#like i remember watching that when i was still in denial about my sexuality and i was like. huh 🤔
hecksupremechips ¡ 6 months
A ghibli loving straight woman will be like "oh you’re gay right? What’s hotter, Howl with blonde hair or Howl with black hair?" and I go "haha black hair" and awkwardly sip my drink because the truth is I only feel deep carnal desire for Howl Movingcastle when he is a fucked up bird monster and I don’t think this straight woman can handle that
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kittenintheden ¡ 4 months
Ethics Review
Dave Matthews voice: I DID IT
Tav (reader) and Astarion pay his old office at the Courts a visit in the middle of the night for funsies and things get spicy.
aka it's the switchy bitchy magistrate roleplay fic
Rating: E Word Count: 5.2k Pairing: Astarion/reader (Tav) Content: 18+, light BDSM elements, sexual roleplay, bitches be switches, dirty talk, spanking, orgasm denial, light edgeplay, oral sex, PIV sex (AFAB reader, not gendered)
AO3 Link
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It’s late, but then, it’s always late when you’re out with Astarion these days. By necessity, mostly, but also because it’s the best time for the pair of you to get up to your more unsavory plans without catching the watchful eye of the newly-reformed Fist.
“Where are you taking me?” you laugh as you follow him through a series of dark alleys. “This better not end with me having to send for Gale to get your hand out of another magicked jar.”
“Never going to let me live that down, are you?” He looks over his shoulder and gives you an affectionate smirk.
“Not ever.”
Astarion peers around the corner of a brown brick building, checking that the coast is clear. To you, he says, “You’re lucky I’m such a kind and forgiving soul.”
“Ah, yes,” you agree, wrapping your arms around him from behind and nuzzling his neck. “Two of your most obvious and accurate qualities.”
He chuckles. “We’re almost there. Come on.”
A labyrinthine dozen alleyways later, you’re deposited in an open square, quiet and still. The cobblestones are dark with recent rain, sending their petrichor scent into the air. As you follow Astarion out into the space, you realize where you are. It’s the Courthouse District of the Lower City, where people are tried and held for petty crimes that aren’t suitable for Wyrm’s Rock.
You huff a laugh through your nose and look over at your partner with a raised eyebrow. “Did you need to tell me something? Have a court date you forgot to mention?”
“Hush,” he playfully scolds you, holding a finger up to his lips. “Let me think a moment.”
He peers up at a particular building on the square and furrows his brow, closing his eyes and moving his hands through the air. You fold your arms and watch as he moves his fingers like he’s following a path only he can see, turning corners and raising level by level. At last, he opens his eyes, and points at window on the third floor, two in from the corner.
“That one,” he says.
“That one what?” you prompt.
He grins devilishly. “That…” he points again. “... is my old office. I thought we might pay it a visit.”
“To what end?” you laugh.
“What can I say, I’m feeling a touch nostalgic these days.” He keeps his eye on the window and beckons you to follow closer to the building. “Something about my old haunts is calling to me.”
Behind where he can’t see, you pay him an affectionate smile. In the last year or so since the fall of the Nether Brain, you’ve seen the city rebuilt and gone on your fair share of adventures and quests, always searching for some way to give Astarion back the sunlight you promised him. No luck yet, but there have been promising leads here and there. It’s not a lost cause. Not yet.
The last few months in particular have seen certain changes in your lover. The terror and fear he carried for so long clung to him like a shadow, and ever so slowly it’s beginning to lift. His laugh is more present than before, more real. The intimate moments you share are filled with trust and care, even as you get more comfortable pushing a few boundaries here and there.
Most of all, he’s been remembering. Not everything. There are parts of his past forever lost to him, written over by more years of torment than he ever had of life. But there’ve been flashes every now and again of who he used to be. Some of them he likes, some he loathes. He doesn’t always talk about it, but you know being able to pick up a piece once in a while has meant a great deal to him.
So you follow along with whatever little game he has planned.
He walks along the building, scanning the brick for footholds. Just as he puts his hand on a storm drain and tenses to leap, you halt him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he looks back at you, you flick your eyes up toward the window.
“Three up, two in from then end?” you ask.
He nods.
“Allow me, love.”
You hold up your hand and cobalt magic pools in your palm, forming into a sphere. You send it up above you, the arcane eye floating until it finds the correct window before it slips inside. You blink, your own eyes glowing blue as you use your magic to scan the room. It’s certainly an office of some sort.
Astarion takes your hand when you hold it out for him and instantly you’re transported inside the office thanks to a handy little dimensional door spell you picked up on one of your many adventures. You wave away the arcane eye and give Astarion a wink.
He smirks and shakes his head at you. “Take all of the fun out of the thing, why don’t you,” he says through his smile. “Suppose I’ll have to make do with checking that the place isn’t alarmed. Alas.”
The place is, indeed, alarmed. Astarion manages to disarm two common magic wires and one trickier sending stone scattered throughout the room. You reach out through the Weave for any other whispers of magic. Some artifacts and lightly magical office supplies. Nothing worrisome.
Once you’re both satisfied that you won’t end up immediately arrested, Astarion moves to the center of the room, hands clasped behind his back. You’re quiet as he scans the walls, turning in a slow circle as he takes everything in. His fangs flash as he gives a quiet laugh.
“The layout is different, and the color,” he says. “But yes, this is the place.” He furrows his brow slightly and holds out his hands, eyes on the floor. “I… worked here. Me. A magistrate.” His eyes find you and his smile widens. “It was a lie for so much longer than it was a reality. But it was a reality, once upon a time.”
“I’m surprised,” you say, folding your arms and nonchalantly stepping closer. “The way you spoke and dressed when we first met, I thought you must’ve been an Upper City fancy defending-the-powerful type.”
Astarion clicks his tongue at you. “Now, don’t be judgmental. That’s my job.” He waves a hand through the air. “I was quite young in my career, but I was working my way up. All the way to the third floor, thank you.”
You come in to wrap your arms around his waist and lean your head on his shoulder. “I’m proud of you. Genuinely.”
He spreads his fingers over your forearm, pressing his lips to your hair. “Thank you. That’s always nice to hear.” He clears his throat and removes your arms, backing away from you with a toss of his head. “But don’t be too proud. I wasn’t exactly a… what’s the term? Model citizen.”
Astarion begins to walk around the small table with four chairs set in the center of the room.
“Oh?” you say, walking around the other side to mirror him. “Were you terribly corrupt?”
He pauses and tilts his head, shrugging. “‘Terribly’ is such a strong word, isn’t it? Lets just say I may have been known to, ah… sway the odds in my favor.”
You stop and look across the table at him. “What do magistrates even do, exactly? What did you do, specifically?”
“An absolutely stupid amount of paperwork, as I recall,” he says. “At least, I certainly remember hating every scrap that came across the desk. Meting out appropriate punishment for any minor and petty crime you can think of, most of them horrifically boring. But…” He leans over the table and holds up a finger. “... sometimes I got to conduct interviews to determine if crime was worthy of Wyrm’s Rock, and I was very good at getting the verdict I wanted.”
You rather like seeing this side of Astarion. Honest pride, confidence, and authority. The tip of your tongue runs along your bottom lip as you take in your love leaning over that table, dappled in moonlight. Gods, he’s beautiful.
“And how did you do that?” You pop your hip and raise your thumb to your mouth, teasing your lip as you peer up at him through your eyelashes. “Exactly?”
Astarion notices the shift in your demeanor immediately, his own eyes going half-lidded as they track the path of your hand to your mouth. His grin goes predatory and he leans back so he can come around the table to you and pull out the chair.
“Please, darling,” he says, nodding for you to sit. “Let’s talk, you and I.”
You pay him a sultry smile and sink into the chair, which he pushes in under you. Then he walks back around to the other side with his spine straight, hands folded behind his back.
A new game begins.
Astarion rolls out his shoulders as if he’s shedding a coat. When he turns to look at you, he does so down the length of his nose, his hard gaze making it clear that he thinks you beneath him.
You shiver as a thrill runs down your back and attempt to hide it.
He shakes his head above you, tutting. You’ve disappointed him.
Instinctively, you shrink into your chair slightly as he leans forward and places the tips of his fingers against the table in front of him, continuing to lower his face until it’s a mere foot from yours.
“A pathetic display back there,” he says, voice dripping with condescension. “Your associates have hung you out to dry. You do know that…” He tilts his head. “... don’t you?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and drop your eyes. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Silly little patsy,” he chides as he straightens to glare down at you again. “Such stars in your eyes for friends who would sooner see you burn than stick their necks out for you.”
“I’m not telling you anything,” you say, raising your eyes to him in defiance even as you let a waver of nerves shake your voice.
“What must it be like to be so tragically misguided?” he sneers. It’s like an echo of a man you once knew. One you met on a sunny beach amid burning wreckage.
You blink up at him, eyes going soft. “I can’t betray them.”
“Betray them,” he breathes, huffing a mirthless laugh as he leans one hand onto a nearby chair. “My dear, they are in the next room, and the room after that, giving you up as we speak. No loyalty among thieves, I fear.”
“No,” you gasp. “They wouldn’t.”
Astarion holds a finger up to his lips, shushing you. “I think you know better than that. But fine, have it your way. Don’t give them up to save your own hide. Let me sweeten the pot.”
He turns his body so he can side-sit on the table and put his first knuckle under your chin, lifting it so he can inspect you. The corner of his mouth ticks up. “Gold to line your pockets, perhaps?”
Though you try to stop it, your body betrays you as a bright blush blooms across your nose and cheeks. Astarion’s pupils dilate above you.
“Or something else entirely?” he whispers, tilting his mouth closer to yours. “I’d much sooner send those two cads to Wyrm’s Rock in your place. Help me, and maybe you and I could have a bit of…” His eyes trail down your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, and beyond before he looks back into your eyes. “... fun in celebration.”
“Why would you do that for me?” you whisper back.
He shrugs. “What can I say? I rather like you. Plus, I might get a little kickback in the form of a promotion for bringing in two thorns in the Fist’s side, but that’s neither here nor there.” He rolls his eyes and pays you a flirtatious smile on the last bit.
And that… is your opening.
Your expression grows serious and you note the moment that Astarion’s eyebrows give the briefest twitch of concern.
"You've overplayed your hand, Magistrate AncunĂ­n," you say.
Astarion draws his hand back and gives you a perplexed look. “Have I?”
You smile, then. Calm and dangerous. "I've been sent by the Board of Ethics, you see."
Astarion is thrown by this turn, but he recovers quickly, offering a simpering smile. "Oh? Oh, dear. Seems I've been caught with my pants down."
You stand, holding his eye. "Indeed. Best go place your hands on the desk where I can see them."
With a flourish, he holds his hands up for you to see. No funny business, none at all. He goes to the desk and spreads his palms flat against the polished wood. He must feel the heat of your skin as you come close, only inches away. Inspecting. Considering.
You lean in close to his ear. "Say our word if you'd like me to stop, AncunĂ­n," you whisper.
"Stop what?" he asks.
In answer, you grab his hips and pull them flush against your own with enough force that he gasps from it, genuinely surprised. In his ear again, you whisper, "Teaching you a lesson."
You release him and move to his side. He turns his head to look at you and you can see the openmouthed surprise in his face, but it’s more than that. Surprised, yes, but also open. Interested. Very turned on. You know this look.
This is Astarion’s “oh, we’re doing that thing I like?” look. It’s a good look on him.
You tap a finger on his nearest hand. “Keep these exactly where they are. I must warn you that you face serious repercussions for witness tampering. I have some questions. Answer them to my satisfaction, and I may consider…” Your gaze trails down to the front of his trousers, which are straining. When you meet his eye again, you add, “... reinstatement.”
Astarion tilts his chin down so he can give you a heated look. “Then by all means,” he says, lips parted. “Ask.”
“Hm,” you hum as you trail your fingers over the desk as you walk around to the other side. You mimic his stance with your hands on the table, though yours is one of authority while his is one of awaiting judgment. He tilts his head at you in question, gaze hot. You match it.
“Let’s start with an easy one.” You tilt your head toward the wall without breaking eye contact. “That placard hanging there. What is it?”
He looks and then huffs through his nose. “It’s an oath.”
You tilt your head the other way. “And what does it say?”
Astarion smirks. “‘As an officer of the Court, I will strive to conduct myself at all times with integrity, dignity, and honor.’”
“That’s right,” you say, nodding. “Now tell me, Ancunín… do you feel you’ve conducted yourself in accordance with that oath?”
“Of course,” he answers without hesitation, flashing you a winning smile. “I offered you the utmost dignity and honor, did I not?”
An idea occurs to you and you imagine he catches the twinkle in your eye as you raise one of your hands to click your fingers, a glowing web of pale blue stretching to cage you both inside. Astarion frowns up at it. The moment he realizes what you’ve done, he gives you a look that’s half-exasperated and half-devious.
“What’s this?” he says, playing along.
“A little insurance policy. To ensure your adherence to honesty.” You reach to the collar of your shirt and undo one button. Then another.
Then another.
Astarion struggles to keep his eyes on your face, but when you lean back down onto the table, he can’t help but sneak a peek.
You toy with another button. “Why don’t you tell me what you think about dignity now?”
Astarion bites the corner of his lip to keep his expression serious. He keeps his eyes trained on your chest and seems to carefully consider his words before he says, “I maintain that I respect the dignity of your tits.”
That’s not what he meant to say. He blinks. His eyes flick up to yours. “Your position,” he amends.
His eyes flick back down. “Your position and your tits.”
“Ah,” you say. “Yes, I thought that might be the case. That you might be… what do they say? Dipping your wick in the law office wax.”
You stand and come back around to his side, maintaining your spell as you do. Astarion tracks you all the way back around.
“I’d like you to be as honest with me as you can be,” you say softly. “Not that you’ve much choice. So, in that case, here’s some extra… motivation.”
You’re behind him now and you hear his sharp intake of breath when he feels your palms spread over either side of his hips before moving around to the ties at the front of his trousers. You loosen them just enough to give you space.
Astarion’s knuckles are going white where he presses his fingers against the desk.
Your fingers are soft and warm against his lower abdomen as they dip below his waistband, then inside his underthings. You find what you seek and grip it firmly, fisting the length of him. He bites back a groan and flexes his hands against the wood as you draw him out into the open air. 
“You do keep it cool in here,” you whisper into his ear. You keep your touch light as you tease his cock, just enough to make him want but not nearly enough to satiate the need. “Why is that?”
Astarion swallows and looks at you out of the corner of his eye. “A little discomfort loosens the tongue, I find.” He struggles to keep the breathiness out of his voice and very nearly succeeds. 
Your smile is wicked. “I see. Well.”
You rest his hardened length against the varnished wood of the desk. It’s cool on his touch-warmed skin and he whines lightly as you leave him there to walk around to his other side, fingertips drawing a trail across his broad back and shoulders.
“In that case, we’ll be leaving that…” You glance down at his cock, then back at his face. “… out in the cold until you’ve answered my questions to my satisfaction. Understood?”
He takes a deep breath through his nose and meets your eye. “Completely.”
“Good.” You move one of his misplaced curls back into place. “If I’m satisfied, I just might let you warm it up again. We shall see.”
“Indeed we shall,” he says, voice dropping deeper, and you can sense the challenge there. You smile as you turn away from him.
“Let’s try again,” you say. “Do you make a habit of lying to your interviewees in hopes of manipulating a confession?”
“Is ‘lying’ the word we want to use?” he says with a lilt.
“Yes.” You turn back to look at him.
He clears his throat, chewing his tongue to hide another smile before he looks away. He thinks a moment, then says, “I occasionally massage my message to pave the way for a more fruitful discussion in my favor, yes. Only in the interest of this office and my personal satisfaction.” He smirks at you, clearly pleased with himself.
You shake your head. “My, my. And just when I thought we were getting somewhere. Perhaps you need a reminder that I hold your immediate future in my hands?”
When you move back in and loosen his trousers still further to shove down his hips and below his arse, he wriggles to help. He seems to think he’s won this phase of the game. Adorable.
Rather than give him any relief, you reach out to the desk and pick up a wooden ruler, thin and flexible. Astarion opens his mouth, presumably to ask what you’re doing, but doesn’t get the chance as you use the flat of the ruler to give him a quick smack on his bare arse. 
He cries out in surprise and looks around at you. You raise an eyebrow at him and give him the opportunity to call his out. Instead, you watch his eyes darken. He’s still in. Which is good, because gods above if you aren’t beginning to make a mess of your underwear already.
“Do you understand your situation?” you ask.
“Maybe you ought to remind me again,” he rumbles.
You do, leaving another slap on his pale skin. A shiver travels up his back from the base of his spine all the way up.
“I understand,” he says.
“Very good,” you say. “Do you manipulate the outcomes of your interviews?”
“Sometimes, yes,” he says quietly, peering up at you from under his brows.
“Thank you for your honesty. With bribery?”
He nods.
You bend forward so you’re eye-to-eye. “And do you frequently offer favors of a sexual nature?”
Astarion’s gaze drops to your mouth and he blinks heavily. “That’s only for when I see someone I like,” he says.
There’s another slap to his arse, quick as reflex, and he gives a small, broken “a-ah” as he drops his head. He spoke the truth, your spell ensures that, but you want him to be more specific. You look down to see he’s subtly grinding himself against the desk, his cock beginning to weep pre-fluid as you watch.
You place the ruler against his back to hold him in place. “None of that,” you say. “Not until you clarify. Why me?”
He groans in frustration. “Because I like you. Because I’m attracted to you. Because I want to be inside you and fuck and fuck and fuck until we’re both hoarse from crying our ecstasy.”
Well. The pair of underwear you’re wearing are officially done for, you fear.
“What a wicked tongue you have,” you breathe, not quite able to keep up your aura of authority. You swallow and add, “Perhaps I’ll consider letting you off with a warning if we can figure out a better use for it.”
Astarion goes to his knees so quickly it makes your head spin. You don’t hesitate to take care of the bindings on your own trousers and he’s eager to help, shoving your clothing to the floor. You’re trying to remove a boot when he presses his face into the crux of your legs and runs his tongue along the seam of you so hotly that you nearly fall over. You lean down and give him another half-hearted smack. All it does is elicit a groan against your most sensitive of places.
With some struggle, you manage to remove the boot, kick your trousers and underthings off of one leg, and hop up to sit on the desk, Astarion follows you along, refusing to let you leave him now that he’s on you. His mouth works against you on its own, tongue lapping firmly at the edges of your cunt, flushing you and making you swell. He hasn’t even touched your clit yet and you know you’re already slick with desire.
You’re so momentarily distracted that you almost miss where his hands have gone.
Chest heaving, you weakly wave to dismiss your Zone of Truth and call up your mage hand, sending it down where you can’t reach to grab the wrist of the hand Astarion’s using to pump his cock while he licks at you.
“I don’t think so,” you gasp. “Still on… probation.”
You’re losing the thread and you’re perfectly okay with it.
Astarion growls in response and comes up higher on his knees, wrapping his arms around your lower back and pulling you tight against his face. His tongue finally finds your center and he rolls it against your entrance, plying the place just inside that makes you go flush with arousal, your clit swelling further. Then he finally pays it attention with a light draw followed by firm circles, teasing until you feel sparkles of arcane energy tingling at your fingertips and zaps of pleasure shoot through your core.
He holds you so tight to him that there’s no escape from the assault of pleasure he’s waging on your body. All too soon, you’re whimpering as you approach your peak.
And Astarion simply stops. He leaves you there, right before the edge, and you cry out in dismay and frustration. Before you realize what’s happening, he’s on his feet and pulling you onto yours, spinning you around until your hips are pressed to the edge of the dark wood. You can feel his rock hard length against the cleft of your arse, feel the wetness at the tip of him against your lower back.
“You’ve overplayed your hand this time, I think,” he pants into your ear. “Let your guard down. What member of the Board of Ethics accepts bribes?”
When you try to wriggle free, you feel his fingers at your wrists. He takes your hands and spreads them on the desk as you’d done to him, bending you over. His hips draw back and then return and you feel his hardness drag over your folds from behind, teasing but not quite putting pressure on your clit.
His breathing is heavy, but through it, he manages, “This time, you tell me the truth. Why did you meet with me?”
“To catch you out,” you gasp. “Your behavior has been… unethical.”
“Is it unethical to recognize when someone wants your cock?” he whispers, sending a tingle over your shoulders. “Is it against my oath to offer?”
“That’s not… I didn’t…”
The head of his cock nudges your clit and you both hiss through your teeth. He pulls back until he catches at your entrance, pushing in just barely. Just enough to begin to feel him, but nowhere near enough of him. Instinctively you arch your back harder, trying to take more, but he won’t let you.
“Beg me,” he growls in your ear. “Beg me for my cock. Tell me it’s why you came here.”
Your very last thread of remaining restraint is pulled to its absolute limit, but it doesn’t break quite yet. “I came here on orders to uncover a magistrate with loose morals,” you manage.
Astarion reaches a hand up to the hair at the back of your head, grabs a handful, and gently pulls to bend your head back. Directly into your ear, he whispers, “You’ve found him. Now beg for it.”
In the quiver of his voice, you can hear that he’s the one begging you.
So you give in.
“I came here for you,” you whisper back. “Please, let me. Let me take your cock.”
His breath shudders out of him. “Take it you shall.”
Astarion thrusts his hips forward, burying himself in you, and you hardly have time to so much as gasp before he sets a punishing rhythm, one arm around your waist to hold you in place and the other one still tangled up in your hair. You arch deeply, giving him as much access as you can, and he pounds into you relentlessly. On the outskirts of your awareness, you feel bruises beginning to form on your hipbones from where they repeatedly hit the desk.
You don’t care one whit.
He keeps you bent over the desk, your palms spread to keep you both upright as he fucks you hard, his moans trapped behind his clenched teeth. As you fly full speed back to your edge, he removes the hand from your head and absently places it over your mouth to muffle your own escalating cries.
The coil of your climax tightens and Astarion begins to mutter a steady mantra of “yes, yes, yes, gods, yes” beside your ear. He presses himself all the way to the hilt and rocks, the base of him stretching you just right and his balls pressed firm to your clit and there, oh there, it’s right-
You scream behind Astarion’s palm as you come, the delicious tension boiling and spilling over as contractions roll through you, pleasure washing over your body with every heartbeat. You nearly blank out for a second and when you blink back down, your lover continues to pump into you as he chases his own end.
With a shaking hand, you call up your mage hand from where it shimmers nearby and press it to his chest, pushing back with soft pressure.
“No,” Astarion whines, attempting one or two more thrusts before you back him up. “No, please, please, I didn’t finish, I-”
You turn, bottomless and eyes full of fuck and revenge, and add your own hands to the mix, all three pushing him back until he hits the deposition table, going flat on his back. You crawl up over him and straddle him, up on your knees just out of reach.
You look down upon him, beautiful and fucked out in the moonlight. “Do you regret any of it?” you say.
“I’m regretting a lot of my decisions at the moment,” he snarks. His lips part as he breathes.
With a smile, you roll your hips just enough to catch the head of his cock back at your opening. “Do you regret any of it?” you repeat.
He pants, looking up at you. Then he reaches up to grip the front of your shirt and pull you down over him in a searing kiss. When you break, he whispers, “No. Not a moment. It brought me to you.”
