#like human cockroach
basofy · 1 year
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my friends are making fun of me rn for saying i like cockroaches so im going to post my favorite image
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ghostreblogging · 1 year
Pest control Danny
So Danny is Damian's twin and like the usual jazz. YOU ARE ALIVE?. HAHA NO.
So batfam noticed something. When Danny thinks no one is looking he is muttering die pests and stomping his foot and in general trying to kill something
Alfred thinks Danny saw pests and does not hesitate.
Anyway like a few months later world is in danger yada yada and they need the help of a minor demon, who literally stole the key they need and they need to trade for it.
And the encounter goes like this.
Constantine: we are dealing with a minor demon, don't lower your guard just because it's a lower demon. It managed to steal the key.
Bat: hn
So Constantine summons the demon and the demon gets summoned
Demon:well well-
Danny:ITS YOU!
Demon: huh? Yes-
Batfam : wait a min-
Danny straight up lunges at the demon breaking the circle in the process and no longer trapping it but still Danny grabs it by the legs as it was trying to escape and he just literally kills it.
John Constantine slowly backing away : uhh we needed a . . . thing from that . . ."
Danny: I'll get that key for you, but for the love of the ancients stop summoning things . Gotham is arleady cursed enough as it is
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bloodofgrapes · 5 months
tags on that recent dunmeshi poll post are making me so sad
humans are often some of my favorite fantasy races, they're not boring! They're often the race of ambition--what they might lack in particular magical prowess, or claws, or muscles, they make up for in raw numbers, and a competitive drive to keep up with the other races and assert their own place in the world. They're the jack of all trades who ever strive to pick up a little bit of what everyone else can do. They aren't boring, and neither are you: to be human is to persevere and endure, and that is wonderful
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crosspunzel · 2 months
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The crossover ship but with this pictures
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this hc literally makes no sense but, consider, what if Rufus is Arthur reincarnated
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ammoniteflesh · 2 months
Hi *taps mic* iwtv fandom are the Buffy enjoyers amongst us talking about the Armand / Darla parallels? bc we should be
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zandra-lang-cave · 2 years
Base on the "humans are space orcs" tag I'm obsessed with recently.
"So let me get this straigh" says a faceless octopus like creature. Her antennas shaking slightly wile she crosse four of her eight appendices in a disappointed manner that manages to be slightly terryfiyin to the two creatures in front of her.
"YOU" she point at the younge rock like creature while this one tried to put back its broken hand in to place "play a prank in our captain. Our HUMAN captain. To demonstrate HIM" she pointed at the small 3 legged boy that just keep looking at the floor in shame "that humans are not to be feared because 'human are on average week and most likely to flee'. Did I understood correctly?" She finishes.
"I mean yes. That's the basic of it" says the rock person while they finish to attach their limb back "I didn't expect her to kick my hand, or break it apart from my arm and then run away into a wall" they finish In a sheepish tone "didn't know humans were so strong, I mean not even in a combat I have lost a limb!"
"It was terrifying to see" says the smaller boy "you say she would freeze or run! Why did she atack?!" He scream.
"In most circumstances of danger most Humans would run" the faceless woman speak "but sandy, do you really belive we would have a 'defenseless' human has a captain without them being combat efficient?" She questioned "humans might not be the strongest in the galaxy but they can still pack a punch when trethen"
"But marcy, she is a human. How could she break my hand?" sandy says while they rub their wrist.
"Casey might be human. But Humans have a tendency that when under panic of a threat they can get an extreme strenght boost in exchange of the abilty to sence their own pain. They can easily break a golem under those circumstances" marcy states while moving her antennas to the captains body to sence any harm "now, she doesn't have any actuall injury. She just pass out. Leave my medic unit while I wait for the captain to wake up. Then she decide what to do with you two" she finish.
"Yes doctor" says the golem.
"Why me!? I didn't do anything!" Says the three legs boy.
