#like guys. you are friends with anzu and naru
always-a-joyful-note · 9 months
Me, reading the AtoZ story: None of these guys understand how romance or women (aka, they are literally just humans beings like yoursel - human beings just like anyone else) work. Somehow, this explains so much....
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lake-archive · 4 months
Chapter 3
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters: Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC), Arashi Narukami, Leo Tsukinaga (mentioned)
Series: My Melody Of Love
Pairing: Leoann (Leo/Ann)
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Oh the recent developments had Arashi perhaps a little excited, she had to admit. When having heard of it for the first time she was ready to jump, bursting from excitement. Never had she ever even thought about something like this happening. And Leo–Kun had asked her too which was an honor. Of course anyone could rely on big sister! That much was a given! Though that had not made it less surprising that it was Leo–Kun who would ask of aall people… About the matters of the heart.
She honestly had expected anyone from Knights to be first or anyone outside of the unit too. After all, Leo–Kun would not strike anyone easily as the type to concern himself with such matters. Of course she didn’t mean that it was impossible! It was just that his passion lied with music and music alone. So much so that he could become engrossed in it on the spot and forget everything else. But here he had been, asking her.
“ Hey Naru! I need your advice on something! So so there’s this girl I like and I’m not sure how to go about it… No, wait! I am! But there’s something I gotta finish! Can you help me out? I want to hear what you have to think! ”
Of course Arashi herself had jumped at the opportunity pretty much right away and agreed. Yet she had been a little curious… “ Who is the lucky princess you fancy? ” She just couldn’t hold it in, the excitement overcoming her. She had an interest in such topics, more than anyone else probably. She just had to know, in case she knew the person. And it turned out that she did.
“ Oh, right! You know Miss Ghost, right? The translator I mean! Uh… Her name… Uhm… Ah, right, right! Ann–Chan! Yes, her! ”
Well, it had Arashi a little surprised yet it quickly made sense to her. After all, Leo–Kun sure mentioned Ann a lot. Not just that but he seemed to pay her more and more visits on his own. She had even heard that Izumi–Chan had to barge in and drag Leo–Kun away by force or else he would have been late for some work. And everytime Izumi–Chan did the former King of Knights was getting all pouty and refused to say a word for a good few minutes or saying stuff like “ Sena is being a poopyhead again! ” Though it would not last long at the very least.
But it had been this bad… Well, no complaints or anything like that. It was an amusing sight, to see Leo–Kun being like a lovesick puppy! Or kitty cat, that would fit him better, wouldn’t it? It was honestly adorable and Arashi had become beyond curious. She needed answers and she needed them as quickly as possible!
Luckily for her it was not just Leo–Kun and Ritsu–Chan who had gotten closer to the translator. She had also befriended the fellow woman over time, though things had been a little awkward at first. It was due to the language barrier, Ann–Chan herself not being a very fluent Japanese speaker. She was a foreigner. But Arashi didn’t mind. In fact, it was refreshing to have another woman around. Being surrounded by all the guys can be tiring… Of course she was still friends with them, her unit mates in particular, but there are matters which could only be discussed with a fellow woman. There is of course the hard working producer Anzu–Chan yet she was always so busy it was hard to catch her at a good time. But Ann–Chan was also fun to be around. And she seemed to have a little more time too! That or just enter her office to talk. She would not shoot anyone down, or just barely. And that was what Arashi had done.
All she wanted to know was the following – What did Ann–Chan think of Leo–Kun? At least for today. Such a time is exciting after all yet she would also try to comfort Leo–Kun should she shoot him down. It was something Arashi was more than familiar with… Even if she tended to cover it all up so no one would have to worry about a thing, She knew that the love of her own was one sided yet that shouldn’t get her down like that. It didn’t. She was not sitting idle and sulking but decided to enjoy life further. But that was also why she had been curious… Because if poor Leo–Kun was about to face a fate like big sister did then– 
“Huh? What I think of… Leo–San?” Ann hard repeated shortly after Arashi had asked the big question. Though the brunette was only looking at the fellow woman a bit in confusion, her fingers having paused the typing she had been doing earlier and her head had been going a little to the side. “Nice person. And fun too. I like him.”
