#like i just thought oh it would be angsty if leon or someone had recently trapped her brother for cazador and she can save him
pinacoladamatata · 1 year
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she keeps casting feather fall but forgets it doesn't last forever and he keeps having to catch/revive her. they're both getting up to so much murder in baldur's gate 💕
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namelessayakashi · 3 years
For the Angst April Fic: 25 - Immortality
YES THIS WAS ONE I RLY WANTED TO DO TYSM HELL YES THIS IS GONNA BE AN ANGSTY ONE (also loving the new post editor on desktopppp [i have beta on])
Tysm for sending me this one ohhh I'm so happy you sent this one
cw: temporary character death, (technically) suicide (but in the context of proving immortality & bc he knew he'd survive, not because he was suicidal)
Fic below the cut
Merlin breathed out slowly, the air leaving his lungs with a sigh.
His eyes fell shut, drooping slowly lower and lower until they closed, and his grip on Arthur began to loosen.
Faintly, he heard a panicked voice stumbling through words he couldn't understand.
He could feel his heartrate slowing. One... Two...... Three...... Four...... Five...... Six......
Slower, slower, slower...
His name, he heard his name being called. A choked sob. A tight grip around his body. Then, nothing...
Merlin inhaled sharply, his eyes opening abruptly. There was a harsh, stinging pain in his stomach. He ignored it for the moment, as he broke out into a coughing fit, desperately gasping for breath between coughs.
He didn't—what just happened? He was sure he had—
"Merlin?!" The voice ripped him out of his confusion as he quickly turned his gaze to the man cradling his body in his arms.
"Arthur...?" Merlin asked, his voice rough from coughing so much.
"Merlin, no, but you were..." Arthur's grip on Merlin loosened, his confusion clear as day. "We have to get you back home, back to Gaius."
Merlin just groaned softly, leaning his head against the King's chest. "'m tired..."
Arthur slowly stood up, lifting Merlin in his arms as he did so he was carrying him.
"Don't fall asleep, Merlin, dammit, you're such an idiot..." Arthur muttered as he began to walk, "we're lucky we're close enough to the edge of the forest, the attack spooked the horses... You can't just keep jumping in front of me like that, sorcerer or not, one of these you're going to—I thought this time you had..."
The sorcerer just groaned again and shut his eyes.
"I did..." He whispered, trying his hardest not to let sleep take him. He felt Arthur tense, stumbling in his step slightly.
"No, no you couldn't have, because you're alive," Arthur sounded more like he was trying to assure himself rather than Merlin. "You just lost consciousness for a few minutes. That's all."
Merlin frowned but didn't argue, not having the energy. Instead he just hid his face in Arthur's shoulder. He knew he died... He felt it. He felt himself die, his heart stop... Yet, he was alive. He was breathing. He was exhausted, and his entire body ached and his stomach burned where he was struck, but... He was alive.
How was he alive?
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"Merlin... Merlin, my boy, I need you to open your eyes..."
Ah, Gaius, he must be home... When did he fall asleep? Slowly, Merlin opened his eyes.
"Gaius...?" Merlin groaned, looking around for the man as he blinked a few times to clear his eyes, "What happened? I—I died... But I'm alive."
When his eyes finally landed on the old physician's grim expression, a feeling of dread washed over him.
"Merlin, I'm afraid you're not going to like what I have to tell you," Gaius sighed, before sitting down on the edge of the sorcerer's bed. "Arthur brought you back, with a fatal wound in your stomach. He told me what happened and I am certain that you did not just lose consciousness, I am certain you died..."
"I did, I felt it happen, but, Gaius, I am alive," Merlin insisted, propping himself up on his elbows with a wince.
Gaius' mouth drew into a thin line. "You are, indeed. So, I did some research while you were out these past three days—"
"Three days?!"
"—and I discovered something... Something about your name to the druids," Gaius continued as if Merlin never interrupted him. "Emrys, it... Means immortal. And these events are leading me to the conclusion that they don't call you this for no reason."
Merlin's heart dropped. Immortal... He's... Merlin shook his head.
"No, no, there must be another explanation," he laughed, but he was not at all amused. Gaius sighed softly and placed a hand on his wards shoulder.
"I'm afraid there's not... I consulted Mordred, and he confirmed my suspicion. You're immortal, Merlin."
Merlin slumped down onto his magic. He felt ill... Oh gods, he felt so sick.
"But I can't be..."
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Merlin took a deep breath as he paced the King’s chambers, waiting for him to arrive back from a council meeting.
How was he supposed to tell Arthur the truth?
He couldn’t lie—he promised, they promised. No more secrets, no more lies. But dammit, this was… This wasn’t just something like he had magic, or he’d ripped his favourite shirt.
He was immortal.
Oh, it felt so wrong to even think…
How do you tell someone you’re immortal? How do you tell someone you love that you’re going to live forever, that you’ll have to watch them wither away and die along with everyone else you know…?
Merlin took a nervous breath and let himself drop into a chair at Arthur’s table. He was going to have to watch everyone he’d ever loved die…
He was forced to live on for eternity while everyone he cared about struggled with mortality.
A cruel fate… Yet, the druids dared to call him blessed.
Blessed. That was a good joke.
How could one be called blessed when condemned to such a life?
Merlin ran his hands through his hair. He’d be alone… Never able to grow attached to someone, too afraid of losing them like he knew he would… A lonely life, he’d be sentenced to. Should he start pushing people away now…? Save himself the pain?
No, he couldn’t. That would be cruel to them, as well as himself…
“Merlin?” The sorcerer nearly leapt out of his skin at the voice to his right. “Merlin, you’re awake! And, up! How are you feeling?”
Merlin dropped his hands and looked over to Arthur, who looked so happy and hopeful at the sight of him. Here he was, about to crush that…
“I—” Merlin hesitated, and Arthur’s brows furrowed in a frown.
