voidimp · 9 months
probably couldve been diagnosed w hEDS a lot younger than twenty-fucking-eight if the foot doctor i went to in like middle/high school or my regular doctor had considered the possibility that the weak ligaments in my feet/ankles might be due to a connective tissue disorder that affects my whole fucking body instead of just being a localized thing
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saturns-cryptid · 2 months
Never got to share some of my headcanons for the hfr characters but here we go:
Chai is a blind mf (near-sighted) and needs glasses. Like, right now.
I don’t really know what glasses to give him though. Maybe like John Johanas has. Those could probably suit him.
Korsica is sporty, without a doubt, all about that daily exercise and healthy nutritious diet. What sport would she do though? I think boxing, like with Macaron, would probably suit her, yet I’d also think of kickboxing and maybe some jogging on the side.
On that note, Chai seems extremely flexible, almost if not outright gymnast levels. It remains a mystery for how long Chai had his right arm the way it was before the implant. Maybe he had it like that since he was a baby, but I can imagine him somehow injuring it in his early years, and it was just so severe that he couldn’t get its fine motor skills back. Like, maybe Chai has a degenerative disease that either runs in the family or only affected him due to him being a gymnast.
Or he’s just that naturally flexible and jumpy idk
Another headcanon for Korsica (me fine woman) is that she actually used to play drums and it’s not just a motive that she has in the game with her batons. Maybe she was part of the school orchestra and would only play simple tunes in there, while actually being good enough to pop off any minute. I instantly remember that video “When you’re overqualified for the job” when I think about it.
If the groups were to start a band, then Macaron would def be a piano guy and Peppermint the bass girly.
OKAY i'm gonna go down the headcanon list ting bc i love your takes and i want to respond to all of them properly TEE HEE
would NEVER have thought chai to be blind or in need of glasses tbh, though i'm here for it!! i personally think he would've been more far sighted bc of his ability to snatch onto magnets and grab enemies and stuff... (the thought of him squinting the entire game and hitting any moving robot looking blobs in his field of vision is pretty funny though tbh LOL) ... also i looked up john johanas and it's been a hot minute since i've booted up the game but i SWEAR the ones with the thick black frames are an actual pair of glasses you can get in the shop for chai and i am SOOO doodling that if i have the time
korsica is absolutely sporty. proof: sporty fit in shop. also she's head of security she literally HAS to stay in shape to spin that thang around. (also idk if it's just me but it's implied her batons are pretty heavy bc there's this one specific scene during her boss fight when the game is like "okay scratch parrying everything!" where she strains JUST a little bit to get into the spinning motion so she is SOOOOO absolutely muscular). ALSO did not think about korsica and macaron sparring!! macaron doesn't seem like the type to spar at his age LOL... but maybe he'd be up for it occasionally post game :0!!
i definitely think he would've tried to stay limber growing up all things considered, he has WAYYY too much stamina if he can beat up all those robots LOL but now that you mention it, he DID practically fold in half at the very end of the first stage... BUT i personally hc he has monoplegia as a result of an accident when he was really young as opposed to something he was born with. i'm by no means a medical expert, but it sounds... medically inaccurate for a degenerative muscle disease to stay in one arm? (if you ask me tho, i think he would have a brachial plexus birth injury IF he were to be born with it, but again) take that with a fistful of salt, i'm not a doctor and i don't know shit
i don't have much to say for the last two, i agree with you for the most part BWAHGAHGW i love the idea that if someone asked korsica about why she chose the weapons she chose, she'd just say something like "hitting drums, hitting people. same difference." and shrug BWAHWBJAHGSHJF
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batfoonery · 1 year
I’m sad tonight so have a stupid little headcannon of mine about how I think Damian grows up
Firstly, he cannot grow up this is Illegal that’s my spunky little guy!
But if he must (and I suppose he must)
Personally I don’t agree with DC’s tendency to make him Big n Bulky like Bruce.
Assuming Talia really did handpick certain traits, she probably would have leaned towards traits better for being an assassin. Like a more slender frame. Probably not as slender as Tim. If we chart it with Bruce n Jay being the Bulkiest and Tim being the most slim (but still very strong!) and Dick as the midpoint (aerodynamic but wider chest + shoulders) then I’d put him between Jay and Dick, but certainly a bit closer to the latter than the former.
I also am of the opinion that he’s the second most springy (flexible) after Dick.
So, I know with ballerinas the reason they have to start young is bc they have to start forming the flexible pathways (I’m not wording that right but the actual term eludes me rn) bc when you reach adolescence your joints start hardening into their final full adult spots and pathways. I’m assuming that the same applies to gymnasts.
Damian would’ve been a prime age for this development of sproingy joints. Tim and Jay were already teens, so although they have the ability to be damned good acrobats, they can’t develop the same range of motion that D & d have.
And yes, this would require developing the motions. But Damian likely already had learned techniques that required a particular level of flexibility in the LoA, and then when Dick was Batman (and in charge of training) I think he would have leaned towards more acrobatic skills. Both bc it’s useful and bc he needed a way to wear the kid out so he’d stop trying to escape and maybe take a nap for once. Getting bouncy kids (well. Not bouncy, but certainly Energized) to settle down by wearing them out by tricking them into doing cross wheels across the lawn is a classic older-sibling-stuck-babysitting tactic.
Overall this means his muscle tone would probably build in a way similar to Dick as well. Not totally the same! Part of our ability to build muscle is genetic—some of us are better at putting it in certain places than others
So where Dick’s generalized shape is like an upside-down triangle (or, if the artist is choosing to be particularly annoying about the poor guy’s rear then an unfortunate wasp figure—please that poor man’s back…. Shapely but reasonable is that really too much to ask for?) I think Damian’s thighs will be Thick like Bruce’s, making him somewhat of an hourglass (ass not as defined as Dick’s though) although the narrowest part of his waist will still only be slightly curved in (so not as severe as the description ‘hourglass’ typically invokes).
Height? No clue. Smaller than Bruce but not by much I’m guessing. Tall but not too tall and somewhat slender would probably help with assassin-ing in Talia’s eyes.
Although personally I think it would be really funny if he was second smallest (Tim reigning shorty supreme of course).
Features? No clue! Honestly kids can inherit so many potential features, who knows! I like when artists give him darker skin and Talia’s nose. But I’m biased bc I wish my skin was darker (I’m half Mexican half white and wow the pale is Blinding so unfortunately I am aware just how pale mixed children can be) and Talia is like. The hottest person in DC for me. I also like the green eyes bc it makes sense for him to have been exposed to the Lazarus pit, although I’m open to them having been a different color at birth for Angst purposes.
I just think there’s so many recessive traits that could pop up as he gets older. Or maybe he starts out being Bruce’s mini-me and then magically shifts into Talia’s boy. But I like the thought of him having something unexpected like one singular dimple on his left cheek—inherited from Martha and the Kane lineage but skipped Bruce (however Kate has the same dimple). Or maybe the droop of his eyelids recalls memories of Talia’s mother (not that Ra’s ever shared this info other than maybe once in passing when he first saw the baby).
That’s it that’s all! Agree, don’t agree, I don’t really mind either way. I just think it’s fun to think about sometimes.
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redey3core · 1 year
Joy Headcanons
I feel bad bc I've been so busy this week but :] here's some silly hcs for Joy hehe
24 years old.
Italian-American (second generation). Spoke Italian at home growing up.
Parents died in a car accident when she was 6-7 years old. She was raised by Papa Louie after that; her mother was Papa Louie's younger sister.
On the topic of her parents, Joy is a dead ringer for her mother. They look so alike it's crazy.
Gives off the aura of someone who's super confident and outgoing. If she's not at the pizzaria, she's always out and about doing something. Her friend group includes Liezel, Perri and Lisa.
Used to be really into superhero comics after her parents died. She related a lot to the heroes losing loved ones. She grew out of them after a few years, but she gave all her old comics to Roy.
Learnt to cook from her mother. Papa Louie was very happy to have Joy cook with him after she moved in, and it really helped Joy to cope with her grief & accept Louie as her new guardian.
Did competitive gymnastics for 12+ years and planned to be an athlete for it. When she was a senior in high school though, she suddenly realised it wasn't what she wanted to do anymore, hence why she turned down the university scholarship.
After turning down the scholarship, she went through a severe period of depression. She felt completely lost and no longer had any idea what she wanted to do in life. The thought of what could have been still haunts her.
Louie was the one who suggested she take time off to travel around, and he was very supportive of her decision to turn down the scholarship. She left shortly after high school and returned home when she was 21.
