#like he looks at dwight like hmm
killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
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He didn't even flinch when Tarhos walked up, Vittorio is probably just so used to it tbh
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reader pronouns: she/her, reader is Rick’s sister warning: language (it’s Negan so duh), threats of violence, fear and anxiety, angsssstttt
“Dwight, bring Daryl over here,” Negan said, still smiling broadly. “I want to make sure he can hear all of this.” 
Dwight shoved Daryl hard in the back and he nearly tripped from it. He managed somehow to keep his feet under him and he walked forward until he was standing beside Negan.
Negan paced a line in front of all of you, but his eyes didn’t leave your face. You’d been singled out, and you felt nausea rolling in your stomach as you glanced across Negan’s tall, lean frame and looked at the state Daryl was in. The bat swung in a wide arc at Negan’s side and then perched up on his shoulder again as he stopped in front of you. 
“I can’t believe you all having been holding out on me,” Negan said. “I thought I made it perfectly fuckin’ clear that that shit would not be tolerated.”
Rick stepped forward, sweat dripping down his face from terror of what was about to happen. “We haven’t been holding—”
“Rick, shut the fuck up and get back where you fuckin’ were,” Negan growled, pointing a gloved finger at him. Your brother wilted, giving you a desperate and terrified look, and stepped back. 
“Now, where was I?” Negan paused. The scowl on his face melted back into that cocky smile and he stopped right in front of you. “Imagine how fuckin’ surprised I was to find out that Rick the Prick had a sister. Ya’ll must have forgotten to mention that one, hmm? And not just a sister,” he paused and clicked his tongue, looking you up and down, “but damn! I can see who got all the good looks in the family,” he finished, shooting another mocking smile at Rick.
Rick was shaking from anger and anxiety, his jaw clenched and his teeth ground together. He knew. Rick didn’t know how he’d found out, but Negan knew. 
Negan went on. “And imagine my shock when I find out that little Miss Grimes happens to have a special beau, my Daryl! Fuck me sideways, that shit is just too good to be true.” Negan looked back at you and pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “That must make you Alexandrian royalty or some shit. Right, doll? Brother’s the boss. Love interest is the biggest badass in the settlement. Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?”
You didn’t know what made you do it. You were absolutely terrified. But your simmering hatred for the man, fueled by the state Daryl seemed to be in and Negan’s public grandstanding, got the best of you. “Rather you sucked my—”
“Whoa!” Negan, to your surprise, only laughed and grinned more widely at you. “Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” His eyes raked over your face and there was something in them that dropped your stomach to the ground. “Dwight, let Daryl go.” For a split second, your heart leapt, but when it came to the Saviors, nothing was ever that good. “And get Miss Grimes here settled in my truck for the ride to her new home. We’re doin’ a goods exchange today everybody, and I gotta say, I think I’m getting the better end of this fucking deal.”
“No! No! Y/N! Keep me! Just leave her the fuck alone! Don’t fucking touch her! No!” Daryl was screaming as the blood drained from your face and time seemed to slow. He was trying to fight to you but several men seized him by the arms and dragged him around Negan, who stood watching him like he was really fucking enjoying his anguish.
“No, please,” Rick stepped forward again, his face desperate, but Negan’s smile vanished and he pointed his bat straight at him. 
“Rick, if you take another goddamn step forward I swear to my sweet Lucille I will bash somebody else’s brains in right here.” 
You looked over your shoulder as Dwight grabbed your elbow firmly. Your eyes were wide and glassy as you looked at your brother and Daryl, who finally seemed to have given up and gone nearly limp, almost crumpled onto the asphalt. You wondered if this would be the last time you’d ever see them. Prompt: “Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?” / “Rather you sucked my—” / “Whoa! Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” A/N: As soon as I saw this prompt, I knew it had to be Negan. Also, not me wanting to write this as an entire fic... 
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Angela I thought it was so funny when he started doing his little foot back and forth motion on the carpet. Jim was like, I know what you're doing. It doesn't work. This is when they reminded me of two brothers that just know each other so well. 
Jenna Oh, yeah, That's such a good observation. So we got a lot of fan mail about this fight. People wanted to know if they were just playing around or if it was choreographed. And I reached out to Steve Burgess, and, you know, he reminded me that this was actually the action here was meticulously scripted and that it was all worked out with our stunt coordinator, Bret Jones. It was all choreographed. He said for some of the close up shots, we had fall pads on the ground and then they would pull them out for the wider shots. But they did such a great job of making it look like it was just happening in the moment. 
Angela Robert Padnick said this moment between Jim and Dwight was one of the highlights for him of the episode. 
Jenna Well, I went to the script and I pulled out all of the stage directions that Robert wrote and they really executed them perfectly. 
Angela We should read them because they're so detailed. 
Jenna I know. Okay, so here are all of the scripted actions. It starts with this. Jim has dragged Dwight away from the conference room into another room. Dwight clings to the wall as Jim pulls on him. Jim puts his hand over Dwight's mouth to stop him from yelling. After a moment, he pulls away. Dwight starts kicking at Jim's crotch. Jim tugs on him harder. Now, I don't remember that part. Hmm. Now we get to the part where he's supposed to act like a bull, and it says, Still doubled over, Dwight charges Jim like a bull. Dwight starts scuffing his foot on the floor. Then he starts running in place. Dwight charges at Jim then veers at the last second. He tries to run up the wall and over Jim but crashes to the ground. 
Angela It continues, guys. You think you're done there? No. It says Dwight and Jim, both tired, continue to tussle. Dwight is arduously dragging Jim. He stops, exhausted. Then it says Dwight pokes a finger into Jim's kidney. 
Jenna I don't remember that. 
Angela I'm trying to think if that happened. 
Jenna Maybe it did, though. And we cut down. Maybe this was a bigger fight for them. 
Angela It says that Dwight lifts Jim up, but can only get him a few inches off the ground. 
Jenna I liked that detail. That was funny. 
Angela He slams him down. By the way, I loved it when Jim grabbed the plant. That's not in the direction, but it cracks me up. 
Jenna Yeah. Basically, it ends with them both on the ground and Dwight rolling over and getting up with a groan, it says. 
Angela Jim stays on the ground. He's done. He tried. 
Jenna Now that is trying! 
Angela Okay, Pam. Okay. 
Jenna I just want to say. Now, you can say you've tried. 
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deadbydangit · 1 year
I'm sorry this is a funny idea in my head but I understand if its stupid or something lmao 😭❤
Characters with an S/o who's like notoriously down bad for them. Like so down bad they aren't afraid to show it, even before they started to date. So down bad that they will swoon if character compliments them in anyway. S/o is just a down bad simp basically
This with Ghostface, Pyramid Head, Leon, Jake, and Huntress? I'm so sorry I just thought it was funny 😭👍
Alright. I think I can work with it. I'm going to switch it where the Reader isn't dating them yet.
With a Reader who is down for them.
Ghostface, Pyramid Head, Leon, Jake, Huntress
He sees the way you look at him.
Of course you're down bad for him.
Like, he's the great Ghostface.
Danny has an ego to match a prince.
Yeah, he's sexy and he knows it.
He's going to show off for you.
But that won't be subtle either.
A lot of flexing.
Teasing by almost taking his mask off.
Leaning in really close to you before moving away really suddenly.
Oh no! His shirt accidentally ripped.
He'd be lying if he didn't find you cute too.
So some of this is actually flirting.
Cause TBH you're really cute.
Maybe throw a few signs his way.
Eventually everyone will find all the flirting so unbelievably unbearable that they'll shove you two in a room together.
Just fuck and get it over with!
You two make a really cute couple.
Pyramid Head
What is flirting?
Why are you so close?
You're wearing less clothing.
Danny is going to have to fill him in.
Oh! That's what flirting is.
Until some of the more mature killers step in and show him more appropriate methods.
Don't listen to Danny please.
You can't just grab someone and lick them.
He's kind of into you too.
He'll start showing off his muscles.
Raise his sword a bit higher.
Check him out.
With no face and no voice, he has little to work with.
But he's going to find his ways.
He's going to need some help from the others.
He's well like in the killer circle.
Sally will approach you and directly tell you.
You probably had an idea.
But this will solidify it.
He'll take hold of your hand one day.
Just hold it.
It's really quite romantic.
Leon S Kennedy
He is clueless.
Like, really clueless.
Oh, they want to stand close?
Must mean they want to work together.
More revealing outfit?
They must be hot.
Subtlety touching his arm?
Must want to protect him.
Dense boy.
He's used to girls and guys alike fawning over him.
But to him, it's just them being grateful he saved them.
You might need to up your game.
Start telling him you like how he looks.
"Thanks, you look nice too."
Jill is going to have to literally smack that boy into realizing you've been flirting.
Oh, okay. Yeah, he can see it now.
He'll try to flirt back, but it's so painful to watch.
Jill is just going to shove you two together.
"Just kiss already!"
Jake Park
He's a smart guy.
But he's also super awkward.
Like yeah, you can flirt with him.
But he'll act like it's nothing.
He's actually freaking out because you're totally his type.
Maybe he'll get you a present.
But there's nothing to give...
A stick?
He'll give you a stick.
Really mixed messages.
It is really painful to watch the two of you.
So painful that even Dwight can't take it.
This needs to stop.
Jane is probably going to be the one to initiate your meeting with Jake.
"You like him, they like you. Now stop dancing around."
She'll lock the door and strand you two in there.
Ah well, you'll have more time to get to know him.
Hmm? Flirting?
What's that?
Some sort of battle tactic?
Oh she is oblivious.
Just um... Maybe start with something obvious.
Wave to her and smile.
Then maybe hold her hand.
Then a hug.
Then work up to a kiss.
She will take any flirting attempt as either a challenge or someone doing something insane.
It's easier to just go up and say it.
And he does like you.
She just doesn't have a word for it.
Just give her some time.
She'll probably figure it out.
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anglophiletraveler · 10 months
Chapter 32
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Sorry this has taken a while to post.  Life has been busy and a stupid virus has had me down for the count for quite a few days.  Thank you for continuing to read and sticking with me.  A big thank you to Karen Bockius for being my friend and beta.  
Ross woke up Monday morning before the alarm went off, so he decided to go ahead and get up and shut the alarm off so Demelza wouldn’t be disturbed.  They both had way too much to drink the night before celebrating their engagement with Dwight and Caroline and his head was proof of it.  He sat on the bed staring at Demelza.  He looked at her hair all over her pillow.  That’s going to be a mess to get a comb through, Ross thought.  Somehow she still had a smile on her face while hugging a pillow, her engagement ring sparkling on her finger.    After his shower, Ross opened the medicine cabinet to pull out his razor to trim his beard and all sorts of stuff fell out into the sink sending Ross into a grumble, “We definitely need a bigger place.”  He took a quick look to see if the hickey on his neck had faded at all.  It was still fairly visible so he decided on another turtleneck under his suit coat.  It’s not something that he ever remembers wearing at work before, so hopefully he doesn’t get any trouble about it. 
On his drive to work he found himself smiling at the thought of the weekend.  Everything about it was perfect.  He had surprised Demelza (and himself) with the ring and the proposal.  There was lots of alone time making love all weekend.  The thought of spending days in bed with Demelza had his body stirring so he tried to think of something else, but it was difficult. 
Ross was always in a good mood at work, but when he stepped off the elevator, his smile was even brighter than usual and his step a little lighter and it didn’t go unnoticed.  
Jenny ran into Ross after she left the break room holding a fresh cup of coffee.  “Ross!  Morning!  You’re early!  Would you like some coffee?  I just made a fresh pot?”
“Morning Jenny!  I guess I am a little early.  I woke up a little early.  I can go get my own coffee, you don’t need to wait on me.”  He set his briefcase down on his desk and headed to the break room.  “Can I get you anything while I’m there, Jenny?”
“Um, no thank you I’ve got a cup.  You’ve got a 10 o’clock in Mr. Pascoe’s office,” Jenny said.
“Okay, thanks!  I’ll be right back.”
Jenny watched the bounce in Ross’s step when he entered the break room, and it made her wonder what was going on.  She’d known Ross a long time and had become intuitive to his moods, and he definitely was in a good mood this morning.  She heard his brilliant laugh in the break room which made her heart stutter.  She had feelings for Ross, but nobody knew about it.  She could barely admit it to herself.  She’s had a few boyfriends off and on, but they couldn’t even come close to comparing to Ross.  
“Hmm, what?  I’m sorry Ross, I guess I was in a daze,” Jenny said.
“I guess so!  How was your weekend?  Anything interesting?” Ross asked.
Jenny shrugged, “Meh, nothing exciting.  What about you?  You're all smiles this morning, it must have been a good weekend.”  
“Come into my office I want to show you something.”
