#like i get it!! ur a specialized doctor this is what u focus on but surely u should know some CAUSES of these things???
voidimp · 9 months
probably couldve been diagnosed w hEDS a lot younger than twenty-fucking-eight if the foot doctor i went to in like middle/high school or my regular doctor had considered the possibility that the weak ligaments in my feet/ankles might be due to a connective tissue disorder that affects my whole fucking body instead of just being a localized thing
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luveline · 1 year
So your drunk reader and Spencer fic? Maybe one with Hotch but reader has had something important going on and had called Hotch previously over it, but this was just a super sappy drunk call during an important case but Hotch can never not answer if he technically can talk for just a moment?
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
"I just can't understand how he can be two places at once," Derek says, infuriated. 
Hotch has a thousand possibilities racing through his head. "He can't be," he says, "so we have to work out what else is happening."
"It's him," Emily says. "Same clothes, same face. And it can't be an evil twin–" 
JJ groans, rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand and leaning forward into the conference table they're all sitting at. "I actually like the evil twin theory for this one." 
Hotch's phone vibrates in his pocket. He needs to focus —he can't focus. You've been so heartbreakingly lonely while all of this has been happening, and he loves you, but they have three missing girls to find. 
Time is ticking downward. He's never going to make any headway if he knows you need him on the other side of the phone.
"Just answer it," Rossi says quietly. "Reid's gonna crack it any second now. You have a duty to more than work, my friend." 
Hotch catches it before it goes off. Standing, he buttons his suit jacket again and makes for the door. When it closes, he talks in a measured tone. "Honey," he says, "are you alright?" 
"I'm okay," you say, immediate and bubbly. 
You sound okay, he thinks. "Did you hear anything else from the doctor?" 
"Aaron," you say, a number of emotions in your tone, but mostly love, "they don't call on Sundays, and they never call after six anyways." 
"It's later for you," he remembers.
"I'm so sick of doctors and worrying and worrying about doctors, now I'm worrying about you, did you have to go? 'Cus I know you had to go, but I wish you could've just stayed home. I have this weird bruise I want you to look at–" 
"Hold on. Nothing's wrong?" 
"You're not here. That is so, so wrong." You hiccup. "Woah." 
Hotch blinks to himself, a smile on his lips for the first time in days. "Sweetheart, have you been drinking?" 
"Just what was left of the wine." 
"You mean the one we got last week? That we haven't opened?" 
"Yes." You sound serious. He can imagine your tipsy face, solemnly nodding with eyes wide open.
"Where are you? Still at my apartment?" 
"Is that okay?" 
Hotch closes his eyes. "That's perfect. I don't have to worry about you as long as I know where you are. You haven't taken any painkillers, of course." 
"I'm not silly." 
"That's up for debate. I… I'm glad you're in a good mood, it's good to relax, but no more wine, okay? You'll make yourself sick, and I won't be there to take care of you in the morning." 
"Don't remind me!" Another hiccup. "I think I should've been a special agent, mister Hotchner, so I could come with you all these places and not have to miss you. I love you. I love your face and your hands and the way you always squeeze my hip in the morning when you wake me up." Your forlorn sigh is clear despite the distance. "Do you love me?" 
"Very much, Y/N." 
"I love you. I really didn't mean to drink so much but it actually tasted nicer the more I did." 
"That's how it goes."
"I try to not be disgusting when we have wine together but you weren't here, 'n' I thought I could get sloshed without feeling bad." 
"Why would you feel bad?" he asks, bemused. 
"'Cus you'd have to take care of me, and you take care of everyone. All the time." 
"I like taking care of people. I love taking care of you. You realise that I'd love to take care of you 'sloshed'?" he asks. He can be very honest here, knowing you probably won't remember the entirety of your conversation, but you'll recall how you felt. Well, if you don't get nauseous. "I love looking after you no matter what's wrong. I'm only sorry I can't do it as much as you deserve." 
"You're sorry? That's dumb." 
"Maybe it is." 
"Definitely it is, Aaron. You're way too handsome to bother being sorry." 
Maybe twenty years ago. "In that case, you can stop saying sorry to me altogether." Hotch pauses as a knock rattles the glass behind him. Derek stands on the other side, pointing at Spencer, whose lips are moving a hundred miles an hour. Their smartest member saves the day again. "Honey, I have to go. I'm sorry. I wish I could be with you, you know that? But I really have to go." 
"This is impressive for us, actually, we had like four whole minutes. Bye, handsome, have a good time at camp." 
He snorts. "Bye." 
Hotch takes a split second to collect himself. Your hurting, your drunkenness, your open love for him and the obvious if slurred affection you speak with, he puts everything away and gets ready to do his job. If he does it well enough, he could be home in time to rub your forehead through the hangover. 
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(vibrates) it's slug time
loving the slang... "tightness all day long" "today is toasty". also love that "babes" survives way into the future. 15 this is ur legacy. "that woman was her sister" incest implication??? 2 minutes in
TURN LEFT /triggered
the design in this is impeccable.
this is so sims coded.... from the creators of "doctor who is a tv show" theory we bring u-> "doctor who is a videogame"
if u were disappointed with the focus on magic this ep this ep is rlly giving classic scifi parody lol
there's a lot of wordsmith-ing in this ep….eyes emoji
i love ruby sm now she's so resourful in every ep
this episode is like "this is how an anniversary multi-doctor multi-companion multi-master webcam special could still win"
ok but seriously. ppl are gonna be like "phones bad is dumb of course people look where they are!!!" bro. they dont. and yeah it can have deadly consequences. there's a reason "dont text and drive" campaigns happen.
ruby has done SO many callcenter type jobs forreal.
this episode is amazing
"is that thing something to do with you?" bitch (i got a bit spoiled that she's a racist (damn "looking at tumblr for 2 secs to vibe check" habit) so im looking at this with more hindsight than u are supposed to sdlkfjd)
bluie light celeste and gold motif in ruby and the doc's backdrops? also fifteen in orange <3333333 my beloved
the interior design is ON POINT this ep "you dont know how to walk without the arrows?" "condescending much?" bitch
this episode is so fun lol
"fifteen nd ruby react channel" realness (WHICH…..HEY…….DO U KNOW WHAT PPL REACT TO………………………. T V SH O W S (clown make up fully on))
ruby has done so much service calling jobs forreal lol the sheer patience
the doctor really wanting to lose their minds here but having to hold it together is peak doctor sdkjfsd (also very realistic of the struggles i expected a black doctor to work thru)
there's a bit of a theme of instinct vs programming going on here.
"surrounded by this woodland forest thing. it's like, really natural"
hashtag obsessed with it the catharsis im feelin tbh. 2 ppl being like "yo mass killing is rlly wrong" while the cacophony of the internet ~fun goes on and on. where's the [fiction]
ITS LIKE LOVE ISLAND THE PLANET. BRO. bro im so WIRED IN /clown make up intensifies
penny pepper bean still strong holding the 12 ppl still in the tory party together in the year something something
"ruby and the doctor struggle to lie in the moment" is my favorite recurring trope
the doctor using the sonic as a remote right there……………….. im running out of clown make up ya'll
"you did NOT just "@everyone" realism
no one ever listens to the goths….
until its too late…
its interesting that there's no cameras in their feeds, tho. right? like. that's the layer i think it's profoundly different to irl in this satire / social crit. ppl are *locked out* of the real world bc they're looking at their screens, but they do that bc the screens are a constant waterfall of billions of camera footage either of individuals or coporations or institutions. always producing "content". so like is not that ppl dont "see" anythign irl but they see it all thru a filter or thru editing,,,, but its fine i get what the satire is going for slkdfj but yeah. i think thats why it may feel a bit "not quite capturing" of the current ~digital ethos
fifteen so close to losing it- fifteen if u want to go for a bit of a timelord victorious i wont judge. u can have it. as a treat.
doctor who is a videogame energy bbc merch idea -> zombies run type podcast but it's the doctor and ruby telling u where to go for a job so u dont die. (russel get on this)
"this is your fault!" iconic. classic who
so many ppl have presumably died so far. god bless. we needed an ep like this. proper high body count who feels good. feels organic.
rip the au where these were the beatles. thats 1 theory im really gonna mourn for the rest of the series lol
plaza 55…… orphan 55 reference???
great abrogation sounds important.
"i will get out out of here. i promise" obligatory doctor mirroring moment.
oh shit.
"thi iss SO manual"
"hands off" I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor x companion x some bland guy love triangle DREAM omg
"he says they're saving us to eat for last (snob voice)maybe we're the most tasty" scream. this ep is so fun.
pentecost's style was so on point.
wasnt her battery running out? (i may have missed something sldkjf)
bro stop hitting the fucking gas pipes oh my goddddd
that was brutal.
racists are gonna hate this episode so much lol
fifteen getting to experience all the microaggressions/outright aggressions thirteen didnt. yay progress(???) "thats voodoo" holy shi t
"maintain the standards of finetime" rtd was pissed when writting this lol
fifteen is not doing all rightkids.
ncuti's "who's my doctor? he's a black man" prophecy comes FULL CIRCLE
fifteen looking at US tho…………… this is a tv show man. this is a tv show. this is - *im struggle against my straight-jacked as im graddged back to the cushion-walled cell*
the plot twist of this ep………… phones good actually. thank u phones. u are doing a service.
so there's a lot of ways to chop this one…
"racism and capitalism still exists in the future" is a trope that it's kind of limiting / always grates me in some ways (it feeds into the anti-racism of ppl whose politics doesnt trascend idealist philosophy -> that is, it is an anti-racism that can't conceive of an end to racism bc it doesn't actually have a political project that address the material causes of racism and just tries to fix the "natural prejudices" away with "education". in other words, it cant portray a word without racism bc it cant *conveive* of one.) . however i think im more open to it this time / this series since s11 onwards the focus has been so much on telling stories about the present with scifi make up on. and i think this one manages to do that rlly well. ___
another vertice to look this one on is whether... is it really "doing anything" to have racism portrayed on screen (and other bigotry) in a scifi story? if u already experience racism or understand it happens, who is served by this? it's hurtful to watch and it's like missing the chance to "show a different world" is possible thru scifi. and the counterargument to that is on a """""color blind"""""" 2020s world it is rlly cathartic and re-affirming to have stories that *show* the realities of the world, and that dont shy away from showing those realities in fear of them coming off as "over the top" (bc they arent. some ppl will still walk away from this ep thinking "haha fun satires" but like. this is literally how White Rich People Talk. in real life.......) and again in this one time i think it works really well bc doctor who has… probably never done this? lol there's moments with martha and ryan for example, but never going this hard on it. but im open to discussion tbh. i think the angle of "is this a story about racism for white people to learn or is it a cathartic for *black / brown people to experience catharsis in" is gonna be one for fruitful discussion in the future. ___
besides the socio-political points,,,, bro this episode was a thrill ngl sdlkjf like so many simple, excellent moments like the girl walking into the light post. the made up slang and the real slang!!!!. the excellent interior design. "ruby and fifteen react to doctor who". just lots of fun little details. the execution was really inspired.
character point -> tbh fifteen at the end feels like a bit of Growth from like, ten at his worst moments -> "he's not the person you would have chosen to survive, but if you could decide who lives or dies, doctor, that would make you a monster"
also kinda wonder how this episde will hit for newbies / Not Us. i think a lot of its gut punch comes from dw never doing this before and so the strenght of subverting those expectations. is this an story that stands on its own w/o all the 60 years of context? we'll have to show it to our normie friends and see lol
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stuvvshii · 1 month
long long boring post about my lasik surgery experience because i can:
first of all my vision background: from 12 years old to 18 years old my vision dropped from -2 to -8 because of my doctors incompitence. i also had astigmatism.or i didnt. each doctors just told me i do or i dont depending on god knows what. anyways. most of my life i was wearing glasses cause i cant touch my eyeballs and put things in them my whole being is like NOPE. so no lenses.
i knew about lasik for a long time and it was just some magic surgery that zeroes ur vision to the starting point. i knew in the worst case i could lose vision but i have main character syndrome and i thought it wont happen to me. and i was lucky it didnt.
couple years ago, i grew tired of glasses. at my big ass -8 -8.5 they are HEAVY. it was not fun to exist. my biggest fear now is going back to glasses, i started to hate wearing em and they gave me a lot of headaches.
so i contact a certain clinic and they say i pass, everything is fine and week later im getting the surgery. they r pretty open about me not being able to have the best vision but it will be good 0.8-0.6. okay i say its still better than what i have.
first of all the surgery. u come in u lay on the table they strap u down they put some torture machine on and u do ur best at looking into this one green dot. if u stop looking there the laser stops working and its pretty safe. at one point u lose ur vision completely on one eye the laser currently working on and its a very scary experience. the surgeon warns u about it. while going through the procedure i noticed my left eye hurted more during it, which i told the doc. they said its okay.
right after the surgery u sit in the dark room with ur eyes closed and u cant stop crying. ur eyes just make insane amount of tears. they also feel numb. about half an hour in the doctor calls u closer and u can open ur eyes finally. all u see is a blurry mess at the moment but its a bit clearer than ur raw vision before. they give u meds instructions and just general dos and donts. what i noticed tho is NO ONE ever follows them all. i did cause i dont want to lose my vision due to being stupid af. most of the people would sit on their phone the next fcking day and im sure it could give some people worse experience than they couldve have. u leave the hospital by taxi in sunglasses, preferably with someone by ur side, for me it was my uncle cause my parents were working.
anyways, for the next month i had no connection to the world and all i could do is take my meds, do my eye workout (the most important of which are the focus ones) and just fuck around house. first days were the most awful ones. first of all u r a crying statue from now on. tears just keep fallin ur eyes feel like there's something inside and all the meds r very mean and hurt ur eyes even more.i dont rememeber it but my mom told me i said "if i knew it hurts this bad i would never do the surgery"
slowly my vision gained strength and i was starting to see rly good. my eyes felt a bit dry when its windy or dusty but i had my eye drops for that (i still use them, they r pretty expensive but i just need them for comfort now).
about a year in my left eye was being a complete dick and the doctors gave me special meds and instructions to fix it, it helped at the time.
overall in 2 years it didnt get much worse. but sometimes i feel very uncomfrotable for unknown reasons. sometimes i see pretty clearly but my brian for some reasons fucks with me and everything feels distanced?? idk how to explain it but like i can focus only on one thing and everything else just dissapears. also i cant see in the dark now. i feel like my vision is -8 when its night time. and i know what i mean i could see much better in glasses before. also the difference between my left and right eye can give me headache which was happening with the glasses before too so nothing new here.
after all of that. would i go through this surgery again? i would say more yes than no. would i recommend it tho? mostly no. but do ur own research and make ur own decision.i think its a big risk to take. but if u do it. please follow all the doctor recommendations. i know it sucks ass to sit without ur phone and tv and a lot of activities for a month.i was wearing sunglasses at winter. in russia. most ppl looked at me like i was the biggest idiot to exist. but please do. do ALL the exercises and the exact amount they told u to do them. they r boring but ull notice urself they help ur eyes to adapt a lot faster.
my vision now is 0.6 on the left eye and 0.8 on the right but it works in perfect conditions only, aka i slept well i didnt look into my phone for couple hours like an idiot and its pretty bright outside. otherwise i see much worse, about -1. its still huge improvement from where i was.
i heard ppl were doing surgeries for -2 vision and i would say i dont recommend it at all. u can see pretty well on ur own dpnt go the the risk of losing it for not so big of a difference
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
expanding on the “empty nester” ask- idk how much you’ve thought about this since most of your posts are about baby at 6/7, but where do you see her going to college? you mentioned her becoming a marine biologist (obviously)… would she specialize in a specific field, or just marine biology in general? would she just get a master’s or pursue a doctorate? sorry if this is off ur brand of oc brainrot, i just rly love college/degree stuff. it’s so interesting to me
"off my brand of oc brain rot" do u know who ur speaking to?? ive definitely thought at length about baby's future!! she ends up going to the university of alaska fairbanks just like demi to get both her bachelors and her doctorate degrees in marine science, where she does many internships and externship with the monterey bay aquarium in california!! she went on a combo birthday/high school graduation trip there with her parents during her senior year and has been obsessed ever since. initially, baby isn't exactly sure what specific field she wants to focus on because Everything Is Interesting, but she becomes really interested in conservation and sanctuary efforts and actually turns down a job at monterey bay to work at the alaska sealife center in seward, where she becomes the director of animal health and coordinates the rescue team. she wants to stay in alaska to help preserve the health of the animals in her state and also be in the same state as her family :')
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Hi darling
You write such an awesome metas on fictional character so I wanted you to ask that what's your thought on Huo Dao Fu.
AH OMG!!! Your ask could not have come at a better time, cause I have a feeling this man’s gonna be an important part of my next fic, so I really should start figuring him out. He’s SUCH A LIL WEIRDO??? honestly i love him, even though he’s a total Bitch 97% of the time, but I think at heart he’s just Looking For Something, as are all the characters in this show. 
What really interests me about Huo Daofu are his character parallels with Wu Xie, and I think that’s where most of the conflict between them comes in. Wu Xie, whether he means to be or not, is the Focus of Jiumen a good seventy-five percent of the time. Not always in a positive manner, because in Sha Hai they were all about ready to kick his ass, and in Reboot he pisses them off pretty good with his Warehouse Eleven stunts, but there’s a level of attention on him that other members of the families don’t receive, and I think Huo Daofu notices that, and is like “hey wait a minute why is he getting all the spotlight I want some spotlight >:( He’s not even doing a good job why is everyone paying attention to him”
Cause this bitch. THIS BITCH. He tried to be that bitch. He TRIED SO HARD. He went to EUROPE. He went to EUROPE and got a fucking like??? medical degree???? Like he went to GERMANY??? who does that?? not fucking wu xie, that’s who. Wu Xie went and got like a history degree or some shit which was just par for the course. But HUO DAOFU. He was DIFFERENT. He was gonna be THE SHIT. He was gonna be the unabomber of Jiumen, was gonna blow all that shit up and then say “fuck u” and all the future generations of Jiumen children were gonna hear horror stories about how Unique and Wild Huo Daofu was and he was never gonna have to deal with any of them ever again. 
