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reader pronouns: she/her, reader is Rick’s sister warning: language (it’s Negan so duh), threats of violence, fear and anxiety, angsssstttt
“Dwight, bring Daryl over here,” Negan said, still smiling broadly. “I want to make sure he can hear all of this.” 
Dwight shoved Daryl hard in the back and he nearly tripped from it. He managed somehow to keep his feet under him and he walked forward until he was standing beside Negan.
Negan paced a line in front of all of you, but his eyes didn’t leave your face. You’d been singled out, and you felt nausea rolling in your stomach as you glanced across Negan’s tall, lean frame and looked at the state Daryl was in. The bat swung in a wide arc at Negan’s side and then perched up on his shoulder again as he stopped in front of you. 
“I can’t believe you all having been holding out on me,” Negan said. “I thought I made it perfectly fuckin’ clear that that shit would not be tolerated.”
Rick stepped forward, sweat dripping down his face from terror of what was about to happen. “We haven’t been holding—”
“Rick, shut the fuck up and get back where you fuckin’ were,” Negan growled, pointing a gloved finger at him. Your brother wilted, giving you a desperate and terrified look, and stepped back. 
“Now, where was I?” Negan paused. The scowl on his face melted back into that cocky smile and he stopped right in front of you. “Imagine how fuckin’ surprised I was to find out that Rick the Prick had a sister. Ya’ll must have forgotten to mention that one, hmm? And not just a sister,” he paused and clicked his tongue, looking you up and down, “but damn! I can see who got all the good looks in the family,” he finished, shooting another mocking smile at Rick.
Rick was shaking from anger and anxiety, his jaw clenched and his teeth ground together. He knew. Rick didn’t know how he’d found out, but Negan knew. 
Negan went on. “And imagine my shock when I find out that little Miss Grimes happens to have a special beau, my Daryl! Fuck me sideways, that shit is just too good to be true.” Negan looked back at you and pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “That must make you Alexandrian royalty or some shit. Right, doll? Brother’s the boss. Love interest is the biggest badass in the settlement. Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?”
You didn’t know what made you do it. You were absolutely terrified. But your simmering hatred for the man, fueled by the state Daryl seemed to be in and Negan’s public grandstanding, got the best of you. “Rather you sucked my—”
“Whoa!” Negan, to your surprise, only laughed and grinned more widely at you. “Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” His eyes raked over your face and there was something in them that dropped your stomach to the ground. “Dwight, let Daryl go.” For a split second, your heart leapt, but when it came to the Saviors, nothing was ever that good. “And get Miss Grimes here settled in my truck for the ride to her new home. We’re doin’ a goods exchange today everybody, and I gotta say, I think I’m getting the better end of this fucking deal.”
“No! No! Y/N! Keep me! Just leave her the fuck alone! Don’t fucking touch her! No!” Daryl was screaming as the blood drained from your face and time seemed to slow. He was trying to fight to you but several men seized him by the arms and dragged him around Negan, who stood watching him like he was really fucking enjoying his anguish.
“No, please,” Rick stepped forward again, his face desperate, but Negan’s smile vanished and he pointed his bat straight at him. 
“Rick, if you take another goddamn step forward I swear to my sweet Lucille I will bash somebody else’s brains in right here.” 
You looked over your shoulder as Dwight grabbed your elbow firmly. Your eyes were wide and glassy as you looked at your brother and Daryl, who finally seemed to have given up and gone nearly limp, almost crumpled onto the asphalt. You wondered if this would be the last time you’d ever see them. Prompt: “Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?” / “Rather you sucked my—” / “Whoa! Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” A/N: As soon as I saw this prompt, I knew it had to be Negan. Also, not me wanting to write this as an entire fic... 
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🎀 i bring a sort of whimsical spirit of a young girl haunting a porcelain doll vibe that haters find too esoteric and otherworldly
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frost-queen · 5 months
Bodyguarded // part 5 (Reader!Grimes x Daryl Dixon)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 Tag: @strangerthingslover69 , @ankhmutes , @yoowhatthefuck , @sseleniaa, @deansapplepie , @abbiesxox, @skulliecadaver-blog, @winterassassin1804 , @love-zami
Summary: When there is a need for supplies, a select group goes to the city. Shane and you are forced to be together. How will this play out? Will you find a way out savely out of the city with the others? [ read part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 6 & part 7]
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Shane slammed his hand on the hood, alarming everyone they were set to ride. Rick kissed Lori goodbye and gave Carl a hug before joining Shane by the car. Glenn already stood by it, wanting to drive. Shane came standing before him with a glare. Glenn swallowed nervously getting the hint. He moved to the backseat as Shane got in the front. Rick joined Shane on the other side. Daryl was by his motorcycle with Carol. Carol was speaking to him, telling him to be careful.
He listened half, finding her motherly concern a bit overrated. You tossed an empty bag in the trunk, shutting it. You were about to get into the car when Daryl whistled loud. It made you look back at him, seeing him ask you over. Smiling, you went up to Daryl. The car door opened as Shane set one foot out, standing up. – “In the car!” – he ordered. – “She’s riding with me!” – Daryl called back.
“Y/n! the car!” – he made clear. Daryl let the engine roar of his motorcycle to overpower Shane’s overrule. You went over to Daryl anyways, grabbing his back as you swung your leg over the motorcycle. Shane puffed annoyed getting back in the car. Your hands were on Daryl as he took them, wrapping them tighter and closer to the front around him.
Daryl rode off, passing by the car. Shane easily caught up with him, riding past him. Shane then slowed a bit down so Daryl and you were still close by. Daryl wasn’t speeding much to not attract any walkers with the noise of the motor. You were leaning against his back, watching the trees pass till it would eventually make way for the highway. – “Hey Y/n.” – Daryl said catching your attention. It made you lift your head up from against his back. – “Yeah?” – you answered.
Daryl turned the steering a bit, getting closer to the woods as you were confused to what he was doing. – “How about a little detour?” – he chuckled out. – “Daryl!” – you called out slapping him against his back. Daryl steered back to the middle of the road where the car drove a few meters up front. – “Shane would go feral.” – you told him. – “I don’t care.” – Daryl answered back.
“Yeah cause having him drive after us like a maniac with Glenn and my brother in the car is so thrilling.” – you teased with a roll of your eyes. Daryl chuckled already picturing it. – “It’s not funny!” – you called out giving him another slap against his shoulder.
Wrapping your arms tighter around him, you snuggled closer against him. – “Just enjoy this.” – you mumbled out. Daryl kept tailing the car till they made it up to the highway. There they started to speed up knowing they had to have daylight at their side. If they would be stuck in the city by night, it would be hell. By the edge of the city, they parked. Not wanting to attract the walkers that roamed the city. Their city now. Fallen a few years ago.
You got off Daryl’s bike as he held you in place by taking your wrist. You turned confused at him. Daryl pulled out a gun, putting it in your hands while his gaze was on Shane up ahead with the car. – “I don’t want my girl to be unarmed.” – he told you, pushing your hand closer to your body. You turned your back to the car, putting the gun away out of eye’s way.
Daryl knew Shane would never let you have a gun. It was even a surprise that were allowed on this run for supplies. You leaned down resting your arm over his shoulder. – “I always have you to save my ass.” – you told him smirking. Daryl inhaled deep bringing his hand on your back down to your bottom. – “A fine one too.” – he answered making you snort.
Daryl and you kissed quick before he got off his motorcycle. You went over to Glenn, taking an empty bag from as well. Glenn stepped away when he saw Rick approach you. – “Nervous brother?” – you asked when he slid his arm over your shoulder. – “Only for you.” – he responded. – “I’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with walkers more than you.” – you laughed out patting him against his cheek.
Rick chuckled giving you a little shove. – “Hey you’re the newbie here.” – you teased giving him a bump with your hip. Shane came walking around you and Rick having a little comment to say. – “Try not to scream at a walker Y/n.” – he said making you smile sarcastically back at him. You left Rick’s side going after Shane wanting to reply to that. – “Try keeping him alive now.” – you commented hinting your brother.
Shane’s eyes widened briefly but before he could reply, you had joined the others. – “Here you go.” – Glenn said offering you a machete. You accepted it, looking over at Daryl. You didn’t think you would be given a weapon. You then looked over to Shane, wanting to see what he would do about it. He didn’t comment on it, so you got to keep the machete.
Glenn took the lead as he knew some good routes to a nearby store. Daryl and you walked at the back, keeping a good eye on your behinds. The streets were silent. Papers and trash scattered around. Some moving with the wind. Glenn stopped at the front of an alleyway that led up to the main road. Shane and Rick right behind him. Daryl turned his back at you, holding his crossbow up to the other end of the alley in case one would dare to sneak up.
Glenn overlooked the main road, seeing some walkers stand mindlessly still. Some wandering a bit at the slowest pace. Almost unactive from not having eaten so long. – “And?” – Shane asked keeping his voice low. – “It’s a risk.” – he answered seeing a walker sniff the air, making him pull back into he alleyway. – “The stores are up ahead across this street. I don’t think we can make it across unnoticed.” – Glenn spoke lowly looking at Rick and you.
“What if we distract them with noise?” – you suggested making everyone look at you. – “This way we’ll clear the road for you all to cross.” – you finished. – “And who are you suggesting to sacrifice themselves?” – Shane asked with crossed arms.