"Randal you could have stop them. I have seen you convince sandy to stop themselves before. If you didn't do it its also partially your fault" marcy states.
Randal stays silent for a moment before saying "fair enough. Come on big stone, Lets leave and enjoy our time before death"
With that say Randal and sandy leave the medic station.
"How much longer are you planing on staying" says the octopuses while looking at the human in the medic bed "Because I have a new medic assistance to train you know"
"The kids got a cockroach in MY ship. Let me rest before I chew them a new one" the human spoke without moving or opening their eyes.
"O for the stars. Is just a small insect. You smash the spiders without a second thought"
"Marcy you don't get it" Casey stood up from the bed and start pacing in the room "it was a FLIYING cockroach. It flew from their hand and now I have a FLIYING cockroach in my ship!" Casey states hysterically.
"Your a captain. Act like it, Now leave" says the faceless lady.
"Fine. I'd leave, but if I die I blame those kids and apoint you has new captain" with that say Casey leaves, looking cautiously everywhere.
"So..." says a small voice "when are you gonna tell the captain she have a 'cockroach' has a new member of her crew" a small insect like creature similar to an earth cockroach crawl from under a desk and flew to the doctors shoulder.
"When she stops eating my melron berry cake" marcy says "she is allergic to it but I swear to the stars humans would eat everything has Long it doesn't let them on bed rest"
"You are a menace doctor" says the smaller creature amuse.
"Adicus I will not be the second in comand of this ship if I wasn't. Now help me organize the crew next medical screening"
And done. Haven't write this much in 2 years. any advice or criticism is accepted
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enevera · 4 months
i love bsd. its so fundamentally incapable of being serious all while being fairly serious. fyodor is going on about how all cities have rats and dazai, with a completely straight face, goes "meow" like babe thank you for reminding us what this is, the teenagers having a serious convo in an elevator almost had me forgetting
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moonilit · 11 months
I remember seeing your mermaid Jote and birb joshua. and I love it so much!!!! And as a bonus I couldn’t stop imagining Jote with those large fan like things that ffxv leviathan has on the side of them. Idk what to call them ToT it’s the biggest and more obvious part of the leviathan design.
Thank you! 
Mer!Jote/Phoenix!Joshua AU is mainly inspired by two fics I read back in like, 2019 (here and another fic i lost for firebird keith and a half mer pirate lance help mee), I don’t have much of original content for this AU myself it's really just a mash of those two lol
Something about a little lonely Phoenix and a little curious Mermaid becoming childhood friends, Joshua would tell her about the sky, mountains and fire, Jote would tell him about the dark ocean depths, songs of the sea, they share activities like reading, how flying and swimming we’re basically the same (they rase whenever its safe) sharing foods, telling stories about humans cities (above or below the sea) etc 
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Living in the ocean or the mountains, their worlds were very different and very similar at the same time
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spaceacerat · 4 months
Sparda only has portraits because he was afraid the rumors of cameras stealing souls in the Victorian era was correct. Didn't want his boys losing their human souls :/
The dude just has a bunch of misconceptions from 2000 years of hearing human rumors and trying to figure out technology that evolved so fast compared to what demons have
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densoro · 8 months
so the thing is, cockroach wife syndrome doesn't just affect your waifu. It can get in your head and convince you that you have to be the cockroach wife, yourself
I've been freaking out this year about my smile lines
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I was terrified that they made my face look saggy, made my mouth look like a chimpanzee's muzzle, made me look like I'm 50 even though I'm just starting my 30s. I had this whole existential crisis like, 'the internet was right, white people really do age like milk and I've lost my youth and my chance to be beautiful and adored so what's even the point??? llama face, llama face!!'
but then I grabbed baldur's gate 3 for my birthday
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and everybody has been so horny for these eligible bachelors with pores and folds and, yes, wrinkles! texture! it's like it snapped me out of somebody else's hentai-addicted stupor. None of this shit makes somebody categorically ugly, no matter how close I lean into the mirror and obsess over every line. These things aren't just 'permissible' here, they're idealized!
