#like i know i blocked a bunch of not sfw writers but like.......
isekyaaa · 8 months
It catches me off guard how many notes some posts on my other blogs get because I don't see all the activity on my activity pages and I don't check the posts directly so like I'll visit one day to see 11 other people also think it's funny Mondstadt forgot about Dvalin.
#rambles#i will say the tags on that post is a banger tho so it makes sense u///u#the dumb part of me just likes to think that people like reading my dumbass tags because sometimes i am funny#no but i got 21 notes on that genshin vs hsr post i made which really caught me off guard#i barely saw anything on my activity page#like i know i blocked a bunch of not sfw writers but like.......#do that many not sfw writers interact with my posts?#or is my activity page just acting weird?#ugh#i need to write more deep and actually interesting things on andsersdotters but the only things lit in my head are like#'once p*imon got high on mushrooms and went and hugged t*ghnari's tail thinking it was hers' (this is technically canon)#and#'how much u wanna bet x*ngqiu is tone deaf?'#i need to come up with better things for more popular characters#fun fact though totally off topic but did you know you can purchase curses on etsy#you can also contract ppl to contact different demons to do your bidding#like no legit type in a demon's name on etsy and it'll come up#can you believe it?#like ngl if i was a demon i'd feel highkey offended insulted and used???#i'd curse the person that posted those listings like what the hell man#the best part are these ppl have like 500+ 5-star reviews#you can also hire someone on etsy to write you a letter from your ex apologizing to give you closure#or from someone that has died#also 1000+ 5-star reviews#they can get your letter to you in less than an hour lol#the world is an amazing place#if i had all the money in the world i'd buy multiple letters to see how many times i need to buy to start getting duplicates lol
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RM! Miguel O'Hara headcanons (SFW)
(Wattpad) Series Masterlist, Main Masterlist
College roommate!Miguel O'Hara x reader
summary: In light of the most recent chapter of my college au fic, Rigor mortis; here are some headcanons I have for this version of Miguel <3 .
warnings: none, just fluff :)
a/n: trying to get out of bad writer's block with some drabbles. looking through my asks and making my way through them rn!
wc: 0.5k
He's meant to wear reading glasses but literally never does. You see him squinting at shit all over the apartment, and it only really clicks when you catch him early in the morning (because I know he wakes up at disgusting hours in the day to be productive) and he's got a pair on.
He gives amazing gifts. I feel like he's really detail oriented so he'll take forever to choose meaningful gifts. Not even necessarily expensive; just something that shows he pays attention to conversations: like that item of clothing you loved but can’t afford, something super specific for your hobbies, a whole bunch of books you like because you just mentioned a specific author or genre you love.
Conversely, he's the kind of person that's really difficult to buy gifts for. Everything that he could possibly want, he'll just buy for himself; his interests are too niche for you to buy him tools and things; and he'd give you absolutely bs answers when you ask him straight up. You'd be like, hey, I know your birthday’s soon, what do you want; and he'll say oh, I just want you to be happy, or I have everything I need right here, baby. And you'll be like ok cool, is that yes or a no on the ipad? 
Coffee addict. Has all the expensive machines and fancy filters. He lives pretty modestly, but it is the one thing he'll really invest in. 
Similarly, will collect old tech and gadgets just to fiddle around with. He has a box of junk underneath his bed that lowkey he’s been building up since he was a kid. I feel like he was such a curious kid and all his tías and tíos would pinch his cheeks and pat his head and give him all their old junk because he shows an interest.
Sleeps like a dad on the couch. Especially after a long day. He stretches out on the sofa like a cat with his hand on bare belly and it is simultaneously super fucking funny and kind of hot??? Like you can see his happy trail and that peek of tan skin and you just knoww that v line is sharp asf.
He talks to himself. Especially after a frustrating day, and it's pretty funny to watch. He becomes so animated and will have a whole ass conversation with himself whilst chopping veg, or something. He'd wave the knife around, playing both sides of a situation. It helps him to decompress and logically reason with difficult problems. It's something he will 10000% deny if you bring it up. 
He's funny. Not necessarily laugh out loud, quippy one liners; but he has a super dry sense of humor. He's fond of a deadpan, and will often play it straight whilst saying something ridiculous. I feel like no-one usually gets when he's being sarcastic, but for some reason you do, and it makes his eyes go wide the first time. Like you catch something he says under his breath and laugh; and he's stuttering because people don't usually have the same kind of humor as him. 
long story short, he's a big ol' softie. more bark than bite :)
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miupow · 29 days
MIUPOW’S 1K SLEEPOVER EVENT ! (MAY 5 - 20) . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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a lot has happened for user miupow the last couple of days!! my twentieth birthday was wednesday, my brother’s graduation was yesterday, and tomorrow we are traveling to the mountains to see him off for his summer internship! not only that, but just the other day this blog hit 1k followers!! thank you all so much for your support and love, it truly means the world to me! i could not wish for a sweeter, kinder bunch of readers and mutuals, you all are my world ! i wanted to do a little something to celebrate this milestone with everyone, even with how busy i’ve been, so here’s a little slumber party event for everyone to participate in! special thanks to @dearlyjun for being the inspo behind this event ^^
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- i am accepting asks related to the event from tonight (may 4th) until the 20th. i will attempt to answer a few each day, but i cannot guarantee i will finish all requests on time. any asks i still have not answered after the 20th i will answer when i have the time to.
- the amount of asks you may send is unlimited unless it is a drabble request— then it is one per user
- all posts regarding this event will be tagged under #lia’s 1k slumber party!
- anons are encouraged to participate!
- i am okay with nsfw asks related to this event :)
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though i’m a chronic oversharer and i love to tap nonstop, there’s still a bunch about me as a person and as a writer that i’ve never talked about before on this blog! feel free to ask me anything you would like to know about me!
please keep asks from being too personal. i am allowed to ignore any of these asks that make me uncomfortable.
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send me an ask asking me to pick between two things! can be about anything you’d like :)
ex) cherries or bananas? would you rather cuddle with changbin or chan? blonde soobin or orange soobin? rain or snow?
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a version of fuck, marry, kill with no violence involved lol ^^ send me three idols (txt, bts, svt, skz) to choose from and i will tell you which out of the three that i would fuck, marry, or kiss!
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the biggest part of my slumber party— a songfic event! send me an ask with a song, an idol, and a scenario and i will write you a drabble/short fic based off of the ask! (500 - 2k words) sfw and nsfw requests are accepted! txt, skz, bts, and svt members accepted!
ex) lover, you should’ve come over by jeff buckley + jihoon + exes to lovers
these songfics will take me longer to write than any of the other asks for this event, so please be patient! i will try to crank these out as fast as i can, i’ve been struggling with a lot of writers block recently and i’m really hoping that this will help me break out of it!
sending my love and my thanks to every single one of you that have supported me throughout my short time writing on tumblr! every friend and mutual i’ve made is irreplaceable <3
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cosmicck · 1 year
“Hahahaha.. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽..and what after that? Hahaha-”
Bachira request!
