#like how did he not know my mom’s suv wasn’t there when she had to take it to the shop and go to school???
1d1195 · 10 months
Dolcezza I
You know me and my need for love at first sight.
This is where I’ll keep her: Dolcezza
Warnings: mostly fluff, mentions of stalking
~5.5k words
Definitely multi-part. This part is mostly from the MC perspective. The very end peeks into Harry's brain and the second part will likely pick up more onto his POV.
Hope you enjoy!
“You really don’t need to trouble yourself,” she promised.
Harry turned pausing by the shelf pressed against the wall. “D’you really want me t’leave?” He asked with a frown. “M’sorry. I jus’... really want t’help you, kitten,” he explained. “S’like I need to. S’almost... compulsive... but I’ll leave if y’want me to.”
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“No, I’m totally fine, thank you,” she said into her phone.
“Are you sure?” Eleanor asked. “I can send Louis over.”
“No, no, that’s so unnecessary, El. Really. I’ll be fine.”
She could hear her best friend sigh heavily into the speaker. Eleanor was nearly a thousand miles away. She got a new job and while the benefits and everything about it were great, and would make Eleanor wildly successful, she was sadly away from her platonic soulmate. It was extremely hard to let her go. Worse, Louis would be joining her just as soon as he nailed down a new job out there.
But Louis was around for now, which was a great relief for Eleanor. Her best friend was a lot of things, but aware of how scary her situation wasn’t one of them. Louis knew he was essentially filling as best friend for the time being and he was expected to drop everything to get to her aid if Eleanor said so.
But that would only last so long.
Eleanor didn’t want to think about that right now.
She was carrying a box from her car toward the building. Her shoulder pressing her phone to her ear as best she could. Beside the building was a small little alley where her entry way to her new place resided. As much as it killed her to pay for it, she got a whole moving company to bring her furniture in already so at the rest was pretty standard. Her family, God love them, didn’t even think that she might need some help. If anything, she would have had to bribe them into helping her. Even if it was just for the furniture. If Eleanor was in town she would have helped with the boxes and other stray things she had heaped in her car.
Even with Eleanor’s presence closer, she felt alone. Eleanor had Louis and she would never fault her for that. Louis was everything she would want in a best-friend-in-law. But there was always this element of not fully having Eleanor—not like when they were in college and sharing a dorm room. It was different now. Not bad, but different. Her family was great but a little self-centered at times. Part of the problem, she dropped everything to help them whenever they asked but they rarely returned the favor. She did it all, so why would she need help?
Fortunately, moving allowed her to downsize quite a bit so her mid-sized SUV was able to hold almost all of her boxes in one trip from her storage unit to the new place. Maybe, this even helped her explain away her family’s lack of help.
But her brother was either busy working at the college dispatch center most of the weekend or playing beer pong at a frat party. Her sister was so wrapped up in her high school love life or maybe just being the princess her mom and dad made her out to be by never making her do anything of importance. Her parents were probably waiting on her hand and foot without even realizing. If not, they were probably creating some sort of computer-virus havoc on their home computer that for some reason her sister wouldn’t be able to fix. Or maybe they finally started fixing the kitchen up as they said they would for the last year waiting for their oldest to come home and fix all the little things they broke in the process.
If she thought about it too long, she would get annoyed. Her brother and sister were more than capable of helping and they just didn’t. It drove her nuts. So, at the end of it, she couldn’t bother her family for help. Because it barely felt like they could help themselves.
She was lucky because the alleyway wasn’t creepy. Not even at night. The whole street was a dream come true really. Part of her thought that despite the circumstance, this was actually a much-needed move. It was almost lucky that she found such an amazing place. Her own parking space right out front of the building, a coffee shop—a mere stone’s throw from said parking space—almost everything she needed was within walking distance. It was perfect.
Of course, the best and most wonderful selling point of all was by far that her new apartment was right above an Italian restaurant. It smelled like fresh pasta, garlic, and just the most comforting of scents. It reminded her of Sunday’s making meatballs with her dad and watching sports with her brother and sister.
When her coworker Mitch told her about the place, she thought it was too good to be true. But Mitch knew someone who worked at the restaurant. The owner, Antonio, was looking for a tenant after he informed Mitch’s friend that he was outgrowing the space. It was a generous size. But it was meant for a place to stay and keep watch over the restaurant—max two people and that was pushing it. The little place could not support Antonio, his wife, their first born, and another little one on the way. Four people was too big for this place.
But it was perfect for a girl who loved garlic bread and spaghetti who needed a new place and wouldn’t mind the smell of olive oil all hours of the day.
“How did you find this place?” Eleanor asked, her third-degree questioning tone was present in her voice.
“A friend of a coworker,” Eleanor already knew this.
“Mitch?” She clarified.
“Yes, Mom, Mitch,” she rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know how you can be so blasé about all this. It’s serious!” She reminded her. “I’m not even there to protect you.”
She didn’t need to be protected. She had a restraining order. The police in the area were well aware of the situation and she was almost always at home or traveling one day a week to work. If she ran errands, it was always in public spaces. She only ever worked out at a public female-only gym. Plus, she had given Louis her location. All of it was nearly a non-issue. “I don’t even know how I got a stalker,” she muttered grumpily. The whole thing was an inconvenience. If it wasn’t for Eleanor, she probably wouldn’t have even gotten the restraining order.
“You’re too nice,” Eleanor reminded her.
She sighed, tired of the story. It had been almost a year since the creepy sensation of the guy following her had started. Eleanor had approached him on more than one occasion to get rid of him. But the whole thing seemed like a bigger deal than it needed to be. The guy was basically harmless; if not just a little bit more on the creepy side. He couldn’t take the hint that she wasn’t interested and had a hard time letting go. He kept a huge distance from her—she wasn’t even sure she knew the color of his eyes from how far away he followed her. If he was around, she hardly noticed. “Well, I’m moving to a whole new place now so it should be fine now.”
“You didn’t tell anyone else about your address change?”
“Nope, just HR,” she promised. “As far as everyone knows I’m still living in that crummy apartment.”
“Well, maybe this is a blessing that you’re out of there anyway,” Eleanor sighed, relief in her voice. “How do you like this place?”
She smiled dropping the box in the middle of the room before she closed the door and descended the staircase back to her car to grab more boxes. “El, it’s literally perfect. It’s like the apartment of my dreams.”
“How come no one at the restaurant wanted it?”
“When you come visit, we can go and ask all the questions—”
As she entered the alleyway from her apartment entrance she was pushed to the ground. The rattling of glass bottles clinked, clattered, and broke on the pavement. She already felt the bruise forming on her tailbone from landing so hard on the ground. In the process she dropped her phone, and she could hear Eleanor shouting from the speaker. “Ouch,” she muttered.
“Don’t move!” She turned to the sound of the guy in the alleyway with her—he was hurrying to his feet having also toppled to the cold, hard ground. He was wearing all black. Short sleeves even though it was a chillier fall day—showing off an array of tattoos that lined his muscular arms. His black pants had fingerprints and handprints of flour on them. There was something dark colored—probably tomato sauce—dried on the half apron around his hips. He clearly worked in the restaurant. The bag of bottles he was previously carrying ripped open and was broken on the ground. “M’so sorry, Principessa,” his voice was smooth and warm. “Antonio told me y’were moving in today. Should’ve been more careful,” he frowned grabbing her wrists without a thought and hauling her to her feet to get her off the cold ground and away from any broken glass. “M’so sorry,” he repeated making sure she was steadily on her feet. He turned her hands over inspecting them so delicately. Like she was the glass that had broken at their feet. “Are y’alright, Principessa?”
The silence coming from Eleanor on her phone was nearly deafening. She blinked a few times as she gazed at the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life. His hair was the color of melted milk chocolate and looked like it had been sculpted of the very substance into the most unfairly beautiful curls any man should have been allowed to have. His cheeks were smooth except for the stubble lining his incredibly sharp jawline. His lower lip was chapped, and she realized how close she was to face to notice such a thing. Probably from the way he was biting it with the worry that he had hurt her. But they were still very rosy—like pink wine and much like the rest of him, very, very pretty.
He picked up her phone out of the debris. Wiping it on his apron then brought it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Oh, God,” she whispered to herself, trying to process the last two minutes. Eleanor was going to lose her mind.
“Uh... m’Harry... She’s fine—I think... Are y’okay, Principessa?” His gaze turned back to her.
It felt like her heart stopped as her eyes connected with the beautiful green ones looking back at her. It was unfair someone like Harry was that pretty.
She nodded, holding her hand out for her phone. He returned it to her immediately and she cleared her throat. “I’m fine, El. Promise.”
“Principessa?!” She gasped. “Oh. My. God.”
“I’ll call you later,” she whispered feeling her face warm as Harry inspected the mess.
“M’sorry, Principessa,” he repeated for a fourth time. If he called her Principessa again though, she might fall right back on her sore tailbone. “Wasn’t expecting you t’come out the door,” he frowned. “Did y’get cut at all?” He asked, scanning her quickly from head to toe. She was dressed for moving on a cool fall day. A chunky sweatshirt, a pair of joggers, and trainers. Her hair was pulled tight to keep out of her face.
She was the furthest thing from looking like the princess that he kept calling her. “Oh...no... I’m alright,” she promised. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”
“Don’t apologize, kitten, s’entirely my fault.”
She shook her head rapidly trying to get some neural networks firing. “Really, I’m okay,” she smiled gently. “I should have watched—”
“M’serious, s’my fault,” he interrupted again.
“Harry, what’s the hold—” Antonio entered the alleyway but stopped his train of thought looking at the pair of them. “Oh, hi, tesorino,” he had called her that a lot since he spoke and met with her. “See you’ve met Harry,” he looked at the broken bag and the glass. “Did he hurt you?” He asked.
“No!” Harry glared at him, a frown adorning his pretty lips and a matching pinch between his brows. Harry looked adorable when he was angry. “I didn’t Principessa, did I?” He turned back to her looking apologetic again.
“No, I’m sincerely fine,” she promised shoving her phone into the pocket of her joggers. “I should have watched where I was—”
“No, no, tesorino,” Antonio shook his head. “It’s Harry’s fault. M’sure.” What kind of reality was this? Antonio reminded her of Louis or a much older brother—maybe even a young dad, but not like her dad. She imagined Louis saying the same kind of taunting thing to Eleanor or even herself. It was surreal. A cute guy bumped into her when she was starting fresh. It was like fate—a new start and a new guy. “I’ll get you a broom, Harry. Make sure she’s alright.”
“Yes sir,” he nodded firmly. Antonio disappeared back to the restaurant to get the broom.
“I’m really fine,” she promised.
Harry was smiling now, he bent down to get the big pieces of glass that shattered and carefully placed them on the broken plastic bag. “M’glad, Principessa,” he hummed quietly.
“Uh...” she smiled awkwardly and stepped to the side. “I should get out of the way...” she trailed off and started for the street to gather more of her stuff.
“Here,” Antonio reappeared with a broom and a new bag, passing it off to Harry. “Tesorino, are you sure you’re alright?” Antonio had an Italian accent. It made her smile and even if she was hurt, she was sure that she wouldn’t—couldn’t feel any pain because it was so comfortable being around an Italian restaurant where people worried about her.
“I’m really, truly fine,” she promised.
Harry was quick to pick up all the glass and took a few steps around the area to catch any of the broken pieces. It seemed this wasn’t the first time this had happened. It was like she was glued to her spot watching Harry take the collected glass down the alleyway to one of the dumpsters. “Do you need help moving your stuff upstairs?” Antonio asked.
“Oh no, that’s alright, I’m fine—”
“Harry, help her with her stuff,” he ordered, ignoring her brush-off. “Her car is out front.”
Harry handed the broom back to his boss and hurried to the front of the building. “Hey!” She frowned and looked at Antonio. “I don’t need help—”
“Tesorino, please. S’no big deal. Harry would be happy to help.” Harry was already coming back with what she knew was a heavy box labeled ‘kitchen’ and heading for the stairs. Truthfully, she was dreading carrying that one, so she was grateful Harry was literally doing the heavy lifting for her but didn’t want him to feel like he had to. “He helped us move our stuff out already and into our new home,” he shrugged. “Come down for some lasagna for dinner,” he said heading back toward the front.
The entire interaction had left her so completely confused. Harry was beautiful and clearly a cook of some sort in the kitchen of the restaurant. Currently, he was up in her new apartment putting her box in the kitchen. Right as she came to the door to head after him, he bumped into her again, reappearing from the door so quickly, she almost fell right back to the ground. This time, Harry caught her around the waist. “M’sorry, Principessa. I don’t know why I keep getting in y’way,” he frowned.
He released her waist just as quickly as he caught her before heading back for her car. The warmth of his arm around her body lingered as she followed him. “You don’t have to help.”
“S’no problem, kitten,” he shrugged grabbing a box labeled ‘bedroom’ that she knew had an array of random things including an assortment of old CDs, a few pictures, and everything from her nightstand—including a box of condoms. Just the knowledge of knowing he was carrying them was enough to make her face warm. She frowned, hurrying to grab a box herself. “Y’don’t have any friends t’help you?” He asked over his shoulder as he made himself at home coming to stop in front of the second door in the little hall at the top of the steps. Beside her apartment was a second office for the restaurant. Antonio assured her that he was the only person who used it and at this point in time, it was mostly storage. Either way, she didn’t mind. The place was a steal and beyond helpful for her new start. Especially with Eleanor breathing down her neck worrying about her.
“I don’t like to bother people with something I can do myself,” she explained quietly while pushing the door out of the way for Harry to enter—but he waited for her to go first. A silent direction in his eyes as he stood still with the box in his hands. After an awkward pause, she went in first.
Unfortunately, she was compelled to fill the silence with more explanation. “My best friend got a new job—so she’s unavailable. She offered her boyfriend but he’s working. My other friends... no one wants to help move. You know?” She explained. But it was hard to hide the catch in her throat while she spoke. No one wanted to help her.
It was weird to have a conversation with Harry like that. It was a little personal, nothing crazy. But apparently, it divulged enough. “S’unfair, Principessa,” his voice was so gentle. “M’sure you’d help if they asked—or even if they didn’t ask.”
How on earth could some stranger possibly know that about her without so much as speaking for more than ten full minutes? There was a jolt of sadness that washed through her. But she pushed it aside and frowned at the stranger who seemed to read right through her without so much as a second glance. “They would help if I asked,” she murmured. But it felt like sand in her mouth as she said it because she knew it was a lie.
Harry didn’t harp on it though. He glanced around the empty space. “Are y’new to the city?” He asked.
“No... not really,” she shrugged. “I used to live just a couple towns over.”
“Ah,” he nodded. “D’you have a lot more?” He asked.
She shook her head. “No, not really. You... you grabbed the heavy kitchen one. So, it should be easy from here on out.”
“Great,” he smiled. “I’ll get Niall, we’ll be done in half an hour.” Harry left her breathless for more than one reason. He hurried back down and stopped outside of the restaurant. She was practically running to catch up.
Dolcezza was written in cursive script above the big window showcasing the beautiful restaurant. Most Italian restaurants always seemed so darkly lit. This one looked so warm and cozy and on the brighter side. It reminded her of her grandparents’ house.
Harry pulled the door open. “Niall!” He shouted. Without waiting for whoever Niall was, Harry turned to her car to grab the next box.
Niall was a little less than half a foot shorter than Harry. His eyes were the color of the sky in the middle of June, and he had an adorable smile. “What’re you doing?” He asked Harry as he walked by with a box. “Hey tesorino,” he winked at her.
“Grab a box,” Harry nodded his head toward the open car and continued for her apartment once more.
What the heck!?
She stumbled to get a box herself and hurried to follow the two guys moving her stuff into her new place. But she had to give credit where credit was due. Harry was right. Thirty minutes, and everything in her car was now in the apartment. Niall headed back to the restaurant without a word, but Harry stayed behind. “D’you need help with anything, kitten?” He asked sweetly.
She couldn’t possibly imagine him helping her more than he already had. “N-no, thank you. That was...really helpful. I can take it from here.”
“Jus’ come grab me from downstairs if y’do think of something, kitten. Antonio won’t mind,” he promised. He smiled at her once more and looked around. His gaze stopped on the tall bookshelf. He walked toward it and looked at each side. He pulled a little bag of screws that were taped to the side and put it in plain view. “Make sure y’anchor that bookshelf before putting books on it. Don’t want it falling on you,” he mentioned kindly. She frowned. In her old place, her bookshelf was recessed into the wall. Having built the new shelf so the movers could take it the other day, she truly hadn’t thought about it. She only taped the little bag to the inside of the shelf so she knew what it belonged to when she created a junk drawer in the kitchen.
“Er... right,” she nodded—unconfidently.
Harry looked her over again, sizing her up, as if he knew she didn’t know how to do that and was too proud to ask. “I’ll come back up before dinner t’do it. D’you have a screw gun and such?”
“I can Google how to do it if I need to,” she assured him knowing that if he didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t do it. “I doubt I can put holes in the wall like that.”
Harry snorted. “Don’t worry, Principessa, I’ll tell Antonio. He won’t argue.”
“It’s really—”
“M’offering myself, kitten. S’nothing t’worry ‘bout. M’happy t’help. S’no trouble at all.”
It was jarring. That was the only way to describe it. It was as if Harry could read her thoughts and see on her face that she didn’t want to trouble someone on her behalf. “Antonio s’not kidding ‘bout lasagna either, Principessa. He’ll want y’down between five-thirty and six. Come down t’eat or he’ll make me come up here t’get you.”
“Who was that?” Eleanor asked in greeting as she answered the phone.
“Hi Eleanor, the move has been going well. I’m about to start unpacking boxes and arranging everything. How has your day been?” She answered with an eye roll.
“Shut up, tell me about the guy, principessa,” her voice was nearly hysterical. Her tone was almost mocking with the nickname Harry had bestowed upon her. It made her stomach flip to hear even Eleanor say it.
Sighing, she put her head on the counter of her new kitchen. She eyed the heavy box Harry had put there on the floor. “His name is Harry. He works at the restaurant,” she explained. “Antonio had him help me with all the boxes and stuff, his friend Niall too.”
“I don’t care about that. What does he look like?!” The pause was telling. She knew it. “Wow,” Eleanor sighed. “He is so hot, you’re speechless.”
Rolling her eyes again, she was glad Eleanor couldn’t see her cheeks burning red at the correct assumption. “He’s cute,” she managed.
“Oh puh-lease,” she gasped. “What a cute little story you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren.”
“Can you relax? I talked to him for twenty minutes and mostly about moving.”
“Sweet Jesus,” she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes trying to think of the fastest way to get rid of her friend from making her crazy. “He correctly identified that I have shitty friends who wouldn’t help me move even if I had asked. He also got his friend Niall to help with the boxes in my car. And when I came back from the storage unit with a second load, they ran out in the middle of a lunch rush to help anyway.”
“You could sell movie rights,” Eleanor sighed dreamily.
She rolled her eyes. “His boss made him help.”
“His boss made him call you principessa too?”
“He called me kitten too.”
“Oh, you’re so going to marry him.”
“I have to unpack my house now.”
“What does he smell like?”
“You are insane.”
There was a knock on her door.
“Wonder who that is,” Eleanor practically sang. She glanced at the stove clock. It wasn’t even five o’clock. Not time to head down for lasagna. After the crazy afternoon she had, she wanted to make sure she didn’t give a reason to the funny cooks and owner downstairs that were helping her a reason to waste their time with her. She truly planned to head down for lasagna as they asked. But part of her thought Harry was joking about the bookshelf.
With the phone still against her ear, she pulled the door out of the way and found Harry. He was not joking. There was a screw gun at his side. “Hi Principessa,” he grinned so brightly it made a dimple in both cheeks appear. “M’gonna anchor y’bookshelf and then take y’down t’get lasagna,” he maneuvered right by her without so much as an okay.
“You really don’t need to trouble yourself,” she promised.
Harry turned pausing by the shelf pressed against the wall. “D’you really want me t’leave?” He asked with a frown. “M’sorry. I jus’... really want t’help you, kitten,” he explained. “S’like I need to. S’almost... compulsive... but I’ll leave if y’want me to.”
“Don’t you dare let him leave,” Eleanor said to her ear, her voice was practically a sigh. She and Harry stood feet apart gazing at one another.
But it felt so bad getting help from Harry. “Well...er... if you’re really sure it’s not a bother,” she murmured.
“Not at all, Principessa,” he smiled. “Promise,” he nodded. “S’jus’ a couple minutes and then I’ll bring y’down.”
“Eleanor, I gotta go.”
“I can’t wait to give my maid of honor speech at your wedding.”
She hung up on her friend. Harry was quick. He was shifting the bookshelf away from the wall. He snagged the little package of screws taped to the side. “Can I help?” She asked tossing her phone on the couch.
“I think m’alright, principessa. Thank you,” he said kindly, like he wasn’t doing her a favor by doing this. It was quiet while he worked. At one point he did drop one of the little screws and she was quick to grab it and place it in his hand for him. “Thanks, kitten,” he hummed quietly. His expression was so concentrated as he fixed up the shelf.
It wasn’t much, honestly. She knew that. It was just a bookshelf. But it was somehow so much more. Her heart felt so out of place. Her throat felt tight with emotion bubbling to the surface. No one had ever done anything like this before. A near stranger at that. Probably because it was so much more. It was a worry about her safety which people nearly forgot—unless they were Eleanor and by extension Louis.
She turned away briefly and busied herself with pulling throw pillows from the box labeled living room. Harry hummed quietly to himself. It was soothing. For a moment she forgot about who she was and that she had moved because she had a stalker. If she was a little more vulnerable feeling, she might have cried. It wasn’t the time, but she felt like she had known Harry her whole life. But she had barely spoken more than a hundred and fifty words to him. It was feeling extremely domestic in her new place even though hardly anything was unpacked.
The whole place was one wide open room kitchen and living area. There was a little space she designated for a table for sitting at and along the front wall by the window she planned on putting her desk. There was so much she needed to do. There were three doors along the back wall of the apartment. A bathroom, a bedroom, and a little alcove where a washer and dryer resided. She was lucky the owner lived here previously as she was certain there wouldn’t be a washer and dryer otherwise and that may have deterred her from taking the place. The idea of lugging her laundry up and down the stairs to a laundromat was not something she wanted to do in her late twenties.
“Oh crap,” she frowned. Realizing her state of being at the thought of walking up and down the steps all day.
Harry paused and turned to her. “Y’okay, principessa?” He frowned as well. His eyes looked her over with worry.
“Yeah...no, I just... I have to change before I head down there,” she sighed.
Harry smiled and turned back to his task. He gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Oh, y’could go like that, I think y’look beautiful,” he said sweetly.
Her heart rate took off rapidly. She could feel her cheeks warming but she knew her hair was pulled back and little pieces had frizzed and fallen from the elastic. She knew she was sweaty and there was simply no way she looked beautiful.
She snorted awkwardly. “Uh...thank you,” she cleared her throat. “But I would feel better if I changed.”
“I’ll wait outside, then,” he promised. “Jus’ finishing this last bit,” he murmured his attention focused on securing the screws perfectly.
“I’ll be quick,” she promised.
“Take y’time, principessa. M’in no rush,” he stood after finishing the final bit. He stepped back outside the apartment. God, he was nice. It had to be the fastest time she had ever gotten ready for anything. Changing out of comfy clothes and into jeans and a blouse that she would wear to her team meetings, so it didn’t look like she was wearing pajamas to work. She slipped on a pair of the first presentable ankle boots she could find a pair of in the box of shoes that was still unpacked. After she found a clip to pull her hair back in a more presentable fashion.
“Oh, wow,” Harry smiled dreamily as she stepped into the hall and locked her door. “Didn’t know y’could get any more beautiful. In less than five minutes too. M’gonna faint when y’have more than a minute,” he smiled and headed down the stairs as if he hadn’t just stolen her heart.
She was a little surprised he went down the stairs first, but she was grateful because maybe he wouldn’t be able to tell she was shaky and gripping the railing to keep her upright after Harry’s sweet compliment. But she realized it was merely so he could open the door carefully and make sure she wouldn’t bump into someone in the alleyway. Once he decided the alleyway was cleared, he gestured for her to exit first. “Thank you,” she said sincerely.
