted before,” he said softly as if spilling some deep dark secret. “But it was just small animals. It was right before...before Ba Sing Se. Never anything like...” Zuko motioned around the room at the trophies from other hunts. There were large ivory tusks hanging from the walls and thick, furs trapping the precious heat. Everything came from animals at least as big as he was. 
“Are you worried you can’t do it?” Katara asked. Zuko felt a rush of heat to his face. 
“Well...what if I can’t?” he asked. “If this is how I propose, will we not be allowed to marry if I can’t bring in a...a...” Once again, Zuko gestured around the room. Katara sat up, pulling away from Zuko’s embrace so she could face him. 
“First of all,” she held up a finger under his nose, “I’ve already agreed to marry you. All we’re doing here is telling people and giving you a chance to bond with my family. Second,” another finger joined the first, “Dad and Sokka are expert hunters. You’ll come back with something, I guarantee it. Third, I love you, and there’s nothing that can change that, so stop freaking out about this. It’s supposed to be fun.” 
“Fun,” Zuko snorted, but he did feel better. 
“Promise you’ll at least try to have fun?” Katara rolled her eye, feigning exasperation. Zuko kissed her forehead and nodded. 
“I’ll try,” he promised. 
“Great!” Katara resettled into her previous spot, curled up with Zuko with a happy sigh. 
“I have to go to bed,” Zuko protested weakly. 
“Fire more minutes,” Katara said. “I won’t see you for a few days, so I want my cuddle time now.” 
Part 1, Part 2,   Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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kpoptart216 · 4 years
Never Alone- Namjoon Oneshot
Genre: Angst. Fluff ending?? read till the end to find out. 
A/n: I’m sorry in advance. 
Length: 6.4k+ oops
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It was a rough week. Probably the roughest week Namjoon has had since he debuted, he thought. He’s probably had worse weeks but this one at least took the cake for the last year or two. 
He fucked up one too many things. First, he messed up choreography during one of their live stages, and the fancam happened to go viral. What he thought was a small mistake ended up trending on twitter. It wasn’t that bad, even Hoseok hadn’t berated him about it. He just didn’t like worldwide attention on his slip-up. Next, he ended up deleting an entire file on a song he was working on. No back-up or anything. It was just gone. In all his years composing music, he had always created a back-up so of course the one time he didn’t, it got deleted. Then management came to him and said he couldn’t take time off like he wanted once he got back from his Bon Voyage trip to spend with you and his family like he had wanted. It was his mother’s birthday and he didn’t know how he could face telling her that he couldn’t celebrate with her in person- again. The cherry on top had to have been when he decided to pack early for his trip and then ended up spelling an entire glass of juice into his suitcase when he tripped over the phone cable he had laying around. He felt like tossing the suitcase out the balcony with the level of frustration he was facing and he could feel the stress and anger bubble inside of him. 
The boys were wary of his mood and tried their best to stay out of his way, but unfortunately no one had warned you of his increasingly angry mood. Not even your best friend, Jin, who was busy with his own work before the trip. 
It was now the night before they had to leave and it was always tradition Namjoon came over to see you before he left the country, let alone Seoul. He trudged into your apartment with the spare key he had used a million times before, and if it wasn’t for his mood, he probably would have sensed the tension inside. 
You weren’t aware of your boyfriend’s miserable week, since it felt like you were having a pretty bad one yourself. A few months ago, you had found out your father was dying. You and your father were never really close growing up. After your mother passed away, you and your father grew apart while grieving. You didn’t really blame him, but you grew up with the belief that you could only rely on yourself in this world, no one else. Over the last few years, you and your father have been trying to mend what little of a relationship you had, so when you found out that he was sick and needed a liver replacement, you cursed the stars for such a fate. Why did he get such a diagnosis when you just started to get to know one another again. 
Earlier that day, the hospital had called and said your dad needed the surgery very soon and they were hoping to hear back about an organ donor from the next city over. Since then, you had been on edge, besides yourself. But the only comfort you knew you needed was from that of your boyfriend. But you were so out of it, you hadn’t even noticed he was there till he plopped himself onto the couch next to you, sighing loudly. 
Namjoon just needed to sleep this entire week off. He loved his career, but sometimes it was...draining. Though he had 6 other brothers going through it, it looked like they seemingly had it easier. Why weren’t their mistakes broadcasted to the world? Why were some members allowed to go home when they needed it? He felt physically and mentally exhausted, it took a lot just to drive over here today. But he knew he had to see you before he was off for the next two weeks. 
“Y/n I don’t think I’m going to be staying very long tonight, I’m really tired, love” he said, rubbing his eyes. It was only then that you had turned to face him, feeling the sadness engulf you twice has hard now. You just needed him to hold you right now and tell you that everything was going to be ok. 
“C-can you stay?” You ask timidly. You never asked this of him. Never once had you requested more time of your boyfriend because you understood the importance of his time and career. One of the things you both valued about your relationship was that you both understood each other’s careers. While Namjoon was a world class idol, you were an up and coming lawyer. Both careers demanded a lot of your time, and yet you both made it work. And you made it work well. 
“What?” he asked, still not really looking at you. “I don’t think so. I still have to pack a few things and I have an early morning” he said, looking at his watch now.
“I-I just need you tonight” you say, choking up. You were about to explain the situation before Namjoon interrupts you. 
“What part of no do you not understand, Y/n?” he said loudly. This was the first time in your relationship he had ever yelled at you. “I can’t deal with this right now. No means fucking no. I thought it would be nice to stop by like I usually do, but I did not plan on coming to see my clingy girlfriend. You said you understood my career, so what the fuck is this? I’m telling you I have an early flight tomorrow and now of all days you ask me to spend the night? Jesus Y/n, either learn to accommodate to my schedule or find someone who can be here when you decide you need to cuddle or whatever” he says angrily before stomping out of your apartment. 
You sat there, shocked at his remarks. You had honestly forgot he was leaving tomorrow for his trip with the boys. With everything going on with your father today, it had completely slipped your mind. Was your request really that outlandish? 
Namjoon pretty much passed out as soon as he got home and finished packing, the exhaustion setting in quick. It felt like he was only asleep for a few minutes before his alarm rang a little too loud for his comfort. Before he could really comprehend everything, he was sitting in his flight seat, well on his way to New Zealand. 
Slowly as he started to relax into his seat, he replayed his last week. As he was on his way to enjoy his time in a new country, he felt thankful for the experience. He eased into his seat further as he tried to sleep until he jolted up, remembering his conversation with you. 
You had hardly said a sentence or two before he practically blew up at you. 
“Ahh Hyung, what’s wrong, you scared me” Jungkook says, startled by his sudden actions. 
“I- I had a fight with Y/n last night. Well I don’t know if you could consider it a fight, but I said some things I really didn’t mean...” Namjoon said sadly, looking down at his phone. 
“It will be ok! Y/n noona is always so forgiving. Remember that time I accidently threw a water balloon at her when I was aiming for Jimin hyung? She was only annoyed for a second before she threw one right back at me!” Jungkook laughed, making Namjoon smile at the memory. You had always got along so well with all the boys having known them for so many years. Namjoon had the biggest crush on you as soon as Jin had introduced you as his childhood friend. It was only a matter of months before you both started dating. 
“I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me this time too. I don’t know if I deserve it” Namjoon says, sadly. 
“Of course she will! Just call her once we land and explain everything, I’m sure she will forgive you!” Jungkook said before returning back to his movie. 
As soon as the boys had landed, Namjoon yearned for a moment alone so that he could finally call you. But just like this whole week had been going, he didn’t get what he had wished for. The crew started filming as soon as they all landed and by the time they got the bags and the car, he was chosen to drive. 
And drive he did. For what seemed like hours, Namjoon drove and drove. Only by the end of the first night did he find a moment to himself, when he didn’t have a mic or a camera filming. 
He waiting eagerly as the phone rang, rehearsing his speech in his head. He would apologize profusely and explain his week to you and how he genuinely meant nothing he said. How foolish was he to even insinuate you find someone else when he was so head over heels in love with you. Such a beautiful and intelligent being, and more importantly understanding. The more he replayed the words he said to you in his head, the more he berated himself for spewing complete nonsense. You had been nothing but understanding of him and yet he threw that right back in your face. 
He frowned as the the call went to voicemail. Should he leave a voicemail? would that do his apology any justice? He turned off the phone and called again, hoping you would answer this time. 
Except you didn’t answer. You didn’t answer the next three times he called either. He sighed, realizing you were probably more mad than he had hoped. He decided to send you a text, hoping you’d read his text and decide to answer the next time he called. 
Namjoon: Baby, I’m so so so sorry. I’m such an asshole, you definitely didn’t deserve anything I said last night. I promise you, I never meant any of it. I had a really rough week and I took it out on you. Please talk to me, hmm? I know you’re mad, but please let’s talk?
He waited eagerly for you to respond, but once again exhaustion took over and he passed out in the bunk bed to the sound of his brothers all sleeping too. 
When he opened his eyes again, light was peeking in through the curtains. He felt disoriented, not really understanding where he was for a second. It took another few seconds before he realized he was in New Zealand, and only then, did he remember to check his phone. 
He searched for his phone in the tiny bed. He sat up quickly, forgetting he was in the bottom bunk and hitting his head on the top bunk. He groaned in pain, rubbing at his head while still trying to find his phone. 
He forgot to charge it so of course, the phone was completely dead when he found it. He quickly put it on charge and when the phone finally turned on, he quickly unlocked it, only to find no new texts from you. 
He frowned. Maybe his phone wasn’t working? That couldn’t be true since he had received plenty of other texts from others. He sighed, sending you another text, and a sweet good morning for good measure. 
Just like the previous day, the boys had a packed schedule. Between driving and filming and other activities, Namjoon barely had any time to check his phone. Any time he felt his phone vibrate within his pocket, his heart raced, hoping it was you who finally responded. 
However, any time the boys had a break and he check his phone, there was no new notification from you. And for the rest of his trip, that is exactly what continued to happen. He didn’t hear from you. 
On one day, while the other members decided to do various activities, he opted to spend some time alone, claiming to do some work. He spent the entire two hours he had alone trying to get in contact with you. Calling your work number, calling your phone multiple times, texting. He even tried calling a close friend of yours, who also didn’t answer. 
What if you actually took his words to heart? What if you’d dump his stupid ass as soon as he was home and you’d find someone truly deserving of you. Someone who wouldn’t yell at you when you didn’t deserve it? His mind flashed with different scenes, all with you seemingly happy with another man, and he groaned in actual pain. Just imagining that engulfed his body in pain that he didn’t ever want that to happen. 
At this point, after not hearing from you for almost two weeks, he just need to make sure you were ok. 
Namjoon: Baby please. I know you’re mad at me, but please, just let me know if you’re ok. That you’re safe. 
And once again, no response. 
The boys watched Namjoon as he eagerly packed his bags in a hurry the night before flying back to Seoul. While all the boys conversed about how amazing New Zealand was and how they wish they could stay a little longer, it was clear as day that their leader was itching to go back. 
“Hyung, we get that you’re dying to see your girlfriend again, but you’re making feel more and more single every second!” Taehyung complained. 
Namjoon didn’t respond as he continued to gather his things and pack. He didn’t care if he had things to do as soon as he got back, the only thing he needed was to go see you and make things right. 
Jin followed Namjoon into his room, closing the door behind him, “What’s gotten into you? Why are you so anxious?” he asked, sitting down on the bed and watching as Namjoon continued to pack. 
“I need to see Y/n” Namjoon said plainly. He didn’t want to confide in his hyung about this one thing, because he knew how close you both were. He didn’t want his hyung to be disappointed in him. 
“Yeah, I can see that, but it’s worse than usual?” Jin said. 
“I- I had a fight with Y/n before we left hyung” Namjoon said, finally slowing down and hoping Jin would drop it at that. Jin waited for him to continue though. “And... and I haven’t heard from her in two weeks” Namjoon sighed, realizing he couldn’t hide it from Jin. 
“What?! She hasn’t called you at all since we got here?” Jin asked. 
“No. And she won’t answer her phone or even respond to my text messages. I even called her friend, and she won’t answer either. I think I really fucked up. What if she breaks up with me over this?” Namjoon says, panicking. 
“Ok no, it won’t come to that. Just tell me what happened, ok?” Jin said, trying to calm down Namjoon. 
And so Namjoon explained everything to his hyung. The terrible week he had, the overwhelming stress and anger he felt, the way he exploded at you, and all the terrible things he said to you. 
“Wow,, that was really loaded” Jin said, sadly. He knew just as well as Namjoon that you didn’t deserve any of that. “Now that I think about it, I sent her a few pictures while we were here and she never responded to that either” Jin finally realizes. 
“Oh...” Namjoon said sadly. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet. Would it have been better if you were still willing to talk to the others and not him? Or had something happened to you?
“How about as soon as we land, you take another car, buy the biggest bouquet of flowers, and go over to her place. It should be after work hours. Spend the night, I’ll explain things to our manager, hmm?” Jin offers. Namjoon smiled slightly at the gesture. 
“Thank you hyung” Namjoon said. “And I’m sorry” he said truthfully. 
“I’m not the one who needs the apology, stupid. Just.. don’t hurt her again.. next time I’ll whoop your ass” Jin says, smiling as he heads to his own bed to sleep. 
Just like Jin had suggested, Namjoon had taken a separate van from the boys and stopped at the local flower boutique to pick up some of your favorite flowers. He even got some of your favorite cake slices at the bakery near your house too for good measure. You might be able to deny him, but there was no way you could deny that lucious coffee cake you loved oh so much. 
The sun was slowly setting when Namjoon had gotten to your apartment. He took a deep breath as he held the flowers and cake and one hand and finally pulled out his keys to your place. He swallowed loudly, before opening the door, bracing for what was to come. He’d let you yell at him and take out all your frustrations out on him, but you leaving him was not an option. 
“Y/n, love?” Namjoon says, finally entering your apartment. The apartment was still lit from the natural light, but it looked like no one was home. He frowned. where is she? 
He decided it was just best to wait for you. He needed to see you, talk to you, hold you after what felt like forever. 
After waiting for over half an hour, he finally heard the keys enter the lock on the front door. He quickly stood, gathering the flowers in hand, and squinted his eyes when the lights turned on. He hadn’t even noticed it was now completely dark outside. 
“y-” he began, but frowned when he only saw your friend, Yerin instead. 
“Holy shit you scared me” she said jumping. Before Namjoon could answer, he looked down at the keys she was holding, and they were clearly yours. He knew that little bear keychain he had gotten you by heart now. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked. “Why do you have Y/n’s keys?” Namjoon asks, placing the flowers back down on the coffee table. 
“Nice of you to finally care about someone other than yourself” Yerin snarled. Yerin was always wary of your relationship with Namjoon. She knew it couldn’t be easy dating an idol, but she always admired your willingness to put 100% into the relationship. Namjoon knew that Yerin wasn’t very fond of him, but they always tried to be polite with one another. 
Namjoon flinched at her words. So you had shared what had happened with her. “Where is Y/n? Please, I really need to see her. Is she ok?” Namjoon asked. He looked absolutely dejected at this point. It was evident in his eyes that he was incredibly worried about you and really needed to see you. 
Yerin had a whole speech planned out for when she had to see him again. She was ready to rip into him, but even she couldn’t ignore the look in his eyes. And while she really hated Namjoon at this moment, she knew that he only felt genuine love for you. What relationship didn’t have ups and downs? And who was she to judge your relationship. 
“Namjoon... her dad passed. The day you left for your little joy trip, her dad passed away. His surgery didn’t go well. She asked you to stay not because she felt the need to cuddle as you so slightly put it, she needed someone to lean on when her father was sick in the hospital. And you couldn’t even let her explain before you left, so no, she’s not ok. She passed out at work earlier this week because she went through the funeral basically alone. She didn’t eat, or sleep, let alone drink water. So she’s been in the hospital all week. The doctor said she could probably come home tomorrow so I’m only here to get a change of clothes for her” Yerin explained. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you this in case I saw you, but I think you deserve to feel at least a fraction of the pain she’s felt these past two weeks” Yerin finished before heading to your room to gather your clothes. 
Namjoon just stood there in shock. Your father... had passed. And he hadn’t been there for you. He wasn’t there to help you through such a painful part of your life. You sat through his funeral, absolutely alone. You hadn’t found the energy to take care of yourself which resulted you being hospitalized. What kind of a sick boyfriend makes his love go through that all alone? The one who hadn’t thought of her. 
“Which hospital?” Namjoon asked slowly as Yerin emerged again with a small bag. “Please, let me come with you” Namjoon pleaded, tearing up. “Please” he basically whispered. 
“Fine. I swear to god though if you make her cry again I won’t hesitate to kick you out myself” Yerin threatened. 
Namjoon followed her like a lost puppy, sadness filling his entire being as he got closer and closer to the hospital. What was he even supposed to say? He knew what your relationship was like with your father. You were so happy that he was now back in your life and he remembered how you cried when you found out about his sickness. He remembers assuring you that everything would work out, that your father would recover and you’d spend more time with him
Yerin parked her car in front of the hospital, telling him your room number and that she’d be up after parking her car a few minutes later. Even she knew that you both needed a minute or two alone. 
Namjoon basically ran all the way to your room, asking any nurse he could find where your room was. As soon as he reached your door, he took another deep breath, before sliding the door open. 
If he thought he felt sadness before, nothing compared to the pain and sadness he felt now that he saw the sight before him now. You laid in bed on your side, resting your head on your arm. You faced had thinned, dark circles under your eyes, and there was absolutely no life in your eyes. Your eyes met his for a few seconds, acknowledging that you noticed him, before your eyes returned to the wall. 
Namjoon walked in, closing the door behind him. He gulped, walking slowly to your side. “Y/n...” he started, causing you to close your eyes. 
“Y/n.. I’m so sorry” He starts. His voice trembled with each word, and he was pretty sure it was only a matter of seconds before the tears spilled from his eyes. He sat down on the chair next to your bed, and he reached for your hand. The tears finally spilled when your jerked your hand back with what little energy you had left. 
“I’m so fucking sorry” Namjoon tried again. He was at a loss for words. No speech he rehearsed for could fit for this. 
“I-” he started again.
“Leave me alone” You say, eyes still closed. You said it so quietly he wasn’t sure you had even said it, but when when the tears cascaded down your face even with your eyes closed, he knew you had. 
“I can’t do that” Namjoon said. “I’m not leaving you now. Or ever. Not like this” Namjoon said firmly. 
“Go, Namjoon” You commanded again. 
“Don’t make me ask the nurses to get you to leave” You say, still not opening your eyes. 
“I’m not leaving” Namjoon says again. No way in hell could he ever leave you like this.