“It’s not a sacrifice if you do it right.” – you replied with a glare. Shane puffed loud. He then pushed Glenn forwards amidst you all. – “He’ll go.” – he put up. Glenn stared angry at him. – “No, Glenn is the fastest runner, besides he knows the place.” – you countered, backing Glenn up. – “I’ll do it.” – you proposed. – “Y/n no!” – Rick let out, shaking his head. – “It’s not up for discussion.” – you told your brother. Daryl joined having been on guard the entire time. – “I’m coming too.” – he said.
Shane shook his head, pinching his nose bridge. – “We need focus, not more distractions.” – Shane let out. Daryl came up to Shane. – “You got a problem?” – he asked. Shane puffed up his chest to appear larger. – “Enough!” – you shout-whispered coming in between them. Now was not the time and place to argue and fight.
“I don’t care who comes with me, but if we stay here any longer there will be an army of walkers feasting on our flesh!” – you said frustrated. Shane grabbed you by the elbow, pulling you away. Apparently he was coming with you. Daryl wanted to go after you but Rick held him back. – “We have to be ready when they clear the road.” – Rick told him.
You pushed Shane’s hand off you. The two of you rounded the back of some abandoned houses. Shane knocked some wooden planks off that boarded up the broken windows. – “After you.” – he said gloating. It made you roll your eyes. You gave him a little shove out of the way so that you could crawl through the window. Shane got in after you. With his gun up, he sneaked through the dark room to scout for any walkers.
You heard some faint groaning sounds walking up to it. Amidst the rubble was a walker. Stuck underneath parts of the ceiling that had crumbled down. The walker started to groan louder, reaching out to you to grab. You stood in front of it, shoving your machete down in it’s head. Giving it a twist so it surely was dead. Shane found one as well stuck as he knelt down, taking out his knife.
He stabbed it in the head. Blood spattering up. Shane wiped his knife clean on the walker’s dress. Shane and you rejoined in the middle of the room. – “All clear.” – he said making you nod. The two of you started to search for something to cause noise. – “What do you see in him anyways?” – Shane asked from across the room, going through some stuff.
“You mean what don’t I see in you?” – you responded back. Shane’s eyes widened brief, stopping his search, caught off guard. You came over to him. – “That’s what you want right? For many years now.” – you added finding something useful in a dusted box. An football horn, you so hoped still worked, but didn’t want to test out now. You showed Shane the horn as he came over to you.
Grabbing you tight by your arms. The way he stared at you, made you feel uneasy. His hard stare with that struggle deep inside of him. For a moment you thought he was going to kiss you forcefully. Having wanted nothing more. Ever since you were teens perhaps. The making fun of you, the teasing, always coming around.
It was clear now that he liked you but never dared to show it openly because of your brother. Now that he was older, his methods might have become more violent. Cursing at you and threating you bad just because he knew he never had a chance with you.
“What are you going to do.” – you dared him feeling him squeeze your arms tighter. – “Why can’t you just…” – Shane began nearing with his face. It made you gulp, thinking he might actually kiss you now. He kept coming closer with his face as it made you turn your head away. Shane’s forehead came in contact with your side as he shut his eyes hard. Then he tore himself away, taking the horn from you.
Letting out a loud breath, your heart was pounding. This could’ve taken a different direction. You followed Shane back out of the broken window. Jogging after him, you went further down the street to head into one of the next alleyways. Shane looked around and spotted a few cars parked in the middle of the road. He ran over to it, you right behind him.
Shane got up on the car, standing on the roof. He pressed on the horn as it let out a loud sound. Shit you thought, opening the car door and trying to see if the car worked. The walkers were alarmed. Groaning and calling it out as they collectively all turned towards the sounds. Shane horned again and long to lure them over. You kept turning the key, trying to start the car.
Looking briefly through the window, you saw the others carefully look before running across. This car was no use as you got out and went over to another car. Shane horned again, firing at some walkers that were coming near. Anxiously you were trying to start the next car. It was great that all the walkers were coming your way, but you still needed to escape. This car wasn’t working as well as you got back out and checked the hood. The engine stolen.
“Shane!” – you called out. Shane turned his head to you. – “None of them start!” – you yelled at him. Shane aimed his gun your way as you thought for a moment he was going to shoot you. His gun fired making you jump out of your skin. Then you heard a body drop to the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a walker down.
Gasping loud, you saw more walkers come from alleyways or hit their heads against glass to get to the noise. With no other way out, you climbed on the roof of the car with Shane. Taking out the gun Daryl had given you. You noticed Shane taking a moment to stare with wide eyes at it. – “Shut up.” – you said not wanting to hear complaints.
Some walkers were below at the car, swaying their arms around to grab for your feet. You started shooting at them. Each hit right through their skull. Shane blew the horn again luring more walkers to you. A walker threw himself on the hood, snapping his mouth around. Shane moved his arm over your shoulder, shooting at him. You shot a few by the trunk as their dark blood splashed the car. The space on the roof was just manageable for two if you didn’t move too much. You gulped feeling a hand grab at your ankle.
You felt yourself slip back off the roof. Before you could fall down reacted Shane. He had taken a hold of your wrist, holding you in place as your back dangled over the walkers. He pulled at your wrist, pulling up against his chest. With an arm around you, he continued to shoot around. Your heart was pounding still trying to recover from your almost fall.
The walkers were snapping their jaws at you and swaying their arms around. Gurgling loud with their calls. You so hoped they raided the place quick. Not sure how much longer you could hold them off. You fired at them one by one. They dropped down like flies but kept coming closer in tenfold. Shane stepped on a walker’s fingers as they reached the roof.
“Give me that horn.” – you told Shane. He gave it to you as you took a hairband from your wrist. You pressed the horn in, wrapping the hairband around it so it kept blowing. You were about to throw it away yourself, but offered it to Shane instead, knowing he might throw further than you. Shane accepted the blowing horn from you, throwing it further down the street. Some walkers were drawn to it that hadn’t smelled your flesh yet.
The others staid around the car, snapping beastly at the two of you. Shane and you fired at the remaining one’s. You furrowed your brows seeing a walker slide down the car side with an arrow in his head. Looking up, you saw Daryl, Glenn and your brother up ahead. They had come back from their raid. Rick was shooting as well, clearing a way for the two of you.
Walkers dropped down lifeless with each hit. Shane jumped off the roof first. You jumped after him, falling through your knees. Shane jerked you up by your arm. He then started running with you. The two of you met up with the others as Shane let go of you. You ran straight in Daryl’s arms, hugging him tight. Daryl exhaled relieved, hugging you back.
“Let’s go.” – Glenn called out knowing more would come soon. The five of you started to run back towards the alleyway. You were hallway through when a few walkers appeared on the other end. It made Glenn stop, you bumping against his back. – “Go back.” – he called out as you already turned around. Shane took about a few steps before he stopped. From the other side walkers now as well. They were closing in, having cut off your escape routes. – “Up!” – Rick called out seeing a ladder hanging a few feet above the ground. 
Rick grabbed you, picking you up for you to reach the ladder. You grabbed it, pulling yourself up by your hands before your feet could touch the first step. After you, Rick helped Glenn up. Daryl didn’t need any help as he jumped grabbing the first step with his hands. Rick and Shane joined last climbing up to the roof. Up, you helped Glenn from the ladder.
Daryl, Rick and Shane joining moments later. Glenn looked down the alleyway, seeing the walkers cramped up together, arms up trying to grab for you all out of reach. – “How are we going to get to the car now?” – Glenn panicked with his hands in his hair. Rick stood by the edge, overlooking the town from above.
You looked around the rooftop trying to look for a way out. Daryl joined your side, pulling you closer to him for a moment. Over his shoulder, he glanced at Shane close to Rick. Wondering what had occurred when he wasn’t near. You checked your gun, seeing how many bullets you had left. It wasn’t enough, perhaps to kill a few walkers. Rick whistled loud to round you up. – “We either wait for it to calm down or we take a risk.” – Rick suggested.
“If we wait they’ll just keep roaming below mindlessly cause nothing attracts them anymore.” – Glenn answered. – “Glenn’s got a point.” – Daryl spoke in agreement. The five of you set out to look around the roof top for anything useful. You neared the side of the roof towards the back, feeling that the foundation beneath your feet didn’t feel stable.
Rick was nearing as you stopped him. – “Stop!” – you called out, standing completely still. Rick stopped confused, setting his foot back. – “It’s unstable.” – you explained standing in the middle of it. This part of the roof probably rotten from damp and rain. It wasn’t sturdy cement. The others neared as well, standing by Rick.
You tried to set a foot down back towards them, but felt the foundation crack underneath you. – “Careful.” – Glenn called out. Perhaps if you ran, you could outrun it crumbling away. Eyes locked on Daryl, he knew what you were going to do. He nodded holding his hands out to catch you if he needed too.
You started running towards him, feeling the foundation crack underneath you. The foundation sunk below you, making you leap for Daryl. Daryl sucked in a breath holding his arms further up to you. Your hand touched his hand, swiping down it as he couldn’t catch you in time.
The foundation gave way beneath you, getting sucked into the building. – “Noooo!” – Daryl called out as you screamed loud, disappearing into the gaping black hole. Swallowed by the gaping gap left by the rotten foundation. Your back hit the ground, leaving you in complete darkness.  