What a general answer… But hey, at least she had confirmed to like him. That was better than in most instances sometimes. “Good good~ But I meant something… Hmm… More intense~” Arashi decided to hint at it this way, hoping that Ann–Chan would catch on like this but… 
“More intense? For Leo–San? Uhm… Like what?” Did she really have no clue!?
“Aww, don’t act all coy now Ann–Chan. You know what I mean~” The blonde woman continued, leaning a little more forward against the desk, her smile not fading at that moment. “A more intense feeling than like. So so, how about it? You can tell big sis! I promise to not tell anyone either~”
It had the brunette only blink for a few moments before responding: “I do not be getting it. Apologies.”
Oh— Was she being serious right now!? “You haven’t noticed anything?”
Arashi nodded. Now she herself had a hard time to guess how Ann–Chan would feel. She had not spotted the brunette around Leo–Kun a lot and honestly she was also not talking so much about him. There were a few mentions here and there yet it usually boiled down to “ Ah, I heard Leo–Kun mention that! ” or “ This is just like the time Leo–Kun did something! ” But she wasn’t swooning over him or anything like that. One would chop it down as no interest whatsoever yet matters of the heart are more complicated than that. There was some fondness there but it was hard to take a guess. It has made this a little difficult… And right now Ann–Chan was just proving a certain level of obliviousness. She really had not caught onto the question.
“Uh… No, nothing. Something… Wrong? With Leo–San I mean.” It had slowly escaped the brunette’s mouth, though only to try finding the right vocabulary. Nothing more than that. Arashi nearly dropped her head in defeat yet she didn’t. Deep breath, it will be fine… Deep breath… Deep breath.
“You’re a bit of an idiot, aren’t you?” She then sighed, having Ann–Chan flinch on the spot.
“Eh!? S… Sorry! I—”
“Alright, let big sister ask you directly… Are you in love with Leo–Kun?”
Though it was that sentence which made the silence kick in all the same, at least for a good moment. None of the two women had said a thing, only staring at each other for the time being. Minutes passed, the ticking of the clock more than audible. That was until Ann–Chan had decided to speak up again, though only repeating the last bit Arashi had just said.
“In Love… With Leo–San?”
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aeoki · 2 months
Made Me - Make You: Chapter 1
Location: Pretty Room Characters: Touri, Tsukasa, Ritsu, Arashi, Izumi, Leo, Mika, Hiyori & Aira Season: Autumn Writer: Yuumasu
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Arashi: Hello? Mika-chan? What’s wrong? Did you get lost?
Okay, you’ll be here soon? Thanks for letting me know.
Yup, we’ll be waiting for you. Take you time, okay? And be careful.
Anzu-chan, it looks like the other members of “Pretty 5” will be here soon.
The store’s finally going to open. I’m getting nervous.
…What’s wrong, Anzu-chan? Let’s greet them with a smile, you say?
Oh gosh, was it that obvious that I’m nervous?
Smiling is a must when it comes to customer service. I should lift those corners…♪
Still, thanks for coming despite the sudden request, Anzu-chan.
…You say you’ll come running over whenever this big sister needs you?
Ehehe. Hearing you say that makes me happy. I wanna hug you ♪
Only the members of “Pretty 5” will be here for the pre-opening today, so I think I should be able to manage serving them on my own.
It’s not something I’m used to, so it’s reassuring to have someone help me.
And most importantly, I wanted to show you this limited-time cafe – “Pretty Room”.
…Yup. The name is a combination of “pretty” and “tearoom”. It’s simple but I like it ♪
I have a friend who runs a boutique, but apparently, it’s always been their dream to open a cafe…
He found a nice place and decided to open a limited-time cafe to test things out.
I’m helping him out as the cafe’s “advisor and ambassador”. I also helped name the cafe.