Jenny followed Ross and shut the door, “What’s going on?”
Ross set his coffee cup down on his desk and spun around to Jenny, “You’re the first to know other than my parents… I asked Demelza to marry me and she said yes!”  Ross’s face was beaming brighter than it ever has.
Jenny was shocked.  She knew they were serious, but she didn’t realise that it was this serious.  Her mouth dropped, and she was sure her face revealed how shocked she was.
Ross noticed her expression, “What’s the matter, Jenny?  I thought you’d be happy for me?”
Jenny worked to screw her happy face back on, “What? I’m sorry, I’m just…surprised that’s all.  I didn’t realise that you were thinking of proposing.  But I’m very happy for you Ross.  I know that Demelza makes you very happy.  Congratulations!”  Jenny gave him a quick hug.
Ross was going through his phone to find the pictures that they had taken of her ring, “Thank you!  It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.  I brought mama’s ring back with me from Nampara and hid it away.  But Saturday I got to thinking, what was I waiting for?  We love each other, and I can’t imagine my life with anyone else, so I thought why not.  There’s nothing to wait for!  Here look at some of the pictures I took.  We haven’t posted anything on FP because not everyone knows yet.  We still need to tell Demelza’s brothers.”
Jenny was looking at the pictures of the two of them smiling, deliriously happy in love, Demelza wearing Grace’s engagement ring.  It was beautiful.  Ross looked so happy in the pictures. Jenny swallowed so she could speak,  “Oh Ross,  these pictures are wonderful!  And it looks like your mum’s ring fits her perfectly.  I hope she appreciates the gesture.”
“Oh she does, Jenny, she loves it.. She isn’t like Elizabeth.   And yeah, I was surprised that the ring fit.  My mum’s hands must have been smaller back then.”  Ross looked up at Jenny.  He noticed a shine in one of her eyes, so he decided to change the subject.  Anyway, about this meeting with Harris.  I think that we are going to be moving offices soon.  Are you alright with that Jenny?”
She handed Ross’s phone back to him, “Oh sure, why would I mind?  I think it’s going to be great working in the charity division.  Helping people out who need it.”
Ross smiled at her earnestness, “Yeah, I’m excited about it.  Do you have their policies and procedures for me to read?”
“They are on your desk, Ross.  And I’ve been going over what mergers you have in process right now to see if we can start including Clark on those.”  
Ross sat down and started looking at the protocols for the charity division.  He looked up at Jenny and noticed that she almost looked nervous.  “Great.  Thanks again Jenny.  I’m going to look these over before the meeting.  And, I probably don’t say it enough, but I really appreciate everything you do.  I would be lost without your help.”
Jenny smiled, “Oh and Ross, I like the turtleneck look on you,” then she left Ross’s office, closing the door behind her.  Ross watched as she left the office, and closed his eyes, and let out a sigh.  He caught the tear in Jenny’s eye.  He’d suspected off and on that she might have a thing for him, but he was hoping he was wrong.   He felt bad.  The last thing he wanted was to hurt Jenny.  Ross let out a big sigh, and started his work day.
Seamus was staring at the sleeping Demelza as if he could wish her awake by staring at her.  He whined a little bit, but that didn’t wake her up, so he decided to lick her face.  Certainly that would work?  Drastic times call for drastic measures!  This dog had to go outside!  He licked her hand.  Nothing.  Now he was worried about her.  He gave her face a couple of licks which caused a stir.  A couple more licks on the face caused a whine from Demelza.  “Seamusss, not now!”  Now Seamus was barking and licking, tail wagging.  “Oh alright, alright!  Shhh, quiet!  Just give me a minute!  Fuck Seamus, give me a break! My head is killing me.”
Demelza managed to pull herself out of bed and go to the bathroom.  She splashed some water on her face.  She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and screamed!  “Oh my gosh, I look like shite!” She pulled at the dark circles under her eyes, “I didn’t think I drank that much.”   She managed to pull her hair back in a hair tie and put some clothes on so she was decent enough to let Seamus outside.  “C’mon Seamus, let’s get you outside.”
Demelza shuffled around the kitchen while Seamus was outside, getting some strong tea brewed when her phone rang.  It was Ross.  “Hi Ross,” her voice was deep and a bit gravelly.  
“Demelza?  Is that you, love?”
Demelza cleared her throat, “It’s me.  Do you feel as shitty as I do?”
As much as he wanted to laugh at the sound of Demelza, he knew that he had better not, “Um I’m starting to feel better.  I was a bit slow this morning, but it sounds like you’re having a tougher time than me.  Are you sick, or just…”
“Hung over?  Yeah I think I'm just hung over.  Why did you let me drink so much last night?” Demelza opened the door to let Seamus back in.
“Oh honey, I’m sorry.  I really didn’t think you’d had any more to drink than I did. But we did have a good reason to celebrate, yeah?” Ross was trying to get her to think of something better.
Demelza smiled and looked at her ring, “Yes, we certainly did!  Oh Ross, if you could see what I look like right now, you would probably take the ring back!”
Ross chuckled, “Not a chance. You’re stuck with me forever.  So I was wondering when you want to tell Drake?  I’m about to head to a meeting, but do you want to ask him to meet us for lunch after?”
Demelza ran her hand over her eyes, “Ooof, I don’t know how much I could eat, but I could sit and have some tea.  Where did you have in mind?”
“Oh I don’t care.  You pick.  But I guess first call and see if Drake can meet us.” Ross saw Jenny waiting for him to go to the meeting, “Look I have to go, so just text me and let me know what’s going.  Love you!”
Demelza smiled, “Love you too, Ross!”  Demelza sat down on the couch to get comfy with her tea and Seamus to give Drake a call.  
“Sister! Hello!  How are you?”
“Hiya Drake! I’m well, how are you?”
“Good.  I’ve been meaning to call you but Michael and I have been really busy with the business.  We’ve picked up a couple of new businesses for cleaning, so we’ve been pretty busy with all that on top of the dry cleanin.”
“Oh Drake, that’s wonderful!  I’m so happy for you.  And Ross’s dad will be that glad to hear the news as well.  Listen, I was wondering if you could get free for lunch today with me and Ross?  Think you could get away?”
“Mmm maybe if it’s close by. I don’t want to leave Michael alone for too long.  Why?  What’s going on?” Drake asked.
“Oh, we just haven’t seen you for a while and we just thought we needed a catch up with you. So, where would you like to go?  Your pick.”  Demelza was trying to sound nonchalant but she wasn’t very good at this type of thing.
“Hmmm what are you up to sister? This sounds kind of fishy.”  Drake was definitely suspicious.
“Bloody hell Drake, who are you Agatha Christie?  It’s just lunch, no big deal.  So it’s your choice, where do you want to go so that I can let Ross know.”  Demelza thinks she managed to cover herself so he didn’t suspect what was going on.  
“Well, do you think Ross will mind a chippie?” asked Draked.
“No, no he’ll be fine with it, but can you think of some place else that might have soup?  My stomach is a little bit queasy this morning.”
“Well, there’s a sandwich shop just a couple doors down from the chippie?  I think they have soup as well.  If our part timer was working today I could bring Michael, but it’s just me and Michael today.”
‘Okay Drake, that sounds good.  I’ll text you when we have a time to meet up.  Love you brother.”  Demelza hung up and texted Ross where they were meeting for lunch.  She didn’t expect to hear from him for a while since he was in a meeting.
Drake hung up with Demelza and smiled and looked at Michael. 
Michael wondered what the smile was about, “What’s up, love?  Why the face?”
Drake was really smiling now, “Demelza and Ross want to have lunch.  She said it was just to catch up, but she asked for a place that had soup because she’s feeling ‘queasy’!”  Drake emphasised the word with air quotes.
Michael just looked at him not understanding what he was getting at.
Drake grabbed him by the shoulders, “Don’t you get it!  She said that she is queasy!  C’mon you git!  Queasy as in pregnant queasy!!”
“Oh shit!  Do ya think?” Michael asked.
“Well what else would it be?”
“I don’t know man.  I wouldn’t say something like ‘have you gained weight’ or something like that.” Michael advised.
Drake rolled his eyes at Michael, “Course not!”  Drake’s phone buzzed and he looked down at it, “Okay, I’m meeting them at 1230.  I’ll try not to leave you here by yourself for too long, yeah?”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.  You enjoy your time with Demelza and Ross, okay?”
Drake leaned in for a kiss, “Thanks, love.”
Ross arrived at the restaurant the same time Demelza pulled up in an Uber and opened the car door for her with a big smile on his face.  He didn’t waste any time pulling her in for a big kiss, “Hello my love, how are you?”
Demelza smiled up at Ross’s beautiful smile.  She couldn’t believe that she gets to look at that face and that smile every day for the rest of her life!  “Mmmm, let’s just say that I’ll be having soup and tea for lunch.” She put her hand on her belly.
Ross got a sympathetic look on his face, “Oh baby I’m so sorry that you’re hungover.”  He looked down at her hand and noticed she wasn’t wearing her ring, “Where’s your ring?”
Demelza raised an eyebrow at him, “It’s in my purse!  I didn’t want Drake to spot it right away.  Don’t worry, I’ll slip it on soon under the table.  Oh here comes Drake now.”  She didn’t realise that she was still holding her belly, but Drake spotted it right away.  “Drake it’s so good to see you!  It seems like it’s been forever since we’ve seen you.”  She gave her brother a big hug.
“Hi sister, Ross, how’s it going?”
Ross patted him on the back, “Everything’s great.  It’s good to see you mate!  Let’s go get a table, shall we?”
All three had ordered their lunch.  It turned out that Ross had ordered soup as well as Demelza, which made Drake wonder what was going on.  
Demelza started making small talk, asking about Michael, asking how the business was going and it was driving Drake nuts.  He was trying to play it cool, but it wasn’t easy.  He really wanted to find out if his sister was pregnant.  “Oh Drake, have you heard from Luke lately?” Demelza asked.
“Um no not for a couple of weeks.  The last time I spoke with him he said that he was hoping to visit before the wedding season starts for the catering business.”
Ross noticed Demelza slip her hands under the table and he couldn’t help but smile.  Demelza smiled back at him.  She didn’t know why, but telling Drake felt different than telling Caroline and Dwight.  All of a sudden she felt butterflies in her stomach.  Ross gave her a look, a serious look, his eyebrows knitted together and she saw him take a deep swallow and that scared her.  Did he change his mind?  Then he grabbed her hand as soon as she put it on the table.  He looked at their hands, and then looked up at Drake and quietly said, “Drake, I have something very important that I need to ask you.”
Drake all of a sudden started to panic inside, like he did when something was wrong at home.  “What’s wrong?  Did I do something bad with the business?  Whatever it is, I’ll fix it.”
Ross looked shocked, “No, no Drake, God no.  The business is fine, there’s nothing wrong. Aw gosh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.  What I wanted to say is, I love your sister very much.  She’s my whole world.  I would love for her to be my wife, and I want to be her husband and take care of her for the rest of my life, and I would like to ask you for your blessing.”
Demelza was now in tears.  She wasn’t expecting that at all.
Now Drake was stunned.  He was looking at Demelza cry and that gave him a few tears.  He was so happy for his sister.  “Bloody hell Ross, of course I’ll give you my blessing mate!  I’m so glad that my sister found you.  I couldn’t have picked a better gent for her to marry.”  By now, all three were laughing and crying.  Demelza was showing Drake her ring and explained that it was Grace’s engagement ring.  
Their food came and they all started to tuck in.  Drake was watching Ross and Demelza eat their soup, and decided to ask another question.  “So, you know, I thought the two of you brought me here to tell me that Demelza was pregnant.”
Demelza dropped her spoon and Ross laughed, “Why on earth made you think that I’m pregnant?”
Drake held up his hands and then pointed at the soup, “Because on the phone you said that you were feeling queasy, and then when I got here I saw you holding your stomach, and then you ordered soup…”
Ross was laughing at the expression on Demelza’s face, “Drake your sister isn’t pregnant, she’s just hungover!  We’re both hungover! But I think your sister was worse off than me.   We celebrated a little bit too much last night with Dwight and Caroline and one too many bottles of Proseco!”
Drake finished his sandwich, “Ah well that explains it.  Wait until I tell Michael.  I told him that I thought you were pregnant and he warned me against saying anything stupid, like you look like you’ve put on weight!”
“Gee, thanks for not saying that brother.  Bloody hell.”
Ross took a look at his watch and picked up the bill, “Well folks, this has been fun and I’ve loved every minute of it, but I must get back to work.  Dem, I’ve got just enough time to give you a lift home.”
“Are you sure Ross, I can take the tube or call a Lyft.”
“No, you’re not taking the tube, I will drive you home.  Besides that will give you more time before rehearsal.” Ross said.
