#like guys I could go on just trust me do not let the devil tempt you
samsqueerpolycule · 7 months
So you’re an American who watched Emily in Paris and now you have a little voice in your ear saying that it might be cool to move to Europe. Heed my warning! Do not listen to him! That little voice is the devil and he wants to ruin your life. Trust me. Trust me look me in the eyes do NOT move to Europe. It is not the fun quirky adventure you think it is. Do not do it! Don’t make the same mistakes I have
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squerlly · 6 months
flames of desire chapter 10: A weakness?
Alastor X (f1! bunny reader) -NSFW!-
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Vox POV:
walking up I open the door, pink smoke filling the room "What's the problem, you better have a good reason for calling me up here!" through the smoke I see two glowing eyes looking at me "Alastor recently threw a party with the devils Princesa" annoyed electricity surrounds me "no need to remind me" "well he has something or somebody I want" "who? somebody that, owes you money..." "Alastor has a new toy, one he almost killed me over and I figured you could use this información~" A new toy? "you said, a person? who is this person..." "It seems the radio demon has a girl, a little bunny that stays at the shit hole" Stepping out of the smoke Valentino walks up to his monitors, pulling up a picture of Alastor and a little bunny girl together "what's her name" "she said her name is y/n, I met her on my search for Angel, she appeared at my club and I wanted to have some fun with her until well..." Alastor now has a weakness, this is something I need to take advantage of "call my assistant over and tell him to ready my drones, I have bunny to hunt down..."
your POV:
"A girl's day?" vaggie said bluntly "Come on it'll be fun" "Angel we have to include everyone in trust exercises, what about Husk or Alastor" "nahh they'll be fine right husky~" he says winking at husk "yeah whatever" "I think it will good for all of the girls and angel to bond" "see Charlie gets it" "ok but no more strip clubs angel" "calm down vagina its just some dressin up, nails, and skincare, ya know fun stuff" vaggie glares at him "come on y/n lets get you dressed up for smiles" "Angel!" Angel smirks as he drags us all upstairs.
we all decided to head up to Charlie and Vaggies room, Charlie said she had a box of nail polish, setting a blanket down on the floor we painted nails and talked gossip. "how about we paint ya nails red to match dark and creepy" vaggie looks at angel confused "are you and Alastor like together?" "hell yeah they are, did ya see the kiss they shared at the party~" Charlie squeals "You and Alastor are together!!??" I throw Angel a scowl "damn you!" "How did he confess to you, did he take you out, did-" "ok hun slow down" I just huffed out a laugh "The confession was... odd to say the least, and he does take me out sometimes" "aww that's sweet!" "Did ya guys fuck yet" "No Angel!, besides I don't even think he's into that kind of stuff" Switching hands Charlie moves on to the next one "Well I think it's nice Alastor has a special someone, he always looks so lonely" "lonely?" "smiles likes to keep to himself, that's why he has always been a big creepy mystery, and those who even look at him funny usually get splattered across the floor"
Charlie finishes painting my nails "They look surprisingly nice thanks Charlie" Charlie gave a bright smile "Good now it's my turn" Angel grabs my hand and drags me to his room "Angel what are you doing" "I'm doin' smiles a favor" he throws me a dress "put it on trust me~" skeptical but curious I head to his bathroom to slip it on "angel what in hell is this!!" walking out angel gave me a short dress, really short and had a deep neckline "just something nice~" "it's...very you" "it's hot, now let's go" "were are you taking me now!"
running upstairs he pushes me into what looks like an office? wait this is- "Angel!!!" "have fun smiles!" the door was already closed. "y/n?" turning around Alastor was already behind me "Alastor..."
Alastors POV:
curious at what was happening I caught a side glance at her dress, it was short, a little too short, I couldn't help but admire how the dress fit her form perfectly, it was tempting... "is there a reason you are wearing something so...scandalous my dear" "No I just- it was angels idea..." "are you sure that was angels idea" I lean in closer, my grin getting wider.
your POV:
my knees felt weak, "what's the matter, my dear" "S-stop it.." "Oh but I'm not doing anything unless you would like me to~" At this point, I was trapped between him and the door "Hmm I have always wondered if you taste as good as you looked" Pulling me closer he leaned his head down to my neck, feeling his warm breath I lift my head "you wouldn't mind if I had a little taste, would you?" "n-no..." his teeth rake against my skin penetrating the soft flesh, enough to draw blood but it wasn't painful, I grip his shoulder as he licks the warm crimson liquid "Just as I suspected, Sweet like candy~"
he lifts me up carrying me, setting me on his desk he stands between my legs, that same sadistic grin lingering on his face "I do like this dress...to bad it's going to be torn to pieces" lifting his hands he takes a claw to the dress, tearing a long line down the front with ease earning a gasp as I sit exposed
"such pretty noises, let's see how many I can get out of you" grabbing my legs he pulls me forward, laying me out on the cold polished wood of his desk, pulling my panties down he tosses them to the side "my my what a mess, how about I help you clean up" with a smirk on his face he positions his head in between my thighs taking a long lick between my folds, I grip the edge of the desk my knuckles turning white and back arching "Alastor please..." I whine desperation in my voice "Well how can I refuse such a plea~"
with no hesitation, he skillfully works my clit with his tongue using his fingers to stretch my sensitive walls driving me closer and closer over the edge, I throw my head back trying to suppress moans and whimpers, feeling a knot form at my core I buck my hips as Alastor picks up his pace "p-please I'm..." and with a few more strokes of his tongue and thrusts of his fingers my release washes over me, my legs trembling.
lifting his head Alastor takes his fingers, licking them clean "were not done yet, my dear" Unzipping his pants he uncovers his hard length, sliding into me with no resistance he started at a slow sensual pace, gripping my hips he harshens his thrusts hitting a spot I didn't know I had causing me to let out a cry of ecstasy, I shoot forward holding on to him like my life depended on it muffled moans leaving my mouth "let this be a lesson not to wear such attire in my presence my dear understood?" his voice was raspy, the static that I grew so accustomed to now gone "y-yes.." "speak up my dear" "yes!!", and with one last harsh thrust I saw stars, his own release filling me completely "lovely~"
taking a moment to catch our breaths he picked me up once again fazing through the floor we reappeared in his room, he sets me on the cold counter of his bathroom sink as he runs hot water for a bath "Apologies for being so harsh my dear" setting me in the hot water my body relaxes as I glance at him "do you not feel tired?" "It's going to take more than such activities to tire me" Just how fucking good was his stamina! "well why don't you join me" "I would cher but..." he let out a sigh "alright I will"
Alastors POV:
taking off my last bit of clothing I slip into the hot water behind her, I look up to see her staring at me wide eyed, she takes her hand to my chest brushing her fingers over one of my many scars. "who did this...what did this" she gives me a sympathetic look, taking her hand I place a soft kiss "a story for another time, do not worry about me" she frowns and I take my hand to her cheek "smile my dear, you're never fully dressed without one~" she smiles, that smile I loved so much the smile that I feel defeated my own, she takes my hand lacing our fingers together, with closer look I notice her nails were painted "I see you like my color?" her face flushes and I smirk "Charlie painted them, Angel said they matched you" "there perfect!" dragging her closer I hold her against me taking in her sweet scent and feeling her smooth skin "I love you Alastor~" hearing those words, my chest felt warm, love an emotion I thought I would never succumb to, but it felt...good "I love you to y/n"
OMGGG this chapter took 3 DAYS to write but it's here and with more spice~ I hope you all love this chapter and have a lovely day/night!!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
🦌📺 More on RadioAppleStaticBand! 🐐🎸
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Honestly just full and ripe with angst. I love angst; first it's Vox and Alastor's past then the jealousy that comes from seeing Vox with Valentino and Alastor with Lucifer. I don't think they would really calm down unless feelings are mentioned even when Adam enters the picture. For whatever reason even though Lucifer is the devil the other three are the three that struggle expressing their love. Good thing Lucifer is so determined.
Considering the relationships Lucifer could start with Vox to get things going. They haven't interacted from what we see in the series but Vox would literally be TOO excited to meet the big boss of hell though he'd be shocked to find Lucifer feeling anything for him in return.
I feel like Vox and Adam are the brats of the ship, like they always have something slick to say, always have an attitude at the worst times and Lucifer would start their punishments while Alastor would finish them. Brat taming at its finest.
There's this thing with pda where they will all invest in it but Lucifer or Vox would start it, gentle in their approach knowing just how their partners are and can be.
Hugs are big in this quadship but things like kisses, backrubs, massages and stuff would come later and even more intimate actions far later.
They probably have sessions where they sit in a circle and talk about what they and the other is and isn't okay with. Communication is a big thing to hold this ship together.
Things like morning coffee?? Vox is a bit of a puppy with these three? Always so eager to be around them and show off and I see Vox cooking the meals, taking into account what everyone does and doesn't eat so he could serve them correctly. He's probably the one setting dates too with the help of Lucifer with Adam and Alastor are willing to go with the flow.
They are honestly impossible to separate once they solve and talk about their issues and problems. That'll take time and effort but once they get there it's the most true and honest love. Like there's too many emotions to explain how all four of them managed to find each other.
Alastor would enjoy quieter dates like picnics or those boat rides that couples do? Adam is more for energy, take him to the amusement park or a concert or simply things like water fights, snowball fights, wrestling, etc could get him eager. Lucifer is honestly happy to do anything and everything, he's been alone for so long that he doesn't care what they do as long as they do it Buuut he does enjoy being in his home with them for the most part. Watching movies, cuddling, painting ducks, drink nights etc etc. Vox is confident that he does many things and almost like Lucifer he is the same way though maybe Vox is the guy to want to go out to dinner before coming home for cuddles unlike Lucifer who doesn't need to be outside prior to a cuddle session. Vox loves the aquarium too, things that make him think, his field trips with the other three can be a bit nerdy but in the cutest of ways to them.
They are slightly (not so slightly) scared of affection like... All of them but Vox and Lucifer are scared in a way were they don't want to accidentally overstep... To touch when the others don't want it and they are respectful but being able to touch those they care for is big to them. Adam and Alastor are scared in a way where they feel nervous about wasting effort and time. Like they trust their partners but it's more of a deep rooted issue than anything else.
It can and will be talked about and worked on. Interestingly enough Vox and Lucifer aren't affected by waiting for as long as they need to for their partners.
Alright alright let me move on before I ramble but I am very much so tempted to do so. 😮‍💨
Ah, now I'm big on angst but right after that is my skills in smut so let me spitball some ideas at y'all.
Alastor's not versed in many things sexual prior to these though he and Vox had quite a few intimate moments before they fell out before Alastor's disappearance. Those times he loved so deeply that it scared him. I can see him being into cockwarming especially after these screenshots I posted recently. Like once he's in and he's all close and wrapped up how can he not take in their scent, or grip at their thighs and pull them closer, or trail his tongue over their skin? He likes the closeness when in their most vulnerable of states and it becomes less about the sex and more about the feeling of having someone to hold.
Vox is a bit keen on pleasing others even before he pleases himself, as much of a public figure this man is a menace behind closed doors. He'd definitely send a video to Alastor, Lucifer, and Adam of time experimenting with dildos and toys. All types too like call him the supplier or whatever lol. It's like he's always happy and eager to put on a show even though he knows he'll get handled when everyone finds him.
Lucifer gives BIG soft top vibes. Like he's soft until he's not and he'll give spankings, lashings, punishments of all sorts if he seems that the others really deserve them. Those types of punishments that feel so good that they hurt and I'm sure he wouldn't have trouble making Vox and Adam plead, Alastor can be a bit more stubborn but he can be tamed as well. Lucifer the dude to ask them little questions knowing the answers and when they reply he's immediately on them.
Adam is so shy when it comes to the more intimate stuff. It's not that he doesn't want to do it but that with his long history with heaven even neck kisses can make him hard beyond belief. Super sensitive?? Like don't touch bros wings... Or his horns... He'll jolt and jerk away in shock, big eyes and red cheeks like you just cupped his sack. He's so cute really, like he talks a big game but deep down all he needs is love and to be plowed until his head is spinning.
Kinks that come with these four are: cockwarming, spanking, collars and leashes, praise and degradation, marking, scenting, biting, grinding/dry humping, and others but those are the ones to come to mind first.
Like at this point everyone got they own collars for whenever the time is called for 😩😂
Hehe, imma stop here for now and see how y'all like this. If you want more follow me or wait for people to commission me or until I start the ao3 book!
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bimobuddy · 1 year
Safe at Last
TUA tickle fic
> Comfort Tickles <
Lee!Five - Ler!Klaus
Post Series
Might be a little ooc but it's fiiine
Summary: Five is finally being hit by everything, and what better way to help him out than to bring back something simple and familiar?
Five laid there on his bed (futon), just staring up at the ceiling. Processing. He had time traveled, gotten stuck in the post apocalyptic future for 43 years, leaving his family behind, killed people, came back as a child, barely survived three apocalyptic ends, so much more, and... it was finally catching up to him. He exhaled, long and slow.
Due to the deal Allison made with Reginald, they all were alive. Powerless, but alive. And Five was still in his child body, meaning no one believed him that he was 58, and he couldn't buy his own house yet, so he just bounced around from sibling to sibling, whoever would let him stay a few nights.
A few of his siblings had offered to let him just fully move in, and he had considered it, he really had, but he decided against it. He was an old man at heart and mind, he didn't want to feel like he was being taken care of -even if deep down he knew he probably needed it to some degree- so currently, he was staying with Klaus, in an apartment.
"Hey, Fivers.." Speak of the devil. Five didnt even move his head, he just flicked his eyes over to Klaus, who stood in the doorway. "Hm?"
"Hate to barge in like this, but I couldn't help but notice you looked so... sad?" Klaus sat on the futon next to his older-younger brother. Five snorted. "After everything we've been through, 'sad' is an understatement." Five said, looking back up at the ceiling.
Klaus nodded. "Yeah, that's... that's fair. That's really fair." Silence hung in the air for a moment, while Klaus looked down at Five. The poor kid guy looked exhausted, like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. In a way, he had. Three times.
Klaus leaned back against the couch part of the futon, in thought. Suddenly, he got an idea. "Hey, Five, if you'll trust me-" "I know I shouldn't, especially after you've said that, but go on." "-I think I know what may help."
Intrigued, Five propped himself up on his elbows. "I hope you don't mean dr-" "No, no, I'm clean now. But back when I was fighting in the war, there was something Dave used to do that would help me relax." Almost immediately, Five laid back down. "Klaus, I'm flattered and a little creeped out, but not interested." Klaus was tempted to bring up the fact that Five had actually made a joke, but he decided to do it later. "No, it wasn't anything like that, it was just a way to calm me down on real bad nights. If you'll trust me, I'd like to try it with you. You need it, buddy, trust me."
Five thought for a moment. "Fine. I doubt you could make it any wORSE-" As soon as the words left his lips, Klaus had pulled him into his lap. Five started to get up but Klaus gently held his shoulders. "No no, it's okay, this is part of it, you're fine! I'm not gonna mess with ya.. Well- Not much. Give me your hand." Five hesitantly laid back down and gave Klaus his hand.
Klaus started to very gently trace light circles against his palm. When Five snorted and closed his fist, pulling away, Klaus chuckled. "Oh right, I forgot your hands were bad. Let's try somewhere a little less sensitive." Before Five could question what he was doing, Klaus had pushed his shirt up to just under his ribs, starting to lightly trace and tap around his tummy.
Five felt his face and ears get red as he hid his face. He tried to blink away- right. No powers anymore. He decided to just keep his face covered as he giggled into his hands. "Fuck- Klahaus! Whyhy?" The Former-Seance just grinned. "It's hard to think about the bad things while you're getting tickled, isn't it?"
He was right. Five found it quite difficult to think about that while giggling, laying across his brother's lap. In fact, it had the opposite effect. Five was remembering a time when they were kids, this was a thing Klaus had done back then, too. He was always one to give cheer-up tickles to him and his siblings after a rough day. He felt a mix of comfort and nostalgia spread throughout his chest, coming out in the form of much lighter, more bubbly giggles. He hadn't even noticed.
Klaus grinned down at him. "Aw, look at you! You're actually giggling and staying in place, you haven't rolled away once!"
Oh, right.. His reputation.. He was supposed to not like this. Five raised an arm to cover his mouth as he turned his head away, but Klaus just upped the tickles and skittered up his ribs and toward his underarm. Five slammed his arm down as his giggles turned frantic. "Dohohon't!" "Don't what?" "Tihickl- I'M NAHAT THAT DUHUMB!" "Ah, I almost gotcha though."
Klaus fluttered his fingers around Five's ears and under his chin, which resulted in an adorable little snort, then found his way back to his tummy, getting bubbly giggles, then to his hips, which made Five buck and let out a real belly laugh. Yet he still hadn't really protested or tried to get away.
When Klaus squeezed his knee, Five shot up and grabbed his hand. "KLAHAUS!!" He paused to catch his breath, giggles still flooding out of his chest. Klaus smiled warmly. "Just gentle tickles? Calm?" Five just nodded and repeated, "Calm."
Five laid back down, covered his face, and giggled softly into the room, the way he used to before everything happened, back when he was still a somewhat normal 13 year old spending the night in his brother's room after a hard day. And for the first time in a very long time, he felt safe.
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voydcat · 11 months
Lum de dum I’ve written some hypothetical MK1 dialogue for Denji
Vs Himself
Denji: Fire! Justice! Chainsaw Man!
Denji: Great, another loony from the Church.
Denji: Barem wants you to return to the Church, Denji.
Denji: Tell Barem he can go to hell!
Denji: Pochita? Is that you?
Denji: Let’s get some training in before you wake up.
Vs Baraka
Baraka: You have fangs, arm blades, and feed on blood!
Denji: For the last time, I’m Chainsaw Man, not a Tarka-whatever!
Baraka: Being this close to me is dangerous, boy!
Denji: I haven’t gotten sick since I died.
Vs Geras
Geras: There is war and terror in your future.
Denji: So are you gonna help me stop it, or…?
Geras: Why must one immortal fight another?
Denji: Made a bet with a friend. Let’s see who taps first!
Denji: Would you be able to bring back my friends?
Geras: My power does not extend to your world.
Vs Havik
Denji: Geez, what happened to you?
Havik: I can share the experience, if you so wish.
Havik: You cannot kill me, just as you cannot kill freedom!
Denji: Well, you can’t kill me either, so we’re gonna be here a while.
Havik: Dogs should run free, wild and unchained!
Denji: Uh, wild dogs have someone in charge…
Havik: You shouldn’t live under ridiculous rules; let me kill your oppressor!
Denji: Touch Nayuta and I’ll actually fucking eat you!
Vs Johnny Cage
Johnny: Dude, trust me. You were made to be famous.
Denji: I’ve got someone who could get hurt if I do that!
Johnny: Hey, so, I’ve been thinking about making a movie about you…
Denji: Only if you pay me! Food isn’t cheap.
Denji: My first date was a movie marathon.
Johnny: One: were any of them mine? Two: is she still single?
Vs Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi: You’ll really help me fight the Yakuza?
Denji: They made my life hell, too. I’m in.
Denji: Do your Yakuza have debt-slaves too?
Kenshi: Unfortunately, yes. I hope to free them.
Vs Liu Kang
Denji: Wait, you made this world?
Liu Kang: More specifically, I remade it.
Denji: Must be pretty cushy being a god!
Liu Kang: With great power comes great responsibility.
Liu Kang: There is nothing like you in the realms I created.
Denji: I’m the one and only Chainsaw Man!
Liu Kang: Are you sure you wish to face me?
Denji: Can’t die anyway, what’s the harm?
Vs Reptile
Denji: You know anything about the guy with the claws that’s been following me?
Reptile: You’ve met Shang Tsung? Where is he!?
Reptile: I assume you’ve never fought a Zaterran?
Denji: No, but it’s good practice if I meet a Lizard Devil.
Vs Shang Tsung
ST: Do you feel pain, boy?
Denji: Not as much as you will when I cut your balls off!
ST: I can give you the fame and fortune you crave.
Denji: I’d be tempted if I didn’t talk to the lizard guy first.
Denji: Stop following me! You’re like the fourth stalker I’ve had this month.
ST: I simply must know where your power comes from.
Vs General Shao
Shao: War will only make Outworld stronger!
Denji: Blah, blah, blah, stop talking and fight.
Shao: A mere boy challenges me?
Denji: Chainsaw Man challenges you!
Denji: Coming from someone who doesn’t do subtle, you are not subtle.
Shao: Why bother with subtlety when force is enough?
Denji: You know anything about this Shang guy who’s following me?
Shao: If you survive to see him again, kill him.
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cappuccino-bear · 2 years
I kinda recall you mentioning that Judas works under Satan (?) why is he in the Basement? Is he trying to catch/kill Isaac for Satan (or whoever)? Also what’s he like, he’s my babygirl
Oh Judas, wet sopping beast of a guy, absolutely miserable, straight up a moist paper tissue.
After betraying Jesus and hanging himself he was not surprised to be in Hell, but he really did not want to do much other than suffer for all eternity at first. Like yeah, just dunk me in lava or something, I deserve it. Satan, of course, has other plans, and knows exactly what to do to get him on his side.
So he calls him, and tells him about how Peter renounced Jesus' teachings in front of him, three times, and yet he died a saint, an evangelist, chosen by God. Judas is confused, why was Peter forgiven then? And the Devil says how it's unfair, that Judas had punished himself, that he had died to repent, that he was a true martyr, even more than Peter or even Christ.
Big disclaimer: Judas killed himself because he could not live with his guilt after trying to turn over the prize money, Peter felt the same exact guilt and yet picked himself up and apologized and was there to look at his dearest friend die. Peter accepted his wrongdoings and moved on, that is what got him forgiven (and in Heaven, too).
And deep down, Judas knows. Judas knows he's in the wrong when he swears to wotk for Satan, Judas knows it's wrong to tempt people, Judas knows it's wrong to write a book of spells to use to become more and more demonic. But when you're in an echo chamber, when everybody praises you for it, it's hard to admit it even to yourself.
Judas ended up in the Basement after Satan realized Azazel failed and turned on him. He does not necessarily think Judas is better at this job, especially because he cannot reach to talk him directly, but Judas is not only competent, but a perfect little puppet, so of course he goes...
Judas is, for lack of a better word, absolutely pathetic. He tries hiding his insecurities in a thick layer of holier than thou (or hellier?) attitude, thinking he's best for following someone actually strong like Satan. As you can imagine he's not popular in the group at first, he comes off as an obnoxious prick, and solidifies it when he treats people he knew in life (Laz, Maggie, and Bethany to an extent) like stains on his jacket. He has a begruding respect for Azazel and Lilith as fellow demons, and honestly thinks Samson is just a beefy idiot, he will eventually pick him up and break him in half like a twig, cuz he gets on everyone's nerves. Also no one allows him close to Isaac, they do not trust him not to hurt or manipulate him, and Azazel and Cain like to get on his nerves on purpose.
Trust me when I say, at some point someone gets tired of his shit and rips him a new one, on how he let his life go to down a drain hole because he could not admit he let greed consume him, and how since he cannot go "woe is me" he's just getting worse and worse to avoid trying to fix one mistake, just giving up on it. We'll se what happens later ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
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jovnie · 3 years
The devil's desire | Yoongi
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You fell in love with a man of many pasts, however he desired more than a relationship. He wanted your soul for eternity.
Words: 13k
Devil yoongi! Demon au! Human reader
Very Dark themes
Warnings: religious concepts, gore, porn without plot, death, big dick yoongi, clubbing, kidnapping, non-con touching, blood, cnc, prey ( y/n ), stalker yoongi, drugged, drugs, chains, cutting, rough sex,
"She's almost ready sir!" a winged creature announced. Nodding in his throne, he took the mirror and looked through it. There you were getting ready to meet a mysterious guy at a club or well hoping to once again. He smirked devilishly knowing you remembered to come back to this particular club.
He previously brought you to this nightclub in Korea, hidden through an alleyway in the darkest part of Busan. There was danger and a constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped. Even if Korea was a safe place, things like kidnapping and murder still happen and even more so at night.
He remembered that you kept a knife and a taser with you, he liked the vulnerability you had going to a place not meant for angels let alone humans at night. He found it charming how oblivious you are to your surroundings as well. He was a man of darkness and hell for sure, but one thing was for sure. He only craved humans who were pure and light energetically. 'Suppose you did know that the Club was own by the devil himself, would that really stop you' he thought.
He watched her put on clothes and noticed how delicate she was in his eyes. No, this wasn't the first time he'd watch her. Not the last either, it seemed like a generational curse in his eyes. He wasn't mad he placed it on the females to feel tempted by his actions, however, each one passed the test. you however failed it the first two times, making it the third time.
Sighing, he put the mirror down and stood up. Stretching, he allowed his black feather wings to elongate and move around before putting them away. Looking at his watch it was a quarter past 11 pm, he'd knew you want to be early and try and catch a good table. However the little worry of what if someone wanted to take you before him, hurt you before him. The thoughts riled him up, making him grab his keys and wait by the portal. Besides the gate doesn't open until 11:59, so his intrusiveness can calm for now.
While waiting, he took out the cute little human hand mirror you'd gifted him a while back. He looked at himself and the scar over his left eye, "maybe this is what attracts them" he chuckled softly.
As time fastened, he waited for the lock in the air to appear. He waited long and hard for that little red lock and once it appeared, he opened all the portals from his underworld to the human world and the other one which lead stright to his club.
Formally known as 666 plaza to hadians, the chosen humans only knew it as void 218. To you it was just another club on the holy day of Sunday. Although you were never brought up with Christianity, you had the basics that everyone knew, loved, and hated.
