#like i know Mike would be on here defending wills case
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Mike is a Will stan and Will is a Mike stan. If you stand up to defend either of them, by association you’re defending both of them. That’s just how it works
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notsohehehahanow · 2 months
I know the mike initiating a kiss or making the first move is a popular thing among bylers but i dont think that would be/should be the case AND HERES WHY 🤓☝ *mcyter with lists voice* (i get sidetracked so bear with me)
For starters; we've come to a conclusion that mike has internalized homophobia and there's plenty of evidence to back this up, he wants to be "normal" and in the 80s being gay was abnormal, this is a commonly known thing that's mentioned a lot amongst bylers and its precisely the reason i dont think mike would be the one to make the first move
Mike does everything in his power to be a normal person which is why i think he was willing to lie to el so easily in season 3
This is where i get sidetracked but really its just backup analyzing for this
Before gay marriage was legal, lavender marriages were everywhere or at least a fairly common thing, in case you dont know lavender marriages are marriages that were used to cover the sexuality of one or both of the people getting married, which i think ties in with mike and els dynamic (will get to that later)
Mike uses el as a cover or a way to be normal, its what he grew up around and its what he saw on tv gay relationships just werent considered normal
In season 3 mike lies to el so he can continue to see her, to continue to have a cover or something that convinces him hes "normal", and all they really did was make-out because "thats what couples do"
You have the season 3 rain fight which ive seen multiple people mention that mike was blatantly reflecting but ive never seen anyone explain it more - will says something about mike and el (seemingly) constantly kissing, referring to el as "a stupid girl" and while mike did defend el, he couldve just left it at "els not stupid", "its not my fault you dont like girls" did not need to be there. He felt like will was seeing through the amount of effort he had been putting into normal and panicked, saying something he didnt mean and we can visibly see he didnt mean it
In season 4 theres the rollerrink fight, another instance where mike says something he didnt mean or like to say - will complains about mike not sending him letters whereas el has "a whole book of them", mike tells him "thats because shes my girlfriend" to which will asks "and us?" Which mike once again saw as will seeing through mike and he panicked, feeling the need to clarify that theyre just friends and wont be more, wills follow up shows hes more upset mike doesnt treat him like theyre best friends than the idea of them dating, wills already accepted the idea that mike doesnt like him the way he likes mike
The letters isnt because mike didnt want to talk to will, he most definitely tried (sitting by the phone and whining about joyce being on the phone all the time making it busy) but its because EVERYONE in hawkins knows who will is and theyll hear about it him growing up, hes the boy who was dead for a week and came back literally all over the newspapers as "zombie boy"
Mike would not be able to get away with being seen as "normal" while writing and receiving letters from another boy, especially if someone found out because for all he knows they could be the wrong person and suddenly all the work he puts into being "normal" has been washed away
With all that said; mike and will both have internalized homophobia on different ends, will knows and accepts it knowing he cant change it but he also hates it, and mike knows but denies it - i dont think mike would be the one to make the first move, i think it would be will
Idk thats it thats all i got
Will byers making the first move 🙏🙏
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tthael · 4 years
If you're still doing the DVD commentary thing, I'm curious about your thought process behind the whole discussion they have in the car at the end of chapter 11, when Richie asks Eddie why he thinks It targeted them specifically.
Oh boy, this answer’s a bit depressing.
See, I’ve gotten a lot of responses talking about how much they love Went and Maggie in Indelicate. And while they are fun--and a lot of their dynamic is influenced by my own parents and grandparents, and I decided to write their behavior as sort of blueprints for Richie and his behavior towards Eddie--Richie is more upset than he lets on about their conversation about Henry Bowers and his childhood.
So in Chapter 10, I have Richie sort of pick a fight with his parents. Eddie gives him an opening, and Richie immediately seizes onto the topic of Henry Bowers and his childhood bullying, because he wants to confront his parents. About their choice to live in Derry? Maybe. About their failure to respond appropriately to some very violent childhood bullying? Definitely. Richie brings up the incident from the book where Bowers wipes out in front of their class and Richie automatically and without thinking goes, “Hey, Bananaheels!” and Bowers chases Richie all the way through Freese’s department store with his cronies, intending to beat him. Because movie!Richie wears the Freese’s shirt, I decided to keep that incident.
And Went’s immediate response to Richie’s story of “Remember when I was in great fear of physical violence and very real fear for my safety?” is to ask, “Well, what did you do to make him angry?”
I don’t know if you’ve read Things That Happen After Beverly Leaves, but in that fic I have Bev and Richie have a conversation about Tom Rogan and a specific incident of violence that happens during the fic, during which Bev asserts that it was her fault that he went after her because she was antagonizing him. And Richie’s response is something to the effect of, “Oh, really? Does everyone have that threshold? What do you have to say to me before I decide to beat you, then?” Because it’s bullshit and victim blaming, and everyone has a choice of whether or not to commit violence, especially in positions of power. (Even when the violence is committed in self-defense, there’s always the choice to--not defend yourself, and to accept those consequences. In this instance, I’m not describing “violence” as an umbrella “this is always bad” sort of thing; but I do think that it’s always bad when enacted on someone else for the purpose of harming them, especially from a position of power to someone weaker.)
Like many readers of IT by Stephen King, I was horrified by the blasé approach that most of the adults have to the childhood bullying portrayed in the book. I know that King experienced bullying as a child--probably part of why he writes it so elaborately and brutally; and I know that one of It’s influences is that It exaggerates the negative and harmful tendencies of all of Derry’s residents, including bullies like Henry Bowers (even before It interferes with him directly), Alvin Marsh and Sonia Kaspbrak (whose “protective” and abusive natures become exaggerated and inhuman), and adults who turn blind eyes to the violence happening in front of them (the older couple who saw Bowers cutting Ben and drove on, bystanders who saw Alvin Marsh chasing Bev through the street and did nothing, a shopkeeper who tried to intervene in an act of bullying and allowed Bowers and his gang to run him off instead of rescuing the Loser in question, though I’m afraid I don’t remember the specifics).
In this case, I decided that the Toziers didn’t respond appropriately to defend their son. You can decide whether that was because of Derry and It or because of their parenting style. But in this case I decided to have Wentworth demand that Richie take responsibility for his victimization. And Richie gives a sort of Stepford smile when he admits to provoking Bowers; and Wentworth’s response is “You’re very smart, but you kept being stupid and getting into fights.”
If you read the Bananaheels scene from IT, we see that Richie has literally no brain-to-mouth filter. The very second the words are out of his mouth, he wants to kick himself, but he knows Bowers will do it for him. I also write Richie as having untreated ADHD, especially as a child, and his failure to consider cause and effect here is influenced by my own brother. He literally could not consider the consequences of his temper tantrums when he was a child, because there was no reflection or consideration of cause and effect for him. Many child psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists attested to this. Because this is a real person and someone I have great affection for, I’m not interested in breaking down whether that’s an element of being a child (it was not in my experience) or an element of having untreated ADHD (again, it was not in my experience, as I suffered crippling overthink and decision paralysis at the other end of the spectrum). But I did decide to let that influence Richie.
Eddie is very uncomfortable with Richie’s parents’ lack of sympathy, especially because he shared the experience with Richie; but he’s also uncomfortable with parents in general and very aware that he’s in the Toziers’ space and doesn’t feel he has standing towards them. Richie gets more defensive, Stepford smiling, and recounts other stories of Bowers’ gang harassing the Losers, getting crueler and more flippant both with himself and with his friends (he casually insults Ben), and culminates in the story of Bowers cutting Ben for the crime of not allowing him to cheat off him in school, something that Richie is sure the Toziers cannot claim was the wrong thing to do, the way they suggested that Richie’s actions were the wrong thing to do.
Only then does Wentworth remember that the childhood bully Richie mentioned was actually arrested and imprisoned for fratricide. This is something that even the fog of Derry’s memory loss didn’t take away from him completely, and Richie discussing it brings it back up. And Richie gleefully confirms that yes, that is the Henry Bowers he meant, and actually he tried to lynch Mike and successfully stabbed Eddie in the face, two actions that the Toziers cannot dismiss as provoked. Then the Toziers get distracted by dentistry and Richie coldly and excellently lies to his parents’ faces not just about Bowers’ whereabouts but about the fact that he killed them.
So Richie’s topic of conversation when he and Eddie leave is “Why do you think It went after us?” because he’s still trying to deal with the victim blaming his father expressed and what he actually means is “What do you think I did that made this happen to me?” Then Richie talks about his parents’ choice not to have any children after him, and makes a joke that’s actually completely serious about being such an annoying child that his parents decided they didn’t want any more, even at the potential of his mother’s longed-for daughter, because (in Richie’s mind) the risk of a second Richie was too great. And Richie jokes about his own death, and admits to Eddie that he was very lonely, because Richie is still very lonely right now.
And Eddie says that he’s not lonely and he never felt lonely, and Richie hears “I wasn’t lonely because I had you,” and that’s what he really needs to hear right then. It’s not a love confession (a love confession would be too good to be true), but Richie thinks it’s as good as he’s going to get, so he eats it up.
Even Eddie’s thoughts are about victim blaming, which comes down to an argument that I read on tumblr some years ago: that “she shouldn’t have dressed like that, she shouldn’t have gone off by herself” means “rape the other girl, the one who did all the wrong things,” the one that means violence as punishment. Eddie thinks that victim blaming in this case means that It should have killed and eaten the other kid, which is of course wrong, because It had to be stopped for its monstrosity, not because it was an ineffective deterrent or punishment.
So Eddie pushes Richie in the other direction--he says that what made a difference was not that the Losers ran around without supervision, but that they loved each other enough to risk their lives trying to save each other. Even Richie, in his magnanimous cruelty after speechifying and leaving Bill on the hook, chose to kill the fucking clown rather than abandon Bill, rather than leave It to eat the other kid. And when Richie says “Good for us,” about the Losers being willing to die for each other, he gets grim because Eddie is still like that, trying to die for him; and Richie can forgive himself for trying to die to save the others, but he doesn’t know if he can forgive Eddie for actually dying to save him yet.
That was a long one, but I’m planning on digging back into Maggie and Went in Indelicate again and it’s good practice for me to analyze the choices I made months ago. So thank you for asking! And for reading, of course.
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smallblip · 4 years
I see rivers 
Levihan | this one’s pretty PG
They say time is a flowing river, but past the flood and the white waters, Levi knows her as Hanji first. And she hears it in the way he says her name- the words that remain unspoken-
I am yours, I am yours, I am yours.
It’s on Ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27724813
 Levi knows her as Hanji first. And he hears the things they say about her. She has talent and an intellect that will save mankind. But before she’s promoted to squad leader, she’s Hanji when she first introduces herself to him, eyes bright, grinning like a madman. 
 She’s in the bath when she notices his apprehension. Levi favours stability, but the survey corps runs like a flowing river. The only constant is movement. 
 “You don’t have to call me squad leader...” she says, fingers breaking the surface of the water and watching ripples form by her wriggling toes. “I’m still your Hanji.” She says, so quiet Levi mistakes it for running water. He combs his fingers through her wet hair, untangling the knots. He tries not to dwell on the semantics.
 And like clockwork, she closes her eyes and slides down the tub. The water laps around her face, tickling her cheeks, she giggles.
 There’s someone at the door for her. Something needs attending to. But she’s Hanji first, and the sound of water drowns out the knocking.
  Hanji knows him as Levi first, he introduces himself with the mononym and she’s in awe when she watches him fight. It has taken her years of training to get where she is, but Levi is fueled by pure instinct. Even so, she gets to know him, sometimes she knows him better than she knows herself. 
 Hanji soothes over the sharp edges of his words and presents them how he intends. She wants the world to see him as she does. Wants them to know the depths of his heart. But when he’s alone with her, he smiles easier, laughs at the silly things she says. And Hanji's happy keeping those moments of sublimity to herself. She’s happy knowing his soul comes alive at her touch- a spectacle for her alone to witness.
 Hanji knows he’s tired. She sees how the others rely on him to make the kill. Fear does things to people, and many choose to take refuge where Levi casts a shadow. Levi's face gives nothing away when Erwin promotes him to Captain. 
 Hanji only uses the name once in jest, when he’s making a face at the fawning. But later in her room, he’s just Levi. He’s Levi as he leans his head against her shoulder and falls into a deep slumber for the first time in a long while. 
  And the river rages on, coursing with a vengeance. It takes Nanaba with it, then Mike, then the entirety of Levi’s squad. 
 Those who survive sink to the bottom of the river bed like rocks, they wash against each other in an abrasive dance.
 But when Hanji finds him in the forest relief washes over her. Later she bandages his leg and tells him stories of Nanaba and Mike when they were recruits. And she tells him how much Petra adores him, how much Oluo looks up to him, how she overhears Gunther telling the younger recruits stories about him, how Eld had defended his name against the Military Police that one drunken night in the bar. With her fingers carding through his hair, she absolves him of his guilt. 
 “I’m happy you’re alive Levi...” she says, with enough force to silence a river. 
  Humanity’s strongest bears a weight on his shoulders. And he’s been living up to expectations with mechanical precision. But even then, Captain Levi bleeds red.
 “I’m sorry...” 
 “I’m not.” Hanji says, resolute. There’s a smile on her face that tells him she knows, and that he doesn't need to say anything else. “You gave your best Levi.” 
 “I couldn’t...” 
 Couldn’t protect your squad. Couldn’t stop them from getting killed.
 He’s not made of metal and forged in fire. He’s Levi now, so vulnerable it makes her ache. Hanji tells him his name over and over and wills him into being. She tells him his body is made of dying stars, an intentional weave of chemicals and stardust. 
 And that she is happy he is alive.
 That a star gave its life so he can be here; so they can be here. Safe in each other’s arms. And if even the stars are acquainted with temporality, maybe it is that which makes life so beautiful. 
 She doesn’t tell him that she dreams of Nifa, of Keiji, of the others. Because he’s there rubbing circles into her back when she jolts awake at night. 
  She’s here with Levi now, and her fear fades into the shadows. Her fingers extend like vines, pulling him close, the sheets feel like the earth beneath her skin. And she feels, in her arms, the warmth of the sun, a star, the brightest of them all.
  Levi finds her in the eye of the storm that has manifested around her. Upturned tables, broken chairs, and Hanji in the middle of it, fists clenched, breathing ragged. 
  "Goddam mess." He says as he sets the tables upright and piles up the broken chairs to be used as firewood. She helps when she realises he’s in the room. 
 He holds her hand and guides her away when they’re done and he draws a bath. She undresses with the compliance of a wounded animal cornered into submission. But she’s surprised when Levi joins her. It displaces some water and it splashes onto the floor. She sits, back against him, and pulls her knees to her chest. He works wordlessly on her hair, fingers massaging into her scalp, the bath water licking at the blood against their skin in an attempt at purification. It’s not their blood. Not a titan’s either. It makes Hanji feel filthy in a way she’s never felt before. 
 She closes her eyes and lowers herself against him. He makes way. Before she opens her eyes again, she feels the warm press of lips against her forehead. But when she opens her eyes, Levi is already reaching for the soap. There’s a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and she’s turning to face him, hands reaching to run soap in his hair. 
 “Your turn.” 
  They learn to smile and laugh again. These are the little moments that remind them that they are breathing. The new recruits are grown now, hurried along by a world turned on its head. It seems ridiculous to deny them some alcohol. So they drink, to anything they can think of drinking to. 
 To the dead, to the living,  To vengeance, to love, and loving.
 Hanji is laughing at something Connie said from across the room, and Levi doesn’t ever want to see her otherwise. But they are soldiers on the frontline of a world gone to shits, so he commits her laughter to memory instead. For now, they’re tucked in the corner of the mess, holding hands under the table out of habit, where no one can see.
 She only lets go of his hand when she spots Jean and Eren fighting. 
 “It’s your turn with the kids, Levi!”
  Between stolen touches when everyone is sleeping, the brush of fingertips when they are back to back in the battlefield , and the little glances when they pass in the hallways, between death upon death upon decay, Hanji becomes the new commander. 
 Later in the night Hanji lets him tend to her eye. She catches the look on his face.
 “It’s gross huh...” she knows, from how much it’s hurting. A reminder of what she has lost to get where she is. The people she’s lost to get where she is.
 “No more than you usually are.” He says and she’s chuckling. 
 “I guess you can’t call me four eyes anymore...”
 “Didn’t think it would be appropriate now that you’re Commander.” He says, and there’s hurt on her face. He remembers that this is his doing. He thinks about Erwin in his last moments and wonders if someone will make the same decision for them- to let the river take them. If that had been the right decision to make in the first place. 
 “Please...” she says like a whisper, “not you...” 
 Levi murmurs an apology. He pulls the sheets over them, her head on his chest, wet hair splayed on fevered skin. 
 “I’m still your Hanji.” She says, more for herself than anyone, and it breaks the silence like a storm. Terrible things have always happened in bad weather. But even when it’s thundering outside and the windows are far too worn to keep the wind out, Levi can’t deny that he has always loved the rain.
 He remembers hearing the explosion, and him asking for her. He remembers Erwin telling him to focus on the mission. But the thing about living on the margins of heaven and hell- how easily the mind conjures up images of death. He remembers then, the relief washing over him when he sees her on the roof. He says her name like an affliction.
 He kisses her forehead as she’s falling asleep to thunder rolling in the distance. 
“I’m happy you’re alive Hanji...”
  Another year has passed. Hanji tells him the names of the flowers in Spring and they ride out to see the sea for the first time.
 Levi tells her to be careful. He grabs her cloak in case she falls, and later he laces their fingers together. In case she falls, he tells himself.
 They settle to the bottom of the riverbed- smooth and polished from the years that have gone, anticipating when the current will take them again. 
 By the candlelight, Levi looks younger, spared the fatigue of fighting. And Hanji is getting better at catching the moments when the guilt seeps back into his system. She holds him closer then.
 And in the moments when Hanji lets responsibility take on a form that’s almost metaphorical- the meaning itself to a life that’s cruel and brutish- Levi holds her closer. He traces over the keloids on her skin. He removes the patch on her eye and brushes his thumb over the scar, a white line of taut skin, like a silk cocoon. 
 Levi knows this is stolen time, that they’re ever at the mercy of the river. But nights like these he wants to search for calmer waters, to set foot on land again and watch the water from the banks. He thinks of Hanji with him, body moulded perfectly against his like they are now. They watch the glimmer of the river flowing out to sea.
 “When the time comes... Promise me you’ll let me go.” She says. Their foreheads are pressed together and Levi breathes her in, he takes in every word, how acrid they taste. He thinks about all the moments he nearly lost her. The world has taken everything from him. He begs an unnamed god every time they ride beyond the walls-
 Not Hanji, not Hanji please.
 It makes his stomach sink. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t protest because he knows, even though together they are whole, she’s Hanji first. 
 “You gotta dedicate your heart Levi...” she teases, placing a fist on his chest. She knows the whole Commander shtick doesn’t suit her. But she’s laughing and suddenly she’s young again, airy and playful. And Levi thinks there’s beauty even when they’re so far from the safety of shore. There’s beauty in the white rush of water and the capriciousness of the weather. 
 "Tch... Four Eyes..." Levi rolls his eyes and Hanji doesn’t point out that he’s smiling.  
 He presses a kiss on Hanji’s lips, no different from their other less urgent kisses- soft and gentle and the accompanying warmth blossoming in the sanctuary of ribs.
 But despite words unspoken, Levi knows he has already dedicated his heart. 
He is Levi first. A boy who only has a name to call his own. He is Levi who swears an oath and keeps it till his dying breath. 
 But there moments of being that are infinitely more beautiful. Moments that beckon to him with the defiance of home in a world with all the permanence of a flowing river. The moments that have his heart.
 He is Levi when she calls his name in the thick of battle, and in the forgiving lull of the night. And he is Levi when she presses her palms over his chest and smiles when she feels the steady pulse of blood through his veins. 
  It beats with a defiance against the rapids, a steady thrum that calls out to her. Hanji's eyes flutter open at the touch of his hand against her cheek, the beginnings of a smile on her face. And everything left unsaid settles like dust around them. But she hears it when his hands snake around her in the bath, the water warm and inviting. In the way he presses kisses along her spine. She hears it loudest when he says her name-
 I am yours, I am yours, I am yours.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Sibling Duty (Platonic)
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Daisy Johnson x female reader imagine where Reader was on the team before Daisy showed up and the two instantly felt a connection upon meeting, so in season 2 when Ward takes Skye to see her father, Cal tells her about her older sister and shows her a picture of Reader?
TW - Mentions of abuse and rape
Skye could not speak. She only looked at her father, at the news he told her. She was expecting anything but that. This had then led to the room being silent. Cal looked between the two of you with slight hurt in his eyes; that hurt then gave way to rage.
“Oh, you didn’t know.” He said, bitterly.
You had jointed SHIELD as soon as you could. You wanted nothing more than to do some good in this world. So, that was had led you to doing what you had to make it through to being an actual agent.
A shaky upbringing at numerous homes never really taught you how to live. Never taught you how to have connections with people. To you, those connections would just cease to exist soon, anyway. So, if that was the way it was always going to go, why bother trying to carve them in the first place?
Phil Coulson had been someone that had you on his mind when he was told to create a team that could be sent around the world where needed for SHIELD.
So, after getting himself a pair of science best friends who stuck together through thick and thin. He then sighted you out. However, you were not with anyone in the cafeteria; in fact, you weren’t anywhere that held anyone else.
It was odd, as this was normally were, he could find anyone he needed to find for any reason.
Finally, he looked up your living place. Once he did, he went to find it.
It was quiet; but once he knocked, he heard shuffling. He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering just why it had been so quiet inside the room.
You opened the door, revealing to the man a version of you that was slightly tired. You immediately tried to sober up when you saw who it was, however.
“Agent Coulson, sir. What brings you here?” You asked, trying to put on a friendly voice. Your slight shift you are in your eyes from side to side, however, showed you nervousness at doing this wrong.
“Y/N, I’m here to talk to you about a team I’m putting together.” You cocked your head to the side as you fully took his words.
He was putting a team together….and he wanted…you?
“Can I ask why me, sir?” you asked, “Not that I’m not grateful,” You said as you caught yourself, “Just….I’m not exactly the best when it comes to teams….or friends…or –”
“Yeah, I did hear about the fight in the cafeteria last week. Despite it being a fight, I do have to commend you on sticking up for the guy.” He complimented you. You shrugged, trying to play it off that it is nothing and that the compliment wasn’t necessary.
He just watched you closer. He had only read what was available of your past; they found you on the streets. More importantly, he had. So, he had always watched over you in any way he could.
“Yeah, well, guys were being assholes. SHIELD let those guys in, so I stood up for what SHIELD is; for anyone that wants to try and to right be a world that does nothing but wrong them.” He narrowed his eyes a little at your pessimism.
He knew that your past would have jaded you. In a way, it was kind of refreshing to have someone speak their mind and not flash the normal happy-go-lucky. This would not be a happy life once it got going.
But he then saw the thing you were not doing. The part you were not saying. He finally got the reason you shrugged the compliment off.
“You did good, standing up for them.” He said again, to make sure.
“Kid needed someone. Didn’t want him to end up like me.” You sighed, awkwardly looking away as you said those words.
“You know caring isn’t a sin, right?”  You only scoffed at his words. It did hurt a little that it was your reaction, but he only waited for your next words.
“Is that what this is really about? Because you care?” Ok, that one hurt. But he styled it through.
“Part,” He admitted, “But, you’re a good agent, Y/N. I could use your skills.” He said, trying to get you on board. He meant both parts, but he could tell the second would probably speak to you more.
“Ok.” You said.
 You were going to live on a plane; granted, not the worse place you had lived in, but could’ve been worse. Still, you boarded.
“Wanted to get you here first, get you settled in and get you ready for the new arrivals.” Coulson said, you thought about his words before you only nodded.  
Your room was in the middle, you looked at Coulson; the man looked back at you with a teasing smile, but a look that held faux innocence to it.
You knew what he was doing, and you only rolled your eyes at his antics.
You looked up to the man (don’t tell him) but, you were always wondering how could have these moments that rendered him to a child.
 You met Ward, he seemed to hate talking to people as much as you did, so it was good fit. Fitzsimmons, however, were a different beast altogether.
It was not the best talk, but they seemed to accommodate for your apparent shyness and introduced themselves before letting you go on your way.
 Soon after, you were brought into the briefing room. A room that held a girl you had never seen before. Fuck, new people.
“Y/N, this is Skye. She’s helping us track down Mr Peterson –” He started to introduce, when Skye spoke up.
“Mike.” She argued, firmly. You looked between the two, seemed she knew him well. However, like always, seemed that it had gotten them into trouble.
Still, you couldn’t help but draw parallels between yourself and the girl. Granted, your move was in a cafeteria defending a genuinely hideous even that happened within SHIELD. She seemed to be helping a powered person who had caused damage.
Still, the parallel was there, whether or not you liked it or not.
 The mission had gone alright, the team had somewhat come together in its own way. You were with Ward, ready to take a different shot through your own sniper just in case.
Well, for once, the tale had a happy ending, he was alive and was going to go back with his child at some point. You couldn’t help but feel some genuine happiness for the man.
“You said it was five, not including me. Now there’s six, not including me?” You asked Coulson as you sat with him in his office. He was the one who told you that Skye was joining the team as support as a hacker.
“I get that, Y/N. But, she’s useful.”
“And I understand that, sir. It’s just….” You drifted, not sure how to word it.
“Just what, Y/N?” Coulson was patient with you; you had noticed that whenever he spoke to you. But, in this moment, you were thankful for it.
“Just expected five was all sir.” Your voice was quieter now. You both knew there was more to it than that, but that was all you were willing to talk about.
Coulson, for now, decided to go with it,” I understand that, Y/N. But, she’s new to all this. I’m not making you her SO, that’s Ward. But…if she needs help, can you help her, please?” He asked, voice going into commander mode. But you still heard the softness of it.
“Just help her with the ropes?” He nodded at your question, “Ok, I can try and do that.”
Coulson smiled, that was all he wanted.
Fitzsimmons were odd, to you anyway. No, it wasn’t because they were scientists, not because they spoke over each other (well, kind of). No, what you didn’t get was how close they were. Now, it wasn’t because they weren’t “together” in that way (you always rolled your eyes at that bullshit, anyway).
To you, it was just the way they seemed to never waver in their trust and loyalty to the other. The way they trusted each other with everything they had. The way they worked in sync.
You just…you didn’t get it.
“They should totally be dating, right?” Skye asked as she saw you staring. As of now, Ward had kind of gotten into the role as the SO quite quickly. But she rarely needed to come to you for help; so, as of this moment, you had been keeping your distance.
Ward, respecting your feelings towards interaction, spoke up for you, “Skye, leave her –”
“No, it’s not that,” That got both of their attention as you spoke to her for the first time out of her asking a question about SHIELD or the ropes. So far, it had been professional answers form yourself. Now, she may have been getting somewhere. Ward rolled his eyes at the sight of her crossed fingers behind her back, “Just, I’ve never seen it before.”
“People be close before?” Skye asked, uncrossing her fingers and walking towards you. She did not know why, but she felt a pull to get to know you better. She knew it was platonic, just like her bond with everyone other than Ward. Ward was…different.
Either, she felt compelled to know what you were getting at. She had done a tiny bit of snooping, only to find some details about that had not been redacted. And, she had found you had been found on the streets to, just like her.
So, that was what made her want to get to know you, for now; to have someone who may have had similar experience to her would help the adaptation to all this.
“Normally never ends well when they are.” Ward looked at you with a bit of pity, or apologetic eyes at not having stopped her. But Skye looked at you with wide eyes.
