#like even if i like.... went into a senior position.. i didnt even want to. like it was just so... idk JDJDJJDJDJX
bangcakes · 1 year
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rillette · 2 years
soup tell me funny hal facts i need something positive in my day
Sits down. Okay so (thinking really hard)
One time hal found a space rock that smelt like chili (his favorite food) and he ate a chunk of it and went mmm chili my favorite and then flew off into space and this was never ever addressed again.
I dont know if this holds true for the other lanterns, but for hal specifically, him saying the green lantern oath is treated subtextually like he's jerking it. It makes me laugh every single time bc hes always like "kyaaa I can't say the oath in front of other people (blushes runs away)"
He is so wildly unlucky dude. One time he got a trailer after crashing on the couch at ferris for a couple days and I was like oh boy hes not homeless anymore!! And then literally like two panels later it got hit by like a comet or smth and destroyed. And then when he was exiled to space for a bit he was sleeping on an asteroid. Like picture a little minecraft bed on an asteroid that's basically what his living situation was. Anyways that asteroid also got destroyed within like a page so.
He went on oprah once as green lantern! He's also signed a check as green lantern (not on purpose) and he might be allergic to peanuts
One time he went camping and he wanted to make ollie's camp chili recipe but it called for mushrooms so he brought canned mushrooms with him. But the mushrooms were tainted and he got sick and couldn't use his ring and he fell off a cliff trying to rescue someone. Like imagine being stuck on a cliff and seeing the green lantern (guy who can fly) try to scale the cliff to save you but then he fucking falls off the cliff. Embarrassing...
Another time he lost his lantern and he was like trying to follow its trail in space but he was worried about his ring being low so he was like. Internally debating on calling superman for help. But then he visualized superman (twice hals size) picking him up and slamming him against a wall and yelling at him. So there's that. He's also taken a nap in the middle of space before!
One time carol asked him over to watch cartoons in their underwear (she wanted to get laid) but hal spent the entire time doing math homework. It also took hal like seven months to ask carol out to lunch with friends. He practiced in front of a mirror even. (She said no, she didnt even realize he was hitting on her) (this was in their senior year of college)
Edit: also he's been arrested as green lantern MULTIPLE times and he just??? Goes along with it??? He's like ah shit well you got me guys time to go to jail I guess :(
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
MNMOMS??? 👀👀👀👀👀
hmmmm I’d like to know more about the relationship between the moms and their kids maybe? if you havent answered that already?
oh or anything about the relationship between any of the moms
really just anything about mnmoms, im obsessed GSHSHSHGSHEH
HIII LEX!! oogh. relationships between the moms and their kids... i think ive mostly only talked about morgan and nick/nicholas, on tumblr at least, so i can definitely get more into that :D
morgan and nick... well-trod ground. morgan is severely paranoid and over-protective of nick, while nick is severely clingy but also has to pick a fight with everything she say, etc etc. i havent spoken as much about morgan's relationship with nicholas i dont think beyond establishing that she loves him and that hes a total mama's boy gbhjfdhjbj so i can talk about that!! though shes more well-managed by the time he is present, morgan is still very protective of nicholas, helped by the fact that he is the most high-strung kid on the planet. hes very jumpy whenever jodie isnt around, seeing him as his main source of safety, and hes also like... pretty aware of morgan's conflicted feelings on him? nicholas is exactly what morgan always wanted nick to be, well-behaved and careful, and it just makes her so much more aware of everything she lost. nicholas knows he is loved, and morgan does love nicholas, but hes also very aware of... well, his mom is different to him now, too. he can understand that he is just as foreign to her, hes a smart kid. they love each other very much, and honestly, morgan's relationship with nicholas is a lot healthier than it was with nick, but theyre both overly aware of the elephant in the room.
carol and grant probably have the most consistently positive mother/son relationship throughout the entirety of mnmoms, besides mercedes and lark at least! however, this... isnt for good reasons LMAO. pre-forgotten realms, carol generally wasnt home much, preferring to work herself to death at her office job. so grant literally prefers her to darryl just because she was never the one around to get mad at, she was never trying to talk to him, he didnt have to worry about helping her with chores because she didnt do housework, etc. they love each other very much, but once they get to the forgotten realms, carol becomes very aware that she cannot remember the last time she had a proper conversation with her son. just, no comprehension of whats going on in his life at the moment. its BAD, yall, but the two never really question their love for each other, which cant be said for all the kids. ive talked about this before, but they do have a plot of bonding over their sexuality journeys, carol works really harden to soften her sharp edges for her son and to be more present in his life, and they come out of the forgotten realms in a much better place than they went in! (though, take this with a grain of salt, because its definitely the same way that darryl and grant came out better in canon. this does not mean that they werent both traumatized LOL)
samantha and terry junior... start off the worst, for sure :') i have talked about their relationship before but it was part of a longer ramble about sammy, so i will reiterate it here! samantha has a bad habit of going therapy mode on terry junior and he is very aware of it. she is of the opinion that she should not put her emotions on her son at all, because she is his mother and thats not his responsibility (which actually stems a lot from samantha's relationship with her own mom but i think im gonna get into that more for isadora's ask--). however, terry takes her facade of calm as her being utterly in denial about terry senior dying at all, and he cant understand why she wont even show that shes upset. this already puts their relationship in a tenuous space over a few years, and when samantha starts dating and then marries ron, terry's trust in her is. utterly obliterated. at the end of their time in the forgotten realms, like with ron, they arguably have the best relationship though! samantha learns how to show her emotions without having terry junior feel obligated to help her and does her best to be more vulnerable with him in general, and terry junior learns how to accept that his mom is allowed to have a life beyond his biological dad. they make me so fjhbghjbghj <3333
and okay. right. finally. haunted expression. mercedes and the twins.
firstly, mercedes and lark. consistently a good relationship! they have the typical oak-garcia issue of lark running all over her, not really treating her as an authority figure, but its obvious that he absolutely adores her and that she adores him in turn. this is helped by the fact that mercedes is definitely the "fun" parent - glenn parallels, lol - so she has even less control over the twins than henry did, mostly because she never thinks to exert any. still, even though lark and sparrow are absolute agents of chaos, they love their mom and lark never stops loving their mom. by the end of their journey, he's a little more distant from mercedes out of guilt, mostly. lark is still the one to stab henry in this au without any of the deep rooted rogue card anger to validate it for himself, and he has a very hard time looking either of his parents in the eye afterwards. however, he also considers them both his main source of comfort, and tends to trail them quietly around the house when hes upset.
mercedes and sparrow. haunted expression intensifies. "Is there anything as undoing as a daughter?" sorry for quoting arcane but LITERALLY MERCEDES QUOTE OF ALL TIME. it starts... the same as mercedes and lark: no sense of authority, but very positive emotions! sparrow is not out as transfem at the beginning of their journey, its still something she is working out throughout their time in the forgotten realms (she very much has a moment of like... "i'm in a new place where nobody knows me, so i'm going to pretend to be a girl and see how many people are fooled! that's a very normal thing for boys to do!" and lark plays along lol), and a lot of their time pre-rogue card is dedicated to that! mercedes and sparrow bond a lot as sparrow warms up to the idea of coming out as trans, and mercedes. well. mercedes already knew before going into the realms and has been reading a million different pamphlets and consulting advice columns and talking to morgan on how to perfectly handle this situation LOL. so their relationship is kind of perfect, actually, and they are doing really really well until the deck of many things comes into play :')
post deck of many things, sparrow is... very openly Not A Fan Of Mercedes. she is still the upbeat positive lovewolf twin in this (though i think she more wants to generally be a witch than a lovewolf, since her mama's a bard and not a druid!), so it is even more obvious when sparrow suddenly is not giving mercedes the time of day. sparrow is utterly convinced that she is destined for greater things in a very negative way, and blames her discovery of this on mercedes getting them stuck in the forgotten realms. she also, similar to lark in canon, blames the moms as a whole for the fact that walter was hurt and sees them widely as useless. mercedes, for her part, does everything she can to redeem herself to sparrow, and is endlessly frustrated by the fact that nothing she does works. post-forgotten realms, they argue pretty relentlessly, sparrow locks herself in her room and screams herself hoarse, mercedes storms out into the back garden and cries until she gets a migraine, and henry takes lark out for ice cream-- despite this, sparrow does still seek out a lot of comfort from mercedes, and she has a habit of casually finding herself, at night, in wolf form and curled up at the foot of her parents' bed. strange and so weird how she ends up specifically sprawled out across her mom's feet at least once a week, if not fully laying between her parents. crazy. what a coincidence. shes a fully independent child with no need for comfort for sure though
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viviegirl05 · 1 year
dear science side of tumblr...
i got a severe lyme disease infection in my brain when I was 16. im now 31 and i am a COMPLETELY different person than i was at 16 before i got sick. did the whole chronic illness thing affect my personality?