“You? You what?” The King pushed, concern flickering on his face a moment, “are you alright? You look like you’re about to be ill. Should you be out of bed yet? Gaius said you only just woke recently…”
A tense silence hung between them, as Merlin contemplated how to say the words that had been weighing on his chest. Finally, when Arthur looked like he was going to give up, Merlin found the courage to speak up.
“I can’t die,” he forced out, the words nearly getting caught in his throat. Arthur’s eyes widened impossibly wide, as he stared incredulously at his friend and lover.
Arthur opened his mouth, then closed it again, hesitating.
“…What?” He finally got out. Merlin gave a weak smile, knowing just how crazy it sounded.
“I can’t die,” he repeated, his voice breaking slightly as the reality of it hit him, this having been the first time he spoke the words aloud. His eyes stung, but he blinked away the tears as he stared at Arthur, holding eye contact. “I…I’m immortal, Arthur.”
Arthur let out a breath, stunned by the revelation.
Merlin expected him to laugh, to claim him lying, or even to leave the room or tell Merlin to leave. Even after all they’d been through, after the months they’d been together after finally getting their heads out of their asses and confessing… Merlin was shocked, only minorly but still so, when Arthur suddenly grabbed and pulled Merlin into a tight embrace.
He tensed a moment, startled, but slowly relaxed and returned the hug, burying his face in Arthur’s shoulder.
“I don’t really know what to say,” Arthur murmured, “what do you say when you find out your soon-to-be husband is immortal?”
Merlin huffed out a soft laugh. “I don’t know… I didn’t think we’d ever have to deal with that.”
Arthur hummed softly before falling quiet. They stood there, in each other’s arms for a few minutes, just…silent. Until, finally, Merlin pulled away with a shaky breath.
“Hey,” Arthur sighed, raising a hand to the sorcerer’s face and cupping his cheek, “we’ll get through this together, yes?”
“There’s not much to get through, Arthur… I’m going to have to watch everyone I’ve ever loved die before my eyes,” Merlin muttered, before leaning into the touch, “but yes, I won’t turn down your support…”
Arthur frowned at him a moment before exhaling and stepping back to stretch. “Let’s take your mind off this. I have some new legislation to review, come assist me.”
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Merlin laid in Arthur’s bed that night, unable to sleep. His mind raced, and his heart ached as he laid on his side, staring at his betrothed.
Before, Destiny had weighed him down with the possibility that he’d be forced to watch the man he loved be taken from him. Now… Now, it was inevitable. He would watch as Arthur faded from life, no matter how he died. He’d have to watch him… He would lose him and he could do nothing.
It wasn’t just Arthur, either, he realized with a pang of hurt.
Gwen… Morgana, Leon… Elyan, and Gwaine, and Lancelot… Percival… Everyone. Everyone was going to be taken from him.
Gaius… His mother.
Merlin choked back a sob, closing his eyes tightly. Everyone. Everyone.
He could never have children.
Oh, gods, he could never have children… He—he’d be condemned to watch them grow old and die.
Was this really what fate wanted for him? What destiny planned?
How cruel. How unnecessarily, unbelievably cruel. What was the point of it? Why, why do this to him? Did they simply wish to see him suffer? Did the gods believe they were granting him a favour? Did they believe they were rewarding him, by subjecting him to a life of eternal loneliness and heartache?
Did they think it amusing?
“Merlin?” Arthur’s voice, thick with sleep, snapped him out of his spiral, “why are you awake, cariad? It’s the middle of the night…”
Merlin quickly wiped away the tears that had slipped free, as Arthur blinked open his eyes slowly and yawned. “Couldn’t sleep…” He mumbled, “what about you? Did I wake you?”
“Mm… Technically, no, but I could feel your eyes on me.” Arthur shifted closer and pulled Merlin against him, resting their foreheads together. “What were you thinking about? Oh, no, I know…”
He paused, yawning again, before continuing. “The immortal thing, hm?”
Merlin’s silence seemed to be all the answer needed, because Arthur sighed softly and pressed a tired kiss to his nose.
“You’re spiraling, aren’t you? It’ll be fine, Merlin,” he assured, sounding way too confident for someone who’s words were slurred, “we’ll figure something out… We always do. You won’t be alone… won’t let you…”
“I appreciate that, Arthur…” Merlin said truthfully, “now, get back to sleep… You have things to do tomorrow.”
Arthur hummed, closing his eyes again.
“You sleep, too…” He ordered as he drifted back to sleep.
“I’ll try,” Merlin promised, closing his eyes and tightening his hold on Arthur.
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It was a sennight later that Merlin wandered the castle corridors with a frown on his face, eyes searching a head of blond as he walked.
Arthur had been acting strange since they discovered Merlin’s immortality, and now… Now he was just gone?
Merlin had searched the castle three times, and no one had seen him all day. He woke up without the King in bed beside him, the knights knew nothing, the servants knew nothing, Gaius and Gwen knew nothing…
It was like he just disappeared!
How does a King disappear?
Merlin took a deep breath, calming himself. He was worried, yes, of course, but he was also growing slowly angry.
How dare he just disappear without a word?! That man had better have been kidnapped for his sake. After another few minutes searching the castle, Merlin finally just stalked back to their chambers.
Arthur had better have a very good explanation when he got back, Merlin decided as he flung the doors open and stomped over to the bed before flopping onto it. Or else he’d getting turned into a toad. A big, ugly, slimy, wart-covered toad. And Merlin’s not changing him back.
Merlin groaned loudly into the duvet in frustration.
Stupid, stupid prat.
How dare he just disappear like it was nothing and leave Merlin there to worry like a mother hen over her eggs all day! He probably didn’t even realize how concerned Merlin was now.