“For what, kitten?” He smiled as he closed the door behind him.
“Being helpful and nice. I... I’m not really used to that,” she admitted.
The grin on his face was kind. He shoved his freehand in his pocket and shrugged. “Happy t’help y’principessa,” he winked and headed for Dolcezza, surely to open the door for her first.
“Why did he name it Dolcezza?” She asked following behind him.
Harry smiled and glanced over his shoulder to wink at the pretty girl. “It means sweetness. Antonio met his wife when he was studying business, called her la mia dolcezza. He always wanted t’own a restaurant but never knew what t’name it. He knew the second he met her,” he shrugged. “S’a cute story.”
“Very sweet,” she smiled as she walked by Harry to enter the warm and homey restaurant. She was correct in her assumption that he would hold the door open for her. He chuckled at her joke.
There was something about the girl he literally bumped into and proceeded to fall for instantly physically and emotionally. He wasn’t lying when he said it was compulsive to help her. The warmth he felt inspecting her hands for injury and the worry he felt when she didn’t seem sure of anchoring her bookshelf. The thought that she was just above the restaurant that he nearly lived at more than his own place was comforting. A tug on his heart he didn’t know where it came from but couldn’t help it. Harry had never felt such an emotion like this for someone he had just met. It was like he had known her his whole life and he hadn’t spent more than an hour in total speaking to her. But he wanted to spend forever talking to her now that he had a glimpse of someone so beautiful and gentle.
It took every bit of inner strength for Harry to refrain from telling her he would name every child, every restaurant, anything he could name, he would dedicate to her.
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general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina @haarrrys @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles
Dolcezza: @matildasatellite
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His Rodeo Queen
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Chapter 1 (Returning Home pt 2)
Chapter 1 pt1
A/N: I’m sorry for how many paragraphs there are but tumblr hats long paragraphs apparently, so tried to break it were one scene ended and another one begins
Warnings: Mention’s death bit no actual character death
Jake got up at his normal time 5 am even if it was a Saturday morning, it was normal to him, but he did everything not to wake Abbie until at least 8 am, when he did wake her it was with kisses along her shoulder, she hummed in response to him waking her up “What’s that for?” She questioned him, turning to look at him “I can’t just wake up my beiful rodeo queen?” He questioned with a smirk “You want something with that smirk.” She said sitting up “Okay, it’s Saturday and Daggers kinda have a little tradition since the mission, it’s beach day. We play dogfight football outside the hard deck, and some day drinking.” He said smiling “You want me to go to the beach?” She questioned with a smile “Yes.” He said smiling back “I gotta see if anything fits me.” She said getting up and walking to the closest, she was looking at her dresses since that all she felt comfortable in right now “Where the blue one with flowers my sister got you.” He smiled at her “Wait is the beach cold?” She questioned looking back at him, he shrugged “It depends.” He said getting up and grabbing her favorite flannel of his “If you don't like it, then where a pair of shorts and one of my shirts.” He smiled at her, Jake had found over the year of being with Abbie, even if he liked something on her, if she didn’t feel it she would wear something else. He also learned that Abbie up until she got pregnant hated dresses and sandals with a burning passion, unless it was prom or homecoming. She refused to wear a dress, even to church she would show up in boots and jeans and a nice shirt. “Jake.” She called from the bedroom. Jake was downstairs but he was back upstairs as quickly as possible “What?” He asked, concerned “I feel overdressed.” She said looking at him “Over dressed?” He questioned her “If anything if this was a rodeo you would be underdressed.” He laughed, it was true between her being rodeo Queen, Team Roper, and Barrel Racer, people would think she was underdressed “I don’t know what if I throw in a pair of shorts and a one piece and your flannel?” She asked, he smiled and put his hands on her shoulders “Abbie whatever you feel comfortable in.” He smiled at her, and kissed the top of her head, Jake went back to what he was doing down stairs, he heard a small cheer and a yes followed by clapping, soon he heard footsteps coming down “they fit still.” She smiled. Jake looked and saw her in pair of black mom shorts, and a navy blue floral one piece with his flannel. “Okay damn Mama I don’t know if I feel comfortable taking you to the beach, with how good you look.” He complimented her “Jake we are not staying home.” She said looking at him “I know I’m still taking you.” He said he walked over and kissed her “You're so sweet.” She smiled at him “Only for you honey.” He smiled at her,
Abbie packed a beach bag for them, before they head out to the garage “SUV or Truck?” Jack asked her it was real question, Abbie had two vehicles but she left her truck in Texas and brought the SUV instead one it was cheaper than the truck two it would be easier for to get in and out once she started actually showing also to mention, Abbie looked at Jake and then remember the SUV was still a mess even after week of them being in Cali and the truck wasn’t, they still had stuff in Texas but Jakes mom and dad would bring when they came to get the trailer “Truck the SUV is messy.” She smiled at him, Jake grabbed the truck key from beside the garage door in the house and then opened it and they both walked out to Jake’s Ram 1500, Abbie looked over at Jake “No don't you dare ask me what you are about to ask me.” Jake said he knew what was about to be asked “When are we going to them?” She questioned “How about never.” Jake said smiling “Jaocb Seresin.” She said looking at him “They all just started not hating me.” He said, keeping his eyes on the road “Jake, your team needs to know that your wife is pregnant.” She said “Fine, you're right it wouldn’t be right.” He said grabbing her hand, “Oh also some of the guys have offered to help us move once we find house.” Jake smiled at he
“That is so sweet speaking of houses, I want us to look at a house tomorrow afternoon.” She said, “How much?” Jake asked he knew Abbie came from old money, and she had her trust fund, also the life insurance money from both her parents deaths, both parents wanted what was best Abbie if anything ever happened to them “Jake really?” She questioned him “You know I don’t think we need to spend a lot on a house for us and our kid.” He said “And you know I’m into entertainment.” She said looking at him “I know but California is expensive.” He said grimacing over the prices “Jake.” She said squeezing his hand “I know we can afford it it’s just. I don't want them thinking.” He said “That what you married me because I come from old money, even though we both know that’s the furthest thing from true, and we both you fucking chased me and then followed me around the rodeo like a lost puppy and fair grounds all that same summer. It didn’t help our that we're dating our best friends and we’re so forced to be in the same proximity as each other.” Abbie made herself at her last sentence “Oh it was so horrible to me the same proximity as me.” He said dramatically “We both that money had nothing to do with just one stubborn barrel racer and a bull rider that wouldn’t give up to prove himself.” She smiled at him, soon Jake parked the truck, he turned it off and walked around to help Abbie get out of the truck.
That is so sweet speaking of houses, I want us to look at a house tomorrow afternoon.” She said, “How much?” Jake asked he knew Abbie came from old money, and she had her trust fund, also the life insurance money from both her parents deaths, both parents wanted what was best Abbie if anything ever happened to them “Jake really?” She questioned him “You know I don’t think we need to spend a lot on a house for us and our kid.” He said “And you know I’m into entertainment.” She said looking at him “I know but California is expensive.” He said grimacing over the prices “Jake.” She said squeezing his hand “I know we can afford it it’s just. I don't want them thinking.” He said “That what you married me because I come from old money, even though we both know that’s the furthest thing from true, and we both you fucking chased me and then followed me around the rodeo like a lost puppy and fair grounds all that same summer. It didn’t help our that we're dating our best friends and we’re so forced to be in the same proximity as each other.” Abbie made herself at her last sentence “Oh it was so horrible to me the same proximity as me.” He said dramatically “We both that money had nothing to do with just one stubborn barrel racer and a bull rider that wouldn’t give up to prove himself.” She smiled at him, soon Jake parked the truck, he turned it off and walked around to help Abbie get out of the truck. Jake grabbed the bag from the back seat, he grabbed her hand and they walked down to the group “Thought you weren’t going to join us Bagman.” Nat laughed and they still used the nickname “It’s Hangman.” Jake said being cocky “Whatever.” Nat laughed, shaking her head “Auntie Abbie.” Cory said running to his aunt “Hey buddy.” She said picking him up earned her a look from Jake “Jake you know it okay.” She said looking up at him “I know it doesn’t mean I don’t like it.” Jake said shaking his head “We both know this isn’t as high risk as we thought.” She whispered to him “Yes but the thought still lingers there.” He said to her in a whisper, most of team was watching the couple but couldn’t tell what they were say but could it was serious “What’s up with Abbie and Jake?” Bob asked “Bob, it’s just kinda of thing.” Javy shrugged he knew what it was about, but he also knew neither of had told the daggers yet “What kinda thing?” Bradley asked “A couple things”. Javy said, all of Daggers got the hint, Jake soon joined them “So what was that about?” Javy whispered “It’s still in my mind that this pregnancy is very high risk even if it isn’t, and her going to teach on base here soon.” Jake whispered back “Hey, Abbie has this, beside she would calm and if she can’t get ahold of she’ll call Sadie.” Javy said patting his shoulder “It still makes me nervous it been almost three weeks since we found out I’m scared, it's all just a dream.” Jake said “You heard the heartbeat. That means all the anger, the doctor’s appointments, the anxiety, every single damn negative test, it was all worth it.” Javy said, Jake nodded he knew it was true all of it was true, everything had lead to this moment his wife, his rodeo queen, standing on the beach, her hand resting on the barely there bump as she talked to Sadie “Bagman we playing?” Bradley yelled “So on Bradshaw.” Jake said everyone got and Hondo blew his whistle starting the game,
Jake I think is nervous about this whole pregnancy.” Abbie said as her and Sadie walked up to the back deck of the hard deck with the kids, they saw Penny and smiled and Penny waved them over “I don’t think I actually got to the both of you really.” She said smiling “I don’t think so ma’am” Abbie said it was the southern charm in her “I’m Penny.” She smiled at the two “I’m Abbie and this Sadie.” She smiled at her “and these are Cory and Emily.” Sadie smiled “Question, you have a kid right?” Abbie questioned Penny “Yes.” Penny said “Was her dad nervous?” She questioned “No Amelia’s dad was very happy l, why do you ask?” Penny said “It’s just me and Jake have tried for year and finally got pregnant but were told if we did it would be high risk but then we found I’m not as high risk. But Jake is still nervous.” Abbie said “Jake is one the best pilots in the navy, saved both Pete and Bradley, but a family plays into none of those guys if they will make it home sometimes and this last mission it was hard.” Penny said looking at the beach where the team was playing “But they fly under Maverick who will do everything to make sure they all make it home.” She said “Thank you Penny.” Abbie said smiling it was that little bit of reassurance Abbie needed from the older woman “Also if need anything just call me.” Penny said smiling and passing a card to both girls with her phone number “Momma beach.” Emily said pointing towards the sand “Okay beach time it is.” Sadie smiled and picked up Emily, they all walked down to the beach Abbie was more focused on watching her husband play the game then anything, they called a time out so the team could take a break Jake and Javy ran over “So who’s winning?” Abbie asked “We don’t keep score anymore.” Jake laughed leaning down and kissing her “No your all gross.” Abbie said pushing Jake “You didn’t care when I rode bulls and had dirt all over me.” Jake laughed, “That’s different.” Abbie said, Jake pulled Abbie up and hugged her, he knew she hated getting messy, it’s been thing since she became rodeo queen “You aren’t even in an outfit that can’t get dirty.” Jake said hugging her “Jacob Seresin.” She said looking at him “Boy you in trouble.” Sadie laughed “Or she’s worried.” Javy laughed “Jake.” She said looking at him “You want me sit this next one out?” He questioned her “Yes we need to talk.” She whispered to him, “Come on the Hard Deck should be unlocked.” Jake said grabbing her hand, they walked onto the deck pass Penny and inside and sat down at table “Jake tell me what really has you worried?” She questioned him “I’m scared, Abbie not just of parenthood but leaving you, the last mission almost ended badly, and if another one goes sideways, and I get shot down. I leave you how your dad left and I leave our kid how your dad left you but not by a bull.” Jake said the last part of it wasn’t so quiet Abbie wouldn’t have heard it “Jake look at me.” She said, Jake didn’t look at her “Jake.” She said walking over to sit on his lap and grab his face in her hands “I trust you, I trust the pilots around you to bring everyone back here safely. If didn’t think you would come back to me do think I would have let leave for all those deployments, followed you to every post, and waited up for you to walk through the front door?” She asked him “Jake I trust you to do everything in your power and if the knock comes, I will know you tried your damn hardest to make it back to me and our kid.” She said, Jake looked up at the ceiling and nodded his head “And don’t think I don’t know about the damn note you keep in your bag.” She said “How do you know?” He questioned her “Jake how many times have I cleaned out your bag?” She asked, “Did you open it?” He questioned “No read the front that said in case I don’t make it home. I didn’t want to read it.” She said smiling at him,
Jake kissed her before they headed back out once back out everyone was on the deck laughing at something that happened “Should we tell them.” Jake asked, “I mean we did jsut have serious conversation.” Abbie said smiling “Hey guys I kinda got to tell you all something.” Jake said it got everyone’s attention, Jake looked at Abbie and then back at the team “I really hope you all know that you guys will make every good Aunts and Uncles to Baby Seresin.” Jake said smiling “How long?” Bradley asked, “Since we all went back home after the mission.” Jake said “Please tell me this kid will turn out more like your wife.” Natasha said “Hopefully I don’t think I could handle another Jake.” Abbie laughed
Taglist: @kitty-marie725 @hcwthewestwaswcn
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pascalscoffin · 9 months
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Away From The Devil pt. VIII
Full Pedro Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Pt. IX
Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In Your Forehead. I just don’t want kiddos here. Reader is around 24, Joel is 56. Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. Joel’s trying so hard to behave, pray for him. Mentions of David. Reader grew up Christian but the real kind not the David kind.
Joel was suffering, after Ellie was up and dressed you were on the road again, and then the Fleetwood Mac CD was being pushed into the radio, your fingers crossed before you cheered when it started to play the first song. It was one of those CDs that had all their best hits on it. It was just loud enough to hear without disturbing any conversations. The sun was at the perfect angle and it shined on you just right and made you look like a goddess and god he was… he was in rough shape.
The windows were down, rushing air in while your head bobbed and your lips mouthed along to every song that came on, your brain eager to memorize it. When you weren’t doing that you were distracting Ellie, trying to give her reasons to talk or laugh, even if it didn’t always work and it was obvious Ellie wasn’t in the mood to talk.
You were beautiful, it was just a fact Joel couldn’t get away from or deny in the slightest of ways. You had a whole life ahead of you, though. Sure it may not be much of a life with the apocalypse and Joel destroying any chance there might be of the world going back to the way it was any time. But you could find someone your own age, someone that would love you properly and would be better attuned to someone your age. Joel was old and it’s been years since he was with a woman your age or even one remotely similar to you.
You reminded him of before, how easy it was to be happy then and how fleetingly the emotion came now. Despite what you’ve seen and done you still had that aura about you, like nothing could take your smile from you and he found himself admiring that more than anything.
You drove for a while before the SUV started to make an odd clunking noise and the radio died out as smoke started flooding from the hood. With a curse Joel had pulled over and got out to check under the hood while you and Ellie waited in the car. “You okay?” You asked her softly, turning your head towards her with a small frown.
Ellie shrugged and glanced back at you. “I’m fine. Just… sucks.” She sighed as you nodded, chewing on your bottom lip. “I’m sorry, Ellie.” You cleared your throat and turned your body towards her a little better. “I… I know you… were looking forward to it.” You looked down. “They did try, though.” God you felt like shit lying to her but her finding out the truth meant killing her relationship with Joel and whatever kind of friendship was blooming between the two of you. “They just… they were idiots, Y’know? They were working off of a maybe anyway.” You shook your head. “They were never sure it was going to work. They were just… praying it would.”
Ellie scoffed a bit at your words and you tilted your head. “What?” “Praying- funny choice of words.” She muttered and you frowned a little. “How so?” “Reminds me of David.” You straightened up a little and cleared your throat. “David was a shitty example. Of a man and a preacher.” You looked forward and clenched your jaw.
“Did you actually believe any of that shit?” Ellie scoffed lightly and you looked at her in the rearview before sighing heavily. “… I guess so, yeah.” You muttered. “Before my parents… yeah I did. When we were stuck traveling.. stuck out here. It was one of the things my mom taught me. My dad taught me some survival stuff, my mom taught me to count and read and all the other stuff. Religion was one of them, she’d read me the Bible and then I’d fall asleep to her breaking it down so I could understand what it meant.”
You shifted a little. You hadn’t really believed, or even thought much about God since your mom’s death. She’d told you to keep your faith, it was the one thing no one could take from you in this world… and as she withered away she took it with her, proving herself wrong.
“We prayed a lot and… it did make me feel better. I guess… and then she died and… it stopped feeling right.” You stared at the sliver of Joel you could see through the gap between the hood and the car, watching him try to wave the smoke away so he could look at the engine.
“Why?” You looked over at Ellie and frowned before looking away again as you tried to think about why. “… when I lost her… I lost what little bit of myself was left, I guess. What little… belief.. in anything. I had left. With my mother gone, really gone, he could do what he wanted whenever he wanted to… I couldn’t believe in something that was.. letting it happen.” You scratched your forehead and cleared your throat loudly.
“Why- why-“ you sighed and looked away before looking at her. “Why are you asking me about this?” Ellie blinked a little and shrugged. “I…” she frowned and shifted. “… why’d you keep going if you didn’t have anything to believe in… how..?” You blinked a little and looked down when you saw her rubbing her arm, opening your mouth to try and say something before you were interrupted.
“Well she got us close enough.” You looked over as Joel closed the hood and made his way to the drivers side door that was propped open. “We gotta walk the rest of the way. Probably about a five hour hike. But we can manage that, remember?” Ellie got a small smile on her face as she nodded, looking away from you to look at Joel. “Yeah.”
Most of the hike up the mountain was silent, your fingertips sliding over trees as you passed by them, trying to think of something to say to Ellie, your conversation in the car digging at the back of your brain. You guessed Joel was getting a little tired of the silence because he kept looking back, like he was expecting you and Ellie to be talking at some point before he finally spoke.
“… Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time.” He looked back at Ellie and you could tell this was really about trying to connect with her than anything. “Wouldn’t say it was her favorite thing. She wasn’t a fan of the mosquitos and such. But she was a big climber, or scamperin’. That’s probably the right word. That girl, she’d see a big rock and just pew.” He shot his hand upward and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“She would’ve liked you.” He looked back at Ellie again but his eyes shifted to you for a second as well before looking at Ellie and then forward again. “Not to say, the two of you were the same. Definitely different kids.” “How so?” Ellie asked, probably her first words since you started the hike.
“Well she was a lot more… I wanna say girly, and I’m not saying you’re not girly.” “I’m not.” You laughed and shook your head. “Yeah, you’re not.” Joel agreed. “So that, heh, she was taller, she had a killer smile-“ Joel immediately defended himself, looking back at Ellie. “Again, not saying that you don’t. But you know why I think she’d like you?” “Why?” “Cause you’re funny. I think you would’ve made her laugh… Anyway, I bet you would’ve liked her back.” “Yeah. I bet I would’ve.”
As you got to the top of the little mountain/hill, you could see what Joel had referred to as Jackson several times throughout the drive and raise your brows. “There you go.” Joel looked at Ellie and then the community. “… holy shit.” You took a deep breath.
“Not much further now.” You follow Joel as he started walking, you could hear the smile on his face and you hoped he could enjoy it, hoped he could be at peace now. You hoped Ellie could be happy, too, and find something to care about besides finding a cure for a degree of humanity that you weren’t even sure deserved to be saved.
“Hey, wait.” You looked back at Ellie spoke and slowed to a stop a paces ahead of Joel. She looked at the two of you for a minute before muttering. “Fuck.” And walking closer to Joel, you stepped up to them curiously as she looked at Joel.
“Back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone… when I got bit in the mall I wasn’t on my own. My best friend was there, and she got bit too. We didn’t know what to do and she says… ‘we can just wait it out, be all poetic and just lose our minds together.’… and then she did.. and I had to…” she looked up at Joel and took a deep breath. “Her name was Riley, and she was the first to die, and then it was Tess, and then Sam.” Joel shook his head.
“That’s not on you-“ “I know-“ “look, sometimes things don’t work out the way we hope. You can feel like-like you’ve come to an end.. and you don’t know what to do next but-but if you just keep goin’… you find somethin’ new to fight for- and maybe that’s not what you-“
“Swear to me.” You looked at Ellie and furrowed your brows. “Swear to me that everything you guys said about the fireflies is true.” “I swear.” Joel nodded and then Ellie looked at you. You nodded slowly. “Yeah, I swear.” You said softly.
Ellie stood there for a while, looking between the two of you before she nodded. “Okay.” You don’t know how convinced she was.. but it didn’t seem to be very and you just hoped she’d never find out as the three of started down the other side of the hill.
Ellie walked ahead of you and Joel after that, the two of you walking side by side as you gave him the occasional glance. “So… Jackson. It.. it’s a, a decent place.. right?” You cleared your throat as Joel looked at you and furrowed his brows before nodding. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “They have Christmas trees.” He chuckled slightly when your eyes lit up. “Like with the lights and everything?”
He nodded. “Mhm. Lights and everythin’.” You grinned, just barely remembering going to see the Christmas lights with your parents before it all went to shit, flashes of lights and your parents’ smiles flickering through your mind. “And there’s no cannibals?” You were only half joking. Joel looked at you and chuckled lightly as he shook his head. “No cannibals.” You nodded. “Good.” You laughed lightly and sighed as you pushed your hands into your jacket pockets.
When you got closer to Jackson a few people rode up on horses and you froze between Joel and Ellie and took a step back. “Joel-“ “you’re fine.” Joel looked back at you and held his hand towards you, nodding a little. “They’re makin’ sure it’s us.” He looked away from you towards the people on the horses.
“Joel. Welcome back.” Joel nodded to the woman on the horse. “Maria.” You looked between them with a small frown, feeling an awkward tension between them as you shifted. “Who is she?” Maria looked at you and you slowly crossed your arms, uncomfortable with all the eyes now glued to you.
“She’s.. a friend.” Joel looked back at you, and you could’ve sworn you saw his gaze soften and his eyes trail over you before he looked at Maria. “A friend?” Maria raised a brow and Joel nodded. “Where’d you meet her?” You looked down when you finally registered the dog, everything else drowning out as your heart sped up in your chest.
The dog looked mean, glaring and growling at you as it stepped closer slowly. When it got to you, though, it jumped up and put its paws on your torso. You blinked rapidly and looked up from the dog cautiously as it jumped down. Next thing you knew you were on the back of a horse with Joel, headed to Jackson.
You were quiet, looking around you as the group of horses trotted along, your hands holding onto the back of Joel’s jacket to keep you stable without actually grabbing onto him.
When you rode into Jackson a guy with long black hair and a goatee came up and helped Maria off her horse, greeting her with a kiss as Joel hopped down and helped you off the horse. His hands felt warm on your hips and they lingered a bit before he pulled away.
“You picked up a stray.” The dark haired commented as he pulled away from his hug with Joel, this must be Tommy. “This is y/n. Y/n this is Tommy. Joel’s brother.” Ellie commented. “She is fucking awesome, Tommy. She killed a Clicker! With just a knife!” You felt your cheeks warm up as Tommy’s eyebrows shot up, looking at Joel, who nodded.
“Well- then it’s great to have you around. I’m sure you’re gonna be a great help.” Tommy nodded with a smile and dropped his hands to his sides. “Alright, I’m sure you guys are hungry and stuff so we’ll grab something to eat, and then you guys can head to your house.” His eyes fell to you. “We uh… have more empty houses if you want one to yourself?” He suggested. “Joel and Ellie’s place only has.. two bedrooms so unless-“
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” Joel took your things off the back of the horse as he spoke and you looked at him curiously. “What? Joel, no, I can take the couch, it’s fine.”
“I can take the couch.” “Joel- no- you’re gonna have back problems or something.” “I ain’t that damn old.” “Joel you literally are, just shut up and let me take the couch.” Ellie looked at Tommy and mouthed. ‘Oh my god’ before looking at you and Joel. “You guys could always share.” You and Joel looked at Ellie quickly, your face burning as a smirk spread across her lips.