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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lunajay33 · 1 year
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Fluff>☆ Angst>꩜ Spicy>ꨄ︎ Suggestive>❀
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Daryl Dixon🏹
Best Friend> ☆
Not the Only One> ꩜
Not the Only One Part.2> ꩜☆
{Season 1}
Connection> ☆
Always You> ☆
Conflict> ☆
My Before> ☆
Found You> ☆
{Farm Era}
Hurt Part.1> ꩜ ☆
Hurt Part.2> ꩜ ☆
Hurt Part.3> ꩜ ☆
Sleepover> ☆
Never Be Alone> ☆
Missing> ꩜☆
Precious> ☆
My Man> ꨄ︎
{Prison Era}
Jealous> ꩜ ☆
Prison Attack> ꩜ ☆
Brother Trouble> ꩜ ☆
Cold Nights> ☆
Pain Reliever> ☆
Caught> ꨄ︎
Scared & Sick> ☆
Scared & Sick Pt.2>꩜☆
Both> ꨄ︎+ Rick
Both Part.2> ꨄ︎☆
Migraine> ꩜☆
Searching> ꩜☆
Puppy Love> ☆
{Terminus Era}
Tired> ꩜ ☆
Reunion> ꩜
Peach> ☆
Hurting> ꩜☆
Finding You> ꩜☆
{Alexandria Era}
Home> ☆
The Quiet One> ☆
Ready> ☆
First Time> ☆ ❀
Dreams> ☆ ❀
Touch Starved> ☆❀
{Saviours Era}
Hope Part.1> ꩜ ☆
Hope Part.2> ꩜ ☆
Hope Part.3> ꩜ ☆
Hope Part.4> ☆
The Day Will Come> ꩜
New world-> Part.1•Part.2•Part.3•Part.4•Part.5ꨄ︎•Part.6•Part.7•Part.8•Part.9•Part.10•Part.11•
Enjoy the Silence-> Part.1•Part.2•Part.3•Part.4 Completed
Change-> Part.1•Part.2•Part.3•Part.4•Part.5•
Part.6•Part.7 continue part on Masterlist 2.0
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Carl Grimes
{Alexandria Era}
Blooming> ☆
Not Enough?>꩜☆
Other Half> ꩜
Ride the Cowboy> ꨄ︎☆
Insecure> ꩜☆❀
Been Waiting> ☆
Just Us-> Part.1•Part.2•Part.3•Part.4•Part.5
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Rick Grimes
{Farm Era}
Glances> ꨄ︎
{Prison Era}
Both> ꨄ︎ +Daryl
Both Part.2>ꨄ︎☆
Worry> ꩜☆
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Negan Smith
{Saviours Era}
The One> ☆❀
{Cowboy Negan}
Save a Horse> ꨄ︎
Taste for Older Men> ꩜☆
Taste for Older Men Part.2> ☆
{Coach Negan}
Forbidden> ꨄ︎
Lost-> Part.1•Part.2•Part.3•Part.4
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{All 3 Winchesters}
Guardian> ꩜☆
Mothers Daughter> ꩜☆
Terror> ꩜
I’ll Be There> ☆
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Mastelist 2.0🤍
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topazy · 7 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence, blood
Chapter: 3.06
Merle was trying to intimidate you by dragging his blade across the metallic table in front of you. The screeching noise caused you to flinch. You had spent the last couple of hours listening to Merle interrogate Glenn, beating him senseless for information, but not once did Glenn break. His actions solidified your reasoning for refusing to tell him anything; you’d rather be tortured than tell him anything.
You were being kept in a bricked-up building; the white paint on the walls has begun to peel off with dampness, and aside from the one door leading in, there was no other exit for you to escape out of.
Standing in front of you, Merle cocks his head to the side and says, “That shirt you’re wearing belongs to my brother.”
“How observant.”
“He gave it to you?”
You roll your eyes and say, “Yes.”
“He ain’t usually one for sharing.”
You say nothing back. Your people would have figured out something was wrong by now, and your brother would have come up with some plan to find you and Glenn. Even if Rick has started to lose his mind, this would force him back into reality.
“Listen, sugar tits. I don’t want to hit a girl, but I will if I need to.”
It’s difficult for you to comprehend that Daryl and Merle are brothers because the older Dixon was so vile in comparison to his younger brother. Merle begins to rant about Rick, Glenn, and T-Dog leaving him on the roof in Atlanta to die. While Merle shares his version of events in which he’s the victim, you manage to loosen the tape bounding your wrists behind your back.
You don’t let anything Merle says rile you up, until he mentions Rick one too many times, and it causes a wave of anger to wash over you.
“All I want to know is where my baby brother is and where that goddamn sheriff is so I can make the son of a bitch pay!”
Using your free hand, you punch Merle in the face; the unexpected blow causes him to stagger back. When he’s stable, he pulls his gun out and hits you in the face, causing blood to pool from your mouth. It takes you a few seconds to register that blood is not just coming from your lower lip; you bring your hand to your mouth and feel that a bottom tooth is missing.
Merle jolts forward and clenches your cheeks with his hand. “Do you have any idea who you’re fucking messing with, girl?”
You smack his hand away. Glaring at him, you say, “I’m Lily Grimes, and when my brother comes for us, I’ll make sure he takes more than your fucking hand this time!”
Merle tenses them out of the room.
Your tongue becomes numb when you bite it so hard in an attempt to hold back tears. Since you told Merle nothing, the governor has tried to pry information out of you with various threats. When that didn’t work, he forced you to strip off all the top half of your clothing. When you crossed your arms over your chest to try and cover yourself, he just laughed at you.
The governor was now dragging you roughly by the arm to another part of the building, with Merle and another man leading the way, each of them holding guns in their hands.
You gasped in shock at the sight of Glenn's severe beating upon entering the next room. Blood streamed from his ears, nose, and mouth, while bruises marred his face. His left eye was so swollen that he could hardly open it.
“We’re through with games,” the governor says, pulling out his gun and pointing it at your head. “Now, one of you is going to give up your camp.” When you don’t answer, he lets out a dark chuckle. “No? Let’s see if this gets you talking.”
Feeling a sudden, sharp pain in your lower leg, you stumble forward. One of the men had sliced your calf with a knife. You spit blood from your mouth out onto the ground. “I’m not going to tell you sadistic fucks anything!”
When the governor raises her hand to strike you, Glenn blurts out, “The prison.”
The governor lowers his hand, and Merle asks, “The one near Nunez? The place is overrun.”
“How many?”
When you don’t answer again, the governor points his gun at Glenn. “You have until I count to three, Miss Grimes. One…two…”
“Eleven,” you sob.
“Eleven people cleared that whole prison of walkers?”
You nod.
Enraged, the governor places his hand on your back and pushes you to the ground on his way out. As you weep, Merle and the other man step over your body and out of the room.
Glenn rushes to your side; he tries to help you up, but you refuse since you’d be showing him your bare chest. He takes his top off, hands it to you, then turns around for you to put it on. Once it’s on, you sit upright, and you bend your leg to inspect the bleeding wound. The cut wasn’t big but looked deep.
“Fuck, that looks bad, Lily.” He moves closer to inspect your face. “The governor took your tooth?”
“Merle hit me with his gun.”
Glenn starts to look around for something to help stop the bleeding. The room you were locked in reminds you of the wooden shed in your garden that Shane used to leave his unwanted junk in.
The disgusting treatment you and Glenn received pulls at a memory—something you’d tried so hard to keep locked away inside the back of your mind. In between sobs, you say, “Rick will find us; I’m not sure how, but he will.”
When more of the governor's men, led by Merle, came back to torture you for more information, you and Glenn attacked them with makeshift weapons. One of the men tried to force you to stand; you stabbed him in the throat with the sharp edge of a broken pipe, while Glenn tried to tackle Merle, but you were outnumbered.
Forced onto your knees, a sob slips from your lips. The men were reloading their guns behind you, getting ready to kill you with their execution style. Glenn, who looks terrified beside you, holds your hand. “We’re going to be okay; just look at me.”
“I’m never going to see Jace again.”
“Maggie will keep him safe.”
His grip on your hand tightens as the men approach to put sacks over your head.
“It’s been fun catching up,” Merle taunts.
All of a sudden, there’s a loud bang followed by smoke, which makes it hard to breathe with your head covered. Perhaps this was their cruel way of killing you—gassing you to death.
The sack is ripped off your head, and you’re met with a familiar face.
Everything is chaotic as gunfire lights up the room, but with the smoke, it was hard to see who was shooting. Rick hooks his arm around you and helps you stay upright as you run from the room.
As soon as Rick lets go of you to barricade the door, you stumble to the ground. He tries to catch you, but he’s not fast enough. Rick had practically carried you across the street and into a small diner, which luckily had no windows, so hopefully it would give you cover for a little while.
Maggie kneels down and tends to Glenn, who’s leaning back against the counter, while Daryl and Oscar clear the back rooms.
Rick disappears and reappears within seconds, coming out of the kitchen with a tea towel in his hand. Frantically, he ties the fabric around your lower leg, and when you yell in pain, he apologizes, “Sorry, sorry. We gotta get you two out of here.”
“How’s Jace?”
Daryl answers before your brother can. “Aside from missing his mom, the little guy is fine.”