It wasn’t like he was worried for no good reason, either, because that damn man knew how to get into trouble in any situation, and how the hell is he supposed to help Merlin deal with the fact that he’s immortal if he’s deadthanks to his own idiocy!
Merlin’s stomach turned at the thought, and he rolled over onto his back before sitting up. A frown creased his forehead, and he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth anxiously.
What if he really was in danger? What if he was really in danger and Merlin was here, thinking bad about him?
He should go look for him again.
He’s immortal, after all (yay), he doesn’t have to worry about dying protecting Arthur! Arthur, on the other hand, was a fucking beacon for assassins and danger. Right. That decided it.
Merlin pushed himself to his feet and quickly made his way to the door. Then, right as he moved to open it, the door opened to reveal the very prat he was leaving to save, and his heart calmed. He was safe.
“You’re safe…” Merlin sighed, visibly relieved. Arthur frowned in confusion and nodded.
“Yes… I am,” he agreed. Then, it hit Merlin.
He’s safe.
Merlin narrowed his eyes into a glare. “I’m going to turn you into a toad and squash you beneath my boot.”
Arthur’s eyes widened a fraction, before his lips pulled up into an amused smirk.
“Well, that’s rather messy—and graphic.”
“You deserve no less, where have you been?!”
“I was, with the druids, actually,” Arthur cleared his throat, looking away, “Morgana took me to see them.”
Merlin frowned, his glare disappearing to be replaced with a confused look. “What? Why were you with the druids? What took you all day with the druids?”
Arthur took a deep breath. “I… Needed their help with something. Look, it’s better if I just show you.”
The warlock raised an eyebrow, but let Arthur usher him into the room further, before sitting down at the table.
“Okay, go ahead, show me. What was worth making me worry my ass off?” Merlin leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. Arthur gave him a nervous smile before pulling a small phial out of his satchel and uncorking it.
Merlin tilted his head, frowning deeply. What was he…?
“Merlin, I’m immortal, too,” Arthur told him softly, and Merlin couldn’t help it. He snorted, laughing in obvious disbelief.
“Right, and I’m a god.”
Arthur sighed and hesitated, then raised the phial of liquid to his lips.
“Here goes nothing,” he murmured before downing the contents. Merlin watched, growing more and more confused by his betrothed’s actions.
It was only when the phial slipped from Arthur’s hands and shattered on the ground as his skin began to pale and hands began to tremble that Merlin realized what was happening, and panic filled his body.
“Arthur? Arthur!” Merlin was on his feet in seconds, grabbing Arthur by the shoulders as he began to go limp, the—what Merlin now recognized as—poison taking action too fast for Merlin to think of a solution. He didn’t even know what he took! How could he help?! Arthur knew he was shit at healing magic, which was ironic considering he worked with Gaius for so long! “Arthur! Dammit, what are you doing?! Fuck, what did you do?!?”
Merlin’s heart was pounding and tears were filling his eyes as his breath quickened. “Fuck! Arthur, you bastard!” He snapped, unsure what to do, as Arthur’s body slumped in his arms.
He felt the King stop breathing in his arms and he swore his own heart stopped. Then… There was a gasp. A loud, sharp gasp. Then, a fit of coughs wracked Arthur’s body, his shoulders shaking.
Merlin was frozen, stunned. He… He was… But now he was… He really is—
“Arthur, oh, Arthur what did you do?”
Once he had stopped coughing, and Merlin had walked them over and sat them on the bed, Arthur took a deep breath and smiled stupidly.
“I had the druids show me how to use the cup of life,” he explained in a murmur, “I didn’t want you to be alone, for eternity. Now you won’t have to be.”
Merlin stared in silence at his betrothed for a few moments, shocked speechless. Arthur glanced away, coughing a bit more.
“Remind me, to never take Hemlock again,” he muttered rubbing his throat.
That snapped Merlin right out of his daze and he cuffed Arthur upside the head.
“You shouldn’t have taken it in the first place! What in the hell were you thinking?!” He demanded to know.
“I was thinking you wouldn’t believe me if I just told you I was immortal!”
“I would’ve if you just told me you used the cup!”
Merlin let out a high laugh, shaking his head.
“Yes, oh!”
Arthur bit his lip, before looking away sheepishly. “Sorry… I suppose, I was just eager to tell you that you wouldn’t be alone anymore…”
A soft sigh let Merlin’s lips, and he ignored the way his heart flipped. “You’re an idiotic prat, you know? A massive cabbagehead. But… You just gave up your mortality for me… And while part of me hates that you’ll now be subjected to the same pain as I will be when our friends’ times come… I can’t help but feel so…”
“So, what?” Arthur pushed gently, laying back on the bed. Merlin shook his head and laid back beside him.
“I love you… And I can’t believe you love me so much, as to literally give up your mortality for me.”
Arthur smiled and looked over at him, his eyes drooping sleepily (probably tired from dying).
“I’d give up anything for you…”
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🖤💙(Fuyuhiko x Reader) The Shitty Dancer and a Baby💙🖤 Part 3
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💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted)
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare)
🖤 = Normal
Last part of this oneshot!~ The next stories that will be posted will be requests that I've gotten!~ Exciting!~
WARNINGS: Mentions of illegal activities, Fuyuhiko is in this chapter with no cap, mention of potential child trafficking, panic attack, alludes to abuse.
Part 1
Part 2
After two more hours of ignoring Fuyuhiko's stares, and having an entire hour of practice of some new moves in the school dojo, I was extremely tired mentally as I trudged through the mostly empty halls to detention. I wasn't worried about Fuyuhiko bothering me anymore since I'm sure Kiyotaka would kick him out if he tried to come in to talk to me.
A heavy sigh resonated from me as I walked through the door, greeted by the sight of red eyes boring into me expectantly.
