#like i should probably keep calmer idk but i’m not going to let him scream at me what the fuck
juregim · 4 months
treating tumblr as a diary pt 51772
me and my brother keep arguing over stupid shit because he always gets aggressive with me over inconsequential stuff and i just keep getting angry at him back and like. i know he starts it but i feel responsible because i’m older but at the same time he’s not a baby, he’s 16, he should have the self control not to raise his voice at me over literally anything i say. but also like i feel like it’s my responsibility to prevent it from happening at all and i can’t find a solution to this
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sweeethinny · 3 years
He and Harry had a fight last week... James said he didn’t like him anymore.’’ Ginny looked at her mother, looking a little sadder now. ‘’Harry cried.’ Would you consider writing their fight and then James Sirius apologizing? I was (re)reading this today and I just love it
thank you anon! you can also read it on AO3, if you want :)
the last part, is the content of the letter that james wanted to send to Harry, i hope you liked it! <3  PART 1, i think? idk, but the fanfic that anon referred to
Ginny didn't quite know what was going on when she got home, exhausted from yet another tiring day at work, with sexist coaches who didn't listen to what she had to say in the interviews, and other journalists who didn't care about the ideas she had proposed.
She did not expect to feel so miserable when she agreed to work on the Prophet.
But either way, she was happy that Harry managed to cut the workload that month, spending more time at home with the kids, especially now that James was six and started going to school, Teddy had just gone for Hogwarts, Albus was at a stage where he just wanted to be with his father, and Lily had her teeth born and was in a bad mood.
They hadn't had much of a problem with James at school so far, he had adapted, made friends, done homeworks, and was well controlled with his own magic, occasionally exploding or making things fly.
Nothing too dangerous and that they couldn't fix.
In the last week James' classes were suspended when 7 of the 12 children caught lice, luckily James was not one of them, so the boy seemed a little anxious about the sudden change in routine.
But today it looked like a war had broken out in the middle of their living room. Lily was taking all the clothes out of the clean laundry basket, Albus was on top of the trunk where they kept some old things, with his knee shredded and looking like he was waiting to make a dressing, while Harry and James argued beside him.
Ginny knew that the combination of her and Harry would make children easy to explode, but she realized that James had an extreme facility in getting Harry off track, much more so than Lily or Albus did. Albus knew how to irritate his brothers, and Lily only irritated them with her loud crying and childish antics like throwing things, but James was at that stage where he challenged his parents to find out how far he could go. Teddy had been there, too, but it was with Ginny that he could do it most easily.
However James seemed to know exactly what to do to have an angry Harry.
'James,' Harry asked, eyes closed as if asking for patience, it probably wasn't the first time they had had that conversation.
'I just wanted to fly!' James shouted angrily, his cheeks red.
'And didn't I tell you that you couldn't do that?' Harry countered, running a hand through his hair. 'How many times have I told you that neither you, or Albus, could fly alone?'
'But Albus was there because he wanted to! I didn't tell him to follow me.' The little one looked as furious as his father, his arms crossed in front of the small body just as Ginny did when she argued with someone. 'Why can Lily fly and I can't ?!'
'I was with her, she was not alone, you know that very well. I said that we could fly later, and that I would go with you- ’
'But you worked all day, and then the night would come and we would not be flying! Again!'
'James... You could have hurt Albus! Or hurt yourself.' Harry pointed out, looking as alarmed as if it had actually happened. As far as Ginny could see from the entrance to the Living Room, only Albus was a little hurt, and he didn't even seem to want to cry or anything.
'Oh, of course, if something happens to the precious Albus, it's the end of the world!' James threw his arms up, as if giving up, and before Harry was able to answer him, he shouted; 'I hate you!' And he ran off, tears streaming down his face as he climbed the stairs as fast as he could, his little legs not helping him to be too fast, but Harry didn't follow him either, which helped James get to the room and slam the door.
Harry sighed, hands on his tired face, and Ginny was still a little paralyzed at the door, thinking about what had happened. 'Mum!' Lily shouted, now sitting in the empty clothes basket, making the other two look at her.
'Hello my loves.' Ginny smiled going over to Albus and kissing him on the cheek, realizing how scared he looked. 'Hi my love, how are you?' She preferred to act as if she had just arrived, looking at his grated knee, still a little dirty with grass.
'Fine, I just fell.' He smiled, the little children's teeth a little dirty from what looked like chocolate.
'It'll be okay,' Ginny promised, casting a simple healing charm and placing him on the floor, before of course, she kissed the small scar that remained. Nothing too serious, but it was a tradition that helped them to be less afraid of when they needed to apply potions or other healing spells that were stronger.
They were a Weasley-Potter, after all, they were always falling.
'Hi my other love,' She smiled at Harry, hugging him, but realizing that he seemed a little reluctant to speak. He just smiled awkwardly, kissing her forehead and letting her go to be hugged by Lily, who had managed to topple the basket of clothes to be able to crawl out and run into her mother's arms. 'And my other love.'
'Hi mommy!' Lily cried awkwardly, hugging Ginny back, and hanging from her neck so she could be picked up.
'And where's my other love?' Harry sighed at her question, waving his wand and causing all the clothes to levitate, to be folded, and to go back into the basket.
'Up there,' Harry murmured. 'Do you take care of them? I'm going to prepare dinner.' Ginny nodded, lowering Lily to the sofa when Albus asked her to play with him and the Lego castle he had won from Percy.
‘Mommy, come and play with us!’ Albus asked, seeming not even to remember the fight between his father and brother anymore, amused by the pieces and teaching Lily how to stack the blocks too - even though she seemed willing to just destroy everything.
‘I’m coming, okay? Let me just go and say hi to James, and I'll be back here, okay?’ She promised, crouching in front of them, drawing all the attention to herself. ‘No mess and fights, Mom will be back.’
'Daddy and James fought,' Al whispered, as if it were a secret.
'Bad James,' Lily added, crossing her arms as she could, to look like her brother.
'They are just stressed, and he’s not bad. Now, I'll be right back.' Ginny left the room and went up to the second floor, still listening to the conversations between Albus and Lily, and the sounds of pots and dishes, much louder than usual, and she imagined that Harry was more angry at what he looked like while fighting with James.
Ginny knocked on the door to their eldest son's room, the photo hanging next to her made her smile, a picture of when they went ice skating, a few days before Teddy received the letter from Hogwarts, he and James were smiling from ear to ear. ear, while she and Harry still needed to hold hands to keep steady and not fall.
She hated it when she or Harry lost patience with their kids, when they got carried away by the tantrum. They should have known that the best thing to do when it happened was to just get away, let the kids scream alone for a few minutes, before they came back calmer and managed to talk to them.
'Hi my love,' Ginny murmured, opening the door and entering James's room, it was colder than usual inside, and maybe he had done accidental magic for this to happen and he could be hidden under the covers. 'It's Mommy.'
'I don't want to say anything.' James' voice was muffled by the pillow and the covers, but she could still tell that he was crying.
Ginny sat on the bed next to him, her hand on what she imagined was his shoulder. 'I heard that you and Daddy had a fight, is it true?'
'He hates me.' Ginny smiled sadly, denying and sighing.
'He doesn't hate you my love, and hating someone is a very strong thing to say, I promise you, he is just tired, and you need to help him a little too.'
'But he wasn't going to fly with me, and I just wanted to fly.' James uncoveredlooking at Ginny with brown eyes wet with tears. 'He only cares about Lily and Albus, he doesn't even love me anymore.'
'James, of course not, your father loves you very much, which is why he was concerned that you might get hurt. You know you can't fly alone, it's very dangerous.' She held out her arms for James to crawl onto her lap as if he were still a baby - for her, he always would be - and put him against her chest, cradling her body a little from side to side to calm his crying. 'Dad was just worried that you would get hurt. Besides, you are the older brother, and Lily is still very small and needs help to do a lot of things, just as Albus still needs more help. You are my big boy already, and you have to help them, and not go flying without authorization.’
'But he yelled at me.' James sobbed, holding Ginny's shirt in his hands, hiding his face like he did when he was a kid.
'Look, what Dad did was not right, but you didn't make it easy either. Both are wrong… Dad is having dinner, go take a shower, okay? I promise that tomorrow we can fly together.' James nodded, still glued to his mother, like a sloth clinging to a tree trunk. 'I love you my baby.'
'Me too,' he murmured, without further tears.
Dinner had been… tense, to say the least. Proving that he was Harry's son, James spent the whole dinner in silence, sullen, without even looking straight up, just as Harry was, determined to eat the lasagna without saying anything.
If it weren't for Albus chattering, and Lily trying to imitate him, they would have eaten entirely in silence.
After all the children were in their beds, sleeping soundly, and the house was quiet for another reason, Ginny lay on their bed, waiting for Harry to get out of the bath. They hadn't talked much, and he didn't even want to go shower with her, so she just waited, sitting on the bed while pretending to read the last pages of the romance Angelina gave her. Of course, the words didn't make much sense in her head, she couldn't concentrate, but she had to hide her nervousness.
When Harry finally got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, damp, messy hair, and still that sullen look, Ginny couldn't take it anymore; ‘Can you tell me what happened?’
Harry looked at her quickly over his shoulder, before entering their closet and disappearing, still in silence. Ginny can hear the drawers opening and closing, and then she can see Harry coming back from there wearing old shorts that almost didn't stop at his hip anymore. If he wasn't so sullen, she would try to ease the tension he carried on his broad, bare shoulders.
'He and I had a fight.' That was all he said, throwing himself on the bed next to her and covering himself, looking like he was about to go to sleep.
'It's not me you're mad at, don't be an idiot.' Ginny dropped the book on the nightstand, not turning off the lamp beside her, staring at Harry with determination.
He sighed, sitting up too. 'I was taking care of Lily, now that she is coming out of diapers it looks like she wants to pee every minute, and I asked him to keep Albus playing. They were in the garden, and James had already asked me to fly with him, but I was solving ten problems at the same time and making sure our daughter didn't pee on the couch, so I asked him to hope that later on maybe we could fly… But he is your son, after all, and he managed to break the lock on the shed and get a broom.' Ginny shouldn't laugh, she knew that, but she smiled, a little proudly. 'When I went down with Lily, I could only see Albus flying too, unbalanced, not much more than a meter from the ground, and James going up without control. There was no time and Al fell, but I had to make James levitate because the broom was very uncontrolled and he was unable to get it down.’
'It was my fault, I know, I shouldn't... I should have put a different lock on or I don't know, and,' He stopped, hiding his face with his hands again, denying. 'And I lost my temper because I had said that he couldn't fly alone, and Albus was crying on the ground and James looked scared when he realized he was too high... I shouldn't have screamed.'
'You were angry,' Ginny reminded him, realizing how sad Harry looked at this. ‘And worried.’
'But I should have known that when I forbidden him, he would try to do exactly what I said not to.'
'He's a child, Harry, of course he's going to do everything we say he can't.' She said what he usually said to her, when Ginny was worried about Teddy at Hogwarts after he spent two weeks without sending letters, even after she asked him to update them every week.
'He said he hates me, Ginny.' Harry finally looked at her, his eyes watering. Again, her heart broke.
‘Oh, Harry, of course not.’ This time, she didn’t wait for him to come to her embrace, as she did with James, Ginny preferred to hug Harry herself. 'He was just nervous.'
'I did everything wrong,' Harry denied, crying even more, as if he had held his emotions up until now, as if just inside their room was a safe place for him to finally let go. 'He didn't say it like it was nothing, I saw Gin, I saw that he was upset, he meant it.'
'He didn't want to, of course not..Look at me, no, no, Harry, look at me...He doesn't hate you, and you didn't do everything wrong, I probably would have done the same thing, you're just tired.' Ginny stared at him, forcing him to look at her too, her hands holding his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. 'You are the best father they could have, the best I could have chosen to be their father, you will see, tomorrow you will be calmer and everything will be fine.'
'I hate to fight with them.' Harry hid his face on her neck, tears wetting Ginny's skin, his hands tightening on her waist as if to make sure she stayed there, with him. ‘I don’t like them to cry because of me.’
'It's the side that nobody tells you about being parents, love.' She laughed softly, trying to calm the mood. 'But he doesn't hate you, I promise you that... I'm sure you are still his hero, and the person he loves the most in this whole world. You are not a bad father.’
The next morning, Harry got up first, he heard noises downstairs and knew that probably one of the children was already awake and wanting to make a mess. Passing through the rooms just to check, he saw that Albus was still asleep, and that Lily seemed far from waking up, but James' bed was empty, which wasn't too strange, since the boy seemed to still be keeping up with his early morning routine to go to school, even in that week of recess.