“… or you can have your own place.” Tommy suggested. “No.” You said quickly, clearing your throat, you didn’t want to be alone, not somewhere new. “I… we’ll just… talk about who sleeps where later.” Ellie threw her hands up but didn’t say anything, instead walking next to you as you walked towards the main area.
“Dude that was your chance.” You looked down at Ellie and shook your head. “There was no chance. He looked like he was gonna blow a gasket when you said we should share.” Ellie rolled her eyes and mumbled something you couldn’t quite hear as you stepped in.
As you say with your food you pushed all thoughts of David to the back of your mind, how Silver Lake had similar cutlery, how if David was here you’d been sitting with him, alone, with his hand somewhere on your back or thigh, possessing you without even saying anything.
But you weren’t with David, you weren’t back in Silver Lake. You were with Joel and Ellie, in a warm building with warm food and nice people who weren’t going to hurt you.
You’d be okay here.
You had to be okay here.
@romanarose @orcasoul @caitlynsixxx @shotgun-shelby @aspecialgreenie
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stardustshelb · 1 year
"Orange Juice" Part One
TW: Language. Your name (female) + Danny. 3,157 words.
The song "Orange Juice" by Noah Kahan inspired me to write this story; each part of the story is inspired by a different part of the song. Also, I'm in my sad girl era so you all must suffer with me.
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“Feels like I've been ready for you to come home for so long.
That I didn't think to ask you where you'd gone.
Why'd you go?” - NK
I should have known when my dad texted me to check my email that there’d be something interesting waiting for me in my inbox. The organizers of my high school reunion had no idea how to get in touch with me, so they went through him. Part of me wished he would have just deleted the email and never said anything. How has it already been 10 years since I graduated? I swear it was only yesterday that Sam and I were daydreaming about record deals and tours while sitting in class. My parents were never too hard on me about school because I still made time for both my studies and my band. But I think they always knew that I was never going to need to know chemistry or calculus because I was going to have a career in music. Though, none of us would have ever dreamed I’d be where I am today.
Josh and Jake skipped out on their high school reunion a couple years ago, and Sam was planning to do the same for ours. It would probably cause more trouble than it’s worth if we showed up. Truth be told, I wasn’t dying to go but I was curious to know if you’d be there. We haven’t spoken since I left Frankenmuth. Hell, we stopped talking while I was still there. I’ve heard stories about you from my mom. “The girl who got away is in rehab again,” she’d say casually over the phone. Something about the way she’d say again angered me, but I knew she meant well. 
Judging by the date on the invitation, I still had a few months to decide whether I was going to attend or not. Maybe I could find out if you were planning on going while I’m home later this week for Christmas. I wondered if you’d even be around town or if you’d even want to see me. Our friendship didn’t end on the best of terms and that still bothered me nearly a decade later. I wonder if you’ve ever forgiven me for that night. It took a while for me to forgive myself.
“Let me help,” Dad said as he grabbed my guitar case out of the back of the SUV I rented for the week. I tried to pack light for the quick trip but between my suitcase, guitar, and the presents I bought for my family, I ended up checking more luggage than I expected. I could smell Mom’s cooking from the driveway, and I had to swallow the lump of nostalgia that formed in my throat. I rolled my suitcases up the walkway and before Dad could even turn the knob, Josie ran through the front door and practically tackled me. 
“Easy, easy,” I said as I tried to keep from falling backward on top of my luggage.
“I’m so happy you’re home!” she squealed as she let go of our hug. She grabbed the larger suitcase from my hand and followed our dad inside. Christmas music was lightly playing throughout the house which told me that Mom was in charge of the stereo. I was home for Christmas but I didn’t quite feel like I was home. I almost felt like a stranger walking through the house I was raised in. Maybe I was tired from traveling, maybe I just wasn’t in the Christmas spirit this year, or maybe thoughts of you crept in as soon as the plane’s wheels touched down in Michigan.
“Daniel, did you hear me?” my mom’s voice broke into my thoughts.
“I’m sorry, what?” I asked.
“Do you want to put your things away and then come to the kitchen to help me finish dinner?” she repeated.
“Sure, yes, be right there,” I said as I dragged my belongings to my childhood bedroom. When I walked through the door, I was glad to see nothing had been moved. Mom and Dad were always sentimental; therefore, I come by it naturally. I glanced around the room and tried to balance the surreal feeling of being back home. It was just as I left it the last time I visited. Unmade bed and all. “It’s not going to make itself,” I could hear my dad say like he did my entire life. I never understood the point in making a bed if I was just going to sleep in it every night anyways. I moved closer to the disheveled comforter and lifted the mattress. I pushed my hand between the mattress and the box springs searching for my secret stash of notes you had written me many lifetimes ago. Worn and faded folded notes brushed against my fingertips and I gently pulled them out. 
“Daniel?” I heard my mom call from the kitchen. Suddenly, I opened the top drawer to my nightstand and threw the notes inside. I would have to read them at another time. I got up and made my way into the kitchen where Mom was mixing something on the stove.
“Hey, Mom,” I said as I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.
“Hello, hun,” she said as she placed her hand against the side of my face. The unfamiliar feeling I had earlier was slowly going away. “I wanted to talk to you,” she said, turning away from me and back to her cooking. 
“What about?” I said as I began slicing the carrots she laid out on the cutting board.
“I saw y/n the other day. And… we spoke,” she said, still keeping her back to me. I remained focused on my task of cutting the carrots.
“About?” I asked.
“You mostly,” she said. I winced.
“What about me?” I asked.
“She looks great,” my mom answered, obviously avoiding my question.
“What about me?” I repeated.
“Your music, your success, you coming home for Christmas,” she said as her tone changed.
“Did she seem interested in any of that information?” I asked.
“I think so, but then again, she could have been playing nice,” Mom said as she came over to take the knife that I was just holding. I realized I had stopped cutting the carrots since I was fixated on this conversation. You were back in town and you knew I was here too. 
“I can do it,” I said as I held the knife firmly. Mom patted my shoulder and walked back to the stove.
“I think she’s staying sober this time,” my mom added.
“I hope so,” I said quietly. 
“Not one nick on your finger, you just asked me to hold you.
But it made you a stranger and filled you with anger.” - NK
I’ve spent two days at home, yet I still feel like an outsider. I don’t think anyone has noticed because I am able to wear a figurative mask well. That ability comes in handy for shows and interviews when I’m feeling sick or tired. I offered to help my mom finish her grocery shopping for Christmas dinner, so I put on my baseball hat backwards and grabbed my keys. She texted me a list of things she still needed which I was grateful for. She even included pictures of the items as if I were an idiot, but in her defense, I haven’t shopped for my own groceries in years. Our staff knows what I like and it just appears in our green rooms. Maybe this trip home will humble me a bit. 
I decided to drive a little further outside of Frankenmuth to go to a less crowded grocery store. I don’t normally draw much attention when I’m alone in public, but I didn’t want to take the risk. I wasn’t feeling like myself and I didn’t want to project negative feelings on my fans. I pulled into the parking spot furthest away from the entrance and reviewed the list on my phone as I walked through the automatic doors. I grabbed a basket and made my way toward the spices/seasonings aisle. I scanned the shelves looking for Mom’s specific brand of garlic powder. When I spotted it, I threw one container in my basket and turned to make my way down the rest of the aisle. As I began to walk, I noticed an employee abruptly turned the opposite direction and left. Strange. I continued my quest of finding my mom’s requirements with my basket getting heavier by the minute. 
When I had finally acquired everything she needed, I made my way to the front of the store to check out. With it being only two days until Christmas, the store was crowded despite it being in such a small town. There looked to be only two cashiers working, so I stood in line behind what I thought would be the quickest one. Of course, I chose wrong. I tried to hide my impatience by scrolling on my phone when I heard your name.
“Y/n, come to register three, please. Y/n, come to register three,” was announced over the intercom. 
Suddenly, the employee who eluded me earlier now made her appearance. It was you. Avoiding my gaze (and probably open mouth), you snuck behind an empty cash register. I hesitated on whether to go to your line or not. It was obvious you tried to avoid me at all costs, but I felt a pull to see you. Talk to you. Listen to your voice. Against my better judgment, I made my way to join your line. As I got closer to needing to check out, I could see your cheeks getting more red. I held my breath in anticipation until it was my turn.
“Did you find everything ok?” you asked without looking up from the groceries you were scanning out of my basket.
“I did, yes,” I muttered. You stopped scanning and stared down at the bag of brown sugar in your hands for a brief moment until you carried on with your task. I watched you continue to take my groceries and scan them without ever looking to meet my eyes. You were flustered; I could tell. I tried not to stare but I was almost in disbelief that you were right in front of me. Even though it has been a decade, you haven’t aged. Your face has changed but you still look like you always did to me.
“Your total is $98.44. Will you be using cash or credit today?” you asked again without looking at me. You were trying so hard to focus on the screen in front of you.
“Uh, cash,” I said as I reached for my wallet in my jean pocket. Suddenly, I couldn’t find it. I reached into the other pocket and still couldn’t find it. I began to panic. Did I lose my damn wallet in this store? Was it stolen? Then I realized, I never grabbed it off the nightstand when I grabbed my keys before I left. 
“Shit,” I said as I hung my head. “I don’t have my wallet. Do you know if your system takes ApplePay? I have my card on my phone,” I explained.
“No, we don’t. Our technology isn’t updated, but don’t worry about it,” you said as you bent down to get into your purse beneath the register.
“No, I can’t have you pay for this. I’ll just come back with my wallet if you can set it to the side,” I pleaded.
I watched you grab the card reader and stick your own credit card in the chip reader. I was bewildered.
“Y/n,” I spoke so quietly I wasn’t sure if you heard me.
“Merry Christmas,” you said as you handed me the receipt. And for the first time, you met my eyes. They had a sadness to them that I couldn’t quite place. A sadness that matched mine. 
“What time do you get off? I am going to come back to pay you back,” I said.
“Have a great day, sir,” you answered, avoiding my question. I watched you direct your attention to the customer behind me. “Ahem,” he said as a sign for me to move.
I grabbed my bags of groceries and made my way to the rental SUV. I needed to get home quickly to grab my wallet and make it back to pay you. But I knew I didn’t need to go over the speed limit since I was now illegally driving without my license. I fought the urge to speed but remained as level-headed as I could be. 
After putting the refrigerated bags of groceries away, I quickly ran up stairs to grab my wallet. I checked to make sure I had enough cash to pay you back and then some. I shoved it in my back pocket and raced down the hallway.
“Whoa, where are you going in such a hurry?” Josie asked as I tried to avoid running into her.
“I have to go back to the store. I forgot something,” I said in practically one breath.
“Why do I feel like you’re lying to me?” she asked as her brows furrowed.
“I’m not. I just need to get back there,” I explained.
“I can come with you,” she offered.
“Sure, yeah, that’s fine,” I said. I didn’t really want company but maybe you’d be more apt to talk to me if my sister was there. You two always got along so well. Sometimes I wondered if you were more her best friend rather than mine.
“So what did you forget?” Josie asked as she climbed into the passenger seat.
“My wallet,” I said.
“So how did you make it home with all of the groceries?” she asked.
“The cashier paid for my stuff, so now I’m on my way to pay her back,” I said. I left out the detail that you were the cashier. 
“Well that was awfully nice of her,” Josie said with a suspicious tone in her voice.
I pulled into the parking lot and nearly forgot to turn off the ignition before jumping out of the car. I ran through the automatic doors and made my way to your line. As if you could sense I was watching you, you kept your gaze locked on your task again. 
“Thanks for waiting on me,” I heard Josie sarcastically say as she came up beside me. 
“Sorry,” I said. 
“Wait,” she said. I looked down to see her staring at you. “Oh, ok, now I get it.”
“I’m just paying her back,” I said.
“I’m going to go look at… that display over there,” Josie said as she turned on her heel.
“Josie…” I said.
“I won’t be far,” she said as she began to walk away. When it came my turn, you kept your eyes locked on the screen in front of you. I stood there waiting for you to acknowledge me for what felt like eternity.
“Aren’t you going to ask me if I found everything ok?” I asked.
“Don’t mock me,” you said with a sense of anger in your voice.
“I wasn’t!” I exclaimed. Suddenly I felt my cheeks getting warm. “I would never.” You continued not to look at me, but I could see what I thought may have been tears forming in your eyes. My heart swelled.
“I came to pay you back,” I said as I held out two $100 bills. You glanced at the money in my hand.
“That’s significantly more than what your total was,” you said.
“I know. Just consider the rest a thank-you gift,” I said.
“I’m not a damn charity case,” you said with a bite in your voice.
“Y/n, I don’t think that. I just wanted to–” I began.
You interrupted, “If I take the money, will you leave?” 
“If that’s what you want, then yes. I will leave,” I said solemnly. Suddenly, you reached out and quickly grabbed the money from my hand. I felt my heart break as I noticed you were fighting back tears.
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
“I know I’m the last person you want to see, but–” I started.
“You are,” you interrupted.
“But if you could find the time, I’d really like the chance to visit with you,” I finished.
“You told me you would leave if I took the money,” you said looking past me and at the line forming behind me. 
“Good bye, y/n,” I said sullenly before turning to walk away. And all of the guilt and pain that I thought I left behind when I abandoned this town suddenly came rushing back.
I sat on the edge of my childhood bed and stared at my feet on the floor for what felt like eternity. I had the urge to read our notes that I hid in my nightstand, but seeing you today might be all that I can take. You are still angry with me, and I figured you always will be. I don’t know why I expected that anger to go away after 10 years. Maybe it’s because it did for me. I felt the need to talk to you even more now than I did before. I opened the drawer to my nightstand and started to sift through our notes. There were dozens of faded, folded notes. I gently unwrapped the one where you drew a middle finger on the front of. I smiled as I read through the lines of teenage angst. Oh how our problems back then seemed to be so much more important. I remember you were mad at me because I let Sam ride shotgun in my car even though you claimed it before school that morning. I told you to take it up with Sam, but clearly you thought I should have been on your side. You didn’t talk to me until lunch that day when you handed me this note and told me you hoped I choked on my breadstick. Then you laughed hysterically when I immediately grabbed the breadstick off my plate and choked myself with it. Doing something stupid like that was all it took to make you smile and forgive me. I made sure Sam stayed in the backseat the rest of the school year.
I opened another note and scanned it until I found my holy grail: Your phone number. This was one of the first notes you ever wrote me. I wondered if you still had the same number all of these years later. I know mine has changed several times, but my circumstances were different. I decided to take a leap and dialed the ten digits written in a glittery blue gel pen. I held my breath as I heard it ring.
"Hello?" I heard your voice answer.
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discotitsposts · 5 months
tonight’s episode
HOPE in season 7
I love this one it’s so so good i can’t wait to see it again
spoilers for ep obv
i love that penelope does this support group
penelope is so nice and understanding
omg no go with penelope girl!
uh oh
the one thing i remember about this unsub is that he’s a fucking creep. disgusting.
nah if my kids kidnapper revealed themself to me like that i would have went batshit
morgan is so comforting
nah i’m analyzing the language. this guy said “haven’t u always wanted to know what happened to her”
“happened” i would have flipped my shit
this one’s gonna tear my heart out every time
reid looks beautiful
i love linguistics i learned a lot about it when i took forensics in high school.
well at least that guy stopped them to talk to her so he def saw the guy
oh my god the guy had that poor girl so long :/
reid i love you
reid’s fingers 😫
i can’t even imagine how the mom feels knowing now that she was so close by the whole time holy shit
nah when they catch this guy they need to lock him up in a small tiny room in solitary confinement for the rest of time. i don’t remember what happens at the end
in fact don’t even feed him let him perish!!
spencer reid impregnate me challenge!!
this pizza is delicious
this guys a weirdo fym hide n seek. how about i hide n seek a frying pan and smack you with it
i feel bad for the girls friend :(
can u imagine knowing that a weirdo like that approached you.
we’re ready to deliver the profile ‼️‼️
get a damn frying pan and hide with it girl
love reid’s posture
oh my god this is horrible
no what the fuck. this guy deserves so much suffering. break out the medieval torture methods for this unsub.
poor monica :( omg
can u believe this guy was in the support group. like what.
wasn’t the daughter… oh my god he didn’t.
this is disgusting. he deserves to go through all the medieval torture methods.
lol garcia “forcibly remove me from the suv”
my man reid in the fbi vest‼️‼️
garcia !!
get him boys
my mom: doesn’t he kill himself
me: hopefully
isn’t this like the first time garcia wore an fbi vest
i feel like she hasn’t worn one before this one. she never rlly goes into the field
she does rlly good at talking in this one though
lol the guy died
the end omg
gets me every time
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backtothestart02 · 1 year
Swimming Lessons - 2/2 | westallen family fanfiction
A/N: Enjoy!
Chapter 2 -
It was about an hour’s drive out to the old Allen cabin on a lake. Luckily, it was also a Friday, so the West-Allen family decided to make a weekend vacation out of it and packed enough to last till late Sunday afternoon. Nora complained about the wait to get there, but both Barry and Iris were cheerful as could be when they answered ‘almost’ to nearly every ‘are we there yet’ their daughter delivered.
When they arrived, Nora raced out of the SUV and skirted to a stop on the back porch of the cabin overlooking the lake.
“Daddy, this is so cool! How come you never took us here before?”
Barry swallowed, a moment of silence for the memories he’d had here with parents that only now lived in his heart. Iris squeezed his hand and answered for him.
“We actually did bring you here when you were really little.”
Nora folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“How little?”
Iris tugged on her braids as she approached her.
“What does that matter?”
“I was in your belly, wasn’t I?”
Iris laughed and turned to Barry who was back to his old self and lifting their bags from the SUV.
“This one’s too smart for her own good, isn’t she?”
Barry smirked.
“Oh, definitely.”
Nora rolled her eyes.
“Can someone please unlock the door, so I can change into my swimsuit?”
“A bit demanding for someone who never wanted to swim again as long as she lived,” Iris pointed out, and Nora sobered up.
“I did say please,” she informed her mother.
“You did.” She chuckled, then turned to face her husband. “Bear?”
“On my way!”
He struggled with the luggage all the way to the front door and then dropped it promptly.
“You know, little lady, you could’ve at least carried your purple teddy bear that’s as big as you are, I think.”
Nora pouted as she walked to where her dad was.
“I thought I was your little princess who could do no wrong.”
Iris laughed.
“She got you there, hun.”
Barry muttered something under his breath, then got the door open before either of the women he so adored could ask for clarification.
“Whoa! This place is so cool!” Nora declared, immediately running inside and inspecting every room. “Which room is mine?” she asked after zipping out of the master bedroom.
“Not that one,” Barry and Iris both said without looking, to which Nora slumped her shoulders and went into the smaller bedroom across the hall. “I guess this one’s good too.”
Barry and Iris shared a look.
“Though I could do without the rocketship blankets…” Nora scrunched up her nose.
Barry cleared his throat and headed for his daughter after dropping the bags in the middle of the living room.
“Those would be mine,” he said, leaning against the door.
Nora spun around.
“Yours? Like when you were my age?” Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open.
He nodded. “Just about. I used to come out here with my mom and dad every summer.”
And that’s when Nora grew quiet.
She knew the stories. She’d been told when she asked why she didn’t have two sets of grandparents like most kids the previous year that her daddy’s mom and dad had died before she was born. She wasn’t told how, and she hadn’t asked at the time, but she suspected it was something really sad because she could see how her dad changed when they were brought up. Whatever he said, the memory of his parents still made him sad because they couldn’t be here now.
Nora did the only thing she could think of to do. She walked up to her dad and hugged him around his legs.
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you, too, Princess.”
He bent down and hugged her more fully.
“Can we change into our swimsuits now?” she asked after a few moments of silence.
He chuckled.
“You bet. You want to grab your suitcase?”
She groaned, and he grinned.
“Hey, I brought it most of the way. And it’s not even that big.”
“Yeah, because you wouldn’t let me overstuff it like last time we went on vacation.”
“When the zipper broke, you mean?”
Nora glared but grudgingly stomped into the living room in her purple, fuzzy, unicorn flip-flops and grabbed her bag that matched, trudging back into her dad’s old bedroom and giving her parents a moment alone while she changed.
“You alright?” Iris asked, running her hand down her husband’s arm to soothe him from whatever memories still plagued him. He’d told her time and again that he’d healed from the death of his parents the night Nora was born, but she knew it still had to hurt that his parents weren’t here to watch their kids grow up.
It helped that Joan and Jay, who had no intention of starting a family at their age, had started coming around more and integrating with their family, but it wasn’t exactly the same. And nothing would be. So checking in with her sensitive husband was still a must, and she didn’t mind it one bit.
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“You sure?”
He smiled faintly and leaned down to kiss her.
He moved away from her to find his swimsuit, and then he found her maternity bikini she’d insisted on bringing.
“You sure you don’t want to stick with the pretty summer dress you’ve got on? It’s not like there’s a railing or anything for you to hold onto.”
Iris frowned.
“You know, now that you mention it, I think I will stick with this for now. Maybe you and I can do some swimming after we put her to bed later though. Then you can be my railing.”
He smirked.
“Yes, ma’am.”
They both turned to see their little girl standing at the front of the hallway in her lilac-colored sparkly one-piece swimsuit and bright pink floaties on her arms.
“Those are coming off today, young lady.”
Nora’s eyes widened, and she noticeably panicked, looking to her mom for help.
“Not right away though, honey.” She looked to her husband. “Right, Daddy?”
He softened.
“Of course not. Baby steps.”
Nora relaxed and then almost immediately stomped her foot.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet, Dad?”
“Oh, I’m just ‘dad’ now, am I?”
“Until further notice.” She tipped up her nose to the ceiling and walked through the cabin till she reached the back door.
Barry shook his head, and Iris chuckled.
“Take your time, Babe. I’ll keep her occupied.”
And yet, in a jiffy, he had run to the bedroom, changed into his swim trunks, and zipped past the two of them down to the beach.
“Daddy, wait for me!” She let go of her mother’s hand and chased after him. Luckily, Iris was near a cushioned wooden chair on the front deck and eased into it just in time to lose physical contact with her daughter. She had a water bottle with her too, so she knew she’d be good for a while.
Barry stopped and grinned, waiting for the seven-year-old to catch up to him.
Heaving and looking annoyed, Nora stopped when she reached him, hands on her hips, head tilted up and glared in his direction.
Barry only chuckled and held out his hand to her.
“Come on.”
She let him lead her up until she realized they weren’t going straight for the lapping water but for the dock meant for boats.
“Oh, Daddy, I dunno…”
He picked her up and held her in his arms the rest of the way.
“There are some rocks right at the shoreline, Princess. I don’t want you to hurt your feet. Down by the dock, it’s sandier, and you can swim freely.”
She gulped and clutched his shoulders tightly.
“If you say so.”
Iris watched them cautiously as Nora turned to look at her from over her dad’s shoulder, looking a bit panicked. She waved to her enthusiastically though, unsure if that made things better or worse. But she trusted Barry, and she trusted him with their child. She knew it would be okay.
“Alright, you stay here,” he said, setting Nora down on the edge of the dock. “I’ll go in first. Then, when I say, you jump into my arms, and we’ll begin.”
She gulped.
“O-Okay, Daddy.”
He got down on her level and gripped her chin.
“Don’t you worry, honey. Everything’s gonna be okay. And I won’t make you take your floaties off until you’re ready, okay?”
She took a deep breath and nodded.
She watched then as her dad jumped down into the water. The water barely came up to his waist, so she knew it wasn’t that deep. Still, it was deep enough to be over her head, so she was glad she had her floaties on.
“Okay, your turn,” he encouraged, holding out his dripping arms.
Nora looked down at her reflection in the water.
“Is it cold?”
Barry gathered two handfuls of water and held it up to her for her to dip her finger into.
“Not too bad,” he assured.
“It’s freezing!” Nora countered.
“Not once you get in, I promise.”
“I dunno…” She hesitated. “What if there are sharks?”
“Sharks are only in oceans. This is a lake. And it’s just you and me, and your floaties. Plus, look at your mom.” Nora turned back to look at her mother. “She’s being a look-out. If she sees anything suspicious, she’ll let us know.” He craned his neck to look at his wife. “Isn’t that right, Iris!”
“Yep!” She called back, even though she hadn’t heard a word he’d been saying to Nora.
“See?” He looked back at his daughter. Then he held out his hands. “Trust me.”