"(Y/N)-Sama! It is good to see that you did not forget your detention! Please, have a seat and keep in mind the following rules-"
Guiltily, I toned out Taka's words as I turned to sit down, only to stop right in my tracks as I saw my detention partner.
"-and lastly, no music or talking to the other students! Fuyuhiko-Sama is your only other fellow delinquent today, so I hope that will not cause any problems,"
No matter how much I wanted to speak, I couldn't. The boy leaned back in his far right corner seat, black suit and all, stinging his green eyes into me and looking relatively unhappy but not fully upset.
"(Y/N)-Sama, please take your seat," Kiyotaka ordered, spurring me into motion hesitantly as I stiffly sat down. 'Well, there is a no talking rule so he can't bother me without getting in trouble. It's only 30 minutes, then I can run out to Gundham's car outside.'
Forcing myself to relax, I just took out my notebook and began brainstorming ideas for a new dance set. All was silent, excluding the scratching of Kiyotaka and I's pencils against our papers, for about 15 minutes which made me forget that Fuyuhiko was even there. That is until the silence was broken by loud, mixed laughter and the sound of something being sprayed.
Of course, this caught the Ultimate Moral Compass's attention, making him stand him and march out towards the noise.
"Excuse me for a moment, please. . . Leon-kun! Mondo-kun! Please stop running in the halls and- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THESE LOCKERS?!" Hearing chuckling behind me, I reluctantly turn my head to the left to glance at the root of all my recent problems, only to see him already smirking at me.
"It's amazing what people will do for $100 and a few threats,"
The Yakuza stood up confidently and made his way beside me where he leaned against the desk immediately to my left. "You know, when someone ratted me out earlier to the "Pain-In-The-Ass Compass" for yanking on you and yelling, I thought it was a stroke of bad luck, but now I see it as the perfect opportunity to interrogate," It was quiet between us for a few more moments, and just like 15 minutes ago my body locked up and wouldn't move unless forced. I could feel and see him watching me out of the corner of my eye, a neutral face on his face as he filled in the quiet.
"What's your story? Where did you come from?" He was being surprisingly calm for some reason. 'Wonder what he's figured out about me.'
Clearing my throat and swallowing the nonexistent saliva in my mouth, I kept my eyes on my paper. "I don't know what you're talking about," 'He's probably talking about that. Obviously.'
"Don't play dumb. Peko and I did a little looking around on our servers and the school records for you. Found out some interesting things." I forced myself to act nonchalant while simultaneously pushing down the nervous bile rising in my throat. I couldn't let him know how on edge he had me.
"Oh? Like what, that I like to dance? 'Cause if you had to search around for that fact-"
"That's not what I'm talking about, (Y/N), and you know it," he slowly moved in front of me, leaning on my desk towards me with an accusing gaze, "Or should I say "Korean Tengu"?"
Even though I already knew that that was what he was going to say, I still flinched and clenched my jaw out of disdain for the name. My uncomfortable response made the bastard smirk since I just showed he was right. 'No point in denying this part, I'll see how much he knows. At least it seems like the school actually held up their end of the bargain.'
"How did you find out about that?"
"I have many resources as the next heir to the biggest Yakuza family in Japan. Illegal fighting rings are right up my alley. But that's not the important thing, is it?" 'Fuck, what is he getting at now? There's so many things he could've found out.'
Fuyuhiko reached into his jacket pocket and unfolded a piece of paper before slamming it on my desk and continuing to lean on my desk. It was an article with an accompanying picture; one that made my blood run cold.
"Care to explain why the undefeated champion of an entire illegal fighting ring killed her own dad? And only a day after her 2nd championship win at that?" The short boy's smirk was gone and his surprisingly hardened face made me shudder. He already knew the answer to the question, he was just seeing how I would react. This felt like the interrogations I had to undergo for the police, minus the pitying looks the officers gave me then. It was getting hard to breath right. I could barely look at the picture the article displayed of my dead father's beat up body. It just confirmed what I already knew for the past 2 years.
"You don'. . . it's not. . . I didn't. . ."
"I think you did. And I also think that one "Ruler of Hell" knows all about this as well. Don't think I didn't notice how cozy you two were yesterday," That spurred me to spew out a defense. I was getting desperate and didn't want him to connect Gundham to me.
"Leave him alone! He didn't do anything, so keep him out of this!"
"Not until you tell me what your connection is to him, and why you killed your own father, bitch!"
Too little air, so many voices, harsh words, harsher hits. It all came rushing back as I remembered everything that still haunted me every time I fall asleep. My head lifted up to stare at Fuyuhiko with an unadulterated hatred as his young and only slightly upset image flickered back and forth to an old, furious one that returned the same gaze. I squeezed my eyes shut so I could respond without freezing up. My body ached faintly as though I had fresh wounds and bruises just like I did back then. Tears burned my shut eyes but I force them away.
"That bastard deserved to die. You don't understand what he put me through. . . what he threatened to do to my brother and mom. . ! I was the only thing protecting them, keeping him at bay! I spent years fighting, getting better, becoming the best at fighting no matter what. Years of running my body into my own grave as I risked my life against grown ass men," A slightly insane, masochistic laugh strained from my throat as I hugged myself and dropped my face to one purely neutral, eyes still closed.
"But he still wanted more. A mere hour after my final championship, winning the grand prize money of half a million dollars and trophy, he said it: that he wanted to sell me to a dojo to make me continue training and. . . kill people with the new skills," I swallow thickly, opening my eyes to a now perturbed Fuyuhiko.
I'm sure he wasn't unsettled by me having to kill someone but by the fact that my dad, my family, tried selling me. Just for money. Hajime told me once that Fuyuhiko didn't have the best relationship with anyone in his family and that he always got flack from his dad about how soft he was at times, but I'm sure even his dad never tried to sell him. All I did was laugh dryly at his face as I tried to ignore the obvious hallucination of my dad flickering over him.