Just then Yerin had came in as well. She had heard your request. “Namjoon, leave” she said firmly. “She doesn’t need this right now” 
“I can’t! How- How can I? She’s not well and I- I can’t” Namjoon fumbled. 
“Just GO” you said as loud as you could, causing Namjoon to flinch. You turned to your other side, signaling that this conversation was officially over and that he was no longer welcome here. 
Yerin held the door open for him, urging him to leave. Namjoon plopped himself down on the chair outside your room, resting his head in his hands. How had things become this bad so fast? If he had only taken the time to listen to you that night, he could have been there for you! He could have taken care of you like deserved rather than leaving you alone when you need him the most. 
Yerin stepped out of the room a few minutes later. 
“Look, I have to go into court tomorrow morning to take over for Y/n’s case. I can’t take her home. So as much as it kills me to do this, I need to ask you to take her home once she’s discharged in the morning” she says, angrily. “Or I can call Jin?” she thinks out loud. 
“NO. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.” Namjoon says, thankful for the opportunity. He wasn’t sure that when morning came, you’d let him take you home, but at least it was a start. 
When the doctor noticed him sitting outside, Namjoon quickly explained that you were the last of her family and the doctor explained to him as simply as possible what went down the last week. You were extremely weak and had to take it easy for the next couple of weeks while you gained your strength back. No work, and you needed someone to take care of you as well. Namjoon cursed at himself internally as the doctor only confirmed how much pain you must have been in emotionally. 
“People deal with loss differently, but this is an exceptionally grave way of dealing with it. Please take care of her” The doctor requested before leaving to check on other patients. 
After singing all the paperwork and paying for the long hospital stay, Namjoon entered your room again. You stood by your bed now, and the shirt that used to fit you so well a few weeks ago hung loose on your shoulders. Was it possible to lose that much weight in two weeks? It looked like you had basically starved yourself. 
Namjoon cringed internally. 
As you placed the last of your things in the bag, you turned to face who you assumed was Yerin. You glared at Namjoon when your eyes landed on him. 
“I thought I asked you to leave” you sighed, sitting back down on the bed. 
“I’m taking you home” Namjoon said, ignoring your request. 
“No, I think Yerin is” you say, pulling out your phone. 
“No, she had to take your case to court today. I’m taking you. End of discussion” Namjoon said. 
“No. I’ll take an uber or something” you mumbled, cursing at Yerin inside. 
“Unfortunately, the doctor requires that a family or friend take you home and I’m the only one right now. So unless you want to stay here another day or so...” namjoon said as he walked over to grab your bag “I suggest you let me take you home” He said. 
You glared at him again. While the stubborn part of you would have stayed here another night just to avoid the car ride home with him, you hated the hospital. Once the funeral was over, you had prayed to get out of there as soon as possible and yet you ended right back there a day or so later for yourself. 
Namjoon led the way to his car and you got into the passenger seat, holding onto your bag tightly. You only looked out the window the entire car ride back. You didn’t say a single thing and Namjoon was too afraid to say anything. 
When he parked his car outside your apartment complex, you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and stepped out. You turned to face him for the first time “I can get inside perfectly fine” you say, implying Namjoon was not welcome inside your apartment. 
“Let me take you inside, please Y/n” he pleads. He was supposed to be taking care of you, how could he do that when he wasn’t allowed in your place. 
“I was stupid before. I can take care of myself without your help. You’ve taught me that once again, I can’t depend on anyone but myself. Goodbye Namjoon” you said, ending this conversation as you closed the door. 
You couldn’t depend on anyone but yourself? Had he really let you believe that? He teared up again at the thought. Namjoon could only watch as you walked slowly back to your apartment. Your weakness was evident in the way you walked and he told himself that in a minute or so he’d follow just to make sure you made it inside ok. Before you walked into the building though, you had stopped and turned your head to the side. Someone had called out to you. 
Namjoon follows your line of sight to see none other than Jin step out of his own car and rush over to you. Namjoon had called him the night before and explained everything to him. Jin was incredibly upset and mad that he hadn’t called sooner. He only said that he’d see you as soon as you got back home before hanging up on him. 
Namjoon watched on as Jin runs up to you, and the both of you engaging in some conversation. Jin hugs you a moment later, and that was all it took for you to break down in sobs in his arms. Jin tries his best to calm you down before ushering you inside, but not before shooting Namjoon a look letting him know that he’d take care of you,
Namjoon trudged back into the dorm, with all eyes on him. “Hyung, what happened?” Jimin asked, running up to him. “Jin told us about Y/n and her father. We thought you’d be with her” 
“I fucked up, Jimin. That’s what happened. I’m now the last person she wants to see. I said things to her before our trip that I didn’t even mean and now she can’t even be in the same room as me. The person she was supposed to depend on and trust? I’m no longer that person for her. And I don’t know what to do” says Namjoon before breaking down in sobs himself. Did he really just lose you?
Between worrying about your health and the fate or your relationship with him, Namjoon was absolutely terrified. Fortunately the boys didn’t have any schedules for the next few days because there was no way in hell that Namjoon could have stepped out the dorm without looking like a complete mess. 
Could he call you? show up at your place again? Would you even let him inside, even if he had a key? He raked through his mind with any possibility of you letting him just talk to you but he couldn’t see it happening, and that just tore his heart apart even more. 
You told yourself you’d do anything to avoid the hospital again, so you ate, even if all the food tasted like dirt. Even the cake that was in your fridge didn’t appeal to you. You drank water forcibly and tried to sleep at a normal time. Luckily, work had given you a few weeks off to recover and grieve, but part of you just needed some normaly again. 
Your mind was overthinking everything. Not only had you lost your father suddenly, but you also felt like you lost Namjoon, even if it was you pushing him away this time. 
You always though you had understood him and that he had appreciated you all the more because of it. So when he threw that right back in your face the one time you genuinely needed him by your side, it hurt like hell. You were also angry that you felt the need to depend on someone when your whole life taught you that that would eventually blow up in your face anyways. Your mom died when you were young and still growing. Your dad died when you finally let him in your life again. And Namjoon left when you didn’t even expect it. 
You didn’t know what made you more sad- the fact that the last of your family was dead or that you felt like you were going to be alone for the rest of your life. 
Jin had been over the last few days, bringing food and just sitting with you. He’d play movies or watch some tv with you while you just sat. He’d let you cry, or force feed you some food, but you were glad you weren’t alone at the moment. 
One night though, he finally decided enough was enough. Even he could tell that what he wasn’t doing enough. You were missing a certain someone and it was evident, even if you’d never admit it yourself. 
“Y/n, we need to talk” Jin began. 
“I’ve been eating all the food you leave me, I swear” you say. 
“No not about that. But good, I’m glad. I actually need to talk to you about Namjoon” and he could feel you still next to him on the couch. “You need him, sweet girl” he said slowly. 
“No I don’t” you say, irritated. 
“Yes you do. And more importantly, he really needs you as well. You should see him at the dorm. While you’ve been here slowly recovering, he’s going in the opposite direction. He hasn’t been sleeping well or eating” he says. 
You frown when you hear that. You hadn’t wished that for him. 
“He’s so incredibly sorry, Y/n. He had such a bad week when he blew up on you. Of course, that doesn’t compare to your pain in any way, but you should have seen him the entire trip. He was itching to be back in Seoul and see you. He felt so bad. He called you and texted you so many times, and you were all he could think about. I’m not saying you have to forgive him right away, but just talk hmm? You both need it” he coaxes you.
You contemplate it. Despite what you told yourself, you really did miss him. You could understand the week he had after Jin explained it to you. And despite the fear of depending on someone again, you knew you needed him. 
“I’ll... I’ll call him later” You say. “ You should go home, Jin. Thank you for the last few days” you say, smiling for the first time since you got home. 
“Promise?” he asks. 
“I promise”
Namjoon laid in bed, just staring at the ceiling, a seemingly favorite pastime of his recently. He heard his phone ring next to him and he lazily answered it, not even bothering to see who it was. 
“Hello?” he asked, slowly. 
“Namjoon”  he heard, and that was all it took for him to jump right out of bed. 
“Y/n” he says. “It’s you” he says, as if he had to confirm the fact out loud for it to be true. He could hear you sigh over the line. 
“Do you.. do you think you can come over?” you asked after a moment. 
“I’m leaving right now, love” he said, darting out of the room. Jin watches on with a small smile. 
“I have a feeling he won’t be back for a few days, guys” Jin says to the other guys who watched with a confused look. 
Namjoon ran all the way up to your floor, despite it being three floors up. He wasn’t really sure why you had called, perhaps it was even to end the relationship once and for all, but he didn’t care. You had asked to see him, and that’s all that mattered. 
He didn’t want to just barge in on you, so he knocked on the door and a few moments later, you opened the door, staring at him with doe eyes. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees some life in your eyes again. 
“Come in” you say timidly. 
He steps in and takes his shoes off, and he just stares at you. Both of you are unsure what to do, this is new territory. 
“Y/n, love, I’m so so-” he starts
“Don’t. Please just... I don’t want to talk about that” you say, interrupting him. 
Namjoon stares at you again. Was this going to be the end? He feels his heart drop. 
He watches as you visibly swallow. “Can you just... can you please just hold me?” you say, quietly, and finally looking up at his eyes. 
Namjoon eyes widen in surprise a little, but he wrapped his arms around your small frame almost instantly. He could never deny you of anything. “I missed you so much” he says into your hair before placing a small kiss on your head. 
It was only then that you also returned the gesture and wrapped your hands around your boyfriend’s bigger frame. He felt you slowly cry into his shirt as it got wet from your tears. 
“I love you so much baby, I’m not leaving you ever” he said, holding onto you tighter. 
He lifts you into his arms before walking the both of you to your dark bedroom. He didn’t even need to turn on the light, he knew that room like the back of his hand. He placed you slowly down on the bed before getting in with you and holding you while you wrapped your legs around his. 
It was such a weird feeling that took over the both of you in that instant. While the both of you were still quite sad about the previous weeks’ events, the both of you were also slowly starting to fill with happiness because of the unsaid truth that you both would be ok. You’d make it through this, despite the words exchanged. You’d both lean on each other and love each other unconditionally, despite the bumps along the way, but you’d be together nonetheless. And that was all the both of you needed as you fell asleep in each others arms. 
A/n: I hope you guys liked this. I’d appreciate the feedback! Would you like to see more oneshots? 
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curator-on-ao3 · 4 years
C7 happening in endgame out of nowhere :/
Okay, yikes. I knew this day might come, and I’m going to do my best.
For anyone reading this without context, please know the point of this ask series is to try to help people feel better about things in Voyager that bother them. Ideas expressed as part of that effort may not reflect my actual views. This is an attempt to help everyone love the show even more, per my blanket offer to try to improve the Voyager experience for anyone who asks. If you don’t want to read this, please go ahead and scroll onward….
Still here?
All right.
We’re going to focus on Scorpion II, Day of Honor, Shattered, Human Error, One Small Step, Natural Law, and, of course, Endgame. Every inch of this is canon-compliant, though it also takes into account J/C fanon that Chakotay was waiting for and hoping for a relationship with Janeway.
Here we go….
You’re Chakotay.
You remember the cold metal of a neurotranceiver embedded in your spine.
You’re terrified, skin clammy and heart pounding, but no one else can do this, no one else can save the ship and crew. So you allow the transceiver on your neck, allow your mind to be joined with a Borg drone, a member of the species that scares the hell out of you, the species you warned Kathryn about and your predictions came true.
You’re in the drone’s mind.
It’s not algorithms or cold efficiency.
It’s the joy of running as a little girl. It’s a mother and father and the father swings you up off the ground into his arms. It’s innocence and childlike wonder and love.
You try to help the drone remember.
She refuses. What good would it have done her to embrace her human side in the Collective? If she’s not Borg, she’s nothing.
But she’s not nothing. She’s someone under all that technology and you sense the name no one has spoken to her for so long and you call out to her — Annika! — and shared pain is like a knife in your neck just before everything goes black.
When you regain consciousness, her biobed is next to yours in sickbay. The Doctor says her human cells are starting to regenerate.
Embarrassment warms your cheeks. You were in her mind, you know who she is at her core — a person she may not even want to remember.
But she begins to stutter-step toward individuality.
She asks you for a duty assignment.
You immediately grant her request.
Your best friend, your ride or die, tells you you’re naive and she won’t allow Seven to work in Engineering. You trust B’Elanna with your life, but you know what you saw in Seven’s mind and you pull rank, give your best friend an order, because you trust Seven, too — and you know you’re not being naive.
You see Seven volunteer to sacrifice herself, offer her expertise to save the crew, begin to form working relationships and friendships.
She’s beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed — definitely your type.
But you enjoy sitting next to Kathryn on the bridge, weekly dinners in Kathryn’s quarters, chats in the ready room. Your life is good.
Then you’re in the past and a version of Kathryn looks at you in a way you’ve not allowed yourself to think about in years.
She wants you.
When did that stop? Why did that stop? Was it time that set the lines that you two never crossed? Was it Noah Lessing? Was it the space beast that showed you some part of Kathryn still hopes for a possibility with her former fiancé if the ship ever gets home?
What if you don’t ever get home?
The adult version of Naomi said you died.
My God.
What the hell are you doing with your life?
You don’t ask, but discretion isn’t the Doctor’s strong suit and you learn about Seven’s holo-program. You won’t violate her privacy by running it, but you check the character profiles and put two and two together.
She’s lonely.
You’re lonely.
Your mind wanders.
She downloaded the Ares Four database for you.
She offered you the blanket from the Ventu.
She listens to you, and you’ve certainly had to be careful over the years to keep your eyes from roaming her body.
What was it you said to her when you two discussed childhood dreams in the Delta Flyer?
Maybe it's not too late.
Well, maybe it’s not. Maybe she wants more than a holographic life, maybe she wants to build a real life — with you.
Chest tight with nerves and hope, you ask her out.
She says yes.
There are dates. Conversation and silly jokes and you know your goofy grin is reflected in her own because this giddy feeling of beginnings puts the very best kind of butterflies in your stomach. Except it’s not really the beginning, it’s the middle — the time between friendship and something more — and you can’t stop looking at her, can’t stop thinking of when you’ll see her again, can’t stop your excitement over living, really living, out here. She kisses you, her fingers clutching the nape of your neck, your hand grasping her rear end, and then you kiss each other and there’s an echo of the mental link from all those years ago and this, this is love.
And it was worth waiting for.
I hope this helps you feel better, @unknownwhalesworld. 💕
If anyone has something about Voyager they would like to feel better about (in-universe, not behind the scenes stuff), please send me an ask and I’ll try to help you.
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woodstockbtswriter · 4 years
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff/Headcanon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join BTS on a Bon Voyage adventure leads to once-in-a-lifetime love.
Warning(s): Some mentions of physical intimacy, but nothing detailed or graphic.
Author’s Note: So... this is it. This is the end. And as promised, it is looooong. You might want to find some snacks and a comfy spot before we get started. I probably could have broken this up into 3 or 4 more parts but, here it is. Please note, my SMAU Sentimental and my drabble Love both fit into this part, and I’ve added links where they should be read.