You roll back, sinking down onto him. He gasps and throws his arms around you, helping you get back into rhythm, and he’s so close that it’s barely any time at all before he arches his back clear up off the table and groans as he spills inside of you, the relief painted across every inch of his face. He comes for nearly a minute, twitching and humming beneath you until he finally relaxes into a boneless heap.
When he next opens his eyes, you lean down and catch him in another kiss.
The pair of you have barely redressed and cast a few prestidigitation cantrips as a courtesy before there’s a sound somewhere down the hall. Footsteps. Coming closer.
“Shit,” Astarion whispers, startled. He grabs your hand and spins you both into a dim corner of the room before you both cast Invisibility. Just in the nick of time, it appears, because there’s a jangle of keys and then a harried-looking halfling comes bustling into the room, dark bags under their eyes.
They grumble to themselves for a moment, going to a box to sort through files. They don’t find what they’re looking for and move on to the desk. Once there, they open a drawer, then wrinkle their nose.
“Bleeding hells, it smells like sex in here,” they grumble. “Gonna tell Jackobson that Cole has been using his office again. Teach that arsehole for making me come fetch the file he forgot.”
The halfling pulls a file from the drawer, slams it, and exits the room.
Neither of you move for the rest of the minute your invisibility lasts. As soon as the cloaking spell fades, you both collapse to the floor in quiet giggles. You kiss Astarion through your laughter, again and again.
It’s nice to see this side of him.
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moonhoures ¡ 8 months
Thin Walls
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🕷️ kinktober — day 19: masturbation🕸️
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pairing: matthew (zb1) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: non-idol!au, college!au, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, masturbation (f and m), exhibitionism (? matthew hears reader masturbating through the wall, so i’m tagging this just to be safe)
word count: ~1.5k
synopsis: you become sexually frustrated over your crush for your next dorm neighbor and decide to (privately) do something about it, but fate is one cruel entity, so of course he hears everything
posted: october 20, 2023
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“Looks like Taerae is out for a while,” Matthew noticed as the two of you strolled up to his dorm room.
The two of you lived in a co-ed dormitory at your local university, and your rooms neighbored each other. The dry erase board on his door showed a message from his roommate that said he would be back in a few hours.
You nodded, “Liz texted me earlier that they were going to study together after her last class.”
He twisted the handle of his door and turned back to you as he opened it, “In that case, would you like to hang out until they get back?”
You considered it for a moment, but decided against it. The last couple hours you had spent with him—in class plus the long walk back to your dorm—were spent with you daydreaming about him, and subsequently being in denial about it. You had known Matthew since your very first day of college. You were both in the same major, and he was super friendly. He was the one that approached you and began your friendship. It seemed to be some weird stroke of fate that his dorm room was next door to yours; an even weirder coincidence when your roommates started dating each other. Then you two were the single friends that were dragged into “double dates” all the time.
You really didn’t mind it, though, hanging out with the three of them. You liked all of them, but you had slowly begun to gravitate towards Matthew more. Maybe it was because the two of you were usually left to each other by the couple of the group. Maybe it was because you had more in common with him. Maybe it was because you had developed a crush on him . . . You had tried to deny that possibility for so long, calling your roommate crazy when she had suggested the two of you go out. But now, you just couldn’t deny it anymore. You did have feelings for Matthew. You just weren’t sure if he felt the same, and you were worried that if he knew, it would ruin everything. So you continued to act normal with him, or at least you tried.
“I’d love to, but I should really work on my paper for Mr. Jang’s class.”
Maybe it was the delusion or just the trick of the hallway lighting, but you swore you saw a look of disappointment in his eye, “Oh, okay, well maybe the four of us can hang out later?”
“Yeah, sure thing.”
Matthew watched you retreat to your door just a few feet away, and then your doors shut with soft thuds. Once your door was closed, you tossed your bag onto the floor and pressed your back against the hard surface behind you. You groaned, feeling like the lowly coward you were. Why did I say no? Of course I want to hang out with him. But then again, you had never hung out with him alone in his room. You hung out alone in public, but never in your dorm. You weren’t sure if you could handle that.
Trying to get your mind off of your neighbor, you decided to climb into your bed and go on the first app that drew your interest. After half an hour of flipping between apps, you still couldn’t stop thinking about him. You kept rewinding your day with him, thinking about the way his eyes crested as he smiled. The way he laughed. The subtle veins in his hands as he wrote notes in class. You thought about his face as he earnestly paid attention to you when you spoke, and you remembered trying to focus on what you were saying when really you were getting lost in his beauty. You remember holding yourself back from reaching up and booping the freckle by his eye. You remember biting back the thoughts of what kissing him would be like—were his lips as soft as they looked?
Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed to let out some steam, so you did what any normal, horny woman would do. You locked your door and crawled back into bed, closing your eyes to let your mind wander as you dipped your fingers below the band of your underwear.
Now, you didn’t masturbate too often, considering you shared a room with someone. But you were still a woman with needs, and so you did what you had to do. It started with slow, teasing movements, just enough to get yourself wet. Then, you were picking up pace, spurred on by images that your mind created for you of the guy just on the other side of the wall. Your legs parted at the idea of his lips on yours. Your hand moved faster at the thought of his fingers along your skin. Your breath became rugged at the idea of his body over yours. You wanted him so bad, and it showed in how desperately you chased your own orgasm. It showed in the noises you made. Noises that weren’t as quiet as you thought they were . . .
Matthew was lying in his own bed, separated from your bed with just one, thin wall between the two. He had his head propped up with his pillow while he scrolled mindlessly through TikTok. Several minutes had passed since he parted ways with you, and he had told himself he would waste just a few more minutes before he started on his assignments. All of those plans, however, were tossed aside when he heard it, or rather, when he heard you.
At first, he didn’t think anything of the sound he heard. It just sounded like muffled talking that could have been from a podcast or a movie or a YouTube video you were watching. But then they got more frequent, and louder, and well, pornographic, for lack of a better word. Matthew found himself gulping, turning his phone off to focus on the noises coming from your room. Were they really what he was thinking they were? Were you really doing what he thought you were doing?
You got quiet for a moment, but then you let out another noise—a moan, undoubtedly. The sound went straight to his dick, making it stir under his briefs. He groaned softly, covering his pelvis with his hand before he cupped it gently. But there was no stopping it, he was growing harder by the second. All because you were masturbating a few feet away, just within his earshot.
Something about this made him feel guilty, dirty even, like he was intruding on you. But he wasn’t really, not intentionally. You had no idea he could hear you, or did you? Were you doing it on purpose to entice him? He knew from Taerae that Liz was certain you had a crush on him, but you had never acted differently around him than before. Was this your odd way of making your feelings clear to him? Was he just projecting his own desires?
Regardless, Matthew couldn’t take the strain against his jeans. Fuck it, he muttered to himself, unzipping his pants. He shoved the band of his pants and underwear down enough for him to pull out his cock. He lubed up his hand with spit, then he was fisting his cock to the sound of your voice. The soft moans and breathy whimpers were driving him insane.
You, on the other hand, were nearing your end. The scene in your head of Matthew fucking you was getting too real too fast, and soon enough you were diving off the edge into your climax. Your toes curled and your muscles tensed as you felt the intense warmth spread throughout your groin. You were so enthralled in your release that you moaned out his name without even thinking.
And of course, your eavesdropper didn’t miss it. His hand came to a halt over his shaft after his name fell from your lips, and then your room fell quiet. Matthew couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He was wondering if he had fallen asleep watching TikToks and was dreaming this entire time. But no, he was wide awake, and he was close to cumming at the thought of you masturbating to him.
He thought for a moment about just finishing quietly and going on about his day, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to act normal around you after this. He would have to confront you—and the sooner, the better. So he decided now was as good a time as any to put his cock away, zip his pants back up, and get out of bed. Next thing he knew, he was knocking on your door, waiting for you to open it. It took a few moments, but then the knob was unlocking and twisting.
“Hey, uh, did you need something?” you asked once you opened the door, eyes slightly wide when you realized it was him. The first thought that came to mind was had he heard you?
“No, but it sounded like you could use my help.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite @k-drizzle @iguanas-world
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exhaslo ¡ 5 months
hi I love your work <3
Is it okay to write a miguel o’hara x reader and the reader has a personality similar to regina george and he brat tames her + an age gap <3!
I can try! I haven't seen Mean Girls in a hot minute, but I'm sure I remember her personality. Totally going to have some fun with this~
Also, so sorry for how late this is!!! Trying to catch up with the sea of requests now!!!
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, oral (f receiving), teasing, orgasm denial, dirty talk
Miguel let out a scowl as he watched the new recruits go through a new training session both Peter and Lyla had begged him for. Something about helping the new Spiders learn how to do certain things and yada yada. Miguel only agreed just to shut Peter up and to have Lyla stop shoving the program in his face every five minutes.
However, Miguel was quick to learn that he should have turned this offer down.
The main reason for this grim thought was you. Miguel had been watching you since the training began. You were one of the brand new Spider women who joined and were a rookie. It had only been a month since you took on the role of 'Spider Queen'.
A name so suiting for you. It wasn't long until you took control of the training session and had everyone nearly serving you. For someone only five years younger than him (23), you were the textbook definition of a brat.
"Oh my gosh! You did such a good job with that backflip!" You gasped, cheering on a fellow Spider.
"Thanks! This was my first time," The Peter said with a laugh. You just smiled and waved until he left,
"Ugh, the form was so off. Hopefully he keeps practicing." You groaned lowly.
"May I remind you that this training is for newbies? Including you?" Miguel said with a harsh tone.
Your eyes sparkled as you turned towards Miguel. The leader of the Spider Society, the head honcho, the man you were hoping to try and win over. It was no lie that when you first laid eyes on him you knew that you wanted him to be yours. Who cares if he was little older than you?
"Sorry, can't help it. I was a cheerleader so my flexibility is higher than most." You cooed, rubbing your arm against his. Miguel scoffed,
"Enough to dodge a bunch of Goblin bombs?"
"...Yes...?" You questioned, unsure of what the hell a Goblin was. Miguel just smirked,
"We'll see about that."
Your jaw nearly dropped as you watched him walk away. That man was so hot. You were already wet in your suit. Letting out a small huff, you knew that you had to make him yours somehow. You just needed to keep winning him over.
Miguel was about to lose his patience with you. It had been only two months since you joined and while yes, you were doing better than the other rookies, you were still a headache. It felt like you made it your life purpose to give Miguel more sexual frustration.
The man wanted to put you in your place so bad.
Every time you had something smart to say, Miguel had to hold himself back from disciplining you. Instead, he would say something equally snarky to get you to stop, but that was never enough. You kept getting bolder with your antics.
It started with your suit being too tight. Or a casual rip here and there. Then you kept offering to help Miguel, your arm slipping and you falling on him every now and then. It was torturing him and Miguel was unsure if he could hold himself back the next time you do something like that.
What's worse? Miguel enjoyed your brattiness. He had already thought of so many ways to fuck you into submission. He imagined how'd you look with his cock inside that smart mouth of yours. Or your slutty moans and begs for him to fuck you.
Miguel was just waiting for you to slip.
Waiting for you to finally learn you lesson.
It was going to be just another average day for you. You had given yourself a pre-masturbation session to get you in the groove to bother Miguel. You were hot and ready to hear that man groan in frustration.
Entering his office with a skip, you smiled devilishly as you saw Miguel brooding up in his platform. With a snap of your wrist, you swung up to where he was. The second you landed, you heard that wonderful groan that sent a waterfall to your panties.
"Awe, missed me that much?" You cooed. Miguel glared towards you, his red orbs more prominate than before,
"(Y/N), I have a very small amount of patience right now." He hissed. You huffed childishly and sat on his desk, your legs slightly spread,
"But I need the attention~!"
Miguel shivered as he caught whiff of your arousal. Oh no, he could not control himself. You needed to learn when to leave him alone, and Miguel was finally going to show you.
Webbing your hands to his desk, Miguel grabbed you by the hair and grazed his fangs against your neck,
"ÂżPor quĂŠ no puedes escuchar por una vez? (Why can't you fucking listen for once?)" He groaned lowly, licking up to your lips, "I'm going to teach you some manners."
"I'm such a good leaner," You said with a smirk.
Miguel just snorted before crashing his lips into yours. Hopefully you were a fast learner too, but Miguel was going to make sure to torment you. His hands already against your clothed cunt, rubbing circles around your clit as he kissed you,
"You like being a fucking brat, do you?" Miguel hissed as he watched you twitch and squirm, "No one's ever stopped to show you how to behave."
"Why don't we release my hands and I can be a really good girl for you?" You hummed. Miguel chuckled as he pushed you down against his desk,
"It wouldn't be a lesson if you helped," He used his talons to rip a straight line down your suit to your cunt, "My, what a sight. Already twitching for me?"
"What can I say? You're a good teacher."
Miguel just smirked as he spread your legs out for him. Your juices still flowing so nicely. You had already given yourself some pleasure before hand, but that was not enough. Glancing up at you, Miguel smirked as he licked and sucked against your clit.
"Hah~ W-Wait-" You gasped, body twitching as you felt slightly sensitive after abusing your clit yourself.
"Be a good girl and shh," Miguel hummed.
His tongue swirled and sucked against your clit. Your body squirming and trying to move against your face. Your moans were getting louder as you started to whimper his name. Your pussy started to clench as you arched your back. Right as you were about to cum, Miguel stopped and pulled away.
"N-No...I-I was...almost there..." You cried, trying to rub your legs for friction. Miguel kept them apart, watching you struggle,
"You haven't been behaving lately. Why should I give you that release?" Miguel asked. You panted heavily, feeling your high slowly disappear,
"I-I'm sorry! Please, Miguel! I'll be good!" You begged.
Miguel thought for a moment and returned to your dripping pussy. He licked against your clit, enjoying your desperate moans. Moving his tongue down towards your hole, Miguel resisted a smirk as he cried out his name. Once you were about to reach your high again, he stopped and moved away.
"Miguel! Please!"
"Will you promise to behave? If you don't I'll have to keep teaching you these lessons?"
"Yes! Yes! Please, Miguel! Yes!" You cried.
Miguel chuckled, watching you struggle after being denied of your orgasm twice. He finally decided to give you what you want and returned to eating you out. Despite your bratty behavior, you tasted so sweet.
Feeling you grind against his face, Miguel swirled his tongue inside your hole as you finally cam against his face. Licking up your juices and his face, Miguel moved away from your cunt. He wiped his face and watched you catch your breathe.
"Good girl. I'll give you a new suit, but if you come back and behave, I'll give you something even sweeter." Miguel hummed as he freed your hands.
You laid against his desk, breathing heavily and feeling fucked out. Who would have thought Miguel was so talented with his mouth. If only he didn't torture you. Honestly, now you weren't sure if you should still be a brat, or behave to finally fuck him.
Slowly sitting up, you watched as Miguel returned to work by getting you a suit. A slight smirk formed against your lips as you made your way over to him, your hands reaching his buldge,
"I think you need some attention too~"
"Now, this isn't behaving, is it?"
"Guess I need another lesson?"
I hope you enjoyed!! Again, so sorry that this was late!!!
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saellefanwork ¡ 4 months
𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬
Kamado Tanjiro x DemonSlayer!F!Reader x (Past) Rengoku Kyojuro
Reminder: This Demon Slayer fic is rated Explicit (adults only) for canon-typical violence and, disturbing and explicit sexual content
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Chapter 1: The Shadow of the FiancĂŠ
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After the devastating loss of your fiancĂŠ, Rengoku Kyojuro, your world shattered irreparably. In your darkest hours, it was your cherished and devoted friend, Tanjiro, who became your anchor, vowing to care for you just as he had promised his late master. His love for you burned bright, carrying the hope that someday you might return his affections.
However, as you embarked on an intimate relationship with Tanjiro, your depression intensified, and the shadow of your past fiancĂŠ continued to haunt you every night.
Author Note: This work draws inspiration from "Whoever You Want Me to Be" by myprettydarlings on AO3. I highly recommend giving it a look. However, right from the beginning, this fic will take a different direction. Also, if you haven't noticed, this is rated explicit, so please proceed carefully.
Rest assured, despite all the heavy themes, this story will ultimately have a happy ending.
Warning Tags: Post Mugen Arc, Grief, Sad, Angst, Depression, Mental Breakdown, Toxic relationship, Dubious consent, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Bottom Kamado, Top Reader, Orgasm denial/delay (someone doesn't finish), did I say sad already?
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How long had it been since the death of Rengoku Kyojuro, the Flame Pillar? Too long, considering everything that had transpired since that tragic event. Yet, Tanjiro remembered it as vividly as if it had occurred yesterday – the fateful night when blood and tears had flowed like a river. The abyssal despair he had felt that moment could be summoned with just a thought. A sorrow that had found its equal only in your wails and cries, as if you were the one agonizing... and not your fiancé.
"Watch over her for me, Kamado my boy. She loves you as much as she loves me. And I already know that you adore her as much as I do," his master had whispered from his bloodied lips, not long before taking his final breath. His ruby and gold embers were dimly glowing in the light of the last sunrise he would ever see.
Every time Tanjiro contemplated this last wish, still freshly etched in his memory despite the passage of time, tears welled up in his eyes. Oh, how much he missed his Aniki. How mistaken this kind, brave, and strong man had been when he uttered those final words...
"Kyojuro!" you called out in despair, clutching the burgundy-haired Slayer’s sleepshirt, trying to rouse a reaction from him. You had just experienced a nightmare – the same haunting dream that replayed every night. A dream where your beloved would die, killed by an Upper Moon near a train crash.
You sought reassurance, but the person lying next to you seemed lost in thought, deaf to your pleas.
"Kyojuro!" you insisted, shaking him so forcefully that his hanafuda earrings jingled against the mattress.
Tanjiro snapped back to reality and gazed at you with a sorrowful expression. He finally pulled you into his arms, his hands gripping your back tightly, almost to the point of discomfort. How many nights had this painful charade repeated itself? He needed to summon the courage to confront you about this matter, and he had to remain resolute despite your resistance and distress. This could no longer continue.
"No, love...," he whispered to you gently but firmly. "It's not Kyojuro... it's Tanjiro. Rengoku-san is..."
Your eyes widened in shock, and you shook your head violently, pushing him away and covering your ears with your hands. "No! Don't say anything! Why are you doing this to me, Kyojuro? Reassure me like you usually do, please! I'm scared."
Seeing you in this state always shattered his heart. That's why he had been playing this role night after night. But recently, even during the day, you had started to mix his name with that of your deceased fiancĂŠ, despite you being the one who had asked him to go out with you after the funerals. Tanjiro had reached his limit. He felt that if he didn't stop now, a part of him would cease to exist for good.
"My love, please... I can't pretend to be him any longer... I can't take it anymore. I've done everything to replace him, but in the end, no matter what I do, I'm just Kamado Tanjiro."
He knew you could hear him, but you remained huddled within yourself, eyes closed, brows furrowed, and fists clenched above your ears. Despite his legendary patience, Tanjiro felt at his wit's end. He couldn't count how many times this scene had replayed itself. Desperation gnawed at him as he grasped your wrists firmly, attempting to coax you to face him.
"Please, just listen..."
"I don't want to hurt you either. I love you, and I wish to be with you, but I've tried everything, and your condition is only deteriorating. I don't know what else to do, so maybe we should sto–..."
To his awe, you broke free from his grip and forcefully pushed him down onto the futon, holding his hands above his head. Your raw strength took him aback. Despite the fact that you were a Slayer too, you had always appeared delicate, often relying on poison like your master, the Insect Pillar, did. Your eyes, locked with his, seemed haunted by an unspeakable fear.
The fear of him leaving you, just as Kyojuro had.
His heart skipped a beat when you pressed your mouth against his, in a kiss as passionate as it was desperate. This was unlike any kiss you'd shared before. While he knew he should have resisted, he couldn't deny the bittersweet, almost painful pleasure this deep and long-awaited kiss brought him. Instead of pulling away from your grasp, his fingers cautiously interlocked with yours.
You only briefly parted your lips from his, letting him catch his breath like a drowning man emerging for air in a turbulent sea.
"No, Tanjiro... There's one thing you haven't done yet," you whispered to him.
The Slayer's eyes widened, his heart pounding, thinking he might have misheard. You had just called him by his real name for the first time in nearly a week, and it was during the night, no less... although the circumstances were unsettling. Hearing his name on your glistening lips and seeing you look at him as if he were the center of your universe, he knew he was a goner. He loved you too much to leave you now.
Sensing that you could persuade him to stay, you resumed your urgent kisses that clouded his mind, while guiding one of his hands to your waist and the other to your chest. He gasped in surprise at your forwardness, his eyes wide open. He had never dared touching you like this before, and you had never invited him. At least, not while saying his name.
"Make me yours, Kyo – no, Tanjiro... don't hold back," you commanded him, a strange gleam in your eyes, as if you were oscillating between the realms of dreams and reality.
Tanjiro appeared hesitant, his voice murmuring your name with a bewildered expression. You seemed utterly desperate, mixing the name of the man you loved so dearly with his own, which he had longed to hear you whisper with the same affection... It was hard for him to deny you, considering he had desired you for as long as he had known you, though he'd always concealed his feelings.
As he stood there, frozen and indecisive, you took charge, deftly unbuttoning his nightshirt. His breath quickened, yet he offered no resistance. Soon, his muscular chest was bared in the soft moonlight. He was as well built as Kyojuro... although the man before you was shorter, and the scars adorned his frame in different places. Your hands roamed his torso, your current vision overlapping with memories of another body, one you could never touch again. To mask your confusion, you proceeded to undo your top. Still immobilized, Tanjiro's gaze followed your every move as you unbuttoned your shirt, revealing the binding encasing your breasts, which you hadn't removed before sleeping. He seemed to snap back to reality when you started to loosen them, his grip stopping your hands for a moment.
"Baby, I'm not sure if this is a good idea," he protested.
In response, you freed yourself from his hold and let the binding fall, uncovering your bust in one fluid motion. The coolness of the night air and the anticipation had already caused the pink tips of your bosom to harden. Jaws slightly agape, Tanjiro's gaze was immediately drawn to them, although he quickly forced himself to close his eyes to break the spell. He felt your lips on him once more, feverishly exploring his mouth and neck, as you guided both his hands onto your exposed skin. Instinctively, he gripped your breasts, pinching your prominent nipples between his fingers, and you moaned while sucking his tongue, sending shivers along his spine.
"Ha... K..."
You almost uttered "Kyojuro" again but stopped just in time. Tanjiro must have noticed because you sensed him tense under you. To divert his attention, you pressed your groin against the painfully hard bulge in his pajama bottoms. He groaned uncontrollably beneath you, and you felt the fever of desire taking over you even more intensely. He was more expressive than Kyojuro, which was a blessing. It helped to anchor your mind to reality and resist your delirium as best as you could.
Your hands descended to his abdomen, deftly untying the knot of his bottoms then your own. Tanjiro seemed to struggle to keep up with the pace of events. He wanted to slow it down, make sure you were fully aware of what was happening, while you did everything in your power to prevent him from stopping you, with the complicity of his desire-filled body. In a few swift movements, you rid both of you of your clothing. You were now fully naked, Tanjiro panting helplessly below you.
