#like yes dad you’re taking your truck but the backseat is too loaded with all your shit
My eleven year old brother is literally more helpful around the house than my dad. With him at summer camp, there’s more chores to do around the house. When my dad’s not here, there’s less mess.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
The Teddy Beatles have NO RIGHT to make me feel this soft for them yet here I am feeling this way regardless🙄💖 so here’s a concept : the Teddy Beatles get a gig somewhere and invite reader to to watch. Unfortunately, reader thinks they can’t go because they’ve got school that day. So being the cheeky lads they are, they come up with a plan to get them off school that day
Djsjsjsj I am loving these highschool AU asks guys lmaooo, and this is perfect too 😂 it came out kinda sweet actually, but yeah I hope you like it!
The bustling noise of the cafeteria surrounds you as you wait for your friends. Today you have a simple turkey sandwich and some chips. You send up a silent thanks to your mother, and quietly dig into the little meal.
Soon enough, four scruffy looking boys wade through the crowd and rush to sit with you at your table. John, Paul, George, and Ringo chatter excitedly to each other, then turn to include you in the conversation.
"Hey square!", John says with a friendly grin. It's a little nickname all the four teddy boys have given you, with love of course. You always say you hate it, but the truth is you quite like being so beloved by your little gang of teds. "What are you doing tomorrow?"
You chew and swallow, remembering your manners, "Homework probably, same as usual. Why?"
George takes a bite of... something, that he clearly made himself, "No, 'e means like wha' are you doin' durin' the day"
Paul rolls his eyes at his friend's horrible table manners. "Ahem, what they're trying to say is... We have a gig tomorrow at noon"
"Yeah, and we want you to come!", Ringo chimes in, despite the warning look Paul shoots him.
You gasp in surprise!
"That is, if you can!", Paul quickly interjects.
The boys have been practicing their musical talent for quite some time now, and you must say, they're really great! It seems like they've just been waiting for their careers to take off honestly, and a gig is an undeniable great start.
Before you say anything either way, you congratulate them on this achievement. "I'd love to! It's just... Well, I have a study hall tomorrow for a test next week..."
John scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Oh come on square! Just one day of hooky...", he smirks mischievously. The four of them know how important academics are to you, so you skipping a day merely for fun is actually quite a big deal!
"I mean, I want to! And... I suppose it is just a study hall... But if my parents found out-", you make a slashing motion across your throat.
Paul smiles placatingly, "Don't worry, we understa-!"
"Oh sod your parents! This is about rock n roll!", John slams his hands on the table excitedly.
"Yeah, sod 'em!", Ringo tags in again, only to have the back of his head smacked by George.
You all laugh for a moment, then quiet back down while you think. You really, really do want to go, but you just can't risk getting in trouble with your parents! Especially if they knew you were sneaking off to hangout with the boys again. Why they'd practically kill you!
With disappointment written in your face, you know what you have to do.
"I'm sorry, but I just don't think I can do it", the bell to end lunch rings and you all stand. To add a touch of levity, you laugh, "Unless you can convince my parents to let me go!"
The other three are understanding and laugh at your joke, but your suggestion has John hatching a plan...
After school, once you've left to get in your ride home, John huddles up the boys. He's got an idea to get you out scott free, and it's time to let the lads in. It's crazy, and stupid. Mostly stupid, Paul notes, but! It just might work...
The next day, about an hour before their gig, the boys make a call from John's house. Their equipment is all loaded up in the back of Paul's Dad's truck and ready for John to drive to the gig spot. The only thing missing is you!
"Alright, who's going to call?"
"Well I think John should. This was his idea, and besides he's the oldest"
"But Ringo's voice is deeper!"
"But I'm not as good a speaker as John!"
"Fine, fine! Give me that...", John snatches the phone from Paul's hand and dials the school. While the line rings, John clears his throat to warm up his voice.
The front desk secretary answers in a cheerful voice, "How can I help you!"
John's voice comes out several octaves lower then usual, "Uh yes, this Mr. square- uh, I mean-", he turns around desperately, looking at the boys for assistance. He mouths, "Last name?"
Paul claps a hand to his forehead, sure that John has just blown it, while Ringo tries to hold in his laughter. George hurredly tells John your last name, which John repeats into the receiver, correcting himself.
"Haha, sorry about that! Anyway, I'm coming to pick 'em up"
The secretary is silent for a moment, "...Uh huh. And could you tell me your child's birthday for confirmation Sir?"
John grits his teeth and looks left to right again. He was always terrible with birthdays. Luckily, Ringo comes to the rescue this time.
There's a shuffle of papers as the woman checks on John's answer only to find that he's right. "Well... Alright then... We'll be ready for you soon Sir. Have good day..."
The receiver clicks on a note of suspicion from the other line, but the boys are preoccupied hooting and cheering at their victory. "I can't believe that worked!", John shouts.
"Neither can we!", Paul claps John's shoulder playfully and the lads have a laugh. They check the time and then scurry to the truck and all pile in. John turns over the ignition and sets a course for the school.
When you get called out of class and told to bring your things, you almost don't believe it. You're worried for a bit about what your parents could possibly need you home for, but after a few minutes of ruminating as you wait, you start to wonder how you can sneak away to the boy's gig. It is nearly time after all. Maybe you could catch the closing set?
Suddenly your thoughts are interupted by a car horn. You look up, bewildered, to see not your dad or mum, but all four of the teds in Paul's Dad's old truck. John pulls up right in front of you, arm casually resting on the open window, "Need a lift square?"
George opens the tiny back door then scoots over as far as he and Ringo can to make space for you.
"I-", you stare in shoke for a moment, not quite absorbing what's happening yet.
"Come on, it's nearly time for our set!", Paul urges encouragingly. The rest of the boys pile on, excitedly waving you in, faces all in smiles.
You can almost feel tears welling in your eyes, you're so happy. You look from face to face of each of your friends, and instead a huff of laughter escapes your lips "Only if you tell me how you pulled this off!
The boys cheer as you run to the truck and hop in the backseat. You slam the door behind you and John peels off as Paul recounts the rediculous tale to you.
That afternoon, you witness the making of history as the boys, though they don't know it yet, take their first steps towards becoming the Beatles.
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serendipitoustae · 4 years
What Your Father Says
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pairing : alt band! taehyung x reader
genre : college au, established reationship, fluff, implications of smut but not that explicit
word count : 7.8k
summary: your father doesn’t want you to be with taehyung but you simply do not care
a/n: loosely inspired by the vamps song because all i could think about whilst listening to it was rebellious teen romance.
“That ridiculous band have been wreaking havoc again” your dad sighed as he looked at the local paper whilst you ate your bowl of cookie crisp cereal. “Says here that they spray painted the local skate park before having a bonfire on the premises all for a silly little music video” he continued shaking his head.
“They were getting permission to do it” you told him before realising what you’d said “I mean I assume they did because they used to always ask before they did things for videos” you quickly added
Your boyfriend Taehyung was part of the local rock band that the majority of adults over 40 absolutely despised. They hated their style, their music and most importantly the so called trouble they caused in the name of art. Your dad had never been a fan of Taehyung no matter how polite he was whenever he came to your house. A couple months ago after you helped the band set off a load of fireworks in a car park, your dad forced you to break up with him. He didn’t want his precious little girl involved in that kind of thing. You’d never understood why he cared who you were with, he never cared about your life at all. He rarely even asked how your day was but to avoid arguments and tension in the house you “broke up” with Taehyung. As far as your dad knew you had no contact with him at all but of course you did. You weren’t going to break up with the boy you loved because your dad didn’t like him. Your mother knew you were still with him, she’d always loved Taehyung and was outraged when your dad suggested you broke up with him. She often covers for you when you go out with Tae and says you’re studying at a friend’s or simply that you’re ‘out’ because your dad really didn’t care that much about your whereabouts.
“I bet you’re glad you’re not involved with those trouble makers any more” your dad said as he turned the page of the newspaper
“Yeah I’m really glad” you said in a blunt tone before your phone went off
From: Mik
outside angel x
You’d changed Taehyung’s name in your phone to ‘Mik’, his last name backwards, so that if your dad saw your phone he wouldn’t know you were still with him. You looked out of the window and saw Jungkook’s truck on your drive way, Jungkook was the bands lead singer and despite being the youngest he was often the designated driver. Taehyung used to always drive you to college but since you ‘split up’ he’s been riding with JK so your dad didn’t recognise the car.
“Namjoon’s here I’ll see you later” you said
You always used your best friend Namjoon as a cover up for anytime you were going out with the band. Your dad loved Namjoon and often asked why you’d chosen to date Taehyung over him as he was so intelligent and sensible.
“Bye, send Namjoon my regards” your dad said not looking up from the paper as you left
“I will” you said as you walked out of the front door.
You opened the back door of JK’s truck and were instantly met with the sound of ‘something in the way’ by Nirvana one of the band’s biggest inspirations. Taehyung was sat in the back behind JK just in case your dad ever happened to look in the car. He didn’t actually know what the other band member’s faces looked like so if he saw JK you’d be able to lie about who he was.
“Hey baby” Taehyung grinned as he pressed a kiss to your lips the second you were sat next to him. You brought your hand up to cup his face as he nestled his ring cluttered hand in your hair and deepened the kiss
“Ugh! Guys come on it’s not even 9 am it’s too early for your pda” JK groaned from the driver seat next to Yoongi, the bands bass player.
“You’re just jealous you’ve not got a girl as hot as mine” Taehyung smirked as he wiped the remnants of your lip balm from around his mouth “is that strawberry flavoured?” he asked licking his lips to which you nodded “it’s nice” he said pressing another kiss to your lips. This one a lot shorter lived than the other.
“Can we just get to college before they fuck in the backseat” Yoongi groaned causing you and Taehyung to laugh.
The drive to college was fairly uneventful other than the boys talking about the big show they were playing at the end of the week. It was their biggest show yet and there would be a tonne of record labels scouting for new talent so to say they were nervous was an understatement.
“My dad heard about what you guys did at the skate park” you said
“Let me guess he said ‘aren’t you glad you aren’t with that absolute rapscallion Kim Taehyung anymore’” he said mimicking your dad with a pretty spot on impression
“Yeah pretty much” you laughed “you guys did get permission though right?”
“Of course we did, they said they’re thinking of demolishing the skate park soon so we’d be doing them a favour” JK explained.
When you got to college JK and Yoongi went straight to their music class but Taehyung walked you to your lesson as he always did even if it made him late.
“I’m perfectly capable of getting to class by myself you’re going to be late” you told him as you walked up the stairs to the art department
“It’s a music class, the teachers don’t give a shit about us so it doesn’t matter” he replied as you got to your class door
“If you get in trouble don’t blame me” you said
“I would never” he said as he pulled you into a quick kiss, you went to pull away as you knew your whole class was probably watching but he followed your lips and held you there for a bit longer
“I don’t think my whole class needs to see that” you laughed as you pushed his chest away from you
“Sorry that strawberry lip balm just tastes really good” he smiled licking his lips
“You can have it if you like it that much” you told him
“No it tastes better this way” he said quickly kissing you again
“Bye Tae” you said as you rolled your eyes and walked into your class.
Your lesson was off to an extremely boring start. There was only so long you could listen to your teacher talk about colour theory before you were ready do a Van Gogh and cut your ear off.
“I wish we could just get on and do some painting already” Namjoon whispered from his seat next to you, you agreed as you doodled on the page you were meant to be taking notes on. Even though he complained about it you could see Namjoon’s page was full of notes written in green biro.
Once you had finally got on with some painting your phone sounded from the pocket of your denim jacket.
“Phones on silent please” your tutor said, you knew it was Tae texting you because your phone was on silent but you had it on the setting so it would go off no matter what if it was him.
From: Mik
can you come outside please x
You looked up at the window of your class and saw Tae looking at you with his big puppy dog eyes. Despite the majority of your friends not caring for the school system at all you were somewhat of a goody two shoes. Tae was well aware of this so you knew he’d only want to get you out of class if he really needed to.
“Can I go to the toilet please sir?” you asked, your teacher said yes without even looking in your direction. You quickly left the class as you wanted to be out of class for as short a time as possible.
“I’m so so sorry I didn’t want to pull you out of class but I need to calm down because if I ditch again I’ll get expelled and I can’t get expell-“ Taehyung rambled before you interrupted
“Babe it’s okay what’s wrong?” you asked as the two of you began walking out of the art building
“So you know we’ve got that massive show on Friday, we wanted to practise for that in our lesson because obviously that’s our priority right now” Taehyung started as you entered the smoker’s area and he sat on one of the tables pulling out a box of cigarettes.
“Our teacher said we had to learn some shitty pop riff instead and obviously we should get an exception because we’re the only people in the class that actually give a shit about music but no, apparently they don’t give a shit about the biggest opportunity of our lives” he continued as he lit a cigarette with the lighter you’d painted for him and pressed it past his lips. The lighter had your own take on Van Gogh’s starry night as you knew Tae loved that painting. You’d done it so the moon was the Nirvana smiley face and you still remember the smile on Tae’s face when he’d received it for his birthday. After blowing out the smoke carefully to avoid getting any in your face he began speaking again.
“I refused to do the task and explained to the teacher why but she didn’t seem to care so she kicked me out for being disrespectful” he said taking another drag of the cigarette.
You felt bad for him, you really did. He’d gained such an awful reputation as a student for speaking out against the system. He hated being told what to do with an absolute passion. Obviously he listened to his teachers, but sometimes he just didn’t think they were fair and more often than not he was right.  You stepped closer to him and rested your hands in the traffic light red hair at the back of his head, careful not to loosen his bandanna. You felt his entire body relax under your fingertips.
“I know you’re stressed about the show but I promise you could do it tonight and absolutely smash it so not much more practise is needed. I know it’s unfair and stupid that they won’t let you practise in your lesson but you’ve just got to suck it up, I know that isn’t what you want to hear but you know your parents will stop you from playing the show completely if you get in anymore trouble with school” you told him as you continued to play with his hair.
He sighed as he put his cigarette out in the ash tray beside him.
“I love you” he muttered as he dropped his head to rest on your chest “I’m sorry you have to put up with my bullshit”
You pressed a kiss to his head before pulling him up by a hand on his jaw so he’d look at you
“It’s not bullshit you’re passionate about your music and your teacher should understand that , I love you too please don’t think you’re something I have to put up with helping you is what I’m here for” you smiled
“Thank you, can you come over tonight please?” he asked
You knew you’d have to tell your mother in advance so she could make up a lie to your father as to why you weren’t home.
“Of course I can I’ve gotta get back to lesson are you gonna be okay?”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight embrace
“Yeah I feel a lot calmer now sorry for keeping you from your lesson” he said as he released you
“Stop apologising I’m here for you okay?” you told him once again holding his face so his dark eyes were looking in yours
“Okay” he grinned before pressing a kiss to your lips
“I’ll see you later” you said walking back to into the art department.
“Was I gone for suspiciously long?” you asked Namjoon as you carried on with your painting
“No not really, is Tae okay?” Namjoon asked obviously having seen him outside before you left
“Yeah he just needed calming down but he’s okay now” you said
“You’re really good for him you know he’s been so much calmer since you two got together”
Namjoon and Taehyung were neighbours so they grew up together and were still best friends now. That’s how you’d met Taehyung in the first place.