So reader is like hella intimidating looking to the point his own teammates never really struck up a conversation with him or even bother him at all
Bachira here is like “hmmm he can’t be that bad” and so he goes up to reader and starts talking to him after they finished a match
At first reader is a little skeptical and only talks to him in short sentences before he got comfortable enough to talk to Bachira through longer sentences and is just smiling making his face look softer than it originally did leaving their teammates stunned
They’re all like “ain’t no damn way-“ or some shit like that cause they thought you were just hella mean cause of the vibe reader would give but seeing him being all smiley and quickly responding is like a huge “wtf how?” moment 😋
🌊Bachira x male reader(sfw)
🌊Genre: fluff
🌊Warning(s): none
🌊A/n: I'm finally semi-back writers block has the biggest impact on me
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Not to sugarcoat, but you were one of the more intimidating players on the team. Sure there were plenty of others that were intimidating, though not like you necessarily.
You had an aura that if anyone was to close to they'd piss their pants. Though you didn't really mean any harm, you still avoided people in general.
You werent at all a people person.
But Bachira didn't give two fucks, he would find a way with you one way or another. "Oi, Isagi can we go sit over there?" Bachira used one of hands to point to the table where you sat alone.
Isagi felt a small chill just looking at you, sure he felt kind of bad you were sitting alone but you were just scary as hell in his eyes.
"Erm..Bachira are you sure you want to-" "Hey! (m/nnn)! Mind if I sit down?" 'God dammit' Isagi thought to himself slowly walking over to the table.
"Sure." Was all you said in a gloomy tone. Either way even if you said something or not you knew his stubborn ass would sit there anyway.
"So wacha doin' here by yourself huh? Do you just not wanna be around anyone? You scared of people?" Boy did he talk a bunch. Bachira did all the talking most of the time while you had just said short answers or just answer like noises.
Though overtime, the more he started talking to you the more you actually started to listen to him and start talking back little by little.
You actually found him quit an entertaining and loveable person. He had even taught you a bunch of his tricks and cool moves he'd use for a game.
It made you happy that someone was actually interested in you and had tey to get to know you and didn't instantly look away when you made accidental eye contact with them.
You were at your usual table picking a bit at your food with your utensil waiting for a certain someone.
You hear the door open caching your attention as you see bachira walk out of it getting his tray of food as he looked around for you.
"Oh! Bachira, Bachira!" You had a smile on your face as you were excited to finally seeing him. Bachira returned the smile walking over to you as you both instantly started striking up conversation.
Your expression was different, it was softer and genuine as you looked at Bachiea as he spoke actually listening to what he had to say, with you returning the energy.
Others away from your table had given the both of yall such a confused look. Was this how you were really like? How come come were smiling and acting all soft around Bachira?
"What kind of witch craft is he doing? How is he doing that?" Igarashi mumbled, though loud enough to where everyone else could hear.
They all shrugged and went back to eating there food but still a bit suprised on how he managed to get close to you.
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🌊I think I did good enough- @gaybitchfx @reallyromealone @bloodyfennec @vyloy @devilswhore-emrys @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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sinsinsininning · 4 months
✨I’ve got writers block and depression ✨
Send me One Piece x reader requests, I’ll work on them if I have time. Can be smut or SFW
If it’s someone/something I don’t write for I’ll let you know but I don’t feel like writing out a bunch a rule rn
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tot-musica · 10 months
Hello! may I request a fluffy fic of Shaka falling in love with male SO and asking him out?
(SFW) Shaka x Male Reader
I just found out posting on my computer doesn't make me edit all the italics back into the text like I have to do on mobile :') Oh how I have suffered.
Thank you Anon for waiting ten decades for me to finish this through a bunch of writer's block, playing email ping-pong back and forth with my college wondering when they're going to give me my degree, and a couple of illnesses (because I'm stupid and forget to reorder my prescriptions sometimes)
Word Count: A lot
Ao3 Backup Link:
??? years ago
"Just a bit longer - change is coming soon. I can feel it. Then you can finally bring all these wonderful creations to the world."
"I hope so."
You remembered that conversation as yet another government order for bigger, better weapons came in. Would they even be necessary if you just fixed the problems that started the violence?
Sighing, you set aside the clipboard and moved onto something a bit more interesting for the moment. You call it, “selective procrastination.” Today an experiment long awaited for should be reaching its next phase, and you can hardly wait for the new arrival, making time all the more slow.
Ding ding ding!
“Ah! Doctor-” But the older man was already scrambling into the room.
"The first has finished?"
"Yes sir, all indicators have reached their prime. #01 should be rea-"
"Brilliant!!!" He shouts, running down the hall at a speed which no one should be capable of. Your lab coat billows at your feet as you make haste.
Good has no face. That was the first belief instilled within him. And so, he covered every inch of flesh, any trace of physical detail. His brethren-counterparts-vegapunks did not even see his face before it was covered. Actually, even he does not recall his complexion. He is synonymous with the helmet, and thus, believed to be a robot by many - and himself.
It's only you that reminds him that there is skin under those gloves, even if it's lab-made.
"I'll make you whatever you want to wear!"
It wasn't something ever forced upon him though. It is just … him, recalling the smile he'd seen since he awakened, and until now.
"A helmet."
While primarily still Vegapunk’s assistant, your secondary talent was fashion - or particularly, fitting Egghead's fashion. And a marvelous helmet it was. Stylish, with all the necessary equipment and tools, radios, etc, that he would need built right in. The first, so to speak, “personalized” object he received.
He already knew moments after he awoke how the lab, how the island, how everything worked. He was given part of Vegapunk's mind after all. But he said nothing as you showed him around, excitedly rambling about the various projects - past, present, and future - conducted, how to operate various machines and doors and knick-knacks and all sorts. And he let you. Because it seemed to make you happy, and good is his nature.
The primary objective of his existence.
But even though he "knew" how everything worked, it had still been a learning experience - on people. Your descriptions, your body language, your thought perception - it varied from the Stella's, and that was crucial education. Learning how others perceive, not just how Vegapunk does.
"Do you know what you want to be called?"
He already knew that. Vegapunk already, subconsciously, gave him a name - but the way you said it, it felt … like a choice.
"Sha-ka- I like that."
For a little while, it was just you and him, as the Doctor worked on the next satellite, while the two of you worked on projects for the good of others. 
"You might be a satellite of Dr. Vegapunk, but you're still human. Don't forget it." You'd winked at him.
Eventually it turned to the point where you became his assistant, as he settled into a routine of operations while the doctor worked on the next satellite, “Evil.”
But, to your credit, even as Lilith arrived and the others, one by one, you still gave him the same amount of attention as you had priorly. But work was filling that time. Friendship turned more towards professionalism. Casual conversations replaced by the constant floods of information passed between one another.
Each satellite had their designated tasks from the beginning, but they all helped with the lab work - usually. Projects and requests piled up, Egghead's population grew as it became an open island, things were exuberant and colorful and so … so …
And even though the physical signs started to show a long while ago, your mentality never wavered. Not a single crack ever giving. Because the satellites were based on primary emotions and personality traits, it was easy for some to fall off task or grow frustrated, or the opposite - overworking and stressing.