“I mean, I’d agree. But, every so often, you get lucky.” She seemed to want to push the conversation, to continue talking with you and seeing your view on things. But you let out a sigh and started walking away.
“Trust me kid, I doubt those people you saw were together for much longer.” She hated being called kid.
“Experience of SHIELD?” She said, trying to sound light-hearted; but the worry came through that she may have gone too far this time and accidentally pushed you away.
As you rose up the stairs, you leant against the railing at the top, looking down at her as you answered with an unusual sight on your face, “That and life.” You said, vaguely.
“Why the kid, though?” She had to ask. The sight on your face grew.
“You’re the youngest.”
“And you’re the oldest?” She guessed.
“Would’ve been youngest if it was the normal crew. But now you get that name.” As you said that, you gave a mock salute and walked away.
Skye wasn’t really hurt by the first part of your words; as, in this moment, she knew you meant them in a playful manner. She did, however, turn to Ward with a confused look on her face,” Isn’t that, like, the first time we’ve seen her smile?”
Ward couldn’t help but nod. There were hints of smiles from time to time at certain jokes or just in general. But this was the first actual, fully fledged smile on your face.
“I think it might just be.” He said, before he then turned serious again, “Ok, back to it.” Skye only groaned as she obliged him.
 Then came the party. Skye had managed to grab a party invite. However, during the briefing on it, Skye met your eyes and gestured to her phone; “Want one?” she silently asked you.
You closed your eyes, knowing that this would probably not end well. But you still nodded anyway. She gave you a smile at your answer and began typing away again.
When you looked back, you saw Coulson looked between you both; it wasn’t with a disappointed look; if anything, he looked kind of proud that you were starting to get along.
 “Hey,” Skye greeted as she stood by your bunk door. You looked up, seeing her holding two dresses up. You had picked yours already, a dark blue one. She held a red one and a pink one, “Can you help me, please?”
You nodded, and she entered your bunk. She took the time to look around your bunk; her’s held some items that held value to herself; yours held nothing bar the things you needed.
“Pink or red?” You asked, already knowing the question she was going to ask. She nodded as she held the dresses up again; you took your time to look from one to the other. It was a moment before you looked at her with your answer, “Pink will be good for this op.” You said, she gave you a small smile as she lowered the dresses.
“Thank you.” She said, before looking at your chosen outfit, “I like that dress.” She said, gesturing to it as if you wouldn’t know.
“Oh, thanks. Got one when I was younger from one of my foster mums.” You told her, before you caught yourself.
“What happened to it?” You knew she wanted to ask what had happened to the mother; and that she was just covering it with this question.
You closed your eyes as you tensed at giving the answer, “She – She, uh, she died. The dad wasn’t good, like at all. But she tried.” You gulped for a moment, having never told anyone that story before.
“I’m so sorry that that happened to you.” She said, having gone through something similar herself in the countless homes she had been moved to.
“Yeah well, helped me not get my hopes up for any of that bullshit. So, you know.”
 “Oh, look at you both, you look amazing!” Jemma said in her chirpy tone. She seemed to never have a down moment or bad bone in her body. Fitz nodded along with his friend.
“You both look great, I’m glad you went with the pink Skye, I knew –”
“Y/N would pick it for you. Oh, it looks so good.” She cheered after finishing Fitz’s sentence and pulling out her phone, “Photo?” She asked, looking at you with wide, nervous, and innocent eyes.
You looked to Skye, who was just waiting for your answer. What was odd to you, however, was that she didn’t seem to mind whatever it was. She seemed to accept it and be willing to go with it.
“Uh, sure.” You said, a little hesitantly as Skye moved to stand next to you. She seemed to know that physical contact would be a no go; she understood that and respected the boundaries. She saw, however, in your eyes, that you did appreciate it. She just gave you a small smile that grew as you let one out for the camera.
 The party was filled with a lot of older people. Despite being the younger one, Skye seemed to be better at handling the situation. She grabbed a glass for herself and then one for you as well, “Help with your nerves. Definitely going to help with mine.” She said, bluntly but honestly, as she drank from hers.
You, however, just downed your own drink in one. Judging by your face, you regretted it.
Skye’s eyes widened as she watched you do said action; however, she then let out a laugh at your face. You, however, smiled at the laugh and let one out of your own.
“Stop it.” You said, blushing a little; her laugh grew at your slight embarrassment.
“Sorry.” She said as she tried to catch her breath, “Sorry,” She said more genuinely, “Just, your face.” She said as she fully calmed herself down and you both got back to work.
You had fully entered the party now and had been confronted by a man who spoke a language you only part of. Skye quickly passed the interpreters apology off and introduced you both, “I’m Skye, and this is my sister, Y/N.” She said, using that as your cover.
You just let her talk for you both as you looked for your target, Ian Quinn. You found him, but Skye was the one to report it back, talking about eagles and nests.
“What are you doing?” Simmons asked and you gave Skye a look.
“We might be a spy organisation, but we lost those terms a while ago.” You told her with a smile, she laugher as she nodded.
“Alright, I’ll go talk to him. You good here?” She asked, putting a hand on your arm.
“I’ll be fine. You just watch yourself, alright? Remember what Ward taught you?” You said, sounding like you meant those words. Skye had thrown you into the same category of May; someone who might not have shown it, but you both cared.
“Of course.” She told you, softly.
 She nearly, wasn’t. She was soaked when she met up with you, but she was alive. That was the main thing that mattered.
“Are you ok?” You asked her, concern being the dominant emotion. You had just met up with her and put a hand on her arm as Ward opened the door to the vehicle.
“Yeah, fine.” She answered, giving you an assuring smile.
 There was one time, however, where she wasn’t ok. In fact, neither of you were.
 You had followed her to get Quinn, arguing that going in alone would’ve been suicide. So, you kept watch on for her as you both moved through the house.
“Ready?” She now asked you, you nodded as you both entered the room. You saw Mike in the pod. You both froze as you both uttered his name in sync.
In sync, you were both jumped; Skye being pinned against the pod, while you got a pistol pointed at your chin.
“Easy, girls. Easy.” Quinn said as he put on the idea that he didn’t want to hurt you both. You saw through it; you were just waiting for a moment to stop him.
He looked at you as he passed you, talking about how sloppy you both were. He then got Mike up and gave him a leg to stand on. Asking the man if he would either hurt you or him, Mike denied that. Calming that it wasn’t his orders.
As the guard aiming at you started to drag you away, Skye followed; she called after both you and Mike. However, a shot went off as she asked what was going to happen to you both.
That shot awoke something in you. You through your head back, connecting with the guard as you then snapped his neck. As you went for Quinn, you were stopped.
By another shot going off. Skye managed to turn to you as she finally had allowed herself to realise, she had been shot. She saw you, shock on your face as you touched your fresh wound. Quinn let you drop to the floor, but he caught Skye and fired another shot.
“I have my orders too.” Where the only words you heard as he came over and knelt down next to you, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But you just couldn’t leave your friend behind, could you?” He asked, before sighing, hitting you in the head; and leaving.
“Y/N…?” Skye asked, painfully as she managed to turn herself. She saw you were motionless, “Y/N?” She croaked out. Pain was hitting her like a truck, but also determination and fear. She was the only one awake, so she had to make this count.
She didn’t want you to die. But she also didn’t want her friend to die too because of her mistake.
 Fitz found Jemma trying to find something. He didn’t know what, he didn’t care what. He just knew that Jemma was trying to keep it together. He knew what she needed in that moment, comfort.
He pulled her into a hug, letting her finally cry and let it all out. They had got Skye into a pod, but you were pulled back to base and she was able to stop your bleeding. You were pale, but you would make it. You had lost less blood then Skye and were semi-conscious.
“We almost lost them, Fitz.” She confessed to her best friend. Fitz nodded, stroking her hair to try and provide some comfort.
“But, we haven’t.” He said, voice quivering as he knew those words weren’t entirely right.
“Right, you’re right. We need to stay positive.” She said, sniffling and wiping her tears away as she tried to compose herself.
You were both alive, that was what mattered in this moment.
When you heard the news that Skye wouldn’t make it, you were out the room. Granted, May had left to find you and to help you get to the room, but the idea was there. Plus, May didn’t stop you, she let you get to the room easier and then unlocked it for you.
She knew the two of you needed this moment of kicking someone’s ass for hurting Skye. So, she let you go to town as she tried to stall Coulson. She failed but understood your pain and rage. Ok, more than he let on. He’d read more of the files after you had joined the team; and found the pain you carried. It was more than multiple families; it was the abuse and loss you had to go through on your own unfortunately.
You didn’t have a last name; hell, you barely had a first one. You just picked one. He respected that. But, after meeting Skye and seeing her reasons for wanting in, he saw why Skye looked up to you and wanted to befriend you so badly.
He knew she saw someone who could maybe help her through the pain she felt and was carrying with her.
Now, it seemed that she had succeeded in that. Even if the thought obviously terrified you.
 You were on a mission when you all went to get the serum to save her. You were in animal instinct mode, a protective and vengeful mode. He knew that, on any other op, you’d be in serious shit for some of the things you did. And, in some cases, maybe you did go overboard with the amount of times you shot some people or shoved your fingers in their wounds to try and find answers.
Yes, there was that one guard he didn’t let you touch; but, the others, he could look past for now. If the man wasn’t who he was, maybe he’d have gone down that path as well. The thought of that scared him.
Next came what Ward had done to you all; he was a traitor. Skye had been kidnapped by him. Even if it was for a short time, Coulson saw the fear you felt and the way you seemed to watch Fitzsimmons more on their interactions. The way they seemed so at ease around each other and leant on each other during this time.
You, unfortunately, didn’t have that right now. So, as you normally did, you kept it to yourself and tried to deal with it your own way. Mainly through putting it into anger.
You went with him to get Skye out of the BUS; you fired wildly to cover your exit and got in the car with haste and continued to fire at Mike to make sure he couldn’t get to you.
You and Coulson both grabbed her hand to pull her back in. The three of you all looked at the man who asked for money for parking with the same expression, “Really?”
 “Thanks for getting me out.” Skye told you as you both sat outside the motel you were hiding out at for the time being until you came up with a plan to strike back with. She passed you a beer as she sat next to you; you took it grateful and took a swig as you answered.
“Course,” You cleared your throat as you tried to make yourself fully get the words out; Skye just watched you with a patient look, “We’re, uh,” She put a hand on yours to show some solidarity with you; to show that you could take your time in finding the words, “We’re friends. It’s what we do.” You smiled, but it was a nervous one.
Skye felt tears sting her eyes as she fully processed the words. She had considered you a friend for a while now, but this was a big step in that dynamic. Now you had admitted it, and you couldn’t take it back.
By the look on your face, you didn’t want to take it back.
Your eyes drifted to Fitzsimmons, Skye following it. You both watched as the pair of best friends sat by the pool and played with the water a little as they spoke.
“Hell, of a day.” You said, letting out a laugh that turned into a kind of sob. You covered your mouth, but Skye heard it. In fact, the others had too.
Skye moved her chair, the thing scrapping against the floor as she sat next to you and pulled you into a hug. She didn’t move, she only held you close as you put your arms around her arm and let out more sobs.
“I’ve got you.” She told you. She told you everything apart from the second part to that phrase, that it was all going to be ok. She knew it wouldn’t.
She had only been a SHIELD agent for a day or two, tops. But that had been snatched right out form under her. This had been your life, and now it was fully gone. Burned to the ground, like all the other things that had been in your life.
She just held you, making a silent promise to make sure that this team stayed consistently in your life for as long as it could. As, she knew how easily it would be to slip back into your old habits.
But, part of her knew now you were trying; you had called them friends after all.
 For a while, you were great friends, pretty much shaping into best friends after all the HYDRA things. SHIELD was slowly fighting back and finding its footing once again.
One thing that had come of it was Simmons leaving for an assignment. You knew it was important and all; but the way she left things with Fitz had left him with more pieces to try and pick up than he knew how to deal with.
So, you found in the lab late one night and entered it, “Oh, hi Y/N.” He said to you, smiling a little. He struggled with the words, with faux Simmons helping him. She tried to encourage him to talk to you.
“It’s Y/N, Fitz. She’s our friend, remember?” She asked.
“Yes, I remember.” He snapped; to you, it was no on, but you just gave him the time he needed to adjust to your presence.
You got the others’ point that he was different. But you loved him all the same. He was your friend, to the day you died.
“Hey, Fitz.” You told him kindly, “How you are doing, buddy?” You asked.
“F-Fine. I, uh, why are you here?” He asked, not meaning to sound rude.
“Fitz!” Jemma said, admonishing him for his words.
“Sorry, sorry.” He said, turning from you to the other person he was talking too. Again, you only waited until he looked to you.
“It’s ok, Fitz. This probably isn’t my field anyway. I was gonna see if you needed anything. But you seem to have it handled.” You said as you looked over the plans.
“Anyway, I have to shoot. Just wanted to check in on you.” You said, with that, you left.
 The rest of the time had been a rush, so that moment was moment of peace. What came after that was chaos, you had been tracking carvings that Coulson had been making; with Skye and you helping where you could.
However, he then revealed to you both that you had alien blood inside of you and that you had to keep it a secret. That you both might just be aliens.
“What the fuck?” You asked, just getting tired of the odds against you both being stacked.
 That led to Ward finding you both and threatening to burry the plane unless you both followed him, “What do you want with her?” Skye asked, defensively.
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out.” Ward said, not wanting to give the secret away just yet.
“Bullshit, like I’d go anywhere with you.” You spat, aiming the gun at someone who was once your friend.
“Wait,” Skye said, lowering her gun, “I’ll go.” She offered, lowering your weapon too.
“And Y/N.” Ward said, firmly.
“Just me. You leave her out of this, Ward.” She bargained.
“Sorry, Skye. But, Y/N comes, or your little act is for nothing.” At Ward’s words, Skye looked to you. She looked at you pleadingly, but also with a promise: I won’t let anything happen to you.
At her silent promise, you found yourself nodding. Despite every other instinct screaming at you to not. You found yourself going with it; you trusted your best friend.
 That led to the man you had all been looking out for being in front of you both. Skye stood in front of you a little, trying to keep you out of his sight. However, height made that impossible.
“Look at that. The way you tilt your head, it’s just like….is it nature, or nurture?” He asked; he then looked at you, “Oh, and the way you hold yourself as well. My god, you’re almost a mirror image of her.” You didn’t know who her was, but you didn’t like where this was going.
“Trauma taught me otherwise.” You meant SHIELD. But life had really taught you to hold yourself I this cautious manner.
“Oh, my sweet girl. I’m sorry you had to go through all that alone.” Ok, now you really didn’t like it. Skye reached down to grab your shaking hand in her own. She gave it a supportive squeeze, but her eyes still filled with tears as she too realised what he was trying to say.
“I promise myself I wouldn’t get emotional. It’s just, I’ve waited so long for this moment. Let’s try again.” He said, finally composing himself and walking towards you a little, “Hi…. I’m Cal, I’m your father.”
Skye couldn’t speak. She only looked at her father, at the news he told her. She was expecting anything but that. This had then led to the room being silent. Cal looked between the two of you with slight hurt in his eyes; that hurt then gave way to rage.
“Oh, you didn’t know.” He said, bitterly.
“I – what? – How – No…” You were lost, but your family watched you with concern as you backed away.
“Sweetheart –” Your father tried to say to stop you from losing control; Skye even reached out for you, but you slapped the hand away as if it were poison.
“Don’t you fucking touch me,” It wasn’t a growl, it was soft; soft, but damaged; hurt. Skye held the hand you slapped and recoiled a little from you. Her older sister.
“Honey –” Father dearest tried to say again.
“No!” You roared, pointing a finger at him, “You left me! I had to be on my own for so fucking long! I had to be hit, sent back, abandoned, nearly raped countless times before I got someone’s fucking attention! SHIELD picked me up –”
“They stole you!” Your father countered with, before he calmed himself as he saw the state you were in, “I never wanted that for you. You were so happy when you met your sister. I’m so sorry you had that taken from you.”
“I – I can’t do this.” You said, going for the door; Skye let you go as she looked at your father to stop him from going after you.
As you left the room, Ward gave you a questioning look, “You either shoot me or let me go.” He did the latter.
 You and Skye hadn’t brought it up, but everyone noticed your distance from each other. The way you both tried to not talk about something.
That gave Fitzsimmons an idea, “I’m sorry I left.” She said, meaning the words to her friend, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t of. I know you’re different now. But…. I do care about you Fitz.” She said, hoping he believed them.
He nodded, maybe not fully believing them; but it was a start.
You just happened to be watching as this happened, you watched as they tried to move on. As they tried to heal the wound and be better than they were before.
 You loaded your weapon, ready to go and stop HYDRA in their plan. As you did, you saw your sister trying to not to look at you or be hurt by your distance that had been caused by the reveal. You knew she had been wanting a family for ages now.
You thought back to Coulson when the doctor told you all to find Skye’s family. It was a simple declaration, “We’re her family.”
They all were to her, but you were by blood. So, no point beating round the push. You couldn’t hide from it. You couldn’t hide anymore from the sisterly bond you two pretty much had before the reveal.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you cared for all these people. But Skye was the one you opened yourself up to that idea of caring for first.
“Hey.” You said as you approached. She jumped a little at your words, but eyes widened as she looked at you.
“Hey.” She parroted back to you.
You gave a her a smile, “You missed one.” Holding up the bullet she hadn’t loaded.
“Oh, thanks.” She said a little sheepishly as she loaded it into the weapon and holstered it.
The next moment you wrapped her in a hug, a tight one, “I’m sorry I pushed you away.” You said as you ran a hand through her hair as you felt her tighten the hug. You closed your eyes, savouring this moment between your sisters.
This was the moment you both truly cemented your bond and embraced it. And, it felt good, to finally let yourself admit you had some steady ground with this family. But now you had some family with you now. One you knew wouldn’t abandon you.
 That led to a confrontation with Raina, that led to Trip sadly passing as he tried to save you both. It led to you both being almost ostracized from the others and being treated as freaks as you both struggled to come to terms with this new version of yourselves.
For Skye, it was vibrations; for you, it was like darkness personified. Kind of fitting and all from a certain, morbid, point of view. You had a lot to draw off of, unfortunately.
Skye woke once, seeing you leaning against the glass wall that separated you both. She could only see your back, but she could guess you had an impassive look on your side.
She moved herself to the glass, sliding down it until she was pretty much mimicking your pose.
“How are you?” She asked, trying to distract herself from the thought of one of her other best friends turning into nothing while trying to save both of you for an idiotic move.
“Fucking tired and angry. You?” You asked, voice croaking; it had been a while since you’d slept.
“Guilty.” She confided; you listened as she talked about Trip and how she saw him whenever she closed her eyes.
“Hey,” She turned her head slightly as she listened to you, “We’re going to get through this.” You said with mostly faux optimism. But Skye liked to believe them as true.
“Thanks.” She said.
“Of course.” You brushed off her thanks and closed your eyes, heading resting against the glass. Skye rested her own head back, finding comfort in your presence opposite her.
 It led to you talking more in your isolation from your friends. To you both being moved to a hut in the wild to be hidden away as if you were a pet project gone wrong. That only led to you both learning more about your gifts as you both bonded further and further.
When SHIELD came for you, you ran together. Your ability allowed you to sense threats in the dark, you called them out as you and your sister both took them down.
However, when Bobbi called out your name, all Skye saw was a bullet coming towards you; she lifted her hands and sent the bullet back, but also everyone else.
You both ran away, with Gordan picking you both up and teleporting you both away. There, you met a woman called Jiaying who gave you both a welcoming look to this place and gave you both mentors to help control your powers.
However, during your spare time, you and your sister met up to talk about your training, she even told you about a boy she definitely did not have a crush on. His name was Lincoln, and he was welcoming to you too. While you gave him the whole older sister talk (as if you’d given it before and had been for a while), he was honest with his intensions and understood what would happen if he hurt her.
Skye watched with a teasing smile, but it softened near the end as she heard the conviction in your voice as to what you would do if he hurt her. It made her feel safe, love, protected.
Then, it all came crashing down when SHIELD attacked you and your sister and shot your mother. The rage you felt came out against one of the agents; as Daisy quaked one away, she then quaked a bullet that had been fired at you back at the guard. However, another bullet hit your leg.
“Y/N!” She yelled as she ran to you, swinging your arm over her shoulder, “Come on, Y/nn, lean into me. Don’t you dare die on me.” She begged as she felt you stumble a little, sending you both nearly to the ground.
“Wouldn’t dream on it, kiddo.” You promised as Skye pulled you into the room with your mother. She instantly sat up and helped you sit at the table.
“My daughter, what happened?” She asked as she put a hand to your cheek.
“One of the agents…I’m sorry, mum.” Daisy apologised.
Jiaying turned to her other daughter with soft eyes, “Oh, my sweet girl, you have nothing to apologise for.” She promised her as she helped you heal.
 As you both found out later, your mother had shot herself and planned for “SHIELD” to attack. So, now you were fucked; you were locked in separate cells and Jiaying was going to kill anyone who wasn’t inhuman.
You thought it was over, until your sister burst into your holding room and quaked the door open. She instantly enveloped you in a hug, “I thought I lost you.” She mumbled into your chest. You only held her tighter.
“Not yet, kiddo. Not for as long as I can help it.” You said as you kissed her hair and pulled her out of the room.
 You both faced your mother together. You both ended up getting your asses kicked by the clones, only for your friends to come in and save the day.
Then it came to the next problem, who took care of Jiaying.
“No – “You started to say.
“Y/N, I can do this.” Daisy argued.
“I said, no!” You yelled, your sisterly instinct kicking in.
“I can’t lose you, Daisy.”
“And I can’t lose you,” She grabbed your arms, “Look, I can take care of myself. You and May have taught me how to. I’ll be careful, promise.” You did not like it. But you nodded and pushed her before you changed your mind.
You trusted in your sister.
 You knocked on Daisy’s door, she opened it and smiled at you on the other side. You held up two DVDs, “Which one you want?” You asked, gesturing between them.
Skye looked between them, before you and giving her answer, “That one.” She said, pointing to her selection. With that, you entered the room and flung yourself onto the bed; Daisy laughed as she grabbed her DVD of choice and put it into her laptop. You both snuggled under the cover as she hit play.
She rested her head on your shoulder as you both watched the film, “You hear Fitz finally asked Simmons out?” She asked.
“Really?” She nodded, “Good for him.” You said.
 Everything was good. Both dynamics had been restored and shifted in a good way. For Fitzsimmons, it was coming to the realisation that they felt about each other in a different manner than they thought. For you and Daisy, it was finding a sisterly bond.
 To be honest, you would not have it any other way.
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gdwessel · 3 years
Rumors About Ospreay + Unrest In The NJPW Locker Room; Government Adds Okinawa to State Of Emergency, Another Extension Possible; Quick Review of DSOTR Collision In Korea; Shota Umino News!; Ren Narita on Dark Elevation; Satoshi Kojima In Impact Next Week
Strap in because this is going to be a long one.
There are rumors and reports coming out now (mostly from one source, the Voices of Wrestling website, from behind a Patreon paywall) that Will Ospreay's injury may not be what it seems, and there is growing discontent to the point of "mutiny" among the non-Japanese wrestlers regarding the state of emergency, the last-minute decision to resume touring when some were already travelling out of Japan, and the constant need for quarantining when coming back into Japan. Unfortunately this is as much as I can say, because this is behind a paywall, so until it gets made for public consumption I’m kinda limited in what I can say.
I can totally buy that all is not well within NJPW, especially after the COVID-19 bubble has burst. I've already discussed the creative malaise happening in the company right now. That there seems to be backstage dissent shows possible signs of trouble ahead for the promotion, and this golden period that we've been accustomed to is well and truly over. (I mean, it already was once lockdown happened, but they did the best they could, in my honest opinion, including a Pretty Good if not great WK15. Right now, creatively, we are below 2nd-half 2018 levels of poor.) But NJPW has weathered these storms before, although not with a global pandemic looming over everything. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that Ospreay is indeed injured, because a) they haven't exactly been shy about wrestlers being injured and needing to vacate titles before b) if Ospreay is legit injured, he is far more likely to receive treatment as a citizen of the UK from the (somehow still alive if not totally hobbled by Brexit) NHS, as opposed to Japan's healthcare system which is far more like the US model. Some wrestlers are swearing up and down he is injured, from the rumors. Ospreay certainly hasn’t said anything in his own words, beyond RTing NJPW’s announcement of his injury and vacating the title, and posting a pic of himself kissing the belt. RevPro kinda sorta said something but were also pretty vague. But for an injury suffered on 5/4/2021, this pic posted on 5/18 does not look like someone who just had such a severe neck injury they need to fly back to the UK (mind you, it COULD have been taken much earlier than that). Indeed, Ospreay’s still-active Twitter is more focused on Hana Kimura at the moment*. All this said, professional wrestling by it’s very nature has a baked-in amount of bullshit as part of it, so that this injury might be phony is always a distinct possibility.
It is utterly believable there is conflict between wrestlers and management, and communication is piss-poor at best. It is also believable that NJPW and Bushiroad are only taking their cues from a government Hell-bent on holding an Olympics an overwhelming majority of those polled are against, and who are treating the extended state of emergency as a vague suggestion rather than as a, you know, state of emergency. Pretending everything is hunky dory hasn't worked so far, so not sure why NJPW, nor the Japanese government, think eventually it will. (And NOAH is on my shit list right now too.) On that note, the government has now officially added Okinawa to the state of emergency. There is also talk that it will be extended further, as a government subcommittee member is quoted in the article as saying “it is difficult to think” that it will be lifted on 5/31/2021. Among that talk is word that Tokyo particularly will be under a stricter lockdown if this goes on. On a piece of actual GOOD news, it has been announced that the government has approved both the Moderna and AstraZeneca versions of the vaccine, so perhaps the vaccination rates will start to go up at last.
* - The anniversary of Hana Kimura’s tragic death is tomorrow (5/23/2021). I still sometimes struggle with the idea she is gone. Tonight at 10:30pm EDT (which is 5/23/2021 12:30pm in JST), FITE TV will be showing a live Hana Kimura tribute show put on by her mother, Kiyoko Kimura. Have a look in if you can
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I was able to watch the Vice Dark Side Of The Ring episode on Collision in Korea, the two-night joint NJPW & WCW show from May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, on 4/28 & 4/29/1995, as it aired Thursday. It will hit YouTube here pretty soon. I am working on a podcast project about this documentary, and the (WCW version of the**) show itself, with the good lads at the Days Of Thunder podcast, so I won't talk too much here, but I will say a few things about it:
I did appreciate the detail here, as well as being able to get an interview with Antonio Inoki for this, especially as he was the principal driver of this show happening. I did also like that they took time to detail Inoki's mentor, and the "father of puroresu," Rikidozan, who himself was a North Korean national by birth. I did not appreciate the mythical pathos they added to the death of Rikidozan, which by all accounts was a random street fight with yakuza over a perceived insult (stepping on Rikidozan's shoe). I also felt they could have done a better job explaining the situation between Japan and North Korea at the time. When the event was first proposed to the NJPW roster, Scott Norton recounts Masahiro Chono telling Norton that "they want us dead," but it took until introducing former CNN foreign correspondent Mike Chinoy nearly halfway through the documentary to (briefly) explain the brutal colonialism that Japan wreaked on North Korea in the first part of the 20th century.