Rick's eyes soften. “Don’t worry about them right now; they are safe. Everybody in the prison is fine. Lily, Carol is alive.”
Finally, some good news.
Maggie looks over at your brother and says, “Help me get him up.”
Glenn was starting to look a lot worse, with his face becoming more swollen with each passing moment. You’re unaware of Daryl moving behind you until he hooks his arm around your waist and helps you to your feet.
Daryl presses a kiss into your hair and says, “Shit, what happened to your face?”
“I had the pleasure of meeting your brother.”
He steps back slightly, maintaining his grip without letting go completely. “My brother is here.”
“Daryl, this was Merle,” Glenn slurs as blood mixed with saliva dribbles from his mouth.
“It was him; he did this.”
“You saw him?” Rick asks in disbelief.
Glenn nods, “Face-to-face. He threw a walker at me. He was going to execute us.”
Daryl’s loose grip on you suddenly tightens again. “So, my brothers, is this governor?”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “He’s somebody else. Merle’s his lieutenant or something.”
“Does he know I’m with you?” Although it was a simple question, the way Daryl was looking at you made you feel it was much deeper.
“He does now,” Glenn says. “Rick I’m sorry, but we told him where the prison was. We couldn’t hold out.”
“Don’t; there is no need to apologize.” Rick says, “We have a car half a mile down the road, and we need to go now before they find us.”
The fight to get out of Woodbury, the hellhole of a town the governor runs, was brutal. Someone shot and killed Oscar, and Daryl went missing.
A woman named Michonne waited on the side of the road with you and Glenn. Neither of you were able to walk far, so you stayed while Rick and Maggie had gone back to search for Daryl.
“Lily! Glenn!”
Hearing your brother's voice, you get to your feet and limp over to the tree line. “Rick, did you find him?”
Your brother nods, panting, and he raises his hand. “Now we have a problem here; I need you to back up.”
You see Daryl and smile, realizing that he's alive, but the spark of happiness you feel quickly falters when you see Merle behind him.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Glenn yells, pointing his gun at Merle.
Michonne points her sword at him and says, “He tried to kill me!”
While the rest of the group argues, Merle leans back against a tree, smirking. He was enjoying the chaos his presence caused. You make your way over to him slowly, which amuses him. “Now, sweetheart—”
You cut him off by head-butting him. “That’s for my missing tooth, you asshole!”
“Hey, now, you hit me first,” he argues.
“After you beat the shit out of Glenn!” You go to take a step closer to him, but Daryl holds you back.
“You hurt her?” He barks.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Merle sneers at his brother before turning his attention back to you. “Listen, girly, we both got a few bunches in, but I had nothing to do with you being dragged around topless; bosom’s on show for all.”
Before Merle can say anything else, Rick is on top of him, punching him repeatedly. At first, nobody intervenes, but when the blows don’t stop, Daryl lets go of you and moves to pull him off. “Rick, that’s enough!”
“Rick! Stop!”
It takes Daryl, Michonne, and Maggie to finally pull your brother off of Merle. The look in Rick’s eyes was almost feral, like one you hadn’t seen in years.
You sit in the passenger seat of the car your brother would be driving back, watching as Maggie, Glenn, Rick, and Daryl have a heated conversation in the middle of the road. Leaning your head back, you squeeze your eyes shut. All you wanted was to get back to prison and hold Jace.
You needed to see Jace, Carl, and your niece for yourself to fully believe they were safe.
When the car door opens, you sigh. You already have a sick feeling about what is about to happen. Without opening your eyes, you say, “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
“They ain’t allowing Merle to come back to the prison.”
You open your eyes to look at Daryl, who’s crouched down to be eye level with you. He appears to be in a state of despair; it's the first time you’ve ever seen him look so defeated. “You surprised me after what he did to me and Glenn?”
You rack your brain, trying to find any other solution that didn’t result in Daryl leaving, but there was none. “None of us want you to go.”
“I know,” he says, looking down at the ground. “Merle is coming in and out of consciousness; if I leave him on his own and a walker finds him... He’s my blood; I can’t do that.”
Your eyes cut across the road to Rick, who was patiently waiting. It stung knowing that if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t leave your brother behind; “we’re your family as well.”
Daryl looks up at you again; this time his eyes are filled with unshed tears. “I just… I need you to know if Merle was able to protect himself. I’d be leaving here to go back to the prison.”
“What about when he’s better?”
“I’ll find my way back to you.”
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andy-clutterbuck · 10 months
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6x15 | East
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ririchonne · 7 months
Fun interview of Andy and Danaï for The ones who live
@nerd4music can we get some gifs of this itw pretty please?☺️
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Harmful words
Warnings: arguments, shouting, cruel words
Request: hi!! I was wondering whether you could do one when Daryl snaps at the reader whom is like a daughter to him and she sees him as a father figure and they get into an argument that causes issues and he says things he regrets please? Thank you. (A/n this’ll be written during the prison era)
Someone better take my phone away from me the amount of sad twd drafts I’ve got saved is becoming concerning 😭🤣
“I’m sorry okay,”
Your words were weak and tired as Daryl stood in front of you, crossbow hung just over his shoulder “sorry isn’t going to cut it y/n. You could’ve been killed-“ “well I wasn’t.” Your words were harsh as you glared into his eyes “please stop treating me like a goddamn kid! I’m sick of it… you hear me? Sick of it! All of it!”
He looked at you a hurt expression lingering in his eyes “what the fuck y/n?”
“Stop treating me like your god damn daughter! I’m not your kid! I’m just someone you rely on since you can’t do shit yourself!” You yelled, you didn’t mean it. They were just words. Angry words that you couldn’t even comprehend as you failed to notice the growing anger and sadness forming on his face “you’re right.” He spoke disgust visible on his face as he began shaking his head “you aren’t my daughter,” he continued shaking his head “and I sure as hell ain’t your dad.”
His words caused your breath to hitch as you stared off into space your eyes full of sadness before you looked down, Daryl didn’t mean to be so harsh- regret immediately forming on his face. You didn’t think he would go that far, you were just angry and it upset you that he would even say something like that. You had gone on a run, a risky run at that but it wasn’t your fault you wanted to get things for the group but you knew Daryl was protective over you so it was most definitely a stupid decision. You knew it would cause an argument but didn’t the groups lives matter more than yours?
“I- I didn’t mean to say that y/n…” he spoke and your eyes flicked to him a saddened expression on your face “I’m not Merle, I’m more than capable of saving myself and not getting killed. Okay? Get off my back for once yeah? I just want to support the group! Don’t you get that? It isn’t just us anymore!” You raised your voice as Daryl’s breathing became heavier his eyes narrowing as a slight worry and sadness consumed his face but he didn’t say anything he just stayed quiet “we’ve got to support Rick! Beth! Carl! And Judith, she cannot live without baby formula! What do you expect me to do? Just sit around here on my ass all day when I can go and get supplies for everyone!” Your voice was raw with emotion anger in your eyes. You knew Daryl meant no harm, he was only protective over you but sometimes it felt overbearing- overwhelming- as if you were walking on eggshells whenever you went out. It was as if he didn’t believe you could protect yourself.
“I know damn well we need to go get supplies but that don’t mean you should go out there risking your life! We go in groups! Not as individuals!” He shouted, raising his voice his hands moving about a lot as he talked a lot of his emotions through his hands. “And I know you ain’t Merle but that isn’t the point! You’re the last part of me that I’ve got! I cant lose you as well if I lose you then what the hell is the point of living anymore, huh?” His words cut into your heart harshly and you closed your mouth, falling silent as you shook your head “haven’t got an answer because you know damn well if you weren’t here I’d be dead!” And that’s when you snapped walking up to him getting in his face “don’t patronise me. Don’t you dare. Don’t put your life in my hands…. Just don’t.”
Daryl wanted to say so much more his eyes full of pain but before he even could Glenn quickly moved in between the both of you “c’mon just stop this. There’s kids here. Stop shouting…” he said desperate as he held his hands out to you and Daryl as if trying to keep you both away from each other. “What’s happened?” Glenn spoke trying to sort everything out and you looked at Daryl who was now pacing back and forth “y/n goin’ on that supply run alone… could’ve gotten killed. Stupid decision.” He spat out and Glenn listened as you scoffed rolling your eyes. You loved Daryl a lot, he protected you when you couldn’t protect yourself but you didn’t want him not believing in the fact you could protect yourself.
Glenn went to say something but a different voice spoke up “I have to agree with Daryl on this one.” You looked at Rick as you frowned but he held his hand up to you telling you silently to remain quiet instead of inputting your opinion “if Carl had gone out there-“ “Carl is a kid. I am an adult.” You cut Rick off, an unimpressed look forming on the older man’s face “if Carl had gone out there I would’ve had the same reaction as Daryl. What you did was charitable, good work- yes, but risky as hell… what happened if you got bit, hm?” You remained silent as you stared down at the ground. Hearing it from another person made you realise that maybe you were being slightly too harsh. You sighed quietly as you ran a hand over your face,
“We don’t need another fight breaking out so please solve this quickly.” Rick spoke calmly but it was as if he was ordering the both of you to make up and as he and glenn left the room Daryl continued pacing back and forth whilst you stayed still. “I’m sorr-“ he started but you cut him off “no. I’m sorry. I should’ve been more careful. I was being an ass” you said softly as the archer smiled slightly at you his eyes growing softer as he walked closer to you wrapping an arm around you as he pulled you into his side as you hugged him tightly “forgive and forget?” He asked and you nodded your head “forgive and forget.”