“True.  Oh alright.  Drake thanks for joining us.  I’ll post some pictures after I tell Luke, yeah.”
“Sure sounds good.  I’ve got to get back to the store, so I’ll talk to you both later.  Congratulations again!  I’m so happy for the both of you!”  
They all said their goodbyes, and Drake went back to work and Ross was driving Demelza home.
Demelza was chuckling.
Ross looked at her, “What?  What’s so funny?”
“Back there in the restaurant, Ross you scared the shite out of me!”
“Oh you mean when I covered your hand and stopped you from saying anything to Drake?” Ross had his little boy smirk on his face.
“Yes!  I thought you were going to take your ring back or something!” Demelza said.
“What?  Oh Demelza are you that unsure of me?  That I would do something like that to you?”  Ross pulled into their driveway and stopped the car.  Ross looked at Demelza seriously and took her hands, “Demelza, I love you with all of my being.  Please don’t ever doubt that.  There is absolutely nothing and nobody that could ever, ever make me doubt my love for you.  Please say that you believe me.”
Demelza had tears in her eyes.  She shook her head, “I believe you.”
Ross was wiping her tears away with his thumbs, and looked her in the eyes.   “Demelza look at me please.”  She raised her head and looked him in the eyes.  “Are you sure?  Because I don’t want you saying it if you don’t believe me.  Don’t say it just because you think it’s what I want to hear.”  Demelza could hear a touch of pain in Ross’s voice.
Demelza swallowed and looked at Ross, “I believe you Ross.”  Demelza took Ross’s hand and kissed his palm.  She realised that she hurt him without meaning to.  I must do better at trusting Ross and stop jumping to wrong conclusions.
Ross looked at his watch and winced, “I wish that I could stay home with you, but I really need to get back to the office.  We’re working on my transition to the charity division.  Are you going to be alright?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine Ross.  I’m good. Honest.  Get back to the office before you get into trouble.  I need to get ready for rehearsal anyway.  I’ll see you tonight, yeah.”
Ross leaned down to give a kiss and she put her hand to his cheek to bring him closer to her.  It was one of those kisses where you just didn’t want to let it end.  Finally Ross pulled back, pressing his forehead to Demelza’s. “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight love.”
Demelza left the car and Ross let out a big sigh in an effort to get himself together.  He hadn’t realised that Demelza had doubts about his feelings.  I’m going to have to work on that.  Could her childhood be causing these insecurities in our relationship?  Ross growled to himself and then headed back to work.  
Ross got back to the office  to find Jenny packing up her desk.  Surely she wouldn’t quit just because he and Demelza are engaged?  His brow furrowed, “Jenny, what the hell is going on?  Why are you packing up your things?”  His voice was louder than he meant for it to be causing Jenny to jump.
“Ross!  You scared me!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but what is going on?  You’re not quitting are you?” Ross didn’t even try to hide his concern.
Jenny tilted her head in confusion, “What? No Ross!  I would never quit my job, I love working here.  While you were at lunch, I received word that they want us to try to be moved into our new offices by the end of the day.”
Ross’s shoulders dropped in relief, “Oh.  I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.  Do you need help?”
Jenny shook her head, “No, I’m good here, you need to start in your office.  The supplies department brought some boxes up for you in your office.  Did you have a nice lunch?”
Ross was looking around in a haze, “Yeah, yeah it was good.  We told Drake about our engagement, so I’m sure Demelza will be posting something on Face Page today.  Alright, um, I’ll get started packing after I first make a phone call.”  He started for his office and then stopped, cocked his head like a puppy, and had a smile on his face, “Jenny?  I’m glad that you’re not leaving.”
Jenny smiled, “Thanks Ross.  Me too.”
Ross walked into his office and closed the door behind him.  He texted his father.
“Hey da, are you alone, or is mum with you?”
“Hello son.  I’m alone out in the barn.  What’s up?”
“OK, I’m going to call you.”
Joshua answered Ross’s phone call, “Ross, hello.  What’s going on?”
“Are you sure that mum isn’t nearby?” Ross asked.
“No, no, she’s in the house having a kip.  Is something wrong?”
“Well, not really.  Last night when we were celebrating our engagement with Dwight and Caroline, Dwight asked if we were going to set our wedding date before or after mum’s surgery.  He said that if we wait until she’s recovered, it might be a long time before she’s feeling up to going to a wedding, or doing any small wedding plans.  He suggested that we find out for sure from her surgeon when they are thinking of doing the surgery, and what kind of recovery time she might have ahead of her.”
“Well, that is definitely something to think about.  Her treatments do make her tired now, but I imagine she will be even more tired after she comes home,” Joshua said.
Ross sighed, “Do you think that you could speak with her surgeon on your own and get a feel for what he thinks might be best?”
“Well, I don’t know if going behind her back is the wisest thing to do.  Let me think about it and see if I can get a feeling from her about it.  She has a doctor appointment this week, so I might know more after then,” Joshua added.
Ross shook his head, “Alright, that sounds good.  And you’ll get back with me after that?”
“Yes, of course I will.  Do you really want to get married that quickly?  You and Demelza can’t pull off much of a wedding in a month or two.  That might be a big disappointment for Demelza.”
“I know, I’ve thought of that.  But I also don’t want to wait over a year to get married,” Ross sighed.
Joshua wiped his hands over his face in a little frustration, “Ross, after we talked with you yesterday, your mother seemed a little bit concerned over your news.  Something to do with not having children?  She’s afraid that you might be rushing things.” Joshua sat down on a bale of hay.
Ross started doodling, this conversation was going in a direction that he really didn’t have time for, “I know, I had a feeling she would be feeling that way.  Demelza isn’t sure that she wants to have children.  We’ve talked about it.  Frankly dad, I’ve always wanted a family, but I also understand Demelza’s background and why she’s so unsure.  But what it comes down to for me is do I want to lose Demelza?  No, I don’t.  It’s taken me a long time to find her, and I love her, so much.  I’m finally at a good spot in my life.  I know it might seem like I’m rushing this, but I’m going in with my eyes open.”
Joshua saw Jud walking towards the barn, “Well, it sounds like you have your head on straight and have thought it out.  I think she’s a wonderful girl, and I wouldn’t want to lose her either.  Look Jud is heading into the barn, so I better get off the phone.  I’ll let you know what I know hopefully on Thursday after we have your mother’s doctor’s appointment.  Take care.”
“Alright.  Thanks dad, I appreciate it. Cheers.”
Ross hung up and wiped his hands over his face, just like his father just did.  Jenny knocked on the door, “Ross, I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Tonkin wanted to see you in his office when you were off the phone.”
Ross dropped his head down, “Ohhh Jenny!  Okay thank you, I’ll head there now.”  Ross’s phone dinged and he looked at it and started laughing.
Jenny smiled, “What’s so funny?”
“Demelza just changed her status on Face Page to engaged!  I guess that makes it official!”
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biggerbetterbat · 27 days
Daryl Dixon x oc!Charlie
Summary: Denise organizes a scavenge run. Charlie and Andy can’t see eye to eye. A conversation with Glenn puts Charlie at peace that is broken once the scavenge group is back in Alexandria. She finds a friend in Abraham.
Words: 6.398
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The only sound was the crunch of their footsteps on the gravel road and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. But to Daryl, it felt like a storm was raging inside his head.
His thoughts were a chaotic swirl of guilt and anger, each one crashing into the next, leaving him reeling with the weight of it all. Denise's death replayed in his mind like a broken record, the moment burned into his memory. The sound of her voice, steady yet tinged with fear as she tried to inspire him and Rosita, now echoed in his ears, haunting him.
She wasn't supposed to be out there. He should've known better. But she'd insisted, and he hadn't argued, thinking maybe she needed it. Maybe they all did.
Daryl clenched his fists, the rough skin of his palms digging into his calloused hands. He should've killed Dwight when he had the chance. He had him right there, defenseless, but he'd shown mercy, a rare moment of compassion. And how had Dwight repaid him?
What was killing Daryl from the inside was the fact with what the girl was killed.
The crossbow wasn't just a weapon to him; it was a part of who he was. Losing it felt like losing a piece of himself, and seeing it in Dwight's hands, wielded with such casual cruelty, felt like a deep, personal betrayal.
He felt Rosita walking a few steps behind him, her silence as heavy as his own. He knew she was grieving too, that she had her own demons to wrestle with after everything that had happened.
As they approached the gates of Alexandria, the familiar walls came into view, but they offered no comfort. If anything, they only reminded Daryl of the people inside—their friends, their family—who would be waiting for them, who would expect answers.
He wasn't sure he had any.
And as the gates opened to let them in, he couldn't shake the feeling that, no matter how hard he tried, he might never be able to forgive himself for what had happened.
Charlie stood at the gate with Denise, the weight of their recent situation heavy in the air. The gate was slightly ajar, and the first rays of the sun cast long shadows across the ground as Abraham and Eugene prepared to head out.
"We'll be back soon," Abraham said with a tone of reassurance.
"Don't risk it," she said firmly. "If you see something suspicious, come back immediately."
The man chuckled, the sound incongruous with the gravity of the situation. "Come on. Life sucks and then you die. We should make it worth it."
Charlie shot him a sharp look, her eyes filled with unspoken concern. The ginger chuckled once again and placed his hand to his forehead in answer. "Yes, sir."
"You're all so strong," Denise, standing beside Charlie, broke the tense silence with a gentle voice. Her gaze shifting between Charlie and the departing group.
"We don't have much choice, do we? It's just how it is."
"You know it's not," she said. "Many would just give up."
"I guess we learned to not give up," Charlie shrugged. "The death will come eventually. It's better when you have no regrets."
Charlie was ready to walk away, to focus on her own tasks and try to push the recent events from her mind. But before she could turn and leave, Denise called out to her, her voice laced with a hint of urgency. "Charlie."
She paused, turning back to face Denise with a questioning look. "Hmm?"
Denise shifted her weight, her expression thoughtful. "Can you do me a favor? Could you find Rosita and Daryl for me?"
"Something's wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong. I just need to talk to them."
Charlie's brow furrowed slightly. She wondered why Denise would specifically need to speak with Rosita and Daryl. Despite her curiosity, Charlie nodded her head in acknowledgment.
Her search led her to a quiet corner of the compound near the medical bay, where she spotted Rosita and Andy in deep conversation. Charlie stopped not far away from them. She knew she shouldn't listen to what they were talking about, her curiosity piqued.
"So, if you didn't already have plans, I was thinking of making something tasty," Andy said, his voice hopeful.
Rosita glanced at him with a disinterested look. "I'm good, thanks."
Andy chuckled, trying to keep the mood light. "It's not exactly a nice porterhouse, but I promise it's better than it sounds."
"I'm sure it is," she answered, her voice slightly colder than it was before. She looked up and saw confused face of the young man. "What?"
"What are we doing?" Andy looked puzzled. "Just tell me. It's good either way... It really is."
"Okay?" Rosita responded.
"Okay is what we're doing?" he asked with a chuckle, looking for confirmation.
"We'll do dinner." Rosita nodded, finally showing a hint of warmth.
"All right." his face lit up with a genuine smile.
Without another word, Rosita leaned in and kissed him gently. It was a tender moment that spoke more than any words shared between them.
"Ekhm..." Charlie cleared her throat, hoping to interrupt without being too intrusive.
The pair pulled away from their kiss, their faces a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Andy cleared his throat, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Uh, hi, Charlie."
She offered a small, understanding smile, though her eyes betrayed her surprise at the scene she'd just witnessed. "I didn't see or hear anything," she said diplomatically. "Denise wants to see you."
"Me?" Andy asked, pointing at himself.
"Rosita," Charlie said, clearing the misunderstanding.
The group had gathered near the house, where Daryl was fixing his bike. Denise, looking determined, was ready to explain her plan. The sudden meeting made everyone feel confused - especially because it was called by the young doctor.
"After I got out of DC," Denise began, her voice steady but her eyes betraying her anxiety, "I just drove. I remember seeing it right when I realized I had no idea where I was going."
Andy chimed in, "Edison's Apothecary and Boutique. I remember. It's just this little gift shop in a strip mall."
"But if it's really an apothecary," Denise persisted, "they had drugs."
Daryl's brow furrowed. "How do you know they still got 'em?"
"It isn't that far. I just want to check." Denise shrugged. "And you and Rosita aren't out scavenging or pulling shifts."
"We'll go," Daryl said firmly.
Charlie looked at him, a mixture of anxiety and accusation in her eyes. She knew they needed supplies, and the drugs were on top of the list, but it was risky. They didn't know what was waiting for them in the shadows of the outside.
"We can't..." Charlie began, but Denise cut her off.