“What’s that noise?” you asked Namjoon as you sat at his dining table studying
“Oh it’s Taehyung and his band” Namjoon told you.
You’d seen Taehyung around as you spent a lot of time at Namjoon’s so it was inevitable you’d see him every so often. You’d never really spoken to him though oddly. You were quite happy about that fact though, he was extremely attractive so much so that it intimidated you slightly.
“They sound good” you said
“We could go watch them rehearse if you wanted? I think we’ve earned a study break” he smiled as he closed his textbook and removed his glasses.
You loved the sound of whatever they were playing but you weren’t sure if you’d be able to cope watching Taehyung playing drums and actually being in his company.
“No it’s okay I’m sure they don’t want us intruding” you said
“Oh come on I know you’re just scared because you think Tae’s hot” Namjoon laughed
You looked at him with wide eyes and furrowed brows.
“Did you think I didn’t know? You think I don’t see you staring at him through the window every time he gets home” Namjoon chuckled
“Okay fine let’s go then” you said as you stood up pulling your oversized Kurt Cobain t-shirt down as you did so.
You and Namjoon walked over to Taehyung’s garage and Namjoon let himself in as you assumed he’d done hundreds of times before
“Hey guys this is Y/N she thought you guys sounded cool is it okay if we watch you rehearse for a bit?” he asked.
The garage was painted a dark blue and covered in old rock band posters, it actually looked quite similar to your bedroom. Once you’d taken in your surroundings you looked at the three boys before you. The guitar playing lead singer was smiling at you as was the bass player, it was the sort of smile that made you feel like they knew something you didn’t. You looked at Taehyung as he was sat behind his drum kit running his hands through his dark hair as he shot you a small smile.
“Yeah that’s fine” Taehyung said as he twisted his red drum stick round in between his fingers.
Namjoon introduced you to all the boys properly and Yoongi told you he liked your outfit even though it was simply just a long t shirt with some fishnet tights. You sat on the sofa opposite their set up and watched them perform a cover of ‘Paradise city’ by Guns ‘n’ Roses. You were surprised that you’d never been friends with any of the band considering their style and music taste was very similar to your own.
After that day you realised Taehyung wasn’t nearly as intimidating as you thought he was. He was actually really sweet which most people wouldn’t assume from his leather jackets and the multiple metal hoops in his ears.
It took around a month after officially meeting for you and Taehyung to get together. All the boys had said from the second you met it was obvious you two would get together as you were just perfect for each other.
When your lesson had finished and you were off to lunch you and Namjoon met the band at their usual table. Once you were sat down you texted your mum telling her you’d be going round Tae’s tonight.
“Would you be able to sleepover tonight?” Tae asked as he rested his arm on the back of your chair.
Sleepovers with Taehyung were always harder to get away with. Your father wouldn’t allow you to sleep round a boy’s house not even Namjoon’s and unfortunately you had no girl friends that you were close enough to that they would lie for you.
“I don’t know I’ll have to think of some sort of excuse” You told him
“I was thinking we should all get new piercings so we look cooler for the show” JK announced
“Yes I am up for that idea” you answered knowing the statement didn’t include you but you would love to see your boyfriend with more piercings. He already had loads in his ears and one in his tongue that he got done when you got your nose pierced. You still remember the horror on your dads face when you came home with studs on either side of your nose. That was probably the start of his hatred for Taehyung.
“What would you like me to get?” Taehyung said as he faced you. He was so open to things like tattoos and piercings and didn’t really make a big deal out of them.
“A nose ring maybe?” you suggested excitedly
“Okay gorgeous, do you wanna go after college?” he asked to which you nodded.
“I was thinking of getting my eyebrow pierced” Yoongi said
“Okay great I’ll get my nose done too” JK said
“Are you gonna join us?” Taehyung asked Namjoon
“I’d pass out if I even saw a needle so I think I’ll just go home” he said
Namjoon was very different to the rest of you, he had completely different style and completely different music taste but you were still all great friends which you couldn’t be happier about.
Once you’d finished college for the day all of you minus Namjoon piled into JK’s truck and made your way to the piercing shop. It wasn’t the most amazing place but it was cheap and you didn’t have to make appointments.
Yoongi and JK went in to get their piercings first as you went in two at a time.
“I’m gutted we can’t even post a cute photo of us having almost matching piercings after I get it done” Taehyung said as you sat on the black leather sofa in the shop.
The chances of your father seeing anything you or Taehyung posted on social media were low but not zero so just to be safe you hadn’t posted anything accept for on your private stories.
“We can take some and put them up in your room maybe” you suggested
In the year and a bit that you two had been together Taehyung had made a photo wall of the two of you above his bed. There was photos from your dates, from his gigs and just stupid little selfies you’d taken together. You wished you could do the same in your room.
“You ready?” the piercing woman asked Tae as she came out with Yoongi and JK. Taehyung nodded and you both inspected the boys’ piercings before going into the room.
Taehyung laid on the chair like he’s done several times before and you sat in the chair opposite. You watched as the needle went through his nose cringing as you remembered exactly what that felt like. Despite his eyes watering slightly due to the pressure on his nose he was fine. After thanking the woman he came over to you standing close to you so you could see the piercing.
“It looks so good” you smiled
You both left the room before joining the other boys. They all had a proper look at each other’s piercings smiling as they did so.
“We’re gonna look so cool at the show” JK said everyone instantly agreeing.
JK dropped you and Taehyung back at Taehyung’s house and you were still thinking of a way to stay the night without your dad finding out where you were.
“Dad I’m home” Taehyung called as you both walked through the door
Taehyung’s dad came to meet you at the door quickly noticing the piercing
“Oh nice piercing, loving the outfit Y/n” he smiled
You’d always adored Taehyung’s dad, he was always so complimentary and supportive of you that it made up for what you lacked from your own father.
You and Taehyung went upstairs and you laid on his bed as he hung his jacket up on his door. He came and laid next to you before pulling out his phone to take photos of the two of you. You did multiple poses making sure you could see his new piercing. He also did a little video because he loved being able to take screenshots from them to have genuine photos of the two of you smiling together. Once he’d edited the brightness and vibrancy of the images he sent them to his Polaroid printer that he had. Once they’d printed he grabbed the ball of blue tack from his bedside table and added them to the photo wall.
“I’m so jealous of this wall” you told him as he laid back down with you
“Why don’t you just tell your dad we’re still together? I treat you well I’m polite I don’t see his problem” He said as he fiddled with your fingers that were rested on his chest
“I know it’s just that he thinks you’re a bad influence and think you’re the reason I dress like in his words ‘a groupie’ and the reason I got my nose pierced” you explained causing him to scoff
“You dressed like that before we even met properly and you’ve always wanted a nose piercing, it’s not like I’ve impacted your life badly your grades are still perfect and the only time I’ve got you in trouble was when I snuck us into that pool that one time” he said
You could feel his frustration through the way he was speaking and how he sighed after each sentence.
“Babe you don’t have to tell me I know , I just don’t want the argument with him and I don’t want him being an asshole to you” you told him you know your dad would eventually get over it but it would just cause a lot of problems in the house and there didn’t need to be anymore.
“Last time I checked we’re planning our lives together you’re gonna have to tell him at some point you’re almost eighteen he can’t control who you’re with” Tae said sitting up which made you fall to the mattress as you’d been laying half on his chest.
“Why are you blaming me?” you asked as he pulled his bandana off and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I’m not” he muttered
“Well it sure sounds like it” you told him
“I just don’t understand when you’re planning to tell him , he can’t really do anything about it and if he kicks you out or something you can just live here” he exclaimed
You sat up and looked at him. He was deliberately avoiding your gaze and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Well maybe if you didn’t have such an awful reputation then he wouldn’t want me to date Namjoon so bad” you said
You knew it was a low blow and something Tae often got jealous over but you couldn’t believe he was blaming you for your father’s disapproval.
“If it makes your life easier go fucking date him then! You know all the shit your dads heard about me is just rumours” he yelled instantly turning to you as he stopped.
“I’m so sorry babe” he said, he’d always had a rule that he’d never yell at you. There wasn’t a specific personal reason for you it just didn’t sit right with him. “It’s just so frustrating I treat you like a fucking princess and I still can’t get his approval because of things other people have said about me”
You didn’t mind that he’d yelled at you, you found the situation frustrating but it must’ve been even worse for him. Your dad used to somewhat like him but the bigger the band got the more rumours about him spread and eventually your dad didn’t care about the whole year he’d already got to know Taehyung.
“It’s okay I get it I’m sorry about the Namjoon comment you know I’d never want to be with anyone but you” you told him
He sighed and wrapped his arm around you
“It’s not okay I should never raise my voice at you I’m not mad at you I’m just mad at the situation” he said before kissing your head.
“I’ll see if I can talk to him at some point soon” you said
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring as long as I can be with you I don’t care” he said before pressing his lips to yours.
You gently moved your weight forward so he was laying down and your position was more comfortable. His hand gripped your hair as his tongue moved against yours the metal of his tongue piercing creating an icy contrast to the warmth of your mouths. He hummed slightly into the kiss as your hands travelled under his ‘Children of Bodom’ t-shirt. He sat up slightly, assisting you in pulling the shirt over his head before laying back down and pulling you further up his lap. You could feel the cold metal of his rings on your skin as his hand ran underneath the skirt you were wearing. It was then that your phone rang causing the two of you to groan at the interruption. Sitting up, still on his lap, you leaned over and grabbed your phone seeing it was your mum before answering it.
“Hello?” you said sounding more breathless than you’d hoped
“Hi sweetie there’s not a way I can convince your dad to let you stay out for the night especially as it’s a school night, he’s home late from work tomorrow so Tae’s free to come round here I’ll leave the house to you two” your mum said
“Okay thanks what time do you want me home?” you asked
“Eight pm latest”
“Okay see you then”
You hung up before tossing your phone on the bed next to you
“Take it you can’t stay” Tae mumbled against your neck as he pressed kissed up to your jaw
“No I’ve got to be home for eight but dad’s out all day tomorrow so you can come to mine” you told him as you tangled your fingers in his hair and leaned your head to the side giving him more access to your neck.
“Ooh sneaking about now are we?” he said as he trailed kisses back down to your collar bone “that’s hot”
You laughed at his words softly before you felt him bite lightly at your neck
“You can’t leave marks remember” you reminded him
“Not in visible places” he smirked as he undid the zip at the back of your skirt.
You stirred at the mellifluous sound of your boyfriend’s voice
“What?” you groaned as you snuggled deeper into the warmth of his bare chest
“It’s almost eight I’ve gotta get you home” he said
“I wanna stay here” you whined still half asleep
“I want you to as well but you can’t” he said as he got out of bed gathering both of your clothes and underwear before dropping them in a messy pile on the bed “You gonna be able to walk?” he smirked as you did up the clasp on your bra.
“Don’t flatter yourself” you replied
“Excuse me” he grinned in false offence causing you to laugh
Once you were both dressed and you’d made yourself look presentable, he drove you home stopping a road before your street so your dad wouldn’t see.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I love you” you said pressing a kiss to his lips
“I love you too” he told you as you got out of his car.
“I’m home” you said as you entered the dining room to see your parents
“Hi sweetie did you have a good time at Namjoon’s?” your mum asked
“Yeah it was great” you said
“Why does he never come in to say hello?” your dad asked
You look at your mum quickly “Uhm he’s a busy guy these days lots of studying to do” you lied as best you could
“he used to always come in when he dropped you home, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re secretly still dating Taehyung behind my back” he chuckled causing you and your mum to let out nervous laughs
“No never, I’d honestly forgotten about Taehyung until you mentioned him” you lied as if you hadn’t been laying naked in bed with the boy less than twenty minutes ago
“That’s what I like to hear” your dad said
You quickly exited the room and went to the bathroom before turning on the shower as you hadn’t had a chance to have one at Tae’s.
Once you’d finished and were in your pyjamas back in your bedroom you checked your phone.
From: Mik
my bed smells like you come back please i miss you
To: Mik
trust me i wish i could, almost thought my dad was onto us a second ago
You explained what your dad had said and discussed whether or not you thought your dad knew. You two had been so careful that there’s no way he could know and it’s not like your dad was that clued up about your life so you were pretty sure you were in the clear.
“Okay I’m going to be out as long as you want me out for later” Your mum said the next morning as she came into your room “I’ll tell your dad to let you know when he’s on his way home you’ve got to make sure you leave no proof of Taehyung being here though” she continued
It was risky sneaking Tae into your house whilst your dad was at work. You’d never done that since you “broke up” but you thought if you were careful it would be fine.
“Get him to come in the back door so that the neighbours are less likely to see, I’ll unlock it on my way out” Your mother added
“Okay I will” you told her before she left the house
Text From: Mik
house empty?
Text To: Mik
yep, come in the back door x
You had a couple hours until you had to be at college so you were hoping you’d be able to get some more sleep in whilst Tae was there. Within ten minutes you heard the back door open and footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Morning beautiful” Tae smiled as he entered your room instantly pulling his shoes off and climbing under the sheets next to you. His cold body sliced through the warmth you’d previously been surrounded by as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re freezing” You whined despite curling into his chest
“Would you rather I wasn’t here?” he said
“Of course not” you replied as his hands began playing with your hair.
You laid in silence for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of a sleepy morning together that you hadn’t been able to have for a while. When you were allowed to be together he’d stayed most nights and if he didn’t it was likely you were at his. You’d spend every morning wrapped in each other’s warmth having nonsensical half asleep conversations.
“I’ve missed this” he muttered into your hair but you had already fallen back to sleep.
You were wrenched out of what was a seemingly pleasant dream by the screeching of your alarm. Tae’s arms tightened around you as you rolled over in his embrace to turn the alarm off. You managed to sit up out of Tae’s arms slightly deciding that as he was already dressed he didn’t need to be woken up yet.
As you sat next to him you took the time to fully take in his appearance. The slow rise and fall of his chest signified his relaxed state as did the way his thick lashes that were smothered with eyeliner sat upon the flawless skin of his cheeks. His red hair that was once flat against his forehead was now sticking up in the air exposing the slit he’d shaved into his eyebrow a couple weeks ago. You were flooded with a sudden rush of adoration for the boy lying next to you, you never got to properly relax and appreciate him for what he was as you were always worried about getting home and making up excuses these days. He groaned slightly as he rolled over, his arms wrapping around the duvet you were previously laying under. You’d always found it endearing that the Kim Taehyung most people were intimidated by had to cuddle something in order to sleep, whether it be a pillow, a teddy or ,his preferred option, you.
“Stop staring at me you weirdo” he grumbled as his puffy eyes opened and met yours
“Is it wrong for me to appreciate how beautiful my boyfriend is?” you asked
“When you’re denying him morning cuddles it is” he said through a yawn as he made grabby hands at you
“I’ve gotta shower and get ready” you told him before ruffling his hair and getting out of bed
“Can I join?” he asked smirking at you
“No you cannot you can get me an outfit ready though” you laughed before heading to the bathroom.