to be clear, i had was a bacterial infection (lyme is a bacteria) and it gave me what we called seizures but def werent--i legit though they were panic attacks for a year and went to therapy looking to treat anxiety. looking back i have no clue why i thought that. the first episode i had i was in the kitchen making a snack at home alone after school. zero pressure from anyone, no problems with school work, i finally had friends for the first time in years, things were actually pretty good at the time. after a year of therapy my therapist was like “yeah, you don’t have anxiety problems.
i didn’t get diagnosed until almost 18 months had gone by and by then my immune system was basically nonexistent and i probs would have died if i got the flu. it was BAD. i spent months rebuilding my immune system and slept like 18 hours a day minimum for a year (my senior year of hs, but the school was really great about it and i still graduated on time. wish i had taken a year off though, all my friends were in the year after me anyway).
i went off to college the next august and was IMMEDIATELY suicidal. like my parents dropped me off and within an hour of them leaving i realized i wanted to kill myself. 
i didint find a med that worked for my depression for 2 years (i tried to kill myself once by overdosing on painkillers--do not recommend. i got an ulcer that took months to heal) and shortly after discovering i was no longer suicidal a new lyme treatment led to chronic migraines. like, i was in unbearable pain for 21 months. i get botox now and get maybe 4 migraines a month, SOO much better.
all this time i was losing interest in everything i liked as a teenager and didnt really get new interests until like 5 years ago
also ive gained like 150 lbs since i got sick, so that has led to some issues, but im currently positive in my self image for the most part
i also think im ace now? idk i def masturbated a lot in hs but never actually had an orgasm (i always blamed ADHD becuase i would get bored even though i was turned on) but now its like whatever. i have a lot of chronic pain now, so maybe thats why i never feel aroused? when i use edibles for pain treatment i feel so good and pain-free that i sometimes think im turned on but im actually not. i think its just the absence of pain that leads to a pleasurable expereince of not feeling shitty that my brain thinks is good and equates with being turned on? im so confused about my sexuality at this point
the thing is, i dont feel like i am at all who i was going to be before i got sick. like, i feel like my whole persoanlity and being has changed as a result of my illness, not just my health and life/circumstances. 
i have no clue what is going on or what to think. 
any help?
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psykoz · 2 years
ok so some things that have happened at my job
- coworker said the r slur in front of me, a few others, and one of the front end managers. manager says nothing to stop it and in fact jusf laughs and agree w the overall statement (halloween costumes looked [r-slur]ed). this is significantly worse as not only am i (not openly at work for fear but pretty obviously) autistic, but the field we are working in is specifically with seniors with a specific type of mental and intellectual disability
- person who hired and trained me and is an assistant, also higher position not a manager technically but on the management team, learns i dont celebrate xmas thru an email i willingly send, totally fine. but days later, unprompted and unrelated, she str8 up asks why i dont celebrate and i feel the need to reveal some inkling of religious beliefs which i really do not want to do
- literally wont tell me half of the things i need to do/not do until after i fucked up anr get reprimanded. they never told me what the callout policy was, until after i recieved a write up for breaking it. they didnt tell me a security feature for someone had been updated, until i almost messed up SECURITY and a coworker had to tell me it had been changed. theres more but pointing out every time would get tedious and repetitive
- already blamed me once for having "too many missed calls" despite every one of those missed calls having been before my start time or after i am meant to clock out, some even having come past midnight or before 6am when im still hours away from even needing to be getting ready to clock in, outright admitting that it was more likely because their phone system isnt patching back to the after hour line, or after hours people are just not picking up the phone. and still called me in for a full 8 hour "training" shift where i spent well over 75% of the day sitting, not working OR training and thinking abt how much shit i needed to get done in my personal life and how wasteful this was, because of something out of MY control when im not even fucking clocked in.
- my bosses have all been on at least one vacation in the 3 months ive been here. despite being called, verbatim, "the last line of defense" and being in charge of peoples lives, having to potentially de escalate an angry senior if i tell them they arent allowed outside, and having to be around people that are dying at least one person every week or 2, i get no benefits and no chance to even accrue vacation or sick time. i would have never accepted a job with not benefits or sick or leave if they had explained to me the full scope of the stressors i have dealt with. i know for a fact my ptsd has gotten more severe after this job and i went thru a traumatic experience that i wont talk abt bc it was out of the hands of my job tbf, they couldnt have stopped it from happening, but i have still been exposed to multiple deaths and one event ive been unable to stop thinking about and fearing. they have never suggested grief counseling is available to any employee
- sometimes they put up fliers for mandatory meetings/trainings without sending any text/email about it. this sucks for so many reasons. i just may not see them, i have multiple disorders that give me memory issues so having a reminder on my phone would be helpful, qnd the worst of all: they have put up fliers on a day i wasnt working for a mandatory meeting, on a day i wasnt working, and i did not have another shift until 2 days AFTER the meeting that i didnt even know happened bc they didnt bother to let me know despite me being physically unable to see fliers if im NOT THERE.
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cringe-time · 4 months
I am so fucking fed up with everything. I wish I never went to school for art cuz now I have an art degree and every single job I find is looking for someone for a senior position, or something for motion graphic design, which I’m terrible at and hate. No one is looking for illustrators cuz they can just use ai for free, no one is looking for entry level animators, and the thing is I HATE practicing animation. I wish I chose a degree that didn’t involve so much self motivated work cuz I am the least self motivated person in the world. I might be able to practice animation if it wasn’t to the end of “so I can move out and pay rent and retire someday”, KNOWING that even if I was a half decent animator there would have to be a miracle to get a job that would pay enough for all that. It all just feels so pointless. And it doesn’t help that every single job description involves “working in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines” and “able to work on multiple projects at once”, which sounds like recruiter slang for “we’re gonna overload you with work for barely any pay”. I don’t like art enough to work harder to get better to MAYBE, if I’m lucky, get a job that breaks my back with work making nothing. My mom is always telling me that I need to work hard now and do everything I can now to get a job in art but the thing is I DONT WANT TO. It seems like no matter what job I get in art I’ll hate it cuz they’re gonna overload me with work I’m bad at, and I’m not even gonna get paid enough to live, assuming they don’t fire me and replace me with ai. She’s an accountant and I was considering going back to school for accounting so I think she’s trying to make sure I don’t follow in her footsteps and get a stressful soul crushing job, but for me that’s what pretty much any art job is gonna be too, so I’d rather get one that ensures I’ll be able to move out, afford rent and groceries, and retire.
And every time I try to look for art jobs I get so overwhelmed and stressed I always end up crying, without fail. So I don’t think that’s a good sign. I’m not good at researching so it’s hard to find jobs to apply for, I’m not good at lying so it’s hard to write resumes and cover letters saying “working in animation is my passion and im great at it”, I’m only ok at animating cuz it feels so pointless to practice when I hate it, and I’m barely improving, and you need to be the best of the best to get a job.
I think my mom has a point that a normal 9-5 is hell cuz you don’t have any free time, but I really don’t know what else to do. I don’t think I’d mind being a janitor but janitors don’t get paid a living wage. I’m not an ambitious person, and I wanna say I wish someone told me you kinda need to be ambitious and self motivated to be an artist, but they DID. AND I DIDNT LISTEN. I literally said “whatever, I’ll figure it out.” cuz I didn’t wanna think about what else I could do cuz I couldn’t think of a single other thing. I wish it wasn’t expected to decide what you wanna do for the rest of your life at 17. I wish there was a job that existed that both would pay me enough to live comfortably and not be hell on earth. I wish I didn’t need to get a job at all. I wish I could just turn off the part of my brain that cares about fun and comfort so I could just force myself to work. I don’t wanna put together a demo reel, I don’t wanna write a different resume and cover letter for every application, I don’t wanna prove what I can/can’t do to every recruiter. I just wanna say “I have the qualifications, I can do accounting, hire me please”.
And im terrified that if i do go back to school for something else like environmental science or accounting that it’ll be the same thing all over again, where I realize I hate it but I don’t know what else to do, so I just drift along, graduate, and end up stuck cuz finding a decent job in that field is impossible if you don’t care that much and can’t force yourself to spend all day applying to stuff you hate hoping you don’t hear back from them every day all the time. I just don’t know what to do
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reidsnose · 3 years
love letters
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overview: spencer has a wonderful idea after finding out that reader had never gone to her senior prom
genre: fluff fluff fluff
a/n: i mixed two ideas that have been sitting in my notes app for this lol but i think its sweet!! i wrote it a little rushed and definitely not bc im not getting a prom this year due to miss rona👀 LMAO but as always please lmk what yall think ab it :)
the idea had fully occupied his thoughts the second after the words left your mouth.
it was "the buttcrack of dawn" as you had called it, though spirits were high on the late jet ride home. it was a rare but much needed positive end to the case, and everyone was happily chatting with each other. since the case was involving high schoolers, the subject fell on prom. everyone went around sharing their prom stories one by one, recalling awful dresses and questionable dates til the questions turned to spencer.
"what ab you, pretty boy, what was your prom like?" morgan asked, still smiling widely from recalling his own.
you watched spencer shift uncomfortably for a second.
"i uh..i never went to prom." he stammered, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"no! you just dont wanna tell us!" prentiss cried, throwing her hands in the air.
