#like douglas has a reason to be pissed at him if he ever found out about the affair
plumbogs · 5 months
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heather is fun and full of whimsy :)
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Martin wanted to invite someone over and this dormie was the only one without a job in the way. As soon as he arrived, Martin had to work, so heather had some fun influencing him to put soap in the fountain. She also wanted to invite over someone, and she and Alex Goth were like 2 points away from best friends. They became friends while Martin was away.
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Apparently they had an existing slight dislike of each other, because as soon as Martin got home it was on sight.
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it was like this for hours. alex just stood there waiting for him to stop crying so he could start shoving him around again. he's so mean for no reason idk what martin ever did to him. martin didn't even homewreck this one what is the problem...
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davenweenie · 2 years
Lab Rats Headcanons
Except most of them are about Chase.
-Chase is grandma Rose’s favourite step-grandchild, Leo is obviously her favourite all around.
-the Davenport-Dooley’s have never met Donald and Douglas’s parents, I don’t think they ever will for many reasons.
-Chase used to be insecure about being short but now that he’s older he sees it as an advantage during fights and battles because he’s hard to catch/can get low enough to avoid hits from taller opponents. He’s also ‘slippery’ aka fast and quick, can get out of the hold of an opponent pretty quickly.
-Chase has a search engine in his brain, like he can literally look up answers to questions in less than seconds. He’s like a human Google.
-Chase hates Spike, despises would actually be a better word. He hates that Adam, Bree and Leo trigger Spike on the occasion because they think it’s funny (*cough* their first day at school *cough*). He wakes up not knowing what happened, what Spike has done, who he’s hurt and what property he’s damaged and it’s terrifying not knowing.
-Spike made an appearance during their time in the Elite Force. Chase’s Commando App was triggered by a news station that had made awful remarks about the EF (about Skylar and Bree’s relationship more specifically, they were very homophobic to them) and Chase had just gotten so angry that it triggered Spike to come out. He ended up ripping the TV off the wall, smashing it to pieces and basically going on a rampage. Chase is glad that Spike couldn’t figure out how to get down into Mission Command. It took about an hour for him to calm down enough that the app disengaged. It was a lot of explaining to do to his teammates.
-Chase and Kaz once got chased by the paparazzi, Kaz flipped them off as he ascended to the heavens (well, the skies of Centium City) with Chase in his arms who was laughing a lot. Thank the wonderful world of being able to fly.
-the Elite Force all saved up to get tickets to see Harry Styles for Bree’s birthday, they could have quite easily got the money from Mr Davenport but they wanted it to feel more meaningful because they had to work hard to save up for it.
-Chase struggles a lot going to concerts, meet and greets, shows etc because of his super senses. He’s found ways to cope better but it’s still always a struggle.
-to follow that, everyone tries to play music at a low volume for Chase’s sake. He always feels bad about it but they all assure him that they’d rather he feel comfortable in his own home than stress him out by playing loud music.
-the Rats never had toys when they were younger, they had to figure out how to play by themselves which often ended up with Chase getting hurt somehow. Falling over because he was going chased by someone with super speed, getting thrown around by someone with super strength just to name a few.
-Tasha and Leo were distraught to find out that they never had toys or teddies/stuffed animals so they took all three of them to Build-a-Bear and they each got a teddy. Chase got a frog, only because they had ran out of Pokémon ones but he loves that thing so much, it sits on the edge of the glass in his capsule and he named it Greta after Greta Thunberg.
-Chase finds a kitten in a dumpster on the way home from the shop/store one day, he heard it crying and clawing to try and get out with his super hearing. He takes it back to the penthouse with him and cleans it up. He didn’t have any plans to keep it, he was going to take it to a shelter or give it to someone he knew would take care of it but as soon as he dried it off and wrapped it in a blanket he knew that he couldn’t let it go.
-he finds out that it is in fact a he. He names him Tesla after Nikola Tesla. It also pisses him off so much that people think he named him after the car because he hates Elon Musk.
-Tesla is a calico cat with heterochromia. Kaz keeps telling Chase that it was destiny that he found Tesla because of their matching eyes. Chase keeps telling him he thinks it’s bs though.
I have fallen in love with this cat hc. Let me know if you want more of Tesla because I love him.
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"I never knew what he wanted in a woman because I never knew what I wanted" I think this quote is so telling but I haven't seen much commentary on it. Do you have any particular thoughts? It seems to put John in a very sad light. And to me it's one of his most revealingly repressed-gay quotes, but maybe there's another way to interpret & I'm overstepping.
Hello there, dear anon! 
I hope you’re still around to see this! As usual, I’ve taken an appalling amount of time answering this thought-provoking ask. However, in this instance, that “appalling amount of time” is probably over a year; a new record for me. Wherever you are now, I hope you are well, and if my ramblings don’t reach you, may they interest others. 
I also have to admit that at the time I received this ask, I was most likely not equipped to understand all the layers of meaning in this sentence. And it’d be quite presumptuous of me to assume that I am completely prepared now. But let’s just hope that my ability to perceive their nuances has grown since then, and will continue to do so in the future. 
Needless to say, this is only my current interpretation, and I welcome any commentaries that will help broaden it! (And please don’t fret for a second about offering your own interpretation and somehow “overstepping”; we’re all just having a decades-spanning conversation here.)
Now, on with your question.
First, let’s integrate that sentence in its full quote:
Q: So, John. You and Paul were probably the greatest songwriting team in a generation. And you had this huge falling out. Were there always huge differences between you and Paul, or was there a time when you had a lot in common?
JOHN: Well, Paul always wanted the home life, you see. He liked it with daddy and the brother… and obviously missed his mother. […]
JOHN: So it was always the family thing, you see. If Jane [Asher] was to have a career, then that’s not going to be a cozy family, is it? All the other girls were just groupies mainly. And with Linda not only did he have a ready-made family, but she knows what he wants, obviously, and has given it to him. The complete family life. He’s in Scotland. He told me he doesn’t like English cities anymore. So that’s how it is.
Q: So you think with Linda he’s found what he wanted?
JOHN: I guess so. I guess so. I just don’t understand. I never knew what he wanted in a woman because I never knew what I wanted. I knew I wanted something intelligent or something arty. But you don’t really know what you want until you find it. So anyway, I was very surprised with Linda. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d married Jane (Asher) because it had been going on for a long time and they went through a whole ordinary love scene. But with Linda it was just like – boom! She was in and that was the end of it.
— John Lennon, interviewed by Peter McCabe and Robert Schonfeld, at St. Regis Hotel, New York City (5 September 1971).
So, the interviewer inquires about their differences and similarities during the relationship, probably to assess the pervasiveness of the clashes that supposedly led to the “huge falling out” in “the greatest songwriting team in a generation.”
And John answers that “Paul always wanted the home life.” 
At first glance, and following the logic of what was asked, one might assume John was pointing to a difference that always existed between them. And an irreconcilable difference at that, given that it’s the first thing he points out in answer to a question that is probing for sources of conflict that might explain their falling out.
So we get a feeling that John saw Paul having a family as incompatible with Paul maintaining a partnership with him. They were mutually exclusive; thus, Paul getting a family resulted in a falling out between them.
That right there carries a lot of implications already.
Because John himself also wanted the “complete family life”:
Q: But with that much experience behind you, now, would you like to have more children?
JOHN: Yeah, I – as – as many as come, you know. If Lennon roll out, as they. [thoughtful] I like large families. The idea of it.  
— John Lennon, interviewed by Brian Matthew (13 November 1965).
And we shouldn’t take his disappointment with the suburban life in Weybridge as proof that he’d given up on that fantasy. It’s all about the circumstances, in the end; who you’re sharing your dream with. 
After all, Yoko herself came with a “ready-made family”: a six-year-old daughter named Kyoko, who she was fighting to get the custody of, after divorcing the father, Anthony Cox, in February 1969; by then John and Yoko would even have a baby of their own. 
This would all eventually fall through, as Yoko suffered a miscarriage in late November 1968, and Cox would disappear with Kyoko in 1971. Yoko would not see her daughter again until almost three decades later.
So you could see how John could have felt resentful of the family life Paul had built. Always perfect mirror images, Paul was living the dream, while John’s turned into a nightmare.
But with John, the situation is always doubly complicated. Because if he was often envious of Paul, John was also jealous. Note that “envy is when you want what someone else has, but jealousy is when you’re worried someone’s trying to take what you have.”
So we have to go back to his first answer. We’ve established that wanting “the complete family life” was something they had in common rather than something they differed in. 
But Paul wanting a family is still presented here as a reason for their falling out, or at least tangentially related. And John goes on to present his theory about how Paul’s choice in life partner was based on who could provide that for him. It wouldn’t be the career-focused Jane, or the inconsequential groupies. 
And it couldn’t be John himself.
We should also note that, in answer to the second question, it is made clear that John’s previous declarations were but a retrospective interpretation of what happened. As he goes on to admit, at the time, John was surprised by Paul marrying Linda instead of Jane.
And that is how we finally get to the sentence in question: 
“I never knew what he wanted in a woman because I never knew what I wanted.” 
A possible first layer of meaning is what I’m guessing you meant by this being “one of his most revealingly repressed-gay quotes.” 
1. The emphasis being placed on John never knowing what he wanted in a woman, and thus not being able to know what Paul would find more desirable in a wife.
He does go on to use admittedly questionable pronouns: “I knew I wanted something intelligent or something arty.” It happened in other instances in this interview:
I just realized that [Yoko] knew everything I knew, and more, probably, and it was coming out of a woman’s head. It just sort of bowled me over, you know? And it was like finding gold or something. To find somebody that you can go and get pissed with, and have exactly the same relationship as any mate in Liverpool you’d ever had, but also you could go to bed with him, and it could stroke your head when you felt tired, or sick, or depressed. It could also be Mother. And obviously, that’s what the male-female – you know, you could take those roles with each other.
— John Lennon, interviewed by Peter McCabe and Robert Schonfeld, at St. Regis Hotel, New York City (5 September 1971).
So one could see how, at this time, John was struggling to manage the differences between male and female partners. As Cynthia put it:
I think he was trying to find himself a… what he’d call a soulmate. Someone who had as mad ideas as he had. I think he felt that she had the talent… but that’s debatable. But he needed that— he didn’t need a ‘mumsie’ partner at that point. He needed a mate. And I think he actually said, at some stage, in an interview that, you know— She’s the nearest thing to a man — a mate; man — that he’s ever had in a woman.
— Cynthia Lennon, interviewed by Alex Belfield for BBC Radio (2006).
Another angle that I find curious is:
2. The parallel drawn between Linda’s knowledge of Paul’s wants (and her ability to satisfy them) versus John’s.
“[Linda] knows what he wants, obviously, and has given it to him.” / “I never knew what he wanted”
This one integrates a theme I’ve been interested in exploring recently: their epistemology of each other. Basically, assumptions of knowledge; when it works out and when it doesn’t.
1968: I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do
JOHN: Well, [‘How Do You Sleep’]’s an answer, you know? Paul, uh, personally doesn’t feel as though I insulted him or anything. ’Cause I had dinner with him last week, and he was quite happy.
— John Lennon, interviewed by Mike Douglas on The Mike Douglas Show (12 February 1972).
1973: And I know just how you feel / And I know now what I have done / And I know and I’m guilty (yes I am) / But I never could read your mind
In this specific case, he could be humbly admitting he never knew what Paul wanted. But another possible reading of the sentence is the exact opposite:
3. The assumption that they were so connected, so much like a single entity, that to know himself was to know Paul. That their wants and needs are aligned, and what John wants must be what Paul wants.
I never knew what he wanted in a woman because I never knew what I wanted.
1967: I am he / As you are he / As you are me / And we are all together
1969: I know you, you know me
The mirror image of this interpretation would be Paul’s own thought-provoking declarations:
[T]he Beatle thing is over. It has been exploded, partly by what we have done, and partly by other people. We are individuals— all different. John married Yoko, I married Linda. We didn’t marry the same girl.
— Paul McCartney, for Life Magazine (7 November 1969).
Q: Will Paul and Linda become John and Yoko?
PAUL: No, they will become Paul and Linda. 
— McCartney press release (9 April 1970).
And finally, I believe another very important facet expressed in this sentence is:
4. The theme of John not knowing what he wants for himself.
I never knew what he wanted in a woman because I never knew what I wanted. […] But you don’t really know what you want until you find it.
This is a sentiment that John has expressed before.
JOHN: Weybridge won’t do at all. I’m just stopping at it […] I think of it every day — me in my Hansel and Gretel house. I’ll take my time; I’ll get my real house when I know what I want. You see there’s something else I’m going to do, something I must do — only I don’t know what it is. That’s why I go round painting and taping and drawing and writing and that, because it may be one of them. All I know is, this isn’t it for me.
— John Lennon, interviewed by Maureen Cleave for the London Evening Standard (4 March 1966).
JOHN: I think, in one way, all of us were under the slight illusion that we might— or maybe it wasn’t an illusion and maybe had we pushed harder we would have got what we wanted, but I’m not sure that anybody really knew what we wanted. We knew we didn’t like what was happening but nobody quite knew what it was that we wanted, cus we’d never had it!
This is another very fascinating avenue I’ve been wondering about. 
John Lennon, the Dreamer, not actually knowing how that dream would manifest. Him having a vague romantic idea of what he wanted, but not really knowing how to practically bring it about. 
[Imagine here a whole essay of John versus Paul in the studio, and their contrasting abilities to materialize the sounds they heard in their head and turn them into something that others could experience with them.]
In conclusion, these are about all the potential levels of nuance I can read in John’s statement at the moment. All of them fascinating and worth exploring. So I’m truly grateful to you for giving me the perfect opportunity to do so. 
It would fill me with joy to have this conversation continued with all who feel like adding their own perspectives to it!
