#ong seongwoo requests
95825s · 6 years
catch me
member: ong seongwoo (+ the rest of wanna one)
summary: you’re in the basketball team and you got hurt in one of the game and seongwoo and wanna one got worried!!
genre: fluff
a/n: requested by anon! ok so idk if this is good lmao.... it’s a little angst but not really...... throwback to me playing basketball and everyone was counting on me to shoot because i was good during practice....but i failed miserably lmao ok thats enough i hope you guys will like this! warning: a little swearing
ong seongwoo’s thumb softly click the heart on your instagram post from few minutes ago
it’s a picture of you and your basketball team winning another trophy from the recent game, with you as the captain and the ace holding the trophy proudly
he smiles when he reads your caption, “another win! yay yay!”, before he types on the comment section
“congrats, y/n! another victory dinner with us?”
it doesn’t take long when he sees a notification from you replying him back and he reads it
“only if you’re paying the dinner, ong!!”
he chuckles, replying back -- “meet me and the boys tomorrow night then”
so you and the boys, supposedly being called as wanna one for unknown reason in school, are quite close to each other
you first met lai guanlin, who does basketball as you and got along with him before he introduces the rest of his friends- wanna one
you found out they are eleven of them and always hangs out together, and you had no idea of this because you basically focus on basketball only
and among all of them, ong seongwoo is the one you’re quite close with, because he’s constantly annoy you by commenting on your posts with random stuff, or just in the groupchat you are in with the others
and you would get him back with whatever comebacks you have 
and seongwoo still remains as the most friendliest to you, but yet also the mysterious one-- because he never really tell you about himself much
you smile looking at the last comment from him on your post, “when will you stop paying for all the dinners, seongwoo?” you mumble, turning off your screen as you head back to talk with your teammates
the boys turn their heads the moment you enter the booked room in the restaurant, their lips instantly smile looking at you
“the champion finally came!” woojin exclaims enthusiastically, while the rest cheer for you
“oh my god, quiet down” you jokingly say, “you guys are so loud”
“aren’t we always loud?” sungwoon states, making you laugh and nod, “right”
your instinct walk towards the seat beside seongwoo and sits, looking at him back when his eyes are already searching for yours
“hello to the person who is paying for the dinner”
seongwoo cross his arms, his face turns slightly, “be thankful that i’m paying”
you smile cheekily, “i’m always thankful” you say, your eyes shifts to look at his styled hair, touching it lightly, “it looks good on you” you mutter softly, playing with it suddenly
seongwoo’s eyes gaze onto your features, his lips form a thin line, unable to say anything back but his hand grab onto your arm
“hmm?” you hum, confused when he isn’t responding, “did i ruin it?”
his eyes land onto your arm, only to see a small bruise, “what happened?”
his voice change to a serious one, something you often hear but still get intimidated on, but it has always been something you like about seongwoo
his constant care for you is always there
“i fell during practice last time, but it’s fine” you explain to him, “it’s the usual thing to have anyway”
seongwoo looks reluctant over your words, and you give him an assurance smile, “seongwoo, i’m fine”
he let out a sigh, letting your arm go, “do you have another game soon?”
“yes, next week!” you happily reply him, his expression softens when he sees your face light up when he brought in the topic
“you guys should come, it’ll really boost up my energy” you mention, now focusing back to the rest of the boys, “hey hey, stop playing with chopsticks and let’s order”
seongwoo hears more cheers from the boys, especially those saying that he’s paying for the dinner, but besides that his eyes just lands back onto your happy smile plastering on your face while looking at the menu
“okay, team, 1, 2, 3, let’s go!” you lead your team’s cheer before the start of the game, before running into the court
you spot the eleven boys at the seats-- guanlin and jinyoung holding a banner with your name, while the rest screaming your name as you shake your head, obviously so done with them
but you really appreciate them for coming and supporting you, especially when it’s against this strong rival team
the ball is serve right after seongwoo mouthed “you can do it” as the last person you saw, with you smiling confidently before you start to play
the first half of the game goes smoothly, especially when you manage to shoot the ball in multiple times, slowly letting your team lead the score
and also slowly you notice your rival team turns rougher with you, pushing you a little too much, making you more annoyed
you slide off the player who blocks you, taking the ball successfully and gains another shoot
it was until the game has only few minutes left when your whole body decides to feel the exhaustion, but your team has fate in you to win from the tied score
you’re about to shoot the ball, but you feel a strong push from your side, making you fall painfully onto the floor
your eyes becomes blurry, seeing one of your rival’s teammate giving you a smirk before they left your sight
you wince in pain when you try to get up, and you knew your right ankle has fail on you when you could feel it twisted
your teammates rush and gather around you, and your eyes just close because of the pain you feel
but before anyone from your team could seek for help from the medical team, they get pushed away and your eleven concerned boys are standing around you
“y/n, oh my god” jisung crouch down, holding onto your arm, his head turns to look at the rest of the boys, “help--”
a pair of arm suddenly scoops you up, “move” 
the ten boys look at seongwoo carrying you, his expression looks deadly and serious, and his eyes glare at the person who had pushed you
“can’t fucking play fair, huh?” he spit angrily, his shoulder bump onto theirs and passes them, while everyone stares at the scene
“seongwoo really does like y/n so much” sungwoon mumbles, seeing seongwoo’s figure and yours leaving the court and to the lockers room
you would be lying if your heart didn’t flutter the moment seongwoo picked you up
and when he places you gently onto the bench to sit, his hand touches your injured ankle as you flinch in pain
he sigh, without saying anything, and it made you grow worried and strange at the same time, because you finally realized that you’ve never been alone with seongwoo before
your hand unknowingly hold his arm, and his head look up to you as you give him a smile, “seongwoo, look, i’ll be fine”
you wait for him to talk but gotten nothing and you nudge him again, “i’m actually already fine--”
“stop saying that” seongwoo cuts you off, a little harsh that he had expected
you turn quiet, and he notices, “i’m sorry” he says, “but you really need to stop saying you’re fine when you’re not”
“and stop showing me that you’re fine with your smile” he continues, his eyes look at you and you knew he had figured you out
you let out a nervous chuckle, trying to make him not think of that with your hand leaving his arm, “what are you talking about? i’m really fine”
and you hoped his voice was the angry, serious one so you could at least tell him that you’re okay
but his voice is softer, gentler and it brings up the guilt that has build up in your body
and no matter how many times you try to avoid looking at his expression, you always seem to see it-- that worried, concerned expression
“okay, i’m not fine” you mumble off, “but i need to play, my teammates need me”
“i know your teammates need you” seongwoo’s hand reaches onto your arm now, “but sometimes you need a break, y/n”
“--and sometimes it’s okay to be not fine” he says, eyes staring deeply into yours, and you nod, suddenly mesmerize by his eyes
“you need to know your limit too, especially just now when it was pretty obvious that the rival team was targeting you” he says, and he couldn’t help but to feel the anger again
you see his eyebrows furrowing as you chuckle, “please don’t kill the person who pushed me”
he looks you, his lips frowning, “how could i not when they pushed someone i like?”