My gaze instead honed in on the mangled remains pictured in the paper below. It grounded me. Fed into my weak reassurance that he wasn't really here. Not anymore.
"He would have gotten 75% of each paycheck I received from a hit. It was all about money with him. Nothing more. And if he had sold me, he would have moved on to my brother and made him do something with dangerous animals to keep a flow of revenue since even then that little diva had a way with animals. Obviously couldn't let that happen.
"I don't know what he used it all on but I'm sure it was nothing good. But hey, at least he didn't add domestic abuse or double child neglect to his track record, though that was only because that was my one condition for staying with him: that he didn't touch my brother and mom and took care of them financially." A beat of time.
"Gundham's your brother. . ."
It wasn't really a question from him, but more of a realization since I'm guessing him and Peko at least tried to put Gundham somewhere in my life story's cast roll. I was too tired to dispute; besides I'm sure he would have figured it out eventually.
That revelation hung in the air as a deathly silence seemed to blanket the world. I was inexplicably exhausted from my inner turmoil of emotions and felt very vulnerable having told one of my deepest secrets to the boy that reminded me of my dad. The ironic smile that twisted my lips stuck as I drew a deep breath to calm myself down. The nervousness churning in my stomach almost made me want to throw up again.
"I'm sorry," 'Doth my ears deceive me?'
Sneaking a peek up at Fuyuhiko allowed me to read the regret and uncomfortableness that painted his face. He shuffled on his feet and avoided all eye contact with me.
"I didn't know you were forced into it, I just thought you did it for fun when you were younger, your dad let you, and the flashbacks were from people you fought. I guess. . . I should've just minded some of my own fucking business after that whole. . . shit show that happened yesterday so. . . yeah. . ."
My eyes widened in surprise at the half assed apology, his words trailing off at the end. I wasn't expecting anything like that coming from him. 'I guess when you think you've seen everything, the universe pulls a shifty one on you.' Since I couldn't verbally respond out of shock, I just tilted my face downwards to hide my watering eyes.
Other than the principal, only Gundham and our mom knew about any of this, and they both always took pity on me for what I had to go through for them. The sincerity of Fuyuhiko's words wasn't riddled with a consoling tone, but one of understanding which made me feel better than any comforting words. Didn't even try to address my situation, he just excused his own behavior which I suppose is in character.
I have never been angry at my family for acting the way they do towards me but I've always wished that I could share my story with someone who understood what it was like to go against your own nature just to please someone else; I guess I accidentally found that person in Fuyuhiko. Now don't get me wrong, I still think he's a little asshat that has a problem with managing his emotions, but I suppose everyone has their faults.
Swiping at my stinging eyes, I sniff before looking up at him and nodding in acknowledgment, no longer seeing my dad's haunting figure. When I did that, it seemed the tenseness in his shoulders washed away. Guess he really doesn't know how to deal with anyone's emotions. At any rate, I eventually found my voice as I started to put my things away into my backpack while settling back into my regular demeanor.
"Thanks, I guess. Just stop snooping around in other people's lives and this won't be a problem for you ever again, kid," Aaaaand back to normal we go. His respectful silence was officially over because of my comment.
"What the fuck did you say?! I already fucking apologized and don't call me a shitty kid!" His cheeks turned red as he finally sat up from leaning on my desk and clenched his hands at his sides.
"Yeah, a half-assed apology about digging up my traumatic past makes me feel real better.~ But I bet that was really hard for you, huh?~ Don't worry, it will get easier with time.~"
"Like hell I'm ever apologizing to your ass again! I shouldn't have even done it the first fucking time!" His excessive cussing made him even cuter and childlike. Like a kid thinking he's badass for using bad words. By now I had gotten my stuff packed and stood up to my full height just to mess with him.
"Oh, I think you will eventually, Baby.~"
It's fun riding the line of death and teasing. Just as predicted, Fuyuhiko got even madder since I was now obviously a lot taller than him, and because I called him "Baby". Then he paused and smirked all of a sudden.
"Only if it's after I fucking kill you." 'Oh I have the perfect way to turn this around.~'
"What? You said you're going to kill me by fucking me?~ Jeez, at least take me to a few dinners first, there's a fancy restaurant down the street.~"
Satisfaction replaced the shame on my face that was probably supposed to be there at the sight of Fuyuhiko's embarrassed and shocked face. I took this opportunity to wink at him before walking around him and out of the classroom. It was well past our time to be in here. Not even a few seconds later, I heard his angry little footsteps run after me as I lazed down the hallway.
"That's not what I fucking meant and you know it, bastard!! Why the fuck would I even want to fuck you anyway?!"
"Hey, I don't know, I can't tell what you're thinking.~"
"I wasn't thinking anything like that, fucker! And stop calling me those damn pet names!!"
"No, I don't think I will, doll.~"
This retort causes a string of curses to fly from Fuyuhiko's mouth towards me, putting even a sailor to shame. Eventually he stops swearing and walking but doesn't respond, and I can see him staring up at me from the corner of my eye. The small male reaches into his jacket, where he apparently keeps everything, and takes out my hat. 'Oh yeah, I did kinda leave that on the ground yesterday, though I didn't expect him to pick it up.'
Of course, he can't just hand it to me normally, so what I got was my hat slapping me in my face before falling into my arms. I couldn't help the little smile that tilted up the corners of my mouth as I tilted my head questioningly towards him. He wasn't scary now that he wasn't trying to punch and expose me.
"Listen up, idiot. I'm only going to say this once so pay attention," he sighed and seemed to get a bit serious again, "Just so you know, I'm not gonna do anything with what I learned about you, and I'm not gonna try and recruit you into my yakuza either."
This clarification made me a bit more at ease since I was unconsciously thinking about those possibilities. But Fuyuhiko looked like he wanted to add something, so I raised a brow as I placed my hat on.