"i graduated high school when i was 12! why would i have gone to prom?" he reasoned.
"you had to have gone when you were older or something! everyone has!" jj countered.
"thats not true, i never went to prom either," you defended, subconsciously inching closer to spencer.
before anyone could even ask you to explain why, spencer got the idea. he mentally left the conversation after you gave your answer. he spent the whole rest of the ride home and the next couple of weeks brain storming and planning.
and casually after work one day, as he was walking you to your car, he asked you if you wanted to hang out with him that weekend; at his house.
you and Spencer had hung out before, but mostly at your house or at coffee shops; he didn't invite people over very often.
of course you agreed but you grew confused when he told you to dress fancy.
you raced home afterwards to raid your closet, looking for any fancy dresses you may have stuffed in there.
spencer spent the whole day preparing his apartment. he put up streamers and balloons. he made a playlist of all your favorite songs. and then he rushed to get his clothes from the cleaners.
and when you knocked at his door the breath that left your lungs struggled to come back after he opened the door.
he stood in a gorgeous suit, different than he had ever worn to work. he rubbed the back of his neck and gestured to the living room, revealing the adorable (albeit poorly made but its the thought that counts) decorations.
"um.. welcome to prom," he said, turning back to you, revealing a blushy smile.
he tried not to stare too much at you, but it was difficult. your eyes sparkled as you stepped inside and looked around. and the dress you were wearing fit you so gorgeously he truly couldnt take his eyes off of you.
"spencer, i..." you trailed off, enchanted by what he had done.
"sorry if it looks bad. or if you think its weird that i did this. i just thought cause neither of us went to prom maybe you wanted to have a little one with me? yeah now that i say it out loud maybe you hate it im sorr-" he rambled behind you.
you turned quickly to him as he got lost in his words, eyes glued to the floor. cutting him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as you could. you could feel the tension leave his body as he melted into the embrace, returning it gladly. he doesn't like to be touched by anyone really, except for you.
"i love it. thank you," you whispered, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
he has a spread of snacks lying out on the coffee table which he has mooved to the corner of the room to make space for a makeshift dancefloor.
he turns on the music and you two start talking and dancing and laughing. two fools with four left feet completely and obliviously in love. well, oblivious the the other anyway.
a slower song came on, an old one that you had wanted to slow dance to ever since you were a little girl. and somehow naturally you two came together, his hand dropped to your waist, the other delicately cradling your own. your other hand found its way up to his shoulder, feeling as though a magnet was pulling you two closer. and closer.
he looked absolutely stunning. the soft lights he had strung around the apartment sparkled like stars in his eyes; its was...dizzying, in the most incredible way.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the stars in his eyes he was looking at his whole world that he had been somehow lucky enough to hold in his arms.
he held his arm out, allowing you to spin and when he pulled you back both of your arms ended up wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist. you were less dancing now and more...hugging. with your head pressed to his chest, he hoped with all his might that you wouldn't be able to hear his hammering heart. you most definitely could, but it was calming to know he was as nervous as you were. you smiled, listening more to his heart than the music he had played for you.
you were both sure that you could burst from pure bliss. the song ended a little too quickly for either of your liking and reluctantly you let go of each other. and suddenly Spencer was hit with the realization that he forgot something.
"oh my gosh," his eyes widened as he looked around the room.
"what?" you asked, mirroring him and looking as well.
"i can't remember where i left your corsage! i was gonna give it to you at the door but i forgot!" he exclaimed, running around the room checking shelves.
you smiled to yourself. he got you a corsage!
"ill help you look" you decided.
"please do," he chuckled.
"i thought you had an eidetic memory, shouldn't you know where you left it?" you joked, shooting him a smug smile.
"y/n, my brain was all jumbled to day and it wasn't just from being around you," he realized what he had said and quickly turned back to the shelf he was looking at, "could you check in my room please?"
his heart was racing at his own stupidity; how could he just say that so nonchalantly? he had been planning to tell you that he liked you for the longest time he cant afford slipping up and having it be anything less than perfect.
you slipped into his room, your cheeks warm from the idea that you make his big brain all jumbled. he probably didn't mean it like that, you were just looking too much into it.
you sighed as you crouched to look under his bed for it. you found a small wooden box that you slid out from underneath. it had your name on it.
is it normal to keep a corsage in a wooden box? you wouldn't know, you never went to prom.
you shrugged your shoulders, "i found it spence!"
with out thinking you opened the box, except instead of a band of flowers you were greeted with letters, all addressed to you. there were annotations written in the margins with purple ink. you furrowed your eyebrows as you scanned the various letters.
dear y/n,
today you complimented my glasses and my heart skipped a beat. thats dumb spencer dont start like that
dear y/n,
im in love with you. too forward
dear y/n,
you make life worth living. shes gonna think youre a creep
you felt a rush of euphoria fill your chest. did he really feel these things for you? your thoughts swirled in the most wonderful way. a wide smile broke across your face, butterflies running rampage through your stomach as you reread his words. his words addressed to you.
"oh thank God i really thought i lost-oh. oh no." spencer started as he walked through the door of his room immediately walking back out. you followed, blinking your watery eyes at him. "i can explain.
"i think youve explained enough, theres like 20 letters in here!" you chuckled, flipping through them.
"i didnt know how to tell you and i dont want to ruin what we already have and i-"
"it wasnt too forward." you stated, grabbing one of the letters.
"what?" he asked, dumbfounded.
"in this one," you held up the letter, "you wrote dear y/n, im in love with you. and then you crossed it out and wrote that it was too forward but i dont think it was."
"youre not mad?"
"mad? spencer ive been trying to admit the fact that im in love with you since i realized it myself, why would i be mad?"
"youre..you feel the same way?" he looked back up at you, a hesitant smile pulling on the corners of his lips.
"more so," you beamed, stepping closer.
he wrapped his arms around you, "thats good or else the rest of this prom would have sucked."
you chuckled, pulling him impossibly closer to you as another perfect song played.
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru @sydneekomspacekru
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firstkokon0is · 3 years
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wedding booth
chifuyu x reader
summary: where toman enjoys the day of school fair and yet they still wont make this a normal day for everyone— someone’s gotta experience the school fair at its finest
cw: none? maybe i should include the grammatical error.
school fair is finally happenin, everyone is been waiting for this day and have their freedom
there’s booths everywhere, food stalls, confettis on the floor and cue the dumb people who just dump their trash everywhere but the trashcan— and especially the students in all levels enjoying their life
and just because no one will literally care and its freedom day anyways mikey brought his toman in the school fair, the captains and vice captains and hina and yuzuha . you know, to add more fun.
most of the booths are located into the senior’s building— you guys grouped into 4, you got chifuyu, baji and emma on your team and after the groupings you guys separated ways, the others are not really into the booths special mention to sanzu and mucho— and some are heading to the food stalls.
chifuyu want to eat first but baji is already dragging the 3 of you to the booths and even decided for the team to take the horror booth first.
and lets just say the two boys are more vocal than you and emma, baji even slapped the masked guy who is just doing his job to scare people— chifuyu and emma holding fistful of your shirt almost ripping it off because of how tight they’re holding— good thing baji randomly flew to the air for unknown reason that knocked chifuyu into the corner— its kinda dark and hard to see so you didnt know where chifuyu flew after baji‘s impact
“what the fuck was that— who’s fhat??? who flew?” chifuyu exclaimed ”sorry man i didnt know that happened” baji apologize and with that the time is up, the door finally opened— finally a light to see, you guys got out of there and for a good 3 minutes its the whole topic, while heading into the food stalls to get something to bite
but that didn’t actually happened, because yuzuha and hakkai came to get ”you” and “chifuyu“ for something they said— “what kind of show is this again huh? hakkai- oh my god” chifuyu rolled his eyes when he met mitsuya’s gaze— knowing what’s about to go down, “sorry man, i was just ordered around to get both of you”
“huh?? for what?” your voice pitched up as you asked, “you guys are getting married” mitsuya answered “—baji and mikey listed down your names in the wedding booth so you guys are getting married today” he added
you and chifuyu looked back at baji—while you guys are still seized by yuzuha and hakkai— that idiot baji just smiled “oh cmon dont act like you guys dont want this, chifuyu have been struggling to ask you out so why dont we advance to the wedding already im sure you guys will make it official anyways” baji said followed by a smile— more like showing his annoying smile.
you and chifuyu shared looks and giggled just like how it is between you, you guys aren’t a couple yet, but its more than friends.
yuzuha and hakkai lead you guys to the open park where there’s really like a wedding ceremony, there’s a red carpet on the floor and white chairs and a??? fake pastor lmao its mitsuya.
of course toman is there to cheer on and some other people too who cared enough to actually watch the “wedding”
“love birds please step on the front” mitsuya said with his stupid mic, giving you guys spare rings to put on each other— he also gave you guys mics so your vows can be heard by many, chifuyu couldn’t even look at you straight he is burning, he’s all red hiding his face with his hand.