Nora took a deep breath, then nodded.
He grinned and took one step back. He kept his arms raised and watched as little Nora plugged her nose with one hand, shut her eyes, and jumped into the air and into his arms.
Water covered her little legs but only splashed onto both their upper halves, and soon enough Nora realized she’d had no need to plug her nose at all.
“Well?” Barry asked. “What’s the verdict?”
“It’s…it’s not bad,” she admitted.
He chuckled.
“Didn’t think so. Now, come with me.”
Slowly, he released her so she was solely supported by her floaties, but he held onto her fingertips, so he wasn’t very far away and together they floated out a little further into the lake. When they were at chest level for Barry, they stopped.
“Why are we stopping?” Nora asked, frowning.
“Because I want to make sure the water is above my head before you can really swim on your own. There’s a dip not far away, and we can’t both be in danger.”
“Right,” she squeaked.
“Which we’re not,” he soothed her. “Now come on, kick your little legs for me. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
And so they moved across about 10 feet in the lake swimming back and forth, Nora kicking as hard as she could under the surface and Barry tugging lightly on her hands to make her go even faster. Then he showed her again how to tread water, what she had to do with her arms and legs, how to float without floating, laying all the way back on her back and lying still, and how using her arms could make her swim fast too.
He showed her all that while keeping her floaties on, and then they came in closer to the shore so the water was at Barry’s hips. Then he asked if she wanted to try it without her floaties.
Nora’s eyes widened with panic.
“You don’t have to, Nora. I’m asking if you want to.”
She swallowed.
“Can we go in a little closer to where I can stand?” she asked. “Then maybe I can try it and see if it works.”
And so they got closer to shore, luckily before the rocks really started showing up, and Nora was able to stand with the water at her waist.
“Okay, here you go.”
She took the floaties off daintily, and he tossed them ashore, making sure to lock eyes with Iris and nod, so she’d know he knew what he was doing. Then, he looked back at Nora and nodded too.
“You ready?”
She licked her lips and gave a quick nod.
She pushed off the ground, started kicking madly beneath the surface, and even used her arms!
“You’re doing it! You’re doing it!”
“I’m doing it?!”
“Yes!” He laughed. “Keep going!”
And so, she did, though she was careful not to stray too far into the lake, and at one point when she got a little nervous, Barry was right there beside her, gripping his hands around her waist, and eventually encouraging her to climb onto his back and hold on as he swam with her a little deeper.
“I feel safe with you, Daddy,” she said, laying her cheek on top of his head.
“I’m glad, Princess.”
“But uh…I think I want my floaties back. Just for a little bit.”
He smiled softly.
“You got it. We can try more without them tomorrow.”
And so, he swam back to the dock and helped her climb onto it. Then he followed suit, and they got her floaties back on, and he got some snacks for his very pregnant wife and growing daughter. Then after a while, Barry and Nora got back in again and swam some more. This time she kept her floaties on the whole time, but first thing the next morning she wanted to swim without them, and by the time the party came around a few weeks later – after returning to the cabin each weekend following to practice, she was ready to go and accepted the invitation.
Barry and Iris overheard Nora telling little Lia one day when she was over, and Lia asked what had changed.
“I learned how to swim,” Nora said confidently. “My daddy taught me.”
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ejzah · 2 years
NCIS LA Season 14 Countdown, Day 8
This one is set post The Grey Man, in the season 6.
Who I Used To Be
“You’ll be happy to know that the essence of Artie, is completely gone,” Deeks announced, sliding into the passenger side of the SUV. “And it only took two showers.”
“Amazing,” Kensi said a little distractedly while she pulled into traffic.
He waited a moment for a joke about his general hygiene, or lack thereof, but none came. He brushed a lock of still-damp hair off his forehead, glancing out the window.
“So when we get to—”
“When my dad died, I went to live with my mom. Well, I was supposed to. I only made it a few days and then I ran away,” Kensi interrupted, talking far more quickly than normal. She shot him look, not quite making eye contact before staring straight ahead again. “I know Hetty already told you, but I figured you should know the whole story.”
“Kens, you do not need to tell me anything more. I never should have known from the beginning.” At the time, when Hetty told him, he’d been curious and concerned and let that override his better judgment.
“I know. But I want to be open with you.” She inhaled deeply, seeming calmer when she spoke again, maybe even a little detached. “As you can imagine, it wasn’t easy. I was a teenager without any money, no connections, and I was living on the street.”
“That sounds terrifying,” Deeks murmured. It was bad enough as a fully grown man who most people ignored…a teenager girl. He hated the thought of that for Kensi.
“It was sometimes,” Kensi agreed, echoing his though as she added, “You know what it’s like. You’re always living on edge, never knowing for sure if you’ll get enough to eat, or a place to sleep. I was pretty lucky to find some people who watched out for me and sometimes could stay in a shelter, but I did some things I’m not very proud of.” Before Deeks could even ask, she held up her hand. “I never broke the law during that time. Although I came pretty close a couple times when I was hungry and feeling desperate.”
“You were trying to survive.”
“Yeah, and that wouldn’t have been necessary if I just sucked it up and lived with my mom for a couple years.” She made a bitter sound, directed at herself.
“Kensi, don’t blame yourself. You were hurt, grieving, and under the impression your mom abandoned you,” he told her. “Sometimes we make really unfortunate decisions, but it shouldn’t rule the rest of our lives.”
“No, we shouldn’t,” Kensi agreed softly. “I can’t help but think about how my life might be different if I didn’t have to struggle to finish high school. I might have—well, I might have made some different decisions if I hadn’t felt so forced to prove myself.”
“I hate that you were put in that situation,” Deeks said, hesitating before he carefully broached the topic that had been on his mind for hours. “Before, you said something about being Artie’s type.”
“Yeah, I did. A 16 year old can girl attract a lot of attention.” Her voice was purposefully even.
“From men like Artie?” he asked gently.
“Yeah, sometimes,” she murmured, with a touch of sadness. She brushed it off just as quickly. “Though from what I’ve seen, Artie really isn’t like those men besides being homeless.
“I know you’re worried about me, but nothing ever happened. I was always able to find a safe place or use my self-defense skills.” She smiled wryly. “At least dad would have been proud of how well he taught me.”
“We all are, Kensi.”
“Deeks—” she shook her head, denying his claim.
“No, it’s true. Nothing you said today, has changed my opinion of you, Kensi. What you told me today just proves what I’ve known for years: You’re courageous, strong, and the most amazing woman I’ve ever know. I’m lucky to have you as my partner,” Deeks told her, reaching over to touch the back of her hand. He only lingered for a few seconds, not wanting to push too hard.
“Thank you. That means a lot,” Kensi said, shifting her hand from the steering wheel to the console, and over his. She curled her fingers around his.
A/N: It was Kensi’s turn for a little angst.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Can I request 18. I know autumn camping trips are totally aesthetic but it’s cold as shit in this tent, can we snuggle? for either Boggie or Flarrie? Your choice.
- @michelangelinden
You say or, I say and. Same thing, right? /j Anyways, this one got a bit long, but oh well. This AU just turned into a whole thing in my head, so.... Idk, maybe there will be more of it in the future? Hope you like it! Love you!!!!
The Great Wilson Family Camping Adventure felt like it was doomed even before it began.
Carrie's dad had been going on and on about this plan for months, how he was going to take his kids out into the woods so they could all get to know each other and become closer as a family, away from all the regular pressure of work and school. Yup, kids, plural. 
Ever since Trevor had discovered that his old ex-girlfriend had a son, his son, life in the Wilson household had been a rollercoaster. Carrie was pretty sure she’d never forget coming into the kitchen and discovering her dad on a video call with some woman she’d never seen before. Okay, the video call thing wasn’t that uncommon, though he usually did that sort of stuff in the den. What was unusual about it was the set of her dad’s jaw, the hand clenched around a glass so hard that Carrie was afraid it would shatter, and the even tone he only used when he was nearing a breaking point and didn’t want to show it.
It had taken some time for the whole story to come out, but eventually Carrie had pieced together that her dad had dated this girl back before meeting Carrie’s mom, and that they’d broken up because she was going out with someone else behind his back. The woman had moved away from the area, neither her nor Trevor realizing she was pregnant.
The next part of the story was blurry at best, since the only one who was both willing and able to talk about it had been six or seven at the time. But as near as Carrie could figure out, there had been some… issues in the life of Dierdra Shaw leading to many things, including a CPS investigation and her son, Bobby, going to live with his grandparents in Los Angeles.
And so, by some weird, cruel twist of fate, one of Julie’s bandmates turned out to be Carrie’s biological half-brother.
Carrie didn’t have any issues with Bobby, per se, but… it wasn’t like they had much in common. He liked alt-rock and lived in the same pair of vans 24/7. She preferred pop and power ballads and would change shoes at least twice a day, thanks to dance classes and various events. And her dad, their dad, was making all of them go camping together. For ‘family bonding’ or something.
But at ‘family dinner’ a few nights before they left, her dad had asked Bobby if there was anything he wanted to bring to make it more comfortable or fun. It was a reasonable question, but instead of bringing up food or a space heater like Trevor was probably expecting, Bobby had hesitantly asked if it would be okay for him to bring Reggie, his bandmate and boyfriend.
That night, after Bobby had confirmed all the plans for the trip and gone home, Carrie had asked her dad if Flynn could join them as well, since Reggie was coming. Her dad had made excuses about how Reggie was just coming since Bobby didn’t know either of them that well, but Carrie had refused to budge. Whether her dad acknowledged it or not, this was an awkward situation for her too.
“Okay, I think that’s our site.”
Her dad’s overly cheery tone pulled Carrie out of her thoughts. She looked up from her phone just as he parked the SUV. Her dad and Reggie had both tried to get people talking at the start of the three-hour trek, but with Carrie and Bobby stuck in the middle together, things hadn’t exactly gotten chatty. It had quickly turned into an ‘everyone has their headphones on and is ignoring each other’ type of drive, apart from Reggie and Trevor in the front seat. Carrie really hoped Bobby couldn’t tell that she spent most of the time texting with her girlfriend, who was literally sitting right behind her.
Look, it was just awkward, okay? She and Bobby had always been chill, but they weren’t friends, not really. To her, he was Julie’s bandmate and Reggie’s boyfriend. He probably thought of her as Julie’s friend or Flynn’s girlfriend or something. But her brother? No, that was just too weird. 
But she also cared about her dad. She hadn’t seen him this anxiously excited in years. So she could do this. And she had Flynn to keep her sane while they all did something Carrie was 99% sure her dad hadn’t done since he was little.
“Ah, smell that fresh mountain air,” Trevor declared enthusiastically as he climbed out of the car.
Bobby still had one earbud in, but at Reggie’s encouraging nod, he said, “Yeah, it’s nice.”
Carrie was pretty sure her dad’s smile was going to blind someone if he kept it up. She slid out of the car and walked quickly around to the trunk. “The tent is going to be big enough for all five of us, right?” she asked.
“Sure it will be,” Trevor responded, opening the trunk and pulling out a big, blue cooler that Carrie knew he must have borrowed from Julie’s dad. “Bobby, you wanna help me get it set up?” he asked, pulling the tent (also most likely belonging to the Molinas) out of the back.
Bobby shifted uncomfortably but shrugged. “Sure,” he said quietly.
Reggie followed the two men over to the middle of the campsite, where there was a large flat area for the tent. Carrie started pulling bags of food out of the trunk while they dealt with the tent.
“How you holding up,” Flynn asked quietly, taking a bag from her.
“I’m fine I guess,” Carrie answered, leaning on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Flynn raised their eyebrows, making it clear that they knew it was a lie, but she didn’t push it. Instead, she helped Carrie unpack the van, setting all the food on the wooden picnic table, which looked about two minutes from collapsing, and piling the sleeping bags in the backseat until the tent was ready for them.
Then, because her dad, Bobby, and Reggie were still struggling with the tent, Carrie carefully started on dinner. Thank goodness her dad had brought the little propane stove, since she had no idea how to cook over a fire. Flynn managed to get it turned on and they got some water boiling without too many issues. Carrie poured in what should be enough pasta for everyone to cook, standing guard so it didn’t boil over. Flynn moved behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist.
“You having a good time back there?” Carrie snarked as Flynn rested their chin on her shoulder.
“I’m watching my hot girlfriend make me dinner, I’m having a great time,” Flynn retorted.
“Flattery won’t get you food any sooner,” Carrie sassed, ignoring the flush in her cheeks at both the compliment and her partner’s proximity. “You’re still gonna have to wait till this finishes.”
“Awww, not even a little taste?” Flynn asked innocently, batting her eyelashes. “Someone has to make sure it’s not poisoned.”
“Wow, you think I’d poison you?” Carrie responded, tone dripping with mocking sweetness. “Please, I could think of a million better ways to kill you if that’s what I wanted, sweetie.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” Flynn challenged, leaning in closer so Carrie felt the words against her cheek.
“Who’s poisoning dinner?” Trevor asked, coming up to them with a confused expression.
Carrie rolled her eyes. “No one, dad, it was a joke,” she informed him as she checked the pasta. It seemed to be done, so she carefully lifted it off the stove.
“Here, let me help,” Bobby said, grabbing the strainer and holding it out for her.
Carrie was surprised by the gesture but carefully poured the pasta into the offered container. Once she mixed it with the sauce, they all settled down around the table to eat. Carrie was glad when Flynn immediately settled against her side, letting Carrie lean on her without it being so obvious to the rest of the group.
“So, Bobby, what’s your favorite thing to do out here in the woods?” Carrie’s dad asked, grinning widely.
“Uh, I mean, I’ve never been here,” Bobby responded uncertainly. “Lola didn’t like driving this far, so we usually stayed closer to the city.”
The table fell into an awkward silence for a minute. Carrie could feel the tension building with every passing second, but she had no idea how to break it without making things worse. She wasn’t even sure she wanted it broken. Because this was how it was now, all the time. At school events and barbeque parties at the Molinas’ and the ‘family dinners’ that her dad had never even tried to make happen before he realized he had another kid. It was mean, but a part of Carrie wished all that tension would just snap like a rubber band, hurling everyones’ lives back to how they were before. 
“Well you can’t have a good camping trip without s’mores,” Reggie commented finally.
“Yes!” Trevor exclaimed, locking onto the topic. “I haven’t made them in years, but I have marshmallows and everything so we can give it a shot after dinner.”
“Did you get Reeses?” Flynn asked. “Peanut butter s’mores are God’s gift to humanity.”
The conversation continued between the three of them, both Carrie and Bobby staying quiet. Carrie was endlessly grateful to her partner for being willing to come on this dumpster fire of a camping trip. 
She glanced over at Bobby, trying to gauge his mood. He was staring at the table, not quite angrily, but… something. Carrie couldn’t put her finger on it, but it was intense, like poking your head into another room only to realize that a horror movie was playing inside. Scary, but not angry. Just… intense and unexpected. She was surprised to realize that she didn’t want to run away from it.
“Okay, Bobby, you want to help me build a fire?” her dad asked, pushing up to his feet.
Carrie tried to ignore the little sting that came from Bobby being the only one on the receiving end of the invite. She was getting used to that.
“Sure,” Bobby responded quietly, sticking his dirty bowl in the dish bin and heading over to the firepit.
The two men crouched by the rusty metal enclosure, Bobby reaching inside to carefully lay down some sticks. Reggie watched them for a minute, his face a mix of love and concern, then turned to Flynn and Carrie.
“You guys mind helping me with the dishes?” he asked, grabbing a bucket. “It’s a lot faster with more than one set of hands.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Flynn agreed.
Carrie quietly followed the pair over to the bathrooms, where Reggie filled up his bucket with warm water from the spigot outside.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Reggie asked Carrie as they walked back.
She looked up at him, startled by the question. “Shouldn’t you be asking your boyfriend that?” she responded, fighting to keep the instinctive snap out of her voice.
“I have been,” Reggie answered. “And this whole thing is really hard for him. I can’t imagine it’s any easier for you. So are you doing okay?”
Carrie felt Flynn’s hand slip into hers as she considered how to answer. It wasn’t like she and Reggie were close at all, the only one of the guys she felt she really was close with was Alex, and maybe Willie. But they’d spent some time watching lousy Hallmark movies together after everyone else fell asleep at movie night. She’d bought him pizza for lunch. He’d given her a ride a few times. They weren’t quite friends, but…
“Not really,” she admitted. “It’s nothing against Bobby, it’s just this whole thing is… a lot.”
“That makes sense,” Flynn said, squeezing her hand.
They reached the campsite then and Reggie grabbed the dish soap and sponge to start doing the dishes. Flynn picked up a towel to dry them once he was done. Left without a task, Carrie sat back down at the picnic table, watching her dad and Bobby build their fire.
Just then, Bobby glanced back at her, that unreadable expression still on his face. “Hey Carrie, could you bring me the lighter?” he called.
Carrie raised an eyebrow and was about to point out that there was clearly a book of matches sticking out of his back pocket, but suddenly some part of his expression made sense. He wasn’t asking for a lighter, he was asking for a lifeline. Until Reggie had mentioned it a few minutes ago, Carrie hadn’t thought much about how this would feel from Bobby’s side of things. But suddenly finding out that some famous music star was your biological father, being pulled into a family you had no concept of, it couldn’t be easy. Especially with all of said biological father’s attention on you whenever you were in the same room.
“Yeah, just a sec,” she responded, glancing around the table for a minute before spotting the little green lighter. She grabbed it and joined Bobby and her dad by the firepit. She handed over the lighter, then placed herself between Bobby and her dad as she gave the little twig tent a skeptical look. “Is that actually gonna work?” she questioned.
Bobby shot her a grateful look at making some space between him and their dad, but didn’t comment. “Watch and learn,” he chuckled instead, setting a piece of crumpled paper inside and setting it on fire. 
Slowly but surely, the sticks started to catch. Bobby carefully fed larger branches and eventually logs into the dancing flames, looking more at peace here than Carrie had ever seen him outside of band practice and the occasional group movie night. She settled on a log bench beside the fire, watching the sparks fly up into the darkening sky. Flynn joined her a few minutes later, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Carrie rested her head gratefully on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Her dad went back to the car to find a proper camp chair, complaining about his back, and Carrie could see some of the tension start to leave Bobby’s body as the distance between them grew. Reggie dropped onto another log right behind Bobby, and he leaned back against his legs, shooting a smile up at his boyfriend and receiving a quick peck on the lips. Carrie smiled as she watched them. Regardless of her relationship to Bobby, she was glad to see the two of them so happy together. That little spark of joy at seeing another happy queer couple didn’t go away just because one of them was suddenly your half-brother. 
When her dad returned, he started telling stories. Carrie suspected it was an attempt to avoid the awkward silence. But she’d heard most of them before, so she let herself tune him out in favor of breathing in the clean air of the woods and the fruity scent of Flynn’s body wash. Their sweater was soft against her skin, her fingers tracing patterns on Carrie’s shoulder. If her dad wasn’t literally five feet away, Carrie would probably have leaned up and kissed her. Not that her dad was homophobic, but… kissing in front of your dad just felt wrong.
Bobby seemed to have fallen into a similar zoned-out state, poking the fire every so often with a long stick and leaning back to rest his head against Reggie’s knees. One of the bassist’s hands wove slowly through Bobby’s dark hair as the night fell. A few stars appeared in the sky, scattered with the rising sparks from the fire. Trevor finally fell silent, just watching the fire. Carrie was glad. She got wanting to bond with the son you never knew you had, but he’d been laying it on way too heavy, clearly making everyone uncomfortable.
If there was one thing Carrie had learned in the past few years, it was that you couldn’t force relationships to happen. She’d tried it a million times, with Nick, with Julie, with Flynn. She’d tried to make things fit what she wanted without doing the hard work to reach that real place of trust, and it had caused pain for everyone. She’d made her peace with all of them now, counting Nick and Julie as her best friends and stealing kisses with Flynn after shows, but it had taken a long time. Family wasn’t built in a day.
After a while, Bobby softly informed them all that the fire was low enough for roasting marshmallows. Reggie jumped up almost immediately, almost making Bobby fall with how fast he ran to grab the s’more supplies from the table. Carrie’s dad seemed almost as excited, handing out roasting sticks and moving his chair so he could try and make his without having to sit on the ground.
Reggie quickly readied his stick and started toasting his marshmallow, giggling about something with Bobby as he slowly turned the stick. Bobby just smiled and sat down beside him with his own sugary treat.
“Yeah I have no idea how to do this,” Carrie hissed to her girlfriend, watching the boys in confusion.
Flynn laughed, then pulled her to her feet. “I got you, babe,” they promised. “Ray taught me all the tricks.”
Carrie rolled her eyes affectionately and let Flynn stick a marshmallow onto the end of her stick. They settled beside the fire as Flynn showed her how to find the hot spots and keep rotating her rod so the sugar didn’t burn. At one point, she glanced up and caught Bobby’s eye over the hot coals. He smiled. It was a bit awkward, but well… having a civil conversation with Julie was awkward for a while too. She smiled back.
Later, after they’d probably all had too much sugar and Bobby had put out the fire, they brushed their teeth in the dirty, communal bathroom and changed into pajamas. Carrie was glad she’d brought some thicker, fluffy pants to sleep in, because she was starting to shiver by the time they got back to the tent. Reggie had clearly not had the same thought, as he was wearing thin, red flannel pants and curling into Bobby’s side almost immediately when they left the bathrooms.
Her dad flipped on the little space heater in the tent, then crawled into his own sleeping bag.
“Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t do anything you wouldn’t want me seeing,” he muttered sleepily as he slumped down onto his pillow.
Carrie fought the urge to burst out laughing. When she glanced over at the others in the dim light of Reggie’s flashlight, she could see similar expressions of amusement on their faces, though Bobby looked a bit red as well.
“He does realize we’re literally all sex-averse or something, right?” Flynn whispered.
“I haven’t even tried having that conversation with him yet,” Carrie responded wryly. “Can you imagine telling your dad that he didn’t really have to go through the extreme awkwardness of giving you The Talk because you never wanted to do that anyways?”
Everyone laughed and settled into their sleeping bags, Carrie the closest to the entrance with Flynn beside her and Bobby and Reggie near the back. The space heater was in the middle of the space, but it wasn’t really warming it up very quickly. Carrie could hear Reggie shivering after a few minutes, and then a whispered voice.
“Hey, I know camping trips are supposed to be an aesthetic or something, but it’s freezing,” Reggie hissed, probably to Bobby. “Can we please cuddle?”
Carrie heard a low chuckle from Bobby, and then the swishing sounds of the two moving closer together. She couldn’t quite make out their hushed words, but she smiled anyways. Yeah, this was the most awkward (and only) camping trip she’d ever been on, but she was glad they were here.
Well, okay, she wasn’t hugely fond of here here, she could live without the smell of woodsmoke in her hair and the pine needles that kept appearing in literally everything, but it was nice to be out with her dad and Flynn and Reggie and her brother. Stepbrother? Half brother? They could figure that one out later. But for the first time since she’d walked in on her dad giving his laptop a death glare, she felt like they might actually be something, not just blood, but maybe something akin to family.
“You doing okay?” Flynn hummed in the darkness.
“Yeah, I am,” Carrie answered honestly.
“Good, because I’m freezing,” Flynn stated. “Aesthetics are overrated, I want cuddles.”
“You stole that from Reggie,” Carrie accused, giggling.
“You got a problem with it?” Flynn snarked back.
“No,” Carrie chuckled, shifting over and partially unzipping her sleeping bag to wrap her arms around her girlfriend. 
“Good,” Flynn said, curling closer and nuzzling into the crook of Carrie’s neck. “Cause I need some of that hot Wilson body heat right now.”
Carrie smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her partner’s head. “Goodnight, love you.”
“Night, love you too.”
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: You’re On My Frequency
As he was about to take a sip of his drink, the radio in his office crackled to life and his grip crushed the glass in his hand. He marched in there and grabbed the microphone, his voice steely as he said, “Whoever the fuck this is needs to stop. This is my station. So, just stop it okay?” He was panting after his chastening, and thought that would be the end of it until…
“Who is this?”