You once again pressed your groin against his, the warm and moist contact of your lower lips sliding sensually along his length, your core eagerly yearning to welcome him. Stars danced in his field of vision, and a dizzying sensation struck him, his blood flow entirely directed toward his rigid member, so stiff it bordered on painful.
While you reveled in his expression, almost tortured by pleasure, you decided you wanted more. You shifted from your seated position on him to settle between his legs, your torso descending along his body, your breasts briefly gliding around his manhood. The sight of his erection emerging from the soft curves of your chest nearly made him lose consciousness, yet nothing compared to what followed. You ran your tongue across his tip, gingerly lapping at the pre-cum oozing from it. He couldn't contain the powerful gasp that escaped him, swiftly replaced by a torrent of uncontrollable moans. The emotions and sensations he experienced were so overwhelming that tears started to well up in his eyes.
As he felt your warm lips enveloping him completely, your wet muscle tracing the veins of his member in a delicate exploration, a part of his mind wondered if you had ever done the same thing for Kyojuro. Did you ever position yourself between his likely longer and sturdier thighs to please him with your mouth after a gruelling mission? Despite his best efforts, a pang of futile jealousy squeezed his heart at the vision. He wanted to make you forget the taste of your former lover, be the last one you served in this way. He desired you to think of no one but him from now on.
His hand, without him realizing it, gripped your hair, pushing the tip of his manhood deeper into your throat. You clawed his legs in surprise, almost choking. Your inner walls clenched in need, growing wetter as your arousal peaked your juices trickling down your thighs. Kyojuro had never constrained you like this, yet you found yourself drawn to it, for the forced motions left no room for lingering thoughts. You allowed Tanjiro to use your mouth as he wanted, surrendering to the rhythm and depth of his thrusts. The tension in your shoulders relaxed as you surrendered completely to the sensation of his hard length pounding your throat, drunk on his pleasure-filled moans.
When you sensed that he was on the brink of climax, you broke free from his grip and shifted to a seated position above him. He let you settle on his lap, his eyes clouded with passionate longing and his cheeks flushed. Your gaze descended to his swollen testicles. You lightly caressed them, savoring Tanjiro's sharp intake of breath at the touch of your cold fingers. You craved for him to release his pent-up desire deep inside you, to feel the ecstasy of his peak as he spilled his essence within you.
With this idea in mind, you straddled him once more, capturing his lips fervently, and he surrendered without resistance. Aligning your two bodies, you slowly allowed yourself to glide along his shaft. As the sensation of your tight walls enveloping his manhood washed over him, Tanjiro moaned beneath your passionate kiss. Giving him no respite, you hungrily absorbed his sighs, sucking his tongue and biting his lips lightly. His strong hands gripped your waist almost painfully, following your descent until you were fully impaled upon him.
Locked in an intense gaze, both of you remained breathless from the novel and overwhelming pressure of your bodies merging. After a few moments of stillness, you tentatively began to move your hips. Tanjiro closed his eyes, releasing a guttural moan, his expression etched with exquisite torment. You felt the throbbing of his desire within you and instinctively clenched your muscles around him, eliciting shivers of pleasure from him. Gradually, you started rocking yourself rhythmically against him.
With each deep thrust, Tanjiro's hands roamed your back, tracing your curves and contours, as if committing every inch of your skin to memory. The room soon resonated with wanton sighs, sensual whines and soft gasps.
As the eagerness of your lovemaking continued to mount, Tanjiro's motions grew more urgent and fervent. He held onto your thighs with a tenacious grip, as though fearful of letting go, as if he dreaded that this moment might dissolve like a fleeting dream. Suddenly, he rose to his knees, altering your position slightly, drawing you closer as he took control of your movements. He lifted and pressed you onto his lap, intensifying the rhythm and depth of your union.
In this new arrangement, the soft tuft on his lower abdomen teased against your clit, and the friction immediately built an orgasm within you. Tanjiro whispered declarations of love into your ear as he fervently kissed your neck. His hair, which he had let grown at your request, cascaded in wild disarray, the tie that had restrained it almost completely undone. You tore the ribbon away entirely, allowing his crimson mane to flow freely over his shoulders, burying your face in their fragrant, woody essence. With each deep lunge, you felt yourself drawing closer to the precipice of ecstasy.
"Ah... Kyojuro!" you finally moaned, your muscles convulsing with pleasure, a shiver coursing you from head to toes. Although your voice was muffled, your partner heard you very well and let out a hurt gasp. He considerably slowed his movements, but you compensated by grinding against him even more, your instincts taking over as you milked your orgasm for all it was worth.
Coming to a stillness against him, you both remained wrapped in each other's embrace, chests heaving with each labored breath. Tanjiro didn't push you away, but his hold felt distant. Your nose was nestled in the hollow of his neck, preventing you from seeing his expression, yet you could perceive that something was amiss. Gradually regaining your senses, you loosened your grip on him, your gaze searching for his.
"Tanjiro…? Are you alright?"
Upon hearing his name, he turned his face toward you, a reflexive reassuring smile playing on his lips – an ingrained habit from his days as the eldest son of his family. However, the warmth that usually filled his gentle eyes was conspicuously absent.
"...Not really. Be careful, I'm going to withdraw," he cautioned softly.
With painstaking care, he helped you off his lap. You felt a peculiar hollowness without him inside you, but that wasn't your primary concern. Tanjiro's demeanor deeply troubled you. It was as though he wasn't even in the room anymore. Silently, the former charcoal burner draped a blanket over your shoulders. Instead of holding you close and savoring the tenderness that typically followed such intimacy, something you'd expect from someone as gentle as him, you watched in bewilderment as he began to put his Demon Slayer uniform back on. He even secured his sword to his belt.
You felt that if you didn't stop him right away, he would leave and vanish from your existence forever.
You seized his hand with all the strength you had.
"Don't go, please. You promised me, remember? You made that promise to him too, didn't you?"
"...I'm sorry," he whispered, gently yet firmly pulling his hand away. "I need some time alone. I told you, I tried to replace Aniki in your life already, to fill the void he left behind, but I can't be him... and tonight... you weren't with me."
Your complexion turned pallid, and you trembled. Witnessing you in such distress wrenched him; he was torn between abandoning you in this fragile state and acknowledging that he couldn't continue like this. He waited for several moments, hoping for a denial, an apology, any words from you, but you remained frozen. Because he was right; you hadn't been fully present with him.
Summoning heroic effort, even if it might have seemed pitiable or insignificant to an outsider's perspective, you compelled yourself to let him go. He was all you had left, but you knew you couldn't imprison him any longer.
Regret etched on his face, Tanjiro tenderly caressed your cheek and withdrew from the room without a word, gently closing the door behind him.
You were curled up in bed like a wounded animal, crying your heart out, when Shinobu came to find you a few minutes later…
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I'm probably going to hell for torturing these characters so much lmao.
Don't forget to like / comment / repost, it always makes my day, and let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapter's updates.
Next chapter: "The shadow of the mentor" (to be released in two days)
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yujeong ¡ 1 year
I remember stumbling upon a couple of comments about Vegas' "You're the most important person in my life" line, saying that it's a bad thing to say because Macau exists and I have thoughts about it.
Pete is the most important person in Vegas' life. He's the man who saved him twice - both from his enemies and from himself - , he's the man who opened his eyes about his father's abuse, he's the man who showed empathy and love to him despite being tortured within an inch of his life by him. Sure, Macau loves him too and without him, Vegas wouldn't have the capability of love at all (shout-out to Lusn's brilliant line in smog lights, it's still stuck in my head) but let's also keep in mind that he's his brother and younger brother at that. He can only offer so much to him, there are limits to what he can do.
People had said the same thing when Vegas was going to commit suicide too.
"What does he mean he has nothing? He has Macau. Why isn't he thinking about him? He's going to leave him alone, that's so cruel"
Well...I have never had suicidal thoughts in my life but I can assume that when a person gets to that point, they're 1. not thinking rationally and 2. not thinking of themselves as valuable. I'm sure if Vegas thought of Macau while pointing the gun to his chin, he'd think he'd be doing Macau a favour by dying.
Back to the original point, the same is true for Pete. Vegas is Pete's most important person in his life too. Vegas unlocked a part of Pete he kept hidden and was in deep denial about, letting him be a person with wants and needs and a voice, instead of background decor in his own life. But fans don't really think about that because Pete never said it and Pete's grandma was only mentioned throughout the show, only having two phone call cameos in which we didn't even hear what she said. What applies to Macau though, applies to her too.
I understand why it sounded off to some people. I think it's the innate belief most people have about family and it being the most important thing in someone's life, everything else coming in second place, including friendships and romantic/sexual partners. I need them to understand though that in the case of VP, it isn't just a sexual/romantic relationship. They're basically soulmates; they were two broken pieces that fit together. They bonded under such hard circumstances and came on top despite everything being against them. One would not be able to live without the other.
And in my honest opinion, I think Macau knows this. There's a reason he's smiling like the cute little gremlin that he is, while watching them kissing, having heard everything Vegas said. He knows Pete is the most important person in Vegas' life and he's extremely happy about it. Someone else finally sees Vegas like he sees him. Someone finally loves him with all his heart, so much so that they left their whole previous life behind for him. Vegas finally has a family that he loves and loves him back, Macau included. And I think that's beautiful.
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the-way-of-words ¡ 10 months
In The Dark, Steal My Heart // Prompt fic
Noah Sebastian x Holly(ofc)
An anon requested Noah with #17 "beg for it" for the smut prompts (found here). I hope you're a fan of the PolyVerse, dear anon, because that was where the inspiration took me. *Requests are open*
Content Warnings: use of sex toys, orgasm denial, fingering, P in V sex, and some light choking
Contains sexual situations with a fictionalized version of a real person. This is rpf. We all know this is fiction, it's not real, and none of this ever happened. Please scroll away if that is not your thing though.
Part of the PolyVerse // Masterlist can be found here
“Come on, Holly…” Noah taunts, running his hands along the softness of her thighs, “I know you want it…” 
He can’t help but laugh at the frustrated sound that leaves her mouth as he turns the vibe off, stealing away her orgasm yet again; he’s right and they both know it. But what started out as light-hearted teasing has turned into a battle of wills and he knows she’s not going to give in that easily. It’s the first time they’ve had any sort of time just the two of them in months. They spent time together in the weeks leading up to tour, sure, but between rehearsals, light and gear checks, and the overall full house it felt like he was always sharing her. Not that he minded. Noah knows he’s never going to regret this thing they’ve built; he, Holly, Nick… and even Jolly, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t crave a little time with their girl one on one. They all do. 
Holly tilts her chin up almost defiantly, even as she quirks an eyebrow playfully, and he has to sit back on his heels to palm at his aching cock. “What’s wrong, Noah,” she tosses back, “I thought this was to see how long I could last and yet it looks like you’re the one who’s gonna give in--.” Her teasing smile falls off her face abruptly when he grabs the remote again, setting it a low hum that’s not going to do anything but hold her at the edge. 
“I’m sorry?” He leans forward to mouth at her breast, “I didn’t quite hear you… I’m gonna need you to repeat that for me.” She keens, back bowing when he scrapes his teeth across her nipple before closing his lips around the taut flesh. With one hand braced on the bed beneath her head, he uses the other to tuck two fingers into her, crooking the digits to press against the small part of the vibe working her from the inside. He adds another one shortly after, pulling off her tit to watch how she writhes, rocking her hips in search of her release. 
Trying again, Noah switches tactics, “Come on baby… I know you want it.” He drops down to his forearm, kissing along the skin of her chest, her collarbone, her neck, until he gets to her ear. “And I’ll give it to you… I’ll let you cum. All you gotta do, though, is beg for it.” His words are sweet, almost too sweet and he should have known because he feels her take in a deep, shuddering breath before she speaks. 
“Make me.” 
It sends a thrill up his spine, both the words and the sound she makes when he slides his fingers out of her. Sitting back he scrambles for the remote, turning it all the way back to zero once again before ridding himself of his underwear. “You know,” Noah starts, grunting when he wraps his wet fingers around his cock, “if I remember correctly, we never said anything about me not being able to cum… Just you. And there’s really nothing stopping me from just sliding myself into you.” 
He rubs his tip against her opening, watching how she clenches in anticipation. “You want me to take it out or leave it in?” Noah catches her eye, gesturing at the ‘U’ shaped toy still nestled against her folds, the heat in his belly burning brighter when Holly rasps a soft leave it. 
She parts for him so easily when he pushes his way inside, and he doesn’t know what’s turning him on more; how soft and wet she is or the feeling of the toy against his cock. He has to pause when he bottoms out, hissing at the way her walls pulse around him. God, she’s so close, and he almost wishes she’d tap out now just so he could feel her cum, but he knows the longer she holds out, the better it’s going to be for both of them when she finally gives in. 
“Noah--” Holly’s whimper draws him out of his stupor, bringing his attention from where he’s sunk inside her to her face.
“What is it, Holls?” He asks, taking pleasure in the way her eyes roll back when he rocks his hips, grinding himself against her. “Got something you want to say?” 
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, shaking her head, and Noah can feel the side of his mouth curve up in a smirk, “Okay then..” He pulls his hips back, pulling almost all the way out before sliding himself back inside, the heat twisting in his belly when she cries out, gripping the pillow tight in her fists as he sets a slow, but deep rhythm. His hands roam her body, teasing her with soft, loving caresses along the sides of her torso, thumbs brushing across her nipples, and she shows no sign of cracking until he reaches for the remote one last time. 
They both groan as the vibe kicks on, each of them so worked up even the first setting is almost torture. Holly’s eyes widen when they meet his and Noah knows. He knows. She’s so close, all she needs is a little extra push. So he closes his unoccupied hand around her throat, slowly applying the pressure until she grips his wrist. Noah can feel the way she clenches and relaxes around him, and he asks one more time. 
“You want it, don’t you? Come on, Holly. All you gotta do is beg for it,” He punctuates the last three words with sharp rolls of his hips, fingers loosening around her neck when she squeezes his wrist.
“Noah, I need—please--”
He smirks, “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Noah clicks the remote again, hitting the setting he knows sets her alight as he fucks into her just a little harder. “Go ahead and cum, baby,” he gasps, feeling her tighten around him. “Let me feel you.”
She falls apart with a sharp cry, back arching with the force as she lets go. The tight grip of her cunt and vibration of the toy is all he needs to bring on his own release; he grunts, pumping into her until he has nothing left to give. Noah fumbles with the remote, struggling to stop the sensations as they become too much, before collapsing onto her. He doesn’t know how long they stay like that, but she clutches at him when he pulls away.
“No… stay here,” Holly pouts. 
He laughs. “Just let me take this out, okay?” They part long enough for him to pull out and remove the toy, and then she’s pulling him back down on top of her. “Are you sure I’m not crushing you?”
“No…” she sighs, content, “this… this is good.”
Eventually she lets him tug her up and into the bathroom to clean up, and later, as they fall asleep tangled together, Noah lets his mind wander to the ring he’s got tucked away in his closet. It’s nothing special, just something he picked up at a roadside stand in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico… but he hopes, when the time is right, she’ll understand what he’s trying to say. 
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elvisabutler ¡ 2 years
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treat me nice
summary: your boyfriend has a two new kinks he didn't quite realize until elvis. the pair of you explore them.
rating: M, once again minors, under 18 please go far away from this.
word count: 4450. we are not talking about it.
warnings: feminization to a point? it's austin in lace underwear, it technically applies. dom/sub dynamics. orgasm denial. use of the words baby boy, mama, angel, sweet boy and ma'am. squirting. oral (f recieving). use of the word snowman as a safe word. that might be it, i don't necessarily know what applies here.
author's note: this is @floralcyanide's fault through and through. basically i read just friends and was like damn i owe you the lace panties fic now. then it turned into inexperienced sub austin (because the efc server is a bunch of heathens!!) as well and i just went mildly feral. i guarantee i will write out scenes from this relationship in this fic at a later date because i'm very fond of this relationship i wrote in here. also yes i am aware of that this is a bit much but unless austin butler himself comes and tells me to stop i shall do what i want. also no beta we die like men, etc. oh and yes i am working on my other stuff promise. but 30 with a kid and like a job and a half. time is not my friend.
It starts out innocently enough, you notice Austin touching his lace top while playing as Elvis like it's a new sensation he doesn't know what to do with. You can't blame him though, you remember your first time wearing silk and finding yourself touching it over and over again to feel it against your fingertips. After a while though, and once filming is starting to get farther and farther away from those lace tops you start to realize that Austin takes his time with your lace underwear more than he used to. He'll slowly slide it down your hips and almost play with the fabric in between his fingers as he does.
You have a theory the more it keeps happening, a theory that just maybe Austin likes the feeling of the lace on his skin. You're not sure if it's sexual in nature until one night when Austin asks you to leave your lace underwear on for a second while you grind against his naked cock. He eventually ends up pushing them to the side, allowing him access to your core but you saw how his eyes rolled in the back of his head after every brush of the lace against his cock.
That night helped to put things in perspective for you in more ways than one. You and Austin share everything when it comes to kinks and your sex life because that's what you should do in a relationship, but he had never mentioned this one. It had to be new and that sent a thrill through you because the pair of you hadn't had a new kink to explore together and while you love Austin there's a part of you that missed all the times you had done it with an ex.
You both have the night off, him from filming and you from your own job and you suggest watching a movie in bed cuddled up. Austin's head is in your lap as you choose to watch a film that doesn't have Elvis in it for once because you had to put your foot down somewhere. Paying attention to the movie isn't exactly your strong point right now though, instead you find yourself just allowing your hand to run through his black hair, occasionally scratching at his scalp just to hear the pleased hum come from his mouth.
"Aus? You still with me?" You ask hearing his breathing settle into something you only usually hear when he falls asleep.
"Yeah, baby, it's just that your hand feels nice." He shifts to allow himself to turn his head to look up at you from your lap. "It's helping me relax."
You have never asked Austin if he knows if he's a dom or a sub or if he didn't even consider that scene, but that statement leaving his mouth as casually as it did gives you a clue. You had a faint inkling but this was almost confirmation. This was going to make the gift be even better than you thought. You wouldn't just be giving your boyfriend a gift, you might be giving your pretty boy a gift.
Your lips quirk up into a small smile as you use your grip to pull his face up just a bit so you can kiss him. "Is that right? You needed to relax a bit, baby?"
He nods bringing his hand up to touch your face. "You know how I can get too much in my head."
"Mmhmm, I do. I think you're still a little in your head. But I've got something for you if you let me get up." You move a little, giving him a cue to move his head and allow you to get up. He obliges and you quickly grab the box you had hidden under your bed. It takes you a minute before you're back and you hand it over to Austin. "Open it."
He holds the box in his hands and shakes it like a little kid before he pulls on the ribbon tying it shut. The lid pops off and he's presented with a pair of pink lace underwear in a shade not entirely dissimilar from the lace shirt he wore as Elvis. His voice is a little tight when he speaks. "You got this for me?"
You nod slowly, your eyes searching his face for some sort of tell bht for once Austin actually manages a blank face. "Mama has to treat her baby boy right. And he's been so good lately and so stressed out."
"I'm not-" He inhales sharply, shutting his eyes as he starts to fiddle with his hands. "I'm not your baby boy."
"Are you sure about that? Do you think you want to be?" You question knowing very well that you're toeing a very thin line that can either make Austin bolt or achieve a goal you both want.
"No." He pauses before letting out a shaky exhale, allowing himself to play with the fabric of the underwear in his hands. "Please?"
"Oh honey. Come here, let mama touch you. I've got you." You open up your arms to have Austin come into them only to find that he's chosen a completely different route of being on his knees in front of you with the underwear brushing against his cheek. Despite knowing that he wants you to dominate him, in the moment your brain shuts off and you find that you wish you had a camera, wanting to commit the image to memory.
Instead, though, you find your hand just carding itself through his hair not pulling but allowing yourself to just feel it against your hand. Austin for his part takes it to mean that you want him closer to you and he ends up just nuzzling at your thigh while looking up at you. "Can I touch you instead, ma'am?"
His question is almost to quiet to hear but you do and it causes a smile form on your face before you crouch down and hold his chin, placing a soft kiss to his lips. "You can, but how about we take this to the bedroom?"
His answering grin was such a marvel you swear if you weren't already in love with him you'd have fallen right there.
And so it went that way with the pair of you exploring in ways you didn't think were possible. It was exhilarating to say the least, watching Austin fall apart beneath you, taking care of him and exploring this goddamn lace kink that the film had given him. It's not hard to get him into some lace shirt for a photoshoot or for an interview but you haven't had nearly as much luck getting him into a pair of lace underwear outside your home. That is until Austin surprised you one night a few weeks before the Met Gala was supposed to happen.
"I want to try it." He states with zero context with his head on your chest in bed after a particularly interesting session involving a strap on, an ascot stolen from the Elvis set and edging.
"Try what? I know I'm not- I know I'm not your domme in this moment but, angel, you've got to provide me with more than the word it."
"The-" He bites his lip before exhaling the next words. "Underwear. The lace underwear."
You have to stop yourself from grinning at the idea. He needs your reassurance and you need to know the details. "Okay sweetheart. When do you want to do this?"
There's a long pause before Austin answers and when he does you can tell he's thought long and hard about it. "The Met Gala. I need something to ground me."
"Got it. Well, I think we can arrange that. Too tired to help me pick it out right now?"
His eyes meet yours and are so full of love that you forget to breathe for a moment. "No, I might have saved some on my phone already."
In the end you two settle on a red pair that came hilariously with a matching bra that you had to buy just so you could wear it. It also happens to vibrate which wasn't a new thing you and him were trying but truth be told you hadn't expect him to even want to try it for his first time outside and yet even now he manages to surprise you.
The ride to the Met is surprisingly short but it allows you to place just a bit of your own lip gloss on Austin's lip, a small attempt to get him to not bite his lips in every single picture. You kiss him on the cheek before grabbing his hand. "You remember the safe word, right? And you remember you can use it at any time while we're here?"
His eyes narrow before he rolls his eyes, earning a light slap to his thigh from you. "Yeah, I remember. I know. It's Snowman, use it if I'm too overwhelmed. I got it the first 15 times we covered it." He paused before adding on one word. "Ma'am."
You aren't expecting to hear your title just yet but you feel a twist in your stomach at it. It's not a bad twist, just unexpected and you take that moment to palm Austin through his pants as you turn on the vibration. Your eyes study him for a reaction and are blessed with a slight full body shiver and an inhale as he looks at you with blue eyes that look like they have just a little more pupil than before. It brings a thrill to you and you can't help but smirk.
"Now, are you going to ruin your underwear, Austin? That not what good boys do when they get a treat like this. It makes me think you don't deserve to wear them." You say, backing away and taking your hand off of his clothed cock. "Remember, we paid good money for this and Prada did such a good job on dressing you. It'd be a shame for my sweet boy to make a mess of himself. I'd be so disappointed in him."
"I'll be good, I promise. You know I can-" He stops as the car stops telling him that they've arrives. "I'll show you I deserved this, ma'am. You know I'm a good boy."
You give him a quick peck on the lips before grabbing your purse and the remote, "Yeah, but sometimes you're a bit of a brat. Come on darling, let's go show off."