"I wanted to check. I just wanted to help."
"How much time you spend out there?" Daryl asked.
"None," Denise admitted.
"Forget it," Daryl said, shaking his head in frustration.
Denise's voice took on a note of determination. "I can ID the meds. I know how to use a machete now."
"And it would barely save you inside those walls," Charlie interjected, her worry evident.
"I've seen roamers up close."
"And Daryl saw the meds up close," Charlie added. "He can make it."
"I'm ready," Denise said, her resolve unshaken.
The room fell into a heavy silence. Daryl's gaze shifted between Charlie and Rosita, seeking some kind of consensus."You good with this?" he asked Rosita, his voice firm but edged with concern.
"No," Rosita replied, her voice low.
"I'll go alone if I have to," Denise said, her determination clear.
"Hey, guys," Andy spoke up, trying to mediate. "It's better if she goes with you, right? Let's not tease fate and just... let her go with you."
"It's dangerous," Charlie said, her voice tinged with frustration.
"I'm asking you to make sure it's not," Denise argued, her tone pleading.
"You never can be so sure."
"The death will come eventually. It's better when you have no regrets," Denise answered Charlie. "That's what you told me."
The air was filled with an uneasy silence. Charlie felt a rising sense of helplessness. She wanted to protect her friends, to shield them from the dangers they faced every day. But there was a growing realization that she couldn't always control what happened.
"I'm not babysitting her by myself," Rosita said firmly.
"I'm coming with you then," Charlie said eagerly, her determination matching Denise's.
"No," both men said in unison.
"You're coming nowhere," Daryl said, his voice brooking no argument.
"What?" Charlie asked, taken aback.
"You're still in shock after what happened to you," Daryl said, his gaze steady.
"You can't be serious," Charlie said, her voice tinged with both frustration and disbelief.
Daryl's eyes were filled with a mix of sympathy and firmness. "It's too dangerous. I need you to stay here."
Her heart pounded in her chest. She felt a surge of frustration, but she also understood Daryl's perspective. She knew she was still reeling from the traumatic events they had all endured, but it hurt to be sidelined, to feel as if she wasn't trusted to handle the situation.
With a resigned sigh, Charlie nodded, her face a mask of reluctant acceptance. She could see the finality in Daryl's expression, the determination to keep everyone as safe as possible.
"Alright," Charlie said quietly. "I'll stay."
As the group prepared to head out, Charlie stood near the gate, her eyes following Daryl and Denise as they got ready. The weight of their departure hung heavily in the air, the tension palpable. She watched as Daryl methodically checked his gear, the focus in his movements betraying the seriousness of the mission ahead.
Charlie's gaze lingered on him, and she couldn't help but voice her concern with a hint of humor. "Can you even drive a car?" she asked, attempting to lighten the mood.
Daryl shot her a sharp look, though the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. "Not funny."
She offered a small, apologetic smile, though her worry was evident. She knew that making light of the situation was her way of coping with the anxiety she felt.
Meanwhile, Andy and Rosita were off to the side, having a quieter conversation as they watched the others get ready. Andy seemed eager to seize the moment. "So... see you later?" he asked, a hopeful note in his voice.
"Dinner. At yours," she confirmed.
"Looking forward to it," he said, his tone filled with genuine interest. Andy's face brightened, a mixture of relief and anticipation evident in his eyes.
Rosita offered a brief smile before turning her attention back to the preparations.
Daryl stepped closer to Charlie, his demeanor a mix of determination and tenderness. "I'll be back for dinner," he said, leaning in to peck the corner of her lips quickly. It was a small gesture, but it carried a world of meaning.
"Be careful," she said softly.
He nodded, his eyes locking onto hers. "I will. And don't worry, alright?"
"Don't worry, brother," a familiar voice called out from behind them, as Dixon stepped away. "I'll take care of Charlie."
Charlie turned to see Andy approaching, his tone light and reassuring. "It's more like she'll take care of you," Daryl added with a teasing grin.
Charlie snorted, shaking her head slightly. "Yeah, yeah. I'll make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble," she said, trying to keep the mood light despite her lingering concern.
With a final nod to Charlie, Daryl joined Denise as they headed toward the vehicle. She watched them go, her heart heavy with worry. As the vehicle rumbled out of the gate, Charlie took a deep breath and turned to face the compound.
The familiar clang of the gate opening cut through the silence, and the group stepped inside. Daryl's eyes immediately swept across the compound, taking in the scene before him. People were milling about, going about their evening routines, but their movements slowed as they caught sight of the returning group. Conversations hushed, heads turned, and a palpable wave of unease rippled through the community.
Daryl was hyper-aware of every glance, every unspoken question that hung in the air as they walked deeper into Alexandria. They looked to him, to all of them, as leaders, as protectors. But tonight, all he felt was the crushing weight of his own failure.
He kept his gaze low, avoiding eye contact with the people they passed. He didn't want to see the worry in their eyes, the questions they wouldn't dare to ask aloud. They didn't know yet what had happened, but the sight of his grim expression, lifeless body of Eugene, and the absence of Denise spoke volumes.
The people of Alexandria looked at them with a mixture of shock, sorrow, and fear. They had lost another one of their own, and the sting of that loss was sharp and immediate. Denise was always for them, attentive and ready to chat happily.
Every step felt heavier, weighed down by the memories of what had happened on the road. Then, just ahead, a figure caught his eye, pulling him out of his turbulent thoughts. Daryl's gaze sharpened, focusing on Charlie standing in the distance.
She wasn't moving, just standing there, her eyes searching for his as if she had been waiting for him to return. For a brief moment, the world around him seemed to pause, everything else falling away as he locked eyes with her.
The sun was high on the horizon as the scavenging group made their way back to Alexandria. Exhaustion and relief mixed on their faces. Daryl led the group, their steps determined but visibly weary. The air was thick with the tension of the day's events.
"What the hell was that?!" he demanded, his voice carrying the weight of his fear as he stopped on front of the girl. "You could've died right there, you know that?"
Denise looked up at him, her face pale and her eyes wide with a mix of defiance and guilt. "Yeah, I do."
"Are you hearing me?!" he lashed out at her.
"Who gives a shit?!" Denise yelled. "You could've died killing those Saviors, both of you, but you didn't! You wanna live, you take chances! That's how it works. That's what I did."
"For a couple of damn sodas?"
The doctor shook her head, her voice rising in intensity. "Nope. Just this one."
"Are you seriously that stupid?" Rosita's frustration reached its peak, as she followed Denise.
"Are you? I mean it. Are you?" the girl asked back. "Do you have any clue what that was to me, what this whole thing is to me?!"
Rosita looked at her confused.
"See, I have training in this shit. I'm not making it up as I go along like with the stitches and the surgery and the..." she paused, searching for the right words before turning to Dixon. "I asked you to come with me because you're brave like my brother, and sometimes you actually make me feel safe," then she looked at Espinosa. "And I wanted you here because you're alone. Probably for the first time in your life. And because you're stronger than you think you are, which gives me hope that maybe I can be, too."
Daryl's anger was momentarily tempered by her words, but the raw emotion in Denise's voice was hard to ignore. His face softened slightly as he processed her confession.
Denise took a deep breath, her voice trembling with a mix of frustration and desperation. "I could've gone with Tara. I could've told her I loved her, but I didn't because I was afraid. That's what's stupid. Not coming out here, not facing my shit. And it makes me sick that you guys aren't even trying because you're strong and smart. You should tell Charlie that you're in love with her! And you should tell Andy that you don't give a shit about him!" she finished with a frustrated sigh, calming herself. "You're both good people. You just have to wake up, because if you won't wake up..."
An arrow whizzed through the air and struck Denise in the head, before she could finish her thought. Her body would crumple to the ground with a look of shock frozen on her face, but for Daryl's strong arms.
Charlie's brows were furrowed, concern evident in the way her forehead creased. But when she saw him looking at her, she tried to soften her expression, offering him a small, tentative smile. It was a gesture of reassurance, a silent attempt to reach out and let him know she was there for him.
But Daryl couldn't return the smile. His face remained a hard, unreadable mask, his thoughts swirling with a new, more bitter realization. As he looked at Charlie, something cold and accusatory settled deep in his gut.
They walked in silence for a few moments, their thoughts with the people who just left the safety of Alexandria's walls. Andy was the first to break the quiet, trying to lighten the mood. "How fast they're growing up. Who would have known Denise would want to leave Alexandria."
"It was that bad?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "It was crazy back then. I thought she would never walk outside after what we came through."
"I just hope nothing happens," she said. Charlie felt that her words might have pushed Denise outside, and that if anything happened she would feel guilty.
"She's with Daryl and Rosita," Andy shrugged. "Nothing bad will happen."
At the mention of the woman's name, the easy atmosphere began to shift, a topic that had been simmering beneath the surface finally coming to a boil. "So," Charlie began, her tone casual but with an edge, "you and Rosita... You're really serious about that?"
Andy hesitated, sensing the skepticism in her voice. "What do you mean by that?"
Charlie shrugged, trying to keep her tone light. "I just mean... are you sure it's a good idea? Rosita's been through a lot. Are you really what she needs right now?"
"What are you trying to say, Charlie?" he asked. "That I'm not good enough for her?"
"The other way around," she mumbled under her nose. "It's just... Rosita's tough. I don't want you getting caught up in something that might not be real."
"You don't think she actually cares about me?" Andy frowned, his brows knitting together.
"It's not that simple," Charlie replied, struggling to find the right words. "I just... I don't want to see you hurt, Andy. And I'm not sure if she's in a place where she can give you what you're looking for."
"What are you trying to say?"
"That she just got out of something with Abraham, and now you're... what? Trying to fill that void?"
"We both need something to hold onto."
"Something to hold onto?" Charlie repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Or someone to hold onto until it falls apart again? Rosita's not exactly in the best place right now, and you're setting yourself up to get hurt."
Andy stopped walking, turning to face her fully. "And what do you know about it, Charlie? About what I need, or what she needs? I thought you'd be happy that I found someone to talk to, someone to be close with."
"I'm worried about you, Andy," Charlie met his gaze, her eyes filled with concern and frustration. "I'm worried that you're diving into something without really thinking it through. Rosita's hurting, and you're... you're trying to be her band-aid. But what happens when she realizes it's not enough? Or when you realize that?"
His jaw tightened, hurt flashing in his eyes. "You don't think I know that? You don't think I'm aware of what's going on?"
Charlie softened slightly, the tension in her shoulders easing as she sighed. "I know, Andy. I just don't want to see you get hurt."
"What about you and Daryl?"
"Andy, that's different."
"You think that's any different?" he scoffed. "He barely even talks about his feelings. How do you know where you stand with him? How do you know you're not just... just a distraction?"
"What are you talking about, Andy?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly with a mix of hurt and confusion.
"I'm talking about how you're so busy worrying about me and Rosita that you don't even see what's going on in your own life," Andy shot back. "Daryl's a good guy, but let's face it, Charlie. He's messed up, and he's got a hell of a lot of baggage. And Rosita's ex relationship is nothing, compared to this."
"Daryl and I... we understand each other," she said defensively, though the conviction in her voice was wavering.
"Do you?" Andy challenged, his frustration spilling over. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you're just as lost as the rest of us. And maybe... maybe you're scared to admit that."
Charlie's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of anger and fear surging through her. "That's not fair, Andy. You don't know anything about what Daryl and I have. You don't know what we've been through together."
"Maybe not," Andy admitted, his voice quieter but still laced with emotion. "But I do know that if you keep second-guessing everyone else's choices, you're going to push people away. And that includes him."
"I'm not second-guessing anything," she snapped. Charlie clenched her fists, her emotions swirling in a chaotic storm. "I care about you, Andy."
"And I care about you too, Charlie," Andy replied, his tone softening slightly. "But maybe... maybe you need to start trusting that we're all just trying to figure this out. Just like you are."
The silence between them was thick, filled with the unspoken fears and doubts that neither of them wanted to fully acknowledge. Charlie looked away, her thoughts racing as she tried to process what Andy had said.
Without another word, he turned and began walking away, his shoulders tense with unspoken frustration. Charlie blinked in surprise, her hand still hanging in the air from where she had squeezed his moments before.
But Andy didn't stop. He kept walking, his pace quickening as if he needed to put distance between them, to escape the tension that had flared up between them.
"Fine!" she yelled after him. "Go!"
He didn't turn around. He didn't acknowledge her at all. The silence that followed was deafening, amplifying the sting of rejection she felt. Charlie stood there, frozen, her heart sinking as she watched him disappear down the path.
She was lost in her thoughts, trying to make sense of the argument and the gnawing doubts it had stirred within her. Just as she was about to turn away, she heard footsteps approaching from behind.