Spent her time in Sakura Bay doing odd jobs and trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She fell in with a suspicious crowd in her first year there that ultimately helped fuel her desire to become Ninjoy.
Being a pizza delivery girl was NOT her first choice of a job when she returned home, but Louie is preparing her to take over the entire -eria business with Roy.
Still does gymnastics for sport and recreation, but is no longer competitive.
Very strong and flexible thanks to her years of gymnastics.
Close with Roy, although she doesn't believe him when he claims Moe is actually the Dynamoe.
Alongside gymnastics, she's also a very good dancer.
Has problems handling her negative emotions; she tends to bottle them up until she explodes.
Has been acting as Ninjoy since she was 22.
Began acting as Ninjoy after a significant crime increase in the city. It's gone down since then, but she never let go of the mantle. Part of her was also fueled by the bad experiences she had in Sakura Bay.
Takes her job seriously. A little too seriously for someone who runs around in a ninja costume all night.
Her job isn't always to just catch and beat up bad guys. She also assists with good deeds such as finding lost pets and cleaning the streets (literally). People who have met her via these deeds describe her as being closed off but someone who cares deeply for her community.
Uses the Ninjoy persona to channel out her frustrations and anger, especially when she's beating up bad guys.
Although initially beginning as a vigilante, her values began to change after dating Moe (& after finding out his identity), tilting her more towards an anti-hero.
Only two people know of her identity- Roy, and eventually Moe.
Taught herself to fight.
Feels like she has an obligation to be Ninjoy. It causes her a lot of stress on top of her personal life issues.
The stress of the job leads to her being snappy, no-nonsense and intolerant of anything she deems to be a nuisance pretty often. This includes the Dynamoe.
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keo-k · 7 months
sometimes i think i wasnt an injury-prone child and then i realise im gaslighting myself
tw: fair descriptions of injury?? if you dont like blood uhh dont read <3 this is just me reminiscing on being a child who thinks they cannot feel. pain. sorry if its incoherent im very sick and life feels like a fever dream and i did not sleep last night! this is so diary-entry-core TLDR i had a lot of random injuries and a few medical mysteries.
i keep looking at the middle of my chest like "man where the fuck did i get this scar from" and then i remember this one childhood day where i was filled with hubris and slid down a chain in a playground and my skin tore from under my shirt and i started bleeding terribly ill also occasionally look at the permanent callouses on my hands and remember running down a hill at full speed, followed by rolling down a hill at full speed, crashing into rocky concrete, looking down at my hands and being utterly terrified because they're entirely covered in blood???? its all red??????? also spinning on the biggest rock in the rock garden in front of my house after a friend's birthday party blowing bubbles when i lose my footing and land chin-first into the sharpest rock there, getting blood all over my favourite party dress and having to go to the ER for 6 hours and getting, not stitches, but glue. yeowie. i scratched most of the scar off somehow, just tearing the skin off my face because i didnt like the texture. its still kind of there if you look at the right angle. being in gymnastics class, doing beat swings on the high bars, thinking "whey my hands hurt im gonna drop and get some chalk (for some reason. its not like i was slipping i was just yeowch)", dropping down, looking at my hands and LO AND BEHOLD three inches of the skin beneath my ring finger on both hands is sticking up stupid vertical ! i couldnt use my hands too good for the next two weeks, also the skin sticking up WAS NOT DEAD so i couldnt trim it without feeling excruciating pain. like cutting your ear off :( not really a "when i was younger" thing, still valid now, but i have hyper mobility so im stupid flexible. especially in my ankles! like i cant do sports without wearing ankle braces on both legs. even that cannot save me sometimes, i still die. anyway my mum thought i was a piece of shit and was faking my ankle injuries bc the limping would last like. a whole month wowie! then we realised i just have bad joint. also i can hit the splits anywhere without stretching, i can walk on the literal sides of my ankles (not like. the sides of my feet no no no. go even further beyond.), i can fold my fingers backwards into silly lookin curls without any pain and keep them there no issue, and i have gotten many MANY greenstick fractures even after my bones developed a lot because my bones soft and refuse to break like a normal persons. like my basketball coach will bend my leg back to test how far it goes and i wont feel any pain and he'll say like. "oh thats waaaay too far back to be safe." and ill laugh because it can go WAY further back! and i hate it !
BONUS: ME BEING A MEDICAL MYSTERY WOOOOO up to age 8 i would have these ... seizures? all throughout the night. i would shake super aggressively and it wouldnt wake me up. my mum filmed it one night when she finally caught it on video (she would stay up HOURS ON END trying to catch it. wild). the shaking would start like a twitching at my fingers and would travel to my hand, to my arm, to the rest of my body and youd think i got fucking electrocuted. anyway she showed it to doctors and they brought me in immediately to scan my brain for fuck knows what and they didnt. find anything? like my brain activity was completely normal. they didnt let me out of hopital for a week cus theyre like "THIS ISNT NORMAL SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS KID" but. womp womp. we never found out. i dont shake anymore but i do shmove a lot. like, a lot a lot. and im always tired and im capable of falling asleep standing up. and have minor chronic fatigue. also i had a bullseye-type thingy on my thigh that really, REALLY looked like a tick bite! i was in immense amounts of pain and couldnt properly walk. there was a dot in the middle, and this surrounding ring of red would expand and shrink overtime. very reasonable to think of it as a tick bite. anyway my parents carried me out to the car in the middle of the night so we could go to sick kids. they measured how much the ring would expand by (i dont remeber number. it was beeg.) and then they sent me to the ER out of the concern that i would get lyme disease. they tested me or something idk i was unconcious and. IT WASNT A TICK BITE! you may be asking "so what was it, mr gorgeous fish?" um. well heres why this is in the 'medical mystery' section. they never found out. it went away a day later and we were just like "ah. okay." so. whoops. when i was a toddler they put me in an mri thing where they uh. strapped me down because toddlers usually freak out and damage the mri thingy? anyway. was in there for two hours. and i did not freak out. at all. i was asleep for one of the hours, but the second one i just laid there very awake and very still and the doctors thought i had brain. damage. i didnt! yay ! i also have many chronic illness now. weeeee i probably missed a lot of my stories here but anyway. heres me being silly
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crimzoncrow · 1 year
ty for tagging me @mamawasatesttube !! <3
1. are you named after anyone? Not really! My middle name is my mom’s mom’s mom’s name (I think? Might be another generation back), but my first name isn’t for anyone.
2. when was the last time you cried? Almost exactly twenty four hours ago, I was having one of my bimonthly identity crises <3
3. do you have kids? Unless we’re counting friends barely younger than me who’ve declared me their mother, absolutely not lol
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? It depends on who I’m with! I guess not really? I use it a lot more when I’m upset about something or joking about something I don’t like I think, I just realized
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I used to play soccer, when I was little! Like, elementary school. I guess I also did gymnastics when I was even younger but it wasn’t sport-y gymnastics
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? Depends on how we first interact! Online it’s typically typing style, formality, and tone. Helps me figure out how I should respond, if I interact with them
7. what’s your eye color? Brown!
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!!! Scary movies give me really bad paranoia lol. Sometimes I can avoid it by pointing out mistakes or production details I notice, but then I’m not really�� watching the scary movie as a scary movie anymore. I’m also just a sucker for a good happy ending!!!
9. any special talents? Hey look at how hard I can hyperfocus *crochets for 17 hours straight no breaks*. More seriously though, none that I really know of? I guess I’m kind of flexible but that’s more of a my joints really suck thing than a talent thing
10. where were you born? New Jersey, gotta keep up my mom’s family’s tradition of having some Jersey in them even if they were raised elsewhere (It’s like… kind of strange LOL. They’re literally all over the place but we’ve all got some tie to nj somehow?? I think I know one single person in the entirety of my moms family who wasn’t born in nj or spent the majority of their life there, and it’s bc their parent moved before they got them).