Well, he gets to show off, you might have been his plus one and been able to mingle with people you couldn't dream of mingling with before but you're not the one the cameras care about. A shame considering you had managed a nice ensemble that for your budget you felt fit the theme better than about half of the attendees. There's a moment when he's taking pictures with Priscilla Presley that has you so delighted to see how much composure he has that once he moves away from her you decide its time to up the ante so to speak. You know Austin well enough that you think he can handle the vibration being turned up to its second level.
You are not prepared for how he freezes in front of what you think might be a reporter and how his hands go to his pockets to ever so subtly adjust himself. You can feel the way that seeing him react like that causes you to become just a bit wetter than you already were. You knew you should have worn your own underwear but silk showed everything when it was this tight and honestly you might have wanted to give Austin easier access for later.
His voice sounds- well it sounds hilarious when he says Prada dressed him tonight and you have to stifle your laugh. He looks up at the snort you let out and it takes every bit of your self control not to say something when you look at his eyes. The blue you so very much love is almost completely overtaken by the black of his pupils and while you are in control here, you can't help the way your thighs clench and rub together just slightly. A move that Austin's eyes zero in on and he bites his lower lip hard before turning to face another journalist.
Red carpet time is strange for you and you're not sure if 5 minutes or 500 have passed before you feel Austin's arm wrap around your waist and feel his breath on your neck as he leans in to whisper. "Mama. Ma'am. I need to come. I- it keeps brushing against the tip. I keep feeling it vibrate and the- lace feels so- I'm not wearing a cock ring. I don't- I can't do this. I need to come, I know you said I couldn't because it's Prada but please."
You let out low hum that you mean to sound similar to the noise you make when you're disappointed but you know just a bit of your own pleasure at seeing him ready this wrecked leaks through. A response is on your lips before he gives you a kiss and turns you both away from the cameras.
"I want to be your good boy, I want you to be able to show me off and be proud of me because I did this and I'm out of my own head and you're such a good domme to me. You deserve-"
Your eyes flicker to a camera Austin missed and you allow them to take a pic of the two of you talking before you respond very simply. "You're doing great, baby boy. Couldn't have asked for a better sub right now, but I think you can do even better. Can you last ten more minutes, baby? Then we'll be away from the cameras and you can show your mistress just how good you are. And you can get your reward. That sound alright?"
His breath comes in quick pants for a few seconds before he answers. "Sno- yes, ma'am it does."
There is a moment where you stare at him waiting for one more confirmation before you agree to the terms and you get it in the form of him nodding his head shakily and him letting his legs fall open just a tad.
The last ten minutes of the carpet are painful for both you and Austin. His body is a bit more tense than you feel comfortable seeing and your thighs are really making you regret not wearing any underwear. You're about to pull Austin away and tell him it's alright before he ends up beating you to the punch, taking one final picture before ushering the pair of you inside to the nearest large bathroom and locking the door.
It's not unwelcome what he does but it's partially against your rule at this moment. Your eyebrow quirks up and you tilt your head before grabbing his hands and putting them above his head as you lean against him. "Good boys show more patience. You've been so very good so far and now you're so desperate for me that you can't wait for me to touch? Austin, my sweet boy, my good boy-"
He cuts you off by managing to get his hands out from under yours and sinking to the floor. His head goes to your thigh and you can feel his hands moving to the bottom of your dress trying to find a way to lift it up or pull it up without wrecking it.
It's only because your hearing is very aware of Austin at most points in time that you hear his muttering against the fabric of your dress and what you hear almost makes you weak at the knees.
"I'm sorry, I'll eat you out, I'll make you come so hard you see stars, ma'am please just let me come I'll make up my mistake." His breathing is a little faster than you like hearing and you're about to say Snowman yourself before you use your hand to tilt his chin up so that he's looking at you.
"Aus." You say before giving him a quick kiss. "You've been so good for mama. I can forgive this just this once. Come here and get your reward."
Your hands move to undo his belt once he stands up and within about a minute you make quick work of it and his pants, pulling them down to expose his lace covered cock to the open air. It looks painful and you can see that his precome has practically ruined the fabric but even so you can't help the intake of breath that happens at the sight of it. You look at his eyes that are all pupil and looking minorly glazed over before your hand wraps around his cock and gives it an experimental tug.
"Y/N, ma'am, I- I can take them off so we can-" You use your hand that had just been on his cock to silence him for a second before you shake your head.
"Just push them to the side baby. Let mama feel the vibration too."
He nods, allowing himself to push the underwear to the side. His cock springs free looking almost painful with how hard it is. Your eyes settle on it before you move close enough to Austin that he can lift you up. You put his hands on your upper thighs, hoping he can get the hint.
He does, thankfully and you find yourself being lifted up and placed onto a counter before Austin enters you quietly. He knows that you two need to be quiet but it's so hard for him that he's biting his lower lip so hard you swear it's going to bleed. You've haven't given him permission to kiss you yet though so he knows what he's supposed to do. Still, he's been so good today that you can't help but start to kiss his neck sucking a small hickey onto it.
"You can kiss me, baby. You've been such a good boy, you deserve a full reward-" You're cut off with an almost violent kiss as Austin practically attacks your mouth, biting at your lower lip and playing with your tongue with his own. You can hear him groan into the kiss and it makes your cunt clench around his cock as his thrusts start to become deep enough that they knock the wind out of you. He still hasn't come despite the vibration and the feeling of your cunt around him and it honestly boggles your mind. He really was being good for you but you can feel the way his arms are tensing with the effort of stopping himself from coming. He has to ask though, even if you want to tell him that he has permission it's always been your rule that you abide by no matter what. It doesn't take long before you hear Austin's trembling voice pipe up.
"Ma'am, may I please come now? I've been good for you and I didn't make a mess of myself. Left that for you to do."
You want to tell him to wait, tell him that you want to come first before he can but he's right he had been good for you and well his mouth could do what his cock couldn't in this case. Besides you always have liked covering his face in your juices.
You nod scratching ever so lightly on his clothed back. "Only if you eat me out afterwards. Because I know like everything else my baby boy is so good at that."
In any other circumstance you know Austin would have smirked at what you said but in the moment all you could see was your boyfriend losing himself in his pleasure, his head thrown back and the quietest of moans escaping his mouth. It has your cunt clenching around his sofening cock and for the briefest of moments you think there is a possibility you aren't going to need to have him eat you out. When he pulls out you realizes you still haven't come to despite honestly honestly what feels like an obscene amount of liquid coating his cock and your thighs. Your cunt twitches trying to feel something only to come up with nothing and you can't help the groan of sheer distress that escapes you.
Austin for his part looks thoroughly fucked out, his hair still relatively what's together but his eyes blown and his chest still heaving. But at your groan he looks up and realizes he still hasn't fulfilled his end of the bargain.
You want to tell him he doesn't have to because at this point you're not entirely sure he can you rarely seen him experience this much of a drop already but he pushes away your hand as it the tries to push him away and he sinks down to the floor. His face is eye level with your pussy for a moment as he just stares taking in the sight as if when he looks away it will disappear. For not the first time tonight or in your entire relationship you're struck by just how much this man loves you. It twists at your heart and you want to kiss him in this moment but you're not entirely sure if he wants you to so you hold back. After he stares for his perhaps minute or he takes his fingers and just traces the outline of your lips. As he does he sees a bit of his come leaking out of you and you think is what spurred him on because once he sees that and touches it he ends up burying his face in between your legs.
You don't even get a single warning before you feel his tongue against your clit and you have to bite on your lip knowing fully well you want to scream. He's relentless with his tongue against your clit and his lips sucking it. You want to hold it back you want to make this last but his tongue and the sensation of his fingers trust curling inside your cunt cause you hands go to his hair and you know his publicist is going to kill you because it's going to look so fucked out but you can't help it you need something to ground you because otherwise you're not one hundred percent sure you're not going to fly away. He backs you into the countertop since you had stood back up at one point and you hop on with an ease you didn't think was actually possible considering how your legs are shaking but when you get on that countertop he continues his assault and your thighs clench around his head causing him to growl against your cunt. That's when you lose it, you don't even have time to warn him before you come harder than you swear you have in years. He hadn't been wrong when he said he'd make you come so hard you see stars and you find yourself actually shaking a bit once you come down from your high.
When you open your eyes you see Austin leaning back on his knees his stubble and his lips glistening in the light. You open your mouth to say something before he beats you to it. "You squirted."
"Oh. I-" You pause actually feeling a bit shy for once. "My bad, I don't remember the last time I did."
Austin looks up at you through his eyelashes and has the audacity to smirk before letting out a soft chuckle. "Ma'am, you did say you were gonna make a mess of me if I was a good boy. I'm not complaining."
"Brat." You laugh while grabbing a towel from the counter top. "Now what do you say about me cleaning us both up and going back out there. I hate for your publicist to murder me."
"That's fine. I think right now I would honestly do anything you want me to do with or without calling you my domme, Y/N." He whispers, his eyes shutting just a little bit.
"I know and that's what makes you such a good boy when you are my sub." You murmur as you wet the towel with the water from the sink, wiping off your cum from his face- or at least what he hasn't already licked off from his lips. Once you're finished there your hand and the towel start on his cock. He hisses still sensitive from coming and the vibrations still present and you kiss the top of his head. "I'll turn that off in a second. But you did do good my sweet boy. Such a good boy for mama."
Once you're finished you hold out your hand to have Austin pull on to stand up which he takes gladly. His eyes are hooded but he manages to look up and focus on your face. "Thank you."
You busy yourself pulling up his pants and making sure he's all put back together before you say anything in response. "You're welcome. Let's go back outside so that you can show off and when we get home I think a bath for the two of us in order. I'll even wash your hair."
"Mmhmm." Austin hums before nuzzling at your neck and placing a small kiss there. "I love you."
"I love you too." You whisper as you unlock the door and drag both you and Austin back to the real world.
Taglist: @mesbouquins
984 notes ¡ View notes
an-abyss-of-stars ¡ 8 days
Fic Updates!!
(Yes, I'm back with these 😂)
Update notes for:
It's Visceral And It's Cruel
Burnt Over And Over Again
He Saw Her At Daybreak
Struck By Fire Drowned By The Sea
*Burnt Over And Over Again* (Modern Au)
So I am currently working on this MAJOR sex scene for the upcoming chapter (chapter 5). BUT I'm actually in the process of reworking it. The initial draft was like 80% finished 🤣💀
I'M SORRY, I was actually so close to being ready to edit and then post. But the further I went with that version, it just wasn't giving what it was meant to give. And to share my thoughts/struggles with this plot point/scene without spoiling the entire scene. If y'all remember, chapter 4 has Rhaena and Aemond bickering like an old married couple in a nightclub in Prague. And as their drama progresses, Aemond finds a way to get Rhaena alone so they can have a private tense conversation. Their sexual tension builds up to a point where they HAVE to do something about it.
Semantics I guess, but there's a ✨mood✨ I'm trying to convey and it's SOO hard to convey it genuinely, idk why 🤣 Like Rhaena is in denial, but she's CLEARLY still very attracted to him. And he's down so BADDD for her, but he's also really frustrated and annoyed with the current state of their relationship. Like the sex isn't going to be all that frantic, because of the way I've slowly built the tension. But at the same time, Aemond's frustration still needs to be present? At least I want it to be? Like I want him to coax her into this, because deep down she definitely wants it, she's just in denial.
Am I making any sense? I don't really know 🤣 I just don't want it to sound like coercion, and that feels like such a fine line with this scene for some reason 😩 like he's definitely not forcing her to do anything, but he is leading this whole thing. The key for me, is making it really feel like she's down for this and welcoming it all physically even if she's still trying to keep him at arm's length emotionally... UGHH it's a fine line fr.
My goal is to update this fic before I move onto any others. So fingers crossed for meeee 😭
(I'm also working out some more background lore for this modern au universe, like what everyone in the family does career wise, I'm working out who has pets and whatnot, expanding the lore of Rhaena's former relationship with Dalton since I initially made it rather vague...SOOOO get ready for this whole story to expand as it goes. Because I kinda want this story to be a bit more than short fic now 😂)
*It's Visceral And It's Cruel* (reg medieval time period)
Nowww this is my bread and butterrrr 🤣 I have about 13k of next chapter (chapter 9) written and ready for editing. BUT I still have about 5 scenes to go, or at least those were scenes I originally planned to include in this chapter.
I'm starting to think adding in all of those scenes will make this chapter TOO long if I include them all here 💀 like I added in two extra scenes to make the narrative flow in a more interconnected manner. But in doing that, it's definitely going to make this chapter too long. And the final scene I initially had for this chapter was going to be the Royal Hunt shenanigans. And THAT is a scene/plot point that needs a lot of time/words dedicated to it. Especially since it's going to be written from Aemond's POV, and that boy is going to be going THROUGH it watching Rhaena purposely flirt with literally every other man there EXCEPT for him 🤣🤣
So I think I'm going to move the hunt over to chapter 10 (even though I promised it would be here 😭😭). Because logically...like I must 😂 I can't let this chapter be 40k in length, I'd take DAYSSS to edit it if I did🤣💀
*He Saw Her At Daybreak* (horny married Rhaemond Fic)
UMMMM I actually have no clue when I plan to work on the next chapter LMAO 😂 There are a few things I need to map out plot wise. Like slight spoilers:
But here are the scenes I'm planning on including in chapter 10:
• Actually showing Aemond flying over to Driftmark and interacting with Grandma Rhaenys (for the Spice Towk salt that Rhaena craves).
•Aemond and Aegon actually discussing their mother returning to court for the birth of the baby.
•I want to slip in a sex for Rhaemond, since ya know, this IS the horny fic 🤣and this is my last chance to include the lactation kink before the baby gets here, so I must do it 😂 I'm also thinking that scene could definitely start with pregnant Rhaena being a little self conscious about her body before a family event. Like I haven't had much of that insecurity mentioned for her.
•The family event being the Valyrian equivalent Yule/Christmas holiday event, that's going to be like a nice wholesome gift giving scene. Targ family shenanigans.
•ALL culminating with Rhaena's water breaking and the baby finally coming. Like this baby is COMING in this chapter, most definitely 😂😂 we are ending the chapter with Rhaemond happily holding their newborn baby.
So there's a lot to write, and I'm still only on the first scene 💀💀 but hey, now the 10 of you so still tune in, have an idea of what's to come! 😂😂
*Struck by Fire, Drowned By The Sea* (Pirate Fic)
LORD, I PROMISE I HAVEN'T FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONEEEE. AGHHH oddly enough, like this writing process feels like the sex scene in BO&OA, I can't seem to land on the vibe™ for the next chapter (chapter 5). And it's not even a sex scene, so Idk why I'm overthinking it all 🤣🤣
It's weird, really. I usually have a really easy time writing from Aemond's POV for my other fics, but since Pirate Captain Aemond is more of a mystery to both Rhaena and the audience. It for some reason feels a lot harder 💀🤣 like it shouldn't be, but it is 🤣🤣 I've rewritten/restarted this chapter at least 6 times trying various ways to tell the same scene, seeing how much I should give away in his inner thoughts or not. And I just haven't landed on a good ratio for him, like we all know this IS Aemond. But there's still so much of his past that hasn't been revealed, and it's all still a mysterious element for captive Rhaena, she's still trying to figure him out... especially since they've never really met until now.
Their relationship is going to be SOMETHING wild, if I can get past this damn chapter 🤣🤣
This just feels like me explaining in depth, four various types of writer's block 🤣🤣
Anywaysss, if any of y'all have any suggestions or helpful ideas, for any of these fics, I'm very open to them 💖
10 notes ¡ View notes
capturethechaos ¡ 2 years
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In collaboration with - @earthlysorrows
Josh Kiszka x Reader x Jake Kiszka
Words - 6.8k
Warnings - 18+ONLY, explicit sexual content, NSFW, smut, teasing, oral (m!receiving), orgasm denial, jealousy
a/n - Part 3! Here we go again, thank you Madi for your beautiful, wonderful brain ♡ ps. For those who would like to know what song they are singing during worship [Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)]
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You knew that it was selfish, fucking both of the twins, and feeling possessive over the two of them, but you couldn’t help it. The realization of your possessive, and frankly jealous tendencies towards Jake and Josh came Sunday, as the three of you were setting up for worship that morning. You were readjusting the mic beside your keyboard as Jake and Josh fiddled around with their own equipment, and you heard the sanctuary door open.
Your eyes lifted only long enough to watch as Abigail walked along the pews with her parents, a wide smile on her face as she waved at the three of you, but you knew who she was looking at. The second Josh flashed his award winning smile, a blush creeped onto her cheeks, and she sheepishly looked down to where she would be sitting, and you felt the gnawing of jealousy in the back of your head.
Your gaze shifted to Josh, who was already looking at you with a smirk adorning his plump lips, and you were forced to remember the fact that Abigail may have a schoolgirl crush on him, but you were the one that woke up with his cock still buried in you from the night before. Your expression turned smug in a matter of seconds, and Josh chuckled at you, watching as you looked down to the keyboard in front of you and began softly playing, making sure all of your settings were in order.
Mindlessly fidgeting on the keys, your attention focused on the sound of Abigail’s voice in the distance. “So yeah… I was wondering if maybe sometime you would want to come over for dinner. My mom really wants me to be around more good influences in my life.” Her voice was so soft and shy yet your response to it was to clench your fist, leaving crescent shaped divots in your palm.
“Hmm. I’ll think about it. I already have dinner plans for tonight, but maybe I can clear my schedule for a later date.” You sat there and just watched as he rubbed his chin with his hand, his eyes flicking back to you for a brief second before falling upon Abigail again.
“I would love that Josh.” She replied, her hand landing on his bicep, and you watched her softly squeeze his arm.
Jake watched as you sent daggers towards them, fumbling with the notes you played on the keys. His airy chuckle broke your focus, and you turned your icy gaze to him. He lifted his guitar from over his shoulder and made his way over to you, leaning in to block Josh and Abigail from your view.
He moved the mic so that it wouldn’t pick up your conversation, giving you a soft smile. “A little jealous, angel?”
“Absolutely not.” Your voice was a nearly silent huff. “What is there to be jealous of? It’s not like Abigail is a genuinely flawless person or anything.” The sarcasm was clearly laced within your expression, and Jake tried to make it nonchalant when he lifted your chin with his finger.
“She’s not as perfect as you are. It’s impossible.”
Josh turned back to the stage in time to watch Jake drop his hand from your chin, his eyes studying the crimson blush that had crept its way up your chest and onto your cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight, and he nearly shooed away Abigail with his silence.
Josh didn’t mind that you had been sleeping with Jake, the two of them shared nearly everything, he minded the fact that Jake was able to make you blush in the same way he had. He minded that on a stage in front of the people now lining up in the pews, you weren’t shying away from his affection.
Jake resituated himself back in his spot on the stage, a satisfied grin on his face as he began plucking along with the keys you were playing. His grin faltered though, when he noticed the way you stared at Josh as he hopped back onto the stage, watching as Josh faced away from the growing crowd of people, picking up his water bottle and taking a swig, sending you a quick wink before turning back to the crowd to greet them.
His voice never failed to soothe you, yet as he spoke of purity and salvation you couldn’t hide the wicked grin of irony. It took you such a short period of time to fall from grace, and as you looked out into the rows of peers you wondered if they too had followed down the path you were on. A path of sin that just the mere thought of used to keep you up at night in tears. You glanced back over at Jake, who was softly strumming in the background of Josh’s words and focused on the way his fingers were gliding effortlessly over the strings.
His gaze was no more holy than your own, as he watched the way your fingers danced along the keys, playing up to the end of Josh’s speech.
Josh turned, his gaze softening as you looked down at what you were playing. The entire church watched as you played, but Josh and Jake saw you in a different light, appreciating every inch of you as you moved. Josh loved the way your face rested when you focused on playing, the look of peace that overtook you. “I’ll pass it over now to our lovely Y/n, as she takes us all along on our journey today. A wonderful reminder of the gifts the Lord gives us.”
You smiled at him for a moment before looking out at the crowd. Everyone wore similar smiles, though Abigail’s looked a bit more sour than those around her. “Well now I’m blushing. I really want to bring it back to what calls us all here every week. What reminds us that the Lord is the greatest love we have. So I figured no one would mind if I played a tried and true favorite of mine.”
You played the first notes, listening as the rest of the band came in after you. “You call me out upon the waters. The great unknown, where feet may fail. And there I find You in the mystery. In oceans deep my faith will stand.”
Even in the loss of faith you had been experiencing, you loved the song, and Josh knew that. He watched as your eyes fluttered close, your voice engulfing him in a warmth only you could provide, and as his voice joined yours, your eyes opened, locking with his. “And I will call upon Your Name. And keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace. For I am Yours and You are mine.”
The two of you were no longer singing about worshiping God, as your voices melted together you realized you were worshiping each other. Within all of this, the only person that was also making this connection was Abigail, she sat with her arms crossed and with watchful eyes. Though zoned out, you managed to complete the song and glance back at your piano.
The rest of worship went by fairly quickly, and before you knew it, you were standing from your keyboard and stretching out your legs, watching as Jake and Josh gathered all the kids for the youth lesson.
As you walked down the steps you felt a gentle pat against your shoulder, you turned around and instantly your eyebrows shot up in defence. “What was that all about?” Abigail scoffed, her eyes racking over your body as she took every inch of you in.
“What could you possibly be talking about?”
“That little show you and Josh did up there? How desperate you looked, fawning over him as if the pastor's son would actually feel anything for someone like you.” She snarled.
“I was performing worship, Abigail. I’m sorry if you haven’t felt it, but what was happening on that stage was Josh and I feeling the lord's love as we worshiped him. You just wouldn’t understand unless you did it yourself.” You turned to pick up the water bottle you had left on the stage, turning back to see her still glaring at you. “And you have no idea what Josh feels, sorry to say, but you know a lot less about him than you think you do.”
All Josh saw of your interaction was the sharp look Abigail gave you as you walked away from her, your lips in a smirk as you wrapped them around the straw of your water bottle. “She’ll never get his dick the way I do either…” You whispered into your straw as you approached Josh causally.
“Should I have broken up that cat fight?” Josh teased, his hand resting low on your back to usher you alongside the kids.
“Josh… You were the reason for the cat fight.”
Josh couldn’t help but feel smug about the situation as you stepped closer and closer to the youth room, and you remained quiet. The lesson was alright, you stayed closer to the back of the room, making sure the kids behaved, and helping them find the scriptures Josh and Jake were reading.
Naturally, by the time the lesson had ended, the youth room was a mess. You started wordlessly cleaning, bidding goodbye to the youth members that said goodbye to you, but you were engulfed in the chore you had taken upon yourself. Josh quietly walked up to Jake, asking him to take the kids up to the sanctuary back to their parents, and explained that he was gonna stay back to help you clean.
He walked up to you as you organized the markers that the kids had left all over the tables, waiting for you to acknowledge his presence, but you just kept cleaning.
“Y/n.” His voice was soft as it entered your ears, but you turned away from him, walking to the equipment drawers to put away the leftover paper.
“Angel, baby, come on. Look at me.”
“Josh. I just really want to get this place cleaned up, okay?” You looked over at him with a soft expression. “I’m not in the mood to get distracted.” You opened the drawer to put the papers in, but yanked a bit too hard and sent the loose leaves flying to the ground. “God fucking damn it.”