Once you’d showered and put clean underwear on you walked back into your room and saw Tae sat at your vanity table his hair now a lot neater than when you’d left him.
“I chose the AC/DC t shirt and your red skirt” he said as he quickly stood up to grab the clothes “I was thinking you could where the long sleeved fishnet thing you wear sometimes with your red boots maybe to match the skirt” he said as he looked up at you with his pouty lips and wide eyes showing you he wasn’t sure if he’d chosen well.
“Yeah that sounds great” You smiled walking to your draw to pick out your fishnet top.
“You look so hot in that” he muttered as you pulled the fishnet shirt over your head “Shame JK’s getting us in ten minutes”
You rolled your eyes at him and the way he was like most boys constantly thinking about one thing.
“Don’t forget we’ve got all afternoon once we’re back” You reminded him
“How could I forget? My favourite person all to myself with no interruptions, it’s a dream come true” He grinned as he pulled you into him by your waist and pressed his lips to yours
“I’m starting to remember-“you said into the kiss “why we were late all the time when you’d stay here” you smiled as your arms wrapped around his neck
“That’s young love for you” he grinned as his hands began trailing down south
“Go downstairs so I can get ready with no distractions please” you said as you took his hands off of you
He feigned offence as he looked at you
“The one time your boyfriends here with you in the morning and you’re telling him to leave? The audacity” he said
You giggled at his expression
“You know I take ages to get ready even without distractions and you said it yourself JK is gonna be here soon so please”
“What if I don’t want to?” he challenged as he stepped closer so he was towering above you face inches away from your own
“What if I make it up to you later?” You shot back raising your eyebrow at him looking him up and down for extra effect
“Done!” he said before leaving the room
After being only slightly late to college you were in your usual spot next to Namjoon.
“Are you sure sneaking Tae into your house is the best idea?” he asked as he mixed his water colours
“My dad’s at work all day and my mum has left us the house so what can go wrong?” you asked
As much as you loved him, Namjoon didn’t have a rebellious bone in his body and would often make you think through your antics properly before you did them. You weren’t particularly rebellious apart from dating a boy your Father hates and consistently lying to him so that you can go and see said boy.
“What if your dad comes home early or what if one of the neighbours sees and tells him?” Namjoon said
“He’s going to text me when he’s on his way home and Tae’s going to go in the back door so the neighbours probably won’t see” you assured him
“Okay let me know if you need me to cover for you at all for any reason” he said
No matter how much he disagreed with your actions he’d always be there to help you if you needed it and for that you were eternally grateful.
Once you finished college you got JK to drop you home, you went in the front whilst he drove round the back to drop Tae off. You dropped your bag and walked through the house to open the door for Tae.
The second the door was open his hands were on you as were his lips. You stumbled backwards into your living room as Tae walked forwards, his lips still feverishly attached to yours.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” you asked as he started trailing his lips down your neck
“We never get to be this alone, I’m making the most of it” he mumbled as his lips reconnected with yours your dark lipstick now smeared all around his mouth. He continued walking the two of you backwards before grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling you up to wrap your legs around his waist. Taehyung carried you through the house for a second before pushing you up against the wall simultaneously pushing himself into you causing the both of you to groan slightly.
“As much as I love this just go to my room already” you said moving your lips only millimetres away from his to speak.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” he smirked mocking you
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes
“Gladly” he said as he reconnected your lips and began blindly walking to your bedroom.
Once you were there he dropped you onto your bed before taking his shirt and jeans off and climbing on top of you. You’d already taken your shirt off so he instantly placed his hands under your skirt and began pulling your underwear down with one hand whilst the other held your face. Seconds after you’d put your lips back on his you heard the front door open. Tae pulled back and you stared at each other with a similar look of horror.
“Y/n?” Your dad called
“I thought he was working late?” Tae whisper shouted
“He was supposed to be!” you replied as you quickly got up throwing your shirt back on and checking yourself in the mirror. You quickly grabbed a makeup wipe to get rid of the lipstick on your chin and neck.
“Y/n are you home?” your dad’s voice sounded again
“Yeah I thought you were uh working late?” You said as you made your way downstairs
Your dad was in the living room placing down his brief case and loosening his tie when you walked in
“I was meant to be but my meeting got cancelled, I was going to text you but my phones dead” he explained
Your mind was running a million miles an hour trying to work out a way to get Tae out of your house without your dad seeing.
“When you didn’t answer and I saw the back door was open I thought someone had broken in” your dad laughed causing you to laugh in return
“Sorry I had my headphones in” You lied avoiding eye contact with him. As you did so you noticed a pair of shoes by the still open back door. Tae’s shoes. How did you not even realise he’d taken them off? Anyone that had ever met Tae could recognise those shoes as his anywhere as they were covered in little doodles he’d designed. Your father was yet to see them but there was no way you could discretely hide a pair of size 10 Doc Martens.
“Would you mind getting me a beer?” your dad asked you as he sat down on the sofa
“Yeah of course” you said but you didn’t want to leave the room because you knew your dad would see Tae’s shoes if he wasn’t distracted by conversation. As you grabbed a beer from the fridge and were making your way back to the living room you heard your dad yell your name.
“Where is he?” your dad said as he met you in the kitchen
“Who?” you said knowing there was no point lying but not knowing what else to say
“Don’t play dumb with me Taehyung’s here his shoes are by the back door, god I thought he’d be smarter than to leave evidence of him being here right in the living room” he scoffed
“In his defence you weren’t meant to be home for hours” you said knowing it would just make the situation worse
“He’s upstairs isn’t he?” your dad asked despite knowing the answer and already heading upstairs
“Dad wait!” you called rushing after him, oh how you hoped Tae had put his clothes back on and wiped his face before your dad found him.
You trailed behind as your dad opened your bedroom door and saw Tae sat on your bed. You let out a sigh of relief as he was now fully clothed. “What are you doing in my house?!” Your father said causing Tae to jump to his feet “Dad it was my idea don’t be mad at him” you tried as you stood between them both but your dad dismissed you completely “She’s lying sir it was my idea I’m so sorry” Tae said You snapped your head towards him a his words “What are you doing!” you exclaimed at him “Dad I promise you it was my idea he’s just trying to protect me” you said turning back in your dad’s direction. “I don’t care whose idea it was I want him out now!” Your father shouted pointing at your door. Tae looked at you with an apologetic look on his face before walking towards your door. “Tae stop” you said causing him to look back at you “Dad what’s your problem?” “What do you mean? Isn’t obvious? Look at him!” Your dad exclaimed gesturing towards Tae “He looked like that when you knew we were together so what’s happened to make you hate him so much?” You asked as Tae made his way too your side Your dad sighed and sat down on the chair of your vanity table “For starter’s he didn’t have red hair and a nose piercing when I knew, I just don’t want my daughter involved in the antics him and those boys get up to” he explained His words made absolutely no sense to you and you were about to voice that when Tae spoke up “Sir if you don’t mind me saying the things the papers write about us and our music videos we always get permission for everything we do, we’d never do anything against the law and if we did I wouldn’t involve Y/n” Taehyung explained “I understand you’re protective of her as any father would be but I can confidently say I treat her perfectly and have given you no reason to think I don’t” he finished Your dad looked up at him and shook his head “I never said you don’t treat her well I know you do, but I also know what it’s like being in a rock band it starts out harmless and legal but the bigger you get the worse it gets and before you know it you’re all drug addicts and alcoholics and I just don’t want her getting caught up in that like I did” he said You never knew your dad had been in a band. You’d never think he’d ever have the guts to do something like that, he’s always been so sophisticated and quite frankly up himself as far as you were concerned. “How have I never heard about you being in a band?” You asked “Because it’s not a time I’m proud of and I wanted you to think better of me” he admitted causing you to laugh “I’d have thought better of you if you’d told me” “Well now you know , Taehyung I never asked for you two to split up as a personal thing I’m just afraid you’ll get into things like I did” You father said looking at Taehyung without disgust for the first time in a while. “You know how headstrong and stubborn she is she’d never do something out of peer pressure and would probably be the one stopping us from doing anything like that” Tae laughed smiling at you “I know you’d rather her be with someone like Namjoon I’m aware I’m not good enough for her but by some miracle she thinks I am so would there be any hope at all of you letting us be together?” Tae asked “Honestly I always knew she’d end up with someone a bit different and alternative and if you continue to treat her well and promise you won’t get her involved in anything bad then I suppose you can stay together” Your dad smiled “Seriously?” you asked making him nod
“Thank you! I promise I swear on my life and hers I will never involve her in anything bad” Taehyung grinned at him
“Thank you dad” you smiled as Tae pulled you into his arms
“This door stays open though!” Your dad said as he left the room.
“I can’t believe that was so easy I should’ve snuck you in weeks ago!” You said
“I told you if we just spoke to him it would turn out okay” Tae said
“so where were we?” he added as he kissed you running his hands under the hem of your shirt.
“We weren’t anywhere, not with my dad right downstairs” you laughed as he continued to trail his hands under your shirt
“That’s definitely not stopped you before”
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angelic-kisses13 · 4 years
Family Outing
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Authors Note: Here is the request for @ly--canthrope​, I hope you like it lovely. If not I will write you a new one! 
Warnings: None, pure family fluff! 
You watched as Faye and Walter bickered about what they should bring on the trip, Faye wanted to bring an outdoor shower and Walter didn’t want to assemble it. 
“Not in a million years, kid.” He said with a shake of his head, arms crossed in his signature pose. Faye snorted at him, an eyebrow raised as she stood in the same manner. You grinned from the kitchen, a laugh threatening to come out. 
Walter’s eyes met yours and they narrowed at your amusement, not enjoying the situation playing out in front of him.  
“Faye, they have showers there.” Faye’s face looked horrified at the notion. 
“Do you know how many people use those? I could end up with warts on my feet!” 
“That why you wear shoes.”
“What, so I can squelch every time I walk? No thanks. It’s coming or we aren’t going.” By this point you couldn’t contain your laughter, your stomach hurt as you doubled over, cheeks hot from the exertion. 
“Walt, babe, I don’t think you are winning this one.” You wheezed as you fell onto the couch. He grunted as he walked over to you and pushed you over so he could sit. 
“If you’re bringing it you have to pack it.” Faye grinned in victory as she walked out of the door, dragging the shower behind her. 
“That girl is spoiled.” You hummed as you moved to straddle the detective. 
“You sure you won’t come along?” Your fingers brushed under his eye, before tangling in his beard gently. 
“I’m sure. It’s your and Faye’s weekend, spend some time with her, she misses you.” 
“You don’t miss me?” He questioned as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his thumbs brushing the skin under your shirt. 
“I always miss you, but I’m not sure she would want me there and I don’t want her to think that I’m trying to take you from her.” He sighed as his head bowed and rested against your chest. 
“You two are disgusting.” You jumped at the sound of Faye’s voice and Walter groaned. You pulled away from Walt and got up, turning to smile at the teenage girl. 
“You keep an eye on him for me, yeah?” She frowned at you eyes furrowed. 
“You aren’t coming with us?” The question was genuine confusion. Now it was your turn to frown. 
“No, it’s your guy’s weekend. I will be fine here, I have wine and pasta and a good book.” Faye’s face took on a look of pure sarcasm. 
“Yeah, because that sounds like the best weekend ever. You and dad are hardly ever separated, how will you two cope?” 
“Faye,” Walter warned, his eyes narrowed. Faye threw her arms into the air, 
“Its an observation and the truth!” Your lips twitched and you quickly placed a hand over your mouth before Walter could notice your amusement. Faye turned back to you, 
“Go pack a bag! You are coming with, otherwise, dad will mope around.” 
“I do not mope.” 
“Yes, you do.” You and Faye said together. Walter looked on incredulously, 
“You take her side now?” 
“I take whoever’s side has the biggest tent.” You replied as you quickly ran past him, his hand shot out and smacked your ass as you passed. A light yelp escaped your mouth and you turned and glared at your boyfriend. He gave a cheeky smile and winked before bending down and gathering the rest of the supplies to load into the truck. 
Huffing you walked upstairs and quickly packed a go-bag and changed your clothes, something told you this trip was going to be a little unconventional. 
You walked down the stairs in time to see Walter and Faye having a silent conversation. Pausing you watched, trying to figure out if you were intruding. Faye glanced up at you and quickly smiled before walking out the front door. 
“Everything okay?” Walter had an excited glint in his eye before you could ask him about it he took your bag for you and grabbed your hand in his. 
“Yeah, nothing to worry about, sweetheart. C’mon, let’s go.” 
“Okay?” You muttered as you locked the front door behind you and Walter helped you into the truck. 
It had been a few hours since the three of you had left and by that time the family bonding songs had been taken over by bickering and then finally, silence. Walter had one hand on the steering wheel, the other was placed atop yours. Your feet were curled up on the seat next to you and Faye was in the back, her headphones in and her schoolwork out as she tried to write something down before Walter could hit another pothole. 
You had just turned your head to check on Faye when you noticed a wicked grin take over her face. Your stomach dropped at the look, she only looked like that when she was tormenting her father. 
“Hey, dad?” Her voice was too innocent and you unconsciously tightened your fingers around Walter’s hand. He looked over at you with a head tilt but you hadn’t noticed, too focused on watching Faye. 
“What’s another word for ‘cum’?” Walter nearly drove off the road at the question. You shrieked as the car swerved and you immediately reached your hand out to protect Faye. The truck was pulled over to the side of the road and Walter turned in his seat, his eyes wide and face pale. 
“Everyone okay?” You breathed in deeply as your hands fell down to your sides. Faye was cackling in the backseat, her school books had been thrown to the floor, and her hair was a mess across her face. 
“Let’s do it again!” She crooned as Walter sighed from beside you, his hands coming up and clenching the wheel, his head bowing forward to rest. 
“Are you okay, babe?” You asked as you brushed a hand down his back. 
“Just give me a second.” He muttered as he took a deep breath. You turned an looked over at Faye who was watching with a barely concealed grin. 
“Was that necessary?” You chided. Faye shrugged her shoulders, 
“It was funny and you know it.” 
“We are going to have a very long talk when we get back home,” Walter uttered as he straightened up and pulled the car back onto the road. You shot Faye a warning look before turning back to face the front. There was an annoyed sigh from behind, but soon the scratch of the pencil began again and you relaxed. 
Your hand reached over and landed on Walter’s thigh. He tilted his head towards you, letting you know he appreciated the gesture. A soft smile touched your lips and the three of you sat in silence as the truck rumbled down the road. 
It wasn’t long before Walter pulled off onto a dirt road, trees converging in a beautiful green canopy overhead. Patches of sunlight glinting through the leaves as you traveled further down the road. The sound of gravel crunching under the tires alerted you to the camp area. 
Excitement tingled through your body it had been years since you had been out in nature like this, and the fact that you were with your boyfriend and his daughter made it all the better. Hopefully, you and Faye could get closer while on this trip. 
“Alright, ladies, out we go,” Walter said as he turned the ignition off and unbuckled. Turning his body to better face us, his one knee resting on the seat, the other leg on the floor. His arm was across the back of the seat and his eyes shined with glee and relaxation. You hadn’t seen him like this before, it was definitely a new favorite. 