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Willaume ‘Bill’ White → Douglas Booth → Witch
→ Basic Information 
Age: 510
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Powers: Necromancy 
Birthday: June 24th
Zodiac Sign: Aries 
Religion: Agnostic 
Mark: Unknown
Generation: 3rd
→ His Personality
Bill has a curious personality and can easily adapt to random or unplanned changes in his life.  Bill is grateful for being a necromancer because his curiosity has gotten him killed multiple times. With every death, he believes he came back stronger and smarter than before. Bill cares about the supernatural community and their progress. He is an observer and the protector that keeps his family and friends together. Bill is frequently resolving conflicts within his family and friend groups by drawing their attention to what is going on around them. He has a neutral, level-headed approach to everything and the supernatural events unfolding in Chicago. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Travelling RN and Working on his M.D Degree
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Monopoly and KitKat Bars
Two Dislikes: The Color Lavender and BedBath&Beyond
Two Fears: Being Decapitated and Having his Heart Ripped Out
Two Hobbies: Studying Evocation and Writing Research Papers
Three Positive Traits: Ebullient, Observant, Debonair
Three Negative Traits: Eccentric, Fanciful, Demanding
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Elora Egalmen (Mother): Both of his parents are unknown 2nd generation witches. Bill isn’t attached to his father or mother.
Aidan White (Father): Both of his parents are unknown 2nd generation witches. Bill isn’t attached to his father or mother.
Sibling Names:
Jodi White (Sister): Jodi is Bill's annoying little sister and gives the term little witch its own stereotypical meaning. 
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Lyra Cleirigh (Mate): Bill and Lyra have been together for nearly a century. While their friendship started off slowly, once they knew they shared a mutual attraction it did not take long for them to start dating. Bill has confided in Lyra about his parents and their treatment of him. While Bill does not believe in marriage, he does consider Lyra to be his mate for life. 
Platonic Connections:
Roman Cleirigh (Mentor): Bill mentored under Roman multiple times. Mostly to explore his curiosity of evocators and to be closer to Lyra. 
Ronan Cleirigh (Mentor): They share the same power and Bill believes Ronan was the key to unlocking his full potential. They are still on speaking terms and Bill often seeks him out for guidance. Ronan has recently offered him the Cleirigh name and Bill is debating on whether he should take it or not.
Judson Cleirigh (Friend): Bill, Judson and Patch are great friends. People often complain that the three are a little too close and dependent on each other.  
Talia Cleirigh (Old Friend): He and Talia were good friends when he lived in Chicago before he and his parents moved away. They’re friendship started up again without missing a beat and Bill appreciated it.  
Ethan Cleirigh (Friendly): Ethan had always shared pleasantries with him. Bill was surprised when Ethan moved in with Roman but asked no questions. 
Audo Wilhelm (Friendly): Bill and Audo mentored under Ronan. They got along well and Bill has confided in him that his parents hated and mistreated him for being a necromancer; including why he truly and randomly left for 10 years long ago. They have also started a business together.
Emmett Wilhelm (Friendly): Bill had once thought about becoming a liaison. He and Emmett sat down and had a long talk. They’ve been friendly ever since. 
Hostile Connections:
Billy (Annoyance): Billy swears up and down that Bill stole his name and is trying to steal his role as Roman’s number one. Bill, however, absolutely adores him but he is slightly becoming an annoyance. 
Justin (Annoyance): Justin told everyone Bill used his powers to make him do something that pissed Roman off last year. Bill swore up and down that he didn’t but Justin still blames him. While Roman attitude didn’t change towards him he hates the questioning glances he gets every now and again. Justin is on his shitlist. 
→ History
Bill’s parents were never really interested in him beyond childhood. He was raised in a family of witches who were all blessed with arcane powers. Between his grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, great-uncles, great-aunts, and sister, they completely had all of the arcane powers within their family. That is all expect evocation and necromancy. Bill was sure that him being the first necromancer in their family was one of the reasons why his parents barely paid attention to him. What they really cared most about was fighting over who had the rights to name their mark. It's been going on for centuries and none of them can agree. Their mark was pretty young with the oldest member being Bill’s maternal grandfather, William, at the age of 588. William had Bill’s mom pretty young from a witch standpoint and Bill’s mom had him even younger. The same said for Bill’s paternal side of the family. His paternal grandfather is 573, followed closely by Bill’s father who is 549. With both his maternal and paternal grandparents in a battle over their marks, Bill is embarrassed by their antics and childishness. 
Bill was born and raised in Canada. He was months old when his parents took him to Ronan Cleirigh, the only other necromancy on their side of the hemisphere, for help. Apparently every time he cried or threw a fit, food and plants within the house died. That’s how it was for 80 years of his life. Every time he slipped or something died, he was sent to Ronan for the week as punishment. It wasn’t exactly a punishment because he enjoyed the whole family and even began mentoring under Roman, Ronan's younger brother too. Before he mentored, he had mistakenly summoned a spirit which Roman later helped him with. Since then, Bill has had an unending interest in spirits and evocation. His bliss with the Cleirigh family was cut short when his parents forced him to move to Europe. He nearly stayed and asked the Council to place him fully under the care of his mentor but he was already gone. At the age of 12, Bill's parents had an illegal procedure performed to remove his heart for safe keeping, against Ronan warnings that Bill should be the one to keep hold of it, Bill allowed his parents to keep it for him. One squeeze was enough to have him teleporting across the country in seconds. He knew better than to tell the Cleirigh family what had happened and kept it away from them and his friends. It took Bill 10 years to get his heart back but only 3 seconds to teleport back to his real family and friends. He plans on keeping his family secret since it is enough for the council to have their entire line killed; muchless what Ronan and Roman would do to them.  
Bill has been with the Cleirigh family for his whole life besides the 10 years he forcefully spent in London. Bill enjoyed his studies with his former mentor in London but found himself struggling with Undead Manipulation. It was then that Billy knew that returning to Chicago with both Ronan and Roman readily available to him was the best course of action. Or so that is the story he is going with. That would also help with his research and the academic book he’s been working on. Evocationers were originally mistaken for Necromancers, and used to be classified as the same powers, until tests and long term experiments showed they were different. Bill still sees connections between their powers, being one of the few that deal with the living and the dead, he is trying to draw the connections between the two once again. When he was younger his parents randomly made an off handed comment that he should write a book and that is exactly what he is doing. → The Present
Besides writing and working, Bill has started on his Doctor of Medicine degree. While he did attend schooling back in the 1800’s, he was a physician and considered a surgeon but that was nearly 200 years ago. Bill has found himself struggling with modern medicine. Returning to school seemed like a good idea. 
Bill has also started a business with Audo helping people reach their departed ones. It's the first time Bill has ever done something like this before and is looking forward to what it holds for them both. In between handling his course work, finishing his book/research and working, Bill has been trying to keep up with Lyra, his mate. Bill's parents were not exactly great relationship models but he had Ronan and Isthar and Garrett and Jia good examples. Bill hasn’t had a serious relationship with anyone else besides Lyra; he is giving her all his attention and care. 
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Douglas Booth [1][2][3]
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
I’m so sorry
Descendants au with magic BUT all the parents are decent competent and normal (ie cruella ain’t a bitch) and there’s no isle of the lost. They’re also all rich
Mal (full name, Mallory Bertha toussaint jnr):
Has to go to auradon prep because of an incident at her old school (you know when you put things like pop rocks in fizzy drinks? Yeah she made that happen in the boys bathroom.) she still maintains it was because she was helping a friend. Has a thing about fairness. Doesn’t hesitate to call Audrey out on the way she treats ben. Get on her good side she’ll protect you with her life and then some (ben jay Carlos Evie doug dizzy gil). Make her mad you’ll never hear the end of it (Harry chad Audrey) otherwise she rather indifferent beside the occasional sarky comment (uma Jane Lonnie). Long purple hair normally down but in a hurry she ponytails it. She does not want to go to auradon prep but her mother is at her wits end and they’ve been blacklisted from the tutoring agencies (Mal kept biting them) magic is green and purple. Wiccan
Jay (last name, arahm):
Appeance is the same. He is not happy about sharing a room with Carlos. Kid freaks him out a little with his pretty obvious crush on him. And jay has the school hierarchy to think about. Carlos is a sophomore jays a junior. Those two are the only reason why jays resistant. There’s also the fact any girl or guy jay shows interest in is threatened with a spotted toothbrush. So his love lifes basically non existent. Carlos grows on him though. Jay dates mal for a time but they soon realise who they’re with the wrong people (he like Carlos she likes Ben). Magic is pure gold. Wizard
Evie (full name Evangeline grimes):
Mommy’s little princess. can do no wrong. A saint in human form. She may be one of the popular ones but she never uses it to get ahead in school just spends her time volunteering when not helping at the school boutique for free. Basically adopted dizzy the moment she saw the girl struggling to open her locker. Hairs a middling blue and reaches her waist. Never wears trousers only dresses and skirts. Piss her off she can end you with a look otherwise a perfect lady. Has a pretty transparent thing for band geek doug and the feeling is more than mutual. Magic is blue and black. Sorceress
Carlos de vil (middle name Oscar):
Again looks the same. Much more well adjusted cause here his mother’s nice and nurturing. He does have a vindictive streak in him though and is very possessive when he finds someone he likes (jay) being younger then the others makes him feel a little self conscious so he’s always trying to prove himself which leads to jay having to protect him (sneaking into a party underage and getting drunk. Stowing away in the boot of the car when ben mal and jay skip class to go to the mall) not as flamboyant as harry cause let’s face it no one is. But yeah he’s gay. Has a thing for fur lined coats. If it weren’t for the fact he’s very obsessed over jay you wouldn’t be able tell. Gets very upset when he finds out mal and jay are a thing. And I mean curls up into a ball covered in blankets upset. Magics black and white. Wizard
Ben (full name Benjamin florian Bach):
World does not deserve him. Really it doesn’t. He is a male version of Evie. Is the biggest devie shipper. Innocent but not naive. Instantly drawn to mal. Attracted to her eyes most of all. Grown rather tired of Audrey and chad. So when jay offers him a seat at jay mal and Evie’s table doesn’t think twice. Must be protected at all costs. Would do anything for anyone within reason. He’s even nice to the assholes (harry cause ben can see how much the birate cares for uma and gil). Dad has a massive share hold in the school so everyone treats him like a prince and you’re damned if you think he doesn’t live up to the nickname. That said he does know when to cut loose (he’s the one to convince mal and jay to skip class). Magics royal blue. Warlock
Doug (full name Douglas Meyer ):
Member of the prominent Meyer Diamond mine family. Nice but has his limits. Utterly worships Evie. Band geek and is damn well proud of it thank you very much. Works in the boutique to be self sustaining cause he doesn’t want to rely on his family’s money 100%. Magics leaf green. Sorcerer
Dizzy (full name Desiree Tremaine):
Pure sunshine. Hurt her and you’ll have Evie rain down the seven circles of hell on you. Her family actually owns the boutique. They’re a very successful tailoring company. Magics mint green. Budding sorceress
Uma (full name uma Danes)
Unquestionably the boss of harry and Gil. Both are utterly devoted to her. She’s a teensy bit like mal in that she’s a natural leader and terrifying when pissed of. Hurt her boys you’ll have her to answer to. Always at loggerheads with Audrey. Both are competing for the queen bee position at a he school. Everyone prefers Uma over Audrey though. Magics turquoise. Sorceress
Harry (full name harry hook):
Doesn’t give two shits about gender norms. If he wants he’ll wear the fanciest dress he can get his hands on. Make ups not as good as Evie’s but considering he’s half drunk most of the time it’s ok. Definitely the one to sneak booze into class. Uma always magics it to lost and found. If he could he’s gladly sashay into hell kill Satan and give the throne to uma. Never misses Gils wrestling practices. Psychotic. Thinks it’s a good idea to pick a fight mal on her first day just cause he’s bored. Needless to say she wins. (Think a mcu fight scene if Natasha and Wanda were one person. That’s how mal fights) She would have killed him if jay and uma hadn’t butted in even as jay pulls her away mal gets a few well aimed kicks in on his teeth. Magics blood red. Sorcerer
Gil (full name gillman legume)
NEVER call him gillman. Other than that he’s Winnie the Pooh in the body of the hulk. So. Damn. Innocent. Once accidentally stepped on an ant hill and cried for the rest of the day. Uma and harry has to buy him an ant farm so he’s calm down. Polite but give him enough malt liquor and his language makes harry blush. Always greets people with a massive hug. Which helps cause he and ben are the welcoming committee. Mal isn’t very accommodating to it though. (Doesn’t help that it’s the benign version of a sneak attack). She reacts badly and that’s what makes harry want to fight her. Gil doesn’t mind though and asks her next time. Like dizzy he’s pure sunshine and like ben the world doesn’t deserve him. Magics bright yellow. Gifted but underconfident sorcerer
Chad (full name chad channning):
Bastard coated bastard with bastard filling. Douche canoe. Bigot. On jay and humas hit list. Never call jay Carlos Harry or Gil the “f-a” word EVER. He’s the human personification of “talk shit get hit”. Which is rather a shame cause his parents are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. The only one he ever shows any semblance of decency to is his cousin dizzy. He has or Evie will gut him like a fish Audrey ben and chad have known each other for years so him and Audrey are very territorial of ben and do not like it when he tries to split off from their little bubble. Magics powder blue. Inept mage
Audrey (full name Audrey briar)
Would be alpha bitch. Thinks she’s all that but she’s not. Has a rivalry with Mal and uma. Mal cause Audrey’s unbearably perky and their parents have been trying to make them get along since they were kids. Uma because Audrey likes to be in control of everyone and everything and people don’t like her but they like Uma. Sickeningly possessesive of ben it comes to a head at the Halloween party where she cannot take no for an answer and mal ends up punching her out after she warned Audrey that “no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey didn’t so mal did. Quite fitting really mal was dressesd as scarlet witch and Audrey was dressed as lorelai from agents of shield (look up the episode yes men. Harrowing). What’s more is Ben wouldn’t ever break up with her because he’s far too nice and he just wanted to sit down but no he HAD to dance with her cause she said and mal has that thing about fairness and ben did say no thank you so...... Magics pastel pink. Witch
Lonnie (full name li Lonnie):
Wrestling captain. Badass. Mother Hen. Basically just wants best for everyone. bens biggest supporter. They have a sibling like relationship. Bit like jay and Evie and jay and mal once they break up. Does not like Audrey and doesn’t even try to hide it but ben gives people the benefit of the doubt and he just wants everyone to be happy. (Like I said the world does not deserve him). Was prepared to go in to mama bear mode before Mal got there first. Gives mal the “if you ever do anything to hurt them” speech mal says Lonnie has nothing to worry about. Once Carlos has chilled out a little bit she start dropping (not at all subtle) hints to jay that he and Carlos look cute together. Magics emerald green. Wiccan
Jane (full name Jane Dubois)
Has a perpetual deer in the headlights look. Ball of nerves. Nice to everyone but the sentiment isn’t returned cause they don’t really trust her seeing as her mother’s the headmistress. Has absolutely no gaydar. Seriously she thinks HARRYS straight. With Carlos it’s at least slightly more forgivable apart from the fact he’s never shown interest in any girl whatsoever. Poor girl thinks she has a chance when everyone can see he’s mooning over jay. Paralysingly scared of uma and harry (wouldn’t you be). Thinks she’s ugly but really just has a case of the sad eyes and an unflattering haircut which grows out over the year. Magic is periwinkle blue and volatile because she doesn’t trust it. Would be sorceress
So let’s see now
Ben took mal and jay to the mall just cause he felt like it (he knows how to have fun) but Carlos snuck along in the trunk. Lo and behold ben somehow chose one of the 10 malls mals banned from. So notorious she knows all the guards by name (her favourite is Irvin) they manage to evade him till they get to around the middle of the building. That’s when rotten to the core happens flash mob style. Mostly sang by mal and jay. And it’s rather affectionate. And it tears up ben and Carlos inside. They manage to escape and get back to the car mal and jay absolutely tickled pink ben laughing weakly and Carlos with red rimmed eyes. Then they get caught sneaking back in to the school by Verna Dubois Jane’s mother the principal. She is very disappointed Ben jay and Carlos have never had an infarction before and mal has only been there for a month (maljay has been a thing for about a week and a half and they are very much in the honeymoon period). Mals ready to take the blame but Ben won’t hear of it and insists Verna put him and only him in detention seeing as it WAS his idea and males already had a black mark on her record (her nearly killing Harry for trying to kill her on her first day) and another one won’t be good for her personally. Ever the shining knight isn’t he? The only thing verna feels she can do is put all four in the Klink. And joy of joys(!) chad and Harry are there too. Chad as it turns out just cannot keep his bigoted opinions to himself so harry decided to have some “fun” with chad in the halls (read violently and graphically tearing channings limbs apart in full view of the student body). Harry doesn’t even care there’s blood on his clothes so long as he’s defended his boy.