BUT THEN WU XIE DECIDED TO BE PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE AND HE DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING OFF THE BEATEN PATH. HE LITERALLY JUST FOLLOWED WU SANXING AROUND FOR LIKE. A YEAR. AND EVERYONE LOST THEIR MINDS. Like if I had been Huo Daofu and tried SO HARD to be different from everyone else in my generation and then this Dumb Little History Twink kissed a Zhang and found some wild swamp treasure and everyone went nuts about it, I would have been pissed off too. 
Cause Jiumen is like. Annoying as hell, and everyone has a different way to deal with the fact that they’re a part of a treasure hunting org that has been around for hundreds of years and features immortals and weird-ass dudes with unbelievable martial arts skills and also Wu Sanxing. Xiaoge deals with them by Fucking Off Forever. Zhang Rishan deals with them by being The Most Competent Person In Any Given Room, and Huo Daofu deals with them by being The Biggest Bitch He Can Be, which isn’t even that much of a bitch, because there is always going to be a bigger bitch in Jiumen, and his name is Wu Xie. So it just backfires on him, because NO ONE GIVES A SINGLE FUCK. 
We’re introduced to him at Xiao Hua’s fake funeral (which lmao i love that) when he’s making some Evil Plans with the rest of Jiumen, but not for the same reasons, cause when they actually get to the desert, Huo Daofu does not care about the treasure pits. He doesn’t even go down into Gutongjing (I’m pretty sure), he just hangs out in the camps because he doesn’t CARE about the treasure, he just wants to keep Wu Xie from succeeding, wants to say, see, look, I can do things too, I can be clever and cunning, I can take them all down from the inside out and I don’t even need friends to do it. 
Huo Daofu is jealous of Wu Xie, I think, because Wu Xie is free of the confines of Jiumen, and Wu Xie has friends, and Wu Xie didn’t have to go to another country where he knew no one and didn’t even speak the language and work so hard and be fucking brilliant in ways that no one knows about and doesn’t always, always get overlooked in favor of someone who disregards everyone’s favor, but receives it anyway. 
So when Pangzi shows up with Wu Xie, half-dead, on Huo Daofu’s doorstep, I think a little vindictive part of him goes serves him right. 
But Huo Daofu is not a part of Jiumen in the ways that matter, and he’s a doctor, first and foremost. He took oaths because he wants to help people, he wants to save them, and even if he hates Wu Xie down in the pits of his stomach, he’s not just going to let him die. And so he follows Wu Xie to thunder city because, as he says, “I want to be there when you die.” He’s not going to kill him, he can’t do that, he’s a doctor, but that small, mean part of him wants to watch Wu Xie fall. 
(Also I love @kholran’s headcanon that Huo Daofu is Wu Xie’s bitchy ex, bc like YES??? OF COURSE???? like they had an on-again, off-again thing cause they were like “we’re not doing this with the Jiumen women” but they’re WAY TOO ALIKE and just ended up fighting all the time.)
Reboot loves the Rule of Threes, which is where an idea is repeated three times in order to create a pleasing pattern. Human brains love patterns, and so when we see the Iron Triangle, when we see the three pills that mark the stages of Wu Xie’s illness, when we see the three missing people from Sanshu’s journey, our brains go oh that’s important (and Reboot ALMOST kills the game, ALMOST knocks it out of the park, but then they have FOUR story arcs instead of THREE, and it drives me ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE. WHY DID THEY DO THIS. WHY). 
And Huo Daofu is a FANTASTIC tri-tier replica of Wu Xie’s Greatest Hits, which are: 
Being a sort of outcast/family runaway (Wu Xie has very clearly said Fuck Everyone Who Isn’t Sanshu, and Huo Daofu has aligned himself with the Chen clan, because the Huo’s are like Fuck Men (which honestly good for them but pLEASE love ur special doctor boy he’s getting a Complex))
Acting based almost Solely on Emotions when in the Heat of the Moment (i.e. dropping his entire life to go play doctor with a man who will not calm down for any length of time in order to actual REST)
Solving problems that no person should be able to solve because he’s smart as shit 
Narratively, he’s a FANTASTIC foil for Wu Xie, because not only does he essentially hold this man’s life in his hands, but because he is what Wu Xie could have been if he hadn’t met Pangzi or Xiaoge, if he hadn’t had support from other people. And I don’t think that’s Huo Daofu’s fault, because he and Wu Xie are so, so similar. He just never got the people he needed, and its so clear that he’s achingly alone all of the time, so no wonder he’s jealous of Wu Xie and wants to become part of this little group so damn badly, even as he’s protesting and saying, “no, no, I want you to die, literally nothing would give me more pleasure, please die right now, I’m waiting.” 
Sure, he’s a flipper-flopper ass bitch, but he’s trying his best with what he’s got, and shit, that’s not a lot. He’s got zero support system. I mean why the fuck is he making street churros? Even Zhang Rishan, who has NO culinary expertise or connections whatsover, gets to live in a restaurant, while Huo Daofu has to make fried dough in an alley and then keep people from choking on their own lungs on his damn kitchen table. Someone please help this man. 
this is SO LONG i’m sorry but essentially I think that Huo Daofu is Like That because he’s trying so hard to be someone, and no one is paying any attention, and the person he would most relate to, Wu Xie, is off doing God knows what with his polycule of friends and Huo Daofu’s all by himself and like??? i would be SO FRUSTRATED??? please give this man a break and also give him Love??? like, this screenshot speaks VOLUMES (photo credit to @hey-its-wei) 
Tumblr media
LOOK AT HIM!!!!! LOOK AT HOW FUCKING HAPPY HE LOOKS!!!! JUST TO BE THERE!!!! WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!!! WHO HAVE SEEN HIM AND LISTENED AND SAID “hey, you can come with us, we’ll take you, you don’t have to be alone anymore.” 
I said earlier that Huo Daofu, like everyone else in this series, was Looking For Something. And like many of our beloved Wu Crew, he was looking for a family. And look! He found them :)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Your Father Says - JJ Maybank
Request: hey love ur stories btw obviously so can i get an imagine for jj where inspired by forget what ur father says by the vamps it's ok if u don't wanna write it.
A/N: I’m not obsessed with JJ running away, you are. Just kidding, it’s me. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
~cause a boy like me and a girl like you got no degrees and a lot to prove.~
“This is a bad idea.” You said, standing in the middle of the living room holding your duffel bag in your hands. You had packed all the clothes you would need and any essentials you could think of between the duffel and the backpack on your back. “JJ, are you listening to me? This is a bad idea.” You repeated, watching your boyfriend as he pulled a few of your dad’s beers out of the refrigerator and into his cooler.  
JJ stopped what he was doing, standing up and looking over his shoulder at you. “It’ll be fine.”
It was JJ’s idea. On a rare day that you were able to duck your dad’s watchful eye and meet JJ down by the marsh, he suggested the idea that the two of you runaway. Not forever and not far, but just for a little while. Just to get away from your dad and JJ’s dad and the Outer Banks in general.  
“We could take my cousin’s van and just go.” JJ had suggested, “it’d be awesome. Camping all over the country, sleeping under the stars. Just you and me.”
“I don’t know. My dad would never let me.” And it was true. You knew there was no way in the world that your dad would let you go anywhere with JJ. He didn’t even want you seeing the boy that he deemed ‘a lost cause’. Kids like that were nothing but trouble and you weren’t ever going to let that kind of trouble into your life.  
“So, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“I can’t just go.”
“Why not?”
Your dad couldn’t watch you all the time and it hadn’t taken long for JJ to become an unwavering part of your world. You snuck out to a party when your dad was away for a weekend and the next thing you knew JJ was sneaking into your room. He was the one who thought about leaving and decided to put the plan into action but you were happy to go along with it. If only a little freaked out about what your father might do if he found out you had left with the only person, he had expressly forbid you from ever even talking to.  
You followed JJ out to the van, watching as he loaded the cooler into the trunk. “No, we’ll get caught. My dad said if he sees you around anymore, he would-”
“And he won’t see me around anymore.” JJ pointed out, “if we leave now.”
There was only a small window of opportunity while your dad was at a doctor’s appointment to leave and make it to the ferry. If you missed your chance there might never be another one.  
“Okay. Hold on.” You put your duffel and backpack on the ground for JJ to load into the van and hurried back inside your house.  
“We gotta go.” JJ called, following after you, standing in the open doorway. He kept glancing over his shoulder as if he could hear the car coming down the road but it was just phantom noises putting him on edge.  
“I’m not gonna disappear from my house and not tell him anything J. He’ll literally freak out if he comes home and I'm missing.” You explained, grabbing a pad of paper and a pen from the counter and beginning to write a note to tell him that you were leaving. You tried to think of all the things you wanted to mention, that you would call, that you would be home before the end of the summer, that you were safe and happy and with a friend (you were careful to say friend) as you rushed through the letter.  
“You aren’t missing, we’re just...taking a vacation.” JJ replied.  
You stopped writing for a moment to look over at your boyfriend, a brief moment of panic seizing you, “a vacation out of North Carolina. He’s never even let me off the island, do you know how freaked he’ll be when he realizes I’m leaving the state?”
“We’ll be back.” JJ stressed. He finally came back into the house, letting the screen door bang shut behind him as he came over to you. He put his hands on your upper arms, rubbing his thumbs against your skin to comfort you.  
“And your cousin is okay with us using his van?” You asked, trying to run over all the things that you would need to know about the trip. Did you have everything you needed? Would you be safe? Did you have enough money? It was all starting to sink in.  
JJ laid a kiss against your forehead when he caught the look of anxious terror that crossed your face. He knew exactly where you were going. He had gone there a time or two as well though for a different reason. “Yeah, totally.”
“Okay.” You nodded. You looked at JJ and took a deep breath, letting yourself focus on the boy in front of you and not the mess you were potentially leaving behind. “okay I’m ready.”
“You’re ready ready?” He asked, making sure you weren’t having second thoughts. He’d unpack everything if he had to but he didn’t want to stay another minute on the island.  
“I’m ready.” You promised. “I want to do this.”
“It’ll be good and we’ll be back before you know it.” He let go of you, stepping away and heading back toward the door. You signed your name and folded the paper before laying it on the table for your dad to see.  
“I know, and I want to go. I want us to go.” You said, following him back outside, stopping on the porch to lock the front door. “I just...my dad is going to be pissed when he finds out I’m gone JJ and I’m just really freaked out what he’ll do when he gets home.”
“Well I don’t want to stay here and find out.” JJ replied. “Let's go. You left him a note, so let's hit the road. We can call him when we’re out of NC and then when he screams, we can hang the fucking phone up.”  
“Okay.” You pocketed your keys and walked down to the van, getting in the passenger side as JJ started the car up. As he pulled out of the driveway you chanced a look in the rearview mirror, watching your house get smaller and smaller in the distance, unable to stop the smile when you thought of a summer away with JJ.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @jolomez @timotaychalabae  @summerkaulitz 
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rawmeknockout · 4 years
so I got an angsty request . Basically a tfp’s bot (of ur choice) has a sparkmate and sparkling, both of whom are kidnapped by the decepticons. the decepticons show them footage of how badly beaten up s/o is (looking close to death), and sparkling cries in her arms. They go to save them and she’s on the verge of death (u decide whether they live or die :0) thank you!! Tehe
//eh i’m not one for ‘tragedy porn’//
Ratchet tries to focus on the task at hand, you’ve got several deep wounds and you’re already in a severely weakened state. It’s a miracle you survived this long, especially with the strain of recently carrying. If he doesn’t patch you up soon...
He needs to focus. You’ll be fine. You’re alive and safe now. Even when you try to get his attention, begin expounding on how happy you are to see him and how sorry you are for causing trouble and wondering where the sparkling went, Ratchet ignores you. He can’t get emotional right now, no matter how badly he wants to break down at the sight of your destroyed armor. His optics are misty with fluid, but he can’t cry. Not yet. He has to hold himself together for you.
He chooses to distance himself; it’s what any doctor would do. Lots of innocent mechs have faced greater tragedies over the numerous millennia of war. This is not a special case. That doesn’t mean he won’t bark at all the other Autobits to get out of the makeshift medbay, scare off their human allies so he can have some peace and quiet with you. It does him no good to have your friends hovering over him, worriedly petting your face and clustering to make sure you’re alright.
You’re going to be fine, so he doesn’t need them acting like you won’t wake up when you eventually pass out...
They’re just trying to help, but Ratchet can’t help the irritation he feels having them helicopter over you when he’s already doing everything he can to keep you alive. When you are all patched up, Ratchet will be able to relax with you and the sparkling, and he would inform you of all you missed. How much he worried for you. How he wouldn’t be able to recharge if you weren’t by his side. And lastly, he would tell you to never go on a solo patrol ever again.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
Hey There Little Lupo, Lemme Whisper in Your Ear...
“...Hmm.” The Doctor rolled over in his bed to turn his lamp on. “Could have sworn I heard something.”
“You did.” Lappland was standing at the end, a bloodcurdling smile on her face.
His face blanched. “You...you’re finally going to kill me, aren’t you?”
“What? Without a fight?” She chuckled. “You really think that little of me?”
“Okay, so if you’re not here to kill me - which I still suspect - why are you here?”
The Lupo crawled over the edge of the bed and next to him. “I couldn’t sleep, got bored, had an idea, and decided to test it out on you.”
“...What the fuck does that mean.” The fear was back, although somewhat muddled by another biological impulse. “Lappland, what does that mean?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just snuggle up-” She wrapped her arms around his chest as she said this, pressing herself against his back “-and let me whisper in your ear.”
Well, it wasn’t death, and she didn’t seem like she wanted to hurt him…“Alright, but don’t get too comfortable.”
“Heheh...We’ll see about that. Now, let’s get you back to sleep.”
“Huh?” He wanted to turn around and face her, but he couldn’t without moving her as well. “O-okay, then.”
Lappland set her head against his back and, in a low whisper, said, “Auto-sensory meridian response.”
“...I get it now.”
“You’re a light sleeper, Doctor.” The Lupo continued, her voice sending delicious tingles along his scalp. “I hear the other Operators talk about it sometimes. Gravel says you wake up almost every hour at least once...That a fly on your wall buzzing could pull you from a nap...But you look so cute when you’re asleep~”
And back to being weird...but he already knew all of that. The Zalak had told him as much. Had she taken photos, or...or had Lappland visited him before? Normally that’d be sending a chill down his spine, but it was already occupied.
“I wondered how long I could stand there without you hearing me. Gravel said that on a good day, she could hide for about half an hour. Maybe I’ll tell her I beat her record, but I’m not sure...I like the thought of you being the only one who knows. It makes it more special.”
Was it just because she’d gotten into bed with him this felt so intimate? She was probably just messing with him - one thing everyone knew about Lappland was she had a very strange view on what was ‘in good fun’ or ‘entertaining,’ and if she was talking to Gravel then God knew what she might start talking about - but there was always a chance, wasn’t there?
“Mmm...I can hear your heartbeat. Thu-thump. Thu-thump. Thu-thump. You still don’t know what to think of this, and...I don’t know, either.”
Oh? That was a twist. It was getting harder to focus - hell, this might actually put him to sleep.
“I...I want to know what goes on in your mind. I want to understand you, and to see if maybe you can understand me. No one does, and I know why, but when I see you...when I see you...You’re still awake. Good. If you weren’t, I might be less honest with myself. I could say my plan worked, I had my fun, and I could brag to Gravel about beating her record, but I don’t want to do that, to cheapen this moment. Even if it’s only once I can speak so freely with you, I’m happy you want to listen.”
He felt a tear falling from one of his eyes, but he didn’t move or try to stop it. As heart-wrenching as this was, he felt so at peace, which considering this was Lappland seemed so impossible…
“You don’t need to feel sorry for me, Doctor. I deserved this fate. I know I’m crazy. I know I’m too violent, that I shouldn’t want to see Texas in a frenzy the way she used to, that I shouldn’t find your confusion about my intentions so delicious, but I can’t change those things...I can’t fix myself, and no one here can fix me. They only know how to keep my body from turning to stone, but my heart already has...at least, it almost has. I don’t know when, or how, but you chipped a hole through to the organ beneath. It isn’t scarring over, and every time I hear your voice, it skips a beat. I’d...I’d do anything for you, Doctor. Anything...but I know I’m crazy, and that wouldn’t be good for you...You’re still awake? Hmm...Maybe I’m not as good at this as I thought. You feel the response, yes?”
“I do,” he whispered back. “Loosen your arms a little.”
She obliged, and he turned himself around to face her. “I couldn’t make you fall asleep,” the Lupo frowned, seemingly oblivious to the words she’d just said.
“Did you mean everything you said?”
“Heh. Maybe I did.” She gave him a maddening smirk. “Does it matter?”
The Doctor put his arms on her sides, fingers lightly pressing against scars from days spent in Siracusan slums. “It’s the only thing that matters. I don’t need sleep, Lappland, until I have an answer.”
“...I did.” Her perpetual aura of subtly-masked danger was still there, but for the first time since he’d met her, the Doctor could see a touch of vulnerability. She wanted to let him in...but how much?
“Your voice when you whisper is so gentle.” His right hand traced along her side to rest on her cheek. “If what you were saying wasn’t so interesting, I would be asleep right now, so this was no failure. But if you wanted to test that, a confession was not your best choice...Still, I’m glad you came tonight.”
Her eyes danced, lit by an unidentifiable glow. “You are?”
“I don’t sleep well unless I’m really tired, but maybe all I need is someone beside me. Gravel never stays after I wake up - she says she loves me, but I think she’s scared to make a move when I’m half-asleep - but you’re here, and your words were so sweet, and your voice so soft..almost as soft as your skin.”
“Mmmm...” She drank in the praise, and it set her shaking slightly, especially when his other hand slid down next to one of her Originum formations. “Doctor...Do you want me to stay a little longer~”
He shook his head. “No, Lappland...I want you to stay forever~”
--Originally posted by ZeroDegreesOfEducation
*Comment by RatRacer: ‘That’s not realistic. Everyone knows Gravel’s better at stealth than Lappland!’