“I will get the tents up, Y/N you can set up the kitchen and food area, and Faye you get firewood and your disaster of a shower.” Faye rolled her eyes, but she was quickly unbuckled and out of the car before you could open your mouth to agree. A delighted laugh escaped your lips as you rubbed your palms together. 
“I’m so excited, Walt! The fresh air, s’mores, and swimming and being able to cuddle up next to you in a sleeping bag is going to be amazing!” You hadn’t realized that you were rambling, your body almost humming in your seat as you unbuckled and bounced out of the car. You completely missed the fond exasperated look, Water had shot you. His lips pulled up into a silly smile, he rounded the truck to help you untangle the bags from the campfire stove. 
“Don’t pull on that one, lovely,” Walter said. 
“You aren’t allowed to pack the truck anymore.” You complained as you tugged at a duffel bag, trying to pull it free from the others. 
“What’s wrong with it? I think it’s packed exceptionally well.” 
“It looks like a game of Tetris gone wrong, Walter.” You teased as you finally managed to get the duffel bag free, which lead to the rest of the bags and cookware to come falling out after it. You shrieked as pots and pans clanked onto the ground, the sound of Walter’s laugh brought you out of your momentary fear. 
“Ugh, you did that on purpose.” You sniffed as you threw your hair back over your shoulder and sauntered away. 
“I told you not to pull on it.” He argued. You kindly ignored him as you went about putting the duffel and stove onto the picnic bench. 
“Where did the cooler go?” You asked as Walter came over, the aforementioned cooler in his hands. 
“Never mind, all the food is in there right? I don’t want to have to make a fishing trip in the middle of the night.” You teased as Walter put the cooler down next to your hip. He grunted as he surveyed the area around you two, you looked at him bemused. 
“Babe, its a campground, nothing bad is going to happen to us out here. No need to be scary face, Walter.” He shot you an unimpressed look and you held your hands up in surrender. 
“Just thought it would do you some good, you don’t want wrinkles ruining that pretty face of yours.”
“We need to break up.” He deadpanned as he stalked over to you, a playful glint in his blue eyes. A laugh bubbled past your lips and you quickly shook your head. 
“Can’t get rid of me that easily, Detective.” His arms came around your waist pulling your chest flush to his. Your hands went around his neck, your fingers tangling in his curls. 
“Hmm, probably right.” His lips came down on yours, centimetres from actually locking when there was a loud groan from behind you. You jumped, your fingers tightening in Walter’s hair, yanking by accident. He growled at the action, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Oh God! Sorry, Walt.” You mumbled as you released his curls and smoothed them down, massaging the area to lessen the pain. 
“Why can’t you two be normal adults who can’t stand to be around one another?” 
“It’s healthy to show affection, Faye.” 
“It’s not healthy for me.” She countered as she dropped the firewood by the fire pit and went to get her shower set up. 
“A ray of sunshine,” Walter uttered as he released you and went over to the tent. 
“Hey, Walt?” He looked over to you, an eyebrow arched and lips pursed. 
“You’re my ray of sunshine.” You ended the line with a wink and tongue sticking out. He snorted and flipped you off as he went back to the tent. 
“Well, that wasn’t very nice.” You muttered to yourself as you went about unpacking the food. Hamburgers and hot dogs were brought out if the cooler along with the beer and soda cans. You left the buns and condiments in the cooler, you didn’t want o to attract too many critters right away or it would be a very long weekend. 
You prepared the burgers and hot dogs, adding the seasonings as you listened to Walter curse the “retched tent” over and over again. Faye had finished the shower and was sitting across from you, a soda in her hand as she watched her father struggle. 
“Maybe you should offer to help him?” 
“That is “man’s work” and I’m not about to go through that discussion again.” Faye shuddered. An exasperated expression reached your features but you kept your mouth shut and went back to doing your own thing. 
It took Walter a few hours but he finally managed to get the tent up, albeit a little crooked but it still stood and would work until morning. Faye sent you an amused look as the three of you settled down in your chairs, blankets resting over your legs. 
The fire was crackling and popping as it danced amongst the driftwood, the different colors from the salt whispering through the air like willow-wisps. A content smile touched your lips as you took in your little makeshift family. You and Faye were getting closer the longer you were with Walter. You never wanted her to think that you were trying to replace her mother. You saw Faye as your daughter whether she wanted you there or not. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of Walter’s snores. You jumped when one of them sounded like a chainsaw. Faye’s lips curled up into a snarl at the sound. 
“I have some ear plugs if you need them, he tends to be louder out here. I don’t know if he is trying to out snore himself or if he is trying to scare away any wandering bears.”  Her eyes were focused on the fire and her fingers were playing with her dark hair. 
Something was bothering her but it wasn’t your place to try and get her to talk. She would come to you if she really needed your opinion. 
“Want a piece of chocolate? I managed to snag a few bars before your father could get a hold of them.” You teased as you waved the chocolate bar in front of you. Her eyes widened and she was up and out of her seat and in front of you in seconds. 
“Please tell me you have marshmallows and graham crackers too.” Her eyes were dark and pleading. You chuckled softly and nodded your head. She grabbed a bar and plopped down in front of you, her back leaning against your legs. It was quiet as the two of you watched her roast the marshmallows. She swore softly when one of them caught on fire. 
You snorted when it melted off of the stick and into the flames. 
“That was a waste of gooey goodness, you had one job, Faye.” You brought her head around and stuck her tongue out at you before turning back and focusing on the remaining marshmallow. Without conscious thought, your hands reached out and started running through her hair, braiding it back from her face. 
You hummed softly as you worked before Faye turned and faced you, her hands on your knees. 
“I have to tell you something but I don’t know how to do it.” Your humming stopped as you cocked your head and waited quietly. 
Taking a deep breath, “Maybe you should just come right out and say it? You know I’m not one to judge. What is said between us is kept between us, not even your father will know.” You said quietly as you watched her, her eyes bouncing from object to object, refusing to meet your eyes. 
“I’m sorry for not being more welcoming when you and dad were starting out. I was upset at him and I took it out on you.” You blinked in surprise, not expecting the girl to tell you that. 
“I’m not here to replace or take over. I do love your father, very much.” Your words were hushed, almost like you were telling a secret. 
“I know that… now.” You closed your eyes at her words. “I had a really long talk with my mom before the trip about you guys. It’s hard for us to even have a conversation about dad, then you throw in the fact that he is seeing someone and it makes it super uncomfortable for her.” 
You winced at her words, your shoulders slumping down. 
“I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad!” She rushed out, eyes wide and her hands shaking back and forth. A watery laugh left your lips,
“It’s okay.” 
“I told dad about the conversation when you walked into the room earlier.” You felt dread fill your stomach, was this the last time that you were going to see them? Was Walter going to break-up with you after this weekend? You swallowed weakly at the thought. 
“This is going horribly,” Faye uttered as she sagged to the ground in front of you. You both sat in silence as you both thought over the discussion. Then there was a whispered, 
“Mom?” Your head snapped down towards Faye, panic filling you. 
“Did your phone die? Do you need to call your mom to come and get you?” God, you knew you shouldn’t have come out this weekend. Faye’s eyes followed you in confusion. 
“What? No, I’m calling you Mom now. Why would you think I needed to call my Mom for?” Your heart jumped to your throat at her words. 
“You...I’m… Mom?” You asked, your voice cracking on the words. Faye mistook your confusion for anger and she quickly backpedaled. 
“No, no it’s okay, I take it back. I don’t want to make you cry!” You laughed as you reached out and grabbed the girl by her arms and pulled her against you. Hugging her tightly to your body, tears running down your cheeks in relief and happiness. 
“You can call me Mom, I will never ever want you to not call me that. You are my daughter, even though I’m not the one to give birth to you, you are still my girl.” You breathed as you ran your fingers through her hair. 
Faye relaxed against you, her hands coming up and clutching at your shirt. Your head turned as you pressed kisses to Faye’s cheeks and you met Walter’s warm blue gaze, a proud smile resting on his lips. He gave you a quick wink before he moved over and engulfed you both in his arms, kissing the tops of your heads lovingly. 
Taglist: @agniavateira​ @cavillanche​ @cavillunraveled​ @dancingwendigo​ @dreamwritesimagines​ @ficsandcatsandficsandcats​ @hlkwrites​ @hnryycvll​ @honeychicanawrites​ @iloveyouyen​ @johnmotherfuckingshelby​ @ladyreapermc​ @laketaj24​ @littlefreya​ @ly--canthrope​ @mary-ann84​ @mrsaugustwalker​ @ohvalleyofplentyyy​  @omgkatinka​ @sciapod​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @supersweetstache​ @thethirstyarchive​ @the-winter-witcher​  @tumblnewby @viking-raider​ @white-wolf-of-rivia​ @witcherwritings 
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s-horne · 5 years
28 for superfamily!
“What in everything that is holy is that?”
Harley bumped into Peter’s back when he stopped dead on the lawn. “What?”
“That,” Peter said, pointing at the vehicle parked up on their drive. “Come on, Harl. Don’t tell me you can’t see that thing. Look at it! It’s the size of our old school bus. What the hell–”
Harley snorted at Peter’s eyeroll and turned to greet Steve as his Pops stepped out of the front door, Mary on his hip.
“Seriously, Pops,” Peter said, accepting Mary when she squealed and reached for him. “Where did Dad even find this? It’s huge.”
“That’s what your Pops said.” Tony followed Steve out onto the lawn, a wide grin on his face and a couple of cool bags in one hand, keys in the other. “And I don’t just mean the–”
“Nope,” Harley cut in, holding his hand up in anticipation. “You can stop that right now.”
Tony smirked as Steve just sighed, resigned and used to the antics of his family.
“Seriously, though,” Peter said, bouncing a little to keep Mary amused as she reached out for his hair. Her little fingers could hurt. “What’s with the coach?”
“It’s not a coach, you monster,” Tony said, smacking Peter on the back of the head as he walked past to load the bags into the trunk. “It’s a mini-van.”
“Not very mini,” Harley muttered, holding out a hand to tickle Mary when she lunged for him. The girls always wanted to be close to their brothers whenever they were home from college, and the boys were happy to oblige. “Could fit my college football team in there.”
Tony huffed, walking back over and taking his youngest daughter into his arms. “Ungrateful brats. Give me my angel. You won’t bully Daddy, will you?” Mary went to Tony happily, babbling as he repositioned her on his hip. “Right? My favourite–”
“Tony! Don’t finish that sentence! You’ll give them all a complex.”
Meeting Harley’s eyes, Tony winked. “Yes, darling,” he said to Steve, turning to head back into the house and fish out their last child. “Whatever you say, darling.”
Steve shook his head, albeit fondly, and was about to speak when a bundle of energy crashed into his legs. With an exaggerated groan, Steve stumbled forward a few paces, much to the delight of the girl attached to his leg. The air filled with loud giggles.
“Beach day, Pop!” Morgan cried, lifting her arms into the air. “Beach day!”
Bending down effortlessly, Peter swept in and swung her through the air. “Beach day, baby!” he said, tickling his sister’s stomach until she squealed. “You all packed and ready to go?”
“Took my colours,” Morgan said, wide smile ever prominent. Her curls had fallen loose from her ponytail already and were sticking to her forehead despite the number of clips trying to hold them back. “And my tutu.”
“Your tutu? Wow!” Harley commented, taking some foldable chairs from Steve and walking down to the van. “Gonna be the prettiest baby on the beach.”
“You’re all ready to go in the van then, aren’t you, babe? The stupidly big truck that could seat 700 people?”
Steve laughed at Peter’s words and Harley’s eyeroll. He stepped back to look at it when he’d deposited Morgan’s bag by her car-seat and tilted his head. “It is quite big, isn’t it?”
“Quite big?” Peter repeated incredulously. “It’s insane, isn’t it, Morg? Yes, it is. Yes, it is.”
Harley had always been the quieter of the two Stark-Rogers boys, from childhood right through to their college years, so it was no surprise that he was the one who shot Steve a sheepish and considering look.
“It is a little large, Pops.” His tone had an edge of apology to it and Steve chuckled at his gentleness. “Why did you need it this size? Got any other kids that you need seating for?”
“Yeah,” Peter chimed in, “I thought Mary was your mid-life crisis? You said no more kids after Morg and then, bam.”
Steve laughed again, reaching an arm out to pull Harley to his side and waving at Morgan when she shouted at her name. “Definitely no more kids,” he assured them all. “The four of you is enough – too much, one might say. Your dad just… well. I have no idea why, really. He went on and on for ages about making sure we had enough space for a family holiday.”
“Baby girls do have a lot of stuff,” Peter commented, dipping Morgan and pulling her back up before she hit the ground.
“And so do sweaty, teenage boys.” Tony reappeared on the lawn, Mary asleep on his shoulder with her face half-hidden in her teddy – Peter’s old one, to be precise. How she’d managed to fall asleep through the racquet her siblings had made was anybody’s guess. “I need a coach to fit all of your dirty laundry on whenever you decide to come home.”
“Oi!” Peter said through a laugh, bouncing Morgan on his hip again as a distraction when she tried to lunge to Tony. “But come on, Dad. What do you know about driving a vehicle this size? You’re meant to buy a sports car when you lose it, not a bloody–”
“You cheeky sod! You better not corrupt my angels on this damn holiday,” Tony grumbled, nodding at Morgan giggling into Peter’s chest. “They’ve been so sweet without you pair of goons here. And they have at least a few more years of thinking Daddy is amazing, so shut it.”
“‘Mazing!” Morgan cried, lifting her arms in the air and grinning, baby teeth fully on show. “Daddy, ‘mazing, Daddy!”
“Isn’t he just?” Steve cooed as he reached over and took her from Peter. “We love Daddy.”
Harley laughed as Peter rolled his eyes again. “It’s not that we don’t love Dad, but we also value our limbs.”
“Exactly,” Peter said. “I have a match when I got back to college in two weeks. Could do with all my bits and bobs still attached.”
“I’ll personally claw off your bits and bobs if you don’t shut it,” Tony growled, sticking his tongue out at Peter’s faux-shocked expression. “Go get your bags.”
“And you want your children to stay angels? Honestly, Dad. Bad influence.”
“I’m going to leave you here and you won’t come on the damn family holiday.”
Peter laughed as he bent to pick up his duffle. “Keep talking to me like that and I won’t want to come.”
“Oh, you two!” Steve shouted from the van, “shut up and get in the deathtrap.”
“Everyone,” Tony said loudly, one hand covering Mary’s ear as he did so and the other darting out to smack Steve on the arm. “Get in the damn van before I steal my favourite children and leave you all here.”
With one last wide grin to show he didn’t really mean any of it, Tony turned on his heel and headed for the mini-van.
Harley caught Peter’s eye and they both spluttered a laugh, looking back to watch Steve try to corral Morgan to sit in her seat on the van and be buckled in and Tony try to jump up the step with a sleeping baby in his arms.
“Not to be dramatic, but I think we’re all going to die.”
“Wouldn’t be a Stark-Rogers family holiday without that threat, though, would it?” Harley laughed, clapping Peter on the shoulder and lifting his own bag onto his shoulder. “Also, shotgun backseat.”