Halloween and Carlos’s tipping point
The party’s only for juniors and seniors so Carlos being a sophomore sneaks in and gets absolutely whammed I mean blackout drunk by the time jay mal and Evie get there (dressed as winter soldier scarlet witch and black widow respectively, Carlos is quicksilver). Carlos thinks it’s a nice surprise for jay cause he knows mal and jay broke up the week before (they’re not who each other want. Mal wants ben jay is developing an interest in Carlos though not for much longer in jays case). So he sees jay walking towards him but doesn’t register the pissed off look on jays face so he takes what he thinks is initiative and tries to kiss the taller boy. And doesn’t understand what’s wrong when jay pulls away and starts yelling at him about how embarrassing it is to have Carlos following him around like a shadow. How annoying it is to have to protect Carlos from himself (the mall the party). How humiliating it is for his dates to be scared off by a kid who’s younger than him. This goes on for some time and through it all carlos is getting more and more scared and desperate to keep jay by his side, clutching at him trying to make jay love him. It culminated in jay just pushing Carlos away from him and the smaller boy crashes into the drinks table so now he’s heartbroken and drenched in booze. Jay can’t believe he did that and tries to apologise but Carlos teleports back to their dorm in tears
Meanwhile mals been sitting down reading her mothers new spell book (Mallory snr gave it to her as a security type thing so she would t be as a nervous of the new school) when ben just flops down next to her tired from dancing. They strike up a conversation ranging from books to music and the like. This rubs Audrey the wrong way and she decides that Ben has rested enough and goes over to them demanding him to dance with her (well she didn’t use that exact tone but everyone in the vicinity knew what she meant) ben politely declines because he isn’t gonna up and leave mal in the middle of their talk (like I said the world doesn’t deserve him) Audrey takes no heed and carries on trying to physically pull ben away. This sets Mal off who says “hey Aud no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey doesn’t believe her and tells the “neon gutter trash” to butt out because he is Audrey’s not mals. This sets mal off and she goes on the humans aren’t property speech Audrey has no idea what she’s talking about cause all she knows is bens the best and Audrey believes she deserves the best. Mal tries to make her see another point of view by doing that first thing that pops into your head thing. When Audrey looks at ben the first thing she thinks of status. Compared to what mal sees which is a wonderful brilliant person who deserves only good things and deserves to be as far away from Audrey’s bullshit as humanely possible because Audrey doesn’t deserve him no one does. Audrey doesn’t listen and tries to physically drag ben with her. That’s when mal punches her in the face after all mal did say “sling your hook or I’ll break your face”. It’s then ben and mal realise they’ve gathered a crowd Uma Harry and Lonnie are all laughing their guts out (no one likes Audrey). Mal apologies to ben and hightails it out of there. Ben manages to catch up with her outside the girls dorm building. This is when my girlfriend sucks happens. They almost kiss but mal knows ben hasn’t officially broke up with Audrey and she is not going to be the other woman no matter how much she hates briar
Next day at lunch mal tracks down Lonnie and says SHE almost kissed ben (doesn’t want to to put the blame on Ben)
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larksinging · 7 years
002 for Thea Queen, Iris West, Malcolm Merlyn, Dinah Drake, Heather Mason
OKAY THIS IS A LOT so each thing might be a bit shorter
How I feel about this character: i!!! love thea. her arc is so important and some of her stuff in s5 is... honestly so good and satisfying. thea working through her parent’s problems means so much
All the people I ship romantically with this character: eh... i know people ship her with various characters, though considering she’s a bit younger than most of the cast and most of them knew her when she was p young, i dunno. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: we were ROBBED of thea and laurel material in s4, fucking honestly. they are ROOMMATES???? and they barely interact
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think roy treated her pretty awful in his early arc, though i am less upset about that considering he gets a lot better. honestly the fact that oliver kept on working with malcolm merlyn despite how he treated her is. awful
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more dynamics with the lances, please. she gets some nice stuff with quentin, but
my OTP: eeeh
my cross over ship: ..hey you know wally and thea might be interesting?
a headcanon fact: (lot)sara and (late arrow)thea would be too powerful of a force if together for long periods of time due to their sheer salt and judgement
How I feel about this character: iris is... really good honestly, like i could of tell she was One Of Those Characters even before the flash
All the people I ship romantically with this character: who can deny westallen, really? i could come up with others but... it almost feels wrong. okay but iris and eddie was really good too 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: aside from her family... well she has kinda been denied development with the rest of team flash, which is a fucking shame
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if its unpopular, but im glad shes getting a serious role in team flash and a leadership position
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: give me more iris and caitlin interaction. let them have a dynamic. s4 seems to realize this and be building on it but PLEASE more
my OTP: westallen, of course
my cross over ship: like i said, her silly crush on oliver is hilarious
a headcanon fact: i like to think she is very :/ about felicity, which is barely a headcanon. 
malcolm merlyn
How I feel about this character: [hisses]... but really, he’s a great villain! and a horrible person who was given far too much leeway by oliver for too long. what a scumbag
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly the idea of the legion of doom trio also being a weird ot3 of assholes who hate each other and yet are kind of dating is hilarious to me
My non-romantic OTP for this character: his relationship with oliver IS really interesting, considering he was an old family friend of oliver’s
My unpopular opinion about this character: is it unpopular to say FUCK malcolm?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: honestly i wish sara would have found out about some of the shit malcolm did to all of her friends and family (most notably thea and nyssa) so she could be rightfully pissed. actually, sara has like 500 reasons to hate him, but she only ever finds out about like 5
my OTP: [shrug]
my cross over ship: [shrug]
a headcanon fact: ive thought about it a lot for nyssa stuff but like... less of a headcanon and more of an observation, but malcolm is very much the kind of person who wouldn’t mind dying but would hate losing or sacrificing his pride. sacrificing himself to ~save his daughter?~ sure. getting executed by ra’s? giving up the ring to nyssa? no, his pride won’t allow it
dinah drake
How I feel about this character: im still a little unsure of her, but i want to like her. i think she’s got potential. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: i still like rival UST with black siren. but... regardless of who, i think she deserves someone who will treat her better than vigilante or w/e his name is
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i actually really like her dynamic with quentin? and also rene and curtis. and diggs a bit. she’s had more good dynamics with characters in s6 than oliver has
My unpopular opinion about this character: she’s not a terrible canary, but at this point she’d probably also be a better leader than oliver. the green arrow has so much heat, he’s made so many ??? decisions and treated the new team awful. dinah is... unproven but she does have cop experience and powers, the black canary has a solid legacy, so...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:a lot of things, but... i do hope sara gets to have a moment with laurel’s successor. it’d be pretty important, i think
my OTP: shrug
my cross over ship: s h r u g...
a headcanon fact: dinah is as 500% done with old team arrow as i am rn
heather mason!
How I feel about this character: it’s heather fucking mason. what else is there to say?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: eh..... she’s a teenager. but i do like older!postcanon!heather having romances with girls from the other game. i saw heather x eileen once that was nice?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: heather and douglas!! their relationship is SO important
My unpopular opinion about this character: hmm.... not really? i mean besides “don’t fucking sexualize her”
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: heather’s arc in the game is pretty solid... nothing really stands out
my OTP: nah
my cross over ship: like i said, other SH ladies when she’s a bit older
a headcanon fact: you can pry “heather with chronic pain” headcanon away from my cold, dead hands
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Willaume ‘Bill’ White → Douglas Booth → Witch
→ Basic Information
Age: 510
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Necromancy
Birthday: June 24th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Agnostic
Mark: Unknown
Generation: 3rd
→ His Personality
Bill has a curious personality and can easily adapt to random or unplanned changes in his life.  Bill is grateful for being a necromancer because his curiosity has gotten him killed multiple times. With every death, he believes he came back stronger and smarter than before. Bill cares about the supernatural community and their progress. He is an observer and the protector that keeps his family and friends together. Bill is frequently resolving conflicts within his family and friend groups by drawing their attention to what is going on around them. He has a neutral, level-headed approach to everything and the supernatural events unfolding in Chicago.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Travelling RN and Working on his M.D Degree
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Monopoly and KitKat Bars
Two Dislikes: The Color Lavender and BedBath&Beyond
Two Fears: Being Decapitated and Having his Heart Ripped Out
Two Hobbies: Studying Evocation and Writing Research Papers
Three Positive Traits: Ebullient, Observant, Debonair
Three Negative Traits: Eccentric, Fanciful, Demanding
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Elora Egalmen (Mother): Both of his parents are unknown 2nd generation witches. Bill isn’t attached to his father or mother.
Aidan White (Father): Both of his parents are unknown 2nd generation witches. Bill isn’t attached to his father or mother.
Sibling Names:
Jodi White (Sister): Jodi is Bill’s annoying little sister and gives the term little witch its own stereotypical meaning.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Lyra Cleirigh (Mate): Bill and Lyra have been together for nearly a century. While their friendship started off slowly, once they knew they shared a mutual attraction it did not take long for them to start dating. Bill has confided in Lyra about his parents and their treatment of him. While Bill does not believe in marriage, he does consider Lyra to be his mate for life.
Platonic Connections:
Roman Cleirigh (Mentor): Bill mentored under Roman multiple times. Mostly to explore his curiosity of evocators and to be closer to Lyra.
Ronan Cleirigh (Mentor): They share the same power and Bill believes Ronan was the key to unlocking his full potential. They are still on speaking terms and Bill often seeks him out for guidance. Ronan has recently offered him the Cleirigh name and Bill is debating on whether he should take it or not.
Judson Cleirigh (Friend): Bill, Judson and Patch are great friends. People often complain that the three are a little too close and dependent on each other.  
Talia Cleirigh (Old Friend): He and Talia were good friends when he lived in Chicago before he and his parents moved away. They’re friendship started up again without missing a beat and Bill appreciated it.  
Ethan Cleirigh (Friendly): Ethan had always shared pleasantries with him. Bill was surprised when Ethan moved in with Roman but asked no questions.
Audo Wilhelm (Friendly): Bill and Audo mentored under Ronan. They got along well and Bill has confided in him that his parents hated and mistreated him for being a necromancer; including why he truly and randomly left for 10 years long ago. They have also started a business together.
Emmett Wilhelm (Friendly): Bill had once thought about becoming a liaison. He and Emmett sat down and had a long talk. They’ve been friendly ever since.
Hostile Connections:
Billy (Annoyance): Billy swears up and down that Bill stole his name and is trying to steal his role as Roman’s number one. Bill, however, absolutely adores him but he is slightly becoming an annoyance.
Justin (Annoyance): Justin told everyone Bill used his powers to make him do something that pissed Roman off last year. Bill swore up and down that he didn’t but Justin still blames him. While Roman attitude didn’t change towards him he hates the questioning glances he gets every now and again. Justin is on his shitlist.