Josh took that as his moment to slide in behind you, lifting you from the ground and planting you on the edge of the table. You wouldn’t meet his eyes, so he placed his hands on either side of your face, tilting your head back so that you had to look at him. “Breathe, angel. What’s going on in that glorious brain of yours? Let me help you.”
Following his words you took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I just can’t seem to understand why it’s me. Why I’m the one you want.” You lost eye contact with him again. “There are so many other people in this church alone that would be better for you than me, and I’m sorry if this seems insecure and unreasonable but I just.” You huffed out a sigh. “I just can’t wrap my head around it.”
Josh leaned forward until his forehead was pressed to yours, his breath fanning across your burning skin. “There’s nothing to wrap your head around, Y/n. It’s been you, always. From the moment you walked into the church with your parents for the first time.”
He pulled away, tilting his head to press a kiss to your forehead. “Abigail is nice, and I’m sure she’d make a good friend. But I could never want her the way I want you.”
He moved closer, pressing his lips to your temple before whispering in your ear. “I could never worship her the way I worship you.”
A surge of goosebumps ran up your spine as the hot air encompassed your ear. “Say that again Josh, please.” Your voice was weak as you begged.
“I worship you. I always have and I always will.” He let his hand push your hair from your shoulder and gave a soft kiss to your neck. “You’re mine, angel.”
Your voice was breathy, his name falling from your lips in a sigh as you tugged on his hair lightly, bringing him back to look at you directly. You stared at his lips. The same lips that you hadn’t noticed until long after you had been hit by puberty. The lips that until recently, you had only dreamed of being able to kiss. You watched as he took notice of your staring, a smirk forming on his face as he leaned in oh so slowly.
“As much as I would love to put you on that counter and show you how I plan to worship you, this room does not have a lock.” Josh let his lips gently trace against your own.
“You know what Josh… I think you’ve worshiped me enough… Maybe it’s time to return the favor…” Josh was absolutely lost with your comment, so instead of speaking further you laced your hand with his and hopped off of the table. You took a step out the door and nervously glanced both directions before tugging Josh down the hall and to a smaller utility closet.
You were all too familiar with this space. When you were in the youth group everyone slept over at the church one night and decided to play hide and seek in the dark. You and Josh took off to the utility closet and slammed the door shut so tightly behind you that the lock stuck in place. After an hour of pounding at the door you were finally found, and the lock was replaced. That was the same shiny steel hardware that sat on the door today.
“This whole time.” You whispered against Josh’s ear as you checked the door to ensure it was locked. “You’ve been so kind to me… Letting me finish first. ” Your hand slid down his torso to fidget with his belt buckle. “I just think it’s time that you get some reciprocation.” The metal clicked softly as you pulled at the leather, and once the latch was free you carefully unzipped his pants. “If that’s something you’d want me to do, that is…”
Josh looked at you like you were speaking another language, and as your fingers played along the edge of his boxers, he brushed his lips to yours. “If I ever say no to that, for any other reason than to fuck you senseless, take me out to a field and shoot me.
The sharp laugh you let out was louder than you expected. So instead of trying to apologize or cover your mouth in shame, you lowered yourself to your knees and pulled down Josh’s boxers just enough to get a good glimpse of him before promptly letting the head of his cock slip between your lips.
You heard the groan that fought to escape from Josh’s lips, stopped only as one of his hands flew to cover his mouth. The other weaved its way into your hair, his grip getting tighter as you took him further into your mouth. You took him inch by inch until your nose was brushing the small patch of hair on his navel.
You could hear the muffled sounds of Josh cursing into his hand as you pulled back. Your tongue tracing a vein along the length of his cock until the only thing remaining between your lips was the tip, and you turned your gaze to him as you sucked on it, watching the way he threw his head back.
With his cock in your mouth, you let your tongue swipe around the tip and gave an extra flick to the sensitive underside. His hand flew out to his side, grasping at the smooth wall in hopes of stability. Your mouth worked wonders on keeping a steady bobbing rhythm, but soon his button down shirt was starting to absorb some of your drool. Josh felt this and pulled his shirt up his torso, putting the end of it in his mouth to help mask his moans as well. His nude torso was a distraction to you, and you soon lost your rhythm.
Wordlessly, Josh placed his fingers back between your strands of hair and gripped tightly. He took that hair and pushed your head forwards against him to once again put you in time. Eventually, you weren’t even the one moving your head. He did all the work for you. Josh quickly became greedy, shoving your mouth further and further down his cock until your nose was pressed up against his stomach and you were forced to suppress a gag.
You could feel it, with every stroke of his cock against your lips, with every nudge of the tip against the back of your throat, you could feel him inching closer to finishing. He would twitch, or moan, and with every sound that passed his lips, you would respond with your own. The vibration against him pushed him further and further until he stopped. Every movement stopped, and you felt the warmth of his release as it slid down your throat.
You let your lips slide upwards but they remained locked around the tip of his dick. With your hand, you slowly pulled from the bottom of his length upwards to get every last fucking drop of cum Josh had to offer. You opened your mouth, letting the final dose visibility transfer from his sensitive dick to the tip of your tongue and you eyed up at Josh to make sure he was watching. Sighing like you just had the best sweet tea imaginable, you closed your mouth, kissed the tip and stood back up to your feet.
He stared at you like you were otherworldly, and you wore a smug grin as you tucked his cock back into the boxers you had pulled off of him.
Jake had gone back to the sanctuary with the youth group, bringing the kids back to their parents, and after a brief word with his father, he turned to walk back to the youth room. The door was closed when he got there, and just outside was Abigail, her hand reaching for the door knob as he approached. “Hey, I think your parent’s are looking for you, what are you doing down here?”
She jumped as if being caught doing something heinous, head flying to the side to see Jake standing before her. “I. I uh. Have you seen your brother by any chance?” Her hand fell back against her side and she attempted to stand up with more confidence.
You were just across the hall, ear planted on the door, listening to their muffled words. Josh however, wasn’t as careful and immediately reached to unlock and open the door. He opened it a good few inches before you were making eye contact with Jake and you quickly wiped the slobber from your chin.
“I haven’t seen him actually.” Jake replied, trying to let his voice cover the squeak that came from the utility closet. Abigail went to turn her head around to investigate but Jake interrupted her. “... Actually you know now that we’re thinking about it, I saw him headed to the nave. Said something about being prepared for next week.”
You watched as Abigail thanked Jake yet decided to tie him into a conversation anyways. You took this as your chance to grab Josh by the hand and quietly break away to the exit at the end of the hall. Once again, you weren’t the sneakiest person alive, and as Abigail went to investigate the noise Jake pulled her back in with a kiss.
“Uh. Sorry you’re just so beautiful. Okay I have to go now, go find Josh.” He rambled nervously, immediately regretting his decisions in life. When he finally got to the exit you and Josh were out of sight and he let out a huff.
Jake roughly wiped his mouth with the cuff of his sleeve as he entered the parking lot, finding you and Josh leaning against your car. Josh turned his head towards Jake as he reached the two of them, a goofy grin spread on his face as his twin scowled at the two of them. “You really took one for the team Jake, whatever would we do without you?”
“Oh shut up. I hope it was worth it.” Jake hissed, throwing the car door open before climbing into the back seat like a toddler upset they didn’t get the balloon. “Her mouth was so wet, I should have let her catch the two of you horny assholes.”
“Yeah but you care about me too much to let that happen. Don’t you Jakey?” You teased, letting your hand reach behind your seat to pat his knee gently. “Just maybe, don’t bring this up at dinner with our parents tonight?” Jake’s eyebrows pulled inwards at your comment, confused as to why he would even think to bring up any of this to people of authority. You noticed his confusion and decided to explain your reasoning. “Jake, you have the worst habit of telling on yourself. Or us, for that matter.”
“Yeah Mr. Oh last night we went cliff diving… Instead of being at bible study.” Josh chimed in, a smirk growing on his face at the memory.
“Are you STILL mad at me about that?”
You chuckled as you started your car, looking into the rearview mirror as Jake sat there offended. “Jake, you got us all grounded for a week with that little slip up.”
The drive to the twins apartment was relatively quiet, but as you pulled into the parking lot, Josh made a point to place his hand on your thigh and squeeze lightly. “We’ll pick you up at five thirty, are you going to be coming back to our place after?”
You tilted your head to look at him, a slight blush rushing to your cheeks. “I think so, unless you guys want some space for the night after me being there so often.”
Jake had already left the car, and was watching from the front door of the apartment lobby as Josh’s eyes widened. “No, angel. I think after everything we might actually just want more of you. So pack a backpack, come over after dinner, and I’ll make sure Jake and I show you just how much we want you around.”
When you got home the clock seemed to be moving in slow motion. This was your first real gap of time away from the twins and it felt disgusting. You tried to use your free time to get ready for dinner, but there was still a good half hour left over. You laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling, and as you reminisced in your weekly activities your hand traveled down between your legs and gently pressed a slow moving circle beneath your skirt.
As you continued your mind began to wander, wondering what it would feel like to just have them both at once. An idea so out of worldly, yet so damn desirable that the once soft circles on your clit grew quicker. It seemed that your masturbation let the clock finally catch up with you, and it wasn’t until your phone let out a string of vibrations from your side that you were snapped out of your fantasies.
You swiped the button under Josh’s name. “I’ll… Um, I’ll be out there in a second hold on.”
Josh chuckled, and you could damn near see the grin on his face.“Why do you sound like I just caught you with your hand in the cookie jar?”
“No idea, Josh.” You tripped lightly as you attempted to pull your shoes on. “I’m hanging up now, I’ll be down in a minute.”
The twins were sitting in the front seat of Josh’s car when you finally made it out of your apartment building, and both stared at you, watching the way your skirt moved with each step towards the car. A soft gust of wind pulled up the left corner of your skirt, revealing a flash of bare skin on your hip. It was brief but both Jake and Josh knew exactly what they just witnessed. You sat down in the back of the car, your feet crossed to keep your modesty with you while it lasted.
“Leaving a part of your wardrobe at home?” Jake turned his head to whisper, earning a soft laugh from Josh as he pulled the car forward.
Your cheeks were on fire with how quickly your cover was blown. “I just didn’t have any comfortable ones that were clean. Sue me.” You snap in embarrassment.
“I mean. We can do worse than sue you, but I guess we’ll settle for that.” Josh was watching you from the rearview mirror, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the bright red face he saw in the reflection.
By the time you had arrived at the twins parents house, you realized the situation going on between the thighs, because with every block that Josh drove, you were sat in the back watching the way Josh’s hands clung to the steering wheel, or the way Jake would run his hands up and down his thighs. Occasionally Josh would glance up to the mirror to get a peek at you as you shuffled in the back seat, subconsciously rubbing your thighs together, and on the off chance that Josh’s gaze locked with yours, he would wink at you.
Josh opened the car door for you, and you could feel the heat settling in your core. Jake took the lead of the three of you, two steps ahead on the way to the door. Josh was a step behind you with his hand on your back, lowering inch by inch. His hand rested on the small of your back as Jake opened the front door.
Walking inside, you grew nervous as Josh’s hand refused to leave the small of your back, pinky resting on the top of your ass cheek. With every step you took you could feel the arousal between your legs spreading to the very top of your thighs, and it was then when you regretted not wearing an extra layer of fabric.
“Oh! Y/n Darling! It’s been so long since you’ve been over here.” Their mom welcomed you in a warm embrace, squeezing tightly before releasing you. “You guys all sit, the food is practically done.” You did as she said and took your regular seat at their dining room table. Your whole life, when you got done rough housing outside you would come in, sit beside Jake and across from Josh as you awaited supper. Your parents would always be grateful for those days, as the lack of a mouth to feed allowed for their food supply to last for just a bit longer.
The scent of garlic potatoes and pot roast wafted into the dining room, and while most people would turn their head up to the idea of it, it reminded you of home. Everything about this house reminded you of home, because in a way… It was.
Karen brought the pot roast out first, beaming to have the three children all sitting back at the table again. “Dig in. Don’t be polite, take as much as you want.” She encouraged, and you happily obliged.
The biggest difference between then and now, was back then you didn’t have Jake’s hand slowly raising your skirt from under the table. His index finger was leading the way as he pushed the fabric up inch by inch.
“Hey baby girl!” Your father rounded the corner, pressing a kiss to the back of your head, and Jake’s hand flew back to his side.
You smiled at your parents as they took their spots. Your mother sat beside Josh, giving him a gentle side hug as she sat down. Your father sat beside her, giving each of the twins a nod as he settled into the wooden chair. Karen and Kelly brought out the last of the food before settling into their own spots, with Karen sitting next to Jake, and Kelly at the head of the table.
Everyone dug into the food, starting up conversations as they began to eat. You were watching your mother laugh at something Josh had said as you lifted a forkful of food to your mouth, and you felt the gentle brush of Jake's fingers on your thigh once again.
You scoot down in the chair ever so slightly, allowing for more of your legs to be hidden by the table cloth that hung off the edge. Your motions forced Jake's fingers to dig down into your flesh, and your gasp you released in response was heavily muffled by the food in your mouth.
As his fingers inched closer to your core, you spread your legs open slightly to welcome him. You were overstimulated, as Jake's fingers finally managed to creep up to your core. Suddenly, he coughed, and you could only imagine it was his response to just how wet you had been this whole time. Josh picked up on Jake's cough and looked up from his plate, eyeing the two of you suspiciously.
“Y/n, your song today was absolutely stunning. I could just feel the Holy Ghost there with me the whole time you were singing.” Your mom rang with excitement. “Oh Karen, can I just express how happy I am that our children are still such good friends. It’s so wonderful knowing that they have such a close relationship with our Holy Father.”
As soon as your mother said Holy Father, Jake took that as his cue to slip his middle finger halfway inside of you, his palm pressed firmly against your clit. You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a squeak. You panicked, lifting your glass to your mouth to take a large gulp of water as Jake slowly sunk his middle finger the rest of the way into you before drawing it back out, brushing it against the warmth of your walls as he withdrew.
Karen smiled, taking a sip of her wine and placing it gently back on the table. “I agree, and it’s so wonderful that the three of you have been hanging around each other so much. It really does help solidify your faith, having like minded people around you.”
Now it was Josh’s turn to nearly choke on his water, dribbling it down his chin. The combination of his mothers words mixed with the expression on your face. He knew when your eyes were blasted with lust all too well and it had him weak.
“Boys. Where have your manners gone?” Kelly chimed in, giving a stare to both Jake and Josh. “At least excuse yourself if you’ve suddenly forgotten how to eat and drink.” Jake left your clit with one firm swipe of his thumb, and slowly replaced your skirt back to where it was once laying.
Throwing him a disappointed glare, you nearly whined at the loss of heat from his hand but held it back well. This glare wasn’t missed by Joshua, who had been keeping his eyes on you ever since Jake let out his cough. Something inside of him grew disappointed, angry even at the way you looked at his brother. He had upset you.
The rest of dinner passed by agonizingly slow, listening to your parents go on and on about the three of you growing further in your faith, and how proud they were of you for taking on the youth leader positions at the church. All the while Josh starred between you and Jake, occasionally making jokes to make your mother laugh.
Josh kicked Jake into the back seat for the car ride back to their apartment, placing you next to Josh in the passenger seat. Jake was stuck in the back, watching the entire way as Josh traced small shapes along the inside of your thigh. Then had to watch as Josh led you up to the apartment with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
Josh was the first one to kick his shoes off when you walked into the apartment, and before you had the chance to lean down to take off your own shoes, he leaned into you and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I’m gonna jump in the shower. Would you like to join me, angel?”
With a nod of your head, Josh headed off to the bathroom and moments later you could hear the echo of water traveling to the front hall where you and Jake stood. You knelt down on one knee to untie your shoes, and the twin took that as his moment to stand in front of you, one leg crossed over the other as he leaned his body weight against the wall.
“So, Y/n… What do you say you get on your knees for me and…” he raised his fingers to use air quotes as he mocked his mother “solidify our faith.”
You let out one singular laugh, yet when you looked up from your shoes your eyes were greeted with the shape of his erection hiding beneath his jeans. That warmth that was once consuming your pussy returned and you let your tongue roll against your bottom lip.
The foot holding your weight slid out behind you, leaving both of your knees now planted against the hardwood. Mesmerized by his size, you palmed the imprint, humming at just how intensely it throbbed for you.
Jake impatiently let the metal of his zipper slide apart, and pushed his pants and boxers down a few inches to allow just enough room for his dick to be released, raised completely straight against his belly button.
His clear arousal leaked down the shaft in a stream, following alongside one of the raised veins that pulsed in tune with his rapid heart beat. You couldn’t stop yourself from letting your tongue lay flat and do one long lick upwards to capture all of his erection.
“Fuck. If I had known you’d be like this I would have been the one running away with you into a supply closet.” Jake gritted sarcastically through his teeth as you let your tongue lick another slow line up his dick.
You have come to love hearing how the arousal overcame Jake, sending him into a verbal frenzy of appreciation. As you let your lips lock around the head of his cock, all you could hear from above was him softly chanting good girl through his grunts. You remained stationary, fully intending on teasing this man to hear him beg for once.
His eyes went from being locked shut to now staring down at you curiously. “Oh, angel… Don’t know what to do with yourself?” He teased, and the words had you popping off his tip leaving him alone.
Staring him down, you pressed a soft kiss to the underside of him. “I think…” You pressed a second kiss a little lower. “It’s your turn to beg for me.”
He scoffed, looping a hand around the back of your head to pull you in, and you stopped yourself with a firm palm on the wall. “If you want me to be your good girl and worship that gorgeous cock. I want to hear you beg for it.”
“Y/n…” he groaned, letting his dick flex a few times in hopes it would touch your supple lips hovering over his skin.
“Go on, Jakey…” you tease, blowing a soft stream of air against him. “What do you want?”
His face softened, eyes closed now as he squirmed against the wall. “Angel, baby. Please. I wanna feel your mouth.”
You kissed his thigh softly. “Here? You wanna feel it here?” You tease, trying your best to hide your smirk.
Jake shook his head no, and you could hear him swallow the lump in his throat as your next kiss was right next to his shaft. “I want to feel your mouth on my dick… P-please, angel. For me?”
“Now… was that so hard?” You cooed, waiting for his eyes to flash back open before your mouth sunk down and took in all of him. You forced the length down your throat as far as you possibly could manage and gave your head a little shake back and forth before pulling back off of him, a thick line of saliva connecting his tip to your tongue.
He went to return his hand back into your hair and you distanced yourself. “Keep your hands against the wall Jake… I want to see how you can control yourself…” In response he just gave a shy nod, planting both palms of his hand against the chilled wall.
As his reward, you lowered yourself back down on him in the same manner, only this time you were rapidly moving along his length and continuously letting the top of his dick smack into the back of your throat. You could feel him tense up and immediately pulled your mouth away.
“No…Nono.” He whined, having to fall back from the edge of orgasm so harshly. “I was al-“
“Almost there? I know Jakey…” You softly let your finger trace up and down his length.
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you as you watched his eyes clench shut, a groan rumbling through his chest.
“Jake, look at me.” And to your surprise, he did as you asked, looking down upon you.
“No matter how much you beg… It won’t take away the teasing you did to me earlier today.” You licked one long line up the length of his dick once more before pulling his jeans upwards. “So for that… I have a shower to take with your brother.”
He tried to stop you as you stood up, but you slipped from his grip, shuffling down the hallway until you reached the bathroom door. You shot him a quick wink before slipping through the door and locking it behind you, turning to see the showers glass fogged up, steam rolling from above the door.
Josh ran his hand along the glass to see who had entered, a smirk forming on his face as he watched you strip. “Took you long enough, angel.”
You narrowly escaped tripping over your skirt as you attempted to step out of it, and heard a snicker from behind the glass as you caught yourself. “Sorry, your twin was feeling needy.”
Josh waited until you had entered the shower to reply, his eyes exploring the bare skin of your body as you let the water wash over you. “And did you give him what he needed?”
“I let him get close, but he left me on the edge of an orgasm at dinner, so I left him on the edge to join you.”
He beamed with pride at your reasoning, wrapping one hand around your waist, and the other lifting to rest against your jaw. “You’re incredible.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before connecting his lips with your own in a quick kiss before pulling away. “Can I wash your hair for you, angel?”
The shower went by blissfully slow as the two of you took the time to clean and admire each other. By the time you left the steam filled bathroom, the two of you looked like raisins.
Josh opened the door for you, a towel wrapped around your torso, and another wrapped around his waist as the two of you walked through the doorway. Jake was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone when you left, and the sound of the door opening caught his attention.
Josh waved you ahead to his open bedroom door as he locked eyes with his brother. “You know I don’t appreciate her coming back to me covered in marks that I did not leave, and that includes the scrapes on her knees from blowing you in the front hallway.”
He turned as if he was finished talking, but before Jake had the opportunity to look back at his phone, Josh turned back. “And I know you didn’t finish her off at dinner, so I guess I’ll just have to give her a few more to make up for it.”
Jake listened as Josh entered his bedroom, the slightest sound of you saying ‘promise’ seeping through the wall as he closed the door. He heard Josh chuckle, and immediately reached for his headphones, entirely unwilling to listen to his twin give you multiple of what he had chosen not to, and had been punished out of.
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193 notes ¡ View notes
june16th2018 ¡ 9 months
things i deeply hate in tokyo revengers (and its fandom)
tw opinions
(disclaimer: tkr is one of my fav manga ever)
1 • the animation
the anime adaptation is absolutely hideous and extremely offensive bc what the fuck?? this is so bad and yet yall are eating it up.
everytime i see an edit of the anime i just start shaking and sobbing uncontrollably (especially the takemichi ones bc how can you guys find him handsome in the anime when he's even uglier than kiyomasa)
my friends and i have this really fun challenge where we have to watch a tokyo revengers episode without laughing at the animation (we always end up failing after like 3 minutes)
2 • those dumb kokonui shippers 🤓
don't get me wrong, i love this ship sm i want them to get married and have kids
i just hate ppl who enjoy this ship for this exact panel :
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it wasn't romantic shut the fuck up
koko is a really well-written character who is clearly in pain after losing a girl he was in love with (as silly and childish his crush on her might have seemed) and with a very visible mental instability, and yall are choosing to close your 12 years old ass eyes on that just so you can have ship content, gross
again, i love kokonui, but stfu
3 • the toxic y/n/ocs enjoyers
i don't see the point of calling shippers weird if you are yourself a characterxreader enjoyer or an oc creator 🤓
4 • most likely to be a pedo 😇
those weird grown ass ppl drawing or writing the characters in a very sexual way?? if it's a fanart/fanfiction of their adult version then i guess it's okay but the ones when they keep the design of the 2005-6 timeline?? hello??
same goes for grown ass ppl enjoying this content
5 • mischaracterization
chifuyu isn't a soft baby 🥺 stop treating him and drawing him like a goddamn baby it's just embarrassing as hell. same goes for takemichi, yall are wild 💀💀
sanzu isn't canonically a crackhead (i still eat this hc up but just bc we saw him take a pill ONCE doesn't mean he's an actual drug addict like what if he just had a headache and needed aspirin)
koko isn't a sad and exhausted workaholic in bonten, the only panel of his bonten version we got was his wide goofy sassy ass smile and he was saying smth about killing ppl i don't quite remember 💀
draken is in love with emma, i'm tired of seeing drakey shippers in denial, like yes he does give a fuck about her, stop saying he doesn't 💀 also their ship is awesome i love them sm
btw little reminder to every kisanma/hankisa enjoyers : kisaki is homophobic
6 • "takemichi x all"
this might actually be the worst thing ever
takemichi isn't the ultimate rizzler yall
this is embarrassing and yall need to grow up 😐
7 • the way yall are sleeping on naoto
this man is so fine plus he's so determined to save his sister i know my brother would never do the same 💀
8 • the neverending bajifuyu vs ryufuyu war
26 notes ¡ View notes
vampyrsutton ¡ 1 year
How Are You Alive?