Even to this day, when each Vegapunk is their own boss. And you are the helper. Never ending kindness and support and such a sweet nature that even Lilith behaves - mostly. And thus, she might as well be your lingering second shadow. It's no secret they like you, but Lilith is constantly grabbing your attention, because you indulge her pranks and shenanigans. The flow of conversation between you two like that of what you and him used to have….
Then comes an odd thought. No - a feeling. A bit … jealous? No, jealous is too harsh a term - envious. Yes, envious. He has no ill will towards Lilith, but her "Evil" nature gives her a sort of freedom when it comes to social interactions - she doesn't have to be polite. She doesn't have to have restraint. She can be herself. Because …
Because …
Being good? Is that not himself?
When did he start thinking this way?
That is typically not a trait associated with good. Rather, a trait of … all intelligent life.
"Humans, fishmen, many races and species, can be selfish - and it's sort of … sort of like coffee! Or rather addiction - but say you have a cup of coffee, maybe a few, but you have control of yourself right? That is a healthy amount of selfishness. Because it's ok to be "selfish" from time to time. Then there's people who drink barrels of coffee - hypothetically speaking. If a giant drank a barrel of coffee that would be a normal size - but anyway what I'm trying to say is there's many in this world that are addicted to selfishness … or rather, another interesting theory."
"And what is that?"
"Selfishness is fluid - what is considered selfish varies from culture to culture, kingdom to kingdom, person to person - some of what we consider to be the most selfish in the world? Well, they don't see it that way. They have a different standard. But there are also those who know they are selfish, and simply don't care."
You'd yawned back then, leaning back in your chair, "And I guess the same applies to evil. What is evil? What is good? That can only be defined from person to person. Like - Lilith doesn't seem evil to me. She's just the 'evil' of Doctor Vegapunk."
Maybe then, he believes it was then, that he asked his first "real" question. A question he came up with, born of curiosity.
"And what do you think of Doctor Vegapunk?"
You had blinked, almost shocked, but closed your eyes for a long period of time, then, finally, forming speech.
"I think he wants to do good. I think he's a good person. But he's flawed like all of us. He, and I, admittedly, get so caught up in creating things, we're oblivious to what is actually going on with them. When we knew nothing about the unethical treatment of Alber, the Lunarian. When we took so long to see what Caesar was up to. I think that's why he created you, but still - you're all human too. You can't be expected to do and know everything. But I think Vegapunk can ultimately bring the best to this world, if the barriers created can be knocked down. That's why I'm still here." You'd beamed at him, "And he created you, so he's obviously doing something right."
That was the first sensation of what he calls "pang." A skip of his heart, which concerned him at first, believing a defect may have come into play.
"Still. We knowingly make weapons for the government in order to keep receiving their funds. Working for evil, to try and make good. Are we making progress? Or are we just more pawns for the government. I don't know."
Another "pang," a different sort. One that took him a long while to rationalize - he did not want you to feel that way about yourself. Evil? Such as the government? Not in his eyes. You are far too humane for such things. Just watching you breathe, walk, think reminds him of that. You are tangible - the subject of "evil" is more of a broad web of collected objects. And yet he's seen just how much abhorrent evil can be contained in just a single body, that Lilith would never even come close too by any amount.
"If you're ever scared though, remember that even the evil sleep." You once said.
He doesn't need to sleep. York had that covered - more time to think. But you do. Evident, by the way a puddle of drool is forming on the desk.
He believes you meant, "Even the evil have to show their vulnerability."
Though your messy hair and scribbly handwriting suggests otherwise, you are calm and content in this environment. Safe enough to fall asleep in the middle of the lab when he's there.
Dare he not disturb you … but dare he not let you wake up with pain in your neck and back.
He'll stay a little longer, then figure out what to do with you.
It can't be too long past midnight, when the only glow in his lab is his desk lamp, that a shadow on the wall makes a sudden movement. And another. He turns to find your hand twitching around something imperceptible, your eyes running laps under your lids.
His head tilts, straightening from his chair to carefully stride over to your hunched form. Reaching out his gloves hand, he-
He goes to rest his hand on your shoulder when the worst, shrill scream wrings throughout each and every metal corridor in the lab, a clamp now around his wrist. You glare at him - but not at him - at something else, a million stars away. Then they laser in on his hand, squeezing his wrist again.
"Shaka!" Breath rushes in and out of your lungs as you learn to breathe again. 
"Y/n, I believe you have had some sort of nightmare -"
"Not a nightmare - no, more like night terror - too bad to be a bad dream - too bad to be a dream - get it out of my head!"
Pang. He's not exactly equipped for handling … emotional situations …  or 
… Has he just not witnessed one? Either or - you are not you, and that is terrifying, and a remedy must be found.
"Do you want to speak it out of your head?"
"... Oh god … I don't … remember anything. But it was awful. Why is it so dark? Isn't it morning yet? What time is it? What year?"
"Lights!" At his word, the room floods with white light, causing you to blink many times, until your eyes start to return to a normal shape.
"Ah .. thank you." Your heart rate has gone down considerably, and he sees the glaze of sleep returning to you.
"We should get you to your proper bed."
"No - no - I'd rather sleep here - no windows in that room."
There are windows in your room. Plenty. Filled with trickling waterfalls of green, spiky, soft, colorful, assorted appendages tangling across the sill, in the direct light of both the sun and moon. You even have a favorite, Hector, a "Zebra Fasciata Haworthia," or rather, a striped aloe vera plant, small enough to fit in one's hand, which hangs in a pot off the wall.
Just one of many details he's stored away.
He takes both your hands gently, "I promise there are windows, and light. You will not be in a box. Come, y/n, I'll take you there."
"... Okay…"
Though each step provides some relief, you're still so tense, so beyond unusual. Arriving at the room, you both cross the threshold. A small, humble space, filled with papers and knick-knacks, books and trinkets, but clean nonetheless, as if it says, "I am a well-loved home."
You only shrugged your coat and shoes off before plopping down on the bed, but you haven't let go of his wrist, staring at him.
"Please don't leave." It's just a plea, and yet … something else hides within it … something … ominous. 
How could he say no?
That's how he ends up, awkwardly squeezed in a twin sized bed, boots hanging off the end, helmet still on as you cling to him, a lifeline attached this time, before taking the plunge into the dream world.
Tilting his head, he analyzes your face. There's a furrow in your brow, which he quickly corrects with a smudge of a thumb. Puffy bags - have you not been sleeping? Has he not noticed? How would he not notice? How strange….
While he doesn't possess fatigue… he's feeling a bit… sleepy… perhaps shutting down… isn't … such … isn't can … be taknvcggg. 
"You actually slept!?"
"Yes, I just felt like doing so."
"Who are you and what have you done to Shaka? You never do anything you wanna do." Lilith points, then laughs.
"Oh my satan- you're keeping secrets!"
"I'm not keeping secrets."
"You tottalllly are."
"It's not a secret if it is known. It may be that you just have not tuned in on that fact."