Peter’s outraged cry followed him all the way to the van.
(this list)
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whileyoursleeping · 5 years
Grand Gestures
Prompt: we know buck was for grand gestures while he was in a relationship with Abby i.e. the hot air balloon what if he tried something similar with Eddie and Christopher either before or after they were dating and maybe he doesn't even realize it until someone asks him didn't he try doing that before and looking back maybe he has been doing some sorta date like outings with the Diaz boys huh like swan boat rides and mini golf then on a different day watching the sunset or like a picnic too lol
first things first: i’m sorry this took so long. secondly: this prompt got absolutely and wildly out of hand
The thing is, when he's not working, Buck's got about ten brain cells and they're evenly divided up between researching random facts, working out, and loving his friends.
So he doesn't think things through. It's endearing, right? Mostly? At least after he cooled his jets a little and got out of his Buck 1.0 phase, he thinks it might've become endearing. His fire family joke about him being a golden retriever more times than he cares to count and he'd never admit it but they're probably right.
So he doesn't think about it when he starts taking the Diaz boys places.
He and Eddie have had a rough shift. It's sort of a rough shift in a line of weirdly rough shifts and they're both beaten down, and when Buck picks Chris up from school one day and Chris says, "Bucky, why is Daddy sad?" Buck immediately has to fix it.
He plans a day feeding giraffes at a zoo. Normally his go-to is the pier, but, well, that seems like tempting fate.
"I'm coming over," he announces to Eddie, early on a Saturday morning.
"Okay," Eddie's voice comes, sleepily. "Will you make pancakes?"
Buck's heart swells. He couldn't ever say no. Just thinking about Christopher's face lighting up at the surprise makes him want to drive faster.
When he gets to the Diaz residence, he lets himself in and immediately busies himself in the kitchen, making pancakes. For all Eddie is an amazing firefighter and dad, he's really bad at cooking, and the only reason there are even ingredients around is because Buck leaves them here.
When Christopher stumbles into the room ten minutes later, his face lights up. "Buck, Buck!" he cries, and Buck grins as he leans down and suddenly has an armful of eight year old.
"Hey, buddy!"
"Dad didn't say you were coming! DADDY, BUCK'S HERE!"
Kid has a set of pipes, and Buck almost winces at the volume. "Chris, can you set the table?" he asks.
"Yes!" Chris heads for the drawers and begins laying out plates and cutlery, just as Eddie wanders into the room, shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants that have been cannibalised into shorts. He looks surprised to find himself in the kitchen.
"You're actually making pancakes," he says, amazed. "Dios te amo, Buck."
Buck flushes, unsure if he's feeling suddenly flustered because of Eddie speaking Spanish to him or because Eddie isn't wearing a shirt. "Yeah," he mumbles shyly. "You asked."
Eddie smiles, and it's a little soft and sleepy around the edges, and for a moment Buck feels the weight of the last few shifts lift from his shoulders, and like they've gone back to real normal after the lawsuit. "Gracias a dios por ti," he says.
Does Eddie know what Spanish does to him? It isn't fair either way.
They sit down for pancakes, and Buck immediately sets to cutting Chris's into pieces so Eddie can focus on eating. He's losing the hunted expression he's worn for the last few days, and Buck's proud of himself for that at least.
"So," Eddie yawns, after they've sent Christopher to get dressed. "Not that I mind, but why're you here?"
Despite Eddie's words, and how warm and kind he's been this morning, Buck feels a little anxious suddenly about overstepping his boundaries. "Um," he says. "Well I - I can go if it's not a good time-"
"Buck," Eddie says, gently, and reaches across the table to grab his forearm. "I like having you here. So what's going on?"
Bolstered a little by Eddie's words, Buck smiles. "It's a surprise," he says. "But you should get dressed."
Eddie doesn't like giving up control, Buck knows, but the man only shrugs as he gets up from the table and heads towards his bedroom. While he's gone, Buck takes the dishes to the sink and gets a headstart on them. His mama might not have taught him much, but one thing he did learn is that it's rude to leave dishes in someone else's sink.
"Buck," Eddie's voice says. "You cooked."
"I don't mind," Buck says, mouth drying as he turns to find Eddie in the doorway, wearing a pair of light blue jeans that hug his legs and the white henley he once had on when dragging Buck out of bed. "Um, you look nice."
Eddie's smile only widens. "So do you."
Whatever weird moment they're having, it's shattered when Chris yells, "I'm ready, I'm ready!" and leaves his bedroom on crutches, moving with speed only a motivated eight-year-old has.
If Buck is a little distracted on the way to the zoo, it's only because he's thinking about how excited Christopher will be, and not because he's analysing hit outfit choice after Eddie's comment.
When they pull up, Eddie's looking out the windshield at the gates with an unreadable expression. "Too much?" Buck asks nervously, as Christopher whoops with glee in the backseat.
"He's wanted to come for ages," Eddie says quietly. "How'd you know?"
"I didn't," Buck admits, "I guessed, but it's been a rough week so I figured something fun would be nice."
That expression doesn't leave Eddie's face, leaving Buck feeling a little nervous as they unpack Chris from the backseat. Eddie ends up with his backpack, as Christopher proclaims his desire to ride on Buck's shoulders his time.
The kid isn't heavy, and it's not like Buck hasn't ever carried him. Still, it's a cool day and his crushed leg aches a little, which Eddie seems to realise as they walk through the park, with Christopher pointing out all the animals to them.
"Your leg okay?" Eddie asks.
Buck thought he was better at covering the limp by now. Apparently not. Eddie was there during his recovery, and Buck's worked really hard at not limping even when he is in pain, but the added weight on his shoulders makes it hard.
"It's okay," Buck says.
"If he's too heavy-"
"He's not," Buck rushes to say, squeezing Chris's shins where they sit around his chest. The kid is holding onto his collar with one hand, the other pointing and waving. "He's not too heavy."
"Okay," Eddie says, slowly, "but I'm buying lunch."
They sit down in the restaurant to eat overpriced fish and chips, and Christopher and Buck trade facts about the animals and ponder which ones would make the coolest hybrids. "Did you know you can make Pokemon hybrids?" Christopher asks.
"No way, can you?"
"Yeah! I'll show you!"
Buck willingly passes over his phone, and he and Chris spend most of lunch giggling over the strange combinations they can make. Eddie watches on, eating quietly, only ever interrupting to ask them a question.
Just past twelve, Buck herds them out to the giraffe enclosure. "Wanna see the giraffes?" he asks Chris.
"Yeah! They're tall like you!"
He laughs, and says, "how 'Bout really up close?"
His heart swells too big for his chest at the shout of joy Christopher gives, and he spends the next half hour feeling like he'll choke on it while they feed the giraffes, with Christopher taking to the baby one in particular. By the time they leave, it's past two, and Chris - who's been awake since seven - has fallen asleep in Buck's arms.
Buck straps him into his seat as Eddie loads the car up with everything from the zoo's gift shop and the photos they took feeding the giraffes. When both car doors close, it's quiet for a moment.
"Thank you," Eddie says quietly.
"I hope I didn't overstep," Buck says quickly. "Maybe it was something you two wanted to do together-"
"I've wanted to bring him for ages," Eddie sighs, "only between physical therapy, rent, bills, Carla, and everything else, I haven't had the time or the money. You didn't overstep."
Buck relaxes a little, feels warm. "Glad I could help."
Chris is still sleeping when they get to Eddie's, and Buck's the one tasked with bringing everything in while Eddie tucks him into bed. It's early, but there's no harm in letting the kid get some extra sleep, especially when he still occasionally has nightmares about the tsunami.
It's an exhaustion Buck can relate to.
He brings everything in, putting things on the table quietly before going back to shut up his truck. He's limping again - slow walking, especially with an eight year old on his shoulders most of the day, seems to cause his injury to flare up more than almost anything else.
"You okay, Buck?"
He smiles at Eddie. "I'm okay."
"Be honest," Eddie says, in his patented Dad Voice. "I can see you limping."
Eddie's concern feels foreign, especially after the lawsuit and the admittedly still strained relationship they share at times. Buck doesn't push, doesn't ask for anything, and is content just being able to be back in Eddie's life. It's still weird, but he's happy.
"Uh," Buck says. "It hurts a little sometimes. When it's cold. Today was just lots of walking, that's all. I'll down some Tylenol and I'll be okay."
"How about you stay?" Eddie asks. "Rest up before heading home. I'll find you some Tylenol."
Buck - who hasn't felt this wanted for a long time - can't even argue.
The next time they have a rough call, Buck plans a day out on a river boat. The time after that is a beach picnic, and after that, mini golf.
Every time something really bad happens on a call, Buck rushes to fix it. It's after one of these calls, when he's only halfway out of his fire kit and already looking up fun places to be in winter in L.A, that Hen says,
"Back at it with grand gestures, Buckaroo?"
He looks up, blinks. "What?"
She looks almost sympathetic. "The grand gestures?" she asks. "Didn't you already try this with Abby, baby?"
"Abby?" Buck feels about ten steps behind. "Grand gestures?"
Hen is like a mom slash sister to him, and she patiently explains, "The hot air balloon you organised for Abby when her mom was sick? Isn't that why you're taking Eddie and Christopher out on all these dates?"
Dates? Abby? Eddie? Hen's drawn a parallel between Eddie and Abby? Dates?
"Oh fuck," Buck says.
"He didn't know," Chim says, who's just entered the room. "Way to break it to him, Hen."
"I've been wooing Eddie," he realises aloud, a sense of panic creeping up on him.
"Wooing?" Chimney asks.
"Yes you have, Buck," Hen replies patiently.
"When did I start doing that?!"
"I think it was the Ferris wheel," Chimney supplies helpfully.
"No, it was the zoo, when they fed the giraffes," Hen counters. "That was the first one."
"Wait, how come I'm the last person to realise this?!" Buck demands. "You guys knew I was - and you didn't - what?"
"You've done it before," Hen says, very reasonably. "We just figured you were doing it again, only with Eddie."
"Eddie's a man!"
"So we've noticed," Chimney says.
"A beautiful man, though," Hen points out. "He's definitely in my "if I was straight" column."
"You have a column?" Chimney asks.
Hen suddenly looks at Buck. "Oh," she says. "This isn't about Eddie, is it? You didn't actually know that you were trying to date a man. Oh, that's what this is about."
"Buck," Chimney sighs.
"I can't help it, okay! I've been straight for twenty seven years!" Buck is undeniably panicking, because if he was going to have a sexual crisis this late in life why did it have to be about Eddie, of all people?
"First time for everything," Chimney says cheerfully. "Try not to panic, Buck. I don't think you've got anything to worry about."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Buck demands.
Before he can get an answer, Bobby walks in, takes in the sight of them - Hen and Chimney, grinning from ear to ear, and Buck, red-faced, flustered, and half undressed, and says slowly, "What's going on here? Buck? Are you alright?"
"Eddie's a man," Buck says, and flees the room, ignoring the peals of laughter behind him and Cap's stunned face.
He's so flustered he forgets to continue researching activities for all of them to do.
Buck lays off the grand gestures for a bit, thoroughly and completely freaking out.
He doesn't care much about being into dudes all of a sudden, because it doesn't seem like much to worry about in the grand scheme of things - he still loves and wants to bang women - it's the Eddie factor that's got him all confused.
So he sort of hides and doesn't say or do anything that could make Eddie think that Buck's got any untoward intentions, and if he trips over himself more than once trying to escape being literally no feet away from Eddie, well, that's his business.
Because he's Buck, and because some cosmic entity hates him and personally fucks with him at least once a month, things do not travel smoothly for him after his Hen-enforced I've Been Wooing Eddie Diaz (and possibly his son) realisation.
They have a call-out to an apartment fire that has decimated at least two floors, and Buck's whole body is pounding with adrenaline before they even get there, wiring him for action. This is what he lives for - the rush, the victory at the end. Lately, they haven't had many wins.
He's sent in to level three, which is maybe the second most on fire part of the complex, and he manages to find three people before he goes back for a fourth.
This is when the shit hits the fan, of course.
"Got another one, Cap!" he says into his radio, and he's just beginning to herd the woman out when the floor crackles ominously beneath him.
"Oh my God," she whimpers.
"Go!" Buck yells, and pushes her to the window. "Towards the window, Eddie will-"
The floor cracks, and she takes off, right before the entire foundation beneath him crumbles and sends him crashing through to the second floor.
Miraculously, he maintains consciousness, but he feels a rib give as he hits a hard wooden coffee table on the floor below and then goes through it. His breathing apparatus has stopped working from the impact, and there's smoke filling his lungs.
Buck's not dumb. He's got a few minutes at most to try and make it out of this fire, has to hope that the stairwell isn't blocked off. He wraps a tea towel from the kitchen around his face to stave off as much of the smoke as he can, drops to the floor, and begins to feel his way out blindly.
He finds the front door, he thinks, lies on his back to kick it open. His lungs are filling with smoke. His head pounds, and it's so hot, and he can hardly see or hear anything.
Hands on his back, rolling him over, pulling him up. He knows enough to cling, feels a strong set of shoulders under his arm and knows instinctively that it's Eddie.
"Sacrificado cabrón," Eddie swears.
"Whatever that means," Buck gasps, "I'm guessing it's not nice."
They're outside, and the air is blessedly cool. Eddie deposits Buck fairly non-ceremoniously onto a backboard, where Hen and Chim are immediately fussing over him, calling out his stats and getting a mask over his face.
His helmet is pulled off, along with his fire resistant jacket. They're checking for burns - temperatures that hot, your own sweat can turn to steam and burn you inside your clothes - and the oxygen flows through the mask, sweet and relieving and cool against his throat and lungs.
"Easy, Buckaroo," Hen says gently. "We got you."
He nods. Eddie's face appears over his. He's soot-darkened and his mouth is pressed into a thin line, and Buck could swear he looks almost pale underneath all the grime.
"Idiota," Eddie mutters.
"Rude," Buck replies, and still considers it worthwhile when he starts to cough.
"How's he looking?" Bobby asks.
Hen turns. "He'll be okay, Cap," she says, smiling with relief. "He inhaled some smoke and he might have a few bruises, but he's alright enough to be talking smack with Eddie. We'll take him to hospital just to be sure, though."
Buck groans. "No," he says. "I'm sick of-"
The looks of the entire crew silence him, and he shrinks back into the backboard meekly. "Okay," he mumbles.
Buck has one broken rib and several bruised ones, plus all the external bruising he suffered from the fall, but there's no concussion, no lacerations, all his organs are where they're supposed to be, and with pain medication, he feels better, so the hospital deems him disgustingly healthy and decides to send him home.
He's in bed, waiting for a change of clothes, when the door opens, revealing Eddie. Buck is pleased to see him for all of a second, until he notices the thunderous expression on Eddie's face.
"Hi," he says, thinking maybe this will be movie-levels of epic and Eddie will be so relieved to see that he's alright he'll forget to be angry and sweep Buck into his arms and kiss him and maybe take him-
"What the fuck were you thinking?"
When has life ever been movie-levels of stellar for Buck, after all?