He heard footsteps as he approached the kitchen, an owl hooting loudly at the window, and low murmurs. ‘Stay still.’
'James?' Harry watched as his son tried to tie the letter to the animal's leg, which was trying to get away from him. James was on top of a chair, leaning over the counter, trying to pull Pandora’s closer.
‘Dad!’ Pandora flew away with his cry, without the letter, seeming to frustrate the boy.
'What are you doing? Who do you want to send a letter to?’ Harry was careful to move towards James, but he was happy when his son accepted his arms to come down. He still felt guilty.
'Hm... for you.' James looked at the floor, looking embarrassed.
'Me?' Harry knelt in front of him, staying in his line of sight. ‘Why don’t you just give it to me?’
'I thought it would take you longer to wake up.'
'I heard you coming down the stairs,' Harry said, looking into his son's eyes.
'Are you still mad at me?' James asked quietly, holding the letter tightly in his hand.
‘No, my love… I’m sorry for yesterday, I didn’t want to yell at you, I was nervous and I was worried that you might get hurt.’
'I'm sorry for flying without permission, and I didn't want Albus to have followed me for this either, I didn't see him.' James said. Harry felt so bad all night, unable to sleep in peace, conscience weighed down by having yelled at James, thinking about how sad he looked when he said he hated him.
'It was very risky, you could have been seriously injured.' The two looked at each other, Harry pulled his son close to him. ‘I don’t want you to do it again, okay? You can fly, but only with me or mom, never alone.' He whispered against the boy's hair, hugging him tightly, as if that alone could heal the pain he had felt.
'I didn't mean to say that I hated you, either.' James hugged Harry back, looking sly. ‘I don’t hate you.’
'I love you, Jamie. A lot.' He planted a kiss on his son's head, not caring for the tears that seemed to want to appear in the corner of his eyes.
‘Me too, Dad.’
I'm sorry for yelling at you, it wasn't my intention. I don't hate you, I was just nervous, I'm sorry again.
Love you
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Seungkwan: Void (Part Three)
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Characters: Seungkwan x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, kinda fluff but not really?? idk nothing bad happens
Word count: 1,657
Summary: Seungkwan can’t resist the urge to go searching for the banshee any longer, but his trip into the woods has him coming face-to-face with a strange girl who doesn’t seem to remember anything about where she came from or how she got where she is. The only things she knows are the things the voices in her head that Seungkwan doesn’t know about tell her. And that strange girl is you, his mate.
a/n: sooooo i havent had time to work on more parts for seungkwan and i only have one more part completely written. so until i can write more parts, i’ll only be updating once a week and it’ll probably be on wednesdays
Previous | Next | Void Masterlist
After being brought up to Seungkwan’s room and speaking with Soomin, Jia, and Yeji -- the wolves could only hope one of those three would be able to make sense of everything -- you seemed much calmer. The three alphas went to check on you with Seungkwan, hoping to get some answers from you. All they knew was you were the banshee, and something about Joshua seemed to be the reason for your screaming.
“So,” Soonyoung began as he approached the small group with the alphas and Seungkwan flanking him, trying to keep his tone light, “care to explain?”
“She doesn’t just signal death,” Soomin explained, “she sometimes screams to block out the noise of this world to hear the voices on other planes.”
“Was that what that was?” Jihoon wondered.
"Yeah, we think so,” Jia confirmed. “She did say she’s been hearing one specific voice lately, and I think I can guess who it is.”
Soonyoung shook his head, trying to wrap his head around all this new information, “Hold on, so… What about the other times she’s screamed near the house? Is one of us going to die?”
“Not necessarily…” your voice was soft as you shrugged, seeming to shrink into Soomin’s side in the presence of the alphas. “It could be someone will die, it could be someone close to you will die, it could be that one of you will cause somebody to die, it might just be me trying to hear… I don’t know what it is, I’m…I’m sorry…”
Seungcheol sighed, “No, don’t be sorry, _____; it’s not your fault. Let’s just not worry about it for now. It’s _____’s first day with us and we should show her around and make her feel welcome.”
“I think you’ll like the gardens,” Seungkwan smiled at you before holding his hand out for you to take. “I’ll show you.”
Showing you the garden had somehow turned into a new activity. While you were inside, Jooyeon had gone outside with some of the wolves and was doing some target practice to pass time -- and because she felt there was too much commotion going on inside. The thief was excited to have a weapon in her hands and targets to throw knives and shoot things at. 
The other mates -- except Danbi who you still had yet to meet -- had gone outside with you and Seungkwan, followed by the alphas. Jooyeon noticed all of you and smiled brightly.
“Hey, wanna throw some knives?” she offered.
Jia was unable to participate since she was blind, and Soomin quickly but politely declined. So that left you, Yeji, and the thief to it.
“I used to be pretty decent with one of these when I was a human,” Yeji said as she grabbed a bow and an arrow from the grass. You watched her as she loaded the arrow before aiming your bow and staring at the poorly painted target on the tree ahead of her. “It was just for fun, though, and I wasn’t any good. I’m worse now.”
Her ears twitched slightly as she aimed before she released the string, sending the arrow flying toward the left of the center, but not too terribly far off. You heard a low whistle, but you weren’t sure who it came from. But you were sure impressed because Yeji seemed so cute and non-menacing. The fact she knew how to handle a bow and arrow even mildly was a little intimidating to you.
“I was never good with those kinds of weapons,” Jooyeon shrugged, slipping her pocket knife out of her pocket. “I’m more of a…knife or tomahawk or sword kind of gal.”
“Well, you are a thief,” Jeonghan snorted, watching the younger girl carefully. “It only makes sense you’re better at combat at close range.”
"I was explaining for _____’s sake,” she grimaced before sticking her tongue out at the wolf.
You smiled a little at the sentiment, liking that she thought to include you. You weren’t really sure how anybody in the pack felt about you now that they knew you were the banshee they’d been so terrified of, so this was definitely a step in the right direction.
Jooyeon walked over to stand where Yeji stood, so she stepped to the side to give her room. Jooyeon looked over at the target as Chan retrieved the arrow, using his speed to go back and forth.
“I’m definitely rusty,” the thief sighed.
Seungcheol whined softly from where he stood beside Jeonghan, “Please be careful, Jooyeon.”
Without even pointing the knife to line up the shot, she just threw it toward the trees. It missed the center by only a couple inches, but it still had the pack impressed. They had rarely seen  Jooyeon in action, so she wasn’t too surprised by their reactions. However, she was definitely flattered, a soft blush coming to her cheeks as she smiled to herself proudly.
“It’s been a while,” Jooyeon nodded, watching as the pup ran to retrieve the knife before handing it back to her with a smile.
“That was so cool!” he chirped excitedly. “Can you teach us to do that?”
Jooyeon shrugged, gesturing to the target with the tip of her knife, “Uh…I mean, you kinda just…throw it. It’s just a lot of practice, I guess.”
You were so wrapped up in everything happening that you didn’t notice how Seungkwan softly smiled at you, seeing how in awe you were at the mates’ skills. He also enjoyed how you seemed to fit right in as you observed quietly, not spacing out or standing off somewhere by yourself. He liked that you seemed to belong already.
“Somebody grab the ax from the shed!” Soonyoung ordered with a bright smile.
As Junhui went to go get it like asked, Seungcheol’s eyes went wide, and he growled in warning to the younger alpha, “What? No!”
“C’mon, it’s like a tomahawk, Cheol,” he scoffed. “She’ll be fine.”
“She could get hurt! We can toss it around like it’s nothing, but it’s heavy to her!”
Jun returned with the ax and handed it over to Jooyeon. The girl tested it’s weight with a frown, deciding it was definitely too heavy to throw. Immediately, Seungcheol grabbed the ax away from her, and pulled her to stand behind him. She huffed in reply but said nothing.
“You can’t give her an ax!” he said, tossing the weapon away like it weighed nothing.
“They just did,” Jihoon deadpanned.
“I’ll give it to Yeji and see how you like it!” Seungcheol shot back.
Nobody had noticed Chan go back inside the house until he returned with the kitchen knives in his hands. He dropped them on the ground near Jooyeon, and she smirked as you went to pick one up by the handle. The blade shone in the sunlight, as the expertly tossed it around to catch the handle once again. Then she looked over at you with a quirked brow.
“Wanna try?” she offered.
You weren’t sure what to do. Your first instinct was to look to Seungkwan, but he seemed a little apprehensive. But with good reason that you didn’t know about. You seemed so delicate to him that he wasn’t sure if that was a good idea. You were also very spacey and he wasn’t sure how safe that was.
“It’s fine,” Jooyeon encouraged. “I guarantee there’s no way you can get hurt -- I mean, unless you hold the knife the wrong way.”
Slowly, you approached the girl and took the knife handle that she offered you. You looked down and studied it, weighing the weapon in your hand.
“You just…throw?” you asked, glancing up from the knife to the girl that was standing beside you.
She nodded, a friendly smile appearing on her face, “Yeah, just throw.”
You did as she had done earlier, looking toward your target before bringing your hand back over your shoulder before throwing the knife. It clanked against the tree before falling to the ground in front of it, and you laughed at yourself.
Seungkwan let out a breath he was apparently holding.
“God, you’re going to kill me with a heart attack,” he mumbled to himself, running his hands through his hair as Chan raced to get the knife.
Seungcheol looked over at Seungkwan with an amused smile, knowing the younger wolf finally felt just a taste of what it was like being Jooyeon’s mate.
“Blame fate, Kwannie,” he laughed.
“Fine, I’ll let you have a turn at heart palpitations,” Seungkwan sneered, watching the alpha’s grin turn into a glare before he turned to face you and Jooyeon. “Jooyeon, show us your skills some more. Didn’t you say before you could throw them really fast?”
“How about she doesn’t do that,” Seungcheol whined like a child as his mate picked up the knives by the handles one by one, placing them in her belt. “Stop listening to Seungkwan!”
"It’s fine,” she said with a laugh, stepping to stand where she had before. She stared at the ground. “Tell me when to go, Kwan.”
When Jooyeon looked up, her eyes were narrowed and determined, grabbing knives from her belt and throwing them one by one at the trees. The first one hit the target right in the center, the rest behind lodged into various trees at roughly the same spot. All you could do was watch in wonder, impressed by the thief’s skills.
Once she was fresh out of knives, she turned to look at you with a smile, hoping for praise.
“That was insane!” Yeji squealed, clapping her hands together.
“Whoa...” Junhui breathed, nodding slowly.
Jooyeon’s smile only widened at everyone’s compliments. But all you could do was stare at her in awe.
The pack was full of various kinds of people that didn’t really seem like they’d fit together, but they did. You decided the pack was interesting, and you liked them.
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r6shippingdelivery · 6 years
I know you didn't reblog it, but you should do the Ultimate Edition list for Glaz/Kapkan, don't you think? 😉
You are absolutely right! Thanks for the suggestion😄 I just modified the list a bit since some of the questions were kinda redundant:
Who was the one to propose:
They both had the idea to propose, bought the ring and all, and then they keep trying to propose but are interrupted every time: by each other, by being called to a debrief or training, by a teammate, etc.Eventually, Kapkan says screw everything else, goes one knee on the ground and proposes to Glaz. Who cares that the rest of the Spetsnaz are on the door waiting for them, this is important! Glaz kisses him and then laughs while showing him the ring he had to propose to Kapkan as well Kapkan is pretty pleased he beat him to it.
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Neither. It would be a small wedding, just a quick ceremony and their friends. The big issue that would stress them both would be telling their families and when. Do they invite them for the wedding? Marry first tell them later? They don’t know how they’ll react to the news and it’s not an easy issue to bring up.
Who decorated the house:
They both do! It’s a joint effort and they’re excited about decorating their house. Their teammates might tease them a bit for it but also think it’s cute.
Who does the cooking:
Both, in fact they often cook together. The problem is the cleaning part afterwards, not the cooking itself.
Who is more organized:
In general terms, none 😂 Kapkan is very messy, except with his weapons and hunting gear. Glaz tries to be more organized in general, but it is an effort and not something that comes naturally to him, and his art corner is chaotic like a hurricane went through it.
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Usually it’s Glaz, he’s more forward in that aspect and horny 
Who suggested kids first:
Kapkan is the one to bring it up, surprising Glaz in doing so.
Who’s more dominant/submissive?:
Struggle for dominance is their thing, they are both competitive and love pining down each other, leaving a trove of bites and hickeys on each other, and trying to get the upper hand. That being said, Kapkan greatly enjoys eventually loosing the struggle, especially when Glaz gets into what Kapkan calls “sex fiend mode” and brings out the hunter’s most wanton side.