I can’t believe how far we’ve come! This story is my baby, and I’m so immensely grateful for all the love and support it has received! As relieved as I am to finish it, it is hard to let go, so it’s entirely possible that I may write some bonus chapters in the future. Although, I tried to fit so much into this epilogue, I’m not sure what’s left to say! So anyway, for the last time, please, PLEASE enjoy! 💕
Leaving New Zealand
Yoongi promised he’d take care of everything, and he meant it
You learned that maybe an hour after he snuck out of your room, when one of the producers stopped you as you were lugging your suitcase down the hall
You recognized him as the same producer who’d requested you spend less time with Yoongi, and you worried you were in trouble
But to your astonishment, he apologized for suggesting anything, saying it was never his intention to make things difficult for you and he meant no disrespect
He then informed you that he personally made all the arrangements for you to fly to Korea with the boys instead of returning home
And as he bowed and wished you all the best, you realized Yoongi must have spoken with him
You were touched that he kept his word, and made sure to thank him as soon as you found him out in the main area of the house
All the members and the crew were bustling about the living room and kitchen, hurrying to pack up and clear out
But you dared to give Yoongi a quick, grateful hug, and a blush spread across his cheeks
Hoseok noticed and froze in his tracks, shooting you a look
So you guessed it was as good a time as any to let the other boys know you’d be joining them on their flight home
(Though you’d have to wait until you were all alone to tell them exactly why)
They were all happy and excited, but none more than Hoseok
He scooped you up in his arms and twirled you around, squealing
And when he set you back down, he whispered in your ear that he wanted to hear all the details later
With a laugh, you promised to tell him everything as soon as you got the chance
Not much later, everyone was all loaded up, and you made your way to the airport
Leaving New Zealand was bittersweet
Your week there with the boys had been one of the best of your life
But you were excited to have another whole week with Yoongi
And you were particularly looking forward to more privacy
Though you knew it wouldn’t be much more
The Bangtan boys were constantly in the public eye
And that meant that - even though filming for Bon Voyage was over - you and Yoongi still had to maintain some distance when you weren’t alone
That much was apparent the moment you arrived at the airport in Christchurch
Yoongi had held your hand the whole drive, but released it before exiting the vehicle and didn’t take it again
But you still sat next to each other on the plane, and enjoyed talking and watching movies together during the long flight
And everything about it just felt so comfortable and normal and… right
That is, until you ultimately arrived at the Incheon airport, and the reality of dating an idol became even clearer
Dozens of paparazzi and fans were gathered, obviously aware that BTS was due to return that day
The crowd fluttered to life as soon as your group came around the corner, cameras flashing and girls calling out
And when they caught sight of you with the members, they became even more frantic
But Yoongi subtly kept you close behind him, shielding you from the mob as best he could
And the other boys formed a circle around you until you made it out of the airport and into a waiting car
Then when you were safely behind tinted windows, Yoongi finally took your hand again
And he expressed his regret that you had to endure that scene, seeming worried that you’d have second thoughts
But you reassured him that you could handle the craziness, and promised him that he was worth it to you
He was visibly relieved when you said that
With a smile and a squeeze of your hand, he assured you he would look out for you
And promised that you were worth it to him, too
First Night in Seoul
When you arrived at their luxury apartment in the heart of Seoul, Yoongi and the boys gave you the grand tour first thing
It was a little surreal to actually be there when you’d only ever seen it in videos
But you noticed how much more relaxed the boys seemed the moment they walked in the door, and could tell how happy they were to be home
And you felt instantly at home, too
Which was a good thing, because Yoongi informed you that you would be staying at their apartment with them all week
You would have been more than happy with a hotel room, you told him, your mouth hanging open
You would have even taken a bunk in a hostel, as long as you were close to him
But Yoongi insisted, saying you could stay in his room, and he’d sleep on the couch
Or you could share his bed, he mumbled so only you could hear, if that was what you were most comfortable with
With a suppressed smile, you told him you’d think about it, and you resumed your tour of the apartment feeling unreasonably flushed
After you’d seen the whole apartment, the boys ordered dinner (Jimin’s treat, of course)
And as everyone tucked in, Namjoon raised his glass
He proposed a celebratory toast, to a successful Bon Voyage, to returning home, to you - their new friend
And to Yoongi-hyung falling in love
The other members cheered enthusiastically in agreement, tapping their glasses together
Which caused you to grin, and Yoongi to groan
Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook wasted no time recounting their version of events, filling Jin and Jimin in on anything they might have missed
And you happily supplied any further details they lacked, like the fact that you and Yoongi were now officially together
All the boys teased Yoongi mercilessly for being so soft
And Yoongi was a grumbling, blushing mess all the while
But you could feel the love behind their mocking
And they made sure you knew - despite their joking - how truly happy they all were for both of you
By the time dinner was over, everyone was exhausted and ready to call it a night
You hadn’t given a lot of thought to the sleeping arrangements since Yoongi first mentioned them
But as he made up his bed for you with clean sheets and extra pillows, you knew you didn’t want to sleep in his room without him
And when you asked him to stay, Yoongi needed no convincing
He quickly slipped beneath the covers with you, hugging you tightly against his body and pressing kisses to the back of your neck and into your hair
And that was how you spent the whole night, curled up together, sleeping blissfully
And though you’d be lying if you said the idea of doing something other than sleeping never crossed your mind…
Just being able to spend the night together without any fear of being caught in the morning was enough
For the time being, anway
Your extra week with Yoongi in Korea, like your week in New Zealand, was one you’d never forget
The boys had full schedules, consisting of everything from rehearsals to filming to recording to appearances, but Yoongi continued to keep his promise
He arranged for you to accompany them to everything, so you were able to spend a lot of time all together
And you naturally continued to grow closer and closer to all of the boys
Especially Hoseok
He remained your biggest ally and most trusted confidant, and you quickly became best friends
Those hours of downtime in dressing rooms were some of the most fun of your week
They were also some of the longest, as you spent many of them waiting on the boys to fulfil their responsibilities
But their staff members were very accommodating - having been instructed to respect and protect you - and you even made friends with a few of the the stylists
When the guys didn’t have obligations, Yoongi spent every waking (and non-waking) moment with you
On the second day of your stay, Yoongi gave you a private tour of Genius Lab
At first, he seemed shy and self-conscious about showing you such an important part of his life
But when he sat in front of his computer, Yoongi casually pulled you down to sit with him, reaching his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder as he played you a couple of beats
And next thing you knew you were turned around on his lap, exchanging heated kisses as Yoongi leaned back in his office chair
Eventually, you forced yourselves to leave the studio
But not before Yoongi gave you the passcode, and told you to feel free to use it anytime
Which you did, every chance you got
You loved to see him in his element, and were content to just sit and listen to him work for hours
You’d thumb through his Ikea catalogs while you listened, nodding along to his beats
And you often brought him coffee or lunch, to keep his energy up
On the third day, you found time to play some one-on-one basketball
Which Yoongi let you win
And you let him think he let you win
You also cooked dinner together a few nights
Stole a nap together more than once
Binge-watched The Lord of the Rings together
And spent every night secure in each other’s arms
Yoongi may have been worried he couldn’t be the kind of boyfriend you wanted
But he was
He absolutely was
Completely unlike his cold, unfeeling, disinterested, tough-guy persona, he was nothing but soft and caring with you
Just as you’d always known he would be
And the first time he referred to you as his girlfriend - on the fourth day, when he told Jin to stop bothering you with his dad jokes - it made your heart skip a beat
You still had to be mindful in public and around cameras, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought, and it got easier every day
In fact, Yoongi found it remarkable how well - and how quickly - you were able to adapt to his chaotic life
Last Night in Seoul
Before you knew it, it was your final night in Korea
As you as laid together in Yoongi’s bed - after having shared your last meal with all the members - your head and heart were both fit to burst
You couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to Yoongi in the morning
Especially without telling him you loved him
And when Yoongi kissed you slowly and deeply...
After his eyes caressed your face as he told you how breathtakingly beautiful you are…
You were overcome by the desire to show him - physically - how much you loved him
Your hands fumbled to grasp his shirt, and pull it up over his head
But Yoongi stopped you as soon as he realized your intent
“Not like this,” He said
Not rushed
Not urgent
Not desperate
As much as he wanted you - and he wanted you very much - he didn’t want to take this step just because you were leaving the next day and felt like you were out of time
He wanted to wait until the moment was right
When he could take his time with you, and treat you the way you deserved to be treated
You couldn’t help but be disappointed by his response
But deep down you appreciated how much he respected you, and you knew he was right
So you only stayed up talking that night
And as hard as it was, you refrained from ever blurting out, “I love you”
Because you wanted to wait for the right moment, too
“Home” At Last
Leaving Korea the next morning was one of the hardest things you ever had to do
But you managed to save your tears until after you hugged all the boys, kissed Yoongi, and climbed into the car that would take you to the airport
Before you left, Yoongi bought a return ticket for you to visit again the next month
And you promised each other to keep in constant contact until then
But as the driver pulled away from the boys’ apartment complex and you waved to each other until you were out of sight…
You felt like you were leaving half of yourself behind
When you were finally home, it seemed as though you had been gone much longer than 2 weeks
And, if you were honest, it didn’t really feel like home anymore
You tried to return to your normal routine, to immerse yourself in your work that you loved
But now that you knew what it was like to have Yoongi in your life, normal life felt…
Empty without him
You kept in touch and communicated through texts and calls everyday
Any spare minute Yoongi could find in his hectic schedule, he would video chat with you
He always made time for you, and always made an effort to be open and vulnerable with you
And though he rarely said it in so many words, you could tell he missed you just as much as you missed him
Hearing Yoongi’s deep voice and seeing his handsome face always put you at ease
But no call was ever long enough
And after one particularly brief conversation, you idly began researching how to apply for a visa
You also hated not saying “I love you” every time you said goodbye
But you didn’t want the first time you told Yoongi to be over the phone
So you made up your mind that the next time you saw him, you would tell him no matter what 
Finally, after what felt like a never-ending month, you found yourself back in Yoongi’s studio
And in his arms - where you’d been longing to be - as he played a new song for you
It was softer and more melodic than his usual style
He sang along to the music, his voice smooth and low, and you quickly realized…
It was a love song
And when the last notes faded out, he admitted that he wrote it for you
With tears brimming in your eyes, you couldn’t contain yourself any longer
Your words spilling out of you, you told Yoongi you loved the song
And you loved him
So, so much
Yoongi wiped your tears with a soft smirk
That’s what he was going to say
You stole the words right out of his mouth, he teased you
You chuckled, apologizing, but Yoongi shook his head
And as he kissed you tenderly, he said he loved you
So, so much
He’d been falling for you all along, he told you, but when you left last month…
He immediately noticed how empty his studio, his bed, his life, and his heart, felt without you
And that was when he realized he was completely in love with you
It was impossible to describe how you felt hearing Yoongi speak those 3 little words
Finally being able to say those 3 little words to him felt almost as good
And you looked forward to saying - and hearing - them often from then on out
For the rest of the day, Yoongi could hardly keep his hands off of you
And later that night, he did more than say “I love you”
Though he did say it, over and over
But he also showed you how much he loved you
Physically, for the first time
And contrary to most fanfiction you’d come across, Yoongi was not rough
In reality, he was gentle and sweet and soft and caring and loving and patient and giving and...
Everything about that night was perfect
And more than worth the wait
Yoongi marveled at and worshiped every inch of you
He made you feel so loved
And beautiful 
And good
More than once
You didn’t take a single moment of the experience for granted
You were mindful to appreciate every detail, to admire everything about Yoongi
And you made sure he felt just as loved - and as good - as you did
That visit was a turning point for your relationship
Yoongi had made it clear - in more ways than one - that any fear he may have felt about falling in love was long gone
And when you returned home, your mind was made up
So you secretly began applying for a work visa in earnest
Because seeing the man you loved so infrequently was only getting harder and harder to bear
Bon Voyage On Air
The next time you visited Yoongi was another month later
And your season of Bon Voyage premiered that same week
So with plenty of snacks and drinks, you gathered in the dorm living room with all the boys and watched the first episode together
Seeing the footage of your incredible journey brought back so many feelings and memories, and it was so fun to reminisce with everyone
But you noticed the editors made suggestive comments every time you and Yoongi were on screen together
Nothing obvious, just subtle little remarks about how cute you were around each other and how fond you seemed to be of one another
You hoped it wouldn’t be enough to make viewers suspect anything about the true nature of your relationship
But the other members noticed, and it was enough for them to tease you and Yoongi
A few weeks later, after several episodes of Bon Voyage had aired, it came to your attention that ARMY had picked up on the chemistry between you and Yoongi
Speculation as to whether you were dating was all over the internet
A lot of fans eagerly shipped you together
As Yoongi had predicted, they found you very likeable, and it was easy to see how well you got along
But there were also plenty of “fans” who had some not very nice things to say about you
Yoongi comforted you when you saw some of the negative comments, and begged you to not worry about any of it
He assured you that things would blow over
And if they didn’t…
Well, you’d deal with that when the time came
The Holiday Season
The next month, BTS had several appearances scheduled in the U.S., so Yoongi arranged for you to meet up with them
One event was a Christmas concert, and you agreed to exchange gifts afterwards because you wouldn't be able to be together Christmas day
You gave Yoongi an authentic chef’s coat with his name embroidered, and a certificate for a couples cooking class
Both of which he moaned and grumbled about
But you knew by the way his eyes twinkled that he was touched, and that he secretly loved his gift
Yoongi gave you a gorgeous, one-of-a-kind light fixture he’d commissioned from a local artist in Seoul
And when you opened the box, you found yourself doing something you never imagined you would do:
Crying over a lamp
Yoongi looked scared when he saw the tears running down your cheeks
But when you managed to articulate that they were happy tears and you loved your present, he grinned and you pulled him into a crushing hug
The week between Christmas and New Year’s, you received word that your work visa had finally been approved
BTS was going to perform in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, so you planned tell Yoongi the good news then
You had to wait behind the scenes while he and the boys were onstage during the countdown
But Yoongi kissed you the moment they returned to the dressing room
And when you told him that you were moving to Korea, he was so stunned he didn’t know what to say
The other members reacted so enthusiastically to your announcement - jumping, dancing, and shouting - that you wouldn’t have heard Yoongi speak anyway
But you could see the tears gathering in his eyes, and they - along with his gummy smile - told you everything he couldn’t say
Moving to South Korea
Over the next month, you happily packed up your entire life and moved to Seoul
Though you didn’t have an apartment lined up yet, you did manage to find an amazing job opportunity with a local interior design company
But all of the guys urged you to not to wait any longer, because they’d be releasing their new album soon and would be busier than ever
They were only too happy to let you stay with them until you found your own place
You didn’t want to take advantage of their hospitality but, once again, Yoongi promised he’d take care of everything
It was only when you were standing inside an empty but beautiful, luxury apartment in an upscale neighborhood not far from the dorms, that you realized how he intended to keep his promise
Yoongi explained that even though all 7 boys chose to still live together, several of them actually owned their own homes
They kept them mostly as investments, but they occasionally came in handy
Like now, when you needed a place to live
The apartment you were in was Yoongi’s private suite
And he wanted you to have it
You tried to decline, saying he was being way too generous and you couldn’t accept
But he insisted
He wanted you close by, he wanted you to be somewhere safe
And he liked the idea of sharing his home with you
But if it would make you feel better, he smirked, he could always charge you rent
You were still hesitant
But then he showed you around the place, pointing out his favorite architectural details, telling you about his plans for its design, and asking you for your professional opinion...
And he was just so cute and eager you couldn’t refuse
So you moved in right away, and you and Yoongi thoroughly enjoyed working together to pick all the paint colors, the furniture, the decorations, and - especially - the light fixtures
As always, you were a great team
Your Christmas present was the perfect final, finishing touch to your new home
And though Yoongi maintained his main residence with the other members…
He probably spent more time at your place than at the dorms 
Isolated Together
The next few months were hectic, for you and the boys
You were adjusting to living and working in a new city, and they were gone a lot to promote their new album (which you loved)
But you were so proud of them, and remained their biggest fan, always cheering them on and supporting them
And Yoongi never failed to make time for you
Whether it was by sharing a cup of coffee, a meal, or the couch while you watched a show
Yoongi always took the time to remind you how much he loved you
So you never once regretted your decision to move to Korea
Then a global pandemic turned life upside down
All the members were deeply disappointed when they had to cancel their world tour, and you were heartbroken for them
You knew better than most how hard they’d been preparing for it
But they stayed positive, and took advantage of the unexpected extra time, relaxing and trying new hobbies while in isolation
You were able to work remotely during that time, and stayed at the dorms with Yoongi and the boys
And you cherished the opportunity to be together even more often
You spent a lot of time in Yoongi’s studio as he put the finishing touches on his mixtape
But you also enjoyed several leisure activities together
Like painting
And playing video games (You dominated Mario Kart, but he was the surprising champion of Just Dance)
You even convinced Yoongi to sew a few throw pillows with you for your couch
Then as the release date for Yoongi’s mixtape approached, you accompanied him to the set of the music video for his first single
And your jaw dropped when you saw him in his costume
He looked amazing
Amazingly hot
Because he’d dyed his hair black a few days prior and you missed his light-colored locks, seeing Yoongi in a long blonde wig was particularly…
And you may have bribed the costume department to let him keep the outfit
Your relationship progressed a lot in those months, and you grew to understand and respect each other on a deeper level
Though some couples naturally got on each other’s nerves the more time they spent together, the opposite was true for you and Yoongi
Sure, you disagreed occasionally, but you never fought
Yoongi was infinitely patient with you, and often told you that you had calming effect on him
Your personalities were just so compatible, and things only got easier and better the longer you were together 
And as it became increasingly apparent how well both of you - together, as a couple - worked…
It became harder and harder to imagine your lives without one another 
The Secret’s Out
After Yoongi’s mixtape was released and saw much success, you were ridiculously proud of him
You blasted his songs every chance you got, and constantly showered him with praise
But with so much media attention focused on Yoongi, ARMY once again started getting suspicious about your relationship
Rumors about you moving to Korea had been circulating for a while
And despite taking extra care to stay off camera whenever one of the boys went live, it somehow got out that you were in quarantine with them
What’s more, it wasn’t hard for ARMY to notice how happy Yoongi had been
Eventually, it got to the point where management felt like they needed to be involved
The higher ups at Big Hit wanted to deny everything, and were sure they could convince the public that you were just a friend - to all the members
But after some long talks and careful consideration, you and Yoongi decided that you didn’t want to deny or hide anything anymore
You knew how you felt about each other, and you knew it wasn’t going to change
You were in each other’s lives for good
So the company released a statement confirming your relationship, saying you’d been together since Bon Voyage wrapped
And the internet exploded
A K-Pop idol publicly dating someone was highly unprecedented
But to your relief, the majority of ARMYs were supportive
And they advocated that if Yoongi was happy, everyone should be happy for him
Of course there were still others who felt you didn’t deserve him, or that Yoongi should leave the group
But together you were able to disregard any hate, and just enjoy being with each other openly
A little while later, after the initial shock of your relationship announcement had worn off, the Bon Voyage producers contacted you
Due to the ongoing pandemic, they’d made some adjustments to the show’s format
They’d decided to film in an isolated location in Korea instead of traveling outside the country, and they changed the name to In the Soop
And since you and Yoongi were public now, and because your inclusion in the previous season had been such a success…
They invited you to join BTS for another adventure
Taglist: @bucky-thorin-winchester​ @yvemoon​ @serpentiinequeen​ @neilpoetssociety​ @narcissism-iskey​ @kaitswrld
133 notes · View notes
falkenscreen · 4 years
Star Trek: Voyager
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Yes this show ended some time ago; that doesn’t mean that it’s not still underrated.
A relative late convert to Star Trek, this author committed to traversing the Delta Quadrant having finished The Original Series, The Next Generation, Discovery & Picard to date. Deep Space Nine is next; like the Doctor I don’t know anything about this ‘Dominion’ but they seem important and we’ll get there.
Having now finished Voyager, here’s the (spoiler-filled) thoughts of someone who came to the bridge afresh and savoured the light-hearted nature of the show. Yes TNG demanded more attention and the episodes herein that do are generally better, but for relaxed, semi-serialised adventure Voyager is a high point.
We’ll start with the negative and get to the fun stuff.
From the get-go there was a jarring disconnect between the premise and goals of the show. If a ship more advanced than any in the region is travelling really fast in one direction they’re not going to keep running into the same people; better begetting a saga poised for episodic rather than serialised fiction. The writers and audience were evidently a little tired at this point of TNG’s slavish devotion to wrapping everything up in 40-odd minutes so wanted to try variations on a theme; it was the right approach for the time accompanied by a smart premise that didn’t match.
And a stellar premise it was only set to be buoyed by the Federation-Marquis dynamic. Also partly squandered, corresponding grounds for strong tension and stories were left by the wayside – characterised by Chakotay’s ill-established, apparently immediate and seemingly endless trust in Janeway; together major failings of the show.
On continuity, and just so it’s out of the way; no they don’t show it but it’s clear the crew just manufactured more photon torpedoes like they did so much else.
Commencing with one of the best episodes, there is rarely a subsequent moment as character-defining as Janeway destroying the array. Don’t get me wrong, Kate Mulgrew is great, but she alike Kirk and Picard are, as fleshed out as they become, for stretches bare variations on a tired theme; young headstrong hotshot dedicates their life to the stars to become a reasoned, seasoned Commander. ‘Tapestry’ did it best and there was no need to explore this further.
Voyager had a general problem with characters that took several seasons to grow; it was a long time before Neelix stopped being grating and his earnestness became endearing. There is too very little you can relay about Tuvak beyond his being a Vulcan and a little sardonic, or Harry besides his yearning for advancement or Chakotay aside his membership of the Marquis and focus on his cultural background.
The stand-out worst episode of the entire show was Chakotay finding out that the Sky Spirits central to his people’s religion were actually from the Delta Quadrant; you can garner Robert Beltran’s clear ambivalence (at best) to such material. This author is aware of the significant tension between the actor and others on set; I can understand the frustration at a lead cast member belittling the series in public but the directions and emphasis the character took in later seasons was something else, as were the music cues whenever his or some others’ cultures came up.