Square Filled: Changing the Past
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Past Character Death
Suicidal Thoughts
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steter [Stiles Stilinski + Peter Hale]
June 1st, 2021
One day, Stiles was sitting in his FBI issued SUV when the radio clicked on all by itself. It was weird and he almost turned it off. That was until he heard the call code and his breath stuttered. He shut it off and shook his head. No. No way. He elected to ignore it. He had places to be and an anniversary coming up. He didn’t need this shit.
However, strangely enough, it wasn’t just the FBI SUV radio that was acting up. It was his pal Thomas’s cruiser radio. It was the captain's radio. It was the store radio. It was every single radio and yet no one else heard it or acted any different. Stiles assured himself over and over again that it was nothing as he grabbed the bouquet of flowers and winced at the rain outside. At least he brought an umbrella right? Oh. That’s right. He left it in the car. So a soaking wet Stiles quickly ran towards his car. Suddenly, he tripped, crashing to the ground, the flowers getting crushed and well he just sat there and started to cry.
An angry, dirty and grieving Stiles got home and headed to his office. He should shower but fuck that. The fireplace was lit and he cradled a glass of whiskey as he stared at the picture on the mantle. “I might join you soon. I swear I’m going crazy. You’re supposed to be here and you’re not.”
As he was about to take a sip of his drink, the radio in his office crackled to life and his grip crushed the glass in his hand. He marched in there and grabbed the microphone, his voice steely as he said, “Whoever the fuck this is needs to stop. This is my station. So, just stop it okay?” He was panting after his chastening, and thought that would be the end of it until…
“Who is this?”
“Who are you?!” Stiles demanded.
“That’s impossible.”
“I assure you it’s my code. Who are you and how did you access this? It can’t be your station. It’s my father’s.”
Stiles froze at that and oh yeah, he has definitely gone crazy. “What’s your name?” he asked, glancing at the inscription on the radio.
“Peter Hale.”
When did the room get blurry and why was he so cold all of a sudden? Stiles didn’t know, but he would recognize that voice anywhere. He just didn’t understand. “Oh. I’m Sti—Genim. Though my mom always calls me Mischief.”
“Father says I’m a troublemaker but I think he’s just annoyed he never can figure out how I pull half the shit I pull.”
Stiles chuckled and glanced at the inscription again, letting his thumb brush over it. He smiled and pressed the button again. “Well get this…once when I was about twelve I think? Anyway I went around our home and moved everything a half inch to the left. It really frustrated my mom. She still has no idea how I did it.”
A laugh echoed from the radio and Stiles got chills. He knew that laugh. “That’s priceless dude.”
Stiles sputtered. Peter used dude? He scoffed, and Peter had given Stiles such a hard time about it. That made his smile fade because gave was the keyword. Past tense. The ten year anniversary of Peter’s death was coming up. Stiles would never be able to forget the worst day of his life.
Amber eyes flooded with tears but he pushed through it to continue the conversation. Whoever this was sounded enough like Peter that it was helping. Surely it wasn’t going to hurt anything if they talked more. Right? “Right? She always says I’m her Mischief maker but I prefer Master of Mischief and Chaos. What a mouthful that was for a six year old. Not like my full name though.”
The man whose voice was almost identical to Peter’s replied quickly. “Well, I bet I could say your name. What is it?”
Stiles snorted, his heart aching a bit. That was what Peter had said the first time too and well Stiles knew Peter was able to say it which was why he didn’t give his name this time. It would hurt too much.
“So, Peter Hale. Tell me about you? Are you even old enough to be on this?”
The offense and eyebrow quirk were obvious despite not seeing his face, or maybe that was just Stiles’s imagination.
“Listen here, Genim. I’ll have you know my father said I could use this as soon as I turned eighteen. I’m nineteen now. So there!”
Stiles snorted even as he froze again. Nineteen. Stiles remembered nineteen with Peter and fought back a gut wrenching sob. Stiles’s best friend Peter was nineteen when he died. Suddenly, Stiles was regretting this. He should shut it off and throw it away but the inscription prevented such an action. He simply couldn’t get rid of it. The radio was Peter’s and had been Mr. Hale’s radio before that.
“Dude?” Doppelgänger Peter’s voice said. “That was kind of a churlish response for me to give you, but how do I know you’re not some forty year old creep?”
“True, but if I said I wasn’t, would you believe me?”
Doppelgänger Peter didn’t even hesitate. “Well, yeah.”
Stiles scoffed. “Really?” he sneered, pain lodged in every fiber of his body. “How naive of you. You shouldn’t be so trusting!” He stilled and sighed, pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes to stop the flow of tears. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Something is eating at you man. Come on. Tell me all about it, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart? You don’t know me.”
“Maybe not but you need an ear and I have two. Go for it.”
“You’re gonna wish that you hadn’t offered.”
“We’ll see. You just let me be the judge of that.”
Stiles sighed and took a deep, steadying breath. He had never really talked to anyone about what happened except his mother and well they weren’t talking now. She might as well have been living hundreds of miles away because that’s how it felt to gaze at the house when he drove by it on his way into work. He was cruel in his words. He lashed out and now it was just him, a portrait of Peter and this stranger on the radio.
“There’s a day coming up that sucks for me. I guess this entire month sucks for me. I lost someone very important to me. It’s really just me now. I have my mom but we don’t talk anymore. It’s my fault but…”
“What was the date of it if it’s okay to ask?”
Stiles huffed. “I’d never forget. June 5th, 2011.”
Silence is the response he got, silence and the crackling of static. After waiting he tried again. “Wishing you hadn’t asked?”
The voice still eerily like Peter’s was so soft when it spoke again. “Dude. Today is June 1st. 2011.”
Rage flooded Stiles's body at that moment and he smashed the lamp. “Don’t fuck with me and my grief. You have no idea what—who—I lost, Peter.”
“You’re right I don’t but I just looked at the calendar. I’m serious. I’m not being insensitive. I might be an asshole but not that kind of one.”
Stiles was only able to see red and he smirked. “All right. I’ll tell you something that happened earlier that year on April 28th, 2011.”
Peter cleared his throat. “Okay. I’m not a fan of that day but go ahead.”
Yeah this was freaky. “My best friend—whom I loved—and I went into the academy together. We dreamt of being agents for the FBI. Something went wrong in one of the shooting practices. A gun was tampered with and my best friend he—He nearly lost his leg. We got in a fight and he told me he’d never be an agent now and I should just go on without him but I told him not without him. He called me stupid and naive.
“We stormed away and the one fucking time we don’t stick to our never walking away angry…it’s the last time I saw him. On June 5th, 2011…our superior brought me in and sat me down. They had found his body. He’d been attacked by someone who I still haven’t been able to catch. I know the case like the back of my hand and 10 years later I’m no closer than I was then. So tell me Peter Hale. What happened to you on April 28th that makes you not a fan of that day?”
Stuttering breaths came through the radio. “Who are you man? Have you talked to Stiles? Did he tell you?”
Stiles hissed and stepped back. Nope. Not possible. He was drunk. Yeah. Yep. Yes, totally drunk and this was just a manifestation of his grief.
“Goodbye, Peter Hale.”
The protests were a blur as he shut off the frequency. He glared at the inscription. “Fucking bullshit.”
Stiles went to bed, determined to sleep off this horrible night. Maybe he would even be lucky enough to not wake up and would finally be with Peter again.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
June 1st, 2011
Meanwhile, on June 1st, 2011, a very pale faced boy who now looked so much younger than nineteen yanked his phone out and dialed the number he knew by heart.
“‘Ello?” a voice croaked.
“Oh. Hey. You good? It’s like…Shit Peter! It’s after 2 in the morning. If you’re gonna yell please just—”
“I’m not. I’m calling to apologize. I didn’t mean it. You’re my best friend since diapers and I want to be there when you graduate at the top of your class because you absolutely will.”
Stiles's voice was soft but hopeful. “Really?”
Peter smiled, his cheeks twinging pink. “Really really.”
They were both grinning like loons but Peter was scared that the conversation he had earlier was some kind of premonition but either way, at least this way he could make sure it didn’t happen. Ever.
“We should get some sleep,” Stiles whispered.
“Yeah. You’re right.”
“Goodnight, Mushu.”
“Hey Bambi?”
“I love you.”
Stiles’s breath hitched and Peter heard his bedding rustle. “Dick move you jerk,” he said sniffling. “Doing love confessions over the phone is such a dick move.”
Peter smirked. “Yeah. That’s me. A dick.”
“It’s a pretty dick.”
“Been taking peeks there, Stilinski?”
“You wish, Hale!”
“No point in wishing for something, you already know is happening.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“No, I don’t you jerk. I actually lo—”
“Sorry! I dropped the phone. My hands were shaking.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Come over and I’ll fix that.”
“Wait. Like right now?”
“Yes. Right now.”
“Wooooooow! Are you booty calling me, Hale? That’s bold even for you. What if I want to be wooed?” he teased.
Peter smiled fondly. “Then I shall woo the fuck out of you. Your training is complete and all that’s left is testing. So this next week or so it’s you, me and Marvel. You down?”
“I’m so down, dude. Just remember the testing is June 5th at 9 am. Come watch? I’ll feel better knowing you’ll be there.”
Peter thought back to the words of the stranger Genim. “I’ll be there. I promise.” After all, if he hadn’t called he was waiting for Stiles to call first and he wouldn't have and now Peter sounded crazy but his gut was telling him not to ignore this. So, he didn’t.
Instead, they said goodnight again before hanging up. A part of Peter needed to know more details but if this was a universal wire crossing thing he didn’t know if he would be able to get back through. He would definitely try but he was already thinking of how to convince Stiles to add Star Wars to their weeks of hanging out.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
June 2nd, 2021
Stiles woke with no hangover, realizing he didn’t drink and now had nothing to blame the previous night's bout of insanity on. He got up, threw back his covers, and told himself that he was just going to check, that was all.
The radio clicked on and Stiles felt like it was the right thing to do.
Stiles blinked. “Hello, Peter Hale.
“Uh hey! So um this is weird.”
With a snort, Stiles replied, “Weird doesn’t begin to cover it. I mean fucking hell. How?”
“I don’t know dude. I swear I’m as confused as you, but listen. Did your best friend call you after the fight?”
“No. Neither of us reached out. Stubborn fuckers that we were. Why?”
Doppelganger Peter’s voice came through again. “Just hear me out, okay?”
“No promises, kid.”
That got him a slightly annoyed huff before the other started speaking. “Fine. So my best friend is named Stiles. He and I got into a fight at the academy. My fear of not achieving our dream together like we always planned kept me from reaching out. Until you. I called him last night and I told him, I love him.”
Stiles gripped the desk hard, his vision whiting out for a moment and then fading as black spots danced around his vision. Wait. So, Peter called him, HIS Peter. The dick did his first love confession over the phone. “It was a dick move.”
Peter gasped. “That’s what he said. Dude. Dude. Duuuuude. Dude! Holy shit!”
“Peter, is there anything custom about your radio?”
“Huh? Well, I mean, not really? Oh! There’s a small silver plaque with an inscription. Why?”
Stiles traced it with his thumb. “What’s the first sentence?”
“A star shoots across the sky hurtling through the dark…” Peter trailed off.
“And the shadows converge to swallow the dying spark,” Stiles finished.
Peter gasped. “How did you—”
“I added to it.” Stiles softly interrupted. “But upon the world it has made its mark and from the memories of its gazers it will never depart.”
𝙰 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔
𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚞𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚐𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝.
“That’s beautiful,” Peter replied. “I have so many questions.”
Stiles chuckled, wanting to believe it but still, he hesitated. “Ask your friend what his middle name is. Let me know what he says?”
Peter hesitated and then replied easily with, “Will do. He’s due any moment.”
“Really? Why is—”
“Oh! Hey, Bambi!”
A painful lurch exploded in Stiles’s heart at the nickname he hadn’t heard in ten years. Another voice joined and Stiles muted himself to hide his whimper.
“Hey, Mushu. What are you doing?”
“Oh, just messing with the radio.”
“Oooo talking to a boy?” he teased and Stiles bit his lip, his head pounding. He remembered this conversation.
“No! I mean kinda. His name is Genim.”
Silence and then…
“How the fuck did you end up finding someone to talk to who has my middle name as their first name?!” He grabbed the mic. “Who are you buddy? What game are you playing?”
“No game. Just a nightmare more like it.” 2021 Stiles managed to get out his reply without breaking after he unmuted it.
“Well what’s your interest in my buddy here?”
Peter hollered trying to intervene. “Stiles, it's not like that.”
2021 Stiles agreed. After all, the Stiles there was the one Peter was with. Not him. “Enjoy your movie marathon boys.” He clicked mute again, but didn’t turn the radio off just yet, although he didn’t know why.
“Dude! What the hell?” Peter hissed.
“He’s some random stranger! I was trying to test him. You like him!”
2021 Stiles knew what Peter did next. He remembered Peter leading him to the bathroom and pointing to his reflection. “That’s my type.”
“Yourself?” 2011 Stiles quipped.
“No you oblivious idiot.” Peter stepped closer, meeting Stiles’s gaze in the mirror. “It’s you. My type is you and only you.”
That was when 2021 Stiles finally turned the radio off. He wasn’t ready to listen to himself losing his virginity. He was already getting flashes.
He turned around to leave the office and his gaze settled on the living room. All the air left his lungs when he caught sight of something that hadn’t been there last night.
Shockingly, when he reached the living room, there was a new picture on the mantle. He nearly fainted at the sight of it. It was him and Peter at their academy graduation. “No. Fucking. Way.”
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My eleven year old brother is literally more helpful around the house than my dad. With him at summer camp, there’s more chores to do around the house. When my dad’s not here, there’s less mess.
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let-me-luve-you · 2 years
Lost a Soldier
Tom Holland x Military!Twin Sister!Reader
Summary: Tom has a bad feeling all day and when he gets the news, that feeling makes sense. He doesn't have the best reaction to it and Nikki is the only one who can calm him down.
Warnings: Death, military, cuss words, grief, angst (seriously there is no fluff at all in this fic), description of death, mention of blood (I think just once)
Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: I did not proofread this. If I missed any warnings, please let me know! Requests are still closed. I'm slowly working through what is in my inbox now.
Tom Holland Masterlist
Buy Me a Coffee
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Tom woke randomly in the middle of the night to a pain in his chest. It was so bad it almost knocked the breath out of him. But as quick as it came, it was quickly gone, but left behind was this heavy feeling. He just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen today and he wasn’t sure what it would be.
As Tom went on with his day, the feeling grew stronger. He hated that he was feeling like this when he had so many good things happening around him. His and Harry’s script had been picked up by a production company and they were going to start pre-production soon. Sam had called and told him he got a promotion. Paddy landed a starring role in a tv show. He just didn’t get why he couldn’t shake the bad feeling.
As the Holland clan sat down for dinner, perfectly made by Sam and Nikki, a knock was heard at the front door. That heavy feeling in Tom’s chest intensified as he stood up and walked to the answer the door. Through the small window beside the door, Tom saw the two black SUVs and one cop car. His heart sank and tears gathered in his eyes and he knew why he had that bad feeling.
Taking a deep breath, Tom reached for the door handle. He slowly opened it to see the grim look on the four people in front of him.
“H-how can I help you?” Tom asked.
One of the guys in the uniform stepped forward, “Are you from the family of Y/N Holland?”
“Yes sir. She is my twin sister. Is everything okay?” He asked, holding onto the door for dear life.
“Can we come in and talk?” The chaplain asked. Tom nodded and led them into the living room.
“Um. Let me go- Let me go grab my parents real quick.” Tom left the room to grab his parents from the kitchen. His parents looked at Tom’s pale face and immediately knew something was wrong.
“Are you okay honey? Who was at the door?” Nikki asked standing up to check up on her oldest son.
“There's some people here. It’s about Y/N…I uh- I don’t think it’s good news.” Tom said looking at his mom and then at his dad. Dom was up in a heartbeat following Nikki to the living room. All four sons not far behind.
“Hi. I’m Nikki and this is my husband Dom.” Nikki said introducing herself.
“Hello. I’m Officer Morrow and this is Chaplain Hudson. That is Mr. Rhodes, he is a medic. That over there is Officer Leeds. She is an officer on her way to becoming a detective. Would you like to take a seat?” Officer Morrow asked. Nikki and Dom sat down on the couch. The four sons stayed standing on the side of the room. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but earlier this morning around 3:20 am, Y/N was involved in an accident. She was pronounced when they got her back to base. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“What?” Nikki asked in a whisper. “No, I just talked with her yesterday afternoon. No.” She frantically looked at Dom and saw Dom’s pale face with tears building in his eyes. Dom looked back at her and quickly pulled her into a hug. “NO!” She yelled as she bawled into her husband’s chest.
Harry, Sam, and Paddy started to silently cry. Sam’s legs gave out and he leaned against the wall as he thought of his older sister.
“You’re lying,” Tom said matter of fact. “There’s no way. She’s fine. She’s not dead.” The four visitors looked at the young man with sympathy.
“I’m sorry. She is. They did everything they could to bring her back.” Officer Morrow said. Tom scoffed. Dom said a quick "I’ll be right back" as he led Nikki into their bedroom to have a private moment.
“If she was actually dead, how’d she die? Huh?” Tom said getting more aggressive as he took a step toward Officer Morrow.
“You don’t want to know, son. Trust me.” He said knowing that all family members reacted differently. He wasn’t taking any of this personally.
“She was my twin sister. She was my best friend. I need to know.” Tom said. Officer Leeds took a step forward to make sure nothing escalated too much.
“Son, ple-,” Officer Morrow was cut off.
“My name is Tom.” He was just getting angrier and angrier the more that he wasn’t told anything. He had the feeling all day so he knew it was true, but it didn’t stop the denial.
“Tom. Please. You don’t want to know.” Officer Morrow was almost begging to not have to tell him how his sister died.
“Tell. Me. Now.” Tom said in a low voice. “I’m going to find out anyway if she is actually dead, so why prolong me finding out. Tell me.”
“She was a part of a team of four other people. It was a setup. They took heavy fire and she was struck in the chest. She lost too much blood before we could get there to help her.” Officer Morrow said with dread.
It all clicked for Tom. When he woke up it was around 3:30 am. He felt what his sister felt. He felt the moment she died. Tom couldn’t comprehend his sister being lost so he stormed toward the kitchen. Tom didn’t hear his parents come back into the room, he didn’t see his brothers cornered together on the floor trying to comfort each other. All he saw was red. As he came to the door frame, Tom screamed in frustration and punched a hole in the wall. Harry immediately stood to go comfort his brother but Sam pulled him back down knowing Tom needed time to himself.
Officer Leeds took steps towards the kitchen in case she needed to step in and stop him from harming himself or any of his family members.
“Did she suffer?” Paddy asked. Dom and Nikki didn’t hear how she died, but they wondered the same.
“We don’t believe so.” Chaplain Hudson spoke up. Nikki sighed a breath of relief. She didn’t know if she would ever recover from this bad news, but she knew that if her baby girl suffered before passing, she would never recover. “We are extremely sorry for your loss. When you are ready, we can discuss plans on how to proceed. I know now is not the time, but know that you are not alone through this.”
Before Dom could speak up, All nine eyes widened and turned towards the kitchen as they heard crashing and screaming. Officer Leeds walked into the kitchen followed by Nikki and Dom and then everyone else watched from the doorway. They saw Tom had flipped the table and thrown two chairs across the room and was working on the third.
“Sir, please put the chair down.” Officer Leeds said moving towards the heartbroken young man.
“Stay the fuck away from me,” Tom yelled as he threw the chair in her direction but purposely missed.
“Sir, if you don’t calm down, I’m going to have to cuff you.” She said as Tom picked up some of the pots and pans that were on the counter. She quickly wrapped her arms around Tom’s upper half to stop him from doing more damage and yelled, “I need help here.”
“Stop. Let me go.” Tom said as he thrashed in her arms and finally broke free. He took a step to leave the room and everyone moved out of his way. Stopping in the living room, Tom paced while pulling at his hair. He once again took his anger out on his parents' furniture and flipped his dad’s favorite chair.
“Tom,” Nikki said softly, grabbing his attention. “Come here.”
“No. She was fine. I was supposed to call her tomorrow to tell her about our new movie. I was- she was supposed to be here when we filmed it.” Tom said, the anger slowly leaving his body as he vented to his mom. “And she was supposed to be my best man at my wedding and I was going to be her maid of honor. And, and, and she- she told me she was going to retire. This was her last tour. She was going to be done. She was supposed to be done.”
“I know, baby. I know.” Nikki didn’t know what to say to him. Right now, all she could do was be there for him. She slowly walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug and that is when Tom lost all his fight. All the pain he was feeling over losing his twin was coming out as he cried into his mom’s chest, just like he did when he was younger. “We’re going to be okay. I’m so sorry Tom. So sorry.” She whispered as she kissed his head and cried with him.
Tom’s legs gave out and he fell to the ground, taking Nikki with him. Dom ran to check and see if she was okay and she just gave him a look to say she was fine. She continued to rock her son as he continued to cry.
Dom walked the four visitors out promising them to call them in a day or two to make arrangements. Sam and Harry started cleaning up the mess Tom made in the kitchen. Neither complained as they knew they would probably react the same if they lost their twin. Paddy sat down on the couch and was shortly joined by Dom as they tried to comfort each other.
Tom finally cried himself to sleep on his mom’s chest. She just held him close and ran her fingers through his hair as she continued to rock him.
“We’ll be okay. Y/N is watching over us now.” She whispered loud enough so Dom and Paddy heard, but quiet enough that Tom didn’t wake. Nikki knew her family would never feel whole again, but they would work through their grief and get through it together with their guardian angel.
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Summertime Sadness - Chapter 2
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Aubrey and Jack hotchner come home for the summer after living in California with their mom for the school year. How will they deal with the trauma in California and living with their fathers new girlfriend. (the pictures in the banner are NOT the characters in the story besides the Criminal Minds characters) 
Content Pairings: Hotchner Famiy x BAU!Reader (ft; the team and others) POV: switches a lot. 
Chapter Warnings: more angst, cussing, arguing, and yelling. Panic attack. More characters coming soon i promise
wc; 1.5k 
A/N: here's chapter two, hope you’re enjoying. I'll tell you ahead of time it does deal with trauma and abuse in later chapters. 
Aubrey had been applying to jobs since before she left California. Taking master classes with young  choreographers around the area wasn’t keeping her busy enough. She got her a simple job as a patient transporter at the local hospital. 
She refused to drive her dads car so he has been picking her up when she gets off work. She got off work earlier than she expected and needed to be picked up. Just her luck her dad got called in for some reason she didn’t care enough to really listen to the reason why. So, he sent you to go get her, which was the only option. You pulled into the hospital front entrance and parked. Aubrey had been finishing up with her last patient. 
You took in the young girl and her beautiful smile and how caring she was even from a distance. The girl seen the black suv and headed towards it. Aubrey opened the door and hopped in the front seat. 
“Hey, your dad sent me cause he was called to the office.” You pulled off, the hospital wasn’t very far from the house but it was way to hot for Bre to walk. “I know he told me” as she put her seatbelt on and faced forward. 
“How was work?” Attempting to make small conversation with the young women. “I can tell you really like your job from the way you were talking with that patient”
“yeah, I guess” the girl replied,
“You know I use—-“ 
“Please stop” Aubrey begged “Don’t pretend like you like me.” Before you could reply Aubrey was hopping out of the car and heading towards the door. 
“Hey dad, I’m tired so I’m gonna go take a nap.” Aubrey said as she was walking past avoiding any unnecessary conversation. “Okay” Aaron said puzzled, “Hey, did something happen at work?” Asking you who was walking through the door with bags of groceries.
“I barely got two words out of her, but she thinks I’m pretending to like her.” you said making the air quotes with your fingers.
“How do you know?” Aaron asked,
“She said it, I’m going go try to talk to her.” She placed a kiss on Aaron’s lips as Jack was walking down the stairs.
“You know you have a room right?” As he swung open the freezer door, and searched for his frozen grapes. You laughed into the kiss, and headed towards Aubrey’s room. 
The door was slightly open, You gave two knocks and stepped into the room. Aubrey was on her bed taking her shoes off get ready for bed. She looked up to see it was you and looked back down at her shoes, “what?” she said with a bit of attitude. 
“Can we talk?” You asked, “About what?” Aubrey gave her all her attention, Emily shocked the girl is even giving her a chance. 