I see a weird echo of myself in the misogynist otaku who freak out about this stuff, crying about the sjw plot to overthrow video games by making hot women...look like hot women???
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I was just internalizing what they waste their lives externalizing: a disconnect with what the fuck a human being actually looks like. so I figure if I needed a reminder, maybe someone else does, too. You're not ugly, just because your face is less smooth than an anime character's. You're a human being with actual flesh attached
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gaillol-13 · 1 year
Oatc compilation called "someone please give the poor blue boy a hug."
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Pls he's a LITERAL poor little meow meow.
Reblogs would be cool.
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depressedquetzal · 2 months
shoutout to that one cockroach that repeatedly crossed the stage while we were dancing!
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crosspunzel · 2 months
Fluttershy:all animals are pretty and wonderful
Maxime:even me as a cockroach?
Fluttershy:yes, even you my dear
Maxime:Je le savais~
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quietwingsinthesky · 15 days
sometimes i think about my spn oc and how i rewrote everything about amara to interact with the story i was trying to tell about her. there were some really neat ideas in that i need to recycle for something one day. like, in the show proper, they just let amara take over a human baby and that’s fine, but amara’s not Meant To Be Here. this entire universe is one constructed in her absence. saying she can possess a human body should be like saying if you took a person and sent them to a universe where 1+1=3, they could just figure out how to function within that.
which in story took the form of Amara being something that could not be Understood, only Rationalized. a force locked outside the narrative who could only get inside and destroy things if given a role within it. by the Winchesters as A Monster To Face. by Chuck as Wayward, Unreachable Sister. and by miss oc as. simultaneously a projected creature to be saved, an amalgamation of injustices done to herself (and others) that would never be righted but could be made up for by being a part of this. and as something impossibly powerful that could be both protection and purpose.
and the Darkness wasn’t any of those things, really, but to have agency in her own story required new shackles, but ones she was always straining against. she wouldn’t fit inside the confines of a human mind, let alone a body, at least not well enough to leave it Intact. like lucifer burning through nick, but Worse. because the burns were an expected outcome of skin not strong enough to hold him. humans were built for angels, some were built better and some worse, but they’re meant to work. putting amara in human skin should disconnect the skin and mind and soul from the reality her brother built itself, i think. slowly. bit by bit.
and at the same time, i’d gone and written the kind of wild scenario you really can only write for your thirteen year old mary sue, given that spn oc the part of herald/high priestess/failed vessel. which she pursued with wild abandon like that would fix anything wrong with her <3
in the end, running alongside the borrowed family theming of the original show was my own theme of “how much self-annihilation will you accept to make your point. are you accepting it, really. or are you seeking it.” not just physically, in letting something unmake the base components of what you are as it tries to fit inside you or in it constricting and suffocating itself beyond self-recognition to get inside in the first place, but, obviously, it’s supernatural, how much selfhood do you cede to your family. is it worth it.
it was interesting, if nothing else. let thirteen year old me cook. she had ideas.