Star Trek, and notably The Original Series, is often (but not always) shrewd for both telling stories addressing the place of culture, religion and community in people’s lives while not overly if at all drawing attention to particular characters’ backgrounds. To Beltran’s credit, he only made the disaffection perceptible on screen in the episodes that were of poor taste, as opposed to the ones that were just bad. There are many lousy episodes of The Original Series but what near always makes it enjoyable is Shatner et al’s absolute commitment to the bit. One of the very worst episodes of Voyager is the one where Harry is lead to believe that he’s actually from a planet in the Delta Quadrant full of attractive women; yet no one in Star Trek ever needs to look bored reading their lines. There are good ones and bad ones and we’re along for the whole ride.
There’s also that one where Tom and the Captain turn into salamanders, start life on a random planet and somehow transform back into their usual selves with these shenanigans never brought up again. Yeah that was awful but it was preceded by a generally decent few acts centred on exceeding warp limits; reputation aside it wasn’t quite down there.
On Alpha Quadrant folks being in the Delta Quadrant, as much as I missed the Klingons they did not need to rock up latently and near the very end; there were plenty of better ways to give B’Elanna an arc. One of the more interesting characters, she offered a variation on Worf’s overwhelming pride as a Klingon, though she barely got enough episodes to shine and these were predominantly featured much later on. And when the show stopped pretending Tom was the cocky pilot we’ve seen dozens of times before he too managed to get a whole lot more interesting.
It would have made a lot more sense for McNeill to just directly continue his character from TNG’s ‘The First Duty;’ alas.
Also welcome were the insights into the Borg; even if they became a lot less eerie it was great to learn that much more about them, though nothing, save the introduction of Seven, bettered the recuperating drones who were the ship’s first Borg encounter. The Borg children were also very funny (the related Voyager pick-ups in Picard were excellent) and should have stayed on the ship longer so Seven could say more things like “fun will now commence;” she can only say “Naomi Wildman” deadpan, as good as it was, so many times.
Heralded by such a superb actress, Seven and the Doctor thrillingly shared dual arcs akin but distinct to Data’s and each other’s, permitting us to relish their gradual growth and revel in their leaps forward. Seven’s narrowing down of eligible crewmen, unlike Chakotay’s later courting, was a particular highlight, as was her month of isolation when the crew were in stasis and the one where the Doctor overtook her node.
The Doctor however emerges the best character, far and above all others save the near as interesting Seven. Picardo’s charisma and stage presence, well-befitting an exaggeratedly humanistic, bombastic piece of programming, only propelled the most relatable arcs in the series; his desire to fit in and, as any, make a contribution. The Doctor’s opening number in ‘Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy,’ but one occasion where Picardo’s vocal abilities were graciously integrated into the series, by this author’s judgement is the funniest sequence in seven seasons.
‘Message in a Bottle’ with the Doctor centre was too among the very best of the series. Mining any opportunity for comedy we can nonetheless be grateful, alike TNG, that they kept the bald jokes to about one per season.
As asides, it was lovely to see Reginald Barclay return and realise his aspirations in one of the best and most heart-warming episodes of the saga, while the singular and very obvious inspiration one episode draws from Predator proved amusing for just being so unabashed.  
‘Scorpion’ was amazing as was anything to do with Species 8472. Captain Proton, acknowledging the entire franchise’s schlocky roots, was a definite recurring highlight, with Mulgrew in one installment clearly having no end of fun alike the cast’s enjoyable turns in late 90’s Los Angeles alongside Sarah Silverman. Speaking of guest stars, seeing The Rock was a nice surprise though with hindsight they may never have cast him given Star Trek shrewdly chose to not have celebrity appearances overshadow the show. But hey, they can’t see the future; at least cleverly opting to obscure Jason Alexander in piles of costuming.
‘Year of Hell’ is good, but the premise befitted an entire season and alike the lacklustre finale nothing really matters (with some well-executed exceptions) if you can just go back in or erase time. There were many, many episodes that shouldn’t have been contained within forty minutes and deserved longer-form devotion, ala ‘30 Days.’ ‘Timeless’was a much better (and unusually technically-focused) variation on the aforementioned themes and it was fun to catch Geordi, as it was Deanna and especially Sulu. ‘The Omega Directive’ was cool; ‘The Thaw’ was great.
The fable-esque nature of the franchise has always been enjoyable and digestible given the show is partially aimed at kids, though there are episodes where it’s just a little too direct, and characters take a little too much pause. ‘Alice,’ the one where Tom almost cheats with his ship as an overly obvious parallel about why you shouldn’t have sex with other people if you have a girlfriend, if a good lesson, in execution was a tad much.
On reflection this author was surprised to discover some of the least generally favoured episodes, among them the Fairhaven double. It may be my great personal affection for Ireland but it makes perfect sense that given the time available this sort of world would be created and characters might pursue holo-relationships, a theme underexplored in Voyager yet still covered to great effect. The established technical deficiencies of holo-technology in such regular use should not come as a surprise when they recur.  
The one where Kes comes back was actually a later highlight; her character was never very well handled and no it wasn’t that blast off into the sunset but sometimes old friends lose their way and it’s the job of old friends to set them on the right path.
Most surprising was the dislike directed at ‘Tuvix.’ The difference between Voyager and much heavier sci-fi is that herein characters make a lot of decisions that are hard, not ones that are difficult. The destruction of the array was devastating but not morally questionable within the confines of the show. As a tangent, you could argue that had Janeway made the decision to return to the Alpha Quadrant at the beginning of the series that it would have been the morally correct decision given that, as we see in ‘Hope and Fear,’ another highlight, the ship would not otherwise have been a factor in much disorder and destruction. The show was not however so expansive philosophically as to greatly tread such ground as the franchise otherwise managed in the likes of ‘City on the Edge of Forever.’
In ‘Tuvix’ Janeway, a figure, like Chakotay, who often shifted characterisation to fit the requirements of any given story, was faced with a difficult decision with no easy moral out nor ethically unquestionable approach. It was a refreshing change and correspondingly dark denouement to boot apparent in the likes of ‘Latent Image,’ another fine instalment with the Doctor.
‘Eye of the Needle,’ the only episode this author has watched twice to date and a deeply empathetic early high point, save ‘Balance of Terror’ is the best treatment of the guarded but necessarily relatable Romulans (I haven’t seen all the movies!). ‘The Void’ bookends the show as a later stand out while the in respects not dissimilar ‘Night’ bears one of the darkest challenges and finest, most resonant endings.
This brings us to the ‘best episode;’ one featured regularly in top ten lists but seemingly not a very favourite.
‘Blink of an Eye’ is everything that is exceptional and aspirational about Star Trek. Stranded in the stratosphere of a planet where time passes with greater rapidity, the curious presence of Voyager in the skies begins to influence the society to the point where the inhabitants develop space travel to face the spectre.
A commentary on the Prime Directive as deft as any and a relatively novel variation on both the time travel and petri dish tropes resplendent throughout sci-fi and Star Trek, the episode is also a fabulous meta-commentary on the place of the franchise in popular culture much less crude than Janeway bemoaning the Doctor’s fleeting interplanetary fans’ obsession with every aspect of his personal life. Incorporating a fair bit more science than is typically par, the astronaut’s moving decision to help them, as with his staring into the heavens as Voyager finally departs, speaks to the selfless ethos and sense of overwhelming curiosity so intrinsic to the most basic lore of Star Trek, the most beloved episodes and all that Gene Roddenberry best achieved.
It’s also an amazing meditation on first contact principles and pitfalls which unlike many episodes doesn’t borrow story bones from TNG.
A more than welcome reprieve from a pandemic, I didn’t spend as long in the Delta Quadrant as the crew but for what I did I was glad to relish with them.
Star Trek: Voyager is now streaming on Netflix
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summahsunlight · 5 years
This Way Became My Journey, CH.11
Word Count: 3192
Pairings: Janeway/Chakotay, Paris/OFC
Characters: Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tom Paris, Sarah Barrett (OC), Harry Kim, B’Elanna Torres, Kes, Neelix, the Doctor
A/N: Here is the next chapter! I hope you like it :)
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One week after Voyager is taken from the Alpha Quadrant...
It wasn't even eight in the morning yet and Lieutenant Joe Carey already found himself with a bloody nose in sickbay. It wasn't exactly the way he had pictured his day starting. Already their new first officer was glaring at him hotly. "She's out of her mind!" Carey shouted attempting to sit up. The holographic doctor shoved him back down onto the biobed which caused the man to scream in pain.
Tuvok looked at the man with the same calm and emotionless demeanor that he held with everybody. "You will explain what happened, Mister Carey," Tuvok ordered as the doors to sickbay opened and Sarah Barrett made her way across the cabin towards the group.
Carey did not look pleased to see her there. "What I get hit in the nose and I'm the one who needs the shrink?"
"Lieutenant Barrett is here by my request," Chakotay said. "Maybe with her help we can figure out a way for you all to get along down there."
"Your nose is broken in three places," the Doctor informed the fuming Carey. "Try not to move while I fix it." He walked away but immediately Carey was sitting up again.
Sarah stepped closer to the biobed. "Why did she hit you Lietuenant?"
He sighed, angrily. "We were having a disagreement about the power grid. She wanted to realign the lateral plasma conduit. I told her that would cause an overload," He answered her, wiping the blood a way from his nose with a cloth. "As usual she wouldn't listen. So I told her to step aside and let me handle it. She pushed me a way from the console…and I pushed her back," he became defensive when he saw the accusing look in Barrett's blue eyes. "The next thing I knew I was on the deck with blood pouring down my face!"
She should have hit you harder, Barrett thought.
"Then what happened?" she heard Chakotay ask.
He scoffed. "She said sorry, maybe you should go to sickbay."
The Doctor had returned with his tools to fix the broken nose and forced Carey to lay back down again. "At least she gave you some good advice." Barrett rolled her eyes to the notice of no one while Carey gasped out in pain at being forced back down onto the bed. "Now," the Doctor ordered, "hold still."
Chakotay made eye contact with Tuvok and turned to go. "Don't worry," he assured the Vulcan. "I'll handle this."
Barrett glanced behind her to see the other two men leaving. As she sprinted after them she heard Carey scream, "You keep that woman out my engines and everything will be fine!"
She wasn't so sure she felt comfortable with Chakotay handling this. "Commander," she called, forcing Chakotay and Tuvok to halt their progress. "What did you mean when you said you would handle this?" she asked him, folding her arms across her chest. "B'Elanna has commited a serious offense in Starfleet protocol. Are you up to date on the proper punishment for this?"
Chakotay glared at her. He knew she was only trying to help but her getting involved everything was beginning to wear on his nerves. "She isn't Starfleet, she's Maquis."
"When you agreed to join forces with us, I was under the impression that you were joining us as a Starfleet crew," she mocked him. "Torres should be thrown in the brig for the remainder of the trip for hitting a fellow officer, a senior officer at that."
"Carey is not Chief Engineer," Chakotay pointed out to her.
"He is the most qualified person down there right now to act as a senior officer," she snapped back.
"Counselor Barrett is correct sir," Tuvok intervened. "Miss Torres would be court martial for this offense if we were in Federation space."
Chakotay felt his temper rising. "But we're not in Federation space, and even if we were, my people wouldn't be on this ship."
"You have to stop thinking of them as your people, Commander," Barrett retorted, hotly. "Or the Starfleet members of this crew are going to think you're playing favorites." She put her hands on her hips. "Why did you call me down here anyways if you weren't going to listen to me?"
"To tell you the truth Counselor, I'm sick of listening to you," Chakotay snapped. "Now if the two of you don't mind, I will handle B'Elanna." He turned to go, but Barrett stopped him.
"And the Captain?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll tell her when I'm ready," Chakotay said, disappearing into a turbo lift.
Barrett glanced at Tuvok. "This isn't the first complaint that I've received about Torres," she said thoughtfully. "Captain Janeway should know about it."
"Indeed, as chief of security I will be the one to inform her," Tuvok said. "In the meantime, I would like you to pay another visit to Ms. Torres."
The young counselor nodded her head. "Yes sir, I don't know how much good it's going to do though."
Tuvok raised an eyebrow for a moment before responding, "One can only hope for the best."
Kathryn Janeway hurried along the corridor to get to the turbo lift. She was already late reporting to the bridge that morning, thanks to Michael somehow rewiring her door and locking the family in their quarters until Kathryn had been able to fix it, by that time she was more than twenty minutes behind schedule. Ava had then pushed her back another five minutes more because the child refused to get her shoes on.
After an extensive battle with her one year old, Kathryn had just been ready to step out the door when Michael threw a tantrum that the toy he wanted to bring to the ready room with him that morning was missing. She had torn the quarters apart looking for the toy, only to realize ten minutes later that it had been left behind in their apartment in San Francisco. Now that she was almost an hour late, she didn't have the time to completely calm Michael down before she grabbed the bag of things she had packed the night before, and dragged the child out of the quarters, sobbing along the way about some toy that he had perhaps only played with once and Kathryn had thought he had cared less about.
The crew walking the corridors did all they could to move out of her way so she could walk past them. She must have been a sight, carrying a one year old, and a bag slung over her shoulder, dragging a crying five year old behind her. Not the text book picture of a Starfleet captain, that was for sure. However, she was so flustered at that moment, she didn't really care what she looked like and what the crew thought of her.
"That was my favorite toy, Mama," Michael sobbed as they stepped into the turbo lift. "How could you forget it?"
Of course this is my fault, Kathryn thought, biting hard down onto her lip so she wouldn't lose it. "Deck one," she said, not bothering to answer him. She had learned a long time ago that it was better to ignore his tantrums then to indulge him. The lift started moving rapidly to her relief. As the lift came to a stop and the doors swished open, she heard something fall to the floor with a thump. Glancing down she saw her combadge skip out of the lift and into the corridor. Ava was giggling wildly.
Closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer, she stepped out of the lift and towards the spot where Ava had tossed her combadge. Leaning down proved to be difficult but she wasn't going to let a bag and a baby stop her. However, Michael was going to prove to be harder, since he wouldn't release her hand so she could pick the combadge up. She pulled on it several times before turning to look at him, sternly. "Let go of Mama's hand so I can pick up my combadge, Michael."
The little boy shook his head. "I don't wanna."
Kathryn ran her tongue over her lips and decided it was pointless to fight with him in this state. Managing to balance Ava onto her thigh, she wiggled her other hand free and scooped the combadge up. With a feeling of triumph, Kathryn proceeded into her ready room, dropped the bag onto the floor by her desk, plopped Ava down into her desk chair, and used her hand to pry Michael's grasp off her other. The boy wasn't too happy about that and started to cry even louder than before, standing in the middle of the ready room, stomping his feet.
"That will get you nowhere," Kathryn told him, moving towards her replicator. "Coffee black," she ordered, and a metallic cup materialized before her eyes, steaming hot. She took the mug and was about to savor it's bitter taste when she turned around to see Ava crawl up onto her desk, and push her personal computer off of it onto the floor. The computer broke apart.
"Uh-oh," Ava cooed, looking at the broken computer with innocent blue eyes.
The broken computer was the last straw. Kathryn scooped Ava up off the desk, went to place her down on the upper level and turned to Michael, who was sniffling in the middle of the lower level, the broken computer had taken his attention away from the toy that he missed and ceased his sobs. "Do you two think you can play over here quietly while I try to get some work done?" the mother snapped at the two children. "I'm already behind as it is because I spent the whole morning looking for your toy Michael!"
Michael rubbed his nose on his sleeve. "I'm sorry, Mama."
"Now, the bag is over there, it has things to keep you occupied," Kathryn said, gesturing towards the shoulder bag she had left near her desk. "I suggest that you go through it and find something to do while I work."
With a frustrated sigh Kathryn fell into her chair and reached for the stack of PADDs on her desk, not even bothering to pick up the broken computer, it was after all useless to her now.
She heard Michael shuffling about in the bag and satisfied that he was finding something to keep himself busy, she settled into reading the first report in the stack. It was one problem after another it seemed, simple things that could have been dealt with if they had access to a starbase, however, things were not the case in their situation and they were scrambling to find answers. The hardest being the power supply. It had slowly started to decay the other day and if this report was any indication then replicators were going to go off line at some point and who knew how long they could all survive on emergency rations.
The personnel situation wasn't looking too good either. They had lost their chief engineer and chief medical officer, along with the first officer and chief helmsman when they had been flung into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. Even though she had found replacements for first officer and conn, she wasn't sure if she was going to be lucky enough to find as qualified a candidate as Chakotay or Tom Paris. The Maquis just didn't have the discipline and some of the Starfleet officers didn't have the experience.
Not to mention she had her own personal needs. The children needed a childcare provider while she was on duty, them staying in the ready room was already proving to not be working out. She also had to take into consideration that Michael needed schooling, he was after all five years old and would be going into kindergarten, if they were back on Earth, in the fall. But who on this ship really had the time to devote entirely to baby-sitting and teaching her kids? And who would be willing? It wasn't as if their duties entailed baby-sitting their commanding officer's children.
Finished with the first PADD, Kathryn placed it in a separate pile and began on the second one. The door chimed and she placed the PADD back into the stack, calling out, "Come in."
Tuvok strode into the room with the same stoic look upon his face. "Captain, may I have a moment of your time?"
"Certainly Tuvok, what can I do for you?"
"There was an incident down in Engineering this morning," Tuvok reported, not that it was going to be surprising to Kathryn. Engineering had been a disaster since they had started on their journey home, especially since there was not a senior officer down there. "Miss Torres struck Lieutenant Carey, breaking his nose in three places. Commander Chakotay has asked to deal with it, despite what I think. However, I will be making a full note of it in my security log. I also thought it important for you to know."
Kathryn pressed her knuckles to her mouth for a moment, letting the news set in. "Is Counselor Barrett aware of this new development?"
"Commander Chakotay asked that she not be involved in this," Tuvok stated.
The Captain shook her head. "At this point, I really don't care what Commander Chakotay thinks. I understand his wanting to look out for his people, however, Counselor Barrett is the best person to deal with this matter. Have her report to B'Elanna's quarters. I want her to sit down and talk to her."
"Understood Captain," Tuvok said, before leaving the ready room.
The shattering of glass caused Kathryn's head to spin about and look at the upper level of her ready room. Ava was standing on the sofa, looking down on the floor at what had been a vase of flowers. Now it lay in fragments on the floor. Maybe when Sarah's done with B'Elanna, Kathryn thought, she can stop my daughter's sudden fascination with breaking things.
Sarah Barrett pressed the door chime outside of B'Elanna Torres' quarters and waited to be admitted. After several seconds of standing there, nothing happened, so she pressed the button again. And again she was let in. "Computer confirm that B'Elanna Torres is in her quarters."