Who’s the cuddler: 
Glaz, he likes to cuddle up to Kapkan like he’s Glaz’s personal teddy bear. His favorite way to fall asleep is laying his head on Kapkan’s chest and listening to his heartbeat, Kapkan’s arm around him.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon?
Depends on the moment, and whoever’s had a bad day or is stressed or sick will be the little spoon, basking in the warmth and love of his partner. But if not, Kapkan insists on being the big spoon. 
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
It could be any of them, but I’m gonna say Kapkan after he’s been out with Tachanka. Or both of them if it was a Spetsnaz night kind of thing 😂
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: 
Any time they can spend together is good. If they have enough time, they’ll go hunting or camping. If they’re in a mood for something calmer, they’ll work on a joint artistic project, where Kapkan wood carves some figures and Glaz paints them and now I’m firmly convinced they’d make a lot of their kid’s toys this way
Who kills the spiders:
Both? None? Idk, I don’t see them as the type to be bothered by spiders.
Who falls asleep first: 
Kapkan, but he’s also prone to waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares. Although, after Outbreak, they probably keep waking each other up from horrible nightmares :’)
A head canon:
Kapkan is pretty damn oblivious about people flirting with him. Glaz founds it endearing but he’s wanted to strangle him at some points back when he was trying to get his attention. It also can be entertaining, when someone approaches them, starts laying on the charm and Kapkan mistakenly thinks that they’re flirting with Glaz instead, queue possessive Kapkan bringing out the displays of affection he usually doesn’t dare do in public places. 
Do they have any “rituals”?
Every year, on the anniversary of the Beslan siege, they will go drinking and talk about old friends and comrades who no longer are there, to keep their memories alive (the Beslan siege is mentioned in both of their bios, so it’s safe to assume Glaz might have had some friend or family there)
Who is louder?
In the sense of having a louder voice tone? Kapkan. In the sense of “can’t stop myself from moaning and screaming in pleasure” during sex? Also Kapkan.
Who is more experimental?
Glaz, he is more open to new experiences, Kapkan is a bit more traditional.
Who takes more risks?
On missions both take risks, but if Glaz saw some of the risks Kapkan takes he’d have a heart attack. For an operator whose expertise is defense, he is rather daring in what he does.
Do they fuck or make love?
Both? Depends on the occasion: sometimes they just fuck wildly, other times they take it slower and worship each other.
Lights on or off?
Lights on, they love seeing each other lost in pleasure.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
Probably Glaz
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome?
Surprisingly enough, Kapkan. He does it as a joke at first, but Glaz isn’t averse to the idea and Tachanka would galdly help them out
Who comes first?
Usually Kapkan
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
Glaz is very talented with his mouth, but they both love getting a blow job
Who is more sensitive?
Who has the most patience?
A hunter and a sniper? Both are very patient
Which kinks do they share?
Struggle for dominance, marking each other in love bites and biting in general, bondage although Kapkan required some convincing before he agreed to let Glaz tie him up for the first time
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hellimagines · 6 years
Hell’s Knocking--Nolan Holloway
Request: “Can you do a imagine where you catch nolan beating up liam who’s your brother” - @catelynhale20020
Summary: You find out that your ex-best friend, Nolan, is hurting your twin brother, and you get involved.
Warnings: A curse word in every sentence, violence
Pairing: Sibling!Liam Dunbar x sibling!fem!reader, past!Nolan Holloway x platonic!fem!reader
Word Count: 1,304
A/N: It wasn’t specified as to if this romantic or not, so I didn’t make it romantic. If you want a romantic one, please feel free to send a request in! I also made this slightly Gabe centric for some reason?? Idk why, whoops, and made up a last name for him.
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    You sat in class, trying your hardest not to allow your head to loll to the side. With everything that’s been happening in Beacon Hills the past month or so, you hadn’t kept up on your sleep, and stress was an ever-present factor in your personality lately. Your fingers rubbed mindlessly at the ruined eraser of your pencil tip, in a desperate attempt to keep yourself focused on the Calculus on the board. From your seat in the back corner of the class, you had a perfect view of the door, and it’s little glass window. Your eyes had wandered from the wavering images on the board to said window, in hopes of finding something to captivate your interest, when you were met with Corey Bryant not-so-discreetly trying to catch your attention from outside. He kept looking down the hallways, and back to you, as if he was on some Top Secret Mission. Once Corey had noticed that he had gotten your attention however, he quickly beckoned you outside with his hand, his eyes filled with urgency and worry.
    “Hey, uhm, Mrs.Brown?” you spoke quickly, tearing your eyes away from the door and to your math teacher. “I’ve gotta go to the restroom really bad.”
    “Make it quick, Dunbar.” And with that, you were racing out of the room, your hips and thighs bumping into desk edges as you went.
    The second the door shut behind you, and you were safely around the corner with Corey, he began speaking a mile-a-minute, “Liam’s in so much trouble, (Y/N),” he all but whimpered. “The jocks have him cornered in that abandoned science room, and they’re beating the shit out of him, trying to get him to turn. I’ve already called Theo, he’s on his way right now, but he can’t get in the school. I know you and Nolan used to be close, so you should be able to help do something.”
    “Wait, Nolan’s involved with this?” you gasped, your heart taking a painful lurch in your chest. You and Nolan had been best friends growing up, but once your twin had been bitten, you had grown apart. “Fuck, okay, come on,” you ordered, nodding your head in the direction of the abandoned science room. You and Corey took off at a sprint, making sure to duck under door windows, and avoid any teachers.
    When you arrived to the room, you were boiling with rage. Through the sea of maroon-clad jocks, you could hardly make out your brother; he was pinned to the green chalkboard, his light blue shirt speckled with blood. Gabe Andrews had Liam by the shoulder, delivering blow after blow to his abdomen, while Nolan Holloway stood a little to the side, his eyes trained on Liam’s own shut ones, in hopes of catching a shimmer of unnatural yellow. You could see blood trailing from the inside of Liam’s palms, where he was no doubt digging his claws into, in an effort to keep himself from shifting. Mason was at the edge of the circle, being held back by two jocks, while he tugged and screamed in futile for them to let Liam go.
    You rushed between an opening in the crowd, squeezing your way to the front before anyone could stop you. “What the fuck! Leave him alone, he hasn’t done anything to you, Gabe!” you screamed in horror, launching yourself at the raven haired teen. Nolan caught you before you could reach your target though, his arms wrapped around your torso as he yanked you back. “Let me go, Holloway! You stupid piece of shit, I’m never going to forgive you for this!” you yelled, slamming your fists down onto Nolan’s forearms, hoping it’d weaken his hold.
    “They need to know, (Y/N)! They need to know that he’s a monster. I’ll keep you safe,” Nolan attempted to soothe, tightening his grip as you thrashed in his hold.
    “The only monsters here, are the two of you,” you seethed, your eyes glaring between Gabe and Nolan. Gabe had momentarily stopped his assault on Liam, his attention now on you. This gave Liam enough time to shove Gabe off of him, and allow him to stumble towards the large desk that stood directly in front of him.
    “You don’t want anything to do with her, Nolan. She’s probably just like him… one of them,” Gabe scowled, sneering down at Liam who gripped the desk with white knuckles. His eyes were still shut, and his breathing was labored, a messy mantra of ‘the sun, the moon, the truth’ falling from his lips.
    “Fuck you, you don’t know anything about us,” you snapped, Nolan finally lowering your calmer body to the ground. His arms remained around you however.
    Gabe rolled his eyes, and delivered a swift kick to Liam’s knee, flinging him from the desk. He crumpled to the ground, a whine of defeat breaking his mantra. With a cry of rage, you finally managed to break from Nolan’s hold (elbowing him in the chest for quick measure), and jumped onto Gabe’s back. He reared back in shock as your arms tightened around his neck, and your legs around his hips. “Jesus, fuck!” Gabe attempted to throw you off much like an angry bull would, but the two of you ended up on your backs on the large desk, yelling profusely at one another.
    “What’s going on here?” a loud voice echoed around the room, silencing all the chants, yelling, and screaming coming from the students. Everyone’s head snapped in the direction of the door, where Coach Finstock stood in shock and disappointment. “All of you! Get out of my sight! And you three, my office, now!” he demanded, pointing to the crowd of onlookers, and then Gabe, Nolan, and yourself separately.
    Slowly, you unhooked yourself from Gabe, allowing him to hop to the ground with a grunt. Worriedly, you glanced down to Liam, who was now surrounded by Corey and Mason. He looked back up at you and flashed you a smile, his baby blue eyes flashing yellow briefly. You gave Liam a weak smile of your own and pushed yourself off of the desk, begrudgingly following the two boys out of the room. You walked ahead of them, your fingers itching to finish what you started with Gabe. A hand reached out to grab at your wrist, pulling you back slightly.
    “(Y/N), please, listen to me,” Nolan started, Gabe brushing by the two of you on his way to the office. “Liam he’s… he’s dangerous. Monroe says he’s dangerous, that he could hurt you. I don’t want you to get hurt. Let me help you see that.”
    “I don’t wanna hear it, Nolan. I really don’t. You and Gabe just beat my brother to a pulp, yet he’s the dangerous one? Monroe shot and set-up for someone to run over one our best friends, resulting in the death of him and his twin sister. Yet he was the dangerous one? No, that’s not how that works. Why don’t you do me forever, and tell Monroe to shove those crossbows up her ass, and never talk to me again. You hurt my brother. You hurt me. And I’ll never forgive you for that, Holloway. So stay out of my sight.” Without allowing him a response, you turned on your heel and left Nolan behind, turning the opposite way of the office and leaving the school.
    Your heart broke at the thought of everything that had just happened, and at what was to come. But all you could do was keep walking, your gaze focused on Theo’s truck in the distance, the boys already working on getting Liam in the back. Hell was scratching at the borders of Beacon Hills, demanding to get in. And someone had finally broken the lock.
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95825s · 7 years
member: ong seongwoo
summary: you were followed by drunk guys on your way back home but ong seongwoo came on time to save you!!!
genre: fluff????
a/n: requested by an anon!! it’s short and idk if it makes sense but i hope you like it!!
not to over-exaggerate but final exams week are killing every brain cells you have to be honest and it’s unavoidable
and this happens in every semester, with you in the library, mentally crying and struggling with whatever you had to revise on
but you’re glad that you’re not alone with that when you see a bunch of students around you doing the same thing, mostly similar people who sits at the same exact spots
you could see two girls who you assumed are close friends, sitting at this table on your right, a couple that sits further front (that tends to look like they’re flirting than studying) and this guy who always sits a table in front of you
that particular guy has always been there with his stack of books, which you guessed he’s an theater and art student, at the exact same seat like how you do every semester
you never figure out his name though, but you do take a peek at him whenever you’re just aimlessly staring around
he’s handsome and seems like he’s very hardworking because he never looks away from his book. his hand is always writing something on papers and it’s simply admirable
on rare occasions, he would look up from his book to see you and it’s usually when you’re leaving the library and he would smile a little, and you smile back and that small gesture could make you feel nice for the night
and that rare occasion has happen tonight, when you finally pack your books to end the night from the library and head home
you see the guy smiling at you, his head nod at you once before going back to look at his book
you smile, as you pass by him and goes to exit the library 
your walk to your home is actually a little far but manageable and you’re kinda used to it 
but you had always hated whenever you have to walk pass this one bar and there would drunk people around
you tend to walk really fast whenever you’re about to pass that area and you would always escape it successfully
but to your bad luck, it seems like tonight is different because there’s three guys approaching you and it didn’t take you that long to notice that they’re drunk
and you’re trying to walk really fast but your legs are super tired and you couldn’t walk that fast and you just hope they would leave you alone 
but as you walk further down to your home, you could hear their laugh and whispers behind you and you knew you’re being followed
you panic and you’re thinking of ways to get away from them but you’re actually scared of these people and you’re afraid that if you run, you would get chase and something might happen
so you stop your tracks and you turn around to see the three drunk guys smiling wickedly to you and it’s disgusting
your heart is beating really hard and you make a deep breath before you furrowing your eyebrows angrily, “stay away from me”
one of the guys chuckle, moving closer to you as you back away from him, “a feisty one, i like that”
you’re honestly so bothered by them and the other two guys approach you closer too and you’re surrounded by them and you feel so intimidated
your eyes are teary up and you want to cry for help but there’s no one around at that neighborhood
one of them starts to touch your face and you’re resisting from him bringing your face closer to him and you try to kick them but it’s useless
you turn so weak when they hold onto you roughly and you’re getting more afraid when the other guy touches your thigh
“don’t worry, we’ll take care of you”
and you thought that’s the end of you and you’re a crying mess
but then you see the guy in front you being pulled to the back by the collar and he stumbles down on the ground
your eyes shut close as you feel your hand being let go, and then the other hand as well
you hear noises of punches and groans and you’re crying a lot more because you hated to hear those
and then it stops after you hear footsteps running away from you, and your eyes are still close and you could feel another presence of a person in front of you and you just want to run but your body is too weak already
and you feel your shaky body being hugged softly and you’re about to scream but then the person pats your back, his breathing makes you a little calmer than before
“you’re okay now”
it’s a new voice for you and you finally open your eyes and look up slowly
and it’s that guy who smiles at you in the library and your mind becomes curious of him but you didn’t care about that now
because you also finally feel safe around his embrace and you’re hugging him back tightly while sobbing and you’re so, so glad he had saved you on time
“thank you so much” you mumble on his hoodie and he says nothing but still patting your back soothingly
“may i know your name?” you’re still crying a little and he chuckles at how cute you are
“ong seongwoo”
“after few semesters passed, i finally get to know your name”
“because you never asked”
“and why do you think i want to ask you”
“because you always look at me”
and you look up to see seongwoo smiling at you and your heart is beating fast because he looks so handsome up close with that smile and you couldn’t believe you’re still hugging him
so you just back away from him with your blushy cheeks on your face and you’re like “i don’t look at you”
and he has this cheeky smile on his face and you just want to wipe it off but he’s still the one that saved you so you let it go
“okay fine, i do look at you but it’s just a second”
“i’m glad”
“you’re glad...?”