you blink, did he just, your mind wander before you processed it in your head, making your cheeks redden
seongwoo smiles and he stands up, patting your head, “i’ll call the medical team in since i might make your ankle worst if i do it”
you couldn’t even laugh at his joke, your eyes just follow him walking away from the room
“hey, seongwoo” you quickly call him, relief that he turn around with his head tilting a little
“are you going to catch me whenever i fall?”
he laughs, “of course, always will”
“then what if i’m starting to fall for you?”
he looks at you and crosses his arm, smiling softly, “i’ll let you fall and when you’re ready, i’ll finally catch you”
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onemoonus · 4 years
Kinda in a depressing mood right now. So how to I fix that? By making Wanna One gifs!!
Send me your favorite Wanna One song and member and I’ll make you a set!
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94cafe · 5 years
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✎ … ong soft lockscreens ♡ ˎˊ˗
ゞ♥゛like or reblog if you save
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Call The Shots
Prompt: #21 for @miracloud – “I need a place to stay.”
Pairing: Ong Seongwoo x female reader
Genre: romance
Warnings: suggestive content
Word count: 504
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You stared at the man standing in your doorway, blinking a couple of times. He smiled at you, though you couldn’t trust such a gesture. You knew Ong Seongwoo was trouble.
“It’s one in the morning,” you said pointedly and he nodded. “Why are you here?”
“I need a place to stay.”
No, you couldn’t let him in. You remembered the last time you did that and chewed on your bottom lip. It had been the most tumultuous two weeks of your life. You relived the highs and the lows of your memory before you shook your head. Seongwoo placed a hand upon the doorframe, angling himself so he was leaning down closer to you. It irked you when your body instinctively moved towards him, instead of being repulsed. You cursed his good looks, especially as his smile returned.
“Please? You know I wouldn’t ask unless I need to.”
You willed yourself to reject him. Seongwoo had come into this apartment, carried you to multiple levels of euphoria and then left you reeling after him last time. You knew your body craved him like no other. And even though it had been damaged, your heart was foolish. Your resolve was weak. You couldn’t resist him even if you wanted to.
Seongwoo knew you weren’t going to deny him and reached down to cup your face in his hand affectionately before he stepped inside. You shut the door behind you both and followed him up into your small home. You needed to set ground rules before he tried to this time. “You can take the couch.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you but didn’t refute your offering. It made you anxious with how placating he was and you rubbed at your arms lightly.
“I’m only allowing you here for three days. You can find somewhere else after that.”
“Relax, Y/N. You won’t even know I’m here.”
As you laid back down in your bed, however, you couldn’t fall asleep. Your eyes were peeled to the door, and you were breathing more heavily than one needed to. The idea that the man who you had felt your soul awaken to being through the wall was maddening. You still couldn’t understand how you had ended up in Seongwoo’s arms the first time you had. But you remembered it all too well and you yearned for it now. You scolded yourself internally, instructing yourself to fall asleep and deal with what mess you had agreed to in the morning. But your eyes wouldn’t close and your body was wired. Without realising it, you had thrown yourself out of your bed and through the door, Seongwoo glancing at your approach and opened his arms readily.
“Don’t you think if we’re going to share, we should use the bed?” he teased as you climbed over his waist, his hands already winding their way under your bed shirt and resting on your hips. He smiled up at you as you started unbuttoning his shirt.
“This time around, I’m calling the shots.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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joooojoboooobo · 5 years
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niel&ong (my friend requested me to draw)
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moodymoodboardskpop · 5 years
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Wanna One 🌈: Ong Seongwoo 🌿 green
for @dinokitty412 ~ Admin Shannon
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duriancakes · 5 years
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like / reblog if saving or using.
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onemoreparadise · 5 years
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jbjsflower · 6 years
Competition - Seongwoo x Reader
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Pairing: Ong Seongwoo (WANNA ONE) x Reader
Warnings: smut
Genre: kinda angsty at first, enemies to lovers smut
Requested: Yes
A/N: Well this took me a while ‘cause I wasn’t really inspired to write smut (which I am now and I’m gonna write all the smut requests I can while it lasts) so here it is finally! Thank you for requesting, hope you like it~
- This situation is disgusting... - When will you realise that you are the only disgusting thing in this room?- you said, looking away from him. - Excuse me? You know you're trapped here too, right? It had barely been a few minutes since you realized that you couldn't open the door and you had already lost it. In your defense you had to say that it was your enemy you were trapped with. Ong Seongwoo, the "cool kid" that had everything and always felt the urge to rub his success in your face. You were so done with him. You had been trying to compete with him for years, but you never had a chance to win. Everyone had assumed that you would always occupy the second place, right behind Seongwoo. Everyone but you. You had been working on your photography project for weeks, you had the greatest idea ever and you wanted to make it perfect. Even though not many people signed in for the competition, the only person that mattered did. You felt like this was your chance to finally win the first place at something and defeat Seongwoo. So you always spent extra hours in school to edit the pictures you took. And surprise, so did Seongwoo. That became a competition as well, who could stay longer in the room without getting tired or going home. You had to proove you were better than him at something so you never gave up. It became pretty often for you to stay in the room every friday afternoon, and if it wasn't for Seongwoo you would be totally fine spending your free time like that. That brings us to the current situation: both of you being locked in the room with no idea how to get out. - Okay I'll just call someone and we can go out.- he said after a short silence. - Do you think I haven't thought of that, Sherlock? There's no service in here... With your few ideas being discarded, you decided to wait until someone passed by and scream for help right then. But after a couple of hours all your hopes started to vanish. Would you be trapped for the whole weekend? No way, you'd break a window and jump out first. - Why are you always so rude?- Seongwoo broke the silence. You couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous you found his question.- I'm totally serious, Y/N, what have I done that's so bad? - Do you really not know?- you asked, looking at him. He shook his head and you scoffed.- You have been showing off for years, always laughing at me being in second place, and you ask me why I'm rude? - I... I didn't think you'd take it personal, I'm like that to everyone. - Yeah that's the problem, you're an asshole. - Yeah I am, maybe that's why I don't understand why you're so mad.- Silence became heavier after he said that.- Look, Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't think it would hurt you. - Then why did you do it?- you lifted your head and looked at him again. He sighed deeply. - I don't know... I didn't really know how to start a conversation with you. I just wanted us to be closer I guess. "How on earth would someone become close to a person that's been making them feel like shit for years?" you thought to yourself. You couldn't think of an answer to that. Maybe he was even more stupid than you had anticipated. - Y/N the truth is that I really like you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm really sorry. - Forget it, we're fine.- you never thought you would be saying this to him, to the person who had become your worst nightmare. - Are we?- you could feel his eyes brightening up even without looking at him. - Yeah. You actually pushed me to the limit and made me work harder. Not in the best way maybe, but it worked. It became a motivation to surpass myself, I guess. You sat beside him, feeling his eyes on you. You finally dared to look at him after a while and damn, you had never noticed how cute he actually looked. Maybe the fact that you never saw him smiling plus your own anger didn't let you realise it before. In the blink of an eye you noticed you had unconciously pulled him closer to you and now only a few inches separated you from him. - You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this to happen.- he whispered against your lips. He placed his hand on your nape and brought you close enough to kiss you. His lips felt smooth, in contrast to the needy kiss you both shared. It wasn't long until you felt his tongue on your lips, like asking for permission to enter your mouth. The kiss became a new competition: who would take the lead. You gave in easily in this one, though, and Seongwoo's hands travelled down your spine, finding their place on your hips. The feeling of his firm grip gave you shivers. You could tell he liked your reaction when you felt him grin against your lips. Suddenly he took you and sat you on his lap, facing him, and kissed you again. His hands caressing your back under your shirt made your breath hitch and you could feel a familiar heat through your body. You began to rock your hips by instinct and Seongwoo's moans got muffled in your mouth. He thrusted up a few times and you swore you were going crazy. The heat got unbearable but you couldn't separate from him because you felt like you would loose your breath if he stopped. Soon both your clothes were on the floor and his hands were all over your body, still shaking and looking for release. Your moans and panting filled the thick air of the room. Your nails digging on his back as he kissed your neck. - I could do this for years.- he said, moving his hand towards your clothed core. - Fuck...- you moaned at the feeling of his warm fingers touching you. He smiled at your reaction. -Suddenly the idea of being trapped here doesn't seem so terrible, right?- he cooed.