→ History
Bill’s parents were never really interested in him beyond childhood. He was raised in a family of witches who were all blessed with arcane powers. Between his grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, great-uncles, great-aunts, and sister, they completely had all of the arcane powers within their family. That is all expect evocation and necromancy. Bill was sure that him being the first necromancer in their family was one of the reasons why his parents barely paid attention to him. What they really cared most about was fighting over who had the rights to name their mark. It’s been going on for centuries and none of them can agree. Their mark was pretty young with the oldest member being Bill’s maternal grandfather, William, at the age of 588. William had Bill’s mom pretty young from a witch standpoint and Bill’s mom had him even younger. The same said for Bill’s paternal side of the family. His paternal grandfather is 573, followed closely by Bill’s father who is 549. With both his maternal and paternal grandparents in a battle over their marks, Bill is embarrassed by their antics and childishness.
Bill was born and raised in Canada. He was months old when his parents took him to Ronan Cleirigh, the only other necromancy on their side of the hemisphere, for help. Apparently every time he cried or threw a fit, food and plants within the house died. That’s how it was for 80 years of his life. Every time he slipped or something died, he was sent to Ronan for the week as punishment. It wasn’t exactly a punishment because he enjoyed the whole family and even began mentoring under Roman, Ronan’s younger brother too. Before he mentored, he had mistakenly summoned a spirit which Roman later helped him with. Since then, Bill has had an unending interest in spirits and evocation. His bliss with the Cleirigh family was cut short when his parents forced him to move to Europe. He nearly stayed and asked the Council to place him fully under the care of his mentor but he was already gone. At the age of 12, Bill’s parents had an illegal procedure performed to remove his heart for safe keeping, against Ronan warnings that Bill should be the one to keep hold of it, Bill allowed his parents to keep it for him. One squeeze was enough to have him teleporting across the country in seconds. He knew better than to tell the Cleirigh family what had happened and kept it away from them and his friends. It took Bill 10 years to get his heart back but only 3 seconds to teleport back to his real family and friends. He plans on keeping his family secret since it is enough for the council to have their entire line killed; muchless what Ronan and Roman would do to them.  
Bill has been with the Cleirigh family for his whole life besides the 10 years he forcefully spent in London. Bill enjoyed his studies with his former mentor in London but found himself struggling with Undead Manipulation. It was then that Billy knew that returning to Chicago with both Ronan and Roman readily available to him was the best course of action. Or so that is the story he is going with. That would also help with his research and the academic book he’s been working on. Evocationers were originally mistaken for Necromancers, and used to be classified as the same powers, until tests and long term experiments showed they were different. Bill still sees connections between their powers, being one of the few that deal with the living and the dead, he is trying to draw the connections between the two once again. When he was younger his parents randomly made an off handed comment that he should write a book and that is exactly what he is doing. → The Present
Besides writing and working, Bill has started on his Doctor of Medicine degree. While he did attend schooling back in the 1800’s, he was a physician and considered a surgeon but that was nearly 200 years ago. Bill has found himself struggling with modern medicine. Returning to school seemed like a good idea.
Bill has also started a business with Audo helping people reach their departed ones. It’s the first time Bill has ever done something like this before and is looking forward to what it holds for them both. In between handling his course work, finishing his book/research and working, Bill has been trying to keep up with Lyra, his mate. Bill’s parents were not exactly great relationship models but he had Ronan and Isthar and Garrett and Jia good examples. Bill hasn’t had a serious relationship with anyone else besides Lyra; he is giving her all his attention and care.
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Douglas Booth [1][2][3]
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caressedorcrushed · 7 years
Starters "Nothing I ever do is right. I’m not good enough. It’s all wrong. Do this…Do that. Be this way. Be That way! Be you,…but not like that!”  Stomping back and forth Nathan spat under his breath before turning and swinging his hand at the lid of a trash can in the alley he had decided to have a little bit of a tantrum in “ Fuck you!  I am just…never going to be good enough! I am not, fucking, YOU! I’m me, and I am fucking pissed off!…and if you don’t fucking like that! Don’t bother pretending we are. …What kind of brother…Locks himself away in his bedroom, for weeks, because his god damn girlfriend is always out of town. What fucking good is that going to do, you fucking–” Picking the empty trash can up he flings it out of the alley toward a nearby sidewalk “Asshole! I am right here, after seventeen god damn years! And it’s not good enough for you!… I’ll just do everything…My god damn self… Stay, in your useless fucking room, being useless! It’s fine, I was the one abused, beaten, harassed for seventeen years, but you fucking just be selfish! Your girl friend is obviously more of a priority OUT of town, than I ever will have been, or will be. I am so fucking done!” Turning he kicked another trash can over, spilling out it’s contents onto the alley pavement “Is it too much to ask, for some god damn communication! Apparent-fucking-ly.– You are going to get to know the knuckles of my fist as they hit your face.”
#returned:starter January 18th 2018, 9:33:40 am · a month ago “It’s my birthday. Interesting.” Nathan mumbled a bit absently as he was sitting. He let out a breath then, humming lightly to himself.
#returned:starter 12 notes December 13th 2017, 9:56:01 pm · 2 months ago Staring up into the night sky Nathan watched the white snowflakes fall toward the snow covered ground “Hmm.” Squinting a little he tilt his head “First time feeling snow in a while.” He muttered, holding up his hands to catch the snowflakes in his hands. With a cute little grin he smiled down at the water building up in his palms. A stab of excitement hit him then. Tilting his head up he stuck his tongue out to catch a few snowflakes. A few seconds later he started to run across the park, still almost childlike. Then he dropped the ground and started to pull snow toward him, crushing some of the snow into snowballs and setting them beside him.
#returned:starter#Ignore the text#or don't lol 10 notes November 24th 2017, 6:22:34 pm · 3 months ago “She’s got the devils eyes and they’ll cut you like a weapon she’s stuck in my mind like a bad obsession.” Nathan mused, moving to rest his head in his hand, thinking of Isabella with a small grin “ All the boys say she was sent from the heavens but I’m not too sure that this girl is a blessing.” He continued absently spinning his phone on the table.
#returned:starter#idk ahah 16 notes October 22nd 2017, 10:20:56 am · 4 months ago Placing a hand on his head Nathan closed his eyes tightly, trying to calm himself down. It’s not real. I’m just…seeing things. Yeah. Just-Just tired. Swallowing he opened his eyes a little before forcing himself to move. Though a moment later he stumbled and bumped into someone who shoved him before shouting at him to watch where he was going  “S-sorry I-I.–Uuhh–” Inhaling sharply his arched back, a chill running down his spine and his chest tightening. Twitching he looked around before lifting his hand up and sobbed into it. This is so fucking stupid. I have to get out of here. Why …Right now!
#returned:starter#Sunday Starter#yay~ 18 notes October 13th 2017, 11:52:05 am · 4 months ago Sitting lazily in a chair at the hospital Nathan was slouching, his legs opening and closing as he stared in a haze at the tv screen just a few feet away from him. All around him he could hear others talking, but he couldn’t exactly make out the words anyone had been saying. It was all just a jumbled mess. Blinking his eyes shift slowly to meet a nurse as they walked over toward him and took a seat. Pulling himself up he moved to drop his head in his hand, groaning lightly as he did. The memory of the hospital melting then as the person who sat beside him asked if he were okay “Fine. Just having a bad reaction to the sun.” Standing then he started walking across the park.
#returned:starter 20 notes October 3rd 2017, 1:43:10 pm · 5 months ago Turning the phone over in his hand Nathan looked at the screen full of messages from people he hadn’t bothered to answer. Then he just chucked the phone into a nearby body of water before turning and walking away.  Oops.
#returned:starter 2 notes September 24th 2017, 11:54:41 am · 5 months ago Reaching out Nathan touched the mask of a costume and frowned “ Hm, it’s almost that time.”  He muttered before pulling the mask down from where it was to get a better look at it, before he then went to put it on. What month is it, September? Then it’s in a month or so. Halloween, fuuuun.
#returned:starter 3 notes September 6th 2017, 5:04:49 pm · 6 months ago Laying on his stomach, over a patch of grass, Nathan had a dorky little grin on his face as he brought over a pretty broken up toy through the air. His eyes shift up, following the toy as he played with it, some what in a haze. His eyes seemed to be big, like a child as he distracted himself. Grinning he laid his head at a tilt on his arm, humming to himself as he continued to move the toy around.
#returned:starter#I don't know what this is#But he needs a starter out there XD 22 notes August 15th 2017, 6:55:42 pm · 6 months ago Pacing, Nathan was chewing on the nail of an index finger,  his bruised face redder from apparently crying.  Brushing his fingers against his lips then he swallowed and paused.  Muttering for a moment to himself before he frowned and dropped his head into his left hand  “So bad…sooobaaad.”
#returned:starter 33 notes August 5th 2017, 6:33:22 am · 7 months ago Pulling the hood of his black hoodie up over his head, to hide the bandages and not be easy to spot in case someone wanted to finish the job in killing him. Though he doubted the disguise would work completely, it was all he had. He put on a pair of sun glasses he had stolen not long after waking up in the woods. Then placed the earbuds of his headphones in his ears and started to listen to music while looking at the phone he had been given. It wasn’t the most pleasant feeling in the world, the music vibrating through his head, when his skull was cracked and had barely, if at all even healed since it had only been a few days and for some reason, it still was acting like it almost just happened that day. But at the same time the music was calming, it helped a lot. Searching his phone he had been spend a lot of time recently just catching up on stuff he had been missing out in the last sixteen years of his life, and the phone was helping him to do that when he was out on the streets without supervision.
#returned:starter 2 notes July 26th 2017, 3:33:54 pm · 7 months ago Reaching out he tapped on the door in front of him, Austin’s door. He felt awkward being here, honestly. Like an unwanted guest. Like the other just felt obligated because of ‘blood’ reasons.  Like they were just trying to put on a show for accidentally forgetting him on purpose because Robert Douglas demanded it so.  Mindlessly he tapped the phone on the door, not really wanting the other to answer, and then he could just leave. After another moment he let out a breath. Feeling hungry he decided he was going to go get something to eat and turned, walking down the hallway. Once back out on the street he winced at the bright sunlight before turning away and walking, only to bump into someone.
#returned:starter 41 notes July 20th 2017, 3:45:50 pm · 7 months ago Laying on his back Nathan’s head was turned to his left, his left hand loosely wrapped around his face as he exhaled gently. His eyes shift under his eyelids as he breathes in, gently.  For the last twenty-four hours, he has done nothing more than sleep. Nathan had become completely consumed by his exhaustion over the last few weeks and his body just needed the rest. Wincing a bit his brows knit together slightly, the sweat on his forehead combining and slipping down the side of his slightly tilted his head. A small whimper escaped his lips as he head suddenly jerked before turning away from his hand, his breathing started to pick up speed as his mind started lighting up with signals to be worried “No. No. No… Don’t-” Nathan whispered, his voice cracking.
#Returned:Starter#No idea where he could be laying?#Anywhere honestly ahah 17 notes July 17th 2017, 2:40:31 pm · 7 months ago Sitting outside Nathan dropped onto the grass and pulled his legs up pressing them against his chest as he tried to make himself smaller against the building. So he could hide. Sucking in a deep breath he adjusted his head on his knees. He watched as a bird dropped down and started pecking at the grass a moment later, getting completely absorbed with the creature’s actions. His current state of mind is easily allowed to be distracted as it was still recovering from the head injuries he’d suffered and the entire mind fuck of Austin and Bethany, mostly Bethany lying to him.
#Returned:911#Returned:Starter#Events 21 notes July 9th 2017, 4:44:45 pm · 7 months ago Walking into the building, or more like being shoved into it, Nathan stumbled “Alright! Jeez, stop fucking touching me!” He snapped before he turned to look around the building. Blinking as some people seemed to stare at him in recognition. Austin. He reminded himself, even though the stitches on his forehead would have been a dead giveaway to anyone paying any sort of attention that he was in fact, not, Austin. Nathan narrowed his eyes on some people as he made his way across the room and then found a space to sit. Taking up a chair he brought his legs up, sitting lotus-style before he lifted up a magazine on guns from one of the tables to his side and started reading through it with little to no interest.
#Returned:911#Um sooo#okay#Hmm#Returned:Starter#Event 19 notes June 30th 2017, 7:51:54 pm · 8 months ago Pushing against the wall of a building Nathan let out a loud shout, it had sounded a bit too much more like a demon than something that would come from a human, as it was shredding his throat as it clawed its way out of him. He then pushed off the wall and paced for a moment before kicking his backpack further back into the alley “That fucking bitch! I will…-” Cutting off he made a brief strangling motion at the air “Isabella…Isabella… She’s ruining everything!” Nathan snapped before slamming his right fist into the top of a trash can, sending a bolt of pain up his arm hissing he pulled it away and in a fit of rage picked the empty trash can up off the ground and threw it out toward the street.
#Returned:Starter 23 notes June 24th 2017, 4:17:45 pm · 8 months ago Reaching into a ratty backpack he had lifted out of a trashcan some days ago Nathan pulled up a bag full of days old baked sweets. Of which he had dug out of the trash the other day from behind a bakery.  There wasn’t much work for someone who just got out of a mental hospital after all. He narrowed his eyes as he watched people walk by him as he took a bite, feeling as though they knew, and they were judging him and thinking he was disgusting. And so what if he were.  Dropping down onto a bench he hugged the backpack to his thin body and continued to watch people suspiciously “I need money.” Nathan muttered then before watching a few bee’s that were a few feet from him dancing around a flower. Blinking he observed the scene for a few moments before muttering “Bee…Does it still hurt…” to mostly himself. Dropping onto his side he curled up hogging the bench.