"Hey! Don't call me stupid!"
"I didn't call you anything."
The woman keeps following him around the lab, giggling, “We all know you’ve known Y/N the longest - you miss the attention right!? I know you’re jelly.”
"I'm not jealous, promise me."
"Ah! Then - you're smitten! Hee hee hee!!! I can totally use this for blackmail!"
"Yep! You don't let me try out the mechs, and I'll tell everyone on the island that you, a Vegapunk, are distracted from your work because of a secret crush!"
"............ But I am not?"
"Doesn't matter whether you admit it or not - rumors are rumors."
"………. You're evil."
She smiles ear to ear.
Well, that’s something new. Smitten. In context, it might be considered unprofessional. 
"You might be a satellite of Dr. Vegapunk, but you're still human.”
Still human huh?
The click of boots draws him from thought.
“Good morning, Shaka.” Your voice is quieter but still as kind as ever, hunched over, hair sticking out at odd points, holding two cups of coffee in each hand, with a bunch of clipboards jammed under your arms. You look about as dreary as the weather outside. “My apologies for last night … I wasn’t quite myself … I hope it didn’t disturb you…”
“No,” he accepts the coffee from you, “I do not mind in the slightest. Does that happen often?”
“Eh, well nightmares are nothing unusual, but I guess that one particularly got to me - don’t even remember what happened.” You lean against the edge of his desk, sipping at your coffee, nodding up, “Climatizer broken I assume?”
“Yes. Lilith and Edison are up there trying to fix it-” A yelp is heard, then cursing, and soon the sight of Lilith sliding down the island’s dome. “Emphasis on trying.”
You hide a small smile behind your hand, “Could be something like … ‘gravity boots’ would be a good invention.”
“Hmm … yes - yes! I’m sure Pythagoras will love that!” 
“Well, I’ll get to work now.” You wink, going to your desk to organize the clipboards.
Tick. Tick. Tick. His mind easily backtracks to the previous conversations like dots connected by threads. Nightmares? Hmm. It would be nice to build something that could prevent nightmares - but would that be ethical? Would you even accept it? 
Problem is … he’s asked himself this about twenty times in the last twelve hours. And nothing else. Lilith might be right - he has a problem. Loud taps mix with the noise around him. Papers shifting, printing, numbers and keys being pressed, the dull roar outside the laboratory. He finds that it is caused by his own finger, when two of yours link with his.
“You okay? You’ve been staring off for quite awhile. How about we take a walk?” You flash him your usual smile.
“Yes, perhaps that would be nice.”
You walk side by side, a unison of footsteps on metal slats (two fingers still curled around his). Down a hall you lead, towards a high glass dome, “There should be a new shipment of plant species growing in the greenhouse.”
The greenhouse is more of a village than a house, ten large domes, connected to one another, house plants from various climates, to the dry and hot, cold yet humid, aquatic, tropical, and more. The plants provide both a means of genetic testing, and discovering new medicines. (Anything could be cured here - if the government actually allowed it). The tropical dome has a high ceiling with stairs meandering along the sides of an artificial waterfall. The balcony at the top allows one to look out over the entire treeline.
“Look,” You reach your hand out, hovering just a broad banana tree leaf, “I remember the first leaf of this thing being the size of my pinky, now just one of these things dwarfs us.”
Drip. Drip.
“Eh?” You look up as droplets become a sprinkle - “Aggh! It’s not supposed to rain right now!” You laugh as you both run down the stairs for cover, taking refuge in the roots of a Banyan.
“Guess everyone’s getting rained on today!” You smile.
“A bit embarrassing that things are breaking all over today.”
“Well, everything needs their downtime.” Arms folding, you lean against the tree, looking up at the dense vermillion, sparked with flecks of orange, splashes of red, a few pink and purples, and dusty yellow light leaking through the dripping thicket.
You look as calm as ever. Anyone would believe so, that is, except for him, staring off like you could melt into the bark and become one with it forever, in that moment.
Say something. Literally anything.
“We must look quite out of place in a jungle.”
You snort, “Yeah I guess.”
If nothing appears wrong, why does the tension feel as thick as the humidity? What exactly is it for? As if he’s … waiting for something … something that wants to happen, but cannot be put into words -
Actually your face is turning as red as some of the flowers in the room, “Umm … Shaka - EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!”
What can only be described as a, “big ass fucking spider,” with a vengeance, plummets from the tree tops. Then you barrel into him, half running into his arms, half pro-wrestler tackling. The silver thing is gone as soon as it came, leaving -
Leaving you wrapped in his arms.
When did I close my arms when did I close my arms when did I close my arms when did I close my arms-
More surprising, you haven’t even tried to move, trapped in some equal state of shock, staring a hole through his chest. “What were you-
“. . . . . . . . That is what was clogging your mind? I almost believed you were going to tell me that you were dying or something else dire-”
“It is dire! I mean - to me - uh - kinda…”
“You … like me?”
“Maybe … okay yes - god - I’m a grown ass adult, this is so embarrassing…”
“Ah…” he clears his throat, “I am not opposed to the idea … quite … contrary…” It’s his turn to avoid your brightening gaze.
“Heh … I … kinda thought that but …” “Oh …” He knew he had feelings beyond camaraderie for you, but the fact that his internal struggle was more than obvious to everyone, including you … oof. That’s a bit of a blow to his pride. “But wait, y/n, why didn’t you say anything?”
“I’m saying things now.”
He chuffs, “Yes, yes I suppose - don’t avoid the question.”
“It felt … almost … forbidden? The positions we work in - I thought you believed the same, and it would be better left unsaid….”
“Now, I recall, you were the one who said, ‘You might be a satellite of Dr. Vegapunk, but you're still human. Don't forget it.’ Are you implying you’re wrong?”
“No! No - just - you must know right? Why it might be … frowned upon?"
Gentle rain fills the silence of gathering thoughts. Science, math, those are things that you can both solve easily. But … 'this' is another game. Instead, he just holds you closer against the vinyl of his jacket as the humid air fills your lungs with the scent of wet earth.
Who cares? Why should they care? Why should you two care about what they care? He certainly does not care when you look up to smile at him.
After you've parted ways, with a sweet wink and a giddy blush, Lilith appears as he rounds the corridor.
"You're welcome."
She flashes a silvery object in her hand … a mechanical spider. 
She runs away faster than he can keep up, cackling and waving the spider around.
The aroma of a swamp is both refreshing and … well, a tad moldy. “Earthy.” The bench he sits on is more lichen than wood, the cobble brick below held together with spurts of moss. A few old street lamps light the pavilion in the greenhouse room, home to thick species of hanging trees and gnarled roots, wreathed in massive clumps of Tillandsia usneoides, “No York, they’re not a form of pasta, you can’t eat them.”
Crickets and frogs sing their symphony throughout the marsh; despite the fact that they only housed plants here, the animals found their way in inevitably. 
And yet, this is exactly as it should be. No one cleans the bricks, no one fixes the bench, no one trims the moss - because it was here to begin with, and will stay that way. 