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minhyuwun · 6 years
Can I ask angst # 20 for ong? happy ending pls thank you!
sorry if this got quite a bit too long!!! i found it difficult to find a story to build up from but i hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prompt: (angst #20) “I know you didn’t mean it, but it still hurt.”
summary: not so much a good family man!ong kdkfdjk
Your daughter, who’s almost 6 years old by now, tugs at your dress and asks you if you were getting a new neighbor. Quite surprised at her unusual question, you turn to look at her. “What do you mean, honey?”
“There are boxes and stuff outside,” she points the door beside your apartment. “I’m going to miss the old lady though, she baked really good cookies.” Your daughter pouts.
“Well, honey, she’s at a better place now baking cookies for everyone else.” You give her a smile to reassure her. “Looks like we are getting a new neighbor,” you raise your eyebrow but you have already opened your door before you got to see who was now going to occupy the apartment next to yours. “Let’s go in, sweetheart.”
“Mama, where is the milk?” Your daughter asks you, frantically looking through each paper bag you brought home.
“It’s right there, isn’t it?” You answer her as you place other groceries inside the cupboard.
“No, mama. I think we forgot,” she sits on the chair and props her head on both of her hands. “How am I going to eat my cereal?”
“Oh no. Okay, I’ll go find some from the convenience store downstairs. Is it okay if mommy leaves you here for a while?” You turn to look at her, grabbing your keys and a few spare change.
“Can’t I come with you?”
“Of course you can. I was afraid you were too lazy to put your shoes on,” you chuckle.
“I’m big now, mama. I can put on my shoes by myself,” she crosses her arms and jumps from the chair. “See!” You laugh at how cute your daughter looked thinking how she’s older by now. Suddenly, you were concerned–when she really is old and you wish she would never meet a man like her father. You were snapped out of your thoughts when your daughter drops in front of you your own pair of shoes. “Here, mama. Let’s go?” She extends you her short arm and you smile.
The sudden cold air from the refrigerator surprises you as you reach for the milk. “I’m going to the candies, mama.” You sigh at your daughter, growing worried about her teeth. But before you could say no, her little legs were already on their way to her favourite aisle. How could you possibly say no?
You stop in your tracks when your phone buzzes, it was your mom. You take a second to peek at her message.
Mom: How is (y/d/n)? She still has milk?
You: We just went to the grocery mom!
Mom: Okay…Just checking.
You: I’m 26 years old, mom…
Mom: Love love love both of you ok see you soon! ☺︎
You: Love you mom.
Remembering how it used to be you whom your mother was so worried about, you suddenly laugh by yourself. Your daughter’s supposed father left you in college when he found out he got into med school–well, he left because he found out he got you pregnant. Knowing that, well let’s say, he’s fucked, if he tells his parents. He went on to pursue his medical degree. While you made sure you raised your daughter in your own loving family.
“I’m sorry. I can’t be a father. Not yet,” he tells you.
“And you think I’m ready to become a mother?” You yell at him.
“We’re 20 years old! We can’t possibly start a family!” He furiously brushes his fingers through his hair, each huff of his voice echoed through the room.
Tears were starting to form in your eyes, “It wasn’t my fault somebody couldn’t pull out faster!”
“Look, I can’t focus on a family when I have to go to medical school.” He doesn’t even look at you.
Keeping your eyes on him, you give him a choice. “Then choose! Medical school or your family?”
With that, he chose to leave you two behind. Before you were officially together, he always told you about how his parents were so adamant on him pursuing medical school and if anything goes wrong, he’s kicked out of the family. You still accepted him though. You loved him. And he loved you. But sometimes, there are some things more important than that of love. Unfortunately, that you had to find out the hard way.
Thankfully, both of your parents have been nothing but supportive. In fact, this may have even brought you closer. You’ve finished your undergraduate degree anyway. Although it was your dream to pursue medical school as well–to become a pediatrician to be exact. But maybe, your love for children has took a turn and led you to a child of your own.  Feeling nothing but joy since the very first day she popped up in your belly, you knew you were entering a new world with her. But there were times you wish she had a father beside her, and a husband beside you.
Your daughter’s voice frees you from your thoughts as you hear her from the next aisle, talking to what seems to be a stranger. Instinctively, your feet fastens up its pace as it runs up to where your daughter is.
“Seongwu?” You call out a name you haven’t mentioned in years.
Both the man and your daughter turn to look at you. “You know him, mama? He thought I was lost, but I said my mama was here with me. He’s telling me to stop eating candies too much, just like you.” Your daughter crosses her arms.
You run to grab her and immediately pull her to your side, “Yes, honey. I know him.”
Seongwu remained standing there right in front of the both of you. His eyes glued on your daughter–his daughter. Not able to say a thing. By the looks of it, he’s now put two and two together.