I’m just helping them out as a friend for free, so I don’t think I can advertise the cafe on a big scale, though.
It’s okay if I advertise it by saying it’s my friend’s cafe, right, Anzu-chan?
…Ehehe. I can breathe a sigh of relief hearing you agree.
Yes. Let’s make “Pretty Room” a success while showing moderation.
It’s my friend’s dream. I should do everything I can to support him…♪
…Ah, it looks like Mika-chan and the others are here. Let’s go meet them, Anzu-chan.
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Arashi: Welcome to “Pretty Room” ♪
Come in, come in ♪
Mika: Hello. Sorry for makin’ yer wait, Naru-chan~
Ngh~? Anzu-chan’s here. It looks like she’s wearin’ the cafe uniform, but is she workin’ here part time?
Aira: …Ohh, you’re just helping out today?
You look great in it! It’s ravely!
Arashi: It’s cute, right? I thought it’d be nice for her to wear it since it’s the pre-opening.
Hiyori: The design’s nice and it looks like it functions well too – it’s a wonderful uniform.
It looks great on Anzu-chan, but I bet it’ll look lovely on me too, don’t you think?
Arashi: As expected of you, Tomoe-senpai. You understand the concept. The uniform was designed so that it would look good on anyone that wears it.
Touri: Really? Were you involved in the designing process, Narukami-senpai?
Arashi: Yup. I’m the store’s advisor, after all.
…Oh, gosh. We shouldn’t be chatting away like this. Sit wherever you like. I’ll bring you all some water right away–
Oh? Anzu-chan, you brought a few glasses of water over? Thanks.
Here’s the menu. It’s the pre-opening, so there’s not much we can actually serve, though.
I hope you enjoy “Pretty Room”...♪
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< That night. After a music show recording with all the “Knights” members. >
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Arashi: (...Ah. The members of “Pretty 5” are advertising it on social media right away.)
(There are a lot of comments that mention they’ll definitely go. I’m so happy ♪)
(Everyone said the food was delicious too. I have a feeling it’ll definitely be a success…♪)
Izumi: …Naru-kun, why’re you grinning to yourself? Gross, much.
Arashi: Geez, I was just on my phone. How rude.
Ritsu: Let’s see what Naru-chan was looking at…
Hmm, it’s Touri-kun’s social media page. There’s photos of Mikarin and the others too.
Arashi: Maybe I should use this chance to ask you guys to advertise it too. Do you remember “Pretty Room”? I mentioned it to you guys before.
Tsukasa: Oh… Isn’t that the Cafe you’re helping out with, Narukami-senpai?
Arashi: Yup, that’s the one. I’m the “advisor and ambassador” of the cafe, by the way…♪
It’s finally going to officially open tomorrow, but I extended a special invitation to all the “Pretty 5” members today.
Izumi: Hmm? You invited them just so you could get them to advertise for you?
Arashi: Izumi-chan, there are better ways of phrasing that. Well, that’s true for the most part, so I don’t have anything to say to that, though.
I’m helping my friend out for free, so this is the only way I can advertise the cafe.
Tsukasa: Right. We’re Idols. As long as we bear those titles, we must be careful when it comes to advertisements.
If you wish to do it on a big scale, then you must check with the agency first. Remuneration must also be paid as well. It must be all considered carefully.
Arashi: I know. I’ve already checked everything with Anzu-chan and I’m just helping a friend out.
So let me ask you guys to do the same ♪
Izumi: What~? I’m not gonna feel like going if I’m forced to go.
Leo: Wahaha. Sena’s such a contrarian~
I’m interested! Let’s go, Naru. Show me the way ☆
Arashi: What!? Now!? No, the cafe is opening tomorrow.
Geez, Leo-kun. Were you even listening?
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext Chapter →
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Dessert Crisis 3
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Sena Izumi, Tenshouin Eichi, Sakuma Ritsu, Isara Mao, Anzu
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Ritsu: He definitely also said something along the lines of “let’s enjoy the life of an ordinary high school student sharing a meal with some friends”, right?