Also, as salacious as DSOTR can get, I am very surprised one of the most famous rumors/stories about this show did not get discussed, the internet wrestling legend that Kensuke Sasaki and Akira Hokuto were, erm, Quite Vocal when they were together, which of course did eventually lead to their marriage four months later which continues to this very day. But that was also part of another critique I had, which is, they mainly focused on the WCW part of the events, when this was an NJPW promoted show. The way it was told on DSOTR, the only Japanese wrestlers there were Antonio Inoki, Shinya Hashimoto, Akira Hokuto and Bull Nakano. I'd love to hear more from the NJPW side of things, besides how proud Inoki was of this political stunt that did not get him re-elected to the Diet anyway.
Overall, I do recommend watching this when and how you can, because it is absolutely bonkers. I will definitely keep you posted on when the podcast project for this drops. ** - I've tried looking for the NJPW version and have failed so far. NJPWWorld only has two matches from this, Antonio Inoki v. Ric Flair, and Akira Hokuto v. Bull Nakano. The WCW version is not officially released, even on WWE Network, so yeah search the internet to see it.
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We finally have an update on Shooter! That is, Shota Umino. Earlier in the week, RevPro's official Twitter had a tweet saying This Summer, showing Umino in not only his white/pink Tanahashi-esque tights, but holding his Death Riders jacket from Jon Moxley, that Shota retweeted, making this his first tweet since September 2019. Two days later, a hype video appeared with footage of Shooter, including performing Death Rider. Now a Sports Illustrated article is claiming that Shooter was supposed to have reunited with Mox on the NJPW Strong episode that had Mox & Chris Dickinson face Yuji Nagata & Ren Narita, but Umino had an unspecified injury preventing that. (They further say that Mox v. Nagata’s IWGP US title match was originally set for Strong but Tony Khan convinced NJPW to hold it on AEW Dynamite.) Umino's last match listed on Cagematch was on 3/14/2020 in ATTACK! Wrestling in Cardiff, Wales, on the winning side of a 6-man tag match with Kyle Fletcher & Kid Lykos II defeating Shigehiro Irie, Chief Deupty Dunne & Los Federales Santos, Jr. It's great to have him back wrestling again, and I hope we get that reunion with Moxley soon enough too.
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As an update to an item from an earlier post, it appears that the Ren Narita v. Royce Isaacs match that was teased but then not aired on AEW Dark this past Tuesday will actually be on AEW Dark: Elevation this coming Monday instead. Also part of that will be approximately 35 other matches (I only slightly kid), one of those being Rocky Romero v. JD Drake. This usually drops on YouTube at 7pm EDT / 6pm CDT Mondays.
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This past Thursday on Impact, a video package showed that Satoshi Kojima would be appearing on next week's episode. This will be Kojima's first time ever wrestling in Impact under any name, as the last time NJPW and TNA were working together, Kojima was still away in All Japan Pro Wrestling. No word as to what he will be doing or whom he will be wrestling.
Also on Impact, Juice Robinson & David Finlay Jr. successfully defended the Impact World Tag Team titles against Ace Austin & Madman Fulton... before getting blindsided by two members of the Violent By Design unit (in this case, ECW veteran Rhino and former AJPW Triple Crown champion + cancer beater Joe Doering) with whatever Impact's version of a Anytime Anywhere Challenge is, and took the belts from FinJuice. They claimed FinJuice were going back to Japan, but, erm, who knows if that's the case or if it was for a time period when Wrestle Grand Slam was still a thing that was happening.
Also also, it seems Don Callis is no longer in any executive capacity at Impact. This is a little significant as it seems it was Callis who opened the negotiations back up for Impact to work with NJPW. Of course, lately he's spent more time as an on-screen heel manager for Kenny Omega, the Good Brothers and now the Young Bucks on both AEW and Impact programming. We'll see how much longer Kenny Omega's belt collector shtick goes on for with Callis no longer part of creative or management.
And that is actually it for now! Yipes!
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fullrangeofemotions · 4 years
Cafe Ophelia: Coffee Shop AU Part 2
Welp, here is part 2. Donna finds closure, gets more friends, flirts with all the ladies, and Laira and Hal finally meet. Guy is still no where to be found. Next part, though, I SWEAR. To all you who read this, once again, thank you for putting up with me.
Donna tilted her head back, basking in the warmth of the sun. The winter air was crisper than she remembered it being. After a moment of steeling herself, she squared her shoulders and found herself slipping back into the old Donna.
There was no hesitation as she made her way up the steps and into the court. She kept her hands in her pockets, rushing up the remaining steps as an officer on his way out held the door open for her. She smiled in thanks, giving him a nod before slipping into the, thankfully, warm lobby. Donna made her way down the hallway, not quite dreading being there yet but also not quite comfortable. It was not hard to spot Arianne, leaning against one of the columns, a phone pressed to her ear. Donna raised her hand and offered a wave, letting Ari know that she was there but Donna did not wish to cut Ari’s conversation short. Not when she had people to see. She moved farther down the hallway until she saw a familiar face. Rachel turned around, brightening when she saw Donna, her arms opening as she rushed at her old friend. Donna squeezed Rachel into a tight hug, not bothering to let go until the sound of someone clearing their throat forced them to step back from each other.
Donna turned her head and smiled, moving to pull Mike into a hug as well. She felt him hug her just as tightly, “you did not have to come,” she heard him whisper against her ear. She knew he was not talking about the subpoena, for that was out of her hands. Donna pulled back after a long moment, her gaze taking his face in, noticing the dark circles around his eyes. Donna turned to look at Rachel and saw the same tiredness on her face. She pulled the both into a hug, needing to feel them in her arms one more time, to remind herself that they were there.
“How come no one told me we were hugging?”
A familiar voice cut in, making Donna pull away and whirl around. It was all it took for Louis to move in and hug her tightly; she ignored the sniffling coming from him, not surprised by his emotional response. Donna rather missed it. She looked over his shoulder at Jessica, who offered a small smile.
“I missed you too Louis,” she muttered, patting his back until finally pulled away, wiping at his eyes.
That voice had Donna tensing, her defenses coming up immediately. Still, her smile remained in place as she turned her head to look at Harvey. There was a fragility to his gaze, almost as if he had seen a ghost and for a second, Donna wanted to do anything in her power to make it go away. After all, she had spent more than a decade taking care of him….
“Donna and I have a long history, mostly, of me getting her out of trouble,” Arianne started, before stopping to take a quick sip of her wine, “hmm, she has the quickest hands I have ever seen. Anyone in New York who ever lost a watch? Probably my girl’s doing.”
Donna rolled her eyes, “first of all, I had a hobby and I was good at it, second of all, no court ever prove I stole anything,” she defended herself, plucking out one of the breadsticks to dip into the olive oil before taking a bite. Those years felt like a century ago, when was the last time she tried to lift something? Donna paused, alright, she still sometimes lifted or slipped papers, but it was usually at the behest of Harvey or Jessica. It had only been something she did because she could, because she had been good at it.
“It seems that you two make quite a pair, hmm?” Laira chuckled as she swirled her wine around her glass before taking her time sipping at her wine, lipstick staining the rim. Donna and Ari shared a look, both of them looking thoughtful before shrugging at the same time.
“Yes, well, Donna stopped being fun when she got with that second-rate lawyer of hers,” Arianne commented, voice light and airy but there was no hiding her disdain. Donna was not surprised for her friend had never hidden how much she disliked Harvey. Arianne had every right to dislike that man and to resent Donna as well. (Except, Arianne didn’t resent her at all. She just hated him.) Ever since she started to work for Harvey, her time with Ari, and the Martell’s as a whole was cut down.  She had not meant to, but Donna had gotten busy, and then Harvey made no effort to disguise that he was not a fan of the Martells. Although, they did not technically handle the same kinds of cases, they ran paths enough for Harvey to know that there was no beating them.
It was a well-known fact that, regardless of how much Donna loved Harvey (because she had loved him, part of her still did) her friendship with Arianne would win out. Harvey had to have known that. He would never dare to ask her to choose. Neither had Arianne.
“The one in the newspapers, I take it?”
Donna looked over at Laira, surprised for a second before turning to look at Arianne. “This trial is in the newspapers?” she hissed, dreading this even more now than she had already been. “What did you expect? That man doesn’t know how to do anything without you there holding his hand,” Arianne muttered under her breath before taking a bite of her lasagna. Donna glanced down at her plate, no longer hungry as she thought about the firm, about her name, being in the papers. This was not how she wanted to get her name in the papers.
“Hmm, and you are here to testify for the trial?”
Donna looked back at Laira, not seeing any kind of condemnation or judgement. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before letting out a soft sigh, “had no choice, it would be a huge fault for the prosecution to not call the legal secretary in to testify. After all, what kind of secretary worth her worth would not know what transpired in those offices?” Donna did not regret it, her knowledge, all the cover up. She had told Jessica once, why she had done it…Mike was good for Harvey. He shook everything up, changed everyone and Donna knew they were all better for it.
“You were more than a legal secretary, you helped run that place,” Arianne cut in, pointing her fork at Donna, who only picked up her glass of wine. She was more than that, Donna had believed it, still believed it…she knew it, so why was she doubting herself? The silence was telling enough. “You will not sacrifice yourself for them, for him. Not this time,” the words were spit out, startling Donna out of her stupor, words of defense slipping out of her mouth before she could help it. It was what Donna always did, defend him, because she knew him, she understood him, “he has never asked-“
“Bullshit.” Arianne glared at Donna, forgetting where they were, who they were with in that moment, all she felt was righteous anger, “he has always expected you to give everything up for him and you do, you always do. You sacrifice yourself for him every fucking single time.”
Donna hated her in that moment, because she was right. Arianne was right and Donna hated it. Donna had been defined by her relationship with Harvey and Donna had allowed it. Even now, after everything, Donna was still fretting, still willing to give it all up for him. “I would do the same for you,” Donna answered, because that was true too. Donna was selfish in so many things, but never when it came to those she loved.
“I know, but unlike him, I would never ask you to.”
Silence fell upon them after that, Donna lowered her gaze back down to her food. Arianne continued to eat her lasagna. It was not until Laira cleared her throat that the two even remembered she was there. Donna was horrified but she hid it away, focusing instead of trying to eat her pasta.
“From what I read in the papers,” Donna tensed, wondering what Laira was going to say, “you will be here for a couple of days Donna. There is an exclusive show of next Winter’s collection being held tomorrow, I can add you to the list if you wish to attend the event.”
Donna looked up at Laira, surprised that after what she had just witnessed that was what she would say. Slowly a smile bloomed upon her lips and Donna laughed, tension sliding off her shoulders.
“I would love that.”
“Harvey…” Donna took in the haggard appearance, trying not to worry but failing, “you look tired.” She didn’t notice the way the others moved away, too focused on trying to understand how she felt about the man before her. She had spent twelve years by his side….
“You look like you always do,” he stated, voice soft, softer than she had ever heard from him. At least, when it came to her. Even softer than the night he gave her so much hope. He was not one to give compliments, and when he did, not to her. Her life had truly been full of disappointment, all coming from him…
“Do you miss me?” she asked him, the words out of her mouth before she could stop them. She did not regret them, because she had to know. She had been courageous that night in his office, breaking whatever was between them. Donna knew now that she could live without him, that she was someone without him, that she was better without him. She knew it now.
“I once told you, I could not be me without you…I meant it…”
Those words caught her by surprise. She remembered that day, when he came for her, brought her back. He was so good at reeling her back in, keeping her waiting for him to be ready. But Donna had not wanted to be needed, what good did that do? She had wanted him to choose her, to want her, to know that he would choose her over everything.
“You said you needed me, but I wanted you to want me, to choose me. I made myself be comfortable with the co-dependency, with being your security blanket….but I know now that I wanted to be loved.”
She stared at him as she said this, as she told him her truth. The failure was from both keeping quiet in fear. She did not push, did not try for more but neither had he. There was pain in his eyes, anguish that urged her to try and make him feel better, but she didn’t. She could not. There was no taking back those words, she wouldn’t silence herself anymore. There was also something else there, an understanding, a clarity.
“I will always care for you, Harvey. Always. Perhaps one day, you’ll care for yourself,” she reached out and squeezed his arm, surprised when he reached up and took her hand in his, giving it a slight squeeze.
“Sorry, not sorry,” Ari cut in abruptly, pushing herself between the two of them and forcing Harvey to drop Donna’s hand, stepping back.
“Martell.” “Specter.”
Thankfully, before Arianne got into trouble for punching the man, they were called inside. Donna locked her arm with Ari’s and began to drag her into the courtroom, offering Harvey a parting smile. She had said her piece, had spoken her feelings to him and she felt…better. It did not suddenly heal the disappointment and heartbreak, because those were years of putting herself last…but Donna would work on it. All she had to do was get through testifying.
Donna walked up the steps of the MET, surprised that the event would be taking place within the walls of the institution. The exclusivity was emphasized by the lack of crowds, no red-carpet, no big lines. She was still surprised at how easily she was led in; her name had been clearly printed upon the list which also had a picture of her to go with it. It spoke of just how exclusive this event was. Donna walked down the hallway; her navy-blue clutch held within her right hand as she took in the sights. She had forgotten what it was like to visit the MET, an institution she could admit she missed.
“Right this way Ms. Paulsen,” the sudden voice startled her, but she quickly smiled (despite wondering how the attendant had known who she was). About more than half of the chairs were filled up, while the rest of the guests were mingling by the bar. The dress-code was thankfully not over the top which meant that Donna’s strapless dark green gown fit right in.
Not in the mood for a drink, Donna turned to the attendant, “is there a specific seating arrangement?” she asked, wanting to ensure that she did not accidentally take the seat of someone important.  “You have a seat reserved Ms. Paulsen, right at the front,” he smiled and pointed to the seat right next to the runway. “Thank you,” she responded, hiding her surprise that she had been given such a seat. “Would you like a drink Ma’am?” the attendant asked her but she shook her head, “not at the moment, thank you….” Donna glanced at the nametag, “Josh.”
It was not the first event of this kind that she had been to, but it had been a while. She slid upon the chair that had been designated for her, one leg crossed over the other, as she let herself people watch. “Sorry,” a breathless voice cut in as the seat next to her was taken. Donna turned her head and was surprised to see a face that almost looked familiar. Where had she seen it? Ah. “You are Daenerys,” Donna spoke up, pleased that she could remember that fact, her hand coming up for the woman to shake. Daenerys brightened up, smile stretching from ear to ear, blonde-almost platinum- hair framed her pixie like face. If Donna thought that Laira had fine chiseled cheeks, they were nothing compared to Daenery’s smaller yet more pointed features. “I’m Donna,” she continued, sure that Laira’s sister had no idea who the random woman sitting there was. Or perhaps she did if she read the newspaper.
“Did I not see you in a Shakespeare production not too long ago,” the woman asked and suddenly Donna froze, her breath hitching. Donna had forgotten that had been something Donna had done. The feeling of being on stage suddenly came up and Donna let out a breathless laugh, nodding, “The Merchant of Venice, are you a Shakespeare fan?” she couldn’t hep asking, it was not everyday she found someone that shared her love for theater, and more specifically, Shakespeare.
“Cannot say I am a fan, but I do enjoy theater. Went with my partner, he was adamant that he needed to go. Something about needing to see one specific actress….”
It dawned on her in that moment exactly who Daenerys was talking about, suddenly remembering that one of Laira’s sisters was dating Arianne’s uncle. “Oberyn never mentioned that he was there,” she blurted out, surprised that she had not known or that he had not once mentioned it to her.
“Wait, how did he find out?” she asked, still remembering the terror of failing that kept her from sharing the news with anyone. Donna had not wanted to risk choking on stage in front of people she knew.
“You were fantastic,” Daenerys beamed, reaching over and squeezing Donna’s arm, surprising her with how tactile she was. As Donna slipped into retelling all the craziness of putting on a Shakespeare play, she found her passion returning, remembering why she had loved it so much in the first place.
“Are you planning on being in any future productions?”
The questioned stumped Donna, the answer was no, at least it should be no. “I would love to, but first have to make sure that my coffeeshop doesn’t go under. Perhaps once I’m better established, I’ll think about doing another play or two.”
Conversation came to an end after that, for the show started.
Donna stood up in one swift motion as she was called to the stand. She placed her hand on the bible and vowed to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help her God. Donna felt the eyes of everyone upon her and it almost reminded her about how it felt to be on stage. Had she not always wanted to be the center of attention? She let her eyes wander over to where Harvey sat, but she was quickly pulled away as the questions began.
The confirmation of her name was easy enough, but then the real questions began, and she met Arianne’s gaze.
“I take the fifth.”
She stared at the lawyer before her, her gaze and tone steady as she repeated the same answer to every single question. It was her right.
“Rest assure I will find my way to California and visit that shop of yours,” Arianne muttered as she pulled Donna into a tight hug.
“You better,” Donna huffed, hugging her friend back just as tightly. She could never thank her friend enough for bailing her out every single time. “Tell me about any cute boys you see,” Ari added as they finally parted ways. Donna rolled her eyes, but she laughed.
Donna was still trying to heal from her last…. whatever Harvey had been to her….there was no time for cute boys.
“Oh! You already have a cute boy!” Ari waggled her eyebrows as she motioned to Donna’s buzzing phone. Hal’s name was flashing at her and Donna wrinkled her nose at the thought.
“No, Hal is an annoyance,” she stated, although she was sure she did not manage to hide her fondness like she wanted.
“Are you going to jail?” where the first words out of his mouth.
Donna snorted at the question, because of course that was the first thing the man asked. Still, Donna could hear the worry in his tone. “Good morning to you too,” she started as she cradled her phone between her ear and shoulder, leaving her hands free to fold her clothes and tucked them back into her suitcase. All while trying to ignore Arianne who was pretending to be helping.
“Of course not, I told you I don’t look good in orange,” she huffed, humming softly as she forced her clothes down, wondering why suddenly it felt like she had brought a lot of clothes with her.
“Are you okay?” the question came after a long minute of silence and Donna smiled at it.
“I think I’m ready to go back home,” she answered, the first time she called California her home.
“Good, Helen misses you.”
“I miss her too.”
Arianne looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Nope, he is not uncomfortable to look at…..but…not my type. I think….he is my first Californian friend….” She admitted to Arianne who immediately softened, “I’m glad. Well, maybe he is Laira’s type. She needs a cute boy in her life too.”
Donna laughed because of course, “Ari, never change.”
Being back in her shop was a bit strange but also a welcomed relief. She felt good. Donna busied herself with getting everything dusted and ready for the crazy morning. She hoped her customers had not forgotten her and gone somewhere else.
But, like clockwork, as she flipped her signed at six in the morning, her first customer walked in already telling her they were glad she was back.
Donna plopped down on the sand, part of her regretting this because it was freezing but she also missed it. The sounds of the crashing waves were soothing and scent of the salt in the breeze felt like home.
“Oh, hey,” a voice cut into her thoughts, startling her slightly. She turned her head to look at the jogger, the one with the platinum hair. For a second, Donna thought back on Arianne’s comment about a cute boy….it had been a time since Donna had been with a cute girl. The woman before her was beautiful, with crystal blue eyes and platinum hair that contrasted with her tan skin. Then she remembered the woman’s partner, the boyfriend who was usually by her side.
“By yourself this time?” Donna smiled, because she was definitely not ready to get out there and be thinking about romance. Friendships, though, now that she knew that California was where she wanted to be, were welcomed.
“My partner got caught up at work, you know how it is.” The words were clipped but not rude, it was the accent but Donna couldn’t put a name to it.
Donna smiled wide, “I definitely do, I have been there and been that person many times,” she answered causing the woman to laugh. “I’m Tora,” she stuck her hand out and Donna took it, “I’m Donna,” she said, trying to hide her surprise at how cold Tora’s hand was. The woman smiled apologetically, “sorry, I always happen to be colder than most.”  
“Well, should start heading back, see you tomorrow,” Tora called out as she began to jog away, leaving Donna to stare at her.
That was a strange encounter, she thought. She wasn’t actually expecting to see Donna again, was she? She shook her head and decided to not think too hard about it. Donna was sure to see Tora and her boyfriend around again, they clearly lived in the area and so did she.
Her phone rang and the name had her rolling her eyes.
“What? Its five in morning on a Sunday, you better be dying,” she growled into the phone but of course Hal was unfazed. God, he reminded her of herself and wasn’t that annoying. She still did not remember when she had given him her phone number. How did he get it? She could not have possibly given it to him. Then again, Helen might have asked and Donna found it hard to say no to her.
“How fast can you get to Ferris Air?” “For the last time, I’m not getting into a plane with you,” she grumbled, because if he woke her up for this she really was going to kill him, “look, you have not flown until you’ve gotten into a plane with me but not why I’m calling. Last minute call from the CEO about last minute meeting with our biggest investors.”
“Who, the general of the armed forces?” Donna huffed out, already feeling her sleep fading away. “Yes.”
“Why do I need to be there?” because why did any of this have to do with Donna? She didn’t work at Ferris Air. “We need coffee…….”
She hung up. Donna was not a catering service. The phone rang continuously for five minutes.
“If I do this, you will owe me big time,” she stated as she answered the phone, hoping he could feel her murder intent through the phone.
The drive to Ferris Air was not a long one which explained why Hal was able to show up at her shop and still make it to work. She was quite impressed with his work, he was good at what he did, but she would not be telling him that. After all, she was showing up for him at five in the morning on a Sunday, if that didn’t say she was fond of him, nothing ever would.
She waited until the guards checked that she was meant to be there before she drove in and towards were, she hoped was the office building and where she was meant to be. She hummed as she took her little cart from her truck and began to pile the boxes of coffee inside, placing the boxes of pastries on top of those, precariously making her way to the entrance. The guard that stood there was, thankfully, a kind soul and offered to help her take it to the meeting room. The meeting room looked exactly like how she expected it to. She still could not believe she was in an office she did not even worked at, bringing her signature coffee. She really was insane.
“Oh, thank God, coffee, can you pour me some? With two sugars and creamer, sweetheart?”
Donna froze, before slowly exhaling and deciding to ignore the man. After all, she did not work there, and she refused to interact with anyone. “I know you heard me.”
“Are you speaking to me?” she asked, her tone dripping with boredom as she finished laying out the pastries on two platters.  “No one else is here sweetheart, just the two of us.”
Donna rolled her eyes and turned around, completely unamused with some cheap suit wannabe. “My name is not sweetheart, and clearly you have two working arms and two working feet,” she told him, one eyebrow raised, happy to watch the man scowl at her. “I can get you fired,” the man spit-out and Donna wondered, were these really the type of people Hal worked with?
“To bad for you, I don’t work here,” she told him, picking up her bag and readying to leave. She had done as she was asked, the coffee and pastries were ready for this meeting.
“Do you know-“
“Look, I don’t care who you are. Your suit is clearly from a sale, the jacket is too big for you, at least get it tailored. The hair shows you are trying too hard. Perhaps if you did your job instead of coaster on other people you might get the promotion you clearly think you deserve,” she told him, steel in her tone. Donna might have had to put up with men talking down to a lowly legal secretary, but Donna was her own boss and she would not let some asshole talk down to her.
“What the did you just say to me?” the man stood up and took a threatening step towards her.
“I hope I am not interrupting,” a smooth voice cut in and Donna watched with pleasure as the man paled as if he had seen a ghost. Clearly, the boss had arrived. Donna turned her gaze over to the doorway, recognizing the face of Carol Ferris, current CEO of Ferris Air. She looked quite intimidating in the photo used for her Wikipedia page, but there was nothing like seeing her fury directed to the annoying man.
“Ma’am, I did not realize you were there,” the man stammered out, all wide eyed and Donna couldn’t help but grin.
“Clearly,” the woman’s tone was clipped, it reminded Donna of Jessica. Carol’s gaze moved over to Donna, the anger replaced by curiosity, “Ms. Ferris, I’m from Café Ophelia, delivering the coffee and pastries that were ordered,” she stated, motioning to the goods she had brought with her.
“You are a life-saver, most shops are not open this early in the morning,” the woman stated, moving over to the table to pick up a coffee cup. “Well, I’m a fairly new shop, must get business where I can,” Donna answered quite honestly, figuring she had nothing to lose. There was a flash of recognition, “I see.”
“It was nice to meet you, Ms. Ferris,” Donna stated and meant it. There was something about meeting strong, independent, gorgeous women.  “Not you,” she then stated as she looked over to the asshole, giving him a sweet smile because they both knew that he would be in trouble come Monday morning.
Perhaps Donna would not kill Hal for waking her up and forcing her to show up at his job. He was on thin ice though.
“You are on thin ice,” she told him early Monday morning as he came in for his usual morning coffee, “and don’t try flattering those eyelashes at me, you know how it freaks me out.” She told him, but she was already smiling.
“So this is where you get that coffee,” a voice cut in, startling both Hal and Donna.
“Carol?” “Ms. Ferris?”
“That’s me,” the woman smiled, this time it reached her eyes and it made her look kind in a way that the photos online never did.
“You never told her about my shop? You are supposed to be helping me advertise, what kind of friend are you?” Donna huffed as she glanced at Hal, before smiling wide at the CEO and his boss. “I know just the blend for a busy CEO,” she stated confidently before turning around and quickly moving to create a blend for Carol.
“Let her work her magic, she tends to always be right about whatever she makes,” Hal offered, lifting his cup up to his lips. Carol looked at him for a long moment, her smile turning slightly sly, “you here a lot then?”
Hal wrinkled his nose, “it is nothing like that-“ “definitely not like that,” Donna reiterated as she turned back around, a cup in hand. “Rest assure that I’m single and free, in case you were wondering,” Donna added with a wink as she pushed the cup forward towards Carol.
“Don’t,” Hal said at the same time that Carol laughed, returning Donna’s wink.
“See, this is exactly why I never said anything,” Hal said with a huff, while Donna only flipped her hair behind her shoulder. She was teasing but a part of her would say no to a gorgeous woman asking her out either.
Donna and Carol shared a look and Donna knew it was going to be a good week.
The redhead glanced at her calendar and then froze because she realized winter was upon them…but it was almost the holidays. How did that happen? she wondered. Had she really moved to California around February? A full year was just around the corner. Oh God, Christmas shopping, she thought.
“Did I come in at the wrong time?” a teasing voice cut into her thoughts and Donna was turning with a big grin. “Laira! It is never a wrong time for you. I would drop everything for you, I’m sure you know this by now,” she told the woman, slipping some innuendo into her words, waggling her eyebrows, pleased at being rewarded with a soft chuckle.
“Are you here for a business meeting? Putting a runway show?” she asked as she quickly moved into making a chrysanthemum tea this time around, sure that Laira would enjoy it.
“Actually, been working on opening a boutique here,” Laira answered, her gaze flitting over the pastries currently on display. “You mean I’ll get to bask in your presence more often?” Donna let out a dramatic gasp, while Laira tried to hide her smile at Donna’s playfulness. “Is this your way of asking me out, because you must know I’ll say yes,” Donna continued to tease, turning around to offer Laira up the cup of tea.
“Oh? I remember you professing your love to Ari not too long ago,” Laira stated, tone completely serious but Donna could see the spark of amusement in her eyes.
“My heart is big enough for the both you,” she responded but suddenly the door burst open and a tiny little ballerina came running in.
“Miss Donna! Uncle Hal says that The Nutcracker is not actually that good, tell him he is wrong,” Helen called out, clearly horrified that her uncle would say such a thing. And then, it dawned on Helen that they were not alone. She turned her head to the side and up, eyes widening, “you are so pretty. Are you a princess?” came her whispered question, making Laira smile wide, but before she could reply Hal came stumbling in.
“it is the same thing every single….” Hal began to grumble but lost his train of thought the moment he caught sight of Laira.
And Donna would never forget that moment as Hal completely lost all brain function at the sight of Laira. Donna was going to have to call Ari and tell her about this.  