You sat on the table in the prison eating some chocolate pudding from a small can, everyone else was eating some food and Daryl was holding Judith in his arms holding a bottle of milk to her lips as she drank, everyone else ate as much as they wanted to your attention soon turning towards Beth as she nudged you nodding towards Carl.
You looked towards the kid noticing how he was eyeing up the can of pudding in your hand, he had fruit but didn’t seem to be too interested in it. “Eat up,” Rick spoke quietly to Carl but you quickly stepped in “trade?” You questioned sliding the can of pudding over to the boy who’s face and demeanour immediately lit up as he began eating the pudding, you reached over getting the fruit as you began eating the canned fruit Rick nodding slightly at you in a silent way to say thank you and all you did was smile. They were family. You’d do anything for them.
As night drew closer, the sun going back into hiding you made your way to your cell climbing up onto your top bunk as you exhaled. You shared a room with Daryl- he slept on the bottom bunk and you slept on the top. As you laid down you felt a sudden vibration against the bottom of the bunk making you jump in fright a chuckle falling from Daryl’s lips as he stared up at the mattress “sorry,” he said and you let out a little laugh “it’s fine… you know you preach on about people not sneaking up on you yet you sneak up on us all the time.” You laughed out and a small smile remained on his lips “oh shut up,” he spoke playfully and you rolled onto your side as he continued talking to you, the sound of him talking easing you into a tired mindset as you began relaxing “you warm enough?” He suddenly asked and you hummed in affirmation “enough pillows? You can have mine if you want.” He offered. He did this every night and you always said no. “I’m fine, really.” You spoke and he sighed gently “alright..” he laid back down onto the hard bunk resting his arms under his head “sleep well…” he knew once you hadn’t responded that you were flat out and he smiled slightly,
“I love you sunshine.”
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shivology · 2 years
wait will talk about this in depth later but something qwhite insidious about kendall and shiv both using hip hop and rap as a vehicle to like. relate to the world while, like, being who they are and doing what they do. the cognitive dissonance is insane
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ankhmutes · 1 year
So I had to do another mood-board. This is for a fic I'm working on (ish). What if Dean and Sam had a sister.... This hit me in the head a few days ago and I've kind of been sitting on it but I just had to do this.
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She has no real name- she can be any of us- but I gave her the nickname Sunny. Because she just lights up a room in her own special way. And Daryl Dixon calls her "sunshine" and it just sticks.
So... Welcome, Sunny! <3 I can see her swooping in town, making special friends with the local boys, and then swooping out with her brothers after the hunt is done.
and yes, I'll eventually do Dean at some point but his little sister just was begging to be written.
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maddiehu7 · 8 months
Apocalyptic | Daryl Dixon |
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Chapter 3
"Hey you alive in there?" The voice questions I pick up the radio quickly
"Hello? hello?" I ask urgently
"There you are you had me wondering" the man says relived
"Where are you? Outside? Can you see us right now?" Rick says grabbing the radio from me
"Yeah I can see you, your surround by walkers, that's the bad news" the radio cackles
"There's good news?" Rick says back
"Well that's great" I sigh out
"listen whoever you are I don't mind telling you we're a little concerned in here" ricks says getting agitated
"Oh man, you should see it from here you'd be having a major freak out" the man over the radio says, that's helpful i think to myself rolling my eyes
"Got any advice for us?" He questions hopelessly
"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it" he says I grab the radio angrily
"That's it? Make a run for it?" I grit out
"My ways not as dumb as it sounds you've got eyes on the outside here, there's one geek still up on the tank but the others have climbed down and joined the feasting frenzy where the horse went down, you with me so far?" He asks
"So far" I say back
"Okay the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded, if you move now well there distracted you stand a chance, got ammo?" He questions
"In that duffel bag I dropped out there and guns can I get it?" I reply back
"Forget the bag ok? It's not an option what do you have on you?" He asks
"Hang on" I drop the radio going to grab the gun Rick got from the army dude checking its clip theres only 15 rounds...shit I sigh going to check the army man's body when I find a Grenade oh hell yeah I think handing it to Rick going back over to the radio picking it up
"I've got a Beretta with one clip, 15 rounds" I say worriedly
"Make em count, jump off the right side of the tank keep going in that direction, there's an alley up the street maybe 50 yards be there." The man says back
"Hey what's your name?" I ask curiously
"Have you been listening? Your running out of time" he says rushed, right I think to myself I let go of the radio looking over at Rick
"You ready?" I say looking at him nervously
"As ready as I can be" he says also nervous I grab a baseball bat and give Rick the gun sense he's worse at killing walkers I go to open the top of the tank I take a deep breathe before pushing it open I look out and see the walker at the top swinging at it making it fall to the ground I push myself out looking back to make sure Rick gets out, we head down the tank jumping off at the bottom I immediately jump into action swinging at walkers rick shooting them, we're heading down the street when I go to swing at someone in an alley
"Not dead! Come on! come on!" I stop mid swing running down the alley with him Rick trailing behind watching our backs
"Come on!" The man says climbing up a ladder i go up first rick still shooting
"What are you doing come on!" I say looking down at Rick he runs out of ammo throwing the gun starting to climb once we get halfway we take a break I look Down seeing how many walkers there are
"Holy shit" I sigh out of breath
"Nice moves there Clint Eastwood" the man says looking at me I smirk
"You the new sherif riding in to clean the town up?" The man asks Rick I huff a chuckle out
"It wasn't my intention" Rick says out of breath
"Yeah whatever yeehaw, your still dumbasses" the man says rolling his eyes
"Rick, Alex, thanks " rick pants out going to shake the man's hand
"Glenn, your welcome" he says shaking ricks hand
"Uh guys pause the love fest for a second" I say pointing towards the walkers starting to climb Glenn goes to the ladder looking how far up it is
"Bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us" he says looking at me
"What a nice bright side" I say smiling sarcastically Glenn smiles back as we all start to climb. After what feels like forever we get to the top walking over a board to the next building over
"Are you the one that barricaded the alley?" Rick asks
"Somebody did-I guess when the city got overrun, whoever did it was thinking not many geeks would get through" Glenn says as we start to run over to a ladder down into a building Glenn opens the top throwing his backpack into it
"Back at the tank, why'd you stick your neck out for us?" I say looking at him suspiciously considering we still only just meant
"Call it foolish, naive hope that if I'm ever that far up shit creek somebody might do the same for me, guess I'm an even bigger dumbass than you guys" he says climbing down the ladder I look down smirking and start to climb down, when we get to the bottom we run through a exit climbing down some stairs
"I'm back, got two guests plus four geeks in the alley" Glenn says into a walki-talki we reach the bottom of the stairs to see walkers roaming  I start to panic when some people with bats come out killing them
"Let's go!" Glenn shouts me and Rick running after him into a metal door
"Morales let's go!" Glenn shouts looking back at the man in amour with a bat swinging at the walker, he runs over closing the door swiftly
"You son of a bitches we outta kill you" I look up to see a gun pointed at me and Rick by some blonde lady
"Just chill out Andrea, back off" Glenn says trying to diffuse the situation
"Come on ease up" morales says taking off his armor
"Ease up? Your kidding me, right? We're dead becuase of these stupid assholes" Andrea says angrily
"Andrea, I said back the hell off" morales saying coming up to her she thinks for a moment before dropping the gun starting to tear up
"We're dead-all of us becuase of you guys" she says frustrated
"I don't understand" Rick says confused
"Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies you know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing not shooting up the streets like it's the o.k. Corral" morales says pushing us into a hall way leading us into a department store shoving us towards the windows
"Every geek for miles around heard you popping off rounds" he says gesturing to the hoard of walkers outside
"You just rang the dinner bell" Andrea adds
"Get the picture now?" Morales asks annoyed I look at the window scared seeing the glass start to crack under there weight but then one grabs a rock and starts smashing the glass
"Oh god" I say us all backing up
"What the hell were you doing out there anyway?" Andrea asks us
"Trying to flag the helicopter" Rick's says
"Helicopter man that's crap there ain't no damn helicopter" some guy with a do rag on his head says
"You were chasing a hallucination imagining things it happens" another lady with short black hair says
"We saw it" I snap not liking feeling crazy
"Hey, t-dog try that c.b. Can you contact the others?" Morales tells the man with the walki-talki
"Others, the refugee center?" I question
"Yeah the refugee center they've got biscuits waiting in the oven for us" the short haired girl says sarcastically which makes me roll my eyes
"Got no signal, maybe the roof" t-dog suggests when we hear a shot from above
"Oh no is that Dixon?" Andrea says freaking out a bit everyone starting to head for the stairs
"Come on let's go" Glenn says following the group up the stairs to the roof, when we reach the top I see a blading grey haired man shooting a rifle
"Hey Dixon are you crazy?!" Morales yells, the man continues shooting
"Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun!" He looks back yelling over at us
"Huh only common sense" he says dropping down from the ledge he was on
"Man you wasting bullets we ain't even got! And you're bringing even more of them down on our asses! Man, just chill" t-dog yells running over angrily