Finally, you appear from the red brick road into the central hub of the dome, “Sorry, am I late?”
“No, I am early.” 
It’s not that fancy of a meeting, but your hair was more kept than usual, lacking your signature lab coat for a more casual wear. And he - well he’d changed his coat … well the same coat, just a different color. 
Settling next to him, you placed a little wicker basket, holding various kinds and colors of snacks, “I set the applesauce on fire, but it’s still good.”
“How did you manage that?”
“I’m still trying to figure that out myself.”
The two of you sat in relative silence, letting it all sink into your bones. Though he did not really eat, he nudged his helmet up just enough to nibble on the treats. Yes, you’d definitely set the applesauce on fire, but it was still very tasty.
You chuckle, cracking a wide smile, “I have something to show you. Hold on.” Disappearing into the foliage, he hears a few clicks, a muffled curse, then a soft bang. The lamps go out.
Darkness bursts into stars. 
Green flecks of light swim across the walls, the bricks, the trees, everything. He stands and is surrounded in it, no longer on the ground, but floating in a void of firelights. Fingers curl around his own gloved digits. 
“When on earth did you set this up?”
“Long ago, actually. I come here at night sometimes.”
“‘Sometimes.’ This is an awful lot of work.”
“Worth it.”
You plant a kiss on the side of his helmet, taking his other hand, as he wraps an arm around your waist, and you both begin stepping to a silent song.
Attempt. Attempt dancing that is. It lasts about twenty seconds before someone's shoe gets caught under another's and you both go fumbling to the floor, filling the greenhouse with echoes of laughter.
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varsely · 2 months
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please do not request nsfw, yandere, dark themes, gore, su1c1dal themes, abuse, slavery, anything of the sort. I'm not comfortable writing these and romanticizing these will make it even worse.
i write for all genders, such as— female, male, non binary, trans, etc. but most of the time i write gender neutral and female readers.
this blog is not spoiler free. Please don't follow me if you don't wanna get spoilers from a game, anime, etc. But spoilers will be in warnings beforehand.
I will not write for specific readers, for example: body types, ethnicities. I don't wanna write about something that i never experienced.
For the time being, the fandoms I'm (mainly) writing for are persona (3 & 5), blue lock, project sekai, ensemble stars, genshin impact and honkai star rail. Those are the fandoms that I'm accepting requests for, any other fandoms that aren't listed here will be shown but i won't be actively writing for it.
Please don't request If my requests are closed. I'll be ignoring or deleting the request you sent. But adding it up, I'm not required to write your request. I don't mind double check asks, but please do not keep pestering me if I don't do your request.
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even if i won't be writing nsfw since this blog is strictly sfw, suggestive content is allowed and will be shown around my blog. Of course— i won't be writing suggestive content actively since I'm a minor after all.
Mostly, my writing is a bunch of drabbles because i suck at writing oneshots. So, it's to be expected that if i do your request, it will probably be a drabble.
Most of the time, my writing is in the second POV and instead of using 'y/n,' I'll be using (name) instead.
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If you wanna be mutuals or be friends with me, you are very much welcome to send an ask in my inbox!
I'm an amateur writer and am trying to improve my writing along the way. The likes, reblogs and comments you guys make are very much appreciated!
I apologize in advance if there are any grammatical mistakes in my work. If you do notice it, feel free to tell me so i can fix it.
My posting schedule is whenever. I'll try to post often, but this might not be possible since I'm a student, and i have my studies to prioritise.
Please be mindful of what you send me through my inbox. Excluding requests, if it's an interaction— please avoid talking about sensitive topics (su1c1de, abuse, etc) and please don't trauma dump.
This blog will not only consist of my writings but there will be interactions and rants. If you're only here for my writing, please check the tag: "#(⑅ᐢ..ᐢ)✷ㅤvarsely"
Occasionally, I'll be making kys / kms jokes and maybe be unhinged. If you feel uncomfortable, i apologize in advance. Feel free to unfollow / block me.
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If you fit the basic do not interact criteria (racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.)
If you are over the age of 20. I'm 14, so i prefer those who interact with me and my works within the age range I'm comfortable with. (likes and reblogs are alright.)
If you plan to send hate, anonymously or not. I accept constructive criticism of my works so i can improve my writing, but not send hate towards them. If you don't like them, please unfollow or block.
Please do not interact with my works or with me at all if you're a zionist or a pro-israel.
If you're a nsfw blog or if your blog contains pornography, please don't interact or follow me. However, if you're a nsfw writing blog, you're allowed to only interact with my works.
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boyfhee · 3 months
hii, im asking like a bunch of writers for an opinion on this ! im 13 ( ‘10 ) nn looking 2 become a writer on here but i like told one of friends n they were like “ no u probably shouldn't, ure kinda young ” personally i don't see a problem as ill be respecting boundaries of like adults n stuff like that doesn't want minors on their blog, won't be interacting with nsfw works at all nn be in like my own lil corner w ppl that r comfy w a 13 turning 14yro interacting w them and stuff, so is my friend right orr am i able to write nd stuff on here ?
hello ^_^ personally, 13 does seem like a young age for me to be on internet but that's probably because personal experience. truthfully, i have seen even younger people here so i'm just going to let you decide if you want your age to be a factor to decide whether you should be writing online or not.
the same goes with the respecting boundaries and stuff— it's a good thing. however, again, all we can do is warn and block if someone crosses the line because i have seen minors reading nsfw, even writing nsfw and that too for minors. the tags are flooded with smuts, no matter which fandom. i've seen a few people leave before it was overwhelming. at some point, in one of the previous fandoms i used to write for, works stopped gaining much attention if they weren't nsfw and i've had three of 'sfw only' blogs switch to write nsfw. blocking the tags does the work, but the choice is yours. you are your own supervisor.
and here's the worst part— plagiarism and hate anons. you can't do much about plagiarism except cross your fingers and hope it doesn't happen to you. as for hate anons and asks, it's completely unprovoked and baseless ( most of the time ) there have been blogs who got hate and death threats because they didn't like what was being written. there's a terrible habit of some readers feeling they're entitled to works being posted regularly.
i hope this never happens to you, but things get worse and worse and i am saying this from what i've seen here in three years, across three fandoms. not to mention, some people create and drag others in drama, this was so worse during the covids, many people left. mentally, it gets exhausting to see hate and drama in your ask box every day. it doesn't happen to everyone, but you never know who's the unlucky one.
tumblr can be a terrible place but if as a 13 year old, you think you will be able to handle this and deal with it accordingly, though i hope it never happens to you, you're very much welcomed in the writing community and i hope you have a pleasant experience. ( this is so long bye )
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starg1rlie · 11 months
BYF (Before You Follow)
I tend to do quite a bit of shit-posting (random, non-writing related; mostly art or sometimes funny posts / prompts / moot’s stuff), so don't come at me if you keep getting notifications about my blog reblogging random posts. If you don't like it, oh well. This is supposed to be my own personal space that makes me feel comfortable and have fun.