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sleepykittypaws · 4 years
The Christmas House
Original Air Date: November 23, 2020 (Hallmark) Where to Watch?: Hallmark will replay it multiple times this season, and for every season in perpetuity
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It's impossible to review Hallmark's The Christmas House without noting that this time last year, then-Crown Media CEO Bill Abbott was personally taking phone calls from a SPLC-designated hate group, and pulling a Zola ad showing two brides chastely kissing from his network, at that hate group's behest. The ensuing firestorm of well-earned criticism following Abbott's bad judgement, is, without question, what brought us to today, with Abbott ousted, a woman of color, Wonya Lucas, now at Hallmark's helm, and a still totally G-rated holiday lineup that now regularly features former Hallmark no-gos like, interracial romance and LGBTQ+ inclusion, improving Hallmark's abysmal diversity record, one movie at a time. 
So, even though Hallmark had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, it's still hard not to be at least a little emotional that they're finally joining us here. The bigots are still having online temper tantrums about losing their all-white, all-straight safe space, but Hallmark's holiday ratings are up 7% year-over-year—a significant jump in a world where cable subscriptions are declining by 10-15% annually.
Now, what that progress looks like on a network known for being “clean,” conservative and about as unwilling to take risks as any channel on the planet, is another story. Frequent Hallmark star, and out gay actor, Jonathan Bennett, has been tirelessly talking about The Christmas House, since the day it went into production. And Bennett brings a lot of energy to this ensemble story, written by co-star Robert Buckley, of a family getting together to decorate their home one more time before it's sold. 
Buckley and Bennett play the sons of Sharon Lawrence and Treat Williams, a recently retired couple struggling with that fundamental shift in their relationship. Buckley is the star of a ridiculous court show, Handsome Justice, of which we luckily get to see a clip, and Bennett, a baker, and his husband, played by Brad Harder, are waiting to hear about an adoption, after several previous disappointments. 
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Bennett and Buckley bring more humor than is normal for Hallmark to their portrayal of loving, competitive brothers, who clearly enjoy ribbing each other.
How conservative was past hallmark, you ask? Well, that Buckley's girl-next-door love interest is divorced, not widowed, is still a somewhat shocking twist in that world, as is the fact that both Buckley and Bennett are "allowed" to sport some facial scruff, rather than be clean shaven. Oh, and that the family next door is (gasp) Latino, is also something we likely wouldn't have seen in the Hallmark of yore. All of which is just mind-blowing, since those “days of yore” for this TV network were [checks notes]…2019, not 1968.
Lawrence and Williams are believable as a long term couple, and their life-change struggle to re-center their relationship feels real, but the way it's revealed is almost as anti-climactic as its resolution. The movie laid very unsubtle hints along the way—all storytelling progress aside, Hallmark movies are still written so you can half watch and not a miss a thing, allowing folks to join 20 minutes in, or do the dishes and come back without being confused—that Williams and Lawrence's wanting to have "one last Christmas" was about more than just downsizing in retirement. 
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When Lawrence told the story of the clearly-actually-brand-new-and-from-Homegoods Santa pot, and what it meant to her, I thought Williams was going to later accidentally break Checkov's sentimental teapot and, in her anger, Lawrence would blurt out something about that's why they were separating, shocking their grown sons. 
And, honestly, as predictable as that would have been, it would probably have had more impact than what did happen…Lawrence just casually telling Buckley while stringing lights, and then nobody really mentioning it again, excepting oblique references during a single conversation between the brothers, and then Lawrence just announces at breakfast that they're not doing that after all.
Definitely feels like Hallmark's aversion to conflict in its stories is one of those provisions that is still firmly in place. (We saw a similar unwillingness to commit to actual marital difficulties, despite that being the central plot point, in Cranberry Christmas.)
Which is too bad, because Lawrence and Williams being much better than the actors usually used for these parent roles, could have handled a more realistic story well, and brought some real emotional beats to the movie.
As expected, Buckley's romance with Ana Ayora was the definite A-plot here, but why did their memory lane rekindling catalyst have to be close-up magic, the worst of all entertainment options? Was there no mime troop they could have been teenage members of? When it comes to magic, and jazz, I'm like Indiana Jones and snakes…Why'd it have to be magic?
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Also, no way that 29-year-old guy they have playing "teenage" Mike grows up to be Robert Buckley. Nope! They definitely had to soft focus all the mostly unnecessary flashback scenes so that those actors, easily less than a decade younger than our leads, didn't quite look their age. 
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And, c'mon, Buckley, who, again, is the star of his own TV show, gives the love of his life a necklace he bought…in high school? For real? I'm surprised we couldn't see her neck turn green in real time. At least get a gal a little upgrade. Sheesh! 
The whole rival real estate agent thing went nowhere. And what was that subplot even supposed to be about? Would have much rather seen a scene from the Handsome Justice episode where Buckley's character defended a dog accused of murder, than that whole waste of time. 
On the other hand, loved the Grift body spray mentions, and so glad we go to see that ad. Hallmark doesn't do subtle—"But will they get it?" is basically the network's motto—but this is one case of subtext just being text that worked.
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Oh and, how did his parents buy a house on the Hudson river just by selling a nice, but fairly average, suburban home? Sure, they said it was a fixer upper, but anything on the water is gonna be way more pricey than where they were, and you've still got to have the cash to do the fixing. Also, you know the old adage about how nothing soothes a struggling marriage like a whole house renovation project, amirite?
Speaking of money…Why didn't Buckley just buy his folks the house right away if he didn't want to see it go? I mean, even if he's only a mid-level TV star, this wasn't some extravegent manse, and certainly wouldn't be an unusual thing for a well-off child to do for their middle-class parents. Why all the rigamarole with the weird guy and the rescinded offer? And, like, what was that all about? So many stories I'd have rather seen from this talented cast than some of the filler we actually got.
Harder didn't get nearly enough to do, but he and Bennett had decent chemistry and they got most of the best lines. The joke about "Will we decorate like this for our kids," and Bennett's emphatic, "No," cut the tension of an emotional scene well, with perfect timing, making it actually, laugh out loud funny—a Hallmark rarity. And when Harder appears in doorway after hearing from the adoption agency, and Bennett knows just by looking at his face what the call said, I got emotional.
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That all the couples in this one got to kiss, including Bennett and Harder, is important. With the specter of last year's Zola debacle absolutely lingering over the entire movie, it's hard to think of a better, actual example of #LoveWins, than that moment.
I also teared up when we saw Bennett and Harder's family at the end, not only because it was a long overdue Hallmark milestone, but also because Harder's real-life son, Kael, played he and Bennett's on-screen adopted child, and is just so stinking cute.
Am I giving this bonus points for finally having an LGBTQ+ storyline, even if it was pretty far from the foreground? For sure. But Buckley and Bennett also brought humor and heart to this one, of a variety not usually found on Hallmark, and Lawrence and Williams also upped the ante on the quality here. Notable that Hallmark also sprung for two actual, name-brand holiday songs, so they were willing to spend a little bit of extra cash on this effort, which says more about their “commitment to diversity” than years of empty promises ever did.
Would have liked House even more, if Hallmark had been brave enough to swap the storylines; Bennett falling in love the boy next door, and Buckley and his bride waiting to hear about adoption, but barring that, do wish it had been bit more of a true ensemble (i.e. all three love stories had equal weight).
Despite quibbles, I'm still putting this on top of the 2020 Hallmark heap, at least for the moment, because I laughed, I cried and I felt good about the progress that has been made, no matter how long overdue it is.
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As I've said so many times, representation really does matter, particularly on a channel like Hallmark, which caters to exactly the audience that most needs to see LGBTQ+ people laughing, living and loving, just like every other family.
Representation really can change lives. It opens hearts and minds. It can help those struggling within themselves feel seen and worthy. Really can not underestimate how transformative these normalizing glimpses can be, particularly for a network like Hallmark, with a large "conservative" audience. 
"Conservative" is in quotes, because there's nothing genuinely conservative about human rights, and respect for those unlike you. Empathy and acceptance for others should be a baseline standard for living in a society—not a political statement. 
No one has the right to deny someone else's humanity, and someone's choice to hold hate in their heart deserves no respect from Hallmark, or society at large. Really hopeful that some kid out there who feels excluded and awful about themself because their family and upbringing has told them everything they're feeling is wrong and sinful, can now see representation like this on their family's safe space TV channel, and know it's going to be OK.
It's a small step, but it's definitely a good one, and I'm really looking forward to the actual lead LGBTQ+ holiday romances coming soon, like Hulu's Happiest Season (Nov. 25), Lifetime's The Christmas Setup (Dec. 12) and Paramount Network's Dashing in December (Dec. 13), and hoping Hallmark joins that club in 2021.
Until then…
Final Judgement: 3 Paws Up
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ashfountainfanfics · 5 years
“This is ridiculous,” Mike sighs in exasperation, “my friends and I had nothing to do with any of this.”
The detective at the other end of the table doesn’t seem to accept this. She’s a recent transplant from another state. Most of the Derry police department leaves Mike be, summing up his interest in police matters as a side effect of his fascination with Derry history. She doesn’t seem to be interested in giving that same assumption.
“You keep saying that,” she pushes, “but I think it’s strange that you show up to all the crime scenes and that two of your friends harassed one of the victims. Not to mention that Henry Bowers was found dead under your place of residency.”
Mike is growing more and more frustrated. It was surreal when the police showed up at dinner last night. The Losers Club plus the small group of cops nearly overwhelmed the small Italian place they’d been enjoying.
Bev, Ben, and Eddie are sitting in the lobby while Richie and Bill are in cuffs. Mike is somewhere between the two options or so he figures. He’s not sure he likes those odds.
Detective Lopez fixes him with a look that lacks any hint of retreat or gentility. She’s a no nonsense kind of woman. Her curly, dark hair is cropped in a pixie cut and her face is bare and set in a deadpan expression. Her blouse is a gray button up and the lanyard of her badge is tucked under her collar.
“It’s a small town,” Mike responds, “coincidences are everywhere.”
“Nothing is ever just a coincidence. Did you know Mr. Bowers?”
Mike calmly explains how Henry Bowers was the resident bully when they were children. How often that bullying went past simple pranks and low grade violence. To stop at calling Henry a bully was like trying to call Ted Bundy just an unfortunate date.
“You can ask Ben about his scar, that should give you a clue.”
“I understand that Mr Bowers had a history of violence and mental illness-“
“Being an angry white boy is not a mental illness,” Mike points out.
“Agreed,” Detective Lopez says flatly, “but that isn’t my point. My point is that several children and a man named Adrian Melon are dead and the escape of Mr. Bowers does not correlate with those deaths.”
“It doesn’t correlate with the arrival of my friends either. They weren’t here.”
“But you were.”
Mike is taken aback by the remark. All this time he’s been keeping watch, dreading the day that Derry needed saving but looking to save it nonetheless. Not that this town ever gifted him much beyond tolerance. He has no adult friends here, no significant others, only a series of routine faces that note his presence. Derry, Maine isn’t friendly or good. It’s not even scenic but he wanted to save it anyway. His jaw tightens.
“Of course I was here. I live in Derry. I’ve lived here most of my life, where else would I be?”
“You didn’t know these kids. You didn’t know Adrian Melon. Why did you visit the crime scenes? What business did you have being there?”
Detective Lopez is standing over him now with her hands planted on the table. She does this all calmly with very direct body movements. She never lets her frustration get to her. She harnesses it into orderly conduct and in a way it’s terrifying.
But she’s an outsider without all the facts. You can tell she comes from a big city by her demeanor and her thought process. Often a crime is committed by someone close to the victim or someone that makes themselves close. Contrary to the movies, the person most likely to kill you is the one in plain sight and right next to you. Monsters that hide in the dark and stalk you like prey aren’t the norm.
Mike is glad that he and his friends got rid of that norm for Derry.
“Detective Lopez? Have you ever seen someone die-“
“Of course I have. I’m a homicide detective.”
“I wasn’t finished,” Mike insists, “I was asking if you’ve ever seen someone die when you were a child?”
This gives her pause. Her elbows soften the smallest amount and her hesitancy is plain to Mike. She doesn’t sit. There’s no way she’s backing down that quickly but it’s clear she’s listening.
“I can’t say I have, why?”
“If you take the time to look into me a bit more you’ll know that my parents died in a fire and I was in the other room. I was too little to help them. I couldn’t save them.”
Now Detective Lopez sits down. Her posture is unnaturally straight and her gaze is still unwavering. This is either the best she can do to convey being receptive or it’s the most she’s willing to give.
“Can you imagine the sort of impact that has? I couldn’t even put down a sheep on the farm I grew up on. The idea of causing harm to anyone or anything, indirect or necessary or otherwise, still makes me sick. So please, Detective Lopez, don’t insult me with what you’re trying to infer.”
“Be blunt then. What were you doing?”
“Trying to see if there was a way to stop it. If you look at our history, you’ll see there’s a pattern. Every 27 years since the town was formed, a stretch of terrible things happen. That’s longer than I’ve been alive. Longer than my family’s been in Derry.
I thought maybe if I could pay attention for the next phase I could find the connection. I could save them.”
Mike can see that she’s regarding him as an absolute looney but Mike hopes it’s the harmless kind. She can picture him tinfoil hat and all if it means she doesn’t see him as a murderer.
“And what did you find?”
Mike decides that this is as good a time as any to tell one last lie. It’s not like she’d understand the truth of the matter. She’s the type to only accept hard facts and indisputable evidence. There isn’t anything he can show her to back the truth. Nothing but a lot of rubble on Neibolt street.
“I found nothing. Whatever makes this town the way it is, it’s not for me to understand.”
It’s not entirely a lie. Pennywise was just a part of what made Derry the way it is. Its death isn’t going to cure Derry of its bigotry overnight. There will still be small minded people, violent people. Mike will never understand that.
“So you’re giving up? Just like that?”
“I almost died because a literal living relic of my past broke out of an insane asylum and tried to kill me. I think that’s a sufficient wake up call that I’ve wasted too much time on this town and my own baggage.”
Mike can’t tell if she’s buying it or not. Detective Lopez gives away nothing. She’s an absolute professional to the core. Mike respects that. Derry could use someone on the force who can’t be swayed.
“I may need you to call you back in to corroborate a few stories so don’t skip town,” she gives him a curt nod, “You’re free to go.”
Detective Lopez opens the door to Mike’s freedom. Mike has a feeling that the others have been given similar instructions or that they will be given them. He wonders briefly if they should have thought ahead to confirm a set story with each other but he thinks better of it. None of the Losers are crazy enough to tell the truth.
“Hanlon, wait,” the detective stops him as soon as he’s out of the door frame, “tell your comedian friend that making jokes isn’t going to work with me. It’s not endearing and he’s digging a much bigger hole for himself.”
“Ma’am, with all due respect, trying to get him to stop is a joke in and of itself.”
“Her first name is Jennifer!” Richie shouts as if wounded, “Last name Lopez! What did you want me to do?”
Richie can tell that his lawyer is not amused. His voice sounds really far away and it is. He’s driving to Derry as fast as he can.
“Richie, this isn’t your usual legal trouble. This isn’t stolen material or a damaged room-“
“That was one time and I was still a baby! How was I supposed to know what ecstasy looks like? You’re about to see the podunk town I grew up in, man.”
“They’re talking homicide!”
“I still cry over Bambi, for fuck’s sake. Do you seriously think I’d kill anyone for fun?”
“Of course not.”
Roger Clemming has been Richie’s lawyer since the start of his career. He’s a cousin of his manager and normally Roger has no qualms about representing Richie. Most of his legal cases aren’t even his; the man doesn’t write his own stand up so he can’t exactly be held responsible if it’s stolen. Richie Tozier is an easy client.
“I didn’t even mean to kill him. He had Mike and it was clear that old Bowers was totally batshit. I reacted. I don’t know.”
“So we have a witness. That’s good. The more witnesses the better. I just wish you hadn’t pissed off the Detective.”
“Yeah yeah I’m an asshole but I didn’t say anything about the case. And I stayed away from ass jokes!”
“I’m sure that’s what will save you.”
The Derry police station is not a big place. The holding cell is visible to the front lobby and there’s only two private rooms; the sheriff’s office and an interrogation room. Richie can see Eddie, his arms crossed and his face looking like he bit into a lemon.
Stressed out, Eddie spaghetti? You’re not on this end of the station.
“Be honest with me, Roger, am I going to jail or not?” Richie clings to a rare moment of seriousness.
“You defended someone from an escaped convict. If you sit back and don’t make an ass out of yourself we may not even go to court.”
Richie sighs and he wishes he could telepathically share this news with Eddie. He stares down Eddie in the hopes that somehow they do share a psychic link. Eddie remains pissed at some very specific wall instead.
“And, uh, my friend? Bill?”
“I’m not sure a trial can be avoided on that, but as long as there’s no physical evidence then the best they’ve got is circumstantial with no real motive. They’ll be grasping at straws if they charge him. Dead kids do make for angry parents though and sometimes they’ll pull a guy to trial because they’ve got no one else to blame.”
“So 50/50 chance?”
“40/60 of an arrest being made and I can’t begin to estimate the odds on him being found guilty. That all comes down to the kind of town your Derry, Maine.”
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Richie groans and buries his face into his free hand.
“Watch it, Tozier,” the nearby cop warns him.
Richie apologizes and feigns composure.
“Sorry kid,” Roger’s using his turn signal given the soft ticking in the background, “I’ll do my best but I make no promises.”
Richie mutters a sentiment of gratitude before hanging up. It would still be the better part of a day and a half before his representation gets here. Technically he’s not even sure if Bill wants Roger to represent him but Richie figures it couldn’t hurt to arrange it. After all, do either of them really want to trust whatever a Derry lawyer looks like?
Bill settles in for the night. To be honest, he’s slept in far more uncomfortable places than a holding cell. He wasn’t always a big famous writer. He remembers when he had to sleep in his shitty, used Toyota back in the early days. Now he’s got two houses, a celebrity wife, and a second movie deal. None of which he’s particularly sure he wants anymore.
It’s startling how unconcerned Bill is about the charge against him. He’s been taken in on suspicion of murder but Bill knows damn well he didn’t kill that kid and Detective Lopez doesn’t have much of anything on him except that he was seen yelling at the child earlier at the day and had been spotted at the carnival. 
Bill didn’t want to seem entirely unhelpful though despite knowing they were never going to catch what killed that boy. He offered an account of what he thought was an animal attack but it was difficult to make out. Richie’s lawyer probably won’t like that he talked without him present but Bill doesn’t really care.
Bill blamed the yelling on a mental breakdown. His hometown memories were complicated and a failing marriage and work pressure wasn’t helping. When he saw a kid about Georgie’s age living in his old house, he lost it. It was easy to sell this because it wasn’t really a lie. Detective Lopez did make a comment to Bill about how childhood trauma seems very convenient in this town but Bill didn’t know how to respond outside of confusion.
“All right, everyone,” a tired cop announces into the lobby, “Y’all should get yourselves to bed. Visiting hours are over.”
The other members of the Loser’s Club are essentially draped across each other in the lobby and half asleep already. Ben is in the middle like some sort of handsome centerpiece. He has an arm over Beverly and Mike is leaning on his free shoulder. Meanwhile, Eddie is sitting on the floor at Ben’s feet looking tense and irritated.
They gather themselves up except for Eddie who continues to sit on the floor.
“Eddie, honey,” Beverly says softy, “it’s time to go.”
“Richie and Bill didn’t do anything wrong. I will leave when they do.”
Bill chuckles a bit at this and looks over to Richie on the other side of the holding cell. The look on his face gives him pause because it’s not what he was expecting. Eddie looks genuinely frightened in here. He’s also watching Eddie as if looking at the last boat on a sinking ship; one that’s just too far out of reach. Bill isn’t sure what to make of that.
“They’ll be okay,” Mike assures the sulking man on the floor, “I know these cops. They’re decent.”
Eddie doesn’t respond.
“Sweetie,” Bev is getting a hint of irritation to her voice, “we can come back in the morning.”
“I refuse to get up. This is a protest.”
Bev sighs and looks to Ben.
“We’re going to have to force him.”
“Force him?” Ben asks back incredulously, “Force him how?”
“Ben, he weighs 90 pounds soaking wet, what do you think?”
“Oh Lord,” Mike immediately understands the implication.
Ben thinks about it for a second and it dawns on him the same exact time it dawns on Eddie. Ben is briefly horrified by the idea.
“You wouldn’t” Eddie challenges him.
Ben looks helplessly at Bev who shrugs as if to say that there’s no other way. Eddie recoils as Ben clearly accepts his orders and approaches Eddie with strong arms ready to lift him. His stance is that of someone attempting to capture a wild animal.
“Don’t touch me! Don’t you fucking touch me!” Eddie screams while rapidly kicking his legs to slide away.
Bill again turns to get Richie’s reaction to all this. He’s pleased to see Richie desperately stifling a chuckle. The cop stationed here for the evening seems to be frozen in disbelief as one grown man is trying to catch another and that other fully grown adult man is essentially crab scuttling his way to safety.
On reflex, Eddie sends a hard kick and gets Ben right in the shin. Ben stops his pursuit to cradle it.
“Eddie! What the hell!?” Bev scolds him.
“Now that’s enough!” the cop finally sees fit to reanimate, “I’ve seen some bull shit in my day but I won’t have a brawl in the station! Sort yourself out or I’ll put you in holding! Got it?”
Eddie gets up from the floor.
“Oh no,” Richie says quietly.
Bill’s confused but looks back to the scene playing out before him. Eddie looks apologetic and humbly confronts Ben.
“Sorry, Ben” he says meekly.
“It’s just my shin,” Ben responds, “It’ll bruise but it’s fine.”
“No, I’m sorry about this.”
Eddie uses his whole body to send a punch right into the side of Ben’s scruffy and very shocked face. Eddie’s fist retreats just as quickly as it had departed and he’s shaking out the pain of contact. Ben cups his cheek, obviously not very wounded. The man’s essentially built like a brick house for fuck’s sake. This does get the cop moving though.
Eddie is escorted into the holding cell with Bill and Richie. Richie looks in awe of Eddie either because he was so reckless or stupid Bill can’t figure which. He does have sneaking suspicion however that Eddie’s little stunt has more to do with Richie than with Bill himself.
Eddie is still pouting and sits square on the floor all over again.
“The little guy will be free to go after he cools down, unless you want to press charges,” the cop asks Ben.
“What? No. No… it’s fine.”
Mike quietly exits as quickly as possible. He’s clearly done with the nonsense that just played out. Bev and Ben stay behind a minute as Bev checks his cheek over again. Bill can make out the soft conversation they’re having but just barely. She’s apologizing for her plan, saying she didn’t think Eddie would fight that much.
“No no, it was a good idea,” Ben assures her.
Bill can see the way that comment washes over her. Ben was always full of a certain sincerity and purity that none of the other Losers ever really had. He’s soft and probably the only one of them that didn’t end up with a ridiculous amount of paranoia or cynicism. Bill doubts that Ben is unscathed but it looks like he at least had the good sense not to unleash his unknown trauma on anyone else.
Unlike Bill and his marriage to Audra.
It’s painfully clear to Bill right now just how much Audra looks like Beverly. They’ve got similar frames, similar facial structures and they’re both redheads. Granted, Audra’s red comes from a salon but it suits her as naturally as it does Bev. They could be sister’s.
‘Why can’t you be how I want you to be?’ Bill remembers saying to Audra not long before he took off to Derry. He’s disgusted with the comment now. He’s disgusted with the fact that he kissed Beverly and it meant more to him than his entire marriage. He’s disgusted with himself.
“See you in the morning, boys,” Bev waves to everyone in holding.
She doesn’t give Bill any special treatment. No lingering eye contact or wistful gaze. It’s as if she never had a crush on him at all, as if they’ve never shared anything. Before it always felt as if she was looking to Bill and now she’s looking at Ben.
Despite a sense of heartbreak, Bill takes comfort in that difference.
There’s only two beds in the holding cell. One of which is already taken up by Bill who is sound asleep. Eddie is still sitting on the floor and up against the wall. He watches for the cop to doze off. Sure enough, he’s starting to snore in his chair.
Eddie quietly and carefully scootches over to Richie. Richie’s been lying on other cot, entertaining himself with some sort of impromptu, silent puppet show. He breaks from it as he notices Eddie encroaching on his personal bubble.
“Hey,” Eddie whispers.
“Hi…” Richie answers.
Eddie isn’t sure of how to move forward. Originally he had mapped out exactly what to say after the gang’s celebratory dinner. He was going to apologize for kissing Richie, explain again that he had panicked. He would ask that they move forward from this and go back to normal. He wanted to reassure him that he is very alive and not going to die anytime soon too. He wanted to know how much it meant to him that Richie cared so much. He never knew he was that important to anyone.
Eddie did not plan on embracing his inner chaos and landing himself in a cell for the night. He still isn’t entirely sure what came over him in that moment. The idea of leaving just hit so hard and quickly that he couldn’t do it.
“I went to jail for you,” he glares at Richie.
Well that’s not a good start, Eddie mentally notes.
“I see this. I’ll file it under your list of uncharacteristically brave fuckery.”
“I mean that I want to talk. We need to talk.”
There’s a pause between them. That pause grows into a prolonged period. That period slinks into awkward silence. Eddie is aware since he brought up the conversation that he should actually start it but his head is empty. All he can think about is how the stab wound in his cheek hurts and how flustered Richie looks.
“Look, man,” Richie gives in, “We don’t have to talk. I get it. You panicked. Case closed. Mystery solved. We both deserve a Scooby snack for that epic conclusion.”
Eddie realizes for the first time that Richie is hiding behind his humor. He feels like an idiot for not noticing sooner but his eyes are a dead give away. Richie is making more eye contact now than usual. It’s like he’s forcing himself to present a put together facade. He’s watching Eddie to make sure he believes it.
Eddie wonders if it might be prudent to look at Richie in a different light. In childhood, he was always just that asshole friend. He liked to pick on him but never past annoyance. You’d think trying to steer clear of Henry Bowers would have made Eddie resistant to a friendship built on teasing. In retrospect, Eddie’s not sure what did open him up to it. By all logical accounts, Richie shouldn’t mean much of anything to Eddie and vice versa.
“Why do you do that?” he decides to approach it directly.
“I’m a comedian, Eds. Cracking a bad joke is as natural to me as breaking wind.”
Eddie could easily feed into this but he doesn’t want to. He physically sits up straighter and takes a calm breath in. It’s tempting to write Richie off as immature and continue down the rabbit hole of humor at Eddie’s expense but he refuses. Richie is keeping a secret of some kind which seems painfully obvious to Eddie now. If he’s ever going to move forward from recent events he’ll need to know what it is.
“What are hiding?” he leans in close.
Richie’s face loses all color. He stammers for a moment and Eddie is secretly pleased with himself. He’s so used to Richie getting at him that it is deeply satisfying for the tables to turn. Eddie tries not to stay in that mentality though. He wants answers not revenge.
“Bill’s the one with the stutter,” Eddie points out, “fess up. You’re hiding something from me and you’re using your crap jokes to do it. I won’t go to sleep until you tell me what’s going on.”
It seems a little overkill but Eddie is feeling the dramatics today. They saved each other’s lives earlier. They should be able to talk. Eddie debates their closeness as he waits for an answer. Sometimes it felt like they were the closest two people in the room and other times they were the furthest. Eddie wants to know why.
“I- uh,” Richie is sweating at the forehead, “I want to say first that- shit no. Okay, growing up I- fuck no that’s going to take forever.”
Eddie continues to glare down his friend. It’s not that he wants to force the truth out of him but rather his concern is growing. Showing Richie his soft side doesn’t come naturally though. So here he is trying to be a good friend but acting like a displeased asshole.
“Okay, here goes,” Richie takes in a breath of confidence, “Dinner.”