"There was still someone in there," Buck argues. "Eddie, I was just doing my job. Nobody told me not to go in there."
Eddie laughs hysterically, which sounds dangerous, and says, "What am I supposed to tell Christopher if you die?"
Buck opens his mouth, then closes it. Shannon's death still haunts Eddie, and Buck has to tread carefully with what he says, he knows that. Telling Eddie he isn't going to die won't make the guy feel any better.
"He needs you," Eddie says, pacing up and down now. "I need you. Stop being so reckless."
"I can't." Buck feels like he's getting scolded for stealing cookies from the jar. "It's my job, Eddie. We knew the risks going in."
"Would you have gone in if you'd known the floor would collapse?" Eddie asks.
Buck looks at him evenly. He loves Eddie, which he's sort of come to accept, and he wants Eddie in his life and wants, more than anything, for the ever-present cloud of his lawsuit to fuck off so that things can go back to normal. This might fracture their relationship again, but Buck can't lie.
"Yes," he says.
The fight seems to go out of Eddie, then - his shoulders slump. He's hardly even showered enough to get the grime off. "Okay," he replies.
He puts a bag at Buck's feet. "I got you your clothes," he says tiredly. "A change. They said you're getting released."
"Yeah," Buck mumbles.
They're silent while Buck changes, his chest throbbing a little and his heart heavy. Things are never going to go back to the way they were - he knows that now. He's going to spend the rest of their relationship on the back foot, trying to make up for everything, trying to make the Diaz boys happy. He finally screwed up too badly to just pay up - he's racked up debt now.
Eddie waits for Buck to get changed before offering a curt, "I'll see you," and taking his leave.
Buck sighs. Good thing he texted Maddie to pick him up.
The great thing about hospitals is the hospital-grade painkillers he gets given.
The not-so-great thing about hospitals is getting released with about four hundred tiny holes from IV medication in his arms, a sense of exhaustion from not quite sleeping right, and the painkillers wearing off, leaving him in pain and miserable.
His broken rib hurts, and he's still coughing from the irritation to his lungs. His leg throbs, because any fall he takes now jars the rod and pins in it, and on top of all that, he's miserable with the thought that he's fucked things up with Eddie.
It meant a lot, to have the Diaz boys in his life. They were like family to Buck.
He's woken from a nap to a knock on the door and has to ease himself off the couch, wincing as he limps to the front door. It's probably some kind of marketing something but Buck always feels bad for not answering if he's here.
He opens the door without looking, mumbling a short, "Hello, I'm not-"
Eddie looks up at him, smiling a little. "Hey, Buck."
Buck blinks. "Hi," he says.
Eddie's eyes rake over him, taking in the bruises on Buck's face and arms, of the way he's a little hunched to try and ease some pressure off his ribcage. "You look like shit."
Buck snorts. "That's real nice of you, Eddie. Come here to say that?"
"No," Eddie says, and takes a deep breath. "I brought pizza. And snacks."
Sure enough, there's a grocery bag hanging from his left arm and a pizza box balanced in the other. Buck blinks.
"It's not a grand gesture or anything," Eddie admits quietly. "I don't really have the resources for that. But I haven't seen you in a  while, outside work anyway. Whenever we had a bad shift you'd take us out to make us feel better. I thought it was my turn."
Just like that, Buck feels a whole lot better, like his ten off-duty braincells have exploded into little heart emojis. Eddie Diaz, who he's pretty much in love with, brought him pizza because Buck's hurt.
Without thinking, he steps forward and wraps his arms around Eddie happily. He's taller, but not so much that he can't tuck his face into the crook of Eddie's shoulder and say, "I've really missed you, Eddie."
He swears Eddie is blushing against him, even as hugs Buck back. "Lo siento," he says quietly.
"That's not fair," Buck complains. "I don't understand that."
"I said I'm sorry," Eddie says.
"It's alright," Buck says earnestly, stepping back to let Eddie in and shutting the door.
"It's not," Eddie says. "I haven't been good to you at all. I shouldn't have yelled at you for doing your job. But I was scared and I let it get the better of me. You should hold me accountable for being shitty, Buck."
"But you apologised, so it's fine," Buck replies.
Eddie stares up at him, then smiles. "It really is that easy with you, huh?"
"Yes?" Buck asks sheepishly, and Eddie laughs.
"C'mon. The pizza is getting cold."
Chris is with abuela, Eddie explains, once they've demolished the pizza and they're moving onto the snacks. He didn't want to overtax Buck if he's in pain.
Buck is in pain, but it's not as bad with Eddie sitting with him on the couch, pressed up against him. "You disappeared," Eddie says.
"I did?" He knows he did, but sometimes a combination of playing dumb and puppy dog eyes gets him out of trouble.
"Yeah. We stopped hanging out. Why's that?"
Eddie sounds like he knows and Buck is nervous as hell. "I, um-"
Eddie's hand lands on his thigh - his upper thigh - and Buck's brain short circuits. "You're a man," he blurts.
Eddie's eyebrows crease. "As far as I'm aware, yeah."
"You're a man and I used to do this stuff with Abby, I'd take her out to amazing places and then Hen and Chim pointed out that I'm taking you places and how that worked out for me last time-"
"Buck," Eddie says, squeezing his thigh, "slow down."
Buck takes a deep breath. "I was trying to woo you only I didn't realise," he mumbles nervously, "and I'm really sorry because I didn't realise that's what I was doing but I totally was and Hen and Chim pointed it out to me and I got nervous and I didn't want to mess things up so I stopped asking you to go places so that I wouldn't have to try and-"
"Remember what I said about slow?" Eddie teases. "You didn't mess anything up, Buck."
That doesn't sound right. He feels confused.
Eddie laughs a little. "Dios, Buck. I've liked you since the moment we worked on getting that live grenade out of the guy when I started at the 118."
Buck blinks. That also doesn't sound right.
Eddie turns to face him on the couch. "I know Abby left you," he explains, quietly, and Buck finds himself suddenly blinking back tears. "I know that even after everything she left you and it broke your heart. But I'm not Abby, Buck. I'm a sure thing."
Buck's heart does this funny thing where it thumps twice, and then Eddie is taking his face in his hands and kissing him softly, and Buck kisses back, because he's wanted this for so long he doesn't remember starting. It feels like a dream.
"I might not be," he explains, brokenly, when they separate. His voice sounds small.
Eddie frowns. "What do you mean?"
"I want this, Eds," Buck admits. "But what if I let you down? What if - what if I let Chris down?" His voice wobbles. "I already have. Doesn't matter where I go, someone seems to get hurt. I couldn't protect Maddie from Doug, and I couldn't protect Chris in the tsunami - then the lawsuit, and..."
"You saved Chris," Eddie says quietly. "You found Maddie. The lawsuit sucked, yeah. But you did it to get back to us, and I was a real asshole about that too, Buck. I'm willing to try if you are."
He remembers, then, speaking to an elderly man about his husband and their life together - "I hope someday I find something like that," he'd said, and the old man had replied, "You don't find it, son. You build it" and here it is. This is his chance to build something.
"Okay," he says, and Eddie's face lights up like Chris's does when Buck makes pancakes or tucks him in or surprises him. The Diaz boys will almost definitely be the end of him, and he's okay with that.
"We can't tell Chim and Hen," Buck mumbles as Eddie pulls him into another kiss. "They'll gloat for months."
Eddie smiles against his mouth, pushes Buck lightly to crawl between his legs and lie on top of him, a thrilling, heavy, muscular weight that Buck isn't familiar with just yet. "Worth it," he mumbles, his hands on Buck's face tipping his head up. "So worth it."
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 20 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters. xoxo!
Chapter Summary: Sometimes sixteen is not particularly sweet. Courtney’s birthday party has arrived, and she’s determined for it to be perfect.
Chapter 20: Rock ‘N’ Roll Party Queen
“Good moooorning!” Adore trilled, sailing into Courtney’s bedroom with a breakfast tray. “Happy birthday, princess!”
Courtney shot up in bed, pushing a sleep mask off her face, panicked. “What time is it!? Did i oversleep?! Omigod!”
“No, don’t worry, it’s only 8:30.” Adore slid the tray onto the bed and climbed in beside her. “You said I was supposed to be over to help set up at 10.”
Courtney relaxed against the pillows, sighing. “Yeah, okay. Jesus, you scared me.” She smiled, calming down a little. “What did you make me?”
“Well, Bonnie made you blueberry pancakes, that gross fake bacon and some kind of coconut banana smoothie. I made you this.” She handed over a black box with “2001” written on the top.
Courtney opened her mouth so that Adore could feed her a bite of pancakes while she took the lid off the box. She giggled at the contents of the box, picking up the note and reading it out loud.
“Remember when we were 11 and I broke my ankle and you were jealous of my cast, because you are a psycho, so my mom wrapped your ankle in an ace bandage and surgical tape and then gave you a pair of crutches and you hobbled around like a drama queen and made everyone sign your bandage? Well, I made everyone sign another one. Cause you deserve to have all your silly fantasies indulged.” Courtney looked up. “Awww, thanks, babe.” She leaned over to give Adore a hug.
“Read the messages!” Adore urged, feeding her a strip of soy bacon.
OMG I remember when you made us all do this when you were 11, hahaha. GET WELL SOON HONEY! XOXO! <3, Darienne
Hey Cheerleader. This is fuckin weird. -Willam
Feel Better, Courtney! Love, Pearl
Get better soon, mi puta sucia! Te amo forever!! Muchos Besos, April
Hey cutie! Love you and your beautiful voice!! Rest and get better! -Jinkx
Court, I this was silly in 6th grade and it’s REALLY silly now. But I hope you like it. So get well soon, I guess. Your friend, Bob
Hope your imaginary ankle heals, Courtney! I mean I know your ankle is real but I mean your imaginary injury. I hope that heals. Whee, yay for pretend!!! Love, Thorgy
I don’t really get what’s going on here. Xo, Gia
Gia is a moron. Always and Forever, Alyssa Edwards
Fuck Adore, this present is stupid. I love you. -Roy
^JEALOUS MUCH??^ This present is genius and your boyfriend obviously has no imagination! <3, Dory
Courtney burst out laughing, snuggling against Adore’s warm body. “This was awesome. Thanks. And thank you for breakfast, too. Bonnie’s the best.”
“Alright, cuddleslut, what’s on the schedule today?” Adore asked, kissing the top of Courtney’s head.
“The people from the party supply place are delivering the tables and stuff by 10, and I told Darienne and Roy to come at 10:30.”
She reached for her clipboard. “I should probably make sure that my mom’s boyfriend is on his way to help set up all the lights and stuff. My sister is picking up the cake and the food from Pasadena on her way here, and then we have to put it in the oven while we do hair and makeup. My mom will take care of the final set-up with grandma and my aunt.”
Adore opened her mouth to respond but Courtney continued to speak.
“I have to make sure that there’s power for Tomas, the DJ, and that we print out the lists for the photographer. I was supposed to do that last night but I forgot and oh!”
“Court!” Adore interrupted.
“Take a breath, babe. Have some more pancakes.” She held out a forkful and Courtney acquiesced.
The way Courtney was giving out orders, it seemed to Roy like she was planning a wedding, not a birthday party.
“Roy, take these chairs outside and set them evenly around the tables.” Courtney pointed to the stack of chairs against the wall.
“By myself? Where’s Adore, so she can help me?” Roy scratched his head looking around.
“Adore is doing other things. Just take a few at a time-- No! Carry them... like this,” Courtney fixed the chairs under Roy’s arm to help him carry the maximum chairs that he could.
As Roy wobbled to the door trying not to drop the chairs, Adore entered, snickering when she saw Roy having a bit of trouble.
“Need some help?” she asked as she held the door open.
“Yeah, take--”
“No Roy, I told you. I need Adore to help me with other stuff. Use your muscles,” Courtney chided, pulling Adore away from Roy causing the door to close on him.
“Uh...” Adore looked back at Roy, trying not to laugh at his groans of pain.
“Help me move this projector outside for the video,” Courtney said, gesturing to the overhead.
“Video?” Adore asked, moving to help Courtney lift the projector.
“Yeah,” Courtney nodded as they headed out the door. “Let's move it over there, I want it by our table so that I can be front and center when the video plays.” Courtney nodded guiding them to where she wanted it to be sat.
“So, like baby videos and all of that?” Adore smirked.
“Yep, annnddd,” she stretched out teasingly, “the video of you, me, Dela, April and Darienne doing Wannabe,” Courtney smiled sitting the projector down.
“No! No you didn’t,” Adore stared wide eyed at her.
“Yes, yes I did. It’s super cute and one of my most precious memories. Remember earlier that day we argued about who would get to be Ginger and you started to cry until I told you, you could be her next time?” Courtney giggled.
“Yeah, I remember because you lied and I never got to be Ginger,” Adore shook her head, “But I also remember the choreography being fucking awful. Which is why you should probably skip over that video,” Adore rolled her eyes.  
Courtney grinned, asking teasingly, “Afraid you’re not gonna look cool in front of Raja?”
“No one is gonna look cool in that video, but Raja isn’t coming.”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Courtney’s hand flew to her cheek, brow furrowed in distress.
“I--you didn’t even want her here. I had to beg you to let me invite her, why are you upset?”
“Because now I have to re-do the tables, Adore! She was sitting with us, because she was your date, and now it’s gonna be--”
“Re-do the tables?”
“The TABLE ASSIGNMENTS!” Courtney pointed to the stack of place cards, names carefully lettered on pink and silver stars.
Adore shook her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that we had table assignments, I thought it was like, a party, I thought--”
“Ugh!” Courtney threw up her hands, exasperated. “How will people know where to sit if we don’t have placecards? I need to go get the seating chart!” She flounced back inside to grab more supplies.  
Adore stood there confused as she watched Courtney leave. Roy came up behind Adore, putting his hands on her shoulders, whispering, “Welcome to hell…”
Darienne walked over with a box of centerpieces. “Give her a break, guys. Party planning is very stressful.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we know, it’s really hard to pick napkins that match your shoes or whatever.”
“Stop. After you finish the chairs, why don’t you go help Todd and the guys with the lights, Roy? Adore, can you help me finish the tables? We need to put out all the centerpieces and lay out the placecards by the entrance.”
“Aye aye, captain.”
Darienne paused, in the middle of filling up balloons from a helium container with Adore, at the sound of shrieking from the kitchen. She looked at Adore. “Let’s go see what the problem is.”
“Do we have to?” Roy asked nearby.
“Come on…”
All three of them approached the kitchen door tentatively, where Courtney was on the phone with her sister, nearly hysterical.
“Kimmy! You said that Derek would be helping you!...No, fine, but I don’t really think you’re gonna be able to handle it all on your own and he has an SUV and you have a tiny little car and will it even fit? What it the cake gets messed up?!...I thought you could hold the box while he drove!” Courtney paced around the kitchen, voice at a fever pitch. “Don’t yell at me! I’m not mad at you, I’m just trying to figure out--...Don’t hang up, Kimmy!”