mitsuya is picking vows card on his hands, making sure to give you guys the best scrip— he handed one to you and chifuyu— he threatened to punch chifuyu if he didnt take this seriously and who said he’s not taking this seriously??
he got his vow on his hand as he started , “y/n, i love you and thank the lord for bringing you into my life, as we enter the matrimony i promise to always love you in sickness as in health, in poverty and wealth, iin sorrow and in joy and to be faithful to you, my y/n…..as long as we both shall live” he looks at you sincerely into your eyes right after the few last words— as he took your hand and placed the ring on your forth finger.
now you’re getting all emotional , its not even a real wedding but they way he looks at you and the way his words are perfectly said— but now its you turn, its your turn to let him know
”Chifuyu Matsuno, you’re the guy that i loved, you were my best friend first until you made me realize that you’re the one……” you let your words came out of your mouth, that wasn’t even in the script you just said it
“that….my commitment to you is one if give willingly, absolutely and without hesitation— im yours utterly and have been since the moment we met” you read the card out loud still looking at chifuyu every second— but you felt like you dont need the card anymore so you put it down to the near table and took his hand
positioning the ring on his forth finger but before that
”we were married before this day and will always be, chifuyu” looking deep at his ocean eyes, you feel like drowning in it if it wasn’t on the tears falling out of it, you pushed the ring in his finger and it makes you happy how the ring perfectly fit on his finger
“KISS THE BRIDE” baji shouted from the audience
“WHAT” you and chifuyu said in unison “we still need to do that??” chifuyu again hides his face
”its doesn’t have to be on the lips” mitsuya said which actually make sense
chifuyu just giggled and i guess he gotta do it “c’mere my wife” he softly pulled you closer and kissed you on the cheek— dangerously close to the lips
and that’s it, toman went wild and so the people around you “CONGRATS” smiley snaked his arms around chifuyu and teaed him non stop as the other toman went up to the front to say their congratulation.
hina and emma started bawling their eyes and saying how real it was.
”hey y/n…….chifuyu” mikey called, you all twisted your head to look at mikey “you guys promise me to make this happen in the future— where its going to be real okay??” mikey just had the softest smile on his face that made everyone almost shed a tear
after the very sweet friendship moment, our forgotten baji from the audience have a spare video of y’all sharing vows and probably shared it on his snapchat.
and with that, the school fair ended, one of the happiest day in your life— at first you didnt think stuff like this can happen, you thought you’re just gnna have a normal fun and nothing more— but what do you expect being in toman? you’ll be the happiest.
and i hope one day, mikey’s wishes for both of you will be granted…..him and baji was the reason of this beautiful mess anyway
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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summary- request: prom hc
character s- Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Water D. Law
warnings- underage drinking, besides that none :)
a/n- so like I’m still a junior so I have no idea what proms like but I mean I seen a very movies sooo...I hope you still enjoy 💕
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Portgas D. Ace
Definitely the flustered type but he’s so unbelievably sweet about everything.
The classic type tho, showing up to give your roses and meeting your parents. Embarrassing by everything your parents say.
Ace was so sweet that your parents eve joke about y’all getting married and all that. It’s safe to say that the both of y’all left the house redder than the tie Ace was wearing.
As soon as y’all drove off tho, you were in total control of the date. All that Ace knew was what Garp and the others told them, so the rest of the night was all up to you.
Ace looked hella awkward when It came to the party. Ace is all down for a good party but a formal one, so not his thing. So a lot of the night he was following your lead.
Obnoxious eating? Yes. Drinking a lot? Yup. Passing out afterwards and scarring the shit out of the others? Of course, it wouldn’t be a party without it!
Y’all would met up Sabo and his crew and just goofed around for the most part. Sabo joked about y’all being a couple and all that, y’all would sneak off the pull pranks on the teachers, piss of the love-dovey couple, then did it all again
When it came to dancing, you and some other girls would go dancing while Ace and the others watch from the outside. When the slow dance came on you bet your ass your dragging Ace out.
Very lazy slow dancing, your hands wrapped around his neck with your face buried in the crook of it, while Ace’s hands rested on your bottom. y’all would sway back and forwards just embracing each and enjoying the warmth. and then once the song was over, the 2 of y’all would end with a passionate kiss.
The night was a pretty simple night, Ace wasn’t to into the party so he didn’t want to do much. As long as he was with you, he doesn’t care. You didn’t want to stay the whole night either, you just wanted to make your appearance hang out with the others a bit then leave.
Once y’all leave, y’all send the rest of the night as Ace’s place. Watching movies, ruining yalls clothes, then passing out in some tangled position. The drinks, food, and sore muscles is a problem for the morning
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Prom king and queen hands down. It’s just a known fact. Going with this man means the nights gonna be almost perfect.
Y’all would be the couple that has matching outfits. Like your dress with match Sabo’s blue tie, stuff like that. He would also spoil you as much as he could too when it comes to getting ready, like he’ll pay for you to get your nails and hair done.
And when it comes to the night of the dance he’ll pick you up, give you flowers, talk with your family, take you out to dinner, then y’all will arrive at the yall walk hand in hand to the ball room. As if y’all were royalty. From there on out, y’all let whatever happens.
When y’all arrive, Sabo was quick to find Ace and his date. You know damn well your not gonna enjoy the party without him. You didn’t mind tho, whenever the 2 of them are together crazy stuff always happens.
Not only does Sabo buddy up with Ace most of the night, but Ace is a social guy, having ties with a lot of people. So y’all spend a lot of the time hanging out with other people. Of course Sabo’s not going anyways where without his date. So if your not going Sabo ain’t either.
Not much time is spent on the dance floor because y’all are always with some group of people goofing off and talking. But once the slow dance comes on the 2 of y’all are definitely gonna be floor dancing.
Similarly to Ace, y’all have a very lazy dance style. Your hands around his neck and his hands wrapped around your waist. A few words would be exchanged between y’all but besides that’s y’all just enjoy each other’s embrace.
Y’all do end up staying most of the night. The plan was to leave a little after the slow dance after y’all had finished talking to everyone. Y’all were gonna join Ace and his date do a double movie date at their house. But everyone insisted y’all stay
So y’all end up staying bc luckily enough this is when y’all are named prom king and queen, it’s was mostly sabo who won but everyone still voted you too bc let’s be honest y’all are still a perfect couple.
But after the crowning y’all basically said your thanks you and all that then snuck off with Ace and his date to crash at their place.
It was a very active night with you and sabo talking with everyone and then being named prom king and queen. And as always to end a very active night, the 2 of y’all cuddle in each other arms and just savor the embrace of each other.
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Monkey D. Luffy
Very spontaneous with this one. You don’t even know your going with him until like 3 days before. And he didnt event bother to ask you, someone brought up the question in which Luffy answered, “Oh, I’m taking s/o.” Never once did you hear anything about it
But although you had 3 days to buy a dress and schedule hair and make up appointments, you went anyways. A party with Luffy and the Strawhats, no way your were gonna miss out on this.
Now Luffy’s not as romantic as his brothers but he’s knows that he at least has to take you out to dinner, he mostly heard that from Grap and the others. However Garp seemed to forget to see Luffy when. But you got into the car you thought he just simply forgot, but it wouldn’t till after dance would he take you.
The dance it’s was a whole experience. You wouldn’t expect any less tho. With the strawhats involved it always a party that either ends in 2 ways: 1- in disaster or 2- not a planned at all.
To start of with, somehow they were able to find the alcohol?? Which shouldn’t even be on the school grounds?? And they were already drinking it like no tomorrow. Zoro was on his 5th glass already and Nami was in a drinking contest
Brook took control of the Dj booth was just playing songs at random, ‘big green tracker’ by Jason aldean then ‘kiss me more’ by Doja cat, then some classical track
Usopp and Franky were doing god knows what. Something to do with the lightings or something. Making the dance floor much more like a club. Sanji was chancing off a group of girls around the floor, and then finally Robin and Chopper were just in the back enjoying the food
They were all over the place but it’s what makes them the life of the party. Even though they were all over the place and doing their out think, Luffy was jumping around everywhere too but he still knows that y’all are on a date, so where ever he goes you follow behind.
This prom is definitely going down in school history. There is no way that people won’t be talking about it. Anything to do with the Strawhats goes down in history.
Of course unlike the others, y’all end up partying all night long and then crashing at some restaurants Luffy promised he’d take you. Although it wasn’t much of a prom date, you still enjoyed the time you spent with the others. And Luffy made sure to keep you close to his side all night long.
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Trafalgar Water D Law
Law was that one cool senior, who had like a cool car and all that. With that being said, you were his 1 year younger lover. So while he doesn’t go to school anymore, he was still your date to prom.
Practically the talk of the school when y’all arrive, not because y’all are still dating but mostly because you were able to keep up with someone like him. With Law being cool he was still kinda a jerk, so having you with him was a relief
So law may be a jerk but he’s is a romantic one at least. Like sabo, he picks you up and gives you a bunch of flowers, he not to social with your parents but they are still cool with him. Then take you out to dinner
At dinner you joke about how he just left high school and now he’s back and how awkward it would be to see his old teachers. Of course, he doesn’t care. Law was more curious to see how the night played out. His senior year he didn’t go to prom so it’s the first with you.