"Charlie," a familiar voice called out, gentle yet firm.
Charlie's expression immediately hardened, her annoyance flaring up. Cass had been trying to get her to attend therapy sessions ever since the incident with the Wolves, but Charlie had been avoiding them, not wanting to dig up old wounds or confront the turmoil in her head.
"Cass," Charlie acknowledged, her voice clipped as she tried to keep her irritation in check.
Cass didn't seem to notice, or maybe she just chose to ignore it. "I haven't seen you in a while," he said, stopping a few steps away from Charlie. "I've noticed you've been absent."
"I've been busy," she replied curtly, hoping to cut the conversation short.
"Too busy to take care of yourself?" Cass asked, her tone gentle but judgmental.
"I'm fine, Cass. I don't need to talk about my feelings every other day,” Charlie clenched her jaw, feeling the familiar frustration rise within her. “There are more important things going on right now."
"There always will be something more important," he said, studying her face. "But bottling everything up, pretending you're fine when you're not... that's not going to help. It's okay to ask for help. To take a moment to breathe."
Charlie's patience was wearing thin. "I don't need therapy sessions to 'breathe,'" she snapped, her voice sharper than she intended. "I'm handling things my way. I'm not like everyone else."
"You don't have to be like everyone else," he said. "It's okay to admit that you're struggling. Especially after what happened."
"Why does everyone's so worried about what I feel after what happened?" she groaned. "First of all, let’s name it. I was kidnapped by the Saviors. And I managed to go through it alive. I feel just like before. Are you happy?"
"You know where to find me if you change your mind," he said quietly. "Just... don't wait until it's too much, okay?"
Charlie didn't respond, her gaze fixed on the ground as she tried to rein in her emotions. She felt Cass's eyes on her, waiting for some kind of acknowledgment, but she couldn't bring herself to give it.
After a long, tense silence, Cass finally nodded, accepting Charlie's silence as an answer. "Take care of yourself, Charlie," she said, her voice full of sincerity before she turned and walked away.
Charlie stood there for a few moments longer, her emotions simmering beneath the surface. She knew Cass was only trying to help, but right now, it just felt like one more person pushing her to confront things she wasn't ready to face.
With a frustrated sigh, Charlie turned and walked back toward Rick's house.
The house was dimly lit, and she could hear Judith's soft babbling coming from the living room. Stepping inside, she saw the little girl sitting on the floor, playing with a set of blocks, her innocent laughter a stark contrast to the heaviness that weighed on Charlie's heart. "Hey there, little one," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Judith's forehead. "Guess it's just you and me today."
She carried Judith and sat down on the couch, cradling the baby against her chest.
Charlie sighed, leaning back into the couch. "You know, they wanted me to go to a therapy session today," she said, even though Judith couldn't understand. "Can you believe it? We wouldn't have so much fun together."
Judith responded with a soft babble, her tiny hand reaching up to pat Charlie's cheek. For a while, they sat in comfortable silence. She watched as Judith's eyes darted around the room, following the shadows and the play of light on the walls. She marveled at how easily Judith could find joy and wonder in the smallest things.
"You don't know how lucky you are," Charlie murmured to Judith. "You don't have to worry about anything. You just... trust that we'll keep you safe."
"Like that's not a lot," Glenn chuckled, walking inside the house with Carl in tow.
"Friends!" Charlie gasped happily. "Oh, my friends came to save me!"
"You don't like spending time with my sister?" Carl asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"I love spending time with your sister. I could spend time with her all the time!" Charlie answered, adjusting Judith in her arms. "But I like when a person I talk to answers me back."
Glenn laughed, settling into a chair across from Charlie. "Well, here we are, ready to provide stimulating conversation."
Carl nodded in agreement, plopping down beside Glenn. "So, what were you and Judith chatting about?"
"Oh, you know, the usual," Charlie shrugged. "How peaceful it must be to not worry about anything."
"She's lucky," he sighed. "Hopefully, she won't have to worry as much as we do."
"Speaking of little ones, have you and Maggie thought of any names for your baby yet?" Carl asked.
"We've tossed around a few ideas," Glenn answered, rubbing his temple. "Maggie likes the name Hershel, after her dad."
Charlie smiled warmly.
"What about girl names?"
"Maggie really likes the name Sophia, after Carol's daughter," Glenn said. "And...Beth."
The name brought back memories of the sweet, hopeful girl who had been taken from them too soon. Charlie felt a lump forming in her throat. She blinked back tears, not wanting to cry in front of Glenn and Carl. But the sorrow was there, gnawing at her heart, so she cleared her throat.
"Exactly," Glenn sighed and pointed at her.  "I want my baby to bring smiles on people's faces...not this.."
"There's still time," Charlie said. "And what are yours ideas?"
"Glenn Jr."
"Okay! Hershel it is!" she declared enthusiastically, clapping her hands together.
"It has a nice ring to it," Glenn tried to save himself.
"Oh, please," Charlie scoffed playfully. "Glenn Jr.? That's way too predictable."
"Are you saying my name isn't special enough?" Glenn feigned offense, placing a hand dramatically over his heart.
"But we're definitely keeping 'Glenn Jr.' as a backup."
Charlie laughed, playfully rolling her eyes. "Sure, Glenn. Whatever you say."
She felt a surge of gratitude as she watched Glenn's smile light up the room. His easy humor and warm presence had always been a source of comfort since the moment she met him. He always had a way of making the place brighter.
There was a coldness in his eyes, a distant, hard edge that she hadn't seen before. It was as if the warmth, the connection they had built over time, had been stripped away, leaving nothing but a void she couldn't understand.
As Daryl walked past her without a word, without even a glance, the knot in Charlie's stomach tightened. She watched him go, her eyes following his retreating figure as he moved deeper into Alexandria.
Daryl pushed open the door of the infirmary, stepping out into the cool evening air. The scent of antiseptic clung to his clothes. His mind was a chaotic mess of guilt and anger, the events of the day replaying over and over again in his head like a broken record.
And then there was Charlie.
As he stepped on the steps of the infirmary, his gaze fell on the figure sitting just outside the building. Charlie was there, perched on the edge of a wooden step, her posture tense and uncertain. She was waiting for him - of course she was. Her eyes lifted as soon as she heard the door open, locking onto him.
His jaw clenched as he stopped in his tracks, just a few feet away from her. The sight of her sitting there, sparked something sharp and cold in his chest.
Denise had gone out there to get the medication for Charlie. She had insisted on it, despite the risks, because Charlie needed it. And Daryl had let her come along, thinking they could handle it, that everything would go as planned. But it hadn't. And now Denise was dead because of it.
Because of Charlie.
The thought was irrational, unfair even, but it clung to him like a shadow, darkening his thoughts with every step closer to her.
Charlie's expression shifted as she took in the hard lines of his face, the way his eyes avoided hers. She opened her mouth to speak, to ask him something, but the words seemed to die on her lips when she saw the look in his eyes. A look that wasn't just tired or sad—it was angry.
"How he's..." she pointed a finger at the infirmary, where Eugene was.
He didn't answer right away. He couldn't. The anger inside him was too raw, too close to the surface. He looked away, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to keep his voice even.
"Why are you here?" he muttered, his tone sharper than he intended.
Charlie blinked, the question catching her off guard. "I... I wanted to check on Eugene. He's hurt," she said. "And I was worried about you."
"Worried," Daryl repeated, the word tasting bitter on his tongue. He shook his head, the anger simmering beneath the surface threatening to boil over.  
"Daryl, what's going on? What happened out there?"
He let out a harsh breath, his eyes finally meeting hers, filled with a mix of anger and something that looked like betrayal. "What happened?" he echoed, his voice low and edged with bitterness. "You don't see anything but the end of your nose."
His gaze was piercing, accusatory, and he couldn't stop the words that followed, even though part of him knew they were wrong.
"You can't...You really blame me for what happened to Denise?"
"She went out there to get those meds. For you. Because you needed them. And now she's gone."
Charlie's breath hitched, her face paling as his words sank in. "Daryl... I... I didn't ask for that. I didn't want her to—"
"But she did," Daryl cut her off, his voice rising. "She did it anyway. The death will come eventually. It's better when you have no regrets.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. Charlie sat there, stunned, the color drained from her cheeks as she stared up at him, trying to process what he was saying, what he was implying.
"Daryl..."she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation.
Her eyes filled with tears, and she reached out as if to touch him, to comfort him, but Daryl stepped back, avoiding her hand. He couldn't deal with this, not now, not with the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.
"I need to be alone," he muttered, turning away from her, unable to face the pain in her eyes.
Charlie watched him go, her heart breaking as she realized just how deeply this had cut him, how much he was hurting. But she didn't know how to reach him, how to make him see that she wasn't the enemy, that she was on his side.
Tears finally spilled over. She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the chill of the evening settle in as the reality of what had happened began to sink in.
Daryl blamed her. And she didn't know if she could ever make things right again.
The wooden floorboards creaked behind her, the sound faint but distinct in the stillness of the evening. Charlie tensed. She wiped at her tears with the back of her hand, trying to regain some semblance of composure. Her breath caught when she saw Abraham standing a few feet away, his broad frame silhouetted against the fading light. He must have been nearby and overheard at least part of what had happened.
She swallowed hard, trying to mask the turmoil inside her with a neutral expression. "Abraham," she said, forcing a small smile. "How's Eugene?"
Abraham's face softened as he took in her attempt to seem unbothered, the way she was trying to hold it all together despite the obvious pain in her eyes. He walked closer, his heavy boots making the floorboards creak with every step. "Eugene's tough. He's hangin' in there," he replied, his deep voice gentle, almost soothing. “The drugs Denise found saved him.”
Charlie nodded, grateful for the distraction, even if only for a moment. "Good. That's good," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She tried to look away, not wanting him to see how close she was to breaking down completely.
But Abraham wasn't fooled. He could see the strain in her posture, the way she was curling into herself as if to protect against the world's harshness. He sighed, his hand resting on the back of his neck as he searched for the right words, knowing this wasn't a situation he could fix with a joke or a pep talk.
"Charlie," he said quietly, his voice laced with a rare tenderness. "You don't gotta act like you're okay when you're not. It's alright to let it out."
"I just... I don't want anyone to see me like this," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I don't want to make things worse...or that everything is about me."
Abraham crouched down beside her, bringing himself to her level, his presence solid and reassuring. "Ain't nobody here judgin' you. Least of all me." He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "I know things've been rough. And I know Daryl's hurtin'. But don't you take all that on yourself, y'hear? You did nothing."
Charlie looked at him, her eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. "But it feels like I did. I keep thinking... if it wasn't for me, maybe Denise... maybe she'd still be here."
"That ain't on you." he shook his head. "We all make choices. Denise made hers by going out today. You didn't made her go."
The words hit Charlie like a wave, crashing through the fragile wall she'd tried so hard to maintain.
Her defenses finally crumbled at his words, and she let out a shaky breath, the tears she had been holding back finally spilling over. Charlie's shoulders shook as she cried, the weight of everything crashing down on her all at once. It was as if all the fear and sorrow she'd been keeping at bay had finally broken free, and there was nothing left to hold them back. She covered her face with her hands, trying to stifle the sobs, but they came anyway, raw and unrestrained.
Abraham stayed right there, his hand never leaving her shoulder, giving her the space to let it all out. He didn't try to shush her. He just let her cry, understanding that sometimes, that's all a person could do.
After what felt like an eternity, Charlie finally started to catch her breath, the sobs gradually subsiding into quiet, shaky breaths. She lowered her hands, wiping at her tear-streaked face with trembling fingers.
"We can't look back," he said. "You gotta keep movin' forward. That's how we survive. Right?"
Charlie nodded, taking a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. She sniffed her nose and swallowed the hard lump in her throat. "Thank you."
Abraham gave her another comforting squeeze on the shoulder before standing up. "Give it some time. And don't be too hard on yourself, alright?"
Charlie nodded, looking up at him with a faint smile. "I'll try."
He smiled and gave her a hard pat on her back.
"Good," he said. "Now...We have things to do."
Charlie watched him walk away, feeling a small sense of solace in his words. The weight on her shoulders hadn't vanished, but it felt a bit lighter now. She took a deep breath, steadying herself.
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ask-theoverseer-max · 6 months
which one of the Resident Evil guys in Dead by daylight would you take home?
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They all have crazy either tucked away or proudly on display and I'd rather keep them at arms distance.. However, that'd be unfair for me to say when I'm not exactly an "Upstanding Citizen". So..
Leon?.. Cute, Smart and Dumb in all the right ways, but I can tell I'm not the only one who thinks so. Yet those flashbangs are annoying for me to have to watch, even with this helmet's visor blocking it out, so I got a little beef with him for that.