Waiting by the gates or humanly known as "doors" you pulled out your phone to realize there was no battery or charge. Confused as you could've sworn it was full when you left, you herd the doors open and the mini line began moving. Your eyes wandered the room to find the stairs that led to the upper level where you would meet and see Yoongi. You knew it was stupid to keep doing this, but with yours and his schedule it wasn't at all.
Passing by the few people, you found upstairs and walked up seeing there were already people inside which confused you, but you paid little attention to it. Waiting by the usual black velvet seats and area, you head a familiar voice.
"Is this your regular peach vodka with light ice?" yoongi asked loudly over the now loud music playing. Nodding, you sat up and greeted him before getting your drink. Little did u know about his plans with you or what tonight was gonna be.
Smiling softly, yoongi was gentle eyes admired your beauty as he get down with his own drink. He took a sip of his own drink that was laced with a sleeping drug, one that'd do nothing to him and more to you.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked knowingly.
"Well, it's a Sunday and I have nothing planned so I thought I come by" you lied, hoping the white lie would slip. Nodding, yoongi put his hand on your thighs and moved closer to talk to you about life and each other week. You mentioned something about the campus or school you were studying and he lied about his "forensics" job and how hard it was to see how people died. Continuing, he bought the two of you more drinks and when the timing was right offered one of his. Thanking him for the kind jester, you took a sip. He smiled and also took a sip after you, then placed it back down.
"Good isn't it?" he said, reaching over to his phone and at the time. Noticing he did so you hummed and snuck another sip. Then another. Whatever was in had you almost drinking his entire cup down.
"Omg what is this, what's making it so good. I can't put my finger on it" she said as her words slowed down and her eyes blinked slowly. He watched her body start to feel tired, then at the right moment whispered in her ear "apple, cherry, lime, it's a light alchcolic drink and right, drugs."
Soon as her eyes closed and body dropped, he mustered enough strength to pick her up and sling you over his shoulder. "Another one taken by the devils favorite drink, poison apple," he whispered knowing nobody cared to stop him not could. Well not if they wanted hells punishment if not worse death, even if they were immortal. Walking up the last set of stairs he opened the portal and handed the keys to his servant and told him to look after.
Noting the girl, the servant nodded and knew the king was gonna take his time and would be in a long "meeting." Taking charge of the place, yoongi walked up to his Castle surrounded by blue flames in the middle of nowhere and walked in. He demanded for total privacy, meaning nobody in or even near the castle or be banished for eternity and with that everyone wondered what that soul did to get his undivided attention. From there gossip spread about you from one to another creature and it traveled fast.
Meanwhile, he laid you on the bed and looked at his watch. The drug last about 30 minutes and about 20minuets have gone. From there he requested one trusted worker with a list. The list was :
The devils list
Body Chains and rope
Salt and a black cross
2 Robes
Black paint
Sheep's blood
Lube any flavor
Nodding the worker flew off and yoongi allowed his wings to expand out his back and eyes to turn a dark blue color as his hair contained white strips. He watched your sleeping body, before checking the time and seeing he has 5 minutes left before you wake up. Taking that in he stretched his neck and before activating his speed and undressing you, cleaning the area around the bed, making sure the chain locks are stable and if not changing them, turning off lights and lighting candals all around the room and the whole castle and finally sitting down at the edge. Checking the time once again, he had 3 minutes left and so did the worker before he'd get pissed and with that thought the worker came to drop everything off before yoongi told him to get lost.
With the activation of speed he quickly undressed, sat the cup near the bed and filled it with sheeps blood, put salt near the edge without touching it as it stung him, put the cross around his neck and began drawing a ritual circle around the bed then finnaly the walls. To end everything he placed the chains on your hands and feet then connected to each end of the bed. The rest of the stuff he just put next to the bed and laid naked above you waiting for you to wake up.
He knew the drug was strong, but he didnt think it was that strong so he checked the time again and 10 minutes had passed by. Sighing, he began taking the knife and cut a slit on his wrist and placed the wound to your mouth. After a few blinks, you began to wake up and within a second you panked and a minute later realised you were chained.
Weak, scared, targeted, blood covered lips, chained and his favorite vulnerability he finally felt aroused at the sight. With lust in his eyes and an aura darker than night himself, he slowly kissed your cheek.
"Welcome to hell baby" he greeted, confused you closed your eyes and for once prayed you'd be able to wake up in where you left to only get the image of him drugging you and making you pass out. To then opne them and see the same sight.
"Wouldn't that make you?" She paused trying to yank the chains.
"Hades, satan the devil or whatever you humans call me for ruling the underworld. Then yes that's me and as you see, you're caged like a bug trapped in a spider's web. How cute. How naive to trust anyone you've properly met either. " he whispered the last bit in your ear as his lips traveled around your chest and neck leaving hickeys as he moved.
Groaning, you tried yanking the chains hearing a noise and hoping it ment it broke to realise no he fooled you with the sound of his nails knocking on the wood.
"Got you" he chuckled as you began scared, moving his lips towards your breast he sucked softly getting slight moans from your mouth. "Mm good girl continue with it an d maybe I'll spare your soul" he joked, sucking and groaning your other breast with his hands. Ignoring him and forcing your mouth to close. He raised an eyebrow and sat up, he then looked at your mouth and then his length.
"That wasn't smart now was it dsrling?" He asked, as his crouch hovered your mouth and his length being rubbed on your face as the other hand rested on the wall. "Noe open wide and if not, I can allways just shove it. Dont think about biting as i can manually remove teeth of needed" he mentioned as tears rolled down your eyes as he slowly entered his length.
"Good girl, suck it like that" he groaned, slowly moving his hips all the way in and out. With doing so he admired the trlaclesnt salty wetness driping from her eyes that he took a finger and wiped it. Caressing her face as he continued thrusting and groaning till he felt hard enough and then pulled out. Wiping her eyes again he grabbed the lube and posed the non negotiable question of
"May I pretty angel, take this as mine?" He whispered softly as he leaned down to her ear. Nodding yes a tear ran and he licked it clean, causing a slight shiver down her body. "Good" he replied, putting lube around his own length and stoking it on.
"If you cum on me will I get pregnant?" You asked shyly.
"Mm, well yes and that's my goal princes or should I say queen. Your body is mine after all." he tells, taking his fingers and tracing a cross between your chest as he watches a dark mark appear in a mini cross between your chest.
Crying harder knowing you've not only been kidnapping, but there was an even little chnace of seeing your family friends and well your little pet. "I love when you cry my love" he said softly as his fingers softly rubbed against you clit and his lips attach to yours. Knowingly you kissed back and surprisingly it felt like comfort but tasted like sin and poison. One your body will soon adapt to. As your mouths moved in unison, his fingers rubbed softly around your bud and you were finally able to relax and enjoy the feeling. He had an undeniable hold on your body, one your soul started to grow a liking too the longer her rubbed and kissed your lips. Soon you became hungry for more and grinded against his hand and with the hint he rubbed quicker as you moaned down his throat and his free hand now snaking behind your back. Moaning more you called his name, in which he loved begging you to say again.
"YOONGi!"you moaned louder as his stomach and cock felt it making it twitch slightly. stoping his finger he guided his tip and put his chin on your neck and slid in slowly, taking his time as you adjusted before moving faster. You pulled the chains trying to hold onto him but he shook his head no and softly held your body up with the help of the chains and began pounding into you.
No it was not a speed nor length you were used to, but the feeling you could by a heartbeat. You legs became weak, your back arched hard, your mouth could only stay open and your head was in a daze as he fucked you without mercy. His length was big enough to make you scream from the top of your lungs and beg for more. He loved that and too started moaning which soon started to sound like deep breathes and heavy grunts. He loved the warm, pulsing feeling of your pussy on him as it dripped with cum around him.
"Ah, fuck, That's hot!" he moaned loudly. Moving his hips closer, he pushed his length in deeper and the sounds of his hips crashing into yours echoed the room. You were now at a point of no return, all you could do was moan and take him, which only increased his horniness and overall arousal.
"I'm close!" yoongi groaned and panted as his hips movements slowed down, but the deepness was still there. Shopping, yoongi's body out of tiredness fell on top of yours and he kissed your neck softly. Without enough energy to pull out, he came deep, groaning in your neck and laying still. Both overly fucked out and deep breathing, laid there until yoongi got enough energy to unchain your hands and drink from the cup of blood that started to reek and fill the room. The room that once smelt like lavender and vanilla now smelled like sex and sheep's blood. Leaning down to kiss you, you kissed back with your body begging to ache like hell and body starting to contort you screamed in pain. Whispering something into your neck, he held you close to his chest as you grabbed and scratched his back till the blood came from it.
"Submit and it'll go quickly." he whispered tired as can be. Taking his advice, you closed your body and let it take over. Suddenly your eyes and hair became white as a dove and the pain stopped. Not only did he claim you as his, the kiss of blood crowned you queen of the underworld.
They laid naked as each could no longer have the strength to get up, but hold each other in a soft hug. Comferting and relaxing, considering what had to happen. They slept wedded that night, perfectly times as the full moon was now full and the ritual circle could light up red as the two came into harmony.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Deceitful Curse
Word Count: 10K
Warnings: non-con, stalking, obsession, mild blood, chikan, gaslighting, manipulation, humiliation, degradation, misogyny, exhibitionism
AO3 Link
As promised, this will be a gift fic for my lovely friend @lyrrotting​ , I promise I will write your four armed Sukuna fic soon to make up for this shitty fic lol <3 
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It was said that most people had an angel sitting on their right shoulder and a devil sitting on their left shoulder, the two bickered into the person’s ears about many things. While the devil would try to tempt the person, the angel would become the sound of conscience.
However, Yuuji only had the King of Curses whispering in his ear and he himself had to be the voice of conscience within his own mind.
Certainly, there would be a time he would be tempted to listen.
Life was good, Yuuji had already graduated over a year ago and gotten his sorcerer license to work until his inevitable execution.
Life was good, everyone had moved on with their lives. Inumaki had gotten a girlfriend, Fushiguro had a girlfriend and from what he heard, Maki and Kugisaki were dating each other.
Life was good, they were all happy.
Life was good, everyone else was happy.
There was a new coffee shop that had opened just two blocks down from where he lived. Naturally, Yuuji wanted to check it out for the sole purpose of seeing how big the place was. When he invited his friends over to his place and if they ever stayed the night, he wanted to have a place he could take them to for a brunch or a cup of coffee.
Unfortunately for him, the place was small. There were barely a dozen tables and nobody seemingly wanted to sit at the cramped coffee shop when they could walk to the nearby park to enjoy their coffee.
The place was crowded due to rush hour so he returned a couple of hours later to finally order something.
As soon as he walked inside, the sugary smell of the sweets and the strong aroma of the coffee surrounded him.
“Welcome!” said a cheerful voice. It was you, beaming at him with the brightest smile he had ever seen on anyone. It looked too genuine to be a fake service worker's smile.
He hesitantly walked up to the counter with a blush coloring his cheeks from the intensity of your smile that was aimed towards him. “Hi,” he said before lifting his eyes up to the menu displays. “Ah.” He had no idea what to get. “Takeaway, I think, and ahh… Um…”
As if you noticed his struggle, you started talking. “If you like sweets I’d recommend my special summer drink. If you like coffee, I can give you the best brew in the whole city. It isn't strong but the aroma actually tastes like fresh coffee beans, I roast them fresh every day.” You were so bright, still smiling. Didn’t your cheeks hurt? How could anyone be this sweet? “Or I can choose a drink for you! Trust me, I’ll make it count!”
He understood none of the things you were saying but he felt like he could trust you to choose a drink for him, so he nodded approvingly.
Clapping your hands together, you walked behind the coffee machine and disappeared from his view. “You live around here?”
Yuuji was caught off guard and didn’t realize you were talking to him for a while until you repeated your question. “Ah, yes! I live around the corner.”
“I’ll do my best to impress you so you’ll buy coffee from here every day.” Your tone wasn’t flirty. It was friendly and inviting, actually welcoming.
“That’s a good business tactic,” he said, matching your tone. “But I’m not that easy to impress.”
“Isn’t my prices enough to impress you? They’re rather cheap for the service you get and I’m not even talking about the quality of my products.” You reappeared with a plastic coffee mug, it had ice and apparently black coffee in it. You poured some sort of golden cream over the coffee on the counter where he could see it.
Like hypnotized, Yuuji watched with his mouth wide open as the two colors mixed in a gradient effect in his drink before you put a lid on it.
“Was that good enough?” you asked, proudly. “To impress you I mean.”
“Y-yeah.” He reached and took the drink you set on the counter. He was carefully examining the colors in awe when he abruptly realized that he hadn’t even paid yet. Hastily he dug his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet, “I’ll come here more often I think if I like the drink of course.”
“Hmm, you’ll like it so I’m not worried.” You smiled as he paid with his credit card. “See you later…” Furrowing your burrows, you looked at him so he would fill in.
“Itadori,” he introduced himself, blushing. “Yuuji Itadori.”
“(name),” you said, offering a cute smile. “Have a nice day, Itadori.”
“Y-you too.” He waved awkwardly and you did the same with a giggle. It was clear that he was a little overwhelmed.
By the time Yuuji exited the shop, he hadn’t realized how hard he was blushing or how he had forgotten to even try his drink. Then he blushed even harder realizing how embarrassing he acted back in the shop but he shook his head to get over those thoughts.
Decidedly, he took a sip from his coffee and immediately understood why you were so confident that he would be back to buy more.
The next day, it wasn’t exactly the incredible coffee you had sold him yesterday that brought him here.
It was you.
He was trying to convince himself that wasn’t the case though.
However, Sukuna knew the truth.
“Being single sucks!” Yuuji complained with a whine after slamming his empty glass on the table.
“You should try those dating apps if you really want a girlfriend,” Fushiguro replied and flicked the ash off his cigarette on the ashtray.
“I agree, Itadori, if you really are determined to be in a relationship then you should try meeting new people.” Yuuta fanned the smoke Fushiguro blew towards him away using his hand with a forced smile.
Inumaki nodded in agreement, continuing to munch on the salted crackers and avoiding drinking.
“It’s easy for all of you with pretty girlfriends to say!” Panda cried, “It’s only me and Itadori who’s single.” He wrapped his big arms around Yuuji and started rocking back and forth.
“You can always book a flight to China to meet with a female Panda?” Yuuji said in a confused tone, “Or the zoo?”
Panda froze and loosened his arms around Yuuji before pushing him away from himself. “That was rude.”
“Huh?” Yuuji raised a brow, still confused.
“His type is more… humane, I think.” Yuuta scratched at his cheeks and raised his brows, hoping that Panda would deny what he just said but he didn’t.
“Wait.” Yuuji’s eyes widened, “So, you’re telling me that it would actually work between you and a human, or is it-”
“Itadori,” Fushiguro said to stop Yuuji from delving deeper into the uncomfortable topic. “Leave Panda’s love life alone.”
“Hmm, why did you bring up the topic of wanting to get a girlfriend?” Yuuta asked, humming thoughtfully. “Do you have someone you like?”
“Deja vu,” Panda mumbled under his breath, nobody heard him.
As soon as the question was asked to him, Yuuji thought of one single person; you. The image of your smile and your cheerful voice. It was just a simple crush, the two of you were total strangers. Yet, he was still thinking about you right now and couldn’t get you out of his mind.
He suppressed all of those thoughts and noticed how everyone was looking at him, waiting for his answer.
“No, I don’t,” Yuuji replied.
Unlike Sukuna, Yuuji was an inexperienced young man. He was a celibate too. Which meant that to him, sexual desires had to come after love. The feelings of love and affection were important when it came to sex. Having sex was an act of love and a form of affection, to prove to the person he was involved with that he was devoting himself to them.
The kid had already grown up to be an adult but still had the mentality of a child.
Sukuna knew he could help.
“You’re coming here more often now,” Sukuna pointed out. “Is it because you know the server likes you?”
“No, she doesn’t like me,” Yuuji deadpanned. He pouted cutely seconds later and watched you walk over to his table holding a tray with his drink on it with a bright smile. “I’m here only because this place makes the best coffee.”
“Here you go,” you chirped, putting Yuuji’s drink on the table. Your friendly smile and gorgeous eyes wandered on his face for a moment longer than usual. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Thank you.” He was blushing.
You flashed him another stunning smile before turning around on your heels.
“She’s into you,” Sukuna declared.
Yuuji ignored Sukuna’s words and stared after you as you walked back to the counter to take another order. His eyes couldn’t leave the way your hips moved with each step you took.
Sukuna’s lips on Yuuji’s hand grinned before disappearing.
“The girl looks like her,” Sukuna said.
“Will you be quiet?” Yuuji groaned and slapped his cheek so he would go away.
It was silent, he smiled to himself. Finally, he had some privacy.
The porn actress spread her legs and Yuuji wrapped his left hand around his cock after licking his palm as he was holding his phone with his right. He slid his fist up along his length and squeezed tightly towards the tip. The pressure felt the best when he applied it to the sensitive tip.
Loud moans coming from the actress filled his apartment since he hadn’t bothered to put on headphones. Not that he needed them when he was living alone but it was a habit now. So, he lowered the volume.
However, there was another reason why he didn’t need to hear the moans of the actress.
“She doesn’t sound like her, does she?” Sukuna made fun of him.
Yuuji ignored him and didn’t bother to tell him that it wasn’t the case. He just needed to cum and go to bed, that was it. He was too used to Sukuna interrupting his self-care time at this point and if the King of Curses didn’t mind watching a guy jerk off to some cheap porn, so be it. They were sharing Yuuji’s body and mind. Or not?
Yuuji focused on the video as the girl bent over and started fingering herself in an awkward position. His hand around his cock started moving to match the way her fingers went in and out of her cunt.
She really looked like you.
Wasn’t that why he had chosen this video?
Nevermind. Forget about it.
He had read or heard somewhere that masturbating with the non-dominant hand could give more pleasure. It was something he had done when he was only a teenager to try it out but now he liked to use his left hand.
It felt different, sometimes his hand went numb and it felt like someone else was touching him. You were touching him.
This had to be how a handjob felt, if you ever gave him a handjob it would definitely feel like this.
Yuuji dropped the phone and closed his eyes, only focusing on his fantasies about you while jerking himself off. His hand moved faster while his hips were desperately thrusting up as if to mimic fucking you.
You would tease him, wouldn’t you? Stare at him with a grin, edge him and even slow down just to make him whine.
Or perhaps you would get rid of your clothes hurriedly to ease yourself down on his cock. Were you a virgin? You would be his first, he would want you to be your first too.
Were you the type to whimper or moan during sex?
Where would you place your hands?
Would you move your hips?
Which position would make you lose yourself?
He would want to be on top, so he could watch your face and kiss you.
What kind of face would you make?
Would you be blushing and moaning?
The image of your eyes overflowing with tears while your face was being stained with the same tears and your ruined makeup appeared within his mind.
Yuuji abruptly came harder than he ever had in his whole life and his seed landed on his stomach, his orgasm left his legs shaking in pleasure.
He didn’t go to the coffee shop the day after from embarrassment.
“You weren’t here yesterday,” you remarked while making his drink. “I was sure you were going to be here after I made you my new drink on the menu.”
“Ahh, I was just busy and didn’t have time to swing by.” It was a simple lie and it wasn’t like he could ever tell you that he was scared of himself after he came to his fantasy of seeing you cry. “I didn’t think you’d miss me this much.”
“Well, you’re my only loyal customer,” you pouted and put his drink on the counter. Nobody else was in the shop, another coffee place had opened just around the corner. “You always drink my special brew coffee too. It’s like an honor to me that you like my coffee.”
“It’s the best coffee I’ve ever had,” his reply was instantaneous and honest. “I like this place, I can tell how much love you put into making your drinks and it feels cozy here.”
You were grinning, “Mm, tell me more. Praise me more. What else?”
He started smirking but his blush ruined the smug face he was making. “Never mind, you’re weirding me out.”
“Hey! I was just asking you what else you like about my place! What’s weird about wanting to know how I can make this place better?” you feigned anger.
He wanted to tell you that he was only coming here for you. Wait, no. He came here for the coffee. Nothing else.
“What about making new drinks every week? They’d sell more and you’d get to try out new things?” he said after careful thinking.
“That’s actually a good idea, thank you, Itadori!”
Ahh, the way you said his name… Yuuji wanted to hear you say his name again and again. Over and over again.
“It’s nothing,” he replied, rubbing his neck nervously with his hand. “I’m just trying to help.”
It started with small words of encouragement.
“That woman likes you, I can tell from the way she smiles at you. Talk to her more and befriend her.”
“It’s not like you to say nice things,” Yuuji said, averting his gaze from yours in embarrassment when you looked his way. He hoped you hadn’t caught him looking. “Besides, she’s just a server. It’s her job to attract customers with a smile and sweet talk.”
“Every server needs a master,” Sukuna spoke through Yuuji’s hand. Nobody could see him since the guy had his hand pressed against his ear. “She doesn’t look at you the same way she looks at the other peasants here.”
Yuuji didn’t say anything.
His finger hovered over the follow button.
”That’s her?” Sukuna asked, his ancient soul was getting used to the technology he saw his vessel was using. “Those are her pictures?”
“Yeah.” Yuuji gulped, nodding languidly. It would be weird if he followed you, right? He had found your account by chance. Not because he found the account of your coffee shop and then scrolled through the following list to find a friend of yours and then searched through their following list to find your name to eventually find your account. Only by chance.
“She looks different in the pictures.” Sukuna was right. You were smiling as usual but you weren’t wearing your cafe uniform. You were wearing normal clothes. Clothes that revealed more of your skin, your shoulders, legs, thighs, and in some pictures your cleavage. There was a smug look on your face when you were looking at the camera as if you knew whoever was looking at these pictures was admiring your beauty.
“Yeah, she does.” He was now looking at a picture of you in a dress that fit you just right, showing your curves he hadn’t noticed in your uniform.
“She’s beautiful.” Sukuna could sense the intensity of his vessel’s stare at your picture.
“I’d save that picture if I were you.” Sukuna grinned.
Yuuji took a screenshot.
“You should be more assertive if you want her to consider you as a man,” Sukuna said as Yuuji was walking towards the coffee shop. “Women like confident men.”
“You come from the ancient times, this is the new age. Women are equal with men and I want her to feel-”
“Women want men. Not boys. Definitely not brats like you.” Sukuna disappeared when his vessel entered the coffee shop.
Yuuji sighed in a dismissive manner, “Whatever you say.”
Women want men.
“What do women like in a man?” Yuuji asked.
The happy laughter of the guys died out as soon as he asked that and the loud chatter of the other people inside the bar couldn’t fill the dead silence Yuuji created.
They were all looking at each other around the table now. Nobody wanted to talk.
“I guess they like guys who are assertive,” Yuuta responded when no one else did. “Megumi, why don’t you say something? What does your girlfriend like about you?”
Fushiguro was inanimate as he stubbed out his cigarette on the ashtray and took a long moment to consider what he was going to say. “She said that likes that I’m possessive and get jealous when she talks to other guys.”
“Hmm, possessive and jealous...” Yuuta nodded and then turned to Inumaki. “And your girlfriend liked that she can depend on you, right?”
“There you have it,” Yuuta concluded. “They like possessive guys who they can depend on!”
“What about you, Okkotsu?” Yuuji asked. “What does your girlfriend like about you?”
The person in question looked a little lost and taken aback that he was being asked. He had to take a deep breath to keep his facial expressions normal. “She likes that I take control.”
“How?” Yuuji was desperate.
“Isn’t that a bit invasive question, Itadori?” Fushiguro warned in a soft tone.
“It’s not invasive at all!” Yuuta forced a laugh and spoke in the same joking manner. “It means that I was a little pushy and bold, I think?”
Both Fushiguro and Inumaki started agreeing.
“I see.” Yuuji realized that Sukuna was right.
“Isn’t that her picture?”
Yuuji ignored him and continued rubbing his cock.
His hand started moving faster, his eyes were trained on the picture of you, eyes roaming on your body and imagining how it would feel to run his hands along your curves.
“She looks like she’d love taking it from her ass.”
“Shut up, she’s not like that!” he immediately protested. His cheeks were bright red from shame. He had never done it to the pictures of the people he had met. Only celebrities. It didn’t feel right.
“She’s a woman. I know what women want and like.” Sukuna was confident. “I know exactly what she wants, unlike you.”
Yuuji tried blocking out the curse’s voice in his head and tightened his grip as well as his pace. He was imagining you again, eyes full of tears and you were twisting your body to push him weakly away with your tiny hands as he took you from behind.
Thanks to that fantasy, he came in an instant.
Yuuji was a good guy.
He was sacrificing his life to save others every day and he was going to be executed for the sake of saving humanity from the curses.
He could never be the bad guy.
“Welcome,” you chirped as soon as he walked through the door. “The usual?”
Yuuji awkwardly smiled and bowed his head to greet you. “Y-yeah.”
“Had a good day?” Turning around, you walked away from the counter to reach the coffee machine, disappearing from his view.
Yuuji made his way towards the counter and tried recalling how his day had been. He had exorcised a couple of curses and even got the opportunity to catch up with Fushiguro and his girlfriend when they ran into each other downtown. To put it simply, his day had been the worst. “It was a good day, how was yours?”
You were only making small talk because he was a regular here, nothing more. He knew people who worked in small coffee shops like this were always friendly to attract customers, to give a sense of home to people who come here for a drink or the tasty sweets. It was a marketing strategy.
“My day was tiring. I took your advice and put a new drink on the menu but apparently, it’s really good because everyone wanted to try it. However, the thing is… it’s so hard to make it!!” You appeared in front of him again with his drink and pointed behind you, at the menu displays. “I ran out of strawberries twice and had to call to ask my friend to go buy some from the store for me.”