"That is affirmative."
Sarah frowned, Chakotay must have given her the heads up that I was coming eventually. Typing in her security access code, the doors slid open and she was facing a very seething looking B'Elanna.
"I didn't want you coming in," the Klingon hissed at her. "I guess you can't take a hint."
"Sorry, Captain's orders," Sarah replied, stepping into the room. "Apparently we're supposed to have a little chat about what happened down in Engineering this morning. I've already been to speak with Lieutenant Carey and several others who were in Engineering when the…incident occurred. The only side of the story I haven't heard is yours."
B'Elanna blinked for a moment, staring at the young woman. Chakotay had not wanted to hear her side of the story, lashing out at her that he had made it one lousy day for him. Like it hasn't been lousy for me, she lamented. She didn't mean to lose her temper; she had told Harry Kim that much when they had been on Ocampa, but it happened, and usually she felt remorse later for it happening. However, she couldn't say she felt sorry for Joe Carey. He had been pushing her buttons since the moment she joined the Engineering staff. "My side of the story? Is that a captain's order as well?"
"Not exactly, but if I'm to work out the problems, then I need to know both sides of the story," Sarah responded to her, crossing her arms over her chest. "You can either make this easier for me and for your self, or you can make it difficult by giving me attitude. It's your choice in the end, but I strongly recommend you cooperate."
"What's there to tell, I hit him because he's an idiot," B'Elanna snapped.
"That sounds like a perfectly good reason to hit someone," Sarah snapped back just as sarcastically. "Let me be blunt Miss Torres, we've been down this road several times already and our journey home isn't even a week old yet. Quite frankly I'm getting sick of this trip. It seems that no matter what I say to you, you don't listen to me."
B'Elanna scoffed. "I don't have to listen to some Starfleet brat tell me how to control my temper."
"You're right, you don't have too, but on the flip side, you shouldn't have too," Sarah replied.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that you should have a hold on your temper at this stage in the game," the Counselor shot back. "Hitting a fellow officer is not going to get you brownie points with the Captain."
B'Elanna didn't dare to tell her that she could care less what Captain Janeway thought of her. "So what do you plan on doing with me, Counselor? I hear the Vulcan wants to court martial me."
"I don't want to court martial you, although, if we were home now, this wouldn't even be an issue," Sarah replied. "However if you want to get back to work, I strongly suggest that you try to make amends with Lieutenant Carey. It's a long trip to be holding a grudge against someone and it's also a long trip to be cooped up in here, don't you think?"
Chakotay had told her the same thing, but hearing it coming out of the mouth of the counselor, it suddenly hit B'Elanna that these people weren't kidding her when they said they were going to seriously considering either confining to her quarters or to the brig. Perhaps it was time to start listening to them, because being stuck with Joe Carey breathing down her neck when she knew she was the better engineer, was far better than spending seventy-five years in a cell. "Chakotay wants me to do the same thing, but I don't think either you understand what an incredibly pompous…man Carey can be. It's not going to be easy."
Sarah turned about to leave, glancing over her shoulder, "No, but it's the hard things that we have to go through that make us better people." As she stepped out into the corridor she fully faced B'Elanna, "Maybe Lieutenant Carey will see you in a different light if you swallow your pride and call a truce."
"A truce? Between Starfleet and Maquis?"
A small laced Sarah's face. "Stranger things have happened before."
B'Elanna stared at the door long after Sarah let them room, then setting her jaw she stepped out of her quarters and proceeded to Engineering, perhaps the counselor was right, and apologizing was the right course of action to take, it was, at least worth the shot, even if in the end it didn't have the results that many were hoping, at least she would have the satisfaction of knowing she had at least tried.
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My Story for the MCU Fantastic Four
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My Poster for MCU Fantastic 4
Here is How the Fantastic Four Shuld be introduced in the MCU
**THe First Debut apearence of the Fantastic Four in the MCU**
T’Challa/ Black Panther under the advise of Shuri (Who as watching the Fantastic Four), recruits the Fantastic Four to fight Namor in Wakanda. Black Panher then rewards them with Wakandan Technology, Vibranium and a flying car which Reed Richards would call the Fantasticar.
**Who should be the main Villain of the First MCU Fantastic Four Movie?**
I Personally would like to see Bentley Wittman/ the Wizard and Frightful Four as the main villain of the first Fantastic Four Movie, Part of the reason is that I personally want to reboot the Inhumans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and to cast Kara Tointon as Medusa who made her first comic book appearence as a member of the Frightful Four.
**Rise of The Fantastic Four Mini Series on Disney Plus**
Set before their first MCU Appearance in Black Panther 2, The First episode focus’s on the origins of the MCU Fantastic Four and in each episode you get to learn about Each member of the Fantastic Four
**Episode 1**
In London, Aspergers Scientist,Reed Richards (Matt Smith) and Ben Grimm (Robert Kazinsky), is giving a speech to their boss Bentley Wittman (Jemaine Clement) of Wizard Enterprises. about mysterious rays coming from the Blue Area of the Moon, proving the theory, populariised by celebrity scientist and Reed Richards former lecturer at University Nicholas Sweeney (Matt Berry) that there is life in the Blue Area of the Moon. Sitting next to Bentley Wittman is girlfriend and famous Model, Susan Storm (Lily James) When Reed Richards was working on his own in his office watching various documentaries by Nicholas Sweeney, Susan Storm goes to meet Reed and takes interest in what he is watching. She tells Reed Richards that she is a fan of his Cult Web series on Youtube, that he works on with Ben Grimm. Reed Richards and Ben Grimm started this web series ever since the Battle of New York in 2012. In Fantastic 2 web series, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm discuss about Science and History of Alien Contacts.
When Reed Richards gets funding from Bentley Wittman for his voyage, Sue Storm decides to join him along with her Older Brother, Johnny Storm (Joe Thomas), Reeds Best friend Ben Grimm along with other employees from Wizard enterprises. Due to Reed Richard's Arrogance, he goes to close to the cosmic rays which kills most of the crew to, leaving only Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm Surviving, they Later crash back to earth where they discovered that the Cosmic Rays gave them super human powers and abilities.
Reed gained the ability to stretch his body and limbs, Johnny was able to fly and become engulfed in flames he could control, and Sue was able to bend light around her body and become invisible. Ben gained incredible strength and durability, but his body was tragically transformed. He now had a muscular orange, rock-like hide
All four decided to use their powers to better humanity, and founded the Fantastic Four.
**Episode 2**
After the Fantastic four move back to East London, Wizard Industries is Bankrupt and Bentley Wittman has vanished. They rent a flat in the Baxter Building in Whitechapel from a Landlady called Lavinia Forbes (Tracy Ann Oberman) This Episode focus’s on Ben Grimm dealing with his monstorous transformation. He struggles with things like getting into cars due to his size. When he decides to move back to His Girlfriend in Stamford Hill splits up due to his appearence with him. He meets with his Mother Petunia Grimm (Maureen Lipmann) wo also lives in Stamford Hill, the his Rabbi, Rabbi Saul (David Schneider). Before Ben Grimms transformation, he impersonated Thor for Barmitzvah parties, but he was replaced with a Norweigan man Called Thor Erikson (Marius Jensens, Kara Tointons fiancé), who has an uncanny resemblance to the real Thor. Thor tries to befriend Ben Grimm. But Grimm leaves and goes back to the flat in Bethnal Green where he meets a blind girl called Alicia Masters (Hannah Spearitt) who fall in love with the Thing due to his gentle personality. Her father is Philip Masters (Geoffrey McGivern) who has recently gained the power to take control of bodies when he sculpts people out of Clay. He gained the power when he encouunterd a meteorite which came from the Blue Area of the Moon. The meteorite contained some clay with mysterious Crystals (Later revealed to be Terrigen). He takes the secret identity of the Puppet Master and secretly uses his powers to take control of Criminals to do his bidding. Seeing the Fantastic Four as a threat, he takes control of the the Thing, forces Alica Masters to impersonate Sue Storm using one of Sue Storms Blonde Wigs that he stole using a resident in the flat, eventually, Alicia Masters turns against him, get help from the Fantastic Four and they apprehend Philip Masters
**Episode 3**
The next episode focus’s on Johnny Storm, He was the only member of the Fantastic Four who survived Thanos’s Snap (He often wears a shirt saying "I Survived The Blip). This episode features flaskbacks of what Johnny Storm Did During the 5 year blip, in which he moved to London to stayed with his former friend at School, Jack Hammer now a Black Market Deaker, who would become Deadpools sidekick, Weasel (Simon Bird). During that time, he befriended a fellow British based Nigerian Black Market Dealer and Taxi Driver Kwaku Adjobah (Trevor Laird). In the present day, he meets Kwaku Adjobah, who would become the Fantastic Fours taxi driver, and his other friend Wyatt Wingfoot (Hammed Animashaun). They also have to face Peter Petruski/ Trapster (Marek Larwood). Even though they successfully stop his schemes and arrest Trapster, Trapster is saved from the police van by a mysterious man in an Iron Man Suit, who is revealed to be Bentley Wittman. Shuri makes a quick cameo in this episode.
**Episode 4**
This episode is centered on Susan Storm/ Invisible Woman, Unlike the previous 2 episodes, this episode does not have any villains. When Susan Storm goes in her room in the flat, She removes her Blonde Wig revealing her Natural Brunette hair. We also see flash backs of her Childhood. From a very Young age she was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, not unlike Reed Richards. Unlike Reed Richards, she hides her Aspergers Syndrome. From a young age, he had an interest Science History and Ancient Civilisations. At the Age of 20, She would later adopt a career of Modeling, Acting and Singing, Donning a Blonde Wig, which she would wear at all times. She would later date the British Business Tycoon and CEO of Wizard enterprises, Bentley Wittman who would expliot her. In the present day, she would meet befriend a British Bangladeshi Muslim neighbour Hasina Chowdhury (Nadiya Hussain).
**Episode 5**
This episode focus’s on Reed Richards/ Mr Fantastic, like the Susan Storm Episode, there are no villains. In this episode we get to know about Reed Richards and Ben Grimms past. The episode features a lot of flashbacks of Reed Richards and Ben Grimms Childhood with Reeds Father Nathaniel (Matthew Holness) and their time in University where they were lectured by Nicholas Sweeney (Matt Berry) in 2003, who is now a famous documentary presenter. From a Young age, Reed Richards was diagnosed with Aspergers. Despite being intelligent has difficulty with social skills. Reed Richards also idolises Nicholas Sweeney. Back in 2003 In his lectures, Reed Richards would occasionally interrupt him by telling facts. At one occasion, even though Reed Richards is Nicholas’s favourite student, warns him about arrogance and even though he is smart, he is not the smartest man in the Universe. During the conversation Nicholas Sweeney would inject himself with a mysterious substance which he claims is insulin. Reed Richards and Ben Grimm would later be employed by Wizard Enterprises, Later on in 2012 after the Battle of New York Reed Richards and Ben Grimm would make a Youtube Series called the Fantastic 2 in which Reed and Ben discuss about Science and History of Alien Contacts.
**Episode 6**
The final episode would feature the Fantastic Four’s unsuccessful fight with Mole Man/ Harvey Elder (Robert Llewelyn)
**Fantastic Four Movie**
Takes Place after the Events of Black Panther 2. The movie starts of with a flash back in 2003 when Reed Richards and Ben Grimm were lectured by Nicholas Sweeney about life outside Earth, Then we go to a shortened version of Episode 1 of Rise of the Fantastic Four (See Above) after that we see the Marvel Studios Fanfare.
In the present Day a Bentley Wittman, who has now taken the identity of the Wizard, using an Iron Man Suit that was given to him as a gift by Tony Stark and a mind Control Helmet, with the help of the Mysterious Medusa (Kara Tointon) who has prehensile thick Red Hair, Bram Velsing/ Dreadknight (Alfie Allen) who was a scientist who for treason had his face burned and locked with an Iron Mask exiled from the Eastern European Country of Latveria,, and Peter Petruski/ Trapster, together as the Frightful Four attack a military facility which contain huge amounts of Vibranium and Chitauri Technology. Graham Lineham and Taika Waititi cameos as security guards.
Meanwhile using the new Wakandan Technology, the Fantastic Four infiltrate Mole Mans Layer and finally apprehend him. They are congratulated by The Mayor of London Edwin Gladstone (David Mitchell). They are later interviewed on tv about their heroics and a tv deal about producing their own TV documentary series. As they leave the Studios and are about to enter Kwaku Adjobahs Minibus, they bump into Ben Grimms Cousin, former Popstar and reality star Allison Blaire/ Dazzler (Rachel Stevens). In the early Noughties Dazzler dated Tony Stark, before he became Iron Man. Affter they get into the Taxi Sue Storm uses her powers to tease Reed Richards to go invisible to cuddle him, Kwaku also teases him and makes a rude Joke.
Meanwhile at an isolated Warehouse near the Dartford Crossing. Wizard along with Dreadknight Medusa, Trapster, and the Tinkerer plot to take down the Fantastic Four. We discover that after Bentley Wittman went bankrupt due to the disastrous Voyage, he Met with Dreadknight after he was exiled from Latveria and teamed up along with Medusa, who he discovered in a escape pod crash and Trapster who Wizard freed after Human Torch apprehended him.
(Taika Waititi and Graham Lileham Cameo as Security Guards in this scene)
Meanwhile Back in the flat in East London Reed Richards is watching Finding Wakanda which is presented by his old lecturer Nicholas Sweeney. Sue Storm then sneak into Reed Richards Room and appears wearing a costume similar to that of the 90s comics Sue storm, to tempt Reed Richards.
Sue Storm noticed how Reed Richards is arrogant and and tries to explain to him that it was his arrogance that lead the voyage to a disaster and the importance of Family and team work. We then bump into The Thing meeting his blind girlfriend Alicia Masters (Hannah Spearitt). Later on they were invited to a party in the Shard in London, During the party there is a sequence where Sue Storm forces Reed Richards to Dance The party is then crashed by the Wizard and the Frightful Four. Reed Richards due to his arrogance breaks the Fantasticar supposedly killing Sue Storm in the process due to her cockpit falling down. Because of this Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm leave Reed Richards due to his arrogance.
Dazzler then approaches Ben Grimm as he looks at the Cable Street Mural, in which we learn that their Grandfather took part in the battle of Cable Street against Oswald Mosleys Fascists. Dazzler then takes Ben Grimm to a Nearby café own by a Turban wearing Jamaican Woman called Ororo Munroe (Freema Agyeman), Ben Grimm is then invited to Dazzlers house in Hampstead where she reveals to him that she has powers as well and that she is a Mutant. After this Alicia Masters is kidnapped by the Wizard and Dreadknight then lead the thing into a trap. Meanwhile Reed Richards throws away a signed book by Nicholas Sweeney in the street, as he leaves, a mysterious man then pick it up, As Reed Richards is sitting in a bench in the street looking at a poster of Susan Storm, He i sent a video from an anonymous person in hi phone with Reeds Father Nathaniel Richards, he is then approached by the Mysterious man who drops the book at his lap. As he looks behind him we discover that the man is in fact Nicholas Sweeney, It is revealed that It was Sweeney sent the video he take Reed Richards to a nearby pub where he talks about Reed Richards arrogance. He also reveals that like The Fantastic Four is a Mutant (Like Dazzler) and his real name is Henry MCCoy how during the 1990’s he was once part of a team and helped saved the world. He also reveals that the sirum that he injects himself with hides his true form. Henry McCoy then leaves and Reed Richards goes back to his flat. As Reed Richards opens Henry McCoys books, he sses a photograph of Medusa with an arrow pointing to hr neck which what appears to be a chip.
Meanwhile Johnny Storm goes back to the flat where he is attacked By Medusa and Trapster. Johnny Storm then calls Reed Richards to help him, Reed Richards then come fight Medusa. Meanwhile In a Taxi (Paul Putner plays the Taxi Driver) Henry McCoy accidently drops his serum as he is about to inject himself. He then leaves the taxi and jumps into a canal. Meanwhile back in The Baxter as Medusa trap Johnny Storm in a bubble filed with water made by Trapster and glue Reed Richards to a Wall, as they are about to apprehend Human Torch A Hulk like Blue Beast attacks Medusa and Trapster, The Beast rescues Johnny Storm from his bubble and Unglues Reed Richards from the Wall. We learn that the Blue Beast is Henry McCoys true form Reed Richards and Henry McCoy removes the unconscious Medusas microchip from her Neck. As Johnny Storm foolishly tries to kiss her, Medusa wakes up and attacks Johnny with hr prehensile hair. As Reed Richards and Henry McCoy try to fight Medusa, She lets go of Johnny Storm and orders them to stop. She reveals that she is a Queen of an enhanced race called the Inhumans who are based in the Blue Area of the Moon. She then tells the history of the Inhumans and reveal that the cosmic ray that gave the Fantastic 4 their powers is in fact Terrigan and they have Inhuman genes. Allison Blaire along with Kwaku Adjobah and Wyatt Wingfoot pop up to help them. Reed Richards then pick up Trapster’s radio Transmitter and the Wizard calls and tells him that he has Ben Grimm and Susan Storm, who has survived. She was kidnapped by the Wizard before her cockpit of the fanatsticar blew up. Wizard tells them to meet him in his hideout with his Vibraniun. Kwaku Adjobah and Wyatt Wingfoot takes Mr Fantastic, Beast, Human Torch and Medusa to Wizards Hideout near Dartford Crossing, while Allison Blaire takes Trapster to the Police.
When they arrive, They face the Wizard and Dreadknight along with with the brainwashed Ben Grimm and Sue Storm/Malice. They are overpowered and as Wizard, Malice and The Brainwashed Ben Grimm were about to kill Reed Richards, Allison Blaire as Dazzler then appears using the Warehouse Sonus,with the help of Kwaku Adjobah, she then sings “More More More” and uses her powers to defeat the Wizard and free Sue Storm and Ben Grimm, Dreadknight reveals that he has secretly created a weapon to use to take over Britain and eventually take revenge on the Ruler of Latveria which e blames his creation on the Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Henry McCoy and Medusa stop him, destroying the weapon which critically injures Dreadknight. As Dreadknight is about to die, he warns Reed Richards that “The Ruler of Latveria” is planning revenge on him and when he is ready, there will be Doom”. Ben Grimm rescues Alicia Masters from her cage, Reed Richards reunites with Sue Storm who cuddles him. When Dazzler gives Sue Storm her Wig, Sue order reed to put the wig on her. As Medusa approaches Bentley Wittman, he asks her for another date, Medusa than smashes Wittman to the floor with her hair in a similar manor to when Hulk Smashed Loki in Avengers. She then says “I am Queen and a married woman”. Henry McCoy, then calls a mysterious person to erase the memory of Trapster and Wizard about his identity
The next day Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Allison Blaire, Henry McCoy (Back in his Human form in his Nicholas Sweeney Persona), Medusa, Wyatt Wingfoot, and Kwaku Adjobah all have dinner in A Bangladeshi Restaurant in Brick Lane that is owned by Hasina Chowdhury's Husband. Later on Medusa then leaves the Restaurant where she met Thor Erikson in the Back Street with a Giant teleporting Dog called Lockjaw. It is also revealed that Thor Erikson is infact Gorgon. They then both disappear with Lockjaw.