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Season: Spring Location: Outside 2-B Classroom
Izumi: Tch. Seriously… Actually getting me to come all the way here… Getting Naru-kun or Kasa-kun to do it would’ve been fine.
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Not to mention, Naru-kun and Kuma-kun are in the same class – asking me to make a long detour when the problem could’ve been solved in such a convenient way is extremely annoying!
Eh? That guy over there… I remember his name is Isara or something? Isn’t he Kuma-kun’s childhood playmate or something?
Hey, Isara. Is Kuma-kun in class?
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Mao: Ah, it’s Sena-senpai! Ritchan’s in class, yes.
Would you like me to call him out?
Izumi: Mm, ask him to come out.
Mao: Gimme a minute.
Ritsu: Hm? Secchan, you’re looking for me?
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Izumi: Yes. Later in the afternoon, we Knights have a couple of jobs that need to be done, so remember to pay attention to your phone. Don’t you dare fall asleep and miss it, you hear me? Remember what I said.
Ritsu: Mhm, I gotcha, sorry for the trouble Secchan.
Izumi: Okay. My job here’s done, so I’ll be taking my leave now.
WOAH! Anzu, don’t just sneak up on people like that, you scared me!
Hm? You’re saying you saw Kuma-kun and I talking, but because you didn’t want to interrupt, you decided to stand behind me?
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Okay, okay, I understand; you don’t need to keep on apologising either. Though, you do look like you need to talk to Kuma-kun about something too.
I’ll leave the both of you to it then. Bye bye.
Ritsu: Why are there so many people looking for me today… I really became a busy bee…
Haha, I’m joking. What’s up? What do you need my help with?
You’re saying you’re here to meet up with Maa~kun and I? Why?
Mao: Ah, it’s because Sena-senpai asked me to call you out earlier on, so he didn’t have the time to tell you.
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So… it’s like this. We Student Council members were chatting about this and that, and I brought up you delving into dessert making in the library.
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The President was particularly interested after hearing that, so he’d like to invite the both of us as well as Anzu to the garden terrace for a meal; there’s even a “do it yourself” set meal option, so that he can watch Ritchan can make some sweets.
Ritsu: Haha, it does seem like something Ecchan would do.
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He definitely also said something along the lines of “let’s enjoy the life of an ordinary high school student sharing a meal with some friends”, right?
Mao: Haha, you guessed it. He did say that.
However, now that Anzu’s joined us, let’s make our way to the Garden Terrace quickly. Who knows, the President’s probably already there waiting for us.
Location: Garden Terrace
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Eichi: Over here, over here~ You’ve finally arrived~
Ritsu: Seems like Ecchan’s been waiting for quite a while – that’s also to say that you’re pretty invested in this meal, right~?
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Eichi: Haha. I’ll be having a meal with my fellow schoolmates. Of course I’ll be excited.
Not to mention, I do find these experiences rather refreshing.
Prior to your arrival, I’ve already seen today’s dishes.
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Today’s menu has quite the variety: there’s steak, pizza, omurice, and plenty others… It really does leave one spoilt for choice.
What would you like to have?
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Ritsu: I wanna eat the same thing as Maa~kun, so I’ll have whatever he’s having.
Mao: Eh? Why does it feel like the problem of choosing something just got pushed onto me…
Anzu, do you have any recommendations? Hm? You’re saying that the steak looks good? Okay, I’ll have that then.
Ritchan, do you eat steak?
Ritsu: Mm, I have faith in Anzu’s recommendations~ 
Eichi: Then I’ll have the pizza~ I saw that there’s limited supply for today, and I have a feeling that I’ll need to wait for quite a long while if I want to eat it again~
Anzu-chan? You’d like to have the omurice?
Okay~ Let’s have some delicious food together, hahaha.
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[A few moments later]
Ritsu: I’m so full~ Think I’m gonna slip into a food coma soon.
Anzu, you’re saying that it’s easy for one to put on weight if they fall asleep right after eating?