“What about… dinner?” Eddie says bewildered before getting accusatory, “I swear to God, Rich, if this is a set up to a mom joke I’ll-“
“Dinner!” Richie says again a bit too loud.
The guard stirs. The two men freeze. A few seconds later a loud snore emerges. Eddie sighs in relief. He’s done just enough to end up in here. He doesn’t want to get in enough trouble to stay.
“You and me. Dinner. Us. Dinner. Together. Y’know, dinner?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and relaxes his shoulders. So it’s not a joke about his mom but a joke nonetheless.
“Oh. I get it. Ha ha, very funny. Like a date,” Eddie comments sarcastically.
Richie isn’t grinning. He not casually avoiding eye contact either as he does with a usual set up. Instead he’s looking directly at Eddie with everything he’s got. It’s the ‘please believe me’ look from before but in an entirely different context. It’s sincere.
Jesus Christ, I think he fucking means it, Eddie panics.
“Okay,” he finds himself saying even as confused internal screaming fills his insides.
“Shit. Really?” Richie is as shocked as Eddie is.
“You’re going on a date.”
“With me.”
“I guess.”
This is all on the premise that Richie is released in time for a date. He may end up in real jail. Then what would they do? A prison dinner date doesn’t have the most enticing ring to it.
Eddie feels like a part of him has detached from his own brain. Whatever his body is doing is past his control now. The surrealism of this unexpected direction broke him.
“Move over,” Eddie demands quietly.
Richie backs up as far as can, looking absolutely befuddled. Eddie climbs into the small space left on the cot. He’s tired. There’s only two cots and one is taken. It makes direct sense to share at least when you’re not entirely in your own body anyway.
Eddie remembers briefly about how the two of them would often share the hammock as kids. Eddie unceremoniously plopped himself in and fought for space so often that it became customary. He never did it to anyone but Richie though. He was the only one.
Richie braves putting an arm around Eddie and at first Eddie’s spine goes rigid. He’s not ready to think about this, not even sure if acting on it is right yet. He still feels far away from all this even as he Richie’s body heat cradles him.
Something about the way Richie’s hand cups the small of his stomach feels...good. Eddie’s body relaxes and he realizes how fucking exhausted he is. It’s been an exceptionally long 48 hours. A little shut eye and a cuddle isn’t so ludicrous. Even if it is with Richie Trashmouth Tozier.
“Just keep it in your pants,” Eddie yawns before falling asleep.
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dontatmethanks · 4 years
You have no idea what you've triggered: -astronauts AU -zombie apocalypse AU -00 agents M.I.6 -Conflict with Marley resolved -dying together -Hogwarts Houses AU -becoming handicapped -fatal illness -quarantined together -Modern Military AU -Dragon riders/ being dragons themselves -Batman AU/ Marvel
Staying Alive- (zombie apocalypse AU/ becoming handicapped)
— (also posted on AO3)-
She was in idiot.
An absolute fucking moron- and if anyone were to say it to her face at this very moment she would wholeheartedly agree.
Hange cursed lowly under her breath as she clutched her battered wooden baseball bat to her chest tightly. Her chest was heaving, partly from exhaustion, adrenaline and fear. You see the twenty-four year old brunette was in a predicament that will determine wether or not she would live. Her and her group of survivors were on a supply run, the plan was to infiltrate a superstore that was near their base and collect whatever they could carry without weighing themselves down if they needed to flee quickly.
It was simple enough right?- A quick get in and get out?...Oh how they were very wrong.
Everything was going well at first for the five of them, Hange, Levi, Mike, Nanaba and Erwin. They took the van that they managed to start a week ago to the superstore, strapped with their weapons and bags they managed to pick off the few walkers that were ambling around outside before quickly slipping inside.
They decided to split up since the superstore was two floors- which was probably their first mistake, but at the moment it seemed like a good idea to cover more ground. Mike and Nanaba took the second floor and Levi, Hange and Erwin took the first floor. Hange immediately made a beeline for the pharmacy which happened to be near a food court area, while Erwin and Levi took to looking for any sort of tactical gear or weapons, Mike and Nanaba went for toiletries and food.
Hange quickly made her way over to the pharmacy with a bit of a pep in her step, swinging her wooden bat in her hand as she walked. The bespeckled brunette had to hop over the counter since the gate to get behind it was locked.
She slung her backpack off and started to sort through the medication that was left, mainly dumping antibiotics, painkillers and sleeping pills into her bag; all the while she was humming lowly to herself in deep concentration.
Everything seemed to be going fine…until she was pulled from her thoughts by the sudden sound of growls. Hange froze and made her way towards the counter to check her surroundings and immediately ducked behind it once she saw a horde of walkers coming from the food court area and shuffling their way over. The brunette pressed her back against the counter with widened eyes and tried to make as little noise as possible. Big brown eyes scanned the back area of the pharmacy to see that there was no exit and mentally cursed before peeking over the counter to see that it was now completely surrounded by walkers who groaned and growled while snapping their rotting teeth at the air. She ducked back down and clutched her bat tightly to her chest as she cursed herself once more.
Fucking idiot- there was no way she could signal the others with bringing any attention to herself, she had no idea where they were at this point.
With a shuddering breath, Hange willed herself to calm down so she could think of a way to get herself out of this predicament. Glancing around she weighed out all the variables; a hoard of walkers were blocking her only exit, she only had a bat to defend herself, and the others presumably didn’t know what was happening. She nodded to herself and glanced over at the metal racks that held the various bottles and boxes of medication, letting her eyes trail down, she noticed that they were not bolted to the floor and suddenly it was like a light bulb went off in her head.
The woman took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before grabbing her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder, and quickly crawled over to the racks. Looking over at the horde, she mentally crossed her fingers that her plan would work before grabbing onto one of the racks and pulling it towards her and effectively causing it to tip over. Hange quickly rolled away so it wouldn’t crush her, and watched as it made a loud crash against another rack which teetered and slammed against the wall it was facing. The mess she made attracted the walkers but also created a blockade between her and them, she also hoped and prayed that the noise would at least notify Levi and Erwin.
Levi was at the camping section of the store, which was not too far from the pharmacy. He had managed to find a few cheap flashlights and first aid kits, as well as a pack of hunting knives. After stuffing all his finds into his backpack he ran into Erwin as he exited the camping area.
“Find anything good?” The blonde asked and he nodded.
“You?” Erwin nodded as well.
“Was able to find some walkies, maybe we can find some radio channels to see if there’s any updates.”
Levi hummed in agreement as he looked around. “Where the fuck is four-eyes?”
Erwin blinked and glanced around before opening his mouth, when suddenly there was a loud deafening crash that caused both men to stiffen in their spots.
“That was was coming from the direction of the pharmacy..” Erwin mumbled, and Levi didn’t need to be told any more for him to bolt towards the pharmacy with the blonde hot on his heels.
“Levi, hold on-“ Erwin called out to the shorter man as he rounded a corner and was met with the sight of a sizable horde of walkers that surrounded the pharmacy, some even managed to climb over the counter. Levi’s heart froze at the sight and Erwin had to drag him back behind the corner himself. The raven struggled and pushed at him in an attempt to go look for Hange.
“Let go of me you fucking ape- Hange said she’d be over here!” His face was flushed in anger, his steel colored eyes were wild and frantic and his nostrils flared. But Erwin wasn’t phased by this, he knew Levi long enough to know how to calm him down.
“Levi- Alright, Levi, calm down. I know she said she’d be here but Hange is smarter than a bunch of mindless undead bodies, give her the credit. For know we have to avert their attention from the pharmacy in case she’s in there.”
Levi blinked and let himself calm down before nodding. “…Okay, alright. Let’s do that.”
Erwin gave him a reassuring grin and clasped his shoulder firmly. “After you.”
The raven’s thin dark brows furrowed as he squared his shoulders and whipped out his combat knife before rounding the corner and yelling out to the horde and banging on the nearest wall.
“Oi! Over here you ugly fucks!”
Erwin joined him, pounded on the wall and yelled out at the top of his lungs, his big booming baritone voice bouncing off of Levi’s. The two of them easily gathered the attention of the horde, they turned and started shuffling towards the them, some limping, crawling and dragging their feet as they snapped their teeth at them. Levi immediately went to town on them, slashing stabbing and bashing their skulls in with the speed of a cheetah, while being as lethal as striking cobra. Erwin followed suit, being a powerhouse himself, he used an axe to split open their skulls as if they were just a bunch of coconuts.
Hange remained in a sitting position on the floor as she waited, keeping her body tightly curled up into a ball and pressed against the furthest wall so none of the walkers who poked their arms and heads through the small gaps of the barricade could grab a part of her. The brunette kept herself calm by reciting different formulas in her head that she’d remembered from her days in her college laboratory before the world went to shit.
“Formic acid…methanol…Ben-“ she froze when she suddenly heard yelling and banging.
Straining her ears she perked up and sat up on her knees to peer through the rails of the barricade. The banging and yelling became louder when another booming voice joined in and she immediately knew who the belonged to. She let out a relived laugh and a beaming smile when she saw that the horde was dispersing away from the pharmacy.
“Knew it..” Hange muttered and gripped her bat in determination, swinging at the heads of the few walkers that were left before climbing over the barricade and hopping over the counter. She continued to swing and batter more walkers, not minding the back splatter of blood that rained onto her face and clothes, Levi would bitch about it later but she’d happily listen to it rather than being eaten alive by any of these fuckers.
“Hey shorty! Eyebrows! It’s about time you guys showed up!” The woman called out as she swung once more and let her bat connect with a walker’s skull with a wet crack.
As soon as Levi heard Hange’s voice, he almost melted with relief, but he didn’t stop picking off the walkers that came at them. He spotted the bespeckled brunette a few feet away, bashing away at the undead with a maniacal grin spread onto her bloodied face. Without thinking twice he pushed his way to her, beating and slicing away. He didn’t even flinch when a few spurts of blood splattered onto his cheek when he pulled his blade free from a skull
“Hange!” He called out and she met his gaze, waving at him happily.
“Levi!-“ Her doe eyes widened when Erwin yelled his name and Levi was suddenly jumped by a walker who grabbed him by his hair and shoulder and yanked him back to try to bite at his neck. The raven grunted and flipped his blade around in his hand, plunging it backwards into the eye-socket of the walker. He pulled it out and let the body hit the floor and stumbled back before being attacked again, this time by two of them. Hange called out to him and fought her way over. She managed to yank one of them off of him and ram her bat through its skull. The brunette whirled around to see Levi wrestling against two more, one of them managed to get a strong grip onto his arm, the one that was holding his blade, and imbedded its rotting chiseled teeth into the skin of his forearm.
“No!” Hange screamed in horror and smashed her bat against the skull of the walker who bit Levi, she didn’t stop there, once it fell she straddled its body and beat at its head in fury, getting bits of brain matter and shards of skull onto her clothes and hair.
Erwin emerged from that last of the walkers, followed by Mike and Nanaba who were also covered in walker bits and blood, he ran over to Levi who was kneeling next the floor in shock as he stared as the bite mark on his arm.
The blonde didn’t think twice with his decision. “Hange, hold him down!.”
Hange blinked and scrambled to her feet, glancing at Levi’s arm and then tearfully glancing at Erwin.
“I-..” Her voice failed her and her legs trembled beneath her, she couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
Mike suddenly pushed past them and slammed Levi into a laying position on the floor, effectively holding him down.
“What the fuck-“ Levi’s usually emotionless eyes widened in shock as he tried to break free. “The hell are you doing?!”
“Wait Mike, Erwin! What are you doing?!” Hange shrieked and moved for help Levi but was held back by Nanaba who whispered comfortingly to her as she cried.
“It’s okay, it’s alright- Hange.”
Erwin kneeled down beside Levi who glared up at him, the blonde could tell he was afraid , he usually lashed out violently when he was scared.
“Erwin you fucker-“ The taller man didn’t even give him a chance to finish, he kept his face hard as he cleaned off his axe and held Levi’s bitten arm out, raising the axe into the air and striking it down hard into the juncture of his elbow. Once, twice was enough to separate the infected part of his arm clean off. The scream the was ripped out of Levi made everyone wince, Hange clamped her hand over her mouth as she collapsed onto her knees.
“Hange, we need you!” Erwin called out to her as he pulled out a bottle of alcohol from his backpack and unscrewed it before pouring a generous amount over Levi’s gaping wound. He muttered numerous apologies as the raven growled and groaned in pain, eyelids fluttering as his eyes rolled back.
“No- Levi, stay with us!!” The blonde shouted and slapped at Levi’s face. It was enough to get the shorter man to grunt and refocus his eyes towards the ceiling.
“I-I’m fine..ngh.” He muttered weakly, pale face contorting under all the pain.
Hange dropped at his side and unzipped her back pack. “I need a-a medkit or- or-“ Erwin thrust Levi’s backpack at her and continued to assist Mike with keeping him still. The brunette practically ripped into the bag to pull out the kit and started to work quickly to wrap what was left of Levi’s arm up so he wouldn’t bleed all over the place.
“I-I’ll- “ She paused to swallow thickly and let out a shuddering exhale. “I’ll have to cauterize the wound properly back at our base, but for know this will do.”
Erwin nodded and got up to his feet. “Aright everyone to the van, let’s get him home, we got what we needed.” He then proceeded to lift Levi onto his feet with Mike’s help, and guided him towards the exit. Hange and Nanaba followed after them with the bags.
Once everyone was piled into the van, Erwin peeled out of the driveway and headed back to their base. Mike sat in the front with him and Hange, Levi and Nanaba were in the back. The injured ravenette was being supported by Hange with his head resting on her shoulder, groaning in pain every time he was jostled. The brunette ran her hand through his sweat dampened hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“You’re going to be okay Levi, I promise…” she whispered into his ear as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a water bottle and a searched for a bottle of painkillers and antibiotics. After reading the labels she poured out a couple of the tablets into her hand while trying not to jostle Levi too much.
“Here, come on, you need to take these.” Hange urged him and pressed the medication into his hand. He obeyed and dropped them all into his mouth without complaint before taking the water bottle she offered him and chugging them down.
“Good job, you’re doing good.” She praised him as she took the now half empty bottle back and put it away.
“Don’t..fucking baby me shitty glasses..” Levi grumbled weakly as he rested his head once more on her shoulder.
“I know, I know- I’m sorry..” she whispered and glanced out the window as they drove back home. —
Hange sighed as she cleaned up her utensils and wiped up the blood that was left on the table that they used for the cauterizing session that they did on Levi. She managed to do the procedure quickly and without any hiccups, and now Levi was wrapped up in bed asleep with the help of a few sleeping pills.
Once she finished cleaning up the mess, she let herself collapse onto a chair and stared up at the ceiling.
“You did good.”
Hange rolled her head forward to glance up at Erwin who leaned against the doorway , she hummed in response. He turned to leave but she stopped him with her next words.
“I thought you were going to kill him back there…for a quick fleeting second I thought you were going to kill him.”
The blonde stood there quietly with his back facing her for a minute before taking a deep breath and turning to face her.
“I did what I thought was best, he might hate me for it later but I’ll live with it. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I let him become like those things.”
She nodded slowly and sighed. “Neither could I..”
Erwin walked over to Hange and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and a pat. “Go to him, get some rest, he’s gonna need to see your face when he wakes up.”
When the brunette nodded and got up he said a goodnight before walking of rocks his own room. Hange made her way over to the room her and Levi both shared and slipped in quietly. He was deeply asleep on the bed where she left him, the covers were tucked in comfortably around him and his bandaged hand rested above them. Slowly, the bespeckled woman removed her soiled clothes and changed into just an old baggy t-shirt, before letting her hair down and removing her glasses. After changing she made sure to wash her face one more time for good measure before carefully slipping into bed next to Levi.
Hange let herself watch him sleep for a moment, he would almost look dead if it wasn’t for the telltale sign of his chest slowly rising and falling as he breathed softly. Blinking away the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, she gently stoked his pale cheek. This caused the raven to stiffen ever so slightly, before relaxing and nuzzling his face into her hand. She chuckled softly pressed her lips to his forehead, holding him close while being wary of his injury.
“..you won’t be alone okay? I’ll help you through this, I promise.” Hange whispered mostly to herself as she raked her lithe fingers through his inky locks, soothing him with her touch as he slept.
“You’ll be okay, we’ll be okay..”
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peachymess · 5 years
If attack on titan was in the Harry Potter universe, what subject do you think the veterans would have been teaching at Hogwarts (like all the veterans including Nile, Hannes, pyxis and such) and what houses would 104 been in? It’s okay if you don’t like au’s like that then you don’t have to reply, hope you have a good day :) !
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Hi, anon! Finally, I’ll be answering your Harry Potter AU ask! I knowit’s been ages and ages – I’m really sorry about that. To pay you back for thelong wait, I’ve done headshots of the entire 104 plus some of the vets for thisAU. Please accept my apology-drawings, haha. Art posts for vets here, and 104 here.
For the vets, I assigned each of them one of the HP subjects, and I’m reallyhappy with where they ended up. I can see them all in these positions, and Ihope you can too; if you’d like a deeper explanation as to why some of themended up with what they did, just shoot me an ask about the specific charactersin question and I’ll be happy to explain.
 Erwin (Slytherin): Defence against the dark arts 
Levi(Hufflepuff): Potions
Hanji(Ravenclaw): Transfiguration
Moblit(Hufflepuff): Muggle studies
Mike(Gyrffindor): Herbology
Nanaba(Gryffindor): Flight class
Nile(Ravenclaw): History of Magic
Pyxis(Slytherin): Astonomy
Hannes(Hufflepuff): Groundskeeper
Petra(Hufflepuff): Divination
Oluo(Slytherin): Charms
Eld(Gryffindor): Arithmancy
Gunther(Gryffindor): Apparition lessons
Ness(Hufflepuff): Care of Magical creatures
Now, forthe houses, and where to put everyone: I have to talk about how I view the HPhouses first… 
To start off, I’m not the biggest fan of dividing young, impressionable kidsinto groups based on personal traits to begin with. I feel like it’s likely toshape – and restrict – how the kids view themselves and the people around them.I feel like someone who’s more like, say, a Ravenclaw, at eleven years old,might develop into more of a Gryffindor during their years of schooling (atwhich case, it would be inappropriate for their development, to put them intothe house they not yet fit into, just like moving them mid-school would be). Notto mention it can restrict what social interactions they allow themselves; onegroup villainizing another, or avoiding befriending those they won’t share acommon room with, etc. Even more, I feel like saying people are EITHER brave ORsmart OR driven OR loyal, is doing the complexity of personalities a massivedisservice. If I had a dollar for every person who’ve ever told me they areboth one house and another, or a little bit of all, I’d be… well, richer than Iam now. So. My point is, I’m not a fan of saying someone is one thing, as it can sound likeI’m saying they’re NOT the other three things – which simply isn’t true. HarryPotter houses is something a lot of people have a lot of emotional investmentin. As such, I’m sure some of you will disagree with where I personally see theSNK characters. That’s ok. For most of these, I struggled to settle on onehouse, and I’d probably be swayed to change my mind on many of them, ifpresented with the right arguments. However, I have set some guidelines formyself, and I’ve landed on something, following these:
I’veseparated the HP houses into two categories: action-driven (active) houses andREaction-driven (passive) houses: Slytherin and Ravenclaw are action-driven:while Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are REaction-driven.
Beingaction-driven, in this context, means you actively seek out something. ForSlytherins, this is a personal goal. Be it a wish to become the most powerfulwizard alive, the richest, or for your moral compass to be universallyacknowledged and followed. If your path is dictated by where you want to endup, your path is unfolding through the actions you take to get there. This isSlytherin. Ravenclaws, similarly, are first and foremost seekers of truth andknowledge. They spend their time actively improving their insight into whateverfield they find most worthwhile; their path is created from the steps they taketo improve on this knowledge.
Being REaction-driven,on the other hand – in this context – means that you are mainly passive,waiting for something to occurs that requires you to react; you respond to anenvironment, rather than cause an environment to occur. For Gryffindor, whosemain trait is their unwavering drive to withstand and overcome even thescariest, most personally endangering obstacles, this means they’ll REact tosaid obstacles by tackling them head-on, because it is the right thing to do(even when it’s also the hardest thing to do). Hufflepuffs, similarly, willrespond to an environment by letting their loyalty tell them how they shouldrespond, when situations occur.
Using theseguidelines, I’ve ended up placing the characters like this:
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Eren(Slytherin): Let’s start this off by getting one thing straight: being aSlytherin and being driven by a personal goal, does not have to be a bad thing!By placing Eren in Slytherin, I am in no way saying he’s a bad guy or that Idon’t support him. No. Eren is here, because, after thinking about it, I can’tdeny that his drive, is an intense, active personal goal of making things rightin the world. Sure, his goal of making the world titan-free (and seeing thefree world later), has taken him down a dangerous path that requires him to bebrave – but he’s not driven by bravery as much as an idea that he just “has todo this, danger level being whatever it is”, for his goal to be reached. He’snot wrestling his fears as much as he is wrestling the danger of not winningwhat needs to be won to advance towards his goal. Lucky for us, his personalgoal, is to give all of us the justice and freedom that is our birthright. Eren’sstrength, is his relentless strength to pursue this freedom.Armin(Gryffindor): I’ve got two names for you to suck on: Hermione and Neville.These characters have taught us that there is no such thing as being “toointelligent” or “too scared” to have the brave heart of a lion. Armin is veryintelligent, and he’s also very human in the face of danger. He also has a dreamto explore (which could make you advocate for Ravenclaw), but more thananything, his dream remains a backseat driver to his rising to the occasionsthat occur; saving humanity before pursuing his own dream. He uses hisintelligence to very skullfully aid in the brave battles he end up in. His maindrive, is wrestling his personal demons, and rising to the occasions. He’sbrave – so incredibly brave – and he’s a Gryffindor.Mikasa(Hufflepuff): A friend of mine said “anywhere but Hufflepuff” when we talkedabout Mikasa. But I beg to differ. Mikasa is strong, and she’s proud. But she’sloyalty bound most of all. She has amazing skills that take her far in battles– but they are not the product of her facing her fears and being brave, butrather the product of her being willing to give it her all to defend what she’semotionally bound to. She’s peak Hufflepuff, because she’s got the skills toback up what she’s loyal to. Honestly, I’d say EMA are all the peaks of theirhouses. Jean(Gryffindor): I’d got Slytherin, had it not been for the fact that once hispersonal desires had to face off against the world’s need for him to rise to adifferent standard, he answered. Jean puts on a good “bad guy slytherin”persona, but his actions say something else. He’s very human, and he’s a slowgrower (as I’ve talked about before), but he DOES grow – and it’s in responseto the world’s need for him to, not for his own personal goals and gains. He’sa Gryffindor.Marco(Ravenclaw): To be honest, we just need someone in Ravenclaw at this point. Ibased this off of Isayama’s HS AU; Marco and Armin are both smart guys, butwhile Armin is shown to be a geek (more devoted to his interests outside ofschool; not being defined by his cleverness), Marco is a “nerd”; school smart –defined by his intellect. I’d say this is better shown in the AU than in canon,but then again, Marco didn’t have much time to blossom. That’s why I’ve chosento go with the context Isa has given us, and say he’s someone who strives toalways be better, learn more, gain knowledge – be it how to fight better, howto strategize more, or how to read situations.Sasha(Hufflepuff): Sasha very nearly ended up as a Gryffindor for me. I held backpartially because I love the idea of her and Connie being Huff-buds. And atfirst I felt like I was cheating; after all, the ways she saved that child andtook out a titan on foot, is still one of the most amazing moments of thisstory for me. Like if you cry every time… But I had to take a step back andremind myself that Hufflepuff is not BELOW Gryffindor. Hufflepuff is not alower tier than any of the other houses. It’s supposed to be your main note.And for Sasha, what we see her do most of, is being a very quirky, goofy, funnygirl who enjoys the simple things (good times with friends, food, etc.). To me,that’s a Hufflepuff. She’s sweet, and she’s fierce. Precisely like a Huff who’sthrown into a world where her loyalty is called upon a lot.Connie(Hufflepuff): He’s in the same boat as Sasha; he’s brave in the face of danger,and he’s the Lion’s heart worthy, but more than that he’s a simple guy who’soften shown to fit snugly into the simpler times-life. Who said Hufflepuffscan’t also be brave when they’re called upon by something or someone they careabout?Reiner(Gryffindor): To be honest, I’m the least sure about the BRA trio. Partiallyfor the sake of mirroring the EMA trio, I decided to put them all in differenthouses. But also, I partially wanted to emphasis that they all have differentpersonalities. Lumping them all into Slytherin and calling it a day, woulddoing them and their individual causes a big disservice. And at the end of theday, while Reiner was the left-over after I placed Annie and Bert, I do thinkReiner’s struggles warrant recognition in the Gryffindor way. After all, nobodyworked harder to get a spot amongst the shifters than him, he took on the roleas Marcel 2.0 after BRA were thoroughly lost, he kept going even after theintense mental struggles he suffered from that point onward, he genuinely triedto be just be best tm  - even though he’sstruggled to find out what IS the best. I’d say he’s got a drive to mimic aSlytherin, but on the other hand, he became very passive inside the walls, oncehe found a comfortable place to play pretend, so I’d say he’s more a re-actor.Annie(Slytherin): Since the beginning, we’ve seen that Annie does not put much stockin loyalty for the sake of loyalty. Sure, she can stick to a side/idea once shedecides on it, but how she decides on it, is driven by her own interest. Shejust wants to be ok, and to have a better life for herself. She’s not exactlyshooting for the stars with this goal, but it’s her final compass none theless. Again, she’s not bad; wanting to wathc out for yourself is not inherentlyevil – it just is what it is.Bertolt (Hufflepuff): Bertolt is loyal to the side he’s picked, preciselybecause it’s what he’s decided to stick with. Loyalty for the sake of loyalty.He says he’s not sure what’s the right thing anymore, but he sticks with Marleybecause that was his entry point. He’s also – while powerful – more of areactor; doing the work he knows he has to do, once it’s possible or asked ofhim. He’s a Hufflepuff to me.Ymir(Slytherin): Ymir’s selfishness is a front she puts on. It’s aself-preservation mechanism that kicks in, understandably, after everythingthat’s happened to her. She’s not a Slytherin because of this. She’s aSlytherin, because at the end of the day, she’s made the choice to follow thatfront’s example, and put herself first for once. Perhaps she’s a convertedGryffindor. All I know is, she’s chosen to put herself and her interest(s)first, and she’s actively sought out these benefits – Slytherin by fomula – butthe more I think about it, the more I want to replace her in Gryffindor.Historia(Slytherin): Historia may appear to be a selfless, brave Gryffindor, and sure,she’s in dangerous situations, like everyone else in 104 – but she’s therebecause that’s her goal. Her personal goal is to appear selfless. To me, herentire arc was about accepting and beginning to love and blossom as herSlytherin self. A Gryffindor wouldn’t say they didn’t care if someone was indanger in their stead (Armin standing in for her), nor would a Gryffindor telltitan Ymir to tear down the tower to save herself, dooming three other people (Connie,Bertolt, Reiner) to death in the process. Historia is not a selfless personfirst and foremost – and while I personally don’t appreciate her, I’m not goingto say she’s in Slytherin for being selfish. No; she’s there because her drivehas been facing inwards, and that’s ok. She’s had little choice but TO have herown back. And she was a child, and can thus not really be blamed for ending uptrying to tend to herself in a harmful way (attempting to die in a heroic wayfor how that will appear outward). But she is, in the end, a character drivenby self-preservation and (the search for) self-acceptance. And that puts her inSlytherin for me.