When y’all first get to the party, Law’s pretty much glued to your side. Not because he find it awkward and uncomfortable but he just doesn’t know anyways besides the teachers. So you take him around and introduce him to all your friends.
Whether you introduced a boy or girl, Law kept a hand on you the whole time, almost as a way of saying that your his. This is when you first realized just how intimidating Law is. He really does seem to only have a soft spot for you. So when it come to dancing, Law stood near the wall letting you enjoy the dance floor with your friends without him.
He made sure to scare of any boy who got to close tho, as he watched you with such an intense gaze. However once the slow dance come on that all changed. You dragged Law out to the dance floor where y’all were both surrounded by a bunch of other couples.
Surprisingly for how much Law doesn’t say he’s not a good dancer he was amazing when it came to the slow dance. He was such a passionate dancing too, but so much love in the dance. With y’all’s hands intertwined and his hands resting on your hip and yours on his shoulder, the 2 of y’all swayed back and forward.
However once the slower dance was over, y’all really had no other reason to stay. So you law and a few other friends snuck out and just crashed at some bar where y’all celebrated both prom and graduation that was coming up soon.
Although Law already graduated, he would never miss an opportunity to share a drink and few heated kisses between his tipsy lover.
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So I’m the anon that asked if Sakura had orphanages, thanks for the extra insight. Like I said in that ask, I had seen a lot of Sakura stans on TikTok saying that she had opened them up around the world and saying that she did it because she didn’t want other kids to end up like Naruto and Sasuke. Some said that this made up for the Sakura talking bad about Naruto being an orphan situation.
Hello! your welcome! Yeah it's from Sakura Hiden, at least in retsuden and shikamaru hiden this topic is not there. I read it very quickly -is bad written, very basic, as all the light novels are tho-
these are the fragments of the novel
--------------- "Ah, that's true." Sakura nodded as well.
At the Konoha hospital, Sakura had created a position where she was especially in charge of the mental care of children. Sakura proposed the idea to the senior officials of the hospital. Approximately two years ago, the Fourth Great Ninja World War had ended. When half a year passed after conflict, she then she presented her suggestion.
It was a great war ... Ninjas from all over gathered in an alliance to prevent the resurrection by Otsutsuki Katipoa. She was an exceedingly powerful enemy. Often they thought that they would have been drawn into the depths of despair. But nevertheless, with Naruto In the heart of the Allied Forces, they could neither break nor yield to the enemy. They had fought until the bitter end. Katipoa's aspirations were cut short.
Everyone rejoiced at the arrival of peace. The world was saved. Soon after, rebuilding began after such a large-scale battle. They were making progress by repairing damaged soil and infrastructure.
As a medical ninja, Sakura also treated a large number of injured ninja. There was also many people who suffered serious injuries. Many people visited her for treatment. Without However, all of her patients' expressions were calm and quiet. Since the war finished, it was probably because of her sense of security.
Sakura thought incidentally:
"I wonder what the children are doing ...
She thought about it while she was in the hospital. Sakura noticed Kurenai, who was hugging her daughter. As for the children who were not directly involved in the combat, perhaps they were physically unharmed. However, what about his mental condition? Since the children did not know when the war would end, their young and tender hearts were probably stressing about your situation. Children saw countries in a state of collapse, or they knew of the death of someone close to them. Perhaps they were full of wounded in their hearts and minds.
Due to the stress of the great war, there were children whose hearts and minds were wounded by the situation. There should be children who were suffering like those in Konoha. If that is the case, with the prepared infrastructure of the mental care clinic, and in addition to increasing its effectiveness in Konoha, then your work should be applicable to other villages. In how many for the other villas, it would be extremely useful for your children.
―If only the Children's Mental Health Clinic and the support room could become what Naruto is for Sasuke, for other people ... "Sakura thought.
A place where anyone could come and go as they wanted, talk about anything and everything. Yes the person was bad with words, he was good too. Then the members of the room support would try to start and lead the conversation so that something, anything, could be talked about, or just wait patiently until the other party feels like she can say something. A place like that.
This is the Mental Hospital she WITH INO want to open for the children with mental issues regarding the horrible war. Which yeah i found it wonderful, but Sakura -maybe INo- hasnt got any kind of skill about Psychology and never even dared to care or put some emphaty towards orphans such as Naruto, Gaara or Sasuke. The only time I remember her thinking "Maybe this is how Naruto feels" is in Road to Ninja.
For example, here if you want to apply for being volunteer to take care and play with children in a orphanage, you have to be interviewed and take a psychological test. Because you are dealing with CHILDREN.
Anyway, this hospital doesnt have the "option" to adopt children or something like that so it's far from being an orphanage. And it's not across the world either. The Sakura portrayed here is the one all of her fans desire to be but isnt because her personality is far from being this kind of person.
Could she evolve? Yeah maybe sure, but with a lot of work and development. Development we didnt see here in Naruto nor in Boruto.
And i will rant with this a bit but this really fucked me up.
Lately how are you with Hinata? Better than me, she would listen to you carefully.
-How jealous?
Sakura returned with tremendous speed and slammed her fist into Naruto's head. Sakura with an appearance of a demon looked at Naruto who now rested his face on a rock.
-Of course not! You know I decided to wait for Sasuke-kun!
-Y… Yes ma'am.
Naruto replied still lying.
What did you decide to wait for, homegirl? Because i dont get it. He rejected you almost 5 times (not only love confessions but also your flirting advances) and you "decided to wait for him!". This basically means for me, that she is gonna force him until he "falls in love" with her, because the only thing sasuke said in 699 was "until next time" and that's a quote with the meaning itachi used to give. There wasnt next time, Sasuke went on his journey. -and this "cherry blossom" decided to chase him, and get pregnant because of course she had to get uchihas dick and crest. What do you want to wait for? Did Sasuke give any foreshadowing about coming back for your love? No.
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carmeloffie · 3 years
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chapter two is out here! or read below the cut!
Dean turned the key to unlock the door. they all stepped inside, still in their moment of Revelation. the silence was eventually broken by jack saying, “why’s it empty?”
“It’s ‘cause our furniture isn’t here yet,” Cas explained. Dean tacked on that it would be arriving sometime today. In the meantime, before the stuff arrived, Dean took the time to explain what exactly this endeavor meant for everyone. He had applied online for a mechanic job the week prior, they had only gotten back to him to tell him he got the job the day before. Dean was still reeling from everything happening so fast. it’s like everything hed wanted for so many years was finally coming to fruition, and it was an adjustment.
Cas had signed both Jack and Claire up for school. Jack was going into first grade and Claire into her senior year of high school. Obviously, Claire was older than that, but she could pass as younger just for a little while, while everything was sorted out. Plus she could gather valuable intel that way. The hard part would be getting her to agree to this plan. Jack, on the other hand, was completely thrilled about starting school. He couldn’t wait to be able to have friends his own age. Cas didn’t have much to do throughout the day, but with the other stay-at-home parents in the neighborhood, he was sure he could find some way to help out.
Snapping out of his daydream, Dean took the time to explain how everything would go in the next month or so. “I got a job at the repair shop down the road, Cas will stay here and look after everything, Jack will go to school like we planned, and Claire, we sort of set you up in school again.”
“Wow, you guys are really on a kick of making life decisions without asking me arent you!”
“Claire, it was the best option at the time, we needed the intel from kids that age, and its not like Dean or I could just walk in and ask,” Cas explained.
There was no doubt about it, she reacted as expected. Even though shed only been out of school for a year or so, she’d never enjoyed it when she was involved, so the thought of going back made her sick to her stomach. Since there was really no where to stomp off too, as the entire house was empty, she settled for sitting on the floor behind the kitchen island to process. Some ten minutes later Dean came and sat down on the floor next to her.
“Look, I get it. Nothing can be perfect for us, but sometimes you just gotta tough it out and it’ll be better than you think.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾
(This is a flashback to the action point just so everyone knows whats happening)
It was a normal Tuesday evening. The couple was eating dinner just as normal. Quiet conversation, and unspoken glances were commonplace for them, so the feeling over eerie silence was nothing new, and neither thought anything of it. They didn’t even hear the sound of the door open. Did the door even open?
The husband reached across the table for the salt, his wife screamed in horror when she caught sight of the tall hooded figure above him. The town was small and she shouldve known who it was at first sight, but unfortunately, when youre about to be stabbed, those things dont come as easy. She reached across the table for her phone to call 911, but she didnt make it before the figure had stabbed her husband and was moving on to her. Those were the last thoughts she had before being found in a pool of her own blood the next morning.
The neighbor had heard them and called the cops. News spread like the blight, and everyone was taken in for questioning, so far, no motive or prime suspects had been declared. It had been a month since, and the police presence was now slim to none, even though almost no progress had been made into the actual investigation. That’s just how it is when you have to solve a murer case with nothing to go on but a dead couple and a town of suburbanites.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾
(this is bak in normal time just fyi)
After about half an hour of just trying to process what was happening, Claire was ready to go back to join the rest of her family in putting their furniture together. Cas was sitting on the floor in front of what looked like it could be a table, if you positioned it correctly.