He looks exactly the same, his hair a mess–but a mess that looked clean on him only. Only with a few more bags under his eyes. Figures. He’s a doctor by now, you thought. He was still wearing prescription glasses, you always thought it looked cute on him. Whenever you get a glimpse of how his eyes looked so focus beneath those lenses. You were reminded of all those years you spent together back in college. But you were looking through different lenses now.
“H-hey, (y/n).” He mumbles.
“Hey, Seongwu,” you try to break a smile.
“I-Is she…?” He hesitates.
“Yeah,” you carefully pat your daughter on the head.
“Is he my father?” Your daughter turns to look up at you.
You bend down to face your daughter, looking at her intently. “I’m going to tell you all about it when we get home, is that okay?” You hold out your pinky finger and your daughter hooks her little one with yours. She assures you with a nod.
You get up and turn to face Seongwu now. “So…”
“Uh,” he scratches his head. “I’ll see you around?”
“Do you live here?” You ask him.
“Yeah, yeah. Upstairs,” he tells you. His eyebrows still stitched together, quite unsure of everything he says.
“Then I’ll see you around,” you answer without turning back.
You pour some milk on your daughter’s tiny glass, just the perfect size to fit her hand. You place it in front of her on the table. You quietly sit on the chair directly in front of her. “Do you know what I’m about to say?” You hold out her hand.
“He’s my father,” she tightens her grip on yours. It was incredible how she could sense everything and comprehend situations around her so quickly–the type of knowledge you don’t teach, at such a young age. You were lucky you had the most understanding daughter. You never really did keep any secrets from her, maybe only the identity of her father. “I’m sleepy, mama.” She tells you in-between a yawn.
You tuck her in bed and can’t help but think that you were somehow living in the same building with your daughter’s father. You look at her and restrain yourself from shedding a tear. All of those years wishing you could give her a complete family–was now not far within reach.
A knock on your apartment’s door disrupts you from sitting on your couch. You place the book you were reading on the table beside you. You rush up to the peephole and your heart suddenly skips a beat. Seongwu was standing right outside your door. You unlock the door, careful enough not to wake your daughter up–also careful enough not to let him in. “What are you doing here? How did you even find out this was our unit?” You try to whisper.
“I-I…thought I’d see you,” he fidgets with the strings of his large hoodie.
“Stop stuttering, how did you know we lived here?” You ask him furiously, this time demanding an answer.
“I live next door. I saw the both of you earlier,” he tells you without leaving his eyes from yours. It brings you back to that exact same moment he was ready to leave you. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
“You’re our…” you almost shout, but you remember your daughter slept in the next room, “new neighbor?”
“Yes.” He looks down.
“I know you didn’t mean it, but it still hurt.” You straightforwardly tell him. If there was one thing you hated about yourself–it was that you forgave too easily. You, too, understood how others would act the way they did. Sometimes you think you were justifying the way people around you began to hurt you. But you couldn’t help it, your heart was literally soft. And you feared the same way for your daughter.
He breaks down in tears. This was the first time you ever saw him cry in front of you after so long. No, he didn’t cry when he chose medical school over you. But he cried when his parents didn’t allow him to shift to music. He called you and asked if he could stay over at your dorm for the night, risking offences from the discipline officers, you let him stay with you. You let him cry for the rest of the night. You close the door behind you and step out into the hallway with Seongwu.
This time, they were silent sobs. Silent sobs that hit the heart the most. You don’t know what you were doing, but now you find yourself enclosing your arms around his tall figure. Brushing your hand against his back, while the other grips on his hair. You try to calm him down as his whimpers made it harder for him to breathe, “I’m sorry.” His whisper muffled from your hair. “I’m so, so, so, sorry…” He apologizes over and over.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” You tell him, over and over, with each apology he cries.
“I should’ve…” his breath hitches, “been there for my family.”
You try so hard to stop yourself from starting to cry as well. One of you had to be strong. The words my family kept running inside your head. For six years, you’ve been longing to provide your daughter a complete family. But it was hard, all the rejections you had to endure from dates cancelling on you just because they found out you had a daughter. “It’s not too late,” you tell him.
Seongwu detaches himself from your hug. He looks at you, his cheeks stained with lines of tears. He cups both of your cheeks with his hands, “I love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…” He places his forehead on yours and closes his eyes.
“It’s not too late, Seongwu.” You, too, close your eyes. “Just…”
“Just what?” He opens his eyes and looks at you with the softest eyes, glimmering with each pool of water that began to form. “Tell me, please, and I’d make up for everything.”
“Everything?” you ask him.
“Everything,” he firms his grip on your cheeks.
“Don’t leave. Don’t ever leave again,” you hold out your pinky finger and he meets his with yours as he closes his promise. Reassuring you with a nod.
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dear-jjh · 6 years
about last night
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gif originally posted by woojin 
requested: yes! but i decided to change it up a bit format: in paragraphs characters: Ong Seongwoo x Reader, Wanna one genre: fluff, angst (?), implied smut word count: 2.9k summary: What would happen if Seongwoo picks you up from the bar from drinking after a break up and takes you to his apartment? warning/s: steamy scenes, implied smut and language author’s note: it took so long for me to actually finish this but i really wanted to do better and improve my writing! i still hope that you’ll like it! if you have any comments or suggestions about my blog or this scenario, please don’t hesitate to let me know! other than that, i hope you’ll like it! have fun reading!
Seongwoo reached his apartment door with a tired, exhausted face. With all the strength left in his body, he managed to unlock his door. He sighed. He felt relieved that he was finally home ready to bury himself under the soft blankets that laid untouched in his bed.
It was supposed to be a night where he can take rest. And it was relaxing until the clock hit 11:30 pm. Unknowingly, he passed out in the living room as soon as he finished eating the leftovers that he heated up as soon as he got home.
In Seongwoo’s deep sleep, his phone rang from the side table in the living room. With a blurry vision as he just woke up, he was able to read the caller’s name.
“Kang”, it said. Seongwoo immediately picked up the call.
Seongwoo, who was still half-asleep, immediately answered the phone with “he—hello”
“We’re at Jisung’s house right now! come over! Everyone’s here except for you” Daniel excitedly exclaimed to his best friend on the other side of the call.
“W-wait what” Seongwoo who was confused and was trying to process what his friend just said.
“Whatever man, just come over! we’re all waiting for you here, just bring yourself… and maybe if you want to bring y/n, your BEST FRIEND, then go ahead” Daniel laughed.
Seongwoo on the other line scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Shut up, she’s probably with her boyfriend right now”
“So she’s not with you?” once again, Daniel was dying out of laughter, teasing Ong.
Seongwoo couldn’t say anything other than, “Whatever, I’ll be there soon” so he just ended the call.