Writing is a hobby for me, NOT A JOB. Do not expect me to update just because a bunch of people are clamoring for it. I’ll do it in my free time and will. If I’m caught up with something, I’ll drop a notice, but I might work on it in between. I’m first and foremost a student. Remember that, please. I tend to update once every month, because I despise being rushed and deadlines. Depending on my mood and schedule, I might post every week or so.
I rant. A lot. So, just be prepared for it. Not only angry ranting, but like, fangirling/fanboying as well. So most of the time I might just be scream/crying about a favorite character/show of mine. If you’re into it, lmk, I love fellow ranters. We’ll have something to bond over!
I may come off as rude/cold or insensitive towards people, and I swear I am not trying to be mean, it’s just my personality. It’s, well, I guess you could say it’s a way of showing my affection towards people, including my family, friends, and fans. I might roast you someday, but don’t take it too seriously. It’s just to get a laugh from both parties. If I make you uncomfortable with any of my jokes/comments, let me know IMMEDIATELY. I am not out here to actively be rude towards people.
I follow adult/sometimes NSFW accounts. I might also reblog a few of the authors’ contents, so if you’re underage or are simply uncomfortable/triggered by that sort of thing, please properly block according tags (‘suggestive’ & ‘nsfw’)
This account will be mainly run by me (Leo), but my friend, Hyo-kun, also works on here, so it’s like a dual personality. It’d be funny if my moots can try and see who’s on the account judging by the way we talk, lmao.
As of 2023, I now block any and all blank blogs that interact and/or follow me. Please, for the love of God, it doesn’t take too much of your time to decorate your blog. Otherwise, I can never tell if you’re a bot or a real person.
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DNI (Do Not Interact)
Basic dni criteria
Toxicity/drama inducers
Consumers/writers of non-consensual content, be it sfw/nsfw
Romanticizes of toxic relationships
TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
If you spam like/reblog on posts
Blogs that are: homophobic, transphobic (including people who discriminate those who identify as “illegitimate” identities), ableist, racist, sexist, pedophilic/MAP (Minor attracted persons)/lolicons, and/or incestual
Consumers/writers of dead dove: do not eat content or any of the above content
K-Pop/DSMP stans
Anti-multiship, proshippers, LGBTQ+ fetishizers, radfems (radical feminists)
Basic dni criteria
Toxicity/drama inducers
Consumers/writers of non-consensual content, be it sfw/nsfw
Romanticizes of toxic relationships
TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
If you spam like/reblog on posts
Blogs that are: homophobic, transphobic (including people who discriminate those who identify as “illegitimate” identities), ableist, racist, sexist, pedophilic/MAP (Minor attracted persons)/lolicons, and/or incestual
Consumers/writers of dead dove: do not eat content or any of the above content
K-Pop/DSMP stans
Anti-multiship, proshippers, LGBTQ+ fetishizers, radfems (radical feminists)
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lindenforest · 1 year
i know im the sane one in this discussion as there are like, entire fanfic exchange formats, that hinge on anonymous reading and anonymous WRITING even - like the kink memes. people are aware they are not obligated to air their every kink to every internet rando. and not even every kink - i saw a bunch of entirely sfw works on ao3 and even good old ffnet with "kink meme deanon" in the title/tags. an anon requested each of them.
i do not tend to go there but i know of their existence and a bit about how they operate.
and they know their anonymous asker probably wont reshare your response to their prompt anywhere and give you clout, and they are fine with it. theyre happy with the anonymous feedback the asker leaves, without wanting their entire fic reading history. and theyre not frothing at the mouth that someone dare not to just read, but to ASK for fic without identifying themselves.
all i wanted to say is there are always people who are going to read quietly. even people who dont have a tumblr may, heavens forbid, read your fic! all i wanted to say is that if you say you will block people for liking, they would just prefer to not let you know they were here at all! thats it!
i was doing nothing at first on ao3. then realized just giving kudos is easy and does not have to put my name to it but still makes the authors day a little better. then trying writing small comments even if under an anon identity. baby kitten steps. if you dont discourage someone from just liking at first, then maybe later they can get comfier with leaving comments/reblogging/putting tags?? see my header 👆 small steppy is better than no steppy.
or they dont. but you know they went on your page and caught up with everything you have written - how cool is that??? someone didnt just find you on the dash, but went looking for you. thats so great?
those writers are giving the energy of that incident when si//ms pat//reon mods creators who put identifiers in their patr//eon downloads and put people on blast publicly for sharing with someone. except here, they didnt even take any sale or paid content from you. is there really a place for this behavior? for this fighting over who owes whom more? its fandom. freely given. freely taken.
to end on a positive note, i love the writers whom i left anon feedback, i love when they responded to it happy, and i know i could give them my love without having to give them my reading history, or interests, or the little notes about my life, and it doesnt matter that i didnt give them that. i gave the love and it was enough.
happy spring. 🐇
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daintydreamsy · 2 years
Hello! May I get relationship head canons of a poly relationship between Joker,Norton and Andrew? (Strange bunch😞) x a male reader? Im fine with either SFW or NSFW...thankyou!<3
this was so fun to write (✯ᴗ✯) destroyed my writers block for a minute!!
norton, joker (both weeping clown and smiley face), and andrew with a male significant other
• I don't know how you managed to bunch these three together, but somehow you did it!
• I'm assuming you're referring to weeping clown, but in case you're not I'll give hcs for joker before & after being a hunter.
• andrew and joker both have trouble reading, so you and norton often read to them when they ask.
• andrew asks you to read passages from the bible, and romance books.
• (he's very shy about the second request, though.)
• joker likes romance-fiction books.
• though he's very in love with his three boyfriends, he still sometimes fantasizes about what could've happened with natalie.
• at first, norton was pretty apprehensive of andrew.
• the idea of hiding underground terrified him deep down. it reminded him too much of the accident, and he's so scared something similar might happen to andrew.
• andrew always reassures norton that he's fine, he's done this a thousand times!
• speaking of the accident, norton still needs help taking care of his scars from it.
• joker needs help taking care of his burns as well.
• you and andrew are officially on medic duty!
• the two of you spend quite some time after matches making sure norton and joker are both well-taken care of.
• in return, on bad days, they take care of the both of you. it's a way they say thanks.
• norton, andrew, and joker all have the same love language; acts of service.
• so you can bet your bottom dollar that it is a daily argument of who gets to do what for who.
• who gets to cook you breakfast in bed? who gets to help you carry things to and from matches? you get the idea.
• when joker becomes smiley face, a lot changes within your relationship.
• you turn from a badass full team with a great team comp, to only three of you and a highly-feared hunter.
• at least now you guys can do tarot? and quite a bit of blackjack-
• it still hurts. you can't see joker as much as before, and usually in matches it's really life or death.
• if all three of you are in a match, he goes friendly. he can't stop himself, he really doesn't want to hurt any of you.
• even though joker is a hunter now, the four of you sometimes sneak away to have picnics near the red church.
• it's time when you're all sitting on a blanket in the church, laughing and eating yummy food (prepared by andrew and norton), that you forget you're in a death game.