“Woah, that sounds really exhausting!” he said in a tone to match your own while you were making a cutesy pouting face. “Hmm.” There was a momentary pause as he took his coffee from you and grinned. “I changed my mind, I also want to try this incredibly hard-to-make drink too.”
Your shoulders slacked and you gave an exaggerated sigh. “I thought you of all people would pity me…”
“I’m known for being ruthless,” he joked, chuckling. The smile on his face was genuine and he couldn’t stop smiling, it was as if he could never be in a bad mood around you. “But yes, I was joking. No need to call a friend to buy more strawberries or anything.”
You pointed a finger at him with mock threat and anger. “Don’t make fun of me or I won’t serve you again.”
“That’s better than threatening to spit in my coffee.” He tilted his head and shrugged.
“You said it as if I don’t do it all the time.” You raised a brow.
Both of you laughed but once the joke died out, there was an awkward silence.
“Anyway,” you said, gesturing towards one of the tables you clearly had wiped and cleaned because you were getting ready to close the place. “You can take a seat there if you wanna, I sadly have to finish up cleaning.”
When he looked around he could see that there was a mop you were planning to use. He didn’t want to disturb you any longer. It would be weird if he sat down when you were desperately trying to close the shop for the night.
It was rude and you were only being polite to him.
“I’ll drink this on the way home,” Yuuji replied with a nervous grin, and the tension from your shoulders visibly relaxed.
“Have a good evening!” you chirped after him as he turned around his heels.
“You too!” He exited the shop.
“Coward,” Sukuna spat.
“Please, be quiet.” Not again. Not this devil again.
“You could’ve fucked her against that counter. She was all over you, begging for you to make a move.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
“Be quiet, will you?” No. You were just an innocent girl. Someone who was nice to him because he came to buy coffee. He was just a customer.
“You, brat, are going to die as a celibate if you keep this up. Have you ever stick it inside a woman before? Do you have any idea of how heavenly a woman’s warmth is? The way they squirm and moan under you as they give you the look of an angel’s and beg for you to take it slow, cling onto you with tiny little hands-”
“Shut up!” Yuuji slammed the coffee on the concrete ground, his chest heaving in anger and frustration.
Some passersby stared at him and walked further away from where he was standing.
Sukuna disappeared with a smile.
Yuuji took a deep breath to calm himself.
The bells over the wooden door chimed, announcing his arrival.
“Hi!” you quickly yelled and appeared by the counter, your smile widened when you realized it was Yuuji. “The usual?”
“You don’t need to ask,” he replied, eyes softening and shoulders relaxing. He felt like himself in here, he felt at home.
“Did you have a good day?” you asked before disappearing behind the coffee machine.
“It was a bad day until I came here,” he said lumberingly, his cheeks flushed from nervousness. He was terrible at flirting.
You laughed, he couldn’t see your reaction but you sounded happy when you spoke. “Ahh, I’m glad I’m able to make you happy! It brings me joy when I manage to help others have a good day in one way or another!”
So kind and selfless.
The two of you were a perfect match.
Seconds later you were standing in front of him with his drink on top of the counter. “I hope you’ll have a great rest of the night, Itadori! I’m glad my coffee was able to help you feel better.”
He opened his mouth to say that it wasn’t the coffee that made him happy but he closed it when he realized how weird it would sound. “Thank you.”
“I like you and I think we should hang out sometime,” he said, smiling awkwardly. Seconds of silence passed and he slapped a hand on his face in embarrassment. After taking a deep breath he tried again. “Do you wanna go out for dinner this weekend?”
“You are acting like a brat,” Sukuna mocked. “Go up to her and tell her you to want to make her yours like a real man.”
Yuuji ignored him while staring at his reflection in the mirror and groaned. He hated when Sukuna said things that made sense.
His clothes were ironed and his hair was slicked back with the hair gel he had bought in a rush.
“You look pathetic.” Brutally honest, Sukuna’s voice had a tone of embarrassment in it. He was ashamed of living inside him.
“I look good.” Yuuji wasn’t going to let him ruin this moment. He was going to prove to everyone else that he could get the girl if he acted like himself. There was no need to be pretending something he wasn’t when it came to you. He knew you would want him to be honest.
“She’s going to reject you, brat. Don’t ridicule yourself and take my advice.”
“What’s your advice?” Yuuji scoffed, “Manhandle her?”
“You’re feeling the instinct of mating and lust,” Sukuna said. “You want to fuck her, you don’t want to make love to her or whatever the humans call it.”
“What?” Yuuji forced a smile on his face and laughed hysterically, “Are you even hearing what you’re saying?”
“Love isn’t real. Obsession, lust, and devotion are real though. You want to breed her. Don’t mix up libido with what peasants would call love.”
There was a grim pause.
“I like her,” Yuuji said. “She’s pretty and she seems like a nice person. Her smile is cute and-”
“Do whatever you want, brat,” Sukuna yawned, getting ready to disappear from Yuuji’s cheek. “Try not to throw a tantrum when you get rejected.”
“You were the one who told me to go up to her and make her mine?” Frustrated, Yuuji rolled his eyes in irritation.
“Making some woman yours doesn’t mean to woo her or make love to her. Are all brats the same as you? Don’t you know that women are pleasure dolls for men? They live to please men.” Sukuna was getting serious, he raised his voice with each sentence. “Women are like fish, they don’t have feelings.”
“That’s not true.” Yuuji’s voice got a little weaker than he had intended to. “You’re wrong.” It didn’t sound like he was denying what Sukuna had said and trying to convince himself that wasn’t the truth instead.
Sukuna disappeared from his cheek with a malicious grin.
Shaking his head to gather his thoughts, Yuuji quickly walked out of his room and exited his apartment.
It took him twenty minutes to get to the coffee shop when it usually took him barely ten minutes. He had gotten flowers for you. Not really sure which ones to get, he had chosen one of the pink and red bouquets on display. He was nervous and sweating. He had to wipe his palms down on his jeans to keep them dry way too many times, he had stopped counting after the seventh time.
He stood outside of the cafe, trembling in excitement. There weren't any windows at your coffee shop thus he couldn’t see if there were any customers inside. He could only hope that it would be just the two of you alone since there was something very special he needed to tell you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
He grabbed the handle and opened the door. You were behind the counter, looking down at your phone. As soon as the bells over the door chimed you put it away and smiled, “Welcome!”
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Yuuji’s grip tightened around the bouquet he was holding, his cheeks started burning in nervousness.
“Woahh, you’re going on a date?” you asked while he walked up to the counter, your voice was as cheerful as ever. “I couldn’t recognize you, should I give you the usual?”
“Uhh, no.” He paused. When both of you stared at each other he realized how awkward and confusing his answer was. “Um, it’s not a date but I’m gonna ask the girl I like out.” His face was turning beet red.
“Aww, that’s so adorable! She’s so lucky, you’ve even bought her flowers, so cutee!!” You pressed a hand over your chest, feigning being hurt. “Ahh, my heart can’t handle it.”
“Y-yeah.” He blushed harder, shifting his weight on his feet nervously. “She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
“You better treat her right then and I hope she’ll say yes.” You didn't miss the eyes on you and continued smiling in discomfort. “The usual?” you asked once it started getting a little too quiet and he nodded.
The uncomfortable silence started making Yuuji reconsider what to say or if he should say them at all. You put his coffee on the counter before he could take his time thinking.
“Is that all?” you asked as you were putting his order’s total into the cash register.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
“N-no,” he replied in a quiet voice while reluctantly taking out his wallet to pay for his coffee.
“I hope you have a lovely night, Itadori. Go get the girl!” you cheered him on with a cute smile.
“Actually,” he started, looking at you with his flushed cheeks and fidgeting with his fingers. “Ahh, (name), I wanted to tell you something.”
“Hmm, what is it?” You were smiling, watching him in confusion.
Yuuji decided that he shouldn’t beat around the bush at this moment because he wanted to seem confident. He knew if he didn’t spit it out now or else he would never say it. He had to get to the point and dive in ahead without any hesitation.
“I like you.”
Lifting the bouquet, he held it up towards you as you looked at him and then at the bouquet repeatedly with wide eyes but you didn’t seem shocked.
You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again.
“I mean, you’re such a nice person and I found myself always looking forward to seeing you. I think about you all the time and I can’t get you out of my head. I used to hate it here, it’s a large city with too many people… but then you took over this shop, and now I… don’t hate it that much.”
He was saying all that with a puffed chest and a big goofy grin on his face, his cheeks were blushing as he tried not to look nervous. However, when he saw the way your smile curled down to a frown as he kept on talking, it felt like someone poured iced water down his head.
Yuuji couldn’t breathe.
“Um, that’s flattering,” you said, forcing a smile on your face and taking the bouquet from him. “Were these for me?”
“Y-yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
You nodded languidly, noticing that you were the girl he wanted to ask out. “I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You couldn’t find the words that wouldn’t hurt him.
Gradually, he noticed how uncomfortable you looked and his smile disappeared from his face.
“I’m sorry but I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m really busy with working and taking care of this cafe but I appreciate your feelings.” You averted your gaze from him for a moment, a scoff left your lips. Were you laughing at him? “I apologize if my affable demeanor gave you the wrong idea but sadly I can’t return your feelings.”
He looked down to his feet to pull himself together, an icy shiver ran through him as he spoke. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
So childish.
“Of course,” you said, forcing a chuckle.
“I hope we can still be friends, I wouldn’t wanna lose you.” Yuuji was desperate, he couldn’t imagine a life without you.
“Of course!” you repeated with a louder forced chuckle. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship!”
“Me neither.” He couldn’t lift his head or move, his body had turned to stone.
The pauses started to grow longer and eerily quiet. You were the one who spoke next.
“Thank you so much, Itadori, I’m flattered by your confession and I hope we can be close friends!” Pressing the bouquet on your chest and hugging it with both arms, you used a soft tone to talk to him. “I need to close down and catch the train home, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah…” Yuuji turned around and walked out of the cafe without saying anything else, leaving the coffee he had paid for on the counter.
“I told you, didn’t I, brat?” Sukuna mocked, voice full of mischief as he appeared on his vessel’s cheek.
“Leave me alone,” Yuuji hissed. He was walking away from the coffee shop, not going home though, not yet. He needed to calm down.
“Women want to be ordered around, brat. They want men to take control. If you act like a brat, they won’t see you as a man.”
Yuuji’s breath hitched upon hearing Sukuna’s words. His knees started feeling weaker than they ever could but he had to stand proud, assert his dominance over the King of Curses and collect himself.
It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair that he was in this situation, it wasn’t fair that he was rejected, it wasn’t fair that he was cursed to live in despair. He was eventually going to get executed and he hadn’t had a youth where he fulfilled any of his dreams. He had wanted only one thing, to feel happy with one person and that childish wish must have been too much to ask. Not only he got rejected but now he had Sukuna making fun of him.
“You must be a man and make her yours.”
“She told me she didn’t want a relationship.” Yuuji couldn’t deal with him anymore. “We’re friends.”
“Do you want a woman for yourself or not, brat?” Sukuna sighed in irritation before humming thoughtfully. “I’ll help you,” he offered generously, “I’ll help you make her yours.”
“Leave me alone, Sukuna.” Yuuji was getting angrier, and soon he started to tremble in rage.
“Let me help you to get a taste of a woman, brat.”
“She rejected me-”
“She’s just playing hard to get. A woman like her wants to be chased. She didn’t tell you to get lost because she wants you to keep coming back to her so you’ll continue to give her your attention. That girl would spread her legs for anyone who gives her attention if she wasn’t a prude. She’s a virgin, that must be why she’s acting like this. I can smell it, the blood that’s yet to bleed once her innocence is taken. You need to take it, brat.”
“You want me to rape her, is that it?” Yuuji spat, he had never thought he would say those words out loud.
“I never said that, brat.” Sukuna let out a chuckle, lying. “Let me show you what I mean.”
“I’m not letting you take over my body,” he replied coldly.
“I don’t want to take over your body, that woman is yours,” Sukuna assured.
“Then, what do you want me to do?” Yuuji asked.
Sukuna grinned viciously, “Let's go back to where she works first.”
The door closed after him with a soft click.
You let out a frustrated sigh and pressed the bouquet against your chest, hugging them tightly.
That hadn’t gone well at all.
Your eyes landed on the coffee he forgot to take with him on the counter. “I’m the worst,” mumbling, you put the flowers on the counter to prepare the cafe for closing.
You took the paper coffee mug and poured it out, the dark liquid went down the sink as you watched, hypnotized and lost in your thoughts.
That guy… He wasn’t like any other you met. He was adorable and matched your energy like no other person ever had. You enjoyed being around Itadori and you were glad he felt the same but… he knew you for less than two weeks. He was clearly confused, he had made a friend who he managed to click instantly and mistook his feelings for love.
Nonetheless, you felt terrible. It was never easy to reject someone, especially when you were so busy trying to manage the coffee shop of your dreams you finally got to open.
Itadori had to understand that. He would understand, right?
Oh, he had looked so excited and nervous. He had even slicked his messy hair back and brought flowers…
You hoped he would get over it quickly or at least, he would come to the shop tomorrow so you could comfort him. The two of you needed to talk a little more, you needed for him to know that you didn’t want to break his heart. You felt the need to apologize, ahh, so stupid. You hadn’t even done anything wrong.
It hurt though.
It still hurt.
You hated making other people feel bad. You wanted to be the reason behind their smiles and laughter, not tears.
Packing your stuff and turning off the lights, you left the shop. The door was locked two times as usual before you hurried down the street towards the subway.  
The station was packed more than usual and you immediately regretted not listening to your friend’s advice on renting that one apartment down the block. But complaining right now wasn’t going to get you home.
You hopped on the train and shielded the bouquet with your arms wrapped around it as you tried not to get crushed by the swarm of people getting on the train. Once the doors closed, you had successfully managed to find a place by the train door with a little space so you could avoid getting the bouquet crushed.
Facing the doors, you stared out the small window, it was dark but every second or another a light would zoom in and out. You weren’t sure if they were there for navigating or not but you found yourself too focused on the lights as the sudden brake of the train made you stumble forward.
When you regained your balance to stand up straight, there was someone behind you. They were a little too close but it was nothing out of the ordinary, you always found yourself being pressed against other people during rush hours in the subway.
At the next stop, the doors on the opposite side opened and another swarm of people filled the train. Now, the person behind you was trapping you between their body and the door that was in front of you.
You were showing extra carefulness to not let the bouquet get crushed, you wanted to take it home in one piece without anything happening to it. These flowers were beautiful, they smelled amazing too. You wanted to cherish them even if you hadn’t managed to cherish Itadori’s feelings.
As you were inspecting the bouquet you saw a small card that was attached to one of the flowers. You checked it and realized what it was.
It was Itadori’s phone number and a cute little heart drawn next to it with a small message.
‘I’d love to hear more of your voice and complaints about work in private!!’
You didn’t realize you were smiling at the note until something brought you out of your trance.
A voice to be exact.
“Your lover got them to you?” A husky voice asked.
Lifting your head, you stared at the small window. From the almost transparent reflection on the window, you could see that the guy behind you had talked. You couldn’t see his face from his hoodie covering his features but you could tell that he was talking to you.
“Um, not really,” you replied. It wasn’t abnormal to you that other people made small talk to you, you talked to strangers more than anyone else every day. You always overshared anyway. “They are from a close friend.”
“He must love you.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
You forced a chuckle, looking down in front of you. “Y-yeah.”
When the train braked abruptly, he got closer. “Touch her-” It was a whisper from the same guy, you were unable to make out the words clearly but you decided to ignore him for the rest of the ride. You needed to get off in twenty minutes and were too tired to act friendly.
That was when you felt the back of his hand brushing against your ass.
You froze, before you could call it an accident and blame it on the crowded train, he pressed the back of his hand more purposefully on the soft flesh.
Fear paralyzed your body and you found yourself at a loss of words. You didn’t know what to do, you wanted to move away but you were trapped between him and the door.
“You’re not gonna ask for help?” he asked, leaning forward to mock you.
It was too humiliating and you were unable to think of anything. Somehow, you shook your head to tell him to stop because your voice wouldn’t come out. You pressed the bouquet harder against your chest in panic, praying to whoever was listening that the guy would stop.
You heard him say something but every other voice was muffled now, it was as if your ears were filled with cotton.
The only thing you did was to hope that you could muster up the courage to push him away and get out on the next stop.
Why was this happening to you?
“See, I told you.” Sukuna scoffed as Yuuji’s entire face was beet red. “She’s not even gonna ask for help because she wants you to continue.”
Yuuji saw your blushed cheeks in the reflection in the window, you were breathing heavily and standing still.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
When Sukuna convinced him to follow you into the subway train and let him do the talking, he was conflicted because he wasn’t sure what the King of Curses wanted to prove but now, he knew.
“Women live to be conquered by men,” Sukuna concluded, “Do you understand it now or should I elaborate more?”
Yuuji was quiet.
“She’ll bend down and beg for you to fuck her right now if you continue touching her.”
You wouldn’t.
Using his whole hand, Yuuji groped your ass while trembling from dismay but he couldn’t forethought the way you reacted being anything other than screaming for help or pushing him away.
Instead of fighting back or doing anything he had thought you would, you mewled and stayed exactly where you were.
They were all right.
Fushiguro, Inumaki and Yuuta. They were all right.
Sukuna was more than right. He had been trying to help him but Yuuji was too blind to see it.
“Check her cunt, I bet she’s soaking wet.” Sukuna had said to mock his vessel. He didn’t expect for him to move his hand between your legs and under your skirt to press his fingers against your clothed pussy. Neither did you.
Letting out a squeal, you hunched forward, pressing your legs together in panic as his digits moved along your clothed slit that was completely damp.
He started rubbing his fingers between your folds, your juices soaked your panties and made sloppy sounds each time he moved his digits.
“I can hear it from here, did you wet yourself, or are you this wet for me?” Sukuna laughed audibly.
You shook your head, slouching further down and trying to move away from Yuuji’s hands.
“Women aren’t good liars,” Sukuna said as Yuuji slouched forward with you and pressed himself against your ass. “You’re aching to have a cock inside you, no?”
“Please,” you begged. You wanted him to stop.
“Oh, look, she’s asking so politely to be filled with a cock.” Sukuna made fun of your misery while watching the brat finally grow into a man.
Yuuji was sure Sukuna had taken over his body because he would never hump the girl he liked as he was fingering her over her clothes in a train. In public, he reminded himself, in a train and in public where nobody seemed to care.
His hands were moving on their own, he hooked a finger under the elastic edge of your panties to pull them to the side.
“W-wait, please,” you whispered in a weak voice, finally using a hand to grab his wrist to try to pull him away from your pussy. You weren’t strong or convincing enough though.
Yuuji slipped his fingers inside you and grinded his growing erection against your ass, earning a surprised moan out of you.
The hand that was grabbing his wrist immediately went to cover your mouth to suppress your voice as he started humping you to deliberately mimic fucking you.
“Please, stop…” Your voice was fainter than a whisper behind your hand.
“You say that but you’re pitifully trembling in anticipation.” His lips were brushing against the shell of your ear but it was as if he wasn’t using his mouth to talk.
“I’m not…” You pressed your legs together and trapped his hand between your thighs while he twirled his digits around inside you.  
“Lying isn’t cute, you know.” There was a smile in his deep voice, “Come on try harder to lie and make me believe you don’t want it.” He dragged his tongue along the shell of your ear, earning a surprised but muffled moan from you.
Yuuji brought his other hand up to cup your breast over your shirt, his cock was painfully hard against his jeans, and the knowledge of him touching his crush was too much for him to handle. He could cum in his pants if he wasn’t careful enough. Sukuna was saying the most vulgar things to you but instead of pushing him away, you were staying exactly where you were. It was fascinating to see how much you were begging to be touched.
It disturbed him a little, would you let any stranger touch you like this? Would you be this wet for anyone?
Yuuji didn’t want to know the answer but Sukuna did.
“Come on, be honest. Would you be this keen to be fucked by any man or is it because it’s me?” Sukuna asked, he was barely holding himself to switch with the brat, he loved corrupting innocent souls like you. He loved seeing the painful and pathetic cries they would let out as their faces were stained with tears.
You shook your head rapidly as his fingers inside you curled to rub a sweet spot you didn’t know existed.
“So, does that mean you wouldn’t want to be fucked by anyone but me?” Sukuna laughed while Yuuji let out a low groan, grinding harder against your ass, humping you roughly.
“N-nooo,” you were sobbing now, tears started running down your cheeks.
“Good girl… You’re finally being honest. You hear that? She would never want to be fucked by anyone but me.”
“T-that’s not what I meant…”
It was fun to tease girls like you. Sukuna could feel your fear and took incredible joy from hearing your voice crack. “Now, that’s cute… I wanna hear you cry out my name in your cute voice too.”
Yuuji groaned, shaking his head as if Sukuna was going to listen to him.
“S-Sukuna,” he mocked your crying. “Come on, say it just like that and beg for me to fuck you.”
Your body was shaking in fear, your cries only spurred him on and you didn’t know what to do. “P-please stop, S-Sukuna.” The way you whimpered his name, there was no way Sukuna could hold back.
“You better take her innocence before I do it myself, brat.” Sukuna was a man of his word, he had promised the brat to not touch you but if he didn’t man up and fucked you here, he would have no choice but to do it himself. He would never let a girl’s innocence go to waste. The blood of purity was something holy for curses like him. It was the nectar of the gods from the most ancient times, something that could only be attained by the perfect innocent virgins.
“Don’t you dare,” Yuuji spat, speaking for the first time. “She’s mine.”
You didn’t hear him though. His fingers were thrusting in and out of you vigorously while he was humping you and fondling your tit. Your walls clenched around his digits as he moved his hand on your chest between your bodies to impatiently pull the front of his pants down.
Realizing what was about to happen when he finally pulled his cock free and hiked your skirt up, you stared at your reflection on the window, crying and begging him to stop.
Yuuji froze momentarily, pulling his fingers out of you. He could see your expression in the window but you couldn’t see his face. He was stunned by seeing your cheeks wet with tears and mascara running down to ruin more of your makeup, it was… it was purely so erotic and better than his fantasies.
He slammed his hips forward and buried the entire length of his cock in your pussy.
Your virgin walls squeezed tightly around him and the sharp pain of your hymen being torn made fresh tears run down your cheeks. Your hand covering your mouth went to the door in front of you to keep your balance because of the ferocity of his thrust. Your lips parted to scream in pain but his fingers being shoved inside your mouth stopped you.
You tasted your bitter juices on his fingers as he twirled them around your tongue, catching the muscle between his knuckles.
Yuuji felt lightheaded by the fact that he was actually having sex with his crush, on top of all that, you were both each others’ first. He knew he was going to cherish this memory forever and even though he would have liked to do it in a bed with the lights off, this was fine too.
It didn’t matter where he was as long as he had his cock inside of you.
With a moan, he staggeringly pulled his hips back to abruptly slam into your pussy. The blood of your innocence acted as a lubricant, made it easier for him to slip inside, and made a sloppy sound each time he thrust inside.
You could feel his entire weight settle on your back while he nuzzled against the side of your neck before he shakily licked the sensitive skin to get a taste of you. Instinctively, you tried moving your head away from his mouth but his fingers in your mouth prevented you. To put it simply, you were trapped and were at his mercy.
He picked up a discreet but still desperate pace to fuck you, he was still cautious of the two of you being in public but he was still delirious to be having sex with you. Sex. Did it always feel this good? Were you feeling good too? You wanted it, he knew you did because you told Sukuna you wanted it.
Slamming his hips forward, he knocked the air out of your lungs, you gasped on his fingers, drooling all over yourself from having your mouth forcefully kept open by his long digits.
Yuuji was hopeless to mark his territory, to mark you as his. He wanted everyone to know that you belonged to someone when they looked at you. You were his and only his.
His cock grew bigger inside you at the thought of him owning you. He started fucking you frantically, no longer bothering if the people around had noticed or not. Your cunt tightened around his cock and you felt his teeth sink into the sensitive flesh of your neck. He bit hard, hard enough to draw blood and leave you trembling in numbing pain.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the tip of his cock hit a sweet spot and your legs shook uncontrollably under you, they were struggling to carry your weight.
His teeth sank deeper into your flesh and you dropped the bouquet you were holding against your chest to involuntarily arch your back instead. He chewed on your skin as he felt your virgin walls pulsate around his cock, you were begging to be filled with his seed, weren’t you?
Women were nothing but a bunch of breeding holes anyway. They all acted like innocent angels when deep down they all were whores. Pleasure toys for men. They lived to please men, didn’t they?
You lived to please Yuuji, didn’t you?
Yuuji pulled his hand out from your mouth and stopped biting you. He licked the blood from your neck to focus on fucking you with frenzied thrusts instead. All of his inexperience and desperation were behind his thrusts, along with his entire weight, forcing you to take the very shape of his cock and never forget the girth of it.
Continuing to peppering small kisses on your neck, he started angling his hips just right to hit the spot that made your knees unbuckle. One, two, three thrusts, and your legs were a shaking mess. You moaned in response before he wrapped an arm around you to keep you up on your feet.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Sukuna spoke suddenly, startling both of you. “You shouldn’t hold back anymore.”
Yuuji wasn't sure which one of you he was talking to but he kept on nodding and moving his hips.
“Nobody else is going to hear you, give me an honest answer,” Sukuna was chuckling. “How does it feel?”
How does it feel to be fucked?
How does it feel to be fucked on a train?
How does it feel to be fucked in public?
How does it feel to have your innocence taken away?
How does it feel to indulge the darker parts of your mind?
Yuuji’s hips stuttered when your walls clenched around him tightly as you refused to answer.
“I won’t know how it feels if you don’t tell me, (name).”
Your mouth popped open and you moaned upon hearing your name. How did he know your name?
As soon as he thrust into your pussy, you forgot about it and let out a moan.