Darienne opened the door and walked inside. “Honey…”
Courtney turned around, tears streaked down her face. “I don’t know what to do…I think it’s too much for one person, and she’s all mad at me now, but I was just trying to tell her that she needs help...she’s upset, I think she had a fight with her boyfriend. But how was I supposed to know that?!” Courtney sniffled, letting Darienne stroke her hair.
Roy and Adore exchanged a look, and then Roy cleared his throat. “Uh, Court, I could borrow my dad’s truck, and either meet Kim, or like, just take care of it myself.”
“But what about--”
“And if you want someone to hold the cake, I can bring Eddy. Or if you don’t trust him, I’m sure Lynn is free. She’s a loser.” He flashed his dimples charmingly. “What do you think?”
“Really? You don’t mind? It’s all the way in Pasadena.”
“Yeah, well, it’s your birthday. Consider me your willing slave.”
Courtney threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face all over. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“So...crisis averted?” Darienne asked.
“Yes,” Courtney sighed happily.
“Oh, thank god!” Adore breathed.
All smiles now, Courtney wiped her eyes and chirped, “We should get started on the gift bags!”
“Okay,” Darienne answered, “But we still need to finish the balloons, so why don’t you take Adore and Roy and I will finish outside?”
“Perfect!” Courtney grabbed Adore’s hand and pulled her into the dining room, which was loaded with party favors.
“Why do I have to do the balloons?” Roy whined.
“‘Cause you have the most hot air,” Darienne explained, shoving him towards the door.
Courtney sat down at the dining room table with a sigh. “Sorry about that. I just had this image of Kimmy driving on the freeway with the cake just like, flying around her backseat.” She shook her head. “I think I’m losing my mind.”
Adore smiled. “I think you need another present.” She pulled a black box labeled “2002” out of her bag and handed it over.
Courtney squealed and clapped her hands, pulling the lid off the box. Inside was a book she remembered well, a tearjerker by Lurlene McDaniel called “Six Months to Live,” with a note that read:
Remember how we were obsessed with all those books about the kids dying of cancer? We’re really fucked up, but at least we’re fucked up together. XO
Courtney giggled. “I still don’t know what that death obsession was all about.”
“It made sense for me, I’ve always been this moody emo bitch. But you...everyone thinks you’re all sunshine and rainbows, but I know on the inside... you’re really a sadistic weirdo,” Adore teased.
Courtney fluttered her lashes. “Well, there’s more to me than sunshine and rainbows, I guess.”
The snapping of Courtney opening and closing her phone was starting to irritate Kim, as she wrapped Courtney’s blonde tresses around the curler.
Once Roy had dropped off the food and cake (which, of course, had all survived the journey from Pasadena with no problems whatsoever), he and Darienne had left to go home and change so that, like all of the other guests, they could be dazzled by Courtney’s ensemble when she made her grand entrance.
Adore sat on Courtney’s bed, trying and failing to finish her own eyeliner in a compact mirror - she was supposed to be getting ready with her, and eventually doing her makeup, once Kim finished with her hair. Instead, she seemed to be getting distracted watching on as Courtney grew more anxious, gnawing on her bottom lip and flipping the phone open and closed faster and faster.
“Courtney, stop before you break it. Mom can’t afford to buy you a new one. Especially after today,” Kim said.
“Have you talked to Daddy? I texted him, but he didn’t reply,” Courtney looked in the mirror at her sister.
“Yeah, I did…” Kim nodded, knowing how important it was for their dad to be here. “He said he’d be a little late, but he’ll be here.”
“Ugh,” Courtney groaned throwing her head back, “Ow!” she yelped when the heat of the curlers stung her.
“Hold still or you’ll get burned,” Kim reprimanded.
Deciding that Courtney needed a distraction from her father’s absence, Adore climbed off the bed, “Courtney, guess what happened last night,” Adore said.
“Well, I took your advice...”
“My advice?”
“Yeah, with Raja,” Adore nodded, leaning against the dresser.
“Who’s Raja?” Kim asked, running her fingers through Courtney’s curls.
“This really fucking gorgeous senior,” Adore grinned.
“And you two are…”
“Well, I was at her house last night to watch a movie.”
“Alone?” Courtney asked, fingernails digging into the palm of her hands.
Adore snorted, “I wish. I got to meet Raja’s other friends and they were a...welcoming group. Carmen hangs out with them too. You remember Carmen, right, Courtney? Roy’s ex.”
Courtney blinked up at Adore, “Yeah, I remember her. But you said you took my advice,” Courtney said, staring at her reflection in the mirror, wanting Adore to get to the point of the story.
Kim looked between the two girls recognizing the strain in her sister’s voice that Adore wasn’t paying any attention to.
“Oh, yeah. So, after the movie was over and everyone left. I thought about what you said and then started tripping over my words like an idiot, basically asking Raja if there was something between us or if it was in my head and…”
“And?” Courtney dug her fingernails harder into her palms, scooting to the edge of the chair as Kim tousled the curls on her head.
“Uh, I’m going to go get your tiara,” Kim squeezed Courtney’s shoulder before leaving the room.
Adore waited for Kim to leave before continuing, “Raja didn’t even let me finish talking before she walked over to me. It was kind of like in a movie when the person shuts the other person up with a kiss. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was fucking hot. Then we went to her car and made out for like an hour before she took me home.”
Courtney tried to keep her emotions from showing on her face as a lump formed in her throat. She didn’t understand why Adore making out with Raja bothered her so much, but she figured it had something to do with Raja’s better-than-you attitude.
She swallowed and managed to exclaim an enthusiastic, “That’s amazing Dory!”
Courtney stood up, wrapping her arms around Adore’s neck, pulling her into a hug.
“I told you. Sometimes you just have to make the first move,” she said, plastering a smile on her face.
“Yeah, well, you were right.” Adore pulled back, clearing her throat. “Which, I think deserves another present.”
Courtney giggled. “At the very least.”
Adore rolled her eyes and handed over a box with “2003” on it, which Courtney opened happily, pulling out a Magic Mountain keychain and the accompanying note.
Our trip to Magic Mountain at the end of 8th grade was important because I had two major realizations on that day. One, that I am a gigantic fucking wuss. And two, that you are a whore for danger and if we don’t watch you closely, you will willingly participate in your own death. So consider me part of an elite team keeping a close eye on your safety. Big brother is watching. It’s for your own good.
“Adore, roller coasters are fun,” Courtney defended.
“No dude, they are not. They are death traps and you are nuts.”
“You have to admit you had fun that day!”
“Come on! The chocolate dipped bananas?! And remember we wore our underwear outside our jeans like the ‘Slave 4 U’ video?”
Adore laughed. “Yeah, come to think of it, that’s even more disturbing that Goliath and Batman and Viper combined…”
Adore was finishing up Courtney’s makeup while Kim bustled around, trying to help Karen with the final setup and not strangle her demanding little sister.
“Kimmy, is my dress here?” Courtney whined.
“Yeah, do you want me to go get it?”
“Yeah, and is Tomas almost done setting up? I want the music to already be going when people come. Also, make sure all the food is good and covered and that everything’s already out there.”
Kimmy rolled her eyes, but stood up anyway. “Anything else, your highness?”
“Yeah, make sure the the ice hasn’t melted on the drinks. If so, dump the water out and put new ice in. Also tell the photographer that my right side is my best side, but also get shots of my left for variety.”
As Kim left the room, Adore put down the eyeshadow brush, looking into Courtney’s green eyes. “You’re being really extra right now.”
“I’m just trying to give her stuff to do so she leaves us alone…” Courtney said under her breath, and both girls giggled.
Courtney pulled nervously on her gloves and peeked through her bedroom curtains at the party guests trickling into her backyard. “Not that many people are here yet. I mean I know it’s early, but...my dad’s still not here.”
“But you knew he was gonna be late, right?” Adore asked, tightening the laces on the back of her dress and tying them into a bow.
“I was just out there. April and Dari are here, and Pearl. Roy’s here, of course, charming the pants off your family, really winning those future husband points like the brown noser he is.” Adore rolled her eyes. “He even remembered the pocket square that matches your dress. Speaking as a lesbian, straight people do the gayest shit ever.”
Courtney giggled.
“Come on. Ready to make your grand entrance?”
Courtney nodded, taking Adore’s hand and following her down the hall and to the back door where the guests were gathered.
“Alright, go ahead.”
Courtney took a deep breath as she gathered the glittery tulle of the fuchsia colored skirt in her hands, and Adore opened the door. One foot in front of the other, time seemed to slow down as she entered the backyard.
Roy’s eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face as he watched Courtney walk into the backyard. She looked as if she had just stepped out the pages of a fairytale. The lights shined off of the rhinestoned bodice and her bare shoulders dusted with glitter, thanks to Adore. The tight corset made her waist look incredibly tiny against the fullness of the poofy layered skirt. Her blonde hair was curled, half up, the rest falling down her back as the rhinestone tiara was bobby pinned on top of her head. The silver tiara matched her necklace and the ring and bracelet layered over her gloves.  
Courtney couldn’t have been happier with everyone’s reaction; gasping and awwing as she twirled, so everyone could get a good look.
But, she could be happier. Courtney wished that her father could have been there to see her. Where was he? She shook her head slightly, blinking back tears, smiling at Roy.
“Wow, Courtney! You look beautiful,” Roy stepped forward, grabbing Courtney's hand.
“So freaking gorgeous!” Darienne practically squealed.
“Yes!” April added. “You look like a princess, lo apruebo.”
“Yeah, wow! You look amazing,” Pearl nodded.
“Thank you! Thank you so much.” Courtney played coy, accepting all the compliments with a bashful flutter of lashes.
“Yep, she was a bit of a fixer upper, but l worked my magic,” Adore joked, wrapping her arm around Courtney’s shoulders, placing a light kiss to her cheek.
“Dory,” Courtney pouted.
“Courtney,” at the sound of Muriel’s voice, Adore removed her arm from around Courtney, leaving her to deal with her grandmother on her own.
“Well, do you approve?” Karen asked, kissing her daughter on the forehead and gesturing to the set-up.
“Everything looks great. Thank you, Mommy.” Courtney smiled, then her brow furrowed. “Why is Jordan wearing navy blue?”
Karen turned to look at Courtney’s 9-year-old cousin, who was in fact wearing a navy blue polo shirt. “Oh, well, that looks dark, I’m sure Aunt Catherine thought it was black.”
“Well, it’s not, and it’s not semi-formal.” Courtney put her hands on her hips. “It’s going to ruin the pictures.”
“Courtney, honey, please relax, it’s night time, no one will be able to tell the difference…”
Courtney turned to Roy. “Does Eddy have a black or white button-down that Jordan could borrow? Or like a sweater? Something he wears for church?”
Roy saluted and pulled out his phone. “On it!”
“Roy, I really wish you wouldn’t indulge her!” Karen told him, pouring herself a glass of wine, muttering, “I will be fucking thrilled when this day is over.”
“Happy birthday, Courtney!” screamed Laganja, bursting into the backyard and racing over to hug her. “Omigod, you look like a Disney princess. Spin around!”
“Yaaaaaaas!” Gia crowed. “Come on, let’s dance!”
Adore sighed in relief that the cheerleaders had arrived. Even though they weren’t her favorite people, maybe having more party guests would cause Courtney to relax and have some fun. If she was dancing, she wouldn’t be stressing out about dress codes and her father being late.
It only took a song and a half before it appeared that was just the trick. The kids were all having a blast on the dance floor while the adults chatted and enjoyed the hors d'oeuvres over by the tables.
Pearl nudged Adore on the shoulder, who turned just in time to see Bob bend down and kiss April softly on the lips.
“Awwww...gross,” Adore commented, causing Pearl to laugh. Then when Alyssa appeared, Adore groaned softly.
“What?” asked Pearl.
“No, it’s just...Alyssa’s dress has red trim.”
“So?” Pearl looked mystified.
“Courtney’s been freaking out when people deviate from the black and white dress code.”
Pearl laughed. “It’s like, one little flower on the waistband. I think it’ll be fine.”
“Who knew Cheerleader was such a diva?” asked Willam.
Adore gave him a Look. “Only those of us who have been around for more than one birthday.”
“You have pink shoes,” Pearl pointed out.
“These were assigned to me. I think I’m like the maid of honor or something. Darienne has pink gloves. Roy’s got that pocket square.”
“This party is so gay,” Willam laughed.
“I know, right? Be right back. I’m gonna go ask the DJ to play some Britney.”
“And you judge me for Madonna?! You’re a garbage person!” Pearl called after her.
After the current song ended, Tomas announced, “We’ve got a special request for some Britney circa 2004, and this song happens to be on the Birthday Girl’s list of pre-approved songs, so...here we go…”
Courtney squealed happily when “Toxic” began to play, and Adore made her way through the crowded dance floor to hand her the “2004” present, a Britney t-shirt…
So last year, you got a pretty fucking cool birthday present, that karaoke machine, and we spent about a month singing Britney songs non-stop. For the record, I’m not opposed to breaking it out again tonight.
Courtney gave Adore a hug. “Good to know,” she told her.
“Are you okay?” Adore asked, sensing that her mood was dipping a little.
“I just...he’s still not here. We’re about to serve dinner and I wanted to play the video while people ate, and I really wanted him to see it. And…” Courtney swallowed. “I guess it doesn’t matter. I mean, I can always show him later, right?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Adore kissed her on the forehead. “Play it now and put me out of my misery. The sooner we get that Spice Girls shit over with, the better.”
Courtney giggled. “You got it, Scary.”
“Ugh. I’m never gonna hear the end of this,” Adore groaned, looking over at Pearl and Willam, knowing they were going to torture her forever once they saw that video.
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Experience Unmatched Leisure Travel With Cheap Car Rent
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hey-i-wrote-a-story · 7 years
Chapter 31 Hillbilly Homecoming
Stiles found that the more he walked in the giant gumboots, the better they felt. They were still a bit big on him, but the soft rubber and the cushioned insoles above the durable treads made it obvious how the farmers of old could wear them comfortably for hours on end even while hard at work with backbreaking labor. Stiles looked down as he shuffled his feet, and wiggled his toes inside the boots. If these things came back into fashion (were they ever?), nobody would have to spend a hundred dollars a pair on name-brand athletic shoes again.
“Really comfy, aren’t they?”, Scott said.
“No!”, Stiles answered quickly, snapping himself out of his momentary reverie.
Scott grinned, remarking, “Good thing you found the ancient crypt with those dead farmer remains. We’d be stuck in our shorts right now.” Stiles opted not to comment. Scott began to hum a clumsy version of “Turkey In the Straw”, while adding an exaggerated spring to his step.
“I’m gonna slap you”, Stiles warned. Scott laughed again, returning to his normal stride which already had a bounce to it. “Tell me something”, Stiles said.
“Yes, you can borrow my hat”, Scott smirked.
           “I have my own, thanks, and that’s not the question. The question is, do scary energy monsters drive?”
           Scott looked at his best friend askance, wondering where that question came from, then followed Stiles’ pointing finger. A pair of dim headlights was coming down the highway towards them.
           “Could be you’ll get that ride home after all”, Scott said.
           “Unless whoever’s behind the wheel is an ax murderer.”