11. what are your hobbies? Drawing, writing, crochet (apparently?? that ones still kinda new to me even if it’s ,, been a few months lol), reading, uhhhh. I’m sure there’s more they come and go
12. do you have any pets? NO I WISH I DID im screaming and sobbing i cannot at the moment but as soon as i can i WILL
13. how tall are you? 5’ 4” ish? I thought I was just under 5’ 5” the second to last time I checked but last time I went to the doctor they said I was like 5’ 3.75” or something so it’s very confusing to me 😔😔 Most of the people I’ve spoken to think the 5’4” is most accurate tho
14. favorite subject? Uhh art? That feels like a copout lol. Overall, probably english? English, art, sciences in general… I can also like history? I don’t have anything against math either?? Most of the time whether or not I like a subject has more to do w whether I associate them w good or bad teachers I’ve had LOL
15. dream job? MAN i have NO IDEA . Ive been agonizing over this so bad . My current goal for career is just “something where I can do something I love and make things that make people happy”, probably in the arts, but you know that’s . Not really very specific lol. And also I’m just interested in other things too!!! If I were going to a different college there’s a super huge chance I’d be looking at stuff w/ linguistics more. Idk!! A job I like that’s stable and secure and also I can make enough money to do hobbies I like and spend time with friends!!! Whatever that is, if I can ever find it!!!!
i am so very terrible at tagging people so if someone sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you <33 this was very fun!!
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Patterns [Haikyuu!! Military Police AU]
➜ Pairing: Oikawa x Reader | Iwaizumi x Reader | Kageyama x Reader | Hinata x Reader | Kuroo x Reader | Bokuto x Reader | Akaashi x Reader | Sawamura x Reader
➜ Warning: violence (sparring and missions), possible mentions of blood and bleeding, guns, knives, possible descriptive/mentions of injuries
➜ Notes: this short series is inspired by Gusari’s HQ 3rd Fanbook | you can assume everyone’s aged up | the reader is a female and the same age as the third years of HQ | this will be mostly platonic (bcs I suck at writing romance)
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[Art by Gusari]
Being acknowledged as one of the best in your division is an honor and led you to take a higher step towards being number one. Maybe after seeing your ambition and skill despite your gender, Mr. Irihata and Mr. Nekomata decided to moved you to the special squad.
“Wow, a new recruit!?”
“A girl!?”
Your first impression would be ‘too much testosterone in one room’–exactly as you describe in the sentence, only male population occupied the space whereas you’re the only female there was. Mr. Irihata and Mr. Nekomata deemed it would be a great time to introduce you to the squad you’ll be working with so here you were, standing near the door and trying so hard not to squirm on your toes.
Instantly, pairs of eyes focused on your figure once you stepped in their line of sight–surely, your appearance is similar to a sore thumb.
“Today, she will be working with you as a part of the team,” Mr. Irihata announced, gesturing his hand to you. “Introduce yourself, soldier.”
Automatically, you took a step forward and saluted with neutral gaze. “Otohaku [Name] from Miyagi’s Female Division, pleased to meet you.”
That’s how your adventure started.
You’ve known Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Kageyama the longest. Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been your best friends ever since you three were still freshmen–often trained together, discussing about strategies, and many more other than just talking about work in general. You’re thankful for them because in your personal training, they didn’t pull their punches which resulting you have more strength than your peers.
Even after you’re being separated because of divisions, your friendship didn’t waver even for a bit.
When they found out, you’re joining the squad they were more delighted than any other. Oikawa cheered and immediately jumped onto you out of excitement, rubbing his cheek against yours as you patted his back. Iwaizumi threw an arm around you and grinned widely. It’s nice to finally work together with your boys. Most of the time, you spend your time with the two in the base or when you’re free.
Meanwhile, Kageyama is your junior. During his time as a freshman, you’re chosen to be his mentor and trying his best to guide him. He’s extremely talented, towering over his peers when it came to skill in sniping and gun wielding. However, he was second to none when socializing suddenly involved. You tried your best to help him getting used, coaxed him into simple conversations, inviting him to eat with you during lunch or dinner. Your kindness is like no other and that’s why Kageyama is attached to you.
After knowing you will be working together with him, happiness is an understatement. He congratulated you in a lot of stutters and stiffened once you pulled him into a hug. Although it’s only a few seconds before he completely melted into your warmth. Kageyama found himself constantly trailing over you and tried his best to be around you as often as possible–which you found cute.
Kuroo, Bokuto, and you were placed in the same team–the mobility team. The three of you have the highest score when it comes to movements, parkours, and close combat. Kuroo was a polite gentleman at first, but once you’re close with each other he turned into a menace–teasing you endlessly, poking your cheek just to annoy you, and many more.
Bokuto is a beaming ball of energy which seemed to never ran out. He was an outspoken person who doesn’t afraid to ask straightforwardly if something’s nagging his mind. You were the person he would go to if he wanted to hear praises because he knew you always give it to him. He didn’t hesitate to be touchy or clingy towards you–physical contact is something he loves and you always let him hug you whenever he wanted.
Being in the same team with the same field, you three practices together more often than any other. While Kuroo is an expert in hand-to-hand, Bokuto and you are intense in using your legs–especially you who learned gymnastics once, your flexibility is challenging for them because it makes your moves even more unpredictable.
Hinata is a ball of sunshine, bright and warm and always lightened up your day. He looked up to you because he himself is rather amateur, but with his amazing stamina and reflexes he became the part of the team. He often seeks directions and advises from you and you didn’t mind teaching him or having extra practice with him. Who were you to deny his eagerness? When he did a good job, you never forgot to award him with head pats, something he enjoyed the most.
Akaashi is a rather quiet person, which makes him your safe place. He lets you pour out whatever seemed to frustrated you in a private conversation shared between just the two of you–in return, you did the same for him, listening to what’s nagging him. You two comfort each other. Akaashi sometimes helped you in practicing your sniping skills, he’s a great teacher and you found yourself improved tremendously from his help. When Akaashi needs a relieve, he will go to you, sitting beside you and just drops his head on your shoulder–you will stroke his hair and he will calm down from the simple gesture.
Sawamura is your hard-working-and-overly-stressed captain. Your existence is a blessing to him because in between the menaces of the team deprived of logic and normality, you’re a fresh air. You listen, pay attention, and obeying his orders–something he forgot how it supposed to feel. In return, he tried his best to assist you in anyway possible. Engaging a conversation with him is easy–he’s extremely wise for his age, whenever you need advices or encouragements, he’s the one you will go to.
Despite being the only female there is, the team never once disrespects you. They set you in high regards, acknowledging your skills, including you in discussions–gender is already passed their mind. They treated you equally, could be seen when they never pulled out their punches when it came to sparring with you–they went all out every single time, the same for you.
They didn’t see you as someone who needs to be placed in the back–you’re never given a minor role in missions, all of them were given to you because they knew you’re capable. Not once they thought you’re fragile or need protection, you could defend yourself well.
Still, they had unspoken boundaries–averting their gaze when practice shirt clung to your figure and literally shaped it (Kuroo pointed out that your chest is huge and he received a painful smack on the head by Iwaizumi along with withering glares from the rest), draping a jacket or clothing over you so you could cover up, never burst into your room without permission, requesting to build a separate room and laundry room just for you to respect your privacy, and many more.
(They consumed respect women juice 25/8)
Safe to say, you weren’t complaining about anything in this team and living you’re life the fullest as a part of it.
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thefactsofthematter · 2 years
would love to hear any thoughts abt the spot and race backstories in ur olympic au! why are they in their sports? how did they get where they are?
wonderful questions!! i really needed to organize my thoughts for this au, so please enjoy a nice dump of backstory for both of them 😁
- he was born in nyc, raised by a lovely single mom who would do literally anything for him <3 she’s an engineer, and when he was eleven, she took a job in hawaii!! they moved to a very small town on the big island, near the resort she had a work contract with, and he immediately fell in love with his new home.
- he made his first friends there by signing up to play volleyball— which he’d started playing a couple years earlier back in manhattan, mostly bc his mom said he needed to play a sport to get some energy out. he was a pretty solid player for being so young, and as he got older (and incredibly tall), he really started to hone his skills. by the time he was 15 or so, it was obvious that he had some serious talent, even when he was just playing for fun with his friends on the beach
- one of his high school coaches was a former semi-pro beach volleyball player and could see his potential: she invited him to a summer training camp in honululu, which is where he met romeo when they got paired up! they started playing doubles together and their playing styles clicked so perfectly that by the end of the camp they were pretty much unbeatable. they got recruited at a local club to train for the u17 world championship the next year— it took a lot of convincing for race’s mom to let him move to another island at fifteen to take his sport more seriously, but she was so proud of him that she had to say yes <3
- the rest is history! they kept playing together in the big leagues as they moved up in age divisions— they eventually got so good that they moved into the professional circuit before they were technically old enough for it, which is how they ended up scraping by an olympic qualification in 2016 when they were both only 19!