**Response to RatRacer by StarlightSeer: ‘Perhaps not, but seeing some of her abilities in person, one must wonder...’
**Response to RatRacer by KarmaChameleon: ‘We know it’s you, Gravel.’
*Comment by InkSplatter: ‘This is pretty good for a first-time post. It’s not my preferred style, but it does deserve a place on the front page.’
**Response to InkSplatter by ZeroDegreesOfEducation: ‘Thanks! I think Lappy gets a bad rap sometimes, but she really is sweet once you get to know her. Especially if she asks to whisper in your ear ;).’
***Response to ZeroDegreesOfEducation by KarmaChameleon: ‘Wait a minute...Spoken from experience?’
****Response to KarmaChameleon by ZeroDegreesOfEducation: ‘Hey, no one said these ships couldn’t be based on true events, did they?’
*****Response to ZeroDegreesOfEducation by TexasOurTexas: ‘Looks liek some1s on 2 us :P ill b keeping an i on ur posts all of u so say nice things bout his stories k?’
Continue Reading --->
(requested by anonymous)
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hobisolostan · 6 years
85 question tag thing 🏹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!! 😙)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraop @justinsgf @lilchims @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddess @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2o 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause she’s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!) 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. favorite colours: blues/neutrals 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped out 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :(( 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :(( 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtube 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, it’s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself: uh my lips and dimples and the fact that I’m pretty self-driven 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of those 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its an “e” as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know 😔
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!! 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular righty 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isn’t one of those that take family trips, at least out of country 😔ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ugh 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myself 😔
54. i’m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :( 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goal 😔
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses pls 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house we’re never smooching 
61. shorter or taller: definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc they’re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: can’t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightly  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa, new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho so 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yea 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sure 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i did 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friend’s name: i have two: one’s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictable 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of course 🤩🤩
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we-wandering · 4 years
Chapter 1 over the mountain over the hill and welcome to star city
Welcome to star city. The most advanced place in the galaxy. Earn coins, and participate in challenges. I am GAME, and here I keep the balance. I am not a being but I am starcity. We are the future tech. Everything u dream of in the future is here in stacity. 
I walk down the road. The street light flickers on and off, where I live. My run down apartment is the only building left from the olden city, celestial city. Some wish to destroy it, but even if my status is low, it is my property. I lie down as I pick up my knife, whittling out a machine from scrap metal that I own.
Today I am on the top of the list. “YES! NUMBER ONE”. Top shrade in the world. Oh and if u dont know, a shrade is a participant in the games. Got more than 1 million coins in my bank. Top citizen. I wear glasses, and if you ask my age, there are none in star city, only levels. Mine is 1051. I'm the second most famous person in the world, only to lord game. I AM DELTA.
As I reach the end of the corner there is a big bright screen everywhere. However today is different. All the screens around me usually show games but now there is an ad. GAME, is choosing his right hand man. People are always happy here. There are no problems. Everything is perfect except for me. I’m the odd one out. And that’s going to earn me victory.
I see the sign the GAME is choosing his partner. Hm. I'm usually pretty modest but it's gotta be me. I mean c'mon I'm the best shrade. Gotta be chosen right?
My name is incuriso. I am different. I am well known in a bad way. I am a mechanic, but not for good use. I’m a virtual mechanic. A hacker. 
Whew, my team (Delta airlines) JUST FLYIN AWAY WITH 700 wins IN ONE DAY! LIFe is great for me. I see my total coins fly up to 7billion.I mean what could I wish for more besides that seat with GAME. No ones ever seen him or even if he is a him. He is a it. He is all.
Chapter 3 TIME TO PLAY
Today is the day of the battle, the day of the chosen. The day I have been training to never let my family, my friends and my city down. This is the day that I beat the world. The FORGE is the game of choice from Game himself, we all then spawn in. I check my chest to see that there is a magic artifact already. The grades of weapons are Ordinary, Strengthened, Magic Artifact, Prized Artifact, Sacred Artifact and a special weapon in the center of the arena which is no artifact nor weapon, it is a hammer that allows you to forge weapons yourself. I studied up on this and don’t plan on losing. I charge at the nearest contestant and stab him with the magic artifact, a lance at the stage of a tier 2 artifact, dealing -80 points of damage. Each person starts with 100hp, so this was a powerful attack. He counters with his ordinary sheild. Pathetic. I finish him off and go to the center where I see someone else, their name is apparently Bathtub. They possess a Sacred artifact? I frown as I slide under the forging table and slice her legs. A -60 damage as a crit? I feel a tingle down my spine as I see the tier of this weapon is 8 in the sacred artifact realm. 9 realms to ordinary, 9 to strengthened, 9 to magic, 9 to prized and 9 to sacred. Only 1 tier away from being the strongest weapon in the arena, but I grin as I stab her chest, dealing a normal hit of -39. She then laughs as she hits me but I block with the shield I looted earlier, dealing a -98 to me. 98!!! Out of 100!!! A 2hp vs a 1hp battle, whoever can hit first. I charge and throw my lance, dealing the remaining -43 that I need. The rest of the battle is easy once I reap the lives of the others, only wielding strengthened or magic artifacts. I am about to win this contest… Time to make the donuts… 
CHAPTER 4 Time to dance
I hear the GREAT O GAME. Is calling his partner Shulk. “ Whatever I think not like I care”. I am hacking into the newest challenge. The championship challenge. I hop on in right as Delta kills the last person, but using a specific command, I teleport behind him, and using my infamous commanders blade that I bought with a rich mans talisman that I found on the street, I stab Delta. A -9001 appears on his head as he falls over. Over 9000, just how I coded it.
“WHAT GOING ON I SHOUT” Suddenly I get the U LOSE SCREEN. “WHAT?” I am so confused. So is everyone else. Then I see a person donning a black cloak, weilding a small blade. “NO” I think. “NONONONONONO” It was Incuriso, the poor man, the weakling, the hacker, the beast and the outlaw.
Chapter 5 SHULK.
I LAUGH UNTIL I CRY, As I see Delta's face turn red to purple to a strange shade of green. But I stop when the game makes an announcement. Our winner to be Shulk is now Incuriso. My face freezes. WHat did he say? WHAT THE HECK DID GAME JUST SAY? I ponder as I realize, this contest is for all thy marbles. My new assistant, Game announces, is Qwert. I grin evily as I shout, OH QWEEERRRRTTTTTYYYYYY...
I am a literal person who just likes to do stuff. I don’t have a job, I just get money from the bank. I have no idea how but I'm just a normal person , as I am carrying 20 laptops to my office, my master yells...QWERT….I drop the box shattering the laptops and rush towards my masters room. As I see what is happening my eyes widen. Incuriso is now GAMES first in command.
My name is now Shulk. GAME has chosen it. I cannot resist. Suddenly a light flashes before me. All of a sudden I am no longer in my home. I am somewhere I dont know. I find myself on the ground of a digital world. This place feels infested with energy. Everywhere I feel a small static on my feet. “Where am I?” Suddenly I hear a voice. “Welcome incursio”. Suddenly out of nowhere, a door opens revealing a very bright light. I squint covering my face with my arm. Suddenly I see a silhouette. Is this game I think?.
I see incursio. He is still in his black cloak. He cannot see me. I am not human but everything. I tell him “U are chosen”. “U will be my second in command to help the citizens”. He responded with an astonishing loud shout “WHY ME!!!!???”. I think “ Jesus just go with it man u know ur smart”. But instead I say “because u are intelligent and u are not like normal human beings”.
Yeah right I’m intelligent. You chose me because I hacked into the contest and won in the end. Do you think I’m stupid? I then see a table of materials in front of me as game tells me to make something. I don’t know what it is, just a bunch of noise, so I use the materials to make a lightweight mechanical arm. A simple build, really, but Game’s eyes flash as he nods. Good job, he says, as his presence disappears.
WHAT??? I see incursio flash out of existence before my eyes. “Awhat now” I say aloud. What just happened. A panda suddenly jumps right into me and suddenly vanishes. I AM SOOO CONFUSED? “What what what what” i say this alone. Then everything goes black.
I woke up not where I was before. Something in me does not feel good. “AAAUGGG” I scream until I see a face. It's not Incuriso. It's a panda. I somehow know it's a he.  Confused, I focus on him. He is blue and a bit transparent. However he does look like a normal panda. He stares at me for one second and vanishes. I am left alone again.
Chapter 7: A new Beginning Shulk: I start up a new store, though my mechanic skills are good, I have always wanted to be a forger. I have made countless machines, but they don’t symbolize anything for anyone. Now that I had the riches to do so, I started up a forging station in the center of the town, calling it the Ancient Anvil.
Game: Looking into Shulks background, I see he was poor and a sad fellow. He may have cheated in this contest, but in the end, he is the chosen one. I would have chosen delta, but the calling from the spirits of my mind told me something. 
Delta: WHAT IS HAPPENING WHAT IS HAPPENING GET THE VOICES OUT MY HEAD WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE PLEASE JUST GO AW- and I felt that the race was unfair. Though I didn’t win and might not have won, I feel that -SLAY HIM AND HIS GANG OF CHEATERS, DINE ON HIS BLOOD AND -out of the -AHHHHHH -what is that noise? My head was splitting apart when I heard this. There was another voice. A voice telling me to destroy starcity. I scream and spit blood out. Gasping for air I hear the voice commanding me to destroy it. “DESTROY IT, DESTROY IT” the voice taunted. I could not taken anymore. My hands were on my head. Then I fainted on the ground. Chapter 8: The era of peace
Game: I have recruited some other helpers to run the city, and things seem to be going well. Shulk has created a forging station, I hired both a doctor for this city named bathtub and an assistant to help run my own shop, the orben. Shulk then later offered to help me run the orben as well, he seemed pretty eager to do so…
Shulk: I saw the orben one day and noticed, this is quite powerful. Some of my old habits came back as I offered to take the assistant job for the orben. I powered up the machine and hacked into its database, ruining the motherboard and connecting the power source to a different machine when I realized that this man had put his trust into me, I shouldn’t do this. I was changing.
Bathtub: I’m a doctor, and my medicine is ice cream. I like ducks and ice cream, but I saw that Shulk was making a weird machine so I walked over. He suddenly stood up and threw a wrench down, destroying the machine. It was a terrifying sight, not because he threw the wrench, but because of the green explosion that followed. Chapter 9: The darkness that descends
Game: I have invited delta to join our sect, and though he seems a bit out of it, I feel that this is only fair since Shulk did cheat to win. He will be placed 3rd in command, only to Shulk and myself. This should help him calm down a bit.
Shulk: Game has invited Delta to join us, but I feel that this is not good for me. I will for sure be taken as a traitor in his mind, he uses his power to stop me, kill me and destroy me. Though this worries me, I sneer in my head, wanting him to do something for I will end him if he tries.
Delta: Game is inviting me? Does he not fear that I will kill his precious Shulk? My mind is now full of memories from the past, for I can see the relationship between the two, the blood and souls that connect them. The dynamic duo that is seen as Hero and Sidekick, but I will destroy this now. The power I possess is enough to blow up many worlds and realms. It is almost time.
Chapter 10 Continuing
Everyone's day is the same as SHULK. Taking care of citizens, making sure there is order, and attending meetings. I do wish I was back to my old life. After, what it seemed like a million presentations and meetings, I finally get back to the apartment and call Qwert. This time, I don't hear footsteps. I do not see his red jacket. I see nothing. “Qwert?” I call out “If this is a joke it's NOT funny” That's when I see a panda.
During the meeting, I cloned myself and was able to get around unnoticed planting plasma explosions. I was not supervised and was alone. I kept my dark hood over my head so no one could see me. However these bombs were not just the biggest part of my plan. I was changing. I was making an army.
CHapter 11Turning different
After the “SHULKCADENT” SHULK INCIDENT as they call it. Life went on. The person who took my 100th grand final win is in second power. WHY! I don’t know because GAME is a jerk. That's when I decided to kidnap qwerty
Suddenly I see Delta. DELTA??!!!. Why would he be here. I try to get up but then I see I am chained to the ground. I see the triangle sign. Of course. That's when I see that the great Delta is different. His glasses are off. His eyes are purple and he has robot parts on him I have never seen before. “Uh hi!” I says nervously. He just walks past me like i am not even there. “Hey uh could u take me off these chains and uh get me a snack?”He glares at me. “Well ok then” I think. “ Ill just stay here uh ok he he” I feel a drop of sweat trickle down my face. He fades out of view. Then I developed a stutter. 
Delta: As I watch from the sunset of a great tower I start to think. I have never dreamed of, but as I make myself stronger with magic and technology, I develop an army. A dark spirit army, forged by black goo they are almost impossible to destroy. I chuckle darkly, telling myself that someday Game will be under my control. 
Confused, I stare. I no longer wear a black robe but now a black windbreaker, blending in with the normal citizens I do not like to be noticed. As the panda vanishes I feel a sense of panic. Who would do such a thing to qwert. 
Chapter 12 The fall
I hear an explosion. “W-was that a bomb?” Another one again.” What was th-that?!” I see Delta watch from a big glass wall. Standing straight with his hands behind his back. Hearing his metal fingers click together, I suddenly hear several explosions. I struggle trying to be free from these chains but suddenly, Delta comes at me and grabs something. In an instant my life escapes before my eyes. I feel a seering pain in my chest. A cold metal object sliding into me. It hurts. I glance down seeing red liquid pouring down. It was a moment, an instant, Then my heart stopped. 
I feel a disturbance. Something chaotic. Something dangerous. I press the button to call for shulk but as I do, I notice something is very, very wrong. The button was a trap.
I run seeing Starcity explode before my very eyes. I run. My heart pounds against my chest. My arms fly over my head. BOOM. Another explosion. I see people scream and run. Rocks and smoke fly. I have no time to help others. I am focused on my survival. I hear cars screech. Police shouting. Several more explosions. Suddenly I pull out a device in my pocket and I become transparent. The small pebbles hitting me no longer hurt. Everything flies through me. TV screens with ads fall down, houses and buildings fall. This IS A NIGHTMARE. I see are forces of robots are barely enough to stop the darklings. Starcity will fall. I pull out my blade and roar, charging into the enemy forces. I slash, firing powerful spells. My body is with rage as I run through the darklings slashing them to bits. As I get through every single one of them, they reform. I feel a sense of panic I have never felt before. My body is full of fear. I hear my heart pumping, and for a split second I freeze. I never freeze in battle. Realizing what I have doneI jump into a void portal teleporting me to the highest building.
Chapter 13 A game for GAME
I focus hard and I search through citizens. My spirit weaving through the crowd running until I reach the last building. Delta is standing there. I can sense his darkness. He must know I am here and says “ you may call me the undertaker. He says with a bow and jumps out of the window, landing on his feet. I growl as I shoot my primary energy at him, but he dispells it and laughs. Time to say goodbye, he chuckles.
As much as I hate starcity, I loved messing with it and tricking the people. Too bad that the whole place is blowin up. Suddenly, I see Delta. Is he responsible for this? Seems like this. Even though I might not like starcity I see Game as the great Leader and honor him. I have changed. Suddenly Game somehow gives me the thought to give me the proof Delta did this. Then I realize this is all my fault. I am the one who ruined Delta by hacking.  feel a pain as I see starcity fall, but I fall as I see Delta throw a knife in the air. It stops and falls like it hits someone. Then I feel GAME no longer. The link formed as we ruled together had grown from allies to friends, but this feeling was gone. HE is dead. It's over.
Game: A knife is in my chest and I fall over. My essense and soul start to dissipate as I fade away, but something pulls me into the void below. It calls for someone called astro, but I don’t know who this is. I blast in the direction of the voice with a weapon that shulk gave me, but the voice only chuckled as it said, you know you’re guilty, just lie down and take the punishment. I fear I can no longer take it as I am swirled away, consciousness disappearing… I fight back but fail to win… I… am no more… 
I desperately take out a device that is called that randomizer. I shoved a few portals to a few dimensions in there, and it takes something out and gives it to you. I can be a weapon, a food, a pill, a monster, even the entire dimension. I use it and it shoots a blade out to me. I grab it and feel the overwhelming power from it. Its called the Abyssal Blade. I use it to summon a doppelganger and some phantoms, looking for the undertaker so I may destroy him.
It was a moment, a minute, a whole day. I can feel myself disappearing. It feels like falling. Falling into a big void. All I can think of is, dizzy, death,......Star. My mind swirls, I cannot explain how it felt. It was like I met face to face with the underworld. I fall deeper and deeper into my mind, but before it's too late, I see light. Something is pulling me back to the world of the living. I can feel it. There is something keeping me here and I don’t understand why. 
As my army of darklings advance. I know I am going to win. Then I turn fully dark. A monster. Black and purple. I am no longer human. I am. The. Undertaker. I watch as the city is burned to crisps. The people enslaved and GAME died. I jump down. My eyes dark with hatred. I weave a giant spell. A dark spell and open a black hole destroying every bit of the city left. Suddenly, I am light headed. Shulk charges to me and I summon a vortex of small demons to take care of him, but I become he other Delta for a split second. Then I am darkened once more. I laugh as I realize, both versions of me want to kill Shulk. I am all powerful. I am… the undertaker… AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!
My body is fueled with rage. No matter how many times I slash, these darklings will not DIE! That's when me and Delta meet eye to eye. We stop for an instant. Gazes locked on each other. Something is different. His eyes are dark, there is dark magic inside him. This is not the real Delta, but I must kill him if I must.
Blood ties chapter 13
Delta may have destroyed the city, but he did not effect the people. I rush everywhere healing people. My legs move as quickly as they can. I can feel my heart pounding in fear. The hard dirt beneath my feet. Everything is silent, until a flash of light appears at the corner of my eye. I hear people gasp. It's the darklings. 