"Anything else?~" He scoffed at my prompting but continued.
"But. . . if you ever decide to, y'know, get back into action with practicing your skills in the field, I'm lacking manpower in turf fights sometimes so even a shitty dancer like you can maybe help out. You wouldn't be killing anyone and you could, y'know, stop whenever you wanted," He looked embarrassed again, just for even hinting at offering me a spot in his yakuza. There was nothing else I could do but laugh which Fuyuhiko obviously took the wrong way.
"You could have just said no! There no need to laugh, next time I won't offer you shit-"
"Pfft, no no, that's n-not why I'm laughing!~ I just- you're too- haha!~" My laughter kept interrupting my own sentences, and all I could do is double over while raising a hand in a request for patience. Even through my joy, I could feel the anger meter rising in Fuyuhiko the longer I took to compose myself.
"Shut the hell up and say it already, bitch!!"
"Okay, okay, I'm fine," a few chortles died out as I stood up straight again, "Hun, I'm not laughing at your offer, I'm laughing at your embarrassed face.~ You get so flustered too easily.~" A look of disbelief from him turns quickly to anger.
"That's not any fucking better than laughing at what I said, dumbass!" My clarification only made his cheeks redder, "Enough of this, let's go before Ishimaru gets back. I only paid those idiots to preoccupy him until 2 pm and it's 10 'til." The red faced yakuza turned on his heel and quickly walked the rest of the way down the hall with me following him in stride but with fewer steps.
"I think you're just trying to escape from me.~ Am I making you too worked up?~"
"Shit, don't say it like that!! Fuck you, you tall ass bean pole!" 'Opportunities just love to present themselves to me, don't they?~'
Moving to walk beside him instead of behind, I lean down close to his ear with a smile full of bad intentions.
"What the fuck-?"
"Fuck me?~ When and where, Baby?~"
A shit-eating grin spread across my face as he turned into a cherry tomato. I took this as my cue to leave, and attempt to save myself from the oncoming ass whooping I was sure would come once Fuyuhiko came to his senses.
"Oh, would you lookie there, that's my brother's car.~ Welp, gotta blast!~"
I took big and fast strides to the black convertible that had my brother surfing his phone, and the Four Devas playing around on the dashboard. When I hopped over the door and landed into the seat, he put his phone away and started to speak. The Devas ran across the leather and jumped all over me, squeaking and nuzzling me. Their little paws scrambling all over me just added fuel to my laughing fire.
"Hello, sister of mine.~ How was-"
"Hey hey, we gotta go, Gundham.~ I'm gonna die, start the car!~" Contrasting my urgent words, laughter poked through my words as I turned to smile back at the forthcoming, fuming Fuyuhiko.
"Get back here, (Y/N)!! I outta have you fucking sold to a whorehouse!!"
Gundham's eyes widened in surprise at what he yelled as he started the car.
"Now wait just a moment, you quarter-sized halfling-"
"Already tried it, not very fun!~ Go, bro, or we're both gonna be a part of the BABY'S tantrum!~" I pronounced the nickname extra loud just for shits and giggles.
"Fucker, get out of the goddamn car and face me!!" Just before the angery boi reaches our car, Gundham finally listened to what I said and peeled off, making me have to reach up and hold my hat to my head. Watching Fuyuhiko get smaller in the side mirror, I let out a loud laugh which made my sibling continually glance from the road to me in confusion.
"Would you care to explain why that fiendish devil, the one who you swore personal oath to avoid for as long as possible, has just threatened your being with a 'whorehouse'? Is he still bothering you?" There was a contained anger that rose in my brother's voice toward the end of his question, making me realize what that exchange looked like to him. The Devas looked back and forth from me and Gundham, sensing the clash of our different tones.
"Oh, yeah, we're coolish now.~ Some things happened during detention that made us realize that. . . we aren't that different." My previously wide smile simmered down to a melancholic one as I dragged my hat down to my lap. The four little hamsters sniffed at it before climbing inside to lay down. Probably seeing the truth in my peaceful expression, Gundham relaxed and went silent for a few moments.
"You told him, didn't you?" I nodded.
"Yeah, but he kinda dug up part of the story with Peko, the little shit.~ I just filled in blanks and details once I realized he wouldn't stop bothering me if I didn't.~" A weary sigh from my right.
"Was that the correct choice of action? He could use it against you one day."
That questioning made me doubt what Fuyuhiko reassured me earlier about not blackmailing me. My fingers ran over the soft fur of the now sleeping Devas as I thought. The idea of just blindly trusting a Yakuza's verbal "promise" sounded stupid to anyone with common sense. . . but I haven't had any of that for a few days now, so there's no point in getting some now.
And sure, we could discuss the potentially lethal repercussions of everything I just did to Fuyuhiko that will bite me in the ass tomorrow, but is this really the time?~ I hardly think so.~ Right now was the time for answering my brother with an unhealthy amount of confidence, considering the kind of answer I was giving.
"Yeah.~ It was.~"
This part was short too, but I hope you enjoyed it!~ Take care, dearies!~
Part 1
Part 2
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margoshansons · 5 years
I gave you up
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Steve Harrington x Reader. Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: For @yessii-i: Steve and Reader have been best friends for years. She confesses her feelings, he doesn’t reciprocate, until he sees her with someone. Jealous!Steve. Based on Cruel to Care by Leon.
Warnings: Angsty feelings. Sexy times. Swearing.
Notes: I hope this is what you were expecting! I had some fun. The first part takes place during the beginning of season 2 and the second part takes place afterward. 
Three years. Three fucking years and all she had done with her master plan was tell Nancy about her predicament. 
“Just tell him how you feel” She offered, “I mean, what’s the worst he could do?”
Y/N threw a pillow at the younger teen, “He could reject me and our friendship could be ruined forever.”