Yeah yeah, I get it. Then again… didn’t we talk about going to the Garden Terrace’s kitchen to make some desserts? Let’s go~
Eichi: It’s rare to see you abound with energy during the daytime, Ritsu-kun.
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Ritsu: Frankly speaking, I am feeling a little sleepy right now; but if we’re gonna be baking, this kind of attitude isn’t acceptable, so I’ll need to wake myself up.
After the desserts have been made and shared with everyone, I’ll go have a good ol’ nap.
Mao: Did something happen? What are you looking for, Ritchan?
Ritsu: I don’t know where I put the drafts I made last night.
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But it’s fine; I have the upgraded version in mind. Please look forward to it, hehehe~
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edenaeris · 7 months
[food fantasy] dessert crisis / chapter 3
🦋 Writer: Mitsuki
🦋 Featuring: Ritsu, Mao, Izumi, Eichi, Anzu
[ Ois~su♪ ]
Season: Spring
Location: In front of 2-B classroom
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Izumi: Tch. Really, why ask me to come? Could have just asked Naru-kun or Kasa-kun.
Naru-kun is even on the same class as Kuma-kun. I had to take such a long detour when the problem could’ve been solved easily. Sooo~ annoying!
Hm? That person over there, if I remember right his name is Isara, isn’t it? I think he’s Kuma-kun’s childhood friend?
Hey you, Isara. Is Kuma-kun in the classroom?
Mao: Ah, it’s you, Sena-senpai. Yeah, Ritsu’s inside right now.
Want me to call him for you?
Izumi: Yeah, I need to talk to him.
Mao: Just a sec.
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Ritsu: Oh? Were you looking for me, Secchan?
Izumi: Yeah. Knights has work in the afternoon, so keep an eye on your phone and make sure you don’t fall asleep and miss the call. You gotta remember it, alright?
Ritsu: Okay, okay, I get it. No need to worry, Secchan.
Izumi: Well, my job here is done. I’ll be taking my leave now.
Woah! Hey, transfer student, don’t just stand behind others all quiet like that. Scared the shit out of me!
Huh, so you saw me talking to Kuma-kun and decided to wait till we finished because you didn’t want to disturb?
Alright, alright, it’s fine, no need to keep apologizing, jeez. Anyway, you have something to do with Kuma-kun since you were looking for him, don’t you?
Then, I won’t hold you up anymore. Bye.
Ritsu: Wow, so many people coming to see me today. Seems like I’ve become a highly requested person.
Haha, just kidding. So, what’s up? What do you need from me?
You came to talk to Maa~kun and me? What is it about?
Mao: Ah, right. Because Sena-senpai came here, I forgot to tell you before.
So, this is what happened. Today, when we were chatting in the StuCo room, I mentioned that you were reading about sweets-making in the library.
Prez looked quite interested after hearing that and said he wanted to have lunch at the Garden Terrace with you, me, and Anzu, so he could go for the “make your own meal” option and watch you make some treats.
Ritsu: Haha, that does sound like something Ecchan would do.
He must also have said something like “This is what is like to enjoy the life of an ordinary high school student, having lunch with your classmates”, right?
Mao: Ahaha, spot on! He really did say that, sheesh.
In any case, now that Anzu’s here too, we should get going to the Garden Terrace. Prez must be already there too, just waiting for us.
Location: Garden Terrace
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Eichi: Over here~ You’ve finally made it.
Ritsu: Seems like you’ve been here for a long time, Ecchan. You must be really looking forward to this meal, right~
Eichi: Haha, of course. After all, I’m having lunch with my classmates, so it’s only natural for me to be happy.
And I feel like this will be a quite nouveau experience for me.
Before you guys arrived, I went ahead and took a look at today’s menu.
There seems to be a good variety of dishes today, including steak, pizza, and omurice, among many others. How tough, I have no idea what to choose.
What about you? What do you want to eat?
Ritsu: I’m having the same as Maa~kun. So Maa~kun, you can go and choose for us.