… And that’sit, anon. I hope you found this interesting and/or entertaining. I put quite abit of effort into this, and I hope something positive will come from it ^^
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lacktastrophe · 5 years
Retrospective! Chapter 104: Witch Hunt
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It took the greater portion of the year (and with 42 pages per week it’s not hard to imagine precisely why). With Witch Hunt finishing just recently, it’s time for another chapter retrospective! The last time we did one of these was around the conclusion of the previous chapter, Fair Game, so it’s been a while! I opted to start doing these as opposed to going back and updating each of the character megaposts with newer information with each new chapter. I’ve only planned for these retrospectives to start from the most recent chapters, absolutely no intention of going back and examining what I’m likely to cover in character megaposts. Once BCB goes back to a three day schedule expect to see more of these.
Right, so, since Lucy’s return to Roseville we’ve had a great number of chapters dedicated to following alongside Paulo as he tries to tie up loose ends, daydream about Korats, and well, try to figure himself out. We’ve had one for Daisy, and a number of them to Lucy as she reintegrates back into the town. We’re due for more Lucy and this chapter delivers, ripe with interactions between the other characters as well, as we get to see how neo-Lucy deals with the problems still going on in Roseville. 
This chapter opens with a surprise as someone knocks on Lucy’s door.
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It’s Carmen Sandeigo, ready for her next big heist!
Actually, it’s just Sue trick-or-treating. Lucy’s presumption she’s not here for the chocolate is correct; there’s certainly a heist going on; it’s not the chocolate. She’s at Lucy’s house with a different heist in mind; stealing her away and spending an evening on the town trick or treating. A treat for us! The last Halloween chapter was back in Volume 2 with Mischief Night. Things aren’t likely going to go the same way this time with poisoned Korats. 
But hey, who’s to say? Right?
Sue arrives not giving any formal notice before hand, she knows Lucy far too well in that she’d likely say no and not make plans for the evening, as Lucy has never been outgoing in the past, and she’d be right, Lucy hasn’t made plans for the evening. Hearing Sue out and considering it’ll be the last time they can have this kind of fun before the adults start to tell them to grow up, Lucy obliges, although warning her — since she wasn’t planning on going she isn’t ready, but she does have something.
Inside, Lucy’s mother (She’s named Joy isn’t she? Because Nurse Joy?) overhears and tell’s Lucy to go on with her friends that evening. She’s got no problem covering the treat giving in her place. But Lucy’s not able to get too far without Michael Jordan over-hearing and deciding to fulfill the role as the over-protective older brother and not letting her go without him. Lucy objects but Jordan’s best interests lie with his family. It might take him a long while to get to the point where he doesn’t believe she needs further supervision either. especially after last year’s events that her friends are yet to learn about, or won’t.
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Not willing to put up with Jordan’s dorky-ass following her around, Lucy suggests a compromise; Augustus goes with them instead. And why not? Jordan is not a very intimidating presence (and if last chapter was any amount of insight, he’s a complete pushover). Sue’s not at all intimidated by him having gotten to know him better ever since Rachel’s group started hanging out with them at the same lunch table at school. The rest of their group have come to understand him a little better, and that’s left him not being as threatening of a presence, unlike the time he was telling them all off when they were outside their door when Lucy pulled out of the school. 
Augustus is perfect for the occasion. He’s got the reputation to keep others away, the attitude and the attire, an added bonus as Lucy points out; he doesn’t need to get dressed, his goth/punk attire is more than enough for the evening, much to Augustus’ chagrin.
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It’s a wonder why Augustus keeps to the punk attire given he’s no longer in Alejandro’s group.
So, Lucy goes upstairs to get changed for the evening, leaving Sue with the creepy guy who molested Daisy a couple of years ago.
Yeah, there’s still that.
But hey, if Lucy has let him stay at her place, surely that means he’s not that bad of a guy...right? Sue decides to try and at least get along with him and break the ice. This doesn’t really work out too well; Augustus isn’t too interested in getting to know too many of Lucy’s friends at this stage. Sue takes that for what it is. 
Finally, Lucy calls out saying she’s ready much to the relief of Sue who turns back towards the stairs. . .
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All to the dismay of Sue when she realises. It seems Augustus isn’t the only one getting a bit of cheek this evening, as Sue looks back crestfallen at a Lucy with the smuggest face imaginable as she emerges down the stairs wearing nothing other than the dress from Sue’s play. Not at all what she had expected but to be fair though, Lucy had given her some fair warning that she only had ‘something’ for Halloween, and sadly that dress probably wasn’t going to see much use outside of the play. It would have likely rotted in her dresser. It’s been reduced to a joke for the evening at Sue’s expense. A lesson on being careful with what you wish for.
It’s not hard to comprehend why Sue’s being this way. Sue’s had mixed feelings over her play since its completion. On one side it’s a form of pride being the first considerably successful thing she’s accomplished at the school (having previously failed to become School secretary), but sadly it also hasn’t done well to boost her social status or her self-esteem, as ‘friends’ have used it against her (between being bad/boring etc or being regarded as ‘that incest play’), but also more a debilitating problem for her as she’s previously questioned whether it had been responsible for Lucy leaving Roseville. She understood and realised a little too late she had overstepped Lucy’s boundaries having forced her into the role, and forcing her to cooperate with someone of whom she didn’t want to be around  — fearful of making things worse by continuing to be around them  — in order to get them to discover common ground again, as we saw in “It’s All In The Mind.”
Despite appearing initially upset in being reminded about the play, Sue thankfully comes around not too long after. Perhaps able to put it behind her in much the same way Lucy is able to wear the dress again. I wouldn’t put it past that as much weight as the dress carries in the form of bad memories for Sue for previous overstepping of boundries, it likely carries weight for Lucy in a much different way. Wearing it now gives it some better meaning as the two enjoy the evening, as Sue and Lucy find themselves laughing about it, and moving on from a dark part of their friendship. 
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Things are looking better. But something’s still biting at Sue. She’s noticed something. It’s not the same like it was the last time they were Halloweening.
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Where are her pets? Where’s Yashy, Chirpy and Lily? They weren’t to be seen in the household just before. Actually, we never saw them since her return, and there’s a reason. They’re not out of frame; they are not there at all. It turns out they have not come home to Roseville with Lucy, instead choosing to stay with her aunt the next town over. 
Of the many reasons as to why, one regards Chirpy, who found her real mother.
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Yashy appears to have been the main pet who didn’t want to return to Roseville  and had chosen to stay at her aunts. Lucy believes she doesn’t want to see Mike again having believed for the longest time that Mike and Lucy would become a pair (her otp) and still resents him, having only learned the truth towards the end of ‘Just Beautiful’ when Lucy is pushed too far and reveals the truth of Mike’s marital status. Her small world became a lot bigger after that day and she still seems to be working through it.
With Yashy staying behind, Blur would not want to return home by himself either prefering Lucy and co.’s company to Mike’s. With Lucy having reasons to come back to Roseville, the only way forward was to leave them in the care of her aunt and Lily, who also offered to stay behind as well.
It’s a tough breakup but Lucy appears to be doing well on her own. Sue tells her she’s got her.
And the creep too. 
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Well if you didn’t want to be called the creep you should’ve said something more about yourself back at the house, Augustus.
Turns out, the night is going just as Lucy had expected as Augustus points out two more of their friends have shown up and are keeping their distance. Augustus the deterrent is working successfully, all to Augustus’ expense, as one of those is PuyoPuyo-witch Daisy, all too shocked that what Lucy said to her in ‘It’s all in the mind’ was true. As for Kermit-De-Mike, well, give it a few more pages.
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Augustus is free to wish Daisy didn’t appear to resent him so, but doing so out loud garners him nothing but a bad look from Sue and Lucy.
On the other side of the street we see that Mike is livid about the revelation being true and selfishly believing that Lucy is intentionally befriending Augustus in an attempt to make him jealous. Daisy tries to downplay his idea in that maybe they really are just genuine friends. That does not help anything but give Mike reason to believe she’s desperate for attention, stepping on Daisy too as well as she too had tried to be a friend to him too once upon a time.
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Daisy tries to defend Lucy’s actions believing what she’s doing has some good reason behind it. She’s firm in her belief Lucy isn’t being petty and dating him as what she told her back in ‘It’s all in the mind’. Daisy wants to believe that was the case, instead suggesting if she really wanted to date someone, it would likely be with Paulo, much to the amusement of Mike who’s astonished it hasn’t happened yet and that she hasn’t tried to rub that in his face either. Unbeknownst to either of them it never will; it doesn’t look like Paulo has said anything about the carnival. Instead he’s sure it’s just another card up her sleeve to make him jealous. Everything’s just an attempt to get attention. 
Daisy tries to shoot that idea down pointing out that Lucy has been trying to avoid all of them; here, but presumably she also means at school where Lucy is not seen during lunch where she instead goes to find Augustus. Mike’s all but sure that it’s got everything to do with his own circumstances. 
Mike is just not listening to reason and that’s ruining Daisy’s evening, and she snaps telling him the world doesn’t revolve around him.
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She’s had enough of his mean attitude and his mopey behavior causing Mike to stare in socked disbelief as Daisy shouts what would otherwise be the truth that night; why would she hang around you if you’re always so mean about her all the time? The girl who he expected would follow him to the ends of the earth has put her foot down. A night of Trick-or-treating hasn’t been anything like she imagined, and she ditches him for the group across the street if there’s any chance away from Mike’s toxic attitude. Leaving Mike to realize what he’s done.
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Daisy integrates well enough into Lucy’s group despite the deterrent. Friendship is ever so much more stronger than Augusts’ intimidating presence and Daisy appears to trust Lucy enough to not be afraid of him. But she is cautious, before she can ask, Lucy assures her if Augustus tries anything, she’ll beat him down. Not that Augustus appears to be inclined to try anything.
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We find Mike hasn’t moved from the other side of the street, watching on as everyone else is having a good time, feeling miserable for himself.
But he’s not alone out here. Out from the bushes and Bat-David and everyone’s favourite clown crash the party. It looks like Mike won’t be completely alone this Halloween from this point forward.
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Oh thank god he’s come as something better this year. Remember when Paulo went as Twilight the vampire?
The focus of Trick or Treating is in the cards this time around, no more hijinks with trying to scare the kids younger than them like he did with Jasmine. But before they can do that, the first order of business is emptying out his bag into Mikes’ to undo a mistake, and that appears to have been Halloweening around his side of Roseville, where the least favourite candies could be found in multitudes. He’s hoping the richer kid neighbourhoods yield better candies.
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And things work out well so far. Until they run into the other group again.
And oh god already their small group is one man less as David runs off to admire Augustus...
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We also see that Amaya has joined the group at some stage and is a Hershy’s Kiss.
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Well, the evening just went to shit for Paulo and Mike as David has ditched them in favour of the early 2000 Final Fantasy aesthetic. Leaving the two of them alone until Paulo wonders why the hell they’re not over there either, not at all intimidated by Augustus himself. That prompts Mike, it’s Lucy. 
Not at all understanding how deep the rift between Mike and Lucy is (Or at least playing dumb or willing to compromise if that means trick-or-treat as a group), Paulo tries to talk some sense into him in that there are other people he can talk to, not having prior knowledge of what just transpired minutes ago with him and Daisy, and he drags him over before Mike can voice a protest, noting that they share something in common as he believes Lucy’s not likely interested in talking to him either. This surprises Mike especially regarding earlier. Paulo’s message gives off an implication he hasn’t tried to speak to Lucy since “After you” either, given it happened a few days before Daisy’s Birthday, which took place in September, Paulo hasn’t spoken to her for somewhere closer to a month.
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Paulo insists they bring Mike into the group. You can tell from everyone’s faces how well they believe that’s going to go, Augustus’ the only one who has to verbally be real with him. Not that Paulo listens and tries his best to entertain the notion regardless how vain it’s going to get.
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Already dragging Mike into crocodile infested waters, Paulo tries to play it off like it’s no big deal, after all, they’re all there for chocolate and that’s something they all have in common, who cares? Let’s get a move on with the evening!
While the others stare on in disbelief (or confusion) at the performance, Daisy comes in support of not having the evening be wasted by one sourpuss. You’ve just gotta feel for Augustus as his heart tears itself up inside as she rises in support and follows Paulo’s lead. 
But like Lucy, we all know what’s really going on as Daisy tries to chat with Paulo. It’s a perfect evening for the two to get closer, but it won’t happen, not with Mike still feeling and appearing pretty down that evening and Paulo focusing his energy on that. 
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We hit turbulent waters as Daisy has not let go of earlier either and reveals Mike’s being anti-social because Lucy’s in their presence. Paulo’s attempts a vain effort of small-talk but that faulters when the topics Paulo chooses are all sorespots.
Even that tree one which I thought was very clever with how innocent it is. It gives off the impression of how boring Paulo considers Mike to be. The thing is, trees are likely a sorespot with Mike given how Sandy reacted back in Model Girlfriend.
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Well, Paulo’s upset because he’s not able to maintain equilibrium; he wants to hang out with everyone else and for everyone to co-exist, but Mike doesn’t want cooperate by being in any mood other than a bad one. Unfortunately for Paulo the whole drama playing out between him and Mike is affecting everyone else and it’s starting to show: Any chance of having a good evening out without any sign of drama isn’t happening so Sue’s night’s getting ruined. Lucy can’t help but watch on as Paulo keeps trying to be a friend. Daisy is not at all happy with Mike at all for earlier either.
The only resort Paulo has left is to bring up Sandy. It’s the only thing Mike’s probably willing to talk about.
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Oh thank god; a reaction. Paulo asks for some gossip but we quickly enter a problem.
Sandy’s disappeared again.
They entered another drought and Paulo is livid in how Mike continually tortures himself. Paulo finds himself needing to be the voice of reason for the occasion: being in this relationship is killing him because of his needs and Sandy’s constant disappearances.
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They need to talk about this; she’s disappeared again even when it looked like things were going to work out (as according to Class of 2008). It’s happened again! it’s paramount if Mike’s ever going to happy and it appears that Paulo’s at his wits end in how Mike just does nothing! Mike being still under the impression rather than care about how he feels, he should be happy that Sandy is making huge strides in her career at the cost of himself. Mike undervalues everything to do with himself as insignificant in hers in contrast, and that line of thinking keeps Mike from making any forward changes, resisting any and all suggestions from Paulo to think about himself in this relationship for a change. The argument is going in a circle and Paulo is unable to get through to him.
And then Lucy unexpectedly joins in, much to the shock of everyone around them.
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Not willing to make amends while Mike is acting the way like he did back towards her in Unspoken Rule, but on the assumption that Mike is actually moping about because of Sandy and not because of her, Lucy tells Mike what he would have wanted to hear had it still been her shoulder to cry on as he did in the past, that’s if it’s anything to have the night saved from what it is currently. She gives thoughtful ideas to take his mind off her absence. But Mike does not take her suggestion well or her interjection and tells her to butt out.
But then Daisy joins in, having misgivings herself about Sandy and the way how Sandy had completely forgotten her first best friend for three years. 
This doesn’t help matters whatsoever, as the idea of having his relationship trivialized in the same boat as Daisy’s is enough to push Mike to the brink.
And he brings all his canons down to bear.
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Mike begins vehemently defending Sandy by belittling Daisy’s past relationship as nothing more than being an acquaintance. Sick of everyone’s attitude towards Sandy, he offers to give Daisy her number so she can vent to her directly and get off his neck about it. He reaches into the Mike-Hammerspace to get his phone, only to find it’s not there. Someone’s beaten him to it. . .
And is calling her now, much to his horror.
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Having shown really good sleight of hand in the past, Paulo has taken his phone and used it to call her when he least suspected it, and unsurprisingly found no reply on the other end. He wastes no time in managing to leave a hateful message before Mike can try to wrestle the phone free. With the deed done, Mike just asks him why he did it.
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It’s apparent Paulo has had enough and he’s grown sick of Mike’s attitude, witnessing a friend being at the receiving end of Mike’s frustration at Sandy’s absence. Having been on the receiving end of it himself and apologizing for instigating it, the line is drawn when Mike directs his anger on the people around him. Having known what Mike had done to Lucy (Happy Hour) likely learning about Sue’s encounter, the victim now is Daisy. Retribution comes in the form of telling off Sandy in no uncertain forms everything that is bringing Mike down about the relationship. 
It’s not at all one of the best things that Paulo has done thus far and one of the more morally ambiguous actions as Mike’s friend. But at the same time it needed to happen as Mike constantly refused to address the issue directly, prolonging himself in this never ending cycle where he keeps his emotions bottled inside and letting it eat away at him, and in turn that caused him to take it out on the people around him. If there was any hope for change, it would be by forcing Mike to talk, and Paulo has forced his hand, now he has to deal with it.
If they’re all wrong about Sandy and Mike is justified in how wrong everyone’s concerns or feelings are wrong, then all it would take is for Sandy to ring him back right now, as even Paulo offers to apologize for being an asshole if she does.
They both know she won’t.
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The drama of the evening comes to a close as Sue has had enough; enough of the drama and she screams at them both. Her night is being ruined by this drama being prolonged. Lucy agrees, they’re here for candy, And so does Augustus, how the fuck are any of them friends?
Mike swipes at Lucy’s attempt to move things on, but Lucy doesn’t reciprocate in the way he expects. She’s moving on, without him.
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And so is everyone else, including Paulo who’s at his limit. They don’t wait for him. They’re done. It’s Daisy, the one who had been Mike’s cheerleader for the longest time the one who looks back for a moment before joining the rest of the group. Mike’s universe stops in a bizarre moment as everyone follows Lucy.
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Not at all playing out like he imagined, indeed - The very opposite.
(Bonus: Shoutouts to Marona Possessed!)
Daisy takes a moment to apologize to Paulo feeling responsible. It’s understandable, she might have thought she had resulted in Mike and Paulo’s relationship ending up about the same state as hers as well. She swears she will not be trouble for the rest of the night if they allow her to stay around, and tries to apologize for defending him all the time as well as well. It’s no wonder given that Sandy had forgotten about their three year friendship. After all this time Daisy did not want the same thing happening again; she didn’t want to have another friendship where she ended up forgotten. Mike happened to be just as hurt when Sandy left, and Daisy eventually came to like him as well. So, since they both were forgotten, she tried being a better version of Sandy to him. Smart, but willing to depend on him and defend him to her dying breath of necessary. 
All for naught.
Paulo tells her nothing was her fault. She was only following her heart and nobody could fault her for that. 
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It’s very heartwarming and we get the most loveliest make up page for it.
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Paulo x Daisy lives on.
Meanwhile Mike watches on, alone and miserable as everyone else is having fun without him.
And then his phone rings.
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Oh shit, it’s actually her!
But it’s too bad because nobody hears him, and Mike has to deal with the fallout from Paulo’s nuclear attack.
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Well, apparently she was around. 
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Mike downplays the whole thing for her explaining that Paulo doesn’t understand her circumstances. Sadly this whole conversation going forward with Sandy does nothing but raise red flags; even despite being half the country across the world that shouldn’t keep her from talking to him. But we already know this is the case as Mike has dug his own grave to sit in by letting her know he has no problem with her long absences. Her career is so much important.
And she believes that too throughout this whole thing.
To no one’s surprise Sandy’s memory of his friends is not perfect and she mistakes Paulo for David. It feels like Mike has actually spoken about them before based on what he’s saying, but Sandy can’t recall. 
Paulo’s suggestion she should spend more time with Mike over the phone is ‘so weird.’
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Another red flag as Sandy can’t divulge anything specific to her boyfriend about her current going-ons but at least lets him know she’s in this life-changing event that might mean the most to her in the future. Taking a pot-shot at someone much less opportunity than her and less better off as ‘slacking off’ doesn’t win her any points either.
There does appear to be some thought to what Paulo said as Sandy reciprocates Paulo’s message in that she hasn’t paid much attention to him. . .
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But it’s a question of when, as Sandy prioritizes the big event the next day over explaining to her boyfriend or digging deeper into his grievances, and that does not fill me with confidence. Mike does nothing in return but offer endless support.
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‘You’re too nice’ takes me back to Model Girlfriend and I am absolutely not enthused about where this is all going at all.
Unfortunately for Mike the opportunity to find out more about what’s going on in Sandy’s life shuts as Sandy needs to be ready for the next day at 4am. 
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There’s nothing more to say here, is there? It’s an endless cycle and you’re seeing it again to have that point drilled in. Mike puts a lot of love into this relationship, but he’s just not getting any back as Sandy’s priority is more with her job. It’s dubious if you can put the whole blame on Sandy, as Mike hasn’t been quite forward himself at times. But given that Mike , but it ‘s clearly the wrong relationship for Mike.
End stage for Mike.
Meanwhile with the main group Daisy spots the best house for Halloween and everyone else charges towards it. Leaving Paulo with a rather apologetic looking Lucy.
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Well if you thought Lucy was intentionally avoiding Paulo tonight you’d learn it was for a different reason, if at all before as well. Finally able to catch him alone, Lucy is hopeful he wasn’t offended by seeing her wearing the dress again and hoping it isn’t reaching back far for those memories when Lucy attempted to win him over. It was only meant to point fun at Sue, there was no thought that she’d run into him again figuring he still hated her for turning him down, and she felt she needed to make sure she wasn’t intentionally being awful to him again. Even better, going back to the thoughts of that moment back in the dressing room where it all started, it comes with a better apology in how they couldn’t be a pair, something Paulo anguished over for a great deal of time after her departure, all in a much better fashion from After You. Much to Lucy’s relief; Paulo is all but willing to forgive, forget, and move on. 
Well... forget in some ways, not more in others....
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By the end of the chapter, Lucy is likely more relieved in that no one in her social group was willing to make her a pariah through her association to Augustus, or her disassociation to Mike. No one was deterred by Augustus’ presence. They might not trust her decision in associating with him, at least initially. But they’re choosing to trust that she knows what she’s doing, and that’s more than enough.
So where are we now?
Well, of course, things haven’t gone the way as Mike prophecised in December. It wasn’t true then, it certainly isn’t now as everyone wanted to be friends with both of them, but Mike has continually taken his anger out on the people around him might see him isolated from the group. It’s going to be interesting to see what’s going to become of him in the next few chapters as I would be under the assumption the camel’s back has finally been broken and his friends are not willing to continue to deal with him while he’s in this state. 
Lucy was not willing to put up with him on her return knowing full well that she would not be treated as a friend but instead as the shoulder to cry on especially when Sandy wasn’t around as it had been in the past. It turned out to be the case in Unspoken rule when Mike attempted to apologize, but when it meant telling her precisely what he meant to her back in December, he could not. He was not there to apologize at all and he was there for another reason. Having Mike explode at her for bad mouthing Sandy again gave her more reason to believe that was the case, and she was right. Mike had shown this behaviour before in the same way in Just Beautiful. Mike was not likely going there that time to apologize despite Sandy asking him to. Although he appeared to initially at first, it was at the last second he turned away. He might have gone there almost instinctively instead, as much in the same way Mike ‘accidentally’ ran into Lucy in unspoken rule, begging Lucy to forgive him, but unable to let Lucy say anything bad about Sandy. 
As co-dependent as Lucy had been with Mike in the past, he is just as co-dependent with support about his relationship. This is closer to the case given by what happens towards the end of Dial Tone; where instead of dreaming of a better time with Lucy, he instead dreams of her providing him emotional support. 
Symbiotic codependency.
Lucy seems to have gotten over that dependency, but Mike has rediscovered it. She’d be right in not wanting to go back to those days as it became emotionally debilitating to her when she began to develop feelings for him.  She’d be right to avoid it. And Mike is anguishing because previously Lucy had been attempting to be supportive of his relationship by providing alternate solutions to take his mind off it or trying to assure him things were okay. Paulo, who found himself as the replacement, is more of a realist. 
Sue had tried to be a helping hand after witnessing Mike take out his anger on Paulo, but in trying to, and at the mere mention of Sandy possibly being the problem, Mike had lumped her with the rest of people who have no faith in their relationship given her previous support of Lucy. Having known him as far back as kindergarten was not enough to get him to open up, instead knowing that Sue had always stood to support Lucy. She took that to heart. She wasn’t going to ever let him speak to her like that again.
Daisy became the latest victim in that for the longest time the source of all of her grief was with trying to be a better friend to Mike than Sandy. It wasn’t the first time Daisy has voiced such a bad opinion about Sandy as she had before to Augustus back before inviting Mike to the carnival, and told him there she could be better. Model Girlfriend did nothing but push the envelope in that Daisy’s worst nightmares had come true and Sandy had completely forgotten about her, that meaning of being her best friend meant nothing and Daisy resented her even more. She’s done being his cheerleader.
Paulo had come to know that he wasn’t the only person who Mike had exploded at and there had been others. He’s known about Lucy when Mike admitted as such in Happy hour, but he’d come to know about Sue’s run-in and witnessing Daisy just now. Having tried to give helpful advice to Mike previously, Paulo might have recognized a dead end to the help he can provide. 
Mike’s relationship isn’t doing so well as we’ve gathered and the signs are there for everyone to see. Mike included - but those rose tinted glasses refuse to come off. Mike can’t help but idolize Sandy in such a way his feelings mean absolutely nothing. He enthusiastically defends anything she does, and any challenge to her brilliance and his perfect relationship is met with the same level in rage. 
And for what? It’s cost him, his closest friends don’t want to be near him. And Sandy isn’t completely unavailable as what it first seemed. To no one’s surprise, her priority is around her career and Mike has agreed to be second to that. When it looked like their relationship looked like it was in trouble, Sandy’s priority was getting to sleep, and Mike let her go. 
He’s the master architect of his own unhappiness.
So what happens now?
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Suits: If the Shoe Fits (9x05)
The status of Mike and Harvey's friendship was left way too vague for my tastes at the end of this episode. Please, please tell me Mike will be back for the finale!
One thing about Mike being here is that it brought to focus how much better the show was when he was there. I'm serious. The banter in that opening scene between Mike and Harvey brought Harvey's character to life in a way I haven't seen since Mike left. Nothing in the chemistry between Harvey and Donna, or Harvey and Louis, or Harvey and Samantha, can compare to it. Mike and Harvey were the heart and soul of this show, and without one half of that dynamic, the energy just drops way down. It's like a frog in a pot of boiling water, though - you don't notice how much the show has gone downhill because you're kind of lulled into not noticing it. But then bam, Mike is back, and you remember how amazing this show was, once upon a time. Heavy sigh.
Turning to some more specific notes, I got flashbacks to Mike's time in prison when I was watching the final Mike and Harvey scene in this episode. Harvey was unimpeachable in his honesty, taking the loss gracefully and telling Samantha to back down. But then Mike doesn't get what he wants, and he blames Harvey for it and says Harvey has changed and is a bad person now or something. Mike has always had this moral high ground over Harvey and some of the other characters, but it's a really bad look to have him lording it over Harvey when in fact Harvey is not to blame, and is furious with Samantha for hurting Mike. Sometimes Mike Ross can't see the forest for the trees.
I thought Sheila and Louis' plot thread was just fine, but I was bummed that Mike didn't get more time with Louis and with some of the other characters. The feud between Mike and Samantha was fine, I guess, but Mike only got brief little moments with Katrina, Donna, and Louis. I wish we could have seen more of that instead of focusing on a subplot. Also, it always rubs me the wrong way when Louis and Sheila make comments about Louis' therapist being a "Nazi" because he's German. Didn't this guy say he was Jewish? Or had Jewish family or something? I don't know. It just seems kind of insensitive and ignorant.
Mike! Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike!!! Let's just get into this, because having him back was such a joy.