A Few days Later The Fantastic Fours first show airs Guest staring Henry McCoy, Still posing as Nicholas Sweeney and it is a success, Henry McCoy then gets a Taxi to go to a plane to New York, where he will cross paths Spiderman.
Later on at the roof on the Baxter Building, as Reed Richard look at the view, Susan Storm approaches him and speak to him how much she loves him and like Reed Richards also has Aspergers Syndrome. Reed later recieves a Holographic Message from T’Challa that for his deeds of defeating the Wizard, he sent a new Fantasticar, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm And Johnny Storm all decide to go on a vacation together.
We then go to the End Credits sequence with the Lead single of Family by S Club 7 in the Background
The First Mid Credits Scence features Medusa reuniting with the rest of the inhuman royal Family in their hideout which include her husband Black Bolt (Jon Hamm) her sister Crystal (Hannah Tointon),Karnak (Kayvan Novak) and Triton (Shazad Latif)
In final end credit Scene Dazzler returns to her home in Hampstead where she meets Charles Xavier (Simon Callow) (A similar manor to how Tony Star meets Nick Fury at the end Credit Scene of Iron Mans first outing) who was told by Henry McCoy about her heroics and reveals that he is reopening the Xavier school of Mutants and reforming the X-Men.
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pixiedane · 7 years
Okay, this is dear to my heart. When we finally get to Seven in my recaps, there will be many thousands of instances of now kiss. I’ve written it, I’ve plotted it, I’ve supported it.  I shipped it then and I ship it now. 
Seven, like everyone else on Voyager, is in love with her captain. Not only is Janeway Janeway, aka the most magnetic personality in all of Trek, but Janeway rescued Seven, returned her to herself, gave her a home and a new beginning (like she did for everyone on Voyager, it’s her deal and they all love her for it). Due to her upbringing as a Borg, Seven wouldn’t necessarily recognize her feelings as attraction or love, but she has them. 
Generally speaking, Janeway is as attracted to her crew is they are to her. Kes is an exception because the captain really sees her as a child. I do think Janeway also sees Seven as a child at first, at least she attempts to, but it is more difficult because Seven is human, and appears to be a peer of B’Elanna and Tom (whom Janeway sees as younger but adults, and she flirts with both). But, generally speaking, she does not act on the attraction, at least not overtly (I am a huge fan of clandestine encounters they don’t speak of type scenarios, especially on Voyager). As much as I want to believe that Janeway and Seven are a real thing happening when we’re not looking, it’s more likely it was all unrequited and suppressed passion. 
BUT, that lends itself to a post-series revelation. Voyager gets home. Kathryn has succeeded, and she even saved Seven, Chakotay, and Tuvok from their Endgame fates.  It’s a huge and hugely important victory, but it also means the break up of their family, which is incredibly difficult for Kathryn, especially now that Tuvok is returned to his wife and kids, B’Elanna and Tom have a new baby, and Seven and Chakotay have paired off. Kathryn is home, but Kathryn is lonely. 
Janeway is required at endless debriefings about everything that happened in te DQ, as well as panels to discuss what to do about their maquis, borg, and holoprogram crew members. Her sister moves in to keep her company through that chore, which is as annoying as it is comforting, but Phoebe is insistent and Kathryn is grateful. This inevitably leads to Janeway confiding in Phoebe all the stuff she can’t tell Starfleet. A great deal of that is about Seven and eventually Phoebe straight up tells her “you’re in love with her”. 
Janeway answers, no, absolutely not, that’s not what this is – I mean, I love her, sure, but I’m not in love with her, that’s absurd. And Phoebe just looks at her, with that exasperated younger sister expression, and Kathryn’s eyes go wide because oh no, she’s in love with her. 
She doesn’t say anything for a very long time. I mean, it’s still a questionable relationship: she’s still younger, and emotionally even more so, still figuring out humanity and who she wants to be, and still her subordinate, and still dating Chakotay maybe probably, like they were married in the other timeline right? She doesn’t remember but. Still wrong! Phoebe thinks all of that is silly and if she’s learned anything from being trapped in the DQ it should be that waiting doesn’t work out! It takes weeks, months, but eventually that’s the line of thought that works on her. She decides to tell Seven the truth. 
Once decided, Janeway is quick to follow through. She asks to speak with Seven alone, and lays it out. She is very clear that she doesn’t expect anything in return, maybe doesn’t even want anything in return, but she has to be honest and also, Seven should know that she’s important, that she’s loved. She deserves that more than anyone. At the very end of her confession she blushes, and it is so Not Janeway Like that she laughs self-consciously and is thus distracted when Seven kisses her forcefully and full on the lips. (At this point Seven and Chakotay have amicably ended their relationship because they realize it was actually based on their feelings for the captain more than each other. But he was an excellent first romance and she learned a lot.)
Kathryn is shocked for thirty seconds. Then she gets over it and gives in, finally, to the feelings she’s been harboring for her ENTIRE CREW for seven + years – harboring and suppressing and like all things ignored that long they explode. And it is beautiful. 
All of Voyager celebrates because finally. Harry owes Tom 250 replicator rations. 
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it /write a scenario
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phooll123 · 4 years
New top story from Time: Passengers Reckon With U.S. Coast Guard Guidance That Could Leave Virus-Stricken Cruise Ships At Sea ‘Indefinitely’
When Rick and Wendy de Pinho left Buenos Aires on March 7 onboard the Holland America Line cruise ship MS Zaandam, things felt “perfectly normal.” The New Jersey couple were concerned about the spread of coronavirus, they tell TIME, but at the time of their departure there were few confirmed cases in South America and the cruise line had assured them that steps were being taken to protect guests, including enhanced passenger screenings and increased cleaning protocol.
Three weeks later, however, and things are far from normal. Over the past month, COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus, has spread worldwide and been classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic.
By March 13, every major cruise line had temporarily suspended its operations, leaving ships mid-voyage, like the Zaandam, scrambling to find ways to get passengers home. Multiple South American countries have since rejected the Zaandam‘s request to dock and allow passengers to disembark.
On Sunday, March 29, the U.S. Coast Guard released a safety bulletin that directed all foreign-flagged passenger vessels impacted by coronavirus — including cruise ships — carrying over 50 people to “increase their medical capabilities” in order to treat sick passengers for an “indefinite” period of time. “This is necessary as shore-side medical facilities may reach full capacity and lose the ability to accept and effectively treat additional critically-ill patients,” the guidance said.
The Coast Guard also told foreign-flagged ships “that loiter beyond U.S. territorial seas” to send severely ill passengers to the countries where the vessels are registered, before turning to the U.S..
According to NPR, registering ships in foreign countries is par for the course in the cruise industry; such registrations are a way companies can avoid some U.S. tax, environmental, and employment laws. In its bulletin, the Coast Guard specifically directed ships registered to the Bahamas — a country to which many cruise ships are registered — to seek medical assistance in the island nation before turning to medical facilities in the U.S. Per the Associated Press, however, hospital capacity in the Bahamas is still limited due to the destruction caused by last September’s Hurricane Dorian.
The Coast Guard’s guidance impacts the Seventh District Area of Responsibility, which includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Puerto Rico. In the bulletin, the Coast Guard also said the move was partially to help “mitigate the potential of overwhelming local medical resources.”
Keep up to date with our daily coronavirus newsletter by clicking here.
The guidance also impacts the Zaandam, currently sailing towards Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where its voyage was originally scheduled to end on April 7. In a statement to TIME, the ship’s operator Holland America Line, confirmed that 73 guests and 116 crew members aboard on the Zaandam have reported “flu-like symptoms,” and that nine passengers have tested positive for COVID-19. Four passengers have died, Holland America adds. According to the AP, two of those deaths can be attributed to COVID-19. (Holland America Line said it could not provide additional medical details due to HIPPA laws.)
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Courtesy of Rick and Wendy de Pinho Rick and Wendy de Pinho, passengers aboard the virus-stricken Zaandam cruise ship, pictured during their transfer to the Rotterdam cruise ship on Sunday.
On March 28, 1,450 passengers and crew who had passed health screenings were transferred to another Holland America ship, the MS Rotterdam, in an attempt to lessen the load on the Zaandam’s crew. The de Pinhos were among the passengers transferred. (The Rotterdam is sailing alongside the Zaandam and also seeking port.)
Both ships are registered to the Netherlands, a spokesperson from Holland America Line tells TIME. More than 300 U.S. citizens are aboard them, per the AP.
On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state would accept Floridians who were aboard the Zaandam, but did not commit to taking people from other U.S. states or nationalities, per CNN. On Monday, DeSantis had faced criticism after telling Fox News that the state “cannot afford” to have coronavirus-stricken “foreigners” “dumped” into south Florida.
As of Wednesday afternoon Eastern Time, Florida had at least 6,741 confirmed cases of the virus and at least 85 confirmed deaths, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University.
In an op-ed published in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Monday, Orlando Ashford, the president of Holland America Line, urged nations to not “turn their backs on thousands of people left floating at sea,” stressing that he fears “lives are at risk.”
“We have significant medical facilities and capabilities onboard our ships. However, there are rare situations when the medical needs exceed our onboard capabilities,” a spokesperson for Carnival Corp., the parent company of Holland America, tells TIME in a statement. “In those cases, we follow USCG guidance and direction regarding an evaluation of the patient and need to medically evacuate — and we will continue to do so. We value our relationship with the Coast Guard and we fully understand these are unprecedented times.”
A spokesperson for trade group the Cruise Lines International Association tells TIME in a statement that, “[We] are in conversations with the U.S. Coast Guard and other national and global authorities on an ongoing basis to achieve our mutual objectives—to do the right thing for people, passengers and crew. Since the cruise industry’s voluntary suspension of operations was announced, teams of people have been working day and night to coordinate a safe and orderly return to port for passengers and crew on the few remaining ships at sea, as well to do the right thing for crew that are supporting ships that are in full suspension.”
The Zaandam and Rotterdam are not the only cruise ships still sailing.
On Tuesday, Carnival Corp., which owns nine cruise lines including Holland America, Princess Cruises and Costa Cruises, told the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission that it had more than 6,000 passengers on ships still at sea, although only a portion of these vessels are headed to the U.S.
Princess Cruises’ Coral Princess is currently headed towards Fort Lauderdale, Fl., and has a “higher-than-normal” number of passengers with flu-like symptoms, per a March 31 statement from the cruise line. Guests aboard the ship are self-isolating in their rooms out of “an abundance of caution,” per the statement. The Coral Princess is registered to Bermuda, a Carnival Corp. spokesperson tells TIME.
“They need to allow the heathy people to go home… it’s been too long as it is and haven’t we learned anything from the Diamond Princess,” Rick de Pinho tells TIME in a Facebook message in response to to Coast Guard’s announcement. Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise were forced to quarantine for weeks on the ship while it remained docked in Japan; more than 712 people eventually became infected with the virus and at least 10 people died, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Passengers aboard the Zaandam have been isolated to their rooms since March 22; passengers aboard the Rotterdam are also required to stay in their rooms.
Emily Spinder Brazell, another passenger aboard the Rotterdam, tells TIME via Facebook Messenger that, “We feel like the ship is doing the best they can to take care of us but we feel like the governments of the world have been unwilling to help.” Brazell adds that she has been inspired by the Rotterdam‘s captain, who she says told passengers “he recognized that we are going through tough times but we are on a humanitarian mission.”
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Courtesy of Rick de PinhoRick de Pinho’s view of Zaandam on Monday night, taken from the Rotterdam.
“It’s been a rollercoaster… Are we able to dock? Are we not?” Wendy de Pinho tells TIME, adding that she and her husband regularly call other passengers aboard the ship to check in with them. “It’s the fear of the unknown. If you’re not already sick, this can really cause you to get sick.”
“I know it will be helpful for us to leave even though we’re leaving sick people behind because it will put less stress on the ship and crew,” Brazell wrote TIME in a Facebook message. “My heart will be in this with them until they’re all well and home.”
Still, it remains unclear when, and where, the passengers aboard these cruise ships will be allowed to disembark, let alone make it home.
Please send any tips, leads, and stories to [email protected].
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newstechreviews · 4 years
When Rick and Wendy de Pinho left Buenos Aires on March 7 onboard the Holland America Line cruise ship MS Zaandam, things felt “perfectly normal.” The New Jersey couple were concerned about the spread of coronavirus, they tell TIME, but at the time of their departure there were few confirmed cases in South America and the cruise line had assured them that steps were being taken to protect guests, including enhanced passenger screenings and increased cleaning protocol.
Three weeks later, however, and things are far from normal. Over the past month, COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus, has spread worldwide and been classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic.
By March 13, every major cruise line had temporarily suspended its operations, leaving ships mid-voyage, like the Zaandam, scrambling to find ways to get passengers home. Multiple South American countries have since rejected the Zaandam‘s request to dock and allow passengers to disembark.
On Sunday, March 29, the U.S. Coast Guard released a safety bulletin that directed all foreign-flagged passenger vessels impacted by coronavirus — including cruise ships — carrying over 50 people to “increase their medical capabilities” in order to treat sick passengers for an “indefinite” period of time. “This is necessary as shore-side medical facilities may reach full capacity and lose the ability to accept and effectively treat additional critically-ill patients,” the guidance said.
The Coast Guard also told foreign-flagged ships “that loiter beyond U.S. territorial seas” to send severely ill passengers to the countries where the vessels are registered, before turning to the U.S..
According to NPR, registering ships in foreign countries is par for the course in the cruise industry; such registrations are a way companies can avoid some U.S. tax, environmental, and employment laws. In its bulletin, the Coast Guard specifically directed ships registered to the Bahamas — a country to which many cruise ships are registered — to seek medical assistance in the island nation before turning to medical facilities in the U.S. Per the Associated Press, however, hospital capacity in the Bahamas is still limited due to the destruction caused by last September’s Hurricane Dorian.
The Coast Guard’s guidance impacts the Seventh District Area of Responsibility, which includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Puerto Rico. In the bulletin, the Coast Guard also said the move was partially to help “mitigate the potential of overwhelming local medical resources.”
Keep up to date with our daily coronavirus newsletter by clicking here.
The guidance also impacts the Zaandam, currently sailing towards Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where its voyage was originally scheduled to end on April 7. In a statement to TIME, the ship’s operator Holland America Line, confirmed that 73 guests and 116 crew members aboard on the Zaandam have reported “flu-like symptoms,” and that nine passengers have tested positive for COVID-19. Four passengers have died, Holland America adds. According to the AP, two of those deaths can be attributed to COVID-19. (Holland America Line said it could not provide additional medical details due to HIPPA laws.)
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Courtesy of Rick and Wendy de Pinho Rick and Wendy de Pinho, passengers aboard the virus-stricken Zaandam cruise ship, pictured during their transfer to the Rotterdam cruise ship on Sunday.
On March 28, 1,450 passengers and crew who had passed health screenings were transferred to another Holland America ship, the MS Rotterdam, in an attempt to lessen the load on the Zaandam’s crew. The de Pinhos were among the passengers transferred. (The Rotterdam is sailing alongside the Zaandam and also seeking port.)
Both ships are registered to the Netherlands, a spokesperson from Holland America Line tells TIME. More than 300 U.S. citizens are aboard them, per the AP.
On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state would accept Floridians who were aboard the Zaandam, but did not commit to taking people from other U.S. states or nationalities, per CNN. On Monday, DeSantis had faced criticism after telling Fox News that the state “cannot afford” to have coronavirus-stricken “foreigners” “dumped” into south Florida.
As of Wednesday afternoon Eastern Time, Florida had at least 6,741 confirmed cases of the virus and at least 85 confirmed deaths, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University.
In an op-ed published in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Monday, Orlando Ashford, the president of Holland America Line, urged nations to not “turn their backs on thousands of people left floating at sea,” stressing that he fears “lives are at risk.”
“We have significant medical facilities and capabilities onboard our ships. However, there are rare situations when the medical needs exceed our onboard capabilities,” a spokesperson for Carnival Corp., the parent company of Holland America, tells TIME in a statement. “In those cases, we follow USCG guidance and direction regarding an evaluation of the patient and need to medically evacuate — and we will continue to do so. We value our relationship with the Coast Guard and we fully understand these are unprecedented times.”
A spokesperson for trade group the Cruise Lines International Association tells TIME in a statement that, “[We] are in conversations with the U.S. Coast Guard and other national and global authorities on an ongoing basis to achieve our mutual objectives—to do the right thing for people, passengers and crew. Since the cruise industry’s voluntary suspension of operations was announced, teams of people have been working day and night to coordinate a safe and orderly return to port for passengers and crew on the few remaining ships at sea, as well to do the right thing for crew that are supporting ships that are in full suspension.”
The Zaandam and Rotterdam are not the only cruise ships still sailing.
On Tuesday, Carnival Corp., which owns nine cruise lines including Holland America, Princess Cruises and Costa Cruises, told the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission that it had more than 6,000 passengers on ships still at sea, although only a portion of these vessels are headed to the U.S.
Princess Cruises’ Coral Princess is currently headed towards Fort Lauderdale, Fl., and has a “higher-than-normal” number of passengers with flu-like symptoms, per a March 31 statement from the cruise line. Guests aboard the ship are self-isolating in their rooms out of “an abundance of caution,” per the statement. The Coral Princess is registered to Bermuda, a Carnival Corp. spokesperson tells TIME.
“They need to allow the heathy people to go home… it’s been too long as it is and haven’t we learned anything from the Diamond Princess,” Rick de Pinho tells TIME in a Facebook message in response to to Coast Guard’s announcement. Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise were forced to quarantine for weeks on the ship while it remained docked in Japan; more than 712 people eventually became infected with the virus and at least 10 people died, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Passengers aboard the Zaandam have been isolated to their rooms since March 22; passengers aboard the Rotterdam are also required to stay in their rooms.
Emily Spinder Brazell, another passenger aboard the Rotterdam, tells TIME via Facebook Messenger that, “We feel like the ship is doing the best they can to take care of us but we feel like the governments of the world have been unwilling to help.” Brazell adds that she has been inspired by the Rotterdam‘s captain, who she says told passengers “he recognized that we are going through tough times but we are on a humanitarian mission.”