“Can I sit?” Pointing at her bed Aubrey nodded and you finally sat down. 
“What made you say I’m pretending to like you?” You asked bluntly,
“Cause I know how people like you are”  you were taken aback people like you? 
“What do you mean?” You asked curious as to how the young girl views you.
“People that my parents think are good for them.” Aubrey looked you dead in your eye. 
“Aubrey what do you mean by that, please talk to me I can tell something is going on with you and your brother?" the girl looked at you as if you were the first person to notice how she had changed, tears began to form in her eyes.
“I can’t…I —“ she stuttered with tear falling down her eyes. Aubrey looked at you and attempted to continue. “In California my mom had a—“ Aubrey hadn’t talked to anyone about what happened, only Jack knows. She knew talking about it with anyone would help her get through this but she couldn’t. You'd look at her differently like he said everyone would. She looked at you and completely stopped herself. 
“Never mind, just leave, I’m tired.” she demanded, walking over to her closet to put her shoes away. 
“Aubrey I just want to help you honey—“ she cut you off before you could finish. “STOP CALLING ME THAT! I'm not your fucking honey!” Aubrey yelled as the tears continued to fall. 
“Now get the hell out!” Aubrey said causing her brother and dad to hurry up the stairs. 
 As Aaron was approaching the door he noticed a very distraught you walking out of Aubrey’s room with tears in your eyes.
“Aubrey MARIE hotchner, what the hell is wrong with you?” Aaron yelled loudly,
 “You’re completely different person now, apologize to her. NOW” 
Aubrey ignored him wiping tears as more dropped pulling her legs to her chest 
“Go say sorry now Aubrey.” Aaron was so angry he barley acknowledged bres tears. He tried to grab her arm causing her to scream as she began to panic. Her breathing was heavy and she was hysterical. “Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t” Aubrey repeated with her hands over her ears and knees close to her chest. 
“Aubrey? I’m so sorry bug, I didn’t mean to yell—-“ Bre tried to calm down but continued to fail, Jack entered the room with fear plastered on his face. 
“What did you do!” He yelled toward his father“Jack what’s going on? Has this happened before?” Aaron had never seen either of them like this. They were both in a panic and he could feel there fear. He wanted to do everything in his power to stop it. 
Avoiding the question “Maybe figure out what made your child cry before your stupid, fucking girlfriend.” Jack really didn’t mean it, but no one came before his sister. 
You heard Jacks voice, and your heart broke even more. I’m ruining their summer you thought to yourself. Aaron walked out of the room without his two children and closed the door. He headed to you who was now on the living room couch balling your eyes out.
 “If I need to leave I will” you said sniffling as you wiped your tears. Aaron came and sat next to you, and wrapped his arm around you.“We will figure this out, I love my children and I love you. This will work out.” He kissed you on the head and wiped the rest of your tears, but you couldn’t help but to think about Aubrey.
Meanwhile upstairs Jack was still trying to calm Aubrey down. “Bre it’s okay, you’re okay, I’m right here with you.” He pulled his sister in, rubbing circles on her back. He held her for a few minutes until she finally spoke up. 
“I almost told her about California, I..- I almost trusted her.” Her voice was raspy like she had been screaming. 
“Bre, maybe you should try to talk to someone.I barley know the half of what Calv--” Jack was cut off "don't say his name." Aubrey demanded looking as if she could kill him, Jack stopped himself and continued “all I'm saying is, Y/N might not be your best friend but she’s not like him Bre I promise” he passed her another tissue. 
“I’ll talk to Uncle Spencer, he knows everything, and he’s basically a psychologist.” Aubrey cracked a small smile. 
Jack nodded his head, smirking knowing Bre could never be serious for to long. He continued, “We’ve been through hell in California and I’m sure that’s why you feel different.” Aubrey nodded leaning into her brothers shoulder
“We’re going to the mansion tomorrow and maybe it’ll be easier to talk to her when she’s drunk.” Jack laughed knowing how they got when they had a little too much wine. 
“But you have to apologize to them first, especially Y/N, she’s also basically a psychologist so try talking to her” looking at Aubrey, she knew if Jack trust her then so could she. 
“Okay, okay I will, and you have to apologize too dummy, you called the women stupid and said fucking in front of dad” Aubrey said heading down outing another hoodie on and walking toward the stairs.
 Aarons arm was wrapped around yours as you were watching a rerun of some game show. Aubrey sort of admired your strengths, you never gave up on her like Haley did, she slowly walked around the sofa walking toward the brown, dark chair. It had been there since she could remember.
“Dad..Y/N can we talk?” Aubrey asked taking off her hood to her hoodie showing her messy hair her messy hair. 
Aaron sat up and turned the tv down, “of course Bre.”
“First, I want to apologize for yelling at you Y/N, I’m really sorry you didn’t deserve that.” Aubrey said holding back tears, “and I’m sorry if I scared you dad, I really don't know what came over me.” she lied through her teeth, she had been trying to control her panic attacks since she was 14. Some days were better than other where she could just run into the bathroom stall or jJacks room.
“I accept your apology Aubrey, I care about you and your brother and I’m here for you if you need anything, I know change can be tough.” You smiled and Aubrey smiled back.
Aaron finally spoke up “I promised to never profile you kids, but Bre I can’t help but think the worst here, you have signs of pts—“ 
“That’s all I wanted to say, I have to sleep for the party tomorrow.” Aubrey cut him off and  got up, and gave you a reassuring smile. 
“Goodnight daddy.” She kissed him on the forehead, she only ever called him that when she was hurt or scared. Aaron watched his 16-year-old walk away feeling nothing but worry for her. Wishing he could take away whatever she was going through and feeling. Wishing it was as easy, as kissing a boo boo to make it feel better.
Aubrey hurried back to her room, thankful that Jack had gone back to his. She closed to door and sat down on her bed staring at the ceiling. After a few moments of silence she broke down into quiet tears. She ached all over, Aubrey felt out of place, she had been through hell, and was barley picking up the pieces. 
previous chapter chapter three
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bebepac · 2 years
Trust Fall
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This is @choicesmonthlychallenge​​ day 26 for “Sorry” which will appear in bold.
This is also chapter 4 of the Blue Honey Cafe, if you need to catch up please click: 
The Blue Honey Cafe Masterlist
The Book:  TRR: No Royals Pairings: None,  TRR MC is single Rating and Warnings:  Teen / Sexual innuendo   Word Count: 2647 Song Inspiration:  Diva by Beyonce
Summary:  Riley goes with with her coworkers on a team building retreat.
Original Post: 05/25/22 at 10:10PM EST.
“I’ve legit never thought I would be a part of a company that did things like this. I’ve legit only seen this mess on television.”  
“Well apparently Bertrand got a great deal, for a Team Building Retreat. We get money from Corporate every month to do activities.  When Liam left it was my responsibility, it’s hard to figure out what would bring the best turnout.  So this is what we’re doing this weekend. This allows us to use up the previous month’s funds and do something big.  All the activities Liam does, there’s always a big turnout.”  
“Which is why Liam will be taking back over that responsibility.”  
“I don’t mind at all.”  Liam commented, smiling  at the group.
“My SUV seats 4 rather comfortably, if anyone would like to ride with me to Emerald Isle please let me know.”  
Liam’s eyes were on Riley the whole time,  he hoped that she would be one of the people that would take the offer to carpool.  
After his announcement she approached him.
“Would you like a travel buddy?  I can ride shotgun and be your Navigation specialist, or keeper of the snacks? Whichever you prefer.”
Liam smiled.
“I’ve got GPS on board cadet, so I think your keeper of the snack foods, and hydration specialist will be what I need. One has to stay hydrated and fueled for a trip across the state.”
“You can count on me.”  Riley gave a little salute.  
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“Good to know Riley.”  
That evening Riley packed a little bit of everything for her trip.  She wanted nice, cool and comfortable clothes for the trip but she was torn about bathing suits.  She went to her favorite fashion blogger’s site 
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to see if she had some advice on it, and of course, she did, complete with pictures.   So Riley packed a few tasteful bathing suits with cover ups and none of her “I’m living my best life” string bikini bathing suits for her work retreat.  She did not know if there would be a formal dinner, but she did pack a few nice summery dresses and heels which the Fashionista Blogger highly recommended.
When Riley was done packing, her suitcase was heavy with items, but she felt she had planned adequately for multiple scenarios.
 Riley arrived early by Liam’s standards, that next morning and she was the first one there that would be riding in Liam’s vehicle.
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“I wondered who’s vehicle this was.  It’s nice.”  
“Graduation gift from my father.  Instead of showing up to my graduation, he had a vehicle delivered with a red bow on it to my graduation party. His card said, ‘Enjoy the superior driving experience of German technology’, not happy graduation.”  
“Yikes…. But on the flip at least he got you a car.  Wish my dad had gotten me a car for graduation or… ever.”    
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The look on his face made Riley realize the error of what she had just said, her smile quickly fading.  
“I’m sorry,  your dad must be one of those, that instead of showing up, sends gifts when he doesn’t.”
“Yeah he is.  I should be grateful for all the things he’s given me, but my mom is my rock.  She has always been there for me. Dad just drops in, when convenient for him.  He didn’t want a family, he didn’t want us. He wanted possessions.  His contribution to the family wasn’t quality time,  it was just money.”
“That’s sad.  I’m sorry.”  
“It taught me, when I find the woman that’s meant to be my Queen,  
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I will know how to treat her the right way. Which is basically the opposite of how my father treats a woman.  Let me help you with your bag.”
Liam went to pick up her bag and was surprised.
“Damn Woman!!!! What on earth did you pack?  You do realize that we’re only going to be gone for a weekend, not opening a new coastal office right!?!?!”
“I didn’t pack that much, but you know, I prepared for all possible scenarios.”  
“What a tsunami, fire rain, the zombie apocalypse?”  
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“Pretty much.”  
Liam laughed hard and let out a small  grunt as he swung Riley’s bag into the trunk.
“And this?”  
“The cooler stays with me.  I take my job as Keeper of the snacks and Chief Operating Officer of Hydration Services very seriously.”  
“You brought snacks for me?”
“I did. Hopefully you’ll like what I picked for you.”
“I will definitely eat anything you put in my mouth.”
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Riley nervously giggled.  Liam most definitely had a way with words. The way he looked at her, made her temperature rise.  
“You look a little warm Riley,  how about, I’ll start the car, and let you cool off a bit.”  
Riley nodded as Liam started the vehicle and opened the door for her to get in.   
Liam got in the vehicle a few moments later.  
“Is this music fine with you for now?  Maxwell is going to take over when he gets here with his ultimate road trip playlist.”  
Smooth jazz was playing softly on the speakers.  
“I really like it.”  
“I’m glad.”  
Before long Maxwell and Hana arrived and they were beach bound and just like Liam had mentioned Maxwell’s kooky road trip playlist was running through the playlist,  it was an eclectic mashup of songs past and present made to make you sing and dance.  One minute they were rocking out to Queen, the next song Eminem, and currently they were singing the Village People’s YMCA.  
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When the song ended Riley went into her cooler.  She handed Liam one of the healthy juice drinks she had seen him drink in the office.  
Liam tried not to smile as she cracked the seal a little and handed it to him.
“C.O.O. of Hydration Services  at your beckon call.”  
She had taken notice of his likes and dislikes.  
“I think it’s also snack time too.”
She opened the snack pack for Liam.  
“Did you really buy me a mickey mouse snack pack with grapes, cheese cubes and pretzels?”  
“It’s all the things I’ve seen you eat, and it’s packaged together in one container for traveling convenience. So yes. What would you like first?”  
Liam knew he was perfectly capable of driving and eating but something about Riley being so attentive to him he loved.  
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“Thank you Riley.”  
“Do we get snacks back here too?”  Maxwell asked.
“We can stop at the store for you Max.”
“Even better.”  
While Hana and Maxwell were in the store, Liam glanced at Riley.  
"Are you seeing anyone Riley?"
"Of course, I'm not blind, I'm looking at you right now."
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Liam laughed at her joke.
"Cute Riley. I meant romantically."
"Oh I know what you meant Liam Ryerson. Not currently, but I am taking applications to set up interviews."
"How does one submit an application to be considered if they are interested?"
"Didn't you ever hear the saying never get your honey and your money in the same place?"
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"Well, you already told me you're going to take my job."
Riley laughed.
"I believe you to be a woman of your word."
"I am."
"So that doesn't apply here. I would like to be considered for the position."
"And what position is that?"
"I'm very versatile, so any position you need that satisfies the task at hand; I aim to please."
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Riley laughed out loud. He was the master of the double entendre.
"Management already has your file Liam."
Liam's smile widened.
“So, when do you think I might be called for my interview?”
“How do you know you’re not already on it?”  
“But how do you prepare for a surprise interview?”
“Management will be in touch Liam.”  
Riley slipped on her sunglasses to cover her eyes.
"Management will be in touch Liam."
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When they finally reached the small island resort they were pleasantly surprised at the cute little two person bungalows.
“Before we check into our rooms,  I have something special for everyone.  Something that signifies that we're a team and a strong one at that.”  Bertrand handed everyone packages with their names on it, and all the staff tore into their packages.
“Do we really have matching wind suits? Green suits?”  
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“Green signifies money which we are all going to make a lot of, and it was on sale.”
“Um if we’re playing red light green light, and these are numbered, I’m gonna have to call HR unless I have 456!"
"This is not The Squid Game Miss Brooks, however, once we all get dressed we do have our first team building activity with another company. Meet me back here in ten minutes."
They met Bertrand in the check-in lobby, everyone in their green jumpsuits.
"We're really doing tug of war?”
“I don’t know how I feel about this.  None of you other guys have seen The Squid Game?”
Liam had a big smile on his face.  
“Only Liam, Bertrand and I?  I’m telling you guys, nothing good can come of this, and how is this team building?"
"Because we're gonna CRUSH the other group as a team!"
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 Hana screamed as she made throat slicing  motions as she stared at the other team.
"Bertrand, they're not wearing matching jumpsuits.”
“They’re not as strong as a team as we are.”  
Wouldn’t you know it?  Team Mean Green actually took the win. After the game,  the Team Builder coach had them all sit in a circle and share one thing about them.  
Liam’s was by far the most profound.  Liam shared that though he had the opportunity to be the right hand to his father in the family business, he had decided not to.  Money did not mean everything to him.  
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A clear conscience, for an honest job well done, was more important.
Riley looked around the room before she spoke, she decided to share something personal about herself and her life, as Liam had.    
“I’ve never lost anyone I considered to be close to me before.  I have all my grandparents, even my pet I had as a teenager is still alive.   People say loss makes you stronger and develops your character, and I haven’t had any of that.  Sometimes I wonder if I’m walking through life with glasses with rose colored lenses, because I feel like life has been incredibly good to me, and nothing truly awful has ever happened to me.”
Now Liam understood why Riley always had a smile on her face, how she was so optimistic, and why he was so drawn to her.  She was his polar opposite.
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“Good news team, the afternoon is yours to explore and go to the beach, or use the amenities here.  This will be your evening to do whatever you wish, tomorrow after team building we’ll have a group dinner at  the local watering hole here Sand Castles for dinner and Karaoke.”  
Riley opted for the amenities around the bungalows, to relax  at, the pool and pool bar.   She was sitting  on the bar stool in the water sipping her pina colada when she heard Liam’s voice.
“I thought I would be the only one not hitting the beach  this afternoon.”  He waded in the water over to where she was sitting in a brightly  colored Hawaiian shirt that was open revealing this bare chest and finely chiseled physique proving Liam Rys worked hard at the gym and his blue matching swim trunks.  
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“Mind if I sit next to you?”  
“Not at all! It’s hot, and I have my umbrella drink and my floppy hat, nice refreshing water to kick around in.  This is nice.  Besides, I love to stroll on the beach at night.”
“So if this is my interview can I just say, I too like long romantic walks on the beach.”  
“Noted Liam."
When the bartender asked Liam what he would like he opted for a pina colada as well, and mentioned that Riley needed refill.  She smiled, letting him buy her another drink.  
“You have to have at least one umbrella drink or a coconut at the beach right?”
Well, one drink turned into several more during the afternoon and early evening, and the flirting between the two became a little more and more off-color.  Riley went to rest her head  in her hand to coyly side glance  at Liam, but  her elbow slipped  making her off balance, of all the things to grab, instead of Liam, she grabbed her drink before she fell, before Liam could fully understand what had happened.  At the last second though, before she hit the water, Riley lifted her arm.  The only thing currently  above the water at that point was Riley’s hand and her drink.    
When she jumped up the first thing out of her mouth was “Whooo, I saved the drink.  That’s all that matters.” she took a sip for good measure.
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The people around them cheered.   
Liam laughed, “That you did.  And we should cut ourselves off.  No more umbrella drinks for either of us.  Let’s get some dinner?”  
“Are you driving?”  
“No, we’re going to get something delivered, my treat along with the bottles of water we’re going to drink with our meals.”  
“That sounds great.”  
“Yes but first we finish our drinks. Mama said ‘never waste alcohol’!”
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They decided on ordering from the local Mexican restaurant and after their food arrived, they decided since it had cooled off considerably outside, to eat at one of the picnic tables.   Liam went to get ice for their waters, Riley went ahead and dug into her food.  Liam sat back down and looked through the bags, he paused when his eyes met Riley's.
"What's wrong?"
“Um… Riley, you’re eating my food. I ordered the steak burrito.”  
She abruptly stopped mid bite.  
“Oh shit! What the hell am I doing?  It’s really good though.”  
Liam smiled, “Guess the taco salad is mine now.”  
“I’m just looking out for you Mr. Washboard abs.  You enjoy that salad.”  
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“Then my steak burrito is feeding those curves.  This definitely works out, and besides, that means the next time we have dinner, it’s your treat Riley.”  
“I could do that.”  
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Sounded like Riley just consented to a date with him.  
“If this is the worst thing that happens this trip, I think we’re doing alright.”
It was not the worst thing.    
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“How the hell did you not catch her?!?!”  Liam screamed.
“I wasn’t ready!  Wasn’t she supposed to give a warning?!?!?!”
“She’s not a falling tree Maxwell, she wasn’t supposed to scream timber when she fell?”  
“No! It’s a trust fall, you’re supposed to fall and trust the person standing behind you will catch you.”  
“I didn’t know!!!!!! This is why I asked for us not to be first!” Maxwell hollered.
Liam crouched down on the ground next to Riley.  She had hit the ground hard and was still unconscious.  
“Is there a medic? We need a medic stat.”  Bertrand said to the instructor.
“What the hell is happening right now? Are we in World War One??”  Drake inquired.
“Can someone get me some pain relieving tinctures from the Apothecary post haste?”
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Everyone looked at Riley still laying on the ground.
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“I’m fine guys.” she grumbled.
Riley opened her eyes and Liam’s panicked face was the first one she saw.  
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“You should lie still Riley, you fell hard.”  
“Thanks a lot Maxwell.”  
“I’m sorry!!!  I wasn’t ready!!!”  
“I hear that a lot from men.”  
“Then you’re falling for the wrong ones. You should try falling for me next time.  I promise I’ll catch you. Check out these guns.”
Liam flexed his muscles; A slow smile  spread across her lips.  
“Double meaning, noted.”
"You sure you're alright?" Liam' s voice was riddled with caring concern.
"I'm fine."
"Let's get you up from there."
Liam effortlessly pulled her to her feet, and Riley still off balance fell against his chest.
"I got you Riley." He whispered.
Riley smiled at him. "Welcome to the second round of interviews Liam Ryerson."
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Definitely not the worst thing.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
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Series Summary: After being arrested, Spencer Reid desperately tries to get back home to his daughter, Camellia, who was placed into foster care in your home.
Pairing: Single!Dad!Spencer x Foster!Mom!Reader
Content/Warnings: gun violence, blood, child abduction, mentions of drugging and raping (what happened to spencer in mexico), hospitals, swearing
Word Count: 2.6k
Chapter 6
“Callie! Come on, you don’t want to keep your dad waiting!” you called out.
Callie ran down the stairs as you collected your purse and keys.
“How do you know he’s going to let us see him?” she asked curiously.
“Just trust your foster mom, okay?” you winked at her and opened the door.
There was a woman already at the door who looked like she was about to knock.
“Can I help you?” you asked.
“Hi, I’m Carol Atkinson, Callie’s new foster mom,” she extended her hand out to shake.
“I don’t want to go, Y/N,” Callie hugged you tightly.
“You’re not going anywhere. My coordinator, Eileen, never mentioned a transfer. I’m certainly not going to give Callie away to a stranger unless I see some paperwork and a phone call to Eileen,” you replied.
The woman sighed exasperatedly, “You should have just let her go. You made this so much harder for me,” she pulled a gun from her purse.
You shielded Callie behind you. You could hear the buzzing of your phone in your purse.
Penelope Garcia calling
“Shit. Going to have to do this quicker than I thought,” she huffed.
“Callie, run!” you screamed, lunging at the armed woman.
You had managed to knock her down to the ground as she shot you. You were wrestling, trying to pin her arms to the ground. She kicked your stomach right where your gunshot wound was. You toppled over on to the ground in pain and the woman got up and grabbed her gun once again.
“You bitch!” she exclaimed, shooting you two more times in the thigh for good measure.
You couldn’t even think. The pain was taking over. Everything was going dark.
Emily was speeding down the street in the SUV with the sirens on full blast, Matt was in passenger and JJ in the back.
“Garcia, have you managed to get in contact with either of them?”
“I’ve tried calling each of them ten times and no response from either.”
“This is starting to look really bad,” JJ grimaced.
“Hey, what the hell is this guy doing?” Matt pointed to the erratic driver in the other lane, speeding upwards of 80 miles per hour in a 40 zone.
The car swerved in front of the SUV and the two cars collided.
“Prentiss! Simmons! JJ!” Penelope screamed through the busted car monitor.
“No one is seriously injured,” Matt stated, looking around, “But we’re going to be a bit further behind than we would have liked.”
Emily and JJ exited the car and approached the erratic driver with their guns ready.
“Slowly place your hands outside of the vehicle and open the door from the outside,” JJ commanded.
A pair of hands did as followed. A familiar man slowly exited the car with his hands up.
“You’re one of the guards at Spencer’s prison…what the fuck is going on here?” Emily furrowed her brow.
“What’s up, Garcia?” Luke answered her call as him and Tara drove to the prison.
“Just when we get the victory of Spencer’s release, Prentiss, JJ, and Matt were in a car accident that was seemingly a planned attack. You’re going to need to get over to Y/N’s house ASAP once you pick Spencer up and be careful,” she warned.
“Will do. We’re pulling up now,” Tara stated.
Why would Y/N be a no-show with Callie after being the one to convince him to have visitors again in the first place?
Spencer sat in his cell during visitor time. He was utterly confused and deflated when his name wasn’t called because he was actually looking forward to having visitors again after Y/N’s pep talk. Plus, Callie had her soccer championship game two days ago and he was dying to know how it went.
“Reid,” a guard came to his cell and unlocked the door.
They must have just been running a little late, he thought to himself as he was guided to the room.
Instead of Y/N and Callie though, Tara and Luke were standing there, looking very stressed out.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer gulped.
“Good news, you’re free,” Luke explained, “Bad news, we have good reason to believe Callie and Y/N are in trouble.”
The door was wide open when they pulled up to Y/N’s house. Spencer opened the car door and was sprinting towards the house before the car was even parked.
“Reid, you don’t have a gun!” Luke hopped out of the driver’s seat and followed him in.
“I’m going around back,” Tara called out, making her way through the side yard.
“No, no, no,” Spencer murmured as he saw your bloody figure slumped over on the hardwood floor in the entryway.
He crouched down on the floor next to you, taking your head in his hands, “Y/N, can you hear me?” he asked.
You opened your eyes slightly and tried to respond but ended up coughing up blood instead. Spencer turned your head to the side so you wouldn’t choke on it.
“I tried so hard to stop her, Spencer, you have to believe me,” you whispered with tears in your eyes.
“Shhhh,” he stroked your hair back, “I believe you. I believe you, Y/N. Thank you so much for being so brave.”
Your eyes fluttered close as much as you were trying your hardest to keep them open.
“The medics are five minutes out,” Luke sighed.