- he grew up in québec (canadian!spot my love <3), in a pretty small town decently far north of montreal. it was like, big enough to have a good number of youth sports and all that, including a gymnastics club, but not quite a city. it was one of those towns where it’s a big deal to finally get a chain grocery store and a second tim hortons location— not completely remote but definitely not a big urban centre.
- he started out playing hockey as a really young kid (for all my canadians out there, he was 100% on a timbits team), but it wasn’t really his thing. he was pretty good at it for his age— he was one of those 5 year olds that can actually listen to a coach and apply their advice, which is rare— but he didn’t actually like playing all that much. he was, however, obsessed with trying to do terrifyingly dangerous flips on the trampoline in his backyard all summer, so the logical next step for his parents was to put him into gymnastics so he could at least learn how to flip safely and stop giving them heart attacks
- he loved gymnastics, but he definitely wasn’t a natural at first! he wasn’t very flexible, he had terrible balance, and he wasn’t the most coordinated… but he was remarkably driven and coachable, which are much harder things to develop. a kid can have all the natural talent in the world, but if they’re lacking motivation, they won’t make it far— spot was quite the opposite. no innate skill, but so much pure passion that his coaches could see how much potential was hiding there, and through a lot of practice he slowly started to catch up to other kids his age.
- at his first competition, he was so nervous that he almost refused to go inside and spent a good ten minutes crying in the parking lot— his parents had to bribe him into participating by promising to take him out for ice cream afterwards. luckily, he took their deal; he ended up loving the competition and doing remarkably well, once he got over the initial stage fright of getting up in front of the judges. after that day, he hit some good momentum that kept pushing him forward through competitive levels over the next few years, and he ended up winning a major national all-around title at 14!
- he made the junior national team at age 15 and started competing internationally, and that’s when he started specializing in vault. he was still a really solid all-around gymnast, but with the extra focus on vault, it took him to the podium at big competitions like the youth olympics, pan-am, and the world championships! he made the olympic team for the first time in 2016 at 18, and that’s where the fic starts!
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milucas · 3 years
ballet dancer damien hcs
@cottagecorexboy pspspspssppspsps
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i imagine he started doing sports and athletic stuff when he was little as his mom wanted him to have more unempowered friends his age
eventually he found out that dance was an option and he was hooked
maybe he started off dancing with like tap or jazz or something and he liked it but ballet was just,,,,
he thought it was so cool
i think he just goes for hobbies that are typically more sophisticated and i also think he has a bit of a background in gymnastics too (@1small-frogs i see u) so he likes the flexibility also
so that's how we get little 8-9 year old damien, tiny and grumpy, going shopping for tights and ballet shoes with his mom
over the years as he becomes more aware of everything around him and starts to feel more and more bitter about the empowered government, he starts to use dancing as a sort of coping mechanism
he likes having a hobby that he can always fall back on when he's feeling down
he gets super into all the technical parts of ballet bc he's such a perfectionist, so he can spend hours on end improving and perfecting any tiny piece of his performance, whether it be his turnout or alignment, or something like a spin or arabesque
if freelancer is a dancer, they dance together all the time. it doesn't matter if they do different styles, they will dance together.
see this post and this post for reference :)
if freelancer is not a dancer, they still love watching damien practice and perform bc he's just so beautiful and mesmerizing???
also damien in tights bless my tiny homosexual heart
i've heard it's rare for male ballet dancers to go up on pointe but i think damien decides to do it anyways bc he always wants to get better and learn more
i imagine he dances semi professionally
like most of the productions he does are like community shows that are unpaid
but he's had the occasional paid job during the summer
as he gets more acquainted with the world of professional dance he also starts to get more into other, non athletic factors like makeup and pointe shoe customizing
i personally believe that damien is a makeup prodigy 100%
like he asked freelancer to teach him how to do eyeliner or smthn and he just did it perfectly first try
probably watched one singular makeup tutorial and now he's a master at it
and pointe shoe customizing
mans is an absolute control freak we all know this and his pointe shoes are no different
he pulls out all the fuckin stops for his shoes
like he has drawers and drawers of seemingly random shit like sewing needles, rosin, jet glue, toe pads, tiger balm
just so much shit
and everyone who sees it is like "wtf is that" while damien just sits there and tells them its for ballet but they probably dont believe him until they see his massive pointe shoe collection
also he learned how to sew just so he could sew his pointe shoes but now he's like. actually really good at sewing
n e wayz that's all and im also not a dancer and definitely not a ballet dancer so if anything here is wrong feel free to tell me <3
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wiinterrose · 4 years
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          ( xavier serrano , male , he/him, 23 ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝟓 𝐀𝐌 : 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ?” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently 𝐃𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒 and 𝐂𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 . but i’ve heard they’re also 𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 and 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 / 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑 ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ██████████████████, but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( ollie , they / them , 21 , est )
— mikey was born and raised in winnipeg because i think it’s funny when characters are from winnipeg. if you’re from winnipeg i’m so sorry. definitely was born on the coldest day of that year ( so like some point in january )
— but because of those long, cold harsh winters, mikey found himself in a dance studio a lot. his aunt was a dance teacher and with rather absent parents who meant well but both had long hours at the local hospital, he spent a lot of time with her. he fell in love with dance pretty early on, always having a certain fluidity and grace even when he was young.
— random but he also played hockey up until he was like 16 or whatever because he’s canadian and i’m not stupid. it happened. he can still skate tho. in a slightly different life he probably would have been a pretty good figure skater huh 🤔🤔🤔 but anyway...
— also feel like it makes sense that he did gymnastics. and trained in classical ballet.
— he went to university of toronto for college, studying kinesology and dance, and danced at one of the prestigious studios in the city.
— his big break moment was when in his sophomore year at ut, he made it onto the second season of world of dance in early 2017 ( lets pretend that show has been on longer than it has bc i don’t want it to be the first season of it sldk ). he made it all the way to the finals and quickly become a fan favorite along the way. though he ultimately placed second and missed out on the million dollars, that was the beginning of many doors opening for him. ( for those who, might have the vaguest clue what i’m talking about : i’m highkey feeling like, michael dameski style which is an idea i had after i named him michael so don’t @ me for him having the same first name ).
— millions watched that show, including some prominent agents and scouts who were able to help him launch a professional dance career : something he never thought he’d see himself actually doing. his first big gig was making the dance team for some singer’s north american tour, and he ended up not returning to ut to pursue a professional dance career full time. since then he’s danced in a few music videos for some uber famous musican ( same one he went on tour with or not idk ?? also a wc ?? maybe ?? ), a tv show, couple movies, and other various gigs around the city. he works part time at a studio when he has time, and has been honing his choreography skills as well.
— he makes enough dancing, but certainly not enough to make him RICH. no, that come from an impromptu vlog he did while on tour with aforementioned singer. having already garnered a following from world of dance, he soon rose to youtube fame as well, something he never could have predicted. i feel like his videos are very just, day in a life with various random challenges mixed in, and various workout and flexibility tips. he also still does pieces and duets with other prominent dancers just for fun too. his natural charisma and attitude really just carries him through easily lmao.
— mikey developed a bit of a habit of sleeping around when he left for college, all the newfound freedom was just intoxicating and well. he was hot so. it wasn’t like it was hard alsdkjf. that stuck around well into his blossoming dance career. nothing that was enough to be scandalous, but he made his way around. and then a year and a half into this unforeseen new life, he met matthew glass.
— he’d had a couple serious relationships before, one in high school, one his freshman year of college but neither of them could hold a flame to what he felt when he was with matt. perfection wasn’t something mikey believed in, but he almost did with what they had.
— it was like for over a year and a half he lived in this insane dream, and then mikey and matt broke up and he was devastated ( behind closed doors and with curtains pulled tightly shut ).
— he then proceeded to broadcast how perfectly fine he was doing by going back to his old ways and sleeping around obsessively, this time with very little regard as to how many headlines he was making. as far as coping mechanisms go, i guess sex is better than alcohol ?? not to say he wasn’t also drunk at times l o l.
— mikey is a... how do u say... im gunna write manwhore bc it’s accurate so pls don’t take offense. inch resting bc i’ve written smut like once in my eight year rping career but that’s what he decided he was gunna be and who am i to deny that.
— very bi. very much does not care. if the world didn’t know he was before, it definitely does now lmao. he hasn’t come out in the sense he’s like posted a video about it and said “i’m bisexual” but it’s pretty obvious from the media and maybe he has gotten asked in interviews and has just shrugged and been like does it matter ?? i’m sorry he’s not the vocal bi ally we need. perhaps we will work on that.