"Hey! Bad enough I got this taco-bender on my ass all day now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so bro that'll be the day" the man with the gun says
"Oh great a racist" I mutter to Rick already hating the man
"That'll be the day, you got something you wanna tell me?" T-dog questions
"Hey t-dog man just leave it it ain't worth it, now Merle just relax, ok?" morales sighs out
"You want to know the day?" Merle ignores him continuing
"Yeah" t-dog stands up taller
"I'll tell you the day, Mr."yo" it's the day I take orders from a nigger" Merle says but before he can even finish t-dog attacks him but Merle's to strong he punches him back almost knocking him to the ground
"Dixon!" Andrea says trying to stop it, rick goes over to help but Merle just punches him in the face making him fall back
"Oh hell no" I mutter out seeing this asshole hurt my brother going over to him but when I get there Merle slams t-dog against a pole him groaning in pain on the ground every one rallies around trying to stop him but when he pulls out a gun and points it at t-dog we all pause
"Yeah! All right!" Merle says on top of him spitting on him
"We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about who's in charge I vote me anybody else?" He continues getting off of him
"I vote no you racist piece of shit!" I yell at him he turns around pointing the gun at me now
"And who is this fine piece of ass?" He says smirking licking his lips I visibly recoil in disgust, well he's focused on me they pull a groaning t-dog away from under Merle
"Don't talk to my sister like that" Rick comes up behind Merle punching him to the ground handcuffing him to a pipe dragging him upwards by his shirt
"Who the hell are you man!" Merle says slightly scared
"Officer friendly" Rick says sarcastically going to grab his gun discarded on the ground unloading the clips in it
" look here Merle, things are different now there are no niggers anymore no dumb-as-shit inbred white-trash fools ether only dark meat and white meat theres us and the dead, we survive this by pulling together not apart" rick finishing his speech reloading the gun
"Screw you man" Merle replies
"I can see you make a habit of missing the point" Rick smiles looking at him harshly
"Yeah we'll screw you twice" Merle spits out at Rick
"Ought to be polite to a man with a gun only common sense" Rick grits out pressing the gun into Merle's head cocking it
"You wouldn't your a cop" Merle says but I can tell he's slightly scared
"All I am anymore is a man protecting his sister and looking for his wife and son, anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose I'll give a moment to think about that" Rick says looking Merle dead in the eyes, reaching into his pocket he finds coke he grabs his face looking up his nose
"Got some on your nose there" Rick says flicking his nose
"What are you gonna do? Arrest me?" Merle says laughing but stops when he sees Rick starting to walk towards the edge of the roof throwing the coke off the building
"Hey! What are you doing? Man, that's was my stuff!" Merle shouts angrily
"Hey!" He grunts trying to get lose from his handcuffs
"If I get lose you'd better pray-yeah you hear me you pig?!" Merle shouts over to Rick as he walks over to the ledge, me and morales start walking over
Yeah your voice carries!" I shout back annoyed
"You're not Atlanta p.d, where you guys from?"  Morales questions
"Up the road a ways" rick sighs out
"Well officer friendly and officer friendlies  sister from up the roads a way, welcome to the big city" morales says looking towards all the walkers down below
"God, it's like Times Square down there" Andrea sighs out as we come over towards the group
"How's that signal?" Rick questions
"Like dixons brain-weak" t-dog says looking towards Merle which makes Merle flip him off
"Keep trying" morales says
"Why? There's nothing they can do not a damn thing" Andrea says looking at me and Rick still blaming us I roll my eyes wanting to say something but bit it back watching her walk away
"Got some people outside the city is all, there's no refugee center" morales says looking at Rick
"Then she's right we're on our own it's up to us to find a way out" Rick sighs looking back towards me
"Goodluck with that these streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear, ain't that right sugar tits?" Merle smirks looking at me
"Oh pets names hm what would yours be let me think....small dick? Yeah small dick fits you" I say smiling sweetly at him his smile drops gritting his teeth
"What about under the streets? The sewers?" Rick says to morales looking at Merle harshly
"Oh man...hey Glenn check the alley you see any manhole covers?" Morales ask Glenn
"No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are" Glenn says
"Maybe not, old building like this built in the 20s-big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding down in the sub basements" I say looking at them they stare at me confused
"How do you know that?" Glenn asks
"I payed attention in school" I say shrugging
"Ok well let's go then" rick says heading towards the stairs
"Hey what about me!" Merle yells
"T-dog stay with him" Rick says t-dog groaning but nodding
(To be continued!) @duckybird101
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"Hey—before you go, come over here," your brother said, waving you toward him. He was standing on the front porch, his signature cowboy boots on and his holster looking strange as it was empty.
"What's up?" you asked, stopping beside him.
He gave you a long look and sighed. Your nerves sizzled.
"Rick," you laughed. "You're freaking me out... what is it?"
"We're safe here," he said. "At least for now." It wasn't lost on you that he seemed to be more relaxed than you'd seen him since the best days at the prison.
"I know," you nodded.
He fixed another gaze on you and this time his mouth turned up at the corners in a slight smile. "Mhm... Is that why you've been spending so much time with Daryl lately?"
Your cheeks immediately flushed. You groaned internally. "Rick..."
"I'm just askin'!" he said, laughing, holding his hands up. He gave you another perceptive look. "But you do like him? Right?"
Your face still flushed, you managed to nod and meet your brother's eyes. "Yeah. I do."
Rick sighed. "Well, I'll do my best not to shoot him then," he said, though his eyes were crinkled at the corners in a smile.
"That's all I can ask," you laughed. "Besides, we both know he's the best man I've ever been interested in. You two are like brothers already."
Rick rubbed a hand over his face. "Yeah..." he drawled thoughtfully. "At least I don't think I'll have to punch him out like that kid who took you to sophomore homecoming and left you there."
You rolled your eyes. "Ugh... Daniel Thompson," you remembered, wrinkling your nose. "Yeah, please don't punch out Daryl..."
"I don't think I'll need to," he said, giving you a fond look. "Besides, you aren't 15 anymore and you're more than capable of punching him out yourself if he gets outta line... Alright," he said, suddenly feeling awkward and clearing his throat. "Good talk. Be good..."
You grinned at him and grabbed him into a quick hug that made him smile again. "See you later."
Prompt: "You do like him?" / "I do." / "Well, I'll do my best not to shoot him then." / "That's all I ask."
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ficnation · 1 year
Chapter 6: Facing the Strangers
Series: Way Down We Go || Season 1 Word count: 2,5k+ Pairing: Rick Grimes x Female! Reader; Shane Walsh x Reader; Daryl Dixon x Sister! Reader Warnings: usual twd themes A/n: Aye, it's WDWG time! I wanted this chapter to be as packed with tension as it was possible. Let me know your thoughts and theories! If you’re not on the taglist but you’d like to be added let me know!
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You woke up to the warmth of the morning sun, the rays streaming into the backseat of the car where you had fallen asleep. Merle snored in the reclined passenger seat, his boots propped up on the dash. You shifted your body into a sitting position, the wound on your side still aching horribly. You clenched your teeth and peeked through the window, gaze searching for Daryl and his beloved crossbow. 
Your younger brother stood near the lake, observing the water shimmering in the morning sun. He was finally taking a break from patrolling the perimeter. You wondered how long it has been since he got some rest—some real sleep—not a fifteen-minute-long nap. 
After the stunt Merle pulled at your camp near Turner Reservoir, you both agreed you’d not let him take another watch shift alone. You, though injured, were more trustworthy than him in spotting incoming threats and getting rid of them. Merle turned out to be too reckless, and you couldn’t risk coming all this way just for him to fuck up again.
As you stretched, the car creaked with your movement, the sound of metal and fabric shifting before settling into silence again. You slid out of the vehicle, unbothered by the loud slam of the door as you pushed it closed behind you. You secretly hoped it was clamorous enough to wake Merle from his deep slumber.
Daryl looked up from his spot near the water as you dragged your feet forward, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. At least your injury wasn’t pulsing as painfully as it did the day before—that was a win in your book.
“You should get some sleep, Daryl,” you said when you reached him, standing by his side and looking at the water ahead. It was so peaceful.
“Don’ think tha’s a good idea,” he replied, looking you up and down, lost in thought. “Does it still hurt like a bitch?”
“Yeah, but less than yesterday.” You hid your yawn behind your palm. You only managed to get a few hours of sleep—the pain on your side was too unbearable to allow more than that. “Seriously, you should kick Merle out of the car and take a nap yourself,” you insisted, studying the dark circles underneath his eyes and the paleness of his face.
“Nah, I should probably catch us somethin’ to eat.” Daryl stretched his arms above his head with a groan before letting them drop down to his sides.
“Can I go with you?” you asked with an excited glint in your eyes.
You used to do that together when you were kids—when Will took you to the cabin and all the cupboards were empty. Every mention of your hunger was a reason for him to lash out; he used to yell about how ungrateful you were, saying you should finally learn to fend for yourself. You were just a kid, and you had to worry about finding something to satisfy your hunger because your own father was an asshole who refused to provide for you.
Although Daryl is younger than you, he was always the resourceful one while you followed him like a lost puppy, clumsily stumbling over every branch and rock. When you got lost in the woods, he was the one who got you food and clean water as you bawled your eyes out. He was the one who taught you which berries and mushrooms are safe to eat and which can make you wish you were dead.