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Courtesy of Rick de PinhoRick de Pinho’s view of Zaandam on Monday night, taken from the Rotterdam.
“It’s been a rollercoaster… Are we able to dock? Are we not?” Wendy de Pinho tells TIME, adding that she and her husband regularly call other passengers aboard the ship to check in with them. “It’s the fear of the unknown. If you’re not already sick, this can really cause you to get sick.”
“I know it will be helpful for us to leave even though we’re leaving sick people behind because it will put less stress on the ship and crew,” Brazell wrote TIME in a Facebook message. “My heart will be in this with them until they’re all well and home.”
Still, it remains unclear when, and where, the passengers aboard these cruise ships will be allowed to disembark, let alone make it home.
Please send any tips, leads, and stories to [email protected].
0 notes
keeleysmuses · 7 years
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NAME: Tanaka ‘Ana’ Devonne Matheson SPECIES: Human GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: her/she DATE OF BIRTH: December 25th AGE: 30 PLACE OF BIRTH: Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia CITIZENSHIP: Australian / American BASE OF OPERATIONS: Liverpool, UK OCCUPATION: Midwife SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual FAMILY: Miles Matheson ( FATHER, MIA. ), Tamara Wayne ( MOTHER, DECEASED. ), Taylor Matheson ( TWIN, BROTHER, ALIVE. ), Ethan Matheson ( SON, ALIVE. ), Grace Matheson ( DAUGHTER, ALIVE. ), Lucas Matheson ( SON, ALIVE. ), Leah Matheson ( DAUGHTER, ALIVE. ) MARITAL STATUS: Complicated. ╳ APPEARANCE: HEIGHT: 5′7″ HAIR: Brown EYES: Green NOTABLE MARKS: Two inch scar above her eyebrow, multiple on her shoulders, one across the underside of her belly due to a c-section. TATTOOS: Joy written on her right wrist. PIERCINGS: Ears ( double lobe, helix, auricle ) OTHER: Burn marks on her lower back and some on the back of her left hand ╳ PERSONALITY:
TRAITS: Independent, Motherly, Stubborn, Determined, Short Fused. ╳ OTHER:
WEAPONS: Sword, Hand crafted by herself with help from Miles ╳ BIO:
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there has always been something about tanaka matheson. she had always been a special child. when she was nine years old, three years after the blackout, she left with her aunt rachel, away from her uncle ben and cousins, charlie & danny to find her way back to her father, a general of the monroe militia. she learnt the basic skills to survive, becoming one of the best swordsmen in the entire militia just after her father of course. she was still too young when she returned to miles to be apart of the army, but that did not stop ana from wanting to learn everything there was about fighting and how to become an amazing fighter like her daddy.
she learnt more about how to run and fight than simple maths. however, miles made sure that she was well educated when it became obvious she liked to travel with him when he WENT on long tours than to actually learn basic rules - eventually when ana was thirteen (13), miles made sure that ana stayed in school, which sometimes included him taking the men in the middle of the night so that he didn’t wake her and cause her to stowaway in the carriage.
season one of revolution plays out normally - just with the addition of a twenty year old ana being incredibly protective over miles and charlie.
life seemed to be going smoothly until one day she found a crack in the wall of an abandoned hospital they were squatting in. this crack in the wall caused her to fall into another universe. it was a crack in time and space - it should have SWALLOWED her whole and erased her from reality, but instead the crack spat her out on the other side, in a different universe, on a different planet, IN a different time.
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she never really thought about the consequences of her absences back on the other side, miles was in hysterics that not even nora could calm him down from - he searched high and low for his daughter, only to come up empty six months down the road. she was considered K.I.A and miles was more ruthless than ever before.
ana had no idea where she ended up or HOW the hell she got there, but it was on that planet that she met a man called the doctor, a girl named amy pond and a woman called river song. they all seemed to know her rather well - it was explained that time travel was a funny thing. from there - she fell into one adventure that felt like it would never end, until abruptly it does. one of the - ALIENS, a weeping angel, snagged her around the wrist - but it didn’t kill her. they had been KILLING PEOPLE all day, snapping necks instead of feeding on their life energy, at least that’s what the doctor told her they did but this ONE - this ONE angel didn’t kill her, instead it shoved her FURTHER into the past. but why this one angel ? no one could really answer this question, not even when ana finally reached the moment in time the long way around. this time instead of landing in a cave on an alien planet, she landed on the lap of one captain jack harkness in world war two, london.
it was from there that she met the doctor again, but this time he looked different - looked older and a girl called rose tyler from there - she was pulled into ANOTHER crazy adventure, but to earth, though the date, they told her was 2005. it hurt ana’s brain to try and wrap around the fact that she wasn’t born yet but she was still her fully grown self. twenty years old and in a different time and universe.
it was from there that ana grew to love the doctor, jack and rose - up until the time the doctor left jack in the year five billion and ended up regenerating, a move that ana figured he was trying to avoid her questioning, all on christmas day (and her birthday) (21). it was something that time lords could do apparently, and it was from there at the beginning of 2006 that ana found herself twenty one years old and alone. not wanting to travel with a newly regenerated doctor, not after leaving jack stranded in the future and the fact they had been butting heads almost the whole time he had been awake. it was only the beginning of february that ana stumbled across torchwood and captain jack again.
this is where ana’s timeline gets a little complicated - ana and jack find themselves getting a little bit closer - a lot close as they become intimate (on multiple occasions) and it’s only a few months later (half way through season one) that ana finds out she’s pregnant. but it’s an event that attracts the wrong kind of attention (madam kavorian had her nose out early on) however, ana runs back into the doctor again, who is suddenly with a new companion after her and jack have an argument one afternoon - he was getting close to ianto, she wasn’t mad that he was, just mad that jack never told her about it. she was four months pregnant and had already been on a ship that was crashing into a sun, in the early 1900′s with a doctor who was human and stuck in 1969 with no TARDIS. it was during the year that never was that ana gave birth to a healthy baby boy, ethan. born july 15th 2007 (22) aboard the valiant.
ana didn’t continue on with the doctor and martha when everything returned to normal and the master had been stopped. she had a baby to look after and a captain that wouldn’t slow down - during the year, they had gotten closer once more - ana forgave jack about keeping lanto a secret and who knew maybe the three of them could work something out (they never did). but it was during the winter of 2010 (23) that ana lost her son. (leaving out the events that occurred during children of earth and miracle day) ana was left alone on earth and that’s when they struck.
the headless monks - the silence and madam kavorian, she wanted to take a child born from an immortal and a human to see if she could transform him into a weapon, see if he had gained some of his father’s powers of immortality - it was the worst night of ana’s life, and the first thing that she did was call the doctor (who had regenerated yet again), crying on her bathroom floor almost throwing up due to the fact that her son had been taken right from under her nose. the floppy haired doctor made a promise that he would find ethan for her - find her son. during events of season six, there’s other shit that involves my time lord oc, oliver plus finding out that there’s a version of herself in this universe, though she was born a boy, called taylor plus another baby, this time a girl (25), season seven is split into two, ana being around during the power of three but not for the ponds last goodbye, she was dealing with family issues at the time.
it was only on ana’s birthday at the end of season seven, just before the doctor regenerates, that the crack in space and time appears again on christmas (the planet), pulling her in - yet again she doesn’t get erased or forgotten. clara seemed to think it was the time lords trying to keep her alive.
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landing on the grassy ovel of star fleet academy in 2255 (just turned 26). this kind of anomaly - that seemed to like throwing her throughout time and space - attracted a lot of attention. the continuum caught wind of ana when her appearance in the universe caused a stir in the timeline. this was the moment when she met Q. no stranger to time travel, thanks to the doctor, ana was only worried about the fact that she had no way of getting home - it was then that Q managed to distract her with trying to create a fake background for her which would allow her to join star fleet and end up becoming a member of the USS enterprise, to fight the battle against nero (28) & khan (28) in the next five years.
it was during the short break between khan’s attack and the battle of yorktown that ana was whisked away from that certain timeline - all because Q was bored with how things where going, calm and boring and no fun at all. keeping her backstory and her star fleet academy degree ana was placed on board the USS enterprise yet again, however the year was 2365 (still 28) and this timeline was completely different. run by jean-luc picard, Q introduced ana in a rather horrible way.
it was almost two full years of Q and ana getting each other into trouble, whether it was with the rest of the universe or mostly amongst the enterprise crew, however, during the events of Wolf 359 (30), ana is assimilated along with captain picard. after the event and ana was back to ‘normal’, the continuum decided to throw ana away from Q, who was banned from seeing her and even knowing where she disappeared too.
ana landed on board the NX-01, the very first space bound enterprise.
spending almost exactly three years (33) of her life on board, Q managed to find her after she was almost fatally wounded on one of the away missions, which included a run in with the xindi. Q, who was having his run ins with voyager and her crew at the time, dumped her in the delta quadrant where ana spent the next three years (35) once more on board a ship, where she grew incredibly close to the crew and the captain. the australia certainly had a habit of doing so, even with her rank of lieutenant and being the the doctor’s nurse.
it was then that she stepped in and demanded to be taken back home, to her time - to the crew she first became close with, the aos crew, to which natasha a lady Q who had felt sympathy for ana’s situation, being the most notorious Q’s plaything and threw her back on board the 1701 during her second year of the five year mission. which leads into star trek beyond and also helps the fact that ana knows the main antagonist of the movie (37).
now this is where it gets complicated once more - ana does manage to find herself back on 21st century earth. but because she had been affected by the time vortex, the continuum and just being a time traveler as well - ana’s body still registers as a healthy 31 year old - while with some help of borg nanites that had to remain in her body, other wise her respiratory system would have shut down and she would have suffocated to death, which helps her to regenerate a lot faster than most humans. season 9 & 10 of doctor who occur.
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contemplating on throwing ana back to her home in the blackout universe, or back forward in time to ds9. the events of that series will occur but i am just at the beginning of the series, more to come when i watch on.
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Tanaka Matheson.     Born: December 25th 2000.     Falsified Account of Birth for Alternate Universe: December 25th 1988.     Falsified Account of Birth for Star Fleet Command: December 25th 2233.     Died: March 21st 2009.     Age: 30     Occupation: Midwife     Occupation According to Star Fleet Command: Nurse
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probably-a-muppet · 7 years
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Okay so this is my favorite Star Trek series and it’s really great and I feel like it and voyager are frequently overlooked in favor of ToS and Next Gen. but DS9 is great and you should watch it. Here is why:
- The setting is drastically different from all other Star Trek series. It takes place at a single Space Station (the titular Deep Space 9) so we end up going more in depth with the nearby systems, and their cultures.
- It was made after ToS and Next Gen. so all of the effects are more up to date and realistic.
- It has a lot of good stories that work off of the unique characters and environment.
- It reuses characters and concepts from Next Gen. such as Chief O’Brien, and Worf, which for one give long time fans more time with these characters and also means that less set up is required.
- It has a full seven seasons of quality content. it doesn’t dillydally with getting to the good stuff, and it goes out strong.
- And my final point: The characters
The characters are amazing. They are all so strong and unique, and there is so much diversity amongst them too.
- Benjamin Sisko: The commander of DS9, he comes from Earth where he met his wife shortly before being posted a starship. This ship was attacked by the borg during the period when Captain Picard was assimilated and his wife died leaving him to care for there son Jake. He is reluctant to take the position at DS9 but grows into the role and becomes a strong leader to rival Kirk or Picard, even achieving the rank of Captain.
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- Major Kira Nerys: The first officer of DS9, she is a native of Bajor (the planet DS9 once orbited). She is very strong willed and was a fighter in Bajor’s war for independence against the Cardassians. She does show that she would do almost anything for her friends and coworkers on DS9 however.
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- Odo: Odo is an extremely interesting character. Particularly because he is a shapeshifter or changeling and thus can alter form. While this can be used as a helpful tool in some episodes. the greater mystery is his origin. This is probably the largest continuous plot line through out the shows entirety. He initially has trouble with actual people since he is really just a blob. But he learns to interact with the crew and they become very important to him.
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Odo: I'll never understand the humanoid need to... 'couple.'
Quark: You've never... coupled?
Odo: Choose not to. Too many compromises. You want to watch the karo-net tournament; she wants to listen to music, so you compromise - you listen to music. You like Earth Jazz; she prefers Klingon Opera so you compromise - you listen to Klingon Opera. So here you were ready to have a nice night watching the karo-net match and you wind up spending an agonizing evening listening to Klingon Opera.
- Quark: Quark is the Bartender who runs effectively DS9′s equivalent of Ten Forward. As a Ferengi he is constantly seeking wealth. However as the series progresses we can see the people around him alter his rigid world view and he really changes.
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- Rom: Quark’s brother. He is significantly less gifted at acquiring wealth and is actually a talented engineer however due to that not offering optimal wealth he was unable to pursue this passion until Star Fleet took over the station. He cares alot about his brother and his son & wife. Often sacrificing for them.
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- Nog: The son of Rom. Nog originally pursued Latinum as greedily as his uncle, Quark. However he would eventually befriend Jake Sisko. He would eventually go off to Star Fleet Academy and became the first Ferengi Officer.
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- Jake Sisko: The son of Benjamin Sisko. He is important to his father and is a character that we see physically grow because the actor gets older.
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- Chief Miles O’Brien: The head of engineering on the station. He is integral to the maintenance of it. This also gives what was once a minor character a chance to shine. He shows an interest in old earth cultures. We also get to see more of his wife and child. He interacts wonderfully with the other members of the crew.
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- Doctor Julian Bashir: The chief medical officer of DS9. Bashir has an interesting past. He also gives us our holodeck episodes: James Bond! He tries to form a relationship with the science officer, Jadzia Dax. He is close friends with O’Brien and the two are often seen together when they are off duty.
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- Jadzia Dax: The head science officer of DS9. Jadzia is a trill and caries the Dax symbiote. Sisko knew the past host of the Dax symbiote and as such already has a strong relationship with Jadzia.
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And that is the main cast. There are a number of side characters, specifically Bajorans and Cardassians, and other family members.
But honestly I love all of these people. And I will fight you if you insult them. Except for maybe Quark. Quark is kinda a dick.
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awesometheauthor · 4 years
Juan Ponce de Leon, The Missing Years. Rationalizing the Historical Documentation By Way of Archival Documentation
Copyright 2018, John J. Browne Ayes, Author of Juan Ponce de Leon His New And Revised Genealogy. All Rights Reserved, National, And International
Life for Juan Ponce de Leon was full of frustration. He would have liked to have governed freely but he was always beneath the constraining orders of his king and queen. He was also battling his political enemies. He was also bound to his religion. He must have thought heavily about the hypocrisy of the priests who were all too willing to enslave the Indians who were supposed to have been under their charge delivering their immortal souls. Anytime it seemed that he was making a positive headway in building up and populating Isla de San Juan a royal decree would be delivered demanding that he divide up Indians among the new settlers who had immigrated to the island from Spain. He must have hated that task because it was despicable to him having to separate families, seeing their agony and pain and hearing their cries. They were people, innocent in their ways like children. They were close to nature. He knew that their enslavement would embitter them. Harden them. Life for them would become evil and dark.
Even more frustrating was the adversarial political situation around him. He had arrested two of Diego Colon's cronies. He must have been tempted to have them garroted but in his wisdom, he didn't want to make the same mistakes that Columbus did. Instead, Ponce de Leon sent them off to Spain in chains to be judged and tried for their contemptuous behavior against his governance. Instead of stripping them of their titles and holdings and incarcerating them. One can imagine the anger and frustration Juan Ponce had to bear after the king sent them back to the island imploring, Juan Ponce reinstate them to their offices. Juan Ponce knew his days as governor were numbered.
That day finally came after Diego Colon had petitioned the Supreme Council in Spain to get them to enact and ratify the tenets of his father's contract with the king. They concurred and Diego Colon was made Viceroy of the Caribbean islands his father had discovered. Juan Ponce must have been enraged because the Council included Puerto Rico which Colon never really discovered and formally claimed on behalf of the king. Ponce must have sworn that he would get even with Colon someday. He would bide his time when it was right to do so when. Colon and his cronies would make a fatal mistake.
After Diego Colon became a viceroy, Juan Ponce de Leon was sent to smash another rebellion initiated by a family member of Agueybana II of the same name. A large number of the rebellious Taino had fled to one of the islands. Juan Ponce set out with a boatload of his heavily armed troops on board his ship. The confrontation got intense. It would be wise to say that the Taino had set a well-coordinated gorilla style trap that took the troops by surprise. Juan Ponce must have seen that he was heavily outnumbered and he ordered a retreat. In the process, many of his troops were killed and captured. It is said that the Indians had also captured two women. To this date, there are no archival documents naming them, but I suspect that the women must have been crew member's wives. Who initiated the legal process that forced Ponce to set out on a suicidal mission? The King? Or Ponce's political enemy the viceroy? In any case, Ponce was not going to sacrifice his men or himself on behalf of the viceroy, Colon.
Sometime before then, Juan Ponce's legitimate wife died. She might have succumbed to one of the many tropical diseases that struck down so many Spanish women during that era. It must have been a devastating blow to the governor and his family. Again, there are no archival records that would indicate when his wife died or where she was interred. Was she buried in Caparra or Isla Espanola or was she sent back to Spain?
Juan Ponce retired to his home in Caparra. During this time period until 1520 – 1521 the historical records become mute. We can infer from the records before that time, that Ponce carried on with selling produce from his farm. Shipping foodstuffs to Spain and probably selling the same to ship owners who traveled by sea around the empire. The Spanish in Mexico probably enjoyed the fruits, vegetables, pigs, lambs and even rode Juan Ponce's horses. It was written within Melchior Troche's petition that Ponce and the family had lost horses and a bar of gold after the 1521 incident when the settlers had to flee Florida. Those horses were destined to be sold to people in Mexico. Juan Ponce settled in Cappara developing trade, growing crops, fruits, and vegetables, selling horses, pigs, cows as well as commune with his children. During that quiet time, Ponce busied himself with finding suitable husbands for his three daughters. Two of them he married off to the Troche brothers and the last one married Antonio de la Gama. A year later, Ponce married de la Gama's daughter. Ponce de Leon may have been active politically because all of a sudden his future son in law shows up in Puerto Rico in the powerful position of a royal judge. The plot against Diego Colon and his cohorts at the Royal Hacienda at Toa begins to unfold after de la Gama's arrival. What was left of the Taino Royal family of Agueybana I had been placed there to serve as slaves in the mines, the church and on farms. They had suffered cruelties that caused the deaths of many of them.