“at least i’m not the only one looking at the person in front of me in the library”
and you feel more rush of heat on your face after he said that and you’re struggling to not get embarrassed
seongwoo laughs, his face comes a little closer to you, “so what’s your name?”
and you blink at the sudden closeness, suddenly forgetting what is your name but you quickly process that question in your head and you tell him your name
seongwoo nods his head, and you finally had a question wandering in your head, “how did you know i was here?”
he looks surprised but he’s still smiling at you, “you left one of your books on the table and it took me a while to realized that so i left the library to find you after a minute or so.... then i got a little lost.... but i found this pathway which i didn’t know why but my instinct just wants me to go there.... and then i found you with those stupid drunkheads messing around with you and here i am”
“i should probably thanked my book instead of you then”
seongwoo gasps dramatically and you laugh because he’s so funny yet cute and he laughs with you
“i have a suggestion” he says suddenly and you rise your eyebrows in curiosity
“why not i walk you home from now on?”
“you want to walk me home....?”
“yes. it’s safer and i can protect you from anything”
and you couldn’t figure out why but the word ‘protect’ and ‘you’ makes you have this tingling feeling in your body like you feel really happy but then you don’t know what to answer him back
“ong seongwoo as the savior and protector of y/n. how does that sound?”
“pretty lame, seongwoo”
“it’s not lame” you see him pout cutely and you tiptoe to ruffle his hair and he’s surprised
“okay, my savior and protector ong seongwoo, you may lead the way”
he smiles at you happily and moves forward but then he stops and turn around, “i don’t know where your house is”
and you both laugh together and it’s cute and you both just look like drunk people who keeps joking around and laughing at the area
but to be honest maybe you both are just drunk in love with each other ;)
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dialoversotaka · 7 years
DL Character Meme
Hey guys! Another DL tag game, yay! Thanks for tagging me, ma’ bros @vampiretsuki and @mythicamagic (i feel so loved, srsly)! Anyway, here we go:
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ayato 2. Subaru 3. Shin 4. Carla 5. Reiji 6. Ruki 7. Yuma 8. Kou 9. Shuu 10. Azusa
1. Number 5 (Reiji) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend? Wooah, that’s so crazy! Tbh, idk if Reiji would listen to my opinions... anyway, I’d reccommend respectable, but stylish clothes, I think they suit him well
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Subaru) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react? I’d start to laugh and cringe at the same time, then I’d make him go out and start listening to ‘’The Sound of Silence’’ trying to make sense of what just happenned and be traumatized for life
3. Number 7 (Yuma) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go? Idk how Yuma thinks very well, so idk a good way for me to convince him... my strategy is usually sweet talk first, and if that doesn't work, threatening is right after, but it wouldn’t work on Yuma since i wouldn’t make him afraid haha
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ruki) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it? I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t ask for anything sexual, but i’m too lazy and doing chores is a pain in the ass for me! But I guess it’s better to put up with it if I don’t want to get punished
5. Number 4 (Carla) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react? ...There’s just NO WAY he’d do it, srsly! What about his pride as a Founder King? I mean, I wouldn’t tease him for it, but I’d sure think there’s something rlly wrong with him that day, thinking like ‘’His Endzeit must be affecting him deeply, not only phiscally but also mentally...’’
6. Number 9 (Shuu) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it? Oh... i must be very special for Shuu if he gets up to bake a cake for me... I guess I would? But before i’d say ‘’...If you put something inside on purpose and i don’t feel good, i’ll make you my butler until i feel better, you hear me?!’’
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond? Kou, I like you, but I wouldn’t, srry! I’d let you have my room and I’d even clean up yours so you could go back to it, I’d even sleep in the dungeons but i wouldn’t share, srry babe
8. Number 1 (Ayato) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do? Ayato, my dear husbando, sometimes you go off the edge! But i don’t think he’d listen if i complained anyway, so i’d let it go till a certain extent, and then when i exploded... well, let’s just say that he would be handling a throwing tantrum Kanato, haha...
9. Number 10 (Azusa) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do? Aww man! How can I say no to cutie Azusa? I’d go once, but more than that I don’t think I would... it’s too embarassing and i don’t like cats so much
10. Number 4 (Carla) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do? I’d be rlly suspicious and still think that the Endzeit’s effects were too strong that day, so i’d say there’s no problem and then wait till he was asleep to get the hell outta there and sleep somewhere else (i’m cunning and kinda deceiving when i feel threatened)
11. Number 3 (Shin) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them? I’d laugh (srry), but then i’d say that he needs to start doing some flexibility exercises every day and gradually he’d be able to pursue his dream
12. Number 7 (Yuma) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say? I’d thank him for the effort and say that it’s good, but that it doesn’t look like me so much and say ‘’if you want to try again some other time, just ask me and i’ll do it with joy ok? Don’t be sad! I took 1 year to draw bearable things to the eye and 3 years to get a good looking Foxy OC, so don’t lose hope ok!’’
13. Number 5 (Reiji) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond? i’d say like ‘’...Wow, Reiji... i mean, i knew you didn’t like me and eventually wanted to kill me, but i didn’t know you wanted to do so in such a horrible way... If you don’t want me here just say so, you stupid four-eyed pidgeon!’’ and then i’d get rlly mad and lock myself in my room till i got calmer...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ruki) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do? I guess we’d stay in a rlly akward silence and i’d try not to make eye contact with him until he gets annoyed by it and maybe we start having a normal conversation? I hope it would turn out like this, srsly
15. Number 2 (Subaru) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action? I guess I’d point it out like ‘’oooh, so you wanted to play with me just so you could freely touch me, ya punk? Who d’ya think you are?!’’ just to see his tsundere reaction and enjoy how cute it’d be haha (srry, I’m S, i can’t control it)
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shin) standing in it. How do you react? ‘’...Wtf??’’
17. Number 1 (Ayato) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do? ‘’Accidentally’’, yeah right! Me knowing Ayato, that’d probably be on purpose and he wouldn’t quit unless it was troublesome, so i’d do my best to piss him off and make him find the key. I mean, unless he wants to spend an afternoon with tantrum Kanato, I’d suggest he found it the quicker he could
18. Number 10 (Azusa) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react? Oooh man... I’d be so heartbroken to have to turn him down since I love Ayato... but of course, i’d do it gently and explain to him as calmly as i could, choosing well my words, but i’d feel guilty after... aaah, srry Azusa!
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how? I’d say ‘’how tf did you lose it, srsly?’’ but after i’d help him find it and if we couldn’t, i’d go and buy him a new one
20. Number 5 (Reiji) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it? Ohoho, I don’t even want to think what it’d be like... it’d end up badly for sure, but still be funny
21. Number 7 (Yuma) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shin) a strip tease. What happens? Shin would be sooo pissed haha and i would laugh and cringe (laugh cuz it’d be funny and cringe cuz i don’t like yaoi, just by imagining it i get nauseated)
22. Number 6 (Ruki) and number 2 (Subaru) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why? Idk! I don’t have such a great imagination for things like this... i’d have to see it happen to have a conclusion (srry)
23. Number 1 (Ayato) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Shuu) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do? That is just so predictable, Ayato ruining things haha! I guess Shuu’s most prized possession is his violin? We wouldn’t be able to cover it up, I think he’d find out and we’d be DEAD
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Carla) and number 10 (Azusa) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now? ...I’d have no idea of what happened, but i’d scream and think the worse scenarios... probably kill myself if they didn’t explain it either
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Shuu), number 6 (Ruki) and number 3 (Shin). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together? Haha, i thin they’d be fighting and nagging about everything the other does and i’d find it funny till it begins to annoy me and shout “STOP FIGHTING, GODDAMNIT!”
26. Number 9 (Shuu) and number 4 (Carla) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal? I think Shuu wouldn’t care so much apart from the Endzeit and i bet Carla would be outraged haha it’d be funny, but i’d ask if Reiji or Ruki could help in some way
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Reiji), number 7 (Yuma), and number 10 (Azusa). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage? Reiji wins of course, the rest goes bankrupt and Idk if Yuma would rage... i think noone would rage, it’s just a game rlly
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Subaru). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do? It’s a possible scenario haha, I bet Subaru would get pissed and they start fighting, but i’d say ‘’calm down for a second and listen!’’ and i’d suggest we rest for a bit and try to find ourselves the right way by analyzing the map well and then keep going once we’re sure of the way
29. Number 1 (Ayato) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react? He’d be angry if i got honest and said it wasn’t... ideal, but to keep practicing so he could be the best!
30. Number 1 (Ayato) and number 2 (Subaru) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond? Aaah why do you have to divide me like that?? I mean, it wouldn’t be bad to marry Succhan, but my #1 is Ayato! But if he liked me for who I am and not bcz i’m food, i’d have no problem on accepting it
I tag: @shadyraisincookie @soranokiku @tabooneko and @firstbloodkingdl 
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pitch-pearl-void · 7 years
I've been wanting something like this for a while... but... What if, instead of Phantom ending up in the Human World and befriending Danny, Danny ends up in the Ghost Zone and befriends Phantom? *coughs* Not a very good idea, I know, but I just want to see it and I don't know if I can write it myself, since there's been some family issues lately :(
Dear Mom and Dad
The good news is I turned on the portal! The bad news is I’m trapped on the other side…
I’m not dead!  I think. I’m in the Ghost Zone you two were always talking about, and it’s bright creepy strange hellish cold desolate indescribable, you’ll just have to see for yourself when you GET ME OUT OF HERE! 
Nothing makes sense in here! There are these floating doors and rocks, and this green glowing stuff that’s everywhere, and the ghosts
I take back everything I said about not believing in ghosts. You were right about everything. They exist and they’re rude, thoughtless, scary complete assholes who only think about themselves. I’ve just been cut off from home and I don’t know if I’ll ever see you guys again and all he can think about is
Maybe I should start at the beginning.
After you guys gave up on the portal, me, Tucker, and Sam decided to look around and see if we could fix it for you, and if you guys get me out of here I swear I will never go near your inventions without supervision again I swear! Please! I just want to go home I miss you guys I miss everyone how long have I been gone
Since I’m the only one with a ready-made jumpsuit, I went inside to see if there was something wrong with a wire while Sam and Tucker checked around the outside. It wasn’t their fault! We all just wanted to help and it seemed safe enough. I guess we should have unplugged it first but
Okay, I don’t know what happened exactly. I think I pressed a button? I might have pressed a button. Just all of a sudden, the portal started working. I was still inside, and it was really loud. I didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t have time to run or duck or anything. There was a lot of light, a lot of green light, and then there was this sucking sensation like I was getting sucked down a drain. I think it hurt but I don’t know for sure. I think I saw my fingers stretching so I’m sure it had to hurt, but I don’t remember any pain?
Anyway, I blacked out, and when I woke up again I was on my back and all I could see was this boy with white hair looking down at me and I thought I was dead because he has this white glow about him and he looked like a
A boy ghost and his dog found me before I’d even woken up. The dog (he’s called Cujo I guess) doesn’t like me and won’t stop growling, but the other guy seems more curious and confused than dangerous. He looks a lot like me? It’s really scary weird. He didn’t believe humans actually exist! Can you believe it? He seems convinced now, but only because his dog attacked me.