Chris? If he wasn't more paranoid than Dwight about every detail in what he calls a "Mission" when it's called Trials, then I'd see about getting him to relax.
Nemesis? I.. I don't think I'd even try to have a conversation with him, let alone try more. At least he seems to take care of his zombies kids well. Does that make him a DILF for those who want to bang him?
Albert? Give a man a Brain, Looks and Style, add in a Virus that makes him in a monster, and you get the pinnacle of arrogant and uptight. Still take him home any day than Freddy.
HUNK.. I gotta say, I'm a sucker for men who hide their face. However, his backstory is shorter than a Haiku Poem, I doubt he'd be dating material.
William? Like Nemesis, I'd rather keep my distance at all times, he's one step away from just attacking anything and it's not fun to deal with.
Carlos?.. Hmm.. Maybe.. Haven't met this personally yet but I'd like to see.
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thezoraprince · 2 years
A Trip to the Lake - Sidon x Reader
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“if possible, and as silly as you want to make it: imagines where reader is link’s companion fairy (like navi). all i can imagine is sidon looking like he's talking to thin air, and everyone is confused, but he lifts up one of his little fin-flap thingies and it turns out you were sitting on his shoulder the whole time” - anon
this was my very first request on this page, and i’m so happy to have FINALLY finished it! when first reading it, it reminded me of that episode from the office where jim and pam are talking on the world’s smallest bluetooth, and jim pranks dwight into thinking he’s talking to himself. so, needless to say that i used some dialogue and inspo from that. (s5 ep7) this one took me a while, and i DEFINITELY need to brush up on writing lol
enjoy :)
(p.s.: i know totk has definitely changed they way we’ve expected hyrule to be rebuilt, so i’m just gonna pretend that we haven’t seen anything yet and keep everything normal-ish for this little piece.)
y/n - your name
(requests are open!)
Toto Lake is always beautiful this time of year. But you can’t see it, anyway. All you can see is the inside of Sidon’s ear fin. You’ve sat on his shoulder the whole trip up, and how you’ve managed to stay on, and hidden, is a mystery to the both of you. You're all sat on the bank side, the other three looking out into the waters. You? All you can see is a deep scarlett fin.
Zelda and Link decided to join the two of you. You don't seem to know that they think you're not there, yet. You try to make conversation, but the sound of your voice is muffled by Sidon's ear fin. Zelda is going on and on about how beautiful Castletown is looking after the restoration of most of the buildings and fountains, as well as how much foliage has grown since the malice has disappeared. Link pulls out the Sheikah Slate and shows Sidon a photo. You manage to catch a quick glimpse before he puts it away. 
“Wow!” Sidon says. “Castletown is really coming together.”
Zelda smiles. “I can’t wait to see how it will look when everything’s finished! With so many homes and businesses rebuilt, hopefully it will be as lively as it was before the Calamity.”
You sit quietly, listening to their conversation. You’ve caught on by this point, and you really want to make it worth while. 
“Hey,” you whisper. “what sounds good for dinner?”
Sidon thinks for a moment. “I really like the idea of hearty salmon for tonight. How does that sound to you?”
Zelda and Link both give him a look of confusion.
“Well,” Zelda begins, “that was extremely out of context, but I do love hearty salmon.”
Link nods in agreement. 
Sidon turns to Zelda. “What do you mean?” 
“Hearty salmon.” she continues. “Didn't you ask if it sounded good?”
“Yes, but--”
“Are you alright, Sidon?” Zelda stands up and places her hand on Sidon’s forehead. “You feel a little cold.”
“I mean…” Sidon watches her sit back down. “that could be because of the contrast of Zora and Hylian body temperatures.”
“Very true.”
Everyone sat in silence for a bit. Zelda was wading in the shallow part of the lake, and Link was skipping pebbles across the water. 
“You know what would be great?” Sidon asked.
“If we had some bright-eyed crab with our salmon."
Zelda and Link once again give him that look.
“Huh?” Zelda stands up and walks over to him.
Zelda sighs. “Are you sure you’re feeling well?”
“Yes, Princess.” Sidon speaks a little more sternly. “I’m feeling perfectly normal.”
Link snickers at the two of them.
“I’m being serious!” She continues on. “You’ve not been your normal self today, Sidon. You’ve been talking to thin air, laughing over nothing, and going on about dinner plans we didn’t even make the whole time we’ve been here. What’s going on?”
“I’m talking to y/n.”
“Y/n’s not here, Sidon!”
Sidon raises an eyebrow at her. “What are you talking about? I have been ta— ”
“Wait, shut up.”
“I’m sorry?”
Zelda puts a finger to her lips and whispers. “Shh. Do you hear that?”
Sidon’s eyes widen. “Hear what?”
“Breathing… Is that you?”
“Well, I am breathing, yes.”
Zelda looks around. “Well, stop. Hold your breath.” She walks over to the other side of Sidon. “I still hear it… Who’s there? Link?!” She turns to look at the boy in blue.
OH!!!” Sidon raises up his ear fin, and there you are, sitting on his shoulder.
“Hi!” You wave at Zelda.
Link is absolutely rolling with laughter. 
Zelda’s face turns bright red in humiliation. “I—”
Sidon interrupts. “I seriously forgot you couldn’t see y/n! I’m so sorry for worrying you!”
Zelda sits back down yet again, her face buried in her hands from embarrassment.
“You have to admit though,” You jump off Sidon’s boulder and walk over to her. “that was the funniest hour and a half you’ve had in a long time.”
Zelda lifts her head. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“And besides,” you add. “you’re always invited to dinner!”
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mlobsters · 1 year
so i started this episode and when the flowers started coming back to life i thought to myself, if i'm gonna watch some sad timeywimey shit then i'm gonna just go all in and rewatch arrival. and if i'm gonna rewatch arrival, i'm gonna rewatch interstellar. so that's what i did instead. here's attempt #2
sidenote david reed did the story, he was also a writer on the magicians
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supernatural s5e19 hammer of the gods (st. david reed, teleplay andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
starting strong. she's so good, great voice
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DEAN How you doing?
DEAN But--
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yellowjackets s1 - rekha sharma as jessica roberts
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funny little trick of lighting and certain colors, can't say i pay much attention to what they're wearing unless it's an outlier like that white floralish printed button down and the like sam wore in early seasons especially, but thought, i don't recall seeing dean in a brown jacket before
but in this cooler kitchen lighting, it looks green. there was a tiktok going around a few years ago about someone who bought a ... hat? that looked green or brown depending on the lighting. reminds me of that
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i appreciate the point of like hey. judeo-christian apocalypse, what about all these other religions that have to deal with the bullshit fallout. BUT like, is big g god who abandoned them in the same hierarchy as these gods? because if not, then hmm. i may not have enough firing brain cells for this thought process, and definitely a general lack of understanding of religion
um random ghostfacers pseudo-but-kinda-not promo? okay.
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ps the angel blades to me always looks like super cheap plastic fake chrome things. i try not to laugh every time i see one.
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sam's reaction *chef's kiss* padalecki is hitting the spot for me lately with his wtf faces
DEAN I'm outta options. Now on any other given day, I'd be doing my damndest to, uh, kill you. You filthy murdering chimps. But, uh, hey, desperate times. So even though I'd love nothing better than to slit your throats, you dicks, I'm gonna help you. I'm going to help you ice the devil. 
not loving the makeup they went for on decaying vessel lucifer. also do not understand the internal logic of why lucifer can just snuff out a god. little snicker snack twist of the wrist but archangels and their ilk need a special blade otherwise?
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makeup looking much better in this mood lighting with some blood spatter. very menacing, to boot
this pestilence bit with the goo is unending. please, we get it. 😩
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okay. laughing at myself because i'm just realizing i thought matt frewer was murdock in the original a-team, but no. that was a different dude. dwight schultz. i can't figure out what i originally knew him from, maybe doctor doctor, maybe the stand? something 80s/90s.
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altered carbon s1e6 man with my face - matt frewer as carnage
kind of a nod to max headroom there seems like. which, i'm not sure if i ever saw any of the max headroom shows? i just associated the character with coke ads.
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the stand (1994) matt frewer as trashcan man
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dwight schultz not matt frewer in the a-team
well. i wasn't really expecting that change of heart with gabriel, and swift execution. i like the actor and the character but while i picked up the mushy emotions they were putting down, i also hold a grudge against him for torturing sam for approaching a year with the mystery spot. wish maybe they'd worked on that arc a little longer.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Hawaiian Symbolism, Morgan, TWD Food Videos, and Emily Being in Savannah
More symbolism and SM convos:
Norman did post something the other day, two young actors who are clearly involved in the spin-off, as they were dressed in like ragged apocalypse clothes. One of them was playing and singing Wonderwall by Oasis on a ukulele and looked a little like that actor.
Ummm, Daryl saw a ukulele in the subway tunnel in Acheron Part 2.
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Okay just so much TWD stuff on insta today. They’ve been making these cute little promotional videos by AMC that have humorous themes. Todays was “famous food from the walking dead.” Lots of funny things like Dwight’s club sandwich, Carol’s cookies, Jerry’s cobbler, Negan’s spaghetti, etc. Also featured are Daryl’s snake jerky, with Beth yet again featured saying the line (“Enjoy you snake jerky…”) and also featured was White Trash Brunch from Alone. So much Beth love.
She is the only character to be shown in two different famous food scenes !
True!! The Hawaii reference. Dales RV is like full of Hawaii references, too. Hmm.
Also the Hawaiian dancer on the dash of Isobel’s helicopter? Am I remembering that right?
Or no, the van, the MRAP, has a Hawaiian dancer on the dash.
The hula dancer and also with a ukulele there was a sign saying aloha.
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Something important here for sure. Definitely a link to the CRM.
Tarah, what things in Dale's RV that were Hawaiian references?
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Trying to find my screenshots!
What Lies Ahead
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Am I correct in what you said about the food that there were two favorite food clips from Daryl both included Beth?
Yes you are! Snake jerky and white trash brunch.
Here’s a link to the reel! Idk if you can watch without an acct but you can try https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoIom-RPdbp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I never noticed. I love that they're all Beth colors.
Thanks for the link I was able to watch. That's so cool. It's as if they want us to associate Daryl with Beth.
Right I was trying to think of other Daryl foods. The peanut butter in Dwight’s room at the sanctuary came to mind. Ofc that’s a callback to white trash brunch.
Definitely or a reminder again of Beth since she's the one in Alone that took the peanut butter.
It’s so devastating. Hearts Still Beating is such a major moment of descent for Daryl. How they corrupt the peanut butter, a Beth symbol, to show how he doesn’t enjoy it. He’s just like shoving it in his mouth for survival. He then kills that guy in cold blood. Peanut butter is also a Morgan thing. Why is he so connected to Beth??
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Morgan is definitely connected to Beth. I've always thought he found her when she was left in the car after Grady. But that's a very long ramble that's been rambled many times, haha.
That would definitely be cool. I also feel it means he could see her first, recognize her. Morgan is often seen around arrows and traffic signs. I know I’m a broken record but I see him as a navigator. Like someone to follow closely. He knows the way. I read some of the old theories about how he had gurneys at his hideout.
That maybe he knew about Grady or had heard something about it. Like maybe he and Dwayne were trying to get there. Maybe he was near Atlanta when he found her. Afterward he ended up at Terminus, followed the carvings to the church. I can’t remember if there’s any indication as to where Eastman lives. The woods between Macon and Atlanta seem endless.
It’s always been interesting to me that he encounters Daryl first when he gets to Virginia.
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Oh and per Morgan’s arrows, twice they are specifically yellow. There are arrows with yellow fletching in Clear and a big yellow arrow in Eastman’s house. He’s also seen in front of yellow traffic arrows in Good Out Here, the episode of Fear where Nick Clark dies. It’s maybe a yellow brick road reference. But I think it also is meant to conjure out memories of Beth, who wore yellow. Daryl is also seen with the arrows with yellow fletching. They’re at his house in Alexandria near his work bench.
Sorry I said twice above but it’s really three times lol.
It's funny that you see Morgan as a Navigator. I have always thought of him as a prophet which is very similar if you think about it. I just have always felt that there's too many hints around Morgan that relate to Beth that there has to be some type of connection.
I was just thinking the other night with the announcement that this is the last season of Fear and how this is also the first season that they filmed in Savannah, Georgia and how we saw that posting of Beth excuse me Emily taken in Savannah. She said she was in Savannah at a wedding. In the picture she was wearing the same top that she wore on TTD the first time of the two times that she was a guest for s11. We know how she loves to tell us exactly where she is. Unless she doesn't want us to know where she is. I guess all these little things laid up to I really am looking forward to Fear and what it might reveal.