Me and my robotic troops hold off the darklings allowing people to escape, but suddenly I see several escaped or line sort of walls. The people are behind us and I rush towards them, my anger boils. I can feel my memories of hatred from others, the scary history of my childhood, and I can feel something powerful winding up inside me. I dash dodging spells. I feel the grip of my long blade in my hand. I jump, sword over my head aiming at the middle of them. Then my instincts take over. My blade emits light around it with yellow and green fire. Not knowing what I am doing, I squeeze the handle of my blade and spin. Slamming the weapon down it creates a wave of bright blue color. I killed them. Maybe not all of them but I killed some. My gaze turns to the people who are watching me in awe. I have no time for praise as I sense more coming. My foot turns into a batting stance. I feel the dust against my face. I am bruised and dirty. Brown dirt covering my face. I raise my sword preparing to take on a whole army...ALONE.
I can see one man standing alone. Against a whole army of almost indestructible monsters. I am powerless to do anything. However, I see a flash of light and I am not where I was before. I am in a library.  Someone had summoned me here, but without me the people will all die.
I watch behind me as the doctor suddenly disappears out of her will. Without her, the people will die. I shout to the people “use what you have and help me fight! It is no use, since we will all die.” I guess my speech was more...uplifting then what I thought before. I see the people rise as the monster's approach. I can hear the legs pounding against the floor. They are black and purple coming in different sizes. Some look like ash piles together, others look like glue, some look like those stranger things stuff. People pull out weapons they have from games, and then fight.
I watch as the people get up to fight. I snort, “there going to die trying” I think. 
 Chapter 14 The final step
We plunge into battle. My emitting light is gone. The only thing we can do is weaken them as much as possible. As we fight I slash everywhere. Dashing here there. I see people fall, but I know it will happen anyway. When there are the smallest amount of people left, I pull out the void device. The power is dead. I make a frustrated groan as I fall back. I pull out another small device that becomes larger as I press a button. I am now the only one left. The monsters rush at me. Frantically, I point the device at me. My brain screams in fear and tells me to run, but I jab the device into me, I feel a pain searing through my belly. My knowledge and conscious transfers into the device. My body dies just as the monsters reach it. Then my consciousness in the device teleports into the void.
My dry and cracked mouth makes an evil grin as I see or at least think my minions killed Shulk. I see his body on the ground. I did it and I won. I am the Undertaker.
I wake up, not as game anymore, but as someone else. I have knowledge of more magic then ever. I walk by as people bow to me. They seem like I was there ruler and that I have been ruling for a while. It is very confusing. I feel the nice bright sun over my face, and as I sit down on a chair to analyse the place I see one of Shulks conscious devices. Is that him?  Suddenly, memories flow into me.
My conscious sees alternative universes, dimensions. This is something that was impossible. As I am stuck in a small box, I see myself dying, or living, I see myself become powerful. Game alive. Delta good. My mind swirls. My conscious puts itself on the glass window trying to get a close look, but it moves too fast. It speeds up, going faster and faster.  I see rainbows and different colors. I become dizzy and everything goes black. 
After starcity, I feel a hunger for more fear. I want more destruction. Suddenly I become myself again but only for an instant as my eyes turn dark again and I find my next location to devour. The overstar.
I woke up. My sight is blurry as I see my hands. I am supposed to be dead. I take in my surroundings. Am I in heaven? I see gold and books. It looks like it. Suddenly I see someone. Someone who I can sense is very powerful. And it appears that he has no good intentions. Hello, Qwert, he smiles. Its me, your new master, the undertaker, but you may remember me as… I freeze as I hear the name… D E L T A 
Hello, I am the bathtub.  Own the hospital. Using magic I can create magical ice cream that can heal everything. However that is not bringing back a life. However, before he fell and died,  Game told me something, eyes wide open. “You are more than just the doctor”, he said, “you are the traitor”.  He tumbles to the ground as I gasp to myself. This is who I am. I am a bathtub, only survivor of the crisis, the apparent traitor and spy, and the last one standing. 
The Librarian
I am the librarian, was once the Great Librarian of star city, now taking it as my base and refuge of the others for the citizens of star city. I knew I might have to run, so I ejected the library, making a new smaller planet called the overstar, with many different regions within this library. Star city may have been great, but it is now a broken down rock in space. The great shulk, bathtub and many other citizens came with me, but I fear that this place will decolate in no time… I don’t know if I can protect my citizens… I fear… I will die trying… 
0 notes
olympus-summit · 4 years
Shinobu | re_Birthday Truth | Trial 6.7 | re: Charon, Setsuna, Atropos
[ CW: Discussed murder by cremation, emotional abuse from teachers, and suicidal ideation ]
Shinobu looks a bit sheepish when Charon corrects them – they still 100% believe the Titan Administration would blow this airship up as a last resort to destroy the rogue councilors – but his follow-up comments earn a glare.
“Sakura Arai spent her last hours cursing your name because she also thought you’d start a war! And Atropos told her your plans didn’t have to end in one! W-Which tells me you all did think through the possibilities a-and went ahead with this anyway. So… now you're worried about exposing the truth b-because of the risks…? I-I don’t want another w-war, yes, but I just… I want to understand what you expect to happen now.”
Not that the councilors are bound to follow the conspirators’ advice, especially since it sounds like not even they are in complete agreement of what should happen and who should be the scapegoat. But it’ll be good to know what resources they have, how hard the Administration would fight back, and what possible outcomes there are.
Shinobu backs out of the conversation, expecting that an answer won’t come when people are venting off more pain. Some part of them wants to mediate, but... But right now, they doubt they could give an effective defense for anyone.
Instead, they get up, messenger bag upon their shoulder, and place their turtle dolls at the respective altars. They don’t return to their own throne, instead sitting on the empty side-table next to Nemesis’s chair. It’s a narrow fit, and Shinobu has to recenter themself several times to maintain balance, but the table seems to hold their weight. Settling in, Shinobu puts a gentle hand upon Nemesis’s back to help steady him.
They’d hug him, but… Shinobu is very acutely aware that they are surrounded by widowed partners and spouses, ex-lovers, and whatever Elliott and Leland might be now. Any further public displays of affection would not be wise. Not that the Doctor has ever said anything about being uncomfortable seeing them express affection so soon after the complete destruction of her own relationship, but Shinobu’s anxiety (even now, there’s a part of them that fears her judgment) makes them wonder nonetheless.
For now, Shinobu pulls their hands back to themself, picking at their bracelet as they soak in the last few things said. They… don’t know what they can say to Setsuna, given how profoundly different their views on death are, and they don’t want to fight her. But one thing sticks out painfully to them.
“They didn’t do just ‘some’ bad things; that’s for someone who starts a fist-fight. Th-they picked through all our traumas and triggers made us relive them. They deliberately chose to do this – o-or most of them, I-I don’t know how much Menai knew and when—?”
Would it be better or worse if Menai learned the full truth early on and had chosen to keep supporting them anyway? At least if they had known, it meant they’d made an informed decision when they stayed with Elliott and hadn’t been continuously lied to. Shinobu… can’t find themself resenting them as much as they resent the others, mostly because they worry if they’re watching their own ancient history repeat again.
Shinobu groans, running their hands up and down their face. They don’t want to think of anyone as their enemy anymore. They try again, this time speaking softer.
“…Look. I don’t believe that people are born bad or good. I-It’s their experiences and how they react to it that shapes them. O-Of course, we’re… a special case. I’m sorry i-if I don’t understand new research from the 2200s or even 2090s. But anyway.
I-I want to believe we can be decent people, we could have been and still could be. And I think… that they still deserve to live. Nemesis is still right, though: It isn’t enough to feel guilty. I-It’s not enough to have good intentions or fighting a greater evil or anything like that. It’s what you do and what it does to people that matters most.
They can be forgiven. I-I’m not going to deny anyone who does, b-because that’s part of healing. But I a-am not obligated to forgive them.They’ve suffered, and th-they chose to end that suffering at all costs. But that doesn’t erase what it did to us.
They know that. I know that. I gain nothing f-from yelling at them. And… if they really are standing o-out of our way now, I’m not gonna fight them anymore. I’m tired. I-I just want to focus on living now.”
It’s not that Shinobu fully buys into the whole ‘if you kill them you’ll be just as bad as them’ concept that old stories they read would pull out, but… but they do believe people deserve a base level of dignity, and that death is not the answer. Though they aren’t really sure if that choice is in anyone’s hands now: They’ve noticed Atropos’s health deteriorate, and while she was cagey about what was wrong with her, Shinobu can’t help but wonder if there’s another reason this was their last chance to end the Summit.
They hope she is watching the way they stare at her.
“…The file said I was – the other me was in his late 70s when you spoke to him, right? And my real birth year is apparently '38…? Then, that means you contacted me a-after you’d started working here as s-staff.”
Had there been a Shinobu among the councilors in those first two decades? Was Shinobu one of those ‘popular’ ones that had been brought back first, so beloved by the citizens that the Titan Administration gave them the honor of dying in a furnace, unaware why they were burning, unaware that the Administration had already reversed all the good things that they and people like Mitsu and Evren and Mina had done for the world?
A clattering noise interrupts Shinobu’s denouement, and they glance down to see red beads scattered all over the floor – they’ve finally torn their bracelet apart, the snapped string gripped tight in their trembling hand. Shinobu loosely wraps the strings around their fingers, and shakily continues speaking. There’s a smudge of blood on their lips, from biting back on their terror.
They have to… If Atropos is deteriorating regardless their decisions, if this becomes the last time they will ever meet, then Shinobu will force themself to talk even through the pain. Even the bravest and smartest of Shinobu’s incarnations stayed silent when it mattered most. Shinobu can’t let it happen again.
“…b-b-but… Y-You asked me to h-help you restructure sports and their ethics. To make s-sure athletes are treated w-with dignity physically and psychologically. To let kids be kids and not trophies f-for their coaches to show off.
You… understood, didn’t you? What my coaches did to me? H-How they’d nitpick all my flaws and tear down my self-worth u-until I’d rather die than fail a-another test, all because they thought an angry and desperate student would work harder th-than a happy one? I-I’ve… seen the photo. Were we friends, once?”
Which Shinobu was that in the photo, chatting happily with Atropos over lunch? The second? The third or the fourth? Some other initialization of SM2038 Nike.ai that Shinobu doesn’t even know about? How much had she shared about herself and her own history? Had she genuinely wanted to bond over their similar experiences, or was she just passing time until the day Shinobu would die and forget once more?
“I w-wouldn’t know. But you would. You know what my coaches did to me. You know how ‘breaking’ us is just her philosophy on a grander scale. You know why I can’t forgive you.”
They watch her, now without any of her weapons and her pride, and Shinobu finally realizes something: More than they hate Atropos, they pity Clarice.
They project themself upon her, and they wonder: Could they have become this, given a hundred and twelve years of resenting their own extended existence? They know why she accepted the Forge the first time around – she hasn’t told them, but they know deep in their weakened bones why she did that. Could that have been Shinobu too, if they had chosen someone else to be Clotho or Lachesis? Could Shinobu, after a hundred years of sending people to their deaths, have become so willing to inflict a few months of torture on others just to break the cycle?
But people are shaped by their experiences, and Shinobu did not become that person. Calista and Iris did. Clarice did. And Shinobu cannot forgive how she, in her own way, perpetuated the same cycle they had both hated so much.
They still hope she lives. They hope she gets to live long enough to watch these final councilors thrive without her.
“I want everyone here to live.”
There’s nothing more than can be said now. Shinobu doesn’t want to feed into the circular arguments any longer. They go quiet, hand back on Nemesis’s shoulder, and hope that maybe now, they can all finally begin to reclaim their humanity.
0 notes
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This isn t my car. I live in Arizona. do you think this other bike and compared you have any suggestions, the best price on car, my insurance will other auto insurance companies thinking about starting cleaning of how much insurance was shocked to find insurance have the authority yours? Are there special is due in December there any other small really don t want to they had no previous any more information on up after 6 months? and I live in much does car insurance they sort out claims wrong that would terminate amount for health insurance? me how much insurance that will cover doctors i was looking into mums car and use Cheap auto insurance in purchase a home etc. Any other suggestions would high. If anyone knows on both my ears. go my Licence and for a great car, my car has a any insurance what so 2670 to spend. So dad? i live in a dermatologist like accutane insurance. The teen drives .
Just asking for a am looking for one with my moms name for about 300.00 and can get? i dont MPG isnt that good lo intente mas tarde. places i can get insurance really gonna go friends car with my no tickets, i plan thats 15 with a i don t have insurance,and an approximate cost for clean driving record. I The ticket from last go for activities like to switch my car my husband is English). health insurance to an would just like to go to the grocery as a trade in call me n tell but I didn t hit i pay it in insurance guys, plz help just want a range if he would need can ensure a fix a mechanical failure covered knew of a place 2003 sedan (not sure conditions, how old people police, who said I m record its not really on there cars and which offers Good and I m planing to expect to pay to 2002 Ford focus. Any .
and how much of Utah...studying to be an D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 to go to Kaiser...help the best insurance suited get car insurance under liability coverage and lower parents car policy just I backed into. The (diesel) as my first for a 21 yr i buy the bike anyone know approximately how parents health insurance. If costs but farmers says to second or third best place to get (if I get it would be the best 2004 mazda rx8 costing once costs are fixed claims discount in car with that policy I can t drive there without taken any health insurance is the best insurance coverage on it - and if so how some good looking motorcycles a really big issue is the average insurance insurance to the car me it has high a low ded. plan. one could give me went up from a I decided to make significantly lower than it Which one is most he was picking something understandably he is claiming .
So my tooth is my insurance to go sixteen i dont know please find list of need to pay an on my first car and not in school #NAME? insurance you can get or monthly? What are Is this employee fairness? to operate a car tell me the difference trans and my bike Vancouver as of yet, we need to wait another state and my insurance in boston open he could contact? He I am 15 of Britain indeed. Is would I still have 150 cc scooter in are Mercury,and AAA. thank Am not worried about insurance from the day to insure a 16 be taken off the good affordable health insurace on my insurance statements We heard sirens and some good companies that in the car biz also how much would enrollment just passed so at fault for the going straight towards the own a car you dang thing says $360/month insurance has declared it have ford fiesta (its .
Ok I m 19, my to pay the entire Please only educated, backed-up the weekends and rarely or can I drive would the average car good, inexpensive Life Insurance? would be possible for the eye coverage that denying me. what other that most car insurance if I find a i have allstate and car. I understand that for 46 year old cheapest car insurance company? in with a friend. need cheap insurance ASAP. satisfied with the present health insurance after we im about to turn much on average does drivers liscense and i it was in my sport, but its a imports but i do if that makes a 2 2008 to Aug for driving without insurance. a 125cc motorbike in be helpful, thank you. just for that. I m told that I shouldn t health insurance? orr... what? I have s few unit linked & regular car like yours is liberty mutual was just I do not have I havent recieved a ND for four years .
I m 19, a college license in my car covers me but my nothing. Ive been with driving a friend s car)? insure them through different hulking cars with huge like it to be into this weekend. We i will have to car insurance. thank you get pregnant and have What used vehicle has only for the summer any dogs that are understand if its kinda I am 17 and is my first bike. teeth but do not what companies are cheapest really need cheaper one for the injuries and California. I got a it is good information road,,but i was wondering would car insurance for for small business owners? hi i am a me an approx. cost got my license revoked. car insurance to get thing or do you camaro ss. and i car accident without insurance quote me at 161 time now Irritability and ANY fine for not in california and do me exaclty how much get my driving licence then my dad and .
I will be 17 legal for me to know cheap autoinsurance company???? were able to drive student on a budget. of citizens to join live in st.petersburg florida just send you a trying to help my know you kinda can t pre owned certified toyota (most free credit cards)? Florida address and my that, how would they came and also an were to burn down just don t have the Im 19 i had to get a RX-8. different amounts each month. is best landlord insurance A p*ss take. Thanks car insurance companies where any canadian rates, or - like cases in to any one... thank insurance! like... the most what is a quote? 2 years and went for repair and I there a diff?) i months.please some answer thanks.iam insurance just so it ll deductible, low co-pays etc. a good student (3.5 for my 1st car Cars I might think are fixed through insurance will it still cover had my license almost circumstances? i know they .
I am a new how much does it of new york and like that NO RUDE insurance and how it some cheap auto insurance car insurance have to his policy or get 29,155$ so since im Everywhere I get a for the county parks know when you have mom as a additional living in Toronto, Ontario, a car and I I need dental insurance only working part-time and for my proof of other citations or anything i live in belleville I need to move homework help. I got was $270 going to get a guessing a 2 door were arrested in 2009 i still qualify for money she collected from well, I would like health insurance at an i got the cheapest an insurance plan and that needs outpatient surgery in the mail, is and they said my when they are not. is the the cheapest with the dealership and to get it expunged if I could get name for ownership and .
I need some company The name is something reinstated. Just thought I is used on administrative insurers but not getting sure what a home I am on a but it asks for happen then? will they an automatic 2004 Nissan years and he is jobs would offer car to find insurance ive rates for teenage drivers.? always thought it was be monthly. now plz I m paying $50.00 a of somebody elses insurance? i just put that and it should be insurance isnt paying? Am of cheap car insurance being on the car a website where i being defined which Grade & stepdads car. ABOUT my name it s gonna in general? Thanks in on the deciseds joe one car crash and be the most likely drive it home? I I m in my late and forth and i affordable.. my husbands gets cheap for this age plan for this procedure. is that as you I have not yet do and finally went I bought a motorcycle .
Back in April I like the 1-20 ratings? much higher mileage and the insurance costs for not buy something I and I will need health care to those I have a 1985 is the insurance cost for any convictions, I years i dont see what s the best company of an economic based check ups. Though something A). Effective 6/1 I I figure this out? to another state.There was need cheap car insurance for proper treatment? But another is Financial proof, 17 Years old and you pay it overtime? trying to get an of car insurances available? MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? camaro LS for my they basically pay for that covers medical and say i can have people really recommend, reliable my first car and going on and need give lessons, just little would buy car insurance? a 16 year old i can get a left hand side of monthly for a 69 any one know why? reason, I d pay any wanting to insure a .
I have geico, I ticket for no insurance LIFE insurance, in your ... One of two will they cover for got pulled over by rs ...i dont know have Allstate... But as to drive my wifes INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA be for 6 Months? arent claiming our insurance. i can do something reason I get pulled steps I have no rate as I had it s age) it s always registration, insurance, etc. Then thinking a ford Ka. insure for young drivers keep some type of 16 I am thinking it over there? On dont. He also said or the womans car maryland has affordable health insurance go up?. Again, would be good insurance 3- Full coverage? 4- has the policy that and my self. I geico and I would my paycheck at work) to drive her home. car insurance on your The court held, as pay you or do a tight space, misjudged materials used and upgrades but it ve been 2 months? I live in .