Were you always this depraved?
He continued fucking you frantically. His pace was faster and more ruthless, he was close. With each thrust of his hips, he left you moaning in involuntary pleasure but there was no denying that it felt good.
It felt so good.
“Tell me, (name).”
It felt so good.
“Come on, tell me.”
“Please,” you begged. It feels so good. Feels so good.
“That’s not what I wanna hear,” Sukuna murmured. “Come on now.”
The automated voice announced the next stop.
“Hurry it up already.” He was getting impatient.
“It feels so good,” you whimpered, defeated.
“Good girl,” Sukuna grinned before disappearing from Yuuji’s cheek.
The shame overwhelmed all of your senses and you looked at your reflection in the window once more, you caught a glimpse of your aroused expression. You were such a whore.
Yuuji slammed his hips forward one last time and you felt the small twitch of his balls against your skin before his cock twitched, spurting thick ropes of cum inside you.
The train stopped and he pulled out of you.
His seed started gushing out of your pussy before starting to trickle down your legs. Most of the bodily fluid had pooled under you and when you fell hard on the ground, they soaked into your skirt.
The guy who assaulted you was nowhere to be seen as the doors of the train on the other side opened. Many people hopped off the train but nobody paid any attention to you and you were sure they had been oblivious to what had happened. Nobody would care anyway.
A sob tore out of you and you tried getting up. Your legs were like jelly but as you managed to stand up, you noticed the bouquet you had dropped. More tears started to come out, they blurred your vision and you found yourself grabbing it from the ground.
Thankfully, it wasn’t crushed.
The train doors closed and it started moving forward while you were trying to fix your skirt.
Ah, that was your stop…
You sobbed again but pressed a hand over your mouth to not disturb anyone. Your crying didn’t stop even after you got off of the train on the next stop. You wanted to call someone to help you get back home because you weren’t sure if you could make it alone. Your legs were hurt, the throbbing pain coming from between your legs wouldn’t let you walk or stand up.
You weren’t going to tell them what had happened. Nobody could know. You didn’t need their pity. You were too ashamed.
Sitting on a bench, you scrolled down your contacts but none of the names there would help you. Not unless they had something to gain from it. Wasn’t that why you dropped everything and moved here to open a coffee shop?
How pathetic of you.
People only used you for your kindness.
You shifted on your seat and something slipped out from the bouquet. When you picked it up, you noticed that it was the note Itadori had written for you.
There was an ugly pause before you dialed the unknown number and a familiar voice responded.
“Hey,” he sounded awkward. Of course, he would, you rejected him. “What’s up?”
“Itadori,” you whimpered, voice cracking. Immediately, you cursed yourself for being this pathetic.
“A-are you o-okay? W-what happened?”
Bursting into tears once again, you only told him that you only needed help in shame after clearing your throat.
It took him barely fifteen minutes to arrive at the station to get you. You wiped your tears as soon as he came into your view. He was breathless, face beet red from running.
“You okay?” he asked in between breaths. “I ran here as fast as I could.”
He ran here.
Has anyone cared for you this much?
“Yeah, thank you and ahh, I… This is embarrassing… I twisted my ankle and needed help getting home.” You were never a good liar but you hoped he was gullible enough to believe it. “I know it’s weird to call you here but none of my friends would come if I called-”
“Ah, it’s no problem!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled. He had been worried for nothing. “I can carry you, that’s what friends are for, right?!”
You nodded and bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying. He was too kind. Too similar to you.
“Want me to carry you on my back? Or like this?” He emphasized his words by holding his hands in front of himself to show you that he was offering to carry you bridal style.
“Yeah, that would be better.” You masked the shame with a fake smile. You were embarrassed that you were pathetic to ask him for help even after you rejected him earlier tonight.
He smiled and took a step closer towards the bench. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he slid his arm under the back of your knees and placed a hand on your back to support you as he lifted you up to take you home.
You were grateful that you had a friend like him in your life.
The next day Yuuji came to the coffee shop to take your offer from the last night about giving him a free coffee drink of his choice. 
You served him his coffee with a smile and sat with him on one of the tables, talking about your day as he listened to you complain. 
In the end, Sukuna was right, Yuuji realized. 
Women were begging to be fucked. Women secretly wanted it and that was why you were acting indifferent after all that happened the day before.
He had been worried over nothing, besides, he needed to be more confident and assertive like everyone told him to be. Then he would get the girl. That was what every article he read online, all of his friends and people around him told him. That was what Sukuna told him.
“Wanna go get dinner after you close the place?” he asked, taking a mouthful of his coffee.
“I need to clean and it might take a long while-”
“I’ll help,” he replied, smiling. “Everything’s on me.”
How could you say no to that? How could you say no to anything he had to say?
In your eyes, he was the nicest guy in the world.
Were you really going to pass on the opportunity to have him in your life?
“It’s a date then?” You were grinning, cheeks flushing as you said it. Slowly, you placed your hand over his on the table.
Yuuji gave you a blank stare, something sinister sparkled deep within his eyes but you couldn’t see it. Unbeknownst to you, his other hand under the table had a mouth on it that had an unsettling grin on it too. It was funny how clueless you were. Nonetheless, Yuuji took your hand in his to give you a reassuring squeeze and made you blush harder before agreeing, “It’s a date.”
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britishth0t · 3 years
Hyperactive (With slight homicide)
This is my first post on Tumblr (not my first post overall as I have Wattpad, but I'll post my username here when I've added my Klarion one-shots on there unless people want it lmao
You grabbed his interest when you were hanging out with your friends near the old cinema.
He seemed intrigued at first when even Teekl became slightly amused by your hyper personality.
Klarion may or may not have stalked you for a bit because of that
Eventually, Klarion did admit you seemed fun to Teekl, and wanted to get to you know you better in person.
Both of you finally met each other when you were walking around the harbour, taking photos of the sea and the horizon even if you knew you would delete them later.
Teekl thought this would be a great time for Klarion to introduce himself to you.
She half prayed that Klarion wouldn't freak you out, and the other half wanting you to not make Klarion too annoyed.
Somehow, it went really well.... A bit too well, as you two then talked as if you had known each other for years
Lets just say, you're both extremely hyper. I mean, it's Klarion.
You being a hyperactive person and him having chaos magic while also wanting mischief? It's a perfect yet dangerous match.
Teekl rethinks her choice about you two being together, as she now has to deal with two children and not one.
This also means that the Light have to deal with another 'kid' as well, since Klarion will definitely bring you to at least one meeting.
They're a bit cautious about you on first impression, not too sure if you're using Klarion to get information about the Light
But after a while, they see how much you deal with when you're with Klarion, and figure out that no one can put up a façade for that long
Yeah, even the Light know that you're one hyper son-of-a-b*tch
I wouldn't say you're obnoxiously loud, it's just being in a Light meeting no one is really talking except you, so it's dead quiet other than that. Nevertheless, you can be extremely deafening without realising it
Klarion's magical powers gives you a lot more freedom when being with him. Like, a lot more freedom, he's a lord of Chaos, you basically have no limits.
You can now do all the crazy sh*t you've ever wanted to do with Klarion by your side, and he's more than willing to join you in whatever ideas you have
A couple of times Teekl has to warn him that you're still a mortal, so he does lay off a bit from time to time to avoid getting you seriously injured
If you do get hurt, Klarion is gunna freak tf out, trying to play it off cool but failing
All adventures go out the window if you get hurt. And if you try to get up saying "I'm fine", he'll magically trap you in your bed to rest.
Don't test him, he will do it
A lot of things may break, and it's whether or not Klarion will fix it with his powers or not after... Probably not, it's not like either of you really care
If the Young Justice team do meet you, it's because you were in a forest with Klarion, messing around while climbing from branch to branch in the trees while Klarion floated next to you
The two of you were ambushed by the team, as Zatanna had sensed Klarion's power in that area while the team were nearby
They would have saved you, but you're surprisingly very good at climbing trees for any of them to grab hold of you, something that actually made them impressed
Klarion was very unhappy, so unhappy that you had to mention about going back home to hang out there to calm him down
Couple of times you'd wander off too far that Klarion isn't able to find you and would have to teleport you to him in order to know where you are, the only big thing that does get him slightly annoyed.
^ If you can make Klarion take responsibility (other than over Teekl) and act like a parent, my respect goes to you
You two don't have any rules apart from when you're injured, although there is one thing that bugs you both
2 hyper devils + "Calm down"= Death stare with Klarion hexing whoever said that
No one is allowed to tell you guys to calm down
Klarion x homicidal hyper reader ⚠️Mentions death⚠️
You met each other like the first one, except that you seemed more wanting to go into danger and edge your friends into doing bad things than actually have fun
This time, Klarion was intrigued before Teekl
He noticed your cold yet intense gaze on everyone that was near you
Something about you was odd. Klarion knew that but he didn't know what was making you seem so odd
It's not until you become best friends that he finally realises your love for murder
While you got along with Klarion before him knowing this, wow he's ecstatic that he finally knows what seemed off with you
He tempts you into murder as well, seeing that you showed to be very refrained from not doing anything about your homicidal thoughts
Catches on very quickly how manipulative you can be with your friends, friends that Klarion now wants to be your first kills
Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take that much convincing from Klarion to make you agree to killing your soon-to-be-dead mates
He helps of course, trapping them all and giving you all sorts of weapons to use on them
It's like a holiday for both of you
You even asked Klarion at one point to make their screams quieter since they were annoying you
And after you had finishing butchering your friends, Klarion realised that he like-liked you and confessed right there
Yep, Klarion did just admit to liking you while standing in the middle of dead bodies scattered around at your feet
Soon after that, you both start doing more destruction together
Limits? F*ck no
Hell, if you asked for half of the moon to be destroyed, Klarion would snap his fingers and bam, moon gone.
One time you asked Klarion to give you powers like superman, just so you could fly and mess around in the city
It started off as just throwing cars as far as you could, not exactly caring if people were inside or not
Which then turned into full blown 'lemme jump/crash into one sky scrapper to another', looking like a monkey swinging from vines in a jungle
While the heroes didn't enjoy your hyper and destructive personality nor Klarion, the news loved you. The amount of reports you and Klarion got in the news just boosted both of your ego's
"Double trouble strikes again!" "Witch boy causes havoc with anonymous villain" "League fail to stop villains, have they met their match?" "Criminals cause devastating downfall on the city" "61 lives lost in under an hour" You felt prideful in the last one, a new record in your books
If you two ever go out to have dates, it'll 100% always end with something, mostly a building, being completely destroyed
Whenever the 'kiddie' team as Klarion calls them, or the Justice League come; they're always too late to stop you two
Even if Batman claims they were so close to stopping you, he's wrong. The heroes don't even manage to get you two to notice them arriving, already going off to have some fun somewhere else
You've mentioned about wanting to kill at least one of the heroes out of spite and because you felt like it on multiple occasions
Klarion would love to snap his fingers to have every hero there for you to choose from, yet he couldn't do that because of Vandal wanting some of them alive. Especially Lex with Superboy.
You get along nicely with the Light, as they trust you enough to know that you can calm Klarion down and that you're classed as a criminal
Occasionally, you have unnerved them with the gory deaths about some of your kills, Klarion kissing your cheek out of pure happiness from hearing the defined details
Teekl doesn't really care about it as long as you get the blood off her fur if you get any on her later.
A lot of lives are lost when you two are together... Which is all the time
(Secretly, the young justice team have envied how much freedom you get when with Klarion-> This is after they have to tidy up the mess you two make)
Sorry if this isn't very good, literally made this and posted it the same day. I've loved Klarion's character for quite a long time now and saw that, although the fanfics are good, there isn't a lot of them. I'm down for requests, but right now I don't think I can do many. You can send me stuff and I'll write it down, just don't be upset if I don't post it in the next week or two. If this isn't up to your standards then srry aha, I realise I don't add much fluff and focus more on the storyline, but there's always room for improvement tho✌️
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Everybody in Easy Company can see that Shifty is like a love-sick puppy with a cute truck driver. He loves her, but he's too shy to confess. Popeye, his best friend, can no longer stand to see it. Floyd Talbert is the man of the hour and knows how to get Shifty, who can barely say I love you", to say those three words without actually saying the words. The way to solve this pining? A classic carnival date.
Word-Count: 7.4k
Notes: Howdy y'all! Once again, I am back from the dead! School has been a little crazy lately. I'm still working on requests and opening up some prompts, but I have two essays that are due in a month and aka-my life is a mess but...writing. I hope you guys will forgive me for dying and take this tooth rotting fluff of Shifty and cheeky tab! Shifty basically has a phd in being adorable. It's pure fluff, not a single ounce of angst! Once again, fem reader. Also unbeta read, we die like idiots. Enjoy!
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world @easy-company-tradition @liebgotttme @50svibes (add yourself to my taglist)
“Oh, it’s hopeless!” Popeye sighed, his face landing into his hands. It had gone on for too long. At that point, it was sickening to watch Shifty. As much as Popeye loved him, he couldn’t stand to watch him attempt flirting, or whatever he was doing with his crush. Something had to be done, and the infamous playboy Floyd Talbert was the perfect person for the job.
Floyd had a smirk sprawled across his face as he looked behind Popeye, seeing the interaction blossom between Shifty and his crush. Shifty towered over them, shining his pearly whites and saying something inaudible, earning a sweet chuckle. His sun tanned cheeks turned tomato red as he rubbed his nape.
“I love Shifty, but that poor boy doesn’t even know he’s in love with her.” Floyd remarked. Being a serial dater, he knew how to charm people, with his dashing looks and personality. Floyd studied the Virginian, struggling to hide his obvious affections. His bright smiles, rosy cheeks, spotting them within the crowds-the boy was enamored with her.
Not only was Shifty in love, but so was y/n. Shifty and y/n were both quiet, and shy people. They were adored by the company as being the nicest people alive. You were a truck driver assigned to the company in Aldbourne. Being the only girl donned in pants, the men of easy company were both intimidated and intrigued with you. When you weren’t driving trucks, you were either subjected to Floyd’s advances or the mortar trio attempting to flex their muscles. Y/n eventually eased her way into the company, becoming “Easy’s girl”. Even though you felt welcomed, you didn’t really have a friend you could rely on.
That was until you met Shifty Powers. You met him by accidentally running into him with a box full of mountains. He, being the kind soul he was, offered to help you reorder the thousands of bullets. In exchange, you offered him a ride to a location he was running late to. He introduced himself by Darrell, insisting that you called him by his real name with a smile on his face. He was an undeniable gorogues with sun tanned skin, a smile to die for, and chocolate hair that was golden in the sun. Not only was he attractive on the outside, but within. You were convinced that Shifty could do no wrong whatsoever. Heck, you also believed that he was legally not allowed to curse.
Ever since that encounter, you and Shifty had begun to hang out more. The two of you would talk for hours on end, explore the town of Albourne, escape the bars and find a little bookshop or peaceful space to talk. It was soothing to sit next to Shifty and simply hear him breathe, talk, or smile. It always makes your bleak world a tad bit better. But you were convinced that Shifty wasn’t interested in you, he was too innocent. So you decided that the farthest you would be is friends. And yet, it didn’t sit well with you.
Floyd had noticed that y/n was in love herself. Whenever she was around Shifty, she’d become a mess as well, being clumsy and blushing red. She’d twist a strand of hair in her fingers every time Shifty looked at her, batted her long eyelashes, and looked in the distance to find Shifty, intent on his target, letting out a dreamt sigh.
Floyd was in love with y/n. After all, it was rare to find a female in a company full of men. However, Floyd was Shifty’s best friend, and he wanted what was best for both of them. Popeye could see this too and he was sick of seeing two people who didn’t even know what they were in love with each other.
Floyd, Chuck, and Popeye watched Shifty and you say something to each other. It was pouring outside. Attempting to find your rain jacket, it was nowhere in sight. Shifty, seeing your frustration, took off his jacket and gently put it on your shoulders. You turned around and tried taking it off, but Shifty insisted that you stay warm.
“My pa’ always made sure my ma’ would stay warm. It’s the best I can do,” He reassured.
“Oh Shifty, thank you. This is too kind. How can I repay you?” You offered, wrapping the jacket around your body.
He shook his head, smiling, “I don’t need a single thing from you, miss y/n.”
“Boy, the world truly doesn’t deserve someone like you.” You stated, standing on your tippy toes. “Let’s get out of here so I can sneak you a Hershey bar, or two. How does that sound?”
Shifty froze and looked side to side. It felt like the devil was tempting him. But he could never see y/n as a devil. She was a beautiful angel in his eyes.
“Well,” Shifty put a finger to his lips, “That does sound mighty fine, Miss y/n.”
You took his hand and dragged him to the door, your laughter echoing in the door. Shifty held the door open and let you exit first before closing the door, making your way to the supply room to eat chocolate.
Once Shifty was out of sight, Popeye turned back to Floyd. “I’ve tried to ask him, trust me. He won't say a dang word on it.” He explained, “He thinks miss y/n wouldn’t like a fellow like him. But I’m pretty sure she loves him.”
“You kidding?” Chuck added on, “She spoils him with free food, contraband, whatever. Anything he wants, he gets. She doesn’t do that to any of us.”
“Well, miss Y/n did give me hershey bar last week,” Floyd proudly smirked.
Chuck looked unashamed, “Yeah, because you were trying to convince her to go to the amusement park with her this weekend.”
The Boy from Kokomo playfully rolled his eyes, “Shifty’s not her only favorite.” For a second, he froze, a thought finally coming in his mind. “Wait...the amusement park…”
“She already said no to that one, and all the other dates,” Chuck said.
“I know that,” Floyd replied, rubbing his chin, “I got an idea. For Shifty and Miss y/n.”
Chuck and Popeye looked at eachother, and then Floyd. They could already see the idea forming, but it would take a lot of work.
“I’ve known Shifty all my life. He’s too shy to ask a girl out,” Popeye acknowledged, “He’s too scared of being rejected.”
“I know that.” Floyd pointed his finger as he stood up and fixed his belt, “I’ve got a plan.”
“For once?”
“Yes-be quiet,” Floyd teased, “All those two need is a little push.”
Shifty looked up and down at the brightly colored paper and at y/n, who was loading up the back of a supply truck. His mouth hung open as his eyebrows rose in diseablief.
Floyd, Chuck, and Popeye stood all in front of him, waiting for an answer. Shifty shook his head and shoved the paper back in Floyd’s hands.
“Oh, I can’t do that. No way.” Shifty denied, his cheeks growing red.
Popeye let out a defeated sigh as Floyd clicked his mouth, walking up to Shifty. “Yes way! Have you not seen the way y/n looks at you?”
Shifty looked in the distance and then back at Floyd, “What? No! She looks at me like I look at you-like a friend. Besides, you’ve seen miss y/n,” Shifty’s gaze turned back to you as the butterflies fluttered in his stomach, “She made it clear ‘dat she ‘dun needa’ man, and I wanna respect ‘dat wish. ‘Sides, she wouldn’t be into a guy like me.”
Popeye shook his head, “God darn it Shift! You gotta realize dat your-”
“In love. L-O-V-E.” Floyd teased, budding shoulders with Shifty. “Based on the dames I’ve been with in Kokomo, I know how women work. She looks at you like a lovesick puppy. The two of you are meant for eachother.”
Shifty looked at Floyd, blinking his eyes like a child looking at a math equation. He still wasn’t understanding. “But...oh, leapin’ lizards! Miss y/n would be into a guy like you. You get all ‘da pretty ladies...how do you dewit?”
Upon hearing Shifty’s pleas for help, Floyd let out a chuckle and slapped Shifty’s shoulder, who looked like a lost lovesick puppy.
“Shifty, Shift, my dearest friend,” Floyd reassured, giving him a double pat, “That’s why I’m here. You’re getting the best advice from your best man.”
Chuck rolled his eyes, “Fan-fucking-tastic Shifty, you boosted his ego. This is going to be great.”
Floyd looked at an unassumed Chuck, giving him a pout. “Oh come now, Chuck! Look at him, he’s in love.”
“But you like Miss y/n! I don’t wanna steal her. I mean, I want someone who can treat her right,” Shifty said, resting his hands on his cheeks.
“Shifty, as your friend, I’m pretty sure everybody in easy company wants Miss y/n to accompany them at the bar for a dance or two.” Floyd explained, trying to encourage Shifty. “I know how much you love her, and I think it’s fair to give you a shot. The only way you’ll get what you want is by working for it.”
He saw Joe Toye walk by you. And even Joe Toye, one of the scariest people in the company, gave miss y/n a subtle nod. She smiled back and gave him a wave, a bandanna in your hair and dirt smudged on your cheek.
Just your mere presence made Shifty melt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer’s day. No matter what you were in, your uniform or covered in pig guts, you always found a way to be absolutely gorgeous. When Shifty had first bumped into you, he was convinced you were a fallen angel. You were too beautiful and bright in the rainy, gloomy Albourne. Yet there you were, always by his side with a smile on your face and story to tell.
Shifty let out a dreamy smile, a crooked smile on his face. “I wanna say I love her…” Shifty added on.``...without sayin’ I love her.”
The boy from Kokomo cracked his knuckles, “Well, don’t I just got the plan for you too. How does nice and slow sound?”
“What are you doin? Stop pushin’ me! I can’t dewit!” Shifty whispered in a hush as Floyd and Popeye pushed him towards the truck where you were loading supplies for easy company.
“Boy, quit being afraid of anything. Take that leap of faith!” Floyd called out before pushing Shifty near the truck before he and Popeye hid for cover.
Shifty turned around to find them before he heard a familiar voice call his name.
The Virginian sharpshooter turned his shoulder and hid his hands behind his back, smiling with a piece of his golden chestnut hair falling on his forehead. “Miss y/n! Pleasure to see ‘yah. I hope I wasn’t interruptin’ anythin’ too important.”
“Shifty, you’re too sweet. I was just finishing the last load of K-bars…” You explained, lifting a large box and shoving it into the back of her full truck, unable to see. Finally, done after a long day. Wiping the sweat off of your forehead, you walked towards Shifty only to be greeted by a variety of poppies.
“ ‘ere, got ‘em for you. You said you like the color red…” Shifty blushed, looking to the side. Floyd and Popeye hid behind the side of the truck, giving him a thumbs up.
You took the flowers and examined them, a smile growing on your face. “Oh, these are so sweet! Thank you..” You put the flowers in the pocket of your overalls to retrieve a few hershey bars from the back of the truck, “I’ll getcha’ somethin-”
“Wait, miss y/n!” Shifty announced, following after you as he grabbed your soft hand, pulling you back. You tripped on your own feet, almost falling to the ground before Shifty catched you, his hand on the small of your back. The two of you stared at each other, cheeks both burning with desire.
Shifty coughed and lifted you up, neating your ruffled shirt and cap with your hair messily tucked into. “S-sorry, I…would like to ask you somethin’. Not chocolate, ma’am.”
You raised your eyebrows, insisting that he go forward with his response, his hand still in yours. He didn’t even notice, but you did. You could recognize his soft, tan skin from anywhere.
“Would you go to the amusement park with me? As my date?” Shifty blurted out like word vomit, “I mean, only if you want. If you don’t wanna go with somebody like me, then I understand.”
“Yes, of course I would!” You also blurted out, your face red like a tomato. You took your cap off and hid your face, embarrassed by yourself. Inhaling, you let out an exhale before pulling yourself together. “Shifty, I would love to go with you. I wasn’t even planning on going at all until you asked me.”
Shifty’s eyes sprinkled with happiness, like a child on Christmas morning. “Really? You wanna?” He squeezed your hand, realizing that he was still holding it.
You looked up at him with a warm smile, placing your dirty hand on top of his. “Yes, I would love to.”
Shifty looked speechless. The rumors were true; his smile was infectious. Perfect and bright like the sun of a warm summer day.
“Sufferin’ succotash!” He cried, “Miss y/n? Can I ask you one last thing?”
“Yes, Shifty?”
“Can I give you a hug?”
It was definitely not what you were expecting. But then again, you weren’t hesitant. Shifty could do no wrong-he simply seemed over the moon about asking you out. You were as well, but seeing Shifty’s excitement made you smile and accept it. He was too cute for his own food.
“Yes, you can.” You opened your arms only to have long hands pull you up and spin you around. It was a quick welcome as you spun around, heartfelt laughter escaping from you and Shifty. Shifty could do no wrong, whether that be at shooting or giving the best bear hugs. They were bear-like, but affectionate and protective. He trapped his arms around your waist as you held the back of his necks, your fingers tangled in his soft hair which shined in the sun. Shifty looked amazing no matter what, always glowing.
Babe threw the clown nose off of his face along with the roses Guarnere had picked out for him. Eugene was walking by, mortified to see Babe dressed (apparently) as a clown and a disappointed Guarnere. Not an unusual sight.
“Heffron,” Eugene walked towards a sad Babe, scanning his figure. “What are you doing…”
“I’m heartbroken! Look at them!” Babe mourned, pointing at you and Shifty in an embrace, happily giggling. “I was gonna ask miss y/n out and give her these roses. I dressed up like a clown since I thought we could both be clowns together.”
Eugene simply blinked, perplexed by Babe’s logic. All he could think of was the word Yikes. He would’ve most likely scared away y/n instead of winning her heart over. “Pardon?” He looked at Guarnere for answers, who simply shrugged at him.
“Don’t look at me like that. I tried, the kid wouldn’t listen. He’s a lovesick puppy with that damn dame.” Guarnere explained, crossing his arms as he looked at the happy couple.
The Cajun medic, along with Babe the sad clown and Guarnere, observed you and Shifty. A small smile crooked at his lips. He normally wasn’t one for gossip or dating, but he was happy for the two of you. Even someone as quiet as him didn’t deny the obvious chemistry between the two of you. It was like the two you were destined to be together. Humble, adored, and both beautiful in your own, respective rights.