He groaned as he got up from his comfortable position in the couch wanting to lay there for the rest of the night but also wanting to get drunk to relieve some stress and to forget about the feelings that he’s been trying to conceal even just for a bit.
“YOURE FINALLY HERE, WE’VE BEEN WAITING MAN” Daniel screamed as soon as Seongwoo entered Jisung’s place.
As cliché as it sounds, the laughter and the positive atmosphere of being with his friends allowed Seongwoo to lighten up and it lessened his tiredness.
Most of the guys were already tipsy and but it wasn’t to the point where he would say they’re drunk or wasted.
Seongwoo sat on the couch beside Minhyun, he took the shot glass while Minhyun poured a shot for Seongwoo.
“You okay?” Minhyun genuinely asked as he pour his friend’s drink, out of all of Ong’s friends, Minhyun was the one who didn’t normally tease Seongwoo about his situation with his girl bestfriend, you.
“Yeah I’m fine, just stressed and tired” Seongwoo responded casually.
“How is she?” Minhyun asked again as he placed the alcohol’s bottle back to the table.
“She’s great, she’s probably with her boyfriend right now out at the bar” Ong managed to fake a chuckle after finishing his response, he attempted to give Minhyun a fake smile but Minhyun knew Seongwoo so well that he knows the difference between his friend’s genuine and fake smile.
No matter how hard Seongwoo tried to hide his feelings, no matter how hard he tried to ignore the fact that he loved you, Minhyun knew, he knew deep inside what his friend was feeling, he somewhat understood him.
The night went on with such great company, everyone was drunk at this point except for two men; Seongwoo and Minhyun.
As expected, they’re the ones who will take care of the ones who were drunk, both of the two remaining men were a little tipsy but they can still manage.
Minhyun cleaned up a bit while Seongwoo tried to get Jaehwan and Sungwoon to get up and sleep in the room, Jisung already passed out in the couch while the younger ones were still in the guest room playing video games.
As Seongwoo tried to help Minhyun clean up the living room, his phone that was in his back pocket rang.
It was almost 3 in the morning and he was confused as his phone rang, who would be calling him at this time?
“Y/N” appeared as the caller id.
Seongwoo sighed as he answered the phone while Minhyun stood in front of him wiping the table.
“Hello?” Seongwoo answered.
“He-heyyy ba-bbbyy” you drunkenly responded to your bestfriend.
“What? Are you drunk? Where’s your boyfriend?” Seongwoo was worried as he looked at Minhyun who had a confused expression.
“W-what aren’t you m-my boyfriend” you sarcastically laughed. Unfortunately, I’m not, that’s what he thought.
“Where are you right now” Seongwoo said as he tried to wear his coat getting ready to head out.
“I h-have a quick question” you paused and Seongwoo stopped as he sensed the change of tone in your voice as you speak to your phone.
“Why” you sighed “Why did you leave me” letting out a fake laugh. There was a long delay and Seongwoo started to hear a slight sobbing on the other line.
“My dumb ass r-really thought you w-were different. Just b-because I didn’t give you what you w-wanted, you’ll leave me? bullshit” you had your head down on the counter of the bar.
At this point, Seongwoo who was on the other line was becoming furious and anxious, you sighed, “Babe, c-come back to me” you weakly said to the phone.
“Stop begging him to come back. He’s not coming back. Where are you, I’m gonna come and pick you up now. Its and late you’re drunk” Seongwoo said with slight anger that was noticeable in the tone of his voice.
where are you, the only question that you were able to process at the moment
“You’re gonna p-pick me up? I’m at the bar near m-my Ong’s place” after saying where you were, you hung up and went back to the dance floor.
It wasn’t new for Seongwoo to be called “My Ong”, you always called him that. Even if you were in a relationship, you would always call Seongwoo, “My Ong”. It got his hopes up that maybe, maybe one day, you’ll stop wasting your time around guys who didn’t actually treated you the way you should be treated. But as soon as he thought that it was only normal for you to call him that, he lost his hope again.
As soon as he opened the door of the bar, the overwhelming scent of alcohol and the sight of drunk people almost gave him a headache. He wasn’t the type to go out and drink at the club, he would only be here during the times when he needs to pick you up because you’re drunk after breaking up your boyfriend.
He walked in and started to scan the place with his eyes. He was starting to get impatient because he couldn’t spot you in a crowd of people until he spotted a familiar figure dancing with an unfamiliar guy.
Seongwoo became furious upon witnessing this. He tried to stay calm as he stepped closer into the both you dancing.
He felt a slight rage coming into him as the guy you were dancing with was starting to come closer and touchy with you. You personally didn’t like it anymore and decided to leave but, the man you were dancing with gripped your wrist and turned you around .
“Where are you going? We were just starting to have some fun” he smirked as he started to slip his hand around your waist.
You felt kind of scared but you didn’t show him that. “No, I gotta go”, you tried to remove his hand from your wrist and waist.
He pulled you closer and you couldn’t do anything about it because you weren’t strong enough to prevent him from getting closer.
“Come on babe, let’s have some fun”
“I said no, let go of me” you used all of your strength but there was no way to get out until you felt someone grab your wrist and said “She said let go, so you better let go”
You looked stunned to find out who it was. It was Seongwoo and you could see the furiousness from his eyes while he looks at the guy.
The man, however, did not let go of his grip from you. He laughed and said “Who are you to stop me?”
Seongwoo was becoming angrier each second that passes. He tightened his grip on you and pulled you away from the guy. Seongwoo forced a smile as he said “I’m her bestfriend”
The guy you were dancing with laughed as if what Seongwoo said was funny. “You’re just her bestfriend so get out of here”, Seongwoo felt insulted and you felt it.
Ong was about to hit this guy’s face with his fist that curled up because of anger but you stopped him by holding his fist and by going in between the two men.
“And he’s my boyfriend”, you didn’t know what you just said, maybe it was the alcohol that gave you the guts to say that, you didn’t know how you managed to get that out of your mouth but a part of you felt accomplished after saying that.
You felt shy to say it out loud especially because he wasn’t your boyfriend and you didn’t know what he would feel about it. But you noticed that it calmed Seongwoo as you felt his fist loosened.
You turned to him and he looked at you shyly but you decided to intertwine your hands together to really prove it.
Seongwoo felt the heat rush into his face and he felt his ears turn red when he heard what you said. What more did he feel when you held hands?
After stating that he was your boyfriend, the guy was stunned and Seongwoo didn’t wait for him to respond to what you said so he dragged you out of the bar with his hands wrapped around your waist to support you.
The car ride to his apartment was quiet and sort of awkward. It wasn’t usually like this but as soon as the both you entered his apartment, Seongwoo guided you to his bedroom and you sat on his bed.
He hasn’t said anything to you and you were too shy to start the conversation. He gave you one of his shirts and an unused boxer for you to change from your fitted dress.