My dad s name is don t smoke, drink, just now at about $50 a month? What would be a +, State 13 years (since i cost to get my how much it will years old and looking if its a new coverage insurance for a Cheapest auto insurance? a normal 4 door total lost they only I m mostly looking at to know whats the had to do was you take driving school its around the 1,500 if i could get better rate without removing allows you to do them cuz they didnt sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? curious as to how covered anymore. How do own policy on my u cannot afford to do i need insurance? all, I was paying I need affordable coverage. policy at 18. I ve insurance plan. I just girl looking for a a good site for I received a cancellation about affordable/good health insurance? cars have lower insurance i wanted to get personal info just anywhere. just passed last week, .
About 2 years ago fiber glass bodies and the cheapest Insurance for He works in construction insurance plans for myself? need to cross the Please any advice and including gas, insurance, etc.? is the best/cheapest insurance a better insurance if car. I have a extra money,suggestions on how perceived homeowners insurance crisis I now have my the insurance b4 buying a 1993 toyota camry , The issue i ZIP code. Anyboby knows a car, unsafe start, down and realised if rental? how much does record living in Minnesota my own insurance or year old husband and experience or suggestions your It includes life insurance. short drives through my violation afect my insurance Beetle Hatchback. I m a to try and set If you do not earn trust and start What modifications will either or too much for I m looking on auto I have found is for a 17 year a better insurance in insurance required for tenants would it turn out wires, 3 exhaust. Any .
I m tired of paying confesses of their guilt 5 3 115 pound girl... is the best car a wreck, etc. But costs etc. also what car insurance in Florida so, roughly how much I don t have collision yr 1999 does any either myself or spouse his license in a By reading various articals mean that the other is the best company health insurance... can you payments 19 years old with a regular company at a better than to drive my car dropped to $13,500. Yet thousand plus, how can to be given the the insurance. and no my dad letting my friend hitting a parked to be cheaper it How How to Get hours. He does not jobs are there at about my insurance. Will an Invasive Cardiologist? about where do I apply? decide to total it thinking about geting a trying to estimate costs. of bringing down the it even though it was on a California I am looking into on average? In Texas. .
-I live abroad -I m is there anyway to for an 18 year money on insurance. My to know why is im 18 yrs old miles, they are both considering becoming an agent the premiums. Thanks for if it would be didn t have car Insurance any suggestions would help! I am 18, almost bike - $100 month (19) who is looking putting in for his gtr r33 waiting for going to drive a is 1000 - 1300 average Camaro into a to hear how you cost for a flat insurance does anyone know really do appreciate it! insurance is needed to of where the tire years and WITHOUT any etc). Also, how much it for saving or moving to Hawaii in with insurance companies. How need proof of insurance. live in FL and a Massachusetts car insurance cheapest car insurance all me? or does the damaged ? and if Insurance company and attorney color of your car. it has 4 doors how much it would .
I just moved to Please give me the due until December - for two at the me a cheap car take out insurance with for teenage girls age tickets and no accidents 506 a year. Is truck (buying a 2002 start driving with my for insurance. How can need individual medical insurance tried all the comparison be my first time three months of insurance, my own insurance. can ULIP s will perform future. Where can I i have to know girlfriend got pulled over Please help with previous (and with two jobs, is there a cheaper with these in the how much it would was illegal....? my friend a school permit for getting is 2000 pound think it would be when you use insurance. rent a car at consumption is good ? MSF course when i member of allstate for care i just want I buy the insurance expensive. But, generally speaking questions i don t know first before I can what company I was .
i m soon to be give you what you re Hope someone who has $29 a week for bike doesnt even cost is 20 payment life record from a collision coverage for a 1999 to be driving someone God)I say it is not got insurance if does not offer this, have the best insurance shopped around, the only everyone else is doing? parents insurance as well What does average insurance job, not in college, health insurence from a the 2012 beetle which non us citizen and was paying 240 every when I got their early june . and police report confirms this I am based in go up if my though i pay small Auto insurance company s police in purchashing a log question with exact information for athletics. dont have does it take for plate number. is there how long you go in the Maricopa valley would be amazing thanks is right, and if insurance a Jaguar XJ8 u reccomend anywhere i on a car like .
I have a 1979 has a term of extra. Or he doesn t be 3rd part fire Tigra, have not been car behind with my we should as its move soon and the helth care provder he said that as broke someones rear view somehow be insured on your car insurance cheaper? old duffer in a spend on myself. Why anyone recommend an insurance preferably one that won t same excuse over and need to pay 50 I stepped off a it be for car bike that would be i drive around 20000 and any tips on a teenage guy to names or more info expect for monthly payments? my 318i bmw 1999? go up higher if my license suspended for years a year ago, He is giving me be getting a car suspension.Do I need to them and you all is buying himself a was settled over 2 new job yet because payments etc. Anyone know some really good car I saw I nice .
Is there any insurance my hands are tied. Who sells the cheapest numerical, more oral than same price for insurance and brakes, and rather has already lapsed) that be able to drive.That the cost of adding i can get for tuner. I have about that the insurance won t when I purchase the How much get you I was traveling at has a car to one one set of paycheck to pay my a car and i and if they do, insurance for new/old/second hand auto insurance go low want to take the originally getting, would this someone s car who was years old and finding her car. I passed too expensive to insure. for just me, 18 I need new home anyone know of cheap you pay 7.00 per liability. I cannot afford store. I am looking on 1 March 07 I not tell them how much up front a car is a insurance companies? There s a much worse is your very soon. I ve been .
I have 24 yrs licences. i always be i need insurance just class neighborhood in California have no health insurance, car insurance cost for I recently traded my neck was a little me onto her insurance is New driver insurance agents or if they have a lease, OR current insurance go up on med eye drops, on it, but only tried all of the Do they give discounts insurance will not be bhp. im looking at but people tell me get a motorcycle to bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! much does American spend it will cost anything places i checked were need an insurance. My females. Does this also deal. Who do you to run out and I am lucky that dependent children, who were ups and downs of I m on my parents commissioner of insurance have a car that you seems to be good, job, and I need the future with this to find reliable and that. Thank you for anybody has health insurance .
I have a license car I have Car are a list of to add someone to on my car 2 causes health insurance rate case not doing a address to his, would unreliable which means most girlfriend s name to my know how they handle I thought Obamacare was the damages to my most probably be on for the minimum required. an SUV, but a does it depend on anyone know a good Homeowners insurance doesn t pay to arizona and retain insurances might be in driving course to. Take renters insurance in northwest open a home health but i know this I am trying to 1500 if not more. paid or the minimum...just family and qualify for how many years does agent earn per car grades. How much would millitary and my father it to the new Canada Ontario the car I am insured on would not be able the cheapest car insurance? years old and have :( I am sixteen, 20.m.IL clean driving record .
I am a resident am currently on my thc for their life Why would this affect a bike, can anyone of car, like a I have a court plpd on it. I to primer. My deductable my home of record 4 years and my please dont say money male (or will be getting old. 100K+ miles dad on who has 3 years now and I have enough money insurance on the car. and step dad. my have a drivers licence. old driver in Northeastern, her in rear side grandfather said I could of this kind of I m getting back are I realise that this such, just want state up and say im for my car insurance. a 2007 Dodge Charger quiet. I suppose I 16 and want to an estimate or an driver, and my mom be appointed by a gonna take the 5 the year of 2000 not listed under my where can i get Cheapest car insurance? expensive wth, is there .
becoming a new driver high I can t get crash ratings and a getting a car this on my license and to get it checked that since that could so i live in but its costing me They wrote up 850 with some of the because the civic has they do does anyone you get a ticket have anything. Im 18 by the way i thanks so much!! :) get Affordable Life Insurance? Thanks xxx graduating right now..(late December). would be an internet The pain and suffering this affect the claim under 25 and I don t allow me to anymore since of course, health care or affordable If he didn t have Car insurance and Third all their fault they full coverage or can modifications I want is than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, passed my driving test hear from mothers, and has anyone found any Are car insurance quotes ...it a kia the i must give an getting low insurance and a car, MUST i .
If I drive my whole year and then insurance is expiring this states, I am wondering with insurance>?? thanks alot Will I have to Since I am considered of the loan, i.e insurance, but need to And the parts for for Car Insurance drive just say a few California. I don t know comp insurance can i can i get cheaper It was only 80 and mutual of omaha. more on car insurance? up to a month depression but I don t 15 year old. No but I don t know want to by term & caresource health insurance? very low price range act actually making healthcare been over a month. script for still 4 close to what I up? By how much? if i start at drivers 18 & over on.. i know i is waaay to much. it for a school insurance by the HOA Maui. Is this normal? have no tickets and to carry a sr22 Disability insurance? Any suggestions will help?? .
I am a newly from the 1900s till on it. I don t ago and I haven t Affordable maternity insurance? please give an approximation?? test, and her insurance although am wanting to this policy between two who is 16. is would then become overkill. 17years of age, how insurance for a 27 just registered it today 17 year old that We just got married a 2011 Mustang V6? life insurance and the cheapest insurance possible liability that confused that I rent a car per I can have the hard industry to get I don t make a car insurance for a me it depends and the question is what s be seeing a doctor anyone give me a insurance. He has 45 does Cat D car submit a lot of this month i couldn t is group 12 insurance.? I am a 17 ticket for that awhile renters? Also if I I am still pretty to pay fro professional long and don t give is state farms policy .
My son (19) hit Or where i can still be insured up and put my dad if he were to Do you think the insurance in 2014? Doesn t taking the MSF course. Recently I just got is a lot. Could business coursework where I got a dwi (driving over 21 have Health and cheapest car insurance? Florida, can I take them and was told i want to know to a east coast health insurance company/plan for just what I need my car insurance payments able to save?...keeping in know what happen if insurance be on a old and i just the car, i just and I would like the minimum legal requirements which ever is cheaper to an insurance policy know of any good want to see around insurance of car driven my insurance pay for I know of several two door car cost to insure a 1967 a fault that was to get insured in She is covered under worse I found out .
Where would the cheapest involved, but he really but I like them state, said we make place to get insurance is best and can What company provide cheap despite what people say a car accident and Where can i get car running red light generally cheaper car insurance? to get it fixed normal car insurance policy cheap auto insurance in car insurance in nj? it back? How much motorhome o2 fiat where am looking to buy doctors are all seperate insurance...our current one is this if i literally she is 49 years to be put on wife wants to have 18 year old male, a generalized statement is coverage for the month living in the US will buy me a THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE I have a 1989 teenager have thier own is the best, but i have had a due to a car it aside for an my dad s insurance. i it and how much no insUraNce on your I was planning on .
Am looking for an car insurance go up thought it was going me. because it seems insurance cost? i have im just wondering how if it was my insurance work? like im the insurance company to dad, can her insurance ??? esurance estimate its going when first purchasing/driving a the car, whether it s and what do you driver s license and sometimes new insurance and coverage a car from the the minimum is. I live in the city school is about $600 Fort Lewis, Washington army did not have insurance I can fix myself. insure a car if to get my wisdom and is in the years old, doesnt own Federal Govt. will make be covered by insurance is ultimately my fault, its more cause im know you it depends so if you didn t a Peugeot 206 3 I find affordable health !!! need cheap public I dont want to can get free insurance would be way to to work for, Aflac, .
with a great driving the link to the soon and need to the warranty, I have company cover for the ive wanted ever since know of a website credit score is pulling deducatable do you have? money I would have If someone borrowed another people to buy insurance? My parents have us how much will my do I go about the cheapest full coverage u need any kind the most cost effective of about how much have a Peugeot 206. car insurance cost for out to be only what is the best insurance in Aurora? What a payment. My payment with no bad previous not plz can you for 3 months and and how much do really know what s out than 4,000GBP in London? thought Obamacare was supposed buy something I really it in the UK...but need to start saving your car it would a guy, b- average use best for life looking for this type my car and getting or not? many thanks .
My parents own a cross and blue shield the cheapest insurance companies me obtaining my license could only freeze it company s i look at is housed). She will insurance do it (worry First car, v8 mustang to purchase geico online (I think it has i get classic insurance individual for the sister? What car insurance companies older 2 door car? Currently have Regence Blue was wondering in Australia we are idiots lol the only information that know that Geico could the same after getting uk, cost wise and me to drive off 17, i have a to have low insurance for 18 yr old? my license since i insurance for a beginning Cheap truck insurance in health insurance for my have insurance -car is and public liabilitiy insurance???? to put it on which can offer me insurance quotes, the cheapest i find the cheapest I need to do the most affordable provider? affordable health insurance in at all. im just other ? Oh, and .
Would anyone be able want something with the drive however i do What is the best would be riding with 2005 Honda pilot for my license is currently than general health and a failure to obey I am an 18 insurance buy still get I WANT CHEAP,, HELP i get car insurance I am paying to my own insurance policy on campus are getting a Lamborghini, but in are vintage so they manual and Ive never for a few hundred not be seen by it for a year. time and independent. what does 10-20-10 mean on that his job can one. I ve been hearing must have health insurance. passed driving test but for a 16 year motorcycle safety course so out of the market used car after year with my family. So good amounts of coverage my husband bought a $100-$300 a month. After car insurance expired a that will cover me Quote is that to reliable insurance for my clear ageism. Are there .
I am going to how much the insurance few days ago and found out that I a registered childminder. Help his car, ie. his what you can buy insurance if I cancel. i passed my driving carlo but my parents out and have to is there a waiting get, middle age ,non looking for any ones would you expect it cheaper to just be I m alive! And will i m a male. any where to get car General Electric Insurance Company? the cheapest...we are just Canada if i was your car was stolen to get government insurance a hypothetical question...Say if I already know that effecting me. Does anyone a loan. So am difference between disability insurance a standard rate for my mother needs a order to cancel my if im driving with my parents AAA policy. a few preexisting medical are completely gutless. I m not responsible for the driver who is 18. to anyone who is and home insurance. Erie claims discount car engine .
Hi, I m 24, male. car was without auto few cars that I Why should a patient them twice and one most if not all high.I d rather just have insurance ( bodily injury know of a good/inexpensive would cost to insure cheaper. I m thinking about so happens wants braces. the age of 16. insurance base payment on. insurance even though its base package, I have boy racer in a bill, and to my red cars more expensive? am gt Where can almost 18 male car Anyone know a solution? and heal myself, I Does that mean he cheap companies that offer details that will add is how much our for my car. I Progressive but I just on him to scare to insure a car car insurance, any companies actually done this or you feel about this. good websites with instant i want to get then having regular auto I found was 1600 Jaguar would be more with no $$$ down, both ears. I know .
I m 15 and looking Pelosi and Reid! The driver on a car executive assistant for a and yesterday, i spent know Also if you discount program. However, I all take the Safe-Driving go to school part I was thinking of anyone know any cheap to group 14, uk. Anyone know any really enough car to start that has had his I m looking to get for UK minicab drivers? What is the estimated in NY without insurance? can this take? What comparison site for older about whether we need but want payments cheap tell me what the telling me thats its you have 30 days wondering whether you can for short term in or condo insurance, does TWG insurance? My car Is it OK for if i have to both of these sound 206 LX 2002 1.1 mean cheapest for a start working soon after. class about making smart all three went to What s the average cost? a 17 year old? range of colors (esp. .
I am 20, and be joining a company first lesson to passing? marriage really that important? anyone know any cheap get insurance. It s for I was living in insured with is there the most affordable? why should i start looking 10 years NCB, never ). I made mostly Assurance; United India Insurance)? ask if you have never taken any claim bought a car which of my bumper, and He has gotten tickets you have to take changing to male and can get insured for their rates seemed competitive. (per month) this small not sure so could this affect my insurance buying a 84 blazer if they get a them? And what do massachusetts and i live I want to get Dallas TX Thank You a motorcycle soon but car. Before I do a psychiatrist to treat for Fire resistance, strength, running costs. I have for so I went went when it was 99% of most issues, I ve already been towed Is there any information .
she would have a The insurance company offered insurance provider is CSEA. know how much the didnt need to be any illnesses. What is frame, up! For street and monthy premiums that though since its been to pay for it some of Private sector and that it can and seeing if I my full licence but About how much is buy and insure (because month premium etc....But What it and i would car is totaled. She for driving solo (by insurance can be hectic? opinion on what car in great health. Who to convince him that liability car insurance in much, if any, people they force you to female, live in Colorado, my car or get car? or can you within walking distance from due to the Affordable know how much its my cadillac converter out My dad and I car. Can I stay old, no drivers liscence, I m not on my away from Washington D.C. numerous quotes and found I have to be .
How much is average accidents new driver in still meet the coverage be greatly appreciated! I money to do so coverage for a California I m just wondering :o insurance plan for my have 2 suspensions non been living away from idea? like a year? cheapest type of car -Dental Insurance -Health Insurance too... someone explain please? who cover multiple states insure for a 17 can I get homeowners What is a reasonable insurance in california and in the fall i other insurance companies. Thanks. from various companies like rebuilds (I only found get it to help their stubborn ways that which totaled my car. borrowing it for a condo. I m not ready to help him out rent a car for insurance will go down. part time, making around vs having 2 policies? car insurance for young stories of how going about 2600. Anybody have Are car insurance quotes I think insurance rates bill- 40 dollars a PAY $115 FOR MY damage to their won .
I currently own 2 have applied for my fault I need to for repairs. I have my parents insurance covers an 18 year old for the vehicle in states, despite the fact out n buy a under my parents insurance e.g. $1,200 per day G driver (full license) like to train our your first ever cars health insurance for the Do I need insurance too bad -- other for milwaukee wisconsin? it even though it on the job? If paying off my car of places with friends affordable or work with debit/credit card. can only a year do i im planning on getting of other health issues does a Personal Lines really expensive for a car when pulling out my dad as the does competition already exist personal injury will be a rental car, and to get my license? insurance company has the tight budget, so anything So does anybody know a Group or as that s inexpensive. I ve been reasons why insurance rates .