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joanquill · 3 years
Hi that's good to see you are in tumblr as well!! Love your writings 🥰🥰🥰 it always put a smile in my face.
Can you please make one for sherlock Holmes x fem! reader ... Where they are just lazy because is ( raining a lot or snowing a lot... you can choose ^^) and having a cozy (sfw) time together sharing a blanket in the couch and just talking about life, mysteries or maybe even a soft and cute subject?? And maybe an extra because john and Hudson where sneaking behind the door to hear what they were talking and sherlock saw them and then he'll be like a blushing mess?? 💞👉👈
Thank u very much
Xoxo have a nice day
December Snow Days
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Sherlock Holmes
A/N: Hello :) Aww thank you 🥺 No problem! Hope you're all having a nice day as well ^^ Sorry this took so long, I've been having writer's block ^^"
Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Fluff
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"Crap, crap, crap!” you muttered as the snow started to pour harder on you and Sherlock.
“I told you it was gonna hail!” Sherlock clicked his tongue as he hovered his jacket under you both, running down the street.
“And yet, we both didn’t bring an umbrella!” you retorted, staying close to him as you two hurriedly went inside 221B and closed the door.
“Are you two okay?” John asked, giving you a fresh towel.
“Yeah… Not like a little snow’s hurt anyone,” you reassured as you dried your hair.
“Tell that to hypothermia,” Sherlock muttered as he dried himself too.
You shot him a glare as Miss Hudson pushed you into her room.
“Now, now… Let’s get you both warmed up,”
“Achoo!” you sneezed, letting out a groan as you sat on the couch, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Dang… It’s really pouring out there…” you muttered, looking out of the window.
The snow showed no sign of stopping as it covered the whole city in white, making the window frost around the edges.
“And who was the idiot who decided to have a snowball fight with Wiggins and the others?” Sherlock rhetorically asked as he wrapped his blanket around you both.
You rolled your eyes as you moved closer to him, leaning on his side.
“You’re just mad that I got you on the face a bunch of times,” Sherlock let out a scoff as he pushed you out of the blanket, making you scoff.
“You little-” you grumbled with a smile, smacking a pillow on him, making him chuckle and fight back.
“At least I didn’t keep slipping on the ice and falling on my butt like a klutz,”
“I told you I don’t know how to ice-skate!”
“At least I always caught you on time!”
“Yeah, while laughing at me!” you scoffed as you threw the pillow on Sherlock, making it bounce and land on the window.
It fell onto the latch, making it open up and let the cold wind hit you straight on the back.
“Cold! Cold! Cold!” you screamed as you quickly closed it again, making Sherlock laugh.
“Shut it!” you shouted, smacking his pillow on him repeatedly as he sat on the couch.
“Yeah, yeah… Sorry,” he halfheartedly apologized as he grabbed your wrists, pulling you on his chest.
You struggled against his grip, but he kept a tight hold on you while leaning back on the couch.
You let out a sigh as you gave up, making Sherlock smile.
“Here,” he slightly moved as he grabbed the blanket, wrapping you both in it.
“…Are you still cold?” he asked, making you roll your eyes playfully and shake your head.
“No, I’m fine,” you reassured as you snuggled closer to him.
“That reminds me, Mycroft told me-” Sherlock let out a long groan as he leaned back on the couch.
“Listen!” you scolded as you swatted his chest.
“How did you talk to my brother anyway?” he asked, quirking a brow.
“We accidentally saw each other last week,” you explained as you leaned back with Sherlock, laying your head on his shoulder.
“He told me your parents want you guys back on Christmas,” you reminded, looking up to his face, “…and he told me your parents wanted to meet me,”
Sherlock clicked his tongue as he hid his face on top of your head.
“Damn nosy brother…” he grumbled, making you chuckle.
“Care to explain why you didn’t tell me?” you asked, making Sherlock look you in the eye.
He let out a sigh as he pulled you up, sitting on the couch.
“I was about to… but I didn’t think you would want to,” he explained, making you raise a brow.
“Well, our parents are… They’re kind of…” he let out a sigh as you giggled, “They’re… different from what you expect,” he explained, making you smile.
“Well, you’re not exactly ordinary either, Sherlock Holmes,” you retorted as you flicked his hanging strand of hair, making Sherlock chuckle.
“I’m sure they’re wonderful,” you reassured, reaching your hand to his cheek.
“And I’m excited to meet them,” Sherlock let out a relieved smile as he melted under your touch.
“That’s good…”
“I am quite nervous, though…” you admitted, looking down on your lap, “Should I bring a gift? What do you think they would like?” Sherlock smiled as he kissed your temple.
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure my parents are just happy I finally found someone,” he reassured, squeezing your hand lovingly.
“And I got a lover first before Mycroft did,” he added, making you both laugh.
“What about Lestrade? Did you tell him you’ll be out of town for the holidays?”
“I’ll deal with Lestrade later,” he muttered, snuggling against your hair as he let out a deep sigh, relaxing against your touch.
You shook your head as you let out a laugh, contently sighing as you closed your eyes.
“That reminds me, where’s John? I haven’t seen him since earlier,”
“He’s talking to Miss Hudson downstairs. Something about- OY!” Sherlock shouted as he looked back.
You furrowed your brows as you followed his gaze and saw John and Miss Hudson by the door, sheepishly smiling.
“Sorry… We were calling you two for lunch, but it seemed that you two were busy…”
Sherlock groaned as he hid behind your hair, his face completely red.
You let out a nervous chuckle as you scratched your cheek.
“How-How long have you two been there?”
“Oh, not long,” Miss Hudson smiled, “…Just at the ice-skating thing…”
Sherlock quickly got up and stomped over the two, making them run downstairs.
“We were waiting for the right time!”
“And we didn’t want to ruin your moment!”
The two shouted as Sherlock slammed the door, hiding his red face in his hands as he slumped down.
You weakly laughed as you walked up to him, removing his hands from his face.
“Sorry about them…” you shook your head with a chuckle.
“It’s okay. I think it’s kind of endearing,” you reassured as you kissed Sherlock’s cheek.
“Now,” you pulled him on his feet, “Let’s go get some lunch!”
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sixknight · 2 years
Info and Masterlists
Hey, I'm Lias/Liss. I've been writing for Transformers for years but wanted to expand into more fandoms so I made this and another blog I run with an irl friend!
Things you'll find here:
Fluff, Angst, Horror, LGBT+ and poly content, Digimon x Human, Monsters x Human, Demons x Human, Robots x Human, Aliens x Human, Fae x Humans, Slightly suggestive content from time to time
Things you will not find here: incest/beastiality/pedophilia (if you enjoy these things leave), transphobia/homphobia/te.rf shit/tran.smed shit/racism/sexism (bigotry will be blocked on sight), pregnancy stuff (just a personal squick), watersports/scat/vomit/similar fetishes, omegaverse, vore, hardcore NSFW (decided I'll keep that separate from here)
If you need anything tagged let me know! I usually try to tag all my content with what they are and I trigger tag like this #violence #violence cw so people can blacklist things easily.
My headcanons and fics masterlists are under the cut!