That’s the weirdest thing. He tried to bite me, but he passed right through me! I don’t know why it happened or how I did it, but Cujo kept trying to bite and claw at me and it kept happening. I might’ve been screaming the whole time, but in my defense this dog is huge! The ghost boy managed to pull Cujo off me after a while, but he didn’t seem to have an explanation for what happened either.
He did agree that I’m probably a human though. Win?
Anyway, he calls himself Phantom. Actually he calls himself Danny Phantom, but that was too weird and he said it was okay to just call him Phantom. He says most people just call him Phantom anyway. He doesn’t have any friends to call him Danny but maybe he’s just making that up?
He might not have believed in humans, but he says there have always been rumors about the Real World (he calls it the Human World but whatever) along with rumors on how to get there. He agreed to help me get home if he can come too. I didn’t want to agree (ghosts are bad right?) but how else am I supposed to get home? I waited outside the portal doors for—well, I don’t know how long. There isn’t any way to record time in this stupid place. Point is the doors aren’t opening. He’s my only chance.
On the bright side, he seems more interested in just seeing what the Real World is. There’s nothing evil about that right?
So Phantom’s first idea was this guy called “Wulf” who’s locked up in ghost prison. Awesome. But he can apparently rip holes in a dimension? Worth a shot. I guess.
Phantom had this weird idea that humans can do magic or something. I guess the episode with Cujo made him believe it. Ha! Nope, I’m just a wimpy teenager that can’t even fly so he has to carry me. (For the record: not awesome.) He told me to wait outside because I’m that useless and now he and Cujo are trying to bust that guy out. I’m using the time to write down everything in my English notebook. You guys always wanted to be here, and since it seems I’ll be living here for the rest of my life I may as well take notes. If I ever see you guys again, it’ll be helpful right? So you won’t ground me for life?
Actually it’s been a long time since they went inside. Maybe I should
Day 1
Like I said, there isn’t really any way to tell time here, so I’m just basing it off my sleep schedule. It’ll work for now. You should have seen Phantom’s face when he found out I willingly “shut down” for eight hours. Oh the horror of not being aware of my surroundings 24/7! Actually that is pretty scary in the Ghost Zone. I take it back.
We had to run fly pretty far to get away from the prison guards, but we found an uninhabited area after a while. I was pretty exhausted by then so I just sort of, like, dropped. Phantom panicked, the ghosts that escaped with us panicked, but I managed to calm them all down. Sort of. Ghosts are weird. They’re fascinated by humans, but I seem to spook (ha ha get it?) them as much as they scare me.
One of the ghosts can make—it’s not food. For one, it glows like everything else around here. But she can make it out of thin air and it tastes like food so
I’m just saying, I won’t starve. It’s a big plus in my opinion. She made me enough to stuff my backpack. She seems…happy to feed me. Scary happy. Said she’d make me as much food as I want and that I could come and see her whenever I ran out. Tried to put some sort of tracker signature on me (according to Phantom) so that she could track me down and make sure I was eating right but Cujo wouldn’t let her. Thank you oversized hellhound, I think I love you.
If you’re wondering, the prison break was…not a success exactly. Phantom and Cujo got captured, like, seconds into the raid and I, magical human that I am, had to bust them out by using my super awesome walking-through-walls ability, which is apparently a thing along with passing through ghosts that want to hurt me. I freed them and everyone else I could reach. Phantom seemed to think a jailbreak would make a great distraction, and since it worked, I’ll give him that, even if his other plan was a complete toss.
We actually found Wulf in the confusion, but Wulf (who is actually a wolf man, go figure) doesn’t speak English. He does have the ability to rip holes in dimensions though! He used it to escape the prison. Without us.
Not exactly according to plan.
Phantom seems really nervous about something, but given that we just broke ourselves and a dozen prisoners out of jail, he has reason to be. The guards sure seemed determined to catch us. We lost them now, but are we running from, like, the law or something now? Does the Ghost Zone have a government?
The other ghosts don’t seem to like Phantom much. I guess he wasn’t lying. They’re really stiff around him. They’re already leaving, though, so he won’t have to deal with them for much longer, at least.
I’m going to stick with Phantom (and Cujo). Just seems like the thing to do after leading a jailbreak together. Besides, he’s dropped the whole useless-human act. He’s treating me differently now. Respect is really nice, especially coming from a guy your age (probably) who can shoot death rays from his hand.
I’m really tired. I don’t know how long I’ve been awake but it’s been a really exhausting day. Cujo is standing “Guard” over me, and Phantom is talking to the Lunch Lady (the ghost supplying me with the glowing ghost food-that-isn’t).
I’m as safe as I’m likely to be in this awful place.
Now if everything wasn’t glowing.
Day 4
Finally convinced Phantom to let me use his cape last night (or whatever). He seems really attached to it, you’d think it was a part of him or something.  Given this weird place and how the cape has this really strange tingle-inducing feel to it? It might be? Idk honestly but while the GZ isn’t cold it definitely isn’t warm either. I typically have to sleep on solid (floating, always floating) rock, which is cold. And hard. Just really uncomfortable. I have to choose between using my backpack as a pillow or as a blindfold when I sleep.
Meanwhile, Phantom’s flying around with this really warm looking white cape. I kept thinking I could lay it on the ground and then wrap up in it and it would be bliss and I was right. I can stand the faint buzz and the weird looks Phantom gives me in the “morning” so long as he keeps letting me use it. Cujo seems a bit calmer around me too. Maybe there’s a scent? Ghost scent since obviously I can’t smell it. I’d put up with that too if it meant I could have a blanket every night.
We’re trying to track down another ghost called Desiree. Phantom seems a bit unsure about this one. She’s a ghost that can make any wish come true. The flaw is that she makes the wish come true in ways you never meant it to and she grows more powerful with every wish she grants. That sounds like a problem. But they say she’s one of the ghosts who used to be human, so Phantom’s hoping she’ll be willing to help.
That’s something interesting you guys might like to know. Apparently not every ghost lived, died, and became a ghost. According to Phantom, most come into existence randomly, usually around a large gathering of that green stuff he calls ectoplasm. That’s how he came into being. Some ghosts are born from the coupling of two or more ghosts and when I asked how /that/ happens, his face turned green and he started sputtering.
I’m guessing the same way babies are made. Only more “ghostly”
A ghost being born after the death of a human is a controversial topic, apparently, since they appear the same way other ghosts do, except they have memories of being human. They can’t prove it, few ghosts have even seen the Real World, and so it’s like a myth. Like people saying they “saw the light” or their dead relatives or whatever is a bit of a myth for us.
My stumbling into their Zone is like an alien walking into a Starbucks!
Phantom thinks this is really cool and I think it’s hilarious so we’re constantly making jokes about it, especially when we come across another ghost and they just gawk at me.
Side note: I’m almost positive Phantom was telling the truth about not having friends.
Desiree hates Men and the Real World and is even more antag—antogonis—uh, hateful towards Phantom than the other ghosts.
Long day. I’m tired. Phantom is letting me use his cape again. He’s probably just grateful I saved his ass. Again. I hope this becomes a thing.
The cape sharing, not the saving.
Cujo is even letting me lean against him. Phantom is sitting on the boulder beside us. He doesn’t look so good. He’s hugging his knees to his chest and just kind of staring at nothing. Maybe I should say something
Day 10
There is something in the GZ that can affect me against my will. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I hope it was something unique to “the Zone’s Greatest Hunter” because  
I guess being able to walk through everything that’s trying to hurt me made this place seem less dangerous than it actually is. There’s a lot that can go wrong. I’m not really safe here. Especially since it seems we really have upset some sort of governmental law.
I mentioned that Phantom is always pushing us to keep moving, never staying in one place too long, and it’s like we’re running from something? That something turned out to be the GHOST KING. Bad bad bad, wtf, a little warning would have been nice?! He’s not searching for us himself, he’s too important for that. No, he has others do his bidding. Because he’s a freaking king.
I don’t know what we did to piss him off so much, unless he’s just really pissed about the jailbreak? But one of his bounty hunters, Skulker, captured me and Phantom and locked us in a cage. The bars had a weird glow, and I wasn’t able to walk through them. Phantom was freaking out, thinking we were going to be handed over to the king, but Skulker seemed more interested in keeping us as some sort of creepy collection of his. The similarities between me and Phantom haven’t gone unnoticed in the GZ, I guess. Skulker kept talking about having a matched set. Gross.
Thank god for Cujo. I don’t know how we would have escaped without him.
Me and Phantom were pretty shaken afterwards (duh) so Phantom finally relented and took me to his “lair”
I mentioned it a couple days ago. The lairs are supposed to be an extension of the ghost’s will because it formed from the same ectoplasm as the ghost or something. It’s not just rude to enter a ghost’s lair uninvited it’s dangerous because they have complete control over that tiny area of the GZ. That makes Phantom’s lair the safest place for us, but Phantom has been pretty protective of the place. I just thought of it like a bedroom, but I guess it’s a bit more private.
I don’t know what I was expecting. The outside was the usual non-descript purple door, but inside was this like snow cave. It was freezing, the walls were actually crusted with ice! I got to see how a ghost can control what’s inside the lair when Phantom got rid of the snow and ice. He didn’t look too happy about it, but between me freezing to death and his ice kink I think he can deal. I didn’t really ask him to do it, he just saw me shivering, sighed, and started changing things.
And he made me a bed! Well sort of. He’s never seen a bed, and I wasn’t able to describe one very well, so he just created this sort of lump of furs in a corner. After sleeping on bare rock for however long it’s been, I’m not going to complain. It looks like heaven, I can’t wait to sleep. I sat on it as soon as he finished and I haven’t gotten up since.
Phantom doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. I don’t think he likes me being here. Every time I move, he flinches and looks at me like he’s expecting me to attack him or something. His unease is making ME twitchy. There’s definitely something more to this lair thing that I’m not grasping. Cujo wouldn’t even come inside.
Maybe it’ll help if I go to sleep. Hopefully I won’t dream of being locked inside that cage. I don’t think I’ve ever been that trapped. I couldn’t stand up or stretch or anything. I couldn’t even move without elbowing Phantom. If I hadn’t been so scared, the tight quarters might have been awkward. We were practically in each other’s laps. I wasn’t even thinking about that at the time. I don’t even want to think about that NOW.
Whatever. I have a bed. It tingles a bit like Phantom’s cape, but I don’t care. It’s been ages since I had a good night’s sleep.
Day 11
I guess Phantom was even more shaken than I thought. We’re staying in his lair a while longer, possibly a whole “day.” He doesn’t seem as tense as last night, but I get the feeling he’d kick me out in a heartbeat if he thought I’d be safe out there by myself. Does that mean he cares? Maybe I’m reading too much into it. But I think we’re friends by now.
This is supposed to be the part where Phantom tells me what ghosts do for fun, but apparently lairs are just for resting and relaxing and recharging and all that boring stuff. He does seem a bit more sleepy than usual, if ghosts can get sleepy. He still doesn’t want me to touch anything, though. And sudden movements are a sure-fire way to get glared at. Still, it’s better than last night. He’s even sitting on the bed with me.
And now he’s watching me write but
I don’t think he can read?
Danny Phantom needs to chill the fuck out
Okay, he definitely can’t read. But I guess it’s kind of rude to be writing when he’s right there so I guess we’ll just talk? There’s got to be something we have in common
Note to self: the first thing we’re going to do when we make it to the Human World is stargaze. I gotta find my telescope. Phantom is going to freak!
Day 14
I miss you guys. So much. We just crossed a “river” that just looks like a more liquid version of ectoplasm. It loops through the air like some sort of demented roller coaster, and I swear I could hear you two babbling excitedly about running tests and talking about chemicals and molecules and physics and all that other stuff I don’t understand.
I wish you guys were here to see this with me. I’m living your dream without you. It doesn’t feel right to be so far away from you and still feel like you’re right beside me.
Day 16
I’m running out of paper. I guess the daily diary-note taking is hard to sustain when you only have one notebook and a pen.
In other news, along with looking for a way home, dodging the King’s and Walker’s agents, and learning the ins and outs of the GZ and its society, me and Phantom seem to be getting a reputation as the ghost and his still living humanity. Myth stacked upon myth. It was kind of funny at first, but it’s starting to get annoying. I feel like a freak. Everybody here keeps staring at us. They have a lot of questions and they keep trying to touch me. I don’t let them of course, and that just leads to more questions and excitement. I wish they’d just knock it off.