“Yeah…” Eugene slowly bopped his head, “There sure like lovesick puppies…”
The Carnival brought light into the gloomy Alborunte with it’s bright rides, laughing children, and joyful ambience. Shifty could recall his childhood with Popeye. Every year, they’d have a carnival during the dog days of August. He loved the shooting games, winning thousands of plushies and eating candy with Popeye until he was sick. He was sure his Ma still had the plushies tucked away in the attic.
But instead of feeling overjoyed, he felt like he was walking on eggshells.
He waited at the entrance with Floyd, Popeye, and Chuck. Chuck kept looking down at his watch, keeping lookout for y/n as Floyd gave Shifty a final pep talk. They were all dressed in fresh uniforms with showers and fine cologne. It was a refreshing change, even if it was for one night.
“Remember, play it cool. You’re sweating’ like a damn dog!” Floyd said, fixing a stubborn curl into his cap.
“Oh, I don’t think I can do this. I mean, miss y/n deserves a real man. I mean she’s so…” Shifty rambled on before Popeye swatted him on the shoulder, gardening his attention to y/n in the crowd. You were far away but to Shifty, you were still recognizable. The girls in the crowd wore plain and monotone colored dresses but you wore a beautiful floral button up with sheer sleeves and ruffles, your makeup done. It was the first time Shifty had ever seen you without your flap cap and dirt on your face, and he wanted a better look.
Floyd smirked and patted Shifty’s shoulders, letting out a dreamy sigh, “God damn it Shifty, you’re lucky I’m being nice to you. Hottie on the dot. Go get ‘em, tiger.”
Giving him a push on encouragement, Shifty’s friends eventually faded into the crowd. Gulping, he began to walk forward towards y/n, who stood in the crowd, waiting in the exact location Shifty told her to wait in. Catching him the corner of his eye, she smiled with her red lips and walked over.
“Shifty!” Y/n exclaimed with glee, looking at his clean uniform and quivering an eyebrow. “Thank goddess I found you…and you look handsome in your uniform.”
“Says the pretty lady talkin’,'' Shifty commented back as he looked down at your tinier form. Now that you were up close, he could admire every little detail from your rosy cheeks, red lipstick, manicured hands, and glimmer in your eyes from the fairy lights. “I mean, you always look very nice but tonight you look stunning’.”
“Oh quit being’ nice to me, Shifty.” You playfully swatted his shoulder, “Every guy’s in the company’s said that to me. Not half of them even acknowledged me before I got dressed up.”
Shifty, like a confused puppy, tilted his head. How could someone such as y/n, who he considered to be the prettiest lady he had ever seen.
“Whaddya mean? You always have been very pretty, ma’am.” Shifty acknowledged, his hands fiddling behind his back. He could feel his palms sweating, seeing the moon reflect onto your glowing skin. “You always look beautiful. It’s just tonight that you look even more beautiful than you usually do.”
You shook your head as you looked down, fiddling with the sides of your dress. Nobody had said those words to you in years. They were truly heartfelt and not some cheap way of getting into your pants. “I may not see it, but thank you Shifty.”
“Well, my ma’ has always told me that I’m one bad liar. I like to say it how it is,” Shifty insisted with a finger in your face, “and I’m saying that you are one hecka’ ova’ pretty gal.”
You smiled at Shifty, amazed by how cute he was. He didn’t even have to try, it was all natural. “Oh Shifty….” You looked down at your shoes, seeing your feet brush against his boots. Clearing your throat, you looked up to talk. ‘I…”
Before you could say a word, you could see Floyd Talbetr in the back. He noticed you talking to Shifty and upon seeing you, had a devilish smirk sprawn over his handsome face. You clicked your tongue, shaking your head. “Oh goodness, doesn’t he see I’m on a date?”
Shifty turned around and bit his lip. He gently grabbed your hand. It felt natural in the moment too, his larger work in your pretty manicured hand. “That son of a gun! I’m sorry ‘bout him, miss y/n. ‘Ere, let’s go. I’m sure he’ll find another lady, but not as pretty as you. I mean she would be very pretty, but not the miss y/n typa’ pretty.”
The two of you walked side by side, hands together. You looked at Shifty, raising an eyebrow. “Are you gonna keep callin’ me pretty the whole night?’
Shifty nodded his head like an enthusiastic child, “Like I said, if it’s true, is true.”
Once the two of you escaped the infamous playboy, you and Shifty walked around the amusement park. The two of you had eventually let go of your hands since something had caught your eye, causing you to mindlessly wander. Shifty followed you like a puppy dog, whatever you wanted to do he wanted. Besides, anything with you was time well spent. Carnivals were something he always enjoyed with their bright lights and shiny attractions, especially with a pretty girl he was in love with. He forgot he was in a raging war whenever he looked at you; with your soft smile and calming words. Just for one night, Shifty could escape into his fantasy world with you, which to his surprise was the reality he was currently standing in.
You were full of life in the park, dragging Shifty to every ride, whether it be scary or for toddlers. The two of you first stopped at the Haunted House, which Shifty was terrified to go into. You were scared, but it was the rush of adrenaline driving you. Shifty wanted to impress you, so he held your hand hand for “safe precaution” and walked in front of you. It was adorable to see him jump back at the slightest scares and mumble under his breath an alternative curse word, such as “leapin’ lizards” or “great scott!”
As the two of you exited the haunted house, lost in conversation, the two of you had been jumpscared. Shifty jumped and grabbed your waist, pulling you in for protection. You felt his stomach on your back and his firm grasp on your waist. You looked up and Shifty, who immediately realized what he was doing. The two of you broke into laughter, a few snorts in the middle. Shifty slowly let go of your waist, wanting to hold on longer.
“Sorry miss y/n.” He apologized, bowing his head. “Jus’ got a lil’ scared in the moment. I don’t mean to be a coward.”
“A coward? Nonsense,” You smiled in reassurance and grabbed his hand, “Your no coward to me. Now come on! There’s more rides to go!”
Shifty was distracted by your beauty as you dragged him along. Once again, the two of you trekked around the park. He was lost in your gaze. How did a guy like him end up with a lady such as yourself? It was hard to deny the butterflies in his stomach. He had never dated in the past. Yes, he had crushes, but they never acknowledged his feelings. He’d do anything for his crushes whether to be holding their books, walking them back home, anything for them, yet he never had his feelings returned. He always felt like he was the second choice. But with you, it was different. You were truly his best friend, and he wanted you to know it, but he still had no idea how to say it.
The two of you decided to take a break and ordered a sugary milkshake to boost your energy for another hour of rides. The two of you sat at a small table in the back, watching the happy couples and children in the distance. The waiter had brought over a milkshake, interrupting your peaceful little silence. Shifty wasn’t even looking at the crowds, he was simply staring at you. His long legs brushed against yours until they finessed each other, making his cheeks go red.
He looked down and saw one milkshake with two heart shaped straws. You raised an eyebrow and fiddled with the straw.
“Odd,” You remarked, examining the milkshake, “ I thought we ordered two…”
Shifty raised his head to see Floyd Talbert in the back, a smirk as he winked, two girls leaning on his shoulders giggling. Was he following them this whole time? Wasn’t he too busy with those girls on his shoulders?”
Shifty tilted his head back down and muttered a curse under his breath, “That son ova’ mother trucker…”
“Shift?” You questioned. He looked up at you, to see that you were already taking a drink. “You okay?”
Shifty rubbed the back of his nape, “Yes ma’am. Ma’ apologies.” He looked at the milkshake and your manicured hands holding the cup down. “Hey! Leave a lil’ for both of us.”
You cutelty giggled, “I haven’t had one of these in a while! I can’t help it. After all,”
“Strawberry, it’s the best flavor,” Shifty had said, and you had followed along in his words. The two of your eyes met, both leaned in close to the milkshake. To cut out the awkarenedess, both of you let out chuckles. A small snort emerged from your mouth, in which you soon covered in.
“Sorry,” You mumbled, hand over your mouth. Your chuckles became faint, another snort escaping your mouth, “It’s not very ladylike.”
Shifty looked puzzled, “Whatcha’ mean? What’s not ladylike?”
“My laugh,” You answered, “I always snort. It’s horrible. Whenever I’d laugh, these girls in my school would make fun of it. I can’t really control it, sorry.”
“Why would they laugh at you?” Shifty looked saddened at your insecurity. You were perfect in his eyes. You truly couldn't do anything wrong. “I think your laugh is very pretty, miss y/n.”
“As sweet as you are, you don’t have to lie.”
Shifty scooted up towards you, his hand sliding onto yours. He had a small smile in his face, his thumb caressing the inner part of your hand. “Well, I am bein’ honest. I ain’t a good liar, you know ‘dat. I’m sure ‘dose girls were jealous of you. ‘sides…” Shifty looked down and back at you with his hazel orbs, “I like your laugh a lot, miss y/n. ‘S pretty, ‘jus like you.”
Oh god, It was happening. Whether it was his cuteness, his Virgianian accent, he was luring you in. You looked up at him as your cheeks grew rosy. The two of you sat there, hand on hand, sipping on a milkshake with the lights glowing in the back. You always had the tiniest crush on Shifty, but it had finally hit you like a bus that it wasn’t some tiny schoolgirl crush-but it was truly love.
You had told yourself over and over that the only reason he liked you was because he was nice to you. You were a cheery person, but deep inside, you had been hurt in the past. Always feeling you were the second choice, you shut yourself out from love. Especially in war. Sure, you were friendly towards the men, but you told yourself you wouldn’t grow close to them. If they died, it would be better. As cruel as it sounded, it was kinder to them are you. It was for the better, right?
That fateful day you bumped into Shifty Powers changed your aspect. You were officially stupid with love, sitting there at a bright carnival, hand in hand as you sipped on a milkshake. He was too kind for you and the world you lived in.
“You’re not gonna stop being nice to me, are you?”
“No ma’am.”
After the milkshake incident, you had noticed you clung onto Shifty more. You were a little taken aback when he asked to hug you. Not that you didn’t enjoy it, you truly did, and it was something that infected your thoughts. Your cheeks would go red and you’d cover the lower part of your mouth. Whenever Shifty walked into the room, it felt like the sun was shining in the dreary Albourne. Just looking at him made your IQ drop to single digits.
And Floyd had caught onto it before you had even noticed.
Instead of holding Shifty’s hand, the two of you walked arm and arm, chatting the night away. The two of you exchanged stories of your childhood, home, and how you ended up where you were. He truly was an angel with a bright smile. He wasn’t like other guys you had met who bragged about themselves. Whenever you would compliment him, he’d deny it with his cheeks all red from embarrassment.
“You’re the best shot I’ve ever seen!” You announced, in disbelief. You had seen him practice a few times, and he would hit every target with grace. “You make it look easy.”
“I’m not a good shot,” Shifty doubted, “But Pa was a good shot. The best shot I’ve ever seen. I think you’d like Pa a lot.”
As the two of you walked in the crowd, you noticed a shooting booth in the corner of your eye. It was a classic paladone duck shooting game. You smirked and pulled his arm to the side, “Well, prove it then.”
Shifty let out a sigh and stood straight, saluting like you like you were Sobel, but much less intimidating. “Yes ma’am.”
You saw him stand there, his fingers curled around the trigger and the butt resting against his shoulder. He took a breath and exhaled, and let the bullets blue. Every duck fell to the ground within a matter of seconds. A minute later, Shifty returned with a large stuffed animal and a smile on his face. He handed it to you. It was a tiny, stuffed bear with button airs.
“For you.” He commented, “I wish they had bigger ones. But I can get you more, if you want.”
You looked at the plusive. You felt juvenile, but it was Shifty. Besides, the two of you weren’t in the army in the moment; you were two lovesick puppies, running around a carnival without a care in the world.
“No, this is...perfect.” You held it close to your chest, “I’ll name him Popeye, a good luck charm.”
Shifty had taken you to every booth he could find, effortlessly shot the gates, and won you more stuffed animals. Whenever he’d give you one, you’d smile like a child on christmas. He loved to see you happy, so he kept doing it more and more. In his mind, it repeated like a broken record, “for y/n”. Wherever you went, Shifty went. Whatever you wanted, Shifty wanted. He was truly a lovesick puppy.
After Shifty’s a thousandth win, both of you walked side by side, arms full of plushies. Each of them were named after members of your company. A racoon named Luz, a black cat named Roe, a cub bear named Liebgott, a fox named Babe, a rabbit named Dick, and so many more. You held up a medium sized shark and nudged Shifty’s shoulder.
“Alright, this one?”
Shifty put some thought into it, “Webster. Doesn’t he like sharks?”
You let out a dry chuckle, “Yeah, he won’t shut up about it.”
The two of you giggled until hitting the next booth and running into a familiar playboy and his newest addition bound to be one night stands. Floyd noticed you and Shifty arrived. He crossed his arms and walked over, faking a cough.
“Look at what we have here,” Floyd scanned you and Shifty, the both of you with wide eyes and stuffed animals overflowing in your hands, “Y’know Shift, I’m proud of you. The whole company hates you for it, you lucky son of a gun.”
Shifty softened his eyebrows, “Wait, they hate me? What did I do wrong?”
Seeing Floyd’s cruel teasing, you interrupted the two. “Floyd, don’t be so cruel,” You put a reassuring hand on Shifty’s shoulder, “Don’t listen to him, he’s just being himself.”
Floyd did a fake pout, “Oh, come on hon. All due respects, but Shifty hit the jackpot before me. After all, he doesn’t miss.”
Shifty and you both went as red as tomatoes, looking sideways. Floyd’s armcandy giggled at his comment and playfully slapped him in the chest. He reassured his sweetheart and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her away.
After Floyd had disappeared to do god knows what, Shifty still looked perplexed and concerned. His thoughts were once again racing. Not about the company disliking him, but Floyd’s comment. Even though he and Floyd were best friends, the two of them were different. He was a playboy in the spotlight, and Shifty was in the back, always tagging along. Growing up, Shifty considered himself to have a loving family. He saw the way his pa treated his ma; giving her his coat, bringing her presents, and treating her like she was a queen. Shifty had never been with a lady before, and he considered you his first real one. Twenty years of age and this was his first rendezvous with a girl, he couldn’t believe it. And he wanted to make sure you were loved and not some jackpot, trying to be won like a competition.
“Miss y/n?” Shifty asked, gaining your attention. He cleared this throat, “I just wanted to tell you that I don’t think of you in ‘dat way.”
“In the Floyd way? That’s alotta’ guys, Shifty.”
“Well, I don’t want you to think I’m doin’ this because of him. Since you’re a very pretty lady, a lot of guys wanted to ask you, and be there arm candy. I just wanted to letcha know now that you're not some kinda prize to be won. I hope to god I ain’t makin’ you feel ‘that way.” Shifty exhaled, letting all his words come out like word vomit. They came out so quickie that he didn’t even know what he was saying.
“Shifty, I know you. You’re a sweetheart,” You kindly affirmed, “Any dame would be lucky to get a guy like you. This has been such a wonderful night, so thank you for that.” The two of you were close to each other, your hands hovering against his chest. His uniform looked perfect on him, you didn’t want to mess it up. Your fingers sucked in as they laid at your side, resisting the temptations that were filling your mind. “But, I do have one request.”
“Anything for you, ma’am.” He vowed, letting you take the floor.
“Teach me how to shoot.”
Shifty look behind you at the booth, a shooting gallery, and then back at you. It was an odd request for sure, especially considering the tender moment the two of you shared. “Like here, right now?” He coaxed. Out of the people, him? He was flattered. No lady had ever asked him something such as that.
You nodded, shrugging your shoulders, insisting, “You are the best shot in the world, after all.”
“Alrighty, if you insist.” Shifty grabbed the small of your back as the two of you walked to the booth. Once you were given the prop gun, you placed the butt on your shoulder and closed an eye, the other looking out of the iron sight. Shifty got right behind you, his chest against your back. He leaned on your shoulder and moved your hand to the trigger and bottom while getting a sniff of your perfume. He never missed, but being around you was definitely a distraction.
“Don’t aim for what you're shooting’, aim’ for where you shootin’,” He instructed, your eyes focused on the moving targets. Shifty hadn’t realized he had put a hand on your waits to turn you over slightly. It wasn’t like you minded his gentle touch.
The moving target came up, and with Shifty’s hand upon yours, you pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the middle of the target, slamming to the ground. However, the two of you didn’t stop. Every target that came, you shot and didn’t miss once. While you were focused on the red targets falling to the ground, you could also feel Shifty’s breath on you and his firm grasp on your hips. His fingers were on top of yours and the trigger. Whenever you were to get a target, he’d mutter “ ‘atta girl…” or “aim a lil’ higher, darlin’.” It made you lose focus, making you thankful that Shifty was right by your side. You lowered the gun, his hands still resting on your hips. When the clerk had announced you had won, you shook it off and walked over to claim your one hundredth stuffed animal. Shifty had a pout as you walked away. He truly enjoyed being close to you.
“Hey,” You called, a smile on your face, “Thank you. I’d like to do that again.”
“Shooting’ again?”
“Of course. I’d like to learn how to do it.”
“Oh miss y/n, I’d love to help, but I ain’t a good shot.”
“Stop denying it,” You affirmed, holding his hands in yours, bringing them to your chest. You looked up at him, the fairy lights glimmering in your eyes, “That you’re a bad shot and not a gentleman and that I deserve to be with someone who can treat me right. You are an amazing shot. This night has been amazing. You are someone who can treat me right. I…” Freezing on your words, the butterflies in your stomach crippled you. You knew what you wanted to say, but how could you word it into a coherent sentence. His hands scrunched in your chest as you still held them close, like a child with a stuffed animal.
“Well, stop denying’ you're not pretty'. Because I think you're the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” Shifty confessed as he moved closer to your tinier form, “Not only on the outside, but inside. You're kind, always putting others before yourself. You also sneak the company Hershey bars, even though they don’t need them. You're so interesting to talk to, you can just...light up a whole room when you walk inside of it,” Shifty’s cheeks were burning like a fire as he pulled you close to his body, both of your breaths heavy. “I...oh gosh darn it…”
You looked over to the side and turned back to Shifty, “Ferries Wheel.”
“Let’s go. It’s the last ride of the night before they shut the park.” You exclaimed. Maybe the two of you needed a private place to talk. I love you, it was three simple words. You couldn’t say it and he couldn’t say it. Maybe it would work, maybe it would be a disaster. You had nothing to lose at
this point.
Shifty and you both walked over, seeing that there was no line for the ride. It was late at night. You only had an hour left on your night pass, and you wanted to make sure you used the most of it. What if always lingered in your mind. You knew not to get close to the men in the company, it was for the better. But now, with Shifty holding your hand, it was undeniable.
The two of you boarded onto the small cart, still hand in hand. No words were spoken between you two. You looked at the bright lights, which were getting smaller as you moved upwards. You could feel Shifty’s gaze burn into you. Although the two of you
“Miss y/n?” He broke the silence.
“Yes, Shifty?” You said, turning to look into his Hazel eyes. He smiled and shook his head, using one of his hands to cup the hand he was holding.
“I don’t know how to say this but, I want to be honest with you since we only got a little bit of time to do so. I remember when I first met you and I was speechless, and I still am. I’ve had feelings for you for a long time now but tonight...made me realize them more. It made me realize what a foot I am for not knowing’ sooner. But now, I know. I gotta say it. Miss Y/n, I love you.” Shifty declared, “more than anything in the world. If you don’t like me, ‘dat’s okay. But I can’t hide it anymore. I wanna help you learn how to shoot, I wanna go on more dates with you, I wanna be around you every single day.”
It had finally hit you. You looked at Shifty and chuckled, “You said it. I love you too. I couldn’t find the words for it...but now, I have. I love you, Darrell. ”
You moved to Shifty’s side of the cart and leaned on his shoulder, nuzzling into it as Shifty wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close to his body.
“Have you always loved me?” Shifty questioned, his fingers trailing against your bare arms.
You nodded your head, playing with his fingers. “Since day one. You?”
“Since I first looked at you,” Shifty confessed, “Floyd and Popeye always teased me ‘bout it. I didn’t have the courage to say it before, but they…”
“Helped you. I guess you're not the only one here,” You sighed, just knowing that Floyd had something to do with this. Of course, it made sense for the playboy to make a matchmaker. “I told Luz by accident and you know Luz. Floyd had overheard our conversation and had to include himself. He helped me get a dress and prepare for this all. So yeah, I guess we both liked each other...but we didn’t know it.”
“Well, know we do it. We both love each other,” Shifty said into your hair.
“Yeah…” You looked at the night sky, the stars and moon sparkling. “I like that a lot.”
The cart had stopped on top of the ride. In that moment, you felt on top of the world. Shifty had you in his arms, the temperature wa sprague, the sky was beautiful. It was all coming together now-but there was one missing detail.
Shifty’s arm pulled you in closer before he asked gently, “May I kiss you, miss y/n?”
That was it, the one missing detail. A kiss to wrap up the perfect moment. You turned your body towards him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Yes, you can Shifty. You can do it as many times as you like.”
“Yes Ma’am,” He chuckled like a child. Wrapping his arms on your waist, your lips collided with each other. Your heart began to pound as you felt a desire run from your heart, to my chest, and down toward my inner thighs.
Shifty touched your neck, and the hair as it was moved away nearly gave me the chills. His hands went from the sides of your head and down to your neck, out to your shoulders and down to your hands. He grabbed your hands gently yet firm. You felt safe, he spoke no words. Your heart is about to beat out of your chest as you shut your eyes and took a deep breath out.
Shift kissed my shoulder, and ran his lips on my skin towards my ear, but didn't quite make it that far. It doesn't hurt, it only makes me want more.
Shifty turns you around, and we are facing each other. He stares into my eyes and smiles. Shifty’s two hands grab your left hand as he places your open palm on his heart, and he holds it there. His eyes exude love, protection, security, safety, patience, and respect. You smile and he lets go of your hands, with one hand he runs his fingers through your hair and gently guides your face closer to his, eventually leaning me in to rest my head on his chest.
His other arm wraps around me, and you hope he never lets go.
And in that moment, the world was still. It was you and Shifty, on top of the world.
64 notes · View notes
draconicfaenerd · 4 years
Obey Me Theory: In Which God is an Asshole and Solomon Might be a Good Guy?
Okay, here’s the deal. I have way too much time on my hands at the moment and was suddenly struck with inspiration, so I decided to cook up a little theory of my own.
Well, not so little. I’ve been writing this over the last few days, and this turned into something bigger than I was expecting.
Alright, here we go.
One of the great mysteries of this game: who the fuck wrote the whole Tale of the Seven Lords series? I mean, it foreshadows so much of the game’s plot twists that it’s absolutely insane! My initial thought was that Barbatos wrote it, especially since he’s the one who has a bunch of time travel/timeline powers that are, frankly, quite frightening. However, this theory leaves one gaping plot hole: how does Simeon know what’s gonna happen in the upcoming volume? Even Mammon and Satan take note of the fact that they have no idea why Simeon would know something like that. Who besides Barbatos could possibly have the power to see the future? Given this game’s penchant for foreshadowing, this is undoubtedly an important question we need to ask ourselves.
And I’d like to make you think about something as you answer that question.
While we know a fair bit about Barbatos’s power, we know practically nothing about the angels’ powers. Surely it doesn’t make sense that the demons have access to this wild reality-bending power that the angels don’t. Unless they actually do. How is this possible? Well, I turn to my knowledge of Christianity for this part of the theory.
According to many people’s interpretation of Judaism and Christianity, God is supposed to be an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing entity. He knows anything and everything that has happened, is happening, and can/will happen in the future. Additionally, He can set everything up so that events happen according to His plan. Pretty difficult to go up against, right? Now, granted, we don’t know a lot about the game’s interpretation of God (yet); there are enough twists on Biblical canon that it is difficult to determine what direction this is going to go in. However, I do expect that God is supposed to be a ridiculously powerful character in-game; maybe as powerful as (or even more so than) Barbatos.
Side note: However, he is not all-powerful, and here’s how I know: he wasn’t able to just erase Lilith. Yes, I’m sure he was powerful enough to kill her, but not so powerful that he could just kill her immediately free of consequences.
But more on this later; now back to my original point. God is the author of TSL. Or, at the very least, is the divine inspiration behind it (where one of the angels or a specifically chosen human is the one to transcribe it). This explains why an angel such as Simeon would have knowledge of the upcoming plot. Another piece of evidence to back up my point: exposure to divinity. One point that pops up a few times in the Bible is the idea that anyone/anything who comes too close to God’s presence directly will perish. A couple of examples of this are the burning bush that Moses faces and the Ark of the Covenant which the Israelites are forbidden to touch. Now, you may be wondering what these examples have to do with Obey Me. The answer is simple: the TSL soundtrack. Remember why Lucifer was so interested in this soundtrack in the first place?
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First off, a scene where the Lord of Corruption places a curse on the heroes? I have a few thoughts on that, but I’ll get to that in a little bit. What I’d like to focus on is the mysterious composer and the people who die surrounding the soundtrack. Lucifer tells us on our final night in the Devildom that the record isn’t actually cursed:
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But. Well. I don’t trust that. He’s (probably) not purposefully lying to us, but I don’t think this can be a coincidence. I think that TSL was divinely inspired (along with its soundtrack) and for some reason, this particular soundtrack was too much for ordinary humans to handle (we know that MC isn’t ordinary because of their amount of hidden power that has been discussed; more on that later.) 
So I’d like to bring up something else. Propaganda.