DabiHawks get hit by a bodyswap quirk this time and learn just how much therapy the other needs. Oh, and they fuck.
Ao3 Tags:
Bodyswap, Sexual Harassment, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Implied/Referenced Torture, Ritual Sex, Sort Of, Quirk Accident (My Hero Academia), Quirk Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Past Sex Work, Blood Kink, How did that get there?, Fluff and Angst, Takami Keigo | Hawks Has PTSD, Implied/Referenced Attempted Suicide, The Hero Public Safety Commission Was the Real Villain All Along (My Hero Academia), Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Genital Piercings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Issues, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has PTSD, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Chronic Pain, They Need Multiple Kinds Of Therapy, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Implied Aftercare, Biting, Mating Bites, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Acts Like A Bird, I'm Not Even Going To TRY Tagging Top And Bottom, Orgasm Denial, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Degradation, Dacryphilia
Day 4 of DabiHawks Week 2023!
Theme: Body Swap NSFW Prompt: Ritual Sex (sort of, its the faster way to undo the quirk)
Continuation of Day 1, but can be read alone.
"Seriously, man, just leave me alone already." Hawks sighs, fiddling with his phone as some lower-ranking member of the new PLF insists on hitting on him. Something about ‘being desperate enough to fuck the burnt bastard' means he's down to fuck anyone.
He wants nothing more than to run a feather through the guy the more he insulted both him and Dabi, but both fortunately and unfortunately, fucking said burnt bastard gave him access to enough files to know that while the guy ranked lower than Dabi, he was still high rank in terms of importance. He couldn't remember what for, but the face was labeled in his brain as 'not allowed to kill'. That and being a top-ranking hero meant he was barely tolerated here so killing goons probably wouldn't help him. 
"Aw, come on, pretty bird. Don't be such a prude." The guy sighs like anyone but incels would back him up if they heard. "Wouldn't you rather have a cock that's not falling apart? Something actually satisfying."
Hawks snorts as he sends his location in the manor to Dabi before finally looking at the asshole. "The only metal in his dick is a Ladder and as for satisfying…" Hawks looks the guy up and down, smirking as his phone buzzes and he sees Dabi's on his way. "I doubt you can even satisfy a fleshlight with the amount of small dick energy you put out, but with over 8 inches and impressive girth, buddy, he's doing just fine." 
Hawks watches a vein pulse by the guy’s temple and sharpens his feathers on instinct when the idiot grabs the front of his coat. 
“What? Think that just because you decided to whore yourself out to one of the Lieutenants’ that makes you better than me? Huh, birdie?” The guy sneers, only getting more pissed when Hawks just rolls his eyes. “You fucking bit-”
The goon is cut off by a heat-glowing hand slamming him into the nearest wall by his throat.
“He said fuck off.” Dabi nearly growls as he lets his hand heat enough to make the guy scream. “Are you fucking deaf?”
Self-preservation was apparently not a skill this guy has as he forces a sneer onto a face otherwise twisted in pain. “Are you really so possessive of some hero slut? Where’s your pride as a villain?”
Dabi pulls him away to make his head smack against the wall when he slams him against it again. “He said no so don’t you dare call him a slut, and at least I understand the phrase no means no. What were you planning to do to my mate if I hadn’t shown up to break your neck, huh?”
“Mate? What kind of weird ass roleplay-” He cuts off when Dabi bares fangs at him that never went away when their quirks had been switched months before and tilts his head as though able to understand when Hawks chitters at him. 
“Oh, he said all that did he?” Dabi hums with narrowed eyes. “Remember who he’s under?”
Hawks stares at the guy for a second, sorting through files in his mind. “Specialty is Infiltration so he’s under Toga and Skeptic.”
Dabi smirks, tightening his grip. “So do you want me to kill you or the little blonde psycho? Either way, it doesn’t matter how useful you are, nobody touches our birdie.”
The guy gulps, finally realizing the position he’s put himself in before his eyes glow a sickly green along with where he grabbed Hawks’ coat and Dabi’s hand. “You need me alive if you want to know how to switch back!”
Dabi and Hawks just look at him in confusion when nothing happens, but that stupid quirk swap had taken almost 12 hours and they’d been in enough fights to know some quirks take time. Dabi quickly decides he doesn’t have the patience as he slams the guy against the wall once again.
“What did you do?” Dabi sneers, already texting Toga with his other hand. 
That infuriating smirk is back and Dabi has to fight not to just barbeque the guy. “Let me go, and I’ll at least tell you that.”
“What’s to stop me from just killing you now and reading your file?” Dabi lets his grin turn manic just to see the flash of fear in the man’s eyes.
“The fix isn’t in my file!” The guy hurries out when the heat of Dabi’s hand increases. “Only me and ReDestro know and ReDestro can’t be contacted for the next week!”
Dabi scoffs, holding out his hand as a feather deposit the file in question before cursing when he sees it's true. “Fucking bullshit. Remind me to update that later if we let him live.” He mutters as he shoves away from the guy and delights in watching him slump to the ground with a scared whimper. “There, you’re free. What was the glowing shit?”
“...Dabs,” Hawks speaks up when the guy doesn’t. “You have his file.”
Dabi blinks as though just remembering that and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “I hate people.” He grumbles before reopening the file and reading. “Bodyswap—oh god dammit! Is the other guy still in jail, birdie?”
“Doesn’t start therapy for another month so probably.” Hawks sighs, seemingly thinking of things before gold eyes narrow dangerously at the guy. “Either fix it now or tell us how to and I’ll make sure you only get your ass kicked rather than killed.”
They both catch the defiance attempting to return to scared eyes, but that’s quickly stomped out by sharp feathers dangerously close to vital areas and Dabi’s hand erupts in flames. “I can’t! I can only reverse it myself if I’m the one who swapped otherwise they have to do it themselves!”
“How?” Dabi glares, flame growing in a warning.
The guy actually whimpers when a red knife moves closer to his crotch. “Physical contact! The longer it lasts, the faster you’ll return to normal otherwise it wears off in a week!” 
"And you can't just switch us back yourself because…?" Hawks prods. 
"You have to actually switch first for either to work! I can change you back tomorrow!" He rushes out, pressing himself further against the wall when Dabi steps closer. "Just find me in the morning, I'll undo it then!" He promises, already planning how to disappear for the next month as soon as he's out of their sight. 
The two look at each other before Hawks shrugs, calling his feathers back. "Fine." 
The guy sighs in relief, but Dabi's hand is still on fire and is suddenly dangerously close to his face. "Don't think you're off the hook, bastard. Don't you have something you'd like to say to my pretty bird?" The villain nearly growls as he turns up the heat to make the other man turn pale. 
The guy just sputters as he looks at the lieutenant in utter confusion. "I- I already- what?" 
Dabi rolls his eyes, cursing under his breath. "Apologize for being a fucking creep, dicks for brains. I should have never had to come over here, you should have stopped after the first fucking 'no', but because he knows you assholes would throw a fit if he fought back, here the fuck I am so apologize. Now." 
"What the hell for? I was just shooting my shot, man, you know how it is, right?" The guy laughs nervously, this for some reason being the hill he's willing to die on. 
"Not after they say no." Dabi sneers before looking over his shoulder. "You good with just fixing this ourselves, birdie? I think he needs made an example of." 
"Wait, no, please. Re-Destro wouldn't like-" 
"Re-Destro isn't in charge anymore." Dabi smirks. "Shigaraki is. And he's left full command to his Lieutenants after he kicked your boss' ass so unless Skeptic is willing to vouch for you, I know Toga's gonna be first in line to skin your worthless ass." 
"But my quirk-" 
"Give Toga your blood and let Twice take your measurements." Dabi shrugs, his smirk growing the more the fool realizes how fucked he is. "Every single one of you is replaceable. Remember that scrub." 
"Toga said get the blood and measurements first then have at it," Hawks speaks up, waving his phone a bit with his own little smirk. "I second that. I call dibs on draining him since Toga's away on a mission." 
"No, you can't be serious! It was just a little flirt-" 
"You put your hands on him without his permission and called him crude things because of who he's mated to as well as not dropping it when you were turned down." Dabi cuts him off, putting his fire out to haul him to his feet to drag him to the meeting room with an overly hot hand. "You're the fourth asshole this week who thinks just because he's pretty but willing to soil himself with the likes of me must mean he's easy. You were the first stupid enough to touch him though so we're gonna use you to nip it in the bud before it goes any further because I swear to god if that feather starts pulling me somewhere because one of you chuckle fucks are trying to do something worse, I'm setting the entire building on fire with all of you inside." 
"Shigs sent out the call for an org-wide meeting. Compress is setting up the video call for those too far away." Hawks hums from behind them like it’s a normal work meeting rather than what's probably going to end up an execution. 
"No, please! I'm sorry. I won't fuck with your bird again, just please-" 
"Why the fuck are you apologizing to me ?!" Dabi scoffs, slamming him into a corner on the way past just to make his head spin with the impact. "For fuck's sake!" 
"Fine! Fuck! I'm sorry, Hawks! Just please make him let me go! I have a wife and kids, man!"
 Hawks winces in almost sympathy when Dabi freezes. "Oooh, yeah, you should not have admitted that." 
"You know what info to get, right, birdie?" Dabi asks evenly, the temperature in his hand slowly rising even as he sounds the calmest he has this entire exchange. 
"Names, relationship dynamic, and ages." Hawks nods, already texting, not minding the secretary status he accidentally put himself in. 
"Good birdie." Dabi hums, returning to dragging the idiot to his doom and letting his lip quirk a little when Hawks coos at the praise. 
"What? Why do you need to know all of that? What are you going to do to them?" The guy's panic is increasing as he finally starts struggling. 
"Just checking if you're worthy of having them." Dabi shrugs. "If it's a legitimately happy family, you might get to live. If we find any funny business, they get set free." 
The way the guy's face turns ghost pale is all the answer Dabi or Hawks needs, but with a non-combative quirk and an enraged Dabi, all he can do is hope the stronger villain gets tired before the results are in. 
Hawks sends feathers ahead to get the doors as they near the stage room and gives the guy a perfectly innocent grin. "Hope it was worth it." 
He highly doubts it. 
Despite the adrenaline high of their little performance that would have usually left them attacking each other the second they were through the door, they barely made it to the door and ended up collapsing into the bed after half-heartedly removing their now soot and blood-covered clothes.
 "Think it's trying to kick in?" Hawks mumbles as he lets himself be pulled into almost overly warm arms. 
"Probably." Dabi yawns. "Probably needs us to sleep to kick in." 
"Mmm, great. Needed a nap anyway." 
This gets a snort out of Dabi, but Hawks is already asleep so completely misses it. 
Dabi is soon to follow. 
This last all of four hours before Dabi's body is jerking awake in intense pain and screaming at the further pain the action causes. 
Fuck! It hurts! Why does everything hurt? He's freezing, but it feels like he's burning from the inside and his skin . Gods, it hurts so bad! He feels like he could cry, but instead, there's just more painful pressure and liquid leaking down his face from his cheeks. He reaches up to touch his face before he notices the gleam of staples in lights they forgot to turn off and the scars connected to them. 
"Dabi…" Hawks croaks out and yeah that is definitely not his voice. When the lump of red feathers next to him doesn't move, he's forced to clear his throat and try again. "Dabi…!" Still nothing, and Hawks is starting to feel panicked before remembering how Dabi's quirk works when he hears a pained chirp and realizes that he was raising the temperature. "Dabi… hurts…" 
Gold eyes finally find their way out of red wings to look at him in his own form of panic before wincing when he moves a wing wrong and hurts himself in the process. "Shit, these things are still heavy. Think you can use any of that Commission training to start calming down while I try to sit up? You have a few new muscles that the quirk swap didn't give me." 
Hawks whines a sound foreign to Dabi's usually gruff throat but does his best to remember any of his training. Instead, where he ends up is back in his early childhood and dissociating as his father puts out a cigarette on his arm. Eh, that works. Makes the pain less at least. 
"Fuck, birdie, not that much." Dabi hisses when his body's temperature drops suddenly. "You'll give yourself hypothermia or some shit." He's whispering, the bird senses probably being too much. 
Hawks groans, trying to find a middle ground, but just whimpering. "How the fuck are you alive? Fuck, Dabi, it hurts!" 
"A lot of fucking spite and illegally acquired painkillers." Dabi sighs, rapidly typing on his phone. "I'll have one of the others bring something up. You're not going to be able to move, and I'll probably fall down the stairs if I try walking with these things." 
"Tell them to hurry. Shit, it even hurts to breathe." Hawks is trying not to grind his teeth due to the pain it causes his face. "You weren't joking about not being able to cry, huh?" 
"With your shoulders, not your diaphragm. Puts less pressure on the stomach scars." Dabi explains, doing a little hop shuffle to get close enough to brush sweat-soaked bangs away from what is normally his forehead. He ends up tilting what is currently his head as his eyes zero in on where blood is coming from an under-eye seam. "Do you always get like this when you see blood?" 
Hawks forces his eyes open and gets a slight understanding of what the Commission meant about his more avian features as he's met with his own eyes devoid of a pupil and trained on something on his cheek with a predatory gleam. The position of the light in the room makes them seem to glow and Hawks feels some almost buried instinct set off alarm bells about a predator. A taloned hand entering his peripheral vision makes him flinch and whimper from the pain the movement causes, but all it does is wipe his cheek like Dabi normally would his tears. 
"Is that what I look like when not repressing shit?" Hawks breathes, some part of his brain afraid to move…other parts not so much. 
"Dangerous and beautiful?" Dabi hums, still staring at the blood on his thumb like he's wondering if it would be weird to lick it or if he even cares. "Like an avenging angel?" 
Hawks feels his face heat up when Dabi's currently gold eyes flick between the blood and Hawks and back with a curious trill. "You always have this reaction to me being feral?" He asks when watching what's usually his face lick the blood from his thumb makes his current cock twitch.
“Insanely horny?” Dabi asks bluntly. For some reason hearing it in his own voice makes the hero blush darker and Dabi smirks at the sight. “Good thing contact is the fix, right?”
Hawks tries to get his embarrassment back under control when he notices smoke leaving what is currently his staples and nods his head shyly before cursing when the angle is apparently wrong and it pulls his neck staples. “Shit, hope you haven’t made my body too much of a bottom because you’re probably going to have to do the work. I think I’ll actually pass out if I try to move that much.”
“Yeah, I can figure out either.” Dabi shrugs.
There’s a knock on the door then and Compress’ voice filters through to them. “I got the painkillers and water so the heathen won’t just swallow them dry.”
“That was one time!” Hawks whines in a way that is without a doubt him even if it’s said with Dabi’s voice. 
“That we saw.” Dabi scoffs, brow scrunched in concentration as he tries to remember how the feathers work, chirping in frustration. 
“Dabi, you have all night to play with the feathers. I would like to go back to bed.” Compress eventually teases, getting a pout out of the current hero and gods was that a vile thought. 
“It almost made it to the door!” Dabi chirps indignantly. 
“I can’t lift my head to check so sure!” Hawks sighs, laughing at the offended squawk this gets before groaning when the action jostles him. “Just come in, we’re in our boxers!” 
He doesn’t register Dabi’s look of horror until a wing drapes over his lap to hide the boner from the little blood tease barely a few minutes prior. He can feel the unimpressed look Compress gives them even through the man’s mask. 
“I guess that answers the question of if you’d fuck yourself.” Compress sighs, shaking his head as a shaky feather does manage to take the bottle of pills at least. 
“We didn’t do anything!” Hawks insists in embarrassment, letting the embarrassment seep through to raise his temperature when he hears Dabi mutter a ‘yet’. “Quiet you!”
“Don’t care. Try not to overdose.” Compress sighs, as he hands to bottle to Hawks before taking it back to measure out Dabi’s normal dose when the current villain just squints at the label. “Right, forgot about that.” 
“Babe, I mean this with all the affection in the world, does anything on you work? I thought you were just blurry because of the pain.” Hawks groans, wanting to rub current eyes but sure he’ll catch staples on each other and get attacked by bird instincts the other isn’t used to. “And if you say your dick, we’re waiting it out.”
He can hear the pout in Dabi’s huff and wonders if the scars just usually hide that or if that's a him thing. "Fine. None of my organs have failed yet if that helps." 
"Not comforting but good to hear." Hawks sighs, gratefully accepting the help from the other two in sitting up before Dabi slips the drugs in his mouth and Compress helps him with the water. "I'm getting you a doctor and physical therapist when we win." He decides, batting at Dabi when he mutters an 'if'. " When , asshole."
"You're literally in my body! You tell me my odds!" Dabi scoffs and wow did he always screech like that or was that just Dabi not knowing how to control the bird side? 
"Then give me mine back so I can drop the culprit off a building!" Hawks growls back, smirking a little when the sound still has an effect on his body and what are currently Dabi's wings puff. 
"No, fuck you, I'm keeping it now! That's my target!" 
"I'm kidnapping you both a therapist." Compress sighs, tossing the pill bottle to Dabi. "You know how to dose yourself. If I can hear anything, I'm putting fish oil on your breakfast." 
Dabi makes a gagging noise before scrunching fluffy brows in thought. "Do I hate fish in your body?" 
Hawks can’t help but snort. “Of course, you focus on weird shit like this. I know I like fish because it’s one of the few things I can get away with eating raw without my handlers thinking I need more training so probably.” 
Something sparks in currently gold eyes before Dabi’s trying to maneuver getting out of bed with the wings and extra muscles. “Oh my god, I can get an actual meal in you. Those are going to take a second to kick in, I’m going to raid the fridge.”
“Wha-Dabi!” Hawks scoffs, trying to sit up before yelling in pain and falling back to the bed. “Fine.”
Dabi smirks as Compress sighs, following him out to make sure the current hero doesn’t break his neck tripping over his new wings. “Try not to die you two.”
“I’m not already?” Hawks groans dramatically, getting a snicker from the other two before the door closes and he’s left to let the meds kick in. 
Luckily, Dabi seems to be gorging himself in the kitchen, probably realizing he underestimated the bird metabolism and having to keep going back to the fridge so Hawks has so time after the meds kick in to drag his now loopy ass to Dabi’s en suite to perform some TLC on his own borrowed body. He now understands why Dabi takes nine years in the shower because, despite the villain’s own heat, the water definitely hits differently even if he has to half dry off to retrieve a phone to figure out how to wash himself like this before returning to the bathroom. Despite this, Dabi still ends up finding him fixing whatever staples he managed to fuck up with blood running down various places upon his return. 
“Welcome back.” Hawks hums at the mirror, taking advantage of the numbed senses from whatever Compress gave him to get staples back in. “Mind helping with your back? We didn’t shower after taking care of the asshole earlier and I didn’t want you getting an infection while I don’t know how to do the fever thing.” 
When there’s no movement for a moment, Hawks finally looks behind him with a frown. “Dabs-” He realizes his mistake when he takes in the taloned hand gripping the door and bared fangs as liquid gold eyes devoid of a pupil dance around his current body to where he know he pulled staples. “Oh, fuck-” He tries to make a break for the walk-in closet but his own chase instinct had been trained out of him so long ago that he forgets he just asked for the current bird hero to attack him as he’s knocked to the ground with a groan. “Yeah, shouldn’t have done that.” He wheezes. 
“What the fuck is going on, Hawks.” Dabi pants and yeah, that was a predator sound that followed. “Why do I want to maul you?”
“Predator instincts,” Hawks answers, speaking as calmly as possible to not rile up the hunter pinning him to the ground. “It’ll go away in a second.”
“What do you me- Jesus Christ.” Dabi hisses as he’s hit by an intense wave of guilt and self-loathing. “You live like this? What the fuck was that?”
“Go have a mutant quirk at the Commission and be told that side of you is disgraceful and unbefitting of a hero and will only make everyone you save hate you, no matter how hard you try.” Hawks shrugs, wincing when he realizes Dabi can’t turn off the stress grip so there are talons digging into the scar tissue on the back of his neck. “Tell me how your mental health is doing.”
Dabi groans, seemingly having an entire war with himself and obviously wanting to pull away, but he can’t so it just gets worse. “Why do I have it? Shouldn’t those issues be with you?” 
“You indulged in a raptor thing which is wired to shame at this point sooo…” Another more careful shrug.
“Fuck, Hawks.” Dabi mumbles, slowly relaxing, and for some reason that makes alarm bells go off in Hawks’ head. “Is this why it still took so long for you to wear your crest feathers around us despite us knowing?” He chirps angrily at the nod he receives. “Give me my quirk back so I can go deep fry those fucks. You should have never been made to feel this for being yourself…How are you still alive?” 
“You know those mind control quirks they villainize?” Hawks smiles sadly, nodding when his own face looks at him in horror. “Tried once and now I physically can’t. Trainers beat the shit out of me once I was medically cleared and I couldn’t even escape it.”
This seems to be the last straw Dabi needs to let Hawks go and fly out the door. “I’m killing all of them with their precious golden boy quirk!”
“You still have no training!” Hawks sighs, not even bothering to try to get up until he sees Dabi actually flying with relative ease and looking at him with a smirk. “What the-?”
“You know how you joke about bird brain wanting you to do certain things?” Dabi hums, plucking a feather and sharpening it. “I think I figured out how I actually got a hang of your quirk so fast when I had it. Maybe it's instincts merging with the telekinesis or just the instincts alone, but they’re very cooperative when you listen to them.”
Dabi is dangerous and effective with a quirk that actively hurts him. Hawks doesn’t want to know what he looks like with a quirk working with him.
“Dabi, don’t.” He pleads as he gets up as fast as his current broken body will allow him. “They have my own body booby-trapped against me to prevent this exact thing. Getting information for you guys isn’t the only reason they’re still alive.” Hawks tries to warn, but that only seems to enrage Dabi more. “We don't know what it will do if you get my body killed?” He tries instead.
Dabi looks hesitant now so Hawks takes advantage to creep into the bedroom Dabi had managed to fly into so that if his next plan gets him tackled again, it’s at least on the carpet. “Please?”
Dabi frowns and Hawks suddenly understands why Dabi likes pissing him off so much. Call him narcissistic despite what was just revealed, but he’s cute when he pouts. 
“Hey, Dabs.” Hawks whispers to draw the current hero’s attention back to him from where he was scowling at the door. “Still tuned into the bird brain?”
Dabi frowns more, but the tilt of his head answers Hawks’ question before he does. “Yeah? Why?’
“Perfect.” Hawks smirks as he gets closer to the confused blonde, and runs his thumb through one of the blood streams running from his current body and smearing it over Dabi’s lower lip to watch his pupils expand and vanish as Dabi inhales sharply. “‘Cause I’d like my body back before you do something reckless.”