Closing his eyes he started to doze off. Which wasn’t odd since he could barely even sleep, and sleeping at night was a nightmare waiting to happen so Nathan mostly got his naps in throughout the daytime hours.  As he was slipping off to sleep he thought about his family and one of the many things he had in store for them, if he could even find them. He didn’t have any clue of where they were, of course. He figured this place, Killbourne, was a good place to start finding out. He would continue to try to get a job, and make enough money for gathering tools and items he would need in order to do what he had planned. Then he would search for them. When he would find them he would take all the things he gathered and start setting his plan into action, trapping them all. This was his plan, so far. Sucking in a breath he reached up and pulled the hood of his hoodie down over his eyes to block out the sunlight shining down onto the park he chose to rest in.
Paras austinxdouglas:
Austin had been in his room talking to his girlfriend on the phone. Since she’d been away he’s been locked up in his room a little more. He’d really missed her while she was away, when he heard the door closed he didn’t bother saying hi to his brother yet. “Yea sure, give me a minute.” He replied, after saying goodbye to his girlfriend he hung up and walked into the kitchen. “What’s up?”
Listening to his brother chatter away with his girlfriend, he stuck his tongue gently into his upper lip. Had he noticed Austin’s locking the door? Yes. But what else was new, Austin was never going to really, fully understand. Turning toward Austin when the other finally arrived he knocked his head toward them before moving closer to the other, smiling. With a slight tilt of his head he lift the knife up and pointed it toward Austin’s chest,  inches from his twins body, aimed right at a major artery “What are the quality of these knives? Do you think they will cut through meat like paper?” Pulling the knife up he frowned a little bit before resting the blade in the palm of his right hand “Are these professional? I bet you don’t even know…” He clicked his tongue at Austin then before turning his head away to look toward the door.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 2 notes January 22nd 2018, 4:41:26 pm · a month ago Nathan let out a small breath as he entered the apartment, sighing a little bit as he walked toward the kitchen, moving toward the knives he reached over to pick out one. Lifting it up he looked it over, running a finger on his other hand along the side of it “Why does he have these, if he doesn’t cook?”  Shrugging then he turns, dropping the knife down from his face “Austin, can you come here for just a minute.”
#Para#AustinPara#Austin 2 notes montana-rodes January 22nd 2018, 4:12:40 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana shrugged. “Sure.” What was so complicated about that? She had gotten rather good at shutting things off over the years. Montana was looking back down at the phone in her hand, pretty uninterested. She herself was quite unfeeling and cold nowadays. She didn’t care much for sob stories or people spilling their emotions. As he spoke again, she looked up, not having expected it. Montana had already switched off. He shouldn’t have been born. Great. She held back a sigh and stared at him for a moment, not knowing what she could say.
Nathan stared up at her for a moment, unhinging his jaw as she replied to him. Or rather, there was not much of a reply. So there was not much else he could do or say to her. And he wasn’t going to stand there and have her looking at him the way she was. Blinking, he nods before he stood up, turned and walked away from her.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 12 notes gemmapearson January 19th 2018, 12:27:57 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas gemmapearson:
Gemma rolled her eyes. Why the fucking hell did he think? She didn’t say anything, averting her gaze again and looking down at her nails. “Yep. Nothing matters.”
“You, are a fucking moron. Why don’t you take your annoyance and go fucking stand over there.”  Nathan pointed at the end of the sidewalk, far away from him.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#GemmaPara#Gemma 12 notes montana-rodes January 19th 2018, 12:20:30 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
“Just don’t think about it then.”
As she had said that he suddenly looked confused “Just stop thinking….About it?” It was a ridiculous suggestion. Of course, he understood she had no idea exactly who she had been talking to. To just stop thinking about something that seemed stupid to her, was like asking him to turn off a light switch. But for him it was like that light switch was on the other side of a fire pit, with some guillotines waiting to chop away at his body, along with poison darts ready to fire into him. The switch always being on the other side of that massive mind field of thinking he had for years armed himself with. And if he should ever make it to that light switch and just ‘turn off’ the trick was, all he would be met with was fucking electrocution “I can’t just stop thinking about it!” He started to giggle before laughing a little too much, a little bit too hard, for a moment. Then he paused before tearing up as a sadness struck him sudden, swelling in his chest, constricting his throat “I shouldn’t have been born.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 12 notes montana-rodes January 18th 2018, 10:54:06 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
“You make it sound like you’d forgotten.”
“If only it would be so easy to forget I was born. When I’ve spent most of my life asking why I was…I hate this day.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 12 notes gemmapearson January 18th 2018, 10:52:06 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas gemmapearson:
“What?” Gemma looked up, stunned at what he’d even said. She glanced around, panicked. “You shouldn’t say things like that out here.” She hissed as her head spun back round towards him. He should be more careful who he spoke to about being dead these days, regardless of whether Gemma had figured out herself that she was too. “But no. It doesn’t matter.” Nothing mattered.
“Oh? Why not?” He blinked then, staring at Gemma for a moment before sighing a little bit “It doesn’t matter.” Frowning a little bit he shrugs a shoulder “I guess that’s right, this doesn’t matter. Nothing Matters.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#GemmaPara#Gemma 12 notes gemmapearson January 18th 2018, 2:14:22 pm · a month ago nathan-douglas gemmapearson:
Gemma rolled her eyes as she looked up and saw who it was who was mumbling. Great. Mister Mental. She scoffed, looking away again. As if she actually gave a damn.
Slowly he looked over after Gemma had scoffed at him. He narrowed his eyes a little before letting out a breath “Do you think it matters? If you are dead, does having a birthday even have a point? What about if no one ever cared you were even born in the first place…Birthday’s were celebrated mostly for marketing purposes. But still, it’s meant to make the person born feel important, special. All I’ve felt on my birthday, for a long time…Is empty.” Much like how he often felt. Nathan looked away then, humming again as he was thinking.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#GemmaPara#Gemma 12 notes austinxdouglas January 9th 2018, 5:31:30 am · a month ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas :
Austin saw how Nathan’s attitude changed very quickly, “I meant later,” He added looking at his brother, “Like New Years, we can make it then cause we’re gonna get drunk for sure, and then we’ll have fresh pizza for when we get home.” He could feel his mouth water, “Right now, we’ll make cookies, what kind of cookie did you want to make? Should we add peppermint in for that festive touch?” He added with an upbeat attitude hoping that would reflect well on Nathan. “Okay, then what’s your favourite genre out of all of them? Or rate them, top three?”
Nathan could clearly tell the other was lying about that. But he didn’t say anything about it, because it really didn’t matter “Okay. …We are going to get drunk?” He asked then, a little confused, this was all still very weird. Nathan was wondering why Austin wasn’t spending this day with his own family. Exhaling he looked to one side, thinking “White cookies, with white chocolate would be good for the peppermint.” Smiling at the other then, faintly, he blinked softly before thinking for a moment “I like treatise, science, and fantasy.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 11 notes emily--wentworth January 5th 2018, 1:33:43 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas emily–wentworth:
Sometimes it was nice working the day shift. But knowing her, she would probably pick up another shift. Emily needed the distraction that work offered, she missed Elena that pain of losing her would never go away. And she felt bad, because she felt like she was neglecting Miranda. And yes, she did miss Mason. Right now though she didn’t want to think about it, instead she turned to the person at the bar. “What can I get you?” She asked, a small smile on her face.
“A new life and a new family would be fucking great, if you have that in stock. But I don’t imagine you do.” Nathan said, sounding like he was joking as he took a seat and watched her, grinning “Not unless you are a fairy god mother, right?” Shaking his head then he moved to bring his left arm up to rest on the bar before lifting his hand and placing his head in it “Some soda would be good.”
#Para#EmilyPara#Emily 3 notes austinxdouglas January 4th 2018, 10:38:03 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
“No! Not always, I mean Kristine was going to teach me some things, and I can make a sandwich and cereal!” He argued which didn’t help since those were basically mindless. “Oh shut up.” He laughed lightly, shaking his head. He raised his eyebrows in shock to hear what his brother could make, “You can make pizza from scratch?!” He was truly shocked, “Dude! Come on, let’s do that! Let’s make that!” He could be super down for a homemade pizza, that would be unreal to him.
“Uh, I don’t read that many if I’m honest. I mean, I did a lot in high school when I would commute on the bus, but I don’t commute that much anymore. I loved action, or mysterious kinds of books though. What about you?”
Nathan could only look at the other looking disappointed for a brief second, he didn’t want to make a pizza from scratch, with Austin. It didn’t seem very christmasy to him. He wanted a normal chrismasy thing, cookies. He nodded though “Sure, okay, Austin. We’ll make a pizza from scratch.” The smile dropped off his face then and he looked away.
“Oh. Huh.” He could honestly tell.  Nathan pressed at the buttons on the control in his hands and sat silently for a long moment before shrugging haplessly and slowly looking over back toward Austin “I read everything.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 11 notes montana-rodes January 4th 2018, 4:37:31 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana became rather irritated as he started talking. She hadn’t asked for his life story, nor did she care about his feelings. She concealed her impatience and her frustration as she waited for him to finish talking, the laughter grating on her. “Right.” There was no reason for Montana to hold him any longer and the other guy was long gone. Nothing really happened and she wanted to enjoy her coffee in peace and try to salvage the rest of this day. “Well, stay out of trouble.” Montana said to him as she turned, though making a mental note to keep her eye on that one.
At her slightly dry response to his reply he let out a small breath. Guessing that when officers were basically told ‘fuck the police’, he would get this response.  Nathan watched her intently as she seemed to be thinking of something, perhaps deciding he could offer her no more on the guy who had walked down the alley, or on himself. Thus just chalking him down as another hoodlum, of which the town was full up on, he supposed this was the best way he could have gone about the interaction. At her last comment he lift his head up slightly, nodding toward her “Thanks. You too. Copper.” He gave her a more genuine smile this time before turning and walking opposite from her down the sidewalk.
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes montana-rodes January 4th 2018, 4:23:23 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana’s suspicions raised at his response. It was unusual for somebody who wasn’t up to anything wrong to not comply with the police. It was painless to give a surname and go back on with your day. It only made her study him a little more. “If you haven’t done anything wrong then where’s the harm?” What was he and that guy really up to? She was sure it was something now.
As odd as it all would appear to have been on the outside, and indeed it was odd for him not to give a last name to her. But his reasons were that he didn’t like authoritative figures, let alone trust them.  After growing up the way he had, it was least likely any ‘grown up’ would make him budge on certain things, if anything. The twenty-three year old squint a bit at her when she spoke, then “Well, there’s no harm, inherently in your asking for one. But I’ve grown up in a way that has ultimately taught me that Authority is as about as helpful to me as a wet paper bag is in carrying cans, without the arm support on the bottom, get it?” Nathan laughed a little bit, teasing.
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes montana-rodes January 4th 2018, 3:07:36 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana treated everybody this way. She didn’t trust and it kept her safe. This was simply the way she had been made. She would run his name through the database later, when she was back at work, just to make sure he wasn’t trying to pull a fast one. The way that other guy had acted and scarpered like that… it didn’t sit right with Montana. “Do you have a surname, Robert?” Montana asked, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m a police officer.” She added, in case he couldn’t figure out why she was asking. It’s not like she was in uniform. “Not trying to steal your identity or anything.” It was an attempt at a joke but it came out dry, with little humour attached, and no trace of a smile.
“I could?” He said, not at all planning on giving it to her. Because he could guess that if anyone went looking around for a ‘Robert Douglas’ they would eventually end up on his father, which he didn’t mind so much. It was the next thing she had said that had made him decided to never tell her his last name “Ah, well– As I am not being detained. I don’t know why I would need to give it to you. I’ve done nothing wrong. Maybe I have no last name? Like that lady, Cher? ”
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes montana-rodes January 4th 2018, 1:07:54 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana just stared back at him, not cracking a smile in return as she waited for a better explanation. “Right. Okay.” Though to her it had seemed a bit more than that but she could let it slide right now, she supposed. “What’s your name?” She asked, deciding to file that away at least.
She didn’t believe him, he could tell. But there was really nothing more she was going to get out of him, on the subject.  When she asked his name he figured, well, he couldn’t give her his name. He was dead, and though he had no idea what this woman was like, he couldn’t very well go around giving away a dead guys name, his name, to strangers. It would definitely send off major red flags, so he gave off one he thought would be interesting, if not have a funny pay off later “Name is Robert.” Now, of course, he could have just used Austin’s name. The fact being, Nathan had figured, that, while they were identical-ish, twins, they had looked strikingly different to anyone paying attention. Nathan was scrawnier than Austin, Nathan had scars all over his body. He was a complete person, outside of having the same face as Austin, even that was an easy tell, their spots were opposite of one another, a mirror image. Ultimately, Austin’s naivety would give it all away in about five seconds after meeting them.
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes montana-rodes January 3rd 2018, 7:24:54 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana shook her head slightly at the response she got. “Right. I’m sure he has.” She turned her gaze up the alleyway again, looking the way the other had gone. She’d had half a mind to chase after him. “So, who was that?” She asked, brushing off his apology. She needed to get names and everything straight round here.
“I mean, that’s a good excuse, right?” He grinned a bit, before unhinging his jaw a little, running his tongue over one of his canines as he thought about what he could have said instead of what he had eventually ended up saying. At her question though he brought his attention back to her “Just a–ah.. Guy.  I have business with.”  Nathan shrugged a little bit, not really knowing what else to say to that. He had business with that guy, so he didn’t feel as though he were lying.
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes montana-rodes January 2nd 2018, 2:03:52 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana was sipping her coffee when it happened. She felt the body of another collide with her and she almost dropped it completely but managed to keep her fingers clasped around the cup. “Hey!” She snapped, immediately turning around to face them but unluckily the culprit was already hauling ass away back up the alley and round out the other side. “Asshole.” She muttered under her breath, a bit unprofessionally but she wasn’t technically on the clock, before turning her attention to the guy. “Are you alright? What was that about?”