— hasn’t dated anyone since matt bc he’s highkey lowkey still hung up on him but no one needs to know that right. outwardly, he’s very much the same : seemingly happy, but he’s a lot more careful with his heart and letting people close to him. if anything he’s become a bit of a two-way mirror, always seeing out but never really letting people see in, just what they want to see.
— probably goes without saying but extremely flexible. idk if any of you know who juuse saros is but apparently he can twerk in a split and i’m not saying mikey can but like. he just might be able to...
— straight up does not get cold. never wears more than a hoodie, probably danced shirtless in the middle of winter just fine. at least being from winnipeg is good for one ( 1 ) thing.
— i feel like people call him flower. idk guys. maybe im just thinking too much abt hockey goalies.
— he tends to be extremely underestimated as he comes across a bit dumb and generally has a pretty positive outlook on life which people confuse for him being naive when that isn’t the case. but he’s found he can use that it his advantage and that sometimes, people will tell him things they think he can’t understand but he hears and remembers everything. it’s helped him out of a few difficult situations before.
— i feel like he has a bit of ethan dolan’s personality & dumbass energy idk guys...
— live in the moment kind of dude. his motto is probably like : you just gotta know what you want to do next. i mean looking back on his life it’s been pretty crazy and that’s only solidified his outlook that like, you really can’t control too much. just let it go where it takes you.
— people do like him though and they like talking to him for whatever reason. generally has pretty trustworthy vibes but he’s more slippery than he comes across. he’s a selfish person at heart and always has his own best interests in mind, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.
— extroverted. i think ??
— 6′1″. chocolate brown eyes. curly brown hair. he has a lithe but extremely fit build due to his career. his core strength is especially impressive. 
— he has a monochromatic lineart tattoo of a rose on his left forearm / wrist and a butterfly ( again monochromatic & just lineart ) on his right shoulder. small scar at the base of his neck by his ear from an unfortunate hockey accident.
— needs glasses but usually only wears contacts unless he’s in his apartment late at night.
— he’s not overly fashionable, going more for comfort than how he generally looks. on a regular day, he’s probably got the whole... college athlete look going if you know what i mean. a big fan of mirrored aviator sunglasses. wouldn’t know what dressing up meant even if it slapped him in the face.
first and foremost i want to say that i like to vibe and brainstorm with people to come up with unique connections between our characters but here are a few ideas:
— the singer whose tour he danced on — singer whose music videos he’s been in — mayhaps even actors for that tv show / movie he was in ( v small role but whatevs. maybe they just Vibed yknow ) — flirtationship 😔 — always ye ol good hookup l o l — we keep running into each other idk maybe we should talk ??
          hey guys, i’m ollie. my intros are either written really eloquently or a big mess bc im trying to rub together a couple braincells at 1 am and whatever comes out, comes out. no need to guess which category this one falls into lmAO. anyway, i’m a slow plotter bc i’m easily overwhelmed trying to do too many things at once but i swear i will try to get to as many people as i can. and yeah this entire character is inspired by my love of world of dance don’t @ me... if u made it all the way down here u should watch this bc 😳 & mikey has the same athleticism and strength.
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hiraitz · 5 years
did you think you were safe here? ALL THE HC QUESTIONS
* hcs // accepting
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maddy u’ve clowned the clown, congratulations
clothing style.
besides his weird ass clothes he wears in game, he’s got some style ? he likes wearing loose fitting shirts and tightish pants. as for a modern au, he wears a lot of sweatshirts and hoddies, as well as a lot of t shorts. he typically wears jeans, both ripped and not, and owns quite a few pairs of vans and boots, but he does have dressy clothes and he cleans up good ! he also has a few baseball hats he wears backwards to complete his fuckboy look tyhgfdhfgdx.
before - bed routine. 
he showers and brushes his teeth, and does a face wash. he doesn’t do much beyond that.
eating habits.
oh jesus christ he eats so much. as a professional athlete and since he has a high metabolism, he eats a lot. he has a big stomach too, so he can pack a lot in there. he eats healthily though, but he also does indulge in sweets once in a while.
concept of home and family.
oh maddy you silly fool you’ve done it with this one ! I won’t go too deep into this bc I’ve done it many times before BUT he’s always thought of his home as zanarkand, though that gets destroyed as soon as he goes to spira. and as for family, I’ve also talked about that a lot so I’ll just say his relationship with his father is extremely love hate. his perception of his father was screwed at a very young age, and his mother committed suicide after jecht disappeared, so auron is really his father figure. he really does love auron and appreciates him, and more so once he’s in spira.
blitzball, surfing, swimming, the typical stuff. he also enjoys playing soccer a lot, and generally loves playing any type of sport.
fighting style.
very inexperienced and unrefined. the first time he picks up a sword is at the beginning of the game, so he doesn’t have years of experience underneath his belt. it gets better as time goes on, but it’ll always be it’s run around and slash ppl kind of style. his overdrive ability slice and dice is a perfect representation of his fighting style lol.
what calms your muse down after a bad day?
swimming or practicing blitzball usually gets him back into a calm and content mood.
talk about one person your muse loves.
so the obvious answer here is yuna I feel, but I’m gonna talk about auron instead lol. like I said auron pretty much raised him, and he means an incredible amount to tidus. he tells him how much he appreciates him, and how much of an influence he was in his life. auron may be strict, but that’s honestly what tidus needs, and it’s all tough love. auron absolutely cares for tidus and thinks of him as his own son too, and I’ll fight everyone about it.
ways your muse says i love you.
he’s very verbal and physical, so expect him to say it a lot. he also loves hugs and hand holding, and he has no problem kissing his s/o in public or in front of people. he also loves giving gifts, and showers his s/o in compliments freely.
describe your muse’s laugh.
his real genuine laughs are very loud and bubbly, and he usually laughs for a good minute or two. it’s high pitched and fluctuates in pitch, and it’s kind of chaotic but it’s very cute and endearing.
what items can be found in your muse’s pockets?
uh, not much in game. but in a modern au, the typical stuff like his phone, wallet, and earbuds.
talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s).
his necklace is arguably his most prized possession. auron got it for him when he first started playing blitzball professionally, and he holds it close to his heart both for that and for the fact that it’s also his sign of rebelling against his father.
describe your muse’s walk.
he just, walks normally ? he walks fast, and bounces on his feet a lot, but beyond that there’s nothing interesting about it.
talk about your muse’s accent.
he doesn’t really have an accent ? his voice is higher pitched than most peoplein spira’s, but he doesn’t sound extremely different.
describe your muse’s smile.
RADIANT. but seriously his smile is so big and sunshiney, it could actually blind somebody. also I’m thinking of him having dimples and I’m truly devastated by that.
how often does your muse get sick?
not at all really, he’s got a very good immune system.
does your muse know when to rest, or do they push themselves?
it depends honestly. when he’s emotional he’ll push himself and someone has to stop him / tell him to back down. when it comes to any other time, he knows when to back down and rest.
does your muse snore? sleeptalk? sleepwalk? 
he snores sometimes, though it’s very quiet. he does sleeptalk too.
the thing(s) your muse thinks about before falling asleep.
about his day and the future mostly. and,,, yuna rtgdfsrgdf
is your muse a fitful or a quiet sleeper? 
he’s sort of fitful. he steals blankets and cuddles in his sleep, but he doesn’t toss and turn that much.
your muse’s thoughts on cops and other authority figures.
uh, he’s fine with authority. there’s a part of him that wants to defy the people who abuse that power like his father, but beyond that he’s neutral about them.
skills and special talents. 
have you seen him ? this boy is oozing talent and skills. beyond everything in game, he’s very flexible and has great gymnastic abilities. he’s also a very good at dancing / any physical activity relly, and he’s ambidextrous so that’s cool.
disabilities or illnesses. 
he has adhd and ptsd, and also experiences a lot of dysphoria post ffx. 
habits and mannerisms.
he’s always moving; shifting his weight from one leg to the other, fidgeting with his hands, stuff like that. he also plays with his hair a lot, as well as rub his arms and neck. as for mannerisms, he’s surprisingly polite, though his table manners are lacking. 
introvert or extrovert.
a mix of both.
religious or non - religious.
non religious, he’s atheist. even outside of ffx, he’s still atheist.
verbal or non - verbal communication.
he relies more on verbal communication, though sometimes no verbal is easier for him to express himself.
something your muse could never forgive.
the way his father treated him as a child :).
something that makes your muse smile.
sunsets !
something that scares your muse.
death :).
something that gives your muse hope.
the future, and the fact that nothing is written in stone and you can make your future whatever you want it to be.
how your muse responds to being helped / taken care of.
surprised, but grateful. he’s sure to return the favor at some point.
how your muse responds to unconditional love. 
he’s unsure of it. despite having a good father figure growing up, jecht’s emotional and mental abuse leaves him with a lot of trust issues, so for a while he thinks that there’s always a catch behind it or they won’t love him wholly forever.
how your muse responds to danger.
fight, fight, fight !
how your muse responds to stress.  
he shuts down after awhile, though he tries to preserve through it.
how your muse responds to anger.
when the anger is directed towards him, he definitely shuts down big time.
did your muse grow up too fast? 
haha yes :).