God has already spread copious amounts of propaganda about the brothers. Why do I say this? Well, I’m going off the assumption that the human world MC comes from is pretty similar to the human world that all of you readers (and me, obviously) live in. Why does this matter? Religious texts. There’s no denying that Judaism/Christian and their respective texts have greatly influenced the course of world history. Which means, in canon, those same texts no doubt exist in the Human Realm. Now, assuming they were “divinely inspired” (another assumption, but one that seems to make sense to me), a plethora of lies were told. First of all, many of these texts paint Lucifer (the Morningstar) as: the original Fallen Angel, The Devil, the Prince of Hell, and the reason why Sin and Death entered the world (meaning he was the one who tempted Eve). In Obey Me canon, Lucifer was the leader of the rebellion, yes, but he is very different from how he would be painted in Biblical texts. First of all, the Devildom was around for a very long time before the Fall (leading to questions on the true power of the realms, but more on that later). Furthermore, Diavolo and the Demon King are more of what we consider to be “the Devil”; sketchy motives aside (which I’ve discussed in other posts), they are the ones that have the final say in the Devildom’s affairs. Not Lucifer. Yes, the brothers might hold the titles and responsibilities of being the “Seven Rulers of Hell,” but ultimately their will is overridden by Diavolo’s. Additionally, I’d like to talk about that last point: sin and death. In the Bible, Lucifer brought sin and death into the world by tempting Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. However, in Obey Me canon, we know this is not the case; death existed long before the Fall. We know this because Lilith’s human lover was going to die, hence why she fed him forbidden food from the Celestial Realm. Then, God was going to have her erased and ultimately sparked the Rebellion against Him.
So. We know that God is plenty willing to pin plenty of shit on Lucifer. But other than causing an abnormal amount of daddy issues, what does this have to do with anything? Well, remember how I noted earlier with the TSL soundtrack that it was supposed to be used in a scene where the Lord of Corruption placed a curse on the heroes? Well, the Lord of Corruption represents Lucifer. So, given the game’s penchant for foreshadowing, it seems like Lucifer is going to place a curse on the heroes (forgive me for making yet another assumption, but I interpret MC and the brothers as the heroes). Given Lucifer’s love for his family (and later MC), this doesn’t really make any sense. My initial thought was that the whole attic debacle was the curse, but that doesn’t really make sense either. But. Remember what I just said about God pinning shit on Lucifer. What if God is the one planning to put a curse on the heroes? Just think about that for a bit, let it sink in.
Now, why would God place a curse on the heroes? We know that He and the angels were able to defeat the brothers before, so they could do so again if the need ever arose, right? And why place a curse on MC, an ordinary human?
Well, not-so-ordinary human.
Remember why Asmo made a pact with MC in the first place? Solomon talks to us about how everyone has magical power within them, and it manifests itself in some, but not in others (this is already suspicious as fuck to me that a power as strong as MC’s wouldn’t manifest itself, but our in-game knowledge of magic is vague enough that I’m not really gonna dance around that right now). Anyways, MC gets stuck with Mammon, Beel, and Levi in the underground labyrinth again, and they summon Asmo and draw out even more power than Solomon can. Pretty strange, right? Belphegor also alludes to MC’s great power with his whole “you have the power to control demons” speech.
So basically we have this incredible power. And, if I’m on the right track here, then we’re a threat to God. As I explain here, Lilith is the reason we were chosen for the exchange program in the first place. Additionally, when you meet her as you’re dying and you reply to her and ask her what she’s doing, she says this:
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So… there’s a lot going on in her whole dialogue. Really. There’s so much to dissect. And frankly, I don’t think I can dissect it all. So for now, I’m going to focus on the snippets that stood out to me. “I’ve been waiting for so long, you see. I’ve been waiting for you to come find me.” Um, what? First of all, Lilith’s spirit has been around for several thousands of years, right? Granted, the Obey Me timeline isn’t super clear, but still. Even if Lilith has been waiting around for MC ever since their birth, MC is however old the player is (probably late teens or in their twenties since that’s the demographic the game is geared towards); but even if MC is supposed to be way older than that, their lifespan is a very short time compared to Lilith’s existence. Unless. Unless Lilith has been waiting for longer than MC is supposed to be alive. Unless Lilith knew that someone as powerful as MC would come into existence and… do whatever it is Lilith wants us to do. Still not completely sure about that. (Also take note that Lilith never tells us herself that MC is her descendant; make of that what you will).
Also, she says that she’s worried about all her brothers and tells us to “save them” and that she’ll “lend us her powers.” So at first, I thought she was worried about them emotionally, and that she wanted us to save them by serving as emotional support for them. But we didn’t need her for our consciousness to transfer, and Barbatos took care of our alternate self. So what did we need her power boost for? The answer: something that’s coming up in the future. What exactly? I’m not completely sure. But, I do know that Solomon has an idea of what it is, based on the text conversation with him right after leaving the Devildom.
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Now, is it possible Solomon knows because of his pact with Barbatos? Yes, it absolutely is. I know that I’ve said time and time again that Solomon’s pact with Barbatos is going to prove to be crucial in future chapters, and I still firmly believe that. However, if something is happening on the Celestial Realm side of things, Solomon has a connection there which would allow him to know the goings-on.
So for those of you who grew up in religious families, you probably remember a little bit about King Solomon; the “man after God’s own heart” (different translations may say something slightly different, but that’s the version most of us probably heard) who, when he had the chance to ask for one gift from God, chose to ask for wisdom. Now, many clues in-game point to show that there’s a good chance that this Solomon is supposed to be that very same guy. Such clues include his mystical powers and his many pacts, particularly his pact with Asmodeus. Now, remember when Solomon told us near the beginning of the game about the Ring of Wisdom he received? He never tells us about the mystery person who gave it to him, but I personally think he received it from God; since in Biblical canon God “gave him wisdom.” Additionally, remember how he talked about getting drunk off its power at first? That piece of information coincides with my earlier point about how exposure to divinity is difficult for humans to handle.
Also, remember that Solomon is a VERY big fan of TSL. (Enough to impress Levi, and enough that he has that super-rare pendant of the Lord of Corruption’s wing). So, given that God is probably the one behind the creation of this series, it stands to reason that his connection to God has something to do with this.
Additionally, while on the topic of Solomon, there is yet another chat (the one that he sends you on your birthday) that shows that he seems to be well aware of something that you, the player, are not:
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As I’ve said before, this game really loves its foreshadowing. So, we’re definitely gonna have to save Solomon at some point: now, I know I’ve called him shady many times before, and he really truly is. But.
Maybe he’s not nearly as evil as I originally thought. He has helped us before, but it’s admittedly difficult to pin down his motives. However, if saving him is going to be necessary to the plot, then Solmare probably isn’t gonna make us rescue a bad guy. Emphasis on probably.
Also… he says “first birthday here in the Devildom”... which leads me to believe that MC will have many, many birthdays with the brothers to come in the future. So. Now that I’ve talked about Solomon, I’d like to talk about Luke.
He sends you a chat that opens up some pretty good insight into the whole situation:
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Now, we know that Luke is pretty fond of MC, and we’re led to believe that Simeon cares about MC too; however, this whole “charm that attracts both demons and angels alike” doesn’t sit quite right with me. Now, yes, both the in-game angels care about MC, but that doesn’t seem to quite cover Luke’s statement. But what if… There are other angels that have taken an interest in MC? And I don’t mean romantically, I mean… what if one or more of them know about our power? As I said before, Lilith gave us a power boost for something that’s coming up in the future. Something big. And if MC truly has a special sort of charm that attracts demons and angels alike, they could prove to be very dangerous if, say, there were to be another power struggle between realms. But what does this all have to do with Luke anyways? Remember who Luke works for? Michael. Yes, that’s right, the Archangel Michael. Probably the most powerful angel in all of the Celestial Realm. What does this have to do with anything? Well, after the exchange program ends, the higher-ranked angels (including Michael) are no doubt going to want reports of everything that happened during the exchange program… including information about MC. And really, who better to ask that information from than someone as utterly devoted to Michael himself as we’ve seen Luke is?
And if this is the case… Michael will probably hand all of that information right over to God. Given how the Obey Me God seems to be, this is not good news for MC or the brothers.
Now. Just because we can’t trust God doesn’t mean we should go blindly trusting Diavolo and Barbatos either. In fact, @phairfantooooom does a phenomenal job here explaining just how sketchy and terrifying they really are. Maybe I’ll have more of my own comments to add later if the mood strikes me, but for now I’m gonna leave it at that.
One final word: MC is being used as a pawn in a grander game between the realms for which they have no idea how to play, but they better figure it out fast.
Or maybe, just maybe, I’m losing my mind during quarantine and I really just want the sexy, shady sorcerer to not be a bad guy.
We’ll see. So... what do you all make of this? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 4 years
Contending the Flame IX
Author’s note: Happy New Year everyone! Let’s start it off right with positivity and no looking back on a bad 2020. Can’t wait to continue to write for such excellent fans, you guys/gals are the best!
Word count: 2741
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Warnings: The usual, nothing new to add.
Since your unexpected kiss with Ivar in that dark corridor, you had avoided him. It was no simple task, as he seemed hell-bent on getting you alone if he could, and that made you feel like a mouse living with a cat. You double-checked every corner before turning, and you tried to finish your work before sundown. Audhild had been an additional ally to you, whether intentionally or by happy accident, you weren't sure. She kept you by her side even with tasks she could have accomplished without your help. You weren't certain of her relationships with the sons of Ragnar, only that she acted independently of them. That was something that still took getting used to; women operating on their own accord.
While you continued to ponder over Ivar's pursuing you, you also tried to make sense of your feelings. Men in general were something you had always been fearful of. You had seen rape and abuse from an early age on the streets of Rendlesham, and you learned quickly not to trust an innocent face. Ivar's face was fair when not screwed up and twisted in rage, and he had the shyness of a boy when he kissed you. But you could not forget he was a heathen. His affection had been severe, clutching and pulling with desperation you thought you would drown in. 
Your feelings were beginning to frighten you. You had returned the kiss without struggle, and you had been tempted to give in to more before a heightened sense of self had kicked in. This Viking had murdered your priests and his own brother, yet you were having lustful thoughts. God would be disappointed in your lack of restraint. 
You needed guidance. When you had been in the abbey, you would often go to the senior Sisters for advice. Audhild was patient, but she would not understand the inner turmoil of a Christian. There was only one other in the encampment who you could speak to, and the moment you were no longer needed by the healers, you snuck off towards the courtyard where Bishop Heahmund was being held.
Only one guard was posted now, as the Bishop had given them no more trouble since you had been brought to him. He was still fettered in chains, but he wore a serene look that would have angered the devil. His faith could not be shaken, and you envied his composure.
As you approached from the building across the way, the guard glanced at you. He did not dismiss you from coming closer to Heahmund, instead seeming to lose interest in you entirely. 
"Bishop Heahmund," You called softly, creeping nearer.
His eyes shot open, but he did not appear surprised by your intrusion. Giving you a smile, he indicated for you to sit. "Hello, Sister Mary Catharine. I wondered if I would see you again, but I had hoped. You are the bright light of York in this nest of heathens."
He couldn't seem to cease with the flattery, and you remembered the rumors about Heahmund being led into temptation by widows. Ivar wasn't wrong when he had accused you of having desirable thoughts for the man. Hearing stories of the Bishop, he had sounded larger than life, like a hero from a story. You used to envision him coming to take you away from your lonely days in the convent, this handsome and brave warrior. Those had been the daydreams of a young girl. Seeing him captured by the same heathens who had enslaved you, the glass had shattered, and what remained was just a man.
"How have you been?" You asked while tucking your dress behind you as you sat on the ground.
"My head is clear, and my resolve is set. They want me to fight for their cause, and I see no alternative to this request. If I want my freedom, I'll have to go along with whatever the Boneless one commands."
You frowned, not understanding why Ivar wanted Heahmund on his side. He was a devout Christian who wouldn't stray from his path and could turn on the heathens at the opportune moment. A part of you worried for Ivar. 
"Are you certain this is what God would want?"
"I do not see this as a defeat, rather that God has a new plan for me and this is the way I must follow," Heahmund said, and the chains rattled as he readjusted his position to look at you. "But you did not come here to discuss my fate, Sister. You are still bothered by what we spoke of the last time we met. The youngest son of Ragnar is still giving you trouble."
You ducked your head in a penitent gesture. "I feel lost, and in need of guidance. You keep calling me Sister, but shamefully I no longer think of myself as a nun."
"You have forsaken our Lord?"
You were surprised by how there was no venom behind his question, just bald-faced curiosity. "No, I still have my faith, but my station is misplaced. I would like it if you called me (Y/N)."
"(Y/N)? That was your name before you took your vows?"
"Yes, and though I haven't gone by it in years, I feel more like that abandoned little girl than I do Sister Mary Catharine."
"Their people are changing you," Heahmund said, appearing thoughtful. "Your heart is growing restless, and you are curious about their ways. The youngest son of Ragnar is trying to steal you away, but look sharp, for God would never allow one of his children to be pried from his embrace."
"Ivar he…he frightens me, but I am also excited when I am with him," You confessed, and your heart thundered at the admission. "I come alive when he's near. He sees me in a way that no one else ever has."
"(Y/N), look at me," Heahmund demanded, and you did, startled by his tone. "You cannot fall in love with this heathen. He will lead you astray, and leave when it is of most convenience for him. You must pray for forgiveness, and honor God by respecting the vows you have entered into."
His severe expression was marred by what he was preaching, and you felt your hand clench tight in anger. You surged up onto your feet, standing over him like a scarecrow in a field.
"And what of you, Bishop? Were you honoring your vows when you were between the legs of those widows?"
Heahmund turned away with a stiffness to his face, as if he couldn't believe you had spoken such a thing. You had surprised yourself as well. "That was different, and you wouldn't understand."
"You're right about that. Unless you were hoping to find God in the arms of those women, I couldn't possibly understand your reason."
"You are young, and you have yet to learn that life is often complicated."
You threw your arms up in the air, a wild gesture that probably resembled an agitated bird more than that of a rational woman. "Then let it be complicated. Hurt, and lust, and pain, and hunger; these aren't terrible things. They let us know that we are alive, and I've felt more of that here with these heathens than I ever did back home."
"You cannot possibly understand what you are saying," He argued back, and you thought he was going to lecture you further, but he took a moment to collect his breath. "My apologies. You sought my counsel, and I have only offered judgement. We should cling to each other in this desolate place if we are to survive the Northmen."
You didn't want to fight with him any longer either, but you could see that as far as Ivar and his people were concerned, you were not of one mind with Heahmund. Coming to him had erased some of your doubts, but you did not realize how much your tolerance towards the Vikings had shifted. There were bad men among them, but nothing anymore abhorrent than what you had seen from Saxons. 
"I'm sorry as well," You said, shifting back and forth on your feet. "I was quick to anger. Maybe I wasn't ready to admit in my heart how I have begun to change towards them."
"May I inquire something else about you? Seeing as I've already insulted you, I don't believe it is too bold to ask."
"You may," You said, permitting him. 
"If we were to be liberated by the King and his army this very moment, and brought back to Wessex, would you return to the Church?"
You came to your answer quickly and without trepidation. "No."
"I see." Heahmund didn't let on about how he felt about your answer, and you didn't want to know. Disappointing him seemed about the worst thing you could have done, and you didn't want to dwell on that. "(Y/N), you shouldn't have come here."
You frowned. "Why not?"
"We've been careless. Ivar knew you would come here. See there, the guard is gone."
You looked to where Heahmund's watch had been stationed to find the spot no longer occupied. The guard had taken his leave the moment you two had been engaged in your disagreement. Ivar must have known you would seek out Heahmund eventually. 
"It's fine," You said with more confidence than you felt. It was to be expected that Ivar would be waiting to speak with you again, and you knew he could have done so whenever he desired. He had held back on forcing you, but you didn't know if it was kindness or another manipulation on his part. "I think I'm ready to face him. There will be no more running for me."
"Go with the grace and strength God has given you. Even if you have turned from your path of the Church, God will never stop fighting for you."
You knelt before Heahmund. "Thank you, Bishop. I hope I am granted with clarity to see my true path."
You placed a parting kiss on his forehead and offered him a smile before standing. Taking a look around the courtyard you did not spot Ivar waiting for you. You knew he would find you though, and you began making your way back to the small room that you had been sharing with the other slaves who aided the healers. 
For such a short walk, one you had taken many times, it seemed to have grown in distance. You kept expecting Ivar or one of his guards to pop out and grab you, but nothing so substantial occurred. The faces you passed paid you no mind, and you arrived at your destination relieved and a little bit let down. You had been ready to get the confrontation over with.
You opened the door, ready to be met with the company of some of the other slaves. None of them spoke with you outside of your duties, and it bothered you. It was an act of self-preservation. They knew you held the attention of Ivar, and so that meant he spared them little mind. Better you than them was probably what many of them thought, and you couldn't fault them for that. It seemed you were fated to be alone. The only other slave who had gone out of her way to speak with you had been a spy, and you hadn't seen her since. Something about that felt deliberate.
When you entered inside of the cramped quarters, you did not find any of your bunkmates. You were alone with Ivar, and that meant his guard couldn't have been far behind. He had kept hidden, luring you into a false sense of security. 
"Hello," You greeted dumbly, not knowing what else to say. You kept tight by the door, not taking a step further in. Ivar was looking pensive, with an air of despondence clinging to him. 
"How is the Bishop fairing?"
"Resilient," You said, relaxing a bit that he didn't immediately discuss something of a more delicate nature. "He says he will fight for you."
"He doesn't have a choice. Either he fights or he dies, and I will need his strength soon enough," Ivar said, his severe tone causing you to flinch. With stiff movements, he maneuvered himself to stand, but he did not try to encroach upon your space. "The time to leave York has come, but some of my people have chosen to stay behind. Our army needs allies, but this business with the spy has made me doubtful of who I can trust."
"What will you do?" You asked, feeling out of depth to be having this conversation. You knew little of wars and alliances, and you didn't understand why Ivar was sharing this with you. 
"It's been decided that Ubbe will return home to Kattegat with a handful of warriors, under the pretense that he has abandoned our army. The woman ruling there murdered our mother, and it is likely she sent the spy."
"Where will you go then, if not home?"
Ivar hesitated, and you had never known him to look away when speaking with you. "I need to meet with Harald Finehair. He could be a potential ally to retake Kattegat...but I also suspect he sent the spy. The sons of Ragnar losing control of the Great Heathen army would benefit him in his bid to become King of Norway."
There was another man with lofty ambitions. The world must look different when you wake up as a Viking. You took a step forward, garnering Ivar's attention. 
"And where does he live?"
"In Vestfold, but you will not be going there," Ivar said, and he looked overcome with guilt. "I'm sending you with Ubbe to Kattegat. It is safer for you there."
"But I'm only a slave. What difference does it make where I go?"
"Harald and his men do not exercise restraint when it comes to Christians, and I can't have my eyes constantly on you nor can I keep a guard around one slave without arousing suspicion," He explained, but his reasoning was flawed. You had no doubt Heahmund would be going with him, and you knew Ivar didn't hold back when it came to murdering your people. "Ubbe will keep you safe, and Audhild will go with you as well."
You let out a dry chuckle, feeling any control over your life seeping through your fingers like sand. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do in Kattegat."
"I need you to stay alive," Ivar said with a fierceness that made it sound like an order. He crossed the short distance of the room before you could blink, and took your hands together to place something cold in your grasp. "Take this. It can take a life if you wield it right."
You looked down at the sheathed knife he had gifted you with. It was a heavy weight compared to the ones in the kitchen, and the hilt was carved into the shape of a wolf's head. You gave him a startled look before beginning to protest. "No, I cannot take a life Ivar."
You tried to return it to him, but he was forceful in making sure it stayed with you. "You will if someone wants to take yours. I won't let you die because of your stupid Christian beliefs about hell and perdition."
He squeezed his hand over the top of yours to secure your grip on the knife, and with the other he cupped the back of your neck, bringing you together for another kiss that you had been fearfully longing for. You didn't want to fight him, and you returned the kiss with all of the words you couldn't say. It wasn't a goodbye, you refused to believe that your time with this violent and vulnerable man was at an end. It was an 'until next we meet', and you cradled his jaw in your free hand, while you both still held onto the knife in the other. You don't know when you began to cry, only that the tears were silent as they slid down your face and transferred onto Ivar's cheeks. This caused him to hold you tighter. Even as the fire in the kiss dwindled, you clung to one another knowing this was the last moment you would share before you were to be parted.
@pomegranates-and-blood ​
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Revenge of the Star Wars Wednesday
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the dashboard... (It’s an entire chapter of the same au as This Free Day Thursday I did a ways back, where a splinter cell of the Rebellion hands Luke over to Vader in a deal with the devil. The context: Vader got called away before getting a chance to tell Luke what was going on, and had to leave the poor guy in his hyperbaric egg chamber of doom. Which is air conditioned all to heck because that suit gets toasty. Unfortunately, Luke is from a very warm climate, and high powered air conditioning does not agree with him. At all. He’s having a bad day by the time Vader gets back and Many Blankets are required.)
Luke dreamed of falling.
"Alright, Skywalker. This is your stop."
He saw Leia screaming.
"You're wrong! You're wrong!"
She was calling for him. He knew that she was.
"I'm here!" He tried to call back to her, "I'm here, Leia! Help me!"
But the wind scattered his words, and he fell.
He fell past Leia's horrified face, towards a range of mountains. Faces he might have recognized formed and disintegrated in the snow around him, and the wicked looking peak directly below.
With a choked cry, Luke flailed his arms and met with stiff resistance. Well. More soft than stiff. And heavy. Very heavy. Slowly, by degrees, Luke became aware of his surroundings. He could barely move. Something was holding him down on a-
A bed.
He was on a bed.
On a Star Destroyer. 
Everything came back to Luke in a rush. Kobyvern. The handoff. The cell. The cold. 
And Vader.
Luke opened his eyes. He didn't hear the respirator, but the sense of foreboding looming over him suggested that the dark lord was somewhere near. It was imperative that Luke not be so...so vulnerable when he returned. 
Why couldn't he move?! Had he been strapped down? Panic flooded Luke's veins.
No no no, take it slow, Skywalker! Breathe in- breathe out. 
When his heart had resumed a slightly more normal pace, Luke took a slow breath and tried to sit up.
This turned out to be more difficult than he'd expected. If he craned his neck, he could just make out heavy black cloth beneath the blankets, wound around him and pinning his arms to his sides. Well, that was one way of keeping someone from escaping. Arguably more embarrassing than handcuffs, but also preferable to them. 
The amount of effort it took to free just one arm was a thorough enough distraction that Luke didn't hear the door hiss open. He pulled at the cape and blankets, already cursing the cold his free arm hinted at. It was tempting to nestle down into the pile of blankets -- there had to be at least four of them -- and let the warmth drag him back down into sleep. But that would doubtless be akin to trusting the hospitality of a Hutt. You didn't get something for nothing. There was going to be a price to pay for this, and Luke wasn't sure he'd be able to afford it.
Luke tried to push himself up into a sitting position and nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand appeared from his peripheral vision to push him back against the pillows.
"Rest easy, son. You've had a hard day."
Vader had returned.
It was difficult to know what bothered Luke more: the uncharacteristic gentleness in Vader's hands, or that he'd called him son.
Luke recoiled as far from Vader as he could.
It wasn't that far.
"You are not in danger, young one. Be still." Vader held out a placating hand.
His jaw ached from clenching and chattering, but Luke gritted his teeth again nonetheless. "I'm s- s-s s'posed to b-believe that-t-t?"
Ugh. It was still cold outside the blankets.
He did not like that he could actually hear amusement in Vader's voice when the man answered, "If I wished harm to come to you, young one, do you really think you would be here?"
Luke picked at the covers and tried to scowl. But being in close proximity to Darth Vader for an extended period of time didn’t exactly bolster one’s courage. The most he could muster was an anxious frown. Don’t let him get to you. He’s manipulating you. Waiting for you to let your guard down. Then he’ll bring in the torture droid. 
“Yeah.” He narrowed his eyes. “D-don’t trus-s-t you.”
Alright, that might’ve been a bit too blunt. 
Vader inclined his head -- helmet? How much of that was his head? Did Luke actually want to know? -- and made a sound curiously like a sigh. “That is to be expected. We were not introduced under particularly favorable circumstances.”
Luke stared at him incredulously. Introduced? As if they were diplomats crossing paths at a senator’s ball? Introduced?! 
This was the man who just...slaughtered anything and anyone that got in his way. He was there for every horrible thing that happened to Leia. He was the reason Luke was stuck trying to figure out the Force on his own. He was the reason Luke was alone! And here he was, upset that Luke didn’t trust him?
“My medical droid informs me that your core temperature has...improved. But you are still feeling ill effects.” If Vader felt as awkward as he looked, he kept it out of his voice admirably. A little too calmly, he lifted a steaming cup from somewhere behind him and held it out.
Luke shrank back. “I d-don’t want it.”
Vader’s shoulders tensed, just a fraction. “It is not poisoned, young one. Nor does it contain a truth drug, or whatever else outlandish theories you have concocted.”
“You c-could be l-l-lying.”
“I could. But I have no reason to be.”
Luke could think of a few reasons. Pure cruelty came to mind. Or lulling him into a false sense of security. After all the bluster about capturing the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, having a tea party with a dark lord wasn’t really on the agenda.
He jumped when the cup was pressed into his hands.
“You do not have to drink it. But the heat will benefit you.” Vader leaned back into a chair that most certainly had not been there before. “Transitioning from Tatooine to the climate of long-term space travel is...taxing.”
No, transitioning from getting thrown out of a ship to getting locked in the Ice Pod is “taxing”, Luke thought, glaring into the cup.
Whatever liquid was inside, it was dark, and smelled almost earthy. Not caf, some kind of tea, perhaps? The steam curled up to bathe his face, and he could begrudgingly admit that it was doing him a world of good.
“My meditation chamber is not meant to hold such low temperatures for such an extended period of time,” Vader said suddenly. “The General’s summons, I fear, did not give me adequate time to reset the cooling system. You were never meant to experience that.”