“She doesn’t have that kind of time,” Spencer panicked, grabbing loose clothes and sheets to keep the pressure on your wounds, “Just hang in there, Y/N. You’re not going to die. I’m not letting you die.”
Luke cleared the upstairs as Tara came back inside, holstering her gun.
“There’s no one out there,” she spoke softly, “But it looks like someone was dragged from the grass in the backyard to the driveway.”
Spencer thought prison was his personal hell. He was wrong, this was. He would gladly go back if it meant Y/N and Callie would be safe and sound.
“What do you got for us, Garcia?” Luke asked.
“So someone must have hacked into the prison’s database and changed Cat’s personal information because Lindsey Vaughan was listed as her sister. Cat was on an immediate family only visitor list so this was Lindsey's only way to visit her,” Penelope explained.
“But why did she need to visit her at all?” Luke wondered out loud, “What’s in this for her?”
“Oh, newbie. I have a feeling this relationship was more than just professional,” Penelope replied.
“They’re lovers,” Tara finished.
Spencer was in the backseat, staring out the window. He just got out of prison and now he was going back to another one with his daughter missing and Y/N barely clinging on to life.
“Garcia?” he asked softly.
“Yes, Reid?”
“Can you do your work from your laptop if necessary?” he inquired.
“Yes, I can. I might be a little slower but I’ll manage,” she replied.
“Could you go to the hospital that Y/N is supposed to be arriving at? I just want updates on her as much as possible.”
“Of course, anything for you. As soon as I know, you’ll know. P.G. out,” she ended the call.
The SUV pulled up to the gated fence of the prison.
“You ready, Reid?” Luke questioned.
“I don’t have much of a choice,” he said, unbuckling his seatbelt.
Spencer stood outside the one-way mirror, staring at one of the most clever unsubs he has ever faced.
“Are you sure you can do this?” Tara asked, “You've already been through so much today.”
“If anyone else goes in, she’s just going to demand me. The only way to get Callie back is playing by her rules,” Spencer said, walking towards the door to the interrogation room.
Spencer entered silently, taking the seat across from her.
“Spencie,” she smiled.
Her sickeningly sweet grin nauseated Spencer to his very core. He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Where is my daughter?” he asked calmly.
“You mean the boring old preteen or the one in here,” she placed her hands over her belly and began to rub it.
“That’s not possible,” he shook his head adamantly, “We’ve never-”
“I know we’ve never,” she cut him off, “Ask me how I did it.”
“How did you do it?” he replied flatly, already sick of her little mind games.
“When Lindsey drugged and framed you for murder, I also asked her to bring me home a little souvenir,” Cat smirked.
“You had your lover that was pretending to be your fake sister drug and rape me so you could impregnate yourself in addition to framing me for murder?” Spencer asked incredulously.
“Sounds a bit soap opera-y when you put it that way but yeah,” she replied, “You’re going to be a dad, Spencie!”
“I’m already a dad. Where is Callie?” he changed the subject to the more pressing matter at hand.
Cat frowned, “Do you not care about our baby?”
“Not really because I don’t believe you,” Spencer stated.
“Go look at my medical chart if you want,” Cat leaned back in her chair.
Spencer quickly stood and exited where Tara and Luke were looking over a file.
“She’s pregnant, Reid,” Luke confirmed.
Spencer ran his hands through his hair frustratedly, “Is there an update on Y/N?”
“Garcia said one of the nurses said it doesn’t look good,” Tara stated somberly.
“Damn it,” Spencer yelled, kicking a chair and sending it flying across the room.
The interrogation with Cat was going nowhere. Every time Spencer would bring up Callie, she would swiftly change the subject back to her pregnancy.
“What are we thinking of for names? I’m personally a big fan of Y/N,” Cat smirked.
“Don’t you dare say her name,” Spencer snapped.
“Maybe Callie then and you could just replace the old one with a better version,” she pushed his buttons further.
Spencer’s blood was at its boiling point. One more unhelpful word out of her mouth and he felt like he would explode.
Like an answer to his prayers, Tara entered the room, “The prison guard confessed for a more lenient sentence. We have a location on Callie as well as confirmation he is the father of Cat’s baby.”
“Thank god,” Spencer murmured to himself, standing up from the table and beginning to walk away without even a second look at Cat.
“You know you’ll never be the same man after prison. I did that to you,” Cat tried to get in one final jab.
Spencer didn’t even turn around when he called back, “Watch me.”
The SUV pulled up to the cabin in the woods.
“JJ, Emily, and Matt are 5 minutes out,” Luke checked his phone.
“I think I can talk her down,” Spencer stated, “I helped her in that case years ago when she was just a little girl.”
“It’s our best shot,” Tara shrugged, “Luke and I will surround the other exits. You go in the front.”
Spencer approached the front of the house slowly with a gun in his hand. He peeked in the window to see Callie crying as Lindsey strapped her to a bomb device.
“FBI, freeze!” he swung open the door, training his gun on Lindsey.
“How did you find us?” she asked frantically.
“None of that matters anymore,” he replied, “You need to put down that remote and come with us.”
“No, Cat told me I need to do this. I’m doing this for her,” she demanded.
“She is a sociopath, Lindsey. All the love you think she had for you was faked. You were just a pawn in her game,” Spencer explained.
“No, she loved me,” Lindsey insisted.
“I know she seems good at pretending but she is using you. She doesn’t care what happens to you. She left you alone, harboring the kidnapped child of an FBI agent, to take the blame all by yourself,” Spencer spoke.
Lindsey looked at the remote in her hand.
“Don’t do this, Lindsey,” Spencer warned, “It’s exactly what she wants. Think for yourself.”
Lindsey dropped the remote to the ground and started crying as she was cuffed by Tara.
Spencer ran over to Callie and unstrapped her from the device before pulling her in for the biggest hug ever.
“I missed you,” she sobbed into his chest.
“I missed you too, sweetheart. I’m never leaving you again,” he promised.
“Is Y/N okay?” she asked with watery eyes.
“We can only hope,” Spencer spoke softly.
When you awoke for the first time, you started hyperventilating. A nurse ran in at the sound of your heart rate monitor rapidly beeping.
“Y/N, I need you to breathe for me, sweetheart. You’re okay, you’re safe,” she rubbed your back soothingly.
“Callie,” you panted.
“She has a couple of bumps and bruises but is in pretty good condition,” she assured you, “Now, let’s get some solid food and medicine into you and then I want you to rest some more.”
You nodded, laying back down against the pillow.
While Callie was resting, Spencer slipped over to your room.
You were sleeping gracefully despite the three bullet wounds on your body. This further proved Spencer’s theory that you were an angel.
“How is she doing?” he asked the nurse who was taking your vitals.
“She woke once and was very startled. She ate a little bit of food so we could give her some stronger medicine. She was asking about your daughter,” the nurse answered.
Spencer chuckled softly, “She got shot 3 times and she’s still putting Callie first.”
“She’s incredible,” the nurse nodded
“I’ll say,” Spencer agreed.
You awoke a day later, alone again.
“Good afternoon,” the nurse greeted you.
“Can I go home now?” you asked.
You hated hospitals despite being a doctor. They stressed you out and now served as a reminder of you being shot.
She looked at your chart skeptically, “The doctor suggests you stay for another 5 days at least.”
“I’ll sign the waiver that I’m going against doctor’s orders,” you stated.
“Okay, I guess there’s nothing I can do to stop you. Let me get that form and your prescriptions,” she sighed.
You cautiously attempted to get out of bed, muttering curse words at the pain. This was a bad idea but you had to get home. You felt suffocated here.
You changed into a pair of clean sweats that were left for you and tucked the crutches under your arms.
The nurse returned shortly after, giving you your meds and instructions on how to take care of your wounds.
You shakily hobbled into the hallway.
“Do you want me to get that gentleman for you?” she asked, concerned.
“No, no. He has his daughter to worry about. I don’t want to be a burden. I’ll call a cab.”
“You just took multiple bullets for his daughter. I doubt you’re a burden,” she replied.
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, stumbling into the elevator and punching the ground floor button.
After an incredibly awkward cab ride home, you realized you didn’t have your wallet on you. You tried to tell the cab driver you would just run in and grab some cash for him but he told you it was fine because you ‘looked like you had a rough enough day as is’. You thanked him and headed into your house.
You opened the front door and the first thing you saw was your giant blood stain in the entryway. You sighed, hobbling past it on your crutches and up to your bedroom. You threw your crutches off to the side and collapsed into bed.
A/N: i really hoped you enjoyed this chapter cause i had a lot of fun writing it! thanks to @samuel-de-champagne-problems for beta reading! also i’m 18 followers away from 1k AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED!!! and the series taglist is back open :)
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana-deactivated20210709 @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat @spencerreidsmommy @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @mggs-sidehoe @rexit-mo @hufflepuffhaze @thisismynerdyself @xoxospencerreid @wifeyprentiss @reidsbookclub @writingintheroses
series taglist: @ilovespencerreidmarryme @nani-2305 @obsessivelysearching @fantasynerd09 @bvttercupbby @britishspidey @ladyravenclaw @belledawnidk @annesauriol @smokey102 @lady-himbo @kaitieskidmore1 @westanspencerreid @manuosorioh @haylaansmi @unhea1thy0bsessions @meganskane @lovergirl24 @queenariesofnarnia @asexual-booknerd @spideyyypeter @yeehawbitchs @emma-is-a-nerd @lellsinthesky @itsdars @aliahemmings97 @xdsage @cutekashi @theodore-likes-frogs @girlgotattitude448 @royalestrellas @co0chiegrip1 @bakugouswh0r3 @uhuhuh @spenceoffense @yoongi-holland @kennedywxlsh @geniusgub @donkeykongsmassiveballs @jinxy175 @yikesyikesyikes95 @anime-for-live
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
zeke yeager | pta meeting
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i literally don’t know how to shut up about him
also this is all because i saw a drabble of dilf!zeke and it’s been on my mind nonstop
warnings/notes: dilf!zeke, fem!reader, cursing, eventual smut, zeke is a divorced/widowed dad(at 33), reader is 21, cursing, zeke has a mean daughter and a sweet daughter, breeding kink, overstimulation, brief choking, slight degradation, shit one shot i’m sorry
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you swear to the lord that zeke’s 11 year old daughter is a menace to society.
she’s brutally honest, just like zeke, and mean. she’s oddly mature for her age, and you think it might have something to do with her late mother. she looks almost nothing like zeke, but she certainly inherited her personality from him. she’s got curly dark brown hair that ends at her armpits and zeke’s grey eyes. she has a button nose along with rosy cheeks, something else she inherited from her mother.
“y’know my daddy only dates you cause you take care of me and aloisia,” isolde says to you as she slips on her school shoes.
you feel your eye twitch as you turn to zeke’s other daughter, aloisia, who’s seven and looks exactly like zeke. she’s got his nose, his hair color, and even eye shape. she’s got hazel eyes and a slim face. she’s as bubbly as they come, always greeting people she passes by on the street, always making friends at the park.
“i’m ready,” she holds up her small hand to you, a silent request for you to hold her hand.
“same,” isolde stands up after she swings her back pack onto her back, brushing off the nonexistent dirt on her navy blue skirt.
“zeke, the girls are ready!!” you shout out, taking aloisia into your arms.
zeke comes stumbling out of his bedroom, a white sleep shirt covering his torso and grey sweatpants.
“you’re going in that,” you raise an eyebrow at his attire, “we’re going to a parent-teacher meeting, not the gym.”
“yeah daddy, my teachers are gonna think you’re a bum or something,” isolde snickers.
“i’ll help your dad, go watch tv for a little bit longer,” you chuckle at zeke’s pout and put down aloisia, who runs to the couch.
isolde takes off her backpack and joins her sister on the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table as aloisia puts on avatar: the last airbender.
“i thought the dress code was casual,” zeke furrows his brows as you take his hand and lead him back into his bedroom.
“it is. sweatpants are not casual, they’re lounge wear,” you snicker as he flops onto the bed while you close the door and go into the closet.
you know zeke’s rolling his eyes at you, judging from his silence. you grab ahold of a white button up with light grey vertical stripes on it, trying to picture your boyfriend in the shirt. you shake your head and put it back on the rack, deciding that the default outfit would be best for now. you take a white button up off the hanger and grab a pair of black dress pants from his dresser. you hand him a pair of black loafers to go along with it and some long black socks that would cover up his ankles, you’re so glad you reminded him that they exist. you throw a black belt next to him as well.
“this is boring.”
“zeke, this is a pta meeting, the whole thing will be boring,” you watch him rid himself of his shirt.
“should i wear a tie?”
“no, you’ll look better with one button undone,” you smile as he struggles to balance correctly when he puts on his pants.
he tucks the shirt inside his pants and slips on the belt with ease. he unbuttons a button before he slips on his socks.
“i thought today was my day off,” he smirks at you while you roll up his cuffs a bit.
you roll your eyes and he slips on his shoes. he doesn’t need to do his hair, it’s just effortlessly neat.
“time to go,” you scurry to the front door with the girls following behind you.
“he doesn’t look homeless anymore,” isolde notes when zeke follows you all out of the door.
“not funny,” he huffs while he locks the door behind him and the girls get into the black SUV zeke drives.
you help aloisia buckle herself up in the car seat and then slip into the passenger’s seat next to zeke. he’s grumbling something about ‘uncle eren’ and ‘getting the girls’ as he turns the car on.
you try to ignore the women ogling zeke as you all walk down the school hallway. you send isolde off to her class since her meeting is after aloisia’s.
“i hope you’ve been good,” you say to aloisia, who’s holding both your’s and zeke’s hands.
“i have! ms greene says i’m one of the best,” she gloats, and you hope for zeke’s sake that ms greene isn’t bluffing.
you three walk into the second grade classroom, which is empty because you reserved the appointment, only to find the teacher isn’t in there. it only seems to make aloisia more excited as she tugs you and zeke towards the class wall with a bunch of pictures of it.
“look, look!!” she jumps as she points at her’s, “they said to draw our family and she said i did a good job!!”
the picture is a messily drawn family portrait of zeke, isolde, and aloisia.
“you drew (name) very pretty,” zeke smiles at you when you snap your head back to look at the picture in closer detail.
there you are, stick figure holding hands with zeke’s and aloisia with isolde on zeke’s other side. you never expected to be on aloisia’s family portrait, you’d barely been in her life for two years and weren’t exactly motherly. you’re a struggling college student that she occasionally sees crying at the kitchen table with zeke comforting you from behind. she, on very rare occasions, sees you come home, absolutely plastered, with a sober zeke leading you to his room. you’re the woman that wakes her up when you cry on the couch late at night. you were, admittedly, okay with not being seen as their mom.
it wasn’t your place, for so many reasons. one, you didn’t exactly act as a role model. two, you could never replace her mother and would never try. three, zeke never referred to you as such. you’d only ever act like their mother whenever you were in certain situations. but that didn’t mean you didn’t want them to see you as a maternal figure.
it made you want to cry, but luckily you didn’t. you just smile at the picture and pat aloisia’s head in approval.
“you did do a very good job,” you smile down at her and before you can give her a hug, you notice a woman walking into the room.
“oh, you must be zeke yeager, aloisia’s dad! i’m ms greene,” her face flushes while she holds out her hand for him to shake.
“yea, that’s me. it’s nice to meet you,” he shakes her hand.
she turns to you, “oh my goodness, i didn’t know aloisia and isolde had an older sister!”
“no, she’s my girlfriend of two years,” zeke chuckles uncomfortably.
“i’m (name), nice to meet you,” you wave your hand, “i’m just here to keep an eye on aloisia while you two talk.”
zeke and her go to a table in the corner of the room and aloisia drags you towards a bookshelf.
thirty minutes of aloisia rambling about her favorite book go by seemingly quick, and you watch as she cheers when her classmates walk into the room. zeke’s walking towards you, holding a thumbs up with a cocky smile, for whatever reason.
you kiss aloisia goodbye, who doesn’t seem too fazed, and head towards isolde’s classroom. you hold hands with zeke while swinging them back and forth while he repeats everything the teacher’s said to him.
“i can’t believe my little girl’s at a third grade reading level,” he exclaims, “that vocabulary studying did wonders!!”
“you should thank me since i was the one who studied with her cause she asked about my assignments for class,” you taunt and laugh when zeke pulls you closer by the shoulder.
that’s how the two of you walk into isolde’s classroom. she’s sitting at a table with her teacher, miss dunst, and fidgeting with her thumbs anxiously. she’s covering half of her face with her hair. with the one eye you can see it looks puffy and her cheeks are red, as if she’d been crying.
it has both you and zeke rushing to sit down on both side of her, zeke asking miss dunst what happened while you tend to isolde.
“hey, why are you crying,” you’re squatting by her chair and you reach to brush the hair out of her face.
when you see her other eye, you gasp out at the black eye starting to form on her eye.
“oh my god, zeke, look at her face!!”
“that is what i wanted to speak about with you. isolde has been getting bullied by some of her classmates. today, a little girl hit her after isolde defended herself while they argued,” the poor woman looks sad watching you and zeke check isolde for more wounds.
“why has she been bullied? she’s not mentioned this to me or (name),” zeke asks while examining her eye more closely.
“well, during the first day of school, isolde introduced herself and told the class about her family. she mentioned you, mr yeager, and her sister. the kids asked about her mother before i could stop them and she was honest with them and said that she had passed. she then said that she still, in a way, had a mother. your girlfriend, mr yeager.
“i asked her occupation, to which isolde said a college student. the kids got loud but i managed to quiet them down, and i thought it was the end of that. after that, her classmates started to pick on her verbally about your age gap and her late mother. i didn’t find out about it until this morning when isolde was hit,” miss dunst frowns as she explains.
before zeke could open his mouth, you speak up, “i’m the girlfriend, (name). i am hoping that these children will be punished accordingly and that their parents be notified. if this has really been going on all year like you say, then at this point their parents should be involved.”
“of course! i’m giving all of their parents a call after classes today. the little girl who hit her is sitting down with the principal right now, so she should be safe if you two would like her to stay at school.”
“give us a moment,” you smile kindly, which she returns, and walks to her desk to give you ‘privacy’.
“isolde, why didn’t you tell your daddy or i about what was going on,” you ask while she hugs zeke.
she peeks her head out of his chest, “didn’t want to seem weak.”
“why would you be worried about that,” zeke asks.
“after mom died, you were always so sad and stressed. i thought that if i was strong, you would be happier,” she explains shakily.
“isolde, look at me,” you put a hand on her knee, “you were six years old when your mommy died. six year olds shouldn’t know how to accurately take care of themselves, it’s why your daddy was there. i’m sure your daddy appreciated the effort, but i promise you that all he wanted you to be was his happy little girl. you don’t need to be strong at 11 years old, and you don’t need to be strong all the time. like you said, your daddy was sad when your mom died. it didn’t make him weak, it made him a person. and that’s what you are; a person. a little person.”
she sniffles and nods at you, “people can’t do everything by themselves. i’m sorry if we made it feel like you couldn’t tell us, and it’s totally understandable that you felt that way.”
zeke hums in agreement, “we love you, baby. so much.”
“love you too,” she mumbles with a small smile.
“do you want to stay at school,” zeke asks, he didn’t want to force her into a situation where she didn’t want to be.
“i have a math test later, don’t wanna miss it,” she sighs, now looking up at you.
you tilt your head while you wait for her answer.
“i’m sorry i’ve been so mean to you. everyone was making fun of me and called it weird, so i guess i wanted to believe that too,” your heart warms whenever she looks away shyly.
great, now zeke’s horny from seeing you act motherly.
ever since you and zeke had stepped off school campus, one of his hands was always touching you. it didn’t matter where, zeke was shameless.
even as you unlock the door to the his house, he has his chest pressed against your back and his arms wrapped around your waist. his lips are kissing softly at your neck and his hands are shamelessly groping at your boobs.
“zeke, what is up with you,” you laugh whenever you open the door, kicking off your shoes immediately.
“horny,” he admits, swiftly following after you and locking the door behind himself.
“what about this morning made you horny,” you ask shyly while you sit on the couch.
zeke’s buttons are halfway undone and his belt is somewhere on the floor. he squeezes in behind you, once again pressing his chest against your back.
“acting maternal, i guess,” his beard tickles the back of your neck as he kisses it.
“is this why you told isolde it was okay if she wanted to stay at school,” you snicker at his fingers pulling your shirt over your head.
“why else,” he scoffs, “my only day off in a while and i’m horny. sounds like a deal.”
you whimper whenever he starts biting at your neck and when his large hands slip under your bra.
“zeke, if we’re gonna do it on the couch, can i at least lay on my back,” you ask while zeke unclips your bra.
without a word, he’s thrown you onto the couch on your back and climbing on top of you seconds later. your hands quickly unbutton the rest of his shirt, pushing it halfway off of his body.
zeke throws the shirt onto the floor and kisses you, hands running up and down your torso. he pulls away to kiss and suck at your neck while his hands grope at your tits. you’re stuck between laughing and moaning at zeke’s beard dragging against your neck.
his mouth trails down to your tits, mouth attaching to your left tit while he continues to grope your right one. you let out a moan whenever he tweaks your nipple with his right hand and bites softly at your left nipple.
he pulls away from your chest, tugging off your pants and panties in frustration. it leaves you laughing and assisting him. whenever your pants do come off, he throws them to the ground and spreads your legs.
“zeke, they’re not opening too far, we’re on a couch,” you note, but soon stand corrected as zeke grabs your ankle and puts it on the back of the couch.
“nevermind,” you snicker at his cocky smirk, as if he’d done something amazing.
your other leg hangs off the couch, leaving you spread open for zeke. zeke spreads open your glistening folds with thumbs and gives a mindful lick up to your clit. after realizing that his beard is not rubbing against you uncomfortably, he dives in like it’s a pool, which he thinks it is because of how wet you are.
his mouth his sucking on your clit vigorously, as if he were a man starved. you’re moaning wantonly as he suddenly ups the speed. how did he even go that fast, you have no clue, but either way you enjoy it. your back in arching off of the couch and your toes are curling as zeke starts bringing you closer to an orgasm.
“zeke!! i’m... i’m gonna come,” you tug at his hair as your legs start to convulse and close around his head.
he only goes faster, and you wonder to yourself if zeke is powered by batteries or something. but the thought is quickly shut off whenever you finally orgasm, moaning out in ecstasy and throwing your head back against the couch cushions.
zeke slows down his pace, helping you ride through your orgasm. he pulls away whenever you’ve calmed down, fingers immediately pressing at your tight entrance.
“zeke... i-i’m too sensitive,” your complaint goes ignored as two of zeke’s fingers are suddenly inside of you.
“don’t care, deal with it,” he huffs as his fingers stretch you out.
with his other hand, his thumb is rubbing at your puffy clit at the same time of his fingers curling inside of you. your hips buck up with a mewl and zeke chuckles at the sight. unlike last time, he’s moving his tantalizingly slow.
his fingers curl once more, rubbing against the spongy part inside of you sweetly. you buck your hips up again at the contact and curl your toes whenever zeke starts abusing that spot with overwhelming speed. curling his fingers against the spot each time he pistons his fingers in and out of you.
“zeke!!” you come again while moaning his name and he can feel his cock twitch in his pants.
zeke chuckles when he pulls his fingers out, spreading them apart to watch your juices stick together in strings. he plops the fingers in his own mouth, rubbing his other hand up and down your quivering thigh as he pulls away from your sloppy cunt.
he pulls his fingers out of his mouth with an obnoxious ‘pop’ and pulls off his pants and boxers at the same time. he groans at his cock hitting against his lower stomach.
you stare at zeke’s cock. the tip is flushed with a bashful pink and his hair is trimmed nicely against his groin. he’s more girth than he is length, a whopping 6.5 inches, which is something he absolutely gets arrogant about.
“hurry,” you huff while watching zeke fist his cock.
“nah, you gotta beg for it, baby,” the corner of his mouth tugs upwards as he watches you wipe away your tears from the previous orgasm.
“zeke,” you whine and wiggle your hips, “please please please give me your cock. need it so bad.”
he hums thoughtfully, and it already gives you his answer.
“please... i want it so bad, need to be fucked by you,” you pout but perk up at his dismissive shrugging.