Same! It would be SOO cool if she showed up in Fear. EVERYone would then tune into the Daryl spin-off bc we would know she was alive but also would know that Daryl doesn’t. That would be awesome!
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I also love Morgan as a prophet. With all his breaking the fourth wall instances, he’s like a prophet to tptb. Through a Biblical lens I see him as the prophet Jonah, the original Christ archetype who tried to avoid his responsibilities and ended up being caught in a storm and swallowed by a whale.
Also I agree with you both about Fear. I almost feel it would be too good to be true if she showed up there.
But like I can’t forget how she was in Savannah. And she was wearing that sweater. I remember too it was weird because she posted herself in Savannah, then like a week later she posted herself in a cute dress for her hallmark movie promo tour.
She mentioned specifically she got the dress in Savannah where she had been for a wedding. It just felt weird like that maybe someone had said something, like be careful ppl will pick up on the fact you were in Savannah. And so she felt the need to say why she was there. She never said why she was in Montreal for example. She posts herself in a lot of locations with no explanation. So why Savannah?
I have had the exact same thoughts about Emily mentioning Savannah. It just seem so purposeful of a explanation of why she was where she was when normally she might state where she is without an explanation as you mentioned about her being in Montreal. It almost felt like it was over thought about. How people might realize that she was in Savannah at the same time as Fear was filming and think it was a bit of a coincidence.
It's like someone loudly saying "don't look, don't look" which only makes you look more closely. The other coincidence was in the picture she is wearing the TTD sweater. I don't remember anyone mentioning that she had worn it in many pictures from other locations. Just a lot of litte odd things that makes a person wonder.
Speaking of wondering has there been any more mention of Montreal and what she was working on?
Agreed!! Also per Montreal, there’s been no mention specifically. However she has a new hallmark movie coming out, and I am wondering if that was it.
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aweridday · 5 months
Hope y’all enjoy weird crossovers and rare pairs >w< Yeah idk why I thought of this but it’s here now.
Warning tho!! There is going to be a wanting to sleep with the fishes exaggeration, along side descriptions of violence. ghostie is a gross and weird lil bastard, with a very fragile ego.
[] When ODST Ghostface and Spartan Trapper actually talk to each other after spending five years on the same ship, they think “man this guy is weird as hell, I want to look at him though a microscope” then you know it’s going to be a great romance :3 []
Jed Olsen (it was actually Danny Johnson) was his name and he was very, very bored. And when he was bored, he does whatever it takes to relieve that boredom. He couldn’t do his regular… “people watching” he needed to lay off it for a while, apparently the rest of his teammates were becoming weary of him, (and with weary eyes that are supposed to make sure you lived long enough that you can drop into hell the next day, well, to say it was important, is a understatement) and he couldn’t have that now.
So stalking the deck of the “death is not an escape” (odd name he knows but it fits.) I was now searching for my new target, maybe pilot Thomas? She was a fast one, always quick to react. Or maybe the intimidating crewman johnsen who was friendly if you look past the natural scowl. Definitely not strode, the girl had a shadow worse than him. Or maybe- that’s when he walked in, “The Trapper” or spartan-116, or if you’re close to him (Danny wasn’t close to anyone, he just liked to know things) Evan.
The Spartan Would be scary without all the extra bits on his armor, an unnecessary sharp tooth grin, scratch glass that Almost resemble beady eyes, and jagged hooks stabbed in his shoulders. He looked the part when the covenant called Spartans “demons” and… he was interesting, in a way I didn’t expect.
He was walking to the man I would never call a captain, Ever, Dwight Fairfield. A nervous man, don’t know how he got the job, Maybe this ship and her crew was just that hopeless. He seemed to squirm under the Spartan’s gaze, holding his hands tightly together (probably to make sure he doesn’t bite his nails like he always does when something “Exciting” happens) I wanted to get closer so I could listen in But they appear to have ended their short chat. aw, right before I could eavesdrop? How rude.
I took my spot on the wall, and was content to wait until my victim could make themselves known.
As I was doing just that, I couldn’t help watching the spartan as he scanned the deck, what for? Did he leave something up here? The guy didn’t like leaving the “Basement” from what I heard (the Basement is what the engineers call this place somewhat under the engine room, it didn’t have a lot of purpose from what I’ve seen, but does give folks the heebie-jeebies) I had to look away, he was… distracting, hmm maybe-
And I seem to have caught his eye because he was walking over, I got off the well and straightened up so I could look him in the eye. Huh, how terrible, he was tall, a lil too tall. Have to turn my head All the way up, and still, I seem to fall short. And then he was asking me something, and how stupid of a question. “Why does your mask look like that?”
I had to laugh, seriously? When he looks like that?? But I don’t laugh, I instead tilt my head. Then straightened it as I replied “Same reason you dolled up your own mask, for intimidating reasons” he hummed at that, and we stood there, staring at each other.
Before he could say anything else we got an alert, probably another ship needing help, so many come and go… it’s a wonder how any one of them survives. Is their ship failing? Was there a mutiny happening?? maybe the covenant is attacking??? God I hope so, it’s been so boring!
You would think Fairfield just had someone kill themselves in front of him with how he’s looking, sweaty, pale, like A dumpster fire… he just looks terrible but that isn’t unusual. He pulls on his collar, brings his hand to his mouth before realizing, and calls up the resident AI.
the “Entity” is an freaky spider amalgamation, don’t know who came up with the design, but it fits with the rest of the freaks here.
And now He awaits the returning ping. As we wait I start to think, wonder what they’ll have for dinner tonight? Hopefully it isn’t meatloaf. Oh? yay they answered. Now what to do? listen in to the conversation? No, I tend to scare the normal folks (good) or maybe I should leave? The crew gets panicky when there’s a problem such as this… I start the way to get out of here, And look who follows, good old Trapper.
I want the door to shut before he could get in, hell, is there a button anywhere?? but the universe is not that fond of me, so now here we were… standing there, side by side… annddd he was staring. God I wish I could poke out his eyes… maybe see if Spartan’s bleed red like the rest of us.
Hmm, gotta save those thoughts for tonight. So I turned to him, and ask “so… watch the game last night?” Probably not, didn’t seem like the type. He looked in thought then tilted his head “what game?” At that I just had to chuckle “I’m not actually talking about a game you know, just trying to start a conversation” I shrugged teasingly, he let out a quiet oh and finally look away, I smirked, huh well what do you know… The spartan was actually embarrassed, that’s… kinda cute.
I felt excited, seems like I have a newfound obsession. Right when I was going to follow up with embarrassing the odd Trapper, the elevators doors opened, seems I’m on my floor. I felt my eye twitch, time to bring on the Olsen. I raise my hand to tap him on the shoulder, the dings sounding off is funny, but not as funny as he quickly turns his head towards me. Seems like not a lot of people touch him, hmm interesting.
I tip my head back in a soft laugh, he’s watching my every move, Good. “Hey if you like, you can have breakfast with me later. They have pancake stuff in the kitchen, if we get there early, we can get a couple” he froze up, and then nodded. God I was smiling, this is going to be amazing, he was like a bug I just put in a jar, confused and wondering why he can’t climb out using the glass wells. I nodded back, and waved as I step in the ODST barracks, god, watching him tilt his head as he lifts his hand is just hilarious, and I actually chuckled as the doors closed before he could even wave.
I nod at those already at their bunks, and walk to my owe, I reach under it and pull out a box, it was full of lil souvenirs from travels that weren’t battlefields. I grab a small Chip, and slid it into my helmet slot, time to empty my suit’s memory, maybe taking a dozen pictures every time Traps looked at me when he thought I didn’t notice wasn’t a great idea, Oh well.
As soon as I was done, we were told to get ready for a fight, I smiled and got my knife.
Ah god, holy fucking shit, I leaned forward and groan. That… All that for a popstar?! I breathe in and stood back up, brushed off imaginary dust, and being reminded that the blood wasn’t imaginary, and breathed out. I go to put my gear in the proper place to get them cleaned, ripping off my helmet with a growl and doing the same to the rest of my armor, then I went to the showers, As I walked in, it was, thankfully, empty. I pulled the rest of my under clothes off and got into a stall, thank god for hot water.
I sigh as I walk out, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, I was ready to kiss the sandman. I passed Amanda and gave her a smile, she rolled her eyes but nodded back. The barracks was filled with my fallows, There was some already sleeping, others playing a card game with a crew member. I let out a small grunt as I sit on my bed, leaning backwards until I could stretch out fully, sighing as I started to close my eyes, thinking of the odd Spartan and all of his quirks. I Wandered into sleep thinking of beady eyes and shark like grin and the way he would sound choking on his own blood…
Hope y’all like this cuz I had fun ^w^ and this is just part one!! So watch out 😏
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Jenna Pam's going to walk back to her desk, which is very confusing to Jim, because he was pretty sure that she was sitting at her desk. But it's not her. It's Dwight in a Pam wig wearing Pam's sweater. And he starts pelting Jim with snowballs.
Angela Yeah, we find out, I guess, that Dwight has wigs for every person in the office because you just never know.
Jenna Mm hmm.
Angela I have a question for you.
Jenna What is it?
Angela Was that really Pam's sweater or did they get him another sweater?
Jenna No, they squeezed him into my sweater.
Angela  Okay.
Jenna Yes. The arms were very, very tight on him. Both Mindy and Kim Ferry talked about this wig sequence on OfficeTally.com. Mindy said, When I was writing this episode, I just thought how funny Rainn would look in a Meredith wig. And my stage direction for him was he, quote, Whips around like a dramatic hamster. She said, The Stanley is probably my favorite because of the way Rainn held up the crossword puzzle with so much seriousness. Kim Ferry said that the direction she was given was that these wigs should not be perfect because Dwight would have made them himself on the farm. So they're a little bit off, but a close match. She also said that we did all those shots in really quick order, and that she and Sherri Perry would rush in and put a new wig on, get the shot, and then do the next one. It was all really fast. I think we were on a deadline.
Angela Well, you'll see some great reactions of everyone because we were just reacting as ourselves. Again, watch Phyllis's face as John gets pelted. And Jenna, I'm just going to need to know for future reference, what is a dramatic hamster?
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deadbydangit · 1 year
I thought of something cute!! How about some headcanons for how some survivors would react to a makeshift proposal from their S/O? Probably using some ring they borrowed from a killer nice enough to offer one. No real marriage, just a show of dedication.
Dwight, Leon, and Renato are my personal picks, but feel free to choose whoever you want to write for! Cheers and have a good day!!
Hmm, I think I can do that. I'm going to switch it to the Reader proposing.
When the Reader proposes.
Dwight, Leon, Renato
Dwight Fairfield
Well, the first step is getting the ring.
As strange as it may seem, Evan is the one who will offer to make it.
He has plenty of supplies.
And, he's old school, so he considers getting married as a priority and the right thing to do.
He's still going to kill you later but, you know, here's a favor.
Once you have that you're going to have to have a few people around.
Calmer people who will help him when he inevitably faints.
Because he will.
That's a guarantee.
And no killers.
He's just too skittish.
Jane, Felix, and maybe Bill will be on standby.
You don't have to be super traditional with Dwight.
No need to get on one knee.
Just tell him.
But make the moment special.
Maybe find an area that's semi isolated.
Try to decorate with some lights and flowers if possible.
And, he fainted.
Luckily Felix and Bill were there to catch him.
Leon S Kennedy
You can drop as many hints as you want.
He's clueless though
He loves you.
He loves you so much!
It isn't that he's an idiot.
But he's dense.
So Sally is going to hand you a ring and just tell you to go for it.
Because it is awkward for everyone.
And it's really hard to watch.
So please get it over with.
It doesn't really matter where you do it.
Just maybe not during a trial.
You're going to have to be super obvious with him.
Make it super traditional.
Get on one knee.
Make it super romantic.
Otherwise he won't know it's a proposal.
It's still going to take him a moment to process this.
Oh! You're asking him to marry you?
He did not see this coming.
Oblivious angel.
But he isn't going to say no.
Renato Lyra
He may look like your stereotypical brainless surfer guy.
But he isn't.
He's highly intelligent.
He loves you.
And when you start dropping hints he gets suspicious.
Work with Thalita.
Both of them have that super close sibling relationship.
Tell her before you do anything so she can help make it a surprise.
"Sister, has s/o been acting different lately?"
"No. Must be your imagination."
Oh she totally knows.
She's going to help you make this special.
Essentially, she'll be as much a part of it as you.
She's going to go out of her way to find you everything he loves.
Favorite foods, favorite flowers, favorite music, etc.
She'll even manage to steal you a ring.
And she won't tell you where.
She really just wants to see her baby brother happy.
He was bullied through his childhood.
Finally seeing him really love and care about someone just fills her heart.
You don't have to be traditional.