Dabi seems to be at war with himself, but Dabi’s mind isn’t as conditioned so Hawks is sure that even if his brain is throwing a fit about listening to the predatory instincts drawing him to fresh blood, Dabi will crumble soon enough. 
“I’ll be fi-”
Hawks just shakes his head with a tsk, smirking in a way he knows his body will react to and trying not to blush at how instant of a reaction he gets to witness. Dabi was never going to let him live that down but as long as it worked, Hawks didn’t care as much right now. 
“Come on, pretty bird.” He drawls in a way he knows he likes and gods, was it weird for watching his own face blush to be turning him on, but he is in Dabi’s body. “Give in, baby.”
Dabi’s hand at least releases the feather enough for it to reconnect and coos happily when Hawks starts running a hand through wild blonde hair before he soon starts squirming. “No fair, you have bird biology to take advantage of.”
“Yup, and shiny staples and fresh blood to further distract you on this side.” Hawks hums innocently, moving in a way that he knows will let the light catch not only the staples but also the blood running past a nipple piercing. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ve helped patch you up enough times to know how much you want to attack me right now.” He chuckles when Dabi trills needily before he leans close to a red-flushed ear. “Go for it, baby. We’ll have so much fun if you do.” He feels talons clutch his current shoulders. They’re shaking, but Hawks can hear him panting in his effort to hold back so he drops his voice to a low growl. “Ravage me, pretty bird.” 
That's all it takes for Hawks to find himself flown to the bed and pinned by strong arms and fierce eyes that promise his undoing. He momentarily regrets his choice to rile the usual villain up when staples and seams scream despite the meds, but then he's being kissed like Dabi plans to devour him, and god the villain would be dangerous with unrepressed bird instincts. Dabi's mouth can reduce him to a pile of goo in minutes on the best of days but with untrained bird instincts that demand he fight, dominate, claim mixing with Dabi's already dominate leaning personality and the smell of blood lingering in the room, Hawks doesn't stand a chance even with the slightly superior strength being in Dabi's body grants him. 
The quirk swap must have been bird-lite because this version was ravenous . 
"Fu-Dabs- Mmm~" Hawks whimpers, allowing himself to melt into the sheets as wings cut off his view of the outside world. "Please- I-" 
Hawks is suddenly reminded of the main reason Dabi is dangerous in this situation when the current hero traces talons down one side while tweaking a nipple to make Hawks cry out. With Dabi's body actively falling apart and needing to survive before the League, Dabi is acutely aware of his own body and everything that makes it tick so also has a complete blueprint of how to drive Hawks insane in ways Hawks has no way of knowing. He can't even try to even the playing field since, beyond a few hookups at hero parties, Hawks has never had time or energy to explore his body so only knows of the obvious bird places that he has to protect. 
This leaves an entire power gap that puts Hawks completely at Dabi's mercy and he hopes Dabi's stamina stayed with his body because he's almost dizzy with arousal as he feels feathers helping Dabi get his pants off to rut their cocks together without once breaking contact with anywhere that makes Hawks want to cry with how good it feels. 
"Please~ Wait- Fuck..Too mu-mnmm~Too much! Please, Dabi, fuck!" Hawks finally manages to whine when Dabi pulls away to use Hawks' own fangs against him and bite at places on his scarred neck that apparently still have sensation, the numbness around the places almost making it too much. 
"You wanted this, pretty bird. You know how to make it stop." Dabi teases and fuck Hawks didn’t know his voice could sound like this but he hopes he can figure out how to recreate it later when the villain is back to being a villain to get back at him. Already it has his now pierced cock weeping and Hawks resigns himself to the fact that Dabi's about to fuck him stupid on his own cock. 
The side of a talon flicks a nipple so Hawks can feel the sharp edges and he feels his current cock jump at the danger before he cries out when warm lips clamp around that same nipple to suck on it hard and bit on it, fangs grazing it lightly and Hawks doesn't know if he wants to arch into it or away from it. 
"Dabi! Please~!" 
"Please what, baby?" Dabi chirps teasingly, the clawed hand from earlier reaching between them to start stroking their cocks together and making Hawks moan loudly. "Come on, birdie, I've barely touched you. You're gonna give me a bad rap moaning like that with my voice."
"You-nmnmm~ You know every inch of yOUR-fuck-body, asshole. It's a little OVERwhel-there, fuck please, Dabi~" Hawks' attempt at complaining is turned into a whimpered plea when he finds out a feather had flown over the lube and he was now trapped in the tight, wet heat of what's usually his own hand with his stolen cock rutting against his new piercings to drive him absolutely insane. "Fuuuck~! How are you always so calm?! Anywhere not burned is as sensitive a-AHHH~as one of my feathers?!" 
"You know how I survived before the League." Dabi shrugs, smirking when he moves down to get a lubed finger inside Hawks' borrowed hole, and the temporary villain moans. "You get used to it." 
Hawks bares his teeth a bit at the reminder of what Dabi had to do to survive, but he also knows his mate was strong enough to take care of himself so instead focuses on trying to relax. "Shit, when was the last time you bottomed?" Hawks hisses when he's having trouble. 
Dabi tilts fluffy blonde hair in thought. "…I got the Prince Albert 4 years ago so I think once or twice after turning 18 then it became ‘try it and you get burned’ when I realized this-" He flicks his thumb over the piercing and slit to make Hawks curse and moan, hole tightening for a second before finally starting to relax. "-was enough to entice most people and the patchwork led to a lot of villain roleplay," Dabi smirks at the thought. "They probably had heart attacks the first time I appeared on the news." 
Hawks snorts at his own mental image of some old rich fucker clutching their pearls to the sight of the scarred twunk they let fuck their brains out showing back up to burn down half a forest. "They were probably-shit-" He's momentarily cut off by Dabi finally working a second finger in. "-I wasn't wrong calling you a tight ass, huh?" He jokes before throwing his head back with a curse when Dabi bites his nipple in retaliation. "Son of a bitch." 
"Eh, she did her best." Dabi shrugs, smirking when Hawks sputters and it distracts him enough to get the third in and make Hawks whine. "I still remember where something else is though."
Hawks lifts his head to look at him in confusion before he’s throwing his head back with a curse when Dabi nails his prostate dead on and makes his hips jerk, not once letting up the attention to his pierced cock. "Fuck! Gonna cum if you keep th-Ahhh~that up!" 
"Mmm, no you won't," Dabi smirks before his hand and fingers start working in tandem to pull every sound he can out of scarred lips and drag Hawks to the edge kicking and literally screaming. 
"Wait-Fuck!- Dabi~ Please~ Close- fuck- I'm-NOOO~!" Dabi stopped all contact at just the right moment to send Hawks crashing down without relief and revels in the frustrated sob the current villain lets out as he smacks the sheets. He doesn't even notice the smoke around him until "Nooo~! Why did you stop~" Hawks whines and Dabi honestly didn't even know his voice did that, but he sounds so devastated that Dabi almost felt bad. 
Instead, he shrugs. "Because I can." He hums, sending feathers out to trap stapled wrists when Hawks tries to reach for his dick. "Come on, haven't you figured out who's in charge yet? You may be in my body, but I'm still running the show." 
Hawks bares the little fangs that were left from the quirk swap to voice his displeasure before throwing his head back with an honestly pathetic sound when Dabi runs a talon along the vein of what is currently his cock to make it twitch at the danger. 
"Fine, yes, you're still in charge, now please ~" He begs, and fuck he can feel the pressure around his face scars before he feels liquid running down the healthy skin of his cheeks. A dangerous trill is how he realizes he'd be crying in frustration if Dabi's face would allow before a hungry tongue is licking his 'tears' away and talons are digging into his arms, drawing more blood on one side. 
"Dabi, please~" Hawks whimpers, hissing when fangs and tongue start making the wound on his healthy-ish arm worse, and fuck he'd need to make more of an effort to bite Dabi if this is how hard he got. "God, we're fucking freaks, aren't we?" He can't help but chuckle breathlessly. 
Dabi raises his head to look at him with pupilless gold eyes as he licks the blood from his face with a feral grin. "Complaining, birdie?" 
"Not even a little." Hawks grins with Dabi's usual levels of mania as he strains against his feathers to meet Dabi halfway for a blood-filled kiss that made Hawks' current cock throb . "Fuck- fuck me already, dammit, I've calmed down enough so fucking, please ! God, I don't think I've ever even been this hard in my own body, and I have to deal with mating season every year." 
Dabi raises an eyebrow, having not heard of this tidbit yet, but stores it away for later as he smirks. "Wait 'til you cum, birdie. Bet I can get you to pass out." 
Hawks isn't even going to try challenging him on that, positive Dabi will find a way to do just that before he's pulled into a deep kiss where Dabi does something with his tongue that makes Hawks keen at the attention and fuck Dabi would make such a good boy if he didn't already have the hero so whipped. 
As it were, Dabi has him panting needily and Hawks doesn't even notice the current hero repositioning himself until he feels a cock starting to push in and he's hissing into the kiss from the stretch. "Fu-" 
"Shhh, baby." Dabi hums, kissing away Hawks' whimpers as he works his way in. "I've got you, just relax." 
Hawks is trying, but Dabi's body really doesn't like giving up control so Dabi has to get him back to that point of trying to cry with need before he can finally get into the base. Dabi's cock is definitely bigger, but maybe it's because it's been so long for Dabi's body that he feels so full or what Dabi's doing with his hand that makes it feel like so much he has to bite back an almost sobbing noise. "Please...Dabi…"
"There you go, pretty bird." Dabi coos, chirping lightly in hopes of soothing his trembling mate as he lets the currently taller man adjust. "It's in, birdie, it's all in. You're doing so good for me, baby." 
Hawks keens at the praise, nuzzling into the hand on his cheek like an overgrown cat as he looks up at gold eyes hazily. "Please…wanna hold you…" 
"I'd love that, baby, but you're currently burning a hole in the sheets and I have kindling attached to my back. We don't want two crispy fucks, right?" Dabi hums, running his hand through dyed black hair. 
Hawks didn't notice how hot he was running until Dabi pulls his taloned hand away and Hawks sees how red his palm is. He frowns, wondering if Dabi's ever able to fully enjoy himself with how much concentration must go into not branding his hand onto Hawks' ass when he fucks him, but then Dabi's cooing to get his attention and he decides to figure that out later as he lets himself melt into the sheets, spreading his legs more in invitation. 
He gets to watch pupils pulse in a sea of fierce gold before Dabi plants a taloned hand on either side of what's usually his torso to pull out before thrusting back in hard, wincing when Hawks yelps and clamps down around him. "Sorry, used to your greedy ass." 
"'t's fine, just go a bit slower." Hawks grits out, smoke leaving his cheeks in his attempt to bring the temperature back down. 
Dabi, still being an asshole no matter the body, takes this to mean torturing Hawks by going unbearably slow until the temporary villain actually kicks a heel on the bed in frustration.
 "Dabiiii~ Move~!" Hawks whines like a child not getting his way before moaning loudly when Dabi adjusts the angle to nail his prostate. "Fuck!" 
Dabi sighs with a roll of his eyes. "If I can't walk tomorrow, I'm taking it out on you." 
"Fine. Move." Hawks huffs, squirming and wishing he had his wings so he could use feathers to push the stealer of said wings back into him. 
"Needy brat no matter the body, huh?" Dabi huffs right back before pulling out almost fully and slamming back in like he did the first time, except this time he's met with a loud moan and pleas for more. "Nah, more like a needy bitch, aren't you?" Dabi smirks as Hawks whines at the words. "Desperate for cock no matter whose body you're in." 
Hawks doesn't even try to deny it, knowing how pointless it is by now as Dabi starts fucking him into the mattress, using his wings for extra thrust and making Hawks see stars as he aims for his prostate. "Fuc-I- Fuck, Dabi, more~!" 
Dabi chuckles darkly, leaning his face down to lap at another blood tear as he pounds into the rambling hero. "Can even be your own cock and you'll spread your legs like a whore if it'll get your hole filled, won't you?" Dabi teases meanly, cursing when his hole clenches around his current cock and precum leaks around his piercings. "It's not even your hole and you're begging for it to be filled as long as you can get off." 
He wraps a hand around Hawks’ currently pierced cock and knows he'd be dodging feathers if they were in the right body based on the moan Hawks lets out when he starts stroking him in time with bullying his prostate. "Such a greedy little slut. Gonna be fun waking up after this and your spoiled ass has to handle cleanup for once. I'm sure you'll be whining the entire ti-" 
Dabi screams in pain when one of the wrist feathers bursts into flames before his hair is roughly grabbed and he's hauled into an almost literally searing kiss that makes his thrusts falter.
"Want-" Hawks pants when he breaks the kiss for air. "Wanna take care of you. Wish-mnngh- Wish you'd let me do it more." 
Dabi suddenly misses his scars when he feels his entire face flush red at the raw emotion in his normally jaded turquoise eyes and he's thankful for the wings that snap forward to hide his face. "Shut up!" 
He can hear Hawks snort so takes advantage of the feather cover to get his hands and teeth back on his sensitive spots. Even if his back is screaming at him for the angle with these heavy ass wings, hearing Hawks choke on his laugh to moan is more than worth it and encourages him to continue as his thrusts pick up speed. 
He can tell Hawks is close by how he grips the sheets and spasms around him, moaning like a whore as he begs for more, and he doesn't remember the last time his body came this fast, but making reducing anyone to this much of a mess this fast was an entire ego trip that Dabi was riding right to his own orgasm. 
"Shit, birdie, I'm close. Feel fucking great, milking your cock like this. I know you're close too with how well you're squeezing around me. What do you think, birdie? Want my cum? Want me to stuff the fuck hole you've turned my ass into full of cum that you'll have to help get out later? It’s the only place it can go with the staples, so not like you have a choice if you want it on you at all, and I know my slutty little bird does. There's nothing you love more than the feeling of dripping cum, is there?" 
"AH AHHh~! Yes! Please, Dabi! Please! Gimme! Want your-? Mine? Cum, please, Dabi, please!" Hawks begs, toes curling as he nears the edge and he definitely smells smoke when he almost blacks out barely three thrusts later with the force of his orgasm. 
Dabi feels the second the hero's orgasm hits, not only because of how he spasms around his cock to rip his own out of him but also because he feels like he's thrown underwater as the quirk tries to knock them out to let them swap back. Hawks' quirk has one more demand before it will let that happen, however, and Dabi throws open his wings as he sinks Hawks' fangs into a point on his neck where he knows he can break the skin and croons happily as more blood spills into his mouth and that feeling of home mate wraps around his mind again. This is when he's pulled under by the quirk, chirping happily as he's pulled into unconsciousness. 
He doesn't hold quite the same sentiment when he wakes up in his own abused body a while later, but watching his birdy happily flit around the room to take care of him makes it worth it. 
Even if he'll never admit it.
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jakekiszkasmommy ¡ 2 years
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Warnings: graphic sexual content, fingering, unprotected sex, dirty talk, overstimulation, orgasm denial, squirting
18+ MINORS DNI, this indicates smut
Authors note: this is my first smut ever so please be kind, but mist importantly, enjoy!
"Jake, please...I want to-," he cuts you off by pulling his fingers out of your cunt and smirking. "Oh, were you gonna cum? Too bad," he says as he walks to the bathroom. "You were a bad girl today, and bad girls don't get to cum, do they?" You start to protest as you hear the shower turn on and a distant yell saying to get ready for the concert or else you'll be late.
You stomp over to the closet and start rummaging through drawers before a pair of rhinstoned fishnets catch your eye. You pick them up and immediately find the rest of your outfit. Nothing but a lace bodysuit and a leather skirt. You decide to skip on the panties hoping that Jake will give you what you want later.
After throwing on your outfit and smoothing out your skirt in the mirror, pleased with yourself, Jake saunters out of the bathroom, towel drying his hair. "THAT'S what you're wearing? Whatever, we don't have time for you to change," He says as he buttons the middle button of his shirt. Pleased with his reaction, you skip over and grab the keys off the counter before he could snag them. "I'm driving," you say and before he can argue you're already out the door.
The last song of the show, you're down in front of the stage in between Jake and Josh. You peek up and see Josh staring at you while he's licking his lips. Quickly shooting your eyes back over to Jake you see he's already noticed the encounter and is visibly angry. You hurry back to the dressing room hoping to avoid any and all of what just happened.
You hear him before you see him. His boots stomping down the hall as he swings the door open. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT," he yells as Josh follows behind him already starting to unzip the front of his jumpsuit.
"You can't let her leave the house like that and not expect me to stare," a smile playing on his lips as he chuckles and shakes his head. He looks up at you through his lashes from across the room and you blush pink.
Jake starts across the room, his hands in fists. You quickly run in front of him putting a hand on his chest, stopping him a few feet before reaching Josh. Josh sees his moment and instigates further, "Oh we wouldn't want those poor guitar fingers to get hurt now would we?" You whip aroukd to Josh dangerously close to you, his hot breath on your ear. At that moment you are hyper aware of how close Jake is, pressed against your back. Josh leans down and whispers, "Oh, mama, you knew exactly what you were doing when you put on that little outfit. You wanted me to look. You wanted him to get jealous didn't you?" You nod sheepishly.
You feel Jake relax a little bit behind you before grabbing your shoulders and spinning you back around to him. Josh whispers in your ear, you can practically feel the smile in his breath, "Now you're in trouble."
Jake has his jaw clenched and pushes his hair out of his face, "I thought you were being a brat earlier but now, now you're really testing me. I'm never going to let you cum ever again." You gasp and blush red, eyes going wide as you remember Josh is still behind you. "Oh don't worry about him, maybe if he wants to stare so much I'll let him watch me torment you. I want you to beg for his help." Your breath hitches as Josh has his hands on your hips now.
Josh slowly plants a trail of kisses from your shoulder up to your ear where he nips it with his teeth. Feeling your soaked core on your thighs, hating yourself for not putting on panties before leaving. You see where this is going now. You made your bed and have to lie in it. Unless...
You turn back to Josh and wrap your arms around his neck, gilding your fingers through his hair at the base of his neck. Gripping a little tighter when you lean in to his lips saying, "Oh Joshy, tell him I'll be a good girl. I want to cum so badly, he wouldn't let me earlier. Would you be able to help me out?" Kissing his jawline you see his eyes shoot up to his brothers behind you.
With that, Jake grabs a fustfull of hair and rips you backwards pulling you down on his lap on the couch. You're both facing Josh, standing there with his mouth hung open, clearly hard under his velvet jumpsuit that leaves very little to the imagination.
Jake uses his knees to spread your legs apart and reaches a hand around to yank your skirt above your hips. His other hand, still fisted in your hair, uses as leverage to pull your head back to him. "He's going to sit here and watch me deny you of what you want. I want to hear you beg him to let you cum. I bet you would just love his lips wrapped around that pretty pink clit of yours wouldnt you?"
His fingers trail the inside of your thighs and he stops, "You left the house without panties on? You HAVE been a bad girl." As he says it, you become more aware that you are completely on display for his twin. Nothing but a thin pair of fishnet tights covering your dignity, you try to close your thighs, but the way Jake's legs are positioned makes it impossible. "Now isn't the time to be shy now, love," a hint of Oliver peeks out as he says it and you want to melt.
You are desperate to please the ache growing between your legs, your hand immediately shoots down to your swollen clit, not caring who sees at this point. Josh stares from across the room, hunger growing in his eyes, you can see his breathing get heavier as he adjusts his hard length in the jumpsuit. Just as you start to cirle your clit, Jake swats your hand away. "Oh no, no, I get to be the one that pleases you remember?" A small moan escapes your lips as he smacks your throbbing pussy.
Without warning he starts cirlcling your clit fast and hard, you start to feel your climax building, and building, and building. Until its ripped away when Jake's laugh pulls you out of your trance. "Jakey, please, I need it," you whimper. You can feel how hard he is underneath you.
"I don't think you understood what I meant when I said I was never going to let you cum again." He releases your hair from his firm grip and moves both hands down to your center, grabbing the fishnets and pulling in opposite directions, ripping a hole right down the middle. One hand finds your clit again while the other dips inside your slick folds. Another moan. You grip the armrest of the couch as you can feel it building inside you again. This time is so much stronger, you are at the edge when he pulls his fingers out of you, dripping with your wetness. He slides them in your mouth, you taste so sweet, while still circling your clit with his other hand. You're so close. Almost...almost...and he pulls away entirely.
"If you want to cum so badly, you're going to have to beg HIM for that," Jake says. Your eyes shoot up to Josh who is looking at you with lustfull eyes. "All you have to do is ask, mama, and I'll give you anything you want," he says.
"Please, Josh, I can't take it anymore, I need to cum," you say reaching out for him. He is immediately drawn to you, getting down on his knees in front of you taking you in like a work of art. His eyes shoot up to his brother's for approval and you feel Jake nod behind you.
Josh wastes no time and sucks your swollen clit into his mouth. He feels phenomenal. Every swirl of his tongue brings you closer to the edge. Jake whispers in your ear, "Oh ya, love? Does he feel so good wrapped around your clit?" Josh slips two fingers in and curls them up to find your g-spot and it sends you lurching forward away from Jakes chest. He pulls you back towards him gently, "It's ok love, go ahead, you've been so good for him. You can cum now." Everything is a blur, the white hot coil in your core snaps and you can feel your release. Drenching all three of you. You moan both of their names while running your hands all over your body. Josh quickly sits to your right on the couch and pulls you into his lap, Jake taking his place between your legs. Jakes fingers immediately slip inside of you and take over the pace his brother had moments ago. The overstimulation is too much and you're thrown over the edge of your second orgasm before you've even finished your first. Just as you feel your dripping release pool around your legs on the leather couch, Josh reaches around and starts rubbing fast hard circles on your clit.
You are writhing at their touch. Your vision is going blurry and tears are streaming down your face. "I can't, I can't do anymore," you mumble through your haze. You hear Jake's belt buckle being undone below you and Josh's soft voice in your ear. "One more, mama, you can do it."
Jake fills you with his hard cock as Josh continues to circle your clit. Josh slides your head out of his lap and stands off to the side of the couch, pulling out his cock you open your mouth obediently. You want to be full of the both of them. "You're taking us both so well, love," Jake calls. Their thrusts alternating, you can feel your third orgasm building. Within seconds all three of you are cumming. Josh holds the back of your head, thrusting his cock as deep into your throat as it will go, shooting webs of his sweet cum down your throat. Jake lets out a growl as he fills you to the brim with his cum. And you are pushed over the cliff and cumming as hard as you ever have before. Barely able to release anymore.
"Oh I think we drained this sweet little cunt of yours didn't we," Jake asks. You lay back out of breath and  exhausted. Josh brushes the hair out of your face saying, "You did so good, mama, lets get you cleaned up why don't we?"
Jake pulls you into his lap drawing small circles on your shoulders as you drift asleep.
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sublimecatgalaxy ¡ 2 years
Can you write a Fezco blurb where the reader comes out as being Bi to him if not that’s ok. I love your writing btw
Sure honey! Thank you for your kind words❤️
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The same questions keep running through my head as I watch Fez drive silently, the street lights illuminating his calm, stoic face.
Will he judge me?
Will he sexualize me or make me feel weird about it?
Will he not have anything to say?
Will he dump me on the spot or be disgusted?
"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna talk?" Fez's deep voice snaps me out of my ruminating thoughts, my eyes blinking a few times as my lips part, but no words come out. Suddenly, the script that I had prepared in my head for days now escapes me, my mouth drying as he stops at a red light.