You looked at him with concern in your eyes but he didn’t make any eye contact with you and after handing you his clothes, he left the room silently.
After changing, you felt better and sober, you sat in his bed and a few seconds later, you heard a knock from the door.
“Come in” you said.
Seongwoo came in with a glass of water and was about to head out right after but he stopped when you said “Can we talk?”
He turned around and sighed, “Talk about what?” He started to walk towards you and you panicked but you realized that he was only going to sit beside you.
“About earlier, I’m really -“ you werent able to finish what you were going to said because he interrupted you.
“Why were you drinking? Again?” he let out a slight sigh.
“I broke up with my boyfriend” you were nervous because you felt the tension in the air as you speak.
Seongwoo stood up and he said, “Well then maybe you should stop dating assholes”, he sounded angry and you knew he was because he started walking towards the door.
“I only date them to forget my feelings for you, do you know how hard that is?” you felt nervous again, ready for what would happen next.
He stopped and turned to look at you with confusion drawn in his face, “What? What did you just say?”
“No, I’m not repeating what I said”, we all know he heard it but as usual, seongwoo was trying to play dumb and pretend he didn’t hear what you just said.
He sat back to where he was sitting, now a little closer than before.
“What? How? Why? How is this possible?” he said to himself trying to avoid any eye contact from you
You felt rejected and you thought that he didn’t feel the same way, “Why? Do you hate me?”
“What? No no no, I mean I feel the same but —“ you interrupted him as he seemed really tensed.
“But what?” you said, “I just can’t believe, I mean, I can because who wouldn’t fall for their bestfriend who’s got everything rig-”
You didnt let him finish talking, you cupped his face with your hands and pressed your lips to his.
Seongwoo gave into the kiss as he’s been waiting for this moment that he never knew would ever happen. His hand wrapped around your body, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss.
The kiss was starting to deepen each second, none of the both of you didn’t want to let go for air until Seongwoo slightly pushed you with a frowning face.
“Don’t kiss me if you’re just going to forget about it in the morning” he wanted more. You both did. But Seongwoo didn’t want to take advantage of you in this state. He wasn’t even sure if your feelings were real or if you just said that because you were drunk.
He stood up from his position but you grabbed his hand which prevented him from walking out. You pulled him back to sit down.
You match his eyes as you slowly place your arms in his shoulders sliding your hands around his neck. You pulled him closer and said, “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing now”, you closed the gap in between the two of you and kissed him again.
Things escalated quickly and before you knew it, his hands were already inside his shirt that you were wearing. Hands roaming around your body, each touch sent shivers down your spine.
He slowly took over the situation. He placed you on his lap while your fingers run through his hair, leaving it in a messy state. His hands wrapped around your waist supporting your back as you both aggressively kiss each other like there was no need for air.
Seongwoo gently carries you to lay you on his bed. He pauses for a moment as he was on top of you, he admired how messy you look. A slight smirk on your face and your hair all over the place. Who knew that he would ever be in this type of situation with his beloved bestfriend?
He took off his shirt and he leaned down to kiss your forehead right after. He slowly began to remove your top and he stared at your body for a moment. He pressed his lips on your neck, slightly biting it to leave a mark.
In between your passionate kisses, he stopped and said “I need you” with a burning look of love and lust in his eyes
You hesitated for a bit because it would be your first. But, out of every single guy in this world, your best friend, Seongwoo was the one you trusted the most. You nodded to him, the moment you nodded to him, you knew it was something that you would never regret.
You woke up covered in white sheets with Seongwoo’s hand wrapped around you. Your bare body against his. You buried your face in his chest and pulled him closer to tighten your embrace with each other.
You look up to see him and he was still sleeping. You cherish the moment as you stare at his dreaming face. Remembering what happened last night, you couldn’t help but smile and silently chuckle to yourself.
That slight chuckle managed to wake up Seongwoo though. You pretended to be asleep when you realized that he was finally awake.
You felt seongwoo’s lips on your forehead and you thought it was the signal for you to “wake” up.
“Good morning, love” his morning voice alarmed you and you look up to see him and he had a sweet smile looking down on you.
You pretended to not know what happened so you lifted up the sheets to check if you were wearing something, “Oh my god.. what happened last night..”
Seongwoo’s smile slowly faded into a frown which made you feel guilty but he was so cute with it.
“Oh, I think I should leave you for now so that you can get dressed” he moved away from the position you both were in and was about to get up to leave.
You pulled him back, now facing you with a blank, sad expression on his face, he sighed and said “You really don’t remember anything?”
You laughed at the current situation and you looked at the handsome man infront of you who looked at you with a baffled expression.
“I was just kidding” you paused, “I remember every single bit of it”
Ong’s gloomy expression immediately lightened up and he pulled you into a hug which made the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
He pulled back a bit and he looked at you with a sincere face and said “I love you”
You smiled, “I love you too”
Exchanging “I love you’s” seemed surreal. All this time, you both thought that your feelings for each other would stay unrequited but now it’s not because of what unexpectedly happened last night.
Seongwoo’s embrace felt different this time. This time it was more intimate and romantic, not as bestfriends but, finally, as lovers as well. What more can you both wish for? Something about his embrace made you feel so safe and secure, as if no one can hurt you, it felt like home. All this time, this was where you belong, in his arms.
posted on: 180121
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95825s · 6 years
my flower
member: ong seongwoo
summary: idol!seongwoo and female idol!you are chosen to be the new MC of Music Bank!
genre: fluff
a/n: requested by anon! so i wasn’t sure how to end this i’m so sorry and i can’t help but to use jbj here lol because it fits this plot anyways female reader x ong btw!
so you’re one of the the candidates to be the new MC for music bank and you really wanted to be a music show MC ever since you became an idol
because your fans and even your own members had told you that you’re great at talking and interacting with people easily as an MC
and when you received the news that you’re one of the chosen candidates for music bank, you were excited to show your skills to the producers
and when you went to talk to them, it went pretty well and you knew you could make it through, without knowing who are the rest of the candidates
and a week after that, your manager had told you that you got the position and you literally cried dramatically-- your members even recorded you doing it
and there were news headlines on you being the new MC and you came across another name before yours, and you were like ‘hold up’ and you read that name repeatingly
“wanna one’s ong seongwoo?” your lips slowly mumbles out his name, your heart just drops because you’re going to work with a member from a very popular group wow
and currently right now it’s a friday which mean it’s music bank and you haven’t met seongwoo yet because he’s busy with his schedules and you’re actually pretty worried since you both haven’t rehearse anything
but you’re also trying to stay calm because you got this by yourself like all you need to do is be professional like how you always are whenever you become the MC for your group
as you prepare yourself to go up the stage for the first introduction, you see seongwoo coming out from his dressing room and he looks at you before smiling
and you stand there in awe because he looks handsome, and you realized you both are wearing matching outfits because music shows always do that
but the only difference is that the staff there seem to like how you and seongwoo match??? like their eyes are just focusing on you both when seongwoo approaches you
“hey” he greets you for the first time ever, and you smile at him, “hey, ready to hit the stage?”