We wouldn’t have to deal with it in the first place, but Phantom is running out of ideas and needs to gather information. That means talking to other ghosts. Urgh.
Fortunately we seem to have stumbled on something. A ghost called Ghost Writer can warp reality with his writing, so maybe he can open a portal? Worth a shot.
Btw, is it possible for a ghost to be touch starved? Phantom’s been touching me a lot more recently. He’ll put his hands on my shoulders and float above me or wrap his tail around my ankle or just stand with his shoulder brushing mine. And he leans into my hand whenever I touch his shoulder or whatever. It’d be embarrassing, but he seems to do the same with Cujo, especially when he’s nervous. The first time we talked to a ghost, he kept his hand buried in the scruff of Cujo’s neck and didn’t let go until we were flying away.
Combined with how the other ghosts treated him and the way he tried to compare a mother and father to a master or mentor and it made me realize how lonely he must be.
Hey, mom, dad, he’s called Phantom and he followed me home. Can we keep him?
Day 18
Ghost Writer can only warp reality by sucking people into his books.
The guy was like a hermit and kind of rude. But we did have to knock on his lair to get his attention since that seems to be where he spends all of his time. Given Phantom’s reaction to me being in his lair the first time, Ghost Writer was a calm summer night.
Phantom seems to be getting better about it, though. He even left me in his lair by myself for a little while. He didn’t tell me where he was going and I was too happy to be trusted in his ultra-private space by myself to question him. When he got back, he handed me a notebook he’d gotten from the Ghost Writer. Said he noticed how I was running out of paper.
I don’t
I didn’t know what to say
I hugged him and he freaked out
So good news, I have more paper! Score! It’s actually really great because as silly as this diary-note thing is, it helps. A lot little. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d run out. I wonder if Phantom knew that.
Day 22
I’m seriously sick of green. I don’t know if I mentioned that before. There’s just so much green in here, and it’s not the cheery kind of green you see in the spring and summer. It’s like this sickly, goopy green. I miss blue skies. And sunshine. And just anything but a black void with glowing ectoplasm leaking everywhere.
But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t have some charm, and Phantom seems determined to show me some of its wonders while we’re still here. Honestly, once you get over the wrongness of being able to walk along the underside of a floating rock, it starts to get pretty cool. I think it might be like space in a way. The rocks and other floating debris seem to have a gravity (or magnetism) about them that holds me to the surface like the Earth does, but if I jump too high, I escape whatever’s holding me down and I’ll just drift in that direction without any sign of slowing down or stopping.
It’s still faster to fly with Phantom or ride on Cujo, but it’s still really neat.
I wish I could say it gets boring or that the landscape (broken up as it is) is all the same, but I’ve seen upside down waterfalls and crystal tree forests and bubbling yellow tinted lakes with some sort of red creature swimming just beneath the surface and all kinds of bizarre rocky structures. And that’s not even counting the ghosts we pass.
It’s scary but exciting.
You guys are so going to lose it when you get here. It’s amazing. I suggest you get a local guide, though. They make it worthwhile.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
D a n n y  P h a n t o m
D u a n n y  P h a n t a o m
Day 25
We have three options that we know of to get to the Human World, but none of them are easy. One is to track Wulf down since Phantom thinks he’s still in the GZ, but it’s more like a passing attempt. We’re doing it as we go. The second is another myth, but if humans are real, maybe Clockwork is as well? They’re as hard to find as Wulf is, though. The for sure option is called the Infi-map. The problem? The Ghost King has it. Joy of joys.
Speaking of the king, we crossed paths with a ghost called the Fright Knight. Phantom used to work for him or something. They definitely knew each other and he was ordering Phantom around, and since the Fright Knight works for the King that means Phantom did too, probably as another knight. That would explain the other ghosts’ wariness of him.
At least, until he cut ties and tried running away with me. If we had managed to free Wulf and escape to the Human World that first night it wouldn’t have mattered, but because we’re still stuck in the GZ, the King is angry and after Phantom’s head.
You don’t flaunt the King’s authority.
I guess that’s why they’re after Phantom. But the Fright Knight said he had orders to take me captive as well so we’re both being targeted by the strongest, most influential ghost in the Ghost Zone. Holy shit. We knew that before, but it’s a bit more real with this giant ghost knight in black armor staring down at me and announcing I’m a wanted fugitive.
Before you get too worried though, he let us go. Said something about pretending he never saw Phantom and to stay away from Phantom’s lair for a while. Yeah. Phantom can’t believe it either. It’s been several hours (best guess) and he’s still got this amazed look on his face.
Is it really so hard for him to believe someone might care about him?
Day 30
Well. It’s been a month. Give or take. I’m still not home yet, but I haven’t given up. I’m going to see you guys again. I will.
But is it okay if I enjoy myself too? It’s not wrong that I’m actually maybe a little glad I got sucked in here? If the accident hadn’t happened when and where it did, I never would have met Phantom, and while I hate what the ghosts are saying about us being the living and dead versions of the same person, I’d be lying if I said meeting him wasn’t like finding a missing part of myself.  God that sounds cheesy.
I’ve seen things I never would have seen and met people I’ll never forget because I went into the portal. Cujo, the Lunch Lady, the Box Ghost, the terrifying but super cool Fright Knight
I miss you guys. But
It’s okay that I don’t regret this. Right?
Day 33
Remember that time you guys thought I had a crush on Sam? Ha ha funny story…
Day 34
Day 36
He can almost read now I’m not writing this shit down. But that thing he just did, he needs to not do it again. He doesn’t even realize holy shit I’m fucked
Day 37
We found Clockwork! Sort of. He They found us really. What’s your policy on ghosts being pseudo gods? If there was ever a ghost that might deserve the title it’d probably be this one.
Get this: they are the ghost master of time. They manipulate time and jump in and out of the time stream like it’s like it’s a fucking afternoon stroll or something. They can open portals not just to any when but to any where.
And yet they wouldn’t help us. Jerk.
We hadn’t returned to Phantom’s lair since Fright Knight’s warning, and the constant flight is wearing on Phantom. It’s wearing on me. I miss that bed and the security. Plus Phantom is more relaxed there. So we were talking about going back since it’s been a long time when this clock hand appeared, swished around in a circle, and out floated the oldest ghost I’d ever seen. Think grandfather time, complete with knee-length beard and knobby wrists.
They said “Don’t”
The fuck.
We’d been searching for this guy ghost for I don’t know how long and they just pop out of nowhere in the middle of a conversation and say “Don’t”
I was about to yell something I probably shouldn’t when they, I don’t know, shifted into a little bucktooth kid. It’s kind of distracting. You just don’t see that every day.
They did answer a few questions so I guess it wasn’t so bad, but it’s another dead end. They have the power to send us to the Human World. In fact, they could send us to the exact moment the portal activated so you guys wouldn’t have to worry about me and Sam and Tucker wouldn’t blame themselves and whatever else is happening at home right now. They can do it, the problem is they won’t. There were a lot of reasons, something about the journey and not the destination, but I think it mostly came down to “suffering breeds character, get home on your own, you lazy bum.” Could just be me though.
They did say that if we kept going the way we have we would eventually get to the Human World. I guess I can live with that. But I would have appreciated something a little more definitive. What if I get home, like, a decade from now? Yeah, I’m home but holy shit I’m an adult and I have to move out anyway.
Should mention, Phantom had this ridiculously stunned look on his face for most of the conversation. Between me and Clockwork, I don’t think he’s ever going to disbelieve a “myth” again!
He was more concerned about his lair once he snapped out of it. That’s his home. It’s supposed to be the safest place in the entire GZ for him, and suddenly it’s not. It’s so unsafe that a literal ghost god interrupted a private conversation just to say how dangerous it is. He looked crushed.
The lair itself is Phantom’s safe harbor, but the area surrounding it is where the danger lurks, I’m guessing. The ghost king probably set guards on the door.
And that’s crossing a line. I don’t care if he’s a king, that’s just fucked up.
I wanted to just deal with the guy then and there. I’m sick of running from him. Phantom looked angry too, and Clockwork wasn’t stopping us, but
Well, you can’t just topple a king, can you? We’re just two kids and a dog. What are we supposed to do, storm the castle? Granted Phantom was a knight and I’m a mythical creature and Cujo is the size of a horse, but it’d just be the ghost prison all over again. Better to keep low for now, I guess.
Phantom managed to get a promise from Clockwork that they’d let us know when his lair was safe again. They seemed a little too amused. They know something, and it’s really annoying.
The whole thing sucks. I miss the lair.
Day 41
Had a bit of a celebration today but it flopped. Phantom was able to summon ice to his hands outside his lair, and this is apparently a Big Deal. It means his “core” has matured or is mostly matured. I guess it’s like puberty.
The cores are kind of like a star’s core. It’s where all the energy and materials are created before being pushed to the outer parts of the body. The energy doesn’t cycle like a human’s does; it’s just radiated out of the ghost’s body because their core creates a continuous stream of energy. That’s why there’s this, like, static charge surrounding Phantom and why his cape and lair cause that tingling sensation. It clings to things, and since each core is unique, it’s like leaving a signature on everything they touch.
And I sleep with Phantom’s cape every night so every time I wake up his signature lingers on me for I don’t even know how long and fuuuuck no wonder he kept giving me weird looks
Some cores have an elemental affinity, and in Phantom’s case it’s ice. Now that his core is maturing, he’s able to create ice and his core will start producing more cold energy. I had noticed he was getting colder, but it was so gradual I didn’t really think about it. He was super excited about it until he realized he couldn’t visit somebody. I’m guessing they’re some kind of mentor to him. He didn’t want to talk about it, and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to try.
Apparently, along with being their own internal battery, the cores are how ghosts have uh sex. Their shape doesn’t matter, their gender doesn’t matter, heck the number of ghosts getting it on doesn’t matter. Their cores just have to come into contact and then
I don’t know how they get pleasure from it or whatever, and I don’t care. Phantom’s core is located in his chest, and that’s why he freaked out when I hugged him, but it doesn’t matter.
I’m human. I don’t have a core.
I’m an idiot.
348 notes · View notes
imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 18} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Thank you babe! I’m happy you liked it and that you’re looking forward to next week c:
@takura-rin said: Ahhh, the new chapter was so awesome ;; I’ll almost forgot that the update was today.. I’m so exited whats happening next ;;
I’m glad you remembered that the update was today! hehe, thank you so much for reading it :)
@mysr3 said: Saraaa OMG WHAT HAVE U DONE! My heart just stopped at the ending(screams) can’t wait for next chapter. Well done love❤️ ahhh plz will there be drama in next chapter. Even Yoongi’s character is evil but he is my bias, hope his character is somehow okay. I love the part when JK introduced Y/N to his family, interesting encounter n well explained details. U portrayed him such cute little boy who needs his mum to help with revealing his secrets. I screamed when he announced Y/N his partner n GF ><
A cute little boy haha yes! I guess even Vampires can be nervous when introducing their gf to their parents. But even more so for Jungkook because his gf is a human and he is a royal Vampire heh~ Thank you so much for reading the chapter my love!
@animeimmortal said: “lovely. Oh thats lovely. Awwww that’s nice. ^^ . Great looking party. what. What. WhAT. FUCK. WHAT. SHIT. WAT. FAK. WHHAAAAAAAT. oh shit.” I Won’t Stop You part 18 - a summary (cont.) also: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMN BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH
What a perfect summary! hahaha~ I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I may or may not have laughed when she said “it’s Dracula,” but I can’t wait until the next part! There’s something about your writing that draws the reader in, and I feel as if I’m really in the story. You describe things in such a way that it’s like it’s happening to me, and I’m feeling the same things that they’re feeling in the story. You’re so talented and I hope that, if you enjoy it, you never stop writing because you’re so amazing at it.
Ahhhh thank you so so much! It’s so good to hear that you can really feel all the emotion as if you are truly there. You’re so sweet and kind and yes, I really do enjoy writing so I won’t be stopping! haha thank you for reading and messaging me too :)
Anonymous said: Oh dear I’m not gonna survive the next chapter am I? Please have mercy and don’t kill me entirely, you’ve already done half the job in this chapter
Hmmm I wonder c: hehe thank you so much for reading and despite being half dead, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I apologise for any stress and PTSD caused! D: You’re welcome for the cliffhanger :P It seems I’ve caused a little distress with it - whoops :) hehe thank you so much for reading the chapter!