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sweetest-honeybee · 6 years
Some random things about Emcei that I thought of bc I was bored :)
This boy LOVES polaroid pictures so so much and has a whole wall of his room covered in them!
Loves anything that he can utilize his balance or flexibility or strength in such as yoga, trapeze, arial hoops, arial silks, gymnastics, ballet, etc
The feather is how he lets people know whether he uses he//him or they//them pronouns. Orangey-yellow feathers are he//him days and green feathers are they//them days
Loves chewy candies (@5am-the-foxing-hour *cough* he eats gummy rats and snakes *cough*) and HATES hard candies with a passion. Also hates smarties and bottle caps.
He has no consistent size at all. Sometimes he wants to be super tall and around eight feet tall and some days he's six feet and some days he's just a few inches tall and wants to be carried around.
Very late sleeper-meaning he both sleeps in late and it takes over an hour for him to fall asleep (it's not insomnia, it's just that his mind just doesn't calm down enough for two seconds)
Usually pretty calm (but also like I said before he's a bit of a wild child) but get him started on talking about something and then he's talking about dinosaurs and then he goes on to another thing and then "Did you know that there's stars like our sun that are FREAKING HUGE AND MILLIONS OF TIMES THE SIZE??????"
He's such a dork
He LOVES older cartoons and movies! One of his favorites is Alice in Wonderland :D He also loves Snow White
Technology isn't his strongest suit
But this man holy hell--you'd think he has photographic memory because he can tell you the exact second in and episode in a season in a specific show that a quote is from
But he also keeps forgetting if he already grabbed that cup of milk and now there's three cups of milk at the table.
Kinda switches back and forth from being more feminine to being more masculine.
I mean he loves wearing dresses and skirts and pretty bright pastel colors but also despite his fancy attire, he's deffinetly willing to throw on a hoodie and jeans and call it good
Very heavy sleeper
But doesn't snore
Do not insult the patients
A very curious fella and after he fused for the first time, he was a lot more interested in having four arms than wondering why he fused in the first place
But also he'll do A LOT of things just out of spite or just to be petty and playfully cruel
He's pretty freaking supportive of 90% of the people he knows but just don't be an asshole because that's a whole other side of him that you don't wanna meet
Very VERY vigilant and observant-can detect your bullshit from a mile away
Did you know he loves anything flavored blueberry?
And yes he has smacked his face into a doorway
Does get insecure sometimes and it's gets a little tough to open up since half of him is someone who has to keep his mouth shut
Usually Thomas is the only way any of that gets figured out because Emcei will only speak of Thomas wants to know
Which does get inconvenient sometimes
And irritating
He also LOVES to read
And write
And he's a freaking ARTIST
If anyone has any other ideas I would LOVE to hear them! But I hope you also liked these ones too :)
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starryseo · 6 years
background: in this alternate universe, the members of nct will have various superpowers and abilities. this bulleted series will describe them in school situations - a school of superheroes/ villains - and also outside of school, in non-magical settings, for instance, describing a non-magical job they may have. it’s kind of like harry potter in the sense that only people with powers can access this magical world (where the school is) but magic users can easily travel in between both worlds. enjoy!
super speed & flexibility;
ok so sicheng here is like a mix of elastigirl and dash
dont ask me how that works out it just does ok
a bit weird maybe
but still super (hah puns) badass
he is really ! heckin' !! flexible !!!
like, he's out there doing flips and somersaults and it looks so cool damn
he can even do the acrobatics in super speed it's awesome
the guys took a video of him doing that once and when they hooked it up to a laptop to slo mo it, the laptop couldn’t handle processing it because they had to slow it reaaaaaaaaal down
so it just crashed lmao
he's really humble about his powers though
he never tries to show them off or gloat or anything
but if - when - people ask him to show them something
he just can't say no because he doesn't want to let them down or anything
he has this move that always makes him and the guys laugh
where he does the bridge, but then he elongates his arms and legs
((it’s the best thing ever))
donghyuck always jumps on top of sicheng when he does that
so hyuck is basically overlooking everyone
it makes him feel superior af #longlivekingdonghyuck
and whenever sicheng is in a minutely awkward or embarrassing situation
you bet your butt hes just gonna super speed away the heck outta there
people tend to think he’s always red because he’s always running really fast
but n o p e
he’s a shy bean that’s blushing because people are constantly complimenting him
ok so imagine there was a school vs school competition
but this time with magic !!!
you bet your butt (again) yuta signed him up for all the running races
yuta also has The Best™ signs and posters with sicheng’s face on it
and he coined the nickname Winwin bc sicheng’s always winning
even against the other super speed runners because this boy is always practicing so he doesn’t disappoint anyone during the race
his smile after winning each race is so precious-
ok so he’s great !!! at phys ed (esp. gymnastics and running for obvious reasons) but he’s also amazing at the no magic sports like swimming. he likes the rush he gets because he’s not as fast in water, so he’s trying to improve his personal best
ofc hyuck and yuta have made him try to run on water
after like 7 unsuccessful attempts (mainly bc hyuck kept pushing yuta into the water as sicheng was running) he finally managed to do it without them two interfering
it was legendary
kinda like dash’s run on water, minus the villains behind him trying to kill him
outside of school!!!!
he also has a job outside of being totally badass in school
of course he’s a cute lil’ barista boy at a cafe close-by
hes winwinning hearts there everyday too give him a break ppl
he tries making lots of different designs on the drink, he mainly bases them on different powers like drawing flames or a snowflake
they may not be super detailed but they’re really cute and he always serves them with a smile
so he gets a lot of tips :)))
he also really likes this job because he gets to see different kinds of people all the time
he usually has late shifts after school, so he gets to see how humans cope with their abundance of school work
and when he has really late shifts, how people are really quiet, mainly listening to music, barely awake
on the weekends, he’s there up and early, and he finds it funny how 50% of the customers are in a rush to get to places like shopping or work
but then the rest are coming in happy groups and they’re just chilling, having a good time
he just really likes watching humans do their thing,, makes him think that there really isn’t much of a difference between their kind and his
but there’s still this separation which he has never really liked, but has had to put up with
so he always try to be as happy as possible around them
because even if they don’t know that hes not 100% human he’s still going to be as nice as possible
bc he’s just a really nice guy like that
my beautiful sicheng, the speedy stretcher <3 
so, as cliches go, you guys met in the cafe he works at
and you quickly became a regular there because of a school project that you had
you would always have a hot chocolate with whipped cream but then ask the barista for what they’d recommend as a side dessert
and he sort of just found that cute and you super cute over the days
but he’s a shy lil’ thang so he would just hand you your stuff quickly & quietly when he was serving you
but then he was always cleaning around the table you were at when his role changed
the guys would catch on pretty quickly because he’d be rushing to leave after school and kept ditching their hang-out sessions for extra shifts
they thought he was doing something dodgy and not telling them 
so they followed him and were rlly confused when he did just get on with his actual job
UNTIIIIIL doyoung realised that sicheng kept staring at one particular customer in the far booth
and then the whole gang knew about this crush
yuta geared up and not so subtly used his powers [will be revealed in his one ;^)] to give sicheng a push in the right direction
a.k.a sicheng tripped over and fell right into you
a.k.a some teen nudged you just as you had picked up your now-lukewarm hot chocolate so it spilled onto you
panic ensued (with yuta and co. cackling in the background) and sicheng frantically trying to hand you tissues
he apologised profusely and you were kind enough to brush it off (but it was obvious you were kind of  annoyed)
and he felt so so so bad because there goes any chance he had with having a good first impression
you still came back the next day though and sicheng gave himself a quick pep talk and walked to you before he could change his mind
he started off the conversation saying sorry again and somehow he managed to string along “i’d really love to make it up to you this saturday...”