Looking at the other when she asked if he were alright he turned to face her better. Nodding then he lift up his right hand, rubbing it against his left arm for a moment “Yeah. I’m great.  My uh– He’s just…Got a lot of emotions, about …stuff.” Nathan’s right hand then moved to adjust the glasses better on his face as he let out a huff of a laugh and glanced down the alley, staring for a long moment before shaking his head and looked back toward her “Holidays really seem to be getting to people lately, right… Uh.. Sorry, for, um, getting pushed into you?”
Source: montana-rodes #Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes sashaxparker January 1st 2018, 6:27:09 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas sashaxparker:
“You won’t?” Sasha wondered if you could really just decide a thing like that. She had this idea in her head about the years going by and becoming older and wiser and more boring as they did. Ageing didn’t seem appealing. Though some days she did feel older than her years. “Oh, cool.” She smiled when they said they were twins. “I always thought that would be fun, to have a twin.”
“Naah. It seems complex, to do that.” Nathan frowned a little, having already come to terms with such a thing years ago. What had been the point? When it got you no where, got you nothing, to grow up seemed stupid to him anyway, without the seventeen years being imprisoned against his will. But because of what he had been through, it hadn’t even seemed important to do so. There was no future for him, no one cared what he would have been like. Because everyone had already made their judgments, they had designated him a monster, a killer, without a body count. “I guess.” He muttered to her ‘cool’.  As she said she thought it would be fun he looked at her, grinning a little sadly  “It …can be. But there’s the aspect that…there’s a favorite.” And he was not the favorite, obviously. “I guess that’s just my jealousy, sorry. Yeah, it was fun, once. Having a twin brother.”  Austin might as well have been the one that died, in his perspective, because it didn’t feel the same. He was still an outcast, wasn’t he? Rolling another ball of snow up he stared at the balls he had made already then sighed.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#SashaPara#Sasha 10 notes montana-rodes January 1st 2018, 6:14:32 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas montana-rodes:
Montana wasn’t interested in festivities. ‘New Year’ wasn’t important. Nothing changed just because the calendar moved on and people were too hung up on this time of year. It was irritating. She had grabbed a coffee before everything closed early and was walking around, sipping her drink and keeping her eyes peeled for any odd behaviour. She needed to be on the alert after all. The dead were on the loose and that was no good for anybody.
“Alright, alright! Stop–Get off of me!” He plead as one of the local gang members pulled at his shirt before shoving him into a wall, before pointing a finger at him and threatening him about something gang relate. As Nathan, for several long months now has been being used by them after a very odd run in with one of their members who basically had him kidnapped or something of the sort, indebted to them for the injury he had inflicted on the other gang member, embarrassment played a huge part. With that he was punched in the face before being shoved away from them out of the alley and right into Montana. The gang member had been halfway gone before Nathan could recover enough to assess the damage to his face, let alone acknowledge stumbling into the other “Ow ow…” Adjusting the sunglasses one his face he frowned then as he pulled his hand away.
#Para#MontanaPara#Montana 13 notes austinxdouglas December 30th 2017, 4:30:28 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
Austin didn’t have a reason why he wouldn’t believe him, this was a guy’s kind of joke. Austin knew some friends who were too invested in their pranks for their own good, Austin figured Nathan could be that same kind of person. “Alright, maybe I would have” He spoke looking at his brother at the mention of the mental hospital. Austin was hoping one day they could talk about it and not have it be an elephant in the room.. He wanted for the ward to be something either he or Nathan could feel comfortable bringing up.
Austin shook his head gently while shrugging his shoulders, “Well, I don’t know. I mean, read books, games? I didn’t think cooking was going to be an option. So what can you make?” He asked curious about what his brother could possibly make in the kitchen. “Well, I know how to cook pasta?” He added giving himself a little credit, “And I can put a pizza in the oven.” he shrugged his shoulders, “I get by.”
Looking down at that, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like being dead. He didn’t feel right about it. He was dead, and he never actually, truly got to be alive. And it was just, really weird. “Yeah…” He said then as he stared at the screen of the tv.
“You didn’t? Did you expect to just live on take out and premade pizza’s–whatever you could pop in the microwave, your entire life? Kristine must be looking forward to that.”  He commented dropping his eyes down to the others waistline for a brief moment before smiling up at Austin again “Oh, you do? Wow. That’s amazing.” He tried to sound excited, but it was pasta, it wasn’t exactly a challenge to make such a thing.
“I can make all sorts of things, desserts mostly. But other kinds of food as well. I can make a pizza from scratch.” He mumbled as he turned his attention back to the tv spacing out as he played for a moment before saying “What books do you read?”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 11 notes peytonsaundersx December 29th 2017, 4:48:12 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas peytonsaundersx:
Peyton’s eyes narrowed, there was no way she was in the mood to deal with anyone’s shit today. She smirked, stepping to one side “Here you go, the shelf you’ve been longing for, for so long.” She really couldn’t believe how rude some people could be at times she’d rather not stoop to their level, but there was something about him that had just instantly grated on her “take your precious item and then do the world a favour and fuck off back to the pit you’ve crawled from.”
With the Peyton picked up the items she wanted from the other self, placed them in her basket and headed to the checkouts.
Nathan narrowed his eyes a bit on her as she narrowed hers on him. As was per the usual for him to do to anyone who glared at him. He had grown up on those looks from the staff and others in the hospital. Why should he have to meet with with any other look.  As she finally moved he went to grab the cooking items, so he could actually make Austin something and the other wouldn’t have to buy take out. Placing it in a basket with his other items he continued to listen to the other as she then, for no reason, went on “I’ll…be sure to do that.” He looked her over before turning and walking away from her.  A few moments later he moved to a self checkout and was leaving the store.
Source: peytonsaundersx #Para#PeytonPara#Peyton 26 notes peytonsaundersx December 27th 2017, 12:36:08 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas peytonsaundersx:
Now that Christmas is almost over, can we please go back to some normality. It’d be nice to buy a loaf of bread without having to wait forever in the line.  
Nathan eyed the woman, suspiciously “Get out of my way.”
#Para#PeytonPara#Peyton 26 notes peytonsaundersx December 28th 2017, 2:00:24 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas peytonsaundersx:
Peyton rolled her eyes, waiting having to wait for a simple purchase was one thing but have to deal with idiotic ass-holes was a whole new level. “I’m pretty sure there was another word you where supposed to add to the end of that sentence,”
Nathan inhaled deeply. Being raised with out parents and in a mental hospital among the most unstable people in town, that had to be locked away and forgotten about, Nathan had been sucked off all his politeness and manners. And so, Nathan grinned “Oh, yes. I did forget a word.” He paused, huffing, before rolling his jaw a little, cracking the bone and then speaking once again “Get out of my way, bitch. I need to get to what you are standing in front of, and you’ve been standing there for five minutes looking at the other shelf.” He gestured to the other side of the aisle.
Source: peytonsaundersx #Para#PeytonPara#Peyton 26 notes austinxdouglas December 27th 2017, 10:14:32 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
“Oh!” He yelled at the news about there being yellow snow, “Gross!” He immediately sprung up on his feet spitting at his tongue not even sure if he got any snow in his mouth but spitting it out just in case. Austin ran into the warm and shower and came out with some sweatpants and a t-shirt, similar to what he was wearing to bed. "Yea, and if I hadn’t ordered that food both of us would starve so which would you prefer?” he asked rhetorically as his brother stated he knew how to bake it surprised him. “You do? How?”
Nathan wasn’t sure how Austin so easily believed that he had actually put piss snow in that snowball. But if the other were going to just believe him, he wasn’t going to tell them otherwise. Maybe that was a lesson for the other.  Because Nathan had not done that, and had made sure to grab some of the purest snow he could, because he wasn’t going to throw piss snow at his brother. When Austin had returned Nathan continued to stare at the tv screen and sit on the floor playing the game “Uh-huh, Well you might have.”  He pointed out before turning his head, looking toward the other when they asked about how he knew how to bake.
He smiled shaking his head “Well, I was in an mental hospital for seventeen years Austin. What do you think goes on there. More importantly, what do you think I did there the whole time?”  Which was probably a good thing for them to talk about… “No, apparently, learning shit helps to keep calm. I was allowed to do all sorts of things, there. Learn a trade, even though I wasn’t really ever going to get out… They still had me go to a cooking class. Wait, How do you not know how to cook and live by yourself?”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 11 notes sashaxparker December 27th 2017, 12:30:05 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas sashaxparker:
Sasha didn’t want to think about her brother much right now. She’d used to idolise him so much… and now things were different. She hadn’t heard from him in days.. maybe it was longer. She supposed everything changed as you got older but Sasha found change hard. Especially now. With…. everything. “My brother’s always busy too.” She said when he seemed to get excited about them both having that in common. She giggled. “He is, yeah.. what about yours?”
“Mm, being an actual real life adult sucks. I’m glad I’ll never officially be one.” He muttered offhandedly before reaching out to grab more snow in his hands. He didn’t know if he could handle being ordered around by people who didn’t know how to deal with him. The only career he could see himself having was a career criminal, maybe a serial killer. That thought made him stiffen slightly before swallowed pushing it away from his mind when Sasha asked how old his brother was “Oh, we are twins. I don’t know who is older.”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#SashaPara#Sasha 10 notes austinxdouglas December 25th 2017, 9:39:40 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
Usually, Austin would spend Christmas with his family, this year everyone was everywhere so he stayed home. As he slept peacefully not caring at all about what time it could be, that was all pushed aside when he suddenly felt something very cold and very strong hit his face. He gasped as he got up in his bed and wiped his face from the wet snow, “Wha-wha-” without another thought he was suddenly pushed off the bed. “Whoa!” He exclaimed as he hit the ground. He groaned getting up a bit to look at him, “Give me a minute, I need to shower this prank off.” he chuckled shaking his head. “Sure, but I’m pretty shit at baking… and cooking in general.”
“Oh, of course. I want to tell you, I made sure to add the yellowest snow I could find to that snowball.” Pulling away then he slid off onto the floor on the opposite side of the bed before standing up and running a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh nods “I kind of assumed that, Austin. Seeing as you order food a lot.” He flicked at his hair before holding his hand out a bit from his face “Not to worry, I guess. I know how to bake. I guess we’ll just need the ingredients though.” Turning away he left the room a second later, and a few moments after that noises from the tv began to sound off, as if he were playing a video game. Which he was, as he waited on Austin to do whatever.
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 11 notes December 25th 2017, 3:12:15 pm · 2 months ago Watching Austin sleep for the last few seconds Nathan smiled a bit as an idea hit him. Pulling away he walked away from the room before leaving the apartment. A few minutes later he was hurriedly walking back through the other males apartment. Moving his left hand he tossed it out, sending a snowball flying right into Austin’s sleeping face “Wake up! It’s Christmas, scrub!” Moving over he dashed toward the bed before jumping into it and shoving the other right off the mattress. Dropping onto his stomach then he smiled “Want to make cookies?”
#Para#AustinPara#Austin#No rush of course#just get to this whenever you are able!~ But still#I couldn't resist#XD 11 notes austinxdouglas December 22nd 2017, 5:01:15 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
Austin sighed as he only got a sarcastic reply, at the mention of wanting to sleep he nodded. “Okay, fine, okay.” He spoke not angry or pissy in any way, just simply stating he understood. “You can sleep at my place if you want. I’ll order us some food or something when we get there.”
Staring at the other he frowned a little bit. Nathan knew the other would not understand the sort of exhaustion he was feeling. He nodded then and looked away from his brother.  He guessed that Austin would probably still need to learn how his mind had worked. Dropping his head then he nods, stumbling over his feet then as he almost dosed off while he was walking. Jerking his head back up he blinked batting away the sleepy feeling “Sure.”
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes austinxdouglas December 22nd 2017, 4:43:18 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
“Oh, okay.” He didn’t say much about it because he wasn’t sure how to bring it up to her, he didn’t even think that she may have run into him on her own. He decided to drop the idea of asking him more questions about that topic and moved on. His main focus was to help Nathan get normal again, as he began to talk about how Austin hated him and he was a pain Austin didn’t know how to reply. He wanted to help and comfort him in some way though he was at a loss, this was so new to him. A part of him wished Bethany was here, she was good at this, this was what she wanted to do with her life. Who knew if they’d let her pursue her dream job she’d actually be a help. That idea clicked in his head and brought a furry in him towards his parents, they were so scared of having Nathan be known amongst their family they didn’t think of the fact that if he was more included and Bethany went to psychology she could have helped him. She would have his best interests at heart, having this run through his brain pushed him further at wanting to do what he could to help his brother.
As Nathan put his thumb in his mouth, Austin decided to stay present but silent, he didn’t want to interrupt whichever method was going to help him calm down, though he’d made a mental note to try to talk to Nathan later in a calm manner about what and who he sees. Austin watched as Nathan began to calm his breathing and his entire aura became more calm and relaxed. “Hey, you okay?” Austin asked hoping for a solid answer and not a sarcastic one. Austin stood with Nathan, he looked back at the grave and although he should be relieved he was confused. “O-okay.” He spoke and followed his brother towards the exit and towards his car. “We can come back after dark.” He stated again.
Nathan gave Austin an exhausted look as they asked if he were okay. Of course he wasn’t, and he didn’t know how to not answer sarcastically, letting out an exhausted sigh, his shoulders slouched “I’m sorry, were you here, or somewhere else just a few seconds ago?” He mumbled, sounding absolutely drained. A moment later when the other repeated what they said he let out another breath “I just want to sleep, Austin. Okay…I don’t fucking care right now…”
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes austinxdouglas December 18th 2017, 4:31:52 am · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
As Nathan explained to him it was his fault, he truly felt more and more guilty because everything he was saying was true. Although Austin believed he was in a weird and odd situation it still didn’t mean everything Nathan was saying was a lie. Austin wasn’t sure how to reply, he looked down in shame and stuck the end of the shovel into the ground. He wanted to apologize though he wasn’t sure how a simple ‘i’m sorry’ wouldn’t fix anything. When Nathan had mentioned Kristine he furrowed his eyebrows, “She… what? When did you two meet? How did you two meet?” He tried not to ask it in such an accusing tone though he remembers the early days when Nathan would pretend to be him. It made his blood boil to think Nathan would have played a trick like that on his own girlfriend.