Mao: Eh? Why do I feel like you just pushed the problem on me…
Hm, do you have any recommendations, Anzu? Hm? You say the steak looks good? Okay, I’ll have the steak, then.
Same for you, Ritsu?
Ritsu: Yup, yup. Must be yummy if Anzu’s the one who recommended it.
Eichi: Then, I’ll have the pizza. It’s apparently today’s special dish, and I think I’d have to wait a long time for another opportunity to try it~ [1]
What about you, Anzu? You say you’d like the omurice?
Alright. Then, let’s share a delicious meal with each other, shall we? Ahaha.
Time: After a while
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Ritsu: I’m so full~ It’s making me a little sleepy.
Hm? You’re saying that it’s easier to gain weight if you sleep right after a meal, Anzu?
Don’t worry, I’m aware. In any case, didn’t you want me to make some sweets in the Garden Terrace’s kitchen? Let’s go, then.
Eichi: Oh, how unusual for you to look so energetic this time of the day, Ritsu-kun.
Ritsu: To be honest, I’m really sleepy right now, but I can’t afford to be sluggish while cooking, so I have to perk up. 
I’ll have a proper nap once we finish eating the snacks together.
Mao: What’s wrong? What you’re looking for, Ritsu?
Ritsu: I can’t remember where I left my drawing from last night.
Well, forget it. I already have an upgraded version of that design in mind anyway, so you should look forward to it. Fufufu~
[ ☆ ]
Fun fact, this is an easter egg. In the collab, the bloomed cards have the Enstars characters cosplaying as the characters of Food Fantasy. Ritsu as Red Wine, Tsumugi as Peking Duck, Mao as Steak, and Eichi as Pizza (yes, all the characters have food names, that’s the whole plot of the game, they are basically the personifications of each of these foods).
🦋 Translation: Eden
🦋 Proofreading: Mia (ENG)
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magicianplay · 5 years
If you're okay answering, I totally get why you wouldn't want to say because some people on here are silly about this, but how is naru implied bi?
this is just like. me having my hcs and seeing parts that suit my hc and going "hehe it fits" so this is not like. Canon Proof or whatever. but :)
her main love interest is a man and she expresses attraction to guys often and says she would fall in love with mika if they weren't friends, but also has a whole sub story where she talks about how much she likes girls, and (up to you if you want to consider stuff with anzu canon or not, but it's my selective canon zone now xoxo) wishes she could go on dates with anzu, asks her out and just seems to like her a lot. anzu asks her if she prefers boys or girls and she says that she can't choose!
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also her past love interest has no canon gender so it's totally up to interpretation (though it's more likely to be a guy due to the memorial being close to yumenosaki)
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 6
Location: Yumenosaki Garden Terrace Characters: Adonis, Arashi, Mika & Hitsugi
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Arashi: …Oh. I was just scolding Mika-chan a while ago but look at me chatting away now. Learn wisdom by the follies of others.
Mika: It’s fine. It’s originally me and Anzu-chan’s job – I appreciate you wantin’ to help ♪
Look, Anzu-chan’s also smilin’ and noddin’ her head.
Arashi: Well, aren’t you two getting along splendidly? I have a feeling things were pretty tense between you guys at this time last year.
Mika: Ngh~ I didn’t really know Anzu-chan back then. I also had a lotta stuff goin’ on and was pretty insecure.
But now, I know that she’s someone nice.
Adonis: Yeah. You two are good-natured and admirable. You guys are taking the initiative to take on the school cleaning job even though the pay isn’t great.
I’d like to follow in your footsteps but I’m not skilled. Even if I tried to clean, I might end up making things messier instead.
So I’d like to help by doing the labouring tasks such as carrying the rubbish. Bring them to me once you’ve collected a good amount – I’ll take them all to the rubbish disposal area.
Arashi: Adonis-chan, you’re the one who has the least to do with this, but you’re the most motivated. I knew you were that kind of person but… you’re truly the definition of someone good-natured.