Anonymous said: Omg just read the new chapter and I don’t know how u do it. I literally felt like I was feeling her every emotion, like seriously you should have seen me, I was shaking in my chair from the anxiety! I love your work and will continue to follow you and read everything you write!! LOVE YOU XXX
Awww poor babe but I’m glad I could make you feel the emotions she was feeling in the chapter! Thank you so much my love and I greatly appreciate that ^^ I love you too!!
@omelys-space said: OH MY LORD THINGS WILL GET REAL NOW !!! Holy Shit I am so excited 😍 And Jungkook is such a babe man I wish I could date someone like him such a gentleman  Protect your girl!  So cute and Taehyung and Jimin just yes 😍 Thank you for this update it is amazing and a huge thank you for updating every week ❤❤❤���
I know right when will I ever had a protective Vampire boyfriend to keep me safe from evil Vamps like Yoongi :c hehe~ Thank you so much my love and I’m so happy that you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: OK I’VE JUST FINISHED IT AND OMG CAN YOU NOT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE IT ON SUCH A CLIFFHANGER although on a calmer note I’m so so so happy we’re now getting to the actual climax of the story 🎉🎉 - silent anon (cont.) Aside from being more-hyped-than-necessary for next week already, I also can’t wait to see how the rest of Jungkook’s family are going to react to OC calling Yoongi ‘Dracula’ - silent anon (not so silent anymore) (cont.) Also Happy Valentines !!! And I want to second what jiminiespinkie was saying about you being better that many published writers - she is 100% correct, you’re such a good writer you could honestly just get a writing career right now. I hope you were just being modest when you said you’ve got a long way to go before publication, and that you’re well aware of and are completely confident in how good of a writer you are - silent anon (So sorry for the spam, I keep forgetting to add things 😷)
You think this is the climax of the story?….that’s…interesting. c: Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks as much as this weeks! And yes, Happy Valentines Day to you too (even tho it’s not Valentines Day any more now but I still got a lot of love to give lol) And in regards to the publishing idea, I HAVE looked into different options, but tbh it makes me so anxious haha. Like, it feels really pretentious of me to actually charge money for people to read what I write. Like real talk, I would feel really weird asking people like even for £1 for a book lol but who knows what will happen in the future. Maybe you’ll see a published author called Sara Eren in 10 years time or something haha. Thank you so much for your lovely and encouraging words, they really made me happy and I smiled so much ^^ You’re so wonderful!
Anonymous said: Happy Valentines Day Sara! ❤️ Your writing is something I live for, and I’m so blessed you’re blessing us with a new chapter of “I Won’t Stop You” on this day ✨✨
Happy Valentines Day lovely anon! You’re so welcome and thank you so much for reading it in return ❤️
@moonlighthollow said: Ok first of all I’m SO impressed on how well described &matching(if that’s even a word to describe someone idek😂) your characters are,i mean i can totally imagine taehyung being like this even tho he isn’t gay(・ิω・ิ)but his behavior, the way he talks &the way you describe his expressions are SO on point idk if that makes any sense😂besides of that i love this story so much i think it’s my fav. Story of all so far cause it’s so well written &researched😍& OMG I’M DYING YOONGIS PART IS NEXT OMFG
I’m really happy to know that you think everything is well described ^^ Don’t worry, it makes perfect sense! I understand completely what you’re saying hehe ^^ Thank you so much my darling and I hope you’ll like next week’s update too! :D
Anonymous said: Oke-No. I’m not okay. You know, I’d want to hit u, but that’s not nice and u are SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER. So I’ll just go into cardiac arrest until next monday. Bye.  R.I.P
Pls don’t hit me I’m very small and unaggressive and I’d probably cry my eyes out lolol Thank you so much! I’m really glad you liked(?) the chapter haha! Thank you again my love ^^
@wonderful39530 said: If I could have a pic that could express how I’m feeling about chapter 18 on I Wont Stop You lets just say it’ll be all over the place!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!
Awwwww thank you so much babe! Thank you for enjoying it and reading it, that means so much to me ^^ Stay awesome my dear!
@hayley797-blog said: You killed me.You killed my non existent heart.I wish you could update sooner I can’t wait a whole week…but I guess I just have to wait.Omg I loveee your stories
I apologise for killing you *tries to bring you back to life) haha :c I wish I could update more often too but it takes time to write each chapter unfortunately! Thank you so much babe, I’m so happy that you’re enjoying it!
Anonymous said: Ah I love your writing! Do you know how many chapters might be in IWSY so I know the date I will die? Fighting!
Thank you so much darling!! And no, I’m sorry but I have no idea how many chapters there will be!
@audreymv said: IM NOT READY OMG WHO JUST WALKED IN???? Omg i am on edge and like beautiful. Your writing makes me want to cry and i might just like how. You are so amazing Sara. How dare I not read this for 1 week like. This is my favorite series and you are one of my favorite writers, too. Why are you so amazing. Just i am so overwhelmed. Like please let something not go wron
YOU DON’T KNOW WHO JUST WALKED IN??? xD Ahhh don’t worry about not reading for one week, it’s okay! You can always come back to here because it’s not going anywhere! Thank you so much my love, you’re so sweet and lovely to me and I really appreciate it more than I can describe ^^ Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks’ chapter too! :D
Anonymous said: And yet again you slayed me with your amazing writing skills, seriously, you never fail to make me happy every single thursday -cat anon
Hello Cat anon! Yay, I’m so happy it slayed you hehe~ ^^ I’m so happy I can make you happy every single week and I hope I can continue to do that for you as the story continues as well! Thank you so much my dear :D
PLEASE DON’T BE MAD AT ME ;; It seems I’ve caused a few people some distress with my cliffhangers once again, but…it’s fun :P I’m innocent I swear! heheh thank you so much for reading the chapter my dear it means a lot to me!^^
DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER! lolol c: You’ll have to survive another week to find out my love, but thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy it again next week! :D
Anonymous said: OMG THAT CHAPTER I’M CRYING IT WAS SO GOOD also I’m a Lil confused so like what must one do to become a full vampire?? Like what was it that made jimin so relieved?
Thank you so much my love! And in regards to Jimin, I guess you’ll just have to wait for the story to explain as the chapters continue! Sorry, no spoilers ;D
Anonymous said: FUCK👏 ME👏 UP 👏WITH 👏THIS👏 NEW 👏CHAPTER 👏 Like I swear whenever Jungkook gets all playful I DIE! And that Yoongi reveal at the end literally is so great to the plotline. I swear you are one of the best writers out here and thanks for taking your time with such a masterpiece 😊
Yessssssss I’m so happy to know that! And ikr right? Playful and flirty VampKook got me feeling so hmhmmgkflmgspg lolol c: Thank you so much for your wonderful words, they mean the world and more to me, you have no idea ^^
Anonymous said: Your fanfic is amazing, I really love your writing, pls write some smutty blood sucking thnk u <3
I may or may not have a Jackson Wang oneshot Vampire!AU planned in the future~~ blood sucking smut included heh~ But you didn’t hear that from me! c: Thank you so much my love ^^
Anonymous said: SARA NOOOOOOOO. WHY YOU DO THIS?? I’ve been literally dying for jungkook to tell y/n what he really is omg I wanna know what’s gonna happen to them. AND NOW YOONGI SHOWS UP?? AND SHE RECOGNIZES HIM OMG. CRAP IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. PLUS I WANNA KNOW WHAT Y/N IS OMGOMGOMG STAAAHHPP. How are you such a good writer omg.  - 7:45 anon
Hello again 7:45 anon! I’m so happy to know that I caused you a great deal of panic with this chapter :D hehe~ Thank you so much for reading and I hope next week’s update can evoke the same feelings, too :3 I hope you’re having a great week!
It’s always most calm before the storm c: Hehe I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter and thank you so much for reading it! ^^
Anonymous said: Tuesday is so far away 😩. How could you end it there oml. This is not a cliffhanger if I’m being thrown over the edge already. Great job great job. Tuesday can’t get here fast enough
Awww I’m so sorry my lil babes :c *pulls you off the cliff* it’s okay~ hehe Thank you so much and I hope that you’ll enjoy the next chapter!
@sehkii said: ooomg i love i won’t stop you sm and the way you right just??? blows my mind??? likE HOW??? i love how you’ve kept us on edge with everything going on and i think i figured what the mc is? at least what she can do? i mean you basically put it out there in the newest chapter but i’m pretty sure the mc speeds up the vampire transition time? aND THE REASON YOONGI WANTS HER IS TO CREATE AN ARMY OF VAMPIRES TO GET BACK AT THE JEONS??? THis is my theory but honestly i’m ready for anything fuck me up
Yes - it certainly appears that it is one of the powers that her ‘condition’ is made up of. But, I wonder if there is a deeper reason or meaning to it? Hm? c: Your deduction is clever and on the right path, so thank you for being so observant and picking up on that aspect, it makes me smile so much as the writer to see that :D Thank you also for reading it and messaging me afterwords with your theory, I enjoyed it quite a lot ;D hehe^^
Anonymous said: IM JUNGSHOOK. CHAPTER 18 GOT ME ALL THE WAY F***ED UP (excuse my language) LIKE EVERYONE IS LIKE 'Aye party lit af’ then it’s like *doors swing open* 'omfg ashdvnglf he’s arrived* and I’m just sad and lonely and upset but still extremely happy and in love with you. But like why you do dis. We have to wait a whole week to see what happens next. I love you 💜 ~LilKookie Anon
Hello LilKookie anon! LOL AYE PARTY LIT AF hahaha I laughed too much at that - why did I imagine Namjoon screaming that when I read it? xD Please don’t be sad and lonely, I’m always here for you ^^ and I love you too! Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it my love, it means a lot to me! ^^
Anonymous said: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your fics are still part of my self care routine. It’s Tuesday nights now :) Love your writing!!! - self-care anon
Hello self-care anon! Long time no talk my dear, how are you keeping? Have you been taking care of yourself? I hope so! And YAY I’m so glad I can still be a part of your self-care routine ^^ Thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: I. AM. SCREAMING. OH MY GOSH. When she started chatting with the family I thought “oh man, what if Suga comes.” AND THEN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NO NO NO. Lolol Serrena super confused though. “what’s wrong wth the human???” Wow. You can’t just end it there!!!!! Wow. I am, wow. WOWOWOWOWOWOOWOW. Help. #IWSY
Lol yes! Because Serrena has no idea that the reader even knows who Yoongi is! The only people who know of her past thus far is Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin bc of the Montgomery’s essentially fucking up and not realising that there was a young girl being left without parents too…:c Thank you so much for reading the chapter my love and I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
I APOLOGISE FOR WRECKING YOU WITH THE CLIFFHANGER BUT LETS BE HONEST YOU SHOULD EXPECT THAT FROM ME BY NOW ;D lolol Thank you for reading and again I apologise for any distress I caused with the cliffhanger muhahaha c:
@coppertopging said: AHFBEKDIVHNEKSIFNGNEKWFHRJR!!!! YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF CLIFFHANGERS!!! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!??! *proceeds to ugly sob* i don’t like you right now…
*bows* yes, that I am ;D PLEASE LOVE ME I PROMISE I’M NOT THE EVIL CLIFFHANGER QUEEN I CLAIM TO BE :c lolol But…I hope you enjoyed it? xD Thank you for reading my love ^^
*shakes fist* DAMN THAT RASCAL
I LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU’RE WELCOME THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING - also, I take no responsibility for driving anyone to alcoholism due to my stories :x
@fragmentedxmemory said: OMG I Won’t Stop You is an AMAZING story!!! Holy cow so much emotion in the last chapter!!! I’m in love with this story and I’m in love with your writing talent. Keep up the great work and can’t wait for part 19. 😍😍😍👌🏽👌🏽
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for your wonderful words, and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying the story so far ^^ Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy the next one too!
Anonymous said: Jungkook: talks about how precious the reader is to him  Me: *is a crying mess*
Fun fact; my mum reads these chapters before I post them and she was a crying mess at that part. She thought it was so endearing of him to say and it made her very emotional aww c: Thank you for reading my dear!