As Nathan began to hyperventilate he made sure to stay at eye level with his brother. It was time someone trusted him, someone believed his side of the story. Austin decided that would be him. Why was he treating him like a homeless stranger off the streets? This was his brother, no matter that he didn’t know him, this wasn’t how he would treat Bethany or Grace, why should he treat Nathan any different? As his words didn’t seem to help Nathan at all, he began to worry a bit. Austin immediately dropped his shove when he fell to the ground, “Nate, listen to me okay? Let’s go home, we can come back later. Sometime when it’s not as noticeable.” He offered, “Okay? Just calm down, focus on your breathing, or something. Close your eyes and focus.”
“Sh-she ran in-into one of those task force guys, who knocked her books on the ground.” Of course Kristine didn’t say anymore to him about the picture, as he was having another fit at the time and was all over the place then. He probably had been told more and just couldn’t remember it at the moment. Blinking he let out a few struggled gasps “I wasn’t doing anything.” He then said, as if he were doing something, not to Kristine of course. But there had been a reason behind why he was there, at that moment. When the task force officer had run into her.
Looking around he swallowed hard, trying to focus on Austin as the other spoke, but it was of course very difficult when he didn’t have anything that normally would have helped in situations like these. And even if he did have something, those somethings wouldn’t work. He was on his own with this, a fish out of water, gasping as it slowly died in the foreign world it had been yanked into. Bringing his eyes back to the other he continued to tear up, panic taking over as shadows from the corners of his eyes crept around them, even though it was in the middle of the day “I-I can’t…I can’t ca-calm down…I-it’s too…t-to-too hard.” He paused, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes started to drift again toward a creeping shadow before they jerked back to Austin. Closing his eyes tightly he whispered about something not being there, not being real.
Bringing his hands up to his eyes then he let out a little sob apologizing to Austin “I’m sorry–I’m trying…I’m trying to–But I’m– …I don’t mean to be-be ah- heh –I know you hate me. I kno-Know I am not making-M aking th-thi-iss e-eeasy…I’m a-ah burden–I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m not what any of you w-wanted.That I am hard to-to lllike. I can’t contr-trol this on my my own–please please…They’re everywhere, whispering, I see them-Shadows. I s–I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this– I just want it to stop! Please.” Taking in a deep breath he held it pressing his face into his hands before unconsciously his left hand moved down, his thumb absently sliding into his mouth.
A moment later the tears and terrified look on his face faded almost completely as a dulled subdued look came over him. Almost completely calmed, his right hand pet along the hair on the right side of his face. His breathing tapered off into something more manageable then. A few moments after eerie silence and immaturely sucking on his thumb he finally pulled it out and shakily began to move, pushing himself up from the ground looking absolutely more exhausted than he did normally. These sort of things took a lot of out him whenever they happened, and they had been happening frequently since he woke up in the woods. Staring at Austin then he let out another breath before closing his eyes and dropping his head down, almost embarrassed as he wiping his thumb off on his pants and began to walk away from the grave, toward the exit “Come on. Let’s go. There’s no point in digging it up, or in coming back.”
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes sashaxparker December 15th 2017, 8:13:11 am · 2 months ago nathan-douglas sashaxparker:
Sasha gave a little nod when he said she’d outgrown it. “Yeah. Maybe.” She felt older somehow lately, despite her sixteen years. Things just felt heavy, like she was suffocating, and she didn’t have it in her for much cheer or Christmas spirit. She used to love winter, too. Sasha moved to sit down on a bench nearby, wiping off some of the snow, and folded her arms as she listened to him. He seemed content enough with her not saying a whole lot, which was nice enough. “Yeah?” She remembered when her own brother had been around enough to do all that stuff with, when she’d been nothing but an innocent kid. “I’m sure he will when he’s less busy?” She tried to be positive but she shrugged a little. “I’d offer to help but I left my gloves at home.” Sasha scrunched her nose a little bit, before glancing down at his question. “Uh, yeah. I have a brother.”
He shook his head, feeling a bit bad for her. Or maybe just everyone in general, who got older. Most people let themselves be fooled by the illusion of adulthood. That they had to be mature. Nathan had never had that burden. He had never had to deal with anyone killing his inner child. Though at the same time he had to grow up far quicker than most that were his age. Contently he continued what he had been doing. He loved this time of year. He had always loved Christmas, though of course in the last seventeen years his Christmas’ had not been anything worth enjoying. But still, his love for this time of year had always remained. “He’s always busy.” Nathan said. Thinking about how Austin treated him, or just how Austin was always working.
He realized in all these months Austin spent more time thinking about how to deal with him, and not really getting to know him “Hopefully he stops being busy soon, so we can enjoy our time together.” He wondered how much time this all would last, where he could spend time with his siblings. Nathan had to guess that it would probably not last as long he would like. He was dead. And he had no idea what that really meant. As Sasha spoke again he glanced toward her and put on another smile “Yeah.” He answered, not wearing much winter clothing himself, just a few layers of shirts with a hoodie on top and a pair of skinny jeans he had found during the summer. “A brother!?  We both have brothers. That’s cool. Is he your older brother?”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#SashaPara#Sasha 10 notes sashaxparker December 14th 2017, 5:41:05 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas sashaxparker:
“Really?” Sasha smiled, somehow brightened up a little bit just by the sight of him seemingly having so much fun - and not seeming embarrassed or held back about it. “That’s cool then.” Lucky for him it had snowed then. “Oh.” Sasha gave a little shrug at his question, glancing around the park briefly. Maybe looking for an escape route in case she needed one. “I guess I’m not really in the mood to be honest. Why don’t you make a snowman?”
Nathan gave a small nod patting his hands gently over the ball of snow in his hand “Really.”  Looking at her he blinked, a little confused fr a moment before giving a smile “It is, really cool.” Going back to playing with the snow Nathan didn’t notice her looking around. When she spoke he looked toward her once again “No? Oh. Guess you have outgrown it. You were able to enjoy it as a kid.” Nathan scooped up some more snow, grinning sweetly, softly as he made another ball from it “ A Snowman wouldn’t be bad! I really should! I- I-” He laughed a bit “My brother and I used to make snowmen all the time. A snowman army.” Lifting up another handful of snow he started to make another ball “He’s too busy to do stuff like this. I’ll just have to build one by myself. Maybe one day he’ll join me. I hope.” Placing the ball next to the others he looked at Sasha “Do you have any siblings?”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#SashaPara#Sasha 10 notes austinxdouglas December 14th 2017, 3:51:35 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
“Nate I was just a kid! What do you expect from me? Do you think the second you left things were easy? I bet you they weren’t, you were my brother, at the time I probably asked for you all the time.” He argued, though that was the only thing he said. Because listening to Nathan as he vented while hitting his gravestone, everything he was saying was true in some way. Nathan couldn’t understand the dynamic of his family, their dad was tried his best, they both tried their best.
When Nathan threw his shovel Austin stood there not sure what to do, he just watched his brother’s headstone get completely broken in two. Watching Nathan get so heated and angered by their conversation he noticed this face again. He noticed this reaction, he noticed this pronunciation of his name. “Nate?” He spoke before standing in front of him, wanting to find a way to calm him down. “Nate relax, relax. You know what you’re right. You’re right about everything. What dad did was wrong, what mom didn’t do was wrong. She should have stuck up for you. I believe you, okay? I believe you not them.”
“I know you were a kid, Austin!  But you still forgot about me. Let that fucking bastard tell you lies about me! And you still believed them even until earlier this year! That I was made up! That I didn’t exist! And when you knew that I did! You still believed him! That makes you accountable. NOT for what you couldn’t do Then. But for what you helped do after, before this!” He pointed toward the gravestone. “Do you understand! I am dead! And that is all of your FAULT! No matter how little or big a part you played! You all helped each other play it! And I was murdered for it!–Your girlfriend told me all about that picture you two found!”
Gripping at his head, he gasped for air, trying to not choke on the thickness building in his throat. Swallowing he shakes his head as he hears Austin “I can’t, there’s too much going on. My head.”  Wincing he dropped a bit, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to shake away the feeling in his head, the thoughts that were cramming into it, he felt like his head would explode. He could hear what Austin was saying, but it had just filled in with the rest of his thoughts. Looking up at the other, he pant, sweat building on his face. He continued to stare at Austin. Not knowing what to think of what the other had just said to him.
With a choppy breath, he inhaled, dropping a hand to his chest as his breaths clung in his throat. Feeling dizzy he dropped to the ground, sitting down. The panic taking over his entire body. His face turned red, tears welling in his eyes as he continued to struggle for air “T-tin-Tin-tin…I can’t-can’t…heh, heh.” Nathan coughed, trying to jog something from his swelling throat.
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes austinxdouglas December 14th 2017, 2:55:28 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
Austin listened to his brother contently, he hated hearing what he’d gone through. The more he was hearing it the more he was getting angry at his seven-year-old self, and his family.  “Hey!” He spoke looking at Nathan’s gravestone and noticed the month and year he died. “This is when you died?” He asked it as a rhetorical question before she was thinking back to when his mom began her depression. As he was going to on with his point his thoughts were interrupted. “First off, We don’t know each other well enough to be throwing judgements at each other. Second I am supportive, but this isn’t smart. Third, don't say no one gave a fuck about you because I know it’s not true.” He spoke before pointing at the stone, “The month you died was the same month Mom went into depression. So don’t think that you weren’t cared about.” He spoke before he shoved his shovel into the ground and began to dig.
Stopping as the other spoke he made a face as they asked about when he died. Looking to the gravestone then he sighed, sarcastically. Then as the other started listing things off to him he stuck the shovel into the dirt and nodded his head. When Austin had finally shut up, Nathan had to suck in a breath to think about what was just unloaded onto him “Austin.  I can judge you. You forgot about me, and believed me to be a monster.  You are not supportive to me. This entire time you doubt me, you never listen to anything I say. It’s always Denial first.”  Nathan paused then and leaned onto his shovel, grinning a little more “I know this isn’t smart, Austin. But it’s what I want to do. Because you won’t listen to me. Blame yourself.”
Gesturing back to the gravestone carelessly then he grinned a little wider “Because she knew this entire time and she let them murder me!“ Angry suddenly he picked up the shovel and started smacking the gravestone with it “She let that fucking bastard murder me and What!!??! Am I supposed to feel bad she feel’s depressed?! FUCK HER! I am the one who died! For a murder that never happened! I am the one who suffered all these years, for a crime that I never committed! And all I fucking wanted was my family to listen to me! TO be with them! And you want to say they CARE?!!?!”  
Smacking the stone hard enough at the end it finally cracked and broke in half.  Throwing the shovel away from him then he started to walk away, stomping “I never hurt her! I never fucking meant to hurt her! I am the one that spent seventeen years locked up in a fucking mental hospital being abused, because I didn’t hurt her! And your mom’s depressed?! BOO FUCKING WHOO! Bitch deserves to be! After what they did to me!!” Hyperventilating his hands move to grip onto the sides of his head, blood began to spill from his nose “ I– It’s too much– I feel too much– I-i-Tin-Tin–Too much-It hurts….it hurts…”
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes sashaxparker December 14th 2017, 11:34:45 am · 2 months ago nathan-douglas sashaxparker:
Sasha was feeling quite out of it. Her mind was disconnected and she was feeling sort of like she wasn’t all here. She’d gone out for a walk to clear her mind but it wasn’t truly helping, though the clear sky was pretty to look up at as she went. She just wished she could feel like herself again… what if she never did? It was snowing now and she pulled her scarf up over her head to protect her hair. It looked pretty and it did strangely make her feel a little better. She came to the park and noticed she wasn’t alone suddenly. It set her on edge at first but she couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched the other having a good time with the snow. He looked carefree. “Having fun?” She asked, though not really sure why she struck up a conversation.
Packing some snow into a ball when he heard Sasha he glanced over and grinned a bit. He then looked back to the snowball and packed more snow onto it “Sooo much fun.” He says, a little excitedly. “It’s the first time i’ve gotten to be around snow since I was seven years old.” He wasn’t even bothered by the cold. He just wanted to enjoy this before it was ripped away from him, like everything else was. And had always been. He had learned to enjoy things while he had the chance, for as long as he could because it could be gone in a moment. Even if sometimes it might make him seem like a child, or even stupid. Nathan knew he was neither of these things “Why aren’t you having fun, too?”
Source: nathan-douglas #Para#SashaPara#Sasha 10 notes austinxdouglas December 8th 2017, 1:56:05 pm · 2 months ago nathan-douglas austinxdouglas:
Austin looked stared at the grave still in a little shock about all of this. When Nathan started to yell at him, he raised his eyebrows “Hey!” He yelled as he raised his arms to block the dirt that was thrown at his face. “I mean how did you die! I know mom and dad fucked you over! I know that, but you were alive when they sent you there!” He noticed as Nathan started to dig, “Nate come on, this isn’t a good idea.”
“I-” He cut himself off, trying to think. He didn’t actually remember dying. He just remembered leaving solitary “I was in trouble. They put me in solitary for days. I-i.. When they let me out- that’s it. That’s all I remember. I went to bed. Okay. And then I was in the fucking woods.” He glared at Austin “They might as well have sentenced me to death, Austin! Your Parents, they had to have known! I told her! Constantly. But she wouldn’t fucking listen! Just like you aren’t listening to me! And now I am dead. So…” He stabbed at the ground again “Eh! Good idea, bad Idea. I’m the one who is buried here, and no one gives a fuck about me. So help me or don’t. If you don’t, that’s fine. I’ve always done everything without you anyway.  You were always the one that was needy. So fuck off! If you don’t want to help me. –I don’t know why I expected any support from you, you were never the supportive type.”