“You need some help?” She asked.
“Yes, if it isnt too much to ask, I could use an extra hand,” he gestured to the manual, “it says you need two people here anyway.”
Claire sat down next to cas and took the manual from his hands, “what step are you even on? None of the pictures look like whatever you’ve managed to create.”
Upstairs, Dean was trying to show Jack how to use an impact driver, “look, I know youre only like what? Five? But its never too early to learn how to use a set of tools.” He handed the tool over to Jack, it looked wildly disproportionate in his hands but that’s not what mattered, what mattered was the fact that he was having a bonding moment with his son, a positive one too. He was bridging the gap of what he missed in his childhood, and giving Jack what he had wanted.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾
The next day was spent almost exclusively on introductions. First they went over and greeted their new neighbors on each side, Tracey and Paul Wayne on their right, and Peter and Vicky David on their left. It seemed to them that neither of them had much of a clue as to what was going on regarding the murder, seeing as that was not mentioned even in passing. However it could be basic politeness and not wanting to scare your new neighbors away. Both couples were in their mid-fiftes and greeted them kindly. The Waynes had a wooden statue of an eagle with some pro-America quote on it, and that was one of the most memorable things about them. The other memorable thing was their brigh red Volkswagon Beetle in the driveway. Dean silently noted a love of older cars as something to connect over in case he ever needed to get closer to them. The Davids had 6 small dogs, and that was their defining trait, they seemed like the people to have “I love my shitzu” stickers plastered all over their car, but they seemed like fine enough people.
The next thing on the agenda was when someone rang their doorbell. It was a woman about their age, who had come to their door both to introduce herself, and to inform them of a house party happening later that night. The woman introduced herself as Hester Stewart from two houses down. Both Dean and Cas were glad to see that there was someone their age who didn’t have a strange amount of pets, or questionable taste in outdoor decor. They made introductions of their own, Claire and Jack even briefly appeared to say hello. They asked her for more information about the party, and she explained that it was being put on by the HOA president to distract from all that was happening, “I guess she figured one shindig would make everyone forget about the murder that happened a few houses down from her house.” She gestured down the road and to the right, apparently in the direction of the woman’s house, “Also she did ask me to invite you, I’m not just asking you to show up without anyone’s permission,” she clarified.
After that they thanked her and went on with their day. “Do you think we should attend the party later today?” Cas asked. Not looking up from the loveseat he was putting together
“I think I was planning on it, it’d be a good way to get out and meet people, not to mention gather details on what’s happening around here without looking suspicious,” Dean replied, flipping the page in the manual.
Cas agreed. Usually events like this weren’t his thing, but he could suck it up for an hour or two if it meant gathering intel. He made a mental note to prepare for more events like this one, and pushed it to the back of his mind. He found himself having to do that more often since becoming human. His angel brain could process more information than any human by hundreds, but downsizing the amount of space in his brain was an adjustment, and he found himself having to push things of the back of his mind more often.
Claire had been eavesdropping from the top of the staircase for the past exchange. Truth be told, she was almost excited to ‘meet the new neighbors’ in such a domestic fashion. She had just gotten off the phone with Kaia, she was showing her the layout of the house, as well as updating her on the situation she had gotten herself into. “They really put you back in high school?” Kaia had asked, thinking about how if anyone had done that to her, she’d’ve put up a lot more of a fight.
“They really put me back in high school,” she had replied. Maybe deep down she did want to sort of have the closure she missed in her high school years.  She missed Kaia a large amount for only not seeing her face to face for a little less than a week, but she had learned from all she’d lost, that she just had to let herself feel her feelings.
They all gathered in the empty living room shortly after. Cas explained the whole plan to Jack and her. Jack was thrilled to be getting out of the house, and getting to see new people. He’d always been a social person, even before becoming a child, but that certainly amplified his social need. This was part of the reason Dean and Cas wanted to get out of the bunker in the first place. Now that they were actually in a position for him to make friends his age, they were certainly going to make that a priority. Dean had noticed that there were more than a few kids Jack’s age in his walk around the neighborhood earlier that day.
The hours before the gathering came faster than expected. Everyone was in a rush to change into nicer clothes and make themselves not look like they’d been putting together furniture all day. (they had, but it was the act of making themselves presentable that matters in this case.) After all, weren’t first impressions the most important? Dean hadn’t really taken account the need for nice clothes this early on in his endevour, so the nicest things he had were a button down and his spare pair of jeans. Not that anyone else was much better off. Claire was wearing a skirt with a jean jacket and combat boots, Jack didn’t change at all seeing as he didn’t see the need, and who were they to argue. Cas was probably the most normal looking of them all, with his blue suit jacket paired with some jeans.
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shipuu · 4 years
So i find tratie adorable so this how i think they got together
We are gonna make this realistic not that “fell in love when we were 16 and somehow managed to stay together through everything”. Nothing wrong with that trope. But like i said ~~realistic
Katherine gardner - originally from washington dc. She went to gerogetown uni.
She has always been passionate about the plants and first decided to major in Agricultural Studies, but then she didnt really like it.
So she switched to environmental studies. Not exactly about plants per se. But still related to the environment.
She sees the way humans are destroying the world and genuinely wants to help
Shes got good friends in college, sleeps around a little bit. Has a good relationship with her father.
Extremely hard working. Work ethic 1000000. Graduated with honors. Got a job at an enviromental consultancy firm in new york.
Travis off to college. I believe he went to a college in ny to be close to CHB and connor. Probably a community college seeing as he couldnt afford other unis
Nothing wrong with that. His relationship with his mom is rocky. So she wouldn’t be able to help out.
Majored in business administration. He takes it lightly his first year, seeing as how he isn’t used to the education system because he lived at CHB his whole life.
He genuinely wants to be successful. To have a life for himself and connor. So after first year kicks his butt, he works hard and raised his GPA the following years.
Extremely good at math and numbers. He steal messes around, playing pranks on people but nothing harmful. Also sleeps around a lot. (Nothing wrong with that)
Malcolm pace made an offhanded comment about how travis should start a new club at uni called “how to steal” and he considers it before shoving the idea away.
During the summer, he helps chiron with any business related things (tax forms, buying shirts, selling strawberries). Connor and him still play a lottttt of pranks
Graduated with honors. Lives in brooklyn With connor who is currently attending college. They still visit CHB from time to time.
So this one time, he steals something but then gets caught. Nothing expensive. A petty offence really. He calls chiron up to save his ass but chirons like NOPE.
So he gets charged. And the court gives him community service since it really was a petty offence.
He has to work with those “plant a tree” volunteer services during the weekend.
Katie is also volunteering there for fun and mostly because during the weekend, she has time to spare.
Travis goes there and is genuinely surprised to see her since he hasnt seen her in 4 years. ( she doesnt visit CHB as often. And even when she does she doesnt see the stolls)
Katie is genuinely surprised too.
First day, they dont talk the whole morning- just planting trees. Katie is still curious as to why he is here. So by the afternoon she asks him.
Shes isnt one bit surprised about the stealing thing. She also forgave them about the Easter Bunny cabin incident as it was 8 years ago??¿¿
Hes kinda nervous and blushing when he tells her the truth. Tbh he had a tiny crush on her back when they were teens. But it sorta went away, as they didnt interact much.
They catch up and its mostly just small talk. The next day, they talk more and katie realises travis has changed. He isn’t as annoying anymore. Travis also realises that katie has changed as she doesnt lecture and scold people anymore. Shes become more chill
The volunteering thing is over so they exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch. However over text, their convo is dry seeing as they arent THAT close and with their busy adult lifes. They slowly drift apart.
Fast forward another year. Katie works at her environmental firm and they start a new project. The firms brings in business consultants because the project has to be a success. One of the consultants is obvio TRAVISSSSSS.
Again both of them are surprised to see each other. Like always they dont really talk in the beginning. Mostly small talk. But then they get paired together for a part of the project.
So then it begins, late nights, coffee runs, laughter at 11pm in the office. Trying to work on numbers and investors and getting the most out reach on this project.
They get to know each other on a much higher level. They start to like each other but wont say anything.
Travis admits katie is gorgeous. And katie admits travis is handsome (not to each other. They just think about it)
2 months later, katie invites travis over to work on the project, trying to come up with an action plan. He brings over beer. And they settle in. Its 2 am. And they both are tipsy.
The project is long forgotten, and start talking about weird things like is cereal soup? Is gucci even worth it?
Its 2 am. Katies apartment is dim because of the lighting. They are both drunk. Sitting on the floor, extremely close to each other. Travis find hers absolutely gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed coz of the alcohol. And shes wheezing so hard coz of what he said.
Katie thinks he looks hot as hell. And with his knowledge on business she finds him 1000 times more attractive.
Travis kisses her first, he pulls back about to apologise, before katie grabs him by the shirt and kisses him back. They have drunk sex on the carpet.