He turns to me with a playful smile, soft and kind as I silently panic, my heart thumping wildly against my chest. He's my boyfriend of almost a year but he's mainly my best friend and has been for as long as I can remember. There's not a reason in the world for me to believe that I wouldn't be able to talk to him about this, to confess.
But there's a nagging feeling that he'll react poorly, even if it's out of ignorance or naivety.
"I just have something to tell you." My voice comes out barely above a whisper, eyes suddenly watering with frustrated tears and I clear my throat, watching his brows lift teasingly.
"Shit, should I be sittin' down?" He asks, a grin slipping over his lips and I stop for a moment to appreciate his joke with a playful eye roll, my chest rumbling in a chuckle.
"Shut up." I mutter, the car falling silent once again as my arms cross, my head thumping against the window as I think of the right words to say. There's no rulebook, no guidelines, on coming out to a family member or a partner- just random reddit posts with traumatizing stories.
"Nah, c'mon, what is it?" He asks, reaching over to take my hand in his, not saying anything more but just waiting silently for me to come clean.
"If I told you that..." I trail off, my tongue sweeping out to wet my dry and cracked lips, my breath catching in my throat as I mumble. "I think I'm bisexual." A weight lifts off my shoulders at the words finally slipping from my lips but my gut twists anxiously, watching his face, unwavering calmness still riddled in his handsome expression.
"Are you?" He asks simply.
"Yeah..." I nod, feeling him give my hand a gentle squeeze and not letting go or loosening his grip like I expected him to. His overall reaction is anticlimactic, a kind look in his eyes as he pulls into our parking lot, sighing as he puts the car in park.
He turns to me with raised brows and a knowing smile on his lips.
"You think I don't know that?" My brows furrow at his question, mind racing with thoughts that I may have been a bit more obvious or a bit too anxious about this whole situation. That maybe he does pay attention and that he knows me better than I thought he did. "You should see your eyes when Faye walks into the room." He snorts and I gasp, immediately shaking my head in denial.
"What- no." I scoff, continuing to shake my head as he laughs proudly.
"I gotchu. You don't gotta freak about it." He shrugs, cooly turning the car off as my racing heart calms, my thoughts that were once negative and afraid have now switched to more comforting thoughts.
"No?" I ask hesitantly, knowing that he would never lie to me but with this being such a big deal, something that I've freaked myself out with overanalyzing, there's a part of me that's afraid of him being so cool with this.
"No reason to freak, angel." He whispers, leaning across the middle console to capture my lips in a sweet, brief kiss, my whole body instantly relaxing into him as a smile stretches across my lips. He lingers as he pulls away from me, his nose bumping mine.
"If you say so." I whisper, feeling him pat my thigh as he reaches over to push my door open for me.
"Damn right, if I say so."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
262 notes ¡ View notes
angelofthenight ¡ 2 years
The Monster You Created Pt.5
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(Sam Fortner x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere!Sam, Dark themes, Swearing, Kidnapping situation, Unreciprocated love, Sexual references, Reference to Non-Con, Brief flashback, YN gets triggered by thunderstorms from PTSD, YN is almost on the brink of Stockholm Syndrome, Denialism
Word Count: 2.7k (sorry it’s shorter than usual)
Table of Contents
You quick a sip of water in between bites of the lunch at the same time as Sam opening his door back up enough for him to slip out. You didn’t pay much attention to that and continued to eat until you saw through your peripheral vision that Sam was pulling a big black box out. It wasn’t until he fully pulled it out that you realized it was one of your requests: a T.V.
Your eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning as he pulled it a little further to the left of the room from the middle and then dragged one of the unused small and short tables over to it. He hoisted the television up onto the table and got all the chords settled into an outlet, all while you happily watched and tried to prevent your smile from growing too big.
The T.V was, of course, out of your chained reach probably because Sam was worried you’d use it against him. As if you could even steadily throw that thing. Sam pulled the remote from his back pocket that turned on the screen before taking a seat to eat the lunch he hadn’t touched yet. “What do you wanna watch?” He asked as he flipped through channels while he took fleeting bites of the food, still feeling a little energized from his secret affair with your underwear in his room.
You decided to save the news channel for when you were alone, wanting to see if they’ve released anything about your disappearance. But for now you decided to take it easy. “Are there any good movies on?” You asked as you wiped your hands with the napkin once you finished eating. Sam flipped through some of the movie channels to reveal nothing entertaining, he knew your taste like the back of his hand just by listening to you rant to him about films you enjoyed as you worked.
“There usually isn’t any in the middle of the day.” He commented before saying, “I have a lot recorded though.” The T.V switched to the section of his recordings to reveal a list of your favorite movies and shows. You quirked a brow at this. “Is it a coincidence that we have the same exact taste in film?” You asked, making a face.
Sam rolled his shoulders a bit awkwardly. “It’s not. Every time I see a movie or show come on and I remember you talking about how much you liked it, I always record it. One reason being I just wanted to check it out, another reason being because I want to understand all the references you make, and the last reason…” He looked over to your distracted face. “I just want to know about every little thing you love.”
Your eyes scanned the rows of movies you only vaguely remember mentioning, some you couldn’t even recall if you even ever brought up around him. “I don’t know if I should be flattered or creeped out that you remembered so many of these.” You honestly said, though you weren’t complaining. Sam still stared directly at you, resembling someone standing and staring at a sculpture in an art museum for a long period of time. “There isn’t a single thing I don’t remember about you.” He mumbled dreamily, his tone almost daring you to quiz him on his knowledge on you. You honestly didn’t want to know his test score.
You felt his eyes burn into the side of your head, so intensely that you felt as if your head was starting to sting. Your senses relaxed once you caught the sight of a movie you had been in the mood for recently. “Can we watch ‘Fargo’? Oh my god, that’s one of my all time favorite movies.” You exclaimed as a smile jumped up on your face, your eyes widening with a burst of life.
Sam tore his eyes off your magnetic features to the T.V. “Yeah, of course.” He said as he clicked on the movie’s cover which changed the screen to the opening credits. He looked back over to see you instantly watching intently and holding back a smile over your own excitement. The sight made Sam smile too, if the two of you kept this up then you’d probably be engaged in no time!
Sam had always wanted to watch a movie with you. With your exceeding knowledge on films and their deep meanings partnered with your humor, he knew you were the ideal movie watching partner. And he was right. You quite talked a lot during the movie, he didn’t blame you though as you did have a fixated interest with it which made you want to talk about it nonstop. He loved it. He loved hearing you mindlessly ramble to him as if he was the only other person in the world who knew about it.
Just like now as a young Steve Buscemi chatted up a storm on screen, you gleefully opened your mouth again. “Did you know that Steve Buscemi had more than 150 lines in this movie? It was a running joke with the directors and they added it into The Big Lebowski where Buscemi’s character was constantly being told to ‘shut the fuck up’. God, I love it when directors have fun jokes like that with their actors.” You ranted passionately as you laced your fingers together and rested your chin on them, your elbows on your knees.
Sam would be lying if he said he wasn’t jealous of the movie; the way you watched it and talked about it. He wanted that admiring wonderstruck look on your face directed towards him, which caused him to fortuitously ask, “Can I kiss you?”
Your head snapped in his direction, that previous ardent expression dropping with heavy weight as your gaze sharpened a glare on him. Sam avoided that hateful stare and nodded his head. “Bleeding lip, yeah, yeah, I got it.” He sneakily looked back up to see you had returned to watching the movie except a frown took the place of your small smile and you looked more annoyed.
Sam’s legs bounced a little anxiously as his thumb pinched and kneaded the skin on his hand. He looked back up to you with a curious yet sad emotion etched into his eyebrows. “Someday though, right?” You were quiet for a bit, just trying to enjoy the movie with an aggravated expression and hunched back so that you were closer to the screen. “I don’t know.” You sighed with a nonchalant shoulder shrug.
Sam nodded as he pressed his lips together, his eyes returning to his fiddling hands. “That’s alright.” He mumbled the rest of his sentence. “Eventually, I’m gonna stop asking.”
You heard him though. And it was enough to turn the knob of the oven of your anger. You whipped yourself back over to fiercely glare at him again. “No, because remember you swore to me you would never touch me without my permission, remember?” You stated furiously.
“That’s only if you don’t fight me.” Sam refuted, still not looking back up at you, but that only poked at your temper. “No. I said if you don’t touch me without my consent then I won’t fight back.” You growled, wanting so badly to punch him in the face for trying to twist the promise around so that it was accurate to his own desires. That was the main thing you hated about Sam since the first night you woke up in his basement; how hugely controlling he was. And it was in a way that made it feel like playing a board game with a child who keeps changing the rules to ensure that they win.
He finally turned to look at you, his gaze a little harsher than you expected. “But you can’t keep me away from you for too long. I don’t think you really understand that I have a problem with self control. It’s the whole reason I’m in therapy.”
You flinched, making a twisted shocked face. “Wait. You’re in therapy? Why didn’t you tell me? This whole time you’ve kind of been treating me like I’m your therapist.” Sam shied his eyes back down to the ground. “Sorry. I guess I just kinda trust you more than my therapist, I feel more comfortable around you. And now that you’re here and know the truth, I can finally be myself with you.” He explained, skipping over your question on why he didn’t tell you he was in therapy.
He felt your wary eyes still on him. He glanced over to you. “My therapist doesn’t know you’re down here if that’s what you’re thinking.” He said before shifting his attention back toward the movie, leaving you mentally cursing yourself for getting a little too hopeful over that.
“I’ve been to 27 of them.”
You whipped yourself on your core to face Sam who sat at the dining counter that faced where you made the smoothies. The whole brand of your place of work was that it was supposed to be a friendly environment and all the employees were required to make small talk with the customers, thus why there was a dining counter right next to the counter where you blended the smoothies.
“You’re kidding!” You said with a backbone gasp over how many Kenny Chesney concerts Sam has been to. Sam shook his head with a smile. “27’s not even a lot. My friend Shane, he's gone to 78.” He spun his finger next to his head which erupted a laugh from you. “So they must be really fun.” You said as you slowly returned to the smoothie you were making but paying most of your attention still on Sam.
Sam nodded enthusiastically. “They are. He has so much fun on stage and the crowd gets a little rowdy but it’s, it’s awesome.” You nodded in understanding as you took a pause in the conversation to loudly blend the drink. Once it was finished you continued to ask questions about one of his favorite things. “Didn’t you say earlier that his fans have, like, a community?”
“Yeah, No Shoes Nation.” Sam clarified and you nodded in remembrance. “It’s a community and a lifestyle. It's peaceful. Everybody's happy. The central idea of No Shoes Nation…” you didn’t realize he paused to admire the look of concentration on your face as you poured the smoothie into a plastic cup, “is love.” Before your brain could register his quiet words he quickly threw in, “I think you’d fit right in.”
A smile stretched your lips as you looked back up at him in wonder. “Me? Really? Do I give off a hippie vibe?” Sam chuckled as he fiddled with his hands, a habit you’ve noticed he did a lot around you. “No, I mean, like, you… you’re a very zen person and I think you’d have a blast if you ever went.”
You let his words linger in the air for a little bit until you capped the drink in front of you and stabbed a straw through the middle. “Well, if you ever need someone to tag along with you, I’ll give it a shot.” You reached for the pen and paper near the cash register as he watched. “Let me give you my number.”
You searched for the man from that day in the person that sat across from you eating dinner. He still acted just like he always did but just a lot more relaxed, probably from the weight of his secret lifted off his back. You had only been taking slow bites from the food, it was just very hard for you to relax because of the thunderstorm that surrounded the house. Each rumble and crack made you subtly flinch or make your shoulders tightly tense or the breath hitch in your mouth.
You weren’t exactly afraid of storms, your body was just very sensitive to the abrupt and loud noises that came with it. When people pointed it out you plainly said you were easily startled, even though that wasn’t the truth at all. It dated back to when you were a kid and your dad still lived with you. He threw a party at your house with all his friends. And because you just wouldn’t stay in your room, he locked you in the shed in the backyard as a severe thunderstorm was taking place.
He forgot you were in there so you were trapped in the shed all night long. The shed would shake and basically amplified every sound from the storm. That traumatic night for eight year old you permanently scarred your nervous system, ptsd staining your senses every single thunderstorm.
Sam finally looked up to catch your empty stare tied to him. He quickly swallowed his food to ask, “What’re you thinking about?” You still stared at him, almost studying his curious features as your mind was reeled back from recalling that day full of concert talk. “Nothing, just…” you tilted your head in wonder, “you never did text me when I gave you my number.”
Sam darted his eyes back down to his food, pursing his lips in flushed embarrassment. “Oh… yeah. Sorry. I, uh, everytime I tried to text you I would just… overthink it and then I would panic and… yeah.” He said as he played with his food with his plastic fork. You slowly nodded. If it weren’t for your circumstance, it would’ve been a cute thought of how Sam was too flustered to text you.
An unexpected crack of lightning was followed by a long rumble of thunder, maken you stiffen and shrink with a quiet gasp as you squeezed your eyes shut. That was a bad one. It was so bad you couldn’t even hide your alarmed recoil and wince. Sam’s brows curved upward in worry at the sight. “You okay?”
The muscles in your face slowly relaxed and unwinded from the scrunch of your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, that just-” Your lies were exposed when another thunderclap roared in your eardrums and made you feel that it shook the walls like leaves. Your shoulders tensely hunched and you cowered back into another trembling ball, your face looking as if you just received a forced shot from the doctor.
Sam instantly realized the problem and hurriedly rose to his feet. “Hang on, I have just the thing for you.” He hastily ran into his room and scrambled around his room as if he was searching for a first aid kit as you bled out. You didn’t realize he came back, as your eyes were still squeezed shut, until he carefully sat next to you on the bed and softly planted something around your head.
Your hands instantly reached up to where his hands previously were near your ears to touch what he had put on you. You felt the solid cushions around your ears and your eyes opened to look over to Sam, who you have never been this physically close to. Your knees were touching and you could feel his breath fan down on your face. He lifted one of the cups off your ear to say, “Noise canceling headphones.”
He heard the distant rumbling and quickly slid the big cup back over your ear. The thunder barraged over and you pressed the headphones harder against your ears until it passed. You slowly looked back up to Sam whose gaze never parted from you. All you did was stare at each other as a strange aura surrounded the two of you, breathing in each other’s air.
When you stared up at Sam, whose face was merely inches away from yours, all you could see was the cutely awkward but amiable man who came in almost every other shift you worked just to talk to you and listen to you. The man whose company you looked forward to everyday and always had an eye on the door that was ready to greet him at any minute.
The fact of his murderous hobby almost felt fake to you, just words with no meaning or depth. Like a puzzle with unmatched pieces. Was he really capable of violently taking a life? It just didn’t seem… real to you. And there were multiple times where you had even forgotten he had even mentioned it.
Taglist: @alices-halcyon @katlover63 @valareina
110 notes ¡ View notes
liquorisce ¡ 2 years
wet heat
rating: E / nsfw
pairing: gojo satoru x iori utahime, jjk | read on ao3
summary: Gojo, Utahime, and their toxic sexual habit.
It was humiliating to realise that she couldn’t really blame it on the drugs or booze or Shoko’s bad influence— The truth was, Utahime with all her public displays of disapproval, melted when it was just the two of them. When he put his hands on her. When he told her how she should take it. When he told her it was all she was good for. 
a/n: prompt 1 - degradation / overstimulation for dark gojohime week on twitter!
It’s her own fault that she’s here. 
At least that’s what she tells herself. What other excuse could she have for being in this position over and over again? Broken down and pathetic, a quivering mess— brilliant blue eyes boring into her. 
His boot nudges at her clasped hands, hooked on top of her knees. “Don’t look at me like that,” he says mockingly. “Like you don’t want it.”
She draws in a shaky breath. She curls into herself, despite her good sense. There was no sense in trying, really. Those eyes would probably follow her anywhere. 
The denial vaporizes on her tongue, her thighs quivering from the many orgasms he’d drawn out of her today. “It’s too much,” she says faintly. 
“Too much?” He pries her legs open with his hands. Her cunt shines up for him, slick, wet, fucked open after everything he put her through. “Doesn’t look like it.” 
His boot presses up at her opening, rubber developing a shine from her juices. She lets out a low groan, an embarrassing, utterly undignified noise. What it looked like was exactly how it was, that she was somehow reduced to a vacant, drooling mess, while he towered over her, still clothed, still composed, still the cocky asshole that he always was to her. 
Before he can press his boot against her clit again, she covers her cunt with her hand, a feeble protection she knows won’t get her anywhere. “No more. I can’t.” And because it was just the two of them, and dignity was a concept she’d forsaken when he closed the door behind him, she mumbles, “... Please.” 
 “We’ve talked about this, Uta,” he says, his voice still sing-song, a mockery of seriousness. “You always give up so soon.” 
It’d been seven orgasms before she lost count. Flushed with endorphins, she can’t tell if he means it, or if he just hadn’t paid attention.” But looking up through watery lashes, she catches his gaze, glasses lowered just enough so she could see him. And pathetically, it just makes her believe him. 
“Can I use my fingers?” She sounds hoarse, like a woman who’s been fucked so good, she’d forgotten her own name in the process. 
He shrugs, unimpressed or uncaring, she can’t tell, but he watches her intently when she places her index and her middle finger on her nub. Takes in the way she flinches, the hiss that leaves her lips when her body tells her how fucking sore it is. But she wants to change that look in his eyes; wants to show him she can take it. That Iori Utahime doesn’t give up. 
She can hear her own pussy as she works it, as loud as her breathing, slippery and slick. It doesn’t feel good anymore, it doesn’t feel like anything, her pleasure rung out of her so completely, there’s nothing left to give. Her knees feel weak, and they quiver, but before they can knock together, he shifts her thighs open with his foot. “Go on then,” he says, insouciantly. “Put on a show.” 
And if there’s a God out there maybe he really is laughing at her, because at that exact moment she can hear a voice outside the screen. Voices, in fact, one that belonged to a man who used to be her underclassman, another that sounded far too much like Gojo’s most recent acquisition. 
A smirk curves on Gojo’s lips. “Not satisfied with the audience? I can invite them in if you'd like.” And almost fondly, he says, “I remember, you always did like showing off, didn’t you?” 
“Don’t confuse me with yourself,” she growls, forgetting, just for a minute, the position she was in. 
 He cocks his head at her indulgently. Lets his gaze run down her body, head to toe, her sweat-slick hair that was matted to her face, her left breast that had slipped free of her kosode. Her hakama pants lay pooled at her feet, exposing her graceful legs. “There’s only one of us who is on full display right now and it isn’t me.” 
And to her utmost mortification, she can feel herself get even wetter, finger slipping between her pussy lips with almost no effort at all. Bending his knees, he watches humiliatingly as she attempts to finger herself— a sloppy missive with almost no technique, because she’s too sore to apply pressure properly anywhere. 
“You’re so wet, your fingers are all wrinkled,” he says, bemused. Humiliation burns in her cheeks as she lifts her fingers up to look at them. They’re soaked the way they would be if she’d steeped in the bath for the past hour. Except instead of smelling like her lavender bath bombs, they smelled of her cunt. “It’s okay, I’ll help you out.” The smile on his face grows, pissing her off. “... Like I always do.” 
His hands are rough on her thighs as he spreads them open for his perusal. His fingers are even rougher against her already overstimulated nub. He lets his eyes trail across her body, across her bare skin, and the parts of her that no longer felt private under his gaze. The first time she’d surrendered to him, he’d explained it to her. Said it was like a fact, and not his immense ego. “You can’t hide from me, Utahime.” 
She’d scoffed at the time, brushed it aside, and let her legs slide open for him, because she’d been a little bit inebriated at the time, and was thinking predominantly with her pussy. She was sober the second time though. And the time after that. And it was humiliating to realise that she couldn’t really blame it on the drugs or booze or Shoko’s bad influence— The truth was, Utahime with all her public displays of disapproval, melted when it was just the two of them. When he put his hands on her. When he told her how she should take it. When he told her it was all she was good for. 
Maybe that’s all it boiled down to: in front of an ego that huge, her’s stood no chance. Or maybe Gojo Satoru was all the drug she ever needed. Truthfully, she didn’t understand her body’s undeniable pull towards him. 
There’s a smart retort at the tip of her tongue, curses she’d let fly at him if they were outside his bedroom, but they weren’t. And all that comes out of her instead, are weak, pathetic little moans.
She’d tried telling him it wasn’t possible, that after he’d made her orgasm with his fingers, his cock, the edge of the sparring stick, there was nothing left to give. But Satoru doesn’t like hearing the word ‘No.’ Likes showing off when he can make the impossible, possible. Maybe that’s the real high for a man like him, for someone who’s been taught he’s a God.
To her utter humiliation, she feels her growing warm for him yet again. A fire in her belly he’d manage to coax out of her after she’d thought the embers had died. It feels so good it hurts, her nerve endings so high on stimulation, every stab of pleasure making her toes curl. 
He works her till he’s certain she’s on the throes of another orgasm, waiting till he sees the tell-tale signs of her back arching off the floor, eyes almost rolling back into her head. When he pulls away and stands up before finishing her off, she almost wants to cry. As she struggles to catch her breath, she says, “... You’re cruel.”
“Oh sorry,” he says, except he doesn’t sound sorry at all. “You aren’t done yet?” She stares at him as he leans against the wall, looking smug, as if he’s playing some stupid game that only he knows the rules to. “Go on then, finish yourself off.” 
She never thought pleasure could be this painful. Tears bead on her lashes. She doesn’t want to say it, she doesn’t, she really doesn’t want to— “Please.” 
“What? Didn’t hear you.” 
“Satoru,” she breaks, calling him by his given name the way she never does, bowing down to this inexplicable hold he has over her. “I need you. Please.” 
Behind his glasses, she catches his eyes flicker. “I like it when you’re honest,” he confesses, an unnamed emotion in his voice. She wonders what it is. Pity? Affection? 
“Fiiiine,” he drawls, a moment later. “Because you asked me so nicely.” He moves his boot back between her legs. It makes the most embarrassing noises; her pussy against new rubber, squelching against the synthetic material.  
It feels pathetic, and she knows it’s intentional, a feeling he probably wants her to feel, and that’s why he presses harder, dragging an involuntary moan out of her. A sob escapes her when she realizes there’s probably no point in searching for affection in those eyes. It was just cruelty. 
“That’s it, Uta,” he murmurs, as she gives into the humiliating desire that consumes her, hips unwinding as she grinds down on his boot. He’d gotten her so close, and if this was all he’d give her now, she’d take it.  
And even though she’d sworn she couldn’t, she comes for him like that, pathetic and a little too far gone, on his fucking boot, loud and messy. She feels the aftershocks in her whole body— her skin coated with sweat, chest rising and falling with her heavy breaths. He pulls his foot back and surveys it. 
Shame hits her like a sharp recoil, a meaningless promise to herself that she will probably break; she would never do this again. Before she turns to her side, she sees him through the corner of her eye. Sees the pleased curl of his lips. She wishes more than anything else, that at least this she could hide from him— at least a single moment of shame that she could suffer in private.  
“... It’s so shiny,” he says cheekily, bending slightly to look at his boot. “I can see my own reflection in it.” 
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