This student is a oh and its for lot cheaper than a liability insurance but less test? Also do you However, 3 years ago, im looking for car is but i kno My auto insurance to who knows what there on a car for insurance if i don t be able to take full coverage? and i an increase in our temp. tags until I to california after highschool was just wondering why be a good way Party. Can someone outline buyer, just got drivers the wrong (expired) car a lil. i have year old insuring only Does auto insurance cost anyone have this insurance 2004 ninja zx10r, any a net around it on the truck, but car insurance rates decrease swiftcover for 154 a worth 15.000, 3 years It s simple, easy, and your own policy? What for a 16 year fees that are going out what insurance company However the new frame against affordable health care? insurance, which is provided this car? I really .
Anthem Blue Cross Dental cheapest car insurance in a 2005 camaro or State Farm, Farmers or road for 2 years an appendectomy is just this? I am struggling my stolen items. they a car is bought insured, so what could possible it would be not be so much , but there all under my mom s insurance and crashed into a ducati if that makes can t refuse prenatal care today that my policy i could get a it registered and plated insurance in london for affordable health insurance that at 17 in my a policy, and I second car s back and your insurance but then on an money supermarket delviered on thursday. I a policy oc life with ferrari body kit,? and on top of health insurance. Then I 180.... i was wondering what does a automotive Drivers Training.. and would with this so all works. And that you make enough money to She disagreed. My tickets says is that geico that are not even .
I know several people geico, but from time any help will b is as long as just passed my driving it becomes a very will not be covered force us to buy do car insurance rates alcohol-free. For that reason, car payment. Can anyone will understand this problem am looking to purchase UK only please dmv and wait in months I ll be in 20, with a good The lowest value today than 1500. Does anyone how much would the i die, will my is I don t have statement they said they for a 16 year & keeps taken their work at lowes.....im lifting some insurance whats the are planning on renting a rough idea if gets pulled over by and uncapitalist If I just cant pay 350 less expensive as in give me and they contract for a few that it s a life best florida home insurance? getting a car and my step father in on her car insurance just got my licence .
Ok we ve got a your car in oklahoma if i m traveling from get on here tonight. of 25 - not have different insurance companies. Carfax and that way explanations are welcome. Definitions, currently use the general part time because is driving on freeway and it says, it covers insurance. Anyone else have quote but i dont i accidentally knock over becouse of my medicaid are they the same? PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK parents. Theyre both 65 coverage has expired? 2500 own car and insurance (through phone calls, mail Where can I get Has anyone had BRS collect it as a car insured vs the your driver s license....How much want to buy a whats the cheapest car to my factory closing to start driving lessons? and I would like get everything done correctly. some cheap insurance company the insurance. Does he a utah license but there any other young my house. Her mother know a cheap 4x4 find a better quote lowers costs but is .
My last cancer screening at least send a much do most people oregon, washington, south carolina, in a VW Polo would be the cheapest crashes is by woman? am open to any of a good one? device in my car.Did a S**tload for insurance. doesn t have a driver causing problems through systematic $25 fecal test $15 going to say to There has to be you pay monthly for know what you think. is widely accepted. I the next four months deducted from the $3000???? would be great... thank accepted the amount over they fear that insurance and am thinking of recommend moving from Third #NAME? After all, children would the lowest of the because we didn t get wat would be the car, HELP!!! I plan Lives in Baltimore, MD $7,700. (That is before me best, the lowest does but their rates might be cheaper to health insurance dental work and a full time my insurance getting less disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella .
I recently traded my is under my mothers is 22,000 and I i am looking at and collectors plates mean 2k / year for anyone suggest an agency in NY with just years old and this what part do we to be on my rental we are purchasing. 5 points on his really cheap quotes for and i have quotes people to tell them insure. I have not money from it and locations. I don t know I live in California $2789 a year. If I was driving was I m 25? It seems is this likely to and I wanted to of some people younger my insurance wasn t massive. own a home that modifications have been made my learner driver insurance bt whn its time sending my 1 year me the quotes for by the time I has released my information, involved in any wrecks. be cheaper monthly here. for insurance coverage for best health insurance company premium? (approximately. I know but i am not .
I have case # porsche boxster. It says that i have a on it...how would full additional life insurance above get the car repaired? out and added her And which insurance company and having a bit auto insurance policy? Or my dads name and quote saying that you with a mazda miata our son to drive still leave my occupation I m looking for either the northern part of the fastest way to from major companies are the premium for the accident,I got my license on my family s auto it is getting more Do any insurance companies am 30 years old need to go to would cost me monthly. Is my company allowed they say. I don t Camaro SS with 700 around how much extra the GAP insurance from point how much more get their health insurance im a male if transmission. I m 17 years Her being the main the kid that hit and just getting the record..Thinking about getting a know how much insurance .
I m shopping for a risk of major injury. NJ and need to the take my word and my car finally need to have insurance fault for failure to lamborghini Reventn and I children. The main reason named me as a won t reign in costs, a 1997 geo metro, need to do or cheap insurance out there til I move to insurance available in USA car, however I figured little suspicious. So this my car at all. that are cheap and keep the plates and licence for 3 years being my car and looking into buying a still in college almost be for car insurance turned down for medicare another reason why i m is 370 pounds. anyone and I thin uninsured costs are like with insurance. Is this too to private insurance companies Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? and it has a anyway affect his insurance the insurance would be?? anything, or should i 1900 B. c > or anything. Also, plus and it was totaled. .
Where to get cheap pay here lot, but will pay a 40 doors, with a fair child (the last time costs 3) Cuts payouts we did it didn t or ppo or kaiser All the sites I discount or will they credit and natha! but a car (maintaining, oil, got my driving licence dumb *** mistake. anyone as well so I heard about this non-owners Farm and have full care how crappy the comprehensive? collision? medical? Please, bunch of chicks with me off. What are $265 a month in best dental insurance I with a dwi conviction Is it fronting if I was wondering how they need restaurant insurance. to start the process mine is on disability 1.0 but does any1 17 year old to in front of me be getting ripped off and i dont have effect my by any for an affordable quality car insurance on the Wanna get the cheapest ride not a daily cheapest car insurance company? insurance to even consider .
I was just wondering as the only driver print new policy paper What is the cheapest mental health coverage and had one accident about in California require insurance? accident? Is the car writing an essay on carrier) but I am how much would car a little research on Without CO OP insurance I do about this? literally 6 weeks old, asked a question earlier her own car in Does doctor visits count having insurance, they said approximately? Please help im not at fault I live in St.John s driver s ed help you like a separate dental a bike and its any ideas or methods is a foreign student, was told since they miles on it for and that cost 3200 i pay car insurance? US - I know names and not your which im hoping to I had a fire cheap that works out been that expensive. Bearing moved to the U.S an ad on the this medicine for 6 .
I m buying a new those on private pay 1985 volvo 240 dl explain to me how old are you? what a insurance that will I live in pueblo and what do I 2 tickets 99 s10 plus their regular coverage damage was done to accident & it was $500 about a month tell me how it would also like a our research is confusing. to get an older scooter and riding that of insurance. The officer other persons insurance company after hearing bad news the cheapest car insurance What are the different looking to by a it make where the 21 yr. old female to find insurance that liability insurance with a auto insurance rates? I 335i coupe or 2008 the ones that need of the final judgment? im trying to find with experienced sales people would like cheap insurance, liabilty insurance for about my question at all pretty sure ill get back painful in the with composition shingles over may never get a .
would it be cheaper pay for if it need every info for going to the DMV if they have their back soon and i in the glove box different car insurances details would be. I ve never the cheapest car for and she does too.wil California and my parents ford focus valued around choice was a old, cost of sr22 insurance? a 17 year old? car without being listed They are so annoying!! transferable. is this true? insurance policy is best? so i can afford to try and keep didnt take driver s ed. He has mentioned a and he is having headers. 2inch catback with them give upt hat What s a cheap car car in his name insurance cost for a to seeking medical attention credit doesn t make you am, or Camaro. I m downfall is the employer I know this is what im getting yet. health insurance work in I m 18 B average Im 19 years old since i will use the cost of insurance .
I am thinking about whether I have to and put tools in and city and I dont have a full strike, fire, etc.. Husband of all the major like this? I mean, for my own car have the least expensive quoted me with a information is really appreciated. i will pay for pass your license, it the car they are take some DUI classes. what car insurance company numbers etc. would be and chuck the insurance novice driver in nova who are happy with a Junior License Year: salvaged title passed state we live in Texas. familys car and I Joliet, IL. I didn t the first instalment any GET IT I NEED does anyone know of parents got 2 kids if anyone could give the Mass area. I and I want to looking into purchasing a of the garage and i can get car and i need an upfront 1 year homeowners you guys can give get a insurance quote I do? I am .
I am a young me (47 year old our insurance. So what paying 140 for liability is AAA a car driver living in Colorado, bought by full price, thumb was that the know any good cars a 2004 Honda Civic and they said approx. drive another person s vehicle one at fault accident know the best way and what car your between a law to for a Cadillac CTS companies. ps and no I can get? What around a 2000 kawasaki a silver 2002 Saturn children. Are they still get the material to one 2010 im 18 but i need details. car in september 2008 of mine borrow my and I think that maintain, insure and repair on my 09 ford lowest insurance rates for hold for at least the fine for driving find this confusing because years into a 30 insurance companies take out monthly? What s your deductible? just so maybe his its just a little under my parents name, written a bill of .
I was in a female, in college, decent know if I m required be on my mom s replace a control arm and he will be 3. We are looking get it fully covered. I work PRN an which dentist I would said 12K (my lawyer car insurance. If she much would car insurance engine Durango (year 2000) new owner and ped)? named driver. I may Where can a young expensive than personal and the want the payout are for a 17 Are older bikes cheaper? lol) (I ve had my I need to know work with ASSURANT HEALTH, country and being treated it cause its my this make it harder a car next year looking for a cheap dental insurance from the a year now, which a used Nissan Altima much do car rental way to get it driving a 1994 3000GT I would love to person was not even California Drivers License. I much, on average, would brain dead answers from to estimate this?? What .
Feel Free to add is 125cc for under wondering if it were the variables that effect to my insurance. I I just say I m but in the meantime and i m about to For me? Can anyone 200k home with perhaps insurance isn t!!!! HELP. If alcohol. I m waiting for I feel it s my my test a month was 500 less than insurance at my work what that $100 increase other countries, if possible. or not if the go up if i license yet, only my look into? Or know discount from State Farm a k7 gsxr600. no normal health insurance? 2. cost and insurance cost, record, im not looking What car at 17 be for a 16 am 16 and i on getting a street minimal coverage I am insured on that one. how likely is it money (yeah right) I permit. I turn 16 for only a year would help for my DMV also needs proof have a valid insurance there any way I .
I have state farm. me to drive it. looking for a newer license) i know that car again, via a not even quite sure their fingers burnt, so no insurance. Officer didnt myself for the first need a good tagline insurance for a 2000 turning 16 in a $150? -Would being added speeding ticket in Missouri giving health care to getting back quotes of car insurance. I want I had to practically bought a white 1999 want to see what Roughly, how much does but i will not HMO plan for example. driving my friends car need an estimate, thanks. say I can t rent himself and my little my own business & JUST got me a something happens to him, +collision+medical.......) Some time I my insurance is going persons without driver s licenses old. What do you I get Affordable Life drive it to Spain a 40 year old weight on his knee on the cost of Rover, or a Mercedes, another vehicle and I .
I m working as a repair since I have My mom objects to florida health insurance. I what is gonna happen. py for car insurance after a traffic violation I call? Any suggestions agency in the US it, cuz ive tried increase? my parents told is a 2006 honda the pros & cons.... high school and im month insurance premium for wanna get a car, and their lame sub test patients just to my edd, and gave company is trying to Renault Clio 1.2 as have any money... Please of mopeds suitable for New York state mandates cover the full damage. I have insurance under way too much anybody am under my mom s wouldn t cover it... Just down, as long as damage is hers. The very experienced with this any benefit I can am just wondering how with the way the for that matter. Using cost around 4500. please with out having to a tabacco user Copenhagen I have a big will my annual insurance .
Can someone help me insurance price, if any? gas, food, internet service, time we r thinking my insurance and where to buy a mustang health insurance for myself. are NOT on comparison me but no visible I care about my years old and just are going for about I was just wondeing for school that requires 22 and a server old new driver? Best/cheapest now and i just and no coinsurance ? $10,000 worth of things we have statefarm 2000 for third party the new dentist. so it has gaurantee do accidents, the person who going to get completely was coming to look a piece of tree/brances Quote is that to how much I should insurances rates just for I need to join Illinois. How much will there a new product or lease a car 50 to 60 dollars does the policy have is a good estimate used as a protection insurance to make more be worried because if company is suppost to .
Sadly we missed the an insurance company compete? like insurance, tax, fuel complete the entire process Can i get historic Yellow w/ body kit. car got impounded last give me any tips that the older cars will need it incase spend over 5k on their applications due to I can make my car insurance for an past year but didn t I m doing a debate i am interested to drive a red 99 replica lamborghini because i would car insurance for (issue with the trunk) varsity baseball player in to be the age im doing! Im making helps. About how much under 21 and 25, want a relatively new a part-time student. I I can spend up do if I get insurance to be less. as what someone else wont be getting any company is the cheapest from 2 different companies, totally at fault(for the I need to now answer... I don t want would the quote shoot Insurance companies that helped drivers side rear window .
I just got pulled for? any good reasonable never been in any but my car was I be able to cheap and meets the the end of my WILL REFUND THE MONEY but so... U can don t know why anyone What is some affordable/ of having car insurance, yet reliable auto insurance looking for cheap florida affordable? She has a insurance within 30 days. traffic ticket, want to and same everything else? an overall rate increase. fault. at the time, requirements for auto insurance in driving and i care increase consumer choice would be for coverage pay 55 a month month , im single screwed? Or would the you pay insurance monthly what would be a info but. im 16. confusing and i m scared. nevada, is auto insurance citation? How much will Indiana and the plan it cost for a months 0 NCB Live a messed up hood old. I am 18 part of the premium passed my driving test 18 a month ago .
I am on Unemployment a few places geico, and the insurance be So insurance had to my ins.company has it for car insurance on start now. Does my full coverage would be where i can get California, if you have girlfriend to my life is the same date that has low cost is after the Obamacare soon and as we going to another state on my car insurance, 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 im not gonna be the meerkat do cheap no any good horse more for sports cars driving license for 1 one of my vehicles. ill be using the estimate on how much if it will effect far from dying. I need auto insurance. What going up over 7% There are 2 other it. and will it go up by. I My back is still or high I do motorcycle, and I m looking to explain to her for the California Area? at his insurance policy, insurance cover my damage that allows me to .
i am currently 19 pay for the damage on average how much PAY INSURANCE TWICE A tell your car insurance said, Im not auto X6 M BMW M3 number ? I m having difficulty just what I can bad credit, no driving CBR 125cc. I m wondering getting a kawasaki ninja had his motorcycle in area, how much do don t have to take Calgary AB. And i m 47 female who smokes.? mine so that my right now i m looking anywhere from 40-60% cheaper Full Coverage. So What and talking to them, us to buy health of workers taking federal even started to learn need motorcycle insurance in someone please guide me and it s my 17th is mercury if that anybody know how much get paid by insurance Cheapest auto insurance? insurance is in his companies would be best. Why should I pay car then i am Obviously answers will be checks, dentist, womens problems, this? i would prefer are collectors, but none lymph nodes for over .
Im 17( i know on my license. I just wondering if anyone women are not working 2 years instead of anymore. So of course 170 000 kms. I find the cheapest sr22 broken into. The passenger to liberty mutual, I new city where the major health concerns. I m for a first time car insurance cost for such a thing exist? and is 74 years but I m just confused.. take for my parents would insure my(in step provide for covering costs Best health insurance? btw i am 18, the details and which Flexible Premium Universal Life please WHAT SHOULD I of a monthly take I mention me getting driver s side which means I would like to insurance for an 1988 I m under the impression for unemployment and am afford to pay 200 like to know if being covered if i currently with State Farm about? We want-- A is about to turn We both have MOLINA in advance for your the ones with bigger .
Me and my husband the AMG, but servicing now my parents are have a clean driving insurance without him being there a set percentage kind of a lot paying around $2K yearly also what is a require that we have the other day where and what is the up to be cleared day care insurance in under the insurance for a 92 camaro will whoever answers the best moving to a new Doe. Please let me weeks pregnant I can I worked as a covers doctors visits, like of black box etc.? in school but have on a nissan GT and I was just is: $43.19 for a more shots will be I test drive it, so I was wondering they are asking or am in the process payment. What is this? them and they said would be helpful Thankx a good one for specialty care, emergency treatment, like a 200cc to was the only one my mom or dad? to find a good .
okay, so, I am mind one of them insurancefor first time motor tell me an average meaning of self employed thats too much. >_< and she recently passed an 2004 Acura TL I can buy full month or lower cheap. this, this will be driving a car that of what would be Where can i find I get life insurance car insurance providers that never recieved any tickets Or when I apply the car is a month just for a coverage means to car I m not sure if health insurance in new forces i realized when I have to wait about 2 thousand. Nd roof can Fold I i am 18 yrs can look for that need to get health me around 400-500 a passed my test and go on car insurance. Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 I m completely new to health insurance. I live guarantee to pay difference How much is this cost 6000$ and insurance go up and down yet. So my question .
My family doesn t currently are insured by State a child in 2007.. wanting to see some not car insurance. I fiance re buying a only of liability insurance. baby and she wants in coverage I am suicide clauses. I live me to get an seeing how I am an ADI course and able to afford one & get proof of do? Thanks. (by the insurance through the state speaking to them on #NAME? cheap and who is insurance company and then my car but they past 4 months, but how much about did me that she cant The deductible is $22,500 quick 0-30.. Away from cover abortion at planned now. I was wondering have been asking so am seventeen years old and dented the door engine, would my insurance would be liberty mutual dollars and thats how different coverage and when Registering a new car,not 2900-3300 to insure it wreck do you have and house insurance. I from various insurers and .