When travis wakes up the next morning, he realises he fucked up. Sleeping with a coworker. What was he thinking? You dont mix business and pleasure.
So he leaves her apartment. And when katie wakes up to see him not there she is kinda hurt.
They see each other in the office next day. And travis cant make eye contact with her. Katie is super confused because she thought he had a good time.
When everyone goes to lunch. She grabs travis and pushed him into a broom closet. And practically interrogates him.
Travis admits he likes her and she says the same. They’re super close to each other(coz of the tiny closet). The electricity in the air is charged. And they kiss again.
Travis doesnt wanna have sex in a closet so he picks her up, slams her on a table in the closet, bunches her tight skirt around her hips, and goes down her.
And katies just trying not to moan loudly. But failing miserably. Travis stoll knows how to eat pussy.
The rest of the day is filled with luscious glances, slight touches, her putting her hand on his thigh under the table and slowly inching upwards.
They meet up that evening at her apartment. And they agree to start dating. They keep it lowkey not yet telling connor.
After 1 month, they tell connor who btw called it from day one. He’s extremely happy for them.
Travis gets a bit jealous when guys flirt with katie and vice versa. But the two them only have eyes for each other.
Katie gets paired with another guy from the office for some work. Travis also notices that the guy checks katie out a lot, even though she is oblivious.
because of their conflicting work schedules, and how they never get to see each other. Katie working on the project with “that guy”travis is busy with his work, and helping connor out in his senior year. Late nights where they miss each other so much
And thats when their first real fight happens. Hes yelling. Shes yelling. Travis gets insecure that katie doesnt want him anymore. Katies positive they are gonna break up.
In a last ditch effort, she goes to his place. And have a painfully truthful conversation on how they both messed up. They promise to do better and communicate more
That night they make ~~love~~ to each other. Not sex, LOVEEEEE.
After that its smooth sailing. They have fights now and then, but nothing they cant handle.
Their first “I love you’s” is a week after they made love to each other. She was making dinner ( shes a fucking amazing cook) and travis is standing behind her arms around her waist, chin on her shoulders.
And they’re talking and he says “well thats one of things i love about u” and after a second he realises what he said and practically freezes. Katie stops stirring the pasta and turns to look at him.
They both just kinda stare at each other and travis is so fucking nervous and then katie breaks out into the most breathtaking smile he has ever seen. she tells him i love u back.
Their kissing turns to making out and he picks her up, slams her on the kitchen counter and they have sex. (They also turned off the stove dw)
2 orgasms later. They finally eat dinner. And things between them are fucking amazing
After dinner they retreat back to the bedroom where katie is screaming his name and travis’ grunting heavily.
And it’s complete bliss.....
Also side note. Hermes and demeter 100% approve
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jneth1lary · 3 years
things suck
i’ve been off this site for a while and i never had the intention of coming back. but tumblr is the only thing that is somewhat private to me and no one else except some people in my real life knows about and it seems like a right place for me to rant and i’m sure no one would actually bother about.
past 3-4 years since i started working at this place, i always thought to always give it my best efforts and my all. never said no to work if i could help it. always do extra because thats the issue with being the only staff employed. but i didnt mind due to liking the job. i am able to clock in and out a little flexibly and i like the environment. the best part was having a boss who was roughly around my age, that i can talk to frankly. i was able to tell him problems and we were friends. it felt like a great thing.
started out fine until shit hit the fan the past few months. work started coming in for two very different things. i needed to help with the setup of a new F&B outlet as my boss wanted one. all the while, i still had to do my original work which was to manage the office, ensure bills were paid on time, ensure the office staff’s items like TP, soap etc was on hand, arrange for weekly cleaner to come in and ensure they are paid their daily wage. that was only just part of my responsibilities. again, i thought “sure, i can do these things,”
boss started to employ an interior designer for the outlet. he started out fine but turns out to be a pompous arsehole. he would give a date for when some items to come in. things won’t show up on time or workers won’t show up on time. the whole debacle caused delays for my own job and coordinating with others related to the outlet including brand owners and staff.
when he needs my help, he would call me and expect me do deliver miracles on the day itself. “I need a pickup truck by 5pm today to get X from Y.”
what am i to do but call for company car just to do such things? and requesting for it at the 11th hour made things hard for everyone. still, i complied.
when he needed plants, i went around and drove him from opposite ends of the earth since 9am. and around lunch time, he didnt even have the courtesy to tell me he wants to go off for lunch. instead, he left me waiting in the car for a good half hour as he was eating his own lunch.
when i brought things up because i cannot see them, i got branded as being repetitive and unreliable. snarky comments were made like “if you tell me once, its already enough. dont have to worry about this. if i dont give you, that means its not ready.”
that may fly for normal work places but my work is reliant on him to give me things on time so i could proceed with applying for government related permits. he even had the gall to say “that permit is not needed.” this is after he owes me the renovation floor plans for 3 weeks.
all that aside, he complains about me to my boss who believes every single word he said. i got a huge scolding for not performing properly the past few months cause of this. worse is this boss made lots of personal attacks. none of them were very work related and all of them very personal.
he said the way i talk to the other staff at the outlet was mean. he said that i have an attitude problem. he said that i cant even do simple matters right but he never fully mentions what except that i’m not on time. he compared me to senior members in the company who were here for 20 years and how they were always “on the ball” and that they never let messes get to their bosses’ ears.
all the while he says things like he gave me higher salary than others despite how people dont typically give others of my position that privilege. i never asked for it and he willingly gave it to me only to hang it over my head insincerely. he also said that he helped my sister with scholarship things for her studies. to my knowledge, the fund was set up to help students and he was the one who suggested i get my sister to apply for it.
since then, i get terrible anxiety just thinking about meeting my boss. waking up in the morning, i was upset that i woke up. because that would mean i have to get into work.
work was all i could think about. even when i am off work. i can hardly have a conversation with my husband and being mentally there with him.
this has to stop.
it was during the final week of december that i decided that i had enough. no more rushing around the town to buy supplies the outlet needs. no more cleaning up after the manager who was hired but unable to perform simple tasks. (story for another time)
i’ve grown weary of actually doing more than i am asked of. i’ll do what i can and no more and less. if he chooses to fire me, i can honorably say i did my best.
this post is just a reminder of these things. so i can look back and said i did it. and i’m happier for it
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
AHAHAHA I LOVE YOUR RESPONSE— I'm legit all giggly at the fact the boys went Jelly, especially Hannie 💕 ~~~ Im also thrilled that you wrote what their contact names they probably had~~ I didnt even think of that but lemme tell ya, Hyunjin's made me Choke and I Immediately thought of his "Criminal Dance" for sum reason— Im simping again ;-;... Gurl, you made me want to be in that position of Yn like AAAAAAH I want this
— 🍑
OMG I THOUGHT OF THE CRIMINAL DANCE AS WELL AHSHASA and that he likes handcuffs in bed winkwonk 
its a inside joke because you randomly found handcuffs in his bedside drawer when you were looking for something and when you asked about it he said it was a “prop for practice” but nah thats a fucking lie, he wanted to use them on you and was mortified that you found them before he used them on you BUT he did ;))) and it was 100/10 dick, the entire dorm hearing you moaning on the top of your lungs, damn hyunjin getting sum pussy HASHHA
he would 100% perform criminal on the show but its way more sensual and it features you as well because the mission was like “cover dance by a senior artist” or smth but it had those same pairs of handcuffs in the actual performance along with a bunch of questionable positions and just a really bdsm heavy emphasis which suits hyunjin SO FUCKIGN GOOD HJDGSAA 😩😩😩😩
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soclonely · 4 years
Potential thanksgiving "the clones as" idea: the clones as things you're thankful for? Just an idea for fun 💙
Rex- My brothers. Guys I am a middle child and only girl out of 7 kids. We argue and fight but let me tell you they would drop everything in a heartbeat for me. Echo-My education. Last spring was a hard one (as it was for everyone) for my senior year of college. I didn’t get a big graduation. But I did get my degree and that is the most important thing. I am so ready to start this next chapter in my life.  Fives- My friends, both IRL and internet. I have some very good people that I have met throughout the years and that have stayed in my life, and added many more this year. You make life sane. Jesse- followers on Tumblr that support, like, and encourage my goofy posts. They may be stupid little things, but seeing your tags and laughing makes me so happy. Kix- All of the local businesses around my town that opened up with this pandemic and provided excellent services and delivery. I love supporting local and it is great to be able to still do it from home.  Tup- my dog duke. I can always count on him to be there when i need him, whether it be because i dropped some pasta sauce on the floor and dont want to bend over and pick it up or because i am having a full blown anxiety attack.  Dogma- My work. (Insert giant rich corporation that ruins shows here) may be a shitty place to work for some. but it has invited many great opportunities into my life over the last few years. i am thankful for my coworkers, supervisors, and complimentary mouse shaped churros Hardcase- everyone that went out this year and protested all of the wrongdoings. You made voices heard and are pushing for change so that we can become better in this world Coric- Medical staff that have worked through this pandemic. I am sorry you don’t get the appreciation you deserve during the normal times and am so thankful for you and your hard work. Bly- my mailman. Minus running over my mailbox last month, he is the best! He always manages to say hello and ask about my family even though he has never met them. He loves showing off pictures of his wife too. goals. 99- my grandparents, all sets of them. My memaw and Nonna, and Papoo and grandpa. I love hearing the same stories from them over and over again and I am so grateful I still get to this year.  Cody- the star wars fandom. I would have gone nuts if i didnt have something I love to binge watch while everything else was closed. Waxer and Boil- My parents. My little brother is 15, and special needs and for the last year it has been hard on the two of them. One parent stays with the youngest kids while the other goes away a few hours to stay in the hospital with the 15 year old. You would think it would cause issues between the two but their marriage is stronger than ever and its so encouraging to have a positive example of love in my life. Wolffe- the boys and girls youth center staff i volunteer with. I love seeing all of the kids in our community come together and have a way to connect and set a positive example. Sinker and Boost- being able to take a nice warm shower right now. My joints are on fire because i am in the middle of a lupus flare. its amazing what some hot water can do. ahhhh. the simple things.  Hunter-my hair stylist who got me in immediately the week she was open for a fresh cut post quarantine.  Wrecker- every single premier night of an episode of the mandalorian each week. sitting and watching with friends in servers and having meltdowns about it together. Tech- being able to video chat with family and friends across the country because we cant see each other in real life right now. Crosshair- the mun of the @clone-force-99-official page. becoming friends wasnt expected, minus our two idiots. this man is seriously the best. We have gotten close over the last few months and its nice to have someone to get through the hard moments with and who understands me better than i do sometimes. words cannot describe how much i love and am thankful for my best friend.