Source: austinxdouglas #Para#AustinPara#Austin 59 notes kerrieridgeway December 5th 2017, 3:55:31 pm · 3 months ago nathan-douglas kerrieridgeway:
She sighed as he pointed out their last interaction, of course he didn’t put his actions into account. Only blamed her. “I promise to give you hot coffee if that’s what you want.” She spoke looking at him, before staring down either side of the street making sure that no one obvious was watching. “If they’re watching you, being outside isn’t a good idea.”
Nathan could be immature and yes, often blamed others before he would ever blame himself. There was no question about that. However, he had not done anything to Kerrie before she dumped coffee on him, accidentally, to him it  still stung, and everything that followed was because of the coffee incident. As she said she would give him more he paused and looked at her worried and shook his head “I don’t like coffee… Don’t throw any coffee on me anymore. Too hot. It’s too hot.” At the last thing she said he shook his head “It won’t help. He’ll come and get me, he’s not scared.”
Source: kerrieridgeway #Para#KerriePara#Kerrie 5 notes kerrieridgeway December 5th 2017, 2:58:48 pm · 3 months ago nathan-douglas kerrieridgeway:
Kerrie was cleaning a table in her diner when she noticed the young adult who she really disliked. Though as she saw him so distraught she felt something for him, she watched for a minute before sighing and deciding to do something. She put her rag down and opened the front door, “Hey,” she spoke looking at him waiting to get his attention. “Are you okay?” She spoke as she felt the colder December winds hit her. “Come inside,” she spoke wondering if he was distraught over anything task force related. She wasn’t sure, but seeing him so upset hit a chord with her.
Self “Found you, you bastard.” Nathan muttered, giving a slight smirk as he looked at the photo of the man he had searched for in the search engine on the computer he was on.  Moving he pulled out a journal from his backpack and then a pen, writing down several names. The current name he was on, the first of a long line, he began to write down several facts that were written about the guy on the computer “A gay son who works at the local gay stripe club. Interesting.”  Nathan mused for a moment as he wrote “Physical abuse accusations over a period of years, a little as a year ago, no surprise there. No wonder he was this easy to find.”
Nathan had spent the next few hours or so doing research, looking up several other peoples names on his list. He then left the library and made his way down toward a sidewalk that eventually lead him to a somewhat decent neighborhood. Nathan hide out near by a house, watching it, waiting for a cue. Once that cue had arrived home, some hours later, from work. Nathan smirked, confirming that his target had indeed been the right one he spent the next few weeks watching the guy’s activities, learning about where they would be, when he needed them to be somewhere.
After his observations had been made extensively, Nathan then began to make daily visits to the gay stripe club, at first observing goings on. Never calling the attentions of the son he had learned about just weeks earlier. After a few days he then made the move to lure the young male over to him, getting their attention by acting more on his personality with out the filter of ‘abuse’ that had often blocked his true personality, or emotions, from showing clearly. Once he had gotten the male in his snares Nathan spent the next few days getting to know the other, and them thinking the were getting to know him as well. To the point that had actually begun to treat Nathan like a friend. Even at times jokingly calling Nathan his future boyfriend.
Once reaching that point with the male, which was surprisingly easy, Nathan had thought. But still, he supposed for him an apparent sociopath, it wasn’t so hard to lure the weak minded into his fake personalities. It more so depended on what Nathan wanted. As time went on Nathan began to pay for a private room for him and the son of the guy he had been targeting.
They were grinding up against him then, pressing their lips against his, making out with him and rubbing a hand against his junk. Nathan played along, pretending he had been into the mood of the current situation. Once it was over though he frowned in mock sadness “I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll even, probably, bring you a surprise.” Nathan pulled away then, button his jeans back up as they stood and toyed with his hair, telling him how much they wanted to have sex with him, before asking why Nathan had never asked them to meet him outside of the club “I will…one day. I just, have a lot of shit going on in my life.” Nathan forced a smile then “I still feel like we don’t know each other enough to show you that part of my life.” Cold dark eyes locked onto theirs “In time.”
He watched the male leave the room the before rolling his eyes and moving to exit as well. Minutes later he was walking toward his brothers apartment. Nathan had definitely noticed the other had been distant, which wasn’t anything entirely knew. Austin was hopelessly useless to him, in many ways. And if the other would rather talk to their girlfriend than help him, he supposed he would just have to get revenge, all by himself. On everyone who had ever fucked him over. Starting from the bottom.
#Self December 17th 2017, 2:26:48 pm · 2 months ago “Have you thought of any names for them?” A nurse asked the woman laying beside her, several months pregnant it seemed. She then glanced over to the woman’s husband as the woman had also, a grin on her face as is she were thinking.
“Well…” She started pointing at the monitor “I think this one should be Austin.” She said as she point toward one baby, that appeared to be sucking on it’s thumb “It fits, right Robert? Austin. And this one.” She paused for a moment to think, seeing the other baby was a bit more feisty “I think Ad-”
“Let’s name him Nathanael.”  Robert finally spoke up looking at the monitor and nodding “Yeah, I like that one.” Staring at his wife she gave him a concerned look before nodding.  She obviously had been thinking of a completely different name for the other twin, but she supposed she would let Robert have this one, it wasn’t that big of a deal to her, of course. Originally, when they thought one of them would be a girl one of the twins was going to be named something that fit a lot better with Austin.
A Little While Later
Getting in from the hospital Karina walked inside carrying one baby carrier “Alright Aussie, stop fussing.” She cooed placing the carrier down finally as the infant inside it whimpered before having a complete meltdown just as they were brought inside. Karina sighed, obviously extremely exhausted after having just had two babies only a couple days earlier. Both of which seemed a little fussy the entire drive home.  She watched as Robert finally came inside with the other baby carrier in hand and the baby bag. It was around this time that the other baby also began to fuss because of Austin’s crying “Here we go, again.” Karina laughed before giving a kiss Robert and taking the baby carrier out of his hands “Can you make up their bottles, maybe that’ll settle them down.” She turned to Austin’s carrier and gave a exhausted smile “Right? How’s that sound?” She cooed again gently reaching over to tickle lightly at his stomach “Good thing Grace is with Grandma.”
Placing Nathan’s carrier beside Austin’s he started to bring his arms and legs in closer to his body, his face scrunching and turning red before he let out a few whimpers of his own. Obviously he was attempting to cover his ears.  Karina noticed this and frowned “Hey, hey, do-” She looked toward Austin, thinking that if he could get him calm he could prevent what was about to go down. Searching for a pacifier then she found the one she had given Austin earlier in the carrier beside him “Here.” She offered watching the other take it, but a moment later she watched him refuse to take it. Looking at Nathan then she blinked, before her eyes widened seeing he was sucking on his thumb “Oh. Ooh.” She glanced toward the kitchen where she could here Robert and then back to the twins “Well, that’s surprising.” With a shrug then she continued to try and get Austin’s to stop crying. It wasn’t until Robert returned with a bottle and she handed it over to him, holding it for him that Austin had finally calmed down.
A Few Weeks Later
Austin was crying over something, perhaps it was the dark that had been keeping him up at night, crying. The crying had happened so often that Grace and Robert had both asked to sell him for a new brother.  One of them was joking, at least. The other was a little bit more serious. Nathan on the other had, had hardly ever cried. It seemed the moment that Austin started he would stick his thumb in his mouth and this had managed to make him feel extremely calm during Austin’s moments of  crying. Austin was a baby, of course, both literally and emotionally.  He would often cry over little things. Grace often didn’t appear to enjoy playing with him, because he always seemed like he was going to break.  One little wrong move and Austin would start to fuss. Nathan’s thumb would find itself in his mouth and stay their for the rest of the day, furiously being sucked at.
One Year Later
Nathan was sat up, sucking on his left thumb, his right hand lifting up a block onto another next to Austin who was chewing on a megaman toy contently.  It seemed that over the last year or so he had calmed down significantly enough to actually develop a personality trait that had not been ‘big cry baby’.  Nathan and he garbled something back and forth in some babyish talk. Austin giggled gently at Nathan after he garbled something. Nathan continued to loosely suck at his thumb, still somewhat locked into his mouth as he eyed the toys in front of him. The two only looked up as Grace had come running across the living room followed by Robert. She started shouting for their mother, obviously wanting to show her something that she had been working on in school.
Robert looked over toward the twins then “Hey, boys. Nathan, take that out of your mouth.” The older male ordered before walking over to Nathan and picking him up, and pulling it out forcibly before placing Nathan down again “That’s so disgusting.”  Robert mumbled, not realizing that Nathan could understand what the other was saying, and would remember these moments.
It went on like this on and off, every day, Robert would make Nathan stop sucking on his thumb then complain to Karina about encouraging such a disgusting habit. To Robert the habit had outgrown it’s cuteness and he was too old to be doing something like that.
Three Years Later
While taking a nap Nathan was sucking on the tip of his thumb absently, earlier that day he had an argument with Austin over a toy and was placed in time out by Robert who told him the next time he through a toy at Austin, that he would throw a toy at Nathan. Robert then left Nathan locked in their bedroom where he was told to stay on his bed and not move. Nathan eventually fell asleep as two hours passed and had been sleeping there for the last three hours.
The door finally opened and Karina walked in “No. Robert, Austin said it was an accident. He was waiting by the damn door when I walked into the house!” She shouted at Robert as she walked into the room toward Nathan’s bed. Crouching down beside it she reached over and ran a hand over the top of his head. Blinking Nathan looked at her and frowned. Karina smiled “Come on, Nanny.” Leaning in she gave him a kiss to the forehead before pulling down the blankets and picking him up. Robert glared for a moment before sighing and walking away saying that he might have gone a little too far, and that maybe Nathan would learn a lesson about throwing toys.
Some Odd Years Later
Sitting in front of the therapist Nathan sucked nervously on his thumb, staring at the guy sitting in front of him. They tapped their pen on the paper before looking at Robert “So you’ve always felt him to be unnerving and strange, compared to your other children? He’s hurt them, and been extremely aggressive since the day you brought him home.” They gave Robert a look before nodding “And how long has he been sucking on his thumb?”
“He’s always sucked on his thumb. We’ve tried all kinds of things to get him to stop. Put hot sauce on it, he likes hot sauce now.”  Karina answered looking at Robert, not wanting to say that her husband had gone so far as to threaten to put Nathan’s thumbs in a blender. She looked at Nathan then only to watch Robert reach over and yank the thumb from Nathan’s mouth and tell him to stop it.
“Oh. Well, some children usually will stop sucking their thumbs early on. Unless their’s something going on.  Usually it’s fixation. But there are also cases that abuse makes some children continue to suck their thumb.” Making a few marks on the paper in his lap the therapist nodded “ If he’s been doing this since before he was born, it’s probably an oral fixation.” What the therapist didn’t know was that Nathan’s thumb sucking was because of Austin, making him extremely nervous or anxious. Which as Austin got older it began to come Robert who was making him anxious all the time and use his thumb to de-stress after every encounter they had.
The therapist smiled then and looked at the pair before looking at Nathan “Don’t worry, we’ll see what we can do.” Ripping the paper from their clipboard they handed it over to Robert “Give him this every day and you’ll start to see significant changes, he’ll be less aggressive.” Watching this go down Nathan started to suck on his thumb again, anxiously, he inhaled sharply. Not protesting, because he mostly didn’t understand what was going on and he believed he was bad, and needed to do whatever to be good.
Age Eight
Yanking at his arms Nathan stared up at Breccan as the other talks “This will make you stop. I’m sure of it.” He gave a nod to one of the orderlies then and the brought Nathan closer to a bowl of liquid, dunking Nathan’s thumb inside it, coating his thumb. Then doing the same to the other thumb. The orderly continued to hold Nathan’s arms in a way that kept his thumbs from getting smeared as the liquid dried. Then they dunked it again, and proceeded to do this for a while.
Finally he was released with the other children in the hospital. Standing for a moment he walked over toward some toys that no one else was messing with. He could hear one kid freaking out over something and staff trying to deal with that. Sniffling as he picked up one toy he wished he were home. Feeling stressed out then as the shouting and struggling continued from behind him he moved his left hand up to suck on his thumb. Only to be hit with a bitter taste a moment later.  Gagging he yanked his thumb out of his mouth and shook his hand. Blinking, he stared at his thumb before looking over. Letting out a breath he glared before slamming his hand on the floor and groaning under his breath, his anger become a little hard to control.
December 18, 2017
Nathan had been sleeping, or more, resting, for the last day. He didn’t feel like moving, or doing anything at all. He just wanted to lay in the small closet in Austin’s apartment, feeling safe and comfortable there, more than he had been sleeping in a big open space.  The last few months of stress, being angry, and being hurt had began to manage itself. Pulling back into the recesses of his mind. Just being able to sit down and have a day where he wasn’t dealing with all the shit in his world was usually something he had needed, but rarely ever got. Since he woke up in the woods. Letting out a calming sigh he continued resting.  The thumb on his left hand being sucked on furiously as it helped him de-stress from everything.
Finally leaving the closet about two days after that Nathan opened the door and inhaled deeply before stretching out. Walking into the living room he noticed it was pretty earlier in the morning. He didn’t feel like leaving yet, feeling that if he did leave things would just become more stressful. He was feeling that for the moment he would hold off on the stress for the moment and make something to eat, because he was starving.  Hearing some snoring he looked down the hall toward Austin’s room and frowned a little “Well at least he is sleeping.” With a serious look he started toward the kitchen, which wasn’t very far away.
About an hour or so later Nathan was sat on the floor in the Livingston with a pile of breakfast food he made, by himself, from whatever was in the kitchen. Stabbing a fork full of pancakes, that he made, slathered in blueberry syrup on one side and strawberry on the other he shoved the bite in his mouth and chewed as he moved to grab up some sausage, ham and bacon and started to shovel it all into his mouth. Wiping his hand off then he moved it back over to the game controller in his hand and continued to play whatever game he was playing, loudly on the tv.
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