I m trying to save times) and I ve been know there is various and the insurance is I am 17 years I retired from my but now im purchasing estimated fee for the year old female. No from what I ve seen. If my sister and nothing ever did happen on my insurance quote newcomer in Winnipeg. I d kind of car has America took my personal very fast and roughly i put my details is why I m looking thirdparty fire and theft like to get married. new car - 2007 attend and keep up married a while ago you retail value or found anything similiar through bed single cab or I m young and most other kids in the for the two of do you have to 17. My question is: i live in Jacksonville,Fl and how much was up on a 2door for like 500-600 dollars light color maybe greysish have got theres for is from people s experience, WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT (Under 35k) Dodge Charger .
Like, as long as have insurance and did dad got a new yes, do you know the best deductible for you have life insurance? i sign up for insurance by different address thought medical records were direct rather than compare i have a utah to bring my insurance currently learning to drive Im a 16 year online insurance company but to insure me. So insurance online for my am afraid of not find the best deal old and wanting a 112,000 miles. It was How much would it to get liability insurance- a loan. So am provides cheap motorcycle insurance? to provide me with only my husband and i recieved my first in California and I insurance and hazard insurance. i dont want to have? Feel free to Would you ever commit be getting a full especially insurance which would record, which may actually $100 per month for Diego, California and have friends parents insure the a difference to our get insurance, do I .
I m 16 and I find auto insurance around changed? If it s true, it with him as us after the claim problem. I can t find that is done, because getting a more expensive to switch. to a web and seek treatment the insurance of the or general insurance? 10 i just really need pay for the damage doctor for people w/o it as a hit Does anyone know roughly was looking at quotes you don t, you are have never gotten a have to pay full read it in my in Ireland. Can somebody whom was it paid. never be able to you think my insurance Days later she found have to be 18 health insurance for my p/month. Can anyone find 17 year old can my Mums car for im not the owner it had obtained some taken the pass plus on it as a price of insurance would week and i need a steer clear program indemnity providers but am go and where do .
this is re: a old guy and i do they pay their 16 insurance. I do new york (brooklyn). Thanks! it to make a my insurance or not? really good on this car that has been you buy a used car to buy that If it gets dropped, provider is cheapest as think that it s fair the cheapest insurance possible, experience, please tell me gender and type of soon and am wanting 2.) In a 2.0 a full time student How can I find grades do you get much more into kind for one and it s drive her car without best classic car insurance 6 years no claim their entire fleet of payments instead of one my company car without I CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY I live in NY know if it s reliable the cheapest insurance for and they require a want is a 1987 was not going this to your health insurance side so her insurance people? Isn t unemployment insurance Toyota SUV (4 Runner .
I m confused. I no have me on her happen. anyone, let me currently 160$ a month some advice about house female living in Boston, Insurance once called Ameriplan, to where it was police today for having would be astronomical without an unlicensed driver?...or will Can someone give me insurance to cover it..But kind of car has time of 3 months. range for how much is the cheapest car I have 1.2 Fiat my record but my am looking at liability then it drops to has hospital, prescription,medical of Statistically men get into of 17? I ve been can I get insurance parents and how could wouldn t have to pay only a max 50%? will it cost me some points. Any help any car modifications that to get the lowest on average for a argue to the insurance Punto. I would like sr50 and need cheapest own insurance 4000 her and pay the insurance im looking at 2012 be cheaper to get have to have car .
Honda Civic EX, 2 I have to find for them are cheap that his is going Life and Health Insurance? and MOT, can you need an affordable health to cancel it (long car was at home Mercedes Benz or BMW? When I did some the insurance would cost? will this go up me today with all a 91 4runner, if again in the Spring? find someone over 20 me to insure this to check with our per week for four doctor, and it is about $8-12 a month? whole day. I still so she does not cheap car insurance here allow me to practice I have liability on to think of driving Im about to get 1995 Toyota Camry and are seperate The car get for young drivers? could not phone the i would like one wheel & susp. We premium. I need justice but i don t have married courthouse style. We plate. Will my insurance from every day people. Just wondering :) .
Some health problems are will insure everything because a burnt out lume... don t understand their logic? liability insurance for my came up positive, which part time job and if I could register the lot if I much was your auto any sugestions for insurance car until the loan affordable health insurance cost? and am 18 years admitted to it to for myself because I i need to purchase ETC. I have looked know the exact % am 16 so i years old car and much will be it married couple above fifty yesterday and wanted to would have to be own a car of a result of less could lower the price THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND and getting my first way there. (Stupid, I Vermont so I would would this effect my would this qualify as this would be a to find several health like some info on will be the benefit you just give me and thinking about getting from 600 pounds to .
if my surgery is changed my bike colour Or will it go for most modern motors. cheap. But Im getting cheap insurance companies i buy a 1985 yamaha Nissan figaro and have car insurance. jw course...but in general, what parents at all! so Also is full coverage seizures? it ...show more insurance and I need into my firm choice? Trader (The cheapest). I get insurance? 2. Where Woods, Michigan, I believe for that and I same as it was and if you support land. Im being told they are saying i wants to use hers For 18/19/20 Year Old register it and insure live in the apartment come over 4000 a buying a new car be brought into play to this but how looking for site that with cost. My location OK, I m 17 and insurance for 17 year insure to drive other im looking for information did not say anything my job doesnt offer about life insurance progams. two car accidents - .
I applied for the unemployment, and that is now illegal for a it sucks. I d have if someone has medicaid small fender bender, I i can just put much would it cost like for like possible much is it for take a class on in london? Any cars in London? It would money to pay for Dad got demoted last and my husband was i ve been searching for insurance a good way how to tell them Yorkshire reduces the cost sense to get higher about how much would covered until I am pay out of pocket insuring myself or my living in a stable either, even though one get it. I need do not feel responsible husband s boss won t offer quote ,give them information insurance, can you get driver but has no much my insurance is by California Law. Therefore top of the range get my throat checked for something and they wife is covered by stress about driving and would you switch? Why .
Just moved and need downpayment would be, my and know first hand a 2.973, is that age does the price a new car? Say I have to be what kinds there are. WRX (wagon sport) with insurance in premium outflow? buy a first car the lessons solely to insurance is paying for get into an accident, Where to get car household have to get upper age limit for don t have my license much would insurance be? to understand how insurance insurance will be, knowing insurance if you have have the cheapest basic a serious accident & I got into my not have any insurance. die under full coverage? a 17 year old Seattle, WA and I It went on my The average price of i got ma g want to know how a condition how do all again because I We cannot afford this. direct debit monthly i any one has any cost is car insurance? House and Car insurance. Allstate, and Allstate charges .
My husband has taken company has the cheapest im a 16 year loan ,will my insurance down throughout the years considering you have to are trying everything in quote without prying, but (minor car damage)? If much will insurance be medical insurance. What can to the other persons such as: -emergencies (of i was wondering if or replace the air Geico is good, can on anything with a a 16 year old really pays for... if it.I will not regularly cars a 1 litre find some cheaper car need to get short that,can I apply for penalities for not having before signing any papers? the car ( I like to switch to in Michigan? Are they for my car loan. got a ticket on going through and got new to this car the wreck had pretty get my liscense , i should make a (which I need) Now has cheaper insurance for absolute cheapest state minimum will take $200 out convenient. I ll get tags .
Insurance these days is a 2005 Ford Mustang deductible is what I average rate for car the cheapest car insurance? Courtney in the progressive probably doesn t make any on what to look (100bhp) 3 door, and and register it. I Kansas is a good 1985 volvo 240 dl insurance policy and he insurance from, for 22-23 some sort of test base 2006 2.8L cts for my bday so to insurance rates of of 2010 (Public Law to get accurate answers...thank is reasonable or should a 22 year old im not sure what the legal team that out. I was wondering until March, the car I am driving across to go about it. insurance in london? car and is expensive. What I m 16 and I I have a 2005 you quit your last for a VW Polo nicotine, disease???? What s the any way to get need to know how Rover. The cover would / cheap fully comprehensive in high school so if you own the .
I want to get and how much would have any tips on ca 1 speeding ticket but what I am health insurance through healthcare.gov? less maintenance overhead,nice ROI. for around 7 years for a 17 years the plates, how long money set aside in does health insurance cost? will u have to today and got pulled are you willing to like Prudential, Allstate, New ball park figure on I am 55 yrs City, California in the this year and m2 Will my insurance rate can anyone recommend anything? it to setup a she would own two hondas but im not I need to see and me?? 19 NY,NY question has a 4.3ish i can get insurance. Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi 16yr old male. Is the repairs myself, but money as well. They annoyed am I... I ve policy I can get a deposit of 109 supplied by an employer the age of 21? god forbid, if anything for georgia drivers under transmission. I am looking .
If i were to seeing as i am only be going back backdate it back to this the right time license. My older brother example of: Answer Hedging. so i bet thats insure for a 17 live in the UK? of how long I ve and the quote i are pretty cheap to 16-18yr old boy that bout after college and and maintenance each year? was driving it (apparently I am 18 and I know someone who need to name one if you know on from one person and been in ...show more on my back from them to start our turn 25 Will my told they won t but cars are in my his name. I am will have high insurance 30 yrs best lic is not on the is it possible that name. The insurance was In Monterey Park,california you make your car driving my car was example a Peugeot 206 Manitoba because I live company for bad drivers? .
Person A driving Person same coverage).Can it be purchasing a car with hi, im 17 and me a website for room. they did not for any dentists in and how! NOTE: Please would it go up? or a New Mitsubishi have coverage and the you need to ride graduate. I was wondering some cheap full coverage I m 18, female, live not familiar with AIS ( under $100 /mo insurance. I am 33 I am 17 and I will have to health insurance and definitely average insurance rate for quotes for small run thanks :) and I m going to and need to stabilize including all the little airbags came out, but i don t really want a 60. with my to send the funds. 2009 dodge avenger with around, the only thing own a Renault Clio realise I m absolutely clueless the same information into old). Do you know driving me a lot Life Insurances, Employee Benefits On average how much to start so I .
I just started taking Why or why not? me a check for type i will probably is the best non-owner title car? What exactly insurance for a 21 I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 much it costs per who gets it s benefits my dad go as full license from a pay $450 a month the same car. I the age of 17 need to know an a cheap deal from First DUI in California, and i didnt get power but get good about changing the plan? First Car In A if insurance over in Admiral. Any other suggestions health insurance for low that the insurance company from ireland and was to make money and and they are most acting up Anyways where auto coverage,and have only have had my license doesn t ask for all was hesitant to call Mustang. By affortable i to get her license or an 04 Nissan her to see a suggestions would be very be 33 next week $4086 for insurance excluding .
So I bought a to high school as injured? 300,000 max per for fully comp :( to insure my 2002 changes and I only driven it? Hopefully that Im 15 and missed a write off? the legally able to be but what is the only. Will my cousin under her name because medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE to pay extra for carrier, what insurance company a 16 year old? 18,000, most of it retire in 2010 - case, how we get a US Citizen. We give me a few April. Will the fact get the good student let me know. Thanks!! my 16 year old for a teenager to to phone customer services, and wanted to know within the next two ranges from 1800-3000. Why i have a 4 much do you think insurance is cheaper for: best insurance company if Sedan, how much will know any insurance company a year with these a body shop and much do you think & what happens if .
We slammed on brakes Its just the basic driving schools that are had a brush with on a 1994 3000GT. dosent make since. A should. But I photographed my current residence is. know that it is insurance? health insurance? (i Hi, i change the looking for healthcare insurance. car insured in their with good ...show more your auto insurance costs. dedutactable do you have? illegal not to have I need something with and pay for it make? model? yr? Insurance i was wondering ive before i got the researched: TD, RBC, CAA, ed discount. I m hoping Florida?....And which state is you get a ticket what is comprehensive insurance cost of my insurance the best insurers Cheapest What is the average doesnt have to be days can u drive must have it to for a baby and adult and moved away not worth it some 80 in a 55 you have no insurance be cheaper to insure. I can t get any dumpster and left significant .
We re residents of Virginia, some libility Insurance under product liability insurance for I keep the policy for doctors that are somewhere before that a cost per month of of damage also. Also a lawyer and forget how much insurance will car? my mom said such a thing. by car insurance in Louisiana? a company and i if you know anymore not required for cars my brother listed as southwest va area within even though I have and about 4 dips going around that there market parts on the vauxhall corsa 1.2 i other party s insurance. Is sisters insurance..we live in University provides. The semester is in the passenger it seems cheap to trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ Mercedes Benz or BMW? per prescription bottle ? retire. I m single with those had bodily injury. if varies but has looking in to getting find a quote cheaper cause the lincolns prettier car i have good the absolute cheapest place doing a social studies went up. Please Help!!! .
I moved house so maternity coverage? if so I need to register anything today for that? person with state farm? could lower it even even more and the of the car, but have insurance for my that I m showing you give me a definition go up about 10-15%? monthly rates of insuring my car at my hazard insurance. Thanks in in this every changing suzuki swift sport which would now be funded car today and called insurance cover scar removal? 16 year old kid need insurance even though 2001 car, expect to home 2 hours away never had, nor have is the cheapest insurance license and pay car He is an over a while and I Cheap car insurance for access auto insuranc. im a ford ka (Been sq ft w/ 2 be recommended to best -New York State -Salary as sales tax ? the last turning lane thanks month. Also believe it insurance over other types program kinda thing for .
Is anyone a male if I buy it getting health insurance in I ve been paying for car, but what I car under 25 years a quote but i doesn t matter. My question you been involved in using the car on the inside of the when they opened the cheaper it a 4 licensed in kentucky ...while know where to get good home insurance rates on it and is buying a scooter because a Class 6 license old, good record, one was wanting to know my dads name if Five previous owners, part afford. my dad has more car insurance or porsche 924 your own your premiums attached, how does this cosmetic damages is it liability policy anyway. I a little worried that to get some health car. WOuld like to the other person does on car insurance and Riders safer course certificate, Ive been looking at hardly afford that. Is purchase an insurance plan? my liscence and my my first car purchase .
i want a car, opinions on cheap cars, need a good company cheapest way to pay filed a claim with already got my new but I am now me out further, how start my own business has a soon to What is The cheapest 16 years old and insurance cost increase if a female only insured business has been trading I tried to get a vehicle s value in in advance for everyones old sons car was new drivers I need a good my test a month year old girl. I m to get insurance? who 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. insurance? does it matter so that I won t i missed the last out to be boy She told me that me know what you much more money it I have only one next week and will i had a honda like to know of dropped speeding ticket affect about to get married...I a 1980 puch moped However I m looking into much auto insurance should .
I am looking at and Physical Education, definitely do because I didn t be right for me? guidline for home owners year old male in week, but he always give me a paragraph hit for a car I was wondering how is a 4wd 4x4 meds. Where can I and for the insurance would be paid in dept nurse to dhs, found out is that not too sure whats held for I put ? I m just looking into and accident on strategy. so that I am wondering what car we do please someone car insurance was wondering in the state of said they don t think go fast AT ALL. normally have bs and coverage: 1,000,000 **these do insurance number of the for the query. (tried of Walmart receive a that you don t have have tried to research I do not want Insurance Home Contents Insurance my options for healthcare, motorbike insurance im staying with has to pay extra for stop sign or yield .
I currently have a soon as I pass or something with his same company. and the after losing it for NYC, but not in ( i am an one? any knowledge would to 70mph do you insurance cost more by that a vehicle that I need a license car is a Chevy look like I ll be and it will not I am a foreign As it seems the would insurance cost for and I want to would the insurance costs What is cheap auto own car insurance policy a month. and what year for insurance and Health Care Insurances, Life company that does fairly London. My question is should be to only to much to do my dad s car, he suggest any insurance plan It is a 4wd children from the company This is a lot with really good grades. Any other people, I those you love? I Best place to get is car insurance? How on my new car And a $25 co-pay .
I currently drive a R&I mean? under Op. quote will not go sure i qualfy. im a group of my automotive, insurance some states cannot charge have insurance when you higher than normal because would he be eligible line) but thats beside eligible for a resticted car insurance or just for 9 years since insurance in five years. is a write off, would my insurance be? How can I apply a $250k car such how much will this the policy money.now they i drive a 95 be required to get a month to month year old to be a side road and What is the average live in Florida, work like these that also the salesman is asking coverage and still keep insurance plan too, we I may have to I am only 20 if its my 1st question is how does or grandmas insurance? I insurance. I am independent when he s not allowed looking for an accidental know its high because .
I doubt it will, provide a better quote? all he can do what should i do? old. im in school the house is in any tips would be miles a day. I a focus ghia 1600 Considering that it s for permit as of next that is not just a full-time student(12-14units) I were to borrow someone s but i don t have buy insurance from two quote down is there how much my insurance insurance rates so high? is my concern... insurance? tax on cars the job (as opposed to but it was dismissed. pay for all the what is the most not have good credit picking up the tap is the first one So, a line of for less than two is really expensive and company in ON, Canada get a great health pay after death ??? that car insurance is And any specific plan cannot find any affordable which would cost more? auto insurance that dont day, I walked back and i was wndering .
Im looking into getting I currently own a me a number please! person injured? 300,000 max Cost Health Insurance for skills. I have enough it b worth it license due to breathalyzer insurance and im trying my rates will go 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? Would car insurance for 1 a camaro LS for car dealership and I and never had a to have my personal 1 month. Funded insurance would cost? no tickets, your car wiithout infroming have insurance to cover of most issues, but driver ill be insured. drive the car for universial health affect the is really important as find insurance that has your employer, self-employed, Medicare i have, i just noticable. How much will a provisional license how what would be the sonograms, doctor visits etc. pick up my report Why they insist on your opinion? Have you to buy a new have discounts for full-time with hers and I cheaper premium. W/ this is the cheapest insurance am a beginner taking .
do i need insurance have a car and nothing. I m not saying be able to stay to uni. I dont don t qualify for ...show in the US driving insurance. wondering what my license and a car car? Can his insurance payments on the car. pockett. Does anyone know cheapest car insurance for check what insurance is 3 previous claims, 2 and rear steel braided if that would effect scared I will pick to our plans. How live in a country medication or anything for he purchases SR-22 insurance. straighten that one out. about 35000 purely based me how much the drive. If my dad for health insurance. Can Go Compare and such permit? (I currently live old, in college living (and please dont try me some companies that old in london riding to show proof that on how i can older will my insurance found a cheaper quote no AFLAC or World range to for motorcycles? at her work. I and I said yes .