Nancy flipped around, staring at the girl who had recently confessed her love for her current boyfriend. “Look, I’m planning on breaking up with him tomorrow anyway, so maybe you could y’know, help him move on?”
Y/N leaned forward on the bed of Nancy’s room, facing the vanity her friend was currently stationed at. “You really think he would take me on?”
Nancy turned around, the finishing touches on her costume finished. “First of all, I hate that amazing wordplay you just used, you know how I feel about that song,”
Y/N smiled at the girl’s irritation. 
“And second” Nancy continued, “Of course he will. He’d be a fool not to.”
The two girls embraced before hearing the honk from Steve’s car, racing down the stairs to notify Mrs. Wheeler of their location. 
“Evening ladies” Steve called from the driver’s seat, sunglasses covering his eyes. No doubt scanning Nancy’s body from behind the black shades. 
“Keep it in your pants Harrington” Y/N sassed, hiding the butterflies that fluttered whenever Steve was around. She moved into the back, letting Nancy take shotgun for one more day. 
“You guys ready to have some fun?” He asked, his smile sending her heart soaring as her chest swelled. 
“Hell yeah, we are” Y/N shot back, slapping her hand on his in a high five. 
The party was one of the more wilder ones, and that was in part due to the appearance of a brand new kid named Billy and his newly acquired friends. Even if she ignored the jealously that was slithering from her core to her throat as Nancy and Steve danced the night away, the alcohol helped. 
Y/N’s stomach warmed, and she could feel the spiked juice working its way up to her brain, electrifying her nerves, sending pulses of adrenaline through her, until she finally danced her way over to Steve, ready to follow Nancy’s advice. Ready to finally tell Steve about the feelings she’s been harboring since they had been little kids together. 
She found him by the bathroom, the alcohol preventing her from noticing the distressed look on his face, or the tears that had recently escaped. 
“Y/N” He wiped his face, “Thank god you’re here, I need your advice--”
“Just shut up for a moment please?” Y/N cut off, shocked by her own aggressive behavior the same way Steve was. He lurched back at the comment, following her instructions. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something for three years, and now I think I finally have the courage to do it so please, don’t interrupt me.”
Her best friend nodded, the hurt look in his eyes staying longer than he wanted it to. 
“We’ve been through so much together and I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything” she began to ramble, ignoring Steve’s attempt to interject. “But I would be lying if I said I never thought about pursuing anything more. I mean it’s not just your hair, though it is a beautiful thing of god’s creation, but it’s your amazing way you’ve been able to comfort me, It’s the board games we played when we were little, It’s everything you do really.”
“Y/N this isn’t really a good time--”
“I guess, what I'm really trying to say, Steve Harrington,” Y/N breathed, knowing she’ll remember every bit of this in the morning, “Is that I am in love with you. In every possible way.”
The silence between them was deafening. Even as the music swirled through her ears, all she could focus on was the lack of words coming from Steve’s mouth. 
“Steve?” Y/N asked, voice breaking, “Could you please say something?”
“Y/N I--” Steve stammered, running his hand through his hair. “I, uh, I don’t know how to tell you this--”
Y/N bit her cheek. He didn’t feel the same way. Of course, he didn’t. She didn’t need to hear it to know. “You don't have to say anything” 
She gave one last longing look at the man she loved, almost tasting the apology he was going to stutter out. “I understand” Y/N turned away from her best friend, ignoring his reaching hands and stammering apologies as he didn’t even try to follow her out. She ignored the tears painting her face with the makeup Nancy had put on her face earlier, she ignored the pain spreading in her chest as she realized what she had just done.
She had ruined her relationship with her best friend. The person who had helped patch up her knee when she scraped it biking, the person who had held her when her father had left. The person who bought her ice cream and sang to her favorite songs whenever she was feeling sad. 
That person was out of her life forever.
What the hell was she going to do without him? 
She shouldn’t be missing him. She should be cursing his name. Wishing he was dead. She should be burning every piece of memorabilia the two had collected over the years. She should be punching pillows, envisioning his face on them. She should be letting go. She should hate him. 
But she knew she couldn’t. 
“This seat taken?” 
Y/N looked up from the curb to see the curly mane of Billy Hargrove, his bright blue eyes and smirk enchanting the entire high school in one night. 
“No,” she said, unsure why, “Go ahead.”
All she wanted to do was stare straight ahead. Wiping the tears from her face, she ignored the heat of Billy beside her. How his smile seemed so reminiscent of Steve’s. How he didn’t seem to want to leave after seeing her break down.
“So uh, what’s got you sitting out here instead of joining the party?” Billy asked, offering a cigarette. Y/N took it, lighting it with the lighter Steve had given her for her birthday, the lighter she had kept in her pocket for the past year. 
“I, uh, told someone how I felt” Y/N admitted, taking a drag. “And let me guess” Billy faced her, “He didn’t feel the same way.”
Y/N nodded her head, biting her lip in frustration while Billy continued to talk. 
“I don’t see why I mean you’re gorgeous for starters”
She chuckled at his compliment, blood rushing to her cheeks. 
Billy smiled at the sad girl, cigarette still between his teeth. “Wow, and your laugh is just adorable. How the hell did this guy turn you down?”
Y/N shrugged, unsure why she suddenly felt so comfortable around this stranger, “Wrong time I guess.”
“Yeah, timing can be a bitch huh?”
Y/N embraced the silence. It wasn't awkward like earlier. It felt natural. It felt...good. Her stomach fluttered when he met her gaze again, her lips perking up slightly. 
“You need a ride home?” Billy asked, gesturing to a blue car a bit down the line.
Y/N nodded, grasping the hand Billy had offered her. The two bonded further on the ride home, discussing favorite movies, awful siblings, and how much high school sucked. She learned that Billy loved to surf, and how much he missed California. By the time Billy was dropping her off, she didn’t want the ride to end. 