You shook your head to will the memories away as Daryl responded, “Nah, ya should stay ‘ere with Merle.” Just when you were about to protest, he fixed you with a challenging quirk of his eyebrow and you instantly shut your mouth. “Yer wounded.”
You groaned in exasperation, then nodded your head in agreement. You had no reason to get pressed—even though you could move a little bit easier now, you’d still be a nuisance to him on a hunting trip. “Alright,” you mumbled in agreement.
The moment the words left your lips, your ears picked up noise in the distance. You whipped around toward your brother, meeting his gaze in a silent question. His squinted eyes told you that he heard it too.
The noise got closer and closer with every passing second—its source was definitely heading your way. You could see the gears turning in Daryl’s head as he realized the same thing.
“Get to the fuckin’ car!” he ushered you, swinging his crossbow off his shoulder while his unoccupied hand pushed you gently toward the vehicle.
You listened to him without a second thought, moving forward as fast as your legs allowed you to. You got to the car just in time for another vehicle to come barreling forward and skidding to a stop by the lake, and the large boulders you occupied yesterday. As the door to the black Jeep Wrangler opened, Daryl’s crossbow was already raised and aimed in that direction.
First, a muscular man jumped out of the driver’s seat, then the other doors opened, and a few women exited the car. They had yet to notice your presence. You felt Daryl nudging your arm—a silent sign to get into the truck before they spotted you.
But before you could do anything, the metal door opened with a loud creak as Merle darted out of it. He had the best timing ever—you had to give him that. You heard the commotion as the strangers finally noticed your group of three. And oh my god, Merle had a gun.
You stopped in your tracks, motionless, your eyes darting toward the newcomers. The driver also pulled out his gun as he started moving toward you. Daryl was saying something to your older brother, but your brain turned itself off, focusing solely on the dark-haired man ahead. He came to a stop not too far away, but not too close either, his weapon raised in your general direction.
You had a chance to give him a good look over as the world seemed to slow down around you. His eyes were dark brown but seemed almost hazel as the morning sun hit them. The hair on his head was black and wavey, a subtle stubble decorating his scowling face.
You don’t know what exactly happened, but suddenly those same rich brown eyes were studying your person, almost concerned. “Ma’am, do you know these men?” he asked, his voice deep as his gaze darted between you and your companions.
Daryl moved in front of you, shielding you away from the stranger’s view. No one answered the man’s question—no one even thought about it. You noticed Merle tense up next to you, clutching tightly the pistol in his hands. The stranger’s expression remained unwavering, but his eyes did glance at your older brother’s weapon briefly before they tried to catch a glimpse of you once more.
A thought popped into your head, and you looked down at your injured side, quickly connecting the dots. Now, you understood the glint of concern in his eyes. Your shirt and jeans were still stained with the dried-up blood—you completely forgot about it.
You peeked over Daryl’s shoulder and your gaze met the stranger’s. You’re not sure what he saw in it, but it somehow encouraged him to take another step forward in your direction. Your heart was pounding hard inside your chest. Everything looked like it was in slow motion, the man’s movement, the crowd behind him watching your stare off, every twitch of your younger brother’s muscles. The silence hung heavily in the air as you waited with bated breath to see who was going to fold first and finally say something.
Someone from the unknown crowd walked over and took a stand by the dark-eyed man. “Ma’am, are you injured? Do you need help?” The voice belonged to a woman, it was gentle, with a hint of annoyance at the unnecessary hostility between your groups. “Shane, put the gun away,” she urged the man beside her with a hushed tone—almost a whisper.
Shane listened to her, and although tentatively, he did lower his weapon. The woman stepped forward with a confident walk, escaping the arm that shot out to keep her from going any further. She was a woman on a mission, you could respect that. Her gaze locked on Daryl as she tried to sidestep him, but his aim followed her. You could hear Shane say something to her—maybe even to all of you—but your brain didn’t quite catch it, once again. Merle was oddly quiet.
“Woman, ya step any closer an’ I’ll blow yer pretty brains outta tha’ head.” Yep, he's still here.
Merle didn’t take his gaze off her, he was still clutching the gun, ready for the stranger to try something. Daryl looked even more uneasy than before, and you wondered whether the end of the world squashed all of your trust in humanity into the ground or have you always been like that—you were leaning more towards the second theory. Your older brother, however, seemed calm, like he was the only one who was in control of the situation. He looked around, sizing everybody up with a mean look in his Dixon blues.
“Where did you come from?” Shane asked, tensing up as your older brother stepped into the woman’s path when she tried to sidestep Daryl again.
You noticed the mocking snort that escaped Merle, his knuckles almost white from gripping that pistol so tight. Maybe he wasn’t as sure of himself as he was pretending to be. You had a feeling he was about to do something stupid.
You grabbed him by the wrist, shaking your head disapprovingly. He rolled his eyes, but let you pull him back, seeing the imploring look in your eyes. Don’t do it.
The unknown man’s expression grew darker when he noticed you weren’t really caving in. “Drop your weapons,” he ordered. “We don’t wanna harm you.”
Daryl and Merle didn’t say a word, simply refusing to give up their weapons. You lifted your leg, then kicked the old man in the calf, not too hard, but not too delicately either. He dropped the pistol in resignation, grunted, and pushed it a step away with his foot. Daryl agreed wordlessly and lowered his crossbow.
“Wha’ do ya all want from us?” Merle barked out, towering over the petite woman that finally gave up, understanding she wasn’t going anywhere near you.
You don’t know what gave it away, but the strangers seemed to understand the two men at your side were your friends rather than kidnappers.
“We have a camp nearby. We come here almost every day,” the woman spoke, looking you up and down once you sidestepped the protective wall consisting of your two brothers. “Are you injured?”
“She’s good. Old blood,” Daryl responded to her question. He was met with a suspicious look from the strangers once again.
“The woman can speak for herself, for fuck’s sake.” Shane sighed deeply, clearly annoyed by the whole situation already.
“She don’ speak.”
“Oh…” You took the chance to look the brunette up and down. She was quite skinny with sharp cheekbones and long wavy hair with side-swooped bangs. From her behavior, you figured out she was a classic example of a woman who thought she was untouchable.
“Can I at least take a look at it?” she proposed—a pinch of concern in her voice.
You noticed the way her companion looked at her with admiration at her “selfless” attitude—like a love struck teenager. You guessed he was probably her husband—a lover at least. The man must’ve felt your eyes boring into him, he met your gaze, making you withdraw it instantly. The texture of the ground beneath your feet suddenly seemed far more interesting.
“Wha’? Ya wanna get a chance to feel up mah lil’ sister?” Merle, please, shut your fucking mouth.
“Dressing’s old. Might probably need a change, or it’ll get infected,” Daryl’s response surprised you, your eyes shot up to his face and the worry-etched frown decorating it.
“We have a medical kit back at our camp. We can bring it around, or you can come with us.” The brunette seemed just as shocked as you did, judging by her expression. She probably expected him to put up a fight and refuse to say anything about your injury. “You didn’t set up camp anywhere nearby, did you?”
“Nah, we’re jus’ passin’ through.” Daryl’s shoulders relax visibly as he let out a deep breath. “Plannin’ to head into Atlanta once ‘er wound heals up a little.”
“Atlanta?” Shane snorted loudly, earning himself a disapproving shake of his companion’s head. “Man, you got a death wish?”
You glared at him, his tone toeing the line between surprised and sarcastic. Judging by the scowl that started growing on Merle’s face—he was the one who had a death wish. Shane must’ve felt your eyes boring into his face, he stood a little straighter, holding your gaze.
“Place is swarmed with those things,” the woman added, nodding her head in agreement. Her eyes darted between you and Shane, a frown growing between her thin eyebrows.
“You heard ‘bout the refugee camp?” Shane asked as his gaze left yours, focusing on your younger brother instead. Daryl’s nod confirmed his suspicions. “It’s not there anymore. Don’t think it survived the napalm.”
The archer looked at you, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. You could’ve met the same fate if you didn’t leave the city to look for them. The thought that he could’ve lost you made him sick to his stomach. He exhaled deeply, his chest shaking with the trembling of his breath. You squeezed his arm briefly—a simple reassurance that you’re still there in one piece.
“Guess our plan jus’ died,” he mumbled out, mostly to you and Merle. His words were a weight off your chest.
Shane eyed Daryl’s crossbow, and an idea popped into his head. “You good with that thing?” He nodded his head toward the weapon, making the archer look between him and the crossbow confused.
“Shoots since he was a lil’ bastard,” Merle butted in before his brother could muster up a response. “Should’ve seen how many squirrels and bucks he brings back from huntin’.”
There was an uneasy feeling stirring up in your gut, Merle had a plan, and you were almost one hundred percent sure it wasn’t one worth considering. God, you’d give anything to know what silly little idea he brewed up in this empty skull of his. But he put it in motion before any of you could talk him out of it. Seeing the amazement in the brunette’s eyes and the silent understanding between her and her friend—it was too late for you to save the situation.
“You guys have a tent?” The man asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Did you just see the corner of his mouth quirk up?
“Nah, why?”