@jynxy24 said: NEWEST CHAPTER MADE ME- URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I couldn’t wait for school to be over. Hahaha, I’ll have to study for an exam now, thanks so much for this amazong chapter, Sara! ^^
Ahhh Jynxy thank you so much for reading babe! I hope you can study well but don’t overwork yourself either! I hope you do well in your exam my love :D
Anonymous said: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH I’M SCREAMING - wedding anon
Anonymous said: (IWSY is amazing my every message is by default talking about that haha) ANW thanks to you Sara I actually looked into got7 and Guess who just found a new bias 🌚 Choi youngjae 💙  -eggyook anon
Hello eggyook anon! Thank you so very much for reading the chapter and enjoying it ^^ You’re so awesome! AND OH MY GOD REALLY THAT’S AMAZING YES YOUNGJAE IS SUCH A PERFECT RAY OF SUNSHINE HE WILL FILL YOUR DAYS WITH ENDLESS LAUGHTER AND RADIANT LIGHT you made an excellent choice c: I’m so happy you could look into them because of me, that makes me so so happy c:
“That shit really butters my egg roll” I’M FUCKING DYING NO STOP I LITERALLY PEED NO I HSDBGSKJDNGSN oh ym god i can’t breathe that fucked me up I’m using that in my own life now thank you so much for this eloquent expression LOL thank you so much for reading the chapter and I love you too! I hope you’re having an amazing week and I hope you are also happy and healthy my dear ^^
@cynicalspacehoe said: Oh. My. God. Chapter 18 had me extremely shook to say the least. Amazing job as always!
Thank you so much my dear I’m so happy you liked it! ^^
Anonymous said: Omg I.. The newest chapter of IWSY was amazing! It made me feel all kinds of things. I was so happy and nervous and terrified (and aroused) when the protagonist was feeling those things. UGH. YOURE AMAZING.
Yay I’m so glad you could feel all those wonderful things :3 YOU’RE EVEN MORE AMAZING thank you so much for reading it my love ^^
Yes yes yes everything will connect and things will all start to be revealed c: Thank you for reading honey! :3
18 notes · View notes
seven-oomen · 4 years
The hug and the headcanons were much appreciated.  :D  (You say it started getting long like that’s a bad thing.  But then I am apparently the embodiment of that comment like you’re the drunk girl in the bathroom at the club post, so perhaps I am not the best judge.)  And I don’t know if you were trying to kill me with that new preview, or make me want to kill Chris, but either way, mission accomplished.  I swear, that boy.  He’s gonna give me gray hairs before this is over.  XD  *basks in the warm, fluffy goodness anyway*
Omg, Craft Dad Peter may be one of the best things I’ve ever heard of.  Chris and Noah never have to buy another scarf or pair of gloves, Peter makes them for them (and often for the rest of the pack, too, but his mates get the best) as a way of subtly staking claim.  Bonus points if he finds a way to spin his fur into the yarn (or finds someone to do it for him.)  And it’s all kinds of crafts, too, from a huge painting he does with Allison of the view of the Preserve from Makeout Lookout Point that goes above the mantle at the new house, to macaroni art and finger painting with his youngest kids.  
Also, I feel like one year, maybe after most have gone off to college and sneaking is a bit easier, Malia badgers her siblings and other dads into finding whatever old baby/toddler clothes they might still have and helping her make them into a patchwork quilt for Peter since he had to miss so much (if not all) of that time with them.  Chris and Noah also throw in a couple of their shirts from high school; faded flannel and ratty band gear intermixing with brightly colored superhero logos an well worn sports jerseys, corduroy, and denim and a little bit of lace, in all colors of the rainbow from jewel tones to pastels.  She even leaves some room to add stuff from the later kids, because she knows they’re going to want more.  
Needless to say, there are a lot of tears (like, a LOT), and it instantly becomes his favorite for curling up in front of the TV, or out on the porch to watch the sunset, or just wherever, in whatever form.  It goes over so well they end up making another one with stuff donated from everyone in the pack so that it ends up huge and always comes out for movie nights and puppy piles.  (Wow, that idea kinda got away from me, but I ain’t even mad.)
Loving the descent into nsfw and related ideas.  Always here for those three teasing the ever-loving shit out of each other, because that’s just the way they are.  I feel like Chris and Noah are much more successful at pulling stunts in public, because they’re much better at faking innocence and making it seem accidental.  Lbr, Peter is terrible at looking innocent, even when he is.  
They both get so low-key annoyed that Peter’s werewolf healing means they can’t really leave much in the way of lasting marks, whereas Chris ends up with bruises and stubble burn in the most inconvenient and awkward places, and Noah seems forever doomed to look like he got attacked by an extremely aggressive push broom from the neck down.  
Oh god, Peter and Chris would totally rig anything that needed repair around the house so that it would only finally break when Noah was off so they could see him up a ladder changing light bulbs in a snug, worn t-shirt, or reaching underneath a sink or cabinet.  They just lean back and enjoy the show with a nice chilled drink.  He gets them back by conveniently being on shift whenever one of the kids moves back for a while and needs furniture moved.  
All the Omegas in the pack get extensive training in proper self defense, which leads to Peter getting banned from the premises because his expressions and scent while watching Noah and Chris spar to demonstrate creeps everyone else right tf out.  
I feel like Chris probably does a lot of the cooking, between having lived on his own the most and debatably being home the most.  So sometimes when they have the house to themselves Peter and Noah try to get Chris to cook wearing only an apron (frilly or not is up to you).  (Actually, depending on what share of the chores he takes on my brain just screamed out of nowhere FRENCH MAID’S OUTFIT and now I can’t stop laughing, oh god, I just keep picturing these terrible porny roleplays where the police officer is just checking in because there have been reports of break-ins and he “just wants to make sure all entrances and exits are properly secured” and of course the maid just wants to be helpful and fetches the master of the house[is he wearing a smoking jacket and silk pajamas? 
 I think the answer is obviously yes] to assist their “routine search"  [oh god, please help, I’m wheezing.])  I’m pretty sure somebody gets fucked on the washing machine (and by somebody I obviously mean both of them.  They go through a LOT of cleaner in that house, lbh.)  
And poor Stiles just will NOT let the Incident, as he calls it, go.  Whenever he’s irritated with one of them he’ll send them some variation of the "right in front of my salad” meme to be an asshole.  
They very definitely make sure that all the bedrooms have nicely soundproofed walls, because there are things none of the kids want to hear (except maybe Erica or Lydia).  Totally here for pet names/sweet nothings/dirty talk/whatev in a variety of languages, especially French and Polish, obvs.  (cue Gomez mode - “Why Chris, that’s French…”)  
And I do love that drag queen headcanon so much, especially for this ‘verse.  The Stiles and Jax better be careful or their dads might just be forced to prove how much they can still rock that look if they want to (I may or may not have had a running list/idea in my head of which outfit from a Lady Gaga video each parent would wear if they were all dressing to theme for some reason [I don’t really remember why.  You might have noticed my mind goes off on weird, unexplained tangents when left unattended.])
Love all the family bonding stuff.  I feel like Peter would totally organize back-to-school shopping trips for all the pack kids so that they can all head back with all their necessary supplies and rockin’ new wardrobes.  Chris teaches them camping and outdoor survival.  Noah somehow ends up organizing sing-a-longs when they have bonfires while Chris is in charge of s'mores ingredients (neither tries to make Peter or Derek join in if they aren’t feeling it, and take turns to go and check in with cuddles and support throughout the evening.)  
I always liked to headcanon that Noah was a drummer, mainly I think because Dylan is, so people usually made Stiles one, so I figured he might have learned from his dad.  This was also because I loved the idea of Stiles having everybody over for a Rock Band party and having his dad sub in for him on the drums so he could grab some food, and everyone being utterly astounded at how well he could play (since the drums seem the closest controller to the actual instrument.)  
But the idea of him and Malia playing duets together is super adorable, particularly the idea of them playing Polish lullabies for the twins (or Ben, or other Argent-Hale child), or Chris singing French ones for the little ones (or the dads could team up Three Men and a Baby style, I’m here for all of it, really.) 
 And all the wolfy goodness!  Wolf Peter just straight up flopping across one or both of his mates while they try to read or watch TV because he needs attention right now and wants to cuddle.  Chris scratching all the right places.  Noah using a variant of the healing magic to loosen all of Peter’s tensed muscles as he pets along his back and sides.  Good stuff.  (Occasionally Ben or one of the younger wolves, if there are any, will shift and climb up next to them to nuzzle at his face or gnaw on his tail.  Usually by then he’s so relaxed he doesn’t even mind.)  Using him as a bonus cushion when curling up together.  World’s Biggest Teddy Bear.  
And Jackson would totally take advantage of his cuteness.  He got Peter’s ruthlessness and Chris’s puppy-eyes skills.  The younger kids keep finding ways to work him into their Halloween costumes because he can somehow convince people to give them more candy even though “dogs can’t have chocolate…"  He doesn’t mind helping his baby siblings, and enjoys the chance to prove just how good he is.  
Malia is totally the one who’d just nope out of the conversation, but I think she’d also be the one to (most) help Ben develop his shifted skills and really feel comfortable in both forms.  
Poor Derek, he’s just like "I am not a goddamn herding dog, corral your kids!”, but he’s not fooling anybody and loves the way the twins just stare at him mesmerized and gently petting at his soft fluffy fur.  He absolutely lets them climb on him and ride around until they get too big to do it (then they just hang off his arms or piggy back whenever he visits.)
And that last flash-forward headcanon is so cute.  I feel like the spot should be on a porch swing, but given how much time I spent on my grandparents’, I’m probably a bit biased .  There’s a wind chime made of broken guitar strings and spare car parts (with a base carved by Stiles) that hangs nearby, ringing gently in the breeze as they sway.  They curl up under one of Peter and Malia’s quilts, legs tangled together, backs pressed up against pillows set up against the arms for support.  Peter sits on the steps, leaning on the banister, or maybe gently sprawled in a nearby matching chair, enjoying the view of his family and the quiet peacefulness of the moment. *insert reaction shot of Ghost Rider going “yessss- YESSSSS-” here*
Anyway, I’m glad your day was stupidity free, and I hope your cat is feeling calmer and well comforted.  And hopefully the weather cleared up there like it did here, though also hopefully without leaving as much humidity behind as we got.  Ah well, pretty much standard for summer around here, so.
Oh man I definitely got carried away a bit and no, there’s nothing wrong with that but I also idk, I’m not used to talking about something I love I guess. Especially not so freely with someone who’s really genuinely interested in hearing it.
Also idk what it is, probably fatigue and dyslexia in my add brain, but I have enormous trouble concentrating right now. So, I decided I would answer this submission before bed instead of writing. Well technically I’m writing now too, there’s that. Anyway...
Where was I? I feel like I just had an entire conversation in my brain and it’s already gone.
Okay, okay, Imma try to do this.
Chris is just, he’s a very scarred boy who’s very insecure. Noah will help him though and I hope it feels in character but fluff is coming.
And I really don’t have the focus to answer all of these headcanons but I love them, they made smile and giggle and they got me through hell today and I just. I really wish I had the brain capacity today to answer all of them.. Because yes to everything!
Do you know how hard it is to ask someone about their wifi connections when you’re reading about French Maid outfits and bad cop outfits and body cavity searches??? Do YOU??? 
It’s very hard and I had to try so hard not to laugh while guiding one lady through her ‘my remote is not working’ emergency.
And the quilt thing killed me, YEEEESSS. Omg I love your headcanons so much.
I also can’t stop picturing Peter as Gomez and Chris & Noah as Morticia. Also, Jackson is Wednesday and Stiles is Pugsley. I don’t make the rules.
Ughhh omg Idea for a pack run where they all go camping in the woods and Peter initiates a pack run, the first for Ben and Jackson. And they’re all wolfing out and Peter, with his red eyes, just howls up and everyone just howls with him. But Ben can’t keep up and just start hiccuping (This is what I  imagine Ben would look like anyway and it’s the cutest thing) and cuddles up to Chris because it’s all a bit much. 
So Peter comes over and gently nuzzles the cub until Ben’s wagging his tail again and being all playful. And that initiates a pack play session where Ben ‘takes down’ Peter and the other wolves just nip and bark around them playfully while Chris, Noah, Allison, and Stiles watch them with their cameras out and smiles on their faces.
The pack then takes off for a run and return ten minutes later all tuckered out, Ben’s held up by the scruff of his neck by Peter. Jackson is practically asleep on his paws and Malia is yawning by the time they get back. So they curl up with their respective twins and mates. Malia is curled around Stiles and Allison protectively curls around Jackson’s huge wolf form. Ben’s curled up in Chris’s lap, Chris and Noah are huddled together and Peter’s just curled around the three of them. Derek curls up with both sets of twins to keep them safe.
Full moons are extremely lively for this family.
And Derek is such a sucker for the pups in the pack. He keeps complaining and bitching, but honestly, he loves kids, he loves babies and he’s such a sucker for them. Ben, the twins, and the new baby just can do no wrong for him. He’ll keep corralling them and cuddling them when he gets the chance.
God, I love these threads so much, but I think I already said that. lol
Anyway, that’s what my brain has right now, but honestly, I love all of these. Every single one is precious.
0 notes