           Scott poo-poohed the idea away. “Pfft. I can handle an ax murderer.” He stepped to the middle of the road and waved his arms to flag the vehicle down. It slowed as it approached them, passing long enough under one of the few tall street lights along the road to show that it was an old pickup truck. The ramshackle red truck slowly drove past the two makeshift hillbillies, then once it was perhaps forty feet down the road, made a clumsy U-turn and came back at a slow crawl. It was Freddie behind the wheel, and he eyed his heroes in their ridiculous costumes with a bright smile.
           “I almost kept going. I didn’t know it was you guys at first.” He leaned over and opened up the passenger door. “Need a lift?”
           “You have no idea”, Stiles answered, grateful for the first time to see his redheaded devotee.
           In short order, they were rumbling back toward Beacon Hills, the dim headlights of Freddie’s almost-truck poking ahead of them as the darkened scenery grew less desolate and the air a bit less biting. Scott sat in the cramped back seat of the old truck, his denimed knees pulled up a bit to fit, but seeming not to mind. Stiles sat in the passenger side up front, staring out the side window in a vain search for some silhouette of interest to divert his attention, wishing the rusty pickup would get them home faster.
Freddie kept staring at Stiles peripherally. He was finding it hard to keep his eyes on the road, so he tended switch his attention back and forth. He’d look at the road as he was driving. Then he’d glance over at Stiles. Then the road. Then back at Stiles. Road. Stiles. Road. Stile—whoops, swerving a little—road. Stiles. Freddie wasn’t being particularly discreet.
Stiles finally looked back at him and groaned, “Whaaaatt?”
Freddie put his eyes back on the road immediately. “Sorry. It’s just that…well…”
“Just well what?”
“You look really cute in that farmer outfit”, Freddie said.
Scott leaned over into the front of the cab and added, “You know, you really do look cute like that, Stiles.” His smile was mercilessly sincere.
Stiles pulled his hat down over his face and leaned his head upon the passenger side window, where he gently thumped his temple against the glass. He began to wonder if being torched by magical monster fire might not have been so bad.
 Freddie made a beeline to the Stilinski house, eager to get his hero safely home. Stiles hopped down from the cab as Freddie shut off the engine. Freddie was already out of his seat belt and ready to leap out and join his detective mentor when Stiles held up a hand. “I’m going in alone, if you don’t mind. The last thing I need is a cry of ‘Honey, we’re home!’ from you when I look like this.”
“B-but…but I—“, Freddie stammered.
“Besides, were you going to leave the werewolf yokel in the car all night?” Stiles jerked a thumb back toward the truck where Scott sat, still in the back of the cab, waving cheerfully.
“Hello. Remember me?”
Freddie rubbed his chin. “Oh yeah. I should probably drop him off too, huh?”
“That’d be a splendid idea”, Stiles said, giving his charge a slap on the back that was more of a push toward his truck.
Freddie loaded up quickly and began to back down the driveway. “I’ll be back soon! I won’t be long!”
“I count the seconds”, Stiles said back.
With that, the old pickup with the anxious ginger and the bumpkinized teen werewolf departed into the night.
           Scott leaned over the backseat of the truck and stretched himself partway into the front. “Hey, driver”, he smiled, “how about a quick detour before we get to my place?”
           “Um, sure, I guess”, Freddie said. “Where to?”
           Kira was elated that her mother agreed to let her have the rest of the night off after hours of work in honing her ability to focus on distant energy sources. Kira had had to endure another lecture on the severity of their situation and the weight of responsibility and all that stuff like that there. She groaned when she heard the doorbell. She was unwilling to move from her spot in her favorite cushy chair into which she felt she was melting. Kira hollered, “Mom! Doorbell!”
           It rang again.
           “Is somebody going to get that?”, Kira called out.
           Kira’s mother descended the stairs partway and looked at her daughter. “Kira, can’t you hear the doorbell?” Kira shot her the universal teenager look for ‘Duh!’ and her mother replied, “Well then, perhaps you should answer it.”
           Kira dragged herself from her resting spot and plodded to the door. She was all set to say, “We don’t want any” or “Do you realize what time it is?” when she opened the door to find her boyfriend duded from head to toe in dusty farmer gear.
           “What the…”
           Scott touched the brim of his straw hat. “Howdy, ma’am. I was a-wonderin’ if you’d do me the honor of accompanying me to the county square dance.”
           Kira double over laughing. She tried to ask how Scott had come to be in such a state, where he’d gotten the clothes (costume?), and what the hell he was doing out in public n them, but her giggling fit prevented her from speaking a coherent sentence. Scott had to hold her up once, as Kira just about slip down the door frame, her face caught in a frozen laugh face, but nothing but gasping coming out. She finally caught her breath long enough to pull out her phone.
           “Oh my God, I have got to get a picture of this. Hold still. Turn your head like we practiced so your eyes don’t glow.”
           Kira held up her phone to capture a photo of her boyfriend in his ridiculous hayseed ensemble. She snapped one of him all bibbed, plaid shirted, and straw hatted, a hilarious smile on his face. Happy with capturing the moment, she was going to put the phone away. Then Scott started posing. “Oh, oh—get me like this! And one like this!”  Scott had trouble holding back his laughter as he struck his exaggerated hayseed poses while Kira’s giggling made it a challenge to hold her phone still. After what they had been through, it felt good to laugh. Kira found some sunglasses in the kitchen junk drawer so Scott could pose with abandon, which he did. By the time they were done, their sides ached from laughter and a good chunk of Kira’s memory card was used up by photos that looked like old Marlboro ads. The two sat side by side on the porch, leaning against each other for support.
           “So, plow boy”, Kira said, “where’d you get them fancy threads?”
           “Have I got a story to tell you.”
           And so he did. Once Kira was brought up to speed on everything from their chilly ride to the farm to their lift home in Freddie’s pickup. An impatient Freddie waved from his truck, which had been parked on the side of the street this entire time. Kira waved back.
           “I’m glad you two are okay”, Kira said, shaking her head at the thought of their close call. Then, “So how did Stiles feel about walking home beside his best friend who’s dressed up like a hillbilly?”
Scott grinned. “Actually, about that…”
              Stiles entered his house very slowly. It was entirely likely that his dad was still at the sheriff’s station, but in case he wasn’t, Stiles didn’t want him to see his son looking like a brainless hayseed. Stiles was able to ease the door shut without a creak or a click to give him away. He started to step lightly toward the hallway which led to his bedroom with its precious allotment of normal clothes. One good thing about the stupid rubber boots, Stiles thought, was that they didn’t make a sound, even when walking over old floorboards. He stepped lightly with his gumboots over the hardwood floor and onto the blessed silent scatter rug at the edge of the living room. He began to slip around the corner, his bedroom door now in sight.
           “Stiles? Is that you?”
           So close and yet so far.
           “Yeah dad, it’s me. I just got in. Listen”, he said, rapidly taking the first few steps down the hallway. If he was quick enough, he could scamper away without being seen. “I’m gonna zip into my room and then I’ll be right back out—“
           Too late. Sheriff Stilinski rounded the corner, saying, “You’re late. I was starting to get worried. You weren’t answering your phone, and with everything that’s been going on, I didn’t want to think that—“  He froze in his tracks, staring. Just staring.
           Stiles let out a low breath of surrender. There he stood, one booted foot on the rug, his hand on the wall, posed like a sprinter waiting for the starting gun. For a heartbeat, agonizing silence hung in the air.  Then, with an expression of, I might as well get this over with, Stiles stepped back into the room, turned, and faced his father. His arms hung limp at his sides, and he considered spreading them wide and making a slow turn all the way around to give his dad the full 360 view. But no, he decided. The front view was more than degrading enough.
           Sheriff Stilinski just stared at his son. He just stood there, staring. Neither of them said anything. They just stared at each other. Stile’s dad started to say something. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. He did that twice. He looked his son up and down. Boots, overalls, flannel, hat…hat, flannel, overalls, and boots. Then he finally said, in a voice that sounded deeply concerned, “Just tell me one thing.”
           “Sure. Shoot.”
           “You didn’t get possessed by an evil scarecrow, did you?” The sheriff inclined his head toward the top of Stile’s head.
           Stiles looked up and realized that he was still wearing the frayed Huckleberry Finn hat. He didn’t even reach up and take it off. Why bother? “Nope. We’re all good here, Pop. It’s me. Juuussst little ol’ me.”
           The sheriff made a curious frowny face that clearly indicated where Stiles got his from. Then he said, “Undoubtedly.”
           Stiles pointed toward the hall. “I’m gonna go to my room. Get changed. Y’know, ‘cause as stylish as this is--” He forced an unconvincing smile.
           Stiles’ dad nodded quickly. “Yes. Good idea. A very good idea.” He stretched out his arm in the direction of his son’s room as he turned away. Be my guest, the gesture said.
           Stiles trod the hallway, and once he got halfway to his room, he leaned back and yelled, “If you want, when I come back out I can tell you why I’m wearing this—“
           “Nope”, the sheriff answered back. “Just as soon not know.”
           Stiles considered that. Fair enough. Made sense. He continued his path to his room.
           “Oh!”, his dad called after him, as an afterthought, “you have company waiting for you. Just thought I’d warn you.”
           But Stiles had already tuned him out. “I think I’ll take a shower”, he said aloud to no one. “Maybe two. I wonder if there’s a scrub brush under the sink—“  He opened his bedroom door and saw Malia, his beautiful girlfriend Malia, lying on his bed, propped up on one elbow, flipping angrily through the pages of a textbook. Stiles froze in place. His chin then dropped to his chest, he stared at the floor, and muttered under his breath. “Could this night get any worse?”
           “You’re late”, Malia said, not looking up. “You promised to help me with all this school stuff. Lydia’s notes can only take me so far. I realize that there’s this energy dragon monster thing going on, but I still have to pass—“ and that was when she looked up. Stiles continued staring at the floor. The one person he had wanted most in the world not to see him like this had just gotten an eyeful. Shoot me now, his mind silently declared.
           “Well this is new”, Malia said. There was no hint of sarcasm or ridicule. It was just an observation. “I like the boots. You look cute in those. Don’t quite get the hat, though.”
           His girlfriend’s complete aplomb was lost on the suffering Stiles. Lifting his head only a few inches, he looked at Malia under the brim of his bird’s nest hat and held his arms out slightly, to then let them drop back against his thighs as he said, “Okay. Let me have it.”
           “Have what?”
           “Old McStiles had a farm, ee-i, ee-i-o”, Stiles offered. “Hi-ho the derrio, a Stilinski in the dell. Go ahead.”
           “I have no idea what any of that means”, Malia admitted. “But the outfit makes sense.” She moved to a sitting position and draped her legs over the side of the bed to face him.
           Stiles looked at her askance. He jabbed the bib of his overalls with his index finger and said, “This makes sense? In what world does this make sense?”
           Malia stood up and approached him. “The look. I assumed it was just a natural progression of how you already dress.”
           “I have never dressed like this”, Stiles insisted. “Trust me, I would remember.”
           “Not the farmer pants, no”, Malia conceded. “But otherwise”, and she fingered his soft, dusty flannel sleeve between two fingers. “You always did have the whole plaid thing going on.”
           “I don’t wear that much plaid”, Stiles said, suddenly even more self-conscious.
           Malia turned her head to look at Stiles’ room. Stiles’ eyes followed hers. There, draped over the back of a chair, a zip-front hoodie. Shirts hung in the open closet. More lay on the floor in front of it. A jacket hung from the closet doorknob. The odd sleeve and shirtfront stuck out here and there from the partially closed dresser drawers. All of them plaid. Every collar, sleeve, and hood. All plaid. Malia looked back at Stiles and raised an eyebrow. See?
           “Scott wears plaid too”, Stiles said quickly.
Malia smiled. “Not as much as you do.”
“Whatever”, Stiles huffed. “Just let me get out of this stupid—what are you doing?”
Malia had leaned in close and was sniffing Stiles.
           “Malia, what--?”
           “Shh” she whispered. “Wait.” Her sniffing continued, now with deep, slow breaths as she inhaled Stiles’ scent. “I can smell where these clothes have been.”
           “Yeah, I picked them up off the floor of an old barn, so I can imagine they don’t smell too good—“
           “No, they do”, Malia breathed, in a somewhat unnerving husky voice. “Everything is here. The straw, the hay, the smell of the building around it. The wood when it’s baked by the sun, when it gets wet and musty in the rain. It’s like I’m back out there again…in the wild.”  
           “Okay, well right now we’re here in the wild of the bedroom, so can we just—Hello!”
           Malia began nuzzling Stiles’ neck, her nose to his skin, taking in his scent with hungry sniffs. “There were mice; tiny, scurrying…”
           “The m-mice were actually quite large…”, Stiles started to say, but found he’d lost his voice.
           “A fox had made a bed nearby once”, Malia went on. “Stayed for weeks. Deer came and went often, some through the barn, probably when seeking shelter…I can smell it all, the animals, the grass and hay, autumn leaves and spring wildflowers tracked in by animals.” She kept rubbing against Stiles, now kissing his neck passionately.
           “O-oh…okay…”, he said, mouth hanging open as a dopey grin formed on his face. “I must have missed that.”
           Malia breathed a satisfied smile as her arms wrapped around her boyfriend. “Now it’s all on you. Your scent, mixing with all of it. Like you’d been there all along, in the barn. A part of it. So many smells…you in the center of them.” She was pressed tight against him now, gently kissing all around his neck as her nose drank deep the heady aromas clinging to Stiles, making him now seem musky and rugged.
           “I was going to shower”, Stiles offered apologetically.
           “Don’t”, Malia said firmly. Then, softer, “At least not yet. Not…for a while.” She took his face in her hands and kissed him, slowly, passionately, repeatedly. When she paused, she rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed, still breathing deeply.
           “The, um, the shower could wait”, Stiles conceded.
           Malia tried to press closer, and stepped on Stiles’ foot. She was about to apologize when instead she looked at his boots and said, “They’re soft and squishy. I like that. You should keep them.”
           “Well, actually, I wasn’t planning on hanging onto—wulp!”
           Malia had taken a firm hold of Stiles’ bib straps and yanked him over to the bed, pulling him down on top of her. She continued kissing him, this time with greater abandon. She couldn’t get enough of him. Stiles struggled to maintain his balance, trying not to collapse onto her. As it was, she wouldn’t have cared. Stiles tried to pull off his gumboots, the toes of one scraping on the heel of the other in attempt to loosen them from his feet. Malia pulled him closer with a sharp tug.
           “Leave the boots on”, she said.
           Stiles stared at her for a heartbeat, saw the intensity burning behind her eyes, and replied with a slight squeak in his voice, “Sure.”
           As Malia pulled Stiles the rest of the way down onto the bed, holding tightly until their lips met, she reached up with one hand and removed the straw hat from Stiles’ head. She tossed it like a Frisbee across the room, where it landed atop Stiles’ lacrosse stick propped against the desk, spun twice, and settled there. Malia’s nimble fingers traced the “Y” back of Stiles’ overalls and massaged his shoulders underneath. She never stopped kissing him. She was nearly drunk on the banquet of scents and the feel of her boyfriend’s gentle, slender body.
           As Stiles surrendered to her affections and returned them in kind, three words came to his mind.
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