“since you want it so bad,” he’s laughing while he puts his right hand on your pelvis and his other on his shaft to enter you.
you gasp at the feeling of him pushing inside of you, grabbing for his, now, free hand. when you catch his hand, you guide it to your bruised neck for him to grasp on. he’s chuckling once again, fingers lightly squeezing against your throat as he continues to push himself in.
he groans whenever he bottoms out, letting go of your neck to grab at your plush thighs. he pushes the towards your chest and thrusts into you shallowly after he spits on his cock buried in your pussy. he hits you deeper than he would’ve before, that much is obvious by your moans raising octaves when he starts to thrust roughly.
your hands reach up to grab the back of his thighs to pull him closer to you than before. he’s groaning at the feeling of your pussy squeezing onto him each time he pulls out and thrusts back into you.
“fuck... zeke!!” you cry and throat your head back.
“fuck,” he grunts, “you’re so fuckin’ tight. even after how much i fuck this pretty little cunt each week.”
his words make you whimper and squeeze your grip on his thighs, making crescent moons into the skin.
“i’m gonna come... i’m gonna come again,” you pant out, back already starting to arch, “come with me please..!”
he speeds up his thrusts, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass getting increasingly louder as he does so.
“you wanna come with me so badly,” he asks tauntingly while you nod.
“god, zeke, please,” you try to ignore the saliva and tears on your face as you continue to scream out for zeke.
“i’ll give my sweet girl my cum since she asked so nicely,” he’s biting his lip whenever he feels his orgasm getting closer.
“yes! yes! please,” you sound so desperate as your orgasm gets closer, “zeke, please, fuck a baby into me, please..!”
zeke almost comes right then at your pleas, but ends up stilling and adjusting his stance to thrust into you more efficiently. the sudden stop makes you whine but it’s soon interrupted with a gasp as he jackhammers into you harder and faster than before.
“fuckin’ whore, wanting me to fuck a baby into you. to make you a mom. since you asked so nicely, i’ll oblige,” he berates.
“you me to fuck a baby into you? make you a mom?” it has you nodding frantically.
zeke continues to degrade you as you’re orgasm comes rushing towards you, fingers now clawing at his thighs as a signal.
zeke thrusts into you two more times before the two of you manage to orgasm simultaneously. his jackhammering slows into a grind, helping the two of you ride out the euphoria you’ve both just went through.
you whimper whenever he pulls out, uncomfortable at the sudden emptiness in you. he watches his cum start to dribble out of you, telling you to keep your legs up. he scurries off to find a paper towel or something to wipe it up with before it falls onto the couch. you shiver whenever you feel a wet cloth wipe away the dribbling cum.
he’s wiping down your chest and neck as well with a clean side of it after you put your legs down. he carries you off into his bathroom, sitting you on the counter while he readies the shower.
“i can’t believe you said that,” he raises a questioning eyebrow at you while he checks the water’s temperature.
“i wouldn’t mind having your kid,” you shrug and watch him put two towels on the counter next to you.
“i might just give you one, don’t say that,” he jokes as he starts to hug you.
“‘m okay with that,” you sigh and lean into his touch, enjoying his warmth.
“you’re stupid,” he snorts and kisses at your shoulder.
“only for you,” you snuggle your head into his neck with a giggle.
“i love you,” he sighs.
“i love you. enough to have your kids.”
maybe in a few hours when you weren’t bathing in the afterglow, zeke would bring it up to you.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 1) - The Nanny
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Summary: The reader interviews for a new live-in nanny position with Jensen and quickly gets the job but she starts to slowly see that her new employer is going to be different than any other she’s had before...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Square: Slow Burn
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of death of a spouse/death of a parent
A/N: Please enjoy the first part of this series! This was also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo!
If someone had said you’d be celebrating your 30th birthday by accepting an interview to be a live in nanny when you were a kid, you would have told them they were nuts. Beyond nuts. Beyond help for that matter.
But there you were. Thirty. Single. Childless. Taking care of other people’s families and not doing much else with your life. You weren’t sure if your mom would have been on you about the no kids thing or the no boyfriend thing more to be honest.
But the pay was normally good and sometimes great and it gave you a taste of family, even if you were just the help to the adults most of the time.
You buzzed the button by the gate at the end of the driveway, a brief moment passing before it opened. It was probably on a timer like most of the people you’d worked for before, an alarm system kicking on at some point in the evening that required a buzz in, the code or a car sensor. You drove down the driveway and parked a little behind a black SUV. The house was a little modern, a little grand, a little overwhelming. A fence and lots of trees surrounded the property. The yard appeared large but you could see houses on either side. Private but suburban. 
The cadillac wasn’t a shocker. Most everyone in these neighborhoods had Escalades. You walked past an open garage on the way up, a muscle car and a more modest smaller SUV parked inside. You went up the very short path and stepped up, ringing the doorbell and fixing your shirt. You were in jeans and a plain gray shirt. It was your normal wear for chasing small children around all day and you weren’t a fan of uniforms.
“Hi,” said a very tired, very handsome man as he opened the door. “You must be from Nanny Core.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N from Home Pair,” you said with a smile. He shut his eyes and leaned his head against the door. 
“The last girl was from Nanny Core,” he said. He blinked them open and shook his head. “I’m so sorry. Yes, Y/N. You’re the one that’s a consultant, not firmly associated with Home Pair, right?”
“Correct,” you said as he opened the door more and you stepped inside.
“Can I ask what the distinction is?”
“Mostly it has to do with benefits,” you said. “Consultants pay out of pocket for their own or negotiate with their client for those to be covered.”
“Gotcha,” he yawned. You looked ahead and he wiped his hand over his face. “I’m sorry. I must seem like an ass.”
“You seem tired is all Mr. Ackles. Not a crime,” you said with a smile. He nodded and he returned it, no fake cheesiness to it. 
“Mind if we do the interview in the kitchen over a cup of coffee?” he asked.
“Wherever you like, sir,” you said. You took off your shoes when you noticed he didn’t wear any inside and he chuckled as you walked back farther into the house.
“Uh, for the record, call me Jensen. None of that sir stuff. They must teach that at nanny school or something huh?” he said, motioning to a table. “I noticed all of you do it.”
“Something like that,” you said. You took a seat and watched him go to a coffee machine, fumbling with it before he spilled some ground coffee on the counter. He shut his eyes and gripped the counter’s edge, taking a deep breath to himself. “How about I make the coffee and you take a seat, hm?”
“I’m okay,” he said as he opened his eyes. 
“Well making you coffee is probably going to come up in my job quite a bit so consider this part of the interview. It’s alright, really,” you said. He glanced over to you and you smiled. 
“Thank you,” he said. You swapped places with him and got him a cup going, taking a mug off the counter and waiting a beat before liquid started pouring out. “I’m gonna ask you the same question I’ve asked all seven other women I’ve talked to today.”
“Why should I trust you to watch my children?”
“Honestly?” you asked as he nodded. You smiled and carried the cup over to him, Jensen taking a long sip. “You shouldn’t.”
“I shouldn’t. That seems counterproductive.”
“I wouldn’t trust any stranger with my child. Trust is earned, not given. I think the real question is do you believe I’m capable of earning that trust with you and that’s something intrinsically only you know.”
“How so?”
“You meet a lot of different kinds of people with this job. My gut reaction to you is stressed, overwhelmed, sleep-deprived father who doesn’t really want any nanny at all but is forced into this situation. It’s going to be impossible for you to trust any of the seven woman from earlier or me off the bat, Jensen. You should be thinking of who will you come to trust. Who can you count on.”
“This is why my wife should have been the one doing this,” he said, smiling to himself as he drunk down most of the hot liquid.
“We could always re-schedule for when she’s available.”
“Oh, we’d have to wait a very long time for that,” he chuckled. He sat the mug down and glanced down briefly, smiling as he looked up. “She passed away unexpectedly six months ago. Car accident.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” you said. He nodded and made a face like he wanted to make a comment. “My mom died kinda unexpectedly. I know it’s...harder.”
“You’re young. How old?”
“Turned thirty today,” you said. He laughed and you heard the life behind it, Jensen shaking his head.
“Well Happy Birthday. I meant with your mother though. If that’s okay with you I mean.”
“It’s fine. I was sixteen,” you said. 
“That...fucking sucks doesn’t it?”
“So does losing your wife,” you said. 
“Yes it does. I’ve grieved. We all have. The kids are small. They’ll be okay.”
“Is dad okay?” you asked.
“Yes. Ready to start moving on with life again,” he said with a soft smile. “You’re kind. Not in a I’m trying to get this job kind of way. Just kind.”
“Well being cruel doesn’t sound like very much fun,” you said.
“You’re not trying to impress me.”
“The first rule of nannying, Jensen. You think you’re interviewing us when in reality we’re interviewing you too.”
“How am I doing so far?”
“Nice coffee choice,” you said with a smile that he nodded at. “You respect people. You’ll employ me but won’t treat me like I’m second class. You’re checking the boxes so far.”
“What if I don’t check all the boxes?”
“You don’t get to know the luxury of knowing the answer yet, Mr. Ackles,” you said. “Interview isn’t over.”
“You got fucked over by somebody, didn’t you.”
“Also perceptive,” you said. “Like I said, I don’t tolerate being treated unkindly anymore. It’s why I left my last position.”
“I have one more question,” he said. “Would you treat my children like they’re your own?”
“Again, asking the wrong question,” you said. He sat back and crossed his arms, smirking at you.
“What exactly should I be asking?”
“Will you treat my children kindly and with respect but take charge when required?”
“What’s the difference?”
“One is me doing my job and the other is me doing yours.”
“How old did you say you were again?”
“Thirty today.”
“Right. Well I think I know where I stand. Do you have anything for me?”
“Can you show me a picture of your kids?” you asked. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “You answered my question.”
“I didn’t show you anything yet.”
“You’d be surprised how many fathers I’ve met don’t carry pictures of their children in their wallets. That one is just a me thing.”
“Your dad do that?” he asked as he tucked it away.
“Maybe,” you said with a shrug. He was polite enough to not go down that route though and this was already getting more personal than you anticipated. “I think I know where I stand as well.”
“I’d like to hire you,” he said.
“Assuming our negotiations go well, I accept,” you said. He held out his hand over the table and you shook it.
“I did come up with what I thought was fair for salary and benefits. Let me go grab the paperwork and hopefully settle on something,” he said. He excused himself and you looked around the house, already trying to familiarize yourself with things. He was more relaxed when he returned with some papers and a notebook, handing you a few sheets. “If I’m missing anything let me know. I-”
“This is my weekly rate?” you asked when you saw the number at the top of the page.
“Oh no. That’s your daily,” he said as he took a seat. “So I think that’s-”
“Jensen,” you said, pushing the paper back. “I have to ask, things like insurance, are those coming out of your pocket or mine?”
“I’ll cover the expenses of your health, dental, all of that. You just choose and I’ll subsize it as part of your paycheck,” he said. 
“This is for a live in position. Um...can you just...explain what makes up that daily rate number?” you asked.
“It’s simply your base pay. Obviously I pay for housing, utilities, gas obviously. I will get you a credit card to make purchases with for the kids and all of that so it’s simple to keep track of. You’re free to any of the food in the kitchen. I’m guessing the salary is the sticking point here.”
“Jensen,” you said as you scratched your head. 
“I can go up fifty more dollars a day.”
“Jensen. This is way, way too much money. Way too much,” you said. “The average rate around here is about twenty five an hour or two hundred a day. Jensen this is double that. Are you factoring in like time and a half for additional nights and weekends?”
“No. That’d be on top of that. I thought that was a fair value based on the fact you are going to be taking care of the most valuable things in my life. It’s gonna get taxed too so it’s not like you see all of it.”
“You’re sweet, Jensen,” you said, writing down a number at the top of the page. “The average in Austin is twenty five an hour. I would be very happy with that.”
“You have to literally be the first person in existence to negotiate their salary down from the offer,” he said.
“Are you rejecting my offer?” you asked. He took the paper and crossed your number out, jotting down his own and spinning it back. “Jensen.”
“Y/N,” he said, crossing his arms. “I came down. Now it’s your turn. Do you accept?”
You knew thirty five was still way overpriced for the job, especially considering everything else he was paying for.
“I will accept on the condition that you get four hours of what we’d call evening or weekend at the normal rate ever week.”
“I can agree to that,” he said with a smile, writing that down. “So medical plan. Single, plus one, family?”
“Single for all that,” you said. 
“I should mention that there is an in-law suite off to the other side of the garage where you’ll be staying. It’s just down the hall but it has its own small living area and kitchenette. There is a separate entrance to it. If you have guests over I just ask you keep them to your area of the house,” he said.
“Absolutely. I don’t tend to bring people over much anyways while I’m on the job,” you said. He let you read over the rest of the benefits, a good amount of sick and vacation time too. Technically you were free evenings and weekends but he could ask you to work longer if he needed you and you were available. Overall everything seemed in order. “Alright. Everything looks good to me.”
“Awesome. Are you available to start Monday?” he asked.
“Sure,” you said. “It gives me plenty of time to move in things tomorrow so I can jump into the kids routine first thing Monday.”
“Perfect,” he said. “I’ll show you around. We can start with your side of the house.” You got up and followed him over to near the front door and down a long hallway, past a set of doors. There was a frosted glass one to your left just before he pushed open a wide white one.
Behind it was a living area and kitchen. Not huge, about the size of a small apartment. There was a TV and sectional, a table tucked against the wall and a kitchenette like he’d mentioned with full size appliances. 
“Like I said, I know it’s small. Please like, seriously watch TV out in the family room at night if you want or hang out wherever or the yard or pool. This is just your own space when you want to be away from us.” You hummed and he showed you a closet and then a bedroom and bathroom. It was simple but decorated nicely and looked relaxing. “If there’s something obvious I’m missing please let me know. A cleaning service does come by every two weeks on Tuesdays at around ten in the morning. They’ll do in here too. Otherwise you can keep after yourself. Cleaning stuff is in the laundry room. Oh yeah. Um, this is probably the last time I’ll like, ever come in here unless you need help moving things in since this will be your space.”
“Thanks. I don’t have too much. I do have one request before we sign all the paperwork.”
“What’s that?”
“I’d like to meet the kids if that’s alright. There’s not much point in hiring me if they hate me.”
“Fair point. We’ll get ‘em over here and then get you all squared away.”
Monday Morning
“Good morning,” you said, a cup of coffee in your hand already as Jensen yawned. 
“Morning,” he mumbled. His hair was a mess and he was in only a pair of boxer briefs before he paused and looked down. “I should probably put on some clothes.”
“This is your house. Wear whatever you normally would. Pretend I’m invisible,” you said as you poured a cup of coffee into a mug for him.
“Sounds like you worked for some real assholes,” he said, graciously taking the cup. “As long as it doesn’t bother you, me walking around in my undies.”
“No, not at all,” you said with a smile. “Would you like me to drop the kids off at school and daycare this morning?”
“Sure,” he said. “Car keys are on the table by the garage.”
“Okay great. I’m used to driving that kind of SUV,” you said. You snuck a look at your schedule you’d printed out again, knowing the twins would get need to get picked up around noon. You started to work on their lunches and snacks for the day while he took out the carton of eggs from the fridge. He cracked one into a pan and turned the heat on, yawning again as he got out some bread and threw it on a plate. “Would you like me to make lunch for you as well?”
“No thank you. I’m getting lunch with my manager today. You don’t have to make me coffee in the morning either, Y/N. Your job is to take care of the kids, not me,” he said.
“A cup of coffee is not difficult, Jensen. My job is to help you so if I can make dad’s life a smidge easier it’ll make theirs better too,” you said with a smile.
“You’re not like, a morning person are you,” he chuckled. “I don’t do peppy in the morning.”
“Oh no. I’m always a little nervous when I start a new job. I’ll get a rhythm down soon,” you said.
“So what do you normally do once the kids are dropped off?” he asked as he got out a spatula.
“On a weekday I’ll review their schedule, see if anything different is going on. An average day like today I will clean their rooms, their bathroom, do some laundry while they’re at school, maybe some shopping. I’ll pick up the twins, bring them home for lunch, a little playtime, a nap. We’ll have some quiet time and maybe a craft or coloring before we get JJ from school. Then I’ll give them all a snack, we can get outside and play to get some energy out. I’ll help JJ with any schoolwork she has while the twins play and then I will start on dinner about the time you’ll be getting home. Since you have no plans currently tonight I’ll leave you guys be at that point until tomorrow unless you ask me for help.”
“So when do you take a break?” he asked.
“Naptime. I’ll have lunch with the twins. Don’t worry about me Jensen. That’s my normal plan but if you would like me to run some errands in the morning I can,” you said.
“No, no. Just…” he trailed off. “I still want to make them breakfast and dinner and play with them too is all.”
“We’ll figure out the right mix of things,” you said. “You just gotta tell me is all, okay? It can vary day to day too,”
“Yeah,” he said, taking his fried egg out of the pan and placing it on one piece of bread. He made a sandwich and took a big bite, looking out the back window. “I never asked. How was your birthday?”
“Hm?” you hummed, dropping some carrots into a reusable bag.
“On Saturday you said it was your 30th. You do anything fun that night?” he asked with a soft smile.
“I got a new job. That was the highlight of my day,” you said, Jensen cocking his head. “I ordered pizza, binged netflix. My normal Saturday routine.”
“I know everybody jokes about 30 but it’s really just jokes. Wait until you’re 42,” he chuckled. “Then you really feel old.”
“Most 42 year olds would kill to look like you,” you said. You shut your eyes and shook your head. “I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate.”
“It’s alright. I took it as a compliment,” he said, smiling again. “So you did nothing for your birthday, huh?”
“Uh, no,” you said, mixing in some grapes into each of the snack bags.
“I’m gonna get you a birthday cake,” he said.
“Mr. Ackles-”
“I thought I said it’s Jensen. I’m the boss so what I say goes. We’re gonna have a birthday cake for you tonight. So. What’s your favorite flavor?”
“Whatever you want is perfectly fine.”
“...I like red velvet,” you said. He smiled and chuckled. 
“That was my wife’s favorite,” he said. “Haven’t had that since her birthday. She would have liked you.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. You’re quite kind to me. She was always protective of me, even if she was the scaredy cat most of the time.”
“Can I ask how…” you said as he took another bite.
“Accident. Tractor trailer versus her car. He tried to miss her but it was too late. I wanted to hate the guy too but it was an accident and I couldn’t blame him for that.”
“My father died in a car crash when I was six. It does get better with time,” you said.
“That’s why you didn’t know if he had a picture of you in his wallet or not,” he said as you nodded. “You’re too young to have that much tragedy in life.”
“So are you.”
“I’m not young anymore.”
“You’re young and overly generous,” you said with a smile. 
“Misery loves company,” he said as you both heard a few feet above you running around. “Munchkins are up.”
“You want to make breakfast or should I?” you asked.
“Give me five minutes to get them in some clean clothes. Then I can show you how they like their eggs.”
“Sounds like a plan, Jensen.”
Later That Evening
“Y/N?” said Jensen, knocking on the door to your room. You got up from the couch and answered it, Jensen standing there with a smile. “The kids and I were wondering if you’d like your birthday cake for dessert.”
“You actually got me a cake?”
“I did indeed,” he said. You followed him down the hall and back into the living space, Arrow running up to you.
“Y/N! Are you sleeping over?” she asked as she gave you a hug.
“I live just down the hall now, cutie,” you said.
“Daddy, can we have ice cream too?” asked Zeppelin as he climbed up into his chair at the table.
“Sure thing bud. Girls, would you like some too?” he asked. Both the little ones said yes as he looked back at you.
“I really shouldn’t,” you said.
“We eat ice cream in this house,” he said.
“You don’t have to twist my arm over it,” you said. He got out the container and set it down on the table by the cake, lighting the match on the candle on top. “Oh please don’t-”
He started to sing though and the kids joined in, Jensen having a really good voice actually. You blew out the candle when they were through and he dished up some dessert for everyone.
“Y/N, can you read me a bedtime story later?” asked Zeppelin and you glanced at his father, Jensen making a face.
“Well Y/N’s not at work right now so she doesn’t have to unless she wants to,” said Jensen. “We’re already cutting into her-”
“I would love to, Zepp,” you said, his little face lighting up. “Maybe you guys want to join us?”
“JJ’s a little big to get read to at night I’ve been told,” said Jensen.
“Am not,” she said. “I can get a story too, right?”
“Of course,” you said. You took a bite of the cake and hummed. “This is really good.”
“I bought it myself,” said Jensen. 
“Well you have good taste,” you said. “In fact, I’m gonna have another slice.”
“Good,” he said as Zeppelin grabbed the ice cream container. “Alright, alright. You can have a bit more, bud.”
“Night, JJ,” you said, getting a hug from her as you put her back to bed an hour later. JJ smiled from her bed and you flicked off the light, pulling the door shut after you turned on her night light.
“Thanks for giving up your night with them. I didn’t mean to have that happen,” said Jensen as you headed downstairs with him.
“It’s no problem. It’s good bonding for us,” you said. You helped him pick up the plates at the table and wash them off, Jensen grabbing a bottle of whiskey from a tall cabinet as you covered up what was left of the cake. 
“Drink?” he asked.
“A small one,” you said. He poured a single into a whiskey glass and slid it over to you, smirking when you took a sip. “Oh that’s smooth.”
“Very,” he said, drinking from his own glass. “Thank you for tonight. JJ’s been…”
“She’s the oldest. She’s gonna have a harder time with it.”
“You were about her age when your dad died you said?”
“She’ll be okay. She’ll miss her but it won’t be a deep pain. She’ll have nice memories of her mom. She’s doing pretty good, trust me.”
“Can I ask another personal question?”
“I’m off the clock. Shoot,” you said.
“Your mom ever...try again with someone else?”
“Yes. Years later she found a good guy. He actually is who I stayed with after she passed. He’s married now, has some kids of his own but I know if I call him up he’d drop everything for me.”
“Good. I was getting afraid you were a complete Shakespeare tragedy,” he chuckled.
“Nah. I’m not at that level of crazy in my life,” you said. “As long as we’re off the clock, can I ask if you’re asking because you’re thinking of getting back out there?”
“I am. My wife kind of insisted on it. When we first got serious we had this deal that we’d go try again if something happened. I mean, I don’t cry everytime I think about her now. I can smile and be happy and that ache doesn’t try to swallow me up everyday anymore. I think it’s time I could get back out there.”
“I’d say it is. The kids are ready. They’ll understand.”
“You think your mom loved the second guy as much as your dad?”
“For sure. She was a bit of a free spirit but she didn’t think you had to have just one soulmate. She told me that after she’d met Ray. She said she got two so maybe I had two out there. I haven’t found either one of them yet so I’ll take increasing my odds as best I can.”
“Well you’re not gonna meet your soulmate sitting at home on Saturday nights, Y/N.”
“Just a lot of douchey guys,” you said.
“Ah. You need to meet a better kind of guy is all,” he said.
“Yeah see I’m thirty. All the good guys are married by now.”
“Oh all of them are taken. I didn’t realize that,” he said with a chuckle. “What am I then? Another douchebag?”
“You don’t count. You’re…”
“Too old for you?” he chuckled.
“My boss. Plus you’re like famous. You can go get like a victoria secret model or something.”
“Looks ain’t everything.”
“Maybe I ought to try older guys now that you say that,” you said.
“Y/N, you gotta be careful with that. I don’t want to see you get taken advantage of.”
“And this is why I watch netflix on Saturday nights,” you said.
“You serious about the older guy crack?” he asked. 
“I do find them more...attractive sometimes. I guess it depends on how old. Why?”
“I got a friend my age, might be interested?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you said. “No offense to your friend but...I mean if he’s 42...I want kids and stuff you know? Although a dude it doesn’t really matter how old...I don’t know.”
“It was just a thought,” he said with a smile.
“I’ll think about it,” you said. “He’s not a weirdo, right.”
“No. He’s an actor. Something to think about,” he said.
“I will,” you said. “Thank you for the birthday cake, Jensen. You’re a good person.”
“I bought a cake.”
“Yeah but I haven’t really had one of those in years. You’re a good person.”
“You’re very welcome,” he said as you slid off your seat. “You’re free to hang out if you like.”
“I’m kinda tired. I won’t be getting up that early from now on I don’t think.”
“I completely understand,” he said. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Jensen.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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