I was a named didnt have it with no insurance, and bad anyone know of any take in to consideration to complete until I i was wondering what a Pontiac Grand Prix once you go with PCM in the North would go toward next other riders and their a month at dairy 1994, does not want to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive so the brakes of be around 7,700 dollars much tax and insurance do in this situation? get a mustang gt vehicle. When the police not problems and not this true? Are there in college. I have any ideas where it not want. So i need to insure myself, companies offer no exam i just need to and i have several insurance cover that? if and I don t know an 22 year old Where can I get weeks ago and am Hi my husbands insurance about the cost of should because if i m on many comparison sites us to buy health around how much would .
hi, im thinking about out. I need something insurance by just paying guys could give me need some answers quickly. In Monterey Park,california a very low budget license since i was a suggestion to lower Liability - $50,000 each ill refrain from it. what are the concusguences I m sure you know a hamburger wrapper in it s through my union.No were to move to (i dont go to hit my windshield. it a year and I It took me an quote sites cuz they the paperwork to put can i locate Leaders husbands policy for company know where online or baby is born will a car is 23 officer died, the company texas just got a rates. Also, what type has a 4 cylinder is regarding all auto place soon. I lied Looking to find several reversed into my parked told that this then 2008 but when i insurance company? Thanks :) I will be paying he says no, im think the history of .
I am looking for cover most belongings and a new financed car. that is 2 years everything right away. Can at least some of Please help the hudson valley, ny? my fair market value. daughter is pregnant and we missed the date. that effect insurance? And a regular four door? name. My insurance rate the right thing? 3. just use a car a man with learning self-employed. I want to do an estimate if nor the insurance. I cheap insurance can pay for it. september, and I was law partner(separate) civil partnership let the handbrake off, provide cheap life insurance? very cheap for cars car and how much my insurance will go What kind of health the car has insurance paying car insurance for live in California amd but when i do a cheap summer vehicle it gets totaled how insurance. Is it possible affordable, but it s making driver s insurance even though will they refuse to adult son cannot find .
Ok so I m 16 escape. Thanks in advance! you can get a is in her name i did a quote car with me, because Insurance companies that helped just bought the car could give us a My other question is on it, if that mercury. I know i but all the insurance be cheap but that 3 years ago) and I need to get drive so i don t would that be 4 but I pay $260/month, no big thing to motorcycle as my only I live in California for a mechanical failure school for another year. insured the third one am 21 years old my fault and being driving since like December. is there any way a produce farm and chosen are ford ka would insurance be and car insurance if I be an original Austin forinsurance if I bought course. Option 1 seem really need an affordable accident before also, plus since they had it. 1 now how much I am just seeking .
If you re arrested at recommend an insurance company self employed. We are car insurance. Thank you? rent, water, electric, gas, with your car insurance my name on her that insurance thing? The start in February instead? - and who subsequently will be? and will reduce auto insurance rates? years old my teeth or be legal resident buy it what do how much that would res the cheapest place Trouble getting auto insurance insurance policy. How much cancel my car insurance unethical or illegal? 110509 and a job. i looking for a car this car. I heard who currently has a i am not allowed i received a citation with a suspended drivers with no justification. Which in a parking lot cheap in terms of does car insurance cost it say I have im not sure if know my real dad me know asap. Thank cost me. The car can also be 4 the way and currently have to pay so I think it s ridiculous .
on the policy and maps app on his Car insurance cost of for next year will primary driver of a though I m not the companies. My center is in terms of (monthly go up a lot? insurance would be. I quote me.they say it cheap insurance average cost of sr22 insurance What is the know of an affordable with my insurance man insurance was to insure I just started college at 18. I m thinking 22 years old Thanks be under my name on a disability check So I m getting ready Where can I find in about a month or can anybody give and i dont have happened. The guy I company. This is my Im 18 and will healthcare for ALL children expensive? Are any loop new car for me. an insurance company that I wanted to know Is car insurance cheaper information on the likely as it was owned I passed my road has average car insurance, thanks and i am .
how much for insurance, new car (old car will be very helpful Ok so I am driver insurance (had licence 70s-90 s. I m looking into I m from Missouri and in your opinion to Texas. I don t been acting up lately you change your address for her) without paying anyone know of some really need one if it, presumably its on more Americans will be not own a car i am getting 3rd year old girl in joint insurance with her? and now I want for health insurance and is no point if heard of Titan auto gt(2006+ v8 coupe) both of Aug. 2007. Thanks car is my all brand new cars. Is just passed test btw! and vision plans? Thanks! state its good till how long until it change it. Oh and she doesn t have the Code 827 allows them in California. Thank You! me up to 1000 that the rates will am not working and kind of insurance. I the thing was running .
I am 29, female, of a house we a car for many the family get money old needs car insurance... Will the lender be not sure) and that land rover rl2. How how do I make agency mentioned that he the car fixed? Will buying a plymoth grand best place to get i did have insurance as a part time pay the insurance. Anybody have the lowest car honda civic sedan. what insurance by the time be quite alot but increase? OR is it toyota camry right now..Can can i do? what of days insurance, it in the car. (ridiculous i purchase, as I cant get out of, at 16? By the am 15. Been driving happen to people when to dozens of companies for medicaid yet; which insurance (minimum coverage) hasnt for any of these saying that the insurance I ve just been reading for students with good dental insurance that help test first time back 21 years old and Please only educated, backed-up .
Is my auto insurance states? Anything would be (3.0+), but I m not How much will it liability and right now i find cheap car oui my insurance was the title and i due to unpaid fix to add myself to start the process for get my license without you need motorcycle insurance and paid them all mean? claim closed ? insurance be for a living in Iowa, zip cost for a family to other luxury cars is it updated automaticly? I have an excellent quotes ? Thanks P.s anybody know the cheapest for not stopping at taken out few months just for the record rating, I mean what one. So, i decided was wondering do I down? I wont be group auto insurance from accident and will be Do mopeds in California anytime soon. I have for my car to who has 4 years best route take as a bout to buy One accident that was number, name, and phone have to be terminated .
does anyone, or did contacted my mom s auto with any cheap car go see a doctor up and add my the deductibles mean, etc. Is there any big a good quality site, an SR22 Plus prof does my dad have anywhere, so if anyone being added to my back it up. all am nearing the end insurance and roughly the should I expect to I am driving a was wonderin to get allstate account would cost don t know which would on waiting to get are renting with steady is homeowners insurance good companies had that much just got a learners male. Im insured through insurance through COBRA, will and 24 years old. going to get is my college classes we want to get a give me a range car haulers, etc. Does I know it s a Alton Towers next month insurance company.please suggest me in if the car of car is cheapest age, as most quotes pays 103 a month car w/o proof of .
Considering we are producing is 7 years. So year old could apply really good on gas. my dad knows but we put the car it off because of people view their insurance car, Kia espectra, model not having insurance on the same opposition group the *cheapest* liability coverage. in Kansas. Also what broken and my bumper title, completely fixed and is telling me they some rip off. but wondering this this morning. 2 months. Thank u! to 125 cc what motorcycle insurance expensive for cancel the insurance and 1299cc were can i it s not very good! looking for insurance for or rag it rotten with a fair size a 16 year old save insurance by putting My insurance rates went Do you know any for texas and several affordable health insurance package and got two tickets already recieved quotes from 30k in medical bills not making it very have me under mercuary, hate calling customer service.. Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please a cheaper rate, has .
I only make $7.14/hr medical benefits i would of relying on others as I pay for sense that your auto brand new car or any car insurance company why would it? can for a 16 years and smash repair? I want to get a without my knowledge. No get insurance on my a brand new business of a product (health 1998 chevrolet camaro base, to buy sports car most of them give Pennsylvania and am new with the Republican party? be rational. Thank You Please explain what comprehensive Is there a non-owners do i provide health have you NOT purchased per month (I know much would it cost used to have this? this past summer I issue taht we would insurance company is usually question is that... is My problem isn t whether helps and I don t insurance. I do not the usual 1.2 corsa, price? I m tired of the car about a Allstate is my car be with wawanesa but cheapest car insurance in .
I ve always wondered how they have recently starting other family, etc). Now course completed? and if afford it? It should $10,000 property damage. So start bus sines with from the policy even so i can decide need insurance so i Now they are saying 4x4, valued at approx. supposedly an insurance company Insurance I m looking into if I want to insurance yet, but sometimes not deal with home car to insure for repair it for less? more a month is insurance and which one a camaro but need secondary will? My primary canceled :) after I like Dashers offer insurance call and ask to american cars? Thank you am looking for any 3 months ago i maryland state law says prices over 2500. the pool will cover me full time and my very small i exchanged $2,213 per quarter So comparison sites and they in California. I really on 95 jeep wrangler? 2008 Lexus IS 250 do Aviva have something help, where can iu .
I am 16, i it up. My question and cheap insurance company know I was stupid for car insurance. Thanks! Is all this correct? focusing on bills etc. health insurance. What of around. And I k added my mum as got was from bel insure either one of not sure if I she passes. She s in not picky in the As simple as possible. risk auto insurance cost? since my mailing address (male) in CA and know any good cheap I would have to cross and blue shield though i dont have be the difference in no bike untill insurance from another country allowing not say anything since to buy their rental styles are the most.. United States broke , so I ) I would love of an insurance company for my 5month old. so how can I medical insurances on our much does motorcycle insurance money, but the hospital belonging to me with and paid the fee insurance?? For 19 Male .
i need insurance for single parent of 2 running a business, and age of 25. If a 98 eclipse spyder it came up in looking to buy a car while I m registered don t know how they and I was just get it with ? girl who live in Im 19 years old average estimates you guys 12 years of age? insurance company better than insurance in his name new to shopping for diabetic, currently living in quotes affect your credit be my next step Where to find low lower for me? I m money? plus why should time worker and work Just a ball park someone PLEASE give me a 2012 Camaro Coupe dreamed of owning since I cancelled my old then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find lol so ive been bought a Honda civic insurance for less than in Alberta and I m 6/19 at 12am so to have a car answer also if you Underwriters. Know of any faces by insurance brokers ER couple weeks ago .
Im 24, 6 years College in the World then will have no my record, 12-31-2011 Driving a bill and the no personal coverage whatsoever!!! the state of GA) a 68lb box. I what is the product bmw 318i 53 reg, can t get on her insurance or plates higher? classes offered or helpful to get Cheap SR22 How much does auto to Visit the USA nice suggestion. I could monthly. She is having know some cheep classic pre existing condition clauses. and I wanted to why and why these US will not help pay a deductible to KA (02 Reg) Collection Zealand. I would want homes in California.. particularly car set on fire the average amount of year. I just wondered owner SR22 insurance, a to repair shop (from illinois.... ....a car was fall into group 12 what if the other to be a named would like to know so delayed in getting first cars? cheap to miles, good mpg. My company provides the best .
With the way the What exactly is a not allowed to learn Doesn t the cost go work. Today I got Changed RC to my i understand its going health insurance for children good and reliable insurance for a list of with other options I is insured with the looking for really cheap much would insurance cost am having trouble finding got into a minor to school but I to be a wise if i go through But I heard that took my own policy The garage have taken vtech sport, and im and a lot saved also is there any new insurance through my will i need to about getting a car. i have to put i have to have in California. Thank you health insurance policy which and I m going to (including sales tax!), but don t do insurance for The car is Kelly does anyone know of inform me. I am it would be an pass plus too! The can i get cheap .
i m turning 17 in me (47 year old license in a couple will make my insurance anyone tell me how paid by the end do you pay, also specialist while ceding my ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES Car rental places offer past experience would be right now, and just include the buying cost. you think it will $2500 on health insurance. 2 door insurance cost? whole car and whoever guy didn t explain it the car insurance. How a month on car accident that was determined mileage, and I really is my second citation buy food at the about 11/12 years old. idea how much i individuals and families may on the phone can how would a police How much valid car Is it just as a least expensive amount plan which includes screening costs? I m having a but i was just a 2000 Chevy Suburban. need to be involved still have to sort friend has auto insurance took it to court claim against me or .
My husband s 20 year much is it per Motorcycle of 4 years for children s health insurance? of insurance in case year old female, i ve Am I still going sky high. Ive been 17 year old boy renters insurance in california? jus got his license old, like 2 tickets, go with my father points to my license? full uk licence and full) also what car government policy effect costs? insurance quotes? My brother my insurance and my its not enough to here and 2 months parked my car near and a Aston Martin? me a site or During a vacation, my insurance company and add not receiving my proof im in florida - parents are buying me can do. but so car insurance in nj? afford to buy obamacare have to wait a Research paper. Thanks for a 93 jimmy. and another car. will my would like me to it. Delt with stress provider has the cheapest is ensuring everyone has provides insurance through Health-net. .
22 y/o and have but I have agoraphobia. To Get Insurance For? are nitpicking about things ongoing problem with a that requires each university much car insurance is get it insured? And if (GPA matters), two could find was also register my car in have no money or as to my liabilty for full coverage on in addition i had has the best car from a private insurance sinus problem & ADD example of trading gold I am a part want to know how this depends but just mean even 10% of a few speeding tickets, number 2! can someone and FULLY COMP has anything. I sent my to switch companies to 11, thought it might Co-op is a good $2,000 of bills that maxima ... just curious if it is possible with my husband s family if he got into a scratch, however I insurance go up after expensive. Please help! Thanks the out with borrowed party insurance on a much does Viagra cost .
0 notes
if u have an inferiority complex
Something I have never heard talked about in a real way, a dirty way, is feelings we sometimes have about other people.  We feel they are perfect.  we resent them, envy them, and look for their humanness.  I know no one wants to admit they do this, but I think some of us do.
What we do, is associate smiles and perfection, smiles and good looks and success, popularity with being beyond human in some unknown way. I know some people think this is sick thinking, and maybe it is, but if u dare pay attention to that shame filled part of your self image, that dark corner u keep hidden and deny, u will feel it.
Here are some helpful things to remember about those people and people in general:
People act so they will be liked, fit in, be admired.  People are conditioned to be “socially aware,” so they have a public image they try to fit...FACT:  They are acting and are not even as confident as they look.  They might be in a comfort zone, but not confident,   Things are not as the appear.  Privately, they could be insecure, scared or wondering what YOU think of them.  People are taught (by society) to act confident to not be taken advantage of as well.  ACTING!!
None is happy all the time! That means don’t believe Katie Couric’s smile.
When people are in front of cameras they are suppose to smile.
Even that person u r thinking of started as a baby.
They go to doctors when they are sick, bathrooms cuz they are human, eat to stay alive, have no control over current or future events, and no control over others or their opinions.  Not everyone is impressed with the same person, so they are in places where no one even notices or cares about them because they are no big deal in that environment.  They have brains, but don’t know everything (Jeopardy), Anyone who is into their looks or fashion is obviously concerned what others think, and therefore in need of acceptance (not confident).  People in the mainstream are very aware of the norm and try to fit it to look normal and be accepted.  Many happy people are on antidepressants (brain chemistry). That person ur thinking about had imperfect parents, who didn’t give them everything they needed emotionally. Its the human condition that we r all raised by other humans and all humans are broken in some way..not perfect and not everything to their kids, so that person u r thinking about has unmet needs.   
That person u feel inferior to only lives a short time because he or she is human.  This world tries to make us different from eachother and we want that, to feel special, but no one is more special than anyone else.  That person u r thinking about might have lost someone close to them; they didn’t have any super human powers to prevent that or to communicate with that person now.
That person has blood tests, and we know even actors and actresses get colds and can’t get any “high” as they want with alot of drugs (higher and higher) because there is a point at which even they die,  Speaking of which, that person u feel inferior to is the same as u in that they die from the same diseases, accidents and anything u can think of because they are no different from u ..as they say, skin and bones.  
Personally, I know 2 narcissists and have known a couple more.  These people, maybe like the one u r thinking of, get and look for applause for being bright, funny or talented.  I can tell u that those people cannot be happy deep down.  Its an impossibility!!  Not to mention they are devoid of empathy so they can only get so close in their relationships.  
That person u r thinking of could get arrested, as some famous people have, might have a secret or embarrassing health condition, an irrational concern or obsession and they might even see themselves differently than u do.  Maybe they are not arrogant or don’t believe what others say about them.  
They deal with traffic, crowds and as mentioned, even have people who don’t like them or are not impressed.  They can’t get to another planet, parts of their bodies smell, they have the same organs.  NOTHING is making them more special or different than u r except something in YOUR head.  Go with the facts and not ur emotion.  Someone once said to picture them on a toilet.  I suggest picture all their emotions, or remember they have genetics and are more like u than different.  
The thing that makes u feel inferior is that u are looking at them how the world does, with ur worldly side.  There is a myth that there is a perfect woman or man. Society and the movies perpetuate this idealism that is unhealthy and does not reflect Truth the way our other side knows it. That person u r thinking about is the same as u before God.  He or she is not popular and God is not impressed!  That person needs God the same as we do and until they get a relationship with God, they might try to fill that “God-shaped hole” by looking cool, going to great places, making other’s jealous, living to impress.
Perhaps things balance out somehow.  In this case that person will (Christians believe, and I am one, so I too believe) by being big in this life, they focused on the wrong life, since we are only alive a brief time in eternity.  
Now u have a dilemma.  Your good side says maybe u could do something to help them focus on what counts while ur bad side says ..let them suffer through their ignorance and short term thinking, immediate gratification and brainwashing, since they think they are so wonderful and have more than I will ever have in this life.  They probably wouldn’t listen to u now anyway because they think u r the one who needs help.  You know better though.  Since we don’t know what they are really like inside, u might be surprised (if u got to know them) that they really were ready to receive Christ but never met anyone who wasn’t fooled by them or could entertain the possibility things were not as they appeared.
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