#spn oc#don’t mind this i’m rambling about nothing i felt nostalgic about her (<- my oc)#there was also an explanation in the mix for why amara was called amara in this au too despite. you know. not being a baby.#and it was like. a vessel’s desperate attempt to separate itself from the thing inside it by naming it something other than itself.#like a last moment of self-preservation. the opposite of lucifer using nick’s face and us all agreeing to think of it as his. you know?#and amara means beauty.#it’s a very human need. to name things. and the thing is that humanity itself is antithetical to what amara is. in this au.#not because of any inherent quality of it. but because it was not made with her in mind.#i keep bringing up lucifer but he’s such a good comparison case of what thirteen year old me was trying to construct here#and what i can better explain now that im. not thirteen. but its that. lucifer has beef with humans because they have common ground.#the only reason he can hate them is because they’re recognizable to him. terrible little cockroaches. but something he understands.#amara as i conceived of her could not hate or love or understand humanity. or the world. or anything as we know it. because it was not made#to be seen by her. it was made with the express purpose of her never encountering it.#when i was thirteen i wanted her to be so much more alien than she was. unfortunately this is supernatural and supernatural deals in#Just Some Guy forever and ever <3#but it was my story so i made her fucked up and weird and beyond comprehension.#except. of course. when forced to bend into a shape that makes her Not her.#i don’t think proper envesseling would have been a process either her or the oc survived. not because they’d die but because they’d get.#stuck? i think? that was what the intent was. that they’d get melted together like plastic toys.#chuck had a nice smooth envesseling in this au because these toys are made for him.#and angels need consent and angels get bleedover from their vessels because the toys are shared with them but they’re closer to being toys#themselves too.#i’ve rambled enough honestly no one cares about this but me aksjfkjfks#what was i talking about. right! the naming!#the naming of amara is a nail in her coffin because she is named and it is so human to be named and to be perceived and to be shaped by that#perception. even without malicious intent. even to be looked at as destruction itself and be named beauty.#in the same way you kill what something could be by learning what it is. the way a unicorn dies when you discover how rhinos were drawn.#does that make sense? that’s what kills her. bit by bit.
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yeonban · 2 months
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The muses who don't think they deserve love.
@effigist asked: "I can't believe you're still sticking around." ash 4 tobias
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❛ Oh? Your opinion of me was that bad? What, thought I wanted to torment you too and figured I'd eventually move on to someone else when the novelty of you wore off? ❜ Although framed as an inquiry (quite on the nose with its contents no less, but intentionally so in order to prove he understands where the gang leader is coming from), the question posed is merely rhetorical and the answer to it should be obvious to anyone with a working brain. It would have been more of a surprise had Ash, forever stuck in a violent cycle of misfortunate abuse as he's come to learn during their time together, not viewed the new mafioso's intrusion into his life as a threat, a bomb intended to blow up after its timer had ran out or tossed onto the next unfortunate victim before it could finish its countdown in Ash's life, as all the others had presumably done.
Yet they have met many a moons ago and the time since has steadily passed from one day, to one week, to one month and then to several, and still Tobias' presence in the blonde's entourage remains a constant without so much as leaving a single clue about what his so-called "real" motive for sticking around might be. It's no wonder, then, that his attempts to create and preserve a friendly relationship between them are stared at with increasing suspicion despite his existence being allowed and sometimes even sought when Tobias least expects it. Perhaps he should have been clearer about his reason from the beginning, but he frankly doesn't believe Ash would have taken a stranger's words for granted at the time, considering how as far as he can tell, the other teen is facing difficulties in taking his words as the complete truth even now. It's hard to blame him for it, though, when their interactions remind Tobias of his very own self from a few years past, from back when he'd first been thrown into a fancy cage under the guise of an orphanage with what he'd viewed as enemies, only to untimely realize they were meant to be allies.
If Ash now finds himself in a similar position in regards to him as the perceived enemy or ally, there is little the older teen can do to alleviate his worries beyond offering honesty when asked, and maintaining consistency when possible. After all, aggressively pushing the idea that he has no ulterior motive into Ash's face would only lead to more wariness, and backing away to offer him too much space would only act as evidence that, as Ash had originally guessed, he'd always intended to leave. Which, he wouldn't be entirely wrong about, but Tobias has since grown to find the rush from Ash's daily life to be invigorating rather than alienating, and his personality amusing rather than irking. If that's so, then why should he ever abandon the free entertainment he's found himself enjoying, when it's something so rare to come across in the wild? ❛ Well then, what do you make of it now, Ash? Do you want me to pack my bags and leave you alone once and for all? ❜
So instead of pursuing either of the standardized approaches, Tobias simply glances over at the blonde and grins in no different a manner than he typically does. Though he might be in a dissimilar role to that of Shorter's... that guy has managed to win Ash's trust over despite being a fellow underground leader, hasn't he? Which means a chance, however slim, exists for him to eventually receive the same trust as well. Being subjected to a chase for it is merely an added bonus, not a downside that should dissuade him from pursuing his goal (even though he can bet that's exactly what the other had intended for it to be. Sucks to be Ash, he supposes.)