free food and time with a cute boy? you couldnt have said yes to his offer quicker
saturday came quickly and the date had gone amazingly - by now, sicheng knew the gang knew and they were all being the best WinWinWingMen [thats literally what they called themselves]
yuta & hyuck taught him Flirting 101
jaehyun picked out his outfit after johnny had had his fashion evaluation on it & then taeyong ironed the clothes out
doyoung tried starting a talk show to ease sicheng’s nerves until the dreamies shoved and locked him out
anyways, the date went amazingly and led to more until you guys started dating
it was cute and all but after being together for two years sicheng realised he hadn’t told you that he wasn’t... exactly... human
and he was really scared about how you would react
mainly because he’d seen people confess things in the cafe and usually it went well
but there were times that it didn’t and he remembers them better and so he’s scared
he doesn’t think you’d react in an over-the-top way but he’s still scared you’d leave him because he’s different
he’s never really spoken to you about Supers, fearing you’d realise he is one and leave him
but one day he decides that you should know because the relationship is serious now and he trusts you
when he sat you down to talk to you
first you thought he was going to break up with you because of how serious he was, and he kept saying “i’m so sorry about this, please don’t take this badly”
and you just held his face and stroked your thumb over his cheeks, telling him to breathe slowly
and after he had calmed down, he mumbled out so quietly, “i’m not... normal”
and at first you thought he was talking about his insecurities until he carried on
“i can do things other people can’t... like i can run and stretch myself”
and, to be completely honest, you were lost, and that obviously showed on your face because sicheng smiled a lil’ and decided to show you instead
so he stood up, and dashed to the door and you were like
and then it finally clicked: he was superhuman
sicheng decided it would be better to stay away from you in case you reacted explosively
but he wished he was closer because your eyes were sparkling in awe
and he wishes he could’ve seen that up close instead
you were so in awe, and that night you got him to explain more about his powers and magic in general
and he’s so happy you’re still with him, that day was filled with non-stop affection 
after that he mixes up the dates by also taking you around the magic world, but he’s always careful to watch out for authority figures
because they might react badly to a non-magic person
but so far so good
and sicheng’s never been happier
highkey felt bad that i hadn’t posted anything in a while so here we go :)) hope you enjoyed!!
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hi! i know you've gone on at length already on k2's weaknesses, but what did you like best about it? i feel that the only way i could get some peace would be to be reminded of the best parts and then forget the rest.
well I was gonna post a proper list of all the stuff I liked/disliked later, but I guess I’ll just post the stuff I liked first? 
okay so I know I keep talking about the soundtrack, but HAVE YOU HEARD THE SOUNDTRACK. they’ve kept a lot of the original film’s soundtrack (bless Henry Jackman for doing the lord’s work), which is great, but I also absolutely love the western twang they’ve added to the soundtrack for the statesman action scenes, and also there’s some A+ choices going on in there for song choices (that Prince song in the taxi fight?? elton john’s “saturday night's alright for fighting”??? AMAZING). not to mention that I really liked poppy’s motif, too. just the right side of creepy and addictive.
mmm the fight choreography was delicious. especially both eggsy vs charlie scenes, because you really can see eggsy using his gymnastics background (he’s so flexible!! and he uses his legs like holy shit!!) and it’s an absolute joy to watch him fight. 
eggsy showing off his drifting skills in the first ten min of the film??? that scene alone extended my lifespan by five years
even though she deserved much better, the bits of roxy we got in this film were still good. she proves herself a competent, serious agent with a knack for information gathering, and she also proves herself as a great friend to eggsy. I love their friendship, okay?? 
tilde and eggsy were fucking adorable together and anybody who disagrees with me can take a hike!!
merlin and eggsy drinking to JB was the saddest but cutest thing. merlin then trying to pour a drink out for scotland was the funniest shit. also, merlin drunkenly crying??? god I love him so much
speaking of merlin, can I just raise a toast to merlin in a suit, because hot damn
one of my favorite lines from the film is actually “oh, ye of little faith!” from harry. god, let me give you all my faith, harry!!
okay okay okay so obviously EVERYTHING about harry and eggsy was delicious murder on my soul because the breakfast scene???? holy fuck!! eggsy’s sheer desperation to keep harry, comparing himself to the best butterfly harry will ever see? I’ve seen fanfiction that’s less gay!! eggsy bringing harry’s memories back and the HUG??? #blessedcontent and don’t even get me started on them FIGHTING SIDE BY SIDE. harry’s little knee-slide to eggsy’s side to fire the grenade things back at the girl robot saved my life and donated twenty bucks to my bank account!!! HARRY AND EGGSY!!
and this deserves a separate bullet point because I’m never gonna be over it, but the method eggsy employs to bring harry’s memory back? GENIUS. I didn’t see it coming at all!! at first when he presented the puppy I thought it was so sweet and I was thinking okay, not a bad idea, but then eggsy pointed the gun at the puppy and I almost screamed because OH SHIT!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!! and just, this was one of the moments where I loved what the writers did!!!!
I’m on the fence about elton john bc I honestly don’t think we needed so much of him, and his presence in the climactic action scene was so silly, but on the other hand, he’s so full of rage and it’s hilarious. 
okay that’s all I’ve got for now! 
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burgatroyd · 7 years
week 6 thoughts!!!
here we go!
id like to start off by saying that shania twain was a horrible guest judge i cant. bring back julianne (or someone who can say their piece in under 10 minutes) this episode def started out slow for me but picked up pace as it went along thank god. and i really think that this week’s leaderboard is the one that most accurately reflects the contestants’ dancing abilities out of all the weeks thus far (besides maybe terrell being overscored) 
nikki and artem: oh my god i deadass forgot this dance happened 😬 this was...hmm i cant decide if i liked it. i think i did? i mean there were a few noticeable errors and awkward bits but i think overall i liked. i L O V E  their partnership though. love love love.
drew and emma: THIS WAS A MESS but i LOVED IT????? i have no idea why but emmas choreo was so high energy. drew kind of went a bit OTT though. i cant really get excited about him yet like i literalyl keep forgetting hes around which sucks bc i liked their dance last week and want queen emma to have a good season again. i’m sure theyll be fine though. 
nick and peta: highkey relieved they left. sorry peta youre still my ult fave pro i love you queen but this was getting tough to watch. nick and peta knew it was their time though. sucks they had to go out on such a low note with judges scores. i laughed at lindsay (and britt in the bg) heckling the judges.
victoria and val: this was....cute. memorable in that the theme of hockey was really incorporated well into the dance obviously. val is really the king of themed pasos lmao. but anyway i just find myself with not much to say liek i was kind of.. bored?? idk. im worried for her for next week i feel liek she could be in trouble :( shes still the cutest ever though
terrell and cheryl: I STANNNNNNN I STAN SO HARD.....LIKE LITERALLY I WAS SHOOOOOKKKKK. cheryl ABSOLUTELY DID THAT. terrell kept up. i am so excited about this bc tbh i was sad they got this song because i LOOOOOVVVEEE feel it still and portugal. the man so i was a lil bummed it went to this partnership because i havent been too excited by them so far (not in a negative way i was just neutral) but i LOVEDD....IM SO HAPPY. overscored??? definitely. did i care??? hell nope!
frankie and witney: alright...yikes. i literally feel like this was still somehow overscored like right out of a gate this was a mess. im so sad. i feel like this definitely wont hold them back bc frankie plays riiiigghhtt into the core demo but this is definitely going to be a blow to his ego. this was just like....it made me nervous to watch for some reason. :/
vanessa and maks: OKAY THAT WARDROBE MALFUNCTION RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING WAS SUCH A TOUGH BREAK but tbh she played it like a pro (i also loved that you could see maks like reassure her mid-dance. that was cute). this was such a good dance. i was kiiinddaa shocked len didnt call out lack of content or breaking hold, but i guess he really liked it so im not complaining. also their package was cute and i feel like it answered the question about their dynamic without outright saying anything which is good. im happy theyre back :) AND SAFE :D
jordan and lindsay: jordan is un fucking real. JUST UNREAL THERES NO OTHER WAY TO PUT IT hes such a good dancer. BUT....his personality is a bit much. like it was good to see him struggle, but it was literally him struggling becasue he’s too talented and an almost-olympic gymnast like ajknfjkafs. i need to see him frustrated. amazing dance though obviously. so happy they actually used ed’s version.