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Taglist: @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @depressedfrog2 @clemscult @lonewolf471 @btsiguess-kpop @notquitecannon @the-daily-multi-fandom-post @xhannahbananax03 @sourwolf-sterek32 @wonderful-writer @phoenixblack89 @yolobloggers @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witch-of-letters @capsiclesdoll @kingtwhiddleston @incorrectcapsicle @queentorresstuff @witheringblooddemon @hopefulatrocity ​ @jaiboomer11 @mewlingoizys
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lunajay33 · 4 months
Masterlist 2.0
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Fluff>☆ Angst>꩜ Spicy>ꨄ︎ Suggestive>❀
Masterlist 1.0
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Daryl Dixon🏹
{Quarry Era}
Soulmate> ☆
{Prison Era}
Future> ꩜☆
How to tell you I Love You> ☆
Despair> ꩜
Where’s My Wife> ꩜☆
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Negan Smith
Crave> ☆❀
Just a Taste> ☆ꨄ︎
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{Sam Winchester}
New Addition> ꩜☆
Surprise> ☆
{Dean Winchester}
Help> ꩜☆
Secrets> ☆
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{Paul Lahote}
Destiny> ☆꩜ Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6
Pain> ꩜
The One> ☆
{Seth Clearwater}
My Beast> ☆
Valentines> ☆
Best Friend> ☆꩜
{Embry Call}
Desperate> ꩜☆
{Emmett Cullen}
Waiting> ☆꩜ Pt.2
{Felix Volturi}
It’s You> ☆꩜ꨄ︎ Pt.2
{Alec Volturi}
Am I Good Enough> ꩜☆
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Two Souls> ☆
Comfort> ꩜☆
Sweet Flower>꩜ Pt.2>☆
Brothers Best Friend> ☆
The Only One> ☆꩜ꨄ︎ Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5
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The Maze Runner🍃
My Gally> ꩜☆
Don’t Leave> ☆
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topazy · 10 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Shane Walsh × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Mentions of SA, blood, character death
Chapter: 2.10
Lori gave you a knowing look while Andrea continued to whine about issues that weren’t real issues. While Maggie and Beth argued in another room, Andrea stated she thought you should try to encourage Beth to accompany you while taking Jace for a walk around the farm, insisting the fresh air would do the three of you some good.
You did want to snap back at her since Andrea was unhelpful most of the time, but you bit your tongue for the most part and started washing dishes in the kitchen. It’s not until Andrea mentions your brother and Shane being sexist since they always dealt with the more dangerous tasks, leaving the women behind to do all the housework.
“It's because they were cops! They risked their lives every day, and they know what they are doing.”
Andrea lets out an over-the-top huff, placing her hands on her hips. “Well, if they spent more time teaching us how to defend ourselves properly, then maybe we could share the load. I should be able to handle my own goddamn gun.”
“Oh yeah, because you’re so good at handling them.”
Lori shakes her head. She was trying her best to defuse the tension, but neither you nor the blonde were listening at this point.
“Excuse me?”
“Last time you fired a damn gun, you almost killed Daryl!”
You step out onto the porch with a fresh cup of coffee in your hand. It wasn’t the real stuff and properly tasted stale, but it was better than nothing. You sit down beside Maggie on the wooden steps and hand it to her. “I thought you could use this.”
“How is she?”
Maggie pauses before answering, “She’s alive.”
You give her a sympathetic smile. Things had gone from bad to chaotic in the last twenty-four hours. Beth had locked herself in a bathroom, broke the mirror, and then used the sharp material to cut herself; luckily, her father was able to stitch her wrist in time. Rick and Shane had taken the kid Randell somewhere far to leave him, but apparently the area was surrounded by walkers, so they brought him back to the farm, where he was now essentially a hostage.
“Since we got here, we’ve brought nothing but trouble; I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you do,” she says, letting out a slight chuckle. “But if I’m being honest, I’m glad you folks came here. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”
You watch as Daryl comes out of the barn covered in blood, which you assumed came from Randell. You feel physically sick thinking of what could have transpired behind those wooden walls. You tell Maggie, “I’ll be back shortly.”
You walk quickly to grab a bucket of water that was half full and a cleanish cloth that was hanging up to dry, and you call out after your friend, “Daryl, wait up.”
He keeps walking towards one of the wells. “I gotta go wipe—”
“The blood off? Yeah, I got you covered.”
He lets out a snort as he begins to wash his hands. “You just assume I’d come out covered in blood?”
“I noticed the cut on your arm earlier, and I don’t want it to get infected.”
Daryl glances down at his arms before cleaning them as well. Usually he was covered in more dirt and dried blood than the rest of you; what worried you was the uncovered cut on Daryl’s arm surrounded by dirt. He says, “You're such a mom.”
Daryl asks how your injury from the crash is healing as you make your way towards your group, which is sitting by the tents outside. The first thing you notice is the look on Shane’s face; he’s looking pissed off as his eyes dart between you and Daryl.
"Boy, there’s got a gang, thirty men,” Daryl says. “They have heavy artillery, and they ain’t looking to make friends. They roll through here; our boys are dead. And our women... they’re going to wish they were.”
Hearing those words come from Daryl, you instantly become scared. You avoid making eye contact with Shane as you walk towards him; he hands you Jace before resting his hand against your hip. He whispers, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Carol notices Daryl’s bleeding knuckles. “What did you do?”
“Had a little chat.”
When your brother starts to talk about ‘eliminating the threat’ you shake your head, not wanting to hear anymore, you decide to leave the conversation. “I’m going to take Jace inside.”
You didn’t doubt Randall was a bad person, and you believed you would rather wish you were dead if his gang tuned up, but you weren’t going to partake in anything to do with him.
“Can I ask you something?”
As soon as you hear Dale’s voice, you roll your eyes. You walked to the other side of the farm so you could be on your own with Jace. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Dale, but I’m not going to vote.”
“So you’re just going to stand by and let your brother kill the boy?”
You lean against a tree, continuing to stoke Jace’s thin, dark hair with your fingers. “My personal opinion on this doesn’t matter, but what does is keep our people safe.”
Dale looks disappointed. “So you agree with killing him; you just don’t want to admit it.”
Learning that Randall stood by and watched as men in his group raped two teenage girls in front of their father stirred something inside—emotions that you couldn’t shift. “All due respect, it’s different from us, Dale. I understand why it’s wrong, all of us against one kid, but…” You stop talking when your mouth suddenly becomes dry, and it takes you a moment to find your voice again. “I’ve met Randall’s before, and trust me, you want to be on the opposite side of them.”
Dale gives your arm a friendly squeeze and says, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
He licks at his lips and says, “I spoke to Shane earlier to try and convince him to change his mind.”
“I imagine that went well,” you snort.
“He was dead set on never letting a man like that near you again, and I had a theory you met men like that in the past; that’s why I’m sorry. Nobody deserves—”
“Dale,” tears fall from your eyes. “Just please, don’t go there.”
“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you. Just—they listen to you, Rick, Shane; hell, even Daryl seems to value your opinion.”
You remain standing in the same spot as the older man walks away. “Dale?” He turns back around to face you. “How long did it take you to stop trusting Shane?”
“I never did.”
You stand by the front doorway of Greene's farmhouse; everyone has gathered to talk about Randall’s fate. You had already made it clear you weren’t getting involved, a decision that received mixed reactions; some thought it was unfair, while those closest to you understood why you weren’t getting involved.
You hold your hand out for your nephew and say, “Carl, I need you to come help me in the RV.”
He pouts, “What with?”
“I need you to help watch Jace while I mend a bunch of torn-up clothes.”
Carl sulks as he walks by you to go outside. You didn’t really need his help in the RV, but you, Rick, and Lori wanted him out of the discussion.
“You’re really not going to share your thoughts on this?” Dale asks.
You glance around to make sure nobody else is listening in before answering. “Honestly, I don’t know what I think. I want to believe I’m a good person who votes against it, but then I remember what he’s done, and then I’m unsure. But I do admire you, Dale; it’s not easy. Always remember who you are.”
He gives you a slight nod, and then you leave the house.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed by when you hear a loud yell of pain. “Carl, stay here with Jace and lock the door behind me.”
You run out of the RV and in the direction of the field. Your brother calls out for T-dog to get a shotgun as he follows closely behind you.
Spotting a walker trying to bite Dale, you pull your blade out of your belt and stab it in the head before pushing it off him, but you’re too late. Dale’s stomach had already been ripped open, and he was bleeding out. “No! Rick, Rick! Help, over here!”
Daryl is the next person to arrive. He kneels down and says, “Hey, buddy, you’re going to be okay.”
Rick and Andrea both scream for Hershel to come outside as soon as they see Dale, but you knew there was nothing he could do. You hold Dale’s hand and kiss his forehead. “It’s okay; it’s going to be okay.”
Dale was so confused by the loss of blood that it was hard to know if he knew what you were saying to him. But you could tell he was in pain and choking on his own blood from the way he gurgled.
“Shane... Rick,” with glossy eyes, you look up at them, your voice breaking. “He’s suffering; please do something.”
Rick points his gun at Dale’s head, but he’s unable to pull the trigger, so Daryl takes the gun from him. You move further back as Daryl kneels down, but you still hold onto Dale’s hand, not wanting him to feel alone.
“Sorry, brother.” Daryl pulls the trigger, ending Dale’s suffering.
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trumpetnista · 8 months
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