Mika: Yeah. I was kinda scared to approach you since you look scary, Otogari-kun, but it seems I was mistaken. You’re Naru-chan’s friend, after all – You’ve gotta be someone nice.
Arashi: We’re not really friends. Just members of the same club.
Adonis: Yeah. I think that’s a fair assessment. Although, it is a bit sad to hear.
Mika: Ahaha. You guys look like friends to me. Naru-chan doesn’t really like getting close to others.
Arashi: My! I love Mika-chan and Anzu-chan though!
Adonis: I see. I’ll work hard so that I’ll also be loved the same amount.
Arashi: …I think my words were pretty cruel but that doesn’t faze you, huh, Adonis-chan.
I kinda don’t like that part of you, you know~? ♪
Adonis: I see. Then I’ll work hard to improve on that.
Mika: Ahaha. You guys are so in sync! Looks to me like you guys get along just fine…♪
Anyway, let’s hurry and finish up. We’re all members of powerhouse units, so we’re all busy.
I’ll split my earnings and give you two the amount you two helped with, of course.
Arashi: Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m just lending a hand so you don’t have to push yourself and collapse. I don’t need the money.
Adonis: I also don’t need it. If I can take this opportunity to get to know everyone better, then that in itself is my reward.
Mika: Okay, I hope we’ll continue to get along in the future. Both in private and for work ♪
Adonis: Right. We haven’t had many opportunities to work together, but I’d be happy if we could use this chance to stand on the same stage and perform together someday.
Arashi: Oh my, a “Knights”, “UNDEAD” and “Valkyrie” concert? It would make headlines everywhere if that really happens someday ♪
And, of course, you’ll be our producer for it, won’t you, Anzu-chan? ♪
Mika: Ahaha, it really makes you dream–
Arashi: What’s wrong, Mika-chan!?
Mika: N-N-N-Naru-chan! Look, look at that!
Arashi: Look at what…?
Adonis: Hm. Am I seeing things? I seem to be seeing a pair of legs growing from the ground.
I’ll ask just to be safe but that’s not a special sort of vegetable grown in this country, right?
Arashi: Of course not! Gosh, that’s a pair of human legs, isn’t it?
What? Did someone abandon a corpse here? Or is it Ritsu-chan showing off a new sleeping position? He can sleep everywhere, after all.
Mika: I-Is it a mannequin? Someone wanted to prank us and buried it in the ground…
Adonis: No, the legs twitched. Those belong to a living human.
Kagehira or Narukami, could one of you go get a shovel from the P.E. storage room? Anzu, I’d like you to go to the infirmary and call for Sagami-sensei.
Arashi: Sagami-sensei ditches his duties the moment he has a spare minute, so it’s highly possible he’s not in the infirmary. Geez, it really makes you wonder what good Kunugi-sensei sees in him.
Adonis: I hope you can get going instead of standing here muttering. I’ll try digging with my hands until the shovel arrives.
Mika: O-Okay. You sure are calm, Otogari-kun.
Adonis: I was raised in a country where I had no choice but to assume that anyone around me could lose their life at any minute.
Mika: …………
Adonis: Anyway, better to move your legs than your mouth in a situation like this. I’ll start too.
I’ll dig now. I don’t know who it is but they’re still alive.
If they’re alive, I want to save them. I’ll protect them.
…… …… …… ……Alright, their face is out. I’ll make sure they can breathe properly.
 ???: “Mmm…”
Adonis: Thank goodness. Are you awake?
???: “Yeah. I’m fine.”
Adonis: Why were you buried here?
No, I apologise. You shouldn’t try to speak right away – I’ll get your whole body out now.
???: “Look.”
Adonis: Hm? Don’t speak. You shouldn’t waste your energy. Focus on breathing.
???: “Look, you’re gonna regret saving me one day.”
Adonis: ………?
???: “But I’ll still thank you for it.”
Adonis: ? You’re welcome…?
???: “Burying myself in the ground ended in failure. I couldn’t breathe and could hear my brain cells breaking apart.”
“Ahh, I’m losing bits of myself again.”
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