Tell him, put the ring on his finger, and watch as you're nearly thrown into the air with his hug.
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1358456 · 7 months
Generation VIII Pokemon Nicknames, Part 1
I might as well see this through and get "caught up" in a sense, even if this one is years late.
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... And let's see how many Yakuza/Starcraft references make it... And again, I'll only nickname those that I can see myself making, and if I can come up with a nickname.
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Grass drummer, huh? Hmm... "Dalin". Read as Dal-in, the Korean-hanja term for an expert/master. If read in Japanese, it would be read as Tatsujin. So this is a Taiko no Tatsujiin reference, which is apparently an actual standalone game, but I only know it from a Club Sega arcade minigame in Yakuza 5.
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Hey, I know this one! A sportsman fire bunny! No problem. I'll call it "Tennis Ace". But it's supposed to be a soccer pl- It's tennis now. Tennis Ace the job in Yakuza 8. ... So that's 2 for 2...
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... Hmm... those are good stats for an Sp. Atk focused guy. Power creep? Ahem. So it's a Water type chameleon? Ability Sniper. Fascinating. And it's even blue, like a certain someone who appeared in my top favorites ranking. So this guy obvious gets the nickname of "Ghost". As a chameleon, I'd imagine this guy can blend into the background, like a Terran Ghost with Cloak research, and Ghosts carry sniper rifles. Even had the ability Snipe in Starcraft II, which was later changed to Steady Targeting, which everyone calls Snipe anyways.
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That's... a fat squirrel. Has the Spd stat to match. I would never make one. If I did, I'd probably call it "FatRat", who... I think is a Halo speedrunner? Pro? Something like that? I don't know that scene very well.
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A Flying/Steel, and not a Steel/Flying, so this thing would end up in my Flying Box instead of the Steel one. ... If I made this thing for whatever reason. This is like a more well-rounded Skarmory, which isn't a good thing, so... I would not make one.
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... That looks like a Megaman boss. I used to watch my cousin play X4 and X5. I think it's from one of those. Hmm... high defensive stats, low HP, Bug typing... not ideal, so... nope.
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Dex filler fodder minion. Pass.
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Another defensive thing with low HP. Since I'm not studying each Pokemon extensively and instead, just glancing at the stats and typing, I wouldn't know the full extent of Pokemon capabilities. This one... meh. Could be strangely useful like Whimsicott, but Whimsicott has Prankster. This one doesn't. So... pass. That said, the spore on its back kind of looks like a cross between a golf ball and a baseball, so I might've called this things as "Bolf".
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A fodder sheep-ram? I would've called it "Sham" but... I would never bother.
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Another fodder. So far there's been a lot of crap that I wouldn't bother with, so I retract that power creep comment.
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Hmm... decent dog. A faster, weaker Luxray? ... I got nothing.
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A pile of coal. Hmm. The Japanese name sounds like "mountain of coal". So this is like a beefed up Magcargo. Which isn't good, since that thing sucks. Well, that's unfortunate.
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Huh, the Apple Dragon is back. Or rather, it was here first then appeared again as a better Dragon in Generation IX. So if I named that better Dragon as "Invaluable", does that mean this one would be named (if at all) as "Unvaluable"?
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Hey, this is that Kilo that Shield has! I remember this thing's insanely focused stats! A barracuda eh? Hmm... I might call this as "Machete". In Yakuza 8, there's a gang called the Barracudas, whose boss is Dwight Mendez, and his boss battle theme is Twin Machetes.
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Hey, another thing that Shield has. I'll call it "Declawed". Because I thought for certain that this thing had claws when I wrote the short story, and it turned out it didn't.
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Ugh. Massive centipede... Crap stats, so... pass.
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Not a Water type? Huh. ... "Careful. There's no escaping this guy's headlock. He kind of sucks you in." This thing looks interesting, but... 42 Spd. Nope. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that pops up in a Battle Tower-esque thing that promptly gets one-shotted by my vanguard Salamence and only serves as fodder for Moxie.
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Another Cuphead name? Um... I think there's a teapot somewhere in that game, so... that name?
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29 Spd. Why is everything so f*cking slow, or insanely fast? The hell is thing is supposed to be, anyways? 136 Sp. Atk so I'd probably make one, but exclusive for Trick Room? I don't know.
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60 Spd. Another slow-ass dude. It has Prankster, but... blech.
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An armored Linoone? Finally, something with a respectable Spd stat. Not too high, not too low. Too bad the rest of thing sucks.
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That thing looks like a Meowth who's seen some sh*t. ... 50 Spd. Nope.
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Looks like this Corsola fought its way out of a Toxapex's stomach and reclaimed what was left of its body. 145 Sp. Atk is ridiculous, and 130 Sp. Def is amazing, but 50 Def and 60 HP with 30 Spd means it dies immediately to any Ghost or Dark type that has a physical attack. Boo. So this would be one of those things that I make but never use. "Leftovers".
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Hey, Sword's Pokemon! That useless ass bird finally got a purpose. 65 Spd... ... It will finally get made, and then get stuffed in a box for eternity. "Short Legs". Because one, it has short legs, and two, this is kind of like a Zealot in Starcraft if you forget the Leg Enhancement upgrade from the Citadel of Adun. Or the Charge upgrade from the Twilight Council in Starcraft II. Yeah, it has a lot of damage output, but... it needs to reach the target first.
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Last one for this part. And another one of Sword's Pokemon. An English gentleman Pokemon, huh? ... If I recall, there are Gentleman type enemy trainers in Pokemon games, and so this guy is that class Pokemon-fied. Thus I will call this thing as... "Sujimon".
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handelplayssims · 1 year
It’s the final day with the Wallace household! Such a long awaited day is here! And it’s time to go to work with Ashlynn. Time to search some criminals! ...these are the exact same criminals as I saw last time. Hmm. Now our next promotion marker is to go on patrol. Which I could do by myself but eh. Let’s just do these suggested work tones instead. Analyze some evidence is next up and then, we travel to a crime scene. Today we’re off toooo, ah, the Elderberry household. Lots of items scorched, just like last time. Serial arsonist! Now after interviews with witnesses, we go back. Time  to cross-reference the database multiple times and gain those clues. Next is to take a police report from a civilian but we don’t have any normal folks around just yet. So analyze evidence once more. And there they are! Oooh! Going on Patrol is now offered! Nice! Let’s eat some food and then head out. Annnd immediately sims are fighting with each other. Excellent. Citations for everyone! And we get our promotion. We’re a corporal now! And we get loads of prison furniture. Hmm. To home with us! Where Ashlynn shall immediately conk out on bed. Policing very tiring work, after all.
Onto Kiara who, again, wants to paint. The world is getting nice and golden from sunset happening so let’s paint towards it, shall we? Zayne...again, wants to solve hard problems so let’s gain a logic skill. Santiago still wants to complete that work task and now has the actual time to do so! Oh, wait no, he’s sleepy. Well, let’s interview and write up about one person and then head to bed. Looks like we got across the street is Dwight LeBlanc! He’s another randomly generated household that I manage to play a few times and then never again. Alas.
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Oooh, this one actually turned out real well! Also, Zayne went to bed but got startled by the monster under it...but now he’s befriended him! Good for you Zayne. Time for a munch for him and then after the article from Santiago, they’ll both head to bed. ...I should remember articles when I just want a little bit of money.
There is something I want to check though. See I want to get into a home over in the more gated community in Oasis Springs. Especially since there’s actual fishing points around there. Can we move into Granda Palace? ...nope! Still 64 thousand plus short, even if I sell off all of our furniture. And I wouldn’t do that, I’d want to nab a lot for moving purposes! Alas, we’re stuck in this small home for a bit longer. Oh and Kiara’s back to being a one-star celebrity for her paintings! Nicely done you. ...oh, I need to get rid of that picky eater trait. If I switch households while that’s still active, the trait will become stuck on her. Doing that and oh, she’s very close to finishing skilling painting! Nice! Ah, Ashlynn is awake and- is sad. Because someone died. That means that it’s immediately time for-
Nieghborhood Watch!
Shulk Monado in the Shulk and Fiora household has died. Shulk was so angry he burst into flames and died.
Nigel Yanez in the Yanzez household has died. Nigel was milking it and got too close to a cowplant.
Oh that’s the one Ashlynn knew of. Though, checking the social bar, she didn’t even know a single trait so eh. I’d say grieve today and clear out the moodlet tomorrow but eh. We’re about to bail from this household! Annnd yes! We managed to get painting level 10 with Kiara! We’re done with this household! Let’s go and roll up another one to play! It shall be...man. It’s the Stuart-Waddel’s. Man. Vampires in the desert here we go. See you all then.
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soulariarym · 2 years
Omg can you do a Dbd killers and survivors of your choice react to a reader who’s just kinda blunt and answers rhetorical questions (totally not basing it off my drunk self) like ghostface just be ‘like are you ready to die?’ Reader: ‘no not really’ or a killer pounces them and they’re like ‘you’re in a personal space please get off’
AH I LOVE THIS! this literally spiked my creativity so much. I love this request. Xoxo
Jiwoon hak (The Trickster)
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As we know Jiwoon loves the sounds of his victims screams so when it came to you, Jiwoon hated you with a passion. You were the only one out of everyone who never screamed, never begged him to stop, not even a whine of pain. You were always so blunt and unfazed by him. He hated it, he hated you. You’re supposed to be scared of him, running from him, screaming for him. But you never did, not even once. Any day Jiwoon would spot you in a trial he’d always ignore you, save himself the boring survivor until the end of the trial. You’d notice this, watch as he bluntly ignored you. Even making eye contact as he had the most dead expression anytime he looked at you. He’d always be laughing, giggling, have the best time of his life when it came to other survivors but you? Never was that the case. Not a single chuckle or giggle came from his mouth. When he’d down you, you’d roll your eyes and say “get off me you already downed me I can walk to the hook myself” Jiwoon never responded to you, he just ignored you while hooking you. Jiwoon never was interested in small talk, especially not with a survivor. He did this anytime you both were in a trial together.
Frank Morrison (The Legion)
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Frank absolutely loved the way you talked,you wanted no extra shit just in and out of the trial just like him. You didn’t want any excuses or any extra shit and he respected that. Though as much as he respects it he also dislikes when you talk to him himself those ways. If he downs you and you say something along those lines he’ll respond with “maybe if you shut the fuck up I’ll get it done faster then you running your mouth”. The weird thing is you weren’t trying to “run your mouth” it’s just how you spoke. He’s just gotta be sensitive or some shit. If you say something back he won’t get angry no, instead he’ll give you hatch for “having the balls to stick up to him”. You being you you’ll just give him a confused look. “Ok? Thanks I guess” as you hop in the hatch. Frank being Frank he expected you to be more grateful for hatch but at the same time knew you were gonna respond that way. Oh well, at least you know Frank likes you, if you care.
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface)
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See Danny was initially confused. Aren’t you scared? How are you not scared? When he downed you that’s not the response he expected. Usually survivors beg for their lives, beg for mercy. You were obviously different though. You really just didn’t care. If he downed you and you were to say “Hurry up godamn” he’d have a confused look under his mask before smiling and responding with a cheeky “sure thing darling but why the rush hmm?” He’d softly pick you up, actually wanting to have a conversation with you as you were quite interesting. You’d roll your eyes and say “I just said so I can get out of this trial faster” Danny would just chuckle. Once you were on the hook Danny would immediately pull his camera out and take pictures of you on the hook. “Gotta keep the memories~” what a weirdo.
Dwight Fairfield
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Dwight had been nervous around you ever since you were introduced in the realm. He never liked your blunt answers. It’s not a personal problem you just make him nervous with you responses, he worries about your mental health cause of it. I mean you had to be going through something if you talked that way right? Everyone else is scared shitless 24/7. As much as it made Dwight nervous he kinda liked how calm you were so it didn’t give him more anxiety in trials, when his other teammates are running around crying, legs shaking, scared out of their mind yeah it made him have terrible anxiety. Though you were one less thing he had to worry about as you knew what you were doing and weren’t ever “scared” of the killers here.
David King
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David got mixed feelings from you. In all honesty he thought you were trying to be friends with the killers. But that wouldn’t make sense as you talk to everyone that way not just the killers. You’d notice he’d start getting annoyed and after awhile start asking you questions like “why you trynna have small talk with the killers?” “We’re not here to make friends with our enemies, thought that was obvious” You weren’t trying to be anybody’s friend you just talked that way, why is everyone so surprised? After some time David would notice you’d talk to your team that way too, so then he realized that was just you and how you talk. Still even then he thought you were a weirdo but still likes your confidence. David himself wasn’t that scared either as he knew he could protect himself from most so he liked the idea of someone else having confidence.
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