De la Gama came to Puerto Rico to specifically investigate, prosecute and jail those who were in charge at the Royal Hacienda for unbridled cruelty and murder. As a result, a royal decree was issued freeing all the Taino people from the yoke of slavery in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, that judicial victory came after Ponce's death, It must have hurt Diego Colon and his cronies as well as all those slave owners on the island. Those people, in the end, had to go out and purchase slaves from Africa to replace the Indigenous people who had been freed. I have a copy of the judicial proceedings that lists the names of the members of the Royal Taino family who were mistreated. Guyabana, Agueybana, Dona Ines, and many other variations of the Agueybana name appeared on that list. They were also listed by what position they held in their society. Nitaino, and naboria. I suspect that the naboria might have been the slaves that the Taino themselves used to own. My maternal Guanahatabey ancestor might have been among them.
Earlier in this essay, I wrote about Juan Ponce de Leon's business dealings during the time he retired to his home in Caparra. For a long time after I wrote my book, Juan Ponce de Leon His New And Revised Genealogy, I asked myself the question, where did Ponce de Leon learn to become a businessman? Historians have painted him as a soldier who served in the war of Granada as a squire. True, but how did the man learn about business an government as well as building?
After I published the book I took the time to review all the resource documents and copies of original documents I had gathered from the Archives of Spain. The answer came slowly to me.
Juan Ponce's grandfather and family members had owned a very successful soap factory in Seville, Spain. No doubt they imported and exported all manner of things to and from the rest of the world outside of Spain. They owned the port of Cadiz which was later given to the king of Spain in exchange for all kinds of graces and mercies from that king. This image of businessmen, traders, exporters, and importers breaks the mold of preconceived images of lazy noblemen, and in reality, sets the stage for Juan Ponce's uncanny and sudden rise to political power in the Caribbean. It is quite obvious that Ponce de Leon acquired his business knowledge as well as his extensive knowledge of military tactics from his family. His uncle, Rodrigo Ponce de Leon was dubbed the second El Cid during the conflict at Granada. Archival documents inform us that Rodrigo considered Juan Ponce his favorite nephew and Rodrigo supported Juan Ponce during a dispute over water and land monies against his brother, Pedro Ponce de Leon. In fact, since the earliest days of the Moorish-Spanish conflicts, the Ponce de Leon were active participants throughout their family history beginning with Ponce de Minerva their ancestor. With this information, I put forward that Juan Ponce de Leon spent his days in retirement conducting business from his home in Caparra.
During Juan Ponce de Leon's journey of discovery and exploration of Florida, the main characters were:
Anton de Alaminos was the navigator.
Juan Gonzalez Ponce de Leon who was the legitimate son of Juan Ponce de Leon. Juan Gonzalez was employed as a spy for the king in the Caribbean as well as Mexico.
A Free-never had been enslaved friend and associate of Juan Gonzalez Ponce de Leon, Juan Garrido who was the first free African to set foot in the new land of Florida.
The Jimenez sisters. What were two women doing aboard that ship? Some historians try to assume that one of the sisters was a mistress of Juan Ponce. I refuse to believe that assumption based on the possibility that Ponce's wife was still alive during that time and the documented fact that the Jimenez sisters were close relatives and family members.
They both came from a very rich family that had land, titles and material holdings in Spain. There is a possibility that the Jimenez sisters were the first women in history to have partly financed that important expedition. That reason would gain them the unique privilege to tag along this voyage of discovery and exploration. I also feel that it is important to point out that Juan Garrido wasn't your ordinary sidekick. The man was very intelligent. He is credited with finagling around with wheat DNA to produce a new strain that was purposely adapted to the harsh desert-like environment of Mexico. He, in essence, is the first real DNA researcher in this hemisphere before that humble priest that studied another type of farm produce in Europe. Garrido became a successful landowner and exporter of his new wheat in Mexico. No doubt he gained his business knowledge from his close association with Juan Ponce de Leon.
The End.
Everyone who has studied Juan Ponce de Leon knows that he sent out two important letters. One to his king informing that he was going to create a settlement in Florida and the other letter of a more personal nature was sent to an important member of the church also informing him that he was going to settle la Florida. He added that he had married off his daughters and now he was free to pursue his dream of building and running a successful settlement according to the contract that was drawn up in between King Ferdinand and himself. This decision according to historians came suddenly, but in reality, this decision to settle Florida must have come out of the necessity to move his business ventures to Florida so that it would be more convenient in dealing with Mexico. Florida was to become a new port of his export and import enterprise. As I pointed out before in this essay, Melchior Troche his grandson was petitioning the House of Contracts in an attempt to claim everything that ended up in Cuba that belonged to his grandfather. Historians of that era would have you believe that Juan Ponce retired to Caparra licking his political wounds and wallowing in a deep depression. He was not that kind of man. He was an astute businessman who had built, populated and fortified Isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico at his own expense. Had he lived to finish that settlement in la Pasqua Florida the peninsula would have developed much earlier than it had.
Sources, resource material and copies of original documents derived from the book, Juan Ponce De Leon His New And Revised Genealogy.
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viralnewstime · 4 years
When Rick and Wendy de Pinho left Buenos Aires on March 7 onboard the Holland America Line cruise ship MS Zaandam, things felt “perfectly normal.” The New Jersey couple were concerned about the spread of coronavirus, they tell TIME, but at the time of their departure there were few confirmed cases in South America and the cruise line had assured them that steps were being taken to protect guests, including enhanced passenger screenings and increased cleaning protocol.
Three weeks later, however, and things are far from normal. Over the past month, COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus, has spread worldwide and been classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic.
By March 13, every major cruise line had temporarily suspended its operations, leaving ships mid-voyage, like the Zaandam, scrambling to find ways to get passengers home. Multiple South American countries have since rejected the Zaandam‘s request to dock and allow passengers to disembark.
On Sunday, March 29, the U.S. Coast Guard released a safety bulletin that directed all foreign-flagged passenger vessels impacted by coronavirus — including cruise ships — carrying over 50 people to “increase their medical capabilities” in order to treat sick passengers for an “indefinite” period of time. “This is necessary as shore-side medical facilities may reach full capacity and lose the ability to accept and effectively treat additional critically-ill patients,” the guidance said.
The Coast Guard also told foreign-flagged ships “that loiter beyond U.S. territorial seas” to send severely ill passengers to the countries where the vessels are registered, before turning to the U.S..
According to NPR, registering ships in foreign countries is par for the course in the cruise industry; such registrations are a way companies can avoid some U.S. tax, environmental, and employment laws. In its bulletin, the Coast Guard specifically directed ships registered to the Bahamas — a country to which many cruise ships are registered — to seek medical assistance in the island nation before turning to medical facilities in the U.S. Per the Associated Press, however, hospital capacity in the Bahamas is still limited due to the destruction caused by last September’s Hurricane Dorian.
The Coast Guard’s guidance impacts the Seventh District Area of Responsibility, which includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Puerto Rico. In the bulletin, the Coast Guard also said the move was partially to help “mitigate the potential of overwhelming local medical resources.”
Keep up to date with our daily coronavirus newsletter by clicking here.
The guidance also impacts the Zaandam, currently sailing towards Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where its voyage was originally scheduled to end on April 7. In a statement to TIME, the ship’s operator Holland America Line, confirmed that 73 guests and 116 crew members aboard on the Zaandam have reported “flu-like symptoms,” and that nine passengers have tested positive for COVID-19. Four passengers have died, Holland America adds. According to the AP, two of those deaths can be attributed to COVID-19. (Holland America Line said it could not provide additional medical details due to HIPPA laws.)
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Courtesy of Rick and Wendy de Pinho Rick and Wendy de Pinho, passengers aboard the virus-stricken Zaandam cruise ship, pictured during their transfer to the Rotterdam cruise ship on Sunday.
On March 28, 1,450 passengers and crew who had passed health screenings were transferred to another Holland America ship, the MS Rotterdam, in an attempt to lessen the load on the Zaandam’s crew. The de Pinhos were among the passengers transferred. (The Rotterdam is sailing alongside the Zaandam and also seeking port.)
Both ships are registered to the Netherlands, a spokesperson from Holland America Line tells TIME. More than 300 U.S. citizens are aboard them, per the AP.
On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state would accept Floridians who were aboard the Zaandam, but did not commit to taking people from other U.S. states or nationalities, per CNN. On Monday, DeSantis had faced criticism after telling Fox News that the state “cannot afford” to have coronavirus-stricken “foreigners” “dumped” into south Florida.
As of Wednesday afternoon Eastern Time, Florida had at least 6,741 confirmed cases of the virus and at least 85 confirmed deaths, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University.
In an op-ed published in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Monday, Orlando Ashford, the president of Holland America Line, urged nations to not “turn their backs on thousands of people left floating at sea,” stressing that he fears “lives are at risk.”
“We have significant medical facilities and capabilities onboard our ships. However, there are rare situations when the medical needs exceed our onboard capabilities,” a spokesperson for Carnival Corp., the parent company of Holland America, tells TIME in a statement. “In those cases, we follow USCG guidance and direction regarding an evaluation of the patient and need to medically evacuate — and we will continue to do so. We value our relationship with the Coast Guard and we fully understand these are unprecedented times.”
A spokesperson for trade group the Cruise Lines International Association tells TIME in a statement that, “[We] are in conversations with the U.S. Coast Guard and other national and global authorities on an ongoing basis to achieve our mutual objectives—to do the right thing for people, passengers and crew. Since the cruise industry’s voluntary suspension of operations was announced, teams of people have been working day and night to coordinate a safe and orderly return to port for passengers and crew on the few remaining ships at sea, as well to do the right thing for crew that are supporting ships that are in full suspension.”
The Zaandam and Rotterdam are not the only cruise ships still sailing.
On Tuesday, Carnival Corp., which owns nine cruise lines including Holland America, Princess Cruises and Costa Cruises, told the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission that it had more than 6,000 passengers on ships still at sea, although only a portion of these vessels are headed to the U.S.
Princess Cruises’ Coral Princess is currently headed towards Fort Lauderdale, Fl., and has a “higher-than-normal” number of passengers with flu-like symptoms, per a March 31 statement from the cruise line. Guests aboard the ship are self-isolating in their rooms out of “an abundance of caution,” per the statement. The Coral Princess is registered to Bermuda, a Carnival Corp. spokesperson tells TIME.
“They need to allow the heathy people to go home… it’s been too long as it is and haven’t we learned anything from the Diamond Princess,” Rick de Pinho tells TIME in a Facebook message in response to to Coast Guard’s announcement. Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise were forced to quarantine for weeks on the ship while it remained docked in Japan; more than 712 people eventually became infected with the virus and at least 10 people died, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Passengers aboard the Zaandam have been isolated to their rooms since March 22; passengers aboard the Rotterdam are also required to stay in their rooms.
Emily Spinder Brazell, another passenger aboard the Rotterdam, tells TIME via Facebook Messenger that, “We feel like the ship is doing the best they can to take care of us but we feel like the governments of the world have been unwilling to help.” Brazell adds that she has been inspired by the Rotterdam‘s captain, who she says told passengers “he recognized that we are going through tough times but we are on a humanitarian mission.”
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Courtesy of Rick de PinhoRick de Pinho’s view of Zaandam on Monday night, taken from the Rotterdam.
“It’s been a rollercoaster… Are we able to dock? Are we not?” Wendy de Pinho tells TIME, adding that she and her husband regularly call other passengers aboard the ship to check in with them. “It’s the fear of the unknown. If you’re not already sick, this can really cause you to get sick.”
“I know it will be helpful for us to leave even though we’re leaving sick people behind because it will put less stress on the ship and crew,” Brazell wrote TIME in a Facebook message. “My heart will be in this with them until they’re all well and home.”
Still, it remains unclear when, and where, the passengers aboard these cruise ships will be allowed to disembark, let alone make it home.
Please send any tips, leads, and stories to [email protected].
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googlenewson · 4 years
When Rick and Wendy de Pinho left Buenos Aires on March 7 onboard the Holland America Line cruise ship MS Zaandam, things felt “perfectly normal.” The New Jersey couple were concerned about the spread of coronavirus, they tell TIME, but at the time of their departure there were few confirmed cases in South America and the cruise line had assured them that steps were being taken to protect guests, including enhanced passenger screenings and increased cleaning protocol.
Three weeks later, however, and things are far from normal. Over the past month, COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus, has spread worldwide and been classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic.
By March 13, every major cruise line had temporarily suspended its operations, leaving ships mid-voyage, like the Zaandam, scrambling to find ways to get passengers home. Multiple South American countries have since rejected the Zaandam‘s request to dock and allow passengers to disembark.
On Sunday, March 29, the U.S. Coast Guard released a safety bulletin that directed all foreign-flagged passenger vessels impacted by coronavirus — including cruise ships — carrying over 50 people to “increase their medical capabilities” in order to treat sick passengers for an “indefinite” period of time. “This is necessary as shore-side medical facilities may reach full capacity and lose the ability to accept and effectively treat additional critically-ill patients,” the guidance said.
The Coast Guard also told foreign-flagged ships “that loiter beyond U.S. territorial seas” to send severely ill passengers to the countries where the vessels are registered, before turning to the U.S..
According to NPR, registering ships in foreign countries is par for the course in the cruise industry; such registrations are a way companies can avoid some U.S. tax, environmental, and employment laws. In its bulletin, the Coast Guard specifically directed ships registered to the Bahamas — a country to which many cruise ships are registered — to seek medical assistance in the island nation before turning to medical facilities in the U.S. Per the Associated Press, however, hospital capacity in the Bahamas is still limited due to the destruction caused by last September’s Hurricane Dorian.
The Coast Guard’s guidance impacts the Seventh District Area of Responsibility, which includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Puerto Rico. In the bulletin, the Coast Guard also said the move was partially to help “mitigate the potential of overwhelming local medical resources.”
Keep up to date with our daily coronavirus newsletter by clicking here.
The guidance also impacts the Zaandam, currently sailing towards Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where its voyage was originally scheduled to end on April 7. In a statement to TIME, the ship’s operator Holland America Line, confirmed that 73 guests and 116 crew members aboard on the Zaandam have reported “flu-like symptoms,” and that nine passengers have tested positive for COVID-19. Four passengers have died, Holland America adds. According to the AP, two of those deaths can be attributed to COVID-19. (Holland America Line said it could not provide additional medical details due to HIPPA laws.)
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Courtesy of Rick and Wendy de Pinho Rick and Wendy de Pinho, passengers aboard the virus-stricken Zaandam cruise ship, pictured during their transfer to the Rotterdam cruise ship on Sunday.
On March 28, 1,450 passengers and crew who had passed health screenings were transferred to another Holland America ship, the MS Rotterdam, in an attempt to lessen the load on the Zaandam’s crew. The de Pinhos were among the passengers transferred. (The Rotterdam is sailing alongside the Zaandam and also seeking port.)
Both ships are registered to the Netherlands, a spokesperson from Holland America Line tells TIME. More than 300 U.S. citizens are aboard them, per the AP.
On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state would accept Floridians who were aboard the Zaandam, but did not commit to taking people from other U.S. states or nationalities, per CNN. On Monday, DeSantis had faced criticism after telling Fox News that the state “cannot afford” to have coronavirus-stricken “foreigners” “dumped” into south Florida.
As of Wednesday afternoon Eastern Time, Florida had at least 6,741 confirmed cases of the virus and at least 85 confirmed deaths, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University.
In an op-ed published in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Monday, Orlando Ashford, the president of Holland America Line, urged nations to not “turn their backs on thousands of people left floating at sea,” stressing that he fears “lives are at risk.”
“We have significant medical facilities and capabilities onboard our ships. However, there are rare situations when the medical needs exceed our onboard capabilities,” a spokesperson for Carnival Corp., the parent company of Holland America, tells TIME in a statement. “In those cases, we follow USCG guidance and direction regarding an evaluation of the patient and need to medically evacuate — and we will continue to do so. We value our relationship with the Coast Guard and we fully understand these are unprecedented times.”
A spokesperson for trade group the Cruise Lines International Association tells TIME in a statement that, “[We] are in conversations with the U.S. Coast Guard and other national and global authorities on an ongoing basis to achieve our mutual objectives—to do the right thing for people, passengers and crew. Since the cruise industry’s voluntary suspension of operations was announced, teams of people have been working day and night to coordinate a safe and orderly return to port for passengers and crew on the few remaining ships at sea, as well to do the right thing for crew that are supporting ships that are in full suspension.”
The Zaandam and Rotterdam are not the only cruise ships still sailing.
On Tuesday, Carnival Corp., which owns nine cruise lines including Holland America, Princess Cruises and Costa Cruises, told the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission that it had more than 6,000 passengers on ships still at sea, although only a portion of these vessels are headed to the U.S.
Princess Cruises’ Coral Princess is currently headed towards Fort Lauderdale, Fl., and has a “higher-than-normal” number of passengers with flu-like symptoms, per a March 31 statement from the cruise line. Guests aboard the ship are self-isolating in their rooms out of “an abundance of caution,” per the statement. The Coral Princess is registered to Bermuda, a Carnival Corp. spokesperson tells TIME.
“They need to allow the heathy people to go home… it’s been too long as it is and haven’t we learned anything from the Diamond Princess,” Rick de Pinho tells TIME in a Facebook message in response to to Coast Guard’s announcement. Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise were forced to quarantine for weeks on the ship while it remained docked in Japan; more than 712 people eventually became infected with the virus and at least 10 people died, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Passengers aboard the Zaandam have been isolated to their rooms since March 22; passengers aboard the Rotterdam are also required to stay in their rooms.
Emily Spinder Brazell, another passenger aboard the Rotterdam, tells TIME via Facebook Messenger that, “We feel like the ship is doing the best they can to take care of us but we feel like the governments of the world have been unwilling to help.” Brazell adds that she has been inspired by the Rotterdam‘s captain, who she says told passengers “he recognized that we are going through tough times but we are on a humanitarian mission.”
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Courtesy of Rick de PinhoRick de Pinho’s view of Zaandam on Monday night, taken from the Rotterdam.
“It’s been a rollercoaster… Are we able to dock? Are we not?” Wendy de Pinho tells TIME, adding that she and her husband regularly call other passengers aboard the ship to check in with them. “It’s the fear of the unknown. If you’re not already sick, this can really cause you to get sick.”
“I know it will be helpful for us to leave even though we’re leaving sick people behind because it will put less stress on the ship and crew,” Brazell wrote TIME in a Facebook message. “My heart will be in this with them until they’re all well and home.”
Still, it remains unclear when, and where, the passengers aboard these cruise ships will be allowed to disembark, let alone make it home.
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