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hwajin · 3 years
disclaimers: this is f!reader angst, expect nothing from me i have bad grammar and im mentally drained. tnx -lorelei/🥟
* minho made an update as i was writing.
心做し (224) ft. 이민호
day 1
to say the least, you were annoyed. too annoyed at the fact you couldn't concentrate in the first day of class. "you should really talk it out with him." jeongin said at you with a concerned look. "i'm not angry i just, hate being second all the time. c'mon ayen, you know that since the first day we became friends."
you were once y/n, the transferee girl. you sat beside jeongin on your first day, who thought you looked cute on your first day.
coincidentally, you liked his friend. a senior who was named minho. assuring to yourself and jeongin that it was nothing more than a crush was the hardest part. being drunk at a party and confessing to him had become what you quote "the best thing i've ever did".
after class ended, you decided to stick with jeongin who became class president and now is tasked to clean the classroom. why were you there? you really trusted him, a lot and as a friend.
"hyung!" jeongin called out to your supposed boyfriend who was walking toward your classroom.
"y/n-ah, bubs, cutie" he said, ignoring the male and rushing to give you a warm hug. "if you feel less, remember i love you so much. today tomorrow forever, remember?" he told you and you just stood there, uncertain how to react.
"y/n you should go home, i'll be waiting for seungmin too." jeongin said with a warm smile, looking at your annoyed face that contrasts minho's neutral face.
for some reason, you and minho walked home not even talking. "i'm-" "please dont remind me again." you coldly said. "i'll make it up to you. iced coffee?" he asked as you shrugged, thinking of your answer but your heart said yes after a second he asked the question.
"i'm super sorry i've been insecure." you muttered while intertwining both your arms. "no big deal. remember that she's a friend." he said as he rubbed your fingers.
you've never really been anyone's first choice, in middle school you never really had a permanent set of friends that treated you like a friend. you were always rejected and your parents never really cared for you as much as other parents do. you knew you grew up quickly, and you're trying to fix yourself as much as you can.
"oh look, the theme park is open today." he said, pointing outside to the moving ferris wheel. "come on, we are fixing the blue, making it color yellow." he said while dragging you outside the coffee shop as you silently drink your coffee.
he put your bangs down slightly, smiling at what he did and ruffles your hair softly. "my y/n is so cute. she's pretty, nice and she is the first person in my mind. "
"minho?" there she was, the girl you hate the most. minho's first love. his family loves her that sometimes you get compared to her. you knew of her existence, unsure if she knew yours though. "ah this must be your new girlfriend!"
noticing your uneasy gazes, minho spoke up. "hi, yeah and we're leaving." he said. "i really don't know where the entrance is, can i come with you? i'm meeting up with my friends." she pouted as you nodded.
"yeah, you're y/n, super cute. minho and you were together since last year? congrats!" she asked and minho was the one to answer. "yeah, here's the entrance to the theme park." he scoffed and held your hand tighter while you walked towards the ferris wheel.
day 2
the next day, you had to bring it up to jeongin and seungmin, people you trusted the most. "yeah its kinda like in a teasing way, i absolutely hate it. its like she wants to punch me in the face and move me out of her way!"
"oh my god, never be a punch bag you can move around." jeongin said. "i'm not a punchbag!" you said in an enthusiasic tone "Y/N ISNT A PUNCHBAG." seungmin accidentally said too loudly, causing the librarian to look and he bowed his head to say sorry. "my bad." he said and the three of you laughed quietly.
day 94
and, you knew it was coming.
after months, she always found a way to be closer to him. after all, she did know him better. while losing time for you, he remembered all the points on why she was his first love after all.
"minho... please dont hurt me anymore mentally. if you want to break up with me, im sorry. i dont know. i just feel too conflicted. i... hate this so much. i want to die. " was the first words you said as he opened up to your door. "i love you y/n." "its always i love you y/n, i love you y/n, fuck do you even mean them?! words aint enough, atleast spend some time with me. i... absolutely hate this."
collapsing to his arms, he felt his tears rushing down his cheeks. "i never knew you felt like that." he said as he caressed your hair. "now you know." you said, as he kissed your tears away. "can we move somewhere else?" he asked, talking about the awkward position you have on the doorway that made you smile.
day 156
"wow, it's snowing!" you said as you tugged minho's arm. "babe, please pay attention to me." you say to your boyfriend over and over again, who has been focusing on his project. you knew it was hard for him, but it was a sunday. and it was a group project. "you done your part yesterday-" "let me finish this first." he said with a scary tone, realizing what he said he decided to let it be for a few moments.
why am i being like this? he asked himself, looking at his girlfriend. his girlfriend, he reminded himself. perhaps he forgot? is his first love comig back to his life?
day 183
"and... thats what i knew. " you said over and over again. "y/n..." "stop messing around with me! you knew i couldve told hwang hyunjin from class c that! i couldve told your friend jisung, i had a crush on them too, but i chose you, and i never regretted it for, one and a half year. you dont even remember our anniversary? could you just ever..." you said, walking away.
"but i wasn't your first choice either." he spit out, and that made you get very angry. "what about now? who is your first choice now, my first choice now would be you. after that day i confessed it became you, i didnt even force myself to. it was because, you were minho i loved. can i... get him back. but fuck no, you played me." you said, and he breathed in and out.
after hours of silence, you left your phone, he noticed. opening the chats and backreading everything, that was the time where indeed he was wrong, he was wrong in all aspects. he never says sorry, its always her. and his phone rang, it was the girl again. he felt a jolt in his heart reading her name, butterflies in his stomach, but he knew there was y/n.
"ah fuck, this is all my fault."
day 192
a week or so since you havent gone to school, thats when you realized your mom cared and told you advice, went online shopping with you. its just that you always view everything negatively.
"someone wants to see you." she said, you hoped it was minho who would tell you sorry.
"y/n... its jeongin and seungmin. i have notes here compiled, even though im from another class. jeongin has english here, are you fine? " they asked while you explained everything.
day 194
deciding to go to school although minho was there was a bad thing. the day consisted of you being mentally unstable, and that wasnt the cherry on top.
"why are you here?" you said once you went out the school campus. "because, i want to. iced coffee?" again, blindly saying yes.
day 200
if you love her, dont be nice anymore. chanted in your head, but cant be said.
" why are you so nice, i know you've fallen out of love. " and he smiled as he looked again at the movie.
"minho. please, give me closure. stop being nice. treat me like a servant. swear at me. tell me im a bitch, whore, i dont know degrade me! please leave my heart alone, i cant cry anymore."
and so he thought for a moment, i cant do that.
day 210
holding you close again while you violently react, he caressed your face softly. tracing each feature and wiping your tears.
screaming, crying, like the storm. but he still held you up, like how he does to you everytime. "it's fine now."
day 224
"if i had a hole in my heart, how do i fix it?" she asked him, the man who she hasnt talked to in 2 weeks. "you've known what it is." he replied subtly.
"its not today tomorrow forever anymore huh. two day, two morrow and four ever. and its feb 24. fucking want to collapse or you just hit me and degrade me like what i said." and you watched him shake his head. "you cant split a heart into two and think it would still work, cant you?"
"but, you can break one into pieces and then they'd pretend its fine." she says with a bitter smile. "please be happy." and those words, those simple words were the confirmation. it was such a bitersweet love, everyone finds their way out of this somehow.
oof wait a minute i gotta read this later I DON'T HAVE TIME RN BUT EVERYONE GO READ
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