As I said, Mike only got brief moments with some of the characters, but they were all great. Katrina and Mike kept up with their inside joke and shared a hug, Louis and Mike also hugged, and Mike gifted Louis a onesie for the baby. Louis is also the one who reminds Mike to not let bad blood at work get in the way of his friendship with Harvey. That's so sweet. Donna and Mike orchestrated the surprise visit for Harvey, which was kind of adorable. I'm just picturing Mike calling Donna and setting the whole thing up so he could be casually leaning against the counter when Harvey came in. How cute is that?
The case itself was really interesting, and I did like seeing Samantha and Mike pitted against each other. Mike came to New York to go up against Harvey specifically. He wanted to test himself against his former mentor, and Samantha was just supposed to be "along for the ride." I like that this episode presents this setup, and as a viewer you can immediately understand how things can go wrong very quickly. Harvey, Mike, and Samantha are all cut from the same cloth. They're the type of people who cross lines and play dirty, and when you have these people going up against each other, when there's also personal history at stake, things can go off the rails so quickly.
Harvey, as I mentioned above, does absolutely nothing wrong here. He does his best given the circumstances, and I love him for it. I love that his first concern when Mike brings up the case is making sure that he and Mike are okay at the end of it. He makes Mike promise that there will be no hard feelings when the case is over. And then, when it appears that Mike has won, Harvey bows out gracefully and invites Mike over to hang out with him and Donna. Even when they start to yell at each other, Harvey tries so hard to play the middle, to tell Mike that he did not endorse Samantha's actions, while also not selling Samantha out. Mike is right to be upset with Samantha, but Harvey is right to shield her, the same way he would have shielded Mike if they were still on the same side.
And Harvey does go to Samantha, and yell at her, and even though he defended her from Mike, he ends up telling her that he can't trust her anymore. That's a big, huge thing to say. It's not a simple case of picking Mike over Samantha. It's about trust, and friendship. This isn't the only time that Harvey has inadvertently kinda-sorta betrayed Mike because someone else went behind his back. But Harvey is willing to take a loss, Harvey is willing to back down, in order to preserve his friendship with Mike. As he tells Samantha: Mike is family.
Also, the banter. The banter is back. Mike makes fun of Harvey for watching Survivor. Mike gives Harvey a bad time for keeping the apartment in Rick Sorkin's name, showing that Mike remembers how important their first meeting was. They share a hug. Harvey tells Mike he's been replaced, and Mike asks if Harvey remembered to check if the guy has a law degree. Harvey jokes about Mike being afraid of going to prison. They're just... adorable? Yeah. Adorable. I love them, and I want Mike to come back for the finale so bad. The last interaction they have on this show can't be one where they're yelling at each other! That would be too sad!
There was one subplot I enjoyed. Donna tries to help Katrina get over Brian, but discovers in the process that Katrina has only ever had one serious relationship in her life, and she ended it for her career. Donna realizes that Katrina doesn't need a rebound right now - she needs to learn to have a better relationship to herself, so she encourages Katrina to take one night a week to do something just for her, that's not connected to work. This is an important message, especially for a professional single woman, and I love that Donna took the time to check in on Katrina in this way. She's the best.
So that's all I've got to say. So much cuteness with Mike and Harvey. So much drama and angst. Obviously you know I could write a whole thesis statement on why Mike and Harvey are the best thing about this show, but I tried my very best to restrain myself a little bit. I really, really hope that's not the last we see of Mike. I'll admit that seeing him made me less interested in everything else going on here. Will Samantha get her job back? Will Faye take the rest of the firm down? I don't know. And do I care? Well, yeah. Maybe a little bit. But I'd care more if Mike would stick around!
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kimmie113080 · 5 years
Refusing to Yield Chapter 27
This is based on real life. Just names have been changed to protect the person identity. There is mention of all types abuse. If trig, please don’t read it. Reader get into a relationship with Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi but all BTS is in this series. There are other people mentioned in this series.
Why would I want to be away from Ann? She is afraid Lisa you might have an episode of you know. I am not going to leave Ann’s side tonight. Especially when she needs me the most. John you and Chris will not be able to understand it but when you meet someone who is like you in different ways. When they are having the same problem. I cannot turn my back on Ann. She was finally able to learn all thus truth tonight. It is going to make her brain go in between dark side and good side. Both of you should remember when it happened to me. 
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I didn’t have a female around me, but I want to be there for Ann. Lisa it is your decision and we will back you up. Thank you both for backing me up. Uncle Mark are you okay with me doing this? Lisa yes, I am because you both have a similar past and if you think it will benefit Ann to have you around her go for it. Lisa yes, how did you get your brain from going in between the dark side and good side. Talking about what I went through helped me. It is going to take Ann maybe longer than me for it stop going in between dark side and good side. I was younger when I learned the truth. Ann just learned they knew everything and that is why she was put through all of this. 
Lisa, yes Ann I am here. Your okay and I promise not to leave your side tonight. Thank you, Lisa. I used to battle between dark side and good side of my brain a lot of time like you are doing now. I had Uncle Mark, John and Chris to help me, but you have extra four people to help you. I never had a female to help me get through it. I understand what you are going through, so I want to help you get through. It will not happen overnight, but it will start becoming easier to say on the good side especially when dealing with past issues. Lisa are you sure you okay helping me? Yes, I am okay helping you.
I know you are used to having only the guys not including Tom, Bill, Carl, Chris, John and Uncle Mark around to help you. I wish I had a female to sometimes hold my hand when I was going through everything. Lisa you don’t mind helping me either though you might have your own episodes also. No, Ann I do not mind. You now have a female to lean on to help you get through everything. Did everyone here why they did everything to me? Yes, Ann we all heard why you were put through hell. We are going to make sure they never see the light of day again. There is a knock at the door. Your room service is here, but I am still trying to get away.
Ann it is okay it is just our food. Mike yell through the door tell them thank you and we will bring it yourselves. Lisa what is going on with Ann. Since her brain is fight between the dark side and the good side. When anyone comes to the door Ann will get nerves thinking someone is coming for her or is walking away from her. Please no one leave me. I can’t be on my own. Everyone this might be a long night. We might want to take shift just in case Ann wakes up screaming why has everyone left me. Someone was telling everyone else.
John do you think it is going to bad has Lisa was. Uncle Mark I do not know, but if Ann went through more than Lisa it will be worse. Can anyone tell me how bad Ann had it? John why do you want to know how bad Ann had it. Someone else is talking now. Depending on how bad Ann had it will tell us how long her brain will fight between the dark side and good side. You do not need to explain what all happened just how long it happened for. Tim when did we start seeing the bruise get worse on Ann? We started seeing them worse on Ann in second grade, but she had them in preschool.  Okay when did it all stop for Ann?
Someone else is talking now she was able to get away from them 2 years after we all graduated together, but her uncle Jim set her up. Where they were able to get her back 3 half years later. She was in David’s control for 2 years before Ann was able to make another escape. Ann has been on the run for all 4 year now. We meet her 7 months ago. Okay thank you for that information. Uncle Mark it is going to be worse on Ann than it was on Lisa. You were able to get us out 3 years after it got bad for us right after Lisa spinal cord torn apart because of what happened. Chris how did you meet John and Lisa? I meet John in school, and we became friends.
The one day I heard John yelling at someone, so I went running to see what was wrong. Lisa bag was all over the floor. Some other students were kicking everything around and making fun of her because she couldn’t pick up her stuff. John and I would have been suspended that day. My parents got called in with Uncle Mark for John because of that incident. When my parents learned that other students were bullying Lisa and I was helping John protect her. They looked at the school principal and you are going to suspended to student one being the brother of a student who is in a wheelchair. She can’t defend herself. We are going to say this in front of you. Chris if you ever see someone picking on Lisa and John is no where protect Lisa and if John gets it a fight with the bullies help him out.
The principal said you are giving your son permission to fight in school. Yes, we are because if you are not willing to protect Lisa then your son will help protect her. Since that day I have been helping protect and care for Lisa. When John wanted to move out here with Lisa. I decided to move out here with them so when John had to leave for work Lisa wasn’t by herself in a different place. Lisa is Ann okay for someone to go to the door and bring in our dinner. Ann can someone get our dinner, so we can eat. I nodded in Lisa chest. John and Chris go bring our food in. Okay Lisa we can do that.
Ann let’s sit up, so we can eat. Okay we can do that. Ann how are you feeling? I am so, so. Okay is there anything you need right now. I need to go to the bathroom before I eat. Okay Ann, I and Yoongi will take you. I am sorry. Ann why are you sorry. Because I am leaning on Lisa instead of you guys.
Ann it is okay because we want you to be happy and if Lisa is helping you by her just being here. Yes, it is helping having Lisa here also John here to because they both went through some of what I went through. We are happy than but is everyone else happy to. Ann, we can ask them when we go back out there. Okay sound good to me. I am done. Everyone we need to ask a question. Jin what is the question. Ann wants to know if everyone else happy that having Lisa helping Ann through this. Ann is a little nervous because she is leaning on Lisa more then us.
Plus, she is also leaning on John to sense all three of them have somewhat the same past. We already told Ann that we are happy, but she wants to know about everyone else. Namjoon was talking now. Ann, I can speak for the rest of us has your boyfriends that we are happy. We don’t care who you lean on to help you go through this. Ann you learned a lot tonight, so if you are leaning on two people a little more than us because they can relate you. We are glad to have them part of group. Tim is talking now. Ann you need people if your life that you can relate to especially after tonight, so if you are leaning on Lisa and John a little more us who went to school with, we are happy also. Ann honey all of us are happy that you have four more people to lean on.
John and Lisa do have kind of the same past has you. None of you are mad at me. No, Ann none of us is mad or upset at you. Thank you, everyone for understanding me. Ann come and eat. Fred yes, Ann can I have a little bite of your steak it looks good. Ann I kind of order your own steak with a baked potato. I figured you would want some of mine, so I had Bryan order you a steak made the same way I like my steak cooked just in case. Thank you, Fred and Bryan. Your welcome Ann plus we got a salad with French dressing on the side to go with the steak.
We are all sitting down eating. Since I am in my chair. I take myself to the bathroom. Bryan follows me in the bathroom to make sure I am okay. I am throwing up. Bryan yells for Fred, Jin and Yoongi to get to the bathroom. Stay in here with Ann when she is done bring Ann out. I will have Ann’s treat ready for her. Ann it is okay the stress from learning everything is making you sick. Bryan yes, I need the pain treat.
Which pain treat Ann? Just the regular pain treat. Ann, I am going to make up all your treat with you throwing up. You might have the burning pain, so I would like to get that into now also. Okay Bryan we can do that. Bryan leave the bathroom but Fred, Jin and Yoongi stay with me. I can hear Bryan asking Namjoon please go get me all of Ann’s treat. Bryan is Ann okay. No, Ann just got sick. I think all the stress is leaving Ann’s body right.
When Ann comes out don’t anyone ask how she is feeling. Let Ann come to us. I hear John saying. John is talking this is normal for Ann’s body to react with the stress leaving her body. We might want to order light food for Ann to eat the next couple of days. John is right about both things Bryan said. Ann with the stress her body might not be able handle heavy food. Bryan here is Ann’s treats. Okay thank you Namjoon. Can you go check on them in the bathroom?
Yes, Bryan, I can do that. I think I am done has Namjoon comes in to check on us. I can I lay on the floor for right now. My back is screaming at me from throwing up. Yes, Ann you can lay on the floor but let’s have either little w, Jason or Tom lay against the couch and we put you next one of them. Namjoon can you go out to see who is done eating out of those three. Which ever one is done have them lay on the floor next to the couch. Okay Yoongi, I can do that. They are getting ready to bring Ann out. Little w since you are done eating can you go lay against the couch on the floor.
Yes, Fred, I can do that. Jason in four hours you are going to switch spots with little w. Tom after Jason has laid for fours with Ann like that you are going to take over. Yoongi will take over after your four hours Tom. You four are going to have to rotate every four hours while we are at the hotel. I don’t know how we are going to do it at the arena. Little w is waiting against the couch for me. Fred, Jin and Yoongi all get me out of the chair and next to little w. Ann I set up a rotating shift for right now with you needing to lay a little bite against the couch. You are going to lay against little w first since he was done eating.
After four hours Jason is going to laying like that with you. Tom will be after Jason for four hours then it will be Yoongi. For right now this how the four of you are going to be at the hotel. We will set up a different one at the arena if need be. Okay that sounds like a plan to us Namjoon. Ann here is your treat let me help you take it. Okay Bryan you can help me. Bryan can I ask you question. Yes, Ann you can ask me a question. Do you think surgery might help me?
Ann are you now nervous because what you learned tonight? Yes, Bryan I am nervous that the surgery isn’t going to do nothing. Ann remember what Dr. Storm said it should relieve pressure on your spinal cord and the nerves for your legs. Ann, I understand were this coming from. You found out that they knew about this when you were kid. Instead of them getting you help. They figure beating you to help speed up the process of you being paralyzed from the waist down. You are right Bryan. Uncle Carl didn’t you see the lower back problem in my medical records? Ann, I did see it in your medical records, but you were already on tour when I start looking at everything.
I am still trying to process everything that was sent to me. I thought you had people to do that for you. I do Ann but I want to be the only one processing everything sent about you. I don’t want any bit of information getting lost. Ann, I was going to tell you after the tour was over, but I think I should tell you now. Ann all the judges who never listen to anyone about your family was doing to you and all the doctors your mother and Frank had in their pocket lying about your supposedly mental issues. I am going after to have them disbarred and their medical license revoke. That is why I am the only one processing all your records. When I go in front of the people I must. I want all your information to be there.
I don’t trust anyone with your stuff especially after four of them keep getting not of jail. I don’t know if anyone who helps me process everything for my case knows them. I have been the only one to ever process your stuff after you have been in my courtroom. Ann, I have something else to tell you. When I started looking through you stuff. I found something but you are ready know your Uncle Jim hurt you in the past. I started looking into him the first time I meet him. The reason I started looking into him something didn’t feel right to me about him. He never filed anything to get custody to get you. Your mom would get the call from your school, but she would send Jim to deal with it.
Your mom wasn’t allowed on school property because of the incident with David. She needed someone to go to the school. Jim would go because she would make sure Jim got to use you. I am sorry but all your relative on your mother side were able to use you. Your mother side never like her being with Mike. When they found out you were Mike’s daughter. They decided to help your mom to keep the information from you. Tim yes Judge Carl. I saw the report your parents made from that night. They listed everyone who was involved that the party.
Ann that is how I learned about your whole mothers’ side was involved. Uncle Carl are you telling that there is no one on my mom side I can trust? Yes, Ann that is what I am saying. I only have everyone in this room who care about my wellbeing. Ann, I am sorry to be the one to tell you all this new information. Uncle Carl don’t be sorry for telling me all this. I am just glad I had you to handle my stay away orders or I might not have gotten them. Ann, I will always protect you from them. Little w yes, Judge Carl what was the Ann’s code name back in your home area Kimberly Williams. I gave Ann my last name to use.
My full name is Kenneth Williams. You started taking Ann outside the area to doctors because none of the doctors in your home area would listen to Ann. Yes, I did Judge Carl. Everyone can call me Uncle Carl like Ann does. Just when we are in the courtroom you need to call me Judge Carl. Okay Uncle Carl. I got the reports also from those doctor’s little w you took Ann to. They showed a lot of concern about Ann’s back. Uncle Carl they never told us about Ann’s back. The reason why they never said anything.
They didn’t know how to deliver the news to Ann. They all did list Ann has no mental issues expect PTSD. They were afraid it would push Ann into mental breakdown. Little w you always got anything you need for Ann. Yes, they always gave me all different treats for Ann to have when the pain was at the worse. They also told me to watch for flash backs because of the treats. When they started to come use my judgement on how to give Ann her treats. I know you blame yourself for thing that happened to Ann. Yes, I do still blame myself. Please don’t blame yourself.
They were plotting to get Ann back right after Ann called Jim, but you protected her for another 3 in half years. The cops were going to come and arrest little w and those five on false rape charges. That is how desperate they were to get Ann back. I guess that is why David threated me with that the last day you saw little w in our home area. Little w because they were already plotting against you guys. They also were plotting against Tim and those nine. What do you mean they were plotting against Tim and those nine? The cops in all your home area told your mother it was Tim’s parents who called on them that night. They know Tim’s parents would tell him to protect you no matter what. When everyone who you went to school with.
When their parents started filling reports too. They knew the day your mother beat you in front of them. Their parents would also tell them to protect you at all cost. That is why David said we are watching to see if I call Tim and everyone else for help. They were going to Tim and those nine abusing you sexually in school. Why were they so against everyone protecting me? Ann, they wanted everyone to leave your life, so you had no one who wanted to around. The only thing they never thought you would exactly meet Mike. Mike the day Sandy came to see you when Ann was on the run asking for your help to find Ann. Sandy never thought you would ask Ann if her family know were, she was.
When Ann told you, I am safe if they don’t know were I am. You know something was wrong if Ann didn’t want to tell her family. Ann after I learned what your mother was going to do to little w group and Tim’s group. I went to see her and asked if all the plots were true? She said yes and she never thought Mike would protect you. Uncle Carl; I hope you know I want nothing to do with her or anyone that is not in this room. Ann honey are cannot cut everyone off. Papa m I am talking about all the family members who ever hurt me. Try to hurt are the one’s I am cutting off. Ann honey are you sure?
Yes, I am sure because I nothing to say to them. Plus, I don’t trust any of them. Okay princess it is your decision and we all can respect your decision. If you change your mind just let us okay. Yes, I will let everyone if I ever change my mind. Princess lets get you ready for bed. Once done you can go back to laying with little w. How is everyone going to lay if I am against little w? We will ask everyone how they want to lay. I know Lisa is going want to be somewhere close to Ann after learning all this new information.
I want to be near everyone tonight somehow. Ann how are you handling this new information? I am not handling well. Specially after learning what they were going to do everyone who has been trying to protect me since school or after the courage I got to leave their home. Is that why you want to be close to everyone tonight? Yes, I don’t feel safe without everyone around tonight. Okay princess we will go out tell everyone you don’t feel safe without everyone around you tonight. Can I stay in here until you guys talk to everyone? Yes, princess you can stay in here while we talk to everyone, but we would like Fred to be in here with you. I am okay with Fred being in here until everyone figures out how we are going to sleep.
Yoongi stay with our princess until Fred comes in. Okay Jin, I can do that. Fred comes in a few second after Jin leaves. Fred sits next to me taking my hand and asking how I am handling up? I am not doing that good. Jin and Yoongi went out to talk to everyone seeing if there is way where everyone can be around me tonight. I don’t feel safe tonight without everyone laying around. Is it because of the new information you just learned? Yes, Fred it is because of the new information I just learned okay. Everyone will figure out way for all of us to be around you.
I am also worried they might try something again before or after this tour is done. I promise you sis they will never get you away from any of us. Okay sis because I am sure Uncle Carl had the meeting recorded at the jail. Fred hand me a laptop please. I really need to hear that meeting for myself. Okay Ann I can do that. Ask Uncle Carl what day he went to the jail for me? Uncle Carl can you come in here please. Yes, Fred, I can do that. Fred what can I do you for?
Ann wants to know the day you went to the jail because she wants to hear the meeting for herself. Ann it was the day before I came to Dallas. It was August 25th? Yes, Ann it was August 25th. I got it all right here. Ann, I will stay in here with you while you watch and here it. Mrs. Brown do you remember me you’re that Judge who finally believed Mike’s b daughter. Yes, I am that judge. I want to know the truth about all the plots. Yes, all the plots were true.
We were plotting to get Ann back right after Ann called Jim, but little w was still able protected Ann for another 3 in half years. Even cops were going to come and arrest little w and those five on false rape charges. That is how desperate we were to get Ann back. We were also plotting against Tim and those nine. We knew it was Tim’s parents who called on us that last night they were in your house. The cops told us that they called. We knew Tim’s parents would tell him to protect you no matter what. When everyone who you went to school with. When their parents started filling reports too. They knew the day your mother beat you in front of them.
Their parents would also tell them to protect you at all cost. That is why David said we are watching to see if I call Tim and everyone else for help. They were going to Tim and those nine abusing you sexually in school. Why were they so against everyone protecting me? Ann, they wanted everyone to leave your life, so you had no one who wanted to around. The only thing they never thought you would exactly meet Mike. Mike the day Sandy came to see you when Ann was on the run asking for your help to find Ann. Sandy never thought you would ask Ann if her family know were, she was. When Ann told you, I am safe if they don’t know where I am. You know something was wrong if Ann didn’t want to tell her family.
Mrs. Brown so you are aware of this. This meeting has been recorded for my safety, so I you can’t say I touch you in any way or threaten you. Plus, when the tour is over, I will be telling Ann everything. Why are you helping Ann? Because I protect the people who can’t protect themselves and Mike’s daughter fall under that listing. Ann, yes Uncle Carl, I know why you wanted to listen to the meeting recording and see it. Your brain is still battling isn’t. Yes, Uncle Carl it is. You can always check out what I am doing for you to put your mind at rest. I will never be afraid to let you see or hear what I am talking about when it comes to you. Thank you Uncle Carl.
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savvyblunders · 6 years
Soft Smut Sunday {Stamstrade}
Holding open the door for a group of youngish women dressed in seasonally-inappropriate, flimsy dresses, towering heels and banging into one another in their tipsy mirth, Mike Stamford smiled sympathetically. He remembered those days. Going out with mates, on the pull, hopping from club to club, seeking excitement and a connection. Suppressing a regretful sigh--his days of easy sex were far behind him, never mind a connection--Mike stepped inside and scanned the room.
Greg had been texting him for a while, begging Mike to come out. Keep me company, mate, pleeeeease? I'm at least 25 years older than anyone in here. Keep us from looking like an old creeper.
Mike had held out against Greg's pleading until Greg finally sent him a gloomily lit selfie. His brown eyes were tragic, lower lip thrust out in a pout and Mike had laughed and texted that he was on his way. It wasn't so much the pic, although Greg was adorable, but the texts had become increasingly melancholy and misspelled. It was obvious Greg was absolutely squiffy.
This was a hard time of year for him. Mike had been his friend long enough to know. It had been nine years ago in another cold March that Greg's criminally stupid ex had been unmasked as a serial cheater. Almost exactly a year later they finally called it quits; all of it, the therapy, the endless fights, the guilt and the paranoia and the sham marriage.
Through it all Mike had been there, a steadfast rock for the man he'd long ago lost his heart to. He would never, ever in his life understand how Kelly Lestrade had had a chance at happiness with Greg and had chosen to throw it away with both hands. The heartbreak of listening to Greg ramble on about the destruction of his marriage, and the eroding of his self-confidence had nearly done Mike in. So many times he had longed to put his arms around his best friend and assure him that no, of course he wasn't unlovable. To tell him just how very loved he was.
But that wouldn't have been the action of an honourable man, nor a good friend. Greg was vulnerable, needy, and he didn't need or want an unsolicited advance from the one person he thought he could depend on. Besides, he was straight, and Mike had been down that hopeless road too many times in the past. No, he wasn't desperate for love, but he was desperate to hang onto the best friend he'd ever had. A little of Greg was better than no Greg at all.
So it had come as a complete shock nearly two years after Greg's divorce decree became final when Mike found out that not only was Greg in a relationship, but it was with a man. That was about all he did know. Greg kept it on the extreme down-low. Not so much because he'd wanted to avoid shocked reactions or possible negative effects.
No, the reason was that "he" was some sort of posh, secretive, high mucky-muck who didn't want anyone knowing about his private life. Mike had feared that Greg's mystery boyfriend was hiding their affair from his spouse, but it appeared that the reason was due more to his career than anything.
Mike supposed he couldn't speculate on the reason another bloke flew under the radar, but if Greg had been his, Mike would have shouted it from the rooftops. Who wouldn't brag about having won the love of Greg Lestrade?
In the end Mike figured that he was one of the very few people who even knew that Greg had had an on-again-off-again affair with the mysterious "he" for nearly five years. He'd been the sole person (that he knew of) allowed into the inner sanctum of Greg's delirious, devastating rollercoaster of a relationship. Mike had had front row seats for the fallout every time Greg's fella had suddenly cut him off. Putting a comradely arm around Greg's shaking shoulders, Mike had schooled his face into an uninvested sympathetic look as Greg cried out his anguish.
He'd summoned enthusiasm when a glowing Greg would show up for their weekly "beer and bitch" fests with a sparkle back in his eyes, and an ebullient chuckle underlining his voice because once more the thick-headed bastard who jerked him about had showed up in "one of his posh cars" outside the Met, or Greg's local, or Greg's flat. Every time Greg would get sucked back in, swearing that this time it would be different.
"You don't know him like I do, Mike," Greg had defended hotly the one time Mike had summoned the courage to give him a piece of his mind over the unhealthiness of Greg's situation. "He's...private. But he loves me, I know he does." He sounded stubborn, as if he was convincing himself as much as Mike. "I haven't felt like I mattered to anyone like this in...years." A shadow had crossed his face as he thought of Kelly's unfaithfulness.
You matter to me, Mike had wanted to howl. I'd never treat you like this, make you doubt yourself every time I got scared or bored or whatever this bloke gets when he tosses you over.
That was all over now though. Mr Posh Cars and Posh Suits had finally hurt Greg enough that he hadn't been willing to go back. All Mike knew was that Greg had been crushed. Pale and chain-smoking, sleepless nights and too much coffee. And always, always Mike there to pick up the pieces.
Sometimes over the years Mike's sister Bev would rail at him for being a masochist. "Tell him how you feel or walk away, Mike! You're eating your heart up over him and it's sick... I can't stand seeing you hurt like this."
Mike just couldn't though. Greg meant too much to him.
Any road, this was a dangerous time of year for Greg, who had ended things with Mr Mystery just over a year ago. His drinking took on a depressed edge, and his thoughts would twist inwards. Mike normally tried to keep him busy, keep him cheerful, but this year he was fighting his own demons. Bev had succumbed to late-stage cervical cancer a few months back.
Now Mike was all alone in the world, the last of his family who had been willing to acknowledge him gone. In his darkest moments he'd thought bitterly that now Bev was gone there was no one in the world who loved him.
People still cared for him, though, Mike was reminded, when he walked toward Greg's small table and saw his best mate's face light up. Raising a hand in greeting, Mike gestured towards the bar and mimes getting a drink. Pint in hand he worked his way politely through the crowd until he reached Greg's side. Greg got to his feet with eagerness, if not grace, and flung happy arms around him.
"Mi compadre," he joked joyfully, giving Mike a squeeze and tugging him down to sit on the tiny curved bench with him. Mike had been going to sit on the stool next to the table, but Greg wasn't bothered about keeping a careful distance. Of course he didn't have anything to hide.
"M'glad you came," Greg said, eyes shining. He patted Mike's arm happily, smiling at him. "Those louts were eyeing my booth but I gave 'em a proper fuck off look and wouldn't budge."
"Better drink up fast then," Mike laughed, unzipping his jacket. It was too warm in the pub with the heat on and the close press of the animated crowd. He pushed a tall water in front of Greg, "For you."
"I've a pint," Greg said gravely, indicating his mostly empty glass.
"Have to stay hydrated," Mike informed him, "if you want to avoid a hangover. Doctor's orders."
Greg blinked absurdly long eyelashes at him almost flirtatiously, "Yes, doctor."
Mike sipped his pint and looked out at the pub. It wasn't safe to gaze too long at Greg, in case he noticed Mike's eyes lingering wistfully on him. Inebriated though he might be, Greg was still an excellent detective.
Polishing off his pint, Greg sipped at his water, rolling his eyes with a good-natured smirk at Mike's look. Pretending to be very cowed, he gulped at it. "Better?"
"Ta," Mike said, smiling. "Much better...dont want to hear any whinging about your old arse feeling like shit tomorrow because you didn't practice sufficient self-care."