My tags: My writing, Lias does art sometimes My OCs
Fandom Master Lists
A Villain's Twisted Heart
Akudama Drive
Demon Slayer
Donkey Kong Country
Court Of Darkness
Lullaby of Demonia
Obey Me
Security Breach
Soul of Yokai
Spirits of the Shrine
The Vampire Dies In No Time
Twisted Wonderland
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun!
Other Blogs I run
@wingwaver (My main)
@liaswritesrobots (sfw Transformers blog)
@writers-friend (Writing refs, tips, and advice)
@artists-friend (Art refs, tips, and advice)
@prompts-collection (A bunch of writing/art prompts and ask games)
@selfship-monster-lover (selfshipping blog)
This list of Transformers blogs
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tavvattales · 3 years
Hi hi! Could I request hc on any character you wanna write for in the streamer AU (basically instead of them being the character, we or y/n is the character and the characters we know are steamers who play genshin impact)
Hihi lovely! This took me a while to get to cause this is my first AU request, plus I had a burn out/writers block 😫 Anyways, I did it in bullet point style, I hope you enjoy and thanks sooo much for your patience 🥰😊 I had a lot of fun doing this one.
GENSHIN IMPACT character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: AU where the characters are the ones pulling on your banner.
Characters: Childe/Tartaglia, Kaeya, Albedo
Pairings: None, just the characters simping for your character banner <3
Warnings: Slight suggestive themes, but SFW
Click down below to
● He's a streamer and 100% a whale. He specifically makes a video just for a pull session of both you and your special weapon. He definitely makes sure to pull you at c6, spending at least $1,000(honestly probably more considering he wanted to refine your special weapon too!) to get you sitting pretty at that glorious c6.
● After his successful pulls, he leveled you up right away all the way to 90, put the best artifacts on and leveled those up as well. He quickly put together the best synergized team and made you the star and center, the rest of the team was just there for support.
● You definitely became his favorite Genshin character and was quick to level up your friendship level so he could read more about your lore. Tartaglia will now never remove you from his team <3
● He's not a whale, but a dolphin, only spending money here and there, but oh man, when your character got announced? You bet he spent a little bit more money than he normally does. Maybe it was the way your character was designed? It was definitely the way your character was designed, who was he kidding. Literally think Tectone on how he simped HARD when Rosaria was announced.
● He definitely got you to at least c1 and attempted to pull for your weapon as well, but ended up not getting it, but that's okay. He had other great weapons that would work for you. He had enough materials to level you up decently and you got placed on his team fast.
● He definitely secretly reads fanfic of you online. He also really likes the way your character climbs those walls, if you get what I'm putting down. Kaeya also specifically made a room in the Serenatea pot for your character that he thought would match your characters aesthetics.
● He's strictly F2P, he's a broke college student. He saved his primogems for quite a while just so he could have a chance of pulling you. Thank the stars the RGN gods bestowed you to him as his soft pity was 50/50 and he was really hoping he wouldn't somehow pull a Jean.
● When your character was first leaked he spent that time to grind HARD for those ascension materials and decent artifacts for you. He also did a bunch of ley line blossoms for mora and adventure books. He put his other characters on the back burner just so when you did come home, you'd be strong enough to be put on his team right away.
● He definitely draws a lot of fan art and writes fics of you and posts them online. He's got a pretty big following on Tumblr. Yes, Kaeya is one of his biggest fans on there, but he always stays anonymous. 😅
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soliverse · 3 years
cinderella and the mystery of the red lipstick (sfw version) - d.sc
reader x roommate!winwin
genre: fluff, humor, (optional smut below)
warnings: a bunch of swearing, mean insults and a bit of gaslighting
word count: 2972
synopsis: this is another Cinderella fic, except for the fact that she left lipstick stains instead of glass slippers
@byutafy for the short notice beta reading. love you!
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
The song it was based on was Lips by NCT 127 (although it leaned towards the demo version more)
It was also a bit upbeat because the song Cinderella by CNBLUE (the Youth With You version) has been stuck on my head for ages now.
Enjoy reading!
Love, Ellie.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Yangyang saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Hendery squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?��
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Hendery saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Yangyang squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked someone at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?”
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
(link to the optional smut right here)
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sukirichi · 3 years
hi so i’m kinda conflicted? i want to write stuff for naoya (i’m a sfw/fluff/comfort blog) and i’ve thought about writing that sort of content with him. i wrote a hc with him in it before and i received so much hate and backfire from it. i just want to write him in a different light but when i tried that things got ugly quick. what are your thoughts or advice on this? like i want to write for him but at the same time afraid too.. ):
(btw i love your writing you are so talented! 💖)
hey bb, first of all i’m so sorry you had to go throught that, naoya stans are always exposed to hate like? where are people getting all these energy for hate 🤔 i’m not sure i’m the best person to come to advice for since i don’t pay attention to hate anymore, but as a fellow writer for naoya, i would tell you to keep writing what you want! fluff or ooc naoya, there’s no right or wrong with it. if people send you hate or backfire you for it, that’s more their problem than yours because to excessively hate on someone/something like that speaks a lot for whatever issues they might have. just block them. i know it’s hard to be unbothered by hate but the best thing we could do is just keep writing what we want and not mind them. if they’re so bothered by it, they can just look away and block 😌💕
gosh why do they make it the writers’ problem that they don’t like it 🤢
you’re afraid to write for him?
*takes a deep breath* besties please don’t waste your time sending hate to others and making writers feel afraid to write for who and what they want. irregardless of who or what someone writes for, if you don’t like it then just look away or move on. you can like your faves without hating on other fans of the characters you don’t like.
babe just write whatever you want okay. i gotta admit, it really isn’t easy to write for a character pretty much everyone hates, but i really do wanna write for him and idc whether people approve of my naoya writings or not. it’s what i enjoy. if you wanna write for him, by all means, go ahead! they probably just hate the naoya content because they don’t wanna turn into simps 😪 dw too much about it bestie, i receive my own share of backlash as well but like...the block button exists and i’m not the one spending my time hating on others and essentially wasting said time, so like i said, it’s more their issue than ours. there has been change though; eventually i get a bunch of messages that my readers have turned into naoya simps, that i’ve inspired others to write for naoya and enjoy it, that my blog makes naoya simps feel welcomed and safe when back then they couldn’t speak too much about it because of the fandom’s disapproval. so write for him if you wanna! i totally support you on it! i also admit that i didn’t wanna continue writing for him at first bcos people were like 😤 but it’s what makes me happy and i love evil men so 😈 i’m gonna be true to myself and i’m glad i continued writing for him because i feel very happy every time i do so. i hope you feel the same way too and remember that naoya simps will love you for your content. in fact, why aren’t we besties?! i need more naoya simp friends 😪 but seriously bb, just write what you want, okay? just...tune out the haters bcos that’s what they want you to do, they want you to listen. but just leave em be! i totally support you on this and it’s your blog, you can write whoever and whatever you want! hoping and wishing all the best for you okay? Kith 😘 and thank you for loving my writings uwu 😘😘
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