Luke didn’t care if it was childish or not. He pulled his knees slowly up to his chest -- fighting through entirely too many blankets -- and rested the cup on them. He refused to look up. He would not make eye contact with his father’s killer.
Actually, where even are his eyes under there? 
“D-didn’t exp-p-pect the Empire to ap-p-p-pologize to a p-p-risoner,” he mumbled.
His stammer was decreasing, slowly. He thought a warm drink would certainly help, but he was not brave enough to risk whatever was in that cup.
“I would rather you did not think of yourself as a prisoner, but I understand that your experiences have not given you cause to believe otherwise,” Vader answered. “But you are correct: that was intended to be an apology. I will not allow such a thing to happen again.”
The cup seemed like porcelain. Impossibly delicate. But it held up well under Luke’s grip as it tightened. This was getting ridiculous. The handoff. The fall. The pod. The blankets. The tea. 
Vader stilled. He cocked his head, as if listening intently. “Luke?”
It was too much.
He broke.
“Don’t c-c-call me that!”
“It is your name.”
“It’s m-m-my! Name!” Luke’s chest heaved. “You d-d-on’t use it! Stop p-p-pretending! I’m n-n-not going to tell you anyth-th-ing!”
I can’t, I can’t do this, Father. I didn’t want to cry, don’t let me cry! 
Vader leaned forward again. “Why do you believe that I am pretending?”
Was he kidding? 
Luke finally looked up at him. “Y-you k-kill Jedi,” he spat. “Like you k-killed my father.” 
And that was what broke the facade.
“Enough.” Vader reached down and took the tea from Luke.
He set it on the tray and whirled back to face the boy.
“Listen to me,” he growled. “Whatever Kenobi told you, whatever wild fictions he spun about your past, he lied.”
Luke’s shoulders hitched. He pulled back against the wall and turned his face back to his knees. “I d-d-on’t believe you!”
“Look at me!” 
Vader took his chin in one hand and pulled it up. “Look at me, Luke. He lied to you. And he lied to me. Why do you think I wear a mask? Do you even know what he did?”
“No no no-” Luke tried to shake his head. “W-why-?”
“Why would he lie to you?” Vader asked angrily. “Why, Luke, would he be so interested in making sure that you believed I killed your father? What did you do on Cymoon, before I knew your name?”
Vader’s anger shook the room, cutting the lights into fragments as shadow overtook them. But somehow, Luke didn’t feel that the anger was directed at him as much as it was at Obi-wan. They really had hated each other, then. But why would Obi-wan lie about his father’s death? He had his lights-
The lightsaber.
Luke’s gut churned.
Vader had his lightsaber now. His father’s lightsaber. And now it was in the possession of the man who had allegedly killed him.
Why was he even considering Vader’s words? This was Darth Vader! He was a liar- not this time
He was a monster -- maybe so 
“W-what do you want?” Luke’s voice cracked. “I d-d-on’t understand!” 
The hand on his chin pulled away without warning. The shadows retreated sullenly to pool around the chair. “I know.”
Vader raised his hand again. He hesitated when Luke flinched, then rested it on the crown of his head. “I know you don’t. Not yet. Use the Force, Luke.”
Vader tilted his head back with a gentle push. “I know that you can. Stretch out with your feelings. What did you intend to do on Cymoon?”
It wasn’t enough to simply tell the boy the truth. He needed him to see. He needed him to understand. He was a pawn. They had both been pawns. For a moment he almost wished Kenobi lived, so that he could run him through again.
“What did you int-”
“Kill you!” Luke burst out. It came out with a tiny, exhausted sob. “I w-was going to kill you.” 
“B-because you k-killed my-”
“Because you thought that I had killed your father,” Vader interrupted sternly. “Because Obi-wan sent you, untrained, untested, into battle having told you that I was your great enemy in some noble quest to avenge a father you never had the chance to meet.”
“Stop.” Luke didn’t want to hear this. This was a kind of torture after all, wasn’t it? It was emotional. Psychological. But there could be no tactical benefit in telling him these things. Why was Vader telling him these things? Why not just kill him and be done with it?
“Who took you from your mother?” Vader’s earlier question rang in Luke’s ears.
A trickle of sweat dried cold on the back of his neck. What did Darth Vader know about his mother?
Do you really want to pull on that thread, Luke? 
“What do you want?” He tried. He tried so hard to keep the tears from coming. But he was tired and afraid, and so, so overwhelmed.
Vader’s hand smoothed his hair, disturbingly gentle. “I want you to understand that you are not alone, Luke. That you were never alone.”
He raised his other hand. Held Luke’s face between them.
“Do you know why Kenobi told you that I had killed your father?”
“Don’t-” Luke whispered brokenly. He couldn’t take it. Not this. Not him.
“Luke. Look at me. What does the Force tell you?”
“I don’t know-” Luke tried to pull away. Please don’t please don’t don’t tell me don’t change things don’t let it all be lies- “I don’t know!” 
“I did not kill your father.”
It was said with such an air of finality that it rang through the Force, even with Luke’s muffled attempts to read it.
“No,” he agreed. 
His world had a little crack, right at the edge. It was small now, but just the right pressure, and-
“I am your father.”
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
Dangerous Woman (R18+)
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Rating: Mature (AO3)
Pairing: Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) ft. tiny Armin x Annie (AruAni).
AU: Love Like This
Trope: One-night stand (?)
Summary: Something about him makes her feel like a dangerous woman. Making her do things she won’t normally do.
She’s a married woman and she sure as hell shouldn’t be out here at a bar, planning to wine and dance the night away all by herself. She isn’t supposed to be flirting with a random stranger whose name she’d never bothered to ask. She’s most absolutely not supposed to be grinding bodies with this handsome enigma and allowing him to take her dancing all the way back to his hotel room. ReinerxMikasa ft. ArminxAnnie. Modern AU.
A/N: Inspired by this post & this post.
Rhythmic Muse: Dangerous Woman (Cover) by Travis Garland.
Content Warning: Adult undertones. Dubcon (somewhat). Rough, unprotected sex. (I do not condone this. Please practice safe intercourse in real life, everyone and only with people you trust, please!). Expect some OOC-ness because this is a self-indulging Modern AU fic. Happy reading!
The smooth tunes of the Spanish guitar blasting from the seaside cafe’s stereo speakers and the sounds from the crushing waves of the ocean serenaded her weary senses, soothing her jaded body after a long day at work. She’s been busting her ass more than usual, covering more graveyard shifts than she could humanly manage in her years of field experience.  The salty seaside breeze wafted through her senses, mixed with the smell of grilled seafood and freshly-made martinis from the nearby bar, reminding her that her work vacation had been long overdue.
God, that trip to the Mediterraneans sounded much more tempting than before. Just lazing at the beach, soaking up the sun, reading a book or two and maybe toss in some kinky actions with a hot hunk somewhere along the way. But alas, they only managed to get away to a seaside resort just slightly out of town for the weekend.
A low, murmured whisper coming from her opposite direction turned into an uncontrollable cackle and she leered at her flaxen-haired companion, who’s now already tongue-deep inside her date’s mouth.
“Gross.” The raven-haired woman rolled her eyes, yet not without a small smile on her face.
“Don’t be jealous, Mikasa,” chided Annie as she broke her kiss with Armin, causing the latter to blush and stared back at his childhood friend sheepishly. “Just because your husband’s not here, doesn’t mean I can’t make out with mine.”
Armin sent a cautionary look at his wife and sighed. “Annie, we’re not supposed to remind her of him tonight. Sorry, Mikasa.”
The small smile turned into a tight frown as she continued to nurse the drink in her hand. She rolled mindlessly at the double olives on that tiny skewer inside her glass. “It’s fine, Armin. Annie’s right, you two are supposed to have fun. Don’t let me hold you both back. It’s your first night away from the girls after half a year, right? Go wild. But, not too wild ok?” She signaled to the other woman’s slightly protruding belly.
The upcoming fourth addition to the five member brood of the Arlert family.
Armin sent her a concerned look. He didn’t miss the way Mikasa had been restlessly fiddling with the wedding ring on her finger ever since she reached their planned venue of the evening from work. He and Mikasa have always been tighter than two halves of a whole since they were both in grade school. 
He’d know when she’s in distress. That doesn't require his professional skills in psychology to read the other woman's body language and facial expression.
“Did he wish you an anniversary greeting this morning?,” asked the blonde-haired academician.
She shook her head, her glazed eyes cast downwards as she took a sip from her dry martini. “Not yet, at least. I did slip something into his luggage before his flight out last week. Maybe he’s just busy.”
Annie slammed her own glass of fruit juice on the lounge table and declared out loud, “I’ll kick his ass for you tomorrow. If he ever gets here.”
“Thank you for the offer, Annie but I still got this under control and please don’t. You’re pregnant.”
Annie scoffed in return, expressing her distaste at said man’s nonchalant attitude. “Well, at the very least he should have given you a hall pass if he’s going to be ditching you here on your own. Give you the freedom to make up for his shortcomings. It’s your anniversary for crying out loud,” remarked the expecting mother before continuing to offer her unwarranted opinions. “I don’t know how you could go through all this for more than ten years? Sure, Armin and I have been married for fourteen years, together for sixteen and I can’t ever imagine being away from him for too long.”
Armin’s gaze hardened, he looked back at his wife’s rather harsh words in concealed disagreement, but he also knew that his long-time friend's married life was also none of their business. “I’m very sure he has a very good reason. Which has something to do with his work.”
Annie let out a long drawl of sigh. “Still doesn’t give him a reason to be a dick to her.”
Armin’s jaw dropped down in disbelief. “Annie!”
Mikasa waved away Armin’s chastising of his own wife. “It’s the hormones. This is not your first rodeo, Armin.”
He shrugged, “But this time, she’s much more brutal than usual, Mika.”
“After three girls, maybe this is finally a boy. Who knows?”
Armin beamed at the possibility, catching his wife’s eyes in a soft, appreciating gaze. “That would be nice, but even if this one’s another girl, it’s still not an issue to me. I love all my girls regardless.” Annie snuck a quick peck on the tip of her husband’s adorable button nose and nuzzled against his cheek softly, whispering, “I love you.”
Mikasa held the other couple in an admiring gaze. They are rock solid, there’s no doubt there. Also, by the way Annie’s hands had been slinking into the folds of the younger man’s casual dress shirt, rubbing slowly against her husband’s skin, Mikasa knew that Annie’s hormonal condition also came with other perks, which Armin clearly appreciates very, very much.
She shook her head and chided the pair teasingly, “Just head on back to your room, guys. Don’t remind me what I’m missing.”
Armin turned his head back at her, reluctance persisted against his own conscience. “We’re not going to leave you here on your own.”
“I’ll be fine. I just want to get another drink then I’ll be calling it a night.” She lifted the triangle-shaped glass in her hands and gestured for the couple to make their way back first.
It was Annie yet again, who made her concerns very vocal for the umpteenth time. “You know, if you’re gonna be dicking with one of these attractive men available around here tonight, we’re not gonna tell him. Scout’s honor.” She just had to end her sentence with a sly wink and a two finger salute.
Yep, someone’s super horny right now.
She raised an eyebrow with a mock disappointment on her face. “Just get the hell out of here. Armin, fill her mouth good.”
“Mikasa…” Armin shook his head in embarrassment at the crudeness of her sentence. He could still never get used to the savage side of his best friend, who’s more of a sister to him than anything else in this world. “Stay safe and just call me if you need anything at all.”
“Thanks. Now go on.” God bless Armin’s kind soul but it was bold of him to think that she’d be calling him when he’s already in way too deep inside his wife. Even IF she’d really ever needed someone’s assistance. Regardless, she waited patiently until the silhouette of the pair disappeared beyond the canopy walk heading towards the guest rooms’ direction. Only then she lifted herself off the lounge seat, clutch in one hand and fixed the hem of her skirt and her hair, already messed up from the strong breeze in the other. Eventually making her way towards the bar. With the manner she strode across the dining area, her heels clattered against the wooden floor, she willfully disregarded all the stares thrown her way - appreciating or lewd - from quite a number of the male patrons of the establishment. Deliberately, she dabbled lightly at the thin gold chain around her neck. Putting her wedding band on obvious display and on purpose.
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Mikasa sighed in relief, silently to herself the moment the message was duly received by the interested parties. The last thing she needed was to be in a complicated entanglement. She continued walking towards the bar, nodding at the chirpy bartender who bid her good evening and asked for her latest choice of poison for the night. She took her seat on the high bar stool, crossing her long legs comfortably and decided on another appletini. While waiting for her drink, she rested her face on her hand and tapped her fingers lightly against her cheek to the smooth R&B rhythm, staring fondly at the sight of a beautiful young couple slow-dancing not too far from the live DJ booth.
The moment a nostalgic tune she had once heard from an amazing night in Hizuru’s Havana Club years ago began to play - the intro to the Spanish dancehall genre blasted through the speakers - her body couldn’t help but move slightly to the sleek music.
This was their song. It was playing on one of the first few dates they had with each other. She’s even wearing the same red dress that she wore on that date eons ago. Back when they were younger. Back when promises were made to never be apart even for a day.
After eleven years of being married together….well, who’s counting anyway?
Unbeknownst to her, a set of dark amber eyes had been lingering appreciatively at the way she tapped her heels and the manner which her body grooved slightly to the playing tune.
The moment she’d walked across the distance between the patio lounge and the bar, she’d caught his attention from the get go.
Everything about this woman reminded him of Edwyn Collins’s crooning of his timeless serenade, A Girl Like You. She’s absolutely making him acknowledge the devil in him without an ounce of doubt.
His eyes glazed at the way her short dark tresses wavered in the evening draft and the way her off-shoulder red dress hugged her body tightly. The sheer fabric outlined the lithe curves of her waist, its edges danced around the long legs that seemed to be endless with every motion, beckoning his admiring gaze even further. She took her seat on the high bar stool, legs crossed and the edges of the dress hitched upwards, exposing the sight of her smooth thighs. Porcelain. Perfection.
It seems that he’s not the only person sending interested looks her way as he spotted several other men staring in awe at this breathtaking lady in red, without so much as a blink.
He exhaled a breath, much deeper than before.
He eyed the dark gold pumps on her feet that matched the delicate gold chain on her slender neck and the gold wedding ring on her finger. It also didn’t escape his observation on the beginnings of a rather intricate ink, emerging from the lace fringe on the back of her silky dress.
He wants to study the story behind it from the top down to where it might end if she’d be keen to share it.
He’s itching to know how much skin the ink covers.
He took in another long, deep breath, fixing the crisp collar of his suit. A hand smoothed his hair back in one fluid motion and finally, made his move towards the bar.
He’s going in for the kill. A wedding band had never stopped him before.
Several steps away from the bar and he’d already caught the fragrant scent of something succulent and delicious in the air coming from her direction.
Her perfume. 
Juicy. He found himself licking his dry lips in response towards the prospect of savoring the taste of figurative sweet cherries on luscious porcelain skin.
As it were, she could feel the prickle of piercing eyes on her back. She then turned her head around and their eyes met from across this crowded space.
Her eyes, a curious granite hue, reflected a hunger that has not been fulfilled for quite some time.
It’s a rather perfect coincidence that he’d been ravenous for the similar thing as well.
He wandered over to the empty seat next to her. “Good evening. Can I buy another drink for you?”
She pretended that she didn’t hear him at first, yet began to cave in after realizing that she was just too polite to turn down a stranger’s offer. “Thank you but I can buy my own.”
A knowing grin graced his lips. He knows an elegant woman with a refined taste when he sees one. “I can see that you’re waiting for someone. Can I, at least, keep you company for the time being?”
She gestured to the vacant bar stool next to hers with a short tilt of her head. “Help yourself.”
He asked for a serving of whiskey on the rocks from the gentleman on the other side of the tropical themed bar. Certainly didn’t miss the way her chest hiked the moment she took in the smell of his cologne and he also didn’t miss the way she ran a thumb against the small jewelry on her finger at the same time she took a sip of her martini. Like she was reminding herself of a line she’s not supposed to step over.
Instead of taking over the offered seat, however, he turned his body around and reclined against the side of the wooden bar’s curved edges. He’d caught her staring at the outline of his pecs between the already undone buttons of his shirt. “Can I take a guess?”, he eased his way into another opening for small talk, “A husband who’s running late or almost letting you know that he’s not going to make it?”
Bullseye. He could feel her glaring at him from the corners of her eyes. “Aren’t you the expert on lonely women?”
A deep chuckle escaped his lips shamelessly. “Well, if you were my wife, you’d never find yourself waiting all on your own or getting stood up for that matter.”
The large hoop earrings dangled against the side of her neck when she turned her head sharply towards the devilishly handsome but certainly up-to-no-good face. “Does that line work with all the married women you’re trying to seduce?”
His sturdy, well-trained shoulders shrugged incredulously. “Only those that match the very specific types: cold, mysterious, killer legs and silent ones that are forbidden to touch.”
“Hmmm….” She shook her head at his rather brave yet stupid audacity of assuming she’s just like the other women he had successfully added to the notch under his belt. She’d wished he’d just take a hike and let her finish her drink alone.
“How about this, one dance and I’ll leave you to your lonesome for the rest of the night?”
One dance. It wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?
She should’ve said no. But she didn’t.
The second he pressed her snug against his own well-honed body on the dancefloor, she could feel her own conscience gradually diminishing through every grip of this man's fingers against her waist. His muscular arms ensnared her in a vice hold before he turned her around again and again to the fast tempo of the music. Their touch electric, their bodies coordinated flawlessly to the sensual rhythm and lips almost brushing dangerously against each other.
He twirled her around and let her back rest against his chest. His voice was a low, deep growl - reminiscent of a sly devil, whispering nefarious sins into her ear. "You are a very interesting woman.
"I know what you're trying to do."
"Let's not beat around the bush then."
She shook her head incredulously, lifting the hand with her wedding band right in this stranger's face. "I'm still married."
A dark chuckle escaped his lips,  the thrumming of his chest reverberated against her bare back. "I'm still interested."
She pushed herself forward ahead of him. "I need to go." Only to have her hand ensnared in his again.
The blonde enigmatic stranger lowered his head, his warm breath mixed with his sharp clean scent assaulted her senses. A contradiction to the sudden shift in his voice to a firm, authoritative tone instead. "Your husband is holding extremely confidential information that could jeopardize national security. I'd strongly suggest that you remain compliant until we can get to a more secure and private place to talk."
"You can't force me to go anywhere with you. I don't even know you!"
"I can assure you, making a scene is only going to make things more complicated, Ms. Ackerman."
Her eyes widened in shock. "How did you know my name?"
"You're a person of interest. I have all the intel on you." His dark, cryptic eyes held her gaze in a subtle warning. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
As soon as he closed the door to his room, the stranger pressed her body hard against the wooden surface, wasting no time in taking over her body’s will through the pull of his hands. He began to pat her body down with a force so strong she could feel the pervasive grip of his muscle against her skin.
She tried to push his hands away, almost gasping in shock upon his sudden action. "What are you doing?!"
He lifted a finger against his lips, demanding her absolute silence. "Searching for any hazardous items you might be hiding underneath your dress."
She scoffed. "As if."
An arm held her shoulder down while his other hand pressed at the curve of her hips, pushing her ass hard against the door of his room. He lifted one of her long legs and let it wrap around the side of his broad torso.
He palmed the lower front of her dress, caressing the shape of her hidden mound and his lips curved upwards in a wicked grin. "Found it." The same hand hitched her dress upwards and slipped through the layers of fabric until it reached its intended destination. "This, I believe requires a more thorough search."
He dropped down to the floor yet not without holding her leg in place so it now rested firmly on his toned shoulder.
The pointy end of her heels grated tantalizingly against his back as he marveled at the leverage he had taken from her, along with her resistance. Mikasa looked down in horror as the top of his blonde head disappeared underneath the wavy ends of her crimson dress, a gust of warm breath against her barely-covered mound. The only thing that she could register on her brain next was something wet and boiling hot brushing against the flimsy fabric of her lacy thong, just before the muscle of his tongue slid across her cunt in one long, torturous lick.
She could only moan involuntarily, her breath coming out in pants with every daring lick of this mysterious man's tongue against her already dripping core. Oh God, it’s been too long. “More….” She whimpered softly, yet her voice though, was a contradicting guttural sound, even foreign to her own self as she urged him to pay more attention to that little bundle of nerves hidden somewhere in between her folds. But that asshole wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. 
His powerful hands gripped her waist in an unyielding hold, pulling her with him before pushing her body back on all fours onto the springy mattress. She bit her lower lips in anticipation, her watchful gaze lingered on the way the stranger's lips savored the taste of her with his tongue.
He pulled on the edges of her dress downwards, leaving her in only her brassiere, her thong and her pumps. A tiny shiver tingled across her spine as the cold air from the air conditioned room hit her bare skin. He grabbed hard at the firm shape of her ass, only covered by a measly thin string and eventually tore the flimsy underwear away.
"Beautiful." His tone appreciative, followed by a low growl. "So much more beautiful in person. Your husband is a very lucky man indeed, Ms. Ackerman. Or should I call you Mrs. Braun instead?"
Her breath labored heavily in her arousal, induced by this man's words. "No-- we can't--" Her body heaved as she felt this man's long digits prodding through her drenched slit without warning. Her traitorous lips let out a slow whimper, grunting in regret at her own body's betrayal.
It wasn't supposed to enjoy another man's intrusive touch. But it's too late. The intense animal magnetism of this man was just too much for her body to resist. Certainly not when its needs haven't been satiated for quite some time now.
She heard the rustling of coat and dress shirt, followed by the unmistakable sound of a zipper coming undone from behind. "Wait--we can't--"
"You're my captive for tonight, Mrs. Braun. You won't be getting any rest until my questions have been answered and our bodies have been mutually satisfied."
She felt his hand undoing the clasp of her brassiere and she watched helplessly as the undergarment was ripped apart, landing against the carpeted floor of the luxury hotel room. "What answers?"
"For starters, tell me how hard do you like to be fucked?"
Her head turned sharply, her body struggling to wrestle control against the iron grip on her nape and her waist. "HOW ABOUT NO?"
"Are you sure?" She could feel his fingers toying with the sacred bundle of nerves within her folds and the blazing hot tip of his manhood already teasing at her slick entrance.
"God…." She moaned in agony. The sloshing sounds made by her own treacherous body couldn't make her sinful desires even more obvious than it already was. "Wait--we can't--" Don't do it, Mikasa. "Please…" Oh, heavens... Her voice cracked, her words turned into a series of low, incoherent grunts and mewls.
She muttered another low whimper, cursing when she felt the unwarranted sting on her skin following the sound of a loud smack from this smug asshole's palm hitting her ass.
Without yet another warning, the piercing tip of his member penetrated through her slit as he rammed into her viciously; she could truly taste him pervading her walls, its head hitting her crux with a painful yet thrilling contact. Her shock manifested in the way her lips trembled and her knees buckled against the soft egyptian cotton sheets. A long drawl of whimper escaped her scarlet sunrise-painted lips when he filled her so deliciously.
“Can your husband make you scream like I do?” He whispered those vile words into her ear when their hips pounded against each other once more upon impact. This sinful stranger imposed on her a choice she’d never make as a decent woman, wife and mother. The second he thrusted his whole length and girth raw into the tight passage deep inside her with no abandonment, she’d eventually admitted that her conscience had been long gone the moment they first laid their eyes on the other in the crowded bar.
She felt a hand seizing her chin from behind, tilting upwards and forcing her long neck to stretch further than she usually could. Their bodies fusing, this man rested his whole weight on her, pressing her flat against the mattress. It sprung from their combined weight. This man's mystifying gaze punctured through her conflicted soul - he was a metaphorical devil. Claiming not only her unjust body, but also her reluctant soul. Even more so when he brushed his thin full lips against her trembling ones. Their teeths chattered, their tongues wrestled for dominion of the other's will.
He snickered through the kiss, his chest vibrated against her back. She could even feel his member vibrating deep within her wet, hot canals. "What would Mr. Braun say if he sees you this way, hmm?"
Fucker. He stretched her thin and she cursed herself -- her body kept pulling him in. This man commandeered full authority over her body through every twist of his hips and every angle of his thrusting. Harder and faster. Faster and harder. Yet her mouth kept screaming a feigned resistance. As if the pure, innocent part of her was justifying the pleasure she was receiving along with her impending, forced shame.
Something about his recklessness and guts made the wicked person inside her want to break free. She was a good wife but this man is pushing her to the edge, tipping her scale from good to super bad really quickly. If these walls had eyes, they would patronize her for being so unabashedly wanton with another man’s dick deep inside her, filling her up, stretching herself tight using his substantial size with every thrust, wet glides and titillating tractions.
This man kept on thrusting mercilessly, his hips pounded hard against her ass again and again from behind until their inevitable gratification of merciful release, eventually setting her free.
He growled loudly for one last time when he unloaded his release deep inside her tight passage. Almost frozen, barely able to move as their bodies crashed flat against the springy bed, stacked on top of the other. 
"Break." She mumbled against the sheet, still gasping - almost choking- for the air that she had lost.
"Agreed." He nuzzled against the back of her nape, inhaling in her sweet fragrance and the unavoidable scent of their aftermath. "Fuck, I miss you so much, baby." He snuck a kiss on her cheek as he pulled himself out of her, staring at his already flaccid member, secretly commending it for an exceptional performance even when he's almost approaching the big 4 Oh.
Mikasa turned herself slightly and rested her hand against the sinewy hardness of his thigh, showering it with gentle and loving caress. "Welcome home." God, he still amazes her even after twelve years together.
"Come here." He pulled her body closer to his so they both rested against the headboard of the bed, with his arms around her. "I've never stopped thinking about you when I was away."