"If I feel crap you can come take care of me," Greg said, tracing a finger through the condensation on his glass. Glancing up at Mike he said in a low voice, "We can play doctor."
"What?!" Mike choked a little. He couldn't have heard Greg right. It was noisy and he was fanciful.
"Your order," announced the server, popping up next to them with a tray. She put a coffee cup down, filled it with steaming brew and then placed two baskets of chicken and chips on the table.
Reaching for the brown sauce, Mike concentrated on dressing his forbidden food. Unfortunately when he got depressed he ate. And right now he felt like he could eat both baskets. Nudging the other towards Greg, he pushed the ketchup closer, "Eat, you'll feel better in the morning if you get something in your stomach. And get that coffee in you."
"You're so good to me," Greg sighed, putting an ungodly amount of tomato sauce on both his chips and his chicken. Mike thought it was disgusting, but somehow still adorable. Oh yeah, petal, he heard his sister's wry voice in his head, you've got it bad.
Companionably they ploughed though their meal, exchanging occasional comments about the prospects for the Premiere League, eyes on the telly over the bar. An old World Cup match was showing, and the two of them were football enthusiasts enough that they watched it as though they'd never seen it. Though in fact they'd watched it when it first aired, sprawled out on Greg's sofa, shouting at the screen and tossing back too many cans of lager.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Greg not wanting to be alone, and Mike being unwilling to trust him to a cab at that time of night and in his still slightly loopy condition, ended up back at Mike's. "I'll just put fresh sheets on the guest bed," he told Greg, who trailed behind him. Greg tried to help, which was for some reason terribly funny to them both, mostly because Greg was just tight enough to be all thumbs.
"Here, give over, pet," Mike finally chuckled, nudging him aside and bending over to stretch across the mattress and wrangle the fitted sheet into place.
"Love it when you call me pet," Greg sighed, hand brushing Mike's hip. Suddenly his hand was back, lightly rubbing Mike's back, "Mmm, you feel good...so strong and so, so warm..."
Greg's name was strangled on Mike's lips. He stared desperately at the mattress, fingers tightening painfully so as not to turn and pull Greg down on top of him.
Greg's voice was husky, strained, "Fuck, you're sexy, Mike." He sort of sighed, wistfully, "Look at you bent over like that...how's a man to resist?"
"You need to stop," Mike managed, closing his eyes and begging an unfeeling universe for strength. "Y-you've been drinking, mate, you're--you're just lonely and right now a-anyone--"
Greg shushed him, and then suddenly they were both down on the bed, Greg half straddling him, Mike rolled awkwardly onto his side. "Not anyone, Mike," Greg breathed, eyes huge and dark, fixed on Mike with wanting, with longing. He licked his lips, bit on them as if hungry. "You, Mike, you."
"We should..."
"Say no if you don't want me," Greg husked, lowering his face towards Mike's. He licked his lips again, intent evident. "Tell me no, Mike and I won't kiss you..."
Unable to resist the fantasy within his reach, Mike put up one shaking hand and stroked Greg's cheek, "Who could say no to a dream?" he whispered, and pulled Greg down into his arms.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The curtains over the guest bedroom had never been pulled the night prior and a weak shaft of morning light woke Greg. He groaned softly, squinting his eyes closed against the intrusion. Turning his face into the pillow, he startled when he realized he wasn't alone. The night before rushed back to him when his eyes met Mike's.
Mike was next to him under the tangled duvet, eyes strangely vulnerable without the defense of his glasses. His normally affable face struggled to be inscrutable. Greg felt a leap of uncertainty followed by a wave of love when he remembered Mike calling him a dream the night before. Shivered when he recalled the hungry way Mike had dragged him into an embrace, the deep, sweet, exhilarating strength of his kisses.
Never knew I could feel so safe and so free all at once, Greg thought. Being with Mike had been like, like sailing a damaged ship into safe harbour. Knowing you were within reach of rescue.
"You have the look of a man about to politely kick me out of his bed and out of his flat," Greg said, gnawing on his lower lip. He didn't really think Mike was regretting their passionate revelry, but a lifetime of being second choice made Greg's stomach drop like a stone into a well. Idiot! Greg railed at himself, when will you learn not to ruin a good thing?
As Mike's mouth opened, hesitating before he spoke, Greg's heart sank to join his stomach in that bottomless well. If life with Kelly and with--with him, had taught him anything, it was not to expect too much. Not to get too attached, to want too much, ask for too much time, too much regard.
Fuck that with a bag of dicks, Greg suddenly told himself fiercely. Mike wasn't anyone else. He wasn't some taker, wasn't going to use Greg, to take advantage of his neediness, his hunger for a settled, domestic life. Dangling it like a possibility to keep him biddable, eager, passive. This was Mike. Mike, his best friend, the best friend he'd ever had. The man who had propped him up every time life had kicked him in the bollocks. The man who had held him while he cried, made sure he ate, looked after himself, showed up for work when his heart was being broken time and again.
An abrupt, wild sense of courage overtook him, and Greg put his hand up to cup Mike's jaw in his palm. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who's wanted this to happen for a long time? Tell me you don't regret it, sunshine, please?"
Mike's blue eyes went glossy, and with a rough breath he reached for Greg, crushing him to the plush strength of his body. "Greg," he said, that was all, but it said everything. Gratefully, joyfully, Greg buried his face against the virile, musky forest of hair on Mike's chest and smiled ear to ear at the sound of the heart that beat for him.
"Is it too soon to say I love you?" Mike whispered a long time later, nudging Greg's face up so he could regard him seriously. "Gotta tell you that this isn't some whim for me...I've been gone on you for years."
"Y-yeah?" Greg managed, throat tightening as tears threatened. How long had it been since he'd wanted to cry from happiness? "Dunno when it started, for me. I've just...well, you've always been there. My best friend, Mike, the one I could always depend on to be there. You were--you are--the person I run to with good news, and when I'm happy, or when life's kicking my arse. Think I've loved you for ages, but I only realized it over the last year." He closed his eyes, shaking his head, bitter regret rising in him like acid. "I've taken you so for granted. God, how can you still love me?"
"Easy," Mike whispered, kissing him sweetly. He pressed his forehead to Greg's, looked deeply into his eyes, "You're so easy to love, Greg."
"Christ," Greg finally gasped, once he'd manged to not completely humiliate himself by bawling. He blinked, which only made the tears spill over. "Christ, Mike, you sweetheart."
Wiping his face hastily with the sheet, he kissed Mike with eagerness, trying to impart how overwhelmed with adoration he was. It wasn't about lust, but he was reacting to the nearness of Mike's irresistible body, to the power of the attraction between them, the rising heat of their kisses. But most of all to the palpable love emanating from Mike like a heady dose of oxygen. Greg was a drowning man, desperate for air, and Mike had all he needed and more.
With relief and elation he felt Mike's answering hardness against his belly. "You made me feel so good last night," Greg whispered, sliding his lips down Mike's jaw to his neck. He hummed hungrily against his throat, "Wanna make you feel like that."
Mike shuddered, "You don't have to--"
"Want to," he corrected, and kissed his way down Mike's chest, hands sliding over the rise of his belly, around to grip his hips as he lingered at the crease of his hip. The gasp Mike gave, the curl of his toes against Greg's legs, the flex of his hips made Greg feel powerful, desirable.
Smoothing his palms around Mike's arse cheeks, he kissed the silky, hot crown of Mike's cock. Tiny licks and moist, open kisses drew groans out of the man writhing beneath him. "Let me in," Greg sighed, and Mike spread his legs, shaking. They hadn't gotten that far the night before, neither of them going so far as to try penetration, and Greg wasn't aiming for it now.
He just wanted to get as close as possible. He needed to get as close as possible. Brushing his left hand up the inside of Mike's thigh, Greg trailed his fingers lightly over Mike's balls, stroked his perineum. Relaxing his throat, he deepened the stroke of his mouth down Mike's shaft. Humming drew a deep groan from his lover, and Greg responded with enthusiasm.
Hands, lips, tongue led an assault on Mike's composure, and as Mike's bollocks drew tight, his breath sawing desperately, his hands pressed to his face. Greg glanced up and saw him muffling his sounds with his fists. "No," he breathed, pulling off and reaching up. Snagging one of Mike's arms he brought his hand down, rested it on his head, "Give me your pleasure, Mike, please." He let his eyes flash with his most alluring glint, "Let me hear you, let me feel you take what you want."
Tentative fingers tangled in his hair, and Greg moaned encouragingly around the hot length in his mouth. With each courteous caress from Mike's hands, Greg groaned luxuriously. Soon Mike had grown bold, although still chivalrous, and his hands were so busy directing Greg's head, his mind so hazy with the pleasure he was receiving that he'd forgotten to stifle his cries.
When he stammered out a warning, heels pressing into the bed, Greg took him deep, tongue curling, and felt dizzy with desire as Mike came in short bursts inside his mouth. Swallowing him down, he gasped for breath, a little lightheaded with lust and with his briefly obstructed breathing. Mike looked stunned, flat on his back, face flushed and hair wild.
"Come here you," he manged, reaching for Greg, who happily crawled up his sprawled form. Mike pulled him tightly to him, as they exchanged deep kisses. "God, Greg...that was..."
"I'm glad," Greg murmured, brushing his nose tenderly over Mike's cheek. He smiled, his own erection momentarily shelved in the interests of soaking up Mike's enchanting, sated lassitude. Languidly he rolled his hips against Mike's softening cock.
"What do we have here, my fine fellow?" Mike whispered, taking him in hand. He tumbled Greg lightly onto his side, one hand on his lower back, the other wrapped around his straining prick. He kissed Greg luxuriously, all tongue and heat and need. "Want my mouth, love?"
"Can't wait," Greg admitted, thrusting into the hot grasp of Mike's encircling hand. "Just hold me...kiss me."
Gladly, Mike complied, arms strong and comforting around him. Greg clung to him, shaking mouth slanted across Mike's, gasping helplessly into his mouth as he chased his pleasure. So ramped up was his need that he came within bare minutes, arching into Mike's grip, lips damp and open against the other man's jaw.
Minutes, or maybe hours, later, Greg raised his head from where it had been cradled on Mike's shoulder. Meeting Mike's fond eyes, Greg felt his face blush hotly; his smile was bashful and proud, "I love you." He kissed him, putting his whole heart behind it, the way he'd never felt safe enough to do before. "I love you so much, sunshine." His arms shook with the fervor of his desperation, "Please don't leave me, Mike...I couldn't bear it if I lost you."
Mike's embrace was crushing, his voice vibrated with conviction, "Just try and shake me, pet. Just try and shake me now."
- - - - - - - - - -
There was a definite spring in Mike's step as he wound his way through the morning foot traffic a few blocks away from Bart's. Normally he greeted Mondays with about as much enthusiasm as anyone. Not today. Today he was in an exceptionally fantastic mood, as he had been all weekend.
With the joy of a man in love--and loved in return--Mike was looking forward to whatever the day brought. One of which things was lunch with his new boyfriend, if said boyfriend could get away from his desk long enough. "Fingers crossed no one steals anything or murders anyone," he'd joked with typical black, cop humor. Straightening Mike's tie he kissed him on the nose, then on the mouth, "Do I have to let you go to work?"
"Someone has to keep my cat in canned salmon," Mike joked, and grinned when Greg laughed, delighted. They were so happy in the first flush of requited love that everything they said delighted the other.
Thinking on it now, he smiled, not realizing he was beaming ear to ear until he received a startled smile from several people in return. Chuckling, he supposed his students would immediately divine that he'd gotten laid that weekend.
It's more than that though, Mike thought with smug happiness, taking the kerb with a bounce. It was love. Whole, happy, requited love.
Just as he became aware of a dark vehicle idling along beside him, the near-silent sound of a motor-powered window reached his ears. To be followed shortly by a smooth voice which made the hairs on his neck rise. Turning in alarm, he found Sherlock's older brother regarding him from inside one of his chauffeured cars.
They had only met once or twice, many years before. The first time had been intended to intimidate him. But Mike had been in drama in school. He recognized theatrics when he saw them. After all, the man had been looking out for his drug-addicted brother. Mike understood family loyalty and the protective instincts of an elder brother.
"Mr Holmes," he said warily, stopping in his tracks but not moving closer. He wasn't particularly fond of the man, and he had no desire to be late to work.
The man regarded him coolly, eyes hooded. He should have looked inscrutable, intimidating. Instead he looked...weary. They regarded one another silently for a long moment and Mike's mind moved at lightening speed. Just as it became clear that Mycroft Holmes might never speak, Mike raised his chin. "He won't be back, you know."
A quick flicker of surprise, smoothed away, leaving a Mycroft Holmes who looked faintly impressed. His mouth moved wryly, and he finally spoke. "Be...good to him. He deserves so much more than he's ever gotten."
"I don't need your advice," Mike said evenly, hands fisting at his sides.
"No," Holmes finally said, almost regretful, "I see that you don't." the window purred up and he was gone, car pulling into traffic and carrying him away.
Breathing deep, Mike struggled to bring back his previous feeling of invincibility. As if on cue his mobile pinged. Grateful for the distraction, Mike pulled it out of his bag, glancing at the screen. A warm smile bloomed, and he gazed fondly at his phone.
Miss you already, sunshine. Have a great day... I'll see you in a few hours. <3
- - - - - - - - - -
Less than a mile away, a sleek, midnight black Jaguar glided through traffic. The man inside held a thoughtful finger over his lips, eyes on his laptop. On the screen was a live CCTV feed, the display crisp enough to show the smile that dimpled the face of the man still standing on the pavement.
Tapping out a message, the man tucked away his phone and strode towards the bulk of the hospital. His steps were light, his face bright, the face of a man in love.
Closing the lid, Mycroft wearily pressed the button for the intercom. "Paul," he said, courteous as always, "I've changed my mind, take me to the office."
Paul was too well trained to show surprise, but his voice was cautious. "I thought you weren't feeling well, sir."
"One must carry on, Paul," Mycroft said softly. "Sometimes duty is a cruel mistress."
"Sorry sir? I couldn't hear you."
"To work, Paul." Mycroft closed his eyes briefly, massaged the headache he could feel building. He had only himself to blame. Work at least, was always there.
Tagging those I think might be interested: @bryntwedge @redgreyandpurple @lilynevin @paialovespie @egmon73
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to a weekly collaboration between FiveThirtyEight and ABC News. With 5,000 people seemingly thinking about challenging President Trump in 2020 — Democrats and even some Republicans — we’re keeping tabs on the field as it develops. Each week, we’ll run through what the potential candidates are up to — who’s getting closer to officially jumping in the ring and who’s getting further away.
This week, the presidential field grew more diverse with the entrance of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Harris — who was born to an Indian mother and Jamaican father — announced her presidential campaign on “Good Morning America” and Buttigieg — who could make history as the nation’s first openly gay presidential nominee of a major party — posted video about his forming an exploratory committee on Wednesday.
They join a growing and diverse field of Democratic hopefuls, a cadre that could prove too large for a single debate at the first opportunity in June. Anticipating a crowded field, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez revealed in December that the DNC would set thresholds, including polling and fundraising targets, to pare down the first group of candidates, then “draw lots,” should the group still be too large. However, the DNC has yet to reveal specific targets for those thresholds, but some figures — including Harris, who aides tell ABC News brought in $1.5 million in her first day as a candidate — are already clearly aiming for one of the coveted spots.
Jan. 18-24, 2019
Michael Bennet (D)
The Colorado senator attracted attention Thursday when he criticized fellow Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Bennet labeled Cruz’s current government shutdown-related concerns “crocodile tears,” and reminded Cruz of actions that led to a 2013 shutdown while Bennet’s home state was dealing with flooding.
Asked on MSNBC Thursday afternoon whether he was running for president, Bennet said he was “thinking about it … like every other person in [the Senate.]”
Joe Biden (D)
At a National Action Network Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast in Washington, Biden said that white Americans need to acknowledge and admit the fact that systemic racism still exists and must be rooted out.
The New York Times reported Wednesday that in a paid speech given by Biden in Michigan in October, the former vice president praised Republican Rep. Fred Upton, who then went on to defeat his Democratic opponent. The remarks were criticized by local Democrats, who saw it as a damaging error, according to the Times report. On Friday, at the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Biden defended the speech, explaining that he was proud of Upton’s work on a cancer research funding bill and argued that not everything should be viewed through the lens of partisanship.
Michael Bloomberg (D)
Bloomberg spoke at a National Action Network Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast in Washington on Monday, during which he joked he would ask former Vice President Joe Biden, who was also in attendance, for tips on living in Washington. He added, of himself and Biden: “I know we’ll both keep our eyes on the real prize, and that is electing a Democrat to the White House in 2020, and getting our country back on track.”
The former New York City mayor faced criticism from Democrats this week after defending the use of stop-and-frisk policing during a speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland Tuesday, and labeling efforts to legalize marijuana “perhaps the stupidest thing we’ve ever done.”
Cory Booker (D)
The New Jersey senator spoke at a South Carolina statehouse rally on Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday after brief stops over the weekend in Louisiana and Georgia. In Georgia, Booker met with former President Jimmy Carter and the pair appeared on an Instagram Live video. “I’m very glad to have you here this morning, and I hope you come back,” Carter said to Booker. “And I hope you run for president.”
Sherrod Brown (D)
On Wednesday, Brown told MSNBC that he continues to “very seriously” consider a presidential campaign. As has been the case in past interviews on the subject, the Ohio senator referred to the importance of Democrats competing in the center of the country and a focus on employment and job conditions.
“To win Ohio, to win the industrial Midwest, the heartland, and the Electoral College you’ve got to speak to the progressive base, to be sure, as I have my whole career, but you’ve got to talk to workers and live where they live,” he said, later echoing the sentiment on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” where he said his party can’t choose between progressives and workers, but represent both groups.
Brown kicks off his “Dignity of Work” tour in Cleveland on Wednesday, followed by a visit to Iowa Thursday.
Pete Buttigieg (D)
Buttigieg announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Wednesday, with the 37-year-old South Bend, Indiana mayor explaining that he felt it was time for a generational shift in the nation’s leadership.
“I belong to a generation that is stepping forward right now,” Buttigieg said in a video announcing the committee, “We’re the generation that lived through school shootings, that served in the wars after 9/11. And we’re the generation that stands to be the first to make less than our parents, unless we do something different.”
Asked Wednesday by KCBS about potential concerns about his youth and experience, Buttigieg said his two terms as mayor and service in the Navy were more executive and military experience than President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Julian Castro (D)
Castro spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day in San Antonio, where he took part in the city’s parade, marching alongside his brother Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas.
An adviser to Castro told The Daily Beast that the former Housing and Urban Development secretary’s campaign already formulated workplace harassment policies and that it would support unionization among its staffers, should they decide to do so.
John Delaney (D)
Delaney spent last weekend in New Hampshire at multiple meet-and-greet events and attended the Concord Women’s March. After speaking with reporters and editors at the Nashua Telegraph last Friday, the newspaper’s editorial board described the former Maryland congressman as “somewhat impressive.”
Tulsi Gabbard (D)
In an interview with CNN Sunday, Gabbard said she did not regret her 2017 meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, arguing that it is “very important for any leader in this country to be willing to meet with others, whether they be friends or adversaries or potential adversaries if we are serious about the pursuit of peace and securing our country.”
Eric Garcetti (D)
Garcetti helped facilitate negotiations in the Los Angeles teacher strike, which ended in a deal that the mayor called “a historic agreement.”
Jeff Flake (R)
At a Vanderbilt University panel, Flake criticized the Republican Party for moving away from “traditional conservatism.” He also said, “The Trump base is very real, very solid, but politically it’s just not large enough to carry ahead. I say that’s a good thing.”
Despite his differences with the president, Flake said at the event, “I hope we don’t go through an impeachment process because of what it does to a divided public.”
Kirsten Gillibrand (D)
In her first week since the announcement of her presidential exploratory committee, Gillibrand visited Iowa, where she addressed the Des Moines Women’s March Saturday. The New York senator addressed allegations of anti-Semitism against two of the Women’s March leaders, saying that there was “no room for anti-Semitism” in the movement and that the movement is empowered when everyone lifts each other.
At additional stops across Iowa, Gillibrand explained the moderate positions dotting her past, including her former defense of the Second Amendment: “I had only really looked at guns through the lens of hunting. My mom still shoots the Thanksgiving turkey,” she said, later noting that the NRA now gives her an F rating.
On Monday, Gillibrand spoke at the National Action Network’s King Day Public Policy Forum in New York, invoking the Bible as she discussed “speak[ing] truth to power,” in a moment that NAN’s founder Al Sharpton characterized as “preaching.”
Kamala Harris (D)
Harris officially announced Monday that she is running for president, telling ABC’s “Good Morning America” that she feels “a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight for the best of who we are” and that she’s confident in her “ability to lead” and “listen and to work on behalf of the American public.” She then grabbed a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, before heading back to Washington and answering questions from reporters at her alma mater, Howard University.
In the 24 hours following her announcement, aides to Harris told ABC News their campaign raised $1.5 million from 38,000 donors.
The California senator hits the campaign trail starting Friday in South Carolina to speak at an event held by a local chapter of her sorority. On Sunday, Harris will hold a campaign launch event in Oakland, then on Monday she’ll participate in a CNN townhall in Iowa.
John Hickenlooper (D)
On Sunday, the former Colorado governor is visiting Iowa for a stop at a house party and a local brewery, one of his advisers told ABC News. On Tuesday, he told CNN that he would decide whether to run for president by March, and that he could separate himself for the field by sharing his bipartisan record.
“I’m probably one of the few, if not the only candidate who’s actually been able to bring people together who were in conflict, they were feuding, and get them to put down their weapons, take the time to hear each other and then actually achieve progressive goals through their willingness to work together and create a compromise,” Hickenlooper said.
Jay Inslee (D)
The Washington governor visited New Hampshire Tuesday to speak with students at Dartmouth and Saint Anselm colleges. He spent much of his time talking about climate change, an issue he claimed wasn’t being highlighted by other possible presidential nominees.
“Here’s an existential threat to the United States, and they do their rollouts and the words ‘climate change’ don’t appear,” he said.
Inslee also told the Associated Press that he’s been emailing with the billionaire Tom Steyer, a fellow environmentalist who recently passed on a presidential run of his own, but who has not committed to supporting another candidate.
John Kasich (R)
Kasich repeated a position he’s shared before when asked about a potential 2020 run during a question and answer session at the University of Florida Wednesday: “If I can’t win, I’m not going to do it,” he said.
The former Ohio governor wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He decried the political division that led to the ongoing government shutdown and called upon Americans to take personal action to better their communities.
“Instead of sitting around worrying about what’s broken and not working in Washington, we’ve got to get off the couch and figure out what we can do by ourselves — right here at home, where we live. Volunteer at the food bank. Engage with your schools if something needs to be fixed. Drop in on a neighbor who has no one else to listen,” he wrote. “The opportunities are there, but we need to grasp them. That’s the cure for the breakdown in Washington.”
John Kerry (D)
Asked during a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, if he had any message for Trump, Kerry answered that he should “resign.”
Amy Klobuchar (D)
Klobuchar delivered last week’s weekly Democratic address, criticizing Trump for “holding the hardworking people of America hostage by requiring them to pay ransom to reopen their government,” referring to Trump’s insistence on the inclusion of border wall funding in any appropriations bill to end the government shutdown.
Mitch Landrieu (D)
Landrieu spoke to MSNBC Wednesday where he discussed the government shutdown, saying, “The president is way stuck on stupid right now.”
“There is no mayor in America in his right mind, or her right mind, that would ever think about shutting down the government,” the former New Orleans mayor continued. “This is why the people of America are really frustrated with Washington.”
Terry McAuliffe (D)
Though he didn’t definitively commit to the race, McAuliffe told the New York Posts’s Page Six of a presidential run: “It’s not easy — but I’m a heck of a fighter.”
The Associated Press dug into McAuliffe’s PAC’s 2018 spending and found that it raised over $300,000 in the second half of 2018 and spent money on donations to the state Democratic parties of New Hampshire and Iowa — expenditures that a spokesperson maintains said were not related to a presidential campaign.
“Funds from Common Good were used to support governor candidates and state parties across the country who share Governor McAuliffe’s values,” Carson told the AP, adding that the PAC is closing.
Jeff Merkley (D)
In an interview with the Associated Press, Merkley said he would decide on a presidential run before the end of April.
Beto O’Rourke (D)
O’Rourke continued his tour of the American heartland, visiting Kansas and Colorado this week and blogging about it — to some mockery — along the way.
The New York Times reported Saturday that some Democrats were perturbed by O’Rourke’s individualistic style, and his merely lukewarm embrace of fellow Texas Democrat Gina Ortiz-Jones during the midterms.
Mother Jones dug up a video of O’Rourke covering The Ramones in a onesie and a sheep mask.
Bernie Sanders (D)
Sanders spoke at a rally at South Carolina’s statehouse on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and remained in the Palmetto State for three additional events on Tuesday. During a NAACP forum he said of a presidential campaign, “I’m going to look at it; I’m going to assess it.”
In a GQ profile Thursday, Sanders detailed what he felt his 2016 presidential campaign was able to achieve, even without capturing the Democratic nomination. ““We have had more success in ideologically changing the party than I would have dreamed possible,” he said. “The world has changed.”
Howard Schultz (D)
Advisers to the former Starbucks CEO are probing the possibility of an independent presidential campaign, The Washington Post reported last Friday, citing two sources with knowledge of the conversations. CNN matched the story Monday, quoting a source who said Schultz is “thinking deeply about his future and how he can best serve the country.”
Eric Swalwell (D)
Swalwell visited South Carolina Saturday to speak at the Greenville Women’s March and a gala for the Spartanburg County Democratic Party. During the day, he told the Spartanburg Herald Journal that he is “getting close to deciding” about a presidential run and discussed the role that the state will play in deciding the Democratic nominee.
“Any presidential contender better come through Spartanburg County if they are going to be in the White House,” he said. “It’s a steep mountain to climb for a Democrat in South Carolina since the state is mostly Republican.”
Elizabeth Warren (D)
Though still only in the exploratory committee phase, Warren continues to travel. She held an organizing event in New Hampshire last Friday, attended a Martin Luther King Jr. Day memorial breakfast in Boston Monday, visited Puerto Rico for a “community conversation” Tuesday, and visited South Carolina for another organizing event Wednesday. Friday, Warren stops in Las Vegas for an additional organizing event.
The Massachusetts senator was asked about the state of the presidential race in a CNN interview Tuesday, demurring when questioned whether she was “too far to the left.”
“I’m out talking about the economic issues, about how government works, about what’s happening to middle class families, working families, all across this country — why the path has gotten rockier and rockier. This is what I’ve worked on all of my life,” Warren said. “I’m delighted that there are lots of Democrats who want to talk about ideas, who want to talk about a way to build a stronger America; I believe in that.
Andrew Yang (D)
Yang, an entrepreneur, was interviewed by Rolling Stone this week about his under-the-radar campaign, where he explained why he was running for president.
“I was stunned when I saw the disparities between Detroit and San Francisco or Cleveland and Manhattan. You feel like you’re traveling across dimensions and decades and not just a couple of time zones,” he said. “None of our political leaders are willing to acknowledge the elephant in the room that is tearing our communities apart, in the form of technological change.”
He additionally outlined a key component of his platform: a universal basic income of $1,000 per month for all Americans 18 and older, which would be funded by a value-added tax, explaining: “If you have a town in Missouri with 50,000 adults and they’re all getting $1,000 a month, that’s another $50 million in purchasing power that comes right into that town’s local economy — into car repairs, tutoring or food for your kids, the occasional night out, home repairs. And that money ends up circulating all through that town.”
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