lindsey and mark: honestly..........mark is a fucking visionary. this was insane it was amazing and i knew lindsey would be good at ATs bc of the video with derek but wow. this almost felt like mark’s dance ft lindsey just based on how much his choreo was praised and how the package and dance revolved around him, and tbh bc of how much i love mark i am f i n e with that. its what he deserves. perfect 40 is what they deserved. im THRILLED. finally. also that last lift...holy shit??? that girl is flexible as fuckkkk
team dance guesses (and also my hopes tbh. i hope its not just boys v girls, thats so boring)
lindsey and mark: vanessa and maks, vic and val, terrell and cheryl
jordan and lindsay: frankie and wit, nikki and artem, drew and emma
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heckyeahsurveys · 8 years
survey w/ charley n katie
(from yesterday)
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? e: I don't even want to think about that thx k: I'd be like "dudeeee,, mannnn,, wtf" c:"not u again" 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? e: nothing k: same c: fwb 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? e: depends what drugs I guess but not rly k: no. depends how dependent they were c: id so drugs w/ them 4. Is your last name longer than six letters? e: it is 6 letters k: same c: no mines 5 5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? e: drunk like all my my kisses lmao k: sober c: same 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? e: yes k: yeh definitely c: yeh 7. What does your last received text say? e: "11.30 please El, X" k: "I just set off, will u be on the platform??" c: cruise cook sexted me 8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? e: just the once k: idk c: I've lost count 9. Where was your last kiss at? e: the college party k: here c: same 10. When is the last time you saw your sister? e: few hours ago k: never c: this morning. wait which 1? 11. What do you drink in the morning? e: green tea k: tea c: coffee 12. Where did you sleep last night? e: in my bed k: in my bed yeah c: in both of ur beds,,, 13. Do you think relationships are hard? e: idk k: same c: sometimes, depends 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? e: nah k: no c: nah 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? e: idk probs not k: no c: no 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? e: sunny k: sunny c: rainy 17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? e: yeh loads of ppl k: no c: I'm the only one of my kind 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? e: jeans k: nothing c: all of the above 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? e: idk k: who knows that,,, what. I can't even see what I'm doing next week c: I don't even know what day it is half the time 20. Does anyone like you? e: no k: many c:  how am I supposed to know? 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? e: yeah k: yeh ofc I've had 14 boyfriends c: I've never been kissed... 22. Is the last person you kissed gay? e: no k: no, straightest person I know c: sexuality is a socially constructed concept 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? all: myself 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? e: yep k: yep I have 1 c: same 25. In the past week have you cried? e: a few times lol k: no n it's killing me c: times an illusion mate 26. What breed was the last dog you saw? e: idk k: same c: the Devils dog 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? e: out obviously??? k: I'm always dry c: neither bc I'm always wet   28. Have you ever kissed a football player? e: yeh. not a professional tho lol k: same here c: mate am gay 29. Do you think you’re old? e: nah k: times a concept c: age is just a number (Katie: oh don't be a pedophile about it) 30. Do you like text messaging? e: it's alright k: no c: I hate all technology 31. What type of day are you having? e: it's been a mix of emotions tbh. bad morning but spent some time w/ my pals so it's all good now x k: I had gr8 day c: I'm not it's night 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? e: yeh k: I do c: no 33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? e: warm k: warm c: cold 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? e: no k: um,,, means a LOT, err,,, nooo,, c: idc about anybody 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? e: idk probs a relationship c: a fling for a extended period of time k: yeh same. like an extended metaphor but like an extended fling 36. Are you a simple or complicated person? e: idk mate k: both c: complicated on a simple level 37. What song are you listening to? all: waiting for love by avicii 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? e: usually k: depends c: yeh 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? e: yeh a few k: gender is a concept c: I refuse to conform to gender constructs 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? e: I don't like anyone TBH k: WELL... let me tell u. long story c: fate n destiny (kt: oh fuck the fucking shit off) 41. When did you last receive a text message? e: few hours ago k: same c: never 42. What is wrong with you right now? e: everything k: everything c: everything   43. How well do you know the last female you texted? e: p well k: um,, genders a concept c: same 44. Does anyone disgust you? e: idk k: um the person who spits at the bus stop c: both of u 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? e: depends who it was k: yeh bc I'm very lazy c: I'm a cheap date 46. Are you in a good mood right now? e: yeh k: yeh c: yeh 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? e: kt n Charles c: my poly partners k: my pol parts 48. What color shirt are you wearing? e: White k: red n orange n yellow c: I'm colourblind but floral bc I am the prettiest flower in the garden 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? e: probs k: yeh my mum c: yeah kt told me I was bad in bed 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? e: myself k: myself yeh c: me, myself and I 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? e: idk k: no c: who dat 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? e: probs k: yeh c: many times 53. Do you like rain? e: yeah tbh c: I don't just like it I love it k: yes 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? e: nah I do k: depends how they are when they're drunk c: don't give a shit 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? e: yeh like every person I've liked k: the only person ppl find out I like them is by chance or if they tell me first c: yeh u 56. Do you like to cuddle? e: yeh k: fuckin hate it man c: aww I love a good cuddle 57. Are you shy? e: sometimes k: same c: the shyest 58. Do you get along with girls? e: yeh k: um I feel like no c: do I? mate there's a reason I'm gay 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? e: noooo k: yes (charley: ur such a slutttt) c: in my dreams I have dated u Ella 60. What do you carry with you at all times? e: phone, earphones, polos, lip balm n tissues c: my emotional baggage k: same 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? e: yeh k: yes. 100% c: I'd do it minus the 1 million 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? e: yeah k: done it c: did it 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? e: no k: I mean it depends what u say a relationship is c: in one way or another 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? e: idk who I like so :// but yeh k: yeh c: yeh 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? e: kt gave me chocolate lol k: yeh my bae took me on a date c: I popped the question n she said yes 66. How old are the last three people you kissed? e: 17, 17, 16 k: 17, 17, n I'm guessing 17 c: 17, 17 n 17 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? e: so them myself c: diy init k: no 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? e: neither k: yeah neither c: both 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? e: don't have a car mate k: no c: no 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? e: idk who luke Bryan is so,, c: lil Wayne cos he's little so I probs won't be able to hear him anyway k: same for Ella 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? e: iPhone k: anroid all the way c: none of the above 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? e: idk a while ago k: ages c: never 73. Do you like diet soda? e: idk u can't rly taste the difference k: no it's shit c: often often often. Often 74. What color are the walls in your room? e: White? n yellow :// k: blue n white c: black like my soul 75. Are you 16 or older? all: yeh 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? e: no k: no c: yeh 77. Do you have a job? e: nah k: yah c: yeh 78. What are your initials? e: eln k: kpl c: cer 79. Did you ever have braces? e: yep k: yeah c: still do thanks to u 80. Are you from the south? e: no k: nah c: nope 81. What does your last status on facebook say? e: fuck knows k: probs back in like 2013 so fuck knows c: single pringle ready to mingle 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? e:yeh k: noooo mate c: I don't remember who it was 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? e: mum k: dad as fuck c: neither. cool, sweet 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? e: I used to do gymnastics k: same c: believe or not I'm actually not that flexible 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? e: rogue one c: trolls k: insidious 2 86. Do you smoke? e: nooo,,,, k: no. smoke? what is this what? c: 40 a day 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? e: heels, easily k:yeah same I hate flip flops c: i'd rather be barefoot 88. Is your phone touch screen? e: yeh k: yaaasss c: I mean, it is the 21st century 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? e: straight or wavy k: straight c: curly 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? e: no cos am a good girl x k: I feel like I have but idk c: yeh there was a time 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? e: pool I guess, but lakes are cool k:any I love swim c: river/lake 92. Have you ever made out in a car? e: no k: yeah c: yes. just the once 93. …Had sex in a car? e: no k: nnnn,,, no c: yeh 94. Are you single or in a relationship? e: single k: I am currently err in a long-distance relationship with God c: there is a fine line between the two. somewhere in the middle 95. What were you doing last night at midnight? e: was on tumblr I think k: watching 7 deadly sins c: I've slept since then 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? e: Bradshaw fireworks, so like October/November c: this morn/this afternoon k: idk 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? e: it's alright k: it's a bit shit tbh c: no cos it makes me look ugly 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? e: no k: yeah c: I've had beneficial friendships if that's what ur asking 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? e: yes k: yes c: probs cos I don't remember 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? e: probs k: yeh c: I don't use fb 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? e: no cos I'm a massive virgin. extra virgin olive oil over here k: constantly c: only once a month 102. Name your favorite Kesha song: e: I don't have one c: *singing* tik tok k: *also signing* tik tok, oh how does it go? 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? e: no k: no c: no I'm as white as a cracker 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? e: um probs not c: yeah k: yeah, obviously
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