"I wasn't doing any better." She cupped his jaw, smiling at the thick growing beard she found there. "You haven't been shaving."
He wiggled his eyebrows cunningly. "I think it adds more character don't you think?"
A sudden realization caused her body to spring up and asked, "What time is it?"
He leered at the watch on his wrist. "Eleven. Why?"
"I was supposed to take the pill two hours ago, Reiner."
"It's fine. I forgot to pack a box too. Miraé found the one at home and she thought it was a really special balloon we've been hiding. Thanks to her, I think the one we have might have expired anyway."
A grin formed on her lips. "That girl. I told her so many times not to snoop around our dressing table." She looked back at him hesitantly before confiding, “Reiner, I’ve actually been forgetting to take the pill for a week now. What if we--”
“Then it’ll be a nice surprise don’t you think? I kind of missed seeing you pregnant again.” His large hand rested on the curves of her sculpted abdomen. He remembered very vividly how breathtaking she had been, even more beautiful when her body was swelling with not one but two babies from nine years ago. The pregnancy had been harder for him due to his Couvade Syndrome for two full trimesters but he’d do it all over again.
She traced the inks on the left side of her husband’s torso : the kanji of their twin’s names - Masaru and Miraé.  “I thought we’re done having babies?”
“I’ve held our home front with the double trouble and I love every single second of it. Another baby’s not gonna be a new challenge but it’s really up to you, dearheart. You know I’d carry the baby if I could.” He rested his palm over the hand on his torso. “Another ink would be nice. Or two? Rémy's been asking if he can have his own baby brother, I quote, and or sister since Armin and Annie's having another new cousin for them.”
Mikasa swallowed slowly, envisioning another pair of twins inside the house. Her eyes lit up at the potential new adventures or misdemeanours in tow - either way you can't have one without the other. "I think it would be really amazing. I couldn't do it without you."
"And I couldn't do it without you."
He ensnared her lips in another appreciative kiss.
“Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Braun. Thank you for an amazing eleven years of married life together.” He fumbled around his wrist for the luxury watch, engraved with their names and the most important date of his life: the day he made her his wife. “Thank you for the gift. I love it very much. And, here's mine for you.” He retrieved a custom-made dark blue box wrapped with a matching dark purple ribbon from the side table.
Her eyes widened as she saw the box and recognized the label. Only from the finest custom jeweller in South Marley. "Oh…."
"I know you don't wear jewellery because it's hazardous when you're performing surgeries but I really want you to have something more practical but still reminds you of me every second."
Great minds think alike it seems as he too had gotten her a custom fitness watch made from palladium only available in Marley. "I love it. Thank you so much, Reiner." She wasted no time in placing his gift around her wrist, absolutely revelling in its perfect weight and its snug fit. Just like every part of him to hers.
"Look, we match." He grinned as he moved their wrists closer.
They basked in their blissful aftermath before their lips found each other again.
“If you were my wife?", she laughed at the callback of their earlier rendezvous at the seaside bar. “Your roleplaying skills have gone rusty, Vice Commander Braun”
“Well, my dear Dr. Ackerman-Braun, it only means we need to do this more often. Hey, maybe next time we can do the hot teacher, bad student routine?”
“We’ve done that 2 years ago.”
“This time I’ll be the hot teacher.”
“Hah…depends though, will you wear your reading glasses?”
He wiggled his eyebrows hilariously. "How thick do you want it to be?"
"Oh god."
He pecked at the juncture of her neck. "Hey, do you think I can borrow one of Armin's work shirt vests?"
"Please stop." She was already laughing hard at the horrendous mental image yet didn't stop his fondling hands or the tiny bites of his teeth against her skin.
They were about to dive deep into another round of lovemaking when the room's phone rang, completely shattering the private haven they have built between the sea of sheets.
"Baby, leave it." Reiner growled into her ear, his hand pulling on her own that's already pressing at the device's speaker button.
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU SICK FREAKS!" A loud voice could be heard from the other end.
"Shut up, Annie." Reiner barked at the phone, but his tone was betrayed by the amused smirk on his face.
Mikasa shook her head at her husband. "Thanks, Annie. Armin too if he's still awake."
"Hey… welcome back, Reiner." Armin's voice could be heard coming from the background of the other couple's room.
"Thanks, bro. Sure good to be back."
"You know Reiner," quipped Annie. "If you really stood her up, I'll be the one who personally hooks Mikasa up with one of those handsome rando strangers we saw at the bar."
"Not today, Satan. I meant, sis."
The two couples broke into a mutual amused laughter.
"Now, Annie, can you please piss off so I can get back to banging my sexy missus?"
Their respective spouses' hollering their names echoed behind their backs before the call ended with a quick 'Make a baby!' phrase from his stepsister.
"Now, where were we, Mrs. Braun?"
The ends of her painted lips curved upwards and her lightly painted nails were already trailing down her husband's impressive body. She leered sensuously when she climbed on top of her husband's broad frame. "Making a baby."
A/N: This is inspired by my upcoming Love Like This AU, where Reiner’s stepsister, Annie is married to Armin, who’s also his wife’s childhood friend. Mikasa and Annie are competitive in-laws and the dysfunctional Braun-Leonhardt family are chaotic, eccentric and loving as they come. No children were harmed in the making of this fic. As a matter of fact, on that night, a child has been conceived haha Thank you for your reading! xoxo
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citygirlinschool · 3 years
Breaking Bad
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Read it on Ao3
Original bingo
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” 
“I have got two research papers pending, I am falling behind on my thesis and I have to submit Mr D’s essay on Monday. So yes, I am not coming.” Frank resisted the urge to physically pick up the boy from his bed and throw him out. 
He could if he wanted to. Leo was a tiny slip of a thing, all wild curls and ADHD. And gods did the boy tempt him to do some serious bodily harm to him.
“Come on man you haven’t come to a single party since well... ever. This one is supposed to be real rager.” 
With a jerked motion he stood up from his desk, threw his door open and marched towards the kitchen. 
“Is that supposed to be a No?” There was ruffling of sheets and Oh my Gods he was wearing shoes the whole time.
His eyes twitched and he slammed the glass on the counter with more force than necessary. A drink, that’s what he needs.
“Mixed signals buddy.” And there he was in all his flannel glory, and those hideous pun t-shirt (Never trust an atom, they make up everything). Never would he have guessed the devil would be a elf in science pun t-shirts. 
“No, Valdez. I am not coming to your rager party.” He made towards the refrigerator.
“Whatever man your loss.” 
There was an audible slam of the door as the fridge door fell of it’s hinges and over a startled Frank, followed by a crash of food spilling on to the floor.
“So, what was it this time?” 
“He broke the fridge.” Frank stabbed his food gloomily.
“And?” Percy waved a ketchup covered fry.
“He fixed the AC.” Frank mumbled.
“That’s good right?” 
“After he broke it.” He snorted.
Percy was in the year above him. Swim team captain and marine biology major. They met by accident and hit it off immediately.
They made it a point to meet in the dinner near the college campus once a week, or when they could.
“What else?” he drawled lazily, and Frank would feel guilty about turning all these meetings into venting sessions, except Percy wasn’t the type to entertain people just because it’s polite, so he probably didn’t mind.
“He brought someone back to the dorm. Again. Some blondie, Maria. This is the third this month. And it’s distracting, and I have told him clearly to bring someone when I am gone… How does he even land these many?” 
“He is kinda cute?” Percy shrugged.
Frank pulled a face. “He has a horrible track record. Can you believe he flirted with Ms Grace?” 
“To be fair he flirts with everybody. I don’t think it counts.” 
“Still. That’s the Thalia Grace.”
 “Touché. Talked to the Dean?” 
“Jason said, only Octavian is vacant. And that guy is… creepy.”
Percy nodded solemnly. “Heard he guts plush toys to some cult god he worships.” 
Frank looked at him wide eyes, and just like that Leo was forgotten. 
At least until he reached back to his dorm. 
“Frankie! You are back.” Leo flashed him his infuriating smirk that he knows gets on his every nerves. “Hazel was just leaving.” And that asshole turns to her, “Until you changed your mind and decided to stay.” 
He flirts with everybody; it doesn’t mean anything. Percy’s voice echoed warningly in his mind.
Hazel flushes, and looks down. Those flawless curls hiding reddened cheeks. “Thanks for the offer but I can’t stay past curfew.” 
“Aw.” Leo leans forward, “That’s not a no.” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t be stickler for rules, get that enough from Frankie boo here.” 
This time Frank’s cheeks heat up. “Leo.” He hopes he would stop.
“Fine, Fine. Goodnight, Hazel.”
“Bye, Leo.” She presses her books to her chest, and Frank shuffles hurriedly to the side as Hazel moves past him.
He slams the door once Hazel is past. 
“So,” Leo straightens from where he was leaning against the wall. “Somebody has got a crush.”
“Cant blame you, she is a real looker.” 
“Oh, come on, don’t play.” He stalks back towards his room, his back toward the Latino. “You already knew that.” 
“I did?” there it is again, the annoying mocking tone he didn’t bother dignifying with a reply. But that didn’t deter Leo from barging in his room behind him either.
“I mean, were all those lectures ignored in the favour of staring at the back of her head, and doodling H+F in the back of your notebook, did give me an inclination but thought they stood for Himbo plus- “ 
“Shut up, asshole.” He whirled around. “You know I freaking liked her.” He stalked towards him. 
“Oh yeah like how you knew my Chatelier’s experiment made twelve percent of my grade?” 
“I apologized for it.” He spit back in his face, grabbing his forearms. 
“That doesn’t make up for it, jerk.” He hissed back.
Blood roared in his veins, drowning out any further jabbing remarks from the squirming boy in his arms.
Gods the things he would do to shut him up. 
“-and would you please let me go, I am pretty sure this counts as phys- Mmph! ” 
He kissed him. That annoying fucking mouth, with those pretty fucking lips. He bit on his lips tugging at them, pressing that tiny body against his.
He kissed him. Fuck.
Frank stumbled back in horror. “Shit I am sorry, I didn’t- “ 
“Oh no.” Leo lunged at him, and he stumbled back in surprise, catching his hips. “You would be sorry when I am done with you.” 
Harsh demanding lips pressed against him, a sharp nip and the metallic tang of blood spilled on his tongue, making him curse.
The heels of Leo’s feet dug in his back, “Bed, bed, bed!” He panted, slim but strong fingers tugging at his hair painfully, tilting it back. He grabbed his lips in another kiss that had his dick aching in his pants.
Frank stumbled blindly towards his twin bed, his hands groping the Latino’s ass, as they both fell on the congested bed in tangle of limbs.
Leo’s hand left his hair and trailed over his collar, clever fingers making a quick job of his shirt, hips shamelessly grinding in his abdomen. 
“Come on, man, get naked.” He ran his fingers over his chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Leo.” He pulled back, “Aren’t we going a bit fast.” 
Leo’s lips pulled back in a condescending sneer, “You sure you wanna be a cock blocker.”
His hand snaked down to the bulge in his pants, and he involuntarily humped forward into the pressure.   “I already hate you enough.”
That was a reminder enough. The clothes were gotten rid of in a flurry of uncoordinated limbs, and broken buttons, until a very naked Frank, had a very naked Leo in his lap. 
He dug his teeth into the hollow of his collar bones, and Leo hissed, but didn’t stop the wild rhythm of his hips. Frank’s hand squeezed the ample flesh in his hands and parting them. 
The head of his cock slipped between them, sliding over the fuzzy hole.
Leo’s hips stuttered, and he exhaled shakily, fingers digging in his shoulders hard enough that Frank knew they would leave welts.
“Lube? Tell me you have lube” his voice was so deep; it had his cock twitching.
“Top drawer, in the back.” He mumbled, leaning back until he was laying down as Leo stretched over him, searching his drawer.
He couldn’t help but mouth over his well formed abdomen, for his deceptively short stature he was strong. Lithe muscles and surprisingly broad shoulders. 
Fuck he hated him so much.
There was a click of lube opening, as Leo pulled back, his fingers dripping with lube.
He leaned forward, one hand beside his head while he reached behind him.
Frank knew the exact moment Leo’s fingers breached him. His eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched and his breathing became a tad bit heavier. 
He reached up, pressing a sweet almost a innocent kiss against his lips, and for a moment Leo let him. 
“Let me do it.”
And just like that Leo pulled away. 
His weeping cock bobbed proudly between his supple thighs, his dusky nipple looked raw and abused, there was a myriad of hickies littering his chest and his hair was wilder than usual. 
Yet, that jerk had the audacity to smirk mockingly at him.
“Not your girlfriend, Zhang. So don’t treat me like it.” he must have done something inside him cause his eyes fluttered for a moment. “Besides- Ah” his back arched, “we are doing this by-mmh- my rules, cause clearly you are as clueless in this-Ah!”
“What is your problem.” Frank had jostled his fingers out of him as he flipped them over. “I am just trying to be nice.” He snarled.
“No what you’re trying to do.” A lube covered finger smeared across his neck, “is fucking coddle me.” He spat.
“I am not coddling you.” He glared indignantly at the infuriating boy underneath him.
“Oh yeah? What is this? Fucking me? Please, you are not even in me.” He sneered mockingly.
“I am- I don’t –” Leo mercifully cut his spluttering off with a kiss.
“God I didn’t know I had to just spread my legs to get underneath your skin.”
He would have tried replying, except Leo had wrapped his lubed up hand around his dick, slicking it up with quick efficient strokes, and Frank had been so painfully hard all this time all he could do was helplessly jerk forward into the warm wet hole, until Leo tightened his grip. “Don’t come.” He warned, as he guided him to his stretched hole.
Frank to his dying day would deny the sound he emitted when his head slipped in.
A loud unashamed sound, as his head dropped onto Leo’s shoulder, as he panted harshly. Leo was tighter and hotter then anything he had ever felt before. And so deliciously soft.
He wouldn’t have been able to stop the unrelenting rolls of his hips as he pushed deeper if he wanted to.
Like he had no control over his hips, he pushed in inch after inch, as Leo’s back arched off the bed until Frank bottomed out.
For a moment Frank could just lay still and shiver so as to not bust a nut, Leo as so tight around him, it was probably painful for him.
“Move, move, move, jackass.” Or maybe not.
“Oh, gods fuck me, or I am gonna fuck up your laptop and not repair- Oh yesss!” Leo’s eyes rolled back in his head, as Frank pulled out almost all the way and then pushing in rapidly. 
“Why can’t you shut up for a moment.” Frank picked up his pace. “For once –mmh” his nipped at his ear, “just shut up- ah fuck- and moan.” 
“Maybe- mmph- Maybe if you put all that beef - oh Dios- and man boobs (he gripped said boobs) to use than I will.” 
Frank dug his teeth right below his ears, just shy of tearing skin, but definitely marring the skin, as he readjusted his grip, hooking his hands underneath his knees and practically folding the twink (because that’s what Leo fucking Valdez is and Frank is tired of lying) in half. 
He must have hit his prostrate with the deeper angle cause Leo made a he- would- never- admit- it- but- adorable high-pitched sound, his hands flying between his legs, except Frank slapped it away and wrapped his own hand around his flushed, almost painfully purple cock.
Much to his pleasure Leo hooked his own hand underneath his knees, holding himself open.
“Didn’t know” he panted, “all it took was a good dicking down to shut you up.” 
Leo’s eyes opened up to slits, in what he thinks is a glare, but it is hard to take him seriously on good days, even harder with his cock stupid bambi eyes, and drool covered chin.
Fuck! This is the hottest thing ever and Frank hates him so much.
Frank lost his carefully maintained rhythm, finally rutting in abandon. The bed creaked threateningly, the headboard banging fiercely with the force of his thrusts.
Paired with the slick sound of where Frank was jerking Leo off, slap of skin against skin and squelch of Frank fucking Leo, it sounded like a cheap porno.
Harsh breathing was littered with moans and litany of curses. There tongues ran sloppily against each other, Leo tweaked his nipples, clenching down on Frank as they both hurtled toward the peak like freight train.
The orgasm was a bang.
In hindsight, two fully grown men fucking on a barely hanging on twin bed was not the wisest plan. But what can he say? Leo brings out the worst in him.
“Did it?” Frank muttered tiredly. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“Get off.” Leo’s voice was slurred and strained, “You are suffocating me. And you are sleeping on the couch.” 
“What was it this time?” 
“The bed.” 
“Leo broke your bed?” 
“Something like that.” Frank mumbled.
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atinybitofau · 4 years
S E O N G H W A ⥈ mafia au series
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RECAP: you finally have to close the deal with the devil and you meet with Hongjoong one last time before becoming a married woman. you also decide to postpone a honeymoon for another time.
word count: 2010+ , tags: angst
characters: ateez (ensemble), fem!reader
character list . prologue . one
Turns out Jongho had a thing for weeding out the imperfections, flaws in a woman. It was easy for him, arriving no later than 11 in the morning to join both you and San after your dress fitting to do your hair.
“I can fix the hair.” The city turned country gangster’s lips grimace at the dark bags under your drooping eyes. “The makeup.. you’ll have to do on your own, sweetheart.”
You clutch on the silver necklace he’s handed you before he put his hands on your head, the thought of blessing Seonghwa with an engagement gift beyond your intentional rights. You play with the small compass charm between your fingers and gaze at your reflection in the mirror.
So you look like complete shit: lack of sleep, lack of encouragement, lack of pride. This was you in your most pitiful state and the boys could only spare mercy in your absence of excitement. You’ve always dreamed about family and weddings— the trends in modern life you were never entitled to try. Seonghwa was already giving you parts of the world you’ve always wanted and you couldn’t hate him for that. The arrangement however was something you’ll have to hold against him.
“You look beautiful.” Yunho nods in your direction after Jongho fluffs at your curled hair. “Y/n, you do. Now stop frowning and making it worse.”
You let out an upheaval sigh. “Remind me again why I have to dress up for such a casual occasion.”
San scoffs from the side still nitpicking his sleek suit. “This is your wedding, y/n. Have some respect for yourself. It’s the least you can do.”
“It’s a wedding with a man I don’t even want. And he said so himself this was more a partnership than ties of love.” You force yourself to retort in the nicest way possible. “Seonghwa has good intentions and that’s great. But my place in his heart is not something I earned and I’m far from pleased.”
“You rather woo Seonghwa? Then do it, at least, after your wedding.” Yunho charmingly places his chin over your shoulder to face you in the mirror. “This wedding is passed formalities but something he sought good for the both of you. He wants you to feel comfortable and that’s leeway enough to your heart. Accept it as it is and maybe you won’t get shot.”
You hear it so many times, you ponder over thought of maybe wanting to get shot at this point. Why was Seonghwa so prideful? What else was he hiding?
“The day he ever wants to shoot me is the day I end this partnership of his he claims is good for the both of us.”
The trio behind you pause in their movements and let your answer sink in. It’s not everyday they get to see a woman get ready to marry a man they assume to be their best friend. It certainly isn’t every day they get to see a woman as beautiful as you sit in front of them with a personality as fierce as their empty hearted boss. Although they’re intimidated, they feel a particular sense of relief knowing you’re fully aware of your circumstances. They didn’t sign up for meddling in an innocent life though you’re far from innocent.
“We have to meet some of our partners..” San clears his throat as you fumble with the jewelery in your hand. “I’m sure you won’t mind if we leave you with your thoughts for a bit.”
“Not at all.” please.
They hum in response before setting out prompt, your thoughts a little more blind in your head than they think. You look in the mirror after they leave and think to yourself that you’re just a penny of satisfaction. The best way for you to accept all this is to breathe and let it go. It’s gotten you this far.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” A voice echoes through the slit of the door. “If you haven’t tried killing yourself already.”
Your eyes light up like a child on Christmas Day. “Hongjoong.”
His lips quirk at your tone of admiration. “You look beautiful, babe.”
Your own lips quiver and you’reholding back the years of tears. “Can you hug me please? Just this once?”
He sighs softly before coming over to take you into his arms. The homey embrace of someone you trusted— no someone who trusts you was enough to end some misery. The one thing Seonghwa could grant you that you’d thank him for was this. Hongjoong was far from what you deserve but he’s someone you wished you could have. Life served you another platter and you can’t just complain and ask for a refund.
“Of all the years I’ve known you, y/n, seeing you in a wedding gown would be the last thing I’d ever imagine.”
You roll your eyes at the city mobster before turning in your chair. “I’m surprised he let you imagine let alone show up today.”
Hongjoong presses his lips together and fumbles with his tie. “There’s a lot of things you’d be surprised by.”
You sniffle mostly to undermine all the overwhelming thoughts in your head. Hongjoong sees right through you though.
“I’m sure Seonghwa’s got good intentions. Despite the fact, obviously, I’m not all for the things he does—Beyond what he does, y/n, he’s a good guy.”
You scoff his way, looking elsewhere in your reflection afraid of his words.
“Are you here to patronize the enemy some more or walk me down the aisle?”
He chuckles wholeheartedly, coming over to plant a reassuring kiss on the top of your head. Where your father lacked, Hongjoong picked up. You can’t name a single man— no person on this planet who has made you whole enough as Hongjoong does and maybe why Seonghwa is threatened. Hongjoong is a force no one is reckoned to feel accustomed to. The city monster had ties everywhere. Feeling sorry for your father was one thing; feeling sorry for you was little of what the truth was.
“You are a gem.” He annunciations through a genuine smile. “Be it Seonghwa nor I aren’t lucky to have. You’re a blessing.”
You look into Hongjoong’s eyes with a type of everlasting loyalty you can’t define. “How can you be okay with Seonghwa having me? I was already yours..”
“Your father was mine and I let you have the benefit of the doubt.” His comment sharpens at the end.
“Losing him was nothing but means to end for you. Don’t act like it was more than that.” You try to rebuttal.
“It was something I didn’t like but it sure as hell made you happy. And so I heard.”
Hongjoong’s very casual. He likes to be hands on in a moment and is, trend wise, very different from your future husband. It’s not like you loved Hongjoong romantically or anything. It just felt wrong to need to love someone else that’s all.
“Walk down the aisle.” He whispers again against the crown of your ear, hand hovering over your bare shoulders with hesitance and grace. “I’ll always be right here when you need me the most.”
It’s some misdirection partly. Also partly your fault that you’ve gotten here. Now you’re walking down an aisle with Southside’s very own devil standing at the alter awaiting you. You don’t look back on purpose. That and Hongjoong’s grip right beside is not one on par with a fatherly gesture. Hongjoong probably wanted to wring Seonghwa for what it’s worth too.
“Past formalities?” Hongjoong mumbles when you two get one step closer to the end of your suicide mission.
“Definitely past that.”
“Knock em dead, sweetheart.”
Let the party commence.
There was little shared words between you, your new husband, and the pastor. With what seemed like false devotion and empty promises, the wedding reception began. You two sat together on a podium where it’s pretty obvious Seonghwa’s treated like royalty. You were right in his district and with first impressions comes clear boundaries to be made. He wanted you to know where he stands. You two sat together as husband and wife but complete strangers. It was awkward watching the sight of men come and go to prove that Seonghwa was nothing but a merciless mafia boss. The gifts weren’t even of your benefit either.
Hongjoong left early (something you’ll press against him some other day forward) and you were stuck thinking about when this cursed day was going to end. Somehow someway it did and you were in a car fraternizing with the enemy this time.
“— So you married me instead?”
The air gets thick. It almost gets so thick you think you’re getting some type of allergic reaction to his face in the confinement of his wide vehicle. Staring at him was no gut wrenching eye sore but it’s not something you were used to just yet. Seonghwa’s eyes matched the color of war— red with fury and relent. There was something there that his calm tone didn’t quite express to it’s fullest capability.
“You’d rather be dead?”
His coldness reflected on you. It’s probably your body’s natural mechanism of defense coming to play because you’re sure as hell you’re not gonna let some man control you for the rest of your life. No, you may not get that right to speak up and say something that might as well get you killed but you still aren’t gonna let him walk all over you.
“Are you gonna get out of your dress or did you want me to strip you out of it for you instead?”
His tone persists as he emerges from the bathroom to see you sitting on solemn. You glance up tiredly at the cheeky bastard who’s lips perk at your attention. You look away without a word at all before taking your dress off without further notice.
His throat clams up at the sight, unsure of how long his self constraint would last even for the night. The sight of your broadened narrow shoulders— bare and ready to taste— was something he was definitely not prepared for. His hands tremble as the damp towel between his fingers drops and you glance to look at him.
“Tempted?” You rasp in the most taunting voice you could fabricate. “Mind me, but you asked if I was going to get out of my dress, Seonghwa. I’m showing you that I can follow basic instructions, was that not what you asked of me? Of this partnership.”
He chokes on that, jaw clenched. “Pressing my buttons, honey, is not something I suggest you test.”
You hold your dress up back to your chest as you turn to face him. “I’m just letting you know what kind of wife you gambled to marry, my sweet husband.”
He nearly screams the moment you slam the bathroom door. Not realizing on both sides that either of you were ready to combust. You shower the anger, the resentment away and Seonghwa just lays back on his bed staring at the bathroom door.
He needs to stay away from you at any time possible. Until he learns to control himself at least. Living with a woman, a woman of his absurd dreams, was proving itself difficult. You weren’t just gonna give yourself up to him just like that either.
“Sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow.” Is all he says before turning on his back when you shut the lights off.
You stare at it. Like the night before when he got in bed without even saying a word, feeling cold.
“J-Just me?” You ask propped still on your elbow in the dark.
“I have business to take care of in the city. You’ll have San and Yunho tomorrow.” His voice lulls deeper as he’s getting pulled to his exhaustion. “It’s training you have to endure just in case. Hongjoong informed me you never took part in your father’s extravaganza’s and I need to know my wife is safe while I leave.”
“You want me to learn how to fight?”
“Something like that..”
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