Essentially, what good is there in receiving something without putting in the work for it, and experiencing a fleeting distraction which will soon fade back into the vexing boredom that's so deeply engraved into Tobias' soul? Why should he care to receive something fast, if it'll only end up diminishing its value in his eyes? The more fun alternative is the one that keeps him engaged for the longest, regardless of how dicey the road to his objective might be on it. ❛ 'Cause if so, you should probably start coming up with ideas to make that wish a reality. I don't plan on leaving your side unless you really force my hand, so you've got your work cut out for you. ❜
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What has been said until now would likely only prolong the time until Ash's next internal query into his motives, and therefore what Tobias believes he should do is continue by explaining his reasoning, though not bluntly enough to make Ash overthink it and worsen the situation in another aspect, and subsequently keep steadfast to his words by shaping them into actions. Easy enough in theory, but he's certain there will be surprises along the way nonetheless. Ash has had plenty of those in store for him, and it's doubtful he's already ran out of them this early on. ❛ I quite like you, you know? I doubt you've gotten this into your thick skull yet, but you have a natural knack for making me laugh. Don't you think I'd be downright stupid to leave you to the wolves after realizing that? I might be heartless, but even I can grow fond of people who make my life less bleak. That's why you should hurry up and resign yourself to this oh so miserable fate of seeing my face every day. You'll waste your time and arrive at this same conclusion all over again if you don't, but suit yourself if you prefer making things harder on yourself. ❜
The mafioso raises a hand to obnoxiously ruffle Ash's hair as though physically helping the "news" reach the brain working underneath, and he wonders if he should say anything else or simply allow what's been said to get assimilated while taking the heat off of Ash and putting it onto a separate topic for a while. If this open discussion isn't enough... well, patience is the key to success. He's learned that lesson far more times than he can count, so what's adding it once more to his repertoire. ❛ But speaking of sticking around, I was about to go make use of that library card again and borrow a book or two to read over the weekend. Care to join me and hang out some more? Or was this the nicest way you could think of saying you've had enough of me for today? ❜
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#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; ic. ❫#Ash I'm sorry you're NEVER getting rid of this mf at this rate 😭😭😭😭😭😭 cockroach in every sense but literal#I'm trying to figure out what Ash could even DO to make Tobias lose interest in him and all Tobias can think of is ???#1) Ash GENUINELY betraying him. It's not going to work if Ash only orchestrates the betrayal to get Tobias to leave him alone#or 2) Ash becoming an empty shell of himself. He's so naturally amusing that if his personality stays intact Tobias will ALWAYS like him#Tobias choosing people he likes enough to hang out w constantly is like those pets that choose YOU as their human. You get No say in it#That said I'm always laughing over Tobias doing 5head mental gymnastics and 9head chess about the best way to behave around Ash#Bro fr said efficiency>>>>>>>>> letting things pan out organically & finally managing to befriend Ash on his 70th birthday#It's v funny for Tobias too tho. Ash keeps him guessing & engaged and that's EXACTLY what Tobias likes!! He dgaf about ppl who grow boring!#Tobias staring at Ash doing whateva in the distance: Have you ever seen a funnier guy than this one. I don't think I have#Elijah <-sane in the head: Yes? Yes I have?? So you have too?? Literally on the last street we were on there were 5 I can name right now???#Elijah thinks Ash is grouchy & while that doesn't make him shy away... it doesn't exactly make Elijah want to get too close either#Tobias on the other hand sees a lynx actively brandishing its claws to rip his face off & he's like Great. How can I get more of that#effigist
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