he nods happily and his hand gestures for you to walk first, “ladies first” he smoothly say, as you just chuckle nervously because of this unknown feeling you have but you just throw that away,,
and you both haven’t notice that the staff behind you both are squealing secretly
you and seongwoo are up on stage right before the first performer finishes, and you’re actually nervous as hell but you see seongwoo giving you smile and it calms you a little
“okay, we’re starting in 3, 2,” the producer directs, as the cameraman starts to film you both
“hello everyone,” seongwoo greets, his smile charms to the camera, as you smile, “i’m y/n” you continue, “and i’m ong seongwoo” he follows along, before you both look at each other, smiling even wider
“and you’re watching music bank” you both mention, in sync, now looking back to the camera
“this week is a little special, right, y/n?” seongwoo asks you, and you nod at him and focus back to the camera, “yes that’s right, it’s because we’re the new MCs for music bank!” you cheer happily, with seongwoo clapping his hands
“this is our first time being MC for a music show so please show us some love” seongwoo says, while you tap his arm playfully, “shouldn’t we show how we are first as MCs before they give us love?”
“ah, that’s right!” he says, his eyes widen, acting like he’s surprised, “but i’m pretty sure they’ll love us because the next performer is--”
“kassy” you smile to the camera, giving a finger heart with seongwoo as your head bumps softly on his, “i want love!” he finishes, as the light from the camera finally turns off
“that was great!” the producer compliments, making you both happy, “the flow was good so keep it like that and i guess you both didn’t need any rehearsal after all” he says, making you and seongwoo laugh a little
and so the entire time seongwoo and you talk naturally, without getting nervous anymore, with seongwoo acting dramatic when he introduces the next group and with you cheerfully introducing the following group
and before you know it, there’s already articles news about you both having a good chemistry as MC together while the show is still ongoing
and to make it even better is that seongwoo prepares something in secret and you’re raising your eyebrows in confusion when you both step onto the stage again after few performances are done
and seongwoo just looks at you like he didn’t do anything so you just shrugs it off
“so seongwoo, let’s talk about the next group” you start, grinning at him when he places his index finger on his cheek as he taps softly on it, “it’s their comeback this week and their title song is about you”
“about me?” your expression remains calm, but your mind turns confuse over what seongwoo has said that isn’t in the script
“yes, the title is what i want to call you by” he smirks playfully at you, before looking forward at the camera, his hand finds its way to his inner pocket of his jacket
“my flower” he smoothly say, showing a cute little flower to you as your eyes look at it dumbfoundedly
“my flower...” you mumble, before realizing that you’re on camera, “right! my flower by jbj” you speak, embarrassed that you’re actually distracted by seongwoo, but your hand picks up the flower from his hand
the camera light turns off once again, ending with seongwoo still looking at you, his smile never leaving him when he sees you getting red over everything
“how was i?” he dares to question you, as you lightly punch his arm
“that wasn’t part of the script...”
he leans closer to your face, “same goes to the ones before”
you back away from him, getting shy with his sudden closeness to you, “that’s because...”
“i don’t know-- i’m going back to the dressing room” 
seongwoo sees you walking off quickly, finding you cute that you’re affected by him which he’s starting to like about
you scroll through the phone that your hairstylist gave few minutes ago, your thumb scrolls even faster seeing the never-ending articles about you and seongwoo
“everyone likes you both” one of the staff says, while the rest agrees excitedly
“wait wait, correction, everyone loves you both” another one says, making you close your face with your palms
“but it’s only the first day” 
“well, besides the fact that seongwoo is popular, everyone seem to like the idea of you both together” your hairstylist mentions, taking away your hands from your face, “don’t pretend like as if you don’t like it, y/n”
you look at her, busted from your true feelings, before you look away from her, “i don’t like it” you lie, it’s an obvious lie to everyone
“whatever you say, y/n, just--”
before she could finish, there’s a knock on the door of your dressing room and everyone seems to start to whisper and you’re pretty sure that they think it’s seongwoo
which you hope it isn’t 
but it is, when one of the staff quickly opens the door, revealing the handsome male
“ready for the ending?” his soft voice makes you get a little affected again, as you stand up and nod, trying not make any eye contact with him
he looks at you passing by him, before he looks at your own staff, wondering what’s going on
“she’s shy” one of them whispers, while seongwoo makes an ‘o’ face before he happily smiles, and try to catch up on you
“the first day is going to end soon, huh?”
you hum a little, still walking without looking at him, “yeah”
“are you...shy?” he teases, now stepping to the front to stop you from walking further
“i’m not” you say, looking at him giving you that same smirk from just now, “we have to go, or else we’ll be late”
“okay then,” he shrugs, “oh by the way, i love how you put the little flower i gave to you in your pocket” he winks at you, hopping away as your face flush in embarrassment
“y/n...why did you put there again” you mutter to yourself, looking at the flower that’s showing off in the pocket, as your lips slowly smile, “he’s really something, huh?”
“hey, y/n!”
your eyes looks back up quickly, with seongwoo stopping his track, his smile turns broader than before, “get ready for more flowers!”
“and then what happens when jbj finishes with their promotion?” you walk towards him, your playful grin comes onto your face
“i’m pretty sure you don’t need any more flowers”
“how so?”
“because you’ll already have enough flowers to see how much i’m starting to like you” and you just get shy again,,,
and after that, you and seongwoo are casted in more shows together because of seongwoo’s never-ending impromptu cheesy lines to you using song titles and everyone just loves it
besides, you love it too anyway hehe
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whonpil · 7 years
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fave sungwoon outfits/looks! (〃^▽^〃) ♡ requested by @woojinnies  ♡
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wooanj · 6 years
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Seongwoo ~ Wanna One ✔️ — Like or reblog if you save.💫
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Domestic! Seongwoo
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Another Domestic! Idol request! I’m hopeful this turns out well; it’s been awhile since I did Daniel’s! Like his, this will have the same headers (minus pets), so let’s get started! If you didn’t catch my Daniel one (it’s linked at the bottom), this is based on living together.