He reminded her of Steve. How things used to be before he started dating Nancy and pulling further and further away. 
She didn’t know why she did it. Maybe because he was the closest she’d get to Steve. Maybe she still had alcohol in her system. 
All she knew was that her lips were on Billy’s, begging him for more. Trading breaths like it was second nature. He felt so natural. He felt new. He felt good. 
“Maybe take me on a date first huh L/N?” BIlly joked before she dug back in, her hands scraping his curls upward, while his hands found her waist, pulling her over the cupholders and into the driver’s seat. His hands scraped up her back, tossing her flimsy shirt aside before crashing his lips on hers once again.
He had bought flowers. Fucking flowers. Roses were romantic right? That said ‘hey i realized I love you and want to say I'm sorry at the same time’. Right? He knocked on the door, nerves spiking in his chest as he waited for the wooden door from his fondest memories to open. 
“Harrington” The grating voice of his nightmares answered. “What brings you here?” Hargrove’s eyes trailed down to the roses in his hand, his chewing gum smacking obnoxiously. 
“I should be asking you the same question Hargrove” Steve crossed his arms, trying to seem as intimidating as possible. 
“Well, I was invited here by Y/N.” Hargrove continued, a smirk forming on his face. “Y’know She was pretty distraught that night of the party.”
The pain in Steve’s chest returned as he remembered the awful look she had worn the rest of the night. The look he had caused. The look that had somehow disappeared whenever this douchebag was around. Rage rose.
“Look, can I just see her?” Steve asked, unsure why he felt he had to. 
Hargrove blocked the door once again. “I think it was you that turned that sexy thing down Harrington. And as Y/N’s boyfriend, I don’t think I can tolerate that.”
Steve almost got whiplash at his statement. “I-I’m sorry, Boyfriend?”
Irritation sprung up in his stomach, slithering through his body until it fed every dark impulse in him. He wanted to punch the smirk right off of Hargrove’s stupid face. He wanted to tackle him to the ground, choking him all the while screaming about how Y/N deserves better than the creep he is. 
“What’s the matter, Harrington?” Hargrove asked, the smirk growing wider. “Upset you missed your chance to hit that?” He leaned closer until he was next to his ear. “Well let me tell you, she;s really not that great. But oh boy, does she scream like the virgin she is-- Sorry, was.”
The irritation turned to rage, spilling out over him as Steve smashed Billy’s head against the door frame. He had no right to talk about Y/N like that. He had no right to ever put his hands on her body like that. 
Hargrove pulled the flowers from his hand, wiping the blood from his lip. “Thanks for the flowers, dickhead”
The door shut in his face. 
He stormed down the driveway, anger bubbling in his chest, all while the dull pain remained. 
“Steve!” her musical voice called, running after him. He had to hold his breath at the sight. Her messy hair and sweatpants sending butterflies flying. “Wait, I uh, I want to apologize for the party.” “Hargrove?” Steve growled, surprised at the malice in his voice. “Really? All the people in the world and you choose him?”
Y/N stepped back, narrowing her eyes at her friend. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you say you're in love with me one night, and then you decide to sneak off with him instead?”
Y/N huffed incredulously, “You made it very clear that you wanted nothing to do with me after that night.”
“You didn't even give me a chance to say anything” He protested, knowing full well it wasn’t a valid excuse. 
“I didn’t need to!” Y/N defended, “You could've followed me. You could’ve talked to me at school. You could’ve done a million other things than ignore me while you ran off to repair your relationship with Nancy!”
He could hear her voice break. His chest exploded at the sound. Sending a shot of pain through him. “I wasn’t repairing my relationship with Nancy”
Y/N scoffed, “And I’m just supposed to believe that? Why were you hanging out with her and her brother? Why didn’t you talk to me? Why were you hanging out with her brother’s friends?” He struggled to explain the situation without bringing up mind flayers and aliens from another dimension. “I was...babysitting.” “Babysitting?” Y/N’s eyebrow dropped skeptically. “Steve Harrington, King of Highschool, Babysitter?” Steve shrugged, “Yeah, I mean, their families pay well.”
Y/N scoffed. Biting her lip in frustration. The lips that he wanted so badly to touch. “I can’t believe this. You know, I never lied Steve. In all our years of knowing each other, I never lied to you.”
She began to walk away and he knew this time he had to reassure her. “You want the truth?” He began to follow her back up the driveway. “You want the truth Y/N?” “YES!” She screamed, hair whipping. 
“The truth is, I’m fucking in love with you Y/N!” Steve confessed, nearly out of breath, “In every possible way and it kills me to see you with Hargrove at lunch. It kills me to see you shut me out. It kills me to ignore you and lie to you about the true circumstances of my life because I don’t even really know what the hell is going on!” 
His breathing increased, continuing, “The only thing I’ve ever been sure about is how I feel about you and now…” Steve ran his hands through his hair, trailing off. 
Y/N stood there, her mouth wide open at the revelation. Shock running through her system. 
“You’re the only constant in my fucked up life,” Steve whispered, hands on his hips. “I just--I can’t lose you too. Please.” 
He raised his eyes to meet her gaze, the girl he loved inching further and further away from him. 
“Go home Steve” Y/N whispered, rubbing her arm nervously. 
“Y/N please--” “Just...Go” Y/N breathed, a tear gathering in her eye, “Please.”
All Steve did was stand there, watching as his best friend retreated back inside her house. He could deal with losing Nancy. But Y/N? He didn’t know how to come back from that. 
He thought about knocking once again. About telling her of Hargrove’s homicidal tendencies. 
Instead, he simply stuffed his hands in his pockets and wandered down the street, with nothing but the sweet memories of their friendship to keep him warm in the chilly December weather.
Oof. That hurted. Please like and reblog and feel free to send in requests!
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