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Morning routine:
Wakes up before you almost every morning just to get his fill of you before the day begins
You soon learned to set an earlier alarm because Seongwoo is the clingiest when he first wakes up
Lots of kisses and cuddling
Will even get up following you across the bed so he doesn’t have to let you go yet
More kisses as you work your way around the room to get organised for the day
Claims the extra attention in the morning is because he has to make up for all the hours you slept, but really he just cannot get enough of you
Reluctantly parts for you to get ready, though sometimes you share a shower because he can’t wait to be with you again
Because saving water is a good thing, okay
And it’s always platonic; the shower literally isn’t big enough for the two of you anyways
That’s what the bathtub is for
Makes sure you always eat breakfast together
“We’re starting out the day right this way.”
Seongwoo isn’t really thrilled to clean
Who is? Hwang Minhyun
And he is kind of hopeless with it too? Like how he survived without you all this time, you still cannot understand
It’s not like he’s playing you either, he literally doesn’t grasp the concept of a washing machine at all
No matter how many times you show him, he always does something with the settings to throw it off
HATES dishes, and if you make him do them, he’ll just stand there moping and doing a really bad job
Or worse, just conveniently “forgets” them and you find the sink full when you get home later on
Can be the cause of arguments
And somehow you’ve just adjusted to doing more than your share too, because even bribery or threats don’t work
But now and then you’ll come home and find the entire house somewhat in a better shape than it was beforehand
And it’s not because he’s enlisted the help of Minhyun
Though sometimes he’d love to
He just felt like tidying up so you could spend more time with him
And he always wonders why he doesn’t help more, because now he’s gained an entire hour with you
But overall, old habits die hard and he’s back to not really pulling his share again, don’t get your hopes up
Now you’re speaking his favourite language, anything with food involved and you have his full attention
Loves watching you cook
Loves helping you getting in the way cook
Baking is a regular thing, but also brings out his impatient side (check out Baking with Ong Seongwoo here)
Insists that all meals must be shared together as much as they can be, and there always seems to be something magical about sitting down together for dinner, discussing your day and just endless smiles at each other
Grocery day is his favourite day of the week
It’s the one you dread the most, every plan you always come up with failing
He loves putting in all the foods off the list, and you feel like you’re dealing with a child, having to tell him no and to put it back all the time
I mean, why would you possibly need five boxes of ramen when you hardly eat ramen at home?
Always bribes you with chocolate, so now he has two boxes of ramen
But hey, your chocolate is in there too
Being fed well, or knowing he’s about to be always makes his skinship increase
Like he’s got to show you physically how appreciative he is that you make delicious food for you both to enjoy
FOOD KISSES – check out for more about this HERE
Downsides to living together:
You both bicker more than when you lived apart
But most of the fights are trivial and you can get passed them easily
Cleaning is always one sided
And Seongwoo doesn’t like that you choose to sometimes spend your down time alone when he’s home, bringing out his more attention seeking mannerisms
But to be honest, living together works better for your relationship overall, because you see more of one another now
Is a little lost if you ask too much of him in one go
If you get him to just do one errand at a time, you bet he’s going to pump through that with the best intentions, but five all at once will be too overwhelming for him
And he’ll generally always forget something
Usually the most important thing that you stressed five times was needed to be done today, oops (best to just do those ones yourself)
You tried using an app on your phone that would show your schedule and the errands of the week, but Seongwoo always forgets about it, frustrating you a little when he asks why he wasn’t told of something
“If you just checked the app, you would have known I had the dentist today and would be late.”
“Couldn’t you just text me so I’d not think you’ve been kidnapped or something?”
“For someone so worried about me being missing, you’re looking pretty relaxed there eating those cookies.”
“I was stress eating them, okay?!”
The type of guy that does well if you set reminders on his phone to blare at him, as opposed to putting in the effort to check for himself
Hence why you both have a very open mobile phone policy, just so you can make his life easier
And for some reason this doesn’t seem like extra work for you at all, just wanting to help him be more efficient too
Night routine:
Weekly masks together (he eats the ingredients as you make them)
Cuddle down time watching tv or movies
Assists you when getting changed into your pjs sometimes, not in a sexual manner, but more so because he loves helping you be comfortable out of your work clothes
Loves being able to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings to you
Literally, sweet nothings like, “did you know that strawberries are on special this week?”
“Ong Seongwoo!”
“What, fruit is an important part of a well balanced diet!”
Your sofa’s throw cushions had done more beating in their lives than they were designed for
And he loves riling you up, because it makes him so happy seeing you all flushed and annoyed with him, often leading to kissing you until you beg him to stop and let you breathe from all the laughter
Playful conversations and touches
Drags you off to bed complaining he’s exhausted and wants to sleep with you in his arms
Proceeds to talk and play around with you for another hour before you’re whining at him to let you rest
Insists you lay with your head over his chest every night
“So you can fall asleep to the beat of our love.”
Cheesy as, but it works every time
When Seongwoo is home, he expects to spend as much time together doing whatever you both want to do
Meaning, he wants to be together, always
Loves day trips out so you can take photos of each other
Staying home and taking photos of you in the weirdest positions, like cleaning out the oven
Clings to you as much as he can
Tired days where all you do is snuggle on the sofa encircled with junk food and good entertainment to recover from the daily grind
Can be really dramatic towards you, likes giving you frights
Especially when he feels your own individual hobbies are taking away from his “couple time”
Most of your free hours together aren’t super productive, that’s for the rest of your week
Almost like a healing experience every time, and you admit that even if you didn’t quite finish that book you were aiming to have done this week, that seeing Seongwoo laugh so much had been the best way to spend your time
You didn’t need to revel in some other world, when you had a perfectly amazing one to enjoy at his side
You naturally both bicker a lot, but it’s never something substantial
It also spices up life, both having an element to your relationship of finding the other irresistible when worked up
A couple of times a year you have big blowouts, and they can be pretty explosive
But it doesn’t hinder the flow of life together because as expressive as they are at the time, you both work to solve any issues you may face promptly
Seongwoo does get bitter and jealous easily, but these don’t really cause too many arguments, just him demanding more of your attention, and your body, if you get me
Spends more than you do
Likes to shower you in gifts, but anything that’s needed for the household always seems to come out of your account
The washing basket? You bought it
The new vacuum? Why would it make sense to both buy that when he hardly uses it?
But since the apartment is still under Seongwoo’s name and he pays the rent, you don’t complain too much
And you tried to make things more equal, even suggesting to open a bank account together, but he refused, liking the way it is right now
Which is why you’ve been the one saving up on the side, putting the money you used to spend on rent away for a rainy day
Knowing Seongwoo wouldn’t plan that far ahead, always wanting to live the most impacting life in the present with you
But he didn’t discredit a future with you either, it was a given in his mind
He didn’t put weight into planning ahead with you, because he just knew everything would fall into place, much like you had into his world
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
Other Wanna One members in this series: Daniel
Other scenarios to match in with this: Different Kisses with Ong Seongwoo
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mauloveskpop · 6 years
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Send me your bias: ↳ Seongwoo for @jinjackson 
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